Talpac Tutorial - Metric

March 23, 2018 | Author: Andrew Olson | Category: Loader (Equipment), Truck, Databases, Simulation, Computer File



TALPAC 8 TUTORIALSWorkshops Metric T AL PAC 8 T UT ORI AL Runge Pty Ltd Table of Contents ( i ) Revision Draft Table of Contents INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................................1 BACKGROUND TO WORKED EXAMPLE ...............................................................................................3 1. TALPAC OVERVIEW..........................................................................................................................4 2. THE MATERIAL TYPE.....................................................................................................................11 3. THE SHIFT ROSTER........................................................................................................................13 4. SELECTING A LOADER..................................................................................................................15 5. SELECTING A TRUCK ....................................................................................................................18 6. SETTING-UP A HAUL CYCLE........................................................................................................22 7. PRODUCTION ANALYSIS...............................................................................................................25 8. INCREMENTAL ANALYSIS AND RESULTS TABLES.....................................................................26 9. FLEET SIZE OPTIMISATION..........................................................................................................31 10.FLEET COMPARISON.....................................................................................................................33 11.THE EQUIPMENT DATABASE.......................................................................................................35 12.IMPORTING A HAUL CYCLE.........................................................................................................37 13.TALPAC OPTIONS...........................................................................................................................39 ANSWERS ......................................................................................................................................................41 TALPAC COMMANDS ................................................................................................................................49 T AL PAC 8 T UT ORI AL Runge Pty Ltd Page 1 March, 2002 I I n n t t r r o o d d u u c c t t i i o o n n This tutorial has been written so that users learn how to use TALPAC. The intention is that by following the series of workshops set out in this booklet, you will be able to use TALPAC, and have an appreciation as to the functionality of the program. Each of the workshops sets out a number of key TALPAC concepts, what actually needs to be completed for each workshop and what the results should be at various points. As well, there are questions that should be answered for each workshop. Some of these questions are qualitative, so no numerical answer has been provided. The phrases listed as concepts in each workshop can all be found in the on-line help. In the answers chapter of this booklet there are some answers to specific questions, and screen captures at certain points of the process which will enable you to check your progress. Often these screen captures contain the numeric answer. This tutorial does not cover every feature of TALPAC. However upon completion of this tutorial the user will have the skills required to successfully use TALPAC, and to self-learn the TALPAC facilities not covered here. Firstly it is recommended that you read through an entire workshop before starting it. TALPAC may be used to analyse the performance of existing fleets of equipment or to investigate the application of new equipment fleets in earthmoving and mining operations. In either case, the performance of a single fleet may be examined, or a comparison made of two or more different fleets. Typical TALPAC applications are listed below. • Calculation of truck travel time to allow a comparative analysis of haul route alternatives. • Estimation of fleet productivities for use in long and short term planning studies. • Estimation and comparison of productivities using various loading methodologies to determine the optimum loading technique or loading unit bucket size. • Sensitivity analysis in road design criteria to assess the relative importance of road maintenance. T AL PAC 8 T UT ORI AL Runge Pty Ltd Page 2 March, 2002 • Calculation of tyre TKPH or TMPH ratings for use in tyre selection. • Estimation of fuel usage. • Determination (using discounted cash flow methods) of haulage contract costs and pricing. • Truck fleet size optimisation to quantify the effect of over and under trucking. • Incremental analyses, in which simulations can be automatically run for a range of haulage segment lengths and the results used to generate productivity curves. • Equipment loading analysis to optimise loader bucket size, truck capacity and number of passes. • Collation of results from calculations to examine the relationship between variables in the calculation, eg. haul distance versus productivity, haul distance versus truck fleet size. T AL PAC 8 T UT ORI AL Runge Pty Ltd Page 3 March, 2002 B B a a c c k k g g r r o o u u n n d d T T o o W W o o r r k k e e d d E E x x a a m m p p l l e e A contractor has been invited to submit a tender for the removal of waste from an open- cut mine, at 2.5 million BCM per year. The contractor utilises the following equipment: • Caterpillar 992G Front End Loaders (13.68 tonne payload); and • Komatsu HD785-5 Rear Dump Trucks (99.0 tonne payload). In bidding for the waste removal contract, the contractor must determine how many trucks and loaders are required to meet the production target and the cost of production. The contractor is also unsure whether to continue with the same equipment or upgrade to larger equipment. In the workshops of this tutorial we will configure the required TALPAC components so that this analysis can be undertaken. T AL PAC 8 T UT ORI AL Runge Pty Ltd Page 4 March, 2002 1 . T A L P A C O V E R V I E W Key Concepts: Project, Haulage System, Template Technical Description This workshop is to generally discuss how TALPAC works and what the key areas of data input and out put are. The figure below shows how a Haulage System is made up of the unique combination of nominated templates. The templates are where the data is held for the Material, Roster, Loader, Truck and Haul Cycle. So, if you change data in one of the templates, then really you are simulating a different haulage system. In this way many Haul Systems can be stored in the one project. HAULAGE SYSTEMS MATERIAL TYPES TRUCK TEMPLATES HAUL CYCLES SHIFT ROSTERS LOADER TEMPLATES TALPAC Data Structure To set up a haulage system for the waste contract project, you will need to create a new haulage system, in a new TALPAC project. Initially we need to learn how to work with the templates. In later workshops we will begin entering data into these templates. T AL PAC 8 T UT ORI AL Runge Pty Ltd Page 5 March, 2002 Tasks ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ Start up TALPAC. Do this via Start|Programs|Runge Software|TALPAC8 or by double clicking on the TALPAC icon on your desktop. ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ In the opening dialogue click on the Create a New Project radio button and then click on the OK button. ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ In the Create a New Project screen choose to Create An Empty Project and OK. T AL PAC 8 T UT ORI AL Runge Pty Ltd Page 6 March, 2002 ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ In the file name box type: Waste Haulage Tutorial and open the file in your working directory. Click on Yes when asked to create a new project. ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ The Set Print Titles dialogue box will then be opened. It is important to enter report titles for your TALPAC project. These titles are entered from the File|Set Print Header, and will appear on all TALPAC output. Normally you would enter appropriate project titles, in this instance please enter the following: T AL PAC 8 T UT ORI AL Runge Pty Ltd Page 7 March, 2002 In this way you will be able to see what titles are user definable in TALPAC, and which titles are fixed format. ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ Identify the five components of the haulage system. In the following workshops you will learn how to set up each of these components to represent a haulage situation. ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ Open the AllParameters sheet and it will show: • Technical, Stochastic and Costing information for the loader and truck; • Roster and Material information; • Cash flow options; and • Loading options and Bucket construction options. T AL PAC 8 T UT ORI AL Runge Pty Ltd Page 8 March, 2002 ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ Open the Loading Analysis sheet and you will get information on material, truck and loader. T AL PAC 8 T UT ORI AL Runge Pty Ltd Page 9 March, 2002 ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ From the Main screen the material, roster, loader and truck templates may be edited. First click with the left mouse on one of the list boxes to get a selection list. ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ To edit one of the templates click on the relevant Edit button. After editing you can either click on OK to save or Cancel to return to the Main screen. Note: Make sure you understand the difference between adding a new template to a list, and editing an existing template. ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ Click on the Edit Haul Cycle button to open the Haul Cycle window. First, left mouse click on the Haul Cycle button to get a selection list of haul cycles in this project. Then click on any segment of the haul cycle and use either the cursor keys or the mouse to move around the haul cycle. Then right click and you can add, edit or delete segments from the haul cycle. Note the automatic segments. Close the Haul Cycle window. ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ Click in the Haulage System drop down box so that Haulage System-1 is highlighted. Right click with the mouse on the highlighted name and choose Edit. Rename the haulage system to Basic T AL PAC 8 T UT ORI AL Runge Pty Ltd Page 10 March, 2002 Waste Contract. Now click on the lower portion of the screen so that the haulage system name is no longer highlighted, and then press the Save button on the toolbar. Questions 1. What is in a TP7 file? 2. What are the 5 components of a haulage system? 3. What is a TALPAC project? 4. Why would you want to print out the ALL PARAMETERS sheet? 5. What are the options available on the right click of the mouse when a template name is highlighted? 6. What types of Haul Segments can be used? 7. What is the difference between adding to a template list, and editing a template? T AL PAC 8 T UT ORI AL Runge Pty Ltd Page 11 March, 2002 2 . T H E M A T E R I A L T Y P E Key Concepts: Density, Swell, Fill Factor, Production Measurement Technical Description In this workshop, the characteristics of the material being hauled by the contractor will be entered into a template. The characteristics of the waste are described below. The productivity results are to be reported by volume rather than weight. Since we are working in metric units, this will mean that productivities are expressed as bcm/op.hour, bcm/shift and bcm/year. The insitu bank density is the density of the material while it is in the ground. This parameter is used to convert an insitu bank volume to its equivalent weight, and vice versa. The material swell factors are used to convert bank volumes to loose volumes in the loader bucket and the truck tray. Note that both swell factors are based on insitu volume. The loader bucket fill factor is dependent on both the material type and the class of loader. It is the ratio of the loose volume of the material in the loader bucket to the volumetric rated capacity of the loader bucket. The volumetric rated capacity of the loader bucket may be expressed on either a struck or heaped basis. Similarly, the loader bucket fill factor may be expressed on a struck or a heaped basis. The fill factor is selected from a scale in the material template. Tasks ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ Create a new material template for the waste that the contractor is to haul. Click in the Material Template drop down box and then either right mouse click and choose Add off the menu or click on the Add button on the toolbar. Call the new template “Tutorial Waste”. ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ The waste has an insitu bank density of 2.2 tonnes/cu.metre. ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ The swell factors for the waste the contractor is to move are as follows: Swell Factor - Bank to Loader Bucket 1.20 Swell Factor - Bank to Truck Tray 1.25 ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ For the contractor's loader mining waste, set the loader bucket fill factor to average. This should equate to a factor of 0.72 on a heaped basis (0.88 on a struck basis) for a Front End Loader. T AL PAC 8 T UT ORI AL Runge Pty Ltd Page 12 March, 2002 Questions 1. What is the Loose Density in the loader bucket? 2. How would you use your own site specific fill factors? 3. What else will affect the filling of the bucket T AL PAC 8 T UT ORI AL Runge Pty Ltd Page 13 March, 2002 3 . T H E S H I F T R O S T E R Key Concepts: Roster, Delay, Scheduled, Unscheduled, Operating, Non-Operating Technical Description Working and operating hours for the loader and trucks are defined in the shift roster. The weekly shift pattern is specified, and then lost shifts per year and delays within each shift are allocated. These lost shifts and delays are divided into the following categories. • Scheduled lost shifts; • Unscheduled lost shifts; • Non-operating shift delays; and • Operating shift delays; The choice of category for a delay depends on mine site work practices. By definition, scheduled delays are those that may be fixed in time, eg. the public holiday on 25th December. Unscheduled delays are delays that you expect, but don't know exactly when they will occur, for example clean-up around the loader area and delays due to wet weather. Operating delays are those delays when the equipment's engine is running. Conversely, non-operating delays are those delays when the equipment's engine is not running. Tasks ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ Set-up a roster template for the shift roster described below. Call it Tutorial Roster. ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ The contractor operates on two shifts per day, from Monday to Friday. In addition, there is one over-time shift on Saturdays. ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ The only rostered days of the year that are not worked are Christmas Day and Good Friday. ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ The contractor annually allows for ten shifts lost due to industrial action and ten shifts lost as a result of wet weather. ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ Each shift is ten hours long. The following delays occur within each shift: Crib (meal) break 30 minutes operating Delays either side of crib 2 x 5 minutes operating Delay at start of shift 5 minutes non-operating Delay at end of shift 5 minutes operating Delays for blasting 5 minutes non-operating Clean-up around loader 15 minutes operating ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ Refuelling is carried out outside normal production hours. T AL PAC 8 T UT ORI AL Runge Pty Ltd Page 14 March, 2002 Questions 1. What are the total annual working hours for the loader? 2. What are the total fleet operating shifts for the year? T AL PAC 8 T UT ORI AL Runge Pty Ltd Page 15 March, 2002 4 . S E L E C T I N G A L O A D E R Key Concepts: Loader database, Distribution, Loader methodology Technical Description The contractor wants to use Caterpillar 992G front end loaders. The characteristics of the loader have been determined from historical data. We need to use this data to correctly define how the loader is to be simulated. Tasks ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ Right click on the list of loaders and choose Add. You will now be looking at the loaders section of the equipment database. ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ Choose Caterpillar from the Manufacturer drop down list. Scroll down through the list of loaders until you find the 992G. Click on the Select button. ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ You will now be back in the loader template. Call this template Contract Cat 992G. ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ The contractor's 992 loaders have an expected mechanical availability of 90% and each loader pass takes 35 seconds. Change the loader pass time in seconds and the minutes will calculate automatically and vice versa. T AL PAC 8 T UT ORI AL Runge Pty Ltd Page 16 March, 2002 ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ Click on the Bucket Selection button. The buckets available for the 992 are shown in the drop down list. Examine all the options available, click on the Auto Select button and see what effect it has. When you have finished click on the Restore Defaults button and then click on OK. ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ Click on the Costing Data tab. The capital cost to the contractor of a 992G loader is $1,200,000. ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ The contractor bases its cash flow on a 10% salvage value at the end of the loader life of 25,000 hours or 5 years (whichever occurs first). ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ The loaders are depreciated at a rate of 15% on a straight line basis. ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ The operating cost consists of the following components: Operating Labour $54.76/op.hr Maintenance Labour $19.52/op.hr Lube $3.79/op.hr Tyre Replacement $11.01/op.hr Wear Items $6.00/op.hr Repair Parts $45.00/op.hr T AL PAC 8 T UT ORI AL Runge Pty Ltd Page 17 March, 2002 Major Overhaul $18.00/op.hr Liquid Fuels $25.26/op.hr ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ Click on the Distribution Data tab, examine the options available but do not change anything. Click on OK when you are finished. Questions 1. What is the total operating cost per hour? 2. Why can the template name be different to the database equipment name? 3. What does the default bucket payload represent? T AL PAC 8 T UT ORI AL Runge Pty Ltd Page 18 March, 2002 5 . S E L E C T I N G A T R U C K Key Concepts: Truck database, Local Characteristics Technical Description Characteristics of the haul trucks in the fleet are stored in the truck template, which is structured in a similar way to the loader template. Our example contractor uses Komatsu HD785-5 rear dump trucks. The characteristics of the trucks are described below. Tasks ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ Right click on the list of Truck Type 1 and choose Add. You will now be looking at the trucks section of the equipment database. ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ Choose Komatsu from the Manufacturer drop down list. Scroll down through the list of trucks until you find the HD785-5. Click on the Select button. ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ You will now be back at the truck template. Call this template Contract 785-5. ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ The contractor's trucks are equipped with standard motors and are designed to carry the manufacturer's rated payload. The Komatsu HD785-5 trucks have an availability of 85%. T AL PAC 8 T UT ORI AL Runge Pty Ltd Page 19 March, 2002 ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ Operational studies show a spot time at the loader is 24 seconds, dump spot time is 20 seconds and a dump time of 30 seconds. Note: changing the seconds will mean the minutes are updated automatically and vice versa. ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ Click on the Costing Data tab. The truck capital cost is $850,000. A 10% salvage value at the end of the truck life of 30,000 hours or 6 years is assumed. The trucks depreciate at 25% on a straight-line basis. ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ The operating cost consists of the following components: Operating Labour $46.37/op.hr Maintenance Labour $18.24/op.hr Lube $2.59/op.hr Tyre Replacement $10.91/op.hr Wear Items $4.30/op.hr T AL PAC 8 T UT ORI AL Runge Pty Ltd Page 20 March, 2002 Repair Parts $24.08/op.hr Major Overhaul $10.75/op.hr Liquid Fuels $17.24/op.hr ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ Click on the Distribution Data tab, examine the options available but do not change anything. Click on OK when you are finished. ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ Set the number of trucks to Auto, so that TALPAC estimates the number of trucks required to keep the loader busy as follows:         Loader at Time Spot Truck + Time Loading Truck Nominal Payload Nominal for Time Cycle Truck = Size Fleet Estimated T AL PAC 8 T UT ORI AL Runge Pty Ltd Page 21 March, 2002 Questions 1. What is the total operating cost per hour for the truck? 2. When would you use the different truck types in the same simulation? T AL PAC 8 T UT ORI AL Runge Pty Ltd Page 22 March, 2002 6 . S E T T I N G - U P A H A U L C Y C L E Key Concepts: Segment, Rolling Resistance, Speed Restrictions, Forward and Reverse Segments Technical Description To perform a simulation, TALPAC needs data regarding the haul route. This workshop describes how this data can be converted into to a format required. The loading segments are automatically included at the start of each new haul cycle. Task ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ Click on the Edit Haul Cycle button to open the Haul Cycle window. ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ The drawing at the end of the workshop shows a typical haul profile on which the waste contract is based. Conditions to be expected in the mine are listed below: • within 50 metres of the shovel and dump point, the truck speed is restricted to 30 km/hr; • around corners, trucks should not exceed 30 km/hr; and • when travelling down ramps, trucks must not exceed 40 km/hr. ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ Change the name of Haul Cycle 1 to Base Haul Route. ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ Add a new haul segment by clicking row 4 of the haul cycle and then either click on the Add button on the toolbar or by using the right mouse menu. ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ Call the new haul segment Around Loader, the distance will be 50.0 metres, the maximum speed is 30 km/h and all of the other factors will use the default values. ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ The haul profile should be divided into the appropriate number of segments. The segments may be of any length, but should have a constant grade, rolling resistance and load. Don't forget to include loading, dumping and fixed time segments in the haul cycle and take into account the speed restrictions. ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ Rolling resistance is expressed as a percentage of the component of the gross vehicle weight that is normal to the ground surface. For guidance on rolling resistance values to use, access the table from the rolling resistance column, right mouse click on one of the cells in the Rolling Resistance column and choose Select. We will be using the average conditions for this tutorial, so click in the average column of the row in the table that best describes the current haul segment. T AL PAC 8 T UT ORI AL Runge Pty Ltd Page 23 March, 2002 ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ When you have added all of the haul segments needed, add the dumping segments. ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ As the haul route for the return journey is the same it is possible to use the Reverse all segments option. Reverse all of the segments Questions 1. When is a new segment required? 2. How many segments are required? 3. What other methods are available for constructing a haul route in TALPAC? 4. What is the benefit of using real names for segment titles? 5. What is the relationship between final and maximum speeds for segments? T AL PAC 8 T UT ORI AL Runge Pty Ltd Page 24 March, 2002 1 5 0 m 100m Corner 3 0 0 m @ 0 % 200m Corner = > Haul Route 2 0 0 m @ 1 0 % 5 0 m 5 0 m 5 0 m Dump = 320 Rl Base of Dump Ramp = 300 Rl Top of Bench = 270 Rl Pit Floor = 260 Rl 4 0 0 m @ 1 0 % Top of Pit Ramp = 300 Rl Haul Cycle T AL PAC 8 T UT ORI AL Runge Pty Ltd Page 25 March, 2002 7 . P R O D U C T I O N A N A L Y S I S Key Concepts: Calculation Type, Full Simulation, Stochastic, Excavation Target Technical Description Once the haulage system has been defined it is ready to be analysed. In assessing the productive capacity of the system you have the choice of using the quick estimate or the full simulation. The other types of calculations will be discussed later. Quick estimate assumes there is no variability in the truck and loader parameters, and a deterministic analysis is performed. Full simulation takes the variability of truck and loader parameters into account using a stochastic analysis. Parameters that may be varied in the full simulation include loader bucket cycle time, loader bucket payload, truck travel time, truck dumping time and truck availability. The Excavation Target feature allows the user to specify a production target. When an excavation target is specified the Production Summary Report lists how many days/years that it would take to move the specified excavation target. The value for the target is independent on the measurement basis chosen in the material template. Tasks ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ Clicking on the Type of Calculation list box may access Quick Estimate. Select Quick Estimate and either press the <F10> key or click on the Calculate button. ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ Similarly, selecting Full Simulation from the Type of Calculation list box and by using the <F10> key or to click on the Calculate Results button to access Full Simulation. ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ View the simulation results for each option and compare the differences. ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ View the haul cycle details, the tyres and fuel consumption, and the cash flow screens. View the defined travel time graphs to identify the key segments of the haul cycle. ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ Enter a production target of 2,500,000 bcm, run a Full Simulation and then view the results at the bottom of the Production Summary Report. Questions 1. Why is it useful to have different calculation types? 2. What is the vertical height difference that the load is being elevated through? 3. Why can you get different results for successive runs? 4. How long does it take to reach the production target? T AL PAC 8 T UT ORI AL Runge Pty Ltd Page 26 March, 2002 8 . I N C R E M E N T A L A N A L Y S I S A N D R E S U L T S T A B L E S Key Concepts: Incremental Analysis, Results Table Technical Description The haul profile used so far is representative of haul routes at the mid-life of the waste contract. In the early years the pit is shallower and in the later years it is deeper. The change in RL and the length of the ramp out of the pit vary as follows: Year Length of Pit Ramp 1 200 metres 2 300 metres 3 400 metres 4 500 metres 5 600 metres The distance and elevation from the surface to the top of the waste dump do not change. In planning we need to understand how the productivity requirements change for the life of the contract. Also we are interested in seeing the results tabulated in a different format to the standard results. Tasks ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ Based on this information, determine the productivity of the fleet for each year of the contract. Choose the Incremental Analysis button. ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ In the Incremental Analysis window choose the Add button. ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ In the Incremental Item Selection window choose Haul Segment Distance from the Item dropdown list. Choose Pit Ramp segment from the 4: Forward Segment dropdown list. Choose 15: Pit Ramp (rev.) from the Reverse Segment dropdown list. ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ Set the First Value to 200 metres, the Last Value to 600 metres and the Step Value to 100 metres. Click on OK. T AL PAC 8 T UT ORI AL Runge Pty Ltd Page 27 March, 2002 ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ If the Incremental Analysis window looks like this, then click on Calculate. ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ Examine the information displayed in the Results Table. Note: That the column headed Row 7: Distance: TT1 represents the Pit Ramp length. T AL PAC 8 T UT ORI AL Runge Pty Ltd Page 28 March, 2002 ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ Try creating your own report by clicking on the Report button and then choosing fields from the left-hand pane. ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ Produce a graph of the ramp length versus the fleet productivity. Highlight the rows in the Results Table relating to the current run and then chose the Graph menu option. ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ From the X dropdown list choose Row 7: Distance: TT1 and choose Fleet Production Per Operating Hr from the Y dropdown list. T AL PAC 8 T UT ORI AL Runge Pty Ltd Page 29 March, 2002 ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ Try choosing Fleet Production Per Operating Hr from the Z dropdown list. What happens if you tick the Group by checkbox? ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ Right mouse click on the graph and choose Chart Designer from the menu. ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ Try changing the chart type to a bar graph. Examine the options available and see what effect it has on your graph. T AL PAC 8 T UT ORI AL Runge Pty Ltd Page 30 March, 2002 Questions 1. What is the key information? 2. How many variables are available for inclusion in the results table? 3. When should you consider purchasing another truck? T AL PAC 8 T UT ORI AL Runge Pty Ltd Page 31 March, 2002 9 . F L E E T S I Z E O P T I M I S A T I O N Key TALPAC Concepts: Optimisation Analysis, Marginal Economics Technical Description The optimum number of trucks in a fleet is a balance between productivity and cost. The fleet size optimisation carries out a series of production analyses for a range of truck fleet sizes. The results are summarised in a table displaying the fleet size, the fleet production and the discounted average cost. The results can also be displayed on a graph. The optimum fleet size is that with the lowest unit cost of production. The optimum fleet size will not necessarily have the highest production or provide the required output. Tasks ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ Create a copy of the Base Waste Contract haulage, hit the <F2> key and rename it Workshop 10 Fleet Size. ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ Make a copy of the base haul cycle, and call it Workshop 10 Haul. ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ In Workshop 10 Haul, change the pit ramp distance to 2,000 m. Remember to change both the forward and reverse segments of the pit ramp. ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ Configure the rest of this haul system to have the same loader, truck, material and roster templates. Make sure you save this haul system after you have selected the appropriate items. ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ Do a Full Simulation and note the number of trucks. ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ Now determine the optimum number of trucks for the contractor's fleet. Choose the Optimisation button. ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ Choose the Fleet Size radio button and then click on OK. T AL PAC 8 T UT ORI AL Runge Pty Ltd Page 32 March, 2002 ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ Plot a graph of the Fleet size versus the marginal cost. ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ Compare the optimum with the truck match determined in the full simulation in the previously in this workshop. ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ Export the Results Table by going to File|Export, click on the brows button and choose a name and location for the file. Make sure the Excel 5File (.XLS) radio button is chosen and then click on OK. Open up your results file in Excel and examine the data. Questions 1. What is the marginal cost of assigning one more truck than the optimum? 2. Why are the marginal economics important, and not just the average cost? 3. What is the optimum fleet size? T AL PAC 8 T UT ORI AL Runge Pty Ltd Page 33 March, 2002 1 0 . F L E E T C O M P A R I S O N Key Concepts: Haulage Systems Technical Description The contractor wishes to investigate the cost benefits of moving to larger equipment for the waste removal contract. A new haulage system is going to be configured for the larger equipment. New truck and loader templates will be created. Tasks ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ Add a new Haulage System, called Workshop 11 Comparison. This will have the Tutorial roster, the tutorial waste, and the Base Haul Route from the Basic Waste Contract haulage system. ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ Create a new template for both the truck and loader, the details of the larger equipment items in which the contractor is interested are as follows: Item Shovel Truck Name Demag H 285 S Dresser 510E Type Hydraulic Shovel Rear Dump Trucks Capacity 16.0 cu.m heaped 136.14 tonne payload Availability 90% 85% Capital $2,000,000 $1,300,000 Salvage Value 10% 10% Life in Years 8 8 Life in Hours 35000 35000 Depreciation type Straight line Straight line Depreciation Rate 15% 25% Total Operating Cost $222.73 $163.50 ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ With this equipment each loader pass takes 30 seconds. Also for the trucks the spot time at the loader is 30 seconds. The spot time at dump is 30 seconds and the dump time is 30 seconds. ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ Use the Total Operating Cost checkbox to enter the operating cost T AL PAC 8 T UT ORI AL Runge Pty Ltd Page 34 March, 2002 ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ Compare the discounted average cost for the equipment fleet above with the equipment fleet used in the workshop 10. In determining the discounted average cost, use the optimum truck fleet size for each option. Questions 1. Which equipment fleet would you recommend the contractor purchase? 2. What factors affect this decision? T AL PAC 8 T UT ORI AL Runge Pty Ltd Page 35 March, 2002 1 1 . T H E E Q U I P M E N T D A T A B A S E Key Concepts: User Defined Equipment Technical Description The equipment database contains a large range of trucks and loaders used in surface mining operations. The data supplied in the equipment database represents standard equipment and has been verified by the appropriate manufacturer. For equipment that is not in the database or that has been modified, the user is able to set-up their own equipment items. Tasks ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ Access the equipment database from either View|Equipment Database or the Equipment Database button on the toolbar. ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ Use the Type, Manufacturer and Class drop down list to view a truck and a loader to see the data that is stored in the database for each equipment type. ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ Create a user defined equipment item by copying a standard item of equipment to a new name. To copy an item from the standard database to a user database go to Edit|Copy Equipment. Rename your copy of the Komatsu HD785-5 to My Mines 785-5. T AL PAC 8 T UT ORI AL Runge Pty Ltd Page 36 March, 2002 Question 1. What role would User Defined equipment have at your operation? T AL PAC 8 T UT ORI AL Runge Pty Ltd Page 37 March, 2002 1 2 . I M P O R T I N G A H A U L C Y C L E Key Concepts: Importing a Haul Cycle From a Text File Technical Description In a previous workshop we have created a haul cycle by manually typing in the required details for each segment. In TALPAC you can also import this data directly from a text file. In turn this text file can be automatically generated in another system, such as a design package or a fleet monitoring / dispatch system. The text file import facility in TALPAC can be quite sophisticated, and in this workshop only a small portion of the functionality will be used. For more advanced requirements please refer to the help documentation, or contact Runge. Tasks ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ In the Talpac8\Tutorials directory there is a flat text file called “Test XYZ Space.txt”. Open this file with a text editor and inspect the layout. This file represents the co-ordinates of a haul route. Close the file after inspection. ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ In TALPAC add a new Haul System called “Workshop 13 Import”. ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ Go to File|Import Haul Cycles From a Text File. ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ Click on the Add button and create a new template called Tutorial. ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ Click on the Browse button and find the file Test XYZ Space.txt. ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ Leave the First Import Line as 1, and also leave the Comment Character as ! Now click twice on the Next Line button, so that line 3 of the file is shown in the viewer. ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ Set the Import Data Type radio button to X,Y,Z co-ordinates. ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ Enter appropriate field numbers for the entities. This is: • X coord 2 • Y coord 3 • Z coord 4. ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ All other fields should have a 0 value. This means that you will be accepting the defaults shown for those fields. T AL PAC 8 T UT ORI AL Runge Pty Ltd Page 38 March, 2002 ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ When complete, check the Reverse all segments setting load to “Empty” tick box , and then click on OK. ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ Inspect the results in TALPAC. Check that two haul cycles Baso1 and Baso2 have been imported. Questions 1. Why is the new haul cycle called “Baso1”? 2. How can this feature be used in your situation? 3. How else can the import facility be used? T AL PAC 8 T UT ORI AL Runge Pty Ltd Page 39 March, 2002 1 3 . T A L P A C O P T I O N S Key Concepts: Project Options, Customising TALPAC, Project Management, Feedback, Project Properties Technical Description There are many variables and Options used in TALPAC that are not contained within any of the templates that we have looked at so far. As well there are a number of ways of customising TALPAC and other features of which you should be aware. Tasks ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ Go to File|Project Properties. View the information available, click on the View Templates List and Select a User Database buttons and examine the options available. ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ Using the Help pull down menu, select Feedback. If you click on the Email button an email to Runge’s support desk is automatically generated with the feedback form included as an attachment. ⇒ ⇒⇒ ⇒ These following items are stored in the View pull-down menu. The main items are: • In Project Options there are the following: Truck Travel options; Loading options; Cash flow options; Optimisation options; and, Bucket construction ratings; • In Customise TALPAC the items available are: General Options, Distribution Details and Set Colours; and • In Project Management you can see all of the created Haulage systems in this project, create new haulage systems, and run simulations on all of the haul systems. T AL PAC 8 T UT ORI AL Runge Pty Ltd Page 40 March, 2002 Questions 1. When should you change the options settings? 2. How can you tell the location of the current user database? 3. How can the project manager interact with mine planning? T AL PAC 8 T UT ORI AL Runge Pty Ltd Page 41 March, 2002 A A n n s s w w e e r r s s WORKSHOP 1: TALPAC Overview 1. What is in a TP7 file? The TP7 file is the data file stored in your working directory that contains all of the data and settings for the current project. 2. What are the 5 components of a haulage system? Material, Roster, Loader, Truck and Haul Cycle. 3. What is a TALPAC project? A TALPAC project is the collection of saved Haulage Systems that are in the same TP7 file. 4. Why would you want to print out the ALL PARAMETERS sheet? For reference and auditing. For example it is useful to print this file to have as a backup of the important TALPAC configuration settings. This is haulage system specific. 5. What are the options available on the right click of the mouse when a template name is highlighted? 6. What types of Haul Segments can be used? T AL PAC 8 T UT ORI AL Runge Pty Ltd Page 42 March, 2002 7. What is the difference between adding to a template list, and editing a template? Editing a template overwrites the data that already existed in the template. Adding a new template to the list means that a new template is created, and so all the original templates still remain. WORKSHOP 2: THE MATERIAL TYPE 1. What is the Loose Density in the loader bucket? 1.83 t/m 3 (See the figure below) T AL PAC 8 T UT ORI AL Runge Pty Ltd Page 43 March, 2002 2. How would you use your own site specific fill factors? Change the Global variables table. 3. What else will affect the filling of the bucket? Fragmentation, operator experience, weather conditions, visibility, bucket geometry. WORKSHOP 3: THE SHIFT ROSTER 1. What are the total annual working hours for the loader? 4099 (See the figure below) 2. What are the total fleet operating shifts for the year? 464 (See the figure below) T AL PAC 8 T UT ORI AL Runge Pty Ltd Page 44 March, 2002 WORKSHOP 4: SELECTING A LOADER 1. What is the total Operating cost per hour? The total operating cost for each loader is $183.34/operating hour. 2. Why can the template name be different to the database equipment name? You may want to model variations of the same basic equipment. 3. What does the default bucket payload represent? The amount of material that is actually in the bucket, not the bucket capacity. T AL PAC 8 T UT ORI AL Runge Pty Ltd Page 45 March, 2002 WORKSHOP 5: SELECTING A TRUCK 1. What is the total operating cost per hour for the truck? The total operating cost for each truck is $134.48/operating hour. 2. When would you use the different truck types in the same simulation? If you were simulating a fleet that had more than one type of truck. WORKSHOP 6: SETTING-UP A HAUL CYCLE 1. When is a new segment required? Whenever there is a change to the conditions which control velocity. Thus gradient, rolling resistance and Speed restrictions. 2. How many segments are required? See the figure below. 3. What other methods are available for constructing a haul route in TALPAC? Importing data from a text file. 4. What is the benefit of using real names for segment titles? So the user can visualise, and hence validate, the haul cycle data. 5. What is the relationship between final and maximum speeds for segments? If a certain segment has a maximum speed, then the preceding segment should have the same speed set as the final speed for it. Otherwise the truck may enter the next segment at an excessive speed. T AL PAC 8 T UT ORI AL Runge Pty Ltd Page 46 March, 2002 WORKSHOP 7: PRODUCTION ANALYSIS 1. Why is it useful to have different calculation types? Mine planning requires different scenarios and options to be investigated. This means that different functionality is required. As well this is useful to calibrate the model in Quick estimate (deterministic) mode first. 2. What is the vertical height difference that the load is being elevated through? 60m. 3. Why can you get different results in successive runs? Due to the stochastic distributions used in simulation. 4. How long does it take to reach the production target? approx. 1.06 Years WORKSHOP 8: INCREMENTAL ANALYSIS AND RESULTS TABLE 1. What is the key information? Key Information is what you need to see, and so depends on the purpose of the simulation. In this instance, cost, time, productivity, fleet size and length of haul would be key. T AL PAC 8 T UT ORI AL Runge Pty Ltd Page 47 March, 2002 2. How many variables are available for inclusion in the results table? 250. 3. When should you consider purchasing another truck? In year 3. But what else should be considered? WORKSHOP 9: FLEET SIZE OPTIMIZATION 1. What is the marginal cost of assigning one more truck than the optimum? $2.97 / bcm. 2. Why are the marginal economics important, and not just the average cost? Average costs disguise the impact of individual truck assignment. 3. What is the optimum fleet size? The run with the lowest fleet discount cost. WORKSHOP 10: FLEET COMPARISON 1. Which equipment fleet would you recommend the contractor purchase? The larger fleet is the pure cost choice, but is this correct? 2. What factors affect this decision? Cost of capital, changes to working hours, flexibility of contract. WORKSHOP 11: THE EQUIPMENT DATABASE 1. What role would User Defined equipment have at your operation? You can set up the specifications for the Truck and Loader which exactly match your configuration, rather than relying on the standard data. WORKSHOP 12: IMPORTING A HAUL CYCLE 1. Why is the new haul cycle called “Baso1”? Set by the variable on line 2 of the import file. Otherwise it will be imported and called the same as the import file name. T AL PAC 8 T UT ORI AL Runge Pty Ltd Page 48 March, 2002 2. How can this feature be used in your situation? Eg From the mine design package a string can be digitised which represents the haul route. This string can then be exported to a text file as a series of X,Y, Z points. From there it can be imported directly into TALPAC. 3. How else can the import facility be used? To import complete Haul Systems. WORKSHOP 13: TALPAC OPTIONS 1. When should you change the options settings? Only after consideration of what they are doing. It is also suggested that if these are changed, then make sure that changes are properly recorded. The ALL PARAMETRS print outs, and user defined reports in the Results Tables are two good ways of doing this. 2. How can the project manager interact with mine planning? Can make the analysis of multiple simulations easier and more straight forward. 3. How can you tell the location of the current user database? Under View | Project Properties the location and name of the current user database is shown. T AL PAC 8 T UT ORI AL Runge Pty Ltd Page 49 March, 2002 T T a a l l p p a a c c C C o o m m m m a a n n d d s s Embedded Buttons View All Parameters Optimisation Calculation View Loading Analysis Incremental Analysis View Project Manager Calculate Full Simulation or Quick Estimate Edit Haulage System Edit Loader Template Edit Material Template Edit Truck Template Edit Roster Template Edit Haul Cycle T AL PAC 8 T UT ORI AL Runge Pty Ltd Page 50 March, 2002 Toolbars Save Help Print Insert haul segment Print preview Delete haul segment Equipment database Paste copied or cut segments in reverse Edit haul system Reverse all haul segments Edit material Undo last change Edit roster Redo last change Edit loading unit Export haul cycle Edit truck Select rolling resistance Edit haul cycle Set speed to maximum View project manager Set curve data Add template Set truck load to empty Edit template Set truck load to full Delete template Copy template Set load time spot time or truck numbers to automatic Function Keys F1 Help F9 Run Quick Estimate F2 Edit F10 Run Full Simulation
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