TADM10 1 Questions

March 23, 2018 | Author: shafiquecheena | Category: Databases, Information Technology Management, Computer Engineering, Computing, Technology



1) The SAP NETWEAER consists of several components.Identify the components which are part of SAP Netweaver a) Application Platform ) !icrosoft .NET c) SAP "R d) People Inte#ration e) my SAP S$! %) Which of the followin# statement are correct with re#ard to loc&s and SAP en'(e(es) a) *ataase loc& that lasts too lon# can ca(se a sap system standstill. ) After an SAP en'(e(e has een placed+ the correspondin# dataase tale can still e chan#ed y an (pdate re'(est comin# from pro#rams s(ch as c(stomer developed A,AP reports. c) A dataase loc& (s(ally released at the end of transaction step+ while an SAP en'(e(e is (s(ally released at the end of an SAP transaction. d) All aove -) What is a .alid $onfi#(ration for an R- System) a) !any App servers and one dataase server ) /ne app server and one dataase server c) No app server and one dataase server d) /ne app server and many dataase servers 0) What part of an SAP system is responsile for convertin# /PEN S12 to Native S12) a. A,AP Interpreter . *ispatcher c. ,asis System d. *ataase Interface e. *ataase Server 3) What Interface Protocol is R4$ ased on) a. T$P5IP . $PI$6$ c. SNA d. 278.% 8) The followin# personali9ation options are availale in the SAP :7I; $hoose the correct answer<s). a) =o( can chan#e the font si9e <within limits) in the SAP :7I ) =o( can have system messa#es displayed in a dialo# o> c) =o( can chan#e the si9e of inp(t fields d) =o( can s(ppress the display of pict(res in the SAP :7I e) Every (ser can display a pict(re of his or her choice on the SAP Easy Access screen f) =o( can (se a personal inp(t history on yo(r front end ?. Which layer in an SAP client server architect(re processes A,AP pro#rams) a) Application ) Presentation c) Internet d) *ataase @. Which service is responsile for comm(nication etween distri(ted dispatchers) a) *ialo# ) $omm(nication c) !essa#e d) :ateway A) *ataase transactions are ased on the A$I* principle. So are SAP transactions. Why does the dataase transaction concept nevertheless not cover all the needs of the SAP system) $hoose the correct answer<s). a) An SAP transaction can (ndle several dataase transactions. It is only as a res(lt of all of these (ndled dataase transactions that the data is consistent in (siness terms. ) *(e to wor& process m(ltiple>in#+ each wor& process starts a separate dataase transaction within each dialo# step. c) This is eca(se less reso(rces are (tili9ed in the system y followin# this strate#y d) 7sin# the SAP transaction as a str(ct(ral level aove the dataase transaction si#nificantly improves the performance of yo(r SAP system. 1B. Identify the characteristics of a ,(siness oCect; a) ,(siness oCects re'(ire &nowled#e of the internal so(rce code to e ale to access the data ) ,(siness oCects provide methods to implement (siness f(nctions c) ,(siness oCects /N2= (se ,APIDs to access data d) ,(siness oCects are mana#ed in the ,(siness /Cect Repository <,/R) e) ,(siness oCects are (siness oriented 11. What does a wor&flow achieve) a) ,(ilds screen se'(ence ) $ontrols Information flow c) A(tomates e>ec(tion of activities d) !ana#es $omm(nication media 1%. What are the tas&s of *ispatcher) a) /r#ani9in# comm(nication ) Performin# pro#ram synta> chec&s c) Assi#nin# (sers to wor& process d) *istri(tin# transaction load 1-. "ow many Emessa#eF services can e confi#(red in a Sap system) a) As many as possile ) /ne c) Two d) Three 10 Where does SAP &eep system profiles) a) 5(sr5sap5GSI*H5sys5profile or I(srIsapIGSI*HIsysIprofile ) 5(sr5sap5trans5profile or I(srIsapItransIprofile c) 5etc or IwinntIsystem-%IdriversIetc d) 5oracle5GSI*H5ds or IoracleIGSI*H5ds 13. Which /S level pro#ram is (sed to tri##er Cos in SAP) a) SAPE.T ) SAPJP: c) SAP!J,T$ d) SAPTRI: 18. Which transaction is (sed to maintain the start+ defa(lt K instance profile) a) S!%1 ) RLB1 c) RL%B d) RL1B 1?. If an SAP distri(ted instance has the system no. 1B+ hostname D*AS1D and SI* D*E.D+ what wo(ld e the name of the instance profile e) a) defa(ltMdev.pfl ) *E.M*.E,!:S1BM*AS1 c) *AS1M*.E,!:S1BM*E. d) *E.M*,S1BM*AS1 1@. Which of the followin# is tr(e in terms of confi#(rin# SAP !essa#e Service) a) Each SAP instance m(st have a locally r(nnin# messa#e service. ) The host where the messa#e service r(ns is defined in the dataase parameter profile. c) There m(st e e>actly 1 messa#e service per SAP System. d) The messa#e service shall r(n on the SAP $entral Instance. e) In a networ&ed SAP System environment consistin# of 1 dataase host and 1 or more Application Servers+ 1 Application Server f(nctions as the 7pdate wor& process server. 1A. When yo( create a new (ser+ to which client may the (ser lo# on) a) All clients. ) /nly in the client where the (ser was created. c) In the client where the (ser was created and in client BBB. d) In the client where the (ser was created and in client BB1. %B. Which of the followin# types of steps can e entered when definin# ac&#ro(nd Cos in SAP) a) ,APIs and S!APIs ) A,AP pro#rams c) E>ternal commands <predefined y the system administrator) d) E>ternal R4$ steps e) E>ternal pro#rams <direct command inp(t y system administrator) %1. Which of the followin# is tr(e of operation modes in SAP) a) /peration modes may only e switched man(ally. ) /peration modes may e switched man(ally or periodically. c) /peration modes can e (sed to start(p5sh(tdown SAP instances. d) /peration modes can e sched(led for specific dates and times. %%. Answer the followin# '(estions as tr(e or false a) The favorites are (ser specific ) The (ser men( can e adopted y each (ser to his own needs c) 4avorites are stored in yo(r local comp(ter. Therefore yo( wonNt have access them from other comp(ter other than yo(r front end d) The (ser men( is created accordin# to the roles assi#ned to yo(r (ser e) =o(r (ser men( contains always the so called SAP !en( as another hierarchy level %- ) Screens in SAP system can offer many different elements+ (sed for str(ct(rin# information navi#ation etc. Identify the screen elements yo( can find on the SAP screen. a) $hec& o>es ) 7ndo (tton c) Stat(s ar d) $ommand field e) "ome (tton %0) SAP Netweaver consists of several components. Identify the components that are part of the SAP Netweaver. a) mySAP S$! ) Application platform c) People Inte#ration d) !icrosoft .net e) SAP "R %3) Identify which are types of SAP :(I a) SAP :7I for A,AP ) SAP :7I for windows c) SAP :7I for 2in(> d) SAP :7I for "T!2 e) SAP :7I for Oava %8) Transactional proced(res comply with the A$I* principle. What does A$I* mean) Please choose the correct answer. a) Asol(te+ $omplete+ Intrinsic and *(rale. ) Atomic+ $onsistent+ Isolated and *(rale. c) Always+ $ontin(o(s+ Immediate and *an#ero(s. d) A(to $omplete and Immediate *ata refresh %?) What &ind of R4$ can e fo(nd in SAP systems) a) Asynchrono(s and synchrono(s R4$s. ) Translational R4$ c) Relational R4$ d) Transactional and '(e(ed R4$s %@) Which of the followin# statements are correct re#ardin# the (pdate service) !ore than one answer is correct. *ecide whether each answer is tr(e or false. a) /nly one instance of the SAP system may contain (pdate wor& processes. ) At least one .1 (pdate wor& process <rdisp5wpMnoMv) m(st e defined per SAP system c) At least one .% (pdate wor& process <rdisp5wpMnoMv%) m(st e defined per SAP system d) If .% (pdate wor& processes <rdisp5wpMnoMv%) are confi#(red+ all .1 (pdate wor& processes <rdisp5wpMnoMv) are reserved for .1 (pdates. e) A dialo# wor& process never writes directly to the dataase. /nly (pdate wor& processes have direct dataase write access. %A) What does Pen'(e(eP and Pde'(e(eP mean) a) P(ts5reads messa#es in the messa#e '(e(e of the SAP system ) 2oc&s5(nloc&s oCects in the SAP system. c) Enales5disales print '(e(es in SAP systems d) Reads5writes (pdate messa#es in the dataase. e) 2oc&s5(nloc&s (ser conte>t data in the roll memory. -B) 4rom the screenshot+ find the machine on which the dataase for this system is r(nnin#. The associated lo#on was performed in En#lish. Please choose the correct answer a) twdfr3B1M*E.... <7nfort(nately+ the rest cannot e identified from the screenshot provided) ) twdfr3B1 c) *E. d) 38B e) This '(estion cannot e answered with the information availale. -1) 7pdate wor& processes are cate#ori9ed as .1 or .%. In what se'(ence are .16 and .%6 (pdate f(nction mod(les <that elon# to#ether) processed) Please choose the correct answer. a) These f(nction mod(les are processed sim(ltaneo(sly. ) These mod(les are processed accordin# to the P4irst In 6 4irst /(tP r(le c) The se'(ence is determined y the profile parameter Pv5se'MofM.,MprocP d) .1 mod(les come first+ .% mod(les come second e) .% mod(les come first+ .1 mod(les come second -%) =o( wo(ld li&e to connect two SAP systems y means of an R4$ connection. The R4$ connection sho(ld not allow dialo# lo#on to the tar#et system+ eca(se these connections may e a(sed anonymo(sly. What do yo( need to consider) !ore than one answer is correct. *ecide whether each answer is tr(e or false. a) If yo( do not provide correct technical settin#s <tar#et host+ system n(mer) yo( will e a(tomatically lo##ed on to client BBB of yo(r own system (sin# (ser SAPS=S. ) 4or the connection to another SAP System yo( have to choose connection type PRP li&e PR5- SystemP. c) When yo( filled in all necessary data in S!3A yo( sho(ld verify the technical connectivity y (sin# the PTest connectionP (tton d) ,eca(se yo( wo(ld li&e to disallow dialo# lo#on to the tar#et system+ yo( (se a (ser of type P$omm(nicationsP <as in S7B1) in the tar#et client. To ma&e s(re that yo( #ot the credentials correct yo( may (se the men( path PTest 66H A(thori9ationP. This wor&s for P$omm(nicationsP (sers as well. e) As an alternative to (sin# a P$omm(nicationsP (ser for disallowin# an easy to a(se anonymo(s dialo# lo#on+ yo( may &eep the (ser field lan&. This way each time the R4$ connection is to e (sed an a(thori9ation to the tar#et system is needed --) When an e>ternal pro#ram tri##ers an SAP system event+ which operatin# system e>ec(tale of the SAP system is (sed in tri##erin# the event) Please choose the correct answer. a) dispQwor& ) ms#Mserver.e>e c) sapevt d) sap>p# e) saposcol -0) Which of the followin# process start se'(ences can typically e oserved when startin# an SAP system) Note that the specified se'(ence does not need to e PcompleteP+ only the chronolo#ical se'(ence of the selected processes is considered here. a) 1.!essa#e Server+ %. *ataase Process<es)+ -. En'(e(e Wor& Process+ 0. *ispatcher ) 1.*ataase Process<es)+ %. !essa#e Server+ -. *ispatcher+ 0. I$! c) 1.*ataase Process<es)+ %. I$!+ -. !essa#e Server+ 0. *ispatcher ) 1.!essa#e Server+ %. *ataase Process<es)+ -. *ispatcher+ 0. I$! c) 1.*ispatcher+ %. *ataase Process<es)+ -. !essa#e Server+ 0. I$! -3) Which of the followin# statements are correct). !ore than one answer is correct. a) S(pport pac&a#es can e implemented in aritrary order. ) SPA!5SAINT (pdates m(st e implemented in a s(ccessive order. c) Each software component of an SAP system li&e ,ASIS or APP2 has their own s(pport pac&a#e cycle d) With s(pport pac&a#es the SAP system can #et f(nctional (pdates Implementin# of s(pport pac&a#es only is possile if the parameter rdisp5s(ppMpac& is set to Ptr(eP -8) Which statements concernin# the SAP (ser mana#ement are correct) !ore than one answer is correct. a) All wor&processes of an SAP system are connectin# to the dataase with one and the same dataase (ser. ) If yo( for#ot yo(r password yo( can (se the P7ser 6H New PasswordP men( on the lo#on screen. The system administrator will then e notified of yo(r re'(est for a new password c) If yo( set yo(r personal defa(lt lo#on lan#(a#e to a lan#(a#e that is not installed+ yo( can only lo#on to the system if yo( fill the lan#(a#e field on the lo#on screen d) ,y settin# the parameter lo#in5minMpasswordMln# yo( can set the minimal re'(ired password len#th for a (serDs password. e) ,y settin# the parameter lo#in5ma>MpasswordMln# yo( can set the ma>im(m allowed len#th for a (serDs password. -?) $oncernin# the f(nctions offered y the $$!S monitorin#+ which of the followin# statements are correct) !ore than one answer is correct. a) =o( can confi#(re the chan#e of threshold val(es of $$!S alert monitors dependin# on operation mode switches y assi#nin# property variants to operation modes ) It is not possile to centrally monitor all SAP systems in yo(r system landscape $) Property variants allow yo( to save parameter settin#s+ li&e threshold val(es+ for the $$!S alert monitorin#. *) It is not possile to (ild yo(r own monitors+ yo( can only (se the standard $$!S monitors delivered y SAP. E) /nly SAP software can e monitored with the $$!S alert monitor. -@) If a (ser is already lo##ed on to a lo#on #ro(p (sin# lo#on load alancin#+ how are dialo# wor& processes assi#ned to this (ser) Please choose the correct answer. A) The (ser always remains assi#ned to the same dialo# wor& process. ,) *ifferent dialo# wor& processes of the same instance of the SAP system will wor& se'(entially for the (ser. $) *ependin# on the load of the servers+ different dialo# wor& processes of different instances will wor& for this (ser. *) It is not possile to lo#on to a server #ro(p (sin# P#ro(p lo#onP. E) The (ser #ets a dialo# wor& process assi#ned in each instance. *ependin# on the load of the servers+ only one of these dialo# wor& processes is active. -A) When yo( create a new role with the role maintenance tool <transaction P4$:)+ how is it assi#ned to the (ser) !ore than one answer is correct. *ecide whether each answer is tr(e or false. a) A role can e directly assi#ned to a (ser master record (sin# transaction S7B1. ) 4rom the role definition <in P4$:) an a(thori9ation profile can e #enerated. This profile can then e assi#ned indirectly to an (ser y (sin# P4$: to assi#n the role to an (ser c) A role can e directly assi#ned to an a(thori9ation oCect. This a(thori9ation oCect is then assi#ned to the (ser master data y (sin# S7B1 d) A role is a(tomatically assi#ned to the (ser who created the role. e) PRoleP is C(st a synonym for Pa(thori9ation profileP. =o( only need to assi#n the #enerated a(thori9ation profile to an (ser <y (sin# S7B1)R the role is then a(tomatically added to the (serDs master data. 0B) Which of the followin# statements are tr(e for (ser master records in clients of SAP systems) !ore than one answer is correct. *ecide whether each answer is tr(e or false. a) An a(thori9ation profile can e assi#ned to a (ser master record. ) /ne or more roles can e assi#ned to a (ser master record. c) An a(thori9ation oCect can e assi#ned to an (ser master record d) An (ser master record can e #enerated from transaction P4$: e) A sin#le a(thori9ation val(e can e assi#ned to an (ser master record 01) In yo(r system landscape there sho(ld e a system dedicated to the Sol(tion !ana#er. This mi#hty tool allows yo( to; !ore than one answer is correct. *ecide whether each answer is tr(e or false. a) *oc(ment all elements of yo(r system environment+ incl(din# sol(tions (sed+ releases+ patch levels+ hardware (sed etc. ) ,(ild yo(r own S(pport Infrastr(ct(re. c) $reate yo(r own Early Watch Alert Reports. d) !onitor the stat(s of yo(r systems e) Set (p central (ser administration with only a few clic&s. 0% State which are the statements are correct. a) SAP follows !aintenance strate#y of 3 S % S 1 ) Sap We As S *ispatcher and messa#e servers pro#rams are written in A,AP for We As A,AP application server. c) SAP >apps allow yo( to inte#rate e>istin# applications with each other y accessin# e>istin# datasets d) SAP inte#ration possiilities are for only inte#ration SAP applications e) Sap netweaver is recommended for all SAP applications 6SAP 0.> + Sap -.> and E$$ applications eca(se of its e>tensive inte#ration f(nctionalities. 0- With respect to SAP :7I+ state which statement is5 are correct. a) T$P5IP protocol is (sed etween SAP :7I and Application server ) *IA: protocol is (sed etween SAP :7I and application server c) *IA: and "TTP is (sed etween SAP :7I and application server d) SAP :7I for windows + Oava and "tml are availale e) SAP :7I is for windows is written in standard A,AP codin# 00)SAP A,AP system wor& process S Answer all correct answers a) Processin# of printin# steps is carried o(t y m(ltiple spool process. ) Processin# of dialo# steps of a Transaction is carried o(t y m(ltiple dialo# wor& process c) *ialo# wor& process can not comm(nicate with data ase. So we re'(ire (pdate wor& process to comm(nication with the dataase. d) N(mer of each type of wor& processes shall e adC(sted with Profile parameters. e) 7pdate wor& process is optional for SAP system. It is re'(ited only we have complicated (siness transaction re'(irement f) The p(rpose of EN17E server is to maintain loc&s at the application so that dataase is relived from the e>tra load settin# *, loc&s d(rin# its processin#. #) 4or priority dialo# (sers + yo( can predetermine and allocate partic(lar Wor& processes in the instance. h) SAP .1 type (pdate process e>ec(tes Cos synchrono(s and .% type (pdate process e>ec(tes Cos Asynchrono(sly 03)SAP system s(pports the followin# interface technolo#ies a) A2E ) S!TP c) "TTP d) *ata lin& e) J!2 f) E*I #) 4TP 08)4ill in the lan&s with correct Transactions code a) 4or ac&#ro(nd Co overview MSm-?MMMMMMMMM ) To mana#e wor& processes MMsm3BMMMMMMM c) To mana#e (pdate records Msm1-MMMMMMMMMMM d) 4or SAP system monitorin# MMr9%BMMMMMMMMMMM e) 4or modifyin# SAP profile parameters MMMr91BMMMMMMMMM f) To find o(t the 2o##ed on (sers over all instances MMMMMMalB@MMMMMMMM 0?)All SAP :7I lo#on information are stored in the followin# files . Answer all correct a. saplo#on.ini . sapdia#.ini c. sapro(te.ini d. sapwin.ini e. sapms#.ini 0@)Sap profile parameters S Answer all correct a) Sap proposes defa(lt val(es for some standard SAP parameters. 7sers have to define all other necessary parameters in the 7ser defa(lt val(e ) Sap confi#(ration parameters are edited thro T6code R91B c) Sap confi#(ration parameters are edited thro Tcode R911 d) Sap confi#(ration parameters are edited thro Tcode R%B e) .al(es in the instance profile specifies the host on which dispatcher and messa#e servers to e started on. f) If a partic(lar parameter is defined in the defa(lt profile and instance profile+ the val(e of instance profile will e ta&en d(rin# startin# of the instance #) *(rin# comparison of profile+ the system compares the profile with the all previo(s version stored in the application server and correct profile is ta&e to effect h) *(rin# maintenance of profile parameters+ when the administrators save the chan#e of the profile parameter it is saved in the operatin# system. 0A),ac&#ro(nd Oos can e 6 Answer all correct. a)time ased sched(lin# ) Pro#ram ased sched(lin# c) Application ased sched(lin# d)Event ased sched(lin# e) Rdisp5tctime S is specifies the time period in which the time dependent Co sched(ler is active to sched(le the Cos from the Co sched(lin# tale 3B) property variants a) =o( m(st have property variant defined for the $$!S system to wor& ) Property variants are containers which provides easy switch of monitorin# parameters etween operation modes c) Property variants can not e transported. =o( will have to download to e>cel file and (pload to other systems. d) Property variants have hierarchical str(ct(re in which the parent wo(ld e SAP6defa(lt meanin# that if the val(e is not defined it will e ta&en from the parent SAP Sdefa(lt.
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