Tablas de Conjugación Del Verbo en Inglés

June 14, 2018 | Author: Miguel Angel Cabezas | Category: Syntactic Relationships, Semantics, Semantic Units, Languages Of Europe, Psychology & Cognitive Science



Tablas de Conjugación del verbo en inglés: eatInfinitive: to eat Present: eat Past Simple: ate Past Participle: eaten Gerund: eating Present Simple Affirmative Interrogative Negative I eat. Do I eat? I do not eat. You eat. Do you eat? You do not eat. He/She/It eats. Does he/she/it eat? He/She/It does not eat. We eat. Do we eat? We do not eat. You eat. Do you eat? You do not eat. They eat. Do they eat? They do not eat. Affirmative Interrogative Negative I am eating. Am I eating? I am not eating. You are eating. Are you eating? You are not eating. He/She/It is eating. Is he/she/it eating? He/She/It is not eating. We are eating. Are we eating? We are not eating. You are eating. Are you eating? You are not eating. They are eating. Are they eating? They are not eating. Present Simple Continuous Present Perfect Affirmative Interrogative Negative I have eaten. Have I eaten? I have not eaten. You have eaten. Have you eaten? You have not eaten. He/She/It has eaten. Has he/she/it eaten? He/She/It has not eaten. We have eaten. Have we eaten? We have not eaten. You have eaten. Have you eaten? You have not eaten. They have eaten. Have they eaten? They have not eaten. Affirmative Interrogative Negative I have been eating. Have I been eating? I have not been eating. You have been eating. Have you been eating? You have not been eating. He/She/It has been eating. Has he/she/it been eating? He/She/It has not been eating. We have been eating. Have we been eating? We have not been eating. You have been eating. Have you been eating? You have not been eating. They have been eating. Have they been eating? They have not been eating. Present Perfect Continuous Were you eating? You were not eating. Were we eating? We were not eating. We had been eating. Did we eat? We did not eat. Had I been eating? I had not been eating. He/She/It had eaten. You had been eating. You had been eating. Did I eat? I did not eat. We were eating. Had I eaten? I had not eaten. Had he/she/it eaten? He/She/It had not eaten. You were eating. You were eating. He/She/It ate.Past Simple Affirmative Interrogative Negative I ate. They had been eating. They had eaten. He/She/It was eating. They ate. Had you been eating? You had not been eating. Had he/she/it been eating? He/She/It had not been eating. Affirmative Interrogative Negative I was eating. Did he/she/it eat? He/She/It did not eat. Were you eating? You were not eating. We ate. Was I eating? I was not eating. Past Continuous Past Perfect Past Perfect Continuous . He/She/It had been eating. You ate. Affirmative Interrogative Negative I had eaten. Was he/she/it eating? He/She/It was not eating. Did they eat? They did not eat. You had eaten. Had you eaten? You had not eaten. Were they eating? They were not eating. We had eaten. You ate. Had they eaten? They had not eaten. Did you eat? You did not eat. Had we been eating? We had not been eating. Affirmative Interrogative Negative I had been eating. Did you eat? You did not eat. Had they been eating? They had not been eating. Had you been eating? You had not been eating. They were eating. You had eaten. Had we eaten? We had not eaten. Had you eaten? You had not eaten. You will eat. We will have eaten. Would they have eaten? They would not have eaten. Would I eat? I would not eat. He/She/It would eat. You would eat. You would eat. Would you have eaten? You would not have eaten. They would have eaten. He/She/It would have eaten. Will he/she/it have eaten? He/She/It will not have eaten. He/She/It will have eaten. You will eat. Will you eat? You will not eat. You would have eaten. Will you eat? You will not eat. You will have eaten. You would have eaten. Future Perfect Conditional Affirmative Interrogative Negative I would eat. Will you have eaten? You will not have eaten.Future Simple Affirmative Interrogative Negative I will eat. We will eat. Would he/she/it have eaten? He/She/It would not have Conditional Perfect eaten. You will have eaten. Affirmative Interrogative Negative I would have eaten. They will have eaten. Would you have eaten? You would not have eaten. Would we have eaten? We would not have eaten. Would he/she/it eat? He/She/It would not eat. Affirmative Interrogative Negative I will have eaten. Would we eat? We would not eat. They will eat. . They would eat. Would you eat? You would not eat. Will they eat? They will not eat. Will they have eaten? They will not have eaten. Will I eat? I will not eat. Will you have eaten? You will not have eaten. Will I have eaten? I will not have eaten. Would I have eaten? I would not have eaten. Will we eat? We will not eat. He/She/It will eat. We would have eaten. We would eat. Would they eat? They would not eat. Will he/she/it eat? He/She/It will not eat. Will we have eaten? We will not have eaten. Would you eat? You would not eat.
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