May 18, 2018 | Author: maryamwani | Category: Muhammad, Repentance, Islamic Ethics, Abrahamic Religions, Islamic Theology



TA’LEEMUD-DU’AAA course prepared from: Hadhrat Moulana Zulfiqar Ahmed Naqshbandi (daamat barakatuhum’s) ‘Du’aa-e naa qabul hone ke wajuhaat’. Nasai) said.‟ (Ibne Hibban) Hadhrat Anas narrates that the messenger of Allah. devote yourselves to du‟aa. “Allah says. Whenever a disbeliever beseeches Allah . „should I not teach you that which would give you victory over your enemies and increase for you your sustenance? Supplicate to Allah by night and day.‟ (Tirmidhi) said. Muhammad said „du‟aa is a weapon of a believer. Muhammad essence of worship.‟ (Tirmidhi. „Du‟aa is beneficial regarding calamities that have occurred and calamities that have no occurred. „nothing but supplication can change fate. Muhammad said. So. apillar of deen and a light of the sky and earth. as I love listening to his call.‟ (Tirmidhi. I don‟t want to listen to his call. „supplication is the Hadhrat Abu Huraira narrates that the messenger of Allah. Musnad Ahmed) Hadhrat Thauban narrates that the messenger of Allah.‟ (Abu Daud) It is narrated in a Hadeeth that the messenger of Allah. „I treat My servant according to his expectation from Me. then Allah commands Jibreel. A person is deprived of sustenance due to a sin which he commits. Muhammad Ibaadah.‟ (Abu Daud) Hadhrat Jaabir narrates that Jibreel has been appointed to fulfil the needs of people. Muhammad said „surely Allah is Living. „fulfil his need. Muhammad said. „withhold his needs.‟ 2|Page . Nothing but obedience can increase the life-span. for surely supplication is the weapon of the believer.‟ (Al-Majma‟) Hadhrat Abdullah Ibn Amr Ibn Al-Aas narrates that the messenger of Allah. Muhammad said. Muhammad said. Muhammad anything more honourable in the sight of Allah than supplication. „the making of Du‟aa is in itself an Hadhrat Salmaan Farsi narrates that the messenger of Allah.‟ (Haakim) Hadhrat Jaabir narrates that the messenger of Allah.‟” (Bukhari) Hadhrat Abdullah Ibn Umar states that the messenger of Allah. „there isn‟t said in a Hadeeth.‟ (Tirmidhi) The messenger of Allah. He feels shy when a person raises his hands (in supplication) and He leaves them empty and unsuccessful. servants of Allah. Generous.Ta’leemud-Du’aa LESSON 1 Hadhrat Abu Hurairah states that Rasulullah said.‟ However when a believer makes du‟aa. „the supplication that is most swiftly accepted is that of an absent person in favour of an absent person. And I am with him when he asks Me. then Allah tell Jibreel. „a point will come in my ummah when a person will not care whether he consumes halaal or haraam. If one merely memorises some words of du‟aa or cries excessively in du‟aa so people would think of one as pious. 2.‟ 3. „O Allah! If you wish.Ta’leemud-Du’aa LESSON 2 THE THREE ESSENTIALS OF DU’AA 1.‟ The main barrier for the acceptance of du‟aas is eating doubtful or haraam foods. 3|Page . (Tirmidhi) Rasulullah mentioned a man who has come from a long journey and as a result he is dishevelled and is covered with dust. ALWAYS REST ASSURED One ought to feel assured that Allah will certainly accept one‟s du‟aa. O Allah. Allah ta‟aala says in the Qur‟aan: ‘O Prophets! Eat from the pure and wholesome foods we have provided you with and perform righteous deeds. forgive me. So how can his du‟aa be accepted? (Muslim) Hadhrat Abu Huraira narrates that the messenger of Allah said (words to the effect).‟ But rather one should beseech with unyielding conviction. „O Allah! Forgive me. He prays. his clothing is haraam and his body has been nurtured on haraam. their du‟aas will not be accepted. HALAAL SUSTENANCE One ought to refrain from haraam in eating. clothing and earning. ABSOLUTE FAITH One should have absolute faith that Allah is capable of fulfilling one‟s needs. One should refrain from saying. his drink is haraam. As Allah states in the Qur‟aan: CONDITIONS FOR THE ACCEPTANCE OF DU’AA 1. „O Allah. When such a time comes.‟ Such words are contrary to the grandeur of Allah . drinking. Never say discourteous things like „my du‟aas are never accepted. then such a person‟s supplication does not gain acceptance.‟ But his food is haraam.’ It is food for thought for those who love eating out in stylish restaurants. IKHLAAS Sincerity is the vital element for the one who beseeches Allah. DO NOT HASTEN FOR THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE DU’AA Not to insist on any du‟aa that this du‟aa of mine must be accepted. „accept my du‟aa by evening.‟ This is against the etiquette of Du‟aa. to ask Allah „I hope that boy notices me‟ or „O Allah. 2. (Mishkat) One should refrain from setting time limits. However.Ta’leemud-Du’aa Some people derive their income through selling things that are not permissible in shari‟ah like liquor. let that boy reply my text message‟ or „O Allah! Let those two have a fight‟ etc. Someone advised her that this was the height of idiocy since it was impossible for her to conceive in the current state. it is illogical for a girl to make du‟aa to become a boy and vice versa. For example. but would ask others to do the same for her. When asked for an explanation she whined. after some time she stopped praying salaah. people ask Allah for impermissible things. video tapes etc. 4. For example. Ulama have stated that the ill effects of haraam earnings are such that the bandah is deprived of husnul khaatimah at the time of death. saying that nothing was impossible for Allah. (Muslim) Due to negligence today. ONE SHOULD NOT ASK FOR SOMETHING SINFUL Not to make du‟aa for anything sinful or for the severing of family ties. ONE SHOULD NOT ASK FOR THE IMPOSSIBLE (Bukhari) One should bear in mind the laws of the system of nature. She felt offended at this remark and quarrelled at length. Thus she underwent an operation and had her womb removed. After the treatment she would not only make du‟aa day and night for offspring to Allah.‟ 3. 4|Page . For example one should not say. „why should I pray? Allah doesn‟t listen to me. music tapes. Once a woman was afflicted with a certain disease due to which hysterectomy was unavoidable. To mention one’s helplessness and humility. they would resort to salaah and Allah would help them out. (Muslim) When a person faces the direction of the House of Allah hastens towards such a person. 2. Mustadrak) This means to stretch the hands like a beggar (Ibn Majah) . (Abu Awana) It is better for a beggar to sit with humility. One would face the qiblah and the other faced the wall. To raise the hands in order to appear like one who is in desperate need. xhaloom. Each would sit facing different directions. 4. 5. and this posture displays respect along with humbleness. and if we concurrently describe the traits of men we find. We deduce 5|Page . Mustadrak) If we ponder over the attributes of Allah..Ta’leemud-Du’aa LESSON 3 ETIQUETTE OF DUAA 1. by mentions in the Qur‟aan: ‘Allah has beautiful names. the one who sat facing towards the qiblah finished his Qur‟aan a year before the one who faced the other direction. (Tirmidhi. This increases the chances of acceptance (maqbuliyyat). 7. call upon Him through them. Al-Gaafir. This often has a notable impact on the recipient. Al-Gafoor. Muslim) and thereafter perform two rakaats Salaatul-haajat (Tirmidhi). . To sit in the tashahhud position. 8. To spread out both the hands.. Perform ablution (Bukhari. Amazingly. Doing so is like sending an application letter or note of appeal before going for an interview. (Ibne Hibban. (Tirmidhi) To sob profusely with humility along with envisaging the magnanimity of Allah shrivelling into a fist of dust before Him. Perform a righteous deed before making duaa. Allah . then the rahmah of Allah Two students started their Qur‟aan with the same ustaadh. Al-Gaffar. xhallam. To face the qiblah. 3. The Prophet hands in du‟aa. stretched out his 6. Whenever the sahabah were overcome with grief or difficulty.’ Hence one should make du’aa using the Asmaa’ul husna. xhaalim. Each one of the presented a clandestine-worthy deed to Allah and Allah helped them out. (Bukhari. AlRahmaan and Al-Raheem. To present one’s virtuous deeds before Allah in times of difficulty. I love such and such a pious servant of Yours and I present this virtuous deed in Your court as a waseelah. Do not say things that are contrary to the grandeur of Allah . To use the waseelah of the ambiya-e-kiraam in the du’aa. Hence Allah‟s attribute of mercy encompasses all other attributes. „O Allah. Yaa-Mannaan – one who bestows favours without revealing them. To keep the tone of the voice low in du’aa. At the same time it is amazing to note that the names referring to mercy are two. One should admit one’s sins before Allah and plead guilty. who does not admit his crimes.Ta’leemud-Du’aa from this that no matter what kind of oppressor one is. Please accept my du‟aa. 9. 10. Muhammed . but these auliya-e-kiraam are the mediums that we use to ask from Allah. For example. I have worked for Your deen. so You have to accept my du‟aa‟ or „give me such and such an amount. For example to say. Your treasures won‟t decrease. „O Allah. So admit your mistakes and seek Allah‟s forgiveness. Muslim) 6|Page . Allah‟s equivalent forgiveness is there.‟ 12. thus their lives were saved. unless one is making du’aa in a gathering. Remember only Allah is the Giver and the One who fulfils the needs of his servants. have mercy on me on the authority of (by the waseelah) of the Prophet. He satisfies that person. 13. So one can say in one‟s du‟aa.’ Call unto Him saying Yaa-Hannaan – one who does not allow anyone to get displeased and if someone does get upset. It is a proven fact that when a criminal pleads guilty then the penalty decreed is less severe than that which is pronounced for the outlaw. 11. The story is popular of the three men of Banu Isra‟eel who were trapped in a cave. Such statements are tantamount to impertinence and disrespect.to match the attribute. „O Allah. 14. Allah states in another place in the Qur‟aan: ‘My mercy overpowers everything. To use the waseelah of the auliya-e-kiraam in the du’aa. likewise please prevent our hands from stretching before anything else besides You. 18. (Sihah-sittah) 24. To begin with the Masnoon du’aas. To make du’aa for oneself first. then it was beyond human aptitude to think of such encompassing words. This repetition should be at least three times. (Abu Daud. To make du’aa earnestly and insistently. 19. people of the town. (Abu Daud) 21. Musnad Ahmed) Ulama have stated that the Qunoote-naazilah is such an encompassing du‟aa that if Nabi had not taught it to us. To make du’aa with enthusiasm and yearning. relatives. you have prevented our heads from bowing besides any other than You. inhabitants of the country and finally the ummah at large. Haakim. (Abu Daud. After reciting the masnoon du‟aas then one should make one‟s own du‟aas. (Nasai. We ought to exhibit our helplessness in the state of du‟aa fused with that susceptible tone.‟ Imaam Ahmad bin Hambal used to say. Musnad Ahmad) 7|Page at the beginning and at the . If one fails then at least make one‟s face like one is crying. To cry. Have you seen the street kids begging for just one pin? Have you noticed the kind of vulnerable appearance they project to the onlookers? Have you heard the susceptible tone in which they beg? Maybe we should take lesson from these street kids. (Abu Daud) Use the words that the pious servants of Allah use in their du‟aas. Example: Hadhrat Rabiah Basriyyah used to beseech Allah. To convey durood upon the Prophet. „O Allah. To make du’aa repeatedly. (Ibne Hibban and Abu Awana) Nowadays we recite du‟aas without knowing what we are asking for. prevent shaytaan and nafs from overpowering me. we should include out immediate family. Furthermore. (Haakim) 20. To make du’aas that includes the needs of deen and duniya. 16. Nabi Muhammed end of the du’aa. we should try to shed a few tears too. Only Your door remains open for me. thereafter one’s parents and to include other Muslims in the du’aa as well. 23. To praise Allah at the beginning and at the end of the du’aa. Abu Awana) 22. parents. „O Allah the final portion of the night prevails and the kings of the worlds have shut their doors. 17. if it is possible. I am asking you for You O Allah!‟ „O Allah just as You have prevented the skies from falling upon the earth. (Muslim) After making du‟aa for ourselves. in order to bring forth Allah‟s mercy.Ta’leemud-Du’aa LESSON 4 15. As far as possible endeavour to beseech with the presence of heart and mind along with cherishing a high hope of the du’aa being accepted. those which Nabi made on various occasions. Ta’leemud-Du’aa MAKROOHAAT OF DU’AA 1. Friday is also a blessed day for du‟aa. „O Allah. Mustadrak) 8|Page . In other words one should refrain from saying. To abstain from beseeching in a singing tone.‟ LESSON 5 SPECIAL TIMES WHEN DU’AAS ARE ACCEPTED Almighty Allah is very Merciful and He enjoys bestowing favours upon His servants. I have made du‟aa repeatedly but to no avail. (Tirmidhi. One should not make du‟aa in which one confines Allah‟s mercy to himself only. (Bukhari) 3.’ (40:60) Du‟aas can be accepted anytime and a believer always hopes for acceptance. At the time of the completion of the Qur‟aan. However there are certain times in which there are maximum chances of du‟aas being accepted. At the time when a fasting person breaks his fast. The night preceding Friday. 4. The day of Arafat is also blessed and a special day for the acceptance of du‟aa. „O Allah.‟ 6. (Bukhari. Mustadrak) 2. (Abu Daud. „O Allah. This is also a blessed night in which du‟aas are accepted. One should abstain from ceremonious rhyming of the du‟aa phrases. Allah states: ‘Call unto me and I will answer your prayers. Ibne Majah) For example. 27th. 25th. 3. That is the 21st. (Tirmidhi) 5. you have to accept my du‟aa. For example.‟ 5. 29th particularly the 27th night is the most virtuous. 1. Nasai. Odd nights of Ramadan. (hisn) 4. One should not display haste and impatience over acceptance of du‟aas. Ibne Majah. (Muslim) 2. if the du‟aa is in poetic form. One should abstain from raising one‟s eyes towards the sky whilst making du‟aa. Abu Daud. (Tirmidhi) 6. Nasai. 23rd. One should refrain from assertion. only give it to me and no one else. Amid a gathering of Muslims. Tabrani) 7. When it is raining. (Ibne Hibban. After recitation of the completion of the Qur‟aan. 10. 6. du‟aas are accepted if one makes du‟aa between the two names of Allah. Tirmidhi) 4. Imaam Juzri states that we have experienced this on many occasions. After the words of azhaan. When the first gaze falls upon the ka‟bah. (Abu Daud. 3. 13. (Mustadrak) This has been a tried and tested practice and experience bear testimony that it is very beneficial for a person seized by some calamity to make du‟aa at this time. However one should only recite Qur‟aanic ayahs. In the following verse of Surah An‟aam. 18. While the cock is crowing. To make du‟aa for a Muslim in his absence 19. Whilst in sajdah of the optional prayer. In the presence of a dying person when such a person is in his final moments. 9|Page . Muslim) 12. Between azhaan and iqaamah. in the recitation of Al-fatihah. verse 124. 5. (Bukhari. When the Imaam says . When one is hurt.Ta’leemud-Du’aa STATES AND CONDITIONS WHEN DU’AAS ARE ACCEPTED 1. 17. (Abu Daud) 16. After drinking zamzam. (Tabrani) 9. Amid gatherings of xhikr. Whilst the azhaan is being called out. (Abu Daud. Whilst lining up for rows in jihad. (Abu Daud) 8. 11. 14. After reciting the fardh salaah. Mustadrak) 2. 15. When the battle is at its peak. On mount Safa 7. Jamaraat-ul-ula 14. Beneath the mizaab-e-rahmah (beneath the drain pipe of the ka‟bah) 4.Ta’leemud-Du’aa LESSON 6 THE PLACES AT WHICH DU’AAS ARE ACCEPTED There is a maximum chance of Du‟aas being accepted in sanctified places. These fifteen places are: 1. Near the well of zamzam 6. 10 | P a g e . Jamaraat-ul-ukhra (the jamaraat refers to the three slabs of stone erected in Mina. Within the sa‟ee area (between Safa and Marwah) 9. In Muzdalifah 12. Near the multazam (the area between the door of the ka‟bah and the hajr-e-aswad) 3. Behind maqaam-e-Ibrahim 10. Hadhrat Hassan Basri (rahmatullahalayh) wrote to the people of Makkah informing them of that there are fifteen such places in Makkah Mukarramah in which du‟aas are accepted. Whilst making tawaaf of the ka‟bah 2. In Arafat 11. In Mina 13. And at the rawdah Mubarak. On mount Marwah 8. Jamaraat-ul-wusta 15. which are pelted by the haaji‟s during the pilgrimage) 16. Inside the ka‟bah itself 5. This fact is corroborated by experience. The letter read: „Peace be on you. Upon his unforeseen prolonged absence. Ibne Hibban) 4. Upon receiving the letter. Tirmidhi. The pilgrims until they return home.Ta’leemud-Du’aa THOSE WHO’S DU’AAS ARE ACCEPTED ON THE DOUBLE 1. „Allah has warned me of His punishment and also promised to forgive me. (Bukhari. 11 | P a g e . Muslim. Hearing this saddening news. Firstly. There is none worthy of worship but He and all shall return to Him (after death). Ibne Abi Shaybah) 3. Ibne Abi Shaybah) 11. 2. (Bukhari. (Muslim) 8. „Pray to Allah that He turns your brothers‟ heart towards Him and He accepts His repentance. the man wept and repeated the words in the letter. Ibne Majah) 7. „this is the manner in which you ought to correct your brother when he slips. Before you do. Acceptor of repentance.‟ he said. Abu Daud. A person in constrained circumstances. Bazzar) 9. of Hadhrat Umar sent for his scribe and wrote a letter to the warrior. Ibne Hibban) 6. (Muslim. Ibne Hibban) 10. even if the oppressed is a disbeliever. (Musnad Ahmad. Abu Daud) An oppressed person – even though he is a flagrant sinner. Hadhrat Umar enquired about him. Muslim. „Forgiver of sins. Ibne Majah) 5. Acceptor of repentance. (Abu Daud. Severe in punishment and the All Powerful. I praise Allah. Bazzar. A traveller. The du‟aa of one Muslim in favour of another Muslim who is absent. In fact. (Allah is also) the Forgiver of sins. besides whom there is none worthy of worship. (Abu Daud.‟ Thereafter of Hadhrat Umar turned to the people in the gathering and requested them to beseech on behalf of the warrior. A pious person. Ibne Majah. (Tirmidhi. Severe in punishment‟ and he added. A father‟s du‟aa in favour of his son. Children who are obedient to their parents. (Musnad Ahmad. (Tirmidhi. guide him.‟ Thereafter the warrior sincerely repented and gave up drinking commendably. his du‟aas are not rejected. he addressed the people saying. A fasting person at the time of Iftaar. one man informed of Hadhrat Umar that the warrior nowadays indulged in drinking. From among the gathering. (Jame Abi Mansoor) LESSON 7 MAKING DU’AA FOR SINNERS Hadhrat Yazeed Bin Asam reports that a fierce warrior from sham would often spend time in the company of Hadhrat Umar (radi‟allahuanhu). Ibne Majah. A just ruler. Ibne Majah. When this news reached Hadhrat Umar (radi‟allahuanhu). ‟ I continued. because it would be inappropriate for you to use it to ask for anything of this world. I beg from You using that pure and blessed name of Yours which You live to be taken. „it is among the names you have mentioned. I stood up. „it would be inappropriate for me to teach it to you. with which You shower Your mercy when it is requested and with which You remove difficulties when asked to. Oh Rasulullah .‟ Hadhrat Aisha (radi‟allahuanha) narrates further that. ALLAH WILL FREE THAT PERSON FROM JAHANNUM (Bukhari. Oh Aisha. Thereafter I made du‟aa saying: „Allahumma inni ad‟ukallah wa ad‟ukarrahman wa ad‟ukal barral Raheem wa ad‟uka bi‟ asmaaikal husna kulliha ma alimtu minha wa ma lan a‟lam an taghfirli wa tarhamni. „O Aisha. I call You by all Your beautiful names that I know and those that I don’t know. I call You as the Most Pure and the Most Kind. Abu Daud) 12 | P a g e . „ O Allah. beseeching You to forgive me and shower Your mercy on me. „do teach it to me.‟ I then stepped aside and sat down for a while. „I got up to make wudhu after which I performed two rakaats salaah. with which anything asked for is granted. „it would be inappropriate for me to teach it to you.‟ Hadhrat Aisha (radi‟allahuanha) narrates.‟ Again Rasulullah said.‟ ‘O Allah! I call You as Allah. I call You as the Most Merciful. “I once heard Rasulullah make du‟aa saying.‟” One day Rasulullah said to me. then pray to Allah to forgive him and never let him be shaytaan‟s partner in crime by allowing him to continue committing sins and by letting him lose hope in Allah‟s mercy.‟” WHOEVER PRAYS THIS DU’AA FOUR TIMES IN THE MORNING AND EVENING.Ta’leemud-Du’aa assure him of Allah‟s mercy.’ Rasulullah then started to laugh saying. „Oh Rasulullah please teach it to me. kissed his head and asked.‟ Rasulullah said. do you know that Allah has informed me of the name by which any du‟aa is accepted?‟ „May my parents be sacrificed for you. Hadhrat Moulana Zulfiqaar (daamat barakaatuhum) would often visit him and have the advantage of sitting in his company. Once this man came to see Hadhrat at fajr time and complained that he had been trying everything he could to see the Prophet in his dream. Please make du‟aa for him that he sees the Prophet in his dream‟ Hadhrat Babujee (rahmatullahalayh) lifted his hands and made du‟aa. then he would inform the people who regularly sat in his gatherings about it. Seizing this opportunity. He was smiling from ear to ear and was looking very happy. It was Sufi saab. Whilst studying at the university. he failed miserably. that if one supplicates in their presence. then their du‟aas are verily accepted. He was undoubtedly a mustajaab-u-ddawaat. If Hadhrat Babujee (rahmatullahalayh) ever made du‟aa for a certain person. He begged Hadhratjee to give him an effective prescription so that he could attain his lifelong desire.Ta’leemud-Du’aa LESSON 8 THOSE PIOUS SEVANTS OF ALLAH IN WHOSE PRESENCE DU’AAS ARE ACCEPTED There are such personalities in this world. Hadhrat Moulana Zulfiqaar (daamat barakaatuhum) says that he witnessed one extraordinary thing about Hadhrat Babujee (rahmatullahalayh) with his own eyes. Hadhrat Moulana Zulfiqaar asked him what happened and he replied that he had come to take the address of Hadhrat Babujee because he had seen Nabi in his dream the previous night. The next day after fajr someone knocked at hadhratjee‟s door. then destiny would amend verdicts. baa wudhu he aur is mimbar kaa bhi koy haq hota hein. Hadhrat Moulana Zulfiqaar has seen two or three such personalities in his life. It must have taken him half a minute. Hadhrat Moulana Zulfiqaar (daamat barakaatuhum) further related an incident of an Ameer of tabligh jamaat from Jhangh. Once he would lift his hands. Hadhrat explained to him that he possessed no such prescription but knew one such pious servant of Allah and by virtue of his du‟aas it would be possible to see Nabi in his dream. Hadhrat Babujee (rahmatullahalayh) was attending a program in their town. His name was Sufi Muhammed Deen Saab. „ye faqeer masjid mei bethaan he. Allah had granted Hadhrat Babujee (rahmatullahalayh) a very high status. „this is the Ameer of the tablighi jamaat and my guest as well. he said. they went to meet him after the lecture (bayaan). 13 | P a g e . He would even inform the people about laylatul qadr and tell them to make du‟aa on that night.‟ Then without a words of exaggeration that person would see Rasulullah in his dream within a period of three days. „O Allah. Allah feels a sense of hayaa to reject the du‟aas that are made in the presence of such pious luminaries. Hadhrat Babujee (rahmatullahalayh) Hadhrat Babujee (rahmatullahalayh) was a devout saint from Meer-pur-khaas. By chance. Despite his arduous efforts. When Hadhrat Moulana Zulfiqaar (daamat barakaatuhum) related this. If there was any such moment of acceptance. let this person have the benefit of the vision of Rasulullah in his dream. Hadhratjee requested on behalf of Sufi Muhammed Deen Saab. ‟ Hence Hadhratjee raised his hands too. Insha‟Allah. restore my vision!‟ His earnest du‟aa made its way to the throne of Allah and vision was granted to a pair of blind eyes..Ta’leemud-Du’aa TEN ACCEPTED DU’AAS OF THIS HUMBLE SERVANT Owing to his infirmity during his old age once Hadhrat Babujee (rahmatullahalayh) had high fever. then I will behead you. hence he commented. He started pleading and begging Allah with all his might... some places and some special people in whose presence du‟aas are accepted. He cried and sobbed profusely saying. „O Allah! Grant me vision . but Alhamdulillah whilst sitting in the masjid. he asked Allah for ten things in du‟aa. „I understood the profundity of this statement. In this period. Hadhratjee (daamat barakaatuhum) had the opportunity to be in his service for ten days. Sincerity and fervour are essential elements required to ensure the acceptance of du‟aa. Hadhratjee spared no effort in providing utmost comfort to Hadhrat Babujee (rahmatullahalayh) and assisting him in every way. he would cry and plead so excessively that it would seem as though a child who is being beaten by his father is pleading for forgiveness. „O Allah! It was a matter of gaining vision before. „at that time I did not even know how it was possible to achieve the things that I had asked for in my du‟aa. the significance of the moment in time as well as the shortage of time. I can declare that Allah has accepted nine du‟aas out of those ten and I am hopeful the tenth will be accepted at the time of death too.‟ Hajjaaj bin Yusuf happened to be making tawaaf at the same time and when he heard the blind man‟s du‟aa he turned to him and said.‟ 14 | P a g e . „When Moulana Hussein Ahmad Madani (rahmatullahalayh) made du‟aa in tahajjud. Hadhrat Babujee (rahmatullahalayh) said. „if you would have continued to make du‟aa the way you were making.. then I can assure you that even after a year I would have found you in the same state making du‟aa. Seizing this chance. Hadhratjee relates. When one supplicates then every vein and every hair on the body should be collectively absorbed in du‟aa. „Zulfiqaar! Ask Allah for whatever you want!‟ and raised his hands. please. Hadhratjee says. without the presence of heart and mind. If your vision is not restored by the time I complete my tawaaf. At the end of the fifth day. restore my eyesight. but now it is a case of losing my life! Please.‟ Now the blind man started fearing for his life. Once a blind person was making tawaaf of the ka‟bah and simultaneously beseeching. Hence there are some moments. „I have four rounds remaining to complete my tawaaf. When Hajjaaj completed his tawaaf he saw that the man had been granted vision. Hadhrat Moulana Zakariyya (rahmatullahalayh) writes. LESSON 9 PLEADING IN DU’AA Shaikhul-hadeeth. Hence he revealed an accommodating method by which du‟aas will undoubtedly be accepted. „take your journey‟s provision from your brother!‟ (Meaning.Ta’leemud-Du’aa Allah says in the Glorious Qur‟aan (27:62): ‘Who answers the distressed one when he calls upon Him. tested and confirmed..’ Hadhrat Talhah bin Ubaydullah narrates that a sahabi once removed his excess clothing and started to roll in the hot sand saying to himself.‟ Rasulullah replied. Hadhratjee says. the doors of heaven have been flung open for you and the angels are boasting about you. If ever you find an opportunity for committing a sin in your life and you can successfully and secretly commit the sin. . However if a small pill soothes a patient. „this humble one has learnt a secret by sitting in the company of his elders and tested it out many times. request him to make du‟aa for you.‟ We learn three things from this story: 1. to ask for guidance in all our affairs and to pray to Allah to make jannah our final destination.‟ Rasulullah added. whatever du‟aa you make.) The sahabi lifted his hand in supplication and beseeched. 2.‟ Just then his gaze fell upon Nabi so he walked up to him.. He respectfully excused himself saying. It is a small deed and you might possibly laugh after hearing it. It is apparently a small deed but its significance is paramount. maximises his chances of du‟aas being accepted. 3.. Hadhratjee says with firm conviction that one who implements the technique will see positive results soon. 15 | P a g e .. Allah will accept it. One who confesses his guilt before Allah and who continually fears Allah after doing good deeds.. „O Allah! Guide him so he may continue making du‟aa. To ask Allah for taqwa.‟ The sahabi then concluded his du‟aa by saying.‟ Rasulullah then turned to the other sahabah and said. A SECRET DISCLOSED Hadhrat Moulana Zulfiqaar (daamat barakaatuhum) commented that a lot of people say that their du‟aas are not accepted. „taste the fire of jahannum. We are encouraged to request pious people to make du‟aa for us. You lie like a corpse in the night and waste time during the day. „if truth be told. Rasulullah taught the ummah through example to ask pious people to supplicate for them..‟ Listen attentively with the ears of the heart. but you refrain due to the fear of Allah. „my nafs got the better of me. then he won‟t run to the pharmacy to find big capsules and heavy concoctions.At that precise moment. Furthermore Hadhratjee advised that this method has been tried. „O Allah! Make taqwa their journey‟s provision and guide them in all their affairs. „O Allah! Make jannah their final destination. do not forget us in your du‟aas. Allah will definitely accept the du‟aa of such a person.‟ (Abu Daud. forgive us and shower your mercy on us. Hadhrat Anas repeated the du‟aa and then said.‟ Once again we learn the desirability of asking pious people to make du‟aa. we learn that we should seek forgiveness on behalf of ourselves and those who ask us to make du‟aa for them. „dear brother. but one refrains due to the fear of Allah. In addition. LESSON 10 REQUESTING DU’AAS FROM THE PIOUS Hadhrat Umar narrates that he once asked Rasulullah permission to perform Umrah. „you have begged from Allah using His ISMUL-A‟ZAM with which any du‟aa is accepted and with which anything asked for is granted. „I have heard Rasulullah say that verily the best of the taabi‟een shall be a man called Uwais.Ta’leemud-Du’aa Yes. „O Allah. Hadhrat Uwais Qarni (rahmatullahalayh) asked. „if you have been granted this.‟ 16 | P a g e also added. Grant us the best of this world.‟ Hadhrat Aseer bin Jareer narrates that when Hadhrat Umar requested Hadhrat Uwais Qarni (rahmatullahalayh) to seek forgiveness on his behalf.‟ Hadhrat Umar said.‟ Another narration states that Rasulullah him to seek forgiveness on their behalf. When such opportunity arises when one is alone and can possibly fulfil the desires of the heart and shaytaan is inciting one towards sin. you have been granted the best of this world and aakhirah. „whoever meets him should request . you may test it out. the best of the aakhirah and save us from jahannum. „this is something I would not exchange for the whole world. We should further ask Allah to shower His mercy and grant us the best of both worlds. Tirmidhi) We learn from this incident that it is desirable to ask the pious people for du‟aa (for us).‟ When they requested more du‟aa. „some of your brothers from Basrah have come to you so that you make du‟aa for them. when someone said to him. „how can I seek forgiveness on your behalf when you are a companion of the Prophet Muhammed ?‟ Umar replied. then this is the ideal moment to make du‟aa.‟ Hadhrat Anas immediately made du‟aa saying. Hadhrat Abdullah bin Umar narrates that Hadhrat Anas bin Malik was in Zawla (close to Basrah). Rasulullah granted him permission and said. Hadhrat Anas bin Malik narrates that Rasulullah once passed by Hadhrat Abu Ayash Zain bin Saamit Zuraqi while he was performing salaah and making du‟aa: When Rasulullah heard this he said.
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