T O O-INDEX-Volume-2

April 4, 2018 | Author: Asif Hassan | Category: Expense, Economies, Business



INDEXS.No. Particulars Reference No. & Date Page No. 1 As envisaged in the Discoms Financial Autonomy Plan vide reference 1st cited, APTRANSCO has coordinated and established the following Working Capital Limits from Banks to all the Discoms duly reducing the CC Limits of APTRANSCO Economy Measures to be implemented in APTRANSCO for improvement of Financial Performance – Reduction of expenditure by 10% w.e.f. 01-04-2003 – Orders issued. Lr.No.FA&CCA(R&A)/SAO(L)/ AO(L)/522/03, Dt. 04-04-03. 1 2 T.O.O.FA & CCA (A & E)/Ms. No. 05 Dated. 07-04-2003 5 3 ALLOWANCES – Dearness Allowance – Revision of rates of D.A. to employees of the Government of A.P. from 1st July 2002 in the revised pay scales 1993 – Adoption of the orders in respect of Government employees working on deputation in AP Transco and Discoms – Orders – Issued. T.O.O. (GM (IR)-Per) Ms.No. 27 Dated: 22-4-2003 8 4 ALLOWANCES – Dearness Allowance – Dearness G.O.Ms.No. 22 Allowance to the State Government employees drawing Dt. 04/02/2003 pay in the pre-revised scales from 1st July, 2002 – Sanctioned – Orders – Issued. ELECTRICITY – Transco of Andhra Pradesh Limited – Terms and conditions of the appointment of Chairman and Managing Director and Directors of Transco of Andhra Pradesh Limited – Enhancement of Telephone Operator Allowance and Security Guard Allowance – Orders – Issued. APED- APTRANSCO – Absorption of Services of employees on transfer from one company to another company – Certain Guidelines – Amendment orders – Issued. T.O.O.(P&G-Per)-Addl. Secy)Ms.No.29 Dt: 22-4-2003 9 5 10 6 T.O.O. (Per-Addl. Secy.) M.S.No.39 Dated: 30.04.2003 11 I S.No. Particulars Reference No. & Date Page No. 7 Transco – Manual for Purchase of Materials through Internal resources - approved – Reg. APTRANSCO – Reconstitution of Stores Purchase Committee - modified orders issued – Reg. T.O.CE (DFID&APL)/Ms.No.49 Dt.16-5-0203 T.O.O.CEE (DFID & APL) Ms. No. 50 Dt.17-5-2003 12 8 13 9 ALLOWANCES – Transfer Travelling Allowance (T.T.A.) T.O.O.(GM-(IR)-Per) Ms. No. 52 Rules – Revised – Orders – Issued. Dated: 19-5-2003. VEHICLE-CELL – A.P.TRANSCO – Constitution of T.O.O.(CEE/DFID&APL) Ms. No. 75 the committee to examine the requirements of vehicles Dated: 13-6-2003 and fix the norms for allotment / Providing of Vehicles for various field officers–Orders–Issued. Establishment – APTRANSCO – Engineering Service – Limited Recruitment – Filling up of Backlog vacancy of Assistant Engineer (Elecl.) – Reserved for P.H(Orthopaedic) – Orders – Issued. Estt - APTRANSCO Re-allocation of subjects under the control of Sri Dinesh Kumar, Joint Managing Director (HRD), Plg. & RA) to other DirectorsOrders Issued. Estt, - APTRANSCO-Recommendations of the Accounts Committee, constituted to identify surplus staff/posts in Accounts wing- Approval accorded. T.O.O. (Per-GM) Ms.No.80 Date: 16-06-2003. 15 10 16 11 18 12 T.O.O. (Per-Addl.Sec) Ms. No. 87 Dt. 2.7.2003 20 13 T.O.O. (Per-GM/P) Ms. No. 90 Date: 02-07-2003 21 14 TRANSCO OF A.P. LTD - P&G Service and Accounts T O O(GM(IR) - Per) Ms. No. 91 Service Regularisation of Services of Assistants, Dated: 4-7-2003 Assistant-cum-Computer operator, Typists and Steno-typists in P & G Service and L.D.C., Typists and Steno-typists in P&G Service and L.D.C., Typists and Steno-typists in Accounts service - Passing of tests orders - Issued. APTRANSCO-Reconstitution of Stores Purchase Committees Modified Orders-Issued - Reg. T.O.O.CEE (DFID&APL) Ms. No. 111 Dt. 18-7-2003 23 15 25 II S.No. Particulars Reference No. & Date Page No. 16 Estt. AP Transco - Implementation of the provisions of the EPF & MP Act, 1952 and the Employees’ Provident Funds Scheme, 1952 to the employees of AP Transco who were appointed and joined on or after 01-02-1999- Orders - Issued. T.O.O. (GM(IR) - Per) Ms. No. 114 Dt. 23-07-2003 27 17 APTRANSCO - Transfer Services of employees from T.O.O. (Per-Addl. Secy.) Ms. No. 115 one company to another company on deputation basis Dt. 24.07.2003 - Maintenance of Service Registers-Guidelines-Issued. VEHICLE - CELL - AP TRANSCO - Reconstitution T.O.O.CEE (DFID&APL)/Ms. No. 117 of Committees to examine the requirement of vehicles Dt. 31-7-2003. and for fixation of norms for allotment / providing of vehicles for various field officers-Modified-Orders-Issued. APTRANSCO - PENSIONS - AMENDEMENT to Sub-rule (5) of Rule 50 of Andhra Pradesh Revised pension Rules, 1980 - Orders - Issued. PENSION - Amendment to sub-rule (5) of Rule 50 of the Andhra Pradesh revised Pension Rules 1980 Orders - Issued. Sections - Amendment to A.P.S.E. Board Employees Revised Conduct Sections and Discipline & Appeal Regulations Orders-Issued. HRD - APTRANSCO - Absorption of services of employees on transfer from one company to another company - Guidelines for stipulation of the time limit Amendment issued. Estt - APTRANSCO - Constitution of a committee called “Suggestion Committee” to administer the Employees Suggestion Scheme - Orders - Issued. Provision of cellular telephones under CUG to the field officers of APTRANSCO orders-Issued. T.O.O. (GM(IR)-Per) Ms. No. 123 Dated. 12-8-2003 30 18 31 19 32 20 G.O.Ms.No.240 DATED. 1-6-1994 33 21 (GM (IR)-PER) MS. NO. 129 Dated. 23-8-2003 35 22 T.O.O. (Per. Addl. Secy.) M. No. 130 Dated. 23.08.2003 36 23 T.O.O. (Per.-GM/P) Rt. No. 147 Dated: 01-09-2003 37 24 T.O.O. (CE-Telecom) Ms.No.138 Dt. 02-09-2003. 38 III S.No. Particulars Reference No. & Date Page No. 25 APTRANSCO - INTERNAL AUDIT - Constitution of the Committee for conducting Interview for selection of 14 Chartered Accountants for assigning of Internal Audit Function on contract basis - Orders - Issued. APTRANSCO - Audit Committee U/S 292 A of the Companies Act, 1956 - Change name of the Members of the Committee - Orders - Issued. T.O.O. FA&CCA (A&E)/Ms. No. 139 Dated. : 02.09.2003 42 26 T.O.O. (ACS) Ms. NO. 140 Dated. 02.09.2003 43 27 Pension - A.P. Transco - Simplification of pension T.O.O. Rt. No. 152 applications and other forms prescribed orders-Issued. Dt. 05.09.2003 Welfare Measures - Vidyut Soudha Canteen Constitution of a revised Departmental Canteen Committee at Vidyut Soudha -Orders - Issued. Allowances - Dearness Allowance - Revision of rates of D.A. to employees of the Government of A.P. from 1st January 2003 in the revised pay Scales 1993 Adoption of the orders in respect of government employees working on deputation in AP Transco and Discoms - Orders - Issued. Allowances - Dearness Allowance - Dearness Allowance to the state government Employees drawing pay in the pre-revised scales of pay from 01.01.2003. Sanctioned - Orders - Issued. APTRANSCO - Award of contracts to relatives of officials / directors- Certain guidelines Issued. APTRANSCO - Award of contracts to the relatives of officials / Board of Directors in connection with the execution of works in APTRANSCO & DISCOMS Certain guidelines - Issued. T.O.O. (Per-DS (IR) Ms. No. 141 Dt. 5-9-2003 44 28 45 29 T.O.O.(GM. Per) Ms. No. 155 Dated. 24.9.2003 46 30 G.O.Ms. No. 392 Dated : 28.7.2003 47 31 T.O.O. (GM-Per) Ms. No.156 Dated: 24-09-2003 T.O.O. (GM.Per) Ms. No. 157 Dated. : 24.9.2003 49 32 52 33 Estt - APTRNSCO - Re-allocation of subjects among T.O.O. (Per-GM/P) Ms. No. 170 Joint Managing Directors and Directors-Orders-Issued. Dated: 20-10-2003 56 IV S.No. Particulars Reference No. & Date Page No. 34 AP TRANSCO - VEHICLE CELL-Hiring of VehiclesConstitutions of the committee to the numbers and Type of Veheciles to be hire for the Vidyut Soudha Officer - Orders- Issued. (CEE/DFID&APL) Ms. No.171 Dated: 20.10.2003 59 35 AP TRANSCO - Audit Committee U/S 292 A of the T.O.O. (ACS) Ms. No. 177 Companies Act, 1956 - Change in one of the Members Dated. 27.10.2003. of the Committee - Orders - Issued. AP TRANSCO - Reconstitution of Stores Purchase Committee Modified Orders - Reg. Estt. - APTRANSCO-Reconstitution of Suggestion Committee to administer the Employees suggestion Scheme - Orders - Issued. T.O.O.CEE/DFID&APL) Ms. No. 184 Dt. 31.10.2003 T.O.O. (Per-GM/P) Rt. No. 199 Dated. 15.11.2003 60 36 61 37 63 38 Allowances - Dearness Allowance - Revision of rates T.O.O. G.M. (HRD & Trg.) Ms. No. 200 64 of D.A. to the employees of the Government of AP from Dated : 20-11-2003. 1st July 2003 in the Revised Pay scales 1999 Adoption of the orders in respect of Government employees working on deputation in AP Transco and Discoms - Orders - Issued. Allowances - Dearness Allowance-Dearness Allowance G.O.(P) No. 475 to the State Government Employees from Dated. : 6.11.2003 1st July, 2003 - Sanctioned - Orders – issued. 65 39 40 AP TRANSCO - VEHICLE-CELL - Recommendations T.O.O. (CEE/DFID&APL) Ms. No. 201 69 of the Vehicles-Committee, Constituted to finalize Dated : 24-11-2003. the NORMS for allotting the vehicles and type of vehicles to the Vidyut Soudha Officers - Orders - Issued APTRANSCO - P&G SERVICES - Performance Indicators for the Personnel in APTRANSCO - Certain modification/Additions - Orders - Issued. Estt.- APTRANSCO - Redesignation of the post of General Manager (HRD & Training) as Chief General Manager (HRD & Training) - Orders Issued. T.O.O. (Addl. Secy) Ms. No. 202 Dated. : 24.11.2003 72 41 42 T.O.O. (Per-GM/P) Ms. No. 207 Dated. 2.12.2003 85 V S.No. Particulars Reference No. & Date Page No. 43 AP Transco - Medical reimbursement Scheme Constitution of Committee to review medical claims/ reimbursement and to evolve and Insurance Scheme for Employees APTRANSCO - COMMITTEES - Re-constitutions of Departmental Promotion Committee to various categories of posts in Class-I and Class II Services of AP Transco - Orders - Issued. AP TRANSCO-Vehicle-Committee-Recommendations and approved norms for providing Vehicles to the various field officers in AP Transco - Orders - Issued. Estt. APTRANSCO - Registration of the posts of certain Chief Engineers-Orders Issued. SPORTS-Incentives to Outstanding Sportsmen and Sports women of APTRANSCO / DISCOMS-RevisedOrders - Issued. T.O.O. (CGM (HRD&Trg) Ms.No.214 Dated. 12.12.2003 86 44 T.O.O.(CGM-HRD&TRG.) Ms.No.217 Dated. 18.12.2003 87 45 T.O.O. (CEE/DFID&APL) Ms.No. 219 Dated. : 29-12-2003. 92 46 T.O.O. (C.G.M.-HRD) Ms. No. 222 Date: 31.12.2003 T.O.O. (JMD/(V&S) Ms. No. 224 Dated. 31.12.2003 113 47 114 48 Estt.- AP Transco - Extension of provisions of the EPF T.O.O(CGM(HRD&TRG)-Per) Ms.No.227 & MP act, 1952 and the Employee's Provident funds Dt. 07.01.2004 scheme 1952 to the excluded employees of AP Transco who were appointed and joined on or after 01.02.1999and whose salary/wages exceeds Rs.6500/- PM- Orders- Issued. 118 49 REGULATIONS - AP TRANSCO - Appointment of the T.O.O. (CGM-HRD&Trg) Ms. No. 230 121 candidate possessing higher qualification than the Dated. : 12.1.2004 Prescribed qualification - Applicability of Government orders to the services under AP Transco and Discoms Order - Issued. T.O.O.(CGM-HRD&TRG) Per. Ms. No. 235 122 PAY SCALES - APTRANSCO & DISCOMS - Junior promoted to the higher post in regular line after Dated. 17.1.2004 introduction of Master scale i.e. 1-4-1998 and drawing more pay than the senior - Rectification of Pay anamoly - Orders - Issued. 50 VI Issued.O.A.O. 266 to Son / Daughter / Spouse of the employees of AP Date :13.O.2004 Transco and Discoms who retire on Medical invalidation Dispensed with .2.O. 116417/SER.Dearness Allowance G.Orders Issued.10. NO.No.2003 . Engineers / T.07.No.3.P. Allowance .Revision of T. 23.301 129 appointment to the dependents of Deceased Dt. 132 57 VII . Public Services . 08.Sanctioned orders Issued. Revised Pay scales.certain clarification . dependents of deceased Government employeesDated.O. T. Ms.03.(CGM (HRD&TRG)Ms.E.O.272 Elecl . 2003 in the Revised Pay scales 1993 Adoption of the orders in respect of employees working in AP Transco and Discoms and drawing pay in A.Issued. 1993 .Deanress Allowance .Non-passing of Accounts Test within the period Dated.307 131 Rates of D. and Issue of Attendance Certificate Extension .S. 51 APTRANSCO-Scheme of Compassionate appointment T.No.(CGM(HR & Trg. 130 55 56 ALLOWANCES . 96 to the State Government Employees drawing pay in the Dated.Compassionate appointment to the dependent married daughter Adoption of Government Orders-Orders-Issued.O.Issued.No.S.2. APTransco-Industrial Relations-Permission to pursue Union activities on “Full time basis” Grant of Special Casual Leave.) Ms.2004 pre-revised scales from 01.Compassionate Appointments to the Memo.2004 123 52 125 53 Estt. : 3.P.2004 of probation -Extension of probation by relaxation of Regulations and Declaration of completion of probationOrders Issued.Dearness Allowance . Dated. 127 54 AP TRANSCO .Orders . Particulars Reference No. APTRANSCO .2004 employees of APTransco & Discoms . 24.2003 Compassionate appointment to the dependent married daughter .O.Orders .) Ms.O. (CGM-(HRD&TRG) Per.2.A/2003-1.) Ms. No. to employees of the Government of A. : 17.CGM (HRD&TRG.2004 from 1st July. : 27.No. & Date Page No.Scheme of Compassionate T.2.(GM-HRD & Trg.268 Dated.O. No. Ms.O. Certain Asst. Tirupathi and Nellore – Orders –Issued.No.No.Secy) Ms.O.O.01 Dated::01.No. Comml. (Per –Addl.Secy. Addl.2004 VIII .S.No.27 167 Date: 12.allocation of subjects under the control of Sri G.O. FA&CCA (R&A)/ 141 SAO (B&R) /CIR/D.APTransco/SPDCL – Sanction for formation of 24 new Operation Sections in Operation Circles.(Per-CGM(HRD&Trg. General Manager / Corporate Communications (non –cadre ) by transfer as Chief General Manager /Corporate Communications – Orders – Issued.)} Ms.Appointment of Sri A.0.04. Vijayawada.O.O.25 Dated: 05-05-2004 153 64 65 T.O.12/04 Date:13. 23-4-2004 namely APTRANSCO Corporate Communication Media Service Orders – Issued. Secretary APTRANSCO – Orders –Issued Estt.Secy.No.O.No. JMD (HRD.(CE-Telecom)Ms No.No.Sai Prasad.04 T.04.(Per.2004 142 62 Provision of cellular telephones to the officers of APTRANSCO and four DISCOMs under the Closed User Group (CUG) of GOAP-Orders-Issued.02 Date: 03. T. & Date Page No. AP Transco –Loans and Advances – House Building Advance through Banks – Adoption of Government Orders –Orders –Issued.Addl. 137 61 Memo No.26 Dated: 12.05.0. – Dated: 07-4-2004 Orders – Issued LOC applications – Instructions-Reg.4.(Per-CGM/HRD &Trg) Ms.04 for reservation of accommodation. rates etc. 63 Estt –APTRANSCO Strengthening of Corporate T.) Ms.O.Chandra Sekhara Reddy.No.APTRANSCO – Re.O. Particulars Reference No. Ongole.O. 58 Estt-APTRANSCO–Re-allocation of certain subjects to the control of Addl. Estt..O.2004 135 60 APTRANSCO-Protocol – Guest House – Revised rules T.O.(Per–CGM/HRD&Trg)Ms.2004 166 66 T.O.17 151 Communication Cell Constitution of new Service Date. T. Establishment – APTRANSCO – Corporate Communication /Media Service.NO.04.O(Per-CGM/HRD&Trg) Ms.16 Date: 21.05.2004 134 59 T. IPC & Reforms) to other Directors – Orders –I ssued. Ms. 112 Sri G.No.04 174 72 T.08.08.JMD (HRD.O. 18-8-2004 73 APTRANSCO – Nomination and appointment of T. (Addl. & Date Page No.No.Secy.42.O(Per – Addl.2004 as Chairman & Managing Director /APEPDCL – Re-allocation of subjects under the control of JMD (HRD. Comml.Sai Prasad IAS . 179 Dated:.Ms No.69 Trainees selected under Half a Million Job programme Date: 25-06-2004 during 1973-1974 .Ms.O. 1961 for a period of one year 2004-2005 to be trained in APTRANSCO – Orders – Issued CTP-16/04 –A.Issued PROVIDENT FUND – Amendments to the General Provident Fund (Andhra Pradesh ) Rule.O. 67 ESTABLISHMENT –APTRANSCO.O.O.S.17285-645-19865-715-23440 – Orders-Issued T.1.73 Dated:1.O.Secy) Ms.No.Transco-P & G Service – Conversion of General Manager (IR) Post (Earlier upgraded from DS cadre) in the scale of pay of Rs.29-1-2003 171 71 T.2004.No.O.) Ms.2004 expenses – ORDER:s –Issued APTRANSCO – Social Security-cum-Provident Fund Booster Scheme-Adoption of G.No. Dated::29.Counting of training period beyond initial 9 months training period as envisaged in the scheme for purpose of pensionery benefits-Orders-Issued.Secy –Per) Ms.126 Companies Act.O.O. 1956. LEGAL CELL. IPC &Reforms) to other Directors – Orders –Issued APTRANSCO –Audit Committee U/S 292 A of the T.6. (Per – Addl.O.O(GM (HRD&Trg)Per) Ms.O.O.42 Dated.No 71 the Additional Secretary for sanction of Legal fee and Dated: 28.O. No..No.17930-645-19865715-23440 as Joint Secretary in the scale of Rs. (CGM-CTI) Ms. 1935 – Notification – Issued APTRANSCO – CTI Apprenticeship Training under the Provisions of Apprentice Act.No. (ACS) Ms.Stipendiary T. Reforms) Dated:18. APTRANSCO – Delegation of powers to T. Particulars Reference No. 110 Dated: 16.(Per-CGM/HRD&Trg)Ms.P.7.III. Comml.Changes in the Members of the Dated: 28-08-2004 Committee –Orders –Issued 180 74 181 IX .O. 168 68 169 69 170 70 G.2003-Orders . Comml.O.S.O.Secy ) Ms. Accounts Service and Personnel &General Service Orders –Issued APTRANSCO – PENSIONS.No. 156 Dt.CGM (HRD&Trg)Ms.2004 204 82 T. 174 Dated:: 28-10-2004 208 X .523 Committee constituted to look into the Anomalies Date:22-06-2004 arising out of recommendations of the pay Revision Commission .140 Dated: 14-9-2004 182 76 184 77 185 78 Pensions –Recommendations of the Anomalies G.No:128 employees to APGENCO and Discoms and vice Versa Dated: 1. 8.O.No.Issued Regulations –Constitution of Committee to examine the T. (J.No. No. No.O.O. & GO) Ms.S-Per) Ms.O.O.(CGM (HRD&Trg) Ms No 144 Dated: 22.No 135 minimum service requirement prescribed in the Date 10-9-2004 APSEB Service Regulations as adopted by the APTRANSCO for promotion to next higher post in the APTRANSCO in Engineering Service.Ms.O. & Date Page No.10.Upgradation of one post of Finacial Adviser and chief controller of Accounts as Executive Director (Accounts) temporarily for a period up to 28-2-2005.(P) No.Addl. (Per-Addl. 1999 Definition of ‘Family’ for purpose fo family pension –Inclusion of widowed /divorced daughers and dependent parent – Implemented – Orders –issued Delegation of Powers –Reimbursement of Medical Charges –Delegation of powers to JMD (HRD.O.O.O.9.166 Dated: 18.Secy.APTRANSCO. (JS-Per) Ms. 75 Estt-APTRANSCO – Deputations –Deputation of T.O.O.Definition of “Family” for the purpose of Family Pension –Inclusion of widowed/ divorced daughter and dependent parents – Orders of overnment –Adopted T.Orders –Issued T. Dir (Tr.09.2004 190 81 T. Particulars Reference No.2004 Contributions towards Leave Salary and Pension Contributions in respect of Deputationist –Orders.2004 186 79 188 80 T.O.10. IPC&Reforms ) – Orders – Issued Detailed Instructions for preparation of Estimates for new EHV Transmission Lines & Sub-stations – Orders – Issued APTRANSCO–Procedures for inter corporate funds /inter corporate investments in the Transmission and Distribution Sector –Orders –Issued ETP-Estt.O. Secy-Per)Ms.O.O.O.O. (CE-Telecom) Ms.Delegation of powers –Delegation to Joint Secretary /Chief General Manager (HRD &Trg.(JS) /MS.O.O (CE-Construction) Ms.Issued.No.) and Director incharge of HRD. No. & Date Page No.issued Regulations.201 Dated:18.O.197 215 Dated: 03-12-2004 89 ANDHRA PRADESH TRANSMISSION CORPORATION G. 83 Sanction of IT core group for development of IT T.No .177 210 basis of Internal Rate of Return – guide lines for uniform Dated: 05.O (Addl.Accounts services – performance indicators for the personnel in APTRANSCO-Methodology for appraisal of performance-modified . Ms. Particulars Reference No. 135 OF LIMITED – Nomination and Appointment of the Dated: 28-10-2004 new subscribers /Shareholders of the company – Orders– issued APTRANSCO.O.2004 procedure to be followed in APTRANSCO Arrangements.CE (Comml.Secy) Ms. (Per –Addl Scey) Ms.11.O.No. T.(ADDL.2004 216 90 217 XI .O.183 Dated: 10-11-2004 213 87 T.No195 Date 3-12-2004 214 88 T.O.Orders . APTRANSCO to sanction expenditure for meetings-Orders.IT) Ms.O.S. No.Constitution of Revised committee to examine the minimum service requirement Prescribed in the APSEB service regulations as adopted by the APTransco for promotion to next higher post in the APTransco is Engineering Service.No. Accounts Service and -Personnel &General Service – Orders Issued Provision of cellular telephones in CUG –Payment of monthly bills –Amendment to the existing procedure –Orders – Issued APTRANSCO – Nomination and Appointment of the new Subscribers/ Shareholders of the company – Orders of the Government – Recorded T.No.O.O. 182 Date 9-11-2004 212 84 85 86 T.No.NO.175 209 Applications–Formation of a core Group-Orders–Issued Dated: 28-10-04 Transmission Project evaluation methodology on the T.12. Ms.05.05.O.No 274 in Promotions in favour of scheduled castes and Date 10.O. No.Amendment to Sub-rule (7) of Rule 9 of Andhra Pradesh Revised Pension Rules.O.Recovery of Government dues from the pensionary benefits .3. 91 PENSIONS . 47 Dated : 31.No.No.O (Addl.O.2000 309 97 G.No.Rules 2000 Orders . No. & Date Page No.P. 270 Dated : 03.O. Secy-Per) Ms. 1980 Recovery of AP Transco dues from the Pensionary benefits -Orders .W. (Addl. Revised Pension Rules.Ms. 91 Dated 23-12-2004 313 98 APTRANSCO–Implementation of Rule of Reservation T.O. 47. No.3.Adopted The Andhra Pradesh Scheduled Castes (Rationalization of Reservations) .APTRANSCO & DISCOMs . S.2005 301 92 G.220 Dated : 20.O. Particulars Reference No. No.Issued Welfare measure-Vidyut Soudha Canteen-Constitution of a revised Departmental Canteen Committee at Vidyut Soudha . Secy-Per) Ms.Order .O.Order .(IS-Per) Ms.Adjustment by recovery of excess amount due to release of erroneous increments after commencement of probation .O. 263 Dated : 1-3-2005 304 94 T.2005 scheduled Tribles–Policy of providing Rule of reservation in promotion in favour of scheduled castes and scheduled tribes–amendment and modification Orders to comprehensive guidelines–government Orders–adopted XII 314 .Amendment to Sub-rule (7) of Rule 9 of A.Passing of Departmental tests during the period of probation to certain categories of employees in Accounts Service & P&G Service .01. 995 Dated 21-12-2002 302 93 T.Adopted Pension-Administrative Reforms .2000 – Cancellation – Orders – Issued T.O.APTransco . 273 Dated : 10.secy Per )Ms.Instructions .O.Ms. 2000 issued in G.O. dated 31.03.Issued Regulations .S.Secy-Per) Ms. (Addl.2005 307 95 T.Issued The Andhra Pradesh Scheduled Castes (Rationalisation of Reservation) Ruls 2000 Government Orders .Issued SOCIAL WELFARE DEPARTMENT – Andhra Pradesh Scheduled Castes (Rationalization of Reservations) Rules. (CV1) Department.2005 308 96 G.O.Ms.No. 1980 . (Addl. No. NO.02.O. Particulars Reference No. APTRANSCO–ES–Appoinment of Graduate Sub Engineers /Diploma Sub –Engineers (Mechanical &Civil) to the category of Assistant Engineert/ Additional Assistant Engineer (Mechanical &Civil) – Relaxation of the provision for recruitment–Orders–Issued T.16 of providing Rule of Reservation in promotions in favour DATE.03.O.2005 325 326 XIII .SECY) Ms.03.03.No.O.O (CGM /HRD&Trg) Ms.No.O.O.Ms.O.NO.17 and sub ordinate services–Rule ofg Reservation in Dated: : 17.2005 of SCs/STs – Modification –ORDER:s –Issued 316 100 Social Welfare Department–Public Services.MS.03.2005 318 319 321 G.297 Date: 31.O.2005 Scheduled Tribes Catetgories in the State and sub ordinate services –Policy of providing Rule of Reservation in Promotion in Favour of Scs/STs – Amendment – Orders –issued 102 APTRANSCO –Institution of Committee to examine insurance Coverage to the fixed asset of APTRANSCO –Orders –Issued 103 APTRANSCO–O&M Establishment–Promotion to Un-qualified O&M staff to next higher post-exemption from education qualification on one ltime basis – guidelines–Issued T.no 294 Dated: 31.(ADDL. 99 Social Welfare Department–Public Services –Policy G.No.18 Representation of Scheduled Castes and Dated: : 17. 17.2005 323 104 ESTT -APTRANSCO–ES–Appointment of Graduate T.278 Dated: 21.S.2005 Promotions in favour of SCs/Sts –under Article 16 (4A) of the Constitution of India – Amendment –Orders –issued 101 Social Welfare Department –Public ServicesG.2005 Engineer – Relaxation of the provision for recruitment – Orders–Issued 105 Estt.MS.02.NO. & Date Page No.296 Sub Engineers (Elect) to the category of Assistant Date: 31.State G.O.O. CE/ Transmission /Ms.No.02.O0. (CGM/HRD&Trg) Ms. & Date Page No.3.O.S.O. No 319 Techincal Commiottee constituted to review the cadre Date: 29. Particulars Reference No. 106 Estt-APTRANSCO –Reccommendations of the T.2005 strength –allotment of ADE/EL and AE/AAE/EL posts – Orders–Issued 327 XIV .No. (Per Addl Secy ) Ms. 2 XV .Os AND CIRCULARS (FROM JANUARY 1999 TO MARCH 2009) VOLUME .TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED IMPORTANT T.O. 02. Sd/Chairman & Managing Director 1 .2003 and it is requested to take necessary steps for implementation of the same.No.CMD/NPDCL/Warangal/D. Khiartabad. APTRANSCO has coordinated and established the following Working Capital Limits from Banks to all the Discoms duly reducing the CC Limits of APTRANSCO.TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED (A Govt. 22.FA&CCA(R&A)/SAO(L)/AO(L)/412/03. Lr.02. Lr. Hyderabad-82 Lr.03. *** As envisaged in the Discoms Financial Autonomy Plan vide reference 1st cited.FA&CCA(R&A)/SAO(L)/AO(L)/414/03. SBI.FA&CCA(R&A)/SAO(L)/AO(L)/55/02. SBI. SBM & BOI SBH. Dt.6136/03.00 35.00 NAME OF THE BANK SBH. 2.No. Dt. Dt. SBI. Yours faithfully. APTRANSCO. PABX : 3396000 From To The Chairman & Managing Director. of Andhra Pradesh Enterprise) Vidyut Soudha.Regarding.4. NPDCL’s Lr. BOI & IOB In view of the above and as per the suggestions/requests made by CMD’s/Director (Finance) of all the Discoms on the captioned subject.03. in Crs. Sub:.No.3. 22. Dt. an amendment to the Discoms Financial Autonomy is enclosed herewith. Encl: As above. The Chairman & Managing Director. Hyderabad – 500 082. 22.No.3. DISCOM EPDCL SPDCL CPDCL NPDCL WORKING CAPITAL LIMIT 35.No. Rs.Amendment to the DISCOMs Financial Autonomy Plan . Sir. Lr.3.3. 22. APCPDCL/APNPDCL.00 35.00 55. Vidyut Soudha. SBI. 6.3. The amendment to the Discoms Financial Autonomy Plan will come into effect from 1. 04-04-03. 5.No. Ref:1. duly confirming the details of the amendments enclosed. APEPDCL/APSPDCL.FA&CCA(R&A)/SAO(L)/AO(L)/522/03.02. 24. SBM & BOI SBH.02.5. 3. Dt. Dt. CPDCL’s Statement Dated. 4.FA&CCA(R&A)/SAO(L)/AO(L)/413/03. Lr. 17.No. BOI & IOB SBH. Pension Funds and GPF. Discoms and GOAP. the LT collections of Medak and Nalgonda circles will be permitted to be retained to meet their employee cost i.. 2 .04.e. 7. Similar to the EPDCL. EPDCL will be given full financial autonomy i. the debit notes will be issued to the respective Discoms as per the procedure in vogue. The operation lease agreements i. Klen & Marshall and Asian Electronics are to be serviced by the respective discoms without seeking funds from APTRANSCO. 4.. 6.e. As a ‘’Roll over model’.2003. The Discoms shall execute all loan agreements in respect of the new schemes proposed with effect from 01. The loan receipts will also be directly received by the EPDCL in respect of ongoing schemes. the other Discoms will be permitted to retain the L T collections of the Headquarter circle of the respective Discoms to meet the monthly commitment of salaries & wages etc. the debt obligations of the present loan and future loans are to be met by them by executing Multipartite Agreement among the Lender.03. CPDCL CIRCLES TIRUPATHI WARANGAL MEDAK & NALGONDA (*NOTE: The reasons for allotment of above circles have been mentioned in the statement enclosed. Therefore..AMENDMENT TO THE DISCOMS FINANCIAL AUTONOMY PLAN 1. Hyderabad and Rangareddy Circles have already been earmarked to the Escrow Account of M/s. Discoms shall not draw funds from the No-Lien Account and shall not issue any instructions to the Banker where No-lien account is being maintained. The receipts of all the expenditure units will be permitted to be retained by the discoms without routing through the No-Lien account. Chairman & Managing Director 5.2003 and shall be serviced by them. In respect of other discoms. In case of CPDCL.e. However this aspect will be reviewed after 6 months. 3. the LT collections of the Headquarters i. APTRANSCO will continue debt service obligations of the loans already executed on behalf of discoms up to 31. AP Transco. Accordingly.e.GVK Industries Ltd.) 2. Salaries & Wages. The details of the allotment of circles to the Discoms to meet the employee’s costs are as follows: NAME OF THE DISCOM 1. SPDCL 2. NPDCL 3. C.39 1.23 KARIMNAGAR (Opted by Discom) 17.93 11.82 -1.80 11.29 4. CIRCLE AVERAGE MONTHLY DEMAND (APRIL/02 TO FEB/03) AVERAGE MONTHLY COLLECTIONS (APRIL TO FEB/03) 9.P.39 5.36 EMPLOYEE COST PER MONTH COST DEMAND VIS-À-VIS EMPLOYEE COST COLLECTIONS VIS-À-VIS EMPLOYEE COST MEDAK & NALGONDA (Proposed by APTRANSCO) RR SOUTH & KURNOOL (Opted by Discom) 23.D.31 C.73 -4. CIRCLE AVERAGE MONTHLY DEMAND (APRIL/02 TO FEB/03) AVERAGE MONTHLY COLLECTIONS (APRIL TO FEB/03) 17. COLLECTIONS VIS-À-VIS EMPLOYEE COST Rupees in Crs.L STATEMENT SHOWING THE DETAILS OF THE AVERAGE MONTHLY DEMAND. COLLECTIONS VIS-À-VIS EMPLOYEE COST Rupees in Crs.42 -0.12 21.53 10.03 26.85 3 .C.P.N.D.11 6.11 3.L STATEMENT SHOWING THE DETAILS OF THE AVERAGE MONTHLY DEMAND.68 26.88 EMPLOYEE COST PER MONTH DEMAND VIS-À-VIS EMPLOYEE COST COLLECTIONS VIS-À-VIS EMPLOYEE COST WARANGAL (Proposed by APTRANSCO) 14.24 21. 2. if Employees cost is compared with the collections in respect of the circles proposed by APTRANSCO. The shortfall can be met by the Discom from their CC Limits/improving collections against demand and also accumulated arrears.C.37 21.P.D.L STATEMENT SHOWING THE DETAILS OF THE AVERAGE MONTHLY DEMAND.97 4. COLLECTIONS VIS-À-VIS EMPLOYEE COST Rupees in Crs.23 crores per month for NPDCL.42 EMPLOYEE COST PER MONTH COST DEMAND VIS-À-VIS EMPLOYEE COST COLLECTIONS VIS-À-VIS EMPLOYEE COST TIRUPATHI (Proposed by APTRANSCO) 17.98 GUNTUR (Opted by Discom) 21.60 It could be seen from the above statements that.1. the Employees Cost is less than the average monthly demand in respect of circles proposed by APTRANSCO.40 4. 4 .08 -2.48 16. Rs.03 crores for CPDCL and Rs. the short fall of funds is Rs. CIRCLE AVERAGE MONTHLY DEMAND (APRIL/02 TO FEB/03) AVERAGE MONTHLY COLLECTIONS (APRIL TO FEB/03) 13.S.00 16.40 1. Even.4.98 crores for SPDCL. 2/594/92.DM (GS-1)/Veh-Cell. DP/DM/IR/P. when compared with the expenditure incurred in the last year. The 95 code facility to all the phones shall be disconnected in order to have all the phone Nos. & General expenses. Please ensure that STD calls are made only for official works and which are need based. Dt./ Departmental Nos. it is felt necessary to issue the following instructions for keeping the expenditure within cash grants already communicated under each head. 3) Vehicle: An abnormal increase has been recorded under expenditure on Departmental vehicles and Hire vehicles during the year to end of 02/2003.No. 01-04-2003 – Orders issued. No.No.O. so that the personnel calls can be identified and kept in the personnel account of the officer/staff. Dt.P. T.e. The register of STD calls shall be maintained at all offices where it permitted.20-10-92. to whom the calls are made so as to verify at a later date.f. The Board of APTRANSCO has reviewed the abnormal increase in expenditure as furnished in the ARR for the year 2003-2004. The vehicle shall be engaged as per the rates fixed by A. 1) Telephones: The expenditure on Telephones shall be reviewed every month and reduced to the bearest minimum duly following the ciling limits as prescribed in the Memo.23-6-89.O. Bills: An abnormal increase of expenditure has been recorded under the head ‘’Travelling Allowance” during the financial year i.No. The telephone calls made during the month shall be reviewed duly verifying the official Nos. Every month 5 . 2) T. A Register for the trips made by the vehicle and both incoming time & outgoing time is to be maintained by the officer who is utilizing the vehicle. Departmental vehicle shall be utilized strictly for the departmental works only. The controlling and sanctioning officers shall be held responsible in case of any tour found to be fictitious/unwarranted. A need has arisen to gear up the internal control towards reduction of expenditure on Adm. Dt. & General expenses is large & beyond limits set for the year.DS (Per. No. in the following key areas which are detailed below.. the controlling officer will be held responsible. Any deviation in this regard.O.FA & CCA (A & E)/Ms. Daily trip sheets shall invariably be attached to the bills strictly and trips restricted to the kilometers allowed to the officers concerned without any relaxation of the orders issued in this regard.O.27-122000. No Vehicles should be engaged on hire by any officer for any purpose without obtaining approval of APTRANSCO as per the conditions stipulated in Memo. to end of 02/2003.O. Dt. Hence the expenses on Travelling may be cut down duly following the limitations of 12 trips imposed vide Board Memo.Transco vide T. 2-2/640/89-6.210.TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED VIDYUT SOUDHA : : HYDERABAD ABSTRACT Economy Measures to be implemented in APTRANSCO for improvement of Financial Performance – Reduction of expenditure by 10% w. & General Expenditure and R & M.)/PO-X/106/X2/98-1. A log book shall be maintained duly recording the trips made by the officer and the expenditure incurred there on.e. it has been observed that expenditure being incurred against R & M and Adm. when compared with the expenditure incurred in the last year. 05 ORDER: Dated. capital etc.25-5-98 scrupulously.A. 07-04-2003 On review of the expenditure to end of 02/2003 of field units. In order to have better control over the budget and to curtail expenditure on the R & M and Adm. No officer should exceed his powers delegated by the APTRANSCO.Transco. No bills (diesel / petrol / repairs) shall be admitted without recording them in the log book by the drawing / disbursing officer.P. 7) Chit Agreements.0.C.Ms. a) No chit agreements shall be entered into by ADE/DEE for any purpose.149. If any excess expenditure is warranted / necessary prior approval shall be obtained from A.20. As against the original agreement / contract concluded by the H. while placing new Pos for purchase of materials worth more than Rs. 6) Inventory Control: The inventories are to be procured as and when necessary duly following the procedures in vogue strictly. Expenditure” during the year to end of 02/2003 when compared to last year. Thus the DE shall not order into either Chit or K2 Agreements.00 Lakhs status on the stock of said material shall be indicated therein. 05-10-1996. Disciplinary action shall be taken on the officers violating the above orders and if any Agreement is entered into by any officer contrary to the above orders.P.). APTRANSCO). as per B.P.2.219.P. 6 .No. expenditure shall be restricted to the extent of budget provision only. age-wise / value-wise so that idle stores are eliminated. The log books are to be sent to DE/Vehicle Cell every month for recording the same (mileage per litre and expenditure per KM). no supplementary agreements shall be entered into without the approval of competent authority (i.Transco. in order to bring the value of the work within his delegated powers. As per the instruction of A. b) The SEs/CEs concerned shall enter into.e.000/.P. Tenders for procurement of Printing & Stationery shall be floated from the Registered Vendors as per B. No officer should purchase the material beyond the cash grant allotted and beyond the delegated powers. Further there should be periodical analysis of stores.No. Where the performance of the Departmental vehicle is found considerably poor or below the”Average Mileage” prescribed or found ‘’Not road worthy” such vehicles should be stopped immediately and recommended for survey report to dispose off those vehicles. Expenditure: Abnormal increase in expenditure has been recorded under the head ‘’Misc.Ms. the amount paid shall be kept in the personnel account of the concerned officer. This has to be controlled and minimized duly reviewing the expenditure incurred every month. K2 Agreements and LS agreements only on the indents placed by the DEs concerned.per each occasion. 4) Printing & Stationery: Huge expenditure has been recorded against Printing & Stationery to end of 02/2003 exceeding the budget provision of Rs. 5) Misc. Dt. which is meant for petty payments. The inventories should not be procured unless there is an indent from the concerned and should not be kept idle in stores so as to avoid locking up of funds of APTRANSCO. Dt. 15-11-1995. The SEs shall send the monthly return of agreements entered into to FA&CCA (A&E) by 5th of succeeding month.70 Lakhs without obtaining approval of APTRANSCO.Qrs. LPOs shall be placed after obtaining approval from S. the APTRANSCO has imposed the following restrictions in concluding the Chit / K2 / LS Agreements. similarly no work should be split. The monthly return on purchase orders placed shall be sent to FA & CCA (A&E) by 5th of succeeding month.the average expenditure per KM and mileage per liter should be arrived at so as to justify the performance of the vehicle (Dept. K2 Agreements & others: For achieving substantial savings and also to curtail infractions expenditure. The value of K2 Agreements shall be limited to Rs. are to be reviewed periodically. so as to enable transfer of the capital works in progress to fixed assets and thereby getting benefit of depreciation through ARR. The instructions issued vide Memo. heavy and scrub) etc. 13) Verification by Internal Audit: The AOs/IA shall verify / check the implementation of the above austerity measures by the officers concerned scrupulously during their local inspections every month.GM/IR/AS/IR/PO-II/A2/97/2003 Dt. driving etc.. If any deviations are found.e. 12) 10% Economy cut in Expenditure: All the functional heads and officers concerned are hereby advised to follow the austerity measures scrupulously as prescribed above and cut-down the total expenditure at least by 10% per annum in each unit on all Heads of Revenue expenditure. (C. stringent action will be taken against the officers responsible. 11) Taxes and other duties: The Income Tax. Such expenditure should be shown under capital works in progress invariably. typing.. Should be implemented scrupulously. should also attend to the works relating to tree cutting. If any cases found involving boosting up of expenditure on transformer repair etc. The instructions issued in T.E/Trans.. jungle clearance (light. custom’s duty etc. Any deviation in implementing the above orders will be viewed seriously. it is observed that the capital expenditure such as cost of Power Transformer etc.14-2-2003. may be permitted to hold Permanent Imprest to a tune of Rs. No extra expenditure shall be incurred on tree cutting or jungle clearance by entering agreements separately. 10) Capital works expenditure and fixed assets: The expenditure on capital works is to be reviewed and the expenditure is to be incurred strictly as per sanctioned estimates only. the AO/IA shall bring the same to the notice of management of APTRANSCO for initiating disciplinary action against the officers responsible. without prior approval from APTRANSCO. Of late.S. No contract labour on works contract shall be engaged towards Manning of sub-station. 9) Repairs and Maintenance: An abnormal increase of expenditure has been recorded under the head ‘’Repairs and Maintenance” during the financial year i.294.No. The CEs/SEs concerned shall keep a watch and devies suitable measures to control R & M expenditure.)Ms. Hence the expenditure incurred on R & M need to be controlled/ minimized and the expenditure on repairs of transformers etc.O.. 8) Emergency Expenditure: The concerned AEs / ADEs.14-2-2003 shall be followed strictly. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED) RACHEL CHATTERJEE CHAIRMAN & MANAGING DIRECTOR APTRANSCO 7 . The Gangmen who are engaged on works contract for attending Breakdowns and Maintenance.O. Sales Tax. The above austerity measures will come into force with effect from 01-04-2003.No.each to meet emergency and contingency expenditure subject to verification and scrutiny by the DEs / SEs for their reasonability and essentiality.1000/.No work shall be taken up without sanction of estimates and necessary budget provision and no expenditure shall be exceeded over and above the estimate under any circumstances. Dt. to end of 02/2003. who is in charge of O & M of 132 KV / 220 KV.. are to be paid timely by applying LOC separately. It is pertinent to mention that the capital works are to be completed as per schedule and fact informed to headquarters through statement VII.S. Any deviation in this regard should be kept under personal account of the concerned officer responsible. breakdown gangs. are shown in R & M works which is to be avoided. G.I) Deptt.8950/-.1.No.Ms.18. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------2. 4.2002.86 Dt.713 Finance (PC.I) Deptt. T.2003.O.O. from 1st July 2002 in the revised pay scales 1993 – Adoption of the orders in respect of Government employees working on deputation in AP Transco and Discoms – Orders – Issued.6878/-. 82.11.Ms.O. T. 3. DINESH KUMAR JOINT MANAGING DIRECTOR 8 .. G.2001.2003.2001. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Pay upto Rs. Dt.. (P) No.820/.70 Dt.22 Finance (PC. 12. *** Dated: 22-4-2003.A.p. (GM (IR)-Per) Ms. G. T.693 Finance (PC. (GM (IR)-Per) Ms.158 Dt. 12.I) Deptt.2001. Dt. 30.9.No. T.O. 8.5.P.O. Dt. 16-4-2003.No.O.I) Deptt. Dt.O.6878/and upto Rs.5..No.22 Finance (PC. 7. T.O.690 Finance (PC. G. (GM (IR)-Per) Ms. Basic pay above Rs. The Revised rates of Dearness Allowances are indicated hereunder: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Pay Range Cumulative rate of D.998 Finance (PC.O. Dt..O.O.No.6.O.2002.198 Finance (PC. 5. Read the following:- ORDER: The Transmission Corporation of Andhra Pradesh Limited directs that the orders issued in G. 4.602 Finance (PC.O. and a maximum of Rs.I) Deptt.2002.12. 4.TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED VIDYUT SOUDHA : : HYDERABAD – 82.O.m 91.2002.No.8% of Pay subject to a maximum of Rs.380/107.8950/-. (P) No.9..No. Basic pay above Rs.14% of pay subject to a minimum of Rs.820/.(GM(IR)-Per)Ms. 11. Dated.2.280 Dt. ABSTRACT ALLOWANCES – Dearness Allowance – Revision of rates of D.839/D(F)/2003. T.p.Ms. (GM (IR)-Per) Ms. 10.No. to employees of the Government of A.6. This order issues with the concurrence of Director (Finance) vide U.185 Dt. 23.55% of pay subject to a minimum of Rs. Dt. (P) No.11.No.p..O.2.9.No. Dt. 19.O.I) Department.m.O.2002.2002.O. 27.O.7. (GM (IR)-Per)Ms. 23.380/. 13. 18.m. 25.No.I) Deptt. 9.6.2001.2003 (copy enclosed) shall be made applicable to the employees of the Government of Andhra Pradesh working in AP Transco and Discoms on deputation and drawing their pay in the Government revised Pay Scales 1993.O.6. 23. G.7. 6. 2. 27 1. (P) No.I) Deptt. G. Dt.Ms.A. G.O. 2002.Ms.820/. Dated.p.O. Degree Colleges.5.6. also workcharged Establishment who get monthly pay regular scale of pay in the Revised Pay Scales. 1993 from 1st July. G. Cumulative rate of DA 107.m.O.No.No. Gram Panchayat Municipalities.. Teaching and Non-Teaching of Zilla Parishads.2002. Dt. Mandal Parishads.693.2002. Junior Colleges. 1998. 4.1933.12.I) Department Dated.I) Department Dated.713.PC. Agricultural Market Committees. Finance (PC. 22 1. and upto Rs. G. 2. 3.7.9. Municipal Corporation.(P) No. 2002 – Sanctioned – Orders – Issued.I) Department Dated. 3. Finance (PC.8950/- The Dearness Allowance sanctioned in the above para shall payable to : a) All Government employees.6878/and a maximum of Rs. G. Finance (PC. FINANCE DEPARTMENT PAY COMMISSION – I Section G.162. 30. 9 . 12.O.6.9.380/p.O.8% of pay subject to a maximum of Rs. 2002 at the following rates: Pay Range Pay upto Rs. 04/02/2003 Read the following:G.(P) No.O.380/Basic Pay above Rs.m.14% of pay subject to a minimum of Rs.6878/91.m. b) Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff of Aided Institutions viz.p.998.Ms. *** ORDER: Government hereby order the revision rates of Dearness allowance sanctioned in the Government order 2nd read with 3rd above to the State Government employees drawing pay in the Andhra Pradesh Revised Pay Scales. 23.COPY OF: GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH ABSTRACT ALLOWANCES – Dearness Allowance – Dearness Allowance to the State Government employees drawing pay in the pre-revised scales from 1st July.7. Polytechnics and Schools who are drawing pay in the Revised Pay Scales.820/. employees of Grandhalaya Samsthas.No.Ms.55% of Pay subject to a minimum of Rs. 1998.I) Department.8950/82. Finance and Planning (FW. Basic Pay above Rs. 20. O.3. Joint Managing Directors and all Directors (whole time) of A. dt:9-4-2003. Directs that the Chairman and Managing Director.. dt:7-8-2002.P.O.P.per month which would be equivalent to the monthly wages of a skilled worker as per the notification of the Commissioner of Labour.365.P.No.No. A. 2) The Commissioner of Labour.P.2080/.TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED VIDYUT SOUDHA : HYDERABAD-82. vide U. ELECTRICITY – Transco of Andhra Pradesh Limited – Terms and conditions of the appointment of Chairman and Managing Director and Directors of Transco of Andhra Pradesh Limited – Enhancement of Telephone Operator Allowance and Security Guard Allowance – Orders – Issued. Secy. 4) These orders are issued with the concurrence of the Director (Finance). the Transco of A. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE CHAIRMAN AND MANAGING DIRECTOR.O.202.O. Secy.3.O.O. 2) T. orders were issued that all the Directors (whole time) shall be paid ‘Telephone Operator Allowance’ and ‘Security Guard Allowance’ each at the rate of Rs.O.P. Transco shall be paid ‘Telephone Operator Allowance’ and ‘Security Guard Allowance’ each at an enhanced rate of Rs. dt:22-4-1998.400/. (Per-Addl. Published in the A.O.29 Dt: 22-4-2003 Read the following:- 1) T. Ltd.P. Transco of A. (P&G. Secy.400/. (Per-Addl.O. Dt: 27-8-99.) Ms.) Ms. Gazette No.(Rupees three thousand and four hundred only) per month with effect from 1st April.746/D(F)/03.No.per month vide notification published in the A. has revised the rates of wages in respect of skilled workers and fixed at Rs. It is also ordered that the persons engaged by the Directors in this connection will have no direct or indirect relationship with the Transco for all purposes.TRANSCO) RACHEL CHATTERJEE CHAIRMAN AND MANAGING DIRECTOR 10 .No. 3) After careful consideration. AP. Dt: 4-12-2002. T. *** In the T. A.Per)-Addl. Ltd.P. Gazette No. 1st cited.280.239.) Ms. 2003. APTRANSCO – Absorption of Services of employees on transfer from one company to another company – Certain Guidelines – Amendment .13.12. 1st cited.O. T.O.O.S.O.S.No.O.04.39 Ref: 1.O. AMENDMENT For the existing item (d) in para 3 of the T. Some of the employees Associations/Unions have represented on the above guidelines.. Secy. (Per-Addl. the following shall be substituted.O. The other conditions mentioned in the T.No.T. namely:(d) The absorption of services of an employee shall be considered in the category or grade in a class of service in which the candidate is allotted in the option process to a company to an equivalent category or grade in a class of the same service or different services but not in promotional category subject to the condition that (1) The employee forfeits his/her lien and seniority on a permanent or officiating post in the category or grade in the class of the service in the company to which he/she belongs and accepts last rank in the seniority fixed for that category or grade in the class of service or different service in the other company with reference to the date of his / her appointment in the latter (transferee) company.O. 1st Cited.TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED VIDYUT SOUDHA :: HYDERABAD ABSTRACT APED. (Per-Addl. Dated.O.orders – Issued.) M.02 2. shall stand unaltered. Secy.O.01. The APTRANSCO after careful consideration issues the following amendment to existing item (d) of para 3 of the T.2003 Read the following:- (2) 11 . Dated.1st & 2nd cited Certain guidelines were issued for absorption of the services of employees on transfer from one company to another company. (Per-Addl.O.O.29.TRANSCO) RACHEL CHATTERJEE CHAIRMAN AND MANAGING DIRECTOR Dated: 30.O.O. 1st & 2nd cited. Secy.T. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF CHAIRMAN AND MANAGING DIRECTOR / AP.282.03 *** ORDER: In the T.S.) M.No.244.) M. Dt.1025. Accordingly. Consequent to the reorganization of APSEB into APGenco. Raju. In the reference first read above. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF APTRANSCO) RACHEL CHATTERJEE CHAIRMAN & MANAGING DIRECTOR 12 . 4-11-89 ORDER: Dt. Dt.49 1) BPM1. Raju.16-5-0203 Read the following:- 1. in modification of the orders issued vide references (1) & (2) cited.) as Consultant for development of Procurement Manual with the following terms of reference. The Manual was discussed in the Board of Directors meetings of APTransco held on 12-12-02. Transmission and other purchase of similar nature of works. and introduced vendor registration system in order to eliminate avoidable delays in procurement of the materials. AP to assist in development of procurement manual for Transco and Discoms. 2. To suggest procurement procedures or guidelines that will ensure maximum transparency and will be based on best practices in other institutions of state/country. V. the erstwhile APSEB approved the general financial terms and conditions applicable to all Chief Engineers for purchase of materials required for Rural Electrification.No.approved – Reg. The Center for Good Governance engaged Sri K.CE (DFID&APL)/Ms. it was felt desirable to evolve a revised system for procurement of materials to suit to the new setup. approves the Purchase Manual annexed to this order for implementation with immediate effect. APTransco and Discoms. 7. i) ii) iii) iv) To review current procurement procedures in APTRANSCO and DISCOMs. Distribution. 2812-02 and in the informal Board meeting held on 16-4-03.No. 3. Chief Engineer (Retd. 4. To prepare a procurement manual based on the above exercise for TRANSCO and DISCOMs. 19-9-89 2) BPM2. 5. Accordingly Sri K. AP Transco requested the Center for Good Governance. the erstwhile APSEB laid down procedures for procurement of materials from manufacturers who are registered with the Board. duly considering the items listed under Para (4) above. 6. In the reference second read above.TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED VIDYUT SOUDHA :: HYDERABAD ABSTRACT Transco – Manual for Purchase of Materials through Internal resources . After careful examination.1168. To suggest delegation of powers for procurement. V.No.O. has submitted the Purchase Manual after deliberations with all the concerned. the Transmission Corporation of Andhra Pradesh Limited. T. 60-2001 Dt. Purchase Committee Stores Purchase Committee-1 For purchase of materials/ awarding of contracts above Rs. T.CEE (DFID & APL) Ms. No. 49 Dt. 100 lakhs and upto Rs. AP Transco Vide T. Plg. Raju chief Engineer (Retd. 50 APTRANSCO Proceedings No. Stores Purchase Committee-1 (for purchase of materials/awarding of contracts above Rs. Proceedings: Dt.) of APTRANSCO as a Consultant for development of Purchase Manual for APTRANSCO and Discoms. Sri K V Raju finalized the Manual and the same was discussed in the Board Directors Meeting held on 12-12-02. 500 lakhs) APTRANSCO in supercession of the orders issued in the reference cited above reconstitute the Stores Purchase Committee as indicated below to consider the tender proposals for purchase/awarding contracts.13-6-2001. Plg.O. & RA) Commissioner of Industries/his nominee Board of whole time Directors and Commissioner of Industries/his nominee Stores Purchase Committee-2 for purchase of materials and awarding of contracts above Rs.O.V.O. The Manual provides constitution of a 3 Tier Committee for purchase of various items and for award of contracts as follows.17-5-2003 Read the following: - The Centre for Good Governance engaged Sri K.O. 500 lakhs) Members Director (Concerned) Director (Projects/Transmission) Director (C&C) Director (Finance & Revenue) JMD (HRD.100 lakhs and upto Rs. 28-12-02 and in the informal board Meeting held on 16-4-2003. 500 lakhs) JMD (HRD. & RA) Director (Finance & Revenue) Director (Concerned) Director (Projects/Transmission) Director (C&C) Commissioner of Industries/his nominee Chairman Member Member Member Member Member 13 . CEE (DFID & APL) Ms. No.modified orders issued – Reg.16-5-2003 approved the Purchase Manual for implementation with immediate effect.TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED VIDYUT SOUDHA :: HYDERABAD ABSTRACT APTRANSCO – Reconstitution of Stores Purchase Committee . Stores Purchase Committee-2 (for purchase of materials/awarding of contracts above Rs. & RA) JMD (Vigilance) Director (Finance & Rev.500 lakhs) Chairman & Managing Director JMD (HRD. Plg. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF APTRANSCO) RACHEL CHATTERJE CHAIRMAN & MANAGING DIRECTOR 14 . Chairman Member Member Member Member Member Member Member The order shall come into force with immediate effect.) Director (Concerned) Director (Projects/Transmission) Director (C&C) Commissioner of Industries/his nominee CMDs of 4 Discoms are the Members of Stores Purchase Committee for Discom related Purchases. 24.A.200/(c) Grade-III Rs. i) Packing and unpacking charges: In the case of transfer outside the State.TA) Department. payment of the packing and unpacking charges. Finance & Planning (FW. ORDER: Dated: 19-5-2003.13.O.O.Ms. Rest of the above. G.17. the employees shall be eligible for the following charges: (a) Grade-I Rs. The classification of the employees into grades and correspondence scale of pay shall be applicable as indicated below : Grades Employees in the Scale of Pay GRADE-I GRADE-II GRADE-III Employees in the scale of Pay of Rs. No. 1. 2.O.24.or above shall be allowed Rs. Read the following:- T.(GM-(IR)-Per) Ms.TA) Department. *** In the G.A. Dated. 3.T. Employees in the scale of Pay of Rs. 52 1. “Family” shall include their parents also. No. Rules and Notes (1) and (2) there under shall continue to apply.2. Dated.O. Finance & Planning (FW.No. After careful consideration.) Rules – Revised – Orders – Issued.765-575-16640-645-19865-715-20580 and above. have issued revised orders in respect of Transfer Travelling Allowance to their employees viz. 229.Ms. 28-3-2000. Disturbance Allowance or Lumpsum Transfer Grant and the Rates of mileage on transfer. incumbents drawing pay of Rs.500/- However. 25-11-2002.Ms.O. Dt.No. Dt.350/- 15 . 2.O.2. However in the case of Class-I and Class-II employees. the Government of A.P.24.3100/(b) Grade-II Rs.8755-360-9115-430-11265-500-13765-575-14340 and above.T. the Transmission Corporation of Andhra Pradesh Limited hereby issues the revised orders of Transfer Travelling Allowance Rules of G.O. The applicable Transfer Travelling Allowance rates in respect of employees of AP Transco are given below: Dependent parents of Class-I and Class-II employees: The definition of “Family” in Clause (iii) of Rule 2 of the A. This will apply only for Transfer Travelling Allowance. (GM (IR)-Per) Ms. ABSTRACT ALLOWANCES – Transfer Travelling Allowance (T. T.No. incase they are wholly dependent on the employee.1.930/. 28-3-2000 in respect of the employees of AP Transco.P. 28-3-2000.TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED VIDYUT SOUDHA :: HYDERABAD-82. within the State. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF A.6500/(b) Grade-II Rs.O.P.930/.No.25 per K.at each end. 4.2.at each end.5500/However. Further for admitting the claims for Transport of personnel effects.25 per K.225/.No. but outside the Zone. iii) II. the employees shall be eligible.50 per K. the rules laid down in the B. Rates of mileage The rates of mileage shall be as follows : (a) Grade-I Rs.3. 11-5-1992 shall be allowed.17. Disturbance Allowance or Lumpsum Transfer Grant: In the case of transfer to Delhi and places outside the State the employees shall be eligible for the following amounts as Disturbance Allowance: (a) Grade-I Rs. LIMITED) RACHEL CHATTERJEE CHAIRMAN & MANAGING DIRECTOR 16 .150/.110/.ii) In the case of transfer.M. The claims already admitted and settled need not be reopened Claims which are not preferred but are pending shall be admitted in audit in accordance with the above orders. Dt: 21-4-2003. incumbents drawing pay of Rs. These orders shall come into force with immediate effect. 7. Dt. the Rs. (c) Grade-III Rs.52.2. (b) Grade-II Rs.or above. Rs. (P&G-Per)Ms.75/. following charges : (a) Grade-I (b) Grade-II (c) Grade-III within the Zone in the State.M. 6.at each end.M.1500/Note : This is a one time payment. 5. In the case of transfer.869/D(F)/03. III.at each end. Rs.3700/(c) Grade-III Rs.175/.P. (c) Grade-III Rs. shall be allowed Rs.350/. These orders issued with the concurrence of Director (Finance) vide U. (b) Grade-II Rs. the employees shall be eligible for the following charges: (a) Grade-I Rs.at each end.at each end. AP Transco decided to constitute a committee consisting of the following members for examining the requirement of vehicles for the officers depending upon their duties.P. JOINT MANAGING DIRECTOR (HRD.: 13-6-2003 Read the following:- Proposals are being submitted by the field officers towards hiring of vehicles for according sanction from AP Transco. 1.O. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE A.P. In view of the increase in expenditure on Vehicles. duly fixing up the norms for allotment. T. Plg & RA) 2. DIRECTOR (PROJECTS) 4.TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED VIDYUT SOUDHA:: HYDERABAD ABSTRACT VEHICLE-CELL – A. No.. DIRECTOR (FINANCE & REVENUE) 3.TRANSCO – Constitution of the committee to examine the requirements of vehicles and fix the norms for allotment / Providing of Vehicles for various field officers –Orders–Issued. DIRECTOR (TRANSMISSION & GRID OPERATION) The committee may consult or invite any official to assist the committee in its task and furnish the recommendations to APTRANSCO for consideration.(CEE/DFID&APL) Ms. 75 Proceedings: Dated. responsibilities and Jurisdiction etc. TRANSCO) RACHEL CHATTERJEE CHAIRMAN AND MANAGING DIRECTOR 17 .O. ) is provisional and liable for termination at any time without notice and without assigning any reasons. Venu Gopal (OC) Aplication No. The attestation form enclosed in quadruplicate (4 sets) duly filled in by the candidate.) in the time scale of pay of Rs. 3) The candidate will be governed by the rules and regulations applicable or as framed by the APTRANSCO and as amended from time to time.H(Orthopaedic) – Orders – Issued. T. He shall undergo on-job training at the place of posting ordered. To execute a bond on non-judicial stamp paper. Documentary evidence of Orthopedically Handicapped Certificate issued by District Medical Board.10405-430-11265-500-13765-575-16065 with usual allowances admissible from time to time. He will not be admitted for training without producing original certificates. Hyderabad at a later date. B.).) is posted to Chief Engineer/ TL&SS/Visakhapatnam. 5) He is informed that the period of training will count for the purpose of probation.. SSC/HSC etc.O. Hyderabad on or before 30/06/2003 The original certificates will be retained until the agreement period is over.No./M.O. increment. Tech as reported in his application for appointment. He will be called for modular training at CTI. He shall submit an undertaking in the format enclosed herewith and acceptance of his joining report is subject to the submission of the afore-said undertaking. Sri Ch. Tech. Erragadda. The Tripartite Agreements entered into between the APSEB.Venu Gopal appointed as Trainee Assistant Engineer(Elecl.E/B. i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) Documentary evidence of Educational Qualifications viz. 126 is selected provisionally by the Transmission Corporation of Andhra Pradesh Limited for appointment as Trainee Assistant Engineer (Elecl. ABSTRACT Establishment – APTRANSCO – Engineering Service – Limited Recruitment – Filling up of Backlog vacancy of Assistant Engineer (Elecl. Vidyut Soudha.80 ORDER: Date: 16-06-2003. (Per-GM) Ms.110/-(Rupees One hundred and 18 . 4) Sri Ch. worth Rs. Employment Exchange Registration Card.E/M.) – Reserved for P.TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED VIDYUT SOUDHA :: HYDERABAD-82. leave.. 2) The selection as Trainee Assistant Engineer(Elecl. 6) Before joining training he should produce the following documents in original for verification along with one more set of copies of certificates to the General Manager (Personnel)/APTRANSCO. After satisfactory completion of one year training period. the candidate will be considered for appointment as Assistant Engineer (Elecl. Govt. of A. Documentary evidence of age viz.P. and the employees Associations are not applicable to the candidate and he shall at no stage be entitled to claim any right whatsoever arising out of the said Tripartite Agreements. Physical Fitness Certificate issued by a Medical Officer of the rank not less than that of Civil Surgeon in the proforma enclosed. (Rupees Ten Thousand only) by way of liquidated damages. through controlling officer which shall be refunded on redepositing the said certificates with the APTRANSCO Limited. No extension of time shall be granted to report for training.10. he shall deposit an amount of Rs. he shall refund to the Corporation the amount of gross salary received by him plus Rs. he shall pay to the Corporation an amount of Rs. If he does not report for duty himself for training with-in 15 days from the date of verification of original certificates. viii) If the candidate leaves the Corporation’s service during the period of training.. i. in case of appointment on regular basis. If the candidate leaves the Corporation’s service during the bond period. his services are liable for termination without notice. the above appointment order as Trainee Assistant Engineer (Elecl) shall be cancelled without further notice.000/.(Rupees Twenty Thousand only) by way of liquidated damages. Degree Certificate and Date of Birth Certificate.ten only) to the effect that he will serve the CORPORATION for a minimum period of 5 years in addition to training period. vi and vii is enclosed.000/. If the candidate desires to take back the original certificates. APTRANSCO Ltd.20. c) d) e) (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED) DINESH KUMAR JOINT MANAGING DIRECTOR (HRD.(Rupees ten thousand only) by way of D.D drawn in favour of Pay Officer.e. PLG & RA) 19 . ix) 7) The appointment now ordered is subject to the following conditions:a) b) The appointment is subject to verification of character and antecedents. The candidate appointed as Trainee Assistant Engineer shall work wherever he is posted and no request for change of posting will be entertained. If any adverse report is received in the said verification. Specimen form for items v.10..000/. .7. CE/Plg . JMD (Vigilance) RA. Durga Prasad. ABSTRACT Estt . Pandurangam Director (Projects) iii) Sri. 2. No. 27.O. No. Gandhi.. J.O.K. No. The subjects hitherto under the control of Sri Dinesh Kumar. orders were issued that Sri Dinesh Kumar.2003 *** i) Sri K. 2862.M. T.S. 2.V. GM (Per) Addl. Joint Managing Director (HRD).O. Dt. Rt.O. Prasad. P..6.TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED VIDYUT SOUDHA : HYDERABAD . 3. General Administration (Special-A) Dept. Plg & RA) of AP. Rt.2003 G. 2863.O. 3rd and 4th cited orders were issued transferring and appointing Sri Dinesh Kumar.6.6. Director ( C & C) MIS & Planning (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE CHAIRMAN AND MANAGING DIRECTOR. 24. Joint Managing Director (HRD.O. Joint Managing Director (HRD. Plg. Secretary GH (IR) SE/Enquiries Estate Officer CE/Comml. In T. 3. General Administration (Special-A) Dept.N.O.to the extent of Planning. Dt.Rt.O. 240.to the extent of IT. TRANSCO) RACHEL CHATTERJEE CHAIRMAN AND MANAGING DIRECTOR 20 . Dt.Sec) Ms. Dt. Dt. 05. Joint Managing Director (HRD.APTRANSCO Re-allocation of subjects under the control of Sri Dinesh Kumar. 87 1. (Per-GM/P) Ms. & IT . No. NO. No. Dt.O.O. 4.82.-to the extent of Training.O. 77. Transco as Chairman & Managing Director/APCPDCL/Hyderabad in place of Sri T. 5.2003 T.6.12. ORDER: In G. 2. Transco are re-allocated as follows: Sl. No.V. Joint Managing Director/Directors Subjects Functional Heads & Others CE/RAC & Reforms CE/IPC CE/Plg & Trg.2002 G.2003 G. (Per-Addl. 27. Plg & RA) shall get himself relieved as Joint Managing Director and take charge as Chairman & Managing Director/APCPDCL. Chairman & Managing Director/APCPDCL who is proceeding to pursue Edward Mason Program in Public policy & Management at Harvard University. 85.O. 24. Reforms & IPPs (IPC wing) Training & HRD ii) Sri. USA. (ACS) Ms.2003 Read the following:- T. 5th cited. AP. & RA) to other Directors-Orders Issued. Plg & RA)/A. Energy (Power-III) Dept.P. and last continued in the ref. 21. 06. iv) The 15 no’s vacant posts of LDCs existing in Accounts wing/Vidyut Soudha. (2)nd cited. The committee has submitted its report identifying the certain posts as surplus and recommended for utilization in various wings at HQs and field. (Personnel Services) T. shall be diverted to the filed Circles/Zones as indicated below. (Per-GM/P) Ms. 5.O. After careful consideration of the recommendations of the Account Committee.2002 2. 8.APTRANSCO-Recommendations of the Accounts Committee.O. No. Name of the Circle/Zone No.TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED VIDYUT SOUDHA: HYDERABAD . (Per-GM/P) Ms.O.No. No. existing in the Accounts wing/Vidyut Soudha shall be down . (Per-GM/P) Rt. Dt. T.graded as Senior Accounts Officer (SAO) and diverted to the control of SE/TLC/ Hyderabad.O. ii) The post of Senior Accounts Officer (SAO).12. Accounts Officer under SE/TLC/Vijayawada shall be diverted to the control of CE/TL&SS/Visakhapatnam.O. ABASTRACT Estt. a committee was constituted to review the cadre strength and to identify surplus surplus posts / staff in Accounts wing. 90 1. CE/TL&SS/Visakhapatnam CE/TL&SS/Vijayawada SE/TL&SS/Hyderabad SE/TL&SS/Nizamabad SE/TL&SS/Karimnagar SE/TL&SS/Nalgonda SE/TL&SS/Kurnool SE/TL&SS/Vijayawada 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 21 . 308. Date: 02-07-2003 Read the following:- S.O. 3. existing in DFID wing under the control of CE/ DFID&APL. 4.Approval accorded. constituted to identify surplus staff/ posts in Accounts wing. 252.2002 In the reference (1) st cited. 7. . 2. shall be diverted to the control of SE/TLC/Rajahmundry. APTRANSCOapproves the recommendations and accordingly issues the following orders. T.03. of posts 1. iii) The existing vacant post of Account Officer (Special Officer / Customs) in Accounts Wing/Vidyut Soudha shall be diverted to the control of SE/TLC/Vijayawada and the existing post of Asst. 6. 2.82. i) The post of Consultant/Resources (equivalent to FA & CCA). Dt. No. 01-07-2003 and the FA&CCA (R&A)/APTRANSCO is authorized to re-deploy the Operators depending on the requirement in Vidyut Soudha.No. 11. SE/TL&SS/Rajahmundry SE/TLC/Vijaywada SE/TLC/Nellore SE/TLC/Warangal SE/Telecom/Vijayawada SE/Telecom/Cuddapah 1 1 1 1 1 1 v) The services of four Data Entry Operators.S. of posts 9. The incumbents against the posts downgraded/diverted herein shall be eligible to draw the usual scales of pay and allowances admissible at the place of their duty as per rules in vogue. 10. provided by private agencies and working in DFID&APL. shall be unlized in the Accounts wing w.e.f. 3. Name of the Circle/Zone No. 13. 14. The CE/DFID&APL shall direct them to report to FA&CCA (R&A) for utilization in Accounts wing. 12. RACHEL CHATTERJEE CHAIRPERSON AND MANAGING DIRECTOR 22 . . Typist and Steno-Typist in P&G Service and L. Dt.P. 537.Issued. 19-3-1994. T. Assistant-cum-Computer Operator.C. T O O(GM(IR) . Memo. Assistant-cum-Computer operator. Limited is hereby directs that the Assistant. Catetory of the post Test to be passed for Regularisation of service. (P&G-Per) Ms.D. Assistantcum-Computer Operator. No.O.82.C. (GM(IR)-Per) Ms. 590. LTD . Typist and Steno-typists in Accounts Service shall be required to pass the following tests noted against each categroy for Promotion.D. *** 1 Accounts serive : LDC / Typist / Steono-typist Nil Accounts test for sub-ordinate Officers Part . 2. 3. 29-1-1994.C.I Government Technical examination in Accountancy by Lower grade. the Transco of A. ABSTRACT TRANSCO OF A.TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED VIDYUT SOUDHA : HYDERABAD . No. Acts and Boards Regulations Test.Per) Ms.P. 4.D. VI/142-z(1) / 94-1.P. P&G Service : Assistant / Assistant-cumComputer Operator / Typist/Steno-typist Nil Accounts test for sub-ordinate Officers Part-I 2.P. Typists and Steno-typists in Accounts service . 2 Test to be passed for‘ Declaration of porbation 3 Test to be passed for Promotion 4 B..Passing of tests orders . No. Typists and Steno-typists in P & G Service and L. Dt. ORDER: In the reference 4th cited. Dt. No. Dt. No..O.P&G Service and Accounts Service Regularisation of Services of Assistants. orders were issued that the Assistant. 13. 23 . Typists and Steno-typists in P & G service and L. Typists and Steno-typists in Accounts Service shall be required to pass the following tests noted against each during the period of their probation and promotion. 23-10-1994.D.C.. (P&G-Per) Ms. M. 10-4-2001. Typists and Steno-typists in P&G Service and L. After careful consideration. 91 Dated: 4-7-2003 Read the following:1. DS/DM. Accounts test for sub-ordinate Officers Part . PANDURANGAM DIRECTOR (PROJECTS) 24 .P. 3.I 2. These orders shall come into force with immediate effect.Catetory of the post 1 Accounts serive : LDC / Typist / Steono-typist Test to be passed for Regularisation of service.Typist Nil Nil 1. 2 Test to be passed for‘ Declaration of porbation 3 Tests to be passed for Promotion 4 Nil Nil 1. Necessary amendments to regulations will be issued. Technical examination in Accountancy by Lower grade. 4. the categories referred in para 2 above are eligible to draw annual grade increments during the probation period. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF TRANSMISSIONS CORPORATION OF A. Accordingly. seperately. Accounts Test for Sub-ordinate Officers Part-I 2. V. Acts and Board Regulations Test .. LIMITED) J. 5. Government. P&G Service: Assistant / Assistant cum-Computer Opeator Typist / Steno . 111 1.TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED ABSTRACT APTRANSCO-Reconstitution of Stores Purchase Committees Modified Orders-Issued . T.O. 17-5-2003 2. in reference 2nd cited. NO. Secy) Ms. (Per-Addl. JMD (HRD.O. No. 87. 18-7-2003 Read the following:- 25 . 500 lakhs) Chairman & Managing Director Joint Managing Director (Vigilance) Director (Finance & Revenue) Director (Concerned) Director (Projects/Transmission) Director (Commercial & Co ordination) Commissioner of Industries/ his nominee Chairman Member Member Member Member Member Member Chairman Member Member Member Member Member Dt. 2. issued orders reallocating the works hither to looked after by Sri Dinesh Kumar. 100 lakhs and upto Rs. 500 lakhs) Joint Managing Director (Vigilance) Director (Finance & Revenue) Director (Concerned) Director (Projects/Transmission) Director (Commercial & Co ordination) Commissioner of Industries/ his nominee ii) Stores Purchase Committee .Reg. AP Transco.O. Dt.O. T. 3. Dt.2 (For purchase of materials/awarding of contracts above Rs. T.O. 2-7-2003 Proceedings: In the reference 1st cited orders were issued reconstituting the Stores Purchase Committees to consider the tender proposals for purchase/awarding contracts.O.CEE (DFID&APL) Ms. CEE (DFID&APL) Ms. PLG & PA) among other Directors of APTRANSCO consequent upon his transfer to APCPDCL as CMD. i) Stores Purchase Committee-I (for purchase of materials/awarding of contracts above Rs. 50. APTRANSCO in modification of the orders issued in the reference cited (I) above reconstitute the Stores Purchase Committee as indicated below to consider the tender proposals for Purchase/awarding contracts. No. Chairman & Managing Director of 4 Discoms are the Members of Stores Purchase Committee for Discom Related Purchases. iii) Sub-committee of Stores Purchase Committee-2 Joint Managing Director (Vigilance) Director (Finance & Revenue) Director (Concerned) Director (Projects) Director (Transmission & Grid Operation) Member Member Member Member Member The above sub committee will vet the tender proposals before submission to Stores Purchase Committee-2 (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF AP TRANSCO) RACHEL CHATTERJEE CHAIRMAN & MANAGING DIRECTOR 26 . Consequent upon the formation of the AP Transco under the EPF & MP Act 1952 and EPF Scheme w. 3. iv. 1995 and the balance shall be transferred to the Employees’ Account in addition to his own contribution of 12% to the scheme. except those employees whose salary/wages exceed Rs. vi. 1952 made there under.1999 or from the date of their joining in the service of AP Transco. Contract Labour and on compassionate grounds. to all the employees to whom it is statutorily applicable and who were appointed and joined in the service of AP Transco on or after 01. 23-07-2003 Pursuant to the enactment of the Andhra Pradesh Electricity Reform Act.02. (GM(IR) . iii.1999. 01. 6500/-pm (pay +DA) subsequently.e.1999 and of the employer share of 27 . the AP Transco has since decided to implement the provisions of the EPF & MP Act.02.33% shall be transferred to the Pension Fund. ii.f. 6500/-PM. 1998 (Andhra Pradesh Act No 30 of 1998).e.M. Out of the employer share of contribution.02. who are statutority covered under the Act/Scheme shall be brought under the purview of the EPF & MP Act. the AP Transco issues the following orders:i. No. 1956.05.O. 5. has been engaging the attention of the Corporation for quite some time past. 2. 4. as the case may be. 6500/-P.Implementation of the provisions of the EPF & MP Act.1999 to those employees who were appointed as mentioned in para 2 and joined in the service of AP Transco on or after 01. The contribution @ 12% on Pay + DA shall be deducted every month from the salary/wages of the employee as employee’s contribution and equal share shall be contributed by the employer. VEWs.(Pay + DA) PM upto 31. 8. 01.Orders . it has been appointing number of employees in different cadres on its regular rolls. Accordingly. 114. 1952 and the Employees’ Provident Funds Scheme.02.02.(Pay + DA) PM from 01. The contributions @ 12% on pay + DA fallen due both in respect of the employees who were appointed and joined in the service of AP Transco on or after 01. ORDER: Dt. 1952 w.06.TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED VIDYUT SOUDHA : HYDERABAD 82 ABSTRACT Estt. v. All employees who were appointed and joined on or after 01. The persons who are appointed by APTRANSCO on consolidated pay shall also be brought under the purview of the EPF & MP Act 1952. After careful consideration. 6500/-PM. 6500/. 01.02. 5000/. T.O.2001.f. by absorption of Ex-Casual Labour. 1952 and the Employees Provident Funds Scheme.2001 and Rs. In respect of employees who are statutorily covered under the act and who draw more than Rs.1999. 1952 to the employees of AP Transco who were appointed and joined on or after 01-02-1999 . The issue relating to the coverage of employees of AP Transco under the EPF & MP Act 1952 and EPF Scheme made there under w.e.02. the AP Transco has been incorporated under the provisions of the companies act.1999.Per) Ms.1999 as mentioned in para 2 in the service of AP Transco and who are drawing salary/wages of Rs.f. 1952 and the Employees’ Provident Funds Scheme. AP Transco . the matching contribution of employer shall be made restricting to the equivalent for the eligible employees drawing Rs.Issued. These orders are not applicable to the employees whose salary/wages exceed Rs. the contributions fell due in respect of such deceased employees together with the contributions required to be made by the employer shall be calculated and paid by the concerned Pay Drawing and Disbursing Officers to the respective RPF Commissioner.e.2001 and Rs.08.01% on the total salary/wages i.f. 1995 in force. All the CEs/SEs/DEs/EEs are requested to furnish two separate lists of the employees drawing salary/wages of Rs. As all these employees are brought under the purview of EPF Scheme. if any. viii.e.2003 shall be calculated by the respective Pay Drawing and Disbursing Officers and shall remit to the RPF Commissioner. 01. However. Each contribution shall be calculated to the nearest rupee (50 paise or more shall be rounded off to the next higher rupee and fraction of a rupee less than 50 paise shall be ignored. xiii. explaining the circumstances under which the remittances in time.1999 and who died while in service before adoption of the EPF Scheme. (Pay + DA) the following contributions/charges shall also be required to be paid by the employer and these contributions shall not be recovered from the employee. could not be made. as the A. Administrative Charges @ 1. as they were brought under the EPF Scheme. Apart from the employer’s contribution of 12% of the salary/ wages i.1999 and who were allotted with GPF account and contributins made by these employees towarda GPF shall be adjusted towards employees contribution to EPF Scheme for being deposited with RPF Commissioner and the balance amount of 12% shall however be recovered from them in suitable monthly installments separately as mentioned in Item (v) above. who will extend the benefits derived there under to the dependents of the deceased as per the provisions of Pension Scheme. The pay Drawing Officer shall forward to the RPF Commissioner with in 25 days of close of the month.e.2003.07. The employees who were appointed and joined in the service of AP Transco on or after 01.e. Transco would be incurred penalty for rate remittances of PF dues. (Pay+DA) b.) xi.10% on the total salary/wages i. (Pay+DA) and c.2001 in 28 .P. 1976@ 0. ix.f. x. 5000/. a.e. (Pay + DA) towards EDLI Scheme.(Pay +DA) PM upto 31.2003 will be communicated in due course. The employer’s contributions shall not be recovered from the employee.06. The Pay Drawing Officer shall not under any circumstances deposit the PF dues after the statutory date of 15th of the next month. vii. Administrative Charges @ 0.50% on the total salary/wages i. the GPF contributions in respect of these employees should not be recovered w. payable for the delayed remittances in respect of employees statutorily covered under the scheme will be represented to the concerned authorities for waiver as per law. Employees Deposit Linked Insurance Scheme. (Pay + DA) under the scheme w. The contributions payable by the employer plus an equal contribution payable by the employee @ 12% of the salary / wages i.05.08.e. A separate LOC for the above contributions shall be applied every month and the amount shall be paid to the respective RPF Commissioner with in the statutory limit of 15 days of the close of every month by separate bank drafts or cheques.e. In respect of employees who are appointed and joined in the service of AP Transco on or after 01.02. The modalities relating to recover of the arrears of EPF contributions paid by the employer on behalf of employees from the date of joining and upto 30.contribution @ 12% upto 30. Commissioner. and the same shall be recovered from the pay of the employees in suitable installments. 01.2003 shall be regularly remitted to the respective of RPF. shall be paid by the employer in the first instance as per Para-30 of the scheme on behalf of the employees also. a monthly abstract in such form as the RPF Commissioner may specify showing the aggregate amount of recoveries made from the wages of all the employees and the aggregate amount contributed by the employer in respect of all such employees for the month. The penal interest or damages. the arrears of contributions payable by the employee from the date of their joining and upto 30. AP having Jurisdiction.6500/ (Pay +DA) PM from 01. xii. 18.code numbers to all constituent units shall be obtained by the respective unit officers from the competent Provident Fund Authority having Jurisdiction duly submitting list of employees. xv. All the Chief Engineers / Superintending Engineers/ Divisional Engineers / Executive Engineers are requested to take action as indicated in para . Register) Date of Joinining in the service of AP Transco on or after 01.the service of AP Transco on or after 01.code numbers to its all constituent Units on top priority and this information should reach at any cost latest by 21. CCA (Accounts) to obtain EPF code number for AP Transco and sub .08.02.07. The sub . the sub . so as to enable the Dy.1999 month to month basis upto 31. S. 1665/D (F)/03. as the case may be.1999 Salary/ Wages (Basic+DA) xiv. The Dy.No. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF AP TRANSCO LIMITED) RACHEL CHATTERJEE CHAIRMAN & MANAGING DIRECTOR 29 . Once the EPF Code number or.5 above and report compliance immediately. The Dy. Dt. CCA (Accounts) shall also take all necessary steps for issuing working instructions immediately. 1952 and the employees Provident Funds Scheme. 1952. Name of the employee (As per Service Register) Father’s Name (As per Service Register) Date of Birth (As per Ser.02.07.2003. CCA (Accounts) shall take immediate action to obtain EPF Code number for AP Transco.2003 along with the following particulars.2003. This order issued with the concurrence of Director (F&R)/ AP Transco vide No. The receipt of this order should be acknowledged immediately.code number is received the Pay Drawing and Disbursing Officers shall deposit the contributions so recovered from the Pay + DA of the employees together with the employer’s contributions at the rates prescribed under the provisions of the EPF and MP Act. it is hereby ordered that the Service matters such as fixation of pay. 3rd cited shall be dealt with by the officer concerned in the jurisdiction of the deputation company instead of parent company. No. sanction of leave etc. A.O.Maintenance of Service Registers . the AP Transco has issued certain guidelines for transfer of employees of AP. ABSTRACT APTRANSCO .2003.) Ms. 24. 10. 4.O..O. 22-01-1993 of Finance and Planning (FW. Transco on foreign service to DISCOMS and APGENCO and vice versa on deputation. 115 Dt.O. basis subject to certain conditions mentioned therein.2003 Read the following:- 1) GO. 2.04.FR. Further it is ordered that the Service Registers of such employees shall be forwarded to the officer concerned of the respective company where the employee has joined on deputation for further maintenance of the Service Register during the period of deputation.Guidelines . (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE CHAIRMAN AND MANAGING DIRECTOR. Dt.issued.TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED VIDYUT SOUDHA .P. 2) B. in respect of employees working on deputation vide T.No. T. No. Secy. ORDER: 1) In T. Secy.O.) Ms. Dt. (Per-Addl. release of increments.Transfer Services of employees from one company to another company on deputation basis . 3) T. No. release of increments. P. (P & G-Per) Ms. Dt.O.07.O. TRANSCO) RACHEL CHATTERJEE CHAIRMAN AND MANAGING DIRECTOR 30 . 2) It has been brought to the notice of AP Transco that the Service Registers of those employees working on deputation as per the above orders are being maintained in their respective parent company which causes much delay in fixation of pay. 3) The matter has been examined and after careful consideration. (Per-Addl. sanction of leave etc.1994.II) Department. 279. 27-01.O.82. 3rd cited.P.HYDERABAD . (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF APTRANSCO) RACHEL CHATTERJEE CHAIRMAN & MANAGING DIRECTOR 31 . APTRANSCO in modification of the orders issued in the reference cited (1) above reconstitute the above Committee as indicated below to examine the requirement of vehicles and for fixation of norms. 2-7-03. 2. Dated. Dated. Joint Managing Director (Vigilance & RAC) Director (Financing & Revenue) Director (HRD & Projects) Director (Transmission of & Grid operation) The committee may consult or invite any official to assist the committee in its task and furnish the recommendations to AP TRANSCO for consideration. 3. 117 Dt. JMD (HRD. Plg. AP Transco.O. LIMITED ABSTRACT VEHICLE . in reference 2nd cited. Proceedings: In the reference 1st cited.AP TRANSCO . 13-6-2003. Director (Transmission & Grid operation) for examining the requirement of vehicles for the officers and for fixation of norms or allotment/ providing of vehicles for various field officers. 31-7-2003.O. 87. issued orders reallocating the works hither to looked after by Sri Dinesh Kumar. (Per-Addl. Plg.O.Issued. T.Reconstitution of Committees to examine the requirement of vehicles and for fixation of norms for allotment / providing of vehicles for various field officers . Director (Finance & Revenue). No.O.CEE (DFID&APL)/Ms. 2) T.O.Modified .CELL . Read the following:- Ref: 1) T. 75. for allotment/providing of vehicles for various field officers. & RA). NO. (CEE/DFID&APL) Ms. No.O. Secy) Ms.P.. & RA) among other Director of AP TRANSCO consequent upon his transfer to APCPDCL as CMD.Orders . orders were issued constituting a Committee consisting of Joint Managing Director (HRD. Director (Projects).TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF A. O. 5-8-2003. *** ORDER: After careful consideration.. (P&G-Per) Ms. T. Finance & Planning (FW. 478. Ms. 240.O.PEN.PENSIONS . These orders issued with concurrence of Director (Finance & Revenue) vide U. 30-01-1991. Finance & Planning (FW.O. (BY ORDER AND THE NAME OF TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF A. 240. the Transmission Corporation of Andhra Pradesh Limited hereby directs to adopt the orders issued in G. 12-8-2003. No. Dt. G. 1980 . 1-6-1994 (copy enclosed) for the benefit of the employees of AP Transco. (GM(IR)-Per) Ms.I) Dept.O.P.O. Dt. No. 2.Orders . 123 Dated.I) Dept. Ms. Nos.P.PEN.O. NO. ABSTRACT APTRANSCO . LIMITED) RACHEL CHATTERJEE CHAIRMAN & MANAGING DIRECTOR 32 . (i.AMENDEMENT to Sub-rule (5) of Rule 50 of Andhra Pradesh Revised pension Rules. Read the following:- 1.e) 1-6-1994.Issued..TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED VIDYUT SOUDHA :: HYDERABAD-82. 1798/D(F)/03. These orders shall come into force with effect from the date issue of G. No. 1-6-1994. B. Dt. Dt. O. public grievances and pensions. Govt. 1972 be dispensed with and the family pension for life to the disabled and crippled children of deceased Government employees was extended by the Government of India even though the disability occurred or manifested even after retirement/death of a Government employee. The Government of India. rule 50(5) of the Andhra Pradesh Revised Pension Rules has been amended extending the family pension to the son or daughter of a government servant. 19-2-1990 of the Ministry of personnel. ORDER: In the reference first read above.Issued. (a) For clause (ii) the following shall be substituted.No. in their office memorandum 2nd read above issued orders to the effect that the requirement of manifestation of the disability before the retirement/death in harness of a Government Servant as a pre-condition for the grant of life time family pension as stipulated in explanation (C) under Rule 54 (6) of the Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules.240 DATED.1) Department. & Plg.1) DEPARTMENT G. FINANCE & PLANNING (F. in item under the proviso. of India. if they are suffering from any disorder or disability of mind or is physically crippled or disorder or disability of mind or is physically crippled or disabled so as to render him or her unable to earn a living even after attaining the age of 21 years in the case of son and 25 years in the case of a daughter for life time among other things subject to the condition that the disability which manifests itself before the retirement or death of Government servant while in service shall only be taken into account for the purpose of grant of family pension under the above said subrule. Office Memorandum No.Amendment to sub-rule (5) of Rule 50 of the Andhra Pradesh revised Pension Rules 1980 Orders . PEN. G. (FW-Pen. In view of the above.No. the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby makes the following amendments to the Andhra Pradesh Revised Pension Rules. Department of pension and pensioners Welfare. namely:- 33 . be published in the Andhra Pradesh Gazette. 1980. Notification In exercise of the powers conferred by the provision to Article 309 of the Constitution of India.GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH ABSTRACT PENSION . Fin.1/80/89-P&PW(C).52. 2. 1-6-1994 Read the following:1.Ms.O. therefore. Dated. Dated. W. the Government of Andhra Pradesh have now decided to adopt the above orders of Government of India from the date of issue of these orders including past cases. Amendment In rule 50 of the said rules in sub-rule (5). 20-2-1984. The following notification will.Ms. paragraph (a) shall be omitted. the family pension shall be paid in the order of their births and younger of them will get the family pension only after the elder next above him/her ceases to be eligible."(ii) If there are more than one such child suffering from disorder or disability of mind or who are physically crippled or disabled.” (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE GOVERNOR OF ANDHRA PRADESH) A. JAYA PRAKASH SPECIAL SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT 34 . R. The benefit of family pension to physically crippled or mentally disabled children however is only admissible in respect of Government employees who are entitled to family pension under this rule or under the rules specified in Part-II of these rules. (b) in the explanation there under. Provided that where the family pension is payable to such twin children it shall be paid in the manner set out in item (ii). Daughters’s Husband’s( ) Father 26. the Transco of AP Limited. Brother (including Step Brother) 20.P. Son’s Son’s Wife 12. (GM (IR)-PER) MS. Daughters’s Son’s wife 17. Sister’ Husband 23. Mother’s Mother 9. Father 2. Sons's Son 11. AMENDMENT Add the following the “List of Relatives” under Sub-clause refferred as (XVIII) under the main Heading of Regulations 4 of /Misconduct of the said Regulations:- LIST OF RElATIVES 1. Son.S. Mothers’s Father 10.B Employees Revised Conduct Regulations.E. Father’s Mother 8. 23-8-2003. Daughters (including Step Daughters) 6. Mother (including Step Mother) 3. Board Employees Revised Conduct Sections and Discipline & Appeal Regulations Orders-Issued. V. hereby issues the following Amendment to the A.P. In exercise of the Powers conferred by Clause (C) of Section Electricity Supply Act 1948 read with Clause (v) of Sub-section of section 56 of the A.Amendment to A. Daughters’s Son 16. Father’s Father 7.TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED Vidyut Soudha :: Hyderabad . PANDURANGAM DIRECTOR (HRD & PROJECTS) 35 . Daughters’s husband 15.82 Abstract Sections .P. Son’s Daughters’s Husband 14. Daughters’s Husband’s Mother( ) (and their siblings) (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF A. Daughters’s Daughters 18. NO. Son’s Wife’s Mother( ) 25. Electricity Reforms Act 1998. Son’s Daughters’s 13.E.P. 129 *** ORDER: DATED.S. Sister (including Step Sister) 22. Brother's Wife 21. Son (Including Step Son) 4.s Wife 5. LIMITED) J. Son’s wife’s Father( ) (and their siblings) 24. Daughters’s Daughters’s Husband 19. Addl. 02-06-2003. (Per. . (Per.) Ms.) M. 1. .O.TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED VIDYUT SOUDHA : HYDERABAD .. 1999. 244 Dated.O.APTRANSCO .s. : 23. T.O. 2. Lr.2003 Read the following:- Ref.O. No. . *** ORDER: In the references cited certain guidelines were issued for absorption of the services of employee for transfer from one company to another company. and after careful consideration. The matter has been reviewed with reference to the Orders issued in AP Electricity Reforms (Transfer Scheme) Rules.) Ms.08. APTRANSCO issues the following. 4. 282 Dated. Secy.Guidelines for stipulation of the time limit . AMENDEMENT The following guidelines shall be added as Item (f) in Para 3 to the Orders issued in the references cited.) Ms. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF CHAIRPERSON AND MANAGING DIRECTOR/AP. (Per. No time unit has been stipulated in the T.Addl. Secy.O. referred to above.O. 13-12-2002. T. APGENCO & DISCOMs. No. 130 Dated.O.82 ABASTRACT HRD . No. 30-04-2003. No.. Secy. No. 3.. 39 Dated.O. The other conditions in the references cited shall stand unaltered. (Per. 29-01-2003.Absorption of services of employees on transfer from one company to another company . for giving individual representations by the employees allotted to APTRANSCO. resulting requests for absorption to the other wings are likely to continue indefinitely. T./ AS (HRD)/PO(HRD-II)/JPO-I/16/02 Dt. Addl.TRANSCO) RACHEL CHATTERJEE CHAIRPERSON AND MANAGING DIRECTOR 36 . Secy. Secy.Addl.O.O. T. Addl.Amendment issued. f) “The absorption of services of an employee on transfer from one company to another company on request may be considered up to 31-01-2004 only “. No. nature of suggestions.. CE/Transmission.I (comprises of objective of the scheme. growth and improving performance of the Corporation.. approval is hereby accorded for constitution of a committee called “Suggestion Committee” with the following members to administer the Employees Suggestion Scheme in AP Transco.. Annexure I.........e.f.. CE/Telecom and FA&CCA (R&A). APTRANSCO also approves the Annexure .III (for office use only) appended for information 5.. the date of issue of these orders. The Chairman of the Committee will have a term of one year and will be nominated by the Board by rotation.O. Secretary .. (Per. CE/Commercial &IT CE/RAC&Reforms. procedure for submitting awards. The Chairman. for development.O..APTRANSCO . functions of the suggestion committee etc.Orders . 2. After careful consideration. Director (HRD & Projects) General Manager ( Personnel) CE/Operation.. Dated: 01-09-2003 3. (PERSONNEL SERVICES) T.TRASMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED VIDYUT SOUDHA :: HYDERABAD-082 ABSTRACT Estt .Issued.Constitution of a committee called “Suggestion Committee” to administer the Employees Suggestion Scheme . II & IIII RACHEL CHATTERJEE CHAIRPERSON AND MANAGING DIRECTOR 37 .).. The suggestion Committee will start functioning w... the secretary and at least two CEs of the remaining members of the Suggestion Committee have to be necessarily present for the meeting to take place The suggestion Committee will meet once in a month...... 4. CE/DFID&APL. Annexure II (suggestion format) and Annexure . 147 ORDER: So as to exploit gainfully the creative potential of vast human resource.. Members ... Chairman .-GM/P) Rt. The employees Suggestion Committee shall function under the overall guidance/direction of the Chairman of the Committee... Encl.. the AP Transco introduces the Employees Suggestion Scheme for the employees of AP Transco by encouraging them to make suggestions and rewarding them..... No.O. The monthly bills on the cellular phones shall be limited ton Rs. the officers will no more be eligible to continue the official land-line residential telephones which shall be got discon ected forthwith on surrender. Consequent to the provision of cell phones. 02-09-2003.4.TLC. 1. RACHEL CHATTERJEE CHAIRMAN &MANAGING DIRECTOR 38 .138 ORDER: Dt. A single bill would be raised by M/s. After careful consideration of the proposals submitted by the CHIEF Engineer/Telecom. Engineers (TL&SS). BSNL on all the connections in each zone.3. The paying officer whom raising TDA shall clearly indicate the amount to be recovered.Nokia (Model 33) handsets for providing to the aforesaid field officers @approximately Rs. APTRANSCO also accords sanction for an amount Rs.by calling for quotations from Nokia priority dealers.(Rupees three lakhs sixty thousand only) towards procurement of 80 N0s.O. is enclosed in the annexure. 31-10-03. The expenditure incurred on the other pay units but within the same zone shall regularized by raising accepting TDAs by the respective units. O&M/400 kV & Telecom).400kV& Telecom) and fifty Divisional Engineers (TL & SS. MRT.O.25-08-2003. This order is issued with the concurrence of Director (Finance& Revenue) U.1400/. In any case no superior officer is permitted to treat the payment exceeding the prescribed limit as official. The list of paying officers of respective zones on whom the bills would be served along with the zone-wise list of officers covered by cellular phone system. Engineers and Rs. (CE-Telecom) Ms. Dt. 2.000/. T.No. it is felt necessary to provide cellular telephones to the field officers of AP TRANSCO under a single Closed User Group (CUG). under plan 525 in VPN special package of M/s.TTL the case may be A compliance report may be sent at the end of two months i. Read the following:- In order to increase the availability of the field engineers for better maintenance of lines & sub-stations and to minimize their mean time to repair (MTTR). twenty five Supdt. BSNL or M/s.1046 /D (F) 2003.for Chief Engineers/ Supdt.TRASMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED VIDYUT SOUDHA :: HYDERABAD-082 ABSTRACT Provision of cellular telephones under CUG to the field officers of APTRANSCO orders-Issued. The zonal Chief Engineers shall ensure that the deposits on such telephones are claimed and their concerned file is got closed in M/s. BSNL Cell One network.500/.60. APTRANSCO hereby accords approval for provision of cellular telephones to five Chief Engineers (TL & SS).e. if any from the salary each individual officer towards payments made in excess of the prescribed limit.1000/-for Divisional Engineers. The paying officer is authorized to admit payment exceeding the prescribed limit and recover the difference between the actual bill and the prescribed limit from the succeeding month salary of the concerned officer. Engineer/TL. Engineer/TL.&SS/400 KVSS Mamidipaly Divisional.&SS/Ditchpally Divisional. 5.&SS/Hyderabad Supdt. Engineer/TL. 31. Engineer/MRT/TL&SS/Warangal Divisional.&SS/Warangal Divisional. No. 2. 10.&SS/Kadapa Supdt. 16. 3. Engineer/MRT/EHT.TLC/Warangal Chief Engineer/TL. Engineer/TL.&SS/Karimnagar Divisional. Engineer/TL. Designation of the officer to whom cellular telephone would be provided Chief Engineer/TL.&SS/Kurnool Zone Paying Officer CE/TL&SS/HYD SE/TL&SS/METRO CE/TL&SS/ WARANGAL SE/TL&SS/ WARANGAL CE/TL&SS/KADAPA SE/TLC KADAPA 39 . 12.Annexure S. 21. 27. 33. 8. Engineer/MRT/Erragadda/Metro Circle) Divisional. 30.&SS/Miryalguda Divisional. Engineer/TL.&SS/Warangal Supdt.&SS/Erragadda Divisional.&SS/Moulali Divisional. Engineer/MRT/Erragadda (Hyderabad Circle) Divisional. Engineer/TL. 7. 17.&SS/Nalgonda Supdt. 11.&SS/Nirmal Divisional. Engineer/TL. 14. Engineer/TL. 29.&SS/Karimnagar Supdt. 32.&SS/Yddumylanram Divisional. Engineer/TL&SS/Kadapa Supdt. Engineer/TL. Engineer/TLC/Warangal Supdt. Engineer/TL. 1. 24. 34.&SS/Metro Hyderabad Supdt. 20.&SS/Ramagundam Divisional. 4. 15. Engineer/TLC/Nizamabad Supdt.&M/400 KV/TL&SS/Manidipally Divisional.&SS/Nagargunasagar Divisional. 6. 18. 19. Engineer/MRT/TL&SS/Nizambad Divisional. 26. 25. Engineer/TL. 28. Engineer/TL. Engineer/TL. Engineer/TL.&SS/Mahaboobnagar Divisional. Chief Engineer/TL. Engineer/TL. Engineer/MRTTLC/Hyderabad. 9.&SS/Hyderabad Supdt.&SS/Warangal Supdt. 22. Engineer/TL. Engineer/TL. Engineer/TLC/Hyderabad Supdt. Engineer/TL. 23. Engineer/TL.&SS/Seetharampatnam Divisional. Engineer/O.&SS/Chandrayanagutta Divisional. 13. 45. Engineer/TLC/Kadapa DE/TL&SS/Kadapa DE/TL.&SS/Yerraguntla Divisional. 62. Engineer/TLC/TRE/Kadapa Chief Engineer/TL. 67.&SS/Gunadala Divisional. 59. Engineer/TLC/TRE/Nellore Divisional.&SS/Nidadavolu Divisional Engineer/TL. 54.&SS/Rajahmundry Supdt. 61. Engineer/TL. Engineer/MRT/EHT/Vijaywada Chief Engineer/TL.S.&SS/Gajuwaka Divisional Engineer/TL. Supdt. 37. 50. Engineer/400 KV Lines/Srisailam Divisional. 56.&SS/Vijayawada Supdt. 51.&SS/Kurnool Divisional. 52. Engineer/TL.&SS/Visakhapatnam Supdt. 46. 64. Engineer/TL. Engineer/EHT/MRT/Kadapa Divisional.&SS/Nellore Divisional. Engineer/400 KVSS//Narnur Divisional. Engineer/TL&SS/Nellore Supdt. Engineer/TL.&SS/Ongole Divisional. 44. 36.&SS/Garividi Divisional Engineer/MRT/TL. 53.&SS/Bommuru Divisional Engineer/TL.&SS/Ananthapur Divisional. Engineer/TL. 43. 63. Engineer/TLC/Rajahmundry Divisional Engineer/TL. Engineer/TL.&SS/Visakhapatnam Divisional Engineer/MRT/EHT/Rajahmundry CE/TL&SS/KADAPA SE/TLC KADAPA CE/TL&SS/Vijayawada SE/TLC/Vijayawada CE/TL&SS/Visakapatnam SE/TL&SS/Visakhapatnam 40 . 47.&SS/Nellore Divisional. 66. Engineer/MRT/T. Engineer/TL&SS/Guntur Divisional. 49. 65. Engineer/TL. No. 55. 48. Engineer/MRT/TL.&SS/Visakhapatnam Supdt. 68. Engineer/TLC/Nellore Supdt.&S/Tirupati Divisional.&SS/Vijayawada Supdt. Engineer/MRT/Kurnool Divisional. 39. Engineer/TL. 41. 58. 42. 57. 38. Engineer/TLC/Vijayawada DE/TL. Designation of the officer to whom cellular telephone would be provided Zone Paying Officer 35. 40.&SS/Vijaywada Divisional. 60. Engineer/Telecom/Visakhapatnam Divisional. Engineer/Telecom/Load /Despatch/V. 74. Engineer/Telecom/Hyderabad Supdt. 71.) CE/Telecom/V' Soudha SE/Telecom (Field) 41 . Engineer/400KV SS/Kalapaka Supdt. 80. 70. Designation of the officer to whom cellular telephone would be provided Zone Paying Officer 69. Engineer/400KV L&SS/Hyderabad Supdt. No. Engineer/Telecom/Warangal Divisional. Engineer/400KV L&SS/Visakhapatnam Supdt. Engineer/Telecom/Kadapa Divisional. Engineer/Telecom/Nellore CE/400kVL&SS/V' Soudha SE/400kV (Field.. 79. Engineer/400KV L&SS/Rajhmundry Divisional. 77. 75. Engineer/Telecom/Vijayawada Supdt. Engineer/Telecom/Hyderabad Divisional. Supdt.S.Soudha Divisional.. 76.. 73. 78. 72. : 02.INTERNAL AUDIT . 1. No.2003 at Mini Meeting Hall. VI Floor. 2. T. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE APTRANSCO) RACHEL CHATTERJEE CHAIRMAN & MANAGING DIRECTOR 42 . FA&CCA (A&E)/Ms.9.Constitution of the Committee for conducting Interview for selection of 14 Chartered Accountants for assigning of Internal Audit Function on contract basis .00 AM on 11.Orders .TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED ABASTRACT APTRANSCO . 139 ORDER: Dated. In view of the above is has been decided to constitute a Committee consisting of the following members for conducting an Interview at 11.Issued. Director (Finance & Revenue)/APTRANSCO Director (Finance)/APCPDCL FA & CCA (A & E)/APTRANSCO Chief Engineer (Transmission)/APTRANSCO Chairman Member Member-cum-Convenor Member The Committee may conduct the Interview and select the Chartered Accountants for assigning the “Internal Audit Function” on contract basis. the APTRANSCO has decided to assign the “Internal Audit Function” to the 14 Teams of Chartered Accountants (each team consists of 1 CA and 2 Assistants) on contract basis for an initial period of one year. 3.O.09.2003 As per the Companies Act and considering the workload involved in each Circle. 4.O. Vidyut Soudha. Hyderabad for selection of 14 Charatered Accountants. constituting an Audit committee with .Ms. read above.O. IAS. IAS.07. Sri Jannat Hussain. III) Department Dated. JMD (HRD. IAS.O. In compliance with the provisions of Section 292 A of the Companies Act. 02.O. Director (Non-whole time) APTRANSCO. Sampath. JMD (HRD. Sri K. Energy (Pr.2002. vide T. J. (ACS) Ms. orders were issued.O..Audit Committee U/S 292 A of the Companies Act. ORDER: T. 02. IAS Principal Secretary to Govt. 3. as Members.Issued. T. 1956 . Dated.O. JMD Viglence) APTRANSCO. No. Durga Prasad.O. Consequently Sri Jannat Hussain. 89. APTRANSCO. and Sri. Energy Department is treated as Director (Nonwhole time). 02.O. G.O. 140 Dated. IAS.TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED VIDYUT SOUDHA : HYDERABAD ABSTRACT APTRANSCO . No. Plg & RA) as Chairman and Managing Director of APCPDCL. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF APTRANSCO) RACHEL CHATTERJEE CHAIRPERSON & MANAGING DIRECTOR 43 .O. S.09.O. IPS. IAS.2003 Read the following:- 1. IAS. was nominated as a Member of the Audit Committee in place of Sri Dinesh Kuman. On the transfer and posting of Sri Dinesh Kumar. Joint Managing Director APTRANSCO.Change name of the Members of the Committee . vide T. Sampath. in place Sri V. 212.S. vide G. NO.2003. Parthasarathy. 1956 (amended).O. 2nd read above. Dated. IAS. 18-08-2003. No. is nominated as a Member of the Audit Committee in place of Sri V.02.Orders .O. Sampath. (FA & CCA / A & E) Ms. Director (Non-whole time). Director (non-whole time) APTRANSCO. (ACS) Ms. T.S. Plg & RA).i) Sri Dinesh Kumar. 101. 2. 1st read above. APTRANSCO. ii) Sri V. Dt. NO.P. 23-11-98 as appended to this order are made applicable to the AP.O. Ms. the forms need not be returned. Rt. T.2003 Read the following:Ref: 1) B.Simplification of pension applications and other forms prescribed orders . Dt. Transco hereby directs that the Revised pension application forms evolved in G. 152. Transco employees.09. 501. Pension forms were also simplified & formulated are still being used. If the pension papers are already submitted in the old form by the retired employees of families in case of death while in service.O.O. of A. Dt. 263 Dt. 05.TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED ABSTRACT Pension . 2) G.O.P. After careful consideration.Issued.P. The simplified forms come into force with effect from September-2003.O. No.P. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF CHAIRPERSON AND MANAGING DIRECTOR/AP TRANSCO) RACHEL CHATTERJEE CHAIRPERSON & MANAGING DIRECTOR 44 . Transco . No.Ms.P.A. Ms. 23-11-1998 ORDER: In the B. 19-05-1989. has changed the existing pension format and evolved the revised pension application forms. 263. the A. In the G. first cited instructions were issued for expeditious settlement of pension & other terminal benefits. 2nd cited Govt. No. 3. 5-9-2003. No. 2. 251.O.O. : 19-10-1976 T. T. (Per – GM (IR) Ms. Deputy Secretary (IR) Deputy Secretary (Estt) Accounts Officer / C. 141. GOPAL KRISHNA ADDITIONAL SECRETARY (I/C) 45 . Dated.O. 5. 1. Read the following:- 1.R.) MS. 4. No.Vidyut Soudha Canteen . Dated: 26-7-1999 T. No. 252.O. 807. 3.O.P.TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED VIDYUT SOUDHA : HDYERABAD ABSTRACT Welfare Measures . Secy. No.Issued. (Per . (Per-DS (IR) Ms. ORDER: B.P. K. Dated: 31-1-2001 *** The Management committee of Vidyut Soudha Canteen constituted in reference cited is hereby Constituted with the following Members with immediate effect. Ms.O. 2. Dt. Secretary (IR) Chairman Member Member Member Convenor The above committee shall frame suitable rules that may be necessary for day to day running the canteen.Constitution of a revised Departmental Canteen Committee at Vidyut Soudha -Orders .Addl. Executive Engineer/Civil Asst. I) Deptt. Pay above Rs. 22.P. to employees of the Government of A.and a maximum of Rs. 5.V.9. 22.2003 (copy enclosed) shall be made applicable to the employees of the Government of A.O. (GM(IR)Perf)Ms. PANDURANGAM DIRECTOR (HRD & PROJECTS) 46 .2002. 7.O. 2183/D(F)/ 2003. Dt.2.158/. (GM(IR)-Per) Ms. Dt.A.7. (GM(IR)-Per) Ms.2003 T. Dt.O.O.20% of Pay subject to a Maximum of Rs.80% of pay Subject to a minimum of Rs.Issued. (P) No.m. 998 Finance (PC-I) Deptt. 6.. Per) Ms.820/.O.2003 Read the following:-. 280.9.9.Ms. working in AP Transco and Discoms on deputation drawing their pay in the Government revised pay scales 1993 from January.Dearness Allowance .2003 T. 3. 377 Finance (PC. Dt. 7. : 24. Dt. No.O.315/85.P.m.9. 4. No. No. No. Dt.4. 1. No. 22 Finance (PC. This order issues with the concurrence of Director (Finance & Revenue) vide U.315/- Pay above Rs. 3. 27. Upto Rs. Dt.Ms. 6. ORDER: The Transmission Corporation of Andhra Pradesh Limited hereby directs that the orders issued in G.2003 *** Pay Range Upto Rs.12.I) Deptt.O. 392 Finance (PC.O.O.Revision of rates of D.(GM. No.158/94.O. 28. from 1st January 2003 in the revised pay Scales 1993 .O.2003.2003. Cumulative rate of D. 7.Adoption of the orders in respect of government employees working on deputation in AP Transco and Discoms .2003.p. 155 Dated.O.I) Deptt. G.380/. 9. NO. 9.86%of Pay subject to a minimum of Rs.p. 392 Finance (PC-I) Department Dt.m. G.TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED ABSTRACT Allowances .1. J. 112. G. No.7.O. Dt.O. 23. Ms. 4. 15. T. 27. No. 2003 at the rates indicated below: G.A. 6.Orders . Ms.p.7. 2.820/. T.2003. including the Acharya N. Teaching and Non-teaching Staff of Zilla Parishads.p. and up to Rs. Municipal Corporations. No. 7. 6.2. Junior colleges.80% of pay subject to a minimum of Rs.01.820/. 22. 1993 from 1st January.07. No. G.O. Gram Panchayets. 6.GOVERNMENT OF ANDHPRA PRADESH ABSTRACT Allowances . Minicipalities.p.m.O. Agricultural Market Committee and also work charged Establishment who get monthly pay in a regular scale of pay in the Revised pay Scales. Dated. 20/5/1983.C. 9.1993.I) Department. G.315/85. 162. Sanctioned ..I) Department Dated. 9. (P) No.Ms.O.380/Basic pay above Rs. 2003 at the following rates. Ranga Agricultural University. Mandal Parishads.I) Department. 7.2003 Read the following:1. Finance (PC.Orders . 2003 and indicated below: 47 .86% of pay subject to a minimum of Rs. Employees of Zilla Grandhalaya Samasthas.2003.380/.m. 1993. (P) No.1 Government also order revision of the rates of Dearness Allowance sanctioned in the Government order 2nd read above in respect of employeesdrawing pay in the Andhra Pradesh Revised U.and a maximum of Rs. Finance (PC. 4. Ms. Warangal drawing pay in the Revised Pay Scales.Dearness Allowance to the state government Employees drawing pay in the pre-revised scales of pay from 01.PC.G. the Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University and the Regional Engineering College.Dearness Allowance .A. Finance & Planning (FW. 377. Basic pay above Rs.158/. FINANCE (PAY COMMISSION-I) DEPARTMENT G. Degree Colleges.7.2003 3. Dated : 28. Dated. 9. 3. 03. 9.Issued.20% of pay subject to a maximum of Rs. 1993. Pay Scales .O.315/- The Dearness Allowance sanctioned in the above para shall be payable to: a) all Government Employees. 1986 1st January . Pay Range Up to Rs. b) Teaching and Non-teaching staff of Aided Institutions viz. 112. 2.158/94.2003. *** ORDER: Government hereby order the revision of rates of Dearness allowance sanctioned in the Government order 2nd read with 3rd above to the State Government Employees drawing pay in the Andhra Pradesh Revised Pay scales. c) Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff of Universities. G. G. Polytechnics and Schools who are drawing pay in the Revised Pay Scales.820/Cumulative rate of D. 392. O. Basic pay above Rs. 4. 1986 and Andhra Pradesh Revised UGC Pay Scales. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE GOVERNOR OF ANDHRA PRADESH) V. 1986. Revised UGC Pay Scalles . Warangal who are drawing pay in the AP Revised UGC Pay Scales 1986. 3.m.500/-p. and uptoRs. 740/.500/-p. 186% of pay subject to a minimum of Rs.3.1986 shall be applicable in this case also.P. the Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University and the Regional Engineering College. Basic pay above Rs.G.6. Ranga Agricultural University.m.SAMPATH PRINCIPAL SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT 48 . including the N.per month. 3rd read above revising the rates of Dearness Allowance from 1st January.900/per month.10. per month.000/.6. b) The Teaching staff of the Universities. 3.m.per month. c)The Full Time Contingent Employees who have completed five years of service but not converted into regular Last Grade Service and drawing a pay of Rs.2 The above revised rates of Dearness Allowance are also applicable to: a) The Teaching and Non-teaching Staff of Government and Aided/Affiliated Degree Colleges and Polytechnics who are drawing pay in the A.045/. 12. 2003 in respect of employees drawing Andhra Pradesh revised Pay Scales.A.Pay Range Basic pay upto Rs.000/-p. Cumulative rate of D.p. 287% of pay 215% of pay subject to a minimum of Rs.m.S. The procedural instructions issued in the G. 129. the following instructions are issued for guidance and strict compliance by all concerned: (i) The definition of “Relative” was communicated in the reference 2nd cited.O. In order to establish the highest standards of integrity among officers and to maintain the clean image of the Organisation.13-10-2000.O.O(GM(IR)-Per) Ms. In such cases there is every scope to attribute motives to such officers though the finalization may be strictly as per procedure. Dt. Yet there may be cases where some of the contractors and functionaries of private companies participating in the tenders of APTRANSCO/DISCOMS may be distantly related to the officers either processing such tenders or finalizing the awards. 2.156 Dated: 24-09-2003 Read the following:- 1) T.No. (ii)In case there is any relationship such officer/director should dissociate himself/herself from processing/ Award of the tender and a decision regarding award of contract shall be taken by the tender sanctioning authority. Limited that contracts are being awarded to Private Companies and to individual contractors where the top functionaries of such companies or the private companiesand /or the individual contractors are related to officers/ officials working in APTRANSCO and or DISCOMS in the State.P.O. 3. it is informed that the definition of a "relative" with reference to the APSEB Employees (Revised) Conduct Regulations has already been communicated in the reference 2nd cited.Certain guidelines Issued. 2) T. Dt.No.O.172. No. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF AP Limited) RACHEL CHATTERJEE CHAIRPERSON & MANAGING DIRECTOR 49 . (GM-Per) Ms.O. T.(GM(IR)-Per) Ms. These guidelines may be followed with immediate effect.23-08-2003 *** ORDER: It has come to the notice of Transmission Corporation of A. It is therefore felt necessary that the officers of and above the rank of Divisional Engineer in all services including Board of Directors in APTRANSCO and DISCOMS should disclose such relationship in the prescribed format (enclosed) which will form part of the tender file.Award of contracts to relatives of officials / directors. In this connection.TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED ABSTRACT APTRANSCO . OR b) That my following relatives have been working and having relationship with the companies with whom the APTRANSCO/DISCOMS have business dealings. Name of the relative Relationship with the Officer/employee Name of the Company/Firm/ Contractor Remarks It is certified that the information furnished above is true to the best of my knowledge and I understand that in the event the information furnished by me is found to be false or act at a later date. I am liable for disciplinary action under the relevant rules Signature of the officer 50 .FORMAT I ________________________________________________________ working as _______________________ in the O/o _________________________ here by sincerely and duly affirm and state as follows : (Strike out that which is not applicable) a) That myself or any of my relatives as in the list mentioned in Annexure do not have any dealings with the Company/Firm/Contractor with whom the APTRANSCO/DISCOMS have business dealings nor are any of my relatives are working in the said Company/Firm/Contractor. 26. 19. 22. 15. 24. Son’s Son 11. 17. Daughter’s Husband Daughter’s Son Daughter’s Son’s Wife Daughter’s Daughter Daughter's/Daughter’s Husband Brother (including Step Brother) Brother’s Wife Sister (including Step Sister) Sister’s Husband Son’s Wife’s Father and their siblings) Son’s Wife’s Mother and their siblings Daughter’s Husband’s Father and their siblings Daughter’s Husband’s Mother and their siblings 51 . Son’s Daughter’s Husband 14.Annexure List of Relatives: 1. Father’s Mother 8. 25. Son’s Son’s Wife 12. 21. Father 2. Son’s Wife 5. 16. 18. Mother’s Mother 9. Mother (including Step Mother) 3. 20. Mother’s Father 10. Son (including step son) 4. Son’s Daughter 13. Father’s Father 7. Daughter (including Step Daughter) 6. 23. in the recent past that undue favour might have been shown to certain Companies/Firms/Contractor. the following guidelines are issued for strict compliance: i) Where the tenders are to be invited for execution of works/procurement of goods.O.Per) Ms. iii) Where the tenders for execution of works/procurement of goods are already opened and their evaluation is in the process. 3. CCAs. No. T. 23. Superintending Engineer’s.O.Issued. a clause may be included in the terms and conditions of tender document to the effect that an undertaking as in the AnnexureI shall be given by the Companies/Firms/Contractors along with their tenders. 129 Dated. No.O.9. Though the procedures are laid down for evaluation of the tenders and awarding of contracts and every care is being taken to ensure transparency. Executive Engineers/Divisional Engineers.2003. FA & CCAs. 2.O. Dy. T. ii) In all such cases where relationships exist between any officer/Board of Director of APTRANSCO/ DISCOM with the tenderer. Instances have come to notice of the APTRANSCO that in certain cases contracts for apply of material or execution of works were awarded to the relatives of certain officials of APTRANSCO/DISCOMS or its Directors.2003 Read the following:- 1. 4. No. there are apprehensions.TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED ABSTRACT APTRANSCO .O. A clause may also be pnchided in the agreement that false information furnished in the declaration will render the contract liable for termination as well as recovery of damages. 24.9.Award of contracts to the relatives of officials / Board of Directors in connection with the execution of works in APTRANSCO & DISCOMS . due to their relationship with the officials of the APTRANSCO/DISCOMS or its Directors. To ensure transparency and to establish the highest standards of integrity in APTRANSCO and DISCOMS. No. a clause may be included in the Agreement to be entered into with the successful tenderer as indicated in para 3 (i) above and an undertaking taken as in the Annexure-II to this order. T. No.Certain guidelines . and contracts are yet to be finalized.8. SAOs and Assistant Secretaries are directed to follow the above instructions scrupulously. 2. a decision regarding award of contract shall be taken by the concerned Board. (GM. Deputy Secretaries.O. All the Chief Engineers/General Managers / CGMs. disclosing their relationship with the Officers/Directors of APTRANSCO/DISCOMS failing which the tenders will be rejected. : 24. (GM-Per) Ms. 156 Dated. (GM(IR)-Per) Ms. ORDER: Public Utilities/Public Sector Undertakings including Transmission Corporation of Andhra Pradesh Limited and DISCOMS normally get the works executed by awarding contracts to the Private Companies / Partnership firms or through Contractors. 157 Dated.2003. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED) RACHEL CHATTERJEE CHAIRPERSON & MANAGING DIRECTOR 52 . I Undertaking to be given by the Company/Partnership Firm/Contractor Tender: _______________________________________________ respresented Company Partnership Firm/Contractor responding to the bid invitation APTRANSCO/APEPDCL/APSPDCL/APNPDCL/APCPDCL vide Specification _______________________________________ here by sincerely and solemnly affirm and state as following (Strike out that which is not applicable) (a) That myself or any of the representatives of m company/firm do relatives as defined in the appended Annexure III in the APTRANSCO/DISCOM. 5. 2. OR b) That the following officers/employee of the APTRANSCO/DISCOM is and to the representatives of my Company/Firm and their status in the APTRANSCO is as under. Name of the officer /employee Designation / and Place of Working APTRANSCO/ DISCOM Relations It is certified that the information furnished above is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. It is hereby undertaken that in the event of any of the above information found or incorrect at a later date. 4. 3. No. the APTRANSCO/DISCOM is entitled to be contract/agreement entered into besides recovering damages as may be found necessary notice. 1. 6. Signature of the authorized representative 53 . Sl.Annexure . OR (b) That the following officers/ employees of the APTRANSCO/DISCOM are related to me and to the representatives of my Company/Firm as mentioned hereunder:Sl. 1. No. (Strike out that which is not applicable) (a) I declare that myself or any one of the representatives of my company/Firm do not have any relatives as defined in the appended Annexure III in the APTRANSCO/DISCOM. 4. the APTRANSCO/DISCOM is entitled to be terminate contract/agreement entered into besides recovering damages as may be found necessary with due notice. Signature of the authorized representative 54 . Name of the officer /employee Designation / and Place of Working APTRANSCO/ DISCOM Relations It is certified that the information furnished above is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.II Declaration to the given by the Company/Partnership Firm/Contractor at the time of entering into Agreement with APTRANSCO/DISCOMS. 6.Annexure . 3. It is hereby undertaken that in the event of any of the above information found to be flase at a later date. 5. 2. 8. 5. 3. 11. 15. 24. 16. 10. 18.III List of Relatives:1. 4. 19. 20. 2. 21. 22. 17. 14.Annexure . 25. 23. 26. 9. Father Mother (including Step Mother) Son (including step son) Son’s Wife Daughter (including Step Daughter) Father’s Father Father’s Mother Mother’s Mother Mother’s Father Son’s Son Son’s Son’s Wife Son’s Daughter Son’s Daughter’s Husband Daughter’s Husband Daughter’s Son Daughter’s Son’s Wife Daughter’s Daughter Daughter’s Daughter’s Husband Brother (including Step Brother) Brother’s Wife Sister (including Step Sister) Sister’s Husband Son’s Wife’s Father and their sibilings) Son’s Wife’s Mother and their sibilings Daughter’s Husband’s Father and their sibilings Daughter’s Husband’s Mother and their sibilings 55 . 7. 13. 6. 12. Orders Issued. Encl.Re-allocation of subjects among Joint Managing Directors and Directors . 219.III) Dept. G. 16-10-2003. Rt.O.TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED VIDYUT SOUDHA : HYDERABAD ABSTRACT Estt . Annexure RACHEL CHATTERJEE CHAIRPERSON & MANAGING DIRECTOR 56 . Dt. (Personnel. G. Dt.O.III) Dept. Services) T. 17-10-2003. 170 Dated: 20-10-2003 Read the following:1) Ref.APTRNSCO .O.O. Energy (Pr.. No. ORDER: Consequent on assuming charge by Joint Managing Directors as per references cited. 221. (Per-GM/P) Ms. the subjects are re-allocated as indicated in the Annexure among the Joint Managing Directors and Directors of APTRANSCO. No. 2) Ref. Rt. Energy (Pr. No.. & I. Act.Annexure to T. Malakondaiha.No.Ps. Industrial Relations & Training b) SE/Training (IPC & Reforms) 2. 2. Dated. I. O. Estate Officer 1.T. c) Purchases & Material Management. Comml. CE/Comml. SE-Enquireis b) MIS. IRAS Director (Finance & Rev) . Sri M. FA & CCA ( A & E) 3. a) Budget allocation Accounts. Director (Projects Construction) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57 . & I. disciplinary cases a) DE/Disciplinary cases (HRD. CE/IPC d) Reforms & Elecy. SE/EBC to the extent of Energy Audit. DPE. GM(HRD & Training) Jt. JMD/Director Subjects Functional Heads ----------------------------------------------------------------------------1. CE/RAC & Reforms. Sri J. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------S. Expenditure. Sai Prasad. IPS Jt Managing Director (Vigilance & Security) a) Vigilance matters. 2. SEs/DPE & SEs/Assessments. 3. & IT 4. * They will also attend to Tribunals/Special Courts.O. Audit & Resource Management. No. CE/Operation to the extent of commercial loss reduction. c) All IPPs & related matters 6.. c) Commercial loos reduction 3. CE/Comml. Additonal Secretary 3.T. IAS a) HRD functions including 1.T.V. SE/Purchases 4. CCA (Revenue) 4.) 5.O. Managing Director enquiries. Sri G. 2003 7... Sri A. CE/DFID & APL 4. APL etc. Venkateshwar. b) Energy Audit 1. CE/Comml. 220 KV & 132 KV Lines & Sub-stations b) All works of DFID OECF. 170.S. CE/Civil 3.. 1./DISCOMS b) Revenue matters c) All revenue dept. Dy. (Per-GM/P) Ms. S. Pandurangam.D. : 20-10-2003. & Commercial 4. Assessments & Prosecution.T. Addl. (I.CE/Transmission (Construction) 2. related matters a) Execution of all 400 KV. FA & CCA ( R&A) 2. Monitoring financial parameters of APTRANSCO. Note : GM/Corporate Communications) and Assistant Company Secretary will continue to function under the direct control of CMD/APTRANSCO. CE/Telecommunication. P. CE/Planning and allied subjects d) Grid Operation. Operation & Maint. CE/Power Systems. CE/Operation 4.S. ABT..K. Sri. Transmission) 5. e) Co-ordination with A.P. 3. to the extent of Regulatory affairs. f) Rural Electrification. 2. JMD/Director Subjects Functional Heads 5. Regulation of 6.No.Civil .. Kesava Rao Director (Grid Operation. CE/Comml. RACHEL CHATTERJEE CHAIRPERSON & MANAGING DIRECTOR 58 . 6. 1.M. Gandhi. b) Power System 4. 220 KV & 132 KV LInes & Sub-Stations 1. c) Planning (Generation..to the extent of O&M works of transmission. CE/RAC & Reforms . 3. to the extent of power trading. CE/RE CE/Transmission (O&M) All CEs/TL & SS CE. G. of India Ministry & Organisations. Director (RA & Co-ordination) a) Regulatory Affairs b) Power Trading c) Terms & Conditions of Power Supply d) Co-ordination with DISCOMS & other directors. Restriction & Control measures e) Telecommunications 7..) a) O & M of all 400 KV. CE/Grid Operation Power supply. Govt. Sri. Govt. 2. The attempt should be to reduce the number to the bare minimum required. (CEE/DFID&APL) Ms.P.10. No.VEHICLE CELL-Hiring of Vehicles-Constitutions of the committee to the numbers and Type of Veheciles to be hire for the Vidyut Soudha Officer . (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE A. LIMITED VIDYUT SOUDHA :: HYDERABAD AP TRANSCO . TRANSCO) RACHAL CHATTERJEE CHAIRMAN AND MANAGING DIRECTOR 59 .TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF A.P.2003.Orders. Read the following:- PROCEEDINGS: AP Transco decided to constitute a committee chaired by Sri G.171 Dated: 20. IPC & Reforms) Director (Finance & Revenue) & Director (Projects & Construction) to finalize the numbers and type of vehicles to be hired to the Vidyut Soudha Officers.Issued. Sai Prasad. Comml. Joint Managing Director (HRD. Audit Committee U/S 292 A of the Companies Act. 02. 4755.2003. Dated. *** ORDER: Consequent to the transfer of Sri K. Rt.10.O.09. 1956 .Change in one of the Members of the Committee . APTRANSCO. 08-10-2003. IPS. APT RANSCO.TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED (a wholly owned State Govt.O. Malakondaiah. IPS. (ACS) Ms. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF APTRANSCO) RACHEL CHATTERJEE CHAIRPERSON & MANAGING DIRECTOR 60 .07. IPS. 2.O. T.O. Rt. Company) Vidyut Soudha : Hyderabad. (FA & CCA / A & E) Ms. Durga Prasad. T. 89. APTRANSCO. *** ABSTRACT AP TRANSCO . Joint Managing Director.O.2002. vide G. Dated. IPS. Dt. 02.2003. 177 Dated. T. 02. Malakondaiah.O. No. No.O. 140.O.O.. Sri M.Orders . Dt.02. No. 4869. No. (ACS) Ms. JMD (Vigilance & Security). Durga Prasad. 15-10-2003. T. is nominated as a Member of the Audit Committee in place of Sri K. 3. (ACS) Ms. and appointment of Sri M. 212.O. No. Read the following:1. as Joint Managing Director (Vigilance & Security). (Vigilance & RA). vide G. 27.2003. Dated.Issued. No. Stores Purchase Committee .219..O. 184 Dt. 500 lakhs) Joint Managing Director (HRD.2003 PROCEEDINGS: In the reference 1st cited. AP TRANSCO In modification of the the orders issued in the reference cited (1) above Reconstitute the Stores Purchase Committee as indicated below to orders the tender proposals for Purchase/awarding contracts. issued orders reallocation the works among the Joint Managing Directors & Directors of AP Transco consequent on assuming charge by Joint Managing Directors as per references (3&4) cited above. No.1 Purchase of materials/awarding of contracts above Rs.No. T.10. IPC & Reforms) Direrctor (Finance & Revenue) Director (Concerned) Direrctor (Projects Construction/ Grid Operation. 18..O.TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED ABSTRACT AP TRANSCO .Rt. Ref. Comml. G. Energy/(Pr. IPC & Reforms) Joint Managing Director (Vigilance & Security) Director (Finance & Revenue) Direrctor (Concerned) Director (Projects Construction/ Chairman Member Member Member Member Member 61 .III) Dept. 111 Dt.Reconstitution of Stores Purchase Committee Modified Orders .O.CEE/DFID&APL) Ms. (Per-GM/P) Ms.O. Operation & Maintenance) Director (RA & Co-ordination) Commissioner of Industries / his Nominee Chairman Member Member Member Member Member Srores Purchase Committee .10. AP Transco. CEE (DFID&APL) Ms.2003 Read the following: 1.Rt.2 Purchase of materials/awarding of contracts above Rs.2003 3.10. No. G. T. 170. Energy/(Pr.O. Dt.O. Ref. 500 lakhs) Chairman & Managing Director Joint Managing Director (HRD.O.2003 4. Dt. 100 lakhs and upto Rs. Dt.O. No. 17. T..Reg.10.07. in reference 2nd cited.III) Dept. 20. 16. Comml. 31.221.. orders were issued reconstituting the Stores purchase Committees to consider the tender proposals for purchase/awarding contracts.No.2003 2. iii) Sub-committee of Stores Purchase Committee-2 Joint Managing Director (HRD. Operation & Maintenance) Member Member Member Member The above sub committee wil vet the tender proposals before submission to Stores Purchase Committee-2 (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF APTRANSCO) RACHEL CHATTERJEE CHAIRPERSON & MANAGING DIRECTOR 62 .Grid Operation. IPC & Reforms) Director (Finance & Revenue) Director (Projects Construction) Director (Grid Operation. Operation & Maintenance Director (RA & Co-ordination) Commissioner of Industries/his Nominee Member Member Chairman & Managing Directors of 4 Discoms are the members of Stores Purchase Committee for Discom related Purchases. Comml.. The Suggestion Committee shall function under the overall guidance / direction of the Chairman of the Committee. (Per-GM/P) Rt. stipulated in the annexures appended to T. the Suggestion Committee constituted to administer the Employees Suggestion Scheme vide T.O. Dated..O.O.).9. The suggestion Committee will meet once in a month 3. cited. CE/Transmission (Const. General Manager (HRD & Training) CE/Operation. The other rules. No. 147.O.TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED VIDYUT SOUDHA : HYDERABAD ABSTRACT Estt.Issued. cited is reconstituted with the following members. 15. Dated: 1. CE/Commercial & IT. conditions and criteria etc.APTRANSCO-Reconstitution of Suggestion Committee to administer the Employees suggestion Scheme . ORDER: Consequent to appointment of new Joint Managing Directors in TRANSCO Board. will remain same. 199. RACHEL CHATTERJEE CHAIRMAN & MANAGING DIRECTOR 63 .O. . the secretary and at least two CEs.O.2003. The Chairman.11.O.Orders . IPC & Reforms).O. Chairman Secretary Members JMD (HRD. of the remaining members of the suggestion Committee have to be necessarily present for the meeting to take place. CE / RAC & Reforms. The Chairman of the Committee will have a term of one year and will be nominated by the Board by rotation. CE/DFID&APL CE/Telecom and FA&CCA (R&A). (PERSONNEL SERVICES) T. Comml.2003 Read the following: T. No. 2. (Per-GM/P) Rt. O.2003.TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED ABSTRACT Allowances .O. Finance (PC. 3. 23. 27.O. 107 Dt. No. 2.A.11.O. (GM-Per) Ms. 6.2003 T.2003.O. 9.O.. Dt. (P) No.Per) Ms. (P) NO. No.2003.2002. 22. No.Per) M.I) Dept. G.O. No. 4. G. Ms..2003 (copy enclosed) shall be made applicable to the employees of the Government of A. 5.I) Dept. 475 Finance (PC. (HRD & Trg.4. *** ORDER: The Transmission Corporation of A. 200 Dated : 20-11-2003. G. G. 998.9. No.Adoption of the orders in respect of Government employees working on deputation in AP Transco and Discoms . SAI PRASAD JOINT MANAGING DIRECTOR (HRD) 64 .Issued.M.7. 24.O. 28. 6. This order issues with the concurrence of Director (Finance & Revenue) vide U. 280.2003 T.I) Department. Dt.I) Dept. Dt.. working in AP Transco and Discoms on deputation and drawing their pay in the Government Revised Pay scales. T. Dt. (GM (IR) . (P) No.2003 T.2003 G. 2578/D (F)/ 2003.O. Dt. 4. No. Ms. to the employees of the Government of AP from 1st July 2003 in the Revised Pay scales 1999 .7.O.O. Limited directs that the orders issued in G. 7. 22 Finance (PC-I) Dept. 1999.O. 8.O.O. 377 Finance (PC.P.11. 15.O.. Read the following:- ‘ 1. T. Ms.Dearness Allowance . (GM (IR) .2. No.2003 G.O.Orders .11.12. No. 27 Dt. 475 Finance (PC.1.7.Revision of rates of D. Dated.) Ms. 18. 155 Dt. (GM (IR)-Per) Ms.2003 G.O.P. 3. 392 Finance (PC-I) Dept. Dt. Dt. No. 6. 2. Jawaharlal Nehru Technological (University and the National Institute of Technology. 475 Dated. 1999 from Rs. 114.2003.Dearness Allowance .G.I) Department.5. 11. G. Dated. 2003 from 55% to 59% to with effect from 1st July 2003. The above rates of Dearness Allowance are also applicable to: (i) The teaching and Non-teaching staff of Government and Aided Affiliated Degree Colleges who are drawing pay in the Andhra Pradesh Revised UGC Scales of Pay. 1. Dated. iii) Teaching and Non-teaching Staff of Universities including the Acharya N. 1996. G. Dated.COPY OF GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH ABSTRACT Allowances .2 The Dearness Allowance sanctioned in the above para shall be payable to: i) The employees of Zilla Parishad. No. Warangal who are drawing pay in a regular scale of pay in the Revised Pay Scales. 2. Municipal Corporations. 2003.266% of Basic pay per month from 1st July.1999. from 1st July. Finance (P.2003.C. G. (ii) The teaching staff of the Universities including Acharya N.1 Government also hereby order the revision of rates of Dearness allowance in respect of State Government employees drawing pay in the Andhra Pradesh Revised U. (P) No. 1996. Agricultural Market Committees and Zilla Grandhalaya Samasthas and work charged establishment who are drawing pay in a regular scale of pay in the Revised Pay Scales. 1996. 377.G.994% of the Basic pay to 30. ii) Teaching and Non-teaching Staff of Aided Institutions including Aided Polytechnics who are drawing pay in a regular scale of pay in the Revised Pay Scales. : 6. Read the following:1. read above. 2. the Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University and the Regional Engineering College.C. (formely regional Engineering College) Warangal.O.M.G.S.Orders – issued.Sanctioned .11. 3.O. 1999. Mandal Parishad. (P) No.O. Pay scales.(P) No. FINANCE (PC. 1999.8.2003.7. Ranga Agricultural University. ORDER: Government hereby order the revision of rate of Dearness allowance sanctioned in the G. 7. Finance and Planning (FW PC I) Department.O. Municipalities.3 The above rates of Dearness Allowance also are applicable the Judicial Officers whose Pay Scales have beer revised vide G. 2003 . second read above to the State Government employees in the Andhra Pradesh revised Pay Scales.Dearness Allowance to the State Government Employees from 1st July. 2. Polytechnics who are drawing pay in the Andhra Pradesh Revised UGC Scales of Pay.O. and the teaching staff of Govt. Gram Panchayats. 65 . 26.O. Ranga Agricultural University. 3. 1999.I) DEPARTMENT G. 60 Law (LA&J-SCF) Department. However in the case of an employee who ceases to be in service prior to the opening of a General Provident Fund Account. the arrears so impounded shall be drawn and paid with the interest on the date on which such employee ceases to be in service. 2004.) are requested not to admit the pay bills of the office for the month of December. All the Audit Officers (Sub-Treasury Officers) are requested to furnish the figures of the amount credited to the General Provident Fund Account and the amounts credited to Compulsory Savings Account in 66 . General Provident Fund S. The Drawing Officers shall ensure that the Bills are supported by proper schedules in duplicate indicating the details of the employee. etc. 2003 at the latest. shall be presented at the same time as bills for crediting the arrears of Dearness Allowance to the General Provident Fund Account as per para 3. 2003 unless a certificate is enclosed to the bills to the effect that the arrears of difference in Dearness Allowance for the period from 1st july. The Drawing Officer shall prefer bill on the Pay & Accounts Officer. Bills for the adjustment of arrears of Dearness Allowance to the compulsory Savings Account as per para 3. (03) Compulsory Savings scheme under Public Account”. October.H. All the Drawing Officers are requested to ensure that the bills as per the above orders are drawn and the amounts credited to General Provident Fund Account by the end of November. The Pay & Accounts Officer/Asst.M. 2003 to 31st. 2003 to be adjusted to the General Provident Fund Account. 3.3.H. District Treasure Officers and Pay & Accounts Officer of Projects.State Provident Funds . to be transferred to the General Provident Fund Account whenever opened.4 In the event of death of any employee before the issue of these orders. 3. or Pay & Accounts Officer/Assistant Pay & Accounts Officer of the Andhra Pradesh Works Accounts Service or the Treasurey Officer. 2003 to 31st October. 2003 to 31st October. 5.1. The arrears on account of payment of Dearness Allowance for the period from 1st July. 3. to the pay & Accounts Officer/Treasury Officers/and Assistant Pay & Accounts Officers or Pay & Accounts Officers of Projects. Hyderabad. 10. The second copy of the schedules shall be furnished to the Drawing Officers with Voucher Numbers. 2003 shall be credited to the Major Head 8005 . In respect of employees working in Government Offices in the Twin Cities.9(21) (a) (i). the Pay and Accounts Officer shall consolidate and furnish information in the proforma annexed (Annexure-I) to this order to the Finance (PC. the legal heir(s) shall be entitled to the arrears of Dearness Allowance in cash. 6.3. 8. 2003 are drawn and credited to the General provident Fund Account. Pay & Accounts/ Pay & Accounts Officer of Projects/District Treasury Officer/Sub-Treasury Officer shall follow the usual procedure of furnishing one copy of the schedules along with bills to the Accountant General based on which the Accountant General shall credit the amount to the General Provident Fund Accounts of the individuals concerned.R.2 However in the case of employees who are due to retire before 1st March. 9. the General Provident Fund Account Number and the amount to be credited to the General Provident Fund Account Number and the amount to the credit to the General Provident Fund Account. as the case may be. the arrears of Dearness Allowance for the period from 1st July. 2003 shall be credited the General Provident Fund Account of the respective employees. The tearm ‘Pay’ for this purpose shall be as defined in F. The Audit Officers (Pay & Accounts Officer). 7. as the case may be for the amount of arrears for the period from 1st July 2003 to 31st October.1 The Dearness Allowance sanctioned in the above paras 1-2 shall before paid in cash with the salary of November 2003 payable in December 2003. 4.3. 2004 the arrears of Dearness Allowance shall be drawn and paid to them in cash as on employee due to retire on superannuation is compulsorily exempted from making any subscription to the General provident Fund during the last four months of service.I) Department to reach on or before 28th February. In respect of those who do not have General Provident Fund Accounts. 101. S. Government also hereby sanction an ad-hoc increase of Rs. 13. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE GOVERNOR OF ANDHRA PRADESH) V. In respect of employees of Local Bodies. The District Treasury Officers in turn shall consolidate the information and furnish the same in the same proforma to the Director of Treasuries and Accounts by 31st January. All the Departments of Secretariat and Heads of Departments are requested to take prompt steps to provide additional funds under the relevant Heads of Accounts. 16.the Prescribed proforma (Annexure-I) enclosed. Finance projects). The Director of State Audit in turn shall furnish the consolidated. 14. Finance (Project Wing) Department by 31st December. 2003. 2003. 17. 11. the Director of Accounts of each Project shall furnish the information to the Deputy Financial adviser. The above Officers in turn shall consolidate the information and furnish the same to the Secretary to Government Finance (PCI) department.I) Department by 28th February. The Director of Treasuries and Accounts Director state Audit/Pay & Accounts Officer/ Deputy Financial Adviser. All the Drawing and Disbursing Officers and Audit Officers are requested to intimate to the employees working under their control as to how much amount of arrears of Dearness Allowances is credited to the General Provident Fund Account/Compulsory Savings Account in the Proforma Annexed (Annexure-II) to this order. 25/. 15. In regard to the Project Staff. in turn. 2004. The expenditure on the Dearness Allowance to the employees of Municipalities and Municipal Corporations shall be met from their own funds. Finance (PC. to the District Treasury by in the end of 31st December. are requested to issue suitable instructions to the their subordinate Audit Officers so that these instructions are carefully followedby them. shall furnish the information to the Finance (PC. Information to the Secretary to Government. 12.per month in cash to the Village Administrative Officers and Village Servents from 1st July. 2004. by 28th February. 20. SAMPATH PRINCIPAL SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT 67 . in turn furnish the consolidated information to the Director of State Audit by 31st January. 2004. 2004. 2004. 2003 and who. All the Heads of the Departments and Departments of Secretariat are requested to issue suitable instructions to the Drawing and Disbursing Officers under their control and to see that these instructions are followed scrupulously. The orders revising the rates of Dearness Allowance in respect of those drawing pay in the pre revised scales will be issued separately. the Drawing Officers shall furnish the above information in the prescribed proforma to the Aduit Officer of the District concerned before 31 st December 2003 and whowill. 19.I) department by 28th February. shall furnish the information to Government 28th February. 2004 and who in turn. 18. They are further requested to adhese to the above instructions and any deviation or noncompliance of these instructions will be viewed seriously. Credited Audited to G.F. Name of the Sub-Treasury District Treasury/Audit Officer.O.2003.F.I) Department.O.II As per Para 15 of G.2003 1. 3.A. 3.A. Credited to the G. 475. Dt. Signature of the Drawing and Disbursing Officer Dated: Office Seal 2.P. Signature of the Audit Authority Annexure .A. The amount of arrears of D. 6.ANNEXURE – I As perParas 12 to 17 of G.P. 2. Account/ Compulsory Savings Account. Credite to Compulsory Savings Account Total Amount of arrears of D. 475. 68 . The Amount of arrears of D. (P) of G.11.O.A. Dated: 5. Name of Office : Digination of the Drawing and and Disbursing Officer Name and designation of the employee : Whether the amount of arrears credited to the General provident Fund Account/Compulsory Savings Accounts.I) Departmentd 6.11. 4. 1. Finance (PC. (P) No. Accounts. so credited to G. Accounts and credited to Compulsory Savings Account.P. (P) No. Finance (PC.F. The Amount of arrears of D. 4. (vii) The hired car being used for thermo vision camera is placed at the disposal of Chief Engineer (Power systems) / Superintending Engineer (Power Systems). (CEE/DFID & APL) Ms.Issued.Recommendations of the Vehicles-Committee. Read the following:- In order to reduce the number of vehicles to barest minimum. Joint Managing Directors and other Directors and peshis shall be continued. No.VEHICLE-CELL . The Divisional Engineer (Tech) to the Director (Transmission & Grid Operation) is directed to release the vehicle immediately. Superintending Engineer (Purchases) shall take the necessary action for diversion of the 69 .TRANSMISSION CORPORATION ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED VIDYUT SOUDHA :: HYDERABAD ABSTRACT AP TRANSCO . (v) The hired car allotted to the Executive Engineer/Civil/VS shall be replaced by hired jeep and will be shared with the AEE/Electrical Maintenance / VS.10.O. (CEE/DFID&APL) Ms.Cell shall have 4 Nos. 20. No. There shall be no further addition in number of vehicles allotted to officials other than AP (ix) The Vehicle . Non A/C departmental / Hired Diesel Cars and Four (4) NOs. ORDERS: Dated : 24-11-2003. Dt. The Chief Engineer / Civil/O&M/Vidyut Soudha is requested to take necessary action. AP Transco issued the following instructions. (vi) Departmental Van available in IR Wing is diverted to Director (Transmission & Grid Operation) for use in MRT Wing and discontinuing one hired vehicle engaged now in MRT Wing. 171. (iii) The arrangement of vehicles made for the officers of the rank of Superintending Engineers and equivalent will be continued as indicated in the Annexure. The Chief Engineer / Power System is directed to take necessary action. The details are indicated in the Annexure. a committee was constituted in the reference 1st cited above to finalize the number of vehicles and type of the vehicles to the Vidyut Soudha Officers. 201 T. Consequently the hired jeep available with AEE/ Electrical Maintenance/VS stands cancelled. departmental Cars already available with vehicle-cell shall be diverted to the following officers in place of hired cars. (ii) All the Chief Engineers and equivalent cadre officers shall be provided with only Non A/C Diesel Dept/Hired Cars.O. T.Orders .2003. (iv) Consequent to diversion of the post of Superintending Engineer/ULDC the hired car allotted to him stands cancelled.O. 2. After careful consideration of the recommendations of the vehicles committee. Constituted to finalize the NORMS for allotting the vehicles and type of vehicles to the Vidyut Soudha Officers . (i) The present arrangement for Chairman and Managing Director. (viii) Transco.O. The General Manager (HRD & Trg) is directed to release the vehicle immediately. 2515. b. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED) RACHEL CHATTERJEE CHAIRMAN AND MANAGING DIRECTOR 70 . The controlling officers shall take the necessary action for cancellation of the hired vehicles. This order is issued with the concurrence of Director/Finance & Revenue vide his Regd. The Superintending Engineer / Purchases shall monitor the movement of pool vehicles. 4.7/10. after taking the Cars from the vehicle-cell. No. Dt. 3.11. Additional Secretary Superintending Engineer / Enquiry / VS Deputy Controller of Accounts/Revenue Legal Cell Consequently the hired Cars available with the above officers are hereby cancelled. a. d.departmental vehicles. c.03. O. CE/Comml.O. SE/Civil/O&M/VS/Hyd. 22.2003.O. 31. DE(Telecom)LD/VS/Hyd. No. 3. AEE/Elecl. (CEE/DFID&APL) Ms. 30. CE/IPC/VS 14.&M Civils Car to be replaced with jeep and shared with AEE/Elec. 4. CE/RAC/VS 13. P. Maint/Civil/Vs. AEE-1/QC/400 KV/Hyd. (protocol)/VS Total 1 1 2 10 1 2 22 2 2 1 4 0 36 Auto (Hired) + Auto RACHEL CHATTERJEE CHAIRMAN AND MANGING DIRECTOR 71 . Legal Cell/VS 27. 5. CE/P&RE/VS 12. SE/Engineers/VS 19. FA&CCA(R&A)/VS 18.11. CE/Civil/VS/Hyd. CE/PS/VS 10. Addl. 201/2003. Dy. Dt. CE/DFID&APL 8. GM (C&C)/VS 16. Approved Vehicles Care Jeep D H D H 1 1+1 1 1 1 1 1 1+1* 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 S.O. FA&CCA(A&E) 17. SE/Telecom/VS 20. CE/Transmission (O&M) 2. & IS 11. Estate Officer/VS 25. Maint’s jeep here by cancelled 29. Secretary/VS 24. GM(HRD & Training) 15. Law Attache/VS 26. CE/Telecom/VS/Hyd.No. CE/Transmission (Construction) 6. EE/Civil/O&M/VS/Hyd 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 * Shift-cum-emergency ULD Mamidipally Transportation of Thermovision camera Diverted from vehicle cell Diverted from vehicle cell Diverted from vehicle cell Diverted from vehicle cell EE/O.VS/ 9. Vehicle-Cell 32. AEE-IIQC/400 KV/Hyd. CE/Plg/VS/Hyd. Designation Total Remarks 1. CE/G.ANNEXURE to the T. 24. 28. CE/OPeration/VS 7. CCA/Revenue/VS 23. the Performance Indicators for Personnel Officers working in Deputation section canteen Liaison Officer(legal) Corporate Training Institute and Assistant Secretary/Personnel Officer/Junior Personnel Officers/ HRD Assistant Secretary/JPO Exams and ADE Database are given in Annexure (along with formats).Certain modification/Additions . The Performance Indicators evolved vide reference cited for the Personnel Officers in establishment Personnel Service sections shall be equally applicable for the personnel Officers/JPOs/Assistants /Typists working in Circles /Zonal offices. SLPs Review Petitions in the High Court/Supreme Court is amended as ‘before due date stipulated by the courts”.TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED VIDYUT SOUDHA :: HYDERABAD ABSRACT APTRANSCO .e. Class-II & Class-III respectively.Orders . tangible parameters for the personnel in P&D service w. 317. T. CRD.M. Dt. The Performance Indicators evolved vide reference cited for the Personnel Officers working in the Peshies of Functional Heads/ Directors/Chairman & Managing Director shall be applicable for the Personnel Officers working in Reforms Protocol. Some of the Employees associations /unions as well as individual Officers.&C) appended for use by the officers /staff in Class-I. 202 Dated. 3.Issued.O.11.O. 5. The performance Indicators listed under various sections/Departments vide reference cited shall be applicable to any Officer of equivalent cadre discharging any of the duties thereof. After careful examination and in continuation of the orders issued in the T. Chief Engineer /Transmission &400KV. Vigilance Liaison. No. Secy) Ms. 12. 4. N0.2003 Read the following:T. APTRANSCO here by issues the following supplementary parameters and certain modification/additions:1.3. The following parameters are added for the performance appraisal of the Additional Secretary (a) “sanction of GPE advances /Part final withdrawal” (b) “any other specific item of work (specify the Item)” APTRANSCO also approves the formats (Format A.D/APTRANSCO) RACHAEL CHATTERJEE (CHAIRMAN &MANAGING DIRECTOR) 72 . 6.f.O.O.Performance Indicators for the Personnel in APTRANSCO . Estate office.O. 2.O. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE C. The time frame”15days” stipulated vide T.P&G SERVICES . (Add. B.O cited. : 24. Secy) Ms. (Addl. represented that either Performance Indicators suitable to their present jobs are not evolved or those of the performance Indicators already issued were not applicable to them. cited for the GM(IR) for filing all appeals.2003 ORDER: In the T. 1-04-2003.O cited the APTRANSCO issued orders approving a Performance appraisal system based on certain objective.O.O. Half Yearly 100%-A 3. Security and dispatch of answer scripts to the examiners.Secretary (Exam) 1. Security and -doSecutiny of evaluated answer scripts received from the 2 days from the date of receipt. Secretary (HRD) Filling of Counter Affidavits/Appeals relating to Options As per due dates stipulated b the Courts.Security and dispatch of Question papers to exam centers 4. -do- 2 days prior to the date of examination Half yearly 100%-A -do- 15 days from the date of examination Half Yearly 100%-A 5. Issue of notifications for Departmental Exams. Scrutiny of applications Assistant Secretary Half Yearly 100%-A -do- One month from the last date of receipt of applications. 100%-A Updation of Data Base -do- March. Half Yearly 100%-A 73 .Annexure PERFORMANCE INDICATORS FUNCTION WISE Function Task Officer responsible Assistant Secretary Time frame Frequency of evaluation Monthly Scale Asst. 2. June September and December As per Schedule fixed by the Competent Authority 1st week of March & September Quarterly 100%-A Any other item of -dowork (to be specified) Monthly 100%-A Asst. Trainings. Performance Indicators Annual Appraisel reports etc.examiners. Reimbursement of Medical Expenses. -do- Annually Profit . ADE (Data Base) 1.Technical Support for updation of employee database -do- Half yearly 100%-A ADE March. Approval of Receipts & Payments -do- Monthly 100%-A 7th of every month. magazines -do- 100%-A -do- Monthly Monthly 100%-A -do- Monthly Monthly 100%-A 74 . Scrutiny and passing of bills towards expenditure incurred by the centers. Publication of results. Inventory/stock Control of furniture / fittings in hostel 3. -doLast Thursday of August and Last Thursday of February 2 days from the date of receipt of bills from the centers. Profit/Loss earned. As per schedule fixed by the Competent Authority Quarterly 100%-A 2. Personnel Officer Canteen 1.Integration of -doemployee database with Disciplinary Cases. 6. Half Yearly 100%-A 7.> 20% -A 10-20% -B 0-10%-C Loss-D daily Monthly 100%-A Personner Officer CTI 1 Daily occupancy reports on accommodation. Custody and orderly maintenance of books.. 2. June September and December. Monthly 100%-A 2. . One week Monthly 100%-A 3. Monthly 100%-A Depviation Section Personnel officer 3 days from the date of receipt of the proposal or before due date which ever is earlier Monthly 100%-A -do- 2 days from the date of transfer or before due date which ever is earlier February Financial Year / cancellation of deputation which ever is earlier. 1.Issue of proceedings after obtaining permission of the competent authority -do- daily Monthly 100%-A Before due date fixed by the Courts. Issue of authorisation to the Pay Officer for payment of Leave salary/Pension contribution Personnel Officer-HRD File Disposal -do- Monthly 100%-A Personnel Officer By 3rd and 18th of every month 7 days from the date of 75 Monthly 100%-A Preparation of Parawise remarks -do- Monthly 100%-A . Collection and accounting of rents from hostel Personnel Officer/ Liason (Legal) Number of Parawise remarks / Counter Affidavits handed over to the SLAs.etc. Workshops/to work in foreign organizations 2. Raising of demands for pension contribution and leave salary -do- Monthly 100%-A 4. Processing of files to Competent Authority for deputation to participate in conferences. and of furniture/ fittings in library 4. Dispatch of hall tickets for eligible candidates JPOs/Asst. HRD Cell Computerisation of employee data base forms Half Yearly 100%-A Quarterly 100%-A Any other item of -dowork (to be specified) Monthly 100%-A 76 . Remittance of DDs to SAO/CTI Half Yearly 100%-A 2.receipt of affidavit or court notice which ever is earlier. Updation of Employee Database -doMarch. June September and December As per Schedule fixed by the Competent Authority 7 days from the date of receipt 15 days prior to the date of examination JPO As per Schedule fixed by the Competent Authority As per Schedule fixed by the Competent Authority Quarterly 100%-A Any other item of -dowork (to be specified) Monthly 100%-A JPO/Exams 1. (Exams) & Asst. Secy. Assistant secretary (HRD) 8 Filling of Counter Affidavits / Appeals relating to options Updation of Data 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 Any other item of work (to be specified) 77 . Secy (HRD) Task Target Achievement Percentage Grade Grading by Controller Officer Assistant Secretary (Exams) 1 Issue of notifications for Departmental Exams. Scrutiny of applciations Security and despatch of Question papers to exam centers Security and Despatch of answer scripts to the examiners Security and Scrutiny evaluated answer received from examiners.A SELF APPRAISAL REPORT OF APTRANSCO EMPLOYEES IN CLASS-I IN P&G SERVICES Asst.Format . Publication of results Scrutiny and passing of bills towards expenditure incurred by the centers. Monthly fixed by the competent Authority 100%-A 78 . 6.Certain Parameters for Performance Appraisal of Assistant Secretary 1 Assistant Secretary (Exams) 1. March. Security and Scrutiny of evaluated answer scrips received from the examiners. 2 Assistant Secretary (HRD) Filling of Counter Affidavits/Appeals relating to Options Updation of Data Base -do- 100%-A Assistant Secretary 100%-A -do- 100%-A Any other item of work (to be specified) -do- As per Schedule. September and December Quarterly 100%-A 7. As per due dates Monthly stipulated by the Courts. Publication of results -do- Half Yearly 100%-A -do- 15 days from the Half Yearly date of examination 2 days from the date of receipt Half Yearly 100%-A -do- 100%-A -do- Last Thursday of Half Yearly August and Last Thursday of February. 2 days from the Half Yearly date of receipt of bills from the centers.Scrutiny of applications Assistant Secretary 1st week of march & September One month from the last date of receipt of applications 2 days prior to the date of examination Half Yearly 100%-A -do- Half Yearly 100%-A 3. June. Security and dispatch of Question papers to exam centers 4. Security and dispatch of answer scripts to the examiners 5.Issue of notifications for Departmental Exams 2. Scrutiny and passing of bills towards expenditure incurred by the centers. Custody and orderly maintenance of books. Integration of employee database with Disciplinary cases. Collection and accounting of rents from hostel. re-imbursement of Medical expenses. PO (Canteen) Approval of Receipts & Payments Profit / Loss earned PO/Legal (Liaison) Number of Parawise Marks.No.Counter Affidavits handed over to SLAs. Annual Appraisal reports.FORMAT – B SELF APPRAISAL REPORT OF APTRANSCO EMPLOYEES IN CLASS .II IN P &G SERVICES PERSONNEL OFFICERS WORKING IN THE SECTIONS v S. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 79 . PO/CTI Daily occupany reports accommodation. and of furniture/fittings in library. Trainings. Inventory/stock control of furniture/fittings in hostel. performance Indicators. magazines etc. Task Target Achievement Percentage Grade Grading Controller Office 1 ADE (DATA BASE) Technical Support for upgradation of employee database.. PO / HRD CELL 10 File Disposal 11 Preparation of Parawise Remarks 12 Updation of Employee Database 13 Any other item of work (to be specified) P. 16 Raising of demands for pension contribution and leave salary 17 Issue of authorisation to the Pay Officer for Payment of Leave salary/Pension contribution 80 . Workshops/ to work in foreign organizations.O. 15 Issue of proceedings after obtaining permission of the competent authority. (DEPUTATION SECTION) 14 Processing of files to Competent Authority for deputation to participate in Conferences. No ADE (Database) updation of employee database. Performance Indicators. Custody and orderly maintenance of -do- Annually Profit->20%-A 10-20%-B 0-10%-C Loss-D Before due date fixed by 100%-A Monthly 100%-A 4 daily Monthly 100%-A -do- Monthly Monthly 100%-A -do- Monthly Monthly 100%-A 81 . Personner Officer CTI 1.. 3. -do- -do- 7th of every month. Profit/Loss earned. 2. Trainings. Monthly 100%-A 3 Personner Number of Officer/Liasion Parawise remarks /Countey Affidavits the courts. Technical Support for ADE December March. September and Quarterly 100%-A -do- As per Schedule fixed by the Competent Authority Monthly 100%-A 1. Annual Appraisal reports etc. Approval of Receipts & Payments. Inventory/stock control of furniture/fittings in hostel. reimbursement of Medical Expenses. Daily occupany reports on accommodation 2. 2 Personner Officer Canteen 2. Afidavits handed over to the SLAs. Integration of employee database with Disciplinary Cases. 1. June.Parameters for Performance Appraisal of Personal Officers & ADE (Database) S. Issue of -doProceedings after obtaining permission of the competent authority 3 days from the date of receipt of the proposal or before due date which ever is Monthly 100%-A 2 days from the date of transfer or before due date which ever is earlier. 5 Personnel Officer-HRD File Disposal Personnel Officer month daily Monthly 100%-A By 3rd and 18th of every Monthly 100%-A Preparation of -doParawise remarks 7 days from the date of receipt of affidavit or court notice which ever is earlier. Collection and -doaccounting of rents from hostel.. Workshops/to organizations. Monthly 100%-A Updation of Employee Database -do- March. and of furniture / fittings in library 4. June. magazines etc. Monthly 100%-A 82 .books. 2. Processing of Personnel files of Competent Officer Authority for deputation to participate in Conferences. Quarterly September and 100%-A December Any other item of work (to be specified) -doAs per Schedule fixed by the Monthly 100%-A Competent Authority 6 Deputation Section 1. C Monthly 100%-A SELF APPRAISAL REPORT OF APTRANSCO EMPLOYEES IN CLASS .No. Task Target Achievement Percentage Grade Grading by Controller OfficerS.III IN P & G SERVICES JPOs working in the sections S. Issue of -doauthorisation to the Pay Officer for payment of Leave salary/Pension contribution FORMAT . JPO (Exams) 1 Remittance of DDs to AO/CTI Despatch of hall tickets for eligible candidates JPO/HRD/CELL 3 Computerisation of Employee data base forms Any other item of work (to be specified) 2 4 83 .3. One week Monthly 100%-A 4. Raising of demands for pension contribution and leave salary -do- February of Financial year / cancellation of deputation which ever is earlier.No. JPOs/ Assistant (HRD Cell) Computerisation of employee data base forms Any other item of work (to be specified) JPO 7 days from the date or receipt 15 days prior to the date of examination. Remittance of DDs to SAO/CTI 2.CERTAIN PARAMETERS FOR PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL OF JUNIOR PERSONNEL OFFICERS 1. Dispatch of hall tickets for eligible candidates 2. JPO/EXAMS 1. Half Yearly 100%-A -do- Half Yearly 100%-A JPO -do- As per Schedule fixed by the Competent Authority As per Schedule fixed by the Competent Authority Quarterly 100%-A Monthly 100%-A 84 . 179.O. redesignating the post of General Manager (Personnel) as General Manager (HRD & Training).O.O. 3.TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED VIDYUT SOUDHA :: HYDERABAD ABSTRACT Estt. cited. No. (Per-GM/P) Ms.Redesignation of the post of General Manager (HRD & Training) as Chief General Manager (HRD & Training) . No.O. The incumbent counted against the above redesignated post shall continue to draw the same pay and allowances and be eligible for benefits as applicable to the cadre of Chief Engineer. ORDER: In the T.2003. Dt. COMML.2003 Read the following:T.12. After careful consideration it is hereby ordered that the post of General Manager (HRD & Training) shall be redesignated as Chief General Manager (HRD & Training) with immediate effect. inter-alia. IPC & REFORMS) 85 .10.Orders Issued. 207 Dated. orders were issued.O. 2. G.APTRANSCO .O. (Per-GM/P) Rt.. 20. SAI PRASAD JOINT MANAGING DIRECTOR (HRD. (PERSONNEL SERVICES) T. 2. P. No.TRNSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED ABSTRACT AP Transco . Transco early. (CGM (HRD & Trg) Ms. Director (Finance & Revenue) Member Member Member 2.Constitution of Committee to review medical claims/ reimbursement and to evolve and Insurance Scheme for Employees. Comml. Joint Managing Director (HRD. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF A. The committee shall submit its report to the Chairman and Managing Director.. it was resolved that a Committee be constituted with the following Directors to review the existing system of medical claims/reimbursement and submit suggestions for evolving an Insurance Scheme for the Employees in consultation with the Unions/ Associations. IPC & REFORMS) 86 . 1.12.Medical reimbursement Scheme . 3. The Chief General Manager (HRD & Trg.P. COMML.11. LIMITED) G.O. Transco held on 24.2003 Read the following:Minutes of Forty Eighth Board Meeting held on 24.2003.11. A.O.P.) shall be the Convenor of the Committee. 214 Dated. SAI PRASAD JOINT MANAGING DIRECTOR (HRD. IPC & Reforms) 2. (PERSONNEL SERVICES) T. Joint Managing Director (Vigilance & Security) 3.. 12.2003 *** ORDER: At the Forty Eighty Board Meeting of A. O. Consequent on appointment of new Board of Directors in AP Transco and change in the designations of some of the Board of Directors and General Manager (Personnel) the need for re-constitution of Department Promotion Committees for various categories of posts in Class-I and Class-II of all services in AP Transco has arisen.O.O. of the Departmental Promotion Committee shall be recommendatory and shall be approved by the appointing authority.2003 Read the following:- 1. No.O. Limited hereby reconstitutes the Departmental Promotion Committees to various categories of posts in Class .) Ms.P. T.2002.TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED ABSTRACT APTRANSCO . the appointing authority shall record in writing the reasons for such deviations.P. : 18.Issued. 217 Dated.O. 200.7. T. (Addl. Dt. (GM (IR)-Per) Ms.12. P & G-Per) Ms. All appointments by promotions shall be made from such approved list. 19. 2nd cited the Transmission Corporation of A. *** ORDER: In the T. Dt.O. 2. The Departmental Promotion Committees shall arrange the candidates in the order of merit / seniority subject to fitness.O.01. 5. SAI PRASAD JOINT MANAGING DIRECTOR (HRD. and submit a list to the Appointing Authority for approval. After careful consideration.P.I and Class-II services as indicated in the Annexure to this order.COMMITTEES . No. 3. Secy. LIMITED) G. All the cases involving temporary / regular promotions shall be referred to the Departmental Promotion Committee by the appointing authorities with all relevant information. Limited has reconstituted the Department Promotion Committees to various categories of posts in Class-I and Class-II of all services coming under its jurisdiction.O. (CGM-HRD&TRG. The proceedings. If any deviations from the recommendations of the Departmental Promotion Committees are made. Comml. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE TRANSCO OF A. 4. No.1999 2. IPC & Reforms) 87 .Orders . 245. as the case may be.Re-constitutions of Departmental Promotion Committee to various categories of posts in Class-I and Class II Services of AP Transco . 16. the Transmission Corporation of A. T. & HRD) 3. Director (Projects 2. Civil and Telecom) Chairman & Managing Director and full time Directors with Joint Managing Director (Rev & HRD) as Convenor 3.) as Member Convenor.M.. General Manager (Personnel ) Member Convenor. Name of the post (2) ENGINEERING SERVICE Executive Director Existing Departmental Promotion Committee (3) Revised Departmental Promotion Committee (4) Chairman & Managing Director and full time Directors with Joint Managing Director (Rev & HRD) as Convenor Chairman & Managing Director and full time Director with JMD (HRD. Dt. Chief Engineer (Elect. (1) 1. Chairman & Managing Director and full time Directors Chief General Manager (HRD &Trg. Chief Engineer (Civil) General Manager (Personnel ) Member Convenor. Chairman & Managing Director and full time Directors Chief General Manager (HRD &Trg. & Telecom) ..D. Chairman & Managing Director and full time Director with JMD (HRD. (Personnel) 88 4.) as Member Convenor. 1. Chairman & Managing Director and full time Directors. Director Transmission & Grid Operation) 2.O.E. Superintending Engineer (Elecl. Chairman & Managing Director and full time Directors Chief Engineer (Civil) Chief General Manager (HRD &Trg. IPC & Reforms) as Member Convenor. A. Chairman & Managing Director and full time Directors. Comml. Director (Projects) 4. 1.12. and Telecom) Chairman & Managing Director and full time Directors.. Divisional Engineer (Elecl.E.2003 Sl. No. Director (Technical) 5.ANNEXURE TO T. General Manager (Personnel ) Member Convenor. JMD (HRD. Civil. Comml. No.) as Member Convenor.M. G.D. and Telecom) 5. Executive Engineer (Civil) 6.O. J. Director (Transmission) 2. (Elecl. IPC & Reforms) 3. IPC & Reforms) as Member Convenor.Comml. CGM (HRD&TRG) Ms. (Rev. 1. Mechl. 217. 18. Mechl.E/A. JMD (HRD. Additional Secretary/ Special Secretary 3. Director (R A & Coordination) 5. Director (Projects Construction) 4. Director (R A & Coordination) 5.M. 2.) as Member Convenor 7. Director (Technical) 5. Director (Transmission & Grid Operation) 89 . (Rev. & HRD) 3. P&G Service Joint Secretary Chairman & Managing Director and full time Directors with Joint Managing Director (Rev & HRD) As Convenor 1.Director (Finance) 2. Director (Technical) 5. Director (Projects) 4. 2. J.M. Deputy Secretary 3..Comml.D. IPC & Reforms) 2. Chief Engineer (Civil) 6. (Personnel) Member Convenor II. Director (Projects) 6. JMD (HRD. Director (Finance & Rev. A.) as Member Convenor 1.E.) as Member Convenor 2. Director (Transmission) 2. Comml. JMD (HRD. Chief General Manager (HRD & Trg. Chairman & Managing Director and full time Directors. Director Transmission & Grid Operation) 2. Additional Secretary/ 1.) 3. Comml. Director (Transmission) 3. General Manager (Personnel) Member Convenor Chairman & Managing Director and full time Directors. Chief Engineer (Civil) 5. 1.D. IPC & Reforms) as Member Convenor 1. Chief General Manager (HRD & Trg. Additional Secretary/ 3.M. G. (Rev. Chairman & Managing Director and full time Directors. J. Chief General Manager (HRD & Trg.E. & HRD) 4.Member Convenor Construction) 4.. IPC & Reforms) 3. Assistant Secretary 1. (Civil) 1. .G. Secretary 3. Secretary Dy. Financial Adviser & Chief Controller of Accounts 3. Comml. 1.M. Chief General Manager (HRD & Trg. Senior Accounts Officer Chairman & Managing Director and full time Directors and Financial Adviser & Chief Controller of Accounts Incharge of 90 .) as Member Convenor. Director (Projects Consturction) 5. Secretary (Per. Chairman & Managing Director and full time Directors 2. Chief General Manager (HRD & Trg. Comml. Chairman & Managing Director and full time Director with JMD (HRD. Secretary (Per. Addl.Financial Advisor & Chief Controller of Accounts incharge of Administration 3. (Personnel) Member Convenor 4. Additional Secretary 7. Deputy Chief Controller of Accounts 4.) as Member Convenor Chairman & Managing Director and full time Directors 2. General Manager (Per.) 2. (HRD & TRG) as Member Convenor 1. & Co-ordination) 6.Financial Advisor & Chief Controller of Accounts 1. Personnel Officer 1.) Member Convenor III.M. ACCOUNTS SERVICE Executive Director (Accounts) Chairman & Managing Director and full time Directors with Joint Managing Director (Rev & HRD) as Member Convenor Chairman & Managing Director and full time Directors with Joint Managing Director (Rev & HRD) as Member Convenor Chairman & Managing Director and full time Directors and Financial Adviser & Chief Controller of Accounts Incharge of Administration General Manager (Perl. 2. IPC & Reforms) as Member Convenor. Chairman & Managing Director and full time Director with JMD (HRD. Dy. C.) as Member Convenor 4.Special Secretary 7.) 2. G. Director (R. IPC & Reforms) as Member Convenor. Addl.A.. M. Director (Projects) 6. & C.D. Director (Finance) 2.D.G. Additional Secretary/ Special Secretary 8. Comml. Director (Finance & Rev. Director (Projects Construction) 5.A.) as Member Convenor. Director (Transmission) 3.M.M.M.A. incharge of Administration 3. Director (R.) as Member Convenor 1. (Rev. (Rev. Director (Transmission) 3. C. Director (Transmission) & Grid Operation) 4. A.) 3.F. Additional Secretary 8.JMD (HRD. Director (Projects) 6.) as Member Convenor 5. COMML.C. & Cooridination) 6.C. Director (Technical) 5.JMD (HRD. In-charge of Administration 7. J. Director (R. Director (Technical) 5. G.&CCA Incharge of Administration 7. Accounts Officer 1. F. & HRD) 4. Additional Secretary 8. F. J.M. A. & Cooridination) 6. & HRD) 4. (Personnel) as Member Convenor G. (HRD & Trg.&CCA Incharge of Administration 7. Director (Transmission) & Grid Operation) 4.A.) as Member Convenor 1. IPC & REFORMS) 91 . Director (Finance & Rev. Comml.A. IPC & Reforms) 2.Administration General Manager (Perl.A. & C. (HRD & Trg. Director (Finance) 2.F. Additional Secretary/ Special Secretary 8.M. IPC & Reforms) 2. In-charge of Administration 7.A. (Personnel) as Member Convenor 6. Assistant Accounts Officer 1. Chief General Manager (HRD & Trg.. G. Director (Projects Construction) 5. C.G. SAI PRASAD JOINT MANAGING DIRECTOR (HRD..) 3.. In case an officer proceeds on long leave or transferred or the post is vacant for a period of one month and above the available hired vehicle shall be discontinued till a regular incumbent assumes charge. Read the following:- T. However in isolated sub-divisions proposals for providing an independent vehicle should be submitted to the Director concerned which will be approved with the concurrence of Director (Finance & Revenue).5) As per the above norms the Vehicles to be provided to the Various field officers are indicated in Annexure-A. No.TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED VIDYUT SOUDHA : HYDERABAD ABSTRACT AP TRANSCO . : 29-12-2003. After careful consideration of the recommendations of this committee.3) Assistant Divisional Engineers / Assistant Executive Engineers / TL & SS / TLC / Lines are to be provided with Jeeps and Assistant Divisional Engineers / MRT / TRE / Assistant Divisional Engineers / Telecom are to be provided with Vans to facilitate mounting of instruments.12. 1. AP Transco accords approval for the following norms to be followed.07.4) 400 KV & Civil construction: For every two sub-divisions there will be one jeep to look after the construction works. Field Officers Entitlements 1. The Chief Engineer should ensure the same.O. 1. 1. 2. 1.O.1) All Chief Engineers & Superintending Engineers are to be provided with Non A/C Diesel Cars.O. 2.Vehicle-Committee . (CE-P-D) Ms. (CEE/DFID&APL) Ms. Dt. 219 Dated.O.2000.O.Issued. 117.2003. The vehicles provided as per the norms shall continue along with the posts indicated against each and no further approvals of AP Transco for hiring of the vehicles would be required.Recommendations and approved norms for providing Vehicles to the various field officers in AP Transco .O. The vehicles allotted as per norms indicated in Annexure shall only be utilized and no deviation will be permitted.Orders . NO.2) All Divisional Engineers/Executive Engineers / TL & SS / TLC and MRT / TRE. No. 92 . 210 Dt. 27. 31. (CEE/DFID & APL) Ms. Civil Telecom are to be provided with Jeeps. 1. HIRING AND ALLOCATION: 2.2. The concerned Chief Engineers shall be empowered to sanction the renewals for hiring of the vehicles annually by adopting uniform rates as indicated in the T.1. ORDERS: In the reference cited a Committee was constituted to finalize and fix the norms for providing Vehicles to the various field officers in AP Transco to reduce the number of vehicles to the barest minimum. A clause to this effect may be incorporated in the hire aggrement it self. T. Frequent changes causing inconvenience to the officers may entail cancellation of the hiring of the vehicle and the additional cost in hiring alternate 93 .. 4. (These 2 Nos. For any journeys outside A. 4. Driver’s (Professional) license. Cars are allotted exclusively for conveyance of the teaching guest faculties and Mini Bus for Trainees and other regular works. 3. It is preferred that the same driver and vehicle serve each officer continuously. 4. Cars (1 No. MILEAGE : 3. 2. All the vehicles shall have valid pollution under control certificate issued by RTA or authorized agency and must be renewed as and when falls due during the period of contract.) 3.V. Only the Car supplier of sole proprietor or agency shall be responsible for settlement of any such claims arising out of accidents. M. of Non A/C Diesel Cars/Jeeps/Vans with a mileage of 2500 KM’s per month on monthly hire basis 4. required permission shall be obtained by the contractor and AP Transco will reimburse the same at actual on production of receipt from RTA.4.2. vehicles) will be permitted. Insurance: All vehicles proposed to be supplied to AP Transco should invariably have comprehensive General Insurance policies for the period of contract. Tax in respect of all the Vehicles proposed to be supplied to AP Transco should invariably be paid for the contract period and they should be reputed as Taxis with statewide permit. 2. Buses etc.2 Period of Contract: Three years from the date of award of contract and renewable for every year.5.1 Scope of Work: The Scope of work includes providing the required No. All the eligible officers (indicated in Annexure-A) can engage the hired vehicle with mileage of 2500 KMs per month with an attendance of 12 Hrs / day in all days including Holidays and festivals by adopting departmental formalities. Mini Bus (Total 4 Nos. Autos.A. 4. Hired Cars) and 1 No. cranes.P.2 Due to exigencies of the work if the above-stipulated mileage exceeds. The concerned Directors will arrange for the redeployment of the vehicles as indicated in the Annexure . tractor-trailers. FINALIZATION OF TENDERS: 4. whatever.3.3. AP Transco shall not be responsible for any kind of litigation. For official use of Central Training Institute 3 Nos. No. the concerned officer should submit necessary proposals along with justification for exceeding the mileage and obtain approval of the Director concerned. tower wagons. bucket ladders. will continue as per present untilization and requirements.V. Available Departmental Car + 2 Nos. The SE/Purchases shall take necessary action.. Car for superintending Engineer / Central Training Institute & 2 Nos.V. in case of break down. Drivers: The Drivers of the cars / Jeeps / Vans shall be covered under a Group insurance policy.4 Vehicles such as lorries.5. accidents etc. All the drivers of the vehicles should possess valid L. Tax & Registration: M. hired Cars of the Central Training Institute shall be included in Vidyut Soudha Tenders.1. and to whom they have provided in the past. ii) The rate per extra Hour beyond 12 hours shall be quoted. No claim towards extra hours is admissible for night halts. 4. Oil. 4. 500/. The reckoning of hours will be from the time of reporting to the designated place and to the time of release by the officer. MODEL OF VEHICLES: Vehicles model shall be 1998 or after with state-wide permit shall only be considered for hiring. Vehicles not confirming to this specification will be rejected. iii) The rate per extra KM in blocs of 50 KMs beyond the 2500 shall be quoted. 4.S. repairs.11. Prices: The rates quoted shall be firm i) Lump sum hire charges for 2500 KMs per month with an attendance of 12 hours duty/day during all days in a month inclusive of holidays and festivals and inclusive of the cost of H. Breakdown of the Vehicle: In case of vehicle breakdown. The agency is responsible for obtaining licenses under the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act. with list of clients. iv) Driver’s Batta per day for night halt only shall be quoted.6. The successful bidder shall make the vehicles available for inspection before actually providing the same to AP Transco officer.7 Inspection: All the vehicles should be put up for inspection along with the original documents like ‘RC’ (Registration Certificate). with hire details. 94 . the supplier should provide a replacement of vehicle in good running condition within 1 hour of receiving such report. 4. M.8. 4.vehicle shall be to the account of the contractor.D. Driver’s batta is payable only if the duty hours on the day exceed 12 hours.10. 4. The RC shall be in the name of the agency or its sole proprietor. The driver engaged shall be well dressed and well mannered and should conduct himself in a respectable manner and he shall be provided with Identity Card issued by the Agency to be displayed at all times on duty.9 Reckoning of Kms and Time: The reckoning of KM’s will be counted from the Head-quarters or from the Garage of the agency (whichever distance is less) to the designated place by the officer using the vehicle. the AP Transco may hire an alternate vehicle.V. Valid pollution under control certificate etc. 1970. to the inspecting officer authorized by AP Transco and when requisitioned. The supplier should maintain spare vehicle of the same standards to meet such emergencies. at the cost of the contractor besides imposing penalty at the rate of Rs. driver’s salary and all incidental charges like insurance. The vehicles should be maintained in perfect condition and well upholstered. Eligibility Criteria: i) The Bidder should be a reputed agency in the business for the past 2 years at least. insurance policy. In the event of contractor’s failure to do so. Tax etc. ii) The bidder shall enclose list of vehicles available with them along with year of manufacture. vehicle wise. taxi permit.per day. In case the provisions of the Act have no application to the agency it is his responsibility to obtain "Non Applicable” Certificate from the appropriate Authority. lubricants. 12. The concerned Chief Engineers are required to obtain an undertaking / declaration from the agency. Death. No. Dated : 23. Liability: AP Transco shall not be responsible for any liability or damages suffered by the tenderer of the vehicle entrusted on hire or its driver during the course of the hire period. NO. This order is issued with the concurrence of Director/Finance & Revenue vide Reg. 5. natural calamities. The concerned Chief Engineers should ensure the same. 1970. Dated : 23. strikes. etc. as defined in TOO (GM (IR) . NO.v) AP Transco shall not be liable for payment of any penalties claimed by concerned authorities for all offences punishable under law. fire.14.12.1 Wherever departmental Vehicles are available without departmental drivers due to retirement. On undertaking this effect should be obtained from the agency before awarding of the contract. that the driving contract agency’s Owner / Contractor is not related to any of the employees and Officers / Directors of AP TRANSCO/DISCOMS/APGENCO. 5. 2370/D (F)/ 2003. any out of but not restricted to.12. 4. 6. absconding or proceeded on long leave. No. demonstrations. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LTD) RACHEL CHATTERJEE CHAIRMAN AND MANAGING DIRECTOR Encl: 1) Annexure -A 2) Annexure – B 95 . 210 Dt. DRIVERS: 5. The agreements shall be made in the standard format communicated separately as Annexure-B. In case the provisions of the Act are not applicable to the agency.Per) Ms. An undertaking to this effect should be obtained from the agency before awarding of the contract as defined in TOO (GM (IR)-Per) Ms. 4. 4. it is the Agency’s responsibility to obtain “Not applicable” certificate from the appropriate Authority. 129.3. 129.2003.2 The concerned Chief Engineers are requested to ensure that the engagement of driving work on contract basis is through agency only and the agency is responsible for obtaining licenses under the contract labour (Regulation and abolition) Act.2003. Dt.8.2000. the concerned Chief Engineers can permit the sanction of driving work on contract basis for the departmental vehicles by adopting departmental formalities and ensure payment of wages to contract drivers as per the concerned District Standard Schedule Rates only after approval of the Director concerned.13.2003. Tenders shall be called for hiring of vehicles at circle level on consolidated. 27. riots. 19. basis and finalize the tenders adopting uniform rates as indicated in the TOO (CE-P-D) Ms. The Owner / Manager of the Agency providing vehicles to the field officers shall not be related to any of the employees and Officers / Directors of AP Transco / DISCOMS / APGENCO. accidents. 5.8. METRO (TL&SS) Circle SE/TL&SS Metro Zone Hyd. DE/EHT/TL&SS / Erragadda DE/EHT/TL&SS/ Chandrayanagutta DE/EHT/TL&SS/Moulali DE/MRT/TL&SS/Metro Zone DE/CBD/Moulali DE/CBD/Chandrayanagutta ADE/Hot LInes/MZ ADE/CBD/Erraggadda ADE/Maintenance / Erragadda ADE/MRT/TL&SS/Metro Zone ADE/Maintenance / Shapurnagar HYDERABAD (TL&SS Circle/Hyd) SE/TL&SS/Hyd. Hire Total As per Norms Type of Vehicle C J V Total Remarks HYDERABAD ZONE CE/TL&SS/ Hyd.ANNEXURE . Controlling officer As Existing Type of Vehicle Car Jeep Van Dept.2003.O. Dt. No. 219/2003. Hire Dept. DE/EHT/L&SS/Yeddumailaram 400 KV Mamidipally (O&M) SE/O&M/400 KV SS / Mamidipally SE/O&M/400 KV SS / Mamidipally ADE/400 KV lines / Mamidipally Page Total 1 4 3 1 1 1 8 4 1 1 1 1 21 4 1 1 1 12 6 1 1 1 22 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 96 . Hire Dept. 24.12.O.A To the T. (CEE/DFID & APL) Ms. Circle / Hyd DE/MRT/Mahaboobnagar ADE/MRT/Mahaboobnagar DE/ETH/TL&SS/Mahaboobnagar DE/MRT/TL&SS/Hyd. Hyd.Hyd. ADE/MRT/EHT/TLC/Hyd.Controlling officer Car Dept. As Existing Type of Vehicle Jeep Van Hire Dept. Hire Total As per Norms Type of Vehicle C J V Total Remarks NALGONDA (TL&SS Circle) SE/TL&SS/ Nalgonda DE/EHT/TL&SS/MIryalguda DE/TL&SS/Nagarjunasagar ADE/Lines/Nagarjunasagar ADE/MRT/TL&SS/N. AEE/TLC/RM/SD-I/Hyd. EE/TLC/RM/Hyd EE/TLC/Stores/Erragadda EE/TLC/DFID/Hyd. SE/TLC/MC/Hyd. Hire Dept.sagar/ Nalgonda ADE/TL&SS/Nalgonda ADE/LinesII/Nalgonda (TLC Circle) Minit. AEE/TLC/RM/SD-ii/HYD AEE/TLC/Kalwakurthy (DFID) AEE/TLC/Khammam (DFID) AEE/TLC/RD/Nalgonda AEE/TLC/TLC/R(S)/Nalgonda AEE/TLCRural(N) Mahaboobnagar AEE/TLC/SD/Mahaboobnagar AEE/TLC/Nizamabad AEE/TLC/SD-I/Nizamabad Page Total HYd / Zone Total 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 26 47 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 17 29 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 9 22 44 0 1 2 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 13 4 6 16 12 10 1 2 2 6 97 . ADE/MRT/TRE/SD-I/Hyd ADE/MRT/TRE/SD-II/Hyd AEE/TLC/Stores. EE/TLC/R(N)HYD DE/MRT/TLC/TRE/Hyd. 24. (CEE/DFID & APL) Ms. No. Hire KADAPA ZONE CE/TL&SS/ Kadapa KADAPA (TL&SS) circle SE/TL & SS/Kadapa DE/MRT/EHT/Kadapa DE/TL&SS/Kadapa DE/EHT/Yerraguntla DE/M/Chitoor ADE/LInes/Kadapa ADE/SS/Cninakampalli ADE/Hotlines/Kadapa ADE/M/ReNIgunta ADE/TL&SS/Tirupati ADE/M/Kalikiri ADE/MRT/Renigunta KURNOOL (TL&SS) Circle SE/TL & SS/Kurnool DE/Windfarms / Anantapur DE/400 KV Lines / O&M/SRISAILAM DE/400 KV Lines / Nannur DE/TL&SS/Kurnool DE/TL&SS/Ananthapur ADE/MRT/TL&SS/Ananthapur ADE/Lines/Kurnool ADE/Lines/Dharmavaram ADE/MRT/TL&SS/Kurnool ADE/Lines/Srisailam ADE/Lines/Anantapur ADE/Maintenance/Hindupur ADE/Lines/Nandyal ADE/Lines/Gooty Page Total 0 SE/TLC/Kadapa 1 EE/TLC/Kadapa AEE/TLC/Madanapalli AEE/TLC-II/Kadapa AEE/TLC/Stores/Kadapa DE/TLC/TRE/Kadapa 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Omni Bus 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 21 1 1 1 1 1 3 6 7 1 3 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 28 1 1 1 1 1 1 98 . Dt.12.O.A To the T. 219/2003. Controlling officer Car Dept.O. As Existing Type of Vehicle Jeep Hire Dept.2003.ANNEXURE . Hire Total Van As per Norms Type of Vehicle C J V Total Remarks Dept. ADE/TLC/TRE/Kadapa ADE/TLC/TRE-II/Kadapa EE/TLC/Kurnool AEE/TLC/SD/Kurnool AEE/TLC/SD/Ananthapur AEE/TLC/Tadipatri Page Total KADAPA / Zone Total 1 1 1 1 1 7 15 1 1 0 3 0 3 6 10 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 36 6 1 1 1 1 1 9 30 1 4 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 39 99 . NNEXURE - A To the T.O.O. (CEE/DFID & APL) Ms. No. 219/2003, Dt. 24.12.2003. Controlling officer Car Dept. As Existing Type of Vehicle Jeep Van Hire Dept. Hire Dept. Hire Total As per Norms Type of Vehicle C J V Total Remarks VISAKHAPATNAM ZONE CE/TL&SS/ Visakhapatnam VISAKHAPATNAM (TL&SS) circle SE/TL & SS/Visakhapatnam SE/400 kVSS/Kalapaka DE/MRT/TL&SS/Visakhapatnam DE/TL&SS/Gajuwaka DE/TL&SS/HYDC/Mothugudem DE/MRT/EHT/Kalapaka DE/TL&SS/Garividi ADE/MRT/TL&SS/Visakhapatnam ADE/Lines/Mothugudem 1ADE/HVDC/Lower Sileru ADE/Lines/Gajuwaka ADE/Hot Lines/Gajuwaka ADE/TL&SS/Simhachalam ADE/MRT/Simhachalam ADE/Lines/Simhachalam ADE/O&M/Pendurti ADE/TL&SS/Garividi ADE/MRT/400 KV / Kalpaka Page Total 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 12 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 19 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 16 Omni Bus 0 3 1 5 1 7 0 100 Controlling officer Car Dept. As Existing Type of Vehicle Jeep Van Hire Dept. Hire Dept. Hire Total As per Norms Type of Vehicle C J V Total Remarks RAJAHMUNDRY (TL&SS) Circle SE/TL&SS/ Rajahmundry DE/TL&SS/Bommuru DE/TL & SS/Nidadavole ADE/EHT/Lines/Bommuru ADE/MRT/Bommuru ADE/MRT/Pedda Tadepalli ADE/Lines/Bhimadole RAJAHMUNDRY (TLC) Circle SE/TLC/Rjy EE/TLC/Rjy. AEE/TLC/Lines0I/Rjy. AEE/TLC/Lines-II/Rjy. AEE/TLC/SS/Rjy. AEE/TLC/Materials/Bommuru DE/MRT/EHT/Rjy. EE/TLC/VSP AEE/TLC/lines-I VSP AEE/TLC/Lines-II/VSP AEE/TLC/SS/VSP Page Total VZA / Zone Total 1 1 1 4 1 9 14 1 7 2 14 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 19 35 2 5 1 12 24 2 6 1 16 35 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 101 ANNEXURE-A to the T.O.O. (CEE/DFID&APC) Ms.No.219/03. Dt.24.12.03 As Existing Type of Vehicle Car Jeep Van Dept. Hire Dept. Hire Dept. Hire As per Norms Type of Vehicle C J V Controlling officer Total Total Remarks VIJAYAWADA Zone CE/TL&SS/ Vijayawada VIJAYAWADA (TL&SS) Circle SE/TL&SS/Vijayawada DE/MRT/TL&SS/Vijayawada DE/ETL & SS/Gunadala DE/TL & SS/Guntur DE/MRT/TL & SS/Vijayawada DE/TL & SS/Gunadala ADE/EHT/Lines/Tadepalli ADE/EHT/Lines/Gunadala ADE/TL & SS/Hotlines/Gunadala ADE/MRT/TL & SS/Vijayawada ADE/EHT/Lines/Guntur ADE/MRT/TL & SS/Guntur VIJAYAWADA (TLC) Circle) SE/TLC/Vijayawada EE/TLC/VJA EE/TLC/GNT DE/MRT/EHT/VJA AEE/TLC/SS/VJA AEE/TLC/L/VJA AEE/TLC/GNT AEE/TLC/TRE/VJA AEE/TLC/Stores/Vijayawada NELLORE (TL&SS) Circle SE/TL&SS NELLORE DE/MRT/TL&SS/Nellore DEE/TL&SS/Nellore DE/TL&SS/Ongole DE/TL&SS/Podili ADE/Hotlines/Nellore 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 102 As Existing Controlling officer Car Dept. Type of Vehicle Jeep Van Hire Dept. Hire Dept. Hire Total As per Norms Type of Vehicle C J V Total Remarks ADE/TL&SS/Nellore ADE/TL&SS/Sullurpeta ADE/TL&SS/Ongole ADE/MRT/Nellore ADE/MRT/Ongole Page Total NELLORE(TLC Circle) SE/TLC/Nellore EE/TLC/Nellore DE/MRT/EHT/TLC/Nellore EE/TLC/Tirupathi AEE/TLC/SD.I/Tirupathi AEE/TLC/SD.II/Tirupathi AEE/TLC/SS/SD/Nellore AEE/TLC/SS/SD/Ongole Page Total VJA / Zone Total 0 0 1 6 1 1 4 13 1 1 1 1 1 0 5 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 33 4 1 1 1 1 1 21 7 1 1 1 1 1 32 7 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 7 7 39 1 2 1 9 11 0 2 2 1 8 41 1 5 1 1 6 27 103 ANNEXURE-A to the T.O.O. (CEE/DFID&APL) Ms.No.219/2003. Dt.24.12.03 As Existing Controlling officer Car Dept. Type of Vehicle Jeep Van Hire Dept. Hire Dept. Hire Total As per Norms Type of Vehicle C J V Total Remarks WARANGAL Zone CE/TL&SS/ Warangal WARANGAL (TL&SS) Circle SE/TL&SS/Warangal DE/MRT/TL&SS/Warangal DE/TL&SS/Warangal ADE/EHT/L & SS/ Seetharampatnam ADE/TL&SS/Warangal ADE/Maintenance. 220 KVSS Warangal ADE/TL&SS/Paloncha ADE/M/220. KV.SS/Seetharampatnam ADE/Maintenance/220.KV SS/ WaddakothaPalli ADE/Maintenance/220.KV SS/ Budidampadu KARIMNAGAR (TL&SS) Circle SE/TL&SS/Karimnagar DE/TL&SS/Karimnagar ADE/TL&SS/Karimnagar DE/TL&SS/Ramagundam NIZAMABAD (TL&SS) Circle SE/TL&SS/Nizamabad DE/MRT/TL&SS/Nizamabad DE/EHT/TL&SS/NIrmal DE/TL&SS/Ditechpally ADE/MANT/220KVSS/Ditechpally ADE/MANT/220KVSS/Nirmal ADE/MRT/TL&SS/Nizamabad Page Total 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 7 5 5 2 2 21 4 12 104 Controlling officer Car Dept. As Existing Type of Vehicle Jeep Van Hire Dept. Hire Dept. Hire Total As per Norms Type of Vehicle C J V Total Remarks WARANGAL (TLC) Circle SE/TLC/ Warangal EE/TLC/Karimnagar DE/MRT/EHT/TLC/Warangal EE/TLC. Warangal EE/TLC/Nizamabad ADE/MRT/TLC/Warangal ADE/TLC/Nizamabad AEE/TLC(N)/Karimnagar AEE/TLC/S-D/Warangal AEE/TLC/S.D./Khammam AEE/TLC/SD/Jagityal Page Total WGL Zone / Total 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 31 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 21 0 0 2 9 4 0 9 2 0 2 1 5 1 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 33 105 ANNEXURE-A to the T.O.O. (CEE/DFID&APC) Ms.No.219/03. Dt.24.12.03 Controlling officer As Existing Type of Vehicle Car Jeep Van Dept. Hire Dept. Hire Dept. Hire Total As per Norms Type of Vehicle C J Zipsy Total Remarks TELECOM WING SE/Telecom/Kadapa SE/Telecom/Vijayawada SE/Telecom/Hyderabad DE/Telecom/Cuddapah DE/Telecom/Nizamabad ADE/Telecom/Anantapur DE/Telecom/Nellore ADE/Telecom/Ongole DE/Telecom/Vijayawada DE/Visakhapatnam ADE/Telecom/Bommuru ADE/Telecom/Garividi ADE/Telecom/Kakinada/Yanam DE/Telecom/Warangal DE/Telecom/Hyderabad ADE/Telecom/Chandrayangutta ADE/Telecom/Medak ADE/Telecom/Mahaboobnagar ADE/Telecom/Nalgonda ADE/Telecom/Khammam ADE/Telecom/Karimnagar ADE/Telecom/Tirupati ADE/Telecom/Srisailam ADE/Telecom/Kurnool ADE/Telecom/VHF/ECCC/Hyd. ADE/Telecom/Gajuwaka ADE/Telecom/Gunadala ADE/Telecom/Eluru ADE/Telecom/400KVSS/Kalapaka ADE/Telecom/Nizamabad ADE/Telecom/Guntur ADE/Telecom/Nellore (NTS) TELECOM WING TOTAL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 32 1 1 2 14 10 1 0 28 3 7 106 ANNEXURE-A to the T.O.O. (CEE/DFID&APC) Ms.No.219/03. Dt.24.12.03 As Existing Controlling officer Type of Vehicle Car Jeep Van Dept. Hire Dept. Hire Dept. Hire Total As per Norms Type of Vehicle C J V Total Remarks 7. CIVIL EE/Civil/ Rajahmundry EE/Civil/C&M/VS/Hyd EE/TLC/Civil/Kadapa EE/TLC/Civil/Rajahmundry EE/TLC/Civil/Hyderbad EE/400KV/Civil/Hyderabad 1 EE/400KV/Civil/Kurnool EE/400KV/Civil/Rajahmundry AEE/Civil/SD-3/QC/Rajahmundry AEE/Civil/SD-4/QC/Rajahmundry AEE/Civil/SD-5/QC/Kadapa AEE/TLC/SD-1/Kadapa AEE/TLC/SD-2/Kurnool AEE/TLC/SD-3/Kurnool AEE/TLC/SD-4/Tirupathi AEE/TLC/SD-5/Nellore AEE/TLC/SD-6/Ongole AEE/TLC/SD-2/Rajamundry AEE/TLC/SD-6/Rajamundry AEE/TLC/SD-3/Vijayawada AEE/TLC/SD-7/Vijayawada AEE/TLC/SD-1/Visakhapatnam AEE/TLC/SD-4/Visakhapatnam AEE/TLC/SD-5/Visakhapatnam AEE/TLC/SD-9/Visakhapatnam AEE/TLC/SD-8/Guntur Page Total 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 19 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 19 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 10 3 0 0 16 0 0 107 As Existing Controlling officer Type of Vehicle Car Jeep Van Dept. Hire Dept. Hire Dept. Hire Total As per Norms Type of Vehicle C J V Total Remarks AEE/TLC/SD-1/Hyderabad AEE/TLC/SD-2/Hyderabad AEE/TLC/SD-3/R.R. (North) AEE/TLC/SD-4/(South) AEE/TLC/SD-5/Nalgonda North AEE/TLC/SD-6/Nalgonda South AEE/TLC/SD-7/Mahaboobnagar AEE/TLC/SD-8/Warangal AEE/TLC/SD-9/Karimnagar AEE/400KV/Civil/SD-1/Hyderabad AEE/400KV/Civil/SD-1/Kurnool AEE/400KV/Civil/SD-2/Kurnool AEE/400KV/Civil/SD-1/Rajahmundry AEE/400KV/Civil/SD-2/Rajahmundry Page Total Civil Wing Total 0 0 0 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 16 2 0 5 0 0 0 8 24 0 0 9 28 0 0 9 28 108 ANNEXURE-A to the T.O.O. (CEE/DFID&APC) Ms.No.219/03. Dt.24.12.03 As Existing Controlling officer Type of Vehicle Car Jeep Van Dept. Hire Dept. Hire Dept. Hire Total As per Norms Type of Vehicle C J V Total Remarks 400 KV L&SS Wing FIELD CIRCLE / MINT SE/400 KVL & SS/Hyd. EE/400KV/DIV-I/SS/Hyd AEE/400KV/DIV-I/SS/Hyd AEE/400KV/DIV-I/SD-III/Hyd AEE/400KV/DIV-I/SD/Hyd EE/400KV/DIV-II/Hyd EE/TLC/400 KV/Kurnool. RAJAHMUNDRY Circle SE/400 KV/L&SS/Rajahmundry EE/400 KV/L&SS/Rajahmundry AEE/400 KV/L&SS/Rajahmundry EE/400 KV / L & SS / VJA. AEE/400 KV / L & SS /SD-I/VJA AEE/400 KV / L & SS /SD-II/VJA AEE/400 KV / L & SS /Rjy. VISAKHAPATNAM Circle SE/400/KV L & SS/Visakhapatnam AEE/SD-II/400 KV Lines/VSP AEEI/400 KV/SS/Visakhapatnam EE/400KV Lines/Vsp EE/400KV/SS/Vsp AEE/400 KV/Lines DvN. AEE/400 KV/ Lines AEE (400KV L&Ss/Chittoor 400KV L&SS Wing Total 1 2 15 1 1 1 1 1 4 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 3 1 1 15 0 1 1 18 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 109 ANNEXURE-A to the T.O.O. (CEE/DFID&APC) Ms.No.219/03. Dt.24.12.03 As Existing Controlling officer Car Dept. Type of Vehicle Jeep Hire Dept. Hire Van Dept. Hire Total As per Norms Type of Vehicle C J V Total Remarks Central Training Wing SE/(Trg.)CTI,/Hyd. DE/(Trg.)CTI/Hyd DE/T&D/CT/Hyd SAO/CT/Hyd Total Field Total 1 6 1 1 1 1 3 0 0 0 0 38 112 57 48 1 1 1 1 4 3 34 0 181 0 56 3 271 7 268 3 3 Mini Bus RACHEL CHATTERJEE CHAIRMAN AND MANAGING DIRECTOR 110 ...............................B Contract agreement form THIS AGREEMENT made the ... viz...................... In consideration of the payments to be made by the APTRANSCO to the Contractor as hereinafter mentioned..... and has accepted a bid by the Contractor for providing hired vehicles at a total cost of Rs... NOW THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSES AS FOLLOWS : 1..................... 200 .......................... The APTRANSCO’s Notification of A ward..................... ( Name of Conractor) as other part WHEREAS the APTRANSCO invited bids for providing hired vehicle to .........................No................................. 4.................................. The General Conditions of Contract........ officers of ...... 2.................. (Contract Price in Words and Figures) (hereinafter called the Contract Price”).... The APTRANSCO hereby covenants to pay the contractor in consideration of the provision of the vehicles............ ...... the Contract Price or such other sum as may become payable under the provisions of the Contract at the times and in the manner prescribed by the Contract..... Brief particulars of the vehicles which will be provided by the Contractor are as under: Brief Description of vehicle to be provided Monthly Hire charge for 2500 KM per month per vehicle Sl.................. Between APTRANSCO..: (a) (b) (c) (d) The Bid Form and the Price Schedule submitted by the Bidder.. The Specifications................. the Contractor hereby covenants with the APTRANSCO to provide the vehicles in all respects with the provisions of the Contract................ day of . as one part and ......... In this Agreement words and expressions will have the same meanings as are respectively assigned to them in the Conditions of Contract referred to........ 3....... Number of Vehicle to be provided 111 .................... The following documents will be deemed to form and be read and construed as part of this Agreement..Annexure ............... .......................... only) IN WITNESS where of the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed on the day and year first above written......... (Rupees ..........Non-Judicial stamp paper........... Signed.. NOTE: To be executed on a Rs........ Signed............. (for the Contractor) in the prersence of ................. Sealed and Delivered by the said ....................................................................... Sealed and Delivered by the said ............................. 112 ....Total Value....... 100/......... (for the APTRANSCO) in the presence of .... : 20-10-2003. Dated. Sainath 3. duly terminating the addl. CE/Transmission CE/Construction (Contruction) Project Planning.TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED VIDYUT SOUDHA: HYDERABAD ABSTRACT Estt.. M. 3.O. Murthy 2. CE/DFID&APL CE/Transmission Sri K. M. CE will hold addl. Procurement and monitoring contruction works of 220 KV & 132 KV Transmission Lines & Sub-Stations Project planning. the following posts are redesignated.M. charge held by Sri M. CE/Elec.N. Present post Re-designated as Name of the CE POsted Sri. 179. No. No. RACHEL CHATTERJEE CHAIRPERSON & MANAGING DIRECTOR 113 . Gopal Rao.12. (Per-GM/P) Rt. APTRANSCO . S. CE/Transmission CE/400 KV (O&M) Sri. charge of the post of CE/ 400/kV during the leave period of Sri M.O. (C. Sainath.S. Balance works of DFID & APL and subjects presently being handled by SE/Purchases 2.2003 Read the following:T. CE/Elec.Registration of the posts of certain Chief Engineers-Orders Issued. Gopala Rao Subjects 1.G. (PERSONNEL SERVICES) T.O.O. 222 Date: 31. procurement and monitoring contruction works of 400 KV Transmission Lines & Sub-Stations O&M of all transmission LInes & Sub-Stations.S.No.-HRD) Ms. Murthy. Sri K.N. Consequent to above redesignations. These orders shall come into force with immediate effect. ORDER: After careful consideration. T. 2) Memo No.1000/- Three Increments as personal Pay Two Increments as personal Pay b) 2nd & subsequent occassion. IG (V&S) Ms. 649. National:a) Ist occassion Cash Award of Rs.93 Dated.O. Ms. 22.P. : Award of Rs. 5 Dt: 4. 114 .Revised . Description of Game or sports event.200/- b) 2nd & subsequent occassion. No. 3) B. 14.P.12. (JMD/(V&S) Ms. Dated.500/- b) 2nd & subsequent occassion. No.O.300/- Cash Award of Rs. (Spl.Orders . State:a) Ist occassion One Increment as personal Cash Award of Rs.Incentives to Outstanding Sportsmen and Sports women of APTRANSCO / DISCOMS .TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED VIDYUT SOUDHA: HYDERABAD-82 SPORTS . 224 1) B. Dt. JMD (V&S)/SPORTS/SO/06/2001.500/- Three Increments as personal Pay Cash Award of Rs.05.01. (1) I. No. II.Issued.500/- Cash Award of Rs. 3rd cited the APTRANSCO hereby accords approval for the following revised incentives to be awarded to the best sportsmen/sports women of the AP TRANSCO/ DISCOMS.1000/- Two Increment as personal Pay Cash Award of Rs.750/- Cash Award of Rs.P.International :a) Ist occassion INCENTIVES Winners (2) Runners (3) 3rd Place (4) Promotion to next cadre Subject to possession of qualification Cash Award of Rs.750/- One Increment as personal Pay Cash Award of Rs.7.1000/Cash Award of Rs. III.2003 Read the following:- In modification of the orders issued in the B. V. and -- -- Cash Award of Rs. LOCAL CHAMPTION SHIP CONDUCTED BY ASSOCIATIONS AFFILIATED CLUBS TO SPORTS AUTHORITY OF ANDHRA PRADESH. 200/INTER CIRCLE CHAMPTION SHIP IN VARIOUS SPORTS AND GAMES INCLUDING CULTURAL PROGRAMME Cash Award of Rs.700/Cash Award of Rs. 50/- 115 .500/- Two Increment as personal Pay Cash Award of Rs.(1) (2) (3) (4) IV. 100/- Cash Award of Rs. 300/- -- -- b) 2nd & Subsequnet occassion VI.1000/One Increment as personal Pay Cash Award of Rs. BEST PLAYER IN THE ALL INDIA INTER STATE ELECTRICITY BOARDS TOURNAMENT OF NATIONAL LEVEL a) 1st occassion Cash Award of Rs. 300/- b) 2nd & subsequent occassion.All India Inter State Electricity Board Tournament:a) Ist occassion Two Increments as personal Pay Cash Award of Rs. 4) The Andhra Pradesh Transmission Corporation Limited empowers the Joint Managing Director/ (HRD.FURTHER IT IS ORDERED THAT: "(i) If a person is a RUNNER in the FIRST OCCASION and WINNER in the SECOND or SUBSEQUENT OCCASSION at the NATION LEVEL.for each occassion” 1) All pending cases shall be decided on the above lines only.1000/." (ii) If a sportsperson is a runner in the first occassion and winner in the second or subsequent occassion at the ALL INDIA INTER STATE ELECTRICITY BOARD TOURNMENT. IPC.for each such occassion. and that such sports person is eligible for a maximum of three increments as personal pay and beyond that for a cash a ward of Rs1. SAIPRASAD JOINT MANAGING DIRECTOR (HRD. Comml. However in the case of Manager and coaches of winning teams of 1991-92 matches are eligible for the incentives if they have already not drawn .000/.. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE ANDHRA PRADESH TRANSMISSION CORPORATION LIMITED) G. and that such sports person is eligible for a maximum of two increments as personal and beyond that for a cash a ward of Rs. he is eligible for one increment as personal pay in the first occassion and one more increment as personal pay in the second or subsequent occassion. He is eligible for TWO INCREMENTS as Personal Pay in the first occassion and one more increment as personal pay in the second or subsequent occassion. the incentive increments at any time earlier. 2) The Incentive scheme shall be limited to participating players only not to others who accompany the teams as Managers and Coaches etc.. REFORMS) 116 . 3) The working instructions relating to sanction of Incentive increments are as per the ANNEXURE.. IPC and Reforms) /APTRANSCO to consider proposals for Incentives and grant them to the eligible sportsman and sports women under the scheme on production of required certificates from the concerned authorities. COMML. 224. 3) In case of any doubt regarding sanction of Incentive Increment the sanctioning authority clarification should be sought from the concerned sports association federation /Sports Authority of Andhra Pradesh or Sports Authority of India.O. 3) The tournament must be conducted by the concerned National Federation according to the guidelines of sports autuoroty of India.ANNEXURE TO T. NATIONAL LEVEL:1) The concerned state association's must -be a member of Sports Authority of Andhra Pradesh. REFORMS) 117 . SAIPRASAD JOINT MANAGING DIRECTOR (HRD. 3) The clearance certificate of participation be given by the government of India to that tournament. 2) The state champion ship conducted by the concerned sports state association must be as per guidelines of sport Authority of Andhra Pradesh.O. IPC. 2) The tournament must have been approved by the concerned international federations. COMML. as the case may be. At the cost of government of India or otherwise.. Dt:31-12-03 INTERNATIONAL:1) The tournament should be played between three or more countries. G. JMD/(V&S)/APTRANSCO) Ms. No. 2) Participants for the National champion ship shall be as per the guidelines of sports authority of Andhra Pradesh. STATE:1) The concerned District Association must be a member of concerned district of sports authority. The concerned state association must be regular in submitted the audited accounts to sports authority of Andhra Pradesh and getting regular annual grants. Per) Ms. ORDER: In the T. No.O.12. 6.O.227 Dt.shall be deducted every month from the salary/wages of the employee as employees contribution and equal share shall be contributed by the employer.TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED AB ST RACT Estt. T. Out of the employer share of contribution. limiting the matching contribution by AP Transco to Rs.M 2.2003 shall be paid by the employer in the first instance as per Para-30 of the scheme on behalf of the employees also.AP Transco .6500/.(Pay + DA) only.2003.6500/-PM (Pay + DA) has been engaging the attention of AP Transco from quite some time..O (CGM (HRD&TRG).Issued. After careful consideration the AP Transco hereby directs to implement the provisions of EPF &MP Act 1952 and the Employees Provident Funds Scheme 1952 made there under to all the employees who were appointed and joined in the service in the AP Transco on or after 01. The issue relating to extension of EPF Scheme implemented in T.PM (Pay + DA). 114 Dt.P. 1952 and the Employee's Provident funds scheme 1952 to the excluded employees of AP Transco who were appointed and joined on or after 01.1999and whose salary/wages exceeds Rs.6.2003 will be communicated in due course.02. the AP Transco issued orders implementing the provisions of the EPF & MP Act 1952 and the Employees Provident Funds Scheme.O (GM(IR).01. if any.O read above.33% shall be transferred to the Pension Fund 1995 and the balance shall be transferred to the Employees account in addition to his own contribution of 12% on Rs. iii The modalities relating to recovery of the arrears of EPF contributions paid by the employer on behalf of employees from the state of joining and upto 31. AP having Jurisdiction.Extension of provisions of the EPF & MP act.07.02. 4.500/.2003 to all the employees appointed by AP Transco on consolidated pay and drawing more than Rs. and the same shall be recovered from the pay of the employees in suitable installments. 118 .Per) Ms.6500/ . No.07. No.12.12. Accordingly the AP Transco issues the following order:i There contribution @ 12% on Pay+DA limiting to Rs.Orders.02.O (GM(IR)-Per) Ms. However the arrears of contribution payable by the employee from the date of their joining and up to 31.6500/-PM as they are “excluded” from the purview of the Act /Scheme.23.O. ii The contributions @ 12% on Pay +DA limiting to Rs. 114.6500/.1999 and of the employer share of matching contribution @ 12% upto 31.6500/.2003 shall be calculated by the respective Pay Drawing and Disbursing officers and shall remit to the RPF Commissioner.1999 including the contract AEs appointed by AP Transco and all other employees who are drawing more than Rs.O.500/. 1952 made there under to all the employees to whom it is statutority applicable and who were appointed and joined in the service of AP Transco on or after 01. The penal interest or damages.1999 and whose salary /wages does not exceed Rs. 8. 07. payable for the delayed remittances in respect of employees statutorily covered under the scheme will be represented to the concerned authorities for waiver as er per law explaining the circumstances under which the remittances in time could not be made. 5. Read the following:- T.fallen due both is respect of the employees who were appointed and joined in the service of AP Transco on or after 01. 3.to the scheme. Dt23.02. The EPF & MP Act 1952 was not made applicable to employees whose salary /wages exceed Rs.2004.6500/.PM. the sub .1999 month to month basis upto 31. Commissioner.) vii. the Pay Drawing and Disbursing Officers shall deposit the contributions so recovered from the Pay + DA limiting to 119 . (Pay +DA) towards EDLI Scheme. the GPF contribution in respect of these employees should not be recovered w. ix. The Pay Drawing Officer shall not under any circumstances deposit the PF dues after the statutory date of 15th of the next month. a monthly abstract in such form as the RPF Commissioner may specify showing the aggregate amount of recoveries made from the wages of all the employees and the aggregate amount contributed by the employer in respect of all such employees for the month.02. CCA (Accounts) and obtain EPF code number sub . 6500/. Name of the Father’s Name Date Birth Date of Salary/ employee (As (As per Service (As per per. (Pay + DA) and c. Once the EPF Code number or. Employees Deposit Linked Insurance Scheme.e.2.The matching contributions payable by the employer plus an equal contribution payable by the employee @ 12% of the salary/wages limiting to Rs. 6500/.12. viii.i. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Sl. (Pay + DA) b.2003. as the case may be.7. Apart from the employer’s matching contribution of 12% of the salary/wages limiting to Rs.No. 23. 1995 in force.(Pay + DA) PM in the service of AP Transco on or after 1.e. Each contribution shall be claculated to the nearest rupee (50 paise or more shall be rounded off to the next higher rupee and fraction of a rupee less than 50 paise shall be ignored. Joining in the Wages per service Register) Register) service of (Basic+DA) Register) AP Transco (Limiting to on or after Rs. to its all constitutent Units on top priority.50% on the total salary/wages i.1999 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------x.1999 and who died while in service before adoption of theEPF Scheme. A separate LOC for the above contributions shall be applied every month and the amount shall be paid to the respective RPF Commissioner with in the statutory limit of 15 days of the close of every month by separate bank drafts or cheques. 1. a.01% on the total salary/Wages i.1999 and who were allotted with GPF Account and contributions made by these employees towards GPF shall be adjusted towards employees contribution to EPF Scheme for being deposited with RPF Commissioner and the balance amount of 12% shall however be mentioned in item (v) above.2003 along with the following particulars to the Dy.e.2004.1. as the AP Transco would be incurring penalty for late remittance of PF dues.f.1. As all these employees are brought under the pruview of EPF Scheme.code number is received. The contributions fell due in respect of such deceased employees together with the contributions required to be made by the employer shall be calculated and paid by the concerned Pay Drawing and Disbursing Officers to the respective RPF Commissioner. The employees who were appointed and joined in the service of AP Transco on or after 1.e.2004 shall be regularly remitted to the respective of RPF.e. (Pay + DA) the following contributions Charges shall also be required to be paid by the employer and these contributions shall not be recovered from the employee. 6500/.O. Dt. as they were brought under the EPF Scheme. All the CEs/SEs/DEs/EEs are requested to furnish lists of the employees drawing salary/wages morethan Rs. 01.2. No.code numbers wherever not obtained as per the orders issued in T.10% on the total salary / wages i. 114.e. 6500/-) 01. The Pay Drawing Officer shall forward to the RPF commissioner with in 25 days of the close of the month. Administrative Charges @ 1.f.2. The employer’s contributions shall not be recovered from the employee.e. (Pay + DA) under the scheme w. vi. (GM(IR)-Per) Ms. Administrative Charges @ 0. In respect of employees who are appointed and joined in the service of AP Transco on or after 1.O. who will extend the benefits derived there under to the dependents of the deceased as per the provisions of Pension Scheme. 1976@ 0.i. 1. 6500/. 1952 and the employees Provident Fund Scheme.2004.5 above and report compliance immediately.of the employees together with the employer’s contributions at the rates prescribed under the provisions of the EPF and MP Act.)/AP Transco. Dt. 3. 1952.Rs. 8) This order issues with the concurence of Director (Fin & Rev. 17/D/(F)/03. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF AP TRANSCO LIMITED) RACHEL CHATTERJEE CHAIRMAN & MANAGING DIRECTOR 120 . 6) All the Chief Engineers / Superintending Engineers / Divisional Engineers / Executive Engineers are requested to take action as indicated in para . No. 7) The receipt of this order should be acknowledged immediately. vide Regd. *** ORDER: Dated. (CGM-HRD&Trg) Ms. “Notwithstanding anything contained in the Andhra Pradesh State and Subordinate Service Rules or Special Rules or any other rule governing the post for the Direct Recruitment the candidate who possesses higher qualification than the prescribed qualification and the candidate with higher qualification without the prescribed qualification shall be considered for selection alongwith candidates who have the prescribed qualification only. the candidate who possess higher qualification than the prescribed qualification and the candidate with higher quaification without prescribed qualification shall also be considered for appointment along with candidate who have the prescribed qualification only. 282 Dt. No. IPC & REFORMS) 121 .O.S.B.) G. stipulates that :“No person shall be eligible for appointment to the post and by the method mentioned in Annexure-III and Annexure-VI unless he possesses the qualifications specified therein. No. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE TRANSCO OF A.2003.S.B. LTD.AP TRANSCO .E.as adopted by AP Transco and Discoms. 4) Necessary amendement to A.Appointment of the candidate possessing higher qualification than the Prescribed qualification . SAI PRASAD JOINT MANAGING DIRECTOR (HRD.2003 have issued the following Adhoc Rule in the matter of Direct Recruitment.2004 Read the following:-..9.O.9.Issued. After careful examination. Regulation 14 of APSEB Service Regulations Part-III. Ms.O. Serivce Regulations Part-III. T.” 3. Ms. 282 GA (Ser-A) Department. COMML.P. 20. 230 G.P. No.E. 20.Order .P.1. the AP Transco directs that in the matter of appointment to the posts governed under A. as adopted by AP Transco and Discoms.O. : 12.Applicability of Government orders to the services under AP Transco and Discoms .TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED ABSTRACT REGULATIONS . Service Regulations will issued separately. Dt.” 2) The Government in G. e) The promotions shall not have been ordered relaxing the qualifications or under unqualified quota. prior to 1. B. Ms. 1.4. 1 Dt. while revising the Pay scales of workmen and other than workmen in the B.4.4.e. g) The next increment of the senior employee shall accrue only after complection of one year qualifying service with effect from the date of refixation of pay.Rectification of Pay anamoly . 1.Junior promoted to the higher post in regular line after introduction of Master scale i.O. be subject to the following conditions: a) The stepping up should be done with effect from the date of fixation of pay of the junior employee at a stage above the pay drawn by the senior employee after introduction of master scale. For example. COMML.(CGM-HRD&TRG) Per. 3) The pay of a senior employee promoted to the higher post’s before the date of this order. To safeguard the interest of senior promoted before the introduction of Master scale i.1. 5-1-1999.e. 1-4-1998 and drawing more pay than the senior . Dt.2004. No.O.. the pay of the senior employee promoted before the date of introduction of Master Scale should not be stepped up. 255. the date from which the Master Scale was introduced.P. happened to draw less pay than the junior who got two promotions after introduction of master scale. first and second cited respectively. c) The scale of pay of the lower and the higher post/s in which they are appointed should be identical.4. (P&G-Per) Ms.1998 with monetary benefit from 1.O. ORDER: The erstwhile APSEB has introduced Master Scale with effect from 1. 4) These orders shall be deemed to have come into effect from 1.Issued. d) The anomaly should be directly as a result of fixation of pay of the junior employee consequent on his pormotion after introduction of Master Scale with effect from 1.4. 235 1.1998 and to remove the pay anomaly of the above nature the following orders are issued. 2) Instances have come to the notice of AP Transco that where some of the seniors who got first promotion before introduction of master scale i. No.1998 i. : 17. b) Both the junior and senior should belong to the same cadre and the posts to which they are promoted should be identical and in the same cadre. No.Ps. No. 5) These orders are issued with the concurrence of Director (Finance & Revenue) vide U. Dt. (P&G-Per) Ms.7. however.1998. from 1. should be stepped up to a figure equal to the pay as fixed for the junior employee in that higher post’s as a result of introduction of master scale. T. if even in the former post the junior employee draws.P.1.1998.TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED ABSTRACT PAY SCALES . SAI PRASAD JOINT MANAGING DIRECTOR (HRD.1998 with monetary benefit from 1.7. 5-1-1999.e. B.e.. f) The orders refixing the pay of the senior employee shall be issued under Regulation 34 of APSEB Service Regulations Part I as adopted by APTRANSCO and DISCOMS. This will.Orders . from time to time. a higher rate of pay under normal rules or any advance increments are granted to him. IPC & REFORMS) Dated.1998 and got second promotion after introduction of master scale.2004 Read the following:- 122 . G.APTRANSCO & DISCOMS . 256. 123 .7. The Government in the reference 6th read above. Dt. General Adm.O.2004. Ms. by erstwhile APSEB and Government of A. shall be continued”.P.2002 4. 1. 10. 16 of Constitution of India. Ms. No. 202.P.P. No. G. 4. who retire on Medical Invalidation as it is unconstitutional and violative of Article 16 of Constitution of India as held by the Honourable High Court of Andhra Pradesh in its judgement Dated. 2. from Energy (SER. the erstwhile APSEB has issued orders. Ms.4. Dt. AP Transco’s Lr. B.A1 Department Govt./RI) 41/2002.. has since clarified that the appointements on Medical invalidation cannot be implemented as it is violative of ARt. the Government have been addressed in the references 5th read above to examine and issue necesary orders in the matter. 3) In View of clause 4(e) of the Tripartite aggrement entered into with employee Unions / Association. Dated. providing employment to Son / Daughter / Spouse of Board employee who is retired on Medical Invalidation while in service under Article 441 of A. Ms. (Ser-A) Dept.P.2004 Read the following:- 1. Dt. General Adm.1982 by the erstwhile APSEB. of A. The matter has been carefully examined by AP TRANSCO keeping in view the tripartite agreement and the clarification issued by the Government. No.O. 266 Date :13. Ms. 17. General Adm.TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED ABSTRACT APTRANSCO .Scheme of Compassionate appointment to Son / Daughter / Spouse of the employees of AP Transco and Discoms who retire on Medical invalidation . REg.Orders Issued.O. 13489/2000 and batch and which became final and binding. 1st read above. 12. No.2002 3.1982. G.O.2nd read above have issued orders dispensing with the scheme of providing employment to the dependents of Government employees. (CGM-(HRD&TRG) Per. No. as it is violative of Art 16 of Constituion of India. Dt.I) as adopted by the erstwhile APSEB subject to the condtions mentioned therein. It has been decided to dispense with the scheme in so far as it relates to compassionate appointment to Son / Daughter / Spouse of the employees of AP Transco and Discoms who retire on Medical invalidation ordered in B. ORDER: In the B.10. Dated. GM(IR) AS(IR)/PO.4.P.Dispensed with .. 119.11. T. 6.O. 27. Dated. 203.2. (Ser-A) Dept. Letter NO.1. Pension Code (Vol. 305. inter alia.2002 5. 10.2.P.O. for the reason that the condition mentioned in paragraph 3 above is contractual in nature violating the fundamental right of equality of opportunity in matters of Public employment enshrined in that Article and hence it is unconstitutional. 6720/SER-A1/2002-6. N. 2) The Government in G. Ms. 119.No.2001 in W. 6.. Sec.P. G.2002.2. No. which provides that “all the existing welfare measures like the scheme for compassionate appointment and medical reimbursement etc. (Ser-A) Dept. 27. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF A.10.6. ii) The appointments already so far made shall be allowed to stand as it is. 1980 only. COMML.P.. iii) No appointments can be made now even in the cases pending prior to 12.2001.10. Revised pension Rules.P. LIMITED) G. IPC & REFORMS) 124 .2001 iv) All the cases of Medical invalidation shall be dealt under rules of A. SAI PRASAD JOINT MANAGING DIRECTOR (HRD. Accordingly the APTransco issues the following orders :- i) The scheme of compassionate appointment to son / daughter / spouse of the erstwhile APSEB employees now permanently absorbed in AP TRANSCO and Discoms who retire on Medical Invalidation shall stand dispensed with from 12. 2004 Read the following:- 5. No. 2. 11. T. 357. expired on 31. 4th cited.O. 154.Extension . Dt. B-1245). : 17. (GM(IR)-Per)-Ms. T. B-1245) was requested to nominate the names of Office bearers to whom the privileges are to be extended. Satyanarayana.O. APEPDCL Special Casual Leave of 15 days i.O.2000 3.2004 6. 4th cited for a further period from 1. Dt. In the references 5th cited.O.TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITD VIDYUT SOUDHA : HYDERABAD .82 ABSTRACT APTransco . B1245) a) To pursue Union activities on full time basis : Sri Y. (GM(IR)-Per)-Ms.Orders . (GM(IR)-Per)-Ms. Sri M. 15. Dt. TNVK Sangam (Regd. and Issue of Attendance Certificate . 222. Ananthapur. No.Permission to pursue Union activities on “Full time basis” Grant of Special Casual Leave.3.9. APCPDCL ii.2003. The AP TRansco . Ahammadi (Regional Secretary) UDC. Dt. From General Secretary. 11. after careful consideration accords permission extending the following privileges ordered in T. 24. Dt.2002 4. (GM(IR)-Per)-Ms. Lr.O. T.O.Industrial Relations .O.1. the Telugunadu Vidyut Karmika Sangam (Regd.2004 to the following office bearers of the Telugunadu Vidyut Karmika Sangam (Regd.O.O.O. JAO (Regional Secretary / Company Secretary) O/o. the TNVK Sangham (Regd.2003 Dated. No. T. 3 In the references 6th cited.12. Nizamabad.12.) DS(IR)/AS(IR)/PO(IR)/A4/499/2000. APNPDCL b) 125 .O.O. T. (CGM(HR & Trg. 1. 4. No. Dt.12.2000 2.) Ms.2004 *** ORDER: The privileges extended to Recognised Unions / Associations in T.2. Sri Sydulla Khan (Regional Secretary) Line Inspector.2004 to 31. No. B1245) have requested to extend the privileges to the office bearers mentioned therein.1.O. No. 314. Lr.Issued. SE/Opn/Rajahmundry.O. No.2.2. CGM(HRD & Trg. 268. 27. No. 4. Sri T. Srikakulam.s cited shall remian un-altered. Narasimhulu (Regional Secretary) LIne Inspector. SE/Opn. Vijayawada APSPDCL Sri. O/o.O.O. c) Attendance Certificate : Any five (5) members of the above said union only if they attend Permanent Negotiation Committee meetings at APTransco Corporate Level. Kadapa. Janaki Ramaiah (Regional Secretary) UDC. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF AP TRANSCO LIMITED) RACHEL CHATTERJEE CHAIRMAN & AMANGING DIRECTOR 126 . L.iii. APEPDCL iv. Head quarters of DISCOMs and at Circle level. 5) The other conditions stipulated in T. APSPDCL v. Sri Rajesekhar (Regional Secretary) UDC. after careful examination directs that the period of probation of the 2 Asst. Engineers / Elecl mentioned in the Annexure appended to these orders are deemed to have been sastisfactorly completed the extended period of porbation with effect from the last date of their passing the Accounts Test on the afternoon of the dates mentioned against their names in coloum No.E. Under Regulation 28(d) of the A. The APTRANSCO Ltd.Board S. Engineers / Elecl .P. 3. Rs .Board S. their porbation period has to be extended upto the last date on which they have passed the Accounts Test as noted against each of them under column .) Ms. (P&G-Per) Ms. Certain Asst. LIMITED) G.1998 2) T.P. 31.II the TWO (2) Asst.Part . No.2004 Read the following:- 1) B.. APTRANSCO . passing of the Accounts Test examination during the period of probation is a prerequisite condition for declaration of completion of probation. 138.E.S E Board SR's Part II in their favour so as to enable their declaration of completion of probation.S.5 of the Annexure.2.P. IPC & REFORMS) 127 .8. (GM-Per) Ms.O. SAI PRASAD JOINT MANAGING DIRECTOR (HRD. 27(c) and 29 of A. *** ORDER: In the references cited. Annexure. Engineers/Elecl referred to in the Annexure appended to these orders shall be extended tpto the date of their passing of the Accounts Test as noted against their names in column-5 of the said Annexure. 2.2000 3) Proposals received from concerned Controlling Officers. 272 Dated. Dt.O.P. COMML. As per the orders in force. The Asst.E.S.6 of the Annexure / Encl. No. No.O. (GM-HRD & Trg. Dt.Orders Issued. : 24. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF A.O. T.Non-passing of Accounts Test within the period of probation -Extension of probation by relaxation of Regulations and Declaration of completion of probation .Rs.S.3.TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED ABSTRACT Estt. under Regulation41 of the A. 339.II in relaxation to the provisions of Reg.P. certain Assistant Engineers / Elecl were placed on probation for a total period of two years on duty within a continuous period of three years with effect from the dates mentioned in column4 against their names in the Annexure appended to the said orders. Part . 25. Engineers / Elecl mentioned in the Annexure appended to these orders have not passed the Accounts Test before completion of prescribed period of probation from the date of commencement of probation and consequently. 99 S. Sarvasri D./Elec.97 23. IPC & REFORMS) 128 .12..6. 10. 272.2001 12. : 24.O. Name of the A. Sreenivasa Rao Sudha Sagar 5.12.Annexure to T. Date of Birth Date of Commencement of probation Last date of examination upto which probation extended 5 Date of Completion of probation 1 2 3 4 6 1.E. SAI PRASAD JOINT MANAGING DIRECTOR (HRD. (GM-HRD&Trg) Ms.66 28.70 4. No.2001 12.O. Dated. COMML.99 G.No. (Ser-A) Dept. These orders shall come into force from the date of issue of memo.. 301 Dt. 2.2003.12. In the reference 3rd read above. Dt. the Government have clarified that the policy of the Government is to provide compassionate appointment to the dependents of deceased Government employees to help the family in distress and accordingly if the deceased Government employee was having more than one dependent married daughter and when the spouse of the deceased Government employee is not willing to avail the compassinate appointment. 3. from General Admn. the Transmission Corporation of A.O. G. No. SAI PRASAD JOINT MANAGING DIRECTOR (HRD. 3rd cited by Government.Scheme of Compassionate appointment to the dependents of Deceased employees of APTransco & Discoms . (GM(IR)-Per) Ms.O. such married daughter may be considered for compassionate appointment.Compassionate appointment to the dependent married daughter . T.2004 Read the following:- 1. (CGM (HRD&TRG) Ms. T. 213. No. Dt.A/2003-1.O. No.2000. 116417/Ser.P. 30. provided she is dependent on the deceased Government employee and subject to satisfying the other conditions and instructions issued on the scheme from time to time.O.1999 2. Dated. Dt. 8-102003 (copy enclosed) shall be made applicable to the employees of the APTransco and Discoms for providing employment on compasssionate grounds in respect of dependent of married daughter of deceased employees only. *** The Government have issued orders in the reference 1st read above.A/2003-1. 30. 3. that when there is only a married daughter to the deceased Government employee without older or younger brothers or sisters and the spouse of the dec eased Government employee is not willing to avail the compssionate appointent. General Administration (Ser-A) Department.10. After careful examination. 4.Adoption of Government Orders-Orders-Issued. Ms. 116417/Ser. COMML. 23. 350. IPC & REFORMS) 129 . one of the dependent married daughters may be considered for compassionate appointment.O. G.3. 8.7. The said orders were adopted by AP Transco in the reference 2nd read above. Limited hereby directs that the orders issued in the Memo No. Memo No. subject to eligibility as per the scheme of compassionate appointment. General Administration (Ser-A) Department.TRANMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED ABSTRACT AP TRANSCO . 5. : 08. 687. *** As per the scheme of compassionate appointment to the dependents of deceased Gvoernment Employees the dependent married daughter may be considered for compassionate appointment when the deceased employee was having only a married daughter and the spouse is not willing to avail the compassionate appointment or the spouse is not eligible for compassionate appointment. 612. No. Ms.O. G.A.7. Memo.A/2003-1.. General Administration (Ser. Dated. Andhra Pradesh Non-Gazetted Officer’s Association. General Administration (Ser. 28-8-2003. (Ser..10.1977 2. G. 116417/SER. Ref : 1.O. Ms. subject to eligibility as per the scheme of compassionate appointment.1999 4. No. 30.) 130 . Hyderabad Dated.2003 Sub : Public Services . G. Dated.A) Department.A) Deptt. B. A/99-3.1. Dated. 3.10. 27. DATED. 55769/Ser.O. 3.Copy of GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH GENERAL ADMINISTRATION (SER. Dated. In the reference 5th cited the President. It is clarified that the policy of the Government is to provide compassionate appointment to the dependents of deceased government employees to help the family in distress and accordingly if the deceased government employee was having more than one dependent married daughter and when the spouse of the deceased government employee is not willing to avail the compassionate appointment. 2. one of the dependent married daughters may be considered for compassionate appointment. Representation from president. General Administration (Ser. 350.2000.1991 3. ARAVINDA REDDY SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT (SER.10.A) Department.Compassionate Appointments to the dependents of deceased Government employees-Compassionate appointment to the dependent married daughter .certain clarification .A) Department.A) DEPARTMENT MEMO. NO. No.Issued. Andhra Pradesh Non-Gazetted Officer’s Association has requested for a clarification whether the compassionate appointment may be considered to one of the dependent married daughters when the deceased government employee was having married daughters more than one. G. No. Ms. 30. No.I) Dept.3. Ms. IPC & REFORMS) 131 . G. Dt. Dt.TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED ABSTRACT ALLOWANCES . (GM(IR)-Per) Ms. No. Ms. 23.2003 5. 22. G. Dt.I) Dept. (GM(IR)-Per) Ms. 28. Dt. Finance (PC. 475 Finance (PC. Finance (PC.7. Dt. (GM(IR)-Per) Ms. 392.) Ms. 377.2004 *** ORDER: Dated. 20.P. This order issues with the concurrence of Director (Finance & Revenue) vide U.2003 6. No.2003 11.03.O.P..I) Dept.2004 (Copy enclosed) shall be made applicable to the employees / Officers working in APTransco and Discoms and drawing their pay in the A.11.No. 998 Finance (PC.I) Dept.Revision of Rates of D. Ms. 15.2. No.O. 27 Dt. CGM (HRD & TRG. COMML. 618/D(F)/ 2004. No.O.. Dt. No. G. T. 3.I) Dept. T. 230 Dt. 96. 27.O.7. 1993..O.O.O.O.Issued. 22. Finance (PC. (P) No. Finance (PC.O. (GM(IR)-Per) Ms. 22. T.P.O. Revised Pay scales.Deanress Allowance . Ms.O. G.2. G.. No. 96. No. 24. T.Adoption of the orders in respect of employees working in AP Transco and Discoms and drawing pay in A. to employees of the Government of A. T. No. No.9.2003 7. 2003 in the Revised Pay scales 1993 . G.2003 3. 155 Dt. Ltd. from 1st July. 2.O. Dt.. No. Ms. 6.5. Dt.I) Dept.O.O.O.11. 3.2003 9.O.2003 8. 200 Dt. 4. 3. directs that the orders issued in G. 307 1.7.Orders .A... Ms.I) Department.2002/ 2. : 27.2.O. SAI PRASAD JOINT MANAGING DIRECTOR (HRD. Revised Pay scales.2004 Read the following:- The Transmission Corporation of A. No.2003 4. 1993 .P.O.O.4. Finance (PC. (GM(IR)-Per) Ms. G. T.. 107 Dt.2004.2003 10.O.12. 2004 Read the following:- G. Ranga Agricultural University. ORDER: Government hereby order the revision of rates of Dearness Allowance sanctioned in the Government order 2nd read above to the State Government Employees drawing pay in the Andhra Pradesh Revised Pay Scales.680/Dated. Gram Panchayats. 2003 at the following rates : Pay Range Pay upto Rs.I) Department. 1993.60% of pay subject to a maximum of Rs. 7. including the Acharya N. Dated.O.11. Municipalities.2.7. *** Basic pay above Rs. and up to Rs. 1993 from 1st July.2003 . Finance & Planning (FW.I) Department. 6.680/89. 06. 162. 2. Warangal drawing pay in the revised pay scales 1993. Employees of Zilla Grandhalaya Samsthas. Municipal Corporations. c) Teaching and Non-teaching staff of universities. Dated. Dated. 9.58% of pay subject to a minimum of Rs.I) Department G. and also work charged Establishment who get monthly pay in a regular scale of pay in the revised pay scales. Nehru Technological University and the Regional Engineering college. (P) No. 392. 116. 96 1. The Dearness Allowance sanctioned in the above para shall be payable to : a) All Government Employees.2003.2003 G. Ms.5. b) Teaching and Non-teaching Staff of Aided Instiutions viz. No.I) Department.439/98.p. 28. 7.. Finance (PC.A.O.and a maximum of Rs. (P) No.PC.Dearness Allowance to the State Government Employees drawing pay in the pre-revised scales from 01. Agricultural Market committees.Copy of: GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH ABSTRACT Allowance .m.Sanctioned orders Issued.1983.380/Cumulative rate of D.p. : 3.439/. 3. Finance (Pay) Commission . 9.820/- 2. Finance (PC. 6. 1993. 9. 475. 20.820/.O.m. the Jawaharlal.07. Basic pay above Rs. Teaching and Non-teaching Staff of Zilla Parishads. Junior Colleges.9. 132 .05% of pay subject to a minimum of Rs.G.Dearness Allowance . Mandal Parishads. Polytechnics and schools who are drawing pay in the revised pay scales.380/. Degree Colleges. m. 3.1999 and Andhra Pradesh revised UGC Pay Scales. Government also order revision of the rates of Dearness Allowance sanctioned in the Government order 2nd read above in respect of employees drawing pay in the Andhra Pradesh Revised U.P.1. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE GOVERNOR OF ANDHRA PRADESH) V. 1986 from 1st July. Pay scales. the Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University and the Regional Engineering College. 740/. 10.p.500/Basic pay above Rs. Revised UGC pay scales.G.m. 6. Revised UGC Pay scales 1986.S. SAMPATH PRINCIPAL SECRETARY.325/. 1986.O. Warangal who are drawing pay in the A. 3.G.A.p. 6. Basic pay upto Rs.per month. Ranga Agricultural University. The above revised rates of Dearness Allowance are also applicable to: a) The Teaching and non-teaching staff of Government and aided Affiliated Degree Colleges and Polytechnics who are drawing pay in the A. including the Acharya N.C.500/.000/.m. b) The Teaching Staff of the Universities.2. Basic pay above Rs. TO GOVERNMENT 133 .m.260%/. 1996 shall be applicable in this case also.000/. 4.per month 191% of pay subject to minimum of Rs. 2003 and indicated below : Pay Range Cumulative rate of D.3. 2003 in respect of employees drawing Andhra Pradesh Revised Pay Scales. 3. 13.p. c) The Full time contingent Employees who have completed five years of service but not converted into regular Last Grade Service and drawing a pay of Rs. 3rd read above revising the rates of Dearness Allowance from 1st July.p. The procedural instructions issued in the G.P. and upto Rs. 295% of pay 221% of pay subject to a minimum of Rs. T.1.2003 ORDER: Dated::01.(Per. No.01 1.Addl. Memo.) Ms.)/ APTRANSCO to the control of Addl.9. Dated:13. B.04.1999.Secy. Secretary APTRANSCO –Orders –Issued.O.P. it is herby ordered that the subjects relating to Legal matters (including regulations) and Key Performance Indicators are transferred from the control of Chief General Manger (HRD &Trg.GM (P)/AS(MPP)/A1/536/2003-1.No.Secretary /APTRANSCO with immediate effect. RACHEL CHATTERJEE CHAIRMAN & MANAGING DIRECTOR 134 .2004 Read the following:- After careful consideration. 266.No.O. Dated:2. 2.TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED VIDYUT SOUDHAN: HYDERABAD -82 Estt-APTRANSCO–Re-allocation of certain subjects to the control of Addl. (P&G-Per ) Ms. No.04.The new sections may be formed duly bifurcating the overloaded sections. Circles viz.0. 3. sanction is hereby accorded for formation of 24 Nos. 451/04 Dated: 24. The above created posts shall be filled up on yearly contract basis only duly following the procedure in vogue and filling up may be taken up after completion of election process. Vijayawada.APTransco/SPDCL – Sanction for formation of 24 new Operation Sections in Operation Circles.No.0.Ongole. Vijayawada.CGM(HRD)/DS/AS/PO(Adm)/A2/DNo.Tirupathi and Nellore –Orders –Issued. Lr.02 Date: 03.new Operation Sections duly creating 168 posts in APSPDCL Company as shown in the annexure appended.. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF ARTRANSCO) RACHEL CHATTERJEE CHAIRPERSON & MANAGING DIRECTOR 135 .2004 received from CMD/APSPDCL 2.TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED VIDYUT SOUDHA:HYDERABAD -82 ABSTRACT Estt. (PERSONNEL SERVICES) T.No.( Per-CGM/HRD &Trg.Tirupathi and Nellore /APSPDCL to meet the customer services. Ongole.2.) Ms. After careful examination of the proposals of CMD/SPDCL.2004 Read the following:1. APTransco Lr. 2.CGM(HRD&Trg) ADE(MPP)A1/610/2003-2 Dated:24-01-2004 ORDER: In the reference (1) cited proposals were received for formation of 26 Nos new operation Sections duly bifurcating overloaded sections in Operation. Dated: 03-04-2004 S. RACHEL CHATTERJEE CHAIRPERSON & MANAGING DIRECTOR 136 .O. (Per-CGM (HRD&Trg).subject to suppression of equal number of vacant JLM posts.C.No.Of New Posts Sanctioned Engineering AE/AAE SUB-ENG O&M LI(*) JLM TOTAL Ongole Tirupathi Nellore Grand Total *.02.No Name of the Circle 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Vijayawada Ramarajyanagar Nunna Jaggaiahpeta Kruthivennu Pedaparupudi Jarugumalli Gudluru Kandukur (Rural) Yeddanapudi Addanki(Rural) Chinnaganjam Mundlamuru P.Palli Markapur(Rural) Konakanamitta Ardhaveedu Komarolu Palamaner (Rural) Pileru (Rural) Gudur(town-II) Kavali (Town-II) Seetharamapuram Varikuntapadu Haranadhapuram 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 24 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 24 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 24 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 96 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 168 Name of the Section No.Ms.ANNEXURE to T.O. Hyderabad. Dated: 12. Transco at Vidyut Soudha.982. PROCEEDINGS: In view of the increased cost of maintaining the Guest House of A.No. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF A.TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED VIDYUT SOUDHA :: HYDERABAD-82 ABSTRACT APTRANSCO-Protocol – Guest House – Revised rules for reservation of accommodation.P.. rates etc. T.SAI PRASAD JOINT MANAGING DIRECTOR (HRD. (Per-CGM(HRD&Trg.O. Hyderabad should be as indicated in the Annexure–I &II and the same should be followed with immediate effect. Transco at Vidyut Soudha. –Orders – Issued. rates etc.1989. APTRANSCO directs that the rules for reservation of accommodation.04 Dated: 07-4-2004 Read the following:- 1. IPC &Reforms) 137 . in respect of suites in the Guest House of the A.9.Ms.)} Ms. Comml. B.O.P.P.No.P.LTD) G. ANNEXURE-I 1. Rates:(a) The Tariff for APTRANSCO employees and Govt. employees on official works:- Particulars i) Up to 15 days ii) 16 days to 30 days iii) >30 <90 days iv) > 90 days A/c Room Per Day Rs 40/80/200/500/- Non –A/c Room Per Day Rs. 20/40/100/500/- (b) Boarding & Morning tea may be out sourced. NB:- Officers of utilities on transfer /Head quartered at Hyderabad can be permitted only for 30 days stay (including spells) 2. Others:- Not allowed 138 ANNEXURE- II RULES: 1. These rules are called the rules for Reservation of Accommodation etc. in the A.P. Transco Guest House at Vidyut Soudha and they shall come into force with immediate effect. Accommodation is ordinarily provided in the A.P.Transco Guest House at Vidyut Soudha only to Board officers and employees and their families ,Govt officers and employees who stay on Board work, Members of Parliament, the Legislators, officers of Govt. of India and other state Governments and Electricity Boards. 2. 3. (a) Allotment and Priorities: Accommodation will be reserved, if available and if it is not required for higher priority purposes. Accommodation reserved is liable to be cancelled if it becomes so necessary in order to accommodate guests of higher priority or in other unavoidable circumstances. The concerned controlling officers of the Guest House reserve the right to ask one or more guests to share a room for providing accommodation for an officer of higher priority or in other circumstances if it becomes necessary to do so. In respect of officers other than Board Officers, allotment of suites will be with the prior approval of the Chief General Manager (HRD &Trg.) (b) 4. Periods of stay:(a) The period for which paying guests are accommo dated in the Guest House shall not ordinarily exceed Seven days but in expectational cases, paying guests may be permitted by the concerned controlling officer to stay beyond Seven days provided accommodation is not required for other guests or for any other purpose of the A.P. Transco. The officers of the A.P.Transco staying in the Guest House while on leave will be charged upto a maximum of five days as on duty. (b) 5. Rates:These rates are liable to be revised from time to time. All the rentals collected should be credited to the Head of Account concerned. 6. Breakages and Losses –Responsibility:The Guests occupying the Guest House shall be responsible for any breakages or losses caused by them, or their family members, or guests or their staff or servants.In cases of breakages recovery shall be made from the party concerned at the market value or 200% of the original purchase value, whichever is higher. 139 7. Payment of Charges:All payments due to the Guest House etc. shall be cleared by the Guests before leaving the Guest House.The concerned Controlling Officers are not authorized to deviate from the schedule of charges.The guests should settle the bills as presented by the controlling Officers. 8. Trunk Calls:The Controlling Officers should maintain a Register for Trunk Calls. (i) (ii) No trunk call shall be made without the prior permission of the controlling Officer concerned. Guests making trunk calls shall indicate full particulars of the call in the Register kept for the purpose and shall also pay in advance the approximate charges.On receipt of trunk call bills, necessary adjustment shall however be made.If for any reason, advance payment is not made for trunk calls booked form the Guest House, the bills shall be sent to the officers concerned for arranging payment.The charges shall be collected in advance from the other guests. 9. Register for Recording particulars of Arrivals, Departures etc. of Guests:(i) A Register shall be kept with officer concerned of the Guest House etc. in which all the Guests shall enter their names, designation, date and time of arrival and nature of visit (i.e.on duty or otherwise) as soon as they arrive at the Guest House. Guests who have any complaint or suggestion to make may enter them in the Register maintained by the Officer concerned or communicate them by a letter to the concerned Controlling Officer.The Concerned Controlling Officer shall also bring the complaint to the notice of JMD (HRD)/AP Transco if he consider them necessary ; otherwise be may take suitable action for himself. (ii) 10. Cooking:Cooking within the premises of the Guest House by the Guests is strictly prohibited. 11. Settlement of Bills:All bills for accommodation etc., shall be settled by the Guests before leaving the Guest House. 12. Display of Rules and List of Furniture:A Copy of the rules together with a list of furniture, crockery, etc. available in each of the rooms shall be displayed in every room of the Guest House for the information of the Visitors. 13. Relaxation of Rules:In exceptional and deserving cases the JMD (HRD) / A.P.Transco may relax any of the foregoing rules to the extent necessary. 140 TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED VIDYUT SOUDHA :: HYDERABAD -82 Memo No. FA&CCA (R&A)/ SAO (B&R) /CIR/D.NO.12/04 Sub: LOC applications – Instructions-Reg. Ref: Memo No.FA&CCA (R&A)/SAO (B&R)/D.NO.6/03 Dated: 8.4.2003 *** i. All the unit / officers are informed that: (1) LOC applications received at headquarters upto 31.3.2004 but not released be treated as CANCELLED. (2) Fresh LOC applications with new LOC nos in respect of LOCs pending as on 31.3.2004 may be sent in the same order of pendency. (3) LOC applications may be sent against the passed bills only supported by the details for the amounts applied for. For salaries and remittances as required in circular Memo No. FA&CCA (R&A)/ SAO (B&R)/ 19/95 Dated. 5.1.95 supported by passed bill wise details for the amounts applied for by 21st of every month. (4) Applications should not be sent through contractors /suppliers (5) Applications should contain all the particulars such as (1) LOC No.(2) Bank Name .(3) Unit Code.(4) Cash grant code. (5) amounts indicating cash grant, amount applied for so far balance available and applied for now. (6) Same number should not be assigned to more than one application. Failure to do so will lead to disciplinary action. (7) LOC applications should be sent without corrections and overwritings. (8) Funds released as per LOC applications should be utilized strictly for the purpose for which they are intended to diversion from one head to another head and from one LOC to another LOC should not be resorted to in any case: and any deviation will lead to disciplinary action.Drawing/ controlling officers will be held responsible for any deviations. (9) The LOC applications should be applied in multiples of hundreds only (10) Non adherence of the above instructions will be viewed seriously and disciplinary action taken against erring officers. (11) Receipt of this memo may be acknowledged. For DIRERCTOR (FINANCE & REVENUE) Date: 13.4.04 141 TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED VIDYUT SOUDHA: HYDERABAD-82 ABSTRACT Provision of cellular telephones to the officers of APTRANSCO and four DISCOMs under the Closed User Group (CUG) of GOAP-Orders-Issued. T.O.O.(CE-Telecom)Ms No.16 Date: 21.04.2004 Read the following:- Ref: T.O.O. (CE-Telecom) Ms.No. 138,Dated: 02.09.2003 ORDER: Govt. of A.P. is providing cell phones to officers and field functionaries of various Govt. departments to improve the communication network within the department and among various departments. Officers of APTRANSCO and the four DISCOMs are covered in the first phase of provision of cell phones .3057 nos. of Alcatel make OT 320 type cell phone instruments with SIM cards from ‘Cell One’ network of M/s BSNL are provided as follows. APTRANSCO APCPDCL APNPDCL APSPDCL APEPDCL Total 210 nos 1231nos 522nos 637nos 457nos 3057nos The recurring charges on the cell phones would be borne by the respective Companies at the tariff plan as per Annexure-I enclosed. 2. In Order: to take advantage of the larger group, all the existing 88 nos of official cell phones in APTRANSCO including the 80 nos, sanctioned in T.O.O. cited above would be migrated to the new closed user Group (CUG) of the Govt of A.P. with change of existing numbers (List enclosed in AnnexureII ) with effect from 22.4.04 The 81 officers who are recently provided withNokia 3315 cell phone instruments (still under warranty period) shall continue with the same instrument and would be provided only SIM Card from the new Closer User Group (CUG).The 81 instruments delivered by APTS on behalf of the Govt of AP shall be stored with Chief Engineer/Telecom for future allotment of cell phones to other officers of APTRANSCO after sanction by the Board, as and when required. 3. 142 4. The cell phone instrument shall be kept in the personal T&P of the individual officer to whom allotted and shall figure in the CTC and handing over notes at the time of transfer / retirement In case of any loss/ theft of cell phone instrument, the concerned officer shall either replace it with an equivalent one of Alcatel/ Motorola/Nokia make or remit the prevailing market price, if so required. The monthly bills on the cell phones shall be limited as follows: Cadre Peshis,CEs,FA&CCAs&equivalent SEs&equivalent DEs&equivalent ADEs&equivalent Limit Rs.1400 Rs.1400 Rs1000 Rs.750 5. The officers may use STD facility duly limiting the individual monthly bills to the above limits. 6. The Paying officer is authorized to admit payment exceeding the prescribed limit on the cellular telephone bill and recover the difference between the actual bill and the prescribed limit form the succeeding month salary of the concerned officer.In any case, no officer is permitted to treat the payment exceeding the prescribed limit as official. Various officers are grouped under one paying officer depending upon the Zonal jurisdiction or unit considerations as detailed in Annexure-II. The expenditure incurred on the bills of officers pertaining to other pay units but physically present within the same zone shall be regularized by raising /accepting TDAs by the respective units.The paying officer, while raising TDA, shall clearly indicate the amount to be recovered, if any from the salary of each individual officer towards payments made in excess of the prescribed limit. 7. Consequent to the provision of cell phones under the CUG of Govt. of the AP the officers will no more be eligible to continue the official land line residential telephones and or the cell phones, if any earlier sanctioned, which shallbe got disconnected forth with or surrender with immediate effect The Deputy Secretary (Establishment ) and zonal Chief Engineers shall ensure that the deposits on such telephones are claimed and the concerned file is got closed in the respective telephone company.A compliance report may be sent on the action taken in this regard by 5-5.2004 by the Chief Engineer concerned to the Chief Engineer/Telecom. This Order is issued with the concurrence of Director (Finance & Revenue) vide U.O.No.693/D(F)/ 2004, Dated:15-04-2004 RACHEL CHATTERJEE CHAIRMAN & MANAGING DIRECTOR 143 2. connections From Mobile nos. 1. Dated::.80 Rs.200/- 144 .60 Free Free Free Rs.40 Rs.No. (CE-Telecom) Ms.1.80 RS.1.80 Rs.21-04-2004) Company – wise details of cell connections Company No.O.ANNEXURE-I (Enclosure to T.O.40 Rs.350/NIL 15 Sec Rs 1. To 9440811209 9440811731 9440812368 9440812825 9440814056 APTRANSCO APNPDCL APSPDCL APEPDCL APCPDCL 210 522 637 457 1231 9440811000 9440811210 9440811732 9440812369 9440812826 Tariff plan Monthly Rental CUG Charges Billing Pulse Call Charges (in Rs/min) (Airtime+IUC) Outgoing: Outside CUG Intra Circle /Local Calls (a) cell to cell (b) Cell to fixed line/WLL Inter Circle /STD calls (a) Cell to cell (a) Cell to fixed line/WLL(b) 0-200KM 201-500KM >500KM With in CUG Incoming From outside CUG Within CUG SMS Charges (Outgoing Per message) Itemized bill SIM replacement charges Rs.40 Rs. 693/D(F)/ 2004. Dated.O.A compliance report may be sent on the action taken in this regard by 5-5.No.Zonal Chief Engineers shall ensure that the deposits on such telephones are claimed and the concerned file is got closed in the respective telephone company. This Order is issued with the concurrence of Director (Finance & Revenue) vide U.2004 by the Chief Engineer concerned to the Chief Engineer/Telecom.15-04-2004 RACHEL CHATTERJEE CHAIRMAN & MANAGING DIRECTOR 145 . &IT/ V’SOUDHA CE/OPERATION/V’SOUDHA ADDITIONAL SP (VIGILANCE) /V’SOUDHA CE/RAC &REFORMS/ V’SOUDHA CE/RAC & Reforms/ V’soudha GM/Corporate Commns/ V’soudha Additional Secretary/V’Soudha CGM/HRD&Training /V’Soudha CE/Construction/V’soudha CE/Transmission/V’soudha CE/400KV/V’soudha CE/Telecom/Hyderabad CE/Civil/V’soudha SE/Civil-I/Vidyut Soudha SE/Civil-II/Vidyut Soudha SE/Civil-III/Vidyut Soudha EE/civill/C&M/V’soudha CE/TL&SS/HYD CE/TL&SS/Metro/HYD SE/TL&SS/HYD SE/Tl &SS/Nalgonda SE/TLC/Hyderabad SE/O&M/400 KVSS/Mamidipally DE/TL &SS/Erragadda DE/TL &SS/Moulali DE/TL &SS/Chandrayangutta 9848034834 9440811116 9440811115 9440811120 9440811122 9440811112 9440811118 9440811111 9440811102 9440811103 9440811104 9440811105 9440811106 9440811107 9440811008 9440811109 9440811110 AO/CPR/ V’soudha 9440688517 9848022623 9440811113 9440811114 9440811117 9440811119 9440811121 9440811123 9440811124 9440811024 9440811000 9440811022 9440811020 9440811021 9440811019 9440811018 9440811055 9440811034 9440811035 9440811036 9440311037 9440811038 9440811039 9440811040 9440811041 9440688518 9849231619 9848171881 9849298989 9848025787 9440688500 9440688501 9440688502 9440688503 9440688504 9440688505 9440688506 9440688507 9440688508 SE/TL&SS/ Metro 146 .e.21-04-2004) S.(CE-Telecom)Ms. Dated::.04 New mobile no allotted in CUG of GOAP Paying unit identified 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Vidyuth Soudha CE/TL&SS/HYD Chairman &Managing Director JMD (HRD.ANNEXURE-II (Enclosure to T.Constn) Director (RA &Co-ordination) Director (Trans&Grid opn) FA&CCA (A&E)/Vsoudha FA&CCA (R&A)/V’Soudha CE/Power Systems/ V’soudha CE/Grid Operation/V’soudha CE/IPC/V’SOUDHA CE/PLANNING/V’SOUDHA CE/RE&Purchases/V'soudha CE/COMML.IPC&Reforms) JMD (Vigilance) Director(Finance&Revenue) Director (Proj &.Comml.No.f.4.O.O. if provided already which shall be disconnected w.No Zone Designation of the officer to whom cell phone is allotted Official mobile no. 22. 16. S.No Zone Designation of the officer to whom cell phone is allotted Official mobile no. 22.04 9440688514 9440688509 9440688510 9440688515 9440688511 9440688512 New mobile no allotted in CUG of GOAP Paying unit identified 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 DE/MRT/Erragadda (Metro) DE/TL &SS/ Yeddumylaram DE/TL&SS Mahaboobnagar DE/MRT/Erragadda (Hyderbad) DE/TL &SS Miryalaguda DE/TL &SS /Nagarjunasagar EE/TLC/RM /Hyderabad EE/TLC/Rural EE/TLC/Stores EE/TLC/Nizamabad EE/TLc/Civil DE/MRT/TLC/Hyderabad DE/O&M/400 KVSS/Mamidipally ADE/CBD/132 KVSS/ Erragadda ADE/CBD/132 KVSS/ Moulali ADE/CBD/220 KVSS/Chanadrayangutta ADE/MRT/TRE/Erragadda (Metro) ADE/MRT/Protection/Erragadda(Hyderabad) ADE/CBD/Hyderabad ADE/MRT/TRE/Erragadda (Hyderabad) ADE/MRT/Protection /Erragadda (Hyderabad) ADE/MRT/Mahaboobnagar ADE/CBD/Nalgonda ADE/CBD/Nagarjunasagar ADE/MRT/220KVSS/Tallapally ADE/MRT/TLC/Hyderabad ADE/MRT/TLC/Hyderabad ADE/TRE/TLC/Hyd ADE/MRT/400KV/Lines/Mamidipally ADE/MRT/400KV/TLSS/Mamidipally EE/Civil /TLC /Hyderabd EE/ Civil/400 KV/Hyderbad CE/TL&SS/ Warangal SE/TLC/Warangal SE/TL&SS/Warangal SE/TL&SS/Karimnagar SE/TL&SS/Nizamabad EE/TLC/warangal EE/TLCKarimnagar EE/TLC/Nizamabad DE/MRT/EHT/TLC/Warangal DE/TL &SS/Warangal DE/TL &SS/MRT/Seetharampatnam DE/TL &SS/warangal 9440811042 9440811043 9440811044 9440811045 9440811046 9440811047 9440811048 9440811049 9440811050 9440811051 9440811052 9440811053 9440811054 9440811056 9440811057 9440811058 9440811059 9440811060 9440811061 9440811062 9440811063 9440811064 9440811065 9440811066 9440811067 9440811068 9440811069 9440811070 9440811071 9440811072 9440811015 9440811014 9440811100 9440811073 9440811074 9440811075 9440811076 9440811077 9440811078 9440811079 9440811080 9440811081 9440811082 9440811083 SE/TL&SS/ Metro 9440688516 9440688513 CE/TL&SSl /Waranga 9440688560 9440688561 9440688562 9440688563 9440688564 SE/TL&SS Warangal 9440688573 9440688565 9440688566 9440688571 147 .e.4. if provided already which shall be disconnected w.f. 04 9440688567 9440688568 9440688569 9440688570 9440688572 New mobile no allotted in CUG of GOAP Paying unit identified 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 CE/TL &SS /Kadapa DE/TL &SS/Karimnagar DE/TL &SS/Ramagundam DE/TL &SS/Ditchpally DE/TL &SS/Nirmal DE/TL &SS/Nizamabad ADE/MRT/TLC/Warangal ADE/MRT/TL&SS/Khammam ADE/TLO/Paloncha ADE/MRT/TL&SS/warangal ADE/MRT/TL&SS/Karimnagar ADE/TLO/Karimnagar ADE/TLO/Karimnagar ADE/TLO/ramagundam ADE/Hoit Lines/Ramagundam ADE/Lines/Pochampad ADE/MRT/TL&SS/Nizamabad ADE/MRT/TL&SS/Nirmal CE/TL&SS/Kadapa Se/tl &ss /Kadapa Se/Tl&SS/Kurnool SE/TLC/Kadapa DE/TL&SS/Tirupati DE/TL &SS/Yerraguntla DE/EHT?MRT/Kadapa DE/TL &SS/Kurnool DE/TL &SS/Anantpur DE/400KVSS/Namur DE/400KV Lines/Srisailam DE/MRT/Kurnool Executive Engineer/TLC/Kadapa Executive Engineer/TLC/Kurnool Divisional Engineer/TLC/TRE/Kadapa ADE(Lines)Hoot lines/kadapa ADE/EHT/MRT/KAdapa ADE/EHT/MRT/Tirupathi ADE/Lines Kurnool ADE/Lines/Nandyal ADE/Lines Anatapur ADE/Lines/Dharmavaram ADE/Lines Gooty ADE/ Lines/Srisailam ADE/MRT/Kurniool ADE/MRT/ANantapur ADE/TLC/TRE-I/Kadapa ADE/TLC/TRE-II/Kadapa 9440688600 9440688601 9440688602 9440688603 9440688604 9440688605 9440688606 9440688607 94406988608 9440688609 9440688610 9440688611 9440688612 9440688613 9440811084 9440811085 9440811086 9440811087 9440811088 9440811089 9440811090 9440811091 9440811092 9440811093 9440811094 9440811095 9440811096 9440811097 9440811098 9440811099 9440811101 9440811133 9440811125 9440811126 9440811127 9440811128 9440811129 9440811130 9440811131 9440811132 9440811134 9440811135 9440811136 9440811137 9440811138 9440811139 9440811140 9440811141 9440811142 9440811143 9440811144 9440811145 9440811146 9440811147 9440811148 9440811149 9440811150 9440811151 9440811152 SE/TLC/ Kadapa 148 .No Zone Designation of the officer to whom cell phone is allotted Official mobile no.4. if provided already which shall be disconnected w.e. 22.S.f. f.S.4. if provided already which shall be disconnected w.No Zone Designation of the officer to whom cell phone is allotted Official mobile no.04 New mobile no allotted in CUG of GOAP Paying unit identified 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 CE/TL &SS/ Vja ADE/TLC/TRE-II/Kadapa EE/Civil /TLC/Kadapa CE/TL&SS/Kadapa SE/TL & SS/Vijayawada SE/TLC /Vijayawada SE/TL &SS/Nellore SE/TLC /NEllore DE/TL& SS/Guntur DE/MRT/TL &SS/VIJAYAAWADA De/Mrt/EHT/Vijayaeade Ee/TLC/VIJAYAWAS EE/TLC/GUNTUR DE/TL & SS NELLORE DE/TL&SS /ONGOLE DE/MRT/TL&SS / NELLORE DE/TLC/TRE/NELLORE EE/TLC/NELLORE EE/TLC/ TIRUPATHI ADE/LINES/TADAPALLI ADE/LINES/ PIDUGURALLA ADE /LINES/PIDUIGURALLA ADE/LINES/GUNADALA ADE/LINES /GUNADALA ADE/HOT LINES /VIJAYAWADA ADE/MRT/TL& /GUNTUR ADE/MRT/TLC/ VIJAYAWADA ADE/TRE/TLC/VIJAYAWQADA ADE(LINES) HOT LINES/NELLOR ADE/MRT/TL &SS /ONGOLE ADE/MRT/TRE/TL & SS NELLORE ADE/MRT/TL&SS NELLORE EE/CIVIL /400 KV/NELLORE CE/TL&SS/Kadapa SE/TL &SS / RAJAHMUNDRY SE/TL& SS/VISAKHAPATNAM SE/TLC/RAJAHMUNDRY DE/TL &SS/ NIDADAVOLU DE/TL&SS /BOMMURU DE/TL &SS /GAJUWAKA DE/TL & SS/GARIVIDI DE/MRT/TL & SS/ VISAKHAPATNAM DE/ O&M /400 KVSS/KALAPAKA DE/MRT/400KVSS/KALAPAKA DE/MRT/EHT/RAJAHMUNDRY 9440988670 9440988673 9440988674 9440988671 9440988672 9440988679 9440988680 9440988681 9440988682 9440811152 9440811153 9440811155 9440811154 9440811156 9440811157 9440811158 9440811159 9440811160 9440811161 9440811162 9440811163 9440811164 9440811165 9440811166 9440811167 9440811168 9440811169 9440811170 9440811171 9440811172 9440811173 9440811174 9440811175 9440811176 9440811177 9440811178 9440811179 9440811180 9440811181 9440811182 9440811013 9440811199 9440811183 9440811184 9440811185 9440811186 9440811187 9440811188 9440811189 9440811190 9440811191 9440811192 9440811193 SE/TLC/ Vijayawada 9440988676 9440988675 9440988677 9440988678 CE/TL &SS/Vja 9440688700 9440688701 9440688702 9440688703 9440688704 9440688705 9440688706 9440688707 9440688708 9440688710 9440688709 149 . 22.e. 04 New mobile no allotted in CUG of GOAP Paying unit identified 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 CE/TL &SS/Vja EE/TLC/RAJAHMUNDRY EE/TLC/VISAKHAPATNAM ADR/MRT/TL & SS/PEDATADEPALLI ADE/LINES /BOMMURU ADE/MRT/TL & SS /BOMMURU ADE/LINES /UPPER SILERU ADE/LINES /GAJUWAKA ADE/HJOT LINES .e.f.4. ADE/LINES/GARIVIDI ADE/MRT/TL &SS /VISAKHAPATNAM ADE/TRE/VISAKHAPATNAM ADE/MRT/TL & SS/VIZIANAGARAM ADE/MRT/TL &SS /VIZIANAGARAM ADE/MRT/TL C/Rajahmundry ADE/TRE/TLC/Rajahmundry EE/civil/TLC/Rajahmunbdry EE/Civil/400 KV /Rajahmundry Se/400KV L&SS/Hyderabd EE/400 KV/Division-I/Hyderabad EE/400KV/Division-II/Hyderabd EE/400KV L&SS/Nelloree SE/400KV L&SS/Rajahmundry EE/400KV L&SS/Rajahmundry EE/400KV L&SS /Vijayawada SE/400KV L&SS/Visakhapatnam EE/400KV SS/Visakhapatnam EE/400KVLines/Rajahmundry SE/Telecom/Hyderabad DE/Teelcom/Load Despatch /V’s DE/Teelcom/Hyderabd DE/Telecom/Warangal DE/Telecom /Nizamabad SE/Telecom /Kadapa DE/Telecom/Kadapa DE/Teelcom/KAda 9440688740 9440811194 9440811195 9440811196 9440811197 9440811198 9440811200 9440811201 9440811202 9440811203 9440811204 9440811205 9440811206 9440811207 9440811208 9440811209 9440811016 9440811012 9440811025 9440811026 9440811027 9440811023 9440811028 9440811029 9440811030 9440811031 9440811032 9440811033 9440811001 9440811002 9440811003 9440811004 9440811005 9440811006 9440811007 9440811008 SE/400KV L&SS/Hyd 9440688742 9440688741 CE/TELECOM /HYD 9440688800 9440688799 9440688798 9440688797 9440688796 9440688795 SE/Telecom/ Hyd 150 .No Zone Designation of the officer to whom cell phone is allotted Official mobile no. if provided already which shall be disconnected w.S. 22.VISAKHAPATNAM. e APTRANSCO –Corporate Communication /Media service to head the corporate communication cell from the date of actual utilization . Nil. for filling up of the post of Chief General Manager (Corporate Communications ) post shall be as per annexure appended.O (Per-CGM/HRD & Trg) Ms. particularly the print and electronic media and the stake holders to explain from time to time the nuances of the above legislation to dispel possible apprehensions.TRANSMISSON CORPORTION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMTED VIDYUT SOUDHA HYDERABAD -82 AB ST RACT Estt –APTRANSCO Strengthening of Corporate Communication Cell Constitution of new Service namely APTRANSCO Corporate Communication Media Service Orders – Issued. 3. has brought in radical changes. After careful consideration. (v) Separate Orders will be issued regarding constitution of “Selection Committee” (vi) The necessary amendment to the Service Regulations will be issued separately. (PERSONNEL SERVICES) T. 3.79. (ii) One cadre post with designation of “Chief General Manager (Corporate Communications)” in the scale of Rs. it has become incumbent on APTRANSCO to review the functioning of the corporate communication cell existing at present. 2003 that has come into effect. Dated::d 16-6-2003 ORDER: The new enactment viz.. 23-4-2004 Read the following:- 151 . These Orders are issued with the concurrence of Director (Finance& Revenue) vide his U.O.O (Per-GM/P) Ms.Corporate Communication Media Service” Shall be constituted.17930-645-19865-715-23440 equivalent to chief Engineer in Engineering Service shall be created in the new service i.Accordingly the following Orders are issued. it has been decided by the APTRANCSO to strengthen the Corporate Communication Cell duly inducting the people with suitable experience and skills in the area of Communication and Media. (iii) The existing post of General Manager (Corporate Communications) (Non Cadre) shall be suppressed as and when the post is vacated by the present incumbent. 2. in the power sector and requires a constant interaction with the general public/ consumers.O.No. (iv) The method of Recruitment and the Qualifications/Experience etc.No.17 T. Dated: 15-4-2004 Encl: Annexure (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF APTRANSCO) RACHEL CHATTERJEE CHAIRPERSON AND MANAGING DIRECTOR Date.O. the Electricity Act. (i) A separate service called “APTRANSCO. In the changed scenario. CGM/HRD&Trg.O. (Per. b) Must be a post graduate for any recognized university.No. III. c) Must have rendered not less than 10 years of Service in Central or State Government or any Public Sector Undertaking Autonomous body incharge of Public Relations Communications / Media Relation out of which 5 years must be in a senior position.Annexure to T.) Ms. b) Must be an approved porobationer.O. II. or b) By direct recruitment for special reasons if suitable in service candidates are not available. Media Relations/ Public Relations. VII. Post : Chief General Manager (Corporate Communications) Scale of Pay : RS 17930-645-19865-715-23440 Service: APTRANSCO – Corporate Communication /Media Serivce Method of Recruitment : a) Appointment by transfer from any post equivalent to Class I in any services under erstwhile APSEB orAPTRANSCO. Qualifications: By Direct Recruitment: a) Must not have completed 45 yrs of age on the first day of the year in the which the selection for appointment made.2004 I. Appointment Authority: APTRANSCO Selection Committee: To be constituted by APTRANSCO 152 . VI. V. Corporate Communications . d) Must have a proven track record in Journalism. IV. c) Must have rendered not less than 10 years of service in a post equivqlent to class II/Class I in erstwhile APSEB in-charge of Public Relations/Communications/Image Building Exercise / Human Resources.4. Appointment by transfer: a) Must be a post graduate from any recognized University.17 Dated: 23. 5..No.O.O. 12.50 lakhs Rs. Hyderabad. 2.25 Dated: : 05-05-2004 Read the following:- 1.75 lakhs Do d) Rs.O. 29-11-1976.P.3.O.18.Ms.50 lakhs Do 2) In the G.No 01 a) b) Revised Pay Range 02 Employees drawing basic pay upto Rs.Ms. the Government have issued Orders on House Building Advance to eligible Government employees in Order to cater the housing needs of more number of Government employees.4. Government of A.30-3-1990 T. For this purpose.2. 21-11-2002 G. 905.The scheme is applicable to all the employees who are approved probationers and who have put in a total service of atleast 8 years .645/and upto Rs. Hyderabad. Do c) Rs.up with the Banks and Financial Institutions for sanction and disbursement of housing loans. Dated:30-9-02 of Finance (TFR) Department .00 lakhs Elegibility 04 Or 60 times of basic pay which ever is less.P. Dated::. Under the proposed dispensation while the employees would continue to avail 153 .7970/ and upto 12. *** In the references 1st and 2nd read above the erstwhile APSEB issued Orders formulating “APSEB Regulations for grant of Loans for acquisition of houses by Board employees” for the construction or purchase of housing accommodation and /or for improvements thereof .Secy ) (Loans )Ms. 3.310. Dated: 24-10-2002 of Finance (TFR) Dept.Ms.No 828. 4th reads above.965 (Management Services). 18.575/- Maximum Celling limit 03 Rs.Secy. Addl. B.In the reference 3rd read above the APTransco has enhanced the existing pay range for sanction of House Building Advance to the employees of APTransco as detailed below: S.3. Dated::. Government have formulated a scheme viz. “Employees Housing Loans through Banks “.645/ Employees drawing basic pay above Rs.O. T.P.Ms. G. Government of A.No.P. ORDER: B.7970/Employees drawing basic pay above Rs.575/Employees drawing basic pay above Rs. No.Dated::. 4.No.No. and has decided to tie. Ms.O.TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED ABSTRACT AP Transco –Loans and Advances – House Building Advance through Banks – Adoption of Government Orders –Orders –Issued.227.O. (Per –Addl. 949.F. 4) i) ii) The employees who intend to join the scheme may exercise their option and collect their “Eligibility Certificate “ as in Form –A (annexed to this order) from their respective sanctioning Authority and apply to the notified banks for Loans.s Superintending Engineers and Functional Heads of APTransco are requested to bring these Orders to the notice of their sub-ordinate offices and take necessary action in the matter and issue suitable instructions to the Drawing Officers under their control.P. The Scheme would be effective from 1st April. the scheme is intended to contribute towards meeting the housing needs of the Government employees. SAI PRASAD JOINT MANAGING DIRECTOR (HRD. 01-052004.A (R &A) is hereby authorized to issue a mandate for tie-up with Banks mentioned in Para 4 (iii) in respect of the quoted interest rates on Housing Loans. the Transmission Corporation of A. Dated.A &C.A. 2004 All the Chief Engineers. thereby resulting in the multipiler effect i.C. 3. The following orders are accordingly issued:The scheme for Employee Housing Loans through Banks shall be as in Annexure –I to this Order for the benefit of AP Transco employees for sanction and disbursement lof Housing L:oans.O.The employees would be required to open their salary accounts with the bank that sanctions the Loan. iii) The banks that are approved by APtransco for House Loans under this scheme are as follows:1. in addition to lthe existing Scheme in APTransco referred to in para (1) above. IPC & Reforms) 5) 6) 7) 154 .It was also stated therein that the funds budgeted by the Government towards the proposed scheme would there be used to fund interest subsidy alone and not lthe entire loan amount. Corporation Bank iv) The F. The Federal Bank Ltd. & C. Limited directs that the scheme approved by the Governement in the references 4th and 5th cited shall be made applicable to employees of APTransco with suitable modifications. State Bank of Travancore 2.He shall issue necessary mandate Orders in this regard. Overall. 3) After careful examination. greater number of employees could be provided these loans within the limited budget of lthe Government. These Orders issue with the concurrence of Director (Finance& Revenue) vide U.of the prosposed House Building Loans on the existing concessional terms and conditions and the Governement would have to bear the interest subsidy to the Bank and Financial Institutions.e. State Bank of Hyderabad 4.CA. Comml. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF AP LIMITED) G. The Federal Bank Ltd The effective Rate of Interest 7.5% 7. State Bank of Hyderabad 4. The salary account of the employee would be debited to the extent of Additional EMI and Employee EMI. The employees are encouraged to contact the bank directly to know their eligibility prior to making a formal application. The Federal Bank LTd 1.(Addl. Period Upto 5 years BANKS 1.EMI based on Bank rate of interest for the Eligible Loan Amount.ANNEXURE – I (Annexure to T.5% 7. (c) Bank EMI:. Corporation Bank 3.. (b) Additional Loan Amount.5% 7. The Federal Bank LTd 1. (d) Bank Rate of interest (Bank ROI ). The Federal Bank LTd 2. Eligibility . Definitions:(a) Additional EMI. Dated::.5% 5 to 10 years 10 to 15 years 15 to 20 years (B) Floating Rate of Interest: Period Upto 5 years 5 to 10 years 10 to 15 years 15 to 20 years BANKs 1.The scheme is applicable for all the AP Transco employees who are eligible for loans under the rules for the Grant of Loans to A P Transco employees for House Building purposes. EMI based on bank rate of interest for the Additional loan amount.O. But the eligible loan amount and the A P Transco rate of interest would be as per the A P Transco rules.The eligibility of the loanee for a loan would be decided by the bank in accordance with their credit or loan terms. The effective interest rates are as follows. The scheme is optional to the employees who would have the discretion of continuing with the existing scheme of AP Transco .05-05-2004) SCHEME FOR EMPLOYEE HOUSING LOANS THROUGH BANKS 1.5% 7. Difference between Loan Amount and Eligible Loan Amount Loan over & above the A P Transco eligibility norms will be sanctioned by Bank only at the rate of interest (fixed or floating) quoted by banks. 1. State Bank of Travancore 2. The Federal Bank Lts 1. The Federal Bank LTd 1.5% 7.5% 7.5% 7.25. State Bank of Hyderabad 1.No. Applicability .5% 155 . The Federal Bank Ltd The effective Rate of Interest 7..5% 7.Secy)Ms.5% 7. State Bank of Travancore 1. 2.5% 7.O. (A) Fixed Rate of interest . This would be split into two parts Employee EMI and Differential EMI. 5% 8.5% simple rate of interest.5% 8.e) Competent authority: Deputy Secretary (Establishment) or any officer empowered to sanction HBA loans under existing A P Transco Loan rules from time to time. (i) Eligibility Certificate: Indicates the eligibility of the employee under APTransco loan rules. would b e 4. (n) Loanee: Employee of APTransco eligible for APTransco loans/ advances under APTransco rules and sanctioned loan by the notified bank. (f) Credit Risk : To be borne by the lender. the APTransco rate of interest for a 20 years House construction loan. on the Eligible Loan amount would be paid by the A P Transco on quarterly basis to the banks. (l) APTransco Simple rate of interest: Simple rate of interest on housing loans for the employees as specified under APTransco rules and as mentioned in the “Eligibility Certificate’’ shall be changed. The recovery shall commence from the 19th month of the date of the drawl of the first instalment or from the month following the month of completion of the house/ flat whichever is earlier. it shall not be construed as the sanction letter that would be issued by the bank (annexed as in Form-B). (j) Employee EMI: EMI based on APTransco Rate of Interest for the Eligible Loan Amount.5% Building Advance 192 60 60 Interest 48 10 10 The interest rate charged would be 7. The A P Transco would facilitate the compulsory opening of the salary account of the loanee in the bank from which it can debit the Employee EMI.5 % for the last Grade employees in case of House / Flat Parchase or Constuaction and site Parchase Only (m) Lender Bank: One of the Notified Banks that decides to lend to the Loanee. with 18 months moratorium and 8. if any). The simple rate of interest and the term structure for the existing APTransco loan scheme are summarized below: Nature of Loan Rate of Interest Maximum monthly instalments forrecovery of Principal House House /Flat Repairs only Site only 8. However. (o) Loan Period: The HBA loan period would be for the period of maximum 20 years (excluding moratorium. For example. (h) Eligible Loan Amount : Loan amount shall be mentioned on Eligibility certificate Maximum Loan amount that the employee is entitled to under the prevailing APTransco loan rules shall be as mentioned in the Eligibility Certificate.63%. 156 . (g) Differential EMI : The difference between the Bank EMI (based on Bank Rate of interest) and Employee EMI ( Based on A P Transco Rate of interest ). (k) AP Transco Rate of Interest (AP Transco ROI): The effective interest rate equivalent to the existing APTranso speicified simple rate of interest on the HBA loan as per APTransco sanction Orders at simple interest calculated on a reducing monthly balances starting from the date of disbursement of advance till the last date of outstanding. insurance etc. should reconcile the details mentioned in the list with the sanction letters and the agreements sent earlier. (r) Notified Bank: Bank notified by the Orders of APTransco. the bank would intimate its decision to the employee. and make the disbursements whenever due. The employee should submit the sanction letter and a copy of the agreement to his \her competent Authority. which would be applicable for 6 (six) months. 4. (c) Under this scheme the employee would contact any of the "Notified bank" for making an application for Housing Loan in the format prescribed by the bank along with his eligibility certificate and other documents specified by the bank. application-processing etc. The employees would then be entitled to apply for HBA Loan. which is eligible to offer loan facility to the employees of APTransco. that are collected and retained by the bank. (d) Incase the application is accepted the bank would issue the sanction letter as in Form—D annexed to this Order. with the “Notified Bank’’ and would issue orders in this regard. (s) Out-of-pocket expenses: Pass-through Charges relating to stamp paper. (b) As the employee cannot be sanctioned more than the eligible loan amount (under A P Transco Loan Scheme) he should first collect the Eligibility certificate (annexed as in Form-A) from the competent Authority before making an application to the Notified Bank. In case the application is rejected. to the “Notified bank’’. title registration. 157 . In particular he shall verify the correctness of Eligible Loan Amount and A P Transco simple rate of interest". After the bank releases the last and final disbursement the "Lender Bank" should issue the "Disbursement letter" enclosed as in Form—D (annexed to this Order) to the "Loanee" who should submit the same to the Competent Authority / Drawing Officer. (t) Processing charges: Charges relating to title investigation. This would be equal to the sum of Eligible Loan Amount and additional loan amount (if any) availed by the employee. The Competent authority in turn. The competent Authority should retain the sanction letter and copy of the agreement in his office and should also update his records with the salary account particulars of the "Loanee". that are collected and paid by the bank to the third party. on actuals basis. The employee should also open his salary account with the Lender bank The bank would sign the agreement with the loanee. Scheme in Brief: (a) “APTransco’’ would enter into an agreement. (e) The bank should also intimate the Competent authority the consolidated list of sanctioned loans by the 15th of every month in a format as in Form-B annexed to this Order. the APTransco would provide the Differential EMI only towards the “Eligible Loan Amount’’. While the entire loan amount would be sanctioned by the bank based on its credit norms. The APTransco would not provide any other guarantee to the lenders. under this scheme.(p) Loan Amount: Total Loan availed by the employee from the bank. (q) Liability of APTransco: The liability of the APTransco is limited to the extent of differential EMI. (g) At the end of the moratorium period ( if any ) the bank would start debiting on 1st of every month the salary account of the loanee to the extent of EMI based on the A P Transco rate of interest.765 Employee Costs – "Other Welfare Expenses" – interest subsidy on the loans sanctioned by the banks towards HBA’ On the Loans sanctioned by the bank to the AP Transco employees (tol be opened)”. (k) The Competent Authority/Drawing Officers are authorized to incur expenditute under the above Head of Account as in the case of Employee costs and report the expenditure to their HODs: (l) The APTransco shall allocate funds separately under the above head of account for all the expenditure Units/Circles of AP Transco. The payment should be made within 15 days of submission of bill. A P Transco.75.Procedure to be followed by the Drawing Officers: (a) The Drawing Officer shall facilitate the employees to apply to the banks for loan and to open the salary account. (d) The Drawing Officer shall ensure that any change in the salary account or the acceptance of resignation/Pre-mature retirement would require the “No Objection Certificate” of the Lender Bank. Vidyut Soudha.765 Employee Costs – “Other Welfare Expenses – Interest Subsidy on the loans sanctioned by the 158 . (c) The Drawing Officer shall ensure that the salary of Loanee is credited to the salary account mentioned in the sanction letter. (h) The bank would also raise the bill on Drawing Officer for the differential EMI on consolidated: basis on 30th june 30th September 31st December and 31st March for the previous quarter . (j) Once the Drawing officer passes the bill the Competent Authority/Drawing officer shall pay the interest subsidy I.These bills should be accompanied by a quarterly MIS report in the same form at as in Form-C ( annexed to this Order: ) for the previous quarters a copy of the bills shall also submit to the Deputy Secretary (Estt).The Drawing Officer shall ensure that the claims made by the Banks towards interest subsidy shall be within the funds so allocated to them.e "Differential EMI" for the employees under his control to the concerned "Lender Bank" by preferring bill under the Head of Account No.(f) The bank would furnish monthly MIS reports to Competent Authority by 2nd of every month (for the disbursement and collections made in the previous month) in a form us in Form-C (annexed to this Order: ) The Competent Authority should verify all the details –Particularly the disbursement date-mentioned in this report will the details mentioned on the "Disbursement letter" submitted by the employee. towards the successful completion of the loan disbursement process. (i) Once the Drawing officer verifies the details provided in the bill raised by the bank he should arrange the payments within 15 days of receipt of the bill from the bank. between the loanee and the bank.e. 5. (e) The Drawing Officer shall pay the interest subsidy i. (b) The Drawing officer shall facilitate the execution of agreement and other such formalities required . Hyderabad or any other officer authorized from time to times.075. “Differential EMI” for the employees under his control to the concerned “Lender Bank “ by Preferring bills under the Head of Account “No. banks towards HBA”.e.) or any other officer empowered from time to time shall issue the “Eligibility Certificate” as given in Form. Procedure to be followed by the Competent authority: (a) The Competent Authority i. The bank should intimate to the Competent authority the consolidated: list of sanctioned loans by the 15th of every month in a format as in Form –B. The Competent Authority Should reconcile the details mentioned in the list (Form-B) provided by the bank with the sanction letters and the agreements.A. Hyderabad or any other officer authorized from time to time. 30th Septemeber. (f) (g) 159 . The competent Authority should retain the sanction letter and copy of the agreement in his office and should also update his records with the salary account particulars of the “Loanee”. (b) (c) (d) 7. At the end of the moratorium period (if any) the bank would start debiting. termination orany similar event related to the “Loanee”. with copy to Deputy Secretary (Estt.)/APTRansco/ Vidyut Soudha. The bank would also raise the bill on Drawing Officer for the differential EMI with a copy to Deputy Secretary (Estt. suspension . After the bank releases the last and final disbursement the “Lender Bank “ should issue the Disbursement letter “. he shall verify the correctness of “Eligible Loan Amount “ and “ AP Transco Simple Rate of Interest”. the salary account of the loanee to the extent of EMI based on the APTransco rate of interest. on the Loans Sanctioned by the Banks to the APTransco employees (to be opened)” . The Competent Authority shall ensure that a copy of AP Transco Orders is also sent to the “Lender Bank “ In case of transfer. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) The bank would furnish monthly MIS reports to Drawing Officer by 2nd of every month (for the disbursements and collections made in the previous month) in a format as in Form. enclosed as in Form –D annexed to this Order:. 31 st December and 31st March for the previous quarter. Procedure to be followed by the Banks: The banks would admit the application along with the relevant documents from the applicant and undertake the scrutiny of the same as per their respective eligibility norms..These bills should be accompanied by a quarterly MIS report in the same format as in Form – C for the previous quarters.) or any other officer authorized from time to time on consolidated basis on 30th June. Deputy Secretary (Estt. to the “Loanee” who should submit the same to the Drawing Officer. The bank would process the application and carry out the necessary due diligence within a maximum period of one month and convey the same as accepted or rejected to the employee and the AP Transco after assigning broad reasons in case of rejection.C annexed to this Order:. In particular . The Drawing Officer Should verify all the details – particularly the disbursement dates – mentioned in this report with the details mentioned on the “Disbursement Letter" submitted by the employee. 6. The Payment should be made within 15 days of receipt of bill from bank. On 1st of every month. DP/DM. who died in fatal accidents while attending to the departmental works in terms of Orders issued by the erstwhile APSEB in its Memo.No. General: (a) The loan accounts opened as part of the proposed scheme are subject to the audit of the Office of C &AG/Statutory Audit/Internal Audit. the APtransco would not be liable to pay the differential EMI.II/1639-G1/ 87-4. APTransco would repay the outstanding principal to the bank or the net present value of the outstanding Bank EMIs discounted at the rate of interest equal to Bank Rate of Interest. to the loanee.1-10-91.8.Not withstanding this. In this new scheme . in situations other than the death of the employee. The Mortgage of the property underlying the loan would be in the name of the Lender Bank. provided that he is satisfied that the loan was utilized for the purpose for which it was sanctioned. APTransco would facilitate the bank to lay its claim on the terminal and PF benefits of the employee in such a situation only after all the APtransco recoveries are made as first charge. at their discretion. Processing charges would be charged by the banks.ding Advance loan.The employees who died in normal course should choose either employment or waiver of House Buil.Out of pocket expenses would also be charged on actuals to the loanee.This would mean that APtranco would stop making the subsidy payments in situations where the employee ceases to be in service. Dated::.This would be applicable only for the outstanding loan for the “Eligible Loan Amount “ under APTransco HBA Loan rules. (b) (c) (d) 160 . Waiver of HBA loan outstanding in case of Death of the APTransco employee while in service: The House Building Advance outstanding will be written off in the case of employees.Hence. in case APTransco decides to waive off the outstanding loan. .. (Purchase of existing House /For construction of new house along with land /For construction of new house excluding land................................. This is to certify that employee (name) ..............Form-A Eligibility Certificate To All Notified Banks...........................................) 2... Dear Sir......D.. 1................... 4........ with Drawing Officer Code . ....................... This certificate should not be construed as the recommendation for the sanction of loans as the same should be strictly as per your loan policy Regards (Competent Authority ) 161 ...... No....... is eligible for the loan of ...... The employee should open the salary account in your bank before the loan is sanctioned... working in department ........... with Employee I........... The details of the eligibility are as follows: Maximum Loan Eligibility (As per APTransco rules in Rs) Period of Loan Subsidised APTransco Rate of interest entitled (%) 3....................... Grade ....................................... . Transco Rate of Interest Employee EMI Additional EMI Total EMI payable by employee 3=1+2 Differential EMI payable by APTransco 4 Total EMI payable to the Bank 5=3+4 1 2 Date of Loan Sanction Date of agreement execution with the employee.........................................D............................................................................. Department Name of Employee Employee I.......... to .......................... Period to which the report pertains to from ............... 162 .....P..B Report of the New Loans sanctioned (To be submitted by the Bank on 15th of every month to competent Authority of respective Office) Name of Bank/ Institution ..........................Form.........No Grade Drawing Officer Code Salary A/c No Eligible Loan Additional Loan Loan Amount (3) amount as poer amount over and = (1)+(2) APTransco rules (1) above eligibility (2) Period of Loan A. ...... Period to which the report pertains to from .............. Department Name of Employee Employee I.D.......No Grade Drawing Officer Code Salary A/c No Total Loan Amount Eligible Loan Amount Additional Loan Amount Period of Loan AP Transco Rate of Interest Bank Rate of Interest Employee EMI Additional EMI Total EMI payable by employee 3=1=2 Differential EMI Total EMI Payable to the bank 1 2 4 5=3=4 163 .......Form – C MIS Report –Employee wise sanction details (To be submitted by the Bank by 2nd of every month to ) Name of Bank ......................... to ..................................................................................................................................................... Date of issue of sanction letter Date of Agreement execution with the employee Details of Loan branches disbursed I II III IV V Date Amount Details of Loans Sanctioned Opening Balance New Loans during the period Payments of principial during the period Foreclosure (if any) Closing Balance Note: Provide separate attachments for any other detailsViz. 164 .. Foreclosure. .......... working in the office of . The Details of Loan disbursed are as follows: Details of loan branches disbursed (only for the Eligible Loan) I Date Amount II III IV V (Signed by the Bank Authority) (To be given on the Bank's letter head only) 165 .... 2. ................................ The details of the loan sanction are as follows: Total Loan Amount Eligible Loan Amount Additional Loan Amount Period of Loan AP Transco Rate of Interest Bank Rate of Interest Employee EMI Additional EMI Total EMI payable by employee 3=1=2 Differential EMI Total EMI Payable to the bank 1 2 4 5=3+4 3............ 1............. His salary A/c............................ has been sanctioned loan for ............. with employee I............................ No........D Sanction-cum Disbursement Letter (To be collected and submitted by "Loanee" to the competent Authority) To The Competent Authority/ DO Department Office (name) .......................... with Drawing Officer ..... with our Bank.Form ..... AP TRANSCO Dear Sir...............D...... no..... is .. Branch . This is to certity that employee (name) . (Purchase of existing house/for construction new house along with land/ for construction of new house excluding land)..................... Grade ... JMD (HRD.05. T. Pandurangam.G.O.2004 to 10.(Per –GM/P) Ms. SE/Enquiries CE/(Comml. Director (Projects Construction) Subjects Commercial HRD Functional Head &Others CE (Comml. (Per –Addl. Director (Fin &Rev) PMK Gandhi. Comml.O. JMD (V&S) Sri J.Secy) Ms.1904.2004 (both days inclusive ) sri G. Comml.No:26 1) T. Gneral Administration (Special –A) Dept .No. IPC & Reforms) to other Directors – Orders –I ssued.2004 2) G.Act RACHEL CHATTERJEE CHAIRPERSON & MANAGING DIRECTOR 166 .5.2003 Dated: 12. IAS. JMD (HRD. IPS.allocation of subjects under the control of Sri G. Dated:20.O. The Subjects hitherto under the control of Sri. Comml. the Government of Andhra Pradesh have granted Earned Leave for 31 days from 11.TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED VIDYUT SOUDHA :HYDERABAD -82 ABSTRACT Estt.O. Director (RA &Co-ord) IT&IPPS Reforms&Elec.Dated: 24. Venkateshwar.O. SE/Training 2. CGM(HRD&Trg)a. IRAS.Sai Prasad.10.2004 ORDER: In G.O.Rt No.6. &IT) 1.APTRANSCO – Re.IPC &Reforms) / APTRANSCO with permission to leave the Head quarters and also Ordered to make internal arrangements during the above leave period.Malakondaiah.Sai Prasad .4.Sai Prasad. 2nd cited. IPC & Reforms)/ APTRANSCO are reallocated as follows during his leave period as above: S.170. DE/ Disciplinary casesb. Additional Secretary 3. V.No Joint Managing Director /Directors 1 2 Sri M.JMD (HRD. & IT) CE/RAC &Reforms 3 4 Sri A. (Per-CGM/HRD&TRg) Rt. (Per –CGM/HRD&Trg) Ms.04.Chandra Sekhara Reddy .O. 3) Under Regulation 14 (a) (1) of APSEB service Regulations part –II as adopted by APTRANSCO the Transmission Corporation of Andhra Pradesh Limited appoints Sri A. “A.O.19.No.Chandra Sekhara Reddy.17. one cadre post with designation as Chief General Manager (Corporate communications) in the time scale of pay of Rs.05. T. 4) The appointment Ordered above is purely temporary and liable to be terminated at any time without notice and without assigning any reasons thereto. Dated:26. Dated: 23.04.e.TRANSCO has selected the candidature of Sri A. T.GM/ HRD &Trg) RT.P. presently working as General Manager (corporate Communication) (Non-cadre) for the post of Chief General Manger (Corporation Communications).O.No.2004 Read the Following:1.2004 2.Chandrasekhara Reddy.LTD) RACHEL CHATTERJEE CHAIRPERSON & MANAGING DIRECTOR 167 .No.General Manager /Corporate Communications (non Cadre) by transfer as Chief General Manager /Corporate Communications in the time scale of Pay of Rs.CGM (HRD&Trg)/DS(P)/PO-I /A1/157/2004.O. 2) The A.O. 1st cited.17930-645-19865-715-23440 from the date of assumptiuon of charge He is eligible to draw usual allowances admissible form time to time.P. T.TRANSCO.27 Date: 12. 5) He is directed to assume charge on his appointment by transfer as Chief General Manager (Corporate Communications) accordingly.O. on appoinmtment by transfer.No.TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED ABSTRACT Establishment – APTRANSCO – Corporate Communication /Media Service.O. General Manager /Corporate Communications (non –cadre ) by transfer as Chief General Manager /Corporate Communications – Orders – Issued.Appointment of Sri A. 17930-645-19865-715-23440 has been created in the new service i. LR.2004 3. (BY ORDR AND IN THE NAME OF TRANSMISSION CORPORATION.Corporate Communication /Media Service” to strengthen the corporate communication cell.O.OF A.P. Dated:26-4-2004 *** ORDER: In the T. (Per –C. 2004 ORDER: In the G. Letter Dated::. 3. From AP Power Diploma Engineers Association Letter Dated::.O.Secy –Per) Ms.Dated: 30-10-1976 6. 15-11-2001.. These orders shall come into force with immediate effect.No.Ms. From APSEB Engineers Association. 3.P.Some of the Graduate Engineers and Diploma holders selected for training under Half A Million Job programme on stipendiary basis represented that the training period undergone by theGraduate Engineers and Diploma Holders beyond initial 9 months period may be reckoned as qualifying service for computation of pensionery benefits only as some of them have not put in required number of years of qualifying service to earn full pension. 1421/ D (F) /04. B. Comml. 4.4-3-2004 10.10/L1/73-8.No.876. After careful consideration of the matter the Transmission Corporation of A. B. Dated: 10-7-1973 2.P.U.Ms.These orders issue with the concurrence of the Director (Finance & Revenue) vide his U.O. No.Stipendiary Trainees selected under Half a Million Job programme during 1973-1974 . B. 12-6-2002 and 17-7-2003 9.Ms.No.Ms. First read above orders have been issued by the Government in Employment & Social Welfare Department for implementation fo Special Employment schemes 1973-74 under Half a Million Job Programme. From APTransco Engineers Association.Dated: 28-2-1977 8.P. (Addl. Ms.P.P.164. SAI PRASAD JOINT MANAGING DIRECTOR (HRD.No.Dated: 13-8-1976 5. T. Limited directs that the stipulated training period of 9 months under the programme shall not be considered for pensionery benefits and it is hereby Ordered that such of employees who fall short of service to earn full pension shall make individual representation to APTransco with necessary details for condiseration. B.2004 (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF AP LIMITED) G. These orders are not applicable to the cases of voluntary retirement. Note No.Dated: 31-12-1976 7. Dated: 24.84 Employment &Social Welfare Department. 4. Advertisement /Notification Published by the APSEB on 26/27-8-1973 publlished in the News papers.O.69 Date: 25-06-2004 Read the following:- 1.O.No.1028.5.Dated: 17-7-1973 addressed to public works Department with a copy to secretary APSEB. IPC&Reforms) 168 . Govt.699.TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED ABSTRACT ESTABLISHMENT –APTRANSCO. G.No.O.O. 5. 12.6. Letters Dated. 2.Counting of training period beyond initial 9 months training period as envisaged in the scheme for purpose of pensionery benefits – Orders – Issued. O.TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED ABSTRACT LEGAL CELL.(Rupees twenty five thousand only) after scrutiny by the Deputy CCA (Audit & IPC).No. JOINT MANAGING DIRECTOR (HRD Comml. IPC & Reforms) 169 . 01. APTRANSCO shall exercise the powers to sanction Legal fee and expenses upto Rs. 2.O. The AP Transco directs that the Additional Secretary. APTRANSCO – Delegation of powers to the Additional Secretary for sanction of Legal fee and expenses – ORDER:s –Issued.O. Dated: 28.2004 *** ORDER: In the T.2004 Read the following:- T.SAI PRASAD.O cited Orders have been issued transferring subjects relating to Legal matters to the Additional Secretary AP Transco from the control of Chief General Manager (HRD& Training) AP. (Per – Addl.No 71.Secy) Ms. (Per –Addl.04.O. AP Transco. T. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF APLIMITED) G.Secy) Ms. Transco with immediate effect. Dated:1.6.000/. 25.O. (P&G Per) Ms.1976.2004.37688-A/227/Pen-1/78-1. G. Memo.No.373Dated.O Ms No. Dated. 3.5.OSD(P) DM(IR)PO. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF TRANSMISSION COROPORATION OF A. *** ORDERS: The Transmission Corporation of Andhra Pradesh Limited directs that the Orders issued by Government of Andhra Pradesh in the reference 7th cited (Copy enclosed) shall be made applicable to the employees of Transmission Corporation of A.No.No. Dated: 28.O. 2.Dated::29. IPC & Reforms ) 170 .Ms.9. DATED.SAI PRASAD JOINT MANGING DIRECTOR (HRD.No.12. T.O (GM (HRD & Trg) Per) Ms.2003.P.P LIMTED) G. Dated:1. Dated.1995.42.30. G.1.O. Memo.O. Comml.No. . B.9.TRANSMISSON CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED VIDYUT SOUDHA ::HYDERABAD – 82 APTRANSCO – Social Security-cum-Provident Fund Booster Scheme-Adoption of G.1982. Dated.748.No.10.Issued.425 . Dated: 23.15.Ms No.No.P Limited covered by the APSEB GPF scheme adopted by A.1978 4.3/37/ 5.O Ms.P Transco with effecet from the date of issue of these Orders .73.42. Read the following:- 1.P.1985 6. B. G. 7.1. (1) in Sub – Rule (a) for items (i) .373 Fin & Plg (FW.Ms.14. G.000/.9. G. G.1977 3.3.W.I) Dept.174 Fin & Plg (FW.Dated.I) Dept.Pen. 28.O.(ii).in the case of Last Grade Employees (2) in Sub-rule (b) for the expression not exceed Rs.1980.O.Ms.20.64 Fin & Plg (FW. 2. No.11.O.O.15. 171 .Ms. 5.000/.— i) ii) iii) Rs.Dated.Pen. No. AMENDMENT –I In the said rules.Dated. G. Pen. 1935 – Notification – Issued FINANCE (PESIONS.10.5. Dated.Pen. No. in rule -30.1980.I) Dept.28.I) Dept.000/shall be substituted. II) DEPARTMENT G. The amendments hereby made shall come into force with immediate effect.2000/.O.Dated.29-1-2003 Read the following:- 1. 326 Fin & Plg (FW.6000/.10.O.(FW.1977 4.I) Dept.No.Pen.3. and(iii) the following items shall be substituted namely.1980 6.GOVERNMENT OF ANDRA PRADESH ABSTRACT PROVIDENT FUND – Amendments to the General Provident Fund (Andhra Pradesh ) Rule.8.42.Ms. No.the expression not exceed Rs.in the case of Gazetted officers Rs. ORDER: The following Notification will be published in the Andhra Pradesh Gazette the 29th January.I ) Dept.Ms. No. Dated. No.O.Ms. G. 2003 NOTIFICATION In exercise of the power conferred by the proviso to Article-309 read with Article 313 of the Constitution of India the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby makes the following amendment to the General Provident Fund (Andhra Pradesh) Rules 1935 and as amended from time to time . G.Dated.in the case Non-Gazetted officers and Rs.Pen.1976.Ms.A .4.26.425 Fin & Plg.161 Fin & Plg (F. the Asst. (a) In the case of all Non Gazetted employees (including last grade employees ) working in the Directorates /Offices of the Head of department the drawing officer of such Directorate is empowered to sanction Temporary Advance/part –final withdrawal. (iv) (a) In the case of staff below the level of Asst. (c) (ii) (b) (iii) In the case of the Heads of the Departments the Secretary to Government in the concerned administrative Department is empowered to sanction Temporary Advance /Part final withdrawal. namely:FIFTH SCHEDULE (See Rule -14) Authorities competent to grant Temporary Advancees/ Part final Withdrawals. (i) (a)In the case of all non –Gazetted employees (including last grade employees ) working in the offices other than secretariat and Directorate /Head of the Departments the Drawing Officer is empowered to sanction Temporary Advance /Part –final withdrawal. If there are other Gazetted Officer in the same office (besides the Drawing Officer).Gazetted Head of the Office.AMENDMENT –II In the said Rules for the existing “Fifth Schedule “the following shall be substituted. In the case of all Gazetted Offices (including theDrawing Officer ) working in the Directorates. 172 . (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE GOVERNOR OF ANDHRA PRADESH) S. the Head of the Department is empowered to sanction Temporary Advance/Part final withdrawal. provided he is a gazetted officer. the Head of the office is empowered to sanction Temporary Advance/Part final withdrawal to the Drawing officer and to the other Gazetted officer. the next superior Gazetted Officer shall be authorized to sanction Temporary Advance/part final withdrawal to all the employees including Non. In the case of Asst.K. b) In case the Drawing Officer is a Non – Gazetted Officer.Secretary (including last Grade) working the Secretariat.ARORA PRINCIPAL SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT. Cases of relaxation of rules in cases of real hardship shall be referred to Government in Finance Department. Secretaries and above working in the secretariat the Secretary to Government in each department is empowered to sanction Temporary Advance/Part –final withdrawal. 1. Secretary (OP) in each department is empowered to sanction Temporary Advance /Part final withdrawal. (a) 2. 173 . T.07.2004 Read the following :1.O.O.O. CEE (Construction )/Ms No. This amendment is operative with immediate effect. After careful consideration the Transmission Corporation of Andhra Pradesh Ltd. 80 Dated::. 14. 09.T.49 Dated::. approves the following amendment to the Purchase Manual. the Purchase Manual for purchase of materials & for placing work contracts was approved. AMENDMENT Add the following clause after cl.16.11 to the draft specification of Procurement of materials given in Purchase Manual.2003 ORDER: In the reference cited. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE APTRANSCO) RACHEL CHATTERJEE Chairperson & Managing Director.No. "Clause 14.12.O CEE (DFID &APL) Ms.5. The amendment is applicable to all contracts under execution. the Price variation amount can be claimed for each of batch of supplies made form time to time out of total quantity and will be payable after due verification. 05.No.No.2001 Memo. (CE-CTI)Ms. Dt: 5. The representatives of all the companies attended to select the candidates company wise including APTRANSCO as per their requirement.CE (TR&Plg)/AS(Exams)/A3D.TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED ABSTRACT APTRANSCO – CTI APPRENTICESHIP TRAINING UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF APPRENTICE ACT.03. 1311/03.2003 11) Lr. Dt: 28. Chennai on 20.05.No.No.227/2001.O.07.No. Dt: 24. 110 Ref: Dated: 16.CGM/HRD/DS/AS.345/02. 2. No.F. 1961 FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR 2004-2005 TO BE TRAINED IN APTRANSCO – ORDERS – ISSUED.03.2003.CGM/HRD/DS/AS(IR)/PO(S)/J(S)/F.236/2003.No.06.NO.06. (CE-CTI)Ms.06.2001 T. Consequent to issue individual office orders on imparting of apprentice Training of respective DISCOMs and APTRANSCO. T. The APTRANSCO in the reference 1st cited. Chennai on 27. Dt: 28.06.84. 1961 and subsequent amendments thereon for the Financial Year 2001-2002 in operation circles of four Discoms and in APTRANSCO.116.O.(CE/CTI/AS(Exams)/D.No.2003 received from CGM/EPDCL 9) Lr.05.No.BAT/SRP/CS/04.04 T.05.Dir (HRD/DS(Per)/AS(P)/PO-A/A1-44/03. accorded approval for imparting Apprenticeship Training to 3500 Apprentices of different categories for a period of one year under the provisions of Apprentice Act.CGM(HRD/GM(S)/AS-II/PO-IV/199/03.2003 10) Lr.215/2001.No. for the financial year 2004-05. Dt: 29.No.O. Memo.No.08.04.2003 received from Board of Apprenticeship Training (Southern Region). centralized interviews were conducted by the Board of Apprenticeship Training (Southern Region).04 14) F.2002 Lr.06.No. (CE-CTI)Ms.O.No.04 *** 1.O. 1560/03.2003 8) Lr. Dt: 10.No. Dt: 03. 12) T. Dt: 06. Dt: 02.2001.O.No.2003 Lr.NO.No.2003 received from CGM(HRD)/NPDCL 7) Lr.No. Dt: 29. (CGM-CTI) Ms.06. The requirement of apprentices stream wise as furnished by Chief Engineers for training in APTRANSCO is as follows: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 174 .CE (Trg&Plg)/AS(Exams)/A2/D.O.CE/CTI/AS(Exams)/D.BAT/SRP/CS/04.65/2001.No.BAT/SRP/12-CS/03.03.NO.III/PO(Trg)/D. Dt: 15.2003 13) F. D.O. Dt: 17.2004 to 29. Dt: Dt: 06.07. M. D.30 to 1.Graduate Engineers EEE CSE CE / 400 KV L&SS CE / Power Systems CE / Constructions CE / Telecom CE / Grid Operation CE / Comml.No.04 28.04 28.No.00 PM Subject Field Electrical & Electronics Engineering (EEE) Computer Science Engineering (CSE) Electronics & Communication Engineering Civil Engineering No.CGM (HRD&Trg)/SE (Trg)/AS(Gen)/ A2 / Apprentice-04.00 to 5 P.30 to 1. The APTRANSCO approved training for 92 candidates. 2. Chennai Vide Lr.7.2109/04.30 to 1.00 PM 9.30 to 1.7.04 2.7.00 PM 9.04 29.M.04 28. CIT Campus. Board of Apprenticeship.7.00 PM 9.7.00 to 5 P. Electrical & Electronics Engineering (EEE) Electronics & Communication Engineering 10 15 175 . including GAT and Diploma in different categories and the same was communicated to the Director of Training.7. of Candidates 42 10 10 5 Diploma Engineering Date Time Subject Field No. & IT CE / RE CE / Transmission CE / Civil CE / HRD & Trg/CTI Total 31 4 12 8 4 2 36 2 99 2 2 12 16 ECE 2012322 Diploma Engineers IT Civil ECE 2 20 20 36 49 EEE 11 2 - Vocational + 2 stages Civil (Office Assistance) 16 16 16 - 20=(169) 20 16=(85) 32 3. Training Southern Region. Taramani. dt: 24/07/2004 for selection of the candidates as follows: Graduate Engineering Apprentices Training Date 27. of Candidates 27.04 Time 9. Dt: 07.per month 2) Diploma Engineers Rs. The Chief General Manager (HRD & Trg) / CTI shall. 1961.After selection of the candidates during the above dates. duly following the rules of reservation. in turn the respective CEs of APTRANSCO shall issue placement orders to the respective officers under their control. Chief Engineer / RE. The APTRANSCO hereby authorizes the Chief Engineer / 400 KV L&SS. 6. Chief Engineer Grid Operation. Chief Engineer / Transmission.2001 as follows:1) Engineering Graduates Rs. Chief Engineer / Civil and Chief Engineer / HRD&Trg/CTI to issue allotment orders to the list of selected candidates under their control as per the allocation made in para (4) above to impart Apprenticeship training as Apprentice Trainees to utilize their services wherever necessary as per the scheme under the provisions of Apprentice Act. & IT. 1400/. Diploma Engineering in EEE and ECE as per the training needs among the list of candidates called for from the Centralized selection by the Director of Training. allocate Graduate Engineers and Diploma to APTRANSCO as mentioned in para (4) above. Civil).per month 176 . Chief Engineer / Comml. & IT CE / RE CE / Transmission CE / Civil CE / HRD&Trg/CTI Total 8 2 5 7 2 13 1 42 5.06. 7. the candidates both Diploma & Graduate Engineering Apprentices were allocated among the Chief Engineers of APTRANSCO as follows:Graduate Engineers CSE ECE IT Civil 2 5 3 10 8 2 10 5 5 Diploma Engineers ECE EEE Civil 10 5 15 4 1 5 10 92 - EEE CE / 400 KV L&SS CE / Power Systems CE / Constructions CE / Telecom CE / Grid Operation4 CE / Comml.P. CSE. 1970/. Chief Engineer/Telecommunication. Chief Engineer Power Systems. Chennai and applications received by Chief General Manager (HRD & Trg) / CTI / Hyderabad of all over the state of A. Board of Apprenticeship Training. The Chief General Manager (HRD & Trg) / CTI is authorized to select the candidates in different categories such as Engineering Graduates in EEE. Chief Engineer/ Constructions. The Apprentice Trainees shall be paid stipend as per revised rates issued Vide BAT/SRP/12/475/ 2001. Southern Region. ECE. Chennai.880. 35.PA ii) For Diploma Engineers @ Rs. The Chief Engineers are further requested to incorporate the relevant guide lines in the orders to be issued to the Apprentice trainees as was done earlier.880. 4. 20. 11. 16. Taramani. 14. THE CHIEF ENGINEERS ARE REQUESTED TO INSTRUCT THEIR CONTROLLING OFFICERS THAT THEY ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR REALISING THE REIMBURSEMENT OF THE STIPEND FROM THE BOARD OF APPRENTICESHIP TRAINING (SOUTHERN REGION).will be reimbursed by Board of Apprenticeship Training (Southern Region). 9. The approval is hereby accorded for the following expenditure:i) For Engineering Graduates @ Rs.20. 10. ie Rs.000/.01. 1970 x 67 = Rs. 7 and 8 above.8. DIPLOMA ENGINEERS SCRUPULOUSLY.and duly filled in by the individual Graduate Apprentice trainee in addition to other terms and conditions as per the Apprentice Act. Specific mention of this clause shall be made in the training orders of the Apprenticeship Trainees.83.03. Diploma Apprentices duly furnishing the Contract Forms prescribed by the concerned authority. 1. The controlling officers shall also claim reimbursement from the Board of Apprentice Training (Southern Region). CHENNAI WITHIN THE STIPULATED TIME. 13. Two copies of the format of Contract. Agreement are 177 . Chennai towards 50% of the stipend paid for every quarter in respect of Graduate.M i. Rs 10. No preferential treatment will be given to the Apprentice Trainees for appointment into regular services of the APTRANSCO at a future date. The Chief Engineers shall provide necessary budgetary funds as per the estimated cost towards Apprentice training programme as mentioned in paras 4.31. 1961. The Chief Engineers are requested to bring this provision to the notice of the candidates seeking Apprenticeship Training. 1400 x 25 = Rs.PA Total expenditure Rs.e.990/.M.e. 100/. 15. The Chief Engineers are also informed that there is no obligation on the part of APTRANSCO to provide employment to the Apprentice Trainees. Rs. The Chief Engineers shall furnish the details of Trainees as well as the particulars of reimbursement to the Apprentice Board in the prescribed proforma with copies to Chief General Manager (HRD&Trg)/ CTI/Hyderabad.P.P.000/. 15. who underwent Apprentice Training and APTRANSCO shall NOT provide employment to these candidates. The controlling officers shall pay the stipend as proposed at para (7) every month to Apprentice Trainees of different categories during the period of training for one year from the date of joining of the Trainees.PA Out of the said amount 50% i. 12. The Chief Engineers are requested to instruct their Controlling Officers to mention this clause in their training orders to be issued to the individual trainees in addition to other terms and conditions in existence under the provisions of Apprentice Act. A copy of the format for Apprenticeship contract prescribed under the Act which is to be typed on nonjudicial stamp paper worth Rs. THE CHIEF ENGINEERS SHALL FOLLOW THE GUIDE LINES ISSUED BY APTRANSCO FROM TIME TO TIME IN REGARD TO IMPLEMENTATION OF APPRENTICE ACT AND REIMBURSEMENT OF GOVERNMENT SHARE (50%) OF STIPEND IN CASE OF GRADUATE.940/. No.1758 dt. The Instructions / guidelines issued by this office from time to time in this subject matter have to be followed without any deviation. All in original. 18. 06. Sd/.2004. Chennai and another to the CGM/(HRD&Trg) / CTI / Hyderabad.on plain conquest paper. COMML . In respect of Diploma Engineers there is no need to insist for non-judicial stamp paper but the contract form shall be on plain paper in triplicate.G. These orders are issued with the concurrence of the Director (Finance) vide his U. 17.08. SAI PRASAD JOINT MANAGING DIRECTOR HRD. Board of Apprenticeship Training.. keep the Bond Paper with the Controlling Officer. IPC & REFORMS 178 . one copy of Original to the Director.O. TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED ABSTRACT CTP-16/04 –A.17285-64519865-715-23440 – Orders-Issued.82.III.O. 4.6.P.P.Dated:5-11-2003 T. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF APTRANSCO) RACHEL CHATTERJEE CHAIRPERSON & MANAGING DIRECTOR 3. first cited. qualifications etc.Dated:16. ORDER: After careful examination. 17285-645-19865-715-23440 with effect from the date of actual utilization. B.P. as and when any one of the Deputy Secretaries become eligible. the Transmission Corporation of AP Ltd Directors that the post of Joint Secretary shall be revived by converting the post of General Manager (IR) (Earlier upgraded from DS cadre) in the scale of Pay of Rs. governing the post ofJoint Secretary in P&G service shall be as indicated in the reference first cited. The Joint Secretary post shall be downgraded as Deputy Secretary as and when the incumbent vacates the post either on superannuation or otherwise. (PERSONNEL SERVICES) T.No. 3.O.Transco -P & G Service – Conversion of General Manager (IR) Post (Earlier upgraded from DS cadre) in the scale of pay of Rs. 17930-645-19865-715-23440 last continued in the reference third cited as Joint Secreatary in the scale of pay Rs. 147. 18-8-2004 Read the following : 2. 179 .(P&G-Per) Ms.O. 2. The method of recruitment. The Joint Secretary Post shall be filled up in terms of B. The incumbent counted against the post shall be eligible to draw the usual scale of pay and allowances admissible as per Rules and Regulations in vogue.O (Per-GM/P) Ms.No.O.No.Dated:3.2003 *** Dated:.1992 T. 1. 5.17930-645-19865-715-23440 as Joint Secretary in the scale of Rs. 178.(Per-GM/P)Ms.7.No.(Per-CGM/HRD&Trg)Ms.O. IRAS.IPC &Reforms) /APTRANSCO /Hyderabad and posting him as Chairman and Managing Director /APEPDCL/Visakhapatnam.O 1st cited. T.) Ms.Act RACHEL CHATTERJEE CHAIRMAN & MANAGING DIRECTOR 180 . the Government of Andhra Pradesh have issued Orders transferring Sri G. The subjects hitherto under the control of JMD (HRD. S.11-8-2004 2.No 1.SaiPrasad IAS.2004 *** ORDER: In G.&IT) CE/RAC&Reforms 3.A.Malakondaiah IPS.O(Per – Addl. Director (Projects Construction) Subjects Commerical HRD Functional Heads &Others CE(Comml.No:4645. Dated:18. Dated:: 12. IPC &Reforms) to other Directors – Orders –Issued.O.TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED VIDYUT SOUDH: HYDERABAD-82 ABSTRACT APTRANSCO – Nomination and appointment of Sri G.JMD (V&S) Sri J.No. Comml. General Administration (SPL-A) Dept.Secy.O(ACS) Ms. G. (T.V.Sai Prasad IAS .O. PMK Gandhi. Pandurangam.08.. Comml.Rt.112. Comml.Director (RA&Co-Ord) Reforms &Elec.l IPC &Reforms)/ APTRANSCO are reallocated as follows until further Orders.JMD (HRD Comml.08.Director (Fin & Rev) IT &IPPS 4. Sri. DE/Disciplinary cases b) SE/Training 2. 2.JMD (HRD.O. CGM (HRD &TRG) a.&IT) 1.No. Joint Managing Director/Directors Sri M.Venkateshwar. Additional Secretary 3) SE/Enquiries CE/IPC CE(Comml.107.2004 Read the following:- 1. Reforms) as Chairman & Managing Director /APEPDCL – Re-allocation of subjects under the control of JMD (HRD.Dated::. the Board of APTRANSCO..O (ACS) Ms. dt 07-07-2004. in place of Sri J. T.No.No. in its 55th Meeting held on 28-08-2004. Director (Non-Whole time).O.IAS.O. 181 .No. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF APTRANSCO) RACHEL CHATTERJEE CHAIR PERSON &MANAGING DIRECTOR.Dated::02-02-2002 2. 1956. (FA&CCA/A&E) Ms.O. decided to effect changes in the following Members of the Audit Committtee: 1.Ms. Nomination of Sri T. notified by the GoAP. IAS. Company) Vidyut Soudha :Hyderabad -500 082 ABSTRACT APTRANSCO –Audit Committee U/S 292 A of the Companies Act. (ACS) Ms. APpa Rao.Dated:: 02-09-2003 3.126 Dated: 28-08-2004 Read the following:1. in place of Sri Jannat Husain .S.O.177.Whole time) APTRANSCO.O. All the concerned are therefore requested to take a note of the above changes. T.Parthasarathy.O.No 140. 212. Nomination of Sri Deepak Kumar Panwar.O. IAS Director (Non. Vide G.O. Energy (Pr-III) Dept.TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED (a wholly owned state Govt. T. (ACS) Ms.Changes in the Members of the Committee –Orders –Issued. T. and 2.APTRANSCO.No.Dated: :27-10-2003 ORDER: Consequent to the changes in the Directors (Non-whole time) of APTRANSCO.85. 2002 5.No:128 Dated: 1.2. After final absorption of the employees in respective companies i.from No: CGM(HRD)/CPDCL/DS(Per)/AS(Per)/PO-13/775-B2/04 Dated::.Issued.93 2. 2.8.96 4. APSPDCL.The employees of the erstwhile APSEB were working in all the six entities and cadre management was done by the APTRANSCO.P. APSPDCL. as per the options exercised by them.4 Dated::2. APTRANSCO.) /DM(Pen)/PO-II/766/93-I.8. APGENCO.I)/Options /516(1) (3)/2002 Dated:16.No. 182 .2002 in respect of the employees who are continued in their companies treating them on deputation till they are repatriated to the parent company to which they have opted in option process and they actually join in the parent company.2000.8.e. The question now arises is whether pension and leave salary contributions are to be paid by the borrowing company in respect of employees retained after final absorption of employees with effect from 17. APEPDCL. B. some employees are retained by the said companies in the exigencies of work and thye are treated on deputation where they are working if they happen to opt for other company.2. it is hereby Ordered that the Pension and Leave Salary Contributions are to be remitted by the borrowing company with effect from 17. APCPDCL AND APNPDCL was finalized.2002 3.4.14.The APTRANSCO was further bifurcated into APTRANSCO and 4 Distribution Companies with effect from 1.TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED ABSTRACT Estt-APTRANSCO – Deputations –Deputation of employees to APGENCO and Discoms and vice Versa Contributions towards Leave Salary and Pension Contributions in respect of Deputationist –Orders. Lr.12. T.6.Dated:: 1.04 *** ORDER: Consequent on unbundiling of APSEB into APGENCO and APTRANSCO with effet from 1. Boards Memo No: DM (Reg)/IV/323/Z-II (2)/95 Dated:: 28.4.99 the employees of the erstwhile APSEB were allocated.94 3. till the final absorption of employees in respective companies viz APTRANSCO. After careful examination of the matter by APTRANSCO. APGENCO. “ on as –is-where is “ basis based on the place they are working on the effective date to the APTRANSCO and APGENCO .(P&G Per)Ms.9. APEPDCL. Board’s Memo No:DS (Estt. Transco Memo No:GM (P)/DS/AS(P)/PO (ADm.O.CGM (HRD&Trg)Ms.O. The option process was since finalized and the employees have become the exclusive employees of the respective companies with effect from 17.2002.8. APCPDCL and APNPDCL.2004 Read the following:- 1. No. All the Functional Heads and Pay Drawing Officers in APTRANSCO are requested to collect the Pension and Leave salary contributions in respect of the employees who are on deputation with APGENCO and four DISCOMS and remit Pension and Leave Salary Contributions in respect of employees of APGENCO and other DISCOMS on deputation with APTRANSCO for the period from 17. (THIS ORDERS ISSUES WITH THE CONCURRENCE OF DIRECTOR (FINANCE & REVENUE) REGD.8.2002 onwards till the dates of their joining in parent company. 183 .23.8.2004) RACHEL CHATTERJEE CHAIRMAN& MANAGING DIRECTOR.1794 Dated::.4. Accounts Service and Personnel & General Service:1. It has been represented to the APTRANSCO that the length of service prescribed in the Service Regulations in the feeder posts for considering promotions to next higher posts is not uniform in Engineering Service. (JS-Per) Ms.O.O. 184 . 3. a consensus decision was taken that there should not be any relaxation either in respect of educational qualifications or number of years of service stipulated in Service Regulations while considering promotions/appointments in all categories of posts . Accounts Service and Personnel &General Service Orders –Issued. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE APTRANSCO) RACHEL CHATTERJEE CHAIRPERSON & MANAGING DIRECTOR. 4.TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED ABSTRACT Regulations –Constitution of Committee to examine the minimum service requirement prescribed in the APSEB Service Regulations as adopted by the APTRANSCO for promotion to next higher post in the APTRANSCO in Engineering Service. The Committee shall submit its report to the Chairperson & Managing Director. Vidyut Soudha.No 135 Date 10-9-2004 Read the following:- APTRANSCO Memo No GM (HRD &Trg) /DS(P)/PO-IIII/1/153/2003 Dated: : 28-112003 *** ORDER: During the meeting held on 10-11-2003 with all the Chairman & Managing Directors of DISCOMs and APTRANSCO. APTRANSCO. 2. Chief General Manager (HRD&Training) Chairman Financial Adviser &Chief Controller of Accounts (R&A) Member Additional Secretary Member The committee constituted in para 3 above is authorized to take the assistance of any other officers as may be required.Accounts service and Personnel &General Service and that the reduction in the length of service in the feeder post may be considered as the employees are deprived of their promotion to the next higher post in view of the Orders issued in the Memorandum read above. 3 After careful consideration of the matter the APTRANSCO directs that a committee with the following officers be constituted to examine the minimum service requirement prescribed in the feeder post in the APSEB Service Regulations as adopted by the APTRANSCO for promotion to next higher post in the Engineering service. 2. 5. Hyderabad within 15 days.Accordingly Orders were issued in the Memorandum read above to all the functional heads and field officers not to give any relaxation either in respect of Educational qualifications or number of years of service stipulated in Service Regulations while considering promotions appointment s in all categories of posts. T. who joined the service prior to 1-2-1999 and presentlly working in APTRANSCO and Discoms.P. the Transmission Corporation of A. who were totally dependent on Government servant while he was alive and where the deceased employee.S-Per) Ms. Dept.(P) No. Ltd.6. Dated: 22-6-2004 ORDER: In Para 3 of G.2004 (copy enclosed) in respect of employees of erstwhile APSEB.Rule 12 of Rule 50 of Andhra Pradesh Revised Pension Rules.O. 1980 2 After careful consideration.O. 3.l Govt Of AP.O. These Orders shall be deemed to have come into effect from 22-6 -2004 i.O. left behind neither widow nor a child in the definition of family for purpose of Family under Sub. Finance (Pen-I) Department.. (P) No 523.TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED ABSTRACT APTRANSCO – PENSIONS..O.Definition of “Family” for the purpose of Family Pension –Inclusion of widowed /divorced daughter and dependent parents – Orders of Government –Adopted. No.140 Dated: 14-9-2004 Read the following:- G. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF TRANSCO OF AP LTD) RACHEL CHATTERJEE CHAIRPERSON & MANAGING DIRECTOR 185 .O. 523. hereby adopts the Orders Issued in the G. T. Finance (Pen-I). Dated: 22-6-2004.523 Finance (Pen-I) Department.e from the date of issue of G. (P) No. Dated: 22. (J. the Government of AP have issued ORDERs including widowed/ divorced daughter and parents. 2. Dated: 16.523 Date:22-06-2004 Read the following:1. 7.No.1998 from Ministry of Personnel.78 and 30. between 1. Among other things.03 Enclosing his report Dated: 15.2.No.960 . 3rd read above have appointed and Anomalies committee under the chairmanship of Sri R.1. *** ORDER: In The G. Servant while he was alive and where the deceased employee left behind neither widow nor a child in the definition of family for purposes of family pension. Ms.2004 G.A (Spl A) Dept. Finance (PC-I) Department . FINANCE (PEN-I) DEPARTMENT G. Government vide G.A.8.1974 and 31. D. 1999.Dated: 16. G. (Retd) Chairman of the third Anomalies Committee.2003 5. Dated: 1.The Committee has since submitted its Report to the Government in the reference 4th read above. Orders have been issued consolidating pension in respect of pensioners who retired prior to 1. Orders were issued implementing the recommendations of the Pay Revision Commission 1999 with certain modifications in pursuance of the discussions with the Joint Action Committee of Employees.1986 respectively as recommended by the Pay Revision Commission.3.O. 3.4.O. Lr. 186 . Public Grievances and Pensions Department of Pension &Pensioners Welfare. (Spl.O.7.Copy of: GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH ABSTRACT Pensions –Recommendations of the Anomalies Committee constituted to look into the Anomalies arising out of recommendations of the pay Revision Commission . 4.O.4. No . Govt Of India. The committee among other things made the following recommendations on pensionery benefits: Inclusion of widowed /divorced daughter and parents who were totally dependent on Govt.A.1974.2000 From Sri R.O.Dated: 11. G. Dated: 4.(P) No 156.1978 and between 1.659/ AC/2003. Dated: 15.1998 duly allowing weightage of 6% . 1999 Definition of ‘Family’ for purpose fo family pension –Inclusion of widowed /divorced daughers and dependent parent – Implemented – Orders –issued.Ramachandra IAS.(P) No. Ms. 45/51/97-P&PW (E) .04. first read above .3..734.O. 6.1999 G. (Spl. it was agreed to constitute a committee to look into the anomalies that may arise as a result of implemention of the recommendations of the pay Revision Commission . G.Ramachandraa IAS (Retd) .G.1999.O.6. Finance (Pen I) Department .O.A)Department.Rt No.O. 2.12.3% and 2% in respect of pensioners who retired prior to 1.In the reference second read above.2004 Lr.1999 G.9.G.3.3.(P) No 114.1. Teachers and workers of Andhra Pradesh the Telangana Non Gazetted Officers Union and the AP Secretariat Co-ordination Committtee with effect from 1st July 1998 with monetary benefit from 01. Dated: 17. No 413.A) Dept. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE GOVERNOR OF ANDHRA PRADESH) DR.e all Treasury Officers/Pension Payments officers are requested to implement these ORDER:s with authorization from the Accountant General (A&E) AP Hydreabad 8. Necessary amendments to the Andhra Pradesh Revised Pension Rules.Government Pensioners of the Municipalities are concerned and the relevant Head of Account of Government in so far as the teachers are concerned. These Orders will come into force with immediate effect.3.(Rupees two thousand four hundred and forty on. private sector. The expenditure is allocable among the various states in accordance with the provsions of G. as Ordered in GO 5th and 6th read above.1 The Family Pension in respect of sons/ daughters (including widowed/ divorced daughter) will be admissible subject to the condition that the payment should be discontinued / not admissible when lthe eligible son/ daughter starts earning a sum of Rs 2440/. The expenditure shall be debited to the pension Funds of Zilla Parishads in so far as NonGovernment Pensioners of Panchayat Raj Institutions are concerned and Pension Funds of the Respective Municipal Councils in so far as the Non – Teaching and Non. All Pension Disbursing officers.ly ) per month from employment in the government .Ms No.198. 1980 where ever necessary will be issued separately.Rule 12 of Rule 50 of Andhra Pradesh Revised Pension Rules. finance.O. Government have also decided not to entertain any grievances for the rectification of any alleged anomaly arising out of the recommendations of the Anomalies Committee in the wake of constitution of the 8th Pay Revision Commission. 6. Government after careful consideration of the recommendations of the Anomalies Committee hereby Order inclusion of widowed/ divorced daughter and parents who were totally dependent on Govt. 3. It is further clarified that the family pension to the sons/daughter will be admissible till he/she attains 25 years of age or upto the date of his/her marriage /re-mariage whichever is earlier. 5. self employment etc. 1980. RADHA SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT (FP) 187 . i. Dated: 10-07-1969 9. 7. Servant while he was alive and where the deceased employee left behind neither widow nor a child in the definition of family for purposes of Family under Sub. T. 4. DM (A)/2565-F3/85-2. Ms. Dated::. The AP Transco has reviewed the present powers and considered to delegate the power s now being exercised by the CMD in respect of the matters mentioned in para 1 above .I/1143/M1/88.07. Dated:16-061986.(Rupees one lakh only ).P. IPC & Reforms) 2. Bd’s Memo.Ms. the AP Transco herby delegates powers to the JMD (HRD. with the concurrence of Director (Finance &Revenue): 188 .DGM(IR)/ AS(IRO/MR.No.000/-and up to Rs. 3.(CGM (HRD&Trg) Ms No 144 Dated: 22. Dated::. IPC&Reforms ) – Orders – Issued. (c) advances towards medical charges and also for reimbur sement of Medical Charges for treatment in Private Hospitals with the concurrence of Director (Finance & Revenue).142. comml.P. Rt. Comml. 2. 50.01.and up to Rs 1.000/.1997 Memo No DS (Ser)/AS (LOANs )/MR.1999.09.12. T.2004 Read the following:- 1.. Rt. 50.Dated::.16.00.22. as per the powers delegated in the references first to fifth read above.P. (d) approval for reimbursement of total expenditure(including inadmissible items) in curred by the employee for medical treatment in connection with the accident occurred while on duty.O.Comml.1995 B.with the concurrence of FA&CCA in charge of Accounts establishment every quarter are being circulated to the CMD.1997 read with Memo No. 1.07. APTransco for approval .TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED VIDYUT SOUDHA: HYDERABAD-82 ABSTRACT Delegation of Powers –Reimbursement of Medical Charges –Delegation of powers to JMD (HRD.13.5. 1.P.No. Dated:: 20.No 103.I/419 – m3/97.07. 5. IPC&Reforms ) to accord approval in respect of the following matters relation to “Reimbursment of Medical Charges“ as per the APSEB Regulations for reimbursement of MedicalCharges as adopted by the APTransco: a) To accord prior/post facto approval for obtaining medical treatment by the employees of APTransco and their dependent family members in the hospitals outside the state of Andhra Pradesh .No 238. B. After careful consideration. and (e) To ratify the action of the CGM (HRD&Trg) for the credit letters issued for medical treatment . beyond the normal ceiling of Rs. Dated::.1995 B.5. 6.000/.000/.No 43.00. B.O. to the JMD (HRD. Dated: 19. 4.98 *** ORDER: The Medical Claims relating to – (a) Prior/post facto approval to obtain treatment by the employees or their dependent family members in the hospitals outside the State of Andhra Pradesh (b) Special Sanction beyond the existing ceiling of Rs. 000/.(Rupees one lakh only) depending upon the nature of disease under Reg. 1. To accord approval for reimbursement of total expenditure (Without disallowing inadmissible items) incurred by the employee for treatment in connection with the accident while on duty without linking to his eligibility for such treatment .and up to Rs. every quarter.12 (b) of APSEB Regulations for Reimbursement of Medical charges. 100000/. in full. with the concurrence of Director (finance &Revenue) To ratify the action of CGM (HRD &TRG) for the credit letters issued for medical treatment beyond the normal ceiling of Rs 50. as adopted by AP Transco with the concurrence of Director (Finance &Revenue): Full powers for sanction of advances towards medical charges and also for reimbursement of Medical charges for the treatment in private Hospitals with the concurrence of Director (Finance & Revenue). without subjecting to audit.as a special case up to Rs.b) To accord sanction in relaxation of existing ceiling of Rs 50.000/.000/.with the concurrence of FA&CCA in charge of Accounts establishment.00. And c) d) e) f) Payment of Medical bills of all Board of Directors. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE AP TRANSCO) SMT RACHEL CHATTERJEE CHAIRPERSON & MANAGING DIRECTOR 189 . 8. revised administrative sanction / approval shall be obtained by the Construction Wing from the Board based on justification for such change in quantity. etc. PREPARATION OF PROJECT ESTIMATE FOR ADMINISTRATIVE APPROVAL The Project Estimate for processing the Administrative Approval / Sanction shall be prepared as per the existing methodology based on Topo Maps to facilitate tying up of funds.TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED VIDYUT SOUDHA:: HYDERABAD-500082 ABSTRACT Detailed Instructions for preparation of Estimates for new EHV Transmission Lines & Sub-stations – Orders – Issued.1 PREPARATION OF DETAILED TECHNICAL ESTIMATES FOR WORKS EHV TRANSMISSION LINES (a) Detailed Survey for Lines & Fixing Profiles (1) The TLC division shall carry out detailed survey including soil classification through a reputed / approved professional surveyor paying the approved rate of charges under direct supervision / coordination of one ADE / Electrical. 156 ORDER: Dt. No. (3) In case of any deviation found necessary at the time of execution of the works in the finalized profile. number / type of finalized towers. prior to floating of Tenders. 1. well before finalization of Technical Estimates. T. the present order shall prevail. the line profile shall also be finalized including type of towers and classification of foundations by the above said group of Engineers with the assistance of a reputed / approved professional Surveyor having soil testing expertise to ensure there shall be no further deviations once work is awarded. (2) Simultaneously. Dir (Tr.2004 The following detailed instructions are issued for strict adherence by officers to ensure safety of transmission system and quality of works. 2.10. the same shall be placed immediately before the Committee of Technical Directors for approval. In case of any conflict between the present and earlier instructions / orders. 2. If the detailed Technical Estimate cost exceeds by more than 10% of the Administrative Sanction. TLC and one ADE / AE (Civil) as may be nominated by the concerned Superintending Engineer / TLC.O.O. 190 . Any earlier instructions / orders not covered by this order shall continue to be in force. & GO) Ms. cost etc. Railways & Civil Aviation Authorities Advance action shall be taken by the SE/TLC in consultation with CE/Construction. such deviation shall be permissible only with prior approval of the Chief Engineer of the respective TL & SS Zone based on justification for such deviation up to 10% of the total number of locations / concrete volume of the line.(b) Classification of foundations (1) The detailed guidelines for Classification of Foundations in different soils considering the worst conditions prevailing during the year as per Annexures-1 & 2 to these instructions are to be strictly adhered to. (d) Communications & Protection All new 400 kV & 220 kV transmission lines shall be provided with OPGW (Optical Fibre Ground Wire) with PLCC back-up for communications. other than dry. The cost of the same shall be incorporated in the Estimate. 191 . (c) Fixing of Anemometers Anemometers shall be fixed on the top of the towers at an interval of 100 owners and / or at the highest point in the Sub-Stations in the areas of past history of collapse of towers due to whirl wind conditions and particularly in the area classified as “Wind Zone-5” for recording adverse wind velocities. in addition to the above V-SAT communication facilities shall be provided at all EHV Sub-Stations.I. (e) Clearance/Permission from PTCC. permission from Railways for crossing of transmission lines over the railway tracks and from Civil Aviation Authorities for Towers to ensure that there shall be no hold up of works for want of these clearances / permissions. However. Above such limit. the approval is to be accorded by the Committee of Technical Directors. (2) In case of any deviation in classification of any foundation found necessary at the time of execution of the works in the earlier finalized classification. All new 132 kV transmission lines shall be provided with PLCC (Power Line Carrier Communication) equipment and G. Steel Ground Wire shall be continued as at present. (3) Vigilance wing shall test check the soil classification finalized by the detailed survey. Headquarters to obtain the statutory clearances from Power & Telecom Coordination Committee (PTCC) for new Transmission lines routing. Micro Wave (MW) communications as required shall also be provided as found required. The details of extent of land. etc. No deviation in the estimated crop and trees for compensation as furnished by the EE/TLC shall be permissible. to facilitate processing the case for payment without delay and to avoid any hindrance to the construction programme on account of non-payment of crop compensation to the land owners well in time. MRO or the Horticulture Department. classification in the identified areas duly certified by local Revenue Authorities. paving & stringing of the line the Crop/Tree compensation Forms.2. 2. crop / tree. In the case of non-availability of rates for a particular classification of crop / tree. No deviation shall be allowed after such finalized level after work is awarded. a detailed enumeration of area of land and the number of trees with classification likely to be affected in the corridor on construction of transmission lines shall be assessed by the EE/TLC concerned. tower erection. TLC and ADE/AEE (Civil) as nominated by SE/TLC concerned for finalization of the level of the Sub-station site. shall be prepared in the prescribed format by the EE/TLC and a provisional estimate shall be finalized for including in the technical estimate. (b) Payment Procedure The disbursement of Tree / Crop compensation shall be made by a team of officers from TLC. as prescribed shall be got fixed up by the landowner and consolidated statement along with assessed tree compensation shall be furnished to Chief Engineer (Construction) or Chief Engineer (400 kV) at Headquarters. the EE/ TLC concerned shall request the District Collector to prescribe the rates. The payments shall be by Cheques only. The Vigilance Wing of APTransco shall verify the enumerated / assessed crop/tree compensation.3 EHV SUB-STATIONS (a) Sub-Station Site Contours & Levels (1) The detailed contour levels of the proposed sub-station shall also be taken through a professional surveyor under direct supervision of ADE/Electrical. crop & trees likely affected.2 FIXING OF RATES FOR COMPENSATION (a) Estimation of Crop & Tree Compensation On fixing of the Line Route after carrying out the detailed survey.. At the time of taking up the excavation of foundations. 192 . owner particular. as the case may be. Accounts & Vigilance Wing. The land / tree owners may be informed that the rate of compensation shall be at the lower rate among the rates of NABARD. The sub-station yard level shall be at proximate road level. for soil classification. (b) Assets Protection & Safety The Sub-Station site shall be protected from encroachments and thefts by providing compound wall with yeangle with barbed wire on top for securing the assets. value. prevent accidents / damages to costly equipment in position leading to life extension. etc. In case of any deviations / extra items are found absolutely necessary during execution of the scheme. 3. 2. In some cases. as engaged by the Executive Engineer. special rates as approved by the Committee of Technical Directors with the concurrence of Director (Finance) could be paid on case to case basis. the approval is to be accorded by the Committee of Technical Directors. If not already covered. site plan.(2) In case of any deviation in the finalized levels of the sub-station.4 Engagement of Professional Surveyors and Payment of Charges including Trial Pits excavations The Charges shall be paid to the outsourced reputed by approved professional surveyor. to the extent possible from available funds to achieve interruption free operation and protect sensitive latest numerical relays being deployed in place of old electro-mechanical relays. Above such limit. to secure the assets of the Board. TLC concerned as per the approved rates / common SSR of Government Departments for detailed surveys including trial pits excavations if any. such deviation shall be permissible only with prior approval of the Chief Engineer (Civil) based on justification for such deviation up to 10% of the quantity of filling. (b) Renovation & Modernization of Existing EHV Sub-Stations Attempts shall also be made to renovate & modernize the existing EHV sub-stations by covering items indicated at Annexure-3. Such assets shall be verified and certified by the officer annually. (c) Maintenance of Assets Register The Officer-in-charge of the EHV Sub-station shall maintain the Assets Register at the Sub-station showing all the particulars of the assets including land showing extent. 2.5 Provisions / Items to be considered for EHV Sub-Stations (a) New EHV Sub-Stations: The Administrative & Technical Estimates for New EHV Sub-Stations shall include standard equipment & switchgear and the items as detailed in Annexure-3. Avoidance of Time & Cost Over-runs The Construction Division shall ensure that the approved schemes are completed as per the schedule and within the given time frame. the EE/TLC or EE/400 kV in-charge of the work shall submit the details with full justification for such deviation / new item to 193 . The CE/TLSS concerned shall submit the report on readiness of such lines / sub-station to Director (Transmission & Grid Operation) along with proposed date & time for charging. The charging shall be done as per the approval by Director (Transmission & Grid Operation) in consultation with State Load Despatch Centre. Joint Statutory Inspection of new Lines & Sub-stations and Rectification of defects before charging Joint inspection by Construction & TLSS Division shall be carred out to identify any defects / deficiencies in new lines & sub-stations.R. The sources of supply of the above input items like metal.S. Irrigation. the CE/Construction or CE/400 kV shall submit a monthly return on the above to the Committee of Technical Directors for their review and ratification of the action taken by them. the CE/Construction or CE/400 kV shall submit a report immediately and obtain approval of the Board. However. Counterpoise Earthing. etc. (b) Identification of Sources of Supply for Material & Water Site nearby metal & sand quarries. Earthing. The CE/Construction or CE/400 kV. brick kilns. In case the cost is expected to exceed 10% over the sanctioned cost. 194 . are to be firmed up and leads worked out accordingly for inclusion in the estimate. such as Transmission Tower Erection. sand. R&B. etc. shall approve such deviations based on the justification. The Construction Division shall attend to all defects / deficiencies so pointed out and compliance report sent to TLSS Division. 5. Yard Lighting Masts. Line Stringing. are to be taken into consideration while preparing the estimates. Public Health. the rates as prescribed by APTRANSCO from time to time shall apply. bricks. there are no proximate sources for any of the above input items. etc. In case. COSTING OF INPUTS & SOURCES (a) Standard Schedule of Rates (SSR) for various Works of Transmission Lines & Sub-stations and O & M works The Common Standard Schedule of Rates (SSR) for All Engineering Departments of Government of Andhra Pradesh as issued from time to time shall be followed. The contractor shall be required to pool the material and other items from the identified sources during execution of the contract and furnish the lead statements.. as the case may be. the EE/TLC concerned has to survey and fix the source for estimation. For items of works not covered by the above S. etc. water supply source. Equipment Erection. Cabling. as approved by other Government Engineering Departments like FWD. 4.Headquarters without any delay. thereby giving no scope for any deviations and / or litigations. contractor or his representative. The required number of Forms shall be got printed in thin paper by Chief Engineer (Civil). The officers from Quality Control Cell shall record the observations in the Prescribed Form and get signatures of the field officers.6. 7. Headquarters and provide them to the Quality Control Cell to facilitate prompt issue of the Reports. Marking of date of concreting. This shall be reviewed by all Senior Officers visiting the work spots in the course of their inspection. This Book shall be signed by both the Field Officers and the Contractor or his representative in token of acknowledgement for compliance. 2) 3) 4) 5) 195 . type of tower. Major observations of Quality Control Cell and action taken shall be reviewed by the Board once in a quarter. Any failure in this regard shall be dealt with severely. Availability of set of sieves at site for testing fine and coarse aggregates. classification of foundation on the stub after completion of foundation casting. (ii) Director (Projects Construction). who in turn pass on a copy of the same to the concerned Chief Engineer for immediate verification and file his remarks without any delay. QUALITY CONTROL EASURES (a) Quality Control Cell at Headquarters Quality Control shall be the primary responsibility of the field officers (both TLC & Civil Wing) for execution of the scheme as they are expected to supervise / oversee the works on regular basis. The material / work shall be in conformity with the specification of the tender. The Quality Control Cell of Headquarters shall make sample checks during construction of the lines or sub-stations. The field officers shall extend full cooperation and assistance of the quality control officers when deputed to site. and sign before handing over a copy to the concerned Executive Engineer and sending a copy of the same to (i) JMD/Vigilance & Security. and (iii) Director (Transmission & Grid Operation). These reports shall be periodically reviewed by the aforesaid Directors & JMD for further action required. Vernier Calipers and other measuring instruments at site for checking of steel reinforcement / structural parts. Accountability of Field Officers in-charge of works The field officers (both TLC & Civil Wings) should ensure that: 1) Site Order Book shall be maintained at all Work Sites to record the instructions of field officers to the contractors in respect of works. Availability of Screw gauge. 11. 9. Shoring and shuttering / strutting as required is provided.C. Usage of appropriate measuring boxes for measuring ingredient materials. soils. If found necessary. This shall be scrupulous followed by all concerned officers both at Headquarters and Field. 10. Suitable borrowed earth is used for back filling the bottom layers of the foundation in case of B. Availability of form boxes for all steps including raft. This aspect shall be clearly incorporated in the estimate by the field officers. Confidentiality of Estimates / Sanctions of Board The Estimates and the Amount of Administrative Sanctions / approvals of Board shall be kept confidential and shall not be communicated to any contractor / vendor / tenderers under any circumstances.6) In case of contractor’s failure. Activity Schedules Activity Schedules in terms of receipt of material and erection shall be properly planned so as to avoid dumping of material and keeping the same in idle condition without commensurate progress in works. cover blocks are fixed / provided for study reinforcement without any sagging. Emergency capital works pending sanction Emergency works carried out without prior administrative approval and / or Technical Sanction shall be sent for approval at the earliest possible by the Field Officers. Number of chairs. The regularization of such works shall be considered by the Board on verification / scrutiny by a Committee of Two Technical Directors & Director (Finance & Revenue). 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 8. curing of foundations shall be organized by field officers of APTRANSCO after recording such failure in the Field Order Book and serving a notice to the defaulting contractor in writing. This Committee. Applicability of APED Manual Proviso The above instructions / guidelines are issued in addition to the existing guideline as the APED Manual. the EE/TLC shall engage required manpower by temporary labour contract through an Agency in case there is inadequate departmental staff and maintain proper record to facilitate recover such expenditure from the payments due to the contractor apart from taking suitable penal action against the contractor. Sd/ RACHEL CHATTERJEE CHAIR-PERSON & MANAGING DIRECTOR 196 . may seek the assistance of the Vigilance Wing to survey such works. In such case. Dated 8th October 2004 Instructions on classification of foundations of 132 kV & 220 kV Transmission Lines in different soils Reference: 1) Central Board of Irrigation & Power (CBIP) Transmission Line Manual No.0 m below ground level (e. Where sub-soil water Table is within 0. Where normal dry cohesive or non-cohesive soils are met. Sugarcane fields) Where sub-soil water is encountered between 0.O.No. Sl.75 meter and 1. 197 .50 meters or more below the ground level in normal soil Where surface water could stand for long period with water penetration not exceeding 1. /2004. swells when wet.75 m depth from ground level Where top layer of Black Cotton soil exceeds 50% and extends up to full depth or is followed by normal soil Where top layer is normal soil up to 50% of the depth but the lower layer is a Black Cotton soil Dry 2(a) (b) Wet 3(a) (b) NOTE 1 4(a) Partially Submerged / Partially Black Cotton Fully Submerged/ Black Cotton (b) (c) NOTE-2 In case of items 4 (a). Soil at the Location of Tower Classification of foundation to be adopted 1.g.O. Dir (Tr. not necessarily black in colour. which shrinks when dry.No. The Foundation Drawings as finalized by the Civil Engineering Wing for various soil conditions suitable for different Types of Towers being deployed in the construction shall be followed by all field officers strictly.50 meters depth below ground level Where top layer of Black Cotton soil extends up to 50% of the depth with normal soil thereafter Where Soil is clayey type.268 2) IS: 200 (Part-I) 1974 Classification of soil shall be made according to IS : 200 (Part I) 1974 for footing cast in open pits. The foundation designs for various types of Foundations as given below shall be adopted in the construction of all 132 kV & 220 kV Transmission Lines and shall be based on the following Instructions. (b) & (c) above. Paddy fields. Where sub-soil water is met at 1..ANNEXURE-1 to T. No.&GO)/CEC/VS/D. the concerned superintending Engi neer (Civil) shall personally inspect and certify on soil classification and shall not delegate this responsibility to any subordinate officers. special designs for foundations are to be made by Civil Engineering Wing for adoption on case to case basis. For instance. Similarly the effect of monsoon or when the nearby reservoirs are full should be considered and not the conditions prevailing in open season or summer when work is carried out normally. This shall be decided by the concerned Superintending Engineer (Civil) on case to case basis on personal inspection. Fissured / Soft Rock (b) 6(a) (b) Hard Rock (c) NOTE-3 NOTE-4 For critical locations of Cut-Point / Angle Towers.5 m to 2. Partially Submerged / Partially Black Cotton. marshy areas. ponds. the worst conditions may be considered and not necessarily the conditions prevailing at the time of inspection. limestone. NOTE-5 NOTE-6 At locations subjected to water logging. the chimney of all stubs to be raised to 600 mm over the normal chimney being adopted in other cases.No Condition of Soil at the location of Towers Classification of foundation to be adopted 5 (a) Where decomposed or fissured rock. laterite or any other soil of similar nature is met. the classification of Tower Foundations may be at next higher type for ensuring safety of the transmission line as likely to be subjected to variable forces from time to time on account of change in season and climatic conditions. the chief Engineer (Civil) shall personally inspect and certify the requirement of higher classification on case to case basis.5 m or less below ground level Where Hard Rock is encountered from 1.5 m below Ground Level though Top layer is of normal soil. Where chiselling.. Where top layer of normal dry soil extends up to 85% of the depth followed by fissured rock without presence of water Where Hard Rock is encountered at 1. This shall be done after complete erection of towers as a separate item for identified locations. In case of highly collapsible & loose soils and river crossings. etc. particularly in paddy fields. 198 . In all such cases. hard gravel. there are areas where sub-soil water rises when canal water is let-out in the field raising sub-soil water to a considerable degree.Sl. drilling and blasting is required for excavation While classifying foundations of Wet. kankar. Fully Submerged / Black Cotton foundations mentioned above. Dir(Tr. the approved Foundation Design & Drawings of M/s. Jyothi Structures Limited. The foundations in the soils.5 meter and 0.0 meter below ground level (e.50 meter below ground level.No. Soil at the Location of Tower Classification of foundation to be adopted 1 When water table is below foundation level and when soil is cohesive and homogenous up to the full depth having clay content of 10-15% When water table is above foundation level and up to 1. 199 .&GO) / CEC / VS / D.75 meter below ground level and when the soil is normal and cohesive When water table is within 0. it is normal dry cohesive soil When the Soil Cohesie having inorganic clay exceeding 15 % and characterised by high Shinkage case and Swelling Properly (need not be always black in colour) Normally Dry 2 Wet 3 Partially Submerged 4 Fully Submerged Partial Black Cotton Black Cotton 5 6. which have standing surface water for a long period with water penetration not exceeding 1.g. No.O. Dated 8th October 2004 Instructions on classification of foundations of 400 kV Transmission Lines in different soils Reference: 1) 2) Central Board of Irrigation & Power (CBIP) Transmission Line Manual No. / 2004. In the case of 400 kV Transmission Lines.O.No. thereafter. Paddy fields) are also classified as wet foundations When water table is at a depth between 1.268 IS: 200 (Part-I) 1974 Classification of soil shall be made according to IS : 200 (Part I) 1974 for footing cast in open pits.75 meter below ground and the soil is normal and cohesive When the top layer of soil up to 1. Mumbai shall be followed as per the following soil classifications depending upon the ground water table and type of soil and rock the foundations can be classified as follows: Sl.ANNEXURE-2 to T.50 meter is Black Cotton and. For critical locations of Cut-Point / Angle Towers. the chimney of all stubs to be raised to 600 mm over the normal chimney being adopted in other cases. special design for foundations are to be made by Civil Engineering Wing for adoption on case to case basis. the Chief Engineer (Civil) shall personally inspect and certify the requirement of higher classification on case to case basis. the classification of Tower Foundations may be at next higher type for ensuring safety of the transmission lines as likely to be subjected to variable forces from time to time on account of change in season and climatic conditions. the concerned Superintending Engineer (Civil) shall personally inspect and certify on soil classification and shall not del egate this responsibility to any sub-ordinate officers. etc. Fully Submerged / Black Cotton foundations mentioned above. Soil at the Location of Tower Classification of foundation to be adopted NOTE-1 Where Soil is clayey type. hard gravel or any other soil of similar nature is met which can be executed without blasting Under cut foundation is to be used at these locations Where chiselling. At locations subjected to water logging. swells when wet shall be recognized as Black Cotton Soil. In all such cases. the worst conditions may be considered and not necessarily the conditions prevailing at the time of inspection. particularly in paddy fields. which shrinks when dry. there are areas where sub-soil water rises when canal water is let-out in the field raising sub-soil water to a considerable degree. Soil with negligible cohesion because of it’s low clay content (0-10%) When decomposed or fissured rock. No. For instance.. This shall be decided by the concerned Superintending Engineer (Civil) on case to case basis on personal inspection. not necessarily black in colour. NOTE-4 NOTE-5 NOTE-6 200 . In case of items 4 & 6 above. marshy areas. ponds. drilling and blasting is required for excavation Sandy Soil NOTE-2 7 8 Fissured / Soft Rock 9 Hard Rock NOTE-3 While classifying foundations of wet. In case of highly collapsible & loose soils and river crossings.Sl. Similarly the effect of monsoon or when the nearby reservoirs are full should be considered and not the conditions prevailing in open season or summer when work is carried out normally. partially submerged/Partially Black Cotton. This shall be done after compete erection of towers as a separate item for identified locations. and Standby Diesel Generator Set (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) On First Floor (a) (b) (ii) Control & Relay Panels. Office. Standard and reputed make steel furniture for operation staff and office in the Control Room. Suitable Air Conditioning for the 400 kV & 220 kV Sub-station Control Rooms to protect the latest highly sensitive Numerical (Digital) Relays from heat and dust and also for Communication 201 B. / 2004. Printer. MRT Test Kits and other tools. Dated 8th October 2004 Particulars of Items to be included in the Administrative / Technical Estimates for New EHV Sub-stations besides standard equipment & switch gear A.&GO) / CEC / VS / D. for monitoring & report generation. P.No. No. Battery with charger. OLTE for Optical Fibre Communications. Toilets. which may also be utilized for MRT staff transit camp facility while attending to Breakdowns. PTR erection & Testing. Terminal Equipment for Micro Wave (MW) communications as required.O. V-SAT equipment. Operation Desk with chairs. (i) Design / Layout Control Room in double storey as per the Standard design providing Wider view of the Switchyard(s) through the Glass Windows from the Control Room and to accommodate the following equipment & facilities: On Ground Floor (a) PLCC equipment & Charger.O. Stores for CBD Gang material & Tools. V-SAT Terminal. Printer Tables as required. Water cooler of suitable capacity. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) ..ANNEXURE-3 to T. The layout of the panels shall be such the operator could have a total view of the switchyard through large Aluminum with Glass Windows of the control room.C. Items to be covered in the Cost Estimate Latest Pentium based P.C. T&P Stores. Dir(Tr. PLCC & V-SAT Termi nal. of 33/0. (xvi) Suitable approach road from the main road to the Transformer Bay for movement of heavy equipment like power transformers. 63 kVA at each of 220 kV Sub-Station. earth pits. (iv) (vii) (viii) Transformer oil filter machine along with oil testing kits & adequate trained manpower at 220 kV Sub-stations as required to meet the needs of connected 132 kV Sub-stations.(v) Room.V. (ix) One no. and 250 kVA at each of 400 kV Sub-Stations shall be provided to meet emergencies. etc.4 kV Station Transformer of 100 kVA capacity at each of 132 kV Sub-station. (xiv) The Switchyard. Fire Tender at each of the 400kv Sub. Stand-by Diesel Generator Set of a capacity of 25 KVA at each of 132 kV Sub-station. 220 kV & 400 kV Sub-Stations respectively in Towns. piping extending to control room. area around Control Room and Approach roads are fully illuminated with suitable Lighting Masts & tubular poles fitted with S. 100 MVA & 315 MVA power transformers along with foundations for switchgear shall be provided at each of 132 kV. and Two nos. Two nos. This is only for making the provision in the estimate and the erection of transformers and switchgear shall be done as per the requirement in a phased manner with the growth of load at the respective Sub-stations. breakers. Municipalities & Industrial areas to facilitate replacement or augmentation of transformation capacity as may be required to avoid any interruptions to power supply during erection & commissioning of such additional / higher capacity Power Transformers. of 630 kVA capacity at each of 400 KV/sub-stations shall be provided. Municipal or Panchayat Water supply connection as may be available. Bore well with pump-sets and associated G. 202 . (xvii) A total of three transformer bays with foundations suitable for 50 MVA. suitable FRP Body Air Coolers shall be provided at each of the new control rooms of 132 kV Sub-Stations. cables from Pillar Boxes.Stations & Fire Extinguishers here for 132 kv & 220 kv Sub Stations.G.I. (xv) 20 mm metal spreading in the switchyard area. and horticulture. lamps through U. of 250 kVA capacity at each of 220 kV Sub-station. (x) (xi) (xii) (xiii) Firewalls on either side of the Power Transformers. Two no’s. Emulsifier Fire Fighting System shall be provided for Power Transformers at each of 400 kV Sub-Stations and alternate Fire Fighting System at each of 220 kV & 132 kV Sub-stations. Break-down Tester. (xxiii) No Provision shall be made for purchase of Vehicles in the estimates. (xix) Suitable Sign Boards with APTRANSCO Logo and Name & Capacity of the Sub-station shall be provided at the top of the Control Room. (xxii) Provision for construction power by installing either 33/0. These guiding boards from main road to sub-station shall also be provided for 400 kV Sub-stations. (xxv) Provision shall also be made in the estimate for all Statutory Taxes & duties payable. (xxi) Tools & Plant at 1% of the total value of the estimate.. kV Distribution Transformer depending upon the availability of nearby 33 kV or 11 KV line. Adequate number of Sign Boards and Guiding Boards from main Road to the Sub-station with APTRANSCO logo and Name & capacity of the substations are provided in respect of 132 kV & 220 kV Sub-stations. Solid State HV Insulation Meggar. Testing Kit for MRT. 203 . particularly to provide special tools like Taurus Fault Locator. etc.4 kV or 11/04. Tong Tester. (xxiv) Premium for Insurance to cover the material / equipment issued to the contractor for the period from the date of issue to the date of commissioning of line / sub-station shall be included in the estimate.R.(xviii) Horticulture layout & cost of plants to be planted. (xx) Display Board of suitable Size Single Line Diagrams with all details of the Sub-station equipment and connecting feeders shall be provided in the Control Room. High Quality Earthing Rod Set. Transformer I. 9.No. EPDCL’s Lr. CPDCL &NPDCL) on their corporate investments / inter corporate deposits.No.88/2004 Dated: 24.O.No. Dated: 18.2004 and it was agreed in the Meeting to invest the surplus funds in the T&D sector with immediate effect as inter corporate deposits with the following terms and conditions.SPDCL. whichevere is lower“ 204 .TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED ABSTRACT APTRANSCO–Procedures for inter corporate funds /inter corporate investments in the Transmission and Distribution Sector –Orders –Issued.e.a depending upon the term of the loan (31 days to 180 days).7.)/D No5157/04.9.O.CMD/NPDC/WGL/D(F)/CGM)Expr.No. The following are the some of the reasons for availability of surplus funds for a short period ranging from 10 to 180 days: (a) Temporarily and occasionally time lag in receipt of capital grants or as advance component of loans and no payments are pending and arranging payments to suppliers /contractors. so as to reduce the operating costs of the T&D Sector: “The interest payable by the borrowing company to the lending company has to be a t minimum level ranging from 4% to 6% p.2004 4. As a part of this exercise.7. APTRANSCO (vide reference 1st cited ) had called.No CMD/DIR/DIR/F/EPDCL/VSP/Peshi/D. the interest rates on inter corporate deposits/ investments shall be on par with interest rates of fixed deposits of Nationalised Banks.Secy.Addl.10.166 1. for comments from Distribution Companies (EPDCL.2004 Read the following:- (b) Keeping in view of the above and in Order to achieve the objective of least minimum operation and maintenance cost and reduce the interest cost and to ensure optimum utilization of cash flows for the sector as a whole the inter corporate deposits / inter corporate investments among the Government owned power utilities (i. resulting in earning of interest less than that of interest paid on the borrowings. among AP TRANSCO & 4 Discoms) had been contemplated.3.No 134/04 Dated.2004 3.No. When revenue cash inflows exceed out flows occasionally or regularly onaccount of continuous and spot billing etc. Dated: 27. T. Where in has made a commet on investment of borrowed funds in Short Term Deposit. Based on this.149/04. CPDCL’s Lr No CGM (Exp)/GM (A/cs) D.2004 *** ORDER: The Accountant General (Audit ) II Andhra Pradesh has communicated a review titled “Funds Management in Power Sector Companies “. the Distribution Companies have represented that.2004 5.Dated: 26. NPDCL’s Lr. These interest rates are subject to revision based on the interest rates on fixed deposits prevailing in the market. The subject regarding inter corporate investments in the T&D Sector has been discussed in the CMDs Meeting held on 17. Lr.Ms. D(F)/D.7.2004 2. Note Orders of CMDs (Transco & Discoms) Dated: 17.8. Tranmission corporation of Andhra Pradesh Limited directs to adopt the following procedure by the Companies for inter corporate deposits/ inter corporate investments so as to enabling the Borrower to avail benefit in reduction in interest cost as interest rate of ICD (inter Corporate Deposit ) is less than the interest rate of CC Limits / Other Market Bowrrowings: A. As and when funds accruing in excess of requirement offer has to be made to all other companies (APTRANSCO &Distribution companies) duly indicating the quantum and the time period. On receipt of the offer from the Lending Company. DPNote (Demand Promissory Note) has to be obtained from the Borrower in the presecribed proforma as per annexure ‘A’ Interest on inter corporate deposit / investment shall be credited to the Account Head as per annexure ‘B’ Funds shall be released to the Borrower by debiting to the Account Head as per annexure ‘B' Inter corporate investment / inter corporate deposits shall not be routed through no-Lien Account. On receipt of the concurrence form the other company/ companies. vi. Board Resolutions has to be passed for making investments in anothercompanies. 2279. These orders issue with the concurrence of Director (Finance &Revenue) Vide UO No. vi. iv. v. II. Dated: 16. ii. Boaard Resolutions has to be passed for availing /taking inter corporate deposit. iii. iv.After careful examination. B. acceptance has to be communicated to the Lending Company. Procedure to be followed by the Borrowing Company I. Procedure to be followed by the Lending Company i. iii.10. DP Note has to be executed in favour of the Lender in the prescribed proforma as stated above. Interest oninter corporate deposit/investment shall be debited to the account Head as per annexure ‘B On receipt of the funds from the Lending Company . it has to be credited to the Account Head as per annexure ‘B’ Inter corporate deposits / inter corporate investment cannot be credited to No-Lien Account and it shall be kept in theCC/ Current Account.2004 (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF AP LIMITED) RACHEL CHATTERJEE CHAIR PERSON AND MANAGING DIRECTOR 205 . v. 2.......……… (Name of the Lender ) or order the sum of Rupees…………………………………………… (in words) together with interst on such sum from this date at the rate of …………. Percent per annum for value received...ANNEXURE-A DEMAND PROMISSORY NOTE Rs………..... Place : Hyderabad Date: On Demand …………………. 206 .……. Witnesses of two Directors: 1...... (Borrowing Company Name) promise to pay ……. Authorised Signatory (Borrowing Company) Common Seal of Borrowing Company.. 561 Interest on inter Corporate Funds – SPDCL 078.CPDCL 062.562 Interest on inter Corporate Funds – CPDCL 078.563 Interest on inter Corporate Funds – NPDCL 078.810 Inter corporate Funds Investment – EPDCL 027.564 Interest on inter Corporate Funds – APTRANSCO Account heads for receipt of Funds are to be shown as follows under schedulre -32 (Depending upon the receipt form the entity) 053.820 Inter corporate Funds Investment – SPDCL 027.850 Inter corporate Funds Investment – APTRANSCO In the books of the Borrowing Company: Account heads for payment of the interest are to be shown as follows under schedule -12 (Depending upon the payment ot the Entity) 078.EPDCL 053.SPDCL 062.830 Inter corporate Funds Investment – CPDCL 027.761 Receipt of inter Corporate Funds – SPDCL 053.ANNEXURE-B In the books of the Lending Company: Account heads for receipt of the interest are to be shown as follows under Schedule – 5 (Depending Upon the receipt from the Entity) 062.NPDCL 062.762 Receipt of inter Corporate Funds – CPDCL 053. 027.242 Interest received on inter Corporate Funds .241 Interest received on inter Corporate Funds .243 Interest received on inter Corporate Funds .560 Interest on inter Corporate Funds .840 Inter corporate Funds Investment – NPDCL 027.EPDCL 078.763 Receipt of inter Corporate Funds – NPDCL 053.760 Receipt of inter Corporate Funds .APTRANSCO 207 .244 Interest received on inter Corporate Funds – APTRANSCO Account heads for releasing of Funds are to be shown as follows under Schedule – 26 (d) ( Depending upon the releases to the Entity).764 Receipt of inter Corporate Funds .240 Interest received on inter Corporate Funds – EPDCL 062. TRANSMISSION CORPORTION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED ABSTRACT ETP-Estt.O.O cited shall be upgraded as Executive Director (Accounts) in the scale of pay of 19220-645-19865-715-23440-790-25810 for a period upto 28. (PERSONNEL SERVICES) T.O.O.No. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE APTRANSCO) RACHEL CHATTERJEE CHAIRPERSON & MANAGING DIRECTOR 208 .Orders –Issued.The post now upgraded shall be down graded as Financial Advisor & Chief controller of Accounts consequent to the vacancy arising on retirement or otherwise of the incumbent. 12-4-04 ORDER: After careful consideration the APTRANSCO directs that one of the existing posts of Financial Advisor &Chief Controller of Accounts last continued in the T.O.Secy ) Ms. The incumbent counted against the upgraded post herein shall be eligible to draw the usual scale of pay and allowances admissible as per rules in force at the place of his duty.T.05 Dated::.APTRANSCO.Upgradation of one post of Finacial Adviser and chief controller of Accounts as Executive Director (Accounts) temporarily for a period up to 28-2-2005.(Per-CGM/HRD&Trg) Ms.No. 174 Dated:: 28-10-2004 Read the following:1.2005 from the date of actual utilization .O.2. (Per-Addl. 2. TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED Sanction of IT core group for development of IT Applications –Formation of a core Group.IT) Ms. G. Finalize an exhaustive list of various service that can be offered to the citizens. if any . CE (Comml. IPC. (1) Chief Engineer (Construction) (2) Chief Engineer (400 KV Lines) (3) Chief Engineer (Telecom) (4) Chief Engineer (Planning) (5) Chief Engineer (Transmission (O&M) (6) Additional Secretary Superintending Engineer (Information Systems) is designated as Chief Information officer and Convernor of the core group. The Core group will review the development of applications. REFORMS & HRD) 209 . DINESH KUMAR JMD (FINANCE.No. T.O. The Government also desired that all government organizations also participate in the eprocurement.&IT) Note Dated: 15-10-04 Governemtn of AP in the GO first cited desired to constitute an information core group in all the Government Departments to develop lidentification of citizen centric service s and departmental applications on Rajiv Broad Band Network covering the following: (i) (ii) Collect basic information about departmental functioning with due focus on the citizen charter Annual Administrative Report. Evaluationreports on various schemes.Orders – Issued.CE (Comml.O.O.Ms.No 28 of (IT &C) Dated: 23-09-04 2.175 Dated:: 28-10-04 Read the following Ref: 1. projects etc.No . needed in the applications that are already in use/ in making so that they can be deployed on the broad band network Closely interact with the other working groups on standards To meet at least twice in a week till completion of tasks assigned. Constitute the following core committee as per the proposal submitted by CE (Comml & IT) in the reference (2) cited. COMML. (iii) Finalize the applications that need to be put in place for improving the internal efficiency of the department. APTransco after Careful examination. (iv) (v) (vi) Identify the modifications. (vii) Submit the final list of service s and applications along with their specific recommendations and justification to HOD by 31st October 2004. iv. This is to be suitably modified as per the actual loan component of the proposed project.e. T.O (CE-Construction) Ms. vii. 210 . For this purpose 30% of the demand is assumed to be voltage sensitive demand. viii. establishment and general charges and contingencies based on the latest prices.O. The debt-equity ratio is assumed to be 80%-20% i. Interest During Construction is to be calculated for the project construction period based on estimated half early drawls of loan with quarterly compounded interest. labour.11. NO. The salient features of M/s GECE methodology for project evaluation are as under: i. spares. A model for appraisal of new transmission project and computation of Internal Rate of Return (IRR) suggested by M/s GECE is enclosed along with a sample calculation. ii.2004 APTRANSCO is involved in execution of a number of Transmission projects under funding from various agencies like JBIC. crop compensation. 80% of the project is to be funded by loan and 20% from internal funds.. The benefits accrued due to the proposed project is inclusive of the benefits accrued in the distribution system. v. The project cost includes cost of materials. PFC. The value of the reduction in losses due to the project implementation is to be calculated based on the average bulk supply Tariff as per the latest Tariff Order of the APERC. Additional sale of energy due to improvement of voltage. The main benefits considered for evaluation of the project are (a) Benefit due to reduction of losses in the EHT and distribution network. It was felt necessary to evolve a uniform project appraisal methodology for evaluation of all the proposed projects to facilitate the investment decisions of APTRANSCO. Additional sale of energy due to additional installed capacity. Chief Engineer/Construction has submitted the project appraisal methodology suggested by M/s Global Energy Consulting Engineers (GECE) for the consideration of APTRANSCO Board. This is to be suitably modified as per the terms and conditions of the lending agency funding the proposed project. The project appraisal methodology followed for evaluation of these projects is generally as per the procedures recommended by the respective funding agencies. vi. 177 Dated: 05.TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED Sub: Transmission Project evaluation methodology on the basis of Internal Rate of Return – guide lines for uniform procedure to be followed in APTRANSCO. freight & Insurance. and REC etc. cost of land. iii. Pandurangam Director/Projects Construction 211 . In case of projects envisaged for a shorter or longer horizon period. The current cost of capital is to be determined based on the current lending rates. xi. xiv. A Transmission project can be treated as viable if the Internal Rate of Return for the project is more than the current cost of Capital. The cash outflow includes depreciation @ 3..6% annum.5% and interest on Working Capacity (IWC) @ 0. may be followed for the purpose of financial tie-up. In case of projects involving creation of multiple independent assets. The value of the additional sale of energy is to be calculated based on the difference of the procurement price of APTRANSCO and DISCOMs sale price. The model proposed by M/s GECE is based on the assumption that the proposed project will be utilized to full capacity over a horizon period of 5 years. V. the corresponding benefits due to completion of part of the project may be taken into account. the relevant project evaluation procedures recommended by the lending agencies like World Bank. REC. After the proposed project is approved by APTRANSCO. After careful consideration and based on the detailed discussions held with M/s GECE consultants. The project appraisal methodology approved by APTRANSCO is to be used for internal evaluation of proposed projects while seeking administrative approval of the Board. The internal Rate of Return is computed for a period of 25 years which is assumed to be the life of project. x. BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED Sri J. PFC etc. JBIC. The cash inflow i. DFID.5% of the project cost (including IDC) with an annual escalation of 4%. the same is to be adopted with relevant modifications. xiii.e.ix. benefits due to project is considered only after the completion of project. APTRANSCO accords approval for the methodology suggested by M/s GECE for appraisal of Transmission Projects. xii.. O & M cost @ 2. No. The APTransco has reviewed the Orders issued on delegation of powers to sanction expenditure towards the entertainment charges. 182 Date 9-11-2004 Read the following :- 1.No.TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED ABSTRACT Arrangements.6. Memo No.O. and decided to issue revised Orders. 19-06-1975 2.Dated::.Addl.issued.2003 ORDER:: In the reference second read above the AP Transco has adopted all the Orders Sanctioned by the erstwhile APSEB on various matters. Electricity Boards etc. Dated::. light refreshments and other arrangements inconnection with meetings with VIPs and High Officials and dignitaries of various Governements. Electricity Boards etc.(JS) /MS. T.Secy /DIR/AS (Reg.18. light refreshments and othe arrangements inconnection with meetings with VIPs and High Officials and dignitaries of various Government.No 421.99 3.P.) PO-I (2)/409/98-3. APTRANSCO to sanction expenditure for meetings-Orders.Delegation of powers –Delegation to Joint Secretary /Chief General Manager (HRD &Trg. as follows:Joint Secretary /CGM (HRD &Trg) Incharge of Protocol Upto Rs 5000/.GM (IR) /AS (IR)/U1/538/2003-2 Dated:: 24.2. B. O.O.O.at a time with the concurrence of FA&CCA (A&E) Director incharge of HRD Above Rs 5000/.) and Director incharge of HRD. After careful consideration the AP Transco hereby delegates the powers to sanction the expenditure towards enterainment charges. Ms.at a time withj the concurrence of Director (Fin &Rev) ( BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF AP LTD) RACHEL CHATTERJEE CHAIRPERSON & MANAGING DIRECTOR 212 . Chief General Manager (HRD &TRG) 3. Dated: 10-92004 *** ORDER: In partial modification of the Orders issued vide reference cited. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF AP LIMITED ) RECHEL CHATTERJEE CHAIRPERSON & MANAGING DIRECTOR 213 .No. T. AP TRANSCO early.No.TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED ABSTRACT Regulations.O. 1.O. Accounts Service and -Personnel &General Service – Orders Issued.Secy-Per)Ms. Accounts Service and Personnel & General Service.183 Dated: 10-11-2004 Read the following:- T. Additional Secretary 2) Chairman Member Convernor The committee shall submit its report to the Chairperson & Managing Director. (JS – PER ) Ms. 135 . the APTransco directs that the Committee be reconstituted with the following officers to examine the minimum service requirement prescribed in the feeder post in the APSEB service Regulations as adopted by the APTransco for promotion to next higher post in the Engineering Service.O. Executive Director (Accounts) 2.O (Addl.Constitution of Revised committee to examine the minimum service requirement Prescribed in the APSEB service regulations as adopted by the APTransco for promotion to next higher post in the APTransco is Engineering Service. cited Based on the unit (zonal) considerations.2004 (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF TRANSMISSION CORPN.16.No195 Daate 3-12-2004 Read the following:- Ref:T.2511 Dated. T. no officer is permitted to treat the payment exceeding the prescribed limit as official” These Orders shall be implemented for the bills generated from 1-1-2005 onwards This is issued with the concurrence of Director (Finance & Revenue) vide Regd No.O. In any case. In view of the practical difficulties expressed by the paying officers in complementing the above procedure the \APTRANSCO herby orders the following amendment to para 6 of the T.4.O.11. (CE-Telecom) Ms.O.TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED VIDYUT SOUDHA :HYDERABAD -082 ABSTRACT Provision of cellular telephones in CUG –Payment of monthly bills –Amendment to the existing procedure – Orders – Issued.(CE-Telecom) Ms. The paying officers were instructed to arrange payment of bills of officers pertaining to other pay units but physically present within the same zone and regularize the transaction by raising TDAs.O. "The monthly bills of cell phones provided under CUG of GOAP to 210 officers of APTRANSCO shall be paid by the respective Pay Drawing officers.O.No.04. 21. Dt.O.O. The individual officer using the cell phone shall be responsible to ensure payment of bills bills exceeding the prescribed limits shall be admitted for payment and the excess amount over the limit shall be recovered from the succeeding months salary of the concerned officer. OF AP LTD) RACHEL CHATTERJEE CHAIRMAN &MANAGING DIRECTOR 214 .26. these cell phones are grouped under eight different paying officers for the purpose of payment of monthly bills. *** ORDER:Cell phones are provided from cellone network of M/s BSNL in the CUG of GoAP to 210 officers of APTRANSCO as per the Orders issued in T.O. 135 Energy (PR-III) Department Dated::: 28-10-2004 ORDERS: "The Orders of the Government issued vide reference cited above are here by recorded. No.TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED VIDYUT SOUDHA: HYDERABAD-82 APTRANSCO – Nomination and Appointment of the new Subscribers/ Shareholders of the company – Orders of the Government – Recorded.197 Dated: 03-12-2004 Read the following:- Ref: G.O.O.O. (Per –Addl Scey) Ms.No.” (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF APTRANSCO) RACHEL CHATTERJEE CHAIRMAN AND MANAGING DIRECTOR 215 .Ms. T. No. IRAS who has been repatriated.Parthasarathy. Chairman &Managing Director who has resigned and Sri A. Parthasarathy. 2nd read above Orders. ENERGY (PR-III) DEPARTMENT G.Venkateshwar. 95 Energy (Pr-III) Department .Venkateshwar. Transmission Corporation of Andhra Pradesh Limited (APTRANSCO) in place of Sri J. J.O. have been issued nominating and appointing of Sri A.Dated::6-11-1998 G. Hyd Lr. IRAS who have resigned /repatriated. Chairman & Managing Director.Ms.No. No. Parthasarathy. 1st read above Orders have been issued nominating and appointing Sri. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE GOVERNOR OF ANDHRA PRADESH) DEEPAK KUMAR PANWAR PRINCIPAL SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT 216 . The Government after careful consideration of the proposal hereby nominate and appoint Sri Ajay Jain IAS Managing Director APGENCO &Sri Dinesh Kumar IAS JMD TRANSCO as Subscribers/Shareholders. J. as a shareholder of Transmission Corporation of Andhra Pradesh (AP TRANSCO) In the reference 3rd read above Chairman & Managing Director AP TRANSCO has requested the Governement to appoint Sri Ajay jain IAS & Sri Dinesh Kumar IAS as subscribers/shareholder. Transmission Corporation of Andhra Pradesh Limited in place of Sri.81 Energy (Pr-III) Depoartment Dated:: .O. Chairman & Managing Director who has resigned and Sri A. Venkateshwar IRAS.Ms.O. AP GENCO as subscribers/Shareholder Transmission Corporation of Andhra Pradesh Limited (AP TRANSCO) In the G.APTRANSCO/CMD/JMD(HRD)/ACS/148/04 Dated:: 21-9-2004&25-9-2004 *** In the G.GOVERNEMTN OF ANDHRA PRADESH ABSTRACT ANDHRA PRADESH TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF LIMITED – Nomination and Appointment of the new subscribers /Shareholders of the company – Orders– issued. APTRANSCO.O.No. 135 Dated:: 28-10-2004 Read the following:G. The Chairman & Manging Director APTRANSCO shall take further necessary action in the matter. 7-7-2003 From CMD. Ms.O. 10.2004 Read the following:- T.O.16. 217 . for guidance. The performance indicators listed under various sections/ Departments shall be applicable to any officer of equivalent cadre discharging any of the duties there of.167.12.ACCOUNTS SERVICES –PERFORMANCE INDICATORS FOR THE PERSONNEL IN APTRANSCO-METHODOLOGY FOR APPRAISAL OF PERFORMANCE-MODIFIED-ORDERS-ISSUED.(ADDL. 4. 6. The objective tangible Key performance indicators for the staff in Accounts service are evolved on the basis of the JOB Charts prescribed for the staff nature of duties performed by the staff at different levels nature of decision involved vis-a vis the cadre of employee and the sequential tasks involved in each specific function relating to accounts/ Finance. The parameters contained in the Annual Appraisal Reports in force constitute the intangible parameters.201 Dated::18.No.Secy. 3.No.O.Secy) Ms. 7. APTransco is appended vide Annexure –III.O. The objective tangible parameters shall carry a weight age of 70 % and the remaining 30% weight – age shall be assigned to AARs.Therefore after careful consideration APTransco in super session of the instructions issued vide reference cited. T. 5. Dated: . The performance indicators along with weight –ages for the tasks to be performed by a functionary in a given cadre in Accountss Service are given in such a way as to facilitate an employee in the given cadre to adopt the parameters along with weight –ages relevant to him/her in amonth /year (Annexure –I) b) The methodology for evaluating the performance of an employee in a month/ year is furnished vide Annexure –II c) A model Self Appraisal form worked out in respect of the staff in Accounts service. here by approves the following performance appraisal System bases on objective Tangible Parameters and In-Tangible Parameters / Annued Appraisal in force.O.2003 ORDER: Appraisal of the performance of the staff on the basis of certain objective tangible parameters/ indicators is felt necessary so as to bring about competitiveness and efficiency among employees and an over all improvement in the performance of the organization.(Addl. The performance of an employee will be evaluated every month on the basis of objective. in-tangible Parameters in force.) Ms. 2. (Tangible) parameters and once a year on the basis of intangible parameters through AARS. a) The tasks to be performed by an employee in a given cadre form the performance indicators for him/ her .TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED VIDYUT SOUDHA : HYDERABAD-82 APTRANSCO. 14. CE/TL &SS and SE/TLC of AP Transco shall linitiate appropriate measures to keep the employees informed of the procedure for appraisal of their performance. The functional head are requested to design appropriate registers where necessary so as to facilitate objective and periodical evaluation of the performance of the employee in each parameter. The Functional head shall transmit the reports to Chief General Manager (HRD &Trg). The performance appraisal system will come in to force w. The heads of Department in Corporate office.f. The controlling officer shall be responsible for furnishing the monthly performance Appraisal Reports of the employees under his control by 5th of every month and the AARs by 5th of April every year to the Head of the Department concerned.) shall be responsible for the annual appraisal of the performance of the employees. Each employee will furnish his/ her self.TL&SS And TLC offices RACHAEL CHATTERJEE. Encl. 15.appraisal report once in a month for verification and counter signature by the concerned controlling officer. IAS (CHAIRPERSON & MANAGING DIRECTOR) 218 .III.II. 16. by 10th of every month . The controlling officer will be required to confirm/record parameter wise.8.Annexure –I. the weight –ages assigned by the employee in his self appraisal Report.The Chief Genral Manager (HRD &trg. 01-12-2004 (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF CMD/APTRANSCO) 9. The controlling officer in case of difference with the employees self Appraisal will be required to afford an opportunity to the employee to explain with in 7 days the reasons for such variation examine the explanation of the employee and record his decision therof. 11. 10. 12. 13.e. The immediate higher officer under whose control the employee is working shall be the controlling officer for the employee for the purpose of performance appraisal. in terms of weight –age. An employee in general. The average weight-age achieved. In case a sub task /parameter gets added to an employee by way of transfer of subjects the weight age assigned by HOD to that parameter gets transferred to the employee concerned.Satisfactory 7. 219 . In case of addition of a new function/ activity th HOD concerned shall disaggregate the function/ task into subtasks assign the subtask (parameter) to functionaries at various levels duly fixing targets time frame and appropriate weight ages Accordingly. 5. In case a parameter is not applicable in a given month . will be on the basis for evaluation of the employee. 3. the weight –ages of the existing parameters shall be revised in respect of each functionary. The Physical /Financial targets achieved / the number of cases disposed on the given time frame against the total number of cases pending in a month. will be evaluated for his performace in want parameters once in a month/ Year. The percentage of achievement / performance so arrived at will be graded as follows: % ofr Achievement >95 >90% >85% >80% <= 80% Grade A B C D E Description Out Standing Very Good Good Satisfactory Poor/ Un. on the basis of the cumulative weight-age over a period of one year (cumulative weight age divided by 12). 8. in respect of tangible parameters against a maximum of 70% will be added to the percentage of achievement in respect of intangible parameters against maximum of 30%. The average weight –age achieved / month of an employee will be arrived at.AANNEXURE-II METHODOLOGY FOR PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL 1. The time frame is set for performance of a given task keeping in view a mandatory nature of compliance as per the statue directive of APERC gets to be achieved and purchase manual. weight age fixed for that parameter will be assigned in proportion to the weight ages of the remaining parameters by controlling officer. in respect of a particular parameter/ task . 2. 4. The controlling officer shall accordingly reduce the weight-age of the existing parameter (Prior to transfer) in proportion to the weight age of the new parameter added. 9. Of foundations/ Structural Erections etc.) Financial (Capital Cost/Cash Grants ) Furnishing or Returns by 10th of every month Total 5 30 4 24 2 Rs. 220 .75 Cr 18.25/70 Average weight age achieved /Month = Cumulative weight age achieved / 12 or no.25 Achievement of weight-age Against Maximum of 70% = 50.75 3 2 15 1 7.5 50. 1.of Months = X% B) Intangible Paarameters (30%): Achievement of weight –age is respect of Intangible parameters to the maximum of 30 (to be evaluated once in year as per AARs) Total Weight –age achieved = Y% = X%+Y%=Z% Note : Total weight –age achieved shall be Graded as per grading pattern at item No of Methodology for evaluation.ILLUSTRATION –I A) Tangible Parameters (70%):- SlNo PARAMETER TARGET WEIGHT AGE(%) ACHIEVE MENT WEIGHTAGE EARNED (%) 1 Physical (No.00Cr 25 0. 00Cr 25-7=18 0.1. SlNo PARAMETER TARGET WEIGHT AGE% 30 ACHIEVE MENT -WEIGHTAGE EARNED (%) -- 1 Physical (No. of 5 foundations/ Structural Erections etc.) Financial (Capital Cost/ Cash Grants ) Furnishing or Returns by 10th of every month Rs.25 1 13.35/70 221 .8 Physical (No.5 Invitation of Tenders 4 Total Achievement of weight –age Against maximum of 70% 20 2 20 55.93/70 ILLUSTRATION –III In case a sub.00Cr 2 25+18.1) is not applicable in a given month the weight age fixed for that parameter will be assigned in proportion to the weight age of the remaining parameters.75=43.The weight age existing parameter or to transfer) shall accordingly be reduced in proportion to the weightage the new parameter added. PARAMETER TARGET WEIGHT AGE (%) 30-9=21 ACHIVE MENT 4 WEIGHTAGE EARNED (%) 16.75 Cr 13.93 Achievement of weight –age Against Maximum of 70% =45. -of foundations/ Structural Erections etc.81 3 Furnishing or Returns 2 by 10th of every month Total 15+11.05 2 15-4=11 1 5.12 45.task /parameter gets added to an employee by way of transfer of subjects the weight age assigned by HOD to that parameter gets transferred to the employee concerned.25=26.35 = 55.75 0.ILLUSTRATION –II In case one parameter (say Sl.) Financial (Capital Cost/ Cash Grants ) Rs. 1.75 Cr 32.No . ANNEXURE – I KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS FOR FA &CCAS AND DY CCAS IN R & A WING OF ACCOUNTS SERVICE TASK WEIGHT TARGET ACHIEVEMENT AGE (%) TIME FRAME FREQUENCY OR EVALUATION FA & CCA (R&A) Filing of IT returns and attending on behalf APTRansco if any BALA NCE SHEE T 10 As per due date fixed by IT department /Act Yearly Finalisation of annual Accounts for adoption by the Board Furnishing of accounts with statutory audit report to AGAP 10 By 10th July Yearly 10 Within 3 days from the date of receipt of audit report of statutory auditor Yearly Review of Accounts by Audit Committee Furnishing of data for filing of ARR and Plough back Dues Submission of Annual Plan to Planning Commission Management of Funds ACCOUNTS BALA NCE Obtaining Audit SHE Report from ET statutorty Auditor 10 By 5th Sept Yearly 10 As per due date Yearly 10 By November Yearly 10 By 9th of every month Monthly 10 By 15th of July Yearly Adoption of accounts by AGM 10 By 15th Sept Yearly 222 . of bills to be approved No. of Cases in which authorization is issued Within 3 days from the date of receipt of proposal from SAO Monthly MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT Approval of Medical Credit/ Reimbursement Bills (Rs. 25. 5.000/REVENUE Finalisation of centralized payments to B&R section for onward communication to DISCOMS through PPS 30 No.000/-to Rs.PENSIONS Issue of authorization with regard to final withdrwal in respect of retiring / deceased employees 20 No.of bills approved in time Within 3 days from the date of receipt Monthly 20 15th and 30th of every month Monthly 223 .of cases for which authorization is due No. No SUBJECT TASK WEIGHT AGE (%) TARGET ACHIEVEMENT TIMEFRAME 1 REVENUE Furnishing replies to LAQs/Assurances to Govt by obtaining required information form DISCOMs Pursuance with Govt.Of LAQs/ Assurances due to be replied No.Dept & Local Bodies 30 No.Dept/Secretariat Dept for release of funds under contralised payments for clearance of CC charges dues form Govt.Of Paras to be replied No.Of Paras replied in time As per due date 10 BUDGET 15 As per due date 20 By 15th of every month By 15th of every month 10 II I ACCOUNTS OFFICER Release of cash grants Re-appropration of cash grants BUDGET Scrutiny of data on employee cost administration and general expenses and repairs and maintenance 25 25 Daily Daily 20 As per due date 224 .Sl.Of LAQs /Assurances replied in time Within 3 days / as and when required 20 Amount due to be realized /released from Govt / Dept at the beginning of the month Amount released /realized as percentage of target at the end of the month As and when required B I 1 BUDGET SECTION SENIOR ACCOUNTS OFFICER Furnishing of information to APERC for filling of AAR Furnishing replies to Audit /PUC/PAC Furnishing of annual plan for submission to planning commission Furnishing data relating to financial position of APTransco Raising of Debit /Credit notes 15 No. III ASSISTANT ACCOUNTS OFFICER Preparation of annual plan/Revised estimates Financial Position of APTRansco 20 As per due date 20 Dy 15th of every mont 225 . Of LOAs to No of LOAs be Prepared prepared in time Within 3 days form the date of Monthly receipt of subsidy amount For every reapprepriation 10 Monthly 15 25 Daily By 15th of every month Monthly Monthly 226 .Of Paras replied in time As per due date Monthly 5 No. Yearly JUNIOR ACCOUNTS OFFICER-I BUDGET Maintenance of depreciation register /files Caluculation of depreciation on the assets of APTransco 10 Daily Monthly 20 By April of every lyear Yearly Furnishing of schedule 19 &20 20 By July every year Yearly Consolidation of Replies to Audit Paras Preparation of LOAs in respect of plough back dues payble to GOAP Reconciliation of cash grants relating to capital & revenue JUNIOR ACCOUNTS OFFICER –II Budget Maintenance of cash grant register /files Reconciliation of cash grants of capital & Revenue 5 No. WEIGHT TARGET ACHIEVEMENT TIME FRAME FREQUENCY OF EVALUATION BUDGET 20 By 5th of every month Monthly 15 As per due date set by APERC/Govt.Of paras to be replied No.SUBJECT TASK Position of Government loans outstanding to end of th e month and maintenance of debt servcing of GOAP Loan Journali Entries of debit servicing on Governement Loans for in corporation in Annual Accounts & information Furnished to APERC in respect of Govt Loans & Subsides etc. Consolidation of employee cost Data Maintenance of reappropriation register JUNIOR ACCOUNTS OFFICER –III BUDGET Consolidation of capital expenditure of AP Transco Preparation of credit/ debit notes on DISCOMS 20 As per due date Yearly 10 Daily Monthly 25 By 25th of every month Monthly 25 By 10th of every month Monthly 227 . CE/APL CE/DFID & other officer Furnishing of reports on capital expenditure of APTranscaon to CE/Plg.OF LOA/LOC for which authorization is to be issued No. CE/RE & CE/Opn B&R SECTION SENIOR ACCOUNTS OFFICER Preparation of cash flow projection statement Issue of authorization for release of LOA/ LOC 20 Daily Monthly 25 Daily Monthly 20 By 10th of every month Monthly 25 As per due date Monthly 15 Cash flow Statements to be prepared No.of LCs revised in time Within 7 days from the date of receipt 20 Daily 228 .No SUBJECT TASK WEIGHT AGE(%) TARGET ACHIEVEMENT TIMEFRAME FREQUENCY OF EVALUATION Maintenances of Registers on Loans Grants subsidies sanctioned by govt of AP UPPER DIVISION CLERK BUDGET Maintenance of PPRs register Collection of Data relating to capital expenditure of AP Transco from CE/400KV. OfLOA/ LOC for which authorization is issued Within 7 dyas Monthly 25 Daliy Revision of LC's for Power Purchase in respect of CGs and IPPs with the coordination of PPAs wing Providing of funds in the different banks for meeting LC & Debit service paymentson the due dates 10 No of LCs due for revision No.Sl. Of credit / debit notes With in 5 days issued to from the date DISCOMS in Time of receipt Monthly 229 .Of Credit/ debit notes due for issue to DISCOMs No.ACCOUNTS OFFICER Verfication of Accounts Raising of credit notes for the funds received from DISCOMS and the cheques received on their behalf at Head Quarters and debt notes for the funds released to DISCOMS 30 Daily Monthly 40 No. of statements due for conformation No.of applications verified in time Within 3 days from the date of receipt Monthly 20 Requisition filed in time By 27th of every month Monthly 15 By 25th of every month Monthly 10 By 10th of every month Monthly 10 As per due date Quarterly 40 No.Of statements conformed in time Within 1 week from the date of receipt Within 1 week from the date of receipt of information Monthly Furnishing of confirmation of statement of the receipts 30 Monthly 230 .Of forms to be verified No.of applications due for verifications No.Of forms verified in time No.SUBJECT TASK WEIGHT AGE (%) TARGET ACHIEVEMENT TIME FRAME FREQUENCY OF EVALUATION JUNIOR ACCOUNTS OFFICER I (CASH) Maintenance of B & R cash book 20 Trail Balance furnished in time Daily Monthly Furnishing of Trial Balance Accounting for Cheques /DDS received JUNIOR ACCOUNTS OFFICER-II Verification of LOC APplications Filing of requisition for release of pensionary benefits from Trust Verification of accounts of trust funds with reference to Trial Balance furnished by unit officers Furnishing of information to Banks (SO data) Furnishing financial follow up returns UPPER DIVISIONAL CLERK Verfication of form 7 15 By 5th of every month Monthly 35 Daily Monthly 15 No. of bills for No.000/- 10 No. PAY OFFICER Sanction of pay fixations & issue of pay slips Santionof increments 5 Within 3 days from the date of receipt No.of increaments sanctioned in time Monthly 10 As per due date Monthly Rectification of Pay anomalien 10 No.of anomalues to anomalies be rectified rectified in time Within 30 days from the date of receipt Monthly Isssuance of cheques for bill passed for Head Quarters payments above Rs. PAY OFFICE 1. 50.of pay No.of increments to be sanctioned time No.D.of bills for which cheques which cheques are to be are issued issued Daily Monthly 231 . Of bills scrlutinised in time Within 5 days form the date of receipt.OF Bank No.Sl.Of returns guarantees in time are to be returned No. gurantees/EMD& EMD &SD are SD to be refund processed in time No. EMD &SD Issue of PRs for DDs &Cash receipts 5 Daily 232 .of bills to be scrutinised No.Of bills passed Daily INCOME TAX 5 As per due date No of Bank No.Of PRS issued in time By 10thof every month.Of B G .Of bills to be passed No.No SUBJECT TASK WEIGHT AGE (%) TARGET ACHIEVEMENT TIMEFRAME Pasting of bills Passing of bills above 30 thousand (contract/ maintenance/ consultancy. Bank Guarantees 5 Pension 15 By 25th of every month Trial Balance Authorisation of Trial Balance cash & Adjustment 5 By 5th h of every month JUNIOR ACCOUNTS OFFICER Scrutiny of cash book &imprest Registers closing of temporary & imprest advance Verification of DDs & cash with reference to the remittonce in th Banks Remittence of recoveries form pay bills issue of TDA certicate 20 Daily 10 Daily 10 No. Within 3 days from the date of receipt of proposal Processing of Refund of Bank 10 Gurantee.Of PRS due for issue No. legal contingents) Fillup of Income tax annual accounts & Attending of Audit Receipts & returning of bank guarantees Secrutiny &Passing of pension bills 5 No. Verification of cash trial Balance & Adjustment Balancce Filing IT returns & Finalisation of annual Accounts 10 By 5th/15th of every month.Of Pension bills to be prepared No. 5 No.Of Pension Bill to be prepared verfificantion in time By 24th of every monthly 30 233 .OF IT returns No of IT Returns ot be filled field in time With in 2 days prior to due date JUNIOR ACCOUNTS OFFICER (Pensions-II) Verfication of pension Bills No. Of LOCs applied in time Monthly 5 No.Of application received for LTC eligibililty No..II Furnishing of LER 10 No.of commutation & Gratuity bills to be verified No.Of LERS furnished in time No.OF LERs are to be furnished No.Of LOCs to be applied No.Of increments released in time Within 5 days from the date of receipt Monthly Release of increments 10 No.Of medical bills in which recoveries are to be effeted No of life certificates to be received No. of increments due for release 2 days before the due date Monthly 234 .Of LPCs issued in time Within 5 days from the date of receipt Within 5 days form the date of receipt Monthly Issue of LPC 10 Monthly Furnishing of LTC eligibility report 10 No.of bills verified in time Within 3 days from the date of receipt Monthly Scrutiny and verification of DA arrears Appliying LOCs to Pension Payment furnishing of Pension pariculars Forwarding of Medical Bills and effecting recoveries Review of Life Certificate 10 Within 3 days from the date of receipt Within 3 days from the date of receipt Monthly 10 No.Of applications furnished with LTC eligibility report No.SUBJECT TASK WEIGHT AGE (%) TARGET ACHIEVEMENT TIME FRAME FREQUENCY OF EVALUATION VERIFICATION OF COMMUTATION & Gratutity Bills 15 No.OF bills formatded in time Within 3 days from the date of recipt Monthly 5 By 24 of every month Yearly JUNIOR ACCOUNTS OFFICER (GAZITED) I.OF LPCs to be issued No. of pay fixations done Within 3 days Monthly 10 Within 7 days Monthly Rectification of pay anomallies attended 10 No.of LERS processed in time No.of No.III &IV Making entries in the SR 10 No.of LPCs processed in time Daily With in 3 days from the date of receipt Within 2 days from the date of receipt Monthly Processing for LER 10 Monthly Processing of LPC 10 Monthly 235 . Charges to be authorised No.of pay fixations due No.of LPCs to be processed No of entries made in the SR No.of addl.of LER to be processed No.Authorisation to additional charge allowance Pay fixations 10 No.of authorizations issued No.of anomalies to be anomalies attended attended With in 25 days Monthly V.II.of entries to be made in the SR No. UPPER DIVISION CLERK (AUDITORS) I. Sl.No SUBJECT TASK WEIGHT AGE (%) TARGET ACHIEVEMENT TIMEFRAME Processing for LTC eligibility report 10 No.of Reports processed in time Within 3 days from the date of receipt 1 Service Matters Processing for release of increments Processing of payanomalis 10 No.of retired employees whose serice particulars to be furnished VI UPPER DIVISION CLERK-I Maintenance/ 25 Poshing of cash book Preparation of cash trial balance & adjustment of 25 Trial Balance maintenance of outstanding temporary advance &Permenant imprest registers Verification of all remittance with reference to trial balance Attending Audit of IA &AG Audit Preparing & Maintenance of General Ledger Daily By 5th /15th of every month 5 Daily 5 By 3rd of every month As per due date 5 5 Daily 236 .of service particulars furnished in time 3 days before the due date Within 20 days from the date of receipt of application Within 3 days from the date of receipty of applications 10 Furnishing of service particulars of retiring officers 10 No.of pay anomalies to be processed No.of pay anomalies processed in time No.of increments to released No.of LTC eligibility Reports are to be processed No.of increments processed for released in time No. Of bills to be passed No. of Bills due for passing No.No SUBJECT TASK 30 No.Of EMDs & SDs refunded in time Within 3 days from the date of receipt Refund of EMDs &SDs 30 No.VII UPPER DIVISION CLERK –II Maintenance of Bank Gurantee Register Processing of the Release of Bank Guarantees 20 Daily 20 No. of LPCs passed in time No.Of pension Payments to be prepared No.Of EMDs & SDs to be refunded Within 5 days from the date of receipt VIII UPPER DIVISION CLERK-III Preparation of pensions bills Sl. of NDC to be issued No.Of pension payments paid in time ACHIEVEMENT By 25th of every month. TIMEFRAME WEIGHT TARGET AGE (%) Maintenance of Cheque issue Register 10 Daily Preparation of Bank reconciliation of 20 Drawing Account E AO/CPR ACCOUNTS OFFICER Passing of Pay Bills 20 No. of LPC to be issued No.Of Bank Guarantees to be released No. of Bills passed in time No.Of Bank Guarantees processed in time No. of NDCs passed in time 237 . of Bills passed in time Daily By 25th of every month Within 10 days from the date of receipt of claim / santion Within 7 days from the date of receipt Within 7 days from the date of receipt of Joining Reports/ CTC / Sanction Passing of all kinds of bills 20 Issue of LPC 5 Issue of NDC No. of increments to be released As per due date Pay fixations 3 No. of pay bills to be scrutinised No. of IT returns field in time As per due date Raising of LOC 5 No. of Pay fixations given in time No. of LOCs 2 days prior to scrutinised in the due date time No. of bills scrutinised in time By 24th of every month Scrutiny of all bills 60 Within 7 days from the date of receipt of claim / sanction By April end/ as per due date Issue of from 16 5 No. of increments released as per due date No. of IT returns to be filed No. of Pay fixations due Within 10 days from the date of receipt Within 30 Days Daily Rectofocatopm of Pay anomalies 2 No.Filling of IT returns 5 No. of No. of forms to be issued No. of Pay anamalies By 10th. of LOCs to be scrutinised No. of bills to be scrutinised No. of increments scrunised in time 2 days before due date increments to be scrutinised 238 . of LOC to be raised No. 20th & 30th of every month Release of increments 5 No. of LOCs raised as per schedule No. of Pay anomalies to Verification of cash book PERSONNEL OFFICER / JUNIOR ACCOUNTS OFFICER 5 Scrutiny of Pay Bills 40 No. of forms issued in time Scrutiny of LOC 10 Scrutiny of increment of JAO's 5 No. through challana & sent to treasury Issuing of TDA certificates to the contractors for the income tax recovered from the Bills like Hire Vehicle. of Bills to be paid No. of Certificates issued in time Within 3 days from the date of payment Monthly 239 . of LOCs due for preparation No. employees working in AP Transco. of LOCs prepared in time Within 3 days Yearly 5 Daily Monthly 35 By 10th of every month Monthly 15 By 10th of every month Monthly 10 No. of Certificates due to be issued No. Computer & Contractor Payments. of Bills paid in time By 20th of every month Monthly 10 Half Yearly Yearly Preparation of Applying LOCs to 10 pension payment furnishing of pension particulars Preparation of Medical Bills UPPER DIVISION CLEK . Hospital Bills.SUBJECT TASK WEIGHT AGE (%) TARGET ACHIEVEMENT TIME FRAME FREQUENCY OF EVALUATION Preparation of gratuity and commutation bills of retired employees Maintenance of Pension Ledger & payment of DA Arrears 15 No. Printing & Stationary Bills No.IV Preparing bill for remittance of all recoveries made in pay bill of employees Remittance of recoveries made in pay bills pertaining to govt. SDS and for all the cash receipts XI. of PRs be written written in time Daily Monthly 40 Daily Monthly 240 . UPPER DIVISION CLERK .VI Maintenance of cash book (Drawing Accounts) 10 As per due date Monthly 30 Daily Monthly 40 No. UPPER DIVISION CLERK .Preparing the schedules of longterm & shorterm loans to the Trial Balance X.V Maintenance of receipt of cash book Writing of PRs of all DDs dispatching of all the PRs written for EMD. of PRs to No. UPPER DIVISION CLERK Preparation of Pay Bills 5 Monthly 40/50 No.Of IT By the end assessments of March scrutinized in time Yearly 241 .Of Bills to be prepared No.Of IT assessments to be scrutinized No.Of Bills prepared in time By 23rd of every Month Monthly Preparation of Bills 70/50 Within 5 days from the date of receipt of claim /Sanction As per scheduled dates (10th.of No.Of LOCs prepared in time Monthly Scrutiny of IT assessments 5 No.SUBJECT TASK WEIGHT AGE (%) TARGET ACHIEVEMENT TIME FRAME FREQUENCY OF EVALUATION Scrutiny of pay fixations 5 No.of LPCs & Within 5 days NDCs from the date scrutinized of receipt of in time joing report/CTC By 8th of every month Monthly Scruitny of EPF remittence III.Of LOCs to be prepared No.of pay fixation to be scrutinsied No of Pay fixations scrutinized in time Within 7 days Monthly Sccurtiny of pay enomolies 5 No.of LPCs & NDCs to be scrutinized No.of pay bills to be prepared No.of With in 25days Payanomalies Payanomalies from the date to be scrutinized scruitinised of receipt in time Daily Monthly Verfication of cash book Scrutiny of LPCs &NDC 10 Monthly 10 No. 20th and 30th) Monthly Preparation of LOC 20 No. of Increments to be processed No.Processing of NDC/ LDC 10/15 No Of NDCs/ LPCs to be processed No.Of Pay Fixations to be processed Within 5 days Monthly Pay anomalies 5 No.of Audit objections / Comments replied 5th July each year ARR DATA Furinshing of information for ARR compilation 10 As perdue date fixed by competent authority 242 . BALANCE SHEET SECTION SENIOR ACCOUNTS OFFICER Replies to the provisional audit comments from ACAP Sl.Of Pay anomalies to be Processed Withion 20 days from the date of receipt of proposal By 10th of every month Daily Monthly Remittence of EPF Maintancance of cash book 10 Monthly 70 Monthly F.Of increments processed in time No.Of Audit objections/ Comments received WEIGHT AGE (%) No.Of pay fixations processed in time No.Of Pay anomalies processed in time Monthly Pay fixations 5 No.of Audit objections/ Comments received No.Of NDCs / LPCs processed in time Within 3 days from the date of receipt of proposal /CTC/ Joining Report 5 days before due date Yearly Processing of JAOs increments 5 No. every year Yearly ACHIEVEMENT TIMEFRAME 2 STATUTORY AUDIT Audit replies to statutory audit observation 20 No.No SUBJECT TASK 20 No.Of Audit objections/ Commernts replied TARGET 25th Aug. of units whose STBs are to be verified By 25th May of every year 3. ANNUAL ACCOUNTS Compilation of data relating to accounts Verification & Proof checking and arranging printing of annual accounts 2. ACCOUNTS OFFICER INCOME TAX Preparation & filing of IT returns of APTransco Filing of clarification / affidevite in IT department 20 As per due date 10 No. of every year 20 30th May of every year 10 By 30th Sept. TRIAL BALANCE Vertification of supplemental trail Balance of all units of AP Transco (at present 42 units) 20 No.. ANNUAL ACCOUNTS Compilation of corporate Anuual. CWIP DETAILS Verification of CWIP details &Transfer 10 of CWIP to fixed assest By 30th June of every year 243 . PROPERTY REGISTER Maintenance of property register of the company By 25th of Sept.of certificates to be issed No of certificates issued in time With in 10 days from the date of receipt II 1. of every year 3..of affidavits/ Clafifications filed as per due date No.of units whose STBs are verified as per due date As per due date 2.3 NDCs Issue of No due certificate to retired / deceased employees 20 No.Of affidavits / Clarifications to be filed No. Accounts (Provisional) III JUNIOR ACCOUNTS OFFICER I 20 By 5th of June of every year 1. IUT No.Of IUT clarifications sought /Issued 35 Monthly SUBJECT TASK WEIGHT AGE(%) TARGET FREQUENCY OF EVALUATION DIVISIONAL CLERK Scrutiny of NDC in respect of retired / deceased 35 No.of No of certificates Certificates to processed be processed in time Within 10 days from the date of receipt Monthly Maintenance of Broad sheets in respect of Long Term Loans & Advances SECTION FOR ACCOUNTS OFFICER Documentation.Of units for which reconciliation is due No.of Projects No.Of clarifications issued TIME FRAME By 15th of every month 1. of periodicals returns to be furnished No.of Projects to be apprised apprised in time Within 2 days of receipt of proposal Monthly Execution of agreements with trustee/ register/ listing agency /Govt of AP 15 No. of periodicals returns furnished as per due date As per due date IV JUNIOR ACCOUNTS OFFICER II Reconciliation of IUT Balances 35 No.Of units for which reconciliatic in done as per due date No.Of clarifications received ACHIEVEMENT No.of agreements executed In a month Monthly 244 .of projects for which agreements are to be executed No.4 PERIODICAL RETURNS Preparation & Furnishing of periodical returns to planning wing/ other institutions 10 No. project appraisal 35 By 15th of every month Monthly 25 No. No.of allottee to under the issue whom bonds were alloted Within 5 days from the date of closure / allotment As per due date As and when arisen.of loans due for swapping Within 7days from the date of approval As and when arises Finalization of offer document 5 Within 15 days from the date of approval by FA&CCAl As and when arises 245 .1G) Issue of clarifications on loans ACCOUNTS OFFICER Appraisal of the project 5 At the time of ARR filing 5 No.of Bonds redemption No of bonds redeemed Within 5 due for days from the date of receipt of proposal As per due date As and when arises Furnishing of returns of APERC (Form 1.of clarfifications received No.of projects apprised in time Within 5 days of receipt of proposal Within 5 days from the date of receipt of proposal Monthly Approval of terms and conditions by Board Swapping of laons 15 As and when required 10 No.of Projects due for appraisal No.of bonds due for service 10 Monthly / Quaterly / Half yearly/ annually Redemption of Bonds 5 No.of clarifications issued Within 3 days from the date of receipt Monthly 10 No.Allotment of Bonds Issue of Bonds certificates Serving of Bonds and issue of TDs certificates 5 No.of allottees No. OF reports due No.a) obtaining approval of Govt of AP Within 5 days of receipt from the date of approval by board As and when arises b) Issue of notification 10 Within 5 days from the date of approval of Govt As and when arises SUBJECT TASK WEIGHT TARGET AGE (%) ACHIEVEMENT TIME FRAME FREQUENCY OF EVALUATION C) SEBI reports No.Of Govt.of schems/ No.I.Of reports Within 2 days furnished in time Quartly AAR FILING Furnishing of information for approval of investment plan Furnishing of returns to APERC (Form I.of schemes Within 7 days bonds due Bonds Scrutinised from the date for scrutiny in time of receipt As and when arises ASSISTANT ACCOUNTS OFFICER Security Govt. Guarantee RFC/PFC LONG & SHORT TERM LOANS 10 No. guarantees scrutinised in time Within 2 days from the date of receipt As and when required Filing of charge with ROC 10 Within 3 days from the date of sanction of loan As and when required 246 .Of Govt.G) MISCELLANEOUS Serutinization of scheme /bonds 10 10 days As and when arises 3 days 5 At the time of ARR filling 5 No. guarantees due for scrutiniy No. Of clarifications to be issued No.OF LOAs raised in time Within 2 days from the date of receipt Daily Raising of adjustment LOA for direct debits Arranging cheque payment to the lessoer Closure of lease agreements intimation to the lessor execution of agreement releasing the equipments from lease payment of Residual value 5 No.Of LOAs / claims scrutinized in time No. Releases under APDRP 10 apportionment among DISCOMS 2 days Monthly Furnishing of information/ 10 Clarification on PFC loans/Claims ASSISTANT ACCOUNTS OFFICER No.Scrutiny of LOA & raising of claims 10 No.Of cheques paid in time Monthly 10 LEASE FINANCE No.Of claims due for payment No.Of clarification issued in time Within 2 days from the date of receipt Daily Pursuance with field units regarding 10 BRS As per duedate Monthly Review of BRS field units 15 As per due date Monthly 247 .Of LOAs due Within 2 days form the date of receipt of Proposal /Claim Within 2 days from the date of rceipt Monthly 5 No.Of agreements due for closure/ execution / payment of dues Within 5 days form the date of closure After closure of Lease Agreement as and when lessor present the documents Govt.Of LOAs/ claims due to scrutiny No. SUBJECT TASK WEIGHT AGE (%) TARGET ACHIEVEMENT TIME FRAME FREQUENCY OF EVALUATION BANK RECONCILIATION Reconcillation of form 10A with Bank LHOs Pursuance with field units /Banks for TT/MT /DD particulars 15 As per due date Monthly As per due date 10 Monthly Pursuance with the Bank Head Office for confirmation 20 of credits JUNIOR ACCOUNTS OFFICER Maintenance of ledger of loans As per due date Monthly 10 1 day Daily Verification of Daily REC LONG & SHORT TERM LOANS demand & Arranging of payment 15 1 day Reconcillation of accounts 10 As per due date Monthly Report on receipts & Disbursement Segregation of receipts & arranging payment to DISCOMS Raising of debit and credit notes against DISCOMS 10 As per due date Monthly 10 1 day Daily 5 As per due date Monthly 248 . of returns No.of.of returns to be furnished furnished in time As per due date Monthly 5 10 No.of investors to whom to whom payment payment is due is arranged in time 2 days As and when arises Arranging of payments of 10 interest on application money Reconcillation Maintanance of ledger 10 5 As per due date As ans when arises 2 days 1 day Monthly Monthly LEASE FINANCE Raiaing of debit note to GENCO/DISCOMS 10 2 days Monthly Sl. Loans due As per due date Daily 2 days 10 BONDS As and when arises Intimation to investors 5 No.of returns/ No.of returns Perio dicals periodicals to be furnished furnished in time As per due date Monthly JUNIOR ACCOUNTS OFFICER-II Monthly return of loans REC-LON &SHORT TERM LOANS Arranging payment of interest and principle Reconcillation of funds received and allotted No.of investors No.No SUBJECT TASK WEIGHT AGE (%) TARGET ACHIEVEMENT TIMEFRAME FREQUENCY OF EVALUATION 2 Cloure of Agreement 5 As per due date Monthly 249 .Submitting of returns to Govt on LOANs/ Guarantees 10 No. of loans due for payment As per due date Daily 5 2 days Monthly 10 No.Of PPO/ GPO/ Commutation values to be issued No.of bills scrutinized of receipt Within 7 days from the date Monthly Pension Verfication of pension /grantuity and commutation proposals Issue of PPO/ GPO/Commutation value authorization 40 No.of claims to be filed filed in time As per due date Monthly 10 2 days Monthly 5 2 days Daily 10 No.of claims No.Of PPO/GPO Commutatin values authorized in time Within 9 days form the date of receipt With in 7 days from the date of receipt Monthly 20 Monthly 250 . of proposals verified in time No. 5000/- 10 1 day Monthly 10 No.JUNIOR ACCOUNTS OFRFICER – III Maintenance of ledger of loans Verfication of demand & arranging of payment 10 1 day Daily 10 No.of bills to be scrutinized in time No.of proposals to be verified No.of loans where payment is due As per due date Monthly Reconcilation of Accounts PFC-LONG & Preferring claims SHORT TERM to PFC LOANS Report on receipts & Disbursement Segregation of loan re-payments among DISCOMs Arranging payment of interest and principle Raising of debit notes against DISCOMS SAO/F&P SECTION I SENIOR ACCOUNTS OFFICER Establishment Scrutiny of Medical bills up to Rs. Of GPF schedules to be processed No.II ASSISTANT ACCOUNTS OFFICER Arranging feeding of GRPF schedules No.of PPO/ GPO scrutinized in time No.of PPO/ GPOs to be scrutinized No of bills to be scrutinised No.Of withdrawals finalized intime Monthly By month end 40 GPF Verification & Finanlisation of GPF claims of 30 Within 7 days from the date of receipt Monthly final settlements SUBJECT TASK WEIGHT AGE (%) be finalized TARGET ACHIEVEMENT TIME FRAME FREQUENCY OF EVALUATION III JUNIOR ACCOUNTS OFFICER Verification of GPF 30 ledgers preparation & issue of GPFships Processing of GPF final with drawais No.Of GPF schedules reported in time No. of sanctions verified Monthly 251 .of Proposals Within 6 days scrutinized in time form the date of receipt Monthly GPF Pratfinal withdrawals 20 No.Of final withdrawals of GPF are to No.of withdrawals to be processed By july of every year Yearly 20 No.of withdrawals Within 6 days processed in time from the date of receipt No.of Bills scrutinized to time No.of pension proposals to be scrutinized Monthly 30 No.of withdrawals to be processed Monthly Scrutiny of pension Gratuity and commutation proposals PEN Scrutiny of PPO/ SION GPO 40 No.of withdrawals Within 2 days processed in time from the date of receipt No.of sanctions verified in time With in 5 days from the date of receipt Within 3 days from the date of receipt Within 2 days from the date of receipt Monthly Scrutiny of Medical Credit/Reim bursement Bills Processing of GPF sanction of A/C staff 40 Monthly 30 No of GPF No. of proposals to be processed No.of PPos GPOs With in 3 days to be prepared from the date Monthly in time of receipt PERSONNEL OFFICER Maintenance of incumbency register 10 Monthly ESTA Verification of GPF BLISH sanction MENT 30 No.Of GPF Sanctions to be verfied No.of paras disposed in time Within 5 weeks of receipt of proposal or as per due date fixed by the AG which ever is earlier Mothly 252 .of paras to be replied No.of sanctions verified in time Within 2 days from the date of receipt Monthly Scrutiny of Medical bills/ Reimbursements 30 No.of proposals processed in time Within 4 days from the date of receipt Monthly 30 No.of Bills/ Within 3 days Reimbursements from the date Monthly scrutinised in time of receipt KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS FOR FA & CCAs AND DY CCAS IN A& E WING OF ACCOUNTS SERVICE FA & CCA (A&E) Furnishing replies to draft paras/draft reviews 5 No.UPPER DIVISION CLERK Processing of pension Gratunity and commutation proposals Preperation of PPO/GPO 40 No.of Bills/ Reimbursements to be scrutinised No.of PPos GPOs to be prepared No. of special audit reports followed up 15 Within 6 weeks of receipt or as per due date fixed by the AG Monthly 253 . Stores Final assessment Orders to applient authorities Replies to sales Tax Department 5 Yearly 6 As per due date fixed by the Act/ Rules No. Trial Balance Pay & accounts Admission of LOA above one crore 8 Monthly Monthly 10 Approval of power purchase payment 4 PowerPurchase &Sales Approval of sales Bills 10 10 No.Sl.of replies given as per due date As per due date fixed by the Act/Rules By 25th of every month No.of replies due No.of Audit paras No.of Special audit reports No.of Audit paras dropped As and when required Quarterly Dropping of Audit Para 5 Monthly Review of pending audit objections 2.of Sales bills No.of LOAs due No.No SUBJECT TASK WEIGHT AGE (%) 5 TARGET ACHIEVEMENT TIMEFRAME FREQUENCY OF EVALUATION Monthly 1.Of sales bills due for approval approved in time With in 1 day from the date of receipt With in 1 day from the date of receipt Monthly DYCCA (AUDIT) Followiup action on audit objections 20 Within 7 days from the date of receipt of report With in 7 days from the date of receipt of report Monthly AUDIT Followup action on special Audit Reports on allegations and compliance against staff and officers Follow up on factual notes to AG Monthly 5 No.Of LOAs for admission admitted in time Within 3 days from the date of receipt Monthly 6 Monthly Finalisation of 3. AUDIT Furnishing action taken report to IAC/IUC Wihtin 90 days from the date of receipt No. of BST bills scrutinised in scruitiny By 10th of every month time Monthly 20 10 No.. of claims for refund No. of stores inspected in time No. of reports valuated in time Within 15 days from the date of receipt of report Within 10 days from the date of proposal Within 10 days from the date of receipt Within 10 days from the date of receipt Monthly Monthly 10 Monthly 10 Monthly 254 . of reports due for valuation No. of purchase & sales bills due for verification No. of purchase & sales bills verified in time By 5th of every month Yearly Verification of Power Purchase & Sales Bills 20 Monthly Scrutiniy of BST bills on Discoms. of claims refunded in time No.of LOAs to No of LOAs be admitted admitted in time With in 3 days from the date of receipt As per due Dates : fixed TARGET ACHIEVEMENT TIME FRAME Monthly 1 PAY& ACCOUNTS 40 15 FREQUENCY OF EVALUATION DYCCA (PP&s) Review of sufficiency of funds for all LC payments Furnishing of information for ARR filing 15 Same day Monthly POWER PURCHASE 15 One month prior to due date fixed by APERC No. of NDCs issued in time No. SIDEL SUBJECT TASK WEIGHT AGE(%) 15 By 20th of every month No. STORES SECTION I SENIOR ACCOUNTS OFFICER Issue of review report on srores verification Issue of No due certificate for retiring employees Authorisation for refund of penalities Valuation of Assets to be written off 20 No. of stores inspected No.STORES Followup action on Quantity reconciliation certicate 30 With in 3 days from the date of receipt of certificate Monthly DYCCA (EXPENDITURE) Verification of Field cash adjustment Trial Balance Admission LOA above 10 lakhs and upto 1 crore Finalisation of payments to IDBI. of NDCs due for issue No. of BST bills due for No. SEBs & CTC etc. No SUBJECT TASK 10 Within 5 days from the date of receipt Monthly 10 As per due date Monthly 10 No.of NDCs to be prepared No. of tenders due for analisis No. of stores for which reveiw is to be conducted Within 10 days from the date of receipt No.. of stores to be verified Number verified as per due date As per due date Yearly 70 No.. TENDER ANALYSIS ANALYSIS Furnishing of stock verification report of all TLC & 400 Kv units Scrutiny of tenders for arithmetical accurancy & terms and conditions 20 No. of teners analised in time Within 15 days from the date of receipt Monthly 70 No.of Estimates scrutinized in time Within 7 days from the date of receipt 10 Monthly Scrutiny of the estimates and with reference to administration approval & Technical sanctions Monthly 70 255 . of tenders due arthametical accurancy Numbers scrutinised as per time frame Within 15 days from the date of receipt Monthly III JUNIOR ACCOUNTS OFFICER / ESTIMATES Preparation of review report on stock verification 10 No. of stores reviewed in time Monthly Consolidation of monthly return on excess & shortages Furnishing of information to sales tax. courts etc. of NDCs prepared in time Within 7 days Within 5 days from the date of receipt Monthly Monthly 10 WEIGHT AGE (%) 10 TARGET ACHIEVEMENT TIMEFRAME FREQUENCYOF EVALUATION Monthly Furnishing of A2 &CST returns Receipts &Issue of “C” “G” and way bill forms By 20th of every month Within 7 days from the date of receipt of indent No.Review of tenders accurancy & terms and conditions II ACCOUNTS OFFICER / Spl. Preparation of no due certificates Consolidation of stock reconciliation statement Sl.of estimates to be scrutinised No. of LACs to be replied No.of replies as per due date As per due date Monthly 15 10/15 As per due date Monthly 15/10 Daily Monthly 256 . II. Finaclisation of HQa/ Centralised Payments /’ Adjustment and communication through B&R and PP&S to DISCOMS Obtaining of required replies to Audit paras from DISCOMS for submission to Audit wing obtaining of required information regared information regarding 70 No. REVENUE SECTION SENIOR ACCOUNTS OFFICER Scrutiny of centrailised payments & adjustments with Genco & Discoms Obtaining of Revenue data /information/ Returns as and when required and submission to management and furnishing of replies to LAQs / Assurance s to Govt.of tenders due for analysis No.by obtaining required information from Discoms Collection of information regarding AG/C&AG audit paras relating to revenue short fall & furnishing the same to Audit wing Finalisation of LT & HT collection reports centralised payments adjustment & communication through B&R and PP's No. ACCOUNTS OFFICER Preparation of replies to LAQS/Assurance to Govt.Review of tenders accurancy &Terms and conditions C I.of tenders analised in time Within 15 days from the date of receipt Monthly 20 By 15th &30 th of every month No.OF LAQs/ Assurances to be replied/furnished No of LAQs/ Assurance is furnished in time Monthly Monthly As and when required 20 15 15th of every month Monthly 15 As and when required Monthly court cases etc. Depts. DCB and all other returns/reports as and when required Compliation of District wise / IIOD wise arrears position of Govt. FPR. / Depts. / local bodies Consolidation of MIS reports as required by Management and Head Quarters collections/ centralised payments and communication to DISCOMs.Scrutiny of CC charges report FPR & DCB of Discoms SUBJECT TASK 30 By 20th of every month TARGET ACHIEVEMENT TIME FRAME Monthly WEIGHT AGE (%) FREQUENCY OF EVALUATION Obtaining of data/ information / from DISCOMs relating to arrears due from Govt. of LOAs to be admitted No.. / Municipalities / minor/major Panchayats for collection of arrears under Centralized payments III 30 As per due date Monthly JUNIOR ACCOUNTS OFFICER Consolidation of CC charges report. Compliation of HT & LT daily collections reports of four Discoms PAY & ACCOUNTS SECTION 20 20th of every month Monthly/ Quarterly 20 By 7th of every month Monthly 15 15th & 30th of every month Monthly 15 Daily Monthly 1 SENIOR ACCOUNTS OFFICER Admission of LOA upto 10 lakhs 40 No.. of LOAs admitted in time within 5 days from the date of report Monthly 257 . of claims scrutinised in time Same day Monthly ACCOUNTS OFFICER Preparation of trial balance Preparation of Bank Reconsiliation Statement Maintenance of centralised cash book of Headquarters Carrying out the corrections in the cash book 40 By 15th of every month By month end Monthly 30 Monthly Daily Monthly Daily Monthly 258 . of bundies for acceptance No. of hundies accepted Daily Monthly Acceptance of Hundi LOA payments Authorisation of Cash book Admission of LOA for payment of loans to IDBI etc Scrutiny of JBIC claims Daily Monthly 10 Daily Monthly As per due date Monthly No. of claims to be scrutinised No. of cheques to be issued No. of cheques issued in time No.Issuance of cheques 20 No. &IV) Maintenance of register for purchase orders Scrutiny oif LOAs related to POs of CE/400 KV L&SS Preparation of check slip of LOA 20 No.OF LOAs to be scruitnised No ofLOAS Withi 3 days verified in time form the date of receipt No.II.of LOAs for which check slips are to be prepared 40 No of LOAs Within 3 days for which check from the date slips prepared of receipt in time Monthly Maintenance of JBIC claim register Processiong of JBIC claims Reconclisation of LOAS raised & paid with each unit Monthly 20 No.Sl.of claims to be processed Daily Number Same day processed daily Quarterly Monthly 20 50 Quarterly 259 .No SUBJECT TASK WEIGHT AGE(%) TARGET ACHIEVEMENT TIMEFRAME FREQUENCY OF EVALUATION III ASSISANT ACCOUNTS OFFICER (TB/FE/P&A) Consolidation of cash trial balance Consolidation of Adjustment Trial Balance Verfication of IOA 35 35 By 5th of every month By 15th of every month No. of Audit paras to be attended As per due date No.Scrutinised As per due date in time Monthly Monthly 40 Monthly Scrutiny of LOAs for payment of loans to IDBL Furnishing outstanding liabilities regarding LOA to SAO (Balance sheet) Arranging of EFT funds to Banks Attending to Audit paras interest claims &Court cases 20 Monthly 10 By April Yearly 30 40 No.of LOAs scrutinized in time Daily Within 3 days from the date of receipt Monthly Monthly 70 No.III.Of LOAs to be verified No. of Audit As perdue date paras attended in time Monthly Monthly IV JUNIOR ACCOUNTS OFFICERS (I.of LOAS to be scrutinized No. Furnising of form 15 to field units Furnising of repayments Schedule Raising of LOAs for payment of loans to IDBI Bank Release of hundies LOAs 30 By 15th of every month By 25th of every month Monthly Monthly 40 No. of LOAs to be raised No.I & II Date entry of LOAs under table I. of LOAs raised in time As per due date Monthly 10 No. of hundies for which LOAs are to be released Daily Monthly V UPPER DIVISION CLERK .10A to the section concerned Consolidation of trail balance (cash and adjustment s and LOA TBs) and sending to field units 10 Daily Monthly 20 Daily Monthly 40 Daily Monthly 10 As and when received in the field Monthly 20 Monthly Quarterly 260 . II & V 20 TARGET ACHIEVEMENT Daily TIME FRAME Monthly FREQUENCY OF EVALUATION Monthly SUBJECT TASK WEIGHT AGE (%) 20 Verificationof Table I check list Daily Recording of CB vouchers on the invoices after Table-V Release of Bank Advices Receipt and data entry of all trail balances (cash & adjustment) Submission of form 7 GPF schedules form 10. VI LOWER GRADE CLERCK Maintenance of LOA in ward register Maintenance of LOA ledger unit wise 35 Daily Monthly 35 Daily Monthly POWER PURCHASE & SALES SECTION I SENIOR ACCOUNTS OFFICER Issue of LOA and ensuring payment for P.of LOAs to be processed No.of bills scrutinised scrutinised in time Monthly III JUNIOR ACCOUNTS OFFICER / UPPER DIVISION CLERK (CGS)/IPPS/SBBS Preparation of LOA 15 No.P. Bills on due date II 70 No.of LOAs for which payments are ensured Within 1 day from the date of approval for payment Monthly ACCOUNTS OFFICER/ ASSISTANT ACCOUNTS OFFICER Scrutiny of PP bills 70 No.of LOAs to be reconciled Within 3 days form the date of receipt Monthly 261 .of bills to be No.of LOAs processed in time No.of LC applications to be processed Monthly Reconciloiation of LOAs with form 15 15 No.of PP scrutinized in time Within 5 days from the date of receipt Within 3 days prior to the due date Monthly Scrunity of sales Bills 70 No.of LC applications processed in time Within 5 days from the date of receipt Within 3 days form the date of receipt Monthly Processing of LC applications made by generators 40 No.of PP to be scrutinised No. INTERNAL AUDIT WING I SENIOR ACCOUNTS OFFICER Scrutiny of replies to explanatory note C & AG report Sl.of replies scrutinized in time Within 90 days form the date of receipt TIMEFRAME Yearly WEIGHT AGE (%) TARGET ACHIEVEMENT FREQUENCY OF EVALUATION Review of pending audit paras Scrutiny of monthly resume on important/ serious paras in nature pointed out by Internal Auditors II ACCOUNTS OFFICER Issuance of advertisement for appointment of Internal Auditors Review of Internal Auditor reports 20 By 20th of every month Last working day in a month Yearly Yearly 20 10 As per due date Yearly Monthly 20 No.No SUBJECT TASK 30 No.of replies to be scrutinised No. Scrutinised Within 10days & anomalies to be in time from the date of audited receipt Monthly Scrutiny of pay fixations & Anomalies Monthly 10 2 AUDITCELL Review.Of reports to be reviewed No.Of reports Within 10 days reviewed in time of receipt 1 INTERNAL AUDIT/ HEAD QUARTERS Preparationof consolidated resume Consolidation of replies form HODs By 25th of every month Monthly 20 20 Within 10 days from the date of receipt No.of pay fixation No. Scrutiny and consolidation on factual notes/ draft/reviews/ draft paras 40 Within 6 weeks form the date of receipt Yearly 262 . Advertisements) Scrutiny of fixed charges of PPAs No. 20 No of bills received No.of units As per due date audited as per programme Monthly III ASSISTANT ACCOUNTS OFFICER Audit of price variation claims (Conductor/Cable/ Transformers/Tower parts) 40 No.of files/ bills received in time Withi 3 days from the date Monthly I NTERNAL AUDIT Review of bills relating to Legal fees and advertisement Review of extension of delivery time enhacement /decrease in face value Scrutiny of fixed charges 20 No.of files/ bills to be reviewed Within 5 days form the date of receipt Monthly 10 No.oF bills scrutinized in time Scrutinised in time Monthly Monthly 263 . of bills to be Scrutinised No.Conducting of preliminary meetings on PUC &PAC 30 Prior to the meeting of PUC & PAC No.of units to be audited as per programme Within 10 days of receipt Yearly IA/TL &SS&TLC Obtaining replies to the pending paras Monthly 50 Conducting of Internal Audit 20 No.of claims to be audited No.of cases reviewed in time With in 5 days the date of receipt With in 15 days from the date of receipt Monthly Monthly 50 Scrutiny of bills related to protocol.of audit paras No of replies for which replies obtained are due in time No.of bills Scrutized in time With in 3 days from the date of receipt.of claims audited in time of receipt No.of cases to be reviewed No. Within 10 days from the date of receipt Within 15 days from the date of receipt Monthly Scrutiny of bills (Protocol Legal fees. of proposals due for scrutiny No. AUDIT Within 15 days form the date of receipt of proposal No.of Proposals scrutinised Within 5 days from the date of receipt of proposal Monthly II. Consolidation of work orders return & correspondence thereon No.of proposals due for audit No.etc 30 No. II & III Processing of fixation of fees to SA &Tax Auditors and fixation of their fee Processing of pay fixations & Anomalies No.of pay fixations processed for pre audit With in 7 days from the date of receipt Yearly 40 Monthly Processing of replies received form units /HODs Audit of extension of delivery time 30 Within 1 week form the date of receipt of aludit report No. expenditure on Advertisement charges Printing & Stationery charges.quatity & amendment to Pos.SUBJECT TASK WEIGHT AGE (%) TARGET ACHIEVEMENT TIMEFRAME FREQUENCY OF EVALUATION Audit of price variation claims (conductor /cable) Audit of extension of delivery time of material IV JUNIOR ACCOUNTS OFFICER (AUDIT)/ IA .of bills to be audited No.of pay fixations to be pre audited No.I.of claims to be Audited No. INTERNAL Scrutiny of bills related AUDIT to protocol fee and 60 expenses payable to Legal cases.of proposals due for audited No.of proposals audited Monthly 70 I.of bills processed for pre-audit Within 7 days from the date of receipt Monthly 10 Obtaining WO returns form field units With in 7 days from the date of receipt Monthly 264 .of claims audited in time Monthly No.of proposals audited With in 5 days from the date of receipt of proposal Monthly 40 Monthly Scrutiny of files relating increase / decrease in face value of Agtr. V.of audit replies due for review No.of applications received No. UPPER DIVISON CLERK Consolidation of applications of Internal Auditors No.of replies reviewed in time With in 20 days Quartarly 265 .of appointment letters to be issued No.of applications processed No.of appointment issued in time Within 1 week from the date of receipt 40 Yearly INTERNAL AUDIT Issuance of appointment letters to Internal Auditors receipt &dispatch work 30 As per due date Yearly Review /Scrutiny and processing or replies on AGs Inspections Reports 70 No. 10 .III FORMAT –A SELF APPRISAL REPORT OF FA & CCA AND DY CCA IN ACCOUNTS SERVICE OF APTRANSCO DATA OF THE EMPLOYEE 1. 6. 3.O. 7. 10 5. Number Date of Joining in the service Present Designation Name of the Office/ Section Desription of duties entrusted Task : : : : Target Weightage Revised Weightage (#) (%) Achievement Weightage Earned (%) Weightage Assigned by the C. 8. For the Month of ________ : : : : : Full Name Date of Birth Qualification Educational Technical I.(%) FA&CCA (R&A) 1. 2. 5. 10 4.D. a) b) 4. Filling of IT returns and attending on behalf of APTRansco if any Finalisation of Annual Accounts for adoption by the Board Furninshing of Accounts with statutory audit report to AGAP Review of Accounts by Audit committee Furnishing of data for Filling of ARR and Ploughback Dues 266 10 2. No.ANNEXURE. 10 3. S. 10 10 10.(%) 6. 5 5. 8. 10 5 2.O. No. 1. 6 6. 10 9. Approval of sales Bills 267 .S. 6 8 7. Submission of Annual Plan to planning commission Management of Funds FA&CCA(A&E) Furnishing replies to draft paras/draft reviews Furnishing action taken report to IAC/IUC Dropping of Audit Paras Review of pending audit objections Final Assessment orders to applient authorities Replies to sales Tax Departments Finalisation of Trial Balance Admission of LOA above 1 crore Approval of power purchase payment 10 7. 5 5 3. II. Task Target Weightage Revised Weightage (#) (%) Achievement Weightage Earned (%) Weightage Assigned by the C. 4. Follow up action on audit objections Follow up action on special audit Reports on allegations and compliance against staff and officers Follow up on factual notes to AG Follow up action on quantity reconciliation certificate 20 2. Verification of Field Cash adjustment Trial Balance Admission of LOA above 10 lakhs and upto 1 crore Finalisation of payments to DBI. 15 3.(%) III. DYCCA(PP&S) Review of sufficiency of funds for all LC payments Furnishing of information for ARR filing Verification of power Purchases &sales Bills 15 40 15 15 2. Dy CCA (AUDIT) 1. 20 268 . SIDBI V. 1.O.S. 15 4 30 IV. Dy CCA (EXPENDITURE) 1. Task Target Weightage Revised Weightage (#) (%) Achievement Weightage Earned (%) Weightage Assigned by the C.No. 5 3. 5.No. 10 3. 20 2.O. 20 269 . Dy CCA (ACCOUNTS) Obtainign Audit Report from Statutory Auditor Adoption of Accounts by AGM Issue of authorization with regard to final withdrawal in respect of retiring / deceased employees Approval of Medical Credit / Reimbursement Bills (Rs. 1. Task Target Weightage Revised Weightage (#) (%) Achievement Weightage Earned (%) Weightage Assigned by the C. 10 2.SEBs &CTC etc.000/-) 20 VI 1.000/.(%) 4. Scrutiny of BST bills on Discoms.to Rs 25.S. 30 3. 20 4. 30 VII DY CCA (REVENUE) Finalisation of centralized payments of B&R section for onward communication to DISCOMS through PPS Furnishing replies to LAQ/ Assurances to Govt by obtaining required information from DISCOMS Pursuance with Govt Dept/Secretariat Dept for released of funds under centralized payments for clearance of CC charges dues from Govt Dept & Loacal Boaides. .....................) 270 ................. Total % weightage earned ……..... % Weightage earned through AARs (Against 30%) : .. Grade Awarded……............. Achievement (%) >95 >90% >85% >80% <=80% Grade Description A B C D E Outstanding Very Good Good Satisfactory Poor/ Un-satisfactory CHIEF GENERAL MANAGER (HRD &TRG...............TOTAL WEIGHTAGE (%) EARNED Limitations /Constranints in achieveing the targets (#) Revised weightage to be assigned by the controlling officer as per Rules Remarks of Controlling Officer:Signature of Controlling officer Name : Designation: Signature of the Employee Average % of weightage Carned / month (againt 70%) : ...…..... Date of Birth 3. Present Designation 7. Date of Joining in the service 6. Furnishing of Annual plan for submission to Planning Commission 4. ID Number 5.(%) : : : : : Weightage Revised Weightage (#) (%) SENIOR ACCOUNTS OFFICER (BUDGET) 1. Raiting Of Debit/ Credit notes 15 10 15 20 10 271 .O. Qualification a) Educational b) Technical 4. Furnishing replies to Audit/PUC/PAC 3. Furnishing of information to APERC for filling of ARR 2. Furnishing data relating to financial position of APTransco 5. No. Task Target : : : : Achievement Weightage Earned (%) Weightage Assigned by the C. Name of the Office/ Section 8.FORMAT –B SELF APPRISAL REPORT OF APTRANSCO EMPLOYEES IN CLASS –I &II IN ACCOUNTS SERVICES For the Month of DATA OF THE EMPLOYEE 1. Brief description of duties entrusted S. Full Name 2. Sl. 20 2. 10 9. 50. Fillup of Incometax annual returns of other than employees & finalise of annual accounts & attending of Audit 12. SENIOR ACCOUNTS OFFICER (BALANCE SHEET) Replies to the provisional audit comments form AGAP Audit replies to statutory audit observation 1. Scrutiny & passing of pension bills 14. PAY OFFICER 6. 10 10.No Task Target Weightage Revised weightage (#) (%) Achievement weightage Earned(%) Weightage Assigned by the C. Authorisation of Trial Balance Cash & Adjustment 5 5 5 15 5 III. Sanction of pay fixations & issue of pay slips Sanction of increments Rectification of pay anomalies Issuance of cheques for bill passed for head quarters payments above Rs. 20 272 . Passing of bills above 30. (%) II. Reciept & returning of bank guarantees 13.O.000/-( contract) maintenance /consultancy legal contingents) 11. 8.000/- 5 10 7. Scrutiny of Medical Bills up to Rs. Preparation of cash flow projection statement 2. Documentation. SENIOR ACCOUNTS OFFICER (B& R) 1. Furnishing of ionformation for ARR compilation 4. 15 25 10 20 V. 5.O. Providing of funds in the different banks for meeting LC &Debt service payments on the due dates.000/2. SENIOR ACCOUNS OFFICER (LOANS) 1. Revision of LCs for power purchase in respect of CGS and IPPS with the coordination of PPAs wing 4. Issue of PPO/GPO commutation value authorization 10 40 20 VI. SENIOR ACCOUNTS OFFICER (F & P) 1.S. No. Task Target Weightage Revised Weightage (#) (%) 10 Achievement Weightage Earned (%) Weightage Assigned by the C. Project appraisal 2.(%) 3. Verification of pension /gratunity and commutation proposals 3. Execution of agreements with trustee/ register / listing agency/Govt of AP 25 15 273 . Issue of No due certificate to retired /deceased employees 20 IV. Issue of authorization for release of LOA/LOC 3. 10 3. 1.No Task Target Weightage Revised weightage (#) (%) Achievement weightage Earned(%) Weightage Assigned by the C. SENIOR ACCOUNTS OFFICER (REVENUE) Scrutiny of centralized payment &adjustments with Genco &Discoms 20 274 . 10 5. SENIOR ACCOUNTS OFFICER (STORES) Issue of review report on stores verfication Issue of no due certificate for retiring employees Authorisation for refund of penalties Valuation of Assets to be write off Review of tenders accuracy & terms and conditions 20 2. 20 VIII 1. 10 5 5.O. Allotment of Bonds Issue of Bonds Certificates Serving of Bonds and issue of TDs certificates Redemption of Bonds Furnishing of returns to APERC (form 1:1G) Issue of clarifications on loans 5 4. 6.Sl. 5 VII. (%) 3. 10 4. 5 7. Obtaining of Revenue /Data information/Returns as and when required and Sub-mission to management and furnishing of replies to LAQS/Assurances to Govt. Issue of LOA and ensuring payment for P.No Task Target Weightage Revised Weightage (#) (%) Achievement Weightage Earned (%) Weightage Assigned by the C.(%) 2. SENIOR ACCOUNTS OFFICER PAY &ACCOUNTS 1. SENIOR ACCOUNTS OFFICER (POWER PURCHASE & SALES) 1.S. IX. Obtaining of required replies Audit paras from DISCOMS for submission to Audit wing obtaining of required information regarding court cases etc. Acceptance of Hundi LOA payments X. Scrutiny of replies to explanatory note to C&AG report 20 15 15 40 20 10 70 30 275 . Bills on due date XI. Admission of LOA upto 10 lakhs 2. 3.O. Issuance of Cheques 3. SENIOR ACCOUNTS OFFICER (INTERNAL AUDIT) 1.P. Fpnalisation of HQs/ centralized prayments/ adjustments and communication through B&R and PPs to DISCOMs 4. No Task Target Weightage Revised weightage (#) (%) Achievement weightage Earned(%) Weightage Assigned by the C. 2. 2.O.Sl. Passing of Pay Bills Passing of all kinds of bills Issue of LPC Issue of NDC Filling of IT returns Raising of LOC Raising of increments 5 5 5 20 20 5 276 . Release of cash grants Re-appropriation ofr cash grants Scrutiny of data on employee cost administration and general expenses and reapairs and maintenance 25 25 3. (%) 2. 4. 5. Review of pending audit paras Secrutiny of monthly resume on important /serious paras in nature pointed out by Internal Auditors 20 3. 20 XII ACCOUNTS OFFICER (BUDGET) 1. 3. 6. 20 XIII ACCOUNTS OFFICER (CPR) 1. 7. Task Target Weightage Revised Weightage (#) (%) 3 Achievement Weightage Earned (%) Weightage Assigned by the C.O. Verification of Supplemental trail Balance of all units of APTransco (at present 42 units) 4. Verification of cash book XIV ACCOUNTS OFFICER (BALANCE SHEET) 1. Approval of terms and conditions by Board 2 5 20 10 20 20 30 40 10 15 277 . Appraisal of the project 2.No. Paration & filing of IT returns of APTransco 2. Verification of accounts 2. Compilation of Corporate Annual Accounts (Provisional) XV ACCOUNTS OFFICER (B&R) 1.S.(%) 8. Filing of Clarification affidavit in IT department 3. Raising of credit notes for the funds recveived from DISCOMs and the cheques received on their behalf at Head Quarters and debit notes for the funds released to DISCOMS XVI ACCOUNTS OFFICER (LOANS) 1. Rectifification of pay anomalies 10. Pay Fixations 9. 70 XVIII ACCOUNTS OFFICER ( REVENUE) 1. Furnishing of stock verification report of all TLC &400 Kv units Scrutiny of tenders for arithmetical accuracy & terms and conditions 70 2. (%) 3. Swapping of Loans Finalisation of offer document Obtaining approval of Govt. 8.No Task Target Weightage Revised weightage (#) (%) 10 5 Achievement weightage Earned(%) Weightage Assigned by the C.O.Sl. by obtaining required information from DISCOMs 15 278 . 10 10 9. 5 10. Of AP Issue of notification SEBI reports Furnishing of information for approval of investment plan. Furnishing of returns to AERC (from 1./ TENDER ANALYSIS (STORES) 1. Preparation of replies to LAQs/ Assurances to Govt.1G) Scrutinisation of scheme/ Bonds 6. 5 XVII ACCOUNTS OFFICER /SPL. 4. 7. 5. Collection of information regarding AG/C&AG audit paras relating to revenue short fall & furnishing the same to Audit wing 3.P.(%) 2.Bills 2. Preparation of Bank Reconciliation statement XX ACCOUNTS OFFICER/ ASSISTNT ACCOUNTS OFFICER (PP &SALES) 1.No. Scrutiny of CC charges report FPR & DCB of DISCOMs 5.S.O. centralised payments. Scrutiny of Sales Bills 70 70 40 30 279 . Preparation of Trial Balance 2. Obtaining of data /information/from DISCOMS relating to arrears due from Govt. Scrutiny of P. Task Target Weightage Revised Weightage (#) (%) Achievement Weightage Earned (%) Weightage Assigned by the C. adjustment & communication through B&R and PPS 4. Finalisation LT &HT collection of reports.Depts Municipalities /Minor/Major panchayats for collection of arrears under centralised payments 10/15 15/10 30 30 XIX ACCOUNTS OFFICERS (PAY & ACCOUNTS) 1. O.Sl. 40 7. 20 3. 20 280 . 20 5.No Task Target Weightage Revised weightage (#) (%) Achievement weightage Earned(%) Weightage Assigned by the C. 20 XXII ASSISTAT ACCOUNTS OFFICER (BUDGET) 1. Preparation of annual plan/Revised estimates Financial position of APTransco 15 2. 50 9. 20 4. Issuance of advertisement for appointment of Internal Auditors Review of Internal Auditor Reports Preparation of consolidated: resume Consolidation of replies from HODs Scrutiny of Pay fixations & Anomalies Review. 10 6. Scrutiny and consolidation on factual notes /draft/reviews / draft paras Conduction of preliminary meetings on PUC&PAC Obtaining replies to the pending paras Conducting of Internal Audit 10 2. (%) XXI ACCOUNTS OFFICER (INTERNAL AUDIT) 1. 30 8. No Task Target Weightage Revised Weightage (#) (%) Achievement Weightage Earned (%) Weightage Assigned by the C.(%) 3. 20 15 XIII ASSISTANT ACCOUNTS OFFICER (F & P) 1. Guarantee Filling of charge with ROC Scrutiny of LOA & raising of claims Raising of adjustment LOA for direct debits Arranging cheque payment to the lassoer Closure of lease agreements intimation to the lessor execution of agreement releasing the equipment from lease payment of Residual value 10 2.O. Arranging feeding of GPF schedules Verfication & Finalisation of GPF claims of final settlements 40 2. 10 281 . Position of Government loans outstanding to end of the month and maintenance of debt servicing of GOAP loan 4. 10 4. Journal Entries of debit servicing on Governement Loans for in corporation in Annual Accounts & information furnished to APERC in respect of Govt Loans & subsidies etc. 30 XXIV ASSISTANT ACCOUNTS OFFICER (LOANS) 1. Scrutiny of Govt.Sl. 5. 10 3. 5 5 6. 35 35 40 3. 3.No Task Target Weightage Revised weightage (#) (%) Achievement weightage Earned(%) Weightage Assigned by the C. 10 X XV 1. 10 15 2. 2. 20 X X VI 1. 10 5. (%) 7. Govt. 4. 20 282 .Sl. 15 4.O.release under APDRP apportionment among DISCOMS Furnishing of information / Clarification on PFC loans/ claims ASSISTANT ACCOUNTS OFFICER (LOANS –I) Pursuance with field units regarding BRS Review of BRS of field units Reconciliation of form 1 OA with Bank LHOS Pursnance with field units /Banks for TT/MT/DD particulars Pursuance with the Bank Head Office for confirmation of credits ASSISTANT ACCOUNTS OFFICER (TB/FE/P&A) Consolidation of cash Consolidation of Adjustment Trial Balance Verification of LOA Scrutiny of LOAs for payment of loans to IDBI 10 8. Task Target Weightage Revised Weightage (#) (%) Achievement Weightage Earned (%) Weightage Assigned by the C. Audit of price variation claims (conductor /cable Transofrmers/Tower Paras) 2. Scrutiny of fixed charges 5.S.No.O. Scrutiny of Bills related to protocol XXVIII PERSONNEL OFFICER (ESTT. Attending to Audit paras interest claims & court issuses 10 30 40 XXVII ASSISTANT ACCOUNTS OFFICER (INTERNAL AUDIT) 1. Furnising outstanding liabillities regarding LOA to SAO (Balance Sheet) 6. Review of extension of delivery time enhancement/ decrease in face value 4.(%) 5. Arranging of EFT funds to Banks 7. Maintenance of Incumbency Register 2 Verification of GPF sanction 40 20 10 50 20 10 30 283 . Review of Bills relating to legal fees and advertisement 3.) 1. .....No Task Target Weightage Revised weightage (#) (%) Achievement weightage Earned(%) Weightage Assigned by the C. (%) 8.................. % Weightage earned through AARs (Against 30%) : ....... Scrutiny of Medical Bills /Reimbursement 30 TOTAL WEIGHTAGE (%) EARNED Limitations/Constraints in achieving the targets (#) Revised weightage to be assigned by the controlling officer as per rules Signature of the Employee Remarks of Controlling officers:- Signature of Contorlling officer Name : Designation: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Average % of Weigage earned / month (againt 70%) .. Grade Awarded……...........O.................... Total % weightage earned ………...Sl............. Achievement (%) >95 >90% >85% >80% <=80% Grade Description A B C D E Outstanding Very Good Good Satisfactory Poor/ Un-satisfactory CHIEF GENERAL MANAGER (HRD &TRG) 284 ... Brief desription of duties entrusted Sl. Reconciliation of cash grants relating to capital &revenue 10 20 20 5 5 10 II JUNIOR ACCOUNTS OFFICER –II (BUDGET) 1.O. Date of Birth 3. Preparation of LOA s in respect of plough back dues payble to GOAP 6. (%) : : : : : I JUNIOR ACCOUNTS OFFICER (BUDGET) 1. Date of Joining in the service 6. Maintenance of depreciation register /files 2. Calculation of depreciation on the assets of APTransco 3.FORMAT –C SELF APPRISAL REPORT OF APTRANSCO EMPLOYEES IN CLASS –III IN ACCOUNTS SERVICES For the Month of_____________ BIO_DATA OF THE EMPLOYEE 1. Present Designation 7.No Task Target : : : : Weightage Revised weightage (#) (%) Achievement weightage Earned(%) Weightage Assigned by the C. Name of the Office/ Section 8. Consolidation of Replies to Audit paras 5. Furnishing of schedule 19 & 20 4. Qualification a) Educational b) Technical 4. Maintenance of cash grant register /files 15 285 . J D Number 5. Full Name 2. 3.of AP. 6. 3.Sl. 286 . 4. III.O. 7. 10 4. 20 2. 10 3. 1. Reconciliation of cash grants of Capital &Revenue Consolidation of employee cost data Maintenance of reappropriation register JUNIOR ACCOUTNS OFFICER –III (BUDGET) Consolidation of capital expenditure of APTransco Preparation of Credit/Debit notes on DISCOMs Maintenance of Registers on Loans. (%) 2. JUNIOR ACCOUNT OFFICER (PAY OFFICE) Scrutiny of cash book & imprest Registers closing of temporary & imprest advances Verification of DDs &cash with reference to the remittance in the Bank Remittance of recoveries from Pay Bills & issue of TDA certificate Processing of Refund of Bank GuaranteeEMD & SD Issue of PRs for DDs & cash Receipts Verification of Cash Trial Balance &adjustment Balance Filling IT returns & Finalisation of annual Accounts 25 25 20 IV 1. 2.No Task Target Weightage Revised weightage (#) (%) 20 20 10 Achievement Weightage Earned(%) Weightage Assigned by the C. Grants. Subsidies sanctioned by Govt. 10 5 10 5 5. Rectification of Pay anomalies VII PERSONNEL OFFICER/ JUNIOR ACCOUNTS OFFICER (CPR) 1. JUNIOR ACCOUT\NTS OFFICER (Pensions–II ) (PAY OFFICE) 1. (%) V. Forwarding of Medical Bills and effecting recoveries 6. Review of life certificate VI JUNIOR ACCOUNTS OFFICER GAZITED I&II (PAY OFFICE) 1. Authorisation to additional charge allowance 6.Sl.O. Pay fixations 7. Furnishing of LER 2. Applying LOC s to Pension payment. Verification of Pension Bills 2. Release of increments 5. Verification of Commutation & Gratuity Bills 3. Scrutiny and verification of DA arrears 4. Scrutiny of Pay Bills 40 10 10 30 15 10 10 5 5 10 10 10 10 10 287 . furnishing of pension particulars 5. Issue of LPC 3.No Task Target Weightage Revised weightage (#) (%) Achievement Weightage Earned(%) Weightage Assigned by the C. Furnishing of LTC eligibility report 4. VIII 1. 20 2. 3. 20 3. 10 5.Sl. 5. 10 4. Scrutiny of all Bills Issue of form 16 Scrutinyof LOC Scrutiny of increment of JAOs Scrutiny of Pay fixations Scrutiny of pay anomalies Verification of cash book Scrutiny of LPCs & NDC Scrutiny of EPF remittance JUNIOR ACCOUNTS OFFICER –I (BALANCE SHEET) Compilation of data relating to accounts Verification & Proof checking and arranging printing of annual accounts Maintenance of property register of the company Verification of CWIP details &Transfer of CWIP to fixed assets Preparation & Furnishing of periodical returns to planning wing / other institutions 5 5 5 10 10 5 6. (%) 2. 7. 8.No Task Target Weightage Revised weightage (#) (%) 60 5 10 Achievement Weightage Earned(%) Weightage Assigned by the C. 10 288 . 4.O. 10. 9. No. Reconciliation of IUT Balance 2. of IUT clarifications Sousht / Issued X JUNIOR ACCOUNTS OFFICER–I (CASH) (B&R) 1. Furnishing of information to Banks (so data) 5. Verifaction of LOC Applications 2. (%) IX JUNIOR ACCOUNTS OFFICER –II (BALANCE SHEET) 1.O. Accounting for cheques/ DDs received XI JUNIOR ACCOUNTS OFFICER –II 1. preparation & Issue of GPF slips 35 35 20 15 35 15 20 15 10 10 30 289 . Verification of GPF ledgers.Sl. Furnishing financial follow up returns XII JUNIOR ACCOUNTS OFFICER (F&P) 1. Furnishing of Trial Balance 3. Task Target Weightage Revised weightage (#) (%) Achievement Weightage Earned(%) Weightage Assigned by the C. No. verification of accounts of trust funds with reference to trial Balance furnished unit officers 4. Maintence of B&R cash 2. Filling Of requisition for release of pensionary benefits from trust 3. 6. 10 10 290 .O. Processing of GPF final with drawls Partfinal with drawals Scrutiny of Pension. gratuity and commutation proposals Scrutiny of PPO/GPO Scrutiny of Medical Credit/Reimburrsement bills Processing of GPF sanction of A/C staff JUNIOR ACCOUNTS OFFICER (LOANS) Maintenance of ledger of loans Verification of demand & arranging of payment Reconciliation of Accounts Report on receipts & Disbursement Segregation of loan receipts & Arranging payments to DISCOMS Raising of debit and credit notes against DISCOMS Submitting of returns to Govt.No Task Target Weightage Achievement Revised weightage (#) (%) Weightage Earned(%) Weightage Assigned by the C. 2. 10 5. 5 7. 4. 40 30 5. 4. (%) 2. 10 15 10 3. 10 6. 30 XIII 1. 40 7.Sl.On loans / Guarantees JUNIOR ACOUNTS OFFICER –II (LOANS) Monthly return of loans Arranging payment of interest and principle 20 20 3. 10 XIV 1. 2. O. Closure of Agreement XV JUNIOR ACCOUNTS OFFICER-III (LOANS) 1. Reconciliation of Accounts 4. Arranging payment of interest and principle 8.No. Report on receipts & disbursement 6. Segregation of loan repayments among DISCOMs 7. Reconciliation 7. (%) 3. Intimation investors 5. Verification of demand & arranging of payments 3. Task Target Weightage Revised weightage (#) (%) Achievement Weightage Earned(%) Weightage Assigned by the C. Maintenance of ledger of loans 2. Preferring claims to PFC 5. Arranging of payments of Interest on application money 6. Raising of debit note to GENCO/DISCOMs 9. Reconciliation of funds received and allotted 4. Maintenance of ledger 8.SI. Raising of debit notes against DISCOMS 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 10 5 291 . 2. Preparation of no due certificates Consolidation of stock reconciliation statement Furnishing of A2 & CST returns 10 10 10 10 10 10 3.No Task Target Weightage Revised weightage (#) (%) Achievement Weightage Earned(%) Weightage Assigned by the C. (%) XVI. Review of tenders accuracy & Tems and conditions 70 XVII JUNIOR ACCOUNTS OFFICER (REVENUE) 1.O.Sl. JUNIOR ACCOUNTS OFFICER / STORES /TA/ ESTIMATES 1. Consolidation of CC charges report FPR. 6. 7. Consolidation of MIS reports as required by Management and Head quarters collections / centralized payments and communicationb to DISCOMS 15 4. Complilation of District wise/HOD wise arrears position of govt Dept/Local bodies. 20 3. 4. Preparation of review report on the stock verification Consolidation of monthly return on excess & shortages Furnishing of information to sales tax. Compliation of HT &LT daily colections reports of 4 DISCOMS 15 292 . Receipts &Issue of “C” “G” and way bill forms 10 8. 5.DCB and all other returns /reports as and when required 20 2. courts etc. Scrutiny of the estimates and with reference to administration approval & Technical sanctions 70 9. O. 2.Sl. 3.No Task Target Weightage Achievement Revised weightage (#) (%) Weightage Earned(%) Weightage Assigned by the C. II & III 1.III &IV) (PAY &Accounts) 1. (%) XVII JUNIOR ACCOUNTS OFFICER (I. 5. XIX JUNIOR ACCOUNTS OFFICER/ UPPER DIVISION CLERK CGS/IPPS/SBBS 1. Reconciliation of LOAs with forms 15 40 15 15 XX. JUNIOR ACCOUNTS OFFICER (AUDIT)/ A-I. 293 . 3. 4. Preparation of LOA Processing of LOC applications made by Generation 3.II. 40 10 8. 2. 6. Maintenance of register for Purchase Orders Scrutiny of LOA related to Pos CE/400 KV L & SS Preparation of check slip of LOA Processing of JBC claims Reconciliation of LOAs raised & paid with each unit Furnishing of \forms 15 to field units Raising of LOAs for payment loans oto IDBI Bank Release of Hundiues LOAs 20 70 40 20 50 30 7. Processing of fixation of fees to SA &Tax auditors and fixation of their fee Processing of pay fixations & Anomalies Processing of replies received from units /HODs 70 40 30 2. Expenditure on advertisement charges printing & stationery charges Consolidation of work Orders return & correspondence thereon 60 7. . 2. Quantity & Amendment to Pos etc. Scrutiny of Bills related to protocol fee and expense payable to Legal cases. UPPER DIVISION CLERK (INTERNAL AUDIT) Consolidation of applications of Internal Auditors Issuance of appointment letters to internal auditors receipt & dispatch work Review /scrutiny and processing of replies on AGs Inspections Reports 40 30 3.O. CE/DFID &other officers Furnishing of reports on capital expenditure of AP Transco to CE/plg. Audit of extension of delivery time Scrutiny of files relating increase /decrease in face value of agt. 25 X X III 1. 5. UPPER DIVISION CLERK (AUDITORS ) I. 70 XXII UPPER DIVISION CLERK (BUDGET) 1. Maintenance of PPRs register Collection of Data relating to capital expenditure of APTransco form CE/400 KV CE/APL. (%) 4.II.CE/RE/CE/opn. 2. 30 6.No Task Target Weightage Achievement Revised weightage (#) (%) 40 Weightage Earned(%) Weightage Assigned by the C.III &IV (PAY OFFICE Making entries in the SR 10 294 25 20 3. 10 XXI 1.Sl. 5 6. 5 5.O. (%) 2. 5 4. 5 X X 1. 6. 4. 25 2. Processing of LER Processing of LPC Processing for LTC eligibility report Processing for releases of increments Process of payanomalies Furnishing of service Particulars of retiring officers UPPER DIVISION CLERK – I (PAY / OFFICE / CASH) Maintenance /posting of cash book Preparation of cash trial balance trial & adjustment of Balance Maintenance of outstanding temporary advance & Permanent imprest registers Verification of all remittance with reference to trial balance Attending Audit of IA &AG audit Preparing &Maintenance of genral Ledger UPPER DIVISION CLERK –II (PAY OFFICE /CASH) Maintenance of Bank Guarantee Register 10 X X 1. 7.No Task Target Weightage Achievement Revised weightage (#) (%) 10 10 10 10 10 Weightage Earned(%) Weightage Assigned by the C. 25 3. 20 295 .Sl. 3. 5. X X VII 1. printing & stationary bills Preparing the schedules of long term & short term loans to the Trial Balance 30 15 3.employees working in AP Transco through challana &sent to treasury Issuing of TDA certificates to the contractors for the income tax recovered from the bills like hire vehicle.No Task Target Weightage Achievement Revised weightage (#) (%) 20 30 Weightage Earned(%) Weightage Assigned by the C. 35 2. 10 4. 10 5 5. 15 3. hospital bills. X X VI 1. Processing of the Release of Bank Guaarantees Refund of EMDs &SDs UPPER DIVISION CLERK –III (PAY OFFICE /CASH) Preparation of Pensions Bills Preparation of gratuity and commutation bills of retired employees Maintenance of pension Ledger & payment of DA Arrears 10 Preparation of applyinbg LOCs to pension payment furnishing p ension particulars Preparation of Medical Bills UPPER DIVISION CLERK –IV (PAY OFFICE /CASH) Preparing bill for remittance of all recoveries made in pay bill of employees Remittance of recoveries made in pay bills pertaining to govt. computer & contractor Payment.Sl. 4. 3. (%) 2. 10 296 . 2.O. 3. 40 2.No Task Target Weightage Achievement Revised weightage (#) (%) Weightage Earned(%) Weightage Assigned by the C. 2.Sl. 20 X X UPPER DIVISION CLERK (CPR) X 1. 6. 7.O. 10 3. 8. Preparation of Pay bills Preparation of Bills Preparation of LOC Scrutiny of IT assessment Processing of NDC/LPC Increments Processing of JAOs Pay Fixations Pay Anomalies 40/50 70/50 20 5 10/15 5 5 5 297 . UPPER DIVISION CLERK –V (PAY OFFICE /CASH) Maintenance of receipt cash book Writing of PRs of all DDs dispatching of all the PRs written for EMD. 5. (%) X X VII 1. 4. SDS and for all the cash receipt UPPER DIVISION CLERK –VI (PAY OFFICE/CASH) Maintenance OF CASH BOOK (Drawing Accounts) Maintenance of cheque issue register Preparation of Bank Reconciliation of Drawing Account 30 40 X X VIII 1. 2. X X XI 1.O.Sl. 5. Remitenance of EPF –I Maintenance of cash book UPPER DIVISION CLERK (BALANCE SHEET) Scrutiny of NDC in respect of retired /deceased Maintenance of Board sheets in respect of Long Term Loans & Advances UPPER DIVISION CLERK (B& R) Verification of form 7 Furnishing of confirmation statement of the receipts UPPER DIVISION CLERK (F&P) Processing of Pension Gratuity and commutation proposals Preparation of PPO/GPO 35 35 X X XII 1. 40 298 . 2. II & V Verification of Table –I check list Recording of CB vouchers on the invoices after table V Release of Bank Advices Receipt and data entry of all trial balances (cash & adjustment) 20 2. 40 30 40 30 2.No Task Target Weightage Achievement Revised weightage (#) (%) 10 70 Weightage Earned(%) Weightage Assigned by the C. 10. X X UPPER DIVISION CLERK –I & II XIV (PAY &ACCOUNTS) 1. 2. X X XII 1. 10 20 4. 20 3. Data entry of LOAs under table I. (%) 9. 20 XXXV UPPER DIVISION CLERK 1.10A to the section concerned Consolidation of trail balance (cash and adjustments and LOA .No Task Target Weightage Achievement Revised weightage (#) (%) Weightage Earned(%) Weightage Assigned by the C. TBs sending to field units) 10 7.Sl. (%) 6.O. 70 299 . Consolidation of applications of Internal Auditors Issuance OF APPOINT LETTERS TO INTERNAL ADUTIORS RECEIPT & DISPATCH Review/Scrutiny and Processing of replies on AGs inspections reports 40 2. Maintenance of LOA in ward register 35 35 2. Submission of form 7 GPF schedules from 10. Maintenance of LOA ledger Unit wise XXXVI DIVISION CLERK (INTERNAL ADUIT) 1. 30 3. ... Achievement (%) >95 >90% ......................80% ..... % Weightage earned through AARs (Against 30%)............. Grade Awarded……...TOTAL WEIGHTAGE (%) EARNED Limitations/Constraints in achieving the targets (#) Revised weightage to be assigned by the controlling officer as per rules Signature of the Employee Remarks of Controlling officers:Signature of Contorlling officer Name : Designation: Average % of Weightage earned / month (againt 70%)......... Total % weightage earned ………..............85% .=80% Grade Description A B C D E Outstanding Very Good Good Satisfactory Poor/ Un-satisfactory CHIEF GENERAL MANAGER (HRD &TRG) 300 .................. I) Department. 1980. LIMITED) RACHEL CHATTERJEE CHAIRPERSON & MANAGING DIRECTOR 301 . T.Ms.APTransco .No.Ltd. Reforms) vide his U.P.O.2005 Read the Following :G.Amendment to Sub-rule (7) of Rule 9 of A. Revised Pension Rules. No. 035/2004.O.O. Accordingly. 1980 in respect of recovery of pecuniary loss caused to Government (or a local authority) due to negligence of Government Servant.. as the case may be. orders have been issued in the reference cited substituting the Sub-rule (7) of Rule 9 of the A. Comml. No. also directs that these orders shall come into with effect form the date of issue of these orders. 2. Finance (Pension-1) Department.01. IPC. Revised Pension Rules. 21-12-2002 *** ORDER : In the G. 4.P. Ms. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF A. These orders are issued with the concurrence of Joint Managing Director (Fin. After careful consideration. (Addl. No. 3.O. Dt. Revised Pension Rules. Dt.. No. hereby directs to adopt the orders issued in the G. shall be deducted from the Retirement Gratuity benefits of Servant without the consent of Government Servant or the consent of the members of his family in the case of a deceased Government Servant. 12-01-2005. 995. & Rev. The Transmission Corporation of A.Secy-Per) Ms.P.Ms.P.P. the Transmission Corporation of A.TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED ABSTRACT PENSIONS . 1980 Recovery of AP Transco dues from the Pensionary benefits -Orders .O.. 995. 995 Finance (Pen.Adopted.P. Finance (Pension-1) Department. dated 21-12-2002 (copy enclosed) to all the employees of AP TRANSCO. 220 Dated : 20. dated 21-12-2002 Government have decided to amend the Sub-rule (7) of Rule 9 of A.O. Ltd. In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India and of all the powers hereunto enabling. 10-7-99. There cannot be a question of loss or misappropriation being established where the Government servant dies before the conclusion of the disciplinary proceedings. or withdrawing a pension in full or in part.P. hereby makes the following amendment to the Andhra Pradesh Revised Pension Rules. No. Pen. dt. No. Accordingly.Ms. Vigilance Commission's Letter No. The rule further provides for the competent authority to bring the legal heirs on record to conclude disciplinary proceedings: Clause (b) of sub rule (7) deals with a situation where the disciplinary proceedings are concluded but the Government servant dies before imposing penalty or receipt of the order of penalty.Amendment to Sub-rule (7) of Rule 9 of Andhra Pradesh Revised Pension Rules. as personnel action dies with person. In the reference 2nd read above. dated 12. The amendment to rule seems to have been issued on the basis of "incorrect understanding of the legal position". Pen. the moment. Disciplinary proceedings can be considered to be complete. Finance & Plg (FW.O. Government have introduced a new sub-rule (7) (a) (b) and (c) to the said Rules regarding continuance of disciplinary proceedings in respect of deceased Government servants for the purpose of recovery of any loss caused or amount misappropriated by the Government servant while in service. G. Andhra Pradesh Vigilance Commission have expressed serious doubt of the practicability of the procedure laid down and the legality of such action for recovery of dues to Government occasioned on account of the delinquent officer after his death from his pension and gratuity.1) Department. 3. Finance & Planning (FW. Through G. 1980. the pensioner is found guilty of grave misconduct or negligence during the period of his service. FINANCE (PENSION -I) DEPARTMENT G. the following notification will be published in the Andhra Pradesh Gazettee. 12-7-99 2. State Government reserves themselves the right of withholding or withdrawing a pension or gratuity. Dated 21-12-2002 Read the following :1. orders on findings and penalty there on are passed and issued. or both.O. 1980 . No.. If the Government servant dies before this stage it cannot be said that disciplinary proceedings is concluded.Order .Ms.COPY OF : GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH ABSTRACT Pension-Administrative Reforms . NOTIFICATION 4. A.O. the Government after careful consideration have decided to amend the relevant rule in accordance with law.1999. 302 .I) Dept. either in full or in part. whether permanently or for a specific period and of ordering recovery form a pension or gratuity of the whole or part of any pecuniary loss caused to the Government and to the local authority if in any department or judicial proceedings. 85. the Governor of Andhra Pradesh. The rule deals with a situation where a Government servant dies before the conclusion of disciplinary proceedings where the loss caused or the amount misappropriated by the Government servant is established.Recovery of Government dues from the pensionary benefits . 995. 1980 and as amended from time to time. ORDER : Under Rule 9 of Andhra Pradesh Revised Pension Rules. Ms. 85.Issued. Therefore.07. 464/VC-A2/2002-2 Dt. 2. or the consent of the members of his family in the case of a deceased Government servant. the following shall be substituted namely :- "Eventhough a Government servant has retired from service and was not before his retirement charge sheeted or called upon to explain why a pecuniary loss caused to the Government (or a local authority) due to his negligence. shall recoup the pecuniary loss besides all Government dues (or local authority dues) from the Retirement Gratuity. For this purpose. 303 . should not be recovered from him. it shall be indicated in the sanction clearly the amount of Retirement Gratuity admissible.AMENDMENT 5. it shall not be necessary to get the consent of the Government servant. while he was in service. In the said rules in rule 9. as the case may be. a stated amount which shall be deducted from the Retirement Gratuity admissible. In such cases.K. for sub-rule (7). ARORA PRINCIPAL. the Government if they are satisfied that the loss is due to him. a stated amount which shall be deducted from the Retirement Gratuity on account of Government dues or local authority dues or loss sustained by the Government servant due to negligence and net amount of Retirement Gratuity payable to the retired Government servant". (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE GOVERNOR OF ANDHRA PRADESH) S. SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT. 7. dt. 23-2-2005. No.TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED ABSTRACT Regulations . the Transmission Corporation of Andhra Pradesh Limited issues the following orders : a) The T.O.P. dt: 4-7-2003 ORDER : In the T.O.2003 has only prospective effect. Secy-Per) Ms.No.O. 265 Dt.O.O. 4.No. 3. 4. No.O.91. 91. dt.2003 towards increments shall be recovered accordingly (Illustration enclosed) 5.O.. (GM(IR)-Per) Ms.7.Issued.O.O. 91. b) The amounts paid.2003 shall be recovered in monthly instalments from the increments plus admissible allowances due on or after date of issue orders. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF A.O.Passing of Departmental tests during the period of probation to certain categories of employees in Accounts Service & P&G Service . These orders are issued with the concurrence of Joint Managing Director (Comml. IPC.2003 deleting the tests for probation and prescribing the said tests for promotion only and giving effect to the said orders prospectively.Adjustment by recovery of excess amount due to release of erroneous increments after commencement of probation . T.7.APTRANSCO & DISCOMs . (GM(IR)-Per) Ms. 2.7.O. The entire amounts paid prior to 4. In view of the orders issued by the APTRANSCO in T. dt. (Addl. Finance & Revenue) vide his Regd. No. action is being initiated by some of the Drawing Officers to revise the increments already released and recover the amounts already paid. 4. It has been represented that some of the field Officers/Drawing Officers of the erstwhile APSE Board/ APTRANSCO/DISCOMS released the annual grade increments to certain LDCs/Typist/Steno-typist in Accounts Service and Assistants/Assistant-cum-Computer Operators/Typists/Junior Stenos in P&G Service during the period of probation even though they did not pass the Departmental tests prescribed under Service Regulations. It was represented by some trade Unions that suitable instructions may be issued to the Field Officers of APTRANSCO and DISCOMS not to give effect to the recoveries.No. 91. No. Reforms.Instructions . 4. 263 Dated : 1-3-2005 Read the following :T.O. cited orders have been issued passing of departmental tests during the period of probation to certain categories of employees in Accounts Service and P&G Service and prescribing the same for promotion and the said orders were made effective from the date of issue of T. No.No. (GM(IR)-Per)Ms.O. After careful examination.O. (GM(IR)-Per) Ms. consequent on the release of increments after the commencement of probation and prior to the issue of T. LIMITED) RACHEL CHATTERJEE CHAIRPERSON & MANAGING DIRECTOR 304 . 98 Increment 01-07-1998 - 305 . dt.07.07.01-04-1998 with MBF 1.1994 6. : 19.07. 3.1998 5. 1-3-2005 ILLUSTRATION 1.07. 2170/Rs.1994 4. (Addl. : 17. : Rs. 2030/(1960-70-2730-75-3555) 2nd increment 3rd increment - - Rs. Secy-Per) Ms. 3795/(3295-100-3795-125-4420150-5170-185-6095) Rs.O. Name of the candidate Designation Date of appointment (excluding training period) Date of order of commencement of Probation Date from which probation was commenced Date of accrual of increments 1st increment 19. 263. No.7.07. 3920/(as the order commencing the period of probation was issued on 17.ANNEXURE TO T. 2. 2100/Rs.O.1998 the pay fixation and release of increments are in order) Revised Pay Scales .1995 FN with MBF from 01-07-1995 01-07-1996 01-07-1997 : : : xxxxxx LDC 19. 07.07.40 6005 581.7. 3375+corresponding allowance 575x03=Rs. Increments erroneously released after commencement of probation.07.2003 6580 6005 6795 6005 01. 1500 + corresponding allowance 250x12=Rs.2003 to 03.1999 Pay already drawn 4045 Pay would be drawn 3920 Amount to be recovered 125x12=Rs. 1725+corresponding allowance 790x12=Rs9480+corresponding allowance 01.2000 4170 3920 01.07. 3000+corresponding allowance 375x09=Rs.07.30 + corresponding allowance 306 . 19177.2003 7010 678.2002 (RPS 2002) 01.30 +corresponding allowance Total : Rs.10 97.2001 4295 3920 01. Date of increment 01. TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LTD. No.Vidyut Soudha Canteen .O.O.2005 Read the following 1. 270 Dated : 03. B. 141. (Per-Addl.10.Issued.P. 3. Asst. Accounts Officer / CPR -Member 4. dated 31. No. Secy) Ms. No. No. Secretary (M&S) -Convener The above committee shall frame suitable rules that may be necessary for day to day running of canteen. 5. VIDYUT SOUDHA :: HYDERABAD ABSTRACT Welfare measure .1999 T. 1976 T. dt.1.O. 807 dated 19. 1.O.2001 T.(IS-Per) Ms. T. No. 251. Joint Secretary -Chairman 2.O.O. 26. 252.Ms.O. (Per-DS(IR) Ms. dt. I. 2.O. Executive Engineer (Civil) -Member 5.9.Orders . Deputy Secretary (IR) -Member 3.03.2003 *** ORDER : The Management Committee of Vidyut Soudha Canteen constituted in the reference 4th cited is hereby reconstituted with the following members with immediate effect. KESAVA RAO JOINT SECRETARY 307 . 4.7. (Per-GM(IR) Ms.Constitution of a revised Departmental Canteen Committee at Vidyut Soudha . 116. The Hon'ble Supreme Court of India in their Judgement dated 5.2000 (copy enclosed) in respect of enactment to provide for Rationalization of Reservations to Scheduled Castes in the State of A. Social Welfare (CV-1) Dept. 47. Department.W. dt. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF A. Secy-Per) Ms.No. (CV-I) Department. in Civil Appeal Nos. These orders shall come into force from the date of issue of the Government orders. Social Welfare (CV. 521.2004. 2. C and D for implementing rule of reservation in the appointments or posts or seats so reserved under the rule of reservation for the Scheduled Castes vide G. No. 2000. ORDER : G. Social Welfate (CV-1) Dept.P.TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED ABSTRACT THE ANDHRA PRADESH SCHEDULED CASTES (RATIONALISATION OF RESERVATION) RULES 2000 GOVERNMENT ORDERS . and supersession of the Andhra Pradesh Scheduled Castes (Rationalization of Reservations) Rules.1). 23-12-2004 Orders have been issued in the Andhra Pradesh Scheduled Castes (Rationalization of Reservations) Ordinance 1999 (Ordinance 6 of 1999) Dt.Ms. After careful examination. (CVI) Department. Ms. 91 SW(CV-1) Department.P. 31-5-2000 G. 91. dated 31. dt. 3.ADOPTED.Ms.. (Addl. dt. No.2004 (copy enclosed). 116. under reference 1st cited has been adopted by APTRANSCO vide T.O. Ms. 47 S. 7344/2000 and 3442/2000 declared the Andhra Pradesh Scheduled Castes (Rationalization of Reservations) Act. 47. B. In pursnance of the aforesaid Act.O.O. vide G.Ms. No.12. The said G. dt.1999. dt. 6. 521. Necessary amendments shall be issued separately to the orders already issued with regard to reservations in promotions in favour of Scheduled Castes.O. T. the Andhra Pradesh Scheduled Castes (Rationalization of Reservations) Act. No. 4. 5. dt.O. Rules 2000.05. 7. Ms. 116.11.2000.CV-1) Department. LIMITED) RACHEL CHATTERJEE CHAIRPERSON & MANAGING DIRECTOR 308 . No. 7.O. dt. 31-52000.O. 2000 (Act 20 of 2000) has been enacted to provide for Rationalization of Reservations to Schedule Castes in the State of Andhra Pradesh. Subsequently. 10-12-1999 T.O. dt. dated 10th December. Secy-Per) Ms. 2.O. 3.3.3.O.12.O. dt. No. In the above circumstances.O.2005 Read the Following :- 1. 1999. 6758/ 2000. 273 Dated : 10.O. 6934/200. 9.P. 31. 23. Social Welfare (CV-1) Department.W.O.Ms.5. 10.O. No. Ms. S.P.12.. 1999 issued in G. as unconstitutional.W. the Government of A.1999 categorizing the Scheduled Castes into 4 groups A. in G.Ms. S. dt.O. the Transmission Corporation of A.Ms. No. 4.O. have issued the Andhra Pradesh Scheduled Castes (Rationalization of Reservations).No. and order issued vide G.. SW (CV-1) Department.2004 the Government have cancelled the Rules issued in the G. Limited hereby adopts the orders issued in the G. (Addl. 23. 91 SW(CV-I) Dept.2000 subject to the conditions mentioned there in. No. 7-3-2000 G. 47.12.No. Orders . Act of Institutions (Regulation of Admission and 5 of 1983 Prohibition of Capitation Fee) Act.Ms.COPY OF: GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH ABSTRACT The Andhra Pradesh Scheduled Castes (Rationalization of Reservations) . No. the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby makes the following Rules. SOCIAL WELFARE (CV-I) DEPARTMENT G. DEFINITIONS : II. 1983.2000 2.1) Department.Rules 2000 . (a) (b) In these rules unless the context otherwise requires :"Act" means the Andhra Pradesh Scheduled Castes (Rationalization of Reservation) Act. NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 7 of the Andhra Pradesh Scheduled Castes (Rationalization of Reservations) Act.O. the State Government of Andhra Pradesh :'Public Service' means. Social Welfare (CV. 2000 It shall be deemed to have come into force with effect form 10th December 1999. (1) These rules may be called the Andhra Pradesh Scheduled Castes (Rationalization of Reservations) Rules. issued in G. services in any office or establishment of :The Government : a local authority namely :a Gram Panchayat or a Mandal Parishad or a Zilla Parishad established under the Andhra Pradesh Panchayat Raj Act.Ms.05. dated 10th December.Issued. Educational Institution shall have the meaning assigned to it in clause (c) of section 2 of the Andhra Pradesh Educational A. dated 0206-2000. Dated : 31. 'Government' means.P. namely :RULES : SHORT TITLE AND COMMENCEMENT : 1. 1999. 1999. 1994:' 309 (c) (d) (i) (ii) (a) . 2000. 2000 and supersession of the Andhra Pradesh Scheduled Castes (Rationalization of Reservations) Rules. No.O.116. 47 ORDER : The following notification will be published in the Extra-ordinary issue of the Andhra Pradesh Gazett. 16. No. relating to Municipal Corporation in the State. for the time being in force. 22. 7. (1) In order to implement the rule of reservation under section 3 of the Act. Seven percent of seats both in public appointments or posts and admissions to educational Institutions out of 15% meant for Scheduled Castes shall be reserved for the persons belonging to the Scheduled Castes referred in clause (b) of Section 3 of the Act.(b) (c) a Municipality constituted under the Andhra Pradesh Municipalities Act 1965: and a Municipal Corporation established under the relevant law. No.3 of the Act. Six percent of seats both in public appointments or posts and admissions to Educational Institutions out of 15% meant for Scheduled Castes shall be reserved for the persons belonging to the Scheduled Castes referred to in clause (c) of section 3 of Act. 77 and 91 of the roster as specified in rule 22 (e) of the Andhra Pradesh State and Subordinate Service Rules. any rule or provision for reservation of appointments or posts in public service in the special rules applicable to any particular service or the General rules of the Andhra Pradesh State and Subordinate Service Rules. 1996. but receiving aid from the Government. 62. 66. 1996. 47. 'Rule of Reservation' means. for its maintenance or any educational institution. 27. and any other body established by the State Government or by a Society registered under any law relating to the registration of Societies for the time being in force and receiving funds from the State Government either fully or partly. Provided that in the case of reservation of appointments or posts and admissions to educational institutions shall be allotted to Sl. whether registered or not. a body established under any law made by the Legislature of the State whether incorporated or not including a University. 41. Provided that in the case of reservation of appointments or posts and admissions to educational institutions shall be allotted to Sl. in favour of Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes or Backward Classes or Women as the case may be : 'Scheduled Castes' Shall have the meaning assigned to it in clause (24) of Article 366 of Constitution of India. as the case may be or any rule or provision for reservation of seats in the rules or instructions for admission into educational institutions. a Corporation or undertaking wholly owned or controlled by the Government. (iii) (iv) (v) (e) (f) PROCEDURE FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF THE RULE OF RESERVATION : III. 2 of the roster as specified in rule 22 (e) of the Andhra Pradesh State and Subordinate Service Rules. No. One percent of the seats both in public appointments or posts and admissions to educational institutions out of 15% meant for Scheduled Castes shall be reserved for the persons belonging to the Scheduled Castes referred to in clause (a) of Sec. 72. Provided that in the case of reservation of appointments or posts and admissions to educational institutions shall be allotted to Sl. (2) (3) 310 . 87 and 97 of the roster as specified in rule 22 (e) of Andhra Pradesh State and Subordinate Service Rules. 1996. (4) One percent of seats both in public appointments or posts and admissions to Educational Institutions out of 15% meant for Scheduled Castes shall be reserved for the persons belonging to the Scheduled Castes referred to in clause (d) of Section 3 of Act. Provided that in the case of reservation of appointments or posts and admissions to the educational institutions shall be allotted to Sl. No. 52 of the roster as specified in rule 22 (e) of the Andhra Pradesh State and Subordinate Service Rules, 1996 RESERVATION FOR WOMEN : IV. The reservation for Women to an extent of 331/3% provided in public services in each roster cycle of 100 points fixed shall be adjusted by allotting two seats for Scheduled Castes-B and two seats to Scheduled Castes -C and one seat alternately for Scheduled Castes-A and one seat to Schedule Castes-D as specified in Section 3 of the Act. NON-AVAILABLILITY OF ELIGIBLE CANDIDATE : v. If eligible candidates for public appointments or posts and admissions to educational institutions are not available to fill the slots reserved for them in the roster points as specified in rule 3, it shall be filled in by the candidates belonging to the next group of the Scheduled Castes as specified in section 3 of the Act. Note : If an eligible candidate for public appointment or admission to educational institutions is not available from Scheduled Castes-A, the roster point may be filled up by a candidate of Scheduled Castes-B and so on and so forth. In the case of Women candidates also in the roster point fixed for Scheduled Castes-A (Women), if an eligible Women candidate is not available, the roster point may be filled up by a Women candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes-B and so on and so forth. CARRY FORWARD OF VACANCIES: VI. If no eligible Scheduled Caste candidate (including Women candidates) belonging to any of the Scheduled Castes referred to in clauses (a), (b), (c) and (d) Section 3 of the Act, is available, then the vacancy shall be carried forward and shall not be filled up be by a candidate belonging to any other community other than the Scheduled Castes in accordance with the rules or the instructions issued by the Government in this regard. NON-APPLICABILITY OF THE RULES IN PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS ADMISSIONS: VII. (1) In the case of public appointments for the filling up of back long vacancies or regular vacancies to be filled up by Scheduled castes candidates pursuant to various Government instructions issued in this regard from time to time, and where the selection process has been completed and appointment orders have been dispatched or the applicant has been intimated officially that he or she has been selected and should await posting orders, these rules shall not be made applicable. (2) Similarly, in the case of admissions into educational institutions wherever the admissions have been finalized and the applicant has been intimated officially that be or she has been selected for admission these rules shall not be made applicable. 311 APPLICABILITY OF THE RULES IN CASES OF VARIOUS STAGES OF THE SELECTION/ADMISSION PROCESS : VIII. (1) Wherever the selection process for filling up of the backlog vacancies or regular vacancies are at various stages, such as (a) the vacancies have been notified; (b) the applications have been received; (c) the call letters have been sent to the applicants to appear for written test or an interview or both; (d) the written tests or interview or both have been completed but the appointment orders have not been dispatched or selection has not been intimated to the applicants, in such cases the appointing authorities shall follow these rules. (2) Similarly, in the case of admissions into Educational Institutions wherever the selection process for admission is at various stages such as (a) vacancies have been notified (b) applications have been received (c) the applicants have been asked to appear for any written test or interview or counselling (d) the written test and interview or counselling have been completed but the admissions have not been intimated to the applicants, in such cases the admissions shall be completed following these rules. POWERS TO REMOVE DOUBTS AND DIFFICULTIES : IX. If any doubt or difficulty arises in giving effect to the provisions of this rule, the Government may, by order, make such provisions or give such directions, not in consistent with the provisions of this rule, as may appear to it to be necessary or expedient for the removal of the doubt or difficulty. REMOVAL OF DOUBTS : X. For the removal of doubts, it is hereby declared that nothing contained in this rule shall be construed as inclusion in or exclusion from or further classification of the list of Scheduled Castes with respect to the State of Andhra Pradesh. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE GOVERNOR OF ANDHRA PRADESH C.R. BISWAL SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT (I/C) 312 GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH ABSTRACT SOCIAL WELFARE DEPARTMENT – Andhra Pradesh Scheduled Castes (Rationalization of Reservations) Rules, 2000 issued in G.O.Ms. No. 47, S.W. (CV1) Department, dated 31.05.2000 – Cancellation – Orders – Issued. SOCIAL WELFARE (CV-1) DEPARTMENT G.O.Ms. No. 91 Dated 23-12-2004 Read the following:1. 2. 3. A.P. Scheduled Castes (Rationalization of Reservation) Act 20 of 2000. G.O.Ms. No. 47, S.W. (CV1) Department, Dated : 31.05.2000. Hon’ble Supreme Court Judgment dated 05.11.2004 in Civil Appeal Nos. 6758/2000, 6934/2000, 7344/2000 and 3442/2001, filed by Dr. E.V. Chinnaih & others Vs. State of A.P. ORDER : The Andhra Pradesh Scheduled Castes (Rationalisation of Reservations) Act. 2000 (Act 20 of 2000) has been enacted to provide for Rationalisation of Reservations to Scheduled Castes in the State of Andhra Pradesh. In pursuance of the aforesaid Act, the Andhra Pradesh Scheduled Castes (Rationalisation of Reservations) Rules, 2000, have been issued in G.O.Ms. No. 47, S.W. (CV1) Department, dated 31.05.2000. 2. The Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in their Judgment dated 05.11.2004, in Civil Appeal Nos. 6758/ 2000, 6934/2000, 7344/2000 and 3442/2001 declared the Andhra Pradesh Scheduled Castes (Rationalisation of Reservations) Act, 2000, as unconstitutional. 3. In the above circumstances, the Government hereby cancel the Rules issued in the G.O.Ms. No. 47, S.W. (CV 1) Department, dated 31.05.2000. 4. Necessary Amendments shall be issued separately to the Orders already issued with regard to reservations in promotions in favour of Scheduled Castes pursuant to the aforesaid Rules. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE GOVERNOR OF ANDHRA PRADESH DR. MOHAN KANDA CHIEF SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT 313 TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED ABSTRACT APTRANSCO –Implementation of Rule of Reservation in Promotions in favour of scheduled castes and scheduled Tribles –Policy of providing Rule of reservation in promotions in favour of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes –Amendment and modification Orders to comprehensive guidelines –Government Orders –Adopted T.O.O (Addl.secy Per )Ms.No 274 Date 10.3.2005 Read the following:- 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. ORDER: G.O.Ms.No 5 Social Welfare (SW ROR-1)Deptt Dated. 14-2-2003 T.O.O (GM (IR) –Per ) Ms.No 320 Dated.17.3.2003 G.O.Ms.No 21 Social Welfare (SW ROR-1)Deptt Dated. 18-3-2003 T.O.O.(GM(IR-Per)Ms No.324, Dated:: 25.3.2005 G.O.Ms.No 2 Social Welfare (SW ROR-1)Deptt Dated. 19-1-2004 T.O.O.(GM(HRD&Trg)-Per) Ms No. 246, Dated : 23.1.2004 G.O.Ms.No 76 Social Welfare (SW ROR-1)Deptt Dated. 19-10-2004 T.O.O.(Addl. Secy-Per) Ms No. 180, Dated : 8.11.2004 G.O.Ms.No 47 Social Welfare (SW ROR-1)Deptt Dated. 31-5-2000 G.O.Ms.No 91Social Welfare (SW ROR-1) Deptt Dated. 23-12-2004 G.O.Ms.No 16Social Welfare (SW ROR-1)Deptt Dated. 17-2-2005 G.O.Ms.No 17Social Welfare (SW ROR-1)Deptt Dated. 17-2-2005 G.O.Ms.No 18Social Welfare (SW ROR-1)Deptt Dated. 17-2-2005 T.O.O (Addl.Secy Per ) MS.No 273 Dated. 10.03.2005 *** The Orders issued by the Government in G.Os 1st, 3rd, 5th,7th, 9th and 10th cited for implementation of Rule of reservation in promotions in respect of scheduled castes and scheduled tribes in all categories of posts in all service have beeen adopted by aptransco in the refere 2nd, 4th,6th ,8tha nd 14th cited. 2. In the G.Os 11th , 12th and 13th cited, the Government have issued modified Orders to the extent of Reservation in Promotions based on ABCD groups schedule castes and issued certain amendments to G.O.Ms.No. 5 Social Welfare (ROR.I) Department, Dated::. 14-2-2003 and G.O.Ms No.2 Social Welfare (ROR-I) Department,Dated:: 9-1-2004 on respect of policy of providing Rule of Reservation in promotions in favour of scheduled castes/Scheduled Tribes. 314 3. After careful consideration , the Transmission Corpopration of A.P. Limioted hereby directs that the Orders issued in 1) G.O.Ms No. 16,Social Welfare (SwROR dept Dated: 17.2.2005 :2) G.O.Ms.No.17 Social Welfare (SW ROR –I) Deptt. Dated: 17.2.2005 and 3) G.O.Ms.No.18 Social Welfare (SW ROR –I) Deptt Dated: 17-2-2005 (copies enclosed) shall be adopted in the matter of implementation of Rule of Reservation in Promotions in favour of scheduled castes in all categories of posts in all Services in APTransco The amendments hereby made shall come into force with immediate effect. Necessary amendments to the APSEB Service Reguilations as adopted by Transimission Corpora tion of A.P.Limited will be issued separately. 4. 5. DINESH KUMAR JOINT MANAGING DIRECTOR (COMML..IPC REFORMS FIN & REV) 315 COPY OF: GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH ABSTRACT Social Welfare Department –Public Services –Policy of providing Rule of Reservation in promotions in favour of SCs/STs – Modification –Orders –Issued. SOCIAL WELFARE (SW: RORI )DEPARTMENT G.O.Ms.NO.16 DATE:17.02.2005 Read the following:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. G.O.Ms.No.5,SW(RORI) Dept,Dated: 14-2-2003 G.O.Ms.No.21,SW(RORI) Dept,Dated: 18-3-2003 G.O.Ms.No.123,GA(Ser.D) Dept,Dated: 19-4-2003 G.O.Ms.No.2,SW(RORI) Dept,Dated: 9-1-2004 G.O.Ms.No.76,SW(RORI) Dept,Dated: 19-10-2004 Hon’ble supreme court Judgement Dated: 5-11-2004 in civil Appeal Nos 6758/ 2000,6934/2000,7344/2000 and 3442/2001, filed by Dr.EV Chinnaiah &others Vs State of AP. 7. G.O.Ms.No.91,SW(CV 1) Dept,Dated: 23-12-2004 *** ORDER: In the G.O. first read above the state Government have Ordered for implementation of Rule of Reservation in promotion to ensure adequate representation of Scheduled castes and Scheduled Tribes, to the extent of 15% and 6% respectively in all categories of posts in all departments, with effect from 14.2.2003.In the G.O. second read above, necessary guidelines have been issued and in the G.O. third read above the Andhra Pradesh state and sub ordinate service Rules have been amended to give effective to the policy of Rule of Reservation in promotions in respect of scheduled castes and scheduled Tribes.In the G.O. Fourth read above, detailed guidelines were issued for implementing the Rule of Resertvation in promotions inter alia prescribing a roster of 100 points earmarking roster points as per categorization of scheduled castes. 2. In view of the Hon’ble supreme courts Judgement Dated: 5-11-2004 Orders have been issued in G.O. Seventh read above cancelling the rules issued in G.O.Ms. No.47 Social Welfare (CVI) Dept Dated: 31-5-2000, in which reservation in public appointments or posts and admissions to educational Institutions to scheduled castes was provided based on A,B,C,D groups. 3. Consequent to the issue of Orders in G.O. Ms.No.91 Social welfare (CVI) Dept, Dated: 23-12-2004 the orders issued in G.O.Ms Nos 5 social welfare (RORI) Dept, Dated: 14-2-2003,G.O.Ms No.21 Social Welfare (RORI) Dept, Dated: 18-3-2003 and G.O.Ms No. 2 Social Welfare (ROR1) Dept, Dated: 9-1-2004 read above are hereby modified to the extent of Reservation in promotions based on A,B,C,D goups scheduled castes.In other words, there shall be no categorization among scheduled castes. 316 4. (BY ORDER: AND IN THE NAME OF THE GOVERNOR OF ANDHRA PRADESH) MOHAN KANDA CHIEF SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT 317 . while implementing the Rule of Reservation in promotions for scheduled castes and scheduled Tribes. The Other conditions /guide lines for implemention of Rule of Reservation in Promotions for scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes shall remain unchanged and be followed accordingly. Dated: 14-2-2003 G.O.O.social Welfare (CVI) Dept Dated: 31-5-2000 referred to under read the following shall be deleted.SW(RORI) Dept. G.Ms.D) Dept.State and sub ordinate services –Rule of Reservation in Promotions in favour of SCs/STs –under Article 16 (4A) of the Constitution of India – Amendment –Orders – Issued.No.16.MS.No.GA(Ser. 2.91. 3.Ms.Ms.O.No. 5 SW (ROR!) Dept.Dated: 17-2-2005 *** ORDER: The following Amendment is issued to the G.Ms No.Ms No.SW(CV1) Dept. (BY ORDER: AND IN THE NAME OF THE GOVERNOR OF ANDHRA PRADESH) MOHANKANDA CHIEF SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT 318 .02.2005 Read the following:1. G.O. Dated: 14-2-2003 AMENDMENT In the said Order: the words “2. 47.17 Dated: : 17.5.Dated: 23-12-2004 G.GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH ABSTRACT Social Welfare Department –Public Services. SOCIAL WELFARE (SW:ROR 1 DEPARTMENT G.O.O.NO. 16. there are 20 posts in a particular category and there are 2 SC candidates in postion.2005 Read the following:1.Ms. including the 319 .No.NO.No.e.No.Dated: 23-12-2004 G.Dated: 17-2-2005 ORDER: The following Amendment is issued to the G. 2 SW (RORI) Dept.Ms. the application of the rule of reservation in promotions shall be stopped and the promotions shall be effected based on merit cum seniority. G.SW(CV1) Dept.91. 15%) ABCD catergorization will not be observed and the adequacy will be with reference to total number of employees irrespective of their ABCD categorization shall be deleted.MS.O.O.GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH ABSTRACT Social Welfare Department –Public Services-Representation of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Categories in the State and sub ordinate services –Policy of providing Rule of Reservation in Promotion in Favour of SCs/STs – Amendment –Orders –issued.O.Ms No.SW(RORI) Dept.18 Dated: 17. 3.02.For example as on 1st september of a panel year.O.Therefore as on 1st September of a panel year the adequacy of SC representation is short by one candidateThe other candidates shall have to be promoted. SOCIAL WELFARE (SW:ROR 1) DEPARTMENT G. without earmarking the reserved roster points If on 1st septemeber of any panel year the representation of scheduled castes /Scheduled Tribes is inadequate the reservation in promotions shall be resumed. For Para 7 of the said Order.The existing 100 point roster already prescribed in Rule 22 of Andhra Pradesh State and Sub ordinate service Rules for direct recruitment shall be followed for implementing the Rule of Reservation for promotion for scheduled castes and scheduled Tribes Note” “Once the adequacy is achieved to the required percentage of 15% in respect of scheduled castes and 6% in respect of scheduled Tribes in a category.SW(RORI) Dept.The candidates so promoted shall be fitted into the same) lroster. Dated: 9-1-2004 AMENDMENT The para 4(d) of the said order the expression "For the purpose of computing the adequacy in respect of scheduled castes (i. the following shall be substituted “Roster Points" The reservation in promotions in respect of scheduled castes and scheduled Tribes shall also include the gender based reservation.2.O.Dated: 9-1-2004 G.Ms. 2.The roster point shall start from next point of the candidate figuring in the previous panel prepared and given effect to. They shall be shown at the continuous roster points The 7th Roster points of SC shall be filled up with the candidate based on merit cum seniority. Theroster points form 1 to 10 shall have to be filled upo in such manner.The roster point for that panel year shall start from 11 and the next SC roster point is available at 16 and the same shall be filled up with SC candidate. (BY ORDER: AND IN THE NAME OF THE GOVERNOR OF ANDHRA PRADESH) MOHAN KANDA CHIEF SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT 320 . In the next panel year if it is found that there is adequacy of SC representation then the promotions shall be effected based on general seniority and merit If there is inadequancy of representation SC Candiates shall be promoted based on roster. The Para 11 including note of the said order shall be deleted. For Para 12 of the said order. the following shall be substituted "In case there are no qualified women candidates available for promotion to fill in the roster points earmarked for SC (women) /ST (Women ) the vacancies shall be filled by SC (Male)/ ST (Male) candidates”. The Annexure appended to the said order shall be deleted.SC candidates if they are figuring in the general seniority list based on merit cum general seniority. 7.10.No.03.ED(Accounts )SAO (L) /AO(L) /885/04 Dated::.2. In the reference 4th cited M/s ICICI Lombard General Insurance has offered to undertake a detailed study onb the assets of APTRANSCO and perils before finalizing insurance programme without any charge.5.123/05 Dated::. 7.95 a) A committee has to be formed to study the various aspects relating to the insurance of the properties and equipment at Transimission Net work system of APTRANSCO and suggest a uniform and rational policy b) Equipment shall be insured for the depreciated value.05 M/S ICICI Lombard LR.Dated: 7. 18-2-05 *** The Chairman and Managing Director of APTRANSCO has accorded approval on 2.94 &BP MS.CPT 610 /REC/D No.6. 3.O.CTO /111.No 139 Dated: 4. 3. The Financial Institutions and Banks have also relaxed their security conditions of the loan by accepting the hypothecation of assets in lieu of Governemt Guarantee The Banks and Financial Institutions are insisting for insurance coverage of fixed assets hypothecated in their favour for availing the loan.12. Further it was also decided to adopt the following procedure as laid down earlier by erstwhile APSEB in BP Ms. 9.1.05 Lr.15.No GSG/Hyd/1069/05.04 M/S ICICI Lombard LR. 7.2005 for insurance coverage of fixed asset as it is a mandatory as per prudent business norms so as to recover the cost of asset/ damage form the Insurance company in the event of theft fire.No 35 Dated: 16. 5.04 UO No.NO 192 Dated: 10. 4.TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED ABSTRACT APTRANSCO –Institution of Committee to examine Insurance Coverage to the fixed asset of APTRANSCO – Orders –Issued.2.92 BP Ms.Dated::. CE/ Transmission /Ms.Dated::. 6. T.1.12.Dated::.The insurance cost is a legitimate expenditure and honourable Andhra Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission will also approve as a pass through the Tariff.2.04 UO No.Dated::.No.No GSG/Hyd/1084/05.05 LR No CE/Transmission /SE(T) /EME -1/O&M/27/05.89 BPO Ms.No 1096.No. 321 .No REC/HD/AP GenI /04-05/989 Dated::. M/s RECS LR. 278 Dated: 21.They have also extended to depute their Risk Engineers to inspect a few of substations and give a comprehensive report which will help APTRANSCO in making a decision on insurance coverage of fixed assets.O.10.Insurance /D. 2. 2. 4. 128/04. 30.11.2005 Read the following 1. cyclone earthquake etc. 5. CE (Transmission) Member & Converner of the Committee CE Construction Member of the Committee FA &CCA ( A&E) Member of the Committee Director (Project) of AOTRANSCO chairman of the Committee The members of the Committee are authorized to take assistance form their respective sections. 4.c) Re-grouping of assets to be insured in each quarter are to be brought to a common date preferably 15th of first month of each quarter. the APTRANSCO directs that a committee with the following officers be constituted to examine the insurance coverage of APTRANSCOs fixed assets. 2. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE APTRANSCO) CHAIRPERSON & MANAGING DIRECTOR 322 . 3. The Senior Acccounts Officer (Loans) will also assist the committee for finalization of report. After careful consideration of the above matter. d) Competitive offers may be called for from the insurance companies If competitive offer is received awarding of business ot single company who is the lowest bidder may be considered depending upon its past performance in setting the claims. 5. 1. The Committee shall submit its report to Chairperson &Managing Director of APTRANSCO Vidyut Soudha Hyderabd within 30 days. The CE/TL &SS of the zone shall freeze the vacancies in each division as on the date of issue of these orders under intimation to corporate office.(ADDL. The exemption form possessing educational qualification by the unqualified candidates shall be applicable only in the divisions where the unqualified candidates cannot be promoted to ALM/LM cadres due to absence of qualified candidates or even after all the available qualified candidates are promoted as per OSS rules. 2. An employee who has put in a minimum of 10 years of service as on date of the orders in JLM/ALM cadre shall only be eligible for exemption. 323 .No. iv. The remaining vacancies earmarked for qualified candidates shll be filled by unqualified candidates.TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED VIDYUT SOUDHA :HYDERABAD ABSTRACT APTRANSCO –O&M ESTABLISHMENT –PROMOTION TO UN-QUALIFIED O&M STAFF TO NEXT HIGHER POST –EXEMPTION FROM EDUCTION QUALIFICATION ON ONE TIME BASIS –GUIDELINES –ISSUED. 294 PROCEEDINGS Dated: :31. where necessary. v. vii. vi.2005 The employees unions represented that un-qualified and experienced employees in O&M service.The unqualified candidates shall be considered for exemption only after earmarking the Vacancies equivalent to the number of qualified candidates available in the division. The unqualified candidates shall be considered for promotion only if they happen to be seniors to the qualified candidates and in no case a qualified candidate shall be superceded by a junior unqualified candidate.O. T. It is clarified that this exemption shall however be not applicable to the divisions. The exemption is applicable to the vacancies available as on the date of issue of these Orders and not to any vacancies arising subsequently.O. where the qualified and un –qualified candidates in JLM/ALM cadre are in the ration of 4:1 The existing ration of 4:1 between qualified and unqualified candidates shall be followed .APtransco may be promoted to the next higher cadre duly relaxing the educational qualifications on one time basis in the divisions where qualified candidates are not available. ii. After careful consideration approval is here by accorded by APtransco for filling up of the existing vacant posts by promotion of un qualified and experienced employees in O&M service on one time basis subject to the following guidelines: i. iii.SECY) Ms.03. 3. xii. (BY ORDER: AND IN THE NAME OF APTRANSCO) RACHEL CHATTERJEE CHAIRPERSON &MANAGING DIRECTOR 324 . A qualifying test consisting of reading and writing abilities . These orders will come into force with immediate effect. The employee claimning exemptions for educational qualification shall otherwise be eligible as per OSS rules. A committee consisting of CE/TL&SS of the Zone SE/TC (HYD.RJY. xi. ix.KDP) and SE/TL&SS shall be the DPC and shall be responsible for conducting the qualifyiung test and determining eligibility for exemption The SE/TLC (HYD.viii. x. This exemption shall not apply for promotion form LINE MAN to LINE INSPECTOR cadre. KDP) shall be the appointing authority for the puirpose of promotions effected under this exemption. job oriented skills shall be held and only thoses who qualify in the test shall be eligible for exempotion. RJY. Cited provides inter alia that Graduate Sub Engineer with a minimum of 4 years service in the category of Sub Engineer or 4 years service in all the categories of sub engineers sub overseer Assistant supervisor.O.296 Date: 31.O (CGM /HRD&Trg) Ms. are entited for appointment to the category of Assistant Engineer to the extent of 10% of the vacant posts in that category at the time of each recruitment. DS (Reg) DM/ IV/Z(1) / 543/94-1 Dated::.TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED VIDYUT SOUDHA :HYDERABAD -82 ESTT-APTRANSCO –ES –Appointment of Graduate sub Engineers (Elect) to the category of Assistant Engineer – Relaxation of the provision for recruitment –Orders – Issued.No.03.PANDURANGAM DIRECTOR (PROJECTS CONSTN. 2. Ms No 354 Dated:: 12.12.P. (P&G-Per )Ms. If there are any surplus qualified andeligible Graduate sub engineers available who could not be considered for want of vacancies by the company where they are presently working they are permitted to opt to any other Distribution Company or APTRANSCO where vacancies are available subject to the willingness of both the companies and subject to compliance with the other conditions such as taking the last rank in the opting company and forfeting the lien and seniority in the parent company etc. 4.V. After careful consideration and in exercise of the powers conferred under Regulation -41 of APSE Board Service Regulations Part -11 the APTRANSCO here by accords permissison to relax the clause (ii) (1) of B. J. 12-12-1994 2.No. 28-3-2005. B.P.365 Dated. Memo No.Lineman etc. Dated::. subject to availoability of vcacanies. 2.P. T. 12-12-94 *** PROCEEDING Certain Graduate Sub Engineers (Elecl) with 4 years service have been representing for appointment by transfer as Assistant Engineer on one time basis relaxing clause ii(1) of B.94 to fill up vacancies of Assistant Engineers (Electrical )in four Discoms by all the existing Graduate Sub Engineers with 4 years experience as Assistant Engineers for appointment by transfer on one time basis. The provisions in Annexure -1 of APSE Board Service Regulations Part –III as amended in the B. These Orders are issued with the concurrence of JMD(Fin &Rev) vide Reg No. 354.P. 3. &HRD) 325 .2005 Read the following:- 1. 1st cited. The Provisions in Annexure-I of APSE Board Service Regulation Part – III as amended in the BP cited provides inter alia that Graduate Sub Engineers with a minimum of 4 years service in the category of sub engineer or 4 years service in all the catgories of sub engineers . Existing Mechanical Sub Engineers Qualified and eligible also be considered for appointment by transfer as AE/ AAES against the existing vacancies of Assistant Engineers (Civil). sub overseer Assistant Super visor Lineman.No 354 Dated::. i) To fill up the vacancies of Assistant Engineers (Civil) in APTRANSCO and four Discoms by qualified and eligible Graduate Sub Engineers who have completed 4 years of service as Assistant Engineers (Civil) and the Diploma Sub Engineers (Civil) who have completed 8 years of service for appointment by transfer as AAEs (Civil ) subject to availability of vacancies.354 Dated::. In the Event where the number of candidates available are more than the vacancies available such candidates are permitted to opt to go to any other company Including APTRANSCO Where there are vacancies subject to the willingness of both the companies and subject to the other service conditions like taking the last rank in the opting company and forfeiting the lien and seniority in th parent company etc.DS (Reg) /DM. APTRANSCO –ES – Appoinment of Graduate Sub Engineers /Diploma Sub –Engineers (Mechanical &Civil) to the category of Assistant Engineert/ Additional Assistant Engineer (Mechanical &Civil) – Relaxation of the provision for recruitment – Orders – Issued. Ms.IV/Z1(1) /543/94-1 Dated::12. PROCEEDINGS:- B.TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH LIMITED VIDYUT SOUDHA HYDERABD-82 Estt.O..12. &HRD) ii) 4.12.No .2005 Read the following:- 1.V.O. T. (CGM/HRD &Trg) Ms.94 *** Certain Sub Engineers (Mechanical ) of APTRANSCO and Discoms have been representing for creation of promotional avenues as there are no sanctioned posts of AE/ AAE (Mechanical) in APTRANSCO and Discoms. 2. After careful consideration and in exercise of the powers conferred under Regulatiuon 41 of APSE Board Service Regulations Part II the APTRANSCO is hereby accords permission to relax the clause (ii) (1) of B.12.etc are entitled for appointment to the category of Assistant Engineer to the extent of 10% of the vacant posts in that category at the time of each recruitment. are complied with These Orders are issued with the concurrence of JMD (Finance & Revenue ) vide Regd No 400. 12-12-1994 Memo No. 3.94 on one time basis and Orders as follows.P.03. Dated:: 28-3-2005 J.No.PANDURANGAM DIRECTOR (PROJECTS CONSTN. 297 Date: 31. 326 .P(P &G –Per) Ms. 2. Secretary CE/IPC CGM/HRD &Training CE/400 KV CE/Construction CE/Transmission CE/ Planning CE/ Telecom &IT CE/RAC &Reforms CE/Operation CE/RE Grand Total .TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRSDESH LIMITED ABSTRACT Estt-APTRANSCO –Recommendations of the Techincal Committee constituted to review the cadre strength – Allotment of ADE/EL and AE/AAE/EL posts –Orders –Issued. sanctioning 39 (Thirty nine) new posts of Assistanct Divisional Engineers /Elecl and diverting 11 ADE/EL and 35 AE/AAE/EL from corporate office for deployment in the 220 KV and 132 KV sub stations in the Field based on the recommendations of Tecchnical Committee.No Name of the office No.3.No 280 Dated::d: 23-03-2005 *** ORDER: Orders were issued vide reference cited.2005 Read the following :Ref T. (PERSONNEL SERVICES) T.O. No 319 Date: 29.of posts diverted ADE/EL AE/ AAE/EL 1 1 2 2 5 4 5 5 7 4 5 1 3 1 11 327 35 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Addl. In continuation of the said orders.O. (Per Addl Secy) MS. 2. APTRANSCO further directs that (i) the 11 ADE/EL and 35 AE/ AAE(EL) be diverted form the following offices for utilization in the 220Kv and 132 KV sub stations S.O.O.Secy)Ms. (Per –Addl. V.PANDURANGAM DIRECTOR (HRD &PROJECTS CONST) 328 . Encl: Annexure J.No Name of TL & SS Zone ADE/EL Sanction Diversion AE/AAE/EL by Diversion 1 2 3 4 5 Visakhapatnam Vijayawada Kadapa Hyderabad Warangal Total 10 5 0 19 5 39 0 0 0 11 0 11 2 6 0 21 6 35 The details of posts allotted sub station wise are indicated vide annexure.(ii) the posts sanctioned be utilized as follows:- S.
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