SystemRequirementsSpecification-Customer Master Interface Ver 1.0



BETASystem Requirements Specification Customer Master Integration Customer Maser Integration System Requirements Specification Project Revision History Version Name Date Reason For Changes 1.0 Mona Kaushal 06/05/2010 New document System Requirements Specification Template Template Version 1.0 Doc. Version 1.0 Page 1 of 22 BETA System Requirements Specification Customer Master Integration Table of Contents 1 SYSTEM OVERVIEW............................................................................................................ 3 1.1 1.2 2 USE CASES.......................................................................................................................... 7 2.1 2.2 3 USE CASE DIAGRAM....................................................................................................... 8 USE CASES................................................................................................................... 10 FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS........................................................................................12 3.1 3.2 3.3 4 SYSTEM PERSPECTIVE..................................................................................................... 5 OPERATING ENVIRONMENT............................................................................................... 6 BEHAVIORAL REQUIREMENTS.........................................................................................12 DATA REQUIREMENTS.................................................................................................... 13 INTERFACE REQUIREMENTS............................................................................................ 13 NON-FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS...............................................................................15 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 LANGUAGE FOR IT SYSTEMS.......................................................................................... 15 DOCUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS..................................................................................15 LEGAL REQUIREMENTS.................................................................................................. 16 HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS...........................................................................................16 SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS...........................................................................................16 DISASTER RECOVERY REQUIREMENTS............................................................................16 SECURITY MANAGEMENT REQUIREMENTS.......................................................................17 5 ASSUMPTIONS, CONSTRAINTS AND DEPENDENCIES.................................................19 6 CONCLUSION..................................................................................................................... 19 APPENDIX A – SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS INFORMATION GATHERING TEMPLATE............20 System Requirements Specification Template Template Version 1.0 Doc. Version 1.0 Page 2 of 22 out of business. ABAP (Advanced Business Application Programming) is the programming language used in SAP.Dealer Information Database (DID): DID is an Auto industry Dealer Information Database system that stored customers/Dealers information. SAP will be the Core Master Maintenance system. SAP is an enterprise resource planning (ERP) software product capable of integrating multiple business applications.Currently active d) Terminate . System Requirements Specification Template Template Version 1. Data from Legacy system (Dealer Information Database) is going to be merged into SAP. effortless integration and communication between areas of a business. Applications and Products in Data Processing.CDC) It is a Mainframe DB2 database that stores dealers’ customer master data. but still financially active Here is a brief on what SAP is: SAP stands for Systems. A brief overview of the Legacy system.they are creating the site c) Active . They are a) Ship-to locations b) Warranty repair stations c) Fleet companies d) Auto Industry sub organizations e) Plants f) Government g) Financial organizations h) Distribution Centers (RDC. with each application representing a specific business area. These applications update and process transactions in real time. It consists of customers who are primarily classified as dealers and non-dealers. Version 1.BETA System Requirements Specification Customer Master Integration 1 System Overview This project is scoped on creating a centralized customer master Database. thus allowing seemingly.completely done customers b) Pending .0 Page 3 of 22 .0 Doc. not an active dealer. Following are the status used to determine DID customers: a) History . function silos.BETA System Requirements Specification Customer Master Integration A figure below that depicts SAP’s integration across different processes.0 Page 4 of 22 . 3 Tier System Landscape Database Server Application Server PC PC Application Server PC System Requirements Specification Template Template Version 1. Here is a context diagram of SAP landscape that will be used for this project.0 PC Doc. Version 1. being the Gold System for dealer information. The purpose of the on-going interface is to maintain data consistency between DID and SAP customer masters. The interface will bring in all the changes to the customer master on a daily basis to keep the systems in sync. 1.BETA System Requirements Specification Customer Master Integration 1. Version 1.1. DID. is one of the main source systems for customer master. Here is a comprehensive architectural overview of the system. However. It is intended to capture and convey the significant architectural decisions that have been made on the system.0 Doc. repeatable process of creating. System Requirements Specification Template Template Version 1. controlled manual intervention would be required to an extent (for SAP specific fields) once the interface is up and running.1 System Perspective Given the volume of the DID data and the need for a stable. changing and deleting customer master records.0 Page 5 of 22 . Manually modifying the customers would be tedious and error prone and may result in data inconsistency between the two systems.1 High-level architecture diagram The objective here is to have a global customer master repository in SAP for the purpose of billing and accounts receivables. manual creation or change to the customer master data is not an option. 0 Page 6 of 22 . Delete SAP UPLOAD FILE Customer Master Data SAP Applications Landscape - July 2007 18 System Requirements Specification Template Template Version 1.0 Doc. Change. Version 1.BETA System Requirements Specification Customer Master Integration Logical Architecture of DID to SAP DID Add. 0 Doc. analytics and collaboration Improve customer relationships: Integral CRM arms your team with relevant information Maintain IT solution as you grow: SAP will not hold your business back from growth Clear.1. built-in learning.2 Major system features Benefits of implementing SAP Solutions: Increase revenue: Access real-time data fast with SAP Reduce costs: Gone are the days of costly and recurring customization Adaptable: React quickly whenever your business needs to change and adjust to new market conditions Complete solution: Run your entire business effectively with just the one solution Personalized: Improve your employees’ productivity with a role-based user experience. Version 1.0 Page 7 of 22 . instantaneous insights: Create up-to-the minute dashboards Business Critical alerts: Powerful alerts system Improve efficiency: One centralized data repository Support Multi-currency transactions: Multi-currency transaction and report capabilities Multi-lingual capabilities: Available in 27 languages and 40 countries Integrate with Microsoft Office: Word. Excel and Outlook System Requirements Specification Template Template Version 1.BETA System Requirements Specification Customer Master Integration 1. Create/change customer master record in the SAP System: SAP ECC .2 Operating Environment Dealer Information Database is a Mainframe DB2 database that stores dealers’ customer master data. DID Step 1 User Actions Create request in legacy system to create/change customers in SAP System Actions N/A – Legacy System Requirements Specification Template Template Version 1.Trigger Customer Master Interface . Approximately.0 The purpose is to create/change a customer master record in the SAP system whenever a request for creation/change of a customer is sent from a legacy system Below are the features specific to SAP – Purpose: Last Update by: User/Actor: Business Owner Name: Trigger: References: Frequency of Use: Preconditions: Post Conditions: Non-functional Requirements Steps:  DID – source system for dealerships.0 Doc. The account groups and the actual number ranges will not be affected by this decision. UNIX is going to be the operating system on which SAP is installed and functions. 2 Use Cases Create/Change Customer in SAP by Trigger from Legacy Systems Use Case Identification and History Use Case ID: CMI_INT_001 Use Case Name: Create/Change Customer Master Record In The Legacy Gold Source Systems Version No: 1. 90% of the customers will come from DID.  The number assignment will be internal to local SAP instance.0 Page 8 of 22 . Mona Kaushal Interface On (date): 06/15/2010 Contact Details: Request for creation/change of customer from upstream system N/A Key business users Frequent – daily Customer created/changed in the legacy system Customer masters are created/changed in SAP None .BETA System Requirements Specification Customer Master Integration 1. Version 1.Create request in legacy system to create/change customers in SAP . 1.1 Use Case Diagram Use Case 2.0 Doc.1 CMI_INT_001-1: Create Customer Master Record in SAP System Requirements Specification Template Template Version 1.0 Page 9 of 22 . 2. New customers are created in SAP from the data received from the interface by internal number assignment. Existing customer master records are changed as requested.BETA System Requirements Specification Customer Master Integration  2 Trigger Customer Master Interface   3  Legacy system feeds data file to the GIF (Global Integration Factory) The GIF passes on the data file to SAP through an IDoc. Version 1. 0 Page 10 of 22 .0 Doc. Version 1.2 CMI_INT_001-2: Change Customer Master Record in SAP System Requirements Specification Template Template Version 1.1.BETA System Requirements Specification Customer Master Integration Use Case 2. BETA System Requirements Specification Customer Master Integration System Requirements Specification Template Template Version 1. Version 1.0 Page 11 of 22 .0 Doc. 0 Page 12 of 22 .0 System Actions New customers are created in SAP Doc.Create customer master record in the SAP system System: SAP Transaction – XD01 Step 1 User Actions Create customer master record in the SAP  System Requirements Specification Template Template Version 1.2. Last Update by: User/Actor: Business Owner Name: Trigger: References: Frequency of Use: Preconditions: Post Conditions: Non-functional Requirements Assumptions.0 Creation of SAP customer master records directly in SAP Going forward.BETA System Requirements Specification Customer Master Integration 2. DID will send data file as mentioned in the mapping document. Version 1.2 Use Cases Use Case Identification and History Use Case ID: Use Case Name: Purpose: 2. validate and then create the customer master in SAP system. SAP will be the Gold Source for DID customers. Issues: Mona Kaushal Interface Key Business user On (date): 06/15/2010 Contact Details: Request for creation of DID into SAP N/A Frequent – daily Request for new customer is approved. Steps: .1: CMI_INT_001-1 Create Customer Master in SAP Version No: 1. Customer masters are created in SAP None   The request is approved The customer does not already exist. SAP will read the data. Last Update by: User/Actor: Business Owner Name: Trigger: References: Frequency of Use: Preconditions: Post Conditions: Non-functional Requirements Assumptions: Mona Kaushal On (date): Key business user 06/15/2010 Contact Details: Request to change a customers in SAP N/A Frequent – daily Customer exists in SAP SAP customer masters are changed as requested.2. Going forward.2. Steps: . None   The request is approved The customer already exists.0 System Actions Existing customer is changed Doc.BETA System Requirements Specification Customer Master Integration Use Case Identification and History Use Case ID: 2.0 Change an existing SAP customer master record in SAP The customer masters for which SAP is the gold source can be changed in SAP. DID will send data file as mentioned in the mapping document. Version 1. validate and then change the customer master in SAP system.0 Page 13 of 22 . SAP will be the Gold Source for DID customers. CMI_INT_001_2 Use Case Name: Purpose: Change Existing Customer Master in SAP Version No: 1.Change customer master record in the SAP System: SAP Transaction – XD02 Step 1 User Actions Change customer master record in the SAP  System Requirements Specification Template Template Version 1. SAP will read the data. the support team monitors the jobs and takes follow up actions as per the established procedures. Refer to the Workshop document for details. But. the interface is executed in a Suspense job run to load the corrected data records found in the previous Regular job. System Requirements Specification Template Template Version 1. or terminates while running the job. then these failed records in SAP will be archived first before reprocessing the file containing the erred data records. Data Errors: While processing the Legacy source file in SAP. which will be a Regular job run. The requirements will be gathered through the WORKSHOPS conducted with the business. but those that fail in the validation checks will not be loaded to SAP.1 Behavioral Requirements 3.1. 3. data records are validated at field level for consistency with mapping rules and data related checks. before loading to SAP during validation and in the processing of the record in SAP. The data records that pass through these checks will be loaded to SAP. Before processing the Legacy source file in a Regular job run.BETA System Requirements Specification Customer Master Integration 3 Functional Requirements All the functional requirements are covered in the respective Deliverable objects list.0 Page 14 of 22 . If a job does not run due to file accessing errors or technical reasons.0 Doc.1 Failed Transaction Handling/Error Handling for Interfaces System/communication Errors: The interface is run in scheduled background jobs. If the interface was aborted in middle due to different technical reason. error is analyzed and if required the job is rescheduled. There are two stages where errors can occur. There is no editing or correction done at the source file level in SAP. Version 1. The data records that fail in the validation will be stored in a custom table in SAP for later error correction and reprocessing in a job run called ‘Suspense run’. if there is a need to correct the failed data records at the Legacy source and resend them in a file to SAP. review the file beforehand.  Responsible person for Legacy system: o Who owns from the deployment team and can answer mapping and technical questions? o Answer: Mona Kaushal  Data Transaction Volumes o How many records are coming per transmission? o Answer: Approximately 10 customer 3.2 Data Requirements Here is the list of the Source system data elements: . Details of the how the data will be translated to be covered in the Mapping document of the Functional Specification document. 3. xMinutes. Version 1.0 Doc. xMonthly) o How many files are we going to receive and when? o Answer: Every hour  Automated or Manual o Manual if someone has to kickoff the process.SAP Error! Not a valid link.1 Reporting Requirements System Requirements Specification Template Template Version 1. or manually upload/download a file like a spreadsheet o Answer: both manual and automated  Responsible Business Owner o Who from the business owns the process and interface? o Answer: Owned by the business Customer master team. Here is the list of the Destination system data elements: . xWeekly.0 Page 15 of 22 .3 Interface Requirements Following are the Requirements that need to be gathered for the Interfaces  Frequency (realtime. xDaily.DID Error! Not a valid link.3.BETA System Requirements Specification Customer Master Integration 3. 0 Page 16 of 22 . The list can be used for information and documentation. the change date. the name of the person changing and the field group.   S_ALR_8 7012180 Address List S_ALR_8 7012182 Display Changes to Customer s S_ALR_8 7012183 Display/C onfirm Critical Customer Changes Freque ncy System Requirements Specification Template Template Version 1. Only customers for whom company-code-dependent master data exists. Adhoc  You can use this report to display changes to the customer master record. Adhoc  The address list report displays customer address from the General view of the customer master record. the company code data or the sales area data. you can choose whether you want to see the changes for the general data. you can set limits according to the organizational form  A program is used for displaying and changing the customer's confirmation status.  The confirmation status provides information as to whether sensitive fields have been changed in the customer master record.BETA System Requirements Specification Customer Master Integration Report Name Description/Use S_ALR_8 7012179 Customer List  The customer list is used for displaying and for printing customer master data which is needed in the area of financial accounting.0 Adhoc Doc. the company code. Adhoc  Select options exist concerning the customer. Within each data range. a search term. You can narrow down the number of customers to be printed using selection criteria. or an interval for the selection criteria. for example. Additionally. the account number of the customer. are displayed for the following entries. Version 1. This includes. com/p/customer-master-integration/ S. Link below to go into the details. ABAP will be the programming language that will be used for SAP. System Requirements Specification Template Template Version 1. Access to the system will be restricted to the privileged group. avoiding data duplicity. 4. http://code.2. meeting. presentation.2 Documentation Requirements Following are the list of documents that will be needed to be delivered at various stages of the project.BETA System Requirements Specification Customer Master Integration 4 Non-Functional Requirements 4.0 Page 17 of 22 . deliverable documents and workshops. consistency.No Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Project Planning document Project methodology document Project milestones document System Requirement document Work-shop documents Functional specification document Mapping document Technical specification document Test Cases/scripts Training manual Minutes of Meeting 4.1 Safety Requirements The documents will be loaded in a safe and secure location for uniqueness. Version 1. Backup of needed data will be maintained.1 Language for IT systems English will be the only language of communication for documentation.0 2. 4.1 Software Licensing Requirements None 4.3 Legal Requirements This project will be governed by HGU rules and regulations and in accordance with the US legal rules/regulatory code. 4. The training document will provide details on how to use the system in details with snapshots and step by step instructions.0 Doc. HP UNIX Network.0 Page 18 of 22 . system will be maintained as scheduled.BETA System Requirements Specification Customer Master Integration 4. 4. Desktop. System Requirements Specification Template Template Version 1. and other infrastructure needs to be installed before moving into the “Realization” mode of the project.4 Hardware Requirements Laptops. Version 1. 4. MS Office. SAP and other required tools to work on the project.2 Training Requirements Training documents will be detailed in the Training manual.5 Software Requirements The project system will be run on UNIX platform The user community will use Windows.3.6 Disaster Recovery Requirements Backup of the data. 7. Identify restrictions by data and user classification. security.2 Data Security Requirements Data security will be maintained as per standard security norms baselined below: Define Access Requirements The data can be classified by its sensitivity (e. employees. Define data movement security requirements. Identify data privacy laws that must be adhered to (e. restricted.g.1 User Security Requirements User privacy. confidential) or by user role.7 Security Management Requirements 4.BETA System Requirements Specification Customer Master Integration 4. Users can be classified by organizational unit. Consider gathering information on connections. data accesses... The following should be considered: · Can data be transferred to a diskette? System Requirements Specification Template Template Version 1. companies) cannot be identified. To meet legal restrictions it may be necessary to store summarized data so that individual entities (e. Define Network Requirements Identify network requirements. access will be controlled by the System administrator and per the security norms.0 Doc. 4.7. such as data encryption/decryption and routing restrictions. Version 1. employees. disconnections. or by individual. etc. by user role.. most countries require that companies that hold data on customers must make this data available to the customer on demand).g.0 Page 19 of 22 . Define Data Requirements Identify any legal restrictions that apply to data kept on customers.g. Define time frames when secure data cannot be published to non-secure staff. and data changes. Define Audit Requirements Define audit requirements. 0 Doc.BETA System Requirements Specification Customer Master Integration · Can data be stored on a PC? · Who might have access to data transferred to a diskette or a PC? · Do back-ups have to be encrypted? · Where should back-ups be kept? · Who might have access to the back-ups? Define High-Security Requirements If high levels of security are required. "trusted" versions of operating systems. Version 1. define the requirements.0 Page 20 of 22 . such as "trusted" versions of database management systems. and secure facilities. System Requirements Specification Template Template Version 1. SAP will serve as a tool to facilitate the on-going interface processes and objects like mapping source & destination system fields. Only active customers will be extracted from the legacy systems. Implementation options for this solution have been detailed in the respective documents in the “Project deliverable document list ver 1. o Extending additional SAP values as necessary. and provide the customer data under the required structure. All changes to customer master records (DID data) will be initiated from DID system. This solution shall facilitate the Centralized Customer Master database system. o Converting. file structure etc. Dealers will not be created directly in SAP. The SAP team is responsible for: o Receiving valid Customer Master Data in SAP. The Legacy System team is responsible for: o Extracting. translating Legacy data into SAP required format as per the required guidelines 6 Conclusion The Proposed solution meets the objective of interfacing legacy application Dealer information Database with SAP solution. file format.0 Page 21 of 22 . o Processing source flat files. mapping source fields as necessary.0.XLS” file. Version 1. changes to SAP specific data would be possible directly in SAP. The Legacy system owners (DID) will ‘cleanse’ and ‘download’ the legacy data as appropriate.BETA System Requirements Specification Customer Master Integration 5 Assumptions. converting. System Requirements Specification Template Template Version 1.0 Doc. However. Constraints and Dependencies The assumptions and dependencies considered are:         DID will continue to be the Gold Source System for dealers and will provide the customer master for conversion. 0 Doc. Version System Requirements Specification Template Template Version 1.0 Page 22 of 22 .google.BETA System Requirements Specification Customer Master Integration Appendix A – System Requirements Information Gathering Template Click the following link to get details of the documents pertaining to this project: http://code.
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