Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide-En

May 3, 2018 | Author: rafael | Category: Casing (Borehole), Spreadsheet, Copyright, Drilling Rig, Microsoft Excel



Sysdrill® 10Getting Started Guide © 1988–2014 Paradigm B.V. and/or its affiliates and subsidiaries. All rights reserved. The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Paradigm B.V. and/or its affiliates and subsidiaries (collectively, "Paradigm"). Paradigm assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. The Copyright Act of the United States, Title 17 of the United States Code, Section 501 prohibits the reproduction or transmission of Paradigm’s copyrighted material in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without permission in writing from Paradigm. Violators of this statute will be subject to civil and possible criminal liability. The infringing activity will be enjoined and the infringing articles will be impounded. Violators will be personally liable for Paradigm’s actual damages and any additional profits of the infringer, or statutory damages in the amount of up to $150,000 per infringement. Paradigm will also seek all costs and attorney fees. In addition, any person who infringes this copyright willfully and for the purpose of commercial advantage or private financial gain, or by the reproduction or distribution of one or more copies of a copyrighted work with a total retail value of over $1,000 shall be punished under the criminal laws of the United States of America, including fines and possible imprisonment. The following are trademarks or registered trademarks of Paradigm B.V. and/or its affiliates and subsidiaries (collectively, "Paradigm") in the United States or in other countries: Paradigm, Paradigm logo, and/or other Paradigm products referenced herein. For a complete list of Paradigm trademarks, visit our Web site at All other company or product names are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. Alea and Jacta software under license from TOTAL. All rights reserved. Some components or processes may be licensed under one or more of U.S. Patent Numbers 5,570,106; 5,615,171; 6,765,570; and 6,690,820. Some components or processes are patented by Paradigm and/or one or more of its affiliates under U.S. Patent Numbers 5,563,949; 5,629,904; 5,838,564; 5,892,732; 5,930,730; 6,055,482; 6,092,026; 6,430,508; 6,819,628; 6,820,043; 6,859,734; 6,873,913; 7,095,677; 7,123,258; 7,295,929; 7,295,930; 7,328,139; 7,561,922; 7,584,056; 7,711,532; 7,844,402; 8,095,319; 8,120,991; 8,150,663; 8,582,825; and 8,600,708. In addition, there may be patent protection in other foreign jurisdictions for these and other Paradigm products. All rights not expressly granted are reserved. Third-party software notices are located at Document Control Information Version History Version Date Written by Checked by Authorised by 1 06/06/10 DG SV DG 2 06/06/11 DG SV DG 3 03/03/12 DG SV DG 4 30 Jul 2014 SR Changes from the Previous Version Description of Change Includes functional and interface changes associated with the Sysdrill 10 release. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 3 .............................3 Quick Well.. 30 2....3 Create a Wellpath Using the AutoPlan Function ...............................................3 1 GUIDE OVERVIEW ....................................................................9 2..................................................................................................3 CHANGES FROM THE PREVIOUS VERSION ...5 Update Landing Point for Target 2 ...................................................................................... 53 3..............................................................3 Create an Installation ..................2 Find ..................4 Planned Wellbores ........................4........................................................2 Torque & Drag Analysis (Range) .......................................... 53 Casing Analysis (including Connections) ............. 37 3....................................................................................................................................................................................................1 Create a Casing Assembly (with Connections) ........ 42 3...........................................................................................................................................................9 2.............................................................1 Create a Cementing Calculation.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................2 Data Setup ........................................................................................5 Cementing Analysis ...............................................................................................................................................1 Hydraulics Analysis (with Imported Pressure Profiles) ....4............................... 58 3..............................................2 Create a Field ............................................ 10 2................7 2...............................4 Unit Converter .......................................5.................1 Torque & Drag Analysis (Static) .1...................................... 38 3..............................................................................................6 Extend the Wellpath ............................................................1......................................................................................... 26 2.5 Create a Well.................. 31 2............................................................. 27 2.....4.....................2.................................................3...1.....................6 2 INTRODUCTION TO WELL PLANNING ................................................................3 History .. 33 2............... 20 2..... 35 3 INTRODUCTION TO ENGINEERING....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................7 Define Local Formations ................................4.....3 VERSION HISTORY ............................................................................................... 37 3...................... 37 3............... 47 3......................................................................................................................................................... 63 ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 4 .................................. 63 3.....................................2.......................................................................................... 16 2.............. 19 2..........................................................2...........................................4.........................................................................................................................................................................................1...........................................................................1 Getting Started.. 47 3...............................................................4.................................3 Hydraulics Analysis ....................................................4 Edit Slot & Rig Datums .............................................2...............................................................................4....................DOCUMENT CONTROL INFORMATION ...........1.................................................................... 39 3...1 Create a Planned Wellbore .... 42 3......................... 45 3......................................................................................4 Casing Analysis ........................1 Creating a new Operator .....................................2 Torque & Drag Analysis ............................................. 11 2................................................................2............................................................ 11 2........... 13 2.............. 29 2.........1......................................................2 Create a Rig ....................2 Define Targets ............................................................................7 2........................................ 22 2.................................................................... 34 2..................1 Create a Project ..............................................................................................................................8 Define Hole Sections and Casings .................1 Data Setup ...............2........................................................................................................8 2..............4 Define the Survey Program .....1 Data Selector ...................................................................................................3 Create a Drilling Assembly ...........................................................................................................................4.........................2..........1..........................4........................................................................................................................................................... 26 2....................................... .................... 89 E ............................................................................................... 97 ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 5 ..........................................................................1...........................Catalogues a summary ......................................................................... 95 G ........................................................................... 76 4..........2 Project Ahead................................................. 69 4................................................................... 3....................................................................................2 Departure from Plan ..Further Help ...............................................3D View Summary.................Working with Spreadsheets ...........................Working with Graphs & Plots .................................................................................................................... 76 5 APPENDICES ...........................................................................................5..............................................................................................................3 Free Fall Calculation ..........Reporting ............ 78 B .................................................................. 67 4 INTRODUCTION TO DRILLING .......................................................................................... 79 C ..................................................1...........................................1 Actual Wellbores ................................... 69 4...........................................1 Return to Plan ... 69 4...............................................................................................................................................................................................Basic Plotting .............................................................. 91 F .......2............. 78 A .............................................................2 Define Fluids by Volume .............................................................................. 74 4...... 64 3.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................5.................. 82 D ..............................................................................................................1 Import Survey Data .......................... ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 6 . It is intended to provide limited workflow advice to new and returning Sysdrill users but is not intended to be a full formal training document.1 Guide Overview This guide is intended to act as an overview of the functionality available within Sysdrill 10 for further advice. If full training is required please contact your local Paradigm representative or email support@pdgm. 2 Introduction to Well Planning Note: To launch Sysdrill. If the Server was not installed to run as a service. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 7 .1 Getting Started Sysdrill is launched from the Windows Start menu as shown below Sysdrill will start automatically if only the Admin user is set up. however if more than one user is set up it will be necessary to enter a user name and password. manual launch from the Windows Start menu is required. 2. the Sysdrill Data Sever must be running. 2. The “Display” field allows the user to specify which of the major data categories (Locations. Operators. This option allows selective display of associated data objects (wellbores. The objects displayed within the Data Selector relate to objects in the real world and are arranged to reflect relationships within a hierarchical tree structure. Organisations. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 8 . engineering calculations etc) on the basis of their Field or Block association. It contains branches that can be expanded and collapsed to show the required level of detail and to enable navigation to the various editor dialogs. The selected category may be expanded to reveal and edit associated data objects.1 Data Selector The data selector is the focal point of activity within Sysdrill.1. The “Filter” field is only enabled when either Operators or Locations are selected in the ‘Display’ field. Catalogues and Directional Survey Tools) to display. The data selector has two drop down fields (Display and Filter) that manage what data is displayed so as to aid navigation. It displays of all objects within the drilling database and provides access to all associated editor dialogs for data entry. This tree is conceptually similar to the directory structure within Microsoft Windows Explorer. analysis and output. Rigs. 2. This allows users to search for pieces of data that they wish to locate.1.3 History The third section is the History tab. This works in a similar tab to Internet explorer history and allows users to search for objects depending on the last date that they were edited.1. The Look In drop down list allows the user to select which of the major data categories to search in while the Of Type determines which sort of data the user is searching for. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 9 . 2.2 Find The next section is the Find tab. the top drop down list contains all of the unit types that can be converted.1.2. This allows the users to enter a known value and convert it into a different unit system.4 Unit Converter The final section is the Unit Converter. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 10 . 2 Data Setup The following exercises cover key aspects of the data setup required for well planning. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 11 .1 Creating a new Operator The top level of the hierarchy is Operator level. Note : All dialogues beneath this Operator will use the selected.2. The viewing unit system can be switched at any time but all dialogues will open with API Oilfield units unless the Unit System is changed at Operator level. unit system by default when they are opened. an Operator is the entity operating the well or lease.2. API Oilfield. 2) Create an Operator named GS Opeartor using the API Oilfield Unit System as shown below. 2. The data that is created below the operator will provide the basis for future calculations within Sysdrill 1) Within the Data Selector right-click on the Operators node and select New Operator. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 12 . the following table outlines the saving options that are common throughout all of the Sysdrill application Button Action Description Cancel Cancel all edits and close the dialog. Save Save the current edits. Save & Exit Save current edits and close the dialog. Select Coordinates from Installation. This does not close the dialog. this will mean all Coordinates are shown by default from the installation reference point rather than the Slot or Field reference. This will return you to the Data Selector. 4) Move to the Preferences tab and use the button to select a logo that will appear on the reports for this Operator. 3) Save the Operator dialog but do not close it. 5) Save and Exit. 1) In the Data Selector right-click on Operator GS Operator and select New Field.2. 2) Name the Field GS Field and ensure that the GS Operator has been assigned by default. From the Location dropdown list select Create New. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 13 .2.2 Create a Field A Field is a geologically constrained area in which hydrocarbons have been (or are expected to be) found. 3) The Location editor will open with a default Map Zone present (which zone depends on the users preferences) 4) Delete the default map zone and select (Use the icon) the WGS 1984 / UTM Zone 14 N and make it definitive ( ). ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 14 . Call the Location Mexico 5) Save and Exit the Location. 8) Save and Exit the Field. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 15 . 7) Enter a Northing of 1977931 and an Easting of 540555 and ensure the Lat and Long calculate as per the below screenshot. 6) In the Field editor select Location Mexico. Note that the data entered is highlighted in Green. 2) Name the installation Pad A.2. Note: A new installation automatically inherits the coordinates of the parent Field. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 16 . ensure that the Field is set to GS Field by default.2.3 Create an Installation An Installation represents the site from which we drill the wellbore(s). 1) In the Data Selector right-click on Field GS Field and select New Installation. These coordinates can be updated if required. 4) Give the Installation an Elevation above Mean Sea Level of 335 ft ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 17 . Ensure the Lat/Long and Northing/Eastings are calculated as per the below. 3) Enter North from Field Origin as 1200 ft and South from Field Origin as 2555 ft. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 18 . 6) Save and Exit the Installation. 5) Move to the Declination tab. Note: Declination has been automatically calculated based on Installation geographic position for current date and time. 2) Move to the Rig Datums tab and name both Datums RKB and give them an Elevation Above Installation of 15 ft.4 Edit Slot & Rig Datums A Slot defines the surface position from which a wellbore is drilled. The user can select from defined Rig Datums when entering surveys and planning wells. 3) Save and Exit the Slot. Any number of Rig Datums can be associated with a given Slot and the associated Wells. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 19 .2. 1) In the Data Selector expand Pad A and Right-click Slot #1 and select Edit Slot.2. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 20 .5 Create a Well A Well provides a naming container for the wellbore (or wellbores) defined beneath it.2. 1) In the Data Selector right-click Slot #1 and select New Well. 2) Name the Well A-1 and give it a Purpose of Development.2. 3) Save and Exit the Well. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 21 .com if more information is required. this is not covered in this guide but please contact [email protected] External Data Sources tab allows the user to set up connections to various data sources where data can be transferred either to or from. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 22 .3 Quick Well Sysdrill also includes a Quick Well wizard that walks the user through the process of creating a well. the below workflow explains how to use this functionality. 1) In the Data Selector select the Operator node and then the Quick Well toolbar button 2) This will launch the Quick Well Wizard 3) Name the well. select the type of well and enter in the Elevation information (either Metric or Oilfield units can be used) before selecting Next.2. 4) On the Next page Field. 5) Now the Installation is created and the Operator created or selected (If an existing field was selected in the previous step the Operator will be pre selected) ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 23 .7467 E2 0 0. Location and Positional information is entered. In this example we will create a new Field and Location at N58 8 41. Existing data can be used or new data can be created.Note: If selected the wellbore option enables the application to automatically create and open a wellbore of the type specified.0000 on the default Map zone before selecting Next. in this example a Planned Wellbore will be created. 6) A block can then be defined if required before selecting Finish 7) A summary of the well to be created will then be presented. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 24 . ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 25 . 8) Selecting Finish will create the line of descent in the Data Selector and in this example open the associated PWB for editing. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 26 .4 Planned Wellbores The following exercises cover some basic functions in relation to defining a Planned Wellbore. right-click and select Create Planned Wellbore.1 Create a Planned Wellbore 1) In the Data Selector expand Well A-1 and highlight Wellbores (Planned) node. 2. Firstly close any Planned Wellbores that are currently open.2.4. 2. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 27 .2 Define Targets 1) Append a row to the Wellbore Targets list and enter the following target details.4. Name A-1 – T1 TVD 14250 ft Distance 2000 ft Direction 27 deg 2) Move to the Target Shape tab and create a 100ft circle that is 50ft thick. Name A-1 – T2 TVD 17950 ft Distance 2400 ft Direction 27 deg 4) Move to the Target Shape tab and create a 100ft circle that is 50ft thick. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 28 . 3) Append a second row to the Wellbore Targets list and enter the following target details. 3) Use the 2D View and 3D View to visualise the wellpath. the wellpath created should match the below.2.3 Create a Wellpath Using the AutoPlan Function Wellpaths are typically created using Profiles. These tools may be used at any time. 2) In Row 2 enter an MD value of 5000ft to update the Kick-Off Point. 1) Move to the Wellpath tab and click the AutoPlan button ( ). ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 29 . In this exercise we will made use of the AutoPlan option to generate a geometrically valid wellpath through both targets associated with the wellbore. 4) Save the Wellbore but do not Exit. these are available in the drop-down list on the well planning spreadsheet. These profiles represent commonly used sequences of curving (build/drop/turn) and straight (hold) sections used in wellpath design. Profiles are completed by input of user-defined constraints.4. 1) Move to the Errors tab and append a row to the spreadsheet . 2) The errors will now be visible in the 2D and 3D views.4 Define the Survey Program One or more survey tool error models may be applied to a planned wellpath to determine the required survey program. Sysdrill is shipped with a number of default error models.2. Use the drop-down fields to specify a WdW Gyro tool and a Good Gyro error model. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 30 . The user may also define error models for specific survey tools.4. T2 with an inclination of 6. Drag the symbol towards the highside of the target as shown.5 Update Landing Point for Target 2 The wellpath currently lands in the centre of target A-1 .17 degrees. 1) Return to the Targets . We now interactively update the wellpath landing point within that target to increase the inclination beyond a minimum requirement of 6. 2) In the toolbar next to the Target Schematic.5 degrees. click the Wellpath View button to display the target from the perspective of the wellpath. 3) Hold down the Shift key and click on the wellpath intersection symbol (the red cross) in the Target Schematic.2.4. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 31 .Shape tab and select target A-1 – T2. 4) Move back to the Wellpath tab. Note that the inclination at target A-1 – T2 has increased. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 32 . 3) Save the Wellbore but do not Exit. 1) Append a row to the Wellpath Spreadsheet.4.6 Extend the Wellpath The wellpath will now be extended by 100ft MD so that TD is beyond target A-1 – T2. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 33 .2. 2) In Row 7 enter a Course Length of 100ft and a DLS value of 0 deg/100ft. Local Formations allow the user to define a simplified geological model with respect to the wellbore using oriented planes. define the formations as shown below.2.4. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 34 . 4) In the 3D View experiment with the Surfaces and Curtain options to display the defined local formations. 1) Move to the Formation page and select the Local Formations sub-tab. 3) Use the Include All button to select all the formations. 2) Using the Append button.7 Define Local Formations In situations where more detailed geological surface files are not available. 8 Define Hole Sections and Casings The following exercise covers manual definition of hole sections and casing intervals for the wellbore.4. 2) Append a row enter the first line and then use the Enter key to create subsequent rows to define the hole sections shown below. 1) Move to the Hole Sections/Casings tab. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 35 . 3) Append a row enter the first line and then use the Enter key to create subsequent rows to define the casing information shown below.2. This information is required to run engineering calculations. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 36 . 4) In the 3D View the Casings can be switched on and off using the button. 5) Save and Exit the Planned Wellbore. 1. Casing & Tubing Analysis and Jar Placement. Cementing. 3. It provides a means to group all relevant engineering analyses in relation to the proposed and actual wellbores of the Project.1 Create a Project A Project relates to a specific piece of work such as the planning and drilling of a well. This approach allows efficient optimisation of wellbore design against multiple engineering criteria. Hydraulics and Casing Analyses. These calculations allow the user to quickly define the scenario to be modelled. Sysdrill's shared data structure allows different types of calculation to be run in parallel. Sensitivity. use the Create New option to launch the Rig editor. Hydraulics. The following exercises introduce Torque & Drag. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 37 . analyse the results and optimise the engineering design. right-click on the Projects node and select New Project. each calculation executing against a set of common inputs.3 Introduction to Engineering There are 6 main engineering calculations within Sysdrill. 1) In the Data Selector. 2) Name the Project Engineering for A-1 and select Drill well as the Project Type. under Well A-1. The results of calculations can be output in both graphical and tabular form.1 Data Setup 3. In the Rig drop-down. Torque & Drag. 1. A rig is associated with a particular Project.3.ft Max Hook Load 800 klb 2) Save and Exit the Rig.2 Create a Rig A Rig is defined by the physical operating parameters of the surface equipment. allowing all project calculations to reference a common set of parameters. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 38 . 1) Enter the following details to the Rig editor Rig Name GS Rig Rig Type Land Rig Block Weight 30 klb Max Torque 25000 lbf. 3) In the Project editor. ensure that the GS Rig is selected. 4) Save and Exit the Project. 3.1.3 Create a Drilling Assembly Sysdrill allows detailed definition of assemblies (drilling assemblies, casing and liner strings, completion strings, screen assemblies etc) for use in engineering analyses. 1) Expand Project Engineering for A-1, right-click on the Assemblies node and select New Assembly. 2) In the Assembly Wizard select Catalogue as the creation method and click Next. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 39 ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 40 3) Use the OD filter to search for assemblies with an 8 ½” Outside Diameter. This should return the three assemblies shown below. 4) Highlight the 8 ½” Steerable assembly and select Finish. 5) Within the Assembly Editor, update the name in Row 1 to 8 ½” Steerable – GS. 6) Save and Exit the Assembly. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 41 Note: Typically only one fluid will be defined for a torque and drag calculation. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 42 . ensure the PV and YP are calculated as per the below. It is one of the 4 major engineering calculation types available under the Project node. Enter the following details for the default Operating Mode: 3) Move to the Wellbore Fluids tab and give the Drilling Fluid a Density of 13. 1) Under Project Engineering for A-1.3.1 Torque & Drag Analysis (Static) The Torque and Drag Calculation involves mechanical analysis of a string within a particular hole section.2.00 ppg. multiple fluids will be required if modelling casing floatation jobs etc. 2) Name the T&D Calculation Planned T&D for 8-1/2” Hole and select A-1 (PWB) and 8 ½” Steerable – GS Assembly.2 Torque & Drag Analysis 3. right-click on the Torque and Drag Calculations node and select New Torque and Drag Calculation. However. This row relates to the specified calculation depth. By highlighting a particular entry in the summary spreadsheet. This includes summary features for fast identification of specific problems. Torque and Surface Stress results. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 43 . The Range Results table features a row of key calculation values for the selected operating mode. Note 2: Any number of friction factor and/or tortuous intervals may be defined along the wellpath. Torque and Stress categories. Detailed graphical and tabular results occupy the central portion of the results section. The bottom half of the calculation editor provides a range of features for analysing calculation results. 5) Return to the Inputs tab and run the calculation using the Calculate button. For each entry in the spreadsheet. a more detailed pass/fail summary is given in the section below for different aspects of Tension. Results in the graphs and tables reflect the operating mode currently highlighted in the summary spreadsheet. check-boxes indicate a pass or fail in relation to general Tension. Torque and Stress. Note 1: Default friction factor values can be updated. The left side of the results section contains a summary spreadsheet in which all operating modes included in the calculation are listed. and detailed graphical and tabular information for comprehensive understanding of the modelled scenario(s). 4) Move to the Friction Factors & Tortuosity tab and note the default values. Three tabs allow examination of Hook Load. 8) Save but do not exit the Torque & Drag Calculation. Note: Moving the cursor over a curve within a graph will cause a floating label to appear. 9) Append 2 new rows to the Operating Modes spreadsheet and define them as shown: 10) Run the Calculation again . This label will automatically identify the curve and report the measured depth and curve value at the selected point. 7) Investigate the graph manipulation functions provided by the toolbar to the right of the graph. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 44 . This allows results curves for all operating modes to be displayed in the graphs. 6) Click on the Point Graphs tab and examine each graph in turn. Ensure that the Show Ghost Lines option is selected. 12) Save but do not exit the Torque and Drag Calculation. 1) Select the Range Calc Calculation option. 11) In turn. 2) Run the calculation.2 Torque & Drag Analysis (Range) The Range Analysis approach allows multiple static analyses to be run at regular intervals over a specified depth range. there should be 10 rows by default. In the following exercise we rerun the calculation as a Range Analysis to model the changing assembly loads as we drill out the 8 ½” hole. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 45 .2. highlight each operating modes in the Summary Spreadsheet. The graph should update to reflect the selected operating mode. effectively simulating the changing assembly loads over a particular hole section. 3) Use the scroll bar to the left of the graphs to view the graph results at different calculation depths. 3. 4) Move to the Range Graphs tab and examine the Graphs. 5) Save and Exit the Torque and Drag Calculation. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 46 . 1 Hydraulics Analysis (with Imported Pressure Profiles) The Hydraulics Calculation involves hydraulic analysis of a string within a particular hole section. 5) Within Windows Explorer. 3) Edit the Geology and Temperature Data. This dialog can also be accessed from within the Wellbore Editor or beneath the relevant wellbore object in the Data Tree. Note: This launches the Pressures and Temperatures dialog in which pressure and temperature profiles can be defined for the wellbore. 7) In Sysdrill. 6) Highlight cells A1 to C53 and copy data to the clipboard.3. right-click on the Hydraulics Calculations node and select New Hydraulics Calculation. 4) Ensure that the depth reference is set to TVD and data reference is set to Values. double-click on file GettingStartedPressureData.3 Hydraulics Analysis 3. 2) Name the Hydraulics Calculation Planned Hydraulics for 8-1/2” Hole and select A-1 (PWB) and 8 ½” Steerable – GS Assembly. This will open Microsoft Office Excel. right-click in the Pressure spreadsheet and select Paste.3. the Import Wizard will launch. 1) Under Project Engineering for A-1.xls. It is one of the 4 main engineering calculation types available in the Data Selector under the Project node. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 47 . 9) Click the button to map the columns in the import data to the corresponding columns in the wellpath spreadsheet. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 48 . 10) Select Next to continue the import process. 8) Ensure that the Has Headers option is selected and click Next to proceed to the data mapping stage of the import process. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 49 . 11) Accept the default references and select Next to import the data. ensure 52 rows of data are imported. 12) Select Finish completing the import process. This includes summary features for fast identification of specific problems. The bottom half of the calculation editor provides a range of features for analysing calculation results. and detailed graphical and tabular information for comprehensive understanding of the modelled scenario. 13) Save and Exit the Pressures and Temperatures dialog. 14) Return to the Hydraulics Calculation and enter the below calculation options: 15) Move to the Circulating Fluid tab and enter the following details for the drilling fluid: 16) Run the calculation. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 50 . Density. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 51 . Trip and Hole Cleaning. 20) Re-run the Calculation. The summary is split into the following categories: Pressure. 17) Move to the Point Graphs tab and examine the graphs. 18) On the Inputs tab activate Annulus Loaded and enter the below values: 19) Activate Swab/Surge and enter the below values. The Hydraulics Analysis provides a similar pass/fail summary to the Torque & Drag. Detailed graphical and tabular results occupy the right hand portion of the results section. The Range Results table features a single row of key calculation values relating to the specified calculation depth. 21) Save and Exit the Hydraulics Calculation. Surge and cuttings are now included in the results. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 52 . The influence of Swab. 3) The Assembly editor will open.3.4 Casing Analysis 3.1 Create a Casing Assembly (with Connections) Sysdrill allows detailed definition of assemblies (drilling assemblies. screen assemblies etc) for use in engineering analyses. 1) Expand Project Engineering for A-1. search for Casing Joints with a Nominal Pip OD of 9- 5/8”: ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 53 . name the assembly 9-5/8” Casing GS and enter an OD of 9-5/8”in the first row: 4) In the Find Panel (in the lower half of the Assembly Editor). completion strings. casing and liner strings.4. 2) In the Assembly Wizard select Casing String as the Assembly Type and Next. right-click on the Assemblies node and select New Assembly. 5 ppf in the Search Results and use the button to append the casing joint to the assembly.#53. also with a Nominal Pipe OD of 9-5/8” ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 54 . 5) Highlight item Casing Joint (API) . 7) In the Find Panel. search for Casing couplings.9. define the Grade and Tool Joints Types as shown below. 6) In the Assembly Spreadsheet.625in . #53. 8) Select the Casing Coupling .9. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 55 . they must be placed above the relevant casing joint in the Assembly Spreadsheet 9) In the Assembly Spreadsheet. highlight the Coupling component in Row 2 and click the button to display the Details panel.5 ppf in the Search Results and highlight Row 2 in the Assembly Spreadsheet use the button to insert the coupling to the Assembly Spreadsheet. Note: If modelling couplings.625in . enter the details for the 9 5/8” Casing Coupling as below 10) In the Assembly Spreadsheet. 11) Move to the Connection tab and ensure that both Upper and Lower Tool Joint genders are set to Box. 13) In the Assembly Spreadsheet. select the Casing Joint in Row 3. 12) Click on the button to populate the connection properties. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 56 . Ensure that both Upper and Lower Tool Joint genders are set to Pin and that connection properties are calculated. highlight both the Joint and the Coupling (Rows 2 & 3) then click the Group Selected Items button. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 57 . 14) Save and Exit the Assembly. 10) In the Assembly Spreadsheet. Grouping the items ensures that the Joint & Coupling pair is repeated from the casing shoe to surface. relevant depths are populated on the DEPTHS page. Casing Analysis (including Connections) The Casing Analysis Calculation allows a particular casing string to be modelled in relation to multiple Load Cases (loading scenarios) that could be encountered by the string in the wellbore. 3) Enter a running speed of 10 ft/min on the Options tab 4) On the Depths tab and enter 15 ft for Top Cement Lead and 8000 ft for the Top Cement Tail. 2) Name the analysis 9 5/8” Casing Analysis and select the details shown below. The other values will be calculated from the Casing Interval 5) Move to the Fluid Densities tab and enter the values below ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 58 . right-click on the Casing & Tubing Calculations node and select New Casing & Tubing Analysis. Note: When the Casing Interval is selected. It is one of the 4 major engineering calculation types available under the Project node. 1) Under Project Engineering for A-1. 6) Move to the Load Cases tab and select the Add Load Case from Catalogue button. 7) In the Load Case Catalogue Selector. 11) Select the Collapse . 10) Within the Load Case Spreadsheet. highlight the following 2 pre-defined Load Cases: 8) Select the button.Evacuated Load Case and then the Edit Load Case button. By defining initial conditions. This will add the selected Load Cases to the Load Case Spreadsheet within the Casing Calculation. Note: This indicates that the Load Cases are to be included in the analysis. the stresses present in the string prior to the cement setting can be incorporated in the calculation of the other load cases. 9) Close the Load Case Catalogue Selector. The Initial Temperature may also be defined for calculation of thermal expansion effects in post cemented Load Cases. Note: The default Initial Load Case is a special load case type that is referenced by any other load case that includes the ‘cement is set’ option. ensure that the Calculate check box is selected for both Load Cases. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 59 . 14) The following message appears. Note: It is possible to enter or calculate a casing wear profile for use in Casing Analysis. However. close the Load Case Editor. gradient and pressure values within the Casing Calculation dialog provide the specific information to allow the load cases to solve for the particular casing interval being analysed. indicating that at least one of the defined Load Cases requires a Casing Wear Profile to allow calculation. density. 12) Once you have examined the details of the Load Case definition. Note: In this example the pore pressure curve defining the lower part of the External profile is the same pressure data defined on the Wellbore for use in Hydraulics calculations. This allows the possibility of fast and easy re-use of complex load cases on different casing intervals in the same wellbore or in different wellbores. The Load Case Editor allows the details of a new load case to be defined or the details of an existing load case to be viewed or updated. A Load Case is defined by a combination of internal and external pressure profiles. Through use of generic tags to describe internal and external pressure profiles. 16) Move to the Options tab and deselect the Include Wear Profile Option. 13) Run the Casing Analysis. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 60 . The user-entered depth. calculation options and design factors. 15) OK to acknowledge the message. the load case definition is actually independent of the particular casing interval. in this example we are simply going to override the use of wear for all Load Cases included in the Casing Analysis. 17) Rerun the Casing Analysis. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 61 . Highlighting a particular entry in the summary spreadsheet will also have the effect of highlighting associated load and limit curves in the results graphs. 19) In the Options tab check the Include Connections and Include Couplings checkboxes. 18) Ensure that the Show Ghost Lines option is selected. Detailed graphical results occupy the bottom right portion of the casing calculation editor. This allows results curves for all Load Cases to be included in the graphs. This includes summary features for fast identification of specific problems and detailed graphical and tabular representations for comprehensive understanding of the modelled scenarios. The calculation editor provides a range of features for analyzing calculation results. 20) Re-Run the Casing Analysis. check-boxes indicate a pass or fail in relation to Axial. For each entry in the spreadsheet. Collapse and Triaxial analysis categories. The left side of the results section contains a summary spreadsheet in which all load cases included in the calculation are listed. Burst. Results in the graphs and tables reflect the load case highlighted in the summary spreadsheet. The influence of couplings and connections should now be included in the results. 21) Save and Exit the Casing Calculation. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 62 . 1 Create a Cementing Calculation 1) Under Project Engineering for A-1.5 Cementing Analysis Cementing Analysis allows simulation of Cementing Hydraulics for multiple fluids. Fluids are set up in their final positions to produce a fluid train.3. Freefall. right-click on the Cementing Calculations node and select New Cementing Calculation. select 9 5/8” Casing on Running String . ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 63 . Fixed Bottom Hole Pressure and Fixed Flow Rate calculations are available. 3. 2) Name the Cementing calculation Cement 9-5/8” Casing and assign A1 (PWB) as the wellbore to be used 3) In the Cementing Calculation.5.GS as the Assembly. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 64 . Read-only fields above the spreadsheet indicate available volumes for the Wellbore. 1) In the Cementing Calculation. Bore and Annulus. This is useful reference information when specifying the fluid volumes to be pumped.71 bbl 310 bbl Density 11. 3) Select the Simple Fluid Example fluid from the Fluid Catalogue using the Fluid From Catalogue button and add it to the spreadsheet.3. move to the Wellbore Fluids tab append a new row to the spreadsheet 2) Define the three fluids in the spreadsheet as follows Name Displaced Fluid Lead Cement Tail Cement Volume . 4) Enter a volume of 995. Typically this is the drilling fluid for the previous hole section. When entering fluids by volume. YP and Yield Value as shown.2 Define Fluids by Volume Fluids are defined by their final state. PV. - Displaced Fluid is the fluid in the wellbore before pumping the fluid train. Any number of fluids with varying densities and rheological properties can be entered by volume or by depth.e. i.00 bbl for the Simple Fluid Example and update the Density.75 ppg 13.50 ppg Fluid Model Herschel Buckley Bingham Plastic Bingham Plastic PV 15 cP 15 cP 20 cP YP 20 lbf/100ft 10 lbf/100ft 10 lbf/100ft Yield Value 5 lbf/100ft . the fluids should be listed in the order that they are pumped.5.00 ppg 13. 680. after displacement to the annulus. in reality it should only be run to a 500 ft or so above the 13-3/8” shoe. allowing Time and Strokes to be calculated ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 65 .50 ppg Density Spacer between the Lead Cement and the Displaced Fluid in the spreadsheet and give it a Volume of 450 bbl and reduce the volume of the Lead Cement to 230 bbl so that the top of the Lead Cement is now at 4272. 6) Insert a 11. The value entered represents the minimum flow rate used to overcome the differential in fluid density between the string and the annulus when the fluids cease to move under their own weight Pump and Liner details may also be associated with a fluid. 5) As can be seen from the Final State diagram the Lead Cement is currently run all the way to surface. For Free Fall calculations it is also necessary to define a flow rate for each fluid.55 ft as shown. Lead and Tail Cements 350 gal/min. 9) Save the Cementing Calculation . 7) Use the option to create a Pump Schedule. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 66 . 8) Enter the specified flow rates. Spacer and Simple Fluid Example 600 gal/min. 6 hours. 3) Move to the Flow Rate results graph. In this example turbulent flow is shown with the speckled appearance of the relevant fluid.5. 2) Once the calculation is complete. As the calculation runs observe the Along Hole Conditions graph as the calculation progresses. 1. The ECD in the open hole dynamically updates as the fluid train is displaced. 1) Return to the Inputs tab and run the calculation . use the slider bar below the Fluid State Diagram to play back the graphical results to any point in the displacement process.3. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 67 .3 Free Fall Calculation The Free Fall Calculation uses the final displacement flow rate as the basis to calculate the required flow rate to overcome the U-tubing effect caused by heavier fluids in the string. In this example gravity effects cause the flow rate to exceed the specified displacement flow rate from approx.45 hours to 1. Initial pump pressure is required to move the cement train into the string. Once the cement moves into the annulus an increase in pump pressure is required to overcome the differential in hydrostatic pressure between the string and the annulus. 6) Examine the remaining results graphs in turn. 4) Move to the Surface Pressure results graph. No choke pressure is required. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 68 . This pressure is reduced as the cement begins to move under its own weight. The effects of increased pump pressure in the later stages of displacement can be seen. 7) Save and Exit the Cementing Calculation . Note that the Velocity graph is also controlled by the slider bar below the Fluid State Diagram. 5) Move to the Bottom Hole ECD results graph. 4 Introduction to Drilling The following exercises cover some of the workflows that might be undertaken during drilling of the well. Ensure that the Has Headers option is selected and select Next ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 69 .1 Import Survey Data In the following exercise you will create an Actual Wellbore under Well A-1 and enter survey data. 4. 4.1. 1) Expand Well A-1 and highlight the Wellbores (Actual) node. 5) Select Next to proceed to the data preview stage of the import process. 4) In the Import Wizard. click the Import Survey button.txt using the button. select File as the data source and navigate to file A-1_Survey_Data_5700_MD. 3) Within the Survey Sections tab of the Actual Wellbore editor. 2) Right-click and select Create Actual Wellbore.1 Actual Wellbores An Actual Wellbore represents a drilled trajectory based on survey log data. Select Next to proceed. 6) Select the button and ensure that the columns in the import data are mapped to the corresponding columns in the Wellpath spreadsheet as shown and select Next to proceed 7) Ensure the survey section is named A-1_Survey_Data_5700_MD and select the WdW Gyro – Good Gyro Error Model. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 70 . 8) Accept the defaults (no corrections) and click Next to import the data. 9) Ensure that 59 rows of data are imported and select Finish to complete the import process. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 71 . 13) Open the 3D View and set the viewing orientation to Plan View. 10) The Survey sections tab should now contain the following entry: 11) Move to the Wellpath tab and examine the imported survey stations. 12) Save but do not exit. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 72 . 14) Click the button to give an orthogonal view and zoom in. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 73 . 2 Departure from Plan In the following exercise you will examine how the actual wellpath relates to the planned wellpath. 2) Move to the Wellpath tab the Off Plan values in the spreadsheet will now be populated. 4) Click the 2D View button and on the Travelling Cylinder tab examine the separation of the actual wellpath from the planned Wellpath at different depths. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 74 . 1) Move to the Wellbore Details tab and select Planned Wellbore A-1 (PWB) in the Fulfills Plan dropdown list.4.1. 3) Move to the Graphs tab and examine the relationship between the actual wellpath and the planned wellpath for key trajectory parameters. 5) Move to the Plan & Section tab and examine the graphs. 6) Close the 2D View window. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 75 . use the graph vieing tools to zoom to the AWB. click the Project Ahead button. Note: The Project Ahead module allows any number of projections to be appended one after the other to describe an overall projected trajectory.4. The details of the projection are defined in the panel to the left of the dialog. it may be saved as a Simulated Wellbore (SWB) object. The results are presented in a series of different displays to the right of the dialog. 3) Select as the projection type.1 Return to Plan 1) Within the Actual Wellbore editor. The projection automatically calculates based on the default 3. 4. Once the trajectory is created. use the Zoom to Window function to zoom in on the end of the Actual Wellbore. 2) In the 3D View page.0 deg/100ft dogleg values.2 Project Ahead In the following exercises we examine one of the available methods for projecting ahead of the bit. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 76 .2. plus others. 4) Update both dogleg values to 1. and then Save and Exit the Actual Wellbore. The functional areas outlined in this guide. Note: The recalculated projection now gets us back on plan deeper in the hole. are covered in greater detail within available training courses. 5) Exit the Project Ahead editor. Additional information on application operation may also be found within the help system.0 deg/100ft. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 77 . Management of Rows Some spreadsheets allow the order of rows to be changed by use of Up and Down buttons.5 Appendices A . Sorting / Ordering Results spreadsheets can be sorted by clicking on the header of a column. Editing Columns The Columns Selector allows the user to update the number and order of columns displayed in any spreadsheet. It is accessed by right-clicking within the spreadsheet and selecting the Columns option. The results will then be sorted by ascending value in the selected column. clipboard and MS Excel options) • DEX Files • WITSML Files and Servers • Epos Servers • Peloton The I/O Wizard also handles internal copy and paste operations between common spreadsheets within Sysdrill. it will not explicitly appear unless there is a mismatch in the number or order of columns between the source spreadsheet and the destination spreadsheet. Copy & Paste Copy and paste to/from spreadsheets is supported. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 78 . Repeating the operation will sort the spreadsheet by descending value. However. It is initiated via dedicated buttons within relevant dialogs.Working with Spreadsheets Spreadsheets are a common method of recording information within Sysdrill dialogs. Import & Export The Input/Output Wizard provides a standard interface for managing the import and export of key data sets. The following data sources are supported: • Ascii (including text file. This includes the option of including/disregarding a header row. Sysdrill also allows the user to create customised report templates. it should be stored in C:\ProgramData\Paradigm\Sysdrill 10\reports\en\Wellpath. select Next. At this stage the option could be used to create a user defined report but we will produce the standard report.rfm. Give the report a name that ensures that it can be found again and select Finish. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 79 . 1) We will now produce a wellpath report. 3) In the Report Wizard use the button to select template Wellpath Report. 2) This opens the Report Wizard. select any Planned Wellbore and from anywhere within the Planned Wellbore editor select the Create New option from the Report button . which guides the user through the process of report generation.Reporting Sysdrill contains a variety of standard report templates which can be used to output tabular and graphical information. Document (Word) or Spreadsheet (Excel) format by selecting the corresponding radio button.B . The report can be produced in Text. now be available for selection from all Planned wellbores. MS Word Viewer or Open Office assuming that Document was selected. 5) The report will. It is possible to modify this if required using the Interpolations tab. Select the Report button and the Wellpath Report will be produced. by default describe the planned wellpath over the entire depth interval at an interpolation rate of one interpolation per 30m/100ft MD. 6) The report will. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 80 . 4) The report will. now be available for selection for all Planned wellbores. 7) The report will open in rich text format in the default editor which is either MS Word. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 81 . 9) The reporting system has been designed so that the user can define the reports they have to produce regularly and then access them easily. 8) Take a few moments to examine the contents of the report. once happy the report can be saved in a number of formats using the Save As functionality. move to the Wellpath Plots folder.C . 2) This will launch Select Plot File dialogue. In this appendix we will cover the outline the production of a basic plot and mention some of the basic functionality but if more in depth information is required then please speak to the trainer and request a copy of the specific plotting module training guide.Basic Plotting Sysdrill contains a comprehensive plotting module that allows the production of a wide variety of plots that can greatly help aid the teams understanding of what is required.plt file and press Open ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 82 . select any Planned Wellbore and from anywhere within the Planned Wellbore editor select the Create New option from the Plot button . 1) We will now produce a basic plot. select the Wellpath A3 Landscape. There is also another Appendix that details the various plotting toolbar buttons and their functionality. now be available for selection from all Planned wellbores. the format should be the same but the data plotted will vary. Select the Plot button and the A3- Landscape plot will be produced 6) A Plot similar to the below should open. 3) Select Finish and Sysdrill will return to the Planned Wellbore Editor 4) The newly created plot will now be available for selection 5) The plot will. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 83 . ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 84 . we will cover only two of the options. 8) Firstly we will add the grids to the plot. Repeat the process for the Plan View The plot should now look similar to the below ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 85 . Details of all of the above can be found in the specific plotting training guide if required. Select the Edit Grid button from the layout toolbar and then click in the Vertical Section sub-plot. Ensure that the Show Grid option is enabled. 7) Now that we have a basic plot using the plot template it is possible to customise the plot in a large number of ways. including Add/move/delete/resize sub-plots Colour existing sub-plots Modify data within sub-plots Add Logos Modify the data contained in sub-plots Create new plot templates Save the plot to complete at a later time. Select Profile data and Finish Left click to anchor the sub plot above the Section View. when happy right click to deposit the subplot. The plot should look similar to the below 10) If time constraints allow continue to modify the plot and attempt to reproduce the below completed plot. 9) Now we will add a new sub plot. move right and down to create the extent of the sub plot. Select New Subplot button . ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 86 . Layout . Plotting Module Toolbars All operations in the Sysdrill Plotting Module can be conducted through functions available in the following 3 toolbars. Plotting Module Operation All editing operations are achieved by selecting the required editing function from a toolbar. label and colour functions. This ensures that any subsequent changes to the wellpath are reflected in the plot. They include moving. printing and zoom options. CGM . Wellpath update will result in the loss of any detail edits. Type File Extension Description Plot . ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 87 . The messages that appear provide useful information and often indicate what type of user input is expected. adding and scaling sub-plots. deleting. Default appearance settings may also be made in terms of grid style and automatic labels. Layout Toolbar Provides major editing operations that relate to the overall appearance of the plot. 2. 1. General Toolbar Provides universal plot functions such as saving.plt A plot template document.plp An active document that will re-read the wellpath when the plot is re-opened. selecting the appropriate element within the plot and then specifying the details of the edit operation. Archive . They also include grid. the details of the edit are specified within a dialog or by interacting directly with the data on the plot. although these can be also be set in relation to specific sub-plots.Plotting Module Save Options The Sysdrill Plotting Module supports the following 4 options for saving a plot. Hint: Pay attention to the status bar at the bottom of the plot window. Depending on the particular operation.cgm A static document in Computer Graphics Metafile format.pla A static document that will remain unchanged unless subject to further editing. add sub-plots as required (Layout Toolbar) 2) Change scale. 4) Print and save the edited plot. position and size of sub-plots as required (Layout Toolbar) 3) Edit automatic annotation styles. adding and scaling text.3. 2) Use the Layout Toolbar to perform major edits relating to the overall appearance of the plot. delete sub-plots. They also include adding art objects and logos. it may not be necessary to attempt all these steps. For any particular plot. add art objects and logos etc (Detail Toolbar) ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 88 . 3) Use the Detail Toolbar to make small-scale presentational changes. deleting. They include moving. General principles 1) Launch the Plotting Module using a plot template file which closely matches your requirements in terms of plot size and content. Regular save operations are recommended. The number of necessary steps will depend on the editing requirements of the plot. Detail Toolbar Provides small-scale editing functions in relation to individual elements within the sub-plots. Note: The plot can be saved at any time during the editing process. set interpolation depth markers etc (Layout Toolbar) 4) Move/add/delete text. These relate to individual elements within sub- plots. Typical Editing Sequence 1) Move sub-plots. Recommended Workflow When working with the Sysdrill Plotting Module. the editing sequence described below will typically be followed. Data can also be pasted from matching columns in a spreadsheet or imported using the ASCII import wizard. Data created in the Assembly Builder can also be copied into the catalogues Fluid Catalogues Fluid Catalogues are used to store Drilling Fluid data used in the engineering modules. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 89 . Whole catalogues can be imported and exported between Sysdrill installations using the import export buttons on the Data Selector or from the context menu.D – Catalogues a summary Sysdrill includes a number of Catalogues to store user data common to the modules in the application. A Tubular component can be created or imported directly in a catalogue opened from the Data Selector. Equipment Catalogues BHA and Tubular equipment can be stored and retrieved from this catalogue type. A fluid can be created directly in the catalogue or copied in from an Engineering analysis or the Fluid Builder. click on the Clear Filters button. The filters are applied in the order they are selected. The list returns a list of items that match the filter selected (<100 items). The Nominal Weight and OD values are used only as lookup parameters for searching.Fluid Material Catalogues Fluid Material Catalogues are used to store Base Fluids and Weighting Materials used in the composition of Drilling Fluids used in the various Engineering Analyses. Catalogue Filtering The equipment catalogues can be filtered in the Assembly Editor to enable quick selection of items by search criteria. To begin a new search. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 90 . This can be accessed either from the Data Selector or by selecting in the Fluid Builder. A Base Fluid or Weighting Material can only be created in the Catalogue dialog. It is then possible to insert or append a selected item from the results into the current assembly. object type. depth and offsets at the cursor position.E . the panel beneath the view dynamically reports the object.3D View Summary The 3D View window is launched from the Wellbore dialog and allows the user to interactively examine the current wellbore and any associated offset wellbores within three dimensional space. As the cursor tracks across objects within the view. comments and targets in a number of standard orientations or to interactively move around these wellbore elements. It is also possible to view other associated data such as geological surfaces and lease boundaries. casing points. It is possible to view aspects of the wellbore such as the wellpath. uncertainty ellipses. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 91 . 3D View Functions The 3D View window allows the user to interactively examine the current wellbore and any associated offset wellbores within three dimensional space. Complete surfaces 2. These different appearance options are accessed by clicking on the downward pointing arrow. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 92 . Ellipse display style Targets Display/hide drilling targets 1. Scaling options are available for Casing. Surfaces clipped to view volume Casing Display/hide casing 1. Pipe display style 2. Casing shoe at exaggerated scale Uncertainty Display/hide positional uncertainty 1. Undecorated 2. Casing shoe at true scale 4. Decorated with target orientation symbols Wellpaths Display/hide wellpaths Formation Tops Display/hide formation intersections Lease Lines Display/hide lease boundaries Curtains Display/hide vertical ’curtains’ 1. Wellpaths. With opacity along wellpaths 2. including Station Markers and Comments. Button Name Description Display Options Surfaces Display/hide geological surfaces 1. Intersections and Text objects. Entire string at true scale 2.Display and Appearance Options for Wellbore Objects The following toggle buttons allow different object types to be quickly displayed or hidden within the 3D View. Transparent Station Markers Display/hide automatic station comments Comments Display/hide user-defined comments Labels Display/hide all labels. Buttons that have a downward pointing arrow symbol support different appearance options for the object. Quick Scaling Options The scale at which certain objects are displayed in the view can be quickly increased or decreased using spinner buttons located to the right of the relevant toggle button. Entire string at exaggerated scale 3. Plan View 2. The operation applies to all data associated with the relevant wellbore(s). View Orientation Options The following toggle buttons allow different wellbore classes to be quickly displayed or hidden within the 3D View. Section View ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 93 . Button Name Description Reference Display/hide the reference wellbore. Look North 3. 1. Look West 6. Projection Display/hide projections (Simulated Wellbores) Offset Actual Display/hide offset Actual Wellbores.Display Options for Wellbore Classes The following toggle buttons allow different wellbore classes to be quickly displayed or hidden within the 3D View. Look South 4. Look East 5. Once stored. this button allows the viewing orientation to be stored for the duration of the 3D View session. Offset Planned Display/hide offset Planned Wellbores. Home Returns the 3D View to a preferred viewing orientation (if one has been defined via the Set Home button). the viewing orientation may be returned to by clicking the Home button. View Provides a selection of standard viewing orientations. Button Name Description Display Options Set Home Once the 3D View has been moved to a preferred viewing orientation. Other 3D View Options The following buttons provide options for setting the viewing orientation of the 3D View. Button Name Description Move Enables click and drag control of movement round the view. Left Mouse Button Drag will rotate the view. Right Mouse Button Drag will pan across the view Middle Mouse Button Drag will zoom in or out of the view. Push the mouse to zoom out, pull the mouse to zoom in. Zoom in and out can also be performed using the mouse wheel. Note: A double-click on an object causes the view to center on that object. Select Allows query of objects within the view by clicking on them. Clicking on an object results in highlighting of the object and generation of a label. The highlighting and the label will persist until another object is selected or another 3D function is used. Zoom to Enables the user to define a rectangular area to zoom to. Window Measure Allows dynamic reporting of distances between a user-specified origin point and the current mouse position within the view. A single click and drag within the view will establish the origin point and begin dynamic reporting of the distance. When the drag is completed, the final measurement line and reported distance will remain within the view until cleared via the right-click shortcut menu option. Perspective Allows the view to be toggled between perspective and orthogonal modes. Scale Toggles the background scale off and on. Auto Update The 3D View automatically updates to reflect any changes to the wellbore. It may be desirable to de-select this option if manipulating large numbers of wellbores and/or formations. Save The following formats are supported: .bmp image file .png image file .swz interactive 3D View file. Mail to… Creates a new email with an interactive .swz file attached. Copy Copies the current view to clipboard for use in other applications. Orbit Rotates the view through 360 degrees. Options Provides additional display and appearance settings. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 94 F - Working with Graphs & Plots Graphs in Sysdrill can be manipulated by direct interaction with the graph and by use of standard toolbar functions. Graph Controls Control Description Left Mouse Button Drag Pan. Move the viewable region of the plot Middle Mouse Button Scroll Zoom in and out maintaining aspect ratio Shift + Middle Mouse Button Scroll Zoom vertical axis only Ctrl + Middle Mouse Button Scroll Zoom horizontal axis only Middle Mouse Button Click Reset zoom to plot default Right Mouse Button Drag Zoom to window. Zooms plot to a defined rectangular area. Graph Functions Button Name Description Additional Notes Ghost Lines Toggle Ghost Lines (results for Load Available for Torque & Drag and Casing Cases not currently selected) on or off Analysis Results Graphs Zoom In/Out Zoom in or out maintaining the aspect ratio Reset Reset the zoom level to the default setting. Invert Axes Swap the vertical and horizontal axes. Grid Lines Toggle Grid Lines on or off Save Save the graph as a .bmp or .png To include additional Load Cases the Ghost image file Lines option must be selected Copy Copy the graph to the Clipboard in .png To include additional Load Cases the Ghost format Lines option must be selected Edit Legend Edit Graph Legend & Line Styles Legend Toggle Graph Legend on or off, select Hold down mouse button to view all options placement of Legend Formations Toggle Wellpath Formation Intersection Formation Intersections must be computed Lines on or off for the Wellbore Casing Shoe Toggle Casing Shoe Markers on or off Comments Toggle Wellbore Comments on or off ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 95 Editing Line Styles The Graph Legend Editor allows lines to be selected and deselected to improve clarity of the plots. Individual line styles can be edited for colour, line weight, marker, marker colour and marker style ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 96 Once launched the Help module will appear similar to the below and provide easy access to detailed information on all of the dialogues within Sysdrill. ® ® Paradigm Sysdrill 10 Getting Started Guide 97 . The Help module can be launched either from the Help Topics menu as shown or by pressing the F1 shortcut key.Further Help Sysdrill includes a comprehensive Help system that provides more details on all of the modules and dialogues within Sysdrill.pdgm.aspx or emailed via [email protected] . The F1 shortcut key will open the help at the appropriate page for the dialogue that is currently in focus within Sysdrill. If further help is still required then the Paradigm Customer Support can be contacted at
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