Syriac Books Printed at the Dominican Press, Mosul.pdf

May 13, 2018 | Author: Zakka Labib | Category: Christian Denominational Families, Religion And Belief, Languages



Syriac Books Printed at the Dominican Press, MosulGorgias Handbooks 14 Series Editor George Anton Kiraz The Gorgias Handbooks series provides students and scholars with textbooks and reference books useful for the classroom and for research. Syriac Books Printed at the Dominican Press, Mosul With an appendix containing the Syriac books printed at the Chaldean Press, Mosul By J. F. Coakley David Taylor 9 «jorjjias press 2009 Gorgias Press. 2008. Kiraz. Brock. electronic. photocopying. ed. NJ. Malphono w-Rabo d-Malphone: Studies in Honor of Sebastian P. stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any fomi or by any means.gorgiaspress. 08854. 180 Centennial Copyright © 2009 by Gorgias Press LLC All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. 2009 ' & 9 ISBN 978-1-60724-104-1 ISSN 1935-6838 This is an expanded version from the original paper published under the smie title in George A. Piscataway. mechanical.. USA www. Printed in the United States of America . scanning or othenvise without the prior written pemiission of Gorgias Press LLC.Gorgias Press LLC. recording.. No part of this publication may be reproduced. pages 71-110. For Sebastian in the uneasy suspicion that the books we failed to find are all sitting quietly on your shelves! . . CONTENTS Preface The Dominican mission and press in Mosul Method References Syriac books printed at the Dominican press Appendix: Syriac books printed at the Chaldean press Categorized index of books vii 1 5 7 9 45 49 . . 'Syriac books printed at the Dominican Press. Piscataway. Although this is now taken for granted at many international conferences. reflected in many of his publications. Kiraz. without disturbing our original numbering. he has repeatedly drawn attention to the continuation of the Syriac literary tradition up to the present day. has been his emphasis on the importance of scholarly collaboration between western scholars of Syriac and their colleagues in the Assyrian and Syrian churches of the Middle East. of the Dominican Press of Mosul. 76a).. which played such a major role in the formation of Chaldean and Syrian Catholic intellectuals in the late . Brock (Gorgias Eastern Christian Studies 3. and is reflected in the lists of contributors to scholarly volumes. 2008). 65a. India. To this we have added four items in the main bibliography (nos. in G.PREFACE This small book is a revised version of our article with the same title. We have also recorded further copies of previously listed items from the Goussen Collection. to the authors to dedicate to Sebastian this bibliography of the publications in Syriac script. and the modern diasporas. 3a. In an appendix we have added the three Syriac books we know to have been printed by the Chaldean Church at their own press in Mosul. Mosul'. 52 below) which so frequently contains lexical items which are to be found in ancient Syriac manuscripts but remain unrecorded in even the largest European lexica. therefore. and he has encouraged all of his graduate students to make use of Syriac lexica produced in the Middle East. A constant theme of Sebastian Brock's teaching career. Studies in Honor of Sebastian P. and have made other minor corrections and additions. Sebastian has also pioneered the study of such key liturgical texts as the Syrian Catholic Mosul Fenqitho of 1886—96 (item no. both Syriac and neoAramaic. Malphono wRabo d-Maphone. 73a. most notably the indispensable Simta of Thoma Audo (item no. 26 in our bibliography below) as a rich source of early exegetical and theological traditions. this development (still far from complete) has only been achieved by overcoming significant resistance and suspicion from both parties. It seemed appropriate. 71-110. and Sebastian's own example has played a key role in this. ed. vili COAKLEY & TAYLOR nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. 163-74. 'L'imprimerie des Dominicains de Mossoul 1860—1914. 1 and which should be read in conjunction with the present work. Jean-Maurice Fiey in an earlier Festschrift offered to Sebastian Brock in 1993. Happily. J. and m u c h regretted.' Aram 5 (1993)..-M. in which he provided a history of the Dominican Press in Mosul f r o m 1860 to 1914. 1 Fiey. and was a melting pot of Syriac and Latin theological traditions. . this bibliography also provides a link with the paper by the late. Paris 1870). although it was profoundly weakened as a consequence of the Italian wars of independence which began in 1848.THE DOMINICAN MISSION AND PRESS IN MOSUL Although Dominican friars had been engaged in missionary w o r k in Mesopotamia since the first half of the thirteenth century. Vie du révérend père Hyacinthe Besson de l'ordre des frètes prêcheurs (2nd ed. with breaks. La mission des dominicains à Mossoul. In September 1856 the Dominican province of France assumed responsibility for the Mosul mission. This series of articles breaks off at the year 1864: later chapters written by the author were said to have caused offence in some quarters and were never published. their mission house in Mosul (in w h a t is n o w northern Iraq) was not established until 1750. geography. For an account of the mission in 1889 and its dependent missions among the Assyrians. 'Histoire de la mission dominicaine en Mésopotamie et en Kurdistan depuis ses premières origines jusques à nos jours. 1 . 79-88.-M.) This early Dominican mission was provided with missionaries and financial support by various Italian provinces of the order. E. 3 (1897-8). 405-19. and mathematics. as well as Arabic. and it survived until 1856 (with a break from 1815 to 1841). 2 For the life of this remarkable man cf. f r o m 1663/4 until 1724. 197214. and a m o n g these was Fr Hyacinthe Besson. A number of new missionaries were sent to Mosul. 2 the first French superior of the mission. Cartier. Having no means of printing the necessary school books he acquired a lithographic 1 For the early history of the Dominicans in this region see B. French. Goormachtigh.. 271-83.. with illustrations. 533-45. w h o centralised the running of the numerous schools founded in Mosul by his predecessors. 1 (They succeeded a Capuchin mission in the city which had lasted.' Analecta Sacri Ordinis Fratrum Praedicatorum 2 (1895-6). 141-58. see Duval. and expanded the curriculum to include history. and his Lettres du révérend père Hyacinthe Besson de l'ordre desfrères prêcheurs (2nd ed. Paris 1869). and both Eastern and Western varieties of Syriac. in 1866. At the same time a Dominican n a m e d Raymond Mizon had been serving as an apprentice in the press at Jerusalem. that is. To enable the Dominicans to get the new press up and running. St Peter. as well as a Qdam w-bathar (an office-book). but he eventually managed to overcome this crisis. H e travelled to Mosul. and set up a type foundry. George 'Abdisho' V Khayyath (1894-9). but J o s e p h A u d o stood his ground and refused to ordain two bishops appointed in Rome. the Franciscan Press in Jerusalem seconded to them a young Franciscan of Chaldean origin named Joseph of Diyarbakir w h o was an experienced printer. and the press published apparently its last two books (one in Syriac. Tensions steadily reduced under his successors Elias XII Abolionan (1878-94). trained assistants. Unfortunately 1860 was also the beginning of a period of severe crisis in Chaldean-Roman relations. The Seminary remained in Mosul until 1960 when it was transferred to Baghdad. Patriarch Joseph VI Audo (1848—78) had insisted upon his right to ordain bishops for the Syro-Malabar Catholics in India. the other in Arabic) in 1869—although one Chaldean author writing in 1913 expressed the hope 3 Mazadji is still commemorated by a funerary epitaph in the church of Shamoun al-Safa. and after about a year he was able to replace Joseph. and Joseph Emmanuel II Thomas (1900-47). got the press into working order. paid for by l'Oeuvre d'Orient. Mazadji died in 1867. and the Dominicans forcefully backed the official Roman line against him. and was reconciled with Pius IX shortly before his death in 1878.vili COAKLEY & TAYLOR press to produce some basic teaching materials. 3 At approximately the same date. and was independent of the Dominicans and their influence. Part of Patriarch Audo's rebellion was his foundation of St. (A few of those documents which include texts in Syriac are listed below. . It printed a rather fine Psalter in East Syriac type. in Mosul.) In April 1860 this simple equipment was supplemented by Fr Amanton w h o returned from France with a 'Marinoni' printing press. This 'Patriarchal Seminary. the 'Press of the Chaldeans' was established in the same area of Mosul. As a consequence the Patriarch issued various decrees restricting Chaldean contacts with the Dominicans.' as it was known. items 1—3a. In September 1876 he was threatened with excommunication by a papal Encyclical. Peter's Chaldean Seminary in Mosul. son of the priest Peter f r o m Amida. and Syriac and Arabic types. and with the same financial backer. In 1869 the Bull 'Reversurus' was imposed upon the Chaldeans (although it had already provoked a schism in Armenia in 1867). was funded by a wealthy Chaldean deacon n a m e d Raphael Mazadji. not the Chaldean. In 1889 it had thirty-two students (sixteen Chaldean and sixteen Syrian Catholic) and twelve professors. 13 below). 6 Although there is as yet no full bibliography of Arabic books published at the Dominican Press.) At any rate.SYRIAC BOOKS PRINTED AT THE DOMINICAN PRESS. he remained associated with the Press after his elevation to be Chorepiscopus of Mosul in 1863 and then to be Archbishop Clement-Joseph David of Damascus in 1879. MOSUL 3 that even then it might be re-started. Duval. the Dominicans founded a second seminary. such as M a n n a and Mingana. date between 1860 and 1868. This was also partly because the superintendent of Arabic and Syriac publications was the Syrian Catholic priest Joseph David. as its name suggests. 479 (and p. although there are a few exceptions. no doubt. 4 (For books from the Chaldean press see the Appendix. The Syriac type was still serviceable: see Coakley. 218. a date given for its foundation in some sources. (As an author and editor of texts. or n e w grammars by other teachers at St J o h n ' s seminary. typographical. in publications down to the end of 1878 it is nearly always West Syriac type that we find. and hence the bi-dialectal grammar of 1879 (item no. originally a secondary school teacher for the Mission. whether expanded editions of this work. 482 for a picture of Mazadji). Printing in East Syriac type steadily increased over the years. 7 It received official approval in 1882. West Syriac ('syriaque') and East Syriac ('chaldeen'). was set up to train both Syrian Catholics and Chaldeans. for the hiatus between the Dominicans' early lithographic imprints mentioned above and their later. or his sources. Cf. In 1878. community w h o were its first beneficiaries. 7 This initiative required the production of Syriac grammar books employing both scripts. which. 11. and soon far 4 Tfinkdji. Syriac printing beginning in 1868. it was the Syrian Catholic. after the death of Joseph Audo and the appointment of a n e w patriarch. Albin lists twenty-four Arabic books from the Press that he. six Dominicans for its management and the teaching of French and Latin. and three local submasters. 5 Even then. 5 The Press also concentrated on printing in Arabic in its early years.) The existence of the Chaldean press was partly responsible. a search through Albin's preliminary w o r k suggests that the majority of these too were produced by and for Syrian Catholics. the Syro-Chaldean Seminary of St John. At regular intervals thereafter further grammars were printed in both dialects. 6 An exception is no. 6 below. . three local priests for the teaching of Arabic and 'des langues et cérémonies liturgiques propres aux deux rites'. as did the available equipment. The typographical stock also grew remarkably. and in the 1880s an electrotyping apparatus was bought. long hostile to the printing activities of the Dominicans—although m a n y of their own papers and official documents were printed by t h e m — m o v e d immediately to seize the printing equipment and demolish the buildings of the Press. and Coakley. In response to the use of neo-Aramaic in religious publications b y the Presbyterian and Anglican missionaries in Urmia. as would be expected given the discrepancy in size of the Chaldean and Syrian Catholic churches.' 8 Under the influence of Rhétoré increasing numbers of books were published in neo-Aramaic.' or 'Chaldéen vulgaire' f r o m 1885. The numbers of staff at the Press grew steadily. Grammaire (no. then enhanced and supplemented with several other fonts. In 1870 stereotyping began. (The official reason given was that the building was in the w a y of a n e w street to be constructed across the city. including four of the last books in Syriac type to be printed at the press. One font may also be seen in the books of the 'Diqlath Press' operated by the decidedly nonCatholic printer and schoolmaster Yosip Kelaita: see Coakley. The Turkish authorities. although as the Dominican Jacques Rhétoré. 'dans la plaine de Mossoul. To mention here only Syriac: the foundry made a more elaborate West Syriac type to supersede the font sent out f r o m Paris. 223 n. 65. For the survival of the types. 174. 231 n. Some of the printing types did survive.) On the 24th February 1915 the French Dominicans were expelled f r o m Mosul. and passed into the possession of other local printers in Mosul. 78 and 235-7. 74 below). w h o founded the mission in Van in 1881. and a distinctive so-called strangueli was made and used freely on title-pages and for rubrics. see Fiey. 8 9 . comme langue d'instruction. East Syriac type was acquired f r o m the Lazarists in Urmia. 9 Rhetore. les travaux pour le Soureth eurent moins d'élan. later noted. on restait plus attaché à la langue classique.vili COAKLEY & TAYLOR outstripped printing in West Syriac type (with the notable exception of the Fenqitho of 1886—96). The outbreak of the first world war in November 1914 was the end of the Press. and although there were plans to reestablish the Press after the war they were never realised. the Dominican Press also started to print books in 'Soureth. xv. It must be one or more of these printers w h o produced the handful of titles bearing imprints like 'Mossoul: Chez les Pères Dominicains' with dates down to 1954. W e include books printed wholly or partly in Syriac letters.e. 5 . W h e n possible. and several (4.) that are in Arabic or French but have significant quotations. either grammatical or liturgical. 178. usually including the author's name). Some others that do exist w e have been unable to see. in any libraries or private collections that w e can discover. Others w e have omitted. The items are listed chronologically according to the year of their publication. for example. Coakley. Titles. including the statement of responsibility (i. w e give this first. Multi-volume works are listed in the year of their first volume. 35). The year of publication may be assumed to come f r o m the title-page of the item unless a note explains otherwise.METHOD Works included. and where w e have seen the volume. If there is a Syriac title. These are listed in the sequence according to their latest likely date. or a copy of the title-page. 6. This includes at least one (no. cf. Seven items datable only to the period 1897—1914 are at the end of the sequence (nos. whose existence is only an inference from the fact that there was a fourth edition (no. 1 This is followed by Arabic. anyhow. French. titles are transcribed f r o m title-pages. closely modelled on the Mosul strangueli (really an East Syriac type with certain estrangela features). many of its Syriac publications are not to be found in existence today—not. Estrangelo Quenneshrin. In spite of the fact that the Press issued catalogues of its publications in the west. Some items known only from the catalogues of the Press and other references are unfortunately not datable. W e have included such publications w h e n they are more or less precisely referred to in secondary sources. 74 etc. the third edition of the Syriac reading-book.. and sold them through one or more booksellers in Paris. but have marked their entries with a *. 77-83). 14 below) that is in Garshuni Arabic. Dates. and Latin 1 Including a Meltho font. 10. in Syriac. we use the font that most closely approximates to the original type face. ' etc. see http://www. and surprisingly. London Bod = Bodleian Library. Following library practice. to which many libraries subscribe. On this collection see H. Type. where these exist. often from the Press's catalogues. w e give the vertical dimension of each item. or failing that. 3 We are pleased to thank Amy Phillips for searching the holdings of this library and making copies of title-pages for us. Bonn 2 ICOR = Institute of Christian Oriental Research of the Catholic University of America. we copy the format '8°. For some items not seen. Oxford Goussen = Goussen Collection. Copies. preserve very few copies of these books. 4 To these are added references to WorldCat 5 ( = OCLC) for those imprints held by multiple libraries. or a French title f r o m another source. 5 On OCLC WorldCat. Lebanon Another library cited w h e n its copies are unique is that of the École biblique in Jerusalem (a historically Dominican institution).' '12°. details of this are given. w e supply a title in square brackets. 3 These libraries appear to have the largest collections of Mosul imprints. f r o m the catalogues. Paris. W e have limited ourselves.. and most kindly supplied some extra bibliographical data. Beirut. On the other hand. This bibliography does not aim to be a census of copies. nor are many to be found in other French libraries known to us. W e simply indicate whether a volume is printed primarily in West Syriac type (WS) or East Syriac type (ES). to indicating the presence of copies in the following public collections: BL = British Library. W h e n a copy is not held by one of these libraries.vili COAKLEY & TAYLOR titles. We are indebted to Franz-Josef Huschens who has identified items in the collection for us. rounded up to the next centimeter. Usually this will be the size of the least cut-down bound copy w e have seen. Dimensions.oclc. but w e have identified a copy in another library. 4 No doubt there are significant collections in other seminary or monastic libraries in the Middle East to which we have not had access. Washington.C. Oriens Christianus 81 (1997): 213-27. W h e n w e cannot transcribe the title-page. as a general rule. the French Dominican archives at Saulchoir. D. an English title. USJ = Bibliothèque Orientale of the Université Saint-Joseph. Kaufhold. It is a pleasure to be able to include references to this important collection for the revised version of this 2 . 'Die Sammlung Goussen in der Universitätsbibliothek Bonn'. REFERENCES Albin, M., 'Preliminary bibliography of Arabic books printed by the Dominican fathers, Mosul,' Mélanges—Institut dominicain d'études orientales du Caire 16 (1983), 247-60. Bet-Shmuel, Robin, M ^ y ? laaoa (Baghdad 1999). Coakley, J. F., The typography of Syriac (New Castle, Delaware, and London 2006). Darlow, T. H. and Moule, H. F., Historical catalogue of the printed editions of Holy Scripture in the library of the British and Foreign Bible Society, (2 vols. in 4, London 1903). Duval, P. G., La mission des dominicains à Mossoul (Paris 1889) Ellis, A. G., Catalogue of Arabic books in the British Museum (3 vols., London 1894-1935). Fiey, J.-M., 'L'imprimerie des Dominicains de Mossoul 1860-1914,' Aram 5 (1993), 163-74. Graf, G., Geschichte der christlichen-arabischen Literatur (5 vols., Vatican City 1944-1953). Macuch, R., Geschichte der spät- und neusyrischen Literatur (Berlin 1976). Martin, J. P. P., La Chaldée: Esquisse historique; suivie de quelques réflexions sur l'Orient (Paris 1867). Moss, C., Catalogue of Syriac printed books and related literature in the British Museum (London 1962). Nestle, E., Syrische Grammatik mit Litteratur, Chrestomathie und Glossar (Berlin 1888), 'Litteratura Syriaca,' 63 pp. The same section appears in the English translation (London 1889). Oussani, G., 'The modern Chaldeans and Nestorians, and the study of Syriac among them,' Journal of the American Oriental Society 22 (1901), 7 9 96. Tfinkdji, J., 'L'Église chaldéenne catholique autrefois et aujourd'hui,' Annuaire pontifical catholique (Paris 1913), 449-525. 7 vili COAKLEY & TAYLOR Vosté, J.-M., 'Clement-Joseph David, Archevêque syrien de D a m a s (23 mai 1 8 2 9 - 4 août 1890): notes bio-bibliographiques,' Orientalia Christiana Periodica 14 (1948), 2 1 9 - 3 0 2 . Catalogues of the press: C 1 Catalogue des livres imprimés chez les Pères Dominicains à Mossoul, 1878. C 2 same title, 1889. C 3 Imprimerie des Pères Dominicains à Mossoul: Langues orientales, 1892. C 4 same title, 1897. C 5 Imprimerie des Pères Dominicains de la Mission de Mossoul: Catalogue mentionnant les publications en langues orientales, Arabe, Chaldéen, Syriaque, Turc, Avril 1914. C 5 R reissue of C 5 overstamped with n e w prices etc., 1932. (The title-page bears the stamp: 'Les anciens prix sont annulés.') Copies of the first four catalogues are kept together as B L 14598.c.15. A copy of C 5 R is preserved in the Syrian Catholic patriarchal library at Charfet, Lebanon. 1 We thank Muriel Debie of the Franco-Lebanese group cataloguing the Syriac manuscripts at Charfet for making a copy of this available to us. 1 SYRIAC BOOKS PRINTED AT THE DOMINICAN PRESS between 1857 and 1860 *1 [Méthode pour répondre à la messe en References: Martin, 212. Notes: Lithographed. [Tableaux muraux en Arabe et en References: Martin, 212. Notes: Lithographed. Syriaque.] *2 Chaldéen.] *3 [Questionnaire du catéchisme historique de Fleuri, en References: Martin, 212. Notes: Lithographed. 1860 Chaldéen.] 3a ^cio ' ¿ i a a i » â o a o ^JLxâ i l . . '.IÏIÎQ ^ià^a >>>t^ M à â u é a ' i r / i S a l'iaâj.^ ia^a il. ilöxA ^'ixa [The Christian school book: foundations for reading, with various important prayers, and abbreviated sacred history] 90 pp., 20 cm. ES. ( Notes: 1. Lithographed ( ; »'.'STJ iälAa ). 2. The half title page preceding the main title page reads ^aEa ^E.IÏ.T^ . 3. A text page is illustrated in M. Pehlivanian, ed., Exotische Buchdruck im Orient, Orient im Buchdruck (Berlin, 2006), 131. Copies: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin (Zt 10547). Typen : 9 . 50 cent. Nestle. prêtre chaldéen de Mossoul. 9 (2 Fr. 1872 5 ¿ l ^ J l ^ j ^ J ^ ^ l  ^ A l i ^ A   JA ^ I J i J l ^ A SJ-i ^ 1 4 l j ! ~ * j j I ^ J ^ ^ T j lI _ g * j | j J ^ j i l ^ ^ l j [Règlements pour le clergé syrien du Diocèse de Mossoul.] 49 pp. References: C 1 .] 239 pp. C 5 R (110 Fils). Albin no. [4]. BL (I4501.). 50 cent. Copies:. 114 n. .. 'Approbatio. praefatio.). Other data from Nestle. 229.c. 10. Patriarche des Nestoriens de l'Orient. Goussen 2318.). par Élie III.. 24 cm. Albin. titulus. Date from Nestle. with some WS. Oussani. corrigés et commentés par l'Abbé Yacoub. 50 cent. 2. 15 below. References: C 1 . 12°. and 140).474).5 (2 Fr. Notes: 1. 22 cm.12 (2 Fr.) .36(1). An expanded edition is no.). Albin no. 3. C 5 . Ellis I. with some ES. drawn up by J. Arabic.5 (2 Fr.). References: C 1 (50 cent. Arabic. 37. This will be the Press's first use of Syriac type (correcting Coakley. C 4 .). 33. Arabic. C 2 . Oussani. rubricae arabice. 4. 315 pp.3 (3 Fr.vili COAKLEY & TAYLOR 1868 [Service de la messe privée selon le rite syrien.14 (75 cent. 8. Albin 259. Notes: Preface by Cyrillos Behnam. C 3 . 1873 6 U l I ^ J Î J ^ ^ S ^ j l j l i l¿ L P ^ J  ^ ^ J l ^ Î ^ ^ l ^ x J l ¿ ¿ l j U i & l ^ I P J ^ i l Á T j l k j J ^ í y l ^ j i l J l J I ^ J l Discours religieux pour les principales fêtes de l'année. verba administ r a t i s syriace' (Nestle). 93. David. with some WS. Later editions are nos.). 'Ce syllabaire donne la prononciation syrienne d'après les règles de la grammaire. References: Albin no. A b ü Halïm al-Hadïthï. Coakley.. Notes: 1. By J . BL (14503. m o P. (On him see Tfinkdji. 254 pp. 495. Arabic. 3. 2. M O S U L 1 1 Notes: 1. 205). 15 and 278 n. 22 cm. 2.) Copies:.JD. Copies:. (d. D.8. Ellis I. Date from Nestle. et non d'après l'usage établi dans certaines contrées. pp. References: C 1 . J L M JLTE] [Livre de lecture syrienne. 50. e. with some WS. Copies:: Institut Catholique de Paris (Fels 25 560) 1877 8 4 J J^I a ï^ L ^ J I J ^ j i i ^ii S ij i A i r â j j T j d l ¿ ¿ ^ ij ^ J j l ^ i < i^^Jl Jj^^i J^^ii Jl^j o U L ^ J i j o i j l ^ j d i j ¿ L P ^ I ^ ^ J ^ ï O ^ J l ^ ¿ i l ^ i ^ ^ / j Calendarium ad u s u m diœceseos Mausiliensis Syrorum recognitum et approbatum ad Ill. Goussen 2125. 279 no.67 C149)..d. 1190). and these particular homilies were famed for their elegance. . 167. mo et Rev. 12. 35. 14 no. 51. 4.38 (50 cent. First edition.g. David: Vosté. 141 n. wrote a number of works in both Syriac and in Arabic. 5. i c o R (276.] WS. 57. This volume contains the earliest use of ES type known to us at the Press in Mosul (in occasional citations of 2 or 3 lines in length.' 3. Nestle. Patriarch Elias III. Cyrillo Behnam Benni Archiepiscopo Mausiliensi Syrorum.SYRIAC BOOKS PRINTED AT THE DOMINICAN PRESS. 279. The commentary is by Ya'qub Mikha'il Na'mu. D.505). first director of the Patriarchal Seminary and later archbishop of Seert. 112. 1876 JL. ).17.] 42 pp. Notes: 1. Cf.. C 2 . Goussen 12. . Albin no. ICOR (275. xvii—liv) by the editor. 364—76). 280 n. 5 Fr. Bod (Sem. 50 cent. 35. Arabic. 22 cm.45 D249). 3. iv—xv).hh. Copies:.30 (80 cent. 375. 131-42. The Syriac text is revised according to the Hebrew text of Psalms. Biblical and Near Eastern Essays. S. Archbishop of Mosul (pp.29 (bottom. 376 pp.). dans le diocèse syrien de Mossoul. eds. David: Voste no. with some WS. 2. 38._. I s o n m s i i o a . 10 ^ 4 j l j ^ J l J^^il ^¿^jl ^ S ^ l ^ J l ^ ¿Jl ^ A j i l O ^ j ^ i [IVo^t^i t m a a ^ o o ] [Table des Psaumes pour tous les jours de l'année. C 3 . Edited by J. 'A neglected revision of the Peshitta Psalter'. References: C 1 . and so deviates significantly from the Peshitta text.42 (3 Fr. p. C 2 . References: C U 3 (3 Fr. O C L C 4558243 (where the date is wrongly given as 1876). McCarthy and J.o ( ¿ ^ a lal'K^ J l ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ j Q ^ . 4.3. F. Alphabetical listing of first lines of Psalms at end (pp. no. C 4 . selon l'ordre dans laquel ils sont récités.. Brock.). 23 cm. lvi. pendant l'office divin. BL (753..vili COAKLEY & TAYLOR ^ ^ J ^ K . London 2004). With a preface in Latin and Syriac by C. and in Arabic (pp.34.o. P. 3.399). Li^^x Psalterium Syriacum ad fidem plurium optimorum codicum habita ratione potissimum Hebraici textus nunc accuratissime exactum a Josepho David chorepiscopo Syro Mausiliensi cui accedunt x cantica sacra. Moss. cf. 50 c.43 (50 cent. in C. WS. Behnam Benni.). 25 (1885) below. Pp. ^ ^ r n o . Studies in Honour of Kevin J. C 3 .).13 (40 cent. xxxiv—xlii contain a comparison of the West and East Syriac texts of the Psalter. Healey. 138). Cathcart (JSOT Suppl.). MOSUL 13 Notes: 1. 51 below. Copies: BL (14501. Goussen 366.^ J l JJ^I 4 * U l j ^ l p p d teii tfiS. O C L C (85222512).c. Occasional Syriac. 3. ¿Jl A J J ^ I J j c A i J l j l ^ J l O W ^ A I J ^ ¿ W l [Table of lectionary readings. Copies:. Notes: Compiled by J .7. 107 pp. comparée avec l'arabe. David.260.. French and Syriac titles from C 1 etc.SYRIAC BOOKS PRINTED AT THE DOMINICAN PRESS. yO&^v^ LQ£ÎX l i l i o » ¿ci * * ^ . compiled by order of Cyrillus Behnam Benni. (lu p K 7 )?-V. précedée . Ellis I. 35. Nouvelle édition.964).63 F477). References: Albin p. Moss. I C O R (275. and later editions nos. References: C 2 . including the text of the Beatitudes. with some WS. 15 cm.'\ViO * * ^ i p ^il ^ J l j j ^ J l 4 * i J l i j l i ^ À ^ J l ^ J J j j j il^V^S* L j L i S ' A i^ ¡ i j ^ J l j ^ ^ ^ l i l A ^ iJ l ^J^Jl J ^ â l « A J A ^ ^ j j JS' â ^ i ^ A f l j à j l & i l j j j k i lf l p j o U U l ^ p l a À J j L g ^ X X j l ii J j U l j 4 ^ j j * J l j 4 J l ^ * J l o l à J J l ^ i p  J l j j Grammaire de la langue araméenne selon les deux dialectes syriaque et chaldaique. 1049). 13 N. l'hébreu et le babylonien.a. An index to the Psalms in Arabic.36(2). 2. not in the book itself. * H a j ^ J I j l J » ^ i p J U . Goussen 2128. Archbishop of Mosul. BL (753.45 (80 cent.B^ol ^ ^ j l j k * ¿ ¿ L . 7 above (1876).. USJ (105D 2 ). 1879 12 i ^ ? J L M Livre de lecture syrienne.) Notes: The first edition is no.] Arabic. WS. WS. With a preface by Patriarch Ignatius Jirjis Shalhat.475). Ellis I. 648 pp. 4.3.43 (10 Fr. References: C 2 . 2.34 (same price). [6] pp. Macuch. References: C 2 .b. 424.. Copies: BL (14501. 13 1 .81 D249). C 3 . Arabic. but a collection of hussoye (a particular genre of West Syriac liturgical prayers) in Garshuni Arabic.5 (4 Fr. Notes: 1. [xiv].vili COAKLEY & TAYLOR d'un petit abrégé de l'histoire de la langue de l'écriture et de la littérature araméennes par Sa Grandeur Mgr David. Notes: 1. 35 cm. Oussani. Archevêque Syrien de Damas. Ellis I. Copies:. Goussen 2' 2127. 3. The title-pages are dated 1879.19. David: Voste.). For the second edition see no. 15 Oct 1881. 43 (there dated 1876 by error). C 4 . ICOR (275. Syriac. 4 4 .-J.29 (26 Fr. Arabic.3. Numbered pages of text are all in double columns. 93. Albin no. 1881 Lectionarium Syriacum seu collectio orationum et lectionum q u s in horis canonicis per totum anni decursum excepto jejunio quadragesimali ab Ecclesis Syriacs clero adhiberi solent. iLa^ .f. 15 loS^ ¿K^i. Not a lectionary as the Latin title would suggest. Three title-pages: French. 69. with red rubrics. and the Latin imprimatur. BL (753. 22 cm. O C L C (40974232). 283 no.!). by Fr Eugenius Ludovicus-Maria.). Bod (Sem.963).590). 2. 458. but the preface of Patriarch Ignatius Jirjis Shalhat is dated Mardin 3rd October 1881. and no. Vosté. 48 for an expanded Latin translation. ^QiXo-. with W S and ES. 49 below. 278 no.. Edited by C. 36 (4 Fr. David: Vosté.J. 6 pp.-J. A Syriac translation of the Arabic Manuale Sacerdotum ex operibus P.J. 39 below. [8]. made by Fr. Nouvelle édition. USJ (24E 3 ).'iTSa . nuper vero a D. 4 above: 'contenant le propre du temps et des Saints. Edited by C.24 (5 Fr..' (C 2 ).30 (4 Fr. 103.A£o ¿e&xa i i ^ a o o a i a a a a Tableaux synoptiques des conjugaisons. dated Mosul 1880. 18 cm.e. MOSUL 15 Service de la Messe selon le rit syrien avec les prières qui se disent pour les morts. 62. BL (753.). 283 no. References: C 2 .T>TII ¿äffiaa w^äio ¿juaci» Oaoi i » 0 2 s Manuale Sacerdotum. Notes: 1. A second edition is no.a. References: C 2 .T>Tti ¿lüaoA ¿aäi ^J» rn-nsia vömlääa . headlines and page numbers are also in Arabic. 259. 984). In red and black. USJ (24E 1 ). diverses prières pour les morts. Notes: 1. Damyänös of Alqosh (d.15. eXcerptum. sacerdote Chaldaico olim translatum. S. ES. With a preface (pp.f. Albin p. 50 c. Segneri. 3.598).. cf. C 3 . Ellis II. Moss. Rubrics. Moss.95. . 2. 16 cm. 5— 6) in Arabic by Cyril Behnam Benni. Copies: BL (753. in Linguam Chaldaicum a D. S.. WS. and revised by Audo.). 86 pp. excerptum arabice versum ac editum (Rome 1860. 681-2). ex operibus P. Copies:. 2. 1883 17 ¿J. Macuch.ÏX Niâol ¿ j .). T h o m a Audo revisum. 1882 1 6 Bod (1380. Goussen 71.SYRIAC BOOKS PRINTED AT THE DOMINICAN PRESS. Metropolitan of Mosul. 1855). ES. etc. C 3 . Damiano. des dérivés et des déclinations. 22 cm.5).l i ï i a ¿«X-Va ¿ ¿ a l . 366.. . Segneri. 384 pp. This will be an expanded edition of no.41 (2 Fr.). Darlow-Moule. Date from École biblique catalogue. Copies: École biblique (779. References: C 2 . 12 cm. the fourth edition between 1897 and 1914 (no. 33 below. 18 iS^a] Psalterium iuxta exemplar apud Chaldœos usurpatum.26 (1 Fr. Notes: Reprinted in 1891: see no. Date from outer (Latin) title-page. The Syriac title-page has 1884. 50 cent. 259. 1548. ICOR (275. David. 83 below. Copies-. 32 below). ^.26 (4 Fr. 18 cm. C 3 . the first being presumably the 1866 edition mentioned in the title (in fact published by the Press of the Chaldeans: see the introduction above). 82 below). For later editions see nos. 2. Notes: 1. i c o R (275.45 B582). et quod ab eorundem typis prodiit anno M D C C C L X V I .). C 2 . 36. The fourth edition of an Arabic version was published by the press in the same year (Albin no.. The second edition was published in 1890 (no. Troisième édition. 207 pp.503). 1884 21 Syllabaire chaldéen.38 (50 cent.). References: C 2 . Notes: Compiled by C.). 2. with some WS. j [Guide for deacons at the Holy Mass. Notes: 1. ES.). C 4 .L^Jl J J j *19 *20 . Copies:. Abrégé d'histoire sainte (chaldéen vulgaire). 'Deuxième édition' according to C 3 . 50 c. 48 pp. References: Albin p.36 (3 Fr.] Arabic. 24 (4 Fr.).-J. 3.87K96).16 COAKLEY & TAYLOR References-.. 3). C 3 . ES.38 (1 Fr.). 73a. 3. References: C 2 .SYRIAC BOOKS PRINTED AT THE DOMINICAN PRESS.). 820). in 1733-1734 [Ellis II. S. 2. BL (753. (1595-1658).38 (50 cent.26 (80 cent.27 (75 cent.10.433]. J. 89. Fromage and printed at Dair Mar Yuhanna. codex CCLXIX. or Arabic. and eighth editions see nos. and from this at least one manuscript was copied in ES Garshuni.). Catalogue de la bibliothèque syro-chaldéenne du couvent de Notre-Dame des Semences [Rome 1929]. the first and second are unrecorded. 25 cm. Vosté. 111 [AD 1795]. Shuwair. Eusèbe Nieremberg. C 5 R (Épuisé). ICOR (275.50 Fr.i. the first part at Karmeles.100). MOSUL 17 ES. [Traduction ancienne.). (It was translated into Arabic by P. USJ (8F 2 ).37 (50 cent. p.67N675). Thomas Audo.). It is likely that this is the earlier translation which Audo revised. An earlier Syriac translation was completed by 'Abdiso' Douso in 1840. C 5 R (Épuisé).25 (5 Fr. 38. 2 pp. 15 cm. Notes: This being the third edition.) Copies:..25 (75 cent.). revue et corrigée par D. These details are taken from C 2 ff. O C L C (41112058). de la Compagnie de Jésus. Moss. and no mention of Audo in the book or on the title-page. and 76a below. Classical Syriac translation of De la diferencia entre lo temporaly eterno (Madrid 1640) by J u a n Eusebio Nieremberg. 22 AnXiï ^ A a w A j ¿ a ^ n ^M^tt ¿ i s f n ¿ a E i La balance du temps.).). References: C 2 .. C 4 . École biblique (278. C 5 .). ES. There is no preface. ES. par le Père J . 50 cent. References: C 2 .91). 50 cent. Copies:. 23 . but it is not clear whether Douso translated this widely republished w o r k from Latin. the second at the monastery of Rabban Hormizd (cf.). [4] pp. C 4 .75 Fr. seventh. 81. C 3 .37 (4 Fr.21 (0. ¿Ña Manuel du très-saint rosaire. C 3 .).28 (5 Fr. Notes: 1. For the fourth.J. French.23 (5. Mingana Syr. C 3 . C 5 .] 428. References: C 2 . 'Un récit sur les origines de la dévotion au Rosaire. 351 pp. For the fourth edition. ses pratiques et des miracles choisis (Paris 2nd ed. A correspondingly short Arabic manual of the same title was issued by the press in 1883 (Albin no. 50 cent. ICOR (Mm 275. 726). Pschittam vulgo dictam. 36 pp.). ES.).JJis* ^aEi ^¿XAJÌ Psalterium syriacum. C 5 . 1548. Cf. 111. ses indulgences. xii.34 (5 Fr.. » '">'> ¿I2Aoj. Deuxième tirage. This being the second issue. 33). 5 Fr.37 (30 cent. Macuch. [4]. USJ (8F2).9. C 3 . ICOR (275. 235).8) by Patriarch Ignatius Jirjis Shalhat. Manuel du très-saint Rosaire renfermant les excellences de cette dévotion. 23 cm. . l'exposé des obligations de des indulgences accordées aux Confrères. C 3 . The preface is dated Aleppo 23 April 1884. USJ (8F2). Copies:.59 C357). Notes: 1.* ^^Xti i j m n ^Ti^a K n i * omÀAa . Notes: 1. 15).). 50 cent. des renseignements sur la manière de réciter le Rosaire. David.vili COAKLEY & TAYLOR Notes: 1. 50 cent. telles sont les matières contenues dans ce petit livre' (C2). 280 no. des cantiques appropriés aux quinze mystères et des chants en l'honneur de la Très-Sainte Vierge..-J.3 i a ^ a Petit catéchisme en langue chaldéenne vulgaire. B L (753. juxta versionem simplicem. of which the press issued an Arabic version in 1867 (Albin no. 73 below (1908). 14 cm.a. C 5R (Épuisé).' 2.). Copies:. WS.42 (3 Fr.24 (75 cent. 2. as is stated in the preface (p. 2. The editor was C.29 (top.59 M294). 25 ^i^in ¿^MA.27 (5. References: C 2 . 39. The third edition is unrecorded.26 (75 cent. Darlow-Moule.).). Ad usum cleri ecclesia Antiochena Syrorum. C 4 . 1862). see no.50 Fr. Possibly an abbreviated version of Andrew Pradel (1822— ). 1885 24 . BL (753.). the first is unrecorded. Vosté. C 4 .10. Moss.Moss.a. 'En chaldéen vulgaire. ICOR (275. Volumen quartum: Pars verna prima X ... 450. X^iija J M J * K n ^ i i n^a ^ i I i r a n XM^D nEaa -.16.isMa X t i i . [vii] pp. 593. 1886-96. [xii]. Copies: BL (753. 450 Fils). ouvrage complet. 1892.. 1895.E. [v] pp. 100 Fr.. Moss. Vosté.4 1 (vols.. \ M T M B O A J / yfliAa -M ^ j i a a a .hh. WS..E* K « L i â • nEaa ^¿laEa ^ a x a n j -a /. A Ä E -M ^jiaMa. 9 above.. a u -. 1 . un volume séparé.y*/ Breviarium juxta ritum ecclesiœ Antiochena Syrorum. 1889. 486. Volumen septimum: Pars œstiva secunda X. resp. 1886. 3 9 . References: C 2 . Volumen sextum: Pars œstiva prima / i n j * ^ a x a n ^¿onà5 ^ u a X a n ^ a x a ¿ ¿ i a E s a a ..EME* K«Liâ v ^ r a / . a ^ X m i /anA / j A . [xii].22 (vols. A A a X^iEnA iXaiâ X. . [iv] pp.26 (7 vols.a n KaX ^ a n u i / a a i > .. 1886. C 5 . 139). [xii].ABE . 353. 34 Fr. [vi] pp. 29 cm. C 5 R (ouvrage complet.Ì . 7 vols. no.ixMa / a n i -^¿i ^AJ . 1 .). 1891. a / A Ï . 16 Fr. 660. Volumen secundum: Pars autumnalis ^^iinn X J . C 3 . 887. [xii].a n • iEaa « a ^axa • « M E ^AJ [xii].. 1886 26 KaAa .. MOSUL 19 3. 1896.* -. O C L C (66754518).45 B582). 23. 70. 283 no. 18. [v] pp. [ii] pp.SYRIAC BOOKS PRINTED AT THE DOMINICAN PRESS.iEa ^ a x a n j -a /. Volumen tertium: Pars hiemalis Xj-Ì.). i i j a X i E a K n ^ i i / j A i a ^ a n -¿ian/a ^hà ^ a n ^ c I i ^ a ^ Ì Ì M E I M * .3 : 15. as follows: Volumen primum: Pars communis ^ ¿ i n ^ K n ^ i i .^n. resp. 19. For an earlier Syrian Catholic Psalter edited by David. * K « L i â ^JIO Z i i M t ^ a O Ä J / . [xii].4 : 15. [ii] pp. 526. un volume séparé 15 Fr.). Volumen quintum: Pars verna secunda X^iija A a i / a K « L i â [xii]. 3000 Fils. cf. Goussen 13. 19-20. 681.. C 5 R (all 3 vols. the OT only. C 4 .). faire disparaître les divergences qui existaient jusqu'ici. According to Duval. Arabic. 140.-J. C 5 R (20 Fils). 1891.5 (2 vols. USJ (24E 3 ).17.. 1887. Goussen 4' 73.vili COAKLEY & TAYLOR Notes: 1.e. vii. vol. Albareda. 169). ed. as follows: 1.' in A. David.67 C149). J o b . M. E. References: C 5 . i pp. 2 4 . Khayyat.i. 41) and G. Duval describes the purpose of this edition as follows: 'Doter une Église orientale d'une édition de l'office divin abrégée et expurgée. Bod (Syr. BL (753. entre les Églises de différents pays appartenant au même rite. each.b. Preface by Patriarch Ignatius Jirjis Shalhat.. ICOR (275. Copies:. with some WS. 32 cm. ES. of which 350 were distributed to Syriac churches (Fiey. Vosté.).. 6500 Fils). C 5 . 1 and 2: 25 Fr. 28 jaE^ Biblia sacra juxta versionem simplicem quae dicitur Pschitta. Printed in double columns.5).-J. et procurer par là l'uniformité dans la prière liturgique: tel est le but que nous nous sommes proposé.22-3 (vols. 3 3 . Genesis-Esther. dans la récitation du Bréviaire. . M. ii pp. David (Vosté.c. Five hundred copies were printed. Ellis I. 712. the editorial work was carried out by C. Moss.000 francs. C 3 . 426. 30 Fr. J. en m ê m e temps que commode dans son usage et facile à se procurer. vi. 3: 20 Fr..34.474). 2. 3 vols. i pp. 1887 j l J u d T Calendarium juxta ritum ecclesiœ Antiochenœ Syrorum. Goussen 2126. 280 no.. N e w Testament. 1888. at a cost of around 50.' 3.3 (1. Notes: Edited by C.). BL (14544. 4 pp. 'La Pesitta de Mossoul et la révision catholique des anciennes versions orientales de la Bible. 3. iv. References: C 2 .63 A632). Copies:.17 (same prices).2 Maccabees..50 Fr. Vosté. For the editorial history of this edition. cf. i. 1887-91. ICOR (275.5 (same prices). 17 cm.. 681). 2. Beirut 1951.24 (8 Fr. C 5 .). I T S la . C 4 . ICOR (275.. . ES.25 (25 cent. 114). The preface is dated Mosul. C 4 . 60 below. 409.59 A916). [8]. References: C 2 . the first is unrecorded. C 4 . The 'titles' are printed on the 'front' and 'back' covers.35 ('sous presse'). Copies:. 686. 641). Macuch. Reprinted. C 3 . BL (753. A latino textu Chaldaice versus. 1 pp. C 3 .37 (30 cent.26 (8 Fr.). [4] pp. References: C 3 . T h o m a Audo.59 P948). 59-94. 1-2 only). Audo. ES. Notes: 1. 168). MOSUL 21 Miscellanea Giovanni Mercati I (Studi e testi 121. Bod (OI 735. Copies:.a ? l la^a oaol Catechismus ex decreto concilii tridentini ad parochos a D. Translated by T. Grammaire chaldéenne par Jérémie Makdasi prêtre de la Congrégation de Saint Hormisdas.41). B L (753. .MOS). 50 cent. ICOR (Mm 275. 225.k. 50 cent. 9 August 1887. USJ (18A 1 ).). 17 cm. >m. Notes: 1.). 1889 30 .). [7] pp.. Goussen 4' 3 (vols. 1888 29 ¿¿»oia i ^ a i ' ç â l a ^ a Prières du matin et du soir en langue chaldéenne vulgaire. 66230625). References: C 2 .). ES. C 5 R (175 Fils). Moss.>T^ ?i2Aoj. Notes: 1.SYRIAC BOOKS PRINTED AT THE DOMINICAN PRESS. 2. 28 cm.27 (25 cent. 2.5. Seven hundred copies were printed (Fiey.26 (3 Fr.31 (3 Fr. Copies-. O C L C (348475.19 (8 Fr.. 22 cm. This being the second issue. Deuxième tirage. 15. For the third edition see no.).T>TO l^iooA . Vatican City 1946).). i c o R (275.a. Moss.12. 24 (1. 303 pp. 82 below. Copies: I C O R ( ? T >TII a l a a i^ai^. 5)..82 M235).30 (though does not say 2nd ed. P. 1 Fr.). BL (753. ¿ ^ a a j jjLaja ^ao&a Abrégé d'histoire sainte en langue chaldéenne vulgaire.11.28 (2 Fr. 16 cm. Deuxième édition. C 4 . ES. C 5 R (30 Fils). u s j (105D 2 ). 50 cent. The grammar. 19 above (1883). in classical Syriac.. C 5 . 16 cm. 50 cent.). Elia of Soba. Copies:. ES. Notes: The first edition was no. USJ (105D 2 ). the fourth no. References: C 3 .25 (2 Fr. Notes: 'Addé Ibrahina' is Addaï Scher.50 Fr. Moss. 120). ES. is derived from the works of Hunayn. . 73. ^^Ea Livre des prières en langue chaldéenne. Macuch. J o h n Rylands Library.. 3 pp. Reprinted: Atour Publications [2007]. 22 cm. Copies:. and Bar Hebraeus (preface.).vili COAKLEY & TAYLOR 2.26 (75 cent. 86 pp. Manchester (L248 Ab82). Copies:. 50 cent. J j ^ i l . des dérivés et des déclinations. J o h n bar Zobi. 1891 33 ¿Ala g^ja».. jaaoa Tableaux synoptiques des conjugaisons. 402.). References: C 4 . Notes: Reprint of no.e&xa ¡ ¿ V a r a . C 4 .).). par Addé Ibrahina. 34 ¿nVniT .ITS. 17 above (1882). USJ (8F 2 ). . 1890 32 .a.31 (75 cent. w h o came from the village of Sanqlâwâ. References: C 3 . Prêtre Chaldéen. 2. Or. 32°. 1892 36 *37 1 M i. 24.30 (1 Fr.- Petit catéchisme. The third edition is unrecorded. WS. Oussani. 7 (1st) and 12 (2nd) above. 22 cm. Copies:: École biblique (351. 20 cent.35 (35 cent. 17 cm. & ë i a 1a. some memrê attributed to Ephrem and his pupil Isaac. ES. Quatrième édition. excerpts from Barhebraeus' secular chronicle. 18).SYRIAC BOOKS PRINTED AT THE DOMINICAN PRESS. Quatrième édition... since no. Notes: 1. 83 the 'fourth edition'. 2. Ni.21). 52 pp. 93. This is a West Syriac catechism.). the present item might be itself the third edition. 72. MOSUL 23 35 U^r^ Livre de lecture syrienne.oXr. Other editions are nos.30 (35 cent. l a A  ¿Aorna la^a . and Cyrillona on the crucifixion. different from the East Syriac one. Contents include various short biblical passages. Might be earlier: date from appearance in C 3 . 18 had already called itself the 'deuxième édition' (presumably counting the Chaldean-press book of 1866 as the first). References: C 3 . In this case the title-page words could mean 'second Dominican edition'. 115 pp.). n. C 4 . then this leaves a third edition as unrecorded. nos. so making this the 'second edition'.). Notes: 1. Notes: Another edition of the text of 1883 (no.««« Psalterium juxta exemplar apud Chaldœos usurpatum. 38 Syllabaire chaldéen. References: C 3 . and 51 (5th) below. If no. Copies: O C L C (65712148). WS. The title-page of this item has the words ¿ M t ^ i ^ a ^ a A^a^a 1 ffAjj^oa . 73a below is the 'fifth edition' and no. sacerdote Chaldaico olim translatum. i o u ^ J / &oAa ^ Ï A A « ^ ¿ . 57. 13 cm. 366. 401. 21 above. excerptum in Linguam Chaldaicam a D.). Prêtres et Fidèles du rite nestorien.20 (5 Fr. C 5 . S. 36).21 (1. 1895 40 ^. B. Damiano. 22 cm. i n M ^ l i i n a ^ X a a n voala A .).] 57 pp.26 (5 Fr. Copies:: École biblique (278.. ES.^J t a ^ A i n A u i M n ^j. 37—57. Notes: The first edition is no. 2. Date 1895 from p. 16 above.. 81 and 76a below. 984). Two different letters. 85. T h o m a Audo archiepiscopo Urmiensi revisum. [6] pp. pp. Segneri. < A B K i ^ / n &j. . 103. Editio secunda. C 5 R (75 Fils).e. Macuch. by Pope Leo XIII »óijLtóa . Notes: 1.91. aux Évêques. Moss.2j. pp.vili COAKLEY & TAYLOR 48 pp. is addressed to the clergy and people of the Church of the East and advocates their union with Rome. by Mar Gewargis 'Abdisho V dated Mosul 24 April 1895 (p.50 Fr. ^ . M G R Ebed-Jésus Khayath. ^ « Z ui^ AM [Lettre pastorale de S. References: C 5 .J.T. 2. ES. Macuch. For the third edition see no. (Audo's elevation to the episcopate is n o w acknowledged in the title.29 (80 cent. C 5 R (25 Fils). Oussani.36. The second letter. .njA0&jâ i f c i i .) Copies: BL (753. References: C 4 . 1893 39 jl£äonA jliaäl W-nSla vömAäia i ^ A à a ¿j'cnàa ¿ ¿ a t k » tkteäola oaol i»Ó2s ^ ä » eigäso ¿IxóoAl Manuale Sacerdotum ex operibus P. [8].). Patriarche Chaldéen au Patriarche. Page-count from École biblique catalogue. 23 cm. 4 copies). Notes: 1. 1—36. and for the seventh and eighth nos. References: C 4 . The first letter.iaa J i a i o A^a ^ a i ..). nuper vero a R m o D. ES. MOSUL 25 dated Rome 30 November 1894 (p. Fables indiennes traduites en langue chaldéenne par Mgr.a. 412. Moss. La sûreté de doctrine de l'auteur. third 1883). Notes: 1. rather than in neo-Aramaic. [2] pp.. 199). Copies:.). first edition 1869. BL (753.SYRIAC BOOKS PRINTED AT THE DOMINICAN PRESS. BL (753.g. C 5 R (65 Fils).). 2 pp. 42 l**^ ^o oain/a Knl* ¿in* o i r ï n i oaol Knilla Instruction pour les ministres de l'Église d'après le P. Notes: In his short preface A u d o notes that he translated it anew f r o m the Arabic version printed by the Dominicans at Mosul (Albin no. l a ljo. Ouvrage traduit du Latin en langue Chaldéenne par Mgr. C 4 : 'Depuis longtemps déjà les membres du clergé oriental. désiraient un manuel sérieux et abrégé pour la solution de bien des cas difficiles qui se présentent dans la pratique du ministère.' which guaranteed the right of the Oriental churches to preserve their own liturgies and customs.).23 (2 Fr. la fidélité et la clarté de la traduction. 619). 283. 273.20 (5 Fr. Moss. ES. les .21 (7). Glane/Losser 1989.62. Thomas A u d o archevêque chaldéen d'Ourmia. Archevêque Chaldéen d'Ourmia. 41 oaol l»ol£> O.' Copies:. or 'chaldéen vulgaire. Louis Togni. ES.27 (5 Fr.30 (2 Fr. The Latin original is Instructio pro sacris Ecclesiae ministris (1819 and frequently reprinted). second 1876. References: C 4 . C 5 . 24 cm. References: C 4 . Thomas Audo.56). C 5 . Goussen 583. 46.aooA J^aa 1 Ji^ao lX*Xaa la^a Kalila et Dimna. It is in simplified Syriac designed for young people. 2. ceux d'entre eux surtout qui ne connaissent pas les langues européennes. 18 cm. Reprinted: The Syriac text of this translation was reprinted in vocalized W S script by the Bar Hebraeus Verlag.. Aussi ont-ils salué avec joie l'apparition de ce nouvel ouvrage. USJ (95B 3 ).3J. C 5 R (35 Fils). is a Syriac version of the Encyclical 'Orientalium dignitas ecclesiarum. USJ (38B 2 ).). w h o calls him 'Mgr. Archevêque [sic] Chaldéen. 2. 105. Macuch. 1091). References: C 4 .LJOM ¿ .). In the manuscript copy of the preface to his Grammaire de la langue soureth.29 (60 cent. USJ (18A 1 ). 20 cm. les Fables et les Cantiques furent imprimés sous le n o m de David . 8°. 514. He is described in C 5 as Notes: 1. Pierre Aziz'). C 5 . 2 8 . C 5 .20 (0.).TH J^aooA i^aa^ ^ ^ a eioâl l ' j i ^ a A  a i i a a gaAaa ¿j^aj. References: C 4 . ES. d. Moss.' Copies:: BL (753. C 5 R (Épuisé). which is rather longer than that printed (no.248-390) by David Bareznaya of Khani Palan. 99 pp. t n m x i a a ^ . the real author of these songs may well have been the French Dominican missionary. Copies: Goussen 548. C 5 R (15 Fils)..2 4 7 ) is said to be by David of Nuhadra. The translator 'Jacques Eugène' is Jacques Eugène Manna.).i\3 iiaa Njja XAn Suprématie du Pape prouvée par la tradition de l'église syro-chaldéenne. In fact. 1896 44 ZHXSM ^ j n n u . 390.G.60 Fr.9 (2 Fr. ES. 5 . prêtre chaldéen éleve de la Propagande. tout concourt à en faire le vade-mecum quotidien des prêtres orientaux. je me trouvais attaché à l'École biblique de Jérusalem.22 (2 Fr..Mnwn ¿ E n ï ^ X r ^ n ^aEa ^ n A a A n A »•»A u a À \ 5 / t . n ^ n ^ a E a Recueil de chants religieux en langue chaldéenne vulgaire. Jacques Rhétoré. L'impression se fit sans m'informer et on servit de textes écrits par des scribes ignorants auxquels joignirent leurs lumières des correcteurs sans méthode. ^ n / ^ n t i X j /T. 74 below). part 2 (p.). Notes: The author of the original Arabic work was director of the Patriarchal Seminary 1894-7 and later bishop of Salmas (see Tfinkdji. i t \ I ^.. 6 pp. he writes: 'Lors de la publication des Fables et des Cantiques..axl^n ¿.. 43 ZlS ¿. Part I (pp. Mgr Petros Hoh. De plus. ouvrage traduit en chaldéen par Jacques Eugène prêtre du m ê m e rite élève du Séminaire Patriarchal chaldéen. 1889.vili COAKLEY & TAYLOR hautes approbations qu'a reçues ce manuel. par Pierre Aziz Hoh. 7 D269). d. 1896. 46 X ^ . 1 J. 2 Copies:.54.. O.). Reprinted: Mosul 1954 (ICOR 275. Macuch. Atour Publications [2005].SYRIAC BOOKS PRINTED AT THE DOMINICAN PRESS. Moss. in a lecture he gave in Paris in February 1910. Rhétoré (ed. 'Daoud l'Aveugle' is David of Nuhadra. l'Apocalypse d'après la Pschitta.19). 1898. but the real author appears to have been Jacques Rhétoré. 2 Fiey. X a i a ^j. 285).. 2. 20 cm. 1898. 2 vols. làadaaa / i n i ¿lîui Fables en langue chaldéenne vulgaire par Daoud l'Aveugle de MarYacoub.a. 171. J e me trouvais ainsi dépouillé de m o n travail personnel. ES. grâce au n o m de David. ¿ii A T * X ^ . BL (753. USJ (105D 5 ). (see note 2 to the previous item).55. J. et de plus je le voyais gâté. 143 pp. Les Saints Évangiles d'après la Pschitta. Les chrétiens aux bêtes: Souvenirs de la guerre sainte proclamée par les Turcs contre les chrétiens en 1915 (Paris 2005). et on donna à cela pour raison que. 1 ¿x^na ^ n A ^ r n ^ * ¿ a E i 568 pp. les Épîtres.P. Notes: 1. Les Actes des Apôtres. 45 ¿aria ¿>*A.20). .e. 1896.nn ¿ a E i Le Nouveau Testament d'après la Pschitta. Bod (Syr. [2] pp. 18 cm. Reprinted: Mosul 1954. MOSUL 27 l'Aveugle qui m'avait aidé dans mes compositions.30 (1 Fr. Copies:.. ES. 1889. ces livres seraient mieux accueillis par les indigènes..rq X a i a ¿aEi ^ 1 jitW^o 698. Moss.a.e. ¿ i r i a ¿Aci^-m^ K ¿ l E a * ¿aEû.' 1 The same authorship was also stated by Fr Berré. Alichoran). :ixo ^oloSa i^ïl1ao ¿iao\. 105. the superior of the mission. 285). 236. BL (753. as follows: 1. Bod (Syr. References: C 4 .rq X n i a ^ ^ K n j ¿nE. vili COAKLEY & TAYLOR References: C 4 .e. Hebraica . orientale scilicet et occidentale.).). A. but we have not yet seen an example of this. vol. 2 only). Arabic.. The first volume has 1896 on the French and Syriac title-pages (but may actually have been printed in 1897. 3. with ES and WS. 47 ii'â:»! ¿jL^jyoa ¿«^A N âeua& &aSA ¿ ¿ a ! .17 (each vol. Bod (N. Only title pages of vol. the Arabic title is written above the Syriac.T. Goussen 24 (both vols. Notes: 1.38 ('Le Saint Évangile.24 (5 Fr. C 5 describes this as 'Cours élémentaire. C 5 R (each vol. 'IT S. Copies:: SOAS (QMI418/10030). 48 Grammatica Aramaica seu Syriaca philologice exposita juxta utrumque systema. Jacob Awgen the Chaldean' is J . On the non-French title-page. Copies: Bibliothèque Œcuménique et Scientifique d'Études Bibliques (4913 PSC.. 12°.). 4. Not to be confused with no. Syr. 57 below). see comment in C 4 ). collatis Arabica. 1 only. The Gospels were republished individually in 1898 in percaline covers. a West Syriac N e w Testament. C 5 . 1 only). Macuch. M a n n a (see no. The page numbering of each Gospel remained that of the original volume. 2. 55 below. 352. 1 seen (in addition to copy of vol. but with the dates changed to 1898. 3.' i.' 4. with the French and Syriac title pages of the Gospels volume above. ¿'tuna ¿ ^ E a jjjajjwo Cours de langue araméenne selon les deux dialectes syriaque et chaldaïque. References: C 5 . 2). vol. C 5 R (125 Fils). It seems likely that a n e w title page would have been printed for the entire N e w Testament in 1898. 4 pp.e. sous presse). Notes: 1. 2. 3 Fr.. The grammar is in Arabic. ¿AA. with Syriac paradigms. 408. 2. Reprinted: Babel Center Publications. vol.2. The second volume is dated 1898 on the French title-page and 1897 on the Syriac title-page. Beirut 1975. 60 Fils). The author 'Q.. [3] pp. 2 vols. Macuch..SYRIAC BOOKS PRINTED AT THE DOMINICAN PRESS. 7 pp.27 (12 Fr.27 (chaque volume 7 Fr. Quam auctor C.. M ê m e ouvrage en un seul volume 7 Fr.d. [6]. Vol. î i j ^ J i J l j S J J À ^ J L g J P A j j ^ j Grammaire de la langue araméenne selon les deux dialectes syriaque et chaldaique précédée d'un abrégé de l'histoire de la langue de l'écriture et de la littérature araméennes par Sa Grandeur Mgr. Arabic.. Latinam fecit. References: C 4 .ó l j j ^ J l ^ " P ^ I p JiljO^ IS^iDoi jjlàój? jl^Xj KtJ afli^^Ai. collaborante in parte Aloysio Rahmani Archiepiscopo Syro Alepensi. 414. . C 5 . Copies: Bod (Syr. 2. Même ouvrage en un seul volume 175 Fils). Notes: 1. as follows: 1. atque prœmissis copiosissimis prolegomenis de variis quœstionibus linguam Syriacam respicientibus. Title pages in order French. 1896-8. David Archevêque syrien de Damas. Syriac.. with W S and ES. David Archiepiscopus Syrus Damasii ex prima sua editione Arabica.). A Latin version of David's grammar (no. 22 cm. 13). 1898. with W S and ES. 14. Arabic. dedicated to h i m (he died in 1890). or just that the second volume had not yet been printed.Vi. 424. 2 7 8 9 no.. [6] pp. There is no Syriac or Arabic title-page. O C L C (3667291). It is not clear whether the reference in C 4 implies that it had not yet been finished by 1897. C 5 R (175 Fils). 49 yOOUjV Aa i t t n j ^ ^ . Goussen 367. 278 no. magnopere locupletavit ac appendice de prosodia syriaca auxit.). Deuxième volume. Vosté. Deuxième édition revue corrigée et augmentée. 729. Vosté.^ 7 jlay^-ioo IS^o jI'. Latin. 479. 23 cm. ¿ H L J a U I . Notes: 1. 2. 1896.38 (sous presse). J . Jj^l A M I Premier volume. References: C 4 . M O S U L 29 cœterisque linguis Semiticis.63). C 5 R (chaque volume 100 Fils. 1 is dated 1896. C 5 .v>7 l^-^4 * I J l ò L j I î ' ó l j ^ * i j l i^ À ^ j 4 p L ^ ò ^ ^ ^ l i l A ^ jJ l ^ À ^ J j l ^ . 2. K. 132.38 (sous presse). 'le premier volume seul a paru'). [HX^l J U ^ [Livre de lecture syrienne. 16°.). 20 cent. ICOR (275.31 (chaque volume 25 Fr. is to . C 5 . 35 cm.'). p. 12. see nos. 86) states 'The second volume of this very learned and important work . as follows: K o A l a . C 5 R (10 Fils). References: C 4 . . [1901]. For earlier editions. text starting on p.). Notes: 1... ES..] 46 pp. 638 pp.. 35 above.60 Fr.25 ('chaque volume 20 Fr. the text in double columns. WS.27 (1. 2.82 D249). 13 above. 48 for a Latin version.20 Fr.64). C 5 .35 (1 Fr.ui £aaOa ¿¿<a^. 7. An expanded edition of no. Both volumes have 1897 on the title-pages (both Syriac and French). E-A K o L l â . 8°. C 5 R (Épuisé).] 115 pp. 492 pp.. 2 vols. References: C 4 .. 15. Deuxième volume.ia g a o ^ o i&aaaao iiJ^Aaxo ¿¿«a^i» A i » ] [La confrérie du Très-Saint Rosaire en chaldéen vulgaire.d.). Cinquième édition.). 1897.28 (60 cent. May be earlier than 1897: date from appearance in C 4 . References: C 4 . Notes: May be earlier than 1897: date from appearance in C 4 . C 5 R (500 Fils) Notes: 1. and Oussani (1901. 1897.5). (of which first 4 are title-pages.» ci*«^ ¿ » n K ¿uAn ^¿o] *51 52 Dictionnaire de la langue chaldéenne par Monseigneur Thomas Audo Archevêque Chaldéen d'Ourmia. 1. ES. 2. See no. but vol. The introduction is printed in a single column. C 5 . Premier volume. 1901. C 4 (1897) mentions only vol. Bod (Syr. Copies'. 2 was almost certainly published in 1901.vili COAKLEY & TAYLOR 3. 1897 *50 [&Xj..22 (0. and for vol. Gorgias Press (Piscataway. USJ (209A 5 ). in 3 sections.1899. In Soureth. ^V0.Ti ^ aia Le Nouveau Testament d'après la Pschitta. and a third edition in 1885 (Albin no. 2 is 24. ES. 256 pp. [8] pp. The Assyrian Federation in Sweden (Stockholm 1979). St. 11). l3^ 54 Exercises de lecture chaldéenne. as follows: *1.1. 1). An Arabic work of the same title was published by the press in 1863 (Albin no. but perhaps this is it.7).SYRIAC BOOKS PRINTED AT THE DOMINICAN PRESS. 403 ascribes a 'chrestomathy and glossary' to A. 2. Copies:. A catechism of questions and answers. 2 vols. 1898-1900..' (The Bodleian accession date for vol. Scher.n ¿ a E i . Copies:: Goussen 136. [Les Saints Évangiles] K nj ¿aE.. Ephrem the Syrian Monastery (Losser [Netherlands] 1985). 16 cm. Bod (OR RR Z.f. 22 cm. 55 Ay.1902.. Notes: 1. 165. Reprinted: It has been reprinted as a single volume four times: Assyrian Language and Culture Classes Incorporated (Chicago 1978). 14 cm.2. ES. O C L C (4472320). 2008). dated 1897 (not 1898).9). 1 is 7.Sy. Copies: Bod (Syr. WS. The Bar Hebraeus Press. 1898 53 iiita ¿ i i l n j * i l o ^ ¿ a E i Explication abrégée de la doctrine chrétienne. and it contains significantly more items than the largest European lexica.) 3. MOSUL 31 appear this year. Notes: Macuch. USJ (105D 2 ). This is one of the most important Syriac lexica yet published. 249. C 5 R (each vol. 151 pp. . References: C 5 . 1.2. Syriac and French. 195. École biblique (352. and of the corresponding two title-pages for the whole N e w Testament. vol... 46 above. N 3 A i i o ^ n ¿ .. The description of this item is tentative. 2. no. ES.) The title for vol. We have seen copies of the title-pages of vol. References: C 5 . N 3 ^ » f l i i ¿¿CT»i \ICT^ g ^ j a : » J^aooa i^a^a Sancta evangelia quae per totum anni decursum ab Ecclesia Syrorum Orientalium id est Chaldœorum in missa leguntur. come from C 5 . and all page-counts. ¿lxj. les Épîtres. [4]. N a g ^ j y » i^aooa Lectiones quœ per totum anni decursum ab Ecclesia Syrorum Orientalium id est Chaldœorum in Missa adhiberi solent. [Old Testament and Acts] [iv]. ¿nA ^ L X c i A ^ n ¿ X . 2. *2.vili COAKLEY & TAYLOR 688 pp. 60 Fils). 2.] 3 vols. 1900 56 [¿'ó>\ ^ l â l a .**. Notes: 1. 5 Fr. ( ¿ n E . Épîtres et Évangiles pour la messe chaldéenne. > . 1900. 6 pp. Les Actes des Apôtres. and Pschitta is indeed read rather than Pschitto. * in the title of this latter is a printing error for ¿ ¿nA ^JLB c i A ^ n ¿ X . Copies:: Goussen 25. 500 Fils). both dated 1898.26 (vol. 1898. 840 pp. both dated 1900. i > \ T « ó l a à a i ^ ' i l l a Jju'in] [Leçons. This item is to be distinguished from the East Syriac N e w Testament of 1896—8. [7] pp.01).18 (each vol. 3. Epistolae apostoli Pauli quae per totum anni decursum ab Ecclesia Syrorum Orientalium id est Chaldœorum in missa leguntur..).. 4 Fr. et l'Apocalypse d'après la Pschitto. 10 Fr. 1.1.). 30 cm. C 5 R (each vol. References: C 5 . ICOR (275. 57 i u J » r^Aoi jnnV '» jT. 406 pp. 675 Fils.25 (6 Fr. Moss 641.. Theodore of ^^^^ . E. With added title-page in Syriac.25). 2007)..18 (Avec Proprium. vol. 873 pp. Reprinted: Babel Center Publications (Beirut 1975). vols. Copies:: BL (753. 18 Fr.).a. 5 Fr.3 ) .-K. C 5 R (300 Fils). Notes: French title-page before joint Syriac/Arabic title-page.SYRIAC BOOKS PRINTED AT THE DOMINICAN PRESS. 1 and of vol.. tailpieces. [ii].).23. Sans Proprium. Bod (Syr.). Delly.41. title-page in red and black in ornamental border.' Orientalia Christiana Periodica 23 (1957). The Latin title-page is not included in the Syriac numbering of pages. References: C 5 . École biblique (363. 24. Oussani. ES.19. ES and Arabic. J . BL (14589.1 only). 159-70.iTSa Ô /^jn« Jt^- • ^ r i ^ ^ l Vocabulaire chaldéen-arabe par l'abbé Jacques Eugène Manna Professeur au Séminaire Syro-Chaldéen à Mossoul.Tiia jüila ^J» j l A l x J l ^r^jl ^Jlj ^ r ^ J ^ l ¿ ¿ ä i . Notes: 1. Rubricated* Missale juxta ritum Ecclesiœ Syrorum Orientalium id est Chaldaeorum. 3 Paris 1977. MOSUL 33 Notes: Imprimaturs of vol. 1901 58 i^äaaa ¿nA j-ïàao ^L /»M^n ¿. 2 Bidawid.. Reprinted: vol. 300 Fils). with a major appendix by Fr (later Patriarch) R. Goussen 4' 46 a-c (3 vols. 29 cm.85 M282). unlike the Syriac title-page. Copies:. C 5 R (Avec Proprium. 2. Gorgias Press (Piscataway. 3. Sans Proprium. 23 cm. 'L'édition du Missel chaldéen de 1901. Moss 706). Contents: ordinary of the mass (with the Chaldean adaptations of the three anaphoras of Addai and Mari. 85. 3 are both dated 15 August 1900. but the book was not issued until April 1902 (Delly.) Copies'.). proper of the mass. 59 f A . 1—96. Marutha of . pp. An important collection of excerpts from Syriac authors. Abp of Babylon) 22 October 1901. the Latin imprimatur (Henricus Altmayer. 2005] (96 pp. 2. The ordinary was also issued separately.. 5. 1. of French translation and additional materials by F. According to Fiey... 170). 1901. Bod (1380. in 1900 the Turkish authorities seized essential materials from the press. Missel Chaldéen (Eglise catholique chaldéenne. and it is likely that the discrepancy in the dates of the Syriac and Latin imprimaturs is due to such factors. 642). 52 above. Reprinted. (There are similar delays with the printing of other books at this period.c.101. 1901. 4. 1 contains selections from: Aphrahat. the reproductions of these on the printed wrappers give the date as 1902.T> Tiia i i a o a ^ i ï a ï / i K n n i s n ¿JCA-â £ U j â ^ J J A à  J I A I ^ J I  ^ A j l s i A ^ j A ^ I ^ I A I ^ J I Morceaux choisis de littérature araméenne par l'abbé Jacques Eugène Manna prêtre chaldéen à Mossoul. C 5 R (225 Fils). [7] pp. 1901-2: vol.g. 44. Vol. 97— 406. 170). The Syriac imprimatur (Joseph Emmanuel II) is dated 15 August 1900 (as also in no. 2 vols. Although the French and Syriac/Arabic title-pages of the second volume give the same year of publication as the first volume. Paris 1982) which reprints the 96 pp. The title-page gives the date 1901. [4]. The Turkish customs only released necessary printing supplies in July 1902. and Nestorius). Ephrem. USJ (24E 2 ).64 S995). vols. 2.vili COAKLEY & TAYLOR Mopsuestia. [8] pp. and interfered in various ways in its operation. 22 cm. ICOR (275. Moss. o i jnnV > ' .3). pp. with 332 pp. of the ordinary. Mosul 1936 (Delly. ES. Notes: 1. 169. 450. 1902. 1.24 (les deux volumes. of the ordinary). References: C 5 . 353. Alichoran. Goussen 4' 43. Atour Publications [c. 3). [4]. 8 Fr. vol. BL (753. .81 M282). Goussen 688.62).). ES. Jacob of Edessa. known as Qdam w-bathar. Bod (Syr.3. 140 Fils [only one price given]). Patriarch Elia III. Isaac of Antioch.. Notes: For the second edition see no. Copies:.SYRIAC BOOKS PRINTED AT THE DOMINICAN PRESS. 21 cm. Gewargis Warda. 29 above.92).d. References C 5 . and Abdisho of Nisibis. Ishoyabh of Hedayab.18 (red and black ink. C 5 R (relié. ICOR (275. Yuhannan bar Madani. 4 pp.b. Copy: École biblique (715. Troisième édition. Notes: The ordinary of the Chaldean daily offices. Yukhannan of Amid. except the Psalter. Volume 2 contains selections from: Isaac of Nineveh. black ink only. Philoxenus of Mabbugh. Thomas of Marga. 1902 60 ia^a Prières du matin et du soir en langue chaldéenne vulgaire. Patriarch Timothy I. 2006]. References: C 5 . Atour Publications [c. MOSUL 35 Maipherqat.] 244. Bar Hebraeus. Jacob of Serugh. 5 Fr.21 (0.. Cause of all Causes.d.25 Fr. BL (753. Elia of Anbar. . Copies: BL (753. 40972822). ES. C 5 R (5 Fils). Emmanuel bar Shahare. O C L C (47917632. Honain ibn Ishaq.). Cyrilona.*« ¿^HT XacL* XjEnl i E a n n ^anu* ¿ a E i [Vespéral. Narsai. 640). Moss. Moss 706). Anton Rhetor. Khamis bar Qardahe. 7 Fr.59. Goussen 56. 1903 61 a^. 16 pp. 15 cm. Reprinted: Baghdad: Matabaat al-masriq 1977. Alphonsi Mingana professoris l i n g u s syriacs in seminario fratrum prsdicatorum mausiliensi cum prsfatione editoris. 66 below) was itself printed in 1906. ZTLMZM litula ?V\iv> Aso^aa ¡•fiTH l a Mai¿imaia iljia. but Chabot reviewed both volumes in the Journal asiatique X.^» ^nwin^Sl i^xlki-k^oa vOcuiL^ ^jaoi N Qi2. A W ZMA. ¿loao ^axio N^aa ¡VAS-na Z n a m ^. Goussen 725 (vol. 25 Fils).*^* ^JA» ^ M n » ZVn E . ES.. Alphonse Mingana 1878-1937 (Birmingham 1990).vili COAKLEY & TAYLOR 1904 62 Z I ^ A B NAA. and (b) 8°: 68 pp. Bod (OI 735.57 M664). and Mingana's response (no. Copies:.50 Fr. C 5 R (300 Fils). O C L C (68740316).. References: C 5 . Moss.).aiso .6 of July-August 1905.1. ES. states that the second volume was published in 1906. Compiled by Addaï Scher of Seert. vol. 1904.^ NQi2 ¡iaa ¿ x a i » Narsai Doctoris Syri H o m i l i s et Carmina primo edita cura et studio D. BL (753.). [2]. 60. [2] pp. 170. Samir. Macuch. Notes: 1. 403. the latter not seen.] Issued in two formats: (a) 4°: 59.61 NAR). [4]. .32.'iTSa . other page-borders in blue.k. Title-page in red and gold. 2 vols. 1. Notes: 1. USJ (8F 2 ).1 .9 . 3 Fr. Goussen 930 (8°).22 (4°.. 8°.N ÀAB u n / A. 2. Moss 784). 2 only). 411. 2.21 (16 Fr. 2. Fiey. 8 . Many quotations from church fathers. 25 cm. vol. [La couronne de Marie. 9 7 0 . 368. C 5 R (8°.ee. Recueil de textes d'auteurs syriaques à l'occasion de la Fête de l'Immaculée Conception. Copies:: BL (753. 29 cm. = 4° form). References: C 5 .. Mingana's preface is dated 2 Dec. 1 pp. K.. ICOR (275. 1. 1905 63 iioaaj. [3] pp. the magazine ran for three years. WS.3303 Crown of roses. ICOR (275. O C L C (28154742).SYRIAC BOOKS PRINTED AT THE DOMINICAN PRESS. References: C 5 . 22 cm. 2. Moss 983). Reprinted: Jerusalem: Makor c. 74 below). BL (753. 1975 (BnF [4-X-4277]). Bod (Syr. showing the cover page for the issue of May-June 1905.6 (1905). 1906 65 *65a 66 Réponse à M r l'Abbé J.. 36.. ICOR (Hyvernat Misc 81. 9 . 170.b. xvi. Catalogue des mss. 1 pp. Professeur de syriaque au Séminaire syro-chaldéen de Mossoul. .60. Kurdistan. OP. 63 above). According to Bet-Shmuel.1). WS. French.1 0 . Bod (259046. d. Copies:: BL (753. B. Goussen 937. References: Title from the page reproduced in Bet-Shmuel. French. C 5 R (450 Fils). ES. Samir. xv ('une petite Revue religieuse qui dura quelques années'). 37 pp. References: K. It is mentioned less specifically in Rhétoré. avec notes bibliographiques par Mgr. ES.82 M664). 25 cm.). 21-2.25 (5 Fr. French with some use of ES. Notes: In the preface (dated 9 October 1905) it is noted that the French was corrected by Father Sébastien Scheil. This page also says it is the 'first year'. published in the Journal asiatique X. 19 pp. syriaques et arabes conservés dans la Bibliothèque épiscopale de Séert.57. O C L C (4137557). 197.65).Siirt 1. Grammaire (no. MOSUL 37 64 Clef de la langue araméenne ou grammaire complète et pratique des deux dialectes syriaques occidental et oriental par L'Abbé Alphonse Mingana. 756). Chabot à propos de la Chronique de Barhadhbsabba par A. Copies:. Addaï Scher.b. Alphonse Mingana (Birmingham 1990). Notes: Mingana's response to Chabot's review article of his edition of Narsai (no. 1905-7. and Fiey.3. 101. Mingana (Voir Journal Asiatique N o Juillet-Août 1905). Moss. 13). Goussen 724. ] 358 pp. 2 pp.i»A ï o i M o J^a^a^ . Copies: BL (753. 3. 22 cm. 70 [occasional offices. Copies: BL (753. Goussen 4' 48. Subtitle on p. 69 [Burial service.] 23 cm. Goussen 726. ?n>So^j JJAI o. ES. 1: i m A o ^ jg|>VciT> o.i»A a^alo a ï ^ ï . P. Copies: Goussen 4' 52.27(2).b. ES. in black and red.] 93.22.n>SoNn 2.65C436). ICOR (275. 2005]. ES. 30 cm. USJ (24E 2 ).. Goussen Z . Moss. 30 cm. Moss 643). Copies: J o h n Rylands Library. 61 is in Garshuni (in East Syriac letters).] [2]. Notes: 1. * [Baptismal service. 1907 67 KnAn Z n A ^J/ ^TJ^D ZJHV^ ^ r n w n Z. USJ (24E 2 ). ZJNJ/N Z a E ^ .. In two columns.. 62 pp. Manchester (R44214).4in. Reprinted: Atour Publications [c. 68 g'iia [Marriage service. The imprimatur by Joseph Emmanuel II is dated Mosul 15 August 1907.J M A . This was almost entirely dedicated to an (unfavourable) assessment of the historical value of a fragment attributed to Barhadhbsabba relating to the early history of the School of Nisibis which Mingana included in his preface. 758).vili COAKLEY & TAYLOR 157-177. ES. 71 TÙiìóa ¿-¿ii ^Jp A a A Asili»? i a ^ a Méditations pour chaque jour du mois de Marie.168. French and ES.65 C436). was translated into Arabic by Lebbäus al-Mutaini (d. His preface to the second part (p. C 5 adds the note that David was an 'Ancien Élève du Séminaire Syro-Chaldéen de Mossoul. Leipzig. 21 cm. Notes: 1. Contents in detail are given by Moss (mostly anointings and blessings). MOSUL 39 Notes: 1. References: K. and subsequently in many editions in Jerusalem and Beirut. It was first published in Rome in 1842. . 63 above). The second section of the volume (viii. viii. ICOR (275. Vol. Selly Oak (MC H892. Samir (see on no. OLRC. 412.473). 2. 16°.169-271) by a history in verse of the monastery of Beth Qoqa (text and translation). Mingana professeur de syriaque au Séminaire SyroChaldéen. ES. 1908 72 Sources syriaques. Macuch.3). par A. 3. References: C 5 . 204 pp.viii) is dated Mosul. June 1907. Mingana's preface to the first section is dated (p.22 (2 The chronicle of Msiha-Zkha runs to p. 271. and by the press in Mosul in 1876 and 1883 (Albin no. 12-14.' No further volumes were published. 268 pp.24. January 1908. At bottom of the title-page is printed: 'Se vend chez Otto Harrassowitz. G. Copies: BL (753. 2. 2. The preface by Joseph Emmanuel II is dated Mosul 15 August 1907.SYRIAC BOOKS PRINTED AT THE DOMINICAN PRESS. Bar-Penkayé (texte).). Msiha-Zkha (texte et traduction). 643-4). USJ (24E 1 ). Alfonse Muzzarelli (1749-1813). Graf III. C 5 R (35 Fils). xi. cf. Notes: 1.1790. xi) Mosul.) contains the Ktaba d-rish mellê of Yohannan bar Penkaye. I. Moss.' Copies:. Goussen 50. M G R Francis David.. 18). 204 pp. It is followed (pp. Il mese di Maria o sia di Maggio (Ferrara 1785). traduit de l'arabe par S. with a French translation of chapter 15. i&Aau. Rhétoré des PP.78 n. For a recent account of the controversial history of the chronicle of Msiha-Zkha. 41— 83. Par le P. 1912 74 Grammaire de la Langue Soureth ou Chaldéen Vulgaire selon le dialecte de la plaine de Mossoul et des pays adjacents. ES. Quatrième tirage. 32 pp.). and F. different from the 1898 catechism. Bod (Syr. Notes: The title page says t ^ »a ^oa^ A ^ a ^ a A i ^ M .19 (0. 5.34.1) in which he questioned the historicity of Mar Mari infuriated the Chaldean Patriarch.. Goussen 727. Missionnaire en Kurdistan.vili COAKLEY & TAYLOR 4..'»">. References: C 5 . Moss.' in Oriens Christianus 85 (2001).75 Fr). or the Chronicle of Arbela. is still listed in the 1914 catalogue. and Mingana himself lost his position at the seminary. 758). here first published by Mingana. A different edition (no. .f. 1910 73a iIiflii ZSEA Psalterium juxta exemplar apud C h a l d s o s usurpatum. 24 above. with 248 pp. w h o considered himself to be the heir to this apostle. Copies:. 222 pp. i a ^ a Petit catéchisme en langue chaldéenne vulgaire. 'La Chronique d'Arbèles. O C L C (20060501). Notes: In 12 sections. Jullien. see no. Propositions pour la fin d'une controverse. 73 ^DCta&a . ES. 36 above.c.) Copies:: BL (753. see C. Copies: Goussen 18. 83 below. For the 2nd (or 3rd!) ed. are unrecorded.. The 2nd ed. The 1st and 3rd ed. Dominicains. is no. 'printed in Mosul for the fifth time'. The sentence had to be omitted from copies sold in the Middle East. apparently an earlier 4th ed. J. (Addaï Scher was also censured for having authorised the publication of the book. C 5 R (10 Fils).8). A sentence in a note to Mingana's translation (p. 17 cm. 19 (0.16.24 (3.. 925).). ES. Récits versifiés en langue Soureth. 276 pp. French and ES. Moss. 207.61.87R472). Dominicains. 72. Par le P. 22 cm. 56008564). AS.' pp. References: C 5 . 7 . Syllabaire Chaldéen. Livre de l'enfance de Notre-Seigneur Jésus-Christ. Moss. xxi. ES.62. O C L C (7521462. Copies.75 Fr. Copies: BL (753. 20 cm.. [3] pp. Bod (Syr. ICOR (275. Notes: In French. from which it appears this is an abridgement. v. [8]. C 5 R (30 Fils). 21 cm. printed in April 1914. Copies:. Moss. Rhétoré: the Syriac preface on pp. References: C 5 .). still shows the seventh edition a^a^? ¿ ¿ ¿ « M ¿aïa Ai. Notes: Data from the Oslo university library catalogue.b. Goussen 884. BL (753. The preface by Joseph Emmanuel II (p.b. 925). Notes: There is a lengthy printer's note in Soureth on p.. MOSUL 41 [2]. or more probably it was unfinished. [2] pp. ES. BL (753.ccc.. Huitième édition 1 4 pp.e. Jacques Rhétoré des PP. Catalogue C 5 . 1913 75 &J. 239-60.VT\I .9 (dated Mosul 15 May 1913) is addressed by Patriarch Joseph Emmanuel II to him. 1914 76 ¿diïs* ¿aEa ¿ à ^ j j ^ ô ? 2.SYRIAC BOOKS PRINTED AT THE DOMINICAN PRESS.âô&ep JonV > iaîA Cantiques et poesies diverses sur des sujets religieux en langue Soureth. 924-5).30B3 . Reprinted: Atour Publications [2007]. Notes: By J.V>>T^ SÔXJ.58). C 5 R (375 Fils [?]).. X-^Bcian *76a . Includes a chrestomathy captioned 'Appendice de Morceaux divers. vii) is dated Mosul 15 June 1914.50 Fr. 18°. .23 (0. en Chaldéen vulgaire. the date of publication was 1900.] 48 pp. [&XJ... C 5 R (10 Fils). Notes: In 'chaldéen vulgaire. Copies:: Universitetsbiblioteket i Oslo between 1897 and 1914 The following seven items appear in catalogue C 5 (dated 1914) but not C 4 (dated 1897). * 77 [jl^jaitt j ^ a o a a ¿ ¿ o i i A x J c a j a ^ a ] [Calendarium juxta ritum ecclesis syrorum orientalium. C 5 R (5 Fils). C 5 R (10 Fils).' ES. ES. References: C 5 .20 Fr. ES.60 Fr. 81 below).UI ¿Vàia i l l ¿ ¡ a i ^ î-^iol] *78 [Méthode nouvelle pour réciter le Très-Saint Rosaire. Septième édition.] 16 pp. References: C 5 . ES. References C 5 . laisa *81 Syllabaire Chaldéen. Copies: Goussen 2124 (but n o w lost).25 Fr.vili COAKLEY & TAYLOR (no. *80 [Tableaux de lecture Chaldéenne. 8° ES.' *79 l^As? îaâola l « ^ ? laisa] [Chemin de la Croix. C 5 R (5 Fils). 21 and 38 above.25 Fr.] 'Onze tableaux sur papier.22 (0.).). 48 pp..). 32°.] 48 pp. For the third and fourth editions see nos.). 32°. id est Chaldsorum. References: C 5 .23 (chaque tableau 0. Their titles and other information come from C 5 . According to the card catalogue.20 (0. n. ¿aEa Quatrième *83 Psalterium juxta exemplar apud édition. Notes: For the first and second editions see nos. . 73a. ES.). 16 cm. 248 pp. W e have found no record of the fifth and sixth editions. Notes: This will have to be dated before no. Notes: For the third and fourth editions see nos.23 (0.). C 5 . even though it is this earlier edition that is still for sale in 1914. no. We have found no record of the third edition.««« Chaldœos usurpatum.).18 (4 Fr. 21 and 38 above. 19 and 32 above.75 Fr. Referencer. C 5 . ¿ ^ i x a ¿¿¿as ¿aEa Abrégé d'histoire sainte en langue chaldéenne vulgaire.80 Fr. C 5 R (70 Fils). C 5 R (10 Fils). C 5 R (15 Fils).25 (0. MOSUL 43 References: C 5 .SYRIAC BOOKS PRINTED AT THE DOMINICAN PRESS. Referencer. *82 . 53 pp. the 'fifth edition' of the Psalter (1910). ES. 76a.. and for the eighth. . . Pp. B L (753.2£a &cA £aAaa . Moss. [8]. Copies:.) References: Oussani. The section before the Psalter and canticles (7 of 8 pp. 18 cm. 3. Rubrics. and 1 p. 138). Decorative blocks (oak leaves and acorns around edges. On title page the place of printing is given as: A^a^a . [14] pp. (2 pp. 2. [6]. After the title page. 300.APPENDIX: SYRIAC BOOKS PRINTED AT THE CHALDEAN PRESS 1866 C1 ^ ^J. Notes: 1. printed in red. 296—300 contain the new regulation (l&aJ» j i a o ^ ) concerning prayers to be recited on various occasions. 45 .A . there are 5 pp. containing a dedication in Syriac and Arabic (on alternate pages) by deacon Raphael Mazaji to Patriarch Joseph VI Audo.89. of Arabic in dedication. 4. [39 quires]. There then follow an alphabetical index of the first lines of the Psalms.xa o-Lai^). He signs himself as Deacon Raphael the son of the Priest Petros Mazaji the Chaldean from Amid. and some stars dividing verses. of corrigenda. 6 is the imprimatur by Patriarch Joseph. ^offCiLiauo ^ocifrVSv ¿ai0 S W aj.) contains prayers to be said before the night office. ES. i l » Aj.2. 85. On p.a. floral blocks in corners and centre) decorate title page.oaa laa^yoa j a ^ a £aAaa l&al»a jxj. On the second page of the Syriac he describes this book as 'this first fruit of my press' ( law 1 ¿j.aa [Book of Psalms] [2]. ES. and square arch over heading on first page. "Il qual libro essendo.G. I. Pp. Sachau. of corrigenda. Decorative floral blocks frame Syriac title page. 17 cm. Goussen Collection copy examined online. 1869 C3 osci ¡ïASvta ¡Hilsa pa» ¿ ¿ i n &ûiàX:éa ìsklbJx. 482...) after p. .vili COAKLEY & TAYLOR C2 'pana j a ^ a ^Î-KX^Û i&^aâo j ^ ^ j j i^fe&a ¡ÀT^Tfra ioa^. E. 3. Abdyésus Khaiath vicaire général du Mgr. 344. Guidi. Notes: 1. Decorative floral blocks frame title page.. [1] pp. 344. 24 no. Accademia dei Lincei III.Le Patriarche de Babylone [4]. 13 no.) Copies:. [8] pp. Kurdes Ver%eichniss der Sachau'schen Sammlung syrischer Handschriften (Berlin. 1—53 contain an introductory grammar of Syriac (mostly tables of paradigms) with a few short passages for reading practice (Lord's prayer. 2. Timothy I (select letters). References: Oussani. come io credo. Éléments de lecture et morceaux choisis en syro-chaldéen par Mgr. (Followed by 2 pp. Isho'yahb III (select letters). 85.7 (1881). in Atti della R. Notes: 1. printed in red.". 163. Since Guidi's comment. Printed by order of Patriarch Joseph Audo. ES. 1885). Index (6 pp. *160b. 264. 2. decalogue. Moss. poco conosciuto in Europa.96. instructions of Tobit). âkaaO [Qdam w-bâthar] [2]. This is followed by a chrestomathy containing passages from Ephrem (Homily 2 on Joseph). References: Nestle. Oussani. creed. under the scrutiny of Metropolitan Abdisho [Khayyat] his vicar general (ci»ajja).a. still remains true. and some stars dividing verses. Rubrics. 'La lettera di Simeone vescovo di Beth-Arsham sopra i martiri omeriti'. 640). BL (753. 3. it seems useful to list the contents. 85. Narsai (Homily against the Jews). 82. m e m r a 22). Also in 1869. Copies: Goussen 581. J. . Catalogue de la bibliothèque syro-chaldéenne du couvent de Notre-Dame des Semences (Rome 1929). Cf. on Honein ibn Ishaq). or the printed text. Barhebraeus (World Chronicle. where Khayyat's book is an appendix to a ms (Cod.SYRIAC BOOKS PRINTED AT THE DOMINICAN PRESS. 5. Vosté. It is not clear whether this is the original manuscript copy. 213) of 1868. MOSUL 47 'Abdisho' bar Brika (Paradise of Eden. Khayyat published an Arabic and French book at the Chaldean Press (OCLC 40696594). 4. and the short Syriac passages from the Sino-Syriac monument of Hsî-an Fû. . 73. 38. 20. 50. 59. 5. 17. 13. 37. 26. 51. 40. 5. 34?. 6. 61. 3?. 50. 54. 6. 32. 45. 24. 41. 71?. 72. 78. 21?. 79. 75. 83. 1. 27. 39. 52. 64. 33. . 36. 4. 36. 42. 16. 79. (72). 54?. 28. 46. 74. 18. 3. 81. 55. 19. 8. 3a?. 53. 68. 58. 28. (74). 74. 21. 48. 23. Old Testament 49 4. 28. 61. 59. 53. 31. 65a. 52. 30. 65a?. 12. 77. 70. C3. 76a?. 80. 24. 7. 39. 23. 77. 11. 82. 56. 9. 45. 29. 27. 69.CATEGORIZED INDEX OF BOOKS Syriac books Neo-Aramaic books 1?. 48. 49. 35. 3a. 65. 64. 72. 76a. 70. 76. 13. 56. 19. 65. 22. 12. 2. 47. 49. 7. 41. 78. 32. C2. 43. C1. 20. 33. 10. 58. 82. 55. 30. 26. 25. 15. 42. 29. 17. 2. 63. C3. 73a. 43. 11. 75. 73. 71. 9. 81?. 51. 25. 68. Garshuni books Arabic (with some Syriac type) French (with some Syriac type) Latin (with some Syriac type) East Syriac type West Syriac type East and West Syriac type Lithographed Bible. 80. 14. 62. 10. 67. C1. 47. 69. 60. 57. 8. 37. 63. 83. 57. 31. 44. 73a. 34. 66. 38?. 46. 14. 18. 76. 66. 44. C2. 15. 16. 40. 60. 22. 35. 62. 67. 3a. 27. 24. (28). 38?. 58. 72. 19. 5. Psalms Bible. 7. 39. 50. 66. 44. 16. 64. 51. 31. 59. 35. 8. C3. C3. 21?. 63. lectionary Liturgy / prayers. 14. 4. 41. 77. 62. 34. 30. 37. 74. 1. 13. 68. 12. . 22. 75. 3. 17. 54. 53. 42. 76. 56. 81?. 20. 55. 11.vili COAKLEY & TAYLOR Bible. 25. 73. 73a. 43. 65. 32. 67. 29. C2. 18. 57. 63. 80. 76a?. 40. 75. 61. 45. (10). 48. Chaldean Liturgy / prayers. 65a. 2. 15. 71. 62. 79. 47. 60. 6. N e w Testament Bible. 78. 82. 69. 3a. 23. Syrian Catholic Catechism History Multiple texts Patristic texts Poetry Theology and devotion other Syriac grammar Syriac lexicon Neo-Aramaic grammar 9. 10. 33. 59. 3a. 36. 76. 66. C1. 83. 46. 26. 28. 52. 49. 62. 70.
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