Syllabus Petroleum and Petrochemical

March 23, 2018 | Author: Harish Kotharu | Category: Petroleum, Fluid Dynamics, Heat Transfer, Oil Refinery, Composite Material



1FIRST YEAR SYLLABUS OF M.TECH. (PETROLEUM PROCESSING & PETROCHEMICAL ENGINEERING) 2 FIRST SEMESTER AM – 641: ADVANCE MATHEMATICS Vector space matrix solution of ODE (IVP), partial differential equations. Sturm louiville theory, separation of variables, Greens function, transform techniques, non – linear equation, continuous methods, bifurcation and Chaos Runge Kutta, multistep methods, Gears algorithm, Finite difference, finite elements, shooting methods. BOOKS 1. Sastry, S.S., “Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis”, Prentice Hall of india Pvt. Ltd., 1983. PK – 601: FLUID FLOW AND HEAT TRANSFER Fluid flow phenomena, Equation of continuity and continuity and momentum transfer, Navier Stroke’s equation and its solution to practical situation. Boundary layer theory, Von – Karmann theorem of integral momentum, Universal velocity profile. Turbulent boundary layer, Non – Newtonian Fluid Flow. Flow of two – phase gas – liquid mixture in pipes two phase two flow model and governing equations, flow transition pressure drop calculation. Forced Convection heat transfer, Introduction to compact heat exchanger employing extended surfaces, heat transfer by conduction, heat transfer to solids in packed and moving / fluidized beds. Heat transfer to boiling liquids, Pinch Technology and its application, concepts of energy conservation and its application in process equipment. BOOKS 1. F.A. Holland, Fluid Flow, Chemical Publishing Company, New York. 2. D. Butterworth & G.F. Hewitt, Two – phase Flow and Heat Transfer, oxford university Press, London PK – 602: PETROLEUM PROCESSING Origin, occurrence, exploration, drilling & Production of Oil/ Gas Evaluation of oil, Petroleum refining in India, Refinery tests and crude distillation column, catalytic reforming for Gasoline upgrading and for aromatic production. BOOKS 1. Speight, J.C.; The Chemistry and Technology of Petroleum, Marcel Dekkar, New York, 1991. 2. Ram Prasad , Petroleum Refining Technology , Khanna Publishers , Delhi 2000 3. Rao, B.K.B; Modern Petroleum Refining Processes, 4/e, 2002, Oxford and IBH Company Pvt. Ltd. 4. G.D. Hobson, W. Pohl, Modern Petroleum Technology (Part I &II), John Wiley & Sons, N.Y., 1986. 3 PK – 603 DISTILLATION AND EXTRACTION Thermodynamic equilibrium diagrams for binary and ternary system, analytical and graphical methods of calculation in distillation and extraction design of extractors key components bubble points and dew point, stage and extraction examples from petroleum refining, Azeotropic and extractive distillation. BOOKS 1. Henley E.L., J.D. Seeder, Equilibrium – Stage separation operation in chemical engineering, John Wiley 2. King C.J. Separation Process, TMH New Delhi (1962) PK – 611: ELECTIVE – I Modeling and Simulation of Separation Processes Thermodynamics of separation Processes: Property Calculation from various models. Single equilibrium stage and flash separation calculation. Modeling and separation cascades. Modeling of batch distillation. Advanced topics in Multicomponent staged separation processes such as distillation, absorption, extraction etc. Approximate (Shortcut) methods, rigorous methods, Rate based models for distillation, enhanced distillation and supercritical extraction modeling of membrane separation. BOOKS 1. Smith B.D. Design of Equilibrium Stage Processes, McGraw Hill Book company, New York (1985) 2. Holland C.D. and A.I. Liapis Computer Methods For Solving Dynamic Separation Problems, McGraw Hill Book company, New York (1983) 3. Seader, J.D. and E.J. Henley, Separation Processes Principles, John Wiley and Sons Inc. New York (1983) Air Pollution and Control Classification and sources of air pollutants principle of meteorology and diffusion of pollutants. Theory and description of control devices and their applications. BOOKS 1. Peavy, H. S., Rowe, D.R., Tchobanoglous, G., “Environmental Engineering”, McGraw Hill. Environmental Pollution & Impact Analysis Dispersal of pollutants in environment and their effects principles of toxicology, air water quality criteria, standards framework for environmental assessment prediction and assessment of impact or air, water noise and biological environment, socioeconomic environment method of impact analysis. 4 BOOKS 1. M.N. Rao and HVN Rao Air Pollution Tata McGraw Hill Publication Co, Ltd. New Delhi 2. L.Hodges Environment Population (Halt) and Winston Inc. New York 1973. 3. S.H. Stroke and S.L. Seager, Environment Chemistry Air and Water Pollution (Scott Foresman & Co. New York) Reservoir Fluid Properties Study of the phase behavior of hydrocarbon system as related to petroleum and gas recovery. Ideal and real gas behavior, single and Multicomponent two – phase systems properties of reservoirs fluids under various conditions and pressure and temperature. Laboratory tests on reservoir fluids. BOOKS 1. Modern Petroleum Technology , edited by Richard A. Dawe , Volume 1 , sixth edition , John Wiley & Sons Limited , New York 2. Production of Oil & Gas, F. Abdulin , Mir Publishers, Moscow 3. Petroleum Processing handbook for Practicing Engineer, M.A Mian Petroleum Engineering Overview of petroleum engineering including geological and geophysical aspects. Presentation of the various stages of development of a petroleum reservoir including exploration drilling reservoir rock & fluid production and processing highlight of the petroleum industries. BOOKS 1. Nontechnical Guide to Petroleum Geology, Exploration, Drilling and Production, 2/e, 2001, Penn Well Corporation, Oklahoma, USA. 2. The Petroleum Industry-A Nontechnical Guide, Charles F. Conaway, Penn Well Corporation, Oklahoma, USA. 3. Modern Petroleum Technology , edited by Richard A. Dawe , Volume 1 , sixth edition , John Wiley & Sons Limited , New York Process Modeling and Simulation Model building and process analysis, model based on transport phenomena principles. Classification of transport phenomena models. Population balance model, simulation of steady state material and heat balance, process equipments. Simulation techniques for integrated Hydrocarbon plant. 5 SECOND SEMESTER PK – 604 PROCESS DYNAMICS & CONTROL Development of dynamic models for physical system. Analysis of Pumped parameters system using transfer function and state models response of multistage process. Analysis of industrial system response of thermal and mass transfer methods with and without diffusion using exact and transfer system methods Classical control methods for linear system stability and optimum controller setting. Multiline loop multivariable feed forward, time optional and direct digital process control. Introduction of computer control of petroleum and chemical process industries. BOOKS 1. J.M. Douglas, Process Dynamics and control Vol – I Analysis of Dynamic system Vol - II Control System Synthesis, Prentice Hall (1972) 2. Donald R. Coughnowr and L.B. Koppel, Process System Anaysis and control, McGraw Hill 3. W.L. Luyben Process Modeling, Simulation and control for Chemical Engineers, McGraw Hill Book Co. (1993) 4. John & Fredly, Dynamic Behavior of Process, Prentice Hall PK-605 REACTOR ANALYSIS AND DESIGN RTD of ideal reactors, models for nonideal flow influence of RTD and micromixing on conversion, correlation for axial dispersion in continuous reactors. Rate of heat of Chemical Reactors with or without external heat exchange. Role of mass transfer in chemical reactors, external and internal pellet mass and heat transfer, estimation of effectiveness factor, catalyst deactivation. BOOKS 1. J.M. Thomas and W.J. Thomas, Introduction to the Principles of Heterogeneous Catalyst, Academic Press (1976). 2. J.M. Smith, Kinetics for Chemical Engineers, McGraw Hill 1981. 3. Kramer H. and Westertrap, Elements of Chemical Reactor Design and Analysis 4. Danbigh, K.C. and Turnar, J.CR Chemical Reactor Theory, University Press, Cambridge PK-606 PETROCHEMICAL PROCESSES Petrochemical Industry overview, feedstocks, Production of olefins, Petrochemicals from C1, C2, C3, C4 and cyclic hydrocarbon with unit processes involved. Petrochemical from the processes namely alkylation, dealkylation, disproportionation, carboxylation, Hydration, dehydration, hydrolysis, esterification, desertification, oxidation, hydroformylation, isomerization synthesis, LAB detergent. Chemicals from coal F & T process. 6 BOOKS 1. Groogins, Unit Process in Organic Synthesis McGraw Hill Book Company, New York. 2. Hatch L.F. and Matar Sarri From Hydrocarbons to Petrochemicals, Gulf Publishing Co., Houston, London. 3. Channel, A & Lefebvre G. Petrochemical Process, Vol. I & II, Gulf Publishing Co., Houston, London. PK-607 POLYMERS AND COMPOSITES Definitions structure and classification of polymers methods of polymerizaion manufacturing methods properties and application technology of rubber and elastomers adhesive and sealants manufacture of films rods pipes and fibres. Definition structure, classification and characteristics of composites, raw materials-fibers resin, fibers and additives, pellets molding compounds, performs and textiles and perpetrates. Processing methods of thermoset and thermoplastic matrix composites structure property relations design consideration testing and quality control of composites. PK-608 GAS PROCESSING Gas processing: Gas and liquid separation, separation equipment, type of separators, separation principles, separator design, stage separation, low temperature separation, and gas cleaning. Dehydration processing of gas- water system: water content of natural gas, gas hydrates, absorption dehydration, adsorption, dehydration and dehydration by expansion, refrigeration. Desulfurization processing: removal processes, solid bed sweetening processes and physical and chemical absorption processes. BOOKS 1. Gas Production Engineering, Sanjay Kumar, Gulf Publishing Company Book Division, London. 2. Natural Gas Engineering Production & Storage, Donald L. Katz, Robert L. Lee, Mc. Graw Hill International Edition, New York. 3. Francis, S.M. and Thompson, R.E., “Oil Field Processing of Petroleum, Volume one: Natural Gas”, Penn Well Books, Penn Well Publishing Company, Oklahoma. PK – 609 PETROLEUM TESTING LABORATORY Lab experiments covering the important test for distillation (ASTM/ IP. TBP) sulpher content, FIA analysis etc. these experiments will includes (a) Distillation of crude oils & characteristics of products (b) Test methods for petroleum products (c) Significance and interpretation of data and (d) Correlation & Prediction & Prediction of Properties. 7 SECOND YEAR M.TECH. (PETROLEUM PROCESSING & PETROCHEMICAL ENGINEERING) 8 THIRD SEMESTER PK-721: ELECTIVE-II Petroleum Refinery Engineering An overview to petroleum refining industry in India., distillation fractions and their quality control Thermal Conversion processes, Thermal cracking, Visbreaking delayed & flexicoking. Catalytic conversion processes, catalytic cracking, FCC, catalytic reforming, Hydrocarcking, Hydrodesulphurization, Reside upgradation. etc. BOOKS 1. Modern Petroleum Technology: G.D Hobson by. Who (Part I& II) 2. Petroleum reining Technology & Economics, J.H. Garry, G.E Handiwork, Marcel & Dekker Inc. New York. Selected Topics in Petroleum Processing Treating Processes, Sweetening Processes Sulfur removal Process, Evaluation of crude for lube base stocks Processes for deasphaltization, solvent extraction Dewaxing and refining of lube oil stocks. Quality improvement of lubricants with additive agents Manufacturing of specialty products bitumen and waxes Hydrofinishing of lube-base stocks Tests for finished lube oils grease and bitumen oil movement storage and safety requirements equipments refining effluents and their treatment, statutory regulation in Petroleum refining practice. BOOKS 1. W.L. Nelson Petroleum Refining Engineering. 4th edition McGraw Hill(1961) 2. G.d. Hobson and D.R. Pehl Modern Petroleum technology 3. W.A. Gruse and D.R. Stevens Chemical Technology of Petroleum 4. R.J. Hengetback, Petroleum Processing Primcipal and Application McGarw Hill 5. V.A.Kalichesky amd K.A. kobe Petroleum Refining with Chemiclas Amsterdam Elsevier (1956) 6. E.A. Evens London Lubricating and oils Champment and Hall (1963) Solid and Industrial Waste Management Quantity and characteristics if solid wastes concept of solid and hazardous waste management theory and application of unit operations unique to treatment reclamation and disposal of such wasters case studies Project Engineering of Petroleum & Petrochemical Plants Scope of project engineering project management plants techno-economical feasibility report, process refineries, Petrochemical Plants. Preliminary data for construction projects financial planning in project engineering problems in commercialization of Process developed by indigenous R&D evaluation and estimated material and energy balance equipment cost estimate waste study flow diagram Plot Plans Planning and Scheduling the project. 9 Rheology and Testing of Polymers Analysis and characterization of the flow of non-Newtonian fluids, Rheology measurements on polymers and their interpretation viscoelasyiccoelastic material analysis of experimental data on and characterization of viscoelastics material. Mechanical, thermal electrical and optical properties of polymers and their evaluations. Multiphase Reactors Gas-liquid-solid catalytic and non-catalytic reacting systems Interaction of Physical and chemical inter-and interparticle transport Development of Kinetic models. Isothermal systems Stability criteria. Flow Modeling Hydrodynamic, deterministic and stochastic description. Evaluation of Model parameters. Interfacial area Bubble/ Drop breakup, distributions, coalescence and dynamics. Mixing and Fluid Agitation Basic concepts of fluid mixing Impeller characteristics power correlation Pumping capacity of impeller Mixing in agitated vessel scale up and operating characteristics of liquid mixing system Heal and Mass transfer in agitated vessels Mixing Chemical reactions. Advanced Mass Transfer Molecular transport properties steady state diffusion Diffusitives in solids liquids gasses and electrolytes. Interphase mass transfer mechanism multicomponent system Ordinary diffusion in multicomponent system Convective Mass Transfer, in Laminar flow Turbulent Flow. Hatta and Dankwerts models. BOOKS 1. Hanley E.L.J.D. Seader, Equilibrium Stage Separable Separations in Chemical Equilibrium John Wiley and Sons New York (1981). 2. Holland, C.D. Fundamentals of Multicomponent Distillations McGraw Hill Book Company New York (1981). 3. Watking R.N. Petroleum refinery Distillations and Publishing Company Houston (1979). 4. King C.J. Separation Processes TMH New Delhi (1982), S. Skelland A.H.P. Diffusional Mass transfer New York McGraw hill Book Company (1974). Coal Conversion Process Origin and Classification of Coal, Characteristics and industrial uses, Carbonization Processes Coke areas by Product recovery systems liquid fuels from coal and tar. Theory of Gasification reaction, Industrial gasification of Coal with oxygen and steam. 10 BOOKS 1. Considine, D.M. Energy Technology Hand Book/ McGraw Hill Book Company, New York. 2. Sarkar S. Fuels and Combustion Second edition Orient Longman Ltd. Kamani Marg Ballard Estate, Mumbai-400001 3. Lowenhien, F.A. and Moran, M.K. Industrial Chemicals, John Willey and Sons, New Delhi. Heterogeneous Catalysts Review of Chemical kinetics, Homogeneous acid catalysts heterogenic catalysts Physical and chemical, surface area pore size and determination, reaction rates and selected diffusion in catalysts polymerization in emulsions selection preparation and evaporation of catalysts. BOOKS 1. J.W. Thomas and W.J. Thomas Introduction to the principles of heterogeneous catalysts academic Press 1967. 2. C.N. sattereed and T.I. Sherwood The role of diffusion in catalysts Addition Wesley 1963. Safety & Hazard Assessment of Hydrocarbon Plants industrial Safety & Loss trends, Loss Prevention, Major Hazards, legislation law, Technologies for hazard identification & assessment. Safety aspect of combustion, self heating, flame propagation, limits of flammability, Explosion, detonation & deflagation, toxic materials, dosage, acute & Chromic effects, Threshold limits, Instrumentation and Safety devices for temperature, flow, level composition and pressure, plant layout, fabrication & Inspection, Operability Steady, Hazard analysis, Safety effectiveness, Personal safety. BOOKS 1. Frank P. Less, Loss Prevention in the process industry, Butter worth Heinmann. 2. Roy E. A Saders, Chemical Process Safety learning from case History, butter worth Heinamann. 3. Klctz, Trevor A, Critical Aspects of Safety & Loss Prevention, Butter worth London & Boston. Colloid and Interface Science and Technology Capillarity, interfacial thermodynamics surfactants stability of multiphase systems foam, emulsion multiphase reactors wetting and adhesion catalyst sintering/ redispersion stability and coagulation of colloids nucleation and growth colloids in Chemical engineering in separation processes, bio science. 11 Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology Computer application for instrumentation and control for on-line data acquisition and calculation of instantaneous mass and energy balance r-DNA manipulation and cell fusion approaches for hybridomas, dynamics of mixed culture and unstable recombinant microbial strains plant and animal tissue culture lines and bio transformation. PK-612 / CE - 625 Air Pollution & Control Classification and sources of air pollutants, Principles of meteorology and diffusion of pollutants, Dispersion models, Theory and description of control devices and their applications, Sources and effects of noise pollution. Kinetics of noise, Measurement and control of noise pollution. PK-612 / CE - 622 Environmental Chemistry Units of measurement, Chemical Kinetics, Acid base Chemistry, Solubility Concepts, Oxidation- reduction reactions, Chemical equilibria, Organic chemistry, Aquatic chemistry Atmospheric chemistry, Pesticides, Surfactants and their biodegradability, Laboratory practice for determination of ions and solids. PK-612 / CE - 623 Ecology and Environmental Microbiology Principles of ecology, Food chain, Trophic levels, Ecosystems, Biochemistry of natural compounds, Classification of microorganisms, Growth pattern of microorganisms, Biochemical reaction, Microbiology of aerobic and anaerobic processes, Biochemical pathways, Metabolism, Energy concepts, Pathogenic diseases, Basic microbiology of water, air and soil, Application of microbiology for pollution control, Laboratory Practice. THIRD SEMESTER PK731 : Elective- III PK780P : General Seminar PK791P : Lab/ Project PK781P : Preliminary Dissertation Seminar FOURTH SEMESTER PK782P : Final Dissertation Seminar PK798P : Dissertation
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