Syllabus Mechanical Engineering 6 Sem

March 28, 2018 | Author: Gaackson | Category: Computer Aided Design, Steam Engine, Power Station, Numerical Control, Gas Compressor



RAJIV GANDHI PROUDYOGIKI VISHWAVIDYALAYA, BHOPALDIPLOMA IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SEMESTER: SIXTH SEMESTER SCHEME: JUL. 2008 COURSE CODE: 601 COMMON WITH NAME OF THE COURSE: DESIGN OF PROGRAMMES: MACHINE ELEMENTS PAPER CODE: RATIONALE The course includes the study of various aspect of design and how object fails during working. After studying this subject student must be able to design the various component of machine in actual working condition. The aim of the course is to provide acquaintance of the basic load impacts and failure modes to the students. This will enhance their capability of fault diagnosis and of taking corrective measure, which in turn will reduce the down time. RAJIV GANDHI PROUDYOGIKI VISHWAVIDYALAYA, BHOPAL DIPLOMA IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SEMESTER: SIXTH SEMESTER SCHEME: JUL. 2008 COURSE CODE: 601 COMMON WITH NAME OF THE COURSE: DESIGN OF PROGRAMMES: MACHINE ELEMENTS PAPER CODE: SCHEME OF STUDIES Lectures: 04 Hrs. per Week S. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Theory Hrs Topics 06 Introduction to M/c design. Design of M/c elements subjected to direct and 12 shear loads. Design of M/c. elements subjected to bending and 12 Practical Hrs Total Hrs - 06 12 - 12 twisting and combined bending and twisting. Design of riveted joint Design of Simple welded joints. Design of threaded joints. 04 04 06 - 04 04 06 Design of clutch Selection of Rolling and Sliding contact bearing 06 10 - 06 10 Total 60 60 RAJIV GANDHI PROUDYOGIKI VISHWAVIDYALAYA, BHOPAL DIPLOMA IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SEMESTER: SIXTH SEMESTER SCHEME: JUL. 2008 COURSE CODE: 601 COMMON WITH NAME OF THE COURSE: DESIGN OF PROGRAMMES: MACHINE ELEMENTS PAPER CODE: S.NO CONTENT STUDY Hrs. 1 Introduction to Machine Design: Machine and machine elements, bolt, nut, axle, shaft, bearing, coupling, clutch, belt, rope, chain, gear etc. Specific purpose of piston connecting rod, crank shaft, turbine 06 blade etc. Factors influencing design of machine elements - Strength stiffness, light weight, wear resistance minimum size, availability, processebility, safety, compliance with standards. Basic design procedure. Selection of mechanism, material, shape and size. Preliminary design, applying checks, revision of design final design. Factors influencing selection of materials. Type of failures, types of forces. Types of loading. Safe design stress and factors of safety. 2 Design of Machine Elements Subjected to Direct and Shear Loads: Introduction members subjected to direct loads – bolt, 12 column, rod, cotter and knuckle joints, members subjected to shear loads rivet, cotter knuckle pin, root of threaded bolt , coupling, bolt, key. Function, application and design of knuckle and cotter joint. 3 Design of Machine Elements Subjected to Bending Moment, Twisting Moment and Combined Bending and Twisting Moment : Introduction to pure bending, fundamental equation of pure bending viz : M/I = f/y = E/ R Design of shaft, key, flange coupling, leaf and helical spring, pulley arms, axle 12 RAJIV GANDHI PROUDYOGIKI VISHWAVIDYALAYA, BHOPAL DIPLOMA IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SEMESTER: SIXTH SEMESTER SCHEME: JUL. 2008 COURSE CODE: 601 COMMON WITH NAME OF THE COURSE: DESIGN OF PROGRAMMES: MACHINE ELEMENTS PAPER CODE: S.NO CONTENT STUDY Hrs. 4 Design of Riveted Joint: Type of fastening - temporary and permanent, types of riveted joint - lap and butt joint, definition of common terms like pitch, back pitch, efficiency, margin. Modes of 04 failure of riveted joints. 5 Design of Simple Welded Joints: Definition of welding advantages of welding over riveted joints, types of welded joints, strength of the butt weld, types of fillet joints and strength of fillet joint problem solving. 04 6 Design of Threaded Joints: Types of threads and their proportions, Types of bolts, proportion of nut and bolt dimensions, design of bolt, designation of threads as per I.S. codes. 06 7 Design of Clutch: Pivots and Collars friction. Horse power lost assuming uniform pressure and uniform wear. Clutch- need, classification and construction and working of single and multi plate clutches, horse power transmitted by single and multi plate clutches. 06 8 Selection of Rolling and Sliding contact Bearing: Types of rolling contact bearing , Ball bearing Roller bearing, bearing designation, bearing installation. Application of bearing. Basic principle of Hydro dynamic and Hydro static bearing. Bearing modulus and Bearing 10 characteristics number. RAJIV GANDHI PROUDYOGIKI VISHWAVIDYALAYA, BHOPAL DIPLOMA IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SEMESTER: SIXTH SEMESTER SCHEME: JUL. 2008 COURSE CODE: 601 COMMON WITH NAME OF THE COURSE: DESIGN OF PROGRAMMES: MACHINE ELEMENTS PAPER CODE: REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Machine Design by Sharma and Agrawal. 2. 3. 4. 5. Machine Design by R.K. Jain. Machine Design by Shigley.. Machine Design by R S Khurmi Introduction to Machine Design by Bhandari Tata Mcgraw Hill 6. Machine Design by Pandya and Shah rgpvonline. The Course will provide opportunities to students to understand the theoretical background of auto vehicles and will help in starting an automobile service enterprise or enter in automobile industry. 2008 COURSE CODE: 602 COMMON WITH NAME OF THE COURSE: AUTOMOBILE PROGRAMMES: ENGINEERING PAPER CODE: RATIONALE In the last thirty . this course is kept under elective category of diploma in mechanical engineering based on semester system. http://www. The automobile industry is getting momentum and requiring trained personnel.RAJIV GANDHI PROUDYOGIKI VISHWAVIDYALAYA. BHOPAL DIPLOMA IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SEMESTER: SIXTH SEMESTER SCHEME: JUL. there have been many important developments in the automotive vehicles. To meet the growing need of automobile industry. Final drive system Braking system. Auto electrical system 03 16 10 03 09 09 06 25 19 4 5 6 7 Transmission system.rgpvonline. Practical Hrs Total Hrs. 06 04 06 04 09 06 06 06 15 10 12 10 8 9 Frame and suspension Miscellaneous 04 07 06 06 10 13 60 60 120 Total http://www. Topics Theory Hrs. 2008 COURSE CODE: 602 COMMON WITH PROGRAMMES: NAME OF THE COURSE: AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING PAPER CODE: SCHEME OF STUDIES Lectures: 04 Hrs. Front axle and steering. per Week S. 1 2 3 Introduction Auto . per Week Practical: 04 Hrs. BHOPAL DIPLOMA IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SEMESTER: SIXTH SEMESTER SCHEME: JUL. No.RAJIV GANDHI PROUDYOGIKI VISHWAVIDYALAYA. Lubrication.C. number of cylinders. Otto/ Diesel cycles. their causes and remedies . Engines.RAJIV GANDHI PROUDYOGIKI VISHWAVIDYALAYA. Automobile battery . firing 10 . Engine rating. spark plugs. Solex and amal carburettor. 1 Introduction: Meaning of automobile. Cooling systems. Fuel Supply system. 3 Auto Electric System: Wiring diagram of a car and functions of various components used in the electric circuits. 2008 COURSE CODE: 602 COMMON WITH NAME OF THE COURSE: AUTOMOBILE PROGRAMMES: ENGINEERING PAPER CODE: Lectures: 04 Hrs.SPU electric pump. Two stroke and four stroke engines. scavanging comparison of petrol and diesel engines. number of strokes etc. Classification on the basis 16 of cycle. electronic ignition system of modern vehicles. gap setting and common ignition troubles.rgpvonline. ignition system. fuel used. Lubrication systems. air fuel ratio. function and working principle of a starter and generator.NO CONTENT STUDY Hrs. fuel pump . BHOPAL DIPLOMA IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SEMESTER: SIXTH SEMESTER SCHEME: JUL. merits and and working. function of voltagecurrent regulator. http://www.their classification. Carburettor. ignition timing. 03 2 Auto Engines: Meaning of I. elements of automobile. Valve timing diagrams. per Week S. layout of chassis. factors affecting lubrication. classification of automobile. various operating systems used in automobile. Types of gear boxes and their working. Camber and castor angle .NO CONTENT STUDY 04 .RAJIV GANDHI PROUDYOGIKI VISHWAVIDYALAYA. purpose and 04 working of propeller shaft. 2008 COURSE CODE: 602 NAME OF THE COURSE: AUTOMOBILE COMMON WITH PROGRAMMES: ENGINEERING PAPER CODE: Lectures: 04 Hrs. power steering and advanced steering systems. 06 cluth actuating mechanism and fluid flywheel. axle type.Under and over steering. BHOPAL DIPLOMA IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SEMESTER: SIXTH SEMESTER SCHEME: JUL. 7 Front Axle and Steering: Function of front axle.rgpvonline. Types of universal joints. Electric brake . Servo brake 06 system. http://www. wheel alignment and its elements toe. 6 Braking system: Introduction. classification of brakes. Arrangement of semi floating and fully floating rear axle. Ackerman steering principle. 4 Transmission System: Clutch : necessity. toe -out. their causes and remedies. Importance of gear shifting mechanism. per Week S. function of its components. gear box troubles.types and working . and their troubles.constructional features and working. construction of propeller shaft. advantages and disadvantages of each type of brakes. hydraulic brake. 5 Final Drives System: Drive mechanism in cars. construction & working of mechanical brake. Rear axle assembly : function of differential . King pin inclination. Gear Boxes : necessity. Elements of steering . Types –single & multi plate and centrifugal clutches. classification maintenance procedure of engine. material and specification. 9 Miscellaneous: (i) Maintenance of Vehicles : need. (ii) Garage and Service Station: Types. 2008 COURSE CODE: 602 COMMON WITH NAME OF THE COURSE: AUTOMOBILE PROGRAMMES: ENGINEERING PAPER CODE: Lectures: 04 Hrs. electrical system.RAJIV GANDHI PROUDYOGIKI VISHWAVIDYALAYA. leaf. registration of vehicles. types. per Week S. Pollutants: Their hazards and controls with reference to motor vehicle act. http://www. 04 Tyres : structure of tyre section. function. Air suspension. rating of tyres. independent suspension system. Classification. suspension system. driving license and Traffic Signals. 8 Frame and Suspension: Frames : 07 . BHOPAL DIPLOMA IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SEMESTER: SIXTH SEMESTER SCHEME: JUL. (iii)Exhaust Gas. equipment tools and service procedure.rgpvonline. tyre.pressure measurement. braking system and steering mechanism.NO CONTENT STUDY Hrs. layout. Motor Vehicle act. coil spring. Tyre wear and remedies. Telescopic shock absorber. transmission system. 11 Collect specifications for 2/3/4 Wheeler and prepare a comparison table and their manuals. (d) Wheel alignment. 06 8 Repair of punctured tyre and re-treading of tyres. per Week S. 2008 COURSE CODE: 602 COMMON WITH NAME OF THE COURSE: AUTOMOBILE PROGRAMMES: ENGINEERING PAPER CODE: LIST OF EXPERIMENTS Practical: 04 Hrs. servicing and charging. 06 10 Visit of a local auto service centre and prepare a report in respect of 06 : (a) Layout (b) Instruments/ Tools used (c) Servicing/ Reconditioning/ Maintenance procedure. 04 2 Study of various components used in auto vehicles.RAJIV GANDHI PROUDYOGIKI 06 . EXPERIMENT PRACT. (b) Brake adjustment. idle speed of a scooter/moped/ motor cycle/ car etc. 04 6 Rectification procedure for : 06 (a) Air bleeding. 04 9 Study of auto servicing centre. BHOPAL DIPLOMA IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SEMESTER: SIXTH SEMESTER SCHEME: JUL.rgpvonline. Hrs. 7 Battery. (a) Engine (b) Transmission system 08 (c) Final Drive (d) Braking system (e) Electrical system (f) Steering Mechanism 3 Study of various elements of scooter/ car/bus servicing. (c) Problems in Carburettor. 06 5 Starting troubles and their rectifications. 1 Study of automobile chassis and function of various components. http://www.No. (a) Layout (b) Instruments/ Tools used (c) Servicing procedures. 06 4 Engine tuning and adjustment for smooth. Jain ( Deepak . IS : 5791-1970 Technical supply conditions for piston ring for IS Engines.B. Pande and K.C.T. Gupta Automobile Engg. Gupta ( Satya Prakashan) 3 4 5 6 Automobile machanism by Joseph Heither Automobile Engineering by R. Bechar 7 8 9 10 Automobile Engineering.C. Engine. small IS : 844-1962 Screw drives. Engines for automobile purpose. – RB. – K.S. S. IS : 2028-1963 Open jow Spanners.RAJIV GANDHI PROUDYOGIKI VISHWAVIDYALAYA.R. Engines for automobile 13 14 15 purpose. IS : 2030-1971 Box Spanners.C. IS : 2742-1964 Automobile brake lining. Mechanical and hydraulic.M. A. direct acting telescope type.rgpvonline. IS : 1634-1964 Helical springs for automobile suspension. 19 20 21 22 IS : 4974-1963 Grease nipples.M. I & II) Automobile Engineering by Prof. IS : 5423-1969 General requirements for hydraulic shock absorbes for automobile suspension. http://www. Engines by Dr. 12 Morar Gwalior) IS: 202-1602-1960 Code for testing of variable speed I. Crouse I. IS: 1603-1960 Performance of variable speed I. I & I I by Dr.C. Sharma ( Dhanpat Rai & Sons) Automobile Mechanism by William H. ( Standard Publisher) Automobiles Engineering by R. 2008 COURSE CODE: 602 COMMON WITH NAME OF THE COURSE: AUTOMOBILE PROGRAMMES: ENGINEERING PAPER CODE: REFERENCE BOOKS 1 2 Automobiles Engineering Vol. BHOPAL DIPLOMA IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SEMESTER: SIXTH SEMESTER SCHEME: JUL. Kirpal Singh. Rad and S. Agrawal ( Vol. P. Banga & Nathu Singh (Khanna Publicers) Automobile Engg.K. IS : 3511-1966 Cylinder bore diameters for I. 11 16 17 18 IS : 4552-1963 Portable Jacks for automobile. Production of low temperature (150K) cryogenic temperatures. 4 5 6 7 Liquefaction of gases. blood etc. air conditioning and production of low temperature is getting momentum and has become of paramount importance. wines. 1 With the advancement of science and . railways. 2008 COURSE CODE: 603 COMMON WITH NAME OF THE COURSE: REFRIGERATION & AIR PROGRAMMES: CONDITIONING PAPER CODE: RATIONALE Now-a-days more emphasis is being given for the thermal environmental control for: 2 3 Providing comfort to people in homes. The course in “Refrigeration and Air Conditioning" is introduced as an elective subject with the objective to provide enough training to mechanical engineering technicians.rgpvonline. Manufacturing processes like precision. milks medicines. Storing food-stuff vegetables. machining. http://www. printing textiles etc. Air conditioning for computers. shops.RAJIV GANDHI PROUDYOGIKI VISHWAVIDYALAYA. Food preservation for longer period. the use of refrigeration. bakery products and chemicals. 8 9 Cryogenic surgery. they can take up the task related to refrigeration and air conditioning without much difficulty. buses etc. so that when they go in field. fruits. BHOPAL DIPLOMA IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SEMESTER: SIXTH SEMESTER SCHEME: JUL. offices. industries and traveling in cars. Production of commodities like beverages. Vapour absorption refrigeration system. 08 14 06 08 08 14 07 Air conditioning system. 02 Introduction air conditioning 06 Psychometry. tools.RAJIV GANDHI PROUDYOGIKI VISHWAVIDYALAYA. Basic components of vapour 02 08 compression 08 refrigeration 60 . per Week S. Hrs Hrs. BHOPAL DIPLOMA IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SEMESTER: SIXTH SEMESTER SCHEME: JUL. charging and leak 06 detection. 2008 COURSE CODE: 603 COMMON WITH NAME OF THE COURSE: REFRIGERATION & AIR PROGRAMMES: CONDITIONING PAPER CODE: SCHEME OF STUDIES Lectures: 04 Hrs. Properties of commonly used refrigerants. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Topics Theory Practical Total Hrs. Thermodynamics refrigeration. Refrigeration Plants Total http://www. per Week Practical: 04 Hrs. No. 06 06 02 14 14 06 06 04 06 06 08 12 12 12 Refrigeration fittings. 06 07 11 60 120 Introduction to refrigeration. Maintenance and repairing of refrigeration and air 05 conditioning units. T-S and schematic diagrams. http://www. Use of tables and charts of common refrigeration for calculating work input. Reversed carnot cycle with gas and vapour as working substance. comparison between heat engine. work input. work C. size and application.O.NO CONTENT STUDY Hrs.T-S and P-H diagrams. 2 Thermodynamics of Refrigeration: Revision of I and II law of thermodynamics. 2008 COURSE CODE: 603 COMMON WITH NAME OF THE COURSE: REFRIGERATION & AIR PROGRAMMES: CONDITIONING PAPER CODE: Lectures: 04 Hrs.RAJIV GANDHI PROUDYOGIKI VISHWAVIDYALAYA. dry and superheated vapour compression. meaning and need of refrigeration. difference between refrigeration and 02 Cryogenics. heat source. 1 Introduction to Refrigeration: History of refrigeration. Wet. refrigeration effect and 08 . sinks & work. per Week S. Vapour compression refrigeration cycle its schematic diagram and representation on P-V. Effect of sub-cooling and superheating on vapour compression system.P and Heat rejection. with gas and vapour as working substance. Practical difficulties with carnot cycle. Unit of refrigeration. theoretical cycle and reasons for deviation. refrigeration effect.P deviation of actual vapour compression system form. co-efficient of performance. BHOPAL DIPLOMA IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SEMESTER: SIXTH SEMESTER SCHEME: JUL. Calculation of refrigeration effect.rgpvonline. P-V. heat pump and refrigerator using heat reservoir.O. Refrigeration systems and their classification on the basis of use. production of refrigeration by various methods. and principle of their working and application.NO CONTENT STUDY Hrs.rgpvonline. the theoretical 06 and practical vapour absorption system. Working of single and double acting reciprocating compressor. Working of hermetically sealed compressor. and their field of application. 4 Vapour Absorption Refrigeration System: Comparison between vapour compression and vapour absorption system. Expansion: Types of evaporators (Dry expansion and flooded type. BHOPAL DIPLOMA IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SEMESTER: SIXTH SEMESTER SCHEME: JUL. Desirable properties of good refrigerant Azeotropic mixtures. Environmental problems related to halogenated hydrocarbons as refrigerants. per Week S. Lithium bromide.RAJIV GANDHI PROUDYOGIKI VISHWAVIDYALAYA. 3 Basic Components of Vapour Compression Refrigeration Systems: Basic components of vapour compression refrigeration system and their function. Three fluid system. designation of refrigerant. http://www. Compressor : Classification. primary and secondary refrigerants.cooled evaporative ) and their field of application and brief description. reciprocating.compressor. Condensor : Types ( Water cooled. 2008 COURSE CODE: 603 COMMON WITH NAME OF THE COURSE: REFRIGERATION & AIR PROGRAMMES: CONDITIONING PAPER CODE: Lectures: 04 Hrs. and hermetically 08 sealed rotary. expansion device and evaporator.water absorption system. New developments. examples of each type. air. ( Electrolux systems) 5 Properties of Commonly Used Refrigerants: 06 . elbows tee. removing. refrigerant form a refrigeration system leak detection methods. Pliers etc. using psychometric charts for solving simple problems. Water cooler and household refrigerator. Tools. per Week S. restaurants. 2008 COURSE CODE: 603 COMMON WITH NAME OF THE COURSE: REFRIGERATION & AIR PROGRAMMES: CONDITIONING PAPER CODE: Lectures: 04 Hrs.definition. Materials heat treatment 06 . http://www. Installation and removal of servicing gauge and testing manifold: Working of suction and discharge compressor service values. community halls. wrenches. Fittings: Flared tube fittings. 9 Psychometry: psychometric . 02 industry. BHOPAL DIPLOMA IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SEMESTER: SIXTH SEMESTER SCHEME: JUL. 8 Introduction to Air Conditioning : Meaning of air conditioning. Charging and Leak Detection: Tubing. 04 7 Refrigeration Fittings. terminology.rgpvonline. Tools: Use and types of cutter. 06 Joints: Making soldered and brazed joints. hospitals and windows air conditioner. 6 Refrigeration Plants: Layout and working of Ice plant. application of Air conditioning in theatres.NO CONTENT STUDY Hrs.RAJIV GANDHI PROUDYOGIKI VISHWAVIDYALAYA. Charging of Refrigerant: evacuating a refrigeration system. cold storage. unions. psychometric charts and tables. spring and mechanical benderflaring and swaging tools pinch of tool. BHOPAL DIPLOMA IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SEMESTER: SIXTH SEMESTER SCHEME: JUL.RAJIV GANDHI PROUDYOGIKI VISHWAVIDYALAYA. Repair and maintenance of house hold refrigerators.NO CONTENT STUDY Hrs. 10 Air Conditioning Systems: Central and unit air conditioning. residential and commercial air conditioning system.rgpvonline. 2008 COURSE CODE: 603 COMMON WITH NAME OF THE COURSE: REFRIGERATION & AIR PROGRAMMES: CONDITIONING PAPER CODE: Lectures: 04 Hrs. http://www. methods and insulation cladding. Types of fans 07 and ducts . per Week S. 11 Maintenance and Repairing of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Units: Fault location in vapour compression system and air 05 .air distribution systems. Water coolers and air conditioners. Thermal insulator. (c) (d) 06 Capacity. (Spring and mechanical type). Electric circuit Air flow path. Flaring and Swaging tool. per Week S. 06 service valves. BHOPAL DIPLOMA IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SEMESTER: SIXTH SEMESTER SCHEME: JUL. EXPERIMENT PRACT. 1 Handling and use of tools such as. 2 Study of water cooler with respect to (a) Refrigerant used and flow path. pliers. (e) Refrigerant used. Specification of main components used. preparation of soldered and brazing joints. Specification http://www. Study of Ice-plat/ refrigeration cold storage with respect to(a) Electric circuit (b) Refrigerant used and its flow path. wrenches. 2008 COURSE CODE: 603 COMMON WITH NAME OF THE COURSE: REFRIGERATION & AIR PROGRAMMES: CONDITIONING PAPER CODE: LIST OF EXPERIMENTS Practical: 04 Hrs.rgpvonline. (b) Electric circuit (c) (d) (e) 3 4 Water flow path Specification of main components used.Tube cutter.No.RAJIV GANDHI PROUDYOGIKI VISHWAVIDYALAYA. Study of packaged/ Window/ Air conditioner with respect to(a) (b) (c) (d) Capacity. service gauges. Capacity of the 06 06 . tube bender. Hrs. 5 EXPERIMENT PRACT. C. (a) Capacitor (b) control (c) (d) Starting and running windings of hermetically sealed compressor. 06 Power input. air conditioner. (a) Soap and water. BHOPAL DIPLOMA IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SEMESTER: SIXTH SEMESTER SCHEME: JUL. Hrs.O. (b) (c) (d) 06 Halide torch. Overload Relay (e) (f) LP and HP Thermostat. 2008 COURSE CODE: 603 COMMON WITH NAME OF THE COURSE: REFRIGERATION & AIR PROGRAMMES: CONDITIONING PAPER CODE: LIST OF EXPERIMENTS Practical: 03 Hrs.No. Vacuum method. 10 Testing refrigeration and air conditioning system components for proper functioning and replacement. http://www. 06 9 Determination of refrigeration capacity. Pressure method. 6 Operating service valves and gauge manifold. water cooler. Leakage detection using .RAJIV GANDHI PROUDYOGIKI VISHWAVIDYALAYA. 06 8 Charging/Recharging the system refrigerator. per Week S. 06 7 Removing refrigerant from 06 .P of the given unit available in the institution. C. Refrigerator . by E.S.S.I) Refrigeration & Air Conditioning. BHOPAL DIPLOMA IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SEMESTER: SIXTH SEMESTER SCHEME: JUL. Manak Bhawan. Manak Bhawan.1971 Specification for Domestic Refrigerators ( Mechanically Operated) by Indian Standard Institution. by Indian Standards Institution.P. . New Delhi-1 ( I. 2008 COURSE CODE: 603 COMMON WITH NAME OF THE COURSE: REFRIGERATION & AIR PROGRAMMES: CONDITIONING PAPER CODE: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 REFERENCE BOOKS. New Delhi-1 ( I. Gaabi ( Satya Prakashan) Modern Refrigeration Practice by G. by Indian Standards Institution.I) I. ( Khanna Publishers) Principles of Refrigeration by D. New Delhi-1 ( I. Priester ( Prentice Hall) Basic Refrigeration and Air Conditioning by D. 9 Bhadur Shah Zafar Marg. Ballancey. 1391-1960 Room Air Conditioner by Indian Standards Institution.S.I) I. 9 Bhadur Shah Zafar Marg.C. Gupta Rajdhani. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning by C.B.C.rgpvonline. King ( McGraw Hill) A Course in Refrigeration & Air Condition by S.P.S. http://www. by Indian Standards Institution. Chakravarty 10 11 12 (Dhanpat Rai & Sons) Principles of Refrigeration by R. Lomkkundwar & S.RAJIV GANDHI PROUDYOGIKI VISHWAVIDYALAYA. New Delhi -1 ( I. Drinking Water Coolers.S. Anderson ( Tarapowala) Practical Refrigeration Refrigeration and Air Conditioning by A. 9 Bhadur Shah Zafar Marg. : 1476 . : 1474-1971 Self Contained .C.S. Hazre & D.S. : 1474-1959 Comm.I) I. by R. Marsh ( Taraporwala) Refrigeration and Air Conditioning by P.S. W.I) I. 9 Bhadur Shah Zafar Marg. 9 Bhadur Shah Zafar Marg. Manak Bhawan.I ( I. Manak Bhawan. New Delhi.N. Jorden & S. Manak Bhawan. Sarao & P.P.L . Arora ( 9 Dhanpat Rai & Sons) Refrigeration and Air Conditioning by R.S. 8 13 14 15 16 17 18 I. Arora ( Tata Mc Graw Hill) Ashrae Guide and Data Book by Ashrae ( Ashrae) Andels Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Guide. RAJIV GANDHI PROUDYOGIKI VISHWAVIDYALAYA. 2008 COURSE CODE: 604 COMMON WITH NAME OF THE COURSE: POWER PLANT PROGRAMMES: ENGINEERING PAPER CODE: RATIONALE The power demand in the country is increasing at a very fast . More and more steam power plants are coming up in the public sector. BHOPAL DIPLOMA IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SEMESTER: SIXTH SEMESTER SCHEME: JUL. Nuclear Power plants and gas turbine power plants are also being set up. Also industries in public and private sectors are being permitted to establish their own captive steam and diesel power plants. http://www.rgpvonline. In fact. power production is not able to keep pace with the demand. This course is aimed at providing at insight in to the systems of power generation. and the principles of the equipments used there in. Practical Hrs Total Hrs.RAJIV GANDHI PROUDYOGIKI VISHWAVIDYALAYA. Diesel engine power station Gas turbine power plant. per Week S No. 06 08 08 08 06 04 08 08 12 12 16 16 Hydroelectric plant. BHOPAL DIPLOMA IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SEMESTER: SIXTH SEMESTER SCHEME: JUL. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Theory Hrs. 2008 COURSE CODE: 604 COMMON WITH NAME OF THE COURSE: POWER PLANT PROGRAMMES: ENGINEERING PAPER CODE: SCHEME OF STUDIES Lectures: 04 Hrs. Steam power plant Steam generators Steam prime-mover Condensing unit 08 08 07 04 08 08 08 06 16 16 15 10 Steam power station control and safety Nuclear power station.rgpvonline. per Week Practical: 04 Hrs. 03 04 07 60 60 120 Topics Total . http://www. representation on T-S and H-S planes. Simple regenerative cycle: flow diagram. Lamaunt. pre-heater and draft equipment. advantages. flow diagram and advantages. captive power station. Limitations on conversion of heat into work. 2008 COURSE CODE: 604 COMMON WITH NAME OF THE COURSE: POWER PLANT PROGRAMMES: ENGINEERING PAPER CODE Lectures: 04 Hrs. features and functions of Velox. per Week 08 . 2 Steam Generators: Classification according to working pressure Accessories . prime mover.rgpvonline. superheat control methods. Elements of steam power plant. central power station. economizer.RAJIV GANDHI PROUDYOGIKI VISHWAVIDYALAYA.Super heater. pulverized fuel. auxiliary equipment and turbo generator. bleeding and feed water heating and pumping. industrial power station. Reheat cycle: Representation on T-S and H-S planes. increasing boiler pressure and superheating of steam. Leoffler high pressure boiler. BHOPAL DIPLOMA IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SEMESTER: SIXTH SEMESTER SCHEME: JUL.NO CONTENT STUDY Hrs.generating unit. Classification of power station on the 08 basis of prime-movers. Revision & Improvement of thermal efficiency of Rankine cycle by lowering exhaust pressure. storing system. High pressure boiler in modern steam power plant need.necessity. 1 Steam Power Plant: Energy conversion in a thermal power station. Benson. function of each element. Simple problems on Rankine efficiency. direct conversion devices. per Week S. . basic elements of control system.rgpvonline. 2008 COURSE CODE: 604 COMMON WITH NAME OF THE COURSE: POWER PLANT PROGRAMMES: ENGINEERING PAPER CODE Lectures: 04 Hrs. centralized control system) functions of annunciator panel system. losses in steam turbines. Control room. nozzle efficiency. log sheets or log book. concept of primemover. critical pressure ratio. Necessity of controlling factors in load variation. steam turbine. type-jet and surface.NO CONTENT STUDY Hrs. 06 . Limitations and advantages. BHOPAL DIPLOMA IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SEMESTER: SIXTH SEMESTER SCHEME: JUL. 5 Steam Power Station Control and Safety: Effect of load variation on shaft speed. controls and instruments located in a modern central station.Revision of steam turbine in terms of principle of 07 working. velocity of steam at outlet. steam pressure and combustion control system. area of cross. control system (area system. valve opening.section at throat and outlet.RAJIV GANDHI PROUDYOGIKI VISHWAVIDYALAYA. 04 . steam flow rate. methods of compounding and governing. 3 Steam Primemover: Steam nozzle-Types. 4 Condensing Unit: Steam Condenser. steam admission. functions. records and their purpose. lubrication system of steam turbines. weight of discharge. elements of condensing unit-cooling towers. fertile materials.elements of a nuclear reactor. pressurised water ( Ordinary.Basic requirements. breeding reactor. 08 Nuclear reactor . Homogeneous. fuel. essential components of diesel power plant and function. 6 Nuclear Power Stations: Nuclear reactions . Cooling and lubrication system. control roads. boiling water. individual pump system. process of conversion of fertile materials. coolant flow. heavy water moderator. precaution during changing of fuel. Co2 . moderator. reactor vessel.NO CONTENT STUDY Hrs. Nuclear fuel . distribution system. breeding moderation. Moderator: Water moderator.Reacted core. fuel injection system -common rail system. binding energy. fusion. Nuclear waste disposal. boiling liquid) Fluids . http://www.Fast reactors. Pb. 7 Diesel Power Plants: Advantages and disadvantages as a primemover for power generation.RAJIV GANDHI PROUDYOGIKI VISHWAVIDYALAYA.Unit of radiation safe and dangerous zones of radiations. fuel injection system. biological shielding coolants ( Caseansnon-boiling liquid. Operation . 2008 COURSE CODE: 604 COMMON WITH NAME OF THE COURSE: POWER PLANT PROGRAMMES: ENGINEERING PAPER CODE Lectures: 04 Hrs. heavy) liquid metals ( Li.Shielding reflector. Health hazards in nuclear power station.rgpvonline. BHOPAL DIPLOMA IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SEMESTER: SIXTH SEMESTER SCHEME: 08 . types of nuclear materials fissile materials. per Week S. data recording. O2 under pressure.Helium. graphite moderator and Berylling moderator. mass defect. thermal . thermal reactor. chain reaction.Medical requirements Entry requirements: In contamination zones. Si.Heterogeneous. performance.fission. Na) and their alloys. safety precautions in a nuclear power station.Function. and T. per Week S. Thermal efficiency in terms of terminal temperature and 08 pressure. methods of improving thermal 03 . 8 Gas Turbine Powers Plants: Advantages of gas turbines over I. http://www. diagram.V.rgpvonline. elements of hydro power plants. 9 Hydro Electric Plants: Types. medium and high heat plants. schematic diagrams for open and closed cycles. advantages and disadvantages of open and closed cycle gas turbines. important components of a gas turbine power plant.S. representation of cycle on P. BHOPAL DIPLOMA IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SEMESTER: SIXTH SEMESTER SCHEME: JUL. governing of turbines.C. Engine as prime movers. performance of water turbines. fuels for gas turbines. effect of pressure ratio on thermal efficiency. site selection.NO CONTENT STUDY Hrs. Comparison of low. essential auxiliaries and controls of a gas turbine power plant. 2008 COURSE CODE: 604 COMMON WITH NAME OF THE COURSE: POWER PLANT PROGRAMMES: ENGINEERING PAPER CODE Lectures: 04 Hrs. Brayton or Joule cycle.RAJIV GANDHI PROUDYOGIKI VISHWAVIDYALAYA. Lubrication systems. http://www. 05 4 Performance and characteristics of steam/ hydraulic turbines. 05 5 Visits of various power plants located in Madhya Pradesh and submit report in terms of : (a) Detailed layout 10 (b) (c) (d) (e) Capacity. 2008 COURSE CODE: 604 COMMON WITH NAME OF THE COURSE: POWER PLANT PROGRAMMES: ENGINEERING PAPER CODE LIST OF EXPERIMENTS Practical: 04 Hrs. Maintenance of schedule. (b) Nuclear power plant. Hydro electric plant. Berometers which are being controlled. per Week S. 1 Study of constructional and working details of : (a) Simple steam power plant. EXPERIMENT . (c) (d) (e) 30 Gas power plant. Control systems provided. 10 3 Draw balance sheet for diesel engine.RAJIV GANDHI PROUDYOGIKI VISHWAVIDYALAYA. BHOPAL DIPLOMA IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SEMESTER: SIXTH SEMESTER SCHEME: JUL.rgpvonline. Elements of each unit. 2 Study of controls provided in power plants listed above. (f) (g) (h) Doses occuring in various units. Diesel power plant. Hrs. uses. http://www. 2008 COURSE CODE: 604 COMMON WITH NAME OF THE COURSE: POWER PLANT PROGRAMMES: ENGINEERING PAPER CODE 1 2 3 4 REFERENCE BOOKS Course in Power Plant Engineering By .rgpvonline. Morse. A Course in Power Plant Engineering By T. A Course in Power Plant Engineering By Agrawal. A Course in Power Plant Engineering By Nagpal. BHOPAL DIPLOMA IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SEMESTER: SIXTH SEMESTER SCHEME: JUL.Domkundwar.RAJIV GANDHI PROUDYOGIKI VISHWAVIDYALAYA. Further integration of the computer Aided Design Drafting (CADD). The need to absorb. therefore. its Components. The course aims at developing appreciation of the use of CAD/CAM environment. with a view to improve efficiency in drafting and designing. with ( CAM) Operations has lead to efficient product design & prototyping and shorter production runs. in general.RAJIV GANDHI PROUDYOGIKI VISHWAVIDYALAYA. http://www. BHOPAL DIPLOMA IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SEMESTER: SIXTH SEMESTER SCHEME: JUL. This course is being introduced as elective course of diploma programme in mechanical engineering.rgpvonline. and methods of using the existing CAD/ CAM software. CAD/ CAM technology for its effectives has. Which has been in use in the industry for some years . become imperative. 2008 COURSE CODE: 605 COMMON WITH NAME OF THE COURSE: CAD/ CAM PROGRAMMES: PAPER CODE RATIONALE Computer based numerically controlled machine tools are increasingly finding place in industries. their functions. com . Introduction to CAD/CAM Hardware of CAD/CAM System 6 8 8 06 16 Introduction to CAD software Introduction to Conventional Numerical Control Introduction to NC Programming.RAJIV GANDHI PROUDYOGIKI VISHWAVIDYALAYA.rgpvonline. 2008 COURSE CODE: 605 COMMON WITH NAME OF THE COURSE: CAD/ CAM PROGRAMMES: PAPER CODE SCHEME OF STUDIES Lectures: 04 Hrs. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Theory Practical Total Hrs Hrs Hrs. NC Control technology 16 10 10 10 25 10 10 7 41 20 20 17 60 60 120 Topics Total http://www. per Week S No. BHOPAL DIPLOMA IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SEMESTER: SIXTH SEMESTER SCHEME: JUL. per Week Practical: 04 Hrs. NO 1 CONTENT Introduction to CAD/ CAM : (i) Automation and its types (ii) Definitions : CAD. http://www. CNC components. input devices.RAJIV GANDHI PROUDYOGIKI VISHWAVIDYALAYA. CIM and CAE (iii) Concept of CAD/CAM (iv) (v) (vi) 2 06 Computers in industrial Manufacturing General Design procedure and application of computers in it. output devices and storage devices Hardware components of CAM system and their functions: (iv) (v) CNC controller and CAD 08 . Hardware of CAD/CAM System (i) Basic structure (ii) STUDY Hrs. display devices. 2008 COURSE CODE: 605 COMMON WITH NAME OF THE COURSE: CAD/ CAM PROGRAMMES: PAPER CODE Lectures: 04 Hrs. per Week S. (iii) Hardware components of CAD workstations and their functions: CPU. Benefits of CAD/CAM.CAAD CAM. BHOPAL DIPLOMA IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SEMESTER: SIXTH SEMESTER SCHEME: JUL.rgpvonline. Memory devices. Conveyers and robot units Functions of each hardware unit in CAM. Block diagram of integrated CAD/CAM system. fixed zero and floating zero. MCU and (iii) (iv) 08 Machine tools The NC procedure NC coordinate systems.M. 3 Introduction to CAD software: (i) Block diagram of graphics software configuration (ii) Functions of a graphic package (iii) 2D transformation translation.NO CONTENT STUDY 08 . 2008 COURSE CODE: 605 COMMON WITH NAME OF THE COURSE: CAD/ CAM PROGRAMMES: PAPER CODE Lectures: 04 Hrs. Open and closed loop axis positioning systems (vii) Applications of numerical control in Machine Tools (viii) 5 Advantages of NC systems Introduction to NC Programming: (i) NC Part program and different codes used in it: N. per Week S.S.RAJIV GANDHI PROUDYOGIKI VISHWAVIDYALAYA. BHOPAL DIPLOMA IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SEMESTER: SIXTH SEMESTER SCHEME: JUL. Absolute and incremental positioning (v) NC motion control systems (vi) Components of MCU.F.T codes and co-ordinates (ii) Writing Program blocks using NC program codes (iii) Manual and Computer assisted part programming (iv) Introduction to NC part programming languages like APT Different statements in APT language and writing program through it http://www. Introduction to Conventional Numerical Control: (i) Definition of NC (ii) Basic components of an NC system : Program. rotation and scaling with 06 (iv) 4 numerical examples 3D Modeling: Wire frame and solid type. per Week S. ACC and ACO systems http://www. 6 NC Control technology: (i) Different type of computer controls : CNC. types. functions. 2008 COURSE CODE: 605 COMMON WITH NAME OF THE COURSE: CAD/ CAM PROGRAMMES: PAPER CODE Lectures: 04 Hrs. 06 (iii) (iv) straight and hybrid CNC General Configuration. types and benefits of adaptive control.rgpvonline. functions. and advantage of DNC. BTR and Special Machine control unit DNC Introduction. BHOPAL DIPLOMA IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SEMESTER: SIXTH SEMESTER SCHEME: JUL.RAJIV GANDHI PROUDYOGIKI .NO CONTENT STUDY Hrs. DNC and Adaptive (ii) General Configuration. and advantage of CNC. safety precautions. Hrs. BHOPAL DIPLOMA IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SEMESTER: SIXTH SEMESTER SCHEME: JUL. per Week S.No. ten/fifteen experiments 10 3 Solid modeling using parametric software 14 4 Demonstration of CNC machine for identifying machine zero. drive systems. 1 Study of CAD Hardware system using physical and visual aid 06 2 Auto CAD commands and their applications in various types of designs/ drawings. part programme execution 10 on CNC machine. Job setting . and dry run of demo part programme 12 5 Tool setting.rgpvonline.RAJIV GANDHI PROUDYOGIKI 08 . EXPERIMENT PRACT. 2008 COURSE CODE: 605 COMMON WITH NAME OF THE COURSE: CAD/ CAM PROGRAMMES: PAPER CODE LIST OF EXPERIMENTS Practical: 04 Hrs. 6 Material job handling using Robot system and conveyor assembly. http://www. Delhi) Illustrated Auto CAD by T. 1986) Inside Auto CAD by Deniel Raker and Harbest Rice (BPB Publications.RAJIV GANDHI PROUDYOGIKI VISHWAVIDYALAYA. Ltd. Delhi) .S. and R. 2008 COURSE CODE: 605 COMMON WITH NAME OF THE COURSE: CAD/ CAM PROGRAMMES: PAPER CODE REFERENCE BOOKS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 CAD/CAM Computer. ) McGraw Hill. Numerical Control .B. New Delhi. Voisinet ( 2nd fd. Sr.rgpvonline. & E. Delhi) Computer-Aided Design Engineering & Manufacturing (CRC Press) http://www. ( Prentice-Hall of India pvt. Schlieve. Zimmer.Chamd & Co.J. by Mastering Auto CAD ( BPB . BPB Publications. (EEE).Aided Design and Manufacturing by M. Numerical Control by Marthin ( E.Design with Computer by D. MC. CAD/CAM by Kuldeep Sareen & Chandadeep Grewal ( S.P. Groover.L. by Child. Bowman.L.Dougal (BPB Publications. Delhi ( Latest edition) Introduction to Computer Aided Drafting by Donald D. Delhi.W. Berghauser and P.N.) Understanding CAD/CAM. BHOPAL DIPLOMA IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SEMESTER: SIXTH SEMESTER SCHEME: JUL.W. http://www.rgpvonline. proper organisation of project work should be able to simulate such a situation that the students may be able to effectively work in groups and thus gain confidence to effectively take up responsibilities in their . 2008 COURSE CODE: 606 COMMON WITH NAME OF THE COURSE: PROJECT PROGRAMMES: PAPER CODE RATIONALE The necessity of the project work has been emphasized on group work. Proper group functioning is a prerequisite for maximising output form a problem-solving group in work environment. BHOPAL DIPLOMA IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SEMESTER: SIXTH SEMESTER SCHEME: JUL. The students will prepare a final project report.RAJIV GANDHI PROUDYOGIKI VISHWAVIDYALAYA. Lubricating oils Production of plastic buckets. 3 Prepare a technical paper to be read to the rest of the class. Suggested Topics : Feasibillty of non conventional sources of energy for a particular application.technical readers. http://www. per Week S. and in simple language to be understood by non. 2 Prepare a comparative study report about alternative materials available for a particular application. Solar heaters (Gobar gas Plant ) Technicians role in village feasibility of certain projects. Cutting tools for high speed. 2008 COURSE CODE: 606 COMMON WITH NAME OF THE COURSE: PROJECT PROGRAMMES: PAPER CODE Practical: 14 Hrs. Products involving special welding or costing processes.rgpvonline. Production of stainless steel products.RAJIV GANDHI PROUDYOGIKI .NO CONTENT 1 Specification on Minor Projects : To prepare a write up or feasible report containing not more than 1500 words. machining. Suggested Topics : Rubber tyres. about an engineering topic . Production of mechanical engineering products. using appropriate diagrams & Illustrations. Furniture making Cooking utensile. BHOPAL DIPLOMA IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SEMESTER: SIXTH SEMESTER SCHEME: JUL. Detergents. about the process of conversion of raw material in to a finished product. Suggested Topics : Electrical conductors. A rejected I.NO CONTENT 4 Prepare a survey of equipment. Re. Engine used in a motor cycle.RAJIV GANDHI PROUDYOGIKI VISHWAVIDYALAYA. 7 Contruction of simple laboratory equipment/ teaching aids.conditioning a discarded pump. make a comparative study and suggest a suitable choice. 2008 COURSE CODE: 606 COMMON WITH NAME OF THE COURSE: PROJECT PROGRAMMES: PAPER CODE Practical: 14 Hrs. http://www. A punching Machine. An inexpensive hardness tester. 5 Prepare a simple machine or component as per given drawing specification. BHOPAL DIPLOMA IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SEMESTER: SIXTH SEMESTER SCHEME: . Simple materials testing equipment. per Week S.C. Measuring instruments. Suggested Jobs : A simple drilling machine model. available for a particular engeering situation. 6 Reclaiming a worn out component or equipment and putting it to use.rgpvonline. Suggested Job : A worn out cam shaft bearing assembly. Suggested Topics : Material handling equipment Machine tool for given product. using solar energy.p. e. per Week S. containers etc.. for hospitals. A suitable hand operated press for producing ornamental tiles. A working model of a variable speed drive. within the range of 3 times the in put to 1/3 times the input. BHOPAL DIPLOMA IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SEMESTER: SIXTH SEMESTER SCHEME: JUL. Equipment to provide hotwater in your hostal. 2008 COURSE CODE: 606 COMMON WITH NAME OF THE COURSE: PROJECT PROGRAMMES: PAPER CODE MAJOR PROJECT – Practical: 14 Hrs. Design and development of jigs / fixture for a live production situation. A Design and development of hand operated grinder/juicer.g. http://www. Design and development of special furniture. funnels.m.m. will be able to give a stepless variable output r. useful to village blacksmiths in preparing articles like hand pums. Material handling equipment to suit the needs of a local industry.rgpvonline. A device to utilise energy from the wind.p. which when given a fixed r. handicapped persons etc. for drawing water from a well for irrigating a small farm. A Sheet metal cutting machine. A Wood working machine.NO CONTENT 1 Design and Make Type Projects : Suggested Projects : Lab equipment to demonstrate and verify the principle of conservation of momentum either linear angular with an accuracy of 5% A lathe tool dynamometer to measure cutting forces.RAJIV GANDHI PROUDYOGIKI VISHWAVIDYALAYA. . hand or pedal operated to be useful in a village situation. RAJIV GANDHI PROUDYOGIKI VISHWAVIDYALAYA.NO CONTENT 2 Investigation Projects : Suggested Themes : Selection of a suitable machine tool to produce a given component with specified tolerances. Aluminium anoidised tittin boxes. Wire nails. Investigation in to the cutting forces set up on a lathe for different feeds. Installing. economically. BHOPAL DIPLOMA IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SEMESTER: SIXTH SEMESTER SCHEME: JUL. speeds and . http://www. per Week S.C. folders etc. Investigation in to the different methods of measurements of flow/ temperature/ pressure with a view to suggest a suitable method for a live situation. Match boxes. Time Piece components.rgpvonline. Vulcanising unit. 3 Feasibillty Studies : Suggested Products : Packaging material. Instrument boxes for schools. Determining the most economical. Analysing the causes and suggesting remedial steps for a machine which is functioning erratically. commissioning and fault rectification of a test/ measuring set up or a machine. plastic buckets. Furniture. running conditions for an. Washing soap. I. engine. 2008 COURSE CODE: 606 COMMON WITH NAME OF THE COURSE: PROJECT PROGRAMMES: PAPER CODE MAJOR PROJECT – Practical: 14 Hrs. Raxine bags. Household utensils. Causes of bearing failure in a given situation. . per Week S. 14 Be able to seek. use and present information’s.No. synthesise and evaluate at technician level while dealing with engineering situations. 9 Understand and accept his own strengths and limitations 10 Adapt readily to changing environments. 7 Be able to arrive at creative solutions to problems. BHOPAL DIPLOMA IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SEMESTER: SIXTH SEMESTER SCHEME: JUL. by possessing social skills and tolerance. 3 Apply his knowledge in practical situations. 5 Be able to take appropriate decisions. 4 Be able to plan ahead. 6 Maintain good human relations. 12 Demonstrate his initiative. 11 Have a sense of purpose and pride of achievement. http://www. 8 Demonstrate self reliance and self discipline. 2 Analyse. select. 13 Reliably work independently. 2008 COURSE CODE: 606 COMMON WITH NAME OF THE COURSE: PROJECT PROGRAMMES: PAPER CODE LIST OF SUGGESTED SKILLS TO ACQUIRE Practical: 14 Hrs.RAJIV GANDHI PROUDYOGIKI VISHWAVIDYALAYA. SUGGESTED SKILLS 1 Participate effectively in group work. per Week S. (d) Main body: this will vary considerably from project to project and will contain all design calculations. BHOPAL DIPLOMA IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SEMESTER: SIXTH SEMESTER SCHEME: . you will find that a well presented brief concise and logical report will score a higher assessment than a badly presented.rgpvonline. (e) Conclusion: This will state the main conclusions of the exercise. yet.RAJIV GANDHI PROUDYOGIKI VISHWAVIDYALAYA. concerning the project should be noted : 1 A record of all calculations. results etc. the title of the projectand the name of the contributor and the dates of the work. In general. confirm to the following pattern : (a) Summary: A summary of the report which should not exceed one page in length. 2 Student will work either individually or in a group or 2. 2008 COURSE CODE: 606 COMMON WITH NAME OF THE COURSE: PROJECT PROGRAMMES: PAPER CODE PROJECT WORK Practical: 14 Hrs. drawings. (f) Bibliography: A list of all references used. Although the reports will obviously vary from project to project. (c) Introduction: This should introduce the reader to the objectives of the exercise. (b) Index: The report should be logically indexed. http://www. This report should be neatly written and produced in a suitable folder which bears the name of the polytechnic. or 3 A Written report must be available to the supervisor at the end of the course. The following points. they should in general. drawings and designs must be kept. lengthy muddled and illogical report. 3.No. various design alternatives.RAJIV GANDHI PROUDYOGIKI VISHWAVIDYALAYA. The quality of the creative aspect of the design to meet the given specifications. Skill in evaluating between. 1 The following points. (j) The quality to the graphical content of the report. and the accompanying marking grid shows how the marks are allotted in your particular case. (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) Mental skill in manipulations of formulas etc. BHOPAL DIPLOMA IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SEMESTER: SIXTH SEMESTER SCHEME: JUL. The quality of the written content of the report. 2008 COURSE CODE: 606 COMMON WITH NAME OF THE COURSE: PROJECT PROGRAMMES: PAPER CODE PROJECT WORK Practical: 14 Hrs.No. per Week S.rgpvonline. http://www. Remember that this is your project. concerning the project should be noted : The examiners will look for the following points when assessing your project : (a) The way in which you have applied existing knowledge to your project. The quality of physical skills in the manufacture and assembly of apparatus and test pieces etc. for instance. Analysis of test results to produce a conclusion. He will start you off on the right lines but will only intervene at the later . The ability to produce a complete project from all the individual elements. The supervisor is there to give guidance if and when it is necessary. if asked. (h) The assessment of your project will count towards your final diploma. The way in which the initial specifications are interpreted and translated (i) in to a finished project. Prepare a report on industrial visit. 2008 COURSE CODE: 607 COMMON WITH PROGRAMMES: NAME OF THE COURSE: PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES A03. 5. Due to globalization and competition in the industrial and service sectors the selection for the job is based on campus interviews or competitive tests. 3.rgpvonline. Prepare notes for given topic. The purpose of introducing professional practices is to provide opportunity to students to undergo activities which will enable them to develop confidence. Present given topic in a seminar. seminars on technical topics and group discussion are planned in a semester so that there will be increased participation of students in learning process. OBJECTIVES: Student will be able to: 1. in addition to basic technological concepts. Interact with peers to share . 4. http://www. Industrial visits.RAJIV GANDHI PROUDYOGIKI VISHWAVIDYALAYA. Acquire information from different sources. R01 PAPER CODE: RATIONALE: Most of the diploma holders join industries. BHOPAL DIPLOMA IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SEMESTER: SIXTH SEMESTER SCHEME: JUL. While selecting candidates a normal practice adopted is to see general confidence. ability to communicate and attitude. expert lecture. expert lectures. 2. http://www. to form a part of the term work. R01 PAPER CODE: Topic Contents No 01 Hours Industrial Visits 09 Structured industrial visits be arranged and report of the same shall be submitted by the individual student. x) Engine testing.rgpvonline.(2 visits) Following are the suggested types of Industries/ Fields i) Automobile manufacturing / auto component manufacturing units to observe the working of SPM ii) Refrigeration and air conditioning manufacturing / servicing units / industries / workshops iii) Automobile service stations for four wheelers iv) Co-ordinate measuring machine to observe its construction working specifications and . BHOPAL DIPLOMA IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SEMESTER: SIXTH SEMESTER SCHEME: JUL. exhaust gas analysis and vehicle testing xi) PWD workshop. v) Auto Engine Testing unit to gather details regarding the testing procedures/parameters etc. ix) Hydro electric and Thermal power plants. 2008 COURSE CODE: 607 COMMON WITH PROGRAMMES: NAME OF THE COURSE: PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Lectures: 02 Hrs.RAJIV GANDHI PROUDYOGIKI VISHWAVIDYALAYA. vii) Food processing unit. vi) Wheel Balancing unit for light and/or heavy motor vehicles. per Week A03. viii) Textile industry machinery manufacturing / servicing units. h) Automobile pollution. norms of pollution control. http://www. i) Biotechnology j) Nanotechnology k) Rapid prototyping l) Programmable logic controllers m) TQM n) MPFI o) Hybrid motor vehicles p) Packaging technology q) Appropriate technology r) Six sigma systems s) LPG / CNG conversion kit. BHOPAL DIPLOMA IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SEMESTER: SIXTH SEMESTER SCHEME: JUL. minimum 4 nos. from the following or alike topics. c) Vehicle testing. g) Earth moving machines.rgpvonline.RAJIV GANDHI PROUDYOGIKI VISHWAVIDYALAYA. f) Vehicle aerodynamics & design. per Week . e) Environmental pollution & control. professionals to be arranged (2 Hrs duration). R01 PAPER CODE: Topic Contents No 02 Hours The Guest Lecture/s 08 From field/industry experts. The brief report to be submitted on the guest lecture by each student as a part of Term work a) Electronic fuel injection systems b) Exhaust gas analysis. 2008 COURSE CODE: 607 COMMON WITH PROGRAMMES: NAME OF THE COURSE: PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Lectures: 02 Hrs. d) Transducer application in automobiles. vi) Trends in refrigeration Technology.rgpvonline. v) Rain water harvesting. as a part of term work. The topic of group discussions may be selected by the faculty members. viii) Safety in day to day life. Students shall submit a report of at least 10 pages and deliver a seminar (Presentation time – 10 minutes for a group of 2 students) http://www. Some of the suggested topics are (any one)i) CNG versus LPG as a fuel. 04 Seminar : (any 2 topics) 12 Seminar topic should be related to the subjects of fifth semester / topics from guest lectures. ii) Petrol versus Diesel as a fuel for cars. R01 PAPER CODE: Topic Contents No 03 Hours Group Discussion : 12 The students should discuss in group of six to eight students and write a brief report on the same. vii) Disaster management. BHOPAL DIPLOMA IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SEMESTER: SIXTH SEMESTER SCHEME: . 2008 COURSE CODE: 607 COMMON WITH PROGRAMMES: NAME OF THE COURSE: PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Lectures: 02 Hrs. iv) Load shading and remedial measures. x) Nano technology. ix) Energy Saving in Institute. per Week A03. iii) Trends in automobile market.RAJIV GANDHI PROUDYOGIKI VISHWAVIDYALAYA. d) Preparing models using development of surfaces.e. specifications and applications. b) Write material specifications for any two composite jobs. http://www. c) Collection of samples of different plastic material or cutting tools with properties . unemployment. per Week A03. fiber reinforcement plastics.rgpvonline. f) Select different materials with specifications for at least 10 different machine components and list the important material properties desirable. Also give brief description of the heat treatment processes. deflection of beams and torsion chapters of strength of material. sheer forces . ii) Survey for local social problems such as mal nutrition. thermo plastic plastics d. B) Use of fire fighting equipment and First aid Maintenance of Domestic appliances.Ceramics. rubbers. OR Conduct ANY ONE of the following activities through active participation of students and write report i) Rally for energy conservation / tree plantation. illiteracy etc. IQ test iv) Arrange any one training in the following areas : a) Yoga.cleanliness. g) Select 5 different carbon steels and alloy steels used in mechanical engineering applications and specify heat treatment processes employed for improving the properties. R01 PAPER CODE: Topic Contents 05 Hours Individual Assignments : 08 Any two from the list suggested a) Process sequence of any two machine components. h) List the various properties and applications of following materials – a. b. general knowledge test .com . iii) Conduct aptitude .c. thermo setting plastics.RAJIV GANDHI PROUDYOGIKI VISHWAVIDYALAYA. 2008 COURSE CODE: 607 COMMON WITH PROGRAMMES: NAME OF THE COURSE: PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Lectures: 02 Hrs. e) Assignments on bending moment . BHOPAL DIPLOMA IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SEMESTER: SIXTH SEMESTER SCHEME: JUL. RAJIV GANDHI PROUDYOGIKI VISHWAVIDYALAYA.rgpvonline. 3) Pump on / off timer 4) Models of jigs / fixtures 5) Layout design of SSI units / factory / workshop of the institute Models of material handling route systems OR Modular Course on any one of the suggested or alike relevant topic be undertaken by a group of students (Min 10) : a) LPG/CNG conversion of vehicles b) Advance features in CAD – CAM c) basics of PLC programming d) die design e) JIT techniques f) Non traditional manufacturing methods g) jigs and fixture design h) 3D Modeling I) finite element method j) Mechatronics k) Advanced computer programming l) maintenance of home appliances m) value stream mapping n) piping technology http://www. R01 PAPER CODE: Topic Contents Hours No 06 Mini Projects : (in a group of 4-5 students) 1) Design / drawing of simple 06 . 2008 COURSE CODE: 607 NAME OF THE COURSE: PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Lectures: 02 Hrs. per Week COMMON WITH PROGRAMMES: A03. BHOPAL DIPLOMA IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SEMESTER: SIXTH SEMESTER SCHEME: JUL. fixtures 2) Thermocouple based temperature controller. end users (any other engineering products may be considered for survey) 6. local markets. Survey of farm implements used by farmers Total 60 http://www.rgpvonline. Collection of data regarding loan facilities or other facilities 05 available through different organizations / banks to budding entrepreneurs 2. Measuring Screw thread parameters on floating carriage dial micrometer and select the optimum diameter of wire. 5. per Week A03. R01 PAPER CODE: 07 Student Activities – Students in a group of 3 to 4 shall perform ANY TWO of the following activities (Other similar activities may be considered) and write a report as a part of term work.RAJIV GANDHI PROUDYOGIKI VISHWAVIDYALAYA. Survey of opportunities available in thrust areas identified by Government or DIC. BHOPAL DIPLOMA IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SEMESTER: SIXTH SEMESTER SCHEME: JUL. Survey of data regarding different types of pumps with specifications from manufacturers catalogue. 2008 COURSE CODE: 607 COMMON WITH PROGRAMMES: NAME OF THE COURSE: PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Lectures: 02 Hrs. Survey and interviews of successful entrepreneurs in near by areas3. Activities . 4. rgpvonline. Meindl Peter Supply Management Chain Pearson Education. R01 PAPER CODE: Learning Resources: Books: Sr. 2008 COURSE CODE: 607 COMMON WITH PROGRAMMES: NAME OF THE COURSE: PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES A03. New http://www. No Author Title of the book Publisher 1 Mark Ratner and Daniel Ratner Nanotechnology Pearson Delhi .RAJIV GANDHI PROUDYOGIKI VISHWAVIDYALAYA. BHOPAL DIPLOMA IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SEMESTER: SIXTH SEMESTER SCHEME: JUL. New 2 Yoram Korem Computer Control of Mcgraw Hill Publication Manufacturing System 3 Sunil Chopra.
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