March 19, 2018 | Author: Yadu Priya Devi | Category: Management Accounting, Academic Dishonesty, Strategic Management, Lecture, Inventory



SCHOOL OF ACCOUNTANCYCOLLEGE OF BUSINESS UNIVERSITI UTARA MALAYSIA SECOND SEMESTER 2014/2015 (A142) COURSE CODE COURSE NAME PRE-REQUISITE 1.0 : BKAM3033 : ADVANCED MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING : BKAM3023 MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING II SYNOPSIS This course covers the advancement of management accounting issues and techniques in contemporary business environment. The topics discussed include recent developments and contemporary issues in management accounting, specifically pertaining to performance management, strategic management accounting and management control. The course concludes with issues pertaining to managing human capital and management of relationships among employees in organisation. 2.0 COURSEOBJECTIVE Upon completion of the course, students are expected to: 2.1 understand the recent developments of management accounting issues and the roleof management accounting in modern business environment. 2.2 develop analytical ability in using management accounting information for strategic decisions, performance management and management control. 2.3 think critically of the application of strategic management accounting in organisation. 2.4 understand the importance of managing human capital and relationship in organisation 3.0 LEARNING OUTCOMES Upon completion of the course, students will be able to: 3.1 explain how the practice of management accounting should go along with the changing and dynamic environment. 3.2 discuss the contemporary management accounting issues. 3.3 evaluate organizational performance using appropriate measures. 1 Life cycle costing .EOQ.Simmonds approach (data orientation vs. AMT.Kaizen costing . HOURS Text book Che Zuriana (Chapter 1) Atkinson 6 (Chapter 1) The scope of management accounting The gap between theory and practice Management accounting change The impact of technology on management accounting Modern production system: CAD/CIM. FMS Inventory Management .Target Costing .4 Apply management control system.3. JIT. MPS and Throughput Costing Activity-based Management Total Quality Management Value Chain Analysis 2 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING Text book Che Zuriana (Chapter 3) Atkinson (Chapter 7 & 8) Concept and strategic issues in management accounting The need to handle strategic issues Strategy and technique: . Information) .Reasons for carrying inventory .Ouchi approach (culture) Strategic Environmental Management Accounting 2 9 . MRP. CONTEMPORARY ISSUES AND THE IMPACT OF TECHNOLOGY ON MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING REF. 4.Costs related to holding and managing inventory .Bromwich approach (cost benefit analysis) .Porter approach (value chain analysis) . 1 COURSE CONTENT TOPIC RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING. strategic management accounting and human capital management in firm activities and their effect on performance. Cellular Manufacturing.Benchmarking Approaches in handling strategic issues: .0 NO. consequences and impact on master budget Behavioural aspects of budgeting .Effective performance .Designing the budget process .Financial and non-financial measures .Service organization .5 .The strategy map Measuring customer performance (e.Measurement and reward system (tying rewards to performance) Critical success factors and key performance indicator (KPI) 5 MANAGING HUMAN CAPITAL Text book Che Zuriana (Chapter 7) Mullins. customer profitability) Performance evaluation .Non-profit organisation Reward Systems .g.Influencing the budget process . L 3 4.3 Environmental cost Sustainable development and competitive advantage BUDGETING AND MANAGEMENT CONTROL SYSTEM Text book Che Zuriana (Chapter 4) Atkinson (Chapter 9 & 10) Merchant 9 Text book Che Zuriana (Chapter 5) Atkinson 9 The concept of control and management control The Structure and system of management control Types of control used in organization The concept of feedback and feed forward control and their application in the use of budgets for planning and control `What-if’ scenarios.Criticism of the traditional budgeting model : beyond budgeting technique 4 PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT (Chapter 2) The Balanced Score Card . Management Accounting. &Ahmadasri. (2005).Human resources theories . Amin. S.Improving opportunities for employee contribution . responsibility. L. ..Relationship between managers and subordinates .Human resource plan 6 MANAGEMENT OF RELATIONSHIPS Text book Che Zuriana (Chapter 6) Mullins.The psychological contract and its importance to retention Human resources activities .FT/Prentice Hall. leadership and delegation . Mullins.J. approaches Issues of business ethics and corporate governance TOTAL CONTACT HOURS 42 Note: Mid Semester break: 5.M (2012).A.Domination and Sustenance of Power Management of conflict: nature. Management and Cost Accounting.Advanced Management Accounting. (2011). bureaucracy. A. Matsumura E.S. 7thed. 6th ed.M Drury. A. causes. authority. teams and networks and group conflict Importance of organisation culture . ADDITIONAL: Atkinson. & Young. C. Management 4 and OrganisationalBehaviour. M.Legitimacy of action . USA: Pearson.. Kaplan.Developing employee ability.Cultural development . R.(7th Ed.. M..0 REFERENCES MAIN: CheZuriana.5 Concepts of power..Tools for managing and controlling individuals. A. UK: SouthWestern Cengage Learning.Pearson Education.). L 4. (2008). Rapiah. motivation . S. cases. W. Readings in Management Accounting. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Students are expected to be prepared with materials that are going to be discussed in lectures and tutorials. 9. & Van der Stede. bringing in notes during examination. K.0 TEACHING METHODS This course will be conducted for fourteen (14) weeks. 2nd ed. the examination result will be withheld and annulled and/or other serious penalties may be taken against the student. COURSE ASSESSMENT Coursework Comprehensive Final Examination Total 8.Merchant. Once the student is convicted of the above offence. (2007). Management Accounting (US). UK: FT/Prentice Hall. Examples of academic dishonesty are cheating and plagiarism. 5th ed. Materials for lectures. comprising three (3) hours of lecture and one (1) hour of tutorial/discussion class per week. Students are encouraged to actively participate during discussions. During this period. Students who fail to meet the above requirements for whatsoever reasons will be barred from taking the final examination.A (2007).M. and exercises are available on the learning zone website or lecturer’s personal website. Evaluation and Incentives.. The 20% absence from lectures includes medical leaves.. Young.0 40% 60% 100% ATTENDANCE Students are required to fulfill at least 80% of class attendance in order to sit for the final examination as governed by the Universiti Utara Malaysia regulations. announcements. 5 . article reviews and case discussions will be held on a continuous basis. 6. and taking the examination on behalf of another student. ACADEMIC DISHONESTY Students are reminded that academic dishonesty is the most serious academic offence. assignments. Management Accounting Research Journals (UK). Management Control Systems: Performance Measurement.
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