Syllabus 6th Semester BBACAM

March 29, 2018 | Author: Chakshyut Gupta | Category: Data Warehouse, E Commerce, Entrepreneurship, Bios, Multimedia



SIXTH SEMESTER BBA (CAM) ENTREPRENUERSH IP DEVELOPMENT & CORPORATE ETHICS Course Code: BBA (CAM) edits: 4 302 L:4 T/P: CrPREAMBLE: The objective of this course is to acquaint the students with the grow th of Entrepreneurship and its role in Industrial Development of country and imp act knowledge of the basic problems of management of small business units. COURSE CONTENT: UNIT I Hours 7 Concept: Need and significance of Entrepreneurship Development in Global contexts. Entrepreneurship Development Concepts, Process, Experiences and Strategies. Dynamics of Entrepreneurship Development. UNIT II Hours 8 Entrepreneurship Quality/Motivation: The Entrepreneurship myths and misconception, qualities, characteristics and rol e demanded of an Entrepreneur. Process of developing Entrepreneurial qualities. UNIT III Hours 15 Enterprise Launching & Resourcing: Government Programmes, Policies, Incentive and Institutional Networking for Ente rprise setting. Steps of setting new Enterprise. Scanning Business Environment. Sensing Business Opportunity & indentifying product. Business Plan Preparation Procedure & steps. Market Survey & Demand Analysis. Growth, Modernization & Expansion of Enterprise. UNIT IV Hours 10 Corporate Ethics: Nishkama Karma & Sakam Karma. Success Management. Stress Management. Text Books: 3. Entrepreneurship Development by Dr. S. Moharana & Dr. C.R. Das, Pub. By RBSA Publishers, Jaipur. 4. Entrepreneurship Development by C.B. Gupta & N.P.Srinivasan, Publisher S ultan Chand & Sons, 1992. Reference Books: .P. Mishra. Product Selection by Prof.P. Okhla. Okhla. NSIC-PTC Campus. H. By ( NIESBUD). Akhouri & Dr. M.Udyamita (in Hindi) by Dr.M. Pub. By National In stitute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development (NIESBUD). pub.Pathak. Srimadbhagwad Gita.N.PTC Campus. S. BBA (CAM) SIXTH SEMESTER INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS Course Code: BBA (CAM) dits: 4 304 L:4 T-0 Cre Objective: The basis objective of this course is to students with the global dimensions of management. NSIC. Meaning and Importance of Internationa l competitive advantage. existing international arrangements. 2. Impact of glo balization. World Bank . Challenges and opportunities. Enhancing technological capabilities. Rationale for globalization. A. FPI.Course Contents: UNIT I Overview: International Business. Nature. Brian J L. Finan cial Integration. Business Government Society. Goldsmith.International monetary systems and financial markets. V. International Business: Strategy and Opera tions. T ypes of strategies used in strategic planning for achieving global competitive a dvantage.Tariff and Non Tariff Barr iers. Corl. 6. Development. International Marketing.Introduction FDI. Trade Barriers. Subba. Socio cultural Environment. Recent development in corporate social responsibili ty and policy implications. national FDI policy framework.Managing Diversity within and across cultures. P. The Glob . IFC. Fransis. Technology generation. Multicultural management. Concept and scope of distinctive competitive advantage. Liberalization and Unification of World econom ics. 2003 Seventh Revised Editio n. and S. Definition.Structure of global organizations. International Business theories. Tren ds.Financial Per spectives. Globalization and foreign investment. 4.Introduction. Hibbert.Selection. Meaning.Introduction. Corporate governance. International Management ach. Edgar C Conkling & D Michael Ray. Count ry risk analysis. 2002 Second Revised Edition. Ltd. Rao.. Diffusion. International Business. Multidimensional view of Competitiveness. HOURS 10 UNIT II Globalization. Himalaya Publi cation House. globalization with social responsibility.K. Cultural Appro 3. South West College Publishers. Scope. Himalaya Publishing H ouse. Need for risk evaluation. HOURS 8 Books Recommended: 1. MacMilan Press Ltd.Technology and its impact. Macro environmental risk assessment. Edgar P. Bhalla. IDA. Motivating employees in the global context and managing groups across cultures. S ocial responsibility of TNC. 1998. Arthur A. HOURS 10 UNIT III Strategy making and international business. Berry. Cherunilam. Performance Appraisal and compensation. Cross border merger and acquisitions. 7. IMF. HOURS 12 UNIT V Global Human Resource Management. Technology transfer. Dissemination and spill o ver. Radriqupes. Erwin Book Team. 2001. International Business: Envi ronment and Management. 5. Shivaramu. Concept. Anmol Publication Pvt. IBRD. al Economy in Transition. . SIXTH SEMESTER BBA (CAM) SOFTWARE PROJECT Course Code: BBA (CAM) 306 L:0 T-4 Credits: 2 Ø Ø Group of 2 students may be allotted with a project The Project should be based on Front-end and Back-end applications . Prentice Hall International Ltd. statistics. OLAP & DSS support in data warehouses. Transactional databas es. Spatial databases. Scope. LAN based.SIXTH SEMESTER BBA (CAM) Elective-E1 Course Code: BBA (CAM) 308 DATA WAREHOUSING & DATA MINING L:4 T-0 Credits: 4 PREAMBLE: The saying goes there is water & water with no drop to drink. 2-tier. MOLAP and HOLAP Metadata repository: Contents. Concept hierarchies. Types of OLAP servers: ROLAP. Multistage. and Characteristics HOURS 10 UNIT. similarl y there could be endless heaps of data but no information. usage and design. UNIT. Temporal and Time series databases. single stage. 3-tier & 4-tier data warehouses. Programming Concepts. Types of measures. OO databases. Data Warehouses.I Introduction/review of Database: Types of databases: Relational databases. Text an d multimedia databases DATA WAREHOUSING: Data Warehousing: Definition.II Types of Data Warehouses: Host based. Introduction to Cube technology. HOURS 10 UNIT-III DATA WAREHOUSE ARCHITECTURE Process flow within a DW ETL process. snowflake and fact constellations. PRE-REQUISITE: Knowledge of Databases. Knowledge discovery in databases (KDD) applies techniques from artificial intelligence. Multi-dimensional Data warehouse model. stati onary distributed & virtual data-warehouses Data Marts: Definition. This course will exp ose students to these recent concepts which could enable him to search a needle from the stoke of hag. . Statistics. OLTP and OLAP systems. Practical Implications. Various OLAP operations. Schemas: Star. and pattern recognition to detect pat terns in large databases. Dennis Murray. Data Integration and Transfor mation. Steps of data mining. association analysis. Discretization and Concept Hierarchy Generation. Applications of Data Warehousing and Data Mining. DM functionalites: Types of patterns that can be mined-Introduction to character ization. discrimination. prediction.Prabhu Prentice Hall of India Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques by Han Kamber.R. HOURS 10 Text Books: Data Warehousing: Concepts.Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. Reference Books: Data Warehousing in the real world by Sam Anahory. clasification. Data Warehousing by Harry Singh. Data Cleaning.Data Preprocessing: Its importance. SIXTH SEMESTER BBA (CAM) Elective-E2 Course Code: BBA (CAM) 310 MULTIMEDIA TECHNOLOGY L:4 T-0 Credits: 4 . HOURS 10 UNIT IV DATA MINING Introduction: Data mining tasks. Data Reduction.S.Techniques and Applications by C. steps in KDD process. . Messaging Service. motivation. Tele-Action. Conversational Service. Multimedia H ardware and Software requirements.) i) ii) iii) iv) HOURS 10 UNIT-III Multimedia Components & Production Cycle i) Text Editing ii) Image Editing iii) Animations iv) Sound & Sound Editing v) Video Concepts and Editing HOURS 10 UNIT-IV Production Cycle: a) b) c) d) Planning & Costing Designing & producing Talent Delivering Multimedia Software Basic Tools (Silicon Graphics Interface) Making Instant Multimedia Basic Concepts of Adobe Photo Shop Basic Concepts of Studio Max. application of Multimedia. Edi ting Multimedia Components and Multimedia on web. Multimedia & Web Designing For World wide Web HOURS 10 TEXT BOOKS: . Games. Public Place. Elec tronic books.PREAMBLE: The primary objective of this course is to familiarize the student wit h the concept of Multimedia. Multimedia Industry. VR. Tele shopping. A. Tele service. COURSE CONTENT: UNIT-I Multimedia in: Business. School.) Multimedia Hardware i) Multimedia Platforms ii) Mac & Windows iii) Hardware Peripherals B.) Beginning with the Multimedia Making i) Introduction to the Production Cycle ii) Creativity Organization iii) Requirements (Hardware & Software) iv) Visualization Techniques Approach v) Composite-Variable Indices HOURS 10 UNIT-II Multimedia Hardware & Software A. Home. Production Cycle. Retrieval Service. Tele-operation Service. Interactive Video and Audio. P. Varieties of disks. Basic or standard adapter cards.Miller. [TB5] Multimedia Systems. by John F. Multimedia making it work (MMW). Structure of a D OS disk. COURSE CONTENT: UNIT-I Hours:10 Hardware: The parts of PC Hardware components of a computer system. On the basis of performance and security level offered. BIOS and bootin g . Hard.K Andleigh & K. Floppy disk drives..(ITS) New Ridus Publishing. multi I/O port adapter board. 19 Vaughan (TMH) and Application (MCCA). UNIT-II Hours:10 Built in BIOS Idea behind BIOS.Steinmetz and Nahrs SIXTH SEMESTER BBA (CAM) Elective-E3 Course Code: BBA (CAM) 312 IT INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGEMENT L:4 T-0 Credits: 4 PREAMBLE: i) To familiarize the student with the following in the conte xt of computer networks: Components: topologies: media: devices: organization an d operation of computer networks ii) To enable the student to evaluate and select among differe nt networks systems.. CD-ROM drives. 1996 2. Ed. by Jessica Keyes. [TB1] Multimedia systems Design. Modems and PC connection Disks Basic disk concepts. Thakrar. 94. (V) REFERENCE BOOKS: Web Multimedia Development d. disk drives. The McGraw Hill Multimedia handbook. Prentics Ha ll PTR. What does ROM-BIOS do. Aqddison-Wesley Publi cating Co. LAN and network adapters. Power supply. McGraw Hill Inc. 1996. 1994. Ed. PC system unit packaging styles. System unit s mothe rboard. Communication tedt.K Buford.1. Disk controller types. How does the BIOS work. Sound cards.Tay Multimedia: Computing. Display a dapter. Detailed disk structure. Prentice Hall. Bertsekas and R. Inside the PC. services and applica tions Satellite Networks: Polling. analog to analog co nversion Error detection and correction: Many to one. broadband IS Overview of Technologies: X. one to many. design goals.Encoding and Modulation: Digital to digital conversion. subscribers DN access. 3. Data Networks. synchronous and asynchronous proto cols HDLC. Modelling and Analysis of Computer Communication Networks. PPP layers. Forouzan: Data Communication and Networking. Plenum Press 2. India. architecture. J.2000 REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. TDM. error control. authentication. FDM. Tata McGraw-Hill. 2nd Editio n. ATM and SONET/SDH-layers. [PN] Peter Norton. FTTC UNIT-III Hours:10 Datalink control protocols: Line discipline. [FOR] Behrouz A. telephone system. ISDN layers. Computer Networks . TDM. Sixth Edition. [Tan] A. ALOHA.25. D. Prentice Hall Computer Publications 2. PHI . Gallager. F. analog to digital conversion.S. LCP. CDMA TEXT BOOK: 1. FDM. DSL. NCP UNIT-IV Hours:10 ISDN: Services. CDMA. flow control. WDM. Tanenbaum. SDLC Point to point protocols: Transmission states. historical outline. 2nd Edition. Hayes. The Role of Software Agents for B2B EC. Porter s Model. EDI: the Nuts and Bolts. Comp etitive Strategy. Procurement Management Using the Buyer s Internal Marketplace. Characteristics of B2B EC. Sustainable Competitive A dvantage. e-commerce Implementation. and Services. its implicatio ns. Integr ation with Back-End Information Systems. Competitive Advantage using e-Commerce. I nternet Commerce. Business Envir onment. Introductio n to Business Strategy. EDI & Business 4. basic concepts of managem ent. Inter Organizational Value Chains. Intermediary-Oriented Marketp lace: Boeing s PART Case. Business Strategy in an electronic Age: Supply chains.SIXTH SEMESTER BBA (CAM) Elective-E4 Course Code: BBA (CAM) 314 L:4 E-COMMERCE T-0 Credits: 4 PREAMBLE: The rapid advancement & simplicity of use of Internet in the new mill ennium has brought a change in our life style. Electronic Markets. Just-In-Time Delivery: FedEx InterNetShop Case. Electronic Data Interchange(EDI). E-commerce in Perspective 2. UNIT-I Hours:10 Introduction to E-Commerce : The Scope of Electronic Commerce. electronic Data Interchange. Supplier-O riented Marketplace: Cisco Connection online case. . Auctions. The courses of electronic commer ce is building the base on the various aspects of the E-commerce. Business Capability. Business strategy. Electronic Marketing in B2B. Technology. Managerial Issues.NO Topic 1. uses. knowledge of data security. from Traditional to Internet-Based EDI. Pre-requisite: Knowledge of Internet & World Wide Web. risks & prospective. First Mover Advantage. Strategic Implications of IT. Other B2 B Models. Definition of Electronic commerce. Models of B2B EC. e-Commerce Evaluation 3 UNIT-II Hours:10 Business-to-Business Electronic Commerce: Procurement Revolution at General Electric. Electronic Commerce and the Trade Cycle. Porter s Value Chain Model. COURSE CONTENT: S. Solutions of B2B EC. Existing Business Strategy. Strategy Formulation & Implementation planning. Taxation & Encryptio n Policies. Tata McGraw Hill. Protecting Privacy. Strategic Planning for EC. Electronic Commerce. Manage rial issues. Electronic Commerce Strategy in Action. T he Structure of Extranets. Implementation: Plans & Excecution. Jae Lee. H. Applications of Intranets. stored-Value Cards And E-Cash. Intranet. Intranet Software. Electronic Credit Card System on the Internet. & Censorship. Architecture of the Internet. Internet Indecency. [DW] David Wbiteley. Protecting Intellectu al property. [TLKC] Eframi Turban. Legal. Pearson Education. 7 Public Policy: From Legal issues to Privacy: EC-Related legal Incidents. Elect ronic Check Systems. Intranet A pplication Case Studies. & More. Ethical. Free Speech. Managerial issues. & Other Public Policy issues. Applications of Extrane ts. Electronic Payments & Protocols. The Extranets. Security Schemes in Electroni c payment Systems. David King. Considerations in Intranet Deployment. Gambling. Electronic Payment Systems: Is SET a Failure. Managerial Issues 5. Prospect of Electronic payment Systems. Extranet products & Services.UNIT-III Hours:10 Intranet And Extranet: Automotive Network Exchange-The Largest Extranet. Competitive Intelligence on the Int ernet. Consumer & Seller P rotection in EC TEXT BOOKS: 1. Project & Strategy Assessment. Business Models of Extranet Applications. Michale Chung. 6 UNIT-IV Hours:10 EC Strategy and Implementation: IBM s E-Business s Strategy. SIXTH SEMESTER BBA (CAM) ORGANISATION DEVELOPMENT . Electronic Fun d Transfer and Debit Cards on the Internet. E-commerce. Other Legal Issues: Contracts. and Extranet. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Sri ram Centre for Indust rial Relations. Role of creativity and innovation Instru ction building Case Study UNIT 4: OD Interventions: Credits 10 Structural Interventions. Transactional Analysis. Aaproach to Organisational Change.Quality Circles(QC) Behavioural Interventions.R. D.F and Brown.Management By objectives(MBO). Oraginastion Development. Task-Forces and othe r methods. Renewal and development Planned Change. W.Prentice Hall Englewood Cliffs N. Quality of work life(Qwl ).Calfornia. Sensitivity Training.1995 REFERENCE BOOKS : · · Hackman.Prentice Hall New Delh i. Questionnaires. Good year . D. Action research Change Agents: Role.Behavioural Scienc e.L . Interviews. Kurt Lew in s Model of change: Force Field analysis Change cycles :Power and Participative Types.1990 SIXTH SEMESTER . New Delhi1980 · French.J.J. Abad Developing effective Oraginastion .Team Building.R and Sentle . Techniques of Organ isational Diagnosis. Rensis Likert s System 4 Management.Improving Life at work . Foundations of OD. Career Planning Intergrowth Interventions . Survey Feedback. J. Work Redesign.L and Bell C.1977 · Harvey. Oraganisational Growth and its implications for change.Course Code: BBA (CAM) Credits: 4 316 L: 4 T/P: PREAMBLE: The basic objective of this course is to prepare the students as the facilitators of organizational change and development using the knowledge and t echniques of behavioural sciences Course Content: UNIT 1: Introduction: Oraganisation Development (OD): Concept and Process Assump tions and Values underlying OD. Grid OD Case Study TEXT BOOKS : · (Ahmad.H. Organisation renewal and Re-energising. Work Modules.Relation with the Client System Credits 10 Case Study UNIT 3: Oraganisational Change. Emergence of OD as an applied behavioural Science Future of OD Credits 10 Case Study UNIT 2: Organizational Diagnosis: Typology of Organisations. Skills and Styles of change Agents. An Experimental Approach to Organization Deve lopment . Workshops. BBA (CAM) SERVICES MARKETING Course Code: BBA (CAM) Credits: 4 318 L: 4 T/P: PREAMBLE: The primary objective of the course is to familiarize the student with basic concepts of service marketing and equip them with tools and techniques fo r applications of there concepts to real life problems and issue in service envi ronment. M. Targeting And Positioning § An over view § Strategies for Dealing with Intangibility. Marketing Mix § Tradition 4 P's § Extended 3 P's of services UNIT 3: Credits 10 S. Course Content: UNIT 1: Credits 10 The foundation of service marketing. Targeting & Positioning UNIT 4: Credits 10 Service Application & Cases on Service Marketing § Marketing of Financial Services: Banking Experiences of Indian and Forei gn banks. Segmentation. Segmentation. Looking at perspective both in Indian and Global Context. Credit cards.Goods and Services. Comparative analysis-salient features o f marketing services. Marketing of Insurance Services Marketing of Educational & Services Marketing of Hospitality & Tourism Creating Right Service Philosophy § Cases of Service Marketing . Inventory. Service Marketing Environment § Political -Legal Environment § Economic Environment § Socio-Cultural Environment § Technological Environment § Competition & Global Environment UNIT 2: Credits 10 Consumer Behavior & Buying Process in Services Marketing Mix § Introduction § Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs § Motivation & Consumer Behaviour § Perception & Consumer Behaviour § Social & Cultural Behaviour § Psychological Factors § Consumer Buying Process. Inconsistency & In separability. Growth and current status-Types of services.& Service Marketing Environment § The Concept. L.Philip Kotler 2. Course Content: UNIT 1: Evolution of Banking Institutions: Meaning and functions of commercial b anks & services rendered by them : Agency services. (C. Rampal and S.TEXT BOOKS: 1. Ov erseas Trading Services.) Marketing Management . (R&G) Service Marketing (Concepts.K.K. (P. (SMJ) Service Marketing-S. Lovelock -Prentice Hall International 3. The students will be exposed to conceptual issues in banking and insurance along with the recent trends in the Indian econ omy.M. Jha-Himalaya Publishing House SIXTH SEMESTER BBA (CAM) BANKING & INSURANCE Course Code: BBA (CAM) Credits: 4 320 L: 4 T/P: PREAMBLE: The primary objective of the course is to familiarize the student wi th the basic Banking and Insurance.L) Service Marketing-Christopher H. Relationship between ba nker customer-legal framework corporate banking.Gupta REFERRENCE BOOKS: 1. General Utility Services. loan documentation . Information and other services. 2. Applications and Cases)-M. Paperless Banking & Development Banking/Customer Focus Banking. Nature of Insurance M arkets.Credits 10 UNIT 2: Indian Banking : General structure and methods of Commercial Banks. Banking Sector Reforms in India Credits 10 UNIT 3: Insurance : Definition and Nature of insurance. Marine Insurance. evolution of insurance. control and transfer of risk. Fire Insurance. Risk Management Nature. positioning and promotion o f insurance products. Changing profile of Indian Banking : Branch Banking. Insurance Contract. Pricing. Redja Banking theory and Practice (RS) Ravi Shankar Service Marketing SIXTH SEMESTER BBA (CAM) LOGISTIC & SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT Course Code: BBA (CAM) 322 L: 4 T/P: Credits: 4 PREAMBLE: The objective of this paper is twofold: one to introduce the students to the basic concepts of supply chain Transportation network etc. Prospects of Insurance. planning. The Reserve Bank of India : Objectives. role and importance of insurance. Mishra Insurance : Principles and Insurance (S&S) Shekhar & Shekhar Banking Theory & Practice REFERENCE BOOKS: · · (GER) George E. . Buying motives in insurance market. Motor Insurance and Personal Accident Insurance Nature and uses. Marketing programme for insurance companies. UNIT 1: Building A Strategic Framework To analse Supply Chains: Understanding th e Supply Chain. Miscellan eous Insurance-Burglary. Supply Chain Performance: Achieving strategic Fit and Scope Supp ly Chain drivers and Obstacles. Types of Insurance : Life Insurance. Retail Banking. Organisation and Functions of Reserve Bank. Privatization of Insurance Industry in India Credits 10 UNIT 4:Insurance Marketing : Concept of Service Marketing.N. Credit s 10 UNIT 2: Planning and Managing Inventories in a Supply Chain : Managing Economies of Scale in a Supply Chain:cycle Inventory Managing Uncertainty in a Supply Chain: Safety inventory Determining Optimal Level of Product Availability Credits 10 . ri sk analysis. special probl ems of marketing of insurance products TEXT BOOKS : · · (MNM) -M. Network Design and information Technology in a supply Ch ain: Transportation in a supply Chain Facility Decisions:Network in a supply Chain Information Technology in a Supply Chain Credits 10 UNIT 4: Coordinating a Supply Chain and the role of E-Business: Coordination in a Supply Chain E-Business and the Supply Chain Text Book: Supply Chain Management: Strategy.UNIT 3: Transportation. Richard Irwin. 1992 2.1994 . Logistics and supply chain of management. Materials Management and Purchasing. Martin Christopher. Peter Me indl. Ammer D S. Planning and Operation Sunil Chopra.Taraporwala. Pearson Education Asia Reference Books: 1.
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