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COURSE STRUCTURE, SYLLABUSAND SCHEME OF EXAMINATION FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATION (BCA) 2014-15 Onwards Department of Computer Applications 1 VBS PURVANCHAL UNIVERSITY, JAUNPUR DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS VBS PURVANCHAL UNIVERSITY, JAUNPUR STUDY & EVALUATION SCHEME BCA (Bachelor of Computer Applications) Effective from session: 2014-2015 SEMESTER I SUB CODE BCA-101 BCA-102 BCA-103 BCA-104 BCA- L11 BCA- L12 SUBJECT PC SOFTWARE COMPUTER ORGANIZATION PROGRAMMING PRINCIPLES & C LANGUAGE FUNDAMENTAL OF IT PC SOFTWARE LAB PROGRAMMING IN C LAB L 3 3 3 T 1 1 1 P 0 0 0 TA/CT/ESE 10/20/70 10/20/70 10/20/70 TOTAL 100 100 100 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 3 10/20/70 30/70 30/70 100 100 100 TOTAL 600 SEMESTER II SUB CODE BCA-201 BCA-202 BCA-203 BCA-204 SUBJECT OBJECT MODELING & C++ PROGRAMMING SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN L 3 T 1 P TA/CT/ESE 0 10/20/70 TOTAL 100 3 1 0 10/20/70 100 DATA AND FILE STRUCTURE USING C &C++ DISCRETE MATHEMATICS 3 1 0 10/20/70 100 3 1 0 10/20/70 100 2 BCA-L21 BCA-L22 0 0 C++ LAB DS LAB 0 0 3 3 30/70 30/70 TOTAL 100 100 600 DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS VBS PURVANCHAL UNIVERSITY. JAUNPUR STUDY & EVALUATION SCHEME BCA (Bachelor of Computer Applications) Effective from session: 2015-2016 SEMESTER III SUB CODE BCA-301 SUBJECT BCA-302 BCA-303 SOFTWARE ENGINEERING PRINCIPLES OF OPERATING SYSTEM JAVA PROGRAMMING CBNST LAB JAVA LAB BCA-304 BCA-L31 BCA-L32 COMPUTER BASED NUMERICAL & STATISTICAL TECHNIQUES L 3 T 1 P TA/CT/ESE 0 10/20/75 TOTAL 100 3 3 1 1 0 0 10/20/70 10/20/70 100 100 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 3 10/20/70 30/70 30/70 100 100 100 TOTAL 600 SEMESTER IV SUB CODE BCA-401 BCA-402 BCA-403 BCA-404 BCA-L41 BCA-L42 SUBJECT DESIGN & ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHM DATA BASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OPTIMIZATION TECHNIQUES COMPUTER GRAPHICS & ANIMATION DBMS LAB GRAPHICS LAB 3 L 3 T 1 P TA/CT/ESE 0 10/20/70 TOTAL 100 3 1 0 10/20/70 100 3 3 1 1 0 0 10/20/70 10/20/70 100 100 0 0 0 0 3 3 30/70 30/70 100 100 . I WEB DESIGN LAB .NET FRAMEWORK AND C# BCA PROJECT .NET LAB L 3 3 3 T 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 P 0 0 0 3 3 3 TA/CT/ESE 10/20/70 10/20/70 10/20/70 100 30/70 30/70 TOTAL SEMESTER VI 4 TOTAL 100 100 100 100 100 100 600 .TOTAL 600 DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS VBS PURVANCHAL UNIVERSITY. JAUNPUR STUDY & EVALUATION SCHEME BCA (Bachelor of Computer Applications) Effective from session: 2016-2017 SEMESTER V SUB CODE BCA-501 BCA-502 BCA-503 BCA-P51 BCA-L52 BCA-L53 SUBJECT WEB DESIGN DATA MINING . Opening. System tools. Using the Interface (Toolbars and Menus) MS Excel: Concept of Workbook. Editing. Unit – IV MS-Office: MS World: Opening. CUI. Types of software. WordPad. Creating. Selecting/Copying/Moving data in a worksheet.II COMPREHENSIVE VIVA TOTAL 600 L 3 T 1 P TA/CT/ESE 0 10/20/70 TOTAL 100 3 3 1 1 0 0 100 100 200 100 10/20/70 10/20/70 200 100 SEMESTER I PC SOFTWARE BCA 101 Unit-I Introduction: Definition of a PC and its components.SUB CODE BCA-601 BCA-602 BCA-603 BCA-P61 BCA-P62 SUBJECT DATA COMMUNICATION & COMPUTER NETWORKS E-COMMERCE MULTIMEDIA SYSTEM BCA PROJECT . Start Button. Folders. Difference between a program and software. Unit – V Macromedia Flash: 5 . Unit – III MS Windows: Basic multiprogramming concept. My Document. Creating. MS Power Point: Business presentation and their advantages. Concept of files and directories. Concept of software. Concept of login and logout. My Computer. Calculator. Unit-II MS DOS: Basic Operating system concept. Partition of disk. Date and Time setting. Recycle Bin. Internal and External DOS commands. Opening. Finding and Replacing Texts. Limitation of DOS. Task Bar. GUI. My Network. Data entry in cell. Hardware and firmware. saving a presentation. Creating. Booting of the system. Saving a document. Saving a workbook and organization of worksheets in a workbook. Binary counters. Computer System Architecture. Memory Hierarchy. Handshaking. octal & hexadecimal ect. Minterms. Decoder. Virtual memory. I/O interface. Single Accumulator organization. KMap simplification. Mano(PHI) 6 . Octal & Hexadecimal number system. Memory management hardware. DMS transfer. Unit – IV Input-Output Organization Peripheral devices. IOP Unit – V Processor Organization Formats. Full adder. Associative memory. M. Stack organization. Animation techniques. Demultiplexer. Encoder. Direct memory access. Creating combining interactivity and multiple scenes. Office 2000 2. data transfer and manipulation. Simplification of Boolean functions. Sanjay Saxena : A first course in Computers SEMESTER I COMPUTER ORGANIZATION BCA 102 Unit – I Number System Introduction. Flip-Flops. Asynchronous data transfer. Auxiliary memory. Modes of transfer. Flash animation. Unit – III Memory Organization RAM. Addressing modes. Books: 1. Representation of numbers in computer and various character codes. ROM. Basic drawing techniques. Creating transparency effects using text in Flash. Book: 1. Unit – II Logic Gates Boolean algebra.Macromedia products. General register organization. Cache memory. Binary. Multiplexer. Conversion form decimal to binary. Type of commands. Strobe control. Maxrerms. Half adder. Multidimensional array. Condition. Identifiers. GOTO statement. The form of C function. If-else. Increment. No arguments. 3. While loop. Tannenbaum(PHI) Computer Organization. arguments but no return. structure initialization. Two dimensional array. Array of structure. Unit – II Branching & Looping Decision making with if. Unit – III Function Function declaration. Declaration of Variables. recursion. pointer and function. 4. declaring and initializing pointers. Operators Arithmetic. pointer to pointer Unit – IV Structure & Union Structure definition. 5. Assigning values to variables. Pointers Accessing address of a variable. History of C. giving values to members. pointer expression. Logical.2. Do While loop. Stallings(PHI) Computer Organization. Size of structure. Introduction of programming languages. no return value. Arithmetic expressions. Computer Organization. Break and Continue statements. Initializing array. Flowcharts. Vravice. Return values and their type. Executing C Program Data Types Constant. Basic structure of C Programming. structure within structure. pointer and structure. Tokens. pointer and array. Zaky & Hamacher Publication) Structured Computer Organization. calling a function. variables. Relational. Assignment. Switch Statement. Keywords. Nesting of function. Union definition 7 . Array One dimensional array. Bit wise operators.Hayes (McGraw Hill) (TMH SEMESTER I PROGRAMMING PRINCIPLES AND C LANGUAGE BCA 103 Unit – I Introduction Algorithm. John P. Decrement operators. FOR Loop. multiprogramming. Balaguruswamy 3. WAN. Machine level language. Unix operating system Unit – III Software: Need. Unit – IV Data Communication & networks: Types of Network – LAN. Assembler. Programming techniques – Top Down. Flow charts – symbols. Application software. Pseudo codes. Topologies of LAN – Ring. Unit – V Tools for Program Development: Algorithms. Books: 8 . Intranet. Classification of computers on size.Unit – V File Handling Defining and opening file. closing a file. components of OS. Bus. MAN. Compiler and Interpreter. advantage and disadvantage. Types of OS. Types of software – System software. Programming in C: Gottfried 2. Types of computers. capabilities and limitation of computer. DOS operating system. Utility programs. Random access to file. Mesh and Tree. Dynamic memory allocation Allocating and reallocating memory. Bottom-up. Programming in ANSI C: E. File & Directories & their use in different OS. Unit – II Operating system concepts Introduction to OS. Rules for making flow chart. Generation of computers. Star. Let us C : Y. Kanetkar SEMESTER I FUNDAMENTAL OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY BCA 104 Unit – I Introduction Definition of an Electronic Digital Computer. Characteristics and Applications of Computers. Modular. Structured. Types of flow chart. Introduction to programming languages. Programming languages – Assembly language. characteristics. multitasking & time sharing. Error handling in file. allocating memory for structure and array Books: 1. Computer Hardware components and their functions. I/O operations on file. Internet. Window operating system. High level language. Application software. 1. dynamic initialization. friend functions. dynamic initialization of objects. destructors. reference variable. tokens. main() function. data types. Functional Modeling: Data flow diagram. private member functions. constraints. Arora & S. constraints. Operator Overloading: Introduction. Basic concepts. static member functions. constructors with default arguments. manipulators. dynamic memory allocation. operators. 2. default arguments. method of overloading. links and association. Ram Information Technology: D. nested state diagrams and concurrency. multiple constructors in a class. Benefits and its applications. multiple inheritance. prototyping. virtual base classes. Functions in C++: Introduction. candidate keys. various storage classes. Overloading unary and binary operators. Basics of C++. specifying operations. Unit – V Inheritance: Definition. Computer & Languages: A. 3. function overloading. rules for overloading oprators. a sample dynamic model. 4. control structure. definition. a sample functional model. Private and public members. Unit – III Introduction: OOP Paradigm. base and derived classes. call and return by reference. meta data. Bansal Computer Fundamental: B. manipulation of strings using operators. inline function. abstract class. Cyganski & J. Orr fundamentals of information technology: Leon & Leon SEMESTER II OBJECT MODELING & C++ PROGRAMMING BCA 201 Unit – I Object Modeling: Objects and classes. Dynamic Polymorphism: 9 . operations. type of inhreitence and their implementation. aggregation. generalization and inheritance. parameterized constructors. OMT (object modeling techniques) methodologies.A. Unit – II Dynamic Modeling: Events and states. copy constructor. Concepts of structure and class. abstract class. advanced dynamic modeling concepts. Unit – IV Constructor and Destructor: Introduction. Object oriented programming with C++: Balaguruswamy 2. System performance constraints. Operational & Economic Feasibilities. UNIT-IV Management standards – Systems analysis standards. data dictionary. data validation. form driven methodology. Job Responsibilities & duties of EDP Personnel’s. Cost/Benefit Analysis: Data analysis. pseudo codes. Elements of system. Programmers. UNIT-II Initial Investigation: Determining users requirements and analysis. Flow charts. Lafore SEMESTER II SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN BCA 202 UNIT-I System Concept: Definition. system development manual. cost and benefit analysis of a new system. Books: 1. operator manual. pointers to derived class. layout consideration. decision tree. Gantt charts. screen design. System Planning: Base for planning a system. open and closed system. Documentation standards – User Manual. fact finding process and techniques. Characteristics.Introduction. 10 . run flow charts etc. System testing & quality: System testing and quality assurance. steps in system implementation and software maintenance. Operators etc. System Development Life Cycle: Various phases of system development. UNIT-V Organization of EDP: Introduction. Programming standards. man-made information systems. Object oriented programming: Budd 3. data diagram. feasibility report. diagram. context. system model. Input/ Output and Form Design: Input and output form design methodologies. Considerations for system planning and control for system success. menu. Object oriented programming with C++: R. Feasibility study: Determination of feasibility study. Categories determination and system proposal. virtual functions.system flow chart.EDP manager. System Analyst. decision tables. Operating standards. Dimensions of Planning. UNIT-III Tools of structured Analysis: Logical and Physical models. programming specifications. this pointer. programming manual.. Physical and abstract system. pure virtual functions. and identification of system objectives. Technical. pointers to object. IPO and HIPO charts. Books:  E. insertion sort. Representation and analysis. Application arrays. traversal. rent-advantages and disadvantages. Address calculation. binary tree. Dreamtech Press 2. graphs. Modern System Analysis &Design by A Hoffer. SEMESTER II DATA & FILE STRUCTURE USING ‘C’ BCA 203 Unit – I Introduction Basic Technology. System Analysis & Design by V K Jain. analysis of sorting algorithms. Unit – II Array: Array Definition. tree-traversal. merge sort of linked list. Ordered list. balanced tree.Essential features in EDP Organization. selection sort. Character string operation. quick short. Unit – III Stack and Queue and Link List: Static & Dynamic data structure. Data structure operations. lease. Pearson Education. conversion of general tree to binary tree. doubly linked list. Character string in C. Hardware and software procurement – In-house purchase v/s hiring and lease. lower bounds. linked stack & queue. rotation of tree. Selection of Data Processing Resources: purchase. Unit – IV Tree and Graph: Definition & concept of tree. inverted file. “Data Structure”. binary search. sparse matrix and vectors. connected components & spanning tree. searching algorithms & their analysis. F George. Indexing techniques. Single and Multidimensional arrays. Books: 1. Galgotia 11 . definition. Unit – V Searching & sorting Sequential search. concepts. Algorithm Complexity. linked organization. Horowitz & Sahini. random organization. S Valaciah Low Priced Edn. Files. algorithms and application of stack & queues. linked list operation. shortest path & transitive closure. File Structure: External storage device. Array as parameters. Elementary data organization. Sequential organization. Hamiltonian Graph. 12 . Necessary and Sufficient conditions. Minimal spanning tree : Kruskal’s and Prim’s Algorithm. permutation group. coset. Bipartite graph and Complete Bipartite graph. cyclic group. Fundamental Circuit. Normal forms. Hand Shaking Lemma. Radius. Path and Circuits and their properties. automorphism. Ford and Fulkerson algorithm. Edonds and Karp algorithm. connectives. Unit . “Data Structure” TMH SEMESTER II DISCRETE MATHEMATICS BCA 204 Unit – I Set Relation And Function : Sets & subsets. Operations on graph. Augmenting path. Cuts in a Network. Unit – V Trees and Spanning Trees: Tree.  Tenebaum. Randomly Eulerian graph. cartesion product of two sets composition of relation. Pseudograph. Simple graph. “Data Structure & program design in C” PHI Lipschutz. Theory of inference for the statement calculus.mathematical function.IV Eulerian and Hamiltonian Graph: Unicursal and Eulerian graph. mapping. Network Flow: Networks: Flows. Cayley’s Formula for number of spanning tree. sub field & Ring. Menger’s Theorems. Traveling Salesman Problem. Group & fields: Group. Distance. type of relation. Properties of tree.set operation. Field. Predicate calculus. Connectivity and Seperability. Fleury’s Algorithm. Diameter of a tree. Max-flow Min-cut theory. isomorphism. Spanning tree. homomorphism. Unit – III Basic concept of Graph: Basics of Graph. endomorphism. Shortest Path Problem. Finite & infinite group. Sub graphs. Chinese Postman Problem. exponential & logarithmic functions. sub group. Unit – II Mathematical Logic: Statement & Notations. Walk. Multigraph. power set. Unit – V Correlation: Significance of study of Correlation. Newton-Raphson method. Unit – IV Statistics: Statistics and its role in decision making. Elements of Discrete Mathematics: C. Unit – II Simultaneous Linear Equations: Solution of systems of linear equations. S.Books: 1. Internal and external source of data. Operations. Umesh Pub. Delhi SEMESTER III COMPUTER BASED NUMERICAL AND STATISTICAL TECHNIQUES BCA 301 Unit – I Floating Point Arithmetic: Representation of floating point number. Partial and Multiple Correlation. Newton Divided difference formula. Polynomial Interpolation: Newton forward and backward formula. Error in numerical computation. Gauss Seidal method. Regression Lines: Regression equation of Y on X and X on Y. Books: 13 . “Graph Theory and its Applications”. Simple and weighted mean. Central Difference formula: Gauss forward and backward formula. Simple. Pitfalls of floating point representation. Use of Regression analysis.. Gauss elimination direct method and Pivoting. Difference tables. Linear and Non-linear correlation. Coefficient of Correlation. median and mode. Ill conditioned system of equations. Refinement of solution. Interpolation with unequal intervals: Langrange’s interpolation. Regula-Falsi method. Liu 2. Pal. Normalization.L. Iterative Methods: Bisection methods. Difference between correlation and regression analysis. Unit – III Interpolation and approximation: Finite differences. Formation of frequency distribution and types of frequency distribution. Types of Correlation: Positive and Negative correlation. Design specification and Verification. Information hiding. Software Configuration management. Forth generation techniques. Cost estimation. Structured approach. Programming style and internal documentation. “Software Engineering: A practitioner’s approach”.   Rajaraman. Integration testing. Structural testing. the project). “Applied numerical Analysis”. Requirement specification. Functional independence. Reliability assessment. “ Software Engineering”. Coupling. Alpha and Beta testing. Book:  Pressman. Cohesiveness. “Numerical Analysis and algorithms”. Monitoring and Control. Unit – III Software Design: Design principles. the process. Unit – IV Coding: Top-down and Bottom-up programming. Software testing strategies. AW. project scheduling. Software architecture. Test case specification. Functional testing. PHI Gerald and Wheatly. Prototyping Spiral Model. Test plane. TMH. TMH  Pankaj Jalote. Top-down and Bottom-up design. Staffing. “Computer Oriented Numerical Methods”. Structured VS Unstructured maintenance. Importance of Software. Verification and validation. Unit – II Software requirement specification: Software process. Pradip Niyogi. Structured programming. Incremental Model. Testing: Testing principles. Role of Management in Software development. Role of matrices and measurement. Abstraction. Narosa 14 . Water Fall Model. Unit testing. The feauters of software. SEMESTER III SOFTWARE ENGINEERING BCA 302 Unit – I Introduction Introduction to Software Engineering. Functional versus Object oriented approach. Unit – V Software Project Management: The Management spectrum – (The people. Software development life-cycle. Levels of testing. The product. Problem partitioning. Problem analysis. Monitoring and Control. system testing and debugging. Unit – IV Memory Management Real storage. multiple base register. Bourn shell. system components. PHI. prevention. allocation of frames. Ghezzi. critical section. multiprogramming with variable partition. shell meta characteristics. SEMESTER III PRINCIPALS OF OPERATING SYSTEM BCA 303 Unit – I Introduction Operating system and functions. state transition. integer arithmetic & string manipulation. batch. virtual memory concept. Deadlock System model. Tannebaum 3. Operating system: Andrew S. Round-Robin. paging. page replacement algorithms. demand paging. interrupts. operating system services. basic commands. resident monitor. time-sharing & real time systems. “Fundamental of Software Engineering”. scheduling algorithms such as FCFS. shell variables & scripts. korn shell & C shell. multiprogramming with fixed partition. process control block. SJF. paged segmentation. Operating system : Paterson 2. Books: 1. thrashing. Carlo and Others. system structure. environment. System protection. impact on performance Unit – V UNIX/LINUX Unix system kernel & Utilities. performance criteria. producer-consumer problem. deadlock characterization. principle of concurrency. File & Directories. Single & compound statement. Stalling 15 . decision making. Operating System: W. Unit – II Concurrent process Process. cache memory organization. interactive. Unit – III CPU scheduling Scheduling concept. segmentation. evaluation of operating system. Inheritance : Basics types. switch. Streams. throw. branching and looping: if. sound and video. one and two dimensional arrays. keywords. Multilevel hierarchy abstract and final classes. do. packages. 16 . Wrapper classes. Decision making. Object class. “The Complete Reference: Java”. predefined streams. animation. Balagurusamy. Java thread model: priorities. uncaught exceptions. Packages and interfaces. return. jump statements : break. else.. Books: 1. variables and data types. for statements. class inheritance. Extending Interfaces. throw. Unit – II Arrays and strings: creating an array. Runnable interface. Introducing classes. networking classes and interfaces. string array and methods. graphics and text. Adapter and Inner Classes. ?: operator. util. creating your own exceptions. creating objects. labeled loops. the Delegation Event Model. built in exception. Byte and Character stream. using java. net). “Object Oriented Modeling and Design”. Unit – IV Input/Output: package. Event Listener Interfaces. Reading and writing from console and files. using AWT controls. James Rumbaugh etal. using super. TMH. E. Networking: Basics. “Programming in JAVA”. interthread Communication. constructors. handling Image. Unit – III Exception Handling: Fundamentals exception types. Layout managers and menus. Using Standard Java Packages (lang. final. Operators and expressions. io. continue. Multithreaded Programming: Fundamentals. adding variables and methods. Working with windows. objects and methods: defining a class. while. Event Classes. PHI 2. doing TCP/IP and Datagram Programming. suspending. String and String Buffer classes. TMH. Java Applet. thread class. messaging. resuming and stopping threads. Access protection. Unit – V Event Handling: Different mechanism. Herbert Schieldt.SEMESTER III JAVA PROGRAMMING BCA 304 Unit – I Introduction to Java: Importance and features of java. 3. synchronization. constants. Fundamental of Computer Algorithms: Horowitz & Sahani 17 . Radix Sort. Optimal storage on tapes. Heap Sort. Sets. Unit – III Dynamic Programming: 0-1 Knapsack problem. Coloring of tree. Summation. Greedy Methods – Minimum spanning tree. Matrix chain multiplication problem. Recurrence. Graph coloring. Mathematical Foundations. Dijkastra’s Algorithm for shortest paths from a single source. Leiserson. Introduction to Algorithms: Cormen.SEMESTER IV DESIGN & ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHM BCA 401 Unit – I Introduction: Algorithm. Analysis of algorithm. Selection Sort. Counting & Probability. Bucket Sort. Chromatic number. Growth of functions. Unit – V Branch & Bound Traveling salesman problem Books: 1. Optimal binary search tree. Fractional Knapsack problem. Unit – II Divide & Conquer: Searching: Binary search. Quick sort. Rivest 2. Merge sort. Sorting: Counting Sort. Unit – IV Back Tracking: 8 Queen Problem. Designing Algorithm. Silbertz. Types of SQL commands. inclusion dependences. Navathe. candidate key. primary key. Unit. Generalization.II Data Modeling using the Entity Relationship Model: ER model concepts. Data definitions language. data models schema and instances. Concepts of Super Key. second. Keys constraints. Unit. Addision Wesley 2 Korth. Unit. Aggregate functions. Database system concepts and architecture. Insert. “An Introduction To Database System”. SQL data types and literals.V Data Base Design & Normalization: Functional dependencies. Sudarshan. normal forms. referential integrity. Tables. aggregation.I Introduction: An overview of database management system. keys. third normal forms. McGraw Hill 3 Elmasri. DML. Intersection. Queries and sub queries. BCNF. Unit. Geographical Databases. Data Warehousing. “Database Concepts”. “Database Management System”. reduction of an ER diagrams to tables. SQL operators and their procedure. Addision Wesley 4 Leon & Leon. Text Books 1 Date C J. extended ER model. data independence and data base language and interfaces. loss less join decompositions. Minus. first. Data Mining. update and delete operations.SEMESTER IV DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM BCA 402 Unit. notation for ER diagram. Vikas Publishing House.III Relational data Model and Language: Relational data model concepts. integrity constraints: entity integrity.IV Introduction to SQL: Characteristics of SQL. Modern Trends in Database Management: Introduction to Internet Database. Domain constraints. Overall Database Structure. database system Vs file system. “Fundamentals Of Database Systems”. 18 . relational algebra. Unions. Advantage of SQL. Joins. mapping constraints. Graphical Solution of two variable LPP..P. Mathematical Formulation. Assignment Problems. Unit – II Transportation Problems: Introduction to Transportation model. Simplex Methods and artificial variable. Multistage decision problem and its solution by dynamic programming. Matrix form of TP.P Algorithm.P. Finding I. Problem of Degenracy & Concept of Duality. Unbalanced Transportation Problems. Unit – V Dynamic Programming: Bellman’s principle of optimality of dynamic programming. D. Sensitivity Analysis.P by D. Application of TP model. PERT. Books: 1. Degeneracy. Traveling Salesman problem. Solution of L.P. Operation Research – An Introduction : Taha 19 .F. CPM. Processing n Jobs through m machine. Canonical and Standard forms of LPP. Unit – IV PERT & CPM: Min-Max Flows. Processing n Jobs through two machine.S. Processing n Jobs through three machine. Unit – III Sequencing Models and Related Problems: Sequencing Problem. Processing 2 Jobs through m machine.P. Solution of Disurete D. Operation Research: Kantiswaroop 2. Network and Basic Components.SEMESTER IV OPTIMIZATION TECHNIQUES BCA 403 Unit – I Linear Programming: Definition of LPP. Optimality Tests. Problem Solving using PERT & CPM.B.P. Recursive Equation Approach. General LPP Problem. Polygons: Polygons representation. Scalar product of two vectors. Reflection. Plasma display. Representational. Matrices and operations related to matrices. Liquid Crystal display. Vector representation. routines. Composite Transformation. Bresenharm’s Algorithms. Input Devices: Keyboard. Vector addition and vector multiplication. Line Drawing Algorithms: DDA Algorithms. Printers. Stochastic. Metrics transformation. Types of Animation. Tablet. creating. and Digitizing Camera. deleting & renaming a segments visibility. Mouse. Raster Scan Display. PC’s. Plotters. etc. Principles of Animation. Scaling. Books  Rogers “Procedural Element of Computer Graphics “ TMH  Harrington’s “computer Graphics A programming Approach Ii Edition 20 . Wave front etc. Rotation. filling polygons UNIT-III Transformations Translation. UNIT-IV Segments Segments table. Joystick. entering polygons. Trackball. UNIT-II Mathematics for Computer Graphics: Point representation. Vector product of two vectors. Animation studio. Amiga etc. Types of Animation Systems : Scripting. Software : Adobe Photoshop. Transformation. image transformation UNIT-V Animation : Introduction to Animation.SEMESTER IV COMPUTER GRAPHICS & ANIMATION BCA 404 UNIT –I Graphics Primitives: Display Devices: Refresh Cathode Ray Tube. Procedural. Animation Tools : Hardware –SGI. Light Pen. Role of Databases in web applications. url. Web Warrior series. Counters. Rick Dranell. http. “HTML4 unleashed”. C. Xavier. Unit – II Principles of Web Design: Key issues to be considered in web site design. Web Browsers. Techmedia Publication. Tata McGraw Hill. Static & Dynamic Web pages. Backgrounds and Color Control. CGI. Shelly Powers. Creating forms. Internet protocols like TCP/IP. Search Engines. “Dynamic Web Publishing Unleashed”. Don Gosselin. SEMESTER V DATA MINING 21 . Building HTML documents. HTML Tags: Use of Different HTML tags in web pages. Unit – IV Interactivity: Client Server Model. Elements of HTML syntax. constructing tables in a web page. “World Wide Web Design with HTML”. Inserting text. 4. Vikas Publication 6. Unit – V Web Technologies: Overview of various web technologies and their applications like Java Script. “JavaScript”. ordered and unordered lists. Sams net. content layout & presentation. email. Structure of a Web Page: Introduction to HTML. Head and Body sections. Gif Animator etc.SEMESTER V WEB DESIGN BCA 501 Unit – I Overview of Internet: Introduction to Internet and WWW. “World Wide Web Database”. Chat & Bulletin Board Services. Graphical and Animation Techniques: Use of Different graphical and animation tools like Abode Photoshop. 2. Techmedia. 5. images. hyperlinks. domain name. Mark Swank & Drew Kittel. 3. active server pages. “Principles of Web Design”. Joel Sklar. telnet and ftp. embedding java applets in a web page etc. Unit – III HTML Editors & Tools: Use of different HTML editors and tools like Netscape Communicator and Microsoft Front Page etc. Books: 1. Table Handling : Table layout & presentation. Macromedia flash. developing a web page in a table. important Data mining .various kind of data Data mining Functionalities – Various kinds of Patterns Pattern Interesting Classification of Data mining Systems Data mining Task Primitives Integration of Data Mining System Major issues in Data Mining.Concept Hierarchy Generation UNIT-III Data Warehouse OLAP Technology An overview .Basic Concepts Road Map Efficient Scalable Frequent Item set Mining methods Mining – Various Kinds of Association rules Analysis Association mining to Correlation Constrain Based Association mining UNIT-V Applications Trends . Data mining .Data Warehouse Multidimensional Data Model Data Warehouse Architecture Data Warehouse Implementation From Data Warehouse to Data mining UNIT-IV Mining – Frequent Patterns Associations Correlations . Author : Jiawei Han and Micheline Kamber Publishers : Morgan Kaufmann Publishers ( An imprint of Elsevier )  22 .BCA 502 UNIT-I Introduction .Process the Data Descriptive Data Summarization – Measuring Central Tendency Dispersion of Data Graphic Displays of –Basic Descriptive Data Summaries Data Cleaning Data Integration and Transformation data Reduction Data Discrimination . UNIT-II Data Processing .What is Data mining .Data mining Applications Data mining – System Products Research Prototype Additional Themes on Data Mining Social impact of Data mining Trends in Data mining. Book :  Data Mining ( Concepts and Techniques ). Object and classes. C# in Web application. Array and Strings.Net class library intermediate language. Common language.NET FRAMEWORK AND C# BCA 503 Unit – I The . Graphical device interface with C#. The . Input-output. Messaging reflection. XML and C#. TMH  Fergal Grimes. Variables and Constants. Unit – IV Advanced Features using C#: Web services. COM and C#. Garbage collection Unit – II C# Basics: Introduction. Localization. The base class library. “Microsoft .  Shildt. Unit – V Advanced Features using C#: Distributed Application in C#. Unit – III C# Using Libraries: Namespace systems. C# statements. Error Handling. Common type system. SPD. “C# with . Object oriented concept. SEMESTER VI DATA COMMUNICATION & COMPUTER NETWORKS BCA 601 Unit – I Digital Communication: 23 . Book:  Shibi Panikkar and Kumar Sanjeev. Multi-threading.Net Framework”. Case study.SEMESTER V . Identifiers. Just-in-time compilation.Net for Programmers”. Window services.Net Framework: Introduction. Common language specification. Run-time. Firewall Media. unsafe mode. “C#: The Complete Reference”. Data types. Windows forms. Data handling. Networking and Sockets. Examples of Data Link Protocols. Wireless transmission. Techmedia. Unit – IV The Medium Access Sub layer: The channel allocation problem. 2. Frequency modulation. Network devicesrepeaters. DPSK. data link protocols. Fibre Cable. 1999. Modulation. the telephone system. switches and bridges. “Data & Network Communication”. Channel Noise. narrowband ISDN. Baseband Coaxial Cable. 3rd Ed. Standards and Interfaces”. Unit . Band pass data transmission system ASK. internetworking. Cable Mounting. high-speed LANs. sliding window protocols. Reference Model (ISO-OSI. IP Address Classes. transmission media-Magnetic Media. 1999. broadband ISDN and ATM.. Domain Name Registration & Physical Layer: Theoretical basis for data communication. Laura Chappell (ed).. Miller. Unit – III Data Link Layer: Data link layer design issues. “Computer Networks”. 1996. Stallings W. multiple access protocols. congestion control algorithm. PSK. MSK. Registrars Unit – II Introduction: Uses of Computer Networks. Amplitude modulation. PHI. “Introduction to Cisco Router Configuration”. hubs.. Transmitter. 5. Communication Channel. PHI. PCM. the network layer in the internet. Twisted Pair. Sampling pulse modulation. 3. the network layer in ATM networks. Tananbaum A. “Computer Networks-Protocols. IEEE standard 802 for LANS and MANS. Network Architecture. Structured Cabling. error detection and correction.S.Fundamentals of Digital Communication. TCP/IPOverview. Cable Testing. Subneting). Base Band Data Transmission: Synchronization and Scrambler and unscramble. “Computer Communication Networks”. Broadband Coaxial Cable. Vikas Publication SEMESTER VI E-COMMERCE BCA 602 Unit – I Introduction: 24 . PHI. Black U. routing algorithms. Books: 1. 4.V Network Layer: Network layer design issues. satellite networks. Michael A. Unit – III Web Security: Security issue on web. Digital tokens. Books: 1. Advantages and disadvantages of E-Commerce. Wireless application protocol. Electronic potential of E-Commerce. On line banking. Smart card. Mobile computing Applications. Symmetric Encryption keys and data Encryption standards. Payment gateway. Certificate. Unit – II Mobile Commerce: Introduction. Asymmetric Encryption – Secret key Encryption. Network security. Limitation of firewall. Definition of E-Commerce. WAP technology. Magnetic strip card. Unit – IV Encryption: Encryption techniques. E-checks. Unit – V Electronic Payment: Overview. Mobile information device. Triple Encryption. Bajaj & Negi: E-Commerce the cutting edge of Business 25 . Components of Firewall. Credit card. Public and Private key Encryption.Electronic Commerce – Technology& Prospects. Forces behind E-Commerce. Security threats. Ravi Kalakota: Frontieres of Electronic Commerce 2. Firewall. Unit – III Macromedia products. Zig Zag coding. colors. Audio and Video Capture. recent development in Multimedia. “Multimedia Systems”. Digital Audio. Text Sound (MIDI). MIDI under Windows environment. Excel  Sleinreitz. Audio file formats. “Multimedia Systems”. Book:  Tay Vaughan. Memory and storage Devices. Sampling Variables. JPEG compression. Basic drawing techniques. Lossy compression & Silence compression. Lossy graphic compression. Production and Planning of Multimedia applications. Image file formatic animations Image Standards. Vector drawing. Addison Wesley  Andreas Halzinger. “Multimedia Basics”. Multimedia hardware. Loss Less compression of sound. Unit – V Multimedia monitor bitmaps.SEMESTER VI MULTIMEDIA SYSTEMS BCA 603 Unit . Video representation. Unit – IV Digital Audio concept. Scope of multimedia in business & work. Unit – II Production and Planning of Multimedia building blocks. video compression. Communication Devices. “Multimedia Making it Work”. MPEG standards. Advance animation techniques.I Evolution of Multimedia and its objects. Addison Wesley 26 . Multimedia Software. Creating multi layer combining interactivity and multiple scenes. Firewell Media  Agrawal & Tiwari.
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