
March 18, 2018 | Author: Shubham Bansal | Category: Boundary Layer, Sewage Treatment, Water Purification, Groundwater, Turbulence



INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEENAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE: Department of Civil Engineering 1. Subject Code: CEN-501 Course Title: Environmental Modeling & Simulation 2. Contact Hours: L:3 T:1 P:2/2 3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory : 3 4. Relative Weight: CWS: 20 5. Credits : 04 PRS: 20 Practical : 0 MTE: 20 ETE: 40 6. Semester : Autumn PRE: 0 7. Subject Area: PCC 8. Pre-requisite: Nil 9. Objective : To develop students skills for using computer to analyze, design and control environmental systems. 10. Details of the Course S.N. Contents Contact Hours 1 Introduction to modeling and simulation, development process and applications; 5 Model classification and evaluation; Basics of Environmental System Design; Software Packages 2 Lumped and distributed parameter models, solution methods using MATLAB; 7 Simulation methodologies, continuous, discrete, Monte - Carlo, agent-based, game theory, system dynamics 3 Design of experiments, Reactor Modeling, kinetics, parameter estimation, RTD studies 5 and flow regimes 4 Cluster analysis, ecological modeling, classification of ecological data, stability of 6 complex ecosystems 5 Microbial dynamics, mixing in lakes, river self-purification, dynamics of DO, BOD 7 and nutrients 6 Modeling transport phenomena, atmospheric and porous media transport and 7 transformation of pollutants 7 Environmental risk management, health risk assessment, Uncertainty and information 5 dissemination Total 42 List of Experiments: 1. Introductory exercises on MATLAB and other software 2. Solving lumped and distributed parameter models on MATLAB 3. Simulation using MATLAB – an exercise on a simulation method 4. Design of experiment and modeling of a bioreactor using MATLAB 5. Design problems related to water and wastewater systems using suitable software 6. Analysis of DO, BOD and nutrient dynamics in lake and river self purification 7. Analysis of cluster in ecological modeling and stability of a complex ecosystem 8. Modeling pollutant transport and transformation through atmosphere or porous media. 11. Suggested Books S.N 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Name of Authors/Books/Publishers Deaton, M.L and Winebrake, J.J., “Dynamic Modeling of Environmental Systems”, Springer-Verlag. Walter J. Weber, Jr., “Environmental Systems and Processes – Principles”, Modeling and Design, Wiley Interscience. Metcalf and Eddy Inc., “Wastewater Engineering : Treatment and Reuse”, 4th Ed., Tata McGraw Hill. Ramaswami, A., “Integrated Environmental Modeling”, John Wiley. Ramasami, A., “Integrated Environmental Modeling”, John Wiley & Sons. Year of Publication/ Reprint 2000 2001 2003 2005 2005 INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE: Department of Civil Engineering 1. Subject Code: CEN-502 Course Title: 2. Contact Hours : L: 3 T: 1 P: 0 3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory : 3 4. Relative Weight: CWS : 25 5. Credits : 04 Water Treatment PRS : 0 Practical : 0 MTE : 25 6. Semester: Autumn ETE : 50 PRE : 0 7. Subject Area: PCC 8. Pre-requisite: Nil 9. Objective: To familiarize the students with principles, design and operation of various conventional and advanced processes for treatment of water. 10. Details of Course: S. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Introduction to Unit Operations and Processes Involved in Water Treatment, Natural purification of water Coarse Material Removal Operations: Coarse Screens, Fine Bar Screens, Disc and Drum Screens, Pre-Settling Tank Aeration-Iron and Manganese Removal. Coagulation and Flocculation: Rapid mixing, Floccultaion, Different Types of Flocculators, Mechanical Mixers. Sedimentation: Theoretical Concepts, Class-1 Clarification, Class-2 Clarification, Zone Settling, Compression, Resuspension of Particles by Turbulence, Short Circuiting and Dispersion, Different Types of Sedimentation Tanks, Tube Settlers. Filtration: General Features of Rapid Sand and Deep Bed Filters, Filter Media, Characteristics and Preparation, Different Operating Parameters Affecting the Filtration Performance, Hydraulics of Filtration and Backwashing Cycles, Removal Particles, Removal Mechanisms of Filtration. Chemical Precipitation, Hardness Removal- Lime Soda Softening. Adsorption: Different Types of Adsorption, Adsorption Isotherms, Adsorption Kinetics in Batch Reactors, Breakthrough Curve and Design of Fixed Bed Adsorber. Principles of different membrane processes: Reverse Osmosis, Electrodialysis, Nanofiltration, Ultrafiltration, Microfiltration. Effect of Operational Parameters, Membrane antifouling techniques. Removal of nitrate, fluoride , iron, manganese, arsenic etc. from water Disinfection- Chlorination, UV & Ozonation, Advanced Oxidation Processes. Removal of organics from drinking water: organics in raw water, reactions of organics with disinfections and their health implications, strategies for organic reduction and removal, case studies. Sludge Treatment- Sludge generation & various methods of sludge treatment and disposal from water treatment plants Total 11. Suggested Books: S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Contents Name of Authors/Books/Publishers Contact Hours 4 4 7 6 7 7 7 42 Year of Publication/ Reprint Weber, W.J., “Physico-chemical Processess”, Wiley Interscience 1983 S. Vigneswaran and C. Visvanathan, “Water Treatment Processes: Simple Options”, 1995 CRC Press. R.L.Droste, “Theory and Practice of Water and Wastewater Treatment”, John Wiley. 1997 S.R. Qasim, Edward and Motley and Zhu, H., “Water Works Engineering – 2002 Planning, Design and Operation”, Prentice Hall, India. Nicholas G. Pizzi, “Water Treatment Operator Handbook”, American Water Works 2005 Association. INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE: CIVIL ENGINEERING 1. Subject Code: CEN-503 2. Contact Hours: L: 3 Course Title: T: 1 P:0 3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory : 3 4. Relative Weight: CWS: 25 5. Credits : 04 Wastewater Treatment PRS : 0 Practical : 0 MTE : 25 6. Semester: Autumn ETE: 50 PRE: 0 7. Subject Area: PCC 8. Pre-requisite: Nil 9. Objective: To familiarize the students with principles, design and operation of various conventional and advanced processes for treatment of water and wastewater. 10. Details of Course: S. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Contact Hours Introduction: Biological Wastewater Treatment, Biological Sludge Treatment. Biological 5 Systems: Fundamentals of Microbiology and Biochemistry, Bioenergetics and Metabolism, Kinetics of Biological Growth. Process Analysis: Reaction Rates, Effect of Temperature on Reaction Rate, Enzyme 5 Reaction and Kinetics, Effect of Temperature on Reaction Rate, Reactor Analysis, Residence Time Distribution. Sewerage System: Domestic wastewater characteristics, Flow equalization, population 7 equivalent, Treatment flow chart. Primary, secondary and tertiary treatment of domestic wastewater. Downstream Wastewater Treatment for Reuse and Recycle – Need for downstream processing, Guidelines for wastewater recycling, Small and package plants for wastewater treatment Activated Sludge Process: Substrate Utilization and Biomass Growth, Monod’s 6 Kinetics, Estimation of Kinetic Parameters, Process Description and its Modification, Process Design, Process Performance Evaluation, Trouble Shooting. Nitrogen RemovalBiological nitrification and Denitrification. Activated sludge process design for nutrient removal, Process operation: (F/M), mean 7 cell residence time, oxygen requirement. Biological and Chemical phosphorus removal, Sedimentation of Activated Sludge. Advanced Activated Sludge Process- Sequencing Batch Reactor, Oxidation Ditch and membrane bioreactors Biofilm Process: Trickling Filter, Biotower, Rotational Biological Contactor, Integrated 7 Activated Sludge and Biofilm processes. Stabilization Ponds & Aerated Lagoons: Types and their description, Design, Operation and Maintenance Anaerobic Processes: Process Description; Process Design, Operation and Maintenance; 5 Sludge Digestion. Sludge Treatment- Thickening, Dewatering- Mechanical and Sludge drying Beds. Total 42 11. Suggested Books: S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Contents Name of Authors/Books/Publishers Metcalf and Eddy, “Wastewater Engineering”, 4th Ed., McGraw Hill. R.L. Droste, “Theory and Practice of Water and Wastewater Treatment”, John Wiley. S.R. Qasim, “Wastewater Treatment Plants – Planning, Design and Operation”, CRC Press, Florida. Ramalho, R.S., “Wastewater Treatment’, Wiley. Year of Publication/ Reprint 2003 1997 1999 1995 Checking correctness of analysis : Ion balance. and Cornwell. AWWA. Chemistry of Natural Waters – Reaction stoichiometry. Semester: Autumn ETE : 40 PRE : 0 7. Determination of major ions : Ca++. 1. Biochemical reactions in water and wastewater . S. 1. BOD. Suggested Books: S. Nutrients and Organic Impurities in water. Subject Code: CEN-504 Course Title: 2. Masters and Ela. P. Mg++. Acid base reactions.. Year of Publication/ Reprint 2003 2007 2008 1999 1981 2005 . Introduction and Scope – Air-water. “Introduction to Environmental Engineering”. “Aquatic Chemistry”. TS. D. TDS – EC ratio.INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE: Department of Civil Engineering 1. Fecal coliform 2. Kow 4. 5. M. Na+. TOC etc.F. conductivity. Particulars No. Basic concepts from equilibrium chemistry. 3. Complex formation. Standard Methods of Water and Wastewater Analysis APHA. Available Cl2 and Chlorine Demand 5. metal speciation 6. Methane output.W. Stumn and J. 5. G. Colin Baird.L.N. Wiley. McGraw Hill. Morgan. Determination of Residual Cl2. COD. Parkin. W. Contact Hours : L: 3 T: 1 Environmental Chemistry P: 2 3. Water-sediment / Soil and air – water – sediment – interactions.J.H. PHI Learning. Determination of Saturation Index and CCPP 3. 3rd Ed. “Chemistry for Environmental Engineering and Science (Fifth Edition)”.. Air Chemistry – General concepts of air chemistry. 4. Examination Duration (Hrs. Physical water quality parameters 2. Turbidity. Pre-requisite: Nil 9. Stratospheric and Tropospheric chemistry Total Contact Hours 5 14 9 5 2 7 42 List of Experiments: 1. “Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science”. Credits: 05 Practical : 0 MTE : 20 6. 6. sludge production. BOD.L. Water and wastewater quality parameters (ORP. Objective: To develop understanding of environmental interactions and measurement of water and wastewater quality parameters. Analysis of Trace Metals in Water and Wastewater 12. Cl-. UV-absorbance. Name of Authors/Books/Publishers C.M. Oxidation – Reduction reactions. “Environmental Chemistry (Second Edition)”. Freeman & Co. Reaction kinetics. HCO3-. Details of Course: S. Determination of Nutrients. Tata McGraw Hill Davis. No. SO4--. TDS.) 4. McCarty and G. Total coliform. Determination of pH. COD. Subject Area: PCC 8. Sawyer. 10.A. Heavy metals in water. 2. Relative Weight: CWS : 15 PRS : 25 5. Solubility of salts (soil chemistry) and related water quality parameters 3.): Theory : 03 4. TOC. Oxygen requirement etc. Subject code: CEN-505 2. 5th Edition. J.A.H. J. C. Air and Soil. compound and equivalent pipes. well design and constructions.. well hydraulics. density stratified flow. various forms of mixing in the environment. 1 Contact Hours 7 Name of Authors/Book/Publishers Roberson. CRC Press. 2 16 4 Mass transfer in gas liquid and liquid liquid system with special emphasis on aeration. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Contents Introduction and scope. Wiley. design of pressurized conduits. Cassidy. Parallel. Lin. 10.INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE: Department of Civil Engineering 1. Special cases of mixing. C. and its solution. Various forms of advection dispersion eq. John Wiley & Sons. “Hydraulics in Civil and Environmental Engineering”.. Schnoor. Morfett.hydraulic gradient and total energy line. momentum. Mixing for environmental engineers. Borthwick. M. head losses in pipes. Lee. literature review Project presentation 10 Total 42 11. “Hydraulic Engineering”. S. New York 3 Year of Publication/ Reprint 1998 2004 2007 1996 .D. basics of open channel flow. Ground water. Subject Area: PCC 8. Examination Duration (Hrs): Theory: 3 4. Details of the Course: S. McGraw Hill. Objective : To teach students the basic principles of environmental hydraulics. 2nd Edition. Credits: 04 PRS: 0 Practical: 0 MTE: 25 6. continuity.L. J. A. J. “Handbook of Environmental Engineering Calculations”. review of basic principles of engineering fluid mechanics. Suggested Books: S. M. Pre-requisite: Fluid Mechanics 9. Semester: Autumn ETE 50 PRE: 0 7.J. and energy equations. No.. Dispersion. Chaudhry.. Chadwick. literature review 2 3 4. Relative Weight: CWS: 25 5.. tide. modeling the mixing: advection dispersion equation. steady flow through pipes.No. Environmental Modeling: Fate of Chemicals in Water. Contact Hours: L: 3 Course Title : Environnemental Hydraulics T: 1 P: 0 3.. Objective of Course : To introduce the various concept of field surveying. Study of different types of maps. conventional symbols and map numbering system.INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE: Department of Civil Engineering 1. No. (a) Determine the height of a building using Trigonometric Levelling. Details of Course : Sl. Contouring Trigonometrical Leveling and Tacheometric surveying 6. 2. 3. Subject Code: CEN-511 Course Title: Surveying Measurements and Adjustments 2. Adjustment by observation equation (variation of parameters) and condition equation methods. 10. Subject Area : PCC 8. Semester: Autumn ETE: 40 PRE: 0 7. 4. Modern surveying equipments. Credits : 04 PRS: 25 Practical : 0 MTE: 20 6. Adjustment by linear and non-linear functions in the model. Examination Duration (Hrs) : Theory : 3 4. 8. Symbols and colours. Use of Auto level to determine the Reduced Level of at least five different given points (use Height of Collimation method) 5. Angles and Directions. Concept of observation and model. Contents Principles of surveying. (b) Layout the traverse with at least five sides using Tacheometric observations. The mathematical model and errors. 7. 9. 1. Height. Contact Hours : L: 3 T:0 P: 2 3. Total Contact Hours 3 4 6 5 7 3 4 4 6 42 List of Practicals : 1. 8. profile and cross-section leveling. Profile and Cross-sectional levelling of a road at an interval of 20m and 2m respectively of the central line of the road using Total Station. Methods of control establishment: Traversing. Differential leveling. Measurement of horizontal and vertical angles by Repetition and Reiteration Methods. Various maps and their scales. 2. maps in the making. Triangulation and Trilateration. Introduction to various surveying equipments – Level and Theodolites. Measurement of magnetic bearing of traverse with at least five sides using Prismatic Compass. 3. Relative Weight : CWS : 15 5. Pre-requisite: Nil 9. Use of Auto level to determine the Reduced Level of a number of points by fly levelling and close the network at the given Bench Mark (use Rise and Fall method) 6.Height of Instrument and Rise & Fall method. Plane Table Surveys 7. Generalisation of information Surveying measuring equipments & techniques . Plot the profile and cross section on a graph sheet at a suitable scale. 4.Distance. Purpose of adjustments Least squares adjustment techniques. Random and systematic errors. Traverse computations and adjustments. Compass Surveying: Bearings and Azimuths Levelling: Balancing of sights. reducing the levels.Total Station 5. . 11. Mount drawing sheet on Plane table and draw 2cm grid on sheet.. Gopi. Year of Publication/ Reprint 2005 2002 2007 2007 . Pearson Publications. “Higher Surveying”. Plot the traverse on drawing sheet. 1. Use of Total Station for angles and distance measurements. 11. Name of Authors/Books/Publishers Arora. K. 2. “Surveying”.. 2 & 3. 10. R. 3. Sathikumar.. A. 1. Chandra. Suggested Books : Sl. “Surveying and Levelling”. Plot the details/features. Oxford University Press. New Age International Publications. Subramanian. Standard Book House. Vol. 4.M.9. and Madhu.. Plot the detail/features and draw elevation contours using Plane Table surveys. No.R. Total Station for taking field measurements 12. N. R. “Advanced Surveying. S. 2nd & 3rd order instruments. Flying Height. Mapping using Sketch Master. Graphical and Numerical methods of Relative orientation. Name of Authors/Books/Publishers Moffitt. Equivalent and calibrated focal length of lens and concept of principal distance. Over-correction factors and its determination. 2. Mikhail. Details of Course : Sl. 5 6 5 5 5 6 5 5 42 List of Practicals : 1. Concepts of orientation: Interior. 6. “Introduction to Modern Photogrammetry”. S.INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE: Department of Civil Engineering 1. Suggested Books : Sl. Luhmann. J. and Beohm.. 2. “Photogrammetry”. E. F. Determination of height using Parallax Bar and correction contours. Height determination from stereophotographs.S. Application in Engineering and nontopographic fields. Base Lining. Relative Orientation in hilly terrain and in difficult country. Subject Area : PCC 8. 5.. Flight planning. 8. 7.. Robson. Optical—Mechanical. Scale determination. Relief and Tilt Displacements Stereovision. 6. 4. J.. 2. Testing and adjustment of instruments. Examination Duration (Hrs) : Theory : 3 4. 4. Introduction to various types of Stereo plotting machines.M. 7. Determination of scale and flying Height of an aerial photograph. Subject Code: CEN-512 Course Title: Principles of Photogrammetry 2. Photogrammetric mapping: Basic idea of control requirement and photogrammetric extension of control. 2.M.A. Reprojection principle.. Harper and Row Publisher. Absolute Orientation 8. 3. E. Interior and Relative Orientation of a pair of photograph on Wild A8. Fundamentals of close Range Photogrammetry. No.R. 1. 5. 3rd Ed. 3..H. Porro-Koppe. Total 1. Relative Weight : CWS: 15 5. No. 3. “Close Range Photogrammetry and 3D Imaging”. Year of Publication/ Reprint 1992 2007 2013 2001 . Contents Contact Hours Photogrammetry . Relative and Absolute Orientation of Aerial Photographs. Map plotting using Wild A8. T. Wolf. and Mikhail. Contact Hours : L: 3 T:0 P: 2 3. General principle of calibration.. Kyle. Use of Stereo Vision Test Card and Base lining of a pair of photographs. Objective of Course : To introduce the various concept of photogrammetry. Credits : 04 PRS: 25 Practical : 0 MTE: 20 ETE: 40 6. Double reprojection. S. Model deformations. J. Stereo-plotting Instruments: 1st. B. Semester: Autumn PRE: 0 7. Gruyter Inc. 1. Residual errors and precision of Inner and Relative Orientation. “Elements of Photogrammetry”. Parallax bar.Types of photographs. and Dewitt. P. McGraw-Hill .C. Bethal. Pre-requisite: Nil 9. 4.. and McGlove. John Wiley and Sons. Image Enhancement 10. Taselled cap transformation. Contrast stretching. Initial Statistics Extraction. 8. Colour image generation. Contents Contact No. PCA and its uses 5 Digital image analysis: Supervised and unsupervised image classification methods. Refraction.INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE: Department of Civil Engineering 1. Visual image analysis: Image interpretation: Elements. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 2 3. 4. Sensors characteristics. Demo on different types of remote sensing based software. Relative Weight: CWS: 15 MTE: 20 5. Initial data statistics. Indian Remote Sensing Satellite Programme. Transmission. 7 Mosacing. Radiometric and Geometric corrections. Histogram and Scatter plot. Platforms and Sensors: Orbit al movement and Earth coverage. Radiation Calculation. Atmospheric windows. Use of spectro-radiometer to collection signature of different earth objects. Examination Duration (Hrs): Theory: 03 Practical: 0 4. Visual interpretation of images Image Processing software. Objective : To introduce the concepts of Remote Sensing and Digital Image Processing. Introduction to different types of remote sensing data products. Absorption. Multi High resolution and 2 7 Hyper spectral Sensors. Texture images 7 Ratio and NDVI Images. Low and high pass filters. 5 Pre-processing: Atmospheric. Atmospheric Correction. Remote sensing components. Image Transformation . Pre-requisite: Nil 9. Active and passive sensors. 7. Hours Introduction: History of Remote Sensing. EMS and Radiation. 3. Digital data products and their characteristics. Sources of Energy. Subject code: CEN-513 Course Title: Remote Sensing and Digital Image Processing 2. Visual Analysis of a satellite data. Geometric Correction 9. Other satellites Hard copy Images. Training of photo interpretation files. Thermal and Microwave sensors. PAN. 3 3 Basic instrumentation. Sunsynchronous and Geosynchronous satellites. 5. 2. 6. other 6 5 filters. Noise removal. Digital Image 4 Formats. Semester: Autumn ETE: 40 PRE: 0 7. Details of Course : Sl. 3 Image enhancement. Keys and aids. 10. 7 Interaction of EMR with Earth Surface—Spectral reflectance curves. Black body and associated laws Interaction of EMR with 1 Atmosphere—Scattering. Edge detection. Subject Area: PCC 8. Credits: 04 PRS: 25 6. 8 5 Accuracy assessment Total 42 List of Practicals : 1. A. Jain. “Digital Image Processing”.. John Wiley. and Power. P. Lillesand. Gibson.11.K. “Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation”. Routledge. Prentice Hall.H.J. 2nd Ed. No. Routledge. 8. John Wiley.E. Sl. R. Gonzales.A. 2.M.M. “Remote Sensing – Models and Methods for Image Processing”.. Gibson.J. “Introductory Remote Sensing – Digital Image Processing and applications”. S. “Introductory Remote Sensing – Principles and Concepts”. “Computer Processing of Remotely Sensed Images”. A. Kiefer. 4th Ed.. R. and R. Year of Publication/ Reprint 2006 2000 2000 2006 2004 2000 1999 1997 . and Woods. Narosa. P..K. 4.W. “Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System”. 7. 5. Suggested Books : Name of Authors/Books/Publishers 1. C. Schowengerdt. P.M. Mather. Academic Press. Chandra. “Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing”. Pearson Education. R..... and Ghosh. T.. 6. 3.C. 4. 7. 10. 6. Demonstration. Find the location of the stations as well as plot the profile using GPS receivers. gravitational field of the atmosphere. hands-on practice and collection of data using Geodetic GPS receivers. polar motion Earth and its gravity field – anomaly. Introduction to GPS.Cycle slip detection and correction.its components. Demonstration. GPS data processing. To determine the relative as well as absolute gravity of some stations and along a profile of 100meter at an interval of 5 meter. Subject Area : PCC 8. Relative Weight : CWS: 15 5. Credits : 04 PRS: 25 Practical: 0 MTE: 20 6.INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE: Department of Civil Engineering 1. Semester: Autumn ETE: 40 PRE: 0 7. Instruments & processing software. Subject Code: CEN-514 Course Title: Geodesy and GPS Surveying 2. GPS data collection. hands-on practice and temporary adjustments of a Gravimeter. 2. Further. download and process the data using software. temporal variations. Parameter Estimations Data Handling. Ambiguity resolution. Multipath errors & corrections. precession. To determine the gravity anomaly profile in the IITR campus having absolute locations of the stations using GPS receivers. Pre-requisite: Nil 9. hands-on practice and collection of data using navigational GPS receiver. N.annual. 5. To determine the variations of gravity with elevation. Contact Hours : L: 3 T:0 P: 2 3. download and process the data using software. 3. Demonstration. gravity potential. nutation. Errors in GPS data – Satellite Geometry. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Contents Introduction to geodesy & its development Earth and its size & shape. Determine the elevation of the stations using GPS receiver. Details of the Course S.Pseudo range and carrier phase. GPS signals. Objective of Course : To understand the basics of geodesy and global positioning system which will help to further broaden one's background in the general field of geomatics engineering. spin. . Earth and its motions. Further. Accuracy of GPS data Datum transformation Total Contact Hours 2 8 5 5 7 6 7 2 42 List of Practicals : 1. To determine the height of a tower using a Gravimeter and verify the result with that by using GPS receiver. Planning & Methods GPS observables. wave propagation through atmosphere. Examination Duration (Hrs) : Theory : 3 4. geoid & deflection to vertical Earth and its atmosphere – physical properties. Name of Authors/Books/Publishers Bomford. G.. Year of Publication/ Reprint 1980 2001 2005 1980 1986 . “GPS Satellite Surveying”. 5. E. Vanicek. Berlin. “Geodesy : An Introduction”.. Walter de Gruyter. A. No. 1. B. W. “GPS Theory & Practice”. 2. Leick. Clarendon Press. Elsevier. “Geodesy”. John Wiley.. Hoffmann-Wellenhoff. Oxford.J. 4.. Torge. 3. Suggested Books : Sl. Springer. “Geodesy : The Concepts”. Peter and Krakiwsky..11. 4. M. C. . Eigen value and Eigen vectors 4. methods for obtaining Eigen values and Eigen vectors [polynomial method. Runge – Kutta method. Jacobi method] 6.. McGraw hill Douglas Faires. method of successive approximation. Newton’s method. Luther. 3. P. bisection method. J. applications to problems of beam and plates on elastic foundation. Gauss elimination method. 5. Müller’s method. A. Solution of simultaneous equation (linear-nonlinear). John Wiley Heath. numerical integration (2 – D) [Newton – Cotes method.. Time marching schemes for solution of problems in time domain. T. synthetic division. Suggested Books: S. “Numerical Methods in Science and Engineering”. H. S. Examination Duration (Hrs) : Theory : 3 4. 1. Cholesky’s decomposition method. B. consolidation equation. Subject Code : CEN-521 Course Title : Advanced Numerical Analysis 2. “Applied Numerical Methods”. Laplacian equation. Contents No. Credits : 04 Practical : 0 PRS: 25 MTE: 20 6. Solution of differential equation 11. S. reduction of generalized Eigen value problem to the standard Eigen value problem. modified Newton – Raphson method. Numerical integration 5. Objective of Course: To impart knowledge of various numerical techniques to solve the problems of geotechnical engineering.. secant method 5. and Canale R.”Scientific Computing : An Introductory Survey”. householder method. Bairstow’s method] and convergence study 3. Development of algorithms/codes by considering different methods for: roots of equations 2.. Gauss – Legendre method] 7. Semester: Autumn ETE: 40 PRE: 0 7. 3. Solution of non-linear algebraic equations. Mises power method. vector iteration method. laterally loaded piles etc Total Contact Hours 10 06 04 08 04 10 42 List of Practicals: 1. Solution of (non-homogeneous) linear algebraic equations. and Wilkes.INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE : Department of Civil Engineering 1. and Richard Burden. “Numerical Methods for Engineers”. O. Pre-requisite: Nil 9. Eigen values and Eigen vectors. J. review of matrix algebra. Gauss-Siedal iterative method 4. 10. Solution of ordinary and partial differential equations. Euler’s method. 2. Name of Authors/Books/Publishers Chapra. Details of Course: S. secant method. No. Tata McGraw hill Carnahan. Newton’s method. roots of a non-linear equation and roots of a polynomial of nth degree [incremental search method. Introduction. “Numerical Methods”. finite difference method. Subject Area : PCC 8. S. Contact Hours : L: 3 T:0 P: 2 3. Thomson Rajasekaran. Relative Weight : CWS : 15 5. Chand Year of Publication/ Reprint 2003 1969 1997 2003 1999 . method of successive approximations. 1. . flownets 3. Subject Code : CEN-522 Course Title : Advanced Soil Mechanics 2.. S. Chapman & Hall. Consolidation. weight volume relationship 2. Hvorslev surface.. and Peck. Terzaghi’s 1-D consolidation theory. Suklje. 11. R. determination of pore water pressure parameters 5. 3-D consolidation (axisymmetric problems. 4. 1. T. critical state line. vertical drains). R. “Elasticity and Geomechanics”. 1. Vane shear test 3. Fundamental aspects of soil mechanics. Direct shear and tri-axial compression test – UU. layered soils. Taylor & Francis Lambe. Robert V. Theory of elasticity. Credits : 04 P: 2/2 Theory : 3 Practical : 0 PRS: 20 MTE: 20 6. Influence of strain rate 6. Constitutive laws for soils Total Contact Hours 02 02 05 05 09 09 04 06 42 List of Practicals: 1. M. Year of Publication/ Reprint 1983 2000 1993 1969 1967 1995 . Critical state theory. Davis.. Subject Area : PCC 8. “Soil Mechanics”. particulate nature. Contents No.F.. drained and undrained stress-strain relationships and shear strength 7. “Advanced Soil Mechanics”. Cambridge University Press. John Wiley. “Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice”. John Wiley. stress paths. characteristics of soil.INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE : Department of Civil Engineering 1. R. Terzaghi. normal consolidation line. few aspects of elasticity. creep/secondary consolidation and basic of rheological models 6. L. CU. Examination Duration (Hrs) : 4. Craig. No. time dependent loading. 10. Determination of relative density 2. permeability. Stress path testing etc. “Rheological Aspects of Soil Mechanics”. Mohr’s circle. E. 3. John Wiley. undrained loading. stresses in soils. K. UU.O. CD tests 5. Pre-requisite: Nil 9. plane stress and plane strain problems 4. Objective of Course : To give advanced knowledge of mechanics governing the behaviour of soils to students so that they are able to understand the behaviour of foundations and structures constructed in/on them. William and Whitman. Details of Course : S. Contact Hours : L: 3 T:1 3. Semester: Autumn ETE: 40 PRE: 0 7. and Selvadurai. “Soil Mechanics”.B.S. Pore water pressure. Suggested Books: Name of Authors/Books/Publishers Das. 2-D problems. 5. Braja. CU. 2. Roscoe surface. 6. no tension line 8. Consolidation tests 4. Shear strength. Relative Weight : CWS :20 5. CD tests. Flow of water through soils.P. 5. Physical properties Uniaxial compression test Brazilian test Point load strength index test Triaxial compression test Oblique shear test Sonic wave velocity Permeability test Field shear test Schmidt hammer test. Singh and Singh (2005) 6. Shear tests. 9. preparation of specimens . Credits : 04 Practical : 0 PRS: 20 MTE: 20 6. constitutive modeling 8. Pre-requisite: Nil 9. Coulomb’s theory. Subject Area : PCC 8. Semester: Autumn ETE: 40 PRE: 0 7. Deere (1968). 8 Griffith’s (1924). Tensile strength. Jf concept. Examination Duration (Hrs) : Theory : 3 4. definitions. Subject Code : CEN-523 Course Title : Engineering Behaviour of Rocks 2. Mcclintock and Walsh (1962). empirical failure criteria by Bieniawski (1974). Ramamurthy (1993). Classification of intact rocks. Properties of intact rocks. stress strain curves. Relative Weight : CWS :20 5. Qsystems. double shear test. development of rock mechanics.INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE : Department of Civil Engineering 1. factors affecting UCS. Contents Contact No. BGD. . miscellaneous methods 2 4. Introduction. 8 classification of jointed rocks. GSI and Jf. Mohr envelopes and p-q plots 5. strength behaviour of jointed rocks. 7. post failure behaviour 3. direct shear test. Deformational behaviour of jointed rocks. field tests Total 42 List of Practicals: 1. scale effect. computation of modulus of 7 deformation through RMR. geotechnical classification. 6. Flow through jointed rock mass. 3. punch test. hydraulic conductivity and flow nets. modes of failures. 10. Details of Course : S. RQD. triaxial strength of rocks . definitions. geological classification.tolerance limits and requirements. ground water 4 flow in fractured rocks. Hours 1. measurement of water pressure. indirect methods. 2. Q. RMR. classification approaches 7. oblique 4 shear test. single shear test. Hoek and Brown (1980). direct methods. Contact Hours : L: 3 T:1 P: 2/2 3. GSI. types of specimens for testing-. Objective of Course : To impart to students the knowledge of the basic mechanics which governs the behaviour of rocks and rock masses so that they can understand the mechanics of structures constructed in/on them.triaxial strength test. 10. Strength criteria for intact rocks.uniaxial compressive 6 strength tests. activities and applications 3 of rock mechanics and rock engineering 2. Terzaghi (1946). 4. RMI. 8. rock strength criteria by Coulomb-Navier. 1. and Cook. No. J.. Hoek. “Practical Rock Engineering”. and Harrison. “Engineering in Rocks”. and Goel.K.11. PHI Learning Pvt. S. T.A.G. Ltd.An 2000 Introduction to the Principles”..A Practical Engineering 2006 Approach”. R. “Engineering Rock Mechanics.C.. 2.. Rock Science. 3. Jaeger. John P.W. N. Mathew 1979 & Co. “Fundamentals of Rock Mechanics”. 2000 Ramamurthy. B. 2008 . 4. Ltd. Singh. Elsevier. J. 5. Suggested Books Name of Authors/Books/Publishers Year of Publication / Reprint Hudson. Elsevier.. ”Rock Mass Classification. E. Prakash. analysis and design of foundations for reciprocating and impact type machines.S. analytical and graphical methods. Name of Authors/Books/Publishers Das. “Soil Dynamics”. vibration isolation. Kameswara Rao. Saran. Strength characteristics. Objective of Course : To impart to students the basic knowledge in theory of vibrations and behaviour of soils under dynamic loads so that foundations for various types of machines could be designed. factors affecting. “Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering”. Elsevier. cyclic plate load tests. oscillatory shear box test. No. seismic stability of slopes : modified Swedish circle and Taylor’s method. Dynamic earth pressure. 1. 1. Credits : 04 PRS: 0 Practical : 0 MTE: 25 6.G. Pre-requisite: Nil 9. “Soil Dynamics and Machine Foundations”. Liquefaction. Contents No. vibration measuring instruments 2. Machine foundations. Theory of vibrations. wave propagation tests. “Vibration Analysis and Foundation Dynamics”. two and multiple degree of freedom systems. Galgotia. Determination of dynamic elastic constants. 3.. Contact Hours : L: 3 T:1 P: 0 3. Wheeler. vibration absorbers. Year of Publication/ Reprint 1983 2008 1981 1998 2006 . 2. Pearson. B. 5. factors affecting.. S.M. McGraw Hill. Details of Course : S. Steven Kramer. mechanism. “Fundamentals of Soil Dynamics”. soil liquefaction test Total Contact Hours 10 06 06 06 06 08 42 11. studies by dynamic tri-axial and oscillatory shear equipments 3. types and basic requirements. Subject Area : PCC 8. Suggested Books S.V. various methods including block resonance tests.INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE : Department of Civil Engineering 1. 10. Relative Weight : CWS :25 5. shake table and blast tests. assessment of liquefaction potential 4. Foundations 6. studies by dynamic tri-axial testing.. 4.. oscillatory shear box. Semester: Autumn ETE: 50 PRE: 0 7. Subject Code : CEN-524 Course Title : Soil Dynamics and Machine Foundations 2. Examination Duration (Hrs) : Theory : 3 4. N. S. concept of yield acceleration and evaluation of displacement of embankment 5. single. displacement analysis of retaining walls. philosophy of design of equipments. introduction to the design of T. Details of Course: S. 7. Hydrologic Inputs: Precipitation and its forms.P. Physically based models Hydrological routing: Flood forecasting. rating curves System Approach: Unit Hydrograph. R. Subject Area : PCC 8. Relative Weight : CWS : 25 5.R. 4. P. Time series analysis.S. 10. R. John Wiley. evapotranspiration. Contents Introduction: Hydrologic system and hydrologic budget. W. Contact Hours : L: 3 T:1 P: 0 3.. Advanced Method of Frequency Analysis: Outliers. Credits : 4 PRS: 0 Practical : 0 MTE: 25 6. Name of Authors/Books/Publishers 1. IUH. Wanielista. 1. space-time characteristics. depression. Maidment.. R. No. No.L. Year of Publication/ Reprint 1988 2008 1997 .. Oxford University Press. 6. GIUH Mathematical Modeling: Linear and Nonlinear models.. fundamental laws of hydrology. 2. “Engineering Hydrology”. "Applied Hydrology". Suggested Books: S. 2. measurement techniques and space-time characteristics Hydrologic Abstractions: Infiltration. Kersten. Subject Code : CEN-531 Course Title : Advanced Hydrology 2. snowfall and rainfall. Ojha. and Eaglin. measurement techniques and their modeling Stream flow: Measurement techniques.. Objective: To introduce the fundamentals of hydrological system and mathematical models in surface hydrology. 5. Examination Duration (Hrs) : Theory : 3 4. 3. V.T. McGraw Hill. 5. Pre-requisite: Nil 9.. atmospheric water vapor. Semester: Autumn ETE: 50 PRE: 0 7. D. Total Contact Hours 5 5 6 5 6 7 5 3 42 11. and Mays. and Bhunya. Berndtsson. storage. “Hydrology”. Chow. 3. Advance regression and correlation analysis. M. C.INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE : Department of Civil Engineering 1. To study the surface profile and the total head distribution in a forced vortex flow. 6. probability density functions. Subject Area : PCC 8. bend or elbow meter) for discharge measurement. Karman’s momentum integral equations. To study the velocity distribution in an open channel and to estimate the energy and momentum correction factors. decay of isotropic turbulence. Boundary Layers: Similarity solutions of boundary layer equations. 6. semi-empirical theories of turbulence. polar and cylindrical coordinates. and to determine the exponent in the power law of velocity distribution. 10. To study the boundary layer velocity profile. To study the velocity distribution downstream of an expansion (with and without splitter plates) in a channel. boundary layer thickness and displacement thickness. 3. Subject Code : CEN-532 Course Title : Advanced Fluid Mechanics 2. 4. outer and overlap layers.e. Semester: Autumn ETE: 40 PRE: 0 7. D’Alembert’s paradox Laplace Equation: Solution by graphical and relaxation methods. Pre-requisite: Nil 9. Details of Course: S. turbulent boundary layer. Credits : 4 P: 2/2 Theory : 3 Practical : 0 PRS: 20 MTE: 20 6. dilation. correlation coefficients. Karman-Puhlhausen approximate solution. solution by separation of variables Laminar Flow: Derivation of Navier-Stokes equations – exact solutions for flow between parallel plates. equilibrium boundary layers. Kinematics of Flow: Equation of continuity in cartesian. turbulent flow and measurements of turbulence. vorticity Standard 2D Flow Patterns: Source. Examination Duration (Hrs) : 4. Couette flow. Contact Hours : L: 3 T:1 3. flow near a suddenly accelerated plate and an oscillating plate. 2. Turbulent Flows: Reynolds equations of motion. doublet and their combinations. laminar flow. Relative Weight : CWS : 20 5. Measurement of Turbulence and Statistical Theory of Turbulence: Isotropic and homogeneous turbulence. velocity profiles for inner. 4. sink. Objective: To introduce the governing equations. 3. To study the characteristics of a hydraulic jump. 5. To study the flow behavior in a pipe bend and to calibrate the pipe bend (i.INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE : Department of Civil Engineering 1. Contents 1. Total 2.. construction of flows by superposition. rate of deformation. Contact Hours 3 5 4 8 8 8 6 42 List of Practicals: 1. conformal mapping. No. . FalknerSkan Wedge flows. 7. 5. separation in boundary layer under adverse pressure gradient. C. "Fluid Mechanics".11.N.. Cambridge University Press.J. No. White..P. Pope. Year of Publication/ Reprint 1979 1979 1994 2000 1959 2010 . John Wiley. 4. "Turbulent Flows".M. Oxford University Press. H.. and Chandaramouli.. R. R. Rouse. "Boundary Layer Theory". Garde. 5. Wiley Eastern Limited. Berndtsson. "Turbulent Flow". Schlichting. S. 3. H. P. "Advanced Mechanics of Fluids". 2. Ojha.. F. McGraw-Hill.S. 6.. Name of Authors/Books/Publishers 1. B. “Fluid Mechanics”. McGraw-Hill. Suggested Books S.. control of hydraulic jump using baffle walls and cross jets. Aerated Flows: Bulking of flow. balkema. No. "Open-Channel Flows". trench weirs and waste water gutters. resistance relationships. Prentice-Hall.R. Spatially Varied Flows: Flows past side weirs. dam break problem. 8. 4. “Flow Through Open Channels. Examination Duration (Hrs) : Theory : 3 4. Semester: Autumn ETE: 50 PRE: 0 7..H.. 3. Stratified Flows: Thermal stratification in water bodies including reservoirs. Wood. hydraulic jump in variety of situations including contracting and expanding geometries and rise in floor levels.. governing equation and computation of gradually varied flows. normal and critical depths computations.A. Subject Area : PCC 8.H. Total 2. Contact Hours 6 6 4 6 6 4 6 4 42 11. Contact Hours : L: 3 T:1 P: 0 3. 6. modelling of stratified flows. French. Details of Course: S. Subject Code : CEN-533 Course Title : Free Surface Flows 2. H. Elsevier. design of side weirs. M. aeration over spillway. flow past bottom racks.. Venant’s equations and their solution using method of characteristics and finite difference schemes. specific energy and specific force.INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE : Department of Civil Engineering 1. mechanism of air entrainments. 4. Channel Transitions: Sub-critical and supercritical. uniform aerated region. Chow. Contents 1. Supercritical Flows: Flow past deflecting boundaries..T. Introduction: Free surface flows. Name of Authors/Books/Publishers 1. Ranga Raju. Hydraulic Jump: Elements of hydraulic jump..G. McGraw-Hill. Chanson. velocity distribution. 10. Unsteady Flows: St. Suggested Books: S. modelling of aerated flows. I. Year of Publication/ Reprint 1959 1994 2003 2004 1994 1991 . 3. 6. 7. 5. Pre-requisite: Nil 9. “The Hydraulics of Open Channel Flow: An Introduction”. R. Tata McGraw Hill. De Marchi equations. McGraw Hill. V. “Open Channel Hydraulics”. Credits : 4 PRS: 0 Practical : 0 MTE: 25 6. design of drainage and water ways. hydraulic flood routing. Choudhary. No. Relative Weight : CWS : 25 5. "Open-Channel Hydraulics". oblique shock waves. development of self-aerated flows. “Air Entrainment in Free-Surface Flows”. Objective: To introduce the concepts of free surface flow and its applications in flood control. 5. K. A. 2. Daniel. Nonlinear optimization. 1. Role of computers. Examination Duration (Hrs) : Theory : 3 4. Suggested Books S.. 6. poisson’s and negative exponential). Subject Code : CEN-534 Course Title : Modelling. model structure. 1. State-space models. and Wood. Chi-square and Kolmogrov-Smirnov. Contents Systems and Models: Fundamentals of systemic approach. Pre-requisite: Nil 9. Role of optimization. W. covariance and correlation. time series of rainfall and stream flow. identification of trend. time-invariant. probability density distribution functions. 7. Optimization: Introduction. C.INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE : Department of Civil Engineering 1. statistical interpretation of output. Fitting distributions to raw data. Relative Weight : CWS : 25 5. smoothening techniques. Simulation and Optimization 2. 2. Spatial Distribution: Polynomial surfaces.S. examples from hydrology / water resources engineering. Evaluation of definite integrals. 3. Credits : 4 PRS: 0 Practical : 0 MTE: 25 6. analysis of residues. “Fitting Equations to Data”.M. Parsimony criterion.s tests of the goodness of fit. A. Tata 2007 McGraw Hill. Filters. system modeling. normal. Kirging. Details of Course: S. identification of dominant cycles. Name of Authors/Books/Publishers Year of Publication/ Reprint Law. P. Distributed parameter models. binomial. Linear Programming.D. tests of goodness of fit. No. various algorithms for generation of random numbers Monte Carlo simulation: basic concepts. Cluster Analysis Time Series Analysis: Auto-cross correlation analysis. non-linear. “Simulation Modeling and Analysis”. Central limit theorem. Random variables: Basic concepts. classification of models. Classical methods. Objective: To introduce the fundamentals of modeling. commonly used theoretical probability distributions (uniform. Contact Hours : L: 3 T:1 P: 0 3. Direct and inverse problems. and Kelton. 4. role of historical data. Constrained optimization techniques Total Contact Hours 8 4 4 6 7 4 9 42 11. examples from hydrology/water resources engineering Regression Analysis: Linear and Multiple Regression analysis. Expectation and standard deviation of discrete and continuous random variables and their functions. No. System Synthesis. Linear. generation of synthetic observations. time variant models.. Subject Area : PCC 8. John Wiley. 1980 . spectral analysis. 8. Dynamic Programming. simulation and optimization techniques in Civil Engineering 10. 2. Spline functions. Semester: Autumn ETE: 50 PRE: 0 7. Vedula S. New Age International Publishers. Deb. 5 6 Ljung. “System Identification Theory for the Users”. Prentice Hall. L. “Water Resources Systems”. S.. “Optimization for Engineering design”.Theory and Pratice”.. K.3. P. 1999 2012 2006 2005 . and Mujumdar P.. “Engineering Optimization. Rao S. 4. Prentice Hall of India. Tata McGraw Hill. Contents No.. Credits : 4 P: 0 Theory : 3 PRS: 0 Practical : 0 MTE: 25 6. Pre-requisite: Nil 9. Semester: Spring ETE: 50 PRE: 0 7. Governing Equations for Groundwater Flow: Dupuit-Forchheimer assumptions. 2. Objective: To introduce fundamentals of groundwater hydrology. 7. Darcy’s law. effect of boundaries. general differential equations governing groundwater flows.. McGraw. 1. Name of Authors/Books/Publisher Bear.INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE : Department of Civil Engineering 1. Walton. 5. Indian practice. 10. "Ground Water". construction of wells. Groundwater Conservation: Regional groundwater budget. groundwater assessment and groundwater development. Driscoll. Raghunath. 2. New Age International (P) Limited. Wells and Well Hydraulics: Different types of wells. role of groundwater in hydrological cycle. F. Prentice Hall. "Hydraulics of Ground Water". "Ground Water and Wells".. flow and storage characteristics of aquifers. M. groundwater bearing formations. anisotropy and heterogeneity. J. Subject Code : CEN-535 Course Title : Ground Water Engineering 2. Groundwater Quality: General problem of contamination of groundwater. unconfined and leaky aquifers.C. Freeze and Cherry. estimation of recharge. McGraw Hill. Planning of Groundwater Development: constraints on the development. role of flow models. Year of Publication/ Reprint 1979 1970 1979 1986 2007 .G. introduction to numerical modeling. seawater intrusion in coastal aquifers. analytical solutions. Groundwater Flow Modelling: Role of groundwater flow models. pumping test analysis. method of images. Contact Hours : L: 3 T:1 3. 6. Details of Course: S. Suggested Books: S. Hele-Shaw and analog models. H. W. sources. 3. classification of aquifers. Total Contact Hours 5 6 8 5 6 6 6 42 11. Relative Weight : CWS : 25 5. optimal groundwater development. 3. Johnson Division. reference to hydraulic. steady and unsteady state solutions for confined. "Ground Water Resources Evaluation". Subject Area : PEC 8.. remedial and preventive measures. "Ground Water". 4. 1. resource assessment. artificial recharge 5. 4. Introduction: Definition of groundwater. No. Examination Duration (Hrs) : 4. 1 2 3 Name of Authors/Books/Publisher Year of Publication/ Reprint William Weaver Jr & James M Gere. Objective: To equip students with different methods of linear and non-linear analysis using matrix approach and expose them to write small utility programs and use of commercial packages for computer aided analysis of common 2D and 3D structures 10. New Delhi Madhu B Kanchi. shear deformations Linear analysis of different 2D and 3D structures Techniques for enhancing computing power: solution algorithm. 2nd Ed. “Matrix Analysis of Framed Structures”. Majeed K I. substructuring Non linear analysis: types and different techniques. Subject Code : CEN-541 2. “Non Linear Structure Analysis”. Wiley Eastern Ltd. convergence criteria Development of codes and introduction to different software packages Total Contact Hours 04 06 08 08 04 08 04 42 11. Relative Weight : CWS : 15 5. Examination Duration (Hrs) : 4.. No. CBS Publishers. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Contents Basic methods of analysis. Suggested Books: S. London. Pre-requisite: Nil 9. No.. “Matrix Methods of Structural Analysis”. Contact Hours : Course Title : Matrix Structural Analysis L: 3 T:0 3. 2nd Ed. Credits : 04 P: 2 Theory : 3 Practical : 0 PRS: 25 MTE: 20 ETE: 40 6. Semester: Autumn PRE: 0 7. stiffness and flexibility approach Flexibility method using member approach Stiffness matrix for prismatic.INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE : Department of Civil Engineering 1. Subject Area : PCC 8. Butterworth Ltd. Details of Course: S. non-prismatic and curved members. different indeterminacies. 1986 1993 1973 . Contact Hours 42 Year of Publication/ Reprint 1999 2000 1995 . Details of Course : S. Contact Hours : L: 3 T:1 P: 0 3. Ducker-Pager. Finite element analysis in Geotechnical Engineering theory. Octahedral and von-Mises stresses.INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE : Department of Civil Engineering 1. Lineariziation and Directional Derivatives. Strain Quadric of Cauchy. Stress Invariants. Generalized Hooke’s Law. Prandtl-Rauss Equations. Distortional Component of Deformation Gradient. Vector and Tensors Algebra. Cauchy and Kirchhoff Stress Tensor.von Mises. Mechanics of Materials and Interfaces: The Disturbed State Concept. Semester: Spring ETE: 50 PRE: 0 7. Equations of Compatibility. Examination Duration (Hrs) : Theory : 3 4. Deformation Gradient. Plane Stress and Strain Problems. Credits : 04 PRS: 0 Practical : 0 MTE: 25 6. Material Yield Criteria. Elsevier 3. Contents No. Name of Authors/Books/Publishers 1. Work Conjugancy. Linearized Kinematics. Tresca. Objective of Course : To impart to students the basic knowledge in theory of vibrations and behaviour of soils under dynamic loads so that foundations for various types of machines could be designed. Airy Stress Function in Polar Coordinates. Mohr-coulomb. 3. Finite Deformation. Translational and Rotational Equilibrium. Principal Strains. Levy-Mises Relations. M. Anisotropic. Plastic Flow Rule. Volume change. Thomas Telford 2. Selvadurai. CRC Press LLC Mechanics of Geomaterial Interfaces. Airy Stress Functions for Two-Dimensional Problems. Kinematics. Equations of Elasticity.S. Pre-requisite: Nil 9. Principal Stresses and Principal Planes in 3D. By David M Potts and Lidija Zdravkovic. Elasto-Plastic Behavior of Material. Subject Code : CEN-542 Course Title : Continuum Mechanics 2. Polar Decomposition. Generalized Elasto-Plastic Stress-Strain Relations Total 11.P. Orthotropic and Isotropic Elasticity Tensor. Elasto-Plastic Stress-Strain Relations. 4. Elasto-Plastic Formulations. No. Subject Area : PEC 8. By C S Desai. Stress and Equilibrium. By A. Deviatoric and Volumetric Components. Isotropic Hyper elasticity. Relative Weight : CWS :25 5. Normality Principle. Area Change. Plastic Potential. ThreeDimensional Elasticity. Suggested Books: S. Boulon. 10. Isotropic and Kinematic Hardening. Material (Lagrangian) and Spatial (Eulerian) Descriptions.J. 1. Analysis for Stresses.Hooke’s Law. Invariants. Hardening Modulus. 2. Introduction to Pre-stressed concrete and behaviour for simple elements Modelling of creep/shrinkage and long term effects for RCC and prestressed concrete Calculation of crack widths and crack control designs Total Contact Hours 5 2 4 3 2 5 4 8 5 4 42 11. 10. TCC/03/3. reinforcement placement etc. Beam-Column Joints& Shear walls Introduction to Yield line analysis and application for slabs. Examination Duration (Hrs) : Theory : 3 4. Arthur H. 2nd Ed. PCI Journal V. 72-150. 6. 6. K Schaefer. 3. Jennewin. Semester: Autumn PRE: 0 7. 4. 6th Ed. To study advanced concepts of creep/rheology & crack widths in reinforced and prestressed concrete and creating numerical models of these. raft foundations etc. 4.INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE : Department of Civil Engineering 1. 1. Contents Plastic Section Theory for Reinforced Concrete including interaction of flexureShear-Axial effects Upper bound and lower bound plastic theorems Application of plastic analysis to frames – instantaneous centre of rotations Introduction to Pushover Analysis Introduction to Strut-Tie Models Strut-Tie Models for Deep Beams. No. Contact Hours : Course Title : Advanced Concrete Design L: 3 T:0 P: 2 3.. 2. Edward Nawy J Schlaich. Nilson. Credits : 04 Practical : 0 MTE: 20 ETE: 40 6. Details of Course: S. Subject Area : PCC 8. 2. strut-tie models and other state of art analysis techniques and to connect these with the extant design ideologies in the building codes. No. 9. 7. pp. Name of Authors/Books/Publishers Year of Publication/ Reprint Reinforced Concrete: Mechanics and Design. Pre-requisite: Nil 9. 2011 2008 1987 2009 2005 1987 2004 . and M. Objective: To give a consistent and sound theoretical background to the force and stress distributions in reinforced and pre-stressed concrete. The Concrete Centre. “Toward a Consistent Design of Structural Concrete”.. Kennedy & Goodchild. 1. 3. Suggested Books: S. Prestressed Concrete: A Fundamental Approach.. No. 32. 5. Relative Weight : CWS : 15 PRS: 25 5. 8. 6th Ed. 7. 14th Ed. To introduce the concepts of yield line analysis. Nilson Darwin & Dolan. 5th Ed. Subject Code : CEN-543 2. To develop a clear theoretical understanding of the underlying reasons behind codal details as ductile detailing. “Design of Concrete Structures”. 10... “Practical Yield Line Design”. 2. Edward Nawy Design of Prestressed Concrete. McGregor & White Reinforced Concrete: A Fundamental Approach. 5. Contents Overview of Structural Dynamics. Finding mode shapes and frequencies by solving the determinantal equation. and iterative techniques. Objective: To understand the response of structures to earthquakes requires study of structural dynamics. Examination Duration (Hrs) : 4. etc. Single Dynamic Degree of Freedom Systems are first introduced. Subject Code : CEN-544 2. Response of single and multiple DOFS systems to Earthquake Loading using TimeStepping Methods based on Forward Cauchy Euler. Anil Chopra. Newark & Hall’s linear and inelastic response spectra for earthquakes Introduction to IS code provisions regarding earthquake. Name of Authors/Books/Publishers Ray W. 1. “Dynamics of Structures “. Suggested Books: S. 6. Formulation of equation of motion for generalized SDOF dynamic problems using virtual work method. Mc Graw Hill. Single Degree of Freedom Systems – Analysis of Free Vibrations – undamped and damped systems. No. 1. Periodic. Use of sweeping matrices for obtaining higher modes. Backward Cauchy Euler and Trapezoidal Rule. Year of Publication/ Reprint 1993 2001 . 2. Impulse Loads Formulation of equation of motion for two/three DOF systems. stability and algorithmic dampingin step-by-step methods. Total Contact Hours 3 3 3 12 6 6 6 3 42 11. then two and three DOF system are covered. Proof of Convergence. 10. Modal superposition and Response Spectrum Methods. Accuracy. Credits : 04 P: 0 Theory : 3 PRS: 0 Practical : 0 MTE: 25 6. 3.INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE : Department of Civil Engineering 1. Subject Area : PCC 8. Semester: Autumn ETE: 50 PRE: 0 7. Contact Hours : Course Title : Structural Dynamics L: 3 T:1 3. Concept of modal mass and mode participation factors. Earthquake response analysis of Multi-DOF systems subjected to earthquake ground motion. Details of Course: S. 4. Response of SDOFS systems to Harmonic. Clough & Penzien. Mc Graw Hill. No. 2. 7. estimation of damping by logarithmic decrement method. “Dynamics of Structures”. Finally the earthquake effects on structures are covered. 5. Therefore. 6. Pre-requisite: Nil 9. Relative Weight : CWS : 25 5. Polynomial Forms: One Dimensional Elements. 6. Applications in Solid Mechanics: Plane Stress/Strain: FE Formulation: CST. Discretization. Displacement. Klaus Juergen Bathe. “The Finite Element Method : Linear Static and Dynamic Analysis”. Examination Duration (Hrs) : Theory : 3 4. R. Three Dimensional Elements FE Formulation: Axisymmetric Stress Analysis. Explicit Direct Integration/ Implicit Direct Integration and Mixed Methods. Interface Elements. Objective: To introduce the concept of domain discretisation and a variational framework of the equations of mechanics. C. Rectangular Elements. “Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Analysis”. 3. Cook. Prentice Hall of India. Suggested Books: S. Isoperimetric Formulations. Geometric Isotropy. “Fundamentals of Finite Element Analysis”. Introduction to Nonlinear Problems: Geometric and Material (Elasto-plastic).. Prentice Hall. 3. No. Pre-requisite: Nil 9. John Wiley. O. T. 2. Weighted Residual Methods and Variational Methods. Zienkiewicz. Subject Code : CEN-545 2. Contents Basic Concepts. Solution Methods: Newton Ralphson Method. Force and Hybrid Models Interpolation Functions for General Element Formulations: Compatibility and Completeness. Semester: Spring ETE: 40 PRE: 0 7. Year of Publication/ Reprint 2005 1989 1987 2003 2007 . 4. Axisymmetric Elements. Modal Analysis. 2. Application of these methodologies to a wide range of engineering problems and connection with the laws of continua. LST. 10. 1. A Problem of Geometric Nonlinearity. 5. J. Contact Hours : Course Title : Finite Element Analysis L: 3 T:0 3. “The Finite Element Method Its Basis & Fundamentals”. Modified Newton-Ralphson Method.. Taylor & J. Rayleigh Ritz Method and Interpolation. Elsivier Publications.. Hughes. Stiffness Matrix. L. Infinite Elements Application in Structural Dynamics and Vibrations: Mass (Consistent and Diagonal) and Damping Matrices.INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE : Department of Civil Engineering 1. Numerical Integration. Triangular Elements. D. Torsion. Three Dimensional Elements. Load Matrix Formation Rectangular Element Isoparametric Formulation: Plate Elements and Shell Elements. Zhu. Z. 4. 1. Tata McGraw Hill R. Stationary Principles. No. 3rd Ed. Malkus and Plesha. Name of Authors/Books/Publishers David Hutton. “Finite Element Procedures”. Credits : 04 P: 2 Practical : 0 PRS: 25 MTE: 20 6. Arc Method. Relative Weightage : CWS : 15 5. Details of Course: S. R. Subject Area : PCC 8. Time History Analysis. 5. Numerical Errors and Convergence Total Contact Hours 02 08 08 06 08 06 42 11. Contents No. Simon P. Prentice Hall. Subject Code : CEN-561 Course Title : Traffic Engineering & Modeling 2. design of parking facilities. Shock Wave Theory. RSI Survey. “Traffic Engineering and Transport Planning”. Relative Weight : CWS : 25 5. “Fundamentals of Transportation and Traffic Operations”. Pergamon 1997 6. Poisson Distribution. Time Space diagram. Elsevier. 5. Details of Course: S. Examination Duration (Hrs) : Theory : 3 4. No. Objective: To introduce the advances in traffic engineering and to make the students conversant with relevant modeling approaches. traffic regulations and control systems.. 2. Pearson (4th Edition). Name of Authors/Books/Publishers Contact Hours 04 04 06 06 08 04 04 06 42 Year of Publication/ Reprint 2013 1. 2012 3. Mcshane and Roger P. Traffic design: Capacity analysis concepts – urban streets and rural highways. speed. Queuing Theory. Normal Distribution and application. highways and control devices. MA May. Burlington. parking studies. “Statistical and Econometric Methods for Transportation Data Analysis”. issues for traffic engineers. Subject Area : PCC 8. road users. Kadiyali. Time Series Analysis: Basic Components of Time Series. Traffic Studies: Traffic volume studies. 7. Total 11. Mannering. L. 4.k. Traffic Flow Theory: Models of Uninterrupted Flow. Washington. Confidence Bounds.R. “Fundamentals of Traffic Flow”. Carlos F. 6. accident data collection. Matthew G. 2006 4. Sample Size. travel time and delay studies. Traffic Stream Characteristics: Traffic stream parameters. Data Filters. Semester: Autumn ETE: 50 PRE: 0 7. Hypothesis Testing. 2nd Ed. Macroscopic Fundamental Diagrams (MFD). 8. use of intelligent systems. Auto Correlations and Moving Averages. street design. 2nd Edition. Daganzo. C A O’Flaherty. 3. WTP Survey. Ed . Credits : 04 PRS: 0 Practical : 0 MTE: 25 6. Khanna Publishers. Butterworth Heinemann.u. 1 Introduction: Elements of traffic engineering. Karlaftis and Fred L. Pre-requisite: Nil 9.INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE : Department of Civil Engineering 1. William R. Statistical application in Traffic Engineering: Overview of Probability Functions and Statistics. Smoothening and Decomposition Methods. “Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering”. priority movements. Management Techniques: Traffic calming. pedestrian studies. Suggested Books: S. Contact Hours : L: 3 T:1 P: 0 3. 2. vehicles. Inc. CRC Press 2011 1990 .D. Congestion and road user pricing. relationship among q. A. Binomial Distribution. 10. 5. modelling concepts.. “Traffic Engineering”. Roess. equivalent wheel load factors. 3.INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE : Department of Civil Engineering 1. CRC Press Taylor & Francies 2006 . Elements in Design of Flexible Pavements : Loading characteristics-static. “Principles of Pavement Design 2 Ed”. Suggested Books: S. Examination Duration (Hrs) : Theory : 3 4. deflections. M. Triaxial method. modulus or CBR value of different layers. Coleman. Reinforced Concrete Slabs: Prestressed concrete slabs-general details. U. Construction and 2006 Maintenance of Road Pavements”. A. area of contact and tyre pressure. 6. Inc. 4. E. Navy method. Arlington test. Contents Introduction : Components of pavement structure. Total Contact Hours 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 42 11.. Objective: To impart knowledge to students related to analysis and design of pavements with respect to Highways and Airports. No. Combination of stresses due to different causes. shear failures. Triaxial method. Design of flexible pavements. Design. 7. Bradbury’s approach. 2. Design of Tie Bars and Dowel Bars. 4th Ed. IRC method for Flexible Pavement Design. Westergaard’s analysis. importance of subgrade soil. impact and repeated loads. No. Elsevier Fwa. Boussinesq’s and Burmister’s analysis and design method. Soil subgrade. Credits : 04 PRS: 0 Practical : 0 MTE: 25 6. Details of Course: S. Contact Hours : L: 3 T:1 P: 0 3. Effect of temperature variation on Rigid Pavements. “The Handbook of Highway Engineering”. equivalent wheel and axle loads. T. Relative Weight : CWS : 25 5. properties on pavement performance. O’Flaherty. Rigid Pavements: Wheel load stresses. 1. “Highways : The Location. climatic and environmental factors. 1 2 3 Name of Authors/Books/Publishers Year of Publication/ Reprint nd Yoder. Design Methods for Flexible Pavements: California bearing ratio (CBR) method.F. base course and wearing course. Functions of subgrade. Subject Code : CEN-562 Course Title : Pavement Analysis and Design 2. 5. Mcleod method. and Witczak.. Temperature Stresses: Westergaard’s and Thomlinson’s analysis of warping stresses. equivalent single wheel load. Pickett’s corner load theory and influence charts. Semester: Autumn ETE: 50 PRE: 0 7. Subject Area : PCC 8. subbase. Pre-requisite: Nil 9.J.S. equivalent stress and equivalent deflection criterion.. John Wiley 1975 & Songs.W. Stresses in Flexible Pavements: Stresses in homogeneous masses and layered systems. effects of dual wheels and tandem axles. 10. John Wiley & Sons Inc. Papagiannakis. “Pavement Design and Materials. C.G. and Masad. S. E.T.K.. “Highway Engineering”. Nem Chand Jain & Bros. and Justo. Khanna.E. A.4 5 Group.A.. 2005 2008 . BFS. S. FBRNP Model. NATPAC Model. Contact Hours : L: 3 T:1 P: 0 3. GBFS. Hill Road Standards. Bagasse. SMS. Pavement Design. Khanna Publishers. Suggested Books: S. Low Cost Techniques for Rural Road Construction. IRC Document on Rural Road Development. Relative Weight : CWS : 25 5. IRC-72. of India 8 Year of Publication/ Reprint 2002 1990 2005 2004 2004 1999 2007 . Marginal and Waste Materials including Fly Ash. Subject Code : CEN-563 Course Title : Planning. IRC Khanna S. Concepts of PMGSY Geometric Design: Geometric Design Standards for Rural Roads with special reference to PMGSY. Semester: Autumn ETE: 50 PRE: 0 7. Minor CD Works. Objective of Course: To introduce the concepts of Planning. Design of drains. Roorkee L R Kadiyali. IRC-37. Govt. CRRI PMGSY Operation Manual. Triangular Chart Method. Govt of India Specifications for Rural Roads. System’s Approach. Delhi Quality Assurance Handbook for Rural Roads. No. Brief introduction to earlier 20 year Plans. Name of Authors/Books/Publishers 1 2 3 4 5 7 Rural Roads Manual . 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 Contents Planning of Rural Roads: Classification of Roads. NRRDA. Examination Duration (Hrs) : Theory : 3 4. Fuller’s Method. MoRD. Filter Design etc. SP-20.E.INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE : Department of Civil Engineering 1. CRRI Model. Gravity Model. NRRDA. Credits : 04 PRS: 0 Practical : 0 MTE: 25 6. No. Rothfuch method. Tractor Bound Technology. Details of the Course. Construction and Maintenance of Rural Roads 10. IRC:SP-62. Geometric Design. Subject Area : PCC 8. Remedies Total Contact Hours 08 04 04 06 06 06 04 04 42 11. etc Construction: Case Studies of Waste Material Utilization in Rural Roads. “Highway Engineering”. Design and Construction of Rural Roads 2. PI based Method Materials: Brief introduction to conventional materials. CRMB. Justo C. CRRI Nomograms Mix Design Methods: CRRI Method.K. Pre-requisite: Nil 9. Maintenance: Type and Causes of Failures. Pavement Design: Various pavement design methods for Rural roads including Flexible and Rigid pavements using IRC:SP-20. “Traffic Engineering and Transport Planning”.G. Nem Chand & Bros. Vol I & II.. Special Considerations for Hill Areas Drainage: Transverse and Longitudinal Drainage. K. 4. Prentice 2006 Hall of India Pvt. Grade compensation. Semester: Autumn ETE: 50 PRE: 0 7. P. Space standards for urban. 5. Name of Authors/Books/Publishers Year of Publication/ Reprint th Wright. Examination Duration (Hrs) : 4. Highways Capacity Manual. Kadiyali. speed and safety.. Design of vertical curves. vertical clearance for underpasses and elevated structures Highway Capacity: Two lane. Subject Area : PCC 8. “Transportation Engineering . Washington D..R.Topography and physical features. Foot-over bridge and sky-walk Total Contact Hours 6 6 6 8 6 10 42 11. Truck terminals and truck lay-bye. traffic. “Highway Engineering”. Pre-requisite: Nil 9. Khisty. 1. Sight distance requirements. Khanna Publishers. “Traffic Engineering and Transport Planning”.K. Suggested Books: S. Street design concepts. Combination of horizontal and vertical alignment. Two lane. Relative Weight : CWS : 25 5. No. Expressways. & Dixon. Sight distance on horizontal curves. Design of bus shelters and bus lay-bye. Credits : 04 P: 0 Theory : 3 PRS: 0 Practical : 0 MTE: 25 6. Design of Speed Breaker Alignment : Horizontal Alignment . Four lane. Toll Plaza. Principles of channelization. No. Details of Course: S.J. B. pedestrian facilities. rural and hill roads. John Wiley & Sons.H. 3.K. Urban roads. Contents Introduction: Design Controls . Acceleration and deceleration lanes. National 2010 Research Council. Design of Facilities: Design of on-street and off-street parking facilities. Subject Code : CEN-564 Course Title : Geometric Design 2. C. HCM USA and IRC Specifications Intersection Geometry: Visibility requirements. Super-elevation design. 10. Access controls Cross-section Elements : Single lane. Bus terminal. 2004 Transportation Research Board (TRB). 7 Ed.INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE : Department of Civil Engineering 1. multi-storyed Parking. 1. Six lane non-urban highways. 6. 3.An Introduction”. L. 4. 2008 . vehicular characteristics. Attainment of super-elevation. Pavement widening. Contact Hours : L: 3 T:1 3. Vertical Alignment . bicycle tracks. 2. Layout design for types of intersections. Expressways..C. Multi-lane highways.Gradients. Objective: To introduce concepts and design procedures for different types of roads and associated facilities. street furniture. Two-way turn lanes. Container terminal. Ltd. 2.Curve design. on-ramps and off-ramps (flyovers and Access controlled facilities). Transition curve design.. Urban roads. and Lal. S.. “Air Pollution: Health and Environmental Impacts”. economics of air pollution control. Subject code: CEN-601 2. CRC Press. Pre-requisite: Nil 9. green house gases and noise). B. compartment/box model. K.R. SPM. “Methods of Air Sampling and Analysis”.C.. NO2.).. line and area source models... 1 2 3 4 5 Name of Authors/Book/Publishers Wark. emission inventory. Suggested Books: S. No. C. 1. Monitoring of indoor and ambient air quality. Relative Weight: CWS: 20 5. Stern. R. Year of Publication/ Reprint 1998 2005 2006 1988 2010 . CRC Press. Carrying capacity of air sheds. Seinfeld. Addison-Wesley Longman. transport. effects of pollutants on man. and Davis. Boubel. stochastic models. Turner. technology and policy options for controlling air pollution. Fox. Meteorology. Total Contact Hours 6 7 7 7 7 8 42 List of Practicals : i) Tailpipe emission measurements ii) Stack emission measurements iii) Sampling and analysis of SO2. regulations and legislations . “Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics”. C. Molina. Credits: 04 PRS : 20 Practical: 0 MTE : 20 6. air toxics.national and international. 10. W. L.N... control laws. Lodge.T.W. A.F..H.P. Contents No. Details of the Course: S. types of air pollutants (criteria air pollutants. Ojha. acid rain and climate change. Objective : To impart the knowledge and understanding of causes and effects of air pollution and their controlling mechanisms. air pollution dispersion models. Academic Press. Air pollution emission standards. local. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 Course Title: Air Pollution and Control P: 2/2 3. point. 3. 2. 6. dispersion and transformation of pollutants in air. material and plants. 5. Gurjar. J. (Eds. Pandis. (Ed. stationary and mobile sources. summer and winter smog. “Air Pollution: Its Origin and Control”.S.B. John Wiley. Semester: Spring ETE : 40 PRE : 0 7. design of stacks. D.INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE: Department of Civil Engineering 1.. regional and global issues of air pollution. air quality standards. equipments and their design.L.). control of particulate matter and gaseous pollutants. Examination Duration (Hrs): Theory: 3 4. effect of buildings and topography on the fate of air pollutants. and RSPM iv) Measurements of CO and HC v) Measurements of noise 11.. D. “Fundamentals of Air Pollution”. case studies. Air pollution control techniques. Introduction and scope. 4. Warner. emission sources. plume rise.P. J. receptor modeling.. Subject Area: PEC 8. natural ground water quality. R. restoration and management strategy).. 5. Estuaries. Subject code: CEN-602 2. Total 11.V. 3. Credits: 04 CWS: 25 PRS: 0 6. combined) transport models for instantaneous and continuous point sources and non-point sources. fate of bacteria (indicator bacteria pathogens and viruses. two dimensional).INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE: Department of Civil Engineering 1. Bays and Harbors: Estuarine hydrology. wetland hydrology. strategy for water quality management. Harper and Row Publishers. restoration and management strategy.A. Lakes and Reservoirs: Physical and hydrologic characteristics. non-aqueous phase liquids. pollution and remediation of natural water resources 10. water quality in estuaries. J. 4. and Ela. David A. eutrophication. 1. initial mixing. Details of Course: S.M. air sheds. “Water Quality Engineering in Natural Systems”.. oxygen demanding wastewaters. spills and continuous discharge of residual material from point and non-point sources. Ground Water: Introduction. decay. Wiley – Interscience. 2. Contact Hours: L: 3 Course Title: Water Quality Management T: 1 P: 0 3. Pre-requisite: Nil 9. Examination Duration (Hrs): Theory: 3 4. phytoplankton models. Contents No. water quality standards. laws and regulations. vertical. remediation strategy. 2. water quality models. Name of Authors/Book/Publishers Thomann. phytoplankton – nutrient – DO relationships. tides and tidal currents. 1. PHI Learning. Semester: Spring Practical: 0 MTE: 25 ETE : 50 PRE: 0 7. natural and constructed wetlands. urban and agricultural water sheds. natural processes. water quality models (completely mixed.. Contact Hours 02 13 13 08 04 02 42 Year of Publication/ Reprint 1987 2006 2008 . Relative Weight: 5. Introduction: Source and nature of water pollution. Rivers and Streams: River hydrology and river pollution. Chin. Masters. No. Suggested Books: S. Objective: To impart understanding of various aspects related to quality. 6. water generated pollutant loads. Mueller. “Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science”. ”Principles of Surface Water Quality Modelling and Control”. nutrients VOCs Streeter-Phelps model and other models. Wetlands and Watersheds: Introduction. G. transport processes (sorption. 3. sources and ground water pollution. Subject Area: PEC 8. 6. Eckenfelder. Contact Hours 4 3 3 3 5 9 6 9 42 Year of Publication/ Reprint 2007 2004 2001 2000 1995 . on-site and off-site emergency preparedness planning. Pre-requisite: Nil 9. CEPTs.L. Hazardous waste management rules. industrial waste surveys.H. encapsulation. N. 1. co-disposal with municipal waste. 3. “Hazardous Waste Management”. Credits: 04 PRS: 0 6. Semester: Spring Practical: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0 7. steel. deep-well injection. 1. Name of Authors/Book/Publishers Nemerow.F. McGraw Hill. Case studies of distillery. Hazardous waste treatment and disposal practices. “Industrial Waste Management”. storage and handling requirements. “Solid and Hazardous Waste Management”. risk assessment. underground disposal. 7. Subject Area: PEC 8. 2. zero waste discharge units. 2.W.. O. McGraw Hill. 5. McGraw Hill. 4. pulp and paper. Introduction to ISO: 9000 and ISO: 14000 series of standards for environmental management. chemicals and industrial complexes. Suggested Books S.L. No. Grega. oil refinery. Green technologies. 10. S. environmentally balanced industrial complex (EBIC). Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0 3. 4. No. Wentz. etc. sampling and characterization. and Evans. B. Waste treatment technologies. Details of the Course: Contents Introduction. Lewis Publishers. La. and Liptak. J. C. W. Subject code: CEN-603 Course Title: Industrial and Hazardous Waste Management 2. 5. Waste management strategies and programs. site remediation.. 3.. classification of hazardous wastes. Relative Weight: CWS: 25 5. textile. P.D.. Objective: This course aims at developing in students understanding of industrial and hazardous waste management practices. McGraw-Hill.. “Hazardous Waste Management”. Buckingham. Liu.. sugar.INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE: Department of Civil Engineering 1. tannery. 8. Examination Duration (Hrs): Theory: 3 4. “Industrial Water Pollution Control”. land filling. Total 11. M.G. incineration. stabilization and solidification.C.A. 4.Case Study Biological Impact Prediction and Assessment: Identifications.V. P. Prediction and Assessment of Impacts on the Land Environment: Soil & Geological properties. and Stacey. 8. Initial Environmental Examination. Meteorological Data. 2006 Charles.. Contact Hours: L: 3 Course Title: Environmental Impact and Risk Assessment T: 1 P: 0 3. No. Name of Authors/Book/Publishers Contact Hours 5 5 6 4 4 4 4 4 6 42 Year of Publication/ Reprint Jain R. No. London. Risk characterization. Emission Inventories. L. London. Dispersion Models . 5. Mass Balances.INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE: Department of Civil Engineering 1.. Canter. Biological indices & Mitigation measures Prediction and Assessment of Impacts on the Socioeconomic Environment: Selection of Factors. Universal Soil Loss equation. Subject Area: PEC 8. Urban. 5. Water Conservation . Weathern. L. . Unwin 1982 Hyman. mitigation measures Risk Assessment: Hazard Identification. Socioeconomic Gains versus Biophysical Losses. “Environmental Impact Analysis”. Quantity Impacts. public participation in environmental decision making Prediction and Assessment of Impacts on the Air Environment: Air Pollutants Emission. Vulnerability Mapping. 4. 2011 Morris. Effect Assessment. Pollutant Emissions Minimization . Peter and Riki. “Environmental Impact Assessment – Theory and Practice”. H.K. Objective: To develop understanding of the environment and impact on it due to various projects and actions. “Environmental Impact Assessment”. Particulars Introduction (Preliminary Assessment). Suggested Books: S. Risk and Health. 2. Mitigation Measures . Relative Weight: CWS: 25 5.Case Study Prediction and Assessment of Impacts on the Surface Water Environment: Quality Impacts. Van 2003 Nostrand Reinhold. Case studies of EIA Total 11.S. 9. Examination Duration (Hrs): Theory: 3 4. Details of Course: S. 7. Subsurface Transport and Fate Prediction and Assessment of Impacts on the Noise Environment: Terminology. “Methods of Environmental Impact Assessment”.W. McGraw Hill. “Environmental Impact Assessment”. 1. Project Screening and scoping for EIA. CRC Press. Risk Reduction Environmental audit.. 2.Case Study. 1. G. 3. Prediction and Assessment of Impacts on the Groundwater Environment: Hydrogeological Information.. Basic Steps in EIA Process. Overview and Introduction to the Course. 6. 10. Pre-requisite: Nil 9. Quantitative Modeling. Mass Balances. Noise Propagation from Point and Line Sources. Ambient Air Quality and Standards. Credits: 04 PRS: 0 6. The Environmental Impact Assessment Process. Related laws. EIA Notifications of MoEF. Water Quality Index. Subject code: CEN-604 2.. Semester: Spring Practical: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0 7. Spon 2001 Press. 3. Introduction: Development of solid waste management (SWM) program. Prentice Hall. Suggested Books: S. Contact Hours: L: 3 Course Title: Solid Waste Management T: 1 3. handling. N. “Handbook of Solid Waste Management and Waste Minimization Technologies”. 1. legislations and regulations. and Vigil. commercial and industrial wastes. closure of landfills. incineration. screening. Disposal of Solid Waste: Natural attenuation and containment landfills. Cheremisinoff. Conveyors. Collection and Transport: Source separation.. Objective: To impart knowledge of planning of municipal solid waste management systems for environmental health and sustainable development. route optimization.. A. GOI Publication. integrated solid waste management. Examination Duration (Hrs): 4. McGraw Hill. Relative Weight: 5.INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE: Department of Civil Engineering 1. Design and construction of landfills. 7. No. pyrolysis and gasification. transfer and transport. 4. McBean E. “Integrated Solid Waste Management : Engineering Principles and Management Issues”. Siting. Environmental Impact Assessment: EIA of landfills and other treatment methods. Butterworth. magnetic and eddy current separation techniques. Total 2. Year of Publication/ Reprint 2011 1995 2001 2003 . Contact Hours 3 4 5 6 6 8 2 4 42 List of Practicals : i) Solid Waste Characterization ii) Biodegradation and end products measurement 11. analysis of collection system. 2 3 4 Name of Authors/Book/Publishers Tchobanoglous G. Processing and Material Separation Techniques: Receiving Area. leachate. Details of Course: S. “Solid Waste Landfill Engineering and Design”. 5. environmental monitoring. Shredders. sampling and analysis. collection services. 6. gas.. Semester: Spring ETE : 50 PRE: 0 7.D. London. storage. manual separation. Transformation of Solid Waste: Biological Processes: Composting and anaerobic Digestion. 10. Contents 1. No. S. Credits: 04 CWS: 25 P: 0 Theory: 3 PRS: 0 Practical: 0 MTE: 25 6.. Subject code: CEN-605 2. Waste to Energy Conversion: Emission control and ash management. Case Studies: Overview of solid waste management practices in India. Pre-requisite: Nil 9. storm-water movement and control. 3. air classification. Theisen. issues in solid waste management. H. Subject Area: PEC 8. waste generation. Sources and Types of Solid Waste: Residential. CPHEEO Manual of Solid Waste Management. 8. Subject Area : PEC 8. 4.. Relative Weight : CWS: 15 5. Loss of data & image quality. Absolute and Exterior orientation methods. Approximate orthogonal matrix. Interior Orientation. Bundle block adjustment.CCD. Automatic generation of DEM. 3D Model generation 8. 5. Analytical plotter and its functioning.signal based and feature based matching. Comparative merits. Direct and indirect methods of acquisition of digital images . Relative Orientation. Model formation using digital stereo pairs. Measurement of image coordinates from hard copy and soft copy. Orthogonal transformation matrices and methods of construction. Digital correlation. Examination Duration (Hrs) : Theory : 3 4. 6. Introduction to Digital Photogrammetric System. Independent model triangulation. Aero triangulation Contact Hours 4 5 5 5 7 6 10 42 . Capabilities and characteristics features. Digitizers and photogrammetric scanners. Historical development from conventional to analytical and digital photogrammetry. Relative. Relative Orientation. Semester: Spring ETE: 40 PRE: 0 8. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Contents Introduction. Details of Course : Sl. Corrections to observed image coordinates Analytical orientation. Design consideration. Absolute Orientation 7. 2. Strip and block triangulation and adjustment. Condition equations. Multipoint matching etc. Subject Code: CEN-611 2. Comparative merits and demerits.Potential. Various applications Total List of Practicals : 1. Digital photogrammetric system . No. Storage and compression of digital imagery. Least square matching. Objective of Course : To provide enhanced knowledge on analytical and Digital Photogrammetry. Digital orthophotos. 10. Add-on devices Analytical aerial triangulation. Generation of Digital orthophotograph. Pre-requisite: Principles of Photogrammetry 9.INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE: Department of Civil Engineering 1. Credits : 4 PRS: 25 Practical : 0 MTE: 20 6. Instruments Digital images and their properties. 9. Automatic image matching techniques . Preparation of Digital Photo 3. Applications of analytical and digital photogrammetry Coordinate systems. Contact Hours : L: 3 Course Title: Analytical and Digital Photogrammetry T:0 P: 2 3. “Analytical Photogrammetry”. 1. 4. American Society of Photogrammetry. 1995 Linder. 3. 1987 “Manual of Photogrammetry”. . 2. Yves and Kasser. 2009 Egals. No. Sanjib K. Concept Publishing Co. Name of Authors/Books/Publishers Year of Publication/ Reprint Ghosh. “Digital Photogrammetry”.. Springer.11. Taylor and 2002 Francis. Wilfried. “Digital Phgotogrammetry”. Michel. Suggested Books Sl. INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE: Department of Civil Engineering 1. Subject Code: CEN-612 Course Title: Advanced Digital Image Processing 2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 2 3. Examination Duration (Hrs): Theory: 03 4. Relative Weight: 5. Credits: 4 CWS: 15 PRS: 25 Practical: 0 MTE: 20 6. Semester: Spring ETE: 7. 40 PRE: 0 Subject Area: PEC 8. Pre-requisite: Remote Sensing and Digital Image Processing 9. Objective : To introduce the concepts of multi and hyper-spectral remote sensing. 10. Details of Course : Sl. No. Contents Contact Hours Various types of images: PAN, Mutispectral, Hyperspectral and High resolution images, Feature and intensity based image registration of images, Open Source Image Processing software and image data Advanced Spatial Filtering techniques—Spatial and Frequency domain (e.g., Fourier, wavelets), Texture Images Image compression, Pixel and sub-pixel level target detection and classification, Data fusion methods and applications. DEM generation from stereo-satellite images, CARTOSAT DEM, SRTM DEM, ASTER DEM, Parameter extraction Empirical modelling of biophysical parameters from multi and hyperspectral remote sensing data, 3D visualisation of data ANN, Fuzzy Logic, Object based classification from satellite images Applications of multi and hyperspectral remote sensing data in water resources, forestry, earth sciences, resource management and planning, military target detection. Total 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 4 6 5 5 8 8 6 42 List of Practicals : 1. Study of different types of remote sensing data 2. Hands on experience on images processing modules 3. Data visualization tools – study of images 4. Feature and intensity based image registration of images 5. Spatial enhancement of remote sensing images 6. Data dimensionality reduction using feature selection and feature extraction methods 7. Advanced pattern recognition algorithms for extraction of information from images 8. Derivation of biophysical parameters from multi and hyperspectral remote sensing images 11. Suggested Books : Sl. No. Name of Authors/Books/Publishers 1. Chen, C.H., “Information Processing for Remote Sensing”, World Scientific. 2. Cheng, Chein I., “Hyperspectral Imaging : Techniques for Spectral Detection and Classification”, Kluwer Academic. Year of Publication/ Reprint 1999 2003 3. Landgrebe, D., “Signal Theory Methods in Multi-spectral Remote Sensing”, John Wiley. 4. Richards, John A. and Xiuping, Jia., “Remote Sensing Digital Image Analysis : An Introduction”, Springer-Verlag. 5. Varshney, P.K. and Arora, Manoj K., “Advanced Image Processing Techniques for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Data”, Springer-Verlag. 2003 1999 2004 INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE: 1. Subject Code: CEN-613 2. Contact Hours : L: 3 Department of Civil Engineering Course Title: Thermal, Microwave and Hyperspectral Remote Sensing T:0 P: 2 3. Examination Duration (Hrs) : Theory : 3 4. Relative Weight : CWS : 15 5. Credits : 4 Practical : 0 PRS : 25 6. Semester: Spring MTE : 20 ETE : 40 PRE : 0 7. Subject Area : PEC 8. Pre-requisite: Nil 9. Objective of Course : To provide enhanced knowledge on the use of thermal, microwave and hyperspectral remote sensing data and their analysis for various engineering and other applications. 9. Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Details of Course : Contents Brief review of thermal and microwave remote sensing, their utility, merit and demerits. Introduction to spectral characteristics of remote sensing data. Optical radiation models. Summary of Visible to Shortwave region models. Thermal sensors and their characteristics. Thermal infrared region models. Interpretation of thermal images – day and night images. Emmissivity consideration. Thermal inertia considerations. Factors affecting analysis of thermal images.. Estimation of land surface temperature from thermal images. Applications of thermal remote sensing. Introduction to Microwave Remote Sensing - Active and Passive Systems, Platforms and Sensors. Passive Microwave Systems: Background, Mathematical formulation for microwave radiation and simulation, Measurement and analysis of Brightness Temperature, Applications in various fields— Oceanography and Meteorology. Active Microwave Systems: Basic principles of Radar, Radar Equation, Resolution, Range, Phase and Angular measurements, Microwave Scattering and its measurement, Relationships between Scene and Sensor parameters, Imaging systems – RAR and SAR. SAR Imagery—their characteristics and interpretation. Applications of microwave remote sensing. SAR Interferometry for DEM generation. Differential SAR Interferometry for surface displacement studies. Applications in land subsidence, landslide movements, glacier movements etc. Polarimetry in Radar Remote Sensing. Basic equations. Propagation of waves and wave polarization. HH, VV, HV and VH polarization data and their applications. Principles of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing, Spectral Cube, Airborne and spaceborne hyperspectral sensors Smile effect and correct, instrument calibration: geometric and spectral calibration, continuum removal, red edge and blue shift concepts Spectral mixing theory, waveform characterization, spectral mapping methods: spectral feature filtering (SFF), Linear Spectral Unmixing (LSU), Mixture Tuned Matched Filtering (MTMF). Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM) Total Contact Hours 4 5 3 5 4 6 4 4 3 4 42 3. Year of Publication/ Reprint 1998 2003 2006 2008 2013 . Visual image interpretation of thermal images. 2. “Hyperspectral Data Processing”.List of Practicals : 1. Collection of spectral signatures and study of hyperspectral image 12. Schowengerdt. “Remote Sensing Models and Methods in Image Processing”. Matzler.. I. 11. Institute of Electrical Engineers (IEE). Academic Press. 5. Digital image interpretation of thermal images. Study and collection of emmissivity data pertaining to various earth surface features from different sources.. 1 to 5. F. Vol. Chang.M. Land surface temperature estimation from thermal images 7. “Thermal Microwave Radiation: Application for Remote Sensing”. Manual of Remote Sensing. John Wiley. Familiarisation with various thermal and microwave remote sensing data products 2. R. Vol. J.L. “Principles and Applications of Imaging Radar”. 1. Study and implementation of backscatter estimation models for active microwave remote sensing data 9. Manual of Remote Sensing. 5. Study and implementation of brightness temperature estimation models for passive microwave remote sensing data 8. C. Suggested Books : Sl. 10.. 2. 4.A. Hands on experience on thermal data and microwave data processing modules in an image processing software 3. and Anthony. 4. Classification of hyperspectral data 11. Name of Authors/Books/Publishers Henderson. John Wiley and Sons. Use of Differential SAR Interferometry for surface displacement studies.. Visual and Digital image interpretation of SAR images. Chein. 6. No. American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Semester : Spring ETE : 40 PRE : 0 7. 1 Contents Introduction. 8. Database management. Pre-requisite : Nil 9. Virtual GIS. demonstrations. Credits: 4 PRS : 25 Practical : 0 MTE : 20 6. Data compression and reduction techniques. Area and query based analysis 9. Scanning and digitization (on screen). Raster Versus Vector. Essentials components of GIS. Contact Hours 4 2 Various GIS packages and their salient features. Data Output Database structure. Network systems. Demo on various GIS software and their salient features. Query based. Relative Weight : CWS : 15 5. 10. Spatial Analysis. Descriptions: Raster and Vector data. Data manipulation and analysis Spatial and mathematical operations in GIS. Registration of various maps and digitization and editing of features. interactive practicals in the classroom. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 2 3. Overlay. Utility of GIS. Interpolation of data. Buffer and overlay analysis. 3. Runlength encoding. Geographical concepts and Terminology. Relational database. Measurement and statistical modelling. 7. 2. Data storage verification and editing 7 4 Data preprocessing. 5. Data acquisition through scanners and digitizers 5 3 Raster and Vector Data: Introduction. Raster to Vector conversion. Map preparation and composition. The course shall be taught using a combination of lectures. Details of Course: Sl. Subject Code: CEN-614 Course Title: Theory and Applications of GIS 2. Web GIS 7 Application of GIS to various natural resources mapping and monitoring and engineering problems Total 5 5 6 7 8 List of Practicals : 1. No. Objective of Course: The course objective is to provide basic knowledge of GIS theory and engineering applications using the existing state-of-the-art GIS software. Topology and Spatial Relationships. Spatial and Mathematical operations. 6. Remote Sensing Data in GIS. 10. Web publishing of GIS layers. GIS and the GPS. Subject Area: Civil Engineering 8. 4 5 5 42 . Examination Duration (Hrs): Theory : 3 4. Buffers. Hierarchical data. Statistical Reporting and Graphing Programming languauges in GIS. Customized application in GIS. Database creation and management. and hands-on. 4.INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE: Department of Civil Engineering 1. Difference between Image Processing system and GIS. Georeferencing. Database Construction. and Chandra.. “Remote Sensing and GIS”. S. Lo.W. A..M.A.. Longley. Goodchild. Narosa Publishing House. P. “Exploring Geographic Information Systems”. Suggested Books Sl.K. 12. 3D GIS. Maguire. Michael F. John Wiley. Demers. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Name of Authors/Books/Publishers Burrough. Prentice Hall India. Demo on various GIS based application.K. Oxford University Press. “Principles of Geographic Information System”. Nicholas R. Chrisman. 2nd Ed. and Mc Donnel. “Fundamentals of Geographic Information System”. “Geographic Information Systems and Science”. and Young. Wiley. David J..A.11. C. and Rhind. A. “Concepts and Techniques of Geographical Information System”... No. Ghosh. Wiley Year of Publication/ Reprint 2000 2002 2008 2008 2002 2001 . David W. Michael N. 11.P. Paul A. R.. pre-disaster planning. Credits: 4 8. volcanoes. delimiting drought prone areas. Case studies Cyclones and Flooding: Cyclone: cyclone related parameters and effects on land and sea – damage assessment. green house / global warming – acid rain – snow melt – sea level rise – related problems. RS. emergency response or damage assessment. flood prone area demarcation. Pre-requisite: PRS: 25 Practical: 0 MTE: 20 6. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 2 3. Various Geomatics tools – Total Station. risk assessment. Case studies. recovery and relief phase. anthropogenic. GIS data layers. monitoring phase. Semester: Spring ETE: 40 PRE: 0 7. Digital Elevation model Generation extraction of parameters and their uses. 10. Marine Disasters: oil spill and chemical pollution. protected areas and natural forests) – population extinction – conserving bio-diversity (species and subspecies). Landslides – Causative factors. selection of factors – triggering and non-triggering. coastal erosion and deposition. Geomatics tools for risk mitigation plans. SAR Interferometry for estimation of ground displacement.INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE: Department of Civil Engineering 1. forest fire-mining. GIS analysis. Anthropogenic Disasters: Atmospheric Disasters : Ozone layer depletion. Identification of parameters (mapping of forest types. Soil erosion. GIS data layer creation – Management strategies. GIS and GPS tools for disaster mitigation and management. over utilization of water and land resources. Subject code: CEN-615 Course Title: Geoinformatics for Natural Disasters 2. identification of variables. Relative Weight: CWS: 15 5. development of vegetation index. Objective : To introduce the applications of remote sensing. Case studies. Flooding: causes. disaster preparedness. Geomatics tools for preparation Contact Hours 4 2 5 6 5 4 5 5 . GPS. fire etc. Biodiversity Disasters: Ecological degradation – nuclear disaster and biodiversity loss. preparation of landslide hazard zonation maps. Damage Assessment. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Contents Introduction to various types of disasters. analysis and management. assessment of land use and ground water level changes. Subject Area: PEC Nil 9. Damage Assessment. regional and site specific risk assessments. landslides. GIS. hazard assessment. Earthquakes – Causative factors. creation of thematic data layers. Case studies. factor identification. regional risk assessment. management strategies. selection of factors. chemical and environmental. factors influencing droughts. preparation of seismic hazard zonation maps. creation of thematic data layers. GIS data layer creation. cyclones. coral / mangrove depletion. Modeling for risk mitigation plans. hazard assessment. identification of factors. Case studies. tsunamis. Details of Course : Sl. floods. Case studies. Drought and Desertification: Types of droughts. Manmade and natural – earthquakes. industrial. Stages of a disaster mitigation plan. Damage assessment. Examination Duration (Hrs): Theory: 3 4. No. processes of desertification. space-time integration. John Willey. “Natural Hazards and Environmental Change”. John A. 4. Bill McGuire. 2. deforestation maps etc. extent – NBR (Normal Burnt Ratio). 12. 4. Forest Fire: estimation of forest fire. 1. Geomatics tools and systems for monitoring and management. John Willey. Total 3 3 42 List of Practicals : 1.. Bossler. Damage assessment. erosion maps. Digitization of Thematic layers. Ariyabandu. 3. Familiarisation with various remote sensing data products at different spectral.D. Prentice-Hall. Use of GIS for preparation of thematic data layers for the natural hazard selected 9. and Sahni P. “Environmental Modeling with GIS and Remote Sensing”.9 10. Demers. Year of Publication/ Reprint 2002 2003 2001 2000 2002 . spatial and temporal resolutions 2. damage assessment. Skeil. 11. Use of GIS for risk zonation and assessment. 6. Hands on experience on Total Station 3. 11. 5. 5. “Manual of Geospatial Science and Technology”.. Hands on experience on GPS. Case studies. Use of Differential SAR Interferometry for surface displacement studies. Taylor and Francis.Introductory concepts. Collection of field data using Total Station and/or GPS survey for the natural hazard selected 8. use of geomatics tools for monitoring and management.. Flood plan mapping using temporal satellite data (pre and post flood). M. Matthews. Suggested Books : Name of Authors/Books/Publishers Andrew. “Disaster Risk Reduction in South Asia”. Ian Mason. Tsunami . No. of ecological degradation maps. Sl. Use of GIS for hazard zonation using probabilistic or any other method 10. London. Hands on experience on an image processing and GIS software. (Eds). “Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems”. J. Collection of data from different sources for a given natural hazard 7. Michael N. GIS in environmental modeling. Transportation planning and management. Subject Code: CEN-616 Course Title: Geoinformatics for Land Use Surveys 2. artificial neural network and other machine learning approaches. Total Contact Hours 4 8 8 9 4 4 5 42 . Concept of mixed pixel. Objective of Course : To impart advanced knowledge on the use of remote sensing data in optical region for preparation of land use land cover maps and their usage in urban planning 10. Object based image classification. Physical planning and statistical methods. Visual image interpretation techniques for land use cover map preparation. and growth assessment. Issues in urban and regional planning – objectives and planning processes.INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE: Department of Civil Engineering 1. design of error matrix and fuzzy error matrix. Land use land cover analysis based on temporal characteristics of remote sensing data – temporal resolution of remote sensing data. Infrastructure planning. Utility/service planning. Classification accuracy assessment – accuracy of per pixel and sub-pixel classification. high resolution images. Statistical testing. Sampling design issues. artificial neural network and other machine learning approaches. Utility of land use land cover in urban planning. Study of cropping pattern and resources. Relative Weight: MTE: 20 5. land parcel sizes. Examination Duration (Hrs): Theory: 3 Practical: 0 4. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 2 3. map scale. Near Infrared and Shortwave Infrared wavelength regions. minimum mapping unit. Pre-requisite: Nil 9. Sub pixel classification – linear mixture modeling. History of land use land cover. data requirements. management. Details of Course : Sl. various vegetation indices. Principles of land use land cover mapping. Thermal Infrared regions and active microwave region. Modern land use land cover surveys and classification systems. fuzzy set based classification. Credits: 4 CWS: 15 PRS: 25 6. land use land cover change detection – visual and digital change detection algorithms. Mapping of parcels and individual buildings. No. Semester: Spring ETE: 40 PRE: 0 7. Utility of remote sensing data for land use land cover mapping at various scales. application based temporal requirements. Land use land cover analysis based on spatial characteristics of remote sensing data – utility of IFOV. Digital image classification for land use land cover map preparation. Role of remote sensing and GIS for urban planning. Land use land cover analysis based on spectral characteristics of remote sensing data Visible. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Contents Introduction. Per pixel classification – statistical. Subject Area: PEC 8. Land use land cover— definition and its significance in engineering projects. 4. Vol. 3. Suggested Books : Sl. Manual of Remote Sensing. Guilford Press. Manual of Remote Sensing. John Wiley. John Wiley. 5. “Remote Sensing of Human Settlements”. No. 7. (Editor-in-Chief). Rencz. Year of Publication/ Reprint 2002 2000 1999 2004 2004 . 8. and R. 4th Ed. T. 2. Lillesand. 10. Vol.g. 5. 11. Training on image classification module of ERDAS Imagine. IDRISI or ENVI software). Name of Authors/Books/Publishers Campbell.. Study of spectral reflectance characteristics of various land use land cover features using SpectroRadiometer. (Editor-in-Chief). Andrew B. Preparation of land use land cover classification scheme for an area.M. 3.List of Practicals : 1. Preparation of a land use land cover map using back propagation neural network algorithm (use either Matlab. Take minimum mapping unit as 5 mm x 5 mm. John Wiley. Practice for selection of training areas and their quality assessment using histogram and separability analyses. Practice for selection of testing areas based on different sampling schemes for classification accuracy assessment in ERDAS Imagine. Andrew B. 4. 9. 6. Compute areas of various land cover classes mapped using digital planimeter. Familiarization with various photographic and digital remote sensing data products used for land use land cover mapping. 1. 5. Comparative assessment of various statistical image classifiers for land use land cover mapping. “Introduction to Remote Sensing”. J. “Remote Sensing for Natural Resource Management and Environmental Modeling”. decision tree classifier. Preparation of a land cover map from the given FCC. Preparation of land use land cover map at sub-pixel level using soft classification techniques (use either ERDAS. 11. Development of a computer program to implement an advanced image classification algorithm (e. IDRISI or ENVI software). “Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation”. B. “Computer Processing of Remotely-Sensed Images”.. Kiefer. John Wiley. Rencz. Preparation of a land use land cover change detection map using various image change detection algorithms (use either ERDAS. Mather. Study of image interpretation elements through image interpretation keys for visual analysis of land use land cover.W... Paul M. evidential reasoning or any other). Preparation of land parcel and building map from high resolution satellite image. 4. 2. IDRISI or ENVI software). Geodynamics. Measurements. Examination Duration (Hrs): Theory: 3 Practical: 0 4. 3. determination of mean sea surface. No. satellites & missions. Inc. hands-on practice and analysis of 7 days GPS data using BERNESE software. Suggested Books : Sl. Year of Publication/ Reprint Kaula. hands-on practice and analysis of 7 days GPS data using GAMIT software. Methods and Applications. Satellites used in geodesy. Pre-requisite: Nil 9. NASA Pub. “Theory of Satellite Geodesy”. W. Applications Planned Missions and Special Methods – VLBI. Satellite Orbital Motion: Fundamental of Celestial Mechanics.. 2. 5. 10..I. Objective of Course : To provide enhanced knowledge on satellite geodesy and its applications in GPS. 4. Demonstration. 6. “Geometrical Methods of Space Geodesy”. Navigation. Purturbed Satellite Motion. 11. 1964 Tishchenko. Mueller. download and process the data using commercial software. Signal Propagation. Semester: Spring PRE: 0 7. To determine the different orbit and satellite parameters from GPS data. Subject Area: PEC 8. Subject Code: CEN.. Demonstration. 2006 Walter De Gruyter. Total Contact Hours 7 8 9 5 5 3 5 42 List of Practicals : 1. Orbit determination. Further. Process and analyse laser ranging data. Relative Weight: CWS: 15 MTE: 20 5. Time. A. 4. 3. corrections. NY.617 Course Title: Satellite Geodesy 2. Galelio etc Satellite Altimetry – basics.INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE: Department of Civil Engineering 1.Systems and components. No. GNSS systemsGPS. Measurements. Dover Pub. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Contents Introduction.A. Data Processing and Accuracy. Process and analyse VLBI data. Credits: 4 PRS: 25 ETE: 40 6. Laser Ranging. 1. I. hands-on practice and collection of data using Geodetic GPS receivers. Data Processing and Accuracy. Applications of Geodetic Satellite Methods – Positioning. GLONASS. “Satellite Geodesy: Foundations”. Gunter.P. Observables and basic concepts. Satellite Orbit & Orbital Maneuvers Basic Observation Concepts and Geodetic Satellites: Satellite Geodesy for parameter estimation. corrections. 1971 Name of Authors/Books/Publishers . NY 2000 Seeber. Gravity Field and Earth Models. Fundamentals: Reference coordinate systems. Demonstration. “Introduction to Satellite Geodesy”. Details of Course : Sl. Ungar Pub. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 2 3. 2. Monte Carlo Simulations. Mode. Uncertainty Modeling of Geo-spatial Data: Uncertainties in various Geo-spatial Data. 2. Median. File Formats for various GIS Data Types. Accuracy and Uncertainty. 1. Principles of Least Squares. Observation Equations.Variance Covariance and Correlation Matrices. Measurements and Analysis: Sample versus Population. Three-Dimensional Conformal Coordinate Transformation. Details of Course : Sl. Using Matrices to Form the Normal Equations. Primary and Secondary Data. Least Squares Solution of Nonlinear Systems. Uses of Statistical Testing in Geo-spatial Data Processing. Digital Remote Sensing Data: File Formats. Errors in Geospatial data and measurements. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 2 3. Measures of Central Tendency – Mean. DBMS and Relational DBMS. Pre-requisite: Nil 9. Objective of Course : To introduce various modeling and error analysis techniques for processing of geodata acquired from surveying. Projective Coordinate Transformation. Precision. Categorical and Ordinal Data. Least Squares Adjustment Using Conditional Equations and Observation Equations Confidence Intervals and Statistical Testing: Sampling Distributions. Error in Geo-spatial Data and Error Modeling: Error Sources. Confidence Interval for the Mean: t Statistic. Spatial and Nonspatial data. Spatial Decision Support System Coordinate Transformations: Two-Dimensional. Types of Errors – Gross. 9. Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP). No. Credits: 4 PRS: 25 6. Error Ellipse for Uncertainty Quantification. Vector and Raster Data. Contents Types of Geo-spatial Data: Ratio. Hypothesis Testing. Fuzzy set. Propagation of Random Errors. Examination Duration (Hrs): Theory: 3 Practical: 0 4. Map models and Map Projection Systems Geo-spatial Data Structures and Database Management Systems: Data Compression Models. Graphical Representation of Geo-spatial Data. Relative Weight: CWS: 15 MTE: 20 5. Subject Code: CEN-618 Course Title: Modeling and Analysis of Geo-Spatial Data 2. GPS. 3. photogrammetry. Multi Criterion Decision Making: Standardisation of weights. Confidence Interval for the Ratio of Two Population Variances.INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE: Department of Civil Engineering 1. Subject Area: PEC 8. Concept of Adjustment of Errors. Sampling Schemes and Sample Sizes. Least Squares Fit of Points to a Line or Curve. Total Contact Hours 5 4 5 6 5 4 5 5 3 42 . 8. Systematic and Random Errors. 4. Semester: Spring ETE: 40 PRE: 0 7. Confidence Interval for a Population Variance. remote sensing and GIS. 7. 6. Conformal. Mean Vector. Systematic Formulation of the Normal Equations. Affine. Measures of Variation in Data . 5. 10. W. 3. “Mathematical Statistics”. 2. Name of Authors/Books/Publishers Bossler. Van Nostrand Reinhold. J. namely. Modeling and Analysis”. “Simulation. “Manual of Geospatial Science and Technology”. Freund.List of Practicals : 1. Taylor and Francis. M. Law. Introduction to a Statistical Software for various applications. D. 4.. and Gracie. E. Categorical and Nominal 2. Working on a DBMS software 5. and Kelton. Prentice Hall of India. Familiarity with different types of Geodata: Ratio. i) Generation of random error data ii) Error modeling iii) Least Squares adjustment iv) Statistical Testing v) Uncertainty modeling 11. 4. Year of Publication/ Reprint 2002 1998 2003 1981 . J. D. Familiarization with various 2D and 3D coordinate transformations and Map Projection Systems. Suggested Books : Sl. Tata McGraw Hill. Understanding raster and vector data 3. Edward M.. Mikhail. A. Gordon. “Analysis & Adjustment of Survey Measurements”. No. 1.. Details of Course : S. Probe calibration and corrections. Pressure meter testing of soils during boring and its variation with depth 2.INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE : 1. In-situ shear Strength of Jointed Rocks: Equipment and test procedure. Credits : 04 PRS: 0 Practical : 0 MTE: 25 6. Pressure meter modulus of soils & weak rocks 2. radial jacking test etc. Analysis and interpretation of field test data 8. Demonstration of Goodman jack test for deformation modulus of rocks Contact Hours 05 05 07 06 07 02 04 06 42 . Hydro-fracturing method 7. Stress paths for hydrostatic compression (HC). Contents Pressure Meter Testing of Soils and Weak Rocks: Menard pressure meter equipment. Pre-requisite: Nil 9. Dilatometer Testing of Soils: Equipment and procedure of testing. Servo-controlled uni-axial testing of rock specimens 6. un-drained shear strength.. k0. Electrical Resistivity Methods: Principle. No. effect of L/D ratio. Application to problems of settlement of shallow foundations.Wenner and Schlumberger arrangements. rocks and rock masses 10.friction angle. Stress Path Testing of Soils: Influence of stress history on behavior of soils. drained and un-drained situations. Electrical Soundings. coefficient of consolidation. laterally loaded piles. Stress path testing of soils under hydro-static compression 3. Resistivity of soils and rocks. In-situ Deformation Modulus of Jointed Rocks : Goodman Jack test. Geotechnical parameters of clay. Servo-controlled tri-axial testing of rock specimens 7. state parameter. Subject Area : PEC 8. Geotechnical parameters of clay. Semester: Spring ETE: 50 PRE: 0 7.OCR. Post Failure Testing of Rocks: Servo-controlled uni-axial and tri-axial testing of different rock types. Direct shear (DS). Conventional tri-axial extension (CTE). soil stiffness. interpretation of test data. Stress path testing of soils under true tr-axial compression 5. Cyclic testing of rock cores. Objective : To impart knowledge of advanced methods of testing of geological materials like soil. Tests in soils and weak rocks. analysis and interpretation of test data 5. analysis and interpretation of test data on NC and OC clays 4. 3. Subject Code : CEN-621 Department of Civil Engineering Course Title : Advanced Geotechnical Exploration and Testing 2. soil liquefaction etc. Methods of electrical resistivity profiling. Interpretation of test data. Resistivity Technique. interpretation for peak and residual strength of rock mass 6. Plate jacking test down the drill hole. True tri-axial compression (TTC). Relative Weight : CWS :25 5. Examination Duration (Hrs) : Theory : 3 4. 1. Plate jacking test. Creep pressure. Conventional tri-axial compression (CTC). Interpretation of test data. Contact Hours : L: 3 T:1 P: 0 3. Total List of Practicals : 1. Demonstration of electrical resistivity profiling method 8. effect of confining pressure. Measurement of In-situ Stresses in Rocks: Flat jack technique. soil stiffness. brittle-ductile transition. Stress path testing of soils in conventional tr-axial compression 4. Limit pressure. UK. J.. House. Asia Pub.11. F. Schnaid.. Year of Publication/ Reprint 1981 1978 2009 1997 2007 .. P. T. 3. “ In Situ Testing in Geomechanics”. 2. J. 4. No. McGraw Hill Book Co. 1.. “Engineering Rock Mechanics”.H. Atkinson. Hudson. A. “ The Mechanics of Soils. Bransby. P. Foundations and Tunnels”. 5. Prentice Hall. Suggested Books : S. Pergamon Press Ramamurthy. J..L. Taylor and Francis.. Harrison. Name of Authors/Books/Publishers Singh Alam.An Introduction to Critical State Soil Mechanics”.. “Soil Engineering in Theory and Practice”. “ Engineering in Rocks for Slopes. Foundations under uplifting loads 9. pile group capacity and settlement. Relative Weight : CWS :20 5. lateral and uplift capacity of piles 4. methods of estimating bearing capacity. Contents No. methods of borings along with various penetration tests 2. proportioning of foundations using field test data.planning of soil exploration for different projects. Planning of soil exploration for different projects. Pre-requisite: Nil 9. settlements of pile foundations. Credits : 04 P: 2/2 Theory : 3 Practical : 0 PRS: 20 MTE: 20 6.INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE : Department of Civil Engineering 1. Exploratory borings by different methods including auger boring Wash boring Percussion drilling and rotary drilling etc. sheeting and bracing systems in shallow and deep open cuts in different soil types 7. laterally loaded piles. Standard penetration tests Dynamic cone penetration tests Static cone penetration tests Plate load tests Load tests on piles . Semester: Spring ETE: 40 PRE: 0 7. 7. 3. 4. 5. pressure – settlement characteristics from constitutive laws 3. Open cuts. proportioning of pile foundations.settlement behaviour of piles. analysis and design 8. Contact Hours : L: 3 T:1 3. IS codes. Tunnels and arching in soils. 10. Subject Area : PEC 8. 6. Objective of Course: To impart knowledge of methods of analysis and design of various foundations. Subject Code : CEN-622 Course Title : Advanced Foundation Engineering 2. IS and IRC codal provisions. settlements of footings and rafts. requirements for satisfactory performance of foundations. Shallow foundations. methods of subsurface exploration. followed by . Coffer dams. Soil-structure interaction Total Contact Hours 05 06 06 05 04 06 03 04 03 42 List of Practicals: 1. Details of Course : S. pressure computations around tunnels 6. 8. Examination Duration (Hrs) : 4. elastic theory and ultimate resistance methods 5. Well foundation. 2. methods of estimating load transfer of piles. Pile foundations. analytical estimation of load. various types. pile load tests. 1. ”Pile Foundation Analysis and Design”.. G. Joseph E. H. No. “Principles of Foundation Engineering”. Braja M..11. PWS Publishing. Oxford and IBH. Suggested Books: S.. 3. H. Som. 1. Saran. Prentice Hall. S. N. Mc-Graw Hill.. ”Analysis and Design of Substructures”. Poulos.. 2. C. Das. and Davis. ”Theory and Practice of Foundation Design”. 4. and Das S. Year of Publication/ Reprint 1996 1998 2003 1980 2006 . 5. “Foundation Analysis and Design”. N. F. Wiley and Sons. Name of Authors/Books/Publishers Bowles. Semester: Spring ETE: 50 PRE: 0 7.. Objective of Course : Landslides is a very common phenomenon in hilly regions and results in loss of life and property.INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE : Department of Civil Engineering 1. Pre-requisite: Nil 9. Subject Area : PEC 8. Rock slopes. failure modes 2. Relative Weight : CWS :25 PRS: 0 5. Soil slopes. Bishop’s rigorous method.P.W. retaining walls. R. McGraw Hill. Collection and analysis of geological data. 1. slope stability – mechanics of slope failure. Giani. 2. three dimensional wedge analysis. classification of natural slopes and excavation failures. The course is designed to identify various modes of failures and study their safety aspects including provision of remedial measures. flow nets in homogeneous and zoned earth dams under steady seepage and draw-down conditions. Contact Hours : L: 3 T:1 P: 0 3. Examination Duration (Hrs) : Theory : 3 4. seepage control in earth dams. B. 10. ”Rock Slope Engineering” Institution of Mining Engineering. Hoek & Bray’s charts. two dimensional flow – Laplace equation and it’s solution.” Ground Water and Seepage”.. A A Balkema. stabilization of slopes by drainage methods. friction circle methods etc. J. slope movements. and Goel.E.” Rock Slope Engineering” Spon Press. No. stabilization and strengthening of slopes.. in-situ permeability tests. 5. G. surface and subsurface drainage. field survey and testing. seismic considerations. maintenance of slopes Total 11. CRC Press. ”Geotechnical Slope Analysis”. 3.. Year of Publication/ Reprint 1981 1992 2004 2002 1962 2009 .K. use of synthetic filters. Janbu’s method. A A Balkema. infinite slope. computer programs. stability analysis of dam body during steady seepage 5. influence of seepage on slope stability 4. use of non-linear failure criterion in rock slope stability analysis 6. E. Introduction. Subject Code : CEN-623 Course Title : Stability Analysis of Slopes 2. Strengthening measures. Spencer’s method. Instrumentation and monitoring of slopes. 6.”Software for Engineering Control of Landslides and Tunneling Hazards”. shotcreting. “Rock Slope Stability Analysis”. graphical presentation of geological data and evaluation of potential slope problems 3. Bishop’s modified method. plane failure. graphical method. Singh. over toppling failure. Harr M. determination of phreatic line. 4. S. warning devices. Contents No. methods of slope stability analysis. Details of Course : S. Chowdhary Robin and Chowdhary Indrajit . rock bolting and rock anchoring 7. Credits : 04 Practical : 0 MTE: 25 6. Contact Hours 04 06 06 08 10 06 02 42 Suggested Books: Name of Authors/Books/Publisher Hoek. Taylor and Francis Group. 1. method of slices. Wyllie Duncan C and Christofer W Mah. wedge failure. Morgenstern and Price. Seepage analysis. and Bray.. Elsevier. L. 10. Credits : 04 Practical : 0 MTE: 25 6. Subject Area : PEC 8. and Goel. single and multi-point bore hole extensometers. W.. design of various support systems including concrete and shotcrete linings. Application of rock mass classification systems. during and after 04 construction. E and and Brown. Norwegian Tunneling Method (NTM). Ladanyi’s elasto-plastic analysis of tunnels. uniaxial jacking / plate jacking tests.. flat jack. ground conditions in tunneling. empirical methods. openings in laminated rocks. Objective of Course : To impart knowledge of methods of analysis and design of underground excavations in rocks and jointed rock masses for hydro-power projects and large underground storages for various purposes. multiple openings.” Underground Excavations in Rocks”. Instrumentation and monitoring of underground excavations. Stereographic projection method. T. Ramamurthy. Subject Code : CEN-624 Course Title : Design of Underground Excavations 2. hydraulic fracturing and over coring techniques and USBM 05 type drill hole deformation gauge. 2. R. In-situ stress.”Rock Mass Classification. design principles. Hours 1. principle and its application in underground 04 excavation design 3. T.A Practical Engineering Approach”. PHI Learning. 5. Introduction. Pre-requisite: Nil 9. planning of and exploration for various underground construction 04 projects 2. Greenspan method. Elsevier.INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE : Department of Civil Engineering 1. stress distribution for different shapes 08 and under different in-situ stress conditions. “Rock Mechanics and Design of Structures in Rocks”. various case studies Total 42 11. Examination Duration (Hrs) : Theory : 3 4. Obert. and Goel. Contact Hours : L: 3 T:1 P: 0 3. steel sets. “Engineering in Rocks”.. 1. construction dewatering 5.K. long term behaviour of tunnels and caverns. estimation of elastic modulus and modulus of deformation of rocks. No. Singh. combined support systems. and Duvall. etc 7. rock bolting and rock anchoring. pressure cells. New Austrian Tunneling Method (NATM). Singh. Relative Weight : CWS :25 PRS: 0 5. 09 analysis of underground openings in squeezing and swelling ground. Details of Course : S. load cells. B. B. Rock mass-tunnel support interaction analysis.. “Tunnelling in Weak Rocks”. Semester: Spring ETE: 50 PRE: 0 7. Elastic stress distribution around tunnels. Name of Authors /Books/Publishers Hoek. John Wiley.. 3. radial jacking and Goodman jacking tests. estimation of load carrying capacity of rock bolts 6. ground response and support 08 reaction curves. E. 4. Contents Contact No. Suggested Books: S. R.I. elasto-plastic analysis of tunnels. Institute of Mining Engineering.K. Year of Publication / Reprint 1983 1967 2006 2006 2008 . Daemen’s theory 4. Details of Course : S. No. design aspects of stone columns. Examination Duration (Hrs) : Theory : 3 4. Semester: Spring ETE: 50 PRE: 0 7. Subject Area : PEC 8. improvement of 06 black cotton soils Total 42 11. current status and the scope in the Indian context 2. G. Name of Authors/Books/Publisher Year of Publication/ Reprint Moseley..K. selection and engineering applications. M. Soil nailing. Yin. dynamic compaction. ”Designing with Geosynthetics”’ Prentice hall. contiguous piles 6. international 2005 Rao. “Reinforced Soil and Its Engineering Applications”. “Earth Reinforcement and soil structure”. reinforced earth embankments structures. 10. I. Spon press. Sai Master geoenvironmental 2007 services. “Ground Improvement Engineering”. injection of grouts. Reinforced earth. Contents Contact No. geocells. . 1. mechanical compaction.. typical situations where ground improvement becomes necessary. use of admixtures. Introduction. Hours 1. 6. design guidelines and quality control. R. 3. Pre-requisite: Nil 9. 05 historical review of methods adopted in practice.. Problematic soils. 2006 Taylor & Francis. Jian-Hua. P. analysis and design of shallow foundations on reinforced earth 4. “Fundamentals of Geosynthetic Engineering”.INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE : Department of Civil Engineering 1. deep 04 vertical cuts. Relative Weight : CWS :25 PRS: 0 5. geosynthetic walls 5. Geosynthetics – An Introduction. design examples. geonets.. Thomas Telford 1996 Shukla. Suggested Books: S.”Ground Improvement”. 10 engineering applications – shallow foundations on reinforced earth. 1990 Saran.. vibro-compaction. S. 5. Objective of Course: To apprise the students about treatment of poor soil conditions for development activities and tell them about state of art in this area by case studies.V. wall with reinforced backfill. 09 impact loading. 2004 Mittal. pre-compression. Methods of ground improvement. landslide controls.K. use of ply soils. Credits : 04 Practical : 0 MTE: 25 6. Contact Hours : L: 3 T:1 P: 0 3. road designs with geosynthetics 3. S.M. Vikas publishing house 2010 Koerner. Satyendra. construction of underground structures. 2. design of reinforced earth retaining walls. Subject Code : CEN-625 Course Title : Ground Improvement Engineering 2. design examples on preloading with sand drains. Geotextiles. improvement of saline soils. 08 stabilisation/improvement of ground using geomembranes. CJFP. constituent materials and their selection. 4. 7. compaction by blasting. basic mechanism. and Kirsch K. dynamic consolidation. Jones. anisotropy. allowable bearing pressure of rock foundations using a nonlinear failure criterion.(Chief Ed. 5. dam-foundation interaction problems. E. monotonic and cyclic plate load tests 5. dental treatment of faults. 2000 2008 . Elsevier . Examination Duration (Hrs) : Theory : 3 4. behaviour of bored / driven piles in soft / weathered rocks. stilt foundations. Hudson. field load tests on piles in weak rocks. Suggested Books: S. T. No. weak seams 7. Engineering properties of weak rocks. heterogeneity and in-elasticity 6.” Vols. Contents No. Singh. Effect of structural planes on rock foundations. seams etc on stability of dams. stability analysis. treatment of foundations . determination of in-situ shear strength of rocks and rock masses 4.). cable anchors etc Total Contact Hours 02 02 04 07 06 08 06 07 42 11. J. B. A. Pre-requisite: Nil 9. 10. seepage below dam foundations etc. R. bi-linear Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion. bearing capacity and settlement of piles. Contact Hours : L: 3 T:1 P: 0 3.K. relative merits and demerits 2. Credits : 04 Practical : 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 6. Piles in weak rocks. 1. Subject Area : PEC 8. shallow foundations on sloping ground.. Hoek and Brown criterion and modified Hoek and Brown failure criterion etc. Shallow foundations. 2005 Taylor and Francis. effect of layering. 1-5. “Engineering in Rocks”. transmission line towers. and Goel.. treatment of dam foundations. PHI learning. different rock mass classification systems. “Comprehensive Rock Engineering: PrinciplesPractice & Project. solution cavities. Pergamon press. 1993 4. Objective of Course : This course is designed to impart knowledge for design of foundations of structures in hill regions and methods for treatment of weak foundations to make them stable. Pressure-settlement characteristics. Ramamurthy. fault zones. seams. possible modes of failure of foundations on rocks/ rock masses. “Practical Rock Engineering”.A Practical Engineering 2006 Approach”. grout curtains.” Foundations on Rock: Engineering Practice”. Dam foundations. Details of Course : S. 3. Name of Authors/Books/Publisher Year of Publication/ Reprint Wyllie Duncan C.shear keys. framed buildings etc. Hoek. Relative Weight : CWS :25 PRS: 0 5. joints... shear zones. Failure criteria for weak rocks. Rock science. raft foundations. case studies 8. influence of discontinuities like faults. grouting of cavities. 1.. 2. bearing capacity of foundations on rocks and rock masses. Subject Code : CEN-626 Course Title : Foundations on Weak Rocks 2. foundations for suspension bridges. piles in stratified rock masses. E&FN Spon. Requirements for satisfactory performance of foundations. Semester: Spring PRE: 0 7.INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE : Department of Civil Engineering 1. 3D wedge analysis of abutments of arch dams.”Rock Mass Classification. No. R. “Rock Slope Engineering”. A..INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE : Department of Civil Engineering 1. 4. Contact Hours : L: 3 T:1 P: 0 3. Wagner. Suggested Books : S. Objective : To impart knowledge of advanced methods of testing of geological materials like soil. Giani. Examination Duration (Hrs) : Theory : 3 4. Balkema Deoja. and Goel. 3. G. 2. A. Pre-requisite: Nil 9. Volume 176 of Special report Transportation Research Board.). Kathmandu Year of Publication/ Reprint 1978 2006 1981 2002 2002 2002 .. “Rock Mass Classification – A Practical Engineering Approach”. Balkema Singh. and Bray. “Rock Slope Stability Analysis”. Thapa.P. Details of Course : S. 5. Name of Authors/Books/Publishers Landslides: Analysis and Control. “Software for Engineering Control of Landslide and Tunneling Hazards”. 3. R. Relative Weight : CWS :25 PRS: 0 5. Credits : 04 Practical : 0 MTE: 25 6. 1.W.A. 4. Elsevier Hoek.S. National Research Council.K. J. Dhital. No. B. National Research Council (U... M. E. Subject Code : CEN-627 Course Title : Landslide Analysis and Control 2. 6. ISIMOD... and Goel. B. “Mountain Risk Engineering Handbook”. 2. Subject Area : PEC 8..K. B. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 14 Contents Landslide hazard and risk Landslides in earth systems Earthquake and seismically induced landslides Stability analysis soil and rock slopes Rainfall analysis and rainfall induced landslides Risk assessment Landslide hazard zonations Numerical modelling of landslides Remote sensing techniques Groundwater system analysis for landslides Remediation techniques Early warning systems Disaster Mitigation Sustainability and environmental issues Total Contact Hours 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 42 11. 1. 5. rocks and rock masses 10. B..A. A. Semester: Spring ETE: 50 PRE: 0 7. Institute of Mining Engg. Transportation Research Board Singh. Thomas Telford. Rate Independent Plasticity: Mohr-Coulomb. Hardening/ 5. Subject Code : CEN-628 Course Title : Constitutive Models for Geological Materials 2. Contents No. Credits : 04 PRS: 0 Practical : 0 MTE: 25 6. Prentice-Hall. Suggested Books: S. 3. McGraw-Hill.S. Boulon. 9. A. drained and undrained triaxial test. Constitutive model for rocks Simulation of single element test using cam-clay: consolidation. David M Potts and Lidija Zdravkovic. “Mechanics of Materials and Interfaces : The Disturbed State Concept”. 12. Objective of Course : To important knowledge in respect of various constitutive models for soil and rock involving stress-strain relationships.INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE : Department of Civil Engineering 1. 8. 1999 5. Semester: Spring ETE: 50 PRE: 0 7. CRC Press LLC. Plasticity basics: Yield criteria. N. “Constitutive Modeling of Soils and Rocks”. Contact Hours 02 02 04 06 02 02 02 02 42 Year of Publication/ Reprint 2008 1968 1984 4. J. Desai and H. Non-linear failure criteria. Drucker-Prager. Name of Authors/Books/Publishers Hicher and Shao. Inc. John Wiley. Siriwardane. 2000 6. “Finite Element Analysis in Geotechnical Engineering Theory”. “Mechanics of Geomaterial Interfaces. 4. Relative Weight : CWS :25 5.J. Subject Area : PEC 8. 10. New Jersey. Elsevier. 2. 1. Schofield and C. Stress-dilatancy theory Work Hardening Plasticity Theory Formulation and implementation Applications of Elasto-plastic models Special Topics: Hypoelasticity-plasticity. Examination Duration (Hrs) : Theory : 3 4. Flow rule. softening.S. quasilinear. 3. Disturbed state concept 06 06 04 04 Total 11. and Cap models Critical State Soil Mechanics: Critical state concept. Plastic Potential.P. 11. Wroth. Selvadurai. Role of constitutive modeling 2.. “Critical State Soil Mechanics”. C. M. 1. 6. 1995 . Cam-clay models. Desai.S. 10. Details of Course : S. Elasticity: Linear. “Constitutive Laws for Engineering Materials with Emphasis on Geologic Materials”. P. 7. Pre-requisite: Nil 9. C. Importance of Laboratory Testing with Relation to Constitutive Modeling. Contact Hours : L: 3 T:1 P: 0 3. anisotropic. No. “Erosion and Sedimentation”. incipient motion of uniform and non-uniform sediments. Bed load and suspended load transport for uniform and non-uniform bed material. "Mechanics of Sediment Transportation and Alluvial Stream Problems". Year of Publication/ Reprint 2006 1998 1994 2006 . and Ranga Raju. 2. 2. 3. No. 7. Credits : 4 PRS: 0 Practical : 0 MTE: 25 6.J. Contents The sediment problems. Stable channel design and sediment control.Y. P. Bed level variations. Garde. Wiley Eastern Limited. Garde. No. “Principals of River Engineering”. Details of Course: S. Jansen. 4. total load equations. Subject Area : PEC 8. Name of Authors/Books/ Publisher 1. 1. Pre-requisite: Nil 9. Contact Hours : L: 3 T:1 P: 0 3. Cambridge University Press. properties of sediments.INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE : Department of Civil Engineering 1. 5. aggradation and reservoir sedimentation. VSSD Publications. Total Contact Hours 8 5 10 4 7 4 4 42 11. “River Morphology”. Suggested Books: S. local scour. R. Physical and mathematical models.H. New International Publishers. Bed forms and channel resistance.P. sediment sampling. 4.J.. degradation. Julien. 6. P.. R. Objective: To introduce the flow characteristics in an alluvial channel with erodible boundary. Relative Weight : CWS : 25 5. 3. Semester: Spring ETE: 50 PRE: 0 7. Subject Code : CEN-631 Course Title : Fluvial Hydraulics 2.G. K.. 10.. Design of guide bunds and other river training banks. Examination Duration (Hrs) : Theory : 3 4. 2. "Design of Small Dams". Terminal Structures: Hydraulic jump types. John Wiley. roller bucket. 4. stress analysis. 6. Gravity Dams: Forces acting on failure of a gravity dam. Labyrinth and Pianokey weir. construction techniques. Taylor & Francis.. Water Resources Technical Publication – US Bureau of Reclamation. Credits : 4 PRS: 0 Practical : 0 MTE: 25 6. 3. B. design considerations. Chanson. ogee spillway. Contact Hours : L: 3 T:1 P: 0 3. I and II. design of physical models Total Name of Authors/Books/Publisher 1. Relative Weight : CWS : 25 5. R. 11.J. dimensional analysis. 8 8 7 9 42 Suggested Books: S. Subject Code : CEN-632 Course Title : Hydraulic Structures 2. stilling basin. Edition 4. Nem Chand and Brothers. C. elementary profile. stability analysis. 10. Details of Course: S. 4. 6. “Engineering for Dams”. Third Edition. and Varshney. Objective: To introduce various hydraulic structures and their hydraulic design. modeling free-surface flows. 25”.S. ski jump basin.. seepage analysis and control. 5. 3. USBR Engineering Monographs No. P. Singh. Creager. siphon spillway. Dam Outlet Works: Types of outlet structures. Elsevier Scientific Publications. H. A. chute spillway. design of gravity dam. Vol. "Embankment Dam and Engineering". baffled spillway. “Hydraulic Design of Stilling Basins and Energy Dissipators”. “Hydraulic Structures”. Examination Duration (Hrs) : Theory : 3 4. Subject Area : PEC 8. No. other functional features of a gravity dam.. 5. Pre-requisite: Nil 9. side channel spillway. Justin and Hinds. and Nalluri.INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE : Department of Civil Engineering 1. Peterka. Semester: Spring ETE: 50 PRE: 0 7. Contact Hours 2 8 Year of Publication/ Reprint 1984 1987 2004 2004 2007 . 2. “The Hydraulics of Open Channel Flow : An Introduction”. drop structure Hydraulic Modeling: Basic principles. Novak. 1.. No. Contents Introduction: Hydraulic structures for water resources projects. Embankment Dams: Types. de Neufrille. 1. Details of Course: S. 5. Rao. Subject Code : CEN-633 Course Title : Systems Engineering 2. Prentice Hall. J. system modeling. Linear programming. R. system control.J. Integer programming. Pre-requisite: Nil 9. A. 7. 3.. 6. Subject Area : PEC 8. P.S. 8. Geometric programming. "Systems Analysis for Engineer" . McGraw Hill. 2. Total Contact Hours 10 6 3 3 2 2 10 3 3 42 11. Dynamic programming. Semester: Spring ETE: 50 PRE: 0 7.T. Contents Definitions and components of a system. Credits : 4 PRS: 0 Practical : 0 MTE: 25 6. Hamdy. Relative Weight : CWS : 25 5. Examination Duration (Hrs) : Theory : 3 4. economic analysis. 5. Constrained optimization – analytical and numerical. Objective: To introduce basic concepts of systems. New Age International (P) Ltd. 2.. "Systems Analysis for Civil Engineering". 4.. system synthesis and optimization. System synthesis. 1. Name of Authors/Books/Publisher Aguilera. "Engineering Optimization – Theory and Practice". Year of Publication/ Reprint 1973 1984 1971 1999 1997 . 9. Prentice Hall. 4. conflicts and role of optimization in their resolution. Contact Hours : L: 3 T:1 P: 0 3. "Operations Research – An Introduction". R. 10. No.. 3. systems modelling and model development.. No. Suggested Books: S.INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE : Department of Civil Engineering 1. Unconstrained optimization – analytical and numerical. S. Stochastic programming. Ossenbruggen. "Systems Analysis and Design". John Wiley. . Tata McGraw Hill. 4. Loucks. objectives of management. control alternatives. J. link . estimation of reservoir storage requirements – dead storage. analytical optimization. aquifer response models. 2. Prentice Hall. Harvard University Press. 4. optimal allocation. Pre-requisite: Nil 9. objective functions and constraint. 10.. optimal plans. Contact Hours : L: 3 T:1 P: 0 3. W.simulation. 1981 Maass et al. 2. active storage for water supply/ irrigation / power generation. Subject Code : CEN-634 Course Title : Water Resources Systems Planning 2. 1962 Vedula S. "Water Resource Systems Planning and Analysis".INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE : Department of Civil Engineering 1. Subject Area : PEC 8. linear programming. Credits : 4 PRS: 0 Practical : 0 MTE: 25 6. embedded. Contents Introduction: Water resources planning process. flood storage. 5. Objective: To introduce various aspects of systemic water resource planning and the relevant mathematical tools. 3. welfare economics. Evaluation of Water Plans: Basic concepts of engineering economics. economic comparison of alternatives. "Water Resources Systems".. and Dracup. and Mujumdar. P. D. Water Quality Management Models: Basic water quality modeling. Relative Weight : CWS : 25 5. Deterministic River Basin Modeling: Stream flow modeling. 1.A. McGraw 1970 Hill Book Company. No. Water Plan Optimization: Plan formulation. Total Contact Hours 3 4 10 10 10 5 42 11. Conjunctive Use/Groundwater Management Models: LP based conjunctive use modeling. planning under uncertainty. matrix response based models. Name of Authors/Books/Publisher Year of Publication/ Reprint Hall. 2005 . Suggested Books: S. dynamic programming. multi-objective planning. Examination Duration (Hrs) : Theory : 3 4. Semester: Spring ETE: 50 PRE: 0 7..A. No. numerical optimization. "Water Resources Systems Engineering". soft modeling. 3.P.P. simulation. 1. 6. Details of Course: S. "Design of Water-Resource Systems". crop coefficient. Credits : 4 P: 0 Theory : 3 PRS: 0 Practical : 0 MTE: 25 6. Relative Weight : CWS : 25 5. infiltrometer. depletion and recession phases. 3. Irrigation requirement.N. types of surface systems. 1. Examination Duration (Hrs) : 4. "Irrigation: Theory and Practice". 6 Dagan and Ernst equations. continuity equation.. "Drainage Engineering". New Age International Publishers.R. No. water balance.. Luthin. Name of Authors/Books/Publishers 1. crop 4 evaporative and drainage requirements. irrigation efficiency and uniformity.. “Irrigation Water Management”. No. 3. objectives of irrigation. Wageningen.V. Drainage Principles and Applications. need for drainage. flumes. 6. ponding methods. advance. momentum equation 3 Hydrodynamic model.M. G. 2. steady state equations. salt equilibrium equation and leaching 3 requirement. John Wiley. 9. 7. water storage zone. FAO guide lines on evapotranspiration estimation. 6. Total 42 11. Objective: To introduce concepts of irrigation engineering including drainage and salt balance / leaching aspects. "Surface Irrigation Theory and Practice". neutron probe. soil water relationships. 7 furrow irrigation.. Infiltration. Kirkham.. W. Hooghoudt. weirs. Fundamentals of surface irrigation hydraulics. 10. soil water. J. time 6 domain reflectometer. G. INC. Suggested Books: S. 4 Drainage principles. basin irrigation. selection of 3 irrigation method. Details of Course: S.K. 5. Semester: Spring ETE: 50 PRE: 0 7. Walker. Contents Contact Hours Introduction. Surface irrigation systems.INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE : Department of Civil Engineering 1. evapotranspiration. 5. water and salt balance of the root zone. D. 4. 6 infiltration. A. "Irrigation Engineering". PHI Learning. Pre-requisite: Nil 9. Subject Area : PEC 8. Prentice Hall. field measurement techniques. leaf area index. irrigation events. Contact Hours : L: 3 T:1 3. leaching efficiency. soil physical and chemical properties. zero inertia model. type of irrigation and suitability. Year of Publication/ Reprint 1987 1973 1978 1996 2009 1966 . "International Institute for Land Reclamation and Improvement". 8. tensiometers. Subject Code : CEN-635 Course Title : Irrigation and Drainage 2. kinematic wave model.L. Salt balance. Majumdar. and Skogerboe. border irrigation. 4. Michael. flow measurement.. Asawa. Vikas Publishing House. wetting. Flow of moisture through root zone. 2. anchor blocks. H. characteristics of turbines. and Sharma.L. 8. Choudhary. "Water Power Engineering". capacity factor. Dandekar. Water Power: Introduction..M. 7. surge tanks. Subject Area : PEC 8... M. Total 3 7 3. Penstocks: General classification. diversion canal plants. power channels.C. Nem Chand & Bros. forebay.INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE : Department of Civil Engineering 1. Estimation of Water Power Potential: Flow duration curves of gauge and ungauge streams.S. 4 6 4 6 6 6 42 11. role of hydropower in a power system. Division of Hydraulic Engineering. channel surges. Details of Course: S. "Water Power Engineering". air vent. Suggested Books: S. Barrows. secondary power. Semester: Spring ETE: 50 PRE: 0 7. Warnick. hydraulics of turbines. Nigam. 5. Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Trash racks: Types. Relative Weight : CWS : 25 5. load acceptance and rejection. storage and pondage. 6. Prentice-Hall. Varshney. Turbines: Introduction. 4. Norwegian Institute of Technology: Hydropower Development: Vols. No.. Intakes: Types. load factor.. utilization factor. losses. P. R. valves. high head diversion plants..K. 2. cavitation in turbines. firm power. anti-vortex device. Ltd. 1943 2001 2001 1987 1967 1984 1992-93 .. air entrainment. resonance in penstocks. Subject Code : CEN-636 Course Title : Hydro Power Engineering 2.. Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd. 10. Credits : 4 P: 0 Theory : 3 PRS: 0 Practical : 0 MTE: 25 6. No. load duration curve. Van Nostrand Reinhold Company Streeter. water hammer. and Wylie. transient analysis and various components of a hydropower plant. transients caused by turbine.S. tunnel.H. 6. Objective: To introduce fundamentals of hydropower. losses. "Hydropower Engineering". sources of energy. bends and manifolds. 3. K. draft tubes. "Hydro Electric Engineering". load curve. Types of Hydro-power Plants: Run of river plants. types of turbines. 2000 2. 4. Contact Hours : L: 3 T:1 3. Nem Chand & Bros. McGraw-Hill Book Company. stability. design criteria. 4. 5 & 6. diversity factor. prediction of load. economical diameter. M. B. design. V. 5. "Applied Hydraulic Transients". Examination Duration (Hrs) : 4. losses.. pumped storage power plants. Name of Authors/Books/Publishers Year of Publication/ Reprint 1. Contents Contact Hours 1. Pre-requisite: Nil 9. general arrangement of run of river plants. turbine model testing. C. valley dam plants.H. 8. Water Hammer and Surges: Introduction. "Hydro Power Structures". 7. 3. velocity triangles. "Fluid Transients". "Fluid Transients".D. No. Details of Course: S. Anderson. Smith. Chung. G. 3.. 5. "Computational Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer". "Finite Element Analysis in Fluid Dynamics". Objective: To introduce various numerical techniques and their applications to transient pipe flow. Finite element method. Streeter and Wylie. McGraw Hill. "Applied Groundwater Modelling". Name of Authors/Books/Publishers Anderson. 6. Contents Review of numerical techniques like method of characteristics. Credits : 4 P: 0 Theory : 3 PRS: 0 Practical : 0 MTE: 25 6. Subject Code : CEN-637 Course Title : Computational Methods in Fluid Mechanics 2. Examination Duration (Hrs) : 4. McGraw Hill.. Subject Area : PEC 8. T. "Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations-FDM". 6. Numerical solutions for Navier-Stokes. 3. McGraw Hill. Relative Weight : CWS : 25 5. Pre-requisite: Nil 9. Academic Press. Modelling of non-uniform. Modelling of steady state flow and hydraulic transients in pipes. Total Contact Hours 7 6 6 7 8 8 42 11. 2. 4.. 4. 1. open channel flow and groundwater flow and contaminant transport. M. finite difference method.INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE : Department of Civil Engineering 1. 5. Chaudhary. No. & Weessner. H. Year of Publication/ Reprint 1984 1978 1992 1976 1976 1985 . McGraw Hill. J. 2. transient spatially varied flows in open channels. 10. "Applied Hydraulic Transient". Semester: Spring ETE: 50 PRE: 0 7. boundary layer and Reynolds equations. Suggested Books: S. Modelling of groundwater flow and contaminant transport in groundwater. Contact Hours : L: 3 T:1 3. 1. Relative Weight : CWS : 15 5. “Stability Analysis and Design of Structures”. Semester: Autumn ETE: 40 PRE: 0 7. Credits : 04 P: 2 Theory : 3 Practical : 0 PRS: 25 MTE: 20 6. Suggested Books: S. Details of Course: S. Subject Area : PEC 8. 2 3.L. Oxford University Press. 1. Objective: To introduce basic concepts of stability of structures and illustrate it’s application in thin walled structures along with advanced topics in analysis and design of steel structures 10. 4. Introduction to Buckling Behaviour of Columns Stability ofBeam-Columns and Frames Lateral Instability of Beams Local Buckling and Post Buckling Behaviour of Plates Behaviour and Design of Cold Formed Thin Walled Structures Subjected to Flexure and Compression Plastic Analysis and Design of Steel Structures. Subject Code : CEN-641 2.INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE : Department of Civil Engineering 1. LRFD approach Advanced Topics in Bolted and Welded Connections Behaviour of Steel Concrete Composite Construction and Introduction to Brittle Fracture and Fatigue. Gere. Contact Hours : Course Title : Behaviour and Design of Steel Structures L: 3 T:0 3. N. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Contents Concepts of Stability. M. Examination Duration (Hrs) : 4. “Design of Steel Structures”. Design of Steel Truss Bridges Total Contact Hours 03 03 03 03 10 04 05 03 08 42 11. “Design of Steel Structures” Nem Chand & Bros.M. Subramanian. Gambhir. Pre-requisite: Nil 9. Timoshenko and J. Springer. A. Arya and J. No. Name of Authors/Books/Publishers S. No. Year of Publication/ Reprint 1963 2000 2008 2005 . Ajmani.P. “Theory of Elastic Stability” McGraw-Hill.L.S. “Bridge Superstructure”. Subject Area : PEC 8. Creep.INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE : Department of Civil Engineering 1. Victor. Rajagopalan. Pre-requisite: Nil 9. London. and Pre-Stressed Concrete Slab Bridges Design of R. and pre-stressed concrete bridges. 3. Relative Weight : CWS : 15 5. Shrinkage. Name of Authors/Books/Publishers Year of Publication/ Reprint N. 4. Standard Specifications and code of Practice for Bridges. Contact Hours : Course Title : Analysis and Design of Bridges L: 3 T:0 3. Temperature. Details of Course: S. Indian Road Congress.C. 10. 2010 2001 2011 2010 1976 .IRC:112-2011.IRC:6-2010. Subject Code : CEN-642 2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Contents Structural Forms and Design Loads for Bridges Effective Width Concept and Load Distribution in Multi-Beam Bridges Grillage Analogy Design of R. Introduction to Arch Bridges. Total Contact Hours 03 05 03 06 09 09 03 04 42 11. No. Section II. Chapman and Hall. Suggested Books: S.Loads and Stresses .C. E. Narosa Publishing House. Examination Duration (Hrs) : 4. Objective: To introduce bridge deck behavior with the help of classical and numerical analysis approaches and impart knowledge needed for design of R. Credits : 4 P: 2 Theory : 3 Practical : 0 PRS: 25 MTE: 20 ETE: 40 6.J. Hambly. Code of Practice for Concrete Road Bridges . “Essentials of Bridge Engineering” Oxford & IBH Publishing. 5. Semester: Spring PRE: 0 7. and Pre-Stressed Concrete Girder Bridges Behaviour of Box-Girder Bridges. “Bridge Deck Behaviour”. D. Suspension and Cable Stayed Bridges Different Types of Bearings and Design of Elastomeric Bearings Introduction to Secondary Effects. Indian Road Congress.C. Construction Techniques and Effects of Construction Sequence on Design. No. 1 2.C. Semester: Spring PRE: 0 7. gravity and lateral loads on buildings. (GF+3storeyed). Behaviour of framed tube. 5. Subject Area : PEC 8. 2nd Ed. tube-in-tube systems. Name of Authors/Books/Publishers U. ETABS and SAFE software Total Contact Hours 6 6 6 6 9 9 42 11. raft and pile foundations Application of MS-Excel. “Illustrated Design of Reinforced Concrete Buildings”. Suggested Books: S. Credits : 4 P: 2 Theory : 3 Practical : 0 PRS: 25 MTE: 20 ETE: 40 6. Performance based design philosophy Design of floor slabs. Wiley. Taranath. Relative Weight : CWS : 15 5. Design of Multi Storeyed Buildings. 1 & 2.Karve. 1. 2. 6. Wiley India.INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE : Department of Civil Engineering 1. Shah & S.R. New Delhi. Bungale S. and regularity in elevation. 4. Examination Duration (Hrs) : 4. Pre-requisite: Nil 9. Analysis for torsion in buildings Design of buildings with shear walls and coupled shear walls Design and detailing of various members and beam-column joints for ductility.H. Pune. Vol. Bryan S. “High Rise Building Structures”. Objective: To introduce the analysis and design of tall buildings subjected to different loading conditions and detailing of various components. No.L. Wolfgang Schueller. Contents Structural systems for multi-storey buildings. Mc-Graw Hill. 3. 2. South Asian Publishers. CPWD Publications. Year of Publication/ Reprint 2002 2013 1976 1988 1991 1986 . “Structural Design of Multi-storeyed Buildings”. 10. 3. Structures Publications. V. “Structural Analysis and Design of Tall Buildings”. Details of Course: S. 5. 1. “Tall Building Structures”. The capacity design principle. 6. 4. analysis of multi-storey frames. No. Contact Hours : Course Title : Analysis and Design of High-Rise Buildings L: 3 T:0 3. Smith and Alex Coull. and bundled tube systems Importance of symmetry and regularity in plan. Subject Code : CEN-643 2.Varyani.. Practical Considerations. No. Reddy. V. 2. Examination Duration (Hrs) : 4.T.. Semester: Spring ETE: 40 PRE: 0 7. 1st Ed.. No. J. 5th Ed. Relative Weight : CWS : 15 5. Sewell. Codal Specifications. Credits : 4 P: 2 Theory : 3 Practical : 0 PRS: 25 MTE: 20 6. Kelker and R. Chatterjee.Hill.. Subject Area : PEC 8. 2nd Ed. Chapman and Hall. Details of Course: S. Suggested Books: S. 1. Objective: To analyze and design of plate and shell structures 10. 1959 2006 1988 1987 1973 . 1st Ed. Analysis and Design of Folded plates. 3. Name of Authors/Books/Publishers Year of Publication/ Reprint S. Prentice Hall.K. McGraw. Timoshenko and S. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Contents Classification of Plates Governing Equations Boundary Conditions Analysis of Rectangular and Circular Plates Grid Floor as Orthotropic Plate Buckling of Plates Design Criteria and Code Specification Classification of Shells Membrane Theory for Shells of Revolution with Axisymmetric and NonAxisymmetric Loadings Bending Analysis of Shells of Revolution for Axisymmetric Loadings Membrane and Bending Theories of Cylindrical Shells Theory of Edge Beams Doubly Curved Shells Membrane Theory and Design of Hyperbolic Shells Buckling of Shells Design Applications. Subject Code : CEN-644 2. Taylor & Francis. Woinowsky-Krieger. Szilard. Silos and Bunkers. Contact Hours : Course Title : Analysis and Design of Plates and Shells L: 3 T:0 3. Computer Applications Total Contact Hours 01 03 01 08 03 01 02 01 04 02 03 02 02 02 01 04 02 42 11.S. 5.INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE : Department of Civil Engineering 1.. Pre-requisite: Nil 9. 4. “Theory of Plates and Shells”.P. “Fundamentals of the Analysis and Design of Shell Structures”. Cooling towers. “Theory and Analysis of Elastic Plates”. “Theory and Design of Concrete Shells”. 3rd Ed.. “Theory and Analysis of Plates : Classical and Numerical Methods. B. R. Prentice Hall.N. 7. Examination Duration (Hrs) : 4. Transformation of Elastic Constants Failure Criteria for an Orthotropic Lamina Introduction to Micromechanics: Laws of Mixture Behavior of Laminate: Classical Lamination Theory. 5.J. Contact Hours : Course Title : Mechanics of Composites L: 3 T:1 3. Kaw. 5. 6. No.M. “Mechanics of Composite Materials”. 2. Suggested Books: S.F. L. 10. I. No.. Subject Area : PEC 8. Details of Course: S. 2nd Ed. 2nd Ed...INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE : Department of Civil Engineering 1. Orthotropic and Isotropic Material. Broutman. 2nd Ed. CRC Press. 12. Name of Authors/Books/Publishers R. 1. Basic Terminology.D. Objective: To analyze and design Laminated composite structures 10. Autar K. 2nd Ed. Gibson. Stress-Strain Relationship for a Laminate. 3. 1. Uses of Fibrous Composites Behaviour of Lamina Stress-Strain Relationship for Anisotropic. 13. “Mechanics of Composite Materials”. 2. 9. “Principles of Composite Mechanics”. Broutman. Buckling and Vibrations Thin Walled Laminated Structures and Sandwich Constructions Behaviour of laminated composite Joints Examples on Practical Applications Total Contact Hours 02 04 02 02 03 06 02 02 02 07 03 03 04 42 11.. John Wiley. Credits : 4 P: 0 Theory : 3 PRS: 0 Practical : 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 6. Oxford University Press. 3. Agarwal. Subject Code : CEN-645 2. “Analysis and Performance of Fibre Composites”. Extensional. 2nd Ed. Jones. Pre-requisite: Nil 9. “Engineering Mechanics of Composite Materials”. L. Contents Introduction-Classification and Characteristics of Composite Materials. R. 8. Bending and Coupling Stiffness. . Different Configurations and Corresponding Stiffness Strength of Laminates Inter-laminar Stresses Shear Deformation Theories Behaviour and Analysis of Laminated Plates Subjected to Bending. 11. 4. B. Year of Publication/ Reprint 1998 2013 2005 2007 1990 . Semester: Spring PRE: 0 7..M. Daniel & Ori Ishai. Taylor & Francis. CRC Press. 4. Relative Weight : CWS : 25 5.J. 3. Ang and W. Objective: This course is designed to introduce graduate students to concepts and applications of structural reliability and design optimization. Surrogate Modelling Development of reliability based design codes. students will be able to: (a) Compute first. (d) Update reliability estimates based on new observational data.htm A. Reliability. Optimal Design with MATLAB Numerical Methods for Unconstrained Design Optimization. 1. Wiley. O. Ditlevsen. Internet Edition 2. No. First-order second-moment methods.3. Subject Code : CEN-646 2. Wiley.dtu. No. 3rd Ed. Upon completion of this course. Academic Press. Graphical Optimization and Basic Concepts Optimum Design Concepts: Optimality Conditions.S. “Structural Reliability Methods”. Year of Publication/ Reprint 2012 2000 2007 1975 1999 . I : Basic Principles. Sampling techniques. 4. “Structural Reliability Analysis and Prediction”.7. (f) Use reliability tools to calibrate simplified building codes Numerical Methods for Constrained Design Optimization. Pre-requisite: Nil 9.H. as well as Monte Carlo simulation. “Introduction to Optimum Design”. http://www. and Statistical Methods in Engineering Design”. Melchers. 5. Arora. John Wiley. Name of Authors/Books/Publishers Jasbir S. John Wiley. Practical Applications of Optimization Genetic Algorithm for Optimum Design. System reliability Total Contact Hours 3 5 8 8 2 9 4 3 42 11. 2nd Ed.mek. Examination Duration (Hrs) : 4. Madsen..INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE : Department of Civil Engineering 1. First and Second-order reliability method Importance measures and parameter uncertainty.. Contents Introduction to Design Optimization.web. Credits : 4 P: 2 Theory : 3 Practical : 0 PRS: 25 MTE: 20 ETE: 40 6. Tang. Achintya Halder and Sankaran Mahadevan. Vol. Subject Area : PEC 8. Suggested Books: S. Multi-objective Optimum Design Concepts and Methods Fundamentals of probability theory. Contact Hours : Course Title : Engineering Design Optimization and Reliability L: 3 T:0 3.and second-order estimates of failure probabilities of engineered systems. 2. (e) Identify the relative advantages and disadvantages of various analytical reliability methods. Common probabilistic models General component reliability. R. “Probability Concepts in Engineering Planning and Design”. (b) Compute sensitivities of failure probabilities to assumed parameter values. O. (c) Measure the relative importance of the random variables associated with a system. Relative Weight : CWS : 15 5. Details of Course: S. Optimal Design Problem Formulation. and H. H. Semester: Spring PRE: 0 7. E. “Probability. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Contents Deterioration of Concrete Buildings: Embedded Metal Corrosion. Semester: Spring PRE: 0 7. Shear Transfer Strengthening between Members. Epoxy Bonded Replacement Concrete. G. Structural Effects. Bungey. Name of Authors/Books/Publishers 1 2 Emmons. Surface Preparation. NEHRP Guidelines for the Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings.INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE : 1.J. Bonding repair Materials to Existing concrete. Seible..N. Moisture Effects. V. and Crack Stabilization Guidelines for Seismic Rehabilitation of Existing Buildings. Selection of Repair Materials.40: Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Concrete Buildings. Shotcrete/ Gunite. ATC. No. Malhotra. H. Chemical Testing. 1 & 2. Flexural Strengthening. Grouting. and Grantham. Injection Grouting. Disintegration Mechanisms. Non-Destructive Testing Techniques. “Testing of Concrete in Structures”. Semi-Destructive Testing Techniques. “Seismic Design and Retrofit of Bridges by Priestley”. Beam Shear Capacity Strengthening. Micro concrete. “Concrete Repair and Maintenance”. Credits : 4 Department of Civil Engineering P: 2 Theory : 3 Practical : 0 PRS: 25 MTE: 20 ETE: 40 6.M. Relative Weight : CWS : 15 5.J.M. Lillard. Contact Hours : Course Title : Condition Assessment and Retrofitting of Structures L: 3 T:0 3.H. Seismic Vulnerability and Strategies for Seismic Retrofit.. No.G. Pre-requisite: Nil 9. Vol. Subject Area : PEC 8. Total Contact Hours 08 08 08 06 08 04 42 11.. Destructive Testing Systems. Bohni. Faulty Construction Evaluation of Concrete Buildings: Visual Investigation. M. John Wiley. and Carino. Column Strengthening. Taylor and Francis. G. M. Surface Repair & Retrofitting Techniques: Strategy & Design. CRC Press. Preplaced Aggregate Concrete. Details of Course: S. Strengthening Techniques: Strengthening Techniques. “Handbook on Non-destructive Testing of Concrete”. S. Galgotia Publication. Suggested Books: S. 3 4 5 6 7 Year of Publication/ Reprint 2001 2001 2004 2005 1997 1997 1996 ... N. Placement Methods. CRC Press. “Corrosion in Concrete Structures”. FEMA 273. P. Subject Code : CEN-647 2. Thermal Effects.. Examination Duration (Hrs) : 4. and Calvi.. F. Objective: To introduce the application of different techniques for evaluation and retrofitting of buildings 10. Chemical and Physical Processes of Hydration and Interaction. Name of Authors/Books/Publishers A. Neville and J. Contact Hours : Course Title : Concrete Technology L: 3 T:0 3. Special Concretes: Lightweight Concrete. 2.M. Plastic Settlement and Plastic Shrinkage.Pore Structure and Transport Processes.Elasticity.High Density and Radiation-Shielding Concrete.Frost Damage. High Volume Fly Ash Concrete. Semester: Spring ETE: 40 PRE: 0 7. Combining Aggregates to obtain Specified Grading. 10. Accelerated Curing.Exothermic Characteristics:Early Age Thermal Movements. 6. Theory and Principles governing the correct transportation. High Performance Concrete. Thermal Properties.Physical Characteristics. Subject Code : CEN-648 2. Mehta and Paulo J.Creep.Effects on Properties of Concretes. Different Methods of Mix Design. Chemical Composition. “Concrete Technology”. 3rd Ed.Deformation under Load.FibreReinforced Concrete. Fresh-Concrete: Rheology of Mortars and Concretes. Credits : 4 Department of Civil Engineering P: 2 Theory : 3 Practical : 0 PRS: 25 MTE: 20 6. Sampling and Testing. Aggregates: Review of Types. Total Contact Hours 8 2 8 5 7 6 6 42 11. 4. No. Compaction and Curing of Concrete. Concepts of Statistical Quality Control of Concrete Construction. Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag and Silica Fume. 1. Examination Duration (Hrs) : 4.M. Pre-requisite: Nil 9. 1st Ed. Chemical and Physical Processes of Hydration. Relative Weight : CWS : 15 5. Suggested Books: S.Self Compacting Concrete. “Concrete: Microstructure. Durability of Concrete and Concrete Construction: Durability Concept. 3.Alkali Silica Reaction. Chemical Composition. 2. Ready Mixed Concrete.Effects on Properties of Concretes. 5.K. Effects on Properties of Concretes. Mineral Admixtures: Pulverized Fly Ash. Concrete Mix Design: The process of Mix Selection. 1. Properties and Materials”. Roller Compacted Concrete.No-Fines Concrete. No. Properties of Hardened Concrete: Strength.Reinforcement Corrosion.Strength Development. Contents Ingredients of Concrete: Review of Cements including Blended Cements. Admixtures:Review of Types and Classification.Hot and Cold Weather Concreting.Methods of Providing Durable Concrete.Polymer Concrete.J. Placing. Fire Resistance. Details of Course: S.Maturity. Monteiro. Sulfate Attack. P.Drying Shrinkage and other volume Changes. Chemical Composition. Segregation and Bleeding. Workability. Manufacture. Objective : The objective of this course is to provide detailed knowledge about concrete and its composition. Subject Area : PEC 8.INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE : 1. Elementary Mineralogy and Petrology. Year of Publication/ Reprint 2002 2006 . 7. Brooks. Factors governing the selection of Mix Proportions. Crack propagation models for constant and variable amplitude loading.. Z. Rock and other Quasi-brittle Materials”. Stress intensity factors. Semester: Spring ETE: 50 PRE: 0 7... J. Pre-requisite: Nil 9. Wheeler Publishing. Objective: To introduce the mechanics of fracture and their applications to anisotropic and heterogeneous quasi-brittle materials 10. Bending of reinforced concrete members. Relative Weight : CWS : 25 5. P. E. Crack tip opening displacement.L.. “Practical Fracture Mechanics in Design”... Griffith’s energy balance criterion. Contact Hours : Course Title : Fracture Mechanics in Quasi-brittle Materials L: 3 T:1 3. D. Overload effect. Bazant. Tension of reinforced concrete members. Effect of free boundary. CRC Press. Anderson. Nonlocal continuum modelling of damage localization Application of fracture mechanics to concrete structures: Size effect on nominal strength. No.. Size effect: Sources. Approaches for the extraction of stress intensity factor. Concrete dams Fatigue and fracture in concrete: Introduction. Suggested Books: S.. “Elements of Fracture Mechanics”. and Planas.. Crack resistance. 3rd Ed. A. Subject Area : PEC 8. Credits : 4 P: 0 Theory : 3 PRS: 0 Practical : 0 MTE: 25 6. “Fracture and Size Effect in Concrete and Other Quasi-brittle Materials”. CRC Press. Crack closure Finite elements in fracture mechanics: Modelling of crack tip singularity. John Wiley. 2nd Ed. “Fracture Mechanics of Concrete: Applications to Concrete. P. 3rd Ed. Swartz. Subject Code : CEN-649 2. plastic zone corrections Elastic plastic fracture mechanics (EPFM) based design concepts: J-integral. C. Crack growth resistance concepts Introduction to fracture mechanics in Quasi-brittle material: Trends in Fracture of quasi-brittle materials. Application to problems of LEFM and EPFM Total 11. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Name of Authors/Books/Publishers Broek.. Contact Hours 5 6 3 6 4 8 5 5 42 Year of Publication/ Reprint 1982 1999 2005 1989 1995 1997 . and Ouyang. Examination Duration (Hrs) : 4. Fibre-reinforced concrete... statistical and energetic size effect Non-linear fracture mechanics: Fictitious and Effective elastic crack approach. 3-Dimensional crack problems Linear elastic fracture mechanics(LEFM) based design concepts: Energy release rate. S. “Fracture Mechanics: Fundamentals and Applications”. Bi-material interface. Details of Course: S. S. CRC Press. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Contents Basic concepts: Basic modes of fracture. Shukla. Fatigue crack propagation approach.Springer. T. “Elementary Engineering Fracture Mechanics”. No. Conventional methods of fatigue analysis. Elasticity solution to infinite and finite plate with a crack: Westergaard complex function and Muskhelishvili potential. Fracture process zone. experimental evidence. P. Shear in reinforced concrete beams. Small scale yielding.INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE : Department of Civil Engineering 1. Kumar. Discrete and smeared crack approach. Shah. D. Subject Code : CEN-650 2. Victor. 5. Subject Area : PEC 8. S. Details of Course: S. No. Relative Weight : CWS : 15 5. Credits : 4 P: 2 Theory : 3 Practical : 0 PRS: 25 MTE: 20 ETE: 40 6. Suggested Books: S. Pre-requisite: Nil 9. 10. No. 1. 4. 3. 4. Examination Duration (Hrs) : 4. Objective: To introduce the behaviour and design of bridge substructures. 1. Year of Publication/ Reprint 1981 2012 1986 2001 2004 . J. “Bridge Engineering”. 2. “Analysis and Design of Substructures”.INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE : Department of Civil Engineering 1. 5. “Design and Construction of Highway Bridges”. 2. Rakshit. 3. “Essentials of Bridge Engineering”. Semester: Spring PRE: 0 7. Ponnuswamy. “Wells and Cassions” Nem Chand & Sons. Contact Hours : Course Title : Design of Bridge Substructures L: 3 T:0 3. Saram. Contents Hydraulic calculations related to bridge design Analysis and design of piers and pier caps Seismic restrainers Analysis and design of abutments Analysis and design of well foundations Analysis and design of pile foundations Total Contact Hours 04 06 01 04 15 12 42 11. 6. Name of Authors/Books/Publishers Vijay Singh. Narrow and Wide Band Random Processes. Towers and Bridges. No. Peak Factor and Gust factor Estimation. Aerodynamics of Bluff Bodies. Random Vibration Theory.D. Pre-requisite: Nil 9. Wiley. Power Spectral Density. Design Wind Velocities. Total Contact Hours 07 07 06 08 08 06 42 11. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Contents Atmospheric Pressure and Gradient Wind.INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE : Department of Civil Engineering 1. Credits : 4 P: 2 Theory : 3 Practical : 0 PRS: 25 MTE: 20 6. Correlation and Spectral Function. Response of SDF in the Frequency Domain to Random Excitation. 10 min and Hourly Mean Wind Speeds. Wiley. “Design of Buildings and Bridges for Wind”. Wind Energy and Turbulence. Scanlan. Displacements and Strains. ABL Simulation. Basic Wind Tunnel Instrumentation for the Measurement of Flow Parameters. Subject Code : CEN-651 2. Semester: Spring ETE: 40 PRE: 0 7.Indian Codes and other International Codes of Practice. Miyata. Wind Resistant Design. Pressure Coefficients and Internal Pressures. Peak 3-sec. Vortex Shedding and Associated Unsteady Along and Across Wind Forces. Objective: To introduce the theoretical and experimental approaches available to analyze the effect of wind loading on various wind sensitive structures 10. Analytical Procedures for Along Wind and Across Wind Forces. Wind Climate and Structure. J. Experimental Procedures for Response Studies. Contact Hours : Course Title : Wind Engineering L: 3 T:0 3. Suggested Books: S. 1 2 3 Name of Authors/Books/Publishers E.H. Auto Correlation Function. Examination Duration (Hrs) : 4. Relative Weight : CWS : 15 5. “Wind Effects on Structures”. Low Cycle Energy and Large Scale Pressure Systems. Chimneys. E. Details of Course: S. F & FN Spon. Wind Effects on Buildings. Codal Provisions. Galloping and Flutter. Extreme Winds. “Wind Loading on Structures”. Use of Statistical Methods for the Analysis of Measured Data and its Interpretation. Forces. No. Spectral Distribution and Boundary Layer (ABL) & its Characteristics. Subject Area : PEC 8. Simiu and R. Application to MDF Systems. Wind Tunnel and its Salient Features. Year of Publication/ Reprint 1996 2006 2001 . Simiu and T. Case Studies. Buffeting and Ovalling. Holmes. 4 Bituminous Mixes: Desirable properties of mixes. Emulsions – Properties. Test for aggregate durability. Sub-soil drainage. Pre-requisite: Nil 9.INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE : Department of Civil Engineering 1. Soil stabilization. Soil-moisture movement. polishing of aggregates. Mechanical and engineering properties of bitumen. Tests on bitumen. 6 Road Construction: Bituminous road construction procedures and specifications. Quality 08 control requirements. Elastic recovery test on binder 06. Bitumen constituents. Credits : 04 Practical : 0 PRS: 20 MTE: 20 6. Physical. Reinforced cement concrete road construction. Concrete Mix design . Bitumen viscosity test (Rotational viscometer). Contents Contact No. Aggregate texture and skid resistance. Tests on 06 bituminous mixes. structure and 10 Rheology. Heavy compaction test on subgrade soil 02. Objective of Course: To introduce the advances in use of highway materials in construction of different layers of a pavement. plastic and 06 structural properties of concrete. modifications. Triaxial test on pure subgrade soil 03. Rheometer test 07. Details of the Course. Adhesion of bitumen. GSB mix design 04. Subject Code : CEN-661 Course Title : Advanced Highway Materials and Construction 2. Quality control requirements. Factors influencing mix design. 5 Cement Concrete Mixes: Constituents and their requirements. Identification tests on soils (Atterburg limits). Examination Duration (Hrs) : Theory : 3 4. physical and strength characteristics. Total 42 List of Practicals: 01. Marshall Bituminous Mix design. Design of bituminous mixes. Identification 06 and strength tests. Preparation of mix for SDBC 05. Design of concrete mixes. Semester: Spring ETE: 40 PRE: 0 7. types. Modified bitumen. Retained stability test 08. Durability of bitumen. Relative Weight : CWS : 20 5. Proportioning of 06 aggregates. Joints in cement concrete pavements. 10. Subject Area : PEC 8. Contact Hours : L: 3 T:1 P: 2/2 3. Structural and Constructional problems in soil subgrade. 2 Soil: Classification. S. Aggregate polishing and skid resistance test (demonstration). 3 Bitumen: Bitumen sources and manufacturing. Theory of fillers and specifications. hours 1 Aggregates: Classification. Concrete Road construction: Construction methods. Fillers. R. D. UK Her Majesty’s Stationery Office. J. “Soil Mechanics for Road Engineers”. No. Name of Authors/Books/Publishers 1 Krebs.11. London Relevant IRC and IS codes 2 3 4 5 6 Year of Publication/ Reprint 1971 1966 1966 1966 2003 . “Highway Materials”.. D. Ministry of Transport. Thomas Telford Publishing. Robert D. “The Shell Bitumen Handbook”. UK Her Majesty’s Stationery Office. “Bituminous Materials in Road Construction”. and Walker.. Shell Bitumen. “Concrete Roads Design and Construction”.. McGraw Hill Book Co. Road Research Laboratory. New York Her Majesty’s Stationery Office. and Whiteoak. UK Read. Ministry of Transport. Suggested Books: S. Ministry of Transport. 5th Edition. Road Research Laboratory. Road Research Laboratory. mini roundabouts Analysis of signal controlled intersections by US. Operational analysis of two-way and all-way stop controlled intersections and Roundabouts by US and Indian methods. conflict points and area. Wiley India Edition Transportation Engineering. New Delhi Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering. delay and its evaluation Types of signals. Washington DC Contact Hours 10 8 12 6 6 42 Year of Publication/ Reprint 2001 2007 2006 1997 2010 . Contact Hours : L: 3 T:1 3. Intersection geometrics and their influence on design/operation Concept of capacity and LOS. by C. Walter P. Subject Code : CEN-662 Course Title : Intersection Design and Analysis 2. types of maneuvers. Hodder Headline Group. by C A O Flaherty. Semester: Spring ETE: 50 PRE: 0 7. 10. No. Principles of design. relative speed. Papacostas and P. S. by Fred L Mannering. Intersection signs. Relative Weight : CWS : 25 5.INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE : Department of Civil Engineering 1. Design of signals by Indian. Washburn. Credits : 04 P: 0 Theory : 3 PRS: 0 Practical : 0 MTE: 25 6. 1 2 3 4 5 Contents Types of intersections. Transportation Research Board. Name of Authors/Books/Publishers Transportation Engineering & Planning. Prentice Hall of India Private Limited. Examination Duration (Hrs) : 4. Kilareski and Scott S. D. marking and lighting Total 11. by C. Kent Lall Prentice Hall of India Private Limited. US and British methods. Pre-requisite: Nil 9. British and Swedish methods. London Highway Capacity Manual of US. New Delhi Principles of Highway Engineering and Traffic Analysis. Objective of Course: To discuss various methods of designing and analyzing the different types of road intersections and interchanges. Subject Area : PEC 8. signal coordination Grade separated intersections and interchanges. No. Jotin Khistya and B. weaving sections and their operational evaluation. Suggested Books: S. 1 2 3 4 5. Details of Course : Sl. Prevedouros. evaluation of pavement distress. Subject Code : CEN-663 Course Title : Pavement Evaluation and Management 2. design objectives and constraints. 6. maintenance and rehabilitation. Total Contact Hours 6 6 8 8 8 6 42 . characterization of physical design inputs. 4. analysis of alternative design strategies. selection of optimal design strategies. Implementation of a pavement management system. construction. Relative Weight : CWS : 25 5. Pavement Evaluation & Measuring Equipments: Functional & Structural Evaluation. Design of Overlay by Benkelman Beam and Falling Weight Deflectometer. Contact Hours : L: 3 3. Details of Course: S. serviceability. Economic evaluation of alternative pavement design strategies. Examples of Working Design and Management Systems. Feedback data system. Distress. Basic structural response models. pavement deformation and low temperature shrinkage cracking. Semester: Spring ETE: 50 PRE: 0 7. 1. Digital ultrasonic concrete tester. Pre-requisite: Nil 9. 2. Objective: To provide knowledge related to evaluation and management of pavements with respect to Highways and Airports. No. Factors affecting performance. Examination Duration (Hrs) : 4. Contents Pavement Evaluation and Performance: General concept of pavement evaluation. Structural Parameters such as Structural Capacity. Predicting distress. Demonstration of equipments for dynamic testing of pavements. Generating alternative pavement design strategies. Rutting. 10. relation between performance and distress. evaluation of pavement structural capacity. Pavement Overlays: Flexible overlays and determination of overlay thickness. Functional Parameters such as Roughness.INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE : Department of Civil Engineering 1. dynaflect. fatigue cracking. Skid Resistance etc. fatigue testing equipments. Bump Integrator. Pavement Management System: Introduction to Pavement Management System (PMS) & Maintenance Management System (MMS). Rigid overlays and determination of overlay thickness. Design Alternatives – Analysis. evaluation of pavement safety. Subject Area : PEC 8. predicting performance. Benkelman Beam. evaluation of pavement performance. 3. Pavement skid resistance measuring equipments. Evaluation and Selection: Framework for pavement design. Types of Distress: Structural and functional. Credits : 04 T:1 P: 0 Theory : 3 PRS: 0 Practical : 0 MTE: 25 6. 5. Khanna.F. Suggested Books: S..E.) 8th Ed. Haas.11. R. Shain.. Hass R. “Modern Pavement Management” 1994 Krieger.K.R. W. McGraw 1997 Hill. CRC Press. & Hudson. Hudson. 2005 Roorkee (U.. Inc.. Hudson. M. Taylor & 2006 Francies Group. Roads and Parking Lots”.. Mc Graw Hill 1978 Company.R.R.Y. W. S. C. J. W. “Highway Engineering” Nem Chand & Bros. No. “Pavement Management System”. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Name of Authors/Books/Publishers Year of Publication/ Reprint Hass. W. “Pavement Management for Airports. “Infrastructure Management”. R..A. “The Handbook of Highway Engineering”. New York . 2004 Kluwer Academic Publishers Group. Fwa.G.. and Zaniewski. T. and Uddin. and Justo. INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE : Department of Civil Engineering 1. Subject Code : CEN-664 Course Title : Urban Mass Transit Systems 2. Contact Hours : L: 3 T:1 3. Examination Duration (Hrs) : 4. Relative Weight : CWS : 25 5. Credits : 04 P: 0 Theory : 3 PRS: 0 Practical : 0 MTE: 25 6. Semester: Spring ETE: 50 PRE: 0 7. Subject Area : PEC 8. Pre-requisite: Nil 9. Objective of Course: To introduce the students to urban mass transit systems, their types, suitability, planning, operation and management aspects. 10. Details of the Course: S. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Contents Introduction: Mass transit systems, Elements / components of transit systems; Urban Mass Transit systems, types, characteristics, suitability and adaptability of these systems; Evolution of urban transportation. Transit System Planning: Planning needs; Short-range and long-range planning; Planning procedures and methodology, Data collection; Medium performance transit systems and high-performance transit systems; trends in transit planning. Transit Demand Estimation and Evaluation: Transit demand forecasting; transit mode evaluation; comparison and selection of most suitable transit mode. Transit System Operations: Basic operational elements; transit travel characteristics; transit scheduling; transit line analysis – planning objectives, geometry, types and their characteristics, capacity of transit lines, system procedures for improving transit line capacity. Transit Networks and System Analysis: Transit networks – types and their characteristics; transfers in transit networks; system analysis in transit – conceptual models, modeling procedures; terminal or station location planning – issues, objectives, station spacing decisions. Economics and Financing of Transit Systems: Transit system performance and economic measures; transit fares – structure, collection and levels; financing of transit services; public and private integration of transit services. Total Contact hours 03 08 10 09 06 06 42 11. Suggested Books: S. No Name of Authors/Books/Publishers 1 Vukan R. Vuchic, “Urban Transit – Operations, Planning and Economics”, John Willey and Sons, Inc., USA John W. Dickey and others, “Metropolitan Transportation Planning”, Tata McGrawHill Book Company Ltd., New Delhi C A O’Flaherty, ‘Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering’, ButterworthHeinemann, Burlington C Jotin Khisty and B Kent Lall, “Transportation Engineering” Prentice-Hall of India 2 3 4 Year of Publication/ Reprint 2004 1980 2006 2003 INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE : Department of Civil Engineering 1. Subject Code : CEN-665 Course Title : Road Traffic Safety 2. Contact Hours : L: 3 T:1 P: 0 3. Examination Duration (Hrs) : Theory : 3 4. Relative Weight : CWS : 25 5. Credits : 04 PRS: 0 Practical : 0 MTE: 25 6. Semester: Spring ETE: 50 PRE: 0 7. Subject Area : PEC 8. Pre-requisite: Nil 9. Objective: To introduce the concepts of traffic safety on highways and to make students familiar with related analytical methods and remedial measures. 10. Details of course: S. Contact Contents No. Hours Introduction: Road traffic accidents scenario in India, characteristics of accidents, accident vs. crash, effect of human factors, planning for road network, land use and road 01 06 environment for safety, designing for road safety – links and junctions, road safety engineering, road safety improvement strategies, elements of a road safety plan. Crash investigation and analysis: Steps in treatment of crash locations, diagnosing crash problem and solutions, accident report form, storing of data, using and interpreting crash data, identifying and prioritizing hazardous locations, condition and collision diagrams; 02 08 Vulnerable road users: crashes related to pedestrian and bicyclists, their safety, provision for disabled; Crash reconstruction: understanding basic physics, calculation of speed for various skid, friction, drag, and acceleration scenarios. Statistical analysis of accidents: Descriptive statistics, confidence interval, hypothesis testing, models related to accident frequency, accident severity, accident duration, various 03 methodological issues – over/under dispersion, time-varying explanatory variables, 08 unobserved heterogeneity, endogeneity, under-reporting, spatial and temporal correlation, etc; Accident prediction model. Before -after methods in crash analysis: Before and after study, before and after study with 04 control sites, comparative parallel study, before, during and after study, Empirical Bayes 04 method. Economic analysis of accidents: Accident costing-economic appraisal, EUAC, PWOC, B/C 05 04 ratio, IRR, NPV. Traffic management system: Traffic flow improvements, expressway patrol, public transit, ridesharing, mobility rest areas, park-and-ride lots, bus bays, signage, markings; ITS 06 06 applications - vehicular navigation, crash avoidance system, incident management, traffic management centre, highwayside communication. Road safety audits: Procedure, aims and objectives, roles and responsibility, history of road 07 safety audit, design standards, tasks, various stages of safety audits; common identifiable 06 problems, structuring of report, identifying common problems. Total 42 11. Suggested books S. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Name of Authors/Books/Publishers American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), “Highway Safety Manual”, 1st Edition, AASHTO. Simon P. Washington, Matthew G. Karlaftis, Fred L. Mannering, “Statistical and Econometric Methods for Transportation Data Analysis”, 2nd Edition, Chapman &Hall/CRC Press, Ezra Hauer, “Observational Before -After Studies in Road Safety”, Pergamon Press. Limpert, Rudolf. “Motor Vehicle Accident Reconstruction and Cause Analysis”, 5th Edition, Lexas Publishing, Charlottesville, VA. Indian Roads Congress, “Highway Safety Code”, IRC: SP-44:1996 Indian Roads Congress, “Road Safety Audit Manual”, IRC:SP-88-2010 Year of Publication/ Reprint 2010 2010 1997 1999 1996 2010 Congestion . Transport subsidies. the marginal cost pricing rule. development 06 of systems supply function. Relative Weight : CWS : 25 5.Demand forecasting methods. Road User Cost and it’s components. cost and pricing of transport. transport as an economic equilibrium. Pricing. peakload pricing. Examination Duration (Hrs) : Theory : 3 4. prioritization of projects. pricing and subsidy policies. geographical and temporal equity.Supply of transport services. fiscal measures such as road pricing and environmental taxation. Funding and Financing of Transportation Projects: Methods for raising funds for 05 maintenance. analysis techniques. No. Credits : 04 PRS: 0 Practical : 0 MTE: 25 6.Main causes of traffic congestion. cost. Total 42 . valuation of time. Economic theory. law of diminishing returns. Contact Hours : L: 3 T:1 P: 0 3. Pre-requisite: Nil 9. bonds. financing through loans. second-best pricing. improvement and expansion of transportation networks. Objective of Course: The course provides an outline of demand and supply side concepts and their application to transport policy and planning issues. multi-criteria decision assessment. Transport Costs and Pricing: Costs-Direct and external costs of transport.INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE : Department of Civil Engineering 1. short-term and long-term costs of supply. demand . Internal Rate of return method for economic and financial viability. Regulation . demand and supply issues in transportation sector. Subject Code : CEN-666 Course Title : Transport Economics 2. Mechanisms to deal with traffic congestion ‐ congestion pricing.Command and control type of regulation. direct and cross‐price elasticity of demand. efficient pricing. 07 factors influencing transport demand. taxation and user fee. evaluation of alternatives. Subject Area : PEC 8. 10. safety and economic regulations in the context of transport services provided by public. price discrimination.Pricing principles. Details of the Course. issues of social. S. costbenefit analysis. congestion costs. social and financial benefits. 08 impacts and performance levels. Transportation Demand and Congestion: Demand . external costs. capacity expansion. economic development and 06 urban development. road space rationing. Semester: Spring ETE: 50 PRE: 0 7. average and marginal cost principle. joint and common costs of infrastructure. factors that cause shifts in demand function. 01 02 03 04 05 06 Contents Contact Hours Introduction and Overview: Basic components of transport. social aspects of transport. measures of land value and consumer benefits from transportation projects. Transport Supply and Regulation: Supply . elements of engineering economics. cost complexities and cost recovery. elasticity and consumer surplus. Appraisal and Evaluation of Transportation Projects: Feasibility and evaluation. concept of 10 generalized costs. PPPs and concessions. costs. R. “Transportation Economics”. Edward Elgar Publishing. Blackwell Publishing..11. K. 2 3 Year of Publication/ Reprint 2001 2004 2010 . P. E. “Transportation Economics – Theory and Practice : A Case Study Approach”.. Button. Name of Authors/Books/Publishers 1 Mccarthy. “Principles of Transport Economics”. Edward Elgar Publishing. Vickerman. J. Vickerman and R. W. Suggested Books: S. No. Quinet. 3rd Ed.S.. H. Subject Area : PEC 8. inlet size and location design. number and size of gate positions. McGraw Hill. John Wiley & Sons. space time 06 concept. space requirement. Details of the Course. Subject Code : CEN-667 Course Title : Airport Planning and Design 2. Examination Duration (Hrs) : 4. Pre-requisite: Nil 9. 06 exit taxiways. ICAO. Montreal. K. NY. Nem Chand and Bros. No. Khanna. surface and 03 subsurface design Total 42 11. aircraft characteristics related to airport 08 planning. “Planning & Design of Airports. Suggested Books: S. “Airport Engineering”. air traffic demand analysis. runway and taxiway geometric standards. S. 3 Terminal Areas: Facilities. 2 Geometric Design: Airport classification. Relative Weight : CWS : 25 5. Hours 1 Airport Planning: Airport master plan. 04 obstruction and clearance requirements 8 Airport Drainage : Design run-off. “Aerodrome Design Manual”. visibility. air traffic controls. models for mixed traffic 7 Air Traffic Control: Importance of flight rules. M. G. Semester: Spring ETE: 50 PRE: 0 7. 06 aircraft parking system. 4 Visual Aids : Airport day time markings. Canada Year of Publication/ Reprint 1993 2004 1992 1983 .. International Civil Aviation Organization. visual aids 03 5 Structural design of airport pavements: Design Factors. planning surveys. McKelvey. 1 2 3 4 Name of Authors/Books/Publishers Robert Horonjeff and Francis X. 10. Roorkee Ashford. separation and clearances. and Wright. Contents Contact No. S. P.INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE : Department of Civil Engineering 1. navigational aids. airport lighting. Design of flexible and rigid 06 pavements 6 Airside capacity and delay: mathematical models for capacity and delay. Credits : 04 P: 0 Theory : 3 PRS: 0 Practical : 0 MTE: 25 6. Arora and S. Contact Hours : L: 3 T:1 3. Jain. “Airport Planning & Design”. Objective of Course: To familiarize students on various techniques related to airport planning and design. S. airport zoning.. N. Inc. incremental demand model. Details of the Course. CRC Press. Analysis of Systems: Generation of alternatives. Performance evaluation of system and performance functions. Residential location choice models. “Transportation System Planning – Methods and Applications”. Examination Duration (Hrs) : Theory : 3 4. Contact Hours : L: 3 T:1 P: 0 3. “Fundamentals of Transportation Systems Analysis”. No Name of Authors/Books/Publishers 1 Marvin L Manheim. Equilibrium between supply and demand. Impact evaluation and impact models. 1 2 3 4 5 Contents Introduction: Scope of transportation and impact on society. “Transportation Demand Analysis”. U. Pre-requisite: Nil 9. Volume – Density relationship for containers. concept of consumer surplus. Travel in space and time. 10. Transportation network analysis and Minimum path algorithms. travel – market equilibrium. Transportation Economics: Transportation demand and supply. systems analysis approaches and economics. John Wiley & Sons. operations. Transportation system components. Massachusetts Adib Kanafani. Semester: Spring PRE: 0 7. their components. non-motorized transportation planning. S. The MIT Press. Subject Area : PEC 8. Credits : 04 PRS: 0 Practical : 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 6.A. Planning for non-motorized transportation. New York. Sustainable Transportation Planning: Sustainable transportation – issues and principles. McGraw Hill Inc. Total Contact Hours 06 10 12 08 06 42 Suggested Books: S. Elasticity – direct and cross. Path – vehicle interaction. Subject Code : CEN-668 Course Title : Transportation Systems Analysis 2.. System planning process and problem solving process. No.A.S. Konstadinos G Goulias. Steenbrink. Relative Weight : CWS : 25 5. Car-ownership models. transportation problems. P. Operational planning and analysis of components. Transportation system characteristics – technological and operational. Freight transportation planning– models and methods. suitability and adaptability. transportation system equilibrium. Cambridge. Optimization of Transport Network. Transportation Technologies: Transportation technologies. transport demand models – sketch planning. transportation cost. transportation software. Objective of Course: To introduce the students to the analysis of different transportation systems. London 2 3 4 Year of Publication/ Reprint 1980 1983 1974 2002 . NY.INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE : Department of Civil Engineering 1. Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd. New Delhi Thomas A Domencich and Daniel McFadden. “Urban Travel Demand – A Behavioural Analysis”. “Transportation Engineering – An Introduction”. Amsterdam 2003 1975 .5 6 C Jotin Khisty and B Kent Lall. North-Holland Publishing Company.. ed . Stochastic models. Logit models. Aldershot. Objective of Course: To introduce the concept of travel demand modeling using four-stage sequential transportation planning. Overview of urban transportation planning. Contents No. Errors. Modal split models – First and second generation. 3 Transportation Data: Data needs and sources. Examination Duration (Hrs) : Theory : 3 4. 6 Sustainable Transportation: Issues and Guidelines of sustainable transportation. frames and techniques. Burlington.. Meyburg. Planning methodologies. Discrete choice analysis. 1 Introduction to Transportation: Fields of Transportation. Relative Weight : CWS : 25 5. “Principles of Urban Transport Systems Planning” Scripta Book Co. merits and demerits. Suggested Books: S. “Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering”. Role in Society. 10. Sampling units. S. Australia. Methods of trip generation. Study area and analysis zones. MA Contact Hours 05 08 07 08 08 06 42 Year of Publication/ Reprint 1974 1995 1991 2006 . 5 Modal Analysis and Assignment: Mode choice sets. Attitudinal surveys. Choice theories. Route or tree building algorithms. Credits : 04 PRS: 0 Practical : 0 MTE: 25 6. Definitions. Data collection methods. Survey methodology. Ampt and Arnim H. Planning for Mass Transit systems. SystemEnvironment Ensemble. Network assignments methods. Questionnaire design and standardization. Types of trips. Subject Area : PEC 8. Urban structure interaction and concepts. Hutchinson. Model specification. Methods of trip distribution – Growth Factor methods. “Survey Methods for Transport Planning” Eucalyptus Press. 1 2 3 4 Name of Authors/Books/Publishers B. Richardson. Characteristics and objectives of planning. England C A O’Flaherty. Avebury Technical. Planning for Non-Motorized vehicles. 4 Trips: Aggregate and disaggregate analysis. Contact Hours : L: 3 Course Title : Transportation Planning T:1 P: 0 3. Problem solving and its morphology. Transportation Problems 2 Planning Process: Hierarchical Structure. Synthetic methods. Factors affecting trip generation. estimation and validation. Sample size. Details of the Course. Elizabeth S. Washington Anthony J. Pre-requisite: Nil 9. Quality v/s quantity. Subject Code : CEN -669 2. G. Total 11.INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE : Department of Civil Engineering 1. “Traffic Assignment Techniques”. Elsevier. Semester: Spring ETE: 50 PRE: 0 7. Butterworth Heinemann. No. Roy Thomas. Network analysis.
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