
March 20, 2018 | Author: Harsh Srivastava | Category: Heat Transfer, Numerical Analysis, Fuels, Electricity Generation, Chemical Reactor



U.P.TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY, LUCKNOW Syllabus 2nd , 3rd and 4th Year [Effective from session 2009-10] B.TECH. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING 1 Name Of Course: B.Tech.(Chem.Engg.) U.P. TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY, LUCKNOW Study and Evaluation Scheme [Effective from the Session 2009-10] B. Tech. (Chem. Engg) S. Course N Subject Code o. Theory Subjects 1 ECY 301 Applied Engineering Chemistry 2 EAS301/ Mathematics III/Science EOE031- Based Open Elective** EOE038 3 EHU301/ Industrial Psychology/ EHU302 Industrial Sociology 4 ECH301 Process Calculations 5 ECH302 Mechanical Operations 6 ECH303 Fluid Flow Operation 7 EHU111 *Human Values & Professional Ethics Practical/Design 8 ECY 351 Applied Chemistry Lab 9 ECH351 Mechanical Operations Lab 10 ECH352 Fluid Flow Operation Lab 11 ECH353 Group discussion & Seminar 12 GP301 General Proficiency Total Periods L 3 3 T P 1 0 1 0 Evaluation Scheme Sessional Exam. CT TA Total 30 30 20 20 50 50 Year 2nd, Semester -III Subject Cred its ESE Total 100 100 150 150 4 4 2 3 2 3 2 0 0 1 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 15 30 15 30 15 10 20 10 20 10 25 50 25 50 25 50 100 50 100 50 75 150 75 150 75 2 4 3 4 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 2 10 10 10 - 10 10 10 - 20 20 20 50 50 410 30 30 30 590 50 50 50 50 50 1000 1 1 1 1 1 26 - 16 5 11 - *Human Values & Professional Ethics will be offered as compulsory Audit Course for which passing marks are 40% in theory & 50% in aggregate. Student will be required to audit it within the period of their study. There will not be carry over facility for this course and a failed student will be required to repeat this course. **Science Based Open Elective EOE031/EOE041: Introduction to Soft Computing (Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic and Genetic Algorithm) EOE032/EOE042: Nano Sciences EOE033/EOE043: Laser Systems and Applications EOE034/EOE044: Space Sciences EOE035/EOE045: Polymer Science & Technology EOE036/EOE046: Nuclear Science EOE037/EOE047: Material Science EOE038/EOE048: Discrete Mathematics 2 U.P. TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY, LUCKNOW Study and Evaluation Scheme [Effective from the Session 2009-10] B. Tech. (Chem. Engg) S.N o. Course Code Periods L Industrial Sociology / Industrial Psychology Science Based Open Elective/ Mathematics III Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Heat Transfer Chemical Reaction Engineering- I Chemical Technology -I *Human Values & Professional Ethics 2 3 T P 0 1 0 0 Evaluation Scheme Sessional Exam. CT TA Total 15 30 10 20 25 50 Year 2nd, Semester -IV Subject Cred its ESE Total 50 100 75 150 2 4 Subject Theory Subjects 1 EHU402/ EHU401 2 EOE041EOE048/ EAS401 3 ECH401 4 5 6 7 ECH402 ECH403 ECH404 EHU111 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 30 30 30 15 15 20 20 20 10 10 50 50 50 25 25 100 100 100 50 50 150 150 150 75 75 4 4 4 2 - Practical/Design 8 ECH451 Chemical Reaction Engineering Lab 9 ECH452 Heat Transfer Lab 11 ECH453 Chemical Technology Lab 12 GP 401 General Proficiency Total 0 0 0 17 0 0 0 4 3 3 3 9 15 15 10 - 10 10 10 - 25 25 20 50 370 30 50 30 630 75 75 50 50 1000 2 2 1 1 26 3 U.P. TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY, LUCKNOW Study and Evaluation Scheme [Effective from the Session 2010-11] B. Tech. (Chem. Engg) S. Course No Subject Code . Theory Subjects 1 EHU501 Engineering and Managerial Economics 2 EAS501 Computer based Numerical Methods 3 ECH501 MassTransfer Operations-I 4 ECH502 Chemical Reaction Engineering- II 5 ECH503 Chemical Technology - II 6 ECH504 Process Instrumentation 7 EHU111 *Human Values & Professional Ethics Practical/Design 8 EAS551 Computer Based Numerical Methods 9 ECH551 Mass Transfer Operations-I Lab 10 ECH552 Process Instrumentation lab 11 ECH553 Group discussion & Seminar 12 GP 501 General Proficiency Periods L 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 T P 1 1 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Evaluation Scheme Sessional Exam. CT TA Total 30 30 30 30 15 15 15 20 20 20 20 10 10 10 50 50 50 50 25 25 25 Year 3rd, Semester -V Subject Credi ts ESE Total 100 100 100 100 50 50 50 150 150 150 150 75 75 75 3 4 4 4 3 3 - 0 0 0 0 17 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 2 - 4 11 10 10 10 - 10 10 10 - 20 20 20 50 50 410 30 30 30 590 50 50 50 50 50 1000 1 1 1 1 1 26 4 U. CT TA Total 30 30 15 15 30 30 15 20 20 10 10 20 20 10 50 50 25 25 50 50 25 Year 3rd. (Chem.P. Engg) S. Tech. Course No Code . Theory Subjects 1 EHU-601 2 ECH 011ECH 013 3 ECH 021ECH 024 4 ECH-601 5 6 7 ECH-602 ECH-603 EHU-111 Periods L Industrial Management Departmental Elective -I Departmental Elective -II Mass Transfer Operations-II Process Dynamics & Control Process Equipment Design *Human Values & Professional Ethics 3 3 2 2 3 3 2 T P 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Evaluation Scheme Sessional Exam. LUCKNOW Study and Evaluation Scheme [Effective from the Session 2010-11] B. TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY. Semester VI Subject Credi ts ESE Total 100 100 50 50 100 100 50 150 150 75 75 150 150 75 3 4 3 3 4 4 - Subject Practical/Design 8 ECH-651 Mass Transfer Operations –II Lab 9 ECH-652 Process Dynamics & Control Lab 10 ECH-653 Energy Lab 11 ECH-654 Equipment Design 12 GP-601 General Proficiency 0 0 0 0 16 0 0 0 0 5 3 3 2 2 10 10 10 10 10 - 10 10 10 10 - 20 20 20 20 50 410 30 30 30 30 590 50 50 50 50 50 1000 1 1 1 1 1 26 Departmental Elective I ECH-011: Energy Resources & Utilization ECH-012: Energy Management ECH-013: Energy Efficiency & Energy Conservation Departmental Elective-II ECH-021: Optimization Technique in Chemical Engineering ECH-022: Computational Fluid Dynamics ECH-023: Statistical Design of Experiments ECH-024: Process Flow Sheet Simulation 5 . (Chem. LUCKNOW Study and Evaluation Scheme [Effective from the Session 2011-12] B. Semester -VII Subject Credi ts ESE Total 100 100 100 100 100 50 150 150 150 150 150 75 4 4 4 4 4 - Subject Practical/Design 7 ECH 751 C A D Lab 8 ECH 752 Project 9 ECH 753 Group discussion & Seminar 10 ECH 754 Industrial Training VivaVoce** 11 GP 701 General Proficiency 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 0 0 5 3 3 2 2 10 10 160 10 50 50 50 260 20 50 50 50 50 470 30 530 50 50 50 50 50 1000 1 2 1 1 1 26 Note-**Practical Training (4-6weeks) done after 6th Semesters would be evaluated in 7th semester through Report and viva voce etc.P. Engg) S. Open Electives-I EOE 071: Entrepreneurship Development EOE 072: Quality Management EOE 073: Operations Research EOE 074: Introduction to Biotechnology Departmental Elective –III ECH 031: Air Pollution and Control Equipments ECH 032: Industrial Pollution Abatement & Waste Management ECH 033: Environmental Pollution Monitoring & Control ECH 034: Hazardous Waste Management Departmental Elective –IV ECH 041: Process Utility & Safety in Chemical Plants ECH 042: Corrosion Science & Engineering ECH 043: Project Engineering & Management ECH 044: Industrial Safety & Hazard Management 6 . Theory Subjects 1 EOE071EOE074 2 EOE031EOE034 3 EOE041EOE044 4 ECH 701 5 6 ECH 702 EHU-111 Periods L Open Elective.U.I Departmental Elective -III Departmental Elective -IV Process Modeling & Simulation Plant Design & Economics *Human Values & Professional Ethics 3 3 3 3 3 2 T P 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Evaluation Scheme Sessional Exam. TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY. Course No Code . CT TA Total 30 30 30 30 30 15 20 20 20 20 20 10 50 50 50 50 50 25 Year 4th. Tech. P.II EOE 081: Non Conventional Energy Resources EOE 082: Nonlinear Dynamic Systems EOE 083: Product Development EOE 084: Automation and Robotics Departmental Elective –V ECH 051: Advance Separation Technology ECH 052: Design of Piping Systems ECH 053: Fluidization Engineering ECH 054: Multiphase Reactor Design Departmental Elective –VI ECH 061: Fertilizer Technology ECH 062: Petroleum Refining Technology ECH 063: Petrochemical Technology 7 . Engg) Year 4th. Course No Code . CT TA Total 30 30 30 30 15 20 20 20 20 10 50 50 50 50 25 Subject Credi ts ESE Total 100 100 100 100 50 150 150 150 150 75 4 4 4 3 - Subject Practical/Design 6 ECH-851 7 GP 801 0 15 0 5 12 10 160 100 260 100 50 470 250 530 350 50 1000 8 1 24 Note. ** Project should be initiated in 7th semester beginning. Semester -VIII S. TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY.U.801 5 EHU-111 Periods L Open Elective. Tech. (Chem. and should be completed by the end of 8th semester with good Report and power-point Presentation etc Open Elective. LUCKNOW Study and Evaluation Scheme [Effective from the Session 2011-12] B. Theory Subjects 1 EOE 081EOE 084 2 ECH 051ECH 054 3 ECH 061ECH 063 4 ECH.II Departmental Elective -V Departmental Elective -VI Transport Phenomena *Human Values & Professional Ethics Project ** General Proficiency 3 3 3 3 2 T P 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Evaluation Scheme Sessional Exam. Freundlich and Langmuir (iv) Colloids: General methods of preparation and properties. Organic reactions of Industrial Significance. Reimer-Tiemann reaction . lowering in melting point. Stereoisomerism of cyclic compounds (cyclohexane). enzyme catalyzed reaction and heterogeneous catalyzed reaction (ii) Surface tension determination and Applications (iii) Adsorption Isotherms. maltose and cellulose).ECY 301: APPLIED ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY 3 1 0 Unit I Organic Chemistry [8]. Knovenagel reaction. HPLC .Wittig reaction. (i)Alcohols. lignin. Perkin reaction .the relative and absolute configuration . lipids and amino acids (protein structure of apoenzymes. Unit III [8] Surface Chemistry (i) Catalysis : Acid base catalyzed reaction. Unit V: [8] Natural Organic Molecules Biomolecules: Definition. Osmotic Pressure and their relation with molecular weight Unit IV: [8] Analytical Chemistry Instrumental methods of chemical analysis: A brief introduction and applications of Conductometry . (iii)carboxylic acids and their derivatives : Hell-Volhartd Zelinsky reaction . mass spectroscopy and atomic absorption Spectroscopy. phenols & ethers : Reactions of alcohols with alkaline earth metals . Oxidation. types of biomolecules-nucleosides & nucleotides (DNA and RNA).stereoselective and stereospecific reactions . conversion of alcohols into Mesylates &Tosylates . Kolbes-Schimidt reaction mechanisms (ii) Aldehydes & Ketones : Oxidation & reduction . Elevation in boiling point. chiral drugs (ibuprofen). conformational analysis of cyclohexane and 1. 8 . aromatic and non-aromatic compounds (ii)Organomettalic compounds : Applications of Grignard Reagent and Lithium aluminum hydride (iii) Stereochemistry : Conformational analysis : various terms . saccharides (glucose. Benzoin condensation. fructose.Crown ethers & epoxides . hydrophilic and hydrophobic sols. Electrical Properties of colloids (v) Colligative Properties: Lowering of Vapor Pressure. isoenzymes and vitamins) and their industrial applications. Potentiometer. Curtius and Lorsen Reaction (iv) Nitrocompounds: Reduction of nitrobenzene under different conditions (v) Amines : Reactions with nitrous acids .Hoffmann bromide reaction. Iodoform reaction. reformatsky reaction. Diazotization and reactions of arenedizonium salts Unit II [8] (i) Concept of aromaticity in benzoid and non-benzoid compounds.Claison-Schmidt reaction. GLC.2 –disubstituted cyclohexane . 2. R. C. t-test. second order and simultaneous) equations by Euler’s. Gauss. p.. np. “Physical Chemistry” 7. Numerical integration . Kreysig. W. Chand & company Ltd. R. Control charts. Iyenger.Text Books 1. Lagrange’s and Newton’s divided difference formula for unequal intervals. Iyenger & Jain. New Age International. Exponential curves etc. 2002. 9 .L. I & II”. Cauchy’s integral formula for derivatives of analytic function. Morrison & Boyd “Organic Chemistry”. Jain & S. Solution of ordinary differential (first order. Fitting of straight lines. Kurtosis. Evaluation of real integrals of the type and 10 Unit – II : Statistical Techniques .Seidal method. Linear. Mathematical Statistics.Willard Merit & Dean “Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis” 9. Moment generating functions. Chandrika Prasad. Newton’s forward and backward interpolation . Taylor’s and Laurent’s series. S.K. Polynomials. 4. 5. Interpolation: Finite differences.II Binomial.Banwell. Application to engineering. 3. Sampling theory (small and large). P. Soloman. 3. New Delhi . Skewness. Poisson and Normal distributions. medicine. non –linear and multiple regression analysis.. Narosa Publication House. agriculture etc. singularities. Peter V. March. Advanced Mathematics for Engineers. Regula-falsi method and Newton-Raphson method. “Organic Chemistry”.I Moments.Atkin. 2. Trapezoidal . “Physical Chemistry” 6. O’Neil. S. Residue theorem. 2005. N.Glasstone. 08 Test Books :1. John Wiley & Sons.K. Cauchy’s integral theorem. Advanced Engineering Mathematics. Picard’s and forth-order Runge. Simpson’s one third and three-eight rules. Numerical Methods for Scientific and Engineering Computation.2000 Reference Books :1. Time series and forecasting (moving and semi-averages). 08 Unit – IV : Numerical Techniques – I Zeroes of transcendental and polynomial equation using Bisection method.Kutta mehthods. C-R equations. J. . Crout method. Probability theory. Analysis of variance (one way) .N. 3. and c charts. Correlation. Tests of significations: Chi-square test. Advance Engineering Mathematics. difference tables. “Organic Chemistry : Vol. 2007.R. Jain.Skoog & West “Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis” EAS 301/EAS 401: MATHEMATICS –III 310 Unit – I : Function of Complex variable Analytic function. Advance Engineering Mathematics Thomson (Cengage) Learning. Numerical differentiation. 2003. Method of least squares. Finar. “Organic Chemistry”. 1996. Prasad Mudralaya. Rate of convergence of above methods. Curve fitting. E. J. T. Statistical quality control methods. 2. 08 Unit – III : Statistical Techniques . 08 Unit – V : Numerical Techniques –II Solution of system of linear equations. “Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy” 8. I. Kapur. . Khanna Publishers. neutralisation and solution. Amagat’s Law. liquids and gaseous fuels. Myers. Effect of temperature on vapour pressure. 3rd edition. Bhatt. Felder. Combustion of solids. 9.L. Enthalpy-concentration charts.. Dry and Wet bulb temperatures. 2. 2007. Watson K.4. B.I. Narosa Publication house. John Wiley. 3.P. Grewal. Thomson(Cengage) Learning. Dew point. (1999). 2003. Probability and Statistics. Himmelblau. 6. Excess reactants. liquids and solutions. Analysis of systems with by-pass. Statistical Methods. Mass and volume relations. T. species and elemental balance. Tata McGraw Hill (1984) Reference Books Hougan D. 1 Asia Publishing House (1962) Luben W. Probability and Statistics for Engineers & Scientists. Prentice Hall (1996).Gupta. Use of humidity charts for engineering calculations. and Average molecular weight of gaseous mixtures. solution of simultaneous material and energy balance problems using flow sheeting softwares. Unsteady state material and energy balance [8] Text books 1. "Stoichiomerty" IInd edition.M. Ideal gas law. Heat of fusion and vaporisation. 6th ed. Vapour pressures of miscible and immiscible liquids and solutions. 2005. L. [8] Unit V Degrees of freedom in steady state processes. “Chemical Process Analysis Mass and Energy Balance” Prentice Hall (1988) 10 . ECH 301: PROCESS CALCUALTIONS 310 Unit I Units their dimensions and conversions. New Delhi. New Delhi 2006. Devore.A. formation. Sultan and Sons. Devi Prasad. B. combustion. Higher Engineering Mathematics. Calculations and application of heat of reaction. TMH. Degree of completion. 2004. Theory & Problems in Numerical Methods.M. Pearson Education. and Vora S. A. R. Walpole. and Ragatz R. D. 2004. An introduction to Numerical Analysis. recycle and purge. R. Conversion.M. S. [8] Unit IV Energy Balance Heat capacity of gases. 8. selectivity and yield. "Basic Principles and Calculations in Chemical Engineering". Vapour pressure plot (Cox chart). Raoult’s Law and Henry’s Law. New Delhi. Veerajan & T. Dalton’s Law. Ramchandrandran. “Chemical Process principles” Vol. 5. 7.[10] Unit II Humidity and saturation Relative Humidity and percent saturation. [6] Unit III Stoichiometry & Material Balance Material balances for systems with and without chemical reactions.W. "Elementary Principles of Chemical Processes ". & Rousseau. Steady state energy balance for systems with and without chemical reactions. Myers & Ye.M. and Wenzel. Stoichiometric and composition relations. A. Calculation of theoretical and actual flame temperatures.S. Kunni & Levenspiel “ Fluidization engineering “ Wiley (1962) 8. S. size enlargement techniques. cake resistance [08] Books Recommended 1. 11 . Perry R. Types of Mechanical Operations. Tata mc graw hill. Surface area measurements. decantation. Narayanan C.(1950). Wiley 3..New york. statistical mean diameters. solid-liquid. Electrostatic precipitators. [08] Unit III Conveying of bulk solids. particle size measurement. Gupta.Heat. 2. Storage of solids in bulk protected and unprotected piles. Rare and dense medium separation. 3. 4th ed. particle size distribution. &Harrison D. magnetic separation. Vol.G. Mixing of solids. specification and screen analysis. Jaw crushers. Tata Mc Graw Hill (1979) 6. Classification of crushing and grinding equipment. blending. “Chemical Engineers Hand Book” . & Chilton C. viz. mass flow and funnel flow Bins. gyratory crushers. theory of filtration. kneading. “ Introduction to Chemical Engineering”.F. “Momentum Transfer Operation”.& Bhattacharya B. scrubbers Filtration: classification of filters. Continuous thickeners.Wilson & Rorrer.G.H. 5.Wicks. ball mills.Butterworth Heinemann Pub 2. “Principles of Unit Operations” John Wiley and Sons (1980). Fundamentals of Momentum.and Mass Transfer. 2. Laws of crushing. Crushing and grinding efficiency. Characteristics of particulate solids: sampling techniques. relevant equations and problems. Construction and working principle of mostly used equipments. Mechanical classification and classifiers. hoppers.1999. Floatation and elutriation. Welty. McCabe Smith. Impingement separators. Impingement separators . etc. 7th ed.. Flow assisting devices. & associates . classification of screening equipments. Cyclone separators. solid-gas. Screening. selection of conveyors. hammer mill. crushing rolls. Mc Graw Hill (1985).”Fluidization” Academic press (1985) 7. pulverization and ultrafine grinding. Badger and Bencharo. bines. and associates “Unit operations” Wiley . and fluid energy mills.ECH 302: MECHANICAL OPERATIONS 210 Unit I Introduction to unit operations and their role in Chemical Engineering industries. Energy required for size reduction. S. classification of conveyors. “Unit Operation in Chemical Engineering” 5th ed. K. silos. Reference Books 1. Brown. Phase separation: Centrifugal separation. 4. “Mechanical opeartions for chemical engineers”.[06] Unit IV Classification of separation methods for different types of mixtures like solid-solid. electrostatic separation. 3 rd Ed. Foust A.Mc graw hill. Size enlargement: scope and applications.C. Gas-solid separation: Gravity settling. feeders. [08] Unit II Principles of size reduction: Specific properties of solids for size reduction. Davidson J. Weighing of bulk solids.H. batch and continuous weighing techniques. bag filters. Khanna Publishers. Coulson and Richardson: Chemical Engineering.M. Pressure drop in pipes and tubes.momentum and energy. 8. McGraw Hill 2.Fox.Rigid body motion. Distribution law. Freundlich adsorption isotherm verification. Types of mixers and their selection Power requirement. 3.K. Delhi (1998. Stream functions. (1998) 3. Gupta.” Fluid Mechanics and its Applications”Wiley Eastern. 6. (1984) ECY 351: APPLIED ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY LAB 003 1. rotameter and pitot tube. nozzle and venturi meters.A.Chand and Co. 2. Applications of TLC in the organic chemistry.McCabe Smith: Unit Operations in Chemical Engineering. Determination of Iron by Specrophotometric method. Distribution of solute between two immiscible solvents ( I2 / water + organic solvent). rotary pumps.[08] Unit IV Flow measuring devices for chemical plants: Orifice meter. Description of velocity field. 9. & McDonald. Katria and Sons.theorem . [08] Unit II Kinematics of flow. NewDelhi. Conservation of mass . Mechanical Energy balance and Bernoulli’sTheorem. NPSH and calibration. Irrational flow. 4.K. Potentiometric titration. Compressible fluid flow .aniline.”Text book of Fluid Mechanics” . phenol. Fluids in circulation. Solution of fluid flow problems using softwares. pressure measurements. Estimation of Glucose. Reference Books 1. Similitude criteria. Identification of Organic Compounds in the mixture. Buckingham’sΠ. Mixing and agitation of fluids. Vijay and SK Gupta. Forces on submerged bodies.ECH 303: FLUID FLOW OPERATIONS 310 Unit I Properties of fluids and their classification. S. reciprocating pumps. Dimensionless numbers and their physical significance. S. [10] Books Recommended 1. 10. 7. Determination of percentage composition of mixture with the help of viscosity measurements. Angular velocity. 12 . R. Navier-Stokes equation.. Determination of molecular weight of a non volatile substance by (i) elevation in boiling point (ii) depression in freezing point. “Introduction to Fluid Mechanics.T. [08] Unit III Fluid flow: Laminar and turbulent flows. [06] Unit V Pumping and compressing of chemicals and gases. centrifugal pumps and blowers.Fluid statics: Forces on fluids. Mixing and agitation of fluid. Kumar D S "fluid Mechanics".Conductivity: (i) Conductivity titration strength of strong acid vs. 5. 5th ed: John Wiley (1998). Euler’s equation. strong base. Rajput R.) 2. (ii) Dissociation constant of a weak acid (CH3COOH). A. Dimensional analysis. New Delhi. pressure depth relationship for compressible and incompressible fluids.. pipe fittings and pipe network and friction factor. ECH 351: MECHANICAL OPERATIONS LAB 003 1. Also. To study the performance of Ball Mill and find out it’s crushing efficiency. To study the pressure drop and porosity in Liquid fluidized bed ECH 352: FLUID FLOW OPERATIONS LAB 003 1. Fugacity and Fugacity coefficients for real gases. 10. 9. To study the filtration characteristics of rotary vacuum filter. To study the pressure drop characteristics through packed beds. To study the pressure drop and porosity in Air fluidized bed. Activity and activity coefficients. 2. To calibrate and tofind out discharge coefficient using Nozzle flow meter. Excess properties of mixtures.(Free & Hindered settling) of a given suspension of particles. To verify Bernoulli’s theorem. 2. Applications to steady . fully open (ii) Globe valve. fully open (iii) Elbow (iv) Reducer (v) Socket and (vi) Bend. To study the characteristics of a centrifugal pump (UPSH / NPSH) / compressor 7. To study the filtration characteristics of Plate and frame filter press. 8 Unit III Multicomponent System Partial molal properties. Also. 8. 12. to plot a graph between Reynolds number and discharge coefficient. 6. To study the settling characteristics. To calibrate the Rotameter. The Gibbs Duhem equations. 9. To calculate the power requirement of mixing ECH 401: CHEMICAL ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICS 310 Unit I Basic Concept The firstlaw and conservation of energy. To calibrate the venturimeter and to find out its discharge coefficient. To carry out differential and cumulative screen analysis of given sample of solid particles. 5. To study the filtration characteristics of Leaf and sparkle filter. Mathematical models for the chemical potential. To study the performance of Jaw Crusher and find out it’s crushing efficiency. To study the flow characteristics using Reynolds’ apparatus. 5. To study the flow curves of fluid’s for Newtonian and Non-Newtonian fluids flow conditions. 4. Applications to engineering problems relating to equilibrium . nonsteady flow and other engineering problems. maximum and minimum work. 7. 8 13 . 4. To calibrate the V-notch and to determine its discharge coefficient. 3. Ideal and non-ideal solutions. The second law. 6. To calibrate the orifice meter and to find out its discharge coefficient. 8 Unit II Properties of Pure Substances Changes in thermodynamic properties and their inter-relationships. To find out the viscosity of a given Liquid sample using Falling Ball Viscometer. To find out the equivalent length of various pipe fittings (i) Gate valve. 3.. To study the performance of Crushing Rolls and find out it’s crushing efficiency. 11. The ideal gas. 11. 8. to plot a graph between Reynolds number and discharge coefficient. 10. 8 Text Books 1. Kirchoff’s law.Unit IV Phase Equilibria Criteria for equilibrium between different phases in Multicomponent nonreacting systems. heat transfer in molten metals.M. viz. thermocompression. Reference Books 14 . Dimensional analysis. ECH 402: HEAT TRANSFER OPERATIONS 310 Unit I Introduction to heat transfer and general concepts of heat transfer by conduction. types of evaporators. Single and multiple effect evaporators and their calculation.Rao. [09] Unit III Radiation: Basic laws of heat transfer by radiation. Basic concepts and definitions. particularly to vapour – liquid equilibria and solubility. double pipe. composite layers. 5th edition. Y. solar radiations. temperature and composition. shell and tube. [04] Unit IV Heat Transfer with Phase Change: Condensation of pure and mixed vapors..V. & Abbot. convection and radiation. Smith. Conduction: Basic concepts of conduction in solids. [10] Unit V Heat Transfer Equipment: Classification.. Extended surfaces. “Intro to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics “.g. loading in condensers and basic calculation on condensers. film wise and drop wise condensation.E. Evaporation: Elementary principles. Applications to systems of engineering interest. J. [10] Books Recommended Holman. boiling heat transfer coefficients. through plane walls. principles and design criteria. types of exchangers. Furnaces and their classification and application. M. H.C.C. Introduction to unsteady state heat transfer. Van Ness. steady state temperature fields and one dimensional conduction without heat generation. Reference Books 1.M. view factors.: “Heat Transfer” 9 th ed. natural and forced convection.. New York: Mc-Graw Hill (1996)” 2. [07] Unit II Convection: Fundamentals of convection. critical and optimum insulation thickness. plate type.” Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics” University press (1997). extended surface. "Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics" McGraw Hill (1986). black body and gray body concepts. e. laminar and turbulent heat transfer inside and outside tubes. J. Insulation materials. 8 Unit V Chemical Equilibrium The equilibrium constant and the variation of yield in chemical reactions with pressure.P. hydrodynamic and thermal boundary layers. etc. heat transfer in boiling liquids. Daubert T. fins and their practical applications. determination of individual and overall heat transfer coefficients and their temperature dependence. cylindrical and spherical surfaces. McGraw Hill (1989). combined heat transfer coefficients by convection and radiation.. liquids and gases. ButterworthHeinemann(1999) 2. New York John Wiley (1998) Reference Books 1.M. ECH 404: CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY I (ORGANIC) 3 0 0 Note: In the following units. “Heat Transmission”.Manufacturing process and flow sheet.. Elementary and non-elementary homogeneous reactions. and economical status should be under taken. [8] Unit IV Holding time and space-time for flow system. latest technological developments. “Chemical Engineering :Vol-1”. corrosion. Optimal temperature progression for first order reactions. Smith. F and C curve. . Dispersion models. Coulson.. Unit I Importance and Overview of Chemical Process Industries . Temperature dependency from thermodynamics. McGraw-Hill. J. Interpretation of constant volume batch reactor. Equal and different size of mixed reactors in series and finding the best system for the given conversion. McGraw-Hill. materials of construction. parallel and series reaction. Mechanism of reaction. Badger W. & Bancharo J. Prentice Hall (1997). Thermodynamic formulations of rates.1.H. Molecularity and order of reaction. data for zero.L. McAdams W. (1954) 3. . study of the given chemical industries in relation to their current status (Indian and Global). 4th ed. viz Pollution control. Irreversible reaction in parallel and series. Plug flow reactors in series/parallel.I 310 Unit I Rate of reaction. Residence time distribution of fluid in vessels.F. first and second order reactions. second and third order reactions.Optimum reactor size. “Chemical Engineering Kinetics “. Design of reactors for multiple reactions. Sugar. Engineering problems. “Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering”. E . Design equations for batch. Design of batch. (1990).S. Glucose. O. Recycle reactor. 3rd edition.T. series-parallel reactions. plug flow. Citric acid and antibiotics [8] 15 . & Richardson. “Process Heat Transfer” McGraw Hill Book (1950) 4. [8] Unit V Temperature and pressure effects for single reaction. back mix flow and semi batch reactors for isothermal. Kern D.Q.Unit operations and Unit process concept . 3rd ed. Tanks in series model [8] Text Books 1. first. J. H. adiabatic homogeneous reaction..”Introduction to chemical engineering” Tata McGraw Hill ECH 403: CHEMICAL REACTION ENGINEERING . Fogler. 2. J. Arrhenius collision and activated complex theories. plug flow and mixed flow reactors for first and second order single reactions.Levenspiel. Starch.Production and Consumption Pattern . [8] Unit III Interpretation of variable volume batch reactions data for zero. [8] Unit II Integral and differential methods for analyzing kinetic data. Auto catalytic reaction. Half life period. 6th ed. Acetic acid. “Chemical Reaction Engineering”. Fermentation products such as Alcohol . 3rd ed. Glycerin. To find the thermal conductivity of liquid / gases. Fatty acids.(1984). To study the residence time distribution (R. To determine the order and rate constant of saponification reaction at room temperature. T » Shreve’s Chemical Process Industries”. To study the decomposition of calcium carbonate 11. Viscose rayon. Teflon ) [8] Unit IV Crude oil distillation. SBR. “Outlines of Chemical Technology” (Edited and Revised by M. ECH 452: HEAT TRANSFER OPERATIONS LAB 003 1.T. Hydrogenation of edible oils . To determine the relative rates of reaction of iodide ion with hydrogen peroxide at room temperature using different concentrations of the iodide ion. To study the shell & Tube heat exchanger and find the heat duty and Over all heat transfer coefficient for parallel flow condition. To study the shell & Tube heat exchanger and find the heat duty and Over all heat transfer coefficient for counter flow condition.D. lub oil manufacture. Thermal conversion processes(visbreaking . hydro cracking. Dacron. vulcanization and reclaiming of rubber. To determine the order and rate constant of esterification reaction at room temperature. To find the thermal conductivity of metallic rod at different temperature and draw the temperature profile for steady and unsteady state conduction. To study the activity results or oxidation-reduction replacement reaction. 10. 8. Catalytic conversion processes(fluid catalytic cracking. E. 4. Austin G. 5. To study the effect of temperature. Plastics. Polyester and other new products. 6.Gopal Rao and Sittig . ethylene oxide . methanol. To determine the energy of activation of a given chemical reaction. 2. 2. 16 . paper and pulp [6] Unit III Synthetic and natural fibers: Nylon. 9. 3. cumene. concentration of the reactants and a catalyst on the rate of chemical reaction 4. Polyethylene. To study the critical heat flux behaviour of a liquid 6.T. McGraw Hill.Pvt Ltd. To purify water by ion -exchange. To study the residence time distribution (R. To find the emissivity of grey plate with respect to black plate 5. To separate Organic Compounds by Paper Chromatography.New Delhi. ethyl benzene) [8] Text Books 1.) in a plug flow reactor..Unit II Soap and Surfactants. Dryden. formaldehyde.M) East West Press. ECH 451: CHEMICAL REACTION ENGINEERING LAB 0 0 3 1. To find the heat transfer coefficient for parallel and counter current flow condition for a Double pipe heat exchanger 7. To find out the thermal conductivity of insulating powder. alkylation. Polyurethane. synthetic rubber with special reference to manufacture.D. 7. isomerisation. polymerization) Finishing processes. ethanolamine. 3.coking). Terylyne. sulphur removal process. 8. acetate rayon . Thermosetting and Thermo Plastics(PVC. 5th ed. propylene.) in a stirred tank reactor.3 rd Edition(1997). 2. catalytic reforming. ethylene glycol. C. Petrochemicals(ethylene. Convergence criteria. systems of equations. Adams method. [08] Unit V Boundary Value problems: Finite difference method. 4. Introduction to numerical computing. 7. Truncation and round off errors. LU decomposition. Gauss Jordan method. Newton Raphson method. approximations and errors in numerical computations. To find the heat transfer coefficient for open pan evaporator for steady and unsteady state condition. Numerical solution of Partial Differential equations. 12. Tata McGraw hill..D. Solution of simultaneous linear algebraic equations: Gauss elimination. Elliptic. Condition of a system and stability issues. Gauss Seidel method. Liquid Detergent 10. Multistep methods: Milne’s method. Secant method. polynomial method. Powdered Detergent. Polystyrene by Bulk Polymerization Technique. PMMA by Bulk Polymerization Technique. To study the Plate heat exchanger and find the Over all heat transfer coefficient 11. Divided differences and Newton’s general formula. Lagrange interpolation formula. Euler’s method. 3. 13. Transparent Soaps 8. Runge Kutta methods. ECH 453: CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY LAB 0 0 3 Preparation and Quality evaluation of following items :1. iteration method. 6.9. 5. stiffness. convergence of iterative methods. Balagurusamy: Numerical Methods. Compare the heat duty for parallel &Counter flow And find the energy saving. Parabolic and hyperbolic PDEs. 9. Oil bound Distemper. Root finding: bisection method. accuracy. Romberg integration. Algorithms and flow charts. SOR method. Dry Distemper. Gaussian Quadrature. Reference Books 17 .[08] Unit II Matrix algebra. Jacobi method. Washing Soap EAS-501: COMPUTER BASED NUMERICAL METHODS 3 1 0 Unit I Problem solving on computer. Newton-Cotes integration formulas. Numerical differentiation. Numerical integration : Trapezoidal and Simpson’s rules.: Taylor series method. 10. [06] Unit III Interpolation and Extrapolation: Newton’s forward and backward interpolation formula. systems of nonlinear equations. solving eigenvalue problems. To study the performance of heat pipe. Plastic Emulsion Paint. 2. To study Single/Double/Tripple effect Evaporator and find its Steam economy. propagation of errors. [08] Books Recommended E. Tridiagonal systems and Thomas algorithm.E. power method. [10] Unit IV Numerical solution of O. regula falsi method. Cement Paint. Grewal B. Different modes of drying operations. Diffusion in multi-component gas mixtures. Gas-liquid equilibria. Singh “Numerical and Statistical Methods in Computer” (2005). K. R “Mass Transfer Operations”. 4. S. “Numerical Methods”. 3rd ed.. [8] Unit II Absorption and Stripping: Equipments. “Schaum’s Outlines: Numerical Analysis”.. P. HTU. “Transport Processes and Unit Operations”. C. Sherwood T. Rate of batch drying. Definition and derivations of relationships related with humidity Fundamental concept of humidification. Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Co. 2. Absorption in tray column. Time of of crystallization. Mass transfer theories. New Delhi.1. Controlled growth of crystal. 2nd ed. V. “Numerical Methods in Engineering and Science”. New York: McGraw-Hill. Pigford R. Selection of solvent. “Principles of Unit Operations” John Wiley (1980). S.S. pressure and composition. vapour pressuretemperature curve. Delhi. diffusion coefficient.phase mass transfer: Mass transfer coefficients. Dehumidification and water cooling. Inter. Henry’s law. [8] Unit V Crystallisation: Equilibrium yield of crystallization . Absorption in packed columns. Simultaneous heat and mass transfer. “Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis”. Reference Books 1. “Numerical Methods. S. [8] Unit IV Drying: Solid-gas equilibria. Wet bulb temperature. Continuous drying. 7. Geankoplis. Kandasamy. New Delhi (2002). Sastry.. 3rd ed. Diffusion in Solids: Molecular. Treybal. Definitions of moisture contents. New Delhi. measurement and estimation of diffusivity. Iyengar and Jain.. New Age International. Equilibrium solubility of gases in liquids. Flow past solids and boundary layers. 2.J. K.. Design of continuous dryers. S. [8] Text Books 1. (1993) 18 . Evaporative cooling . Fick’s Law of diffusion. Foust A. Prentice Hall. et. E. Diffusion between phases. Khanna Publishers. Mass transfer in fluidized beds. Design equations for packed column. ECH 501: MASS TRANSFER OPERATIONS . Prentice. 6.I 310 Unit I Diffusion :Molecular and turbulent diffusion. NTU &HETP concepts. Dependence of diffusion coefficient on temperature. “Mass Transfer” McGraw Hill (1975). 2. Factors governing nucleation and crystal growth rates. 3rd ed.Heat and mass transfer rates in crystallization. Mechanism of batch drying. Adiabatic and non-adiabatic operations. Types of batch and continuous dryers. Thialagawathy. Paragon International Publishers. K. Graphical and analytical methods. Vapour gas mixtures.Classification and design of cooling towers. New Delhi (2001). and ilke P. [8] Unit III Humidification and Dehumidification:Vapour liquid equilibrium and enthalpy for a pure substance. Knudsen & surface diffusion. New Delhi (1999). 5. Classification and design of crystallizers. L. & Gumawathy. K. Absorption with chemical reaction and mass transfer.. Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Company Limited. “Numerical Methods for Scientific and Engineering Computation” (2003). Jain. (1980). Chand & Company Ltd.Hall of India. Balaguruswamy. Limited (1968) 3. Smith. [8] Unit IV Industrial Gases: Oxygen. NPK .ECH 502: CHEMICAL REACTION ENGINEERING .Oleum Phosphorus Industry: Phosphorus. batch. [8] Unit II Sulfur Industry: Sulfur and sulfuric acid. polymerization reactors [8] Text Books 1. material of construction. 4th ed. 3rd edition. New York John Wiley (1998) Reference Books 1. Cement. Steady state multiplicity and effect of operating variables on the stability of C. manufacturing process. Nitric acid. Adsorption isotherms. “Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering”. [8] Unit II Heterogeneous Catalysis Nature of catalysis. Hydrogen Inert gases.S. Rate equations for heterogeneous reactions. Mechanism of catalytic reactions. [8] Unit V Non elementary reactions and reactor design.S. Nitrophosphate) Bio fertilizers. Production and consumption pattern. Urea and other nitrogen fertilisers. Syngas. Physical properties of solid catalysts. O. Reactor choice for single and multiple reactor system and recycle reactor Stability of Reactors Non . Hydrochloric acid.isothermal design of ideal reactor.Levenspiel. ECH 503: CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY – II (INORGANIC) 3 0 0 A study of the following chemical industries in relation to their current status (Indian and global).KAP . Effective diffusivity. 3rd ed.T. J. application to design. Non-catalytic heterogeneous reactions . Phosphoric acid and super phosphates [7] Unit III Nitrogen Industry: Ammonia. Prentice Hall (1997). Hot spot in tubular reactor. continuous and semi batch reactors. “Chemical Engineering Kinetics “. [7] 19 . . McGraw-Hill. Design of fixed bed and fluidized bed reactors. fluidized bed reactions Design of solid catalytic reactor. Engineering problems viz pollution control. Determination of rate controlling step. Enzyme fermentation. Caustic soda and Chlorine. Microbial fermentation. Preparation testing and characterization of catalysts. biochemical reaction system. “Chemical Reaction Engineering”. [8] Unit IV Reactor Design Progressive conversion and un-reacted core model. Selectivity and yield. (1990). Fogler. Catalyst selection.DAP. H. Thermal conductivity and effectiveness factor. latest technological developments..R. [8] Unit III External Transport Process Reaction and diffusion within porous catalysts. Nitrogen. Catalyst poisoning. These industries have been distributed in the following units :Unit I Chlor-alkali industry: Common salt.II 3 1 0 Unit I Reactor Models Design equations for batch. Mixed fertilisers (SSP. 2. corrosion and economic status should be under taken. CSTR and tubular reactor. TSP. Soda Ash. Classification of Instruments. Solution of system of linear simultaneous by Gauss Elimination method. Variable Area & variable head flow meters. Ionization Gauge. Kirk and Othmer. Engler. Dryden. EAS 551: COMPUTER BASED NUMERICAL METHODS LAB 003 Use of following Techniques in C/C++ Language 1.N & Shukla. Resistance Thermometer. Knudson Gauge. Solution of Heat equations (Parabolic equations) by finite difference method.. 7. L. “Industrial Chemicals” John Wiley.K.Gopal Rao and Sittig . 10. E. R. level & Viscosity. Solution of single non-linear equations by Regulafalsi method. ECH 504: PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION 310 Unit I Importance of measuring of Instruments in Process Control.3 rd Edition(1997). Expansion Thermometers. Linear velocity measurement systems. Viscometers: Redwood.I” Vikas publication. transducers. Pandey G. Hydrostatic type. T » Shreve’s Chemical Process Industries”. Thermocouple gauge. . Simpson’s 3/8-rule. Sonic & Ultrasonic. [8] Books 1. Solution of Laplace equations (elliptic equation) by finite difference method. 2.. 11. 8. 2.(1975)..M) East West Press. R. New York 1990.Text Books 1. W. 20 . Pyrometers. Rheo & other types of viscometers. Finding Newton’s interpolatory polynomial for n points. Cup & Cone type. Volumetric and Mass flow rate meters. C. D. [8] Unit IV Instruments for Measurement of Flow rate. Static & Dynamic Characterization of Instruments. Selection of instrument for a particular Measurement. Solution of system of linear simultaneous equation by gauss seidel method and successive over relaxation method. Solution of single first order ordinary differential equations by fourth order Runge-Kutta method.S. 2.(1984). Elastic Element type. Electrical Type and other type of instruments like Neleod Gauge. Reference Books 1. Errors in measurements & Error Analysis. 2. Thermal type Level meters. L.. 5. McGraw Hill. Resistance & Capacitance type. 3. D. Keyes. and Clark. Pressure type . Industrial Instrumentation. 3..P. Faith. Elements of an Instruments. Wiley Eastern Ltd. Solution of wave equations (Hyperbolic equation) by finite difference method. [6] Unit III Measurement of Pressure & Vacuum. 4. “Chemical Technology Vol .[8] Unit II Measurement of Temperature: Thermocouples. 6. “Outlines of Chemical Technology” (Edited and Revised by M. "Encyclopaedia of Chemical Technology" Wiley (2004). 9. 5th ed. Jain. Saybolt. B. Mechanical and Industrial Measurements.. Khanna Publishers. Anemometers. Finding Newton’s interpolatory polynomial based on finite difference table for n points. Austin G.New Delhi.D. Solution of single non-linear algebraic equations by Newton Raphson method. Eckman. Liquid – liquid extraction. [8] 21 . ECH 011: ENERGY RESOURCES AND UTILIZATION 3 1 0 Unit I Energy Scenario Indian and global. Nuclear energy : Status. direct and indirect methods solar energy storage . energy crisis. solar cells their material and mode of operation . its utilization & production. sensible heat and latent heat storage materials Solar ponds . Generation of Nuclear power. 6. MHD systems. Energy Conservation Energy: Biogas plants and their operation. biogas plants and their operation . drying and its use for other industrial processes . 5. Solid –liquid extraction. 2. vapour liquid equilibrium. Geothermal energy its potential status and production. Biomass and its conversion routes to gaseous and liquid fuels. Diffusion coefficients. Remedial measures to some energy crisis. its potential and generation by wind mills [8] Unit III Hydroelectric potential. 6. Study the performance and determination of Equilibrium relationships 2. Calibration of Conductivity meter. Wind energy. 4. 4. ECH 552: PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION LAB 1. cooking . 5. Cogeneration of fuel and power. 8.ECH 551: MASS TRANSFER OPERATIONS LAB-I 003 1. Calibration of pH meter. Calibration of Pressure gauge/ Pnuematic pressure recorder/ Differential pressure recorder. 003 Calibration of thermocouple/Bimetallic thermocouple/Resistance thermocouple. nuclear reactors and other classification. [8] Unit II Alternative Sources of Energy Fuel cell . its potential and generation by wind mills. Separation factors of the experiments with differential distillation. 3. Estimation of viscosity by Redwood/ Saybolt/ Ostwald viscometer. Mass transfer coefficients. nuclear raw materials.Solar Energy : Photo thermal and photovoltaic conversion and utilisation methods . Reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel. Energy from tidal and ocean thermal sources. Classification of various energy sources.wind energy . solar water heating . Renewable and non-renewable energy sources. Calibration of Orificemeter/ Venturimeter / Rotameter/ Gas flow meter. 3. Bio energy. Flash vaporization. biomass and its conversion roots to gaseous and liquid fuels . Nuclear installations in India and their capacity of generation. 7. Limitations of nuclear energy. Ion exchange and membrane separation. . Energy conservation opportunity. Coal classification. energy planning flow for supply side.. Targeting and Conservation Introduction. energy strategy. Biodisel. Treatment of coal gas and recovery of chemical from coal tar. Defining monitoring & targeting. Water gas. energy & economy. coke oven gas.P. commercial energy production. infrastructure planning.Unit IV Fossil and Processed Fuel Coal its origin and formation. Coal preparation. liquid fuel synthesis from coal. two sides of energy management.2nd Ed.S. sectors of supply side energy management. imperatives & steps in user side energy planning. Brame J. Gaseous Fuels: Natural gas. blast furnace gas. [8] Unit II Energy Management & Energy Planing Definition & significance.. per capita energy consumption. energy policy & energy planning.GTL Technology (gas to liquid). producer gas. 2. modern techniques and instruments for energy audit. waste management & recycling of discard material and energy. Sukhatme S. LNG .gas.CNG. [8] Unit III Energy Audit & Energy Monitoring. Types of crude . energy strategy for future. element of monitoring & consumption. need. energy strategies & energy planning. primary energy resources. transportation of energy. electrical & thermodynamic ECOs.Hill.G. ECH 012: ENERGY MANAGEMENT 310 Unit I Energy Scenario Commercial & Non commercial energy.Principles of Thermal Collection and Storage". Liquid and Gases” Edward Arnold (1967).emergence of petroleum products as energy. training & human resource development.(1996). production & cumulative sum of differences (CUSUM). organization for energy management. Edward Arnold “Fuel Solid. data & information analysis. L.Gas hydrates . energy management & control system for demand side. and King J. energy conservation and its importance. [8] Unit IV Advancement In Technologies & Future Energy Alternatives 22 . hierarchical levels of supply side energy management. trade off b/w energy management. ECOs in chemical process industries. Coal carbonization. re. objective of energy management. Coal gasification. types & procedure of energy audits. energy & environment.P.. energy conservation act. "Solar Energy . [ 8] Text Books 1. Coal analysis. final energy consumption. motivation. seven principal of energy management.G. energy policy of a supply organization & demand side organization. CBM. energy pricing. energy need of growing economy. essential imperatives & steps in supply side energy planning. Tata McGraw.structuring of the energy supply sector. essential data for supply side energy planing. long term energy scenario. bio. techniques. Coal washing and coal blending. energy sector reform.S. [8] Unit V Petroleum crude . [8] Unit V Case Studies Energy conservation in alcohol industry. condition for fusion. Objectives of energy audit. 3. low temperature geothermal resources. & Parulckar B. Applications. Methodology. Boyle “Renewable Energy : Power for a sustainable future” Oxford. Fusion – introduction potential. environment impact. 23 . Proposed measures for energy conservation with cost-benefit analysis. Unit IV Pinch technology. Energy conservation bill 2001). Government initiative for conserving energy (Role of Bureau of Energy Efficiency. Keinnedu fairmant press. Harcourt. Harcourt. absorption/stripping column. Dryer. Unit V Energy conservation opportunities in chemical process utilities . ethanol as a fuel. Evaporators. Capenart & Turner “ Guide to energy management ” 6 ed. and Mckay G. Hinrich & Kleinbach “Energy : its use and the environment” III ed. Energy audit team. Distillation column. transport of energy. resources and exploration. Compressed air systems. 3. magnetic confinement fusion reactor. [8] Text Books 1.. Grand composite curves and process utility interface. Rao S. Biomass –introduction. Cogeneration systems Text Books 1. wood combustion Geothermal energy – introduction. biomass conversion.Recent advancement in energy technology towards 21st century. Insulation Cogeneration.Steam systems. ”Energy technology” khhanna publisher 4. Uses of pinch analysis in chemical process industries. Murphy W. nature. Types of heat recovery equipments. Energy Management(BH) 2.R. municipal waste. Energy efficiency based on first and second laws of thermodynamics. Hinrich & Kleinbach “Energy : its use and the environment” III ed. Rao S. 2. & Parulckar B. Energy targets. origin. Types of energy auditPreliminary and detailed. Liquid-liquid extraction column Waste heat recovery: Sources of waste heat. Unit III Equipment-oriented approaches for energy conservation-Fired heater. Feasibility of waste heat recovery. 4.B. Composite curves. Capenart & Turner “ Guide to energy management ” 6 ed. Unit II Thermodynamic analysis of chemical processes Energy audit. Process pinch. Need for conserving energy. Energy conservation in different units of refinery likes FCCU. Classification of energy sources. Keinnedu fairmant press. Boyle “Renewable Energy : Power for a sustainable future” Oxford. Pinch principles. Boiler. Energy conservation in fertilizer industry and pulps & paper industry. cold fusion laser induced fusion.B. HCU & ADU. ECH 013 : ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND ENERGY CONSERVATION 3 1 0 Unit I Energy scenario. ”Energy technology” khhanna publisher 5. two-dimensional diffusion problems.F.The k-e model. implementation of boundary conditions. discretization errors.[7] Unit III Finite Volume Method: Discretisation methods. classification of flows. Turbulence and its Modelling: Transition from laminar to turbulent flow. Urbanier and C. inviscid. and turbulent flow processes. [8] Books Recommended 1. revised simplex method. etc. T. duality and transportation problems. one-dimensional steady state diffusion. approximations of surface integrals and volume integrals. choice of grid. Discrete and continuous dynamic programming. Introduction. Quasi-Newton and Secant method for unidimensional search. The Finite Volume Method for Unsteady Flows and Implementation of Boundary Conditions: One-dimensional unsteady heat conduction. applications to the engineering problems. Graphical simplex method. potential and creeping flows. conservation principles of mass. Indirect method. [7] 24 . Algebraic stress equation models [6] Unit II Grid Generation: Structured and unstructured grids. second and mixed derivatives. Dynamic Programming. interpolation and differentiation practices. [8] Unit IV Finite difference approximation. Edgar and D.M. Region elimination methods (Golden Section. Unconstrained Multi Variable Search. K. Effect of turbulence on timeaveraged Navier-Stokes equations. [7] Unit II Unconstrained One Dimensional Search Newton. multiphase flow . Himmelblau Optimization of Chemical Processes – McGraw Hill (1989) 2. simplified flow models such as incompressible.) [7] Unit III Linear Programming. and momentum. implementation of boundary conditions. Characteristics of simple turbulent flows. reactive flow. Flat plate boundary layer and pipe flow.ECH 021: OPTIMIZATION TECHNIQUES IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING 2 1 0 Unit I Analytical Method Necessary and sufficient conditions for optimum in single and multi variable unconstrained and constrained problems. Mixing length model. energy. general transformation of equations.Optimal Design of Process Equipment – John Wiley (1986) ECH 022: COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS 210 Unit I Basic Concepts of Fluid Flow: Philosophy of computational fluid dynamics. Fibonacci. Finite Difference Method: Discretization of ordinary and partial differential equations. three-dimensional diffusion problems. Free turbulent flows. McDermott . Dichotomous. [10] Unit IV Special Topics: Flow in a sudden pipe contraction / expansion. Reynolds stress equation models. applications to the engineering problems. some modern developments in grid generation in solving the engineering problems. approximation of first. Principle of optimality. Turbulence models. flow and heat transfer in a complex tubes and channels. Direct methods. basic principles. 2003 3.. the 22 & 23 factorial design. V. Lazic Z. prediction of new response observations. [8] Unit II Design of Experiments: Fundamental and types of Design of Experiment. three level and mixed level factorial and fractional factorial designs. analysis of fixed effects model. two-factor factorial design. sample size determination with random effects. Antony J.. Ranade V. Springer. ECH 024: Process flow sheet simulation Unit I 210 25 . and related design. R. “Computation Flow Modeling for Chemical Reactor Engineering”. Malalasekera.” Butterworth Heinemann. testing for lack of fit. estimation of the parameters in linear regression models. hypothesis testing in multiple regression. blocking and compounding in the 2k factorial design. Randomized blocks. Ferziger J. randomized and paired comparison design.. 3rd Ed. 1995 2.Suggested Books: 1. Simple Comparative Experiments: Basic statistical concepts. and Peric M. H. method of steepest ascent. unbalanced data in a factorial design. two factor factorial with random factors. robust design. logistic and weighted regression. “Design and Analysis of Experiments”. confidence intervals in multiple regression. “Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics”. factorial design. An introduction to computational fluid dynamics: the finite volume method . regression model diagnostics.[8] Suggested Books: 1. Chi-squared tests. Simplex method. blocking in a factorial design. mixture experiments. Versteeg and W.” Design of Experiments for Engineers and Scientists. sampling and sampling distribution. 2002 ECH 023: STATISTICAL DESIGN OF EXPERIMENTS 210 Unit I Introduction: Strategy of experimentation. [8] Unit IV Response Surface Methods: Central composite and Box-Behnken designs. analysis of a second-order response surface. experimental designs for fitting response surfaces. “Design of Experiments in Chemical Engineering: A Practical Guide”. D. two-level. Academic Press. non-normal responses and transformations. K. Design and Analysis: Nested and split-plot design. inferences about the differences in means. Experiments with Random Factors: Random effect model. Experiments with Single Factor: Analysis of variance. [6] Unit III Parameter Estimation: Linear regression models. 2. Narosa Publishing House. the general 2k factorial design.. C. 5th Ed..2005. Wiley. approximate F tests. “Computational Fluid Dynamics: The Basics with Applications”. and Sundararajan T. Covariance and analysis of covariance. non-linear regression. Muralidhar K. McGraw Hill. non-parametric methods. evolutionary operation. 2004. 3. H.. Wiley. Montgomery D.. latin squares. Simultaneous optimization of several responses. Anderson Jr J. “Computational Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer”. model adequacy analysis. 2002 5. Longman scientific & technical publishers 2007 4. 2004. two-factor mixed model.. guidelines for designing experiments. Elsevier. Multistage Separation: RADFRAC: Rigorous rating and design fractionation model. Inorganic chemicals and electrolyte modeling. Features of simulation packages. Different approaches to process simulation.[8]. Motard. Example-4: sour water systems (CO2 and H2S removal for example). M. Introduction to the simulation package Graphical User Interface.Resources: 26 . Example-1: Flashing of Light Hydrocarbons. "Process Flow Sheeting". manual flow sheet calculations. “Integrated Design and Simulation of Chemical Processes”.Introduction to Process Simulation: Background and history of process simulation. “Chemical Process Synthesis and Engineering Design”.W. Butterworths.Westerberg. computer aided flow-sheeting. Differential Algebraic Equations. Tata McGraw Hill. 4. modules and components in a process simulation package.2003 2. Cameron. L. Introduction to ICARUS( an economic evaluation package inside ASPEN PLUS). Case Study: Design and simulation of some of the inorganic and organic process plants such as sulphuric acid.1997 6. Property data requirements and input. & Winter.2001 5. P. system properties. introduction of canonical modeling concepts: devices. Introduction to overall Plant automation through simulation. equations. Example-2: Vinyl chloride monomer (VCM) flowsheet. Physical property analysis. 2nd ed. “Process Modelling and Model Analysis”. R. aggregation/decomposition. Flow sheet presentation. degrees of freedom in a flow sheet.[7] Unit II Fundamentals of systems engineering: system definition. collection and estimation of thermo-physical properties for the chemical species of the system. Steady State and Dynamic Simulation. variables. A. hierarchies of systems.. H. Unit IV Physical Properties: Overview of physical property system . Example-1: Introducing a non-databank component. et al. Flowsheet Convergence: Example-3: VCM flowsheet convergence.. molecular modeling and how it will compliment standard simulators and dynamic simulation. C. structure and functionality of commercial simulation tools.[7] Unit III Processing Simulation with softwares such as: ASPEN PLUS/Hysis/PRO II/Design II/UniSim/OLI Pro/Aspen Custom Modeler/TK-Solver: Introduction to the Simulation Package. formalizing the modeling process: methods of structuring complex chemical processes.A. Process Flow sheeting: Approaches to flowsheeting. 3. Ramirez.. Synthesis of reaction systems and synthesis of azeotropic separation systems.. manual calculations with recycle streams. selection of flowsheet and simulation software. procedures for process modeling. thermo-physical properties banks. Example-2: Using RADFRAC in the VCM flowsheet. Academic Press.1990 7. Example-3: VCM flowsheet sensitivity run / design-spec run.Dimian A. Survey of unit operation models.[8] Suggested Books and Resources: 1. W. Westerberg. P. ammonia.Kumar. Design specifications and calculator blocks . Property model specifications . Cambridge University Press.K. partitioning and tearing a flowsheet. A. “Process Flowsheeting”. numerical properties of the model equations. F.1981. integration of simulation tools. Hangos and I. numerical methods for steady-state and dynamic systems.. Cambridge University Press.W. “Computational Methods for Process Simulation”. T. Hutchison.1979. Flowsheet Calculations and Model Analysis Tools: Sensitivity and case-study runs . connections.. techniques and applications. Determination of height and column diameter. Reflux.cantera. and Wilke P. Reference Books 1. sweep diffusion. thermal diffusion. S. Maximum and minimum boiling mixtures. available at http://www. (1993) 27 . Equilibrium relationship. concept of relative volatility. 3rd ed.. Types of adsorption. Enthalpy-concentration diagrams for ideal and non-ideal solutions.htm ECH 601: MASS TRANSFER OPERATIONS – II 3 1 0 Unit I Distillation Pressure-composition. 3rd ed. “Mass Transfer” McGraw Hill (1975). (1980). Tray efficiency. Use of open steam. Concept of an ideal CANTERA. Analytical and graphical solution of single and multistage operation Super critical fluid extraction. Solid liquid equilibrium. Ponchon Savarit method. Temperature-concentration. Sherwood T. Principles of azeotropic and extractive distillation. min.Single and multistage cross current contact and counter current quite similar to MATLAB. Vacuum. Equipment used for single stage and multistage continuous operation. 2. Raoults law and its application. Single Stage Distillation Differential distillation. Multistage batch distillation.che. Equipments. Netlib online repository for numerical and scientific computing: http://www.eng. 2. Flash vaporization. Pigford Stage wise and continuous contact adsorption operations. Prentice Hall. Equipment used in solid-liquid extraction. et. [8] Unit III Liquid-Liquid Extraction Ternary liquid Overall stage efficiency. Introduction to multicomponent distillation system. New York: McGraw-Hill. [8] Text Books Numerical Recipes: The art of scientific computing website: http://www. Triangular graphical representation concept of theoretical or ideal stage. Determination of number of stages. K. “Principles of Unit Operations” John Wiley (1980). Nature of adsorbents adsorption equilibria and adsorption hysterises. and optimum reflux. maximum. osmosis reverse osmosis. molecular and steam distillation. Characteristics of multistage tower. [8] Unit IV Solid /Liquid Extraction Leaching. McCabe Thiele method. Foust A. is an open-source simulation package. C. Determination of number of stages.SCILAB. L. Object-Oriented Software for Reacting Flows: http://www. Principle of ion-exchange. Ion exchange. R “Mass Transfer Operations”. “Transport Processes and Unit Operations”. Principles and application of dialysis. [8] Unit II Continuous Distillation of Binary Mixtures Multistage contact operations. Geankoplis..J. [8] Unit V Adsorption Description of adsorption processes and their application.scilab. Practice problems: http://www.kmutt. Unit IV Stability analysis. variables & Physical Elements of a Control system. 28 .Design of unfired pressure vessels with external pressures. [10] Unit III Bolted flanges. Rouths criterion. Coughanoowr. Controllers & Final control Elements. ellipsoidal. Use of Laplace & Inverse Laplace Transformation is study of Process Dynamics. Bolts. Transportation & Transfer Lag. cascade control. Reduction of Block & Signal Flow Diagrams. Physical. Distillation columns.ECH 602: PROCESS DYNAMICS & CONTROL 310 Unit I : Introduction to Process control systems. Process Control.R. [6] Unit II Design of non-pressure storage vessel. Dynamic behavior of second & higher order system for various kind of inputs. Application and use of various codes and standards in design. Tata McGraw Hill. domed ends. gaskets . McGraw Hill Publication. Regulator & Servo control. Tuning Rules for Feed Forward & Feed backward control. Closed loop transfer function and response of closed loop control system for various type of control actions. Feed forward control. Absorbers. resistance of metals to corrosion under varying conditions of temperature and pressure etc. torispherical. Reference Books : 1. Unit II Dynamic Modeling of a Process. end closures. Unit III Modes of control action. unfired pressure vessels with internal pressure . Ratio control. flat plates. Negative & Positive Feed back Control. Root locus Analysis. Test Books : 1. Block & Signal Flow Diagram. tall vertical vessels. Linearization of nonlinear system. Design of nozzles. Dynamic behavior of First order systems and First order systems in series. Evaporators. ECH 603: PROCESS EQUIPMENT DESIGN 2 1 0 Unit I Introduction to various mechanical properties of materials to be used as material of construction. Unit V Advanced control strategies.Evaporators. [8] Unit IV Mechanical design of selected process equipments such as heat exchangers. Process system Analysis & Control.openings and reinforcements. Ziegler Nichol & Cohen Coon settings. flanges. Process control. D. Feed Forward & Feed backward control. optimum controller Tuning. hemispherical and conical ends. pipe line design and process design of a few equipments like heat exchangers. 2. Peter Harriot. Reactors and Dryers . Staphno polies. Prentic Hall India Ltd. Frequency Response Analysis & Design of Controllers for optimum Performance. “Equipment Design Handbook”. 8. “Chemical Engineering”. Gulf Publishing Company. J. Reference Books 1. Estimation of net & gross calorific value of coal sample using Bomb Calorimeter 2. 6 Pargamon Press. Reactors and Dryers and Crystallizers. To study the response. To study the characteristics of a PI/PID pneumatic / electronic controller. To study the characteristics of an on-off controller. Analysis of solution by UV/VIS spectrophotometer ECH 653: ENERGY LAB 002 1. 9. Performance of solar water pump 9. M. Estimation of net calorific value of petroleum sample using Bomb Calorimeter 3. L.2003 V Edition McGraw Hill. bubble gas absorption. S. time constant of thermocouple/ Bimetallic thermometer. ECH 652: PROCESS DYNAMICS AND CONTROL LAB 003 1.654: EQUIPMENT DESIGN 002 Practice to design various equipments with ‘to scale’ drawing and use of softwares for the design. Coulson. [6] Text Books 1. and Richardson J. final control element. F. Evans. 3.Distillation columns. 7. 5. ECH 651: MASS TRANSFER LAB-II 003 Study the performance and determination of equilibrium relationships. Separation factors of the experiments with gas diffusion.Wiley (1968). Use of softwares for design of equipments. Brownel and Young. Peters Max. To study the response of a stirred tank heater system 6. Calibration of temperature and pressure measuring instruments 10.. To study the performance of a closed loop control system containing controller. F. Derivation of kinematic viscosity by Saybolt Viscometer (Universal and Furol) 4. humidification and dehumidification. “Process Equipment Design ”. vol. ECH 031: Air pollution and control equipment Unit I 310 29 . To study the response of a two tank non-interacting system 4. Indian and American Codes Used in Designing of equipments (TEMA and IS Codes) 2. crystallization and adsorption.. mass transfer coefficient. Efficiency of solar cell 7. measuring element. tray dryers. To study the response of a two tank interacting system. 2. (1989). Estimation of carbon residue 6. Absorbers. Proximate analysis of Coal 8. cooling tower. 2. Performance of solar regenerator ECH.(1979). packed bed absorption. Timmerhaus Klaus D. To study the response of a liquid level tank system 3.and Ronald E West “Plant Design and Economics for Chemical Engineers”. Determination of flash and fire points by Penskey Marten apparatus 5. empty scrubber. H. Fugitive emission/effluents and leakages and their control-housekeeping and maintenance.A. Analysis: Formation of pollutants through large-scale combustion of fossil fuels. Springer. Sincero and G. electrostatic precipitators. Operation and Maintenance. New Age International Publishers.N. Analysis of air pollutants.” 2nd Edition. Chemical reactions in a contaminated atmosphere. Buonicore (Editor). gravity settling chambers. Air Pollution Control Equipment: Selection. B.Indoor Noise propagation.Noise Control [7] Suggested Books: 1. noise emission and effluents. mineral processing. alternative raw material. energy recovery and waste utilization. Design. New Delhi. environmental Laws and rules. standards for ambient air. wet cyclone. "Air Pollution". ventury scrubber. Rao and H. overall selection of gas cleaning equipment. characterization of emission and effluents.Measures of Noise-Outdoor noise propagation. suitability. economics.cement plant and petroleum refinery [10] Unit V Noise Pollution and Control: Sound pressure. column (packed) scrubber.Control of release of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons to the atmosphere.[7] Unit II Pollution Prevention: Process modification. Sincero Environmental Engineering: A Design Approach.S. Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd. urban air pollution.Control of sulphur dioxide emission by various methods . economics. Springer-Verlag Telos. 1994 ECH 032: INDUSTRIAL POLLUTION ABATEMENT & WASTE MANAGEMENT 3 1 0 Unit I Introduction: Environment and environmental pollution from chemical process industries. relative merits and demerits. cyclone and multiclone separators. fabric & Fibrous filters. Monitoring of air pollution. automobiles in urban areas and at source minimisation of release Meteorological aspects of air pollutant dispersion. Water use minimization. merits and demerits. 1981 2. 2006 4.Air Pollutant Sources. P. Verma. Wet techniques: Design of wet dust collection. Verlag Berlin.V. Effects and Clean Air Acts: Pollution of air: Sources and effects of air pollutants on physical environment and living systems. Case studies: Role of APC techniques in coal fired thermal power plants. Material and energy balance for pollution minimization.Delhi. Rao. [10] Unit IV Control of Specific Gaseous Pollutants: Cleaning of Gaseous effluents . N. acid rain. Brauer. Rao C . Power and Intensity .[8] 30 . Air sampling and measurement. [8] Unit III Air Pollution Control Methods for Particulates Removal: Control Methods – Source Correction methods Particulate emission control: Dry techniques: Design of industrial dust collectors. M." Air Pollution Control Equipments". "Environmental Pollution Control Engineering.G. 1996 5. Anthony J. Air pollution Laws and national standards [5] Unit II Air Pollutant Formation. Louis Theodore (Editor). Dipersion.Control of nitrogen oxides in combustion products . recycle and reuse of waste. A. 1993 3.N. Tata McGraw Hill. recovery of by co-product from industrial emission effluents. . ESP.. Mc Graw Hill.H2S. filtration centrifugation. settling chambers. Tchobanoglous G. aeration systems. Stack design... Hazardous and Industrial”. Delhi. and Tchobanoglous G. sludge separation and drying[5] Unit V Waste management: Characterization of wastes-hazardous and non-hazardous wastes. Methods of measuring and sampling of gaseous and particulate pollutants in ambient air and industrial waste gases. measurement of smoke density and visibility . Vallero D. 2005 6. “Fundamentals of Air Pollution”. bag filters. solids removal by setting and sedimentation. activated sludge and lagoons. 4th Ed. “Industrial Water Pollution Control”.A.VOCS.[12] Unit IV Chemical Treatment: Anaerobic and aerobic treatment biochemical kinetics. Water Pollution Control: Physical treatment.. Types of pollutants in waste water of chemical industries. 1980 7. Classification. 1999 4.. 2nd Ed. 2002 5. & Vigil S.. “Integrated Solid Waste Management : Engineering Principles and Management Issues”. Case studies of a few real scenarios of waste management – sugar. Ambient air and water quality criteria.Unit III Air Pollution Control: Particulate emission control by mechanical separation and electrostatic precipitation.D. [8] Unit III Water Pollution Waste water characteristics – Physical and chemical composition. Interaction of man and environment. CPCB. Biodiversity. 1995 2. 1993 ECH 033: ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION MONITORING AND CONTROL 3 1 0 Unit I Introduction Ecology & Environment. selection and design of equipment’s like cyclones. “Handbook of Industrial Waste Disposal”.. Effects and control of noise. Academic Press. utilization and management. Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD). Pathogenic bacteria and chemical toxicity. Pollution Control Acts. Control of air pollution from stationary and mobile sources. Van-Nostrand Reinhold. Handling. 31 . trickling filter.Auto exhaust. disposal. Standards and Acts-Indian. Pichtel J.A. coagulation and flocculation. Dispersion of pollutant in the atmosphere. CRC. Plume Behaviour. W. Theisen H.. [8] Unit II Air Pollution Types of pollutants – Natural and man made air pollutants. Meteorological factors.Control of gaseous pollutants-SOx. & Ross R. “Waste Management Practices: Municipal. storage and disposal of hazardous wastes. and fertilizer units [8] Suggested Books: 1. pre-treatment. 2nd Ed. Waste disposal and management laws and guidelines. Eckenfelder W. Conway R. Value-extraction from the wastes. pulp and paper.. wet gas scrubbing. gaseous emission control by adsorption and adsorption. Stability and inversion of atmosphere. wet scrubbers. Design of cyclones. Rules and Notifications. thermal and radioactive pollution. Mc Graw Hill. Overall picture of Environmental pollution. electrostatic precipitators. EPA& EURO. fabric filters and absorbers. McGraw Hill.NOx. “Handbook of Solid Waste Management”. Non-hazardous industrial wastes-treatment. 2007 3. Gaussian dispersion model. Kreith F. storage. [8] Unit4 Risk assessment. Definition of Hazardous waste. “Waste Water Engineering Treatment. Tata McGraw Hill(2003). Tata McGraw Hill (1991). Treatment and disposal methods: Physico-chemical and biological. combustion and landfill. Pulp and Problems of collection and handling. utilization and management. 2.’ 3. Selection and design of equipment like hydrocyclone. petroleum refineries and etrochemicals. Ground water contamination. Classification viz. chemical and biological methods. D. [8] Unit5 Case Studies: Case studies of a few real scenarios of hazardous waste management in industries. Environmental legislation. (Editors). wastes from refineries and petrochemical units. [8] Unit IV Solid Wastes Management Characterisation of solid wastes.Methods of sampling. Waste disposal and management laws and guidelines.. R. Various processing techniques used in solid waste management such as compaction . food processing . Pharmaceuticals. ‘Air Pollution Control: Measuring and monitoring air pollutant’ Wiley (1978). N. cement and electroplating. Werner Strauss. thermal methods. stabilization and solidification. “Emerging Technologies in Hazardous Waste Management”. Sugar. G. Solid waste as resource material. preservation of samples and analysis. [8] Suggested Books: 1. Metcalf & Eddy. lead batteries/cells. & Pohland F.[8] Unit3 Hazardous Waste Management: Hazardous wastes – handling. landfills and biological Processing. Pandey G. Distillery. Medical/biomedical and infectious waste management. Dose-response assessment. filters. land disposal. ‘Air Pollution Control part -II “ Wiley (1978). The magnitude of the problem. Wastes from electroplating. C. physical. exposure assement.incineration. Tedder D. ECH 034: HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT 310 Unit1 Characterization: Introduction to Hazardous wastes. ACS. Waste site remediation and clean-up technologies. Disposal & Reuse”. 2..[8] Unit2 Non-hazardous Waste Management: Non-hazardous industrial wastes-treatment. Werner Strauss. McGraw Hill (1984). Methods for the treatment of liquid wastes to control pollution. and Carney G. Reference Books 1. disposal. Transportation of hazardous waste. Howard S. Characterization of industrial wastes-hazardous and non-hazardous wastes. Tannery. "Environmental Engineering ".1990 32 . Waste minimisation and Value-extraction from the wastes. settling tanks. [8] Text Books 1. Tchobonoglous “Environmental Engineering”. Peavy. Thermal gasification. W. ion. [8] Unit V Pollution abatement in important chemical industries like fertiliser. Composting. Rowe & C. soldering and electro winning operations. Pichtel J.2. [8] Unit II Steam Generation and Utilization Steam generation and its application in chemical process plants. steam traps their characteristics. steam economy. A.. & Ross R. Assessment of the risk.Air and gas leakage. [8] Unit V Control of Process Control of process. Instrument air. [8] Unit IV Elements of Safety Elements of safety. Methods of developing vacuum and their limitations. Prevention of losses Prevention of losses. John Wiley.1993 5. Inert gas systems . Technology selection and transfer.flash tank design..Selection and sizing of boilers. Control of hazards. event tree. Identification and assessment of the hazards. Choosing the right process. Side G. water for use in boilers. Plant layout and unit plot planning. distribution and utilisation . cooling purposes. Insulation Importance of insulation for meeting the process requirement.. material handling under vacuum. Lagging. Regulations 33 . Conway R. alarms. [8] Unit III Compressors. W. safety and site selection.2005 ECH 041:PROCESS UTILITIES AND SAFETY IN CHEMICAL PLANTS 310 Unit I Various process utilities.Treatment storage and distribution of water. fitting and valves etc. Hazardous and Industrial”. “Hazardous Materials and Hazardous Waste Management”. blowers and vacuum pumps and their performance characteristics. trips together with good operating practices and management. controlling toxic chemicals and controlling flammable materials. Provision of fire fighting equipments. Prevention of hazardous deviation in process variables. D. insulation materials and their effect on various material of equipment piping. Pressure relief. Definition of risk and hazard. temperature flow by provision of automatic control systems. Steam condensers and condensate utilisation Expansion joints . waste heat utilisation. blowers and Vacuum Pumps Compressors. Lubrication and oil removal in compressors and pumps.Air filters. insulation for high intermediate.Water Sources Sources of water and their characteristics .Design of efficient steam heating systems.1999 4. Reuse and conservation of water. Piping systems. distinction between hazards and risk.g. “Handbook of Industrial Waste Disposal”. Water resource management. Hazard operability (HAZOP) hazard analysis (HAZAN). Shah K. waste heat boilers. selection and application. selection and thickness . low and sub zero temperatures. fault tree. “Basics of Solid and Hazardous Waste Management Techniques”. scope of risk assessment. Van-Nostrand Reinhold.interlocks. including cryogenic insulation. pressure. L. their role and importance in chemical plants. e.1980 3.Prentice Hall.. compressed air for process. “Waste Management Practices: Municipal. CRC. drinking and process.. Nordell. Crowl. factors influencing soil corrosion. sacrificial anodes. corrosions monitoring methods. classification.A. monitoring and inspection. chemical and electrochemical removal of corrosion products.Regulations and legislation. “The Efficient Use Of Steam” IPC Science and Technology (1980).corrosion process in the soil. accelerated chemical tests for studying different forms of corrosion. (1989).(1961). corrosion processes and control methods in fertilizers. temporary corrosion preventive methods. factors influencing atmospheric corrosion. pH. risk management routines and tackling disaster. Role of government role. M. Goodall. “Water Treatment for Industrial and Other Uses”. 2.classification. Passivationdefinition.current relationship of activation controlled and diffusion corrosion processes. Reference Books 1. Unit V Corrosion Testing. F. neutral and alkaline media. inter granular.. stress corrosion. “Chemical Process Safety: Fundamentals with Applications”. Emf series. Organic coating-surface preparation. New York. theory of Passivation. corrosion fatigue. Unit II Forms of corrosion-definition. D. corrosion theories derivation of potential. Text Book: 34 . paint formulation and applications.pH diagrams Fe-H2O system. temperature and flow rates on corrosion. P. factors and control methods of various forms of corrosion such as pitting. oxidation laws. Unit IV Corrosion control aspects: Electrochemical methods of protection-theory of cathodic protection..F. Lees. cooling water system-boiler water system. salts. Eskel. 3. Oxford (1996). petrochemical and petroleum refineries Unit III Environmental aspects: Atmospheric corrosion. Underground corrosion. anodic Passivation. design of cathodic protection. crevice.. “Loss Prevention in Process Industries 3 volume set” Butterwort Heinemann. Potential. J. corrosion in immersed condition. P. anodic protection. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall. Galvanic series. effects of oxygen and alloying on oxidation rates. Reinhold Publishing Corporation. corrosion resistant materials. hydrogen embrittlement. effect of dissolved gases. & Louvar. economics and cost of corrosion. [8] Text Books 1. application and limitations. Electrochemical methods of corrosion rate measurements by DC and AC methods. natural synthetic resin. laboratory corrosion tests. Design aspects in corrosion prevention. ECH 042: Corrosion Science and Engineering 310 Unit I Basic aspects introduction. Corrosion inhibitors for acidic. Advantage of CPM .latest start time and latest finish time. Construction labours distribution. Technical writing. [8] Unit II Business and legal procedures Procurement operations:Organisation and operation of a procurement department. Procurement requiring engineering participation. M.N.Construction operations: Site preparation.Organic Coatings 5. Foundation construction. I & II George NownonsLtd. Structures and buildings. final stage of construction.H. Publication John Wiley & Sons. Motors and turbines. Ethics and the contract. Contract versus Commodity buying. Temporary buildings. Process instruments. New Delhi ECH 043: PROJECT ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT 310 Unit I Role of project engineering in project organisation . Safety and plant design. Temporary water supply. Uhlig. Precedence diagramming.[8] Unit III Details of engineering design and equipment selection: Vessels. Network diagramming. Filing systems. Banerjee.Munger. Fontana & N. Installation of piping. Procurement of off-the-shelf materials. Float. Corrosion and Corrosion Control.D. Electrical conduit. Reference Books: 1. General purchaser-vendor practices. Driving of pile. Jain & Jain. A Wiley. Engineering Chemistry. Start up and shut downs of project. Installation of underground facilities. Preliminary data for construction projects. Compressor and Vacuum pumps. Bid comparisons.. An Introduction to Corrosion and Corrosion Inhibition. [8] Unit IV Construction planning: Construction personnel: Jurisdictional disputes and labour relations. McGraw Hill. Procurement procedure. Overtime payments. Greene. Excavation operation.T. LL Shrier Corrosion Vol. Erection of major equipment. Process engineering. The contract form. Contracts and contractors:Engineering and constructors firms. S. Southhampton Street London Endn. C. Programme evaluation and review technique (pert): 35 . Expediting and inspection. New York. pipe identification. Flow diagram. Contracts and engineers. Scheduling the project. Erection of guyed derrick. Typical engineering and construction contracts. Foundations. Exhibits for engineering and construction contracts. [8] Unit V Critical path method (cpm): Events and activities. II 2. H. Selecting the contractor. Plot plans. 4.Cost to finish he projects earlier than normal cost. Process pumps. The purchase order inspection. Dhanpat Rai & Sons. Earliest start time and earliest finish time . Other process equipment. New York (3/e) 3. Plant utilities. Erection of elevated reinforced concrete structures and structural steel. Road ways and rail road spurs. Labour rates. Piping design. Exhibits. Type of reimbursement.Plant location and plant layout.1.G.Corrosion Engineering. New Delhi.Office procedure:Conferences. Heat exchangers. Oxonian Press Ltd. Thermal insulation. Expediting. insulation.. Lump-sump contract form.Inter Science. Project engineering and procurement. The basis of contract. Buildings. Engineering design and drafting. provision for fire fighting.” affiliated east press pvt. Sanjoy Banerjee. Crowl and J. 6 – R. 4. their doses and responses. vibrations. gases.[ 06] Unit II Elements of safety. process development and design stages. Perry J. dynamic.. [10] Unit III Toxic substances and degree of toxicity. Industrial Hazards & Plant Safety.” Project engineering of process plant”Wiley (1957) Reference books 1. its estimation. D. Sinnott. “PERT AND CPM. distributed parameter. H. Prentice Hall (1990) 2. Lumped parameter vs.S. [08] Books Recommended 1. temperature. H. Mc Graw Hill (1983 ECH 044: INDUSTRIAL SAFETY AND HAZARD MANAGEMENT 310 Unit I Industrial safety. Advantages and limitations of models and applications of process models of stand-alone unit operations and unit processes. Steady state vs. radiation etc. Mc Graw Hill (2002). scope of risk assessment. risk. Wood – Safety and Accident prevention in Chemical Operations.New York. plant layout. release of hazardous materials from tanks. regulation and legislation. pressure. Peter S. Single versus multiple time estimates. 1996. Rase F.. rigorous. Explosions including dust . Max & Timmerhaus. H. noise. pressure relief. controlling toxic chemicals and flammable materials. [8] Text Books 1.PERT network and time estimates.K. Ltd. transportation and storage of of flammable liquids. safety aspects related to site. their entry routes into human system. cloud and mist explosion. Coulson & Richardson’s Chemical Engineering – Vol.. new york (1973) 3. Plant design and economics for chemical engineers.. pipes through holes and cracks . 4. Howard & Barrows M. Srinath L. Fawcett and W. 2nd Edition. Classification of models – Simple vs. Mc Graw Hill ( 1997). vapor. John Wiley &Sons..F. 3. A. risk analysis and assessment methods. “Cost and optimization in engineering”. [8] Unit II 36 . Frequency distribution. event free method. and toxic materials and wastes. 1982. Industrial hygiene and safety aspects related to toxicity. Taylor & Francis Group ECH 701: PROCESS MODELLING AND SIMULATION 310 Unit I Introduction to mathematical modeling. government role. [08] Unit V Handling.”Chemical engineering handbook” 7TH ed. risk management routines. Statistical.. control techniques for toxic substances exposure. ventilation systems [08] Unit IV Prevention of losses. Butterworth – Heinmann Ltd. disaster planning and management. relief systems : types and location of reliefs. Transport phenomena based vs.H. JELLEN F. Concept of degree of freedom analysis. S. use of respirators. C. 2. emergency preparedness. fault free method. identification of hazards and its estimation. Louvar – Chemical Process Safety (Fundamentals with Applications). Hussain Asghar. “Fundamentals of Modelling Separation Processes”. Annual equivalent cost and capitalised cost methods. Holland and A. “Numerical Methods and Modelling for Chemical Engineers”.D. Butterworth. Rate based approaches for staged processes. Modeling of differential contactors . absorbers. Models giving rise to nonlinear algebraic equation (NAE) systems. Material and energy balances.. “Process Modelling”. Adsorption columns. Multistage separation systems. “Chemical Process Simulation”. [8] Unit II Cost Engineering Time value of money and equivalence. cost comparisons by present worth. Wiley. McGraw Hill.M. M. C. Recycle convergence methods.. [8] Text Books 1.E. pilot plant. (1986) 2. Partial Differential Equations (PDEs). CSTR. Simulation. Holland. Flow sheet preparation. depreciation rates in current Indian situation. [8] Unit III Steady state models giving rise to differential algebraic equation (DAE) systems. strippers. and available numerical software libraries.Simple examples of process models. Depreciation. artitioning and tearing.steady state models of flash vessels. (1990).Process selection -Selection of equipment. Wiley. Methods of determining depreciation. Scale up methods. Review of solution strategies for Differential Algebraic Equations (DAEs). Denn.I. Luyben W. M. Safety. . Interest. Modeling of reactive separation processes. heat exchangers. [8] Unit IV Unsteady state (time dependent) models and their applications. Start up. New York. equilibrium staged processes distillation columns. (1983). Packed bed reactors. Sequential modular approach. S.distributed parameter models of packed beds. Equation oriented approach. Davis. Model reduction through orthogonal collocation. Equipment numbering. Uniform gradient and series. [8] Unit V Introduction to flow sheet simulation. Plant Design Design basis . “Computer Methods for Solving Dynamic Separation Problems”. Liapis.L.M. (1991) 5. material of construction. Review of thermodynamic procedures and physical property data banks. Review of solution techniques and available numerical software libraries. “Process Modeling. sketching techniques. “Modelling with Differential Equations in Chemical Engineering”. 3. C. 2. and Control for Chemical Engineering”. Reference Books 1. New York(1984) ECH 702: PLANT DESIGN AND ECONOMICS Unit I Process Development Process selection. Simple dynamic models of Batch reactors.. Shutdown and Operating guidelines. Wiley. Plant location. Procedure for cost comparison 37 . New Delhi. (1975) 4. Stream designation. study of alternative processes. Review of solution procedures and available numerical software libraries.D. specification and design of equipment’s. Plant layout and installation. Taxes and Insurances Nature of depreciation. Prentice Hall. etc. Walas. Types of taxes and insurance’s. Wiley Eastern Ltd. transportation systems. Recommended to be done using a commercial simulator 1. Optimum conditions in batch.D LAB 003 Recommended to be done using a commercial simulator 1. Process design & Rating of TEMA Type Shell &Tube Heat exchangers. Break even chart for production schedule.. Aries & Newton. General expenses.etc. inclined) 2. Uni-variable and multivariable systems. Sensitivity and response analysis..Peters M. Steady state flow sheeting of acyclic processes. Process design & Rating of stand alone Multi-component Distillation columns.Pinch Technology analysis. [8] Unit III Cost Estimation Types of cost estimation. Chemical Engg. fixed capital cost. Preparation of techno-economic feasibility report. Study of coupling of manipulated and controlled variables using relative gain analysis (RTA). 5. Recommended to be done using a Simulation Language/Programming Environment 1. Manufacturing cost. Determination of height and diameter of different process equipments at conditions of optimum cost . graphical and incremental methods of solution. Analytical. process equipment cost estimation. evaporators. 2. & Ronald W. Present value. [8] Unit V Optimisation of Different Process Equipment Viz. [8] Books Recommended 1. Alternative investment analysis. heat exchangers. 3. fittings and Piping (horizontal. Linear programming and dynamic programming establishing optimum conditions. start-up costs. estimation of plant cost.James R Couper. Timmerhaus K. 6. double effect evaporators. Steady state flow sheeting of Processes with recycles /Purge/Bypass etc.A. Tubular) with or without heat transfer. [8] Unit IV Economic Optimization and Optimum Design Nature of optimisation. Equipment costs due to inflation. Payout period. Sensitive analysis in project profitability. Design of a Flow network containing Pumps. Process Engg. vertical. cost index. Process design of simple reactors (CSTR.after taxes. LaGrange multiplier method. cyclic and semicyclic operation. Return on investment. Study of dynamic behavior of simple systems such as tank in series. Optimum production rates in plant operation. Economics (Chemical Industries) CRC Press 3. Profitability Criteria of profitability. 4. Estimation of total product cost. McGraw Hill 2. McGraw Hill ECH 751: C. Dynamic simulation of Simple process systems with controllers 38 . Cash flow analysis. Plant Design & Economics for Chemical Engineers. capital investment cost. Cost Estimation.. Battery limit investments. working capital cost. mass transfer equipments and reactors. Geankoplis. Vol. design 39 . energy requirement for separation processes. Liquid membrane separation processes. [8] Unit II ideal cascades total interstage flows. [8] Unit III 30 Membrane characterization. Ltd.. equilibrium and rate governed multistage processes. Simulation Language /Programming Environment (MATLAB)..F. [8] Books Recommended 1. Electro dialysis. J. He/She would be expected to submit a detailed plant design report later in the (VIII) semester. Christie J. Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Richardson – Chemical Engineering: Particle Technology and th Separation Processes. 4 Edition. King C. Siphon.J. Recommended Software 1. Sun-Tak-Hwang and Karl Kammermeyer – Membranes in Separations – John Wiley & Sons.2. seperative duty and potential. Multiple pipe systems. New Delhi (1998) 4. The project will be based on the industry where he/she has undergone in plant training in industry during summer vacations.J. squared off cascades.M. (1993) 2. reverse osmosis . Geankoplis – Transport Processes and Unit Operations – 3rd Edition.. Separation Processes. Gas permeation through polymeric membranes. molecular sieve separations. 2. working pressure. 3rd ed. Dynamic simulation & controllability analysis of Binary distillation column.In this semester he/she will be assessed (out of 50 marks) for the work that he/she does during the seventh semester under the supervision of a faculty of the department. C. New Delhi 5. [8] Unit IV Dialysis. Concentration polarization. ECH 051: ADVANCED SEPARATION TECHNOLOGY 310 Unit I Uses and characterization of separation processes. Plant or Aspen Plus/Aspen Dynamic) 2. Ultra filtration. Coulson and J. [8] Unit V Chromatographic separation. [8] Unit 1I Negative pressure in pipe lines. New York (1975) 3. problems in pipe flow. “Transport Processes and Unit Operations”. Prentice Hall. ECH 752: PROJECT 003 The student would be allotted a project in the beginning of the VII semester itself. Asian Books Pvt. Tata McGraw Hill ECH 052: DESIGN OF PIPING SYSTEMS 310 Unit 1 Analysis of pipe flow Energy losses in pipe lines. concept of equivalent length and equivalent pipes. Ltd. Steady state/Dynamic simulator (such as Hysys. hydraulic power transmission through a pipe line. Yang W. C. and Harrison J. Design for Physical Operations: Design of single stage and multistage systems. advantages and disadvantages. and Croker.. King.[8] Books: 1. 2. standards for piping design. gas flow. “Fluidization Engineering”. entertainment from tall and short vessels. fluidization with and without carryover of particles. physical and flow models.pressure. terminal velocity of particles.[8] Unit III Bubbling Fluidized Beds: Emulsion phase.Kunii D. industrial applications.. 2. Entrainment and Elutriation From Fluidized Beds: Free boards behavior. “Handbook of Fluidization and Fluid Particle Systems”.[8] UnitIV High Velocity Fluidization: Turbulent fluidized beds. [8] Unit V Pipe fabrication. [8] Unit 1II Aids in selecting pipe valves and fittings. pressure drop in turbulent and fast fluidization. Fluidization: Fixed bed of particles of one and mixed sizes. 3. C. F. piping layout and arrangement.1991. fluid bed drier. flow of gas-solid mixtures in down-comers. [8] Unit 1V Process piping arrangement plant layout and equipment arrangement. New York (1976). M. 2nd Ed. “Fluidization Engineering”.1992. its prevention and control in piping systems..Davidson D.. “Design of Piping Systems”. ECH 053: FLUIDIZATION ENGINEERING 3 1 0 UnitI Introduction: Importance of fluidization in process industry. 40 . Pullman Power Products. 3rd Ed. comparison of fluidized beds with other modes of contacting. bubble formation. vibration.[10] UnitII Bubble Behavior and Bed Properties: Single rising bubble models. Spouted Beds: Hydrodynamics and processing in spouted beds. 2nd Ed. S. and Levenspiel O. W Company. flow in pneumatic transport lines. McGraw Hill. gas outlet location. Dimensional and mechanical standards for pipe valves and fittings. interaction and coalescence of bubbles. minimum fluidization. fast fluidization. “Piping Handbook”.. criteria for equipment layout. choice of pipe materials.. hydraulic analysis of complex pipe networks. bubble properties. R. heat and mass transfer. pressure balance. Kellogg. Academic Press. [8] Books Recommended 1. slug flow. pneumatic transport of solids. wake region and solids within bubbles..[6] UnitV Circulation Systems: Circuits for the circulation of solids. Butterworth-Heinemann. Prentice Hall 5. mixed.. [8] Unit II Manufacture of Nitrogeneous.S. Dio and other fertilizers.Trehan M. Design. Chemical Reactor Design.& G.Peter Harroitt . complex. capacity utilization and other problem of fertilizers industry. [8] UnitIV Retrofits and modernization. East West Press ECH 062: PETROLEUM REFINING TECHNOLOGY Unit I 41 310 . McGraw Hill 3. Multiphase Chemical Reactor.R. [8] Unit III Summary of catalyst preparation methods. Phosphatic.V.Hayes R. Drydens Outlines of Chemical Technology.Cooper A.. Shreves Chemical Process Industries. NPK.J. Gordon & Breach Science Publisher 4. Fertilizer Technology & Application. C. Interpretion of data from laboratory. computer control and Instrumentation.Murphy L.& Follett R. abetment and disposal of waste of fertilizer units. Gianetta & Silvertan. [8] Unit III Discussion of existing Indian plants pollution and its control.Mortvedt J. Thermodynamic aspect of chemical reactions. [8] Books: 1.E. McGraw Hill 2. Mass & Energy balance equation for reactors. Catalyst characterization. and Tubular flow reactors. [8] UnitV Design of Ammonia converters and other reactors. McGraw Hill 3.ECH 054: MULTIPHASE REACTOR DESIGN 310 Unit I Basic data and principles for design. [8] Unit V Reactor design using Global rates and actual temperature and connection profile Books: 1.P.T..Theory. Chemical Reactor Analysis. expansion. ECH 061: FERTILIZER TECHNOLOGY 310 Unit I Introduction of Indian fertilizer industries. Catalytic Reactor Design. [8] Unit II Batch. Scale up. [8] Unit IV Establishing global rate of reaction. types of fertilizers process details. Chemical Kinetics & Reactor Design. cooling water.Jefferys. Hemisphere Publishing Corp. potassic.S. Meister Publishing Company 2.. Energy conservation and diversification.H. Accuracy of Kinetic Measurements. (Distillation. Copper Strip Corrosion Test. viscosity index. Sulphur conversion processes. Hydrofinshing. vapour pressure. [8] Unit II Quality Control of Petroleum Products Classification of laboratory tests.) Petroleum Waxes Bitumens. [8] Unit IV Catalytic Converson Process Fluid catalytic cracking. softening point of Bitumen. Atmospheric distillation of crude oil. Density and Specific gravity. Lubricating oils (automotive engine oils. white oils. Sulfolane process). metal working oils. Ash. Finishing Process Hydrogen sulphide removal processes. Hydrotreating processes. Solvent extraction processes (Edeleanu process. flash and fire points. Vacuum distillation. Diesel Fuels. Carbon Residue (Conradson method. drop point of grease. etc. Clay treatment)... Thermal Conversion Process Thermal Cracking Reactions. [8] Unit V Lube Oil Manufacturing Process Evaluation of crude oils for lube oil base stocks. Jute Batching oils. viscosity index. Flexicoking). gum content. ductility. melting and settling points of wax. Copper chloride sweetening. Solvent dewaxing. viscosity. Classification of crude oils). NMP and Phenol). cetane number. Doctor treating process. Ramsbottom method) Colour.Sulphuric acid treatment. Solvent 42 . [8] Unit III Petroleum Products Composition. Catalytic Polymerization. Kerosine. cloud and pour points. Methods of manufacture of bitumens. Merox processes. char value.Petroleum Exploration Production and Refining of Crude oils Crude oils: Chemistry and composition (Characteristics and constituents of crude oils. induction period of gasoline. Crude Oil Distillation Desalting of crude oils. Refractive index of hydrocarbon liquids. Properties & Specification of LPG. Solutizer process. Manufacture of petroleum waxes (Wax sweating. Solvent deoiling) Manufacture of Bitumens Selection of crude oil. water separation index (modified) (WSIM). Fuel Oils. Petroleum coke. Vacuum distillation of atmospheric residue. Calcination of Green Coke. Naphthas. performance number. Visbreaking. Acidity and Alkalinity. Total Sulphur. Hypochlorite sweetening . Catalytic reforming. Catalytic Isomerization. Hydrocracking Catalytic Alkylation. Petroleum Hydrocarbon Solvents. industrial lubricating oils electrical insulating oils. octane number. steam turbine oils. Thermal Cracking. thermal stability of jet fuels. aniline point. (Conventional Visbreaking and Soaker Visbreaking) Coking (Delayed Coking. Aviation Turbine Fuels.Air and inhibitor treating process. Udex process. calorific value. Solvent deasphalting Solvent extraction of lube oil fractions (Furfural. smoke point. motor spirit. penetration tests. Fluid Coking. Sweetening processes (Caustic treatment. Silver – Strip Corrosion Test for ATF. distillation. Advance Petroleum Refining. Chemistry & Technology of Petroleum. Acetaldehyde. Equation of continuity and equation of motion and their applications in fluid flow problems. Oxo process Unit-V Manufacture of Benzene. Nitrobenzene. principle of balance between momentum. McMillan India 2. Caprolactum Books Recommended 1.Petrochemical Process Technology. Basic laws of fluid motion. Oxford & IBH Publishing 3.L. 4. Ethylene oxide.. Methyl ethyl ketone. for flow around spheres. Momentum transport phenomena in turbulent flow. Air blowing). friction factor for flow in tubes. McGraw Hill ECH 801: TRANSPORT PHENOMENA 3 1 0 Unit I Introduction to Transport Phenomena Similarity between momentum. Petroleum coke Unit-II Steam reforming and partial oxidation processes for syngas. Styrene. McGraw Hill 2. I D . Phenol. Propylene oxide. Acrylonitrile. Ethylene glycol Unit-IV Manufacture of Isopropanol. I D . Nelson. Modern Petroleum Refining Processes. Phthalic anhydride. heat and mass transfer. Vinyl acetate. [8] Books Recommended 1. Speight J. Refinery off-gases. Ethanolamines.Mall. Oscar Publication ECH 063: PETROCHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY Unit-I Production and consumption pattern of petrochemicals in India. Acetone. Naphtha and fuel oils. heat and mass transfer. Bisphenol-A. Toluene. Perchloroethylene. for packed bed column.. Chloromethanes. Trichloroethylene. LPG. Introduction to time derivatives and vector analysis. Unit III Unsteady state momentum transport. pressure and composition.Bhaskar Rao. Manufacture of Ethylene dichloride.N. Vinyl chloride. Xylenes.Handbook of Petroleum Refining Processing.G. Boundary conditions. Science of rheology. adipic acid Unit-III Ethylene and acetylene via steam cracking of hydrocarbons. Shell balance approach for stress distribution and velocity profiles. Hydroforming of petroleum stocks. W. Acetic acid. Manufacture of Methanol. McMillan India 3. Principles of conservation of momentum. Mall. Methyl isobutyl ketone. Cumene.precipitation. Formaldehyde. Newton’s second law of motion. Butadiene.Robert Mayer. Ethyl acetate. Aniline. Definitions of friction factors. Unit IV 43 .Petrochemical Process Technology. Prediction of viscosity and its dependence on temperature. Marcel Dekker Inc.. mass and energy. The continuum hypothesis. Maleic anhydride. Flow near a wall suddenly set in motion. Feedstocks for petrochemicals-Natural gas. Unit II Momentum Transport Phenomena Momentum transport in laminar flow: Newton’s law of viscosity. Petroleum Refining Engineering. Sarkar. Energy and Mass Transfer in Continua”. heating of finite slab. E. 3. heating of semi-infinite slab. L. Scissom. “Transport Phenomena”. and Degaleesan T. W. Beck. and Myers J. E. R. Principle of extended surfaces. International Textbook Co. Fick’s law of diffusion. C. 5. (1975).K.Here the students are supposed to do the detail work as scheduled in the last semester.. Tata McGraw Hill.. J. ( 1971). 2. velocities and mass fluxes. “Transport Phenomena”. Finally he/she will be required to submit a detailed project report on which viva-voce examination will be conducted by a committee having one External Examiner. “Transport Phenomena in Liquid Extraction”. Stewart. pressure and composition. Problems of diffusion with homogeneous and heterogeneous chemical reaction. J. R.. free and forced convection. Diffusion and chemical reaction in porous catalyst – the effectiveness factor. 2nd edition John Wiley ( 1960). The equation of continuity for multicomponent mixtures. N. Theodere. (1988).. pressure and composition. Unsteady state heat transport. “Momentum Heat and Mass Transfer” Tata McGraw Hill. E. “Elements of Transport Phenomena”. McGraw-Hill Book. 44 . S. and Pitts. John Wiley. E. D. McGraw Hill. Slattery. O.M. 3. Shell balance approach for mass transfer problems.. and Lightfoot. E. (1972). Reference Books 1. RS Broadkey dan HC Hersey. Types of heat sources. McGraw Hill. (1972). Prediction of diffusivity and its dependence on temperature. Loddha. Bird.Energy Transport Phenomena Energy transport in laminar flow: Fourier’s law of heat conduction. 4. Text Books 1. Boundary conditions. shell balance approach. Boundary conditions.. Bannet. Prediction of thermal conductivities and its dependence on temperature. Unit V Mass Transport Phenomena Definitions of concentration. Unsteady state heat conduction in solids. ECH 851: PROJECT 0 0 12 This project course is in continuation of project course (ECH 752) allotted in the beginning of the VII the semester . “Transport Phenomena for Engineers”. L. W. types of cooling fans. K. "Transport Phenomena:AUnified approach". G. 2. B. (1975). “Momentum. (1973). and Muttzall.
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