Sway Manual 1.4.4 ENG.pdf

March 27, 2018 | Author: Jonathan Cadavid | Category: Cartesian Coordinate System, Standard Deviation, Spectral Density, Default (Computer Science), Histogram



USER MANUALRelease 1.4.4 Warning ........................................................................................................................ 4 SWAY - Introduction.................................................................................................... 5 SWAY – Main Page...................................................................................................... 6 Main Menu and ToolBar..............................................................................................................7 Processing TAB...........................................................................................................................8 Editing TAB...............................................................................................................................10 Setting TAB...............................................................................................................................10 COP TAB...................................................................................................................................11 Graph Area.................................................................................................................................14 Status Bar...................................................................................................................................14 Open File List.............................................................................................................................14 Main Menu and ToolBar............................................................................................................. 15 File Menu...................................................................................................................................15 Options Menu.............................................................................................................................15 Indexes Menu.............................................................................................................................16 Tools Menu................................................................................................................................16 Setup Menu................................................................................................................................17 Help Menu..................................................................................................................................17 Running File...............................................................................................................................17 Processing TAB............................................................................................................................ 18 The buttons Draw and About File..............................................................................................18 Select graphs..............................................................................................................................19 Sweep Options...........................................................................................................................19 Trace Options.............................................................................................................................20 Histogram Options.....................................................................................................................20 Radar Options............................................................................................................................21 Sector Options and Star Options...............................................................................................21 FFT Options...............................................................................................................................22 Editing TAB.................................................................................................................................. 23 Setting TAB .................................................................................................................................. 25 Reference System.......................................................................................................................25 Range.........................................................................................................................................25 Graph parameters.......................................................................................................................26 Graph Area................................................................................................................................... 27 Status Bar ..................................................................................................................................... 29 Open file list.................................................................................................................................. 30 Representation of the files inside the list...................................................................................30 Double click on a file in the list.................................................................................................30 Closing of the files.....................................................................................................................30 Add series...................................................................................................................................31 Select and deselect all ................................................................................................................31 SWAY – Explanation of the graphs........................................................................... 32 Add series...................................................................................................................................32 Zoom..........................................................................................................................................32 Sweep: Py, Py vs Time................................................................................................................. 33 Trace.............................................................................................................................................. 34 3D Trace........................................................................................................................................ 37 Histogram..................................................................................................................................... 38 Radar............................................................................................................................................. 39 Sector graph.................................................................................................................................. 40 Star mean values and Star sum.................................................................................................. 41 Sway density ................................................................................................................................. 42 Frequency Analysis...................................................................................................................... 43 SWAY - Indexes.......................................................................................................... 44 Calculate indexes.......................................................................................................................... 45 File selection for the available trials..........................................................................................45 Add new index.............................................................................................................................. 47 Modify existing indexes ............................................................................................................... 48 Report of Indexes ......................................................................................................................... 49 SWAY – Study in depth .............................................................................................. 50 Open file........................................................................................................................................ 51 Language selection....................................................................................................................... 52 Print file ........................................................................................................................................ 53 Default setting............................................................................................................................... 54 GR file information...................................................................................................................... 55 Graph information....................................................................................................................... 56 Right-click Menu.......................................................................................................................... 58 Sway – Introduction Warning The following Sway Software descriptions and instructions are provided in accordance with the user license contract. The software may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms and conditions found within the user license guidelines. No portion of this manual may be copied or transferred in any form, electronically or mechanically, including photocopying, without the express written permission of BTS S.p.A. Unless specified otherwise, every company reference, be it names, dates or address, contained in the software graphics and examples are purely casual and serve only with the purpose of illustrating the proper use of this BTS product. All brand names are registered by their respective owners. The information contained within this manual could be changed without prior notice and do not depict the only specifies of the product or any obligation on the part of BTS S.p.A. NOTE: The present publication contains reserved information belonging to BTS S.p.A. The receiving party understands that the illustrations furnished through this manual must not be revealed to third parties without specific consent written by BTS S.p.A. Sway – Introduction SWAY - Introduction Sway is the BTS software born to analyse quantitatively the behaviour of a subject during a stabilometric test. It demands to the subject to go up on the platform and to stay in the orthostatic position for 30 or 45 seconds. During the test it’s possible to know the Centre of Pressure (COP) position instact by instact on the platform. Thanks to Sway it’s possibile: • To know how the COP position changes in the time • To represent the COP trajectory on the platform plane • To evaluate in which direction the subject COP is tending to move and with which percentage • To calculate the COP distance from the barycentre • To calculate the area generated by the COP trajectory • To make the Frequency Analysis of the COP coordinates • To evaluate the Sway density All these information can be represented by nine different kinds of graphs and for each graph many numerical data are provided. Both the graphs and the numerical data can be printed and saved in a file. Sway allows to make a comparison among different trials of the same subject or different subjects. For this reason it’s enabled the superimposition of more trials on the same graph and the calculation of some indexes. Also it’s possible to select a special time range and to complete the stabilometric analysis only for that time range. Main page Explanation of the graphs Use of the indexes Study in depth Sway – Main Page SWAY – Main Page At the starting, Sway opens this window. 1 2 3 4 Status Bar Main Menu ToolBar Editing TAB Processing TAB Setting TAB Graph Area Sway works with the platform files (files .GR). To open a file, you have to select File – Open in the Main menu or to click on the button Open located on the ToolBar. The window File open opens and you can choose one or more .GR files. The selected files are put in the open file list; to draw the graphs you have to click twice on the file name or to drag the file into Graph Area. During the implementation phase, Sway appears in this way: Sway – Main Page X Y Coordinate Open File List Running File Tool Tip Main Menu and ToolBar The Main Menu is made up of five voices: File, Options, Indexes, Tools, Setup and Help. Some commands, contained in these five menu, are also represented in the ToolBar for a swift choice. The File menu allows to open the .GR files, to close the selected files inside the open file list, to print the graphs and to exit from the programme. TheIndexes menu contains the commands Calculate (it also presents in the ToolBar), Add and Modify. The Options menu contains the commands Add series, Show cursor and Barycentre. The Tools menu is made up of the voices Clear all and Image copy. The Setup menu allows to change the Language, to choose the Default Setting for drawing the graphs and setting the Printer. Sway – Main Page The Help menu contains information about the programme and allows to gain access to the Help on line. Running File On the ToolBar there is the running file. It appears with the completed name of the file with which you are working; if it’s not present any name then no file is running. Processing TAB In Sway there are many different kinds of graphs; if you click on the Processing Tab you can find the list of the available graphs and some options about them; for selecting a graph it’s enough to place the mouse on the desired graph and click on it. With the button you can draw the selected graph joined to the running file; the button gives some numerical data joined to the running file too. These information can be saved into .TXT or .XLS file. File information Draw Select graph Px, Py vs Time Options Sway – Main Page Trace Options Histogram Options Radar Options Sector Options Star graph Options FFT Options Sway – Main Page Editing TAB The Editing Tab allows to zoom in or zoom out, to scroll the image framed in the Graph Area in the corresponding direction, to view or to change the notes about the trial written during the acquisition phase. Setting TAB The Setting Tab allows to select: • the reference system, • the time range that you want to analyse, • the graphs parameters: o the size of the “tiles” to create the histogam, o the number of sectors to create the sector graph o the number of points to create the star o the radius and the cut frequency for the Sway density o the kind of FFT for the Frequency Analysis When you click on a graph, the values contained in the Setting Tab are that ones joined to the represented graph. For example, if you click on a sector graph with 4 sectors, the number showed in the Setting Tab will be 4. Sway – Main Page N° punti del grafico a stella N° settori del grafico a settori Dimensioni piastrella istogramma Intervallo Sistema di riferimento Parametri dei grafici Parametro per l’analisi in frequenza Raggio e frequenza di taglio per lo sway density COP TAB This TAB is operative when the running file is a .tdf file in which more than one platform has been acquired. Sway – Main Page Mostra/Nascondi traccia Ridisegna COP globale Visualizza report COP globale Intervallo di analisi del COP globale When you click on the button COP you’ll see the graph of the total COP. If the stabilometric trial has been acquired using more than one platform (i.e. the right foot on the first platform and the left foot on the second one), then the graph shows: - the platforms with the corresponding COP (in red colour) - the total COP, calculated from the COP of each platform (in blue colour) The total COP graph is related to the reference system of the laboratory. Sway – Main Page The COP Tab allows: - to select the displayed COP traces. Only the platforms really acquired are enabled - to set the time range in which to analyse the total COP - to print the graph with the information about the total COP To display a trace: - tick off the corresponding platform To conceal a trace: - remove the check from the trace Start and End allow to define therange in which to calcolate the total COP The two time instants are denominated in ms and the origin (0 ms) represents the instant when the system started to acquire. The default values of Start and End represent respectively: - the instant of the first contact (the first absolute contact on one of all platforms) Sway – Main Page - the instant of the last contact (the last absolute contact on one of all platforms) To restore the default values of Start and End click on To evaluate the total COP in a new time range: - choose the Start new value in ms: remember that this value shouldn’t be lower than the Start default value - choose the End new value in ms: remember that this value shouldn’t be higher than the End default value - press the button to update the new range The time range definition is valid for only the total COP. For each platform you have to evaluate the COP of the whole acquisition. If you click on the icon , a little report opens and it shows the parameters about the total COP. Through this window it’s possible to print the report. Pressing the button Print graphs, you can print the graph and the related information contained in the report. Graph Area This area is dedicated to the representation of the graphs; it’s possible to display up to four graphs or only one. In this case the graph takes up the whole Graph Area. To pass from the visualisation of four graphs to one of a single graph and vice versa, click twice on the graph. If you click on a graph with the mouse right button, the right-click menu opens. Status Bar The Status Bar contains the Tool Tip (green bar), that gives a short description of the buttons, and a field in which there are the XY coordinate of the points of the graphs Sweep, Trace and Sway density. grafici Open File List This list contains the files on which you want to work. For studying a graph, related to a file, you have to drag the file into Graph Area. On the left of the file name there is a check-box: it can be used to close the files or to add one or more trials to the same graph. Sway – Main Menu and ToolBar Main Menu and ToolBar File Menu Options Menu Indexes Menu Tools Menu Setup Menu Help Menu Running file File Menu The File Menu contains the commands Open, Close, Print and Exit (they are present also in the ToolBar) The command Open is linked to the window File open that allows to open one or more .GR file. The selected files are put into open file list. The command Close deletes all selected files in the open file list and their jointed graphs. The command Print opens the draft printing preview that shows the printing preview of the graphs. The command Exit allows to close the programme. Before closing, it’s required a confirmation. Options Menu The Options Menu contains the commands Add series, Show cursor (it’s not present in the ToolBar) eBarycentre. Sway – Main Menu and ToolBar Add series allows to add many trials to the same graph. When you add a trial, a check appears near the voice Add series in the Options Menu, and in the ToolBar the button is pushed. To add a trial dragging it from the open file list, push the button in the ToolBar. Attention : it’s not possible to add a trial into an empty field without graphs in the Graph Area, or into Histogram, Sector and Frequency Analysis graphs. Show cursor allows to know the position of the cursor inside the graphs: Sweep, Trace and Sway density. The cursor is represented by one or two yellow lines. To disable this function, click Show cursor again. The voice Barycentre allows to change the position of the reference system origin. The Trace, Sweep and Histogram graphs can be drawn in a reference system with the origin in the middle of the platform or in the barycentre. If you decide to use the barycentre like origin of the reference system then you have to click the voice Barycentre in the Options Menu or to press the button in the ToolBar. If this button is pushed the graphs are drawn as regards the barycentre, otherwise as regards the platform centre. Indexes Menu The Indexes Menu contains the commands: Calculate (it is also in the ToolBar), Add and Modify. The command Calculate opens the window Calculate Index that allows to calculate the indexes defined in Sway. The command Add opens the window Add new index. The command Modify opens the window Modify an existent index. Tools Menu The Tools Menu contains the commando: Clear all and Image copy; they are both in the ToolBar. Clear all deletes all graphs visualised on the monitor. Attention : all graphs are deleted even if only one graph is visualised in the Graph Area on the monitor. Image copy copies the content of the Graph Area in the Windows®notes, making the graphs available for other applications. Sway – Main Menu and ToolBar Setup Menu The Setup Menu contains the commando Language, Default setting and Printer. When you click on Language, the window language selection opens: it allows to select the language (there are two choices: English or Italian). Default setting opens the default setting window that allows to define a right configuration for the graphs; it is applied automatically. Printer recalls the printer setup. Help Menu The Help Menu contains the Help on line (it is also in the ToolBar ) and the Information about Sway (one available information is the Software release). Running File This field contains the completed name of the file on which you are working; if it’s not present any name then no file is running. When you click on a graph in the Graph Area, in the field of Running File appears the name of the joined file of which that graph is represented. Sway – Processing TAB Processing TAB The buttons Draw and About file Select graphs Sweep Options Trace Options Histogram Options Radar Options Star mean value Options Star sum Options Frequency Analysis Options If you click on the Processing Tab you can find the list of the available graphs and some options about them; for selecting a graph it’s enough to place the mouse on the desired graph and click on it. The buttons Draw and About File With the button Draw you can draw the graph selected in the Select graphs, joined to the running file. It will be drawn in one of the four squares of the Graph Area. Attention : if no graph will be drawn, it means that no file is running. The button About File opens the window GR file information that gives some numerical data joined to the running file. These information can be saved into .TXT or .XLS file. Sway – Processing TAB Select graphs This window allows to choose the kind of graph that you want to represent. When you drag a file into Graph Area, the graph that you’ll draw is the one selected in this window Select graphs. Whenever you choose a new graph, this one will be drawn in the selected square inside the Graph Area. Attention : if no graph will be drawn, it means that no file is running. The button Draw is particularly useful when you want to draw a graph that has been already selected in the window. When you select a graph, all joined options will be opened for each graph. Sweep Options The Sweep Options allow to specify which graph you prefer to visualise: only Px, only Py or both Px and Py. This option is also available when you compare more than one trial in the same graph. Sway – Processing TAB Trace Options The voice platform allows to represent the COP trace in the whole size of the platform; on the graph the platform will be really drawn. If a check compares near the voice Inertial axis, the axes of the inertial ellipse will be drawn and they will be centred in the barycentre. The Equivalent radius is represented by a dash circle. The Mean radius can be joined to three different circles that have respectively a radius equal to mean radius – sd, mean radius, mean radius +sd. The check near the voice Points shows the points that represent the COP instact by instact; on the contrary it will be drawn only the trace. The voice Time axis allows to draw the trace in three dimensions; the third axis is relative to the time. The two bars Depth and Zoom are available only if the trace is represented in 3D (trace 3D). Depth is related to the time axis. If you click twice on the voices Depth and Zoom you can redefine the default values (50% e 100%). To apply an option on a graph you have to put a check near the desired one; if the check already exists, click on the button Draw . To remove the option, remove the check; if it has been already removed, click on the button Draw . Histogram Options When you choose the Histogram , the available options are Barycentre, Platform and Grid. If the voice Barycentre is selected, on the graph is visualised a red point that represents the barycentre. Sway – Processing TAB If the voice Platform is selected, the graph is drawn in the whole platform, otherwise only the area with inside the COP is visualised. With the voice Grid you can draw the tiles with which the platform has been divided. Attention If the grid is very close, the histogram could be black totally: in this case deselect the voice grid. To make an option real, click on the desired option; if the check is already present, click on the button Draw To deselect the option, remove the check near the voice and when it has been removed click on the button again. Radar Options The radar diagram allows to represent the COP distance from the barycentre in the time (it’s the third option in the figure). The first two options (Px and Py) show the medio-lateral and fore-after components. To make an option real, click on the desired option; if the check is already present, click on the button Draw To deselect the option, remove the check near the voice and when it has been removed click on the button again. Sector Options and Star Options The window Sector will be enabled when you select the Sector graph and it allows to specify the parameter with which you prefer to represent the graph: Distance sector or Timed sector. The window Star allows to specify how to draw the Star graphs: Fixed sectors or Variable sectors. These options are available for the Star mean values and Star sum graphs. Sway – Processing TAB FFT Options The FFT Options allow to make a Frequency Analysis of the COP medio-lateral component (Px), the COP fore-after component (Py) and the COP distance from the Barycentre (D). In the Setting Tab you can specify the width of the window in which you want to make the Frequency Analysis. For the abscissa axis you can use a logarithmic scale and specify the minimum and maximum values. Sway – Tab Editing Editing TAB The Editing Tab allows to zoom in and zoom out the image represented in the Graph Area and to set the original size of the image with . If you click on the icons , with the right button of the mouse, you can decide the zoom in or zoom out factor (the value is expressed in %). Through the arrows you can scroll left, down, up and right the graph framed in the Graph Area. If you click on these icons with the right button of the mouse, you can specify the scrolling factor for that direction (the value is expressed in %). To have the graph in the original position click on the icon . The button Print graph allows to print the graph framed in the Graph Area and all the numerical data about the graph. This button is useful when you have to print a graph in which there is more than one trial overlaid. There is also a field named File’s note where it’s possible to visualise the note saved previously about the running file. The button Modify opens a window that allows to modify or add the notes about the running file (look at the following image). Sway – Tab Editing To store the notes, select the button Save. A note can be long 60 character at most. The voice Remaining shows how many characters are still available. Sway – Tab Setting Setting TAB Reference System Range Graph parameters The Setting TAB allows to set some useful parameters for the representation of the graphs; when you click on one of the four graphs showed in the Graph Area, you can find the information about that graph in the Setting TAB. For example, if you click on a Sector graph in the Graph Area and it is composed by 4 sectors, the number indicated in the Setting TAB will be 4. Reference System The graphs Px, Py vs time, trace and histogram depend on the Reference System showed in the picture; the reference system can be placed in the centre of the platform or in the barycentre (if the button is pressed). Yon can choose among eight different configurations so that you have the possibility to assign the X and the Y coordinates to the fore-after and medio-lateral components indifferently, like you prefer. Moreover, thanks to the eight configurations, you can establish your favourite convention: when the fore-after or medio-lateral component have to be positive or negative. But Attention : when you take your choice, you must verify the real origin of the reference system of the platform coincides with the red point drawn in the picture. Instead for the Sector graph, the radar diagram and the Star graphs it’s used a radar reference system with the origin in the COP barycentre. Range It’s possible to make an analysis for the whole period of the trial or for only its particular range. Sway – Tab Setting If you want to work in a range: 1. select the voice Range 2. specify the Start and the Length of your range: the values are expressed in seconds 3. click on the button to apply the range Generally, when you open a trial, this one will be elaborated for the whole period unless you define a range. It’s not possible to apply a range to a graph composed by more than one trial; in this case, the range will be applied to the last trial added to the graph and the others will be deleted. Graph parameters Istogramma Grafico a settori Grafico a stella Sway density Analisi in frequenza The first parameter (histogram) allows to specify the size of the “tile” sides with which the platform has been divided. The first number is the X size of the tile, the second one is the Y size. You can use only whole numbers and the smallest one can be 1 mm. The button allows to draw a histogram with the established parameter. The second parameter (sector graph) shows the number of sectors with which you want to represent this kind of graph. The greatest number of sectors is 15. Click on the button for a swift representation. The third parameter shows the number of points to create the star. The greatest number of points is 20. The two available buttons allow to draw both the Star mean values ( ) and the Star sum ( ). For the sway density you can specify two parameters: the radius of the circle that you want to use for the research of the peaks (in mm) and the cut frequency of the filter (in Hz). For a swift representation click on . The last parameter allows to select the window for the frequency analysis. It’s possible to choose Rettangular, Tapered, Triangular, Hanning, Hamming, and Blackman. Click on for a swift representation. Sway – Graph Area Graph Area Area 2 Area 3 Area 4 Area 1 The Graph Area, the red square in the picture, is divided in four areas: area 1, area 2, area 3, area 4. When you click on one of the four areas or when you drag a file from the open file list, the selected area is encircled by a frame (i.e. the area 2 in the picture). The file name of the running file corresponds to the graph represented in the framed area. When there are more than one trial represented in the same graph, the name of the running file corresponds to the last loaded trial. If you click on a graph with the right button of the mouse, the right-click menu opens and you can: add one or more trials; delete a trial; zoom in or zoom out the area; clear the area and gain access to the graph properties. If you click twice on a area, this one is zoomed in, so that it will take possess of the whole Graph Area (look at the following picture). Sway – Graph Area To came back to the visualisation of the four areas, click twice on the Graph Area again. Sway – Staus Bar Status Bar The Status Bar is made up of two parts: the first one (Tool Tip) contains a short comment about the buttons of Sway; the second one allows to know the XY coordinates of the points of the Px, Py vs time, trace and Sway density graphs. When you draw the Px, Py vs time, a yellow vertical line appears on the graph: it follows the movement of the mouse. The XY coordinate are referred to the mouse position. The X coordinate is the time and the Y coordinate is the graph ordinate (it is the Px or Py). When you draw the trace, both a yellow vertical line and a horizontal one appear. In this case X and Y are the coordinates of the intersection point between the two lines and they represent Px and Py respectively. In the sway density graph, the yellow line allows to know the value of the peak (it’s expressed in seconds) and the corresponding time instant. To visualise the cursor and its coordinates, you have to select the voice Show cursor in the Options Menu. Sway – Open file list Open file list Representation of the files inside the list The Open file list contains the files that you want to process. To draw a graph of a file (i.e stabilometria.gr1) it’s enough to drag the file name into one of the four Area; in this way, the selected graph in the Processing TAB will be drawn. Attention If you cannot draw a file, verify that the button Add series is not pressed in the ToolBar. If you open a .tdf file, the Open file list contains as many rows as the number of platforms acquired in that file; near the file name, there is the number of the platform. File TDF con 2 piattaforme Double click on a file in the list If in the default setting the voice Apply setup at mouse double click is checked, when you click twice on a file, Sway draws the graphs of that file in the Graph Area, on basis of what is specified in the default setting. Instead if the voice is not checked, in the framed area the selected graph in the Processing TAB will be drawn. Closing of the files When you don’t need some opened files, you can delete them from the open file list. To close the files, put a check near the name of the files to be closed and click on the button Close. When you close a file, you delete also the graphs joined to that file in the Graph Area. 30 di 58 Sway – Open file list Add series When you want to add other series to a graph in the Graph Area, you can choose a file that you have already opened in the Open file list or a new file that you can open through the right-click menu of the graph. In the first case, you have to verify that the button Add series is pressed. On the contrary, click on the button , select all series that you want to add and drag them into the graph. This operation can be made only for the Px, Py vs Time, trace, radar diagram, star and the Sway density graphs. If you add a new file through the right-click menu of the graph, the file will be added also in the Open file list. Select and deselect all These two voices, that you find at the bottom of the Open file list, allow to add or to take away the check near the file names in the list. Click on the small square . 31 di 58 Sway – Explanation of the graphs SWAY – Explanation of the graphs Sway places nine kinds of graphs at your disposal and for each one you can calculate many different parameters: Sweep: Px, Py vs time Trace Histogram Radar Sector Star mean values Star sum Sway density Frequency Analysis Add series For the Sweep, Trace, Radar, Star mean values, Star sum and Sway density graphs it’s possible to visualise more than one trial in the same graph. To add a trial you can use the right-click menu, available when you click on the graph with the right button of the mouse, or you can drag the file into the Graph Area from the Open file list (verify that the button is pressed in the ToolBar). Zoom For the Sweep, Trace, Histogram, Sway density and FFT it’s possible to zoom the image. To zoom in an image you have to select the area of the graph that you want to visualise in detail. To have again the original sizes you have to move the mouse dragging it from a position at right bottom to a position at left top. 32 di 58 Sway – Explanation of the graphs Sweep: Py, Py vs Time Range longitudinale Range trasversale The graph shows the COP coordinates (Px, Py) in the time. The Px coordinate is the red line, the Py is the blue one. On the horizontal axis there is the time, expressed in seconds; on the vertical axis there is the value of the Px and Py, expressed in mm. The coordinates refer to a reference system oriented like you set in the Setting TAB: you can decide to place the origin of the reference system in the centre of the platform or in the barycentre (only if the button is pressed). The Processing TAB allows to visualise Px and Py separately. The information associated to this graph are: • position of the xy axes centre (platform centre or barycentre) • minimum shifting of the barycentre: it’s the minimum COP distance from the barycentre; it’s also the minimum radius of the radar diagram. • maximum shifting of the barycentre: it’s the maximum COP distance from the barycentre; it’s also the maximum radius of the radar diagram. • transversal range: it’s the difference between the maximum and the minimum Px values • longitudinal range: it’s the difference between the maximum and the minimum Py values. The yellow vertical line, that follows the movement of the mouse, shows the XY coordinate contained in the Status Bar. The XY coordinate refer to the mouse position. To hide the line, click on Options – Show cursor. It’s possible to overlay many trials and zoom in or zoom out. 33 di 58 Sway – Explanation of the graphs Trace This graph shows the COP movements in the platform plane; on the horizontal axis there is the X coordinate of the COP (Px), expressed in mm, and on the vertical axis there is the Y coordinate of the COP (Py), also in mm. The reference system is the one defined in the Setting TAB, with the origin in the centre of the platform or in the barycentre (if the button is pressed). Using the Trace Options of the processing TAB, it’s possible: • to visualise the graph in the whole platform • to visualise theinertial axes • to compare thetrace with the mean distance of the COP from the barycentre (mean radius) and with the equivalent radius. You can represent also the mean radius + sd and mean radius – sd; if the value of the mean radius – sd is negative than the circle will be represented by a dotted line instead of continuous • to insert the time axis and to have a 3D COP representation (3D trace) 34 di 58 Sway – Explanation of the graphs Piattaforma Raggio medio + sd Raggio medio Raggio equivalente Raggio medio – sd Assi d’inerzia The information about this graph are: • position of the centre of xy axes (platform centre or barycentre) • trace length: it is the sum of the COP trace on the platform • mean radius: it’s the mean COP distance from the barycentre. The value is given with its standard deviation (sd, standard deviation): mean value ± sd • LFS is an index obtained by the ratio between the trace length and the trace area; it gives an idea about the energy employed by the postural system • equivalent area: it’s the whole area marked out by COP • equivalent radius: it’s the radius of a circle that have got an area equal to the equivalent one 35 di 58 Sway – Explanation of the graphs • velocity of COP: mean value ± sd • inertial axes size: the inertial axes are represented by the X axis (yellow) and Y axis (white). Attention Don’t confuse the X and Y inertial axes with the x and y axes of the reference system • linear regression: it represents the inclination of the X inertial axis as regards to x axis of the reference system • geographic area: it represents the Inertial Ellipse area The XY coordiantes of the Status Bar refer to the point given by the intersection of the two yellow lines and they represent Px and Py respectively. To hide the line, click on Options – Show cursor It’s possible to overlay many trials and zoom in or zoom out. 36 di 58 Sway – Explanation of the graphs 3D Trace If the voice Time axis in the Trace Options is selected, the trace graph will be represented in a 3D space. The Time axis is the depth. If you drag the mouse keeping the left button pressed, you can obtain a rotation of the graph in the space. To zoom in or zoom out the graph, use the zoom bar in the Processing TAB. To change the scale of the time axis use the depth bar in the Processing TAB. If the rotation is very slow, it’s better to remove the check from the voice Points in the Trace Options. 37 di 58 Sway – Explanation of the graphs Histogram The histogram divides the platform in square or rectangular tiles. The tile sizes are defined in the Setting TAB; the central tile is placed in the centre of the platform or around the barycentre (if the button is pressed). A different colour is assigned to each tile and it means the percentage of times with which the COP has been in that tile. To know the percentage joined to each tile, it’s enough to place the mouse on that tile. The red point on the image represents the barycentre position. You can decide to visualise or not this point selecting the voice barycentre in the Processing TAB. It’s also available the zoom. It’s not possible to overlay many trias. 38 di 58 Sway – Explanation of the graphs Radar t = 0 The radar shows the COP distance from the barycentre instact by instact. Thanks to the Radar Options it’s possible to represent the medio-lateral or the fore-after component of the COP movement separately. In this graph, each point is characterized by a radius and an angle; the radius represents the COP distance from the barycentre, the angle represents the time. The starting and the final time coincide; in the picture you can visualise the starting position and the time increasing direction. When you study the whole acquisition, the starting time is the 0; in the other cases it is the starting time defined in the Range in the Setting TAB. It’s the same for the final instant. The information about this graph are: • minimum shifting from the barycentre: it’s the minimum COP distance from the barycentre and it coincides with the minimum radius of the radar diagram • maximum shifting from the barycentre: it’s the maximum COP distance from the barycentre and it coincides with the maximum radius of the radar diagram • mean radius: it’s the mean COP distance from the barycentre. The value is given with its standard deviation (sd, standard deviation): mean value ± sd It’s possible to overlay many trials. The zoom is not available. 39 di 58 Sway – Explanation of the graphs Sector graph The sector graph is composed by as many sectors as the number specified in the Setting TAB. For each sector, the radius is proportional to the dimension specified in the Processing TAB: Distance sector or Timed sector. The centre of the sector graph is the barycentre; you can decide the number of sectors with which you want to divide the platform and for each sector both the Distance sector and the Timed sector will be calculated. When you select the option Distance sector, the radius of each sector is proportional to the mean COP distance from the barycentre (the mean COP distance is calculated including all COP fallen in that sector); when you select the option Timed sector, the radius of each sector is proportional to the number of times that the COP has fallen in that sector. The information about this graph are: • sectors number • sector amplitude (degree) It’s possible to overlay many trials. The zoom is not available. 40 di 58 Sway – Explanation of the graphs Star mean values and Star sum This graph gives out an envelope of Sway trace on basis of the points number defined in the Setting TAB. Two kinds of graph are available: the Star mean values and the Star sum, and each one can be built with one of the two options Fixed sectors or Variable sectors. In both graphs each point of the envelope is defined by a radius (the segment between the point and the centre) and an angle. In the Star mean values graph the radius of each point is the mean radius, calculated among all COP that fall in a sector that has the bisector for that point (only if you have selected the option Fixed sectors). If you select the option Variable sectors, the inclination of the radius between the point and the centre will be obtained by the mean angle, calculated among all COP angles of that sector. In the Star sum the radius of each point of the envelope is obtained by the sum of the radius of all COP that fall in a fixed or variable sector, on basis of your choice. The information about these graphs are: • number of star points • inside area, mean values and fixed sectors • inside area, sum values and fixed sectors • inside area, mean values and variable sectors • inside area, sum values and variable sectors It’s possible to overlay many trials The zoom is not available. 41 di 58 Sway – Explanation of the graphs Sway density The sway density shows the time instants (values on the abscissa) in which the subject have had some peaks of stability. When you have a peak it means that the subject have had some oscillations contained inside a circle with a fixed radius for some seconds (values on the ordinate). The radius is established in the Setting TAB. The signal is filtered by a low- pass filter and the cut-off frequency is chosen in the Setting TAB. The information about this graph are: • Radius (mm) • Cut-off frequency (Hz) • Number of peaks • Mean amplitude of peaks (mean ± sd) • Mean time distance among the peaks (mean ± sd) • Mean spatial distance among the peaks (mean ± sd) It’s possible to overlay many trials and the zoom is available. 42 di 58 Sway – Explanation of the graphs Frequency Analysis It’s possible to visualise the Spectrum of the Px, Py and D (distance from the barycentre) signals in the time. On the ordinate there is one of these three parameters and it is that one established in the Processing TAB. Six kinds of window are available to draw the spectrum. In the Setting TAB you can choose among: rettangular, tapered, triangular, hanning, hamming, blackman. The information about this graph are: • Kind of window • Maximun peak and joined frequency for Px, Py and D signals • Mean peak and mean frequency for each signal It’s not possible to overlay many trials The zoom is available. 43 di 58 Sway – Indexes SWAY - Indexes In the Sway 1.4.0 release it’s possible to compare two trials through the indexes calculation. An index is calculated by the ratio between a parameter of a trial and the same parameter of another trial. In sway there are already some indexes: • Romberg index • Cervical Interference index for Right Rotated Head, Left Rotated Head and Retroflexed Head • Occlusal Interference index • Stomatognatic Interference index It’s also possible to define new indexes and modify the existing ones. For more information look at the pages: Calculate indexes Add new index Modify existing index Report of Indexes 44 di 58 Sway – Indexes Calculate indexes At the left side of the window there are all available indexes in Sway. To calculate the indexes you have to proceed in this way: 1. put a check near the indexes that you want to calcolate; the trials joined to the selected indexes become active (they become blue) 2. for each kind of trial select the right file; for more information click here 3. if there are more than one page, specify the files for all kind of available trials in that page 4. click on the button Calculate and you can visualise a report in which there are all selected indexes File selection for the available trials To calculate an index, it’s necessari to select the files that allow the calculation of that index. 45 di 58 Sway – Indexes When you select an index, the trials, joined to that index and that can be evaluated, become active. You have to select the .gr file for each kind of trial. If you click on , a list of files appears (they are the files in the open file list) Moving the mouse on the file name, a rectangular field with the notes about the file appears on the left. During the acquisition it’s possible to insert some information in the note field. Remember to insert the file description in the note field durino the acquisition (i.e. Closed eyes, Open mouth,….). It will be simpler to choose the right file for each kind of trial. When you have chosen the right file, click on it and it will be joined to the running trial. 46 di 58 Sway – Indexes Add new index In Sway it’s possible to add new indexes. The indexes, that you’re going to insert, are calculate by the ratio between a parameter and the same one of two different trials. When you select the voice Add in the Indexes Menu, a window opens and it allows to add the new index. To add a new index, you have to complete all fields of this window: • Name: it’s the name used in the report to identify the index (generally it is a label) • Description: it is used in the Calculate Indexes window (it is the name that describes the index) • Select parameter: the new index can be defined only by the ratio between a parameter and the same one of two different trials; you have to choose a parameter among the available ones • Percent value: if you select this voice, the ratio is expressed in percentage • Numerator trial: you have to select the trial that gives out the parameter for the numerator of the ratio. if the trial is not in the list you can edit it directly • Numerator label: write a short description about the parameter of the numerator; it can be visualised in the report for a better comprehension of the index • Denominator trial: you have to select the trial that gives out the parameter for the denominator of the ratio. if the trial is not in the list you can edit it directly • Denominator label: write a short description about the parameter of the denominator; it can be visualised in the report for a better comprehension of the index 47 di 58 Sway – Indexes Modify existing indexes If you select Modify in the Indexes Menu, this window opens: Select the index that you want to modify and all fields will be filled automatically. Modify the index and click on the button Save to apply the changes. If you click on the button Delete, the selected index will be removed from the index list. 48 di 58 Sway – Indexes Report of Indexes When you click on the button Calculate of the Calculate Indexes window, the report of indexes opens. In the top of the report page the trials appears with the joined files; below there are the indexes. In the report it’s possible to visualize the index and its numerical value or a description of the ratio and the numerical value. To remove the description, deselect the voice “Show indexes description”. To print the report click on the button Print, to save it on the button Save; the report is saved in a .txt file. 49 di 58 Sway – Study in depth SWAY – Study in depth In this section you’ll find the description of the windows opened through these commands: • File – Open • File – Print • Setup – Language • Setup – Default setting • Right-click Menu It will be visualised also the data showed when you click on About file • GR file information and when you select the voice Property in the right-click menu: • Graph information 50 di 58 Sway – Open file Open file The window for the opening file allows to open one or more files; when you click on the button Open, the selected files will be inserted in the Open file list. Sway works with .GR or .Tdf files; choose the desired type in the folder File Type. If you select only one file and you chose the default configuration, Sway gives out a graphical elaboration of the trial. If you open a .tdf file in which you acquired more than one platform, this elaboration is joined to the platform defined by the highest number. This window will be opened also when you select the voice Add series through the rigth-click menu (only if the graph allows to add a new serie) When you click on the button Open, the same graph of the selected files will be added to the running graph and the Open file list will be updated . 51 di 58 Sway – Language selection Language selection Sway is available in Italian and English versions. When you run Sway at the first time it will be required to select the language only if other BTS-Bioengineering softwareare not installed. It’s always possible to change the language selecting Setup – Language and this change will have effect on all software developed by BTS-Bioengineering and installed on the computer If you click on the button Save, it will appear a message that confirms the right change of the language. The language will be changed immediately. 52 di 58 Sway – Default setting Print file Clicking on the button Print or selecting File – Print, you can open the window Draft printing preview. It’s possible to define the Print orientation (Portrait or landscape) and to establish how many graphs and which one you want to print; the numbers 1°- 2°- 3°- 4° correspond to the four areas in the Graph Area; if you want to stamp only some graphs, verify that is checked the area’s number of which you are interesting. When you decide to print all four graphs, you’ll have two printed pages: the first is similar to the draft printing preview, the second one contains the numerical information of the graphs. In the draft printing preview it’s not possible to visualise the numerical information. If you print a graph that contains more than one trial, the numerical information are that joined to the first trial. For obtaining the information of all trials inserted in the same graph you have to click the button Print graph in the Editing tab. For starting to print, press the button . Selecting the button you open the printer setup that allows you to select the printer, specify the number of copies and decide the print characteristics. 53 di 58 Sway – Default setting Default setting Selecting Setup – Default setting you’ll open this window. The Default setting allows you to select four graphs that can be drawn in the same time. Show allows you to choose the visualisation of all or only one graph. In each field (1,2,3,4) you can select the graph you need to visualize; the numbers are that ones specified in Graph Area To make active the settings, it’s necessary to click on Save. If the voice Apply this setup at file open is selected, when you open a file, only one, Sway fills the Graph Area like it’s specified inside the Default setting. On the other hand, if the voice Apply setup at mouse double click is selected, the Default setting will be applied only by a mouse double click on the Open file list. 54 di 58 Sway – GR file information GR file information When you click on the button About file , the window GR file information opens. In this window there are all information about the trial showed in the Running file. The information can be printed (click on the button Print), saved (click on the button Save), or exported to .txt or Excel file (click on the button Export). When you save or export the data, you can choose the directory, the file name (the software suggests the trial name preceded by EXP_ if you are exporting it) and the format. If the file already exists, the software requires the confirmation before overwriting it. When you select Export, also the COP coordinates will be exported other than the information showed inside the window. 55 di 58 Sway – Graph information Graph information General Information Information about graph If you select the voice Property through the Right-click Menu, it opens a window Graph information with inside the information about the type of graph and the trial visualized. The information can be distinguished between General Information and Information about the current graph In the General Information there are: Nelle informazioni generali compaiono: • File name • File notes • Acquisition Frequency • Total Time, that is the total time of acquisition • Real Time, that is the time during which the subject is really on the platform • Time of analysis (Start of analysis +range time of analysis), that is the range time to be evaluated. You can set this range time in the Setting Tab • Reference frame, that is the reference system selected in the Setting Tab • COP displacement (mean ± sd) along X axis (Transversal displacement) or Y axis (Longitudinal displacement). The COP displacement is calculated in respect to the centre of the platform; the mean values represent the coordinates of barycentre. 56 di 58 Sway – Graph information Regarding the Information about the current graph, you can select the graph which you are interesting of and read the information in Explanation of the graphs. The Print button allows you to print the numerical information, the graph is not printed 57 di 58 Sway – Right-click Menu Right-click Menu When you click on a graph with the right button of the mouse, the Right-click Menu opens. Through this Menu it’s possible: • To add new series to the graph (Add series) • To remove some series (Remove series) • To increase or to reduce the graph (Increase/Reduce) • To clear the graph (Clear) • To read the information about the graph (Property) • To print the graph and all information about the series (Print graph) The voice Add series allows to add new series to the graph, but this option is available only for Sweep, Trace, Radar, Star Mean Values, Star Sum and Sway density graphs. When you select this option, the window Open file opens and it allows to select one or more file to be added to the graph. Remove series allows to remove series from the graph and this option is available for the same graphs on which the option Add series can be used. For removing a series, it’s enough to place the mouse on the voice Remove series and to click on the file name to be deleted inside the list. If in the graph there is only one series, it’s not possible to remove it. To delete it, click on Clear. The voiceIncrease/Reduce has the same effect of double click on the graph. Selecting this voice when in the Graph Area there are 4 fields, the selected graph will be increased so that it fills the whole Graph Area. On the contrary, if in the Graph Area there is only one graph, selecting this voice there will be again 4 fields. The voiceClear deletes only the selected graph. On the contrary, the button in the ToolBar deletes all four graphs of the Graph Area. The voice Property opens the window Graph information that has got all information joined to the graph. 58 di 58
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