
May 25, 2018 | Author: ABVSAI | Category: Valve, Corrosion, Heat Exchanger, Materials, Mechanical Engineering



LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED EPC POWERTRAINING MANUAL PROJECT 388.5 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant DOC No. IBDC/ L&T/ VCCPP/ 12 DOC. TITLE Steam and Water Sampling System Page No. Page 1 of 13 Steam and Water Sampling System Importance of monitoring Boiler Parameters: In the power industry control of water purity is pre-requisite for safe and efficient operation of boiler plant. Typically up to 20 different samples per boiler are withdrawn from the various parts of the steam/water cycle, some of these serving several analytical instruments, others being for occasional manual sampling only. Sample conditions as severe as 200 bar at 560oC are now common and demand equipment of highest quality and integrity. Equipment used vary in complexity from a single sample probe with cooler, pipe work and valves for manual sampling to fully automatic multi stream sample conditioning consoles for centralized monitoring. In today’s power industry, on line monitoring of various boiler parameters has become quite common. In old days, people used to monitor these parameters in laboratories. This method involved a lot of provision of errors. The errors could be from atmospheric contamination, from use of improper equipment for carrying the sample or human errors due to repetition. The on-line analyzers when came in to vogue, most of these errors were eliminated. Another aspect was the sample conditioning. After development of on-line analyzers, it became essential to condition the sample. This was required because the sensors used for on-line analysis were capable of handling the water / steam sample at high temperature or pressure. To bring in uniformity it was made mandatory to cool the sample between 25o C to 40o C. The next development in the analyzers was the temperature compensation concept. With this new concept it became easier to monitor the parameters at any temperature and interpret it as if it was at a particular temperature, say 25o C. Today we have state of the art equipment to take care of all the requirements of sampling, sample conditioning and sample analysis. The most popular equipment for on-line analysis is called the Steam and Water Analysis System (SWAS). Any SWAS package necessarily consists of two parts, namely the conditioning unit and the analysis unit. Since the majority of the sample is handled in the former, it is called as wet panel. The analysis of the sample is done in the latter, which handles mostly the signals and gives various outputs for control or alarm etc. This part is called dry panel. A simple overview of the sampling system would be as follows: "A sampling system will consist of all the equipment required to present an analyzer with a clean, representative sample of the process stream and to dispose of that sample. When the analyzer is part of an automatic control loop, the reliability of the sampling system is as important as the reliability of the analyzer or the control equipment." The parameters which are most commonly monitored in power stations, are Conductivity, pH, dissolved oxygen, silica, hydrazine and sodium. Others include alkalinity, hardness, calcium, chloride, phosphate, dissolved ozone and so on. The significance of each of these parameters is as follows: pH : The steam which is finally used for power generation, i.e the steam which goes to the turbines has to be ultra pure. This implies that the water used for generating this steam should be in its purest form. Monitoring the pH value of the Condenser outlet. L. the conductivity can shoot up to even more than 100 micro siemens / cm. This helps in preventing the corrosion of pipe work and other equipment. Page 2 of 13 feed gives direct indication of alkalinity or acidity of this water. The typical points in steam circuit where dissolved oxygen monitoring is required are.P. Plant effluent. In steam circuitit is normal practice to keep the pH value of feed water at slightly alkaline levels. D. Small deposits on the turbine blades can result in loss of efficiency. The presence of silica in steam can lead to deposition in superheater tubes and on turbine blades. Dissolved oxygen also promotes electrolytic action between dissimilar metals causing corrosion and leakage at joints and gaskets.5). boiler water and feed water is highly recommended. High pressure and Low pressure turbines. therefore. Cooling water. Condenser. CEP discharge. Supply water to D. Make-up water. Dissolved Oxygen: Within a temperature range of 200 --. is essential. Silica: The presence of silica in the steam and water circuits of power generation plant is associated with a number of problems both in the superheater and turbine sections.g.M Plant. heaters. continuous monitoring of silica in steam. D. .M.. High pressure pre heaters and economizers. Make up water to D. plant. i. Low pressure haters. while with addition of even 1 ppm of any salt. High pressure heaters.0-8.e. Plant effluent. Hydrazine: The use of hydrazine as an oxygen scavenger and a source of feedwater alkalinity has well known advantages e.Plant. Typical points in the steam circuit where pH should be monitored are: Drum. IBDC/ L&T/ VCCPP/ 12 DOC. Thus the typical points in steam circuits where silica analysis required are. High pressure haters.M Plant. TITLE Steam and Water Sampling System Page No. Condensers.5 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant DOC No. These salts can get added to water / steam from atmosphere or due to leakage in heat exchanger etc. LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED EPC POWER TRAINING MANUAL PROJECT 388. To minimise corrosion under alkaline operating conditions. Conductivity: Conductivity measurements give indication of contamination of water / steam with any kind of salts. Economiser inlet. The conductivity of ultra pure water is almost close to zero (say 1.M. Drum steam. Dissolved oxygen monitoring is imperative in power stations using neutral or combined operating conditions (pH 7. whilst larger deposits can cause permanent mechanical damage. Drum water. The monitoring of anion and mixed bed ion exchanges safeguards and optimizes the operation of Demineralising plant. The resulting pitting may eventually cause puncturing and failures.5 or 8. Drum steam. Low pressure pre heaters.2 micro siemens / cm). An analytical check of process efficiency. Dissolved oxygen causes corrosion of components and piping.0-7. Silica analysis is required at this stage also. mechanical deaeration and chemicals scavenger additives are used to remove the dissolved oxygen. Make-up condensate. In order that the turbines are operated at maximum performance. The solubility of silica in steam increases with pressure.250 degree centigrade (feed water). Typical points in the steam circuit where conductivity should be monitored are : Drum water. Condenser.: a) It prevents frothing in the boiler. Feed water tanks. Thus conductivity is a very good general purpose watch dog which can give a quick indication of plant malfunctioning or possible leakage. The ultra pure water has pH value of 7. Introduced into the analyser. The measurement of sodium. the sensors are capable of handling the water/steam samples at particular temperatures and pressures only. Underdosing of hydrazine leads to increased corrosion. phosphate. and Disposed of. The sample must be: Withdrawn from the process. Conditioned. and maintain feedwater alkalinity to prevent acidic corrosion. hardness.P. chloride. neutral sodium salts exhibit considerable steam solubility. LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED EPC POWER TRAINING MANUAL PROJECT 388. is now recognized as an effective means to monitor steam purity. Monitoring the dissolved oxygen levels is not sufficient to control the optimum concentration because its provides no measure of any excess hydrazine. IBDC/ L&T/ VCCPP/ 12 DOC. sulfates etc. hydrazine helps to maintain a protective magnetite layer over steel surfaces. Condensate pump. are known to be associated with stress corrosion cracking of boiler and superheater tubes. plant. Such controls assume an even greater importance with stations having no condensate polishing. Drum steam. pressure and flow conditions of sample are maintained properly. dissolved ozones is also required depending on the size of the plant and the quality of water / steam equipment. Probably the most common problem in sample – system design is the lack of realistic information concerning the properties of the process at the sampling . particularly in the condenser section where the measurement of sodium detects cooling water leaks with a much higher sensitivity than conductivity measurements.M. e. Sample conditioning systems have several functions. The typical points in steam circuit where hydrazine monitoring is required are: Re-heaters.g. The typical points in steam circuit where sodium monitoring is required are . The ubiquitous character of sodium in the environment make it a useful indication to reveal possible leak conditions with in the circuit. Further . The Need of Sampling: All the analysers mentioned above work efficiently if the temperature. The presence of sodium signals contamination with potentially corrosive anions.plant output. D. Under condition s of high pressure and temperature. Page 3 of 13 b) It minimises deposits on metal surfaces. calcium. This necessitates the use of the sample conditioning system i. heaters. Wet panel.5 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant DOC No. The nominal dosage rate for hydrazine in feedwater is about three times its oxygen level.M. D. NaCl and NaOH . chlorides.e. Economiser inlet. Condenser. Monitoring of other parameters such as alkalinity. Transported. Sodium: The measurement of sodium is recognized – among other chemical parameters – as an effective telltale to reveal the condition of a high – purity water / steam circuit. In addition to its oxygen – scavenging function . in particular. L. acting as a carrier of potentially corrosive anions. overdosing represents a costly waste. TITLE Steam and Water Sampling System Page No. particularly where joined by welding or where bent on site. and the use of unnecessarily large line diameters should be avoided. stainless steel AISI 316 is standard. Double helix are in vogue now a days. since the validity of analysis will be questionable.5 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant DOC No. and if possible sample lines should fall continuously from the sinle point to the sample conditioning system. including the highest duties to be found in modern power plant. This class of probe is designed to ensure that the sample enters the ports at the same velocity as the main process stream. Also. thus reducing kinetic segregation of suspended particles to a minimum. c) Specific designs for throttling applications. However this type of probe continues to be in demand for these applications.e. Sample Extraction Probes: As a general rule. For the majority of applications. utmost care has to be taken to see that the sample does not get contaminated and it is truly representative. TITLE Steam and Water Sampling System Page No. The correct choice of probe should never be over looked. A built in shell relief valve takes care of possible mishap due to high pressures caused by coil rupture etc. The condition of sample reaching at the end point i. as undue size and length lead to a delayed response and the damping out of transients. Being directly attached to the process pipe work. and for most applications. The number of bends and joints should be kept to a minimum. Thus the first important component the sampling system is the sample extraction probe. Isokinetic probes may be of single port. The important considerations in the choice of valve are: a) Suitable pressure/temperature rating for inlet isolation. one of the various types of isokinetic probes is used. the analyser should match exactly with that at the tapping point. the required sample flow rate and the position of the sampling point in the system. this item is manufactured to the stringent codes applicable to high pressure. the probe may be subject to severe service conditions. The type of probe to be used will depend on the process steam parameter to be measured. while the sample is being conditioned. Sensitivity and ease of operation. if representative sample are not withdrawn. . IBDC/ L&T/ VCCPP/ 12 DOC. high temperature pipe work. multiport or capillary type. when sampling from pipes for suspended solids. LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED EPC POWER TRAINING MANUAL PROJECT 388. and should be installed with the ports facing upstream into oncoming flow. These should be preferably coil in shell type design. Sample Coolers: The sample coolers form the heart of the sampling system. The coolers with double helix type coil design give better approach temperature than conventional single coil designs apart from being compact in size. Simple Pipe Work And Valves: Sample lines should be kept as short as possible consistent with the convenient siting of equipment. Recent studies by the CGEB suggest that a more important factor in obtaining representative particulate samples may be the maintenance of a sufficiently high transport velocity in the sample line to prevent hide out of the suspended species. b) Rugged mechanical design to withstand severe site conditions. Page 4 of 13 point. Sample pipe work must be of a material which will not react chemically with any species in the sample. Care must be taken to ensure that the lines are not obstructed. This should make use of counter flow type of heat exchange principle. The electrical output of the above can be used for sample shutoff. On closing fully. for plants with a high particulate burden. and the use of components of high integrity. Temperature sensing can be done by means of electrical contacts on the outlet temperature gauge. a well designed sampling system can ensure sample outlet temperature of 45 Deg C. A pressure regulator that can maintain the down stream pressure at constant set limit irrespective of up stream fluctuations becomes an ideal choice. The design standards to be followed can be ASME PTC 19. capillaries or solenoid valves. . by means of solenoid valve. In this container the sample coils are immersed. With source pressures as high as 250 bar. and the presence of unwanted particulate matter can be damaging. on line systems require a reliable means of immediate sample shut off and alarm. Most of modern analyzers can work comfortably with these sample temperatures. TITLE Steam and Water Sampling System Page No. Pressure Reduction: An important aspect of sample conditioning lies in making suitable provision to ensure that the analyzers can never be subjected to a pressure higher that the safe limit. Normal practice is to make use of available cooling water for extracting as much as heat as possible from the sample and using the chilled water for the removing the remaining fraction of heat. LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED EPC POWER TRAINING MANUAL PROJECT 388. Chilled Water: Use of chilled water becomes necessary when the cooling water available on site is not capable of cooling the sample to the temperature required by analyzers. A built in safety valve to this pressure regulator makes the unit fool proof. Filteration: The majority of online analyzers from dissolved solids or volatile species. In this manner a pressure switch also can be added for additional safety. In this unit the chiller unit provides the chilled water to a container called isothermal bath. Chiller with isothermal bath is a compact unit which saves a lot of space. such as pressure reducing valves. both to the instrumentation and to certain components in the sampling system. However. the regulator should ensure zero flow condition and should withstand the total up stream pressure. Page 5 of 13 these should be rated to severe temperature and pressure conditions existing in power plant and sized to take care of the heat loads. Thus one can save use of individual heat exchangers. larger stainless steel or alloy steel high-pressure y filters may be necessary and these can be supplied with integral valves to permit regular cleaning without disassembly. this warrants serious consideration. or by a dedicated sample thermo switch.11 or CEGB standard 764501. use of chilled water becomes necessary.5 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant DOC No. IBDC/ L&T/ VCCPP/ 12 DOC. High Temperature Protection: In the event of cooling water failure. However if cooling water temperature exceeds 40Deg C. before high temperature samples can reach instrumentation. If available cooling water is upto 40 Deg C. For many applications all that is required is a small high-pressure filter with sintered stainless steel element. Both the root sample coolers and primary cooler will employ plant auxiliary cooling water as the cooling medium and the secondary sample cooler will employ chilled water as the cooling medium.500 39 39. There are two isolation valves provided in the system for this purpose.6 625 --. coil in coil type sample coolers with counter flow operation are provided to reduce the temperature of sample to the acceptable temperature of the sensor. plate.2 make-up pump discharge 2 CEP 50 15 430 400 830 1. Sample Handling system (SHS) 2. IBDC/ L&T/ VCCPP/ 12 DOC. .27 29. 625 750 1.5 Discharge 2 Header 3 HP/IP BFP 159 6.) COOLING WATER HEAT SAMPLE SERVICE in (Kg/ LOAD OUTLET TEMP. Grab Total Total 120% Ana Sample Sample Flow 1 Hotwell 47 4 425 200 625 750 1.500 39 42. flow and pressure of the samples.965 39. One for low temperature application and the other is for high temperature application. TITLE Steam and Water Sampling System Page No. Material of the inner tube will be Inconel 600/316 SS and material of outer tube will be AISI 316 SS. Conditioning ensures right temperature. 39 water in condenser Note: The cooler calculations are based on 120% sample column. FLOW INLET OUTLET Ltr/Hr TEMP.3 425 200 625 750 1. cm2 g) (KJ/hr) TEMP.500 39 42. Sample Cooler: Indoor located. It consists of following major components Isolation Valve: This is provided for isolating the sample during maintenance of the components mounted on the panel / rack / wall mtg.9 24. as required by the Analyser.5 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant DOC No.4 suction 8 4 Cooling 39 2. SAMPLE FLOW (cc/min.000 1. Analysers Sample Handling system (SHS): The SHS conditions the sample before feeding it to the Analyser. Page 6 of 13 System Description : The steam and water analysis system at Vimagiri consists of following major parts: 1.500 39 39 --. TEMP.2 20. Necessary Isolation Valves are provided at the cooling water/chilled water inlet and outlet. PRIMARY COOLER CALCULATION SR FLUID/ Sample PRESS.24 39.5 2. LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED EPC POWER TRAINING MANUAL PROJECT 388. 000 750 22 23.6 4.5 economize r inlet 8 HP 40 3 430 400 830 1. (Ltr/Hr) TEMP.5 7 superheat ed steam 1 Cooling 39 3 625 --.6 4. LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED EPC POWER TRAINING MANUAL PROJECT 388.758 24.6 4.868 25.5 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant DOC No.000 750 22 23.6 4.3 make-up pump discharge 2 CEP 39 3 430 400 830 1.000 750 22 23.6 4. IBDC/ L&T/ VCCPP/ 12 DOC.000 750 22 23.2 3. The cooling capacity is calculated upon 120% sample column.) CHILLED CHILLED CHILLED HEAT SAMPLE No SERVICE in temp (Kg/cm2 g) WATER WATER WATER LOAD OUTLET ºC FLOW INLET OUTLET (KJ/hr) TEMP.868 25.5 economize r inlet 9 HRSG LP 39 3 430 400 830 1.250 750 22 23.9 2.7 4 LP BFP 39 3 425 200 625 750 750 22 23.868 25.000 750 22 23.000 750 22 23.000 750 22 23.660 24.6 4. Grab Total Total 120% Ana Sample Sample Flow 1 Hotwell 39 3 425 200 625 750 750 22 22.9 6.2 3.5 0 drum water 1 HRSG HP 40 3 430 400 830 1.6 4.789 24.6 4.5 5 superheat ed steam 1 HRH 47 3 430 400 830 1.6 4.5 3 saturation steam 1 HP 40 3 430 400 830 1.000 750 22 23.5 to 2 kg/cm2.5 1 drum water 1 LP 39 3 430 400 830 1.6 4. 625 750 750 22 23.9 Suction 5 HP/IP BFP 39 3 425 200 625 750 750 22 22.6 4.9 2.000 750 22 23.868 25.000 750 22 23. shown.868 25.5 8 water to condenser NOTE: cooler calculations are shown based on expected worst case conditions in actual operation the pressure at the inlet of secondary coolers.5 drum water 1 HRSG IP 39 3 430 400 830 1.5 2 saturation steam 1 IP 39 3 430 400 830 1. is arrived at by assuming a primary cooler at sample inlet.5 6 superheat ed steam 1 HP 41 3 430 400 830 1.868 25.9 Discharge Header 3 Deaerator 39 3 400 600 1000 1.822 24. TITLE Steam and Water Sampling System Page No.6 4.000 750 22 23.038 25.6 4.868 25.868 25.5 4 saturation steam 1 LP 47 3 430 400 830 1.000 750 22 23. The secondary cooler calculations are based upon the assumption that the sample at the inlet will be available at the temp. TEMP.3 Suction 6 LP feed 39 3 430 400 830 1. This temp.868 25. Page 7 of 13 SECONDARY COOLER CALCULATION SR FLUID/ Sample PRESSURE SAMPLE FLOW (cc/min.000 750 22 23.868 25.868 25. will be between 1.868 25.5 water inlet to drum 7 IP 39 3 430 400 830 1. .868 25. Cation Column Cation Column is used to remove cations from the sample. When temperature or pressure exceeds set point. This is useful during cooler maintenance. Direction of the knob should be selected as per the requirement. is provided. This will eliminate effect of conductivity of cations from the sample. TITLE Steam and Water Sampling System Page No. Strainer Strainer is mounted to filter the impurities less than 40 micron from sample. Solenoid valve is actuated and sample is drawn to drain header. Setting is done through the knob. Pressure Switch & Soleniod Valve To protect the transmitter and sensor from high temperature sample temperature switch is provided with solenoid valve. One inlet is for controlling the cooling water to the cooler and another inlet is for cooler drain. This will indicate the actual pressure of sample. Back Pressure/Relief Valve The back pressure/relief valve will hold a constant 20 PSI pressure to the analyser at all the times. More pressure may damage the sensors. IBDC/ L&T/ VCCPP/ 12 DOC. Knob for the valve is selected to ‘COOLER WATER IN’ at the time of on-line analysis and ‘COOLER DRAIN’ for draining the water from inside the cooler. For pressure above 35 kg/cm2 Variable Pressure Reducing Element (VREL) is used. . Pressure Gauge Pressure Gauge (0-10 kg/cm2) are provided for monitoring the pressure in the sample line. Flow Indicators Flow indicators are provided both streams to measure sample flow rate. Needle Valve Needle valve is provided to control the flow of sample to the sensors during sample cycle. Outlet pressure of the pressure regulator must be set at 2 kg/cm2. Temperature Gauge Temperature Gauge will indicate the temperature after the sample cooler. This is provided to reduce the sample pressure from high pressure to low pressure. Temperature Switch. LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED EPC POWER TRAINING MANUAL PROJECT 388. The temperature must be below 40 Deg C. Pressure Regulator is used for below sample pressure of 35 kg/cm2. Gate Valve Gate valve is provided for isolating the cooling water outlet from sample cooler. Page 8 of 13 Pressure Regulator : Pressure Regulator is used to reduce the sample pressure from high pressure to low pressure.5 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant DOC No. Three Way Ball Valve Three way ball valve with two inlets and one outlet. power supply failure and sample failure. Housing for cell and analyser will be IP-54 or equal. Housing for cell and analyser will be weather and water proof. ambient temperature compensation and integral indicator. zero check and integral indicator having flow line (screwed) type cell. screened junction box for electrode.5 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant DOC No. These analysers mounted in the Dry Panel will be kept in an air-conditioned sampling room located in the BFP Building near HRSG area. auto zero check. auto temperature compensation. Output will be isolated 4-20 m A DC linear signal. TITLE Steam and Water Sampling System Page No. Output will be isolated 4-20 mA DC linear signal. All necessary steam and water samples for safe and efficient operation of the plant is taken from the following locations for each pressure level as a minimum: . Accessories will include preamplifier. auto zero and span calibration and integral indicator. Self diagnostic features will include alarm for no reagent. Output will be isolated 4-20 mA DC linear signal. LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED EPC POWER TRAINING MANUAL PROJECT 388. auto calibration. six (6) sample streams analysis with auto zero & span calibration. isopotential adjustment having flow type cells. Fault diagnosis data will include faults in analogue / digital circuits. response time better than 12 minutes for 90% change. Output will be isolated 4-20 mA DC linear signal. Analyser housing will be weather and water proof. Sequencer to handle six (6) samples and holding circuits for the measured signal to provide continuous 4-20 mA DC signal for each sample is provided. Conductivity Analyser: Microprocessor based system with an accuracy of +1 FSD. auto temperature compensation. automatic ultrasonic cleaner. faults in calibrated values. manual zero and span calibration. calibration fault and silica concentration low/high. Page 9 of 13 Analyser: pH Analyser: Microprocessor based system with system accuracy of 0. Housing for electrode and analyser will be IP65. integral indicator.02 pH. Silica Analyser: Microprocessor based Silica Analyser with an accuracy of ±2 ppb. Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Analyser: Microprocessor based DO analysers with an accuracy of + 1ppb with auto temperature compensation. IBDC/ L&T/ VCCPP/ 12 DOC. TITLE Steam and Water Sampling System Page No. Page 10 of 13 . LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED EPC POWER TRAINING MANUAL PROJECT 388.5 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant DOC No. IBDC/ L&T/ VCCPP/ 12 DOC. DRUM WATER (HP/IP/LP) √ √ √ . HOTWELL MAKE- UP PUMP √ √ DISCHARGE 2. HP/IP/LP SUPERHEATED √ √ √ √ STEAM 7. FEED WATER TO ECONOMISER √ √ √ (HP/IP/LP) 5. HP/IP/LP SATURATION √ √ √ √ STEAM 10. LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED EPC POWER TRAINING MANUAL PROJECT 388. COOLING WATER TO √ CONDENSER 9. DEAERATOR √ √ √ √ 8. Page 11 of 13 SWAS Sampling points The various analytical instruments complete with their sampling system and sampling racks will be provided for continuous monitoring of the quality of the Cycle Water & Steam as per table below: Sr Service Silica Specific Cation pH DO2 Grab Conduct Conduct Sam ivity ivity ple 1. TITLE Steam and Water Sampling System Page No. CONDENSATE EXTRACTION √ √ √ √ PUMP DISCHARGE 3.5 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant DOC No. HRSG BLOW DOWN √ √ √ 6. IBDC/ L&T/ VCCPP/ 12 DOC. HRSG FEEDPUMP √ √ SUCTION (HP/IP/LP) 4. GV2 GLOBE VALVE TECNIK FLUID 18 Nos. Description Make Qty/Set SCT SPECIFIC CONDUCTIVITY TRANSMITTER EMERSON 1 No. TWO WAY BALDOTA 16 Nos. BV32 THREE WAY VALVE JVD 18 Nos. BV34 THREE WAY VALVE JVD MARKETING 4 Nos. INSTRUMENT SFI2 SIGHT FLOW INDICATOR BALDOTA 4 Nos. PR PRESSURE REGULATOR BALDOTA 14 Nos. PSC9 SAMPLE COOLER (MODEL: TRB-4222) SENTRY. TWO WAY. Page 12 of 13 SWAS Component Details: ANALYSERS & SENSORS: TAG No. CONDUCTIVITY TRANSMITTER PROCESS MANAGEMENT SCE/CCE CONDUCTIVITY SENSOR EMERSON 22 Nos. PRB/RV BACK PRESSURE REGULATOR/ RELIEF SENTRY. PROCESS MANAGEMENT DCCT DEGAS CATION CONDUCTIVITY SYSTEM SENTRY. USA 4 Nos. CONTROLS TG04 TEMPERATURE GAUGE GENERAL 48 Nos. DEGAS CONDUCTIVITY TRANSMITTER EMERSON PROCESS MANAGEMENT 1 No. PROCESS MANAGEMENT CCT/PHT CONDUCTIVITY & PH TRANSMITTER EMERSON 9 Nos. USA 18 Nos. SAMPLING SYSTEM: TAG No. Description Make Qty/Set PSC1-U SAMPLE COOLER WITH ‘U’ STAMP (MODEL: SENTRY. PROCESS MANAGEMENT SCT/CCT SPECIFIC CONDUCTIVITY & CATION EMERSON 6 Nos. IBR EXCEL-HYDRO 30 Nos. SCT/PHT PROCESS MANAGEMENT DOT/PHT DISSOLVED OXYGEN & PH TRANSMITTER EMERSON 1 No. SILICA SILICA ANALYSER EMERSON PROCESS MANAGEMENT 1 No. USA 4 Nos. TLF4225U) VREL VARIABLE PRESSURE REDUCING ELEMENT SENTRY. USA 17 Nos. STR10 STRAINER JAY-EESH 18 Nos. APPROVED GV1 GLOBE VALVE TECNIK FLUID 4 Nos. PROCESS MANAGEMENT DOE DISSOLVED OXYGEN SENSOR EMERSON 1 No. RV11 PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE BALDOTA 18 Nos. PROCESS MANAGEMENT PHE PH SENSOR EMERSON 10 Nos. IV51 ISOLATION VALVE. USA 1 No. TITLE Steam and Water Sampling System Page No. IBDC/ L&T/ VCCPP/ 12 DOC. . SFIN SIGHT FLOW INDICATOR BALDOTA 18 Nos. LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED EPC POWER TRAINING MANUAL PROJECT 388.5 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant DOC No. CONDUCTIVITY SENSOR EMERSON PROCESS MANAGEMENT 1 No. VALVE IV31 ISOLATION VALVE. BV21 TWO WAY VALVE JVD 3 Nos. BV31 THREE WAY VALVE JVD 31 Nos.5 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant DOC No. QC1 QUICK CONNECTOR PERFECT ENG 17 Nos. Page 13 of 13 TSW5 TEMPERATURE SWITCH INDFOS 35 Nos. FIW11 FLOW INDICATOR WITHOUT NEEDLE PLACKA 18 Nos. IBDC/ L&T/ VCCPP/ 12 DOC. CHILLER ADVANCE 1 No. PGG12 PRESSURE GAUGE GENERAL 22 Nos. PSW PRESSURE SWITCH INDFOS 21 Nos. ELECTRONICS ----. IV ISOLATION VALVE JVD 2 Nos. WET PANEL PYROTECH 2 Nos. CTN1 CATION COLUMN JVD 14 Nos. VALVE FIW3 FLOW INDICATOR PLACKA 25 Nos. COOLING ----. FIW4 FLOW INDICATOR PLACKA 7 Nos. ALARM ANNUNCIATOR INDUSTRIAL 1 No. INSTRUMENT NVD1 NEEDLE VALVE WITH DRAIN BALDOTA 43 Nos. ----. SV109 SOLENOID VALVE ROTEX 23 Nos. INSTRUMENTS & CONTROLS / PROCON SST2 STREAM SELECTOR SAMYAK 1 No. NV11 NEEDLE VALVE BALDOTA 1 No. ----. DRY PANEL PYROTECH 1 No. ----. TITLE Steam and Water Sampling System Page No. . AUTO CHANGEOVER SYSTEM ANURADHA 2 Nos. LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED EPC POWER TRAINING MANUAL PROJECT 388.
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