survey questionnaire



9.2 Survey questionnaire on supply chain modelling & improving the MIDC App Supply Chain Relationship: Referring to the above diagram, please indicate your organization’s level of integration with suppliers, internally, and with customers. Poor Very Poor high Verylicable high Not Engaged With Suppliers Information exchange with suppliers through internet or web-based technologies…………………………………………………..…….…... Level of strategic partnership with suppliers……………….…………... Participate level of suppliers in the design stage………………….……. Participation level of suppliers in the process of procurement and proEstablishment of quick ordering system…………………………….….. Stable procurement through network (e.g. electronic data interchange (EDI))………………………………………..………………………….. Within the Company Data integration among internal functions through network Real time inventory management…………………..………... Real time access to logistics-related information……………. Data integration in production processes……………………. Cross functional teams information exchange………...…….. Online integrations between production and sales functions... With Customers Integrated demand forecasting………………...…………….. Online order taking………………………….………………. Speed of order processing…………………….……………... After sales service support........…………………….……….. Follow up with customers for feedback………………….….. Section II. Performance Measurement & Performance Metrics: Current practice and future plan for performance measurement. A. What type of performance measurement system (PMS) does your company use to evaluate its internal operations, its suppliers and customers? 1 9 2 APPENDIXES Balanced score card (BSC) Activity based Costing Logistics Scoreboard Economic Value Analysis . . Order accuracy / fill-rate………………….. Supply Chain Processes: the following questions are designed to measure the use of supply chain practices with respective SCOR model five supply chain processes (Plan..........ning practices have beenImplement implemente ................................................ please specify the type of performance measurement and reason for your selection? Yes No Always Not Appllicab e m So etimes On-time delivery…………….... Rate of incidence of production defects.……............................ Total sales revenue………………………........................SCOR Model European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) Model Other: No Performance measurement system used for performance evaluation B...... Compliance……………….................................. D. Does your company is planning to implement a new approach for performance measurement in the foreseen future? If yes.......... Number of customer orders completed…...........…..... Number of worker injuries……………………........................... Number of units produced…………………........ company? Not Applicable Extensively Well Poorly Never Section III................................ Backlog in the delivery schedule…....…………………………........................ & Return)................... Deliver.... Source.……………............... Amount of material inventory….. In-stock rates / stock-outs………………….....................……................ A........... Damages……………..................…………....... Performance Measures: Please indicate how frequently your organization uses each of the following performance measures.............. Cost of goods sold. What are the three most important performance measures/indicators in your Frequently Frequency of Use Never C..................... Make............... Gross profit margin……………………………..........……….. Planning Process: Planning practice: Please indicate to what extent the following plan..... Amount of finished goods inventory............ ............... Frequent performance feedback to suppliers………………................................................................................ Imported raw materials are always available locally with affordable prices………........ Imported raw materials are always available for manufacturing companies.... The balancing of product lines on a daily basis………….................. .............. Delivering Process: Delivering Practices: Please indicate............ B..... to what extent have the following delivery practices We respond to our major customer’s needs quickly………......“What-if” analysis has been implemented for supply/demand balancing….................. Your company has the ability to respond to frequent changes in global market demand……………………………….......... Making Process: Manufacturing Practices: Please indicate to what extent the following manufacturing practices have been implemented in your company.................... We have a single point of contact for all order inquiries…… We have real time visibilities of order tracking…………….................................. Sourcing Process: Sourcing Practice: Please indicate to what extent the following sourcing practices have Long-term relationships with strategic suppliers………............... Performance indicators have been defined for your suppliers Frequent measurement of suppliers’ performance……….... The use of historical data in the development of forecasts…................................ Just-in-time delivery from suppliers……………….. Not plicable Ex tensively Well Poorly Never Implemented Ap Planning procedures and processes related to material and capacity The outcomes of planning procedures and processes related to materiDelivery times are extremely important for the department planning Material requirement methods are used by your departments planning Internal and external customers’ needs for material or capacity are met Delivery schedules and material requirement planning for external D......... Performance indicators have been defined for your department… The company use information system in their forecasting activities… The demand management process is driven by customer information Cross functional team help plan departmental activities such as proYour company frequently contacts retailers to get information about market demand..................... We deliver products to our major customer on a just-in-time baPerformance indicators are determined for distribution Our company always delivers orders within lead time……........ C....... The company use of information system in procurement process…………............. Our company use third party logistics for product delivery........ Reduction in the number of suppliers…………………............. We consolidate orders by customers. and . sources carriers. ........... Vendor managed inventory (VMI) at production sites.. Inventory Management: Inventory Management Practices: The following questions are designed to identify the Company-wide coordination and management of inventory………….......... Keeping a safety inventory as a consequence of sales variability……............... Just-in-time (JIT) delivery..... Regional distribution centers for product distribution……………….....… Innovation capability……………….............. ICT infrastructure: the following questions are designed to Performance measure the use of ICT including both hardware and software in your company....... Lowest inventory driven costs...…….... Section IV... Enablers & Challenges: the existing tools & technologies that support the business process and evaluation.... Resource & Capabilities: What is the extent the parameters are realized by your comFinancial resources………………………………………… Technical competency……………………………………… Leadership…………………………………….............. Lack of physical infrastructure…………... Electronic data interchange (EDI) capability………... Enterprise Resource Planning systems (ERP) system……… E-procurement system…………………………..................……………………… C................ Challenges & Obstacles: Participants will be asked to state what Lack of ICT infrastructure…………………................... Not Applicable We use automatic identification during the delivery process to track We maintain the capacities to respond to unplanned orders....... Forecast/demand-management software………………….. to what extent have the following product return pracWe have a set of specifications to verify the quality of returned prodWe have dedicated personnel.......…………… Experience…………………………………...... Transportation/warehouse management software………… B......…….. ............................ Returning Process: Returning Practices: Please indicate........ Automated warehouse management................................ Advanced planning and scheduling software………………............. Please rate the actual performance of each factor from your perceptions.... Joint inventory management by suppliers and manufacturer…………... equipment & facilities to process reWe have documentation describing our product return Our product return process is easy for our major customer to folWe have accurate forecasts of our product return We allocate resources for our product returns during the planning Our company managers have practiced reverse logisF.......……………… Research and development capability……………………............….... Bar coding/automatic identification system………………… Electronic mail system…………………………………........Applicable Not Few Challenge Challenge Never Challenge Fair GoodPoor Excellen A.............. Automated material handling system (hardware)…………........ E....... .................................................................................................. Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI).............................................................. Non systematic approach to measuring customer requirements………………………………………………………........................................ Difficult to establish relationships based on shared risks & rewards……………………………………………………… Lack of employee loyalty/motivation/empowerment………..................... Company Information: Please provide general information about your ot N Applicabl W ell Exte nsively Po orly ever Implemented N The following questions are designed to identify the use of best practices..................................500 501 ........... Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)....... Six Sigma...50 51................ Bar coding/automatic identification.......................... Forecasting and Replenishment …………........... Lean Production................................ Postponement........... Best Practices: Analysis of best practice implementation....................... Available to Promise (ATP)................................... A..... Check the approximate category of the overall value of your sales >50 to all of your customers .................. Outsourcing................................. Total Quality Management.........250 251 ............... Quality of skilled and cost effective workforce...........30 30 – 50 C..................................... To what extent the following best practices have been implemented in your company............ Benchmarking.......10 10 ........................... Difficulty to implement the models & handle for practical operations…………………………………………………… Management practices and organizational working culture The excising model specificity to the developed countries operating environment……………………………………… Section V................................ Carrier Agreements.................................. How many people are employed in your company business? People employed 0 .........................................................................A lack of willingness to share needed information.....20 20 .............................................1000 1001 ........................................................................ Collaborative Planning............... Cross-Docking............... Section VI..... Please the actual implementation of each best practice from your perceptions...........................................2000 >2000 B........................................................................ For how long your company participate in manufacturing? Number of years 0-5 5............................................... Co-located Procurement............ company................................... Supplier Performance Assessment System......... ... I would like to participate in further research...$ 5 billion > Birr 5 billion Comments: If you would like to provide some comments on the questionnaire or supply chain integration in general....9 APPENDIXES Overall Sales <Birr 5 mil Birr 5.. I am not interested in participating in additional interviews...... And please return the completed questionnaire as soon as possible via the enclosed postagepaid envelope.………………………………...... PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU HAVE ANSWERED ALL THE QUESTIONS.Birr 20 mil 20-50 mil Birr 50l00 mil Birr l00500 mil Birr 500 mil ... please use below. Date: ……………………………………………………………………………... Thank you very much! l46 ... Your opinion is valuable to us and we assure you keep all information confidential..…………………….l billion Birr l billion .... Please contact me by: e-mail (Optional):…………………………………………… ………….. Telephone: (Optional):…………………………. but would like to receive summary of the results of this study. Company name: ………………………………………………. Contact Address: ………………….... Interview language will be either English or Amharic (Ethiopian National Language) depending on the language fluency of the interview partner.pany? a. Introduction: The introduction explains the purpose of the study and the role of the respondents. l47 . The interviews centre around four core questions from which more detail questions will be derived depending on the applicability to the organization’s specific approach of supply chain process practices.3 Interview guide on supply chain modeling & improving the MIDC Background The interviews will be conducted during the course of the empirical part of this research following the guideline presents in this section. source. the aim is to assure the participants’ confidentiality and request permission to use a tape recorder. Outsourcing is used for most noncore processes. and Local Private)? ● For how long your company participates in manufacturing? ● Check the approximate category of the overall value of your sales to all of your customers ● What is your position within your organization? ● What are your responsibilities within your organization? ● What are the activities that your organization carries out? What kind of products do you manufactured? ● Where is the SC manager in the organizational chart? Has the position evolved overtime? Why? ● Which activities/areas fall under SCM? Have they evolved overtime? Why? ● What is the impact of internationalization of your company in the SCM? III.3 Interview guide on supply chain modeling & improving the MIDC 9. Questions put to interviewees will be taken from the following non-exhaustive list: I. There are four major focuses in the interview. make. international)? ● Where are your suppliers located? ● For managing the business Processes in our supply chain: a) Processes tend to be managed within discrete departments or functions. In addition. IJV. There is little inter-enterprise process management with supply chain partners. international)? ● Where are your products sold (Market: local customer. The interviews aim at gathering both qualitative and quantitative data on supply chain characteristics. d) End-to-end process management. deliver. Information is frequently shared with external partners. Supply chain configuration & Coordination ● Who are your customers (local. worldwide)? ● Who are your suppliers (local. coordination. c) Core processes are managed internally. i. General Company Information: ● What is the size of your organization? (How many employees do you have?) ● What is your organization type of ownership (Public. processes and technology through a semistructured approach. b) Processes are often company-wide and are managed at both the functional and cross-functional process levels.9. Core question l: What are current practices and characteristics of supply chain in your com. supply chain process. and collaboration with strategic partners is used for most processes. MNC. and return). performance measures best practices and enabling technologies based on the concepts of the SCOR model that consists of five supply chain processes (plan. II. There is little cross-functional or inter-enterprise process management. Alignment of business objectives and processes is done with each strategic partner.e. telephone) c. date…) ● Agreed requirements delivery (Packaging. time delivery…) ● A system of traceability order (via internet. Material not available) o Do you typically pick your material or you like the supplier/3PL provider to deliver them? ● How do you select suppliers? How do you assess your suppliers? o What are the procedures used to evaluate potential suppliers? (Forms used and main criteria)  Experience of suppliers  Reputation  Cost  Quality  Previously worked with supplier …etc o What are the typical problems associated with the evaluation process?  Time taken for the qualification process  Too many supplier to quantify . Poor communication with supplier. indicate which practiced with your various clients: ● We control the stock of our client in their company. o Is delivery lead time taken into account? ● What methods used to perform forecast sales for your company? o The qualitative (historical study market…) o Quantitative (mathematical methods. available resource. ● We carry out a joint plan demand. ● We Exchange information on stocks. Vague stated requirements. Fax not received. Collaboration: Of the various forms of collaboration stated below. Too many papers to fill out. ● Sending order confirmation. identification.9 148 APPENDIXES b. production and supply. ● Shipping order information with advance (reference. demographic information. Source Process: ● How to order input material? o What are the types of material that you usually buy from suppliers?  How do you place an order? Give an example? Is the process different for different type of material? (Visit the store. E-mail) o What types of problem faced in procurement process?  (Order Lost. Phone. Not a good definition of what is wanted. Plan Process: ● How is the production planning and control activities carried out? ● Forecasting requirements o What is sequence of forecasting process? o Do you have guidelines for forecasting? o What are the tools or the forms used to forecast needs?  Stock on hand. Fax. quantity. models…) o Quantitative software commercial o Do not do sales forecasts o Other methods ● Does the company use information system in the forecasting activities? ● Does your company frequently contact retailers to get information about market demand? d. order. distribution data. ● What is the loss per production line for stoppages due to stock outs (per hour)? o Are your suppliers responsible for this cost if the stoppage occurred because they did not deliver on time? ● What is sequence and description of manufacturing processes? ● What is your company production cycle time? ● How many numbers of manufacturing units does your company have? ● How can you describe the customer interference during the manufacturing process? ● Does your company use information systems in manufacturing process? f. Deliver Process: ● Estimated time of delivery of your company product? ● Are orders or deliveries plan/schedule/ in advance?  If applicable. Make Process: ● Which type of production strategy does the company follow? o Make-to-Stock: Standard parts are produced and stocked before a customer order is received o Make-to-Order: Standard parts are not produced until a customer order is received o Configure-To-Order: Subassemblies are first produced and stored and then assembled based on customer order o Engineer-to-Order: Designed and produced based on customer order. are orders placed by each store manager. or they made from headquarter? ● Can the delivery time be reduced to reach more optimal time? ● Identify the importance level of delivery process (critical factor to production process. traditional/ partnership/ collaborative)? ● Are suppliers involved in the design and development processes? ● What are the challenges dealing with international suppliers? ● Do suppliers have access to raw material inventory? o When procurement process occurs (before or after customer order)? ● Identity the level of variety and whether there is high risk to keep huge volume of particular material? e.important but is not critical to production process low priority)? ● Does the company used third party logistics or have its own logistics system? ● How can you rate your company reliability of used logistics system? ● What are the number of distributors involved and its locations? ● Do distributors have access to finished product inventory? ● How your company is uses information. Return Process: ● Do companies have mechanism or processes associated with returning or receiving returned products for any reason? ● If and when would you pick up that defect components have been delivered? ● How do you handle returns to suppliers? . manual system) ● Does your company follow just in time material delivery? ● Do you stock goods? Internationally? Regionally? Locally? g.● How would you describe your relationships with your suppliers (e.g. system to handle distributor orders (automated system. ● How do you handle defects (if any)? Are suppliers penalized? If so. how are they penalized? ● What is the rate of returned materials (error rate)? . Core question 3: What types of best practices are available currently in developing countries manufacturing industry supply chain? ● What types of best practices have implemented or practiced in manufacturing industries? Example: Outsourcing. quality of the first.h. Activity based Costing Economic Value Analysis. Available to Promise (ATP).  What types of performance measures/indicators are used to asses’ company activity? (customer complaints. Colocated Procurement ● What barriers encountered for in the process of implementing best practices? ● Of the techniques presented below with respect to the best practices.Core question 2: What type of performance measurement system (PMS) and key performance indicators are available currently in developing countries manufacturing industry supply chain? ● What sort of performance measurement system does your company use to evaluate suppliers and customers? Balanced score card (BSC). Theory of Constraints (TOC).etc ● Does the presence of a performance measurement differ by country? ● Does the presence of a performance measurement differ by level of the country’s economic level? ● Does the presence of a performance measurement differ by end market? ● For managing the Performance of our supply chain: a) Supply chain performance is measured predominantly at functional / departmental level. Just in time. barriers and challenges . monitored. Customer loyalty. customer satisfaction surveys. Core question 4: Enablers. how do you measure them? V. inventory turnover. delivery. Total Quality Management. Inventory Management practices: ●Do you have guidelines for stock and inventory management? ● What types of inventory records are maintained in the store? ●Are periodic reports generated? If yes. b) Supply chain performance is measured predominantly at the company. Benchmarking. process.. errors & shipping damages. MRP I/MRP II. d) Supply chain performance metrics are jointly defined.Logistics Scoreboard. stock levels. SCOR model . and diagnostic levels. …)  What type of scale used and frequency of evaluation for performance evaluation?  What type of action undertaken?  Who initiate and when was the performance measurement have started?  Do you have defined key performance indicators? If yes. which are indicated implemented in production process: VI.. c) Supply chain performance metrics are defined internally and there is joint performance monitoring and correction with external partners. cost reduction. time delivery. provide example. and corrected with external partners. Where is the report sent? Frequency? ● Is a physical count undertaken? In what frequency? ● How do you manage discrepancies? ● What are the key constraints for stock and inventory management? ● How would you improve the stock management process? IV. production . to facilitate the following business activities? o Collaborate with business partners in the design of new products o Collaborate with business partners to forecast product demand o Manage capacity or inventories o Exchange documents electronically with your suppliers o Purchase MRO (manufacturing. Not use and program) ● Do you use a computer system communication between suppliers and customers. like for example the Internet or an extranet. internet. intranet.. by what system is it done? ● Do you share information. apart from orders. repair and operating) goods o Purchase direct production goods o Sell goods domestically o Sell goods internationally o Manage Customer Relationships o Manage Supplier Relationships o Logistics Management ● What kind of software / IT tools are used? ● Do you use computer applications management in any department or processes? (Sales planning. transport management. enterprise resource planning management (ERP). including its network of agents supply? (Estimate joint plans demand.) ● How do you share data (demand and work flow data) with suppliers in the supply chain? b) Challenges & Barriers: Which of the following does your company view as barriers in implementing a performance measurement system? ● Physical infrastructure ● Lack of skilled staff & professional knowledge ● Information and communication technologies ● Lack of shared technical standards ● Business messaging or transaction processing ● Initial cost is too high ● Time constraints ● Readiness of business partners ● Lack of support from upper management ● Lack of proven business benefits ● Lack of direct customer contact ● Other. supplier management inventory system. warehouse management. materials and capacity... Planning of production.a) Enablers: Do you use enablers for successful functioning of your company supply chain? ● Does the company use online technologies other than email.? ● What data capture system use in your business? ● Is there traceability of products along the supply chain? If there is some kind of traceability.. please specify . such EDI. 4 Large and medium scale manufacturing in Ethiopia (ECSA. 29 2.22 4 MANUFACTURE OF FABRICATED METAL PRODUCTS.06 8 MANUFACTURE OF CHEMICAL AND CHEMICAL PRODUCTS 53 4. EXCEPT FUR APPAREL 31 2. PAPER PRODUCTS AND PRINTING 87 6.E.C. EXCEPT MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT 106 8. N. 13 1.9. N.99 6 TANNING AND DRESSING OF LEATHER: MANUFACTURE OF FOOTWEAR.E.52 5 MANUFACTURE OF PAPER. AND HAND BAG 63 5. 2006) NO.38 10 MANUFACTURE OF WEARING APPAREL.45 13 MANUFACTURE OF MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT. EXCEPT FURNITURE.C. 202 16.49 11 MANUFACTURE OF WOOD AND PRODUCTS OF WOOD CORK.33 12 MANUFACTURE OF BASIC IRON AND STEEL 18 1.8 2 MANUFACTURE OF FURNITURE: MANUFACTURING. TRAILERS AND SEMITRAILERS 11 0. INDUSTRIAL GROUP QUANTITY.06 7 MANUFACTURE OF RUBBER AND PLASTIC PRODUCTS 63 5.05 14 MANUFACTURE OF MOTOR VEHICLES.26 9 MANUFACTUREOF TEXTILES 42 3. LUGGAGE.24 3 MANUFACTURE OF OTHER NON-METALLIC MINERAL PROD- 152 12.08 1.88 15 MANUFACTUREOF TOBACCO PRODUCTS 1 0.244 100 UCTS TOTAL AND . % IN NUMBER 1 MANUFACTURE OF FOOD PRODUCTS AND BEVERAGE 373 29. 5 The level 1 metrics used by SCOR 9. Deliver.5 The level 1 metrics used by SCOR Definition ofmetrics Supplycha inrealiabili ty Perfect orderfulfilment The percentage of orders meeting delivery performance with complete and accurate documentation and no delivery damage Responsiv eness Order fulfilment lead times Agility Upside Supply Chain Flexibility The average actual cycle time consistently achieved to fulfill customer orders. Source. this cycle time starts from the order receipt and ends with customer acceptance of the order The number of days required to achieve an unplanned sustainable 20% increase in quantities delivered Upside Supply Chain Adaptability The maximum sustainable percentage increase in quantity delivered that can be achieved in 30 days Downside Supply Chain Adaptability The reduction in quantities ordered sustainable at 30 days prior to delivery with no inventory or cost penalties Cost of goods s old The cost associated with buying raw materials and producing finished goods Total Supply ch ain management costs Cash-tocash cycle time The sum of the costs associated with the SCOR Level 2 processes to Plan.9. For each individual order. and Return The time it takes for an investment made to flow back into a company after it has been spent for raw materials Return on Supply Chain Fixed Assets Return on Supply Chain Fixed Assets measures the return an organization receives on its invested capital in supply chain fixed assets Return on working capital is a measurement which assesses the magnitude of investment relative to a company’s working capital position verses the revenue generated from a supply chain Internal-facing Customer-facing Performance att Level 1 metric ribute Costs Asset Management Return on Working Capital 153 . 6Profile of interviewed company No. Types of Industry Type of Product Number of employee Market Target Position of interviewee 1 Chemical Liquor drink 580 2 School uniform Chip wood 1300 Techniques & production manager Task force chief 140 Local 4 Garment& Textile Wood/Fores try Textile Localwithlitt leexport Export Textile 800 Local 5 Beverages Soft drinks 300 Local 6 Beverages Beer 100 7 Leathertann ery Leather tannery Food Hides&skins 500 Goat skins 214 Localwith little export Export &local Export Techniques & production manager Planning & marketing manager Supply& procurement manager Production manager Children foods Garment 300 3 8 9 10 11 12 Garment (leather) Chemical Non metallic General manager General manager Director general 250 Export &local Local Plastics 120 Local Sanitary house items & 500 hold Local Deputy general manager Planning & marketing manager General manager .9.6 Profile of interviewed company 9. -Ing. PhD Student Prof. Klaus-Dieter Thoben.7 Invitaion letter for the questionnaire survey 9. Dr. Supervisor .9.7 Invitaion letter for the questionnaire survey Fasika Bete Georgise. 6 Profile of interviewed company 9. Dr.9. Supervisor . Klaus-Dieter Thoben.8 Invitation letter for semi-structured interview Fasika Bete Georgise. PhD Student 156 Prof.-Ing.
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