Supreme 13

March 26, 2018 | Author: Nevets Nonnac | Category: Dream, Greek Mythology, Hip Hop, Mythology, Electromagnetic Radiation



THE KNOWLEDGE OF SELF & SUPREME 13BY BRO. NORVIN H. BEY ISRA-EL WWW.SUPREME13.COM TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE & INTRODUCTION (IMAGE-KNIGHTS/ST MAURICE) CHAPTER I – RITES OF PASSAGE: INITIATION A. Who Are You?- B. Heroes (Heroines) Journey C. Pyramid School CHAPTER II – ANCIENT HISTORY: PAST AND FUTURE A. Creation Myths & Science B. Ethiopia & Atlantis C. Egypt & Greece CHAPTER III - SYMBOL & SYMBOLIC: SENSIBLE IMAGE A. Alphabets & Language B. Kaballa & Numbers C. Colors & Chakras CHAPTER IV - ROOTS OF FREEMASONRY: MOORISH SPAIN A. Ancient Free Masons B. Ancient Egyptian Shriners C. Knights Templar CHAPTER V - BIRTH OF THE FRATERNITIES: TWENTY FOUR SCIENTIST A. Alpha Phi Alpha: Sphinx-Lion of Judah 2. Osiris, Apollo & Hercules B. Kappa Alpha Psi: Scroll & Staff of Moses 2. Thoth & Mercury C. Phi Beta Sigma: Crescent Moon Light 2. Horas Ptah & Zeus D. Omega Psi Phi: Genii of the Lamp 2. Anubis & the Dog Star E. Iota Phi Theta: Centaur-Centurion 2. Min-Aphis & Ephrim CHAPTER VI -THE SPIRITUAL SISTERHOOD: OES & SOROITIES A. Order of Eastern Stars (OES): 1. Five Heroines 2. Hathor & Esther B. Alpha Kappa Alpha: 1. Mother Nature Demeter 2. Nephytiti & Martha C. Delta Sigma Theta: 1.Pyramid & Queen of Sheba 2. Isis & Electra D. Zeta Phi Beta: 1. Arch Angel &the Key of Life-Ankh 2. Sekmet & Hera E. Sigma Gamma Rho: 1.Aurora Light Aura 2. Maat/Persephone CHAPTER VII – UNIVERSAL SOCIETY SUPREME 13: TRUE NEW WORLD ORDER A. Pyramid Initiation B. Order of Melchizedek C. Pyramid Technology CONCLUSION APPENDIX: ALPHABETS & HIEROGLYPHICS PREFACE The world today is falling apart. Wall St. on a down swing roller coaster ride, over charged gas prices, even though America is being told they are winning a war in an oil rich country over seas. War and rumors of war, disease and bad food, deteriorating health care, unpredictable weather and a failing education system. What’s new? What is new is that African-Americans and America in general are waking up fast and the world is watching and waiting. 1985 marked the end of the four-hundred and thirty years (430 yrs) of slavery that started in 1555. In 1555 slavery was established after the “Golden Age Moorish Spain” that fell to the Catholic Inquisition. The so-called Negro was fooled, bamboozled, chained, shackled, arrested and rocked to sleep for over four hundred years. Many so-called Negroes were taken from Moorish Spain and Africa, but many more were enslaved right here in their own backyard, America. Many Negroes –the Original People were already here in America as the Mound Builders of the Mississippi River civilization, living peacefully with their family Native Americans (so-called Latinos also). The so-called Negro was brainwashed, lied to, and told they came from elsewhere, and then were separated from their Native American family. It was one Nation of Peace and harmony. The original people were separated by hair texture and complexion (Willie Lynched). The kinky haired people went to the slave blocks then to the plantations, and the straight haired people were pushed further west then eventually put on reservations. All a socalled African-American has to do is ask their grand parents about their Native American roots. 1985 prophecy was fulfilled from the Bible (Genesis 15:13 and Exodus 12:40). America and the world watched the peace and love of the Original People. in the early 1980’s only Frats & Sorors “Stepped” as a ritual based on Native American (Cherokee & Hopi) & African ceremonial (Dogon) traditions. The Nation of Peace was reawaken. &Reggea.O. the Original People of America. Earth.W. Reggea. and the Million Youth March. The main American founders of Hip-Hop culture were the Hispanic-Break dancers. violence.” The “fear factor” began to creep in the minds of the people. Then “the Dark Ages” changed gears with 911. etc. Egyptologist. In 1996. Australians. These times were the “the Golden Age” of America. Hurricane Katrina.” into the nineties with MC Hammer & Janet Jackson’s “Rhythm Nation. the world watched the Million Man March. The people were awakened with the mind set of “Do for Self” mentality and don’t rely on the big corporate slave masters at the end of the 430 year slavery bid. West Indian DJ’S.shout down. Asians. Africans. as Bob Marley said “Roots. Black People began calling them selves African-Americans. followed by the Million Women March. Stomping. and anti-lies. Music and knowledge of self is the true healing of the nation. the war. Also in 1985 Frats & Sorors reemerged through “Stepping. Europeans. nor AntiWhite.In 1985. and African-American rappers. Wind and Fire. Caucasian-Americans.” that continued to grow in popularity with the Spike Lee movie “School Days. The new youth movement shouted out in a loud voice called “Rap and Reggae music.E. the socalled Negro people of the United States.” just pro truth. Another landmark in 1985 was the “People Organized Working for Economic Rebirth” (P.R. HHC. Fear and . If you notice most of the awaking was done through music: EWF. Egypt. Back then.” right up to now in our modern times 2008-“Stomp the Yard etc.) convention at Madison Square Garden New York City. Rap (Rock).” Stevie Wonder helped to make a National Holiday for Martin Luther King when banks closed down for a day. fiasco). drugs and an abundance of experimental sex (that led nowhere except self gratification). Then came the “Dark Ages” ruled by fear of the year nineteen ninety-nine “computer crash. The Hip-Hop culture was and still is not pro “Black. and/or Hopping. Ethiopia and Native American Indian culture combined was and is the Moorish history. The socalled African-Americans and many other nationalities came together in unity. Bob Marley and the Wailers music groups exposed the world to Ancient Egyptian and Ethiopian culture. The youth of every nation was effected by the Hip-Hop culture. This was a concept that is still unrealized until now (with the Wall St.” and set up the Hip-Hop Culture. and/or Africa (the continent).. The “Old World Order” (misinterpreted as NWO) as the “Big Brother watching” (from the book “1984”) is greedy. This statement has been shown and proven by actual facts for centuries by scholars from all over the planet by scientist. Stop calling an old way of slavery teachings that watches your every move “New.. Egyptologist. The tragedy of “Hurricane Katrina” proved that to be far more than true. We have entertainers. farms for food. love and happiness dominate. Whether in Asia. anthropologist. Indians and Hispanics) have been the parents of civilization. The Original People were created from three level of existence. etc. factories to make clothing (and other necessities).” Ethiopia means the “burnt face people. lustful and continues to lie to the common people. second is the mental which is the brain circuits of left and right mind dynamics. When we say “Afri-ka” we don’t necessarily mean the continent but the “black soil of the ground. archeologist. the Kingdom of God and his righteousness then all things will be added.” If you are righteous.” from which the original people were made from physically (dark brown olive hue to fair skin complexion). . which is biological. America. athletes. vocation training for males and females are needed badly. not a baby sitter. Are we bigger slaves today then we were yesterday? Righteous Americans are the true “New World Order” (UNO) when peace. and the third is the physical. gods & goddesses of mythology. Government is supposed to be a support team. the Original People (so-called Negroes. They know that better schools for the youth. First is the spiritual which is ethereal electro-magnetic vortex energy.” (Mathew 6:33). Now let’s concentrate on the good news towards a possible solution. but in physics Ethiopia means the Ethereal Beings. They throw a couple of crumbs from the “masters corporate” table at a starving people and think they are making progress which is like putting a Band-Aid on a broken leg. INTRODUCTION The Original People of the planet Earth were the first civilizers of the seven continents and the seven seas. Angels of the Bible. The whole planet earth was the home of the Original People.apathy took over the originally righteous Golden Age of the “Hip-Hop movement.” Sound familiar? Many people are having a good time at the expense of the unfortunate during these dark times. then what are you hiding from anyway? Jesus said “. professionals and mega church’s making millions of dollars that came from the “Ghetto” that could be the solution. According to ancient records these people were called the “Ethiopians. third or last). Australia.Seek you first (not second. made from the dark brown or black melanin described in the Bible as the “soil” of the ground (Genesis 2:7) called “Afri” in Hebrew (as in Afrikan or Afri-ka). We do not need to beg the government that is falling apart everyday to take care of the daily needs of the people. ” Chapter I of the book is about the Rite of Passage which represents a path or a way of life in a modern day and time that developed from the ancient “Rites of Passage. Run DMC. The Biblical tribes were based on these ancient teachings. for each child born under the heavens on the planet earth. and America (Native Americans & Olmecs). Some old sayings are “Iron is forged in heat”. is an example of “Finding your bliss. Dre. The Bible says “Spare the rod. pay bills and help other people? A basketball player or sports athlete.” “Rites of Passage” is an experience that all people go through in life in one form or fashion. singer. Brand Nubian. Tu. in which you can enjoy making money based on your God given talent. Nas. Wu-Tang. etc. LL Cool J. OES. The Five Percenters also known as the “Nation of God and Earth influenced many of the “Old School Rappers” of Hip-Hop such as Rakim. Each child growing into adulthood has their talent (skill) or “bliss” in life to follow. hopefully enjoys their talent-skill while making money. If you enjoy the process of making money then you will enjoy spending it towards something constructive that much better.Initiation “Rites of Passage” originated as part of civilized life at the same time as part of the human development. and “Steel sharpens steel. Most people like to go through something challenging to represent the modern “Rite of Passage. you probably received many more ‘spanks” by parents as an “initiation. The average person doesn’t like the process to make money but enjoys spending the money (as we all do) after payday. Growing up there after.Pac. This process is called “finding your bliss or talent”. Rites of Passage represents the common person (uninitiated or everyday rite of passage) who was born on a particular day under a specific star sign in the sky (constellations) as was Jesus born under a specific star that the wise men looked for in the East. that did not get involve in the stated above activities probably had their first “Rite of Passage” by becoming a Five Percenter (NGE) whom heavily influenced the origins of the Hip-Hop movement.” like in the ancient days of Africa (Egypt & Ethiopia). KRS1. teacher. after receiving a spank on the leg by the doctor to make you breath. spoil the child. Most people’s unofficial “Rite of Passage” started when they entered into this world by birth.” The . Frats. Ice Cube. Sorors and even righteous Gang members are the most visible “Rites of Passage” initiation organizations. Know thy self. PE. What is your skill that you would enjoy doing daily to make money to survive. Biggie.” (or as discipline). Many youth growing up in the ghetto on the East coast particularly NYC. Ice T. Dr.” The Masons. Ancient writings of the Bible have a more symbolic and scientific meaning by knowing the original Hebrew and Ethiopian Amharic. the Olmecs and Greece as a priesthood of scientist and construction builders. The roots of fraternities stems from the more ancient roots of Freemasons and Knighthoods. Thus. Color. The Frats symbolism directly relates to ancient Egypt and Greek. which was instituted to spark the spiritual. Symbols are an unconscious impact on the mind that may not be initially known psychologically. Evidence shows that Ethiopia was directly related to this advanced civilization of Atlantis (America) that established the other high civilizations of Egypt.” Chapter V is about the Birth of Fraternities. Freemasonry was birthed from the ancient civilizations of Ethiopia. Egypt. Spain. The group or European became known as the “Knights Templar. The descendents of the ancient priesthood scientist was the Moors of Morocco. Sumeria. chakras. What was going on in the West-North. fraternities and sororities had its origins in the need to gradually initiate the child from youth. The earlier chapters show and prove that Egypt and Greek were not Caucasian establishments but were set-up by “the Original People” known as Africans. to adulthood. . to teenager. Prior to the great flood of the Bible and the evidence of a global warming melt down (flood). Eastward is Africa. Sumeria. which is what it was also used in ancient times. Egypt. the “Garden of Eden” was known as Atlantis. is Ethiopia. Frats are on a more mental and physical level during a student journey in college life. and Arabia who spread the tenants of civilization throughout the world that became known as the Shriners in the modern world. just as it is still used today. rape and murder in the name of religion fanaticism. Central and South America? Did Atlantis really sink or were Americans rocked to sleep to think so? Chapter III is about symbols and symbolism which is a way to convey the science of civilization through numbers. Chapter II is about The Ancient history of creation myths and how mythology relates to science and the periodic table elements.beginnings of the “Rites of Passage” of ancient societies to the modern initiations of freemasonry. Chapter IV is about the origins and roots of Freemasonry which is probably the most known of initiation secret societies in the world. and electricity relates to the mind and body which will be discussed later. and color. The Greek alphabet is used in modern times to help convey scientific equations. The Pyramids were built and used for initiations. the different degrees and levels of initiation were conveyed inside the pyramids and mounds. The Bible says that man (male & female) was placed eastward of the garden. The oldest civilization. according to archaeology and scientist. When the Moors were in decline during the “Medievel Age Inquisition” of robbery. the ancient teachings was passed on from an Ethiopian knighthood to a particular group of Caucasian Europeans that were willing to learn. eventually to parenthood and become part of the whole community. alphabets. mental and physical skills from within the person from an apprentice stage setting one on their journey to master their skills. India and Greece. A major part of this induction was also the need to give skills to the youth through the rites of passage towards adulthood. then played on sports team. and other loved ones who may have a part in the baby's life are recognized before all.” Matthew 6:33. parents. CHAPTER I – RITES OF PASSAGE: ORIGIN OF INITIATION A. called Rites of Passage. boy scouts. third or last) the Kingdom of God and his righteousness. Heroes (Heroines) Journey C. and about your right to say yes and no when it comes to your body. joined a gang. All of the above were some form of Rites of Passage Initiation. Rite of Passage began when you first went to kindergarten (K-12). mark significant periods in life. so Rites of Passage provide a further link with the Earth and the Cosmos. Another term for this rite is baby-blessing. so do the stages of life. health. death. or joined a church (baptism etc. These are rituals of honoring and empowerment. and may involve an initiatory ordeal and the giving of a new name. the Coming of Age ceremony celebrates the onset of puberty in one's body and mind. the history of the origins of Sisterhoods stems from the Female priesthoods of the goddesses of Egypt and Greece that spread throughout the ancient world. Birth Rites When a child is born it is a remarkable event. Who Are You? . The inner and outer worlds mirror each other. peer pressure. and rebirth. and personal transformations. with spiritual gifts and blessings for long life. Coming of Age. siblings. it is a miracle. martial arts. girl scouts. Pyramid Initiation Rites of Passage Rituals of transition and life changes. At this time those who will nurture the child are identified: Godfathers. movement between life-stages.). Normally held between the ages of I I and 13. Goddess mothers. went to jail (got the third degree by the police). when a child who is loved by many and nurtured by a whole community is born. From this point begins the exploration of our new and c h a n g i n g b o d i e s . Just as the seasons pass in order. played in a school band or local band. Rites of Passage include coming of age. and what must be done. We pass the new baby around the Circle. When we gather to name and honor a new baby. Chapter VII Universal Society-Supreme 13 is about the real New World Order-The AfricanAmericans that should be aware. What is the plan in the Bible? Jesus said “Seek ye first (not second. we honor life itself. elderhood. marriage or handfasting. pregnancy and birth. you plan to fail.Chapter VI The Spiritual Sisterhood is about the Sisterhoods from the Order of Eastern Stars Female Freemasonry branch) to the College Sororities. handpartings. knows and understands the times in which we live. They are a public acknowledgment and recognition of growth. like and dislikes. and all things should be added. . tried out for cheer leaders (females). Y o u m u s t l e a r n y o u r o w n boundaries.B. Old if you fail to plan. As in Chapter Five. Usually this rite is performed by adult member of the child's own gender. and happiness. a time for giving gifts. with as much joy and passion as possible! And if they should someday decide to part. Beloveds gather to say goodbye. This is a farewell party where we share treasured memories and stories. another symbol may be gifted to them in recognition of their value. we acknowledge and honor our elder folk for their wisdom. One of which we are proud to be a part. Parenthood Although birth rites are centered on the baby. and of saying "We're here if you need us—you don't have to raise this kid alone!" It takes a village to raise a child. It is a time to let go and move on. the seasons of our lives. skills. This ceremony heralds the beginning of the journey into adulthood. At this rite. 2004. responsibilities. It is a time for honoring the mother and father whose life journey has brought them to this place. planets. and speak with greatest authority in councils. galaxies. because fun. a ceremony of handparting will allow them to do so with honor and goodwill. Some symbol is gifted to the new adult and s/he is honored by all—often with a new spiritual name. stars. and a new journey. we remember them with a gathering called a wake. a party. Often it's they who settle disputes. the Spirit leading ever forward. This is a celebration. but also one filled with hope and joy. in which a few chosen speakers may deliver a eulogy ("good words") speaking of the impact of the departed person's life on theirs. adding adult attitudes. abilities. a joining of two independent beings because they are more together than they are apart. After death. bless babies. A time of death is a sad time. or whatever they have gained from their years on Earth. Handfastings are made "for as long as love shall last" because even though a couple may stay together for the rest of their lives. depending on the individual and local laws concerning legal maturity. and a rebirth into the community of adult men and women. and on the world. Franklin Lakes N. and universes. The rite usually involves a sacred/special place.Adulthood This rite can occur anytime between the ages of 10 and 2 1. Elderhood (Wise Sages) Elders. so we also will be reborn and continue. all turn in the great Circle of Life. We bless the new parents with a baby shower and a circle of love and support. A funeral may follow. one within the other. and growth are among the greatest of treasures! (Grimoir for the Apprentice by Oberon Zell-Ravenheart. Handfasting (Marriage) Choosing to live with a mate or partner of opposite gender is a commitment to that person. The moments of a day. and to send the spirit out through the Circle. New Page Books. Death/Rebirth Near or at the time of death. like children. and just as the seasons turn. This rite sends them off on a joint adventure. Perhaps we may even have inherited a guardian angel in our lives. continues. they also may not. are priceless treasures of our community. our lives themselves. generations. parenthood is marked by a ceremony for the new parents. adventure.J. This is a time of peace and a time of rest. we give comfort and compassion in a Rite of Passing. towards a new birth. The Great Cycle.) . for Death is part of Life. knowledge. pg 170. After the age of 50 or so. and both choices are honorable. and maturity to our best youthful attributes. Most people begin their spiritual journey exploring and navigating the world’s great religions which are beliefs. approximately 85% of the people will abandon the search and substitute most of their time for television. and inordinate sex to compensate these unanswered questions. and an ordeal must be endured and passed. People will go through a revolving door of churches.solids liquids. brought to the gate. They are usually and easily led in the wrong direction. and challenged ominously. Upon waking up. They lose focus and the enthusiasm to know their origin in the world and after a while don’t care. or a vision of the future?” Morpheus said in the movie “Matrix” how could tell the real world from the dream world. or ordination as a priest or priestess of an order or tradition. sound. Passwords are required. Initiations may include welcoming of new members to the community. and gases. a dream. smell. Greek-Letter rituals. as well as passage into each successive grade or degree. What is the right direction? The right direction is learning about the higher and lower self or generally getting "knowledge of self. hard to be led in the right direction. WHO ARE YOU? The question of “who are you?” (or if you ask yourself "Who am I?). On a mental (scientific) level there are protons. as well as those of the Masons. The dreams or visions seem so real to the point of affecting the five (5) senses: sight. and jobs searching for answers. or wake up suddenly and feel like you were dropped in the bed. you have positive. negative and neutral forces. could be an eternal life long journey. schools. They soon become slaves to mental death and power (through the media and common gossip). and taste. do you remember what you dreamt about in the mourning? We tend to only remember the extreme dreams such as nightmares or sexual fantasies (wet dreams) that seem so real. institutes. fast-food mania drugs. neutrons and electrons. First entry into the Circle. start or continue to eat bad food and poisoned animal meat. and other secret societies (all of which were similarly structured) consisted mostly of Initiations. dedications to a path or course of study. Many people study the theories of atheistic science only to find that many ideas are based on assumptions. The mental level is the neutral bridge between the higher and lower self. often stripped and bound. entertainment. you ask yourself. On the spiritual level." What does you inner self (sub-conscious mind) tell you? Every night when you go to sleep. “was this real. Often such Initiations are elaborated in the form of dramatic Mysteries. . The ancients say that the Supreme Being created and made himself within a triple stage of darkness. At times you may wake up in a cold sweat or not able to move. The physical plane deals with three phases of energy. was/is conducted in the form of an Initiation. of which no more will be said here. touch. mental and physical level. At a crucial point of dissatisfaction. Then there are a few others that will consider the philosophies of learned men or scholars that have many opinions. Have you ever spent time seeking the answers to this question? This question can be answered on multiple levels. The question can be answered on the spiritual. A. in which the initiate is blindfolded. but only experienced. as these cannot be described. Rosicrucians.Initiations/Mysteries From ancients times through the Medieval Ages into modern times of the 1920s and 80s. They become citizens of two worlds. One truly penetrates into knowledge through comprehension." "Know thyself" is more imperative today than ever before. Now what is behind the door. as each individual will always be attracted to that which he is capable of understanding.Some times you may see yourself in the dream. and what is right for him at the moment. and God's laws to temporal ends. Insight into true knowledge evolves slowly. He must realize that he is wise who molds himself into the Divine Plan. and. by Manly Hall) Now one is not any "better" than the other. use the visible only as a means of knowing the invisible. in fact. and all that remains is for him to enter the door and use his lamp of light to further guide him in his comprehension of the universe and of himself. The only drawback is that they are usually not aware of it in their outer consciousness. brave all in their efforts to chart and map the great vistas of eternity. The power of the true mystic begins with reading."' Yet. and one cannot follow any better advice than heeding that given by Manly Hall when he states: "Man must cease his efforts to mold the universe according to his own desires. We learn that the multiplicity of nature may be studied in order that the student can become aware of the underlying unity behind the diversity of nature. Only those who have gradually learned the subtle laws of the invisible nature are permitted to pass beyond the veil. These daring ones are rewarded for their efforts by being accepted into the Invisible.” They discussed universal . And the invisible is the true reality. he must arise and accept the higher truths of life. and meditation. examination. because the modern-day world is far more complex in this age of anxiety that we live in today. many on the earth plane are passing through that doorway daily. But true esoteric students. surprisingly enough. discuss the origins of rituals and initiation. Yet eventually. and how does it affect one who has entered it? The noted contemporary philosopher Manly P. and are known as the Initiates and the Masters. meditating. B. the Teachers of many esoteric schools state that it is not nearly as complicated as it might seem. a microcosm of the macrocosm so to speak. (THE SECRET TE ACHING OF ALL AGES. HEROES (or HEROINES) JOURNEY A documentary called the “Power of Myth” by Joseph Campbell. in this lifetime or the next. But as man studies himself he finds that he is a miniature of the universe. Hall explains it in this fashion: "This invisible world is explored only by a few hardy travelers who. One part of the series discussion they talk about “The Heroes (and Heroines) Journey. hosted and interviewed by Bill Moyers. per se. and contemplating. learning. It is important for the student of the Mysteries to learn to be patient. What kind of experience or mystery is that? The ancient scientist has always taught the philosophy "KNOW THY SELF. striking out from the human race. ” Bar and Bet mean Son and daughter. finds source of life mission. Throughout history. Some of these stories became myth based on actual history. were you have to put on a new you instantly such as a uniform..God said to them (Adam-Male & Female).” This relationship became the Madonna and Child motif. The journey begins as a child development then towards teenage years. with the potential to guide and inspire generation after generation those who see and hear them. from a teen to adulthood. and try to understand the deeper meanings that underlie daily life.” eventual find a mate of opposite sex for marriage.concepts regarding ritual. This nine month pregnancy is thousands of years of evolution in nine months by the real heroes. and taking responsibility towards adulthood. to explore ways of dealing with life’s problems and adventures. the same concepts apply of developing from a child to a teen. In the Judaic way of life. A child as he or she develops must begin to die or sacrifice (mentally) the infantile way of thinking towards a more mature way of thinking from dependency to responsibility.” and the “Hero child (son). the commandments. then goes to a more mature condition.” it states that all life inside of a mothers womb starts off as sperm and egg. In Africa.” and the Jedi Knights training and heroic adventures. In the Asian world. In Judaism and many foreign countries they have “Match making. then have your own children and parenthood. a youth was identified for good character then chosen to go to the Shoalin Temple (Kung Fu movie-David Carrdine). ceremonies and initiation. evolves to an air breathing mammal in a span of nine months. . The definition given for a “Hero” was that a hero is one who gives or sacrifices his life for a bigger cause then him or herself for the whole of the community or nation. to save a people and/or save an idea. be fruitful and multiply. Asian martial arts or Shoalin Temple and among the Native Americans Sweat Lodge (process). The military form of rite of passage starts off at boot camp and evolves to deployment. Genesis 1:28 says “…. In a book called “Myth of the Birth of the Hero (written by H.” Match making means is to first get “Knowledge of Self. Another form of rites of passage is the initiate that is thrown into the ritual like the Draft of the Military. Rank). very similar to the modern mythology of the movie “Star Wars Trilogy. the Rite of Passage process is a called “Bar Mitzvah (male) and Bet Mitzvah (female). and replenish the Earth” The Hero starts off in one condition. humans have told each other stories to share their experiences of the world. “Mitzvah” means commitment to Bible. “the Mother-Heroine. becomes a watery creature in fluid with gills (like fish). . wars. the Greek. pressing presentday problems absorbed our attention. AfricanEgyptian. (Ibid) Ancient myths no longer seem relevant for many people in this culture. 1997." wrote Joseph Campbell in The Hero with a Thousand Faces. . to supply the symbols that carry the human spirit forward. Here was a culture that needed new stories to inspire and instruct it—stories that would speak to modern concerns and at the same time offer some timeless wisdom. the workings of nature. it identifies the "bad guys"—who often turn out to be within us. the story rooted within a particular culture combined with the timeless tale for all humankind—is another exciting aspect of myth. in counteraction to those other constant human fantasies that tend to tie it back. Certainly this mixture of elements—the universal in conjunction with the specific. space and place. and their jealousies. Roman. We studied.Many of us had our first contact with mythological stories in school. heroes and heroines. "It has always been the prime function of mythology."' A myth shows us what we're up against. Norse. and Wall St. The sense of a deep and lasting truth that such myths offer is part of their magic. with more or less enthusiasm. loves. The economy is on the downswing.” which had symbolized the American spirit of discovery and adventure when President Ronald Reagan announced it in the early 1980s. Perhaps this contradiction is possible because at heart. & gas crisis has instilled a profound disillusionment with government in the minds of many Americans. and misadventures of a wide range of gods and goddesses. pg 6. or Asian myths about the creation of the world. ". have described the human experience with such universality that they have become lasting myths. the Cold War continues. is part of the myth's magic too: it offers hope. the recent Middle East conflict continues has left no clear victor and many troubling issues in its wake. finally. (Star Wars: The Magic of Myth by Mary Henderson. there were elements of plot. These stories arose as ancient peoples struggled to answer the most fundamental questions about their humanity. the part of ourselves that would hold us back—and it helps us find a way to defeat them. such as why are we here? How can we live up to our highest potential? Is there a force that exists within us and beyond us that we may call God? What is our relationship to this God. . It captures the spirit and concerns of the particular time. character types that remain basically the same. and hope itself seems in short supply. Bantam Books) But a myth does not exist in a vacuum. we are all asking the same questions. And that. and how can this relationship guide us on life's journey? In attempting to address these bigger issues. certain stories. Even the space program “Star Wars. had stalled. “School Days” as a leader of a college fraternity. George Lucas redid (redigitized) the original Star Wars Trilogy and came out the new Trilogy. C. Psychologically. energy around us that we cannot see. ELECTRONICS & PYRAMID INITIATION ELECTRONIC BODY Your body is positioned to transmit and receive the energy around you. The movie “School Days ended with Lawrence Fishburne yelling “Wake Up!!!!” In the movie “Matrix. Fishburne played in a Spike Lee movie. The different channels correspond to frequencies or amplitudes of sound waves. and R&B. . About a decade ago Mr. Morpheus said that we as humans generate more bio-electricity that 120 volt battery. there is. Another form of energy that is not well understood pertains to consciousness. a person's conscious or consciousness refers to a state of awareness of what is happening within or around oneself.” with Morpheus played by (Lawrence Fishburne) and Neo played by Kenu Reeves.” Mr. For example. A person who lacks consciousness would be thinking on a bestial level. but don’t know how to use it so the robots used us as slave batteries. The modern myth that got a lot of people thinking was “The Matrix (Trilogy).” Morpheus is the Captain of a ship where he and the crew initiate Neo (short for neophyte). What we hear depends upon the channel. Fishburn’s frat was more cultural and Spike Lee’s (played a pledgee) was a more traditional college frat. or the signal accessed. Therefore. light and sound waves emitted in the universe. consciousness itself emits energy that dwells in the universe. Modern science demonstrates that there are electromagnetic forces. A radio has been designed to transmit sound waves into what we hear on the radio. though this energy is invisible to the physical eye. “School Days” showed fraternity life and parts of the initiation process that a pledge goes through and/or the “Rites of Passage.The modern mythos is now in the movies and story telling through music such as Hip Hop. Reggae. quite literally. The zodiac contains the planets revolving within it. 26.."(Alder. Vera S. The Hermetic Philosophy is divided into seven Hermitic principles that reveal much knowledge about the atomic structure and consciousness in the universe. 1968. Alder (1968) investigated ancient wisdom and established these findings regarding vibration: "Both the ancient sages and modern scientist. By reading Hermes's book the KYBALIONHERMETIC PHILOSOPHY. The Finding of the Third Eye. Pythagoras and many of the Greeks actually studied in Hermes's school. We are told that vibration is the result of force or energy. The converted electromagnetic waves reach the electronic equipment and translate into television pictures (Redgrove. From the book. Great Pyramid Initiation School At first we read almost every book we could put our hands on about the pyramid. p. Plato.. The composition of an atom . or electrons as they are called . an erect wire of correct length on your roof can detect electromagnetic waves and pick out a pulse related to its own length. but much of our knowledge of science and physics has come from Hermes. The Black Goddess and the Unseen Real: Our Unconscious Sense. round which this force or energy revolves as a vortex. The waves are then turned into a varying electric current. we learned that Hermes was the designer of the Great Pyramid. Inc. Everything that exists in this world vibrates. The television broadcast is one example of what happens when you spin a coil of wire between the electromagnets of a generator. the Great Pyramid. shake or oscillate at different speeds. The antenna is specially constructed to receive emitting waves of energy. Upon graduation from this school. the graduates were given the symbol of the Alpha (Flail) and Omega (Crook). just as the circle of the sun's aura or zodiac revolves around it. is a tiny vacuum. NY Grove Press1987).S. by Manly Hall. V. we learn that there are three great planes of consciousness. The difference between one object and another is ultimately a question of vibration.) A similar field is a round a n ythi ng that i s el ectric all y ch arged. . agree that everything in life is formed of vibrations.. concentrated in some mysterious way and caused to vibrate. History does not reveal the truth. Maine: Samuel Weiser. Originally published 1938. For example...Consciousness works in a similar fashion. THE SECRET TE ACHING OF ALL AGES.. and the minute 'zodiac' of the atom contains also its planets. The stati c electricity from a rug or the varying oscillating waves that make up a radio transmission are examples of electromagnetic fields in electricity. P. page 146. gave Jesus gold. frankincense and myrrh and sent him into Egypt for safety. The graduate no longer lived in a consciousness where time exists as we know it in the physical. 1) The Three Magi. This entity carries the Caduceus. the designer of the Great Pyramid. end." are similar to the axioms and precepts taught by the priesthood to the young Initiate in the school of the pyramid. The Sphinx. History again tells us that the rhythmical chanting that the priesthood of the pyramid used to resonate the blocks was recorded in the old chanting of the Catholic Church. In thi s wa y th ey w oul d ent er hi gh er p la nes of c onsciousness. ( Lobsang Rampa. 4) All churches use the Alpha and Omega symbols given to the graduates of the pyramid.Corgi Books. Believe it or not. In this way the students of the pyramid were called to assembly. 3) Many of our customs and rituals used in church today were customs that came from the pyramid. This is how the large blocks were moved in Ancient Egypt. London. The Pyramid is the center site where the individual has the opportunity to pass into higher planes. Initiation into this school simply meant developing the eyes and the ears to see and hear the electron spiral of the electromagnetic fields of light.." meaning the graduate had learned to overcome time and matter. Isn't it interesting that many of the church steeples are replicas of the pyramid's cap stone? 6) many of the statements from Jesus's "Sermon on the Mount. He was put in charge of the Ark of the Covenant. This was the highest symbol of the Egyptian religion. Every Sunday morning our church bells call assembly. It is our belief that the Ark came from the Great Pyramid. Every electron spiral has its own frequency. 1971) ORIGINAL SECRET SOCIETIES Many secret societies have referred to a Guardian of the Gate. The Initiate of the pyramid was taught to be a servant.which says "I am the beginning and the. to a degree. Pythagorians call the hearing of the sub-atomic particles the music of the spheres. Melchizedeks was Abraham's teacher. Moses had the honor of being one of the highest priests of the pyramid. 2) the KYBALION is one of the basic books of the Jewish Religion. FEEDING THE FLAME. Usually a beginner needs a guide . At one time the Great Pyramid had a cap stone of pure cyrstal that resonated in the Key of A(La). 5) Cayce said that the Atlantians that built the pyramid would call assemble by striking the cap stone. the old documents take the religious beginnings of the Christian Church back to the school of the pyramid. Other interesting facts reveal that the beginning of the Christian Church was tied to the pyramid. there is an entity that will guide the beginner. This light coil could be used to raise or lower the frequency of a p erson 's elect rical fi el d. at the Great Pyramid. If one knows the right frequencies to duplicate the frequencies of any object then that person could tune into that object's electron spiral and resonate that object until it became weightless. The Art of the Covenant is the same size as the coffer in the King's Chamber of the pyramid. By striking it the power was cut off and for seconds the crystal stopped humming. It was written by Hermes. Magi meaning schooled in the mysteries of the pyramid. While Jesus was in Egypt he studied in the pyramid. This special rod is a device that will measure the light balance of an individual's aura. then have further discussions with the people who invited them. He did not allow beginners to enter frequencies where they did not belong. in which he is referring to the Caduceus and the Viril Rod. The students were taught to us t h ei r mi nds t o cont rol m atter. and the doctor gave them a whack or spank on the butt or leg. they underwent disciplinary and intellectual exercises and bodily assertions with intervals of tests and ordeals to determine their fitness to proceed to the more serious. In the BIBLE King David makes the statement. James clearly states in his book Stolen Legacy. I will use the analogy of a baby visiting a high school. "My rod and my staff they comfort me. and in the end it would do him more damage than good.M. that new born initiate spank would be with a paddle. The Bible says in the Gospel of John 1:1…. The Mystery System was also a secret order and membership was gained by initiation and a pledge to secrecy. that the Ancient Mystery System in ancient Egypt. go through an investigation. Here we were taught to controlling our vibrations. he would be out of place.and this was the true purpose of the Guardian of the Gate. similar to the modern university. They were also taught to change the colors of our aura by sound and music.” (7) Before any process in life begins a person must first be invited to an interest meeting or recruiting station. but if this child was on his own. This process is basic to most institutions. In modern day Greek-lettered organizations and Masonic initiation ceremonies. was the center of organized culture and candidates entered it as the leading source of ancient culture. The purpose of this training was to allow the students the opportunity to develop their Higher-self. t he Caduceus and the Rod. The different colors were the different chambers from Red to Purple then the Light at the end of the tunnel or seventh “Third Eye” vibration spectrum. possibly take a written test. Here t h e s t u d e n t w a s t a u g h t t o c o n t r ol t h e d i f fe r en t levels of vibration. “In the beginning was the word and the word was GOD. For years. If the person is interested. Each chamber in this school was tuned to a different frequency. The school of vibration was unlike any other school. a school or the military. Professor George G. they request or ask to be inducted into the institute. By entering the different rooms you could feel the different vibration levels. At th e b a se of th e sch ool wa s a sa cred p ool of water. be it a job. solemn and awful process of further initiation-“Rites of Passage.” . similar to dropping someone off line. and have an interview or series of interviews. All persons that were born of a mother through a womb began their first initiation when they came out of the birth canal. The teaching was graded and delivered orally to the neophyte.'. Their education was training in learning to control vibration. do paperwork. He could only become frightened and confused. On a rare occasion the Guardian of the Gate would use his Caduceus to expel an unwanted person. With a parent or a guide the baby is allowed to experience this. followed by an orientation. Th e st udents of Pyram ids were al so ta ught t o use these sp eci al t ools. the process is basically the same. talk to elders inside & outside the family and go to historical and scientific lectures etc. Afrikan-American cannot say specifically what Nation-State they are from in Afrika due mainly to slavery (physically & mentally) for the last four hundred and thirty years (1555-1985 Exodus 12:40. a European-American from Ireland can specifically say they are Irish-American. Deu 28:38). Afrikan-Americans are descendants of Afrika born in America. but the substance (DNA). The word Afrikan is actually a Hebrew word “Afri or Afra. Melanin gives a person their dark brown (to light brown) pigmentation and great rhythmic coordination with sound & light which is highly electro-magnetic. and “Kan. khan or kohan” means priesthood in Hebrew. So it would make sense if Adam (males & females Gen 1:26-7 & Gen 5:2) was made in God’s image. . EuropeanAmericans usually know specifically what Nation-State they are from in Europe. moon and star-constellations). is not necessarily the place (continent).” The “Kan” in the word Afri-Kan means spiritual priesthood according to Hebrew & Kemetic hieroglyphics. These characteristics of melanin enabled the “Original people”. and is Allah in Arabic-both are same word for God) In agricultural farming. black mud (soil) is the best dirt to plant seeds in due to its abundance of minerals & nutrients. In Greek language according to historians. Italian-American from Italy. A better definition of an Afrikan is a spiritual person (or people) clothed in black or dark brown skin (melanin) that cross over (Hebrew) from continent to continent and navigate the seven seas.” (Elah is the pronunciation but is actually spelled Alah in Hebrew. Elohim or Allah) am going to create a man (Adam-The Original People) from sounding clay of Black mud…. and German-American from Germany etc. being in tune with the planet earth and universe (sun.* The scientific definition of Ethiopia is an ethereal people clothed in burnt skin (Wikipedia).CHAPTER II – ANCIENT HISTORY: AFRIKAN WORLDWIDE A. “Ka” means spirit in Egyptian hieroglyphs. Afrikans were also called Ethiopians which they say meant burnt or black face people as were the Sumerians also called. Egypt & Greece ANCIENT HISTORY: PAST AND FUTURE The history of Afrikan-Americans is the “Worlds Best kept Secret’ on the planet earth and the universe.” that means the soil from which the original people –“Adam” was made from (like Aphra-dite in Greek myths).“black mud and soil.” The Koran 15:28 states basically the same idea…“And when the Lord said to the Angels: I (Elah. Creation Myths & Science B. Ethereal or ether is a highly electro-magnetic vibration frequency within people that is called “spiritual or God energy. which travels a lot. The “Afrika” we are referring too here. Ethiopian & Atlantis C. then he would use the best product available . unless they do hard core research in the library. For example. Thus an Afrikan Hebrew is a spiritual priesthood of people made from the black soil.” “The Bible states that Moses was learned in all the teachings of Egypt from which he was trained (Acts 7:22). The Bible (Gen 2:7) says… “And God (Elah) formed man from the dirt (afri) of the ground.Adam to Noah and Sons to navigate the continents and seven seas. conceived in his heart. and world mythology which is really Afrikan history. Buddha of the Oriental martial arts traditions of the Shaolin Temple and their alphabetic hieroglyphics had to also have been exposed to the Egyptian science schools of initiation. thus the “El-ec-tron. and bears the name of an Egyptian Pharaoh who stated that he had copied an inscription of his ancestors. the time when the first Dynasties had made their new capital at Memphis: the city of the God Ptah. Ptah is first to emerge from the primeval waters of Nun and built a form of a Primeval Mountain (mound or pyramid). “Ra” the Sun God name is also “Ellh” in Hieroglyphics.. Text of Part I: The Primate of the Gods Ptah. (See Pix Ptah & Sekhmet below) (2) Ptah –the Father represents the Proton. Nu (or Nun)-th Mother represents the Neu-tron to form the Atum is the Atom. (Intellectual Adventure of Man by Frankfort. p. The same can be said of Jesus and the Greek alphabet.” “Tron” means “in motion”-in the first law of physics. 20. you see martial arts training and initiation murals. now kept in the British Museum.. C. C. the God Atum also emerges from the waters and sits upon the Hill that Ptah built. 23. A. (Egyptian Religion by Frankfort. Jesus. and Mohamed were all trained and/exposed to the Egyptian science system of initiation. p. Intellectual Adventure of Ancient Man by Frankfort. This statement is verified by language and typical arrangement of the text. In the Egyptian Temples at Beni Hassan. cosmological and philosophical views of the Egyptians. but it must be repeated here to show its full importance as the basis of the entire field of Greek philosophy. everything that exists and by His utterance created them all. Moses. p. Closely following Ptah. 55) In Part I pre-creation or chaos is represented as follows:— A. “Ra” or Elech (elec) is reborn every morning as he ride in his sun boat or “Solar Barge (chariot)” .e. i. The founders of the main world religious initiation systems (Moses. Hebrew writings have been kept alive through the Hebrew Bible writings of Moses. and therefore assigns the original date of the Memphite Theology to a very early period of Egyptian history. Jesus. Mohammad and Buddha) were all Afrikans of dark brown (to high yellow brown or light skin complexion from the black soil (melanin) according to Genesis.Afrikan hieroglyphs has been a dead writing system and spoken language from then until now.e. It contains the theological.. Koran. between 4000 and 3500 B. 21). CREATION MYTH & SCIENCE The Memphite Theology is an inscription on a stone (Shaba stone or Sheba-zz). and Mohamed & the Moorish Arabic numerals and alphabet. It has already been referred to in my treatment of Plato's doctrines. It is dated 700 B. Atum is the Adam family. i. or what the sun is made from on the periodic table is “Helium. The next gas on the periodic table is Carbin which is Qeb and Nitrogen is Nute-Rhea. like Oxygen (Akh-Shu. This teaching was the beginning of the chemical (Khem) elemental Periodic Table. (*) In science the word for Sun. or Ethiops. Their father was Shu.” Ra is also called Horas the Elder. that sets the sun (sun set in the west).” (helios). Gen is a neutral being like a Genii in a lamp.” Ra also rode is his sun boat (chariot) across the sky." Hathor is the scientific equivalent of the element Hydrogen. Elohim. gen). Hydrogen produces Helium –the sun (He). just as the Electron gives of light as it revolves around the “Nucleus’ of the atom. Elech are the oldest words for God which is really the same in science for the “Elec”-tron force. Ninety-nine percent (99 %) of the universe is Hyrdogen/Hathor is the Goddess of the Universe. King Solomon put the Genii (Jinn) in the Lamp. and is reborn as Horas the younger in rising in the East. Horas the Elder “Ra” visits his wife Hathor the Heavenly Goddess of the Universe every night and is reborn as the “Sun” (son). “A body in motion is life. Notice He is brown. The Periodic Table of Creation Hathor "Goddess of the Universe. .” Heru or “Ra. just as Hathor gives birth to Horas or Helios everyday. The word for “Sun” in Greek is “Helios. But in Ancient Egypt the word for “Sun” was also Helios but pronounced “Herus.across the sky everyday. The word “Hero” (dispelling evil or darkness) was derived from Heru. god of moisture and air. The Lamp represents education.” who rides in his chariot across the sky every morning. El. the sky goddess which the actual sky is 70% nitrogen. Allah. Elek. Elah. Horas is Helios in Greece on his sun chariot. which 70% of the sky element is nitrogen. King Solomon kept the Jinn’s busy by have them build his temple to God. A car that is idoling is not going anywhere. People worship their cars. In any case. himself. Ammonia is a chemical to clean dirt. SHU (Oxygen). & Amon the Ram (Ammonia). Greeks.262 Fahrenheit. shoes and Gucci bags.” The sun is a physical energy detectable by the human eye that has an effect on human existence or life as we know it. Sumerians. Egyptians. Greeks. Without life as we know it would die. Many children and teens get into mischief because of an idol mind with nothing constructive to do. Norse Gods. clothes. no life could exist on this planet.” Also in the Bible regarding Jesus in Egypt. They respected the sun as a mass of energy. Ammonia element represents Amon-the Ram (mask) god. The actual sun was not worshipped but was the representative of the creator. other than “Man created in God’s image (Genesis 1:26-7). . But in the “Missing books of the Bible” documentary on the History channel. Egyptians. Aries or Amon (Ammonia) clean up the evil Gods (dirt). IMAGE-ETHIOPIAN FILE (SHRINK)/NEFALIM One of the first heroes of Greece was Hercules (Hera-cules). 13:4).” “Herodotus. light and energy. NUTE-Rhea (Nitrogen) is the sky neter (goddess). The ancient “original people” (Hebrews.000 times that of the earth. Olmecs of Mexico. The sun is a sustaining force of heat.” The sun represented a form of the highest force represented in nature.In the Middle Easter traditions a “Jinn” is a mischief maker.) whom were Ethiopians.175. Olmecs of Mexico.000 thousand miles. God. etc. that did not worship the sun which modern scholars and religious extremist try to say. True idol worship is buying things that are wasteful spending. ) were all of dark olive (brown) hue. An idol mind is a devil’s workshop. the ancient Greek scholar stated that the word “Ethiopians” meant “burnt faces” of the original people (Hebrews. instructed Joseph ad Mary with young child (Jesus) to flee to Egypt (Mathew 2:13-15). a force of creating life source. 330. being so close to the sun. etc. all the modern scholars (scientist and religious) have to acknowledge the sun principle that without the sun. claims to come out of Egypt (Hosea 12:9. The Bible says “For the Lord God is a Sun and a shield (Psalms 84:11). which is logged to be 93 million miles from the planet earth with a diameter of 864. and a heat ratio of 30. it says that the angel of the Lord (Gabriel). QEB or Geb (Carbin) is the Neteru (God) of the Earth which is mostly made up of carbon element. The Bible confirms that Moses “was learned in all the wisdom (teachings) of Egypt (Acts 7:22). we depend on it also to calculate time-the first clock called the “SOLAR DIAL. Sumerians. “Policing” in the military terminology means to clean up an area. In Greek myth Aries (Mars) is the God of War. and Ethiopia. The remains that archaeologists are uncovering in Egypt. Herodotus speculated that his origins traced back to the Egyptians. Ephraim I saacs. Dr. Exhaustive research work is necessary to secure this kind of information with only a line here and picture there in books to help the reader t o reach definite conclusions. development of the Arts and Sciences that history has fail to make clear. Hercules would be Heru the Sun God of Egypt. Hercules was the personification of the sun through the twelve constellations of the Zodiac.Most people educated in the USA should remember the myth if Herakles best known as Hercules. Egyptians. The foundations of ancient Sumerian (Mesopotamia). an Ethiopian Hebrew (Bet I srael-Falasha) w ho . The myth of Hercules was known to the Sumerians. wore laid as early as those of Egypt and gave birth to Greek civilization. The records of the EthiopianHebrews connected the Greeks. Most students of mythology should be familiar with the story of the twelve labors (skills) of Hercules. reveal that there were significant factors in the first. Only the trained mind can hold the multitude of det ail s an d p os se s se s t h e ab ilit y to impartially weigh and classify the facts. ETHIOPIA: ATLANTIS EMPIRE The minds of people today are eager with the questions a b out the origin of civilization and the role GOD and the prophets played in its development from primitive ages. Obviously the order of the 12 Labors in Egypt would be different because the Egyptian Mystery System was mainly based on the story of creation B. Mesopotamians. and Greeks. and Mexican-Olmecs in ties of kinship. In fact the y w er e t he si st er col oni es of a pa rent st at e. Et hiopia . The findings of archaeological and biblical research prove these records true. Historians are busy today studying the types of ancient civilization that were similar and comparable to mythology and Israel Nation of the Bible. Mesopotamia. Phoenicians. the Latin form of the Greek name. 43. Henry Bey—"History of Egypt under the 'Pharaohs. N Y U . in that district of Nubia which they named Maiu. Ethiopian Empire of the Atlantis: Garden of Eden T he Ancient Empire of Ethiopia comes down to us from a very remote Past— from the Ancient of days with the richest heritage in history. H e said "The world is raving a b o ut t h e D ead S ea Sc r oll s whi l e t h e A rk o f C o v e n a n t a n d o l d o r i g i n a l H eb r ew m a n u s c r i p t s a r e r ot t i n g i n E t h i o p i a . (*) .' " Vol I. a t a rem ot e ep oc h . Ethiopia was considered by the Greeks to be the home of the Gods and retreat of the Muses. p. A& B B o o k P u b l i s h er s B r o o k l y n N Y ) . 1978) M o d e r n sc h o l a r s s a y t h a t E t h i op i a n s a re Ku s h i t e s a c c o r d i n g t o t h e B i b l e and the fact that Mespotamian civilization was founded by Kish. J o s e V .). II." (M a l c i o l n . p. spoke on Thursday. (S i g n s & S y m b o l s . Christian C. P h . "Sun burnt by the Gods". Al b e r t C h u r c h w a rd . J. p g 2 3 .6 . reads and w r i t e s e i g ht l a n g ua ge s a n d t a ug ht Af r i c a n American Studies at Harvard University. T h e o l d e st J a p a n e s e c i v i l i z a t i on w a s i n t h e a r e a i n K yu s h u w e r e t h e d a r k sk i n Ai n u p e o p l e l i v ed a c c o r di n g t o D r . 1 9 7 3 a t a m e e t i n g o f S y n a g o g ue C o u n c i l of Am e ri c a h e l d a t C on gra ga t i o n Sh e a ri t h I sra el E i g h t W e s t 7 0 t h S i t ' r e e t .B .. 174). The vast desert which lies south of the Atlas known as the Sahara is called by the Moors "The Garden of Allah" where the chariot of the Gods whose flaming wheels burnt the soil into sands.—"Egypt's Place in the Universal History. “so also does the origin of the civilized colonists w h o. Professor Maspero asks' "Whence came they? How far off in time are we to carry back the date of their arrival?" (Maspero.—"The Dawn of Civilization. G. Vol. 44). set t l ed on the b a n k s of t h e Nile. i n t h e b o o k “ T H E O R I G I N O F T H E E G Y P T I A N S ” b y Augustus Le Plongeon it says………AS the Egyptian Sphinx still remains the enigma of history (according to Bunsen.D . 78. N o w Y o r k C i t y . 388. Prob. that had no cognate in Asia or Africa. scorched the children of Africa and crisped their hair for which the word Ethiopia is termed. 363. 1 9 0 3 ." Vol. pp. with river beds of diamonds with mountains of gold and "Isles of the Blessed".” ('Burgsch. II. p g 1 6 5 . The land of the setting sun where the giant Atlas was compelled by the Olympian Jove to prop up the heaven upon his head and shoulders (modern day Moroco). So likewise is unknown the source of their language which is unanimously admitted to have been identical with the most modern Egyptian tongues.). May 31. The word Ethiopia was originally pronounced Aethiopia meaning "sunburnt faces".speaks. H o w t h e H eb r ew s B e c a m e J ew s ." pp. and the D r a v i d i a n c i vi l i z a t i o n w a s c a l l ed K e s h . Ethiopia is a land of fertile fields. pg 15-16.Ml or AdAm i t he p eopl e of Ad or Atlantis. Ethiopia And the Missing Link in African History. Cent ral an d South America.rived its name from Aether. Page 78. Martin. Rutgers University Press. The Greek writer concluded the term Atheria to mean Ethiopia while another Roman writer Aulus Cellus used the term Aeria for both Africa and Crete—the Roman converted the term Aeria to the name Africa. (Bernal. Page 198. says: Modern theory has eight main hypotheses' that Atlantis was America and North Africa and Nigeria". B ut according to tradition the wife of the giant Atlas was called Atheria. Rev. Colonel A. the Son of the god Vulcan which means heat (Vulcanised). Vol. ". Black Athena: Afro-Asiatic Roots of Classical Greece. "Other Ancient authors are even more specific and identify Ethiopia with Atlantis— the above facts lead to the conclusion that in antiquity the name Ethiopia was given to a region of the Atlantis. says. 1785-1985". Spain. p. page 214. Sterling M. and "tradition. The term Atlantis was the name of a continent or portion of Africa according to Greek mythology y and the Ancient Egyptian records.. Tradition speaks of Atlas as a great King and the founder of the Atlantean Empire whose vast realm ruled over two-thirds of the earth—includi ng Afri ca . even still these stone workers or Freemasons readily identified the origin of this discipline (and mathematics in general) and masonry itself not in Europe but. in the Chaldean Account of Creation. Brighane in his book The Shadow of the Atlantis. the Roman Historian says that the original Ethiopia was called Aetheria or Aeria which de. Page 107. James Braunwell in his book Atlantis. a dark race who w ere c all ed Ad. He further states that they became a race four or five million years ago and were mahogany black in color. Mexi c o. (Means. C. in Egypt. deciphered from the Babylonian tablet that there was all original race of men at the beginning of the Chaldean history. Il. originally printed 1945) Both Ancient and modern writers. this region was peopled by a dark skinned people and a fine climate". EGYPT & GREECE ANCIENT EGYPT 0. Pliny says t h a t " t h e w h o l e c o u n t r y o f Af r i c a w a s c a l l e d Aetheria or Aeria and later Atlantic''. 25-6) Archbishop Isidore of Seville. place Ethiopia in Atlantis. Reprinted 1980. Chicago. Lushena Books. E urop e. Asi a . We have shown in the foregoing paragraphs that the term Atlantis and Ethiopia relates to the same country and people. I: "The Fabrication of Ancient Greece. George Smith. . Geometry played a significant role in the architectural constructions of Medieval Europe. 1987. Many renowned men in Roman history who had performed heroic deeds in Africa were often surnamed " Africanus" .Pliny. Mr. his life. The Egyptians were mathematical geniuses and their knowledge was greedily absorbed by the later Greeks. The City of Meroe was set up by Narmer and his three sons (of Ancient Egyptian history) after the great flood (polar cap melt down) when they arrived from America (Maya) according to Augusta LePlongon. son of Noah (according to Samuel Noah Kramer. and Burma. *Once Mero was settled. Progressively. 273) IMAGE-102608/IMG_0001-OSIRIS Osiris. Babylon (mespotamia). 1981. who is the foundation of Masonic myth and ritual. Narmer and Noah are one and the same person. Delphi (Greece).E. Rhodes (Greece). articulated that geometry had been invented by the Egyptians to measure land after the disappearance of the boundary markers after the Nile Flood. The Dogon Priest of Mali call Osiris. the Osirica was transmitted to subordinate lodges in Mt. Carmel (Palestine). Nommo (see exhibit of Osiris and NKi). Alkebu-lan Books. foundation of the western secret societies. Corinth (Greece). and later by the stone builders of the Middle Ages. the family of Shem. Narmer sent his three to resettle Mesopotamia. These people were called the Sumerians.M. In the ancient Egyptian city of Thebes (the Egyptian or waste) according to George G. p. Crete (Greece). So Noah of the bible in relationship with archeology and mythology (history) is actually . and resurrection as a crucified savior served as the proto-type for the Christ symbolism. NarMer means light and water. Thebes was originally part of Nubia and Ethiopia (Ta-Zeti). death. Miletus (Greece). Yosef Ben. and Arabia. Black Man of the Nile and His Family.writing in the 620s C. India. (Jochannan. As a holy city (to both Egyptians and later Greeks). Yosef Ben-Jochannan. the Covenant between man and God was a Rainbow. the teachings of Thebes were known as the Osirica. was the Grand Lodge of the Osirica.. Media (Central Asia).. James. N. N. is the name from which Osirica is derived. The legends and traditions of Osiris as “God on earth” are well known to those having studied Egyptian history.Y. Croton (Itlay). According to Dr. (Black Athena pg 173).Y. N-Ki (Enki) of Sumerian myth (history) gave his sons the knowledge to settle Mesopotamia. As is known. The person that settled civilization after the flood was Noah. According to the Bible after the flood when civilization was set up.)* Osiris did the same for Egypt after he was resurrected. Narmer, NKi (or Enki), Nu or Nun (Osiris) and Nommo (who taught by day and returned to sea at night. Throughout the Nile Valley (Egypt and Ethiopia), the indigenous Africans utilized mathematical calculations to build pyramids, temples, colossal statues, dams, canals, stele, measure the earth and other planets, starts, study astrology, cosmology, medicine, and philosophy. The first calendar which is still in use today was created by the Egyptians. Egyptian Geometricians, Trigometricians, and other mathematic scholars created a core of teachings - -the Osirica – and provided the foundation for Masonic numerology. (12) The lasting impact and importance of these teaching can be explained by the fact that European scholarship. One cannot overlook nor over-emphasize the achievements of Black Pharaohs during this period. A variety of stone was worked, among them granite, limestone, porphyry, schist, quartz, and alabaster. They were all carved, chiseled, and polished by masons and sculptors of technical proficiency and consummate skill. Terrasson demonstrated that the founders of Greek politics, astronomy, engineering, and mathematics had all studied in Egypt. Terrasson also maintained that a strikingly close parallel existed between Greek and Egyptian mythology and ritual, the forms of which were derived from Egypt. (Bernal, Martin Black Athena: Afro-Asiatic Roots of Classical Greece, Vol I:The Fabrication of Greece, 1785-1985, Rutgers Univ. Press, 1987,p.180, ) The Caduceus is currently used as a symbol representing a variety of disciplines in the medical profession. General practitioners, dentists, ophthalmologists and veterinarians all use various modifications of the caduceus as logos. At one time, it was referred to as the “Staff of Hermes.” Both Mercury and Hermes evolved from the Nile Valley Netcher djhuiti, who was also associated with medicine. There are a number of carvings in Egypt where one can see Djhuiti holding a staff with a cobra intertwined around it. This emblem can also be found adorning the walls of many ancient temples. The winged sun disc, a symbol of Heru, was later combined with the serpentine staff and became the symbol now referred to as the caduceus. The Zodiac of Dendera The original zodiac was located in the ceiling of an observatory in the Temple of Dendera. It was discovered by Napoleon’s troops in 1799. (Browder, Anthony, pg 79, Nile Valley Contributions to Civilizations Exploding the Myths-Vol. Institute of Karmic Guidance. Washing DC, 1992) Astronomy, Astrology and Agriculture The study of the heavens and the mapping of the stars is an age-old science which requires centuries of observation and analysis. The early inhabitants of the Nile Valley identified groups of stars which were stretched across the sky, and whose rising followed each other by a period of ten days. These starts were associated with various Gods and called decans. The division of the Kemetic year into 52 weeks of seven days each meant that each week was ruled over by a specific constellation. This is the process by which it was determined, thousands of years ago, that a circle would consist of 360 degrees (52 X 7 = 364). The people of Kemet further divided the heavens into 12 divisions in the southern sky, 12 divisions in the northern sky then divided among the three seasons and from that delineation emerged the regions for the 12 signs of the zodiac. Each zodiacal sign was associated with a decan, who were referred to as one of the watchers of the hours; they were regarded as messengers of the greater gods or of Horus himself, hence the origin of the word horoscope. The association of each zodiacal sign was purely symbolic and represented the relationship between the appearance of certain starts overhead and specific activity taking place on the earth below. According to John Jackson, in his book Introduction to African Civilization: When the agriculturists of the Archaic Civilization of Africa were faced with the problem of determining the proper seasons for planting their crops by observing the motions of the stars, they projected the animal symbols of the totemic hunters into the skies, to become the Signs of the Zodiac. In ancient times very comparable to modern times we base everything on the clock and the calendar. What do they both have in common, the number twelve. Before we or you were born, twelve to thirteen sperms had to line up in a particular pattern according to modern science in Time magazine, to allow one sperm to enter the egg. (Melchizedek, Drunvalo, The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life Vol I, pg 186, Light Technology Publishing, Flagstaff AZ) When Jesus (Yoshua) was setting up the kingdom of God he picked twelve disciples to assist him (Luke 6:14). When Jacob was planning and building the Nation of Israel, he gave instructions to his twelve sons, which became the “Twelve Tribes of Israel.” After a new president is elected, he or she chooses twelve secretaries to be the cabinet of the executive branch of government. King Arthur also picked, twelve knights for the round table and Zeus had twelve members of Mt. Olympus. Why twelve with a thirteenth (and sometimes fourteenth) in the middle? The most obvious reason going back to the clock and calendar is the twelve constellations which in the Bible says “….And God said let their be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from night; and let them be for signs and for seasons, and for days and years” (Genesis 1:14). Many people or religious fanatics will say we are not to worship Astrology, Zodiac, or the Horoscope and they are right. Who said thing about worshipping anything or any one except the One Supreme Being of the Universe Lord God-Adoni Elahim, which is the first Commandment-. Jesus said I did not come to change the law but to fulfill the law of Moses and the prophets (Mathew 5:17). So its not by accident that Jesus or Yoshua choose twelve disciples (or Jacob had twelve sons of Israel or King Davids High Preist named Zadok was over the twelve Tribes of Israel (I Kings 1:32-35). The first priesthood or brotherhood according to the Bible was the Order of Melchi-Zedek. Melchizedek means Kingdom (Melec) of Justice (Zedek). So Zedek, Zodak and Zodiac all mean or represent justice or “you reap what you sow,” and “everything that comes around goes around.” Initially these sayings meant a farm –agriculteral system. If you plant good seeds and take care of them, then you will reap crops within the four seasons which three months for each season equals twelve months or twelve “moons.” The word “month” comes from the word “moon.” Pythagoras of Samos. p 404). then to those of Memphis (Egyptian: Men em Ptah). [illustration fig. .Floors of ancient Jewish synagogues were often decorated with zodiacal mosaics! This proves their connection with astrolo g y. While his birth date is controversial. (contrary to what most people believe or the big secret). Sitchin. there is no doubt that he studied and was educated in Egypt. a gem. above] .) and other world cultures. geometry. a Kente or Keltic highlander tartan cloth. and philosophy. the symbols were the same as now in use. Greek-Lettered organization rites of passage are based on ancient mythology which includes Egyptian and Sumerian history (so-called myths). ANCIENT GREECE Pythagoras. Morocco. is to raise the person from a dead or horizontal thinking. Of his education all ancient writers remark that Pythagoras received all the “secrets” including knowledge in music. Zecharia NY Avon Books) In the initiation rites of passage in Freemasonry-OES. Congo etc. Pliny. to the decades and centuries immediately following the destruction of the Second Temple in Jerusalem by the Romans (in A. higher self.D. The New Testament Bible was written and based on Greek history.. the building of King Solomon’s Temple dedicated to God.” Totem also represent the animals of Noah’s Ark or the twelve tribes of Israel –same as the Hebrew month calendar twelve signs of the Zodiac (Zadok or Zedek). and finally to those of Thebes. and so were the names. animalistic behavior and/or childish immaturity. An initiate will become like an animal totem “The Lion of Judah” (or like a sport’s team mascot) or Jesus the “Lamb of God.. Diogenes Laentius. dietetics. According to several ancient historians (among them Herodotos. an initiate may recieve a tool to be trained in a skill. at the age of 27 years secured the necessary consent” to study with Black High Priests in Egypt. allegedly established a mystery school at Croton. medicine. to a skilled. most of the rituals are centered around key Biblical events such as the sighting of the “Star in the East” commemorating the birth of Jesus. the Moses and the Ark of the Covenant. Synagogues intricate mosaic designs that included the signs of the zodiac. responsible adult and angelic or righteous Godlike level. the remains of synagogues dating. "Earlier this century archaeologists uncovered in the Galilee. receive a color.’ has been accredited in Eurocentric thought with the establishment of the teaching of science and mathematics. In Afrika (Egypt. learn an alphabet. The purpose of most initiation schools. the Old Testament was based on Egyptian and Sumerian history and/or mythology. 70). we are told that Pythagoras was first introduced to the Priests of Heliopolis (Egyptian: Annu). and Antipo). There is much mystery surrounding Pythagoras who. Italy. military boot camp or a Jewish Bar Mitzvah. (Jochannan. Ethiopia. a Greek ‘philosopher. lower self level. Sitchen writes. He was later adopted by the Medieval Freemasons as a founder and “Grand Master” of masonry. To their surprise. In the works of Diogenes. a common feature of those synagogues was the decoration of their floors. in northern Israel." (When Time Began. act as a "synapse" between these two polarities of intelligence.. and Ptolemy issued an order prohibiting the translation of these books which had to be kept on reserve in the Library for the instruction of the Greeks by the Egyptian Priests.. This presupposes that the meaning of the determined aspect of the symbol must be known. and the history of the religion of the Egyptians…Manetho published several volumes concerning these respective fields. we are informed Pythagoras learned what became accepted in contemporary geometry as the “Pythagorea Theorem.. in order to elicit the secrets of Egyptian wisdom or mystery system. An d it is for this reason. so as to be able to evoke a non-determined aspect in the consciousness of the observer. these two complementary mental operations can be designated as analytical (our present habitual mode) and the more ancient analogical mode. a sin gl e sound. may no longer be available to our rational m i n d .A. PBS. received their training directly from Egyptian Priests. Originally this mentality was completely different from our own. the High Priest of the temple of Isis at Sebeenytus in Lower Egypt.” Followers of Pythagoras became vegetarians. O n c e acknowledged. if the meaning of each o f i n i t i a l s h a d n o t b e e n e x p l a i n e d . scientific or mythological —will suddenly lift and expand into an immense interconnec ted thought-field of a n extra-rational quality. Schwaller de Lubicz's writings. to write the philosophy. while inwardly felt. Alphabets & Language B. in which the multiple simultaneous meanings.N. however Professor James is on the mark as to how it was done. (28) CHAPTER III . more than any other that difficulties can arise for us in the reading. This is the common nature of the symbol—somehow its rallying effect is like the effect that a few notes of a national anthem may have on patriots under an invader's yoke. logical exposition—be it architectural. ordered Manetho.. DST.. Generally. a gest ure. It is also well to note that the chief textbooks of the Alexandrine School were Manetho’s books.M. and utilized their acquired knowledge .for the purification of the soul. Accordingly. How the Greeks obtained further knowledge from the Egyptians is one those low periods in the history of any country. U. An image used as a trademark means nothing symbolically without a previous explanation. we are dealing with a symbol. Y. but these words must be taken in a deeper sense than that generally ascribed to them at present. Colors & Chakras SYMBOL & SYMBOLIC When an image.After his instruction. a m usi ca l ha rm on y or melody have significance through evocation.S. no one would understand the meaning of U.SYMBOL & SYMBOLIC: SENSIBLE IMAGE A. then.particularly music . a c ollection of letters. a word or a p h ra se.. etc. On the other hand. Here it becomes quite clear that the first professors of the scholarchs and pupils of Artistotle’s transferred school. Kaballa & Numbers C. fulfilling a rallying role. we are told that Ptolemy I Soter.A. it evokes the groups it represents.C. one that belonged to the sa ges of ancient Egypt. AKA. Th e s e un a n n o un c ed fl uc t ua t i on s b et w een o u r . and one finds that a clear. but a consecration made to Hit. The left hemisp here w o r k s i n s e r i e s . what we in our present presumptuousness call "primitive animal worship" was not a worship of the animal itself. the right like an analog computer. But we shall content ourselves here with the simple image of the jackal and observe the way the image expands in multilevel and far-reaching associations. In conclusion. and Le Temple de L'Homme Paris. T h e l e f t hemisphere is something like a digital computer. The Dragons of Eden.' It should be noted first that not all hieroglyphics were clear depictions of particular species of animals. for example. Derived from his extensive study of Egyptian monuments and hieroglyphic writing.vital function which any animal particularly incarnates. the Egyptians were able to encapsulate in their writing and architecture the basic pattern structures of the natural universe. plants. Schwaller de Lubicz. Random House). accessing several inputs at once. Th es e m usi c a l aptitudes involve auditory pattern recognition of a holistic and often simultaneous nature. one can obtain glimpses of a new relationship between inner knowing and sensory-based external analysis. It was not. in reality. The separation of the visual and verbal from the son a r an d i ntuitive ha s deep imp lic ati on s i n defin in g th e difference between esoteric and exoteric knowledge." 1. 1977). New York. The left hemisphere processes information sequentially. (A. but. In this way the image as a whole could depict subtle combinations and interchanges occurring in the energetic activity of the play of nature. 169. it was a meditation used to support and clarify . Inner Traditions. The Temple in Man.t w o primary modes of knowing is at first disconcerting. Schwaller de Lubicz believed. (Carl Sagan. t h e r i g h t i n p a r a l l e l . Dervy Livres. it may be helpful to give an example of' a hieroglyphic reading. Often a single image would be made up of a collection of parts drawn from various species (the head of a lion with the body of a woman. or the body of a quail with the head and wings of a duck ). very different from the analytical and verbal processes which are located exclusively in the left hemisphere. in Schwaller de Lubicz's view. Through myth. In civilizations such as ancient Egypt. drawn from another work by Schwaller d e L u b i c z . p. could h a ve p roduc ed t h e t em pl e a rc h it ect ure an d h i erogl yp h i c writing of the ancient Egyptians. image and geometric proportion. worship. et cetera. Thi s l ocali zati on in the ri ght hemi sp here of t he highl y intuitive aspects of thought together with the capacity for nonverbal pattern recognition is consistent with the dominant quality of mind which. if one persists (sometimes without really grasping the idea). 1981. particularly the recognition a n d re c a l l o f t on e . i n w h i c h h e a m p l i fi e s t h e es se n t i a l c on c ep t s presented here. the right hemisphere simultaneously. h a rm on y a n d m el od y . Schwaller de Lubicz's theme of two qualitatively different minds inhabiting the human psyche has f oun d ver y c on vi n c i n g sup p ort in rec en t b ra i n resea rc h . Brain research reveals that musical ability seems also to be located in the right hemisphere. An experiment with brain-damaged individuals has revealed a distinct separation or lateralization of cortical functions giving rise to an area of scientific investigation popularly known as "right and left mindedness. at the beginning of the historic period. and forbade their Initiates from writing what they had learned. (Incidentally. perhaps. 1982). our culture and our religion. G r e e k L e t t er s o n T i l es o f R a m s e s I I I "A subject of much difficult in the earlier accounts of the objects was the marking of 'Greek letters’ on the backs of many of the tiles. It developed very rapidly. called also the Nagada I. the first historic Egyptian monument. Thus it is one of the oldest known systems of writing. since it appears already established on the Narmer palette. and Oromo languages). it becomes a symbol for both a metaphysical and physical process: digestion. which can be dated at 3000 BCE. which could be liberated from its bodily impediments. The art of writing in Ancient Egypt is believed to have begun almost 7. we have not been able to excel and in many respects we have not even equaled. which was also the first system of salvation. and under these circumstances of secrecy. called Axum in Ethiopia and it produced a culture that comes down to us. 1981. The Egyptian Mystery System was also a Secret Order. Donnelley in his Atlantis. constituting the embryo of all the Western alphabets. The King of Pharaonic essential function of nature that is to A Neter. and it also became the basis of all ethical concepts. to which all men must aspire. RA. Moreover. It is a fact beyond all reasonable doubt that there was an Adamic Empire. functions and processes of universal Nature. through the disciplines of the Arts and Sciences. observed behavior. The jackal is an animal which tears the flesh of its prey into pieces. As such. New York. Digestion is one of a number of universal processes which all forms born into nature must undergo. if we follow the dates suggested by carbon-14 dating. the Egyptians developed secret systems of writing and teaching. This was the notion of the summum bonum or greatest good. and even today. Inner Traditions. From these we received our Alphabet. A. and membership was gained by initiation and a pledge to secrecy." Sir Flinders Petrie wrote. The teaching was graded and delivered orally to the Neophyte. 2 Berkley CA: UNiversity of California Press. "(UNESCO II General History of Africa. The Egyptians saw the jackal as incardinating certain characteristics. ? According to an explanation offered by him. called the Mysteries. a god. Greek letters had a pre-existence in .) The Egyptian writing system has over 400 pictographic signs with a range of functions from linguistics to philosophy and astronomy. (Schwaller de Lubicz. the word Nagad means 'dynasty' in the Geez. page 2. From this real. ALPHABET & LANGUAGE The ancient Egyptians had developed a very complex religious system. which it buries and does not eat until they rot. the fauna and flora used in the signs are essentially African. it regarded the human body as a prison house of the soul. and advanced from the level of a mortal to that of a God.61 Twenty-four so-called consonantal pictographs or word-signs are identified in the system. Amharic. tells of the Phoenician Alphabet the parent of the European Greek alphabet derived from the Atlantis alphabet which was also conveyed to Mayo-Central America. thereby. "It is possible to set its invention at the Amhara period. p. that is. around 4000 BCE.000 years ago. Sacred Science. "Light will be thrown on the question someday. Biblical Society. wrote: "The hieroglyphics are letters forming a literature founded upon the philosophy of nature without an alphabet.” The author explains the term AM-R (Amaric) translates to utterances of God. the Falasha. Latham in another book Man and His Migration on Page 156-7 Ethiopia says: "In the language of Abyssinia the Gheez and Amharic. no traces of it have been found in Greece. (Naville. From Years of Careful Examination and Enquiry. early in the twelfth century before this era? The Greek alphabet was derived from the Phoenician or Hebrew much later." one of the quoted scholars wrote recently when he realized the scope of the problem and became aware of the impasse. Vol. The problem of the Greek letters on the tiles of Ramses III cannot be solved even by assuming that the Greek alphabet derived from the Phoenician originated not in the seventh. Coptic and Galla their affinities with the tongues of Western and Southern Africa. being artificial characters based on metaphysical philosophy of language. Later on the Phoenicians and the Greeks received this script from the Egyptians. This theory has long been forgotten.Egypt. VII 1881) Ethiopian Language The Amharic Language is the oldest language in the world. This presupposes that the Egyptians. . who used hieroglyphics. it was never used to write down an Egyptian text. but that which we shall now present is of a much higher order. The Mound of The Jew. the motive of the One Who spoke. ' or in Asia Minor before — 75 o. R. the Ethiopic: An African Writing System States as a non-traditional source on the Ethiopic writing system: Martin R. Dr Ayele Bekerie’s book. or ninth century but a number of centuries earlier. G. the forethought. also had an alphabetic system which they used only on rare occasions to cut on jars or tiles and bricks. growth and development b e y o n d t h e F l o o d . pg 41. in his now out of print book entitled: Principia of Ethnology: The Origin of Races and Color With An Archaeological Compendium Of Ethiopian and Egyptian Civilization. and of older Greek letters dating from a century earlier. What really matters is the fact that the Greek letters on the Egyptian tiles do not look like the early Greek letters of the seventh century but like the classical letters of the age of Plato. 17) by Rabbi Michael Munk states “the universe was created with ten Godly utterances. has never been solved. eighth. the royal and the common letters.But how could Greek letters have been used in the days of Ramses III. T h e l a n g u a g e t h a t w e c a l l Hebrew is nothing but deviation of the Amharic (Ethiopian) tongue. Edward. Bekerie's valuable comparative tablet into the original tongue indigenous to Abyssinia. which alludes primarily to intent." But for three generations now scholars have been turning away from the problem with no promise of a solution . had its birth. and other langua ges which may be well studied in Dr. In the book The Wisdom in the Hebrew Alphabet (pg. Delaney (1879). and is handled very much as though it were a parapsychological phenomenon. This script presumably was known in Egypt for a thousand years or thousands of years. Delaney identified what he calls two sorts of letters: regal and vulgar. The problem of the classical Greek letters on the tiles of Ramses III of the twelfth century. on the islands . After he transcribed the Ge'ez(Amharic) or the first column of the Ethiopic syllographs in combination with their ideographic names." Cassiopeia. in Sanscrit he is called Adim. a r e n o n e o t h er t h a n ' :` — An d S i r i u s i s n o n e other than Osiris. With our limited knowledge of archaeology. in Babylonian he is called Admu. and Perseus are immortalized with constellations of stars named after them. the horses which carried them (the son-in-law and daughter) to heaven. Andromeda. and slew the monster and escaped to heaven on the winged horse. Alpha in Greek a n d Al ep h i n H eb rew . on record. originated in Africa." in Hindu is called Adima. The letter "A" holds the first place in English. from alpha (a) to pi (7c). He provided as evidence "the principal constellations having a direct bearing upon the subject. from ro to omega. The 'Ethiopian alphabet' is identified as the oldest. or with the Hamite family. Just as a spiritual angel must put on a garment to be known or understood here. Ethiopians invented astronomy and astrology. we believe. and the monster of the sea which approached the shore of Ethiopia to destroy the Princess while taking a surf bath. Latham continues when he says on page 26o: "That uniformity of language throughout Africa is greater than in Asia or Europe. but the wise look within the garments. We regard the comparison [of writing systems] of much importance in such a work as this. and claimed that the first 16 letters of the Greek alphabet." All the nations of the Ancient East recognized Adam as their common ancestor. Orion and Auriga. "the first man. beautiful constellat i o n s . according to the legend of astronomical history: Cepheus and Cassiopia. (Dr Ayele Bekerie’s book. the Ethiopic: An African Writing System) Mr. the Ancient Greeks recognized him as one of their Chief Dieties and called him Ad-ones. when she was saved by Perseus who was watching her. we have always believed that the philosophy and root of alphabetical literature had its origin in Africa. in Persian he is called Ada-Mah. is a statement which I have not the hesitation of committing myself. 2. and his wife Heva. the Greeks adding eight more."' . 3. Greek and Hebrew alphabet. Delaney made the following observations: 1. In Egypt Adam is called Atem. such as "A" in English. "Ale have gone a step aside from this. their daughter and son-in-law. Andromeda and Perseus. so the Law must have clothed itself in a garment of words as a b ody for men to receive. upon a most interesting subject to the whole human family. The conviction is that the Shem (Sumerian) tongues are simply Ethiopian and that all the theories suggested by the term Indo-European must be abandoned or modified. Pegasus and Cetus: the king and queen of Ethiopia. the Phoenicians worshipped him as a God and called him Adon. 4. as a part of the sacerdotal alphabet. (3) TEM U R A r el a t e s t o p e rm ut a t i on s o r a n a g ra m s. and Temura were used as methods of interpretation. The first is where a word is formed from the initial letters of several words. They believed that God was hidden in these divine Words. and the second is where the letters of a name become the initial letters of the words in a sentence. there was a hidden meaning or an essence to be sought out and brought into the light.1-Military 2-Greek (Science) 3-Amharic 4-Phoenician 5-Hebrew (Symbolic) KABALLA & NUMBERS Early Hebrew Kabalists believed that in the Divine words of Scripture. and to uncover these hidden meanings the principles of Gematria. and they tend to be explanatory of each other. . Sometimes they are even replaced by other letters in accordance with some code. It literally means quick writing or shorthand. The general definitions of the terms are as follows: (1) G E M A T R I A r e l a t e s t o t h e n u m e r i c a l v a l u e s o f words. It consists of an immense variety of rearrangements of t h e l et t ers in a w ord t o form a n ot h er w ord. Notariqon. and it is of two forms. (2) NOTARIQON relates to abbreviations. Words of similar numerical values have a definite relationship with other words with the same number. 26 is 8 (2+6=8) file Alpha numbers of the various letters of the English alpha-bet are as follows: Supreme Letter Mathmatx A B C D E F G H l 1-Knowldg 2-Wisdom 3-Undrstnd 4-Culture 5-Power 6-Equality 7-God 8-Build 9-Born Letter J K L M N 0 P Q R Arabic Numerals 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Letter S T U V W X Y Z Arabic Numerals 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 . B is two. Any word in the English language may be expressed as a number simply by spelling it. etc. Six is Understanding.” The Father and another student named Justice founded a youth nation (previously mentioned) “The Five Percenters” or “The Nation of Gods and Earths. all the way up to Z whose number is 26..” Mathematix gave symbolic meaning to each Arabic numeral as follows: One is Knowledge. Four is Culture – Freedom. named Clarence 13X. Five is Power-Refinement. However. This system is very effective and very similar to Gemetria in Rabbinical teachings. but now we will begin to see how the English language is also a "Godgiven language. and these same general concepts will be used with English. and then adding up the numerical values of each of its letters. Thus A is one. In the English Mathematix this is also known as the Alpha number of the word." for the modern day and time. we need to derive the numerical values of the English words in a slightly different manner. C is three. Eight is Build or Destroy. Two is Wisdom. Supreme Mathematix (Arabic Numerals) Supreme Mathematix is a term that was introduced by a student of Malcom X. Three is Understanding.These concepts have been used in the past in connection with the Hebrew Kabalah. Nine is Born (as in 9 months) and Zero or a Circle is Cipher. better known as “The Father. Seven is the number of GOD. This concept is called the Supreme Mathematix of a word or phrase. “Know Thy Self. So every year is my intention to plant seeds of spiritual truth. Or sometimes the initial letters of the words in a name will form another word that signifies the whole. As explained above 5 is the Power.” The One is symbolic of the Sun. = Central Intelligence Agency.I. we may come to realize something of the profundities of these subtle connections and associations that are not immediately seen. It also symbolizes the Fifth Element (Spirit). Jesus stated a Parable in the Bible (Luke 8:5-15) of the “Sower and the Seed. five senses. The Arabic number is read in its entirety. At first sight. Words of similar numerical values tend to be explanatory of each other. for when it is multiplied by itself the product contains itself —just as plants start from seeds and ultimately produce more seeds. Notariqon (Abbreviations) Notariqon is the cabalistic system where abbreviations of words are used to represent the original word. Some examples of Notariqon: Pr.A. until there is only a single digit left. five toes. as often as necessary. because 2+0+0+8=10/1+0=1. Human beings have five fingers. One is knowledge because knowledge is first and the foundation of life.A. 365—the number of days in a year—would be reduced first by adding together the digits 3+6+5=14. = United States of America . and five limbs: Arm-Leg-Leg-Arm & Head. wherein the number is reduced to a single digit then add the Supreme mathematix menaing. can be reduced by simply adding together each of the digits it contains. no such relationships may be perceived. Thus 5 is the "Power-Refinement" number for the year. Some examples of the method of Gematria follow below (using th e English Cabalah and the Alp ha numbers of the words). but if we persist in our study and meditation.” The seeds represented knowledge. NY=New York. then adding the 4+1 to get 5. Any complex number.One can see then that the Supreme mathematix (Arabic numerals) of a word is the same as the way you would compute it to be in ordinary numerology. and it represents truth. in some instances. refinement and economics! This year in which I am writing-2008—becomes 10. no matter how large. refinement and economics. EARTH LIVED 5 + 1+ 18 + 20 + 8=52 12 + 9 + 22 + 5 + 4 = 52 All the numbers add up to seven (7) which is the number of GOD. = Pair C.S. For example: MAN = 13 + 1 + 14= 28 (2+8=10/1+0=1) is the Alpha number of MAN Gematria (Number Values of Words) Gematria is the system of deducing the numerical values of words or phrases. For instance. U. Jesus’s Mother language was Aramaic and Father language was Hebrew. Anagrams) Temura relates to permutations or anagrams. Torat is how you say Torah in Aramaic. Hebrew Letter Aleph (A) Beth (B) Gimel (G) Daleth (D) He (H) Vav (V) Zayin (Z) Cheth (Ch) Teth (T) Yod (I) Kaph (K) Lamed (L) Mem (M) Nun (N) Samekh (S) Ayin (0) Tarot No. they will still add up to the same Alpha number. Remember “Tumarly (Temura).” which we called or “Three-Card-Marly” in the Ghetto. or read backwards. symbolizing the conjunction of the beginning and the end. thus bringing forth the true meaning for the word TAROT. 2 = To(the preposition) 2 = T o o ( a d v e r b ) Temura (Permutations. Thus the final T will occupy the same position on the wheel as the first T. 4 = For (the preposition). When letters are rearranged. 4 = Four (the name of the digit) 2 = Two (the name of the digit).The symbols for chemical elements and compounds can also be used: Au = Gold H2 O = W a t e r Another way to use Notariqon: (and you must use your imagination) C = Cee (the name of the letter) C = Sea (a large body of water) C= See (to observe with the eyes. The glyph may then be read in either a clockwise or a counterclockwise direction. to comprehend). which also tends to explain its meaning. when the guy would rearrange the cards that you tried rightly pick to make money? Playing cards originated from Torat cards. Sometimes the letters are written in a circle. on Card 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Name of Tarot Card The Magician The High Priestess The Empress The Emperor The Hierophant The Lovers The Chariot Strength The Hermit The Wheel of Fortune Justice The Hanged Man Death Temperance The Devil The Tower . An example of Temura: Let us take the word TAROT and arrange its letters in a circle in the same manner as the symbol of the serpent swallowing its own tail. The Hebrew alphabet has a Tarot card equivalent. C=3 (the digit 3) 4 = D (the letter D). The letters in any word may be rearranged to make another word. and even our spiritual experiences. When these light waves bounce off of objects into our eyes. they create the sensation of light. Everyone is also affected by colors." "They are all green with envy. mental and spiritual conditions? And if so. There are always some colors we like more than others. You can't help noticing how frequently color is used as part of our normal vocabulary: "I'm in the pink today." "He has a yellow streak down his back. COLORS & CHAKRAS E ver y on e h a s h i s or h er fa v ori t e s . This is done by assigning numbers to each of the letters of the alphabet." "You look at the world through rose-colored glasses." "She has the blues today. From a scientific point of view. light is electromagnetic energy that is produced by the sun in differing wavelengths. attitudes. the 27-letter Hebrew alphabet was used for this in a different arrangement as above (Alph-Taw)." "He was red with anger.Pe Tzaddi Qoph Resh Shin Taw (P) (Tz) (Q) (R) (Sh) (Th) 17 18 19 20 21 0 The Star The Moon The Sun Judgement The World The Fool Words and names can also be reduced to numbers in the same way. can we all learn to use them to enhance our lives? These questions and more will be answered throughout this text as you learn to experience colors from a new level and learn to heal with them. like this: (NOTE: Originally. We use colors to describe our physical health. Listen to the conversations that people have. but you should use the English alphabet in which you write your name! C. our emotions. but now it is in the black. What is light? Light creates color and form. To start to answer those questions about colors. golden experience. "It was a rich. and there are some we just do not like at all. let us begin with light. Did you ever wonder why this is so? Did you ever wonder what this thing called color is and why it is so important to understand? Does color affect us more than we realize? Can colors be used to alter our physical. often more than is realized. . Color is intimately tied into all aspects of our lives. emotional." No one is neutral when it comes to colors. Everything we see is by reflected light. It has even become a significant part of our language. in repeating order." "His business was in the red last year. Blueis excellent for high blood pressure and conditions of the throat. Y ell o w-Yellow affects the solar plexus chakra most strongly. Blue-Blue is cooling to our system and it is relaxing. . It is very cleansing and purifying to the entire energy system of the individual. It can awaken great creativity. much in the manner of white. Too much purple can create or aggravate depression. It is beneficial to the stomach. Silver. Unless we discover the source. It balances our energies. It can be useful for depression. It can also be used to help an individual discover and apply their own creative imagination. and it can be used to increase our sensitivity and compassion. Many individuals shy away from using black in color therapy and healing. or hatred and revenge. Black is a protective color. but because of its high vibration.W h it e. It is strengthening. Purple (Violet)-Purple is purifying to the system. It can be used for colds. Silver is effective in meditations used to discover the metaphysical source of an illness or dis-ease. It can be used to stimulate venous activity in the body.White contains the entire light spectrum. it should be used sparingly. and it is stimulating to the mental faculties of the individual. It is especially effective for emotional and mental conditions. the likelihood of its reoccurrence is high. The purple range can often be used effectively to shrink things (as in the case of tumors) and to cool the skin. faith and peace. hope. Green-Green is the most predominant color on the planet.Silver and some grays can be used to amplify the effects of other colors. It is the color of joy and wisdom. The brighter greens are great in healing most conditions. such as sex and love. It stimulates feelings of sociability. It activates the feminine or magnetic energies of the body. Too much orange affects the nerves and should be balanced. It is quieting to our energies. It has a calming effect. Red-Red is a stimulating color. It can also be used for headaches. It is also a color that is shrouded in confusion. It can be used to awaken greater confidence and optimism. Brown-Brown is a color that can be used in healing. It helps re-awaken an enthusiasm for life. Green can be used to awaken greater friendliness. easing inflammation. It can be used for digestion problems. Blue is the throat Chakra. Orange-Orange affects the second chakra center. courage. Brown can help awaken common sense and discrimination. It is strengthening and balancing to the respiratory system of the body. It warms and it activates. It can stimulate deeper passions. Red strengthens the physical energy and the will of the individual. but I have found it beneficial at times. It is soothing to the nervous system. especially for inflamed conditions of the body. The red-purple range is beneficial for balancing polarities of the body. poor circulation and mucus ailments. It activates innate intuition. and it can be used to ground and calm extremely sensitive individuals. It awakens our physical life force. It is tied to our emotional health and to the muscular system of the body. It will energize the base chakra. Black-Black also contains the entire color spectrum. and it has an antiseptic effect as well. however. The ions we obtain from digestible substances give our bodies the power to generate electricity.. there are locations on earth that are known to be centers of attraction for cosmic energy (e. Chakras. Llewellyn Publications) THE CHAKRAS There are several types of energy forces in the universe. 1979). In electrical terms. Similarl y. pg 16. It can also awaken enthusiasm. In order to explain how energy in the universe could affect human behavior via the . Auras are often spoken about in general conversation. there is a flow of current that creates a magnetic field around the body. In man. then it will be much easier to analyze the relationship between the universe's energy and the chakras. a potential difference between the two poles gives rise to a flow between them. Stonehenge in England) called Ley lines. this potential difference is a voltage.g. 1992. If one can understand how the essential polarities of spirit and matter come into existence through vital force centers. and the amount of flow between the poles can be measured as current. pyramids in Egypt. there are additional metaphysical terms that describe physical fields around a person's body. the essential polarity of opposites has its axis along the spinal column in which spirit has its manifestation at the crown of the head while matter (in its densest form) manifests at the base of the spine (Rendell. The word chakra is most commonly used to describe the energy system.Gold is a powerful stimulant to the immune system of the body It helps awaken the individual's own healing energies to assist the body in restoring homeostasis. In man. Spirit and body are the basic polarities. the polarity of spirit and body gives rise to a magnetic field which surrounds the body in the form of an aura. It is possible for energy to be received by the human body in certain locations of the head and torso (see Figures). (How to Heal with Color. The locations or vital force centers are known as Chakras. The chakra system can be considered as an energy system which keeps body and mind alive and healthy. The nervous system contains the framework for conducting the flow of electricity in the body. The different levels of consciousness pertain to the life force vibrating at different frequencies." The wheels of light emanating from the chakra system are manifested between the opposing poles of spirit and matter. and thought is the relationship between the two.Gold. It is a Sanskrit word meaning "wheel of light. The intertwining of mental consciousness (thought) and divine universal consciousness is maximized during meditation. 1991). As our nervous systems generate electricity. In any system. are as old as the earth itself (Bruyere. and chakras respond to different levels of vibration. as well as auras and electromagnetic fields. Ted Andrews. The current flows up the spine spirally like DNA and the Milky way. The connections are associated with very important internal organs. workers in brick and stone. the original Knights Templar.chakra system. a spiraling energy force rises to awake a person's spiritual Consciousness. further reading in a more comprehensive book on chakras is recommended (Leadbeater.. the chakra system is the human body's direct link to the spiritual realm. The chakras emanate through the ethereal body. 1987. it has been confirmed that the seven ar e as are associated with specific organs in the body (Greenwell. . conducting all thoughts which pass through it. Knights Templar What does the term Freemason mean? What is the origin of the term? There are two descriptive types of masonry: “Speculative and Operative. Our interest in mentioning the chakras is to show the reader that there are physiological systems in the body capable of channeling the energies of the universe. Modern scholars claim that “Operative Masonry” was connected in medieval times with a guild of masons. 1991). Each chakra vibrates at a different speed and emits different colors to the clairvoyant eye. Ancient Free Masons B. the brain merely acts similarly to a telephone switchboard. Therefore.ROOTS OF FREEMASONRY: MOORISH SPAIN A. Since a more in depth examination of the entire chakra system would exceed the confines of this book. The chakra system is the junction site for the material-spiritual connection. Egypt and Morocco or Meroe). In conclusion. and the spiritual world. not the physical body. Operative Masons actually came from the Moors during the Medieval Age that from the Ethiopian Knights of the Zion Temple. we will briefly explain seven planes or states of matter that are known to make up our physical bodies (see Figure). From the base of the spine to the crown of the head. Bruyere. The chakras represent the multicommunication interface among the nervous system.” We shall first concentrate upon the former because it claims a direct line of descent from ancient Africa (Ethiopia.e. Most texts on chakras discuss seven spiritual centers (chakras) in the human body that are visualized by people with extrasensory perception (i. the skin. 1990). From observing the location of chakras. CHAPTER IV . a malfunctioning organ or physiological system can cause diminished energy transformation. psychics). Individuals who possess a degree of clairvoyance can see chakras radiate in the ethereal body where they are represented by saucer-like depressions or vortices on the surface. It is important to note that thought is not confined to the brain. Ancient Moorish Shriners C. (3) Masonry in Europe and North America took on a rather paradoxical role. ‘being in the midst of heaven. MOORISH SPAIN During the Persian. invaded Spain and took with them. and secretly developed the teachings which belonged to their mystery system.D. it is the study of the three monotheistic religions. The original order started in Arabia with the Black Arab "Moors".It is contended by some authors that the term “Freemason” derived from individuals working in “freestone. the previous definition is obviously a borrowing from the Egyptian.’ thus eluding to the sun which. Workers in freestone were considered the most skilled masons. which are 1) Mosesism. I believe is derived directly from the Egyptian “PHRE. and then on to Sumerian doctrine and straight on back to ancient Egypt. the Wisdom Teaching or Mysteries of Egypt.Am erican involvement. i. where they lived.. we can no longer be fooled by blind faith and beliefs. large numbers of Egyptians fled not only to the desert and mountain regions. and became the custodians of Egyptian culture. After completing all these. Arabia and Asia Minor. the Egyptian culture which they had preserved. → SuFi → Sefedic As such. Yet none really have the secrets because present day Masonic and Shriner teachings are only based on Europeans and Euro. Others believe that the term originated with the concept of a guild as “a free association of free men. Knowledge in the ancient days was centralized i. The racist attitudes towards Blacks and the utilization of slavery pathologically clashed with knowledge of Egypt as a Black civilization and the foundation of Freemasonry.e. which the Greeks used to call Sophia. And then it has been watered down again and passed on to so-called Negro-Freemasons. To put it simply.” which means “sun. Greek and Roman invasions. The origin of the word.e. hence “PHREMASSEN” or Children of the sun. it belonged to a common parent and system.” a generic phase for any fine-grained stone that could be carved. What is being taught to you by Negroes and Euro-Freemasons has been grafted from the real and altered for them to suit their needs. i.” and “MAS” which means child.” Several writers also conjecture that the word masonry is a corrupt of the Greek work ‘MESOURANEO’ which signifies ‘I am in the midst of heaven. In the 8th century A. (6) In that the roots of masonry are with Egypt and Greece. the people of North Africa were the neighbors of the Egyptians. or “Sons of Light. the Moors. which they spread through considerable portions of .. Freemasonry. which is the highest level one can reach. Templars and Shrinery did not originate with the Europeans and EuroAmericans as you have been lead to believe.” (7) etc.. doctrine and belief system. natives of Mauritania in North Africa. and 3) Muhammadism.’ is the great source of light. In the York and Scottish rites of Freemasonry there are 1 to 33 degrees. These did not exist with the original degrees.e. but also to adjacent lands in Africa. 2) Christism. the Moors kept up constant contact with mother Egypt: for they had established Caliphates not only at Baghdad and Cordova. 216-219). (Europe in the Middle Ages by Ault p. In addition. that they. but also at Cairo in Egypt. Asia Minor and Europe. Science and learning were cultivated and taught. Copernicus and others obtained their science through Arab or Berber sources. the basic laws of light Hospitals. biographical dictionaries. and from them arose the most famous African professors that the world has ever known. philosophy and the various branches of science were disseminated. to who the world looked for enlightenment. They were really the recognized custodians of African culture. How to argue (specially philosophically): Intellectual methods Greek philosophy: Plato. flasks and the like. Arabic numerals Algebra. Just here it would be well to mention that all the great leaders of the great religions of antiquity were Initiates of the Egyptian Mystery System: from Moses. surgical tools Bibliographical Tools: catalogues. bibliographies. Johann Kepler. and barrel – Including the chair) How to count: zero. encyclopedias Organization and administration of libraries. the Moors displayed with considerable credit. the grandeur of African culture and civilization. stock. The schools and libraries which they established became famous throughout the mediaeval world. surgery. During their occupation of Spain. thesauri. classification schemes Paper manufacture Publishing (as a mass industry) and bookshops . who was an Egyptian Hierogrammat. Seville and Saragossa attained such celebrity.Africa. like their parent Egypt. Consequently. But these people from North Africa did more than merely distinguish themselves in Spain. Aristotle and the Neo-Platonist. astronomy and mathematics. through the medium of the ancient Arabic language. It is also noteworthy that throughout the Middle Ages. European knowledge of medicine came from these same sources. attracted students from all parts of the Western world. the schools of Cordova. in medicine. It should also be of interest to know that European scientists like Roger Bacon. down to Christ. dictionaries. trigonometry and spherical geometry Laboratory tools: test tubes. Optics. Toledo. Empirical and Experimental Method University system (lock. Hydrology; various irrigational tools How to find your way: calculation of direction; navigation, compass Cartography: an authentic map of the world Basic set of astronomical facts and laws (most of which were plagiarized) Basic understanding of the human body The basic ‘Canons of Medicine’ (ibn Sina’s and alRazi’s) Universal history (which was itself used to undermine Muslim history) Sociology How to be a mystic without freaking out the art of ‘gracious living’ Musical harmony; guitar and other stringed instruments and the technique of playing them! The Moors were known for more than just conquest. While the remaining part of Europe was in a state of ignorance, the Spanish people took advantage of the knowledge of the black Moors, During the Moorish rule, many other capital of Spain was a booming city. It is said that after dark one could walk many miles in Cordova and never pass through a street not lighted by public lights. When a person walked out after dark in London, he had to carry a candle or lantern with him to illuminate his path and had to wear high shoes to walk through the thick mud that that often covered the roads. When many Europeans were garbed in skins and in coarse garments, the Moors were wearing silks, linens, and cotton cloth. They also washed in nine hundred bath houses of Cordova. The palace of the Moorish sultan or caliph was far greater in beauty, comfort and wealth than any of the castles of the medieval kings. The Moors used extremely highly polished marble in their construction. The sides of the walls were patiently carved, and the floors were made with various decorations called mosaics. It is said that the Moors were masters in mosaic work. The Moors were known not only for their handicraft, but also for their science. Most of the knowledge of ancient Greece and the Near East was unknown in Europe during the medieval period. The Moors had come into close relationship with Greek and Persian culture. The Moors did not destroy this culture; instead, they brought it to North Africa. There were many famous Moorish Hebrew scholars in southern Spain. The Moorish Jews and the Moors made a great contribution not only to African Asisian civilization, but also to the European. The Jews in the East knew Greek and Syriac. They helped translate the works of the Greek philosophers into Arabic. In turn, these works were studied by the Arab-speaking Jews of North Africa and Spain and translated into the Hebrew. The black Jews of the Moorish kingdom of Spain translated these works into the Latin language, and from Spain the sciences of the Greeks and the Afro-Asian people were transmitted to western Europe. Erudite Moorish men made spectacular contributions to philosophy, medicine, mathematics, chemistry, astronomy, and botany. The Muslim doctors were no sawbones, but masters of their science. They established academies and universities for the rich; also, there were many free schools. There were excellent libraries. These black Moors ruled over parts of Spain for more than seven hundred years. During this time the Moors developed the greatest cultural civilization known anywhere in Europe and the world. NUMERICAL SYSTEMS Became known as Arabic numerals. Al-khawarizumi was the first mathematician to use numerals instead of letters. The translation of his work into Latin in the 12th century introduced the “Arabic” numerals and the Zero (from Arabic sifr) to the West and made possible the beginnings of European mathematics. (Right) The European nations paid tribute to the Moors well into the 18th century. In the book, "United States and Barbary Powers", it says, "the English, French, Dutch, Danes, and Swedes, were tributary to then." David MacRitchie in the book "Ancient and Modern Britons" says that the word "blackmail" is the result of this tribute paid to the "black army", or black oppressors" as the English referred to them. Many Europeans joined the Barbary Corsairs, from which came the tam "turning Turk.” In this picture we see an American captain reluctantly, however duly, delivering tribute to the Bey of Morocco. The Moors had control of the Atlantic and the Mediterranean Seas. This is why the Marines sing of defeating the Moors, "From the halls of Montezuma (Mexico) to the shores of Tripoli" confirming in song the extant of the Moorish empire, or the dominions of Morocan Empire. This picture clearly illustrates the Moorish power. SHRINERS Al-Mudh-kheroon "The Shriners" has its roots in the original Amharic language. They had rigid training discipline, ritualistic Initiations, which made them worthy to become defenders. They were the Pure Sufi who dressed in black and red because, there were many great cities of trade to defend and protect such as Baghdad in Iraq and Damascus in Syria. The Shrine then spread to underground groups, to protect great men from those who wished to take their thrones. The tribe in Syria that they initiated in the Shrine, during Muhammad's time was called Ghassan. They m i g ra t ed f r om Ar a b i a un d er Bi la a l t h e M u ' a z a n of Ethiopia, who launched from Halab "Aleppo" which means "milk" which is Syria where they claim his body is entombed. In fact he and a band of men snuck out by night for fear of assassination, as all of the other brothers of the scared order feared for their lives. They crossed the burning sands on camel, by night following that great star and on foot traveling westward to arrive in the city of Fez, for they were no longer allowed to visit the city of Mecca, which had fallen under Sunni rule by the first Sunni Khalifah Abu Bakr, who was not Mood related and not a Sayyid. The Shriners were persued even into Fez, where they dressed as Moroccan with the jalaba, the fez and the silham. They went into the desert outside of fez amongst the tribesmen, the Moor's and even lived with and taught the Berbers, who spread the Shrine Brotherhood, then called Al Ikhwaani to (Algiers) Algeria, Tunis, Libya, and Egypt. Bilaal Ibn Rabah 555-641 A.D. began living, amongst them and many were initiated into the Mystic Shrine. They became known as the Idrisids in Morocco. It also spread from Syria to Istanbul in Turkey. The Ahli'l Bait originally moved up the Hejaz of Ar a b ia d ow n i n t o N u b i a . The Shriners were perused even into Fez, where they dressed as Moroccan with the jalaba, the fez and the silham. They went into the desert outside of fez amongst the tribesmen, the Moor's and even lived with and tau g ht the Berbers, who spread the Shrine Brotherhood, then called Al Ikhwaani to (Algiers) Algeria, Tunis, Libya, and Egypt. Bilaal Ibn Rabah 555-641 A.D. began living, amongst them and many were initiated into the Mystic Shrine. They became known as the Idrisids in Morocco. It also spread from Syria to Istanbul in Turkey. The Ahli'l Bait originally moved up the Hejaz of Ar a b ia d ow n i n t o N ub i a . The white robe of present day Al Islaam was adopted after the first followers. of As Sayyid Muhammad's migration to Ethiopia amongst the Falasha tribe, where they took on the white turban, white robes, prayer beads, prostration in prayer and even the use of word mosque. Qur'aan 9:117.) After dwelling there for a period of 3 years, they adopted their dress, the same as those of Ethiopia and even changed their direction in which they prayed from Jerusalem to Mekka Qur'aan 3:96 called the qiblah, which is why our temples rooms, are all built due east, the Qiblah Qur'aan 2:142. A new shrine was created in 1870 A.D. in New York, costumes from the 1001 Arabian nights and stories of legends of Sinbad, Aladdin, books on tales of Baghdad and Casablanca Morocco i n t r i gu e d t h e E u r o p e a n r e a d e r s a n d t h e d e s c r i p t i o n s o f t h e elaborate silk, satin, velvet, and embroidered robes of multicolors. Founders of Euro-Shrinedom were William J. Florence and Dr. W a l t e r M . F l e m i n g s . W i t h t h e h e l p o f A l b e r t L . L a w s o n , Charles T. Mclenacha William J. Florence and Dr. Walter ey Fleming set up the first Mecca Temple in New York, and then he 1871 A.D., they formed The Order of the Mystic Shrine. Mecca Temple was actually issued in 1872 A.D., which is also the date of their first session after which their Imperial Council organized on June 6, 1876 A.D. On January 4, 1875 A.D., George F. Loder was told to set up a Temple in Ro chester, New York called the Damacus Temple as well as other Freemasons who were passed and became Potentates to open more temples in New York. All Freemasons did not receive the new Freemasonic fraternity of Sh r i n en dom fa vora b l y, b ec a use t h ey fea red it w oul d b e a detriment to Freemasonry to which nothing can be added or taken away. Lord of Lords. Castles were built in Europe as military out post. Despite their fearsome. Jones had on his application. the Lion of Judah. The common denominator of 1933 was the teachings of Egypt unrealized at that time.D. 1891 A. the last Emperor of Ethiopia and the House of Israel. battle-hardened reputation. These seven events were the signs of the “Novus Ordo Seclurum”-THE UNIVERSAL NEW ORDER. Moorish descendents of Morocco and Spain’s “Golden Age. and unless it is done u n d e r h i s s a n c t i o n o f p o w e r a n d a u t h o r i t y . a secret fleet that sailed the oceans.Also during this time Noble: . David Fard finalized his teaching to Elijah Poole.” could set-up their own “MoorishAmerican Society” confirmed by the 75th Resolution. C. 33 rd degree was the first and only colored Mason in the United States who claimed to had the power and authority to confer the Mystic Shrine degrees and institute Temples in the United States and all Mystic Shrine degree work in North and South America. The Castile was in Nubia southern Egypt. c l a n d e s t i n e a n d b o g u s . Jones and his associates were expelled after speaking their disagreements against Euro-American William J. Master W. The African-American Shriners had to change their name to Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. and an awe-inspiring self-confidence and courage that made their enemies fear them. 1831 A.John G. the Great Pyramid was put on the dollar bill. B u t h e n e v e r p r o d u c e d a n y Ar a b i c d o c u m e n t s . it's Turkish from Pasa. Hebrew and Arabic would travel to what is called the “Middle East” . the Knights Templar were learned men. which gave him the authority to set up temples across the United States in different cities. John G. dedicated to protecting travelers. and pa ssed June 16. Received And Accepted June 1893 by Noble Rofelt Pasha. The years. “1930-33” the Pan-Hellenic Council was established. Deputy of the Grand Council of Arabia. The European-American Shriners took the African-American Shriners to court in 1933 for using their name “Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. born July 26. for setting up the order without proper authority and charters. Noble John G.D. Pasha is not an Arabic name. the Dogon of Mali spotted the Star Sirius. and Haile Selassie was anointed the King of Kings.D. The original Knights came from Ethiopia that mastered Iron welding and stone masonry since ancient times. KNIGHTS TEMPLAR The Origin of the Knights Templar The search for the Knights Templar is as fascinating a story as history provides us. the Holy Grail. Europeans who seeked to learn Amharic. Jones. In 1896 A. The Knights Templar have been associated with all sorts of amazing activities including having the Ark of the Covenant. i t i s s p u r i o u s . Florence. ” Evidence of certain initiatory rituals were compiled in the work of Italian writer Humberto Malhandrini. University of Missouri Press. After they realized they needed real training. a work compiling the fragments of several ancient authors including Herodotos. this was hidden or secret knowledge. and others. it is only through understanding the obsessions of European and North American masons that the sanctity of the Egyptian original can be realized. Plutarch. Williams “concealed to keep the practices of the craft among those suitably trained. Without fully understanding. Vol. 25-6) The uppermost grades of initiation into European Freemasonry centered around the rituals of Osiris and to the masons. a new affirmed image of self. Black Athena: Afro-Asiatic Roots of Classical Greece. I pointed to the significance of this earlier in the chapter. carving. this rite which was thoroughly incorporated into the European initiation rite provided a symbolic transformation which led to the acceptance of. Columbia. they were chiefly employed in constructing large buildings such as cathedrals.” writes Loretta J. 48) . In Egyptian initiation. Rutgers University Press.would see members of these secret societies as Jewish (Falasha) Sephardic (Sufi) chanting or dancing even enacting skits of the past. they seeked out the Ethiopian Knights of the Zion Temple which later d e v e l o p e d i n t o t h e K n i g h t s o f T e m p l a r .” held a profound position for Masonic orders.. How did Europeans begin to learn? EARLY EUROPE: In the Middle Ages. 1987. It is significant to point out that there were two types of masons. that their signs were hieroglyphics. 1980. the art practiced by the “Hewer” was considered higher because it included sculpture. In 1657. “The work method was kept secret. p. they misinterpreted these things and wrote things down the best they could remember. that their lodges were Egyptian temples. this type of work required large groups of people. Iamblichus. and intricate work. Diodorus Siculus. () Again. Martin. Because they worked with stone. p.” This phrase can be traced back to Medievel times when highly skilled masonry was symbolized by large castles and cathedrals which awe inspired early Europe. masons were seen as an unusual occupational group. Unlike other labor guilds. along with a seven year apprenticeship in training. This period which was referred to as “The Englightenment. (Williams. They vowed to protect the pilgrims who like the Muslims were trying to make pilgrimage to their Holy City of Mecca as the Christian Pilgrims were making their way to their holy city of Jerusalem spread throughout Europe. I: "The Fabrication of Ancient Greece. This is in essence. initiatory ritual. Black Freemasonry and Middle-Class Realities. Porphyry. A special religious structure was attached to the language. eusebius. he published a book entitled The Ritual of Initations. There were three initiatory levels of attainment. monasteries. Tertulian. w h i c h b e c a m e a b r a n c h O f Freemasonry today. These Europeans in turn copied the idea from memory and made their own brotherhood of Anglo-Saxons who started out as the poor pilgrims. Masons zealously guarded the secrets of what they termed “The Craft. and interaction between Medieval Masons. there was a psychological drama or “play” involved. and sometimes overheard things only spoken in Amharic & Arabic. by the initiate. One of these groups referred to as the “Illumninati” maintained a reverential belief that their religion was Egyptian. the basis of all college Greek “pledge” programs. and that they themselves symbolized the Egyptian priesthood. (Bernal. Loretta J. 1785-1985". and castles. Franklin became Grand Master of the Parisian “Lodge of the Nine Sisters. In 1717. London. and learning. Black Athena: Afro-Asiatic Roots of Classical Greece. Boston (1730). Maryland (1749). In his History of the Seal of the United States. I would like to focus in upon Benjamin Franklin in the founding of the United States and its connections with ancient Egypt. participant in the establishment and formation of the United States as a country.” is exactly known. By this time Eurocentric though had permeated western civilization and with it Egypt’s demise as a high civilization. During this period. David. John Hancock and many others. New Haven. Ben Franklin (1706-1790) was active. 1912. p. However the earliest workers in stone or “Master Builders” were monks. 195-6) Careful analysis of the Great Seal of the United States of America (on the U. Triumph in Paris: The Exploits of Benjamin Franklin. he utilized his skills to procure a $60. I: "The Fabrication of Ancient Greece. Rutgers University Press. With the continued march of European Enlightenment. Newport (1749). Martin.000. Virginia (1741). 26) COLONIAL AMERICA “Fed by travel and commerce” Eighteenth century “Anglomania” spread masonry to the American continent. Lodges thus began to take on the term “Speculative Masonry” indicating that individuals lacking skills in hewing or laying stone could be initiated. 1987. Building in stone) in Medieval Europe known “Operative Masons. Harper and Row. Among the more notable initiates by Ben Bannker into American Freemasonry were George Washington. 183) By the early 1700s many of the lodges were filled with men not engaged in the building trades. Medieval Architecture: Its Orizins and Develo p ment.” (Schoenbrun. Subsequent lodges were established in Philadelphia (1730). II. (Porter.E. In fact. dollar bill) discloses a mass of Masonic symbols. Savannah (1733-34). There is even documented evidence of a French monk named Jean who in 1110 C. At this junction. Vol.S. 1785-1985". During his ten year mission. Vol. Yale University Press. But as a colonial diplomat and mason. New York (1738-39). (Bernal. p.When Masonic lodges appeared in early Europe is entirely clear. it was seen as fitting to barbarism. the origin of those possessing these skills (ie. held the reputation of being an excellent Master Builder.000 loan from the government of France in its war against in contact with several noteworthy masons of the Enlightenment. p. Gaillard Hunt substantiates (though unwittingly the belief that the original seal carried the Phoenix (the . Benjamin Franklin. they alone were literate and had access to the ancient knowledge. Arthur Kingsley. and New Haven (1750). Even still the Masonic admiration for Egypt survived as the country itself fell from grace with academic scholars. including Voltaire. four London Lodges which united to form the United Grand Lodge their order throughout England and the American colonies. In a colored sketch submitted as a design for the great seal by William Barton in 1783. 268) . President: “It would be interesting. principally in the form of obelisks and temples. the eye of Horus (Egyptian Heru).” (Bernal.Egyptian Bennu Bird) on its obverse surface and the Great Pyramid of Gizeh on its reverse side. The Secret Teachings of All Ages. Styles of tombstones in both Europe and North America took on an Egyptian flavor. The Philosophical Research Society. Professor Charles Eliot Norton of Harvard University writes “The device adopted by Congress is practically incapable of effective treatment. it can hardly (however artistically treated by the designer) look otherwise than as a dull emblem of Masonic fraternity. LA. Regarding Masonic and Egyptian influences on the Great Seal we find the Bennu Bird. Manley P. On these issues..” (Hall. 1977) Despite Egypt’s fall from grace. Inc. and more specifically the “Book of the Coming Forth by Day” strongly influenced the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. the impact of Egyptians’ resurrection belief systems maintained a strange hold on North America and Europe. an actual Phoenix (Bennu Bird) and not an eagle appears sitting upon a nest of flames.S. Chapter XC. for instance. Mummification even became widespread in the United States during the 1860s and 1870s. to consider the impact of Washington’s splendid Masonic funeral.. Martin Bernal observes that some unnoticed Egyptian elements possibly existed in the funeral of the first U. Significantly. The Egyptian form of dealth: connected to the Pyramids and tombs.. and the Pyramid of Gizeh. p. ” and of this position he was well aware. a direct line of succession on record for the Prince Hall Lodge. p. 1977. 29 There is however. This petition was granted and a warrant issued September 29.. 130) Clarity is provided on Black members of a New York Lodge. 459. attempting to discredit its legitimacy. Its very existence has gone unnoticed by white (European-American or Caucasian) masons: . “Masonically speaking” however. he may not have been the first Black mason in this country. candidate to establish the first African-American lodge of Freemasonry. United Supreme Council. Winthrop. 1784. N.Y. White Over Black: American Attitudes Toward the Negro 1550-1812. p. Crawford.” (Jordan. 30) Hall petitioned the Mother Lodge of England for a warrant.. A History of Freemasonry among Negroes in America. Harry E. p. Prince Hall and fourteen other African-Americans were initiated by a British army lodge. Strangely enough however. During this time “Negroes” found themselves unwelcome into the ranks of the Masonic Order. Prince Hall (1735-1807) was seen as a “Negro. these Blacks were actually initiated into an Irish lodge because the English Lodges were forbidden to initiate civilians. Prince Hall has been credited with establishing the first AfricanAmerican Masonic lodge on North American soil however. there is no legitimate documentation verifying acts of “deputation” or assigning the title of Grand Master to early officers of the white lodges. And because there was no registered town lodge of Irish constitution in Boston in 1775. (Davis. now rests in a Boston bank vault. The University of North Carolina Press. Racism’s piercing eyes took aim at the Prince Hall Lodge. The Crisis. Prince Hall and His Followers. Short (about 5 foot 3 inches) and slight of stature. The charter for this Masonic lodge is the only original charter held by any American Masonic body. 1914. George W. they were able to initiate Prince Hall and his followers. 1946. in imitation of a society…which was looked upon to be a gross affront to the Provincial Grand Master and Gentleman of the fraternity…and was very ill ACCEPTED.BLACK MASONS By American standards. As early as the 1730s a news periodical of the time reported that some New York African-Americans had “the impudence to assume the style and title of Free Masons. After several unsuccessful efforts to obtain recognition from any Masonic bodies in and about Boston. credibility. the lodge was known as Lodge No.. offered a considerable sum of money for the document. 1947. slavery. as with other Masonic orders.” (37) This resolution was ignored by Masonic members. (Williams. the conference powerbrokers soundly dismissed the resolutions resolving “to take no further action on the subject. all settled and peopled by the children of Ham?" (Martin R. Louisiana State University. 17) Black Masons took a unique look at their role within the society. Martin R. is it to deny to a child the lineage of its own parentage. Philadelphia.M. Delany The Origin and Object of Ancient Freemasonry). Clarence. A famous African-American Freemason named Martin R.. What was profound about this 19TH. Richard Allen.E. and Assyria. ministers from becoming Masons. He was an activist known as the Malcolm X of his time..” (Walker. 92) Three major interests of these early African-American masons centered around Black institutions: church.. some AfricanAmericans took a dim view of Freemasonry. p. African Origins of Freemasonry. 2005. p. And when petitions appeared again 1844 and 1848. at various times. an early Princeton graduate who was active in the anti-slavery movement. In 1836. p. He served as an officer in the United States Army.R. pg ix. Author House. Wright. PA. 1982. Egypt. Delany wrote several books on the origin of Man in Africa. The Encyclopedia of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. Bloomington. the African Methodist Episcopal Church conference passed a resolution that “no preacher be permitted to graduate with ministerial functions who is and continues to be a member of any Freemason’s Lodge.M. and Absolum Jones were all Prince Hall Masons and African Methodist ministers. IN) . Baton Rouge.E. and education. R. Delany was a 19TH century black nationalist who battled racism and oppression. It should therefore come as no surprise that Prince Hall. During the middle of the nineteenth century. 25) "But to deny to Black men the privileges of Masonry. century man was his studies of the history of the African in America. Another Prince Hall Mason and prominent clergyman was Theodore S. Church During the Civil War and Reconstruction. A Rock in a Weary Land: The A.” (Wright.” writes Clarence Walker. preferring to develop a sense of personal worth which could be enhanced by labeling one’s self and enlightened peers as catalysts for a better world.A story is told of the charter being hidden in an old elm tree on the Boston Commons for four years when the Boston Prince Hall Masons felt that it might be stolen by white Masons who have. From whence sprung Masonry but from Ethiopia. (Gremillion. p. “may have been part of a program to control the clergy which developed in the 1840s. Delany made the above statement. (Williams. Zachary P. 412-3) These attempts to prevent A. widows. “The Original People. Egypt and other temples. in the day they were created. mothers. and Coptic alphabets. The name of a fraternity or sorority is usually composed of two or . a Geek came from Geece. Where and what is Geece? Geece is where the Great Pyramids of Egypt (Africa) were built.* It is said by historians that Greek (scientific) letters came from Greece. the Order of the Eastern Star. a Black Masonic affiliate as well. Moab. spiritual people made from the black soil that originated the initiation system. the female equivalent of the master Masons was established in North America around 1867. and blessed them and called their name Adam. CHAPTER V THE BIRTH OF FRATERNAL ORGANIZATIONS FRATERNAL ORGANIZATIONS The words “fraternity” and “sorority” are representations derived from Greek and Latin sources respectively.” according to the Bible Genesis 1:27 So God (Elah) “Male and female created he them.African Origins of the Hebrew Pharaohs and the Bible by NHBey Isra-El). This organization was originally opened to wives. The dark skinned. Old Greek and old Hebrew are also called Phoenician. FREEMASONRY Freemasonry is an ancient African initiation system that dates back to Adam in the Garden of Eden. stars (the universe). Geece in Africa is pronounced Giz (geez) or Giza. Another black woman’s group is the Heroines of Jericho. Greek letters came from Africa.Not surprisingly. The first Black Eastern Star Chapter was formed in North Carolina in 18880. King Solomon(European name) actually was Akhenaten(African name) and his son King Tutankh-Amen-Ra was King David Mene-Lik of Ethiopia (see Book II . and the planet earth. Geece is also the oldest Ethiopian language spelt Geez. The initiation candidate learnt basic construction skills and had to work out the alphabet equations to build the temples that lined up with the Zodiac constellations in the sky as well as with the gravitational (Ley-line) magnetism of the planet earth using the science of the so-called Greek (Geez) letters. Historians claim that science and technology also originated in Greece. Giza. The Original people took these skills all over the planet earth. which helped them to build the Great Pyramids at Giza. They used the Geez (Ethiopian) letters to scientifically construct the temples in accord and in harmony with the sun. and daughters over eighteen years of age. Fraternity derives from the Greek word “Phrater” which means brother and “Phrateries” means brotherhood Sorority originates in the Latin word “sorosis” which means sister. sisters. A “Geek” which is a slang for “a Greek” (pronounced without the “R”) is an extremely smart scientific or highly-technical person. Adam is a couple (male & female). moon.” King Solomon’s Temple and the Queen of Sheba. So following along the same slang logic. and which indicates briefly the purposes or aims of the organization. Distinct colors. etc. Horus-PTah/Zeus Jupiter D. and other symbolic insignia are selected by these organizations. Beta chapter. BROTHERHOODS Fraternal organizations exemplified in Masonic rituals. crescent. The letters commonly represent a motto: which is supposed to be unknown to all but the fraternities members. The Sole Authority of the twenty-four scientist was the head scientist (the 25 th ). These rituals were to glorify brotherhood as well as sisterhood while encouraging the scholarly pursuit of knowledge and literature. David Fard. Centaur Centurion 2. are termed “chapters. Delta Chapter. Kappa Alpha Psi 1.) the first is shield which displays the organizations name. and with one or two expectations. The Collegiate Press.” the Bible and the history of ancient Egypt and Greece most be looked at closer. Thot/Hermes Mercury C. the “Original People. were derived from “ancient tribal patterns. etc.” which was taught by Master W.” were the first civilizers of the planet Earth.BIRTH OF THE FRATERNITIES: TWENTY FOUR SCIENTIST A. Phi Beta Sigma 1. 1930. 5) Chapters are generally given the Greek letters in the order of their establishment. Whenever the . This may be worn as a pin or a watch key pendant. Osiris/Apollo’s Chariot B. Alpha Phi Alpha 1. p. According to “The Lost-Found Asiatic Lessons. alpha Zeta. or lamp. 2. Once chapters exhaust the letters they are combined such as Theta Zi. pyramid. The lodges situated in the various colleges are affiliated.” (Shepardson. Wisconsin. flags.) The second is monogram of letters composing the name. Crescent Moon Light 2. Sphinx-Lion of Judah 2. Alpha Phi Alpha or Alpha Kappa Alpha). There are three distinctive kinds of badges used by fraternities and sororities: 1.. “The twenty four scientists (elders). sphinx. Min-Aphis Birth of the Fraternities. Iota Phi Theta 1. Genii of The Lamp 2.three Greek letters (ie. scroll. CHAPTER V .” The ancient “tribal” patterns of Africa an Native Americans were perpetuated in as proto-type of modern Greek-lettered societies. Baird's Manual: American College Fraternities. Omega Psi Phi 1. flowers. Anubis/ E. as Alpha Chapter. Francis W.) The third is generally a symbol of the organization such as an ivy leaf. Scroll & Staff of Moses 2. 3. and there were 25 scientists who ruled the original people of the planet Earth. . and Alah in Amharic (Ethiopian). The Twenty Four Scientists.four (of the twenty-five) Scientists would go out from the root of civilization to all four corners of the Earth. for the next 25. and live among the people for a period of time studying the culture of that people. t h e job w a s gi ven t o t h e w isest of these scientists. The other 24 taught him everything th a t t h e y k n e w .” thi s m an wh o is c all ed b y th e n am e “ Presi dent” m ay die. The original nation uses 24 Scientists to write the future of that nation for the next 25. Farad teaches there is a significance to the number 25 Scientists and the 25. it is 24. One of them sits as Judge above all the others because He is the Best Knower. The Leader and 24 Scientists used is in a c c o r d a n c e w i t h t h e h o u r s i n o u r d a y a n d t h e measurement of the circumference of our planet . The twenty-four of them make up a Secret Order. could predict exactly what the people would do and the time in which it would happen.000 Year Cycle. according to astronomy. They would "tune in" to the thinking of the people. The language of these men is Hebrew and their way of life is Peace (Shalom). These Elohim write the history of the world BEFORE it transpires. Of the twenty-four. Fard teaches that these twenty-four men govern the universe. they the Anunnaki. So it is with he that is called by the name “Ra” (El-Ra or Elah). don't have a full 24-hour day but near that . i t b e g e t s n o t n o r i s i t b e g o t t e n . The number of Gods on this Divine Council being twenty-four is not arbitrary.. By tuning in n the thinking of the people.000 years. 000 years.(*) and I the Bible they were the Nephilim-mental giants and angelic beings. 896 and we. there are Twelve Major Scientists and Twelve Minor Scientists.23 hours. Al-Ra or Eloh in Hebrew. and according to the dissatisfaction in the minds of the people. among every kindred and tongue.000 years to bring about a complete change in the region of the poles. in Egypt they were the Neteru.” But the name remained fo r e v e r . twenty. In Greece they were the Gods of Mt. The Twenty Four Scientists of the twenty-five have a main to write history. and another man will take his place. a n d t h e r e i s n o t h i n g c omparable to it. the most secret of all Secret Orders. they could look down the line of time. Our planet is not approximately 25. All of the twenty-five scientist collectively were called “Elohim. and the 25th is the Judge or the One God. T h e n a m e E l o h i m i s n o t b o rn . and the name of the office was Eloh. The wisest of these scientists was he that was the supreme leader. i t d o e s n ot d i e . But writing history for these Elohim (Gods) does not mean recording events after they happen. This One scientist became the leader over the other twenty-four. Of the Twelve Major Scientists. and in Sumeria. El-Ra or “Ra” of Egypt. The change made in our planets rotation at the Poles is about one minute a year and takes 25. .000 miles in circumference. the Twenty Four Elders or the Council of The Gods. Olympus. t h u s m a k i n g h i m w i s e s t o f a l l t h e o t h e r t wenty-four of them.history calls for a change in t h e Ea rth a n d Un i verse. They hold within their circle all knowledge and they pass their wisdom down from Father to Son. Fard teaches that at the beginning of every 25. They constitute the best minds of the Original Nation. 56 minutes and 46 seconds. The actual poles are inclined 23 1/2 degrees to the plane of its orbit. In ancient mythology these scientist went by different names. Just as th e nam e of th e l ea der of thi s c ountry i s “the p resi dent . to every nation.000 years. Fard was the offspring of a dark skin or Black Asiatic father (Yemen)and a Jewish (European Turkish) mother. and lived according to the science of Islam. Egyptian Book of Thoth or Histories written by Manetho. of other planets. The Scientists' duty is to guide the History of the earth in accord with the 25." was arranged in a questionand-answer format. who is best known as Master Fard. Knowledge.D. & Eve –children or descendants of Adam-the Original People) that dominated the earth." His mission was to teach freedom. or the Chaldean Histories written by Berosus. he gave the history of the moon. of God and evil. Scholars assume they were destroyed during the invasions. He gave the exact birth of the races. These people were called Israel. Who was Fard? W. a year for every mile. how it will end and re-begin. WD Fard was able to go among both Negroes and Caucasian people without being discovered or recognized. He knew the measurement and weight the earth and the water. and the civilizations and some of the planets other than the earth. Fard's ideological foundation known as the "Secret Ritual." He began teaching the knowledge of self.These Scientists write the Prophetic History to equal our home (Earth) circumference of approximately 25. because they submitted humbly to the will of Elah. (The Book of God. Fard. and the end of time. They are also responsible for imparting Wisdom." He had received the finest education in preparation for his mission. The Scientists are responsible for collecting and preserving the wisdom of the universe. the history of the two nations (Adam-the Original People. True Islam. Their language was Hebraic (Hebrew). it is the duty of the Gods to secure such wisdom and make sure it is not destroyed. But in fact. ” B e t h . c or re l a t i n g Th e Nations with them mathematical balance of the Number 12.000 square miles. better known as the "Lost-Found Asiatic Lessons" or simply as "the lessons. the Twenty Four Scientists make sure it happens just as it is written. Atlanta GA. the measurements of the earth. He could speak 16 languages and writes 10 of them. The 24 scientists were called elders and they may be found recorded in the bible In the book of revelations chapter 4:4.) IMAGE-102608/ TODO T h e s e S c i en t i st s e st a b l i s h e d c i vi l i z a t i o n w i t h t h e m a t h em a t i c a l b a l a n c e o f t h e n um b er 1 2 . Official teachings state that he was born February 26. He could recite the histories of the world as far back as 50. This they did by the will of Al-Ra who sat upon the throne of p o w e r . 2007. 1877. pg 175-6.' These lessons were the basic elements of an ancient mystery school of Egypt that . As the History is written. The Scientists serve as the "Heads" of the Original Nation. thus. justice. and Understanding to prophets and ministers. the judgment.000 Year Prophetic History and to fulfill the scriptures.000 years and knew the beginning and end of all things. I n t h e c e n t e r o f t h e u n i v e r s e “ T h e G r e a t P y r a m i d . A-TEAM Publishing.E l o r t h e H o u s e o f G o d . and equality to the members of the lost-found "Thirteenth tribe of Shaba(zz) in the wilderness of North America. correlating with the twelve constellations of the Universe. The Bible is a book of prophecy which describes events that take us all the way into the Apocalypse. It is necessary to remember that the groundwork for most of European achievements had already been laid down by the Ethiopians. was the center of organized culture and candidates entered it as the leading source of ancient culture. of today are at most major universities all over the country in America. like the modern university. The name of the training was veiled in the word. The Greeks did not begin without foundations. solemn and awful process of further initiation. Africa). The Mystery System was also a secret order and membership was gained by initiation and a pledge to secrecy.M. “Baking” means to harden something. Could Fard have taught the founders of the Frats which numbered twenty-four (7-Alphas. Egyptians or Black Greeks (they are all the same people no matter what we call them). If you don’t work hard for something you will never appreciate it. and are the ancestors of all humans on the planet earth. 4-Omegas. “boucan” or “smoking” process that meant seasoning. with interval of tests to determine the strong from the weak.” According to these teachings.” That same philosophy is used today whether it applies to work every day or studying for school. Central to these teachings were the knowledge of self or “Know Thy Self.” or at random? THE ORIGINAL OLYMPIANS The Black Greeks were the Olympian Gods from Africa who came to Greece by way of Egypt. The teaching was graded and delivered orally to the Neophyte. IMAGE-102408/IMG 0007 TODO THE SMOKER The preparation and initiation process for the pledge during the Medieval Ages was set up first by the Moorish knighthood in Spain and throughout Europe and the world. they underwent disciplinary and intellectual exercises and bodily assertions with intervals of tests and ordeals to determine their fitness to proceed to the more serious. For years. At these universities or colleges the Black Greeks conduct a pledge process which can range from 4 to 12 weeks duration of intellectual exercise and bodily assertions. It is no different than the pledge process of the ancient Greeks and Egyptians (who both originated from Ethiopia. that the Ancient Mystery System in ancient Egypt. Ancient philosophy says “if there is no struggle there is no progress. IMAGE-102608/IMG 0001 TODO The Black Greek letter organizations (the Pan Hellenic Council). Professor George G. The pledge process of the original Greeks today is no different than the pledge process of the Greeks today.he attended. It involved an esoteric ritual containing keys to unlock the rusty brain cells. 10-Kappas. the Original People by nature are divine. James clearly states in his book Stolen Legacy. Today if a person has a lot of . & 3 Sigmas) plus him the relations of all the frats and the ancient teachings is astounding and too coincidental to be “by accident. They publish a quarterly magazine called the SPHINX. Their pledge group is called Sphinxmen. Alpha Phi Alpha: 1. like you give “answers” during an exam .Y. Robert H. Eugene K.” The Buccaneers received their name from boucan. In Rune Norse alphabet Phi or Feoh means movable wealth. and special teachings. Phi means phase and fraction of a cycle in science. the density changes to solid in form. 1906. In the RunesNorse alphabet “Ansur” means examination. fasces which run diagonally across from the upper right to the lower left.” The military calls this introduction process “boot camp.experience we call them “a seasoned veteran or hardened criminal. History claims that the buccaneers received their name from the way they cooked meat in a boucan or smoke house. Alpha Phi Alpha Greek letters has a scientific meaning and a symbolic meaning in Hebrew. The Indians of North American initiation process took place in the “Seat Lodge. Bacon is a meat that has been seasoned or smoked. Murray. The fraternity colors are black and old gold. along with seven jewels in the center and along the upper lines. Alpha means Mankind (male & female) in Hebrew. When water changes phases from liquid to ice its quality remains the same. Jones. Beneath this emblem is the monogram for Alpha Phi Alpha. The badge is a pin superimposed with the monogram letters also. It is also the first Black Greeklettered organization to originate on an all-Black college campus (Howard University). on December 4.” which was full of heat. Nathaniel A. or trained. N. Thus A-phi-A means First Phase of electrical sparks. Callis. hardened. In science an “Alpha wave” is a pattern of electrical oscillation occurring in the brain of 8-13 Hertz when the person is awake and relaxed. So the Buccaneers.” Today fraternities call this preparation or introduction to their order “A Smoker. The design of the shield includes a torch and a dove in the upper-left hand corner. but as a family name it represents the foundation of modern speculative free masonry via Sir Francis Bacon. Bacon family all represent a people that went through a training to teach them civilization and technology. . or the smoking (training) process. Sphinx-Lion of Judah 2. Alpha means first. Tandy. Kelly. Pirates that were better trained at sea are more respected during the 15th century were called “Brethren of the coast” or “Buccaneers. Vikings. The Vikings (in Hebrew and Spanish “v” & “b” are interchangeable) were the pledgees or brethren of the north that were seasoned. A. and a sphinx head in the lower right-hand corner. Its insignia are a shield and a badge. Alpha Phi Alpha is the oldest Black Greek-lettered organization to originate on a college campus.” All derivatives of boucan mean seasoned. Ogle. The fraternity's founders are: George B. and Vertner W. smoke. and taught Norse history (mythology) and sea navigation.” or “smoke house. trained. Henry A. Osiris. Apollo & Hercules Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity was founded at Cornell University in Ithaca. Perhaps this is the hidden meaning behind the Alpha's fraternal colors being Black and Gold. The Pyramid is the original “House of Israel. the head of the lion was replaced with a man. If a person flatlines they must be recharged with electrical charge. He has awakened in the sleeping Lion-Sphinx. The “Sleeping Lion” had awakened in 1906 (Gensis49:9-10). SPHINX-LION OF JUDAH The root of A-Phi-A is the keys to unlock the rusty chambers in our brains. They give great tribute to Ethiopia the civilization that is called "the Ancient of Days.wisdom. Alpha has risen out of the nocturnal darkness." (hosted by Charleston Heston) written by John Anthony West stated that the Sphinx was originally a giant lion that was built over 10 thousand years ago. and are always governed by the same basic cosmic laws. are the same. The Masters taught that the human body is definitely related to and linked with the entire universe and all its parts. ascending from the-womb of Mother Earth (woman) into of himself. and they are ruled by the same law. After the floods and water erosion of the Sphinx. They enter into the composition of all things. The Lion star above man and Sphinx below." The symbol of Ethiopia on its old flag (and seal) was the Lion of Judah. 1+9+0+6 adds up to seven which means God. .1. It was built during the time that our solar system was in the constellation Leo. The Alpha man is the one who has traveled from darkness.” The Sphinx according to a documentary called "Mysteries of the Sphinx. They never change." Ethiopia is considered the oldest civilization after the great flood of Noah in the Bible and the flood destruction of Atlantis. The ancient symbol of the Lion of Judah is the Sphinx. Archeological evidence could point to this time as the end of the "Ice Age. never lose their identity. (Black) to Light (GOLD). Alpha Phi is the first awakening from our frozen state of mind to liquid (water). Entering Egypt didn't mean going there physically. Osiris is the Neter God that was murdered then resurrected by the “Strong Lion Grip. Most students of mythology should be familiar with the story of the twelve labors (skills) of Hercules. An example would be The Sphinx in Egypt represented the candidates as did Hercules with his first Labor and the Nemean Lion. Hercules after defeating the Nemean Lion wore the Lion skin (figure below). Among the Egyptians the sun's rays are often shown ending in human hands (Atop). and most fortunately placed in the constellation of Leo the Lion. which were symbols of the great solar orb. The Bible says God rested on the seventh Day but reawaken in 1906 in the beginning of the seven thousandth year. Phoenicians. dignified.” and the Raah of the lion’s voice. then walks on two legs. See pix of Osiris standing with Isis inside of his father Ra’s house boat. It meant understanding and receiving some of the wisdom and benefits of that great city in order to really get into Egypt. IMAGE-ETHIOPIAN/HERCULES TODO Hercules would be Herukate-The Sphinx. Masons will . Black-skin Hercules TODO The reference to the " Lion " and the " Grip of the Lion's Paw " in the Master Mason's degree have a strong Sphinx tinge and may easily have originated from this cult. Alpha’s also symbolize King Solomon (European name) who is Akhenaten(African name) the Sun King. Figure 2. Obviously the order of the 12 Labors in Egypt would be different because the Egyptian Mystery System was mainly based on the story of creation. Most people educated in the USA should remember the myth if Herakles best known as Hercules. The sun rising over the back of the lion has always been considered symbolic of power and rulership. What is the Riddle of the Sphinx? 2. then three legs?” Candidates who successfully passed the initiation question (first Labor) would be called “Lions” (*) or “Sphinx” in the modern world (A-Phi). APOLLO & HERCULES In Greek myth Alpha’s represent Apollo who drives his Fathers Sun Chariot or Solar Barge. owing to the fact that the sun is exalted. Herodotus speculated that his origins traced back to the Egyptians. OSIRIS. The Egyptian priests in many of their ceremonies wore the skins of lions. Hercules was the personification of the sun through the twelve constellations of the Zodiac. and Greeks. it was required that you break or explain the Riddle of the Sphinx. would initially start off with the Sphinx-Lion question. “What crawls. the Sun God of Egypt. The myth of Hercules was known to the Sumerians. the Latin form of the Greek name. Terre Haute. like the head of each kingdom. Alexander. Scroll & Staff of Moses 2. Their colors are crimson (red) and cream (white). Their pledge group is called Scrollers. In Runes “K” is Ken which means warmth (Heat=KT). symbolizing light. Asher. Lee. Marcus P. a subtle reminder of the fact that at one time the summer solstice took place in the sign of Leo. The figure of a lion placed on either side of doors and gateways is an emblem of divine guardianship. Indiana on January 5. The lion is king of the animal family. Kappa means “Constant” in chemistry like Heat=KT (Constant x Temperature). and regeneration. Byron K. .. to keep warm. and Edward G. for protection and the telling of the truth and nothing but the truth in court. The allegories perpetuated by the mysteries (such as the one to the effect that the lion opens the secret book) signify that the solar power opens the seed-pods. Blakemore. They publish a quarterly magazine call the Kappa Alpha Psi Journal. Kappa Alpha Psi has a scientific meaning and Hebrew symbolism.find a connection between these hands and the well-known " Paw of the Lion " which raises all things to life with its grip. To the Egyptian priests the cat was symbolic of the magnetic forces of Nature. the Celestial Lion.The lion was the emissary of the sun. truth. A person holds up hand with palm facing out. 1911. releasing the spiritual life within. Paul Caine. John M. George W. Anciently the corona of the sun was shown in the form of a lion's mane. Kappa or Kaph means palm in Hebrew like palm reading. The founders are: Elder W. and they surrounded themselves with these animals for the sake of the astral fire which emanated from their bodies. Diggs. Edmunds. Ezra D. illumination and shedding of Light. to overcome this beast is to become a master of such wisdom. Such animals were symbols of eternity. Kappa Alpha Psi 1. The lion symbolizes Secret Wisdom (King Solomon was often symbolized as a lion) . For ages the feline family has been regarded with peculiar veneration. Armstrong. and for this reason the animal was chosen as a symbol of vigilance. (Secret Places of the Lion) B. Thot/Hermes Mercury Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity was founded at Indiana University. Initiates of the Egyptian Mysteries were sometimes called lions or panthers. is sacred to the sun. The official badge is diamond-shaped displaying the fraternity's symbol on a raised black scroll in the middle of the pin. for when they sleep they curl up into a ball with their head and tail touching. Most people rub their palms together when it is cold. There was also a curious belief among the ancients that the lion sleeps with his eyes open. Guy L. Irvin. It will be remembered that Samson and Hercules both wore the lion’s cape. Therefore lion figures were erected over buried treasure. and. Grant. Henry T. whose rays are symbolized by the lion's shaggy mane. Kappas are known as pretty Boys meaning very well dressed as a Play Boy. The Kappa men have a lot of ancient symbols in their f r a t e r n i t y . An idiom “to the teeth” means lacking nothing. pg 267. The symbols of K A PSI range from bunny rabbits. King Unas sealed the oldest complete document in stone that was transcibed to papyrus scrolls. The Kappa's symbol as a pl edgee is a "Scroll or Scroller. The Torah is the fi rst fi ve (5 ) b o ok s . This document is called the Pyramid text that became known as "Pert Em Heru (Come Forth by Light)" also called the "Book of The Dead." Once the pledgee crosses the burning sands. The Greek word for ‘the rising of a star’ also refers to the growing of teeth from the gum. 1. Sirius Mystery Robert Temple.” Lacking nothing means pretty well off. Jason sowed the serpants teeth." Moses use this document to write the Torah. S y m b o l s a n d t h e s y m b o l i s m i s passed from generation to generation by oral. Psi in Hebrew is Shin which means tooth or teeth. Destiny Books 1998) K a p p a A l p h a P s i w a s f o u n d e d b y t e n ( 1 0 ) students at Indiana University.’ Therefore the serpents (cadsues-serpants medicine staff/see pix) teeth were sown in the ground means the star rising over the horizon. Tarot card major Arcana Shin means the universe. diamond in the sky. “armed to the teeth. Psi (Psych) means to put in the right frame of mind or the mind in general. to the hooked cain (Egyptian crook. In the Runes-Norse alphabet “Ansur” means examination. Scroll & Staff of Moses Pharoah King Unas sealed his papyrus scrolls (documents) with his name that has a rabbit in his cartouch (hierglyphic signature). shepards staff.’ In Greek mythology Argo story. like you give “answers” during an exam. In science an “Alpha wave” is a pattern of electrical oscillation occurring in the brain of 8-13 Hertz when the person is awake and relaxed. he recieves his neophyte symbols. “diamonds in the sky and money in the pocket. Alpha means Mankind (male & female) in Hebrew. The hieroglyph for Sirius also means ‘tooth.Alpha means first. artistic. Shi in Japanese is mind. and sometimes written (not always) traditions. on January 9.” He would measure and monitor the pledges Chakra electrical vibrations constantly (K) and heat signature to keep in tune with the spectrum color chamber that the pledge was in. Phi Beta Sigma letters have scientific (Greek) meanings. Thot/Hermes Mercury The Kappa’s represent Thoth (Thot) or Tehuti in ancient Egypt who was Hermes (Mercury). Thot also relates to Moses in human form.” Gabrael also gave the Quran to Mohammad after teaching him the Bible Torah. Moses also healed the people in the Bible by holding up the “Brazen Serpant (medicine sign)” in the Book of Numbers 21:1-9). Washington. Leonard F. Most scholars are familur with the “Books of Hermes. Horus-PTah/Zeus Jupiter Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity was founded at Howard University. Beta means magnetic flux or rate of flow of mass. a complete circuit. (See pix) .” Hermes (Thoth) is also the medical doctor of mankind seem in with the Cadseus medicine sing in his hand. in Greece as the “Messenger of the Gods. Ptah is seen holding a DJed which modern scientist say that it is a hand held Magnetic tool. The fraternity publishes a quarterly magazine called the CRESCENT. I. Pledgee went from Sun Light chambers to Moon Light chambers.C. When water changes phases from liquid to ice its quality remains the same.” The total meaning for the pledgee is traveling through the impedance phase to get to the magnetic house to get charged up by the “Battery. D. Moses brought the law on five scrolls called the Torah and defeated evil Hyksos Pharoah III with the staff (Exodus 4:4). volume.” for the final Hell Week.(o r s c r ol l s ) o f t h e Bible. Dis-Ease is being outer balance which in turns raises your body heat (Heat=KT). Their insignia is a monogram made of the letters of their fraternity name. Phi means phase and fraction of a cycle in science. The phase of the pledge was the second phase or next cycle. C. writer of the science and mathematical scrolls. Beta or Beth in Hebrew means “House. or energy without loss when associated with electric currents. and a spiritual Hebrew and Rune (Norse) symbolic meanings. Crescent Moon Light 2. Brown. 2. and C. As Thot of Egypt. Their colors are royal blue and white. Their pledge group is called Crescents. Thot was the dean of the Pyramid Initiation “Mystery System. Morse. In the Bible Thot or Hermes is THE Angel Gabrael who brings the messages to the prophets and gave the “Good news to Mary. Phi Beta Sigma 1. with twelve pearls inset within the letter Phi. Thermometer looks like a miniature staff that has “mercury” in it. Langston Taylor. In Rune Norse alphabet Phi or Feoh means movable wealth. 1914 by founders A. the density changes to solid in form. he invented the Hieroglyphic writings.” Hermes was the educator of Mankind. It is the finer part of electricity. ride his father Chariot-house. the sky looks blue. Ether is that element which helps to bring all creations into manifestation. In Greek mythology Horas Ptah is Zeus-(Ju)-Piter. Sigma in Rune is Sigal and is “C” in Egyptian Coptic alphabet. Chemical Ether. Olympus. 1. The first being to emerge after PTah was Atum. Life Ether. Ptah means Potential Proton energy. Sigma means “Summation” or “equal to” in science (the Greek letter). The ether in the sky' is what creates the illusionary color. Immediately afterwards Atum came to sit on the throne-Hill that was the pyramid. Sigma (Sigal) looks like a lightning bolt. Light Ether and Reflecting Ether. and blew the planet into two pieces. because he wanted. Fard says that the scientist did this.Sigma means “Prop” in Hebrew meaning a support (like a throne) or as in a theatre prop. Zeus also saved his brothers then became King of Mt. The Egyptian creation story says according to the Memphite Theology. Horus-PTah/Zeus Jupiter Horas-Ptah is the Sky god of creation. The Moon was blown away 36. Khons means chronology of time which is based on the moon. Atum was “Ra” in person who was replaced by Osiris to sit on the Throne. and decided to drill a shaft into the Earth's surface one mile deep. Ptah wears a blue crown with his winged suit (see pix). which flows through all nature's creations. He put very high explosives inside his shaft. This was so until a wise scientist (angel) became dissatisfied. Crescent Moon Light The Sigmas represent Horas-Ptah. We are surrounded by ether(s) Ether is invisible.” Master Fard taught that 66 trillion years ago the Moon and -Earth were one. Ptah puts on his Eagle mask and goes into action as Horas (the Hero) to save his father against Set (Satan). 2. then he built "Atum a Throne' in the form of a Primeval Hill. Without it.” Our ancestors use to refer to the entire planet as Moon or “Mu. Horas eye represents the Moon. . Khons weas the moon crown (see pix). Horas means the twelve “hours” of the day and night. When the solar light of die Sun strikes the ether in the sky. blue. The sky appears to be blue during the daylight hours. The Eye on the dollar bill is also Horas all-seeing Eye. Ptah emerged from the primeval waters.000 miles and the Earth dropped out of its original orbit. there could be no life form of any type. Zeus can be correlated to Joseph of the Bible who saved his eleven brothers when he was the ruler of Egypt as Govenor (Genesis 45:4-5). The word month comes from moon. The Native Americans count every thirty days in “Moons. to make the inhibitants of the Earth to speak one dialect. Washington. Omega Psi Phi 1. On the purple enamel plate are the gold monogrammed letters of the fraternity. Oscar J. Psi in Hebrew is Shin which means tooth or teeth. They publish a quarterly magazine called the ORACLE. Just (Faculty advisor). Above these i s a s t a r a n d b e l o w a l a m p . Love. There is some evidence to show the the throne of Pharaoh also imitated the Primeval Hill. “armed to the teeth. The founders are: Edgar A. An idiom “to the teeth” means lacking nothing.’ In Greek mythology Argo story. The representative of King Solomon sits three steps higher than the other officers of the Lodge. Kappas are known as pretty Boys meaning very well dressed as a Play Boy. Omegas are known as Sons of Blood and Thunder. T h e i r c o l o r s a r e purple and gold. and Dr. pg 267. The Omega (Ohm) equation Voltage=Current x Resistance (V=RI). Omega in science is Ohms which means voltage that creates thunder. The hieroglyph for Sirius also means ‘tooth. Tarot card major Arcana Shin means the universe. Ohm is symbolized by the Omega Letter.C. D. The Greek word for ‘the rising of a star’ also refers to the growing of teeth from the gum. . on November 17.” Psi (Psych) means to put in the right frame of mind or the mind in general. Cooper. 1911. Their pledge group is called Lampados. Ernest E. Sirius is called the “Dog Stra(Sirius Mystery Robert Temple. “diamonds in the sky and money in the pocket. Their badge is a small gold shield around the edge of which area pearls. The Primeval Hill (the Throne) was built by the original people as mound than encased in stone to become a pyramid.In masonry the foundation temple is called the “Blue house” with three degrees like the three founders. Shi in Japanese is mind.’ Therefore the serpents teeth were sown in the ground means the star rising over the horizon. Destiny Books 1998) Phi (F) in science means “phase displacement” or a fraction of a cycle. Frank Coleman. Omega Psi Phi is the Last (Omega) Mental (Psi) Phase (Phi). Omega in Aeronautics is a long range radio navigation aid of very low frequency covering the whole Earth from 8 ground transmitters. D.” Lacking nothing means pretty well off. Phi in Old Hebrew (Phoenician/Runes) called “Feoh” means movable wealth spiritual or emotionally. Jason sowed the serpants teeth. The Ears of the Anubis Dog operates like radio transmitters such as a “Dog Whistle. Anubis Omega Psi Phi Fraternity was founded at Howard University. Omega Psi Phi has Greek scientific and Hebrew spiritual meaning which both originating from EgyptEthiopia. Atomic Dog Lamp 2. summoned all his sons "The 12 Tribes of Israel" in his farewell words. The temples and pyramids. In the 1980's. the Purple Arch" chamber aligned to the Pole Star. DOG STAR SIRIUS Most of the underground chambers were aligned to the Dog Star Sirius and/or the Pole Star. The color purple was introduced and produced by the Phoenicians that evaded the purple color from seashell pearls. Israel's last (omega) son born and addressed was Benjamin who symbol was or is the dog (or wolf). addressed each son individually. GENESIS (KJV) 49:27 Benjamin shall raven as a dog (wolf). the Lamp sweet hearts were or are called "Shells.ATOMIC DOG Anubis ancient priesthood symbol was the dog." When the Lamps (pledgees) became dogs in hell week than crossed the burning sands. In the mourning he will calculate the time. in the northern Omega Psi Phi chapters (Ph i Ep sil on un dergraduate c hapter B uffal o N. underground chambers were dedicated to Anubis were lit with lamps according to H. Y . Marshall Adarra? (ISBN0950302242/the Aquarian Press Limited Wellingborough. just as the Tribe of Judah symbol is the Lion amoung the Twelve Tribes. The Bible Genesis chapter 49 story of Jacob (name was changed to Israel). Marine Corps symbol is also the dog. BARASHET (GENESIS 49:27 in Hebrew) Benyamin is as a dog with keen sight and hearing. (heat Britain 1933). Randall-Stevens in his book Atlantis to latter days published in 1925 by the Knights Templar of Aquarius. by W. in the mourning he consumes the prey. The modern day military U S. the Lampado Shells (sweethearts) become Omega Pearls. According to the book of the Master of the Hidden Places.C.C. specifically). Randall-Stevens in his book Atlantis to latter days published in 1925 by the Knights Templar of Aquarius *) . "The neophyte was given a small lamp which he was told would give him light until such time as he should find his into the ha11s of light (H. Theta in science means “angle. The Greek word kentauros could be as ken . Min-Aphis Founded at Morgan State University. Iota means a very small amount. Moses delivered the people by means of a brass (golden brown ) serpent on a pole (Numbers 21:1-9. Ion is an atom or group of atoms or molecules having a net electric charge acquired by gaining or losing one or more electrons. The Centaur according to etymology is a Man riding a bull. Fi delit y. and linked to legends of Greece being invaded by tribes of horsemen from the north. mathematics and Hebrew have a spiritual meaning. " T h e Development and Perpetuation of Scholarship." he Fraternity's motto is. Centaur/Centurion Iota Phi Theta’s symbol when they pledge is the Centaur. Iota Phi Theta 1. like in a rodeo. Phi (F) in science means “phase displacement” or a fraction of a cycle. Centaur Centurion 2.E. Later in Greece. The Man and bull relationship is older than the modern version of half man torso and horse legs. the purpose of this s o c i a l / s e r v i c e o r g a n i z a t i o n ' i s . Maryland. Iota has a relation to the word Ion. Centaur was born of Ixion and Nephele. IOTA PHI THETA science (Greek letter). As we see in the original Greek mythology or the older version the Centaur was a man riding a bull. Youth Alliance. The Centurion was equivalent to a modern Non-commissioned officer such as a sergeant major. The idea of a combined legendary creature may have arisen as an attempt to fit the pictorial figure to the stars better. Centurion was a commander of one hundred men of the Roman army.O.T. Electron is the smallest particle (iota) in existence. The science and mathematics of alphabet for Theta means “cobra” (or serpent) like on the medicine staff or the Kundalini in the Indian Chakra system. Citi zen sh ip . staff sergeant etc. Phi in Old Hebrew (Phoenician/Runes) called “Feoh” means movable wealth spiritual or emotionally. Le a dersh ip . Not Resting Upon One!" Philanthropic programs of the fraternity include The National Iota Foundation and the I. John 12:32).tauros = "piercing bull". Baltimore. 1. a nd Brotherhood among Men.” as in an obtuse or right angle but can also be the word “angel. "Building a Tradition. the constellation of Centauries was reinterpreted as a man riding a horse. In the Bible. During the Medieval .A.” Angels have or can impart higher spiritual. Zeta Phi Beta 1. just as the Sphinx was changed from the Egyptian God to a female goddess. Minotaur and Centaur. So very likely the horse replaced the bull. Sigma Gamma Rho 1. The commissioned officers wore white cloaks with the redcross. CHAPTER VI . Pyramid & Queen of Sheba Elephant 2. Arch Angel &the Key of Life-Ankh 2.SPIRITUAL SISTERHOOD: OES & THE SORORTIES A. Mother Nature’s Ivy Vine 2. who were sent to rule Libya whom had a twin brother AEgyptos. Hera/Sekhmet E. The Greek poet Pindar (fifth century . Esther/Hathor the Queen B. Further research is always great to verify any position. Alpha Kappa Alpha 1. that were originally daughters of King Thestios (Thespius) with whom Hercules. 2. Toro and Taur both mean bull as in Taurus. Delta Sigma Theta 1. Isis/Minerva D. Maat/Persephone ANCIENT SPIRITUAL SISTERHOOD: THE FIFTY PREISTESSES OF HATHOR In Greek mythology there were fifty Argonauts of Greek mythology. the sergeants (NCO’s) wore the brown cloaks with the red-cross like on their shield.Aurora Light Aura 2. daughters of Danaos. Order of the Eastern Stars 1. Min-Aphis Min and Aphis represented the bull of creation that was birthed by Hathor the goddess of the universe. The Five Heroines 2.” When the more ancient Egyptian mythology was transferred to Greek or the Greek Caucasian students learnt the Egyptian sciences and took it back to Europe and the Mediterranean area (Aegean Sea) myth were changed around. King of Egypt. In Ancient Egypt there was no Neteru (God) that was symbolic of the “horse.Age among the Knight Templar. Neferties/Demeter C. The Libyan version of the Greek goddess Athena has fifty priestesses. who is said to have been the predecessor of Jason as leader of the Argo (Ark or Ship). Destiny Books) In Wallis Budge we fin d'. but in the Italian temple referred to above was obviously represented as herself. The old man of the sea is reminiscent of Onnes. In short. (Sirius Mystery. a Greek goddess. they seem to have been related to the Thesmophoria Mysteries which the daughters of Danaos were said to have brought from Egypt to Argos. The 'fifty' and 'hundred'. the Egyptian Hathor. once again a meaning which should not surprise us. and it was of course this same Io who led Cadmus to the Greek Thebes (or the original being Egyptian Thebes). and they do them at about the same time.a description (taken from Mau) of an Egyptianinfluenced Italian temple of the first century BC which contained ' seven large paintings representing Egyptian landscapes. And thesmodeo is a verb meaning 'to deliver oracular precepts'. The name Thesmophoros should not distract us too much.' — So we have specific archaeological evidence that Argus of the hundred eyes was pictured on the wall of the inner sanctum of an Isis temple. The number fifty corresponds with the fifty lunations or moons (months) which fell between one Olympic Festival to the next. where hundred-eyed Argus (Argo ship) is portrayed in the inner sanctum of the Isis temple. Enki. The Hundred eyed Argus is the ship Argus with fifty women watching Io.* * Plutarch in 'Isis and Osiris' (378 D) informs us: 'Among the Greeks also many things are done which are similar to the Egyptian ceremonies in the shrines of Isis. are found again here in the ruins of this Italian temple. and Noah of the Bible. What were these mysteries of Hathor (OES)? Well. or instituted'. Robert Temple. and Io received by Isis in Egypt. compared to the Egyptian Hathor who was identified with the Sirius system. amphibioious wise men generally The Celtic god (Angel) Bran had a college of priestess that served the high-moon priestess (Goddess). It comes from Thesis. and Io watched by Argus. and Isis was. Isis symbol hieroglyph was a throne. “The Old Man of the Sea” named Nereus to the Greeks.BC) describes the Danaids as on shining thrones. reminiscent of the fifty Anunnaki on their shining thrones. Isis was represented as was Demeter in connection with these mysteries. with a meaning including our thesis of today — and thesmos means 'that which is laid down or established. At Athens the women fast at the Thesmophoria sitting upon the ground. connected as we have seen with Danaos. 241). identified with Sirius. as we know. The name was most commonly also applied to Demeter (AKA). had fifty daughters called the Nereids (who are enumerated by Hesiod in his Theogony. 'I . In this room the Mysteries of Isis were probably acted. every four years. pg 238-9. For in Liddell and Scott we find that the name Thesmophoros ('law giving') was a name given to Isis (Delta’s). 1998. Also pictured there was the cow Io. These fifty women are non other then the fifty founders of the Sororities that observed the Order of the Easter Stars ceremonies as stated above of the fifty women or daughters (with one hundred eyes) observing Hathor or Io (the cow) who can be correlated to Esther the Queen also known as Hadessa in the Bible(Esther 2:7). a sister. Each one represented a different aspect of womanhood. which is a specific reference to there being seats around Sirius — and. etc. plus the four that were already in Egypt. any time. the Dog Star). 1998. her color green and the green of Alpha Kappa Alpha (1906) with sixteen founders. At the end of Genesis and the beginning of Exodus 5 “….” . a wife & Queen Esther (Hadassa). all the time and day of the week. Of course all these people that we a speaken about Greeks. five founders of Zeta Phi Beta (1920). This is not a coincidence. there are fifty seats as we know.In Wallis Budge we read 3 from an Egyptian text of 'the star Septet (Sothis. a widow-Ruth. a daughter-Ada. ORDER OF THE EASTERN STAR The Order of Eastern Stars in about five heroines of the Bible. the fifty oarsmen of the Argo.And all the souls that came out of Jacob (Israel) were seventy souls. which led to the fifty thrones of the Anunnaki. Destiny Books) Hathor of Egypt and of Greek mythology. seven founders of Sigma Gamma Rho. or month of the year eye witness accounts. Egyptians and Hebrew are “Original People. Robert Temple.” dark olive complexioned brown people which can be shown and proven. you will see Martha. When you add the fifty women (soror founders) with the twenty-four men (frat founders). (Sirius Mystery. you get seventy-four souls. pg 244. Hadessa and Hathor all have a similar ring to them. A. and Ruth-yellow. of course. Hathor’s symbol was the crown. for Joseph was in Egypt already. and a wife-Electra. whose seats are pure'. In Freemasonry there are many heroes but King Solomon is the main personality focused on because he became the King of Israel and builder of the “Temple of God. The 12 Tribes of the House of Israel that were entered Egypt was seventy. These five ladies of the Bible were of great significance to womanhood. Spiritually the names Esther. Benjamin and Simeon were also in Egypt if you recall the story in the Hebrew Bible. If you observe the crown of Esther and the OES Star as it is today (up-side down).Martha. Electa – red. Ada – blue. twenty-two founders of Delta Sigma Theta (1913). the star-crown of OES clockwise.” Judah. Remember we teach the “World’s Best Kept Secrets. The 12 Tribes of the House of Israel that were entered Egypt was seventy. all the time and day of the week. “The Clock of Destiny” BOOK I & II by Hon. When you add the fifty women (soror founders) with the twenty-four men (frat founders). Benjamin Banneker designed New York City & Wall St. If you observe the crown of Esther and the OES Star as it is today (up-side down). we hold Esther (Hadessa) in high esteem because she was the Queen that saved her people. To verify look it up on the internet search engine under OESNYS. . the star-crown of OES clockwise. Hathor’s symbol was the crown. Ada – blue. Of course all these people that we a speaken about Greeks. If an extensive research is done I am positive some of the founders of the four sororities have OES sisters or women that were influence by the Order of the Eastern Star organization as is the Freemasons influence on fraternities for certain.” Queen Esther on top is a “New Day” for the conscious sister that wants “Knowledge of Self. and our Supreme Council. Electa – red. and Ruth-yellow. you will see Martha. Benjamin and Simeon were also in Egypt if you recall the story in the Hebrew Bible. plus the four that were already in Egypt. Messiah Jesus said in the Great Light-The Bible don’t put your light under a bushel basket. five founders of Zeta Phi Beta (1920).” The Knowledge of Self.” Judah. At the end of Genesis and the beginning of Exodus 5 “…. her color green and the green of Alpha Kappa Alpha (1906) with sixteen founders. Hadessa and Hathor all have a similar ring to them. Spiritually the names Esther. Charles Moseley Bey 33rd Degree. We also turn the OES symbol right side up instead of upside down like our OES sisters of New York State which is right and exact.In our Ethiopian Supreme Council Universal Order of Masons and OES. or month of the year eye witness accounts. then Washington DC. the Empire State has the oldest Masons and OES Orders. seven founders of Sigma Gamma Rho. This is not a coincidence. for Joseph was in Egypt already.And all the souls that came out of Jacob (Israel) were seventy souls.. The Star right side up puts Esther the Queen on top we she should be. Queen Esther is celebrated at the end of the Hebrew year according to the Bible (February-March) like a “New Years Party. Esther’s symbol was the crown which originated from Hathor of Egypt and Io of Greek mythology. NYS was the first capital of America during the Colonial Era.” the other women fall into place in the order of the Greek-lettered sororities. This history can be found in the Moorish Great Seal-Pyramid order book. 360 Degrees New York City.” dark olive complexioned brown people which can be shown and proven. twenty-two founders of Delta Sigma Theta (1913). In Ethiopian Hebrew and Jewish traditions. Egyptians and Hebrew are “Original People.” When Queen Esther is on top of “The Star. any time. you get seventy-four souls. but Let your light so shine before men… Mathew 5:15-6. Esther today would represent a professional woman with a key position that would help her people regardless to whom or what. Am eri ca n ch apters t hey m ove on t o eith er Daughters of the Sphinx or the Daughters of Isis. in 1774 A.D. from their relationship by blood. . of which they were. which is the Daughters of the Nile. which in other external characters and mysterious rites attempted an imitation of Freemasonry. In 1747 A. association or marriage to Master Masons in good standing. a n d e x p l a n a t o r y l e c t u r e s w h i c h i s communicated to certain classes of ladies. she has a choice to go on further. some regular Masonic lodge. were first organized for the Europeans in France about the year 1730 A. the term Adoptive Rite implies that the system of f o r m s . and under the guardianship Of.. and preserved its formula of initiation and nearly all its ceremonies. This society assumed a nautical character in its emblems and its vocabulary. imitating The Masonic Order. To the organizations thus established for the initiation of females the French have given the name of "Adoptive M asonry. Today. The Bourbon family.D. Shriner Ladies. The European French Chapter still existed in France and in other parts of Europe as a distinct Rite up until 1870 A. the Grand Orient of France.D. for the admission of females as members. or "Adoptive Lodges. a new society was instituted called "L Order des Fendeurs. Under these regulations a Euro-Lodge of Adoption was opened at Paris in May. when it was dissolved. a n d t h e L od ge s a re c a l l ed L o ge s d'Adoption.D. or Coal-burners. The original chapters were Arabian like the Shriners. and again from 1814 to 1830 A. under the patronage of the Lodge of St. c e r e m o n i e s . In th e Afri c an. She presided over the Adoptive Lodge in Candeur until 1780 A." "Master. The house of Bourbon was the ruling dynasty of France from 1589 to 1792 A. called the "Rite of Adoption". perhaps. It was divided into the four degrees of "Cabin-Boy. That chapter was known as The Sisters of Fatima. and then the Sisters of Fatima.D." which was but a refinement of the original society. differing." M a c o n n e ri e d ' Ad op t i o n . who. established a new rite." because every lodge of females was obliged to be adopted by. after the Eastern Star completes her degrees." "Commodore. Nowadays. Shriner Ladies." for so we may be permitted to translate the name of "Felicitares. when they disbanded. Anthony or St. In consequence of the increasing popularity of the numerous secret associations.One of the first of secret societies was the --Order of Perfect Happiness. from that institution. Secret societies. which was placed under the control of the Grand Orient. D." and "ViceAdmiral. 1775 A. D. female members. in which the Duchess of Bourbon presided and was installed as Grand Mistress of the Adoptive Rite. In the European chapters. The Order of the Eastern Star is on the path of becoming the Daughters of Isis. are entitled to the respect and attention of the entire Fraternity." which they adopted.. which had been previously established in Italy. were a family of French origin whose members became rulers of several European countries." or The Order of Woodcutters." The "Knights and Heroines of the Anchor. It borrowed its principal ceremonies from the society of the Carbonari.D. the Eastern Star moves on to the next degree. not Egiptian. Antoine. however. Ann Brown. MOTHER NATURE’S IVY PLANT & THE PILLAR Greek mythology AKA is represented by Mother Nature who is called Demeter. Their insignia is a badge (pin) shaped like an ivy leaf with a green enamel center bordered with pearls and the monogram letters of the organization in gold. which was founded on January 16.” Alpha Kappa Alpha has a numerical value (check Symbol & Symbolic chapter).” So the symbolic meaning of AKA. Green means to eat your daily fruit (5-7) to keep up your alkaline (electrical) system. K-11. Dan and Dina are part of the twelve tribes of Israel. Their pledge group is called Ivy (Ivies). is Mankind’s electrical charge (spirituality) is what constantly keeps mankind alive in tune with nature. A-1. We all know that the color of the Celtics is green as in “St Patricks Day-Luck of the Irish. Most people go to Church or Synagogue to get charged up spiritually at least once a week to prepare for the daily grind of work. Kappa means palm in Hebrew (ancient palmistry) and Constant (Heat=KT) in science. 1908. A person’s body with no constant heat is dead unless an EMT recharges them electrically. the Palm was used as protection against the “Evil Eye (greed). the “force” of Mother Nature’s “Culture. In Judiac culture. There quarterly magazine is called the Ivy. Lavinia Taylor. The Bible says that “Dan shall judge the people as one of the tribes of Israel” (Genesis 49:16). Margaret Flagg (Holmes). Lucy Slowe. Alpha Kappa Alpha in science (Greek-letters). In the center of the pin are the Greek letters Omega and Upsilon. and Margery Hill. and Alpha in science means electrical energy (oscillations).” The word for Goddess (or God) in Egyptian hieroglyphs is Neter. Dan is described in the sixteenth verse as there are sixteen founders of AKA. The symbol for Dan is the scales of Justice. “El” like “Al” is the original and oldest word for God as in Elohim or Alah in Hebrew. D. The founders are: Ethel Hedgeman (Lyle). Genesis Chapter 49 describes the vocation of all the twelve tribes of Israel. at Howard University. Washington.” The “Law of Mother Nature” is the ultimate law second only to the “Law of God. Lillian Burke. Beulah Burke. . A-1=four. one letter at each point of the leaf.B. Dan-Meter means Dana the Mother (Meter) in Celtic myth. Her name actually is Dan-Meter. Do the research for yourself. Neter was actually a Divine spiritual scientist. mathematics and Hebrew has a spiritual meaning. Alpha means Mankind (male & female) in Hebrew. Marie Woolfolk (Taylor). Alpha Kappa Alpha: Mother Nature’s Ivy Vine & Demeter/Nephetiti Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority is the first Black women's Greek-lettered organization.C.” Old saying was “Don’t fool with Mother Nature. Their colors are salmon pink and apple green. the Sigma bearing nine jewels. Middleton .C. Jessie M. They publish a quarterly magazine called Pyramid. M a rgueri t e Y . Edith M. Shippen. Eliza P. NEB in hierglyphics (numb or nom in Latin) means "law. Sorority colors are red and white. Hemmings. Their badge bears the three monogram letters of the sorority in sequence. Pauline O. Sigma means “Prop” in Hebrew meaning a support (like a throne) . B. Ri c h a rdson . Their pledge group is called Pyramid(s). Quite naturally I am sure that the sorors of Alpha Kappa Alpha have a special interpretation of the color. In HELL Week the AKA’s are “Toads or Frogs. Winona Al e x a n d e r .” The Frog represents transformation from sea life or water to land. D. Washington. Al exa n der. was in a dead state until the Master Jesus came to resurrect him. Delta means “Door” and/or doorway in Hebrew and “change” in science The Greek letter equation for acceleration is change the velocity divided by change the time equals acceleration ( ). So Nebpheti means "Law House" which is a modem day Court House which is represented by two pillars and the scales of law.IMAGE-ETHIOPIAN FILE-PILLARS The Egyptian Goddess Nephytys which hiroglyphs is written Neb-phetti (Nefertti) represents the AKA'S. When you are resurrecting something you are breathing new life into it. Bertha Campbell. O c e o l a M . Toms. in 1913. The AKA's usage of the color grain reflects the idea of resurrection into a new (better) life." and BHET means "house" in Hierglyphics. reviving it from a deadly state. Young. Anubis was son of Nephtys who probably transformed to Hekhet in the Underworld. Ethel C. Jimmie B . Nephytys put on her “Frog Mask. Dent. Ethel Watson. Pink and Green. V ashti T. Delta Sigma Theta in science (Greek-letters). The founders are: Myra D. In ancient times the temple pillars were always shown with IVY vines wrapped around the pillars. Martha’s symbol was broken pillar and color is Green. Dodd. Frederica C.” for the ‘hell Week ceremony called today Halloween or Hallow’s Eve (Holy Evening). White. Black. Rose. Olive Jones. The Frog goddess helped Anubis during embalming named Hekhet. mathematics and Hebrew has a spiritual meaning. Coleman. M urph y. Hebrew and Old English (Norse). All I am doing here is providing you all with some spiritual insight that God has blessed me with based my experiences and research in Israel and Egypt. Edna B. Z e p h r C . Minor. The Holy Day after Halloween is All Saints Day. Electra –The Mother (Red) Delta Sigma Theta Sorority was founded at Howard University. Florence L. Ad a m s . AKA's use of the color green is affilliiated with Martha of OES. Weaver. C a r t e r . Pyramid & Isis/Minerva 2. Martha’s brother Lazarus. Color green has resurrecton value. Mamie R. Na om i S . and Madree P. The pillar itself is a symbol of a plant with a flower on top. Also represents phase from liquid to solid. Delta Sigma Theta 1. Wertie B. " Thus the name Isis or Astis means "star" (as in "astrix") and the symbol of a deity is the throne. The pyramid was where the pledge would get initiated through the various tests. Moses delivered the people by means of a brass serpent on a pole (Numbers 21:1-9. the Egyptian goddess of the "Throne of God. Theta in science means “angle. She had to memorize much of the Judaic law. So the totality symbolic meaning of DST is. The Queen of Sheba had to be initiated by King Solomon before he impregnated her with their son King Tut-Menelik of Ethiopia.) and history to teach her son the next king of the Throne of Israel. and Th-27 (=9). Queen of Sheba Elephant In an organization that requires its members to be initiated. God or Goddess. Minerva find her origins in the ancient Egyptian scientist ISIS (or ASTH in hierglyphics). Isis/Minerva Delta Sigma Theta uses Greek Rome scientist Minerva the Goddess (Angel Elohim) as a symbol positioned on top of DST shield with her head slightly bowed in respect looking westward. John 12:32). S (Cigma in Egyptian Coptic) -3. DST equals “God” (or Divine) in Supreme Mathematics." The throne which "makes" the king is protected and the Goddess Isis. Delta Sigma Theta has a numerical value such as D-4. The elephant was symbolic of having great memory which is extremely required to pass one test to another.” Angels have or can impart higher spiritual science point of view. she is also the loving mother of Horus (Hero) means helios/helium "Illumination" or rays (Ra) of the sun and the devoted wife of Osiris (Asr) which means "time. The ancient Board of Directors were the divine scientist called Gods and Goddesses.” as in an obtuse or right angle but can also be the word “angel. The Pyramid was the original “House of Israel. In the Bible. is the same symbol of the "Chair" person of the Board of Directors. Israel science (Kaballa. . Through careful research the Goddess Minerva name originally meant thought. Sigma means “Summation” or “equal to” in science (the Greek letter). they should be acquainted with the sacred knowledge prior to entree into the ancient order. etc. Theta means “cobra” (or serpent) like on the medicine staff or the Kundalini in the Indian Chakra system. As Jesus said Ye are all gods (and goddesses) in the Bible-John 10:34 and Psalms 82:6. the pledge’s doorway “pyramid” towards being seated on the throne to their higher angelic self. Gemetria. The symbol of "the throne" is shown on top of Isis's head like the pyramid with the halo on top. It should be mandatory for the pledges to learn the historical lineage that the imager symbols and rituals stem from.” also called Beth Israel (the Ethiopian Falasha’s). The throne (angle).or as in a theatre prop. Electra The Wisdom of the Great Pyramid has been incorporated into the esoteric orders of the Moorish Order of the Eastern Stars. The Moorish Eastern Stars are the female sister to the Masons. In the movie “Matrix. the Ben-ben.In the Bible they are called Elohim or Angels in the Bible (Torah/Injil) and Quran. When the first King of Egypt Atum (Adam of the Bible) came into existence. then Atum sat on his throne in the primeval ocean at Heliopolis. The name "Electra is compatible to Electricity or Electromagnetism. Electra is a woman that existed during the time of John the Evangelist in the New Testament. who then became the ancestors of all others. In Matthew Jesus turns the "water" (Old Testament .” Neo had to sit on the chair (throne) in order to go throw or enter into the “Matrix doorway or dimension. and studies the Bible more then any other member. The first piece of solid matter actually created by the thought of Ptah (Tera in the Bible. Water is symbolic of wisdom and wine is symbolic of the understanding of the wisdom. (according to the Memphite Theology) sat on the highest hill that was made by Ptah.” Another architectural symbol for the Hill was the step pyramid of Egypt that was introduced in the Third Dynasty as the first pyramid in Africa and modified in the Fourth. the Benben. Atum created out of himself the first pair of the gods." which was the specific Heliopolitan form of the Primeval Hill. The Primeval Hill of The kings of the Fourth Dynasty instituted the true pyramid." with a cup of red wine for friendship. and built by Khepra. Electra would recharge helpless people in the Bible with her friendship offerings of a glass of "red" wine. Greek Letter Delta resembles a tri-angle ( ). The Pyramid and the Throne There is some evidence to show that the throne of Egyptian Pharaoh also imitated the Pyramid or Primeval Hill. This same shape the organization's members use as a sign.” are held on the highest hill to observe ease droppers and enemies. like the pyramid on the dollar bill. As electricity sparks and recharges car batteries or electro-shock recess citation unconscious victims. This Hill became the first “Throne” that evolved into the “doorway” pyramid. etc. food. In Heliopolis there was a place called "The High Sand' which was part of the sun temple and no doubt counted as the Primeval Hill. In Freemasonry all lodge meetings (theoretically) that are presided over by a “Worshipful Master." Immediately after this. The OES symbolize that represents the color red is "Electra. A Worshipful master means he worshiped God. Thor in Norse mythology). The fifty daughters sit on the thrones as do the twenty-four Elders (Frat founders) of Revelation 4: 4 that sit about the rainbow thrones which are the seventy-four souls of the House of Israel that went into Egypt (Exodus 1:5). which is (formed by making a pyramid (triangle) with the pointer fingers and thumbs of both hands looking thru it with their eye. and it had originated from a drop of the seed of Atum which fell into the primeval ocean. This first solid substance was a stone. Zetas are Cats (Kittens) in Hell week. According to Zeta traditions an AC or Arconian is an Angel with a Key. Arconian is derived from the word archon. Pearl Neale. The “Sword” in OES is emblem for the daughter Ada." The letter “Z” in Hebrew means a sword. Ada’s color is blue and her symbol is the sword and veil. . Beta means magnetic flux or rate of flow of mass. The meaning of Zeta in electronics is "impedance. During Hell Week the Delta’s become “Ducks." Impedance is a measure of the total opposition to current flow in an alternating current (AC). S. The pledgees of Z Phi B are called "AC's. volume. Arch Angel Sekhet the Cat 2. Cats (the symbol of Z Phi B) are very wise and is said to have nine(9) lives. Their semiannual magazine is called Archon. Taylor. They were officers chose by lot for one year term from a qualified group of citizens. Myrtle Tyler. a complete circuit. Viola Tyler. Their pledge group is called an Archonian. councilman or assemblyman. (pyramids) were made from. Phi in Old Hebrew (Phoenician/Runes) called “Feoh” means movable wealth spiritual or emotionally. C.C.which is symbolic for "Arconians.” The Tribe of Israel that represents “housing” is called Gad. Beta or Beth in Hebrew means “House. and Fannie Pettie.” The “Ankh” supposedly had electro-magnetic properties. or energy without loss when associated with electric currents. Nine means to be born (nine months) or born again (mentally). mathematics and Hebrew has a spiritual meaning. The ancient key of life was the “Ankh.” The total meaning for the pledgee is traveling through the impedance phase to get to the magnetic house to get charged up by the “Battery. Ada-The Daughter (blue) Zeta Phi Beta Sorority was organized at Howard U n i v e r s i t y o n J a n u a r y 1 6 .teachings) into "wine" (New 'understanding and fulfillment of the Old Testament teachings. Their colors are royal blue and white. Phi (F) in science means “phase displacement” or a fraction of a cycle. Archonians were one of the nine (9) chief magistrates who ruled ancient Athens after 683 B. The founders are: Arizona Cleaver. Zeta Phi Beta 1.” on the Periodic Table that the human beings outer shell the mounds. Nowadays an archon could be compared to a congressman.” for the final Hell Week. Geb is also called Qeb which represents “Carben. The Egyptian God of the Earth is called Geb and the symbol is a duck or goose. Zeta Phi Beta in science (Greek-letters). 1 9 2 0 t h r o u g h t h e encouragement of Phi Beta Sigma leader Charles R. She destroyed mankind but Ra intervened by getting her drunk to save mankind from her flood. the Sun God." which in the Hebrew you say Shalom and Amharic (Ethiopian) language you would say Salama . the Greek black smith welder of tools and weapons. D orothy H . 1922 in Indianapolis. the lion goddess crowned with sun disk-halo and wife of Ptah. As Sekhmet she creates a flood then gets drunk. Sekhmet was the daughter of Ra. Ada’s color is blue and her symbols are the sword and veil. In the middle of the rays (Halo) is a dove bird. Jesus (Yashua/Isa) said blessed are the "Peace Makers. heroes. GOD Elah requested that when he received the victory he would have to sacrifice executed her but in the original Biblical story of AdfaZetas colors are blue and white.The Greek goddess that represents Zeta’s is Hera was the goddess of marriage (wore a veil) and mother goddess of childbirth. In Egypt she was symbolized as Sekhmet. The halo of angels came from the solar disk (helium). Galatians 4:22-26 states that the two covenants (Arcs) were allegories. Bessie M. In Greek myths she would have been the mother of Ptah also known as Hephaistos. ADA-THE DAUGHTER Ada in the OES as the daughter of Jephthah. then Noah gets drunk (Genesis chapter 7-9). 1929. Often her fits of jealously led to disasters for the gods. who builds an ark to save himself and his family. who have mastered the forces of nature and the universe from within. D. and love. Nannie M. Marburt. Their badge is a pin with ten pearls on the edge of a book representing the seven charter members and three virtues: faith. Indiana by Mary Lou Allison (Little). Ganhn Johnson. Their colors are blue and gold. a great temple was built to her in respect to the Argus (ark or arc-onian). The story in OES is that Ada’s father had to sacrifice his daughter as a gift to GOD because of a military victory he prayed to GOD for. Ptah of Egypt was the tool maker and inventor of the arts. The dimensions of the first convent (L*W*H is the diameter of the sun and the dimensions of the 2nd convent (L*W*H is the diameter of the moon). Story sounds similar to the flood of Noah." for they shall be called the children of God (John 1:14). Hattie M. At the top of Z Phi B shield are rays of light (knowledge) ascending upward. . Their pledge group i s c a l l ed Aur ora (s ) . The only constitutional marriage is between Zeta and Sigma’s. the ninth judge of Israel in the Book of Judges. Sigma Gamma Rho 1. As Hera. Blue is for the truth of the Bible and white is for the purity also symbolized by the veil like in marriage. Vivian W . Hera was wife to Zeus (PBS). Downey. and queen of heaven. hope. and Cubena McClure. The AC-Arconian Arch Angel with the Keys of life are wise human beings. and men. Maat/Persephone S i g m a G a m m a R h o S o r o r i t y w a s o r g a n i z e d o n November 12. Th e q ua rt erl y magazine is called the Aurora.Aurora Light Aura 2. Whiteside. Dulin Redford. The dove is a symbol of "peace. The Light and Bird represent lofty knowledge ideas on the spiritual plane. As Hera a temple is built regarding the Argus (arc) built by the Argonauts. The organization was granted a chapter at Butler University in IN on December 30. means summation or “equal to. So the total meaning os SG Rho according to science is the summation support bridge in which the conduct guides pledgee across to next dimension (density). Just as the sorority has seven founders. Ash in Hebrew means tree in the Garden of Eden. seven continents.Sigma Gamma Rho in science (Greek-letters). seven colors. The Covenant after the flood was the “Rainbow. In the medical symbol we see an orb & wings on the top of the staff and two cobras coiled around the staff as a double helix (DNA). and then placed in Midgard or the middle of the Garden (eastward). home of the humans. inhale & exhale of air. court system. seven seas. S-G-Rho has seven (7) founders. area or volume of a substance. “ashgarden. and fire shall give you the proper balance. Rho in Hebrew means head and/or previously. in the rainbow. God created the universe in seven cycles.S. pg 50 by Gregory R. The word “Pyramid” means Fire in the middle. Gold and Green Old Ethiopian Lion of Judah Flag.” The Bifrost was the support between Ashgard.” In Hebrew Sigma means “Prop” or support. water. The Chakras are also known as the “aura-aurora. Indiana is within the seventh (7th) Federal Judicial Circuit of the U.” Norse myth also says “Man” (male and female was made from the ash tree. The proper intake & exit. A camel conducts passengers through the desert as a substance wire conducts an electrical charge. Gamma in Hebrew means a “Camel. Sigma (Cigma in Egyptian Coptic). . Seven has always been the number of God and creation. the support rainbow bridge was called “Bifrost. Egypt is in the middle of the planet earth. earth. Seven is the number of perfection. Copley) Gamma ray is an electromagnetic radiation and electrical conductivity. there are seven days of the week. and Midgard.” Conductor means one who conducts or conduction means a medium or passage. mathematics and Hebrew has a spiritual meaning. It is an actual fact that the “Great Pyramid” is directly in the middle of the Earth after the Flood. In Old Hebrew called also known as Norse mythology or Noah’s history (one of the worlds best kept secrets).” The medical symbol that appears in the lower right comer of SGRho's shield relates to the controlling of the self healing forces. and seven spiritual energies in human beings called Chakras. (Ethiopia Reaches Her Hand Unto God. Rho means density of the quantity of something per length. home of the Gods called Asir. seven musical notes. The S-G Rhos symbol is the Aurora rainbow. Africa became the middle landmass after the continental drift due to “Ragnorak” flood of the Bible. Density of water changes from solid ice to liquid water to gas steam in different phases.” symbolized by the Red. Chapter VII Universal Society-Supreme 13: Nation of Peace Novus Ordo Seclurum The real “New World Order” or Universal New Order is The African-Americans. third or last) the Kingdom of God and his righteousness.” Matthew 6:6. The Israel tribes represented different aspects of a society such as departments of health. who must become the shining light to America and the world. Jacob in Genesis 49 sets up a plan for his twelve sons of Israel that continued to evolve. Demeter threatened to stop the crops. This is the seven power centers within you that represented the ancient rainbow aurora system of colors that that were held inside pyramid & temple chambers.” Maat weighs the feather versus the heart for Anubis who is the Guardian of the underworld. know and understands the times in which we live. labor.Spinal energy "the sleeping serpent. In the Egyptian mythology “Judgment Scene. . Persephane is the Goddess of the underworld guarded by the “Dogs of Hades. you plan to fail. All Americans should be aware. Persephone represents the four seasons when she was taken from her Mother Demeter by Hades to marry her. and what must be done. Kaballa (Staff or Tree of Life). God of the underworld known as the Greek Hades. treasury and defense to protect the innocent. The sons of Jacob became the Twelve Tribes of Israel with Levi as the thirteenth.The medical symbol represents the seven Chakras (Spiritual wings). education. Old saying if you fail to plan. Each color chamber would enhance the corresponding chakra. and Roman Etruscan (dark-skin people) Pluto (the dog name of Disney). commerce. and the double cobra's coiled around the staff also called the Kundalini .” S-G Rho’s mascot is the poodle dog like their counter part brother/husband Anubis (with the Dog mask). What is the plan in the Bible? Jesus said “Seek yee first (not second. energy." This energy travels from the base of the spine up to the cranial cavity. housing. Men the stretch in the mourning with your arms outstretched you can feel the electromagnetic (gamma) energy surge up your back. In Celtic legend there is a “Pot of Gold” at the end of the rainbow (aura). and all things should be added. or pot. Zeus agreed that Persephone should spend two thirds (spring and summer) of her year on earth and one third with Hades during winter. transportation. pail. agriculture. the Aurora’s carry a bucket. This is the spiritual energy in man which energizes his electro-vibratory bodies known as Chakra's (shook of Ras). Human being has seven (7) major chakras in their bodies that surround the spine. and embalmer of the dead. justice. They are as follows: (1) Root chakra/red (2) Spleen chakra/orange (3) Solar plexus chakra/yellow (4) Heart chakra/green (5) Throat chakra/blue (6) Brow and the ears chakra/purple and (7) Crown chakra-third eye/the rainbow. She ate the pomegranate seed and could not return to her mother earthDemeter. In Hell week. state department. nation and/or kingdom. Barak Obama means “Blessings of the Fathers” in Hebrew. America and the world need to be uplifted. sewing & catering for agriculture. charter school (education). the Masons. the Gods).” with no expiration date.O. and updated from the original Amharic-Hebrew manuscripts. To keep the departments simple a clinic can be set-up towards a health department. bread and honey in which they had a navigational coast for commerce and fishing. Win or lose (think positive) he is a shining example of what the world has prayed for. The whole world has been entertained by African-Americans. career training (labor). The Bible was revised. OES. Egyptian Per Em Heru (Book of the Living). Is this statement really true? Lets see what the Bible has to say. Latinos. Roots. carpooling (transportation).These same departments are known today in government as executive branch and president’s cabinet. at least . (Universal New Order) that need to come together as One (UNO). translated. Jesus picked twelve disciples to represent the same to set up the kingdom of god for the House of Israel and others. The Hebrew original Bible is a “Living Book. Barak means blessings and Oba means father. The first accomplishment was to uplift themselves as “the Chosen People. The Original People tried to accomplish three main things. a mechanic shop towards energy. The first AfricanAmerican president is on the horizon. It is an inclusive term not exclusive. Rap. representative (state). AfricanAmerican in this book means people of dark brown olive hue to pale albino complexion. (eg Elohim means Gods. Reggae: Righteous Hip Hop Movement The Universal Society Supreme 13 is the Youth Hip-Hop movement (Rap. Is there a road map in the Bible to plan and follow for these crazy times? Of course there is. descendents of West-Indians. and religious institutions is the True “New World Order” or U. and the Sumerian Tablets written by twenty-five scientist (Neteru of Egypt and the Annunaki of Sumer. that can be a shining example for the rest of the world. Reggae-Tone and righteous culture) plus. CONCLUSION America and the world is waiting for the ex-slave to come into its own. The “M” on the end makes the word plural. etc. Europeans because they all descended from Afrika whether we mean all its meanings complexion and/or continent that live in America. Eloh means God in Hebrew) Much of the above was foretold and prophesized thousands of years ago right? What’s the good news and our purpose? What can one do about all of the above? Religious and spiritual people will say read the Bible for comfort because a better day is coming for the righteous. The third task after accomplishing the above two was to set-up a righteous example for all other people to follow. construction and real estate (housing).N. Warren Buffett. paralegal (justice). Sorors. transliterated.” Second was to find a “Promised Land” of milk.” from their fallen status as a people. Reggae. great farm land and land to build decent homes for themselves and set up a righteous society. a righteous and intelligent leader with the support with most respected government official Collin Powell & the wealthiest man. Frats. business (commerce). wake up and ascend back to a righteous supreme status in the image of the creator by way of “Rites of Passage. but school is in and the time has come to step up. Asians. The modern King James Version and other translations or versions have many truths and they have also been tampered with. for the old heaven and old earth shall pass away. The BIBLE says… And I saw a new Heaven and a new Earth. It is dark and not illuminated. How can the old world of slavery be new? The Universal New Order written on your dollar bill as “Novus Ordo Seclurum” is for the righteous people whose day has come foretold by Benjamin Banneker and the forefathers who put that phrase on the great seal.” ANCIENT EGYPTIAN PLEDGE PROCESS: SUPREME 13 INITIATION (REF: FROM A ROSICRUTION BOOK: ATLANTIS TO THE LATTER DAYS & THE BOOK OF THE MASTER OF THE HIDDEN PLACES) . and not new. (Revelation 21:1) So lets stop calling the old world corporations and old banking structure trying to resuscitate itself new. Many mistranslations happened on purpose and some by accident (ink blots).the Bible we are talking about. We need a new “Rites of Passage. and different color jewels in a pooch when the end of the causeway was reached. and was given into the charge of another priestess Hathor with a Cow Crown (OES-Esther) who gave the initiate tools-a hammer. He would be clothed by the RAM masked Mason (AFM) Amon in ram skin apron and white belt then escorted along this causeway by one of the priests of the Upper Temple. when he approached the sacred environs of The Great Pyramid. and which proceeded up from the direction of the Nile's bank. . Here the candidate was halted and various questions were asked regarding the tools and jewels.The CANDIDATE. The candidate approached it up a long causeway which was open to the vault of heaven. a ruler. first became aware of the huge and awe-inspiring monument. and darkness was upon the face of the deep'.The candidate was told that if he wished to receive the true light of the cosmic spirit he must renounce the world. the eternal and infinite source of the Universe. trample the desires of self in the dust. The Scroll had Phi-Nu-Pi written on the cover which meant “Phase of vibration frequencies of 360 degrees of lessons. the dean of the initiation process and Priestess Isis (Deltas). the dean and Priestess Isis began to teach the candidate about the shadowy waters of the Biblical Genesis. This was the first (Alpha) stage of electrical vibration in the Red Pyramid. Grounding. The candidate was allowed to enter the Temple of Purification. because the waters represented “wisdom” of 360 degrees. Announcement of Initiate 2. changing from one dimension to another vibration of the red chakra from within. This was the candidate’s final preparation before the first (Alpha) phase (Phi). The dangers of a faint heart and failing courage were also shown quite clearly to him. structure and stability was emphasized. The initiate was given a “scroll of the master” to study before being able to proceed to prepare the candidate mentally (Psi) and keep well rooted in the teachings. Initiate Son’s prep The candidate was taken into the Red Pyramid chamber were he met Thoth (Kappa’s). time calculations and “angles” (theta) to be studied. Thoth.” The scroll received had sacred writings. he or she had to show his palm (Kappa) as you hold up your hand in court to show truth and consistency. numbers. At the Temple of Purification. . measurements. Initiate taught creation 3. 1. and above all. The Priestess of the Pyramid Isis lead him or her through the doorway (Delta). Isis tested the candidate’s desire to persevere to the end. when 'the earth was without form and void. The candidate was taught survival instincts and skills in martial arts and carpentry with the new tools powered by the red jewel. The waters were called the Nu (vibrations). The vibration of the neophyte was measured along the solar plexus and was questioned about his vision for life once the lower self or animal lust was in check. The seeker after the mysteries now proceeded to cast questioning glances around him by priestess in green representing Mother Nature in the jungle of the Lion. and the golden crown of Osiris. he was told. firstly. The lotus. The candidate was initiated into a neophyte pledge. . The neophyte was then conducted to steps which led down to the front of the Sphinx.” The “Riddle of the Sphinx” was asked “What crawls on four. The door again closed and it appeared to the neophyte as if this act of closing the door was accomplished as the outcome of some force directed upon it by the priest himself. the animal life of the world. The beard represented the knowledge required wield the free-will which was man's birthright from God. at the side of which was a jug of a like substance. and this was to symbolize that the Sacred Water of wisdom that must be poured out of the vessel of the opening. whereas the basin represented a f open lotus. The roots in the mud represented the red chamber. which symbolized dawning knowledge. represents the dominion of man over the animal life of the world. its stem in water and its leaves and flowers above symbolized the neophyte. he would also point to the jug which was in shape of a large opening lotus. which has its roots in mud. being the body of a lion. The neophyte perceived a small circular table of alabaster standing upon four legs. When these things had been successfully accomplished. the candidate was handed over to the Priest of the Sphinx to be initiated as the neophyte begins the first (Alpha) phase (Phi) of “The Rites of Passage. on table stood an alabaster basin. Nemis. for the lion was always used to symbolize strength. The neophyte would have his palm (Kaph) read for sincerity. signified two things. body (sphinx) and spirit of nature. walks on two then three legs?” The question was answered “Man. the door was silently and mysteriously opened and the priest and the new son of Osiris entered. into the vessel of the open lotus. The neophyte received a yellow belt. his was the reason. said the priest. Having allowed the neophyte to observe all these details. the stem was the yellow solar chamber. and a little distance in rout of it. it represented strength. the priestess would beckon him and would explain that he was now in the Temple of the Lotus plant. for the visible entrance into the Halls of Mystery is many feet below the paws of the recumbent figure. he was taken into the Temple which stands on the side of the Sphinx.” The Sphinx priest then explained to him the external symbolical meaning of the recumbent figure. The head. which symbolized the open door to complete knowledge and wisdom. The Nemis below the crown represented the full initiation into the mysteries which was the spiritual prize desired by all who sought initiation. and secondly.When the candidate had answered these questions satisfactorily. why the human head was placed on the animal's body. Then the neophyte was led by the priest into the small chamber to which he had come. and secondly. and is today buried far below the sand of ages. and he would point to the pillars which were in form of lotus buds. The chamber was lit up by the Sun light. he was told. The body. and the green leaves and pink flower represented the open heart to others that intergrated mind (Psi). Then his attention as drawn to the human head. the will that should be exercised by man over the animal lusts of his own flesh. having the beard. He had to show and prove what he new mentally and physical training. the initiation in the Halls of Ordeal started. The door of the Lotus Temple was opened by the priest and the neophyte was bidden to proceed on his quest for further knowledge. which must be clean before the neophyte could be introduced into the presence of Ptah of the blue chamber of the universe. symbolized by the golden Ankh. In this antechamber a ritual of ordeal was performed and the protection of Sekmet and Ptah was invoked so that the neophyte could overcome the powers of evil against which he now had to fight mentally and physically. and that could pass through its portals to further knowledge. The candidate received the green belt of nature and was met by the next Preist and priestess of the Cosmos for the magnetic phase. he was dressed in a robe of white. it meant that door to the mysteries was permanently open to him. which is situated below the base of the Pyramid. His actual destination. he would be made to doubt the sanity of his own brain and would have it suggested that if he cared to follow the promptings which he heard. and he was forced to proceed along the passage in which he now found himself. His head and hands were anointed as was also his heart. who welcomed him into the antechamber which stood between them and the first Chamber of Ordeal.. but he would suddenly become aware of other presences with him. This symbol was to signify that the neophyte had been accepted . the Priest of Ordeal opened the door of the antechamber and allowed him to enter the chamber. The key was to signify that the neophyte had been entrusted with the secret with which the mysteries of life could be unlocked. The neophyte was like an electron in a current fighting the impedance (Zeta) to progress. If. the neophyte was led through a door which opened in the western face of the Temple#-and he proceeded up a long causeway which eventually led him to a temple This preliminary initiation having been successfully accomplished. When these things had taken place. was the first Chamber of Ordeal. or so it seemed. The door then closed behind him. Then thoughts and ideas would batter themselves against his brain so that if he allowed his mind to dominate him he would be entirely overcome by that which was imposing it. If he could understand and translate pictures which he saw mirrored upon its surface. will upon his. for the neophyte ~ invited to gaze upon its crystal surface after it had been poured i: the vessel of the open lotus. When he had proceeded some distance he encountered a priest. which meant the life of Asur or Osiris. These things having been performed. although he was not yet aware of it. He was further told that before he could come into the presence of the Father-King Ptah. he must pass the tests necessary. If the neophyte passed through this test. he would again be afforded access to the light of day which he would not see again if he rejected the help offered. he was left completely alone. and he was also entitled to add to his own mortal name that of Asur-n-Ankh. surface remained clear and unresponsive then the Water was transferred back to the vessel of the opening lotus.The Sacred Water represented the Cosmos. and the neophyte was told that he must further seek to overcome the hindrances of the mortal Earth to which he had been born. however. which had woven upon the breast a circle which enclosed the Sacred Ankh of the Cosmos. conscious of the fact that he had been asleep and. had become Confused. and that he was seeking the mystery of life portrayed by the Ankh. th e la mp w oul d b ec ome extin gui sh ed a n d h e w o u l d b e l o s t i n t h e C h a m b e r s o f D a r k n es s w h i c h w a s j et b l a c k . c o m i n g f r o m m u l t i p l e di r ec t i o n s . in fact. but the figure would hold out to him the symbol of Life Ankh Key of life.for initiation into the mysteries of Osiris. how he had gazed upon the Sacred Water in the Temple of the lotus. above which spread the wings of the divine Isis. When at length the effect of his solemn experiences had left and had been removed. we see before us the grave-like passage gaping downwards and southwards to the depths of darkness and pointing outwards and northwards to the Pole Star. T h e c a n d i da t e h a d t o fi g h t h i s w a y . a kaleidoscope of colors would envelope him and he would seem to be falling through space. T h e n e o p h y t e h a d t o u s e h i s h e a ri n g s en s e s a l m o s t e xc l u s i ve l y b ec a u s e o f t h e d a r k n e s s . He was t o l d w o u l d g i v e h i m l i g h t u n t i l s u c h t i m e int o th e Ha ll s of Li ght . p r i e s t a ft e r p r i e st t o r e a c h t h e C h a m b er o f l i gh t . t h e c h a m b er o f H e l l . lit with an unseen radiance. Then a curious thing would happen. the star. T h e n e o p h y t e ’ s p s y c h i c f a c i l i t y o f d e ep i n n e r c l a i r a u di e n c e h a d t o b e e n h a n c e d t o s u r v i v e . P er c e p t i o n a n d o b s e r va t i o n h a d t o b e i n t e n s e t o s u rv i v e . and further. This was the end of the Moon lit chamber with the small beacon. He would not find himself with the priest in the Hall of Ordeal. Entering by the low gateways thus built in the northern side at a considerable height of the Pyramid above the ground. and finally. of the Purple Arch—that boundary point of mortal vision at which. T h i s w a s t h e C h a m b e r o f Da r k n e s s . until finally he had awakened from Is sleep to hear a rushing of wind and had found himself still in the hall where the priest had left him. and with a sudden rushing sound the neophyte would again come to consciousness. Suddenly. H e wa s al so t old th at i f he fail ed t o fin d th ese Hall s within a c ertain ti me. t h e l i gh t a t t h e en d o f t h e t u n n el . and he had seemed to be in the midst of many colored lights which had enveloped him. the neophyte was given a small larnp which he was he should find his way to the underworld chambers of Anubis. He would shrink away. the phase of incredible voltage (Omega) energy. The blue belt was received after suitable proficiency mentally and physically was reached after the ceremony of the burying of the body had been accomplished. and also the Feathers of Truth. he would seem to be wide awake. he would say. which dwelt within the sacred universe of God. the female counterpart of the Lord Osiris. When he arrived at this entrance. Then looking again the prostrate body was still lying upon the stone floor. and yet it seemed to be watching his own body. Then he would look round and see a two Priestesses clad all in blue advancing towards him. and was guarded by a male and female ibis. which supported the disc of the sun of Horakhti l . Upon reaching the . as at the entrance of the grave. T h e p r i e st i n b l a c k t e st e d t h e c a n di d a t e ’ s m a r t i a l a rt s p h y s i c a l s k i l l s . the Hall of Ordeal. for there it lay on the stone of the hall in which the priest had left him. "dreaming". but he would find himself lying upon the stone 'floor of the chamber in which he had been left by the Priest of the female Sphinx-Sekmet Gradually realization would claim him again and he would become. symbolized by the circle. and at this point his memory. the finite mystery of earth passes into the mystery of the infinite heaven. he had found himself in a strange passage. amazing knowledge of the solar system. Mary Hardy and Kenneth Killick). the true builders of the pyramids all over the planet earth. This group of beings was an order of angels. . It is a mindfull to decipher that these angels were flesh and blood gods. the neophyte was at total cosmic consciousness in a realm of the infinite into the supreme world of bliss . a very different human history emerges. and they are so perfectly cut and fitted together you could not get a piece of paper between them. but opens your eyes to the staggering scale of manipulation today and the ancient background and ancestry of those involved. APPENDIX: ORDER OF MELCHIZEDEK: GREAT PYRAMID TECHNOLOGY The BIBLE and many other sources tell of MELCHI-ZEDEK ORDER. The Great Pyramid. They were walking. 3) an antenna system into the world grid so that the planet could maintain its proper orbit.Chamber of Light totally exhausted from the entire process. Many thousands of years ago. Science of Man. Egyptologist and archeologist. When we do that with an open mind and without preconceived dogma. which is nearly 500 feet high. who had. called the “Eloheem. whose purpose was to protect the planet and their inhabitants. and technological understanding of such immensity that they were able to build the pyramids and other stunning structures all over the world that we would struggle to build even today. 2) a communication antenna so that humanity could communicate on a world wide basis through the Ark of the Covenant. even 468 tons. the universal cycles. talking. the stars. entities. or revealed through the mainstream media.” which humans came to know as "Gods" of mythology. there was great technological knowledge on this planet and a global society controlled by Angelic Supreme beings of the Bible. the effect of the sun. Contrary to conditioned belief. (Pyramid Energy: Philosophy of God. and so on. A history that is not taught in the schools and universities of the world. In the BIBLE Melchi-Zedek is reported to be Abraham's teacher (Genesis 14:18). planets. It is a story of high technology of the past. Some weigh 70 tons and in the other pyramids and walls are stones of 200. The true job of the Melchi-Zedek order is to teach humanity the meaning of life so that this race can take an active part in the scheme of creation. Great pyramid technology is over the head of the modern scientist. that were symbolic of the sun. Is modern technology just catching up to ancient science? Just consider the scale we are talking here with the Giza Pyramids alone. 4) an antenna system to control the planetary weather system through the manipulation of high and low pressure areas and hundreds of other connected reasons. moon and other planets and star systems on the Earth and its people. We have to research our Bibles and ancient original history. consists of six and a half million tons of stone and around two and a half million individual blocks. natural cycles. life on Earth has not evolved from a primitive past to the technological "cutting edge" of today. by human standards at the time. the original UNIVERSAL SOCIETY. moon. as detailed in streams of ancient accounts across the world. The Melchi-Zedek order built the pyramids for several reasons: 1) as a capacitor unit in the world grid so that humanity could have inexpensive energy. We are taught that "primitive" people did this? If humanity knows the true reasons for building these massive structures. they would be GODS! They would know of the teachers of MelchiZedek. And. the history of the world would have to change. if humanity had the technology that is designed into the pyramid unit.' Some of these gigantic stones at Giza and numerous temple sites were apparently taken from quarries hundreds of miles away. .There is enough stone in the Great Pyramid alone to build 30 Empire State buildings and enough stone on the Giza site to build a wall around the entire border of France some three metres high and one metre thick. Egyptian Coptic (or Greek?) . Norse (Viking) 2. Oriental (Japan) 3. Moabite .1. 1968....BIBLIOGRAPHY/REFERENCES 1. Rampa. p. 43. Rev. 3. originally printed 1945 14.. II. Il. Julian Richardson Assoc. New Page Books.D . Lobsang. 78. Zell-Ravenheart.' " Vol I. Sterling M.Citadel Press. San Francisco. Drunvalo. 1971 7. Ethiopia And the Missing Link in African History. D r . pg 6. 44 13. Flagstaff AZ . 26. Prob.S. p g 2 3 . Melchizedek. Chapter XC. Jochannan. Light Technology Publishing. 1978 1 0 . 1987. John Jackson.. G. Alkebu-lan Books. 25-6 15. Publishers. 1981. Henry Bey. George G. Al b e r t .Corgi Books. p. C h u r c h w a rd ." pp. 1997. 1970 17.B . 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