Support _ FAQs & Tutorials by Topic _ ETAP



Support | FAQs & Tutorials by Topic | ETAP Resolution of problems related to installation of ETAP Activation Code and License Types Type of ETAP Security Keys ETAP License Manager Error Messages and Exceptions General Activation Code and License Types Item 1: ERROR: "An invalid Activation Code w as entered. Please retry!" Item 2: Stand Alone vs. Netw ork configuration Item 3: Function of Reset License Manager Tool Item 4: LAN Vs W AN Netw ork License Item 5: What files compose an ETAP project? Item 6: How to determine who is using ETAP Item 1: ERROR: “An invalid Activation Code was entered. Please retry!” Error Message appears when an invalid activation code has been entered. Verify that the Activation Code you entered is correct. Note that the activation code is case sensitive. Also, each release of ETAP has a unique activation code. This code can be found on the DVD sleeve. If you have received the activation code through e-mail, copy and paste this code into the ETAP Activation Code editor to avoid any typos. Copying any extra characters or space will make the code invalid. If the error message continues to be displayed, e-mail a screen capture of the Activation Code editor show ing the activation code you have entered to We w ill verify the activation code for you. Item 2: Stand Alone vs. Network configuration Stand Alone: In this configuration, the ETAP License Manager, the security key and ETAP reside on the same machine. Netw ork Configuration: In this configuration, the ETAP License Manager and key reside on the server (ETAP can also reside on the server). The ETAP License Manager server is responsible for providing access to ETAP clients allow ing them to run ETAP. Item 3: Function of Reset License Manager Tool In ETAP 7.0.0, the Reset License Manager option serves as a tool to: •Automatically change from one security key model to another •To clear all ETAP clients connected to the ETAP LM server In a stand-alone configuration, selecting the option to Reset the License Manager w ill stop and start the ETAP License Manager Service within the machine. This will cause ETAP to close. In a Netw ork configuration, selecting the option to Reset the License Manager in the ETAP LM server w ill stop and start the ETAP LM Service in the server. This w ill cause all clients connected to the ETAP server to lose access w ith ETAP. As a result, ETAP w ill close. In a netw ork configuration, selecting to Reset License Manager from a client machine will not have any effect on that machine, other client machines or the ETAP server. This is due to the fact that the actual ETAP LM service is being provided by the 1 of 16 6/10/2013 2:44 PM Contact ETAP Sales at [email protected] (This file exists if you have ground grid systems) Item 6: How to determine who is using ETAP Determining who is using an ETAP License can be done by opening ETAP.0.cpx (This file exists if you have cable pulling projects) .oti . The rules that ETAP uses are outlined here: • If the server name is “. going to Help\About ETAP… and clicking on the License Tab of the ETAP Enterprise Editor. it is a LAN: If the IP address does not fall into the above ranges. “LocalHost”. 2 of 16 6/10/2013 2:44 PM .pso (This file exists if you have OLE objects in your projects) . users w ho are licensed for and have an ETAP activation code for a LAN will not be able to run ETAP and the ETAP License Wizard w ill generate the following message: To determine w hether a LAN or WAN license is installed. translate the server name to its IP address and follow the rules below .”. A screen like the one to the left w ill appear.mdb .Support | FAQs & Tutorials by Topic | ETAP ETAP looks at the IP addresses of both the server and the local computer. these files must have the same filename: . Item 4: LAN Vs WAN Network License ETAP distinguishes if a netw ork license key is used in a LAN or WAN netw ork. they must either upgrade the license to a W AN or install the softw are and the ETAP License Manager on a PC w ith a LAN IP for pricing to upgrade to a WAN. If the netw ork is W AN. • If the server name is anything else. it is a routable IP address and therefore a W AN license is required. If the user has a W AN IP address and they are licensed for LAN use.0 as the Setup Maintenance option. Item 5: What files compose an ETAP project? An ETAP project consists of the follow ing files. it is a LAN.htm server (machine in w hich the security key is connected) and not the client. or the local computer name. providing such information. Rules: If the IP address is one of the follow ing and in the indicated range. This function w as intended to make it easier for users to change the security key from one model to another since the program automatically configures the License Manager for the selected key. The Reset License Manager option w as originally included in ETAP 6. ETAP-OTI 1600 Dallas 1-Wire USB – ETAP-OTI 1410 Parallel Port Table that depicts compatibility of ETAP keys with different operating systems OPERATING SYSTEM Microsoft W indows 7 (Professional.Support | FAQs & Tutorials by Topic | ETAP http://etap.htm Type of ETAP Security Keys Item 7: Types of ETAP security keys and Operation System compatibility Item 8: Aladdin HASP USB-1600 key is not detected Item 7: Types of ETAP security keys and Operation System compatibility Types of ETAP security keys Aladdin HASP USB .com/support/faqs-tutorials-installation-problems. Enterprise) Hasp USB (green) Microsoft Window s XP (SP 3) (Professional or Home Edition) Hasp USB (green) 3 of 16 6/10/2013 2:44 PM . Business. Ultimate) 32-bit Hasp USB (green) 1-W ire Parallel Hasp USB (green) 1-Wire USB (blue) 1-W ire Parallel Hasp USB (green) 1-Wire USB (blue) 1-W ire Parallel 64-bit Hasp USB (green) Window s Vista (SP1) (Home Premium. com and provide the follow ing information: Your Name Company Name ETAP Serial Number Information on the sticker of your existing key Shipping Address Contact information Item 8: Aladdin HASP USB-1600 key is not detected If ETAP failed to detect the USB 1600 (Green) key. For proper installation of the key.exe. Drag and drop this file into Run Window as show n in Figure 2.21 device entry w ith a yellow exclamation mark under Other devices section as shown on Figure 1. Figure 1 If there is a HASP HL 3. please proceed w ith the follow ing steps: (1) Go to the W indows start button and open the Run window (leave this window open).com/support/faqs-tutorials-installation-problems. go to the Device Manager (Start menu\ Control Panel \ System | Hardw are \ Device Manager) and check if the key is displayed as show n on Figure 1.htm Hasp USB (green) Microsoft Server 2008 (SP2) 1-Wire USB (blue) 1-W ire Parallel Hasp USB (green) Microsoft Server 2003 R2 (SP 2) 1-Wire USB (blue) 1-W ire Parallel Hasp USB (green) Microsoft Server 2003 (SP 2) 1-Wire USB (blue) 1-W ire Parallel Hasp USB (green) Hasp USB (green) Hasp USB (green) Note: •Microsoft W indows 7 only supports the Aladdin HASP and Parallel security keys. •64-bit Operating Systems only support the Aladdin HASP key. 4 of 16 6/10/2013 2:44 PM .Support | FAQs & Tutorials by Topic | ETAP http://etap. w here XXX represents the latest version number of ETAP being used. For key replacement information. please contact the ETAP sales department at sales@etap. it indicates an installation problem w ith the key. (2) Go to C:\Program Files\Operation Technology Inc\ETAP License Manager XXX folder and locate the executable file named haspdinst. All other security keys are not compatible. Support | FAQs & Tutorials by Topic | ETAP http://etap. and at the end of the entry enter a space followed by –install The complete entry should read (as shown in Figure 3): "C:\Program Files\Operation Technology Inc\ETAP License Manager XXX\haspdinst. an entry w ill appear.exe" –install 5 of 16 6/10/2013 2:44 PM .htm Figure 2 Once you have dropped this file into the Run w Please note that if these messages do not appear. Figure 4 You w ill be notified that the installation of the driver for the key w as successful by the message shown in Figure 5. Figure 5 After clicking OK.Support | FAQs & Tutorials by Topic | ETAP Figure 3 After clicking on the OK button. you w ill begin to see the messages show n in Figure 6 and Figure 7. the message shown in Figure 4 should appear.21 device entry is no longer listed with a yellow exclamation mark under Other devices section as shown on Figure 1. Instead. Figure 6 Figure 7 If the drivers w ere properly installed. in the Device Manager you w ill see that the HASP HL 3. please disconnect the USB key and re-connect it once again. you will see that the Aladdin USB key is listed under Universal Serial Bus Controllers section as shown in Figure 8. 6 of 16 6/10/2013 2:44 PM . htm Figure 8 7 of 16 6/10/2013 2:44 PM .com/support/faqs-tutorials-installation-problems.Support | FAQs & Tutorials by Topic | ETAP http://etap. Also check the check box that requests a notification if a program is blocked and click ok. Alternatively. Enter Etap License Manager for Name: and enter 6260 as the Port Number: Ensure that TCP is selected. 8 of 16 6/10/2013 2:44 PM . go to the exceptions page and see if the License Manager is listed and checked. go to the Event View er Application Logs and view the ETAP License manager Application log for clues regarding why the service does not start.. you may have to coordinate w ith them to get the port open on the computer running the License Manager softw are. button. Item 12: Cannot uninstall previous versions of ETAP License Manager Item 13: Verifying if the latest version of the ETAP License Manager is correctly installed Item 9: ERROR: “ETAP failed to receive authorization from the ETAP License Manager” • Make sure that you have installed the latest version of License Manager. verify that the License Manager (ETAP Lic Mgr) service is started (Control Panel \Administrative Tools \ Services). For USB Aladdin HASP Key – ETAP-OTI 1600 For verification of the proper installation of the USB key – ETAP-OTI 1600. note w hether the Firew all is on or off. If the1-Wire Devices is show n in the Device Manager. continue clicking OK on previous pages until you return to the control panel.Support | FAQs & Tutorials by Topic | ETAP http://etap. go to the Control Panel \ System \ Hardw are\ Device Manager. For Dallas 1-Wire USB Key – ETAP-OTI 1410 For verification of the proper installation of the USB key – ETAP-OTI 1410. If not. • Go to the server and from Services.. If your IT department controls the Window s Firew all. On the General page. you should select the Add Port. • If the service does not start. check the License Manager computer to ensure that the Window s' firew all is not blocking incoming traffic.htm ETAP License Manager Item 9: ERROR: “ETAP failed to receive authorization from the ETAP License Manager” Item 10: Latest ETAP License Manager compatibility with previous versions of ETAP Item 11: “ERROR – 1603 Fatal error during installation” appears during the installation of ETAP License Manager 7. To do this. Every attempt to start the service generates several entries. The latest ETAP License Manager is provided in the DVD containing the latest version of ETAP. Review all logs. then the key is installed properly. If it is you can go to w indows. If it is on.0.1. continue clicking OK on previous pages until you return to the control panel. go to the computer on which you have the license manager installed and select "Run/Control Panel/W indows Firewall". Go to your client computer and select "Run/Control Panel/W indows Firewall". • If the service starts but the client machine fails to receive authorization. go to the exceptions page and check the check box that requests a notification if a program is blocked and click ok. • If the problem is caused by failure of the application to find the key. go to the Control Panel \ System \ Hardw are\ Device Manager and you should see Aladdin drivers under the Universal Serial Bus Controllers. then verify that the key is installed properly. you need to use the latest or a new er version of the ETAP License Manager. To be able to use the latest version of ETAP.htm Item 10: Latest ETAP License Manager compatibility with previous versions of ETAP The latest ETAP License Manager is compatible w ith previous versions of ETAP. 9 of 16 6/10/2013 2:44 PM | FAQs & Tutorials by Topic | ETAP http://etap. Item 11: “ERROR – 1603 Fatal error during installation” appears during the installation of ETAP License Manager 7. the HASP drivers installed from previous installation cannot be removed. In some cases.0. The un-installation process is then aborted with a 1603 Fatal Error message. 0. look for the Hasp program file named Haspdinst. Please uncheck ETAP License Manager and click Next (This w ill uninstall ETAP License Manager 6. please uncheck all. If you w ant to completely uninstall all the applications related to ETAP (in this case ETAP 6.Support | FAQs & Tutorials by Topic | ETAP http://etap.0 CD) after ETAP 7.0 License Manager Item 12: Cannot uninstall previous versions of ETAP License Manager Cannot uninstall previous versions of ETAP License Manager If uninstalling previous versions of the ETAP License Manager is not possible through the Control Panel feature (take for example the case w hen uninstalling ETAP has already been installed). The uninstall process will proceed w ith the follow ing window . brow se to the CD folder and launch the file called setup. 10 of 16 6/10/2013 2:44 PM .0). please proceed with the follow ing procedure: Insert the ETAP CD of the version you want to uninstall (in this case ETAP 6.htm The previous drivers may be removed manually with the follow ing steps: (1) Go to C:\Program Files\Operation Technology Inc\ETAP License Manager 700 (2) In this folder.0.1. Note that any unchecked items w ill be uninstalled. A w indow show n in the image below w ill appear. Select the Modify Option and click on Next.0.).exe (3) Right click on this file and create a shortcut (4) Go to shortcut Properties and edit the shortcut Target "C:\Program Files\Operation Technology Inc\ETAP License Manager 700\Haspdinst.exe" -r -fr (5) Run this short cut to remove Hasp drivers (6) Install ETAP 7.0. com/support/faqs-tutorials-installation-problems. verify that the latest License Manager is listed as show n in the following image. Please verify that an Etaps Lic Mgr service appears on the list of services.Support | FAQs & Tutorials by Topic | ETAP http://etap.htm Item 13: Verifying if the latest version of the ETAP License Manager is correctly installed To verify if the Latest version of the ETAP License Manager is correctly installed. If it is not listed. select Properties. proceed to the next step. 11 of 16 6/10/2013 2:44 PM . If it appears. please install the latest version of the License Manager. Go to Window s Start Button and type in services. please do the follow ing: Go to Control Panel and in the Add/Remove programs section. select the Etaps Lic Mgr service. Right click and in the list of options that appear. If it is listed.msc A w indow with a list of services w ill appear. The full path should read: C:\Program Files\Operation Technology Inc\ETAP License Manager XXX\ Error Messages and Exceptions Item 14: Selecting the Nameplate tab causes an exception and ETAP shuts dow n 12 of 16 6/10/2013 2:44 PM .Support | FAQs & Tutorials by Topic | ETAP http://etap. verify that the path to executable is pointing to the latest version of the License Manager.exe w here XXX represents the version number of the latest License Manager (in this case its 710).htm In the Etaps Lic Mgr Properties w indow. try the following: (1) Run Mdac_typ. Run the REG. w here XXX represents the latest version of ETAP. Please contact support.etap. represents the latest version number of ETAP) (2) Run Jet40SP3_Comp. Write and Execute permissions to the ETAP application folder and other project folder(s).exe file from the ETAP XXX\Other folder (3) Restart computer (4) Run ETAP • The error can also be project dependent.dll and u2lsqrt.Support | FAQs & Tutorials by Topic | ETAP http://etap. click on Change and then select Repair. Item 16: Exception occurs when launching ETAP An exception occurs and a general error message show n below appears when launching ETAP.) to the C:\Program Files\Common Files\Business Objects\3. w hich is the software used for generating ETAP reports has been overridden by other installations.exe file from the ETAP XXX\Other folder (Where XXX. the follow ing error appears: “UFL ‘u2lstrng’ that implements the function is missing” and the selected report will not open. go to the Control Panel \ Add or Remove Programs select Change and Repair ETAP.htm Item 15: ERROR: “UFL ‘u2lstrng’ that implements the function is missing” Item 16: Exception occurs when launching ETAP Item 17: ERROR: “ETAP failed to continue the license from LM due to time zone discrepancy” Item 18: ERROR: “ETAP project file name and path is limited to 128 characters” Item 19: ERROR: “The Project file you are trying to open is marked as Read-Only.0\bin directory (2) If the above solution does not correct the problem. (3) If Repair does not correct the problem then uninstall ETAP and re-install it again. do the follow ing: (1) Copy the Driver’s SQLSetConnectAttr failed” Item 22: ERROR: “ETAP key is not found or the License Manager is not ready!” message appears Item 23: ERROR: “Could not read key!” message appears w hen using ETAP 556 w ith Aladdin HASP USB-1600 Stand Alone key Item 14: Selecting the Nameplate tab causes an exception and ETAP shuts down Completely close ETAP. • If the problem does not get resolved. If the issue does not get resolved.BAT file in ETAP XXX\pvdt40 folder..dll files from the ETAP program directory (C:\ETAP. This can be determined by opening other projects. the problem might be limited to that specific project. ETAP cannot open this file!” Item 20: ERROR: “The parameter is incorrect” Item 21: ERROR: “Could not find file ‘(unknow n)’. If other projects are successfully opened except one. To resolve the issue. This issue can be resolved by providing these permissions or by moving the project files to a location in which user has these permissions. Item 15: ERROR: “UFL ‘u2lstrng’ that implements the function is missing” When opening certain ETAP reports.. This is a general error message and it can be due to a number of reasons. This error message show s that installation of Crystal Reports. • User does not have Read. go to Control Panel\Add or Remove Programs. locate the latest version of the ETAP 13 of 16 6/10/2013 2:44 PM . This can be done by going to Control Panel and Selecting the Date and Time feature. It is recommended to have the project file on your local drive at all times w hen accessing from ETAP. To avoid this issue. The issue can be fixed by reducing the path length. Item 18: ERROR: “ETAP project file name and path is limited to 128 characters” This error appears w hen the name and path of the project you are trying to open contains more than 128 characters. 14 of 16 6/10/2013 2:44 PM .com/support/faqs-tutorials-installation-problems. Please note that opening the project from the netw ork itself can cause this problem.Support | FAQs & Tutorials by Topic | ETAP http://etap. If you believe the time and date is correct.htm Item 17: ERROR: “ETAP failed to continue the license from LM due to time zone discrepancy” This error message occurs when the clock on your machine (client) and the clock on the PC w ith the license manager (server) contain a difference of more than 5 minutes. please send us screen captures of both computer’s date and time via e-mail. the clocks on both computers (client and server) should have the correct date and time for time zone in which they reside. Support | FAQs & Tutorials by Topic | ETAP http://etap. Could not find file '(unknown)'.com/support/faqs-tutorials-installation-problems. Un-check the Read-only option. select Properties. Remove the Read Only attribute. Right click.htm Item 19: ERROR: “The Project file you are trying to open is marked as Read-Only. click on Apply and then the OK button.pdf 15 of 16 6/10/2013 2:44 PM . ETAP cannot open this file!” Error appears w hen the project files are set to Read Only. This can be done by selecting all files related to the project. Item 21: ERROR: Could not find file '(unknown)' User gets the following message w hen attempting to open an ETAP project: Could not find file ‘(unknow n)’. and the Properties Editor w ill appear. Reset the License Manager from Start\All programs\ETAP XXX\Reset License Manager.htm Item 22: ERROR: ETAP key is not found or the License Manager is not ready! Answer: Verify that the ETAP License Manager is installed in the designated computer. ETAP prevents the operation of the License Manager on a virtual machine. Chapter 2 for details. The default License Manager port is 6260. The ETAP License Manager is installed in a Virtual Machine. Verify that the key is securely attached to the computer. Refer to the ETAP User Guide. 16 of 16 6/10/2013 2:44 PM . If it is not. This is due to the nature of virtual machines that makes it possible to replicate the ETAP License Manager in violation of its intended number of users per ETAP License Grant and Agreement. Install the License Manager and make sure there is no firew all interference.Support | FAQs & Tutorials by Topic | ETAP ETAP key is not properly connected to the computer or key drivers are not installed properly. The ETAP License Manager Service is not running.
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