Summer Training report ,ITI Mankapur,gonda



1 | PageAMAR PANDEY SUMMER TRAINING REPORT, ITI MANKAPUR, GONDA 2 | Page FIRST GENERATION ELECTRONICS SWITCH E10B INTRODUCTION:E10B is a digital switching system which supports only voice communication and CIT ALKATEL of France develops this system. E10B is a telephone switching system based on electronics components and technique. Two main operating principle are carried over platoon system use of PCM digital technique separation of switching function from operation and maintenance Function this switching can be use to transmit a variety of signals telephone, telegraph Data. E10B EXCHANGE STRUCTURE DIAGRAM:- 3 | Page . SALIENT FEATURES OF SYSTEM: It is a digital switching system with 3 stage (TST) switch with a maximum possible connection of 384 PCMs.  It supports only analog subscribers with or without reversal facilities.  System supports only R AND F signaling (channel Associated signaling).  It provides data communication telephony and the other value added services.  Geometrical parameter  Transmission parameter 1)Attenuation 2)Dispersion  Optical parameters 1) Numerical Aperture 2) Mode field diameter  Mechanical parameter 4 | Page E10B EXCHANGE STRUCTURE DIAGRAM:- . .5 | Page SYSTEM STRUCTURE AND ORGANISATION:An E10B switching system center can be divided into 3 main blocks. BLOCK 1: SUBSCRIBER AND MULTIPLEX CONNECTIONS  The subscriber connection unit (URA) is the CSE 1000 electronics line connector. The operation and maintenance center constitute a fourth blocks which is shared by a number of switching centers.  A concentrator handling 1000subscribers is housed in a standard 2 meter rack.  The interface with subscriber lines is via circuit boards comprising16 ordinary subscriber equipment’s or 8 discriminated subscriber equipment’s.         Multi-register (MR) Translator(TR) Charging unit(TX) Marker(MQ) Matrix system handler(UGCX) Time base(BT) Monitoring unit(OC) Frequency receiver/sender unit(ETA) .6 | Page  This provides for concentrating the traffic on 2.  368 PCM for speech channels. BLOCK 3: CONTROL UNITS The switching operation carried out in block 1and block 2 are monitored by control units which constitute block-3 . BLOCK 2: NETWORK TIMEDIVISION SWITCHING  The time division switching network cx is 3 stage systems (time-space –time)  It provides 4 wire switching system between time slot allocated to the calling party and the time slot allocated to the called party.3or4 PCM links.  16 PCM for ETAS.  Serves entire range from local to transit gateway. .  Switches single t-stage switching.7 | Page OCB-283 INTRODUCTION: OCB-283 is a digital switching system developed by Alcatel France.  PCM CONTROLLER(URM):- URM provide interface between PCM & OCB-283  AUX EQUIPMENT MANAGER(ETA):- The function of ETA is tone generator conference circuit (CCF) .  TX(CHANGING UNIT):TX is responsible for calculating the amount to be charged. FEATURES OF OCB -283:       Distributed control c (application of SN) Modular and flexible design Call processing by one processor or many Regulation mechanism to avoid saturation. . Centre called intelligent network ready for ATM Broad band.  CCS7 signaling. User friendly MM1. ISDN.8 | Page  20 As PCM Links connectivity  Services provided Basic telephony. Reduce hardware(32-type of boards &6-type of racks) EMI clock (GT)  MULTI REGISTER(MR):It is responsible for establishment and breaking of cells Translator (TR): TR is responsible for analysis of cell subscriber and service group data base management. 9 | Page  GX (matrix system handler):GX monitor access(LA) & LEXC links. ARCHITECTURE OF OCB-283:- . 10 | P a g e FUNCTIONAL ELEMENTS OF OCB-283:- . BT insures time SWITCHING NETWORK (MCX):- MCX is a sequence connection matrix controlled by com/matrix switch controller.11 | P a g e TIME BASE (BT):distribution for LR &PCM. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION OF CSN:- .  Second level of remoting available making considerable flexibility. .  Switching.12 | P a g e Introduction: ALCATEL subscriber access subsystem to connect both analog & digital subscriber.  CS can be CNLC FOR local subscriber or CNB (remote subscriber).  CSN can be either local (CSN-L) or remote (CSN-I) .  Setting up local calls.  CCS7 signaling accessed.  CSN has two levels of concentrations.  Processing incoming and outgoing calls. ISDN&V5.13 | P a g e C-DOT CENTER FOR TELEMATICS DEVELOPMENT OF General information: Universal digital switch applied as local and transit switch.  Highly reliable switch.  Supports CCS#7.EWSD etc. . Technology: T-S-T switching configuration  32 channel PCM switches/structure and basic rate 64kbps.  Cost effective than analog switches.  ADC on line circuit by codec chip.  16/32mb dynamic ram.2  Connectivity with other switches like 565s.  Low power dissipation  Single chip digital signal processor for mf &DTMF receivers.  Used in basic and cellular telephony. ANNC: Provide announcement on broadcast basis.  A high density VLSI CHIP.  It consist of  Digital truck interface . Technical test controller (TTC): used for testing analog terminal surface by test are relays on terminal cards.16bit .8 bit micro-processors. Basic growth modules:A) base module B) Central module C) Administrative module D) Input output module Special circuit cords: CNF:-provides up to eight 4 party conference circuit .14 | P a g e  Control is distributed over system by using 32bit . Digital terminal unit: It interfaces 4 PCM per DTU. . ISDN TERMINAL UNIT: Provides end to end digital connectivity as digitalization process being eight at the user end.15 | P a g e  Duplicated terminal unit controller  CA’s interface CCS#7 signaling module (sum): Does not use speech or data path for signaling. light component mounting density. This technology facilitates greater multifunctionality smaller size . Surface mount technology:- .16 | P a g e SURFACE MOUNT TECHNOLOGY (SMT) Introduction Surface mount technology reduces PCB size human work and give accuracy. 17 | P a g e ADVANTAGE OF SMT:     PCB size reduction RLC losses reduction Component density increases Assembly cost cheaper Production is faster DISADVANTAGE OF SMT:     Component identification is difficult Component subsection is difficult Rework is difficult Maintenance is required Capital cost is high . PROCESS FLOW CHART:This technology involve following process: Cutting of component ↓ Component forming ↓ PCB preparation ↓ 1-stage component insertion ↓ Inspection of assembly ↓ Wave soldering ↓ 2-nd stage insertion ↓ .18 | P a g e THROUGH HOLE TECHNOLOGY INTRODUCTION:In this technology electronics component are inserted into plated through whole (PTH) in the PCB & soldering is done at bottom side. 19 | P a g e Final inspection ↓ Testing . by detecting fault in PCB board before it is placed in final assembly.       Shorts and open circuit in board Measuring improper inserted of component Out of tolerance components Incorrect programed component fault memory devices Functional fault of devices Time measurement of clocks NEW MANUFACTURING APPROACH:Component insertion Soldering ↓ Visual inspection→ testing ↓ in circuit ↓ Final assembly ← ← ← ←←← ↓ Functional testing .20 | P a g e IN CIRCUIT TEST (ICT) ICT FEATURES:In circuit testing helps to insure quality products. ADVANTAGE OF ICT:Improvement in yield Reduction in quality cost.this consists of matrix of driver and sensor that are used for step up and perform the measurement. Fixture and acts as an interface between the board and in the circuit tester. Accurate reliable and safe power up tester.21 | P a g e ↓ system /integration testing     BASIC CONCEPT OF ICT:ICT equipment consist of two main port The first is the tester itself . The set ds point is receiver block.  The quality of electrical contacts cannot be tested. LIMITATION OF ICT: The quality of pin test depends on quality of test probe. Quick feedback to manufacturing area. Receiver block interface with the second port of the tester . . Spectral a standard developed by the European telecommunication standards institute (ETSI) to describe protocol for second generation (2G) digital cellular network used by mobile phones.and originally described a digital circuit switched network. Support for international roaming. ISDN (integrated service digital networks) compatibility. Support for range of new services & facilities. Optimized for full duplexer voice telephony. Low terminal and service cost. The use of each radio channel is partitioned into multiple (eight) time .22 | P a g e GSM (GLOBAL SYSTEM FOR MOBILE COMMUNICATION) GSM originally group special mobile . the GSM standard are developed as a replacement for first generation (1G) analog cellular network . Ability to support handheld terminals. TECHNIQUES USED IN GSM:In the GSM system the TDMA in combination with FDMA is used. OBJECTIVE OF GSM:       Good speech quality. . GSM ELEMENTS:Consist of the mobile equipment and SIM card. Also the FDD technique is in use that is two symmetric frequency band one band containing the uplink channel and the other downlink channels. IMSI & IMEI are independent personal mobility. Can be protected against unauthorized use by a PIN(personal identity number) Can also store SMS message for later retrieval. MOBILE EQUIPMENT  Uniquely identified by IMEI(international mobile subscriber identity)      SIM EQUIPMENT:Uniquely identified by IMSI(international mobile subscriber identity) Also contain secret key for authentication.23 | P a g e slots and each user is assigned a specific frequency/time slot combination. for this reason each frequency is used simultaneously by multiple base mobile pairs.2+ARF 1710+[0. .2+AR finding the CN NO] FCN NO] ARFCN band FEATURE OF DIGITAL CELLULAR SYSTEMS:    Small cell (macro/micro/Pico) Frequency reuse in GSM Battery powered handsets Performance of seamless handovers FREQUENCY REUSE:The spectrum allocated for a cellular network is limited .2MHZ 1805.2MHZ 1710.2MHZ Formula for 890+[0. This frequency reuse allows a much higher subscriber density per MHZ of spectrum.2MHZ 1st ARFCN Rx 935.24 | P a g e GSM-900 GSM-1800 Uplink band 890-915MHZ 1710-1785MHZ Downlink band 935-960MHZ 1805-1880MHZ Channel 200kHZ 200kHZ spacing Total channel 124 374 Duplex spacing 45MHZ 95MHZ Time slots 8 8 st 1 ARFCN Tx 890. 25 | P a g e 7-Cell cluster SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE:- . 26 | P a g e MS-mobile station BTS-base trans-receiver station BSC-base station control MSC-mobile service switching center HLR-home location registers . 27 | P a g e EIR-equipment identity registers AUC –authentication center SMS-short message services GSM ELEMENT BSS (BASE STATION SUBSYSTEM)  BTS(BASE TRANS CEIVER STATION):It is radio transceiver which handles radio link protocols with the MS.  BSC(BASE STATION CONTROLLER):- . GREY LIST.  HLR(HOME LOCATION REGISTER):Contain administrative information of each subscriber register in corresponding GSM network.  VLR (VISITER LOCATION REGESTER):Contain selected information from HLR .28 | P a g e Manage the radio resources for one or more BTS. PCB MANUFACTURING PCB (PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD):A PCB is used to mechanically support and electrically connect electronics component using conductive path – ways or tracks.number used for authentication and encryption.provision of the subscriber services for each mobile currently located in the geographical area controlled by VLR. administer and monitor the functioning of the BSS.  OMC (OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE CENTRE):It is a centralized maintenance and diagnostic heart of the base station system (BSS). Etched from copper sheets laminated into .  EIR (EQUIPMENT IDENTITY REGISTER):Data base of all mobile valid equipment in the network (IMIE)) STATUS OF EQUIPMENT =WHITE LIST.BLACK allows the network provider to operate.  AUC (AUTHENTICATION CENTRE):Protected database that stores a copy of a secret key . 8mm. 0.the dimension of laminate are 1920×1220sqmm 1220×1220sqmm The thickness of these plates may be 0. o SOLDERING PROCESS –REFLOW:Reflow method allowing full heating are well suited to mass production.29 | P a g e a non-conductive substrate.32mm SEQUENCE OF OPERATION:o Cutting o Drilling o MOUNTER:In device mounting it is necessary to Conform position deviation due to effect of Self alignment of device and secure a mounting precision within that range. PCB RAW MATERIAL:The raw material used for making PCB is CLAD EPOXY LAMINATE . 0. The function of PCB is to reduce the area in which electronics components are to be installed.16mm.24mm. . 0. o INSPECTION PROCESS:Depending on appearance in section equipment there are limits to item that can be Inspected. o ELECTROLYTIC PLATING:IT is applied generally after electrodes plating to build up thickness. There Sn-Pb layer is deposited on the un-polymerized section.30 | P a g e o PHOTO IMAGE TRANSFER:The image of circuit is transferred on board by master copy by using the process. 2) Polishing. o STRIPING:- . 1) Surface preparation. LEGEND MARKING:It is done in same way as screen printing but white ink is used for component marking. HOT AIR LABELLING (HAL):Hot air is done which causes the solder (63% Sn to 37% Pb) to Deposit on flux Actuated (activated parts around the PTH. CLEANING AND FLUXING :Using chemical cleaner machine dose cleaning and fluxing of conduction pads.which are required for fluxing of PCBs with screw.31 | P a g e o o o o o o The electroplated sheet is passed through the solution of NaoH to remove the hard layer or poly-merised layer using stripping machine. ETCHING:Unwanted Cu materials are removed. . FINAL INSPECTION AND QUALITY CONTROL:Minor breaks are detected & required using track welding by the process known as base board tester (BBT). ROUTING:The circuit cut-off from PCB as the requirements as the holes are drilled .
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