Summer Internship Report(IFFCO)

April 4, 2018 | Author: roopendramaurya | Category: Industrial Relations, Ammonia, Hydrogen, Employment, Cooperative



SUMMER TRAINING PROJECT REPORT On “INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS” A STUDY ON IFFCO AONLA UNIT, BAREILLYSUBMITTED FOR THE PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIRMENTS FOR THE AWARD OF THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION PROGRAMME: 2011-2013 SUBMITTED BY: FAISAL KHAN (11-MBA-23) DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION FACULTY OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES AND RESEARCH ALIGARH MUSLIM UNIVERSITY ALIGARH TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. DECLARATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT PREFACE ORGANISATION’S OVERVIEW SWOT ANALYSIS OF IFFCO LITERATURE REVIEW FINDINGS OF THE RESEARCH CONCLUSION SUGGESTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS LIMITATIONS BIBLIOGRAPHY ANNEXURE -QUESTIONNAIRE DECLARATION I hereby declare that the project, which is being presented in this report, entitled “Industrial relations” in IFFCO Aonla unit, Bareilly is an authentic record of my own work during the period of 6 weeks from 5th June 2012 to 15th July 2012 as a part of MBA course of AMU, Aligarh. The information which is given by me in this report is exclusively for the concerned organization. It could not be submitted by anywhere else. Faisal Khan (11-MBA0-23) AMU, Aligarh ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I hereby take this opportunity to thank all those whose efforts and help have made this internship project a success. Above all I thank God Almighty for giving me the strength to work and successfully complete this internship project. I would like to thank the management of IFFCO Aonla unit, Bareilly for extending their support to me. I am highly grateful to my supervisor Mr. D. Kalia (Dy. General Manager, Training Department) for his support and guidance. I also take this opportunity to thank Mr. Sanjeev Saxena (HR Manager) and Mr. Vivek Himmatsinghka (Asst. HR Manager) for their kind cooperation I am deeply indebted to Mr. R. K. Srivastava (Jt. General Manager, P & A Department) for the moral support. With sincere regards Faisal Khan (VT. No. 441) PREFACE It was overall a very good experience of getting Training from professional organization like IFFCO. I have started my training on 5th June, 2012 which was completed on 15th July, 2012. The title of my report “Industrial Relation” was assigned by my project supervisor Mr. Sanjeev Saxena during the training. I learned not only about the relation the employer share with employees but also got a feel of an organization, where the maximum effort are putting towards the overall development of employees and workers. Being socially responsible, the company is encouraging greenery in the nearby environment. During my training, I also came to know about various standing orders which are being followed such as leave rules, promotional activities etc. the library situated inside the factory area was a source of information for me where I got all kind of books and journals related to my topic. My humble endeavour and motive in presenting the project report is to impart balanced introduction and knowledge of the industrial relations in IFFCO, which is an important part of the organization. It is hoped that this project will serve as supportive documents, as effort has been tried to make this report an informative, stimulating and self explanatory. Introduction To The organisation . The organization is distinct in the sense that the farmer owners represented through their village cooperatives also become its customers. a new cooperative was conceived to specifically cater to the requirements of farmers. strengthening cooperative fertilizer distribution system and educating. The Sector has adequate infrastructure to distribute fertilizers but had no production facilities of its own and hence dependent on public/private Sectors for supplies. IFFCO‟s all the plants have been achieving the annual capacity utilization in the range of 112-120%. strength and stability and become the light-beacon for others. . most of them being village cooperatives. it has turned out to be an institution with immense contribution in national progress. IFFCO‟s name has assumed the hallmark of success. it has grown in stature.7 million tones of fertilizer material.  During mid-sixties the Co-operative sector in India was responsible for distribution of 70% of fertilizers consumed in the country. Over the years.  IFFCO presently own four most modern plants at Kalol and Kandla in Gujarat and Phulpur and Aonla in Uttar Pradesh having a total annual production capacity of 4.155 at present. In just three decades. IFFCO has been performing exceedingly well. The number of co-operative societies associated with IFFCO has risen from 57 in 1967 to 38. It was a unique venture in which the farmers of the country through their own Co-operative Societies created this new institution to safeguard their interests. training and guiding the farmers for improving agricultural productivity and rural economy.  From its very inception. In fact.Overview  Indian Farmers Fertilizer Cooperative Limited( IFFCO) was established on 3 November. To overcome this lacuna and to bridge the demand supply gap in the country. 1967 as a multiunit cooperstive organization with broad objectives of augmenting fertilizer production ensuring fertilizers availability at farmer‟s door steps. spread all over in sixteen states and three union territories.  It is the federation of more than 35000 societies. the society is deemed to be registered as a multi state co-operative society.  IFFCO was established as the farmers own initiative in cooperative Sector on 3rd November. 1967 with the proposed plants at Kalol and Kandla.  With the enactment of Multistate Co-operative Societies ACT 2002. View of IFFCO plant at Aonla .Origin of IFFCO  Till sixties cooperative in India had no production facilities despite marketing nearly 70% of fertilizers. The society is fully owned by Co-operative. „Mission 2005‟ and „Vision 2010‟. setting up joint venture companies overseas into new sector. safety. environment and forestry development to enrich the quality of community life. IFFCO has now visualized a comprehensive plan titled „Vision-2015‟ which will be guided by the following objective:  To augment the incremental incomes of farmers by helping them to increase their crop productivity. These plans have resulted in IFFCO becoming one of the largest product and marketer of chemical fertilizers by expansion of its existing units.  Commitment to health.Mission and Vision Mission IFFCO‟s mission is “to enable Indian farmers to prosper through timely supply of reliable. IFFCO had embarked upon the successfully implemented its Corporate plan. Vision 2015 In pursuit of its growth and development. maintain the environmental health and to make co-operative societies economically and democratically strong for professionalized services to the farming community to ensure an empowered rural India.  To provide to high quality fertilizers to the farmers in right time and in adequate quantities with an objective to increase crop productivity.  Commitment to social responsibilities for a strong social fabric. Vision To augment the incremental incomes of farmers by helping them to increase their crop productivity through balanced use of energy efficient fertilizers. maintain the environmental health.  Through balanced use of energy efficient fertilizers.  To make plants energy efficient and continually review various schemes to conserve energy. . high quality agricultural inputs and services in an environmentally sustainable manner and to undertake other activities to improve their welfare”. .  Foster a culture of trust.  Building a value driven organization with an improved and responsive customer focus. A true commitment to transparency.  IFFCO has grown steadily since its inception. Objectives The board objectives of setting up this venture were:  Product fertilizers.  Improving agriculture productivity through fertilizers application.  Promoting nation‟s growth through modern farming technique.  Ensuring availability of fertilizers at the farmer‟s doorstep.  Creating scientific awareness among the farmers. Today. empowerment and innovation which would help in incremental growth of employees and enable achievement of strategic objectives. accountability and integrity in principle and practice. it has emerged not only as a largest fertilizer co-operative.  Promoting the fertilizers. To institutionalize core values and create a culture of team building. openness and manual concern to make working a stimulating and challenging experience for stakeholders. The Indian farmer‟s confidence and trust stems from the fact that IFFCO‟s NPK/DAP are merely a part of a complete package of services. K for the crops. indicating the content of N. A bag of IFFCO‟s urea is a constant source of confidence and is a trusted companion for Indian farmer.Products and Services Products  Urea IFFCO‟s urea is not merely a source of 46% of nutrient nitrogen for crops. The bountiful crop that results from this care is an enough reason for the graceful bag of IFFCO NPK/DAP bags to be an integral part of the farmer‟s family. . Besides its use in the crops. About Urea Urea is the most important nitrogenous fertilizer in the country because of its high N content(46% N). More importantly. More importantly. When farmers buy IFFCO‟s urea. are tailor made to supply the exact composition required for replenishment of the soil. they are aware that it is their own urea. IFFCO is a co-operative owned by farmers co-operatives. P. ably supported by a dedicated team of qualified personnel. IFFCO‟s NPK/DAP is not just a source of crucial nutrients N. K proportion. The two grades of NPK produced by IFFCO. it is used as a cattle feed supplement to replace a part of protein requirements. 10:26:26 and 12:32:16. P. they know that what they get is not just a product but a complete package of services. produced and supplied by a cooperative society owned by themselves. but is an integral part of his/her quest for nurturing mother earth. It has also numerous industrial uses notably for production of plastics. they are aware. NPK Complex Grades NPK complex fertilizers produced at Kandla are DAP based grades.  NKP/DAP As far as Indian farmer is concerned. ably supported by a dedicated team of qualified personnel. but it is an integral part of millions of farmers in India.  BIO-FERTILIZERS A bio-fertilizers unit was established at Cooperative Rural Development Trust. Azotobacter. Millets. Mustard. Tomato. nitrogen fixed by legume. Wheat. Safflower and Sunflower. PSM. Pearl millet. Wheat. Soybean. Cotton. They are found in all parts of plant body. Rice. AcetobacterIt is symbiotic bacteria capable of fixing atmospheric nitrogen by living within the sugar plant. Green-gram. The beneficiary crops are Groundnut. supplying nitrogen to the crop. Fodders and Oil seeds. Azospirillium and Acetobacter. Cabbage. Cow pea. AzotobacterIt is non-symbiotic nitrogen fixing bacteria recommended for non-leguminous crops like Paddy.10:26:26 and Grade II. Vegetables. Red-gram.Rhizobia association would also leave residual nitrogen for the succeeding crops. The beneficiary crop include Sugarcane.12:32:16 are produced. They can be applied to and recommended for all crops. AzospirilliumIt is an associative microaerophilic nitrogen fixer is commonly found in association with the roots of cereals and forage grasses. Maize. Lentil. Phosphate solubilising Micro OrganismSeveral soil bacteria and fungi possess the ability to bring insoluble phosphates into soluble forms by secreting organic acids.At present two grades Grade I. RhizobiumIt is the most important nitrogen fixing organism. Besides. It live symbiotically in the root nodules of leguminous plants and supply nitrogen to the plant through nitrogen fixation. Black-gram. The Azotobacter performs well if the soil organic matter content is high. Bengal-gram and Fodder legumes. . It is suitable for sugarcane cultivation. Phulpur (Uttar Pradesh) in 1996-97 at other at Kalol (Gujarat) in 2003-04 with an annual capacity of 75 MT and 165 MT respectively of different cultures such as Rhizobium. IFFCO in the service of farmers Agro-scientists have developed various location specific farm technologies in a way to increase the productivity of crops. The work done by fertilizers industry on promotion of fertilizers use has been reviewed by Kumar and Shrotriya(13).7kg NPK/ha (2004-05) leading to mining of nutrient. occurrence of multi-nutrient deficiencies affecting soil health and leading to stagnation in productivity of crops. It is important to disseminate the technology from Lab to land for is widespread adoption and to obtain feedback from farmers to bring about improvements to meet local needs. . state Govts. GOI.. Over a period of time these technologies have undergone further improvements to meet the aspirants of farmers. Kumar et al(12) and Govil and kaore(4). Farmers participation therefore becomes important in the process. The growth in fertilizers composition over the last five decades has perhaps only statistical significance for the reason then it partially meets the nutrients requirement of crop/cropping system a s nutrient removals are 3 to 6 times higher as compared to nutrient application of 96. National/International organizations. are associated and or involved directly or indirectly in transfer of farm technologies. State agricultural Universities/Research Institute inputs supply Agencies. In India various agencies viz. NGO‟s. Credit Institutions etc. IFFCO Aonla has always been a front runner in 'Green Revolution' and has. Quality concepts inculcate continual Improvement through fresh initiatives and review of the existing practices. ISO14000 and OHSAS-18001.  Co-operation and team spirit. Ammonia plants have been designed based on technology from M/s Haldor Topsoe. health and environment policies. farming community and customers by manufacturing and supplying specified quality product by pursuing:  Improvement of Technology for enhancing/maintaining productivity and growth. QUALITY & ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AT IFFCO AONLA lFFCO Aonla is having well defined and implemented quality policy and environment policy in line with corporate quality. . each with a production capacity of 1515 MTPD at Aonla Unit. each with a production capacity of 1740 MTPD and four Urea plants. QUALITY POLICY OF IFFCO AONLA UNIT lFFCO Aonla is committed to achieve satisfaction of its cooperative societies.  Creating safe & healthy working conditions and eco-friendly environment. safety. The Unit has been certified for ISO-9001. Bareilly. Denmark with steam reforming of Natural Gas and /or naphtha and Urea plants have been designed based on technology from M/s Snamprogetti.  Development of human resources. An approach of total quality management (TQM) is in practice at all levels in the unit. Italy with IFFCO Aonla is one of the most energy efficient & prestigious fertilizer complexes and is based on Natural Gas from HBJ pipeline.Aonla Unit THE ORGANISATION Indian Farmers Fertilizer Cooperative Limited operates two Ammonia plants. always taken pride in implementing quality initiatives and practices in its activities. Uttar Pradesh in India. The quality of liquid effluent discharged from the factory monitored continuously and remain much lower than the norms prescribed by the Uttar Pradesh pollution control board. Methodology for Environment Protection Methodology for environment protection starts with identification of all the activities. Rules & Regulation covered under Environment protection Act. Compliances with the Kyoto Protocol (GHG reduction). Till date more than 15. Eight meter wide green belt has been developed around the factory and the township to keep the environment clean.0 lakhs trees have been planned. Noise . Recycle and reuse of the wastes generated.Aonla Unit-environment To keep pace with the stringent environmental regulation and to maintain ecological balance. Ammonia odors in the plants. The lagoons constructed to store the treated liquid effluent attract a large number of migratory birds specially during winter seasons. This speaks the quality of the environment near the unit. These are:           Air emission quality and quantity Effluent quality and quantity Hazardous waste generation Non hazardous waste generation Consumption and conservation of natural resources Ensure compliances with national environment quality standards. zero effluent technology for ammonia and urea plants have been selected at the outset. which have a substantial environment impact. The air quality is constantly monitored by providing high volume sampler at different location around the factory campus. 1986.  Afforestation in about 27000 hectare Wasteland had been achieved by promoting 146 village level Primary Forestry Co-operative Societies (PFFCS). out of which about 38% are land less and 51% small/marginal farmers. Andhra Pradesh. IFFDC initially implemented afforestation and rural development projects in the states of Uttar Pradesh. generate employment and provide fuel and fodder to the community. To achieve this. . Chattisgarh. Assam. The area of operation of IFFDC has further been extended to Uttarakhand. Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra.Environment Management System at IFFCO Aonla IFFCO Aonla Unit has sound environment management system comprising of following features:       Afforestation Zero effluent technology Social forestry Monitoring of ambient air and stack emissions Well equipped laboratory and E & PC cell monitor environment parameters Developed of all-round awareness regarding environment issues ISO-14001:2004(EMS) Accreditation Afforestation  The society had promoted a separate Multi-state Co-operative Society named „Indian Farm Forestry Development Co-operative Limited‟ (IFFDC) in 1993 with the prime objective of development of wasteland for tree plantation and to enhance the socio-economic status of rural poor through sustainable Natural Resource Management by collective action. Orrisa. Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan with an objective to improve degraded land. These PFFCS cover about 28500 members. Jharkhand. West Bengal. Use of 85% treated effluent for irrigation purposes in green belt . CO2 and Methanol bearing process.Pollution Abatement Scheme Implemented/Under Implementation at IFFCO Aonla Unit  Purge Gas recovery unit to recover Hydrogen. of Guard ponds are attracting lot of birds especially during winter season.  Environment Management System in accordance with ISO14001:2004 has been implemented. which has burnt in reformer. 1999.  Treatment of Ammonia and Urea bearing waste by Deep Hydrolyser and Distillation Column in Urea plants. Analysersin a fuel gas sticks Ammonia.  Separation and collection of oil by means if Dise Oil separator.  Use of Eco-friendly Non-chromate treatment for cooling towers since March.  On the southern side of plant along with additional afforestation in township has been completed. Condensates stripper for purification and reuse of ammonia. pH.  Recycle of contaminated turbine condensate by using Carbon Filter and Polishers.  Provision of dedusting system at prilling tower to check dust emission.  In built sulphur dioxide.  Provision of Acidic and Alkaline effluent storage and neutralization facilities near ION Exchanges in Plant Battery limit and using them separately for pH adjustment. Urea analysers and Auto samplers at different location in treated effluent line.  Dust collection system at “pH plant”.  Creation of “centralized strippers and 2 nos. Nitrogen Oxide.  Developed green belt throughout the periphery of the plant site and 200m deep belt. Reuse of boiler Blow Down. (II) Methods for manufacture of ammonia Ammonia is compared of nitrogen and hydrogen in the mole ratio of 1:3. are: a) Semi-water gas made by gasification of coke/coal with steam. Besides these. pulp & paper industry. ammonia finds application in the production of nitric acid. rubber & synthetic resin industries. involves four successive steps:  Gasification  Conversion of CO  Gas purification . refrigeration. b) Hydrogen produced by electrolysis of water. (I) Raw materials used Ammonia is produced by the reaction between nitrogen(N2) and hydrogen(H2) N2 + 3H2 2NH3 Source of Nitrogen is atmosphere air and following hydrocarbons are generally used as the source of hydrogen: a) Natural gas b) Naphtha c) Heavy oil Other sources of hydrogen which were used earlier for manufacture of ammonia. textiles. The manufacturing process.Developments in ammonia production technology Ammonia is an intermediate product in the manufacturing of nitrogenous fertilizers. soda ash. cleansing agents. depending upon the raw materials used. explosives and food & beverages industries. leather tanning. It is also used for direct application to the soil and in aqua condition with solutions of other nitrogenous fertilizers like ammonium nitrate and/or urea. petroleum refining. c) By product hydrogen from chlorine production. The typical composition of the catalyst is nickel-25%. Chemical components of water. Electrolysis process is very energy intense process. The plants based on this process are located where low cost hydroelectricity is available.8 Gcal/MT). The vaporized naphtha is mixed with steam and preheated to about 490 degree C.e. and other components like H2. MgO-balance. i. A12O311%. but it does not participate in the reaction. Additional energy is required for the air separation plant to produce nitrogen. Potassium hydroxide is added to increase conductivity. (II) . are obtained in pure state through electrolysis. The total energy requirement is 10. By product of electrolysis process are oxygen and heavy water that have use in other industries. H2O H2 + ½ O2 Hydrogen thus obtained is mixed with required nitrogen from the air separation plant to get synthesis mixture.3 KWH/m3 of hydrogen. Energy is also required for compression of hydrogen & nitrogen and recirculation of loop gases.200KWH/MT of ammonia (8. The gas is passed through the pre-reformer containing Nickel catalyst. hydrogen and oxygen. The overall process is normally exothermic. Typical power consumption is 4. Adiabatic pre-reforming The adiabatic pre-reforming in case of vaporized naphtha feed is done to decompose the higher hydrocarbons into lower hydrocarbons for examples CH4. CO2. CO. In the pre-reformer the endothermic reforming reactions are followed by the exothermic methanation and shift reactions. which corresponds to about 8600 KWH/MT of ammonia. Synthesis various processes for the production of sysnthesis gas for the production os ammonia are given below: (I) Electrolysis process Purified water is used as feed stock in electrolysis process. The gas from adiabatic pre-reformer is sent to primary reformer and secondary reformer for further reforming. (III) Coal Gasification Process The coal gasification process can be classified according to the method of gasification: a) Fixed bed (lurgi process) b) Fluidized bed (winkler process) c) Entrained bed (koppers-totzek(KT) process) . Social forestry A local nursery was developed at site (in township) to grow seeding of a wide variety of plant. Nox. The analysis report of ambient air is being forwarded regularly to UPPCB. Nox & CO etc. And report are being sent to UPPCB on monthly/quarterly and yearly basis: .P. The different varieties are:Fast growing trees       Casurina Accasia Eucalyptus Cassia siamea Gulmohar Kanji Useful trees          Neem Peepal Amaltas Silver oak Mango Guava Banana Pomegranate Ashok Trees are distributed free of cost to local residents of IFFCO township and resident of nearby village as well as utilized for green belt development at IFFCO Aonla fertilizers complex. NH3 & dust. Four air conditioning station around the factory have been made in consultation with U. pollution board for monitoring Sox. Stack’s emission IFFCO Aonla laboratory monitors following stacks regularly for Sox. Contractor‟s Staff and related agencies on environmental issues. ISO-14001:2004(EMS) Accreditation As no system is contemporary unless standardized against some internationally approved/adopted system.L.  Developing awareness and competence amongst Employees. 30 m) Urea pilling tower (02 nos. Health & Environment Policy signed by Managing Director).  Emergency preparedness for safety of concerned personnel and plant. It is a matter of great pride that Aonla Unit has been certified for ISO-14001:2004 by M/s BVQI.  Monitoring and conserving natural resources. IFFCO Aonla Unit is having a well defined environmental policy in line with corporate SHE (Safety. effect of pollutant on health and various are also covered by celebrating and participating in World Environmental Day.Name of stack height of stock from G.  Effluent and waste minimization by way of recycling and reuse. SG stack (01 no) 120m HRSG stack (12 nos.) 30m Development of All Around Awareness Environment Issues IFFCO Aonla not only operates Pollution Abatement devices successfully but also provides regular awareness to employees and nearly villagers regarding environmental issues. Almost all the employees are covered regularly on various issues like conservation of natural resources. . The policy states : IFFCO Aonla Unit is committed for continual improvement and protection of environment by setting and reviewing the objectives and targets through Environmental Management Systems focusing at:  Compliance of applicable legislation at work place and other requirements. which the organization subscribe.) 96m & 98m HRU stack 30m Flue gas stack (02 nos. INDIAN POTASH LTD. NATIONAL COMMODITY & DERIVATIVES EXCHANGE LTD. NATIONAL COLLATERAL MANAGEMENT SERVICES LTD. IFFCO Association        INDUSTRIES CHIMIQUES DU SENEGAL OMAN INDIA FERTILIZER COMPANY S.O. Trainees and contractor‟s staff etc. To plant minimum 15.Environmental Objectives     To reduce urea spillage to 250MT/month. KISAN SEWA TRUST LEGEND INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS INC. To reduce water consumption below 5.0M3/MT of urea production. .000 trees in plant and township.C. on environmental issues to minimum 450 praticipants. To bring awareness among employees.A. Awasthi ------Chairman Vice-Chairman Managing Director . 100 thousand and above. the maximum number of such delegates from any State/Union Territory shall not exceed 25. The Board of Directors of IFFCO carry out all functions as specified under the MultiState Co-operative Societies Act/Rules. The RGB consists of : (1) Members of the Board of Directors. such delegate shall be as per the provisions of the MultiState Co-operative Societies Act/Rules as amended from time to time. direct the various activities of the Society. The Managing Director is the Chief Executive of the organization with responsibilities for general conduct. and undertake any other activities conductive to overall growth and development of Societies. (2) One delegate from each of the Member societies holding shares of the value of Rs. However. Such elected delegates shall be as per the provisions of the Multistate Co-operative Societies Act/Rules amended from time to time. U. The Board of Directors frame policies. The Board is headed by the chairman. supervision and management of day to day business and affairs of IFFCO.P. These directors are assisted by Functional Directors & Senior Executives who are experts in various disciplines.100 thousand and above) in each State/Union territory at the rate of one delegate for every 200 societies or part thereof. Functional Directors & Senior Executives N.Member of the Board of Directors The Representative General Body ( RGB) which is the General Body forms the supreme body that guides the various activities of IFFCO.S. Patel Balvinder Singh Nakai Dr. (3) Delegates are elected from amongst the representatives of Member-Societies (other than Members holding shares of the value of Rs. Phulpur Chief Manager (HR). Executive Director (TPT) Sr. Roy Manish Gupta D. Ramachandran Ajay Bhatnagar Suresh Chander Gupta J. Shukla S.C. N. Phulpur . Executive Director. Bhanu B. Managing Director Director (Technical) Director (Co-operative) Director (HR & Legal) Marketing Director Director (Strategy & Joint Ventures) Sr. Singh Dr.K. Saxena R. General Manager (Kalol) Deputy General Manager (P&A). General Manager (F &A) General Manager (PS) General Manager (I & L) Deputy General Manager (Admin) Deputy General Manager (HR & IR) Chief Vigilance Officer Sr. G. A. Executive Director (Technical) Sr. Bhattacharya Brig.N. Executive Director. Chhabria L. Ambwani Surjit Singh Ranjan Dwivedi Vikram Tripathi Jt. Kalol Sr.K. Executive Director (MS & IT) Sr. Sood Kamal Verma Birinder Singh S.N.P. Kandla Sr. Singh D. Murugappan R.L. Mittal A. Executive Director (HR) Executive Director (Security & Admin) Sr.Rakesh Kapur K. Sahu Shamsher Singh K. Singh A. Phulpur General Manager (P&A). Kandla Deputy General Manager (P&A). Patel D. K. EDGE Winner Award in the year of 2011 for Technical Reporting System Future Strategist Award . General Manager (P&A). S. Safety Innovation Award-2010 for implementing Innovative Safety Management Systems from the Institute of Engineers (India).2011 'EDGE' winner award in the year 2010 for Product Despatch System IFA Green Leaf SHE Award.A.2002 (Certificate of Merit) for Aonla-I in Fertiliser Sector by Ministry of Power.Government of India. 2nd Annual Greentech HR Award . National Safety Awards (1) Winner for the accident free year 2006 and (2) Runner Up for the lowest average frequency rate of consecutive three years 2004. Aonla wins National Safety Winner Award. R. Golden Peacock Award for Occupational Health & Safety–2010. Maheshwari R. Srivastava M. 'ICQESMS-2007 Excellence Award for Safety & Health in Chemical Industry' and Hazard Identification & Risk Management. Aonla Advisor (P&A). 10th Greentech Excellence Gold Award. These awards have been constituted by DGFASLI and Union Ministry of Labour and Employment. 2005 & 2006. NSCI Safety Award-2000 (Prashansa Puraskar) FAI Award for Excellence in Safety for the year 2001-2002. K. Nair Executive Director. Paradeep Deputy General Manager (HR) Paradeep Awards & Achievements National Energy Conservation Award . Aonla Jt.2012 (Gold Award) from Greentech Foundation for outstanding achievement in Training Excellence. . 0 Contributed about 22% to the total „N‟ and 30.2 ● TOTAL „P2O5‟ . SHARE CAPITAL As on 31st March 2012 (` in Crore) Authorised Share Capital : 1000.2 ● NP/NPK/DAP .2628.15.Suraksha Puraskar for developing & implementing effective systems & procedures.80 (Entire Share Capital held by Cooperatives) .4335.8 ● WSFs .4242.8% to the total “P2O5” produced in the country during the year 2011-12.00 Subscribed & Paid up Caital : 425. NSCI 'Suraksha Puraskar' under NSCI Safety Awards-2008.0 ● ZINC SULPHATE MONOHYDRATE .30. FAI Award for "Excellence in Safety" for the year 2007.4 ● TOTAL „N‟ . of Plant Locations : Five Installed/Revamped Annual Capacity (‟000 MT) ● UREA . 3 PRODUCTION CAPACITY (As on March 2012) Largest producer of fertilisers in the country No.1712. Kalol. Aonla units have been awarded by ISO-14001 certificates M/s by London.  Many a time the secretary of the co-operative security is not a villager and hence his identity with the local farmer‟s community is not well established. It is present in all states. Kandla. Direct relations with customer that make their job carry to read customer. IFFCO is using both HDPE pages and jute bags for packaging purpose.  Customers prefer HDPE pages as puckering of fertilizers because of its multiple uses but due to pressure from government. .  The co-operative enough in order to absorb all the additional volumes offered on likely to be offered by IFFCO in future. Strong base of co-operative society.  As a matter of principle IFFCO has to market its restive production through the co-operative systems. High customer awareness due to heavy promotion.  More efforts have to be made in enhancing the allocation of urea and DAP in southern and eastern part of the country.  Weaknesses  Traditional setup of organization. Kalol and Aonla units also get the ISO-9002 certificates by M/s of being pmg peat man width for most efficient and quality wise as well as environment oriented unit. farmer meeting. Co-operative enjoys a high degree of credibility and reputation among farmer for the quality at the product distributed by them.  Profit is much dependent or directly related to government subsidy.  Due to the induction of the state public sector agencies like agro induction cooperation the distribution systems of IFFCO has been affected.SWOT Analysis on IFFCO Strengths           IFFCO is the largest marketing of fertilizer industry. It channelizes distribution centre through FCS(Fertilizers Services Centre). Phulpur. Co-operative voluntary organization of farmers are the actual end users with services. The storage capacity with co-operative is being steadily augmented with the help of world finance. IFFCO enjoys the status of being the largest producer of urea in the world in a single country. .  The involvement of state public sector agencies which sell their fertilizers threatened the market share of co-operative.  IFFCO can modify the co-operative so as to ensure sale of its increased volumes fuel competition from the private firms. This may act as a good opportunity for IFFCO.  Cori‟s policy on electrical to phosphate drop in P & K fertilizers consumption and widening of NPK fertilizers ratio are posing serious threats to the fertilizers in industries.  Railway‟s limited number of wagon production is hampering transportation.Opportunities  IFFCO has the opportunity to diversify it‟s business.  Any technically driven organization can compete.  IFFCO trust will continue to be on service to the farming community by conducting need based areas specific agriculture extension and promotional schemes for the benefits of farmer have to be further strengthened.  Increasing consumer base through more and more farmer awareness. to have an edge over the competitions. IFFCO might enter in fertilizer export market. Threats  If in case government changes the norms. the operating profit will be affected.  IFFCO could get up a co-operative unit for HDPE page manufacturing.  IFFCO has set up bio-fertilizer unit to increase the agriculture percolation without affecting the environment which we can say is a part of eco-friendly strategy of IFFCO to increase the co-operative share.  It can enlarge its infrastructure by setting pesticide chemical unit and hence can give rise to a new cheaper service to the farmers.  In the event of its control of urea. All this led to close proximity between the manager and the managed. small scale investment. industrial relations cover all such relationships that a business enterprise maintains with various sections of the society such as workers. . Meaning In the broad sense. The term „industrial relations‟ has been variously defined. and impersonal industrial relations. The pre-industrial revolution period was characterized by a simple process of manufacture. Due to personal and direct relationship between the employer and the employee it was easier to secure cooperation of the latter. indirect. and relations between the employer and the employer became entranged and gradually antagonistic. customers and public who come into its contact. there emerged a new class of professional managers causing divorce between ownership and management. workers and agencies of the governments”.T. Any grievance or misunderstanding on the part of either party could be promptly removed.Literature Review Industrial Relation Industrial relations constitute one of the most delicate and complex problems of the modern industrial society. J. This phenomenon of a new complex industrial set-up is directly attributable to the emergence of „Industrial Revolution”. state. Under such a set-up industrial relations were simple. local markets and small number of persons employed. This new set-up rendered the old philosophy of industrial relation irrelevant and gave rise to complex. According to Dale Yoder “industrial relations is the process of management dealing with one or more unions with a view to negotiate and subsequently administer collective bargaining agreement or labour contract”. This situation underwent a marked change with the advent of industrial revolution – size of the business increased needing investment of enormous financial and human resources. direct and personal. there was no interference by the State in the economic activities of the people. Dunlop defines industrial relations as “the complex interrelations among managers. Also. 10. To develop employees to adapt themselves for technological. To bring better understanding and cooperation between employers and workers. 9. 8. To establish a proper channel of communication between workers and management. To increase the morale and discipline of workers. social and economic changes. To make positive contributions for the economic development of the country Scope The scope of industrial relations includes all aspects of relationships such as bringing cordial and healthy labour management relations. To ensure better working conditions. creating industrial peace and developing industrial democracy. To work in the direction of establishing and maintaining industrial democracy. 7. To ensure constructive contribution of trade unions. 3. 2.Objectives of Industrial Relations 1. The cordial and healthy labour management relations could be brought in- . 6. living conditions and reasonable wages. To safeguard the interest of workers and the management. 11. To avoid industrial conflicts and to maintain harmonious relations. 5. To ensure workers‟ participation in decision-making. 4. Psychological approach According to psychologists. Boards of Conciliation. The perceptions of situations and issues differ because the same position may appear entirely different to different parties. The industrial peace could be attained – Works Committee. The industrial democracy could be achieved – Approaches to Industrial Relations Industrial conflicts are the results of several socio-economic. To a psychologist. Other factors also influence perception and may bring about clashes. problems of industrial relations have their origin in the perceptions of the management. These perceptions may be the perceptions of persons. The perceptions of unions and of the management of the same issues may be widely different and. industrial conflict is a war of different ideologies – perhaps a class-war. hence. industrial conflict means the conflicting interests. of situations or of issues involved in the conflict. Labour Courts etc. To a politician. psychological and political factors. . aspirations. One observer has stated. Various lines of thoughts have been expressed and approaches used to explain his complex phenomenon. motives and perceptions of different groups of individuals. goals.ns. clashes and may arise between the two parties. operating within and reacting to a given socio-economic and political environment”. unions and rank and file workers. “An economist tries to interpret industrial conflict in terms of impersonal markets forces and laws of supply demand. structural changes. in turn. In fact major problems in industrial relations arise out of a tension which is created because of the employer‟s pressures and workers‟ reactions. thus inseparable from the society in which it functions. These do influence the development of industrial relations. Industry is. gradually it extends to the whole industry and sometimes affects the entire economy of the country. They want freedom of speech. acceptance or resistance to change. protests and resistance to these pressures through protective mechanisms in the form of workers‟ organization. the management must realize that efforts are made to set right the situation. housing and transport problem in industrial areas. throat-cuts. of movement. Through the main function of an industry is economic. etc. When employers treat them as inanimate objects. The group-dynamics between the two conflicting groups in industrial relations tend to shape the behavioural pattern. perception of change in industry. a new industrial-cum-social pattern emerges. Through tension is more direct in work place. Therefore. disintegration of family structure. As industries develop. rationality. The management goals. social mobility. The organizational behavior of inter-groups of management and workers is of crucial importance in the pattern of industrial relations. status-symbols. which provides general new relationships. conflicts and tensions arise. of thought of expression. situations and persons between the management groups and labour groups. associations and trade unions. customs. etc. stress and strain. Sociological approach Industry is a social world in miniature. encroach on their expectations.The reasons of strained industrial relations between the employers and the employees can be understood by studying differences in the perception of issues. decided by broad social factors like the culture of the institutions. tolerance etc. are all. Human relations approach Human resources are made up of living human beings. institutions and behavioural pattern and new techniques of handling human resources. Services of specialists in . workers‟ attitudes. its social consequences are also important such as urbanization. psychologists. the union leaders and the government – more so for the management. develop greater involvement in their work and achieve a measure of identification of their objectives with the objectives of the organization. themselves for technological. tec. human relations expert and personnel managers) are used to deal with such related problems. pedagogists. . Assistance is also taken from economists. It has now been increasingly recognized that much can be gained by the managers and the worker. Conflicts cannot be resolved unless the management must learn and know what the basic what the basic needs of men are and how they can be motivated to work effectively.Behavioural Sciences (namely. psychiatrists. industrial engineers. anthropologists. understanding of human behavior – both individual and groups – is a pre-requisite for the employers. Principle of Good Industrial Relations The willingness and ability of management and trade unions to deal with the problems freely. if they understand and apply the techniques of human relations approaches to industrial relations. social and economic changes. independently and with responsibility. while formulating and implementing policies relating to general economic and social measures affecting industrial relations. the manager. The workers are likely to attain greater job satisfaction. on their part. would develop greater insight and effectiveness in their work. Introducing a suitable system of employees education and training. In resolving conflicts. Good industrial relations that take account of different needs. some of them were satisfied with the procedure but most f them were not satisfied or were confused. however. practices and outcomes. It could be developed more so that employees are happy with the kind of environment. many employees are not aware about this.  Here. so that employees can feel impartial.  The transfer schemes are also not good in the organization according to the employees.  Work Participation in Management is being emphasized in the organization and employees are participating in various fields. it is the need of the organization to make their employees understand about the whole procedure and to make them aware about the importance of collective bargaining. it can be modified accordingly.  Many of the employees don‟t even know about the collective bargaining. . economic and social stability. But after understanding the whole procedure of collective bargaining.  Disputes are settled in the organization.  The working condition of the organization is very good and due to wrong mode of performance appraisal system and confidential promotion manner some employees are not happy with the promotional policies. the conflicts of the employees are being resolved but still there should be more efforts from the side of authority to solve the problems of the employees. Knowledge and adherence to national laws and agreements are fundamental to good. it is important to take the problems of the employees more seriously from the side of superiors.  About the efforts of the supervisors in the redressal of grievances. cultures and practices are an essential component of industrial.  The welfare schemes of the organization are very good as all the employees believe that they are getting a good amount of incentives. they said that there is such procedure in the organization. consistent industrial relations policies.FINDINGS There are chances that the industrial relations may become more complex as the industry is striving to deliver its products and services at optimum cost with the least environmental and social impact. So. fringe benefits. facilities etc. CONCLUSION The conclusion of my study is that in IFFCO basically the employees and the employer relations are very good and are handled very carefully. The problem lies with the promotional facilities the employees are not much satisfied. The promotional activities are very confidential.  Workers education should be promoted. like performance appraisal system is not having the feedback system. Nevertheless based on personal investigation and responses given in questionnaire. So. SUGGESTION & RECOMMENDATION The present study cannot be said to be complete and there is great scope of elaboration on the present topic in course of further researches. I can say that employees welfare schemes are very satisfactory. Effective leadership must be practiced by managers to create environment of discipline.  Participation and transparency between management and staff and officers should be increased. . overall however employees want more partial and transparent practices in transfer and promotional schemes.  There should be informed about the status of the organization against the competitive firms. mission of the organization. but as other issues are handled very carefully. ADDITIONAL SUGGESTIONS: Communication should be enhanced in following dimensions to develop trust and confidence in management:  Employees should be informed about the objectives.  Transfer schemes should be reviewed. because it is confidential. There are many facilities given to the employees.  There should be no hide and seek from workers.  They should be informed about the status as compared to any other organization. following suggestions are given:  Transparency regarding promotion issues of staff and officers should be kept. Due to some security reasons. which was not the sufficient time to evaluate the whole schemes of IFFCO. 6. . 2. 5. 3. The guidance provided by guide was not quite complete because of the lack of time and their busy schedule. trainees were not allowed to enter the factory premises in the last few days of training. The technical support was not satisfactory.LIMITATIONS 1. The research was based on the subjective knowledge rather than the objective one. which wasted my most of the time during training. The project report was completed within the 4-5 weeks. 4. The Training and Development Department was too far from P & A department in distance. still he managed well to direct me. 7. The guidance provided by guide was not quite complete because of the objective one. BIBLIOGRAPHY I have taken the help of many sources which provided the valuable information about my project.nic.iffco. This information helped me in presenting this report in an effective manner. Sources of Secondary IFFCO annual & monthly magazines IFFCO Journals Annual report of IFFCO Services rules of IFFCO . My valuable source for Primary Data collection was QUESTIONNAIRE. Research Work On “INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS” . . 3. a) Less than 1 year ( ) b) 1 to less than 5 years ( ) c) 5 to less than 10 years ( ) d) 10 years or more ( ) 2. which you work. 2. Do not leave any item unanswered. Age: Gender: years 1. then indicate the one which is closest to your opinion. or from. Read each statement carefully before indicating in the given space. How is the relation between workers and your union leaders? a) Harmonious ( ) b) General ( ) c) Formal ( ) d) Moderate ( ) e) Tension full ( ) 3. If you find that the categories given don‟t adequately indicate your feelings.ANNEXURE QUESTIONNAIRE TO THE WORKERS INTRUCTIONS: 1. Would you like to accept third party intervention in case of industrial disputes? a) Yes ( ) b) No ( ) c) Can‟t say ( ) . How many years in total have you been working at this workplace? By workplace we mean the site or location at. How do you convey your needs and compliments to the management? a) Self ( ) b) Through colleague workers ( ) c) Through union leaders ( ) 4. ( ) c) Unity in workers through union. Does trade union act properly for labour welfare? a) Yes ( ) b) No ( ) c) Can‟t say ( ) 7. ( ) e) Above all. ( ) b) Security from the management‟s monopoly. ( ) d) Desired fulfilled through union. Is trade union helpful in harmonizing the relationship with management? a) Yes ( ) b) No ( ) c) Can‟t say ( ) 12. ( ) 10. Either any programme or seminar has been organized by the management or trade union to make you aware about the Factories Act? a) Yes ( ) b) No ( ) c) Up to some extent ( ) 6.5. Are you satisfied with the way union works? a) Fully satisfied ( ) b) Partially satisfied ( ) c) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied ( ) d) Partially dissatisfied ( ) e) Fully dissatisfied ( ) f) Don‟t know ( ) 9. If „No‟ then why trade union does not work properly? a) Selfish elements ( ) b) Lack of co-ordination with management ( ) c) Preference to personal work ( ) 8. If satisfied then why? a) Secure the objective of the union. If dissatisfied then why? a) Improper working by union ( ) b) Puppet of management ( ) c) Inactive union ( ) d) Leaders of union are corrupted ( ) e) Emotional harassment of the workers by the union ( ) 11. What efforts should be done by union for workers welfare? a) Dedication for work ( ) . During the last 12 months. have you discussed any of these with your supervisor/line manager? a) How you are getting on with your job ( ) b) Your chances of promotion ( ) c) Your training needs ( ) d) Your pay ( ) e) None of these ( ) 18. Issues in which workers are allowed to participate in decision making a) Issues related to the disciplinary actions ( ) b) Issues related to the transfer of employees ( ) c) Welfare schemes ( ) d) Issues related to the working conditions ( ) e) Issues related to the working shifts ( ) 17.b) Dutiful and liable ( ) c) Organizational awareness workshops ( ) d) Honest and transparent ( ) e) All of the above ( ) 13. How often workers participate in the decision making? a) Regularly ( ) b) Often ( ) c) Sometimes ( ) d) Occasionally ( ) e) Never ( ) 16. Up to what extent the disputes are resolved from the side of management? a) Fully solved ( ) b) Partially solved ( ) c) Unsolved ( ) d) Dispute rises at some point ( ) 14. How much contact do you have with trade union or other worker representative about workplace matters? . Are you satisfied with the worker‟s participation in the management? a) Fully satisfied ( ) b) Partially satisfied ( ) c) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied ( ) d) Partially dissatisfied ( ) e) Fully dissatisfied ( ) f) Can‟t say ( ) 15. Are you satisfied with the current feedback system in „Performance Appraisal‟? a) Fully satisfied ( ) b) Partially satisfied ( ) c) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied ( ) d) Dissatisfied ( ) e) Completely dissatisfied ( ) . Do you think that management does fair redressal of employee‟s grievances? a) Yes ( ) b) No ( ) c) Up to some extent ( ) 22. Are you satisfied with the current „Performance Appraisal System‟? a) Fully satisfied ( ) b) Partially satisfied ( ) c) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied ( ) d) Dissatisfied ( ) e) Completely dissatisfied ( ) 24. If „Yes‟. Are you satisfied with the current communication system between worker and management? a) Fully satisfied ( ) b) Partially satisfied ( ) c) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied ( ) d) Dissatisfied ( ) e) Completely dissatisfied ( ) 23. Are you aware about the concept of collective bargaining? a) Yes ( ) b) No ( ) 20.a) I am frequently in contact with the worker representatives ( ) b) I am occasionally in contact with the worker representatives ( ) c) I do not know any worker representative ( ) 19. then how often management agreed to your terms and conditions? a) Every time ( ) b) Sometimes ( ) c) Hardly ever ( ) d) Never ( ) 21. Do you hold any recognized vocational qualification or diploma? a) Yes ( ) b) No ( ) 29. In general.Which of the following is most helpful in keeping you updated about your workplace? a) Notice boards ( ) b) E-mails ( ) c) Workplace newsletter or magazines ( ) d) Meetings of managers and employees ( ) 30. Do you think that the Promotional policies in IFFCO are completely transparent and are based on the performance? a) Yes ( ) b) No ( ) c) Can‟t say ( ) 26. how would you describe the relations between managers and employees. a) Very good ( ) b) Good ( ) c) Neither good nor poor ( ) d) Poor ( ) e) Very poor ( ) f) Don‟t know ( ) . Are you satisfied with the transfer policies in IFFCO? a) Fully satisfied ( ) b) Partially satisfied ( ) c) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied ( ) d) Dissatisfied ( ) e) Completely dissatisfied ( ) 28.Do you think that the Promotional policies in IFFCO need to be revised? a) Yes ( ) b) No ( ) c) Can‟t say ( ) 27.25. or from. 3. Read each statement carefully before indicating in the given space.QUESTIONNAIRE TO THE MANAGEMNET INTRUCTIONS: 1. If you find that the categories given don‟t adequately indicate your feelings. In case of „Peaceful talks‟. which you work. e) Less than 1 year ( ) f) 1 to less than 5 years ( ) g) 5 to less than 10 years ( ) h) 10 years or more ( ) 2. Do you think that all the statutory/non-statutory benefits provided to workers are reviewed and implemented at regular period of time? a) Yes ( ) b) No ( ) 4. then indicate the one which is closest to your opinion. Do not leave any item unanswered. Age: Gender: 1. How many years in total have you been working at this workplace? By workplace we mean the site or location at. What kind of personality development programmes are organized by the management? a) Training programme ( ) b) Guest lectures ( ) c) Tour programme ( ) d) Higher education programme ( ) 3. 2. What kind of method is used by the trade union to express their dissatisfaction? a) Lockouts ( ) b) Strikes ( ) c) Peaceful table talks ( ) d) Sit-in ( ) e) Through notices ( ) 5. what kind of steps are taken by the management regarding the issues? a) Timely talks with union ( ) b) Open meetings with the workers ( ) years . Without the involvement of trade union. In present scenario of globalization and liberalization. trade union is active for what? a) In the favour of workers ( ) b) For their own benefits ( ) c) For both ( ) 7. is the role and effect of union are decreasing? a) Yes ( ) b) No ( ) 10. Giving more rights to union will affect in the decision making and the development of the organization? a) Yes ( ) b) No ( ) 8. Does management pay attention to the personal problems of the employees? . Do you think that the current communication system is well-planned and sophisticated? a) Yes ( ) b) No ( ) c) Can‟t say ( ) 13. The delegation of authority to the employees by the management is based on a) Experience ( ) b) Performance ( ) c) Qualification ( ) d) Personal belongingness ( ) e) Other reasons ( ) 12. which kind of relationship with workers you have maintained? a) Very good ( ) b) Good ( ) c) Satisfactory ( ) d) Dissatisfactory ( ) 11. is ir necessary to have union? a) Yes ( ) b) No ( ) c) Can‟t say ( ) 9.c) Timely implementation/solution ( ) d) Any grievance committee ( ) 6. In present globalized environment for the development of the organization. In present scenario. How often the trade union obstructs the direct communication between workers and management? a) Every time ( ) b) Sometimes ( ) c) Hardly ever ( ) d) Never ( ) 16.Which of the following policy or practice of management results in grievances? a) Poor payment ( ) b) Leave facilities ( ) c) lack of career planning & development ( ) d) hostility towards trade union ( ) e) communication gap ( ) 18. Do you think that the management has succeeded in maintaining discipline among the employees? a) Strongly agree ( ) b) Agree ( ) . What kind of communication channel you prefer to address the employees? a) Through Trade union ( ) b) Notices and circulars ( ) c) Telephonic conversation ( ) d) Personal meetings ( ) e) E-mails ( ) 15. a) Poor physical conditions of the workplace ( ) b) Lack of proper tools.a) Yes ( ) b) No ( ) c) Can‟t say ( ) 14. machines and equipments ( ) c) Frequent changes in the schedules or procedures ( ) d) Rigid production standards ( ) e) Poor relations with the supervisor ( ) 17. Areas of grievances which are frequently reported.Transfers are done mostly because of personal bias. a) Strongly agree ( ) b) Agree ( ) c) Neither agree nor disagree ( ) d) Disagree ( ) e) Strongly disagree ( ) 19. Workers are allowed to participate in the management at a) Lower level ( ) b) Departmental level ( ) c) Top level ( ) d) Not allowed ( ) 22. Collective bargaining is executed mostly in the matters of a) Wage and bonuses ( ) b) Production norms ( ) c) Grievance redressal procedure ( ) d) Rights and responsibilities of trade union ( ) e) Working conditions ( ) 25. Do you think that the current performance appraisal system is satisfactory from the employee‟s point of view? a) Yes ( ) b) No ( ) .c) Neither agree nor disagree ( ) d) Disagree ( ) e) Strongly disagree ( ) 20. a) Programmes ( ) b) Seminars ( ) c) Personal meetings ( ) d) Training sessions ( ) e) None ( ) 24. Steps taken by the management to make the employees aware about the collective bargaining. Which level of participation is favoured by the management? a) Informative participation ( ) b) Consultative participation ( ) c) Associative participation ( ) d) Administrative participation ( ) e) Decisive participation ( ) 23. Which of the following approach is favoured by the management to maintain discipline? a) Human relations approach ( ) b) Human resources approach ( ) c) Group discipline approach ( ) d) Leadership approach ( ) 21. how would you describe the relations between managers and employees? a) Very good ( ) b) Good ( ) c) Neither good nor poor ( ) d) Poor ( ) e) Very poor ( ) f) Don‟t know ( ) . a) Strongly agree ( ) b) Agree ( ) c) Neither agree nor disagree ( ) d) Disagree ( ) e) Strongly disagree ( ) 29. In general. Workers have always shown their faith in democratic principle s. Do you think that the performance appraisal system has helped to motivate the employees? a) Yes ( ) b) No ( ) c) Can‟t say ( ) 28.c) Can‟t say ( ) 26. Which part of the PMS needs to be restructured? a) Performance assessment ( ) b) Feedback from the peers ( ) c) Assessment tool ( ) d) Feedback to the employees ( ) e) Whole PMS 27. Are you satisfied with the kind of relation you have maintained with the workers? a) Completely satisfied ( ) b) Satisfied ( ) c) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfie ( ) d) Dissatisfied ( ) e) Completely dissatisfied ( ) 30. Do you think that your union if fulfilling its objective. Do not leave any item unanswered. What steps or programmes you would organize for the welfare of the workers? a) Training programmes ( ) b) Awareness programmes ( ) c) Social programmes ( ) d) Personal meetings ( ) 5. Read each statement carefully before indicating in the given space. Which of the following steps you would take in order to solve the problems of workers? a) Through communication ( ) b) Through notices ( ) c) Lockout and strikes ( ) 4. Trade union focuses on : a) Raising the life standard of the employees ( ) b) Development of the company ( ) c) Both ( ) 3. “harmonizing the relationship between management and workers”? a) Yes ( ) b) No ( ) c) Can‟t say ( ) 2. Age: Gender: years 1.QUESTIONNAIRE TO THE TRADE UNION INTRUCTIONS: 1. 2. 3. then indicate the one which is closest to your opinion. Do you think that there is need for multiple trade unions in your organization? a) Yes ( ) b) No ( ) c) Can‟t say ( ) . If you find that the categories given don‟t adequately indicate your feelings. Problems which are frequently faced by the workers. a) Poor physical conditions of the workplace ( ) b) Lack of proper tools. which kind of relationship with workers you have maintained? a) Very good ( ) b) Good ( ) c) Satisfactory ( ) d) Dissatisfactory ( ) 10. Is the effect of union is decreasing in the present scenario? a) Yes ( ) b) No ( ) c) Can‟t say ( ) 8. Do you think that action of the union promotes indiscipline in the organization? a) Yes ( ) b) No ( ) c) Can‟t say ( ) 12. Do you accept the third party intervention in case of any industrial dispute? a) Yes ( ) b) No ( ) c) Can‟t say ( ) 9. Does management pay attention to the personal problems of the union members? a) Every time ( ) b) Sometimes ( ) c) Hardly ever ( ) d) Never ( ) . Do you think that the present platform is effective enough for the smooth flow of information between union and management? a) Strongly agree ( ) b) Agree ( ) c) Neither agree nor disagree ( ) d) Disagree ( ) e) Strongly disagree ( ) 7.6. Without the involvement of management. machines and equipments ( ) c) Frequent changes in the schedules or procedures ( ) d) Rigid production standards ( ) e) Poor relations with the supervisor ( ) 11. Do you think that the management has succeeded in winning the confidence of the workers? a) Strongly agree ( ) b) Agree ( ) c) Neither agree nor disagree ( ) d) Disagree ( ) e) Strongly disagree ( ) 18. What kind of communication channel you prefer to contact the workers? a) Through management ( ) b) Notices and circulars ( ) c) Telephonic conversation ( ) d) Personal meetings ( ) e) E-mails ( ) 15. How often the management obstructs the direct communication between the workers and the trade union? a) Every time ( ) b) Sometimes ( ) c) Hardly ever ( ) d) Never ( ) 16. Are you satisfied with the workers participation in management? a) Completely satisfied ( ) b) Satisfied ( ) c) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied ( ) d) Dissatisfied ( ) e) Completely dissatisfied ( ) 17. Which of the following policy or practice of management gives rise to the grievances? a) Poor payment ( ) b) Leave facilities ( ) c) Lack of career planning & development ( ) d) Hostility towards trade union ( ) e) Communication gap ( ) 14. What steps have been taken by the trade union to make the employees aware about the collective bargaining? a) Programmes ( ) b) Seminars ( ) c) Personal meetings ( ) .13. Do you think that transfers are done mostly because of the management‟s personal bias? a) Strongly agree ( ) b) Agree ( ) c) Neither agree nor disagree ( ) d) Disagree ( ) e) Strongly disagree ( ) . Are you satisfied with the transfer policies designed by the management? a) Completely satisfied ( ) b) Satisfied ( ) c) Neither satisfied ( ) d) Dissatisfied ( ) e) Completely dissatisfied ( ) 24.d) Training sessions ( ) e) None ( ) 19. Are you satisfied with the current performance appraisal system? a) Yes ( ) b) No ( ) c) Can‟t say ( ) 22. How often the management accepts the terms and conditions of the trade union in collective bargaining? a) Every time ( ) b) Sometimes ( ) c) Hardly ever ( ) d) Never ( ) 21. Which part of the performance appraisal system needs to be restructured? a) Performance assessment ( ) b) Feedback from the peers ( ) c) Assessment tool ( ) d) Feedback to the employees ( ) e) Whole PMS 23. Trade union is allowed to participate in the management at a) Lower level ( ) b) Departmental level ( ) c) Top level ( ) d) Not allowed ( ) 20. 25. In general how would you describe the relations between trade union and management? a) Very good ( ) b) Good ( ) c) Neither good nor poor ( ) d) Poor ( ) e) Very poor ( ) f) Don‟t know ( ) .
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