Sugar Decolourisation and Regeneration

March 23, 2018 | Author: Sugar Maker | Category: Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Chemical Substances, Materials, Energy And Resource



J O R D D E C O L O U R I S AT I O NPLANTS CONTENTS 1. Sugar Flowsheet 2. Carbon Decolourisation Plant Description 3. Fixed Bed Versus Pulse Bed 4. Carbon Regeneration Plant Description 5. Summary of Inputs and Outputs 6. Jord’s Experience SUGAR FLOWSHEET . phosphoric acid. DECOLOURISATION Fixed bed or pulse bed granular activated carbon unit is used to reduce the liquor colour down to < 150 ICUMSA. air and a flocculant are used to extract the contaminants. 5 . RAW SUGAR HANDLING Raw sugar is received. 6 . 8 .General Sugar Refining Overview 1 . 9 . WHITE SUGAR BOILING AND CRYSTALLISATION Vacuum pans are seeded and used to promote crystal growth. The scrubbing gas is pumped through mixing tanks to form calcium carbonate. CENTRIFUGAL OPERATION Centrifugal separation is used to separate crystals of desired size for product. This calcium carbonate entraps bulk contaminants from the process. 3 . SUGAR DRYING AND CONDITIONING Rotary driers are commonly used to dry the final product before it is sent to final product silos. . 4 . AFFINATION Removing the film of adhering molasses from raw sugar crystals by treating with a heavy sugar affination syrup. MUD FILTRATION Carbonate or phosphate cake is removed by filtration. For phosphotation. EVAPORATION Evaporators are used to concentrate the liquor to level required for crystallization (around 76brix) 7 . CARBONATION/PHOSPHOTATION For carbonation. 2 . melt sugar is mixed with milk of lime before being scrubbed with flue gas from natural gas fired boilers. weighed and stored in a warehouse before being cut and crushed. C A R B O N D E C O L O U R I S AT I O N PLANT DESCRIPTION . .Adsorber columns always on-line.Two columns in each pair operate in series. . . - 2 ) Pulse Bed .No regeneration and spent carbon tanks.Carbon Decolourisation Choice of two systems: 1) Fixed Bed Pairs of carbon-filled adsorber columns in parallel. pulse carbon once per day. . .Large regeneration and spent carbon tanks.Two columns in each pair operate in parallel.Sweetening off tanks used to accept spent carbon for regeneration. . . . .Pairs of carbon filled adsorber columns in parallel.Carbon charge tank for each adsorber.Adsorber columns taken off-line periodically for carbon regeneration. Fixed Bed: Normal Operation LEAD COLUMN LAG COLUMN High Colour Raw Liquor Feed in Low Colour Fine Liquor Product out . Fixed Bed: Switch Column Duty SWEETENING OFF LEAD COLUMN LEAD LAG COLUMN High Colour Raw Liquor Feed in To New Fresh Carbon Lag Column . Fixed Bed: Sweetening Off SWEETENING OFF Regen Carbon From Regen Carbon Tank Spent Carbon to Spent Carbon Tank Hot Water/Steam Wash Liquor to 1)Raw Liquor 2) Sweet Water 3) Dirty Water . X 2 per module Low Colour Fine Liquor Product out PULSE BED ADSORBER High Colour Raw Liquor Feed in Carbon is adsorbing contaminants from liquor. .Pulse Bed: Normal Operation CARBON CHARGE TANK Full of fresh/regenerated carbon. Pulse Bed: Carbon Pulse CARBON CHARGE TANK Open Transfer Valve PULSE BED ADSORBER Spent Carbon to Sweetening Off Tank . Pulse Bed: Return to Normal Operation Regen Carbon from Quench Tank CARBON CHARGE TANK Full of fresh carbon. . Low Colour Fine Liquor Product out PULSE BED ADSORBER High Colour Raw Liquor Feed in Carbon is adsorbing contaminants from liquor. FIXED BED vs PULSE BED . Requires less plot area.Can be designed for backwashing. . or can be generated in the .Little operator attention required.Fixed Bed Advantages .Cannot treat liquids containing significant stream. . quantities of suspended solids. . recovery of product. .If a single adsorber is used effluent quality will . .Can be controlled to have the effluent quality .Easy to inspect vessel interiors.Requires greater plot area carbon bed.Effluent contains carbon fines after each pulsing time as the column is disconnected from the PART operation and should be filtered.No peak consumption of water during the .Has the lowest carbon dosage in applications DECOLORIZING. Disadvantages Disadvantages Advantages Pulse Bed . .If gas is present.Lowest building profile. .Can handle large flow. an up flow design is the better . carbon content.The treatment objective is reached at the same . . system.Self filtering system. . REACTIVATION . close to the specification value.Inspection and/or repairs can only be done by vary as a function of the on stream time of the taking an adsorber off line and emptying the entire column. system for the equivalent amount of carbon on .Requires lower inlet pressure to pass through having a long mass transfer zone. PART the system.Higher capital investment than a pulse bed alternative. Pulse Bed 3D Model . Fixed Bed 3D Model . C A R B O N R E G E N E R AT I O N PLANT DESCRIPTION . 1rpm). • The shaft rotates (approx. • Spent carbon is fed into the top of the vessel. the rabble arms spread the carbon around each hearth. • Combustion gases are fed directly to an afterburner. fixed on top of each other in a cylindrical vessel arrangement. • A central shaft runs vertically through the centre of the vessel with rabble arms extending across the floor of each hearth. all provide the reaction conditions necessary to oxidise and evaporate the contaminants from the pores of the carbon. providing maximum contact time with reaction gases. . • Alternate feed gaps in the floor of each hearth allow transfer of carbon from hearth to hearth. • Burners on each hearth as well as steam and hot air injection at the bottom of the vessel. down through the column. • Shaft cooling air cools the rabble arms and central shaft.Carbon Regeneration • A multiple hearth furnace consists of a series of hearths. MHF: Carbon Regeneration Spent Carbon From Spent Carbon Tank or Sweetening Off Tank Flue Gas to Afterburner Hearth 1 Hearth 2 Hearth 3 Hearth 4 Steam and Hot Air etc.. Regen Carbon to Quench Tank .... Refractory and Rabble Arms . S U M M A RY O F P L A N T INPUTS AND OUTPUTS . 6kwhr/te sucrose 15litres/te sucrose Regenerated Carbon Water Vapour 7kg/te sucrose Waste Water 15litres/te sucrose (overflows from screw and quench tank) 7g/te sucrose Particulates Carbon monoxide Nitrogen oxides 7litres/te sucrose 2g/te sucrose 14g/te sucrose .3kg/te sucrose Carbon Loss Waste Water 0.5te/hr Water 87.4kg/te Electricity Consumption 0.5te/hr Water 87.6kwhr/te sucrose sucrose (includes 20wt% adsorbed material) Water 7litres/te sucrose Fuel 2.7kg/te sucrose Steam 7kg/te sucrose Make-up Water 15litres/te sucrose CARBON REGENERATION Electricity Consumption 0.OUT IN Sucrose 162.5te/hr Colour 700 ICUMSA Colour 113 ICUMSA Carbon 7kg/te sucrose Carbon 7kg/te sucrose Make-up Carbon Make-up Water 0.3kg/te sucrose DECOLORIZATION 15litres/te sucrose Spent Carbon 8.5te/hr Sucrose 162. JORD’S EXPERIENCE . Australia Bundaberg Sugar Co Bundaberg. QLD Australia CSR Limited Yarraville Refinery. J651 J1649 J3936 J4183 Company CSR Limited Pyrmont Refinery Sydney NSW Australia CSR Limited New Farm Refinery. United Arab Emirates 110 tph dry sugar complete Granular Carbon Plant including multiple hearth furnace 1994 J5195 / J5268 Mackay Sugar Limited Mackay. VIC.3 tph sugar granular carbon plant. Brisbane. Queensland 75 tph dry sugar complete Granular Carbon Plant including multiple hearth furnace 1994 United Sugar Co Jeddah.GAC Sugar Decolourisation Job No. complete plant including regeneration J6135 C1549 C2459 1995 2006 2007 . Syria 83. QLD Australia Plant Year 50 tph dry sugar complete Granular Carbon Plant including multiple hearth furnace 1981 50 tph dry sugar complete Granular Carbon Plant including multiple hearth furnace 1985 75 tph dry sugar complete Granular Carbon Plant including multiple hearth furnace 1991 66” x 8 Hearth Furnace System 1991 J5098 / J5365 Al Khaleej Sugar Co Dubai. Melbourne. Saudi Arabia United Sugar Co Sokhna Egypt 67 tph dry sugar Granular Sugar Carbon Plant regeneration only 100 tph dry sugar Granular Sugar Carbon Plant regeneration only Middle East Factories for Sugar Homs. Saudi Arabia United Sugar Co Sokhna. Melbourne. QLD Australia CSR Limited Yarraville Refinery. J651 J1649 J3936 J4183 J5098 J5268 J6135 C1549 C2459 Company CSR Limited Pyrmont Refinery Sydney NSW Australia CSR Limited New Farm Refinery. Australia Millaquin Sugar Co Bundaberg. Brisbane.Multiple Hearth Furnace Job No. QLD Australia United Sugar Co. QLD Australia Al Khaleej Sugar Co Dubai. Syria Hearth Size Process 3300mm OD x 6 hearth Reactivating spent activated carbon from cane sugar decolourising plant 3300mm OD x 6 hearth Reactivating spent activated carbon from cane sugar decolourising plant 3900mm OD x 6 hearth Reactivating spent activated carbon from cane sugar decolourising plant 2362mm OD x 8 hearth 4366mm OD x 7 hearth 3900mm OD x 6 hearth 3900mm OD x 6 hearth 4366mm OD x 5 hearth 3900mm0D x 5 Hearth + multiple references in magnesia and uranium Reactivating spent activated carbon from cane sugar decolourising plant Reactivating spent activated carbon from cane sugar decolourising plant Reactivating spent activated carbon from cane sugar decolourising plant Reactivating spent activated carbon from cane sugar decolourising plant Reactivating spent activated carbon from cane sugar decolourising plant Reactivating spent activated carbon from cane sugar decolourising plant . Egypt Middle East Factories for sugar Homs. VIC. Jeddah. UAE Mackay Sugar Limited Mackay. Activated Carbon BHP Port Kembla Complete granular activated carbon plant turnkey 6 Hearth Furnace . UAE Sugar decolourising and carbon regeneration plant . .Activated Carbon Dubai. Activated Carbon SYRIA. 2007 Complete turnkey sugar decolourisation and regeneration plant . baghouse and conveyor system.85m diameter). 2009 Queensland Magnesia. AUSTRALIA. MHF (17hearth. .Magnesia QUEENSLAND. 7. Uranium Yellow Cake WMC OLYPIC DAM Complete plant turnkey 6 Hearth Furnace Venturi Exhaust Scrubber System .
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