Subject Enrichment Activities

April 4, 2018 | Author: Taruntej | Category: Triangle, Circle, Angle, Educational Assessment, Equations



Suggestions on Subject Enrichment ActivitiesIn the recently held Principals’ Conference at Jalandhar ,Principals wanted to know about the number of Subject Enrichment Activities to be conducted per Term in each subject from Classes III-X as per the new guidelines issued by CBSE and KVS vide letter bearing No. CBSE/CM/2017 dated 21.03.2017 and 110331-01/2017- KVS/Acad/CBSE dated 26.04.2017respectively. The weightage given to each subject is supposed to be reduced from 25 marks to 5%. In order to have a uniform structure in the Region, a Committee consisting of following Principals was constituted to look into the issue and to suggest about the conduct of SEAs. S.No. Name KV 1. Sh. Jugal Kishore, Principal Sec-29, Chd 2. Mrs. Sham Chawla, Principal Highgrounds 3. Mr. Rajinder Kumar, Principal Zirakpur Committee discussed the issue in details and taken the view of Vice Principal Mrs. Vandana Walia, KV Sec-29, Chd, Mrs. Mridul Sharma, HM KV Sec-47, Chd and Mrs. Sanju Sundi, HM, KV Sec-29, Chd, the committee suggested the following activities subject wise. These suggestions are sent to all the principals of KV under Chandigarh Region with the objective to go through these subject wise activites and give their Comments/Observation before finalization. These comments/suggestions should be mailed to Regional Office latest by 18.08.2017 LANGUAGES (English& Hindi)-Class III – V Five activities to be conducted in each Term as per the details given below:  Class Magazine should be considered as compulsory activity for all the students. Assessment of this Activity may be done twice Term I & II.  Subject teacher will choose any 4 Activities out of the list circulated by KVS HQ (attached in Annexure I for ready reference) for Term-I and other 4 Activities for Term-II. A sample of five activities along with their rubrics is attached in Annexure II for teachers. MATHEMATICS - CLASS III – V Five activities to be taken in each Term as per the details given below:  Dodging Tables & Mental Math is tobe considered as compulsory activities for both the terms.  Subject teacher will choose any 3 Activities for Term-I and other 3 Activities for Term-II. From theMaths Lab Activities. The class-wise link for the same is given below: 0activities%20for%203-8%202008.doc This link is given in CBSE Circular Circular No.: Acad- 14 /2017 Date: 21/03/2017  A sample of five activities along with their rubrics is attached in Annexure II for teachers. EVS- CLASS III – V Five activities to be taken in each Term as per the details given below:  Map Work & Poster Making (on different Themes)are to be considered as compulsory activities for both the terms.  Subject teacher will choose other 4 activities in the Term-I and Term-II each from the Subject Enrichment Activities sent by KVS HQ (attached in Annexure I for ready reference) .A sample of five activities along with the rubrics is attached in Annexure IV for teachers. Note:1.Each Subject Enrichment Activity will be of 5 Marks. Total of 5 Activities which comes out to be 25 should be reduced to 5% weightage to be given in the Internal Assessment of each Term. 2. List of Suggested Subject Enrichment Activities are mentioned in Annexure-I. MATHEMATICS V ACTIVITY 1: DODGING TABLES AREAS OF ASSESSMENT (RUBRICS) RESPONSE 1 (1) MONTH RESPONSE 2 (1) ________ RESPONSE 3 (1) RESPONSE 4 (1) RESPONSE 5 (1) ACTIVITY 2: MENTAL MATHS AREAS OF ASSESSMENT (RUBRICS) RESPONSE 1 (1) MONTH RESPONSE 2 (1) _________ RESPONSE 3 (1) RESPONSE 4 (1) RESPONSE 5 (1) ACTIVITY 3:MATH LAB ACTIVITY 1 AREAS OF ASSESSMENT (RUBRICS) OBSERVATION (1) MONTH COMPUTING SKILLS (1) ________ DRAWING SKILLS (1) CONFIDENCE(1) CONCLUSION (1) ACTIVITY 4: MATH LAB ACTIVITY 2 AREAS OF ASSESSMENT (RUBRICS) OBSERVATION (1) MONTH ________ COMPUTING SKILLS (1) DRAWING SKILLS (1) CONCLUSION (2) ACTIVITY 5: MATH LAB ACTIVITY 3 AREAS OF ASSESSMENT (RUBRICS) OBSERVATION (1) MONTH ________ COMPUTING SKILLS (1) DRAWING SKILLS (1) CONCLUSION (2) . SUBJECT ENRICHMENT ACTIVITIES SESSION:2017-18 CLASS:III -V CLASS:III - SUBJECT :. SUBJECT ENRICHMENT ACTIVITIES SESSION:2017-18 CLASS:III -V CLASS:III -V SUBJECT :.ENGLISH ACTIVITY 1: ALOUD READING OF TEXT AREAS OF ASSESSMENT (RUBRICS) PRONUNCIATION (2) MONTH ________ FLUENCY/ SPEED (2) PUNCTUATION (1) ACTIVITY 2: POEM RECITATION AREAS OF ASSESSMENT (RUBRICS) PRONUNCIATION (2) MONTH _________ RHYTHM/ STRESS (2) CONFIDENCE (1) ACTIVITY 3:LISTENING COMPREHENSION AREAS OF ASSESSMENT (RUBRICS) RESPONSE 1 (1) RESPONSE 2 (1) MONTH ________ RESPONSE 3 (1) RESPONSE 4 (1) RESPONSE 5 (1) ACTIVITY 4: 2 PREPARED SPEECH AREAS OF ASSESSMENT (RUBRICS) SPEED (1) MONTH ________ PRONUNCIATION (1) CONFIDENCE (1) OVERALL IMPACT (2) ACTIVITY 5: 3 SHOW AND SPEAK AREAS OF ASSESSMENT (RUBRICS) RELEVANCE TO THE TOPIC (2) MONTH ________ FORMATION OF SENTENCES (2) OVERALL IMPACT (1) . SUBJECT ENRICHMENT ACTIVITIES SESSION:2017-18 CLASS:III -V CLASS:III -V SUBJECT :.हहिं दी ACTIVITY 1: जोर से पढना AREAS OF ASSESSMENT (RUBRICS) उच्चारण (2) MONTH ________ प्रवाह / गतत (2) ववरामादी तचन्ह (1) ACTIVITY 2: कविता कासस्िर पाठ AREAS OF ASSESSMENT (RUBRICS) उच्चारण (2) MONTH _________ ताऱ (2) आत्मववश्वास (1) ACTIVITY 3: सुनना और समझना AREAS OF ASSESSMENT (RUBRICS) उत्तर 1 (1) उत्तर 2 (1) MONTH ________ उत्तर 3 (1) उत्तर 4 (1) उत्तर 5 (1) ACTIVITY 4: भाषण AREAS OF ASSESSMENT (RUBRICS) गतत (1) MONTH ________ उच्चारण(1) समग्रप्रभाव (2) आत्मववश्वास (1) ACTIVITY 5: हदखाओ और बताओ AREAS OF ASSESSMENT (RUBRICS) प्रासॊतगकता (2) MONTH ________ वाक्यों कागठन (2) समग्र प्रभाव (1) . EVS ACTIVITY 1: POSTER MAKING AREAS OF ASSESSMENT (RUBRICS) CO-RELATION WITH THEME (2) MONTH ________ INNOVATIVE IDEA (1) NEATNESS (2) ACTIVITY 2: MAP WORK AREAS OF ASSESSMENT (RUBRICS) RESPONSE 1 (1) RESPONSE 2 (1) MONTH _________ RESPONSE 3 (1) RESPONSE 4 (1) RESPONSE 5 (1) ACTIVITY 3:GROUP DISCUSSION AREAS OF ASSESSMENT (RUBRICS) KNOWLEDGE (2) MONTH ________ CONFIDENCE (1) EXPRESSION (1) PARTICIPATION (1) ACTIVITY 4: PROJECT WORK AREAS OF ASSESSMENT (RUBRICS) CREATIVITY (2) MONTH ________ RELEVANCE (1) EXPRESSION (1) NEATNESS (1) ACTIVITY 5: EXPERIMENT/ MCQ AREAS OF ASSESSMENT (RUBRICS) RESPONSE 1 (1) MONTH ________ RESPONSE 2 (1) RESPONSE 3 (1) RESPONSE 4 (1) RESPONSE 5 (1) . SUBJECT ENRICHMENT ACTIVITIES SESSION:2017-18 CLASS:III -V CLASS:III -V SUBJECT :.  The other Speaking Activities can be decided by the teacher from Subject Enrichment Activities sent by KVS HQ (attached in Annexure I for ready reference)  A sample of five activities along with the rubrics is attached in Annexure II for teachers. on which students will write responses.  Total (25) will be further reduced to 5. Teacher may read out a story or any other text followed by five questions to be responded on a given sheet of paper.15 (listening) + 10 (speaking) = 25 marks (reduced to 5) in Term-I and Total-15(speaking) +10(listening) =25 marks (to be reduced to 5) in Term-II. Each response will be of 1 mark. (b) Choose other activities from the list of Subject Enrichment Activities given in Uniform Evaluation System of Assessment.  Out of 5 activities in Term-I.  There will be 2 /3 Speaking Activities. 3 activities will pertain to Listeningand 2 Activitiesto speaking.  One conversation Activity out of the 3 speaking activities is mandatory. 3 Activities will pertain to Speaking and 2 to listening.  3 Speaking Activitiescarrying 5 marks each are compulsory. In Term –II. Each activity will carry 5 marks.  2 Listening Activities are to be conducted in the session. CLASS IX TO X  There will be 5 activities in the whole session. . SUBJECT ENRICHMENT ACTIVITIES SUBJECT: ENGLISH CLASS VI TO VIII  Total 5 activities per term will be conducted from class VI to VIII. Each activity will carry 5 marks. (a) One Conversation Activity is mandatory.  Total. ENGLISH/HINDI ACTIVITY 1: LISTENING COMPREHENSION AREAS OF ASSESSMENT (RUBRICS) RESPONSE 1 (1) RESPONSE 2 (1) MONTH ________ RESPONSE 3 (1) RESPONSE 4 (1) RESPONSE 5 (1) ACTIVITY 2: SPEECH DELIVERY AREAS OF ASSESSMENT (RUBRICS) PRONUNCIATION (2) MONTH _________ RELEVANCY WITH THE TOPIC(2) CONFIDENCE (1) ACTIVITY 3: CONVERSATION SKILLS AREAS OF ASSESSMENT (RUBRICS) INTERACTIVE COMPETENCY(2) MONTH ________ FLUENCY (2) PRONUNCIATION(1) ACTIVITY 4: EXTEMPORE AREAS OF ASSESSMENT (RUBRICS) RELEVANCY WITH THE TOPIC(2) MONTH ________ PRONUNCIATION AND CONFIDENCE(2) OVERALL IMPACT(1) ACTIVITY 5: SHOW AND TELL AREAS OF ASSESSMENT (RUBRICS) MONTH ________ RELEVANCE TO THE TOPIC (2) FORMATION OF SENTENCES (2) OVERALL IMPACT (1) . SUBJECT ENRICHMENT ACTIVITIES SUBJECT: ENGLISH CLASS VI TO X CLASS:VI-X SUBJECT :. एक सॊवाद सॊबन्न्धत हियाकऱाऩ अतनवायि है| 5. ऩाॉच हियाकऱाऩ में से तीन हियाकऱाऩ बोऱने से सॊबन्न्धत तथा एक सुनने से सॊबन्न्धत तथा एक ववचाररक| 4.हहन्दी सत्र-2017-18 कऺा:6-10 1. विषय समृद्ध हियाकऱाप ववषय. कुऱ 25 अॊको को ऩाॉच अॊक मे ऩररवततित हकया जाएगा| 3. (क) कुऱ (15 बोऱना + 5 सुनना + 5 वैचाररक = 25) 5 अॊको मेंऩररवततित – प्रथम अवतध (ख) कुऱ (15 श्रवण + 5 बोऱना + 5 वैचाररक =25) 5 अॊको में ऩररवततित – हितीय अवतध *तिऺक अऩने स्तर ऩर स्वेच्छानुसार ववषय दे कर मूऱयाॊकन कर सकता है | .कुऱ ऩाॉच हियाकऱाऩ प्रत्येक अवतध मूलयाॊकन हे तु रखे जाएॊगे| 2. हहिं दी हियाकऱाप 1: सुनना और समझना मूलयाॊकन ऺेत्र उत्तर 1 (1) माह ________ उत्तर 2 (1) उत्तर 3 (1) उत्तर 4 (1) उत्तर 5 (1) हियाकऱाप 2: भाषण वितरण मूलयाॊकन ऺेत्र उच्चारण (2) माह _________ ववषय सॊबन्न्धत सामग्री (2) आत्मववश्वास (1) हियाकऱाप 3: सिंिाद मूलयाॊकन ऺेत्र उच्चारण (2) माह ________ प्रवाह / गतत (2) आत्मववश्वास (1) हियाकऱाप 4: अविचाररत (आशु भाषण) मूलयाॊकन ऺेत्र ववषय सॊबन्न्धत सामग्री (2) माह________ उच्चारणएवॊ आत्मववश्वास (2) समग्र प्रवाह (1) हियाकऱाप 5: दे खो और बताओ मूलयाॊकन ऺेत्र प्रासॊतगकता (2) माह ________ वाक्यों कागठन (2) समग्र प्रभाव (1) . ववषय समृद्ध हियाकऱाऩसत्र:2017-18कऺा:VI-X कऺा :VI-X विषय:. For evaluation purpose students will be given an option of two activities out of the enlisted activities in each Term .Students will perform all enlisted activities in each Term for Class VI-VIII and for Class IX and X. 4. Teacher will remain at liberty to identify rubrics for any other selected activity.The rubrics forsome Subject Enrichment Activities are mentioned below as a model. The Activity will be tested for 25 marks in each Term which will be further reduced to 5. 2. . 3. SUBJECT ENRICHMENT ACTIVITIES SCIENCE CLASS:VI -X 1. Out of two they will attempt only one activity. SCIENCE ACTIVITY 1: PRACTICALS AREAS OF ASSESSMENT (RUBRICS) MONTH:-APRIL APPARATUS HANDLING (2) OBSERVATION.CALCULATION & CONCLUSION(3) ACTIVITY 2: VIVA-VOCE AREAS OF ASSESSMENT (RUBRICS) THINKING (1) MONTH:.SEPTEMBER /INFORMATION COLLECTION(2) REPORT PRESENTAION(2) ORAL PRESENTATION(1) . CLASS: VI-X SUBJECT :.MAY TIME MANAGEMENT (1) CORRECT RESPONSE(3) ACTIVITY 3:SCIENCE DICTIONARY(VI-VIII)/ SCIENCE MAGAZINE(IX-X) AREAS OF ASSESSMENT (RUBRICS) MONTH:-JUNE-JULY CONTENT MATTER (3) PARTICIPATION (2) ACTIVITY 4: PROJECT WORK AREAS OF ASSESSMENT (RUBRICS) MONTH:-AUGUST CONTENT MATTER (3) PRESENTATION (2) AWARENESS PROGRAMMES (CHOOSE ANY ONE) REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH. ACTIVITY 5: DISASTER MANAGEMENT OR SPREAD OF COMMUNICALBLE DISEASES AREAS OF ASSESSMENT (RUBRICS) RELEVANCY TO THE TOPIC MONTH :.  A sample of five activities with the rubrics is attached below for teachers’ reference.  Total (25) will be further reduced to 5. Teachers may choose other activities from the list of Subject Enrichment Activities given in Uniform Evaluation System of Assessment and decode rubrics accordingly. Each activity will carry 5 marks. .  A sample of five activities with the rubrics is mentioned below for teachers’ reference.  Total (25) will be further reduced to 5. Class IX to X  There will be 5 activities in the whole session.  Total 25 marks (reduced to 5) in Term-I and Total 25 marks (reduced to 5) in Term-II.  Projects/activities of Social Science Exhibition will also be included in the Subject Enrichment Activity. Each activity will carry 5 marks.  Choose other activities from the list of Subject Enrichment Activities given in Uniform Evaluation System of Assessment. SUBJECT ENRICHEMENT ACTIVITIES SESSION-2017-18 SUBJECT: SOCIAL SCIENCE CLASS VI TO VIII  Total 5 activities per term (I term &ii term) will be conducted from class VI to VIII.  Projects/activities of Social Science Exhibition will also be included in the Subject Enrichment Activity. SOCIAL SCIENCE (IIND TERM) ACTIVITY 1: MAP SKILLS AREAS OF ASSESSMENT (RUBRICS) 5 MARKS MONTH OCTOBER IDENDIFICATION 2 MARKS LABELLING AND ACCURACY 2 MARKS . COINS etc.SOCIAL SCIENCE (IST TERM) ACTIVITY 1: MAP SKILLS AREAS OF ASSESSMENT (RUBRICS) 5 MARKS MONTH IDENDIFICATION 2 MARKS APRIL LABELLING AND ACCURACY 2 MARKS PRESENTATION/NEATNESS 1 MARK ACTIVITY 2: PROJECT WORK AREAS OF ASSESSMENT (RUBRICS) 5 MARKS INQUISTIVENESS1 MARK MONTH MAY/JUNE RESOURCES 1 MARK SUBJECT MATTER 2 MARKS PRESENTATION1 MARK ACTIVITY 3: QUIZ AREAS OF ASSESSMENT (RUBRICS) 5 MARKS ALERTNESS 1 MARK MONTH JULY THINKING SKILL 2 MARKS TIME MANAGEMENT 1 MARK APPLICATION OF KNOWLEDGE 1 MARK ACTIVITY 4: SURVEY/COLLECTION OF STAMPS.CLASS:VI-X SUBJECT :. AREAS OF ASSESSMENT (RUBRICS) 5 MARKS MONTH AUGUST DATA COLLECTION(ORIGINALITY) 3 MARKS PRESENTATION 2 MARKS ACTIVITY 5: SOCIAL SCIENCE EXHIBITION AREAS OF ASSESSMENT (RUBRICS) 5 MARKS MONTH AUG/SEPT COLLECTION OF INFORMATION 3 MARKS PRESENTATION(CHARTS/ALBUMS) 2 MARKS CLASS:VI-X SUBJECT :. PRESENTATION/NEATNESS 1 MARK ACTIVITY 2: PROJECT WORK AREAS OF ASSESSMENT (RUBRICS) 5 MARKS INQUISTIVENESS1 MARK MONTH NOVEMBER RESOURCES 1 MARK SUBJECT MATTER 2 MARKS PRESENTATION1 MARK ACTIVITY 3: SCRAP BOOK ON VISIT TO HISTORICAL PLACE /QUALITIES OF GOOD CITIZEN AREAS OF ASSESSMENT (RUBRICS) 5 MARKS MONTH OBSERVATION 2 MARKS DECEMBER UNDERSTANDING 1 MARK APPLICATION OF KNOWLEDGE 2 MARKS ACTIVITY 4: QUIZ AREAS OF ASSESSMENT (RUBRICS) 5 MARKS ALERTNESS 1 MARK MONTH JANUARY THINKING SKILL 2 MARKS TIME MANAGEMENT 1 MARK APPLICATION OF KNOWLEDGE 1 MARK ACTIVITY 5: DEBATE/DISCUSSION AREAS OF ASSESSMENT (RUBRICS) 5 MARKS MONTH JAN/FEB PARTICIPATION 2 MARKS KNOWLEDGE 3 MARKS . The rubrics for Activity are mentioned below for each class. The Activity will be tested for 25 marks in each Term which will be reduced to 5. 5.For evaluation purpose students will be given an option of two activities out of the enlisted activities . SUBJECT ENRICHMENT ACTIVITIES MATHEMATICS CLASS:VI . Term wise activities are mentioned below. 3. 2.X 1.Out of two they will attempt only one activity. 4. .Students will perform all enlisted activities in each Term for Class VI-VIII and for Class IX and X. To find the sum of two given integers with the help of number line. Also . . 3. 7. To make a chord. 5. To find out prime numbers from 1 to 50 without actually checking the factors of a number. To make a protractor by paper folding.To derive the formula for the area of rectangle 10. To draw an angle of 450 by paper folding Term-2 6. To find the centre of a circle by an activity. To find the perpendicular bisector of a line segment by paper folding. To observe the given matchstick patterns and to verify the rules that explains those patterns in terms of a variable. To verify that addition is commutative for whole numbers. 9. Class-VI Listof Subject Enrichment Activities MATHS Term-1 1. 4. 8. 2. diameter and sector of a circle by paper shade the minor and major segment of the circle. 8. Find the area of circle by an activity. To verify Pythagoras Property by an activity. 9. 5 5 5 5 5 25 MATHEMATICS ( Class-VII) Listof Subject Enrichment Activities Term-1 1. To verify by an activity that two triangles are congruent if the three sides of triangle are respectively equal to the three sides of the other triangle. l nt n Voce Max. To find the area of parallelogram and triangle by an activity. To construct a right angled when the length of one side and its hypotenuse are given by using ruler compass and pencil. 3.To represent sum of two fractions by paper cutting and pasting activity. To find the sum of angles of a triangle by an activity. Assessment criteria Areas of knowledg Methodolog Diagrammati Viva Tota Assessme e y c skill Presentatio . Term-2 6. 10. 2. To find the relation between an exterior angle and interior opposite angle of a triangle by an activity. 7. . To find the circumference of the circle and to find the approximate value of 𝜋 by an activity. 5. Mks. To find the relationship among the sides of a triangle. 4. 2. 3. To verify the algebraic identity by paper cutting and pasting method: (a+b)2 =a2+2ab+b2 7. 5 5 5 5 5 25 MATHEMATICS( Class-VIII) Listof Subject Enrichment Activities Term-1 1. Representation of rational number on the number line by a practical activity.To find the circumference of a circle and to find the approximate value of 𝜋 by activity method. To find the curved surface area of a cylinder by activity method. Mks. To find the area of trapezium by activity method. To construct a quadrilateral when the lengths of 4. 10. 9. 8. 5.sides and a diagonal are given. To find the area of a circle by activity method. Assessment criteria Areas of knowledg Methodolog Diagrammati Viva Tota Assessme e y c skill Presentatio . l nt n Voce Max. To verify angle sum property of a quadrilateral by practical activity. . 4. To verify the properties of a parallelogram by activity. To verify the algebraic identity by paper cutting and pasting method: (x+a)(x+b)=x2+(a+b)x+ab Term-2 6. using triangle cut outs.using the method of paper cutting and pasting. To obtain the formula for the lateral surface area of a right circular cylinder through an activity. Assessment criteria Areas of knowledg Methodolog Diagrammati Viva Tota Assessme e y c skill Presentatio . 7. l nt n Voce Max.that depicts the square root of natural numbers √ 1.5) through an activity. To interpret geometrically the factors of a quadratic expression of the type x2 + b x + c. 5. 10. To show that the parallelograms on the same base and between the same parallel lines have the same area.involving paper folding and geometrical construction. To verify the Angle Sum property of atriangle . √3 etc.using method of tracing. 2. 9. 8. To draw a graph of linear equation in two variables. To obtain the square root of any given positive real number (say 6. √2. To verify that the diagonals of the parallelogram bisect each other.formed by the intersection of two lines. 5 5 5 5 5 25 MATHEMATICS( Class-IX) List of Subject Enrichment Activities 1. 3. . 6.. To find out the relationship between vertically opposite angles. Mks.using the method of paper cutting and pasting. To construct a Square Root Spiral . 4.To verify that the angle subtended by an arc of a circle at the centre is double the angle subtended by it on the remaining part of the circle by paper cutting and pasting. 5 5 5 5 5 25 MATHEMATICS( Classs X) Listof Subject Enrichment Activities 1. Graphical method of solution of a pair of linear equations. 4. 7. To find the HCF of two numbers experimentally based on Euclid’s Division Lemma. To obtain the formula of area of a circle experimentally. To find the solution of quadratic equation by completing square method. l nt n Voce Max. To find curved surface area and total surface area of a cylinder. 5. Geometrical meaning of the zeroes of a polynomial. Assessment criteria Areas of knowledg Methodolog Diagrammati Viva Tota Assessme e y c skill Presentatio . To verify lengths of tangents drawn from an external point to a circle are equal. Mks. 10. 9. To verify Pythagoras Theorem. Mks. 5 5 5 5 5 25 . To find the sum of first n natural numbers. 2. 3. Assessment criteria Areas of knowledg Methodolog Diagrammati Viva Tota Assessme e y c skill Presentatio . 8. l nt n Voce Max. To verify Basic Proportionality Theorem. 6. Dictation 12.Quiz 7. Science. Story Narration 3. Comprehension activity 13. 5. Prepared speech 5.Group Discussion 9. Interview of some literary figure 8.Reporting of event Any other SUBJECT: Atleast 10 activities from the Listed Lab activities and MATHEMATICS Projects as given in the prescribed publication of CBSE/NCERT may be followed. 6. Role Play 7. Listening. ANNEXURE-I KENDRRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN SUGGESTED SUBJECT ENRICHMENT ACTIVITIES SESSION 2017-18 CLASSES. 3. Science Magazine. Designing of advertisement 14. Spell bee (Language Games) 11.Just a minute speech. Class Magazine 15. Project (National children Science Congress/Inspire. Awareness Programs  Reproductive Health  Disaster Management  Spread of Communicable Diseases 9. Creative Writing 10. Radio show 4. Surveys and case studies. Commentary 17. Atleast 5 Experiments/Activities from NCERT SCIENCE Science Textbook. 2.III TO X SUBJECT : 1. NCERT Lab Manual for classes IX-X and maintenance of record file. Poem Recitation. Dramatization 6. Role play. NCERT Source book on Assessment for classes VI-VII. English Song ENGLISH 2.Show and Tell Activity 16. Identification of Plans in School Campus and Designing of Herbal Garden. SUBJECT: 1. Quiz 4. . Field Trip/ Excursions 8. Survey 7. सॊख्या-ऱेखनम . Tour to Historical Places 9. वाचनम 10. Quiz 10. नमोसम्रण िीडा 16. आिु-भाषण 19. Any other SUBJECT: 1. Poster Making 6. वस्तुनाम ऩररचय 7. श्लोक गायेनम 9. Stamps etc. 10. िब्द सॊग्रह 6. Project work SOCIAL 2. िऱोक-ऩाठ 8. श्रुतऱेख 12. Collection Outdated Coins. वातािऱाऩम 15. प्राथिना 4. कथा कथनम 14. Preparation of Herbarium. 12. छात्र प्रततऻा 5. वचनम ऩररचय 3. Map work SCIENCE 3. ऱय-ताऱ बद्ध गीत गयन्म 13. भाषण प्रततयोतगता 18. प्रिन मॊच/ प्रश्नोतरी 11. Case-Study 8. Exhibition Any other विषय : सिंस्कृ त 1. Debate 4. and gather information. ताऱीकया िब्द तनमानामि 17. Mock Parliament 11. तऱहदॊ गम. स्व: ऩररचय ऱेखनम 2. Role Playing 5. Interview 13. वाद-वववाद प्रततयोतगता 11. समूह चचाि 21. कऺा अतभनय 7. सॊवाद ऱेखन 9.आिुभाषण 14. कहानी ऱेखन 4. ऩवत्रका सॊऩादनम 24. स्रजनत्मक ऱेखन 19. दे तनक-व्यवहार-वाक्य सॊग्रह 21. िब्दकोष से िब्द ढू ॉ ढना 16. अन्य कोई विषय : हहन्दी 1. राष्ट्रीय-प्रतीका: 23. श्रुत ऱेखन 6. ऩुस्तक ऩठन 5. कववता / काव्य ऩठान 3. प्रश्नोतरी प्रततयोतगता 15. प्रतसद्ध कववयों की रचनाओ का सॊकऱन अन्य कोई . वाताि (समाचार वाच्नम) 22. भाषण प्रततयोतगता 8.कवव सम्मेऱन 12. ऩुस्तक समीऺा 18. साऺात्कार 17. दृश्य वणिन 22. ऩररचचाि 20. कववता ऱेखन 2. 20. समाचार ऩठन 10.जीवनी ऱेखन 13.
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