Struds Tutorials

May 31, 2018 | Author: KG Rohilla | Category: Button (Computing), Beam (Structure), Menu (Computing), Dialog Box, Bending



STRUDS TUTORIALSSTRUDS TUTORIALS 1 STRUDS TUTORIALS The information in this tutorial Guide is subject to change without notice because of the continuos process of software enhancement / improvement. SOFTTECH is in no way responsible for any errors that may appear in this Tutorial Guide or due to its usage. Copyright © 1998, SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Requests and Orders to : SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. 1 - Balaji House, Opp. Telephone Exchange, Bajirao Road, Pune 411 030. India. Telephone - +91-020-4478084 Telefax - +91-020-4478085 Web : Email : [email protected] 2 STRUDS TUTORIALS INDEX 1. PREFACE 2. GETTING STARTED 3. ANALYSIS {I.} ANALYSIS OF SIMPLY SUPPORTED BEAM {I-1} PREPROCESSOR {I-1.1} Creating Beam Element {I-1.2} Creating and Attaching Section To Beam Element {I-1.3} Creating and Attaching Loads To Beam Element {I-1.4} Attaching Material To The Beam Element {I-1.5} Defining Support Conditions {I-1.6} PreAnanlysis Enquiry. {I-1.7} Saving The Building File. {I-2} ANALYSIS {I-2.1} Analysing The Beam. {I-3} POSTPROCESSOR {I-3.1} Selecting The Structure Type. {I-3.2} Vector Diagram Display. {I-3.3} Creating New Load Combination. {I-3.4} Displaying Shear Force Diagram. {I-3.5} Using The Control Option {I-3.6} Displaying Bending Moment Diagram. {I-3.7} Displaying Deflection Diagram. {I-3.8} Free Body Diagram of the beam element. {I-3.9} Displaying Reactions {II} - ANALYSIS OF A FIXED BEAM {II-1} PREPROCESSOR {III} ANALYSIS OF CONTINUOUS BEAM WITH OVERHANG {III-1} PREPROCESSOR {III-1.1} Creating Beam Element {III-1.2} Defining Support Conditions {III-1.3} Creating and Attaching Loads To The Beam Element {IV} ANALYSIS OF SIMPLE PORTAL FRAME {IV-1} PREPROCESSOR {IV-1.1} Creation Of The Portal Frame {IV-1.2} Defining The Support Conditions {IV-1.3} Creating and Attaching The Section {IV-1.4} Creating And Attaching The Loads {V} ANALYSIS OF RIGID FRAME {V-1} PREPROCESSOR {V-1.1} Creating Beam Element {V-1.2} Defining Support Condition {V-1.3} Creating and Attaching Section To the Elements. {V-1.4} Creating and Attaching Loads To The Beam Element 3 STRUDS TUTORIALS 4. INDIVIDUAL DESIGN MODULE {VI} DESIGN OF ONE – WAY SLAB {VI-1.1} Creating Slab {VI-1.2} Designing The Slab {VI-1.3} Displaying Design Results {VII} DESIGN OF BEAM {VII-1.1} Inputing Beam Geometry {VII-1.2} Defining The Beam Supports {VII-1.3} Creating And Attaching Load {VII-1.4} Creating And Attaching Beam Section {VII-1.5} Attaching Material To The Beam {VII-1.6} Analysing The Beam {VII-1.7} Designing The Beam {VII-1.8} Display of Results {VII-1.9} Display of Design Results {VIII} COLUMN DESIGN {VIII-1.1} Creating Column Geometry {VIII-1.2} Creating A New Load Combination {VIII-1.3} Designing of Column {VIII-1.4} Display of Design {IX} FOOTING DESIGN {IX-1.1} Selecting The Type Of Footing {IX-1.2} Inputting Column Details {IX-1.3} Designing of Footing 5. BUILDING DESIGN {X} SAMPLE BUILDING DESIGN {X-1} PREPROCESSOR {X-1.1a} Defining Floors {X-1.1b} Creating Slabs Panels {X-1.1c} Drawing Curved Element {X-1.2} Locating Column Positions {X-1.3} Specifying Boundary Conditions {X-1.4} Creating And Attaching Sections to Beams {X-1.5} Creating and Attaching Walls {X-1.6} Creating and Attaching External Loads {X-1.7} Saving Floor Plan {X-1.8} Copying the Floor Plans {X-1.9} Editing The Floor Plans {X-1.10} Setting Column sizes and Orientation of Columns {X-2} ANALYZING THE BUILDING STRUCTURE {X-3} PLANE GRID METHOD {X-3A} ANALYSIS {X-3} DESIGN 4 4} FOOTING DESIGN {X-3.2} Beam Design {X-A 3.3} Display of The Bar Bending Schedule {X-3.4.1} Defining Design Parameters {X-3. {X-} Generating Seismic and Wind Loads {X-A 1.3} Viewing EQ and Wind Load Report {X-A 1.4.5} Displaying Footing Quantity Report {X-3.3} COLUMN DESIGN {X-3.4} Display of Beam Quantity Report.3.1} Defining Properties {X-3.3.2} Displaying Footing Design Results {X-3.1.2. {X-3.2} Displaying Column Design {X-3.STRUDS TUTORIALS {X-3.4} Viewing of Frames and Horizontal Loads {X-A 2} ANALYSIS {X-A 3} DESIGN BEAM DESIGN {X-A 3.5} Displaying Column Design Results {X-3.4.1} Generating Plane Frames {X-A 1.10} Defining Column Design Parameters {X-A 3.5} Displaying Beam Quantity Report.5} Display The Double Line Diagram {X-3.3.12} Displaying Column Design 5 .1} Defining Properties {X-3.2.2} Displaying Slab Design Results {X-3. {X-A 3.2.9} Column Numbering {X-A 3. {X-A 3.6} Displaying The Analysis Results.3} Displaying Footing Plan + Elevation {X-3.6} Displaying The Quantity Summary {X-3.2.8} Column Design {X-A 3.1} Defining Beam Properties {X-3.7} Display of Design Results.7} Displaying The Column Load Report {X-3.6} Displaying Cenerline-Plan For Footings {X-A} PLANE FRAME METHOD {X-A 1} PREPROCESSOR {X-A 1.1} Creating New Load Combinations {X-A} Displaying Footing Schedule {X-3.4.3} Displaying Cumulative Loads {X-3.7} Displaying Beam Design Results.11} Saving Column Design {X-A 3.4. {X-3. COLUMN DESIGN {X-A 3.4} Displaying Bar Bending Schedule.2} Displaying Beam Schedule {X-3.2.1} SLAB DESIGN {X-3.3.4} Displaying The Centerline Plan {X-3.4.3} Displaying Beam Schedule {X-A 3.2} BEAM DESIGN {X-3.6} Displaying Analysis Results.3. {X-A 3.1. 18} Displaying Column Load Report.14} Displaying Loads {X-B 3.21} Footing Design {X-A 3.19} Displaying Detail Report Of Column Design. COLUMN DESIGN {X-B 3.18} Displaying Column Load Report {X-B 3.STRUDS TUTORIALS {X-A 3.6} Display of Reports {X-B 3.2} Displaying Space Frame {X-B 1.13} Displaying Loads On Column {X-A 3.5} Displaying Beam Schedule {X-B 3. FOOTING DESIGN {X-B 3.13} Displaying Design {X-B 3. FOOTING DESIGN {X-A 3.27} Displaying Footing Center-Line Plan {X-B} SPACE FRAME METHOD {X-B1} PREPROCESSOR {X-B 1.1} Creating New Load Combinations For Beam Design {X-B 3. {X-A 3.3} Saving Design {X-B 3.20} Displaying Column Schedule Report. {X-B 3.15} Displaying Column Cross Section {X-A 3.10} Column Numbering {X-B 3.4} Defining Load Cases {X-B 2} ANALYSIS {X-B 3} DESIGN BEAM DESIGN {X-B 3.24} Displaying Plan + Elevation.23} Displaying Design {X-A 3.1} Generating Space Frame {X-B 1.16} Displaying Column Schedule {X-A 3.3} Generating Seismic and Wind Loads {X-B 1.9} Column Design {X-B 3.25} Displaying Footing Schedule {X-A 3.11} Defining Design Properties {X-B 3.8} Displaying Design Results.7} Displaying Analysis Results {X-B 3.4} Grouping Of Beams {X-B 3.22} Defining Design Parameters {X-A 3. {X-A 3.15} Displaying Center Line Plan {X-B 3.26} Displaying Quantity Report {X-A 3.19} Displaying Detail Column Design Report.16} Displaying Column Schedule Report {X-B 3.14} Displaying Centerline Plan {X-A 3.2} Beam Design By Space Frame Method {X-B 3.20} Footing Design 6 .17} Displaying Column Quantity Report.17} Displaying Column Quantity Report {X-A 3.12} Saving Column Design {X-B 3. {X-A 3. 22} Displaying Footing Design {X-B 3.21} Displaying Footing Design {X-B 3.26} Displaying Footing Centerline Plan.23} Displaying Plan + Elevation {X-B 3.24} Displaying Footing Schedule {X-B 3.STRUDS TUTORIALS {X-B 3. 7 .25} Displaying Footing Quantity Report. {X-B 3. Also a sample Building design is explained as a Project. rigid frames and design of individual slab. portal frames. This STRUDS TUTORIALS includes the new features of STRUDS version 6.STRUDS TUTORIALS PREFACE With the positive response of the users to the STRUDS TUTORIAL GUIDE published earlier we have decided to update the tutorial guide. 8 . Though all the commands of STRUDS are not covered in this. the user can go on exploring the various commands the details of which are already explained in the STRUDS MANNUAL.5. beam. column. rigid frames is included newly so that the young engineers can get familiar with the use of the elementary commands. The Individual Design part is to explain the new features added in the STRUDS. footings. analysis and design are made use of. most of the commands required for model generation. In order to get conversant with the STRUDS. The part of analysis of beams. portal frames. The purpose of this Tutorials is to explain in brief the main features of STRUDS by working on analysis of beams. STRUDS TUTORIALS Getting Started Once you have installed STRUDS on your computer. Bending Moment & Deflection for a simply supported beam of 3m span (c/c). To solve this problem. you can now run STRUDS by using following menu options. 9 .UDL of 2KN/m is acting on the span. Now proceed with following steps. Click ‘STRUDS ON WINDOWS’ option from the menu. {I. Click the ‘START’ button of windows95 menu bar.} ANALYSIS OF SIMPLY SUPPORTED BEAM Calculate the Shear Force. The main menu of the STRUDS (also called as control menu) is displayed on the screen. Click ‘Program’ option from the pull – up menu. STRUDS TUTORIALS 10 . STRUDS TUTORIALS {I-1} PREPROCESSOR This module is the first module that you will be operating while using STRUDS. It accepts all the input data provided by you in graphical form and proceeds to create a 2D or 3D model of the structure. This is the core module of STRUDS program and is co-related with all other modules for their working. It should be noted that unless you pre-process a structure geometry, the analysis, post-processing or design of the same could not be done. The Pre Processor creates a file having any name up to 8 characters as provided by you having extension.BLD in which all the data of the building project is stored. {I - 1.1} Creating Beam Element Click the ‘PreProcessor’ option from menu bar at the top of main menu. STRUDS displays the menu of Preprocessor. Click the ‘Building’ option from the menu. Click the ‘New’ option. STRUDS displays the project information dialog box and ask you to enter such as name, location etc. You can fill up the relevant information in the fields available. If you do not want to write any information, just click the ‘OK’ button from the dialog box. 11 STRUDS TUTORIALS Select ‘PlaneFrame’ option from the main menu of ‘PreProcessor’ In Planeframe method, STRUDS generates the elements/structure in planeframe in X and Z directions. DRAWING BEAM ELEMENT Click ‘Create’ option so as to create a beam of 3M length. Note that this is the center to center distance between the supports. STRUDS now displays a dialog box ‘CREATE NEW PLANEFRAME’. Select XZ planeframe direction. Fill up information for ‘Plane Frame at Y= 3’ Click ‘OK’. STRUDS displays the following window. 12 STRUDS TUTORIALS Click ‘Create’ from the menu. Select ‘Beam’ option. Click 'Two point method’ STRUDS displays command in the status bar, ‘Enter first point of element’: 6 4 Press ‘Enter’ key. [To create a horizontal beam of 3 m. length, ‘Y’ co-ordinate will remain same, i.e. 4 and ‘X’ coordinate will be 6+3=9]. ‘Enter second point of element’: 9 4 Press ‘Enter’ key. It displays a two-point element. {I-1.2} Creating and Attaching Section To Beam Element While solving such type of problems manually we don’t have to consider the beam section, but the software requirement is that you have to create and attach section and material to the beam element without considering the self-weight of the beam. For that, 13 STRUDS TUTORIALS Click ‘Property’ menu. Select ‘Create’ option. Click ‘Section’ option. STRUDS displays ‘Section Define’ dialog box. Click drop down arrow of ‘Section Type’. Select ‘Rectangular’ section. Key in dimensions of beam section in the field appeared. (b=230mm & d=450mm) 14 Click ‘Property’ menu. STRUDS displays ‘Attach section’ dialog box.STRUDS TUTORIALS Click ‘Save’. Sec1. Click ‘Section’ suboption. Click ‘Close’. 15 . Select ‘Attach’ option. The created beam section is listed as ‘Sec1’. Select beam section. Click on the check box so that the tick mark will disappear. Select ‘Load’ option. Click ‘Property’ option.STRUDS TUTORIALS Click ‘Locate’ button. Click ‘Create’ option.’ Option. for that. Click ‘Self Wt. Click ‘Load’ option.3} Creating And Attaching Loads To Beam Element By default STRUDS will consider self-weight but in this problem it is not required to consider it. Select ‘Create’ option. Click on ‘Property’ menu. {I-1. 16 . Click on the element with the box cursor. Click drop down arrow of load types. [ Full UDL] . STRUDS displays ‘Load Definition’ dialog box. Click ‘Close’ button. The selected load type is listed as G1. Please note that while providing input downward load should be given as positive. Key in load value 2 kN/m in the ‘W’ field appeared.intensity of Load Angle of Load at which it is acting on the element. When the angle is 90 degrees it indicates that the load is normal to the axis of element.When you select this option. STRUDS asks you to provide W . STRUDS displays ‘Attach to Element’ dialog box. Click ‘Load’ sub-option. Click ‘Save’ button.STRUDS TUTORIALS Click ‘Elemental load’ option. Click ‘Property’ menu. 17 . The program however internally assigns -ve sign to all downward loads automatically. Select ‘Attach’ option. Select load type. Click on the element with box cursor.4} Attaching Material To The Beam Element Click ‘Property’ menu. Click ‘Close’ button. Select ‘Attach’ option. STRUDS displays ‘Attach to element’ dialogbox.STRUDS TUTORIALS Select Load Group. {I-1. Click ‘Material’ sub-option. Click ‘Locate’ button. G1. 18 . Click ‘Close’. Click ‘support’ option to define the support conditions. 19 .STRUDS TUTORIALS Select Grade of concrete from dropdown arrow. M15. {I-1. Click ‘Locate’ button.5} Defining Support Condition Click 'Constraint' menu. Click on the element with the box cursor. STRUDS displays the window for support conditions. i.e. Select support conditions. Click on the Node 1 with box cursor.e. Select support conditions. Click ‘Close’.STRUDS TUTORIALS Click ‘Define Group’. Click ‘Add Node’. 20 . STRUDS displays ‘Pre-Analysis Information’ dialog box. Click the ‘Pre-Analysis Inquiry’ option. STRUDS displays the ‘Boundary Group Define’ dialog box. Click ‘Define Group’ again.6} PreAnanlysis Enquiry Click ‘Plane Frame’ menu option. i. Click ‘Add Node’. STRUDS displays the ‘Boundary Group Define’ dialog box. Select boundary group BG1 by clicking the drop down arrow of Boundary Group list. Click ‘Close’ option of the Window. Hinge support (third option) Click ‘OK’ button. {I-1. Select boundary group BG2 by clicking the drop down arrow of Boundary Group list. simple support (second option) Click ‘OK’ button. Click on the Node 2 with box cursor. Key in the file name and click ‘Save’ button.7} Saving The Building File Click ‘Building’ menu option. Open the building file. Click ‘OK’. Click ‘Plane Frame’ option. When you select this option STRUDS check the input data you have given and if any deficiency or discrepancy is found. Click ‘All’. STRUDS displays ‘Select file for Analysis’ dialog box. Click ‘Plane Frame’ menu option. Select ‘Analysis Files’ option. If any discrepancy occurs then rectify it and proceed further. {I-1. Here we have completed the ‘PRE PROCESSOR’ part of the ‘STRUDS ' {I-2} ANALYSIS This menu allows you to perform the analysis of an element/structure. 21 . Click ‘Exit’. Select the drive on which Strudwin is loaded. Create a new folder as ‘data’.1} Analysing The Beam Click ‘Analysis’ from control menu of STRUDS.STRUDS TUTORIALS This option allows you to verify the input for any discrepancy before saving the data files for analysis of plane frame. Click ‘Analysis’ from control menu. it points out the same in a window message box. {I-2. Click ‘Building’ menu option. Click ‘Save’ option. Select ‘Strudwin’ folder. Click ‘Save’. Click ‘OK’. Click ‘OK’. Of Divisions’ option.STRUDS TUTORIALS Click ‘Add All’. As we are working on PLANE FRAME method select the same option. Select ‘Structure Type’ option. Click ‘Default’ option of the Postprocessor. we can see the analysis results of the given beam in the Postprocessor. {I-3. Click ‘OK’.1} Selecting the Structure Type Click ‘Post Processor’ from control menu. STRUDS displays a message ‘Analysis completed successfully’. Select ‘No. {I-3} POSTPROCESSOR This module of STRUDS allows you to visualize and store the graphical and text representation of analysis results of the structure to understand its behavior. 22 . Now the analysis part is over. Click on the element with box cursor.2} Vector Diagram Display Click ‘Vector Diagram’ menu. to see vector diagram of the beam.3} Creating New Load Combination If you want to create a new load combination. then click ‘Load combination’ menu. Click ‘OK’ button on the dialog box appeared on the screen. Select 15 divisions. Click ‘Open’ option and open the building file. and the level no. {I-3. You can reduce these divisions to any other number less than 20 and more than 2 to visualize and prepare the results of analysis. For example. overwrite the floor no. 23 . Click ‘OK’ Select ‘Floor/ Level’ option.STRUDS TUTORIALS By default STRUDS divides every element into 16 parts for displaying and preparing the analysis results. When you select this option STRUDS displays following window. In case you want to select any other floor for display of results. click on ‘New’. in the above window and click on the OK button. Click on ‘Load case factor’ and fill up the value. By default STRUDS always displays the analysis results of first floor and first level by Plane grid method. 1 Click ‘Add’ button of dialog box. Select ‘DL’ from load cases. {I-3. STRUDS displays vector diagram of the beam. Click ‘Project’ menu. STRUDS TUTORIALS Click ‘Close’ button. Click ‘Control’ option. (We have created this load to follow the evaluation of problem otherwise the software will consider the default load combination as 1. STRUDS displays a drop-down menu. select it from right side dialog box & press the ‘Delete’ button of the dialog box.5DL+1. If you want to delete this load combination.0DL gets saved. 24 . Here the load combination created as 1.5LL.) Click ‘Close’. click on the respective menu option of the Struds Post Processor window.0 DL) so if you have not selected 1. deflected shape of the beam and respective deflection values. To view the results and diagrams of shear force diagram.5DL+1.0DL then by default the1. Select 1.5DL+1.STRUDS TUTORIALS Click ‘Load combination’ option. e.5LL AND 1. then both the load combinations will be present (i.1.5LL previously.0DL Note that if you have not deleted the load combination 1.5LL will be taken by the computer. free body diagram of the beam. reactions at the supports.5DL+1. We can also view the analysis report of the beam by clicking the ‘Report’ menu option. bending moment diagram. 25 . Here the drop-down menu of Sfd will display the various options as follows.4} Displaying Shear Force Diagram. ELEMENT-By clicking this option the SFD of the element will appear on the screen. Click ‘Sfd’. Full –By clicking this option SFD of the beam will appear on the screen.STRUDS TUTORIALS {I-3. 26 . {I-3.. Default setting is 1. Note that you can give the value upto 5 only. Now we will see the next required options. If you want to see the maximum and the minimum values of the sfd.. It means that the values will be displayed as three digits after the decimal point.STRUDS TUTORIALS On right side distances and the corresponding values of shear forces are displayed. Value . bmd. As we have defined 15Divisions the same can be seen in the results.By clicking this option a dialog box will be displayed. minimum and zero sfd / bmd /deflection. ‘No. Distance – By clicking this option a dialog box will be displayed. etc. Value Precision and Distance precision. Precision – By clicking this option a dialog box will be displayed. Scale Factor – By clicking this option a dialog box will be displayed.Of Divisions’ and ‘Load Combinations’. You can change any type of precision if you want. you can click on the corresponding check boxes.5} Using The Control Option In earlier steps we have used the two options i.e. Two types of precision are available. If you want to see the distances for the corresponding values for maximum. 27 . Default setting for both is 3. click on the corresponding check boxes. etc. You can change the value so as to view the various diagrams as per your desire. {I-3. Font – By clicking this option you can change the properties of display of various factors. B. Full – By clicking this option you can see the full Bmd of the beam. To define the Selection Set use the options CONTROL. Click ‘Bmd’ option of the PostProcessor menu. M.DEFINE SELECTION SET from the menu. 28 . Element – By clicking this option you can see the Bmd as well as the B.5 m. Grid – By clicking this option you can view the bmd of a grid.6} Displaying Bending Moment Diagram.i. You can change Font / font style / size / colour etc.250 KN/M at a distance 1.e. Selection Set – By clicking this option you can see the Bmd of selected elements from the geometry. From the Bmd we get the Max.M. You can click the following options. values and the corresponding distances from the left node of the beam element.STRUDS TUTORIALS Multiplication Factor – By default its value is 1. For our example we don’t have to change this value. Value as –2. Click ‘Fbd’ option of the Postprocessor menu.e. Element – To view deflected shape of the element. {I-3.1.00006 m.8} Displaying Free body diagram of the beam element. Click ‘DefShape’ option of the Postprocessor menu. deflection occurs at 1. Here two options are available.5 m and its value is -0.STRUDS TUTORIALS {I-3.) For this example the max.7}Displaying Deflection Diagram. A dialog box showing the element no. Node – to view deflected shape of the node. Select the ‘Element’ option. will appear on the screen. 29 . Click ‘Full’ (To view the full-deflected shape of the beam.) Click ‘Element’ (To view the deflected shape of the beam as well as the values of deflection and the corresponding distances. Click ‘OK’. As we have only one element i. Click ‘Full’ option. B. 30 . and it shows the S.. Here you can see the reactions on the full element. AXIAL FORCES values on RHS.M..F. {I-3.9} Displaying Reactions Click ‘Reaction’ option of the PostProcessor menu.STRUDS TUTORIALS The free body diagram will be displayed on the left side. C/c span having UDL of 2KN/m over its whole span.TO ANALYSE A FIXED BEAM Calculate the shear force. 31 . For that. Click ‘Define Group’ button. {II} . Click ‘Node’ option. {II-1} PREPROCESSOR The steps to solve this problem are same as that of previous problem except the steps to provide supports condition. Click ‘constraint’ menu option of preprocessor. STRUDS displays window for support conditions. bending moment & deflection for fixed beam of 3m.STRUDS TUTORIALS To view the individual support reactions. select Fixed support. select ‘Node’ option. Select support conditions. select ‘Node’ option. All the steps to solve this problem will be the same as in the previous problem except the construction of beam. The steps for Analysis and Postprocessor are the same as described in the 1 st problem. Click on the nodes with box cursor. creating/attaching supports & loads in the preprocessor. the first option.e.1} Creating Beam Element Click ‘Create’ menu. ‘Enter first point of Element’: 5 5 Press ‘Enter’ key. Click ‘Add Node’ button. STRUDS displays command. Click ‘close’ button. {III-1} PREPROCESSOR {III-1. i. Click right button of the mouse. Select ‘Beam’ option. Click the third node / type 3 32 . Click ‘Two Point Method’ sub option. {III} TO ANALYSE CONTINUOUS BEAM WITH OVERHANG Analyze the continuous beam shown in the figure.STRUDS TUTORIALS It displays the ‘Boundary Group Define’ dialog box. Again Click right button of the mouse. Click the second node / type 2 ‘Enter second point of Element’: 9 5 Press ‘Enter’ key. ‘Enter second point of Element’:6 5 Press ‘Enter’ key. Click ‘Close’ menu option of the window. {III-1. by default as 90Deg.e. the second icon. Select ‘Create’ option. Click on Node no. Click on node no. 2 & 4 with the box cursor. Again click ‘Define Group’ button. in the A-field. STRUDS displays Boundary condition window. Key in load value 25 KN in the W-field appeared. Select the boundary group ‘BG2’. Select load type. Click the fourth node / type 4. The selected load type is listed as G1. It displays ‘Define Boundary Group’ dialog box.5 5 Press ‘Enter’ key. Click drop down arrow of load types. Again click the right button of the mouse. 3 with the box cursor. third icon. ‘Enter second point of Element’: 16. Select ‘Load’ option. In this case the load is vertical hence the angle is 90Deg. Click ‘Close’ button. Point Load. Click ‘Support’ option. Click ‘OK’ button. {III-1. CLICK ‘Add Node’ button. Click ‘Define Group’ button. Click ‘Save’ button.2} Defining Support Conditions Click ‘Constraint’ menu option of preprocessor.STRUDS TUTORIALS ‘Enter second point of Element’: 15 5 Press ‘Enter’ key. Also key in the offset 0 m. Select the boundary group ‘BG1’.e. key in the value of angle of application of the load. STRUDS displays ‘Define Load’ dialog box. Click ‘Add Node’ button. In the angle field. Click on the roller support icon. Click on the hinged support icon i. If we don’t change it STRUDS will take it. Click ‘OK’ button. select ‘Node’ option. 33 . i.3} Creating and Attaching Loads To The Beam Element Click ‘Property’ menu option. The selected boundary group is listed as ‘BG1’ in the list box. Click ‘Elemental Load’ option. The selected boundary group is listed as ‘BG2’in the list box. A=1. Click ‘Save’ button. ‘Wedge_L Load’. W=20kN. Key in load value 40kN in the W-field. Click drop down arrow of load types again. The selected load type is listed as G2 in the list box. Click ‘Save’ button. Click ‘Drop down arrow’ of load types again. Also key in the span. A=3. L=3. Select load type ‘Point load’. The selected load type is listed as G4. Key in load value 40kN in the W-field. A=0. Key in offset from the left support. Also key in the span. Key in offset from the left support. Select load type. Also key in the offset. ‘Wedge_R Load’. Click ‘save’ button.5m. 34 . Click ‘Close’ button. The selected load type is listed as G3. L=3. Key in the load value. The selected load type is listed as G4 in the list box. Select load type.STRUDS TUTORIALS Click ‘Drop down arrow’ of load types again. Select load type. Click ‘Save’ button. Full UDL Key in load value 20 kN/m in the field appeared. G1. Click ‘Locate’ button. Click on the third element with the box cursor.STRUDS TUTORIALS Click ‘Property’ menu. G4. Click ‘Locate’ button. 35 . {IV} ANALYSIS OF SIMPLE PORTAL FRAME Analyze the portal frame shown in fig. Select ‘Attach’ option. Select Load Group. STRUDS displays ‘Attach to Element’ dialog box. Click on the fourth element with the box cursor. Select load group. A message appears as ‘Element Already Loaded Under Some Category! Attach Load Again?’ Click ‘Yes’ button. The rest of the steps are same as the previous problem. Draw the bmd and deflected shape of the frame. Click ‘Close’ button. Click on the first element with box cursor. G3. Select Load Group. Click on the third element with box cursor. G5. Click on the second element with the box cursor. The end A is fixed and D is hinged. G2. Select load group. Select load group. Click ‘Load’ sub-option. Click ‘Two point’ option. {IV-1. ‘Enter second point of Element’: 7 6 Press ‘Enter’ key.STRUDS TUTORIALS {IV-1} PREPROCESSOR {IV-1.1} Creation Of The Portal Frame All the previous steps are the same as given in the 1 st problem except the construction procedure. Select ‘Beam’ option. Select ‘Column’ option. ‘Enter first point of Element’: 7 2 Press ‘Enter’ key. Click ‘Support’ option.2} Defining The Support Conditions Click ‘Constraint’ menu option of preprocessor. ‘Enter first point of Element’: 3 2 Press ‘Enter’ key. STRUDS displays Boundary condition window. 36 . ‘Enter second point of Element’: 7 6 Press ‘Enter’ key. Click ‘Two Point Method’ sub option. Click ‘Create’ menu. ‘Enter second point of Element’: 3 6 Press ‘Enter’ key. ‘Enter first point of Element’: 3 6 Press ‘Enter’ key. STRUDS displays command. Click ‘Create’ menu. Click on the hinged support icon i. the first one.e. The selected boundary group is listed as ‘BG2’ in the list box. 37 . The selected boundary group is listed as ‘BG1’ in the list box. Click ‘OK’ button.e. the second icon.STRUDS TUTORIALS Click ‘Define Group’ button. It displays ‘Boundary Define Group’ dialog box. Click on the fixed support icon i. Select the boundary group ‘BG1’. Click ‘OK’ button. Click ‘Define Group’ button again. 3} Creating and Attaching The Section Click ‘Property’ menu option. Click on Node no.4 with the box cursor. STRUDS displays the section define dialog box. Select the boundary group.STRUDS TUTORIALS Click ‘Add Node’ button. Select ‘Create’ option. {IV-1. Select ‘Section’ option. Click ‘Close’ button. 2 with the box cursor. Click ‘Add Node’ button. 38 . Click on Node no. ‘BG2’. Click ‘Close’ button. {IV-1.4} Creating And Attaching The Loads Click ‘Property’ menu option. Click ‘Save’ button. Select ‘Load’ option.STRUDS TUTORIALS Create Rectangular section of 230 x 300 mm. The selected load type is listed as ‘N1’. Key in the load value 50 kN in the ‘Fx’ field. Click ‘Nodal Load’ option. STRUDS displays ‘Nodal Load Define’ dialog box. Attach section to all elements. Select ‘Create’ option. 39 . Click ‘Close’ button. The rest of the steps for the preprocessor. Click on the second node with box cursor. Click ‘Property’ menu. Click ‘Self Weight’ option. Select ‘Attach’ option. Analysis and PostProcessor are the same as described in the previous example. N1. Click ‘Locate’ button.STRUDS TUTORIALS Select ‘Create’ option. 40 . STRUDS displays ‘Attach to Node’ dialog box. Select Load Group. Click ‘Nodal Load’ sub-option. Select ‘Load’ option. This deactivates the self-weight consideration. loads in the preprocessor. Select ‘Column’ option. Click ‘Two Point Method’ sub option. Click right button of the mouse. Click ‘Create’ menu option.1} Creating Beam Element Click ‘Create’ menu. ‘Enter first point of Element’: 12 3 Press ‘Enter’ key. {V-1} PREPROCESSOR {V-1. All the steps to solve this problem will be the same as in the previous problem except the construction of frame &creating/attaching supports. ‘Enter first point of Element’: 6 6 Press ‘Enter’ key.STRUDS TUTORIALS {V} ANALYSIS OF RIGID FRAME Analyse the rigid frame shown in figure. STRUDS displays command. Click ‘Two point’ option. ‘Enter second point of Element’: 12 6 Press ‘Enter’ key. Click the second node / type 2 ‘Enter second point of Element’: 16 6 Press ‘Enter’ key. ‘Enter second point of Element’: 12 6 Press ‘Enter’ key. select ‘Node’ option. 41 . Select ‘Beam’ option. 4 with the box cursor. Click on the hinged support icon i.2} Defining Support Condition Click ‘Constraint’ menu option of preprocessor. Click ‘Define Group’ button again. the second icon. Click on the fixed support icon i. The selected boundary group is listed as ‘BG1’ in the list box.e. Click ‘Support’ option. Click on Node no. Click ‘Add Node’ button. STRUDS displays ‘Boundary condition window’. 42 . Click ‘OK’ button. It displays ‘Define Boundary Group’ dialog box. 1 &Node no. Click ‘OK’ button.STRUDS TUTORIALS {V-1. Select the boundary group ‘BG1’.e. the first one. Click ‘Define Group’ button. Key in dimensions of beam section in the field appeared. Click ‘All’ button of the dialog box. ‘BG2’. Click ‘Property’ option. Click ‘Create’ option. Click ‘Property’ menu. Click on Node no. {V-1. Select ‘Attach’ option. Click ‘Close’. {V-1. Click ‘Add Node’ button.4} Creating and Attaching Loads To The Beam Element By default system will consider self-weight but in this problem we do not require to consider it. The created beam section is listed as ‘Sec1’.3 with the box cursor. for that. Click ‘Close’ button.3} Creating and Attaching Section to the Elements. STRUDS displays ‘Attach section’ dialog box. Here the section gets attached to all the elements. STRUDS displays ‘Section Define’ dialog box. Click ‘Property’ menu option. 43 . Click drop down arrow of ‘Section Type’. Click ‘Section’ option. (b=230mm & d=450mm) Click ‘Save’.STRUDS TUTORIALS Select the boundary group. Select ‘Rectangular’ section. Click ‘Section’ suboption. Select ‘Create’ option. Click ‘Property’ menu option. Full UDL Key in load value 20 kN/m in the field appeared. 44 .’ Option. Select ‘Create’ option. Select load type. Click ‘Elemental Load’ option. Select ‘Load’ option. Click on the check box so that the tick mark will disappear. Click ‘Drop down arrow’ of load types. Click ‘Self Wt. STRUDS displays ‘Load Define’ dialog box.STRUDS TUTORIALS Click ‘Load’ option. Key in load value 60 kN in the W-field appeared. The selected load type is listed as G1. 45 . Select load type. Point Load. Click ‘Drop down arrow’ of load types again. Also key in the offset 2m in the A-field.STRUDS TUTORIALS Click ‘Save’ button. Select ‘Attach’ option. For this.1} Creating Slab Click ‘Slab’ option. STRUDS displays ‘Attach to Element’ dialog box. G2. The rest of the steps to solve this problem are same as the previous problem of simply supported beam. STRUDS displays a design option window for individual design of slab / beam / column. G1. Click ‘Close’ button. Select load group. {VI-1.STRUDS TUTORIALS Click ‘Save’ button. The selected load type is listed as G2 in the list box. Click on the second element with the box cursor. To design this slab we will use the individual module of design. Click on the first element with box cursor. STRUDS displays another screen for slab designing. Select Load Group. select the ‘Design’ option of the STRUDS control menu. Click ‘Load’ sub-option. Click ‘Property’ menu. 46 . Click ‘Locate’ button. Click ‘Stand Alone Design’ option. INDIVIDUAL DESIGN MODULE {VI} DESIGN OF ONE – WAY SLAB Design a Simply Supported Slab Of 3m X 6m c/c. Click ‘Close’ button. STRUDS displays a window for ‘USER SLAB PROPERTIES. Press ‘Tab’ key to fill up the slab dimensions boxes for x and y. [Here we are not changing any of the mentioned properties. X=3. (Say.’ Select ‘One Way Rectangular Slab’ option. Y=6) Use ‘Tab’ key to give Thickness / Material density / Dead Load / Live Load / Floor Finish etc.’ Click the drop-down list box of ‘Type of Slab. Click ‘NEW’ option.] Select 'Load Transfer Type' (2nd option) 47 .STRUDS TUTORIALS Click the Slab option. bent-up / curtailment. type of reinforcement i. By clicking this button you can change the grade of concrete. 48 . minimum and maximum spacing of main / distribution reinforcement. Clicking this button you can change the clear. minimum diameter for main and Other span. at the right top ‘Reinforcement Parameters’ button is present. ‘Slab Design Parameters’ button is present.e.STRUDS TUTORIALS At the top of the right side of the ‘USER SLAB PROPERTIES’ window. Also in ‘SLAB DESIGN PARAMETERS’ window. grade of steel. e. [i. Select the Load Transfer Type. second option for one way slab.STRUDS TUTORIALS Click ‘OK’. Click ‘OK’.] Click ‘OK’ button of ‘USER SLAB PROPERTIES’ window. STRUDS displays Individual Design Window Application-[:2] On left side the slab plan will be displayed & on right side slab properties will be displayed. 49 . As we have given the slab thickness as 100 mm. On windows a screen for ‘Deflection Check Fails’ will appear. 50 .2} Designing The Slab Click ‘Design’ option. The thickness required is approximately140 mm.STRUDS TUTORIALS {VI-1. Click on the floppy option to save the design. by giving a file name. Save the design in strudwin / data folder. The colour conventions are displayed on right side of the window. Click ‘OK’ button. Now the ‘Deflection Check Fail’ window will disappear it means the design is over.STRUDS TUTORIALS Click ‘Change Thickness’ button. Click ‘Moment’ option to see the moments acting on the slab. which enables us to know the type of moment acting. 51 . Click ‘Detail’ option to see the reinforcement details and the detail data reinforcement window. Click ‘Schedule Report’ to see the slab design schedule. Now the ‘Thickness (Total) box’ will get activated.3} Displaying Design Results Click ‘Report’ option of Individual Design Window Application. {VI-1. STRUDS TUTORIALS 52 . 53 .STRUDS TUTORIALS Click ‘Design Sketch’ option to see the design sketch of reinforcement on the slab plan. Click ‘Quantity’ option to see the concrete / steel quantities. Click ‘Detail Report’ option to view the detail data of the computerized slab design. Click ‘Add’ button of span. Select ‘Geometry’ option. Key in level height: 3m.2} Defining The Beam Supports Click ‘Define’ option. Click ‘OK’. {VII-1. Click ‘New’ option. Struds displays ‘Give Beam Support Data’ 54 . Click ‘OK’ button of the ‘Define User Beam’ window. Click ‘Define’ option of Individual Design Window menu. STRUDS displays ‘Define User Beam’ window. The beam element ‘B1’ will be displayed on the screen. STRUDS displays another window ‘Input element data’. Select ‘Stand Alone Design’ option of the Design menu from the STRUDS main window. carrying a UDL of 15kN.STRUDS TUTORIALS {VII} DESIGN OF BEAM Design a singly reinforced beam of length 4m. ‘Grid1’ and beam identity number. Key in beam span 4m in the ‘Element Span’. STRUDS displays Individual Design Window Application. Now this beam is listed as ‘B1’ in the span list of ‘Define User Beam’ window.1} Inputting Beam Geometry Click ‘Beam’ menu option Click ‘File’ menu option. ‘ID: 1'. Select ‘Support’ option. {VII-1. The window displays grid name. STRUDS TUTORIALS Select ‘Beam’ option of support type. A message ‘Give support data for node number: 1', displayed at the window bottom. Key in the beam sizes 230 mm X 300mm. Click ‘Save and Next’ button. A message ‘Give support data for node number: 2', displayed at the window bottom. Keep the same values as 230 mm X 300 mm. Click ‘Save and Next’ button. Now you can see the generated nodal supports. {VII-1.3} Creating And Attaching Load Click ‘Loads’ option of the ‘Individual Design Window Application.’ Struds displays ‘User Beam Load Define Dialog Box.’ Click ‘Full Udl’ load condition from drop-down window. Key in the value 15 kN for W. Click ‘ Save’. The load will be listed as ‘G1’. Click ‘Close’ option. Click ‘Attach’ option. Struds displays ‘Attach Load’ dialog box. 55 STRUDS TUTORIALS Select ‘G1’ option. Click ‘All’ button. Click ‘Close’ button. Make sure that the self-wt option is active in the main menu of ‘Loads.’ {VII-1.4} Creating And Attaching Beam Section Click ‘Section’ option of the ‘Individual Design Window Application.’ Click ‘ Define’ option. Struds displays ‘User Beam Section Define Dialog Box.’ Select section type, i.e. ‘Rectangular.’ Key in values for width and depth as 230mm and 300mm respectively. Click ‘Save’ option. Now the beam section is listed as ‘Sec1’ in the list box. Click ‘Close’ option. Now we have to attach the section created to the element. Click ‘Section’ option. Select ‘Attach’ option. Struds displays ‘Attach section’ dialog box. Select section ‘Sec1’, Beam name: B1. Click ‘All’ button. Here the selected section gets attached to the selected element Click ‘Close’ option. {VII-1.5} Attaching Material To The Beam Now we have to attach material i.e.concrete grade to the beam. Click ‘Material’ menu option. Click ‘Attach’ option. STRUDS displays ‘Material dialog’ box. 56 STRUDS TUTORIALS Select material grade, M15. Select beam name, B1. Click ‘All’ button. Click close button. {VII-1.6} Analysing The Beam Click ‘Analysis’ menu option and wait till the message appears, Click ‘OK’ button. {VII-1.7} Designing The Beam Click ‘Design’ option of main menu. Select load combination, 1.5DL+1.5LL. Click ‘OK’ button. Save the design by using ‘File’ option. 57 STRUDS TUTORIALS {VII-1.8} Displaying The Results Click ‘View Result’ option. STRUDS displays ‘Individual Design Window Application-[:2]’ with a gridline diagram. Click 'Analysis Results' This option allows you to visualize the analysis results of the beam graphically. It has following options. Click ‘Analysis’ menu option. Click ‘Load Combination’ option. STRUDS displays ‘Select Load Combination’ dialog box. Select any of the load combinations from the list to see the analysis results. Click ‘SF Diagram’ option from ‘Analysis Results’ menu option. STRUDS displays the Shear Force Diagram & the corresponding values for the beam. Click ‘BM Diagram’ option from the ‘View Results’ menu option. STRUDS displays the Bending Moment Diagram & the corresponding values for the beam. Click ‘Common’ option from the ‘View Results’ menu option. STRUDS displays diagrams of Grid Line, SF, BM for the beam at a time on the screen . Click 'Simple SF Diagram/ Simple BM Diagram’ from the ‘View Results’ menu option. 58 {VII-1. Click ‘Redistribute’ button. When you select this option STRUDS displays following window. STRUDS displays the Torsional diagram for the beam. This menu has again following options. STRUDS displays the ‘Redistribution’ window. You may have selected say 1. Select the beam in the ‘Beam ID’ field. Click ‘Loads’ option from the ‘View Results’ menu option. 59 .5DL+1. say for in such case.5LL for the beam while setting initial parameters. You can also change some parameters to redesign the selected beam.STRUDS TUTORIALS STRUDS displays the SF Diagram/BM Diagram for the beam considering all the beams as simply supported. but now you may want to see the design results of a particular beam for some other load combination. Click ‘Redist’ option from the ‘View Results’ menu option. Worst Load Combination you can select the load combination and STRUDS will redesign the beam for the selected load combination. Key in the values of ‘Redistribution Factor’ for the left &right support. STRUDS displays the various loads acting on the beam in graphical form with values. Design Results – Dsg loadcombi This option allows you to select the load combination to redesign the selected grid. STRUDS displays the deflected shape diagram for the beam. STRUDS displays the values of redistributed moments in the right part of the window.9} Displaying Design Results Click 'Design Results' This option allows you to see the design results in graphics and text form of the selected grid. Click ‘Tor Diagram’ from the ‘View Results’ menu option. Click ‘Def diagram’ from the ‘View Results’ menu option. grade of steel and maximum aggregate size. the longitudinal reinforcement at the top and bottom of beam from this drop down menu.e. This window at the left displays the beam cross section and the conventions used for various parameters like cover.STRUDS TUTORIALS This window displays the list of all defined load combinations. Select the grade of steel that you want to use for the stirrup reinforcement i. Concrete (fck): At the right top is a drop down menu. When you select this option STRUDS displays following window. grade of concrete. Design Results – Settings This option allows you to change the settings for the selected grid that you had specified for design of all the beams. Stirrups (fys): The third drop down menu indicates the grades of steel available such as Fe250 – Mild Steel. Select the grade of concrete that you want to use for redesigning the beams. Fe500 – High Strength Tor Steel. Fe500 – High Strength Tor Steel. Main Steel (fy): The second drop down menu indicates the grades of steel available such as Fe250 – Mild Steel. At the right are the drop down menus and fields where you can specify the parameters by overwriting default values. which shows the various grades of concrete. the vertical reinforcement along the beam in the form of rings. Fe415 – Tor Steel. Select the load combination for which you want to redesign the beams in the grid and click on the OK button. STRUDS redesigns the beam and the corresponding design results shall be displayed in the graphics and text reports. 60 . Fe415 – Tor Steel. Select the grade of steel that you want to use for the main reinforcement i.e. The first drop down menu has the grade of steel that you can select for stirrups. If you want to change the properties of beam.STRUDS TUTORIALS Below the drop down menus are three fields for specifying concrete covers. While preparing the reports for design. Side (Cs): In this field type the value of clear cover you want to provide for stirrups along the side face of the beam. STRUDS displays following window. If you deactivate this option by removing the check mark from the box. Of DIVISIONS: This field denotes the no. Of divisions in an element at which the design results are to be displayed. You can then click on the `Yes’ button to design the beam as doubly reinforced. At the right are two options for design considerations. For design you can consider the divisions equal to or less than 16. STRUDS will display the results as per the number of divisions specified by you. From the third drop down menu you can specify the number of legs that should be used if the spacing is less than specified. The check marks before these options denote whether they are active or not. 61 . Max Agg SIZE: This field denotes the maximum size of coarse aggregates in concrete that will decide the minimum spacing between bars. Compression (Cb): In this field type the value of clear cover you want to provide for top bars in the beam. STRUDS displays a message if the available depth for beam is not sufficient for singly reinforced design. Design as Doubly? When this option is active. No. STRUDS will design a beam as doubly reinforced if the available depth is not sufficient to design as singly reinforced. By default both these options are active. When you select this option STRUDS displays following window. For analysis. There are three drop down menus. and continue the design. STRUDS divides each element into 16 parts. click on the `No’ button. From the second drop down menu you can select the bar diameter to be used if the spacing is less than specified. Reinforcement Parameters At the left is a button by this title which enables you to decide the basic pattern of providing reinforcement in the beams. Tension (Ct): In this field type the value of clear cover you want to provide for bottom bars in the beam. If you want to change the properties of beam.STRUDS TUTORIALS You can then click on the `Yes’ button to design the beam as doubly reinforced. current grade of concrete and grade of steel. grade of steel or section can be done for the current beam or all the beams in the floor. section. STRUDS displays following window. This window shows the beam number. You can change the grade of concrete by selecting a higher grade from the drop down menu and select `SAVE’ and `CLOSE’ options. There are also two drop down menus for grade of concrete and steel. STRUDS displays following window. its span. The change of grade of concrete. STRUDS will then redesign the beam. click on the `CHANGE’ button. 62 . If you want to change the size of beam. click on the `No’ button. If the section is a T section or L section. Click on the option for width. 63 . When you select this option STRUDS displays following window. Select `CLOSE’ button to save & close the window. If you put off this option. depth or both and overwrite the value of increment in the field given below.STRUDS TUTORIALS In this window you can ask the program to increase the width. STRUDS will not consider the effect of torsion on beams while designing. If you do not want to consider the torsional moment in analysis. the options at the down portion of window become active and you can type the dimensions of section in the fields to redesign the beam. you can change the torsional constant of section as zero by overwriting the value in the window for section define by selecting the `Properties’ button for a particular section. STRUDS will redesign the beam for the revised section. depth or both by providing the increment value. Torsion Effect in Design When this option is active. STRUDS will design the beams for torsional moments. Select the buttons `SAVE’ and `CLOSE’. Design Results .Properties This option allows you to change the sectional and material properties of the beams in the selected grid to redesign them. while providing the sections. Now the previous window of `Change Beam Properties’ is again active. Below this is a checkbox for `Apply to all Beams’ option. The options for Bf – width of flange and Tf – thickness of flange will be active if you have selected T or L section type. 64 .STRUDS TUTORIALS This window has two drop down menus at left top to specify the material properties of concrete and steel for the beams in the grid. Section Geometry By clicking on this button. You can click on the CANCEL button to abandon the assigning of new section. Click on the on the OK button to apply the new section. This window displays the beam number and its section Ids at the top in two fields. You can click on this check box to apply the new section to all the beams in the selected grid. You can select the beam in the grid to which these properties are to be applied by selecting the beam number from the menu list at top right of the window. At the right you can specify the values of width and depth of the new section. When you select this option STRUDS displays following window. At the left is the drop down menu from which you can select the new section type that you want to assign to the beam. you can change the sectional properties of a selected beam. You can select the detailing type of bars as Bent Up. STRUDS displays following window. Steel Diagram This option allows you to see the graphical representation of steel areas required at different places in the selected grid. 65 . Curtailed or none of these by selecting the corresponding options in this window. When you select this option. The window also has options for design considerations that can be put on off by selecting their check boxes. Select Cancel button if you want to consider the default detailing for design.STRUDS TUTORIALS Detail Data This option allows you to change the bar-detailing pattern of the selected grid. When you select this option. Click on the OK button to save the detailing type and proceed for design. STRUDS will provide the maximum required steel at top and bottom uniformly without curtailing the bars. STRUDS displays following screen. If you select `None’ options. You can select the beam in the gridline form the list menu below the text columns to see the corresponding areas of steel. STRUDS displays following window. Detailing This option allows you to see the detailing of reinforcement for the selected grid. BottomBars This option allows you to see the detailing for bottom reinforcement in the selected grid. When you select this option. At the top of the screen STRUDS shows the load combination for which the Steel Diagram is displayed and the span of beam of which the text description of steel areas are displayed at the right side in two vertical columns.STRUDS TUTORIALS This screen displays the gridline at top and the diagrammatic representation of areas of steel required at top and bottom of the selected grid below it. 66 . it has following sub-options. The span of the beam and its section type / section dimensions are displayed in front of the beam list menu. If this area is less than the theoretically required area. You can change the detailing provided by STRUDS by overwriting the dia and number of bars in their respective fields and clicking the `SAVE’ button. The area of each bar type is calculated by STRUDS and displayed at the end of the row. Below it are two buttons for BM VALUES and TOP AREA.e. At the right side of window STRUDS displays the text values for the areas of steel required at eleven different places in the selected beam. STRUDS also displays the grade of concrete and steel used for the design of this beam. BM VALUES When you select this button. The sum of areas due to both the bar dias is displayed at the bottom. You can then click on the OK button to provide your own steel area. STRUDS displays the bending moment values for the selected beam at eleven places. STRUDS shows two rows for two different bar dia and their numbers / types. STRUDS displays a message. 67 . These changes will automatically be reflected in design schedule and quantity reports by STRUDS. Below this at left is a list menu from which you can select the beam number to see the bottom bar detailing.STRUDS TUTORIALS This window shows the geometry of the selected grid at the top. Below this STRUDS shows the minimum steel area required for the selected beam in the gridline as per code provisions and the name of the design load combination. STRUDS will recalculate the steel area provided. STRUDS also displays the surplus area i. the difference between the provided and required area of steel. The detailing of bottom bars is displayed at the bottom of this window. At the right side the top areas of steel required at eleven points are displayed in a text column for the selected beam. Below this STRUDS shows the minimum steel area required for the selected beam in the gridline as per code provisions and the name of the design load combination. When you select this option. In the first row. STRUDS will recalculate the steel area provided. At the bottom of the window STRUDS shows the provided area of steel at top at both the supports and at midspan.e. Below this at left is a list menu from which you can select the beam number to see the top bar detailing. the dia of anchor bars.STRUDS TUTORIALS TopBars This option allows you to see the detailing for top reinforcement in the selected grid. Below this are the buttons to see the BM values and BOTTOM AREA of steel of the selected beam. the difference between provided and required area of steel are also displayed in the window. The span of the beam and its section type / section dimensions are displayed in front of the beam list menu. The outstand area or surplus area i. Below this the extra bars provided at top and bottom at left and right support are displayed in different fields. numbers. STRUDS displays following window. Below this STRUDS shows the detailing of top bars in three rows. This window shows the geometry of the selected grid at the top. You can change the detailing provided by STRUDS by overwriting the dia and number of bars in their respective fields and clicking the `SAVE’ button. length and total steel area provided are shown in different fields. 68 . STRUDS also displays the grade of concrete and steel used for the design of this beam. 69 . SF VALUE When you click on this button. The span of the beam and its section type / section dimensions are displayed in front of the beam list menu. STRUDS shows the shear force values for the selected beam. This window shows the geometry of the selected grid at the top. The following window is displayed on screen. When you select this option. STRUDS displays following window. BOTTOM AREA When you select this button. The maximum allowed stirrup spacing for the selected beam in the gridline as per code provisions and the name of the design load combination are also shown by STRUDS. STRUDS displays the bending moment values for the selected beam at eleven places. STRUDS also displays the grade of concrete used for the design of this beam. Below this at left is a list menu from which you can select the beam number to see its shear bar detailing.STRUDS TUTORIALS BM VALUES When you select this button. STRUDS displays the values of area of steel required at bottom for the selected beam at eleven places Shear This option allows you to see the detailing for shear reinforcement in the selected grid. Below the list menu STRUDS displays the span of the selected beam. You can change the detailing provided by STRUDS by overwriting the values of bar dia. When you select this option. The beam is divided in three zones depending upon the required stirrup spacing. 70 . Unless you use this option. The values of area are shown in a text column. STRUDS will recalculate the stirrup spacing and stirrup numbers. SideBars This option allows you to see the detailing for side reinforcement provided in the selected beam. CLOSE Select this button to close the window of shear bars detailing. STRUDS displays the shear force diagram for the selected beam. stirrup legs or grade of steel and clicking on the SAVE button. At the right side STRUDS displays a column of text values for theoretically computed stirrup spacing at eleven points in the selected beam. As per IS: 456. middle zone and right zone in the beam respectively. spacing of stirrups and the shear capacity of provided stirrups in three rows. Select `CLOSE’ button to close this window. number of legs of the stirrups. STRUDS displays following window. quantity reports and section drawing. grade of steel. SAVE Select this button to save the changes. second and third rows denote the shear detailing for left zone. The first. The length of these zones is shown in the diagram. sidebars are to be provided in case the depth of beam is more than 750 mm. you have made in the detailing. The change in detailing will automatically be reflected in design schedules. if any. number of stirrups. your changes will not be reflected in design schedules & quantity reports.STRUDS TUTORIALS This window at the top has a list menu from which you can select the beam number to see its shear force values. Below this STRUDS shows the shear detailing in the form of dia of bars. When you select this option. STRUDS displays the bar dia. SAVE Select this button to save the changes. Below this a text table is shown describing the detailing. top steel at left/right/middle and stirrup spacing as per the zones. top bars and stirrups for all the beams in the selected grid. bottom steel in the form of dia and number of bars. Span of beam (L). STRUDS also displays the grade of concrete and steel used for the design of this beam. required steel area. Width of beam section (B). Section Graphics This option allows you to obtain the graphical representation of the steel detailing and section geometry of all the beams in the selected grid. This table shows the beam numbers (Ids). spacing. if any. Unless you use this option. Below this at left is a list menu from which you can select the beam number to see the side bar detailing. Depth of Beam Section (D). STRUDS displays a window which Shows the geometry of the selected grid at the top with beam labels. number. Combined This option allows you to see the combined detailing for bottom bars. 71 . Below this STRUDS shows the design load combination. You can not make any changes in this table. CLOSE Select this button to close the window of sidebars detailing. STRUDS displays following screen. provided steel area and outstanding /surplus steel area for the side reinforcement of selected beam. The detailing of sidebars along both the faces – left and right is shown in two rows. you have made in the detailing. It is displayed for viewing purpose only.STRUDS TUTORIALS This window shows the geometry of the selected grid at the top. The span of the beam and its section type / section dimensions are displayed in front of the beam list menu. your changes will not be reflected in design schedules & quantity reports. When you select this option. for longitudinal section. STRUDS displays a menu-bar with several menu options to visualise the sectional graphics. The dia and number of bars as provided are also indicated in this drawing. It has further two options. left support and right support are displayed. the cross sections of first beam in the selected grid at midspan. In the bottom half portion. At the top of this screen. STRUDS will display the cross sections of the previous beam in the grid. PREVIOUS When you click on this option. The span of each beam and the zones for shear steel are also shown. select CROSS SECTION – NEXT options from the menu bar. Cross Section This option allows you to choose the display of cross section diagram of beams on the screen. You can press `Tab’ key from keyboard to make it active in the lower half part of window i. 72 . for cross section diagram.e.e. STRUDS will display the cross sections of the next beam in the grid. Zoom This option allows you to enlarge the drawings for viewing/printing purpose.STRUDS TUTORIALS This screen displays the longitudinal section of the selected gridline of beams in the top half portion. bottom and stirrups for all the beams in the selected grid. Zoom option by default is active in the top half part of screen i. NEXT When you click on this option. The section diagram shows the bars at top. It has further three options. If you want to see the cross section of other beams. i. Center If you select this option the longitudinal section will be displayed in such a manner that the centre level of beams remains same. TOP The default flushing while displaying the longitudinal section is TOP.e. Click ‘Design’ option of the control menu of Struds window. When you select this option. STRUDS displays the window. ‘Individual Design Window Application’ Click ‘Column’ option. Which means that the top level of all beams in the selected grid is same.e. Select the portion that you want to enlarge by creating a window with the cursor. The flushing of beams can be of three types. {VIII} INDIVIDUAL COLUMN DESIGN Design a rectangular column of 3m length carrying an axial load of 76 KN. STRUDS displays a new window i. ‘Individual Design Window Application’ for column design. Pan This option allows you to move the graphics on the screen in any direction for better visualization.STRUDS TUTORIALS WINDOW When you select this option. Bottom If you select this option the longitudinal section will be displayed in such a manner that the bottom level of beams remains same. Flushing This option allows you to modify the detailing and longitudinal section diagram of the beams in the grid if the beams are positioned at different levels. When you select this option. ALL Select this option to see the entire full section graphics when you have already used the ZOOM – WINDOW or PAN options. a box cursor appears on the screen. 73 . STRUDS will display the portion in an enlarged manner on the screen. Select the starting point and the destination point by cursor to shift the sectional diagrams on the screen. PREVIOUS Select this option to return to the previous zoom status of the diagram. STRUDS displays following window. a box cursor appears on the screen. Click ‘Standalone design’ option. Key in DL value in load case factors section field. 1. Click ‘Add’ button of ‘Load Case’ section. Click ‘Geometry’ option.2} Creating A New Load Combination Click ‘Define’ menu option. You can create new load combinations using this dialog box as follows. Click ‘OK’ button of ‘Define Column’ dialog box. Click ‘OK’ button. 1.2. Select ‘Load Combination’ option. Key in LL value in ‘Load Case Factors’ section field. {VIII-1. Click ‘LL’ of ‘Load Cases’ section. Click ‘New’ button of load combination section. (Optional) Click ‘DL’ from the load cases.STRUDS TUTORIALS {VIII-1. STRUDS displays ‘Define Column’ dialog box.1} Creating Column Geometry Click ‘Design’ menu option.2. 3m. Key in value for ‘Element span’. STRUDS displays ‘Load Combination’ dialog box. 74 . You can enter the values of axial load. Click ‘Close’ button. (Optional) Key in values for load case LL.STRUDS TUTORIALS Click ‘Add’ button of ‘Load Case’ section. 75 . STRUDS displays ‘Column Section’ dialog box. Click ‘Save’ button. Click ‘Define’ menu option. Key in axial load value for DL. STRUDS displays ‘Column Load’ dialog box. Click ‘Close’ button. Click ‘Save’ button. The created load combination is listed in the ‘Load Combination’ list box. Select ‘Load’ option. Click on the ‘Rectangular shape’ icon of ‘column shape’ section. Click ‘Next’ button. It displays ‘Rectangular Column Sizes’ dialog box. Click ‘Column Size’ button. Mx & My. 76kN. Click ‘Close’ button Click ‘Section’ option. Select the appropriate load combination. (Optional) Click the check box of ‘change material’ to change the grade of concrete or steel. 76 .5DL+1. Click ‘Save’ button. STRUDS displays ‘Select Load Combination’ dialog box. STRUDS displays ‘Change material for floor’ dialog box. Click ‘Material’ menu option. Click ‘Column Loads’ option to view total load on column resulted due to the selected load combination. Click ‘Save’ option & save the design in strudwin / data. Click ‘View’ menu option. Click ‘Axial’ suboption.3} Designing The Column Click ‘Design’ menu option. Click ‘Close’ button Click ‘Close’ button of ‘Column Section’ dialog box. {VIII-1. here select 1. Click ‘Load Combination’ option. Click ‘Save’ button. Click OK’ button. Click ‘View’ menu option. Click ‘New’ option.STRUDS TUTORIALS (Optional) you can change the width & depth of the column. folder. Click ‘Design’ menu option.5LL. These design results are displayed in table format.STRUDS TUTORIALS {VIII-1. to see the design results of the column for other load combinations. STRUDS displays ‘Column Design’ dialog box. This window displays all the design results of the column. This 77 . At the bottom of this window are several buttons to modify/view the results displayed in the table. In case you want to specify some other load combination as worst load combination. STRUDS by default designs all the column for worst load combination. Select on this button. Click ‘View Design’ option. This option allows you to change the load combination for design results.4} Displaying Design Click ‘View’ menu option. you can use this option. The right drop down menu displays the list of unit types available for selected item. STRUDS displays following window. STRUDS will change and display the values of the item in the table corresponding to the modified unit. STRUDS displays following window. When you select this option. This window displays the list of defined load combinations. Click on the OK button. STRUDS displays following window.STRUDS TUTORIALS change will be reflected in the design schedules by STRUDS. Select the floor for which youwant to change the load combination for design. Select the load combination that you want to apply to the selected column at selected floor. This window has two drop down menus. When you select this option. The worst load combination for this floor is also displayed by STRUDS. You can click on the CANCEL button to close the window without selecting the load combination. This change in table will be reflected in design schedules by STRUDS. This window displays a drop down menu for the floors in the building. The left drop down menus displays the list of items in the table for which you can change the units. When you select this option. This option allows you to modify the default properties of the selected column. Chose the unit you want to apply for the selected item and click on the CLOSE button. This option allows you to modify the units for the values displayed in the table. 78 . STRUDS will then display the design results due to this load combination in the table. Click on the `Select Load Combination>>’ button. Mx. By changing P. When you select this option. For detail explanation of this window. STRUDS displays the cross section diagram of the column on screen.STRUDS TUTORIALS You can then modify the properties or design parameters of the selected column by using various options in this window. This option allows you to redesign the column if you change the properties of column by using any of following options. 1. When you select this option. In the right portion of screen. This option allows you to visualise the cross sectional diagram of a column. You can select the floor number from this list menu to see the cross section of selected column at that floor. if you have changed any of the properties of the column to redesign it. In the left portion of screen. STRUDS displays a list menu indicating the floor number. STRUDS displays the cross section of selected column with placing of reinforcement. first click on the SAVE button and then use this option to ask STRUDS to redesign the column with changed properties. By changing the dimensions of column by overwriting in the table. My values in the table. refer to the pages for PROPERTIES menu in Column Design Module. The column by cursor. Below this STRUDS shows the size of column. This option allows you to change the effective length of column. 79 . If you have used any of the above options. By selecting PROPERTIES button 2. Select on the CLOSE option from menu bar to put off the display of cross section. Select this option to close the window of VIEW DESIGN. STRUDS displays following window. 3. You should also select this option. 4. By changing bar diameter in the table. Select this option to save any of the changes you have made in the values in the table. diameter + number of main bars and dia + spacing of stirrups. a box cursor appears on the screen. Settings – Properties This option allows you to set the basic parameters for design of column. You can also click on the CANCEL button if you want to abandon the bar diameters’ selection.STRUDS TUTORIALS of screen is a pull down menu showing the list of floor numbers. You can select the floor from this menu to get the diagram and details of column at that floor. The selected bar diameter is shown by STRUDS in the right text column. refer to the explanation given for PROPERTIES menu of the main menu of Column Design Module.Step Value 80 . Settings – Diameters This option allows you to select the bar diameters for placing in the column. STRUDS displays following window. select it by mouse and click on the DELETE button. If you want to remove any bar diameter from the list of selected bar diameters. When you select this option. For details of this window. Settings . It further has following options. Settings This option allows you to specify the basic parameters for design of selected column. This window shows the list of all available bar diameters in a vertical text column at the left side. STRUDS displays the window for `Design Parameters’. Select the bar diameter that you want to provide for column main bars by mouse and press on the SELECT button at the right side. When you select this option. Click on the OK button to proceed for design with chosen bar diameters. The menu bar at the top has following options to specify your own properties and parameters for this selected column. You can specify maximum two types of bar diameters. This way you can specify the diameters that you want to provide for the column. Save When you select this option STRUDS saves he changes. Bars . Zoom The details of this option are given in Appendix A. When you select this option. Bars . When you select this option. Move the cursor and click it at the positions where you want to put the bars of second type in the cross section diagram of the column. Move the cursor and click it at the positions where you want to put the bars of first type in the cross section diagram of the column. Print The details of this option are given in Appendix B. Bars .Add Dia1 Bar This option allows you to place the bars of first diameter type in the cross sectional geometry of the column. a box cursor appears on the screen. Move the cursor and click it on the bar positions which you want to delete from the cross section diagram of the column. a box cursor appears on the screen. It has following sub-options.Add Dia2 Bar This option allows you to place the bars of second diameter type in the cross sectional geometry of the column. 81 . STRUDS will remove all bar types placed in the column. Close When you select this option STRUDS closes the Current window. a box cursor appears on the screen.Delete All This option allows you to remove all the bars placed in the cross sectional geometry of the column. When you select this option.STRUDS TUTORIALS Bars This option allows you to specify the placing of reinforcement in the selected column. When you select this option. Bars – Delete This option allows you to remove the bars placed in the cross sectional geometry of the column. However you can modify this by specifying the factor by overwriting the default values in the fields.STRUDS TUTORIALS This window displays a list menu indicating the floor numbers in the building. STRUDS displays ‘Design Parameters’ dialog box. 82 . By default the factors for effective length are 1 for both axes. Below this are two fields indicating the factor for effective length about X and Y-axis for the column. {IX} FOOTING DESIGN Design a Trapezoidal footing for a load of 100 KN.1} Selecting The Type Of Footing Click ‘Properties’ option of main menu of ‘Individual Design Window Application’. Select the floor number for which you want to modify the effective length of the selected column. {IX-1. offset at bottom. Similarly you can change1) Grade of concrete/steel from ‘Grade of material’ section. Select 8mm bar diameter. to select it. minimum depth from the ‘Trapezoidal footing section’.4) depth from ground level. The default setting is 'Trapezoidal’. maximum and minimum spacing values.e. Keep the same option active.STRUDS TUTORIALS Select the type of footing from the default individual footing type section. Select the bars from the available bar diameter by using select button or you can directly double click on the dia. 5) Minimum steel percentage. . 2) Spacing between bars i. 3) Rounding factor for size and depth. offset at top. 83 . (optional) You can change the footing covers. Click the ‘Select bar Diameter’ dialog box. STRUDS displays ‘Column Details For’ dialog box.STRUDS TUTORIALS Click ‘OK’ button of ‘Select Bar Diameter’ dialog box.2} Inputting Column Details Click ‘Define’ menu option of ‘Individual Design Window Application’ window. Click ‘Column Details’ option. 84 . Click ‘OK’ button of ‘Design Parameter’ dialog box. (Optional) You can change the values of various parameters. It displays ‘Soil Parameter’ dialog box. {IX-1. Click ‘Soil Parameter’ button. 100kN. You can create any load combination using ‘Load Cases’ and ‘Load Case Factor’ section. STRUDS displays ‘Load Combination’ dialog box. After creating new load combination click ‘Close’ button. 85 . The method is mentioned in design of column previously in individual design of column. Key in column point as.STRUDS TUTORIALS Click ‘Add rectangular column’ section. column steel 6 Tor 12. Key in ‘Axial load’. 5 Tab 5. Click ‘OK’ button of ‘Column Details For’ dialog box. Click ‘Load Combination’ option. Click ‘Design’ option of ‘Individual Design Window Application’. Click ‘Column Loads’ section. Key in values for column size 230 X 450mm. Click ‘Apply’ button. Click ‘View’ menu option. Click ‘Size’ button from ‘Change’ section. Activate ‘For One Group’ option. (optional) If the new values are not acceptable. STRUDS displays ‘Bond Check Error’ dialog box. Click ‘Plan + Elevation’ option. Click ‘View’ menu option. Click ‘Design’ sub-option. Click ‘Depth’ button. Click ‘Save’ option to save the design. Click ‘Save’ button if you make any changes. Activate 'For One Group’ option. Click ‘Design’ menu option of ‘Individual Design Window Application’. 86 . then the previous values will be displayed again. STRUDS displays ‘Footing Design’ dialog box. Click ‘New’ option.STRUDS TUTORIALS {IX-1.3} Designing The Footing Click ‘Design’ menu option. You can change any option and click ‘Redesign’ button to redesign to the change parameters. Click ‘Schedule’ option to view the detailed schedule of the footing.STRUDS TUTORIALS STRUDS displays a window showing footing plan and sectional elevation. Click ‘Report’ menu option. 87 . 88 . Click ‘Close’ option. Click ‘Detail Report’ option to view the detailed report of design of the footing. Click ‘Quantity’ option to view the quantity of steel and concrete.STRUDS TUTORIALS It displays the new window ‘Individual Design Window Application (: 2). STRUDS TUTORIALS SAMPLE BUILDING DESIGN 89 . STRUDS TUTORIALS 90 . STRUDS TUTORIALS 91 . STRUDS TUTORIALS 92 . STRUDS TUTORIALS 93 . STRUDS TUTORIALS 94 . STRUDS TUTORIALS 95 . STRUDS TUTORIALS {X} SAMPLE BUILDING DESIGN {X-1} PREPROCESSOR Click the `Preprocessor' option from menu bar at the top of Main Menu. STRUDS displays the sub-menu of Preprocessor. Click the `Building' option from the menu. Click the `New' option. 96 .1a} Defining Floors By using different options in this menu you will be able to generate the model for the Building Project in 2d or 3d form with graphical input.1} Drawing Floor Plan {X-1. {X-1. 0 m according to the floor no. Select floor no 1 from the drop down list of Floor No. Click ‘Save’ button. Select floor no 3 from the drop down list of Floor No. You can fill up the relevant information in the fields available. ------------------( 1st floor) The level of floor changes automatically to 6. Select floor no 2 from the drop down list of Floor No. location etc. If you do not want to write any information. just click the `OK' button from the dialog box. Click ‘Save’ button. STRUDS displays ‘Skeleton’ dialog box. Click the ‘Skeleton’ option from the drop down menu. Type 5 in the field in front of Define no of floors.STRUDS TUTORIALS STRUDS displays a dialog box and asks you to enter the project information such as name. Select floor no 4 from the drop down list of Floor No. ------------------( plinth / ground floor) By default Height of floor is 3m and the Level of floor is also3m. The entered data gets saved and listed in the list box. ------------------( 2nd floor) Click ‘Save’ button. ------------------( 3rd floor) 97 . Click ‘OK’ button. Click the ‘FloorPlan’ option from the menu bar. STRUDS displays ‘Define no of floors’ dialog box. In STRUDS the input is done by using 2d plane grid method. This means we are now setting the floor1 active to create the drawing. `Enter Dimension / Click Second Point of slab' : Type 4 5 press enter.STRUDS TUTORIALS Click ‘Save’ button. {X-1. Click the ‘Set’ option. Click the ‘FloorPlan’ option from the menu. STRUDS displays command `Enter First Point of Slab' : Type 3 3 and press Enter Key. Select floor no 5 from the drop down list of Floor No. Now you are working with the Graphical Data Generation module of STRUDS. Click the `Create' option from the menu bar. STRUDS displays the command to be given by the user. ------------------( 4th floor) Click ‘Save’ button. You are required to draw the floor plans of the building by defining slab panels. A box cursor with hair lines is displayed on screen.1b} Creating Slabs Panels STRUDS displays a screen with a menu bar at top having a number of Menu options for Graphics generation. Click the `Rectangular' option from the second drop down menu. Down. Click ‘OK’ button. Click the drop down arrow and select ‘1’. Click ‘OK’ button. Click the `Slab' option from the drop down menu menu. Left and Right arrow keys from the key board. At the bottom of the screen. You can change any data entry for any floor for that select the particular floor then change the values and click ‘Update’ button. You can move this cursor by using mouse or Up. 98 . STRUDS displays ‘Select Floor ID’ dialog box. Click `OK' button from the dialog box.0 meters from the bottom left corner of the screen.) This key is the shortcut to define a point with respect to a node. The slab dimensions given are X length 4 meters and Y length 5 meters. This key is the shortcut to redraw the graphics on the screen. STRUDS now displays a dialog box in which you can specify the properties and loading on this slab. element numbers and slab numbers become visible on screen. F5 and F6 keys. STRUDS again displays following command `Enter First Point of the Slab' : Press F2 key from the key board (or press the right button of the mouse. You are still in the slab create mode. By pressing the key the node numbers.0 meters and Y co-ordinate 3. To put on / off these numbers you can use F4.STRUDS TUTORIALS You have given the starting point of slab at X co-ordinate 3. The slab panel is displayed on the screen. STRUDS displays a small menu list. Change the thickness of slab from 100 mm to 120 mm by overwriting in the field denoting `Thickness'. You will remain in this mode till you press Esc key or click some other option from the menu. 99 . Click icon from the dialog box. By clicking this option you allow the program to decide upon the one way or two way spanning of slab by calculating the aspect ratio. Press F7 key from the key board. Again the dialog box inquiring slab properties is displayed. 2 will be selected as the first point of the slab. The second slab panel is displayed on the screen. 4 by moving the box cursor on it and clicking the left button of mouse. STRUDS displays following command `Enter Node ID / Select a Node:’ Click the box cursor along the element no. Change the thickness of slab from 120mm to 100mm in the field provided for thickness. 100 . that value is taken as default value while defining the next slab panel. Again the dialog box inquiring properties of slabs is displayed on the screen. Here you may note that once you change the value in any of the field. 2. Click the icon for automatic decision for one way or two way spanning of the slab. The third slab panel is displayed on screen. This way the node no. STRUDS displays command `Enter Dimension / Click second point of the slab' : Type 4 3.5 and press enter key. STRUDS displays command `Enter Dimension / Click second point of Slab' : Type 2. Click the `OK' button from the dialog box. STRUDS again displays the window list for Object Snap mode. Click `OK' button.5 6 and press enter key. 2 and near the node no. Press the F2 key from keyboard. STRUDS displays command `Enter Node ID / Select a Node' : Select the node no.STRUDS TUTORIALS Click the ‘Node’ option from this list. Click the `Node' option from this list. Click icon. STRUDS TUTORIALS Press F2 key.51' Click ' Material Density ' box from the Sunk Slab option and enter ' 20' Click `OK' button. 7 by using mouse. Select node no. Select `Node' option.2 1. Select node no. Fifth slab panel is displayed on screen. 11 by mouse. Press F2 key. Press F2 key Select `Node' option.2 press enter key. Click 'Sunk Depth' box from the Sunk Slab option and enter ' 0. STRUDS displays command `Enter Dimension / Select second point of slab' : Type 1. 101 . Select node no 6 by mouse. Press F5 key to put off the element numbers. Click `OK' button from the dialog box. Click icon from the dialog box. Select `Node' option. Click icon for slab denoting slab spanning one way vertically. The fourth slab panel is displayed on screen. 3 and press enter key. STRUDS displays command `Enter Dimension / Click second point of Slab': Type -1. Click option from slab properties dialog box. Press F2 key. Press F2 key Select `Node' option. 13 by cursor.STRUDS TUTORIALS Press F2 key. Click 'Sunk Depth' box from the Sunk Slab option and enter ' 0. STRUDS displays command `Enter Node Id / Select a node' : Type 4 and press Enter key.23 Click ' Material Density ' box from the Sunk Slab option and enter ' 20' Click `OK' option. `Enter Z offset': Type 0 press enter. Select `Offset' option. `Enter Y offset': Type 0. STRUDS displays command `Enter X offset': Type 0 press enter. 8 by mouse. 102 . Select `Node' option. Select node no. Select node no.6 press enter. The sixth slab panel is displayed on the screen.2 2. Click `Three Point' from the second pull down menu. Press F2 key Select `Node' option.0 press enter `Enter Y offset': Type 1. 103 .1c} Drawing Curved Element To draw the curved portion slab portion. Click `OK' button from the dialog box. `Enter First point of Curve': Press F2 key. `Enter Node ID / Select Node': Type 8 press enter key `Enter X offset': Type -2. Click `OK' button from the dialog box. Select node no. Select `Node' option.8 press enter key. 9 by cursor The curved beam is displayed on the screen. Also the point to be noted while drawing a curved element is to select the three points (Start. This way you have generated all the eight slab panels of the floor plan.5 press enter `Enter Z offset': Type 0 press enter `Enter Third Point of curve': Press F2 Key Select `Node' option from menu Select node no. Select node number 8 by cursor. The eighth slab panel is displayed on the screen. STRUDS displays command `Enter Dimension / Click second point of slab': Type 1. `Enter Second Point of Curve': Press F2 key. Please note that this is a curved beam and not a circular slab. Select `Create' from menu bar. mid and end) in anti clockwise manner. the same can be defined by drawing a curved beam and providing the slab load on this beam as UDL. Select `Offset' option. 5 by cursor. If you need to have a circular slab. {X-1.2 2. Select icon for slab spanning one way in horizontal direction.STRUDS TUTORIALS Select the icon displaying which is for cantilever slab the load of which is transferred on right side beam. Click `Curved Element' from the pull down menu. The seventh slab is displayed on the screen. means locate column away from node S . 3 Press Y Cursor blinks at node no.means locate column to the left of this node R . 4 Press Y Cursor blinks at node no. 15 Press N Cursor blinks at node no. 20 Press N Cursor blinks at node no.means locate column to the upside of this node D . 16 Press N Cursor blinks at node no. 2 Press Y Cursor blinks at node no.means locate column to the right of this node U .2} Locating Column Positions After drawing the floor plan. Select `Create' option from menu bar. 7 104 . Or you can press Y N L R U D O S letters from the keyboard to specify your selection. 5 Press Y Cursor blinks at node no 19 Press N Cursor blinks at node no. 1 Press Y key Cursor blinks at node no. 21 Press N Cursor blinks at node no.STRUDS TUTORIALS {X-1. Y . The columns can be located on nodes or anywhere along the elements.means to stop locating the columns Cursor first starts blinking at node no.means locate column at this node N . Select `Auto Add' option from the second level pull down menu.means locate column to the downside of this node O .means do not locate column at this node L . Select `Column' from pull down menu. the next stage is to locate positions of columns. By using this option the blinking cursor automatically goes at every node and a message is displayed `Mark column at this node' Also available is a list of icons which you can click by mouse. 6 meter down to node no. This way you have located columns by using `Auto Add' option. 8 Press y Cursor blinks at node no. This way you have located all the columns. 6 Press N Cursor blinks at node no. Press F2 key Select `Offset' option `Enter Node ID / Select Node': Type 6 press enter `Enter X offset': Type 0 press enter `Enter Y offset': Type -1. 14 Press Y Cursor then blinks at nodes 22 to 28 along the curved element. 10 Press N Cursor blinks at node no. 11 Press N Cursor blinks at node no. Select `Create' from menu bar Select `Column' Select `Locate' STRUDS displays message `Enter a point for Column': The box cursor appears on the screen. 13 Press N Cursor blinks at node no. Now if you want to locate column away from node. 6. This is nothing but specifying the boundary conditions at nodes. The column is located 0. Press N at all these nodes. 17 Press N Cursor blinks at node no. When a column is located.3} Specifying Boundary Conditions 105 . {X-1. 18 Press N Cursor blinks at node no. 12 Press N Cursor blinks at node no.0 press enter `Enter Z offset' : Type 0 press enter. 9 Press Y Cursor blinks at node no.STRUDS TUTORIALS Press N Cursor blinks at node no. it means that the vertical displacement (in Z axis) at the specified node is zero. Click the option `Define Group'. To provide fixity at these nodes.STRUDS TUTORIALS Now from the observation of the floor plan you can see that at nodes 16. Select the boundary group BG2 by clicking on the drop down arrow button for the Boundary Group title. A box type cursor appears on the screen. we need to provide fixity about Y axis i. you should follow following steps. Click `OK' button. Click `Support' option from menu bar. From the floor plan geometry it can be seen that at nodes 16 17 and 21. 2 for nodes 16. The boundary condition at these nodes is by default taken as a simple specified nodes. STRUDS displays the screen showing the floor plan and right hand side menu items vertically arranged. Click the box of `Y .e. You can specify any type of boundary group and attach it to the required node. 17 and 21 the cantilever beams are projecting from main beams. 106 . Presently the boundary group defined is BG1 only which denotes columns at (W .Rotation'. You are defining group no. 17 and 21. Click the `Add Node' button from the menu. rotation about Y axis is restrained (Ry = 0). STRUDS displays a window with different fields to click to define a group. Click ‘Close’ button by mouse. Select ‘Property’ from menu bar. 107 . Point to ‘Section’ and click the mouse. A Window appears on the screen. which has a number of fields and buttons. {X-1.STRUDS TUTORIALS Select node 16. Now you have drawn the floor plan. 17 and 21 by mouse. located the columns and specified the support conditions wherever required.4} Creating And Attaching Sections to Beams The next step is to provide the sections to the beams. Point to ‘Create’. Type ‘450’ in the field. Since it is imperative that every element must have a section for the analysis to be performed. a cantilever slab is defined by four surrounding elements. Type ‘150’ in the field of b Type ‘380’ in the next field Select ‘Save’ Click ‘New’ Button Select ‘Rectangular’ Type ‘230’ in the field of b and 100 in the field of d. So some times we need to provide a nominal section to an element where a beam is not required. Click the dropdown icon at the ‘Section Types’ pull down menu. Select ‘close’ button. For example. Type ‘230’ in the field in front of b. Press ‘Tab’ key from keyboard or click mouse in the next field. Select ‘save’. The other three elements do 108 . Sec2 and Sec3 which you can provide to any of the beams in the floor plan. The load of the slab is transferred on one of the element which acts as a beam. Please note that Sec3 is a hidden beam section or dummy beam. Select ‘Save’ button Select ‘New’ Again select ‘Rectangular’ from the pull down menu. This way you have defined three rectangular sections Sec1. STRUDS displays two fields for width and depth of the ‘Sec1’. Select ‘Rectangular’.STRUDS TUTORIALS Click ‘New’ by mouse or pressing ‘Alt+N’ from Keyboard. Select element numbers 21. All the remaining elements. Select element No.27 & 1 by clicking the mouse along these elements.STRUDS TUTORIALS not act as a beam. Select ‘Sec3’ from the pull down menu. When you use the option ‘Grid’ and click it along any element. Select ‘Locate’ button A box type cursor appears on the screen. Select ‘Sec1’ from pull down menu. 4.10. Click ‘Grid’ button. A small window appears on the screen with a pull down menu and menu buttons to allow you to attach the defined sections to the beams. Select ‘Property’ from menu bar. that element and all other elements in line with this element will have the chosen section attached. Select ‘Close’ button.23 and 24 by clicking the cursor along these elements. Select ‘Sec2’ from the pull down menu. are attached with sec2 by this process. In such case we need to provide a hidden beam or dummy beam section at such elements. Again the box type cursor appears on the screen. 109 . which do not have any section. Point to ‘Attach’ Point to ‘Section’ and click mouse. Click ‘Rest’ button. This way you have specified the section sizes for all the elements in the floor plan. {X-1. The density of brick masonry 19 kn/m3 is automatically taken by the program. In the field of Name type (w2). 110 . If you want to change the density.5} Creating and Attaching Walls In STRUDS you can attach the walls on beams as per your requirement. It should be noted that you must have specified the section for all the elements in the floor plan before proceeding to analysis. Select ‘wall’ from the menu.23 In the field for height type 3 From the pull down menu select ‘BRK’. which do not have any section. Select ‘Define’ button from the window. In the field of thickness type ‘100’ Select ‘Define’ button from the window. Select ‘close’ button. are attached with Sec2 by this process. In the field for ‘Name’ type W1 In the field for thickness type 0. Select ‘Define’ button from the window. Click ‘New’ button.STRUDS TUTORIALS All the remaining elements. STRUDS will automatically calculate the weight of walls on beams as UDL as per the physical attributes provided by you. A window with fields and buttons appears on the screen. Now to generate walls follow following procedure Select ‘Create’ from menu bar. you can simply click in the field and overwrite new value of density. ‘BRK’ stands for brick masonry. Select ‘New’ button. 7. deduct the depth of the beam from the wall height while calculating the wall load on that element.W2 &W3 of brick masonry and thickness 230 mm. The flag for Consider Element section is always true by default i. the program will automatically. you can do so by clicking the box of consider element section. Click ‘Close’. Select ‘Property’ from menu bar. Select ‘W3’ from the pull down menu. Select ‘W1’ from the pull down menu. A small window appears on the screen. 111 . If you do not want to deduct the depth of beam section from wall height. Select ‘Attach’ Select ‘Wall’ and click the mouse. Select elements 1. while attaching a wall to an element.0 M Select ‘Define’ button from the window. Select ‘W2’ from the pull down menu. Select ‘Grid’ button from the window. Select ‘Grid’ button from the window.10 and 27 by clicking the box type cursor along these elements.15 and 13 by clicking the box type cursor along these elements. This way you have defined three walls W1. You can use the various options in this window to attach the defined walls to the elements in the floor plan.4.3.STRUDS TUTORIALS Select ‘New’ button. In the field of thickness type ‘100’ In the field for height type 1.e.100mm and 100 mm respectively. Select element numbers 2. In the field of Name type (w3). All the elements in line of these elements are attached with wall W2. Select ‘Grid’ button from the window. 24 and 23 by clicking the box type cursor along these elements. A window is displayed on the screen with several fields and small boxes to On/Off the flag. Select ‘Display’ from menu bar. Select ‘Curve’ button from the window.21. 112 . Select the curved element by clicking the box type cursor along it. Select ‘Entities’. Select ‘Close’ button from the window.STRUDS TUTORIALS Select element numbers 26. 28. You can put On/Off the display of any of the entities listed in this dialog box by clicking the small box before these entities. The program on screen displays the walls attached to corresponding elements. we can do the same by following procedure. Select ‘Generate Wall Loads’ from the drop-down menu. Select ‘Create’. Once you use this option. Select ‘Load’. in this plan the circular slab is defined by a curved beam.6} Creating and Attaching External Loads In case you want to provide any extra load on the elements.STRUDS TUTORIALS Select the box for ‘Wall’ by clicking mouse Select ‘OK’ button. Select ‘Elemental Loads’ & click the mouse. STRUDS automatically calculates the wall load on corresponding elements. There physically is no slab enclosed by this curved beam. for example. STRUDS displays a message ‘Wall load generation is completed’ Click ‘OK’ {X-1. Here as we want to attach the load of the slab on curved beam. A Window appears on the screen with a pull down menu and few buttons. Select ‘Property’ from menu bar. 113 . Select ‘Floor’ from menu bar. Select ‘Close’ button. Select ‘G1’ from the pull down menu Select ‘curve’ button from the window. 114 . Select ‘Property’. Select the curved element by taking box cursor anywhere along the curved element and clicking the mouse. Select ‘Close’ button. Now you have defined the complete typical floor of the sample building.STRUDS TUTORIALS Select ‘New’ button Select ‘Full UDL’ from the pull down menu Type 3 in the field in front of W : (which denotes the value of uniformly distributed load on the elements.) Click ‘save’ button. Select ‘Loads’. Select ‘Attach’. Select ‘Save’. Select ‘Pre-Analysis Enquiry’ option.7} Saving Floor Plan Select ‘Floppy’ option from the menubar. A dialog-box appears on the screen. Type `sample’ in the field for ‘File Name’.STRUDS TUTORIALS {X-1. Select ‘Save’ button Select ‘Floor’ option from the menu. STRUDS displays ‘Pre-Analysis Information dialog box’ 115 . Select ‘Strudwin’ folder and select ‘Data’ folder in it. Select ‘Floor Plan’ from the menu. Select ‘copy’. Then you can select any floor and make changes in that floor as per your requirement. Again select ‘Floor Plan’ Select ‘Copy’ option Click the dropdown arrow of the Destination Floor No. And the first window of PreProcessor will reappear on the screen.2’. you can copy it for other floors. Otherwise do the necessary corrections. Select ‘Floor’ option from the menu.STRUDS TUTORIALS Here we get the information regarding boundary conditions. Click the dropdown arrow of the Destination Floor No. whether they are defined or not. {X-1. Select ‘Analysis files’ option. The floor plan of Floor 1 is copied at ‘Floor No. Are the elements are attached with sections. Click ‘Save’ button. Now this window will disappear. material or any zero length element formed.8} Copying the Floor Plans In STRUDS once you define a floor plan. Select ‘All levels’ option. Click ‘OK’ Select ‘Floor’ option from the menu. Select ‘Close’ option. is 1 By default the Destination Floor No. is ‘New’. Note that the three list boxes should be empty. The Source Floor No. A window appears on screen having a series of fields which allows you to copy the floor plan from one floor to other floor. Select 2 Click ‘OK’ button of the dialog box. Select 3 116 . The floor plan from Floor 1 is copied at ‘Floor 3’. Which means that there are no slabs in this plan (or) the load of slabs in this plan is not transferred on the beams. Select ‘1’ from the pull down menu. To accomplish this. Select ‘Delete’. 117 . In this way copy the Floor 1 to ‘Floor 4’ and ‘Floor 5’ {X-1. Click the check box by mouse to put the flag ‘off’. follow the below procedure. STRUDS will not consider the loads from slab to elements. In other words. The floor plan at bottom most level or level1 is displayed on the screen. Let us assume that this ‘Sample’ building has plinth beams at first level. Select ‘Property’ from menu bar.STRUDS TUTORIALS Click ‘OK’ button of the dialog box. Select ‘Floor Plan’. the beams are designed only for their self weight and imposed loads like wall load. Select ‘Slab-Beam Loads’. Select ‘Load’. Select ‘OK’ button. Select ‘Edit’ from menu bar.9} Editing The Floor Plans We can now change the data in any particular floor by selecting and editing that floor level. A window displaying a small box to on/off flag is displayed. Select ‘Set’. Select ‘Close’ button. Now in this particular floor plan. By default the flag for ‘Compute Loading from slab to beam automatically’ is always on. Select 'Edit' from menu bar. 118 . Now to delete the curved element Select ‘Edit’ Select ‘Delete’ Select ‘Element’ Select any element in the curved beam by moving cursor along them and clicking the mouse. As there is no sunk at the last slab as being a terrace follow the next steps. Select the Slab 'S4' by clicking on it with box cursor. Delete the slabs S7 and S8 by moving cursor on these slabs and clicking the left button of mouse. A box type cursor appears on the screen. STRUDS will display the 'Slab Property' window. Select 'One Slab' option.STRUDS TUTORIALS Select ‘Slab’. STRUDS gives a warning message Click the ‘OK’ button for both slabs S7 & S8. Select ‘Property’ from menu bar Select ‘Create’ Select ‘Section’ Select ‘New’ button Select ‘Rectangular’ from the pull down menu. Select the Slab 'S5' by clicking on it with box cursor. Select ‘Attach’ Select ‘Section’ Select ‘Sec4’ from the pull-down menu Select ‘All’. top floor is displayed on the screen. Select ‘Floor’ from menu bar. STRUDS will display the 'Slab Property' window.0' Click ' Material Density ' box from the Sunk Slab option and enter ' 0. The building file is saved by using this option.STRUDS TUTORIALS Click 'Sunk Depth' box from the Sunk Slab option and enter ' 0. Select 'Floor 5' Select ‘OK’ button The floor plan of 5th floor i.0' Click 'OK' button. STRUDS gives a warning message.e. Click 'Sunk Depth' box from the Sunk Slab option and enter ' 0.0' Click 'OK' button. Now the new section Sec4 is attached to all the elements. You have created a new beam section Select ‘Close’ button Select ‘Property’ from the menu bar. Select ‘Change Floor’ option. Select ‘Yes to All’ button from the message box.0' Click ' Material Density ' box from the Sunk Slab option and enter ' 0. STRUDS displays 'SELECT FLOOR 'window. Select ‘Save’ button. Select 'Edit' from menu bar. Type ‘230’ in the field of b Type ‘380’ in the field of d. 119 . The program overwrites the previously attached sections. Select 'One Slab' option. 0' Click 'OK' button. As there is no sunk at the last slab as being a terrace follow the next steps. 1 by the cursor and clicking the mouse. Select column no. STRUDS will display the 'Slab Property' window. 120 . Click 'Sunk Depth' box from the Sunk Slab option and enter ' 0. STRUDS displays warning message Click ‘OK’ Select ‘Edit’ from menu bar. Select 'One Slab' option. Select ‘Slab’. 1 by the cursor and clicking the mouse. Select ‘Delete’. Select ‘Delete’. Select slab S1 by moving the cursor on this slab and clicking mouse. Select ‘Edit’ from menu bar.STRUDS TUTORIALS Select ‘Edit’ from menu bar. Select the Slab 'S4' by clicking on it with box cursor. Select 'Edit' from menu bar. Select ‘Node’ & click the mouse.0' Click ' Material Density ' box from the Sunk Slab option and enter ' 0. Select Node No. Select ‘Delete’. Select ‘Column’ & click the mouse. Select ‘Property’ from menu bar.0' Click 'OK' button. STRUDS will display the 'Slab Property' window. This way you have removed the loads from all the walls on elements in this floor. Considering there is parapet wall on fifth slab we have to detach the wall load from it and then to attach the parapet wall load. Select ‘detach’.0' Click ' Material Density ' box from the Sunk Slab option and enter ' 0. Select the Slab 'S5' by clicking on it with box cursor. Select ‘All’ from ' Select Elements ' from the menu. 121 .STRUDS TUTORIALS Select 'Edit' from menu bar. Select 'One Slab' option. A window is displayed on the screen Select ‘All’ from ' Select Wall ' from the menu. Select ‘Wall’ & click by mouse. Select ' Detach from selected element ' STRUDS displays the following window Click ' Yes ' button. Click 'Sunk Depth' box from the Sunk Slab option and enter ' 0. Select ‘Close’ button of the ' Detach Load ' window. Now the main window of PreProcessor will reappear on the screen. Click 'Locate' button.24.10} Setting Column sizes and Orientation of Columns Select ‘Column’ option from menu bar.26. 122 . You can change this by overwriting in the fields. Select 'Generate Wall Loads' STRUDS displays a message ‘Wall load generation is completed’ Click ‘OK’ Select ‘Close Floor’ option. This way you have created all the five floor plans for sample building.3.22. Select 'Wall 3' from the dropdown bar. Click 'Curve' button. STRUDS displays ‘Set Column Dimensions’ dialog box.9.14. This means that at the uppermost floor column.19.31.16. Select the elements 1.17 and 2.STRUDS TUTORIALS Select 'Property' from menu bar Select 'Attach' option. the size of column is 230m x 230mm. Select 'Wall' sub-option. The default width and depth are taken as 230mm.23.20 by using the box cursor. STRUDS will display 'Attach Loading Wall' window. Select any element of the curved beam and click on it with the box cursor. Select ‘Floor’ from menu bar.21. Select ‘Set Parameters’ option. {X-1. Click 'Close' button of 'Attach Loading Wall' window. Select `Column' . 123 .STRUDS TUTORIALS Select the `Increment' option given below the Column sizes title. Select `Column' Select `Orient' option. Select the column by cursor. Similarly you can specify the parameters and STRUDS will take column sizes accordingly. the depth of column is taken as 230 + 75 = 305mm. You can use these options to specify the orientation of column.. STRUDS displays a new screen with a menu bar and some buttons and icons at the right hand side. So the column sizes shall be 230 x230. 230 x 305. The other fields below this are activated. You can also change the sizes of any column. 230 x 380. Select `Close' button. That column is displayed on screen in an enlarged manner. Suppose you want to change the orientation of a column Select `Select Column' button. STRUDS takes the sizes of columns as the parameters specified by you.from top to bottom. 305 + 75 =380mm etc. Which means that after every floor the from top.. The icons at the top right are to specify the flushing of column with respect to beams. Select `Rotate' option Click anywhere in the screen.`Generate' option. The default increment is 75mm. STRUDS displays the floor wise sizes of selected column. If you do not want the sizes to be computed automatically as per parameters. You can select the horizontal and vertical position of column as per your discretion. you can simply put off the Autosizing option by clicking its check box and overwriting the sizes at every floor. Similarly you can change the sizes for other columns. You can also flush the column with beam by clicking the icons at top right. Select `Column Sizes' button. Overwrite 750 in the field provided for depth. You can change these parameters for this column. STRUDS automatically computes the sizes for remaining floors. For example - Select floor no. STRUDS displays a small window. Or you can select the floor and overwrite the sizes in the fields provided for width and depth for that floor. Select `Shape & Size' button.STRUDS TUTORIALS Now you can rotate the column by pressing enter key repeatedly. You can select any column by using the drop down list menu of column group. The basic parameters as specified in `Column' -`Set Parameters' option are also available at bottom. 124 .(optional) Select `Save' button. 1 by double clicking the mouse. Select `Close' button. This method is used by most of the consultants for multistoried building where analysis for horizontal loads is desired and the floor plans are such that the plane frames are distinctly generated. By defining the floor plans per floor. Beams are designed as continuos beams with fixity at end supports. Select ‘Analysis Files’. the building can be idealized as Plane Grids. Footing shall also be designed for biaxial bending. Many consultants for low-rise buildings adopt this method with simple grid like floor plans. Select ‘All’. The analysis results are automatically taken to design. Plane Frames or Space Frame.STRUDS automatically generates the plane frames in X and Y direction and analyses them in one stroke. You can now analyze and design this sample building by following three methods. However where the plans are irregular and frames are not generated along all primary 125 . The columns and footings will be designed for axial load only. Select 'Building' from menu bar Select 'Exit' STRUDS displays a message box Click 'Yes' button. {X-2} Analyzing the Building Structure In STRUDS. 2. PLANE GRID METHOD . Now the main window of STRUDS will appear on the screen. Also in this method STRUDS can automatically generate horizontal loads like Wind Load and Earthquake Loads on the frames as per the basic parameters provided by the user. PLANE FRAME METHOD . Select ‘Floor plan’ from menu bar.STRUDS TUTORIALS Select `Save' button. you have specified the floor grids for each floor. 1. Select `Close' button. The stiffness of columns is also taken into account in the analysis.In this method the beams shall be designed as continuos beams with end supports as simple supports and the intermediate supports as continuos supports. Select ‘Save’ button. Columns will be designed for axial load and moments in X and Y directions. STRUDS displays a window where you can specify the directory in which you want to store these analysis files. Slabs will be designed as panels. Select `Close' button. this method may prove to be erroneous. Beams are designed as continuos beams with fixity at end supports. Select `Sample.1} Analysis Select `Building' from the menu bar. Select 'Yes' button of the massage box. Footing shall also be designed for biaxial bending. The *. Plane Grid Method {X-2.ctl files.STRUDS automatically generates and analyses the space frame. Select `Exit' A message box 'Save changes to sample?' will appear on the screen. The stiffness of columns is taken into account for analysis. Select `Open ' Select `Building File' STRUDS displays a box showing the *. In such building a floor may have more than one files.ctl' file. Select `Floor Grid' STRUDS displays a message box containing the files for analysis. 126 .ctl file is the file for every building project which contains data for analysis. Select `Analysis' from the menu bar. SPACE FRAME METHOD . This is the most accurate and desirable method for analysis and design. Select `Open' button. Every floor has a separate file for analysis. Similarly samp021 means floor grid data for second floor 1st level. For example if a grid has only one column. the frame can not be generated. The main menu of STRUDS appears on the screen. The results are then automatically taken to design module for design. Select `Analysis' from the menu bar. This method is difficult to adopt for manual calculations. but is most suitable for computer aided design. 3. Also in this method STRUDS can automatically generate horizontal loads like Wind Load and Earthquake Loads on the frames as per the basic parameters provided by the user. Columns will be designed for axial load and moments in X and Y directions.STRUDS TUTORIALS beams. Please note that Samp011 means that floor grid data file for first floor first level. In STRUDS a floor can have more than one level ( as in case of stilt floor ). STRUDS displays the 'Design Windows Application' menu. Select `Open' button. Select `OK' button. If you do not want to see the analysis results. 127 .STRUDS TUTORIALS Select `Add All' button. Select `File' from menu bar. STRUDS performs the floor grid analysis for all files. STRUDS displays a message. Select `sample. Select `OK' button. you can operate the PostProcessor module. you can directly go to the Design option by using control menu of STRUDS {X-3} DESIGN BY PLANE GRID METHOD Select `Design' from the menu bar. Now if you want to see the analysis results.bld' from the message box. The default parameters are as shown in the dialog box. maximum and minimum spacing criteria and type of bars to be used for design. STRUDS displays another dialog box which indicates the parameters like concrete cover.1} Slab Design {X-3. STRUDS displays a dialog box where you can specify the design parameters fro slab design.1. Select `Reinforcement Parameters' button. {X-3. Select `Properties' from the pull down menu. The menu bar displays the various design modules.STRUDS TUTORIALS The bottom most floor plan of the sample building is shown on the screen. 128 . You can change any of these parameters by overwriting your value in the corresponding fields.1} Defining Properties Select `Slab' from the menu bar. STRUDS displays a warning message. If any slab fails in design. Select `Design' from the menu bar. Select 'New' Select 'All' STRUDS starts designing all the slabs in this floor one by one.down menu. You are now in the Slab design module. STRUDS displays the floor plan of second floor on the screen.STRUDS TUTORIALS Select `OK' button. Select floor no. 129 . 2 from the drop . Select `Level Design' option. You can select any level for which the slabs are to be designed. Select `OK' button. Select `Slab' from menu bar. Select `OK' button. 1. In the sample floor plan the slabs S4. (ii) Increase the thickness of slab (iii) Increase the grade of concrete Select `Change Thickness' button and change the thickness to 130 mm. {X-3. Click 'OK' STRUDS designs all the slabs. Select `Group' from the menu bar.2} Displaying Slab Design Results Select `Report' from the menu bar. Select `Schedule' 130 .STRUDS TUTORIALS When a slab fails in deflection. STRUDS automatically puts the slabs having similar reinforcement in one group. S5 and S6 are taken in one group. you can (i) Ignore the check : in this case the program will increase the steel area to control deflection by adjusting the base factor. You can print this schedule by using the `Print' option from the menu. STRUDS displays the sketch for reinforcement bars provided in all the slabs.STRUDS TUTORIALS STRUDS displays the schedule for reinforcement to be provided for every slab. You can get a print of this by using `Print' option from the menu bar. 131 . Select `Design Sketch All' option. Select `Close' option from the menu bar. Select `Report' from the menu. STRUDS TUTORIALS Select `Report' from the menu. 132 . Select Slab S1 by cursor. STRUDS displays a window showing the design details of this slab. Select `Plan' STRUDS again displays the floor plan of second floor. You can change the diameter of reinforcement if required. STRUDS will then automatically change the spacing of bars. This change will automatically be reflected in schedule. design sketch and quantity reports. You can select any slab of which the design details are to be seen by moving this cursor along the slab and clicking mouse. Select `Report' Select `Detail' A box cursor appears on screen. Select `Close' If you want to see the support and midspan moments of any slab.STRUDS TUTORIALS Select `OK' button. Select `Moments All' option. 133 . You can print this report by using the `Print' option from the menu. Select `Report' Select `Quantity' STRUDS displays a report of steel and concrete required for all the slabs. you can adopt the following procedure. Select `Inquire' from the menu. STRUDS will display the following dialog box. 134 . Click 'OK' and proceed to the next steps as described above.STRUDS TUTORIALS STRUDS displays slab plan with moment values. Select ' Change Floor' from the menu bar. Select 'Floor ID' Select 3 Click 'Design' Select 'New' Select 'All' STRUDS will display the message box. STRUDS displays a window with several fields and buttons to specify the basic parameters for beam design. Select `Reinforcement' button. Select `Close' from menu to come out of the slab design module. Select `Properties' from the menu. You can again change these parameters as per your discretion. STRUDS displays another window to specify the reinforcement parameters.1} Defining Beam Properties Select `Beam' from the menu.STRUDS TUTORIALS In this way follow the above all steps to design the remaining floor slabs.2} Beam Design {X-3. You can change any of the parameters in the field by overwriting your value.2. 135 . {X-3. STRUDS design application menu appears on screen. Select floor 1 from the pull down menu. 136 . Select `Auto' STRUDS will automatically group the beams. Select `New' STRUDS displays the following window. Select `OK' button. The floor plan of second floor appears on the screen. STRUDS designs all the beams in this floor plan. Select 'Grouping' option from the menu bar. Select `Design' from the menu bar.STRUDS TUTORIALS Select 'Stirrup Grade': Fe250 Select 'Stirrup Dia' : 6 mm Select `OK' button. Select `Marking' option from the menu. STRUDS displays the 'Select Level' window. Select `OK' button. Select `Beam' from the menu Select `Plane Grid' option. In a floor plan a beam may have more than one element. For example the beam from column C3 to C6 has two elements. and provides a single label to that beam.STRUDS TUTORIALS The beam plan before marking is Select `Auto' option. So STRUDS provides two labels B19 and B20 to these elements. which have more than one element. This is an important option. The schedule and quantity reports are changed accordingly.Auto option. When you use Marking . STRUDS automatically finds out the beams. In such case STRUDS labels each element separately. The beam plan after ‘Marking' is 137 . 2} Displaying Beam Schedule Select `Report' from menu.2. Select ` Group Schedule' STRUDS displays the design group schedule for all beams. 138 . In some cases.STRUDS TUTORIALS In some cases if the beams have more than one element and you have attached different sections to those elements. {X-3. So you should take care while attaching sections that a beam having more than one element should have uniform section for all its component elements. In such cases. STRUDS can not merge the elements to form one single beam. You can print this schedule by using the `Print' option from the menu. you can use your own judgement and mark the beams by using `Marking' . the program is not able to judge from the analysis results whether the elements should be merged together to form a single beam.`Manual' option from the menu. {X-3.2. Select `Close' from the menu. The shape of bar types is also indicated at the end of this report.3} Displaying Bar Bending Schedule Select `Report' from menu bar. 139 . STRUDS displays the bar bending schedule report for all the bars in every beam. Select `Bar Bending' option.STRUDS TUTORIALS Similarly you can view / print the 'Beam Schedule' from the Report option. Select `Quantity' option.2. This is the plan most of the consultants are required to provide with the design schedule of beams.5} Displaying Double Line Diagram Select `Plan Layout' from the menu bar.STRUDS TUTORIALS Select `Close' option. You can obtain the print of this report by using `Print' option from the menu.2. Select `Close' from the menu. {X-3. {X-3. 140 .4} Displaying Beam Quantity Report. STRUDS displays the key plan of the floor showing slab nos. Select `Report' from menu. column nos. and width of beams. You can also change the Units or the font sizes of text by using `Settings' option from the menu.. Select `Double Line Diagram' option. STRUDS displays a text report for the quantity of steel and concrete required for all the beams. beam nos.. STRUDS displays the key plan along with the design schedule of beams. Select B1 by cursor. So you can view the beam nos and their corresponding design outputs on the same screen. Select `Double Line + Schedule' option. The entire continuos beam comprising B1and B2 appears on the screen. Select `SelectGrid' from menu. 141 .STRUDS TUTORIALS Select `Plan Layout' from menu bar.6} Displaying Analysis Results. A menu is displayed at the top. {X-3. Now you can select any gridline (continuos beam) in the plan and see its analysis and design results.2. A box type cursor appears on the screen. STRUDS displays the SF values the first beam from left end. Select `Analysis Results'. The shear values are shown at the right hand side in a small window. Select the check boxes of GridLine. STRUDS displays the gridline and its SFD & BMD on the screen.STRUDS TUTORIALS Select `Analysis Results' from menu bar. Select `Analysis Results' from the menu. STRUDS displays the Bending Moment Diagram of the continous beam. Select `SF Diagram' option. 142 . Select `OK' button. The bending moment values are shown at the right hand side in a small window. Select `BM Diagram'. Shear Force and Bending Moment by cursor. This option allows you to visualise both BMD and SFD together STRUDS displays a window with check boxes. You can see the BM values of other beams by using the up and down arrows of the beam labels field. STRUDS displays the Shear Force Diagram of the continous beam. Select `Common' option. You can see the SF values of other beams by using the up and down arrows of the beam labels field. STRUDS displays the BM values the first beam from left end. STRUDS displays a window with fields.. The design of this beam shall be done according to these revised moments. This option is useful to distribute the moments in a beam. Select `Analysis Results' Select `Redist. You can specify the percentage moment to be redistributed and STRUDS recalcultes the moments.STRUDS TUTORIALS Select `Close' Similarly you can use options `Def Diagram' and `Tor Diagram' to see the deflection diagram values and torsion diagram .' option.values of the selected gridline. 143 . Select `Close' button. Select `Redistribute' button from the window box. {X-3.STRUDS TUTORIALS Type 30 at the field for Left Node. STRUDS first displays the c/s of first beam from the left end at its support and midspan. If you want to see the c/s of next beam - 144 . STRUDS displays the longitudinal section of the continuous beam. Select `Section Graphics' option. The cross section of beams is also displayed at the bottom half of the screen. Similarly you can redistribute the moments for other beam spans. Select `Design Results' from menu.7} Displaying Design Results. Type 25 at the field for right node.2. STRUDS displays the revised moments after redistribution. Select `Next' option. Select `Design Results' from menu. STRUDS displays a window box with several fields and buttons. you can change the properties of all or any beam in the selected gridline. Select `Close' from menu. Similarly you can see the c/s of successive beams in a gridline. 145 . STRUDS displays the c/s of next beam span in the continuous beam. Select `Properties' option. By using this option.STRUDS TUTORIALS Select `Cross Section' from menu. (optional) Select `OK' button. STRUDS gives a warning message : 146 . STRUDS displays the areas of steel required at eleven points in the beam. Select `Section Geometry' button. Select `Save' button.45 in the field provided for depth. reanalyze and redesign the beam. Overwrite the depth of section as 0. The effect of change in analysis due to change in beam section is not considered. Please note that here the analysis results remain same. If you want to take into account the effect on analysis due to change in section. Select `Close' from menu. Only the design is changed as per revised section. Select `Section Graphics'.. You can note down the maximum area of steel required. You can see the change in beam depth and corresponding change in reinforcement. Select `Design Results'. Select `Close' from the menu. This change is automatically carried out in Schedule. you can change the section of that beam in preprocessor. Quantity. Bar Bending report and Section Graphics. Select `Close' button of the Design Values window. STRUDS now automatically redesigns the beam for the revised section.' button. The main menu of Beam design Module appears on the screen.STRUDS TUTORIALS Select `Ast Bot. Now suppose you want to change the section of B1. Select `Close' from menu. Select `Close' button.38 in place of 0. {X-3. concrete cover etc. grade of steel. This way you have designed the beams of first floor level. 147 . STRUDS displays the following window. minimum eccentricity. Select 'Plane Grid' option. You can also set the reinforcement parameters of the columns.STRUDS TUTORIALS `Save Changes to Design ?' Select `No' button.1} Defining Properties Select `Column' from menu. A window appears on the screen with several fields and buttons. You can set the basic parameters like grade of concrete.3} Column Design Now you can design columns for the Plane Grid Analysis results. STRUDS displays a window for column designing. {X-3. by using the options in this window. Select `Properties' option. Click 'Select Bar Diameters' button. Similarly you can design beams for other floors.3. Select `Design' from menu.STRUDS TUTORIALS Select the Bar Diameters from the 'Available' list by double clicking on the required bar diameter. 5 by cursor. In case of Grid Analysis. Select the Column no. Select 16. You can however specify the column sizes by using option `Column' . for Grid design STRUDS will automatically compute the column sizes taking one side as 230 mm. we have specified the column sizes 230x230 mm . 148 . Click 'OK' Click on the check box for 'Change Size Internally' Click on the check box for 'Consider Live Load Reduction' Select `Reinforcement Parameters’ button You can change the parameters by overwriting the values in the field of this window. STRUDS designs all the columns for axial load and moments due to slenderness and minimum eccentricity. In this sample building.`Orientation' option from main menu of Design module.3. The other dimension of the column is computed by the program from the axial load coming on the columns and axial load capacity of column section with one dimension as 230mm. Select `New' Select `Biaxial' option.`Orientation' from control menu of STRUDS or `Column' . Select 'Design' Select 'Save' {X-3. Select `OK' button.2} Displaying Column Design Select `View Design' option from the menu. 20. the moments on columns due to beam connectivity are not taken into account. STRUDS automatically redesigns the column for revised section and provides the steel accordingly. of bars required. The floor nos. Overwrite the previous depth 530 by new depth value 600. dimensions of columns. grade of steel. 149 . axial load on column. grade of concrete. reinforcement provided.5. Select the field of depth for floor-1 by cursor.4} Displaying The Centerline Plan Select 'Center Line' from menu. the moments on column in X and Y direction. {X-3.3. Select 'Floor 1' from the pull down menu.3. Select 'Cumulative loads'. percentage of steel etc. You can also change the section and redesign the column.(optional) Select 'save' button. STRUDS computes the centerline distance of all the columns in both X and Y directions. Select 'Close' button. are shown in the tabular form. from the origin. The loads are shown in KNS. Select 'Redesign' button. Similarly you can change the bar diameters and STRUDS will automatically recalculate the no. STRUDS displays the total loads coming on each column at the bottom-most floor level.3} Displaying Cumulative Loads Select 'View loads' from menu bar. {X-3.STRUDS TUTORIALS STRUDS displays a window showing the floor-wise design results of column no. area of steel required. STRUDS TUTORIALS Select 'Cross Section' from the menu. STRUDS also displays the reinforcement provided in the column. 150 . You can change the floor no. in the pull down menu to see the corresponding cross section of the column. The cross section of that column at bottom most floor is shown on screen. Select any column by cursor. 3.STRUDS TUTORIALS Select 'Close' from menu bar. Floorwise sizes. reinforcement of main bars. {X-3. Select 'Column Schedule' option.5} Displaying Column Design Results Select 'Report' from menu. 151 . You can obtain a hard copy of this schedule by using 'Print' option from the menu. Select 'Floorwise' option. stirrup steel and grade of concrete is shown in the schedule. STRUDS displays the column design schedule for all the columns. 152 .6} Displaying Quantity Summary Select 'Report' from the menu. Select 'Report' from menu.STRUDS TUTORIALS Select 'Close'.3. Select 'Column Quantity' option. STRUDS displays the concrete and steel quantity required for all floors and all columns. STRUDS displays the summary of overall quantities of concrete. Select 'Quantity Summary' from the menu. diameterwise steel and shuttering area required per floor of the building for every column. Select 'Close' {X-3. STRUDS TUTORIALS Select 'Close' from the menu. The main menu of Design windows application again appears on the screen. {X-3.4.7} Displaying Column Load Report Select 'Report' from the menu. Select 'Plane Grid' method. Select 'Close'. STRUDS displays a report of loads coming on the column at every floor. Select 'Column Load' option. Select 'Column Design' option STRUDS displays a text report of column design details. Select 'Close' from menu to come out of the column design module.3. Select 'Close' option. Select 'Report'. 153 . {X-3. All the basic parameters for designing are displayed in this report. {X-3.1} Defining Design Parameters Select 'Properties' option.4} Footing Design Select 'Footing' from the menu bar. You can specify by the basic parameters for footing design by exercising different options provided in this menu. Click 'Deselect' button.STRUDS TUTORIALS STRUDS displays a window having several fields and buttons. STRUDS displays 'Select Bar Diameter' window. Select 'Select Bar Diameter' button. STRUDS displays 'Soil Parameters' window 154 . 10mm. 12mm by default. Click 'Deselect' button. STRUDS selects bars of diameters 8mm. Select ' 8 mm' bar from the 'Selected' list. Select '12 mm' bar from the 'Selected' list. Select 'Soil Parameters' button from the window. main depth and steel provided are shown in the window box. STRUDS displays a warning message box. Select the 'For All Group' option Select 'Size' button from the Change option. STRUDS completes the design for all the footings. In this case the bond check for column bars fails. The X and Y dimensions of the footing. STRUDS will then automatically redesign the footing and calculate the steel required for the revised size. STRUDS displays the design results of that footing on the screen.STRUDS TUTORIALS You can change the bearing capacity of the soil if needed. Select the 'For All Group' option Select 'Size' button from the Change option. {X-3. STRUDS designs all the footings in one stroke. Select 'Design' from menu bar. edge depth. Select any of the footings by cursor. If any footing fails for any of the design checks.4.2} Displaying Footing Design Results Select `View Design' from menu. 155 . Select 'OK' button from the Design Parameters window. You can also change one of the dimensions of footing. Select the 'For All Group' option Select 'Depth' button from the Change option. Select 'OK' button. {X-3.4. A box type cursor appears on screen. STRUDS displays the reinforcement plan and cross sections about both axes of the selected footing. three icons are displayed.3} Displaying Footing Plan + Elevation Select `View Plan+Elevation' from the menu. At the top. below menu bar.STRUDS TUTORIALS Select `Close' button. 156 . You can click these icons to see the plan and cross sections simultaneously or separately. You can select any of the footings by moving cursor and clicking the left button of the mouse. 4.4} Displaying Footing Schedule Select `Report' from menu.STRUDS TUTORIALS Select `Close' option from menu bar. {X-3. 157 . STRUDS displays the footing design schedule for all the footings. Select `Schedule' option. footing sizes and reinforcement provided in every footing.`Preview' from the menu. Select `Close' {X-3.6} Displaying Centerline Plan Of Footings Select `CenterLine' from menu Select `Draw CenterLine' option.4. Select `Quantity' option. You can also see the print preview of this report by using options `Print' .5} Displaying Footing Quantity Report Select `Report' from the menu.STRUDS TUTORIALS You can get a print out of this schedule by using the `Print' option from menu. STRUDS displays the quantity report for all the footings. STRUDS displays the foundation plan of all the footings showing centers of footings. {X-3. 158 . pit sizes.4. Select `Close' from the menu bar. Select `Close' to come out of the footing design module. columns and footings of the sample building by Plane Grid method.STRUDS TUTORIALS You can put on/off the display in this graphics screen as Select `CenterLine' from the menu. All the display settings by default are put on. 159 .`Font Settings' to change the font sizes and font types of the text shown on the screen. When you again click on the same option. You can put off say footing bars in X direction by clicking on that option. Similarly you can use the options `CenterLine' . Select `Display Settings' option. beams. This way you have designed slabs. the display is put on. STRUDS TUTORIALS PLANE FRAME METHOD In this method.1} Generating Plane Frames Select `Plane Frame' from the menu. STRUDS displays a window box with many fields. {X-A 1} PREPROCESSOR Go to the control menu of STRUDS. Select `Generate Sec. Select `Generate' option. STRUDS automatically generates the plane frames in X and Y directions. Select the building 'Sample' from the window box. it is essential that you must have analyzed all the floor grids in the building so that the secondary load values on primary beams are available to the program. Select `Open' button.2} Generating Seismic and Wind Loads STRUDS can also automatically generate earthquake loads and wind loads on the frames as per the basic parameters provided by you. STRUDS now generates the gridlines for all the primary beams. STRUDS now generates the plane frames for all the primary beams. 160 .`Open' option. Select `Seismic Parameters' option. Select `Building' . For plane frames generation. Loads' option. You are now working on the Sample building project. The building plan of this building appears on the screen. Select `Preprocessor' from menu. {X. Select `Setup' from menu. Select `Load' from the menu. {X-A 1. The slab loads on beams and loads from secondary beams to primary beams are automatically computed by STRUDS.A 1. You are required to fill in the values for basic parameters for seismic load consideration. Select `Generate Grids' option. By using this option STRUDS generates the point loads from the secondary beams to primary beams by taking data from analysis results files of all the plane grids in the building. You can provide the basic parameters for wind load generation by providing values in the fields. You can click any of the options in the window. STRUDS displays the related pages from IS:1893 which you can read and provide input. But you can change this value by clicking the `Change' button. Select `Setup' .`Exit' to come out of the help topic. Similarly you can generate the wind load on building. STRUDS gives message Select `Yes' button.`Wind Load Parameters' options from the menu.STRUDS TUTORIALS Click `Help' button at the bottom left corner of the window. Select `Save' button. STRUDS shows a help file. 161 . A window with fields appears on the screen. STRUDS automatically calculates the value of K2. Select `File' . Select `Close' button from the window. STRUDS TUTORIALS Select `Save' button. Select 'Frame stiffness Basis' option. STRUDS calculates the earthquake load coming on the building in both X and Y directions and gives the message. Select `Generate EQ Load' option. 162 . Select `Load' from menu bar. Select `Close' button. 163 . Click 'OK' {X-A 1. Select `Print' .`Preview' options to see the entire text.3} Viewing EQ and Wind Load Report Select `Load' from menu bar. Select `EQ Load Report' option.STRUDS TUTORIALS Click 'OK' Select `Load' from menu bar. STRUDS generates wind load acting on the building and gives the message. Select `Generate Wind Load' option. STRUDS displays the calculations for the generation of earthquake load. Select `Close' Select `Close' This way you have generated the Plane Frames and applied Seismic and Wind loads on them. {X-A 1.STRUDS TUTORIALS Select `Close' Select `Close' Select `Load' Select `Wind Load Report' option. Select `Print' . Select `Plane Frame' -`View' 164 .4} Viewing Frames and Horizontal Loads You can also view the generated Plane Frames by using following options. STRUDS displays the intermediate results for wind load generation and their distribution.`Preview' options to see the entire text. STRUDS TUTORIALS STRUDS displays the building plan at the bottom most floor and a frame generated at the right half of the screen. In the plan the names of frames generated and their locations are shown. Below the menu bar, at top left hand four icons are shown. The first three icons are for display of plan and frame simultaneously or separately. The fourth icon is for selection of frame. When you click this icon, a cursor appears on the screen. You can click any of the grid lines and the frame formed along that grid is shown in the right half portion of screen. Also at top center two pull down menus are available. In the left menu you can select the floor plan which is to be displayed. In the right hand menu you can select the frame which is to be displayed. Select `Settings' from menu bar. Select `EQ Load' option. Select `+ve Y' option. STRUDS displays the value of seismic load in the form of nodal loads acting at every floor level. Note that for Horizontal frames the options `+ve Y' and `-ve Y' are inactivated. Similarly for vertical frames, the options `+ve X' and `-ve X' are inactivated. Because the seismic load in X 165 STRUDS TUTORIALS directions is taken by horizontal frames and the seismic load in Y direction is taken by vertical frames. Select the `Setting' from menu bar. Select `Base Shear' option. Select `+ve Y' 166 STRUDS TUTORIALS In the Right hand half portion, STRUDS displays the graphical representation of Base Shear on the frame. Similarly you can select different frames and see the values of EQ load and base shear. Select `Setting' from menu. Select `Wind Load' option. Select `+ve Y' STRUDS displays the nodal loads coming on different floor levels due to wind pressure. Similarly you can select different frames and see the wind loads on them. Select `Close' from menu. Select `Loadcases' from the menu. Select `Plane Frame' A window appears on the screen. This window displays a list of available loadcases. You can select the loacases for which you can analyze the structure. By default, STRUDS analyses all structures for DL and LL. If you want to add more loadcases, you can do so by following procedure. Select `WL X+' from list. Select `Select' button. Select `WL Y+' Select `Select' button Select `EQL X+' Select `Select' button. Select `EQ Y+' Select `Select' button Select `OK' button. Now STRUDS will analyze the plane frames for six load cases i. e. DL, LL, WLX+, WLY+, EQLX+, EQLY+. You can define any load combinations of these load cases. And select the load combination for which the design to be done. Or STRUDS will design the structure for worst load combination automatically. Select `Plane Frame' from menu bar. 167 STRUDS TUTORIALS Select `Analysis Files' - `All' options from the pull down menu. STRUDS displays a window where you can specify the location where the *.ctl file is to be saved. It should be noted that the files of plane frame should be saved only after defining the load combinations. If you first save the files and then define load cases, the frames shall be analyzed for default load cases of Dead Load and Live Load only. Select `Save' button from the window. Select `Building' - `Close' option. STRUDS gives a warning message. Select `Yes' button. Select `Building' -`Exit' options. The Control Menu of STRUDS appears on screen. {X-A 2} Analysis of Plane Frames Select `Analysis' from control menu bar. Select `Open' - `Building file' option. STRUDS displays a window where you can locate the *ctl file for analysis of the building. Select `Sample.ctl' file Select `Open' button. Select `Analysis' from menu. Select `Plane Frames' STRUDS displays a window with the list of available files for analysis. For every frame, a separate file is created. You can also do selective analysis by selecting one particular file. Select `Add All' button. Select `OK' button. STRUDS analyses all the plane frames for all the defined load cases. Select `OK' button from the message box. Now you can see the analysis results by selecting `PostProcessor' from menu bar. Or you can directly go for designing of the structure. 168 Select `Add' button.bld' from the window. In case of beams. Select 'Beam' option. Select `Add' button.1' in the field. Select `WLX+' from the list. Write 1.STRUDS TUTORIALS {X-A 3} DESIGN BY PLANE FRAME METHOD Select ` Design' from the menu. Select `OK' button.1DL + 1.1' in the field. Select `Add' button. they will be designed for every frame.1 LL + 1. Select `New' button. This way you have specified a load combination of 1. {X-A3. Select file `Sample.(optional) Select `DL' from the list.1 WLX+ 169 . Select `Close' button.1} Creating New Load Combinations You can specify the load combinations for which the beams are to be designed. STRUDS displays a window with the list of defined load cases at the left. The floor plan of the bottom most level of Sample building appears on the screen. The Slab Design will be same as that of Plane Grid Method.1 in the field provided for the field of DL below the list. Select `Load Combination' from menu bar. Select `File' . Select `LL' from list Write `1. Write `1.`Open' options. {X-A3. You can use the options in this window to specify the basic parameters for beam design. STRUDS displays another window to specify the reinforcement parameters. STRUDS displays a window box with several fields and buttons. Select `Settings' from menu.STRUDS TUTORIALS Similarly you can create any other load combinations as desired by you. Select 'Stirrup Grade': Fe250 Select 'Stirrup Dia' : 6 mm Select `OK' button. Select `Close' button. Select `Beam' from menu 170 . Select `Reinforcement' button.2} Beam Design Select `Beam' from menu. STRUDS can design the structure for any of the load combination or the worst load combination. You can again change these parameters as per your discretion. Select any of the frames by moving cursor along any grid line in the floor plan. 171 .STRUDS TUTORIALS Select `Plane Frame' option. A box cursor appears on the screen. That frame is displayed in the right half portion. Select the fourth icon at top left corner below menu bar. STRUDS displays the floor plan and the frames on the screen. {X-A3. Select `New' STRUDS displays a window showing all the load combinations specified by you in addition to the worst load combination. Select `Close' {X-A3. You can also change the Units or the font sizes of text by using `Settings' option from the menu. Select `Report' from menu. Select `Quantity' option.5} Displaying Beam Quantity Report. You can obtain the print of this report by using `Print' option from the menu.4} Displaying Bar Bending Schedule. Select `Design' from menu. You can also change the fonts etc. STRUDS displays a text report for the quantity of steel and concrete required for all the beams. Select `Report' from menu bar. Select `Close' option.STRUDS TUTORIALS Select `Proceed To design' from menu bar. Select `Worst Load Combination' from the list. STRUDS designs all the beams in this frame for the worst load combination. The shape of bar types is also indicated at the end of this report. You enter into the Beam Design Module of STRUDS. of the text by using `Setting' option from the menu. Select `Schedule' option. You can print this report by using `Print' option from the menu. Select `Close' from the menu. STRUDS displays a text report of the design schedule of all the beams. Select `Bar Bending' option. The selected frame is displayed on the screen.3} Displaying Beam Schedule Select `Report' from the menu. {X-A3. 172 . STRUDS displays the bar bending schedule report for all the bars in every beam. B2 appears on the screen. Type 25 at the field for right node. This option is useful to distribute the moments in a beam. You can specify the percentage moment to be redistributed and STRUDS recalculates the moments. A menu is displayed at the top. Select `Analysis Results' from the menu. Select `BM Diagram'. Select `SF Diagram' option. STRUDS displays the BM values of the first beam from left end.. You can see the SF values of other beams by using the up and down arrows of the beam labels field.STRUDS TUTORIALS {X-A3. STRUDS displays the SF values the first beam from left end. Select `Analysis Results' Select `Redist.values of the selected gridline. Select `Redistribute' button from the window box. Type 30 at the field for Left Node. 173 . Select B1 by cursor. Similarly you can redistribute the moments for other beam spans. STRUDS displays the revised moments after redistribution. Select `Close' button. This option allows you to visualize both BMD and SFD together. STRUDS displays the Bending Moment Diagram of the continuous beam. Select the check boxes of GridLine. The bending moment values are shown at the right hand side in a small window.' option. STRUDS displays the Shear Force Diagram of the continuous beam. The shear values are shown at the right hand side in a small window. A box type cursor appears on the screen. Select `Analysis Results' from menu bar. Select `Common' option.6} Displaying Analysis Results. The design of this beam shall be done according to these revised moments. You can see the BM values of other beams by using the up and down arrows of the beam labels field. Select `Analysis Results'. STRUDS displays a window with check boxes. Select `Close' Similarly you can use options `Def Diagram' and `Tor Diagram' to see the deflection diagram values and torsion diagram . STRUDS displays the gridline and its SFD & BMD on the screen. Shear Force and Bending Moment by cursor. The entire continuos beam comprising B1. Select `OK' button. STRUDS displays a window with fields. Select `SelectGrid' from menu. The cross section of beams is also displayed at the bottom half of the screen. Select `Ast Bot. STRUDS first displays the c/s of first beam from the left end at its support and mid-span.45 in the field provided for depth. STRUDS displays the areas of steel required at eleven points in the beam. Now suppose you want to change the section of B1.. STRUDS displays a window box with several fields and buttons. Select `Design Results' from menu. Select `Section Graphics' option. Select `Close' button from the Design Values window. Similarly you can see the c/s of successive beams in a gridline.' button. you can change the properties of all or any beam in the selected gridline. If you want to see the c/s of next beam - Select `Cross Section' from menu. Select `Properties' option.STRUDS TUTORIALS {X-A3. You can note down the maximum area of steel required. Select `Design Results' from menu. Select `Next' option. Overwrite the depth of section as 0. Select `Section Geometry' button. By using this option.7} Displaying Beam Design Results. STRUDS displays the c/s of next beam span in the continuous beam.38 in place of 0. STRUDS displays the longitudinal section of the continuous beam.(optional) 174 . Select `Close' from menu. Select `Save' button. The effect of change in analysis due to change in beam section is not considered.STRUDS TUTORIALS Select `OK' button. reanalyze and redesign the beam. {X-A 3. Select `Close' button.9} Column Numbering Select `Numbering’ option. Select `close’ button from the window. Quantity. 175 . The main menu of Beam design Module appears on the screen. This way you have designed the beams of selected plane frame. Select `Close' from menu. You can see the change in beam depth and corresponding change in reinforcement. {X-A 3. Select `Section Graphics'.`Plane Frames’ option. The options `Orientation’ and `Grouping’ are the same as used in `Column’ menu of the Preprocessor. Please note that here the analysis results remain same. You can select any of the icon to select your numbering system. If you want to take into account the effect on analysis due to change in section. STRUDS gives a warning message : `Save Changes to design ?' Select `No' button. Only the design is changed as per revised section. Bar Bending report and Section Graphics. Select `Design Results'. Similarly you can design beams for other frames. STRUDS now automatically redesigns the beam for the revised section. This change is automatically carried out in Schedule. STRUDS displays a window which allows you to number the columns in four different ways. Select `Column’ .8} Column Design Select `Column’ from Design Windows Application menu bar. Select `Close' from menu. Select `Close' from the menu. This option allows you to provide the numbers to columns in the sequence specified by you. you can change the section of that beam in preprocessor. The floor plan of bottom-most floor is displayed on the screen.10} Defining Column Design Parameters Select 'Properties' from the menu. {X-A 3. Click 'Select Bar Diameters' button. STRUDS displays the following window. 20. You can also set the reinforcement parameters of the columns. Click 'OK' Click on the check box for 'Change Size Internally' Click on the check box for 'Consider Live Load Reduction' Select `Reinforcement Parameters’ button 176 .STRUDS TUTORIALS STRUDS reads all the reaction files from the analysis of all plane frames. Select 16. by using the options in this window. minimum eccentricity. Select the Bar Diameters from the 'Available' list by double clicking on the required bar diameter. concrete cover etc. grade of steel. A window appears on the screen with several fields and buttons. You can set the basic parameters like grade of concrete. . Select `Design’ from the menu. And displays the same message box again. Select `New’ .STRUDS TUTORIALS You can change the parameters by overwriting the values in the field of this window. If any column fails for any check. This is because it is designing each column at every floor so you have to change the bar combination whenever required. Key in 2 in the check box for N1 and Key in 16 in the check box for D1. STRUDS redesigns the column.`Biaxial’ options. STRUDS displays a warning message. Select the check box for`Change bar combination’ option. The final design is for the worst load combination out of the defined load combinations. Select `Redesign’ option. 177 . STRUDS starts design of all the columns for all defined load combinations. Select `OK' button. STRUDS displays the floor-wise axial loads and moments about X and Y for the selected column.13} Displaying Loads On Column Select `View Loads’ from menu. {X-A 3. are shown. Please note that here the P. All the parameters like axial load. Select `Select Column’ option. Select 'Save' option.12} Displaying Column Design Select `View design’ from menu. 178 . {X-A3.STRUDS TUTORIALS OR Select `Ignore’ button. Mx and My remain same. Only the effect of change in size in design is taken care of. from the origin. bars & their numbers etc. reinforcement area provided. STRUDS displays the design details of the selected column in a window box. Then you can select `Save’ and `Redesign’ buttons to allow the program redesign the column. {X-A 3. {X-A 3. Select any column by cursor. moments about X and Y axes. Select `Cumulative Loads’ option. Select `Close’ button. Select `Close’ button. STRUDS displays a window box and a pull down menu providing the numbers of all floors. Select any column by cursor.11} Saving Column Design Select `Design’ from the menu. By using this option you can see the cumulative loads coming on all columns at any floor. size of the column. Select `View Loads’ from menu.14} Displaying Centerline Plan Select 'Center Line' from menu. (optional) Similarly you can select `Ignore’ when ever the check for bar spacing is not satisfied and you can increase the column size when the maximum steel percentage exceeds the limit. Select `OK’ button. The loads are displayed in kNs. If you want to change the size of column at any floor. Select the floor no. you can do so by just overwriting the previous width and depth. STRUDS displays on screen the cumulative loads on all the columns. 1 from the menu. STRUDS computes the centerline distance of all the columns in both X and Y directions. Select 'Close'. You can change the floor no. Floor-wise sizes. in the pull down menu to see the corresponding cross section of the column. stirrup steel and grade of concrete is shown in the schedule. You can obtain a hard copy of this schedule by using 'Print' option from the menu. The cross section of that column at bottom most floor is shown on screen. Select 'Column Schedule' option. STRUDS displays a report of loads coming on the column at every floor. STRUDS displays the column design schedule for all the columns. diameter-wise steel and shuttering area required per floor of the building for every column. reinforcement of main bars. Select 'Column Design' option STRUDS displays a text report of column design details. {X-A 3. {X-A 3.STRUDS TUTORIALS {X-A 3. Select 'Close'. Select 'Report' from the menu.15} Displaying Column Cross Section Select 'Cross Section' from the menu. STRUDS displays the concrete and steel quantity required for all floors and all columns.16} Displaying Column Schedule Select 'Report' from menu. 179 . STRUDS also displays the reinforcement provided in the column. Select 'Column Quantity' option. Select any column by cursor. Select 'Report' from the menu. Select 'Column Load' option.17} Displaying Column Quantity Report Select 'Report' from menu. Select 'Close' Select 'Report' from the menu. Select 'Close' from menu bar. Select 'Close' from the menu. {X-A 3. Select 'Quantity Summary' from the menu. STRUDS displays the summary of overall quantities of concrete.18} Displaying Column Load Report. All the basic parameters for designing are displayed in this report. {X-A 3.19} Displaying Detail Column Design Report. STRUDS displays a text report of the floor-wise worst load combination for every column.20} Displaying Column Schedule Report. STRUDS displays the floor plan of the bottom most floor. Select `Close’ from menu. {X-A3. Select 'Properties' option. Select ‘Grouping’ option to group the footings as per the loads and the type of footings (optional). Select `All load combinations’ option. The main menu of Footing Design module appears on the screen.22} Defining Design Parameters STRUDS displays a window having several fields and buttons. 180 . You can specify by the basic parameters for footing design by exercising different options provided in this menu. Select 'Close' from menu to come out of the column design module.21}Footing Design Select `Footing’ Select ‘Plane frame’ option. Select `Report’ from menu. STRUDS displays the design results of all columns for all load combinations in text form. Select `Close’ option. {X-A3. Select `Worst Load Combination’ option. The main menu of Design windows application again appears on the screen. A table is displayed for floor -wise design output and the load cases with factors for the worst load combination in the last column of the table. Select `Report’ Select `Schedule’ option.STRUDS TUTORIALS {X-A 3. Select 8 mm bar from the 'Selected' list. STRUDS displays 'Select Bar Diameter' window. If any footing fails for any of the design checks. Select 'Soil Parameters' button from the window. Click 'Deselect' button. Select 'OK' button. In this case the bond check for footing bars fails. STRUDS displays a warning message box. Select 12 mm bar from the 'Selected' list. 10mm. STRUDS designs all the footings in one stroke. Click 'Deselect' button. STRUDS displays a small window where you can specify the properties of soil. 12mm by default. 181 . STRUDS selects bars of diameters 8mm. Select 'Design' from menu bar. Select 'OK' button from the Design Parameters window.STRUDS TUTORIALS Select 'Select Bar Diameter' button. You can also change one of the dimensions of footing.24} To View Plan + Elevation. 182 . You can click these icons to see the plan and cross sections simultaneously or separately. Select `View Plan+Elevation' from the menu. Select `Close' button. Select 'Save' option.23} To View Design Select `View Design' from menu. Select the 'For All Group' option Select 'Size' button from the Change option. The X and Y dimensions of the footing.STRUDS TUTORIALS Select the 'For All Group' option Select 'Depth' button from the Change option. Select `Close' option from menu bar. STRUDS displays the reinforcement plan and cross sections about both axes of the selected footing. three icons are displayed. Select 'Design' from menu bar. edge depth. STRUDS completes the design for all the footings. main depth and steel provided are shown in the window box. below menu bar.25} To View Footing Schedule Select `Report' from menu. You can select any of the footings by moving cursor and clicking the left button of the mouse. Select the 'For All Group' option Select 'Size' button from the Change option. At the top. STRUDS will then automatically redesign the footing and calculate the steel required for the revised size. Select any of the footings by cursor. {X-A3. {X-A3. STRUDS displays the design results of that footing on the screen. {X-A3. A box type cursor appears on screen. columns and footings of the sample building by Plane Frame method. When you again click on the same option.STRUDS TUTORIALS Select `Schedule' option. Select `Close' from the menu bar. Select `Quantity' option. Select `Display Settings' option. All the display settings by default are put on. {X-A3. Similarly you can use the options `CenterLine' . pit sizes. You can get a print out of this schedule by using the `Print' option from menu.27} To View Footing CenterLine Plan Select `CenterLine' from menu Select `Draw CenterLine' option.26} To View Quantity Report Select `Report' from the menu. Select `Close' to come out of the footing design module. footing sizes and reinforcement provided in every footing. STRUDS displays the quantity report for all the footings. STRUDS displays the foundation plan of all the footings showing centers of footings. Select `Close' {X-A3. You can also see the print preview of this report by using options `Print' .`Preview' from the menu. This way you have designed beams. You can put on/off the display in this graphics screen as Select `CenterLine' from the menu. 183 . You can put off say footing bars in X direction by clicking on that option.`Font Settings' to change the font sizes and font types of the text shown on the screen. STRUDS displays the footing design schedule for all the footings. the display is put on. You can also generate Wind and Earthquake loads as in Plane Frame Method. By default the support condition is taken as fixed. Select `Generate’ option.e.2} To View Space Frame Select `Space Frame’ from menu. STRUDS generates the space frame for Sample building. STRUDS displays the 3-d view of space frame for the entire structure. 184 . {X-B 1. Select the building ‘Sample’ from the window box. of each floor. Select `Preprocessor' from menu. {X-B 1.1} Generating Space Frame Select `Space Frame’ from the menu. At the top two pull down menu are available which show the floor no. at footing level by using `Space Frame’ .STRUDS TUTORIALS SPACE FRAME METHOD {X-B1} PREPROCESSOR This is the most desirable method for analysis and design. Select `Open' button. Select `View’ -`Space Frame’ option. You can change the support conditions at the bottom of space frame i.`Support’ option. and level no. Select `All Floors’ from the pull down menu. By using this option you can view the space frame generated for the sample building.`Open' option. You are now working on the Sample building project. STRUDS automatically generates a 3d space frame from the floor plans defined by you. Similarly you can select a particular floor and see the 3-d view of that floor. Select `Building' . Select the icon for `Isom’ (Isometric view) from the left top corner. Go to the control menu of STRUDS. So the footings will be designed for biaxial moments. STRUDS displays a new screen with graphical icons at the top left corner and along the left side of the screen. Select `Y-Z’ icon. You can also rotate the 3-d space frame by using the Rotation option. Four icons are displayed in the form of left / right / up and down arrows. Select `X-Z’ icon. Select the second icon. STRUDS displays two different views of the structure in horizontally split manner. The right icon is for Zoom-Window option. Which is the plane frame. These icons indicate Zoom-in and Zoom-out option. Select the fourth icon. Select the third icon.sign.STRUDS TUTORIALS Select the icon for `X-Y’ (View in XY plane) STRUDS displays the 2-d plane grid view of space frame in XY plane. You can select these icons to move the display of structure to left. You can select these icons to enlarge or compress the view of structure. STRUDS displays the 2-d view in XZ plane. There are two icons shown by + and . STRUDS displays four different views of the structure. At the top left corner. right. STRUDS displays two different views of the structure in vertically split manner. STRUDS displays the view of the space frame in YZ plane. up or down. four icons are arranged horizontally. Below this another pair of icons is present.Which is a plane frame. The left icon is for Zoom-all option. 185 . You can select these icons to view the full structure or enlarge the selected portion of structure. STRUDS TUTORIALS Select the first icon. STRUDS displays the full screen view of the structure. Select `Space Frame’ from menu. Select `View’ - `Settings’ STRUDS displays a window with two pull down menus. Select the left pull down menu Element Ids. Select `Space Frame’ option. Select `Node Ids’ menu. Select `Space Frame’ option. Select `OK’ button. STRUDS displays the element nos. and node nos. of all the elements and nodes of the structure in display. Select `Building’ from menu. Select `Close’ option. STRUDS puts off the display of space frame view. {X-B 1.3} Generating Seismic and Wind Loads Select `Setup' from menu. Select `Seismic Parameters' option. 186 STRUDS TUTORIALS STRUDS displays a window box with many fields. You are required to fill in the values for basic parameters for seismic load consideration. STRUDS generates loads as per IS:1893. If you do not know about the values to be fed in Click `Help' button at the bottom left corner of the window. STRUDS shows a help file. You can click any of the options in the window. STRUDS displays the related pages from IS:1893 which you can read and provide input. Select `File' - `Exit' to come out of the help topic. Select `Save' button. STRUDS gives message Select `Yes' button. Select `Close' button from the window. Similarly you can generate the wind load on building. Select `Setup' - `Wind Load Parameters' options from the menu. A window with fields appears on the screen. You can provide the basic parameters for wind load generation by providing values in the fields. STRUDS automatically calculates the value of K2. But you can change this value by clicking the `Change' button. 187 STRUDS TUTORIALS Select `Save' button. Select `Close' button. Select `Load' from menu bar. Select `Generate EQ Load' option. STRUDS calculates the earthquake load coming on the building in both X and Y directions. Select `Load' from menu bar. Select `Generate EQ Load' option. Select 'Frame stiffness Basis' option. STRUDS calculates the earthquake load coming on the building in both X and Y directions and gives the message. 188 STRUDS TUTORIALS Click 'OK' Select `Load' from menu bar. Select `Generate Wind Load' option. STRUDS generates wind load acting on the building and gives the message. Click 'OK' Select `Load' from menu bar. Select `EQ Load Report' option. STRUDS displays the calculations for the generation of earthquake load. Select `Print' - `Preview' options to see the entire text. Select `Close' Select `Load' Select `Wind Load Report' option. STRUDS displays the intermediate calculations for wind load generation and their distribution. Select `Close' option. {X-B 1.4} Defining Load Cases Select `Loadcases' from the menu. Select `Space Frame' A window appears on the screen. This window displays a list of available loadcases. You can select the loacases for which you can analyze the structure. By default, STRUDS analyses all structures for DL and LL. If you want to add more loadcases, you can do so by following procedure. Select `WL X+' from list. Select `Select' button. Select `WL Y+' Select `Select' button Select `EQL X+' Select `Select' button. Select `EQ Y+' Select `Select' button Select `OK' button. Now STRUDS will analyze the space frame for six loadcases i. e. DL, LL, WLX+, WLY+, EQLX+, EQLY+. You can define any load combinations of these load cases. And select the load case for which the design to be done. Or STRUDS will design the structure for worst load combination automatically. Select `Space Frame' from menu bar. Select `Analysis Files' - `All' options from the pull down menu. 189 Select `Open' .`Open' options. The floor plan of the bottom most level of Sample building appears on the screen. Select `Space Frame' STRUDS analyses the space frame for all the defined loadcases. Or you can directly go for designing of the structure.1} Creating New Load Combinations For Beam Design You can specify the load combinations for which the beams are to be designed. Select `Sample. {X-B 3} DESIGN BY SPACE FRAME METHOD Select ` Design' from the control menu.bld' from the window. Select `Building' .ctl file is to be saved. Select `OK' button from the message box. Select `Building' -`Exit' options. they will be designed for entire space frame. Select `Yes' button.STRUDS TUTORIALS STRUDS displays a window where you can specify the location where the *. STRUDS displays a window where you can locate the *ctl file for analysis of the building. Now you can see the analysis results by selecting `PostProcessor' from menu bar. In case of beams.`Building file' option. Select file `Sample.ctl' file Select `Open' button. {X-B 3. But their results will be displayed floor wise as in Plane Grid method. 190 . Select `Save' button from the window. The Control Menu of STRUDS appears on screen. Select `Analysis' from menu. {X-B 2} Analysis of Space Frame Select `Analysis' from menu bar. Select `File' . STRUDS gives a warning message. The Slab Design will be same as that of Plane Grid Method. Select `OK' button.`Close' option. 1 WLX+ Similarly you can create any other load combinations as desired by you. Select `Add' button. STRUDS displays a window with the list of defined load cases at the left. Select `Close' button. {X-B 3. Write 1.STRUDS TUTORIALS Select `Load Combination' from menu bar.(optional) Select `DL' from the list. Select `New' button. Select `WLX+' from the list. STRUDS can design the structure for any of the load combination or the worst load combination. Select `Close' button.1 in the field provided for the field of DL below the list. Write `1. Select 'Beam' option.2 } Beam Design By Space Frame Method Select `Beam' from menu. This way you have specified a load combination of 1.1' in the field. STRUDS displays a window box with several fields and buttons. You can use the options in this window to specify the basic parameters for beam design. 191 .1' in the field. Select `Settings' from menu.1 LL + 1. Select `Add' button.1DL + 1. Select `Add' button. Select `LL' from list Write `1. 192 . STRUDS displays another window to specify the reinforcement parameters. Select `Beam' from menu Select `Space Frame' option.STRUDS TUTORIALS Select `Reinforcement' button. STRUDS displays the following window. You can again change these parameters as per your discretion. Select 'Stirrup Grade': Fe250 Select 'Stirrup Dia' : 6 mm Select `OK' button. STRUDS TUTORIALS Select Floor ID . Select `New' STRUDS displays a window showing all the load combinations specified by you in addition to the worst load combination. STRUDS displays a dialog box 193 . STRUDS displays a message. Select `Worst Load Combination' from the list. Click 'Yes' to change the beam properties. 1 Click ‘OK’ Select `Design' from menu. STRUDS displays a text report of the design schedule of all the beams. It displays another window Click 'Close' button.3} To Save Design Select `Design' from the menu. Click 'Save' button. Click 'Close' button.B3.B 3. {X. {X. 194 .6} To Save Design Select `Report' from menu bar. Select 'Auto' option.B 3. You can also change the fonts etc. of the text by using `Setting' option from the menu. Select `Close' {X.5} To View Beam Schedule Select `Report' from the menu.4} Grouping Of Beams Select 'Grouping' from the menu. You can print this report by using `Print' option from the menu. Select `Save' from the menu. Select `Schedule' option. Select 'Auto' option.B 3. Select 'Marking' from the menu.STRUDS TUTORIALS Click 'Change' button. {X. You can also change the Units or the font sizes of text by using `Settings' option from the menu.7} To View Analysis Results Select `Analysis Results' from menu bar. Select `Close' option.STRUDS TUTORIALS Select `Bar Bending' option. Select `Report' from menu. Select `Quantity' option. 195 . {X. STRUDS displays a text report for the quantity of steel and concrete required for all the beams.B 3. Select `SelectGrid' from menu. Select `SF Diagram' option. You can obtain the print of this report by using `Print' option from the menu. The entire continuos beam comprising B1. Select `Close' from the menu. Select B1 by cursor. A box type cursor appears on the screen. A menu is displayed at the top. B2 appears on the screen. STRUDS displays the bar bending schedule report for all the bars in every beam. The shape of bar types is also indicated at the end of this report. Select `Close' Similarly you can use options `Def Diagram' and `Tor Diagram' to see the deflection diagram values and torsion diagram . You can specify the percentage moment to be redistributed and STRUDS recalculates the moments. Select `Next' option. STRUDS displays the Bending Moment Diagram of the continuous beam. If you want to see the c/s of next beam Select `Cross Section' from menu. Select `Common' option. STRUDS first displays the c/s of first beam from the left end at its support and mid-span. The design of this beam shall be done according to these revised moments. This option allows you to visualize both BMD and SFD together STRUDS displays a window with check boxes. Shear Force and Bending Moment by cursor.' option. You can see the SF values of other beams by using the up and down arrows of the beam labels field. Similarly you can see the c/s of successive beams in a gridline. STRUDS displays the revised moments after redistribution.STRUDS TUTORIALS STRUDS displays the Shear Force Diagram of the continuos beam. Select `Analysis Results' from the menu. Select `Analysis Results' Select `Redist.B 3. Select `Redistribute' button from the window box. Select the check boxes of GridLine. Similarly you can redistribute the moments for other beam spans. STRUDS displays the BM values the first beam from left end.. Select `OK' button. You can see the BM values of other beams by using the up and down arrows of the beam labels field. Select `Design Results' from menu. 196 . Select `Close' button. The shear values are shown at the right hand side in a small window. This option is useful to distribute the moments in a beam. {X. Type 25 at the field for right node. Type 30 at the field for Left Node. The cross section of beams is also displayed at the bottom half of the screen.values of the selected gridline. STRUDS displays a window with fields. The bending moment values are shown at the right hand side in a small window. Select `BM Diagram'. STRUDS displays the longitudinal section of the continuos beam.8} To View Design Results. STRUDS displays the gridline and its SFD & BMD on the screen. Select `Close' from menu. STRUDS displays the SF values the first beam from left end. Select `Analysis Results'. STRUDS displays the c/s of next beam span in the continuos beam. Select `Section Graphics' option. Select `Close' button. STRUDS gives a warning message : `Save Changes to design ?' Select `No' button. Only the design is changed as per revised section. reanalyze and redesign the beam. {X-B 3. STRUDS displays a window box with several fields and buttons. Select `Close' from menu.(optional) Select `OK' button. STRUDS now automatically redesigns the beam for the revised section. Select `Ast Bot. you can change the properties of all or any beam in the selected gridline. The main menu of Beam design Module appears on the screen.STRUDS TUTORIALS Select `Design Results' from menu. This change is automatically carried out in Schedule. Quantity. Select `Close' button from the Design Values window. If you want to take into account the effect on analysis due to change in section..38 in place of 0. This way you have designed the beams of selected floor plan of the structure. Select `Section Graphics'. By using this option. Similarly you can design beams for other floors.' button.9} Column Design By Spaceframe Method Select `Column’ from Design Windows Application menu bar.10} Column Numbering 197 . STRUDS displays the areas of steel required at eleven points in the beam. {X-B 3. Select `Section Geometry' button. Select `Close' from menu. The options `Orientation’ and `Grouping’ are the same as used in `Column’ menu of the Preprocessor. The effect of change in analysis due to change in beam section is not considered. Select `Save' button. Select `Close' from the menu. You can see the change in beam depth and corresponding change in reinforcement. Now suppose you want to change the section of B1. Please note that here the analysis results remain same. Bar Bending report and Section Graphics.45 in the field provided for depth. Select `Design Results'. you can change the section of that beam in preprocessor. Overwrite the depth of section as 0. You can note down the maximum area of steel required. Select `Properties' option. 198 . STRUDS displays the following window. You can set the basic parameters like grade of concrete. Click 'Select Bar Diameters' button. grade of steel.11} Defining Design Properties Select `Properties' option. You can also set the reinforcement parameters of the columns. A window appears on the screen with several fields and buttons. STRUDS displays a window which allows you to number the columns in four different ways. Select `Close’ button from the window {X-B 3. concrete cover etc. You can select any of the icon to select your numbering system.STRUDS TUTORIALS Select `Numbering’ option. by using the options in this window. This option allows you to provide the numbers to columns in the sequence specified by you. minimum eccentricity. Select `Design’ from the menu. Select `Column’ . The final design is for the worst load combination out of the defined load combinations. STRUDS displays a warning message. The floor plan of bottommost floor is displayed on the screen. Select `New’ . Select 16. STRUDS starts design of all the columns for all defined load combinations. 199 .STRUDS TUTORIALS Select the Bar Diameters from the 'Available' list by double clicking on the required bar diameter.`Biaxial’ options. 20. Click 'OK' Click on the check box for 'Change Size Internally' Click on the check box for 'Consider Live Load Reduction' Select `Reinforcement Parameters’ button You can change the parameters by overwriting the values in the field of this window. STRUDS reads all the reaction files from the analysis of space frame.`Space Frame’ option. Select `OK' button. Please note that here the P.13} To View Design Select `View design’ from menu. size of the column. {X-B 3. (optional) Similarly you can select `Ignore’ when ever the check for bar spacing is not satisfied and you can increase the column size when the maximum steel percentage exceeds the limit.STRUDS TUTORIALS Select the check box for`Change bar combination’ option. OR Select `Ignore’ button. By using this option you can see the cumulative loads coming on all columns at any floor. {X-B 3. Then you can select `Save’ and `Redesign’ buttons to allow the program redesign the column. moments about X and Y axes. Select `Cumulative Loads’ option. Select 'Save' option.12} Saving Column Design Select 'Design' from the menu. bars & their numbers etc. {X-B 3. Only the effect of change in size in design is taken care of. STRUDS redesigns the column. All the parameters like axial load. 200 . Select `Close’ button. reinforcement area provided. Select any column by cursor. If you want to change the size of column at any floor. STRUDS displays the design details of the selected column in a window box. Select `Redesign’ option.. STRUDS displays a window box and a pull down menu providing the numbers of all floors. you can do so by just overwriting the previous width and depth. Key in 2 in the check box for N1 and Key in 16 in the check box for D1. And displays the same message box again. This is because it is designing each column at every floor so you have to change the bar combination whenever required. Mx and My remain same.14} To View Loads Select `View Loads’ from menu. are shown. 18} To View Column Load Report Select 'Report' from the menu. Select 'Column Quantity' option. stirrup steel and grade of concrete is shown in the schedule. Select 'Close' from menu bar. {X-B 3. Select 'Report' from menu.STRUDS TUTORIALS Select the floor no. Select any column by cursor. Select `OK’ button. 201 . Select 'Close' from the menu. {X-B 3. Select 'Quantity Summary' from the menu. STRUDS displays the concrete and steel quantity required for all floors and all columns. Select `Select Column’ option.17} To Column Quantity Report. Select 'Close'. {X-B 3. Select `Close’ button. Select `View Loads’ from menu. STRUDS displays the column design schedule for all the columns. Select 'Cross Section' from the menu. STRUDS computes the centerline distance of all the columns in both X and Y directions. in the pull down menu to see the corresponding cross section of the column. STRUDS also displays the reinforcement provided in the column. {X-B 3. Select 'Column Load' option. diameter-wise steel and shuttering area required per floor of the building for every column.15} To View Center Line Plan Select 'Center Line' from menu. You can change the floor no.16} To View Column Schedule Report Select 'Report' from menu. You can obtain a hard copy of this schedule by using 'Print' option from the menu. STRUDS displays the floor-wise axial loads and moments about X and Y for the selected column. Select 'Column Schedule' option. The loads are displayed in kNs. STRUDS displays on screen the cumulative loads on all the columns. 1 from the menu. Floor-wise sizes. reinforcement of main bars. Select 'Close' Select 'Report' from the menu. from the origin. STRUDS displays the summary of overall quantities of concrete. The cross section of that column at bottom most floor is shown on screen. Select any column by cursor. All the basic parameters for designing are displayed in this report. STRUDS displays the floor plan of the bottom most floor.20} Footing Design By Spaceframe Method Select `Footing’ Select ‘Spaceframe’ option. Select `Worst Load Combination’ option. The main menu of Design windows application again appears on the screen. Select `Close’ option from menu. A table is displayed for floor -wise design output and the load cases with factors for the worst load combination in the last column of the table. The main menu of Footing Design module appears on the screen. STRUDS displays the design results of all columns for all load combinations in text form. Select 'Close'. STRUDS displays a window having several fields and buttons. Select `Close’ from menu. Select 'Properties' option.STRUDS TUTORIALS STRUDS displays a report of loads coming on the column at every floor. {X-B 3. Select ‘Grouping’ option to group the footings as per the loads and the type of footings (optional). Select `All load combinations’ option. 202 . Select 'Close' from menu to come out of the column design module. Select `Report’ Select `Schedule’ option. STRUDS displays a text report of the floor-wise worst load combination of every column. Select 'Column Design' option STRUDS displays a text report of column design details. Select 'Close' option. Select `Report’ from menu. You can specify by the basic parameters for footing design by exercising different options provided in this menu.19} To View Detail Report Of Column Design. {X-B 3. Select 'Report'. Click 'Deselect' button. STRUDS designs all the footings in one stroke. In this case the bond check for footing bars fails. STRUDS selects bars of diameters 8mm. 10mm. STRUDS displays a small window where you can specify the properties of soil. Select 8 mm bar from the 'Selected' list. STRUDS displays a warning message box.STRUDS TUTORIALS Select 'Select Bar Diameter' button. 12mm by default. Select 'OK' button. If any footing fails for any of the design checks. Select 'Soil Parameters' button from the window. Select 'Design' from menu bar. Select 'OK' button from the Design Parameters window. Select 12 mm bar from the 'Selected' list. 203 . STRUDS displays 'Select Bar Diameter' window. Click 'Deselect' button. edge depth. You can also see the print preview of this report by using options `Print' .`Preview' from the menu. {X-B 3. The X and Y dimensions of the footing. {X-B 3. Select `Schedule' option. Select any of the footings by cursor. You can get a print out of this schedule by using the `Print' option from menu. Select `Close' from the menu bar.23} To View Plan + Elevation Select `View Plan+Elevation' from the menu. STRUDS displays the footing design schedule for all the footings. {X-B 3. main depth and steel provided are shown in the window box. STRUDS displays the reinforcement plan and cross sections about both axes of the selected footing. {X-B 3.24} To View Footing Schedule Select `Report' from menu. STRUDS displays the design results of that footing on the screen. 204 . Select ‘Save’ option. Select `Close' button. You can also change one of the dimensions of footing. You can click these icons to see the plan and cross sections simultaneously or separately. STRUDS will then automatically redesign the footing and calculate the steel required for the revised size.STRUDS TUTORIALS Select the 'For All Group' option Select 'Depth' button from the Change option. STRUDS completes the design for all the footings. At the top. below menu bar. You can select any of the footings by moving cursor and clicking the left button of the mouse.21} To Save Footing Design Select ‘Design’ option from menu.22} To View Footing Design Select `View Design' from menu. A box type cursor appears on screen. three icons are displayed. Select `Close' option from menu bar. 25} To View Footing Quantity Report. pit sizes. Similarly you can use the options `CenterLine' . STRUDS displays the foundation plan of all the footings showing centers of footings. Select `CenterLine' from menu Select `Draw CenterLine' option. All the display settings by default are put on. Select `Close' {X-B 3. footing sizes and reinforcement provided in every footing.`Font Settings' to change the font sizes and font types of the text shown on the screen. STRUDS displays the quantity report for all the footings. You can put off say footing bars in X direction by clicking on that option. You can put on/off the display in this graphics screen as Select `CenterLine' from the menu. Select `Quantity' option. Select `Report' from the menu. 205 . Select `Display Settings' option.STRUDS TUTORIALS {X-B 3. the display is put on. When you again click on the same option.26} To View Footing Centerline Plan. This way you have designed beams. 206 . columns and footings of the sample building by Space Frame method.STRUDS TUTORIALS Select `Close' to come out of the footing design module. STRUDS TUTORIALS 207 .
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