Structural Steel Sectional Properties

March 25, 2018 | Author: Hareesh R Iyer | Category: Structural Steel, Structural Engineering, Civil Engineering, Engineering, Steel



Parallel Flange Beams from Jindal Steel & Power along-with Comparable Sections of I-BeamsSECTIONAL PROPERTIES Designati on (with BS41:1993 /ASTM Section Beam A6 al Wt. Depth /BIS:1277 H-Beam Section (with (in (H) in 8 Kg/m) mm relevent Inch size x lbs/ft) applicable PARALLEL NARROW FLANGE COLUMN SECTIONS Flange Width (W) in mm Web Thk. (tw) in mm Flange Thk. (tf) in mm Fillet Radius Sectional ( R) in Area (A) mm in cm2 Geo. Moment of Inertia Radius of Gyration Iy (cm4) Ix (cm4) ry (cm) Modulus of Section rx (cm) Zy (cm3) Zx (cm3) A. COLUMN- 150x150 152.4x152.2x23.0 UC-152 23.0 152.4 152.2 5.8 6.8 7.6 29.25 399.9 1250 3.7 6.54 52.55 164 157.6x152.9x30.0 UC-152 30.0 157.6 152.9 6.5 9.4 7.6 38.26 560.5 1748 3.83 6.76 73.31 221.8 161.8x154.4x37.0 UC-152 37.0 161.8 154.4 8 11.5 7.6 47.11 706.2 2210 3.87 6.85 91.48 273.2 203.2x203.6x46.1 UC-203 46.1 203.2 203.6 7.2 11 10.2 58.73 1548 4568 5.13 8.82 152.1 449.6 206.2x204.3x52.0 UC-203 52.0 206.2 204.3 7.9 12.5 10.2 66.28 1778 5259 5.18 8.91 174 510.1 209.6x205.8x60.0 UC-203 60.0 209.6 205.8 9.4 14.2 10.2 76.37 2065 6125 5.2 8.96 200.6 584.4 215.8x206.4x71.0 UC-203 71.0 215.8 206.4 10 17.3 10.2 90.43 2537 7618 5.3 9.18 245.9 706 222.2x209.1x86.1 UC-203 86.1 222.2 209.1 12.7 20.5 10.2 109.6 3127 9449 5.34 9.28 299.1 850.5 254.1x254.6x73.1 UC-254 73.1 254.1 254.6 8.6 14.2 12.7 93.1 3908 11410 6.48 11.07 307 897.9 260.3x256.3x88.9 UC-254 88.9 260.3 256.3 10.3 17.3 12.7 113.3 4857 14270 6.55 11.22 379 1096 266.7x258.8x107.1 UC-254 107.1 266.7 258.8 12.8 20.5 12.7 136.4 5928 17510 6.59 11.33 458.1 1313 276.3x261.3x132.0 UC-254 132.0 276.3 261.3 15.3 25.3 12.7 168.1 7531 22530 6.69 11.58 576.4 1631 289.1x265.2x167.1 UC-254 167.1 289.1 265.2 19.2 31.7 12.7 212.9 9870 30000 6.81 11.87 744.3 2075 307.9x305.3x96.9 UC-305 96.9 307.9 305.3 9.9 15.4 15.2 123.4 7308 22250 7.69 13.42 478.7 1445 314.5x307.4x117.9 UC-305 117.9 314.5 307.4 12 18.7 15.2 150.2 9059 27670 7.77 13.57 589.4 1760 320.5x309.2x136.9 UC-305 136.9 320.5 309.2 13.8 21.7 15.2 174.4 10700 32810 7.83 13.72 692.1 2048 327.1x311.2x158.1 UC-305 158.1 327.1 311.2 15.8 25 15.2 201.4 12570 38750 7.9 13.87 807.8 2369 339.9x314.5x198.1 UC-305 198.1 339.9 314.5 19.1 31.4 15.2 252.4 16300 50900 8.04 14.2 1037 2995 352.5x318.4x240.0 UC-305 240.0 352.5 318.4 23 37.7 15.2 305.8 20310 64200 8.15 14.49 1276 3643 365.3x322.2x282.9 UC-305 282.9 365.3 322.2 26.8 44.1 15.2 360.4 24630 78870 8.27 14.79 1529 4318 B. COLUMN- 200x200 N. COLUMN-250x250 O. COLUMN-300x300 77 1063 11700 3.2 85.8 10.8x179.76 14.1 306.6 5537 3.2 94.2x67.3 206.9 796.6 165.7 13.3 10.3 1071 ISMB-400 61. BEAM-400x180 400x140x8.4x166.26 351.1 UB 406 54.0 310.5x51.7 7.17 8.82 16.5 400 140 8.5 7.21 384.4x177.4 1156 D.7 10.6 147.1 409.87 128.0 256 146.4 11.3 400 180 8.1 UB 406 67.8 779 351.54 1365 24330 3.6 39.7 F.86 12.3 76.5 410 251.0 206.8 133.2x133.71 57.0 UB 356 57.65 560.76 112.9 7.93 91.4 212 203.48 114.0 UB203 30.4 165 6 10.7 7.1 14/7 486 8990 2.4 178.0 UB-305 54.1 1022 400 x 180 x 66.55 61.2 76.95 16.4 6544 3.6 38.83 77.7 7.65 10.48 10.9 6.0 300 140 7.0 358 172 8.7 9899 3.2 UB 406 74.6x147.9 16 14/7 622 20500 2.51 94.09 157.75 895.45 280 ISMB-250 37.1 UB203 25.6 31.4 166.5x74.9 1020 402.4 358x172x57.5 10.32 764.98 108.33 811.4 350 140 8.1 8.7 2896 3.5 13/6.91 14.8 135.3 UB-305 40.0 259.1 256x146.4 173.4 177. BEAM-350x170 350x140x8.99 15.2 12.2 133.8x67.52 10.5 21 84.9 7.0 351.0 363.86 12.85 16.97 16.1 12070 3.4 69.8 7.5 1318 23130 3.4x171.3 IPE / NPB 400 66.66 146.1 402.1 13 10.Parallel Flange Beams from Jindal Steel & Power along-with Comparable Sections of I-Beams SECTIONAL PROPERTIES Designati on (with BS41:1993 Section Beam /ASTM al Wt.6x177.6 ISMB-350 52.9 12.6 259. BEAM-250x150 250x125x6.9 E.1 645.1 G.6 7.1 203.1 ISMB-300 46. BEAM-300x150 300x140x7.3 7.4x165x40.1 1171 20290 4 16.68 447.4 8503 3.8 8.7 11.6 54.11 Modulus of Section rx (cm) Zy (cm3) Zx (cm3) 8.1 7 9.5 4413 3.6 13. Depth A6 H-Beam Section (with (in (H) in mm relevent Inch size x lbs/ft) /BIS:1277 Kg/m) 8 PARALLEL NARROW FLANGE BEAM SECTIONS C.2x25.9 930 406. (tf) in mm 10 Fillet Radius Sectional ( R) in Area (A) mm in cm2 11/5.2 85.9 12.49 1362 19460 3.4 171.8 179.4 753. Moment of Inertia Radius of Gyration Iy (cm4) Ix (cm4) ry (cm) 137 2120 2.9 10.96 432.2 57.1 UB-305 46.1 UB 254 31.4 146. (tw) in mm 5.7x46.5 Geo.9 13.7 310.77 677.5 306.9 .3 303.97 307.5 9.99 16.7 ISMB-200 25.84 14.9 7.9x60.9x30.2 64.2 9.95 1021 18720 3.2 72.51 1545 27310 4.1x31.3 14140 3.6 7.17 570.4 397 180 7 12 21 73.2 68.56 1108 16040 3.7 10.4 200 Flange Width (W) in mm 100 Web Thk.2 1323 397 x 180 x 57.3x43.1 6 8.1 UB 406 60.9 58.4 9.0 355 171.56 46.19 230.04 17 172.7 6.0 UB 254 37.6 177.2 8.8x133.6 47.7 1189 412.6 2340 3.7 8. BEAM-200x150 200x100x5.9 51.9 68.4 53.4x37.2 5.36 10.9 12.2 88.1 363.55 130.7x54.7 355x171.5 599 303.1 14.1 406.93 13.52 1203 21600 3.81 686.3 10.1 15.0 UB 254 43.5 335 5130 2.8 8.87 152.86 14.9x54.6x165.7 896.7 10.91 968.04 127.7 Flange Thk.4 IPEA / NPB 400 57.2 412.0 UB 356 51.97 504.4x178.1x45 UB 356 45.29 27.3 1063 409.4x173.1 251.2 14/7 538 13600 2.5 16 10.87 92.4x146.8 14.1 UB 356 67.4 6.3 250 125 6. BEAM-500x200 500x180x10.6 450 190 9.2 500 x 200 x 90.2 230.9 3069 612.9 6241 M.1 12.75 811. BEAM-600x220 600x210x12 ISMB-600 123.9 3434 87320 4.7 96.0 PARALLEL WIDE FLANGE BEAM SECTIONS rx (cm) Zy (cm3) Zx (cm3) L.4 3622 IPE O / NPB 600 154.2 602.0 HE M/ WPB 600 285.4 600 220 12 19 24 156 3387 92080 4.31 20.5 11270 141200 7.3 20/10 Fillet Radius Sectional ( R) in Area (A) mm in cm2 Geo.12 18.6 13.66 24.9 617.0 607.7 159.5 27 164.0 1350 85.2 17.5 30 27 270 13530 171000 7.2 252 3060 UB 610 101.7 506 x 202 x 107 IPEO / NPB 500 107 H.2 152 1810 200 8.66 171.88 343.2 1928 506 202 12 19 21 137 2620 57780 4.4 456 192 11 ISMB-500 86.88 24.7 IPEO / NPB 400 75.0 620 305 21 40 27 363.9 7673 142700 6.97 24.6 456 x 192 x 92.53 23.03 16.2x230.5 14.61 193.3 2778 UB 610 113.0 571 300 12 15.2 13.77 24.0 600 602.6 3879 Iy (cm4) Ix (cm4) ry (cm) 597 x 220 x 108.0 HE B/ WPB 600 212.0 HE AA/WPB 600 129.1 2515 IPE A / NPB 600 108.4 1564 26750 4.6 10.6 2284 Parallel Flange Beams from Jindal Steel & Power along-with Comparable Sections of I-Beams SECTIONAL PROPERTIES Designati on (with BS41:1993 /ASTM Section Beam A6 al Wt.1 612.1 1331 21 98.5 12180 215300 6.0 HE A/ WPB 600 178.0 HE AA/ WPB 700 150.4 IPE / NPB 600 122.6 1502 29760 4. (tw) in mm Flange Thk.52 403.8 12.05 24.2 16 21 116 2142 48200 4.2 1795 10.48 176.0 590 300 13 25 27 226.1 22.4 450 150 9.97 751.38 20.63 301 2874 600 x 220 x 122.05 391.5 27 27 260.75 24.7 404 182 9.0 607.9 UB 610 139.4 1500 17. (tf) in mm 210 12 20.6 21 118 2085 40920 4.3 12. BEAM-450x150 450x150x9.6 I.4 15/7.3 3932 98610 4.19 18.38 20.0 HE A / WPB 700 204.03 25.24 256.01 18.7 18980 237400 7.4 14.1 17.2 Flange Width (W) in mm Web Thk.4 450 x 190 x 77.6 12.6 283.65 158. Moment of Inertia Radius of Gyration Modulus of Section 2650 91800 4.0 610 224 15 24 24 197 4521 118300 4.7 178.1 6993 91900 6.5 21 ISMB-450 72.2x139.66 466.4 IPEA / NPB 500 79.17 902 5701 620 x 305 x 285.4 4787 600 x 300 x 212.0 600 300 15.7 128.6x228.7 15.0 610 x 224 x 154.4 14.0 690 300 14.2 17/8.34 511.5 4260 690 x 300 x 204.1 21 IPE / NPB 450 77.34 27.5 21 101 1939 42930 4.55 1244 7660 670 x 300 x 150.8 17.4 497 IPE / NPB 500 90.5 1370 45200 3.6x227.5 447 x 190 x 67.52 20.6 227.5 24 137 3116 82920 4.2 447 190 7.9 1728 500 200 10.4 3221 617.8 1676 33740 4.6x101.2 111.65 217.2x229x125. BEAM-600x300 571 x 300 x 129.7 143.79 24.08 25.84 28.21 18.0 597 220 9.43 241.404 x 182 x 75.4 17.9 1324 834 30400 3.2 3218 590 x 300 x 178.9 2915 75780 4.12 24.2 229 11.1 UB 610 125. Depth /BIS:1277 H-Beam Section (with (in (H) in 8 Kg/m) mm relevent Inch size x lbs/ft) applicable J.9 19.2 4505 111800 5.4 IPEO / NPB 450 92.22 25.2 IPEA / NPB 450 67.56 259.3 307. BEAM-700x300 .2 11.0 670 300 13 17 27 190.9 500 180 497 x 200 x 79.2x113.6 228. 02 26.2 6.4 67 760 .6 11.3 8.71 zx ISMC 125 x 65 13.7 9 10 21.4 68. Depth H-Beam Section (with (in (H) in /BIS:1277 mm relevent Inch size x lbs/ft) 8 Kg/m) applicable Channels Flange Width (W) in mm Web Thk.0 700 300 17 32 27 306.6 13 46.5 24.3 300 90 7.34 52 As per IS : 3443 -1980 SPECIFICATION FOR CRANE RAIL SECTIONS RAILS As per IRS -T-12 1996 Parallel Flange Beams from Jindal Steel & Power along-with Comparable Sections of I-Beams SECTIONAL PROPERTIES Designati on (with BS41:1993 /ASTM Section Beam A6 al Wt.0 716 304 21 40 27 383 18800 329300 7.82 15.56 100 50 5 7.91 5.8 15.5 307 ISMC 250 x 82 34.1 12 43.2 11.97 zy 7.9 326 ISMC 300 x 90 36. Moment of Inertia Radius of Gyration Modulus of Section ISMC 100 x 50 9.87 28.22 8. (tw) in mm Flange Thk.05 13.0 HE B/ /WPB 700 241.5 105 ISMC 175 x 75 19.2 9.92 38.9 122 1240 2.5 313 6420 2.7 61.37 9.7 7340 716 x 304 x 301.8 47.4 181 ISMC 250 x 80 30.6 175 75 6 10. (tf) in mm Fillet Radius Sectional ( R) in Area (A) mm in cm2 Geo.2 10.5 141 1830 2.96 962.8 13.0 HE M / WPB 700 301.68 40.1 12 39 211 3880 2.08 19.3 200 75 6.2 250 82 9 14.04 23 141 ISMC 200 x 75 22.1 ISMC 150 x 75 16.8 508 15200 2.1 400 100 8.01 29.3 15 63.2 Iy 26.21 7.7 Ix 192 ry 1.4 11 28.2 89 UIC60 IRS -52 60.700 x 300 x 241.1 425 1.3 103 788 2.37 9.32 1237 9198 Iy (cm4) Ix (cm4) ry (cm) rx (cm) Zy (cm3) Zx (cm3) CRANE RAILS CR-80 CR-100 64.8 150 75 5.4 14440 256900 6.1 428 ISMC 400 x 100 50.7 9 12.1 125 65 5.2 14.5 244 4080 2.6 250 80 7.48 rx 3.5 16. 2004 HE .Rolling Tolerance shall be as per following : IS:1852. ASTM A572 Gr. UB as per BS4 1:1993.UC .Wide Parallel Flange Beams IS Code 12778 . DIN 17100 St 37-2.Material also available in High Tensile Grades IS 8500 Fe490B. ASTM A6-98 : ISMB Sections are listed only for comparison Specific customised sections can also be supplied in comparable sizes wihNote mutual consent Section Designatgions UC. IPE as per Euronorm 1957 NPB.DIN 17100 St 52-3.Narrow Parallel Flange Beams IS Code 12778 -2004 WPB . ASTM A36.50. EN10025 :1993 S275JR.European Narrow flange Parallel beams *Material can be supplied in Normal Grades IS: 2062 Gr.European Wide Flange Beams IPE . EN 10024: 1995. JIS G3101: 1995 SS400 .B/Fully Killed.BS4360:1990 50C.British Universal Beams NPB . JIS G3101: 1995 SS 490.Bristish Univeral Columns UB . BS4360: 1990 40DD/43D. WPB as per IS:12778(BIS Standard) HJ as per JIS 3192 :1994 . EN10025:1993 S355JO:.
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