Strip Footing Design Example

March 26, 2018 | Author: Mthokozisi Mbiba | Category: Foundation (Engineering), Deep Foundation, Beam (Structure), Structural Load, Concrete



Design Example 3: Reinforced Strip Foundation.| Builder's Engineer Page 1 of 6 Builder's Engineer Home Posts RSS Search Comments RSS Design Example 3: Reinforced Strip Foundation. Twittear 2 0 Echo The Concrete Experts All Purpose Prestressed Concrete Call Our Expert Me gusta Total Pageviews 564,755 7 The load-bearing wall of a single-storey building is to be supported on a wide reinforced strip foundation. A site investigation has revealed loose-tomedium granular soils from ground level Feed to some considerable depth. The soil is variable with Enter your email address: a safe bearing capacity ranging from 75–125 kN/m2. Also some soft spots were identified, where the Subscribe bearing capacity could not be relied upon. Delivered by FeedBurner The building could be supported on ground beams and piles taken down to a firm base, but in this case the solution chosen is to design a wide reinforced strip foundation capable of spanning across a soft area of nominal width. To minimize differential settlements and allow for the soft areas, the allowable bearing pressure will be limited to na = 50 kN/m2 throughout. Soft spots encountered during construction will be removed and replaced with lean mix concrete; additionally, the footing will be designed to span 2.5 m across anticipated depressions. This value has been derived from the guidance for local depressions given later on raft foundations. The ground floor slab is designed to be suspended, although it will be cast using the ground as permanent formwork. Loadings If the foundations and superstructure are being designed to limit state principles, loads should be kept as separate unfactored characteristic dead and imposed values (as above), both for foundation bearing pressure design and for serviceability checks. The loads should then be factored up for the design of individual members at the ultimate limit state as usual. For foundations under dead and imposed loads only, factoring up loads for reinforcement design is best done by selecting an average partial load factor, γP, to cover both dead and imposed superstructure loads from Fig. 11.22 (this is a copy of Fig. 11.20 Reinforced Search concrete strip design conditions.). Search Follow @Engineershrb 5/7/2015 . using grade 35 concrete A pile cap is required to transfer the load (see The following are the various boring methods commonly used: (i) Auger boring.46. γF = 1.22.9 = 18. Design Example 3: Reinforced Strip Foundation. (ii) Auger and shell boring..0 kN/m2 This is all dead load. Pile caps. 14. thus the (weight of the) new foundation imposes no additional surcharge. The minimum foundation width is given by Popular Posts COMPONENTS OF A BUILDING: Sub-structure and Superstructure. TIMBERING OF TRENCHES .4.SOILS. (iii) Wash boring. | Builder's Engineer Page 2 of 6 Find us on Facebook The Builder Like 145 people like The Builder.. (iv) Percus.. the combined partial safety factor for superstructure loads is γP = 1..abuildersengineer. 11. and (ii) Supers1ructure. 11. A site investigation has revea. Design Example 5: Pad base – axial load plus bending moment (small eccentricity). BORING METHODS .. Sizing of foundation width New ground levels are similar to existing ones. Black cotton soils and oher expansive soils have typical characteristics of shrinkage and swelling due to moisture movement through them. Adopt a 1. and may be ignored. FOUNDATIONS FOR BLACK COTTON SOILS. the sides of the trench may cave in. 11.html 5/7/2015 . f = average density × depth RETAINING WALLS (10) EXCAVATIONS (9) SURFACE = 20 × 0.30 . A column pad base is subject to an axial load of 200 kN (dead) plus 300 kN http://www. Example: Pile cap design.2 m wide × 350 mm deep reinforced strip foundation. Facebook social plugin Fig.SITE EXPLORATION. Labels FOUNDATIONS (134) PILES (61) WATERPROOFING (58) STRUCTURES (57) SOILS (47) FOOTINGS (30) SITE EXPLORATION (30) BUILDING (29) PAD FOUNDATIONS (18) STRIP From Fig..23). The problem can be solved by adopting. Sub-structure or Foundation is the lower p. from a 400 mm × 400 mm column to four 600 mm diameter piles. FOUNDATIONS (18) CONCRETE (15) RAFT FOUNDATIONS (14) DRILLED PIER FOUNDATIONS (13) Weight of base and backfill.. The load-bearing wall of a single-storey building is to be supported on a wide reinforced strip foundation.22 Combined partial safety factor for dead + imposed loads. thus the combined partial load factor for foundation loads.Design Example 3: Reinforced Strip Foundation. When the depth of trench is large.... or when the sub-soil is loose. A building has two basic parts: (i) Substructure or foundations. as shown in Fig. Du. on roofs.Slip Sandwich Raft. consisi of moving or variable loads.. and a bending moment of 40 ECCENTRICALLY LOADED FOOTINGS.. Grillage foundations consist of a number of layers of beams usually laid at right angles to each other and used to disperse heavy point load. cantilever. Design . of the superimposed load coincides with the C. Powered by Blogger. Design .G.Jacking Raft Design .Lidded Cellular Raft. The footings are so designed and proportioned that the C. Tied foundations ..Design. PIPING FAILURES IN SAND CUTS.Design Example 3: Reinforced Strip Foundation. | Builder's Engineer Page 3 of 6 (imposed).Cellular Raft. so that the f. http://www.Description.Buoyancy Raft. To suit site constrai. Design . 11.Beam Strip Raft. Grillage Foundations .abuildersengineer. Design Example: Slip Sandwich Raft... Balanced foundations (rectangular. Tied and Balanced Foundations. ▼ 2013 (158) ► December (4) Reactive upwards design pressure for lateral reinforcement design ► November (4) ► October (4) ► September (5) ► August (4) ► July (5) ► June (5) ► May (8) ► April (9) ► March (17) ► February (31) ▼ January (62) Design Example: Rectangular Balanced Foundation.. temporary . LIVE LOADS IN A BUILDING: on floors... Live loads. Design . Tied and Balanced Foundations.. Design . due to people or occupants.23 Reinforced strip foundation design example – loads and bearing pressures. their furniture.G. also called as super-imposed loads. Blog Archive ► 2015 (6) ► 2014 (29) Fig. of the base area. Design Example: Tied Portal Frame Base. tr. Lateral bending and shearb = 1000 mm.html 5/7/2015 . BRACED CUTS. Design of Semi-Fexible Raft Layouts Design Principles . Reinforced Concrete Pads and Strips.. Design Example 5: Pad base – axial load plus bendi. Trench Fill Strips. Rectangular and tee-beam Continuous Strips. Information collection/assessment . Foundation Design: Definition of Bearing Longitudinal bending and shear due to depressions Pressures. therefore no shear reinforcement is required.....Reinf.5 m local depression is FOUNDATION DESIGN CALCULATION PROCEDURE. Select Foundation: Questioning the information and. Sizing of the Design: Continuous Beam Strips.Nominal Crust Raft – Semi-Flexible Semi-Fexible Rafts: Design Span for Local Depressi. Crust Raft ... The ultimate load causing bending and shear in the foundation is the total load i. Design Example: Reinforced Pad Base. Unreinforced Concrete Pads and Strips.... Design .. Thus vu < vc . Selection of the Appropriate Foundation.Design Example 3: Reinforced Strip Foundation. Design Example: Nominal Crust Raft. Ultimate moment due to foundation spanning – assumed simply supported – over a 2. General Approach to Choice of Foundations.Sizing up of the Design .Structural Co. Floating Slabs (Ground Slabs).. Unreinforced Concrete Strips.. Foundations: General Design Method. http://www.. superstructure load + foundation load.Floating Slabs.html 5/7/2015 . Design Example: Deep Mass Concrete Pad Base. Foundation Design: Calculation of Applied Bearing .. Pad Foundations with axial Loads and Bending Momen. the foundation is acting like a suspended slab... Bearing Pressure Design .Semi-Fexible Rafts. Design Example: Floating Design Decisions: Continuous Beam Strips. Grillage Foundations . which is given by Trench Fill Foundation Design Decisions. Floating Ground Foor Slabs. | Builder's Engineer Page 4 of 6 ANCHORAGE OF BULKHEADS. Pier and Beam Foundations. Retaining Walls.Semi-Flexible Rafts. Design Example 3: Reinforced Strip Foundation. Design Decisions . Where a local depression occurs.Description. Width for reinforcement design is b = B = 1200 mm.. Exploitation of Foundation Stiffness and Resulting. Structural Design of Foundation Members. Loading for spanning over depressions Design Example: Trench Fill Strip Footing.abuildersengineer. Sizing of the Slab.e. Design Decisions .Design. Fig.html 5/7/2015 . The depression could also occur at the corner of a building where two footings would meet at right angles. | Builder's Engineer Page 5 of 6 Suspended Ground Floor Slabs.24 Reinforced strip footing design example – reinforcement. Anchor Blocks .49 N/mm2.. 11.abuildersengineer. http://www. Design Decisions .Description. ► 2012 (304) Thus vu < vc = 0. Categories: STRIP FOUNDATIONS Related Post: STRIP FOUNDATIONS Sizing of the Design: Continuous Beam Strips. Unreinforced Concrete Rectangular and tee-beam Continuous Strips.Design Example 3: Reinforced Strip Foundation. therefore no shear reinforcement is needed. Anchor Piles . Reinforced Concrete Pads and Strips. Design Decisions: Continuous Beam Strips.Sizing up of the Design . Timber Piles . Steel Piles .Description. A similar calculation should then be carried out.Description. to provide top reinforcement for both footings to cantilever at these corners.Description. Pile Caps and Ground Beams. Design Example: Trench Fill Strip Footing.Reinforced Concrete Pads and Strips. Depression at corner of building The previous calculations have assumed that the depression is located under a continuous strip footing. .abuildersengineer. Comment as: Publish Newer Post » Select profile..    Preview Home « Older Post Builder's Engineer | Based on the Design by Tricks-Collection | Unlimited Entertainment like TV Shows and Movies collections http://www... really and to the point April 2... 2015 at 10:39 PM Post a Comment Enter your | Builder's Engineer Page 6 of 6 Trench Fill Foundation Design Decisions.Design Example 3: Reinforced Strip Foundation.html 5/7/2015 .. 1 comentarios: sathya said. Trench Fill Strips..
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