STRATOS Competition Guidelines

March 16, 2018 | Author: Saurabh Natu | Category: Banks, Euro, Business Economics, Economics, Market (Economics)



Competition GuidelinesRoadmap       STRATOS – A Snapshot Who can Participate How to Participate Deadlines What’s Up for Grabs STRATOS – More Details  Simulation  Financial  Market Positioning 2 . The Business will sell cars into the Western European market only   The Winning Team will be the one which generates the maximum “Economic Value Added (EVA)” 3 . This Simulation will take place in the “Western European Car Market”. So you will not only compete with the other new entrants (other teams) but also with the existing car manufactures in the market Your task is to start and build a profitable & sustainable business (on your laptop) that rewards its shareholders for their investment over a min 6 yr period. It is a Team Event.STRATOS – A Snapshot   STRATOS is a Business Simulation Game. The Market will be defined by data given by ABG only  Each team will be a new entrant into the Western European Car Market. IIML. Only 1st year students of the PGP Program can participate Teams of exactly 4 members each from the same college can apply    Stage 1 – Any number of teams can apply to participate in STRATOS (for the Shortlisting process see slide 5) Stage 2 –Post Shortlisting. IIMB. IIMC. XLRI. It will be played in 2 Stages.Who Can Participate  This competition will be held individually on the following campuses: IIMA. only 5 teams from each campus will be able to play STRATOS at their Campus 4  . refer slide 10) Key Focus Areas (what your company stands for and why) Financial Predictions at the end of the 6 years: (Return on Equity. each team will have to email a 5 Slide Strategy PPT containing: Team Name and Vision Statement (you can even make a logo) Where to Play (Deciding on which segment and age-group will you target. 5. 4. Market share.) Names and Brief Profile of Team Members  1. 2. 3. brand etc. The decision on the teams that qualify to play STRATOS (Stage 2) will purely be based on the PPT (first 4 slides) 5 . key ratios. Go Through Slides 8-10 in detail Post that.How to Participate – Stage 1    Form a team of 4 members from your college Go through the Market Research Document in Detail. Deadlines  All entries (i.e. 6     .com The last date for receiving the entries for IIMB is August 16. IIMB_Mercedes The teams that have qualified to play STRATOS (Stage 2) will be informed of the same at least 3 days prior to the event on their respective campus For any queries / clarifications. the PPT) must be emailed to abg.+91 9820170115 or write to the above email. 2010 The subject line of your email needs to be CollegeName_Team Name. please feel free to get in touch with Vinay Choudhary .stratos@adityabirla. eg.  i.e.00. they will directly go in for the interview round and will skip all the preceding 3 shortlisting rounds 7 .000  The Best Team(s) across the 5 campuses will be eligible for a PPI for ABG’s Leadership Programs during the summer process.What's up for Grabs  The Winning team from each campus gets a total Cash Prize of INR 1. from finance and understanding accounts to marketing. the results are then printed for every round in the form of an annual report showing company trading and accounts. The simulation is fully interactive so participants are working in a live marketplace which may change every year (every round)     8 .STRATOS – Simulation Details  Each team will be a new entrant into the Western European Car Market. The decisions to be made involve a wide range of business skills. effective interpretation of information. strategy. presentation skills and many others. Each Users enter a set of decisions which the master system analyzes. Each team has the opportunity to build and run its own company on their laptop. So you will not only compete with the other 4 new entrants (4 other teams at your college) but also with the existing car manufacturers in the market. raw material. 9  . There are no production facilities and no workforce. however the bank will only lend up to a maximum of twice the current value of shareholder's funds. etc A long-term loan from the bank can be negotiated to cover any cash shortfall.  To support the funding of this enterprise £500 million will be insufficient when the following costs are taken into consideration : (ie you will have to take on debt) • Cost of new Factory : £650 million (all factories will be in the UK) • Cost of R&D for New Car Model (after year 1): £300 million • Cost of wages.STRATOS – Financial Details    The starting position is a green field site and £500 million in the bank raised from the issue of 5 million £100 shares. research & development. designs and options. The current economic environment as per the Market Research Document prevails. costs. Large : £15. marketed.000. Luxury : £40.  Even though you are a new entrant in a very difficult sector to enter and make a mark.000+.500. Medium : £12.etc well. The marketplace is Western Europe and market research informs us that the car market is divided statistically into the following car sizes and age groups:  Each model may be targeted at one of these 16 sectors. priced .00010 £100. A maximum of five models is allowed but only one new model can be introduced each year.000-£21.  . t hey will sell and will not suffer due to the goodwill and reputation of the existing players The car sizes are categorized by selling price ranges as follows : • City : up to £14.STRATOS – Market Positioning Details    In the first year of operation two different models of car must be produced.000. the simulation is designed in such a way that if your cars are designed.000-£45. Thank You 11 .
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