Stratigraphic Lexicon of Indonesia

March 18, 2018 | Author: Aditama Wahyu Nugroho | Category: Geology, Stratigraphy, Geological Formation, Rocks, Petrology



STRATIGRAPHIC LEXICON OF INDONESIAName of Unit Age Nomenclature Type Locality section : Canyon : Halang Formation : Miocene : Kastowo & Suwarna (1966) : Halang Hill, Majenang Quadrangle, Jawa. Type Cikabayutan River through Geger Halang (Halang Hill), 108049’E702’S. Description : Alternating sandstone, claystone, marl and tuff, with inetrcalation of breccia. Fossil Content : Lepidocyclina (Trybliolepidina) ruteni, Lepidocyclina borneensis, Lepidocyclina douvillei, Cycloclypeus indopasificus, C. Postindopacificus. Safarudin (1982) mentioned the occurrence of planktonic foraminifers in the lower and upper part of the formation. The foraminifers iin the lower part of formation indicate N15 N 16 age whereas those in the upper part indicate N15 N18 age. Fossils of upper bathyal environment were also found i.e. Gyrodina sp and Epinedes sp. Stratigraphic Relationship : This formation conformably overlies the Lawak Formation and is disconformably overlain by theTapak Formation. Thickness : 400 – 700 m Distribution : Western part of North Serayu Mountains Depositional Setting : Submarine fan on neritic depth Tectonic Setting : Fore arc basin Economic Aspect :Remark : This unit was formed as turbidite deposits. This name was used by Haar (1934), Hetzel (1935) and van Bemmelen (1949). Reference : Kastowo and Suwarna, N. 1996. Geological Map of the Majenang Quadrangle, Jawa, 1 : 100.000. Geological Research and Development Centre, Bvandung. Name of Unit Age Nomenclature Type Locality : Peniron Formation : Pliocene : Asikin et al. (1992a,b) : Peniron Village, 13 km north of Kutoarjo, Kebumen Quadrangle, Jawa. Description : Breccia with intercalation of tuff. Breccia has fragments of pyroxene andesite, clay stone and limestone. Fossil Content : No data Stratigraphic Relationship : This unit is conformably overlain by the Halang Formation. Thickness : Abaout 400 m Distribution : Northeast part of the Kebumen Quadrangle, Jawa Depositional Setting : Upper submarine fan Tectonic Setting : Fore arc Stratigraphic Relationship : Correllated with the Pamatuan. Geological Research and Development Centre. Handoyo. Sphaeroidinellopsis subdehiscens.400 m Distribution : Banyumas Quadrangle. Globigerina amphiapertura.. Asikin.. Jawa Depositional Setting : Deep marine (turbidite) Tectonic Setting : Back arc Economic Aspect : Building materials Remark : Name of formation originally by Hehanusa (1973) Reference : Asikin.000. Asikin. Catapsydrax unicava unicava. S. 1 : 100. conglomerate.. Globorotalia menardii. and Gafoer. Handoyo.000.b) : Totogan Village. Jawa. Geological Research and Development Centre. Globorotalia siakensis. 1 : 100.. Name of Unit Age Nomenclature Type Locality Description Fossil Content : Totogan Formation : Early Oligocene – Early Miocene : Asikin et al. This name originally proposed by Suharsono (1978) : Asikin. S. and Gafoer. (1992a. claystone. S. S. and Gafoer.. Prastistho B. Busono. ± 17 km north of the Kebumen. Jawa. Thickness : 300 . Globigerina parva.. 8 km north in the Kebumen Quadrangle. 1992b. in the Kebumen Quadrangle. H.. and tuffaceous claystone.Economic Aspect Remark Reference :: Harloff (1933) called this unit the “Derde Breccic Horizont”. Globoquadrina venezuelena. Jawa. claystone. S. A.. A. marl. Jawa. under the influence of turbidite current. Bandung.. Globigerina yeguaensis. Geology of the Banyumas Quadrangle. S.b) : Penosogan Village. : Polymictic breccia. S. Bandung. Handoyo. Fossil Content : Globorotalia praermenardii. Jawa. Orbulina universa and Orbulina bilobata. Geological Map of the Banyumas Quadrangle... Globigerina tripartita. (1992a. Jawa. 1992b. Geological Research and Development Centre. H. Busono. 1992a. A. Geology of the Kebumen Quadrangle. and Gafoer. Geological Research and Development Centre. Name of Unit Age Nomenclature Type Locality : Penosogan Formation : Midde Miocene : Asikin et al. A. Kalipucang and Pemali Formations. tuff. Prastistho B. Bandung. sandstone. marl and calcarenite. : Catapsydrax dissimilis. Bandung.. Geological Map of the Kebumen Quadrangle. S. Description : Alternation of calcareous sandstone. Handoyo. . 1992a. Geological Map of the Kebumen Quadrangle. A. S. Gr. Handoyo. thinning southwards Distribution : Western and middle portion of the Kebumen Quadrangle. Globigerinoides immaturus.000. Globigerina sp. Bandung. Globorotalia bulbrooki. The Paleocene species are thought to represent reworked individuals. Globigerinoides trilobus. Globigerina tripartita.. Globigerapsis mexicana. Thickness : 150 m. Globigerina praebulloides. Gyroidina sp.. Jawa.Globigerinoides altiaperturus. Handoyo. Tribloculinoides. Description : Scaly clay with blocks of limestone. Ga. Depositional Setting : Upper bathyal Tectonic Setting : Back arc Economic Aspect : Generally used for construction materials Remark :Reference : Asikin. Globigerinoides sacculifer. and is conformably overlain by theTotogan Formation (Oligocene Early Miocene) Thickness : 1350 m Distribution : This unit exposed at the core of Karangsambung Anticline. Name of Unit Age Nomenclature Type Locality : Karangsambung Formation : Midde Eocene – Oligocene : Asikin et al. Geological Research and Development Centre. Geological Research and Development Centre. Uvigerina sp. A. Geology of the Kebumen Quadrangle. Gyroidina soldanii... Globorotalia opima nana. Jawa. Gr. lower part conformably overlies or interfingers with Eocene – Oligocene Karangsambung Formation. Uvigerina sp. Stratigraphic Relationship : Conformably overlain by the Waturanda Formation. Globorotalia gracilis. Ga. Sellii. Bolivarianan. Fossil Content : Globigerina boweri. and Gafoer. north of Kebumen Town Depositional Setting : Bathyal Tectonic Setting : Fore arc Economic Aspect : No data . conglomerate. Globigerinatheka barri. Globiorotalia aequa. Asikin. S.. Daubjargensis. 1 : 100. Jawa. 14 km north of Kebumen City. 1992b. Kebumen Quadrangle. (1992) : Karangsambung Village. Busono. Busono. Globorotalia opima nana. H. H.. Globorotalia siakensis. Globorotalia centralis. Globoquadrina altispira. Jawa. Stratigraphic Relationship : This formation disconformably overlies the pre – Tertiary unit. 1992a. S. The limestone contains larger foraminiferal species indicating a Late Eocene age (Tb). and Gafoer.. Southern and Central part of the Banjarnegara – Pekalongan Quadrangle. sandstone. S. Bandung. Ga. claystone and basalt. Yeguaensis. Catapsydrax unicsvus. S. . Busono..000.. the unit was called Eocone Formation by Harloff (1933). and Gafoer. Geological Research and Development Centre Bandung. Handoyo. S. : Asikin. Formely. 1992. Jawa. H. A.Remark Reference : This unit was formed as oliostrome and turbidite deposits.. Geologycal Map of the Kebumen Quadrangle. 1 : 100.
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