Storwize V7000 Technical Sales Related Resources



Below is an updated index of Storwize V7000 technical sales related resources that are currentlyavailable. Forward this information to your IBM and Business Partner contacts who may not be on the technical notifications distribution lists. Be sure to save this information for ongoing reference. There are lots of links here that you will refer back to regularly. You can replace your older versions of this information with this updated reference guide. Please contact Lisa Dorr if you would like to see any specific additions to this resource index. (Please remove the last section of this note - IBM Internal Only Technical Training - before forwarding to Partners.) IBM AND BUSINESS PARTNER RESOURCES IMPORTANT LINKS  Get on the Storwize V7000 Technical Distribution List This distribution list is used to send you direct e-mail notifications for Storwize V7000 technical training events, technical sales resources and other key technical sales related information. If you received this note directly (not forwarded from someone else), you are already on this distribution. Please feel free to forward this note to other Storwize V7000 technical team members who may find this information useful. Click here to send an e-mail request to get on the Technical Notifications distr list If you would like to be removed from the Storwize V7000 Technical Distribution List, click here to send an e-mail request to be removed  IBM Storwize V7000 Sales Kit Site Be sure to check out the Sales Kit site - Sales and solutions information and presentations, customer presentations, links to training calls, tools, competitive and architecting information and more. Constantly being updated, this is a site you MUST bookmark and visit often. Link to the IBM Storwize V7000 Sales Kit site Bus Partners: t TECHNICAL TRAINING  IBM Storwize V7000 Deep Technical Sales Training Sessions Available For On Demand Replay The four key IBM Storwize V7000 deep technical training sessions are now available on the IBM Video Education Portal for on demand replay. These sessions were delivered by the IBM Advanced Technical Skills Team Oct 8, 12, 13 and 14. You can watch the video online with the Video Portal Video viewer which also provides on the fly transcripting, or you can download the recorded session in a variety of formats for off-line playing. The presentation power point files, the transcript and even the power point presentation with embedded transcript are also all posted for each session to help you when re-presenting this information to your customers or when you are creating your own custom presentations using some of these materials. Also check out the great navigation features - one click jump to any point in the presentation based on the search, power point slide indicator, and much more. Please let me know what you think of this new IBM video education delivery tool.. Use the links below to access the Video Portal via the required IBM link, then click on 'IBM Storwize V7000' under 'Products' in the left hand portion of the screen. To access the IBM Video Education Portal site and/or sign up for a new User account, use the links below to the STG Online Learning Site Video Portal link page. Scroll down in the 'Information' tab at this link to click on the link to the vPortal. If you are a new Video Portal user, you will need to set up a new User account – it will not automatically recognize your PartnerWorld or IBM intranet user information. Note that you must bookmark the links below for the vPortal, you cannot book it directly as domain referral from an internal IBM site is used to validate your access. BP: All calls are recorded and made available for on demand replay on the IBM STG SmartZone. and you have the opportunity to interactive with the experts panel with live Q/A on each of these calls. These training sessions are delivered by key IBM Storwize V7000 subject matter experts. Here is a listing of what has already been delivered and/or is on the schedule for delivery in 1Q . IBM Storwize V7000 Monthly Technical Sales Training Sessions Approximately once a month a Storwize V7000 technical sales training session is offered on a variety of topics that are of interest to the IBM and Business Partner Technical Sales field teams. You will receive an invitation to these calls if you join the IBM Storwize V7000 Technical distribution list (see instructions in first section to join this distribution). com/infocenter/storwize/ic/index. BP http://www.jsp .check it out! http://publib. then click on 'IBM Storwize V7000' to expand course offerings. Flash Demos.Part 1 Dec 16 Everything You Need to Know About IBM Service / Services Offerings for the new Storwize V7000 2011 Jan 25 How to Perform Technical Delivery Assessments on Storwize V7000 Midrange Disk Products .where it will be publicly available to IBM. There are some great resources here for you to use and learn from . then click on 'IBM Storwize Rapid Application Storage' to expand course offerings. Bus Partners and Customers.including a GUI Tour flash demo . Flash Copy Manager. and availability. Be sure to get on the technical notifications distr list if you would like to receive direct e-mail invitations to these How to access Storwize RAS replays on STG SmartZone: Click on the link below and sign in with your IBM intranet or PartnerWorld  IBM Storwize Rapid Application Storage Technical Training -Available for On Demand Replay The Storwize Rapid Application Storage solution bundle announced on January This bundled solution provides a comprehensive mid range disk solution bundle with TPC MRE. Implementation Services and warranty maintenance upgrades. Click on the 'Course Catalog' tab in the middle portion of the Storwize V7000. 2010 Nov 30 How to Prepare for Technical Delivery Assessments on Storwize V7000 Midrange Disk Products .2011.public site Development provided e-learning and product documentation is posted on the IBM Storwize V7000 Information Center site . and for the components of the bundle.Part 2 Direct links to call information: IBM Business Partners Feb 15 Using Capacity Magic to Size Storwize V7000 Disk Systems Direct links to call information: IBM Business Partners Mar 31 Performance Modeling the new IBM Storwize V7000 in Disk Magic Direct links to call information: IBM Business Partners How to access training call replays posted on STG SmartZone: Click on the link below and sign in with your IBM intranet or PartnerWorld ID. product documentation and more on the Storwize V7000 Information Center site  Storwize V7000 e-Learning modules. increased application performance. This solution is designed to provide your customers with a storage solution that provides: Increased storage utilization. and cut implementation time in half with little or no impact to storage administrator staff. 2011. BP http://www. There is a complete listing of Storwize Rapid Application Storage technical training available for on demand replay on the STG SmartZone Training consists of specific training for the Storwize Rapid Application Storage bundle. Click on the 'Course Catalog' tab in the middle portion of the screen. improved storage administrator productivity. Course description: Leverage SAN storage connectivity by integrating a layer of intelligence .3. IBM® is introducing the IBM Storwize the IBM Storwize V7000 Continuing its commitment to developing and delivering industry-leading storage technologies. Link to course facilitate storage application data access independence from storage management functions and The newest module in the e-learning series for Storwize V7000 explains the IP Replication solution. schedule and registration site: http://www.   IBM Storwize V7000 Implementation Workshop .com/services/learning/ if you have any problems accessing these offerings. Improve storage utilization effectiveness via thin provisioning.wss/us/en? pageType=course_description&courseCode=sse00 TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION IBM Redbooks . and the high level steps required to deploy the solution.the IBM Storwize V7000 . Facilitate the coexistence and migration of data from non-virtualized to the virtualized environment. midrange price.5 day hands on System Administration course This new tuition based course is now available to . application-integrated storage. modular design that's offered at a competitive. Exploit both internal storage of the IBM Storwize V7000 as well as SAN attached external heterogenous storage to centralize storage provisioning to both Fibre Channel and iSCSI host servers from common storage pools. Focus on planning and implementation tasks associated with integrating the IBM Storwize V7000 into the storage area network. its capabilities for replicating AND recovering your customers data. Instead of limiting our client conversations to "the box" and its ability to deliver high performance and scalable capacity. and exceptional ease of use and performanceÑall integrated into a compact.  IBM Storwize V7000 IP Replication Solution e-Learning Materials Available IBM Storwize V7000 represents a significant shift in IBM's go-to-market approach for midrange storage solutions. The complete set of Storwize V7000 e-Learning materials are available at the links below. we are expanding our view to describe a comprehensive midrange storage solution optimized to meet client needs for efficient. For Business Partners: All four modules are posted on the following site: ftp://ftp. an innovative new storage offering that delivers essential storage efficiency technologies.boulder. The IBM Storwize V7000 IP Replication solution has become a popular example of this new solution Please contact Donneitta Morrison (dkmorris@us. Business Partners and Customers. Implement storage tiering and optimize solid state drives (SSD) usage with Easy Tier. SVC and Storwize V7000 Deployment Considerations Guide January 2011  Storwize V7000 e-Learning modules. IBM SAN Volume Controller or IBM DS8000® Storage System WP101765 Implementing disaster recovery solutions with IBM Storwize V7000 and VMware Site Recovery Manager WP101844 IBM Easy Tier on DS8000.listed with direct links for easy access. Watch this space for additional papers on VMware. Links to the Storwize V7000 ISV Sales Kit: PartnerWorld Here are the documents that are available as of January 28.000 Mailbox Resiliency Exchange 2010 Storage Solution WP101760 Deploying IBM Storwize V7000 in VMware Environments WP101767 Using Symantec NetBackup and the IBM Storwize V7000 FlashCopy function / Concepts and best practices for backup and restore solution on Linux WP101832 IBM Storwize V7000 with IBM PowerVM Live Partition Mobility Configuration and best practices WP101771 IBM Storwize V7000 Practice guide: Backup and restore of native Oracle Database solutions using IBM Tivoli Flashcopy Manager Version 1. raising the standard for storage efficiency in midrange disk systems.IBM Storwize V7000 incorporates some of IBM's top technologies typically found only in enterprise-class storage systems.where it will be publicly available to IBM. It contains marketing assets as well as sales and technical enablement materials including presentations. Flash Demos. This cutting-edge storage system extends the comprehensive storage portfolio from IBM and can help change the way organizations address the ongoing information explosion. This book will introduce the features and functions of the Storwize V7000 by example. TechDocs# Document Title & Hotspot WP101842 Using VMware vSphere and IBM Storwize V7000 as a complete virtualization solution WP101838 Performance benefits of IBM Storwize V7000 with Easy Tier for Oracle 11g workload WP101837 IBM Storwize V7000 32. Storwize V7000 ISV Sales Kit and Direct Links to Completed Documents The Storwize V7000 ISV Sales Kit focuses on ISV solutions for the IBM Storwize V7000 disk system. Oracle.0 WP101772 Deploying Oracle 11g RAC Release 2 with IBM Storwize V7000 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux WP101768 Exchange 2010 High Availability and Disaster Recovery with IBM® Storwize® V7000 WP101769 Highly Available Virtual Machines with IBM® Storwize® V7000 and Microsoft Hyper-V™ WP101764 IBM® Storwize® V7000 with Tivoli FlashCopy Manager: Backup Solution for Exchange 2010 WP101763 IBM® Storwize® V7000 SQL Server NetBackup 7™ VSS Solution WP101762 IBM® Storwize® V7000 Exchange Server 2010 NetBackup 7™ VSS Solution WP101627 Quick-start guide to FlashCopy Manager for SAP with IBM® Storwize® V7000.2011 . so if you do not see the specific topic you are looking for in the direct document links below. product documentation and more on the Storwize V7000 Information Center site . Note that new resources are added to this site regularly. analyst reports solutions briefs. etc. Microsoft. be sure to check on the Storwize ISV Sales Kit (links above) to see if the topic was posted after this 'point in time' list was generated. and more.public site Development provided e-learning and product documentation is posted on the IBM Storwize V7000 Information Center site . Bus Partners and . white papers. com/products/instructions. including Storwize requires a minimum of TCOnow from CIOview: http://www. Links to Capacity Magic Tool: Business Partners: http://www.jsp SIZING TOOLS AND COMPETITIVE INFORMATION  TCONow for Storwize V7000 This easy-to-use tool can compare the TCO of IBM disk vs. and calculates the physical and effective capacity of the IBM System Storage Systems. TCOnow for Disk: http://www. Use the following instructions to obtain access to the Community: o Please register an IBM ID at My IBM"  Copy down the UI exactly as it appears o Please send your UID with a request to join the Lotus TCONow Quickr TeamRoom to Eckhard Siegfried at There are some great resources here for you to use and learn from [email protected] Learning How To Use TCONow Business Partners: Join the Lotus TCONow Quickr TeamRoom which provides additional information on all TCOnow o Please log into Quickr My Places using the IBM ID and password and determine your UID as follows:  Look near the top right corner of the My Places window for your name  Place your mouse over your name and a small popup will display your UID in the format "uid=_xxxxxxxx_WI/ou=persons/ Training available for sizing Storwize V7000 with Capacity Magic: o Capacity Magic primer can be downloaded from the tool links above. It was designed by and for sellers to avoid the need for finding time-consuming experts.including a GUI Tour flash demo .check it out! http://publib. 2011 Using Capacity Magic to Size Storwize V7000 Disk Systems Direct links to call information: IBMers and IBM Business Partners If you require assistance for capacity sizing Storwize V7000: Business Partners: Contact your local CTSS / FTSS (Channel / Field Technical Sales Support) representative for assistance . o Tech Sales Training Call (will be recorded and made available for on demand replay) Feb  Capacity Magic for Storwize V7000 IBM Capacity Magic is an easy-to-use tool that runs on a the competition in minutes. com/partnerworld/wps/servlet/ContentHandler/SSD5D00689DF4 Training available for sizing Storwize V7000 with Capacity Magic: o o Overview/introduction to Disk Magic modeling .ibm.wss? handler=Component&sequence=7&customer=partnerworld&userid=LDORRAUSL001&of fering=camp&itemCode=ltu32335&action=load&embed=popup Tech Sales Training Call (will be recorded and made available for on demand replay) Mar 31.Disk Magic for Storwize V7000 The IBM Disk Magic performance modeling tool helps to estimate IBM disk subsystem performance. Disk Magic will provide you with knowledge about how performance for specific workloads will change under various growth and hardware configuration scenarios. 2011 Performance Modeling the new IBM Storwize V7000 in Disk Magic Direct links to call information: IBM Business Partners If you require assistance with performance sizing for Storwize V7000: Business Partners: Contact your local CTSS / FTSS (Channel / Field Technical Sales Support) representative for assistance Additional information on how to bring up Storwize V7000 in Disk Magic: First you must use the wizard and select the V7000.How to Get Started with Disk Magic'. The Disk performance modeling capability within IBM Disk Magic provides a quick. .com/services/weblectures/dlv/Gate. Here are the links: Business Partner: https://www-304. including IBM Storwize Links to Disk Magic Tool: Business Partners: http://www. not specific to IBM Storwize V7000 . This is a general session.but a good place to start if you are new to using Disk Magic. straight forward estimate of the likely performance of IBM disk subsystems. Select Next and set the DSS=0 . Select next until: . Now double-click on V7000 . Available here: Business Partners See also: Business Partners: IBM PW System Storage Compete Kit / PW Competitive System Storage Collateral Have a competitive question? Our Team is here to help !   http://compete. Dell. and 3Par (now HP).  Competitive Presentations IBM System Storage Storwize V7000 competitive presentations IBM has just announced an exciting new storage system based on the most advanced and useful storage virtualization technology in the industry .Now you are ready to select the internal disks. Learn how it compares to similar products from . HP. Xiotech. IBM Storwize Compellent. 2010 . Training Session: IBM Storwize V7000 Training Session December 03.Contact The IBM Storwize V7000 infrastructure is dedicated to demonstrate the functionalities of this brand new product. You will be able to access this dedicated infrastructure through secure connection from anywhere. and few other ones are in the pipe. One scenario is already created and accessible through a dedicated website. you can easily demonstrate IBM Storwize V7000 capabilities since it is accessible by Technical but also NON technical pre sales and sale teams. we have implemented several scenarios with dedicated hardware based on realistic customer environments.DEMO SERVICES Montpellier Product Introduction Demo Center provides WW Storwize V7000 Demo Services FREE! TO IBM PRE-SALE TEAMS AND IBM BUSINESS PARTNERS TRAINING SESSIONS IBM Storwize V7000 & IBM SVC 6. Through this web site. 2010 . IBM Storwize V7000 Demonstration . We provide access to an infrastructure with a Storwize V7000 with 12 3"5 disks connected to a Windows 2003 server. no worry about confidentiality.14:00 CET November 22.1 For both products. or mishandling since everything will be reset. Moreover you can run your own scenario and your customer applications there. the only limit is you own curiosity. 2010 . through a real scenario. optimizes storage assets and future investments using the latest functionality.Video: To see our live demonstration. the advantages of implementing SAN Volume Controller (SVC) in a heterogeneous production id=2455219 IBM SVC Integration Demonstration (Updated Scenarios) . System p. you just have to go to this URL using your web browser and follow the steps: Business Parnerts id=3408058 VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR DETAILED INFORMATION Business Partners: To access our website. Migrations. send a request to [email protected] 01. System z and System Software products. For more information on our ABOUT OUR CENTER The IBM Systems and Software Demonstration Center is dedicated to accelerating customers’ opportunities.Contact The objective of this demonstration is to show. This demonstration includes the following SVC features: Integration. contact us . Training Session: IBM SVC Training Session . The European center provides a wide range of remote demonstrations on realistic customer environments based on IBM System Storage. System x. you just have to go to this URL using your web browser and follow the steps: Business Parnerts https://apps. It demonstrates how SVC is integrated smoothly and then how it increases production availability.14:00 CET Video: To see our live demonstration. Volume mirroring and Thin-provisioning functionality.lotuslive. It consolidates the intelligen Controller (SVC).  Mainz European Storage Competency Center The described services & offerings are primarily intended for the EMEA region due to the European mission of the European Storage Competence Center. IBM Storwize V7000 is IBM’s next generation midrange storage However. but that you would like to have listed in this if there is demand in other regions the ESCC can offer support on a special request and cost recovery basis to other regions as well. Description of Mainz ESCC Storwize V7000 offerings / services Storwize V7000 goes live combining best of breed function with storage midrange capabilities Dear Business Partner Sales teams. Due to its virtu the very easy-to-use GUI. please forward the information to me. I have listed a couple of regional facilities that I am aware of email: IBM System and Software Demonstration Center Products and Solutions Support Center (PSSC) . programs to get you and your customer started NOW. Please contact your local Sales or Technical Sales leaders for more information on what demo facilities are available in your Regional Demo Facilities There are also a number of regional demo facilities available around the world. A selection of available offerings. .Montpellier France Contact: stodemo@fr. Storwize V7000 allows customers to integrate the new system very fast in environment. the RAID algorithm of DS8000 and the well received GUI from XIV. If you have a demo facility that is not listed here. For this new storage solution the ESCC Mainz offers a great variety of skill transfer and enablement. workshops a below and can be customized to meet your specific clients’ needs. but there are many more that I do not have specific information on. On top of that. si capabilities of IBM Storwize V7000. Nordics and Sub-Sahara t The EBC is not only responsible for presentations and demos. but is even more facing many in-depth customers about usability. warranty and othe demanding topics. More than 20 customer briefings – mostly complemented by live demos – were already run by the EB onsite at the customer site. Phone +49 6131-84 5087 Mobile +49 171-860 6739 Along go-live: Customer Briefings. Customers represented a wide variety of industries and regions and incl Medical. Industrial.gerken@de. Online Demos and Sales Enablement Sessions successfully run by the IBM Executive Briefing Center Mainz With the day of the announcement the IBM Executive Briefing Center (EBC) Mainz has started a deep and business partners to explain the business value and demonstrate the outstanding ease of use.we'll join you with our end-to-end Storwize V7000 support c Sincerely. integration in existing environments. Insurance and Midmarket Sector in Germany. Dr. the EBC is covering Storwize V7000 in the regular storage trainings and is offering sp request to enable our BP and IBM teams to sell Storwize V7000: o o o o IBM IBM IBM IBM SSII Top Gun Class Storage Fundamentals Training Advanced & Refresh Storwize V7000 Training: in-depth session for Business Partners Storwize V7000 and ProtecTIER Training: combined sessions All customers and Business Partners confirmed: with the new disk system IBM Storwize V7000 IBM i very successful in the modular midrange disk system market. Finance. Friedrich Gerken Manager ESCC PreSales and Service Delivery friedrich. Don’t hesitate to contact the Executive Briefing Center Mainz if you need any assistance in .Whatever you plan with your customer . ibm. presentation material and useful discussions in our Storwize V7000 by ATS: IBM Storwize V7000 Presales Community Contact : Andreas Baer .ATS System Storage Europe [email protected] Screenshot of IBM Storwize V7000 GUI – one view for a complete system .ibm. live demonstrations and business enablement Gerd Franke (Teamlead) [email protected] Ulla Vest vest@de. We are prepared to supp sales opportunities! Contact : Kai Thoms [email protected] Technical Enablement & 2nd level Presales support for Storwize Advanced Technical Skill (ATS) team is here to help In order to prepare the European PreSales community and Business Partners for the release of Storw has successfully run a series of technical enablement events starting with the worldwide first T3 clas technical education days and a complete stream of sessions at the Systems Technical University Lyon Europe worldwide education call in November. solutions and enhancements of the produc on special request. Based on our positive experiences from beta testing the new product and various technical demonstr feedback from the worldwide field we help with your solution design and sizing as your 2nd level Pre also offer technical update sessions covering You can find a lot of information. Project Manager Business Development ESCC Client Services & cronauer@de. configure and mainta STG Lab Services in Mainz go beyond Beside being a game changer in midrange storage solution Storwize V7000 is a game changer as we made easy to Storwize V7000 is designed and develo box from unpacking to host assignment. o o o your clients might want to have IBM support for implementation & integration into their complex SAN / Storage environment migration & integration from competitor storage to Storwize V7000 integration into application layer like IBM FCM or VMware SRM and other Find a comprehensive view of the service description here offered by our IBM STG Lab services team here: http://escc. All required steps are well documented and to a great exten These services are available as standard services of today and can be adapted to your very special c Contact : Peter Cronauer . Our partn early adaptor program prove our design being on-the-spot! Nevertheless. easy to configure and easy to .Storwize V7000 is easy to install. which make it easy to perform and helps customers to run the set up [email protected]) Storwize V7000 SSCC EMEA Leader . but will benefit from the SSCC as central focal p activities provided by the ESCC. We are well prepared to suppo Excellent Customer Care .and post-sales support functions in one team and ensures that all support activitie delivered with an unrestricted customer focus. Dedication to the customer. Open com collaboration across all teams and flexible task ownerships are in line with the strong focus to solve a The role and responsibilities of our well established and accepted support functions within the countr They remain the key contacts facing the customers. Germany.enabled by the IBM Storwize V7000 Solution Support Competence Center The ESCC is happy to announce the new Solution Support Competence Center (SSCC) for IBM Storw integrates all pre. To support our clients at General Availability more than 150 technicians and 24 specialists in MTS acr educated. If you are interested in mor contact: Christine Kiefer (Christine. Pan-IOT Product Field Engineering got prepared in several training sessions and worked di determination scenarios to get an in-depth knowledge of the contracts can be established as with our other products. The software main initially and independent from the hardware warranty. The EMEA Storwize V7000 SSCC is located in Mainz. namely: o o o o o o o Business Enablement Support (EBC) Advanced Technical Skill (ATS) STG Lab Services Product Field Engineering (PFE) Client Care Service Planning New Products Launch Field Support Cross-functional team work is established and fostered through regular interlock meetings. world class support and highest customer satisfaction are the guiding pr teams involved.Our Postsales support levels are ready to support Storwiz As described in the announcement the hardware warranty for the Storwize V7000 product is three ye Afterwards. com) for Client Care   Austin DemoCentral (NA) The Austin DemoCentral facility in for Technical support MTS/PFE Christian Henke (christian_henke@de. Use the following instructions to schedule demo time on these systems. USA DEMOworks provides an any time. .ibm. or a custom Proof of Concept (POC) as a technical accelerator. Texas. a hands-on Proof of Technology (POT). or browser (Web Applications) based IBMers improve their ability to close sales. USA serves the NA region with remote accessible Storwize V7000 systems available for self service [email protected]) for Sales Enablement Dr Ines Mattern (ines_mattern@de. any where ability to deliver live remote Storwize V7000 for Advanced Technical Support and STG Lab Ralf Schröder (ralf.In case you need help do not hesitate to contact our ESCC management tea Ralf Blasek (Blasek@de. By providing customers with a live demonstration. Access to the demonstration environments is via a thin client interface. Remote Demo Support for the IBM Storwize V7000 at IBM Austin Texas. VNC Enterprise. DEMOworks provides a number of remote access options including Microsoft Remote Desktop (RDP). The only requirement is a network connection (either Intranet or Internet based on the demonstration use case) that provides adequate bandwidth (DSL equivalent & above recommended) for the end user to experience the demonstration. democentral. Business Partners please contact your local IBM Sales representative for assistance in setting up demo time). for their technical reviews. The Storwize V7000 system has two DS6K's behind it and a couple of hosts with volumes mapped including an ESX server and thin provisioned mirrored volumes. In 2010. THIS IS A SELF SERVICE WORLDWIDE DEMO ENVIRONMENT.http://demoworks. as well as installation of TPC MRE. PLEASE CLEAN UP AFTER YOUR DEMO IS FINISHED. Solution Assurance can propel your success three ways:  Improve your win rate  Minimize problems with installation and implementation  Increase your odds that your customer will be Very Satisfied Be sure your proposed solution will work! A pre-sale Technical and Delivery Assessment (TDA) is a technical inspection of a completed solution SOLUTIONS ASSURANCE INFORMATION IBM Direct Sales .ibm. To schedule time . Technical Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) who were not involved in the solution design participate to determine:    Will it work? Is the implementation sound? Will it meet customer requirements and expectations? . respectively. Rick Higgens IBM Technical Marketing Specialist – Storage Software Office (919) 224-1795 Mobile (919) 696-4227 higgens@us. the process is still called Solution Assurance. There is a plan to add a second Storwize V7000 system by the end of the year. This is the same nomenclature used today by the GTS and GBS quality practices of Quality Assurance and Risk Management. IF YOU CREATE SOMETHING TO SHOW A PROCESS. What are Solution Assurance Reviews and Technical Delivery Assessments? Solution Assurance is a worldwide quality practice.php? scheduleid=sc14a9c6c0a42b65 (Note that scheduling demo time is accessible only to IBM internal Storwize V7000 Mandatory Solutions Assurance Information Did you know that pre-sales and pre-installation Solutions Assurance Reviews (aka Technical Delivery Assessments) are required for ALL Storwize V7000 First in Customer Location sales? Use the information below to learn more about what is required and where you can find more information or assistance in completing TDAs for your Storwize V7000 sales. **Contact Rick Higgens for more information on how to connect to and use this Demo System.The Austin DemoCentral site has a Storwize V7000 system in the Storage Showcase environment which is remote connectable and has a scheduler to reserve demo time slots. but the reviews will be referred to as Technical and Delivery Assessments or TDAs. The technical reviews are conducted on opportunities that have IBM hardware and/or software products in the proposed please click here. For more information on self and peer reviews. a Solution Assurance Quality Practitioner will contact you to plan for and schedule your Technical and Delivery Assessment. SMEs also evaluate the customer's readiness to install. In 2010.In a pre-install TDA. What are Solution Assurance Reviews and Technical Delivery Assessments? Solution Assurance is a worldwide quality practice. The technical reviews are conducted on opportunities that have IBM hardware and/or software products in the proposed solution. Alternatively. Once your request has been processed by TechXpress. Here are the links to the Storwize Checklist (Document # SA949). North America To request an expert Pre-Sale TDA. for their technical reviews. the process is still called Solution Assurance. and support the proposed solution. so please choose the correct section below for your location. Solutions Assurance Checklist The IBM Advanced Technical Skills team has developed Solutions Assurance documentation to assist you in completing Storwize V7000 TDAs. This is the same nomenclature used today by the GTS and GBS quality practices of Quality Assurance and Risk Management. Note that Storwize V7000 is on the Designated Product List.Important Storwize V7000 Mandatory Solutions Assurance Information Did you know that pre-sales and pre-installation Solutions Assurance Reviews (aka Technical Delivery Assessments) are required for ALL Storwize V7000 First in Customer Location sales? Use the information in this flash to learn more about what is required and where you can find more information or assistance in completing TDAs for your Storwize V7000 sales. For expert Pre-Install TDAs (US Only). respectively. a review is automatically initiated by the order for those products on the Designated Product List. please complete the form at TechXpress by clicking here. Solution Assurance can propel your success three ways:    Improve your win rate Minimize problems with installation and implementation Increase your odds that your customer will be Very Satisfied Be sure your proposed solution will work! A pre-sale Technical and Delivery Assessment (TDA) is a technical inspection of a completed solution design. Be sure to select the box to request a Pre-Sale Technical and Delivery Assessment (TDA). Be sure to bookmark this link and always down load the latest version of the checklist for your TDAs as the documentation is continuously being updated and improved. Technical Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) who were not involved in the solution design participate to determine: . The process for scheduling an expert TDA varies by geography. but the reviews will be referred to as Technical and Delivery Assessments or TDAs. IBM Business Partner Channel Sales . you may call 888-426-5525 in North America. implement. This training focuses on post sales support technical The PartnerWorld Solutions Assurance website will provide you with the tools.87. You can can access The L3/L2 skill transfer session by logging into the Elearning portal of the TECC home page . Contact your local IBM representative or Distributor for information regarding Solution Assurance tools.nsf/Web/SA Solutions Assurance Checklist The IBM Advanced Technical Skills team has developed Solutions Assurance documentation to assist you in completing Storwize V7000 TDAs.153. and support the proposed solution.boulder.html PartnerWorld Contact Services (PWCS) will provide the following support:  Answer questions about the Solution Assurance Road Maps  Provide direction on tools and documentation to use  Answer general questions on Solution Assurance IBM INTERNAL ONLY TECHNICAL TRAINING AND EXPERTS COMMUNITY RESOURCES  Storwize V7000 Post Sales Technical Support Training This training offering is the recorded Development provided technical training for the Mainz PFE (L2) team in late September. and support for your specific country. Link to Storwize V7000 Solutions Assurance Checklist Document: http://partners. SMEs also evaluate the customer's readiness to install. implement. documentation. Here are the links to the Storwize Checklist (Document # SA949).nsf/weblook/ Refer to the following web site for the appropriate phone number for your geography to request Solution Assurance assistance for the platform (product) under consideration: http://www-1. and guidance to help you get started and conduct your Technical and Delivery Assessments.nsf/WebIndex/SA949 Support and Assistance Support for Solution Assurance varies from country to country.137/ . Support plans are currently being put in place as we extend and customize these tools and documentation for availability worldwide.   Will it work? Is the implementation sound? Will it meet customer requirements and expectations? In a pre-install Link to the PW Solutions Assurance site --> http://partners. Be sure to bookmark this link and always down load the latest version of the checklist for your TDAs as the documentation is continuously being updated and documentation. Maintained by Katja Kratt The L3/L2 skill transfer session Elearning is now available . Login with your Intranet Id . Under TECC offering choose elearnig@TECC. See information below from Torsten Rothenwaldt of the IBM Mainz ATS team Development Skills Transfer Training Development provided deep technical training . . Choose Stowize V7000 L3/L2 transfer session Enter enrollment key TECC-8597-7960-STWIZ  The Mainz ATS maintained IBM Storwize V7000 Presales Community This internal IBM community has resources geared to support the technical sales contact Karen Meyer to request access to the replay and presentation materials on the Oxford DST DB. Choose Midrange Storage as course category.
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