Storms Of Yesterday - MLE

March 19, 2018 | Author: Sheena Sharmaine | Category: Philosophical Science, Science



MALAYSIAN LITERATURE IN ENGLISH 1 “Storms of Yesterday” by Khadijah Hashim 1.0 Introduction The novel that we have chosen to analyze is “STORMS OF YESTERDAY” which is written by Khadijah Hashim. Khadijah Hashim was born on 20 April 1942 in Batu Pahat, Johor, Malaysia. She is a Malaysian writer, teacher and journalist. She has worked as a teacher and also as a journalist with local newspapers Utusan Melayu (1974 – 1976) and Berita Harian (1976–1985). She is more well-known as a novelist, and has produced 19 novels. She also expanded her creativity in the field of short stories, radio drama scripts, children's books, rhymes and poetry. The children‟s rhyme book “Sayang Sayang” has been selected to be on Honour List of the International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY) in Basel, Switzerland (2002) and “Semerbak Poetry” in Macau, China (2006). Khadijah continues her interests in writing rhymes, which led to her latest creation of “Putera-puteri Malaysia”. Several of Khadijah‟s short stories and novels have been adapted to TV dramas. Amongst them were "Mawar Merah di Jambangan", "Sekapur Sirih Segeluk Air", "Ditepi Pagar”, and “Badai Semalam” and “Dekat Disayang Jauh Dikenang” novels. “Laila Azwa Gadisku” novel was adapted to television film. Meanwhile, “Mira Edora" and "Pelangi Pagi” novels have been made into movie films with the title of "Mira Edora" and "Bicara Hati" respectively. Her first and one of her most well-known novel “Badai Semalam” (1968) was used as school textbook in Singapore and Malaysia. The novel has been translated into English, “Storms of Yesterday”, by Mahani Abdul Hamid in 1991 and Spanish, "Tormentos del ayer", by Alberto Balanza and Yahia in 2010. “Badai Semalam” was republished several times and the latest was in 2006 by Alaf21 in the nostalgic novel series. The English version was also republished in 2009 by Institut Terjemahan Negara Malaysia under the Malaysian Literature Series. News of Karim‟s engagement to Mazni became the hottest news revolving around Mr Haris and Mrs Rohana‟s circle of friends. Mazni is the one who always stand by him. Mazni meet Zaki and he tells everything about his true feelings towards her. belongs to Mr Haris and Mrs Rohana. son of Mr Haris and Mrs Rohana. there was a chance that she would get proper medical treatment and would get well again. Prior to that. Karim‟s mother would certainly not approve of Karim‟s decision to take her as his wife. they started to agree on Karim‟s decision to marry Mazni. feels they should move out from the house as they now had their own life and no one is responsible for their life rather . he treasures their friendship and just keeps his feeling alone. Karim. The story is set up at Tanjung Puteri.0 Synopsis This novel is about the struggle of a woman in coping with her aspirations to complete her education and her relationships.MALAYSIAN LITERATURE IN ENGLISH 2 “Storms of Yesterday” by Khadijah Hashim 2. However. Aunt Atun asked Mazni to stop studying or a while until her mother gets better. the day has come and both of them are officially husband and wife. Upon hearing the news. Finally. Although they know their background family are indeed different and thus may face many problems ahead. Karim is involved in an accident and had to stay in the hospital. people are getting jealous and started to slender Mazni. instead of focusing on her studies. is another important character in this novel. Just a few days before the wedding ceremony. Due to the news. One fine day. Mazni‟s mother was a maid in the house. He began to fall in love with Mazni. After having discussion with Mr Haris and Ms Rohana. This causes Mrs Rohana stopped Mazni to stop from school. indeed the neighbour‟s view should also be taken into consideration. as well as his own. her stricken mother died in her sleep. Mazni has decided to enroll for night classes at the Malay College. In other word. The conflict starts to develop when Aunt Atun advised Mazni to look for her mother. She is happy because it bought hope for the future. Mazni mother. Her marriage to Karim would certainly bring dishonor to the family‟s reputation. Zaki. Mazni‟s mother getting angry and after few days of grieving. The way Mazni looked at it. Karim. After Mazni has stopped from school. on the other way. grew up in a house. Mazni. Mrs Bibah had mixed feelings about her success in getting a job. she succeeded in getting a job as a clerk with the newly incorporated Bumiputera Bank. Though Mazni‟s mother employers are delighted to allow them to stay there. Karim simply convince Mazni that he truly love her. yet she is afraid that it would get in the way of Mazni‟s dreams furthering her education. people getting anxious about why she had to attend night classes despite his husband got big salary. who is the daughter of a maid. Mazni‟s best friend. After become someone‟s wife. During his hard times. afraid they would end up just dreams. Another character comes in. Mazni tells him that she needs to sacrifice in order to pay all their deeds. He likes Mazni for more than a friend. rising action. grew up in a house. Mazni. who is the daughter of a maid. but she wants to live alone. He pleads Mazni and apologizes to her day by day. she gets sick by time and the employers yet allows them to stay at the back of the house. She did forgive him. Though Mazni‟s mother employers are delighted to allow them to stay there. she moderately lives her life as that is their only shelter. Few days later. 3. However. The introduction of characters will take place in exposition. They feel envy and jealous with the beauty and Mazni‟s excellence in studies. Within two weeks. The news of their fight reached the ears of Mr Haris and Mrs Rohana. She endured her suffering with forbearance. As this continues. As they have moved to their own house. her life has died on the day he did that thing. The story is set up at Tanjung Puteri. Mazni began to feel suspicious of Karim. This then continues until they keep meeting each other again and again. belongs to Mr Haris and Mrs Rohana. falling action and resolution. the exam is over. Mazni‟s mother was a maid in the house. the news of Mazni getting out reached Karim ears. Though she lived in such a luxurious house. Karim hits Mazni as he is very angry. 3. By the end of the story. Mazni felt as though a load had been lifted off her shoulders. It is the pattern of twists and turns the story takes.1 Exposition In exposition. crisis or known as climax. As Mazni is admitted to hospital. Mazni wept when she herad the news. Karim realizes his mistake. 3. indeed the neighbour‟s view should also be taken into consideration. They finally end up arguing and fighting with each other. Karim involved in an accident and died on the same day. They might think negatively. To Mazni. Karim has become the past Karim whereby he loves enjoying around. A traditional arrangement of a plot follows a pattern of exposition.MALAYSIAN LITERATURE IN ENGLISH 3 “Storms of Yesterday” by Khadijah Hashim than themselves. Mazni finally meet Zaki who is now serving as a houseman at General Hospital in Tanjung Puteri. characters and conflict that happen in the story. who kept going out at night. Later. we learn about the circumstances.0 Plot Plot is the structure of the story. Mazni decides to move out from Tanjung Puteri as she concludes that there is nothing more she could expect there. As each day went by. Karim with his life and so do Mazni. Mazni becomes more focused in her studies. This novel is about the struggle of a woman in coping with her aspirations to complete her education and her relationships.2 Rising Action . He simply enjoys his life for he has nothing to worry. son of Mr Haris and Mrs Rohana. It is also because of Mr Haris she got the job so quickly. their relationship encounters much opposition and defies especially from Karim‟s mother. Karim is involved in an accident. This is where the conflict builds and readers‟ emotional involvement intensifies. By time. In other word. in order to pay for her mother‟s medicine. is another important character in this novel. with her Grade 2 Senior Cambridge qualifications and her sixth form education halfway. Mazni mother. she succeeded in getting a job as a clerk with the newly incorporated Bumiputera Bank. Mazni has decided to enroll for night classes at the Malay College. He is a young successful engineer. His social lifestyle somehow worries his mother. as they are from different level. his girlfriends have ever visits him. Her marriage to . She is happy. instead of focusing on her studies.3 Crisis/Climax Then. He began to fall in love with Mazni. After Mazni has stopped from school. Considering Karim‟s family hospitality. he treasures their friendship and just keeps his feeling alone. Now only he realizes that they are being selfish. 3. Mazni feels like they owe too much to the famil y. What an agonizing month it had been for him. Mazni feels it is such a waste. Mazni is the one who always stand by him. Mazni‟s best friend. none of his friends. Mrs Rohana. she is one who jealously known and distinguished. Zaki. she starts to feel that her mother needs to be taken consideration first. we will look further into the next pattern of plot which is the most fundamental element. Aunt Atun asked Mazni to stop studying or a while until her mother gets better. for there have been instances of dedicated and hardworking students neglecting and losing interest in their studies once they had started earning their own income. as he loves messing around with girls. and they will be embarrassed to be family with their maid‟s daughter. he had to stay in the hospital. as he is a well-known figure in Tanjung Puteri. Mrs Bibah had mixed feelings about her success in getting a job. She does not agree Karim to marry Mazni. One fine day. She is afraid that it would get in the way of Mazni‟s dreams furthering her education. yet apprehensive. Her ambition to be doctor needs to wait for she has to look for money first. the crisis or climax of the story. especially their neighbours. This is where the moment of truth happened and the turning point of the conflict. At first. Prior to that. She knew what kind of person Mrs Rohana is. Another character comes in. During his hard times. Both of them have promise that they will become a doctor one day. However. He likes Mazni for more than a friend.MALAYSIAN LITERATURE IN ENGLISH 4 “Storms of Yesterday” by Khadijah Hashim The next pattern of this arrangement of plot is the rising action. Due to that. However. Karim. The conflict begins when Aunt Atun advised Mazni to look for her mother. Mrs Rohana. afraid they would end up just dreams. Since the first day he is admitted to hospital. What is the point having an ambition if you are already someone‟s wife. News of Karim‟s engagement to Mazni became the hottest news revoving around Mr Haris and Mrs Rohana‟s circle of friends. Upon hearing the news. people getting anxious about why she had to ttend night classes despite his husband got big salary. The day of the examinations getting nearer. Karim with his life and so do Mazni. Due to the news.s decision to marry Mazni. Mazni finally meet Zaki who is now serving as a houseman at General Hospital in Tanjung Puteri. As they have moved to their own house. the news of Mazni getting out reached Karim ears. and that is the reason they getting married so soon. Mazni meet Zaki and he tells everything about his true feelings towards her. Karim hits Mazni as he is very angry. the falling action where readers learn that the crisis or conflict is over. as well as his own. After having discussion with Mr Haris and Ms Rohana. Finally. on the other way. feel they should move out from the house as they now had their own life and no one is responsible for their life rather than themselves. As each day went by. they started to agree on Karim.4 Falling Action Next. The Higher School Certificate examinations is four months away and in two days also. Mazni becomes more focused in her studies. 3. The news of their fight reached the ears of Mr Haris and Mrs Rohana. Without Mazni expectation. This causes Mrs Rohana stopped Mazni to stop from school.MALAYSIAN LITERATURE IN ENGLISH 5 “Storms of Yesterday” by Khadijah Hashim Karim would certainly bring dishonor to the family‟s reputation. the day has come and both of them are officially husband and wife. . her stricken mother died in her sleep. Karim has become he past Karim whereby he loves enjoying around. who kept going out at night. Just a few days berofe the ceremony. Mazni tells him that she needs to sacrifice in order to pay all their deeds. the conflict fades. Mazni felt as though a load had been lifted off her shoulders. After become someone‟s wife. Within two weeks. Karim. Little did Mazni had expected that her marriage will be so much obstacles. Later. They said that Mazni has done despicable relationship with Karim. This then continues until they keep meeting each other again and again. Mazni and Karim will getting married. and the intensity subsides. Mazni went through each day in loneliness. people are getting jealous and started to slender Mazni. As this continues. the exam is over. They finally end up arguing and fighting with each other. This then causes Mazni wants to move out from the house as Karim‟s mother starts to feel fishy about their relationship. Mazni began to feel suspicious of Karim. Mazni‟s mother getting angry and after few days of grieving. He pleads Mazni and apologizes to her day by day. 4. we will focus on the major character in this novel that is Mazni. She did forgive him. Mazni decides to move out from Tanjung Puteri as she concludes that there is nothing more she could expect there. her maid‟s daughter. but she wants to live alone.5 Resolution Finally. deep in her heart. he still do well in study and manage to fulfil his dream to become a doctor. she really wants to continue her study to a highest level. To Mazni. Meanwhile. Few days later. Other than this. . By the end of the story. Mazni lives alone and the only family member she has is her mother. After her husband died because of accident. Strong passion and dream are some of important elements in this novel.MALAYSIAN LITERATURE IN ENGLISH 6 “Storms of Yesterday” by Khadijah Hashim 3. For example. As an evidences.C exam and further her study in medical courses. She also trusts her neighbour accusation that Mazni is pregnant when she marries with Karim. Karim involved in an accident and died on the same day. Storm of Yesterday by Khadijah Hashim try to emphasize on how Mazni struggle and deals with life. This proof when Karim fall in love with her attitude until they are gets married. Cik Rohana. Mazni wept when she heard the news. She is such a strong and determine girl. She still continues her life and her study even her mother in law against her to attend classes at night. she is also strong when her mother died.S. the role of minor characters also light up this story. Mazni is describes as a determine girl. Karim realizes his mistake. she against Karim decision to marry Mazni. Mazni is the only daughter that Cik Bibah has and she is 18 years old. Zaki‟s character is describes as someone is so determine in life. As Mazni is admitted to hospital. Even his family is poor. She is describes as a person who always look down at her maid and easy to get influences. Mazni also describes as a demure and polite girl. For example. In addition. even she is married already. Cik Bibah. Even she has so many obstacles in life. She was born without seeing her father face.0 Characterization Talking about character and characteristics. This brings efforts to her as she success in H. comes in the resolution where all the things are wrapped up and readers are returned to normalcy. she still continues her study by attending classes at night. her life has died on the day he did that thing. she never give up and decide to leave Tanjung Puteri for further her study in a Kuala Lumpur Instead of major character. Besides that. No one is visiting him. she keeps with her decision to continue study by goes to night class. Even Karim does not allow her to further her study after they married. when her mother is sick. Actually.MALAYSIAN LITERATURE IN ENGLISH 7 “Storms of Yesterday” by Khadijah Hashim 5. Karim is attracted to Mazni because Mazni has treated her well when he was submitted to the hospital due to an accident.0 Setting For the setting. The setting takes place in Tanjung Puteri. This is shows through Karim‟s character. Then. Mazni‟s husband.0 Themes and Issues For themes and issues in this novel. From the story. only Mazni who keep visiting him and take care of him. we know that Mazni lives in Tanjung Puteri from she is still a baby until she gets married with Karim. This is clearly shows through Mazni‟s characteristic in this novel. This is because Maznie‟s society level totally different from them. Khadijah Hashim also wants to touch on betrayal/ cheating in marriage. At first. Karim tends to play two times Mazni with Dora his former girlfriend. Beside that. Mazni really wants to further her study to university level in medical courses. she objects Karim‟s decision to marry Mazni. Mazni marries Karim because she feels Karim‟s family have been helping her and her mother all this while. no matter what she has to accepts Karim‟s decision. As Mazni is busy with her study and has less time to spend with Karim. the house gives them shelter to continue their life. time and social settings. The hospital is the place whereby Karim. another location that can be identified in this novel is in Encik Haris‟s house. the author also tries to touch on love relationship which is a relationship that does not based on true love. She feels they owe so many things to them and she feels guilty if she does not marry Karim. In fact. Through Karim‟s character. we have found that there are three main settings in this novel which are location. Johor Bahru. Mazni‟s mother used to work as a maid at the house. the author also tries to criticize the high society who is always looking through social status and look down at the low society. 7. The last location that can be found from the novel is the hospital. gets . This is show through Mrs Rohana‟s characteristic. But. one major thing that being exposed here is the determination of a woman in coping with her aspirations to complete her education and her relationship. She never ever gives up no matter what challenges she faces until she can fulfil her aspirations. Other than that. She is only their maid‟s daughter. the H. 8. here we can say that Mazni is a good example as she always accept any obstacle in her life without even regret it for once. In fact. we have identified a few moral values that gives many meaningful message to the readers. For the social setting. First of all. we can see that Mazni is a very strong woman as she manages to face all the obstacles in her life. other moral values that we have found is we cannot simply look down and being prejudice towards the others. we have to be strong in facing any difficulties in life. she manages to pursue her dream to further her study to the university. Meanwhile. Cik Rohani is Karim‟s mother. Besides that. there is also time setting which is in the evening whereby Mazni always visits Karim everyday for three months time. at night. she never gives up when people spreads rumor about her getting pregnant before marrying Karim. Mazni takes the tuition class after she gets married in order to further her study and fulfill her dream to be a doctor. This value shown through the character of Mazni. In this story.0 Moral Values Every literary works whether it is novel or short story should contains moral values.S. Mazni also get treated here when she is been slapped by her husband after he knows that Mazni and Zaki always spend their time together. the writer describes about the community that live during the 1970s.C examination is been replaced by the STPM examination. As we read throughout the story. This is because. during that time Mazni is been said to take the H. in the end. Apart from that. her mother works as the maid in Encik Haris‟s house and they still live there although her mother does not work as the maid anymore. This is because. she tries to be patient when she lost her mother and also her husband. For the time setting. This is because. Mak Bibah. This can be seen clearly from Cik Rohani‟s character. the lower-class people can be seen through Mazni and her mother. Besides. now. In fact. we have found that there are two different classes of people which are high-class people and also lower-class people. it can help the reader to understand the messages that the writer tries to portray through her writing.C examination. The high-class people can be seen through Encik Haris and Cik Rohana characters as they are known as a rich family in Tanjung Puteri. However. So. For instance. Actually. she does not really agree to take Mazni as .S. For this analysis.MALAYSIAN LITERATURE IN ENGLISH 8 “Storms of Yesterday” by Khadijah Hashim treatment after he involves with the accident. In fact. In the other hand. . From the tragedy. she always looks down at Mazni.0 Literary Theories According to Marxists and to other scholars in fact. we know that rumor is not good and can give many bad influences to the people. literature reflects those social institutions out of which it emerges and is itself a social institution with a particular ideological function. the neighbours are spreading the rumour about Mazni who is pregnant before she gets married with Karim. Because of this. She is being prejudice towards Mazni just because she comes from a poor family. Karim is already falls for her. it is not fair for Mazni to be treated that way. Therefore. Marxism is clearly portrays in the novel „Storm of Yesterday‟. As in this story. He has different set of standards at home opposed to when he is out on the town. Marxism reflects class struggle and materialism: think how often the quest for wealth traditionally defines characters. The last moral values in this novel is do not spread rumor. She hates Mazni because she has been influenced by her neighbour. Karim states that he does not what to fool around with the girl he grew up with in the same house. However. Mrs Rohana who is Karim‟s mother always looks down upon Mazni and her mother due to their different standards. but as 'products' of the economic and ideological determinants specific to that era" (Abrams 149). She is so arrogant and refuses to accept Mazni as her legally daughter in law. Karim who is Mr Haris‟s son does not speak much to Mazni. She even spreads slander about Mazni being pregnant before marrying her son. Because of this. So Marxists generally view literature "not as works created in accordance with timeless artistic criteria. The Marxist critic simply is a careful reader or viewer who keeps in mind issues of power and money. Mazni‟s mother has passed away as she is so sad and shocked to know about the news. when Mazni wants to get marry with Karim. As we all know. she is the type who really concern about class status. So. Besides that. This can be seen in the beginning of the story when Karim talks about Mazni to Omar his cousin. 10. however piercing or shallow that analysis may be. Literature reflects an author's own class or analysis of class relations. In the story we can see that Mazni and her mother are Mr Haris‟s maids.MALAYSIAN LITERATURE IN ENGLISH 9 “Storms of Yesterday” by Khadijah Hashim her daughter-in-law. rumor can ruin the relationship between two people. This can be seen when Mazni‟s mother asks Mazni to seek for help. he gets drunk and get into an accident and died on spot. She states that there is no point in expecting help from others nowadays. it is different with Mazni. As for the result. She is a very determine young woman who is willing to overcome what life brings to pursue her dreams. He seems that he does not think much of her life as he is living a wealthy life as a rich man‟s son. Mazni‟s mother died of heart -attack. Karim is shown as someone who always has fun with girls and come home late at night partying God knows where. The oppression of the circumstances does not just stop there but Mazni is then forced in marrying Karim because her family has owe Karim‟s family so much that she is reluctant to reject Karim‟s proposal. She is willing to give up her dream on becoming a doctor and quits school. She clearly portrays as a strong woman as she is willing to make the hardest decision and give up her dream to become a doctor to find job because her mother needs money for medications.MALAYSIAN LITERATURE IN ENGLISH 10 “Storms of Yesterday” by Khadijah Hashim Different characters from different class in this story overcome their problems differently. This novel also portrays feminism theory. she slanders Mazni. Mrs Rohana hates the fact that Mazni. . She is so strong that she can live without anyone at the end of the story. Mazni refuses because she thinks she can find the job and help her mother. And when Mazni wants him to divorce her. She does not care if people do not know or do not care about what she has overcome. Mrs Rohana and her rich friends should be blamed for the death of Mazni‟s mother but nobody cares. However. She does not depend on others‟ sympathy. So. She rejects Zaki‟s proposal and decides to live on her own after losing her mother and husband. This can be seen in Mazni‟s characteristics. She has her own principle in thinking. We can see that how Mazni and her mother being oppressed by the society and by circumstances. She also does not care if people do not know the true story behind every slander she has to face as long as Allah knows the truth. To overcome his feeling about being neglected by Mazni who is studying hardly. her maid‟s daughter is marrying her son. he cheats Mazni by going out with her ex-girlfriend. Mazni has been oppressed the situation that they do not have enough money. she has to choose between her mother and her ambition. it is not an easy job. For such a ayoung girl like Mazni. she lives in the servant quarters of her mother‟s former employer. Mazni. Having hard times to choose between two things is indeed not an easy decision to make. We certainly agree that this is an awesome piece of literature by Khadijah Hashim. to be able decides something like that. Mazni‟s aspirations to complete her education and her relationships are the things that Khadijah Hashim highlights in this novel. Overall. which makes the plot of the story interesting. The messages portrays by the writer. This novel simply teaches the readers to be determined in whatever we do. She is strong willed with qualities of patience and forbearance. As for the main character. . with reference to the characters. This novel is yet different from Malaysian novels. It is not easy to be strong willed in such circumstances like Mazni did. Though Mazni was born into poverty and brought up by her aged and sickly mother. this novel is an awesome piece of writing from Khadijah Hashim.MALAYSIAN LITERATURE IN ENGLISH 11 “Storms of Yesterday” by Khadijah Hashim 11. it is unique in a way of the focus is on women. we have come up to the conclusion whereby there are many important messages that the writer wants to convey. The issues that she has brought up in this novel simply reflect what women usually experience during that time and even today. makes this novel even outstanding.0 Conclusion From the thorough analysis of this novel. Many moral values are also being instilled by Khadijah Hashim from the characterization in this novel.
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