Stochastic Calculus Final Exam With Solutions
Stochastic Calculus Final Exam With Solutions
March 27, 2018 | Author: Trbvm | Category:
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Stochastic Calculus — Final Examination SolutionsJune 17, 2005 There are 12 problems and 10 points each. 1. (Property of Brownian Bridge) Xt dt + dBt , Let Bt0 = {Bt , 0 ≤ t ≤ 1|B1 = 0} be a Brownian bridge, and define dXt = − 1−t with X0 = 0. a) Show that {Bt0 , 0 ≤ t ≤ 1} and {Xt , 0 ≤ t ≤ 1} have the same distribution. b) Show that Yt = (1 + t)B 0 t is a standard Brownian motion. 1+t sol: (a) (1)Bt0 = Bt − tB1 , ∵ Bt ∼ N (0, t), B1 ∼ N (0, 1), tB1 ∼ N (0, t2 ) ∴ linear combination of normal distribution is still normal. Compute mean and variance. EBt0 = 0, EBs0 Bt0 = s(1 − t)ifs < t ⇒ VarBt0 = t(1 − t) Bt0 ∼ N (0, t(1 − t)) ∀0 ≤ t ≤ 1. Rt (2) According to the solution of OU process, Xt = (1 − t) 0 1 dBs 1−s Xt is the linear combination of N.D., therefore it is still a N.D. Compute mean and variance Xt = 0, Ifs ≤ t : EXs Xt Rs 1 Rt 1 = (1 − s)(1 − t)E[ 0 1−u dBu 0 1−v dBv ] Rs 1 Rs 1 Rt 1 = (1 − s)(1 − t)E[ 0 1−u dBu ( 0 1−v dBv + s 1−v dBv )] Rs 1 = (1 − s)(1 − t)E[( 0 1−u dBu )2 ] (independent increment) Rs 1 2 = (1 − s)(1 − t)E[ 0 ( 1−u ) ds] (Ito’s isometry) s = s(1 − t) ⇒ VarXt = t(1 − t) = (1 − s)(1 − t) 1−s Xt ∼ N (0, t(1 − t)) (b) ∵B t 1+t ∼ N (0, t s ), B 1+s 1+t t EXt = E(1 + t)(B 1+t − ∼ N (0, t B) 1+t 1 s ), B1 1+s =0 1 ∼ N (0, 1) ∴ Yt ∼N.D. . < tn = 1 : Yt1 − Yt0 . Ys ) = t + s − 2s = t − s Yt − Ys ∼ N (0. Ytj − Ytj−1 ) = 0 (3)stationary increment E(Yt − Ys ) = 0 Var(Yt − Ys ) = Var(Yt ) + Var(Ys ) − 2Cov(Yt . 2.. t) (5)Bt is continuous in t ⇒ Yt is also continuous in t From (1)∼(5). and find the limiting distribution. Yt is a SBM. t) (1)Y0 = 0 (2)Independent increment ∀0 = t0 < t1 < . t − s) (4)Yt ∼ N (0. as t → ∞. Yt2 − Yt1 . where X0 = x0 and α > 0. a) Solve the following stochastic differential equation dXt = (−αXt + β)dt + σdBt .t s < 1+t ≤ 1) : If 0 ≤ s < t ≤ 1 (0 ≤ 1+s s B t EXs Xt = (1 + s)(1 + t)[EB 1+s − 1+t VarYt = t t s B EB 1+s 1 1+t − s t B1 EB 1+t 1+s + s t EB12 ] 1+s 1+t =s⇒ Yt ∼ N (0.. Ytn − Ytn−1 Cov(Yti − Yti−1 . . b) Verify the solution can be written as Xt = e −αt β (x0 + (eαt − 1) + σ α Z t eαs dBs ). d) Find the covariance Cov(Xs ... Xt ) for s < t. sol: (a) dXt + αXt dt = βdt + σdBt multiply eαt for both sides d(eαt Xt ) = βE αt dt + σeαt dBt Rt Rt ⇒ eαs Xs |t0 = β 0 eαs ds + σ 0 eαs dBs 2 . 0 c) Show that Xt converges in distribution. where Mt is the P-mtgle defined by Mt = exp(µBt − (b) 3 µ2 t ) 2 . sol: (a) If the process {Bt } is a P-BM and Q is the measure on C[0. b) Let L be the line given by the equation y = a + bt with a > 0. Use the simplest Girsanov theorem (Brownian motion with drift) to derive the probability density function fτL (t) of τL . T ] satisfies EQ (W ) = EP (W MT ). a) Give a precise description of the simplest Girsanov theorem. T ] induced by the process Xt = Bt + µt. 2α 2 −α(t+s) Therefore Xt → (d) Cov(Xs . Define τL = inf{t : Bt = a + bt}. 0 eαu dBu ) 3.⇒ Xt = e−αt (x0 + αβ (eαt − 1) + σ (b) ∂Xt = −αXt + β ∂t Rt 0 eαs dBs ) ∂Xt =σ ∂Bt 2 ∂ Xt =σ ∂Bt2 By Ito’s formula: dXt = (−αXt + β)dt + σdBt (c) (1)EXt = x0 e−αt + αβ (1 − e−αt ) → αβ as t → ∞ Rt σ2 (2)VarXt = σ 2 E 0 e−2α(t−s) ds = 2α (1 − e−2αt ) → D σ2 ) as t N ( αβ . then every bounded Borel measurable function W on the space C[0. Xt ) = σ e R s∧t = σ 2 e−α(t+s) E 0 e2αu du σ 2 −α(t+s) 2α(s∧t) = 2α e (e − 1) σ2 2α as t → ∞ →∞ Rt Rs Cov( 0 eαu dBu . 4 . x) = f (x) where f : R → R is also bounded. If u(t. x) + q(x)u(t. 2 and ∃! φ(s. dβt = rβt dt. x) = 21 uxx (t. where {Ft } is the standard Brownian filtration. such that Xt = Z t 0 φ(s. x) u(0. Consider ut (t. x) is the unique bounded solution of the function. ∀0 ≤ t ≤ T . ω)dBs. T ]. such that E(XT2 ) < ∞. φ( a+bt fτa (t) = ∂t P (τL ≤ t) = t3/2 t 4.τL = inf{t : Bt = a + bt}. x) = E[f (x + Bt )exp( Rt 0 q(x + Bs )ds)] 5. The Black-Scholes model is assumed to be dSt = µSt dt + σSt dBt . then u(t. a) By using arbitrage theory to show the procedure of deriving the Black-Scholes PDE for European call option. ω) ∈ H [0. if ∃a and T . τa = inf{t : Xt = a}. (b) Suppose that the function q : R → R is bounded. b) State the Feynman-Kac representation theorem for Brownian motion. Sol: (a) Xt is an {Ft }-martingale. whereXt = Bt − bt P (τL ≤ t) = Q(τa ≤ t) = EQ (1(τa ≤ t)) = EP (1(τa ≤ t)MT )(simplest Girsanov theorem) 2 whereMt = exp{−bBT − b2 T } = EP (1(τa ≤ t)Mt∧τa ) ({τa ≤ t} is Ft∧τa measurable) 2 = EP (1(τa ≤ t) exp(−ab − b2 τa )) Rt 2 = 0 exp(−ab − b2 s) a3 φ( √as )ds s2 ∂ a √ ) for t ≥ 0. a) State the Martingale representation theorem. St ) = 0 Y (T. z) = f (z) = (ez − K)+ − t) Set u(θ. z) = er(T −t)Y (t. Ito’s formula: 2 dY = ( ∂Y + µS ∂Y + 21 σ 2 S 2 ∂∂SY2 )dt + σS ∂Y dWt ∂t ∂S ∂S And dY = βt dBt + γt dSt = (rβt Bt + µγt St )dt + σγt St dWt Matching coefficient: ∴ Yt = ⇒ 1 ∂Y ( rBt ∂t γt = βt = 2 + 21 σ 2 S 2 ∂∂SY2 )Bt + ∂Y ∂S 1 ∂Y ( rBt ∂t 2 + 21 σ 2 S 2 ∂∂SY2 ) ∂Y S ∂S t 2 (T. St ) + 12 σ 2 (T. (continued) c) Use Fourier transform technique to derive the solution of the above heat equation.St ) . Sol: (a) Hedging price Yt = βt Bt + γt St . then ∂u ∂θ 2 5 .b) Show how to transform this PDE into a heat equation. St )ST2 ∂∂SY2 (T. d) Derive Black-Scholes formula for European call option via Feynman-Kac representation. S) = f (T. 6. S) = (S − K)+ ∂Y ∂t (b) Let θ = σ 2 (T − t) σ2 )(T 2 z = ln S + (r − = 12 ∂∂zu2 u(0. z) = √1 2π R∞ −∞ z2 1 2 fˆ(w)e− 2 w θ eiwz dw By transform of Gaussian. where {Wθ } is the standard Brownian motion. θ) u ˆ(0. θ) ∂t 1 2 ⇒u ˆ(θ. w) = fˆ(w) ∂ u ˆ(w. Derive the pricing formula for European put option by using the technique of change of numeraire and Girsanov theorem. payoff X = (K − S(T ))+ ˜ −rT (K − S(T ))+ ] p = E[e ˜ −rT (K − S(T ))I(k ≥ S(T )] = E[e ˜ = e−rT K P˜ (K ≥ S(T )) − e−rT E[S(T )I(K ≥ S(T ))] = (1) − (2) 6 . √ 1 − K)+ E(eWθ +z − K)+ = E(ez e θW √ θ θ = E(ez+ 2 e θW1 − 2 − K)+ θ θ √ K) ) − Kez+ 2 Φ( z−ln = ez+ 2 Φ( z−ln√K+θ θ θ 2 S = S0 Φ( ln( K0 )+(r+ σ2 )(T −t) √ ) σ T −t − Ke−rT Φ( S 2 ln( K0 )+(r− σ2 )(T −t) √ ) σ T −t 7. we have F (e− 2θ )(w) = 2 − z2θ = F ( √1θ e ⇒e Therefore.(c) Take Fourier transform: = 12 (iw)2 u ˆ(w. w) = fˆ(w)e− 2 w θ Inverse Fourier transform: u(θ. z) = f ∗ gRθ (z) ∞ = √12π −∞ f (y)gθ (z − y)dy R∞ (z−y)2 = √12π −∞ f (y) √1θ e− 2θ dy R∞ (z−y)2 1 = √2πθ f (y)e− 2θ dy −∞ R∞ y (z−y)2 1 + − 2θ dy = √2πθ (e − K) e −∞ (d) y = Wtheta + z ⇒ dy = dWθ . θ) = − 21 uˆ(w. 2 − z2θ √ 1 θe− 2 w 2θ )(w) ≡ F (gθ (z))(w) u(θ. b) Let N (t) be a Poisson process with intensity λ. Barrier option pricing: Find the arbitrage price of a contingent claim that pays M if the stock price gets to a level K or higher during the time period [0. b = − σ1 (r − σ2 )t τ = inf{Bt = a + bt} (a+bt)2 a − 2t fτ = √2πt e 3 −rT ˜ u0 = e E[M 1( sup St > K)] = e−rT M P˜ ( sup St > K) t∈[0.T ] t∈[0.T ] ln SK0 2 Let a = σ1 ln SK0 . Show that exp{ln(1 − u)N (t) + uλt}. p = Ke−rT Φ(−d2 ) − S0 Φ(−d1 ) 8.T ] t∈[0. t∈[0. σ2 T 2 ¯t = W ˜ t − σt Let W √ σ2 σ2 ¯ k ≥ S0 e(r− 2 )T +σ T Z = S0 e(r+ 2 )T +σWT ⇒ z ≤ −d1 ) = S0 P¯ (z ≤ −d1 ) = S0 Φ(−d1 ) Therefore. In other words. t ≤ T |PT )) = e−rT M P (τL ≤ T ) −rT = e−rT M [1 − Φ( 2 ln K −(r− σ2 )T S0 √ σ τ 2 )+ − ln K σ22 (r− σ2 ) Φ( e S0 2 K −(r− σ2 )T S0 √ σ T )] 9. t ≤ T |P˜T ) = Law(r + σBt .T ] = e M P (τ ≤ T ) (Law(µ + σBt . 7 .σ2 2 √ )T +σ T Z σ2 )T ] 2 ⇔ z ≤ − σ√1 T [ln( SK0 ) + (r − 2 1 √ [ln( SK0 ) + (r − σ2 )T ] σ T (1) = Ke−rT P˜ (z ≤ −d2 ) = Ke−rT Φ(−d2 ) ˜ −rT S(T ) I(K ≥ S(T ))] (2) = S0 E[e K ≥ S0 e(r− where d2 = (Let dP¯ dP˜ = S(0) −rT S(T ) e S(0) ˜ = e σ WT − ≡ −d2 . find a formula for the arbitrage price of the claim X = M I{ sol: sup St > K ⇔ sup Bt + σ1 (r − t∈[0.T ] σ2 )t 2 ≥ 1 σ sup St >K} . a) State the Poisson process martingale property theorem. T ] and that pays zero otherwise. 0 < u < 1. Sol: (a) For European call option. St ). x) − r(t.is a martingale. Sol: (a) Let N (t) be a Poisson process with intensity λ. St )dt + σ(t. St ) is the solution of the terminal value problem 1 ft (t. σ(t. and r(t. x)fxx (t. where f (t. 2 f (T. St ) are given by explicit functions of the current time and the current stock price. x)xfx (t. the payout is h(St ) = (ST − K)+ . x)f (t. Consider the stock and bond model given by dSt = µ(t. Consider the replicating portfolio at time t. St )dBt and dβt = r(t. bt : the number of units of the bond. Total value of the portfolio at time t is V t = a t S t + b t βt We require that the restructuing of the portfolio be self-financing. x). E[exp{ln(1 − u)N (t + s) + uλ(t + s)}|Ft ] = exp{ln(1 − u)N (t) + uλt} 10. Vt Let at : the number of units of stock. St ) = − σ 2 (t. x) + r(t. (b) E[exp{ln(1 − u)N (t + s)}|Ft ] = E[exp{ln(1 − u)N (t) + ln(1 − u)(N (t + s) − N (t))}|Ft ] = exp{ln(1 − u)N (t)}E[exp{ln(1 − u)(N (t + s) − N (t))}|Ft ] = exp{ln(1 − u)N (t)}E[exp{ln(1 − u)(N (t + s) − N (t))}] = exp{ln(1 − u)N (t)} exp{−uλs} Therefore. Then M (t) = N (t)−λt is a martingale. So. St ). where all of the model coefficients µ(t. the requirement is dVt = at dSt + bt dβt 8 . x) = h(x). St )βt dt. St ). Use the coefficient matching method to show that arbitrage price at time t of a European option with terminal time T and payout h(ST ) is given by f (t. St )dBt ∵ Vt = f (t. The price of a security U is defined as the product of two asset prices R and S. Ut = Rt St . St ))]dt + fx (t. ⇒ dVt = ft (t. x)fxx (t. St ) and Ito formula for geometric Brownian Motion. St σ 2 )(t. St )dSt = [ft (t. St )σ 2 (t. x) which is the solution of the terminal value problem. St )σ 2 (t.e.. St ) + 1/2fxx (t. St )βt ]dt + at σ(t. x) f (T. St µ(t. x) = − 12 σ 2 (t.S1t )βt (ft (t.S1t )βt (ft (t. Suppose R and S are Ito processes given by dRt = 2(100 − Rt )dt + St dBt . St )dBt Compare (1) and (2) ⇒ at = fx (t. x)f (t. x) − r(t. St )dBt = [at u(t. St ) + 1/2fxx (t. St )) The arbitrage price at time t of European option with terminal time T is f (t. St ) = a t S t + b t βt = fx (t.Hence put (1) and (2) into (4) dVt = µdt + σ(t. St ) + bt r(t. ft (t. St )dSt dSt + fx (t.S1t )βt (ft (t. 9 . St )σ 2 (t. i. St ) = at St + bt βt Hence they replicate h(ST ). St )St + r(t. x) = h(x) (b)from (a) at = fx (t. dSt = Rt St dt + St dBt . x)xfx (t. St )dt + (1/2)fxx (t. St )) Vt = f (t. 11. St ) + 1/2fxx (t. St ) + fx (t. x) + r(t. St ) + (1/2)fxx (t. St )) ∴ Vt = f (t. St )σ(t. St ) bt = r(t. St ) bt = r(t. 15·35 5. t E( dtU ) = dt = = = = Ut dt + 200tSt − 2tUt + tUt Rt + tSt2 U0 + 0 (t → ∞) R 0 S0 0. by Ito formula dtUt = ft dt + fU dU + 12 fU U (dU )2 = Ut dt + tdUt = Ut dt + (200tSt − 2tUt + tUt Rt + tSt2 )dt + (tSt2 + tRt St )dBt (b). and find its expected instantaneous rate of return at time 0 if R0 = 0. What is the value of the machine? Hint: By how much should the asset value change at the time the certificate is printed? Assume that V is linear in X. which pays a cash flow of X(t) determined by the Poisson process: V = V (X) By Ito’s lemma: dV = VX dX + 21 VXX (dX)2 = [αXVX + 12 σ 2 X 2 VXX ]dt + σXVX dW Expected cash gain (ECG) = E[dV ] = [αXVX 12 σ 2 X 2 VXX ]dt Expected cash flow (ECF) = Xλdt (a cash flow paid with probability λdt) Total Revenue (TR)=ECG+ECF=[αXVX + 21 σ 2 X 2 VXX + Xλ]dt Arbitrage theory: [αXVX + 21 σ 2 X 2 VXX + Xλ]dt = rV dt 10 . t ≥ 0} is also an Ito process. dUt = UR dR + US dS + URS dRdS = St (2(100 − Rt )dt + St dBt ) + Rt (Rt St dt + St dBt ) + St2 dt = (200St − 2St Rt + Rt2 St + St2 )dt + (St2 + Rt St )dBt Let f = tUt .Show that {tUt . The economy is risk-neutral. sol: dX = αXdt + σXdW To find the value V of the machine. Assume that X follows a geometric Brownian motion with drift α and volatility σ. A machine prints a certificate worth X(t) at random time t generated by a Poisson arrival process with intensity λ. and the risk-free rate of interest is r.25 12. Sol: (a).15 and S0 = 35. VXX = 0 r(AX + B) = αXA + 0 + Xλ ⇒ rA = αA + λrB = 0 λ A = r−α . V = λX r−α 11 . VX = A.B = 0 Hence.⇒ αXVX + 12 σ 2 X 2 VXX + Xλ = rV Let V = AX + B. 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