Step 1 Uworld

March 19, 2018 | Author: Karl Abiaad | Category: Insulin, Heart, Ovary, Glycolysis, Pancreas



QuestionMain Division Id Sub Division Notes 174 Pharmacology Allergy & Immunology Loratidine is 2nd gen antihistamine and safe in elderly coz no fall problems 375 Pathophysiology Allergy & Immunology Hep B itself is not hepatotoxic but CD8+ repsonse to HBsAg and HBcAg will cause damage 723 Microbiology Allergy & Immunology Protein M is the main virulence of strep pyogenous as it inactivates phagocytosis, complement activation and permit bacterial adherence. It is also the target of humoral response to the infection Streptolysin O will lyse RBCs amd PMNs 1155 Immunology Allergy & Immunology Calcineurin activate IL2 which permit T cell proliferation. Hence the use of Calcineurin inhibitors in transplants 1388 Microbiology Allergy & Immunology If a child has diphteria give antitoxin (passive immunization; most efficient), penicilin or erythromycin and vaccine. Otherwise prevent with vaccine (active immunization) 1389 Microbiology Allergy & Immunology Not all diphteria will cause pseudomembranous pharyngitis but need Tox gene to produce its exptoxin AB 2068 Immunology Allergy & Immunology Tryptase is a specific marker for mast cells amd is useful in anaphylaxis 2069 Immunology Allergy & Immunology After IgE bind to receptors on Basophils and Mast cells these aggregate and cause degranulation of substances. 1175 Biostatistics Biostatistics & Epidemiology Absolute Risk Reduction= Event Rate % (A) - Event Rate % (B) 1183 Biostatistics Biostatistics & Epidemiology Mode is the most frequent value on statistics, it the least affected by outliers 1189 Biostatistics When choosing two groups of same age and sex and race you are reducing the Biostatistics & Epidemiology chance of confounding bias. While selection bias occurs when you don't choose a representative sample of the population 1204 Biostatistics P value is called type I error: Probability that the difference ovserve is due to chance alone. Type II error is measured with the power: Beta (probabiity of concluding that Biostatistics & Epidemiology there is no difference when there is actually one) The power is 1 - Beta; meaning that is the pobability of concluding that there is a difference when there is actually one 1274 Biostatistics Biostatistics & Epidemiology A result is considered legit if the 95% CI does not cross 0, so p value is less than 0.05 1278 Biostatistics Biostatistics & Epidemiology Validity (accuracy) is when a test gives very similar results than gold standard Reliability refers to reproducibility of test (similar values all the time) 1279 Biostatistics Biostatistics & Epidemiology Effect modification is when smoking increases HRT risks of DVT compared to just smoker, while HRT alone do not increase the risk of DVT 1282 Biostatistics Biostatistics & Epidemiology In skewed graphs the hill is the Mean, then the Median and uphill is the Mode 1286 Biostatistics Biostatistics & Epidemiology Lung cancer has been increasing a lot recently in women 1299 Biostatistics Biostatistics & Epidemiology 95% CI that value is between X+/- Y Y is 1.96 (SD/rootsquare N) aka (SE) if it is as 99% CI it becomes 2.58 SE 1302 Biostatistics Biostatistics & Epidemiology Berkson's bias: The bias of choosing hospitalized patient in the study Hathorne effect (observer effect): The tendency of subject to change their behavior as a result of awareness that they are being studied Pygmalion effect: the effect of researcher's belief on outcome 10570 Biostatistics Ecological study are like cross sectional study, but in ecological study you want to Biostatistics & Epidemiology measure a certain geographical population habits or whatever. Used to make hypotheses about populations 35 Embryology Cardiovascular System Transposition of Great Arteries is failite of Aorticoopulmonary spiral septum to undergo septation. 40 Pathology Cardiovascular System 0-4 hr post mi the myocardium is normal on histology. 4-12: coagulation necrosis, edema hemorrhage, wavy fibers 1-5 days neutrophils 5-10 macrophae 10-14 granulation tissue then scar with collagen 42 Pathophysiology Cardiovascular System Myocyte will stop contracting 1 min after total ischemia but it reversible until 30 mins 43 Pathology Cardiovascular System Hibernating myocardium refers to the presence of ledt ventricular systolic dysfunction due to reduced coronary blood flow at rest that is partially or completely reversible by coronary revascularisation 92 Pathology Cardiovascular System In dilated Myopathy (also in ischemic myopathy): Contractile function is decrease but normal diastolic funciton (normal compliance) it is the opposite in HTN and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy 96 Pathophysiology Cardiovascular System Constrictive pericarditis is chronic 136 Pharmacology Cardiovascular System NO will induce high cGMP which put myosin light chain in their inactive conformation 141 Pharmacology Cardiovascular System In HOCM we use bb ccb disopyramide and diuretics or dilators 142 Pharmacology Cardiovascular System Patients taking nitrates shld have a nitrate free period daily to avoid tolerance 144 Physiology Cardiovascular System Both cardiac and smooth muscles are activated starting with extracellular Ca2+, therefore CCB's work on them, unlike in skeletal muscles 155 Pharmacology Cardiovascular System Digoxin: AV block (parasympathetik) so helpful in Afib while in CAD its effect is helful coz of increase co tractolity ( DI goxi. So two functions) 160 Pharmacology Cardiovascular System Prevent NIACIN FLushing BY NSAIDS 198 Pathophysiology Cardiovascular System LHF will cause RHF by congestion pulmonary veins leading to vasoconstriction of pulmonary artey and intimal thickening with media hypertrophy 200 Pathophysiology Cardiovascular System S3 is caused by increased preload and it can lead to functional mitral regurg that is eliminted by preload reduction 201 Pathophysiology Cardiovascular System Pulmonary HTN cause irreversible damage to pulmonary arteries while RV hypertrophy can be reversible with correcting the HTN 202 Embryology Cardiovascular System PFO (failure of septum primum and secundum to fuse) and ASD (aplasia of either septum secundum most commonly or septum primum) can both cause stroke from venous clot but the difference is that PFO does not cause murmur. 232 Pathology Cardiovascular System IE: vegetations on valve cups along with degeneration Rhemuatic fever: fibrous thickening and distortion of mitral valve with commissural fusion at leaflet edges 240 Histology Cardiovascular System Aschoff bodies are seen in heart rheumatic fever 245 Physiology Cardiovascular System In tubes velocities: V1A1=V2A2=Cte (considering incompressible tubes, assuming vessels are not compressible we can apply this rule) 296 Pathophysiology Cardiovascular System Metastatic calcification occurs in cell necrosis (like in old aortic valve) 446 Pathophysiology Cardiovascular System Atheros plaques involve platelets (PDGF) macrophages that will promote migration of smooth muscels 449 Pathology Cardiovascular System In mild HTN u get hyaline arteriosclerosis ( deposition in intima and media of vessels) In severe HTN u get onion like concentric thickening of the wall 474 Pathology Cardiovascular System In Varicose vein we morry most about skin ulceratio not DVT and stuff 551 Physiology Cardiovascular System Permissive effect of cortisol: (it permits others to work at their best) On its own it doesnt do anything But increase sensitivity of vessels and bronchial tissues to catecholamines and increase glucose response to Glucagon 679 Microbiology Cardiovascular System only Aureus is coagulase + among the Staphes 693 Pharmacology Cardiovascular System ACE inhibitor can cause hypotension in first doses therefore started gradually (dosage) 778 Pharmacology Cardiovascular System Statins and fibrates have fucked up effects on muscles 898 Pharmacology Cardiovascular System In PSVT adenosine will cause chest burning and flushing 899 Pharmacology Cardiovascular System Amiodarone (class III K+ channel blocker of cardiac pacemaker cells so decrease repolarization and increase AP so imcrease depo and repo time hence increase QT but less associated with Torsades maybe coz of more homogeneous repolarization. So eventhough Amiodarone is BAD it has a GOod Side of the Force. Adenosine increase K+ conductance in AV and cause delay 900 Pharmacology Cardiovascular System Lidocine (IB) bind rapidly depolarizing cells (like cocaine is rapid). Ischemic heart is depolarized, so Lidocaine likes it. SO LIDOCAINE IS GOOD IN MI 944 Pathophysiology Cardiovascular System MR is severed with volume overload so when have S3 u know MR is at its max 951 Physiology Cardiovascular System In exercise, tachycardia will reduce Diastolic time, so this is the limiting factor in Heart perfusion 1003 Microbiology Cardiovascular System Viridans are acquired after dental procedure if have cardiac structural abdnormaloties, and take glucose from out of cells and transform it into dextran to integrate it into its polysaccharide cell wall, and also permits it to adhere to fibrin. So Viridans adhere to fibrin and platelets that are deposited at site of endothelial trauma in the valves and cause infection there. 1014 Pharmacology Cardiovascular System Doxorubicin cause dose related dilated cardiomyopathy by creating free radicals.. Radiation cause myopathies by perocardial fibrosis (viral and surgery.) 1080 Pharmacology Cardiovascular System Cilostazol is used in PAD, reduce,atelt activation and cause vasodilation 1094 Microbiology Cardiovascular System Diphteria toxin (AB exotoxin) ribosylate and therefore inhibit EF-2, so will inhibit protein synthesis causing cell death 1118 Pharmacology Cardiovascular System ANP, BNP, NO --> increase cGMP --> relaxation of smooth muscle 1166 Pharmacology Cardiovascular System if have cough with ACE go for ARBs 1174 Biostatistics Cardiovascular System When comparing the efficiency of a new drug mortality benifit over another standard drug, the NNT (number to treat), represents the ammount of people needed to be treated to prevent on event compared to standard drug: 1/ARR(2.5%(risk of deaths of old drug)-1% (risk of death of new drug)) 1252 Pharmacology Cardiovascular System Arteriolar vasodilator like hydralazine and minoxidil will cause reflex tachycardia and fluid retention 1344 Pharmacology Cardiovascular System Dobutamine affects B1 and lesser B2 and A1. So increase HR and Contractility hence increase Demand of O2 1444 Pharmacology Cardiovascular System FLAT CHAMP INCREASE cAMP Cardiovascular System In fluid loss even if BP is low TPR is high due to Sympathetic activation. But Fluid infusion will increase preload and increase End-Diastolic sarcomere length and will increase Volume status decreasing Sympathetik stimulation and decrease TPR Remember SBP= CO.TPR, so in Hypovolemia CO is super low and even with sympathtic compensation to increase TPR, SBP stays LOW 1512 Physiology Asthma COPD. Tricuspid murmur: left sternal border. the lowest horizontal curve where heart receives blood. AR.1513 Physiology Cardiovascular System Cardiac electrical transmission speed: PAVA: Fastest --> Slowest: Purkinje fibers --> Atrial muscles --> Ventricular muscles --> AV node 1515 Physiology Cardiovascular System PSVT: Do Carotid massage (XI -> X). so AV node will take over to contract ventricles and will get narrow QRS (since it supraventricular firing. Left sided holosystolic murmurs and VSD are not affected by inspiration since it does not increase left V load. Amyl Nitrite (Vasodilation. thus a >10% decrease in SBP. A 2009 Physiology . Calmodulin plays a role in Cardiac Ca2+ efflux. Decrease Bp. increased pericardial fluid will compress LV. making it even smaller. 3rd and 4th intercostal space Mitral murmur: Apex of heart Aortic stenosis: Diamond shape (since aorta is most important and every old person has diamonds) 2002 Pharmacology Cardiovascular System Thiazide increase GLUC Glucose. in cardiac pacemaker cells. affecting excitation-contraction of these cells. the slight increase in P is Afterload. or Hypovolemic Shock. therefore decreasing Contractility. (6075%) During exercise only increasing coronary flow by Vasodilation which is mediated by Adenosine and NO will accommodate for the increase oxygen demand since extraction is already almost maximal. so AV node will filter the impulse sent) 1976 Physiology 1983 Physiology Cardiovascular System Holosystolic murmur. (phase 0) they also decrease intracellular Ca2+. 1975 Physiology Cardiovascular System ACh and Adenosine reduce phase 4 of spontaneous depolarisation. 1871 Anatomy Cardiovascular System The Inferior wall of left Ventricle lies on the Diaphragm and is supplied by the Posterior descending artery (from RCA) 1931 Physiology Cardiovascular System Prior to myochte relaxation Ca2+ leave cells through Ca2+ ATPases and Na+/Ca2+ exchange (3 to 1. Decrease Venous return). and during Inspiration increased venous return in RV will move InterVentricular Septum towards LV. LDL. the slight increase in P is preload whereas in the upper horizontal line which demonstrates heart emptying.(dP/v.Valsalva or Standing (lower V return) all Decrease S3 1589 Physiology Cardiovascular System In exercise PaO2 and PaCO2 do not change but CO and HR increase to accomodate for tissue's demand PE --> Hyperventilation = Lower PaCO2 1621 Physiology Cardiovascular System Flow (Q)= dP/R Remember U=R. Furosemide (Diuresis. Venous return curve its easy. Ca Cardiovascular System The heart has the highest oxygen extraction rate. Cardiovascular System Desynchronization between P and QRS means 3rd degree AV Block. MI will lower the Cardiac output curve maximum and slope.L) So if flow decrease by X in a medium of same property this means that the radius is decreased by X root 4 But Velocity relation is A1V1=A2V2 and has a r2 relatioship change with velocity 1624 Physiology Cardiovascular System In the Cardiac output. 1947 Pharmacology Cardiovascular System Phentolamine is competetive alha blocker wheras phenoxybenzamine is a non competitive irreversible antagonist 1973 Physiology Cardiovascular System CCB's slow Diastolic depolarization of Pacemaker cells. 1528 Physiology Cardiovascular System At rest or exercise both systemic and pulmonary circulations have similar blood flows since both systems are continuous and same amount of blood going from the LV is going from the RV ( both systems differ in r and l of the equation but end up equal in Q since they are continuous) 1529 Physiology Cardiovascular System CO= O2 consumption/ AV O2 difference 1557 Physiology Cardiovascular System S3 sounds in people >40 is abnormal and indicate LV enlargement (MR. by binding Ca2+ ATPases and activating it.L/r4 Q=r4. Left lateral Decubitus (Higher Flow in LV). Valsalva or Adenosine and this will prolong AV node refractory period 1517 Physiology Cardiovascular System In mitral valve stenosis we have a snap (indicating that the stenosed valve is trying to open but is finding difficulties) then a dyastolic rumbling murmur because of turbulent flow across this damaged valve. Dilated or Ischemic Cardiomyopathy). Anemia would higher it since we will have tachycardia Cardiovascular System In Heart PV curve. In Tamponade. If an event decreases venous return like anaphylaxis for example lower the venous return curve. and does not require ATP) Besides its action in Smooth Muscle contraction. and Heard with the Bell of Steth in Cardiac Apex in Early Diastole. But when question is about antiarrythmitic studies choose the Antiarrythmic action of CCB's. that increase during inspiration is only tricuspid regurgitation since the right heart will fill on inspiration. 1652 Physiology 1782 Physiology Cardiovascular System Pulsus Paradoxus usually happens in Tamponade but can also happen in Constrictive Pericarditis. It is Increased in End of Expiration (LV fills more). Nitroprosside will decrease both Preload and Afterload by Vasodilating Both Veins And Arteries.I R= v. lower LV Volume). This means Atria contract from SA node but the impulse does not make it to AV node on time most probably due to circuit abnormality. Uric Acid. Prolonged QT can be congenital and associated with Torsades De Pointes and can also be dure to chronic alcohol use (not one episode of bunge drinking. can be congenital or acquired following infection. BNP then inhibits RAAS system and renin levels. calcipotrieme that bind vitamin D recptor. when trying to reach the femoral artery. degrades BNP.. Geart failure. eccrine and apocrine sweat glands (named this way coz thought to be apocrine in nature ) DA FUCK bass CV u wont be confused 1110 Pathology Dermatology Vitiligo: loss of melanocyte (autoimmune pooly understood) in albinism have melanocyte but cannot produce melanin (unlike vitiligo where melanocytes are fucked up) 1314 Pathology Dermatology Leprosy is attacked by CD4+ Th1 cell mediated response (like other Mycobacterium) so skin lesions are due to IL2 and IFN Gamma 1334 Biochemistry Dermatology In Hartnup disease you have decrease Tryptophan absorption in guts and reabsorption in kidneys. Diuresis. trauma. 1740 Embryology 11628 Pathophysiology Ear. inhibits keratinocytes proliferation and stimulate their differentiation 8904 Pathophysiology Dermatology Accessory nipples are the most common congenital anomaly and fluctuate with menstrual cycle. Neprisylin metalloproteases.2055 Physiology Cardiovascular System Afib can be induce systemic illness (HTN. Vasodilatory (antagonize vasoconstriction action of RAAS) effect and protects against heart remodeling. while digoxin will cause AV block 8711 Histology Cardiovascular System Thpe I Collagen is the most abundant overall and is the one we find in scars. cause hearing loss due to ossicle erosion . if cannulation is done above the inguinal ligament you can induce RETROPERITONEAL HEMORRHAGE (CARDIOLOGIST ARE SCARED OF THIS) 11833 Pathophysiology Cardiovascular System In right MI have stiffness of RV so increase CVP (backup of blood) but low RV output so Low PCWP 11842 Anatomy Cardiovascular System In Afib clots form in left atrial appendage its a motionless part of the atria (ma ela 3aze) 876 Pathology Dermatology Dermatitis herpetiform usually appear at 40-50 Eczema can occur after some food 1061 Biochemistry Dermatology Zinc deficiency causes acrodermatitis enteropathica. and vanco. unlike nevi. the site of ligamentum arteriosum just dital to right subclavian 7640 Pharmacology Cardiovascular System Class III will increase QT. Get irregularly irregular fast rythm with absent P waves and often Narrow QRS. bradykinins. Nose & Throat (ENT) Cholesteatoas are collection of squamous cell debris that form behind tempanic membrane. Increased Sympathetic tone and Excessive alcohol consumption. contrast. 11745 Physiology Cardiovascular System BNP (natriuretic peptide) is released in response to atrial and ventricular stretching --> Natriuresis. infertility and Growth retardation 1106 Anatomy Dermatology Apocrine glands secrete by cel lysis and content exretion like pimple glands (sebacious and meibomian) Apocrine secrete membrane bound vesicles (breast) while Merocrine secrete via exocytosis like salivry. oxytocin and bradykinin. can trigger mast cell degranulation Ear. Acute and chronic rejection are usually Host vs Graft (also T cell mediated) 1641 Pharmacology Dermatology Acyclovir valcyclovir gancyclovir and those are nucleoside analogues that require both cellular and herpes kinases for conversion to their active nucleotide triphosphate form Cidofovir is a nucleoside monophosphate only require host cellular kinase 1669 Microbiology Dermatology Post auricular lymphadenopathy makes us more suspicious towards rubella rather than measle 1725 Genetics Dermatology Androgenic alopecia have Polygenic Inheritance patterns 1937 Pathology Dermatology Lymhedema (like post mastectomy) increase risk of Angiosarcoma 2037 Biochemistry Dermatology In tRNA we have a CCA site where amino acids bind 8569 Pharmacology Dermatology Psoriasis is often treated with with topical vit D analogs. Hyperthyroid). On the other hand Neurofibroma are composed of Shwann cells and neural fibroblasts and can sometimes retract to subcutaneous tissue when pushed down. on EKG. Neprisylin inhibitors are then good in Heart failure --> increase BNP and in turn decrease Renin 11764 Anatomy Cardiovascular System In cardiac cath. Cam occur together or in isolation. High QRS amplitude is due to ventricular hypertrophy often due to HTN. So you will eventually have decreased niacin and pallegra 1613 Immunology Dermatology GVHD occur also with liver transplant because it is rich in lymphocytes and occurs a week later (around).. which can cause Afib) 2130 Anatomy Cardiovascular System Most common cause of aortic rupture in MVC is at the Aortic Isthmus. 11738 Pathology Dermatology TGF beta is responsible for fibroblast migration proliferation and CT synthesis 11852 Pathology Dermatology opioids. Nose & Throat (ENT) Cleft lip: maxillary prominence fail to fuse with intermaxillary segment(below nasal septum) Cleft palate: Failure of palatine shelves to fuse with one another or with primary palate Occur in 5-6 week of embryo development. Thyroid hormones. Diabetes & Metabolism PPAR gamma is a nuclear receptor affected by Pioglitazone and Rioglitazone . Diabetes & Metabolism Fibric acids (gemfibrozil. Diabetes & Metabolism Remember Thiazide and HyperGLUC 990 Physiology Endocrine.. Diabetes & Metabolism High dose of Iodine will inhibit iodine uptake by follicular cells (used if have radioactive iodine intoxication. Also cause osmotic diuresis. Diabetes & Metabolism du quervain: mixed cellular infiltrate with occasional multinuclear giant cells (post URI) Hashimoto: lymphocytic infilitrate with germinal centers and Hurthle cells surrounding residual follicles (large oxyphilic cells filled with granular cytoplasm) 770 Physiology Endocrine. Cardiac Collapse is due to adrenal insuficiency 342 Embryology Endocrine. Adrenal Medulla and Parafollicular pf thyroids (both are chromaffin cells) 920 Pharmacology Endocrine. Diabetes & Metabolism Gemfibrozil are the most efficient for triglyceride so the best in pancreatitis induced by triglycerides 167 Pharmacology Endocrine. 18. the meds will not work well and can have increase adverse effects 605 Pharmacology Endocrine. VitD: Intrareceptor with DNA domain (to alter DNA expression when go in nucleus) Ligand-gated ion channels (Na+. and brown tumor bone cysts. Nose & Throat (ENT) Psterior bleeding with sphenopalatine bleed is usually uncontrollable with bleed and occur with HTN 163 Pharmacology Endocrine. Diabetes & Metabolism Neural crest: PNS. Diabetes & Metabolism Pioglitazone affect transcription factor and gene involvement so takes time 604 Pharmacology Endocrine. Omphalocele. This is different from Sex binding protein which let testosterone circulate in the blood and is produced by liver 225 Pathology Endocrine. Diabetes & Metabolism GnRH agonist: at first act as GnRH but then in contrary coz not pulsatile 216 Physiology Endocrine. Cranial Nerve Involvement (bitemporal hemianospia. Diabetes & Metabolism 7-dehydrocholesterol -(UV)-> CholeCalciferol (D3) (1st step) then 25-OH in Liver then 1-OH in Kidney 992 Physiology Endocrine. Diabetes & Metabolism hyperPTH leads to Osteitis Fibrosa Cystica where we have subperiosteal eiosions affecting phallanges of hand.) ) 209 Pharmacology Endocrine. EPO Hypercalcemia Hypocalciuria (AD since all family has it): Defective Ca2+ sensing G (THINK C. T4 is not efficient coz it takes days to work) 769 Pathology Endocrine.. Prolactin. In Pple with renal impairement. Diabetes & Metabolism Gliflozin are SGLT2 inhibitors (sodium glucose cotransporter in PCT) cause glucosuria so possible UTI and genital mycotic infection. T4 form and are released 771 Embryology Endocrine.11783 Anatomy Ear. Neural tube defect. 599 Pharmacology Endocrine. then goes in the colloid. Diabetes & Metabolism Glitazones PPAR GAMMA STUFF reduce insulin resistance 980 Biochemistry Endocrine. 631 Pathophysiology Endocrine. Diabetes & Metabolism Pioglitazone and stuff work on PPAR gamma in fat so make u FAT not only by fat but also by increasing Na absorption in Collecting Tubules 602 Biochemistry Endocrine. PTH and TSH receptors work through Protein Kinase A responsible for the G protein/ Adenylate cyclase secondary messenger system . 994 Biochemistry Endocrine. Sertoli cells also secrete Androgen binding proteins to bind Testosterone and trap it there since it needs it for spermatogenesis.Cl-) across membrane for membrane potential etc.) 166 Pharmacology Endocrine. Intrinsic Phosphorylation: Insulin and Insulin like GF JAK STAT: GH. ophtalmoplegia) and meningeal irritation. and Multiple gestation. beta adrenergic. part of dermatitis . where its tyrosine residues bind to I2 (Peroxidase).Ca2+.symporter) in Follicular cells and is competitively inhibited by Perchlorate and Pertechnetate. Diabetes & Metabolism Sertoli cells secrete Inhibin B to feedback inhibit FSH. Diabetes & Metabolism Glucagon.) decrease triglyceride production while Cholestyramine (bile acid sequestrant) cause hypertriglyceride and gallstones ( cause decrease bile acid reuptake so new cholesterol is put in bile u know. Diabetes & Metabolism Increase AFP (Dating error most commonly) Patau Gastroschisis. Iis converted to I2 (Iodine) in the colloid (catalysed by Peroxidase). Diabetes & Metabolism In addition to DERMATITIS of NIACIN Add GOUT (hyperuricemia. Thyroglobulin is synthesized in Follicules then go to colloid too. 767 Pathophysiology Endocrine. Leydig cells secrete Testos that feedback inhibit LH. Diabetes & Metabolism TSH stimulate I-(Iodide) absorption (Na+I. "salt and pepper" skull. G LOOK ALIKE) proteins coupled receptors in PT gland and kidney that regulate circulating Ca2+ levels. Diabetes & Metabolism Cortisol produced in the cortex will pass through the veins that will go the medulla and enhance the PNMT (phenylethanolamine N methytransferase) enzyme that converts Norepi to Epi (Makes sense right) 603 Pharmacology Endocrine.K+. Diabetes & Metabolism Steroid. MIT and DIT are phagocytosed in follicular cells then those who are not deiodinated join and T3. Decreased levels in Trisomy 21. Diabetes & Metabolism Acute hemorrhage into the pituitary (pituitary apoplexy) is usually aassociated with Pituitary Adenoma Severe Headache.. catechols. Diabetes & Metabolism Alpha stimulation is dominant over beta thats why epinephrine decrease insulin 1325 Physiology Endocrine. Diabetes & Metabolism In Cushing we HyperPlasia of Zona Fasciculata (Not Hypertrophy) . Infection. In the RER first the N terminal is cleaved giving Proinsulin then 3 disulfides bonds in the Insulin parts form. which is converted to T3 (active hormone) rT3 (inactive) 1660 Pathology Endocrine.. Diabetes & Metabolism Fructose 2. Diabetes & Metabolism Pentose phosphate reactions are all in Cytoplasm (coz only 5 carbona WTF) First step of Gluconeogenesis consisting of Puruvate to Pxaloacetate requires B1 and is in Mitochondria 1163 Pathophysiology Endocrine. Diabetes & Metabolism In metabolic acidosis (E. UDP --> TMP. Insulin also inhibits glucose release from liver. Diabetes & Metabolism Orotic acid converts to UMP. But C peptide's half life is only 35 mins 1979 Pathophysiology Endocrine. Diabetes & Metabolism Smoking cessation is by far the most effective preventive intervention to avoid Cardiac events 1022 Biochemistry Endocrine. Diabetes & Metabolism Glucose is transported in the D-Glucose form. close them irrespectively of ATP 1010 Biochemistry Endocrine.. This will depolarize cell. Diabetes & Metabolism Glucokinase will control glucose entry in Glycolysis in pancreas and liver and hence stimulate insulin release. COOL Hein 1031 Biochemistry Endocrine. If the enzyme Orotate phosphorybosyl transferase is missing. which will open Voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels. Glut 4 is insulin mediated and transports it into fat and muscle tissues whereas Glut 2 tranports Glucose from Liver. Then translation continues in RER Ribosomes (the same ribosome translocates). but Increase Na+ Renal Absorption increasing blood volume and BP. Diabetes & Metabolism Serine and threonine phosphorylation of insulin receptor lead to insulin resistanec (mediated by TNF alpha. Diabetes & Metabolism In CAH give Steroids to supress ACTH 8531 Pathology Endocrine.1009 Physiology Endocrine.6 biphosphate favors Insulin effect and decreasing conversion of pyruvate to Glucose ( decrease cAMP) in contrary to Glucagon 1034 Biochemistry Endocrine. Diabetes & Metabolism Insulin synthesis: Insulin translation starts in ribosomes to yield PreProInsulin. CTP (pyrimidine). It is Anabolic (Glycogen. Diabetes & Metabolism DM I : Islet leukocytic infiltration DM II: Islet amyloid deposition 1013 Biostatistics Endocrine. steroids and glucagon) 1328 Pathophysiology Endocrine. Diabetes & Metabolism High Acetyl CoA level is the main Allosteric Actiator of Gluconeogenesis Increasing the activity of Pyruvate Carboxylase. think that ure producing an adenoma NON SENSE BUT STILL 1324 Pharmacology Endocrine. Diabetes & Metabolism Sulfonylurea can cause Severe Hypoglycemia . Diabetes & Metabolism Thyroid produce mainly T4.g DKA) u hyperventilat but in DKA u have lung edema so u go in respiratory failure not only because of exhaustion 1984 Pharmacology Endocrine. Diabetes & Metabolism Beta cells: Glucose enters pancreas through GLUT 2 transporter undergoes glycolysis and produces ATP which will bind ATP-sensitive K+ channels (opened at rest and maintains K+ efflux keeping cell hyperpolarized) and close them. But if you supplement patient with Uridine you negatively feedback the reaction 2081 Pathology Endocrine. Pain and Sleep Deprivation can cause Hyperglycemia. increasing Ca2+ intracellularly and inducing insulin release. 1326 Pathophysiology Endocrine. Diabetes & Metabolism Panthothenic acid is B5 and is used to synthesize CoA used in TCA cycle especialy in first step reaction 1119 Biochemistry Endocrine. Diabetes & Metabolism gluconeogenesis requiring conversion of oxaloacetate to PEP uses GTP as a source of energy and this GTP comes from the conversion of Succinyl CoA to Succinate in the Krab Cycle. Diabetes & Metabolism Insulin has no effect in Glucose reabsorption in kidneys. Diabetes & Metabolism Severe hypoglycemia (patient not conscious so cannot swallow) so give Glucagon (if outsode hospital) and Sugar per IV (in Hospital) 2066 Biochemistry Endocrine. Converting Pyruvate into Oxaloacetate 1044 Biochemistry Endocrine. Glut transport Glucose via Carrier-mediated transport (Active transport) 1540 Physiology Endocrine. Protein Synthesis) and inhibits Glycogenolysis. SI and Kidneys into blood circulation and helps regulates insulin secretion from pancreas. while Exercise can induce Hypoglycemia. you won't be able to convert orotic acid. but both Insulin and C peptides are stored in granules and secreted from Beta cells. If KATP channels do not respond to ATP we will have DM. 1615 Physiology Endocrine. Diabetes & Metabolism RAT (activating mutation) in Men RAS is follicular thyroid 1355 1768 Physiology Endocrine. Diabetes & Metabolism In DM. The ProInsulin is sent to the Golgi Apparatus and is cleaved by endopeptidases. Sulfonylurea bind KATP. and Inhibits Glucagon secretion by directly acting on Alpha cells. If non functional you can have DM predisposition 1012 Pathology Endocrine. Diabetes & Metabolism Elevated free fatty acid levels contribute to insuline resistance (impair insulin dependant glucose uptake and increase hepatic gluconeogenesis and insulin secretion) and DM II Physiology Endocrine. Lipolysis and other Catabolic reactions. 1632 Anatomy Female Reproductive System & Breast Ovary is innervated by Ovarian artery. not bile acids 207 Physiology Female Reproductive System & Breast For ovulation induction you can use Menotropin (mimics FSH) then HCG (mimics LH. 1831 Embryology Female Reproductive System & Breast Bicornuate nucleus: Incomplete lateral fusion of paramesonephroc duct 1899 Physiology Female Reproductive System & Breast Anovulation is common in first years of menarche (Immature axis. flank pain and fever but no urinary incontinence 11802 Microbiology Female Reproductive System & Breast KOH is used to diagnose gardenella While trichonoma protozoa with flagella are seen on wet mount 11820 Anatomy Female Reproductive System & Breast Internal urinary sphincter are parasympathetic innervation while external one ( distal) is pudendal voluntary Kegel exercice target levator ani ( think of how u contract ur perineum) 47 Microbiology Gastrointestinal & Nutrition hep B give hep D a capsule giving it its virulence and ability to invade hepatocyte 57 Pathology Gastrointestinal & Nutrition Aflatoxin G->T mutation in p53. vein. it can happen with chronic anovulatory cycles (where you only have estrogen without progesterone). and motor og urthra sphincter and external anal sphincter (S2-S4) 1809 Embryology Female Reproductive System & Breast In contrast to Androgen insensitive patient those with Vagina agenesis (upper vagina and sometimes uterus. smell and taste of food Gastric phase: Chemicals in food and gastric distention. increasing risk of HCC. and not the point here) 258 Pathology Female Reproductive System & Breast PCOS have increased risk of endometrial ca and DM II 299 Physiology Female Reproductive System & Breast Upon withdrawal of Progesterone. same alpha subunit. This actually explains why LH and Progesterone are not null during Follicular phase.11565 Pharmacology Endocrine.decrease in circulation (predictable) 126 Gastrointestinal & Nutrition . lymphatic and nerves which are contained in suspensory ligament as the suspensory ligament hold the ovaries in suspension in the abdomen 1739 Anatomy Female Reproductive System & Breast Pudendal block is sometimes use if epidural was not used. high grade cells with central necrosis 1158 Pathology Female Reproductive System & Breast Granuloas cell tumor of ovary: Call Exner (cuboidal cells in rosette pattern with bean nuclei) and yellow theca cells with lipids Large unilateral adnexal mass with increase Estrogen and inhibin 1549 Pathophysiology Female Reproductive System & Breast Herpes facial palsy is HSV 1 (oral not genital) HSV 2 resides in dorsal root ganglia in sacral ganglia and be reactivated and give recurrent genital ulcer VZV also goes in dosal root but in trigerminal ganglia 1560 Physiology Female Reproductive System & Breast Theca interna: Cholesterol -(LH)-> progesterone + Androgen --> Granulosa (Aromatase): Androgen -(FSH)-> Estrogen. spots Complex atypical endometrial hyperplasia occurs with prolonged unopposed estrogen. ECL) --> Acid secretion Intestinal phase: proteins in Ileum and Colon will produce Peptide YY which will bind to ECL and inhibit gastrin stimulated histamine release from these cells When acid is secreted Bicarb and Cl. Endometrial cells undergo Apoptosis around 5 days later. Diabetes & Metabolism Sulfonylurea can cause Hypoglycemia 11634 Pharmacology Endocrine. Similar subunit with FSH too but not that much. as part of apoptosis first step) and perinuclear halo clearing 1057 Pathology Female Reproductive System & Breast Comedocarcinoma (DCIS): solid sheet of pleomorphic. Theca externa serve as supportive connective structure. 11781 Anatomy Female Reproductive System & Breast Ureter injury will cause leakage of urine irritating the bowel causing ileus. HRT without progesterone or Obese old women. Found in grains corns soybeans peanuts where fungi are grown 62 Microbiology Gastrointestinal & Nutrition Liver abscess can be caused by Staph throgh hematogenous route MESH GHALAT 70 Biochemistry Gastrointestinal & Nutrition In infections Beta glucoronidase are released by hepatocytes and unconjugate conjugated bilirubin causing it to precipitate and causing brown stones 78 Pathophysiology Gastrointestinal & Nutrition cholesterol makes bile less soluble while bile salts and phosphatidylcholine makes it more soluble Physiology Acid secretion: 3 phases Cephalic: Vagal and cholinergic: stimulated by thought. Diabetes & Metabolism Ezetemibe is like fenofibrate but decrease absorption of cholesterol. sight. Gastrin-->Histamine (Enterochromafin like cells. It is intravaginal medial to ischial spine and will num the perineum the genitals. so follicle does not become corpus luteum) and last years before menopause. Atrophic endometrium occurs in menopause (also get spotting 2056 Pathology Female Reproductive System & Breast Ovary is cuboidal cells 8556 Genetics Female Reproductive System & Breast Turner's have abnormal ovary but normal Uterus so can get pregnant with donation etc. it manifests with menstrual variability. it's Mullerian defect) ave Pubic hair etc. causing Menses 1015 Histology Female Reproductive System & Breast Koilocyte seen in HPV are cells with dense nucleus (pyknotic: dense DNA. Neck most of Body. Then you think of VACTREL Vertebral. are targeted by NK cells to kills them 755 Biochemistry Gastrointestinal & Nutrition 1g of Proteins and Carbs produces 4 Calories while 1 g of Fat produces 9 Calories 790 Biochemistry Gastrointestinal & Nutrition The MAP kimase pathway (including Growth hormone) uses Ras protein and GTP (active) and GDP (inactove) 841 Pharmacology Gastrointestinal & Nutrition Arsenic is found in insecticides. Cardiac. submucosa and muscular layers 369 Pathophysiology Gastrointestinal & Nutrition Inhaled halothane can cause fulminant hepatitis (looks like viral hep) and will have high ALT AST. mucosa. is most commonly associated with urogenital abnormalities (fistulas and stuff). and inhibit protein synthesis in colon mucosa and renal endothelial (EHEC: only e coli that does not produce glucuronidase and does not ferment sorbitol) While ETEC and Yersinia enterotoxin increase cellular cGMP leading to diarrhea Only enteroinvasive EIEC invade mucosa hence the I 1100 Microbiology . TE. Eosophageal atresia. contaminated water and cause abd pain. Dorsal duct (major) drain into smaller papillae.vomiting. Anus. diarrhea. While B12 and Bile salts are absorbed in Ileum Gastrointestinal & Nutrition Shiga toxin (shiga like also) inactivates 60s ribosome by removing adenine from rRNA.133 Pathophysiology Gastrointestinal & Nutrition Can diagnose Lactase deficiency by decreased pH of stool 165 Pharmacology Gastrointestinal & Nutrition Statins decrese cholesterol formation SURE. and decrease hepatic function so failure so prolonged PT and stuff but no hepatic HTN 370 Pathology Gastrointestinal & Nutrition Alcohol inhibits Free FA Oxidation and Gluconeogenesis coz have INCREASED NADH 373 Immunology Gastrointestinal & Nutrition Children <6 yrs usually get asymptomatic Hep A. ileum involvement. thats why we give aspirin for colon CA 432 Pathology Gastrointestinal & Nutrition Tenesmus is seen in rectal adenoCA not colon righ colon: occult bleed iron deficiency Left colon: obstruction and often hematochezia 435 Pathology Gastrointestinal & Nutrition Pancreatic pseudocyst wall is not lined by epithelium but by granulation and fibrous tissues Serous cyst have glycogen rich cuboidal cells epithelium Mucinous cysts habe columnar mucinous epithelium Atypical papillary projections are seen in AdenoCa 437 Embryology Gastrointestinal & Nutrition Pancreas Embryology: Dorsal bud Tail. Limbs 322 Embryology Gastrointestinal & Nutrition Meckels diverticulum is part of vitelline (omphalocele) duct remnant (in embryo connects midgut to yolk sac but obliterated in 7th week) If not obliterate it can cause vitelline diverticulum where meconium passe through it into the umilibcal cord. hypotension and garlic odor breath. Inferior Posterior Moreover. BUT BUTTT cholestyramine will bind bile acids and cause increase excretion so liver will produce more cholesterol to throw in bile 280 Pathology Gastrointestinal & Nutrition Esophageal spasm is due to imparied neural inhibition within the myenteric plexus 290 Pathology Gastrointestinal & Nutrition Erosion does not cross Muscularis Mucosa While Ulcer Do Cross it 306 Pathophysiology Gastrointestinal & Nutrition Mastocytosis will increase Histamine and cause Gastric Hypersecretion (EZ) (Associated with KIT receptor Tyrosine Kinase Mutation) 319 Embryology Gastrointestinal & Nutrition Duodenal atresia is due to recanalization failure while Jejunal/Ileal atresia is due to vascular injuries 320 Embryology Gastrointestinal & Nutrition Imperforate anus. Treat with DIMERCARPOL 1018 Physiology Gastrointestinal & Nutrition Fat is absorbed in Jejunem. 328 Embryology Gastrointestinal & Nutrition Meckels diverticulum is a true one and is composed of all layers. They don't get anti IgM antibody since no disease 374 Microbiology Gastrointestinal & Nutrition Hel B is a ds DNA but replicate via reverse transcription (+RNA template) 406 Pathology Gastrointestinal & Nutrition Crohn Th1 (terminal ileum) UC Th2 407 Pathology Gastrointestinal & Nutrition in UC the rectum is always involved 410 Pathology Gastrointestinal & Nutrition Toxic megacolon is UC is diagnosed by Xray 412 Pathophysiology Gastrointestinal & Nutrition Crohn. Inferoposterior aspect of Head and Major Duct In Pancreatic Divisum (5% of population) the two buds fail to fuse fiving two seperate ducts with independant drainage. Ventral duct (will be smaller) drain into major papillae. Renal. Accessory Duct Ventral bud: Uncinate. Cery rarely this can cause chronic Pancreatitis 539 Immunology Gastrointestinal & Nutrition Ig's attach Phagocytic cells through Fc portions and attach Complements through hinge portion 589 Immunology Gastrointestinal & Nutrition Secretory IgA come in a dimer form where both Fc portions are attached by a J chain 745 Immunology Gastrointestinal & Nutrition Cells with decreased MHC1 expression like virus infected cells and tumor cells. bile acid will not be reabsorbed so bile will have less bile acids and will be more cholesterolous hence gallstones 415 Pathology Gastrointestinal & Nutrition Traction Diverticula is True Diverticula and due to inflammation and stuff While pulsion Diverticula is False (like sigmoidal Diverticula) Outpouching of the mucosa and submucosa through the muscularis 431 Pathology Gastrointestinal & Nutrition Polyp were shown to be involved with COX2. or we can just have a band or a cyst. and excess H2O. and alpha keto which is needed for respiration is depleted too. Ghrelin (Hunger): Increase in Fasting. SC nodules. portal vein and CBD ) run through the hepatoduodenal ligament so if there is bleeding we clamp the ligament to rule in or rule out any other cause of bleed 11591 Pathophysiology Gastrointestinal & Nutrition In gerd Dysphagia is more consistent with ulceration while dysphagia and obsturction goes more with strictures 11629 Behavioral science Gastrointestinal & Nutrition As a physician be RADICALLY AGAINST Herbal products especially if you are sure they are bad 11771 Anatomy Gastrointestinal & Nutrition Pudendal nerve which (S2-S4) which numbs the perineumand genitals also numbs area when want to do external Hemorrhoids removal (Gives inferior rectal nerve). treated with Somatostatin Gastrin: acid secretion and growth of gastric mucosa 1971 Physiology Gastrointestinal & Nutrition Secretin. Glutamine is bad for the cells and accumulated. causing Diarrhea.1136 Microbiology Gastrointestinal & Nutrition Shigella need 10-500 bacteria to infect Very BadAss 1156 Pharmacology Gastrointestinal & Nutrition Iron poisoning will cause diarrhea while lead will cause constipation 1169 Biostatistics Gastrointestinal & Nutrition NPV and PPV depend on disease prevalence irrespectively of test sensitivity and specifictiy 1251 Biochemistry Gastrointestinal & Nutrition Trypsinogen is converted to Trypsin in duodenal of epithelium and in turn activates other digestion proteins 1258 Pharmacology Gastrointestinal & Nutrition Morphine cause smooth muscle contraction in sphincter of Oddi 1290 Pharmacology Gastrointestinal & Nutrition Diphenoxylate (opioid and act on mu receptors ) given with diarrhea. leading to Diarrhea. will stimulate Bicarb secretion from pancreas.loss in stools. 10401 Microbiology Gastrointestinal & Nutrition Fidaxomicin is used in resistant C diff 10583 Anatomy Gastrointestinal & Nutrition The portal triad (Hepatic artery. erythromycin acts as a Motilin Agonist. Internal Hemorrhoids are innervated by Autonomic Inferior Hypogastric Plexus and do not sense pain or temperature. Na+ and K+ follow. On the other ither hand. Giardia is all about IgA defense and not eosinophils (involved in Helminthic infections) 1807 Biochemistry Gastrointestinal & Nutrition Riboflavin B2 is used in TCA cycle by transforming Succinate to ketoglutarate forming FADH2 while the reaction before of Succinyl CoA to Succinate forms 1 GTP used in Gluconeogenesis 1863 Pathology Gastrointestinal & Nutrition Viral Hepatitis: hepatocyte necrosis (cellular swelling and cytoplasmic emptying cused by loss of ATP and loss filament in the meshwork) and apoptosis ( in apoptosis there cellular shrinking with nuclear fragmentation and esoniphilia (Councilman body)with moninuclear infiltration 1918 Pathology Gastrointestinal & Nutrition Atrophic Gastritis Affect the Body of stomach while H pylori zffects the Antrum first then the Body 1927 Pathology Gastrointestinal & Nutrition Viral Hepatitis cause Apoptotic Hepatocytites so get round acidophilic Councilman BODIES (eosinophilic ) also seen in Yellow fever 1938 Physiology Gastrointestinal & Nutrition Motilin is produced by Duodenal mucosa ans stimulates Smooth Muscle contraction in Upper GI. glutamate which is excitatory is no longer here. Do the math. Glucagonoma: DM. 11782 Anatomy Gastrointestinal & Nutrition The appendix is best identified by the converence of the 3 Taeniae Coli of the colon 11795 Anatomy Gastrointestinal & Nutrition Chronic pancreatitis can cause splenic vein thrombosis causing short gastric vein varicoses (Dr levi style) 11860 Pathophysiology Gastrointestinal & Nutrition Bacteria in guts produce not only Vit K but also Folate . NEC VIPoma (Pancreatic Islet Gumor): increase Cl. SB fistula for STEP 1 1596 Immunology Gastrointestinal & Nutrition Unlike other parasites. It also inhibits Gastric acid secretion. excess ammonia will deplete alpha ketoglutarate. pancretic enzymes are secreted following Vagal and CCK stimulus (like Gallbladder) 8283 Genetics Gastrointestinal & Nutrition Linkage disequilibrium is when the frequency of alleles independently do not match the frequency of having both alleles at the same time 8578 Biochemistry Gastrointestinal & Nutrition In hepatic encephalopathy. but is given with atropine to produce bad effects and discourage abuse and tolerance 1396 Pathology Gastrointestinal & Nutrition Pseudomembranous colitis (C diff): White/yellow plaques membrane like on colono composed of fibrin and inflamatorry Undercooked meat: cysticercosis : Seizures. IM calcifications 1397 Microbiology Gastrointestinal & Nutrition C diff toxins A: intestinal inflamation and fluid secretion B: Cytotoxic (affect actin cytoskeletal structures an intracellular signaling) 1398 Microbiology Gastrointestinal & Nutrition Clostridium mostly attack people with disturbed GI microbiome 1467 Immunology Gastrointestinal & Nutrition Sabin (oral polio vaccine) has better IgA activity than Salk doing a better job at mucosal entries 1525 Anatomy Gastrointestinal & Nutrition Air in Biliary tree means GB. and glutamate to convnert them into glutamine. secreted by Duodenal S-cells in response to H+ in the duodenum. Decrease after Eating. 7xVd/Cl 1715 Pharmacology General Principles Lipophilic deug prefer liver exretion Mante2 1728 Genetics General Principles Lesh nyhan is X linked recessive while Galactosemia is AR 1912 Microbiology General Principles Thayer and Martin are selective and only ahve sex together but culture neisseria BADDEEE 1970 Genetics General Principles Pleiotropy = One mutation and many many consequences 2025 Genetics General Principles Enhancers/Repressors can be anywhere in relation to the gene involved. T cells immunodeficiency appearing at 6-12 months. Nucleosol. by turning it into 2. 1029 Biochemistry Hematology & Oncology RBC dont do oxidative phosphorylation since they dont have ATP. nuclear membrane). Thrombocytopenia (both appear early) and B. If still no response then vWF vs GP Ib.3 BPG (LOGICAL YA?) 1035 Biochemistry Hematology & Oncology NADPH can be synthesised through the oxidative pathway of HMP shunt but can also be formed from the non oxidative pathway through Transketolase and Transaldolase from Fructose6P instead of G6P . ER. If normal plasma is added and still no reponse to ristocetin it is Bernard (coz vWF is contained in normal plasma) 465 Pathology Hematology & Oncology Factor V is when factor V is resistent to protein C deactivation 537 Immunology Hematology & Oncology Wiskott Aldrich is triad of Eczema. It is increased in Inflammation. binding RNA polymerase alone is not enough) for transcription initiation. Low Hepcidin. so binds better) to activate complement system. Mitochondria ( nuclear proteins) and Peroxisome ( involve in anabolism and catabolism of fat (very long chain FA) and also produce bile) RER destination: Membrane (cell membrane. protects mRNA from degradation in chtoplasm Splicing: Introns removal 7791 Genetics General Principles Methylation of Cytosine in DNA is implicated in gene silencing and hence in Imprinting of disease ( why silent in mom not in kids for ex) 11514 Pathology General Principles Hand Hygiene is best way to prevent hospital infections 11674 Immunology General Principles Ubiquitin proteasome pathway: ubiquitin tag bad particles (like viral particles). It is decreased in hypoxia and erythropoeisis. express both CD4 and CD8 614 Pathology Hematology & Oncology Glioblastoma: Necrosis and vascular proliferation 787 Physiology Hematology & Oncology Hpecidin. while promoter are 25-70 base pair upstream to start of gene 2029 Genetics General Principles Stop codon UAA UAG UGA are recognised by Realeasing Factor 1 2030 Genetics General Principles TATA box is a promotor (25 bases upstream) that bind to transcription factor and RNA polymerase II (in Eukaryote. If you add ristocetin you will activate GP Ib receptors on platelets and make it available for vWF binding.757 Physiology General Principles Free ribosome translation destination: Cytosol. B6 is involved in decaboxylation reaction 1616 Physiology General Principles Circuit in Parallel: 1/Rt = 1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3 (Think how circulation in the body which is mainly in Parallel wants to be efficient) In series: Rt = R1 + R2 + R3 1712 Pharmacology General Principles Isoniazid metabolism by acetylation so we have fast and slow acetylators. and high iron levels. Lysosome --> Prepare to go out of cells 1028 Biochemistry General Principles During exercice the Ca2+ release in muscles will also activate glycogen pathway and glycogenolysis hence the parallel association between muscle contraction and gycogenolysis 1469 Genetics General Principles Rota and influenza like genetic shift through reassortment thats why they are common and need to vaccinate many times (more efficient virulence than genetic drift: pt mutation) Shift is Sudden wheras Drift is graDual (less killer machine) 1482 Biochemistry General Principles B6 is involved in transamination reaction where an amino group from an amino acid goes to an alpha ketoacid making it an amino acid.CAAt box is also a promotor but 85 bases upstream 2031 Genetics General Principles N myc is a transcription factor and bind DNA 2033 Genetics General Principles Postranscriptional modification: (occur in nucleus) 5' capping Poly A tail (3' end): when AAUUAAA (transcribed from DNA) is detected the cap is added (cap is not transcribed from DNA). 540 Immunology Hematology & Oncology C1 binds to IgG and IgM (Pentameric. at the hinge point of the heavy chain 559 Immunology Hematology & Oncology Immature T lymphocytes in Thymus cortex. increase intestinal absorption and release from Macrophage. and they dont even produce enough ATP in Glycolysis coz they sacrifice 1. secreted by liver will decrease intestinal Iron rate absorption. proteasomes come degrade them then they a presented on cell surface bound to MHCI for presentation to cytotoxic CD8 cells 11847 Behavioral science General Principles Preventable adverse event is defined as injury to a patient due to failure to follow evidence based test practice guidelines 58 Pathology Hematology & Oncology Hep C (RNA virus) lacks reverse transcriptase and does not integrate into genome ulnike DNA Hep B that do integrate 346 Biochemistry Hematology & Oncology VWF --> GP Ib (Bernard) --> GP IIb-IIIa (Glanzman). 1714 Pharmacology General Principles T1/2:0. Golgi.3 BPG (which usually gives ATP by turning into 3-phosphoglycerate). causing parastheisa 1683 Immunology Hematology & Oncology Rhogam is an IgG antibody 1717 Pathology Hematology & Oncology Rb is active HypoPhosphorylated (its in kidss so we dont like much phosphorylation. In follicular lymphoma (B cell tumor) bcl-2 goes to ch 14 and is over4 expressed RAS: component of MAP kinase path. then cytosol. endometrium. Heme is produced in Mitochondria firs 3 reactions.lung cancers) DNA mismatch repair: in Lynch syndrome (colon and stuff) 1786 Pathology Hematology & Oncology Pure red Cell aplasia is seen in : Thymoma. and Retinoic acid receptor are malfounctional 1405 Pathology Hematology & Oncology AML (15-17t): Auer rods 1415 Biochemistry Hematology & Oncology In CN poisoining: (bind cytochrome a-a3) Nitrites bind Fe2+ --> Fe3+ (higher affinity to CN and prevent its release to mitochondria) Another Antidote is Sodium Thiosulfate which combines with CN forming Thiocyanate which is less toxic and excreted in urine 1455 Biochemistry Hematology & Oncology In RBC. transmits signals from cell surface to nucleus (pancreatic. GB. u cannot synthesize anymore heme 1455 Biochemistry Hematology & Oncology RBC cannot produce heme coz they dnt have Mitonchondria responsible for first and last step of production 1474 Genetics Hematology & Oncology Radiation therapy works through breaking Double Strand DNA. Once the dysplastic cells have breached the basement membrane it os no longer reversible 1754 Pathology Hematology & Oncology Lymphocyte bnign vs malignant: Monoclona T cell vs Polyclonal in infection (makes sense) 1758 Pathology Hematology & Oncology bcl2 (oncogene on chromo 18) It inhibits apoptosis of tumor cells and facilitates neoplastic growth. Nitrite. So when RBC mature and lose their mitochondria. and Parvovirus B19 infection 1788 Genetics Hematology & Oncology Hemophilia is X-recessive 1796 Pathology Hematology & Oncology Erythropetein have bluish cytoplasm reticular precipitates of rRNA and is larger (also lacks a nucleus) 1797 Pathology Hematology & Oncology Mosto Carcinogens enter body as inactive but P450 (monooxygenase) make them so. And LAMININin Extracelullar matrix ..erance to all and dont get side ffects anymore except for CONSTIPATION AND MIOSIS 1338 Biochemistry Hematology & Oncology In acute porphyria.1039 Pathology Hematology & Oncology TNF alpha cause cachexia 1077 Pharmacology Hematology & Oncology Heparin attaches on AT III and and enhances its activity by inhibiting Xa and thrombin. you can give heme which will inhibit ALAminuvic acid synthetase and decrease accumulation of D ALA and porphorynohenc 1403 Genetics Hematology & Oncology AML M3 (15:17). and it depends on this system to determine succeptibility of individual 1819 Pharmacology Hematology & Oncology MDD1 code for a P glycoprotein a transmembrane ATP dependant efflux pump that increase efflux of drugs and decrease influx of these chemo agents making the cells resistant to chemo 1847 Biochemistry Hematology & Oncology Folate i s needed for Thymidine formation 1861 Pathology Hematology & Oncology Aplastic anemia (Thrombocytopenia. lowering their blood level. COLLAGEN. Lymphocytic Leukemia. Enzyme deficiencies or Hemoglobinopathies) . thyroid . CO poisoning will cause a Left Shift (Decreased O2 tendency to unload) 1614 Immunology Hematology & Oncology Isotype sworching occurs in germinal centers of LN 1647 Pharmacology Hematology & Oncology Ganciclovir can cause NEUTROPENIA.. which in turn chelates Ca2+ and Mg2+.. colon. But build to.. and absent hematopoietic cell in marrow) will have BM with fat infiltrate 1872 Pathology Hematology & Oncology Integrin bind cells to basement membrane by attaching it to FIBRONECTIN. ) 1753 Pathology Hematology & Oncology In Dysplasia there is reversible change in epithelial. LMWH IS MORE SPECIFIC FOR Xa 1242 Biochemistry Hematology & Oncology In HbS valine take the place of glutamate in 6th position of the beta chain causing new hydrophobic interactions hence sickling 1257 Pharmacology Hematology & Oncology Opioids has many sode effects like constipation nausea vomiting. its effect increase with TMP SMX or ZiDoVuDine coz also can cause BM supression 1654 Physiology Hematology & Oncology Patients who receive more than 5L/24 hrs of PRBC will have high levels of Citrate (used to store blood). Anemia. It will not affect Methemoglobin (Iron oxidized to Fe3+ due to Dapsone. and creating free radicals too 1476 Biochemistry Hematology & Oncology Thymidine dimers are usually corrected by endonucleases 1496 Microbiology Hematology & Oncology I know its weird but Aplastic Crisis affect only RBC while Aplastic Anemia affects all lines 1545 Physiology Hematology & Oncology CO poising will increase Carboxyhemoglobin (CO bound Hemoglobin) but does not affect PaO2 since it competes with O2 in Hemoglobin not in plasma. same gene will give different mRNA in different tissues 8371 Pharmacology Hematology & Oncology ralTEGRAvir: Inhibits HIV inTEGRAse. 390 Pathology Infectious Diseases in 95% of pple hem B will resolve after acute attack 532 Microbiology Infectious Diseases Aspiration pneumonitis is like aspiration pneumonia but resolves on its own and occur few hours after aspiration not days like pneumonia. On the other hand prophylaxis daily valacyclovir will do the job 1551 Pharmacology Infectious Diseases Acyclovir (nucleoside analogs) coz like Adenosine . so the bacteria will lose its acid fast property and decolorize KatG (bacterial peroxidase) will tranform INH to its active element.. It is a gram + with tumbling motility 1393 Pharmacology Infectious Diseases Losteria is nod responsive to ceftriaxone so also give ampicillin 1408 Microbiology Infectious Diseases the Herepsviruses family get their membrane from nuclear membrane of cells (unlike the rest. They have very high replication rate and higher rate of progression to chronic disease (the younger the higher the risk). get it for cell membrane. 1392 Microbiology Infectious Diseases Listeria (food borne) frows well on cold tpragure and can contaminate refregirated food. bacteremia and epiglotitis (BIG SHIT) While Sinusitis and OM are caused By NON TYPABLE H. NICE StufF) 1468 Immunology Infectious Diseases IFN alpha and beta are secreted in response to viral particles and decrease their protein synthesis capacity and replication. Ferrochelatase are affected B6: ALA S is affected 44 Microbiology Infectious Diseases Hep C envelope changes a lot coz its RNa dependant RNA polymerase has no proofreading 3"-->5" exonuclease activity 46 Microbiology Infectious Diseases Hep B acquired by the fetus (transplacentally) or at birth (more commonly) is very common if mom is HbeAg positive. but needs factor X and NAD+ for growth. So wont grow on sheep blood agar unless cultured with Staph that will povide her with NAD+ 977 Microbiology Infectious Diseases Oxidase + comma shaped bacteria: cholera: grow in alkaline (so PPI or decrease acidity will promote its proliferation) pylori: In acidic coz produce urease Campylo: in 42 degree They are all special 1091 Pharmacology Infectious Diseases In Tazocin.. in young children cause: MEningitis. pneumonia. flu 1137 Microbiology Infectious Diseases Salmonella Vi antigen (its virulence factor) makes it resistant to opsonization and phagocytosis 1309 Microbiology Infectious Diseases Mycolic acid in Mycobacterium cell wall. is part of its virulence will make it acid fast as in when then dye is given the bacteria will stain red on carbolfushin and is resistant to decoloration when acid-alcohol decolorizing agent are given because of proper cell wall. promoting apoptosis 1550 Microbiology Infectious Diseases In primary herpes. On the other hand they are rarely symptomatik and have mildly elevated LFTs 112 Immunology Infectious Diseases Local Candida is controlled by T cell (seen in HIV) wheras disseminated Candida is controlled by neutrophils (seen in neutropenic) 376 Microbiology Infectious Diseases Atypical lymphocytes can be seen in Hep B. Tazobactam role is to decrease Piperacilin destruction (like Carbidopa) 1103 Microbiology Infectious Diseases Hib. a week course of acyclovir will reduce the disease but not prevent recurrence (latent in sacral ganglia S2 S3 S4). so that its DNA will no be well incorporated 11728 Pharmacology Hematology & Oncology In chemo induced nausea inhibiting Neurokunin is good too (Tfayli's talk) 11750 Pathology Hematology & Oncology Hairy cell leukemia will cause marrow fibrosis 11754 Pathology Hematology & Oncology Sclerotic means osteoblastic 11816 Biochemistry Hematology & Oncology Lead: ALA D. EBV and CMV and are non specific. flu are blood loving. the toxins which are superantigens activate T cells and Macrophage 819 Pharmacology Infectious Diseases Protease inhibitors navir cause metabolic stuff 822 Pathophysiology Infectious Diseases Hep B are associated with HCC coz of the integration of DNA into host genome 963 Microbiology Infectious Diseases H. When Isoniazid is given it inhibits mycolic acid synthesis. Occurs by aspiration of oral anaerobes not gastric!!!! 676 Immunology Infectious Diseases In TSST-1.1873 Pathology Hematology & Oncology VEGF and Fibroblast Growth factor cause angiogenesis while epidermal growth factor affect mitogenesis of hepatocytes and fibroblasts 1877 Pathology Hematology & Oncology Peau dorange is due to lymphatic obstruction 1890 Pharmacology Hematology & Oncology 6-MP -(HGPRT)-> Active Metabolites 6-MP -(Xanthine Oxidase)-> Inactive Metabolites (that why allopurinol will increase dose of 6-MP) 1911 Genetics Hematology & Oncology Follicular lymphoma 14:18 translocation causes Bcl2 overexpression 2018 Pharmacology Hematology & Oncology ETOPOS(second)ide block TOPOisomerase Second (II) 2086 Biochemistry Hematology & Oncology Thalassemia intermedia is associated with a muation three bases upstream from the start codon (AUG) exchanging a puring with a pyrimidine 2133 Pathophysiology Hematology & Oncology Thrombin II inhibtors will affect TT (throbin time) also PT PTT Xa inhibitor will affect both in theory (in practice PT is barely affected coz of heparin neutralizer in the PT reagent) 7643 Immunology Hematology & Oncology In EBV you get atypical CD8 T cells in circulation (large with eccentric nucleus) to attack B cells infected (you also get atypical B cells but in much smaller proportion) 8276 Biochemistry Hematology & Oncology In Alternative Splicing. Vas Deferens) Testosterone --> DHT --> Male Reproductive System Transform Genital Tubercle and Urogenital Sinus into Male external Genitalia (Penis. Epididymis. pasteurella Dog: pasteur. homocysteine is not metabolised to cysteine due to cystathione reductase problem 1502 Biochemistry Miscellaneous (Multisystem) Alkaptonuria is a problem in converting Tyrosine to Fumarate (its TCA intermediate equivalent) so its like the next step after Phenylketonuria. But here it caused by Staph most commonly and diagnosed by imaging and amylase levels 11670 Microbiology Infectious Diseases Neurocysticercosis (taenia solium) cystic brain lesion in Central america 11729 Pharmacology Infectious Diseases Acyclovir: viral inhibition of DNA polymerase 11766 Microbiology Infectious Diseases E coli is lactose fermenting. pigmentated face and other organs. staph aureus Human: anaerobes. stimulated IL12 from macrophage) and again activate macrophage to kill phagocytosed pathogens 11547 Microbiology Infectious Diseases Cat bite: barto. by changing in penicilin binding protein structure ( some of the protein remain normal so still have some binding) whereas in beta lactamase in case of penicillin there is no binding at all coz antibiotics will all be disabeled) 8288 Pharmacology Infectious Diseases Daptomycin (cover gram + and MRSA) work by depolarizing bacteria Ceels and therefore inhibits DNA RNA fprmation and protein synthesis. but cause myopathy and increase CPK 8593 Microbiology Infectious Diseases Alcohols are antisceptic coz they disrupt cell membranes.. 11395 Microbiology Infectious Diseases Dengue fever has 4 serotypes. Just assist CF patient are Infertile due to absent Vas Deferens bilaterally. Prostate) IN XY. Homogentisic acid dioxygenase deficiency so homogentisate (next step after tyrosine) accumulate. 1504 Biochemistry Miscellaneous (Multisystem) Many patients with Homocytinuria benefit from B6 as it will drive the reaction forward to Cysthathione 11531 Behavioral science Miscellaneous (Multisystem) Always get a translator when it is not very clear 11532 Behavioral science Miscellaneous (Multisystem) Physician's burnout (emotional stress) while Physician fatigue refers to lack of sleep 11533 Behavioral science Miscellaneous (Multisystem) Cane and walker do not decrease the risk of fall according to studies. In Kartegner sperm are immotile but we have Vas . IF NO SERTOLI CELLS YOU WOULD HAVE BOTH FEMALE AND MALE INTERNAL GENITALIA BUT MALE EXTERNAL GENITALIA (coz MIG is not here to involute PMD 11747 Anatomy Male Reproductive System Prostate Ca spreads to bone through prostatic venous plexus first 11762 Anatomy Deep ring: Internal Spermatic Fascia (coming from transversalis fascia) Superficial ring: External Spermatic Fascia (External Oblique) COZ Deep Internal So in Crypto Male Reproductive System need to bring testicle from superficial ring which its opining is mainly External spermatic fascia (coming from external oblique) 6 Pathology Miscellaneous (Multisystem) Bilateral renal angiomyolipoma associated with Tuberous Sclerosi (AD.1593 Microbiology Infectious Diseases CMV is EBV with (-) heterophile test (as in fail to agglutinate horse erythrocyte) 1645 Pharmacology Infectious Diseases Acyclovir and ovirs are to be phosphorylated to become in their active forms 1649 Immunology Infectious Diseases In Influenza it is Antibodies against Hemaglutinin that primary protects against infection 1670 Microbiology Infectious Diseases The 3 C's of measle + fever are prodromal to the rash 1965 Pharmacology Infectious Diseases Primaquine is given to kill liver stage malaria hypnozoite and thus preventing relapse. arthropathy. eikenella 11590 Pharmacology Infectious Diseases Abacavir (nrti) is associated with hypersensitivity in 10% of pple with HLA B57 11596 Microbiology Infectious Diseases Parotitis can occur in elederly (weird presentation: pre/postauricular swelling that extends to mandible) which are dehydrated and intubated. with Brain Hamartoma and Ash leave spots) 701 Genetics Miscellaneous (Multisystem) Achondroplasia is AD 1332 Biochemistry Miscellaneous (Multisystem) In Homocyteinuria. strep. INDOLE (+) (coz they are indolent) 11822 Microbiology Infectious Diseases Roseola (HHV6): 3-5 days of fever (often have febrile seizures) than truncal rash 343 Genetics Male Reproductive System Klienfelter 46 XXY. strep. Malaria consists of fever and sweating in a 48 h cycle 2110 Pharmacology Infectious Diseases Penicilln and Ceohalosporins bind to cell membrane proteins such as transpeptidase 2111 Pharmacology Infectious Diseases Cephalosporins resitance mechanis. Chill infections vs Bad ones are due to diferrent serotypes 11525 Microbiology Infectious Diseases IFN Gamma are produced by NK (T cells. tall male with boobs aazospermia and mild mental retardation 807 Genetics Male Reproductive System 1449 Embryology SRY --> TDF --> Testes develop --> Sertoli (Secrete MIF --> Paramesonephric duct PMD involute) Leydig cells (Produce Testosterone --> Transform Wolffian duct into Male internal Genitalia. Get Black urine. repeated sinopulmonary infection and increased incidemce of malignancy 735 Microbiology Nervous System Neisseia: Bean Shaped Gram . defect in DNA repair genes Cerebellar ataxis. enlarged. In Down syndrome there is 3 copies of The Amyloid precursor protein gene. Microglia (3-5 days later they deposit). decrease acetylcholine in Meynert nucleus in hipoccampus (decreased activity of acetyltransferase) 595 Pathology Nervous System Paraneoplastic process is autoimmune 598 Biochemistry Nervous System In thiamine deficiency u can get necrosis and hemorrhage of mamillary bodies.11549 Behavioral science Miscellaneous (Multisystem) For a nurse to show that she has understood the order she should repeat everything and even the route of administration 11550 Behavioral science Miscellaneous (Multisystem) An elderly for discharge is best instructed with a checklist discharge list in case he has no family members living with him 11602 Behavioral science Miscellaneous (Multisystem) Medicare cover people above 65 or younger with disabilities 11635 Anatomy Miscellaneous (Multisystem) Most common site of compartment syndrome is Anterior compartment innervated by Deep peroneal nerve 11678 Pharmacology Miscellaneous (Multisystem) [Drug]=mg given/Vd 11757 Behavioral science Miscellaneous (Multisystem) Communication problem during patient patient handoff (teslime) is a major cause of stupid errors 18 Pathology Nervous System in Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (in arrest) hippocampus is first damaged. MSH and Beta Endorphins.) VS. . 591 Genetics Nervous System Stuff involved in Alzheimer: APP on chr21 Prenisilin 1 on chr14 Prenisllin 2 on chr1 ApopE4 involved in late onset familial Alzheimer 593 Pathology Nervous System In alzheimer. dorms. 357 Genetics Nervous System Blotchy red muscles fibers on Gomori trichome stain = Mitochondrial Myopathies (Maternal Inheritance) --> Abnormal Mitochondria (increased in number. B1 will affect the activity of transketolase (main prob) and Pyruvate and Ketoglutarate dehydrogenase 660 Pharmacology Nervous System In anesthetic if have high venoarterial difference then drug will directly go to muscle and adipocytes then slower effect on brain Whereas potency is determined by MAC 673 Immunology Nervous System Ataxia telengiectasia: (AR).cocci in pairs(<60 especially in camps. Oculicutaneous telengiectasia. then Astrocyte will cause peripheral glial scar and get central cyst instead of necrosis 22 Pathology Nervous System if HTN and lacunar stroke and dont appear directly on CT but later it is due to HTN arteriosclerosis and not Charcoud bouchard rupture that wld appear directly on CT 249 Pharmacology Nervous System In abscence followed up by generalised tonic clonic ethosuximide wont help. Used for Abscence seizure 566 Anatomy Nervous System Pancoast cause ipsi Horner and ipsi shoulder and arm weakness and areflexia due to brachial plexus involvement 590 Genetics Nervous System Alzheimer: Neurofibrillary tangles and A-Beta amyloid plaques. 347 Pathology Nervous System subdural hemorrhage in babies is sign of abuse (shaken baby syndrome) and have retinal hemorrhage 348 Pharmacology Nervous System Ramelteon. Mitochondrial encephalopathy (stroke-like episodes) and lactic acidosis (MELAS) 397 Pathology Nervous System Slit lamp exam to Diagnose Kayser Fleisher 499 Pathology Nervous System The most common cause of spontaneous lobar hemorrhage in the elderly is Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy (same amyloid seen in Alzhemer) and most commonly occurs in occipital and parietal lobes 502 Embryology Nervous System If acetylcholinesterase is found in amniotic fluid (shld be contained in neural tissues) it means that there is neural tube defect with failure of fusion and hence this enzyme is spilled in sac 509 Pharmacology Nervous System ETHosuximide block T type calcium cahnnels in THalamus. Strep pneumo: Lancet shaped. Gram + cocci in paiars (more common in pple >60) 775 Physiology Nervous System POMC is a polypeptide that give rise to ADH.. abnormally shaped) accumulate in the fibers making them look irregular in size and shape. "Red Fagged Fiber" Examples: Myoclonic epilepsy with red ragged fibers (MERRF). neutrophils come in the first 24-48 hrs. do not phagocytose anything. a melatonin agonist is used for insomnia in elderly. Leber optic neuropathy (Blindness).. Use Valproic acid 262 Pharmacology Nervous System Carbidopa is given with levodopa to inhibits levodopa conversion into dopamine outside CNS (by being itself metabolised) but with carbidopa we will have more dopamin in CNS and more SE like agitation and anxiety. then neocortex and Purkinje of cerebellum 20 Histology Nervous System In brain infarcts. wight loss + Proximal muscle stifness 969 Pathology Nervous System Tetanus is diagnosed clinically 1006 Microbiology Nervous System In Neisseria CApsular Polysaccharide resist phagocytosis and stuff. Rosenthal fibers (are low grade and have better prognosis) Ependymoma: walls of venticles and can cause hydrocephalus. In falx cerebri patient can have leg symtoms (beco it is in the medial homunculus) 1152 Pathology Nervous System Craniopharyngoma arising from anterior pituitary are calcified cysts containing cholesterols crystals 1259 Pathology Nervous System Posterior fossa tumor in kids Medullo: Sheets of primitive cells(basophilic nuclei and scant. not high fever 871 Pathology Nervous System Liquefactive Necrosis: Lysosmal digestion of the tissue 913 Pathology Nervous System PMR: fatigue. small round blue cell. Like in Melanoma 1536 Histology Nervous System Thight junction is responsible of the nonfenestrated endothelial in BBB (cest logique) 1636 Anatomy Nervous System Musculucutaneous innervates biceps and suppinator (like when I do Dumbels) and supply sensory lateral Forearm . but Outer membrane Lipooligosaccaride (LOS or LPS) is the endotoxin associated with fucked up disease 1048 Biochemistry Nervous System Vit A OD: Pseudotumor Cerebri. Secondly it will decrease Ca+ influx into the cell (Think morphine acts like K(C)arl) 794 Pathology Nervous System Hippocampus atrophy is seen in Alzheimer 840 Genetics Nervous System Huntingtin proteins prevents acetylation of DNA making it more mute 851 Pharmacology Nervous System Potency of Anasthetic is related to MAC (minimal alveolar concentration) (concentration at which 50% of people pass out) High blood/air partition coefficient means high solubility so slower onset of action (coz stay in blood dont go to brain) Potency: drugs needed to achieve a certain effect related to km Efficacy: maximal effect 852 Pharmacology Nervous System Inhaled anesthetic will directly redistribute in muscles skeletal and fat 856 Pharmacology Nervous System IV anesthetic effect wean off after a short time because of redistribution of drug in body 866 Pharmacology Nervous System Dantrolene is only used to treat heat stroke and malignant hyperthermia. 1391 Microbiology Nervous System Listeria which is a B hemolytic gram + that moves and reproduce well in low temperatures is common in children less than 3 months coz of their immature cell mediated immunity 1399 Microbiology Nervous System TCA affect muscarinic not nicotinic 1402 Microbiology Nervous System Rabies virus goes in skin. they form gland like structures called rosettes 1318 Physiology Nervous System Neuronal properties: Time constant: time it takes for membrane to achieve 63% of new membrane potential Length constant: time it takes for impulse to go a certain distance. Demyelination will decrease both. and is due to a stressor 1442 Pharmacology Nervous System Donepezil Cholinesterase inhibitor is used in Alzheimer 1443 Pharmacology Nervous System Benzo increase FREQuENCY of Cl channels not DURATION 1534 Embryology Nervous System NF is a neural crest tumor since it is a Schwann cells tumor. the 3 ' part is responsible for amino acid attachement site (since t and 3) 1433 Behavioral science Nervous System Conversion disorder is experiencing neurological symptoms that are not explained by tests or exam.776 Physiology Nervous System When Morphine binds to mu receptors it can will cwuse hyperpolarisation of the cell in two ways: First and most importantly it will cause G coupled activation of K+ channel. skin changes and Hepatosplenomegaly 1058 Pathology Nervous System Endomysial Inflammation: Poliomyositis Endoneural Inflammation: Guillain Barre 1149 Anatomy Nervous System Superficial peroneal: Eversion Deep Peroneal: Dorsiflexion 1150 Anatomy Nervous System Meningioma often occur in dural reflection. by Increasing axon Conductance and having less Saltatory Conduction 1320 Pharmacology Nervous System In mysathemia crisis we shld increase dose of neostigmine 1323 Pharmacology Nervous System Organophosphate irreversibly inhibit cholinesterase in musc and nicot synapses so if give atropine (only musc) u wont be helping muscular effects 1335 Biochemistry Nervous System In Maple syrup.. increasing K+ efflux out of the cell. avoid branched chain amino acid leucine Isolucine and Valine (defect in alpha ketoacid dehydrogenase with deficient conversion of Leucine to Acetyl CoA or Valine and Isoleucine to Propionyl CoA then Methylmalonyl then Succinyl CoA) 1368 Pharmacology Nervous System Uterine relaxation is by B2 like in lungs. fever. then motor axon (and retrograde to cNS) then salivary gland (thats why transmitted through bites) 1421 Genetics Nervous System Fragile X: CGG repeat --> Hypermethylation of Cytosine amd inactivation of subsequent genes 1428 Biochemistry Nervous System In tRNA. cystoplasm) with many mitotic figures Pilocytic astrocytoma: Most common. hyperpolarizing the cell. So you get Normal pH with low pCO2 and low HCO3-. GABA B receptor agonist used for spasticity even of central cause like MS 11462 Pathology Nervous System Parkinson pple benefit from deep brain stimulation inhibiting Subthalamus eventually increasing Thalamus inout 11568 Pathology Nervous System HIV associated dementia is suspected in AIDS patients with progressive cognitive decline. 1544 792 Pathophysiology Pregnancy. activate them. (adherent biofilms) when foreign bodies are inserted through skin (skin flora) 8564 Anatomy Nervous System IVH is bleed in germinal matrix 8878 Behavioral science Nervous System In Narcolepsy or Cataplexy Hypocretin (1 or 2) which are secreted by the lateeral Hypothlamus and usually promote wakefulness and inhibit REM sleep. is an antihistamine with anti serotonergic. Tinnitus. and Exposure Inhibits Citric Acid Cycle --> Ketoacid. fingers adduction/abduction and sensation in 1. upper lip and upper gingiva and inferior rectus muscle gets entrapped causing vertical nystagmus 11755 Physiology Nervous System GABa activation cause Chloride channel to open and causing a chloride flux inside (passive down normal gradient)the cell hyper-polarizing its resting potential 11772 Anatomy Nervous System XI injury: Trapezius injury: Droopin gof shoulder.. And go to CNS in retrograde 8385 Biochemistry Nervous System Impairement of Ubiquitin proteasome system is involved in Parkinson and Alzheimer 8476 Pharmacology Nervous System Tryptans are serotonic agonist 8533 Microbiology Nervous System Staph epidedermis virulence is synthesis of an extracellular polysaccharide matric.1743 Anatomy Nervous System Ulnar nerve functions: Wrist flexion/adduction. so used in excess serotonin syndrome 2123 Behavioral science Nervous System Acute stress disorder happen 3 days to 1 month from a bad event 8324 Microbiology Nervous System Rabies G(accumulate in open wound) lycoprotein spikes bind nicotine acetylcholine receptors. as Aspirin Increase Lipolysis. associated with preeclampsia. Hyperemesis. in compensation. Tachypnes): Mixed Resp Alkalosis (Stimulates medullary centers. XX or XY only paternal DNA) does not contain fetal tissues and has a HONEY COMB or SNOWTORM appeance. prostaglandin will increase outflow of humor. are usually low 11458 Pharmacology Nervous System Baclofen. Physiology Aspirin OD Fever. Uncouples Oxidative Phosphorylation. Childbirth & Puerperium Unlike what seems intuitive Complete mole (46. impaired abduction above horizontal and Winging of Scapula (weird things) 11777 Anatomy Nervous System Femoral nerve passes through the Inguinal crease not the Femoral rin and canal which contains lymphatic. leading do Hyperventilation) with Anion Gap Met Acidosis (begin shortly Poisoning & Environmental Afterward. when vermis (central) is affected u get truncal ataxia 11665 Pharmacology Nervous System Treat status (even if febrile seizure) with lorazepam 11742 Anatomy Nervous System Infraiebital nerve runs along the orbital floor so in such a fracture causing parasthesia in upper cheek. before 20 weeks. beware of atlantoaxial instability that can cause subluxation of the vertebra and compression of SC and Vertebral arteries--> Paralysis 1646 Pharmacology Ophthalmology AIDS CD4<50 CMV Retinitis 11551 Microbiology Ophthalmology CMV cause chorioretinitis when in congenital infection 11841 Pharmacology Ophthalmology In glaucoma. Lactate and Phruvate Accumulation). vessels and lymph nodes 11793 Anatomy Nervous System During intubation. Hyperthyroid Partial Mole are XXY or XXX but has mom and 2 papa sets so have fetal tissuesand only presents with vaginal bleed and lower risk of malignancy . pH will not return to Normal but gets close to Normal Range.5 last fingers and flexion of 4th/5th digit 1749 Anatomy Nervous System Median nerve is sandwiched between Flexor digitorum superficialis and Flexor Digitorum Profundus (easy since Median innervates digits) 1829 Anatomy Nervous System Holding a branch like a monkey can cause lower trunk of brachial plexus injury affecting radial and ulnar nerves and muscles of hands 1853 Microbiology Nervous System immunity agaisnt neisseria mengitidis is antibodies against their polysaccaride capsule 1966 Microbiology Nervous System enterovirus is most common cause of asceptic meningitis 1997 Microbiology Nervous System Botulinsm toxin inhibit Ach release wheras rabies bind on the recptors (toxin is killed by heat) 2082 Microbiology Nervous System Treat toxo with pyrimethamine and sulfadiazine (clinda if sulfa allergy) 2083 Microbiology Nervous System Cns lymphoma are B cells 2089 Pharmacology Nervous System CYPROHEPATADINE. Microglial nodules and groupd of activated macrophages/microglial cells around necrosis that may fuse to form multinucleated giant cells 11574 Pathology Nervous System Damage to brainstem below or at level of red nucleus will cause decerebrate position 11576 Pathology Nervous System In brain calcification do not happen afer infarcts but in TUMORS 11632 Pathology Nervous System Overshooting is when lateral cerebellar is affected. Childbirth & Puerperium False twins are always Di Di in indentical twins land. prolactin steadily increase along pregnancy but Progesterone and Estrogen do not permit lactogenesis and promote Breast Growth and Development with minor help of Peolactin 8325 Pathology Pregnancy. Childbirth & Puerperium In Aromatase deficiency female will have ambiguous genitalia and the excess of Androgen that cannot be converted. 1772 Embryology Pregnancy. GI defects (HE is small. Childbirth & Puerperium Patau 13: Cleft palate. polydactyly. Rota. holoprosencephaly. Childbirth & Puerperium Live vaccines: Smallpox. so I shout at my daughter who fogot to throw the garbage 1350 Behavioral science Psychiatric/Behavioral & Substance Abuse Reaction formation is when you act oppositely than what you feel. Omphalocele Edwards 18: Small brain (prominent occipit). Small clenched hands + Eyes. like a student explaining that poor performance was due to trickiness of the exam 1352 Behavioral science Psychiatric/Behavioral & Substance Abuse Triazolam is a short acting benzo best used for sleep. Estrogen. Small sternum. Childbirth & Puerperium In fertilization. psychotherapy) 2001 Pharmacology Psychiatric/Behavioral & Substance Abuse Cocaine inhibit reuptake of dopamine 2046 Behavioral science Psychiatric/Behavioral & Substance Abuse Delusional disorder is one step worse than Paranoid disorder. Childbirth & Puerperium Complete hydatiform mole is 46 XX or XY only from father while partial is triploidy 2/3 from father 1987 Physiology Pregnancy. Rationalisation involve making excuses for unacceptable feelings . chickenpox. progesterone and cortisone also play a role in maternal diabetes. hence not addictive 511 Behavioral science Psychiatric/Behavioral & Substance Abuse Tardive dyskinesia occur with lip smacking and many ticks due to antipsychotic medications 519 Pharmacology Psychiatric/Behavioral & Substance Abuse Lithium toxicity (ataxia. like with thiazide. Poly/Syndactyly. Sabin for polio. BHCG is detectable in serum 8 days later but 14 days later in urine 1822 Genetics Pregnancy. its like a paranoid man who constantly think people are poisoning him 2053 Behavioral science Psychiatric/Behavioral & Substance Abuse Transference is when ur transfer your emotions associated with a significant person to the person in the present 8327 Pharmacology Psychiatric/Behavioral & Substance Abuse drugs with Serotonin Syndrome: antidepressant with serotonin stuff. yellow fever.arks are: 0-4: Di C Di A 4-8: Mono C Di A 8-12: Mono Mono >12: Conjoined (4-8-12 landmarks) 247 Behavioral science Psychiatric/Behavioral & Substance Abuse Buspirone has a slow onset of action and is not a muscle relaxant. motivations and feelings 1430 Behavioral science Psychiatric/Behavioral & Substance Abuse PPtm blues last maximum 10 days otherwise it is PPtm depression and require treamtent (antidepressant. rocker bottom feet 1823 Genetics Pregnancy. they resolve with stretching 8330 Physiology Pregnancy. Cardiac. confusion. 1165 Behavioral science Psychiatric/Behavioral & Substance Abuse PCP abuse will most likely result to trauma (fight etc.palate. omphalocele. Lorazepam is intermediate the other DFC are long acting 1429 Behavioral science Psychiatric/Behavioral & Substance Abuse A boy whose parents are having a divorce and thinks that his dad is angry at him is experiencing Projection. Intanasal Influenza.) more than seizure or cardiac event 1234 Behavioral science Psychiatric/Behavioral & Substance Abuse Displacement: I am getting a divorce and am angry. This is common in peple who lack insight or their emotions. Childbirth & Puerperium Maternal diabetes is due to HPL which increases proteolysis. Splitting is when you perceive people as either good or bad 1351 Behavioral science Psychiatric/Behavioral & Substance Abuse Supression is a mature defense mechanism involving a conscious choice not to dwell on a particular thought or feeling. remain with their normal wights and do not have medical problems. be sensitive and tell about the side effects and that other treatment are better . insulin resistance and decrease gluconeogenesis. Childbirth & Puerperium Congenital torticolis is 2-4 week after bitch it is due to malposition of head of abby in utero or birth trauma. Small mandible. Childbirth & Puerperium During pregnancy. lipolysis. so low HCG and Estriol) 1830 Genetics Pregnancy. will go to mom's circulation causing her deepening of voice etc. since he is likely angry at his parents he will think they are angry at him too. Childbirth & Puerperium Patau: cleft lip. Small ears.955 Genetics Pregnancy. unlike 21 hydroxylase deficiency that does not affect mommy 1464 Microbiology Pregnancy. ACE and with NSAIDS too 706 Pharmacology Psychiatric/Behavioral & Substance Abuse Trazodone is gd in patient with insomnia (think of erection while sleeping) 1046 Behavioral science Psychiatric/Behavioral & Substance Abuse Bulimia patients. Tramadol Ondansetron Linezolid (DA FUCK) Triptans (SURE) 8954 Behavioral science Psychiatric/Behavioral & Substance Abuse Most cases of OD's are due to prescribed Opioids 10458 Behavioral science Psychiatric/Behavioral & Substance Abuse A patient requiring antibiotic for viral infection. don't tell them that it will cause resistance. MMR. neuromuscular exitability) can be precipitated by volume depletion. 8406 Embryology Pregnancy. since there already high resistence in upper bronchi) 302 477 480 481 Pathology Physiology Histology Physiology 483 Histology Pulmonary & Critical Care Upper airways Pseudostratified columnar mucus secreting cells: nose. hyperphagia. so it is normal for them to hae psychotic symptoms like seeing their grandma 11587 Behavioral science Psychiatric/Behavioral & Substance Abuse Bipolar I means only one criteria needed which is MANIA 11603 Behavioral science Psychiatric/Behavioral & Substance Abuse Phobia is treated with Exposure-based behavioral therapy 11618 Behavioral science Psychiatric/Behavioral & Substance Abuse Previous suicide attempt is the worse prognosis for people attempting suicide 11622 Behavioral science Psychiatric/Behavioral & Substance Abuse Persistent depressive disorder is when Major depressive disorder and Dysthemia happen for more than 2 years 11737 Behavioral science Psychiatric/Behavioral & Substance Abuse Adjustment disorder is applicable for only 3 months following the stressor. tracheobronchial tree. while malingering is pretending to be sick or exaggerating symptoms to get drugs or whatever 11807 Behavioral science Psychiatric/Behavioral & Substance Abuse Bulimia nervosa is treated by Fluoxetine. hypersomnia 11785 Behavioral science Psychiatric/Behavioral & Substance Abuse With adolescence non compliant to insulin.on the other hand we can still find cilia until the level of alveoli where they disappear and macrophage usually takes care of foreign bodies Pulmonary & Critical Care Airway Resistance: 50% of resistance is in nares trachea etc. Beware of agranulocytosis so monitor neutrophil count 11746 Behavioral science Psychiatric/Behavioral & Substance Abuse Cocaine withdrawal can cause psychosis. And at this level epithelial will be completely changed from pseudostratified columnar to simple cuboidal. Think of distal small alveoli who receive the least amount of air who are most prone to collapse. this will establish equilibrium between alveoli of different radius. first of all make sure of the old prescriptions and stuff 11846 Behavioral science Psychiatric/Behavioral & Substance Abuse PTSD: SSRI + CBT 11848 Behavioral science Psychiatric/Behavioral & Substance Abuse OLANZAPINE CLOZAPINE (2nd generation): METABOLIC SYNDROME 108 Microbiology Pulmonary & Critical Care When aspergillus cause fungus ball in a cavity in lung it is colonizing and can be asymptomatik 114 Microbiology Pulmonary & Critical Care Cryptococcus most commonly cause meningoencephelitis 117 Microbiology Pulmonary & Critical Care Cryptococcus capsule is the only fungus capsule made of polysaccharide and stains red on Muciramine and show a clear zone on silver stain Usually use india ink for cryptococcus Pulmonary & Critical Care abscess formation is due to lysosomal ensyme release from neutrophils and macrophage IFN gamma secreted by T helper after IL 12 (from neutrophils) is secreted: make phagolysozome formation. nasopharynx. But Surfactant are most concentrated in small alveoli coz of smaller areas and protect them from collapse by increasing surface tension. finding a peer that need to take insulin would increase compliance 11787 Behavioral science Psychiatric/Behavioral & Substance Abuse Stages of change (stopping alcohol) Precontemplation (denial) -> Contemplation (realising the problem but not ready to act) -> Preparation (planning behavior modification) -> Action -> Maintenance (maintening new behaviors) 11792 Behavioral science Psychiatric/Behavioral & Substance Abuse Factitious is inducing sickness to assume sick role. laryngopharyns. This Resistance Increase in Medium sized Bronchi due to Turbulence of flow. NO release and granuloma and caseous necrosis formation Pulmonary & Critical Care According to Laplace law. small elastic spheres are more likely to collapse than bigger ones with same surface tension. true vocal cords 484 Histology Pulmonary & Critical Care In lungs Elastases are secreted by neutrophils and alveolar Macrophages. but then decreased significantly (lower than upper tract too) in Small Terminal Bronchiole <2mm due to massive increase in summated surface area that will slow the flow and permit a more laminar one. These can cause terminal lung parenchyma (emphysema) if very high or left unchecked by antiproteases activity (in alpha antitripsin deficiency) . upper posterior epiglottis. sinuses. oropharynx. (Bronchitis patients seem more in respiratory distress than Pneumonia patients. anterior epiglottis. beyond that find another explanation 11743 Behavioral science Psychiatric/Behavioral & Substance Abuse In treatment-resistant schizophrenia use Clozapine.10465 Behavioral science Psychiatric/Behavioral & Substance Abuse Children under the age of 6 do not understand death. nutritional changes and psychotherapy 11829 Behavioral science Psychiatric/Behavioral & Substance Abuse If someone tells u he wants Tramal and that Drs used to give him. Pulmonary & Critical Care Submucosal serous and mucous glands (and Goblet cells) are present where there is cartilage therefore end where at the smallest bronchi are absent in bronchiole and further. Vestibular folds (false vocal cords) and laryngeal vestibule are the lower half of posterior epiglottis and are columnar too Stratified squamous: Mouth. pervotella. 1460 Pathophysiology Pulmonary & Critical Care In obstructive sleep apnea (obesity. HypoTN. Lungs GI: (normally) have high content of Cl.enter RBC. diffuse intravascular coagulation and ischemia Acute:1-2 weeks later. Hypoglycemia. Cell mediated CD8 with macrophage. TH1 secrete IgN Gamma to activate macrophage. fibrous andd adipose tissue 565 Pathology Pulmonary & Critical Care Mediastinal tumor cause IVC syndrome not superior sulcus (pancoast) 571 Immunology Pulmonary & Critical Care NZT blue test in CGD is also called Dihydrodamine and can be positive by inducating abscence green color in neutrophils 650 Pathology Pulmonary & Critical Care Small cell of lung is thought to have a neuroendocrine origin 670 Pathophysiology Pulmonary & Critical Care In Silicosis there is ineffective Macrophage Phagolysosomes. ABG during the day are normal. cough. Cl.and Na+(decreased absorption) Sweat gland: (normally) low content so if have CF u have high salts in glands bu the contrary in resp and GI (fun haa) 903 Pharmacology Pulmonary & Critical Care Bosentan: Antagonist of endothelial receptors.486 Pathology Pulmonary & Critical Care PCWP increase reviel Cardio problem and exlude Lungs NICEEE 488 Histology Pulmonary & Critical Care In COPD we have Neutrophils and Alveolar Macrophages. high fever) cannot be detected on gram stain (think of that syrian guy in Bassile.content in Arteries than in Veins. but need urine IgM) and is common in COPDers 962 Microbiology Pulmonary & Critical Care Hib vaccine contains PRP and diphteria toxoid to produce AB against RPR. Hypocalcemia and ileus 800 Embryology Pulmonary & Critical Care By week 35 L/S ratio becomes 2:1 (lecithin is also known as phosphatidylcholine) 802 Genetics Pulmonary & Critical Care In CF disfunctional protein do not undergo Post translational modification and we get no CFTR and it is sent to proteasome 804 Pathophysiology Pulmonary & Critical Care In CF (CFTR) gene. releasing proteinases 528 Pathophysiology Pulmonary & Critical Care CO2 level in ABG indicated ventilation status (if have upper obstruction no ventilation so hypercapnia) 533 Pathology Pulmonary & Critical Care Peptistreptococcus.. can have erythrocytosis. hypothyroid). In order to maintain neutrality of Plasma. EBV. tonsillar hypertrophy. Perihilar and lobar opacities (CXR) Chronic: bronchiolitis obliterans (small ones) Inflammation fibrosis of bronchiolar wall (in Chronic renal transplant it is vascular unlike here) 535 Pathology Pulmonary & Critical Care Bronchiolitis Obliterans: Chronic lung rejection (obstructive pattern) Lymphocytic infiltrate. a component of its capsule (think that when u say PRP u move ur epiglottis LoLllllll) 964 Microbiology Pulmonary & Critical Care Nontypable H flu dont have capsule MMAKES SENSE 1195 Pharmacology Pulmonary & Critical Care Oropharyngeal candidiasis: Nystatin 1373 Microbiology Pulmonary & Critical Care Rhinovirus is (+) SS RNA so directly produce toxin (even if only RNA is injected) whereas RSV and Influenaza are (-) SS RNA so need a specific Viral RNA Polymerase to produce its (+) counterpart 1377 Microbiology Pulmonary & Critical Care Envolope voruses have bilayer lipid outer membranes and destroyed by ether or organic solvents 1414 Physiology Pulmonary & Critical Care When CO2 enters RBC it produce HCO3. used for idiopathic pulmonary hypertension 958 Microbiology Pulmonary & Critical Care Clumping of RBC at low Temperature means there is cold Agglutinins formation (Mycoplasma.that is released again in Plasma. bacteroides and fusobacterium are the aneprbes pf the mouth that cause aspiration pneumonia 534 Pathology Pulmonary & Critical Care Lung tranplant: Hyperacute rejection: graft blood vessel spasm. fever. diarrhea. In turn. Dyspnea. which explains higher Cl. making those patients more susceptible to TB 746 Immunology Pulmonary & Critical Care MHCI is composed of MHCI and Beta2 microglobulin 762 Immunology Pulmonary & Critical Care In order for naive T cells to turn into TH1 cells they need IL12.) 960 Microbiology Pulmonary & Critical Care Legionella (pneumonia. perivascular and peribronchial lymphocytic infiltrates. blockage of ET tube and pulmonary hemorrhage Terbutaline (tocolisis) to delay labor: IVH. Vascular damage. So if you domt have Il12 you are susceptible to TB so give IFN Gamma 796 Immunology Pulmonary & Critical Care In Sarcoid it is mainly CD4 T cells involvement 797 Immunology Pulmonary & Critical Care Sarcoidosis is Th1 response where IL2 and IFN gamma play a role in granuloma formation while Th2 involve IL4 (Activate B cells and secrete IgE) and IL5 (Eosinophils and IgA formation) 799 Pathology Pulmonary & Critical Care Complications of ob stuff: O2 use for ARDS in fetus: can cause upregulation of VEGF and retinal vessel proliferation (neovascularixzation) potentially causing retinal detachment and blindness Surfactant treatment complications: Hypoxia. Disorganised cartilage. fibrosis and bronchiole destruction 552 Pathology Pulmonary & Critical Care Lung Hamartomas: most common benign tumor is 50-60s and are peripheral coin lesion. can lead to Pulm HTN and RHF . Exchange is perfusion limited. 1563 Physiology Pulmonary & Critical Care Minute ventilation = TV . but CO2 is not affected (high DC) 1523 Pharmacology Pulmonary & Critical Care To induce asthmatic change in PFT's Exercice. 1514 Physiology Pulmonary & Critical Care CFTFR (chromosome 7) is a transmembrane ATP gated chloride channel 1519 Physiology Pulmonary & Critical Care Lung physiology. they barreled chest) 1522 Physiology Pulmonary & Critical Care In PE (poor alveolar perfusion) the alveolar composition is close to that of the trachea since no exchange is happening. since exchange is easily established across membrane except in fibrosis and emphysema where wall is damaged and diffusion is difficult. blurred vision). so get neck and choulder referred pain ( think of the map. therefore we get a normal PAO2 in Obstructive patients. but FVC decrease much more which explains the increase in FEV1/FVC ration. Obesity) High A-a gradient (only arterial O2 is low): limited diffusion. A decrease of >20% of FEV1 is diagnostic of asthma after metacholine test. Usually O2 should decrease and CO2 increase when going down the tree due to exchange. 1535 Anatomy Pulmonary & Critical Care Pain from diaphragmatic and mediastinal pleura are carried out by phrenic nerve. due to chest wall position creating a negative pressure and alveolar elasticity causing a positive alveoli transmural pressures (remember lungs tends to collapse) OUT . 1666 Microbiology Pulmonary & Critical Care In patients > 65. its pressure i 1521 Physiology Pulmonary & Critical Care In Obstructive pattern Residual Volume is increased (look at them. so alveolar problem): hypoventilation. Macrophage do the job. V/Q mismatch (PE. histamine. that will constrict Cerebral Blood Vessels.pressure (inspiration) will narrow the vessels and lengthen them causing pressure. while expiration will increase intrathoracic pressure also increasing pressure in vessels. paO2: 100 (we have complete diffusion but difference is due to bronchial deoxygenated vein that drain in pulmonary veins) Normal Alveolar-arterial gradient (10-15. 1526 Physiology Pulmonary & Critical Care PAO2 is derived from an equation and does not exactly accurately represents O2 content in all alveoli.Dead space) . Nothing to do with Alveolar Surface Tension and Surfactants. post flu pneumonia is common and cause by Strep. decreasing cerebral blood flow (hence the symptoms of dizziness. since both are low. since the brain is tricked and thinks its having good circulation getting rid of CO2. After regular expiration FRV is left in the lungs and the pleural pressure is at its lowest (absolute value) of -5. at this instance alveolar pressure is null hence no air movement. 1611 Immunology Pulmonary & Critical Care Kartagener syndrome (ciliary dyskenesia due to Dynein arms defect) Is triad of Chronic Sinusitis. ds DNA CMV (Intracellular and ctyplasmic incusion bodies) pneumonia can happen 1582 Physiology Pulmonary & Critical Care Hypoxemia: Normally pAO2: 104. FEV1 is not decreased that much coz interstitial fibrosis will cause traction of alveolar wall (increased lung elastic recoil) causing supernormal expiratory flow when correcting for lung volume. pneumonia. Alveolar . Staph and Hib 1679 Microbiology Pulmonary & Critical Care M. Beyond terminal bronchioles. Only in case of pneumothorax when pleura is in contact with atmosphere. Pneumonia require cholesterol to grow on artificial media coz have no cell wall or capsule so cholesterol to integrate in their cell membrane 1764 Immunology Pulmonary & Critical Care Hib vaccine is conjugated with diphteria protein to switch immune reaction to T cell independant to T cell dependant 1779 Microbiology Pulmonary & Critical Care Spore forming bacteria resist heat 1801 Pathology Pulmonary & Critical Care IL 1. R to L shunt (cyanotic heart). Bronchitis and Situs Inversus 1620 Physiology Pulmonary & Critical Care Pulmonary vascular resistance is lowest at FRC and it's also at FRC that alveolar pressure is 0.6 and TNF alpha are the mediator of sytemic inflattion and stimulate liver secretion of fibrinogen which increase ESR . Cerebral Blood Flow is Dependent on both O2 and CO2 contents. like an inverted T) the rest is carried out by intercostal nerves Pulmonary & Critical Care Interstitial lung disease (restrictive): both FEV1 and FVC are decreased. cholinergic agonist) will cause airway constriction and increase secretion. cold air inhalation and Metacholine (metacholine. Mucus-Secreting cells (Goblet cells) are all along the respiratory trat but not in terminal bronchiole and farther where surfactant line the walls. high altitudes (low O2 content) or decrease inspiratory capacity (MGravis. 1543 Physiology 1548 Physiology Pulmonary & Critical Care Respiratory particles in bronchioles are cleared by mucociliary system.IN is pleural pressure. Obstructive diseas 1583 Physiology Pulmonary & Critical Care In COPD it js O2 that conteols Respiratory Drive and unlike what I Thought it is Peripheral Chemoreceptors that controls that (carotid and aortic arch) Central chemoreceptors are regulated by decrease pH not (but still low effect coz brain is barely permeable to H+) 1585 Physiology Pulmonary & Critical Care In LV heart failure. RR 1576 Microbiology Pulmonary & Critical Care In transplant patients.1494 Physiology Pulmonary & Critical Care Hyperventilation will cause Hypocapnea. with a high PAO2-PaO2 value. RR Alveolar ventilation = (TV . fluid accumulate in Lungs and decrease their Compliance. In this case O2 in alveoli is high since it is not going to the blood. Cutaneous) occurs also in uper lobes like TB.cell mediated toxicity 813 Pathophysiology Renal. Urinary Systems & Electrolytes Vit B6 decrease Oxalate production and decrease chance of CAlcium Oxalate formation 835 Pathology Renal. Vanco 744 Immunology Renal. resuming ascites or pleural effusion 685 Pharmacology Renal. anti DNase B titers. so they breathe long and slowly to adjust While alveolar and elastic problems: the work of breathing increase with increase TV so they breathe shallow and fast This is manifested by the trough work of breathing on RR curve that is either lower or higher than 15 8519 Biostatistics Pulmonary & Critical Care Analysis of variance is ANOVA 8703 Anatomy Pulmonary & Critical Care When someone swallows a bone it can get lodged in piriform recess just behind the epiglottis.1910 Pathophysiology Pulmonary & Critical Care In pneumonia. Low C3 and total complement levels (normal C4) and presence of cryoglobulin 28 Pathology Renal. If you give NSAID you will constrict Afferents and decrease delivery. IgM and C3 deposition "Starry sky appearance" 9 Histology Renal. Urinary Systems & Electrolytes In recovery of ATN all electrolytes are low du to slowly recovering despite increase UO 887 Pathology Renal. pCo2 high (Hyperventilation) and Bicarb low(metabolic acidosis) 1981 Physiology Pulmonary & Critical Care PE: Hypoxemia + Respiratory Alkalosis (Hyperventilation Reaction) 1985 Pathophysiology Pulmonary & Critical Care OSA can lead to pulmonary hypertension 2039 Genetics Pulmonary & Critical Care RNA polym I: rRNA II: mRNA. CNS. cisplatin. Aminoglycoside. pO2 low (Hypoxemia). Aspirin. Urinary Systems & Electrolytes Autotoxic: Furosemide. Urinary Systems & Electrolytes Beta lactam can cause acute interstitial nephritis 886 Pathology Renal. Urinary Systems & Electrolytes In chronic renal graft rejection you see vascular changes. Urinary Systems & Electrolytes Ethylene glycol: tubular necrosis with balooning and vacuolisation of PCT + Ca Oxalate stones 1049 Pathology Renal. microRNA (silencor. U retain a lot of spdium coz of increase aldosterone 211 Pathology Renal. Urinary Systems & Electrolytes Idiopathic hypercalciuria is the most common cause of calcium kidney stones (NL serum Ca2+) 816 Pathology Renal. emphysema. Urinary Systems & Electrolytes Goodpasture is part of RPG ( pasteur. Urinary Systems & Electrolytes Chronic NSAIDS wil cause CHronic Interstitial Nephrtis . Urinary Systems & Electrolytes In parasitic infection IgE will bind to parasite then their Fc portions bind eosinophils that will in turn degranulate This is called Antibody-dependent. asthma. kidneys will respond causing Compensatory Metabolic Alkalosis. Urinary Systems & Electrolytes In IE glomerulonephritis can happen and it is an Immune complex mediated injury 275 Pharmacology Renal. Urinary Systems & Electrolytes Post strep Glomerulonephritis: Hugh ASO. Urinary Systems & Electrolytes Partial Vs Complete Nephrogenic DI: In partial Urine osm with ADH urine OSM recovers till 500. Within 48 hours. THINK OF SOMEONE TRYING TO COUGH SO MUCH TO REMOVE THE BONE BUT THEN COULDNT COUGH ANYMORE 11638 Microbiology Pulmonary & Critical Care Nocadia (Lungs. Urinary Systems & Electrolytes In nephrotoc u lose a lot of albumin so liver increase albumin production. or goiter obstruction: in these patient the frequency of breathing will increase work of breathing. with a RPG) so expect Crescent changes and IgG and C3 in basement membrane 12 Pathology Renal. Urinary Systems & Electrolytes Furosemide works on Na-K-2Cl channels in TAL and also work by stimulating Renal Prostaglandin Release (which normally dilate Afferent arteriole--> Increase RBP and GFR and enhance drug Delivery). but neutrophils are not involved 750 Immunology Renal. Urinary Systems & Electrolytes Amphotericin is nephrotoxic so can cause anemia (low EPO) and will cause increase permeability of distal tubules so will have HYPOKALEMIA AND HYPOMG and possible heart problems 684 Physiology Renal. Behinf the recess there is the Internal Branch of the Superior Laryngeal Nerve and mediates the afferent of The cough Reflex. tubular atrophy and fibrosis. but in complete it does not recover at all 229 Pathology Renal. and are branching Gram (+) confusing with fungi Contracted by spore inhalation or traumatic inoculation on skin 8 Histology Renal. Therefore pH will be high (Hyperventilation Respiratory Acidosis). which will result in Hyperventilation subsequently Respiratory Alkalosis. think of it like methylation) smallRNA (involve in regulation and splicing) III: tRNA 8257 Microbiology Pulmonary & Critical Care Legionella does not stain well on Gram stain and cause hyponatremia 8260 Pathophysiology Pulmonary & Critical Care Air flow resistance: COPD. Urinary Systems & Electrolytes In post strep glomerulonephritis we see Granular deposit in mesangium of basement membrane with IgG. green sputum is due to myeloperoxidase. a blue-green heme-based enzyme that is released from neutrophil azurophilic granules and forms hypocholorous acid 1925 Pathology Pulmonary & Critical Care Allergens are stronger than cold air to induce an asthma ttack 1980 Physiology Pulmonary & Critical Care High altitude AB: First low FiO2 will cause hypoxemia. Urea will go in the medulla and permit the concentration ability of kidneys. Amino Acids. 1532 Physiology Renal. Cl. but filtration will remain. CD8 T cells. H+ out. ATII) 1643 Pharmacology Renal. Urinary Systems & Electrolytes ADH works on Cortical and Medullary portions of Collecting ducts but Cortical segment is not involve in urea reabsorption but Medullary segment reabsorbs both H2O and Urea 1211 Pharmacology Renal. 2131 Pathology Renal. Urinary Systems & Electrolytes Liver: Angiotensinogen -(Renin produced in Juxtaglomerular cells in Kidneys)-> ATI Lungs: ATI -(ACE)-> ATII (cause vasoconstriction in systemic arterioles) Adrenal Glands: ATII Stimulates Aldosterone Production and Secretion 1554 Physiology Renal. Urinary Systems & Electrolytes Renal Excreation: Inulin and Mannitol: only Filteres. Urinary Systems & Electrolytes Filtration Fraction = GFR / Renal Plasma Flow 1736 Embryology Renal. with help of Na+/K+ pump basolaterally which is activated with high K+ levels and Aldosterone (also enhance Na+(in) and K+(out) channels permeabilities) 1555 Physiology Renal. Urinary Systems & Electrolytes T helper produce IL2 which activates CD4. Mesonephros (give Wolffian ducts in male and Vestibular Gartner's ducts in females). deficiency in alpha galactosidase A and globoside ceramde trihexoside will accumulate in tissues. Ureters) arising from caudal Mesonephros. Low Ca and and Mg can cause seizures 1651 Physiology Renal. AA and Glucose (These 2 are vividly actively reabsorbed) decrease significantly 1617 Physiology 1619 Physiology Renal. NK cells and monocytes . Urinary Systems & Electrolytes RPF (PAH clearance) reprensents plasma flow. In late phase if enzyme is not replaced GET RENAL FAILURE COZ FABRENAL 2012 Physiology Renal. hence decrease PTH and further decrease in Ca. Urinary Systems & Electrolytes Urea is reabsorbed in the collecting duct through ADH effect on V2 receptors (increase water and urea permeability). Minor and Majors Calyces. So we have an increase by growing order of Na. Urinary Systems & Electrolytes Foscarnet (pyrrophosphate analogue) chelates calcium and cause magnesium wasting in kidneys. Urinary Systems & Electrolytes Fabri. Urinary Systems & Electrolytes Hypokalemia cause K+ reabsorption by a-intercalated discs in cortical portion of collecting tubules. not secreted or reabsorbed Glucose. Cr and PAH (The last 3 are almost not absorbed) While HCO3 (Actively reabsorbed due to Carbonic Anhydrase). the reason why HypoK causes Alkalosis)(Apical). Proximal tubule. Since PAH is usually fully filtered and secreted its clearance is used to calculate Renal Plasma Flow (RPH: that usually decrease with afferent or efferent constriction. Distal collecting tubules) 1989 Biochemistry Renal. Urinary Systems & Electrolytes Clearance=UrineConcentration. Urinary Systems & Electrolytes Membranous nephropathy is associated with IgG4 antibodies to phospholipases A2 receptor. Urinary Systems & Electrolytes Proximal tubules substance concentration depends on wether water is reabsorbed faster than them. Loopf of Henle. Urinary Systems & Electrolytes Glomerulus filters a substance into Bowman's capsule which is the start of the journey of filtered substance (filtration does not occur there) Renal. Urinary Systems & Electrolytes Kidney development: Intermediate mesoderm will form: Pronephros (disappear). which play a role in dvlpmnt of the disease (it the class V lupus nephritis) In cryoglobulinemia: there is IgM deposits in glomerulus leading to basement mmbrane thickening and cellular proliferation 8530 Immunology Renal. we divide RPF/(1-HCT). Epi. stimulated by Aldo in HypoK. Inulin. while Normal to High K+ level will permit K+ excretion through K+ channels (Apical) in Principal cells. but since plasma represents one pprtion of blood. Urea. Creatine: Filtered and Secreted (Cr is not exactly all secreted) FF (20%)= GFR/RPF with GFR: Inulin clearance and RPF: PAH clearance (not very accurate coz Adipose tissues in kidney do not filter or secrete RPH so this will underestimate RPF by 10%) 1588 Physiology Renal. K. First get angiokeratomas. Urinary Systems & Electrolytes PAH is freely filtered in the glomerulus but it also secreted from peritubular capillaries (proximal tubule) through a carrier transport (reabsorption is carrier mediated too and can be saturated) and this process can be saturated. to get RBF. hypohidrosis and acroparesthesia. through K+/H+ ATPases (K+ in. Urinary Systems & Electrolytes Regardless of a patient's status. Urinary Systems & Electrolytes In recovery of ATN we get reepithelization of tubules 1054 Pathology Renal. Urea: Filtered then most of it reabsorbed PAH. Metanephros duct (Collecting ducts. Urinary Systems & Electrolytes Bence jones are large eosinophilic casts While in Hypersensitivity interstitial nephritis we see eosinophils in blood 1161 Physiology Renal. Na+. reabsorption occur in proximal tubule.UrineFlowRate/PlasmaConcentration ClearanceCr(or Inulin)=GFR ClearancePAH=RPF FF=GFR/RPF UrineFlowRate is the same so it cancels in the Nominator and Denominator 1556 Physiology Renal. Mentanephros duct (ureteric bud) will induce formation of Metanephros Blastema in sacrum (Metanephros mesoderm: Glomeruli. and here we get the Actual RBF 1559 Physiology Renal. Urinary Systems & Electrolytes Bethanecol given for post op ileus (cholinergic): BEDNA NEKOL POST OP 1524 Anatomy Renal. Norepi.1053 Pathology Renal. Renal pelvis. Bowmans's space. Urinary Systems & Electrolytes Shistozoma are contracted by Snails (makes sense) 8881 Physiology Renal. (Through non-gated channels) . as it will give you better bone density than if you take & Sports extra Ca2+ or Exercice) 628 Physiology Black women have higher Bone Density and have lower risks of Fractures (Of Rheumatology/Orthopedics course). Urinary Hydroxyproline and Urinary & Sports Deoxypyridinoline (most accurate one) 639 Physiology Paget disease: increased numbers of abnormal osteoclasts.8541 Microbiology Renal. but the initial problem Rheumatology/Orthopedics is in osteoclast) Osteoclast are multinucleated (2-5 but 100's in Paget) cells arising & Sports from the fusion of many mononuclear phagocytic cells due to Macrophage colony-stimulating factors (M-CSF) and Receptor for Activated Nuclear Factor kappa-B Ligand (RANK-L) which are produced by Osteoblasts and BM stemal cels 646 Microbiology Rheumatology/Orthopedics Kids get osteomylitis with staph & Sports 667 Pathology Rheumatology/Orthopedics Churg Strauss also cause Mononeuritis due to involvement of the epineural vessels & Sports of peripheral nerves 699 Pharmacology Rheumatology/Orthopedics Bisphosphonate are pyrophosphate analogues and inhibits oscteoclasts & Sports 719 Pharmacology Rheumatology/Orthopedics In RA DMARDs take a lot to work whereas Steroid and NSAIDs are about rapid relief & Sports 721 Pathology Rheumatology/Orthopedics Osteomylitis affect metaphysis of long bones (in children hematogenous osteo) & Sports 741 Immunology Serum sickness is a type III hypersensitivity associated with monoclonal antibodies or non-human Immunoglobulin (e. It is complement induced and get & Sports Hypocomplemtemia. Increased ALKPhosph with & Sports mosaic pattern of lamellar bone. so have a large post void residue 11064 Pathophysiology Renal. Urinary Systems & Electrolytes In diabetic urinary incontinence bladder ant sense full bladder and u wont void all content. and C5a will induce neutrophil chemotaxis. Urinary Systems & Electrolytes Serum Cr and GFR have an negative log function. & Sports Immune complex will deposit then 858 Pharmacology Rheumatology/Orthopedics Colchicine inhibit tubulin polymerization hence inhibit lymphocyte migration & Sports 982 Pathophysiology Rheumatology/Orthopedics In Osteoporosis: Calcium. against Fc receptors of IgG. Lower BMI have lower Bone Density and higher risk of fracture (not what I & Sports thought) 634 Pathology Rheumatology/Orthopedics Hemiballism involves extremties & Sports 638 Physiology Indicators of: Osteoblastic activity: Bone-specific Alkaline Phosphatase Osteoclastic Rheumatology/Orthopedics activity: Tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase. cefaclor. (HLA=MHC) & Sports 753 Pathophysiology Rheumatology/Orthopedics Monitor Ankylosing spondilitis by chest wall expansion (that is limited with advanced & Sports disease leading to hypoventilation) 754 Immunology Rheumatology/Orthopedics Rheumatoid factor: Secreted IgM from plasma cells. 11040 Pathophysiology Renal. Urinary Systems & Electrolytes Sirolimus bind to FKBP and this complex inhibits mTOR (signaling transduction) hence inhibiting IL2 production 239 Pathology Rheumatology/Orthopedics Rheumatic Fever kills by Pancarditis not MS & Sports 457 Pathology Rheumatology/Orthopedics PAN and hep B BIG DEAL & Sports 627 Physiology Genetic Factors are the Strongest Prognostic factors for Osteoporosis (Being black is Rheumatology/Orthopedics the best protective factors. PO4 and PTH are Normal & Sports 987 Physiology Rheumatology/Orthopedics Paget disease (increase osteoclast activity): bone pain. 752 Immunology Rheumatology/Orthopedics HLA associated in diseases and stuf autoimmune are of class I. inhibits microtubules) & Sports 1382 Physiology Rheumatology/Orthopedics Resting membrane potential is established by the high K+ Efflux and minimal Na+ & Sports influx. marginalization. Urinary Systems & Electrolytes Clacineurin inhibitors mediated toxicity: see vacuolization (yea NOT BAD) If Acute rejection: See lymphocytic infiltrations 11786 Immunology Renal. excessive bone turnover and abnormal bone remodeling (osteoblast here plays its role. 1159 Histology Rheumatology/Orthopedics Osteocyte connect together through Gap Junctions & Sports 1168 Pharmacology Rheumatology/Orthopedics Colchicine will cause GI symptoms (coz like chemo. hence neutropenia. TMP-SMX).g: antitoxin) and sometimes with non-protein drugs Rheumatology/Orthopedics (penicillin. precocious puberty and & Sports fibrous dysplasisa 11684 Anatomy Rheumatology/Orthopedics Extensor muscle of the wrist attach on lateral epicondyle it is a bit intuitive & Sports 2061 7592 . the use of Cholinesterase Inhibitors is non selective therefore increase the activity of ACh in muscarinic receptors too (Unwanted side effect). IIb: Anaerobic & Sports Glycogenolysis then Glycolysis (High Glycogen content). cramp. have high Myoglobin and Mitochondria so look red (rely on aerobic respiration). Type II: Rapid Forceful movements. diarrhea. And only the Rheumatology/Orthopedics H band contains purely thich filament. to prevent muscular injury. And only the A band (corresponds to the & Sports whole length of thick filament) is not variable in size and does not change during muscle contraction 1682 Anatomy Rheumatology/Orthopedics In Oustretched hand fall u can have Scaphoid fracture or Lunate dislocation & Sports compressing Median nerve causing Numbness of hand 1684 Embryology Rheumatology/Orthopedics Caudal agenesis (sacral agenesis): lower extremety paralysis (are smaller).1394 Microbiology Rheumatology/Orthopedics When have gas gangrene. Rheumatology/Orthopedics Therefore Scopalamine (so is Hyosciamine) is given which is a selective Muscarinic & Sports ACh receptor Antagonist (such as the gut. it will rotate tropomyosin exposing Actin's myosin binding site allow Actin-Myosin interaction 8266 Physiology Golgi tendons system (at muscle-tendon junction) are sensitive for Active stretch in Rheumatology/Orthopedics Muscles . Reduce it by flexing and supinating 8670 Anatomy Rheumatology/Orthopedics Scaphoid fracture in outstrectched hand can lead to avascular necrosis and it is the & Sports most common complication 10930 Pharmacology Rheumatology/Orthopedics Calcium bicarb when given need acidic invironment for Ca to be absorbed & Sports 11564 Pharmacology Dronate inhibit osteoclast mediated resorption (similar to pyrrophosphate and bind to Rheumatology/Orthopedics hydroxyapatite) so osteoclast that is eating bone takes dronates andd dont adhere & Sports on more bone for resorption 11646 Pathophysiology Rheumatology/Orthopedics in polymyositis: have ANA ANTI JO-1 (aka anti histidyl tRNA synthestase DAA & Sports FUCKKKKKKK) 11653 Pathology Rheumatology/Orthopedics MC cune albright: mutatuin in GNAS gene CAfe au lait. Paraspinal. opens post-synaptic ligand-gated ion channels causing depolarization of muscle cells. 2090 Biochemistry Rheumatology/Orthopedics If someone has increased PRPP production he will have increased purines and then & Sports uric acid and gout Physiology Skeletal muscle contraction: ACh will bind post synaptic receptors. therefore we have a reduced motor-end plate potential. Troponin I: attaches Troponin-Tropomyosin complex to Actin) When bound to Ca2+.) & Sports 1664 Physiology On electron micrograph the Z line appears much darker than the M line. they are within the ACh Rheumatology/Orthopedics receptor). 8523 Pharmacology Rheumatology/Orthopedics mab: Monoclonal AB cept: reCEPTor molecule nih: kinase INHbitor & Sports 8579 Anatomy Annular ligament is fucked up when a childs arm is being stretched in extended Rheumatology/Orthopedics pronated position like i used to do to Karim. Ca2+ will bind to Troponin on the C site (Troponin C: & Sports Ca2+ binding site. wont be able to move it again. and is a feedback system that monitor and maintains muscle force. Unlike & Sports Eaton-Lambert or Botulism (Block release. Patient will be in extended pronated arm & Sports position. (not & Sports passive ones). K+. nausea. Troponin T: attaches Troponin to Tropomyosin. the antibodies (act like Curare) will bind the Acholine receptors and preventing ACh of opening cation channels (Na+. Of ACh from presynaptic terminal) the synaptic ACh concentration is normal. Urinary & Sports incontinence SEEN IN DM MOTHERS 1858 Physiology Muscle: Type I fibers: Slow twitch. Then Rheumatology/Orthopedics Ca2+ is released from SR. Hemicholinium: block reuptake of choline into presynapse depleting ACh stores in presynapse 2062 Physiology In Mysthemia Gravis. its clostridiu perfringens and also can cause food & Sports poisonong (reheated meat) reheated rice: B.g: polycythemia vera.they are responsible for the involuntary release of weights when hitting the gym. Pilocarpine is a non selective ACh receptor agonist and reduces the side effects.. Postural Rheumatology/Orthopedics muscles like Soleus. and ACL goes towards inside (out to in) & Sports Physiology In Myastemia Gravis. Require low level sustained force. IIa: Fast twitch but with Aerobic Respiration (Intermediate between Type I and Type IIb) 1874 Pathology Rheumatology/Orthopedics Contracture: Fibroblasts with increase metalloproteinase & Sports 1896 Pathology Rheumatology/Orthopedics Parvo can imitate RA but is self limiting & Sports 1956 Anatomy Rheumatology/Orthopedics Femoral head is supplied by Medial Circumflex femoral Artery & Sports 1969 Anatomy Rheumatology/Orthopedics the fibula is lateral. cerus 1450 Pathophysiology Rheumatology/Orthopedics Gout is associated with Myeloproliferative disorders (e. sweating). its complications and to answer the patient's questions 11518 Behavioral science Social Sciences (Ethics/Legal/Professional) If you can't educate an illeterate (or low education level) patient about his disease use alternative learning methods like visual recources .11727 Anatomy In sciatica there is compression of the sciatic nerve in the Greater sciatic foramen Rheumatology/Orthopedics often due to HYPERTROPHY OF PIRIFORMIS MUSCLE (passes in the canal. is not comfortable with patient's decision he has the right to refer to another Dr. or someone with EBV willing to play rugby (risk of splenic rupture) 2057 Behavioral science Social Sciences (Ethics/Legal/Professional) Eventhough pregnancy stuff are not be adressed to parents in minor. cookies etc. while the attending at hospital should DNR DNI objectives to very sick patients 1237 Behavioral science Social Sciences (Ethics/Legal/Professional) When a patient refuses to know his diagnosis before directly accepting dig further and ask why 1238 Behavioral science Social Sciences (Ethics/Legal/Professional) Eventhough people have full authorities on themselves you are to report suicidal plans. & Sports involved in extrnal hip rotation) 11749 Pharmacology Rheumatology/Orthopedics Azathiprine-> 6MP-> purine metabolism so if give ALLopurinolu inhibit this & Sports 11770 Pathophysiology Rheumatology/Orthopedics Temporal arteritis is cell mediated with production of cytokines (IL6. should not receive gifts. consent forms should be obtained by the physician performing the procedure as he is most qualified to describe the procedure. 10488 Behavioral science Social Sciences (Ethics/Legal/Professional) Dont rely on a translator if hes not professional when it comes to consents and stuff 10509 Behavioral science Social Sciences (Ethics/Legal/Professional) If a colleague asks you about a patient in the elevator.) & Sports 11799 Anatomy Rheumatology/Orthopedics Injury of ankle (inversion) think only of talofibular & Sports 11830 Anatomy Rheumatology/Orthopedics Penis drains in superficial inguinal nodes excpet for gland which drain into deep (coz & Sports very sensitive and goes deeeep) 1125 Behavioral science Social Sciences (Ethics/Legal/Professional) A woman having tubal ligation is not required to have her partner's consent 1235 Behavioral science Social Sciences (Ethics/Legal/Professional) PCP should educate about exercice. tell him that you'll discuss it later with him. who is comfortable with doing what the patient wants. smoking cessation etc. but if it's clear get a court mandate to go for treatment 10534 Behavioral science Social Sciences (Ethics/Legal/Professional) A health care proxy (signed on paper) beats any relative or person when taking decision to unconscious patient 10542 Behavioral science Social Sciences (Ethics/Legal/Professional) If someone passed out and his friend said that the patient doesn't want resuscitation don't believe him unless he has an official note from him or he is designated the health proxy 10545 Behavioral science Social Sciences (Ethics/Legal/Professional) Unlike real life. but don't demean him by telling him that you cannot discuss it and that it is against policy 10533 Behavioral science Social Sciences (Ethics/Legal/Professional) In minors Call Ethic Commity if it is really not clear what to do. abortions should be adressed to parents. 2058 Behavioral science Social Sciences (Ethics/Legal/Professional) Drunk people who want to leave the ER are not allowed to do so until they get sober 2059 Behavioral science Social Sciences (Ethics/Legal/Professional) Patient has the right not to know informations 7767 Behavioral science Social Sciences (Ethics/Legal/Professional) If Dr. then date her.. unless of token values (less than 10$. (like Abortions) 10290 Behavioral science Social Sciences (Ethics/Legal/Professional) Hospice care is for people with life expectancy of less than 6 months from now 10463 Behavioral science Social Sciences (Ethics/Legal/Professional) Drs.) 10464 Behavioral science Social Sciences (Ethics/Legal/Professional) Romantic relationships with patient is inapropriate and it is even inapropriate to ask the patient to change Dr.
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