Steel Grades en 10028 ASTM

March 25, 2018 | Author: George_Wabag_2014 | Category: Structural Steel, Rolling (Metalworking), Sheet Metal, Galvanization, Steel



Mittal Steel EuropeFlat Products - An Overview Krakow (Poland) Valcovny Plechnu Frydek-Mistek (Czech Republic) Nova Hut .Valcovna za studena (Czech Republic) Skopje (Macedonia) Galati (Romania) 12 13 14 15 16 Hot Dip Galvanised Swietochlowice (Poland) Skopje (Macedonia) Galati (Romania) 17 18 19 Electro Galvanised Krakow (Poland) 20 Organic Coated Swietochlowice (Poland) Skopje (Macedonia) 21 22 Sales Offices Europe 23 Mittal Steel Europe  Shaping the future of steel .An Overview Contents Intro 5 Hot Rolled Krakow (Poland) Ostrava (Czech Republic) Galati (Romania) Skopje (Macedonia) 6 7 8 9 Heavy Plate Batory (Poland) Galati (Romania) 10 11 Cold Rolled Sosnowiec.Flat Products . . hot dip galvanised. Our sales teams are always ready and available to meet your specific requirements.An Overview Intro From our units in Poland. Mittal Steel Europe offers customers a wide range of flat products. cold rolled. Our product portfolio comprises hot rolled. Romania and Macedonia.Flat Products . electro galvanised and organic coated products as well as heavy plates. In this brochure you will find the offer overview of Mittal Steel’s European units. For more detailed information about production capabilities and product specifications. You will be served by our network of sales offices located throughout Europe. please refer to one of our sales office representatives. Mittal Steel Europe  Shaping the future of steel . This product list applies to Mittal Steel European production. Mittal Steel Europe Flat products marketing team Units (Europe) Hot Rolled Hot Rolled Pickled & Oiled Heavy Plate Cold Rolled • • Czech Republic – NH VZS Romania – Galati • • • • • • • • • • Czech Republic – VPFM Macedonia – Skopje • • Organic Coated • Poland – Batory Czech Republic – Ostrava Electro Galvanised • Poland – Swietochlowice Poland – Sosnowiec Poland – Krakow Hot Dip Galvanised • • • • • Valid from 01/07/2006 • Version MSE0906 Mittal Steel reserves the right to change any information of this brochure at any time without prior notice. Czech Republic. 0 1000 .1500 680 .6000 max.8 .Flat Products .5 .780 max. 5 DIN 59220 2.Checkered 3.Steel for Patterned Products Standard Grade Dimension Range Description DIN 59220 S235JR.780 max. DD14 * B Low carbon steel for cold bending Standard Grade Dimension Range Description EN 10025-2 S235JR.0 .99 4. For more detailed information about production capabilities and product specifications.2. DD12. DD13.4000 max. S275J2.1 . 12 EN 10051 Patterned .Structural Steel 1.6.2 .0 730 .8 .0 * 730 .00 .2. 12 EN 10051 Pickled 1.0 up to 12.6 .50 .1 .6000 max.12. DH27S.600 700 .Steel Grades 1. P265S C Steel for simple pressure vessels 1.Surface Execution Unpickled Pickled. S235JRG2 D Steel for checkered products 2 .Dimensions 2.2. 12 DIN 59220 Execution Thickness (mm) Width (mm) Length (mm) Weight (MT) Tolerances Cut-to-length 1.8 .0 730 .6. 25 EN 10051 Slit 1.An Overview Hot Rolled Valid from 01/07/2006 .99 3.6. DH32 Only sheet Structural steel for shipbuilding 1.1500 680 . AH32.780 max. S235J0. please refer to one of our sales office representatives.Hot Rolled Coils 700 Thickness (mm) 800 900 Width (mm) 1100 1000 1200 1300 1400 1500 1.5 730 . S355K2 A Non-alloy structural steel of higher quality * after agreement 1. P265NB C Steel for welded gas cylinders Standard Grade Dimension Range Description LRS* A. S355J2.Hot Rolled Sheets * after agreement 3 .00 .0 120 .Mild Unalloyed Steel for Forming and Bending Standard Grade Dimension Range Description EN 10111 DD11.Checkered 3. 12 EN 10051 Trimmed Edges 1.6. S355J0.8 .0 .1.00 A B C D Execution Thickness (mm) Width (mm) Inside Dia (mm) Weight (MT) Tolerances Mill Edges 1.1500 2000 .4. B.1400 1400 . S235J2. A Non-alloy structural steel EN 10025-2 S275JR.0 * 1000 .Steel for Shipbuilding * Lloyd’s Register of Shipping 1.2 .80 .79 2.8 .1500 610 max. 1 .1500 2000 . 5 EN 10051 / EN 10029 Patterned . This product list applies to Mittal Steel European production.8 . S275J0. P265GH Only sheet Heat-resistant pressure-vessel steel EN 10207 P235S. D.1250 680 .3 .Steel for Gas Containers Standard Grade Dimension Range Description EN 10120 P245NB.3. S355JR.49 2.6.99 2.4 .80 .10.0 730 . 5 EN 10051 / EN 10029 Pickled 1.780 max. AH27S.2.Steel for Pressure Vessels and Boilers Standard Grade Dimension Range Description EN 10028-2 P235GH.Version MSE0906 Krakow (Poland) Mittal Steel reserves the right to change any information of this brochure at any time without prior notice. Oiled or Unoiled Mittal Steel Europe  Shaping the future of steel .00 . 15.C60 D Quenched and tempered steel EN 10132-4 C55S .12000 max.L485MB E Hot rolled coils for the manufacture of large-diameter pipes API 5L Gr A .5 .2.15.0 600 .1 .4 .Teardrop 3.Hot Rolled Coils Width (mm) 1000 Thickness (mm) 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1550 1.3 . 5.12000 max.5 .Dimensions 2.99 4.24 2. Execution Thickness (mm) Width (mm) Inside Dia (mm) Weight (MT) Tolerances Mill Edges 1.An Overview Hot Rolled Valid from 01/07/2006 .1550 1000 . please refer to one of our sales office representatives. * DIN 59220 Execution Thickness (mm) Width (mm) Length (mm) Weight (MT) Tolerances Cut-to-length 1.1550 762 max.Flat Products .750 600 or 762 max.1.1530 600 or 762 max. 16 EN 10051+A1 Patterned .2 . This product list applies to Mittal Steel European production.0 A B C D E Hot rolled strip of width from 740 up to 980 mm are produced and supplied in limited quantity and after agreement with the production plant.00 6.0 (12.0 960 .0 .DD14 A Low carbon steel for cold bending Standard Grade Dimension Range Description EN 10025-2 S235JR .80 .Teardrop 3.00 .S235J2 A Non-alloy structural steel EN 10025-2 S275JR .00 .0*) 600 . 5.15.Version MSE0906 Ostrava (Czech Republic) Mittal Steel reserves the right to change any information of this brochure at any time without prior notice.0 .1550 762 max.S355J2 B Non-alloy structural steel of higher quality EN 10025-5 S235J0W .Structural Steel 1.5 .5 .1550 1000 .8.00 .Sheets * after agreement 3 .10.S355J0WP C Structural steel with improved corrosion resistance 1.2.99 3.X70 E Hot rolled coils for the manufacture of large-diameter pipes 2 .0 13. 33 EN 10051+A1 Slit 1.Steel Grades 1.6.0 .0*) 980 .0 20 .2.0 980 .High Carbon Steel 1.13.0 (12. 33 EN 10051+A1 Trimmed Edges 1.0 EN 10051+A1 Patterned . 1 .3.49 2.50 .8.0 DIN 59220 * after agreement 2.C67S D Spring steel and other applications 1.50 .1.25 .S500MC E High yield strength steel for cold forming.79 1.1 . For more detailed information about production capabilities and product specifications.10.Micro-alloyed Steel for Cold Forming Standard Grade Dimension Range Description EN 10149-2 S315MC .5 .Steel for Pipes and Tubes Standard Grade Dimension Range Description EN 10208-2 L245NB . thermomechanical rolled Standard Grade Dimension Range Description EN 10083 +A1 C35 .00 .2 .99 2.Surface Execution Unpickled Mittal Steel Europe 7 Shaping the future of steel .Mild Unalloyed Steel for Forming and Bending Standard Grade Dimension Range Description EN 10111 DD11. Dimensions 2.0 1000 . S355N Weldable fine grained structural steel EN 10149-3 S260NC . 1 .2.12.Micro-alloyed Steel for Cold Forming Standard Grade Description EN 10113-2 S275N. This product list applies to Mittal Steel European production.00 .Sheets 3 .2.Steel for Pressure Vessels and Boilers Standard Grade Description EN 10028-2 P235GH .S355NC High strength steel for cold forming.1500 3000 .5 .1500 760 .P310NB Steel for welded gas cylinders 2 .99 2.5 .6000 max.12.29 2. please refer to one of our sales office representatives.2 . NH Weldable fine grained steel for pressure equipment 1.15 12 .4.4 . B.0 1000 .Version MSE0906 Galati (Romania) Mittal Steel reserves the right to change any information of this brochure at any time without prior notice.0 Tensile Strength Steel Type S235 Tensile Strength Steel Type S355 Execution Thickness (mm) Width (mm) Inside Dia (mm) Weight (MT) Tolerances Mill Edges 1.P355GH.12.Hot Rolled Coils Thickness (mm) 1000 1050 1100 1150 Width (mm) 1200 1250 1300 1400 1450 1500 1.24 EN 10051 Execution Thickness (mm) Width (mm) Length (mm) Weight (MT) Tolerances Cut-to-length 3.Mild Unalloyed Steel for Forming and Bending Standard Grade Description EN 10111 DD11 .P355N.6 .L360NB Hot rolled coils for the manufacture of large-diameter pipes API 5L Gr A.X70 Hot rolled coils for the manufacture of large-diameter pipes 1.50 .Surface Execution Unpickled Pickled. For more detailed information about production capabilities and product specifications.S355JR.An Overview Hot Rolled Valid from 01/07/2006 . normalised / normalised rolled 1. J0. 16Mo3 Heat-resistant pressure vessel steel EN 10028-3 P275N. J2 .80 .5 .79 1.1 .30 .1450 610 +/.1 .00 .1.0 . X42 .Steel Grades 1.24 EN 10051 Pickled 1.2.2 . 10 EN 10051 2.49 2.Flat Products .DD14 Low carbon steel for cold bending Standard Grade Description EN 10025 S235JR. J2. K2 Non-alloy structural steel EN 10155 S235J0W .50 .850 12 .3 .1.99 3.S355J2G2W Structural steel with improved corrosion resistance 1.Steel for Gas Containers Standard Grade Description EN 10028-2 P245NB . Oiled or Unoiled Mittal Steel Europe 8 Shaping the future of steel .Steel for Pipes and Tubes Standard Grade Description EN 10208-2 L245NB . J0.Structural Steel 1. NH .0 1000 . S355J2G3 A Non-alloy structural steel of higher quality 1. Oiled or Unoiled Mittal Steel Europe 9 Shaping the future of steel .1500 2000 .1.8 .Teardrop 4.2.X46 Description A Hot rolled coils for the manufacture of large-diameter pipes 1.99 3.1400 2000 .1 . 762 max.5.Structural Steel Standard Grade EN 10025 S235JR .Steel for Pressure Vessels and Boilers Standard Grade EN 10028-2 P235GH .5 .10 DIN 59220 Patterned .2 .8000 2 .10.10 EN 10051.10 EN 10051.P295GH Description A Heat-resistant pressure-vessel steel 1. B.5.5 800 .00 .Steel Grades 1. 15 EN 10051 Patterned .1100 2000 .Checkered 3.0 800 .10 EN 10051. 5 800 .00 . please refer to one of our sales office representatives.Version MSE0906 Skopje (Macedonia) Mittal Steel reserves the right to change any information of this brochure at any time without prior notice. This product list applies to Mittal Steel European production.Checkered 3.Surface Execution Unpickled Pickled.An Overview Hot Rolled Valid from 01/07/2006 . GL.12000 2 . NV 2 .24 2. 16 EN 10051 Pickled 1.1500 max.00 .10.50 .99 6.12. 1 .0 .12000 2 .1500 max.99 4.1 .8 .99 2.49 2. 762 max. 762 max.Mild Unalloyed Steel for Forming and Bending Standard Grade Dimension Range Description EN 10111 DD11 .4 .8000 2 .DD13 A Low carbon steel for cold bending 1. 10 DIN 59220 Patterned .10 DIN 59220 3 .10.5.0 1000 .1250 2000 . 10 DIN 59220 Execution Thickness (mm) Width (mm) Inside Dia (mm) Weight (MT) Tolerances Cut-to-length max.8000 2 .12.2 .Dimensions 2.0 .Sheets max.25 .Teardrop 4.10. CR.Steel for Shipbuilding Standard Grade ADS* A. 10 800 .Hot Rolled Coils Thickness (mm) 800 900 1000 1100 Width (mm) 1200 1300 1400 1500 1.1500 2000 .2.0 .3.80 . For more detailed information about production capabilities and product specifications.Steel for Pipes and Tubes Standard Grade API 5L Gr A . 762 max.1100 max.0 1000 .1250 max.0 .10 EN 10051.S235J2G3 A Description Non-alloy structural steel EN 10025 S275JR .00 .8 .2.1250 2000 . EN 10029 Pickled 1. D Description A Structural steel for shipbuilding * Also LR. 12 800 .5 800 .0 1000 .3 .8000 2 . EN 10029 Patterned . EN 10029 max.Flat Products .0 1000 .0 A Execution Thickness (mm) Width (mm) Inside Dia (mm) Weight (MT) Tolerances Mill Edges 1. EN 10029 2. GL 2 . E Structural steel for shipbuilding ASTM A 131 Gr AH-32.Dimensions Thickness (mm) Width (mm) Length (mm) Tolerances 12. For more detailed information about production capabilities and product specifications.Steel Grades 1.P355GH.4 . +N) Non-alloy structural steel EN 10025-2 S355JR . DH-32.0 . BV.3600 4000 . 1 . DNV. to LRS.Flat Products .60.12000 acc.Steel for Shipbuilding * also acc.S275J2 (+AR. DH-36. +N) Structural steel with improved atmospheric corrosion resistance ( * ) min 200 Mg per order.3 . EH-36 Structural steel for shipbuilding 1.S460N Fine grained structural steel for construction (standard range) EN 10025-3 S275NL . EH-32 Structural steel for shipbuilding ASTM A 131 Gr AH-36. to EN 10029 Mittal Steel Europe 10 Shaping the future of steel .2 .Steel for Pressure Vessels and Boilers Standard Grade Description EN 10028-2 P235GH . This product list applies to Mittal Steel European production.S355K2W(+AR. please refer to one of our sales office representatives. without CE 1.An Overview Heavy Plate Valid from 01/07/2006 .S235J2 (+AR.1 . +N) Non-alloy structural steel EN 10025-5 * S355J0W .0 1500 .P460NL2 Weldable fine grained steel normalised (special low-temperature range) Standard Grade Description ASTM A 131 Gr A. 16Mo3 Heat-resistant pressure-vessel steel EN 10028-3 P355N Weldable fine grained steel normalised (standard range) EN 10028-3 P275NH . D.S355K2 (+AR.P460NH Weldable fine grained steel normalised (high-temperature range) EN 10028-3 P275NL1 .Version MSE0906 Batory (Poland) Mittal Steel reserves the right to change any information of this brochure at any time without prior notice.P460NL1 Weldable fine grained steel normalised (low-temperature range) EN 10028-3 P275NL2 . +N) Non-alloy structural steel EN 10025-2 S275JR .Fine Grained Structural Steel Standard Grade Description EN 10025-3 S275N .S460NL Fine grained structural steel for construction (low-temperature range) 1.Structural Steel Standard Grade Description EN 10025-2 S235JR . B. 0 1500 . please refer to one of our sales office representatives. NH.9 6.9 6. A285 Gr A.15000 EN 10029/91 Mittal Steel Europe 11 Shaping the future of steel .0 General heavy plates formats Boiler and commercial Quenched and tempered Execution Thickness (mm) Width (mm) Length (mm) Tolerances Without Heat Treatment 6.0 . A283.X70 Plates for large-diameter pipes 1. NL Fine grained structural steel for welded construction EN 10125-6 S460Q.10.0 20. NH.150.30000 EN 10029/91 Heat Treated (QL) 6.99. QL.12. DNV. 2 .8.0 8.0 .150.0 4.4000 2000 .0 . NL .0 .0 1000 .0 .0 .0 .0 40.0 .An Overview Heavy Plate Valid from 01/07/2006 . NL1. X42 .39.12.0 14.0 . E295 (+AR.0 . Q1 High strength.0 .59. B.P265 GH.Version MSE0906 Galati (Romania) Mittal Steel reserves the right to change any information of this brochure at any time without prior notice.0 60.0 . Q1 .S460N.100. ABS.1 .0 .S690Q.0 .0 .9 6.0 .12.6 .7.P265TR2 Welded steel tubes for pressure proposes EN 10217-2 P195GH .Heavy Plates Thickness (mm) 1500 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 Width (mm) 2500 2600 2800 3000 3200 3500 3600 4000 Length 6.0 1000 . B. DH-32. 1 . D.0 .2 Weldable fine grained steel normalised 1.Steel for Welded Pipes Standard Grade Description EN 10217-1 P195TR1 .S355K2W (+N) Structural steel with improved corrosion resistance 1.12.13.Dimensions 2. 16Mo3 Welded steel tubes for pressure proposes API 5L Gr A. fine grained structural steel. C.9 4.2 .Steel for Pressure Vessels and Boilers Standard Grade Description EN 10028-2 P235GH .0 . EH-32 Structural steel for shipbuilding ASTM A 131 Gr AH-36.Flat Products . to LRS. B.0 .P460N. +N) Non-alloy structural steel EN 10025-3 S235JRC .0 .9. EH-36 Structural steel for shipbuilding * also acc.P355GH Heat-resistant pressure-vessel steels EN 10028-3 P275N.S355K2C (+AR.Structural Steel made to ASTM Standards Standard Grade Description ASTM A36.9 6.1 . E Structural steel for shipbuilding ASTM A 131 Gr AH-32.0 .0 75.12.4 .0 .0 12.0 .Steel Grades 1.0 10.75. quenched and tempered 1. This product list applies to Mittal Steel European production.5 .S2355K2. D Structural steel 1.0 80. +N) Steel for cold forming EN 10025-5 S235J0W . .Structural Steel Standard Grade Description EN 10025-2 S235JR .11.9 6.9 6.Steel for Shipbuilding* Standard Grade Description ASTM A 131 Gr A.9 4. NL1. DH-36.8.4000 see diagram EN 10029/91 Heat Treated (N) 6.9 4. QL.79. RINA 2 .3 .0 . For more detailed information about production capabilities and product specifications.9 4.Fine Grained Structural Steel Standard Grade Description EN 10025-3 S275N.3000 3000 . An Overview Cold Rolled Valid from 01/07/2006 . This product list applies to Mittal Steel European production.Sheets 3 .50 700 . St 44-3G C General structural steel Standard Grade Dimension Range Description EN 10268 H240LA*.4000 max.Surface Quality Surface Type A (normal) Surface Type B (improved . please refer to one of our sales office representatives.60 .0.Enameling Steel * after agreement 1.Structural Steel 1. EN 10139 DC01.Micro-alloyed Steel * after agreement 2 . DC04.70 .0.75 .0 10 .90 Matt m 0.40 .1. 5 EN 10130 / DIN 1541 2.4.2 .6 .3 .3.5 100 .Surface Treatment No finish treatment Oiled Mittal Steel Europe 12 Shaping the future of steel .680 610 max.2.2.00 .99 1.Dimensions .1500 610 or 500 max.1500 1400 .74 0.50 A B C D Execution Thickness (mm) Width (mm) Inside Dia (mm) Weight (MT) Tolerances Wide Strip 0.49 * 0. 1 .Steel Grades 1. For more detailed information about production capabilities and product specifications.0.2 .2.1 . 7 EN 10131 Execution Thickness (mm) Width (mm) Length (mm) Weight (MT) Tolerances Cut-to-length 0. H280LA* D High yield strength micro-alloyed steel for cold forming 1.61 .4 .01 . DC03.00 2. DC05 A Low carbon steel for cold forming Standard Grade Dimension Range Description EN 10209 DC01EK * B Low carbon steel for vitrious enameling Standard Grade Dimension Range Description DIN 1623-2 St 37-2G.0 3.40 .0.59 0.30 .69 0.40 .2.50 .60 .1.5 700 .90 Rough r 1.Flat Products .79 sided) 3.Surface Finish Roughness Symbol Ra (µm) Smooth g ≤ 0. St 37-3G.Version MSE0906 Krakow (Poland) Mittal Steel reserves the right to change any information of this brochure at any time without prior notice.410 500 max. 15 EN 10130 / DIN 1541 Narrow Strip 0. 5 EN 10140 Slit Strip 0.15 .3 .Mild Unalloyed Steel for Cold Forming and Drawing Applications Standard Grade Dimension Range Description EN 10130.1 .2 .Cold Rolled Coils 700 Thickness (mm) 800 900 Width (mm) 1100 1000 1200 1300 1400 1500 0.1 .0.29 1.Surface 3. 3 . M150-35S.Steel Grades 1. M140-27S.5. M700-50A. M600-65A.80 .40 .27 .40 .Mild Unalloyed Steel for Cold Forming and Drawing Applications Standard Grade Dimension Range Description EN 10130+A1 DC01 . M700-50A. M600-50A.0. 1 .Cold Rolled Coils Width (mm) 25 Thickness (mm) 30 50 950 1000 1020 0. VM155-35S. M470-65A.2 .4 .1020 508 or 610 max.Non-oriented Electrical Steel Standard Grade Dimension Range Description EN 10106 M470-50A.Dimensions 2. 1600 max. M130-30S.50 0.5 .80 .1 . This product list applies to Mittal Steel European production.Flat Products . M140-30S.00 20 .St 52-3G A General structural steel Standard Grade Dimension Range Description EN 10268 H360LA B High yield strength micro-alloyed steel for cold forming Dimension Range Description 1.An Overview Cold Rolled Valcovny Plechnu Frydek-Mistek (Czech Republic) Valid from 01/07/2006 .0.80 0.1 .3.Surface Quality Surface Type A (normal) 3. M530-65A.Strips 3 .0.600 508 or 610 - max.2 . M530-50A.Surface 3.65 . VM140-30S. M150-30S.2 .00 600 . 5 Execution Thickness (mm) Width (mm) Length (mm) Weight (MT) Tolerances Cut-to-length 0.Structural Steel 1.40 .00 20 .Micro-alloyed Steel 1.3. M800-50A.35 .3.50 .00 A B C D Execution Thickness (mm) Width (mm) Inside Dia (mm) Outer Dia (mm) Weight (MT) Wide Strip 0. please refer to one of our sales office representatives.40 0.65 0. 15 Slit Strip 0.1.Surface Finish Roughness Symbol Ra (µm) Smooth g ≤ 0.61 . M165-35S VM089-27N. For more detailed information about production capabilities and product specifications.35 0. M800-65A D Non-oriented electrical steel sheet and strip for electrical motors production 2 .1 . VM097-30N. M140-35S.90 Mittal Steel Europe 13 Shaping the future of steel . VM111-35N EN 10107 (2006) DIN 46400-3 Grain-oriented electrical steel sheet and strip for transformers production Grain-oriented electrical steel sheet and strip for transformers production C C 1.Version MSE0906 Mittal Steel reserves the right to change any information of this brochure at any time without prior notice.0.0.90 Matt m 0.DC04 A Low carbon steel for cold forming Standard Grade Dimension Range Description DIN 1623-2 St 37-2G .Grain-oriented Electrical Steel Standard Grade M130-27S.600 - - EN 10131 2. Steel Grades 1. 1 * Execution Thickness (mm) Width (mm) Length (mm) Tolerances Cut-to-length 0.6 .St 4 A Low carbon steel for cold forming Standard Grade Dimension Range Description DIN 1623-2 St 34-2 . 750 MPa C For manual and automatic packaging PERFECT Rm min.Surface 3.4.40 0. 60 SiCr 7 B Unalloyed and alloyed special structural steel for hardening 1.5 . 0.1.Cold Rolled Coils 7 Thickness (mm) 9 Width (mm) 32 21 250 300 520 0.An Overview Cold Rolled Nova Hut .DC04 A Low carbon steel for cold forming DIN 1624 St 2 .H380LA A High yield strength micro-alloyed steel for cold forming SEW 093 ZStE 260 .09 .1.350 max.0.20 0. 54 SiCr 6.500 max.1 .0 7 .5.0 20 .8 Mittal Steel Europe 14 Shaping the future of steel .09 . 5 Binding Strip 0.Surface Finish Roughness Symbol Ra (µm) Bright b max.20 .520 1000 .14 .C 85 B Unalloyed quality steel for case hardening EN 10132 80 Mn 4.5.1.Binding Steel Strips for Packaging Standard Tensile strength Dimension Range Description NORMAL Rm min.6 Matt m 0. 1 .20 1.00 .00 4.ZStE 380 A High yield strength micro-alloyed steel for cold forming 1.Flat Products .8 .Micro-alloyed Steel 1.Version MSE0906 Mittal Steel reserves the right to change any information of this brochure at any time without prior notice. please refer to one of our sales office representatives. 930 MPa C For manual and automatic packaging 2 .5.Carbon and Alloyed Steel Standard Grade Dimension Range Description EN 10082 C 10 .0 9 -32 280 .00 A B C Execution Thickness (mm) Width (mm) Inside Dia (mm) Outer Dia (mm) Weight (MT) Narrow Strip 0. 690 MPa C For manual and automatic packaging SPECIAL Rm min.4 . 55 SiCr 6. 1200 max. For more detailed information about production capabilities and product specifications. 800 MPa C For manual and automatic packaging SUPER Rm min.Dimensions 2.Mild Unalloyed Steel for Cold Forming and Drawing Applications Standard Grade Dimension Range Description EN 10130 DC01 .Sheets 3 .1 .St 52-3 A General structural steel EN 10025 S235JR .Valcovna za studena (Czech Republic) Valid from 01/07/2006 .1 .520 150 .40 .3 .2 .Structural Steel 1.S355JR A General structural steel Standard Grade Dimension Range Description EN 10268 H240LA .4000 EN 10140 * oscillatory .4 . 750 (1100)* max.2 .0. 690 MPa C For manual and automatic packaging NORMAL PLUS Rm min.14 0.20 . 51 CrV 4.multi layer 2.0. This product list applies to Mittal Steel European production. Dimensions 2.Flat Products .610 610 +/. 20 EN 10130 / DIN 1541 Slit Strip 0.Cold Rolled Coils Thickness (mm) 600 700 800 Width (mm) 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 0.Surface 3.45 .2 .2.2 .Sheets 3 .50 .50 610 .44 0.DC03 A Low carbon steel for cold forming Standard Grade Dimension Range Description EN 10209 DC01EK A Low carbon steel for vitrious enameling 1.50 32 .1300 610 +/.2.50 610 . 1 . 5.3 . For more detailed information about production capabilities and product specifications.Enameling Steel 2 .Surface Quality Surface Type A (normal) 3.1300 610 .Steel Grades 1. 2.61 .40 .20 max.0.Mild Unalloyed Steel for Cold Forming and Drawing Applications Standard Grade Dimension Range Description EN 10130 DC01 . please refer to one of our sales office representatives.1 . This product list applies to Mittal Steel European production.50 .Surface Finish Roughness Symbol Ra (µm) Matt m 0.0 EN 10130 / DIN 1541 Execution Thickness (mm) Width (mm) Length (mm) Weight (MT) Tolerances Cut-to-length max.1.50 A Execution Thickness (mm) Width (mm) Inside Dia (mm) Weight (MT) Tolerances Wide Strip 0.0 EN 10140 2.1 .70 .4880 max.2.69 0.Version MSE0906 Skopje (Macedonia) Mittal Steel reserves the right to change any information of this brochure at any time without prior notice.Surface Treatment No finish treatment Oiled Mittal Steel Europe 15 Shaping the future of steel .An Overview Cold Rolled Valid from 01/07/2006 . 5.90 3.2 .20 max.0.1 . 0.40 .3 .25 . For more detailed information about production capabilities and product specifications.Surface Quality Surface Type A (normal) Surface Type B (improved .24 2. 1 .5 1000 .0.90 3.Dimensions 2.15 max. 16.6000 max.5 80 .4 .1.4 .1. This product list applies to Mittal Steel European production.Surface Finish Roughness Symbol Ra (µm) Smooth g ≤ 0.25 .2 .2.Version MSE0906 Galati (Romania) Mittal Steel reserves the right to change any information of this brochure at any time without prior notice.Structural Steel 2 .99 3.1. 7.1 .15 sided) 3.1 .An Overview Cold Rolled Valid from 01/07/2006 . RRSt 14 A Low carbon steel for cold forming Standard Grade Dimension Range Description DIN 1623-2 St 37-2G A General structural steel 1.99 2.Mild Unalloyed Steel for Cold Forming and Drawing Applications Standard Grade Dimension Range Description EN 10130 DC01 .Surface Treatment No finish treatment Oiled Mittal Steel Europe 16 Shaping the future of steel .3.Cold Rolled Coils Width (mm) Thickness (mm) 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 0.0 EN 10130 / DIN 1541 Slit Strip 0.DC04 A Low carbon steel for cold forming DIN 1623-1 St 12.61 .90 Matt m 0.0 EN 10051 2.79 0.99 1.1 .75 .00 . RSt 13.74 1.5 1000 .4 .50 A Execution Thickness (mm) Width (mm) Inside Dia (mm) Weight (MT) Tolerances Wide Strip 0.00 .Sheets 3 .60 .Flat Products .0.00 .1500 610 +/.3.2 .Steel Grades 1.3.2 .750 610 +/.24 1.80 .3.6000 1000 . please refer to one of our sales office representatives.Surface 3.0 EN 10130 / DIN 1541 Execution Thickness (mm) Width (mm) Length (mm) Weight (MT) Tolerances Cut-to-length 0. 4.1.59 0. Z275*.600 508 max.44 0.40 .one sided) Execution of Zinc Coating N (normal spangle) M (minimised spangle) 3.Hot Dip Galvanised Structural Steel Standard Grade Dimension Range Description EN 10147 S250GD+Z.Dimensions .1 .50 1.40 .1 . S280GD+Z. 5 EN 10143 2. please refer to one of our sales office representatives.40 .Flat Products .Hot Dip Galvanised Cold Rolled Coils Width (mm) Thickness (mm) 700 800 900 1000 1250 1500 0. 1 .Sheets * after agreement 3 .Steel Grades 1. 15 EN 10143 Execution Thickness (mm) Width (mm) Length (mm) Weight (MT) Tolerances Cut-to-length 0.4000 up to 6000 * max.Version MSE0906 Swietochlowice (Poland) Mittal Steel reserves the right to change any information of this brochure at any time without prior notice.3 .45 .1 .74 0. This product list applies to Mittal Steel European production.75 .An Overview Hot Dip Galvanised Valid from 01/07/2006 . Z140.50 700 .2.Surface 3.50 700 .2 . For more detailed information about production capabilities and product specifications. Z450 * Galvanised 275 g/m2 double sided 3.00 50 .0.Surface Treatment No finish treatment Oiled Passivated* Passivated* and oiled * Cr6+-free Mittal Steel Europe 17 Shaping the future of steel .Zinc Coating Coating Thickness Z100.2 .Zinc Coating Surface Quality Surface Type A (normal) B (improved . S320GD+Z* A Continuously hot dip galvanised structural steel * after agreement 2 . Z350.2 . 15 EN 10143 Slit Strip 0.1500 508 or 610 max. DX53D+Z* A Continuously hot dip galvanised low carbon steel for cold formimg * after agreement 1.0. DX52D+Z.50 A Execution Thickness (mm) Width (mm) Inside Dia (mm) Weight (MT) Tolerances Wide Strip 0. Z200.Hot Dip Galvanised Mild Unalloyed Steel for Cold Forming Standard Grade Dimension Range Description EN 10142 DX51D+Z.1500 965 .51 . Hot Dip Galvanised Structural Steel Standard Grade Dimension Range Description EN 10147 S280GD+Z A Continuously hot dip galvanised structural steel 2 .1 .40 . Z140.40 .Surface Treatment No finish treatment Oiled Passivated* Passivated* and oiled *Cr6+ -free Mittal Steel Europe 18 Shaping the future of steel .Sheets 3 .610 611 +/.6000 max.1 .Flat Products . Z350 * Galvanised 275 g/m double sided 2 3. please refer to one of our sales office representatives.50 32 .2 .1250 610 .0. For more detailed information about production capabilities and product sided) C (best) Execution of Zinc Coating N (normal spangle) M (skin passed spangle) 3.69 0.70 .Zinc Coating Surface Quality Surface Type A (normal) B (improved .50 610 .Steel Grades 1.1300 610 +/. 1 .1 . 5 EN 10143 2.2 .Version MSE0906 Skopje (Macedonia) Mittal Steel reserves the right to change any information of this brochure at any time without prior notice.An Overview Hot Dip Galvanised Valid from 01/07/2006 . DX52D+Z A Continuously hot dip galvanised low carbon steel for cold formimg 1.Surface 3. 21 EN 10143 Slit Strip 0. 5 EN 10143 Execution Thickness (mm) Width (mm) Length (mm) Weight (MT) Tolerances Cut-to-length max.44 0.20 max. This product list applies to Mittal Steel European production.50 610 . 2.Hot Dip Galvanised Cold Rolled Coils 600 Thickness (mm) 800 900 1000 Width (mm) 1100 1200 1250 1300 0.Hot Dip Galvanised Mild Unalloyed Steel for Cold Forming Standard Grade Dimension Range Description EN 10142 DX51D+Z.20 max.50 A Hot Dip Galvanised Cold Rolled Coils Execution Thickness (mm) Width (mm) Inside Dia (mm) Weight (MT) Tolerances Wide Strip 0.2.2 .2.45 . Z275*.3 . Z200.Zinc Coating Coating Thickness Z100.50 .Dimensions 2.2. 1.2 .Sheets 3 .24 1.99 1.79 0.50 . Z200.3 .1.Zinc Coating Coating Thickness Z100.Hot Dip Galvanised Cold Rolled Coils Thickness (mm) 1000 1050 1100 1150 Width (mm) 1200 1250 1300 1400 0.0 1000 .74 1.1350 610 +/. 18 EN 10143 Execution Thickness (mm) Width (mm) Length (mm) Weight (MT) Tolerances Cut-to-length 0.Surface 3.1 .Hot Dip Galvanised Structural Steel Standard Grade Dimension Range Description EN 10147 S220GD+Z . Z450 * Galvanised 275 g/m2 double sided 3.1350 2000 .2.0.0. please refer to one of our sales office representatives.Flat Products . 1 .00 A Execution Thickness (mm) Width (mm) Inside Dia (mm) Weight (MT) Tolerances Wide Strip 0.Version MSE0906 Galati (Romania) Mittal Steel reserves the right to change any information of this brochure at any time without prior notice.0 1000 .0.1 .Zinc Coating Surface Quality Surface Type A (normal) Execution of Zinc Coating N (normal spangle) 3.An Overview Hot Dip Galvanised Valid from 01/07/2006 .4 . Z140.Hot Dip Galvanised Mild Unalloyed Steel for Cold Forming Standard Grade Dimension Range Description EN 10142 DX51D+Z A Continuously hot dip galvanised low carbon steel for cold formimg 1.Surface Treatment No finish treatment Oiled Passivated Passivated and oiled Mittal Steel Europe 19 Shaping the future of steel . This product list applies to Mittal Steel European production.S280GD+Z A Continuously hot dip galvanised structural steel 2 .2 .2.2 .0 EN 10143 2.15 max.3000 max 4.Steel Grades 1.1 . For more detailed information about production capabilities and product specifications.40 .Dimensions 2.50 . Z275*.4 .80 .00 .75 .49 0.2. Z350. 7 EN 10131 Execution Thickness (mm) Width (mm) Length (mm) Weight (MT) Tolerances Cut-to-length 0.3 . ZE100/00 3.55 .Steel Grades 1.2 .50 .1500 610 sided) * after agreement 3.1500 1400 . please refer to one of our sales office representatives.Surface 3. DC05+ZE * A Electro galvanised low carbon steel for cold forming * after agreement 2 . For more detailed information about production capabilities and product specifications. 30 EN 10131 Slit Strip 0.680 610 max.Surface Treatment No finish treatment Oiled Mittal Steel Europe 20 Shaping the future of steel . ZE75/0.74 0.54 0. 1 .75 .1 .0.50 A Execution Thickness (mm) Width (mm) Inside Dia (mm) Weight (MT) Tolerances Wide Strip 0.Dimensions 2.1 .Electro Galvanised Mild Unalloyed Steel for Cold Forming Standard Grade Dimension Range Description EN 10152 DC01+ZE. ZE50/50.1.50 .1 .50 100 . ZE50/0. 5 EN 10131 2.3000 max.An Overview Electro Galvanised Valid from 01/07/2006 .Sheets * after agreement 3 .2 .Electro Galvanised Cold Rolled Coils Width (mm) Thickness (mm) 700 800 900 1000 1250 1500 0.50 700 . ZE75/75. This product list applies to Mittal Steel European production. ZE100/0 Two Sided Coating ZE25/25. DC04+ZE.50 . DC03+ZE.1.Zinc Coating One Sided Coating ZE25/0.Flat Products .1.1.50 700 .0.Version MSE0906 Krakow (Poland) Mittal Steel reserves the right to change any information of this brochure at any time without prior notice.Zinc Coating Surface Quality Surface Type A (normal) Surface Type B* (improved .50 . Electro Galvanised and Pre-painted Mild Unalloyed Steel for Cold Forming Standard Grade Dimension Range Description EN 10152 DC01+ZE.4000 up to 6000* max.1500 1000 . 1 .Protective Film Transparent standard stripable film 35 µm Heat sealed film 70 µm Mittal Steel Europe 21 Shaping the future of steel .0.1. DC03.Hot Dip Galvanised and Pre-painted Structural Steel Standard Grade Dimension Range Description EN 10169+1/10147 S250GD+Z* S280GD+Z.2 .An Overview Organic Coated Valid from 01/07/2006 . This product list applies to Mittal Steel European production.4 . 200 3.1500 508 or 610 max.1. DC04 A Low carbon steel for cold forming 1.1. S320GD+Z A Hot dip galvanised structural steel * after agreement 2 .2 .Coating System Coating Type Symbol Thickness (µm) Polyester SP 18. DC04+ZE A Electro galvanised low carbon steel for cold forming 1.45 . DX52D+Z.Hot Dip Galvanised and Pre-painted Mild Unalloyed Steel for Cold Forming Standard Grade Dimension Range Description EN 10169+1/10142 DX51D+Z. For more detailed information about production capabilities and product specifications.Sheets * after agreement 3 .3 .50 740 .40 .Coating 3.50 50 . 25 Matt Polyester SP 35 Polyvinylidenfluoride PVDF 25 Polyvinylchloride-Plastisol PVC (P) 100. 15 EN 10143 Slit Strip 0.50 A Pre-Painted Cold Rolled Coils Execution Thickness (mm) Width (mm) Inside Dia (mm) Weight (MT) Tolerances Wide Strip 0.Version MSE0906 Swietochlowice (Poland) Mittal Steel reserves the right to change any information of this brochure at any time without prior notice.74 0.1 .Dimensions 2. 5 EN 10143 2.Steel Grades 1.0.44 0.1 . RAL card from the supplier or samples from the customer 3.50 740 . 15 EN 10143 Execution Thickness (mm) Width (mm) Length (mm) Weight (MT) Tolerances Cut-to-length 0.40 . .Pre-Painted Cold Rolled Coils Width (mm) 740 Thickness (mm) 800 900 1000 1250 1500 0.40 . DC03+ZE.2 . please refer to one of our sales office representatives.Colour paint Acc.40 .Flat Products .1.75 .3 . DX53D+Z* A Hot dip galvanised low carbon steel for cold forming * after agreement 1.600 508 max.Pre-painted Mild Unalloyed Steel for Cold Forming Standard Grade Dimension Range Description EN 10130 DC01.1. This product list applies to Mittal Steel European production. Colour (paint) Acc. please refer to one of our sales office representatives.1250 508 or 610 max. S280GD+Z A Hot dip galvanised structural steel * after agreement 2 .Hot Dip Galvanised and Pre-painted Mild Unalloyed Steel for Cold Forming Standard Grade Dimension Range Description EN 10169 .2 .Steel Grades 1. 1 .1.Coating System Coating Type Symbol Thickness (µm) Epoxy EP 20 Polyester SP 20.2 .1. RAL card.1 .1 .3 .40 .50 A Pre-Painted Cold Rolled Coils Execution Thickness (mm) Width (mm) Inside Dia (mm) Weight (MT) Tolerances Wide Strip 0.An Overview Organic Coated Valid from 01/07/2006 .1/10142 DX51D+Z A Hot dip galvanised low carbon steel for cold forming 1.2/10147 S250GD+Z*.Protective Film Without protective film back coating suitable for polyurethan foam Mittal Steel Europe 22 Shaping the future of steel .Dimensions 2.Coating 3.50 610 .Pre-Painted Cold Rolled Coils 610 Thickness (mm) 800 Width (mm) 1000 900 1100 1200 1250 0.40 .Flat Products .Version MSE0906 Skopje (Macedonia) Mittal Steel reserves the right to change any information of this brochure at any time without prior notice.Pre-Painted Mild Unalloyed Steel for Cold Forming Standard Grade Dimension Range Description EN 10130 DC01 A Low carbon steel for cold forming 1. For more detailed information about production capabilities and product specifications. from the supplier or samples from the customer 3. 25 Matt Polyester SP 25 Silicon Polyester SP-SI 25 3.Hot Dip Galvanised and Pre-painted Structural Steel Standard Grade Dimension Range Description EN 10169 . 15 EN 10143 3 .1.3 . 34662 Turkey T +90 216 545 8555 F +90 216 545 8556 E mahesh. 195 2 Izq. Belgium and Luxembourg BP 3 Site industriel de Gandrange 57360 Amneville France T +33 3 8770 6689 F + 33 3 8770 7871 E jean-pierre.barve@mittalsteel. and no rights may be derived from any of the [email protected]@[email protected]@[email protected] [email protected] Poland [email protected] Greece Zeppou 51 16675 Glyfada Greece T +30 2 109 604 279 F +30 2 109 652 588 E [email protected] Italy Centro Direzionale Milano Oltre/Palazzo Tintoretto Via Cassanese. 08021 Barcelona Spain T +34 93 414 3774 F +34 93 201 5883 E antonio. Hofplein 20. Istanbul. Publisher: Mittal Romania 1.26 F +39 02 269 315 40 E Turkey Tophanlioglu caddesi No: 9/6 Kat 1 Altunizade. 3032 AC Rotterdam The Netherlands . Norway and Baltic states Veistämönaukio 1-3 World Trade Center 20100 Turku Finland T +358 20 743 0940 F +358 20 743 0941 E tom. Switzerland and the Netherlands Wörthstrasse 125 47053 Duisburg Germany T +49 203 606 7326 F +49 203 606 7318 E flachprodukte@mittalsteel. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distri­buted in any form without the permission of Mittal Head Office Hofplein 20 3032 AC Rotterdam The Netherlands T +31 10 217 88 00 F +31 10 217 88 88 E Slovak Republic and Hungary Letna 45 (2nd floor) Kosice 040 01 Slovak Republic T + 421 55 632 3949 F + 421 55 682 9308 E jan. 224 20090 Segrate (MI) Italy T +39 02 269 315 25 .Mittal Steel Europe Sales Offices [email protected] Macedonia 16 Makedonska Brigada Br. Denmark. 18 1000 Skopje Macedonia T +389 2 3288 200 F +389 2 3288 261 E [email protected] United Kingdom and Ireland 8 The Courtyard 707 Warwick Road Spain and Portugal Czech Republic Vratimovska 689 707-02 Ostrava-Kuncice Czech Republic T +420 59 568 1111 F +420 59 623 7143 E chandan. Smardan Street Galati 800698 Romania T +40 236 407 634 F +40 236 407 635 E vikram.vanreeven@mittalsteel. Sweden. West Midlands B91 3DA United Kingdom T +44 1217 114 141 F +44 1217 114 410 E philip. Chorzowska 50 40-121 Katowice Poland T +48 12 290 1562 F +48 12 290 3796 E vipin. mittalsteel. +31 10 217 88 88 . +31 10 217 88 00 F.Mittal Steel Europe Hofplein 20 3032 AC Rotterdam The Netherlands T.
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