states & ut

March 23, 2018 | Author: aviheartly | Category: Money, Money Supply, Taxes, Unrest, Business



India-States and Union TerritoriesMay 14th, 2010 by admin Leave a reply » States and Union Territories India, a union of states, is a Sovereign, Secular, Democratic Republic with a Parliamentary system of Government. The President is the constitutional head of Executive of the Union. In the states, the Governor, as the representative of the President, is the head of Executive. The system of government in states closely resembles that of the Union. There are 28 states and 7 Union territories in the country. Union Territories are administered by the President through an Administrator appointed by him. From the largest to the smallest, each State/UT of India has a unique demography, history and culture, dress, festivals, language etc. This section introduces you to the various States/UTs in the Country and urges you to explore their magnificent uniqueness« States y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y Andhra Pradesh Arunachal Pradesh Assam Bihar Chhattisgarh Goa Gujarat Haryana Himachal Pradesh Jammu and Kashmir Jharkhand Karnataka Kerala Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Manipur Meghalaya Mizoram Nagaland Orissa Punjab y y y y y y y Rajasthan Sikkim Tamil Nadu Tripura Uttarakhand Uttar Pradesh West Bengal Union Territories y y y y y y Andaman and Nicobar Islands Chandigarh The Government of NCT of Delhi Dadra and Nagar Haveli Daman and Diu Lakshadweep Source: National Portal Content Management Team Reviewed on: 28-1-2010 Biological Discoveries,Biology and Human Body Facts February 3rd, 2009 NORMAL BODY TEMPERATURE 98.4F ³BLOOD GROUP CALLED ³´UNIVERSAL DONOR ³´" O GROUP ³BLOOD GROUP CALLED ³´UNIVERSAL RECIPIENT ³ AB GROUP CIRCULATORY SYSTEM¶S POWER SUPPLY HEART ORGAN REMOVES WASTES AND EXCESS WATER FROM THE BLOOD KIDNEY STUDY OF TWINS GEMELLOLOGY FIRST ANTIBIOTIC DRUG PENCILLIN ORGAN CONTROLS BODY TEMPERATURE SKIN NUMBER OF BONES IN THE HUMAN BODY 206 HARDEST SUBSTANCE IN THE HUMAN BODY TOOTH ENAMEL DISEASE CAUSED BY THE BITE OF A MAD DOG HYDROPHOBIA DEFICIENCY OF VITAMIN DLEADS TO RICKETS A HUMAN HEART HAS HOW MANY CHAMBERS FOUR THE BALANCING ORGAN OF OUR BODY EAR WHAT IS CALLED SUICIDAL BAGS LYSOSOME THE SMALLEST BONE IN THE HUMAN BODY STAPES VITAMIN WHICH IS PRODUCED BY THE SUNLIGHT VITAMIN D THE COLOURING PIGMENT OF BILE BILIRUBINE THE ENZYME WHICH DIGEST THE PROTEIN PEPSIN THE ENZYME WHICH DIGEST THE FAT LIPASE THE ENZYME WHICH DIGEST THE STARCH WHICH IS KNOWN AS ANIMAL STARCH FIRST HEART TRANSPLANT OPERATON CHARLS DARWIN BELONGS TO X-RAYS RONTGEN BRITAIN AMYLASE GLYCOGEN CHRISTAIN BARNARD DNA DOUBLE HELIX MODEL WATSON AND CRICK DEFICIENCY OF VITAMIN C LEADS TO SCURVY PROLONGED BLEEDING DUE TO DEFICIENCY OF VITAMIN K STUDY OF BIRDS ORNITHOLOGY SCIENCE OF OLD AGE GERENTOLOGY ANTI TUBERCULOSIS VACCINE BCG MILK PROTEIN IS KNOWN AS CAESIN DIALYSIS IS USED FOR PATIENTS HAVING KIDNEY TROUBLE ONCOLOGY IS THE STUDY OF CANCER ANALGESICS ARE USED TO RELIEVE PAIN PLANTS ARE GREEN BECAUSE OF CHLOROPHYLL WHEN IRON RUSTS, ITS WEIGHT INCREASES INSULIN IS USED IN THE TREATMENT OF DIABETES THE METAL IN THE LIQUID STATE MERCURY THE SYSTEM OF MODERN MEDICINE BY HIPPOCRATES Archive for the µWorlds Fastest¶ category World¶s Fastest Train is in China March 1st, 2010 World¶s Fastest Train is in China: China Railway High-Speed (CRH) is World¶s fastest train which runs at an average speed train of 350 km per hour. The super-high-speed train connects the cities of Guangzhou, which is a business hub in southern China near Hong Kong, and Wuhan (a metropolis in central China). It is a distance of 1,069 km that takes only three hours to complete in the new high-speed train Archive for the µWorld Wars¶ category Battles and Wars-World Wars,Gulfwar,Boer War It was caused by a revolutionary change in the diplomatic pattern.)²This battle was fought between the Greeks and Persians in 490 B. . A small Greek Army defeated much larger Persian force. King Harold of England was defeated and England came under the Norman control. Also.C. Battle of Blenheim (1704)²England and Austria defeated the French and Bavarians. France and Turkey. Defeat of Spanish Armada (1588)²The British fleet defeated Spanish Armada.March 18th. Battle of Waterloo (1815)²The British under Duke of Wellington defeated Napolean. George Washington defeated the English forces and America became independent. The British supremacy over the seas was established. Crimean War (1854-56)²It was fought during 1854-56 between Russia and the combined forces of England. War of Spanish Succession (1702)²It was fought between England and France in 1702. Boer War (1889-1901)²This war was fought between British and Dutch forces in 1889-1901 in South Africa.C. The British fleet commanded by Nelson was victorious.)²This war was fought between England and Normans in 1066 A. In this war.D.D. War between Henry VII and Richard (1455-85)²It was a civil war fought in 1455-85 between Henry VII and Richard (The Duke of York) both claiming the British throne on Henry VI¶s death. Napolean was captured and exiled to St. The latter were defeated. Helena where he died in 1821. The war was brought to an end by the sacrifice of Joan of Arc. France. Battle of Hastings (1066 A. µHundred Years¶ War (1338-1453)²It was fought between France and England. American War of Independence (1776-83)²It was fought during 1776-1783. it led to renaissance in English life and literature. Civil War in England (1642-49)²It was fought between the Parliament and Charles I of England. Battle of the Nile (1798)²A naval fight between British and French fleet in 1798. Sino Japanese War (1894-95)²Japan defeated China and occupied Formosa and Korea. Battle of Trafalgar (1805)²The British fleet under Nelson defeated the combined line of French and Spanish fleet. Seven Years War (1756-63)²England and Prussia defeated Austria. Richard was defeated in this war. Poland and Russia. American Civil War (1861-65)²This was fought during 1861-65 between the Northern and Southern States of America. 2010 Battle of Marathon (490 B. Rabindranath Tagore. U. 1968 4. Economics.S. . Italy and Japan). 1991-Feb. Baghdad fell on April 9.A. 1979)²China invaded Vietnam and overran a large chunk of Vietnamese territory.. 1983 6. 1979 5. World War II (1939-45)²The Allies (Britain. defeated the Axis Powers (Germany. Battle of El-Alamein (1942)²The Allies Victory during the Second World War and retreat of Field Marshal General Rommel¶s forces. Belgium) etc. Physics. By April 20 the coalition armies were in full control of Iraq. 1973). 1930 3. 2003 to April 2003)²The US led coalition forces launched a full scale attack on Iraq on March 20.AmartyaSen 1998. Gulf War-2 (March 20. It made use of the latest and the fiercest weaponry to subdue the Iraqi forces. 1980-Aug.S. 1913 2.Mother Teresa. The Japanese fleet defeated the Russian fleet.V.S. 26.A.Russo-Japanese War (1904-05)²Also known as the Battle of the sea of Japan. 17.D. It marked the downfall of President Saddam Hussein Nobel Prize Winners of Indian Descent December 28th. France. 2009 1. U.-Panama War (1989)²It was fought between United States and Panama. U. Physics. proclaimed ceasefire in the following month and withdrew its forces. and Russia and Benelux countries etc. Literature. Peace. It however. Medicine. Raman. China-Vietnam War (Feb. and Iraq. Iran-Iraq War (Oct. 1973)²An indecisive war led to Geneva Peace Conference on West Asia (Dec. 4th Arab-Israel War (Oct.A.S. 10 and other cities followed suit. 1991)²It was fought between multinational forces led by the U. Korean War (1950-53)²It was fought between North and South Korea from 1950 to 1953 A. defeated Germany and her associated powers. 1988) Falkland War (1983)²It was fought between Britain and Argentina. 2003.C.Subramanian Chandrasekhar*. World War I (1914-18)²The Allied Powers (Britain. It led to the emergence of the wave of Asian resurgence. Gulf War (Jan.Hargobind Khorana*. France. 2009 First Indian Nobel Prize winner: Rabindra Nath Tagore was the first Indian to win Nobel Prize. * Of Indian descent No comments » Posted in India Facts. 2009 y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y CDMA ± Code Division Multiple Access GSM ± Global System for Mobile Communication TDMA ± Time Division Multiple Access PC ± Personal Computer RAM ± Random Access Memory CPU ± Central Processing Unit WWW ± World Wide Web UPS ± Uninterruptible Power Supply LAN ± Local Area Network WAN ± Wide Area Network MAN ± Metropolitan Area Network TCP/IP ± Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol DOS ± Disk Operating System ROM ± Read Only Memory PROM ± Programmable Read Only Memory HTML ± Hyper Text Markup Language HTTP ± Hyper Text Transfer Protocol FTP ± File Transfer Protocol ATM ± Automatic Teller Machine 4 comments » Posted in Computer GK. Computer Related GK Tags: COMPUTER ABBREVIATIONS . COMPUTER ABBREVIATIONS November 26th. Nobel Prizes First Indian Nobel Prize winner January 24th.V.S.7. He won it for literature (Gitanjali) in 1913. Literature.Naipaul* 2001. Computer Related GK Series 1 February 2nd. 2009 SUPER COMPUTER OF INDIA PARAM PADMA HOTMAIL SABEER BHATIA ³EXPANSION OF ³´VIRUS ³´" VITAL INFORMATION RESOURCES UNDER SIEGE WORLD WIDE WEB TIM BERNESLI COMPUTER VIRUS IS A COMPUTER PROGRAM MICROSOFT CHAIRMAN BILL GATES IN BINARY NUMBER SYSTEM THE BASE IS 2 SECONDARY MEMORY OF THE COMPUTER HARD DISK BOOTSTRAP PROGRAM IS A PROGRAM THAT STARTS THE COMPUTER WORKING OPERATION INDICATES ERROR CORRECTION DEBUGGING ONE BYTE IS 8 BITS PROTOCOL OF WIRELESS LAN 802.0 MICROSOFT CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER STEVE BALLMER COST OF PRODUCTION OF WINDOWS VISTA $7 BILLION YOU TUBE ASSOCIATED WITH GOOGLE FLOPPY DISK IBM LAPTOP COMPUTER SINCLAIR BLU-RAY TECHNOLOGY SONY INTEROPERABILITY FOR MICROWAVE ACCESS WIMAX .11 LEVEL OF SECURITY IMPLEMENTED IN WINDOWS NT C2 JAVA PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE JAMES GOSLING DIRECT X IS A SOFTWARE THAT DRIVES GRAPHIC HARDWARE FIRST TECHNOPARK IN INDIA THIRUVANANTHAPURAM LINUX DEVELOPED BY LINUS TORVALD OPEN SOURCE PROGRAM CONCEPT RICHARD STALLMAN NEW OPERATING SYSTEM FROM WINDOWS WINDOWS VISTA SECOND GENERATION SERVICES OF WWW WEB 2. 2 bn in FY05. If it is reverse balance is unfavourable. showing debits and credits under broad heads. ANNUITY BALANCE OF TRADE BALANCE SHEET BARTER . Payment of a fixed amount periodically for a limited time. Exchange of commodity with other commodities without the interface of any form of currency.Banking Terms April 6th.GOPALAKRISHNAN China¶s overseas trade April 29th.Trade. The difference between the value of imports and exports. Economics Economic. Currently it is at $158. 2010 China¶s overseas trade o Is expected to touch $400 bn by 2010.³THE ³´ILOVEYOU´" VIRUS IS AN EXAMPLE OF´ Script Virus ³´STORED PROGRAM CONCEPT ´ BY´ John von neumann VIRTUAL DISK IS RAM Disk ³´WISDOM OF MASS PRINCIPLE´" IS ASSOCIATED WITH´ WIKIPEDIA INFOSYS CEO S.Commercial. No comments » Posted in Business. It is an investment on which the owner receives not only interest on his money but also return of his capital. 2010 ARBITRATION Referring dispute to disinterested party called arbitrator for decision. which will be binding. generally os a business house prepared at the end of a year. in order to find out the profit and loss positions in the outgoing year. Statements of accounts. It is favourable when the value of exported goods exceeds the value of imported goods. A sort of tax imposed on the property inherited at death of its previous owner. BUDGET BILL OF EXCHANGE BUYER¶S MARKET CLEARING HOUSE COOPERATIVE FARMING CEILING ON LAND AND HOLDING DEATH DUTY (ESTATE DUTY) DEVALUATION DEFLATION DEMONETISATION . A monetary state characterised by decrease in the supply of money and bank deposits and falling profits. The farmers retain their proprietary rights. Place where officials of the banks meet daily to exchange cheques drawn on the respective banks and settle the account by the payment of balances only.BOND Document by which a government. Joint farming wherein farmers pool their land. incomes and employment accompanied by unemployment and falling prices. Its purpose is rational distribution of land. Government¶s step to reduce the value of its own currency relatively to a foreign currency. Imposition of a maximum limit of the land which an individual should have. capital and resources and divide the produce at the end of the harvest in proportion to their land put in the pool. Written order by a drawer to pay sum on given date ot named payee. It aims to increase exports and reduce imports. An economic phenomenon where there are more goods in market than demanded and so the buyers can dictate the prices of goods. The governmental measure of depriving metallic coins or paper currency od specified denominations of its status money. It is meant to unearth the hidden money which is unaccounted for purpose of income tax assessment. a company or a person agrees to pay a sum of money in a certain time. wages. Annual estimate of expenditure and revenue of a country or a subordinate authority like a corporation. Increase in the quality of money in circulation without any corresponding increase in goods. economy Tags: AnnuityArbitrationBalance SheetBill of exchangeBuyer's marketCommercialCommercial and Trade TermsCooperative farming DeflationEconomicEconomic TermsLaissez faire Malthusian theory of populationTariffstrade Balance sheetTrade Terms . Transfer of money of one country to another. so. Measures undertaking by one country to protect industry against trade competition from outside. INFLATION LAISSEZ FAIRE LOCKOUT MALTHUSIAN THEORY OF POPULATION OCTROI PUBLIC SECTOR RECESSION SOFT CURRENCY STERLING AREA TARIFFS No comments » Posted in Abbreviations to Know.EXCISE DUTY FOREIGN EXCHANGE Duty levied on goods manufactured within the country. Group of countries of Commonwealth (except Canada) keeping their reserves in sterling and not gold or dollars. Business. It states that the food supply increase in arithmetical progression while population increase by geometrical progression resulting in over-population. Tax imposed on articles coming inside a city. Applies to State enterprises or undertaking. An economic phenomenon characterised by excessive production. Banking Terms. tight money market. Currency of a country with which we have favourable balance of trade. less demand. Closure of a factory by owners to force the workers to accept the imposed terms. it leads to rising prices spiral. An individualistic theory advocating private initiative in trade and non-interference by State in commercial or business ventures. THE GAUHATI STOCK EXCHANGE LTD. COCHIN STOCK EXCHANGE LTD. Lyons Range . 217. Veekshanam Road P. Jharpada Cuttack Road.Budhraja Building. . THE HYDERABAD STOCK EXCHANGE LTD. First Floor. Bangalore ± 560 002. Saraf Building Annexe A. Mumbai... Bank Street.. 3529. Hyderabad ± 500 001. THE CULCUTTA STOCK EXCHANGE ASSOCIATION LTD.. LTD.400 001. 7. Ahmedabad ± 380 001 µM¶ Block. Orissa ± 751 006. BANGALORE STOCK EXCHANGE LTD. BHUBANESHWAR STOCK EXCHANGE ASSN.T.Asaf Ali Road. THE DELHI STOCK EXCHANGE ASSN.Ernakulam. J. Bhubaneswar.. Unity Building. 2009 Recognised Stock Exchanges in India Name Address PhirozeJeejeebhoy Towers.. LTD. Guwahati ± 781 001. 3&4/4B. ManekChowk.Stock Exchanges in India November 21st. Road. THE BOMBAY STOCK EXCHANGE The Ahmedabad Stock Exchange Association Ltd.C.. New Delhi 110 002.. Cochi ± 682 035. Dalal Street.B. Calcutta ± 700 001. Road.. . Rajasthan Chamber Bhawan.BudhwarPeth. PUNE STOCK EXCHANGE LTD... Post Box No. LTD. KANARA STOCK EXCHANGE LTD. Road. LTD. Ludhiana 141 008. THE UTTAR PRADESH STOCK EXCHANGE ASSN. 2nd Floor.Civil Lines. BadaSarafa. Dhebarbhai Road.JAIPUR STOCK EXCHANGE LTD. Rambhavan Complex.183. Jaipur ± 302 003. THE LUDHIANA STOCK EXCHANGE ASSN. Rajkot ± 380 002. Premises. Bank of Maharashtra Bldg. M. Pune 411 002. SayajiGunj. Kanpur ± 208 001 101. SAURASHTRA KUTCH STOCK EXCHANGE LTD. Mangalore ± 575 003.SwaminarayanGurukul Bldg. MADHYA PRADESH STOCK EXCHANGE LTD. Sinha Library Road. 14/113. Indore ± 452 002. LajpatRai Market. Patna ± 800 001. Bihar Industries Assn. Kodialbail. Padam Towers.I. VADODARA STOCK EXCHANGE LTD. Bajirao Road.. µExchange Building¶. 4th Floor. THE MAGADH STOCK EXCHANGE LTD. Paradise Complex. Clock Tower. Chennai ± 600 001 67.. 1177. 4. Second Line Beach. Tilak Toad. 11. MADRAS STOCK EXCHNAGE LTD. Fermenting d. RBC. Cinnamon d. variety of cows Red Sindhi . Mahindra Towers. Maximum yield of milk is obtained from ««. THE NATIONAL STOCK EXCHANGE OF INDIA LTD. Tannin c.Vadodara ± 390 005. Rolling b. GK -Facts about Animals and Birds -Part 2 April 5th. Bhang Ans : D 23. OTC EXCHANGE OF INDIA. Which food crop has maximum content of proteins Soya bean 25. Drying c. Worli. 345. A-Wing.. Maker Towers ³F´ Cuffe Parade. 2009 21. Bombay ± 400 005. Bombay Bazar. The phenomenon of summer sleep by animals is called Aestivation 22. Kingsway Building. Which of the following is not obtained from the bark of a tree a. Mumbai 18 COIMBATORE STOCK EXCHANGE MEERUT STOCK EXCHANGE LTD. Withering Ans : C 24. Quinine b.Avvinashi Road. Chamber Tower. Coimbatore 641 018. Meerut Cantonment ± 250 001. 8/732. Which of the following is not one of the important steps in processing tea leaves a. Which among the following has the maximum lifespan a. Bark of a tree b.26. The first man made cereal is Triticale 28. cultivated in India Coffee 30. The first species of an agricultural crop produced scientifically by humans Triticale 29. Eagle b. Teak Ans : C 33. Rayon Ans : D 31. Eucalyptus b.. Tiger d. Redwood d. The tallest tree in the world is a. What helps a camel to travel long distances in deserts without food and water its humps 32. The resinous shellac is obtained from a. Silk b. Name the respiratory organ of fish Gills 35. Processing of crude oil Ans : A 34. Agricultural waste d. Tortoise c. What is arginine An amino acid obtained by animals from their diet . Elephant Ans : B 36. Coir d. Distillation of wood c. Arabica and Robusta are two main varieties of ««. Triticale is the first species of an agricultural crop produced scientifically by humans by crossing Wheat and Rye 27. Which of the following is not a natural fibre a. Mahogany c. Jute c. Panchamarhi c. The crop which considers frost as its enemy a. Mesophytes b. Which crop in Maharashtra is known as ââà ¬Ë WhiteGoldââà ¬âÄ¢ Cotton 39. Tobacco Ans : D 44. Heliophytes d. Sciophytes Ans : B 41. Nilgiri Ans : C 42. Thorn forest d. Tea c. Cacti are classic examples of a. Rubber b. Coffee d. Xerophytes c. Agasthyamala b. Tulsi b. Serpentina c. Turmeric . Nallamala d. Economically the most important forest of India a. Which of the following is not a Biosphere Reserve a. Which of the following has been found useful in keeping cholesterol level down a. What is the scientific name of Coconut tree Cocosnucifera 38. Tidal b. Transport of food from leaves to other parts of plant is termed as Translocation 43. Tropical deciduous forest c. The extensive grass lands known as ââà ¬Ë Prairiesââà ¬âÄ¢ are found in North America 46. Evergreen forest Ans : B 40.37. The protein of rice grains is of good quality being rich in Gliadin 45. mainly commercially a. 2009 1. The only snake that builds a nest King cobra 48. which are the only ones with just one pair of wings Flies 4. Stable Ans : B No comments » Posted in Animals and Birds GK -Facts about Animals and Birds -Part 1 April 5th. Garlic Ans : D 47. What is the name of the animal which has a tongue lower than its body Chameleon .d. It is made of fats Ans : B 49. Which is the flying mammal Bat 3. Sanctuary d. Of major insect groups. Forest b. The characteristic feature of virus is a. Yard Ans : B 50. Park b. Nursery d. Orchard c. It lacks chlorophyll b. A field or a part of a garden where fruit trees grow. A place where wild animals live a. The bird which has no wings at all Kiwi 2. Lair c. It multiplies only on hosts c. It multiplies only on dead animals d. Kangaroo b. One of the main cause of flood in rivers is Deforestation 12.5. are called Reptiles 13. Respiration of plants is through a. Arriers b. Whale Ans : A 16. Two eyes Ans : B 17. Which flowerless plants found mostly in water and having chlorophyll Algae 7. Salim Ali Centre for Ornithology and Natural History is situated at Coimbatore 11. One eye d. Trachea . The friend of the farmer is Earthworm 14. Lion d. The drug which reduces blood pressure is obtained from the root of the plant Rauwolfia serpentine 8. Rows of trees grown along the coastal areas to reduce the impact of Cyclones are called as Mangroves 10. Which of the following animals is a marsupial a. The most effective pesticide for general use against most garden pests is Malathion 9. Animals that creep. An earthworm has a. Gills c. The great Indian Bustard is found which Indian state Rajasthan 15. Three eyes b. No eyes c. Which food crop has the maximum content of proteins Soybeans 6. Goat c. 3. 2010 Serial Number Portfolio Prime Minister and also In-Charge of the Ministries/Departments viz: Ministry of Personnel. Ministry of Water Resources. Using fungicides b. Antony . Stomata Ans : D 18. and Department of Space Minister of Finance Minister of Agriculture and Minister of Consumer Affairs. The best method of control of a soil borne disease is by a. Public Grievances & Pensions. Shri Pranab Mukherjee Shri SharadPawar Shri A. Seed treatment Ans : C 19. 4. Manmohan Singh 2. Burning affected plants c. Department of Atomic Energy. Food & Public Distribution Minister of Defence Name of Minister 1. Crop rotation d. with a decrease in body temperature and pulse rate and slower metabolism is termed as Hybernate 20.K. temporarily suspending their bodily development and growth is termed as Diapause Archive for the µWho's Who¶ category « Older Entries Government of India-Council of Ministers-Cabinet Ministers May 14th. Ministry of Planning.d. Dr. Animals in a sleeplike dormant state over the winter while living off reserves of body fat. A period during which the metabolism of certain animals or insects slows down. AmbikaSoni Shri MallikarjunKharge Shri KapilSibal Shri B. 23. Jaipal Reddy Shri Kamal Nath Shri Vayalar Ravi Shri Dayanidhi Maran Shri A. 8. 14. 12. 11. Joshi Kum. 16. 22. Mamata Banerjee Shri S. 17.5.K.M. 20. 15. 24. 13. 9.P. 10. Handique Shri Anand Sharma Shri C. Selja . Raja Shri MurliDeora Smt. 19. 21. Veerappa Moily Dr. Krishna Shri Virbhadra Singh Shri Vilasrao Deshmukh Shri Ghulam Nabi Azad Shri Sushil Kumar Shinde Shri M. 7. Farooq Abdullah Shri S. Chidambaram Km. 6. Minister of Home Affairs Minister of Railways Minister of External Affairs Minister of Steel Minister of Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises Minister of Health and Family Welfare Minister of Power Minister of Law and Justice Minister of New and Renewable Energy Minister of Urban Development Minister of Road Transport and Highways Minister of Overseas Indian Affairs Minister of Textiles Minister of Communications and Information Technology Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas Minister of Information and Broadcasting Minister of Labour and Employment Minister of Human Resource Development Minister of Mines and Minister of Development of North Eastern Region Minister of Commerce and Industry Minister of Rural Development and Minister of Panchayati Raj Minister of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation and Shri P. 18. 26. 25. 32.O. Bhardwaj . KamlaBeniwal Shri JagannathPahadia Himachal Pradesh Smt. 29. 2010 State Andhra Pradesh Governor Shri E.S Lakshmi Narasimhan Arunachal Pradesh General (Rtd. 31.S. M. 30. 28. Vohra Jharkhand Karnataka Shri M. 33. Alagiri Tags: Council of Ministers-Cabinet Ministers-Government of India-Council of Ministers-Cabinet MinistersGovernment of IndiaCouncil of Ministers-Cabinet Ministers and their charges Governors in Indian States -May 2010 May 14th.K. Gill Shri G.J. Urmila Singh Jammu and Kashmir Shri N. Minister of Food Processing Industries Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports Minister of Shipping Minister of Parliamentary Affairs Minister of Social Justice and Empowerment Minister of Tribal Affairs Minister of Chemicals and Fertilizers Shri Subodh Kant Sahay Dr.R. N. Singh Assam Bihar Chhattisgarh Goa Gujarat Haryana Shri JanakiBallavPattanaik Shri DevanandKonwar Shri ShekharDutt Dr. Bansal Shri MukulWasnik Shri KantilalBhuria Shri M.K. Shivinder Singh Sidhu Dr.H Farook Shri H.) J. Vasan Shri Pawan K.Minister of Tourism 27. Narayanan Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Manipur Meghalaya Mizoram Nagaland Orissa Punjab Rajasthan Sikkim Tamil Nadu Tripura Uttar Pradesh Uttarakhand West Bengal 1 comment » Posted in Latest Who's Who In India.S. Gavai Shri Rameshwar Thakur Shri K. 2010 State Andhra Pradesh Arunachal Pradesh Assam Bihar Chhattisgarh Delhi Goa : : : Chief Minister Shri K. : Shri NitishKumar .) M. Margaret Alva Shri M.AVSM. (Retd.VSM Shri. Lakhera. PVSM. Shankarnarayan Shri GurbachanJagat Shri RanjitShekharMooshahary Lt. Who's Who Tags: Governors in Indian States -May 2010 Latest Who¶s Who-Chief Ministers of Indian States May 14th.L. : Shri TarunGogoi . Shri DigambarKamat . : Smt Sheila Dikshit .Kerala Shri R.M. Rosaiah . Joshi Smt. . Shri DorjeeKhandu . Gen. Raman Singh .K. Governor of Punjab (Additional Charge) Shri Balmiki Prasad Singh Shri Surjit Singh Barnala Shri DnyandeoYashwantraoPatil Shri B. : Dr. Nikhil Kumar Shri MurlidharChandrakantBhandare Shri ShivrajPatil Shri ShivrajPatil. Shri B. V. : Shri PawanChamling . Prof.Gujarat Haryana Himachal Pradesh Jammu and Kashmir Jharkhand Karnataka Kerala Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Manipur Meghalaya Mizoram Nagaland Orissa Puducherry Punjab Rajasthan Sikkim Tamil Nadu Tripura Uttar Pradesh Uttarakhand West Bengal : : : : Shri NarendraModi . Karunanidhi . : Shri BuddhadebBhattacharjee Tags: Chief Ministers of Indian StatesLatest Who's WhoLatest Who's Who in Indian StatesLatest Who's Who-Chief Ministers of Indian StatesWho's Who World¶s plastic surgery guru April 29th. 2010 Dr. Prem Kumar Dhumal . Shri V. Shri Bhupinder Singh Hooda . Who's Who Tags: world¶s plastic surgery guru The 26th chief of the Indian Army April 21st. : Shri Ashok Chavan : Shri OkramIbobiSingh . : Shri PuLalthanhawla . MukulSangma . S. : Dr. No comments » Posted in Do You Know. Shri Parkash Singh Badal . Shri Shivraj Singh Chouhan . : Shri Ramesh Pokhriyal . Shri ShibuSoren . S. Shri NeiphiuRio . Vaithilingam . Shri ManikSarkar . : KumariMayawati . Shri Omar Abdullah . 2010 . Shri Naveen Patnaik . Kalaignar M. Yeddyurappa . : Shri Ashok Gehlot . Ivo Pitanguy He is the world¶s plastic surgery guru. Thiru. Achuthanandan . which won 18 seats. 2010 Heads of Various World organizations±Latest who¶s who±Quiz Here is an update of the heads of Various World organizations. Who's Who Tags: 26th chief of the Indian ArmyGeneral V K SinghIndian ArmyIndian Army whois who Heads of Various World organizations±Latest who¶s who±Quiz February 9th. Who's Who Tags: QuizTrivia and competitive exams Chief Minister of Jharkhand February 3rd. IMF±Dominique Strauss Kahn Secretary General. World Bank±Robert Zoellik Managing Director. The JMM.AVSM (AtiVishishtSeva Medal).OPEC±AbdellahSalim El Badri Chairman. YSM (YudhSeva Medal). 2010 Jharkhand MuktiMorcha chief ShibuSoren has been elected as the Chief Minister of Jharkhand after successful conclusion of the Assembly pools in December 2009.ASEAN±SurinPitsuwan Secretary General . FAO²JacqueousDiouff Head.SAARC²±Mahindra Rajapakse Secretary General . Secretary General. . UN²Ban ki moon Director General. takes over as India¶s 26th Chief of the Army. PVSM (ParamVisisthaSeva Medal). UNICEF²-Ann Veneman Head. garnered the support of the BJP-JD(U).IAEA²Mohammed El Baradei President.WHO²Margarret Chan Head. General Vijay Kumar Singh. ADC (Aide-de-camp) with vast experience in counter insurgency operations. taking up the tally to 44 MLAs in a house of 80. No comments » Posted in GK Club.On 31st March 2010.Commonwealth±Kamlesh Sharma 2 comments » Posted in Current Affairs Club. the All Jharkhand Students Union and Jharkhand JanadhikarManch led by BandhuTirkey. NATO±Jaap De Hoop Scheffer Secretary General. Justice A R Lakshmanan QUESTION CHIEF JUSTICE OF INDIA FIRST DEPUTY PRIME MINISTER OF INDIA ANSWER K. 17. 18. 5. 21. 7. Subbarao Chairman. 9. 10. 11.No comments » Posted in Current Affairs Club. Who's Who Latest Who¶s Who in India November 21st. 12.C. 2009 1. 15. Chief Election Commissioner of India: NavinChawla Election Commissioner of India: VS Sampath Election commissioner of India: S Y Quraishi Chief Justice of India: KG Balakrishnan National Commission for Minorities: Mohammad ShaffiQureshi Comptroller and Auditor General of India: VinodRai Governor of Reserve Bank of India: D. 6. 19. 8. 2. 16.G BALAKRISHNAN SARDAR VALLABABHAI . Vijay Kelkar Chairman Eighteenth Law Commission : Dr. 3. 20. 22. Harsh PatiSinghania Chairman ISRO: K. Railway Board : S SKhurana Chief of National Investigation Agency : RadhaVinodRaju Solicitor General of India GopalSubramaniam Attorney General of India : G E Vahanvati Director of the Intelligence Bureau: Rajiv Mathur Chairman State Bank of India : O P Bhatt Chairman Atomic Energy Commission of India & Secretary to the Government of India. 4. 14. University Grants Commission: S K Thorat Chairman. Radhakrishnan Chairman Finance Commission of India & Chairman 13th Finance Commission: Dr. 13. Jha President FICCI: Mr. Department of Atomic Energy: Anil Kakodkar Chairman Central Board of Excise and Customs: P. V SALAHUDHEEN MIHIR SEN CHARLES DARWIN MUSIC NANA SAHEB SAROJINI NAIDU .C BANERJEE NEIL ARMSTRONG RAKESH SHARMA DADABHAI NAOROJI SAROJINI NAIDU JUNGO TABEI K.QUESTION ANSWER PATEL FIRST LADY IPS OFFICER FIRST LADY CHIEF MINISTER FIRST SPEAKER OF LOK SABHA THE ARCHITECT OF MODERN INDIA FOUNDER OF ARYA SAMAJ THE ´ WISE FOOL ´ OF INDIAN HISTORY WHO BUILT TAJ MAHAL.D BURMAN DISTINGUISHED HIMSELF IN WHO LED THE REVOLT OF 1857 AT KANPUR FIRST WOMAN GOVERNOR IN INDIA KIRAN BEDI SUCHETHA KRIPALANI GANESH S MAVALANKAR JAWAHARLAL NEHRU DAYANAND SARASWATI MUHAMMAD BIN TUGLAQ SHAH JAHAN SUSHMITHA SEN TRYGVE LEI C. RED FORT FIRST INDIAN MISS UNIVERSE FIRST UN SECRETARY GENERAL FIRST INDIAN SCIENTIST WON NOBEL PRIZE FIRST PRESIDENT OF INC FIRST PERSON TO SET FOOT ON THE MOON THE FIRST INDIAN TO ENTER SPACE GRAND OLDMAN OF INDIA NIGHTINGALE OF INDIA THE FIRST WOMAN WHO CONQUERED EVEREST KPSC CHAIRMAN FIRST INDIAN TO CROSS ENGLISH CHANNEL WHO WROTE ³ORIGIN OF SPECIES´ R.V RAMAN W. KELAPPAN RAMU KARIAT ORNITHOLOGY PREM MATHUR S RADHAKRISHNAN HARILAL J KANIA SUKUMAR SEN PAINTING SATYENDRA NATH TAGORE . WHO WON BHARATAWARD COURT PHYSICIAN OF KING KANISHKA ACTUAL NAME OF PEN NAME ³KAKKANADAN´ PRESIDENT OF NORTH KOREA WHO WAS KNOWN AS KERALA GANDHI WHO DIRCTED THE FILM ³CHEMMEEN´ SALIM ALI WAS ASSOCIATED WITH THE FIRST WOMAN PILOT IN INDIA FIRST VICE PRESIDENT OF INDIA FIRST CHIEF JUSTICE OF INDIA FIRST CHIEF ELECTION COMMISSIONER OF INDIA M.F HUSSAIN IS ASSOCIATED WITH FIRST INDIAN ICS OFFICER ANSWER MAHATMA GANDHI DALHOUSIE BADEN POWELL LALA LAJPAT RAI SUNDARLAL BAHUGUNA VENUGOPAL VINOBA BHAVE BANDARA NAIKE ZAMORIN OF KOZHIKODE SOCIAL REFORMER P.J ANTONY CHARAKA GEORGE VARGHESE MARSHAL KIM JONG IL K.T BHATTATHIRIPAD WAS FIRST MALAYALAM ACTOR.QUESTION WHO GAVE THE SLOGAN ´ DO OR DIE ³ IN INDIA RAILWAY WAS INTRODUCED BY WHO STARTED BOY SCOUTS MOVEMENT ´ LION OF THE PUNJAB ³ FOUNDER OF CHIPKO MOVEMENT FIRST HEART TRANSPLANTATION IN INDIA WHO STARTED BHOODAN MOVEMENT WORLDS FIRST WOMAN PRIME MINISTER KUNJALI MARAKAR WAS THE NAVAL CHIEF OF V. RAJAGOPALACHARI PHILIPPINES PRESIDENT V. ANAND UROOB MEDHA PATKAR BENGAL FILM J.R RANGANATHAN INDIRA GANDHI ANNE FRANK PORTUGUESE NAVIGATOR BRITISH ASTROPHYSICIST .QUESTION FIRST WOMAN JUDGE IN SUPREME COURT FIRST FIELD MARSHAL PARTITION OF BENGAL BARDOLI SATYAGRAHA IS ASSOCIATED WITH MONA LISA IS THE PAINTING OF FIRST RECIPIENT OF BHARAT RATNA MAGSAYSAY AWARD IS NAMED AFTER FIRST INDIAN GRAND MASTER IN CHESS PEN NAME OF MALAYALAM WRITER ³P.C KUTTIKRISHNAN´ NARMADA BACHAO ANDOLAN SATYAJIT RAY FATHER OF MALAYALAM CINEMA DIRECTION OF ³VASTHUHARA´ ARUNA ASAF ALI GANDHI CALLED HIM ³PULAYARAJA´ WHOM INDIAS YOUNGEST IIT STUDENT DOSTOEVSKY PRIME MINISTER OF AKBAR THE GREAT FATHER OF INDIAN LIBRARY SCIENCE INDIAS FIRST WOMAN PRIME MINISTER AUTHOR OF ³THE DIARY OF A YOUNG GIRL´ VASCODA GAMA STEPHEN HAWKING ANSWER FATHIMA BIVI MANEKSHAW LORD CURZON SARDAR VALLABAI PATEL LEONARDO DA VINCI C.C DANIEL ARAVINDAN INDIAN FREEDOM FIGHTER AYYANKALI CHANDRA SEKAR RUSSIAN NOVELIST ABUL FAZAL S. K NAYUDU HARBHAJAN SINGH ANOUSHEH ANSARI BAN KI MOON SARDAR VALLABABHAI PATEL MUHAMMAD YUNUS ORHAN PAMUK KIRAN DESAI NOBEL PRIZE FOR PEACE 2006 NOBEL PRIZE FOR LITERATURE 2006 BOOKER PRIZE 2006 WINNER .QUESTION AUTHOR OF THE FAMOUS LINE ´ SARE JAHAN SE ACHA´ FIRST INDIAN TO DRIVE A FORMULA ONE CAR THE GOLDEN GIRL OF INDIA AKIRA KUROSAWA PRIME SUSPECT IN THE DESTRUCTION OF WTC INDIAN HOCKEY COACH DIRECTOR OF THE FILM ³JURASSIC PARK´ FIRST ASIAN UN SECRETARY GENERAL FIRST INDIAN WOMAN BADMINTON GRAND PRIX CHAMPION FIRST INDIAN TO WIN BOOKER PRIZE FIRST TEST TUBE BABY IN THE WORLD FIRST INDIAN TEST TUBE BABY FIRST US PRESIDENT TO RESIGN FROM OFFICE FIRST BLACK UN SECRETARY GENERAL FIRST INDIAN CRICKETER WHO SCORED TRIPLE CENTURY FIRST INDIAN CRICKET CAPTAIN FIRST INDIAN HAT-TRICK IN TEST CRICKET FIRST WOMAN SPACE TOURIST UN SCRETARY GENERAL (2007 -2012) ³IRON MAN OF INDIA´ IS ANSWER MUHAMMAD IQBAL NARAIN KARTHIKEYAN P.T USHA JAPAN FILM MAKER OSAMA BIN LADEN JOKIM KARVALO STEVEN SPIELBERG U THANT SANIA NEHWAL ARUNDHATI ROY LOUISE BROWN HARSHA RICHARD NIXSON KOFI ANNAN VIRENDER SEHWAG C. K ANTONY VIJAY SHANKAR NIRUPAM SEN ADOLF HITLER FREDERIC PASSY WILLIAM HARVEY KALIDASA SAMUDRA GUPTA TIPPU SULTHAN KHAN ABDULGAFAR KHAN C.S RAMA DEVI MAULANA ABUL KALAM AZAD BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR The wife of William Shakespeare .QUESTION KHEL RATNA AWARD 2006 WTA BEST NEWCOMER AWARD WORLD CHESS CHAMPION INDIAS UN SECRETARY GENERAL CANDIDATE YOUNGEST PADMA SHRI AFRICAS FIRST ELECTED WOMAN PRESIDENT THE ZABTI SYSTEM WAS CONCEIVED BY MINISTER OF DEFENCE IN INDIA CBI DIRECTOR INDIAS PERMANENT REPRESENTATIVE TO THE UN NAZI PARTY FIRST PERSON TO WIN THE NOBEL PRIZE FOR PEACE CIRCULATION OF BLOOD ´ INDIAN SHAKESPEARE ³ ³INDIAN NEPOLIAN ³ ´ MYSORE TIGER ³ ´ FRONTIER GANDHI´ WHO WAS KNOWN AS KERALA ³SCOT´ WHOSE PEN NAME WAS ³BOOS´ WHO WAS THE ONLY WOMAN CEC IN INDIA WHO BROUGHT OUT NEWSPAPER ³AL HILAL´ LAST MUGHAL EMPEROR OF DELHI WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING WAS ANNE HATHAWAY ANSWER PANKAJ ADVANI SANIA MIRZA VLADIMIR KRAMNIK SASI TAROOR SANIA MIRZA ELLEN JOHNSON SIRLEAF AKBAR A.V Raman Pillai Charles Dickens V. QUESTION TO WHOM WAS THE FIRST PATENT FOR A TECHNICAL INVENTION AWARDED NATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION CHAIRMAN WHO GOT SWATHI PURASKAR 2005 ANSWER Filippo Brunelleschi JUSTICE RAJENDRA BABU UMAYAL PURAM K.K VISHAMBHARAN RAMESH BABU FALI HOMI MAJOR EMS NAMBOOTHIRIPAD STEVE IRWIN AVIATION GHAN ABDUL GAFARGHAN JUSIN HENIN SURESH KUMAR SPACE SCIENCE APJ ABDUL KALAM DR. SIVARAMAN K. SWAMINATHAN ANOUSHEH ANSARI RALPH BUNCHE ALEXEI LEONOV RICHARD ATTEN BOROUGH SACHIN TENDULKAR JOHN MACKARTHI SHIMON PERES AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY VICE CHANCELLOR THAKAZHI AWARD FOR SHORT STORIES CHIEF OF INDIAN AIR FORCE FIRST CHIEF MINISTER IN KERALA ³CROCODILE HUNTER´ SIR GEORGE CAYLEY IS KNOWN AS THE FATHER OF FIRST FOREIGNER .WILLIAMS IS ASSOCIATED WITH MISSILE MAN OF INDIA GREEN REVOLUTION IN INDIA FIRST WOMAN SPACE TOURIST FIRST BLACK TO RECEIVE THE NOBEL PEACE PRIZE FIRST HUMAN TO WALK IN SPACE DIRECTOR OF THE FILM ´ GANDHI´ WHO COMPLETED 15000 RUNS IN ODI RECENTLY WHO COINED THE WORD ´ ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ³ ISRAEL S PRESIDENT . WHO GOT BHARAT RATNA FRENCH OPEN 2007 WOMENS TITLE WINNER ³MUNNAR EVICTION´ SPECIAL OFFICER SUNITHA L. GOPALAKRISHNAN SUNITHA WILLIAMS MOTILAL NEHRU .QUESTION BRITISH PRIME MINISTER WORLD BANK PRESIDENT INFOSYS CEO LONGEST UNINTERRUPTED STAY BY A WOMAN IN SPACE THE TITLE ³SARDAR´ TO VALLABHABHAI PATEL BY ANSWER GORDON BROWN ROBERT ZOELLICK S.
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