Standard Specification for Hot Insulation (Piping & Equipment)

March 24, 2018 | Author: Wade Coleman | Category: Thermal Insulation, Pipe (Fluid Conveyance), Water Heating, Steam, Corrosion



DOC NO .: QPS-PI-HI-101    PROCESS SOLUTIONS PVT. LTD.  STANDARD SPECIFICATION F0R HOT INSULATION SHEET : I REV DATE : 0 : 21.11.10 STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR HOT INSULATION (PIPING & EQUIPMENT) 0 REV. NO. 21.11.10 DATE Issued As Standard DESCRIPTION S R Patil PREPARED BY PID REVIEWED BY BKD APPROVED BY DOC NO . : QPS-PI-HI-101    PROCESS SOLUTIONS PVT. LTD.  STANDARD SPECIFICATION F0R HOT INSULATION SHEET : II REV DATE : 0 : 21.11.10 INDEX SECTION NO. 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 GENERAL DESIGN BASIS EXTENT OF INSULATION ON PIPING SYSTEM EXTENT OF INSULATION OF EQUIPMENT MATERIALS GENERAL INSULATION MATERIAL FIBROUS MATERIAL (ROCK & GLASS WOOL) INSULATION MATERIAL (CELLULAR GLASS ) WEATHER PROTECTION JACKET 8.1 FIBROUS MATERIAL (ROCK & GLASS WOOL) 8.2 REGID MATERIAL (CELLUAR GLASS) 8.3 ANCILLIAR MATERIALS 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 APPLICATION METHODS (GENERAL) PIPING HORIZONTAL EQUIPMENT VERTICAL EQUIPMENT FLANGE, NOZZLE, CHANNEL, COVER, MANWAY AND HANDHOLE FLANGED COVER. IRREGULAR SURFACES SUCH AS PUMP, COMPRESSOR, TURBINE ETC. VERTICAL STORAGE TANK INSULATION FINISH (CARBON SETEEL) 16.1 PIPING 16.2 EQUIPMENT 16.3 VERTICAL STORAGE TANK 17.0 ANNEXURE – I 17.1 OWNER’S OBLIGATIONS 17.2 CONTRACTORS CONDITIONS 18.0 ANNEXURE – II INSULATION THICKNESS FOR HOT INSULATION (IH) 19.0 ANNEXURE – III INSULATION THICKNESS FOR PERSONAL INSULATION (IS) 33 32 31 13 15 20 22 23 24 25 27 TITLE PAGE NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 11 DOC NO . : QPS-PI-HI-101    PROCESS SOLUTIONS PVT. LTD.  STANDARD SPECIFICATION F0R HOT INSULATION SHEET : III REV DATE : 0 : 21.11.10 STANDARD SKETCHES FOR HOT INSULATION STANDARD OF VESSELS, PIPING AND EQUIPMENT FIG. NO. 01 FIBROUS AND APPLICATION REGID DESCRIPTION INSULATION DETAILS FOR HORIZONTAL PIPE SHEET 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 METHOD OF STAGGERING OF SECTION FOR PIPE INSULATION FIBROUS MATTRESS INSULATION - DETAILS SPACER RINGS FOR CLADDING SUPPORT (FOR HORIZONTAL PIPE) DETAIL OF SPACER RING FOR FIBROUS INSULATION (MATTRESS) BOLTED-ON INSULATION SUPPORT FOR VERTICAL PIPE INSULATION DETAILS FOR PIPES, BENDS & ELBOWS INSULATION DETAILS FOR BENDS & ELBOWS INSULATION DETAILS FOR PIPE BRANCHES AND REDUCERS INSULATED REMOVABLE COVERS FOR VALVES INSULATED REMOVABLE COVERS FOR FLANGED JOINTS INSULATED DETAILS FOR LINES ON SHOE INSULATION OF STEAM TRACED PIPING INSULATION FOR HORIZONTAL EQUIPMENT INSULATION FOR EQUIPMENT HORIZONTAL HEADS USE OF FLEXIBLE INSULATION IN COMBINATION WITH RIGID INSULATION TO COMPENSATE FOR VESSEL EXPANSION INSULATION DETAILS FOR VERTICAL VESSELS INSULATION DETAILS FOR VERTICAL VESSEL HEADS INSULATION DETAILS FOR VERTICAL VESSEL (`J’ & `S’ CLIPS) INSULATION DETAILS FOR VERTICAL STORAGE TANKS INSULATION SUPPORTS FOR STORAGE TANKS INSULATION SUPPORTS FOR STORAGE TANKS (DETAILS FOR ROOF) FIRE PROOFING AND INSULATION SUPPORT FOR VERTICAL VESSEL MACHINERY INSULATION INSULATION ENCLOUSERS FOR CONTROL VALVES & OTHER IN-LINE INSTRUMENTS INSULATIN FOR LEVEL GAUGES INSULATION SUPPORTS FOR HORIZONTAL VESSEL . 1. Exchanger. d) Vessel.1 This specification covers design and material requirements for above ground.4 This specification does not cover insulation for boiler or fired heaters and associated air heaters.3 This specification does not cover cold service insulation.STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR HOT INSULATION DOC NO . economizers. 1. For cold services QPS Specification QPS-PI-CI-101 is applicable. external insulation of piping and equipment operating between ambient temperature and 550 °C for the purpose of heat conservation.2 This specification is suitable for use in out door service with normal process plant atmospheres. 1. b) Piping General Arrangement Drawings & Isometrics. c) Instrument Piping Details and Schedules. PIPING AND EQUIPMENT REV DATE : 0 : 21.0  GENERAL:  SCOPE  1. personnel protection and fire protection. Alternative designs and materials would be specified if necessary for corrosive atmosphere of potential leaks and spills of chemicals. LTD. 1. process stabilization. Wherever necessary this specification indicates the basis for selecting a criterion. a) Process and Instrument Diagrams (P&IDs) and Line List.10 1. : QPS-PI-HI-101 SHEET : 1 OF 59    PROCESS SOLUTIONS PVT.11. fuel ducting and air ducting.5 Piping. Storage Tank & sphere documents and Insulation Schedules e) Equipment supplier’s General Arrangement Drawing for equipment items in package plant. temperature maintenance. storage tanks and vessels requiring insulation shall normally be specified on the following project documents. equipment. 3 Insulation is not required for piping and equipment for which heat loss is desired .0 DESIGN BASIS: CRITERIA 2. provide open mesh metal guards and for surfaces which are not internally insulated provide insulation on that part of surfaces with which operating and maintenance personnel may come in contact while performing routine duties. e) Hot water of solvent tracing (liquid). Applicable where exposed surface temperature exceeds 65°C in normal or short-term operating conditions. LTD. h) Hot water or liquid jacketing. : QPS-PI-HI-101 SHEET : 2 OF 59    PROCESS SOLUTIONS PVT.excepting for personnel protection or to avoid thermal stress problems. d) Electric tracing.6-D) 2.5 Instruments and associated piping subject to operating flow and/or temperature conditions prevailing in the connected piping or equipment shall be insulated to the same requirements as that of piping or equipment. 2. walkway of work area. Fire hazard protection to prevent fast boil off of liquid. 2.10 2. . c) Steam tracing.4 Insulation is required for any of the following purposes. f) Hot Oil tracing. The intent of P&IDs. Line classification lists and engineering drawings etc. Over internally insulated piping and equipment. 2. (See para 4. as indicated in P&IDs and line lists: a) Heat conservation. b) Process stabilization to assist process control. k) Personnel protection. The actual extent of insulation shall be determined by Field Construction Personnel and/or operating personnel using the following criteria: Exposed surfaces operating above 65 °C and located within 600 mm horizontally or 2100mm vertically of a normal access.STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR HOT INSULATION DOC NO . i) j) Hot Oil jacketing.11. PIPING AND EQUIPMENT REV DATE : 0 : 21. which designate insulation for personnel protection is to call attention only to the eligibility of such service.1 Heat Conservation Insulation is designed for economic thickness and to limit cold surface temperatures below 65 °C with 20 °C ambient temperature in still air conditions.2 Internally refractory lined piping and equipment and any other items for which heat loss is essential shall not be insulated. g) Steam jacketing. such as level gages. b) Supports for piping. PIPING AND EQUIPMENT REV DATE : 0 : 21.10 3. including control valves and flanges in process piping systems (except as noted in 3.7 Insulation shall not be applied to the following. level switches.11. personnel protection insulation for these items shall be applied. 3. valves and fittings. DP cells.6 Instrumentation to be insulated. LTD.2 All valves and flanged joints shall be completely insulated only on in steam. the inlet piping and trap shall be insulated. hinged joints and hose. as required.0 EXTENT OF INSULATION ON PIPING SYSTEM: 3. . : QPS-PI-HI-101 SHEET : 3 OF 59    PROCESS SOLUTIONS PVT. e) Pipe Union fittings. d) Valves. vents.3). 3. shall have their fluid containing sections and the associated piping completely insulated. h) Sight flow indicators.4 For bucket and float type traps. 3. a) Piping which becomes hot intermittently. 3.3 3. such as relief valves. tees and pipe fittings completely insulated. f) Thermowell bosses and pressure tappings. 3. excluding pipe hangers to the extent covered by insulation. condensate service. g) Expansion joints. c) Steam Traps (except as noted in paragraph 3.STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR HOT INSULATION DOC NO . bends. level controllers.1 Insulated piping systems shall have straight pipe. unless otherwise specified.2 and 3. However.8).9 Where insulated horizontal piping is supported on steel shoes. 3. 3.8 Insulation shall be designed to provide an absolute minimum clearance of 25mm between the outside surface of any insulation finishing material and adjacent surfaces. including pipes.5 Steam trap outlet piping other than closed condensate recovery system shall not be insulated except for personnel protection reasons. the height of the shoe shall be such that the underside of the insulation finishing material is clear of the supporting structures upon which the shoe rests by 25mm minimum. hot oil lines and in lines which are steam trace heated or jacketed to maintain temperature. Insulation on inlet piping to thermostatic and thermodynamic steam traps shall terminate at approximately 500mm before the trap. steam-out and snuffing steam systems flare and blow-down systems. 1 Support skirts of insulated vertical vessel greater than 1200mm diameter shall be insulated both internally and externally for a minimum distance of 600mm below the bottom tangent line. Liquid ends of pumps shall be insulated when heat traced or jacketed. Joints. shell and channel flanges & Exp. governors and supports. throttle valves. i) j) Nozzles. e) Heads of vessels enclosed by support skirts with vessel diameters 1200mm and less.1 above.STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR HOT INSULATION DOC NO .5 4. compressors. 4. manholes and hand holes and flanges of equipment. g) Turbine casings to be insulated shall exclude shaft seal caps. : QPS-PI-HI-101 SHEET : 4 OF 59    PROCESS SOLUTIONS PVT. . blowers or other rotating or reciprocating requirement. k) Nameplates of all equipment items.10 4. shaft bearing housings. 4.11. PIPING AND EQUIPMENT REV DATE : 0 : 21.0 EXTENT OF INSULATION ON EQUIPMENT: 4. Surfaces of coolers and condensers. The insulation shall terminate not less than 300mm above the support concrete or steel work. a) Pumps with operating temperature below 200 °C unless pumped fluid has a pour point above minimum design ambient temperature.5 above. 4. b) Fans. d) Internally insulated or refractory lined equipment unless specially designed for metal temperature control.4 4. h) Exchanger channel and covers. l) Thermowell bosses and pressure tappings. c) Liquid ends of pumps except as noted in the Para 4. LTD.2 Support skirts of insulated vertical vessels of 1200mm and less shall be insulated externally only.6 Turbines and steam ends of reciprocating pump shall be insulated for heat conservation.3 Bottom heads of insulated vertical vessels enclosed by a support skirt shall be insulated without finishing material and shall be insulated only when the vessel outside diameter is greater than 1200mm. as described in Para 4. f) Internal surfaces of insulated vessel support skirts with vessel diameter 1200mm or less. Insulation shall not be applied to the following unless otherwise specified. 5. impervious to hot water and steam. This specification covers three materials . 5. diethanolamine and hexanol will react and start fires when they leak into inorganic absorbent insulation. 5. vermin proof. 5. non-sulphurous.3 The use of insulation or finishing materials containing ASBESTOS in any form is not permitted. This could be a decisive factor when specifying and evaluating alternative materials and are taken care of by QUANTA / CLIENT while specifying project insulation specifications. Water absorbing insulation lake fibrous insulation and calcium silicate can be used for all temperatures except for electrically traced pipe.5 Many common flammable liquids such as oil. non-injurious to health and noncorrosive to steel and aluminum (even if soaked in water at ambient temperatures for extended periods). : QPS-PI-HI-101 SHEET : 5 OF 59    PROCESS SOLUTIONS PVT. .STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR HOT INSULATION DOC NO . Glass Wool and cellular glass. 5.0 MATERIALS GENERAL: 5. rain or water. rot proof.6 Insulation materials have been classified into two categories – i) water absorbing ii) nonwater absorbing. upto 125 °C) services a suitable moisture barrier shall be used since the substrata is at too low temperature to evaporate moisture. Non-water absorbing insulates like cellular glass is recommended for services upto 125 °C.1 All material shall be of high quality and good appearance. chemically inert.Rock wool.11.e. But for low temperature (i.4 Insulation and jacketing material backed with paper or other flammable material is not acceptable. Such absorbent insulation can store large quantities of combustible liquids should a leak occur. butanol. PIPING AND EQUIPMENT REV DATE : 0 : 21.10 5. LTD.2 Insulation materials shall be of low chloride content. Slag wool is not acceptable.) (Latest issue). shall not exceed as per below : IS Sieve Shot Content. PIPING AND EQUIPMENT REV DATE : 0 : 21. . when sieved as follows. • Density • Shot Content (IS : 3144) . Stitched through with 22 SWG. shot content.2 Unless otherwise specified herein. Percent (IS:460 by Mass (Max.140 to 150 kg/m3 (Density shall be within this range and density test shall be as per IS:5688/ IS : 3144 (Latest issue) .Incombustible. 6.STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR HOT INSULATION DOC NO .3 Insulation shall conform to following requirement and shall be tested and test certificate on representative samples furnished to PURCHASER as per IS : 8183 / IS : 9842 (latest issue) for conformance of each of the following requirements. Loss in weight not more then 5 % 5 15 . 500 micron 250 micron • Moisture content and moisture absorption (IS : 3144) • Incombustibility (IS : 3144) • Thermal Conductivity (IS : 3346) .10 6.Not more than 2 % . insulation material shall strictly conform to all the requirements of quality standards listed below : • Performed pipe insulation. galvanised lacing wire : Mattress for Lined covdrs shall be faced on one side with 20mm galvanised 22 SWG wire mesh stitched through with 22 SWG galvanised lacing wire.Shot shall not be more than 5mm in any dimensions. Faced on one side with 20mm galvanised No.11.0 INSULATION MATERIAL: FIBROUS MATERIAL (ROCK & GLASS WOOL) 6. 22 SWG.IS : 8183 : Latest issue .1 Shall be a performed insulation and shall be of long fiber rock or glass material processed from a molten state into fibrous form bonded operational temp. 6. range from ambient to 550 °C.IS : 9842 : Latest issue . : QPS-PI-HI-101 SHEET : 6 OF 59    PROCESS SOLUTIONS PVT. Wire Mesh. • Mineral Fibre blocks & board thermal insulation. • Metal-mesh covered bonded mineral fibre blanket & blanket type pipe insulation.IS : 8183 : Latest issue for piping & equipment. LTD. pH of the solution of the material shall be between 7. • Sulphur Content (IS : 3144) • Liner Shrinkage (IS : 3144) Heat Resistance (IS : 3144) • Compressive Strength (Average) min.52 0. : QPS-PI-HI-101 SHEET : 7 OF 59    PROCESS SOLUTIONS PVT.After compression to 75 % of the original thickness. of use (550 °C) for 24 hours. Thickness Length : 25. 40.0 and 10. 50. temp. sections shall .43 0. sample shall maintain its general form and shall not suffer visible deformation of the fibrous structure.PIPE SECTION : Hollow cylinder.STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR HOT INSULATION DOC NO .Not more then 2 percent when subjected to soaking conditions of soaking heat at the stated max. split length wise on one or both sides of the cylindrical axis. recovery shall not be less than 90% of thickness.68 0. (550 °C).62 0.0 . at 10 % deformation • Recovery after compression (IS : 8183Appendix ‘A’ IS : 9842Appendix ‘A’) • Alkalinity (IS : 8183 Appendix ‘B’ / IS : 9842 Appendix ‘B’) • Chloride Content ( IS : 3144 ) • Dimension .When heated to max. PIPING AND EQUIPMENT REV DATE : 0 : 21. + Cold face Temperature. 2 . . LTD.80 0.120 kg/m2 Thickness : ± 3 mm When installed on the pipe of the specified size.6 percent.11.10 * Mean Temperature °C 50 100 150 200 250 300 Thermal / Conductivity mw/cm °C 0.Not to exceed 20 ppm . . .90 * Mean Temperature is Hot Face Temp. 60 & 75mm Tolerance in : ± 3 mm Tolerance in . temp.Not more then 0. .10 fit snugly and shall have tight longitudinal and circumferential joint. : QPS-PI-HI-101 SHEET : 8 OF 59    PROCESS SOLUTIONS PVT. 30.STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR HOT INSULATION DOC NO . standard width shall be 600mm to 1200mm. LTD. standard length 1500mm to 2400mm Thickness : 25.BLANKET : Unless otherwise specifically required.BLOCK AND BOARDS ( IS : 8183 ) : Lengths widths : 1000mm to 1400mm : 500mm to 1000mm Tolerance : ± 3mm Thickness : ± 3mm . PIPING AND EQUIPMENT REV DATE : 0 : 21. 40. 60 & 75 mm Tolerance on thickness : Positive Negative : 3mm : -3mm . 50.11. .058 0.STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR HOT INSULATION DOC NO . C177 and C518.m2 mm Hg. Water absorption.7 °C : 0.086 Test thermal conductivity as per ASTM C240.0 INSULATION MATERIAL (CELLULAR GLASS): Cellular Glass foamed and fused into unicellular form can be used upto a temperature of 425 °C. Thermal conductivity (average max.) Test method as per ASTM C240 and Recommended Practice ASTM C165. Insulation shall conform to following requirements and test certificates on representative samples shall be furnished to PURCHASER as per ASTM C552 for conformance to each of the following requirements: Density 110 to 150 kg/m3 : Test as per ASTM C303 except that on drying will be necessary.) metric perm-cm of grains/24 h.062 0. Determine the No. of specimens as per ASTM C390. But in view of high thermal conductivity. Water vapour transmission (average max. Compressive Strength : 517 kPa (average min. Test shall be at least for 4 specimens.) 0.10 7. Test method as per ASTM C240 and clause ASTM 3. Determine the method of test specimens as per method given in ASTM C390. cm of thickness at 26. Flexural strength average min. Test method as per ASTM E96. °C 10 24 38 93 149 W/m°k 0. : QPS-PI-HI-101 SHEET : 9 OF 59    PROCESS SOLUTIONS PVT. 414 kPa.) Mean Temp. LTD.060 0. Test shall be at least for 3 specimens. its use is limited in this specification to 125 °C only as it has been included essentially for its non-water absorbing nature.0084.073 0.5. PIPING AND EQUIPMENT REV DATE : 0 : 21. Test shall be at least for 2 specimens.4 C203. Test shall be at least for 3 specimens. Test method as per ASTM C240.11. volume % (average max. 60 & 75mm. Upto 350mm Ø size. the corners square and the sides parallel. b) PURCHASER shall have right to inspect any or all the test conducted on insulation material by manufacturer at his shop or at any laboratory. Size and thickness shall be as follows: Width (mm) 300 450 Length (mm) 450 600 Pipe Sections : Shall be supplied as hollow cylindrical shapes split in half lengthwise (in a plane including the cylindrical axis) or as curved segments. 40. 30.10 Dimensions: Flat Blocks: Shall be rectangular sections and shall be true to form and dimensions. only pipe sections split in half lengthwise shall be used. PIPING AND EQUIPMENT REV DATE : 0 : 21. 50. thickness.6 mm ± 1.6 mm ± 1. Special attention is required for fibrous material as its installed thickness could be reduced due to compression affecting performance.6 mm Pipe ± 3 mm -± 3 mm . Dimensional Tolerance shall be as follows: Block Length Width Thickness GENERAL: Periodical checks for density. as per norms and frequency decided at site as per the directions of PROJECT Site-in-Charge. and for pipe above 150mm Ø nom. LTD. Thickness for both pipe sections and flat blocks shall be 25. : QPS-PI-HI-101 SHEET : 10 OF 59    PROCESS SOLUTIONS PVT. The insulation shall be supplied in sections of segments in lengths of 450mm or 600mm to fit standard of pipe. size in 450mm length.STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR HOT INSULATION DOC NO . Insulation for pipes upto 150mm Ø size shall be furnished in 600mm length. ± 1. shape and size as per above requirements shall be repeated at site.11. a) All the codes mentioned shall be the latest issue.  LTD.22mm (18 SWG) Flat : 0. 24 SWG thick X 20mm wide. : QPS-PI-HI-101 SHEET : 11 OF 59    PROCESS SOLUTIONS PVT. 8. 24 SWG thick X 12mm (min.71mm (22 SWG) corrugated : 1. Tanks & Vessels For tanks Roofs For Horizontal vessels shell and heads.22mm (18 SWG) Flat : 0.22mm (18 SWG) Flat : 0. Horizontal Vessel.4 Aluminium Foil to protect Stainless Steel surfaces shall be 0.7 For securing Aluminium foil on Stainless Steel surfaces : Band. other than grade piping in offsites.56mm (24 SWG) corrugated : 0. f) For grade piping in off-sites : 0. d) e) For removable cover For all piping. If Stainless Steel.6 Securement Bands / Wires If material is Aluminium.2 RIGID MATERIAL (CELLULAR GLASS): a) Piping.0 WEATHER PROTECTION JACKET: Aluminium jacketing shall be used as weather protection over insulation unless otherwise specified and shall be ASTM B209 alloy 3003 H16 or IS : 737 designation 31000 (Old NS3 ) condition H3 for flat sheets and H4 for corrugated sheets. then specification shall be ASTM B209 Alloy 3003 H16 or IS : 737 designation 31000 (old NS3) condition H3. vertical vessel heads. Vessel head & Tanks Roof b) Vertical Vessel Shells & Vertical portion of Storage Tanks c) Removable covers : 1.8 For Securing Fibrous Insulation a) On Piping. Aluminium.56mm (24 SWG) galvanised steel. . d) Band. 24 SWG thick X 20 wide. b) Band. 8. PIPING AND EQUIPMENT REV DATE : 0 : 21.71mm (22 SWG) Flat 8.56mm (24 SWG) Flat 8. c) On Equipments. it shall be 18/8.19mm (36 SWG) thick per ASTM B209 Alloy 3003 H16 or IS : 737 designation 31000 (old NS3) condition H3. Cladding shall be coated on the side in contact with the insulation with a bitumen anti-corrosive paint.STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR HOT INSULATION DOC NO . Aluminium.3 ANCILLARY MATERIALS: 8. Aluminium. per IS : 277 class I : 1.5 8.10 8.1 FIBROUS MATERIAL (ROCK & GLASS WOOL): a) b) c) For shells of vertical Storage.) wide. 8. 8.11.71mm (22 SWG) Flat : 0. b) On Equipment: Band. LTD.12 Screws: Screws required for metal jacket securement shall be cadmium plated steel. 20 wide X 24 SWG thk.14 To ensure prefect water proofing. 8. c) On Vertical & Horizontal Vessels. nominal 600 g/m2) per IS : 227. : QPS-PI-HI-101 SHEET : 12 OF 59    PROCESS SOLUTIONS PVT.5mm long X 5mm Ø. 40mm wide X 3mm thk. 9.11.10 e) On Vertical Storage Tanks. 8. galvanising per above (same as for piping upto 16” OD).9 Band.13 ‘S’ and ‘J’ clips . galvanised per class 2 (heavy coating of zinc. all the cladding joints shall be packed with sealing materials which may either be in the from of a elastomeric sealing compound or fiber based bituminous felt strips. galvanising per above (same as for piping upto 16” OD). 20 mm wide X 24 SWG thk. 25 mm wide X 24 SWG thk. self tapping type A No.Formed from 25mm wide stainless steel banding. For Securing Rigid Insulation: a) On Piping upto 16” OD. Band. annealed galvanised steel. 16 SWG. Aluminium. Stainless Steel.STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR HOT INSULATION DOC NO . galvanised steel. 20 wide X 24 SWG thk. 8. c) On Vertical Storage Tanks: Band. glavanised steel. 8mm Ø X 12mm long to BS 4176 complete with neoprene washers under the head. galvanised steel.. b) On Piping 18” OD and Larger. f) 8.) wide X 24 SWG thk. 8. . Band. 8.11 Rivets: Rivets required for metal jacket securement shall be the expanding Aluminium “POP” blind eye type. Wire. Aluminium 12 mm (min.10 For Securing Cladding On Insulation (Both Fibrous And Rigid): a) For Piping: Band. galvanising per IS : 277 class-2. PIPING AND EQUIPMENT REV DATE : 0 : 21. this coating shall be provided by equipment fabricator. All joints of the Aluminium foil shall have barium chromate primer interposed. The Contractor shall carryout the work in accordance with the best practices of insulation application with the minimum of waste and debris and the final job shall have a neat. 9. LTD.STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR HOT INSULATION DOC NO . : QPS-PI-HI-101 SHEET : 13 OF 59    PROCESS SOLUTIONS PVT.5 9. 9. For operating temperature above 450 °C. While for equipments (Vessels. given in this Standard are general in nature. Care shall be taken while applying Aluminium foil to ensure that the foil is not punctured at any place during wrapping and clamping with Aluminium bands. it shall be provided by insulation contractor or equipment and piping painting contractor. shall be carried out before insulating material is applied. 9. then all welds and flanged joints in the pipe shall be left uncovered till successful completion of pressure test.19mm thick Aluminium foil with 50mm overlap at longitudinal and circumferential joints before application of insulation. for piping.11. If insulation must be installed before pressure test.3 Surfaces to be insulated shall be thoroughly cleaned. Then insulation shall be completed.1 The application methods. 9. oil or grease.) dry film thickness of heat resistant Aluminium paint suitable for the above temperature. including steam tracing systems.6 Insulation cement shall not be used on stainless steel piping or equipment. The insulation Contractor shall only insulate those sections of the plant that has been specifically released for such work by the engineer-in-charge. All insulated austentic stainless steel piping and equipment insulated with Rock or Glass Wool shall be protected against chloride attack as follows: For operating temperatures upto 450 °C. efficient and work a like appearance. PIPING AND EQUIPMENT REV DATE : 0 : 21. Aluminium foil shall be firmly secured on the stainless steel surfaces by Aluminium bands at a pitch of 500mm. The Contractor is responsible for applying an insulating system that will give a satisfactory operational performance and the requirement given herein shall be regarded as the acceptable minimum.4 Corrosion Prevention: Carbon steel and low alloy piping and equipment with normal operating temp. dried and made free from loose scale. Exchangers and Tanks). the stainless steel surfaces shall be painted with two coats of heat resistant silicon Aluminium paint as follows : .10 9. of 125 °C and below shall be protected against corrosion by painting with a 20 microns (min.0 APPLICATION METHODS (GENERAL): 9. It shall be the Contractor’s responsibility to remove loosely adhering scale and dirt before applying insulation. the surfaces shall be wrapped with 0.2 All hydrostatic tests on piping and equipment. 9 Equipment name plates shall remain visible after insulation has been applied by beveling back the insulating material and carefully sealing the exposed edges to prevent ingress of moisture.15 Insulation supports shall not project out of the insulation outer surface and shall be given sufficient coverage of insulating material to avoid hot spots on the metallic cover at support positions. PIPING AND EQUIPMENT REV DATE : 0 : 21. 9. such as lifting lugs. 9.10 All projections. 9. pressure tappings and weep-hole nipples shall not be insulated in but left accessible. Insulation installed in two or more layers shall be staggered joint construction and each layer shall be secured in place and details of securement shall be the same for each layer. pipe or structural members shall be maintained. .e. Installed material awaiting its protective cover shall be adequately protected from damage. 9.7 The insulation contractor shall not carryout any welding or drilling on plant equipment and piping.11 Thermowell bosses. LTD. trunnions and stiffeners on piping and equipment (i.13 Wet or Damage Insulation shall not be used under any Circumstances. when the paint becomes dry.11.12 Double layer insulation shall be required when the insulation thickness is greater than 75mm.8 Insulation shall be finished. 9. 9. beveled and weatherproofed at all terminal points where it is required to remove bolts etc. without damage to the insulation. 9.10 Type Composition Dry Film Thickness Other requirements : Single : Silicon resin based with Aluminium flakes as pigment : 20 microns/coat (min. and shall be covered with cladding at a minimum loss of time. Insulation material to be applied shall not be kept over bare ground to avoid water absorption. : QPS-PI-HI-101 SHEET : 14 OF 59    PROCESS SOLUTIONS PVT. rain and contamination.14 A minimum clearance of 25mm between outside surface of any insulation finish and adjacent equipment.STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR HOT INSULATION DOC NO . the painted surfaces shall show no discontinuity. 9. vacuum rings) shall be insulated with the same thickness of insulation as specified for the equipment item or pipeline. 9.) : It should be suitable to withstand temperature upto 600 °C. b) In-situ foaming may be allowed by engineering-charge after discussions with client and head-office. b) Can be used for all temperatures.STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR HOT INSULATION DOC NO .1 10.4. LTD. 10. cavities. c) Further. otherwise. provide painting as per 9. on carbon and alloy steel piping.11.6 Pipe Section / Molded Blocks / Segments: a) End joints of adjacent blocks shall be staggered one half of the length of the block. provide Aluminium harrier.4 CORROSION PROTECTION BEFORE APPLYING INSULATION (All Insulation Materials) : a) For operating temperature Upto 125 °C. and voids suitably filled with compatible loose fill material. : QPS-PI-HI-101 SHEET : 15 OF 59    PROCESS SOLUTIONS PVT. as per Clause 9. minimum arc length of segments should meet following staggering requirements. b) For austentic stainless steel piping. d) Pieces of insulation with crushed and damaged ends shall not be used. 10. multisegments are preferable if manufactured. 10. blankets are acceptable.0 PIPING: 10.2 MATERIAL: FIBROUS MATERIAL (ROCK OR GLASS WOOL): a) Can be used for all piping other than electrical traced pipes upto 125 °C.6. PIPING AND EQUIPMENT REV DATE : 0 : 21. The insulation shall be carried out with the least number of material pieces as possible and all unavoidable gaps.10 10. .3 CELLULAR GLASS: a) Can be used for all piping including electrically traced piping for service temperatures below 125 °C (with electrical and steam tracing the maximum metal temperature reached by tracer in order to conduct the requisite heat into the pipe shall be the deciding factor). b) Included angle between segments shall not be less than 30° for both single and double layer insulation. c) Shall be in performed pipe section in 2 halves for sizes upto which manufactured and at least for all pipes with outside diameter over insulation of 500mm. In bigger sizes. 10.5 APPLICATION METHODS (General) : Insulation material shall be applied to fit snugly against the contours and shaped only where necessary to achieve this requirement. The arc between the longitudinal seam lines of the inside and outside layers of insulation shall have an angle of over 15° or the longitudinal joints staggered at least by one layer thickness.10 d) When double layer is applied. a packings of 2 sheets of 3mm thick asbestos mill board shall be provided at the joints of the stays and pipes.S.Rock or Glass Wool): Shall be applied over the surface with joints tightly butted and laced together with 1 mm dia galvanised lacing wire. 10. one loop to be placed not more than 75 from each end and at least one loop to be equally spaced between end loops.9 FRAME WORK FOR SUPPORTING CLADDING: FIBROUS INSULATION (See Fig. LTD.7 MATTRESS (Fibrous insulation .STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR HOT INSULATION DOC NO . 900mm distance. Flats.S.11. : QPS-PI-HI-101 SHEET : 16 OF 59    PROCESS SOLUTIONS PVT. Binding wire shall be drawn about the insulation with ends tightly twisted together. in blanket forms. d) Each layer of insulation shall be secured by the same method as above. Bands or wires in no case are spaced more than 200mm apart. for each section. To minimize direct heat conduction through the stays. 3 And 4): This is not necessary for rigid material. Circumferential seams of the inside and outside layers shall be at least 100mm apart. both longitudinal and circumferential joints shall be staggered. Joints between MS Spacer ring and stays shall be riveted by 6mm Ø M. fabricated from the same sized MS Flats. 10. joints shall be sealed with suitable compatible material. c) For Cellular glass and polyisocyanurate. b) For all joints shall be sealed with insulating of same composition as the molded block. vertical piping provided with fibrous materials need not be provided with this. Spacer rings shall be provided at every approx. 10. Spacer rings shall be fabricated out of 25 X 3mm M. PIPING AND EQUIPMENT REV DATE : 0 : 21. This is required only for horizontal pipe runs provided with fibrous insulation. The outside diameter of these rings shall be equivalent to the outside diameter of the insulation. Piping provided with fibrous resin bonded pipe sections also need not be provided with this framework. Spacer rings shall be riveted to ‘Z’ shaped stays. subject to a minimum of 3 stays. Stays shall be provided at intervals of not more than 300mm long the circumference of the insulation. These rings shall be suitably painted for corrosion protection. . whichever is more stringent. rivets with 2 sheets of 3mm thick asbostos mill board interposed. bent under & pressed into the surface of insulation.8 INSULATION SECUREMENT (All Insulation Materials): a) Each layer of insulation shall be secured firmly in place with at least 3 loops of binding wire/ band. 3) e) Expansion joint shall be provided at regular intervals as below : Temp.STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR HOT INSULATION DOC NO . LTD. 6 and Fig. Upto 400 °C 400 to 500 °C 500 to 550 °C Support Spacing 4500mm 3500mm 2500mm d) Expansion Joints (Both vertical and horizontal piping. : QPS-PI-HI-101 SHEET : 17 OF 59    PROCESS SOLUTIONS PVT. or alloy steel bar (to suit piping materials). 5): a) Insulation on vertical or near vertical piping (i. Each mitered section . M. Where multi-layer insulation is used. PIPING AND EQUIPMENT REV DATE : 0 : 21.11. 10. c) Support positions shall be at no greater distance apart than the following : Piping Operating Temp.11 ELBOWS AND BENDS (All insulation materials) (See Fig. All insulation materials) (See Fig.e.10 10. Expansion joint for first layer for vertical pipe shall preferably be just below insulation support collars.10 VERTICAL PIPE (All Insulation Materials) (See Fig.S. support collar shall be extended to provide for each layer. Insulation securement band / wire shall be same as that for equivalent dia pipe. °C Upto 200 200 to 300 300 to 350 350 to 400 400 to 450 f) Spacing (Meter) Not required 10 8 6 5 Expansion joint shall be formed by a 25mm space between the pipe insulation sections and the space shall be filled by compressed mineral rock fibers. Expansion joints in each layer shall be offset at least 150 from each other in case of multilayer insulation. greater than 45 °C angle from horizontal) shall be supported by bolted on metal collars. b) Outside diameter of collar shall be around 12mm less than OD of insulation. 7): Insulation material shall be mitered and shall be same as that of pipe. Metal collars shall be of 6mm thk. 9 and Fig. cut and shaped to fit around the body of the valve. pipe size 6” & below. due to lack of space. : QPS-PI-HI-101 SHEET : 18 OF 59    PROCESS SOLUTIONS PVT. Insulation joints of block material shall be suitably sealed with adhesive for isocyanurate/ callular glass.13 FLANGED JOINTS OR VALVES (All insulation materials) (See Fig. lined with pipe sections/ lags/ slabs.16 STEAM TRACED PIPING (All insulation materials) (See Fig.12 TEE (All insulation materials) (See Fig.11. if insulated.STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR HOT INSULATION DOC NO . 12): Steam traced piping and fittings shall be installed with oversized sections to allow accommodation of both parent pipe and tracer without damage or deformation of the insulation.10 shall be secured with minimum 2 wires / bands.15 PIPE SUPPORTS (All insulation materials) (See Fig. Traced instrument line and fittings shall be totally enclosed by the insulation in a . Insulated valves shall be cut and shaped around the valve stem and kept clear of the stuffing box gland. Upper bolts of the hanger clamps are not to be covered with insulation. PIPING AND EQUIPMENT REV DATE : 0 : 21. LTD. at the junction insulation shall be adequately secured by wire/ band of same specification as that of same size pipe. for all insulation materials.14 INSULATION FLASHING (All insulation materials): Insulation shall be stopped short of flanged joints and unions by a sufficient distance to permit easy removal of the flange nuts and bolts or breaking of the unions to take place without disturbance or damage to the insulating material. shall be insulated with prefabricated removable Aluminium covers. 10): a) Flanged Joints or valves. shall be insulated with oversized pipe sections or lags. 8): Preformed pipe sections or segments shall be carefully cut and shaped around ‘Tee’ junctions and the insulation material of the tangential pipe shall be carefully and neatly cut to mate upto the material applied to the parent pipe without the creation of voids or gaps. 10. b) Welded valves. if to be insulated. 10. insulation shall be secured by spiral wound 16 SWG galvanised steel wire for hard materials & 10 SWG galvanised steel wire for soft materials. 10. metal hoods packed with a waterproof sealing material shall be furnished and installed. 11): Insulation at solid welded or clamped supports shall be cut and shaped to fit around the support and banded securely to enable the insulation to be carried with the pipe movement. For bends/ elbows of nom. 10. 10. When the pipe hangers pass through insulation on piping outdoor. At these positions the insulation shall be bevelled and sealed with a metal closure which inturn shall be sealed with waterproof sealing material. STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR HOT INSULATION DOC NO . : QPS-PI-HI-101 SHEET : 19 OF 59    PROCESS SOLUTIONS PVT. LTD. PIPING AND EQUIPMENT REV DATE : 0 : 21.11.10 similar manner and the designed warm air annulus maintained throughout the tracer pipe length. Insulation supports for vertical pipe shall have suitable clearance for tracer pipe. Suitable pulley or cement shall be used to improve the contact between pipe and tracers, throughout length of tracers. 10.17 ELECTRICAL TRACED PIPING (Polyisocyanurate / Cellular Glass): Electrical traced piping shall be provided with the same size insulation as would be provided if the piping were not electrically traced. STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR HOT INSULATION DOC NO . : QPS-PI-HI-101 SHEET : 20 OF 59    PROCESS SOLUTIONS PVT. LTD. PIPING AND EQUIPMENT REV DATE : 0 : 21.11.10 11.0 HORIZONTAL EQUIPMENT: 11.1 11.2 MATERIAL FIBROUS MATERIALS (Rock or Glass Wool): a) Can be used for all temperatures. b) Shells - Preferably performed pipe or multi pipe segments or slabs cut and shaped to fit. Alternately, blanket may be accepted. c) Heads - Preformed blocks and slabs cut and shaped to fit. Alternatively blanket may be accepted. 11.3 CELLULAR GLASS: a) Can be used on all surfaces. b) Temperature limitation for each shall be as per 7.0 c) Curved segments/ blacks, miter cut and shaped to fit. 11.4 CORROSION PROTECTION BEFORE APPLYING INSULATION (All insulation materials): For stainless steel surfaces, provide same protection as for piping per Clause 10.4 11.5 11.6 APPLICATION (All materials): Following, Provided by the vessel fabricator for insulator/ cladding support/ securement, as indicated in enclosed Fig. No. 13, 16 & 19 shall be verified for their presence by the insulation contractor, before commencing insulation work : For vessels of diameter 2000mm and above are provided with insulation support at horizontal center line as also vertically at tangent lines. Ring support at tangent lines are provided with 6mm Ø holes. These are to be used for insulation securement. At vessel heads above 600mm outside diameter are provided with flats having 6mm Ø holes. The flats are for insulation support and holes provided in them are to be used for insulation securement. Also provided on either head is a central ring made of 10mm Ø glavanised steel rod. For vessels which do not have central nozzle, these rings shall not be provided by vessel fabricator. For such vessels, insulation contractor shall provide these rings. Boot of vessel, if any is provided with circular support ring with holes, as indicated in Fig. No. 26. 11.7 Blanket shall be applied over the surface with joints tightly butted and laced together with 1mm Ø galvanised lacing wire. Other block insulation shall be applied with the longer dimension parallel to the axis of the vessel or equipment. When blocks are applied in multiple layers, all joints in successive layers shall be parallel to the long axis, shall be staggered and sealed with insulating STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR HOT INSULATION DOC NO . : QPS-PI-HI-101 SHEET : 21 OF 59    PROCESS SOLUTIONS PVT. LTD. PIPING AND EQUIPMENT REV DATE : 0 : 21.11.10 cement for calcium silicate or suitable adhesive for others. In all cases, the insulation is to fit the contour of the vessel or equipment, so that the use of a leveling coat of insulating cement should not be normally necessary to get an acceptable smooth exterior. 11.8 INSULATION SECUREMENT (All insulation materials) (See Fig. 13 and 14): a) Each layer of insulation on shell of equipment shall be secured by bands at every 225 mm centers. Each band shall be machine stretched and tensioned to remove slack only. b) Each layer of insulation on vessel heads shall be secured as follows : Band shall be in radial direction connecting the head central floating ring and shell girth ring. The radial bends shall be placed at not more than 150mm centers for regid and 300mm for fibrous insulation, measured at the girth ring. These bands shall be machine stretched and sealed. Outermost layer of insulation shall also be supported by drawing and securing 16 SWG annealed steel wire through the 6mm diameter holes provided in the shell grith ring as also the flats provided on heads. The wire shall be drawn through every hole and it shall be secured to the ring with a knot. 12. Insulation shall be laid on insulation support rings provided by the fabricator. .3 MATERIAL: Fibrous material shall be same as specified for horizontal equipment.) The joint shall be provided at insulation support rings. Polyisocyanurate and cellular glass shall be same as for horizontal equipment. Calcium silicate.4 Corrosion protection shall be applied before applying insulation (All insulation materials) Corrosion prevention before applying insulation for stainless steel surfaces shall be same as specified for horizontal equipment. 13. top and bottom heads shall be similar to that of horizontal equipment. 14 & 15): a) Bottom and top head insulation shall be supported by 16 SWG annealed galvanised steel wire drawn through holes in the insulation supports provided by the fabricator.11. PIPING AND EQUIPMENT REV DATE : 0 : 21.1 12. It shall be a 25mm space between the top of the insulation and the bottom of the support ring. 13 & 14): Application details on shell. b) Top head insulation shall be secured by floating ring/ bands provided by vessel fabricator similar to head or horizontal vessel.10 12. Firm securement should be ensured just by 16 SWG annealed wire drawn over insulation tightly and through the holes on support rings provided by the fabricator. 12.STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR HOT INSULATION DOC NO . c) Shell insulation shall be supported by bands at every 225mm centres on the cylindrical portion and the bands shall be kept horizontal. 12.7 EXPANSION JOINTS (All insulation materials): Expansion joints shall be provided every 4000mm (max. d) Insulation Securement for Bottom head for vessel supported on legs shall be identical to that of Top head. See enclosed sketch (Fig. 12. No.0 VERTICAL EQUIPMENT: 12. 22).5 Application (All insulation materials) (Fig. e) For insulation securement of bottom heads inside skirt no floating rings/ bands need be provided. : QPS-PI-HI-101 SHEET : 22 OF 59    PROCESS SOLUTIONS PVT.6 INSULATION SECUREMENT (All insulation materials) (Fig.2 12. LTD. The space shall be filled up by compressed Rock-wool fiber. b) Otherwise. PIPING AND EQUIPMENT REV DATE : 0 : 21. . these shall be insulated with lined removable prefabricated covers secured with bands or quick release toggle clips.STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR HOT INSULATION DOC NO . a sufficient distance to permit withdrawal of bolts without disturbing the rem inder of the insulation. LTD.11. CHANNEL COVER. NOZZLE.10 13. MAN-WAY AND HANDHOLE FLANGED COVER (All insulation materials): a) Where insulation is required. Insulation shall be weather proofed and sealed at these locations. insulation shall be stopped short of uninsulated flanges and nozzle etc. : QPS-PI-HI-101 SHEET : 23 OF 59    PROCESS SOLUTIONS PVT.0 FLANGE.. .STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR HOT INSULATION DOC NO . COMPRESSORS.10 14.1 Corrosion Protection: For SS surfaces at all temperatures. provide same protection as indicated for piping. PIPING AND EQUIPMENT REV DATE : 0 : 21.2 14. Clause 10.11.0 IRREGULAR SURFACES SUCH AS PUMPS. : QPS-PI-HI-101 SHEET : 24 OF 59    PROCESS SOLUTIONS PVT. lined with mineral rock / glass wool pipe sections / lags/ slabs / mattresses. LTD. TURBINE ETC: 14.4 14. application and insulation sacrament: This shall be prefabricated removable aluminum covers.3 Application: Fibrous Material : Material. speed washers shall be furnished by insulation contractor.4 MATERIAL: FIBROUS MATERIAL (ROCK / GLASS WOOL): Shall be in the blanket form. c) Cladding Support form tank top. Insulation contractor shall check for its presence before insulation application work.3 15.7 15. water shed is provided to act as top covering for the shell insulation as shown in Fig.5 SHELL: Refer Fig.STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR HOT INSULATION DOC NO . Mattress insulation shall be applied with joints tightly butted and laced together with 1mm Ø galvanised lacing wire.9 ROOF (for all materials): Application of both fibrous and polyisocyanurate shall be similar to that as for shell. Following is provided by tank fabricator. 15. In the case of multiple layers.0 VERTICAL STORAGE TANK (Carbon Steel): 15.8 TANK ROOF: Tank roof shall be provided as per Fig. While rods are provided by tank fabricator. Insulation supports from 5mm Ø MS lugs shall be exactly same as in shell. a) Water Shed At the junction of shell and roof. INSULATION LAYING AND SECUREMENT: SHELL: Application of fibrous insulation: Insulation shall be applied between rings in horizontal mode. Matts shall be impaled to the 5mm rod and speed washers fixed and pressed home for intimate contact of the insulation.No. b) Insulation Support will consist of 5mm Ø steel rods provided at 400mm Ø diamond pitch.11.2 15. speed washers are necessary only over the final layers. horizontal rings shall be provided at every 1175mm on tank shell.6 15.10 INSULATION FINISH (TANK): 15. (upto and including 150mm). Length of these lugs is 3mm less than insulation thickness. No. PIPING AND EQUIPMENT REV DATE : 0 : 21. 21. Rods and speed washers of spring steel should be selected to suit each other. Insulation shall be further secured by bands spaced centrally between insulation supports.-20 & 21. 15.11 GENERAL: . 15.10 15. APPLICATION: SUPPORTING RINGS / SPIKES (RODS) FOR SUPPORTING INSULATION / CLADDING: 15. LTD. No. 20 & 21 This Standard indicates the extent of insulation/cladding supporting/ sacrament details provided by tank fabricator.1 15. : QPS-PI-HI-101 SHEET : 25 OF 59    PROCESS SOLUTIONS PVT. . the insulation shall be protected from the weather by “Alkathene” film type tarpailin or similar materials approved by Engineer-in-Charge.STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR HOT INSULATION DOC NO . At junctions in the glass cloth. to a minimum.11. A 3mm thick coating of mastic shall be applied to the surface of the insulation as soon as possible. : QPS-PI-HI-101 SHEET : 26 OF 59    PROCESS SOLUTIONS PVT. When dry this coating shall be a minimum of 1.12 MOISTURE BARRIER: On all surfaces provided with fibrous materials and calcium solicate for surface upto 125 ºC. PIPING AND EQUIPMENT REV DATE : 0 : 21. During the drying time. A second 3mm thick coat of mastic shall be applied after approximate 12 hrs. after erection. Care shall be taken to ensure that the glass cloth is laid smooth and free from wrinkles and that no pockets of air are trapped beneath the surface. Care must be taken. LTD. the overlap shall not be less than 75mm.10 15. to reduce the time the insulation is exposed to the weather. glass cloth shell be laid over the surface and embedded in thd mastic. apply a breathing type moisture barrier as below. however to ensure that the individual coats are not greater than 3mm (especially corners) otherwise some cracking of dried coat may be result the mastic shall not be applied over wet insulation or until the adhesive is dry.50mm thick. Whilst this coat is still wet. One bend shall be located on each circumferential lap and the distance.1 PIPING (For all materials): a) Straight pipe shall have metal jacketing cut and machine rolled. All laps shall be arranged to shed water. g) On vertical piping with O. 16. larger than 250mm shall be supported from the next lower section each two ‘S’ clips. f) Each section of metal covering on vertical piping with insulation outside dia. LTD. PIPING AND EQUIPMENT REV DATE : 0 : 21.D. c) At all operating temperature the seams at overlap positions shall be rendered watertight per clause 8. : QPS-PI-HI-101 SHEET : 27 OF 59    PROCESS SOLUTIONS PVT. shall be provided at all longitudinal overlaps for both horizontal & vertical piping. The ‘J’ clip spacing shall be minimum of two per band All ‘J’ clips shall be screwed into position and secured. shall be metalled with ‘lobster back’ segments using 10mm minimum ball swage to assist shaping.14 to ensure that insulation remains dry and unwetted.0 INSULATION FINISH (PIPING): The insulation finish shall provide a weatherproof and mechanical damage resistant covering over the whole of the insulation areas and be applied and fitted in such a manner as to provide a close fitting assembly without gaps. hose or fire sprinklers. The bend securing seals shall be kept neatly in line the positioned away from viewing angles as much as is possible. fabricated from banding material.11. The metal bands shall be screwed with self-tapping screws and metal sealants are to provide to get a completely waterproofed arrangement. whether the possible water impingement is from rain. Between laps divided at equal bend spacings.10 16. of 600mm and larger. with 50mm minimum overlaps on both longitudinal and circumferential overlaps. b) A single bend shall be made on all overlaps to ensure tight metal-to-metal water tight arrangement. h) Insulation bends and elbows in piping 80mm and larger. 1 meter long) wrapped around. The ‘S’ clip shall be of sufficient length to allow the minimum overlap of 50mm. . (approx.STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR HOT INSULATION DOC NO . the securing bends shall be supported by ‘J’ clips. e) Vertical overlaps on vertical or near vertical piping shall be staggered to provide overlaps at ‘North’ and ‘South’ positions in alternate sections of covering. at every 150mm. d) The metal coverings shall be secured tightly around the insulation pipe and held in place with hands on a maximum of 300mm centers. i) Insulation bends and elbows in piping smaller than 80mm may use complete pressed humped back flat metal elbows or fabricated ‘stove pipe’ elbows. Self-tapping screws. fabricated form banding material. and shall be so arranged that staggered bands of paneling . Refer Fig. with the longer dimension applied around the circumference of the equipment insulation.14. 8.14. The overlaps shall be arranged to shed water at all times. LTD. d) The panels shall have a minimum overlap of one corrugation on vertical joints and 80mm on horizontal joints. e) The vertical and horizontal overlaps shall be secured with self tapping screws at 150mm pitch except the horizontal overlaps pre-selected to act as expansion joints. 8 X 12mm long self-tapping set in the overlap at 150mm intervals. which are not supported by ‘j’ clips.STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR HOT INSULATION DOC NO . h) The panels shall have a minimum of 80mm overlap on both longitudinal and circumferential edges.10 j) The practice of locating all joints in the top portion of elevated horizontal pipes for the sake-of-good-appearance when looking up from grade shall be strongly discouraged. f) All equipment projections such as nozzles shall have the jacketing sealed using a metal flashing. The joints shall be located to shed water. shall be held in position on cladding by providing pop rivets every 2 meter centers. Those bands. both overlaps being finished with a simple ball swage and rendered watertight as detailed in clause 8. Each circumferential ring of panels shall be tensioned by means of tensioning bands until the final joint is screwed tight.11. Bands shall be held in their relative positions with ‘J’ clips and be machining stretched and sealed to remove slack only. b) The panels shall be applied commencing at the bottom of the vessel. No. The seal between the flashing and jacket shall be made watertight by use of self-tapping screws and sealing mastic. PIPING AND EQUIPMENT REV DATE : 0 : 21.14 the bands shall be positioned on all horizontal overlaps and at 450 mm centers. c) The panels shall be held tight over the vessel insulation by means of circumferential bands and sealed per.2 EQUIPMENT (All materials): a) The metal jacket over vertical vessel shells shall be constructed of sheet metal panels with the weight of the panel taken on the equipment insulation support rings. cut to fit the projection and extending above the jacket at least 80mm. via angle brackets bolted to the panel. i) Horizontal overlaps shall be secured with No. 16. ‘S’ clips shall be used as sheeting support at unscrewed circumferential overlaps. : QPS-PI-HI-101 SHEET : 28 OF 59    PROCESS SOLUTIONS PVT. these shall be constructed with a 150 mm overlap and shall remain unscrewed and left free to permit expansion. g) Horizontal cylindrical equipment shall be furnished with flat metal jacket arranged in circumferential bands with the edge of the sheets. 22 for details. All overlaps shall be rendered watertight as per 8. . roof and curb angle. Bolts are provided by tank fabricator at 300mm centers on angles provided at every 1175 centers vertically.14. k) The insulated heads of vertical and horizontal equipment shall be fabricated from flat metal. steel bands over cladding to be provided every 800mm and also to coincide at every horizontal cladding overlaps. f) Horizontal stainless steel.5 VERTICAL STORAGE TANKS: Cladding Applications and Securement: Shell (Fig. In order to prevent sliding of the bands downwards. Bands shall be tightened. locked and lock fastened featuring stainless steel fastening systems. e) Insulation shall be tucked into the skirt portion of the curb angle. n) Heads of equipment's 24” OD and smaller shall be finished and waterproofed with square ended fabricated covers. 20 & 21 every 1500mm.11. m) Insulation at bottom heads of fully skirted equipment does not require weatherproofing. d) Cladding shall be secured to support ring by bolting. j) The metal finish shall be banded and sealed at 450mm centers. No. PIPING AND EQUIPMENT REV DATE : 0 : 21. aluminium washer and nut shall be supplied by insulation contractor for all bolted connections at shell. Vertical overlaps shall not be screwed for horizontal equipment. 20 & 21 Felt washer. in an “Orange peel” construction with all radial seams overlapping a minimum of 50 mm and secured with self-tapping screws at 150mm centers. The seal between flashing and jacket shall be weatherproofed with self-tapping screws and mastics. All overlaps shall be ball swaged and be rendered water tight per 8.STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR HOT INSULATION DOC NO . at both horizontal and vertical overlaps shall be alternately by “POP” Rivets & self-tapping screws at 150mm (min. Shell cladding and extended roof cladding shall be secured to curb angle by bolting as per Fig. l) Projections from the heads shall be sealed using metal flashings.10 encircle the equipment. neatly cut to fit around the projections and extending above the jacket for a minimum of 80mm. 16.No. b) Overlaps in the horizontal joints shall be 50mm (min. : QPS-PI-HI-101 SHEET : 29 OF 59    PROCESS SOLUTIONS PVT. 20 & 21): Cladding is applied over the system of horizontal rings as follows: a) Overlaps in the vertical joints will be one corrugation.No.).) c) Cladding to cladding fastening. 19. Cladding is secured as indicated in Fig. the bands shall be secured to the cladding using POP rivets at horizontal pitch not over 2 meters.4 16. LTD.3 16. 75mm overlap shall be ensured at all joints. PIPING AND EQUIPMENT REV DATE : 0 : 21.STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR HOT INSULATION DOC NO . b) Min. d) Cladding shall be secured by bolting at every 300mm provided by tank fabricator. cladding-to-cladding securement shall be provided by self-tapping screws and proprivets alternately. 20 & 21. see Fig. : QPS-PI-HI-101 SHEET : 30 OF 59    PROCESS SOLUTIONS PVT. LTD.No. c) At all joints. For details of cladding arrangement and bolting. .6 ROOF: a) All cladding joints shall be sealed by electrometric metal sealants.11. every 150mm centers.10 16. Consumable materials. will be arranged by the contractor’s.10 17. g) The rates quoted by the contractor’s must be inclusive of the following : • • Handing and transportation of all items at site.2 CONTRACTOR’S CONDITIONS: a) Mode of measurement will be as per IS : 7413-1981 & IS:7240-1981. a) Open space for storing contractor’s materials shall be provided. c) Supply of cement. PIPING AND EQUIPMENT REV DATE : 0 : 21. 17. before starting up the work. b) Water and Electricity supply. food etc. c) Contractor has to maintain certain registers under the contract & the same shall be shown to the personnel department as and when asked for.STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR HOT INSULATION DOC NO . e) Contractors should comply with ESIS rules and challan of ESI payment should be submitted regularly during the tenure of the contract. b) Contractor should submit the copy of the contract labour license to the personnel Dept.1 OWNER’S OBLIGATIONS: Following free facilities shall be provided near the work site. LTD. : QPS-PI-HI-101 SHEET : 31 OF 59    PROCESS SOLUTIONS PVT. d) Contractor has to maintain certain register under contract labour act. f) Transportation for contractor’s crew and their accommodation.0 ANNEXURE – I: 17. .11. 0 ANNEXURE – II: HOT INSULATION (IH): Recommended thickness in various temperatures for mineral wool.STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR HOT INSULATION DOC NO . PIPING AND EQUIPMENT REV DATE : 0 : 21. 60 °C TO 100 °C 25 25 25 40 40 50 50 65 65 75 75 75 Thickness in mm 100 °C TO 140 °C 25 40 40 40 50 50 65 65 75 75 75 75 140 °C TO 180 °C 40 50 50 50 65 65 65 75 75 75 100 100 180 °C TO 210 °C 50 50 50 65 65 65 75 100 100 100 100 100 . Insulation Thickness Pipe Size NB (mm) 15 20 25 40 50 65 80 100 125 150 200 Flat Sur.10 18. LTD. Conductivity 0. m ° C.039 kcal/hr. : QPS-PI-HI-101 SHEET : 32 OF 59    PROCESS SOLUTIONS PVT. Density of Mineral wool 120 kg/m³.11. 2. 25 25 25 40 Pipe O. : QPS-PI-HI-101 SHEET : 33 OF 59    PROCESS SOLUTIONS PVT. Bonded Mineral Wool Mattress. PIPING AND EQUIPMENT REV DATE : 0 : 21. (mm) 15 20 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 & Above Flat Sur.0 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 .D. Insulation Thickness in mm OPERATING TEMPERATURE ° C Nom.11.0 ANNXURE – III: TYPE OF INSULATION (IS): 1. LTD.10 19. Dia. (mm) 21 27 34 48 60 89 114 168 219 273 324 356 406 457 ≥ 125 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 126 TO 150 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 151 TO 200 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 201 TO -32. Bonded Mineral Wool Pipe Section.STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR HOT INSULATION DOC NO .
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