STANAG 4370.pdf

March 23, 2018 | Author: Cirstea Nicoleta | Category: Nato, Government, Politics, Unrest, Armed Conflict



NATO UNCLASSIFIEDSTANAG No. 4370 (Edition 1) NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANIZATION (NATO) --`,,,,`,,,,`,`,,,,``,``,`````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- I MILITARY AGENCY FOR STANDARDIZATION (MAS) STANDARDIZATION AGREEMENT (STANAG) SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL TESTING Promulgated on 31 May 1994 jor-General, ITAF airman, MAS COPYRIGHT 2003; North Atlantic Treaty Organization COPYRIGHT 2003; North NATO UNCLASSIFIED Document provided by IHS Licensee=Shorts Missile Systems Ltd/9984550100, User=, Atlantic Treaty Organisation 09/09/2003 02:57:02 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 1-800-451-1584. . RATIFICATION. Nations may propose changes at any time to the tasking authority where they will be processed in the same manner as the original agreement. Ratification is "The declaration by which a nation formally accepts the content of this Standardization Agreement".``. Page iv (and subsequent) gives detailsof reservations and proprietary rights that have been stated. 5.`.. North Document provided by IHS Licensee=Shorts Missile Systems Ltd/9984550100..`. IMPLEMENTATION AND RESERVATIONS 7. Page iii gives the details ofratificationandimplementationofthis agreement. Ratifyingnations haveagreed thatnational orders.`.``. Atlantic Treaty Organisation 09/09/2003 02:57:02 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 1-800-451-1584. No departure may be made from the agreement without consultation with the tasking authority.. Reference/date of Date Signature amendment entered EXPLANATORY NOTES AGREEMENT --`.. User=. IrnDlementation is "The fulfilment by a nationofitsobligations under this Standardization Agreement".`--- 1. North Atlantic Treaty Organization COPYRIGHT 2003.. . If no details are shown it signifies that the nation has not yet notified the tasking authority of its intentions.`.... DEFINITIONS 4. N A T OS T A N A G m 4 3 7 0 ED*L*AMD*O 9 4 W b b 5 4 9 4 0 0036419 947 W NATO UNCLASSIFIED RECORD OF AMENDMENTS No. ii NATO UNCLASSIFIED COPYRIGHT 2003. 3. This NATO Standardization Agreement (STANAG) is promulgated by the Chairman MAS under the authority vested in him by the NATO Military Committee.`.`.. 2. Reservation is "The stated qualification by a nation which describes that part of this Standardization Agreement whichit cannot implementor can implement onlywith limitations"...`````-`-`. 6. manuals andinstructions implementingthis STANAG will includeareference to the STANAGnumberfor purposes of identification. NATIONAL RATIFICATION NAT I ONAL IMPLEMENTATION/MISE EN APPLICATION TION REFERENCE DE IMPLEMENTING LA RATIFICATION NATIONALE DOCUMENT FORECAST ACTUAL DATE NATIONAL DE DATE P R E W E REELLE MISE EN APPLICATION NAVY ARMY AIR _____~ MER TERRE BE GSA 931679 AECTP of/du 24.`. . North Document provided by IHS Licensee=Shorts Missile Systems Ltd/9984550100. 423/4/70018/A E 301 ofldu 10.AETCP 5/94 5/94 5/94 ofldu 26.. North Atlantic Treaty Organization COPYRIGHT 2003..03..`...N. STANAG 4 3 7 0 J Edit i o n 1) RATIFICATION AND IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS STADE DE RATIFICATION ET DE MISE EN APPLICATION NA.10.`..1 1.07.`````-`-`. User=..``...69-S 4370/MAM4-16044 A Em ofldu 30..04.93 GE GR N' 5730/13/44O0 IT USG Pr0t.`. Atlantic Treaty Organisation 09/09/2003 02:57:02 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 1-800-451-1584..92 FR Note n' 19322lDMEID STANAG .93 NO MAS-l016/92/B/FO/SEK/ML/ STANAG 4370 6/94 6/94 6/94 STANAG 4370 m SP TU UK D/DStan/341/8/4370 DEF STAN O0 35 ofldu 6.`.``.92 NE MET PAS EN APPLICATION ~~ ~~ ~ ~ NL M93010730 of/du 16.`. iii - 9 2mv --`.01.`--- 437Oiiì OTAN SANS CLASSIFICATION COPYRIGHT 2003.93 I I CA DA MA 204..09.92 & STANAG us .94 LU BO 2657192 NOT IMPLEMENTING/ ofldu 8. Nuclearwarfare. AGREEMENT 2.. Chemical warfare. NATU ON C L A S S I F I E D Agreed English/French Texts STANAG 4370 (Edition 1) NAVY/ARMY/AI R NATO STANDARDIZATION AGREEMENT [STANAG) ENVIRONMENTAL TESTING Annex A: ListofAlliedEnvironmentalConditionsandTestPublications (AECTPs).`.. Thefollowingenvironmentsareexcludedfromthisagreement: a. Atlantic Treaty Organisation 09/09/2003 02:57:02 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 1-800-451-1584...`. North Document provided by IHS Licensee=Shorts Missile Systems Ltd/9984550100. Forthepurposeofthisagreementthefollowingtermsaredefinedasfollows: a. EnvironmentalTestinq. mechanical and electrical environmental conditions or their effects which influence materiel performance.`.``..... The aim ofthisagreementis to giveguidelinesonthemanagementofenvironment testing of defence materiel and to standardize environmental testing processes. ParticipatingnationsagreetousetheAECTPslistedatAnnexAinnationalprojects and/ormulti-nationaljointprojectslprogrammesforthedevelopmentandprocurementofdefence materiel... TERMS AND DEFINITIONS 5. b. Related documents : AppropriaterelateddocumentsarereferencedintheindividualAECTPs covered by this STANAG. NATU ON C L A S S I F I E D 4370pro.`--- COPYRIGHT 2003.`````-`-`.``. C.`. Biological warfare..`..e -1- --`.`. . and have been agreed by them. User=. LIMITATIONS 4.Thatpartof a materieltrialsprogrammeconcerning the simulation of expected climatic.withtheexceptionofelectromagneticpulse. 3. AIM 1. Changes to theAECTPswillbeincorporatedintothepublicationsandwillbeaccepted as part of them provided the changes have been formally offered byAC1301 to national authorities concerned. North Atlantic Treaty Organization COPYRIGHT 2003. `.AECTP400.. to meet particular project requirements. The series of AECTPs.Mechanical Environmental Tests. This STANAG is implemented by a nation when it has issued instructions to its forces that defence materiel should be developed. N A TSO T A N A G * 4 3E7D 0 *:L*AMD*O 74 6 6 5 4 7 4 0 O036423 5T5 NATO U NCLASSIFIED STANAG 4370 (Edition 1) -2- Test b. tolerances andpass/fail criteria to simulate or increase the severity of the effects of one or more environments to which materiel is likely to be subjected during its life cycle. The process of choosing or altering test sequences.``.`. 7.e -2- COPYRIGHT 2003..`````-`-`. North Document provided by IHS Licensee=Shorts Missile Systems Ltd/9984550100.`. 0. Electrical Environmental Tests. North Atlantic Treaty Organization COPYRIGHT 2003. TestMethods.`. Any such standard tests/methods shall be subject to tailoring.. Further terms and definitions are listed in the respective AECTPs and/or Methods.aredescribedinAECTP 300... Atlantic Treaty Organisation 09/09/2003 02:57:02 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 1-800-451-1584. as listed at Annex A.Proposalsforamendmentsandupdating of the STANAG.`--- Secretary AC1301 NATO Headquarters 111O Brussels. BELGIUM IMPLEMENTATION OF THE AGREEMENT 11.. GENERAL 10.. conditions.DefinitionsofEnvironments. is divided into Guidelines on Management Planning. andAECTP 500.. ALLIED ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS AND TEST PUBLICATIONS 6.`.`. tested.AECTPs and/or Methods may be submitted through the appropriate channels to: Defence Support Division --`.. Definitions of Environments. AECTP-200 provides references to such definitions. Point of contact. ClimaticEnvironmentalTests. will providebaseline data to project managers and test establishments when developing environmental test requirements.Internationallyagreeddefinitions of environmentswhich defence materiel is likelytoencounter. AECTP-100 provides general guidelines for the management of environmental test programmes in such procurement projects.Tailorinq. Manaaement. User=. as necessary.Standardenvironmentaltestmethods.. and Environmental Tests. . 9. values. NATU ON C L A S S I F I E D 4370pro.. Internationallyagreed test andevaluationmethodologyandprocedures facilitateinteroperabilityand the reciprocalprocurement of defence materiel byNATOnations. assessed and qualified in accordance with the Allied Environmental Conditions and Test Publications as covered by this agreement. as agreedby the participating nations.. procedures.``. LowPressure. HumidHeat.`. Method308. Method403. Method 404. Method312... Vibration + Temperature + Acoustic AECTP 500 . Method309.Environmental Testing . Method304..Immersion.Electrical Environmental Tests Test Methods for this series are being developed... Method303.`. Method402. Contents List (1) Method 301. --`.`. Acceleratlon Method 41 3.LowTemperature.`. User=.Definitions of Environments.. GeneralRequirements Method302.. North Document provided by IHS Licensee=Shorts Missile Systems Ltd/9984550100.Mechanical Environmental Tests Contents List (a) Method401.MouldGrowth.ThermalShock.. (I) Furthermethodsareunderdevelopmentandwillbepublishedwhentheyareavailable.. Method307. Atlantic Treaty Organisation 09/09/2003 02:57:02 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 1-800-451-1584.. Method 306..`````-`-`.Acoustic.`.Climatic Environmental Tests.SaltFog.Shock.`. AECTP 300 .`--- COPYRIGHT 2003.Vibration. .. ~~ ~~ N A T OS T A N A G m 4 3 7 0 ED*L*AMD*O 74 E bbS4940 0036422 431 NATU ON C L A S S I F I E D A-I ANNEX A to STANAG 4370 (Edition 1) LIST OF ALLIED ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS AND TEST PUBLICATIONS (AECTPsl AECTP 100 . Combined Environment.``. North Atlantic Treaty Organization COPYRIGHT 2003. AECTP 400 .``.HighTemperature.Guidelines on Management Planning AECTP 200 .SolarRadiation.Environmental Testing . Method305.
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