SriVaishnava Aacharya Thaniyan



Sri: Sri Ramanuja at Sri Perumbudur Sri Vaishnava Guru Parampara (Exalted Oran-Vazhi Lineage of Teachers) Vedics Foundation: SUGGESTED DONATION: $Y.YY Achaarya Lineage 1 Sridhara (SrimanNarayana) 2 Sri (Maha Lakshmi) 3 Vishvaksena 4 Sattakopaya 5 Nathamuni 6 Pundarikaksha 7 RamaMisra 8 Yamunacharya 9 MahaPurna 10 Sri Ramanuja 9 Embar 8 ParasaraBhattar 7 NanJeeyar 6 Nampillai 5 VadakkuThiruvidhiPillai 4 PillaiLokacharya 3 ThiruvaiymozhiPillai 2 Manavala Mamuni 1 Sridhara (SrimanNarayana) 2 Sri: Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha: Srimath Varavara Munaye Namaha: VEDICS PUBLICATION Vedics Foundation ( Table of Contents Our Acharyas Picture: Necklace of our Acharya Lineage Sri Visvaksena Sriman Nathamuni Sri Uyyakondar Sri Manakkal Nambi Sri Parasara Bhattar Sri Nanjeeyar Sri Nampillai Sri Vadakku Thiruveedi pillai Sri Pillai Lokacharya 4 9 10 11 13 14 15 18 21 25 26 Swami Manavala Mamunikal at Sikkil Kidaaram 3 srI vadakku-th-thiruveedhip piLLai 16. srI embAr (srI gOvinda bhattar) 12. Given the goal of reciting/meditating upon the guruparampara. Meditating upon the salutations to our AchAryAs remind us of their greatness. till srI anantAzhvAn. the lineage completes a full circle with the Lord at the top of the list. srI nanjIyar 14. and after that. The following are the salutations to the lineage of teachers right from the Lord srIman nArAyaNa himself all the way to srI maNavALa mAmunigaL. one’s direct guruparmpara does not go through the lineage as mentioned above. and the circle completed by the relationship between the Lord and srI maNavALa mAmunigaL. and then rAmAnuja. his AchAryan and so on till it reaches rAmAnuja. srI viSvaksEna 4. srI nampiLLai 15. his AchAryan. Hence. srI periyavAchchAn piLLai) 17. srI maNavALa mAmunigaL 19. our AchAryAs advise us to medidate upon our guruparampara. it is common for everyone.Our acharyas The srIvaishNava AchArya guruparampara is our greatest gift. his AchAryA and so on. that was composed by ranganAthA himself). srI puNdarIkAkshar (srI uyyakkoNdAr) 7. srI mahApUrNa (srI periya nambi) 10. the AchArya parampara goes through srI thirumalai anandAnpiLLai krisNhamAchAriAr (current AchArya). srI piLLai lOkAchAriAr (15b. for descendants and/or followers of one of the branches of the thirumalai anandAnpiLLai AchArya purusha family (that are descendants of ananthAzhvAn). srIman nArAyaNa (Lord ranganAtha) 2. The lineage is as follows: 1. Every day. the two salutations are included. srI rAma miShra (srI maNakkAl nambi) 8. given their stature and prominence. and usually branches after rAmAnuja. the guruparampara will start with the current AchAryan. kUrattAzhvAn and srI periyavAchchAn piLLai are in the literal sense. 1 . back to Lord ranganAtha Note: srI. the better for us. However. srI parAsara bhattar (11a. many elders have included their salutations too in the lineage. Especially for descendants and/or shisyAs of the 74 simhAsanAdhipathis established by rAmAnuja. then periya nambi. srI kUrattAzhvAn) 13. In many cases. srI rAmAnuja (emperumAnAr) 11. Hence. the more AchAryAs that we can meditate upon. as well as the qualities that they had. srI nammAzhvAr (srI saTakOpa) 5. srIman nAdha muni 6. srI ranganAyakith thAyAr 3. not part of the guruparampara lineage. The Lord Himself considers srI maNavALa mAmunigaL to be his AchArya (evidenced by the salutation. For example. srIman yAmuna muni (srI AlavandhAr) 9. AlavandhAr and so on till perumAL. and indirectly this reminds us of the kind of qualities that one needs to aspire to have. then srI aruLAlap perumAL emperumAnAr. srI thiruvAymozhip piLLai 18. for the descending order. for the ascending order. z>a6U+8 z>epU&aTn@8z>a6}yNzy =(OnN=T=Nv+&OnNslk6UOn&=6U8  !rgfknatrf !sftnap4r]mf Etj@ !rgfEk3Symf ~SfrEy | cinftam]imiEvatf3p4anftmf utfsgfEk3 `nnft Ep4aki3n@ || srI ranganAthar srI sthanABharaNam thEja: srIrangESayam AsrayE | chinthAmaNimivOdhBhAntham uthsangE anantha BhOgina: || z>a6Uy=%(]=ay=]a=‚) UN8z>a6UyEy y+&=v&N&nn8 }=}nuyv }y=UMU‰n=N+N@6n  !rgfknayki (epriy piradfF) nm@ !rgfk3naykfAy ytf3pf4Yrvipf4rm Ep4tt@ | :ESSitvfy Avxmfy nimfEnanfntmit3mf jk3tf || srIranga nAyaki (periya pirAtti) nama: srIranga nAyakyai yadhBrUviBrama Bethatha: | ISESithavya vaiShamya nimnOnnathamidham jagath ||  =v|vEkU8 z>aW(=O+aNk=N=O+ay=vŽnN=vOyey=vev=(+=(OUyU=+%aN y[=UvŽly=U}NW=N+y vkUOyNOy=vNFenN=k=zyN  viSfvkfEsnrf !rgfk cnftirmsminftirya vihrftfTmf vinfysfy visfv citcinfnynatikarmf | 2 . meditate upon one’s immediate AchAryA. meditate/recite in the order as given below .In such cases. through perumAL) We hope that you find the following useful in remembering our great AchAryAs.e. elders suggest the following 1. please inform us so that we can correct the mistake.. periya nambi. and so on till emperumAnAr.e. His AchArya. and then follow the common path (i. AlavAndhAr etc. do the meditation of the guruparampara in the ascending and descending order 2. If you find any mistakes in the transliteration.i. perumAL through emperumAnAr through maNavALa mAmunigaL 3. E=n=kO1v  !mnf nat3Mnikqf nEmaScinftfyatf3p<4takflixfd jfwanAvrakf3y raSEy | nat3ay MnEySk3at4 p4k3vtf3p4kfti sinft4Ev || srIman nAdhamuni namO achinthyAdh BhuthAklishta gnyAna vairAgya rASayE | nAdhAya munayE agADha Bhagavadh Bhakti sinDhavE || z>sxyE%R)a( z>]R)a>%J8) UN8]%@UnyUpz>]+]%@ Oyenkv&ayeNn%Upy1>Nn  3 .Eya nirfvhtfy nismgfKli MtfrAyv Esnanfymnfy viMkasftm cicfriyam || vishvaksEna srIranga chandiramasa mindirayaa viharththum vinyasya visva chidhacinnayanAdhikAram | yO nirvahathya nisa manguli mudrayaiva sEnAnyamanya vimukhAsthama sisriyAma || UMN€va Nn=]nyvny8nUy=v&=nekvNy+v=UyNUN+OvyUN eyU8%]nv%=&aNNz>Nnn+=Cy6N]TN=NN0U nmfmazfvarf mata pita y<vtysf tnya vip>4tisf srfvmf yEt3v niyEmn mt3nfvyanamf | ~tf3ysfy n@ KlpEtrf vKqapi4rammf !mtf tt3gfriy<k3qmf pfr]mami YMrftf4na || nammAzhvAr mAthA pithA yuvathayas thanayaa viBhUthis sarvam yadhEva niyamEna madhanvayAnAm | aadhyasya na: kulapathE: vakuLABhirAmam srImath thadhanGri yugaLam praNamAmi mUrDhnaa || z>NOU+N=U8 UN=(Oly.nE=fwDUv a5ya}y U+yNUy61&6v. ! u yfykfeka]fdarf nm@ pgfkj Entfray nat2 !pat3pgfkEj | nfysffytf srfvp4rayasfmtf Klnat2ay tI4mEt || srI uyya-k-koNdAr nama: pankaja nEthrAya nATha: srI pAdha pankajE | nyasyath sarva BarAyAsmath kulanAThAya DhImathE || z>aN=Nz(z>NTE%U=$) ylUnyNUNlN+k%]n]T=UfHyT y8H>nvUe=pny va?yUN=NnaNNNyklvN  ! m]kfkalf nmfpi4 `ytfnEta yaMnmatfmt3asmf `qrfkfk ptfrarfp] nixfkfrEy] | y@ kfrIt vanasfti2t eyqvrajfymf nmami tmf rammEmy stfvmf || srI maNak-k-Al nambi ayathnathO yAmunamAthmadhAsam aLarkka pathrArpaNa niShkrayENa | ya: krItha vAnAsThitha yauvarAjyam namAmi tham rAmamamEya sathvam || z>yNUN=U(z>v+a) y+]+&aŽ0yU=v0ven}g%€Ng8 vennN]ynŽyNUyUN=Nn  ! ~qvnft3arf ytf3pt3amfEp4aRhtf4yan vitf4vsftaESx klfmx@ | vsfTtaMpyaEtahmf yaMEnymf nmami tmf || srI AlavandhAr yadh padhAm BoruhaDhyAna viDhvasthASESha kalmaSha: | vasthuthAm upayAthOham yAmunEyam namAmi tham || z>NŽ]T(z>]=ayU=$) %N]=n%€yT6TN n=Ugvy ]T%NyknnN]TyNŽnUN8  4 . ! epriy nmfpi3 kmlapti klfya] K3]amfRt niExvya | p>rf]kamay sttmf p>rf]ay mhEt nm@ || srI periya nambi kamalApathi kalyANa GuNAmrutha niShEvayA | pUrNa kAmAya sathatham pUrNAya mahathE nama: || z>aNU@ y=UlyN'yn]+N$@y5NaENuyNŽnen=+na=Tn TyNU eN+6a8&6vney+y %=kO18aNU@ey(aT }aT]]  ! ramaNjrf Eyanitfymf `cfy<tpt3amf p<3jy<kf3mRkfm vfyaEmahtsf tti3tra]i tfR]ay EmEn | `sfmtf K3Erarf p4k3vEtasfy t3Ayk sinfEt4a@ ramaNjsfy cre]a Sr]mf pfrptf3Ey || srI rAmAnujA yO nithyam achyutha padhAm bujayugmarukma vyAmOhathas thadhitharANi thruNAya mEnE | asmad gurOr BhagavthOsya dhayaika sinDhO: rAmAnujasya charaNau SaraNam prapadhyE || z>4$a(z>6=vO+@>ya) aNU@]+'(y6=vO+“U]yU> n+ylneva]k@>yON+=v|aNep>  ! eymfp3arf ramaNj pt3cfcaya Ek3avinft3ahfvanpayinI | tt3aytft sfvYRpa sa jIyanfmtf3viSfrmsftlI || srI embAr (srI gOvinda jIyar) rAmAnuja padachchAyA gOvindAhvAna pAyinI | thadhAyaththa svarUpA sA jIyAn madh viSramasthalI || z>%aln€vU z>vlk=(=NzQyUNsE=nN1>N=Ž y+Eneny>%RmyO=nN6knnN  ! Prtftazfva[f !vtfs cihf[ misfErpf4Eya nm ukfti mtI4mhi | yT3kftysftfryIk]fEd2 yanfti mgfk3q sHtfrtamf || 5 . srI kUraththAzhvAn srI vatsa chinha miSrEBhyO nama ukthi maDhImahi | yadhukthayas thrayIkaNTE yAnthi maNgaLa sUthrathAm || z>]aka&‚a z>]aka&‚y8z>a6}] ba=Žn8 z>vlkYkn8z>NU|aykNen&yk  ! praSr p4dfdrf ! praSr p4df2d2arfy@ !rgfEk3S p<Erahit@ | !vtfsagfksJt@ !manf SfEryEs EmsfT p>4yEs || srI parAsara bhaTTar srI parAsara bhaTTArya: srIrangESa purOhitha: | srI vatsAnkasutha: srImAn srEyasE mEsthu BhUyasE || z>U@>ya UNv+Onv+yy@6ON6Žnv yeyv6N nka]=an&vUny  ! nwfjIyrf nEma Evt3anft Evtf3yay jk3nf mgfk3q EhtEv | ysfy vak3mfRtasarp>ritmf p<4vntfrymf || srI nanjIyar namO vEdAntha vEdyAya jagan maNgaLa hEthavE | yasya vAgamruthA sAra pUritham Bhuvanthrayam || z>UM=]€  v+Onv+yN nv=aa}8v+pkaN n]aN5yN +yvgOnNŽ]]%aRy]TN%=v =a+kN  ! nmfpiqf^q Evt3nft Evtf3yamfRt variraES@ Evt3arftft saramfRt p>rmkf3rfymf | ~t3ay vrfxnftmhmf pfrptf3Ey kaR]fyp>rf]mf kli^vrit3asmf || srI nampiLLai 6 . vEdAnta vEdyAmrtha vAri rASE: vEdArtha sArAmrutha pUramgryam | AdAya varshanthamaham prapadhyE kAruNya pUrNam kali vairi dAsam || v)E%l=nav>=+\=]€  z>% fT]+]+#@UN=N=}akk+ yl]k+]&vUkv=k=/a&ONN  vdkfKtftiRvItipf piqf^q ! kfRxf] pat3pat3apf3Ej nmami Sirsa st3a | ytf pfrsat3pfrp4aEvn srfv sitf3ti4rp>4nf mm || vadak-k-kuth thiruvIdhip piLLai srI krshNa pAda pAdAbjE namAmi SirasA sadA | yath pradAdapraBhAvEna sarva sidDhiraBhUn mama || z>]=ayv'(U=]€  z>Nl% fTkN“yUNyNUkUv yl%wJ %”yTNk&8z>1aek+ ! epriyvacfca[f piqf^q !mtf kfRxf]smahfvay nEma yaM[ sHnEv | ytf kdaAXk lXfya]amf sJlp4@ !t4rsf st3a || srI periyavAchchAn piLLai srImath krshNasamAhvAya namO yAmuna sUnavE | yath katAkshaika lakshyANAm sulaBha: srIdharas sadhA || z>=]€ %(ya %(y6 av% fT]+eykUv kka&=FkO+fw@>v@>vnvUN8  ! piqf^q Elakacariyarf Elakacarfy K3rEv kfRxf]pat3sfy sJnEv | smfsar Ep4aki2snft3xfd jIvjIvatEv nm@ || srI piLLai lOkAchAriAr lOkAchArya guravE krshNapAdasya sUnavE | samsAra BhOKi sandhaShta jIvajIvAthavE nama: ||   7 . Swami maNavALa mAmunikaL is chronogically the last of the set of AchAryAs known as “poorvAchAryAs” – the primary AchAryAs. by having a connection to Sri Ramanuja. The AchArya Parampara starts and ends with the LORD himself. or the earlier AchAryAs. Thus.z>=navyN=\=]€  UN8z>} Upy%On>U6a@ONU ]k+#+]aN]\y% %a}=U  ! tiRvayfemazipfpiqf^q nm@ !Aslnat2ay KnftI nk3r j[fmEn | pfrsat3lpf3t3 prmpfrapfy Akgfkrfy SaliEn || srI thiruvAymozhip piLLai nama: srISaila nAThAya kunthI nagara janmanE | prasAdhalabdha parama prApya kainkarya SalinE || z>NTvNN=U z>} }+y]nN1>&Ely=+6TTvN yn>+]vTvO+aMy@NnaNN=UN  ! m]vaq maM[ikqf !ASElS t3yapatfrmf tI4p4kftfyati3 K3]arf]vmf | ytInftf3pffrv]mf vnfEt3 rmfy jamatrmf M[imf || srI maNavALa mAmunigaL srIsailEsa dayApAtram DheeBhakthyaadhi guNaarNavam | yatIndrap pravaNam vandhE ramya jAmAtaram munim || Sri Ramanuja is the main jewel in our Acharya Lineage. 8 . The lineage is represented as a necklace of precious gems. It starts with Ramanuja as the central jewel of the pendant among teachers and connects to first Acharya. who is the Lord Himself. All Sri Vaishnavas. The fist page shows the depiction of the above lineage in a nice garland. The Achaarya parapmara is completed by Lord himself when He symbolically took srI maNavALa mAmunikaL as HIS own Acharya. Uniqueness in all the Acharyas messages is they all speak with one voice. are linked to God as their first Acharya. all their works will support one another and are true to the Vedas – samskrit vEda and the tamizh vEda. Achaarya Lineage 1 Sridhara (SrimanNarayana) 2 Sri (Maha Lakshmi) 3 Vishvaksena 4 Sattakopaya 5 Nathamuni 6 Pundarikaksha 7 RamaMisra 8 Yamunacharya 9 MahaPurna 10 Sri Ramanuja 9 Embar 8 ParasaraBhattar 7 NanJeeyar 6 Nampillai 5 VadakkuThiruvidhiPillai 4 PillaiLokacharya 3 ThiruvaiymozhiPillai 2 Manavala Mamuni 1 Sridhara (SrimanNarayana) 9 . In every major temple. Among all the nithyasUris (ever-liberated souls). Before the Lord goes out (in ceremonial procession). and inspects the route to make sure that they are “safe” and fit for the Lord to take. srI visvaksEna is the first. the king who rules over all the sentient and insentient beings is considered to be under the control of the dhandam (stick in the hand) of visvaksEna (like a President/Prime minister. He is considered as the sishya of Sri mahAlakshmi (by virtue of his place in the Acharya lineage). and an idol of visvaksEna. TheLord and His consorts (srI dEvi. enters the courtyard. Our teachers explain this concept in a very beautiful style (in tamizh. Our Lord. visvaksEna goes ahead of time in the same route that the Lord will take. sEnai mudhanmaiyAr) is the commander in chief of the Lord’s army. This doesn’t mean that the Lord is ruled over by visvaksEna.SRI VISVAKSENA Sri VisvaksEna. there is a sanctum sanctorum for visvaksEna. bhU dEvi. Sriman nArAyaNa. visvaksEna (who is a old person). and thereby has confidence in him to take all decisions. nILa dEvi) are present in the private courtyard that they normally spend time in. Our teachers point this out and say that even the Lord and His consorts give abundant respect to His elderly person (visvaksEna) who takes care of all the issues in His kingdom (which is this universe). and the chief of staff of the army). and the acharya of srI SatakOpa (nammAzhvAr). without any notice. and they hide themselves under the cot. The Lord has handed over the responsibility of running the day to day activities of the universe to visvaksEna. in the divyadEsam of thiru-alli-k-kENi Salutation (thaniyan): tulAkathEthi nagarE poorvAshAdA samudhbhavam padmApadhAmbhujAsaktham sEnAdhipamaham bhajE Srirangachandiramasa mindhirayA viharthum vinyasya vishva chitha chinnayanAdhikAram ! yO nirvahathya nisamanguli muthrayaiva senAnyamanyavimukAsthama sisriyAma !! srI visvaksEna (in tamizh. Suddenly. The consorts of the Lord are taken aback. rasam). He is the prime representative of the Lord in all 10 . who is under the control of his ministers. or rituals in the temple like the holy bathing of the Lord). Sriman NATHAMUNI Nathamuni ( Courtesy Srimatham. a ritual worship (ArAdhana) is done to srI visvaksEna so that all obstacles to the performance of the main ritual are Salutation: Vyomna: Parasthath savitham samethya Lakshmya nyogath kurukathiraja: SamanthraRajathvayaMaha yasmai Nathaya thasmai munaye Namosthu” “namO achintya adhbutha akliShta jnAna vairAgya rASayE nAdAya munayE agaadha bhagavad bhakti sindhavE” 11 . in sanskrit). Our teachers teach us that it is srI visvaksEna who taught the deep esoteric concepts (rahasyArtha) of our religion to srI nammAzhvAr. dhanda and the fourth hand showing the sign of wisdom (jnAna mudra) }. the star of pooraadam (uttara aashaada) The slOka that we all recite before chanting vishNu sahasranAmam – “yasyath viradha vakrAthyA: pArishadyA: parassadham ! vignam nignanthi sadhatham vishvaksenam thamAsrayE !!” is in fact a prayer to srI visvaksEna to remove all the obstacles that hinder our path of thinking about the Lord. He is found with 4 hands {caturbhuja form – 4 hands containing the shanka. charka. srI visvaksEnA’s appearance day is in the tamizh month of aippasi (thula. Prior to most rituals (family rituals like entering a new house. replied “These songs are part of thiru-vAy-mozhi. Thiru-vAi-mozhi and other holy compositions were lost a long time ago. doing service to the Lord of the yamuna river bank – yamuna-i-th-thuraivan. One day. srI nAthamuni became ecstatic. in south tamizhnAdu). and srI maNavALa mAmunikaL – “aruL peRRa nAthamuni mudhalaam nam dEsikarai allaal pEdhai manamE uNdO pEsu” {oh confused mind! Is there a lineage of AcharyAs other than the one which starts from srIman nAdhamuni?} srIman nAthamuni was born in veera nArAyaNa puram (present day kAttu mannAr kOvil. and reached thiru-k-kurukoor (present day AzhvAr thirunagari. He took leave from the deity of the temple. and sang 10 songs. vrindAvan. they performed service at the Lord’s temple by lighting lamps. These songs have been given to us by our forefathers. that person may get the grace of nammAzhvAr. After this incident. He helped his father Isvara muni in performing service at the local temple. There is noone who knows them. Even though the srIvaishNava religion has existed from time immemorial.” On hearing this. ghatikAchalam. near thiru-nel-vEli. and srI nAthamuni and yAmuna muni in the middle” “nAthO pajzam pravrutham bahupir upAsaitham yAmunEya prapanndhai: Thratham samyak yathinrairitham akila thama: karsananum num” The above two slOkAs state that srIman nAthamuni occupies a central role in the spread of the srIvaishNava sampradAya. We also do not know of anyone who knows all the 1000. and we keep reciting them”. and after pilgrimage of places ahObilam. ayOdhyA. The srIvaishNavAs replied “Unfortunately. the foremost of all devotees of the Lord. These 10 songs were incredibly beautiful and thoughtful. A person by the name of srI parAnkusa dAsa happened to be there. Suddenly. srI nAthamuni was always immersed in thought about these songs. The first song started with the word “ArA amudhE” – “Oh! My limitless nectar!”. kAchipuram and srIrangam. srI Isvara muni named his son as srI ranganAtha. srImad dvAraka. the yamuna river bank. srI nAthamuni asked him about the songs that he had heard. returned to their hometown. who was born in the lineage of a great devotee of nammAzhvAr. and with tear filled eyes requested srI parAnkusa dAsa to teach it to him. after learning went the shade 12 . he realized that there was a word “kurukoor sadagOpan” in the last song. Moved by the songs. and paid his respects to the Lord at the temple there – polindhi ninRa pirAn – “The Lord who gives out radiance”. making garlands and singing sweet songs about the pastimes of the Lord. They lived on the banks of yamuna. young ranganAtha was initiated into learning the vEdAs.The following are excerpts from two common slOkAs that we recite everyday: “lakshmI nAdha samArambhAm nAtha yAmuna madhyamAm” (With the consort of Lakshmi in the beginning. who was the priest at the local temple for the Lord. srI mannAr (the presiding deity at their homeplace) appeared in their dream and asked them to come back to Him. and proved to be an accomplished learner. One day. At the proper age. one day.000 times with great devotion and meditation. and the last song had the phrase “Or AyiraththuL ip-paththum” – these 10 songs among the 1000. But. and they left for the next holy place. At their hometown. and who composed them. One day. they took leave of the Lord of the yamuna banks. sALagrama and badrinath. we do not know any more than these 10 songs. Elders say that if someone learns these 11 poems. and recites them 12. we know the 11 poems of a work called kaNNi-nun-ciRuth-thAmbu. srI gOvardhana giri. So. it has become prevalent among many people only after srIman nAthamuni – this is said by svAmi vEdAnta dEsika “nAthOpajzam praviruththam”. and curious about them. srI nAthamuni. as srI ranganAtha was attending to his services. He wanted to learn all the 1000 songs from them. and left for a pilgrimage of holy places north of veera nArAyaNa puram. he might get more answers. srI ranganAtha (srI nAthamuni) asked the srIvaishNavAs if they knew the 1000 songs. and maybe if he goes to the place kurukoor. a group of srIvaishNavAs from the western land (mElukOte) came to worship the Lord. srI parAnkusa dAsa. They went to places like srI mathura. both the father and son took leave of the presiding deity of the temple (srI mannAr). near chidambaram in tamilnadu) to srI Isvara muni. srI uyya-k-koNdAr continued to reach the great concepts (the esoteric meanings. chEtlUr sendAlankAradAsar. Eru thiru udaiyAr.000 times with deep devotion. thiru-k-kurugai kAvalappan. They were – srI uyya-k-koNdAr. but also esoteric concepts (rahasyArthAs). sokaththu AzhvAn.of a tamarind tree (the same tree. After srIman nAthamuni left for the abode of the Lord. he taught the holy compositions to key disciples. nambi karuNAkara dAsar. Can one even imagine a situation where we do not have these holy compositions? srI nAthamuni had 11 prominent disciples. The other names by which he is referred to are – padmakAksha. a place near srIrangam. the thiruvAymozhi etc. When he completed reciting them. He was born on the day of the star kriththika. What is known is as follows. srI uyya-k-koNdAr’s place of birth is thiru-veLLarai. It is very accurate to say that without srIman nAthamuni. thiru-k-kaNNamangai ANdAn. Sri UYYAKONDAR Salutation: “NamasyAm Aravindhaksham Nathabhave Vyavasthitham Sudhdhasththvamayam SowreravathAramivaparam” Namah: pankaja nEthraya Natha SripAda PankajE Nyastha SarvaparAyAsmath kulanaadhaaya DhimathE” Life history: Very little is known about the life history of srI uyya-k-koNdAr. and recited the songs 12. the ashtAnga yOga techniques and its meanings. srI uyya-k-koNdAr predicted that a son would be born to srI Isvara Bhattar (another disciple who also happens to be the son of srI nAthamuni). He also blessed us with the following works – nyAya tattva sAram. Unfortunately all the above works are non-existent today. and set them to music and dance. and that this son should be named after the Lord of the banks of the river yamuna .yamunai-th-thuraivan. thiru-alli-k-kEni pAn perumAl araiyar. a voice echoed from the heavens “What do you desire”?. we will NOT have the great wealth of knowledge we have. This great tradition of singing the holy compositions with dance and music continues to this day at major temples. srI nAthamuni resided in thiru-k-kurukoor for a while. There. srI uyya-k-koNdAr was anointed as the leader of all devotees by srIman nAthamuni. also called srI puNdarIkAksha. It is known that he anointed srI maNakkAl nambi as the next preceptor. under which srI nammAzhvAr lived when he was on this earth). vAnamAmalai deivanAyaka ANdAn. His prominent disciples were srI maNakkAl nambi. uruputtUrAr Achchan. and through divine powers taught srI nAthamuni not only the holy compositions (divya prabhandham). svAmi nammAzhvAr took great delight at this request. keezhai agaththu AzhvAn and mElai agaththu AzhvAn. 13 . in the month chaitra. srI nAthamuni immediately realized that it was the voice of srI nammAzhvAr.) to his disciples who included srI rAma miSra (srI maNakkAl nambi). Also. rajIvAksha and aravindAksha. and then left for veera nArAyaNapuram. and said “svAmi! Please give us back thiru-vAy-mozhi and other holy compositions” with great veneration. kOmadam thiruvinnakappan and ulagaperumAL nangai. yOga rahasyam and Purusha nirNayam. srI piLLai karuNakara dAsar. He started to rule the kingdom. and became sad. a son was born to srI Isvara muni in the month of aadi in the star of uththarAdam. and taught all the esoteric meanings and the holy compositions to his disciples. just as lakshmaNa was serving rAma. srI uyya-k-koNdAr first saw the two children. As predicted by srI uyya-k-koNdAr (and srI nAthamuni). namAmi tham rAmam amEya saththvam” Life History: svAmi maNakkAl nambi was one of the prominent disciples of srI uyya-k-koNdAr. The cooks said that an elderly scholar brought them without fail for the past 14 . and the cooks cooked them for the king. He also was so pleased with srI maNakkAl nambi that he taught the esoteric meaning of one of the most important slOkAs in our religion (the dvaya mantra) to him again. aLarka patrArpaNa nishkrayEna ya:kreethavaan aasthitha yowvarAjyam. srI uyya-k-kondAr asked the girls how they managed to get home without getting their feet muddy as there was so much water left from the rain in the past two days all over the place. with outstretched hands across the puddle and asked the two small girls to walk on his back so that they wil not get dirty. and got married at the proper time. There was a fairly large puddle of water that the girls could not cross without getting their feet muddy. srI nAthamuni.Sri MANAKKAL NAMBI Salutation: “Anujjitha ZhaMayogama punya Janapadhakam Asprushtamatha ragam tham Ramam dhurya mupAsmahe” “Bhagavad bhakthi dhukThapthi krthaKadAvaKA hanam Nimuktha Thapathrithayam SriRamam Saranpa saraye” “ayathnathO yAmunam Athma dAsam. srI maNakkAl nambi took care of all the household activities at his house. srI yamunai-th-thuraivan was educated in the proper sAstrAs and the various branches of spiritual knowledge (vEdAs). They were hesitating to cross the puddle. They mentioned that the king liked a green called thUduvaLai (a local green with medicinal properties). After srI uyya-k-kondAr passed away. SrI maNakkAl nambi named the baby as “yamunai-th-thuraivar” (later came to be known as yAmunAcharya). On seeing this. and suddenly srI maNakkAl nambi stopped giving the greens. When they reached home. the king – yamunai-th-thuraivan asked the cooks what the matter was. Later. srI uyya-k-koNdAr immediately summonded srI maNakkAl nambi and gently chided him for doing this. and was not allowed to go near the king. srI maNakkAl nambi started to bring this green every day. doing some chores. srI maNakkAl nambi was escorting the two little girls from their playground to the house. he was given half the kingdom (of the place where he was residing). and generally took little interest in spiritual activities. Especially after srI uyya-kkondAr’s wife passed away. srI maNakkAl nambi went to the palace to meet the young king. he inquired the kitchen cooks as to what the most favourite dish of the king was. and srI yamunai-th-thuraivan. One day. and was given the name “ALavandhAr” – the one who came to rule. srI maNakkAl nambi lay down. and srI uyya-k-koNdAr had passed on to srI maNakkAl nambi the great wealth that is the srIvaishNava religion. The children told him what had transpired. This happened for a few months. srI maNakkAl nambi served srI uyya-k-koNdAr. srI maNakkAl nambi took over the leadership of the devotees. srI maNakkAl nambi was inside the house. For 12 years. though he was the grandson of srI nAthamuni. After four days of food without his favourite green. srI maNakkAl nambi learned about this. This included taking care of the two little daughters of srI uyya-k-koNdAr. This incident in his life history will be elaborated upon in the section on srI ALavandAr. Undeterred. was not bothered about this great wealth at all. and suddenly stopped bringing them. one of the twins. he wanted to see him. and asked srI maNakkAl nambi about the wealth. srI maNakkAl nambi replied that he had to teach it to yamunai-th-thuraivan over some time. he felt that yamunai-th-thuraivan was ready to receive the crown jewel of all the wealth. the cook took them to the king. He and his wife AndAl carried on in their daily life by consuming the food they received in alms after offering the same to the Lord. and he cried “I have wasted so many years”. came to Srirangam renouncing all his wealth in his native place called Kuram.. After a few days. According some other interpretations. Yamunai-th-thuraivan was surprised to hear this. srI maNakkAl nambi brought the green again. in tamizh). yamunai-th-thuraivan was moved to tears. After this instruction. foremost among the disciples of Swami Ramanuja.D. it is between 1073 A.D and 1078 A. This time. On one particular 15 . and showed him the beautiful Lord who resides there. That the birth of the twins is attributed to the divine grace of Lord Sriranganatha is seen in the following story. by now taken the path of ascetics. and learnt the wealth (all that was taught by srIman nAthamuni to his disciples which was passed along to srI uyya-k-koNdAr and srI maNakkAl nambi) from srI maNakkAl nambi. The king told that the next time the elderly person comes. There are various versions on the duration of his lifespan ranging from 30 years to 90 years. Sri PARASARA BHATTAR Salutation: srI parAsara bhattArya: srI rangEsa purOhitha: | srIvatsAnka suta srImAn srEyasE mEsthu bhUyasE || Life history: svAmi parAsara Bhattar was one of the twins born to kUrattAzhvAn and AndAL. One such year of birth is 1062 A. and was widely known as srI ALavandAr) – “ “You.few months. and in the star of anurAdha (anushAm.D. The king asked “Why were you bringing this for a few months? Is there anything you need from me?”. On seeing the Lord. and ordered the cooks to bring the elderly person to him if he comes.the other one being SrirAma Pillai also known as vEdavyAsa Bhattar. He stayed in the palace. Although it is known that he was born in the month of “vrishaba”. though was very wealthy. After this. the year of his birth is not accurately known due to conflicting information from various sources. srI maNakkAl nambi told yAmunai-th-thuraivan (who had. and would like to give it back to you”. KUrattAzhvAn. He took the young king ot SriRangam. he left for the abode of the Lord – srIvaikuNTa. propagate it and do not forsake SriRangam”. I know about the wealth that was handed over by your forefathers. When he was ready to leave this earth for the abode of the Lord. and taught the 18 chapters of srI bhagavad gIta to yamunai-th-thuraivan along with its meanings.was named by Swami Ramanuja himself in honor of the great sage who wrote ‘Vishnu PuraNa’. who is related to SriNathamuni should follow His teachings. Parashara. srI maNakkAl nambi replied – “I do not need an wealth from you. I know where it is hidden. He stayed back in srIrangam. to be eaten by devotees). I have been uttering dvaya in their ears for their safety“. did you do this?” Embar replied “ Yes. and had to go to bed without food. He was married to a girl named Akkacci from MahapurnA’s family with the help of Ramanuja’s intervention. Then Ramanuja said “ You be their AchArya!”. Parashara Bhattar is said to be the son of Sriranganatha Himself.When he was just 5 years old.Sri Parasara Bhattar rainy day. Because of this. Embar a. he asked his father why NammAlvAr used mutually contradictory adjectives “siru” (small) and “mA” (big) as in “siru mA manishar” (literally. where a person collected just enough grains to eat for the day from people who were willing to give). he was taken to the temple and put in a cradle there which was rocked by none other than Sriranganayaki Herself. small big human being) for which AzhvAn replied that it meant that some. Twins were born to them that year reminding one of the births of Sri Rama and his brothers after their mothers consumed the payasam in the putrakAmEshti yagna conducted by Dasaratha. Sri Embar brought the babies to show him. AzhvAn could not go out to collect alms (as was the practice of renounced people in those days – a practice called “uncha vritti”. It is said that when he was just a baby. In no time. Accordingly. Subsequently. “There is the fragrance of dvaya mantra near these babies. AndAl heard the temple bell ringing announcing the nightly offering of food (‘naivEdyam’) to Lord Sriranganatha and thought to herself . Parashara got initiated into the Vedas and divya prabhandham after his upanayanam at the age of eight. could be big in knowledge. he got a son by name Naduvil Tiruvidhi Pillai. AzhvAn took just a little bit and gave two morsels to AndAl and sent the rest back. 16 . though small in build. the priest of the temple knocked on their door with all the temple paraphernalia and prasadam (food that is offered to the Lord. Is it right on your part? “ . When Swami Ramanuja came to the twins’ naming ceremony. Ramanuja asked of Embar. Parashara had the unique privilege of a highly prodigious mind from childhood . reciting ‘dvaya’ mantra in the their ears to ward off evil.“Lord! You are enjoying your food when your ardent devotee is kept hungry. He was so fortunate to have been nurtured directly by stalwarts of Srivaishnavism namely Swami Ramanuja himself. KUrattAzhvAn and Embar. Bhattar himself has mentioned this in Srirangarajastava (shlOka 17) as “ SrirangarAja kamalApada lAlitatvam”.a Govinda Bhattar became their AchArya subsequently.k. Known for its candid and clear style this brings out the pangs experienced by an ardent devotee when separated from the chosen deity. this work is in eight verses. SriguNaratnakOsha: This hymn is addressed to Sri comprising 61 stanzas. which are popularly known as “Bhattar’s nirvAhams”. Sriranganatha stOtra: This is a beautiful lyric in six verses. Bhattar is credited with several original interesting elucidations and interpretations of parts of the divya prabhandhams. The Tamil works are KaisikapurANa and commentary on a particular stanza of Tirumangai Alvar’s TirunedundAndakam called “Maivannanarungunji”. Adhyatmakhandadvaya vivarana and LakshmIkalyana nAtaka. The vEdAntin was completely taken away by this and became Bhattar’s desciple immediately. For some time Bhattar had to leave Srirangam and live in Tirikkottiyur as a protest against a chieftain when he encroached the house of Pillai Pillai AzhvAn in order to build the outer wall of the temple and retuned to Srirangam only after the chieftain’s death. The vEdAntin agreed to have a debate. The first four verses are devoted to explanation of the ashtAkshara and the next two expound dvaya and the last two. Brief description of some of the works follows: AshtAshlOki: As the very name indicates. Bhattar defeated him after nine continuous days of intense debate. Marked by brevity and clarity. Bagavadgunadarpana: This is the masterly commentary on Visnusahasranama which forms part of the AnusAsanaparva of the Mahabharata. the supremacy of the Lord and his inseparable relation with Sri Mahalakshmi. Srirangarjastava. He also discusses the sarIraatma-bhava between the universe and the Lord. Bagavadgunadarpana. pacifying the anger of her Lord . he took Swami Ramanuja’s permission and arrived at TirunArAyanapuram. The concept of purushkAra between the Lord and the Jiva owes much to the picture of Lakshmi as described by Bhattar in this work. hita and purusartha according to the visitadvaita school and brings out the glory of the Supreme Lord as ‘saguna’ Bramha. On the tenth day. When he arrived. Then Bhattar welcomed him by saying “ nam (our) Jeeyar has come!” and since then the name ‘namjeeyar’ or ‘Nanjiyar’ came to be known. Bhattar then went to the feast next day and stood next to the vEdAntin and when asked whether he was Bhatta and what he wanted. the local people told him that it would be impossible to see him without defeating his associates in intellectual discussions and advised that he go attend the daily feast conducted by the vEdAntin. Bhattar condemned advaita giving a discourse on TirunedundAndaham. Bhattar wrote twelve works – ten in Samskrita and two in Tamil in addition to a number of individual verses in Samskrita. KriyAdIpa. Drawing profusely from the episode of Sita in the rAmAyana . TatvaratnAkara. SrIguNaratnakOsha. this explains the essence of three important secrets of the Srivaishnava religion namely the ashtAkshara. The Samskrita works are : AshtaslOki . charamaslOka. Subsequently the vEdAntin gave up worldy possessions and took up sanyasa and went to see Bhattar in Srirangam. There was a very learned and well known vedAntin in TirunArAyanapuram whose fame Bhattar also came to know and got the strong desire to bring him to the vishitAdvaita school of thought. documented history of the life of our teachers). In guruparamparAprabhAva (the authoritative. The vEdAntin had also heard of Bhattar and his intellectual accomplishments. he answered in the affirmative and said that he had come seeking intellectual debate with the vEdAntin. Sriranganatha stOtra. Bhattar explains the tattva.Swami Ramanuja inspired Bhattar to write the highly scholarly commentary ‘bhagavad guna darpaNa” – (the mirror that shows the divine qualities of the Lord) on Sri Vishnusahasranama. the following vivid description is given of how Parashara won over an advaita vEdAntin in TirunArAyanapuram to bring him to the Srivaishnava fold. Tatvatraya. In this. the state of release. Towards this end. the dvaya and the charamaslOka. Bhattar justifies the motherhood of Lakshmi engaging her Lord in a lively and lovely conversation. It is said that Bhattar 17 . It contains 232 verses and is divided into two sections called Purvasataka and Uttarasataka. dvaya and the charamashlOka. The interpretations he offers are from different viewpoints taking each decade as a unit closely connected with one another. near Mysore in Karnataka. Srirangarajastava: This is the longest and the most important stOtra composed by Bhattar. and the gardens surrounding the temple. claims of other schools of thought regarding purport of upanisadic texts. These standpoints are those of tirumantra. the environs. One of Nanjeeyar’s greatest contributions was the identification (and anointment) of srI nampiLLai as the next leader of the sampradAyam. Sri NANJEEYAR Salutation: namo vedAnta vedyAya jagatmangaLa hetave yasya vAkamruta sArapUritam bhuvanatrayam Sri Nanjeeyar was the disciple of Sri Parasara Bhattar. He was born in the city of Thirunarayanapuram. 18 . the nature of mOksa and the like. Commentary on Maivannanarunkunji: This is a highly elaborate commentary on a particular stanza of Tirumangai Alvar’s Tirunedundandkam. the Kaveri. The first section deals with glory of Ranganatha including description of the temple. Bhattar offers a variety of interpretations for this verse in the general context of the entire section which contains 30 stanzas. He grew up in the town of Kankorai. Life history: It is believed that Nanjeeyar lived from 1113 CE to 1208 CE (95 years).composed this stOtra when he had to go away from Srirangam due to the displeasure he incurred of the Chola chieftain. the son of Sri kUrattAzhvAn and the acharya of Sri Nampillai. He was the first acharya to write commentaries for both Thiruvaymozhi as well as prabandhams of other Azhvars. His commentaries are the earliest ones that have a style of explaining each word and phrase that the AzhvArs use in the pAsurams. and then quoting other teachers in detailing the meanings. The uttarasataka deals with the supremacy of the Lord. He was the direct disciple of Parasara Bhattar and it was to him that Bhattar handed over the stewardship of the religion. Madhavacharyar asked him why he was not eating with the other brahmins then. Bhattar replied that he did not come there for food but that he wanted the alm of philosophical debate. he was generally referred to as “vEdAnti. Bhattar then told the Brahmin that he should have told Vedanti that Bhattar also knew Thirunedunthandagam. Vedanti was then wondering about this work that he had not come across before. Vedanti agreed that he had lost and that the interpretation of the Vedas according to Visistadvaitham was the true philosophy. due to old age Ramanuja was unable to do the same with Madhavacharyar and therefore gave the task to Bhattar. Upon seeing that the local people told Bhattar that he would not be able to meet Vedanti if he went like that. He accepted the challenge and a debate raged for nine days between them. Bhattar replied that he was waiting for some alms. He was renowned as an acharya in the Advaitic tradition initially. Therefore. Vedanti was eager to meet Bhattar. and gave him the name Arulala Perumal Emperumanar. This shows the greatness of Nanjeeyar. On the tenth day. Once a Brahmin from Srirangam met him and told him about Bhattar’s greatness. Bhattar aked him what he told Vedanti. surrounded by his disciples.Sri Nanjeeyar Nanjeeyar’s original name was Madhavacharyar. Ramanuja had already done a similar act with the advaitin Yajnamurti. They advised him that Madhavacharyar was in the habit of feeding brahmins each day and if he went as one of those brahmins. From that time on. As Vedanti. in a procession. Since he had outstanding knowledge of the Vedantas. He surrendered at the divine feet of Bhattar who then performed pancha samskaram to him and returned to Srirangam. The next time the Brahmin met Vedanti he repeated that to him. Madhavacharyar instantly recognized that it was Bhattar who was thus challenging him. he will able to meet him quickly. When the brahmin met Bhattar and told him the incident. There Bhattar met Madhavacharyar who asked him why he was waiting there. before leaving this world called Bhattar and told him about Vedanti and asked that Bhattar correct him and being him into the Srivaishnava fold. Nanjeeyar lived with great fame in Thirunarayanapuram. Bhattar dressed as a poor brahmin and went to his place. However. 19 . The Brahmin replied that he told Vedanti that Bhattar knew all sastras. Bhattar then later traveled to Thirunarayanapuram to challenge Vedanti. Swami Ramanuja. He went there in a palanquin. Vyakhyanams. He therefore divided his wealth into three portions. Nambur Varadacharyar was known as nampiLLai. Nanjeeyar then continued to live with Bhattar in Srirangam and became a close disciple to him. Nanjeeyar spoke a few words about its meanings and attained paramapadham. a few brahmins came to his house and his wives sent them away without food. These events bring out the best in the Srivaishnava Sampradhayam. NampiLLai would go on to inherit the sampradhaya leadership from Nanjeeyar and become the next great acharya of the tradition. Nanjeeyar did his work under the order of Parasara Bhattar. Nanjeeyar took over the leadership of the sampradhayam in Srirangam. Varttha Mala. Bhattar. a disciple of Ramanuja. He then renounced this world and took sanyashrama dharma and left for Srirangam to meet Bhattar. a person called Petri came to see him and asked him what he wished for. to write vyakhyanam in maNi pravALam (a mixture of Tamil and Saskrit) for Azhvars prabandhams. Anandazhvan told him that if he continued to live as usual by eating when hungry. These stories also show the immense devotion that Nanjeeyar had for his acharya. Anandazhvan then blessed him saying that having done it he should now be born in Thirumantra and grow in Dvaya and recite nothing but Dvaya. a disciple of his. gave two of the portions to his wives and took one portion to give to Bhattar for service to the Lord. From that day on. Nanjeeyar would ask very many questions to Bhattar and Bhattar would answer them with amazing dexterity. Varadacharyar lost the palm leaves as he tried to swim across the Cauvery river. There are countless stories in Guru Parampara Prabhavam. From that day forward. It is interesting to note that while Pillan wrote his work under the order of Ramanuja. Varadacharyar fell at his feet and told him what had happened. As he was mouring the great loss. that he would not be rejected from paramapadham. Bhattar then picked him up calling him “nam jeeyar” (Our Jeeyar) and embraced him. to write down his works in silk sheets. It is said that when Arayar recited the fourth pasuram of the pathigam. he was met by Sri Anandahzvan. On the way. When he questioned Varadacharyar about the same. the Lord appeared hin his dream and told him to write them again from his memory. This event must have occurred around 1137 or 1138 CE. Upon returning to his house and hearing the news. He then gave his works in palm leaves to Varadacharyar who then left for his home town of Nambur to write them down. Nanjeeyar replied that he would like to hear Arayar recite the Periya Thirumozhi pasuram “thUviriyamalaruzhakki” and also see the front and behind beauty of Namperumal as He comes in a procession. Once. So much so. Works: Nanjeeyar was the first acharya after Thirukkurugaippiran Pillan. etc which recount events of interaction between Bhattar and Nanjeeyar. Vedanti came to be known as Nanjeeyar. This was arranged for and Varamtharum Perumal Arayar recited the pasuram. Guru Parampara also records that Nanjeeyar saw Namperumal in a procession as per his wish and then speaking a few words of good advice to his disciples including Nampillai. There was no need to become a sanyasi. After Bhattar attained paramapadham. In Upadesa 20 . Nanjeeyar was amazed to see that the sheets contained his words but also additional references that he had made in discourses but had not put down in writing. When Varadacharyar returned the silk sheets to Nanjeeyar. he reached His abode.Madhavacharyar then continued to live in Thirunarayanapuram with his two wives and all his wealth. taking a bath when sweating and surrendered at Bhattar’s feet. When Vedanti reached Srirangam he fell at the feet of Bhattar. When Nanjeeyar was old and not well. Nanjeeyar then picked him up and embraced him and called him “nam piLLai” (Our Son). At this time he selected Nambur Varadacharyar. Madhavacharyar grew greatly dejected with his wives in their failure to feed the poor. it became known in the sampradhayam that there was no one to ask questions like Nanjeeyar and that there was no one to answer them like Bhattar. Ratthinamalai. theNdiraisoozh thiruvarangam sezhikkavanthOn vAzhiyE seemAthavanennum selvanAr vAzhiyE paNdaRaimaRaith thamizhpporuLaip pagaravanthOn vAzhiyE panguniyil uththiranAL pAruthiththAn vAzhiyE ondodiyAL kalavithanai ozhiththittAn vAzhiyE onbathin AyirapporuLai Othumavan vAzhiyEeaNdisaiyum eNdisaiyum seerbattar iNaiyadiyOn vAzhiyE ezhilperugum nanjeeyar inidhu oozhi vAzhiyE SRI NAMPILLAI Salutation: vedantavedyAmrutavArirAshe: vedArtthasArAmruta pUramakruyam | AdAyavarshantamaham prapadye kAruNya pUrNam kalivairi dAsam || Sri Nampillai was the disciple of Sri Nanjeeyar and the acharya of Sri Periyavaccan Pillai. Manavala Mamunigal mentions that Nanjeeyar wrote several vyakhyanams . His vyakhyanam “eedu 36000ppadi”. His works are: • Thiruvaymozhi OnbathinAyirappadi Vyakhyanam • Thiruppavai IrAyirappadi Vyakhyanam • Kanninun Sirutthambu Vyakhyanam • Thiruppallandu Vyakhyanam • Vyakhyanams for the Thiruvanthathis • Saranagati Gadya Vyakhyanam • Of these works. 21 .“nanjeeyar seytha viyAkkiyaigaL nAliraNdukku”. only OnbathinAyirappadi Vyakhyanam and Kanninun Sirutthambu Vyakhyanam are available now. popularly known as just “eedu” is considered the greatest vyakhyanam written for Swami Nammazhvar’s Thiruvaymozhi. It was this vyakhyanam that Swami Manavala Mamunigal presented as a series of discourses in a period of one year in Srirangam at the end of which Azhagiya Manavalan Himself delivered the “Srishailesha Dayapatram” thaniyan. he had to cross the Cauvery river and at one place he had to swim across it. he managed to rewrite the whole script again from memory. At that time. When he asked about it to Varadarajar. Varadarajar then fell at Jeeyar’s divine feet and requested him to initiate him into the sampradhayam. as Nanjeeyar had taught him the whole Nampillai was born in the city of Nambur. Varadrajar then took the manuscripts and obtained permission from Nanjeeyar to go back to his home town and rewrite them. On the way back to his home town. Varadarajar got to the other side and became greatly distressed that he had lost the manuscript. Nanjeeyar called Varadarajar and asked him to write something down which he did. However. he was also known as thiru-k-kalikanRi dAsar. he fell at Jeeyar’s feet and told 22 . Through Bhattar’s grace. He asked his disciples who that person could be and they pointed to Nambur Varadarajar. Jeeyar felt kindness in his divine heart and performed pancha samskaram for Varadarajar and taught him the 9000ppadi in full. Nanjeeyar had written a vyakhyanam called “9000ppadi” for Nammazhvar’s Thiruvaymozhi. He then took the work back to Jeeyar who upon reading it was amazed to see these beautiful additions to it. He then moved to Srirangam and was one of the many disciples of Nanjeeyar. He was born in the star Kartthigai in the month Kartthigai – the same as Thirumangai Azhvar. he put the manuscript in a towel and wrapped it around his head and started to swim. So. and being one of great scholarship added additional references and meanings here and there in the work that added to its greatness.Life History: Sri Nampillai (Courtesy: Srivaishnavan. Since he was born as the amsam of Thirumangai Azhvar. Then he handed over the 9000ppadi manuscript to him and told him to rewrite them in silk sheets. who was the direct disciple of Sri Parasara Bhattar and to whom Bhattar had handed over the sampradhayam before attaining paramapadham. His original name was Varadarajar. Nanjeeyar appreciated his writing but was wondering how he could let one not initiated into the sampradhayam write Bhagavad Vishayam. a wave came and took away the towel and manuscript. He then decided to have this work written down in silk sheets and was looking for someone who could do a good job of it. So. Eeyunni Madhava Perumal gathered at Nampillai’s feet. disciples such as Periyavaccan Pillai. At which time Nanjeeyar picked him up and embracing him called him “nam piLLai” (Our son) and gave him the name “thiruk-kalikanRi dAsar”. Kanthadai Thozhappar. Nampillai came to be known as Lokacharyar. Nampillai who had gone home from the temple sent all his disciples to their homes. a grandson of Kuratthazhvan.him the whole story. the grandson of Mudhaliyandan. Later Vadakku Thiruveethi Pillai wrote down Nampillai’s discourses on Thiruvaymozhi as a manuscript and showed it to Nampillai. From that day forward. During this time. Thozhappar then enquired if Nampillai had come there to commit a folly for what happened at the temple. Vadakku Thiruveethi Pillai. Thozhappar asked her why she was ignoring him and her duties – something she had never done before. Upon finding that. Upon which Thozhappar picked up Nampillai and embrazing him said that he had thought that Nampillai was the acharya to only a few disciples till that day and that he has now realized that he is the acharya to the whole world. his wife who had heard about the student was greatly distressed and did not perform any of her duties. Namperumal then asked Nampillai to give the manuscript to Madhava Perumal and Nampillai accepting the divine order did the same. Nambur Varadarajar came to be known as nampiLLai. She replied that he had insulted Nampillai who is verily the reincarnation of Nammazhvar. From that day onward. felt great jealousy and one day severely reprimanded him in front of Namperumal. He appreciated Vadakku Thiruveethi Pillai’s effort but told him that he should not have done it without his permission. did not take any food all day and in the evening covering himself with a blanket went alone to Thozhappar’s home and stayed there in his front gate. Nampillai saw that it was neither short nor long and was written beautifully in 36000 padi’s. In the meantime. Thozhappar recognized his great error and asked her how he could rectify it. Nampillai performed sadAbishekam ceremony for him. Therefore. He agreed and asked her to go along with him as he was ashamed to go alone. Seeign this. Nampillai said that he should not have written such and extensive work without asking for his acharya’s permission and destroyed the manuscript. Seeing Nampillai’s fame and the great number of disciples he had. When Thozhappar returned to his home. Nampillai continued to learn more and more from Nanjeeyar and his fame began to spread. he wrote them down in an extensive work of 125000 padi’s. When Nanjeeyar completed one hundred Thiruvaymozhi Upanyasams. Having listened to Nampillai’s discourses on Thiruvaymozhi. Nampillai fell at his feet and replied that he was there to seek his redemption for having caused such grief in the heart of the grandson of Mudhaliyandan that he had to say these things in the temple. At which time. Nampillai feeling great sadness left for his home. and having done that. She agreed and they both came out to go to Nampillai’s home. Naduvil Thiruveethi Pillai Bhattar. he is not even regretting the act. When Thozhappar and his wife came out they were amazed to see Nampillai in front of their home. 23 . she wanted no further association with him who had committed a great bhAgavata apacharam. Nampillai then never left Nanjeeyar’s divine company and continued to perform all kinds of service to him. had initially succumbed to jealousy but later had seeked Nampillai’s divine feet and taken him as his acharya. he took the manuscript and hid them in his home. Later Eeyunni Madhava Perumal prayed to Namperumal for a long time and asked for the manuscript. Nampillai then asked his disciple Periyavaccan Pillai to write a vyakhyanam for Thiruvaymozhi and thus was born 24000ppadi. She replied that he should seek Nampillai’s pardon. Seeing this Nanjeeyar was very pleased. Pinbazhagiya Perumal Jeeyar. Works: Eedu 36000ppadi Vyakhyanam for Thiruvaymozhi thEmaruvum sengamalath thiruththALgaL vAzhiyE thiruvaraiyil pattAdai sErmarungum vAzhiyE thAmamaNi vadamArvum purinUlum vAzhiyE thAmaraikkai yiNaiyazhagum thadampuyamum vAzhiyE pAmaruvun thamizhvEdham payilpavaLam vAzhiyE pAdiyaththin poruLthannaip pagarnAvum vAzhiyE nAmanuthal mathimugamum thirumudiyum vAzhiyE nampiLLai vadivazhakum nAdORum vAzhiyE kAthaludan nanjeeyar kazhalthozhuvOn vAzhiyE kArththigaik kArththigai uthiththa kalikanRi vAzhiyE pOthamuda nAzhvAr soRporuLuraippOn vAzhiyE pUthUrAn pAdiyaththaip pugazhumavan vAzhiyE mAthakavAl evvuyirkkum vAzhvaLiththAn vAzhiyE mathiLarangar Olakkam vaLarththittAn vAzhiyE nAthamuni ALavandhAr nalampugazhvOn vAzhiyE nampiLLai thiruvadigaL nAdORum vAzhiyE 24 . he focused his mind on Nanjeeyar‘s feet and attained His divine abode. laying his head in Naduvil Thiruveethi Pillai Bhattar’s lap and his feet in Pinbazhagiya Perumal Jeeyar’s lap. After which.Nampillai continued spreading the sampradhayam for many years. Koorakulothama dasar. He is the famous Pillai Lokacharya. though married. when Acharya Nampillai was taking rest. Nampillai rendered KALASHEBHAM during the day and he had directed Peria vachan pillai to record them. VTVPillai also recorded them without permission. VTVPillai complied with the advice of his Acharya. Disciples: Works: Life span: Pillai Lokacharyar. When it was 25 . The reading was continued even after dinner. Though he has not rendered any original work. mother of Vadakkuthiruveedhi pillai.Vadakku thiruveedhiyil Thirumaligai. In due course. it was taken over by Nampillai. Later it was handed over to EEynni Madhavar (Sriyazhvanapillai) by Nampillai. he was the best exponent of Nampillai’s commentary to Thiruvaimozhi. She requested Nampillai to bless her son with a ward to the family. attached to 6000 ppadi Guruparampara prabhavam. Nampillai directed him to do the Thiruvardhanam and he began to study the record. He is one of the favorite disciples of Nampillai. complaining that he was encountering her as a serpent when she was with her in privacy. They exclaimed that it was like a decorated elephant marching. Name: Dravidavedhartha Desikar. Krishashtami. Sons: Pillai Lokachariar and Azhakia manavala perumal Nayanar Thiruvaradhanam: Azhakiamanavala perumal Nayanar. From him it came in to usage in due course. (This information is based THIRUMUDI ADAIVU. EEDU 36000 to THIRUVAIMOZHI as narrated by Nampillai. As directed the daughter was brought in the presence of Nampillai and blessed her. He said that you do not have my permission to do so and it is not correct for a disciple to behave in this fashion. From him it was taught to Thiruvaimozhi Pillai. version mentioning the year Vadamal. rather is afraid of approaching his wife. Nampillai also advised Vadakku Thiruveedhi pillai to spend the night with his wife and also advised him that he will be doing a righteous duty as a grahasatha. (Though Madhavachariyar got the EEDU. He was to do Thiruvaradhanam there. VTVpillai apologized and begged his pardon.Apasthambha Sutram. Nampillai consented and visited his house. 97 years.Upto this position. Birth place: Year of birth: on PERIYA There is another as pramaadhi) Family: Srirangam .D). his wife became pregnant and a son was born in the family..sri VADAKKU THIRUVEEDHI PILLAI Sri Vadakku Thiruveedhi Pillai occupies an important place in our Acharya Sampradhya.. Thereupon. Azhzkiya manavala perumal nayanar. he saw the bundle of palm leaves containing his discourses. his disciple Ammi . Sreevatsa Ghotram Yajus saka. as it was done without permission. He maintained celibacy. Acharya: Nampillai. One day he invited his Acharya Nampillai for dinner. He enquired about it.. Still . complained to Nampillai that her son is not conducting a married life. sarvajit year. He represented that he has done so only to remember the discourses. VTV Pillai informed that he has rendered his work without any addition or alteration. One fine day.The scrutiny of the record was assisted by Periavachan pillai and Sriyazhvanapillai The recording was very fine and it was admired by all. it was handed over to his son Padmanabhan and from him to NaloorPillai. svAthi star (1168 A. Nampillai consoled her and advised her to bring her daughter in law after she has finished a monthly periods. Mudumbai.But. Sri Krishnapather. the preaching was in a restricted manner. aani month. Nampillai was not satisfied. Namperumal ghostiyO”.taught to Manavala Mamunigal. He was fortunate to have his recordings spared to be spread for future. muppattiarayirapadi (36. The most prominent amongst these disciples were Sri Vadakku Thiruveethip Pillai (VTP) and Sri Periya Vaachaan Pillai (PVP). Further more. When it was presented to Nampillai. Sri PL was born in 1205 AD on the occasion of Aippasi. It is not proper for the disciple to record or write without the prior permission of his master. This acharyan so revered by Sri MM is Sri Pillai Lokacharya (also known as Ulagariyan). one Naduvil Thiruveedhi Bhatter in the famliy of Koorathazhvan. Sri VTP was blessed with two sons. It was the desire of the Lord to hear EEDU Kalashebam from Manavalamamunkal. Such practices will set bad example in the relationship of master and disciple. To gain the quintessence of 26 . also did the recordings of Nampillai without his permission. in honor of whom. Sri VTP named his eldest son after his acharya Sri Nampillai who was also known as Lokacharya or Ulagariyan. There was another incident in the life of VTV Pillai.A. He drenched it in water and allowed it to be eaten by white ants. prompting the oft quoted “Nampillai ghosthiyO. His disciples included several luminaries. Those were days when Sri Vaishnavam flourished under the able leadership of the august Sri Nampillai. In this great composition he has singled out one acharyan . The contemporaries of VTVPillai are Ramanujarya.000) vyakhyanams respectively. Thus he became the Acharya for the Lord and was honored with the THANIAN “SREESAILESA DAYAPATRAM. who authored the two most authoritative commentaries on Sri Nammazhwar’s Thiruvaymozhi. Manavalamamunikal rendered Kalashebam for one year in the presence of Lord Renganatha and Periapiratti. Nampillai observed that it was lengthy one. it began to spread widely. This happened in the year 1371. viz. son of Nampillai Kandhadai Thozhappar Naduvil Thiruveedhi Bhattar Periya vachan pillai Eeyunni Madhavar Pinbhazhzkiya perumal Jeeyar Vanmamalai dasar Salutation for Sri Vadakku-th-thiruveedhi-p-piLLai: Sree Krishna paada paadaabhjE namaami sirasaa sadhaa | Yatprasaada prabhaavEna sarva sidhdhirabhoon mama || Sri PILLAI LOKACHARYA Salutation LokAchArya guravE krushNapAdaSya SUnavE I SamSArabhOgiSandashta jIvajIvAtavE nama: II His Life Sri Manavala Mamunigal (MM) composed a work called Upadesarattinamalai to commemorate the lives and works of Azhwars and Acharyas.000) or Edu and the irupattinalayirapadi (24. But. The eldest of the two was Sri PL and the second was Sri Azhagiya Manavala Perumal (AMP) Nayanar. Thiruvonam. he devoted several pasurams.D. he was reprimanded for his behaviour. the likes of which finds no rival in the past or present. Sri PL would be considered a social revolutionary in that he was the first acharyan who wrote independent works in the vernacular language that expounded the Vedanta and on account of his views on caste. This incident left an indelible impression on the young minds and as a consequence they remained brahmacharis throughout their lives and rendered magnificent kainkaryams to Namperumal and bhagavathas. saving his younger brother. In the latter instance he was a blazing visionary and pioneer.Emberumanar’s darsanam very clearly one need to look no further than the works of Sri PVP. He very staunchly held that ALL that mattered was a bhagavatha’s devotion to Perumal and that any consideration of the caste of a bhagavatha constituted a GRAVE apacharam!!! (Sin) 27 . PL and AMP Nayanar. They learned from their father as well as from other contemporary acharyas like Sri Nampillai. Sri Pillai Lokacharyar Both brothers grew up and lived in Srirangam. VTP. It is said that when they were young they overheard their father expressing some regrets about gruhastasrama. some parama bhagavathas like Sri PL. Sri PL wrote independent treatises like Tattva Trayam for instance. With no thoughts about their own lives or well being. and that leave no aspect of Visistadvaita uncovered. Swami Desikan undertook to protect Sri Sudarsana suri’s sons and the manuscript of Sutraprakasika (Sri Suri’s commentary on Sri Bhasyam). not out of concern for himself but out of extreme concern for Namperumal! The mental image of the advanced Sri PL fleeing Srirangam. These include: Srivachanabhusanam (SVB) This work is considered as Sri PL’s magnum opus. out of concern for harm to Periya Perumal’s and Namperumal’s thirumeni. 28 . However. they must be evaluated in the timeframe in which they occurred. Sri PL ascended home to Paramapadam. In what is certainly a clear expression of “Gods will hath no why”.000 according to one account) Sri Vaishnavas lost their lives. had a brick wall built before Periya Perumal’s archa vigraham. This mahatma had several Brahmin bhagavatas as disciples. Sri PL never soft peddled these issues!!! He composed several works in which he very directly and explicitly covers these issues. These objections reached a level of criticality that in turn necessitated Sri AMP Nayanar’s having to formally vindicate his brother. they planned on a course of action the fruits of which we enjoy today. To remedy the situation. Srirangam was sacked in 1327 by Mohemedan invaders led by Malik Kafur. would abandon traditional studies in the Sanskrit language. His Works Sri PL was an extremely compassionate acharyan who undertook to write several treatises for the benefit of posterity. To fully grasp the immensity of Sri PL’s views and actions. conviction and leadership. Six key concepts are covered that include: Purusakaravaibhava (Greatness of Intercessor) Sadhanasya Guarava (Greatness of Means) Adhikari Kritya (Duties of Prapanna) Satgurupasevana (Dependence on the Eminent Guru) Ahetuki Haridaya (Spontaneous Grace of the Supreme Lord) Guror Upayata (The Role of the Preceptor) Sri MM devotes six stanzas in Upadesarattinamalai to SVB. that are called Ashtadasa Rahasyangal. almost 800 years ago. thereby deceiving the invaders.Sri PL was a practical acharya who practiced what he preached.that expouds Vedanta in the vernacular. several (12. Sri PL. Sri PL foresaw that in generations to come people. under the influence of Kali. ie. The leading acharyas like Sri PL and Swami Desikan (Sri Sudarsana suri was very aged) provided outstanding courage. Notable amongst the many works that were composed for the benefit of future generations by this supremely benevolent acharyan are eighteen in Manipravala style. Sri Sudarsana suri and Swami Vedanta Desikan had to suffer extreme hardships. However. The very aged Sri Sudarsana suri did not survive the attack. Finally. several baghavathas in Srirangam took exception to Sri PL’s position. Thus. courting countless hardships to avert any harm to Namperumal brings tears to one’s eyes. Sri PL composed eighteen works that are collectively referred to as Ashtadasa Rahasyangals in Manipravalam. Included amongst his disciples was a Harijan by the name of Vilancolaipillai. In that catastrophe. magnificent works like the Sri Bhasyam would be beyond the ken of most mortals. Thus armed Swami Desikan escaped to Satyamangalam in Karnataka after a very tortuous journey. What follows is a description of some the details of the raid and are heart wrenching. Most of the acharyas prior to Sri PL only commented on the works of their predecessors. upon reaching the village of Jyothiskudi (near Madhurai) and in the secure knowledge that Namperumal was atleast momentarily out of harms way. This great work consists of 465 aphorisms that are organized into four ‘prakaranas’ or chapters. As the name implies this work is intended to be an ornament of sayings from purvacharyas. Understandably then. He physically carried Namperumal and fled Sriranagam. The understanding of the essential form of the goals (purusharthasvarupa). and the Lord. Prapannaparitranam The necessary qualifications for one who surrenders himself/herself to the Lord are covered in this work. Dwayam (or Mantra Ratnam). This work is considered to be a mini Sri Bhasyam. These entities include cit (soul). Charamaslokam (Bhagavad Gita. Sri PL wrote the Mumukshuppadi after all others. their body. Details of the where the soul stops along the way and its reception in Sri Vaikuntam etc. return to the Lord with the guidance of an Acharyan. Arthpanchakam This work deals with the five prerequisites for the attainment of any goal or artha. and c. Prameyasekaram This work discusses how the Lord’s grace is the basis for all good things in this world as well as in the next world. Sri PL relates every word of the Dwayam to the ten chapters of the Tiruvaymozhi and quotes profusely from the latter to document the relavent correlation. Mumukshuppadi The rahasyas that a mumukshu or aspirant for liberation needs to comprehend are covered in this work. was full of Sanskrit quotes (making its comprehension difficult for the lay person). Chapter 18. In the introduction to Mumukshuppadi. These mantras contain knowledge about the soul’s essential nature (svarupa). acit (matter) and Isvara (the Lord). are provided. other people. Archiradi This work which consists of four prakarnas or chapters. their relatives. gods other than Sriman Narayana. Navavidhasambandham 29 . b. Piratti. deals with journey of a muktatma from earth to Sri Vaikuntam. The understanding of the essential form of the means (upayasvarupa). it is said that amongst the works of Sri Pl that deal with the three rahasyas. verse 66). The understanding of the essential nature of the obstructions (virodhisvarupa). Srivaishnavas. the means (upaya) and the goal (purusartha). The rahasyas are three (rahasyatrayam) in number and include : a. Samsarasamrajyam This work deals with how people who become completely immersed in worldly pleasures and turn away from the path of God. Sarasangraham In this work the author gives a consise definition of the Dwaya mantram and explains how the entire Tiruvaymozhi of Sri Nammazhwar is an exposition of this mantram.Tattvatrayam This work deals with the three fundamental real entities (tatvas) of the Visistadvaita system of Vedanta. the Parantappadi was too long. and the Sriyapatippadi though it had neither of the two faults. The understanding of the essential form of the Supreme (parasvarupa). Therefore with a desire to compose one more work which would avoid these problems. Acharyas. Navaratnamalai This work deals with the nine points that a person who surrenders must understand properly: themselves as a whole. These include: The realization of oneself (svasvarupa). Tirumantaram (also known as Mulamantaram or Astaksara). the Yadrcchikappadi was too short. The relationship between the protector and protected. The relationship between husband and wife. but the order of the rahsyas has been changed (in comparison to Mummukshupati) to Tirumantram. The relationship between the person who understands and the object that is understood. Charamaslokam and Dwayam. Sriyapatippadi This is yet another work on the rahasyatrayam. Sri PL says that the understanding of the relationships is essential for salvation. These include: The relationship between father and son. This work contains too many Sanskrit terms for the ordinary vernacular reader. Tanipranavam This work deals with the “OM” in the Tirumantram. The relationship between the person who enjoys and the thing enjoyed. Parantapadi Paranta means widespread or spreading out. Tanidwayam This work deals with the Dwaya mantran. The relationship of body and soul. The relationship between the owner and his property. Tanicharamam This work deals with the Charama slokam. These nine kinds of relationships are interlinked. It also presents refutation of the arguments of rival schools in order to establish the Visistadvaita definition of the tattva trayam. This work deals exhaustively with the rahasyatrayam. Azhvar Emberumanar Jeeyar Thiruvadigale Saranam 30 . Tattvasekharam This work deals with the tattva trayam. Yadrccikapadi This work is a brief summary of the rahasyatrayam. The relationship of the thing that is dependent and the things on which it depends.This work deals with the nine kinds of relationships that a person has with Sriman Narayana as shown in the Tirumantram. The relationship between master and servant. DIVYA DESAMS) Maintaining an ancient temple is better than building a hundred new ones. The originals that he preserved for future generations are about to be lost forever. Food (Prasadam). That is the reason why Yashoda who brought up Sri Krishna. From the U. Flowers (Rs 2500 per month) With just $100 per month (Rs 5000 per month) we have a divine opportunity to preserve a temple.vedics. We have to preserve the existing books. Back home in India. All this needs to be made available to the public. yet you can still make a difference. Vedic_Books has started work in this progress. To join this service please e-mail vedic_books@yahoogroups. especially books on Mulam (sources) and their explanations (vyakhyanams). their vyakhyanams should be preserved. primarily due to lack of funds. Our Acharya lineage has expounded on this and given us vyakhyanmas in varying depth. It is the solemn duty to preserve the temple not only for current day devotees to have a divine Darshan but also for our future generations. education. shelter. Many more vyakhyana books as preserved in 1700’s are already extinct. food. there are so many temples deprived of their basic needs and services. With galloping prices. send mail to: vedics@yahoogroups. the temples have never found it as difficult to sustain as they have for helping an ancient temple. Swami preserved hundreds of ancient works and tried to print as many of them in 1930’s. “Serve our Temples” is an initiative to help our temples by restoring basic services. and spend His money for His causes. Please join this service. Most of his books are not available anymore. One priest to offer prayers and keep the premises clean and open for devotees (Rs: 2500 per month) 2. Every year we see changes being introduced into the 4000 sacred verses. Please visit Many of our purvacaharyas books are on the verge of being lost forever. Once the originals are preserved. the service is all the more significant. we must" .com 31 .vedics. Allow His Grace to flow. no government support. We have to print the originals as preserved in 1800s. Oil. financial independence Dream a Details : www.SERVE OUR TEMPLES ( ANCIENT VAISHNAVA SHRINES . When the temple is a Divyadesam.S. Periya Vacchan Pillai has given us the vyakhyanams for the 4000. We need your time and your charitable contributions towards this effort. Vedics has already reached out to a few temples. For further details.As He allows us to use His resources for Him via devotees like us. far away from India. Vedic_Books has started services in this area. 1. This needs to be distributed as is in the original form and also be translated in to other languages. HELP PUBLISH THE TREASURES PURVACHARYAS WORKS AND MEANINGS Mulam preservation: The 4000 Dhivya prabhandam. Most of the temples are deprived of basic necessities for the unhindered performance of minimum daily prayers. temple assets stripped. Vedics Foundation volunteers to serve as a bridge between those willing devotees who have resources and the temples in need. We have started this work with initial focus on Sri PB Annangarachar Swami. Do a little "What we can do. attained greater eminence compared to Devaki who gave birth to Him. Santhai: Divyaprabandham. Multimedia: Sampradayic CDs. Contact us via e-mail at vedics@yahoogroups. Please take the time to learn directly from your respective Acharya. by no means should this be considered as the only source to learn from. Vedic-Books: Preserve and distribute sampradayic books. Vedics-Magazine: Magazine in English for all 32 . [email protected]. StotraPatam Live over the phone and via Santhai CDs. Divyadesa Kainkaryam: Help Maintain ancient temples. serve and learn from any of the following services. Tele-Upanyasams: Scholars from India teach us over the phone. intermediate and advanced Join our volunteers to Vedic Anushtanams & Utsavams. DVDs.vedics.This booklet is intended to be a useful guide. [For beginners. Audio and Video. translate works into English and publish SriVaishnava discussions and satsangham.] Latest updates and more information visit: www. Vedics-Classes: Learn the meanings and understand the sampradayic works.: Document and publish information. To receive a copy of this book: Please visit: www. support and serve and not for the sake of pursuing materialistic desires. at least thrice a 33 . Always adorn a peaceful smile. SELF – CONTROL Strive to live a life free from selfish desires and anger. MONEY Earn to live. CHARITY Donate however little it may be to noble causes. humility and gratitude for at least 15 minutes a day. Chant Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam (the 1000 Holy Names of Lord Vishnu) once a day. CONTENTMENT Be happy and content that you are His property. educate.vedics. ABSOLUTE FAITH Place complete trust in the supreme LORD. Thank your preceptors at least once a day for blessing you with this awareness. Do not go against His way. a minimum of 3 minutes each FALL IN LOVE WITH GOD Pray with sincerity.Sri: Basic Tenets of VEDICS: www. RESTRICT FOOD CONSUMPTION Eat anything only after offering it to God. it will work on others and on you too Always keep “dwayam” in your heart. RESPECT FOR ALL THAT IS HIS Strive to lead a life in which you will never hurt a fellow living being for any reason. Feeding the needy is the highest form of charity. Join devotee e-mail list: ramanuja@yahoogroups. MEDITATION Meditate on the LORD.
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