Spring 2010 Midterm Opkst Mgt502

June 9, 2018 | Author: Muhammad Zahid Fareed | Category: Attitude (Psychology), Leadership & Mentoring, Leadership, Self-Improvement, Emotions



MIDTERM EXAMINATIONSpring 2010 MGT502- Organizational Behaio!r "Se##ion - 2$ Ti%e& '0 %in Mar(#& )* St!+ent In,o St!+entID& -enter& O./ST E0a%Date& 512212010 12&00&00 AM 3or Tea4her5# 6#e Onl7 8 No9 1 2 : ) 5 ' * ; Total Mar(# 8 No9 2 10 11 12 1: 1) 15 1' Mar(# 8 No9 1* 1; 12 20 21 22 2: 2) Mar(# 8 No9 25 2' 2* 2; 22 :0 :1 :2 Mar(# 8 No9 :: :) :5 :' :* Mar(# 8!e#tion No& 1 " Mar(#& 1 $ - .lea#e 4hoo#e one Mr. Hussain is a salesperson. He remembers the names of his customers easily because he is able to retain and recall past experience. He is able in which of the following dimensions of intellectual ability? ► Memory ► Number Aptitude ► Deductive easoning ► !erceptual speed 8!e#tion No& 2 " Mar(#& 1 $ - .lea#e 4hoo#e one "ast year# Ali had ta$en lunch at a fast food restaurant that caused him food poisoning. Now whenever he passes by the restaurant# he feels nauseous. %his is an example of which of the following learning theory? ► &lassical conditioning ► 'ocial learning ► (perant conditioning ► einforcement theory 8!e#tion No& : " Mar(#& 1 $ - .lea#e 4hoo#e one Advertisements are directed at changing a person)s* ► Attitude ► +alue ► ,thics ► &ustom 8!e#tion No& ) " Mar(#& 1 $ - .lea#e 4hoo#e one -hich of the following lay the foundation for the understanding of attitudes and motivation because they influence our perceptions? ► Moods ► .ehaviors ► +alues ► &ustoms 8!e#tion No& 5 " Mar(#& 1 $ - .lea#e 4hoo#e one -hich of the following statements is NOT true about the difference between men and women when it comes to emotional reactions? ► -omen show greater emotional expression ► Men express emotions more intensely ► Men express anger more fre/uently ► -omen may have a greater need for social approval 8!e#tion No& ' " Mar(#& 1 $ - .lea#e 4hoo#e one -hich of the following is NOT an important issue relating to goal0setting theory? ► Defining the goal ► 1oal difficulty ► 1oal specificity ► ,/uity among co0wor$ers 8!e#tion No& * " Mar(#& 1 $ - .lea#e 4hoo#e one -hich of the following is NOT a comparison an employee can use in e/uity theory? ► 'elf0inside ► 'elf0goal ► (ther0outside ► 'elf0outside 8!e#tion No& ; " Mar(#& 1 $ - .lea#e 4hoo#e one %wo0factor theory suggests that dissatisfaction is caused by extrinsic factors. -hich of the following is an example of such a factor? ► Advancement ► -or$ing condition ► Achievement ► ecognition 8!e#tion No& 2 " Mar(#& 1 $ - .lea#e 4hoo#e one -hich of the following is a direct monetary incentive given by the organi2ations to its employees? ► !romotion ► 1ain sharing ► 3lexible wor$ hours ► Appreciation certificate 8!e#tion No& 10 " Mar(#& 1 $ - .lea#e 4hoo#e one -hen the group energy is focused on the tas$ at hand# the group has moved to the 4444444444444 stage. ► 'torming ► Norming ► Maturation ► !erforming 8!e#tion No& 11 " Mar(#& 1 $ - .lea#e 4hoo#e one -hich of the following statement best defines leadership? ► 5mplementing the strategy provided by management ► "east concerned in bringing organi2ational change ► &oordinating and handling day0to0day problems ► %he ability to influence a group in goal achievement 8!e#tion No& 12 " Mar(#& 1 $ - .lea#e 4hoo#e one According to the (hio 'tate studies# the extent to which a leader6s behavior is directed toward getting the 7ob done is called* ► 5nitiating structure ► &onsideration ► Maximi2ation ► !ath0goal 8!e#tion No& 1: " Mar(#& 1 $ - .lea#e 4hoo#e one According to the 8niversity of Michigan studies# which of the following is used to define a leader who ta$es personal interest in the needs of his9her subordinates? :::::::►:'ituation0oriented :::::::►:,mployee0oriented :::::::►:!roduction0 oriented :::::::►:%as$0oriented 8!e#tion No& 1) " Mar(#& 1 $ - .lea#e 4hoo#e one 'uggestion boxes# employee attitude surveys# and grievance procedures are examples of* :::::::►:Downward communication :::::::►:Hori2ontal communication :::::::►:8pward communication :::::::►:"ateral communication 8!e#tion No& 15 " Mar(#& 1 $ - .lea#e 4hoo#e one -hich of the following is the most effective communication networ$ for facilitating the emergence of a leader? :::::::►:&hain :::::::►:All0channel :::::::►:-heel :::::::►:Direct 8!e#tion No& 1' " Mar(#& 1 $ - .lea#e 4hoo#e one Asad telephones his employee# 8sman# to let him $now that today6s meeting has been moved to one o6cloc$. 5n the communication process# Asad is* :::::::►:%he sender :::::::►:%he receiver :::::::►:%he channel :::::::►:%he encoder 8!e#tion No& 1* " Mar(#& 1 $ - .lea#e 4hoo#e one -hich one of the following statement is NOT true regarding the relationship between age and 7ob performance? :::::::►:(lder wor$ers bring to their 7ob* experience# 7udgment and strong wor$ ethics :::::::►:(lder wor$ers have more commitment to /uality :::::::►:(lder wor$ers are perceived as flexible and welcome new technologies :::::::►:(lder wor$ers are perceived as lac$ing flexibility and resistant to new technologies 8!e#tion No& 1; " Mar(#& 1 $ - .lea#e 4hoo#e one 3ollowing a response by the termination or withdrawal of something unpleasant is called 444444444. :::::::►:!ositive reinforcement :::::::►:,xtinction :::::::►:Negative reinforcement :::::::►:!unishment 8!e#tion No& 12 " Mar(#& 1 $ - .lea#e 4hoo#e one -hich emotions are the emotions an individual actually is experiencing# despite what they might apparently show? :::::::►:3elt :::::::►:Displayed :::::::►:&onditional :::::::►:,xposed 8!e#tion No& 20 " Mar(#& 1 $ - .lea#e 4hoo#e one -hich of the following is least accurate about (hio0'tate 'tudy? :::::::►:High0high styles sometimes had negative relationship :::::::►:High0high leaders generally had superior subordinate performance :::::::►:High initiating structure is positively related to grievances :::::::►:High consideration is positively related to manager6s evaluation 8!e#tion No& 21 " Mar(#& 1 $ - .lea#e 4hoo#e one (rgani2ations that do not pay attention to diversity may face all of the following problems# E04ept& :::::::►:"ower productivity :::::::►:5ncreased tensions among wor$ers :::::::►:Decreased turnover :::::::►:5ncreased complaints 8!e#tion No& 22 " Mar(#& 1 $ - .lea#e 4hoo#e one &,( of a computer manufacturing organi2ation rewards his employees with computers# vacations or bonuses for meeting personal or organi2ational goal. He is practicing which of the following method of shaping behavior? :::::::►:!ositive reinforcement :::::::►:Negative reinforcement :::::::►:!unishment :::::::►:,xtinction 8!e#tion No& 2: " Mar(#& 1 $ - .lea#e 4hoo#e one %he suspension of a construction employee for one day without pay for not wearing hard hat when instructed strictly# is an example of which of the following method of shaping behavior? :::::::►:Negative reinforcement :::::::►:!unishment :::::::►:,xtinction :::::::►:!ositive reinforcement 8!e#tion No& 2) " Mar(#& 1 $ - .lea#e 4hoo#e one Action of a person consistent with one)s personal values and the commonly held values of the organi2ation and society is called which of the following behavior? :::::::►:"egal behavior :::::::►:,thical behavior :::::::►:&ognitive behavior :::::::►:"oyal behavior 8!e#tion No& 25 " Mar(#& 1 $ - .lea#e 4hoo#e one -hich of the following component of an attitude includes beliefs# opinions and information that a person has about the ob7ect he observed? :::::::►:Affective :::::::►:.ehavioral :::::::►:&ognitive :::::::►:%erminal 8!e#tion No& 2' " Mar(#& 1 $ - .lea#e 4hoo#e one %he founder of %" &orporation has to face many difficulties while establishing his company even ban$s were not ready to grant loan. .ut he showed persistence and after four years he was able to generate finance by the mortgage of his own house. He was exhibiting which of the following personality trait of .ig 3ive !ersonality Model? :::::::►:Agreeableness :::::::►:,motional 'tability :::::::►:&onscientiousness :::::::►:,xtroversion 8!e#tion No& 2* " Mar(#& 1 $ - .lea#e 4hoo#e one -hich of the following is an example of positive emotions? :::::::►:Anger :::::::►:'adness :::::::►:!ride :::::::►:Disgust 8!e#tion No& 2; " Mar(#& 1 $ - .lea#e 4hoo#e one -hich of the following is the study of social system such as families# occupational classes and organi2ations ? :::::::►:!sychology :::::::►:'ociology :::::::►:Anthropology :::::::►:'ocial !sychology 8!e#tion No& 22 " Mar(#& 1 $ - .lea#e 4hoo#e one 5n an interview# the interviewer)s first impression of the interviewee ;or target< is li$ely to be based upon* :::::::►:Nonverbal cues of the target :::::::►:+erbal communication by the target :::::::►:%he intentions of the target :::::::►:%he target)s physical appearance 8!e#tion No& :0 " Mar(#& 1 $ - .lea#e 4hoo#e one %he rational decision0ma$ing approach assumes that decision ma$ers* :::::::►:Have complete information :::::::►:Are motivated by greed :::::::►:Are often distracted by the environment :::::::►:Are sub7ective 8!e#tion No& :1 " Mar(#& 1 $ - .lea#e 4hoo#e one 5n decision ma$ing process when managers define their limits and ma$e their decision within the limits# it is called* :::::::►:.ounded rationality :::::::►:(ptimal decision ma$ing :::::::►:5ntuitive decision ma$ing :::::::►:ational decision ma$ing 8!e#tion No& :2 " Mar(#& 1 $ - .lea#e 4hoo#e one !eople with which of the following decision ma$ing style wor$ well with others and en7oy social interactions? :::::::►:.ehavioral :::::::►:Directive :::::::►:Analytical :::::::►:&onceptual 8!e#tion No& :: " Mar(#& 1 $ - .lea#e 4hoo#e one Mr. =ia is directly involved in the production of the automobiles. He is facing low motivation due to repetitive tas$s. His manager changes his responsibilities and now he has to perform different tas$s. His motivation has increased because of which of the following strategy? :::::::►:>ob enrichment :::::::►:>ob enlargement :::::::►:>ob sharing :::::::►:>ob rotation 8!e#tion No& :) " Mar(#& 1 $ - .lea#e 4hoo#e one All of the following are examples of downward communication flow EX-E.T& :::::::►:Managers informing employees of procedures :::::::►:Managers pointing out problems that need attention :::::::►:,mployees completing attitude surveys :::::::►:Managers telling employees to wor$ more /uic$ly 8!e#tion No& :5 " Mar(#& : $ How the barriers of communication can be minimi2ed or eliminated? %hese barriers can be eliminated or minimi2ed by increasing the readability of and clarity of written communication and by improving the /uality of electronic devices and other communication devices. 8se of appropriate wording is also very important. Motivation of the receiver# communicate feelings as well facts etc. 8!e#tion No& :' " Mar(#& 5 $ How ?employee stoc$ ownership program@ positively influence employee motivation? ,mployee stoc$ ownership plans can be used to $eep plan participants focused on company performance and share price appreciation. .y giving plan participants an interest in seeing that the company)s stoc$ performs well# these plans are believed to encourage participants to do what)s best for shareholders# since the participants themselves are shareholders. 8!e#tion No& :* " Mar(#& 5 $ -hat is difference between groupthin$ and groupshift? 1roup %hin$* %endency of the members of a group to yield to the desire for consensus or unanimity at the cost of considering alternative courses of action. 1roup0thin$ is said to be the reason why intelligent and $nowledgeable people ma$e disastrous decisions. 1roup 'hift* -hen people are in groups# they ma$e decision about ris$ differently from when they are alone. 5n the group# they are li$ely to ma$e ris$ier decisions# as the shared ris$ ma$es the individual ris$ less
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