SPPID Install Guide.pdf
SmartPlant P&IDInstallation and Upgrade Guide Version 2009 (SP-P&ID 6.0 and SPEM 6.1) January 2009 DPID2-PE-200014O Copyright Copyright © 1999-2009 Intergraph Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Including software, file formats, and audiovisual displays; may be used pursuant to applicable software license agreement; contains confidential and proprietary information of Intergraph and/or third parties which is protected by copyright law, trade secret law, and international treaty, and may not be provided or otherwise made available without proper authorization from Intergraph Corporation. U.S. Government Restricted Rights Legend Use, duplication, or disclosure by the government is subject to restrictions as set forth below. For civilian agencies: This was developed at private expense and is "restricted computer software" submitted with restricted rights in accordance with subparagraphs (a) through (d) of the Commercial Computer Software - Restricted Rights clause at 52.227-19 of the Federal Acquisition Regulations ("FAR") and its successors, and is unpublished and all rights are reserved under the copyright laws of the United States. For units of the Department of Defense ("DoD"): This is "commercial computer software" as defined at DFARS 252.227-7014 and the rights of the Government are as specified at DFARS 227.7202-3. Unpublished - rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States. Intergraph Corporation P.O. Box 240000 Huntsville, AL 35813 Street address: 170 Graphics Drive, Madison, AL 35758 Terms of Use Use of this software product is subject to the End User License Agreement and Limited Product Warranty ("EULA") delivered with this software product unless the licensee has a valid signed license for this software product with Intergraph Corporation. If the licensee has a valid signed license for this software product with Intergraph Corporation, the valid signed license shall take precedence and govern the use of this software product. Subject to the terms contained within the applicable license agreement, Intergraph Corporation gives licensee permission to print a reasonable number of copies of the documentation as defined in the applicable license agreement and delivered with the software product for licensee's internal, non-commercial use. The documentation may not be printed for resale or redistribution. Warranties and Liabilities All warranties given by Intergraph Corporation about equipment or software are set forth in the EULA provided with the software or applicable license for the software product signed by Intergraph Corporation, and nothing stated in, or implied by, this document or its contents shall be considered or deemed a modification or amendment of such warranties. Intergraph believes the information in this publication is accurate as of its publication date. The information and the software discussed in this document are subject to change without notice and are subject to applicable technical product descriptions. Intergraph Corporation is not responsible for any error that may appear in this document. The software discussed in this document is furnished under a license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of this license. No responsibility is assumed by Intergraph for the use or reliability of software on equipment that is not supplied by Intergraph or its affiliated companies. THE USER OF THE SOFTWARE IS EXPECTED TO MAKE THE FINAL EVALUATION AS TO THE USEFULNESS OF THE SOFTWARE IN HIS OWN ENVIRONMENT. Intergraph is not responsible for the accuracy of delivered data including, but not limited to, catalog, reference and symbol data. Users should verify for themselves that the data is accurate and suitable for their project work. Trademarks Intergraph, the Intergraph logo, PDS, SmartPlant, SmartMarine, FrameWorks, I-Convert, I-Export, I-Sketch, IntelliShip, INtools, ISOGEN, MARIAN, SmartSketch, SPOOLGEN, SupportManager, and SupportModeler are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intergraph Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. MicroStation is a registered trademark of Bentley Systems, Inc. Other brands and product names are trademarks of their respective owners. Contents Welcome to SmartPlant ............................................................................................................................. 1 Installation Checklist.............................................................................................................................. 1 Introducing SmartPlant P&ID................................................................................................................ 1 SmartPlant P&ID Program Group ................................................................................................... 2 SmartPlant Engineering Manager .......................................................................................................... 3 SmartPlant Engineering Manager Program Group.......................................................................... 3 Internationalization .................................................................................................................................... 5 Hardware and Software Recommendations............................................................................................. 7 SmartPlant P&ID Database Server ........................................................................................................ 7 SmartPlant P&ID Workstation............................................................................................................... 8 Installing the Software ............................................................................................................................. 11 Setting up the Database............................................................................................................................ 11 Oracle Installation and Configuration.................................................................................................... 12 Configure Oracle Networking Components......................................................................................... 12 Oracle Installation Workflow............................................................................................................... 13 Installing Oracle Database Server ........................................................................................................ 13 Install Oracle Database Server......................................................................................... 13 Create an Oracle Listener..................................................................................................................... 14 Creating an Oracle Instance ................................................................................................................. 14 Requirements for Oracle Instance Creation................................................................................... 15 Create a New Oracle Instance.......................................................................................... 15 Installing Oracle Client ........................................................................................................................ 18 Installing Oracle Client Prerequisites .............................................................................. 19 Install Oracle Client......................................................................................................... 19 Register DLLs with RegSrv32 ............................................................................................................. 19 Oracle Tuning Recommendations........................................................................................................ 20 Microsoft SQL Server Installation and Configuration ......................................................................... 21 Modify Logon Information for SQL Server Services .......................................................................... 22 SQL Server 2005 Database Server Installation.................................................................................... 23 Configure SQL Server 2005 Database Server ............................................................................... 24 Set Database Maintenance Options for SQL Server 2005............................................................. 25 Run DBCC Utility Options for SQL Server 2005 ......................................................................... 26 Update Statistics for SQL Server 2005.......................................................................................... 26 SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide i ..... 32 Install SmartPlant P&ID ............. 63 ii SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide ................................................................................................................................................................ 50 Back Up Your Data .................................................................................................... 61 Preserve Software Customizations ............................................... 41 Comparison of Thin Client Mode and SmartPlant P&ID Workshare.......... 31 Grant Permissions to Write to a Registry Key ........................................................................................................................ 61 Backup Each Upgraded Plant ................. 50 Memory Management Considerations............................ 61 Making Manual Changes..................................................................................................................................................Contents Installing SQL Server Client.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 37 Working in Thin Client Mode ........................... 43 Upgrading to SmartPlant P&ID 2009................... 42 Configure Citrix Presentation Server 4....... 27 Loading SmartPlant P&ID Prerequisite Software ........ 43 Terminal Server Logon Sequence ........................................................................................................................................................... 41 Overview ................ 45 Correcting Database Constraint Violations........................................................................................................................ 36 Installing SmartPlant P&ID in Silent Mode............ 46 Using Constraint Utilities ........................................................................................................................................................... 50 Share Paths to Site .......................................................... 34 Uninstall a Previous Version of SmartPlant P&ID ....................................................................... 62 Upgrade Reference Data................................ 45 Generate a Database Constraint Exceptions Report ............................................................................ 62 Upgrading Reference Data .............................................................................. 59 After Running the Upgrade Utility.. 26 Install SQL Server 2005 Client...................... 31 Install SmartPlant 3D Piping Specification Remote Access Client .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 47 Before Running the Upgrade Utility .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................5 ............ 31 Installing the SmartPlant P&ID Software.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................INI Files................................................................................................................ 35 Configuring Reference Data for SmartPlant P&ID.......... 41 Tuning the Software for Use in Thin Client Mode ........................... 33 Uninstall a Previous Version of SmartPlant Engineering Manager ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 31 Install SmartPlant Engineering Manager .................................................................... 35 Install SmartPlant Reference Data .............................................................................................................. 54 Upgrade a Plant .................................................................................................................................. 36 Install SmartPlant P&ID in Silent Mode............................................................................................. 54 Upgrade SmartPlant P&ID ............................................ 50 Set Oracle Parameters............................................................................. 56 Upgrade Utility Commands....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 53 Upgrading a Site ....................................... 42 Publish the SmartPlant Application ......................................................................................... 51 Using the SmartPlant Engineering Manager Upgrade Utility........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 61 Use Oracle Analyzer Scripts....................................................... .................................................... 69 Working with Database Schemas................................................................ 90 User Access ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 75 Creating Network Shares ................................................ 92 SmartPlant P&ID Access Rights....................................................................... 104 Synchronizing Reference Data................ 84 Grant Network Access Privileges......................................... 82 Create a User Group ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 88 New Plant Structure Wizard. 109 Start SmartPlant P&ID................................................................................................................................................................................................. 105 SmartPlant P&ID Delivered Templates....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 103 Working with Filters ..................................... 103 Customizing Reference Data Options .... 72 Using Default Settings..................................................................................................................... 84 Novell Networking and User Groups ................................................................................................................................................................................. 70 Working with Data Dictionaries......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 108 Using SmartPlant P&ID in Production ......................................................................................................... 103 Working with Formats ................................................... 103 Working with Symbols and Labels . 87 New Site Server Wizard......................................... 98 Customizing Your Reference Data....................................................... 109 Recreating Drawings.......................................................................... 86 New Site Administrator Group Dialog Box .................................................................... 64 Update Command (File > Out-of-Date Drawings Menu).................................................. 104 Modifying Data Model Properties........ 66 Out-of-Date Drawing Criteria Command (Tools Menu).............................................................................................................................................................................................. 111 SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide iii ............................................................. 109 Tips for Creating a P&ID Drawing ...Contents Updating Drawings ........ 106 Edit Delivered Templates ............................................................................................................................................................. 89 Create a New Role .................. 94 SmartPlant P&ID Access Rights Examples ...................................................................................................................................................... 91 SmartPlant Engineering Manager Rights...................................... 105 Configuring Border Templates .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 85 Change the Site Administrator User Group............................ 82 Add Users to the Administrators Group ............................................................ 107 Create a Border Template............................ 69 Understanding Default Database User Names ..................................................... 91 Overview ........................................... 104 Establishing Design Rules.................. 89 Associate Applications Wizard ........................................................................... 67 Configuring SmartPlant Engineering Manager ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 81 Site Administrator User Group ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 64 Resolve Command (File > Out-of-Date Drawings > Update Drawings Menu) ............ 110 Filtered Printing ....................................................................................................................... ......... 117 Using the Catalog Index in SmartPlant P&ID and SmartPlant Integration ...................... 117 Working with Zyqad................................................................. 116 Working with SmartPlant 3D .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 117 Using Workshare in an Integrated Environment ........................ 115 Working with SmartPlant Instrumentation .................................................. 119 Using Custom Hierarchies ................................................. 114 Preparing the Integrated Environment ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 119 Register Command (SmartPlant Menu) ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 115 General Integration Requirements.......... 120 Index .................................................................. 113 Overview ...................................................................................................................................................... 113 Registering Tools ............................................................................................................................................Contents Working with SmartPlant Integration .................................................................... 121 iv SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide ........................ 114 Tool Requirements for Integrating SmartPlant P&ID................................................................... 118 Mapping for SmartPlant Integration .............................................. Knowledge-based. rule-based solution for the P&ID life cycle. and standards compliance. data consistency. All data from the P&ID is stored in the plant database and adheres to plant standards. construction. Inc. intuitive. delivered during product setup to the \Program Files\SmartPlant\P&ID Workstation\Program\resdlls\0009\ folder. flexible. This method provides valuable information throughout the plant life cycle. or equipment and line lists. SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide 1 . The strong data import and export facilities of SmartPlant P&ID allow users to populate the system with relevant plant data. The successor to the Intergraph Plant Design System (PDS). You can then use this information in the SmartPlant P&ID Stockpile to design the P&ID. and drag-and-drop capabilities. As a data-centric. accessible. The software enables users to create logical and physical definitions of the plant model and enables access to plant data from conceptual design to decommissioning. Installation Checklist For the recommended installation workflow. SmartPlant P&ID is vastly different from graphic-driven P&ID solutions of today. lowering costs.xls). and maintenance phases. automatic checks. SmartPlant is the fulfillment of the Intergraph vision to speed and improve the creation of information and to provide this data to multiple users at any moment in the appropriate form. see the SmartPlant P&ID Installation Checklist: (SPPIDInstall_Checklist. SmartPlant includes expanded functionality for front-end engineering and design (FEED). With quick access to supporting engineering data. reducing production time. and extending the life and usability of plant information. such as process data from process simulation databases based on Aspen Zyqad from Aspen Technologies.SECTION 1 Welcome to SmartPlant The Intergraph SmartPlant family of process industry solutions is an open line of discipline-specific software tools that provide an integrated solution for the entire plant life cycle. and data-driven. SmartPlant P&ID helps users improve design quality. operation. The graphical representation of the P&ID is a view or a report of the data. Introducing SmartPlant P&ID SmartPlant P&ID creates intelligent P&IDs by populating the database with relevant plant data. SmartPlant P&ID significantly cuts design and modification time and increases accuracy with its exclusive data-centric approach and use of design rules. Workflows are compressed. enhancing global execution. SmartPlant supports global workflows. easy-to-use. The open architecture of SmartPlant P&ID permits integration with other systems. SmartPlant Engineering Manager performs higher-level data management tasks. Drawing Manager also allows you to perform Workshare and project-specific commands. SmartPlant P&ID Insulation Specification Manager allows you to create and modify lookup tables for insulation specifications and thicknesses. unified data structure that represents the plant model. A view is a visual presentation of the data in the plant model and can be a schematic drawing or a table. such as Intergraph PDS. gapping. user-definable rule-based system that assists the engineer during the design phase of the plant and subsequent life cycle phases. and Aspen Zyqad. SmartPlant P&ID provides the design environment for SmartPlant P&ID drawings. heat tracing. manage drawing versions. SmartPlant P&ID incorporates the latest Microsoft technologies. SmartPlant P&ID has several programs and utilities for running and managing your plant data. designing plant hierarchies. you can organize the information within the plant model to better understand and maintain the data. Running on various Microsoft Windows operating system platforms. By manipulating model views. For more information about SmartPlant Engineering Manager. The design rule-base confirms data consistency and compliance with plant and engineering standards. allowing faster. rules are executed. to provide integration with existing data and other systems. SmartPlant Instrumentation.Welcome to SmartPlant The rule-based and automation capabilities of SmartPlant P&ID also differentiate it from other P&ID systems. all of which allow users to share data with third-party software. SmartPlant P&ID Program Group SmartPlant P&ID provides multiple views of a central. and feedback is immediate. such as specifying user permissions. SmartPlant P&ID features a comprehensive. SmartPlant P&ID Rule Manager defines rules for placement and property copying on placement. Options Manager also defines paths to SmartPlant P&ID files and directories. and formats. SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager allows you to create and delete drawings. 2 SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide . Data is entered directly into the database. including all plant components and their relationships. and print multiple drawings. see the SmartPlant Engineering Manager User's Guide and the appropriate sections of this guide. The plant model is the computer representation of the conceptual design. SmartPlant P&ID does not require a traditional. SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager defines plant-wide graphic standards for symbology. more efficient design with less iteration. expensive CAD engine for P&ID creation. such as OLE automation. and so forth. and create and modify select lists. plant structures and projects. SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide 3 . graphical views. and associating SmartPlant applications. view relationships. modifying. and SmartPlant Electrical. SmartPlant Engineering Manager takes advantage of a client/server design that greatly enhances performance and lowers the cost of ownership. gapping. Supporting SmartPlant P&ID. SmartPlant Engineering Manager allows you to create the SmartPlant site and plants. launching. and so forth. modifying plant attributes. You can create plant structures. Catalog Manager allows you to create and modify symbols and labels. Filter Manager allows you to create and modify filters to discriminate on database data. SmartPlant Instrumentation. The intuitive user interface design. SmartPlant Engineering Manager manages the plant structures while the applications themselves are responsible for manipulating the actual data (including creating. and so forth). rules. Data Dictionary Template Comparison Utility allows you to determine the differences between two data dictionary template files or between one data dictionary template file and the corresponding data dictionary/schema from a plant. deleting. Because it is built on few Microsoft dependencies and is not web-based. Filters are used for displaying data in symbology. Format Manager defines available formats for units of measure properties. You can create and maintain SmartPlant Engineering sites. as well as define the access to plant data on many levels. plant groups.SECTION 2 SmartPlant Engineering Manager SmartPlant Engineering Manager provides all the tools you need to effectively set up and manage your work with SmartPlant applications. SmartPlant Engineering Manager requires no web server. Data Dictionary Manager allows you to add properties to SmartPlant database tables. in addition to adding plant group types. hierarchy templates. SmartPlant Engineering Manager Program Group The SmartPlant Engineering Manager program group provides several utilities for managing your plant data. define external programs. Refresh Site Roles Utility allows you to automatically refresh the roles in a site on a scheduled basis. reports. allows you to easily manage user access and to share plant data. with its streamlined layout. creating and modifying hierarchies. SmartPlant Engineering Manager allows you to view not only the data related to the whole site but also data related to individual plants and projects. this application is especially useful when you need to maintain a central set of reference data for all plants across a site without having a network or database connection between plants. and managing reference data across multiple plants. Upgrade Utility guides you through upgrading your SmartPlant Engineering data. Used in conjunction with the Update Drawings functionality in Drawing Manager. 4 SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide .Welcome to SmartPlant Reference Data Synchronization Manager provides tools for comparing. synchronizing. a heterogeneous environment using elements from different. Heterogeneous Environments In contrast. or between Eastern Europe and Japan. is not supported. Doing so causes the character data not to convert to Unicode. use extra care during installation and configuration to ensure the proper creation and maintenance of homogeneous environments: All the computers (servers and clients) within an integrated SmartPlant Enterprise implementation must have the same regional settings. Many customers are currently operating in unsupported heterogeneous environments and are often not aware of that fact. Doing so will only corrupt values in the database or in text files. Examples of heterogeneous environments: Entering or viewing Japanese data on an US/English operating system Using German Regional Settings (where the decimal point is a comma) on a US/English operating system SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide 5 . Do not change the decimal point character to try to solve an issue. a pipe run with a pressure of 35. or even multiple locales. Create Microsoft SQL Server databases with locale-specific collation settings and ensure that all databases have the same setting. Homogeneous Environments When starting a new project.SECTION 3 Internationalization Supporting internationalization in a homogeneous environment is one of the enhancements available in SmartPlant Enterprise. a German customer running on a German operating system using only German characters and German cultural conventions is a fully supported homogeneous environment configuration. For example. A cable length defined as 39 ft 11.21 inches has been interpreted as 121718910971323 meters when published to an XML file. These incorrect interpretations may be used in internal software calculations and can be impossible to backtrack or correct. This is the most common cause of numeric data corruption and calculation errors. A homogeneous environment uses elements from only a single locale. and no one should change the regional settings after the project has started. Do not cross the character-set locale boundary. For example. Create Oracle databases using AL32UTF8 for the database character set and AL16UTF16 for the NLS character set. the character set boundary between Western (Latin-based) and Eastern Europe (Cyrillic-based). Never modify the NLS_LANG registry entry on an Oracle client. Having users with different regional settings (like with a period versus a comma for the decimal point) causes the software to interpret values unpredictably.3 psi can be read by the software as 353 psi to the user with different regional settings. For example. Do not cross the decimal locale boundary. English-speaking engineers can enter English characters.Internationalization Using databases with different character encodings such as CL8MSWIN1251 or JA16SJIS Using multiple languages in a project.K. Russian. because the Russian locale uses different decimal and character-set locales. For customization purposes. databases can be modified to accommodate new Russian-specific requirements (fields. and so forth. 6 SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide . and so forth) can enter English characters. and U. everyone (English and Russian engineers) must use the Russian decimal symbol which is a comma. Doing this creates a heterogeneous configuration that will cause other possibly hidden problems that cannot be corrected. All Microsoft operating systems (Japanese. and other software features. Russian-speaking engineers can enter Russian characters. Keyboard-locale can be changed as long as a character-set and code. and so forth can be created in either or both languages.S. is not true in most cases. Graphic data. However. The reverse. are working the project using the "master" Russian operating systems (possibly using virtual Russian operating systems running on VMware Workstation).) Using filters. as long as the databases have been created and configured with proper Unicode and collation settings. German. properties. However. Do not change regional settings to reflect a U. and so forth) must ultimately be provided in Russian. bi-lingual projects can be further customized. The following is an example of a Russian-based project: Companies in the United States and the United Kingdom are working a project with a Russian company and the deliverables (drawings. The U. especially when crossing language-group boundaries Using an English server with different local language clients International / Bi-lingual Projects International bi-lingual projects are possible. reports. Questions and Assistance Please contact your support representative for assistance. German. Everyone working on a project must use the same regional settings and character set throughout the life of the project. reports.S. environment in order to resolve problems in a non-US/English homogeneous configuration. French. Russian characters (code-page 1251) cannot be used in a US/English environment. and the U. and Spanish characters can all be used in the same project because the same Windows code-page (1252) is used. however.K. however. You must decide which language operating system will be the master for bi-lingual projects. Limitations exist and must be properly understood: Oracle and MS SQL Server databases can reside on any language operating system.S. English. The companies in the U. great care must be used when configuring these environments.page boundary is not crossed. For example. companies can install and use English Microsoft Office products on the Russian operating system because Office products are globally enabled. then Russian users can use the Russian interface while the English-speaking users would continue to use the US/English interface. If a Russian interface exists for the SmartPlant Enterprise application. display sets. The SmartPlant database management server installation was certified on 64-bit hardware with a 64-bit operating system (Windows Server 2003) and 64-bit database software.4 GHz Pentium processor 2 GB RAM (or more for a large database) For all installations. such as SmartPlant P&ID or SmartPlant Electrical. either locally or through a network connection Supported Operating Systems Microsoft Windows Standard Server 2003 Service Pack 2 (32-bit and 64-bit) Microsoft Windows Enterprise Server 2003 Service Pack 2 (32-bit and 64-bit) SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide 7 . SmartPlant Engineering Manager may be installed on its own workstation or it can run on the same computer with other engineering applications. The client machine installation was certified on 64-bit hardware with a 64-bit operating system and 32-bit database software. You can install the SmartPlant software on the database server if you want to. These requirements assume that the SmartPlant software is not installed on the database server.SECTION 4 Hardware and Software Recommendations Before beginning an installation of the SmartPlant software. DVD drive access. SmartPlant P&ID Database Server Hardware Recommendations 2. verify that your servers meet the following requirements. but we do not recommend it. 0 SmartPlant P&ID Workstation Hardware Recommendations 2 GHz Pentium IV processor or higher 2 GB RAM DVD drive access.0 Service Pack 1 (32-bit) 8 SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide .0 (required to view the Software License Agreement and Printable Guides).0.5 GB Total: 1.1 GB Total: 0. Microsoft .Hardware and Software Recommendations Microsoft Windows Enterprise Server 2003 R2 Service Pack 2 (32-bit and 64-bit) The operating system must be installed in the account where you have administrator privileges.25 GB Software Prerequisites Adobe® Reader 8. either locally or through a network connection Windows supported printer access. either locally or through a network connection Supported Operating Systems Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3 (32-bit) Microsoft Vista Business Client 1.2. Supported Database Servers Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 (32-bit and 64-bit) Oracle Database 10g Release 2 (10. Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2.NET Framework 2.8 is delivered as part of Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 3).4 — 32-bit and 64-bit) Recommended Disk Space Oracle 10g Software SQL Server 2005 Software SmartPlant Engineering Manager Software Oracle Server installation 2 GB SQL Server 2005 installation 1 GB Initial SmartPlant Engineering Manager database 250 MB Initial Oracle instance 500 MB SQL Server Temporary database 100 MB Total: 2.8 Service Pack 1 (MDAC 2. 8 Service Pack 1 (MDAC 2. The Piping Specification Client software is required for using SmartPlant 3D specifications in the SmartPlant P&ID Piping Specification Utility and is available on the SmartPlant P&ID product CD.dll files. Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.1 GB Software Prerequisites Adobe® Reader 8.2.0 Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2.00.NET Framework 2. Recommended Disk Space Oracle 10g Software SQL Server 2005 Software SmartPlant Software Oracle Client installation SQL Server 2005 Client installation SmartPlant Engineering Manager 2009 (full installation) 250 MB SmartPlant P&ID 2009 (full installation) 250 MB SmartPlant Schema Component 25 MB SmartPlant Client 30 MB Total: 0. SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide 9 .55 GB Total: 1 GB 1 GB Total: 100 MB 0. The licensing is delivered on its own CD that comes with your SmartPlant P&ID product CD. Version 01.4) Do not use Oracle 'light client' as it does not include some of the required .8 is delivered as part of Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 3).0 Service Pack 1 Microsoft . The client database software must be of the same version as the server database software. Microsoft Office 2003 or 2007 (Microsoft Excel is required for working with report templates and for viewing the Installation Checklist and various other files). SmartPlant License Manager 2009 (10.00. SmartPlant 3D Piping Specification Remote Access Client.0 (required to view the Software License Agreement and Printable Guides).00).05.Hardware and Software Recommendations Supported Database Clients Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 Oracle 10g Client Release 2 (10.0.0 (required for viewing the online documentation delivered with the software) Microsoft XML Core Services (MSXML) 6. If you have installed SmartSketch 2009 on the same machine as the SmartPlant P&ID 2009 installation and you open a SmartPlant P&ID 2009 drawing file using SmartSketch 2009 (note that this is not a recommended workflow. Citrix Presentation Server 4. the following software programs are not Intergraph corporation software and are owned by third parties. It is the responsibility of the customer to select in its sole discretion the applicable third party software customer desires to use to generate reports and Intergraph makes no recommendation as to the choice of said third party software. if you create a symbol using SmartSketch 2009 (instead of Catalog Manager 2009). For working in a Citrix environment. you must save the file as an earlier version of SmartSketch before importing the symbol file into Catalog Manager. INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR THE WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE IN REGARDS TO SAID THIRD PARTY SOFTWARE. In addition. INTERGRAPH DISCLAIMS AND MAKES NO WARRANTY EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED.5 SmartSketch 2007 (5. Customer is responsible for obtaining a valid license to use said third party software from the owner of said third party software and to pay any license fees to the owner of said third party software for the use of said third party software. 10 SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide . you must save the file as an earlier version of SmartSketch to be able to work with the file in SmartPlant P&ID.Hardware and Software Recommendations Optional Software Apart from SmartSketch. as you should open the file using SmartPlant P&ID instead).0) or similar graphical editor (used for editing border template files) SmartSketch 2009 is not compatible with SmartPlant P&ID 2009. For example. which are rules used to ensure database integrity by checking values at the time the information is written to the database. If all of the information does not fall within these embedded constraints. the information is not written to the database. verify that the computers on which the software components will be installed meet the requirements described in SmartPlant Engineering Manager Hardware and Software Recommendations (see "Hardware and Software Recommendations" on page 7). SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide 11 . and the remaining SmartPlant software on another workstation. and the software rolls back the transaction.SECTION 5 Installing the Software This section describes how to set up your database and install SmartPlant Engineering Manager. The Open Database functionality. SmartPlant Engineering Manager includes a number of deferrable database constraints. allows you to install pieces of the software on several different workstations. or you could install SmartPlant Engineering Manager on one workstation. and the reference data on yet another workstation or file server. and other important issues. incorporated into all parts of the SmartPlant software. the frequency of automatic backups. The ultimate database creation and configuration depends on the policies and standards at your company. These deferrable database constraints are applied only when you use an Oracle database. Therefore. SmartPlant P&ID and its related managers on another. SmartPlant Catalog Manager on another workstation. the following sections provide only suggestions for tuning your database configuration to work with SmartPlant software. SmartPlant P&ID and supporting software. you can install SmartPlant Engineering Manager and its related managers on one workstation. You do not have to maintain a server for just SmartPlant Engineering Manager. Setting up the Database Installing any database involves significant decisions regarding the size of the database. SQL Server does not support them. the maximum number of users. Before you begin installing the software. You could install all of the SmartPlant software on one workstation. performance tuning.com) for specific configuration questions.intergraph. See the Oracle Net Services Administrator's Guide and the Oracle Net Services Reference Guide in your Oracle documentation for more information about using this utility and creating net service name connections. Oracle Instances If one server hosts the databases of several products. you should start by putting the database of one product for several plants into a single instance. use this section as a checklist instead of step-by-step instructions. global tuning parameters that apply to one instance can be tailored to the specific product requirements. and individual company standards vary. database software. Configure Oracle Networking Components Oracle Net combines configuration abilities with component control to provide an integrated environment for configuring and managing client connections to services via a net service name. because each additional instance puts additional load on the server. SmartPlant Engineering Manager and P&ID use the Oracle Net service to establish and maintain network sessions from client applications to the Oracle database server.Oracle Installation and Configuration Oracle Installation and Configuration Because system configurations. rollback segments. Oracle recommends that database activity on the database server consume no more than 50 percent of the available memory. the number of instances on one database server should be minimized. the Oracle Networking Components should be configured correctly. For this reason. consider separating the database into new instances. each of which can host multiple plants. when the number of plants increases. Please contact Intergraph Customer Support (http://support. or even adding database servers. background processes. We recommend installing and configuring Oracle locally. and memory requirements for each SGA (System Global Area). Each instance adds redundant tablespaces. 12 SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide . or a plant becomes very large. Additionally. Then. If you follow the procedures provided to Install Oracle Server Software (Basic Installation for Enterprise Edition) and Install Oracle Client Software. According to Oracle documentation. this utility acts as a data courier for the client application and the database server. Intergraph recommends that each product's database be a separate instance. adding server memory. and other database maintenance activities. The advantage of placing each product's database its own instance is that only the affected application will be off-line during backup. After a network session is established. However. not by remote desktop connection. the only limit to the number of instances you can have on any machine is the availability of resources. you must load the Net Services and the Oracle TCP/IP Protocol Adapter on the SmartPlant Engineering Manager computer. The version of Net Services must be the same on all computers.Oracle Installation and Configuration For SmartPlant P&ID to access the database. If SmartPlant Engineering Manager is installed on a workstation other than the database server.2. Start Oracle 10. SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide 13 .2. On the Product-Specific Prerequisite Checks page. Clear the Create Starter Database check box and then click Next. On the Warning dialog box. in addition to the Oracle TCP/IP Protocol Adapter.4 Setup. 5. On the Select Installation Method page. Oracle Installation Workflow The following workflow is necessary for installing Oracle for use with SmartPlant P&ID. Enterprise Edition — If the operating system is Windows XP.0. If SmartPlant Engineering Manager is installed on the database server. 3. and from the Installation Type list. click Basic Installation. select one of the following: Standard Edition — If the operating system is Windows 2003 Server. you must load and configure Oracle Net Services on that server. 2. ignore the Checking Network Configuration requirements warning and click Next. which SmartPlant uses to communicate with the database. you must load and configure Oracle Net Services on the database server and on each end-user SmartPlant workstation. 4.0.4 Database Server 1. Installing Oracle Database Server (on page 13) Create an Oracle Listener (on page 14) Creating an Oracle Instance (on page 14) Installing Oracle Client (on page 18) Installing Oracle Database Server The following editions of Oracle Database Server are available: Standard Edition (for minimum installation) Enterprise Edition You should refer to your Oracle Installation Guide for detailed instructions on installing Oracle. You must also load the Net Services and the Oracle TCP/IP Protocol Adapter on the Oracle database server. Install Oracle 10. Net Manager is installed with the Net Services software and allows you to create a database Net Service Name. click Yes. Oracle takes-up some disk space. for example. 3. you must have enough free disk space on the hard disk where the Oracle database is located to be able to create the new instance. On the Start menu. 9. 8. Create an Oracle Listener 1. note that appending instances on your Oracle database server can slow down your work in the P&ID database located on that server. However. You can create as many instances as required and. The disk usage is as follows: Oracle instance environment — 50 MB recommended Oracle instance after running Oracle DB Setup — 80 MB recommended Oracle instance after initializing a domain — 150 MB recommended See your Oracle User Guide for additional information about limitations on creation of instances. click Next until you reach the page Listener Configuration.ora file which Oracle will run when carrying out the instance creation process. append as many databases as you need on a single database server. Creating a new instance using the Database Configuration Assistant. 14 SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide . 4. Therefore. 5. 4. click Install. click All Programs > Oracle – OraDb10g_home1 > Configuration and Migration Tools > Net Configuration Assistant. You need to create a new instance in Oracle if you have an existing Oracle database server whose parameters do not comply with the parameters required to use P&ID on Oracle. Modifying the database parameters in the new instance initialization file. 7. On the Listener Configuration. Complete the installation and then click Exit. Creating a new instance initialization file from an existing initialization file. Define the listener name. When creating an instance. Select Protocols page.Oracle Installation and Configuration 6. Creating an Oracle Instance The Oracle instance is a workspace on the Oracle database server where Oracle keeps a single database. LISTENER and click Next. If the OUI-10030 warning message appears. On the Summary page. Restart the server machine. select TCP and click Next. Listener Name. this way. click Yes. On the remaining Wizard pages. In the Oracle New Configuration Assistant Wizard. The instance creation process contains the following major steps: 1. 2. 3. if the disk of the target folder has enough space. Modifying the Listener. This way you can append the P&ID database to existing Oracle databases on your Oracle database server without losing your existing Oracle database information. 2. click Next and then click Finish to complete the listener creation. 2.2. and if your company's policy allows you to change the Oracle security. On the Welcome page. click All Programs > Oracle – OraDb10g_home1 > Configuration and Migration Tools > Database Configuration Assistant. 2. On the Start menu. you can do the following: in the Sqlnet. All user names and passwords must use ASCII / English characters. The default location of the Sqlnet. SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide 15 .0. Oracle does not support non-ASCII / English characters in user names or passwords and will not work. If you still need to create an instance from the account in which you do not have Administrator's rights. click Next until you reach the page Step 2 of 12: Database Templates.Oracle Installation and Configuration Requirements for Oracle Instance Creation Before creating an Oracle instance. add the # symbol before the Sqlnet. As an alternative to the above calculation. click Next. and files of the new instance are different from those of any existing instance. folders. 3. make sure that the value is at least 8192. You can calculate the amount of RAM needed for the database by using the following Oracle parameters: SHARED_POOL_SIZE (at least 10 MB) DB_BLOCK_SIZE LOG_BUFFER SORT_AREA_SIZE JAVA_POOL_SIZE and LARGE_POOL_SIZE are additional parameters that affect the RAM that the Oracle database occupies. make sure that you have Administrator's access rights in both your Oracle server database and the operating system installed on the server machine.Authentication_Services = (NTS) parameter to comment it out.ora file will look similar to the following path: \\<Oracle home folder>\Product\<Version*>\db_1\Network\Admin\ (* An example of the 7.0) Before starting an Oracle database you need to ensure that the RAM that this database occupies does not exceed the available RAM on your server. For the DB_BLOCK_SIZE parameter.ora file. you can use the following target parameters to determine the maximum amount of RAM: sga_target (at least 100 MB is recommended) pga_aggregate_target (at least 20 MB is recommended) Create a New Oracle 10. These parameters appear if you select certain options when running the Oracle Database Configuration Assistant using a custom installation type.4 Instance Make sure that all passwords. 1.x folder name is 10. In the Database Configuration Assistant Wizard. user names. This limitation is an Oracle limitation. not Intergraph's. for example. do the following: a. and then. and then. click Next. do the following: a. do the following: a. 7. clear Configure the Database with Enterprise Manager. define the database name. b. The following terms are reserved and cannot be used as passwords: manager (reserved for the SYSTEM user) and change_on_install (reserved for the SYS user). Select Custom. In the Global Database Name box. b. On the page Step 5 of 12: Database Credentials. e. In the SID box. Click Next until you reach the page Step 7 of 12: Database File Locations. d. 6. click No scripts to run. enter 60 M Bytes. In the SGA Size box. enter 160 M Bytes. On the page Step 9 of 12: Database Content. select Automatic. If prompted you to disable local database management. Beside Shared Memory Management. On the page Step 10 of 12: Initialization Parameters. clear all the check boxes and click OK. in the Password and Confirm Password boxes. click Yes. clear Specify Flash Recovery Data and click Next. Select Custom Database and click Next. On the page Step 8 of 12: Recovery Configuration. type the password. Specify the path and folder. Click Next. Click Next. for example. and then do the following: a. D:\oracle\.Oracle Installation and Configuration 4. On the page Step 3 of 12: Database Identification. c. b. On the page Step 4 of 12: Management Options. clear all the check boxes. 8. c. 9. 10. On the Custom Scripts tab. 16 SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide . The database name and the instance name do not have to be the same. Oracle. c. c. b. On the Database Components tab. on the Standard Database Components dialog box. In the PGA Size box. Click Standard Database Components. d. PID10gdb. Select Use Common Location for All Database Files. 5. on the Memory tab. for example. accept or modify the instance name that the software enters automatically as you type the database name. select AL16UTF16 (the default) The same database character set and national character set values should also be defined on your server. e. Under Database Character Set. ii. select Use Unicode (AL32UTF8). SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide 17 . The Default Language and Default Date Format values will reflect locale-specific information. Click the Character Sets tab and do the following: i.Oracle Installation and Configuration The recommended total memory for one Oracle 10g instance is 260 M Bytes. Under National Character Set. f. Accept the settings on the other tabs and click Next. If you install the Oracle client on a station. you proceed by installing P&ID. click OK. Installing Oracle Client The Oracle client provides P&ID with the means to interface with the Oracle database server. If your machine does not have access to a CD-ROM drive. On the page Step 11 of 12: Database Storage. On the Confirmation dialog box. On the page Step 12 of 12: Creation Options. Click Next.Oracle Installation and Configuration 11. To change the size. change the data file size of the TEMP and USERS tablespaces to 100 MB. make sure that the machine (file server or local station) has access to a CD-ROM drive. you need to copy all the installation files from the installation CD to your local hard disk. click Finish. 15. 13. You can install the Oracle client either on a file server or on the local station. 12. Before you start the installation process. make sure you have the appropriate access rights to the Oracle database server. 18 SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide . double-click the field under Size. if you intend to create a SmartPlant Electrical or SmartPlant P&ID database in the current Oracle database. Restart the server machine. You install the Oracle client after you have completed the Oracle database server installation. 14. After the Oracle client installation process is complete. The alias name can contain any alphanumeric characters without spaces. On the Welcome page. Install Oracle 10. click Install.2.dll file. enter the name of the folder that will appear in the Start menu and the folder path for the installation. 3. 10. Create an alias to the Oracle database on the client machine using Oracle Net Manager. On the Specify Home Details page. select one of the following: Administrator — For users who need Administrator functions.0. To rectify this.4.4.4 Client Prerequisites Make sure that your Oracle server version is 10. Start the Oracle Universal Installer for Oracle client. do the following: 1. you must not change any of the default values of the NLS_LANG parameter on the client. Runtime — For all other users. click Next.0. 12. 2. when the Oracle Net Configuration Assistant opens. click Next. Restart the client machine. Clear the Create Starter Database check box and then click Next. 9. you will have to reinstall the Oracle client for the changes to take effect After the client installation. On the Oracle Net Configuration Assistant: Done page. 6. click Finish. the setup process will not register the igrOraspconnect. 4. On completion of the installation. such as the ability to create tablespaces.2.2. from the list. 11. The Start menu folder name is also the name given to the Oracle Home folder in the Registry. select the Perform typical configuration check box. On the Summary page. 5.4 Client 1.2. On the Product-Specific Prerequisite Checks page. Uninstall previous versions of Oracle client from the client machine where you want to install Oracle Client 10.Oracle Installation and Configuration Installing Oracle 10. 7. select Add/Remove Programs. If you want to change the regional and language options after the installation. You can only set up these options before the client installation. SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide 19 . Register DLLs with RegSrv32 If you install Oracle Client on your SmartPlant workstation after installing SmartPlant Engineering Manager or P&ID software. From the Windows Control Panel. On the Select Installation Type page.0.0. after you install Oracle Client. Set up your client Windows regional and language options as you require. Complete the installation and then click Exit. 8. we do not recommend using this setting.zip (http://pbscrm. This parameter can be set in the initSIDname. 3.com/pbs/sppid/Freeware/OracleAnalyzer. we do not recommend using this setting. select Add/Remove install components (in SmartPlant P&ID only). FIRST_ROWS — The optimizer uses a cost-based approach for all SQL statements in the session regardless of the presence of statistics and optimizes with a goal of best response time (minimum resource use to return the first row of the result set). then the optimizer uses a rule-based approach.Oracle Installation and Configuration 2. OPTIMIZER_MODE Initialization Parameter The OPTIMIZER_MODE initialization parameter establishes the default behavior for choosing an optimization approach for the instance. Use the following settings to encourage the CBO to use indexes instead of full table scans. ALL_ROWS — The optimizer uses a cost-based approach for all SQL statements in the session regardless of the presence of statistics and optimizes with a goal of best throughput (minimum resource use to complete the entire statement). Oracle Cost Based Optimizer (CBO) We recommend using the Oracle Cost Based Optimizer (CBO) on Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) systems.intergraph.ora file to one of the following four values. If you are not gathering statistics on your database. Select Repair.com/pbs/sppid/Freeware/OracleAnalyzer. CHOOSE — The optimizer chooses between a cost-based approach and a rule-based approach based on whether statistics are available for the CBO. see the Oracle performance tuning documentation at http://pbscrm. If you are not gathering statistics on your database. RULE — The optimizer chooses a rule-based approach for all SQL statements regardless of the presence of statistics. 5. If the data dictionary contains statistics for at least one of the accessed tables. If you are not gathering statistics on your database. If the data dictionary contains no statistics for any of the accessed tables. This is the default value for the parameter. Oracle Tuning Recommendations We recommend using the following Oracle tools for optimizing your database performance with the SmartPlant products.intergraph.zip).ora or init. we do not recommend using this setting. Click Change/Remove. On the Setup Type page. select Intergraph P&ID. then the optimizer uses a cost-based approach and optimizes with a goal of best throughput. 4. For more information. OPTIMIZER_INDEX_CACHING = 90 OPTIMIZER_INDEX_COST_ADJ = 35 20 SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide . From the list of programs on your computer. which copies filled online redo logs to disk. ARCHIVELOG Mode We also recommend running Oracle in ARCHIVELOG mode.gather_database_stats (cascate => TRUE). Running the database in ARCHIVELOG mode has several advantages over NOARCHIVELOG mode. To protect the ARCHIVELOG mode database in case of failure. You can: Back up the database while it is open and being accessed by users. Use with the OPTIMIZER_MODE variable set to ALL_ROWS.Microsoft SQL Server Installation and Configuration Before you can use the CBO./ (Gathers statistics on the schemas. Other Recommendations Some users have found using the following settings beneficial. Therefore. leading to larger extents in a large database. Recover the database to any desired point in time. the database monitoring system will warn you if the system tablespace is growing heavily.) RollBackSegment und Temp-Tablespace create rollback segment <name> tablespace rbs storage (optimal 10MB) begin dbms_stats. back up the archived logs.) Microsoft SQL Server Installation and Configuration The installation and configuration procedures described in this guide include only the steps required to install and use SmartPlant software in the Microsoft SQL Server environment. System Tablespace Max_Extents = UNLIMITED (If you choose to set this parameter to 505.) Tablespace System / initial und next set to 64KB (Setting the pctincrease parameter to 50 allows you to take advantage of the dynamic growth provided by Oracle. You must specify the mode at database creation or by using the ALTER DATABASE statement. end. This setting has no impact on performance. SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide 21 . you must set the OPTIMIZER_MODE initialization parameter to CHOOSE. For more information. You can enable automatic archiving either dynamically using the ALTER SYSTEM statement or by setting the initialization parameter LOG_ARCHIVE_START to TRUE. it is recommended that you refer to your Microsoft SQL Server User's Guide for additional information about Microsoft SQL Server. please see the SQL*Plus Backup and Recovery Concepts document in your Oracle documentation. database software. 22 SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide . When creating and configuring your databases. you must use an Oracle database rather than SQL Server. The default instance for SQL Server 2005 is SQLServer (MSSQLServer). or on any computer that performs backup or restore operations. load the Microsoft SQL Server software on your database server. Select This account and type the user name and password for the domain user who will be starting the MSSQLSERVER service. and Administrator password when performing the configuration. In the Services list. From the Windows Control Panel. grant the user read/write permissions to that share. keep in mind that plant structures must be created in a SQL Server database separate from the site server database and that each plant must be in its own database. 5. Click the Log On tab. 3. Standalone Workshare does support SQL Server. If the user defined in This account does not already have permissions to the share where backups are stored. use this section as a checklist instead of step-by-step instructions.Microsoft SQL Server Installation and Configuration If you intend to use the SmartPlant P&ID Connected Workshare functionality. For more information about MSSQLServer properties and granting permissions to domain users. Using the Typical installation. 6. You will need to provide the database node name. double-click SQLServer (MSSQLServer) to open the SQLServer (MSSQLServer) Properties dialog box. or projects. If the backup location for your SQL site is located on a separate computer from your database. Save your changes. Please contact Intergraph Customer Support (CustomerSupport. you can use a named instance. Modify Logon Information for SQL Server Services 1. 2. In place of the default instance. Connected Workshare does not support SQL Server. SQL Server Client is required on any SmartPlant computer on which you intend to create sites. however. select Administrative Tools > Services. Because system configurations. Configure SQL Server to create your custom database. refer to your SQL Server and Windows documentation. 2. 4. 1. for example: SQLServer (SPPID). and individual company standards vary. plants. you must modify the logon information for the SQL Server services using the procedure that follows. Administrator user name.htm) for specific configuration questions. Microsoft SQL Server Installation and Configuration SQL Server 2005 Database Server Installation Create Microsoft SQL Server databases with locale-specific collation settings and ensure that all interacting databases have the same collation settings. 1. Start SQL Server 2005 Setup. 2. On the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Setup wizard, click Next until you reach the Components to Install page. 3. On the Components to Install page, do the following: a. Select SQL Server Database Services. b. Select Workstation components, Books Online and development tools and then click Next. 4. On the Instance Name page, select Default instance and click Next. 5. On the Existing Components page (if displayed), click Next. 6. On the Service Account page, do the following: a. Select Use the built-in System account and then select Local system. b. Under Start services at the end of setup, select SQL Server and click Next. On the Service Account page, you must only select the SQL Server service. The other two services (SQL Server Agent and SQL Browser) are not needed for any SmartPlant software product. After the database server setup, the SQL Server service is created with the Automatic startup type, the SQL Server Agent service is created with the Manual startup type, and the SQL Browser service is not created. 7. On the Authentication Mode page, do the following: a. Select Mixed Mode. b. Define the System Administrator password as you desire and click Next. 8. On the Collation Settings page, ensure that Collation designator and sort order is selected, and from the list, select the appropriate designator corresponding to the national environment defined for the operating system on the client machines. For example, if the client environment is Russian, select Cyrillic_General as the collation designator. If the national environment of the client machines is identical with the national environment defined for the server, just accept the default values on this page. Ensure that the Case sensitive check box is cleared. 9. Click Next and complete the remaining steps. 10. After clicking Finish, restart the server machine. SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide 23 Microsoft SQL Server Installation and Configuration Configure SQL Server 2005 Database Server This procedure explains how to configure the server to avoid running out of memory. By default, the server is configured to use unlimited memory. As a quick alternative to this procedure, you can stop and then restart the server. To implement this procedure, you must have DBA permissions. 1. Click Start > Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Setup > SQL Server Management Studio. 2. On the Connect to Server dialog box, enter the required information as shown. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Beside Server type, select Database Engine. Beside Server name, select the name of your server or instance. Beside Authentication, select SQL Server Authentication. Type a login name. Type a strong password of a least 6 characters; this is a password that must include upperand lower-case characters, numeric and non-alphanumeric characters. 8. Click Connect. 24 SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide Microsoft SQL Server Installation and Configuration 9. In the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio window, under the Object Explorer, select the server (top-level node), right-click, and on the shortcut menu, click Properties. 10. Select the Memory page and do the following: a. Select Use AWE to allocate memory. b. Under Maximum server memory (in MB), set a suitable value. If it is likely that a large number of users will connect to the database concurrently, set the maximum memory to a higher value to avoid poor performance. 11. Select the Database Settings page and change the value of Default index fill factor to 80. Set Database Maintenance Options for SQL Server 2005 You set the database maintenance options for SQL Server using the DBCC Utility. It is recommended that you run the following options about once a week: CHECKCATALOG CHECKDB You must use an SA connection for running these options. You should also update the database statistics as needed. SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide 25 In the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio window. under the Object Explorer. Update Statistics for SQL Server 2005 1. Identical syntax applies for the CHECKDB command. You have appropriate access rights to the SQL Server database server. for example: DBCC CHECKCATALOG ('Site_Server1_DB') You must enclose the name of your database within the quotes and parentheses as shown. In the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio window. select the server (top-level node). Installing SQL Server Client The SQL Server client provides with the means to interface with the SQL Server database server. 26 SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide . click New Query. you must refer to the query results and correct these problems manually. You can save the results to an external file. 2. right-click. ensure that: SQL Server database server is installed on a database server machine. Open the SQL Server Management Studio. To do so. and on the shortcut menu. 4. Before you install the SQL Server client on a client machine. Type the following SQL script with the name of your database. for example: USE Site_Server1_DB GO EXEC SP_UPDATESTATS This script updates the statistics for every table in the database. 5. The SQL Server client version is compatible with your SQL Server database server version. click New Query. Open the SQL Server Management Studio.Microsoft SQL Server Installation and Configuration Run DBCC Utility Options for SQL Server 2005 1. Click Query > Execute. under the Object Explorer. 3. right-click. For more complex problems. 2. The software automatically corrects basic problems. You can install the SQL Server client on each client machine after you have completed the SQL Server database server installation. 3. select the server (top-level node). and on the shortcut menu. Type the appropriate query using the syntax shown. View the Messages window for the results of the query. click Query > Results To > Results to File. Microsoft SQL Server Installation and Configuration You do not need to install the SQL Server client on the computer where you installed the SQL Server database server, as all the client utilities are automatically installed during the SQL Server database server installation. See your SQL Server User Guide for additional information about SQL Server components and utilities. Install SQL Server 2005 Client 1. Start SQL Server 2005 client Setup to open the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 CTP Setup wizard. 2. Accept the licensing agreement. 3. Click Next until you reach the Registration page. 4. On the Registration page, type in the user details. 5. Click Next until you reach the Features Selection page. 6. On the Features Selection page, select the required features. The Features Selection page should look similar to the following image: SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide 27 Microsoft SQL Server Installation and Configuration 7. Click Next until you reach the Setup Progress page. The Setup Progress page displays the progress and status of the components being installed. 28 SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide Microsoft SQL Server Installation and Configuration 8. Click Next, the Completion page opens. 9. Click Finish, and restart the client machine. SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide 29 Microsoft SQL Server Installation and Configuration 30 SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide . This procedure explains how to grant write permissions to the registry keys for computers running Windows XP. Note that requirements may vary depending on your particular configuration. Adobe Reader 8. Grant Permissions to Write to a Registry Key If you are installing over an older version of the SmartPlant software. 3. The licensing is delivered on its own CD that comes with your SmartPlant P&ID product CD. Follow the instructions to install the client software. you are ready to install SmartPlant Engineering Manager and SmartPlant P&ID.00. The Piping Specification Client software is required for using SmartPlant 3D specifications in the SmartPlant P&ID Piping Specification Utility and is available on the SmartPlant P&ID product CD. 4. Microsoft Office 2003 or 2007 (Microsoft Excel is required for working with report templates and for viewing the Installation Checklist and various other files). you must install the SmartPlant 3D Piping Specification Remote Access Client. 2. click Close to return to the list of prerequisite software. On the SmartPlant P&ID Installation screen. Version 01.00). 5. Insert the SmartPlant P&ID CD into the CD-ROM drive. click Prerequisite Software.00. you may receive an error during the installation process stating that setup does not have permission to modify one or more registry keys. Install SmartPlant 3D Piping Specification Remote Access Client In order to use the Piping Specification utility with SmartPlant 3D. SmartPlant 3D Piping Specification Remote Access Client. 1. Installing the SmartPlant P&ID Software After installing and configuring the database software and any of the prerequisite software.SECTION 6 Loading SmartPlant P&ID Prerequisite Software Install any required prerequisite software which is not yet installed on your computer. SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide 31 .0 (required to view the Software License Agreement and Printable Guides). Click SmartPlant 3D Piping Specification Remote Access Client Installation.05. When the setup is complete. SmartPlant License Manager 2009 (10. 9. Right-click and select Permissions. For more information. Close the Adobe Reader window. Reselect the Inherit from parent the permission entries that apply to child objects. 11. 8. Verify that the appropriate components are selected. Insert the product CD into the CD-ROM drive. Click Display to view and read the license agreement. Verify your Name. Review your Current Settings. 3. In the left window. then click Next. 5. then click Next. Click Remove. A security dialog box appears to verify your change. 7. 4. then click Next. 10. 4. Include these with entries explicitly defined here check box. Specify the Destination Folder.exe. If you want to upgrade your SmartPlant Engineering Manager data. At the bottom of the Advanced Security Settings dialog box. Company. Type regedit. Include these with entries explicitly defined here. then click Next to install SmartPlant Engineering Manager. clear the option: Inherit from parent the permission entries that apply to child objects. 7. 6. Click Next to start the installation wizard. and Serial Number. click Advanced. 9. select the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Intergraph > Applications registry key. then click Next. Click Start > Run. 2. Company Name. On the Permissions for dialog box. and Serial Number. Click SmartPlant Engineering Manager Installation. 2. be sure that you select Upgrade Utility to install the SmartPlant Engineering Upgrade Utility. either do not install to the Program Files (x86) folder (the default location). Accept the default Program Folders or select a new Program Folder name. make sure that you copy the seed files to another location that does not contain parentheses in the path. You must have Adobe Reader to view the license agreement. then click Yes to accept the license agreement. Install SmartPlant Engineering Manager 1.Installing the SmartPlant P&ID Software 1. 32 SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide .exe in the main folder.htm). and click OK. or if you do so. double-click setup. 5. then click Yes. 8. 3. Type your User Name. Select the Replace permission entries on all child objects with entries shown here that apply to child objects check box. see Using the SmartPlant Engineering Upgrade Utility (Upgrade_EngDataOvr. If you are installing the software on a 64-bit operating system. 6. If the installation does not start automatically. you must take steps to make the Version 2009 software behave more like Version 4. Close the Adobe Reader window. then click Next to install SmartPlant P&ID. Specify the destination folder. Install SmartPlant P&ID If you have not already installed and configured SmartPlant License Manager on your workstation. If you do not plan to immediately make use of the system editing functionality introduced in SmartPlant P&ID Version 4. 1. 6. we recommend doing so before installing SmartPlant P&ID. 10. For more information.Installing the SmartPlant P&ID Software 12. However. then click Next.1 validation programs if you do not take measures to avoid it. For more information about using and configuring concurrent licensing. If you are reinstalling SmartPlant Engineering Manager.1 instead of the new programs delivered with Version 2009.2.exe in the main folder. Accept the default Program Folder or type a new Program Folder name. and Serial Number. 12. Click Finish.pdf). Company. Insert the SmartPlant P&ID CD into the CD-ROM drive. Review your Current Settings. Be sure to apply all available SmartPlant Engineering Manager service packs for the version you are installing. Click SmartPlant P&ID Installation. Verify your Name. and Serial Number. If the installation does not start automatically. You must have Adobe Reader to view the license agreement. then click Next. 9. Click Display to view and read the license agreement. then click Yes to accept the license agreement. the uninstall and reinstall of the software on a client machine deletes the Version 4. Click Finish to close the installation wizard. Click Next to start the installation wizard. 3. see the SmartPlant License Manager Installation and User's Guide (SPLMInstall_UserGuide. Company Name. Type your User Name. 2. double-click setup. please contact Intergraph Customer Support. such as running the validation programs that are delivered with Version 4. 4. The Upgrade Utility does not change the ProgIDs of validation programs in the data dictionary. 8. then click Next. 7. SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide 33 . 5. then click Yes. then click Next. 11. you must first remove the previous SmartPlant Engineering Manager installation using the Add/Remove Programs option in the Windows Control Panel. All validation programs that were configured for the plant before upgrading remain configured after upgrade. This licensing software is delivered on its own CD that comes with your SmartPlant P&ID product CD. SmartPlant P&ID requires the SmartPlant License Manager software for concurrent licensing for both the core SmartPlant P&ID product and for each manager.1. Verify that the appropriate components are selected. If you are planning to use Microsoft SQL Server software. After installing the Version 2009 software. select the appropriate row in the Currently installed programs list. click Yes to continue with the installation process. Be sure to apply all available SmartPlant P&ID service packs for the version you are installing. For more information. When you install the Version 2009 software. please contact Intergraph Customer Support.1 validation programs. From the Windows Control Panel. If you try to install SmartPlant P&ID software when you do not have write permissions to the registry on the computer on which you are installing. Uninstall a Previous Version of SmartPlant Engineering Manager 1. 2.Installing the SmartPlant P&ID Software Before installing SmartPlant P&ID 2009. the new validation programs are installed in their normal locations. select Add or Remove Programs. see Running in Version 4. If Oracle software is not detected on the computer during the installation of SmartPlant P&ID. the following warning message appears: If you plan to use Oracle. the following warning message appears. the old validation programs delivered with Version 4. For more information. For more information.1 software is uninstalled. the old validation programs will not be deleted. 34 SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide .1 Compatibility Mode. click No to stop the installation process and install the Oracle software before you proceed further.1 should be moved to a different folder so that when the Version 4. you must re-register the old Version 4. Select Intergraph SmartPlant Engineering Manager and then click Remove. To uninstall a previous Service Pack. see Grant Permissions to Write to a Registry Key (on page 31). exe in the main folder. Close the Adobe Reader window. Click Display to view and read the license agreement. and other reference data. 4. double-click setup. 11. Install SmartPlant Reference Data 1. 4. select Remove and then click Next. After installation. 3. click Finish. We recommend that you make a copy of the reference data and store it with your plant files. on the Welcome page. 5. Type your User Name and Company Name. SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide 35 . 3. Write permission to the share is required to make changes to the symbols. be sure to install the Integration Resource Files during reference data installation. then click Next. 6. If the installation does not start automatically. then click Next. click Yes. At the message prompt to confirm removal of the software. On the Maintenance Complete page. Uninstall a Previous Version of SmartPlant P&ID 1. 7. on the Welcome page. 9. Verify that the appropriate components are selected. click Yes. This common practice will help you with future service pack installations. At the message prompt to confirm removal of the software. Click Next to start the installation wizard. Click Finish to close the installation wizard. then click Next. 2. 2. Insert the product CD into the CD-ROM drive.Installing the SmartPlant P&ID Software 3. then click Yes to accept the license agreement. 5. In the Installation for SmartPlant Engineering Manager wizard. be sure the Integration Resource Path setting in Options Manager points to this folder. From the Windows Control Panel. On the Maintenance Complete page. 8. click Finish. templates. All SmartPlant users must be granted read permission to this share. You must have Adobe Reader to view the license agreement. 4. Click SmartPlant Reference Data for P&ID Installation. Review your Current Settings. 10. then click Next to install the reference data. data recovery. For a configuration in an integrated environment. Select Intergraph SmartPlant P&ID and then click Change/Remove. select Remove and then click Next. select Add or Remove Programs. share the folder that contains the reference data. 5. To uninstall a previous Service Pack. Specify the Destination Folder. and so forth. After installation. rules. select the appropriate row in the Currently installed programs list. In the Installation for SmartPlant P&ID wizard. you perform a normal installation by running the setup. default formats for data. labels. For more information about using SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager. Because SmartPlant P&ID installation requires SmartPlant License Manager software for concurrent licensing. you can run setup in silent mode using the recorded . see the SmartPlant License Manager Installation and User's Guide (SPLMInstall_UserGuide. The project manager seldom modifies these options except on rare occasions when project requirements dictate a change. Then. You can also define symbology for graphics. First.iss extension. installed files.iss file and the environment of the workstations on which you perform the silent mode installation must be identical. see Install SmartPlant Reference Data (on page 35). The default location for the reference data is C:\Program Files\SmartPlant\P&ID Reference Data. a project manager sets these options at the beginning of a project. and other reference data for the application. and key distances that affect the behavior of the application. Installing SmartPlant P&ID in Silent Mode Silent mode installation is a two-stage process. be sure the Integration Resource Path setting in Options Manager points to the Integration Resource Files installed with the SmartPlant P&ID Reference Data. For more information about installing and configuring SmartPlant License Manager. rules.pdf). labels. If the reference data is located elsewhere.exe file from the command line with special parameters that cause the software to record the installation session and the options you choose to a file with an . rules. These locations are set at the time of plant structure creation. they must have the same database platforms. You no longer need to set the default data locations in Options Manager before creating a P&ID in SmartPlant Drawing Manager. software versions. use SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager to identify the location of symbols. you must install the SmartPlant License Manager software on your workstation prior to creating a silent setup of SmartPlant P&ID and on each workstation where you will be silently installing SmartPlant P&ID. The drawing template path should be set to the correct node name and share name so that the software can locate the templates for P&ID creation. see Customizing Your Reference Data (on page 103). The environment of the machine on which you run the normal setup to create the . that is. templates. For a configuration in an integrated environment. insulation specification and other information that you use to create a P&ID.Installing the SmartPlant P&ID Software Configuring Reference Data for SmartPlant P&ID SmartPlant Reference Data for P&ID contains the symbols. 36 SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide . and so forth.iss file to provide the necessary setup information. You must also ensure that there is sufficient disk space on each workstation for the installation. Usually. from any workstation. For the correct share name. drive partitions. styles. exe file that launches the SmartPlant P&ID AutoPlay executable. All applications are closed. \\sourceserver\instrumentation\setup. The -r parameter tells setup to automatically generate the silent setup file (<filename>. At the command prompt. The target machine does not have a directory by the same name to which SmartPlant P&ID is to be installed. Double quotes are required only if the path to the setup. Work through the standard software installation on your database platform. For example. Open a Command Prompt window from the Start menu. all previous existing versions of SmartPlant P&ID on the target machine have been uninstalled prior to network installation.exe file contains spaces.f1"c:\installfiles\silentsetup. When you click Display on the License Agreement dialog box while running setup in record mode.iss" parameter specifies the path and filename for the silent setup file. 2. the software places the resulting .iss file in the c:\installfiles folder. with no space between the -f1 and the opening double quotes. on the SmartPlant P&ID CD.exe" -r -f1"<path>\<filename>. For example. and to record all setup input. The target machine meets the free disk space recommendations specified in SmartPlant P&ID Workstation (SPELInstall_Workstation_Reqs_1a. Be sure the <setup source folder path> specifies the path to the folder that contains the setup.exe -r .iss).iss".f1"<path>\<filename>. not the setup. the setup. ensure that the following conditions exist: For a new release.exe file that launches the SmartPlant P&ID InstallShield Wizard.iss" 3. For details. type: "<setup source folder path>\setup.htm). if you type the following command string. the following message appears. refer to the appropriate procedure in the SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide. Install SmartPlant P&ID in Silent Mode 1. The . The double quotes are required around this path.Installing the SmartPlant P&ID Software Prior to creating a silent setup of SmartPlant P&ID over a network.exe file in the P&ID folder is the file that launches the InstallShield Wizard. SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide 37 . If -f2 is not defined.iss" f2"<path>\<filename>. The . For example.Installing the SmartPlant P&ID Software Click OK to acknowledge that you are accepting the license agreement for all users on whose computers you will install the product.xx.f1"<path>\<filename>.xx. 4.f2"c:\installfiles\silentsetup. Check the .log" Be sure to use the same setup executable that you used in step 3 above.exe" -s -f1"<path>\<filename>. (Optional) Use the .iss) file you want to run. Possible result codes include the following: Any value greater than 0 = Success. At each workstation on which you want to install the software. Setup then returns you to the normal installation process by displaying the license agreement and enabling the Yes button on the License Agreement dialog box. The -s parameter tells setup to run in silent mode using the indicated . if an error occurred. 5. The double quotes are required. The double quotes are required. For example.iss" parameter specifies the path and the filename for the silent setup (. with no space between the -f1 and the opening double quotes.log file looking something like this: [InstallShield Silent] Version=v7.00 File=Log File [ResponseResult] ResultCode=0 [Application] Name=SmartPlant P&ID Version=2009 (xx. with no space between the -f2 and the opening double quotes. A successful silent installation produces a . 38 -1 General error -2 Invalid mode -3 Required data not found in the Setup.log". the ResultCode will be a number less than zero. f1"c:\installfiles\silentsetup.xx) Company=Intergraph Lang=0009 In general.iss file.log file to ensure that the installation proceeded without errors.iss file -4 Not enough memory available -5 File does not exist -6 Cannot write to the response file -7 Unable to write to the log file SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide .f2"<path>\<filename>.iss". open a Command Prompt window and type: "<setup source folder path>\setup.iss file. . a log file is created in the same location as the .log" parameter to record a log file of the setup process. you should specify a different name for the . both for the record mode and for each workstation mode. The uninstall procedure should use the same command and procedures as for the installation. however.Installing the SmartPlant P&ID Software -8 Invalid path to the InstallShield Silent response file -9 Not a valid list type (string or number) -10 Data type is invalid -11 Unknown error during setup -12 Dialog boxes are out of order -51 Cannot create the specified folder -52 Cannot access the specified file or folder -53 Invalid option selected This procedure also applies to the uninstall operation.iss file so as not to overwrite the file used for the installation. SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide 39 . Installing the SmartPlant P&ID Software 40 SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide . When you execute administration activities via Citrix client. we recommend that you perform these kind of activities either on your database server machine or on a client machine using a configuration other than Citrix. When you access the SmartPlant P&ID application via Citrix.SECTION 7 Working in Thin Client Mode Overview You can use SmartPlant P&ID in thin client mode. Using SmartPlant P&ID Workshare Users on the host and on each satellite work in separate databases. refer to the appropriate software vendor's documentation. so that there is no need to update reference data at remote locations or to move data between sites. you can use SmartPlant P&ID's Workshare functionality or you can run SmartPlant P&ID in thin client mode using Citrix Presentation Server or Microsoft Terminal Server. This means that it is possible to segregate intellectual property between sites by transferring only the data that needs to be shared. SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide 41 . Examples of these type of administration activities are: upgrading the database to a new version or importing a large number of drawings. When using thin client mode. Comparison of Thin Client Mode and SmartPlant P&ID Workshare For data sharing between sites. it is necessary to update reference data at remote locations and to move data between sites. thin client mode operation is used as the means of providing Workshare. Using Thin Client Mode All users share a common database. while the client remains idle. resulting in intellectual property being shared between all sites. the software actually performs these activities on the server side. When working in an integrated environment. which supports Citrix Presentation Server or Microsoft Terminal Server using Remote Desktop for Administration. When using Workshare. and the connection to Citrix is lost. As a workaround. For installation details of Citrix Presentation Server client / server or Microsoft Terminal Server. all users share a common database. we strongly recommend that you do not perform any administration activities that run automatically for a long time on a client machine. possibly resulting in corruption of data. 5. and then click Next. select the SmartPlant P&ID application. define a program neighborhood folder and add shortcuts for the clients. 6. 10. Publishing the P&ID program to view P&ID on a web page or in a published Citrix application list. and start-up settings according to your needs. Click Next. After publishing the application. On the Specify Servers page. b.Working in Thin Client Mode Tuning the Software for Use in Thin Client Mode The following procedures describe special instructions for the installation of SmartPlant P&ID when working in thin client mode using Citrix Presentation Server 4. 9. accept the default value. On the Start menu. Beside Command Line.ica and . In the Published Application wizard. On the Specify Application Appearance page.html files: a. rightclick. specify the window size. do the following: a. color. click Programs > Citrix > Metaframe Presentation Server to start the Citrix Management Console. 42 SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide . and an application description. and then click Next. b. Click Action > New > Published Application. The names of dialog boxes may vary from the ones described in this document according the version of Citrix Presentation Server that you are using. On the Specify What to Publish page. do the following to create the . On the Citrix Management Console. Configuring Citrix Presentation Server for P&ID. 7. rightclick. On the Citrix Management Console. Click the Application option button (the default). then click Create ICA File and follow the wizard instructions. and then click Next. 1. c.5 on Windows 2003 Server. add the Citrix server and then click Next. type a display name such as SmartPlant P&ID. 3. 4. click Browse to navigate to the SmartPlant P&ID executable file location. Publish the SmartPlant Application You need to publish the application to allow you to view the data using a web page. Tuning SmartPlant P&ID involves performing the following operations: Installing P&ID on a Citrix Presentation Server. 8. On the Program Neighborhood Settings page. if desired. 2. and then click Next. select the SmartPlant P&ID application. add the user accounts that are to be granted access to the published application and then click Finish. On the Specify ICA Client Requirement page. then click Create HTML File and follow the wizard instructions. On the Specify Users page. To prevent performance problems that may be caused if the software maps drive U: to a server that is very remote from the Citrix server.cmd file located in the path C:\Winnt\Application Compatibility Scripts. The Rootdrv. Configure Citrix Presentation Server to mount a user drive with a common drive letter (for example.5 1. ensure that the U: drive is on or local to the Citrix server and that the 'TS Roaming Profiles' option is enabled.cmd file calls the Userlogn1. U:) and create a common folder path for the program in this drive. SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide 43 .cmd file. The U: drive points to C:\Documents and Settings\<username>.cmd file which contains the compatibility logon scripts. Make sure that the common folder path contains the SmartPlantV4.cmd file checks whether you have set up the logon to the user's home folder.cmd file calls the Rootdrv2. 3. 4. The Userlogon. When a user logs on to Windows 2003 Server. Therefore. you need to change the line Set RootDrive=DriveLetter to Set RootDrive=U. U:\Program Files\SmartPlant\P&ID Workstation.Working in Thin Client Mode Configure Citrix Presentation Server 4.cmd starts running. Ensure that you have edited the Rootdrv2. for example. The Userlogon. you can run any pre-logon command or script from this file. a logon script Userlogon.cmd file to specify the home folder drive letter. The Userlogon.ini file. Modify the system path statement on the server to include the common folder path in the system path. You can also use this folder for temporary files. Terminal Server Logon Sequence The following section describes the logon sequence of system procedures carried out automatically. For this installation. 2. 1.cmd file then calls the Rootdrv. Working in Thin Client Mode 44 SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide . 4 (SmartPlant P&ID 4. If you are using SQL Server. satellite.3).x.intergraph. and application database tables of SmartPlant P&ID Version 4. before upgrading to Version 2009.x using Version 2009 of the SmartPlant Engineering Manager Upgrade Utility. we strongly recommend that you completely upgrade your plant and update all drawings to the current version. SmartPlant Engineering Manager 2009 can display sites and plants created in SmartPlant Engineering Manager Versions 4. none of the data below the plant will be available.intergraph. 2007. use the Database Constraint Report. This helps to ensure that any version compatibility issues can be detected right away. you must make sure the SmartPlant P&ID data stored in your Oracle database is compliant with the database constraints. you must first upgrade that version to SmartPlant P&ID 4. or 2007. project. To help you identify non-compliant data. Upgrading reference data using SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager 2009.4) using Version 4. 4. SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide 45 . When upgrading from SmartPlant P&ID 4. Before using the new version of the software. If you are upgrading from an earlier version of SmartPlant P&ID to those mentioned above.3 (SmartPlant Engineering Manager 4. when necessary. visit the Intergraph support Web site: http://support. or 2007.0 version of Llama. Attempting to work in a non-upgraded plant results in a message stating that the plant must be upgraded first.com (http://support.x to Version 2009 involves the following steps: 1. using SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager 2009. Updating drawings. de. For more information. 3. it is recommended that you reference the new Llama type library in your legacy projects and recompile.1. Upgrading the plant. 2007.3. legacy code may not perform as expected.3. or 2007.4 of the Upgrade Utility. If any functionality of the previous type library version has been changed or deleted. While the plants that have not been upgraded will appear in the Tree view. A plant with a mixture of upgraded and non-upgraded data may result in some data being permanently inaccessible.3.SECTION 8 Upgrading to SmartPlant P&ID 2009 Upgrading from SmartPlant P&ID Version 4. Correcting Oracle database constraint violations using SmartPlant P&ID Version 4.com/). To prevent errors when running the PrintFromToData Line List report. you can skip this step. 2007. Correcting Database Constraint Violations Before you can begin upgrading.x.exe reporting utility delivered with your current version of SmartPlant P&ID before installing the latest version. 2. or 2007.reference the older version Llama type library and reference the new 6. 2007. 4. 8. Generate a database constraint exceptions report again. 5. 4. double-click the Database Constraint Report. If you are using Microsoft SQL Server. Clean up the database by removing orphan model items. For additional information on resolving discrepancies listed in the database constraint report. Make a complete backup of the data you are upgrading. 7. see Clean Data Utility (DelOrpModItems. To run a report on another plant. On the Database Constraint Exception Report Utility dialog box.dll) in the SmartPlant P&ID Utilities Guide. contact your custom service representative. Continue running the database constraint report and the constraint utilities until no exceptions are reported.xls) in the list box on the right side of the Database Constraint Exception Report Utility dialog box. For more information. Make a complete backup of the now compliant data. Generate a Database Constraint Exceptions Report Use SmartPlant P&ID or one of its manager applications to connect to the plant on which you want to run the Database Constraint Exception Report utility. 3. 6. see Generate a Database Constraint Exceptions Report (on page 46). This process may take several minutes. be sure to close all drawings before proceeding. 6. After connecting to the database. 2. Resolve constraint violations. you can skip this database constraints process. connect to that plant using SmartPlant P&ID or one of its manager applications. For more information. Exit the Database Constraint Exception Report utility. The utility runs the report on the active plant that you are connected to at the time. 2. 46 SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide . In the Program Files\SmartPlant\P&ID Workstation\Program folder. Generate a Database Constraint Exceptions Report.exe file. Open the report using Microsoft Excel and save a copy of the report to another location other than the temp directory. If you use SmartPlant P&ID to connect to the plant. depending on the amount of data you have in your plant. see Constraint Utilities (on page 47). 1. 5. For more information. click the Create Database Constraint Report button. click Connect to Active Plant. 3.ConstraintExceptions. the utility automatically saves a copy of the report in the temp directory under your user profile and displays the file name (plant name .Upgrading to SmartPlant P&ID 2009 Tasks for correcting constraint violations 1. Run the appropriate constraint utilities again if any exceptions still exist. When complete. Microsoft Excel must be installed on any workstation from which you run the Database Constraint Exception Report utility. Running Clean Data first decreases the number of exceptions listed in the report and lessens the amount of further manual data cleanup required. see Clean Data (Delete Orphan Model Items) in the SmartPlant P&ID Utilities Guide. a particular drawing will not be specified in the report for this constraint violation nor will a utility name be listed at the top of the worksheet. Database Constraint Report Results The Database Constraint Report file is a Microsoft Excel file containing several worksheets. However. The first sheet in the report is the Report Progress Messages. Each violation type appears on its own worksheet. Each plant may require a different set of utilities. Workshare must be disabled before cleaning up any constraint violations.Upgrading to SmartPlant P&ID 2009 7. the following constraint utilities help you correct any database constraint exceptions reported in the database constraint exception report. including the Clean Data utility (DelOrphModItem. We recommend running this utility again until no discrepancies are reported. with the name of the constraint violation displayed on the worksheet tab.dll). These utilities are located in the C:\Program Files\SmartPlant\P&ID Workstation\Program folder. SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide 47 . unlike all the other constraint utilities that run on a drawing-by-drawing basis. which contains a list of the constraint checks made and the number of violations detected for each constraint check. For more information about running the Clean Data utility. run the Clean Data utility inside a blank drawing.dll) utility. then run the Database Constraint Report. If Clean Data is used to resolve any particular constraint violation. You need to run only the macros listed in the report for that particular drawing. Each worksheet also contains a list of drawings containing constraint exceptions. Review the completed report for discrepancies that must be resolved before you can upgrade to the new version of SmartPlant P&ID.exe again. Open each drawing listed in the database constraint report and run the recommended macros on the drawing. The remaining constraint utilities must be run from within specific drawings. along with the name of the recommended constraint utility (usually in cell B1) to use in resolving the violation. Constraint Utilities Delivered with SmartPlant P&ID. the Clean Data utility runs on the entire plant data set. All constraint utilities (see "Using Constraint Utilities" on page 47). along with the Clean Data (DelOrphModItems. are run on an open drawing inside SmartPlant P&ID. Using Constraint Utilities Before running any of the constraint utilities recommended by the database constraint report. the utility repairs the connector by updating the database to match. cmdLPCheck. If the graphical relationship indicator does not exist. If the graphical label is watching a graphic. This situation is noted and logged in each utility's corresponding log file. but are not referenced by a corresponding connector.dll — Checks for symbol records with a null graphic OID. the utility band-aids it. If the relationship cannot be repaired. If you have difficulty finding the band-aided items. OPCFK.dll — Checks for relationship records with a null graphic OID. If the graphical relationship indicator exists. RepairBadConnector. If the number of LabelPersist records does not equal the number of SmartLabel objects locked to the watched symbol.dll — Checks for connector records pointing to a symbol that does not exist. If the number of LabelPersist records equals the number of SmartLabel objects locked to the watched symbol. then select the Display as Printed option on the Options > General tab. If the graphical connector is connected to a symbol. The utility band-aids the graphical connector. You should delete and replace these band-aided items.dll — Checks for PipingPoint records and SignalPoint records with nonunique indices or point numbers. RelationshipOIDMacro. cmdRepOIDCheck. fix it. the utility repairs the item by updating the database with its graphic OID value. the utility sets the InStockpile flag = True to repair the item. If the graphical symbol does not exist.Upgrading to SmartPlant P&ID 2009 In general.dll — Checks for LabelPersist records pointing to a representation that does not exist.dll — Checks for OPC records with a partner that does not exist. You should delete band-aided items. the utility repairs the item by updating the database with its graphic OID value. If the label cannot be repaired. the utility band-aids it. You should delete these items. If the graphical OPC exists. For more information. thus repairing the LabelPersist. the utility repairs the LabelPersist record by updating the filename value for the LabelPersist. You must manually fix any band-aided items in a drawing by deleting the item and replacing it. 48 SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide . RepairNullFileNameCmd. see Constraint Utilities Log Files (on page 49). the utility deletes the relationship from the database. click Tools > Options in SmartPlant P&ID. If the graphical symbol exists. the database is updated to match. PointIndexCheck. However.dll — Repairs items that have a relationship to a PipeRun or SignalRun (sp_piperunid or sp_signalrunid are not null).dll — Checks for connectors with the same start and end objects and connectors with the wrong number of vertices. which you should delete. each utility attempts to repair the constrain violation. then repairs the item by deleting from the database whichever one of the duplicate points is not loaded into the cache. ConnectorItem12.dll — Checks for LabelPersist records with a null file name value. If the connector cannot be repaired. You should delete and replace these band-aided items. you must delete it and replace it. cmdnotconnectedcomps. in some cases the violation could not be cleaned up by the utility and the item is band-aided in the drawing. then the utility band-aids the watched symbol. dll (CleanDB) SPDelOrpModItems. You should delete band-aided items.dll RelationshipOID_Checks. Nozzle records without a Parent — If the Nozzle graphic is not in the drawing.log cmdLPCheck. You should delete band-aided items. If the Nozzle graphic is in the drawing.dll PointIndexConstraint_check.log SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide 49 .dll RepairBadConnector.log RelationshipOIDMacro. the utility repairs the Nozzle by setting Instockpile flag = True. If the graphic does not exist. if the graphic exists. The graphic parent must be an equipment or equipment component for the relationship to be re-established.log cmdRepOIDCheck. If the Nozzle graphic is not in the drawing. You should delete band-aided items.Checks for the following situations. the utility repairs the nozzle by setting the Instockpile flag = True. Log files are located at the path specified in your TEMP environment variable. the utility band-aids it. You should delete band-aided items.dll RepairBadEmbLabelCmd. the utility band-aids it. the utility deletes the representation from the database. Nozzles associated via SP_EquipmentID to a Parent in the stockpile .log ConnectorItem12. If the Nozzle graphic is in the drawing. Constraint Utility Log File cmdnotconnectedcomps.log PointIndexCheck. If the Nozzle graphic is in the drawing.Upgrading to SmartPlant P&ID 2009 For the remaining LabelPersist records with a null filename. If the Nozzle graphic is in the drawing. the utility band-aids it.dll OPC_OPC_FK.log RepairBadConnector. Nozzles associated via SP_PartOfID to a Parent in the stockpile — If the Nozzle graphic is not in the drawing.txt OPCFK. Constraint Utilities Log Files Each constraint utility generates a log file.dll ConnectorItem12_Check. Nozzles that are a Part of a Run — The utility clears the SP_PartOfID attribute. the utility tries to set either the SP_EquipmentID or SP_PartOfID based on the graphic relationship.dll . the utility repairs the Nozzle by setting the Instockpile flag = True.If the Nozzle graphic is not in the drawing. the utility band-aids it.log DBCleanup. If the relationship cannot be re-established.dll RepairNotConnectedComps. RepairOrphanedNozzleCmd.dll RepresentationOIDChecks. the utility band-aids it.log DelOrpModItems. You should delete band-aided items. which records each action taken to correct the constraint violation. the utility repairs the Nozzle by setting the Instockpile flag = True. exe before installing the new software and proceeding with the upgrade. After completing the upgrade process. SmartPlant uses open cursors to improve performance and scalability for database inserts. reset these parameters to their original values. However. If you have not already generated a Database Constraint Report on your data using your current version of SmartPlant P&ID and cleared up any discrepancies. You can use a higher number if necessary for other applications.Upgrading to SmartPlant P&ID 2009 Constraint Utility Log File RepairOrphanedNozzleCmd. OPEN_CURSORS — Set to at least 500. SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide .INI Files The Upgrade Utility must be able to read the site INI file for the site containing the plants being upgraded. back up your existing site and plant data using the Backup and Restore functionality in SmartPlant Engineering Manager. The upgrade process runs much faster if the hash table fits in RAM. hash_join_enabled=true 50 True is the default setting.pid. the Upgrade Utility checks your Oracle data for compliance with the SmartPlant P&ID database constraints. Hash Parameters — Provide extra memory for the Oracle hash procedure by setting the following hash parameters to the values shown below. updates.log Before Running the Upgrade Utility The following tasks must be completed before you begin upgrading your plant using the Upgrade Utility.dll RepairOrphanedNozzles_. and deletes. rather than being written to and read from the disk. you should make sure the setting was not previously changed to False.ora file using Oracle Enterprise Manager before you begin your upgrade.dll RepairNullFileNameCmd. Create a UNC network share to the folder containing the site INI file and be prepared to provide this path during the upgrade process. you must modify the following parameters in the initsid name. Therefore. If you are using an Oracle database. Share Paths to Site . run the Database Constraint Report. This utility is delivered to the C:\Program Files\SmartPlant\P&ID Workstation\Program folder by default.log RepairNullFileNameCmd. you can significantly reduce the time required. by providing extra memory for this procedure during the upgrade process. Back Up Your Data Before you upgrade. Set Oracle Parameters If you are using an Oracle database. The more database server resources available for upgrade. Intergraph makes the following recommendations. For that reason. A value of 1310720 (default x 10) would not be unreasonable for a server with a gigabyte or more of memory. as well as access to the database by other plants. The more activity occurring on the database server during the upgrade process. therefore. and the value you enter for number should be a multiple of this default value. The default value for hash_area_size is 131072. the faster the upgrade process will proceed.Upgrading to SmartPlant P&ID 2009 hash_area_size=number This setting determines how much RAM is available for use by the hash tables. Memory Management Considerations Upgrading database information requires significant changes and. the longer that process will take. Upgrade only one plant at a time on a database server. SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide 51 . limit other activity on the database server during the upgrade process. You should limit the use of SmartPlant applications on the server. a significant amount of database server resources. As much as possible. The new value should be as large as possible without interfering with the needs of the operating system. Upgrading to SmartPlant P&ID 2009 52 SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide . 4 Version 4. Version 2009 of the SmartPlant Engineering Manager Upgrade Utility allows you to upgrade plants created in the following software: SmartPlant Engineering Manager SmartPlant P&ID SmartPlant Electrical Version 4. SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide 53 .4 must first be upgraded to version 4. templates. plants that share reference data.SECTION 9 Using the SmartPlant Engineering Manager Upgrade Utility The SmartPlant Engineering Manager Upgrade Utility upgrades the plant and application databases to the latest version of SmartPlant.4 or 2007 before they can be upgraded to version 2009.4 or higher use version 2009 of the Upgrade Utility to upgrade your plants to Version 2009. Versions 4.1 must be first upgraded to version 4. Upgrading Plants Containing Projects Running the Upgrade Utility on a plant containing projects upgrades both the plant and its projects at the same time.3 can be upgraded using any of the following versions of the Upgrade Utility: 4. You are not required to upgrade all plants in a particular site at the same time. However.4 using the Upgrade Utility version 4. should be upgraded at the same time.x Version 2007.4 Plants created prior to version 4.7 For SmartPlant Electrical.x Version 2007.2 and 4. you can create an archive of an upgraded plant as soon as you complete the upgrade. However.x After upgrading plants to version 4.4 2007 2007.3 Version 3. the software cannot perform an upgrade of an archive. such as styles.4. Version 4.5 Version 2007 Version 2007 Version 2007 Version 2007. and symbols. Upgrading Plants Created with SmartPlant Engineering Manager Prior to Version 4. Each of the upgrade tasks handles any necessary changes in both the plant databases and the project databases. This command removes the restriction in which projects with the same name cannot reside in the same plant and then updates the site data dictionary version number to 2009.Upgrading to SmartPlant P&ID 2009 Upgrading Satellites in a Workshare Collaboration You no longer have to collapse or shut down projects or satellites in Workshare collaborations before upgrading. Upgrading a Site When you open a site created in Version 4. Upgrading a P&ID site is only possible when the source and target have the same character set. you are prompted to upgrade that site to Version 2009. Upgrading a satellite is a separate process. or 2007. 54 SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide . Upgrade a Plant After you select the site containing the plants you want to upgrade. the SmartPlant Engineering Upgrade Utility displays a list of active plants that are available for upgrade. 2007.x using SmartPlant Engineering Manager 2009. 1. Select the plant in the Tree view to see the available applications that can be upgraded for that plant.4. Use the Upgrade Site command to perform the upgrade. The host for a connected satellite must be upgraded before the satellite. for the upgrade process to finish correctly after upgrading your plants and associated applications. Unless you do so. Right-click in either view and select Finish Next Task to start the first upgrade task. 4. or SmartPlant P&ID. You must complete all upgrade tasks for a plant before you upgrade the reference data or drawings in the plant. The rules file for the upgraded plant are marked as out-of-date for the Update Drawings commands in Drawing Manager. Oracle users. the Convert Oracle Data Type process must be carried out.Upgrading to SmartPlant P&ID 2009 2. 3. The formats and select lists will also be marked as out-ofdate. you will not be able to work with a plant in SmartPlant Engineering Manager. SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide 55 . After the plant is upgraded. The utility moves the plant from the Active plants node to the Upgrades in progress node and displays the list of upgrade tasks required to upgrade the selected plant. the utility moves it back under the Active plants node and updates the plant status in the Upgrade Tasks view to Up-to-date. click Finish All Tasks to complete the plant upgrade. Right-click the active plant and select Upgrade Plant from the shortcut menu. SmartPlant Electrical. If there is more than one task in the Upgrade Tasks view. 56 SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide . right-click and select the Upgrade P&ID command. 2. The utility moves the plant from the Active Plants node to the Upgrades in progress node and displays the list of upgrade tasks required to upgrade the P&ID application.Upgrading to SmartPlant P&ID 2009 Upgrade SmartPlant P&ID Upgrading a P&ID site is only possible when the source and target are using the same character set. 3. 1. Right-click in either view and select Finish Next Task to start the first upgrade task. Select the plant in the Active Plants node. or SmartPlant P&ID. When the first task finishes. for the upgrade process to finish correctly after upgrading your plants and associated applications. Unless you do so. click Finish All Tasks to complete the application upgrade.Upgrading to SmartPlant P&ID 2009 4. you will not be able to work with a plant in SmartPlant Engineering Manager. SmartPlant Electrical. Oracle users. the utility moves the plant back under the Active plants node and updates the application status in the Upgrade Tasks view to Up-to-date. After the application is upgraded. the Convert Oracle Data Type process must be carried out. 5. See Also Finish Next Task Command (see "Finish Next Task Command (File Menu)" on page 59) Run to Selected Task Command (see "Run to Selected Task Command (File Menu)" on page 59) Upgrade P&ID Command (see "Upgrade P&ID Command (Upgrade Menu)" on page 61) SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide 57 . . .. Finish Next Task Command (File Menu) Runs the first incomplete task in the Upgrade Tasks view............................ 59 Show Log Command (File Menu) .............. The status of each task appears in the Status column............... 59 Finish Next Task Command (File Menu) .................................. 60 Upgrade P&ID Command (Upgrade Menu).. In This Section Open Site Command (File Menu)...................................................... Run to Selected Task Command (File Menu) Runs all incomplete tasks up to and including the selected task. The Upgrade Utility records how far it progresses during an upgrade task so that it can recover if system problems occur.... The Upgrade Utility records how far it progresses during an upgrade task so that it can recover if system problems occur....... 59 Finish All Tasks Command (File Menu) ......... The status of each task appears in the Status column........................................ Finish All Tasks Command (File Menu) Runs all incomplete tasks listed in the Upgrade Tasks view........ The Upgrade Utility records how far it progresses during an upgrade task so that it can recover if system problems occur....... 61 Open Site Command (File Menu) Allows you to select another site containing other plants you want to upgrade............................SECTION 10 Upgrade Utility Commands The Upgrade Utility provides the following commands.... 59 Run to Selected Task Command (File Menu)..... 60 Upgrade Plant Command (Upgrade Menu) ........... SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide 59 .................................. The status of each task appears in the Status column in the Upgrade Tasks view................ 60 Upgrade Site Command (Tools Menu)........ Click File > Finish Next Task or File > Finish All Tasks to actually start the upgrade process. the utility moves the plant from the Active plants node to the Upgrades in progress node and displays the list of upgrade tasks required to upgrade the selected plant. 60 SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide . For more information. If you have not yet run a task. You must complete all upgrade tasks for a plant before you upgrade the reference data or drawings in the plant. see Upgrading a Site (on page 54). named UpgradeV4_plantname.Upgrading to SmartPlant P&ID 2009 Show Log Command (File Menu) Displays the upgrade log file. The upgrade log file contains a list of all changes made during the upgrade. SmartPlant Electrical. or SmartPlant P&ID. The formats and select lists will be marked as up-to-date.log. Oracle users. you can cancel the upgrade process by selecting the plant under the Upgrades in Progress node and clicking File > Cancel to restore the pre-upgrade state. the Convert Oracle Data Type process must be carried out. Upgrade Plant Command (Upgrade Menu) Displays the upgrade tasks required for the plant upgrade process. is saved in the folder where the drawings for the plant are stored. you will not be able to work with a plant in SmartPlant Engineering Manager. Upgrade Site Command (Tools Menu) This command removes the restriction in which projects with the same name cannot reside in the same plant and then updates the site data dictionary version number to 2009. for the upgrade process to finish correctly after upgrading your plants and associated applications. including each upgrade subtask. The rules file for the upgraded plant are marked as out-of-date for the Update Drawings commands in Drawing Manager. Unless you do so. On choosing this command. The log file. After the upgrade. Preserve Software Customizations The Upgrade Utility does not make changes that might overwrite user customization of display names. Set the backup location for the plant in SmartPlant Engineering Manager and perform a full backup. The log file. or layouts.Upgrading to SmartPlant P&ID 2009 You cannot upgrade a backed-up plant without restoring it first. Upgrade P&ID Command (Upgrade Menu) Displays the upgrade tasks required for the SmartPlant P&ID application upgrade process. You should also use the Oracle analyzer scripts to optimize your databases. including each upgrade subtask. see the Backup and Restore section in the SmartPlant Engineering Manager Help. make a full backup of the upgraded databases. validation programs. property formats. Use Oracle Analyzer Scripts The Oracle performance tuning documentation recommends analyzing the database objects after a large number of records have been added. See Also Upgrade SmartPlant P&ID (on page 56) After Running the Upgrade Utility After you complete all of the upgrade tasks for a plant. For a list of all changes made during the plant upgrade. To view the plant upgrade log file. reference data. see the plant upgrade log file. you should do the following: 1.log. named UpgradeV600_plant name. These analyzer scripts collect statistics and store them internally in the database to determine potential execution paths so that the one with the lowest cost can be selected for use. SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide 61 . Backup Each Upgraded Plant After you have completed the upgrade process for each plant. Click one of the File > Finish commands to actually start the upgrade process. 2. is saved in the folder where the plant structure resides. and other files. select the plant in the Tree view. you should add these scripts to your nightly backup routine. Perform a file system backup to archive the drawings. Perform a complete database backup. and then click File > Show Log. For more information about backing up a plant. calculation programs. 3. rul file. On the Table Properties dialog box. symbols. such as End. Open SmartPlant P&ID. 8. and assemblies. PipingPoint properties start with the word End. 3. and End 4. Creation of the graphics on the Jacket Layer of the symbols for jacketing. as well as modifications to existing data formats and locations. you can manually revise the captions for any layouts that use PipingPoint properties after you upgrade by doing the following: 1. template files. These changes can include deletions and additions to reference data. If you need to modify the caption. 62 SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide . 6. Making Manual Changes After running the Upgrade Utility. Adding the new rule for Serial Lines (Instrument Signal Lines). Possibly copying any new or modified symbols from ~\Program Files\SmartPlant\P&ID Reference Data to the plant's reference data. making sure that you do not overwrite any customizations. Upgrading Reference Data Reference data often changes between versions of the software. 7. 5. make changes in the Caption box at the bottom of the Advanced Table Properties dialog box.Upgrading to SmartPlant P&ID 2009 A data dictionary change made during an upgrade can cause layouts that use PipingPoint properties to have an incorrect caption or column heading. 4. click the View menu and select Edit View. End 2. In the list on the Engineering Data Editor toolbar. if you added these properties to one of the default layouts or created a new layout with PipingPoint properties. In the Display Property list. you must still perform the following changes for SmartPlant P&ID 2009 manually: Opening and saving the rules file so that the new rule options are added to the Rules. However. Confirm that the caption is appropriate for the property. If the plant has been upgraded from SmartPlant P&ID 4. click Advanced. None of the default layouts delivered during installation include PipingPoint properties. End 3. 2. you can use the Upgrade Reference Data command in SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager to upgrade styles.3: Adding all the new rules for jacketing. After you upgrade your plant data using the SmartPlant Engineering Upgrade Utility. select the saved view that contains PipingPoint properties. In the Engineering Data Editor. select the PipingPoint property. Click the Layout tab. For more information about upgrading reference data.log file. then a message box informs you when the upgrade operation successfully completes. This log file is saved in the folder where the symbols are stored. Click Tools > Upgrade Reference Data. A splash screen displays. 3. For information about changes made during the reference data upgrade. see SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager Help. see SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager Help. 4. see the V4RefDataUpgrade. Upgrade Reference Data 1. SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide 63 . After you upgrade reference data.log file. see the SmartPlant Engineering Manager User's Guide. This log file is saved in the folder where the symbols are stored. you should not view it in earlier versions of the software. Click Start > Programs > SmartPlant P&ID > Options Manager. Click OK. For more information about upgrading reference data. Select the site and plant for which you want to upgrade reference data. For information about changes made during the reference data upgrade. For more information about defining user access. you must define user access for the plant in SmartPlant Engineering Manager. you cannot view it in earlier versions of the software. 2. see the V4RefDataUpgrade.Upgrading to SmartPlant P&ID 2009 User Access Before you can upgrade the reference data and drawings for an upgraded plant. After you upgrade reference data. or renamed. the selected drawings are analyzed based on the out-of-date criteria and the results display on the Update Drawings dialog box. Update Command (File > Out-of-Date Drawings Menu) Displays the Update Drawings dialog box. Drawing Manager analyzes the drawing for changes to the following: Data Dictionary (select lists) Formats Symbols (moved and missing symbols. a summary displays. When you select this command. This report format is non-configurable. In addition to the interactive approach of updating drawings. listing the number of drawings selected.sym file) Rules Manager Options Manager (heat tracing. which lists the symbols in question and allows you to define the new location of each symbol. and the number of drawings with missing symbols. When you submit a selection of P&IDs to the Out-of-Date Drawings > Update command. Reporting capability provides a summary of the selected drawings and the out-of-date criteria detected during the analyze step. they apply to all drawings items after the time of change. You must manually resolve the missing symbols using the Resolve Missing Symbols dialog box. When these changes are made. Using the Update Drawings functionality is not required as part of the upgrade process. You can also schedule these update operations and create reports. you can schedule the entire update process. moved. except for the resolution of missing symbols. gapping. For more information about this functionality. The Update Drawings functionality (provided by the set of Out-of-Date Drawings commands in Drawing Manager) allows you to manage which drawings are updated with the latest reference data changes by defining values that define out-of-date drawings criteria and by resolving any symbols that have been deleted. but it is strongly recommended. and symbology) Model Items (via Llama) OPCs (moved) Drawings in a recreate state Drawing Properties After this analysis process. but do not apply to existing drawing items. which is a manual process as described above. the number of out-of-date drawings.Upgrading to SmartPlant P&ID 2009 Updating Drawings Changes are often made to the SmartPlant P&ID reference data while work is being managed on the P&IDs. 64 SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide . see the Drawing Manager Help. and changes to the . SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide 65 . The Update command relies on the SmartPlant P&ID Replace command to replace symbols that are out-ofdate. Out-of-date drawings — Displays the number of drawings that are out-of-date based on the criteria selected using the Out-of-Date Drawing Criteria dialog box. The SmartPlant P&ID Replace command does not allow a non-breaking component to be replaced with a break component. then all drawings in the project are in an out-of-date state but the software cannot update them. if the path is invalid.Upgrading to SmartPlant P&ID 2009 Update does not update any symbol whose definition has been changed into a break component. then the Update Drawings command will not work. Use this button to resolve any missing symbols. This error also occurs if the Catalog Explorer Root Path specified in SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager is invalid. Intergraph recommends that you backup your work or create a version of your work prior to using this command. An error message displays and the report displays Drawings with a ? in the criteria column have missing or incorrect reference data. For example. If the path to your Rules file is set incorrectly in SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager. Resolve — Displays the Resolve Missing Symbols dialog box. This situation occurs when you have a catalog item that has been placed in a drawing and then you change its definition to be a break component. Report — Generates a Microsoft Excel report describing the details of out-of-date drawing(s). Drawings with missing symbols — Displays the number of out-of-date drawings containing symbols that do not exist in the catalog. Total drawings selected — Displays the number of drawings selected. Old Path . or renamed. New Path . you must have an existing symbol in the catalog to define as the replacement for the missing symbol. moved. In order to resolve any missing symbols.Displays the list of drawings that contain the missing symbol(s). See Also Out-of-Date Drawing Criteria Command (see "Out-of-Date Drawing Criteria Command (Tools Menu)" on page 67) Update Command (see "Update Command (File > Out-of-Date Drawings Menu)" on page 64) 66 SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide .Displays the relative path of the missing symbol.Displays possible options for defining correct locations for the missing symbol(s). Drawings .Upgrading to SmartPlant P&ID 2009 Resolve Command (File > Out-of-Date Drawings > Update Drawings Menu) Displays the Resolve Missing Symbols dialog box which provides a way for you to define any symbols that have been deleted. You cannot resolve missing symbols for offline instruments of a different class using this command. Items selected in this list define what criteria is used to search for out-of-date values when you use the commands on the File > Outof. Out-of-Date Symbols — File Last Modified Time Stamp on at least one representation in the drawing is not equivalent to the File Last Modified Time Stamp on the corresponding symbol definition file. Rule Changes — Rules GUID on the drawing item is not equivalent to the GUID from the Rules file. SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide 67 . Heat Trace Changes — Heat Trace GUID on the drawing is not equivalent to the Heat Trace GUID in Option Manager Setting. PID Select List — PID select list GUID on the drawing item is not equivalent to the select list GUID in PID schema.Upgrading to SmartPlant P&ID 2009 Out-of-Date Drawing Criteria Command (Tools Menu) Displays the Out-of-Date Drawing Criteria dialog box. Format Changes Formats GUID on the drawing item is not equivalent to Formats GUID from the Database. Select out-of-date drawing criteria Select List Changes Data Dictionary Select List — Data dictionary select list GUID on the drawing item is not equivalent to select list GUID in Data Dictionary. Missing Symbols — Filename specified for at least one representation in the drawing does not have the corresponding symbol definition file available in the current catalog. Default Formats GUID on the drawing item is not equivalent to Default Formats GUID in Option Manager setting.Date Drawings menu. Moved OPCs — MatingOPCPath (will have Drawing Id of its mate) on the OPC is not equivalent to the SP_DrawingId of its mate OPC. Recreate State — The drawing is in a Recreate state. Drawing Property Changes — Property Changes GUID on the drawing item is not equivalent to Drawing Property Changes GUID on the drawing item. Symbology Changes — Symbology GUID on the drawing item is not equivalent to the Symbology GUID in Option Manager Setting. See Also Resolve Command (see "Resolve Command (File > Out-of-Date Drawings > Update Drawings Menu)" on page 66) Out-of-Date Drawing Criteria Command (see "Out-of-Date Drawing Criteria Command (Tools Menu)" on page 67) Update Command (see "Update Command (File > Out-of-Date Drawings Menu)" on page 64) 68 SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide . The OPC label is in a to-be-updated state as its mate has been moved. This criteria covers model items updated via Llama (Outside the drawing).Upgrading to SmartPlant P&ID 2009 Gapping Changes — Gapping GUID on the drawing item is not equivalent to the Gapping GUID in Option Manager Setting. Out-of-Date Model Items — SP_ModelItemTimeStamp for at least one representation in the drawing is not equivalent to the TimeStamp on the History Item of its Model Item. Drawing Property Changes GUID is set when drawing properties are modified from Drawing Manager. the site server contains two plants. each application shares some common SmartPlant Engineering Manager data. and configure user access. Working with Database Schemas The SmartPlant schemas are configured to use separate data dictionaries for SmartPlant Engineering Manager and each engineering application. associate applications to the plant structure.SECTION 11 Configuring SmartPlant Engineering Manager After installing the software and reference data. in the following figure. supports navigation across application tables for read-only access. For example. use SmartPlant Engineering Manager to create a site server and plant structures within the site. This configuration supports the requirement for distributed management of the relational database. SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide 69 . and supports integration of data across applications. one with both SmartPlant P&ID and SmartPlant Electrical associated to it and the other with only the SmartPlant P&ID application associated. and nine database schemas if you use both applications concurrently. The plant structure schemas are shared between SmartPlant P&ID and SmartPlant Electrical. seven database schemas when you use SmartPlant Electrical. A valid site with one plant consists of six database schemas when you use SmartPlant P&ID as your application. While each application sees only the reference data that applies to it. SPPID Data Dictionary Schema. assuming that both applications are in the same database instance. and Associate Application wizards. Load Plant Structure. The majority of database activity occurs in the application schemas (SPPID Schema. we recommend putting all plants in one database instance.Configuring SmartPlant Engineering Manager The figure below shows the schemas that would exist in the database for this configuration example. and SPEL Reference Schema) since this is where the application data is stored. 70 Schema Type Database User Name Example Site Schema Name of the site Site1 Site Data Dictionary Site Schema user name + 'd' Site1d Plant Schema Name of the plant Plant1 Plant Data Dictionary Schema Name of the plant + 'd' Plant1d P&ID Schema Plant schema user name + 'pid' Plant1pid SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide . Understanding Default Database User Names Oracle and SQL Server databases require user names and passwords for each of the schemas and data dictionaries created by the New Site Server. New Project. New Plant Structure. SmartPlant Engineering Manager uses the formulas in the following table to generate default values for these user names. SPEL Data Dictionary Schema. The plant schema contains the smallest amount of data compared with the other schemas. On a given database server. SPEL Schema. you can specify that SQL Server 2005 is to use the password validation rules that are used by Windows Server 2003. Because plant names can be up to 64 characters long. > ? \ / ' . In the case of SQL Server 2005 running on Windows Server 2003. The software removes all spaces or special characters in a plant name before using that name to create a default database user name. while SQL Server 2005 appends '1' to the default user name). if you are using SQL Server authentication.Configuring SmartPlant Engineering Manager Schema Type Database User Name Example P&ID Data Dictionary Schema Plant schema user name + 'pidd' Plant1pidd Electrical Schema Plant schema user name + 'el' Plant1el Electrical Data Dictionary Schema Plant schema user name + 'eld' Plant1eld Electrical Reference Schema Electrical schema user name + 'ref' Plant1elref Satellite Plant Schema Plant schema user name + 'sat' + satellite count Plant1sat1 Satellite P&ID Schema Satellite plant schema user name + 'pid' Plant1sat1pid Satellite Replication Schema Satellite plant schema user name + 'rep' Plant1sat1rep Project Schema Plant schema user name + 'p' + project count Plant1p1 Project P&ID Schema P&ID schema user name + 'p' + project count Plant1pidp1 Project Electrical Schema Electrical schema user name + 'p' + project count Plant1elp1 The software sets the related password defaults for each of the above user names automatically (Oracle uses the default user name. Database usernames cannot contain any of the following characters: . < . { } [ ] ~ ` ! %*()&$@#" See Also New Site Server Wizard (on page 88) Associate Applications Wizard (on page 89) SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide 71 . the software uses only the first 12 characters of the plant name in creating the default database user names using the formulas above. Oracle database user names are limited to 30 characters. you cannot create a plant or application data dictionary template at a satellite site. much like copying a plant from site to site. see the SmartPlant Data Dictionary Template Comparison Utility User's Guide. The data dictionary template file is a collection of all filters. For example.Configuring SmartPlant Engineering Manager Working with Data Dictionaries SmartPlant Engineering Manager allows you to add or edit attributes in plant and application data dictionaries and then create data dictionary templates from the modified plant or application data dictionaries. Rules. you must have the proper rules file (which relies on filters) to go with that template. However. For more information. In other words. 72 SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide . You can then move the template to a new site and use it to populate a new plant or application schema. plant group types. To add properties to the active plant database. and other database-related items (anything that's not stored in external files. and other file-based reference data are not included in data dictionary templates. Data dictionary templates cannot be upgraded. insulation specification. and then use that template in other sites. rather than having to perform the same modification steps at each site. create a template of that data dictionary. like Rules or Symbols). you can use the Data Dictionary Template Comparison Utility to compare your existing template with the default template delivered with the latest version of SmartPlant Engineering Manager. symbols. select the plant structure and click Tools > Data Dictionary Manager. allowing you to add and edit attributes in the plant data dictionaries within the site. When using a data dictionary template to create a plant in another site. Options Manager settings. In a Workshare collaboration. See Also New Data Dictionary Template Command (see "New Data Dictionary Template Command (Tools Menu)" on page 74) Data Dictionary Manager Command (see "Data Dictionary Manager Command (Tools Menu)" on page 72) New Data Dictionary Template Dialog Box (on page 74) Data Dictionary Manager Command (Tools Menu) Starts Data Dictionary Manager. you can make your plant customizations one time. a given data dictionary template can be used in both Oracle and SQL Server environments. You must create the templates at the host site. Data dictionary templates are not database-specific. See Also New Data Dictionary Template Dialog Box (on page 74) New Data Dictionary Template Command (see "New Data Dictionary Template Command (Tools Menu)" on page 74) Create a Data Dictionary Template 1. Data dictionary templates cannot be upgraded. "address") as attribute names. When using a data dictionary template to create a plant in another site. To create a plant data dictionary template. start Data Dictionary Manager outside SmartPlant Engineering Manager. You cannot use a template created using an older version of SmartPlant Engineering Manager to create a plant or application schema. To create an application data dictionary template. select the Plant Group Types node and then click Tools > Data Dictionary Manager.Configuring SmartPlant Engineering Manager To add. Data dictionary templates are not database-specific. To access the site data dictionary. When started from within SmartPlant Engineering Manager. Rules. modify. and other file-based reference data are not included in data dictionary templates. Select the plant or application from which you can to create the template and click Tools > New Data Dictionary Template. 2. this field displays the name of the source data dictionary template used to create the existing application data dictionary. Data Dictionary Manager can access only the plant data dictionaries. type the Source name for the application data dictionary template. insulation specification. SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide 73 . a given data dictionary template can be used in both Oracle and SQL Server environments. or delete attributes for the plant group types. Attributes added to a plant group type using this method are not automatically included in the attributes for active plant group structures that use that plant group type. If you are creating an application template. select the Applications node in the Tree view and then select the application in the List view. browse to the path where you want the template file saved and then type a file name for the template file. You cannot swap between data dictionaries once Data Dictionary Manager is running. After accessing Data Dictionary Manager from within SmartPlant Engineering Manager and making changes. symbols. Do not use Oracle reserved words (for example. In the Template file box. By default. 3. you must either exit and restart SmartPlant Engineering Manager or reopen the site to see the changes from within SmartPlant Engineering Manager. you must have the proper rules file (which relies on filters) to go with that template. In other words. select the Plant node in the Tree view. like rules or symbols). Use this command to create a data dictionary template from a data dictionary that you have modified via the Tools > Data Dictionary Manager command. Data dictionary templates are not database-specific. Options Manager settings and symbology. and other file-based reference data are not included in data dictionary templates. plant group types. The application data dictionary temple contains all filters.ddt file based on the selected plant or application schema. In other words. symbols. When using a data dictionary template to create a plant in another site. a given data dictionary template can be used in both Oracle and SQL Server environments. Template file — Allows you to specify the path and file name for the new template. and other database-related items (anything that's not stored in external files. Rules.Configuring SmartPlant Engineering Manager See Also Data Dictionary Manager Command (see "Data Dictionary Manager Command (Tools Menu)" on page 72) New Data Dictionary Template Command (see "New Data Dictionary Template Command (Tools Menu)" on page 74) New Data Dictionary Template Command (Tools Menu) Generates a template . you must have the proper rules file (which relies on filters) to go with that template. You cannot use a template created using an older version of SmartPlant Engineering Manager to create a plant or application schema. See Also Data Dictionary Manager Command (see "Data Dictionary Manager Command (Tools Menu)" on page 72) New Data Dictionary Template Dialog Box (on page 74) New Data Dictionary Template Dialog Box Allows you to generate a template from an existing plant or application data dictionary. insulation specification. Data dictionary templates cannot be upgraded. A plant data dictionary template file contains all the information in the plant schema. 74 SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide . See Also Use Default Settings Command (see "Use Default Settings Command (Tools Menu)" on page Default Settings Dialog Box (on page 76) Using Default Settings (on page 75) SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide 75 . See Also Default Settings Command (see "Default Settings Command (Tools Menu)" on page 75) Default Settings Dialog Box (on page 76) Using Default Settings (on page 75) Default Settings Command (Tools Menu) Displays the Default Settings dialog box. See Also Default Settings Dialog Box (on page 76) Default Settings Command (see "Default Settings Command (Tools Menu)" on page 75) Use Default Settings Command (see "Use Default Settings Command (Tools Menu)" on page Use Default Settings Command (Tools Menu) Allows you to toggle on and off using the predefined settings for populating the corresponding values in the New Site Server. and Associate Applications wizards. this field displays the internal name of the source data dictionary template used to create the existing application data dictionary. plant structures. and associating application. The values specified on the Default Settings dialog box are used by default only if you turn on the Tools > Use Default Settings command. You can type a new name to be used in place of Imperial or Metric in the Plant Settings table in the plant schema. and Associate Applications wizards. See Also Data Dictionary Manager Command (see "Data Dictionary Manager Command (Tools Menu)" on page 72) New Data Dictionary Template Command (see "New Data Dictionary Template Command (Tools Menu)" on page 74) Using Default Settings SmartPlant Engineering Manager allows you to predefine values for creating sites.Configuring SmartPlant Engineering Manager Source name — Available only when creating an application template. New Plant Structure. Using these default settings simplifies the creation process and allows you to use the same settings across sites and plants. These wizards use the values specified on this dialog box only if you turn on the Tools > Use Default Settings command. which allows you to predefine settings for populating the corresponding values in the New Site Server. New Plant Structure. projects. Configuring SmartPlant Engineering Manager Default Settings Dialog Box Allows you to predefine values for populating the corresponding values in the New Site Server. the values specified during site creation populate this tab. Initially. and Associate Applications wizards. 76 SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide . Oracle — Select this option if you are using an Oracle database. but you can modify it for subsequent plant creations. Database Tab (see "Database Tab (Default Settings Dialog Box)" on page 76) Paths Tab (see "Paths Tab (Default Settings Dialog Box)" on page 77) Plant Tab (see "Plant Tab (Default Settings Dialog Box)" on page 79) SmartPlant P&ID Tab (see "SmartPlant P&ID Tab (Default Settings Dialog Box)" on page 80) SmartPlant Electrical Tab See Also Default Settings Command (see "Default Settings Command (Tools Menu)" on page 75) Use Default Settings Command (see "Use Default Settings Command (Tools Menu)" on page Database Tab (Default Settings Dialog Box) Displays the database settings you can predefine for populating the corresponding values in the New Site Server and New Plant Structure wizards. New Plant Structure. This information is carried forward from the site properties. You can modify these values for subsequent site or plant creations. The default settings values are used by default only if you turn on the Tools > Use Default Settings command. but this user must have system privileges. contact your database administrator. System user — Type a database system user name. but this user must have system privileges. If this list is empty. and Associate Applications wizards. System password — Type the system password.Configuring SmartPlant Engineering Manager Oracle alias — Type the name of the Oracle net service alias used by the site in which the plant will be created. Refresh — Click this button to update the entries in the tablespace lists if you have changed the system user name or password entries. System password — Type the system password. Database usernames and passwords cannot contain any of the following characters: . < .{}[]~`!%*()&$@#" See Also Default Settings Command (see "Default Settings Command (Tools Menu)" on page 75) Use Default Settings Command (see "Use Default Settings Command (Tools Menu)" on page Paths Tab (Default Settings Dialog Box) Displays the path settings you can predefine for populating the corresponding values in the New Site Server. SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide 77 . Oracle tablespace — Select a default Oracle tablespace name for your plant database. Server — Type the node name of the server on which the SQL Server database resides. This information is carried forward from the site properties. SQL Server — Select this option if you are using a SQL Server database. but you can modify it for subsequent plant creations. New Plant Structure. This name does not have to be the database administrator user name. We recommend that you do not use SYSTEM for the default tablespace. This name does not have to be the database administrator user name. > ?\/'. System user — Type a database system user name. Refresh — Click this button to update the database information if you have changed the system user name or password entries. Oracle temp tablespace — Select a default Oracle temporary tablespace name for your plant database. because Oracle uses this tablespace for its own use. Plant structure root directory — Specify the path to the storage location for the plant data and the drawing files. Folders for individual plant structures are automatically appended to this path as they are created. Folders for individual plant structures are automatically appended to this path as they are created. Backup root directory — Specify the path to the shared storage folder for backing up the plant files. The site administrator sets this path during installation. See Also Default Settings Command (see "Default Settings Command (Tools Menu)" on page 75) Use Default Settings Command (see "Use Default Settings Command (Tools Menu)" on page 75) 78 SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide .Configuring SmartPlant Engineering Manager All paths. You must create the plant structure root directory and share it out before using these default settings during plant creation. except Seed location. Seed location — Specifies the folder where all the templates are stored. must be in UNC format. All currently defined hierarchies display in this list. Data dictionary templates are not database-specific. SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide 79 . a given data dictionary template can be used in both Oracle and SQL Server environments. Template path — Specify the path where the custom template file is located. Use custom template — Select this option to create the plant data dictionary using a custom template. This field is enabled only if the Use custom template option is selected. This path is limited to 255 characters and must be in UNC format. In other words. Use default template — Select this option to create the plant data dictionary using the delivered template. see Working with Data Dictionaries (on page 72). For more information about using data dictionary templates. Data Dictionary source — Select the default source for the new plant data dictionary. The software verifies that the specified template is of the proper template type. Hierarchy — Select the default hierarchy that you want to use for new plants.Configuring SmartPlant Engineering Manager Plant Tab (Default Settings Dialog Box) Displays the plant settings you can predefine for populating the New Plant Structure wizard. Data Dictionary source — Select the default source for the SmartPlant P&ID data dictionary. Use default template — Select this option to create the SmartPlant P&ID data dictionary using the delivered template. The software verifies that the specified template is of the proper template type. Show warning message when the hierarchy has less than 3 levels — Displays a warning when the plant hierarchy has less than three levels.Configuring SmartPlant Engineering Manager If you want to use a custom hierarchy. This path is limited to 255 characters and must be in UNC format. Template path — Specify the path where the custom template file is located. you must create it before using these default settings to create a plant structure. Use custom template — Select this option to create the SmartPlant P&ID data dictionary using a custom template. if you do not want this message to be displayed. Clear this checkbox. 80 SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide . Hierarchies cannot be modified during plant structure creation. Hierarchy definition — Displays the plant breakdown structure items in the currently selected hierarchy. This field is enabled only if the Use custom template option is selected. See Also Default Settings Command (see "Default Settings Command (Tools Menu)" on page 75) Use Default Settings Command (see "Use Default Settings Command (Tools Menu)" on page SmartPlant P&ID Tab (Default Settings Dialog Box) Displays the SmartPlant P&ID settings you can predefine for populating the corresponding values in the Associate Applications wizard. These templates are standard sets of rights and privileges that you can grant to user groups.ini file. or your role templates will not be available for selection. Site Server Share Create a share on the SmartPlant Engineering Manager (server) workstation to hold the site's SmartPlantV4. Backup Location Shares Create shares to hold the backup data for the site and for each plant structure. All SmartPlant users must be granted read permissions on a site share (the site administrator group needs to be granted read and write permissions). user groups.Configuring SmartPlant Engineering Manager Data dictionary templates are not database-specific. SmartPlant P&ID reference data path — Type or browse to the SmartPlant P&ID reference data path. plants. These shares can be on the same server as SmartPlant Engineering Manager or on a different server.ini files) on one computer. For more information about using data dictionary templates. SmartPlant users who will be doing backups must be granted read and write permissions on these shares. You must specify this location during site creation. Role Template Share Create a share on a server to hold the role templates you create for use with SmartPlant Engineering Manager. This share can be on the same computer as SmartPlant Engineering Manager or on a different machine. a given data dictionary template can be used in both Oracle and SQL Server environments. You will need these share names to create the site and plants later. you must create separate shares for each site. In other words. See Also Default Settings Command (see "Default Settings Command (Tools Menu)" on page 75) Use Default Settings Command (see "Use Default Settings Command (Tools Menu)" on page Creating Network Shares Before using SmartPlant Engineering Manager. The paths to these shares are needed while running the various wizards in SmartPlant Engineering Manager. and assigning user access require read and write permissions to this share. Only administrators responsible for the creation of sites. This share can be on the same server as SmartPlant Engineering Manager or on a different server. without having to define the rights each time. You will need this share name to create the site later. SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide 81 . you must create the following network shares. We recommend using a separate server for backups. System of units — Select the system used for displaying units in SmartPlant P&ID. see Working with Data Dictionaries (on page 72). Because you can have several sites (different SmartPlantV4. This path is limited to 255 characters and must be in UNC format. You must create backup shares for each plant structure you create. Verify that the users you added to the group created above are also members of the local Administrators group on the computer where SmartPlant Engineering Manager is loaded. to create a group named SiteAdmins on a Windows 2003 server. see Novell Networking and User Groups (on page 85).ini file. use the following steps. right-click and on the shortcut menu. 2. Site administrator privileges do not extend to the individual engineering products. For information about Novell networking and user groups. 2. For example. 1. select Administrative Tools > Computer Management. Site administrators can see all plant structures in the site and have full access to them. creating and modifying plant group types. The group you specify will then possess a set of unique rights that cannot be granted to any other role. see User Access (see "Change the Site Administrator User Group" on page 86). Grant network access privileges to the user group you just created using administrative tools on your computer. Create a User Group Before creating a site server. 3. From the Windows Control Panel. you must create. a local users group containing the users you want to have site administration privileges. For more information about how SmartPlant Engineering Manager applies user access and site administration privileges. on the computer that will house the site smartplantv4. select the New Group command. enabling and creating projects. Create the user group using the administrative tools on your computer. creating and modifying hierarchies. 82 SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide . Select System Tools > Local Users and Groups. The following tasks must be completed before a user group can be used as the site administrator group: 1. 3. For more information. All users in Groups other than the Administrators group must have write access to the C:\Program Files\SmartPlant folder (or the folder where SmartPlant Engineering Manager is installed) in order to use the software.Configuring SmartPlant Engineering Manager Site Administrator User Group During site creation. you are asked to specify the user group that you want to have site administrator privileges. Select Groups in the Tree view. You can change the user group assigned as the site administrator group after site creation. and so forth. see Change the Site Administrator User Group (on page 86). These rights include creating plant structures. Computers or Groups dialog box. from the Select Users. On the New Group dialog box. Each user added to this group must be a Windows domain user. Click Add and. select users to add to the new group.Configuring SmartPlant Engineering Manager 4. type the name and description for the new group. SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide 83 . 5. All users in Groups other than the Administrators group must have write access to the C:\Program Files\SmartPlant folder (or the folder where SmartPlant Engineering Manager is installed) in order to use the software. The new SiteAdmins group should appear in the list of groups. 2. 1. 3. On the Administrators Properties dialog box. click Add. Add the same users to this group that you added to the SiteAdmins group in the section above. Click Create to create the new group. double-click the Administrators group. Grant Network Access Privileges Complete the following steps to grant the Right to access this computer from the network local policy to the SiteAdmins group you just created. Add Users to the Administrators Group 1. From the Windows Control Panel. On the Local Users and Groups dialog box. select Administrative Tools > Local Security Policy. 84 SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide .Configuring SmartPlant Engineering Manager 6. 3. SmartPlant Engineering Manager would look for groups under NDS:\\PBS\US\SP2D and any sub-nodes of the tree from that path down. The default value is 3. much like domains on Windows systems. and double-click the Access this computer from the network policy. SiteAdmins). click Add User or Group and browse to the group you created above (for example. SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide 85 . The lower the value. select the User Rights Assignment local policy. On the Local Security Setting dialog box. You can modify the NovellLevels registry key to find the right scope to your groups. Novell Networking and User Groups Novell trees are the structures used for users and groups.Configuring SmartPlant Engineering Manager 2. For example. if the logged in user is NDS:\\PBS\US\SP2D\AL\HSV\USERS\SPMGR and NovellLevels is set to 3. On the Local Security Settings dialog box. the wider the scope. Select the site node in the Tree view. Right-click and select Properties. 86 SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide . define the following properties: Use local machine and domain groups — Select this option to choose an existing user group or domain that is accessible from your machine. click the Browse button next to the Site administrator user group box. you must also define a registry key named ForceNovell and set its value to 1 to use Novell groups rather than Windows groups. You must have Site Administrator privileges to change the Site Administrator User Group.Configuring SmartPlant Engineering Manager Under the SmartPlant Manager node. However. if you are also a member of the user group now assigned Site Administrator privileges. 4. such as noting that this group is assigned site administrator privileges. On the New Site Administrator dialog box. Change the Site Administrator User Group 1. 3. you will retain your Site Administrator privileges. it appears by default. Role name — Click the Browse button . 5. If a description was defined when the group was created. Click OK on the Site Properties dialog box to complete the change. Click OK on the New Site Administrator Group dialog box. 2. You (or the person who changes the Site Administrator User Group) retain Site Administrator privileges until you either select a new site or you restart the software. Use site server and domain groups — Select this option to choose a user group or domain that is accessible from the site server machine. On the General tab on the Site Properties dialog box. and select the user group to which you want to assign site administrator privileges. Role description — (Optional) Type a descriptive note about the user group you selected. 6. you can type a partial name into this field and click Check Name. You can make notes that indicate the privileges assigned to the group. If any error occurs or the same group is selected. See Also New Site Administrator Group Dialog Box (on page 87) New Site Administrator Group Dialog Box Displays when you click the Browse button beside the Site administrator user group box on the Site Properties > General tab. See Also SmartPlant Engineering Manager Rights (on page 92) Change the Site Administrator User Group (on page 86) SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide 87 . which allows you to select the Windows or Novell user group you want to assign to this new role. Check Name — Displays the Microsoft Select dialog box. To quickly find the user group in your domain. no changes occur. it appears by default. Role name — Type the name of or select the Windows or Novell user group you want to assign to this new role. if so. The name of the SmartPlant role will be the same as the name of the selected user group. If a description was defined when the group was created. replaces the group in the T_Roles table and the users in the T_RoleUsers group.Configuring SmartPlant Engineering Manager When the Site Properties dialog box is dismissed. Use site server and domain groups — Use this option when you want to choose a user group or domain that is accessible from the site server machine. The name of the SmartPlant role will be the same as the name of the selected user group. the software checks to see if the Site Administrator User Group has changed and. Role description — Type a descriptive note about the role that you are creating. Use local machine and domain groups — Use this option when you want to choose an existing user group or domain that is accessible from your machine. allowing you to change the user group assigned administrator privileges for the site. you can change the user group that is assigned site administrator privileges using the Site Server Properties dialog box. Before you can create a site using an Oracle database. Paths — Consists of naming the new site and specifying Universal Naming Convention (UNC) paths to the site server. For more information about using data dictionary templates. All data needed to maintain the site is written into the site's schema. To start the New Site Server wizard. In other words. You must provide the following information as you step through the wizard. See Also New Data Dictionary Template Command (see "New Data Dictionary Template Command (Tools Menu)" on page 74) 88 SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide . a given data dictionary template can be used in both Oracle and SQL Server environments. select Services to verify that the database is running. You cannot create a new site unless you log on using a domain account that has administrator privileges on the computer where you are running SmartPlant Engineering Manager. Database Connection Information — Allows you to specify the alias or database node and system password for the database containing the site data. Use the user access controls provided with your operating system to create a group or to verify a group exists that can be used for these purposes. you must create a database instance in Oracle and the database must be started. and template locations. You must specify the path to the location of the seed files. Site Schema and Site Data Dictionary Schema Information — Allows you to specify user names and passwords for both schemas. After you have created the site. see Working with Data Dictionaries (on page 72). Site Administrator Privileges — Specify the local user group that can be assigned site administrator privileges. You can also add or remove users from that user group using the user access controls provided with your operating system. Data dictionary templates are not database-specific. backup shares.ini file. select Create a new site from the Site Server Options dialog box that appears when you run SmartPlant Engineering Manager for the first time. In the Windows Control Panel. The Site Server Options dialog box appears during future sessions only if SmartPlant Engineering Manager cannot find the site SmartPlantV4.Configuring SmartPlant Engineering Manager New Site Server Wizard The New Site Server wizard steps you through creating a site schema and site data dictionary to hold the database connection information for your site. Data Dictionary Source — Specifies whether the data dictionary for the new site will be built from the default template or a custom template. Paths — Consists of UNC paths for the plant structure storage location and a backup storage location. Root Item Attributes — Specifies the plant structure root item and the name that will appear in the Plant Structures node in the software. SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide 89 . Creating. Hierarchy — Indicates the template for the plant breakdown structure of the plant. In other words. restoring. see Working with Data Dictionaries (on page 72). To start this wizard. select the Plant Structures root in the Tree view and then click File > New. or copying different plants on the same site. you must associate that application with the plant structure. Before you can use an application with your data. is not possible. or SmartPlant Electrical) are used to access data within your plant structure. You can use the Default Settings commands on the Tools menu to specify default values to simplify the plant creation process. You must specify the path to the location of the seed files. Data dictionary templates are not database-specific. a Run-time error 91:Object variable or With block variable not set message is displayed on both terminals. For more information. from two terminals. Data Dictionary Source — Specifies whether the data dictionary for the new plant will be built from a default template or a custom template. be sure to associate applications (see "Associate Applications Wizard" on page 89) with your plant and to assign user access (see "Create a New Role" on page 90) for the new plant structure. SmartPlant P&ID. at the same time. Database Connection Information — Allows you to specify the alias and system password for the database instance that contains the plant data. You must provide the following information as you step through the wizard. You can define your own hierarchy that you can then use in creating plant structures or you can use one of the several delivered hierarchies. All data needed to maintain the plant structure is written into the plant schema. For more information about using data dictionary templates. See Also Associate Applications Wizard (on page 89) User Access (on page 91) Associate Applications Wizard Engineering applications (such as SmartPlant Instrumentation.Configuring SmartPlant Engineering Manager New Plant Structure Wizard The New Plant Structure wizard steps you through creating a plant structure. see Using Default Settings: An Overview (see "Using Default Settings" on page 75). a given data dictionary template can be used in both Oracle and SQL Server environments. After creating your new plant structure. Plant Schema and Data Dictionary Schema Information — Allows you to specify user names and passwords for both schemas. only that application is registered. When associating SmartPlant P&ID or SmartPlant Electrical. see Register Command. Use site server and domain groups — Use this option when you want to choose a user group or domain that is accessible from the site server machine. 2. Create a New Role 1. define the following properties: Use local machine and domain groups — Use this option when you want to choose an existing user group or domain that is accessible from your machine. 90 SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide . In other words. For more information. see Associating SmartPlant Instrumentation with the Plant Structure When associating an application.Configuring SmartPlant Engineering Manager To associate an application with your plant structure. a given data dictionary template can be used in both Oracle and SQL Server environments. see Working with Data Dictionaries (on page 72). For more information about using data dictionary templates. 3. if only one application is associated with the plant at the time it is registered. On the General tab. All data needed to maintain the application association is written into the application schema. use the Tools > Associate Applications command to open the Associate Applications wizard that helps you step through creating the application schema and data dictionary. Right-click and select New Role. The association procedure of SmartPlant Instrumentation is different from association of SmartPlant P&ID or SmartPlant Electrical and involves database configuration as the association prerequisite. the Register command is enabled so that you can register the new application with the plant. see Using Default Settings: An Overview (see "Using Default Settings" on page 75). For details. Data dictionary templates are not database-specific. Data Dictionary Source — Specifies whether the data dictionary for the associated application will be built from a default template or a custom template. You must specify the path to the location of the seed files. The name of the SmartPlant role will be the same as the name of the selected user group. Select the Roles node under the plant structure or project to which you want to add the new role. you can use the Default Settings commands on the Tools menu to specify default values to simplify the application association process. If another application is later associated with the plant. which allows you to select the Windows or Novell user group you want to assign to this new role. In an integrated environment. Role name — Select the Browse button to display the Select Groups dialog box. Application Schema and Application Data Dictionary Schema Information — Allows you to specify user names and passwords for both schemas. For more information. you must provide the following information as you step through the wizard. see the Microsoft Knowledge Base article number 303973 at http://support. On the Rights tab. administrators can control access to data and thereby ensure the security of their project data. select None. 4. be sure to not only set the rights for the applications.microsoft.User Access Role description — Type a descriptive note about the role that you are creating. Template — Select a pre-defined role template. You can make notes that indicate the privileges assigned to the group.com. check with your Information Technology group to see if that user was created on a Windows NT domain that has been upgraded to Windows XP. This step is optional if you selected a template on the General tab. but also set the access permissions available under the SmartPlant Engineering Manager rights. Microsoft provides a method for adding users to the built-in Pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access Group to handle this backward-compatibility issue. You can automatically include the site administrators group in each plant you create by selecting the Add the site administrator group to each plant created option on the Site Properties > General tab. The new role will not be created if you do not select any rights. If you do not want to use a template. With user access. Doing this saves you the step of creating a new role to grant these users access to the new plant. For more information. SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide 91 . specify the access privileges for this group of users. You can still modify individual access rights after applying a role template. it appears by default. If users experience access problems after you create a role for the group to which the user is assigned. When setting the rights for the new role. See Also SmartPlant Engineering Manager Rights (on page 92) SmartPlant P&ID User Access Rights (see "SmartPlant P&ID Access Rights" on page 94) User Access Overview User access identifies the users allowed to work at specified access levels within the site and related plant structures. If a description was defined when the group was created. See Also SmartPlant Engineering Manager Rights (on page 92) Create a New Role (on page 90) SmartPlant P&ID Access Rights (on page 94) SmartPlant Engineering Manager Rights SmartPlant Engineering Manager contains two sets of rights: site administrator rights and plant structure rights. These rights are defined by categories. with each role associated to a single Windows or Novell user group. Mutually-Exclusive Rights Users can have access privileges that vary from one plant to another in the same site. To see the roles currently defined for a plant. This right is not available to a satellite site when operating in the Workshare mode because the reference data must be controlled by the host site. Full Control — The user can execute the application or utility for this plant structure and perform all commands and modifications. you can choose multiple rights. where each application has its own set of rights. 92 SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide . you can create templates for specific roles and then use those templates multiple times. SmartPlant Engineering Manager provides roles templates to help you easily create new roles.User Access SmartPlant Engineering Manager incorporates user access as an integral product feature by using roles to define and maintain user privileges and rights at the plant structure level. In other categories. click the Roles node under the plant node in the Tree view. To view the rights settings for a particular role. None — The user is not allowed to execute the application or utility for this plant structure. Because the most labor-intensive part of a role creation is setting the values for the rights. Each role is then assigned specific rights for each engineering application and for SmartPlant Engineering Manager. This feature is useful for defining a role template in one site and then reusing that same role template throughout all of your sites. Read-Only — The user can execute the application or utility for this plant structure to view the data held within it. Modify Settings — The user can execute the application or utility for this plant structure to view the data held within it and to modify any custom settings. Roles are the primary focus. meaning you can choose only one right in that category to apply to the role. as denoted by check boxes. Categories with radio button options indicate that the rights contained within are mutually exclusive. right-click the role in the List view and click Properties. Site administrator privileges do not extend by default to full privileges in the engineering applications. and so forth. Be sure that these users are granted network access rights to the computer where SmartPlant Engineering Manager is installed. to enable projects.User Access Site Administrator Rights Site administrators. Doing this saves you the step of creating a new role to grant these users access to the new plant. and plant group types. Additional site administrators can be added to the Site Administrator User Group by using the administrative tools provided by Windows or Novell. The following rights are available to the Plant Structure Access category and are mutually exclusive. the user must belong to a role that has at least read-only access to the plant structure. Site administrators can see all plant structures and have full access to them. roles. For more information. To access the plant structure through SmartPlant Engineering Manager. see Change the Site Administrator User Group (on page 86). hierarchies. see General Tab (Site Server Properties Dialog Box). SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide 93 . For more information. You can automatically include the site administrators group in each plant you create by selecting the Add the site administrator group to each plant created option on the Site Properties > General tab. Plant Structure Rights These rights are valid only within the plant structure with which the right is associated. This group of users has privileges to create and modify plant structures. have a set of unique rights that cannot be granted to any other role. You can change the user group assigned as the site administrator group after site creation. while not appearing in the Roles node in a plant structure. Only members of the user group specified as the Site Administrator User Group during site creation can see the Hierarchy Templates and Plant Group Types roots in the Tree view. Formats None — The user is not allowed to launch Format Manager. or delete any data within the plant structure. add applications and roles. but not make changes. Full Control — The user can create plant groups. modify. but cannot see the hierarchies or the plant group types. Full Control is disabled for Workshare satellites and projects. modify. Read-Only Read-Only allows users to view existing filter definitions. Full Control Full Control allows users to create new symbols and edit existing symbols. Full Control Full Control allows users to create new filters and edit existing filters. This right is valid only within the SmartPlant Engineering Manager software. None None prevents users from accessing Filter Manager. including the plant structure node. See Also Change the Site Administrator User Group (on page 86) SmartPlant P&ID Access Rights Category Right Notes Catalog None None prevents users from accessing Catalog Manager. Plant Filters 94 SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide . modify.User Access Category Right Plant Structure Access None — The user is not allowed to see any part of the plant structure. Full Control is disabled for Workshare satellites and projects. Read-Only — The user can launch Format Manager and view the format settings but cannot create. Read-Only — The plant structure is visible. Read-Only Read-Only allows users to view symbols in Catalog Manager. but the user cannot create. but not make changes. Full Control — The user can launch Format Manager and can create. or delete formats. or delete formats. and create projects and satellites. Full Control Full Control allows users to create new plant reports and edit existing reports. Read-Only Full Control Default Views None Read-Only Full Control Plant Reports Rules Data Dictionary Controls the ability to specify default filters and layouts for item types.User Access Category Right Notes Display Sets None Controls the ability to view. Read-Only Read-Only allows users to view existing rule definitions. None None prevents users from accessing the plant reports. Full Control is disabled for Workshare satellites and projects. but not make changes. Modify Select Entry and Full Control are disabled for Workshare satellites and for projects. but not make changes. but not make any changes. Read-Only Read-Only allows users to view existing report definitions. and define display sets. Full Control Full Control allows users to create new rules and edit existing rule definitions. None None prevents users from accessing Data Dictionary Manager. Modify Select Entry and Full Control are disabled for Workshare satellites and for projects. Full Control is disabled for Workshare satellites and projects. SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide 95 . None None prevents users from accessing Rule Manager. Modify Select Entry Modify Select Entry allows users to edit select lists. Also controls setting the Brief/Bulk Lists associated with item types. Full Control Full Control allows users to add items and edit existing items in the data dictionary. Full Control is disabled for Workshare satellites. Read-Only Read-Only allows users to view settings in the data dictionary. Full Control is disabled for Workshare satellites and projects. edit. Insulation Specifications Drawing Management 96 SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide . but users must have at least Modify Settings level privileges to use Workshare. disabled for Workshare satellites and projects.User Access Category Right Notes Options None None prevents users from accessing Options Manager. Read-Only Read-Only allows users to view option settings. but not make any changes. Create P&ID Create P&ID allows users to execute the New Drawing command in Drawing Manager. Full Control is disabled for Workshare satellites and for projects. Delete Version Delete Version allows users to execute the Delete Version command in Drawing Manager. Full Control Full Control allows users to add options and edit existing options. Users must also have Full Control permission for P&ID Objects before they can refresh a drawing. but not make any changes. Refresh P&ID Refresh P&ID allows users to execute the Compare and Refresh and Validate commands in SmartPlant P&ID. allows users to add settings and edit existing insulation settings. Read-Only Read-Only allows users to view insulation settings. Fetch Version Fetch Version allows users to execute the Fetch Version command in Drawing Manager. Delete P&ID Delete P&ID allows users to execute the Delete command in Drawing Manager. None None prevents users from accessing Insulation Manager. Full Control Full Control. Create Version Create Version allows users to execute the Create Version command in Drawing Manager. Modify Settings Modify Settings allows users to change reference data pointers. Create Revision Create Revision allows the user to create revision properties.User Access Category P&ID Objects Workshare Right Notes Edit Import Map Edit Import Map allows users to execute the Edit Import Map command in Drawing Manager. Read-Only Read-Only allows users to view objects in the SmartPlant P&ID Modeler environment. and associate revision properties with the revised drawing. modify revision properties. user needs at least the Modify Properties right. Delete Revision Delete Revision allows the user to delete a revision and its associated version. None None prevents users from accessing objects in the SmartPlant P&ID Modeler environment. Full Control To refresh drawings in SmartPlant P&ID. Modify Properties To import. Publish Publish allows users to publish drawings to other satellites or back to the host. Assign Drawing Ownership Assign Drawing Ownership allows users to specify which Workshare sites have read/write permission for published drawings. SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide 97 . Synchronize Reference Data Synchronize Reference Data allows users to update their reference data with the reference data at the host. Get Latest Version Get Latest Version allows users to obtain the latest published drawing from the host or satellite site. users must have Full Control permission on P&ID Objects. but not make any changes. Synchronize Shared Items Synchronize Shared Items allows users to update their shared items with the shared items at the host. Update P&ID Update P&ID allows users to execute the Update P&ID command in Drawing Manager to update existing drawings. and reference data. Change Status Change Status allows users to interact with the Project Status dialog box in Drawing Manager. Check In Check In allows users to execute the Check In command in Drawing Manager. Publish Enables or disables the ability to publish to or retrieve documents.User Access Category Right Notes Projects Check Out Check Out allows users to execute the Check Out and Undo Check Out commands in Drawing Manager. SmartPlant Retrieve SmartPlant P&ID Access Rights Examples The following examples are suggestions for granting rights to common groups of users. 98 Category Right SPEM Plant Structure Access Full-Control Catalog Full-Control Plant Filters Full-Control Display Sets Full-Control Default Views Full-Control Formats Full-Control SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide . and create satellites. clear to disable. administrative tasks. Select the check box to enable an option. Fetch Fetch allows users to execute the Fetch command in Drawing Manager. If you are not granted this right. Claim Claim allows users to execute the Claim and Release Claim commands in SmartPlant P&ID. add applications and roles. create projects. Plant Administrators This user group has full control over all aspects of the plant structure for drawings. but cannot modify it. These example are a great starting place for defining custom SmartPlant P&ID role templates. enable Workshare. The users should have the capability to create plant groups. you can only view the project status. but should not see the hierarchy templates or plant group types. set up My Reports. Synchronize Shared Items SmartPlant Publish. Retrieve P&ID Objects Full Control Workshare Publish. Delete P&ID. Archive. Synchronize Reference Data. and archive drawings (needed for personal use in case there are big changes to the drawing design).User Access Category Right Plant Reports Full-Control Rules Full-Control Data Dictionary Full-Control Options Full-Control Insulation Specifications Full-Control Drawing Management Create P&ID. Retrieve Plant Users This group has full control on all drawings. Assign Drawing Ownership. create drawings. set up personal display sets. Get Latest Version. Category Right SPEM Plant Structure Access Read-Only Catalog None Plant Filters Read-Only Display Sets Full-Control Default Views Read-Only Formats None Plant Reports Read-Only Rules None Data Dictionary None Options None Insulation Specifications None Drawing Management Create P&ID Archive SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide 99 . can set personal filters. or Workshare activities.User Access Category Right P&ID Objects Full Control Workshare Undefined (do not choose anything) SmartPlant Undefined (do not choose anything) Engineers This group has access to drawings to view and modify data reports but not graphics. projects. and create My Reports. set up personal display sets. They should not be able to modify any project reference data or perform any administrative tasks with respect to drawing management. 100 Category Right SPEM Plant Structure Access Read-Only Catalog None Plant Filters Read-Only Display Sets Full-Control Default Views Read-Only Formats None Plant Reports Read-Only Rules None Data Dictionary None Options None Insulation Specifications None Drawing Management Undefined (do not choose anything) P&ID Objects Modify Properties Workshare Undefined (do not choose anything) SmartPlant Undefined (do not choose anything) SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide . They can set up personal filters. They should not be able to modify any project reference data or perform any administrative tasks with respect to drawing management or Workshare activities. Category Right SPEM Plant Structure Access Read-Only Catalog None Plant Filters Read-Only Display Sets Full-Control Default Views None Formats None Plant Reports None Rules None Data Dictionary None Options None Insulation Specifications None Drawing Management Undefined (do not choose anything) P&ID Objects Read-Only Workshare Undefined (do not choose anything) SmartPlant Undefined (do not choose anything) SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide 101 . set up personal display sets. and create My Reports.User Access Managers This group needs only view data access. They can set up personal filters. User Access 102 SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide . For more information about working with formats. delivered with SmartPlant Engineering Manager. Define the symbology. SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide 103 . 2. 5. Verify that all \\node\share entries are set to the shares defined during reference data installation. You can also create and edit formats. gapping. allows you to define the characteristics and formats for labels. 1. Click Settings. Working with Formats SmartPlant Format Manager. Working with Filters SmartPlant Filter Manager. allows you to select the items to display in the engineering application. For more information about working with filters. and distances as needed. formatting. line styles. click Help > Printable Guides in SmartPlant Engineering Manager and select the SmartPlant Filter Manager User's Guide.SECTION 12 Customizing Your Reference Data Several tools are delivered during installation that allow you to customize your reference data. click Help > Printable Guides in SmartPlant Engineering Manager and select the SmartPlant Format Manager User's Guide. delivered with SmartPlant Engineering Manager. report data and formatted properties. Customizing Reference Data Options Reference data options control the look and feel of the product and controls much of the data used throughout the life of a project. Click File > Save. Use SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager to define how you want particular P&ID items to appear in drawings by selecting colors. For more information about working with reference data options. and heat tracing styles for the project. 3. 4. click Help > Printable Guides in SmartPlant P&ID and select the Options Manager User's Guide. heat tracing. gapping styles. Click Start > Programs > SmartPlant P&ID > Options Manager. You can use this feature to clear the view of other items to display one class of items. Synchronizing Reference Data SmartPlant Reference Data Synchronization (RDS) Manager provides tools for comparing. For more information about working with symbols and labels. Two types of labels display important information about drawing items: Driving — Sets the property in the model. labels. click Help > Printable Guides in SmartPlant Engineering Manager and select SmartPlant Data Dictionary Manager User's Guide. and item types that form the underlying data structure. allows you to modify the data model properties. including the database entries. a dimension that changes the size of the object. With Data Dictionary Manager.Customizing Your Reference Data Working with Symbols and Labels Symbols include a graphic representation of the item as well as the properties associated with that item. you can perform the following tasks: Add and change properties for specific database tables Create select lists and add entries to them Associate validation programs with various item types Because your changes can affect the database for the entire project. and managing reference data across multiple plants. only system administrators and project managers typically customize the database with Data Dictionary Manager. synchronizing. click Help > Printable Guides in SmartPlant Engineering Manager and select SmartPlant Catalog Manager User's Guide. 104 SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide . Modifying Data Model Properties SmartPlant Data Dictionary Manager. a pressure label that takes its pressure value from the associated pump. allows you to create and edit these symbols. delivered with SmartPlant Engineering Manager. and the properties associated with the item. for example. This application is especially useful when you need to maintain a central set of reference data for all of the plants across a site without having a network or database connection between plants. For more information about using Data Dictionary Manager. select lists. Driven — Reports the property in the model. Some of the characteristics of a SmartPlant symbol include the graphic representation of the item. heat tracing. for example. the icon that represents the item in the Catalog Explorer. delivered with SmartPlant Engineering Manager. SmartPlant Catalog Manager. Lock down (set to read-only) the user access to the reference data at the source plants. Use the Workshare Synchronize Reference Data command instead. interconnecting piping. Allow full-control user access to the reference data only at the target plant. see the SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager Users Guide. For more information. 2. Configuring Border Templates The delivered borders are embedded in the delivered template files. and other accessories on a drawing. In other words. After synchronizing the reference data across the plants. Synchronize the target plants with the source plant RDS package. click Help > Printable Guides in SmartPlant P&ID and click the Rule Manager User's Guide link.Customizing Your Reference Data The reference data synchronization process involves three steps: 1. These rules define the placement characteristics of items and how items interact with each other. instrumentation. Using rules. you must use the Update Drawings functionality in SmartPlant P&ID to synchronize the drawings in each plant with the updated reference data. Creating an RDS package that contains the reference data from the source plant. For more information. Before you can see modifications made to the drawing border during the course of a project. SmartPlant P&ID Rule Manager provides the tools for creating and editing rules. Create a data RDS package from the source plant. you also confirm that you meet proper design criteria. see the SmartPlant Reference Data Synchronization User's Guide. you must edit (see "Edit Delivered Templates" on page 107) the delivered templates. the borders of the drawings created with these templates will not be modifiable on a global level. For more information about updating drawings. Do not use the RDS Manager to synchronize reference data between a host and satellites in a Workshare collaboration. changes to border files do not show up in drawings that are using the embedded border template files. Back up the target plant. If you do not modify the delivered template files. Comparing the RDS package to the target plant reference data. which means that you can change the border of drawings only on a drawing-by-drawing basis. Synchronizing (merging) the RDS package into the plant and application reference data at the target. 3. you can quickly and easily place required equipment. Establishing Design Rules By defining typical or standard design rules. Recommended Configuration Select the plant whose reference data you want to use as the source reference data. SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide 105 . igr A2 Wide (594mm x 420mm) A2-Wide(Metric).pid A4border.pid A2-Wide(Metric).igr A3 Wide (420mm x 297mm) A3-Wide (Metric).pid A2border.igr A4 Wide (297mm x 210mm) SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide .pid A2-Wide Note Area.igr A2 Wide (594mm x 420mm) A3-Size.pid A0border.igr A0 Wide (1189mm x 841mm) A1-Size.pid A1-Wide(Metric).igr A3 Wide (420mm x 297mm) A4-Size.igr A1 Wide (841mm x 594mm) A2-Size.pid A4-Wide (Metric).pid A3border.igr A2 Wide (594mm x 420mm) A2-Wide Note Area.Customizing Your Reference Data SmartPlant P&ID Delivered Templates SmartPlant P&ID delivers the following border templates.pid A3-Wide (Metric).igr A1 Wide (841mm x 594mm) A1-Wide Note Area.pid A1-Wide Note Area.pid A1border. Metric Templates 106 Template File Border File Page Size A0-Size.igr A1 Wide (841mm x 594mm) A1-Wide(Metric).igr A4 Wide (297mm x 210mm) A4-Wide (Metric). pid A-Wide (Imperial).igr C Wide (22in x 17in) C-Wide Note Area (Imperial).igr D Wide (34in x 22in) E-Size.5in) A-Wide (Imperial).pid D-Wide (Imperial).Customizing Your Reference Data Template File Border File Page Size A5-Size.igr D Wide (34in x 22in) D-Wide (Imperial).pid D-Wide.igr A Wide (11in x 8.pid B-Wide.pid D-Wide Note Area (Imperial).igr E Wide (44in x 34in) English Templates Edit Delivered Templates Before editing the delivered templates.igr D Wide (34in x 22in) D-Wide Note Area (Imperial). In Windows Explorer.igr A5 Wide (210mm x 148mm) Template File Border File Page Size A-Size.pid A5border. verify that the correct plant structure has been selected and that no drawings are open. SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide 107 .pid C-Wide. browse to the default templates location defined in Options Manager or the location of the reference data of your plant.pid C-Wide (Imperial).igr A Wide (11in x 8. 1.igr C Wide (22in x 17in) C-Wide (Imperial).pid A-Wide.igr B Wide (17in x 11in) C-Size.5in) B-Size.pid B-Wide (Imperial).igr C Wide (22in x 17in) D-Size.pid C-Wide Note Area (Imperial).igr B Wide (17in x 11in) B-Wide (Imperial).pid E-Wide. SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide . Click Edit > Insert > Object. 14. Select the sheet size in the Standard option and then click OK. Clear the Link check box to be sure the item will be embedded. 3. 10. You can use the delivered border or choose another border. You also can drag the template file into the application window to open the template file. Create a Border Template 1. 11. 6. Click File > Exit. Type the name for the template in the File Name box. Select the existing border file. and/or Area Readout boxes to specify the default units of measure. Save the template border in the default templates location defined in Options Manager. Click Browse. 12. 9. 7. 4. and press Delete. 108 Start SmartPlant P&ID. Click OK on the Insert Object dialog box. On the Units tab select a unit in the Length. 3. 8.Customizing Your Reference Data 2. 7. and then click OK. 5. Select the border to use and click Open. 15. Click File > Exit. Click Save. 11. Click File > New Template. Verify that the correct plant structure has been selected. 4. 10. Angle. Click Open. 9. or clear the Link check box if you want to link the file. Click File > Save. Refer to the previous chart to determine the appropriate template and border files. 5. 2. Click Edit > Insert > Object. and then click OK. Click File > Page Setup. 13. Position the border file in the template. 6. Verify that Link is on if you want the border file linked. Click the border file to use. Select the template that matches the system of units and page size requirements for the drawing and double-click the template file to open it in SmartPlant P&ID. 8. Click File > Properties. open. 8. click Site Server. 2. and to modify drawing properties and print multiple drawings. unified data structure that represents the plant model. see the SmartPlant P&ID User's Guide. then close Drawing Manager. You can place components such as equipment. See both the SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager and the SmartPlant P&ID Help files for more information about handling drawings. A view can be a schematic drawing. then click File > Open to navigate to the drawing. select the plant and go to step 6. we strongly recommend that you completely upgrade your plant and all drawings to the current version. You can also open drawings directly from within SmartPlant P&ID. open SmartPlant P&ID. 7. The Open command checks to make sure you have the correct access privileges for the selected plant structure and passes your access information back to the software. piping. If the plant that you want appears in the Available plant structures list. and delete drawings.ini file and click Open. By manipulating model views. a table. To do this. SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide 109 . For more information. SmartPlant P&ID provides multiple views of a central. you can easily perform the tasks required to create a detailed plant model. and instrumentation from Catalog Explorer or the stockpile into graphical representations of your plant model in the drawing. A view is a visual presentation of the data that composes the plant model. update. 6. Select the plant in the Available plant structures list. you can organize the information within the plant model to better understand and maintain the data. A plant with a mixture of upgraded and non-upgraded drawings may result in some data being permanently inaccessible. Tips for Creating a P&ID Drawing With SmartPlant P&ID. On the Open Site Server dialog box. Click File > Open Database. 4. 3. In the Tree view. The plant model is the computer representation of the conceptual design in its entirety. or a report. Click Start > Programs > SmartPlant P&ID > Drawing Manager. including all plant components and their relationships. On the Open Plant Structure dialog box. follow the steps 1-6 above to connect to the plant database. Double-click the drawing in the list of drawings to open it in SmartPlant P&ID. Start SmartPlant P&ID 1. Before using the new version of the software. select the correct SmartPlantv4. 5. Click Open. click through the plant hierarchy nodes until you find the drawing you want to work with.SECTION 13 Using SmartPlant P&ID in Production SmartPlant Drawing Manager handles all of the drawing file maintenance tasks by allowing you to create. Display sets use filters you define to control which symbols you want to display. Use the UpgradeTabsCMD. During the re-create process the status bar at the bottom of the P&ID window displays updates about the particular elements currently being reconciled with the database.log. Do not interfere with the re-create process once it is started or else the drawing can become unusable. you can generate order lists for the components in the drawing. you can monitor any inconsistencies in your design by reviewing the inconsistency indicators. and so forth. When the software notifies you that a re-create is necessary. 110 SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide . When a drawing is re-opened. you can annotate your drawing with labels as you design the drawing. Properties Window — Allows you to add values for various properties of each item after you place it in your drawing. in the Temp directory for any problems that may have occurred during the re. but the drawing file reflects the status when it was last saved. displays sets allow you to control the display of the model in the Drawing view. You can resolve inconsistencies using solutions from the Consistency Check dialog box. Assemblies appear as symbols in the Catalog Explorer list view so that you can place them exactly as you place other symbols in your drawing. you can save the group of items as an assembly. Recreate[Drawing#].create process. You can also define colors and widths for display items.As you work on your drawing. click OK to re-create the drawing from the database. close all other applications except for SmartPlant P&ID when running the re-create process. The new display set displays in My Display Sets folder.dll to convert display tabs created in previous SmartPlant P&ID versions to display sets. For more information. Also. and use these filters to print a subset of the entire drawing. For example. You can check the log file. As a result. Display Sets — Replacing the former display tab functionality. see Display Tabs Conversion Utility in the SmartPlant P&ID Utilities Guide. the database is up-to-date with changes posted to the drawing. however. after you finish the drawing. The standard modeling environment lets you place items from the catalog into the appropriate model views. when you click File > Save or when you exit SmartPlant P&ID). Recreating Drawings SmartPlant P&ID continually updates the database as you edit a drawing. If you repeatedly place particular groups of items. Reporting — Reports help you keep track of information in the drawing. Occasionally.Using SmartPlant P&ID in Production Assemblies — One key feature of SmartPlant P&ID is using catalogs to create instances of components within the plant model. For best system performance. the software may terminate abnormally due to power outages. the software recognizes that the drawing file is different from the database. then save these filters and share them with other users working in the same plant. the drawing file is not updated until the file is saved (that is. Consistency Checking . These indicators appear in your drawing as soon as an inconsistency occurs in the design. Using SmartPlant P&ID in Production If your reference data has changed. Error conditions are almost always associated with a pipe or signal run and must be resolved manually. see the SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide. 1. If no display set is applied. Review the recreated drawing and resolve any errors that occurred. Resolving Error Conditions If a section of the drawing could not re-create successfully. SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide 111 . SmartPlant P&ID reinitializes the drawing. 2. the entire drawing prints. Using the Print filter options on the Print dialog box in Drawing Manager. For more information. Re-route the line runs and replace all connections and components as required. After the re-create process finishes. use the Update Drawings functionality to incorporate those changes into your existing drawings. you can select the display set that specifies which symbols in the drawing to print. Delete the heavy orange line segment and components directly connected to it. Filtered Printing The Display Set functionality allows you to print a drawing using multiple filters. an error condition appears on the drawing as a highlighted line (orange by default). Using SmartPlant P&ID in Production 112 SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide . SECTION 14 Working with SmartPlant Integration Overview SmartPlant integration standardizes and improves the communication among the various authoring tools you use in the course of designing. SmartPlant P&ID. such as SmartPlant Electrical. and Drawing Manager. SmartPlant Electrical. constructing. which enables sharing and re-use of plant information throughout the plant lifecycle. and operating a plant. and Zyqad. Most of the commands that provide access to SmartPlant integration functionality exist in the common user interface available on the SmartPlant menu in Engineering Manager. The following graphic displays what SmartPlant P&ID publishes and retrieves and shows the flow of data and the different types of data. SmartPlant Foundation acts as a repository for data and a medium through which information is shared among other tools. SmartPlant Instrumentation. SmartPlant Instrumentation. SmartPlant P&ID. SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide 113 . SmartPlant integration manages data exchange among these authoring tools. SmartPlant 3D. Preparing the Integrated Environment To enable SmartPlant P&ID to work in an integrated environment. be sure to install the software prerequisites described in the SmartPlant Client Workstations section of the SmartPlant Enterprise Installation and Setup Guide. you must register each plant in SmartPlant P&ID with a SmartPlant Foundation database. access the SmartPlant Foundation Web Client in order to browse in SmartPlant Foundation. SmartPlant P&ID creates a set of tasks in the To Do List that you can run to update the plant database. In addition to requiring a minimum of three-levels in hierarchies. You can only use the SmartPlant menu commands after your plant is registered. this action takes place in SmartPlant Engineering Manager. such as SmartPlant Electrical or SmartPlant Instrumentation. Associate applications with and assign user access rights to your plant. SmartPlant configurations also require that the names of hierarchy items cannot be changed after they are created and that the hierarchy structure cannot be modified after you create the project. The software maps a plant and all its projects to a single SmartPlant Foundation URL. which points to one. Before you install the Schema Component and the SmartPlant Client. on each SmartPlant Engineering Manager and P&ID workstation. Use a hierarchy that contains a minimum of three levels when you create your plant in SmartPlant Engineering Manager. For more information. 2. The system administrator must register each plant in the authoring tool once. delivered with SmartPlant Foundation. see SmartPlant Engineering Manager Help. Registering Tools Before you can publish and retrieve documents from any of the other authoring tools. you are registering an authoring tool plant with a SmartPlant Foundation URL and plant that you specify. The connection allows SmartPlant P&ID to use the commands on the SmartPlant menu. A SmartPlant Engineering Manager administrator typically registers a plant. see the SmartPlant Enterprise Installation and Setup Guide or the Using Custom Hierarchies in SmartPlant topic in the SmartPlant Engineering Manager User's Guide. 114 SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide . you can also use the commands on the SmartPlant menu to publish documents and retrieve data. For more information about installing these components.Working with SmartPlant Integration SmartPlant P&ID interacts with SmartPlant Foundation by correlating items between the plant database and the SmartPlant Foundation database. 3. and only one. Install the Schema Component and the SmartPlant Client. Also. For more information. When you use the Register command in any of the authoring tools. and subscribe to change notifications and compare documents. In SmartPlant P&ID. retrieving documents from SmartPlant Foundation. you can publish and retrieve documents. see the SmartPlant Enterprise Installation and Setup Guide. SmartPlant Foundation plant database and its projects. After the plant is registered. you must do the following: 1. Working with SmartPlant Integration When SmartPlant P&ID and SmartPlant Electrical are both enabled for a plant, they are both enabled for all projects in that plant. If a project requires only one of these applications, create separate plants in the project, then enable SmartPlant P&ID for one plant and SmartPlant Electrical for the other. 4. Edit the SmartPlant resource path setting in Options Manager to point to the folder where you installed the Integration Resource Files. The path specified in Options Manager must contain the tool schema (for example, SPIDDataMap.xml) for publish and retrieve operations between the tool and SmartPlant to work properly. For more information, see the SmartPlant P&ID User's Guide. 5. Register your SmartPlant plant with SmartPlant Foundation, as described in the SmartPlant Engineering Manager Help. When you register your plant, you must specify the location of the SmartPlant Engineering Manager schema map file (SPEMDataMap.xml). For more information, see the Specify Map File Dialog Box topic in the SmartPlant Engineering Manager User's Guide. If only one application is associated with the plant at the time it is registered, only that application is registered. If another application is later associated with the plant, the Register command is enabled so that you can register the new application with the plant. Tool Requirements for Integrating SmartPlant P&ID The following lists include rules that must be followed when using SmartPlant P&ID when working in an integrated environment. Following these rules allows SmartPlant P&ID data to be shared correctly with SmartPlant 3D, SmartPlant Instrumentation, and the other tools that are part of the integrated environment. Other tools that are not listed here have no known SmartPlant P&ID/SmartPlant integration issues. General Integration Requirements The following is a list of best practice scenarios for using SmartPlant P&ID so data will migrate correctly to the other SmartPlant tools. When working with Projects and As-built, all instruments in the Instrument Index must be placed on a P&ID drawing. This is because the Stockpile is not communicated back and forth between Projects and As-Built. SmartPlant P&ID retrieves equipment components and nozzles and generates corresponding create tasks in the To Do List for them. The system allows you to automatically place the items in a drawing when the To Do List task is executed. The items are placed attached to their parent equipment item, based on a spacing algorithm. You can adjust the location and post-placement as necessary. SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide 115 Working with SmartPlant Integration Working with SmartPlant Instrumentation Connect to Process Lines Connect to Process lines are required for connecting instruments to equipment nozzles and pipe runs in SmartPlant P&ID. All non-piped offline equipment instruments must be connected to vessels through nonelectric signal lines and nozzles in SmartPlant P&ID. This enables SmartPlant Instrumentation to recognize that instruments are connected to vessels. If SmartPlant P&ID assigns an object to an intermediate level in the hierarchy and publishes, SmartPlant Instrumentation will assign the object to the level in the hierarchy in SmartPlant Instrumentation determined by their logic. Because instruments belong to units in SmartPlant Instrumentation, an instrument assigned to the intermediate level in SmartPlant P&ID will be assigned to the unit in SmartPlant Instrumentation. Panels will be assigned to the plant. SmartPlant P&ID may get an update on retrieve to move the object to another level in their hierarchy than where it was published based on the move done automatically by SmartPlant Instrumentation. Instruments will move to the top level; panels will move to the bottom. Deleting and Adding Items When you are working in a Projects environment, and items are correlated using the SmartPlant integration tools, you should minimize deleting and re-adding any items. SmartPlant P&ID will reuse tag numbers in the numbering scheme when you delete and readd items. SmartPlant Instrumentation tracks tag numbers claimed in a project, and this tracking will not work if tag numbers are reused after correlation. If you must delete an item in this situation, you can delete the item to the SmartPlant P&ID Stockpile. Ports SmartPlant Instrumentation uses physical ports, while SmartPlant P&ID uses logical ports. SmartPlant Instrumentation publishes the physical ports with the Dimensional Data Sheets and not the Instrument Index. SmartPlant P&ID retrieves the Instrument Index and does not retrieve the Dimensional Data Sheets. When the workflow goes from SmartPlant P&ID to SmartPlant Instrumentation, followed by SmartPlant Instrumentation publishing the Dimensional Datasheet, a Same As relationship is created between the ports in the SmartPlant Foundation database. That Same As relationship is required by SmartPlant 3D to correctly match the design basis ports to the 3D representation of the ports. When the workflow goes from SmartPlant Instrumentation to SmartPlant P&ID, however, a Same As relationship is not created in the SmartPlant Foundation database. Without the Same As relationship created in the SmartPlant Foundation database, the result may be additional ports in SmartPlant 3D. To obtain the Same As relationship on the ports requires that SmartPlant P&ID publish the P&ID with the instrument, this P&ID be retrieved by SmartPlant Instrumentation and then having SmartPlant Instrumentation publish the Dimensional Datasheet. 116 SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide Working with SmartPlant Integration Working with SmartPlant 3D Piping Deleting pipe runs should be avoided in SmartPlant P&ID. You should either use the SmartPlant P&ID Undo command or try to reconnect the pipe run correctly. Deleting pipe runs in SmartPlant P&ID causes delete instructions to be passed to SmartPlant 3D which requires a SmartPlant 3D user to remodel the pipe runs. Working with Zyqad Retrieving Documents Zyqad datasheets can contain multiple objects and may be formatted in a traditional datasheet view or list view (for example, as an equipment list). Datasheets retrieved from Zyqad may include stream data, specialty piping data, or relief valve data as required by business practices. Using Nozzles, Projects and Claiming in the SmartPlant Environment When using Projects in an integrated environment and SmartPlant P&ID claims a pump but not the motor and then publishes, when Zyqad retrieves, they will respond to the claim on the pump and then claim the motor. When Zyqad publishes, both the pump and motor are published. When P&ID retrieves they get the update on the pump and get a create task for the motor, even though they can clearly see the motor on the P&ID. Without it being claimed to the P&ID project it is not acknowledged as belonging to the project. The same holds true for the equipment and nozzle issue. SmartPlant P&ID permits an equipment object to be claimed to the project without requiring the nozzles to be claimed, even if the nozzles are seen on the P&ID. Zyqad's claim method does not support this. When Zyqad retrieves the equipment claim it claims the nozzles along with the equipment. When P&ID retrieves from Zyqad the nozzles are Create tasks since P&ID is not looking to retrieve Claim status from other tools. In these cases, either the P&ID user will have to delete the create tasks or agree to add the objects to the project scope. If they agree to add them to the project scope they should delete the create tasks first, then claim the objects and then re-retrieve the Zyqad document. This would generate update tasks. Optionally, since Zyqad requires all related nozzles to be claimed when claiming equipment, when claiming equipment in SmartPlant P&ID, all nozzles could be claimed. This causes the scopes of the claims between Zyqad and SmartPlant P&ID to match. Using Workshare in an Integrated Environment The following rules apply to using the Workshare functionality within an integrated SmartPlant environment. You can enable and disable Workshare before or after registering a Greenfield plant. You can create satellites and connect to them after registering. SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide 117 For more information about these commands. then perform the search based on Subclass. You cannot retrieve a WBS document when Workshare is enabled. and Type is determined. If no match is found. but these tasks may not be executed unless ownership is assigned to the Host. that symbol is used. The To Do List is not available at the Satellite.Reviewing correlation is available if the drawing is in a read-only state. To Do List .Working with SmartPlant Integration You cannot register a satellite. However. In this way.Searches the catalog index for all rows with matching ItemTypeName and Type values and IsDefaultForType = True. if there is no match. Using the retrieved document. 2. see the SmartPlant P&ID User's Guide. The lookup is performed using the most specific information first. Sub-Class. PipeRun. a generic symbol will be returned if no specific symbol is available in the catalog. the more generic type information is used for additional searches. 118 SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide . the object type and classification of the retrieved item is determined. If a match is found.Any SmartPlant document can be retrieved. Using the Catalog Index in SmartPlant P&ID and SmartPlant Integration When you select the Retrieve command.Any drawing can be published.mdb and the system performs the following options: 1. then use the CatalogItemName from the first one. If one or more rows are found. then perform the search based on Class. the ItemTypeName (Equipment. Search Based on Type Value . PipingComp. Correlate .Searches the catalog index for all rows with matching ItemTypeName and SubClass values and IsDefaultForSubclass = true. and codelist indices for Class. Retrieve . and so forth). the software accesses the CatalogIndex. Catalog Index Lookup The Catalog Index file is used to find a symbol in the catalog with type properties that match the given values. Publish . To Do List tasks may be reviewed on drawings for which the host does not have ownership.Only available at the Workshare Host. If one or more rows are found. then use the CatalogItemName from the first one. Using the Integration Commands Within a Workshare Collaboration The Workshare host can perform the following actions from within SmartPlant P&ID when registered. If no match is found.only drawing. Using the SmartPlant P&ID Map file. Search Based on Subclass Value . It is not possible to assign correlation in a read. htm). To be compatible with the SmartPlant hierarchy. Open the plant data dictionary by right-clicking the plant in the Tree view in SmartPlant Engineering Manager and selecting the Data Dictionary Manager command. Add or modify the attributes in Data Dictionary Manager for each level in your hierarchy. then return an empty string. If you add an enumerated list attribute to the plant data dictionary. To use these default attributes. For more information.ddt files are delivered to the C:\Program Files\SmartPlant\Engineering Manager\EFResources folder. SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide 119 . see the Add a Property to Database Tables topic in the Data Dictionary Manager User's Guide. see the Schema Editor User's Guide.xml and the EF_SPAPLANT. Open the plant SPEMDataMap. For more information. After registering. SiteLocation. The default SPEMdatamap. If no match is found. you must define the mapping between these customized plant attributes and the properties in the SmartPlant schema. but not more than the number of levels in the SmartPlant hierarchy. 3. 2.Searches the catalog index for all rows with matching ItemTypeName and Class values and IsDefaultForClass = True. By default. The default SPEMdatamap. 1. see the Hierarchical Enumerated Lists topic in the SmartPlant P&ID User's Guide for information about mapping these complex data types. Mapping for SmartPlant Integration If you customize the plant database items or attributes in your SmartPlant Engineering Manager plant.Working with SmartPlant Integration Search Based on Class Value . the delivered SPEMdatamap. SmartPlant Engineering Manager cannot retrieve the PBS document if the plant and SmartPlant hierarchies are not compatible. as long as they contain a minimum of three levels. see Data Dictionary Manager Command (SPEMToolsDataDictMgrCMD. DivisionName.ddt when creating your plant in SmartPlant Engineering Manager.xml) and the SmartPlant schema. Using Custom Hierarchies SmartPlant integration supports custom hierarchies. SiteName.xml schema map file in the Schema Editor and map the plant database items between the tool schema (SPEMDataMap. For more information. DivisionLocation). use the EF_SPAPLANT. If one or more rows are found. then use the CatalogItemName from the first one.xml file is compatible with the standard SmartPlant Plant > Area > Unit hierarchy. your plant hierarchy can contain less than or equal.xml file contains the EF_SPAPlant attributes (CompanyName. We recommend that you re-register each tool with SmartPlant Foundation after upgrading that tool to the current software version. along with its associated applications. which points to one SmartPlant Foundation plant database. if your plant hierarchy contains 4 levels and the SmartPlant hierarchy contains 8 levels. If another application is later associated with the plant. the SmartPlant tab is added to the Plant Structure Properties dialog box. For more information. You can register each plant database only once. the SmartPlant Foundation plant database. only that application is registered. with an instance of SmartPlant Foundation. and returns a unique signature for the tool/plant combination being registered. The SmartPlant tab displays the SmartPlant Foundation URL. Hierarchies are mapped by depth (level). such as publishing or retrieving files. If only one application is associated with the plant at the time it is registered. all of its projects. In addition to requiring a minimum of three-levels in hierarchies. Hierarchy item names at the same level do not have to match. and all of its the associated applications to a single SmartPlant Foundation URL. delivered with SmartPlant Foundation. Each database must be registered before you can connect to SmartPlant Foundation to perform any specific tasks. the software maps the plant database. For example. Register Command (SmartPlant Menu) Allows you to register a plant database. on your SmartPlant Engineering Manager workstation before you can register. and the unique application identifiers returned by the registration process. SmartPlant integration also requires that the names of hierarchy items cannot be changed after they are created and that the hierarchy structure cannot be modified after you create the project. After the plant is registered. only the top 4 levels of the SmartPlant hierarchy are retrieved. For more information. You must install the Schema Component and the SmartPlant Client. see the topic Configure SmartPlant P&ID for an Integrated Environment in the appropriate Installation and Upgrade Guide. During registration.Working with SmartPlant Integration SmartPlant Engineering Manager retrieves from the SmartPlant hierarchy only the hierarchy levels it needs. not by name. you must also register the new application with the plant. see the SmartPlant Enterprise Installation and Setup Guide. 120 SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide . 36. 12 networking components • 12 Oracle ARCHIVELOG mode • 20 Oracle Cost Based Optimizer • 20 system requirements • 7 tuning • 20 display sets • 111 printing • 111 Drawing Manager • 2. 106. 104. 46. 105 border templates • 105 Integration Resource Path • 36 network shares • 81 Oracle networking • 12 reference data • 36 SmartPlant Engineering Manager • 69 correcting • 110 error conditions • 110 creating • 82. 66. 105. 67. 68 printing • 111 re-creating • 110 re-creating errors • 110 updating • 64 E error conditions • 110 F Filter Manager • 103 filtered printing • 111 filters • 103 customizing • 103 Format Manager • 103 formats • 62. 111 out-of-date criteria • 66. 107. 107 border templates • 105.mdb • 115 out-of-date • 115 retrieving symbols • 115 updating • 115 configuring • 12. 106. 107 break componenet • 64. 47. 107 data model • 104 filters • 103 formats • 103 labels • 104 SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide D Data Dictionary Manager • 104 data model • 104 customizing • 104 database • 11. 106.Index Options Manager • 103 reference data • 103 rules • 105 symbols • 104 A adding users • 84 user groups • 84 B backing up • 61 upgraded plants • 61 backup locations • 81 sharing • 81 border templates • 105. 68. 67. 69. 66. 66. 68 update drawings • 64. 68 break labels • 62 upgrading • 62 C catalog index • 115 CatalogIndex. 20 database constraints • 45. 12. 109 border templates • 108 P&IDs • 109 user groups • 82 customizing • 103. 49 utilities • 47 database servers • 7 configuration • 11. 109 overview • 2 starting SmartPlant P&ID • 109 drawings • 64. 81. 103 upgrading • 62 121 . 108 configuring • 105 creating • 108 delivered • 106. 110. 108. 114 preparing the environment • 114 supported Oracle versions • 11 L labels • 104 customizing • 104 logs • 61 N network access privileges • 84 granting to user groups • 84 network shares • 81 backups • 81 plant structure • 81 role template • 81 site server • 81 Novell networking • 85 user groups • 85 O Options Manager • 2. 35 database • 11 reference data • 35 SmartPlant • 31 SmartPlant 3D client • 31 SmartPlant Engineering Manager • 32 SmartPlant P&ID • 31. 33. 8 database servers • 7 hardware • 7 software • 7 workstation • 8 role templates • 81 sharing • 81 Rule Manager • 2. 103 configuring • 36 customizing • 103 installing • 35 Integration Resource Files • 36 Integration Resource Path • 36 Options Manager • 103 upgrading • 62. 66. 32. 33 Insulation Manager • 2 integration • 11. 61 Oracle analyzer scripts • 61 analyzer scripts • 61 122 ARCHIVELOG mode • 20 Cost Based Optimizer • 20 statistics • 61 tuning • 61 out-of-date • 64. 68 resolve drawings • 66. 31. 103 customizing • 103 overview • 2 Oracle • 20. 62. 63 registering • 113 with SmartPlant Foundation • 113 registry • 31 requirements • 7.Index H hardware • 7. 68 update drawings • 64. 36. 8 hardware requirements • 7 database servers • 7 requirements • 7 workstation • 8 I installation • 36 Installation Guide • 2 overview • 2 silent mode • 36 installing • 11. 63. 105 overview • 2 rules • 105 SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide . 66. 68 overviews • 1 SmartPlant P&ID • 1 P permissions • 31 piping specification • 31 PipingPoint • 61 placing • 109 items • 109 plant structures • 81 sharing • 81 printing • 111 filtered • 111 P&IDs • 111 R recommendations • 7 database servers • 7 re-creating drawings • 110 reference data • 35. 50. 115 customizing • 104 retrieving • 115 system requirements • 7 SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide U updating • 64 P&IDs • 64 upgrade • 61. 62 servers • 7 database • 7 silent mode installation • 36 site administrators • 84. 61.dll • 47 W Workshare • 115 Z Zyqad • 115 123 . 85 network access privileges • 84 Novell networking • 85 user group • 84 site servers • 81 sharing • 81 SmartPlant • 31 SmartPlant 3D • 31 installing remote access client • 31 SmartPlant Engineering Manager • 32. 109 installing • 31 Insulation Manager • 2 Options Manager • 2 overviews • 1 Rule Manager • 2 starting • 109 using • 109 SmartPlant SmartPlant P&ID • 33 installation • 31 installing • 33 software • 8 requirements • 7 workstation • 8 starting • 109 P&IDs • 109 SmartPlant P&ID • 109 subtasks • 61. 62 logs • 61 manual changes • 62 tasks • 61 understanding • 61. 2. 66. 62 symbols • 104. 109 Drawing Manager • 2. 84. 51. 64. 85 adding users • 84 creating • 82 network access privileges • 84 Novell networking • 85 customization • 61 utilities • 47 Clean Data • 47 DelOrphModItem. 49.Index database servers • 7 rules for integrating authoring and viewing tools customizing • 105 T S tasks • 61. 63 setting Open_Cursors parameter • 50 sharing paths • 50 update drawings • 64. 63. 62 understanding • 61. 113 configuring • 69 installing • 32 SmartPlant Foundation • 113 SmartPlant integration • 11. 66. 68 after • 61 backing up after • 61 backing up old data • 50 break labels • 62 cleanup macros • 49 constraint utilities • 47 formats • 62 memory management • 51 Oracle • 61 plants • 61 reference data • 62. 68 user customizations • 61 user groups • 82. 62 upgrade tasks • 61. 62. 31. 62 upgrading • 47. 114 preparing the environment • 114 supported Oracle versions • 11 SmartPlant P&ID • 1. 69. Index retrieving documents • 115 124 SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide .
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