
March 28, 2018 | Author: Chindea Ciprian | Category: Ultraviolet, Lenses, Radiation, Waves, Equipment



sport_brillen_Teil1.qxd 28.12.2004 14:55 Uhr Seite 4 Sports Eyewear 2005/2006 »UVEX« HEISST DIE BRILLE sport_brillen_Teil1.qxd 28.12.2004 17:40 Uhr Seite 5 H IG H PE RFORMANCE SPORTSON IC Ohne eine klare, ungestörte Sicht wird jeder Outdoor-Sport zum unkalkulierbaren Risiko. Deshalb sollte eine gute Sportbrille bei keiner Ausrüstung fehlen – egal ob beim Skifahren, Radfahren, Inlineskaten oder Wandern. Schon vor dem 15. Jahrhundert wurden farbige Gläser benutzt, um sich vor grellen Sonnenstrahlen zu schützen. Aber erst gegen Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts erkannte man, dass UV-Strahlen dem Auge schaden und sogar zur Erblindung führen können. Einen optimalen Schutz bieten nur hochwertige Brillen mit speziell beschichteten Gläsern! Deshalb sind alle uvex Sportbrillen mit einem UV-Filter ausgestattet, der die schädlichen Strahlen mit 100%iger Sicherheit abschirmt. Ein Highlight ist die uvex supravision® Scheibe aus makrolon®, dem Hightech-Material aus dem Hause Bayer. Aus diesem Anspruch entstand auch der heutige Firmenname (uv-ex = ultraviolet excluded). uvex „protecting people“. Der UV-Schutz ist unabhängig von der Scheibenfarbe. Unterschiedliche Tönungen haben sich bei bestimmten Licht- und Wetterverhältnissen bewährt. Bei grellem Sonnenlicht lindern dunkle Scheiben Ermüdungserscheinungen der Augen und verlängern so die Konzentrationsfähigkeit. Orange und gelbe Scheiben sorgen bei diffusen Lichtverhältnissen wie Regen, Nebel oder Schneefall für bessere Kontraste. Das Geheimnis der Kontrastverstärkung liegt vor allem im Reduzieren und Herausfiltern der Blau-Anteile des Lichts. Alle uvex Sportbrillen verfügen über diesen Blaufilter – in exakt der richtigen Dosis. Denn nur die fein abgestimmte Mischung der einzelnen Filter und Tönungen sorgt für eine optimale Kontrastverstärkung, ohne dass das periphere Sehen beeinträchtigt wird. Zusätzlich sind alle uvex litemirror Modelle mit leicht verspiegelten Gläsern und Infrarot-Schutz ausgestattet. Mit einem Ergebnis, das sich sehen lassen kann: brillante Sicht, sicherer Schutz und perfektes Sportvergnügen. Without a clear, undisturbed view any kind of outdoor sport is getting a non-calculable risk. For this reason good sportsglasses should be part of the equipment for skiing, cycling, inline skating or hiking. Already in the 15th century coloured lenses had been used to protect people against glaring sun radiation. Not before the 19th century it was recognized, that UV radiation is harming the human eye and even can lead to blindness. Only high-grade sportsglasses with special coated lenses are providing the best protection! All uvex sportsglasses have a special UV filter, which excludes the harmful radiation 100%. Highlight is the uvex supravision® lens made of makrolon® high-tech material from Bayer. This is also the origin of the company name uvex (uv-ex = ultraviolet excluded). uvex cold adjustable grip-temple ends The UV protection does not depend on the lens’ colour. For different light and weather conditions different lens colours are necessary. At glaring sunlight dark lenses are protecting the eyes against fatigue and are supporting the concentration ability. Orange and yellow lenses are giving a better contrast at diffuse light conditions like rain, fog and snowfall. The secret of contrast reinforcement is the reduction and filtering of the blue light. All uvex sportsglasses have such a blue filter – in the exact dose. Only the fine adjusted mixture of the different filters and colours provide the best contrast reinforcement without influencing the peripheral view. Additionally, all uvex lite mirror models have lenses with a light mirror and infrared protection. The result: excellent view, best protection and perfect fun. Alle anderen Sportbrillen sind mit bruchfesten PC-Scheiben in uvex Qualität (beidseitig kratzfest, UV 400, 100% UVA-, UVB-, UVC-Absorption und absolut optisch korrekt) ausgestattet. Die kalt verformbaren Grip-Bügelenden sind so flexibel, dass sie einfach alles mitmachen. Sie passen sich in jeder Situation der Kopfform an und sorgen so für einen optimalen und druckfreien Sitz der Brille. All other sports glasses feature break resistant PC lenses in the uvex quality (both sides scratch-resistant, UV 400, 100% UVA-, UVB-, UVCabsorption and absolutely optically correct). The cold adjustable grip-temple ends are extremly flexible. They are adapting itself to the head shape in every situation and are providing a perfect and pressure-free fitting of the sportsglasses. Perfekte Sicht und voller Durchblick bei allen Licht. Only sportsglasses. die sich auch unterwegs ganz leicht einsetzen lassen.qxd 28. which can easily be changed everywhere. UVB-. ultrasoft nosepads – a special wearing comfort. For this reason the sportsonic models have anti-allergical. . Deshalb ist die sportsonic mit antiallergischen. which is hardly perceptible.sport_brillen_Teil1. UVC-protection highly break resistant super contrast absolutely optically correct · · · · · · · super anti-static 100% UVA-. die nicht stört.12. den man (kaum) spürt. which do not disturb are fitting perfect. sitzt perfekt.und Wetterverhältnissen? Kein Problem mit den uvex super anti-fog supravision Wechselscheiben. ultrasoften Nasenpads ausgestattet – ein ganz besonderer Tragekomfort. UVC-protection highly break resistant super contrast up to 18 layer mirror coating absolutely optically correct IR protection uvex anti-allergical ultrasoft nosepads uvex easy changeable lens construction Nur eine Brille. UVB-.2004 17:41 Uhr Seite 6 LENS CHANGING SYSTEM · · · · · · · super anti-fog supravision super anti-scratch super anti-static 100% UVA-. Perfect view at all light and weather conditions? No problem with the uvex super anti-fog supravision changeable lenses. 0.092.4516 Frame: softchrome silver 1.2216 Frame: black shiny Lens: supravision®/lasergold lite (1) 53.5516 Frame: retro silver 1. Lens: PC/litemirror silver (S2) Lens: supravision®/lasergold lite (S1) new ! 53. Lens: supravision®/lasergold lite (S1) supravision clear lens 53.sport_brillen_Teil1.0.192.2200 53. Lens: supravision®/lasergold lite (S1) 53.6516 Frame: retro orange-silver 1. Lens: supravision®/lasergold lite (S1) . Lens: PC/litemirror blue (S2) 2. Lens: PC/litemirror silver (S2) 2.8.7516 Frame: retro petrol-silver 1.0. Lens: supravision®/lasergold lite (S1) 53. Lens: PC/litemirror orange (2) Frame: orange/white/blue Frame: softchrome black 1. Lens: supravision®/lasergold lite (S1) uvex sportsonic mc lens changing system inklusive einem Paar Wechselscheiben / includes one pair of replacement lenses kalt verformbare Bügelenden / cold adjustable temple ends optional Brillentasche / optional case optional supravision clear lens / optional supravision clear lens 53. Lens: supravision®/lasergold lite (S1) Frame: titan 1.192.2004 13:11 Uhr Seite 7 HIGH PERFORMANCE uvex sportsonic gt lens changing system inklusive einem Paar Wechselscheiben / includes one pair of replacement lenses kalt verformbare Bügelenden / cold adjustable temple ends optional Brillentasche / optional case optional supravision clear lens / optional supravision clear lens 53. Lens: PC/litemirror silver (S2) 2.092. Lens: PC/litemirror blue (S2) 2.0. Lens: supravision®/lasergold lite (S1) 53. Lens: PC/litemirror silver (S2) 2.2200 Lens: supravision®/lasergold lite (S1) supravision clear lens 53.2514 Frame: titan 1.0099 Lens: supravision®/lasergold lite (S1) 53.4516 Frame: retro blue-silver 1. Lens: PC/litemirror silver (S2) 2.9.2516 Frame: titan 1.0099 53. Lens: PC/litemirror blue (S2) 2.qxd 28. Lens: PC/litemirror silver (S2) 2. Lens: PC/litemirror silver (S2) 2. 8.092. Lens: PC/litemirror silver (S2) 2.190.0099 uvex shooter sv 53.9.2516 Frame: black silver Lenses: supravision®/smoke (S2) 53.053. Lens: PC/litemirror blue (S2) Frame: softchrome black 1.0. Lens: supravision®/lasergold lite (S1) supravision clear lens 53.2004 9:43 Uhr Seite 8 HIGH PERFORMANCE uvex sportsonic sc 53. Lens: supravision®/lasergold lite (S1) lens changing system inklusive einem Paar Wechselscheiben / includes one pair of replacement lenses kalt verformbare Bügelenden / cold adjustable temple ends optional Brillentasche / optional case optional supravision clear lens / optional supravision clear lens 53.206. Lens: PC/litemirror silver (S2) 2.206.2200 53. Lens: supravision®/lasergold lite (S1) 53. Lens: supravision®/lasergold lite (S1) Frame: black shiny 1. Lens: PC/litemirror silver (S2) 2.qxd Frame: silver/blue Lenses: supravision®/clear (S0) 5 .sport_brillen_Teil1. Frame: softchrome silver 1.5190 Frame: silver transparent Lenses: supravision®/smoke (S2) 53.4716 Frame: gun 1.2192 Frame: black transparent Lenses: supravision®/lasergold lite (S1) flexible Bügelenden / flexible temple ends Softpolster / soft frame padding CLIMAZONE 53. 0. Lens: PC/litemirror silver (S3) Frame: black silver 1.178.233. Lens: PC/clear (S0) 2. Lens: PC/litemirror blue (S2) 2. Lens: PC/litemirror silver (S3) 3. Lens: PC/litemirror silver (S3) 3.0. Lens: PC/litemirror orange (S1) uvex lightning small lens changing system inklusive zwei Vorsatzscheiben / includes two click-on lenses inklusive Brillentasche / includes case kalt verformbare Bügelenden / cold adjustable temple ends 53.0.5416 Frame: silver blue 1. Lens: PC/litemirror orange (S2) 53.2004 13:17 Uhr Seite 9 CHANGEABLE LENS CONSTRUCTION uvex synergy lens changing system inklusive einem Paar Wechselscheiben / includes one pair of replacement lenses inklusive Brillentasche / includes case new ! CLIMAZONE 53. Lens: PC/litemirror brown (S3) 3.4116 Frame: blue fade 1.233. Lens: PC/clear (S0) 2. Lens: PC/litemirror orange (S1) Frame: black transparent 1.0. Lens: PC/clear (S0) 2.0. Lens: PC/litemirror orange (S2) 53.sport_brillen_Teil1.210.2616 Frame: black/amber transparent 1.qxd 28. Lens: PC/clear (S0) 2. Lens: PC/litemirror silver (S3) 3.5716 Frame: chrome 1.2616 Frame: black amber 1. Lens: PC/litemirror orange (S1) 53.233.2116 Frame: black transparent 1. Lens: PC/clear (S0) 2.178.0. Lens: PC/litemirror silver (S3) 3. Lens: PC/litemirror silver (S3) 2.210. Lens: PC/clear (S0) 2. Lens: PC/litemirror orange (S2) uvex lightning lens changing system inklusive zwei Vorsatzscheiben / includes two click-on lenses inklusive Brillentasche / includes case 53. Lens: PC/litemirror orange (S1) 53. Lens: PC/litemirror orange (S1) 6 .4216 Frame: blue black 1.178. Lens: PC/litemirror orange (S1) 53. Lens: PC/litemirror brown dégradé (S3) 3. Lens: PC/litemirror clear (S1) 7 .sport_brillen_Teil1.3116 Frame: berry transparent 1.201.2004 13:17 Uhr Seite 10 CHANGEABLE LENS CONSTRUCTION uvex airvolution lens changing system inklusive zwei Wechselscheiben / includes two replacement lenses inklusive Brillentasche / includes case new ! CLIMAZONE 53. Lens: PC/litemirror clear (S1) 53. Lens: PC/litemirror orange (S1) 3.201.4116 Frame: darkblue transparent 1.201. Lens: PC/litemirror clear (S1) uvex challenge 53.0. Lens: PC/litemirror orange (S2) 3. Lens: PC/litemirror clear (S1) 53.2516 Frame: black silver 1.0. Lens: PC/litemirror silver (S3) 2.388. Lens: PC/litemirror silver (S3) 2. Lens: PC/litemirror rose dégradé (S3) 2. Lens: PC/mirror blue (S3) 2. Lens: PC/litemirror orange (S1) 3. Lens: PC/litemirror orange (S1) 3. Lens: PC/litemirror clear (S1) 53.395.5116 Frame: silver shiny 1.12.qxd 28.2616 Frame: black/amber transparent 1.5216 Frame: silver black 1.0. Lens: PC/litemirror clear (S1) lens changing system inklusive zwei Paar Wechselscheiben / includes two pairs of replacement lenses inklusive Brillentasche / includes case 53.388. Lens: PC/litemirror brown dégradé (S3) 2. Lens: PC/litemirror orange (S1) 3.1. Lens: PC/litemirror orange dégradé (S2) 3. Lens: PC/mirror silver (S3) 2.1. Lens: PC/litemirror orange dégradé (S2) 3.2116 Frame: smoke transparent 1.2410 Frame: black blue 1.201. Lens: PC/litemirror orange dégradé (S2) 3.388. Lens: PC/litemirror silver (S3) 2. Lens: PC/mirror red (S2) 2.1. Lens: PC/litemirror orange dégradé (S2) 3.1. Lens: PC/smoke (S2) 2.1.388.3116 Frame: darkred transparent 1. Lens: PC/mirror silver (S3) 2.395. Lens: PC/litemirror orange (S2) 3. Lens: PC/litemirror clear (S1) 53.0. Lens: PC/litemirror clear (S1) uvex crow 53. Lens: PC/litemirror clear (S1) 53.1.2116 Frame: smoke transparent 1. Lens: PC/litemirror clear (S1) lens changing system inklusive zwei Wechselscheiben / includes two replacement lenses inklusive Brillentasche / includes case 53. 2116 Frame: black shiny 1.0. Lens: PC/litemirror brown (S3) 2. Lens: PC/smoke (S3) 2. Lens: PC/litemirror orange (S1) Frame: clear 1.12. Lens: PC/litemirror orange (S2) 3. Lens: PC/litemirror clear (S1) 53.230. Lens: PC/litemirror blue (S2) 2. Lens: PC/litemirror orange (S1) 2. Lens: PC/litemirror silver (S3) 2. Lens: PC/litemirror orange (S2) 3.0.0. Lens: PC/litemirror silver (S3) 2. Lens: PC/mirror blue (S3) 2.2110 Frame: black transparent 1.0.5716 Frame: silver chrome 1.qxd 28.2004 13:19 Uhr Seite 11 CHANGEABLE LENS CONSTRUCTION uvex 4 box lens changing system inklusive drei Paar Wechselscheiben / includes three pairs of replacement lenses inklusive Brillentasche / includes case 53. Lens: PC/litemirror clear (S1) 53. Lens: PC/litemirror clear (S1) . Lens: PC/litemirror blue (S2) 3.4116 Frame: blue transparent 1.0.500.230. Lens: PC/litemirror clear dégradé (S1) 53. Lens: PC/litemirror clear (S1) 8 53.0. Lens: PC/litemirror silver (S3) 3.500. Lens: PC/litemirror orange (S1) 3.2210 Frame: black shiny 1.5116 Frame: silver transparent 1. Lens: PC/litemirror orange (S2) 4. Lens: PC/litemirror clear dégradé (S1) 53. Lens: PC/litemirror blue (S2) uvex hawk lens changing system inklusive zwei Paar Wechselscheiben / includes two pairs of replacement lenses inklusive Brillentasche / includes case 53.1.sport_brillen_Teil1. Lens: PC/litemirror orange (S1) 3.4116 Frame: blue transparent 1. Lens: PC/smoke (S3) 3.393. Lens: PC/litemirror silver (S3) 2. Lens: PC/mirror orange (S3) 2. Lens: PC/litemirror clear (S1) 53.2210 Frame: black shiny 1. Lens: PC/smoke (S3) 2.0. Lens: PC/litemirror clear dégradé (S1) 53.4116 Frame: blue fade 1. Lens: PC/litemirror clear (S1) 53.500. Lens: PC/litemirror clear dégradé (S1) uvex protect lens changing system inklusive zwei Paar Wechselscheiben / includes two pairs of replacement lenses inklusive Brillentasche / includes case new ! 53. Lens: PC/litemirror silver (S3) 3. Lens: PC/litemirror silver (S3) 2. Lens: PC/litemirror rose (S2) 3. Lens: PC/litemirror clear (S1) 2.4116 Frame: blue transparent 1.224. Lens: PC/litemirror green (S2) 3. Lens: PC/litemirror clear (S1) 53. Lens: PC/smoke (S3) uvex racer lens changing system inklusive zwei Wechselscheiben / includes two replacement lenses inklusive Brillentasche / includes case new ! Lens: PC/litemirror clear (S1) 2. Lens: PC/litemirror orange (S1) 3.393.393. Frame: brown fade 1.224. Lens: PC/red (S2) 4. Lens: PC/red (S2) 4. Lens: PC/litemirror orange (S2) 3.5116 Frame: silver transparent 1. 6116 Frame: brown transparent Lenses: PC/litemirror brown dégradé (S3) uvex rival 53.2116 Frame: black fade Lenses: PC/litemirror silver dégradé (S3) 53.0.9916 Frame: clear Lenses: PC/mirror red (S3) 9 .4416 Frame: blue shiny Lenses: PC/litemirror smoke (S3) uvex drag Frame: black silver Lenses: PC/litemirror clear (S1) Frame: rootbeer fade Lenses: PC/litemirror brown (S3) 53.2216 Frame: black shiny Lenses: PC/mirror red (S3) Frame: darkblue transparent Lenses: PC/mirror blue (S3) 53.0.2004 11:12 Uhr Seite 12 PERFORMANCE uvex raid Frame: brown transparent Lenses: PC/litemirror brown (S3) 53.2216 Frame: black shiny Lenses: PC/litemirror orange (S3) Frame: black shiny Lenses: PC/smoke (S3) new ! 53.sport_brillen_Teil1.213.qxd 29. 0.6116 Frame: brown transparent Lenses: PC/litemirror brown (S3) 10 .12.5116 Frame: silver transparent Lenses: PC/litemirror silver (S3) 53.qxd 29.0.2116 Frame: black transparent Lenses: PC/litemirror silver (S3) 11:15 Uhr Seite 13 PERFORMANCE uvex tiger new ! 53.2116 Frame: black transparent Lenses: PC/litemirror orange (S2) 53.195.sport_brillen_Teil1.5116 Frame: silver transparent Lenses: PC/litemirror orange (S2) uvex reject Frame: blue fade Lenses: PC/litemirror silver (S3) 53.195.2216 Frame: black shiny Lenses: PC/litemirror silver (S3) 0.3116 Frame: red transparent Lenses: PC/mirror red (S2) 53.sport_brillen_Teil1. 29.2004 11:16 Uhr Seite 14 PERFORMANCE uvex wasp 53.3116 Frame: red fade Lenses: PC/litemirror silver dégradé (S3) new ! 53.0.2516 Frame: black silver Lenses: PC/litemirror silver (S3) 53.198.392.6116 Frame: brown fade Lenses: PC/litemirror brown (S3) uvex liteshield pro new ! Frame: black transparent Lenses: PC/litemirror silver (S3) 53.6116 Frame: brown fade Lenses: PC/litemirror brown (S3) 11 .4716 Frame: gun shiny Lenses: PC/litemirror orange (S1) 53.392. Frame: black shiny Lenses: PC/smoke (S2) 53.0.5716 Frame: silver chrome Lenses: PC/litemirror clear (S1) uvex jag 53.5116 Frame: silver fade Lenses: PC/mirror orange (S3) 53.392.0.0.4116 Frame: darkblue transparent Lenses: PC/litemirror silver (S3) 53.1. 220.0.2616 Frame: black amber transparent Lenses: PC/litemirror brown dégradé (S2) 53.2216 Frame: black shiny Lenses: PC/litemirror silver (S3) Frame: clear Lenses: PC/litemirror orange (S2) uvex scorpion Frame: red transparent Lenses: PC/litemirror silver (S3) 53.qxd 29.0.sport_brillen_Teil2.0.2004 11:20 Uhr Seite 2 PERFORMANCE uvex edge 53.0.9116 Frame: clear camo Lenses: PC/litemirror silver dégradé (S2) 12 . Frame: black transparent Lenses: PC/litemirror silver (S3) 53. 0.0.2316 Frame: black red aluminium Lenses: PC/litemirror silver (S3) 53.0.2116 Frame: black transparent Lenses: PC/mirror silver (S3) 53.4116 Frame: darkblue transparent Lenses: PC/mirror blue (S3) 53.0.qxd Frame: black transparent Lenses: PC/blue (S2) Frame: black transparent Lenses: PC/lasergold lite (S1) 53.9918 Frame: silver transparent Lenses: PC/clear (S0) uvex slash Frame: black shiny Lenses: PC/litemirror silver (S3) 53.12.5916 Frame: grey fade Lenses: PC/smoke (S3) 13 .0.sport_brillen_Teil2.2416 Frame: black darkblue aluminium Lenses: PC/mirror blue (S3) Frame: darkblue transparent Lenses: PC/clear (S0) uvex airwing small 53.5516 Frame: silver transparent Lenses: PC/mirror red (S3) Frame: darkblue transparent Lenses: PC/litemirror silver (S3) 11:21 Uhr Seite 3 PERFORMANCE uvex airwing 53.6116 Frame: brown transparent Lenses: PC/litemirror brown (S3) Frame: silver transparent Lenses: PC/litemirror orange (S2) 53. 6116 Frame: ice brown Lenses: PC/litemirror brown dégradé (S2) 53.2004 11:24 Uhr Seite 4 PERFORMANCE uvex master 53.306.sport_brillen_Teil2.1.306.0.qxd 29.2216 Frame: black mat Lenses: PC/litemirror silver (S3) 53.0016 Frame: blue Lenses: PC/litemirror blue (S3) 53.0098 Frame: clear Lenses: PC/clear (S0) 53.306.0.0.5510 Frame: smoke Lenses: supravision®/smoke (S2) 14 Frame: ice white Lenses: PC/litemirror clear dégradé (S1) uvex ultrashield Brille für Brillenträger / otg Stirnabstandshalter abnehmbar / removable browbar 53.211.306.1.6619 Frame: lasergold lite Lenses: supravision®/lasergold lite (S1) . 6116 Frame: tortoise transparent Lenses: PC/brown (S3) 15 .2116 Frame: black transparent Lenses: PC/litemirror silver (S3) 53.219.2116 Frame: black transparent Lenses: PC/mirror silver (S3) 53.222.sport_brillen_Teil2.0.219.6116 Frame: tortoise transparent Lenses: PC/litemirror brown (S3) uvex risk 53.qxd 11:25 Uhr Seite 5 PERFORMANCE uvex tribal 53.6116 Frame: tortoise transparent Lenses: PC/litemirror brown (S3) uvex virtue 53.5116 Frame: smoke transparent Lenses: PC/mirror red (S3) Frame: black transparent Lenses: PC/litemirror silver (S3) 53.5116 Frame: silver transparent Lenses: PC/litemirror darkgreen dégradé (S3) Frame: blue transparent Lenses: PC/litemirror blue dégradé (S3) 53.5116 Frame: silver transparent Lenses: PC/mirror red (S2) Frame: chrome mat Lenses: PC/mirror red (S3) 53.4116 Frame: smoke Lenses: PC/litemirror blue (S3) 53.sport_brillen_Teil2.196.2004 11:40 Uhr Seite 6 PERFORMANCE uvex x-one 53.5110 Frame: smoke Lenses: PC/smoke (S3) Frame: black transparent Lenses: PC/litemirror brown (S3) Frame: silver transparent Lenses: PC/litemirror silver (S3) 53.2116 Frame: black transparent Lenses: PC/litemirror brown (S3) Frame: brown fade Lenses: PC/litemirror brown (S2) uvex mad new ! 53.3116 Frame: rootbeer fade Lenses: PC/litemirror silver (S3) 53.qxd Frame: blue fade Lenses: PC/litemirror silver (S3) Frame: lasergold lite Lenses: PC/litemirror lasergold lite (S2) 53.9116 Frame: clear Lenses: PC/litemirror clear (S1) uvex champ 53.9116 Frame: clear Lenses: PC/mirror red (S3) 16 . Kordelset 12 Stück schwarz cord set 12 pieces black 53.2200 Etui mit Anhänger case with hook Frame: black transparent Lenses: PC/litemirror silver (S3) 53.sport_brillen_Teil2.092.3316 Frame: red shiny Lenses: PC/mirror red (S3) 53.008.6616 Frame: brown transparent Lenses: PC/mirror brown dégradé (S3) accessories 53.5716 Frame: chrome mat Lenses: PC/mirror red (S3) 53.830.5516 Frame: grey transparent Lenses: PC/litemirror brown (S3) uvex arrow 53.12.S.3.2216 Frame: black shiny Lenses: PC/litemirror silver (S3) 53.0.2004 11:42 Uhr Seite 7 PERFORMANCE/ACCESSORIES uvex hotwire Kordelset 12 Stück rot/blau/schwarz cord set 12 pieces red/blue/black 53.2200 Etui case 17 .830.S.3.5114 Frame: silver transparent Lenses: PC/litemirror blue (S2) 53. sport_brillen_Teil2.qxd Frame: brown transparent Lenses: PC/litemirror brown dégradé (S3) 18 . uvex – protecting people uvex nordic sporthelix lite einstellbare Nasenpads / adjustable nose pads 11:44 Uhr Seite 8 NORDIC LINE UVE X DEG RADÉ LE N S TECH NOLO GY uvex nordic Sportbrillenmodelle bieten einen hervorragenden Blendschutz von oben bei gleichzeitig exzellenter Sicht nach unten.0.0.2216 Frame: black Lenses: PC/litemirror smoke dégradé (S3) 53.2116 Frame: black transparent Lenses: PC/litemirror smoke dégradé (S2) 53.0.2216 Frame: black mat Lenses: PC/litemirror orange dégradé (S1) 53.12.6616 Frame: brown Lenses: PC/litemirror brown dégradé (S3) titan super lite 9 gr.202. uvex – protecting people uvex nordic sportsglasses are combining a very good dazzling protection against the sun from the top with an excellent view at the ground.0.0.209. uvex nordic cobra 53.0.4716 Frame: brown mat Lenses: PC/litemirror brown dégradé (S2) uvex nordic scorpion 53. 3% not for car use uvex split 53.2.5416 Frame: silver blue Lenses: PC/mirror blue (S3) 53.qxd 29.2516 Frame: black silver Lenses: PC/mirror silver (S3) 53.0.3% not for car use 19 .236.236.644.0.3516 Frame: red silver Lenses: PC/mirror red (S3) S4 = 8% . Frame: silver shiny Lenses: PC/mirror silver (S4) S4 = 8% .644.2004 11:45 Uhr Seite 9 NORDIC LINE uvex stroke CLIMAZONE new ! 53.644.2216 Frame: black shiny Lenses: PC/mirror gold (S4) 53.sport_brillen_Teil2.2216 Frame: black shiny Lenses: PC/mirror silver (S4) 53.12. 0.1.4816 Frame: titan grey Lenses: PC/litemirror silver (S3) 53.0. uvex python einstellbare Nasenpads / adjustable nose pads 53.2004 11:48 Uhr Seite 10 M E TA L L I N E uvex sporthelix einstellbare Nasenpads / adjustable nose pads 53.5716 Frame: silver Lenses: PC/litemirror orange (S1) titan super lite 9 gr. Frame: silver Lenses: PC/litemirror orange dégradé (S1) titan super lite 9 gr.1.0. uvex sporthelix lite einstellbare Nasenpads / adjustable nose pads 53.4416 Frame: gun Lenses: PC/litemirror silver (S2) uvex cobra 53.4416 Frame: gun Lenses: PC/litemirror silver (S2) 53.0.5714 Frame: silver Lenses: PC/waterblue (S1) 53.208.4415 Frame: gun Lenses: PC/litemirror green dégradé (S2) 53.387.209.5714 Frame: silver Lenses: PC/waterblue dégradé (S1) Frame: titan grey Lenses: PC/litemirror silver (S3) 53.177.209.qxd 29.5716 Frame: gun Lenses: PC/mirror red (S2) 20 .sport_brillen_Teil2.177.387.0.0.387.4412 Frame: gun Lenses: PC/litemirror orange dégradé (S1) 53.0. qxd Frame: black mat Lenses: PC/litemirror silver (S3) einstellbare Nasenpads / adjustable nose pads Flexbügel-Scharnier / flex temple hinge 53.sport_brillen_Teil2. Frame: aluminium Lenses: PC/smoke (S3) new ! Frame: mat gun Lenses: PC/mirror blue (S3) einstellbare Nasenpads / adjustable nose pads Flexbügel-Scharnier / flex temple hinge new ! 53.0.4716 Frame: brown mat Lenses: PC/litemirror brown dégradé (S2) uvex fear einstellbare Nasenpads / adjustable nose pads 53.5516 Frame: silver mat Lenses: PC/litemirror silver (S3) 21 .4716 Frame: mat gun Lenses: PC/litemirror silver (S3) Frame: gun Lenses: PC/mirror red (S3) 53.5516 Frame: silver Lenses: PC/mirror red (S3) uvex lizard 53.238.5519 Frame: aluminium Lenses: PC/mirror red (S3) uvex lynx 53.5513 Frame: aluminium Lenses: PC/brown (S3) 53.12.2004 11:49 Uhr Seite 11 M E TA L L I N E uvex cobra small new ! 53.2216 Frame: black mat Lenses: PC/litemirror silver (S2) 53.0. 3.5516 Frame: silver shiny Lenses: PC/mirror brown (S3) uvex crazy 53.3.5116 Frame: silver transparent Lenses: PC/mirror brown (S3) 22 53.3316 Frame: darkred shiny Lenses: PC/mirror red (S2) 53.837.3.838.2116 Frame: black transparent Lenses: PC/mirror silver (S3) 53.2216 Frame: black shiny Lenses: PC/smoke (S3) Frame: orange transparent Lenses: PC/mirror orange (S3) .2110 Frame: black transparent Lenses: PC/smoke (S3) 53.5216 Frame: chrome black Lenses: PC/mirror silver (S2) uvex fun 53.2216 Frame: black shiny Lenses: PC/mirror silver (S3) 53.837.839.838.3.3.838.sport_brillen_Teil2.2216 Frame: smoke transparent Lenses: PC/mirror silver (S3) 53.3.3.qxd 29.4110 Frame: blue transparent Lenses: PC/smoke (S3) 53.839.3.4516 Frame: blue silver shiny Lenses: PC/mirror silver (S2) 53.837.839.3.837.3.838.2004 11:52 Uhr Seite 12 JUNIOR/KIDS uvex gizmo flexible Bügel / flexible temple 53. 3.5116 Frame: silver transparent Lenses: PC/litemirror brown (S3) uvex firestone 53.3.3110 Frame: red transparent Lenses: PC/smoke (S3) 53.833.833.2212 Frame: black shiny Lenses: PC/litemirror orange (S3) 53.845.3.845.843.3516 Frame: red silver Lens: PC/silver mirror (S3) 53.klapper 207 29.843.843.2216 Frame: black shiny Lenses: PC/mirror silver (S2) 53.3.6116 Frame: yellow white Lens: PC/silver mirror (S3) 23 .2004 11:54 Uhr Seite 3 JUNIOR/KIDS uvex jammy new ! 53.2116 Frame: smoke transparent Lenses: PC/mirror silver (S3) 53.3.4516 Frame: blue silver Lens: PC/silver mirror (S3) Frame: black silver Lens: PC/silver mirror (S3) new ! 53.845.843.5516 Frame: silver shiny Lenses: PC/mirror silver (S3) uvex sporty flexible Bügelenden / soft temple ends Frame: black shiny Lenses: PC/smoke (S3) 53.3. guter Kontrast . insects and dust litemirror clear Nachteinsatz .trendy .trendy .IR-Schutz Sun protection for the whole day .IR-protection red mirror Ganztagessonnenschutz .bei schlechter Sicht (Nebel/Bewölkung) Super contrast .IR-protection Alle Scheiben.suitable for sunny weather .IR-protection blue mirror Ganztagessonnenschutz .trendig .trendig .IR-protection gold mirror Ganztagessonnenschutz .good contrast.trendy .IR-Schutz Super contrast . bieten 100% UV .IR-protection litemirror brown Ganztagessonnenschutz .43 % S2 8 .colour neutral view 8 . Insekten.good colour view .IR-Schutz Sun protection for the whole day .IR-protection litemirror blue degradé Ganztagessonnenschutz .und Partikelschutz For night use .43 % S 2/3 8 .IR-Schutz Sun protection for intensive light .Wind-.Trendfarbe .IR-Schutz Sun protection for the whole day .Wind-.Schutz / All lenses and lens colours have 100% UV protection Alle Scheiben sind straßenverkehrstauglich nach Norm EN 1836 / All lenses are suitable for traffic use due to EN 1836 standard .trendig .IR-Schutz Sun protection for the whole day .trend colour .protection against wind.IR-protection lasergold lite Super Kontrastverstärkung .klapper 205 28. Insekten.IR-protection litemirror red Ganztagessonnenschutz .12.guter Kontrast . insects and dust .IR-Schutz Sun protection for the whole day .2004 16:56 Uhr Seite 4 P R OT E C T I O N C AT E G O RY Transmission Transmission Schutzstufe Protection level smoke Ganztagessonnenschutz .IR-Schutz Sun protection for the whole day .good contrast .IR-protection litemirror orange Super Kontrastverstärkung .farbneutrales Sehen Sun protection for the whole .für Sonne geeignet .IR-protection litemirror green degradé Ganztagessonnenschutz .43 % S2 18 .43 % S 2/3 8 .43 % S 2/3 8 .43 % S 2/3 15 % S3 60 % S1 60 % S1 91 % S0 75 % S1 18 .protection against wind.43 % S2 litemirror silver Sonnenschutz für intensives Licht .und Partikelschutz . trendy . unabhängig von Farbe und Tönung .for bad view (fog and cloudy weather) clear Nachteinsatz .IR-Schutz Sun protection for the whole day .trendig .gute Farbwahrnehmung .IR-Schutz For night use .43 % S 2/3 18 . 43% S2 = 43% .klapper 205 28.280 nm UVB 280 .makes sports a harmless pleasure.380 nm UV-Absorption bis zu 400 nm UV-Absorption up to 400 nm sichtbares Licht visible light IR-Bereich IR-area uvex .3% in der Nacht for use at night stark bewölkt und in der Dämmerung for cloudy weather and dusk tagsüber .slight cloudy weather tagsüber .8% S4 = 8% .18% S3 = 18% .und UVC-Strahlen .protecting people . UVB-.2004 16:57 Uhr Seite 5 U V. Especially during skiing and watersport the eyes are vulnerable to extreme intensive reflection. Ohne Schutz und unter Einwirkung eines längeren Zeitraums kann der kurzwellige Blauanteil des sichtbaren Lichts bis 400 nm zu Augenschädigungen führen.E XC LU S I O N = · · · · · · · super anti-fog supravision super anti-scratch super anti-static 100% UVA-. UVB-.sunny weather am Gletscher for extreme sun irradiation (glacier) not for car use . macht den Sport zu einem bedenkenlosen Vergnügen. UVC-protection highly break resistant super contrast up to 18 layer mirror coating absolutely optically correct IR protection UV PROTECTION UP TO 400 NM UVC 190 . UVC-protection highly break resistant super contrast absolutely optically correct · · · · · · · super anti-static 100% UVA-. uvex . Without protection long-term exposure to the short-wave blue components of visible light up to 400 nm can cause eye damage.serienmäßig in allen uvex Ski.Ausfilterung der kurzwelligen Blauanteile des sichtbaren Lichts bis 400 nm uvex UV protection bis zu 400 nm . UVB.sonnig for daytime .und Wassersport sind durch extreme Reflexionen die Augen besonders gefährdet. TRANSMISSIONSKATEGORIEN GEMÄSS EN 1836 / TRANSMISSION CATEGORIES ACCORDING TO EN 1836 S0 = 100% .100%iger Schutz vor schädlichen UVA-.included in all uvex ski goggles and sports glasses . Hauptsächlich im Ski.12.80% S1 = 80% .315 nm UVA 315 .protecting people .100% protection against harmful UVA.leicht bewölkt for daytime .und Sportbrillen.filters out short-wave blue components of visible light up to 400 nm uvex UV protection up to 400 nm . UVB and UVC rays . UVEX SPORTS NL PROUD PEOPLE TO BE A HERO UVEX SPORTS GmbH & Co. e-mail: [email protected] 207 28.0 Fax 07242 / 623 23 .ne. Dichtler Nürnberg · Fotos: tm studios .W.uvex-sports. LTD. Nr. 03 / 5283 / 5561 Fax 03 / 5283 / 5562 e-mail: uvex-ky@themis. 31 Western Industrial Drive Cranston.90763 Fürth Postfach 2509 · D .8844 Fax 001 (401) / 464 . m. 0911 / 97 74 .350 e-mail: sports@uvex. Het Tasveld 7 · NL . 001 (401) / 464 . 3-6 Kanda Nishikicho. 02921 U.4845 Fax 078 / 681 . V. Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 101-0054 Japan Tel.I.ocn.4601 Wels DS.28 e-mail: [email protected] GT Hendrik Ido Ambacht Postbus 395 · NL .0 Fax 0911 / 97 74 . 041 / 769 72 40 Fax 041 / 769 73 84 e-mail: sales@uvexsports. 07242 / 623 23 .2004 15:22 Uhr Seite 6 UVEX AUSTRIA Ges.12. H.311.makrolon.4244 e-mail: custserv@uvexsports. Kamerlweg 33 Postfach 207 · A .de UVEX SCHWEIZ AG Ruessenstraße 6 A Postfach · CH . 078 / 681 .jp www.0506 · 01/05 · Technische Änderungen vorbehalten · Printed in Germany · ad concepts Werbeagentur_S.A Tel. KG Fichtenstraße 43 · D .3340 AJ Hendrik Ido Ambacht Tel. Inc. UVEX SPORTS JAPAN CO.90715 Fürth Tel.6341 Baar Tel..6728 e-mail: [email protected] UVEX SPORTS.
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