Spooky2 Manual 28022014
Spooky2User Manual/28 Feb 2014 © John White 2014 Table of contents Spooky2 – the beginning.............................................................................................................. 1 System requirements.................................................................................................................... 2 What you get................................................................................................................................ 3 What’s new................................................................................................................................... 4 How to install................................................................................................................................4 Beginner screen.......................................................................................................................... 19 Expert screen.............................................................................................................................. 21 Channel Control Panel................................................................................................................ 31 Advanced Menu..........................................................................................................................35 Manual Entry.............................................................................................................................. 40 Quick start.................................................................................................................................. 45 Using Spectrum.......................................................................................................................... 46 Biofeedback scanning.................................................................................................................56 Super setups................................................................................................................................59 Feather & wobble....................................................................................................................... 62 Making waves............................................................................................................................ 64 Windows warnings..................................................................................................................... 71 Frequently Asked Questions.......................................................................................................72 Generators & accessories........................................................................................................... 75 Software license......................................................................................................................... 77 Precautions for users.................................................................................................................. 78 Legal Notice & Disclaimer.........................................................................................................79 (Click on chapter title to go there – click on “Table of Contents” at the bottom of each page to return here) Spooky2 – the beginning In early 2012, a quiet and unassuming South African man named Johann Stegmann lit a match that started a global revolution. During the course of some ground-breaking research into Rife technology, Johann, an experienced user and experimenter, realised that most people could never afford to buy their own machines in today’s savage economic jungle. These machines can cost many thousands of dollars, and price is not always an indicator of efficacy. Together with technical designer Hank Gigandet, Johann set out to find an alternative device that would be much more affordable – without sacrificing effectiveness or cutting corners. Johann’s daughter, Tania, is profoundly energy-sensitive, so the three of them started to test many different Rife machines and devices. They discovered that the energy transmitted by many of them was harsh, unpleasant, and ineffective. But they also found some that emitted a gentle, pleasant energy that not only made the test subjects feel good, but worked just as well as the very best commercial Rife machines. The device they settled on was the UDB1108S DDS frequency generator. These are pretty inexpensive, but the software to run them was written in Chinese and not really suitable for the specialised job of rifing. So Johann and Hank wrote their own software – RideUSB – that would do what they wanted. It had one limitation, however – it could only run one frequency generator per computer. Which is where electronics engineer, Rife designer, and software programmer John White entered the picture. The result was Spooky, a software powerhouse capable of driving 127 separate DDS devices from one cheap netbook PC. On Easter Monday, 2013, Spooky was launched, with no fanfares, and no publicity. As 2013 passed, update followed update, making Spooky more and more powerful, versatile, and effective. Word of mouth spread, and thousands of people the world over downloaded the software, and used it to make a positive difference in their lives. Without breaking the bank. Table of contents 1 But the Spooky team were not content to rest on their laurels, and John White knew he could do better. A whole lot better. Enter Spooky2 – the world’s most powerful and flexible Rife machine. Offering features you won’t find on any commercial unit, this is, quite simply, the Rife machine par excellence. For less than the cost of a mid-range zapper. Having owned three of the world’s top-selling commercial Rife machines, I personally stand in awe of what John White and the Spooky team have done. Over the past three years, they have given unstintingly of their time and energy, and have each spent many thousands of dollars of their own money in their quest to make one very important man’s dream come true. The man who invented the Rife machine was Dr. Royal Raymond Rife. His lifelong ideal was to see an effective and inexpensive Rife machine in every home on the planet. Spooky2 is our homage to a man of genius, vision, courage, and integrity. It’s our hope and belief that Spooky2 will enable the good doctor’s dream to be realised at last. Today, the match lit by Johann Stegmann almost two years ago is about to set the world on fire. David Bourke, January 2014 System requirements PC: Spooky2 was designed for use with Windows XP, but it also runs perfectly on Windows 7 and Windows 8. USB 2.0 or greater is required for frequency generator connectivity. Mac: Regretfully, there’s no Mac version. We recommend you pick up a pre-owned Windows PC and dedicate it to running Spooky2. These can usually be bought for a very modest price. Since many of you will wish to try experiments with long run times, this may be a good idea anyway. Alternatively, you can use BootCamp to create a Windows partition, or purchase virtualization software. You will need a good knowledge of Mac OS X and Windows to troubleshoot any issues. Table of contents 2 Spectral processing can transmit up to 1. Go to the Spooky2 website to see full-size versions of main screen graphics contained in this manual. Biofeedback (Spooky Pulse accessory) to detect MORs and “Yes/No” body responses. Windows 32 and 64 bit support with auto-detection for driver installation. Configurable amplitude and frequency wobble. Software amplitude. Table of contents 3 . Global controls for multi-generator rigs. and phase angle control. Improved multiple subject handling. Selectable wobble functions. Brand new H-Bomb waveform (both square and sinusoidal). Enhanced signal gate control. High voltage “spike” injection into all waveforms to increase effectiveness. Auto-calibration – no adjustment necessary. Two damped waveforms (square and sinusoidal) with configurable decay oscillations. Database editor.024 frequencies simultaneously with uniform amplitude. Randomized gate. Download Spooky2 here. Auto-resizing supports all screen sizes.What you get New Spooky2–XM generators built from high quality components and optimized for Spooky2. Global pause scheduling. offset. Beginner and Expert modes. Octal and scalar frequency reduction if generator limit exceeded. Internet controls to update the database online. Direct entry of light wavelength in the database. effectively giving a four-fold increase in power.What’s new Here’s what’s new in Spooky2 28022014 (28 Feb 2014): New: Spectrum. Improved: multiple under-the-hood optimisations. New: Spike. Fixed: inadvertently-transposed waveform codes in Manual Entry Screen and this manual now corrected – our apologies. This allows both outputs to be coupled and synchronized. with Tooltips that appear when you hover your mouse over almost anything. 28 February 2014 How to install Spooky2 has been designed for maximum ease of use. punching holes in cell walls in a process called “electroporation. too – just double-click the Spooky2 Installer file.024 configurable frequencies based on the one currently transmitting – all at a uniform and constant amplitude. New: Inverse+Sync. Installation is straightforward. This helps prevent false positives being returned during Spooky Pulse biofeedback scans. This injects a controllable high voltage spike into the leading edge of all waveforms.” New: Hit Threshold. Spectral processing allows the simultaneous creation and transmission of up to 1. and the following screens will appear in succession: Table of contents 4 . Table of contents 5 . Next. you’ll see this language selection dialog. then click OK. Choose your installation language from the list.The installer is unpacking its files. Click Next> Table of contents 6 .The installer program starts. Choose “YES – I Accept the terms of the License Agreement!” Then click Next> Table of contents 7 .The License Agreement. Destination location – accept the default or click Browse to select another. Then click Next> Table of contents 8 . Click Next> Table of contents 9 .The installer adds a shortcut to your Windows Start Menu. Click Next> Table of contents 10 .The Spooky2 directory is created and the installer asks you to confirm your settings. Click Next> Table of contents 11 .Spooky2’s files are copied to your hard drive. Click Finish.Your Spooky2 software has been installed. Table of contents 12 . Click Next> Table of contents 13 .The driver installer for the Spooky2-XM range of generators launches. The License Agreement – select “I accept this agreement.” Then Click Next> Table of contents 14 . Table of contents 15 . Click Finish.The driver installation completes. Click Next> Table of contents 16 .Now the USB1108S driver installer opens. When done. the following screen appears: Table of contents 17 .The installer configures your installation. Click Finish.Spooky2 has now been installed along with all of its drivers. Now launch Spooky2 and the following screen will appear: Table of contents 18 . Your screen choices are remembered between launches.Beginner screen The first time you launch it. 19 d . Table of contents Spooky2 opens its Beginner screen. and Spooky2 will remember them. double click the set in the white Selections Box to remove it. choose the interface language you want from the menu on the right.First. Now you’re rifing! In its default configuration. Then enter the condition/pathogen you want to experiment with in the Search Box (left) and the results will appear in the Conditions List below: Double click the frequency sets you want to load into your Program and you’ll see that each one is added to your Selections Box. A red Channel Control Panel (described later) will open. this screen will transmit in Remote Mode using a square wave. you can set up your own options in the Expert screen. or click the – Button at the top right to remove all the sets you’ve loaded. If you change your mind or make a mistake. Table of contents 20 . However. Now click a red Channel Button to load the Program into that channel. Click the Start Button – the Channel Control Panel and its associated Channel Button will turn green. NB: Red text denotes features only available on Spooky2–XM generators. 21 Table of contents .Expert screen d Click the Expert Button and this is what you see. notes. This can save a lot of time when setting up multiple Channels. The Subject Data Pane allows you to enter name. You can also save and name multi-set Programs loaded in the Selections Box by clicking the Save As Button. The sets loaded in the Selections 2 Box are also included as part of your messages. Table of contents 22 . email address.The first thing you’ll notice is that a lot of controls are now displayed. This saves your list of frequencies under a new name to your custom database. There’s one User Data Panel for every Channel in your Spooky rig. The Advanced Button opens a large menu that gives access to many powerful and important functions. The Add Custom Frequency Button opens a screen that allows you to input your own custom frequency sets into Spooky2’s database. and messages. making it easy to keep track of multiple subjects. including two new buttons in the Toolbar. The Manual Program Entry and Advanced screens will be fully explained later. Facebook: brings you to our Spooky2 Facebook page. BIO and VEGA are both excellent. XTRA is a collection of sets from various sources. all chosen for their reputation for effectiveness. amassed from the experience of Rife experimenters over many years. You can also simply check all those you want included. Spooky2’s Spooky2’s main database is made up of 10 sub-databases. To include them all in your searches. CAFL is the Consolidated Annotated Frequency List. and Spooky Tube. All are sold at cost price. These include Spooky Pulse. RIFE is a collection of Dr. Royal Raymond Rife’s original frequencies. Instructional Videos: opens YouTube channel. PROVEN has produced consistent results in every subject it was used on. ALT consists of sets based on Ayurvedic knowledge and practise. Upgrade Database: brings you to our downloads web-page where you can get the latest Spooky2 database. CUSTOM is your own personal database. Visit Us: brings you to the official Spooky2 website and forum. the buttons are: Purchase Equipment: this button opens your browser and brings you to a web-page where you can buy accessories that will extend and enhance your Spooky2 rig. To deselect all sub-databases. Hulda Clark’s database. KHZ is a collection of higher frequencies. Table of contents 23 . Spooky Remote.This area of Spooky2’s main screen gets you onto the web. based on Russian frequency research. and planetary frequencies. simply click the + Button. HULDA is Dr. click the – Button. solfeggios. From the top. ! Randomize application of the Gate. Set Amplitude and Offset (Spooky2–5M/10M/ 20M only). ! Prevent transmission of duplicates on multiple generators. ! Assign. ! Enable and configure Amplitude and Frequency Wobbles. providing complete control. and view Waveforms for each Output. or leave as listed.The Program Options Pane is Spooky2’s dashboard. Set waveform Duty Cycle for both Outputs. configure. and Programs. ! Sort frequencies ascending or descending. Table of contents 24 . you can: ! ! ! ! Transpose an entire Program of frequencies. (NB: all options in red box with Spooky2–5M/ 10M/20M only). ! Override the Global Pause Schedule for this Channel. ! Configure action for out-of-range frequencies. ! Enable Gate – set rate in the Advanced Menu. Repeat frequencies. sets. ! Optimise settings for Contact. and Remote Modes. Plasma. ! Control frequency/voltage relationships between Outputs. ! Stop duplicates in a single set transmitting. ! Set waveform Phase Angle for both Outputs. From here on every Channel. ! Choose from a huge list of frequency modulations. 000Hz) to protect your gear. Skip Concurrent Duplicate Frequencies. and Program repeats required. it also adds a high frequency limiter (400. This changes the wave’s energy content by blocking or allowing some of its harmonics. and 100 for Plasma. and Remote Buttons load optimum default settings into various fields – Repeat Each Frequency Set. Kill Selector: This loads the Damped Square Wave which is designed to kill pathogens. Amplitude. 25 . Offset. Heal Selector: This loads the standard Square Wave which is more useful for organ and system condition experiments. In Plasma Mode. Repeat Every Freq/Each Set/Program: Enter the number of frequency. and Apply. set. Decimals without limit can be input. A value of 0. The Contact. Useful when driving an external device that can mix both signals – the difference between two out-of-phase waves can create harmonics that hit Mortal Oscillatory Rates.This is a lot of information to try to take in at once. Amplitude and Offset: this is where you enter calibration values for a Spooky2–5M/10M/20M. Delete Duplicate Frequencies. Phase Angle: requires both OUTs. Offset should be 0 for Table of contents Remote and Contact. Duty Cycle dictates a wave’s on/off status – 50% means it’s “on” for half its cycle. Dwell Multiplier: changes run-time dwells for all frequencies in a Program. Gate. so let’s break the Program Options Pane down into its component parts: Frequency Multiplier: used to multiply all frequencies in your set. A value of 0 for Repeat Program will loop the Program indefinitely. Plasma. Please Note: you are free to change these suggested values to whatever makes the most sense for you. The UDB1108S generator must be manually calibrated using its front panel controls. This is an easy way to convert a set to octal or scalar harmonics without having to calculate individual values or edit the set.25 will cause your Program to transmit in one-quarter of its normal time. Values change depending on the transmission mode chosen. Inverted Sawtooth. then ramps back down to zero wobble. The UDB1108S has a top limit of 8MHz. and repeats. Spooky2 will automatically use your generator’s maximum. These waveforms describe the shape of the wobble’s progress. but also increases the time taken. Percentage is the amount of wobble you wish to apply. Occasionally. Its application to the main signal can be randomized. This controls what will happen if your generator meets any frequency that’s too high.Some pathogens can adapt to frequency bombardment. This helps to prevent any pathogen adaptation. ramps up to full wobble at the percentage chosen in the number of steps specified. If you enter 0. Any time you feel a definite reaction from a frequency. it can be good to apply one or both wobbles – 1% is a good value for Frequency Wobble. rate) is set in the Advanced Menu. 26 The answer is to apply Amplitude and/or Frequency Wobbles to rapidly change the signal strength and frequency. Out-of-range frequencies will be converted to the closest subharmonic for your generator. wobbles apply constantly once the Channel is running. you may come across very high frequencies that your generator might not be able to transmit. then choose a Scalar or Octal Subharmonic option. Sawtooth. This speed (or. When set here. and Steps specifies the number of discrete “jumps” in a single cycle – 16 is a good value. More than this increases the resolution of the sweep. The menu choices are Disabled. Enter the top limit your unit can handle. and some cancer frequencies are most effective at their high fundamentals. Settings made here will only apply to the toggle buttons for these functions you’ll find in each Channel’s Control Panel. Amplitude and Frequency Wobble controls are also found in the Advanced Menu. Reduce Amplitude: check this box to prevent low frequencies from causing discomfort in Contact Mode. Example: triangle starts with no wobble. and Triangle. Table of contents . more accurately. Gate: this is a control signal which turns the main signal on and off very rapidly – 4Hz equals four times a second. This menu allows you to choose frequencies Ascending. as well as the ability to disable the function. This pause will apply to all generators in your rig – thus it’s called a “global” control. and in addition. Override Pause Schedule: the Advanced Menu features a control which allows you to schedule a pause of any length at a set time daily. The speed of this change is set in the Advanced Menu. contain duplicate frequencies. and stop all generators in your rig at the same time. it’s possible that identical frequencies used in different sets may coincidentally be transmitted at the same time.Gate is normally only used in Plasma Mode. Remove Duplicate Frequencies: some frequency sets. This uncontrolled frequency duplication can cause unwanted phase problems. The Apply Menu allows you to apply a constant rapid change to each frequency in a set. In others. Both can be used at the same time. In some cases. Checking this box stops single-set duplicates from being output. but it can be very useful in the other modes. it serves no useful purpose. and will start. particularly those developed on older machines. These are global controls. The menu contains a huge number of different modulations to choose from. Spooky2 will never allow duplicates to be transmitted simultaneously. Sort Menu: some developers maintain that running a set of frequencies in ascending order will produce different results from running them in descending order. because it provides an additional “hammering” effect to keep pathogens off-balance. to the already-described configurable Frequency Wobble feature. Table of contents Prevent Global Start: the Advanced Menu contains a set of Start. 27 . or Do NOT Sort. and Stop buttons. Note that this modulation option is different. The choices will be explained later. Descending. Pause. too. pause. Skip Concurrent Duplicate Frequencies: if you’re running multiple generators. this may be what you want (some Frequency Foundation sets). With this box checked. and even wave cancellation (where two waves cancel each other out completely). The checkbox here allows you to keep this Channel’s transmission independent of global control. This will not alter the database – it is runtime only. Checking the box here enables this Channel to “opt out” of your pause. Waveform Displays: top pane shows a single cycle of the waveform for Out1 – the lower pane shows Out2. Anthony Holland Table of contents recently found that adding an 11th harmonic to any frequency vastly increased its power. The resultant wave will be transmitted from Output 1. And here’s a square with 12 in the field. Modulate F2 Using F1 (AM DSB). If you enter 11. Copying the Gate is mainly useful for Plasma Mode. Out2 Control: When using both OUTs. and choose to copy your Out1 Gate settings. 28 . Your menu choices are: Add F1 to F2. To activate. F2 Multiplier: alter Frequency 2 based on the value of Frequency 1. it’s the 11th harmonic. check the box to the left. this is where you configure the settings for Out2. This can be used with any wave. or set to 180 degrees out of phase to increase the power for one subject. You can also set a constant voltage multiplier and addition. F2 will be the third harmonic of F1. this is one single cycle with 12 “wavelets” – a Spooky2 exclusive we call Wave Cycle Multipliers. F2 Modulation Menu & Checkbox: this is where you decide how F2 interacts with F1. and Modulate F2 Using F1 (AM SSB). Example: if you enter 3. Dr. This means that Spooky2 can transcend the limits of your generator – a Spooky2–5M (5MHz) can output 33MHz. Here’s a square with 1 entered in the Wave Cycle Multiplier field to the right of the Waveform Selectors. Out2 can be used to provide contact mode to a second subject using the same frequencies as Out1. Here. unsurprisingly. you can specify a constant frequency multiplier and a constant frequency addition to apply to your Out1 frequencies. Degrees allow the addition of a Phase Angle to F2 for frequency adding or modulating. Even though it looks like there are 12 cycles here. these controls allow you to make independent waveform selections for each one. Damped Square. Wave Cycle Multipliers: the X column of controls to the right of the waveforms turns Spooky2 into something very special indeed. Sawtooth. or harmonically-related carrier for a system using a non-resonant balun. Out2 would provide either a fixed carrier (resonant load). too. or to have Out2 mirror Out1’s settings. Spike: selecting this uses Out2 to create a high voltage spike which is then “injected” into the leading edge of the wave on 29 . This allows all of its frequencies to be constructed from multiple copies of the waves. 2 Controls and the Follow Out1 Button: if you’re using both outputs. However. and the sinusoidal ones for scanning with Spooky Pulse.For plasma systems. Example: a plain Sine Wave with Wave Cycle Multiplier set to 10 will be able to reach frequencies of up to 33MHz. The Damped Sinusoidal wave was used by Dr. Square. This is extremely important for the Damped and H-Bomb waves because the number of decay frequencies in each must be set correctly. Royal Raymond Rife in his documented cure of 14 terminal cancer and two terminal TB cases in 1932. All four are orders of magnitude more powerful that the first five waveforms in the list. Inverted Sawtooth. We recommend the square versions for your experiments. and HBomb Square (waves in red only on Spooky2 generators). Damped Sinusoidal. The Damped Square and both H-Bomb waves are extrapolations of the principles involved in this wave. Triangle. these are: Sine. Waveform Selectors: from the top down. Table of contents 1. H-Bomb Sinusoidal. Spooky2 creates each frequency as what’s known as an arbitrary waveform. this can also be applied to the other waveforms. the spike will still be 20v. lower values work best by providing a short. The length of time the spike lasts for is input in the Length field. 30 . To prevent the unconnected black clips from accidentally touching. Be warned that applying high voltage low frequencies (below abOut10.024 sample points that make up a full waveform. you can wrap each one roughly with sellotape. your electrodes must be connected in a very different way: You need both your BNC-to-alligator clips cables for this. Inverse+Sync: in Contact Mode. and you enter 4 in this field. When used for Inverse+Sync. This is called electroporation.000Hz) can cause painful muscle lock-ups. However. If you enter 2. If your amplitude is set to 20v. sharp burst of energy that can punch holes in a cancer or pathogen cell wall. this allows you to effectively quadruple the output power of your XM generator. The spike’s voltage is controlled by the Ratio parameter.Out1. Then attach each red alligator clip only to your electrodes. so Table of contents please place a checkmark in the Reduce Amplitude box in the Channel’s Program Options pane before starting. This will allow you to use high power in comfort. but the rest of the wave will be 10v (20/2). There are 1. the spike’s voltage will be 20v. Connect one to Out1 and the other to Out2. and the remainder of the waveform will be 5v (20/4). The first frequency in its list is selected and waiting to start. and the Progress Bar is empty. There’s a lot going on here. the Timer field reads 0 (seconds). generator Table of contents 31 .Control Panel The Control Panel on the left is not transmitting – indicated by its red colour. and the Progress Bar for the the current frequency is filling up. so let’s go through all the control and information elements in the panel one by one: On the left is the Channel number. the Timer field reads 1196. The one on the right is transmitting its Program (indicated by the green colour). The number to the right (300) is the Dwell of each frequency in seconds. and the Wobble buttons are toggle controls that remain active till you click again. and time. Beneath this you can check how long your Program has been running for. you can edit the elapsed time. Hold. you’ll see the Program Run Time for one loop. repeats are set to 4 for each set. If you stop the Channel. Table of contents 32 . the white bar fills up with blue segments. The red X closes the Control Panel. Bold text on a button shows that it was clicked last. Start. and on the left a list of their frequencies in running order.model. and Stop are obvious. To jump immediately to a different frequency while the set is running. with the current frequency highlighted. Here. Two frequency sets that make up a Program are shown on the right. Pause. click again to stop. Progress Bar: this tracks progress through each frequency’s transmission – as time passes. Transmission Buttons: some are greyed out till the generator is running. The grey field at the top shows the number of seconds elapsed. Pause. double click it. If the latter is set to 0 for indefinite looping. and 35 for the complete Program. To start with a frequency other than the first. date. then restart. double click it while Spooky2 is stopped. then click the Start Button. The Wobble buttons apply Amplitude and/or Frequency Wobbles as configured in the Advanced Menu – click to start. On the right you see your Program Run Time. Hold remains on the current frequency until it’s clicked again. and Phase Angle. the button is greyed and unavailable (below left). Channel Erase Button: a Channel cannot be cleared of its sets if it’s currently running a Program. If your Channel is using a Spooky2–5M. 10M. This is a UDB1108S.Output Pane: the two grey fields display all aspects of the signals being output by your generator from both OUTs – Frequency. Table of contents 33 . Generator Image: Spooky2 shows you an image of whichever generator you’ve attached to each Channel. The fields are not editable. Waveform. Offset. In this state. Greyed Out2 means the output is unused. Amplitude. you’ll see it here. or 20M. Duty Cycle. The Channel Erase function only becomes available after you’ve stopped the Channel (below right). Click here to go there. Table of contents 34 . Spooky Pulse. Biofeedback scanning will be dealt with in its own section later in this manual. This is also explained later.Here’s the Biofeedback Report pane. Biofeedback Scan: here is where you will configure all the parameters of Spooky2’s biofeedback accessory. ! And more… Table of contents 35 . ! Frequency Blacklist Control. ! Driver Install buttons. ! Gate Off voltage and frequency. ! Utility Buttons for important functions. ! Channel communications panes. ! Useful information fields.Advanced Menu You’ll find all sorts of powerful and handy goodies tucked away in here: ! Global transmission controls. ! Global controls for Amplitude Wobble. ! Blacklist sub-options for harmonics. ! Error report panes for troubleshooting. ! Global internet and sound controls. ! Global Pause timing. ! Global controls for Frequency Wobble. ! USB bus report (COMM Ports). If you wish to change these values for Gate Off. These ones will only be applied when you click the Amplitude and Frequency Wobble toggle buttons in any Channel Control Panel. so we’ll break it all down into more digestible bites: Global Transmission Buttons: clicking Start. you can so so here. enter your number. DDS Generators: by entering the number of generators in your rig here after first launch. or for frequency feathering working at 8Hz (eight times a second). there’s a lot of information and controls here. In such cases. Click in the box. This speed will be half the number you enter here. Gate Off: when the Gate closes. 36 . then press your keyboard’s Return key. you would normally want the voltage to drop to zero and the frequency to be 0Hz. The settings you make here are separate from those in the Channel’s Program Options pane. what the command was. exempted Channels will not respond to global transmission commands. or Stop will perform that action for all Channels in your rig – unless you’ve put a checkmark in any Channel’s Prevent Global Start box in its Program Options Pane. and the response received. Table of contents Amplitude & Frequency Wobbles: these prevent organisms from ever becoming adapted to frequencies. Pause. Channel Commands: here you can see which Channel last sent a command to its generator. enter 4 here. you will 2 speed up all subsequent Spooky launches. Global transmission control can be a major timesaver when you’re running a lot of Channels.Once again. Refresh Rate: this controls the speed of the Gate and all of the frequency feathering and modulation options listed in Spooky2’s Apply menu. Example: to make the Gate operate twice a second (2Hz). Hold. and it can enable you to keep your experiment timetables more orderly. Very useful for troubleshooting. enter 16. This program has its own built-in Help in its Toolbar. Spooky2 will enable the button appropriate for your operating system. Rescan Devices: re-establishes PC-togenerator communication if lost. Refresh Database: reloads the database file into memory after your edits. Identify Ports: click to see the Channel number appear on the generator’s display thus: 0000. Edit Database Buttons: both these open an editing program to enable you to make changes easily. you can do it right here by clicking the button of your choice. Table of contents . Utility Buttons: these do lots of handy and necessary things. Select Database: opens a file selector to allow you to load a different database. Identify Users: this brings up a list of subject names and their Channels. 37 This can be defeated in individual Channels by checking Override Pause Schedule in each Progam Options pane. All UDBs are 19200 BPS: allows Spooky2 to drive UDBs with slower v4.Install Drivers: if you ever need to reinstall the UDB1108S or Spooky2 Generator software drivers. Update Database: lets you overwrite the database in memory with a different one on disk.00005 (Channel 5). so please refer to it. Pause Between: set a global pause for all Channels here. Undo Update: lets you undo the Update Database operation.2 firmware. Write USB Capture Log: documents all USB communications between Spooky2 and the generator – useful for troubleshooting communications issues and tech support. Which of the Spooky2 32 bit and Spooky2 64 bit buttons will be available on your system will depend on whether your PC is 32 bit or 64 bit. Enable Internet: globally enables Spooky2’s internet access. Channels must be stopped to see this. you may come across one frequency in a set that causes discomfort. all the readings should be zero. then click the Add button. Frequency Blacklist Control: a very few frequencies are known to cause problems.Comm Ports Panel: this is where all your PC’s USB ports are listed along with which driver is using them. To get around this. click in the top field and type it. Write Conflicts. You can also see which was the last Channel to produce such an error. Each USB communication (comm) port is used by one Channel to communicate with its frequency generator. Occasionally. You can. These fields are not editable and are for display only. click the – Button top right. Table of contents To remove all frequencies from your blacklist and start over. then try re-enabling it when circumstances permit. and should. These all give important clues to what’s going on in your operating system’s interface with Spooky2. opt to avoid octal and scalar harmonics of these by checking the boxes beneath. Now Spooky2 will no longer include them in transmissions. and the last command. you can enter it temporarily here to allow you to use the rest of the set. Errors Pane: this is where Spooky2 reports OS errors like: Timer Conflicts. Two which you should enter immediately into this list are 1840Hz and 1910Hz – these can cause the growth of malignancies. Ideally. and Missed Responses. Useful for troubleshooting possible USB issues. 38 . To enter a blacklisted frequency. General Info Pane: see your total number of frequency sets – includes both main and custom databases. Also shows the number of generators found by Spooky2 at launch. If you’re having problems. and the exact file path of the current database. Table of contents 39 . Click this to show the Pulse Graph below. This is the same graph that’s shown for biofeedback. All error fields can be cleared by clicking the – Button at the top right. Hide this if you require fast feathering or gating.as above. you may need to include what your Errors Pane is reporting in your tech support request. Refresh rates for running Channels will slow to the pulse rate. Manual Entry Clicking the Add Custom Frequency button in the Toolbar opens this screen: Table of contents 40 . Spooky2 allows you to enter an unlimited number of your own frequency sets into a custom database. If you’re unsure of what this should be.” You can substitute XX with your own initials. 180 seconds is a good default. a numeral. or copy and paste them all at once from another document. In all cases. Something like “Cancer Throat Sweep XX” is good because it will show in searches for “cancer. or leave it out entirely. Note that you can specify individual frequency deviations from this default by entering a simple command (shown later). We’ll deal with entering these commands in a moment. You can also enter a plethora of very powerful commands in this field along with your frequencies. otherwise Spooky2 will report an error (and name the offending frequency set) when your custom database is next loaded or you try to load the Program you’ve just entered. Give it a good descriptive one so you’ll be able to identify it in a search list. We’ve reproduced them here so you can appreciate fully how much power you have when you write your own frequency sets (and print them out if you wish). each frequency in the set must be separated by a comma – with NO spaces. Program Name: click in the field and type your Program name. So please check all the information you’ve entered here very carefully before finalising your entry. Table of contents 41 . It’s your choice. You can either type them in. Frequencies: now we come to enter the frequencies.” “throat. The Manual Program Entry screen contains comprehensive instructions. Dwell: this is the amount of time in seconds you wish to transmit each frequency in your set for.” and “sweep. and yyy for the other. Just type an equal sign (the dwell command) followed by the dwell in seconds. then type a hyphen (the sweep command). If you make a textual mistake when entering a set. followed by the higher frequency. Letters can be capitals or lowercase. enter the lower frequency first. not on the UDB1108S. The Commands List: The following commands are entered into the Frequencies field at the point in your frequency sequence where you want them to take effect. don’t worry – you can edit it later by clicking the Edit Custom Database button in the Advanced Menu. xxx-yyy: This is how you enter a sweep between two frequencies – xxx stands for one frequency. you can specify different dwells from the default you want applied to the rest. 42 . The text you enter here will be included in all Spooky2 searches. just type W followed by the number of the wave as shown in the list below. enter the higher frequency first. Sine wave: Square wave: Sawtooth wave: Inverted sawtooth: Triangle wave: Damped Sinusoidal: Damped Square: H-Bomb Sinusoidal: H-Bomb Square: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Waveforms shown in red above are only available on the new Spooky2 generator. For a downward sweep. Wx: After the frequency for which you want to use a different wave. Table of contents Spooky2 allows you to select a different waveform for every frequency in your set if you wish. and then the lower one.Additional Notes: you can use field this to add notes to your Program for any purpose. then a hyphen. If you want an ascending sweep. and will appear in the text area beneath the Conditions List when you click on the set’s name. =xxx: For any frequencies. Dx: After the frequency or waveform command for which you wish a new Duty Cycle to apply. Px: After your target. If you have the new generator. 200. Ax: After your target frequency or command. type P followed by the value you require. You can also change the phase angle of the output. 450. Lx: Type L followed by your wavelength in nanometers (nm). you want 600 to use a square wave again for your default dwell. Ox: After your target. type G followed by 1 to turn gating on. type A followed by the voltage you wish to use. Add: 600 W2 D50 A05 O50. type a D followed by the value you want.5volts (which is 50% of the Amplitude). With the new generators. Enter: 100 W1 D66. 43 . If you wish to add a Gate for some frequencies. you can also change the offset. You want 100 and 200 to transmit for your default dwell of three minutes. and G followed by 0 to turn it off. with Duty Cycle of 50%. Add: 400-450=1800 W0 D75. Spooky2–XM You then want 400 to sweep up to 450 over a period of 30 minutes using a sine wave with Duty Cycle of 75%. Example: you have six frequencies – 100. no problem. you also want to set the amplitude to 5volts and the offset to 2. Finally. type O followed by the offset value desired as a percentage of Amplitude rather than a voltage. 300. and 300 to transmit for 10 minutes.You can also change the Duty Cycle of the waveform. Gx: After the target frequency or command. So here’s your entire string: 100 W1 D66. and 600. 400.600 W1 D50 A05 O50. all using a square wave set to a Duty Cycle of 66%.200.400-450=1800 W0 D75.200. Table of contents Spooky2 allows you to enter light wavelengths directly.300=600. you can boost or cut the amplitude. With the new generators only. or output voltage.300=600. Spooky2 will automatically convert this to the highest subharmonic frequency your generator can transmit. you can do so by ticking the box provided to email us your scan results for inclusion in an anonymous database that will be freely provided to all who need it. If you change your mind for some reason. The Manual Program Entry screen will close. Table of contents 44 .Text in red on the previous page denotes features that are only available on the new Spooky2 generators. And remember. click the Save and Exit Button and it will be written into your custom database. you can always go back and edit your Programs in the database editor available from the Advanced Menu. If you wish to give back to the Spooky2 community. leaving you back in Spooky2’s main screen. you can simply click the Cancel Button. not on the UDB1108S. When you’re happy with your newly-created Program. Distilled water to which a very tiny pinch of Himalayan pink salt has been added is best. ! Search for and load the sets you want to run. and Plasma: General Effective rifing requires proper hydration of the body – we recommend drinking six to eight pints of pure water daily. wrap Tubes in tap water-dampened tissues. etc. 45 . Apply menu. ! Grab your electrodes and relax. amplitude/frequency modulation. ! Click the Plasma Button and either: ! Accept the default settings loaded. Contact Mode: ! Using the alligator clip cable that came with your generator. Plasma Mode: ! Turn off and unplug TVs. ! Click your Channel Button and hit Start. followed by filtered. amplitude/ frequency modulation. Table of contents ! Spooky2–XM: click the Contact button and either: ! choose “Heal” or “Kill. amplitude/frequency modulation. Purified water comes next. Remote Mode: ! Search for and load the sets you want to run. ! make your settings for waveform. ! UDB1108S: OUT on the Spooky Power amplifier. ! Sit back and relax – but keep the plasma tube within 10cm of your body to receive the full power. etc. use the OFFSET knob to adjust. For best results. or stereos (read a book).Quick start Here’s a quick guide on how to use each transmission mode in Spooky2 – Remote. amplitude/ frequency modulation. ! OR make your own settings for waveform. described on page 30. ! UDB1108S: check that your Spooky Remote LEDs are equally bright. connect your Spooky Tube electrodes to: ! Spooky2–XM: Both outputs – use Inverse+Sync. ! Search for and load the sets you want to run. If not. Apply menu. ! Connect your PA3 amplifier to the Spooky2–XM or UDB1108S TTL socket on the rear and turn it on. Avoid drinking large amounts of city tap water. half of it before noon. ! OR make your own settings for repeats. ! Click your Channel Button and hit Start. Contact. Then either: ! click the Remote Button to load an endless loop and other default settings. Apply menu. etc. etc. ! UDB1108S: turn the generator’s AMPLITUDE knob fully clockwise and either: ! click the Contact Button (Kill/Heal not available). radios. ! OR make your settings for waveform. ! Click your Channel Button and hit Start. waveform. You can see a graphical representation of this process here – scroll down to the blue image near the bottom of the page. This is not the place to go into details. You’ll see that the most powerful frequency is the 3. And one single frequency. but we will say that what we found made it clear that the Rife/Hoyland Sweep is flawed. this four-hour sweep is reputed to kill all pathogens. Because we knew that if we could do what we needed to do with just one frequency. It needs no useless energy-devouring carrier wave. and the higher harmonics to the right of the carrier all diminish in power as they get further away from the carrier frequency. It’s important to be aware that these sidebands are depicted logarithmically rather than linearly. You’ll also see that the subharmonics to the left. We call it Spectrum. best of all. to our knowledge. And. a great many sidebands are created that ostensibly hit the MORs of all pathogenic organisms.024 subharmonics and higher harmonics. and whole areas capable of vastly improving its efficacy had never. And we did. The result is nothing short of a Rife revolution. It’s an apt name because it’s a bit like using mathematical prisms to split each frequency into up to 1. and on incomplete and sometimes cryptic documentation and reminiscences reputedly made by him and some of his collaborators. Normally performed using a 3. we decided to look at the mathematics and science rather than the history and conjecture. with a blank sheet of paper.3MHz or 3. been explored. which has no therapeutic value and no function other than to act as transport for the audio frequencies. the sidebands it creates Table of contents 46 .Using Spectrum If you’re aware of the history of rifing. you’ll have heard of the legendary Rife/Hoyland Sweep. By inputting a large audio frequency range into the carrier. So we decided to start again.3MHz carrier. Since the design and mechanics of this sweep are based on examinations of some of Dr. The effect of this is to make them look more powerful to the uneducated eye than they actually are.1MHz radio carrier wave and a plasma tube. we could extend the principles to sweeps. Rife’s original machines. Because it doesn’t need radio carrier wave technology. but when you apply it to a frequency sweep. some explanations. The implications of using Spectrum on a single static frequency are astonishing enough. This is the first composite image of the Spooky2 settings. At Table of contents 47 . with variations). no matter how distant from the centre frequency – another world-first. it really comes into its own. So we sat down and designed the sweep that we believe the Rife/Hoyland Sweep could. we called it the Spooky Sweep (it’s in the database. Naturally. Remote. or Plasma Mode.are all equal-power. have been. First. then we’ll show you how to use Spectrum effectively. and the sky’s the limit. and should. the Spooky Sweep can be used in Contact. Now let’s get down to the nitty-gritty. and the oscilloscope readings that proved we were on the right track. But how far could we push it? The answer surprised us. Table of contents 48 . The centre frequency used here was 10. but now take a look at the number of frequencies produced. or “wavelets.000Hz and a plain square wave.this point. Now. you can see the oscilloscope readings of the different frequency clusters this produced in the 0-20KHz range. Across the bottom of the image. At this point.” and a Spectrum value of 100%. We specified four sub-waves. here’s what happens when you increase the number of sub-waves from four to 100: We’re still using a centre frequency of 10. we knew we were getting somewhere.000Hz – 10KHz. we were experimenting with a square wave. Except that Spectrum sidebands are more uniform across the entire range – and stronger. And there must also be sufficient resolution to accommodate the reduced waveform (if a lower Spectrum is used. But this composite image clearly shows that Spooky2 and Spectrum can now easily do exactly what a plasma machine does. Normally. this would be quite a bit lower to allow for extended sub-waves taking up twice the sample points of the centre frequency. But we still weren’t happy. without any fall-off in amplitude with distance from the centre frequency. Table of contents 49 .We used 256 sub-waves for this torture test.” and discovered a way to tweak them to work with sub-hertz accuracy on sine waves instead of square waves. while comparing like with like. then a higher sub-wave count is possible). We’d successfully produced the range of sidebands we needed. Notice the difference in height of most of the frequencies? We went back and took another look at our mathematical “prisms. But now we needed to see what our altered “prisms” could do with sine waves. 3MHz by 25KHz to give us the the number of sub-waves needed – 132. Now our frequency spectrum is much more uniform in power. But remember. And this is what Spooky2 produced: The centre frequency is the Rife/Hoyland carrier – 3.65MHz to 4.3MHz plus or minus 50%).3MHz. So we altered one setting. from 0-6. Table of contents 50 . with no typical plasma fall-off in amplitude.6MHz. we now output only frequencies in the range from 1. This means that all our power is much more focused in a narrower band. so we divided 3. Simply by changing the Spectrum value from 100% to 50%. We wanted frequency spacing of 25KHz.95MHz (3.So we input parameters for the fabled Rife/Hoyland Sweep. we control the width of the frequency spectrum and the number of bands. Another world-first. And we applied a Spectrum value of 100%. And you can see the hugely positive effect this has on the uniformity of frequency amplitudes. This is true multiple simultaneous output – not high-speed digital signal or packet switching.5078125MHz will hit the MORs of all known pathogens.025%. And you can tailor the frequency range as well as the number of harmonics you wish to output.325MHz will hit ALL frequencies. we’ll hit the octal subharmonics of ALL viruses. The generally accepted tolerance for frequencies to be effective is +/.Everything you’ve seen so far is using single static frequencies. 128 sub-waves.024 frequencies simultaneously.5MHz. our smallest distance between each frequency here needs to be 825Hz. Table of contents 51 . To fall inside this limit. Spooky2 now has the ability of transmit up to 1. a very slow sweep from 1. But what happens when you input a sweep? The answer is: just about everything. each as high as 5MHz. making the frequencies more powerful? The awesome power of Spectrum cannot be understated.3MHz to 3. Using the settings above. If we produce frequencies ranging from 1MHz to 2MHz. This is achieved by using a centre frequency of 1. A sweep from 3.5MHz to 1. See how almost all the generator’s energy is focused on the selected band.. and a Spectrum value of 33%. Which brings us nicely to a sweep that will hit the MORs of all pathogens – known and unknown – the Spooky Remote Sweep. here’s our initial version of it using a square wave: Once again. So we moved it to the next level and built a new sweep algorithm that achieves exactly the same results using 16 frequencies instead of 64.2MHz. and there are far less power-wasting harmonics above our end-of-range target of 3. this means that each frequency is allocated an average of just 0.First. Now let’s see the sine wave version: All the amplitudes here are uniform. And here’s our finished version of the Spooky Remote Sweep: Table of contents 52 . We should explain at this point that this is because the odd harmonics in square waves interfere with signal strength smoothing. and the output voltage of the new Spooky2–XM generators is 20 volts. we still weren’t happy with it.3 volts. the frequencies are not uniform in power. But despite this. Because there are 64 frequencies being swept. Here are the specifications for the Spooky Remote Sweep: Table of contents 53 .Now the average frequency voltage has shot up to 1. its octal harmonic of 3208000Hz is also being transmitted. it also means that the total voltage applied to every MOR is actually 2. half of it powering the harmonic. This technique is known to be much more effective than fundamental frequencies alone. amplitudes. As usual. because we also engineered our new algorithm to produce matching octal harmonics at exactly the same time – for example. when the frequency is 1604000Hz.25 volts. Best of all though. The bottom line: this sweep overwhelms all pathogens with frequencies. The six-hour single run-time makes this sweep impractical for Contact use (that’s why we call it the Spooky Remote Sweep). and it’s made up of six one-hour sweeps designed to run in Remote Mode. Royal Raymond Rife. and application durations that meet or exceed all the original requirements laid down by Dr.5 volts. but it will require our forthcoming Spooky Power amplifier. However. delivering four times more Spectrum power! But that’s only half the story. it’s best repeated four times for a total run-time of 24 hours. we’ve already engineered a version specifically for use with Contact Mode. The Spooky Remote Sweep uses the Cancer BX Virus frequency as its centre. and our coder extraordinaire John White considers it to be the pinnacle of his career so far.67-1654125 Although Spooky2 is packed to bursting with forward-facing technology and new thinking.316 Hz/Sec 1. the star of the Spooky2 show. the extraordinary Spooky Remote Sweep just wouldn’t be possible. Table of contents 54 .MOR Tolerance: MOR Application Time: Sweep Start Frequency Spacing: Sweep End Frequency Spacing: Sweep Average Spacing: Sweep Duration (continuous): Sweep Speed: Spectrum Amplitude: The Spooky Remote Sweep Programs: Waveform: Amplitude: Wave Cycle Multiplier: Spectrum: Dwell per sweep: The six frequency sweeps are: 1553875-1570583.33-1587291.33 1604000-1620708.452 hours 4.667-1604000 1637416.0. Now we better explain how to use it.67 1587291. Without it.25 volts/frequency sine wave 20 volts 16 100% 3600 seconds 1570583.667 1620708.025% 180 seconds 97117. the Spooky team is most proud of our newest addition – Spectrum. Spectrum is the main event. the real power. We agree.813Hz 100250Hz 6.1875Hz 103382.33-1637416. For us.33 + . The size of this Spectrum is set by entering a value in the “% Spectrum” field. This determines how far above and below the centre frequency will be covered by the Spectrum – it’s a percentage of the centre frequency. or distance. to give it its technical name). The spread of frequencies that will be produced is called the Spectrum.12000 Freq Spacing (Hz) 100 20 50 10 200 55 . The spacing. between the Spectrum frequency bands is governed by the number of sub-waves (or the Wave Cycle Multiplier.2000 8000 .1200 800 . The Formula: Where: f = centre frequency s = Spectrum (%) w = Wave Cycle Multiplier then Spacing = (f*s)/(100*w) Examples: Centre Freq (Hz) 1000 1000 1000 1000 10000 Table of contents Wave Cycle Multiplier 2 10 10 100 10 Spectrum (%) 20 20 50 100 20 Freq Band (Hz) 800 .The Basics: ! ! ! Frequencies on either side of a set centre frequency – or pair of frequencies expressed as a sweep – can be targeted.1200 500 .1500 0 . Spooky2 returns to its hits list to sweep above and below each until it has found the exact value. Biofeedback scanning inputs a frequency directly into the body with electrodes. The Spooky Pulse clip is attached to the earlobe – this monitors blood flow using an infrared light detector. Depending on your range.Biofeedback scanning By adding Spooky Pulse to an XM generator. We suggest you also enter the date in this name. and the frequency which provoked it recorded by Spooky2. If you know the bandwidth of organisms you’re testing for. When finished. it will produce a momentary stress due to sympathetic resonance (called a “hit”). Attach the electrodes to the output of your generator and connect Spooky Pulse to a USB port on your PC. Open the Control Panel for the Channel you want to use: Start and Finish Frequencies: define the sweep range. enter lower and upper limits. Initial Step Size: how big the “jumps” in your sweep are – 100Hz means Spooky2 will input in discrete sub-ranges of 100Hz – 100 jumps in total. You should save this with a descriptive Program name.000.000-790. 100. Hits to Find: a reasonable value would be 10 – Spooky2 will select the best 10 hits after the scan. This causes a minute change in pulse rate which is detected by Spooky Pulse. To prevent any USB electrical isolation issues.000. 1. you can scan the body for frequency anomalies – the UDB1108S needs the Spooky Power amplifier. or 2 (over 600Hz). If any frequency in your sweep is also present in the body.000Hz. Decimal Places: the level of accuracy required – good values are 5 (under 600Hz). or 100. make sure you’re properly hydrated.000.000Hz. It will then go back and carefully sweep above and below each one to determine its exact value. a good value is 1. wrap each electrode in a single layer of plastic food wrap. It then presents the list as a custom frequency set which you can save to your own database. 10. If not. a good sweep to try would be 139. good values would be 10. Table of contents 56 . To scan. For the big sweep above. Scans always sweep upward. A reasonable value is 6. Hit Threshold: to help prevent false positives. HRV: average Heart Rate Variability during the scan. Av. you will choose Maximum. The Time shown is the estimated number of minutes for your scan to complete.Resample Count: tells Spooky2 how many previous sample values to resample below your found frequencies to home in on their exact values. In most cases. Av. enter a low percentage for deviations above average BPM. Table of contents Av. and 200 if you’re alone. Use RA/Use Peak Buttons: RA is Resting Average (pulse rate) – best used for longer scan sessions where the heart rate falls. When you click Start. you see this alert – Spooky2 is now loading the waveforms you’ve created into the generator. so this ensures that ranges below hits are properly rescanned. giving you a chance to get ready and to become accustomed to the frequency – 20 is suggested if you’re being assisted. A good value is 5%. BPM: average heart rate over the entire session. Biofeedback Readout: displays these values during and after your scan: BPM: the heart rate in Beats Per Minute. Hydration boosts this. HRV: Heart Rate Variability – low is good. The Peak option is for those who wish to run short scans where the average heart rate is not likely to change very much. Find Pulse: Spooky2 will detect and report Maximum or Minimum pulse rates. Galv: average session value of the skin’s conductivity. Galv: how conductive the skin is. Start Button & Time: Start is self-explanatory. So 57 . Start Delay: sets the number of heartbeats before Spooky2 will start the frequency sweep. the Channel Control Panel turns purple and the white box is replaced with a graph showing the current and historical pulse rate. The display scrolls to the left. the background turns red.grab your wrapped electrodes. lie down. breathing exercises. will take more time. or smaller Initial Step Sizes. you need to be relaxed. We recommend this website. You can do more sweeps on successive days with different ranges – but save results as “Personal Sweep 02. To detect heart rate changes due solely to frequency hits. the graph background is green. NB: scan results are saved to a CSV file in the “ScanData” subdirectory inside the Spooky2 directory.” etc. The graph is auto-ranging for optimum display resolution. a biofeedback sweep can take 20-60 minutes. Or use a web white noise generator and leave it running in the background. you can build a complete frequency profile and run chained sets in a single Program. indicating no body stress. Meditation. The horizontal cyan line is the Running Average rate (RA). However. with current pulse values updating on the right. or extract only the ones you want to build a new personal set. A bigger sweep range. please note that the input speed is at all times controlled by how fast or how slow your pulse rate is. When the pulse is above the RA line. or even zoning out for five minutes works. and relax totally. indicating a stress response: Table of contents Depending on the values you input. 58 . When the pulse is under this line. In this way. After the scan starts. Super setups Most Rife newbies find the technical aspects very confusing. Here’s a bunch of guides with settings and connections for some very powerful operations in Spooky2. Frequencies greater than abOut1MHz are best used with the damped sinusoidal formats. But Spooky2 can also be set up to use the higher harmonic as a variable carrier – a world-first. This applies to most of the frequencies in Spooky2’s database. ensure that a plain square wave is selected. Spooky2 shows the new modulated wave in the Waveform Display. enter 11 in the Hz field. The first uses frequency addition: Enter 11 in the Hz field. XTRA). The carrier helps body penetration and also provides a powerful punch. So click the Plasma Button. 59 . Then connect the PA3 to Out1. Contact: connect electrodes to Out1 and Out2 (see page 30). This would include all the original Rife frequencies and some of Spooky2’s custom sets (CUST. Remote: connect Spooky Remote/DNA Holder to Out1. Check the box on the left and select Table of contents Modulate F2 Using F1 (AM DSB) from the menu.000Hz). For frequencies lower than abOut1MHz (1. Plasma: the PA3 is a digital device – it cannot transmit damped waves. Anthony Holland recently demonstrated that when the 11th harmonic of any frequency is applied simultaneously. As before. a damped square wave format is best. Once you get the hang of the ideas behind them. Damped waves have built-in gating – this makes them much better at dealing with viruses. How to set up the Holland 11th Harmonic Effect: Dr. There are two different ways to achieve this. Spooky2 shows the new additive wave in the Waveform Display.000. you’ve got the power. and cancer cells. pathogens. Check the box on the left and choose Add F1 to F2 from the menu. its results are dramatically improved. and make the settings as shown. How to use a carrier wave: Carrier waves allow frequencies to penetrate the body easier. but also act as a powerful additional “left hook” in itself. Now enter 10 into your waveform’s Wave Cycle Multiplier field. For setup details. Using its Wave Dividers technology. and 20MHz. We recommend using the 11th harmonic as your contact carrier since it will not only carry the encoded fundamental frequencies. So choose the one you wish to use for Out1. Connect your plasma amplifier to the TTL socket. Spooky2 can transcend these hard limits radically. You can enter any carrier frequency you like. and you can copy Out1’s Gate settings to your carrier as well. In Contact Mode. Example: you have a Spooky2– Table of contents You can use any waveform you like. or “wavelets. and 20M) have top frequency limits of 5MHz. 10M. 10MHz. enter these settings: 5M (which has a top limit of 5MHz) and you wish to transmit a frequency up to 33MHz. For those that do not.” inside one single wave cycle. you can use almost any carrier frequency.1MHz on Out2. This tells Spooky2 to create 10 sub-waves. It will then upload the appropriate waveform to the 5M 60 . How to transmit over-limit frequencies: The Spooky2-XM generator models (5M. please see the preceding section. Make any settings necessary for Out2. they are not required for Remote Mode. However. Most plasma systems have their own built-in hardware carrier waves. Here’s how you do it: This will create a carrier of 3. You can also choose to copy any Gate settings. The output frequency will then actually be what you specified up to 33MHz.generator instruct it to run at 5MHz. Table of contents 61 . Use Out1 for the Holland effect and reinforce the harmonic with Out2. Here’s how: Make all the settings you require for waveform. and even change the amplitude of Out2 if you wish. How to use electrodes with two subjects: Spooky2 allows two subjects with the same condition to receive frequencies using two pairs of contact electrodes. But Spooky2 makes it possible to use your generator to output accurate and powerful frequencies far beyond its hardware design limits. Now both subjects will receive the same frequencies. Now go to Out2 Control and enter the following settings: Connect one pair of electrodes to Out1. etc. and the waveshapes will not be as accurately formed.1Hz to F1 for the Scoon effect (check the box and choose Add F1 to F2 in the menu). Then click the Follow Out1 selector button at the bottom of the Waveform pane. you can: ! ! ! Use Out2 for harmonics (F2 = F1 control). Note that towards the top end of your overdriven frequency range. With two Spooky Remotes connected to Out1 and Out2 and one subject. Add 0. amplitude will tend to fall off. and another pair to Out2. How to use two Spooky Remotes with one Spooky2–XM: Out2 Control has been designed to allow complete freedom to use Out2 in any way you wish – you are limited only by your own imagination and ingenuity. 01% .05%. F.01%. F x 6. Wobble is a rapid controlled sweep above and below it. F x 4. F-. F-. F x 2 Octal Harmonics 12 Stage Wobble F. These options create the following continuous harmonic step sequences at a rate set in the Advanced Menu.025% Octal Harmonics 2 Stage Wobble F. F x 6. F x 2.02% . F x 4.05% Feathering Same as . F x 6. F x 10. F x 2. F x 2 Octal Harmonics 4 Stage Wobble F.025%.02% feathering but the variation is greater. F+. F x 2 Octal Harmonics 8 Stage Wobble F. F x 2 A perfect square wave is made up of odd harmonics.05% 4 Stage Wobble F. F x 4. Excellent for remote treatment. F x 8.05%. F x 4. Higher harmonics can be very powerful. F x 8. F x 8. F+.Feather & wobble Feather is a random delimited fluctuation around a frequency.. Useful where the exact frequency of a pathogen may be uncertain.025%. F x 6. F x 12. F x 4. F+.05%. Spooky2 can force these to work harder by fluctuating to higher ones: 62 . F x 4. F x 4. F x 4. F-.. F x 2. F-. F-. F-. F. F x 8.02% above and below the set frequency randomly. F x 8. F x 10. F+. F x 4. F x 2 Octal Harmonics 6 Stage Wobble F. F x 10. F+. F.01%. F+. F-. Spooky2 offers the following powerful options – to our knowledge.05% Table of contents . F+. F+. F x 2 Octal Harmonics 10 Stage Wobble F. F x 2. F. F x 2. +.02%. F x 6.02% 4 Stage Wobble F.02%.05% 8 Stage Wobble F. it’s the only Rife system with these capabilities: Frequencies Directly Applies the frequencies directly with no changes. The base frequency is “F”: . F-. Frequencies have mathematical “relatives” called harmonics. +. F x 6.02% 8 Stage Wobble F.025%.02% Feathering Output will fluctuate rapidly by . F x 6.01%.02%. F x 3. F x 3. F x 3 Odd Harmonics 10 Stage Wobble F. F x 20. But it can also be used to calculate highly effective frequency harmonics. F x 8. F x 5. F x 3. F x 3. F x 5. F. F x 7. F x 2 Fibonacci Series 5 Stage Wobble F. F x 5. F x 2 Fibonacci Series 7 Stage Wobble F. F x 5. F x 5. F x 5. F x 20. F x 5. F x 13. F x 5.Odd Harmonics 2 Stage Wobble F. F. F x 9. F x 5. F x 2. F x 7. Fx2 Fibonacci Series 13 Stage Wobble F. F x 8. F x 5. F x 3 The Fibonacci Series of numbers can be seen everywhere in nature. F x 2 Fibonacci Series 15 Stage Wobble F. F x 3. F x 9. F x 3. F x 3. F x 8.” is a mathematical way to describe universal growth in time. F x 3. F x 5. F x 8. F x 3. F x 5. F x 2 Fibonacci Series 11 Stage Wobble F. F x 8. F. also called “exp(3). F x 13. F x 21. F x 2 The natural logarithm.0855369232 Natural Log 4 Step Wobble F. F x 5. F x 7. F x 2.0855369232 63 . F x 20. F x 7. F. F x 9. F x 3. F x 5. F x 2. F x 8. F x 9. F x 21. F x 2. F. F x 11. F x 2 Table of contents Fibonacci Series 9 Stage Wobble F. F x 3 Odd Harmonics 12 Stage Wobble F. F x 2. F x 3 Odd Harmonics 6 Stage Wobble F. It’s an excellent choice for good results: Fibonacci Series 3 Stage Wobble F. F x 7. F x 5. F x 13. F x 8. F x 9. F. F x 3. F x 13. F x 5. F x 403. F x 3 Odd Harmonics 4 Stage Wobble F. F x 7. F x 3. F x 3. F x 13. F.0855369232. F x 7. F x 13. F x 3. F x 5. F x 34. F x 3. F x 21. F x 3. F x 11. One highly-respected Rife developer recommends it exclusively to calculate the most accurate frequency harmonics (scalars): Natural Log 2 Step Wobble F. F x 3 Odd Harmonics 8 Stage Wobble F. F x 11.4287934927. F x 2. F x 5. Very powerful with multiple tapering inner rises and falls. First.Making waves. Mainly experimental use. Rife in the 1930s. Damped sinusoidal: used by Dr. Square: normally used in experiments to kill pathogens. Very powerful. extrapolation of Rife’s damped sinusoidal to a square wave.. the plain unaltered waves: Sine: very useful for experiments in healing with a gentle rise and fall in energy. A killer new waveform! Table of contents 64 . and what they can do. a very powerful new sine with explosive leading and trailing edge spikes. Damped square: world-first.. Mainly experimental. Spooky2 generates nine different waveforms. H-Bomb square: world-first. Sawtooth: useful where a smooth rise in power with a sharp drop-off is required. H-Bomb sinusoidal: world-first. Inverse sawtooth: powerful pathogen killer. Triangle: smooth constant power rise and drop-off. Here’s what they are. square version of above. with almost instant rises to full power. with an almost instant rise in power and a smooth drop-off. Square: Add F1 to F2 (F2 = 3xF1). Table of contents 65 . Damped sinusoidal: Add F1 to F2 (F2 = 3xF1). H-Bomb sinusoidal: Add F1 to F2 (F2 = 3xF1). H-Bomb square: Add F1 to F2 (F2 = 3xF1). Inverted sawtooth: Add F1 to F2 (F2 = 3xF1).Now. Damped square: Add F1 to F2 (F2 = 3xF1). here are the new waveforms generated by adding a second frequency that’s three times the first: Sine: Add F1 to F2 (F2 = 3xF1). Sawtooth: Add F1 to F2 (F2 = 3xF1). Triangle: Add F1 to F2 (F2 = 3xF1). Damped sinusoidal: Add F1 to F2 (F2 = 11 x F1). Sawtooth: Add F1 to F2 (F2 = 11 x F1). Triangle: Add F1 to F2 (F2 = 11 x F1). H-Bomb sinusoidal: Add F1 to F2 (F2 = 11 x F1). Table of contents 66 . Damped square: Add F1 to F2 (F2 = 11 x F1).These are the waveforms that result from adding a frequency that’s 11 times the first (the Holland 11th Harmonic Effect): Sine: Add F1 to F2 (F2 = 11 x F1). Inverse sawtooth: Add F1 to F2 (F2 = 11 x F1). Square: Add F1 to F2 (F2 = 11 x F1). H-Bomb square: Add F1 to F2 (F2 = 11 x F1). F2 = 3xF1). Frequency 2 is three times the first: Sine: Mod F2 using F1 (AM DSB. Damped square: Mod F2 with F1 (AM DSB. F2 = 3xF1). H-Bomb sinusoidal: Mod F2 w/F1 (AM DSB. F2 = 3xF1). F2 = 3xF1). Table of contents 67 . F2 = 3xF1). F2 = 3xF1). Inverse sawtooth: Mod F2 with F1 (AM DSB.Double side band (DSB) amplitude modulation – this adds upper and lower harmonics. Sawtooth: Mod F2 with F1 (AM DSB. Triangle: Mod F2 with F1 (AM DSB. Damped sinusoidal: Mod F2 w/F1 (AM DSB. F2 = 3xF1). Square: Mod F2 with F1 (AM DSB. F2 = 3xF1). H-Bomb square: Mod F2 with F1 (AM DSB. F2 = 3xF1). F2 = 11xF1). Sawtooth: Mod F2 with F1 (AM DSB. F2 = 11xF1). F2 = 11xF1). Damped square: Mod F2 with F1 (AM DSB. F2 = 11xF1). Inverse sawtooth: Mod F2 with F1 (AM DSB. F2 = 11xF1). F2 = 11xF1). H-Bomb square: Mod F2 with F1 (AM DSB. Damped sinusoidal: Mod F2 w/F1 (AM DSB.DSB amplitude modulation again – this time Frequency 2 is Frequency 1’s 11th harmonic (the Holland Effect via DSB AM): Sine: Mod F2 using F1 (AM DSB. Triangle: Mod F2 with F1 (AM DSB. H-Bomb sinusoidal: Mod F2 w/F1 (AM DSB. F2 = 11xF1). F2 = 11xF1). F2 = 11xF1). Square: Mod F2 with F1 (AM DSB. Table of contents 68 . F2 = 3xF1). Table of contents 69 . F2 = 3xF1). F2 = 3xF1).Single side band (SSB) AM adds powerful upper harmonics – Frequency 1 is multiplied by Frequency 2’s third harmonic: Sine: Mod F2 using F1 (AM SSB. H-Bomb square: Mod F2 with F1 (AM SSB. Inverse sawtooth: Mod F2 with F1 (AM SSB. F2 = 3xF1). H-Bomb sinusoidal: Mod F2 w/F1 (AM SSB. Triangle: Mod F2 with F1 (AM SSB. Sawtooth: Mod F2 with F1 (AM SSB. F2 = 3xF1). Damped square: Mod F2 with F1 (AM SSB. Square: Mod F2 with F1 (AM SSB. F2 = 3xF1). F2 = 3xF1). F2 = 3xF1). F2 = 3xF1). Damped sinusoidal: Mod F2 w/F1 (AM SSB. Finally, SSB AM again with Frequency 2 multiplied by Frequency 1’s 11th harmonic (the Holland Effect via SSB AM): Sine: Mod F2 using F1 (AM SSB, F2 = 11xF1). Square: Mod F2 with F1 (AM SSB, F2 = 11xF1). Sawtooth: Mod F2 with F1 (AM SSB, F2 = 11xF1). Inverse sawtooth: Mod F2 with F1 (AM SSB, F2 = 11xF1). Triangle: Mod F2 with F1 (AM SSB, F2 = 11xF1). Damped sinusoidal: Mod F2 w/F1 (AM SSB, F2 = 11xF1). Damped square: Mod F2 with F1 (AM SSB, F2 = 11xF1). H-Bomb sinusoidal: Mod F2 w/F1 (AM SSB, F2 = 11xF1). H-Bomb square: Mod F2 with F1 (AM SSB, F2 = 11xF1). Table of contents 70 Windows warnings There are two very important settings in Windows that you need to be aware of when using Spooky2: PC Sleep Settings: If your computer is set to sleep or hibernate after a certain amount of time with no user activity, here’s what happens: The contents of your memory are temporarily written to a file on the hard drive. The drive then stops spinning – this means that nothing more can be read from it into memory. So when your PC sleeps or hibernates, it is effectively no longer working, much like a TV on standby. Consequently, Spooky2 will simply suspend transmission until you wake your PC again. To fix this, go to Control Panels > Power Options > Change when the computer sleeps, and set everything except the screen to Never. Alternatively, you can use a dark screen saver to extend display life (Control Panels > Personalization > Screen Saver). Windows Update Reboots: If your PC is also used for the internet, be aware that default system settings mean that Windows can download and install updates automatically. It can then quit Spooky2, install the updates, and restart your PC – ending your entire Spooky2 session unbeknownst to you. To fix this, go to Control Panels > Windows Update > Change settings and choose anything other than Install updates automatically. If you don’t want to lose this auto-install functionality, you can simply switch off your modem/wi-fi router before going to sleep or leaving your home. But do remember to keep an eye on things while you’re at home but away from the computer. If you don’t use a wi-fi system, your computer is connected to the internet with an ethernet cable plugged into a modem or switcher. If you unplug this cable, Windows can’t go looking for updates, so your Spooky2 session can’t be interrupted. Table of contents 71 Frequently Asked Questions Q: My Spooky software doesn’t work with Windows 8. Does this mean I can’t use Spooky? A: The UDB drivers don’t work with Windows 8. Either use Windows 7/XP or upgrade your generator(s) to Spooky2–XM models. Q: Having to search for and reload all my frequency sets every time I turn Spooky2 on is a pain. Is there an easier way? A: Indeed there is! Spooky2 remembers all your settings and the frequencies that you used the last time you ran it. So there’s no need to search and reload – simply click the red button and you’ll see all your previous sets in the Channel Control Panel. Q: I’ve noticed that one of the LEDs on my Spooky Remote sometimes seems brighter than the other. Is there something I can do to fix this? A: Don’t worry – there’s nothing broken. The Spooky Remote LEDs respond to and mirror exactly the shape of the waveform you’re transmitting. Normally, all waveforms have two phases – a positive one, and a negative one. If you look at any wave, you’ll see that it rises, and it falls. When it’s rising, it’s going positive, and when it’s falling, it’s going negative. During the positive-going phase, only the left LED lights, and during the negative-going phase, only the right one illuminates. If you examine the shape of either of the sawtooth waveforms, you’ll find that one of its phases is a long slow rise or fall, while the other is an almost instantaneous rise or drop. Since the LEDs reflect the shape of the waveform, the result is that one of them will appear to be dimmer than the other any time you’re using a sawtooth waveform. Q: Isn’t an AC calibration setting of two volts very low for a Rife machine (UDB1108S)? A: No. You can even go lower if you wish and it will still work. However, two volts was found to be the optimum setting during Spooky’s original development phase – it provides effective results without provoking a Herxheimer reaction in the subject. Q: My father has a pacemaker. I’ve been told that Rife machines shouldn’t be used in these cases. Table of contents 72 A: This is true of Rife machines that only use electrodes, and the danger arises because the electrical energy entering the body can interfere with the pacemaker’s electronics. Remote use doesn’t transmit electricity – so it’s quite safe for everyone. Q: In my household, we all seem to get colds and ‘flu at the same time. Is it possible to use Spooky2 with everyone at once? A: As long as everyone has the same problem, up to six different DNA samples can be inserted in Spooky Remote. But cut each fingernail in three and only use one part for each subject. Wrap each part separately in paper masking tape, write each subject’s initials on them, and insert them carefully. Q: Why can’t I change my Channel settings in Spooky2? Each time I enter the settings I want, they change back to what they were before. A: Spooky2 remembers the previous settings for each Channel. The solution is to open the Channel to load the previous settings into active memory. Then immediately close the Channel and modify the settings, When you reopen the Channel, your new settings will be used. Q: I just don’t understand these lights on the Spooky Remote. Sometimes they both look equally bright, and other times they blink very slowly, first one side and then the other. I’ve even noticed that they also fail to light up at all sometimes. This is very confusing. What’s going on here? A: The Spooky Remote LEDs state is governed by two things – the wave’s shape, and the speed of the frequency. What you’re seeing is how the frequencies control the LEDs. The first thing to understand is that the twin LEDs are never both lit at the same time, despite what your eyes tell you. Every waveform has a positive and a negative phase, and each phase lights one LED. Since a wave can never be positive and negative at the same time, the LEDs can never both be lit at the same time. With a low slow frequency like 0.5Hz, the wave’s polarity flips from positive to negative once every two seconds, so the LEDs will light alternately and slowly. With a frequency of 60,000Hz, the polarity flip happens 60,000 times every second, far too fast for your eyes to register. So both LEDs now appear to be equally bright. With a very high frequency like 7MHz, the state is flipping seven million times a second. And this is simply too fast to allow either LED to even respond to the “on” command before the next “off” command is received. So the LEDs appear to be unlit. But they’ll return to normal with the next mid-range frequency. Table of contents 73 a very large range of harmonics is produced. and the Amplitude and Offset knobs. Can I use two frequency generators running at the same time on myself? A: Yes. and flatworm 325–480KHz. Table of contents 74 . warts 400–475KHz. As a result. tapeworms 425–515KHz. the -32dB button (this should always be disengaged). The only physical controls you ever need to touch are the power button. What am I doing wrong? A: Check that you haven’t accidentally clicked the Contact or Plasma button. What do I use this for? A: This plug is included for standalone use in laboratory and engineering scenarios.Q: How should I set the buttons and the Adjust knob on the UDB1108S? A: Spooky2 has been designed for software control of the UDB1108S. Q: My UDB1108S came with a two-pin power plug. Long-term use of a zapper can damage the beneficial flora in the skin. Like all Rife machines. you can use multiple generators. my Remote treatments seem to be much shorter than usual. bacteria and most viruses 275–450KHz. just as a broad-spectrum antibiotic kills all bacteria – friendly ones included. You could say it’s like a sniper’s rifle compared to a blunderbuss. Don’t discard it – it may come in handy for something else. There are only a very few viruses – mostly ‘flu – which exist up around the 3KHz-plus range. Q: I have a lot of problems I want to experiment with. Q: Does Spooky2 work like a zapper? A: Most zappers work by mixing together a number of set frequencies that can’t be changed by the user. not all of them good for you. But make sure to check the Skip Concurrent Duplicate Frequencies box on all channels. Is this range big enough? A: There are no Rife frequencies over 2MHz. protozoa. This changes “Repeat Each Set” from 4 to 1. roundworm. It’s not needed for use with Spooky2 because your PC powers the generator through its USB cable. Q: I notice that the UDB1108S has an upper frequency limit of 8MHz. Approximate ranges are: moulds and mycotoxins 75–215KHz. and mites 675-880KHz. Spooky2 allows exact selection of the frequencies required. So 8MHz is fine. Q: Sometimes. the 10M peaks at 10MHz. $135. and she'll lead you through the process painlessly. Price is $45 and you can get it here. She's been working closely with the Spooky team since the original Spooky system was launched in April 2013. and the 20M at 20MHz.Generators & accessories t Spooky2–XM generators: Spooky Pulse: These come in three configurations.95. Turns Spooky2 into a powerful biofeedback scanner. and $178 respectively. 75 Table of contents . The 5M has a top limit of 5MHz. Buy here. Echo Lee heads up the Spooky2 extension supplier network. Prices are $104. using an earclip to record pulse rate while inputting a sweep with handheld electrodes. This protects your health and well-being because any metal ion transfer to the skin will be much safer than with other metals. Then adjust other settings as desired.50 and you can get it here. Price is $22. The UDB1108S doesn’t output enough voltage in Contact Mode for deep body penetration. UDB1108S: turn the AMPLITUDE knob fully clockwise. Spooky2–XM: clicking the Contact Button sets the default calibration values. The unit comes fully assembled with the cable required. these electrodes are fabricated from the surgical steel that’s used to make body implants. Adding an inexpensive Spooky Power amplifier solves this problem (coming soon). Price per pair is $18 and you can get them here. It uses a twin dual planar coil “sandwich” and replaces the home-made DNA Holder introduced with the original Spooky system. 76 . Comes with twin LED indicators which make generator adjustments simple.Spooky Remote: Spooky Tube: This scalar DNA transmitter is used in Spooky2’s remote mode. Table of contents Unlike most. Then adjust OFFSET until both LEDs are equally bright. Spooky Tube electrodes can be used with any of the Spooky2–XM generators. taking frequency transmission to the next level. Multimeters that measure AC and DC voltage range in price from $5 to $200. you’ll find detailed instructions for making two different models on the Spooky2 website here. You are actively encouraged to pass it on freely to everyone you know. You can buy your multimeter at any good electronics or electrical supplies store. and has been written for the greater benefit and knowledge of all humanity. this software is free. and you’ll find directions on the Calibration page of the website. Table of contents 77 . We suggest spending $10 to $20 for a decent one to ensure your system is accurately calibrated. or click to buy online from: eBay (global) Amazon (US) Amazon (UK) Spooky2 Software License Although the source code is © John White. Calibration is done manually. as long as it’s accompanied by this manual.DNA Holders: If you wish to use the home-made DNA Holder introduced with the original Spooky instead of Spooky Remote. Note that you will need a multimeter for calibration. If you do suffer with heart problems. Because no electricity is passed into the body when using the Spooky2 frequency generation system to broadcast frequencies via nonlocal space (Remote Mode). Frequency generation systems should never be used while pregnant. Finally. But. proper hydration will produce better results. In general. January 2014. this system should have no ill effect on the electrical or mechanical components of cardiac pacemakers or internal defibrillators. Spooky2 can be run overnight if desired. you should NEVER attach electrodes to the Spooky2 system. faint. depending on the nature of your experimentation. dizzy. As a general rule. Please use Spooky2’s Remote Mode ONLY.Precautions for users If you suffer from impaired liver or kidney functions. it’s best to experiment with Spooky2 before about 5pm because the excitation effects of frequencies on human cells can affect sleep. However. please use caution when using Spooky2. it’s best to drink 4-8 pints of pure water daily. please drink lots of pure water and shorten your future Spooky2 session times appropriately. when experimenting with Spooky2 or any other frequency generation system. as always when using frequencies. Table of contents 78 . – John White. On behalf of my associates and all the people who assisted in the development of Spooky2. I wish you all a long and healthy life. please proceed with care and caution. Please keep your Spooky2 frequency generation system out of the reach of children. If you feel nauseous. half of it before noon. or have ‘flu-like symptoms or headaches after exposures to Spooky2’s frequencies. or wear a pacemaker or other electrical implant. Please do not operate the Spooky2 frequency generation system while driving or using dangerous machinery. prevention. and relaxation. might result from the use of the Spooky2 frequency generation system. By using the Spooky2 frequency generation system. nor any of my associates involved in the design and development of this system. Furthermore. or any of my associates. In the US. you intend to undertake only responsible experimentation. You can experiment using frequencies on bacterial cultures. whether harmful or otherwise. unknown to John White or his associates.Legal Notice & Disclaimer The Spooky2 software and frequency generation system is not approved by the FDA as a medical device. treatment. For what it’s worth. shall have no other liability. you can legally use frequency systems like Spooky2 for testing. laboratory animals. that may occur as a result of using the Spooky2 frequency generation system. John White. life extension. cure. are responsible whatsoever for the use. you. In any case. the user. or misuse. and yourself. and you voluntarily accept all responsibility for the use and application of all frequencies generated by the Spooky2 system. In Germany and South Africa. Table of contents 79 . If you have a problem with your health. please consult a licensed healthcare professional. intentionally or unintentionally. Please note that neither I. It is not intended for the diagnosis. energy balancing. I. abuse. John White. frequency devices are legally licensed as medical instruments. of the Spooky2 frequency generation system or any of its component parts due to any circumstances beyond our reasonable control. It is intended for use as an experimental electronic device only. John White. make no medical claims whatsoever for the Spooky2 frequency generation system. Neither is it designed or intended to affect the function or structure of any human body system. I. you agree that you will not hold John White or associates responsible for any consequences. you still have a legal right to self-medicate under the Ninth Amendment of the United States Constitution. Moreover. understand and accept that you have no expectation of curing any ailment. as well as some other nations. You also understand that possible negative physical and/or mental effects. or mitigation of any disease or illness in human beings.
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