Specification Gp-217 271104



Specification No. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 1 of 112 INDEX Chapter No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Description General Description and Contractor’s Responsibilities Operating and Service conditions and Design Constraints Performance Requirements Electrical requirements Mechanical Requirements Tests and Trials Annexure Page no. 2 to 17 18 to 25 26 to 29 30 to 53 54 to 85 86 to 95 96 to 112 Specification No. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 2 of 112 CHAPTER 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION AND CONTRACTOR’S RESPONSIBILITIES Clause No. 1.1.0 1.2.0 1.3.0 1.4.0 1.5.0 1.6.0 1.7.0 1.8.0 1.9.0 1.10.0 1.11.0 1.12.0 1.13.0 1.14.0 1.15.0 1.16.0 1.17.0 1.18.0 1.19.0 1.20.0 1.21.0 Description Introduction General Design Requirements Noise Parameters Fire Performance Scope of supply Definitions Contractor’s Responsibility Guarantee / Warranty Deleted Clause by Clause comments Approval of Design Contract Drawings Working Drawings Materials Special or Proprietary Fittings Standard Specification Marking of Materials and Parts Execution of Work Documentation Photographs Spares and Accessories Page no. 3 3 4 6 8 8 9 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 14 16 16 Chapter 1: General Description and Contractor’s Responsibilities 2.1.2. delivery and commissioning of lightweight fully furnished state of the art 750 V DC Metro Rolling Stock (MRS) with 3-phase electric propulsion along with spares.74 m wide rolling stock employs corrosion resistant steel body shell.8 1.1. However in the present procurement it shall be minimum 8 car formation consisting of one DTC at both end and MC & TC combination.5 1. helical spring based bogie running on 1676 mm track gauge.1. This section has 17 stations 15 of them are underground and the two terminal stations are on surface. low maintenance requirements. Rake shall normally consist of eight cars (4 basic units). 1) of April’ 2009 Page 3 of 112 CHAPTER 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION AND CONTRACTOR’S RESPONSIBILITIES 1. even if not explicitly mentioned herein. For the purpose of the present requirement. high reliability in operation and high Chapter 1: General Description and Contractor’s Responsibilities . The electric propulsion is with DC traction motor with resistances for starting and rheostatic brakes.1. documentation etc. The underground Metro Railway system of Kolkata was commissioned in the 1980’s.1. Non-driving Motor Coach (NDMC) and Trailer Coach ( TC) in eight coach configuration of DMC-NDMCTC-NDMC-NDMC-NDMC-TC-DMC. testing. The power supply is at 750 V DC with Third Rail Current Collection.1. The present Metro train in service consists of three types of coaches – Driving Motor Coach (DMC). for use in Kolkata Metro. 1. Therefore several rolling stock parameters will have to be retained same as those of the existing stock. Every coach shall be fully interchangeable with any other coach of the same type. supply. Driving Trailer Coach (DTC) and Non-driving Trailer Coach (TC). manufacture. easy maintainability. including the passenger loading during peak time and heavy monsoon season prevailing in the area. The complete route is 16.1. The crew consists of one motor-man in the driving cab and one guard in the rear-most cab. One MC and one TC/DTC shall form a basic unit.1. supply and delivery of MRS (Metro Rolling Stock). development. in addition to observing and complying with this specification.1 GENERAL DESIGN REQUIREMENTS The MRS shall incorporate all essential features necessary to yield high traffic use.3 1.Specification No. it is proposed to have three types of coaches: Motor Coach (MC). It shall be possible to readily configure rakes of 4 / 6 cars (2 /3 basic units) with same performance. be bound by the Standard Terms and Conditions of Contract that may be applicable for the manufacture.) from Tollygunge to Garia.2 1.1.7 1.6 1. The contractor shall. tools. The extended portion will be on elevated track. The existing stock as well as the new stock (which is the subject of this specification) shall run on the existing line as well as the extended line. controlled by Camshaft Controller. Each basic unit shall be capable of independent operation. There is a project for extension of the existing route by another 7 km.0 1.1 INTRODUCTION This specification describes the requirements for design. The 2.0 1. The stock shall meet all the requirements under the operating and service conditions specified in Chapter 2 of this specification and shall be suitable for varying conditions of loading occurring in the Kolkata Metro as defined therein. This specification is intended to cover every thing required for manufacture & operation of the stock.4 1. The tunnel is kept in comfortably cool environmental condition with forced ventilation.45 km. long from Tollygunge to Dumdum. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. (approx. The tenderer is advised to get acquainted with the working system and special features of the present rolling stock. 0 1.11 1. The design shall also facilitate erection.7 1.5 1. Fitment of various equipment will be so decided that the weight is properly distributed taking into account unbalance during tare load. insulated.2. All such proposals shall be accompanied with complete technical details and justification for the proposed deviation. The entire equipment shall be designed to ensure satisfactory and safe operation under the running conditions specified in Chapter 2 and especially under sudden variations of load and electric pressure as may arise under working conditions due to faulty operation and short circuits.4 1. utility. The procedure adopted for manufacture of the MRS coach shall be state of art and as generally and widely followed internationally and shall be governed by international standards. The protection level shall be furnished by the tenderer.2. Lubricants and cooling oils: Contractor shall study the currently used lubricants/cooling oils in India Railways and employ as far as possible such lubricants/oil. All the mechanical equipment shall comply with the latest editions of UIC/AAR specifications wherever applicable for Metro stock unless otherwise specified. Any deviation from the specification if intended to improve the performance.Specification No. All working parts of the control and auxiliary circuit shall be suitably covered to keep them free from moistures and dust.3 1. The tenderer shall incorporate all the items as required for proper functioning of the MRS in accordance with the current international practices. contractor shall study and furnish details of equivalent Indian lubricants/oil.9 1.2. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 4 of 112 efficiency. 3-phase drive equipment and other major equipment should be capable of being mounted underslung in the motor coaches. NOISE PARAMETERS The cars and equipment shall be so designed and built that specified noise and vibration limits are not exceeded.10 1. information on experience on the equipment offered on different user railway systems will also be required by the Indian Railways. All the electrical equipment shall comply with the latest editions of IEC specifications unless otherwise specified.1 Chapter 1: General Description and Contractor’s Responsibilities . in addition to furnishing information required by RDSO. also liase with Indian Railways for any exposure of Indian Railways to current state of the art technology abroad so as to assess the relative merits/demerits of different designs offered and to mutually arrive at final designs.2. maintenance and replacement of the various units comprising the equipment. The Manufacturer/Contractor shall give appropriate assistance in this regard also.2. reliability and efficiency of the MRS as a whole or part thereof may be proposed for consideration.2. The equipment design and their mounting arrangement shall ensure that generation of noise and vibration is minimised. Specified temperature rise of equipment shall be achieved after taking into account at least 25 % choking of any air filters and radiator fins etc. Full lubrication scheme and schedule for the MRS shall be submitted.2.2. The Contractor shall. The temperature rise shall be measured according to the procedure stipulated by IEC and shall comply with the limits specified in this specification and the ambient conditions defined in this specification.2. The design of the vehicle shall have adequate attenuation of airborne and structural-borne vibration along potential paths from the sources to passenger area and to wayside receptors.3. All equipment shall be adequately earthed. Wherein imported lubricants or cooling oil are being used. inspection.3.8 1. screened or enclosed. The traction equipment shall be suitable for operation with 750 V DC supplied by the third rail.6 1. 1.2 The specification has been prepared for the general guidance of the contractor to prepare the key design for the proposed MRS.2. 1. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. For appropriate assessment. They shall be provided with essential interlocks and keys as may be adequate to ensure the protection of the equipment and the safety of personnel concerned with its operation and maintenance. 3. and all door and windows closed. fully fitted coach. Noise and Vibration For all tests the levels of all sounds or vibrations other than those being evaluated shall be not less than 10 dB below the levels of sound or vibration being evaluated. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. noise generated shall not exceed 68 dBA. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 5 of 112 1.1 1.2 Noise level means sound pressure level in decibel (dB) referred to 20 micro pascal as measured with ‘A’ weighing network of standard type I sound level meter with time weighing F. (ii) For running conditions the specified limits shall be met for the entire speed range upto 80 kmph with all equipment operating simultaneously. Noise definitions measurements are to be made in accordance with ANSI S1.3.2 1. coasting or braking with all vehicle systems operating simultaneously under normal conditions.2 1. With a train moving on level. at grade) Driving Cab (Elevated. other than the standard track structure and the adjacent flat.5. coasting or braking with all vehicle systems operating simultaneously under normal conditions.3. The tenderer may propose car exterior and interior noise level standards better than those specified herein and this would be considered an advantage provided that this does not cause significant weight or cost penalties. at grade) Motor Car (Elevated.5 1. the noise level measured shall not exceed 92dBA.4 1.3. the noise level measured shall not exceed 75 dBA. Measurement shall be conducted on the elevated track. Wayside noise measurements shall be performed in an essentially free field environment with no nearby structure or reflective surfaces which could influence the measurements by more than 2dB. When the train is operating in tunnel with specified track.1 1. at grade) Driving Trailer (in tunnel) Driving Cab (in tunnel) Motor Car (in tunnel) Interior Noise Measurement dBA Stationary dBA Running 68 75 68 75 68 75 92 92 92 Where : (i) During Stationary condition the specified limits shall be met with all auxiliary equipment operating simultaneously at maximum capacity. when measure with the same weighing network of (1/3) octave bands as that being used for the test.3.4.Specification No.3. clear ground.5.3. up to 80 kmph whilst accelerating.4.4 Interior Noise Level shall not be more than those specified in table 1. Chapter 1: General Description and Contractor’s Responsibilities .3. 1. The noise level inside coach shall be measured at any point along the longitudinal centreline of the coach and at a height of 1400 mm above the foot-plate and not less than 600 mm from the end of the vehicle.3.5. elevated track with clean smooth rails at all speeds from 0 to 80 km/h and whilst accelerating. while measured at a point along the car centre line at 1400mm above the floor level and not less than 600mm from the end of the vehicle.3.3 1.5 : Interior Noise Levels Location (Section) Driving Trailer (Elevated.3.5 Table 1.3. tangent. with all auxiliary and comfort equipment operating simultaneously at maximum capacity.4 and other relevant international standards.5.3 1. Under stationary conditions. Interior Noise Level Interior noise criteria apply to measurement within an empty. 3. under stationary conditions. propensity to ignite. Material Properties Materials used in the cars shall meet the Flammability.6. Fire survival cable with capability of surviving 750 degree centigrade for at least 90 minutes as per IEC-60331-1 shall be used in ventilation. Exterior Noise Level On elevated track. NFF 16101 (category A1). Established international practices and codes shall be followed for fire prevention measures. 1.4. noise generated by a 8-car rake shall not exceed 65 dBA at a location 15 m horizontally from the track centre at axle height at any point along the length of the vehicle on either side. Non-combustible materials shall be used as far as possible except where it cannot be avoided due to constructional and functional requirements. to avoid the use of combustible materials whenever practical and to reduce to the extent practical the energy content and heat release rates of the combustible material that are used. shall be well contained and protected. 1800mm from the edge of the platform and 1600mm above the platform surface. The MRS in general and each equipment in particular shall be designed to minimise the risk of a fire starting or spreading.0 1. Smoke Emission and Toxicity requirements of the specification/standard selected. the noise level measured on either side.1 FIRE PERFORMANCE The design of equipment shall incorporate all measures to prevent fires and will be such that should any fire take place the effects shall be minimised and no spread of fire should take place. these shall be of low inflammable properties.1 All measurements to be made along the car centre-line 1400mm above the floor and not less than 600mm from the end of the vehicle. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 6 of 112 (iii) 1.1 (i) (ii) (iii) . rate of flame spread. The Successful tenderer shall submit a plan to the purchaser’s representative for review which shall describe the process that will be used to systematically identify and eliminate fire hazards.4. Materials used in the construction of each train shall be selected to reduce to the maximum extent practical the heat load. door.5 1.3. at 25 m from track centre at axle height shall not exceed 80 dBA.4.3. elevated track with clean smooth rails at all speeds from 0 to 80 km/h and whilst accelerating. The standard selected shall be declared in the offer and a copy made available to RDSO. tangent.6.4. emergency circuits and control cables. noise generated by a 8-car rake shall not exceed 72 db at any point along the platform parallel to cars.4. if any.4.6 1.2 1. The train shall be designed to prevent fire propagation through the use of fire barriers in the floor and in walls at the sides and ends and fire resistant equipment housings. Chapter 1: General Description and Contractor’s Responsibilities 1. Exterior noise in the tunnel under stationary conditions with all auxiliary and comfort equipment operating simultaneously at maximum capacity. Use of all materials other than non-combustible materials shall be as much limited in application as can be managed and even there. smoke emission and toxicity of combustion gases.Specification No. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev.4 1. DIN 5510 1/2/4/5/6 or any other equivalent or superior international standard for the fire safety plan of the Metro Stock. The plan shall include the tests to be completed and shall be submitted for review by the purchaser. with all auxiliary and comfort equipment operating simultaneously at maximum capacity. Flammable materials.6.2 1. rate of heat release. With a train moving on level.4.3 1. The Contractor shall follow BS 6853-1999.6 1.4. coasting or braking with all vehicle systems operating simultaneously under normal conditions. NFF 16102. Successful tenderer may take guidance from the “Code of Practice for Prevention of Fire on EMU Stock” issued by RDSO. All equipment boxes (excluding relay cover. which generates electric arc or heat likely to receive any burn damage shall have non-combustible materials. etc. if so required. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 7 of 112 (iv) (v) Sheath. A fire extinguisher or extinguishers shall be provided on each car and their removal and handling shall be easy. as above. Design of various thickness of above mentioned component parts of electric conduit and air pipe line passing-through sections or rain water drain ports. duct.) fitted under floor shall be made from noncombustible materials. All fuses for main circuits shall be provided at positions as near as to current collectors in respective circuits. All sheath materials for electric wires shall be low inflammable materials. Adequate no. If used. low inflammable materials may be used if forced by electric insulation requirements. In this case all lead wire lines shall be sheathed with an electric insulation material of extremely low inflammable property. Main circuit resistor shall be separated from the under floor bottom plane as far as possible and the heat resistive plate of non-combustible heat insulation material shall be provided at the top section position of the main circuit resistor. and for the sections facing any main circuit resistor additional care shall be taken like covering with the heat insulation material or non-combustible property if so required. Any position adjacent to electric circuit sections of not less than 500 Volts in voltage. electric conduit. these also shall be of non-combustible type. (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) (xi) (xii) (xiii) (xiv) (xv) (xvi) (xvii) (xviii) (xix) (xx) Chapter 1: General Description and Contractor’s Responsibilities . ceiling. However. filler and filler container shall be made of low inflammable materials. internal panels and floor bottom panel shall be made of non-combustible material and in case these have a surface painting.Specification No. shall be such as to ensure that no fire or flame finds its way into any car compartment. Special care shall be taken for wiring enclosed spaces in the under frame and in the vicinity of resistor elements. etc. such filler shall be a material of extremely low inflammable property. electric wire line etc. Closed ducts. This floor shall be made of a metallic material or materials. The fire extinguisher shall not issue or develop any poisonous and harmful gas. All upholstery. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. of emergency lights in each coach which would automatically light up when all normal indoor lights are put out or when the main power is not available shall be provided. Any surface painted on the floor bottom plane shall be non-combustible paint. This fire extinguisher shall be suitable for oil fire and electric fire and should have satisfactorily passed the necessary qualification test as stipulated under the Anti Fire Regulation as per the specification followed by the supplier. Use of metallic conduit lines or close ducts shall be considered. shall be protected by means of metallic electric conduit lines or closed ducts. Every electric wiring lines positioned between any nearest adjacent cross beams separated not less than 500 mm in the car’s longitudinal direction from under floor main circuit resistor’s elements. Supplier shall specifically submit detailed document on the precautions adopted. shall have a profile which does not prevent or hinder required good air streams around every main circuit resistor. Non-combustible heat resistive plates shall be provided at locations where the heat generating resistive remains are likely to be in contact with the passenger compartment. any top floor covering shall be a material of low inflammable property and. The heat resistive plate shall have a profile which prevents possible direct shooting of heat generated by any main circuit resistor towards any – position of under floor bottom plane. in case filler is used between above two. 6. The Engineers will not be responsible for the correctness of the dimensions indicated on the drawings. so nominated.6.0 1. DEFINITIONS Throughout this specification. Please refer to clause 19. The scope shall also include the followings: Supply of complete documentation. SCOPE OF SUPPLY The details of scope of supply has been defined in ANNEXURE 1 A. when submitting proposals or designs for Chapter 1: General Description and Contractor’s Responsibilities . 1) of April’ 2009 Page 8 of 112 (xxi) 1. manuals etc. Ministry of Railways. firms or Departments nominated by the Purchaser to inspect the work on his behalf and the deputies of the Inspecting Officer. The Contractor shall. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. design calculations and data. ‘Sub-Contractor’ means any person.1 1.4 1. Training: After the signing of the contract a project team of the purchaser shall visit the contractors premises and the associated units to work out an agreement containing the schedule of training for the purchaser personnel. jigs & fixtures etc.. Logistics Manuals. ‘Inspecting Officer’ means the persons. The tenderer shall add any other equipment which is considered necessary. firm or Company with whom the order for supply of the work has been placed. The time spent by the project team during the visit shall not be a part of the specialised training as indicated below and shall be free of charge. the term (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) 1. Training Manuals. The tenderer shall list out the maintenance spares in the tender. The mandatory list of unit exchange spares is given in Annexure 1-C which must be quoted for by the tenderer. commissioning. jigs & fixtures and instruments special test equipment.5. special training instrument required for testing.D.5 1. and design details to the satisfaction of IR and support material associated with the operation and maintenance of the MRS coaches supplied against this specification. ‘Engineers’ means the R. Troubleshooting Directory.6. Deleted Supply of unit exchange spares and maintenance spare for 3 years requirements of normal service of the MRS shall be offered. Supply /installation of special tools.5.6.0 for details. ‘Contractor’ means the person.2 1.6. ‘Approval of the Drawing by the Engineers’ means the approval to the general design features.Specification No. where each man month shall be of 25 working man days. The scope shall also include specification for the special tools.6 ‘Purchaser’ means the President of the Republic of India as represented by the Railways organisation entering into the contract. The mandatory list of such items is at Annexure 1-B.1 (i) Each under floor main equipment shall have its equipment name clearly be noted or marked on it.6. The details of the training shall be worked out during contract finalisation stage/design approval stage.3 1. maintenance and operation. firm or Company from whom the Contractor may obtain any material or fittings to be used for the work. Software packages along with the suitable hardware / machines & system support for scrutinising the design calculations and ensuring that it meets the performance requirement. The full documentation shall include manufacturing drawings.0 1. the materials used or the strength of parts.S.O. for all of which the contractor will be wholly and completely responsible.6. QA documentation etc. final design drawings calculations. Operation Manuals. Maintenance Manuals. The contractor shall arrange for the training of maintenance & operating personnel of the purchaser up to 40 man months against the supply contract. The Contractor shall arrange the required instrumentation and carry out detailed tests and field trials jointly with RDSO. contractor shall ensure availability of tools.9 1. In addition. plant. draw specific attention to any deviation or departure from the specification involved in his proposals or designs. cartage. spare parts. testing and commissioning of complete MRS stock.7.6. Also to liaise with the Purchaser regarding the design and implementation of key items of equipment as detailed in this Contract. FEM analyses.7. The contractor shall depute a team of engineers for commissioning.0 ‘Basic Unit’ means one unit which can work independently and give service.7. and samples to the Purchaser for design checking and approval of all Subcontractor’s deliveries and designs.7. development.5 Chapter 1: General Description and Contractor’s Responsibilities . ‘MRS’ means Metro Rolling Stock. catalogues.9 1. and software manuals etc. testing equipment. manufacture. ‘RDSO’ means Research Designs and Standards Organisation of Indian Railways. system engineering.Specification No. testing and commissioning of the new units. Interfaces to other systems on the railways. manufacture. The Contractor shall also supply all labour necessary and technical supervision for the installation. water & electricity.7. testing and commissioning of the MRS stock. supply. as detailed in this Specification or resulting from the tenderer’s specific design solutions proposed shall be documented in detail. This document provides information considered pertinent to understanding the environment and the manner in which the coaches must function. 1.8 1. “IR” means Indian Railways. “IRS” means Indian Railways Specification. Planning and provision of comprehensive training to the Purchaser’s staff regarding design. The supply of functional Specifications. Please refer to para 18 for details. design calculations.11 1. Coaches manufactured and supplied against this specification.7 The Contractor shall submit a detailed design documents in liaison with RDSO to ensure that it conforms to all the requirements detailed in this Specification. samples. special tools and appliances which may be necessary for the complete and efficient installation.4 1. measuring instruments & spare parts in adequate quantity for test and field trials.6.10 1. testing and field trials of the equipment in service. In addition to the equipment and services specified in this Specification the Contractor shall supply all materials. to the extent possible. software formulation and modifications. tackle. 1. 1.1 Purchaser shall supply free of charge some basic facilities. regarding all aspects of the MRS Stock.6. to be done as part of commissioning. drawings. maintenance manuals.7 1.3 1. Chennai. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. operating manuals.7. operation and maintenance of the MRS stock. like space.6 1. ”ICF means Integral Coach Factory. CONTRACTOR’S RESPONSIBILITIES In addition to the requirements spelt out in this specification. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 9 of 112 approval of engineers.7. for the Kolkata MRS shall be proven and shall be constructed using proven body shell design and bogie design and with subassemblies that are capable of satisfying the system requirements specified herein.6. the contractor’s responsibility shall also include the following particularly: 1. The Contractor shall supply specialised tools and instruments required for mounting of the equipment on the coaches. Supply of drawings. even though such material or work may not be specifically mentioned in this Specification.2 Design. In the event of the Contractor’s failing to carry out any work. Such modifications / improvements will be carried out in all MRS and will be evaluated for their validity for a further period of time as may be agreed mutually in each case. The contractor shall replace/repair all such equipment during the guaranteed period at his own expenses. carry out the work himself at the expense of the contractor.10 The contractor shall manufacture one 8-coach prototype rakes for testing. The replaced/repaired equipment shall be guaranteed for 24 months from the date of commissioning after repair/replacement. The contractors shall comply with the instructions of the Inspecting Officer. etc. for which he is liable under this clause.7. executing. material or workmanship up to the period of 24 months from the date of taking over the equipment after successful commissioning of the MRS. if in his opinion further precautions than those adopted by the Contractors are necessary for the proper execution and safe delivery in India of all parts of the work. iii) of other parts of the work involved by the contract. The contractor shall not proceed with any modifications / improvements unless approved by RDSO. marking etc. and obtaining the Purchaser’s approval of this design. necessary action will be taken by the contractor to carry out the required investigations and to incorporate the modifications / improvements considered most appropriate to comply with the specification & to ensure better reliability and performance without any extra costs to the purchaser. GUARANTEE / WARRANTY: The contractor shall be responsible for any defect/failure of equipment provided in the coaches due to defective design.7. The prototype rakes shall be used for conducting oscillation trials. The Contractor shall comply with the provisions of the General Conditions and the Special Conditions of the Contract in scheduling.7. During the prototype tests/trials or services. iv) of the tests carried out by the Contractors or by the engineers or by the Inspection Officer. Chapter 1: General Description and Contractor’s Responsibilities 1. Modifications mutually agreed to comply with the specification will be incorporated by the Contractor at his own cost in the MRS in a manner approved by the purchaser. the Purchaser may.Specification No.8.0 1. etc.7.14 1. temperature rise. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 10 of 112 1. Drawings incorporating the modifications found necessary as a result of test and trial will be submitted to RDSO for approval before carrying out the modifications. The Contractor shall further. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. and trials including motor coach cut out conditions.12 1. The MRS stock shall be designed in accordance with the specification and the Contractor’s Technical Proposal for the satisfactory performance of the stock in service notwithstanding any approval which the Engineers or the Inspecting Officers may have given: i) to the detailed drawings prepared by the Contractors. if any problem is observed or feed-back information is obtained.7. emergency braking distance trials and performance tests. ii) of a sub-contractor for material.11 1. should any design modification be required to be made in any part of the equipment. be responsible for the sufficiency of the packing. inspection and approval by the RDSO. within a reasonable time of two months. without prejudice to his other rights under the Contract.8 The Contractors shall be entirely responsible for the execution of the Contract in accordance with the requirements of this Specification. or if in the opinion of the engineers the urgency of the case demands it. the modified part should be guaranteed for 24 months and the period of 24 months will commence from the date when the modified part is commissioned in service. Further.1 .7. notwithstanding any exercise by the Inspecting Officer of the power of superintendence.13 1.7. 1.8. which warrants a re-check of the design / manufacture / quality of the equipment and components. including energy consumption. of all imported parts of the work to ensure their delivery in India without damage.9 1. transformer. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. maintenance and unit exchange spares or any other item / equipment delivered under this Contract shall similarly be 24 months from the date of acceptance or expiry of the defect liability period of trains (clause 1.3 1. Tenderer shall enclose with the offer. pneumatics & brake system.4 1. to ensure timely replacement / repairs of defective equipment under warranty obligations.4 1. the components from the bank of spares as available with the purchaser. Three sets of RDSO approved design are to be supplied by contractor. 1. The design shall be developed in SI units. whichever is later. Any calculation that is evaluated on the basis of software simulations shall be supported with sample calculations. step-wise calculations of equipment ratings as per Chapter 3 of the specification. For the purpose.0 1. the supplier intends to discontinue the manufacture of spares or replacement parts for the stock. manufacturing procedure. bogies. control electronics.8.3 1. Deleted All replacement and repairs that the purchaser shall call upon the contractor to deliver or perform under this warranty shall be delivered and performed by the contractor within 30 days promptly and satisfactorily. Tenderer shall also submit the detailed. if necessary.2 The warranty period of special tools. power inverter. by borrowing. Deleted The Contractor shall submit all necessary data. the contractor shall assist the purchaser to develop alternative sources with same technology.5 . inter-vehicular couplers basic software specification.11.8.1 1.2 APPROVAL OF DESIGN The design shall be developed based on the requirements given in this specification and sound engineering practices. compressor. Tenderer shall refer to Annexure 3 while enclosing such details. The actual distribution shall be finalised during design stage.8. calculations. advance notice of such intention shall be given by the contractor to the purchaser.11. reliability and performance. The manufacturing will commence after and as per the approval of design by RDSO.8. During the warranty period the Contractor shall maintain a service group in India. Beyond the Warranty period the Contractor should be committed to support the stock for a minimum period of 20 years for spare requirements etc.11. Approval or decision by RDSO shall normally be given within 3 weeks of submission of all clarifications by the contractor to the satisfaction of RDSO.10. communication protocols. The entire design shall be supplied by the contractor with required technical data and calculations to RDSO for approval. to be decided mutually with the purchaser. suspension arrangement. the contractor shall Chapter 1: General Description and Contractor’s Responsibilities 1. Complete details as required vide the respective clauses shall be furnished by the tenderer. drawings and specifications referred in their drawings or design documents in English language as required by RDSO for examination and shall provide explanation and clarification of the drawings for which approval is sought. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 11 of 112 1. details of all major items viz. during this period.0 1. weight particulars and its disposition for each major equipment. However the contractor shall also maintain their own bank of spares at the nominated places. designs. auxiliary converter/inverter.11. traction motor.Specification No.1). display systems. details of their system design. In such a case. Coach body.6 1. test and diagnostic equipment. possibility of system expandability and any other aspect / equipment which is within the scope of supply of the tenderer. If.7 1.11. CLAUSE BY CLAUSE COMMENTS: The tenderer shall furnish clause-by-clause comments on compliance or otherwise of each clause of this specification and indicate deviations in their offers clearly against the respective clauses and also furnish list of deviations. 1. auxiliary machines.8. The details would be provided to RDSO progressively over a period of 4-6 months. The specification shall specifically be indicated on relevant drawings / documents. are not exhaustive.3 .11. The quality checks to be made at various stage of manufacture.0 above. dimensions figured upon a drawing differ from those obtained by scaling the drawing. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 12 of 112 depute its technical experts to RDSO for design discussions and finalisation. For the purpose of technical decisions on improvements/modifications etc. The system would also cover the quality assurance for bought out items.12. shall be got approved from Railways.8 1. wherever applicable.12. component rating etc.0 1. Notwithstanding approval from RDSO the Contractor shall be wholly and completely responsible for the satisfactory performance of the MRS offered.2 1. before the submission of design documents. General arrangement drawings shall be prepared and submitted for approval of the Engineers before detail and assembly drawings are made. The contractor shall be responsible for carrying out improvements and modifications at his own expense on all the equipment supplied. shall be in Metric Units and the gauge used for manufacture shall be in Metric Dimensions. Approval of design means the approval of general design features. before the work to which they relate commences. provided such modifications/improvements are decided to be necessary for meeting the requirements of reliability.13. structural details of coach body. After the final design is approved the contractor shall furnish complete set of specifications and standards as mentioned in the approved drawings & documents and shall also submit the list of equivalent Indian Standards. No modification to the Contract Drawings and Approved Drawings shall be done save and except with the proper approval of the Engineers. circuits.11.Specification No. 1. ventilation design.2 1. performance. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. For this purpose detailed drawings shall be submitted to RDSO for approval before commencing manufacture.7 1. loading calculations. wiring diagrams. device rating & data sheets of converter.1 1. pneumatics & brake system.1 1. bogies suspension.13. CONTRACT DRAWINGS The Contract drawings and other drawings provided by the Engineers are not guaranteed to be free from discrepancies and may be modified to suit the requirements of the specification. weights. the contractor shall commit to supply / furnish complete technical details with respect to their system and equipment design and to the satisfaction of RDSO at the time design approval. on equipment. Schematic drawings.0 1. The loading of electronic equipment /components calculated under the ambient conditions as specified.11 1. All dimensions.11. Chapter 1: General Description and Contractor’s Responsibilities 1.11. While the aspects covered. as above.9 1.12. Contractor shall ensure supply and installation of all necessary software and relevant hardware tools as indicated in the Clause 5.11. design details. jointly between contractor and purchaser. complete working drawings which shall be submitted to and approved by the Engineers. The contractor shall furnish details of its ‘Quality Assurance and Control System” at the design approval stage for the approval of IR. The contractor shall submit the complete material / technical specification of the components.13. WORKING DRAWINGS The Contractors shall prepare from the Contract Drawings and from the instructions of the Engineers. If in any case. the former shall be taken as correct.13.6 Contractor shall submit complete design details. formulation & algorithms. final assembly and commissioning with tolerance would be indicated . inverter and other power control and the major equipment. the final authority from the purchaser’s side will be RDSO. block diagrams. Deviations proposed by the Contractor in the interest of reliability and better performance will be examined by RDSO in close consultation and association with the manufacturer so as to arrive at the final MRS design.11.10 1. capacities etc. software specification. safety etc. 0 SPECIAL OR PROPRIETARY FITTINGS All royalty charges for the use of special or proprietary fittings embodies in the construction of the coaches shall be borne by the contractors. furnishing. panelling. 1.14. Forging and Castings: All important castings and forging shall be marked with maker’s name and initials.Specification No.18. All components and sub-assemblies shall be interchangeable in whole and/or in part unless otherwise relaxed by the Engineers in writing.1 Rolled sections shall be marked at the steel works with the Maker’s name and year of manufacture. must comply with requirement for protection of passengers in case of fire and from fire -side effect according to international standards.17.2 1. the year of manufacture. together with the names of the firms and the royalty paid shall be furnished to the engineers.1 1.6 1. All the materials to be used for interiors. ventilation etc. MARKING OF MATERIALS & PARTS Materials and finished parts shall be marked as follows: 1.4 MATERIALS All materials used in the construction of the coach shall be of the quality specified and shall comply with the most recent issue of the relevant Standard Specification.14. Welded components or members shall be correctly matched and accurate levels and clearances shall be ensured to result in perfect welds. conform to the specifications listed in Annexure 2 and shall satisfy the relevant stipulations therein regarding physical and chemical properties and tests. The use of aluminium and brass fittings for furnishing should be limited to the minimum extent in order to reduce pilferage.1 1. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. lighting.0 1. Castings shall be properly annealed where required. The Contractor may.14. Specific approval shall be taken before using such material.18.0 1. unless otherwise specified in this specification or permitted by the Engineers in writing. 1.5 1.16.0 1. the latest revision shall be applicable. All plates shall be perfectly flat and free from buckle and wave and defects of any kind.14.15.3 1.14. Sheets and plates shall be carefully straightened and flattened by stretching or by pressure. At the same time no materials are permitted within passenger compartments which contain asbestos or may splinter or will create sharp edges when broken. The contractors shall submit to the Engineers/Inspecting Officer a list showing the names of the makers from whom they propose to obtain the materials and fittings for work under the Contract. however.18.2 Chapter 1: General Description and Contractor’s Responsibilities . homogeneous and free from defects and have their mating surface smooth and true to shape. 1. A list of components for which royalty is paid.14.17. the letter ‘IR’ and the part number.16. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 13 of 112 1. EXECUTION OF WORK: The coaches shall be manufactured throughout in the best style of coach work and construction and shall conform to the best standards of the trade.2 1. All castings shall be true to dimensions. use alternative materials or fittings with the written approval of the Engineers. Plates shall be sheared when quite cold and their edges evenly finished.14. In the event of revision of any specifications. The material used shall be subject to the Tenderer’s corresponding QA procedures which shall incorporate the inspecting officer’s role. Use of Aluminium in the under floor or the load bearing areas shall not be permitted.17.0 1. Any means considered necessary to satisfy the requirements may be adopted to ensure that material of the requisite quality is used throughout the execution of the work.1 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS Materials for the construction of the coaches shall. Specification No. 1. manpower.18.18. Subsequent copies of the manual. required for this purpose. Required type tests of electrical and mechanical equipment will be carried out by the contractor at his own responsibility and costs and in the presence of and to the satisfaction of the Inspecting Officer of IR.1 1. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 14 of 112 1. All tests in the works of the contractors and their sub-contractors shall be at the cost of the Contractor. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. Tests of materials and fittings shall as far as possible be carried out at the works of the Contractors of the materials or fittings.4. Taking of samples as defined as necessary for tests by an approved metallurgist whose report shall be final and binding for the Contractor.18. In such case type tests may not be carried out if so desired by RDSO. all major equipment will be type tested.18. At least 6 weeks time must be given to the inspecting officer to enable him to arrange necessary formalities.3 1. which shall be marked in a distinguishable manner and shall be disposed of in such a manner as the QA regulations direct. The Contractor shall provide such additional materials or fittings as may be required or arrange for test pieces to be incorporated in forging and casting as required by the Inspecting Officer and for their removal in his presence for the test purposes.4.4 1. Rejection of any material or fittings that do not conform to the relevant specification or good practice.5 Despatch of material: No material shall be dispatched or packed until it has been passed by the relevant QA procedures. 1. 1.2 The tenderer’s QA regulations should be supplemented to include the following: Means to ensure that the materials or fittings specified are actually used throughout the construction.18. Such tests may include tests for validating the design calculations of major mechanical components like under frame. Any material consumed in such tests shall be replaced by the contractor free of charge Inspection of the progress and quality of the work by visits to the Contractor’s work at any reasonable time and without previous notice.3 The MRS will be tested generally in accordance with IEC 61133 (Rules for testing electric rolling stock before entry into service) other standards specified elsewhere.18. under reference site conditions given in Chapter 2 and equivalent operating conditions. Such rejected parts shall be replaced by the Contractor without extra charge. gauges etc.5 1.18.1 Chapter 1: General Description and Contractor’s Responsibilities . The test program shall be drawn in consultation with RDSO. The equipment shall conform to IEC 61373 for vibration and shocks unless otherwise specified or required by the mentioned parameters elsewhere in the specification. reports will be submitted to RDSO. If equipment of the same make and type not having undergone changes affecting performance has already been type tested according to the agreed standard. Some type test may be conducted after delivery of first rake. Details of tests and procedures are given on Chapter 6. bogie frame and suspension system. All equipment will be routine tested according to the current relevant IEC publications. incorporating any necessary amendment shall be supplied later.4.4. but such passing shall in no way exonerate the Contractor from their obligation in respect of quality and performance of the stores.4 1. However. DOCUMENTATION Operation Manual Contractor shall supply 3 sets of Operation Manual 4 week before supply of the first / prototype rake. The inspection of the MRS will be carried out by a representative of the purchaser.19.4. The Contractor shall provide free of charge all equipment. The manual shall also include inspection / overhaul procedure and periodicity of various inspection / overhaul schedules in detail. The maintenance manuals shall be supplied well in advance to enable Metro Railways to organise maintenance facilities. Updates shall be provided for the original and all copies supplied. easy to read & understand and should include the Trouble Shooting Directory. The format of electronic copies shall be proven in at least two other applications.19.) and shall be bound with wear resistant covers. component parts list in respect of each Printed Circuit Board or assembly used in the supply. including the tools. tools for dismantling and testing methods of assembly and disassembly tolerances.4 1. The copies shall be made by an approved process to an approved sample and each tracing shall be stamped with the maker’s name and the proprietary name of the process at the right hand bottom corner. and facilities required. with particulars of operating parameters. Tracings shall be on sheets 841 mm x 1189 mm with 50 mm margin on the left hand side for binding. The tracings shall be on transparent material of a quality to be approved by the Engineers and shall show the whole of the works as actually made and shall include fully dimensioned drawings of all parts.3 1. The manual shall be generally in A4 size (except for pocket-books etc.4. 1.19. particularly operations and maintenance manual. All the document shall be supplied in electronic form and also on Compact Discs / Floppy Discs along with complete arrangement to read them or edit them in future and take prints in colour.4. “As made” tracing sets shall be copies with dense black continuous and permanent lines which can not be erased by soft Indian rubber or tracing cloth which must lie flat when opened out. special tools / plants. All the other documentation shall be supplied @ 1 set (hard copies) per rake. software details and trouble shooting tools and all other information necessary to set up repair and servicing programme. 1.1 General Clarification and amendments to the document.2 Maintenance Manual The maintenance manuals shall include details of the various systems and sub-system from a maintenance and fault finding stand point.2 1. “As made” tracing shall be supplied in 3 sets. a title block shall be provided. Each set of tracings shall form a complete set of working drawings. 1. as necessary during the defect liability period shall be supplied by the contractor. lubrication details. At the bottom right hand corner of each tracing. “As Made” Tracings Complete set of “As made” tracings shall be supplied by the Contractor with the first lot of coaches delivered. the first sheet being an index and the following sheets being arranged to show the various assemblies and sub-assemblies of the complete item.4.19.19.Specification No. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 15 of 112 The operation manual shall be comprehensive. component layout.19. including proprietary fittings. Those should be accompanied by suitable illustrations & diagram.19.3 Information About Electronic Equipment The contractor shall supply the detailed circuit diagram. The operations & maintenance manuals shall be supplied @ 2 sets (hard copies) per rake. The manual shall also include an illustrated parts catalogue and shall contain sufficient information to identify and requisition any part. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. Connection or interfacing diagram of the PCBs shall also be supplied. 1. This would include submission of relevant software and hardware. repair techniques.19. the equipment ratings & operating limits of installed system and control & safety features.5 (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Chapter 1: General Description and Contractor’s Responsibilities . PHOTOGRAPHS While the coaches are under construction. These IRS drawing numbers shall also be indicated in the relevant General Arrangement Assembly drawings. the prints being mounted on sheets to form complete sets. end and three quarter views of each coach shall be taken. editing and taking prints. with details of number per coach.0 1. Video films shall be delivered in the form of normal video cassettes and also on the video compact discs. The negatives and three prints of each shall be furnished to the Engineers. Set of control cards/printed circuit boards forming part of the Main Inverters and Auxiliary Converter/Inverters Control system. side. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. Brake diagrams showing leverages of hand and power brakes. as also views of the interior furnishings. each part shall be identified by a reference letter of the Alphabet and the list of all parts forming the sub-assembly shall be tabulated just above the title block on the same sheet giving details against each reference. Wiring diagrams and conduit layouts.21. Freight as applicable. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 16 of 112 (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) (xi) Diagram sheets showing overall dimensions of the coaches.Specification No.2 SPARES AND ACCESSORIES The contractor shall supply a full range of spares sufficient in number and quantity for the operation of the stock for three years after the date of commissioning of the units. video and ‘still’ photographs shall be taken of the various assemblies and sub-assemblies and especially of the bogies and body in various stages of production and of parts which cannot be conveniently photographed after assembly (such as.3 1. (xii) (xiii) 1. The tenderer shall explain 1. body work etc. such as bogies. General and sub-assembly arrangement drawings of electrical & mechanical items and detailed drawings of all parts in proper and logical sequence.21.4 Chapter 1: General Description and Contractor’s Responsibilities .21. along with Duty.1 1. weights.) After completion. The tenderer will also offer separately special jigs.20. body-side end walls and roof framing. General arrangement drawings of complete coaches. Essential equipment and facilities required for attending local damage to the stainless steel structure in case of accidental damages shall also be furnished.0 1.21.20. The list of recommended and mandatory items shall be considered during commercial evaluation of bids. brake work. weights per metre run. under frame members etc.21. IRS Components: Detail drawings need not be supplied for standard IRS parts used in the construction but these parts shall be included in the parts list with reference to the relevant IRS drawing number. electrical /electronics and pneumatic equipment. weight and drawing reference against each item. Detailed Drawings: On detail drawings sheet. The photographs shall be not less than 380 mm x 255 mm for the side views of the completed coaches. polyester films and CD / floppies CAD software along with complete set up for reading. duly specifying the catalogue/type/reference number of each card/PCB. the relation of Overall dimensions to the moving gauge. normal and dense crush load. The tenderer shall submit a recommended list of spares for satisfactory maintenance and operation of the 3 phase drives and equipment offered by him for a minimum period of three years and quote the prices item-wise separately. if any. Lists of all parts grouped into major assemblies. Each set of tracings together with a set of photographs shall be suitably bound between with a title block printed on the outside of the back cover. shall be quoted for. tare weight. Taxes. their function and location in the equipment. or less than 255 mm x 200 mm for other views and shall be taken on non-curl film. tools and instruments which shall be essentially required for maintenance of mechanical. Final drawings shall be submitted in paper.1 1. The list should include the unit exchange spare items as per Annexure 1-C. Technical specification of such equipment shall also be furnished by the contractor.Specification No. Chapter 1: General Description and Contractor’s Responsibilities . 1) of April’ 2009 Page 17 of 112 the purpose of the specialised equipment so offered. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev.21.5 In addition the tenderer shall separately offer an expandable modular power and control electronics demonstration / educational model for training of maintenance staff. 1. 3.9.Specification No. Acceleration.11. 19 19 20 20 22 23 23 23 24 24 25 25 Chapter 2: Operating & Service Conditions and Design Constraints .1.0 2. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 18 of 112 CHAPTER 2 OPERATING & SERVICE CONDITIONS AND DESIGN CONSTRAINTS Clause No.0 2.0 2.6.0 2.0 2.2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Description Leading Particulars Payload and weight particulars Gauge and Moving Dimensions Track Conditions Speed. 2.0 2.5.7. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev.10. Deceleration and Jerk Rate Traction Power Supply System Current Collection Climatic & Environmental Conditions Signal and Telecommunication Installations Maintainability Reliability Adhesion Limits Page no.0 2.12. The inter-vehicular couplers shall be so arranged that are not accessible easily. sitting plus 12 passengers / m 2 standing.4 The cars shall be of modern light-weight proven design.2. a fully loaded coach / unit refers to a fully furnished coach /unit with payloads as given below.0 LEADING PARTICULARS: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) Track gauge Coach length over body Max.2. consistent with adequate strength. The tare weight of the cars shall be kept as low as possible.Specification No. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 19 of 112 CHAPTER 2 OPERATING & SERVICE CONDITIONS AND DESIGN CONSTRAINTS 2.1. The total passenger carrying capacity for 8-car rake shall be minimum 2600 passengers. 2.3 2. but shall not include the knee space of sitting passengers. height of the compartment floor from rail level under tare condition Max.1 PAYLOAD AND WEIGHT PARTICULARS : The terms used for indicating various loading criteria in Kolkata Metro area are as follows: Normal load Crush load Dense crush load : : : : all seating. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. height of the roof from rail level under tare condition Existing Tare Weight of the Motor Coach Existing Tare Weight of the Trailer Coach Wheel diameter (new / half-worn / fully worn) out wheel 1676 mm 19500 mm 2740 mm 75 mm 17 ton 1160 mm 3650 mm 42 ton 28 ton 860 / 820 / 780 mm Unless otherwise stated. High Dense crush load 2.2.2 The MRS (Metro Rolling Stock) in Kolkata area operates under conditions of varying passenger loading condition. Adequate care shall be taken to ensure safety of inter-vehicular connections against damages due to vandalism and hitting by flying objects during run. The maximum payload may be calculated as follows: Max. There shall be seating arrangement for about 420 passengers in an 8-car unit. Chapter 2: Operating & Service Conditions and Design Constraints .2. sitting plus 8 passengers / m2 standing sitting plus 10 passengers / m 2 standing. buffer / coupler drop under load and worn conditions Maximum permissible axle load (motor/trailer coach) Max. 2. width over body side Max.0 2. The average weight of per passenger is to be taken as 60 Kg. The axle capacity shall be designed as per Chapter 5 of the specification.2. payload = Seating capacity + Maximum standing capacity The free space for standing passengers shall include doorway area and the aisle. Kolkata is placed at Annexure 4. the floor of the compartments over sail the platform at the stations allowing for easy embarking and disembarking.5 to 6. Worst case conditions shall result from such factors as horizontal and vertical curves.0 TRACK CONDITIONS : The track is board gauge.3.) 1465mm (min. The rails are continuously welded except for insulated joints for track circuiting and at points and crossing and will be fixed to the concrete blocks with elastic fasteners.e.4. Kolkata (henceforth called SOD).5 m 1. nominally 1676 (5’-6”).5 Axle load limitation shall be taken into account while finalising and designing the equipment layout giving due consideration to weight imbalance during tare and dense crush loading conditions.2 PLATFORM INTERFACE: Length Width : Island Type 170 m 8 m generally and up to 10 m in double column stations Side Type : Height above rail level Distance between track center and platform edge Minimum horizontal curvature at platform 4. The platform dimensions may be seen in Annexure 4. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev.3.4.3 2.) 400 m.3. sway and suspension system failures. The diagram showing static coach profile and fixed structure in Metro Railway. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 20 of 112 2. i. This diagram is a part of the SOD. GAUGE AND MOVING DIMENSIONS: The car body and attached equipment shall be designed to provide positive clearance with the bogies under worst case operating conditions. Therefore. 2.3.03 m 1475mm (max.4 2. the manufacturer should design the equipment size for the under-slung items after taking into account the spring deflection under worst loading conditions. Circular Tunnel.4.0 above.Specification No. The floor height of the compartments and the overall design of the coaches shall permit easy embarking and disembarking of the passengers without requirement of foot steps and without endangering the safety of passengers. each of these occurring either singly or in combination.1 2. Surface and Elevated Structure”. the minimum clearance of bogie mounted / under-slung equipment from rail level shall be more than 80 mm. In the existing design of MRS operating in Kolkata area of Indian Railways. The coaches are required to conform to the latest “Schedule of Dimensions – 1676 mm Gauge Rectangular Box Tunnel.3.2 2.2. The rails are normally laid on ballastless track consisting of a concrete bed with concrete blocks and suitable rubber pads below the rail and the key plate. Principal dimensions are reproduced below : MINIMUM CLEARANCE FROM RAIL LEVEL Under fully worn wheels and dense crush loaded condition of the coach. Some leading particulars of the SOD are brought out at clause 1. maximum passenger load. for Metro Railway.3.0 2. Chapter 2: Operating & Service Conditions and Design Constraints . The static profile of the cars shall lie within the maximum moving dimension both under tare and fully loaded conditions. 2.3.1 2. worn wheels. Specification No. & up to 75 mm in difficult location 1 in 333.H. 10 kmph max for 1 in 8½ 1 in 200 at stations 1 in 50 between stations except one place where it is 1 in 27 for a length of 250 meters 1 in 27 Chapter 2: Operating & Service Conditions and Design Constraints . Depot Ballast Depth Cushion Main Line Depot Standard Rail Length Rail panel length Minimum Radius of Curvature Minimum Turn-Out Radius Main Line Yard Main Line Depot Maximum Cant Permissible Maximum Cant Desirable Maximum cant deficiency permissible Maximum Cant excess permissible Maximum cant gradient permissible Max. & up to 75 mm in difficult location Generally nil. 1840 per km on curves sharper than 800 m radius.Rails) Depot Inclination of Rail Sleeper Spacing Main Line 90 R / 52 kg 1 in 20 Cant 1680 per km on straight & on curves up to 800 m radius. 200 M (8. (Speed potential is up to 35 kmph) 10 kmph max.1 TRACK STRUCTURE PARAMETERS: Gauge Rail profile Rail Type Main line 1676 mm UIC 60 kg wear resistant 60 kg (110 UTS) & 60 kg (90 UTS) (H.4. Turn-out Speed Scissors In Depots Maximum Gradient Depot connection Main line Turn-out M+4 Ballastless Track 200 mm overall / 75 mm clear 13 meters Single Rail converted into LWR without SEJs. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 21 of 112 2.75° ) 175 m 1 in 10 (219m) 1 in 8 ½ (222m) 150mm 130mm Generally nil.33 15 kmph for 1 in 10 max. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. 3.6 m base On straight = -3 to 0mm +/.2 m Base Contract Straight and curvature 1mm per Mtr.1 DECELERATION ON LEVEL TANGENT TRACK Service braking deceleration Chapter 2: Operating & Service Conditions and Design Constraints . DECELERATION AND JERK RATE The MRS stock shall be designed to meet the following operational parameters at maximum gross weight (with dense crush load) at any condition of wheel wear (up to fully worn).4.3mm +/.4.2 TRACK TOLERANCES : Laying tolerance of vertical alignment measured by 10m chord (Designed level) Alignment (Laying) (Base 10m) Twist Gauge measured at a point 14mm below crown of rail (laying) Sleeper to Sleeper variation of gauge Unevenness (Maintenance) (Base 10m) Alignment (Maintenance) (Base 10 m) Gauge variation (Sleeper to sleeper) Gauge (Maintenance) -Tangent Gauge (Maintenance) > 500 m radius Gauge (Maintenance) < 500 m radius Gauge Face Wear (permissible) 2000 m 6mm on 3. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. on 3.6 m base 3mm on 7. 2.3 For the section between Tollygunge and Dumdum & Tollygunge and Garia.10 m/s2 80 km/h 80 km/h 2.3 2.5.6 m base laying and maintenance +/.5.5.2 ACCELERATION ON LEVEL TANGENT TRACK i) Average from 0 to 40 km/h shall be not less than: ii) Maximum (peak) acceleration shall be limited to: 2.1 SPEED i) Maximum service speed ii) Minimum balancing speed on level tangent track iii) Round trip schedule speed between Tollygunge to Dumdum with 30s station stop and 50% coasting time.Specification No. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 22 of 112 Minimum vertical radius of curvature 2.5.0 2.1mm 6mm on 3. the index plan and a statement showing speed restrictions are enclosed in Annexure 5A & 5B. excluding terminal station turn-around time iv) Test speed 31 km/h 90 km/h 0.5. Maximum ruling gradient shall be limited to 1 in 27.1mm 0 to – 3mm 0 to + 3mm +3 to + 6 mm 10mm vertical & lateral 2.85 m/s2 1. SPEED. ACCELERATION. namely the existing Dumdum to Tollygunge and also Tollygunge to Garia.3 MVA transformers and fed to full wave Silicon rectifier blocks.70 m/sec 3 +/. there may be sudden change in the ambient temperature to rolling stock.4 Emergency braking deceleration (minimum) 1.1 TRACTION POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM Power supply is taken from HT 3 phase 33 kV. The third rail is sectioned near the stations by a gap in the third rail. The third rail resistance value is 0. The neutral section separate the zones fed by different substations.Specification No.6.5. which is under construction at present. 11 kV/604 V.5. The equipment shall not be adversely affected in any way due to exposure to such high temperatures.7.1 m/s2 1.3 2. At stations.6. 33/11kV transformers at receiving stations.3 m/s2 190 m or less During acceleration and deceleration the jerk rate shall be limited to 0.6.3 m/s2 Emergency braking distance from 80 km/h to standstill JERK RATE: 1. Operation of the stock shall be in Metro underground tunnel. The general particulars are : Operating voltage : (i) Nominal Voltage (ii) variation in voltage of supply (iii) % ripple 2. 2. The current return path is through insulated track rails of 60 kg/m category having a resistance of around 0.022 to 0. 2. Minimum ambient temperature: 0 C.3.0 2. 2.011 ohm/track kilometer. The unidirectional rectified pulsating DC is fed from rectifier to the Third Rail supply system from various substations on the entire Metro section of Kolkata. 0 0 (v) Chapter 2: Operating & Service Conditions and Design Constraints . RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. The temperature of stationary rake exposed to sun for long periods may go as high as 70 0C. It is stepped down by 16 MVA. the third rail is kept away from the platforms and provided with shrouds mode of fiberglass for passenger safety. The ambient air inside the tunnel is kept at comfortably cool temperature. Tenderer shall furnish the precautions taken in equipment / component selection in order to conform to this requirement. surface as well as on elevated tracks. While entering into tunnel or emerging out of it.5 %.5% 2. 3 phase. CURRENT COLLECTION: Current collection method is by third rail top collection system.5.6. It is further stepped down at Traction Sub-stations by delta/star. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 23 of 112 i) Average from maximum speed to 15 kmph shall be not less than ii) Maximum (peak) deceleration shall be limited to: 2. Humidity: 100% saturation during rainy season which may be as long as 5-6 months.2 Current: Maximum current that can be drawn by an 8 coach rake shall be limited to 6400A under full load conditions and up to 8600 A for short duration (up to 10 Seconds). The third rail is mounted on porcelain insulators and is of 52 kg/m category. The equipment shall be designed to take care of such thermal shocks.3.028 ohm/km.3 2. The third rail gets power through DC High Speed Circuit Breaker from two adjacent Traction Sub-stations fed from two different sources to ensure uninterrupted power supply.2 2.8. forming neutral section of 15m length.0 (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) CLIMATIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS Maximum ambient temperature: 50 C. 50 Hz (nominal) at receiving stations.0 : : : 750 V 500 V to 900 V 4. audio frequency track circuits (1500 Hz – 10 kHz). salty atmosphere along with industrial pollutants. Maintainability: Tenderer shall submit the basic maintenance schedules for the proposed equipments. The level of pollution in Kolkata area is high as compared to other sections of Indian Railways. The minimum interval between two major schedules in sheds shall not be less than one year and periodicity of visit for inspection in sheds shall not be less than 90 days. The tenderer shall ensure at the design stage that even in worst possible combination in service conditions the overall limit prescribed rake shall be adhered to. closed circuit TV etc. Chapter 2: Operating & Service Conditions and Design Constraints xi) 2. humid and salty. The proposed stock shall be compatible with existing TPWS and it shall also be compatible to Global Satellite Mobile (Railway) GSM (R) technology. The MRS shall be working primarily in such climate and thus shall be continuously exposed to highly corrosive.10.1 . Public Address system. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 24 of 112 (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) Altitude: coastal area Rainfall: Very heavy and continuous.9. The design of the power electronics and control electronics provided on the MRS Train shall be such as not to cause undesired interference on these track circuit and on the S&T equipment. Tenderer shall enclose the details of specific measures adopted to ensure the satisfactory working of equipment against the deposition of salts. The MRS shall also work in underground tunnel.9. public shall be allowed to use commonly used electronic gadgets such as mobile phone. Phosphorous and Chlorides based compounds in this area which contribute to electrolytic reactions leading to corrosion of metals and fast deterioration of rubber based compounds. There are large number of industries leading to the production of Sulphur. The Bidder shall note Kolkata is high lightening zone and proper care shall be taken while designing the stock. All under-slung equipment shall be designed suitably to ensure its normal working even in adverse conditions as above. which is exposed to sunlight and ambient.0 2. axle counters and Train Protection Warning System (TPWS). Flood Proofing: The traction equipments mounted on the under-frame will be designed to permit propulsion of the train at 10 km/h through water up to a depth of 75 mm above rail level.0 2.10.0 million km. portable/laptop computer etc. The minimum interval between overhauls at workshop shall not be less than five years or 1. Thus the MRS may be exposed to rapid fluctuation in temperature for which it should be adequately designed. Atmosphere during hot weather is dusty.9. dust & industrial pollution. The tests shall also include the cases of isolation of motor coaches during service. which is kept cool as well as on elevated track. Details are given in Annexure 6B. It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to arrange the instrumentation in order to conduct the measurements as per the agreed procedure to be furnished by the contractor and agreed by RDSO to verify requirements listed in Annexure 6 A. Traction equipment shall be splash proof in accordance with International Standards. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. In addition. SIGNAL AND TELECOMMUNICATION INSTALLATION: The tracks over which the MRSs train may run may be equipped with 50 Hz Ac track circuits. The design of the power electronics and control electronics provided on the MRS train shall be such that it does not cause any interference or mal-operation to these systems.2 2.1 2.Specification No. x) Vibrations: The vibration levels at some intermittent points on the track may be higher than those specified by the relevant IEC publication. The suspension system and the mounting arrangements shall be so designed that the equipment’s performance is not adversely affected due to such high vibrations and shocks. The communication systems installed include telephone exchanges. Special care shall be taken to ensure no damage to equipment due to deposition of atmospheric salts and industrial pollutants.3 2.9. Train Radio communication. The contractor shall provide the achieved quantitative reliability data of major subsystem. All systems.10. 2.Specification No. The figure shall be calculated on weekly basis(Monday – Sunday).2 Enhancement of MRS availability Minimisation of maintenance costs Minimisation of coach downtime /MTTR (meantime to restore serviceability).0 ADHESION LIMITS: The equipment shall be so designed that the coefficient of adhesion does not exceed 20% during powering and 18% during braking under all requirements of performance as specified in this specification.11.0 RELIABILITY: In addition to meeting the performance requirements. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 25 of 112 The maintenance program prepared by tenderer shall have the following objectives: a) b) c) 2. expressed in Mean Time between Failures (MTBF) and/or Mean distance between Failure (MDBF).000 kilometers per coach in revenue service. for purchaser’s evaluation. Bidder shall assess and furnish the figure for ‘total percentage ineffective’ in terms of percentage of rakes. components and structural areas serviced as part of inspection or periodic preventive maintenance shall be readily accessible for service and inspection. Chapter 2: Operating & Service Conditions and Design Constraints . Modular design principles shall be employed. The hourly availability of the rakes calculated on weekly basis (Monday to Sunday) and considering unscheduled repairs only for the equipment under the scope of supply should not be less than 96%.12. the coach. all the equipments/sub-systems expected to be ineffective/unserviceable due to schedule and unscheduled repairs against the total number of rakes. Requirements for adjustments after module interchange shall be avoided except as required in the specification. based on operations of proven coaches for a minimum of 3 years and 300. shall incorporate high standards of reliability to ensure that operating cost and operation performance are optimized. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. 2. 13.2.0 3.0 3.Specification No. 3.0 3.0 Description General Acceleration and Braking Requirements Rating of Equipment Energy Consumption Continuous Equipment Operation Guaranteed Performance Neutral Sections Train Resistance Page no.14.1. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 26 of 112 CHAPTER 3 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS Clause No.15.16.0 3.0 3. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev.3.17. 27 27 27 28 29 29 29 29 Chapter 3:Performance Requirements .0 3.0 3. The temperature rise shall be measured according to the procedure stipulated by IEC and shall comply with limits specified in this specification. The entire equipment shall be designed to ensure satisfactory and safe operation under the running conditions specified in Chapter 1 & 2 and abnormal conditions such as sudden voltage variation. inverter & control electronics panels on the roof is not permitted. Mounting of converter.2. All the major equipment shall be mounted underslung.4 Chapter 3:Performance Requirements .3. The total auxiliary power shall be furnished as break up of power requirement for lights.0 3.3. During traction mode. maximum RMS currents. The average acceleration and braking requirements according to stipulations of Clause 6. Calculations for temperature rise of the traction motor for repeated traction cycle as stated above (without considering stoppage time) and the specified conditions shall be furnished by the tenderer along with the offer. inspection. Three Phase asynchronous induction motors with associated IGBT based drive and micro-processor controls are to be provided against this tender. Similar calculations for maximum power loading of all the major components of traction system including maximum RMS and DC currents. All the electrical equipment shall comply with the latest editions of IEC specifications unless otherwise specified. Supply voltage variation stipulated in para 15. Fitment of various equipment will be so decided that the weight is properly distributed. maximum Auxiliary power shall be taken into account and during braking mode minimum loading of Auxiliary power shall be considered.0 within which performance is guaranteed. (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) 3. tractive effort and motor torque for motoring. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 27 of 112 CHAPTER 3 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS 3.2 3.3.3. Rating of Equipment The continuous rating of the traction inverter shall be based on the continuous rating of the traction motor by taking into account the efficiency & power factor and maximum loading of the equipment. maintenance and replacement of the various units comprising the equipment.1 3.Specification No. Efficiency of each equipment and tractive effort / braking effort (in kN) for each motor coach shall be furnished along with overall efficiency. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. The traction equipment shall be suitable for operation with 750 V DC traction system supplied by third rail. 3. braking effort and motor torque for braking shall be submitted. The design shall also facilitate erection. The three phase drive equipment shall be based on the latest technology and shall be suitable for regeneration. load variation and short circuits.3.3.0 (i) GENERAL The capacity of the drive system shall be adequate to permit continuous operation of dense crush loaded train under the operating and service conditions specified and to meet the performance requirements specified herein.0 (i) (ii) 3. fans and air-conditioning loads & auxiliary power required for propulsion system.1.0 Chapter 2 shall be fulfilled irrespective of: Loading from empty rake to dense crush loaded rake. Tenderer shall submit detailed calculations of maximum power loading of all major components of the traction system including the maximum DC currents. speed. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 28 of 112 3. The tenderer shall furnish the inter-section timings for the complete round trip of the train schedule specified for Dumdum – Tollygunge & Tollygunge . ENERGY CONSUMPTION The tenderer shall give guaranteed figures for a dense crush loaded car.6. For the purpose of final acceptance tests for the temperature rise and energy consumption etc. regenerative energy and RMS loading of traction motor for complete round trip Dumdum – Tollygunge & Tollygunge . (iii) 3. The schedule shall be carried out on 8 car rake.0 3.4.Garia.0 (i) (ii) A dense crush loaded 8-car rake with average line voltage of 675 V with half worn wheels shall be capable of: with one motor coach cut out (isolated) : working throughout the day without any time loss and the temperature rise not exceeding the stipulated values.7. with two motor coaches cut out (isolated) : after previous operation with one motor coach cut-out.0 3.Specification No. Deleted The equipment shall be so designed that the coefficient of adhesion does not exceed the optimized value during powering or braking..The performance shall be submitted in graphical and tabulated forms. The sections are tentative only and may be changed by the purchaser during design stage. for round trip operation between Dumdum to Tollygunge & Tollygunge to Garia and on the basis of 30 second halts at all stations for a) Traction energy consumption without electrical braking and b) Regenerated energy through electrical braking.10. Tenderer shall also furnish the performance of dense crush loaded 8 car rake. 3. starting on a gradient of 1 in 27 and continuing the journey with all station stops up to the terminating station and remaining within one hour rating of the traction motors and other equipment.0 3. the tenderer shall furnish the curves of the energy consumption.8. inter-station timing. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. at different Third Rail Voltage from 500V – 900 V DC in step of 100 V shall be submitted with the tender. distance. The energy consumed or regenerated shall be calculated / measured at the third rail current collector and should be inclusive of auxiliary power consumption.5. The above performance requirement have been based on the existing stock in service.9.Garia for obtaining minimum energy consumption and best overall schedule speed. The tenderer shall furnish the optimized value of coefficient of adhesion and the reason thereof. RMS loading of the traction motor with regenerative braking in use and overall schedule speed.Garia section is placed at Annexure 5A & 5B. Specified temperature rise of equipment shall be calculated after taking into account at least 25 % choking of any air filters and radiator fins used. variation of current.0 3.0 3. The tenderer may offer standard and well proven equipment which is in current production and which may have performance rating superior to that specified above. Pushing a dense crush loaded defective train of the same length up to next approaching station. the train schedule shall be 10 round trips between Dumdum – Garia with 30 seconds stop at each intermediate station and 2 minutes lay over at terminals.0 3. The variation of available power for traction and regenerative braking with speed. Route profile with details of speed restrictions for Dumdum – Tollygunge & Tollygunge . For this purpose. motoring Energy Consumption.0 Chapter 3:Performance Requirements .0 3. 0 TRAIN RESISTANCE: Train Resistance of the existing Coaches in tunnel is as under: R = 4. ventilation and other essential service while passing neutral section.84 + 0.001875 V² Where. while traversing through neutral section. for comparison purpose. is restricted to bare minimum and that there is no interruption in train lighting. R is the resistance in Kg / tonnes.16. Please refer to 4. Chapter 3:Performance Requirements .1.0 NEUTRAL SECTIONS: Suitable arrangement shall be provided by the contractor to ensure that the loss of main power for each motor coach.0 GUARANTEED PERFORMANCE: The guaranteed performance shall be based on third rail voltage of 675 V. 17.15. However. 3. 3. Tenderer shall submit the formulae used for resistance calculations separately for underground section and elevated section and ensure required performance and system design accordingly. The performance shall not deteriorate within a voltage range of 600V to 850V. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. and V is the speed in Km/hour. Train operation shall be feasible within full voltage variation specified in chapter 2. maybe with reduced power.10 of Chapter 4.6156 V + 0. The resistance of the coaches shall be measured during oscillation trial/any other trials as considered fit. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 29 of 112 3. 3.14.0 CONTINUOUS EQUIPMENT OPERATION: The capacity of the traction motors and equipment shall be adequate to permit continuous and punctual operation of dense crush loaded trains under the operating and service conditions specified.13. the tenderer shall also furnish performance calculations using the above formula as well.Specification No. 0 4.13.0 4.0 4.19.0 4.0 4.7.0 4.10.0 4.Specification No.3.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev.5.0 4.1.0 4. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 30 of 112 CHAPTER 4 ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENT Clause No.0 4.0 4.0 4. 4. 31 31 31 32 34 36 41 42 42 42 43 43 44 45 46 46 46 47 51 51 51 52 52 53 53 53 Chapter 4: Electrical Requirements .20.0 4.14.0 4.25.21. Data Transmission & Communication Master Controller Driver’s Display Panel Safety Measures Control Equipment Power and Control Electronic Equipments Brake Blending Auxiliary System Battery Speed Indicating and Recording Equipment Train Line Cables & Inter Vehicular Couplers Coach Lighting Air conditioning system Selection of Insulating Materials Cables Wiring and Cabling Main Motor – Compressor Set Door Opening & Closing Third Rail Current Collector Train Protection Warning System Technical Credential Page no.0 4.0 4.0 Description General Lightning Arrestor 3 Phase Drive and Associated Equipment Traction Motor Microprocessor Control and Diagnostic System Train Control.12. Provision shall be made for Regenerative and Rheostatic braking along with all necessary equipment and controls.Specification No. Broad specifications of the major equipment are furnished below: 4. The equipment shall be suitable for the Metro service.3. Adequate margins with respect to electrical & mechanical parameters shall be allowed while designing / selecting the equipment or components. 4. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 31 of 112 CHAPTER 4 ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENT 4.e. The dynamic braking shall consist of regenerative and rheostatic braking. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev.3. which shall complement each other. which includes high vibration. In case the line voltage transiently increases up to 900V dc. regenerative braking shall transferred to rheostatic braking without noticeable change of brake effort. IGBT based with PWM control.1 3-PHASE DRIVE AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT The 3-phase drive equipment shall be based on proven technology with regeneration capability in the full speed range. The current rating of IGBT and other power semiconductor devices shall be such that the 0 junction temperature has the minimum thermal margin of 10 C in the worst loading conditions and under the most adverse ambient conditions as specified. hot. All sensitive equipment including working part of control and auxiliary circuits and PCBs shall be suitably covered to keep them free from moisture and dust.3. The voltage rating of IGBT and other power semiconductor devices would be so chosen that at least 25 % margin is available after taking into consideration the DC link voltage and voltage jump on account of inductance and capacitance in the circuit.0 LIGHTNING ARRESTOR Gapless type lightning arrestors of well proven design for 750 V DC shall be provided in the Motor Coaches for protection against line voltage transients caused by lightning or system switching.1.0 GENERAL This chapter describes the requirements and broad specifications of the electrical equipment to be used in the Metro Rolling Stock. The regenerative and rheostatic brakes transferring process shall be continuously reversible. When there is no dynamic brake available. regenerative braking shall have the first priority in the braking process. When the third rail system continues to be either partially or totally non receptive.3. 4. continuous and reversible. This shall be done by means of a smooth transition from regenerative to rheostatic braking and vice versa until the receptivity of the third rail system is resumed. dynamic braking shall still be maximized. The contractor shall ensure that equipment supplied is proven in field service with high reliability. require minimal maintenance and are easily maintainable. i.1 (iii) (iv) 4.2 The power inverter shall be Natural cooled.1. the total required brake force shall be provided by the friction brake. the blending of regenerative and rheostatic brake shall be smooth. humid and dusty atmosphere and other conditions detailed in chapter 2.0 4.2. A suitable rated resistor shall be used to ensure smooth braking transition from the above transient over voltage conditions. depending on the third rail receptivity and braking priorities as specified below: (i) (ii) Under normal circumstances. Chapter 4: Electrical Requirements . The Tenderer shall furnish a design note on the adequacy of the proposed rating of the power equipment for the overall MRS performance parameters. 3. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev.3.5 4.4.0 4.3.Specification No. The inverter system and transformer will be capable of withstanding the maximum short circuit current under fault conditions and these will be established as well.3. the permissible diameter difference between the wheels of different bogies of the same Motor Coach shall not be less than 13 mm.. sufficient indication will be given to the driver to enable corrective action to be taken in time. Suitable margin shall be provided in the equipment rating such that under emergency condition such as with isolation of traction unit such as inverter.. short time rating of the major electrical equipment such as. The inverter shall be provided with necessary control to provide the guaranteed performance under such fluctuations without exceeding the rated cut off current of IGBT and keeping minimum cut off time within the limits. The general design and manufacture of the motor will be done to the standard IEC 60349 & IEC 60349-2 in accordance with the modern traction practices.3. 4.4. or any other action as indicated to him through diagnostic display. will be furnished. If the driver’s intervention is needed.3. In any case. on any of the Motor Coaches in the rake. Suitable filters shall be provided to reduce / limit voltage fluctuations and harmonics within acceptable limits for Signal and Telecommunications equipment as well as for MRS’s own equipment. The traction motor will operate satisfactorily over the entire range of loading.4. if so desired.4 The inverter system shall be capable of withstanding the maximum short circuit under fault conditions. Modular construction will be adopted wherever considered possible. Deleted In the vital units of power control circuit like power supplies etc. As such in case of any dead short circuit across the outgoing terminals of the converter-inverter systems. power inverter. Freedom from dust and protection from surges will be ensured. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 32 of 112 4.10 4. The design will include all those features. where any defect/failure of component would cause complete failure of the Motor Coach. traction motor etc.3. The manufacturer shall conduct necessary tests on the traction motor to establish compliance with this requirement. It shall be possible for the driver to take any protective action.11 4. with harmonic / ripples imposed on from the IGBT based supply system both during motoring and regeneration braking conditions. from the driving cab itself.3.1 4. For such purpose. The protection/alarm/indication circuit will normally have self-correcting features with automatic diagnosis and isolation of defects with information to the driver.7 4. traction motor etc.2 Chapter 4: Electrical Requirements . higher values shall be preferred.6 4. TRACTION MOTOR 3-phase asynchronous type of Traction Motor suitable for IGBT inverter shall be used. Tenderer shall also furnish the permissible diameter difference between the wheels of the same bogie and those on different bogies of the same coach. there shall be no necessity to withdraw the rake from service and journey is completed satisfactorily as per requirement defined in Chapter 3. which are known to have worked well in the tropical climatic conditions. the system shall provide adequate protection so that no damage is inflected on the inverter system.3. Tenderer shall specifically submit details of the redundancy provided in the system to this effect.8 4. if so required.3 4. The third rail voltage fluctuates widely as indicted in the chapter 2.9 4. The system shall provide for selective isolation of individual bogies in case of the fault. suitable means for redundancy will be provided in order to avoid the Motor Coach failure or reduction in performance due to such defects. Calculations for maximum power loading shall be furnished by the supplier. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 33 of 112 4.7. Vibrations arising out of gear-pinion interaction or any other internally generated vibration. Evaluation of the insulation system for sealing against moisture will be done in accordance with IEEE 429. It should be possible to transfer moments resulting from short circuit with sufficient safety against damage or loosening / loss.4. high rainfall for 4-5 months and dusty/polluted atmosphere during rest of the year.4. 4. overheating etc. It shall withstand safely with adequate design margins to work satisfactorily at maximum power operating point under motoring & regenerating.5 4.6 4.7.2 4. mechanical/compressive stresses. 4. switching surges and such other conditions caused by stalling and wheel-slips under different operational conditions. 4. by more than 20 degree C.4. will receive particular attention.4. The motor will be designed such that the “hot spot” temperature under conditions such as one hour. such as heat. short-time and continuous rating of loading in any winding (stator and rotor) does not exceed the average temperature of that winding measured by resistance method.4. from the full life cycle point of view.3 The motor will be liberally rated as per the Metro performance requirements for the most severe service operation as defined latest IEC60563. Prevalence of high temperature. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. will be incorporated to simulate the actual working conditions as closely as possible.7. taking into account the gear efficiency. The safety factors should be furnished during a design review for approval. gear case etc. The mechanical design of the traction motor.5 4. fixing arrangement on the bogies. The evaluation of the insulation system for thermal endurance will be made with fabricated test models by way of accelerated aging test as per the test programme drawn up in accordance with the norms specified in IEC 60505 and/or IEEE-304.4. Motorette test will be carried out separately for the Traction Motors. The motor will be designed so as to be capable of withstanding transients such as third rail voltage fluctuations. vibration. metallic dust from brake shoes. The Tenderer shall also comment on the design adequacy of the construction of the motor for the maximum to continuous tractive effort ratio adopted. Imperviousness to moisture will be a special requirement.4.4. Having regard to the system of insulation adopted and the environmental conditions the maximum temperature rise in the traction motors will be less than the temperature index minus 70 degree under rated loading conditions. The Tenderer shall also submit a detailed note on the robustness of rotor bar construction with end rings.4 4. special environmental effects of humidity.4. The materials comprising this system and the system itself will have been proven to be of the highest reliability in traction application.4. the gears and pinions.4 4.4.Specification No. Abrupt change in temperature while coming out of / entering into tunnel from surface / elevated alignment. dust. etc. The following operational and environmental factor will be specially kept in view in the design of the motor: Excessive vibrations that are experienced because of average track maintenance conditions.8 Chapter 4: Electrical Requirements .1 Insulation System: The insulation system to be employed will be particularly designed to withstand the adverse environmental conditions.7. humid and salty terrain. high speeds if adopted. precautions against loosening of bar in slots.7.3 Various aging parameters.7 4. 1 Chapter 4: Electrical Requirements .0 million km. then the reason for the same should be specified in the offer. It is desirable that majority of control and monitoring functions are implemented by software so as to reduce hardware and cables. The maximum temperature of the grease used on the bearing & its life may also be calculated & furnished. description of the gear tooth forming. Its lubrication interval should be specified. Integral cage rivetless bearings guided on roller elements shall be preferred.4. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 34 of 112 4.0 4. should be provided.0 million km.15 i) Proof of stability for gear tooth forming and total design. suitable provision shall be made to detect traction motor over temperature for ensuring timely protection to the traction motor before any damage occurs. manufacturing and hardening procedures with corresponding specifications.14 4. The link between the microprocessor and the interface cards should be established by means of serial bus system or by any other superior means. The terminal markings should be legible permanently on the cables. L10 life should be at least 2. if necessary.13 4. deceleration and jerk rate control. lubrication process and lubrication intervals. Suitable physical bus interface. and for the gear wheel at least 2 million km.5.4. The speed sensing device and temperature sensing device for control purposes. The tenderer shall provide for screened motor cables for control purpose. DC link control (if a separate DC link is used). The screening should be grounded at the motor. Life span of bearing while considering the axle deflection. shall be mounted on the traction motor itself. converter/inverter control. Tenderer shall substantiate the compliance.9 The selection and execution of the traction motor bearing and lubrication should be described. Speed sensing device and the temperature probe should be made accessible from the pit and should also be replaceable without lifting the traction motor. converter actuating.11 4. then it should be justified in the approval. braking control. Details for the interference fit of bearings. Oil types. In any case.Specification No.4. All electronic cards shall be ii) iii) iv) 4. Gear Wheel: The MTBF for the pinion should at least be 1 million km. If winding temperature probes are provided for control purposes. Insulated bearing is not preferred but if it is used.4. The following should be submitted for the approval during design approval stage: 4.4. acceleration. The armature shaft should be detachable from the rotor. slide and slip control. Pinion and gear wheel should be produced from case hardened alloy steel. to ensure error free and high speed data transmission. machine control.12 4. MICROPROCESSOR CONTROL AND DIAGNOSTIC SYSTEM: Microprocessor based control system will be used for inverter. The lubrication points of bearing should be easily accessible.4. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. provided materials. The end shields shall be provided with suitable protection arrangement to protect the windings from any damage due to flying external object during run. The vehicle electronics shall have 100% redundancy for the brake system functioning. The lubrication points of gear case should be easily accessible. The connecting leads should be protected from mechanical damages and should be fastened to the motor at least at one point. Maintenance inspection interval (excluding lubrication) should not be less than 1. The rotor should be reusable / repairable.5. monitoring of commands to the control units and protection etc. The gear case design shall be furnished and finalised during design approval.10 4.4. The electronics and other equipment shall be suitably protected against mould or fungus growth. The faults occurring in any of the Motor or Trailer Coach shall be displayed in appropriate form in the driving cab. It shall be possible for the driver to select and take appropriate action viz.5.5 4.4 4.6 4. the tractive effort control will enable the MRS to be driven on the basis of tractive effort readings. from the cab itself. The contractor shall supply suitable interface hardware and software. Adequate redundancy should be built in the microprocessor. 4. An application software shall be provided to facilitate fault diagnostics and analysis of equipment wise and Motor Coach wise failures. the speed control shall work within the limits of maximum electrical performance. It shall be possible to test the software after downloading the same by means of simulation facility or by some other means. It shall be possible to download the previous fault diagnostic messages or any other data of any Motor Coach in a rake from any of the Motor Coaches and from the Driving coaches by means of serial interface to commercially available personal computer or Laptop computer and also on Hand Held Terminal which will then be connected to a Personal Computer.Specification No. the regenerative baking from other Motor Coaches shall not be affected adversely. shall be automatic and without any manual 4.5. The microprocessor should be capable of monitoring the status of the equipment and their interconnection continuously and detecting occurrence of faults.5. if so desired. Coach wise faults shall be displayed with alphanumeric messages. The faults should also be stored in the memory of the microprocessor.8 Chapter 4: Electrical Requirements . The downloading of the software. The configuration of the Motor Coaches for the purpose of interlacing etc.2 Microprocessor should perform the task of fault diagnostics and display in addition to control task. These figures shall be available readily on the driver’s display panel as and when required and shall be retrieved through the down loading device.5. diagnostics and simulation etc.5. Suitable actuating device shall be provided for this purpose.5. Under such conditions. The tenderer shall furnish the protection level and the arrangement. It shall be possible to read and record the energy consumption and energy regeneration figure for a particular time period for the individual Motor Coach and for the full rake. Details are to be worked out during design approval stage. Various important parameters of the equipment as well as environmental data at the time of occurrence of the faults should also be recorded with a view to enable proper fault analysis. as fed through suitable electronic device / interface in the driver’s cab. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 35 of 112 suitably protected against dust and moisture. It shall be possible by the driver to clamp the speed after achieving any particular speed and this will be cause control system to maintain the speed irrespective of track profile and other variations.5. actuation of TPWS or as required from safety considerations. The microprocessor should also take appropriate action and where ever necessary shut down the equipment. isolation of specific equipment of any Motor Coach etc. Data of at least last 45 days should be kept available in memory.3 4. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. In case preset selected speed control is not used. The system shall be inherently fail-safe and shall immediately come out of this mode to normal mode on actuation of master/ brake controller. However at all times. time journey details etc. The electronics shall be tested for its functionality in dusty and humid environment.7 4. along with the name of the driver. for the complete rake shall be feasible through any Motor Coach and Driving Coach in the rake. Isolation of one (or more) Motor Coach or bogie shall not affect the normal functioning of brake system. The regenerative braking shall be independent for each bogie and faults on one bogie shall not affect regenerative braking performance on the other. 1 The following on-train communications requirements shall be provided : Two-way Communication between the Operations Control Centre (OCC) and train operator.2.1 TRAIN CONTROL.2. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 36 of 112 interference in case of isolation of Motor Coaches during the service or change in the formation of the rake in the shed. The interface between the communication link and TIMS shall be (iii) Chapter 4: Electrical Requirements .2 OCC to Train operator and On-train Public Address Communication Link 4.2. via communication equipment (To be installed by IR).1 A Train-to-OCC communications link (To be installed by IR) shall be provided to enable : (i) (ii) Voice communication between the OCC and passengers.5. (vi) An automatic voice announcement system. distance travelled and time etc. The microprocessor control and diagnostic system shall also provide for measurement and recording of speed of the MRS with the provision of wheel diameter correction. if required to improve performance.0 4.6. (vii) A passenger information system (viii) Passenger saloon surveillance system using CCTV (ix) Door opening / closing chime. during the MRS warranty period. Necessary provision shall be made for acquisition and transmission of data required for leading cabs and the controlled equipment on other coaches.2. 4. and the train operator. The shunting operation shall be selectable through a switch mounted on the driver’s desk and operation of the switch shall be recorded by the vehicle electronics. The contractor shall also commit to upgrade the software.1 Train Communication Equipment 4. Passenger Information & Communication System 4.6. Necessary measures shall be taken to ensure that any type of interference does not distort the control and communication signals. 4. DATA TRANSMISSION & COMMUNICATION The leading cab will be controlling the Motor Coaches and other equipment in the train formation.Specification No. if so required in future in order to improve the operation of MRS.6. Vehicle health data communication from TIMS to OCC at designated times and locations. The data required to be transferred from the train to the OCC shall be finalised by the Contractor at the detailed design stage and submitted for review by the Engineer. (v) Facilities for simplex conversation between occupants of driving cabs in two coupled trains.6.6. It shall be possible for the Railways to execute any modification through software or otherwise. (iii) Means for the train operator to address passengers throughout the train from the driving and non-driving cab.1. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev.6.2.5. (ii) Emergency passenger announcements on the train by OCC via communication system (To be installed by IR).2 4.6. The contractor shall provide necessary paraphernalia required for the purpose. (i) 4. (iv) Facilities to permit simplex conversation between a passenger who has operated a passenger alarm device.10 4. and between the OCC and the train operator.9 Acceleration and speed shall be clamped to a preset value while opting for ‘shunting’ operation. 3. When the OCC to passenger communication occurs.2. it shall not be possible to restart the train until all the passenger alarms have been reset. each demand shall be independently acknowledged. In the event that the train operator fails to acknowledge a passenger alarm call. a warning sonic device shall sound in the cab.2.3 Whilst the communications system is in the passenger alarm mode it shall be possible for the train operator to move between passenger alarm.2.2 A suitable interface shall be provided by the Contractor to enable the OCC -to.to-cab communication. which shall terminate the cab sonic alarm.1 There shall be four passenger alarm devices in each car.6. 4. thereby enabling bi-directional inter-communication between the train operator and the passenger.6.3 Passenger Alarm 4. The train operator shall acknowledge the alarm by operation of an override device. within a specified time. On-train Public Address 4. 4.6.6. clearing when acknowledged by the train operator. which shall be integrated with the driving console.2. Screened cable pairs of fire survival type as per IEC 60331-1 shall be provided for the passenger alarm system. views from surveillance cameras provided near the location of activated PEA shall be displayed in the monitors inside cab and a visual indication on the exterior of the car shall advise station staff which is the affected car. and alarms shall be stored.6. A communication control head. displayed and answered sequentially.2.Passengers announcements to be transmitted over the train public address system. If more than one emergency device has been operated.6.3. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 37 of 112 (iv) (v) (vi) provided by the Contractor.3. Voice shall have priority over data communication. any other system set at that time shall be overridden. Full details shall be submitted for review by the Engineer 4. the call shall be logged by TIMS. TIMS shall be provided with following data relating to the passenger emergency alarm: Current status of each passenger alarm button. 4. 4. Passenger communication shall be train operator initiated. Once this has occurred the system shall revert to its normal form of operation.4 Under no circumstances shall cab-to-cab conversation or train operator to OCC conversation be relayed to any passenger.6. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. an indication shall be given to the train operator of the location of the operated device.2.3. This will render the local microphone and loudspeaker adjacent to the activated emergency device active. Once the doors have been opened. OCC. PA and cab. Alarm event for each passenger alarm button. shall be installed by IR.4.Specification No.2 When a passenger alarm device is operated.1 An integrated main communications panel shall be provided at the driving Chapter 4: Electrical Requirements . and simultaneously cause an indicator to illuminate at the emergency device location. 4.6. 2. 4. 4. the driving cab or the automatic voice announcement system. to ensure that in the event of a single power amplifier failure.2. The Automatic Voice System shall be the default public address mode (default mode). cab-to-cab communications. 4. gain or speaker volume control settings under all test and operational conditions.5 Power amplifiers are required for the PA system and shall cater for the requirements of an eight car train.2. The cable shall be of the fire survival type. positioning and output of each loudspeaker and power amplifier shall be designed such that an even sound coverage in all areas of the passenger saloon is achieved. the train operator shall be able to communicate with a person at the other end of the train or with the train operator of a train coupled to this train (e. Each power amplifier shall feed 50% of the speakers in the same car and 50% in the adjoining car.4.5. controlling functions related to public address and cab-to-cab communications shall be provided on the non-driving side of the cab.4. 4. 4.5 Cab to Cab Mode 1) of April’ 2009 Page 38 of 112 side of the cab by the Contractor to control the public address functions.2.8 The PA system shall have automatic continuous variable volume control. 4.6.4. Full details shall be submitted for review by the Engineer. at least half of the speakers are still operative in the car.2.6.2 On-train public address shall be capable of being initiated from the OCC.2.4 The Public Address System together with its main components shall comply with internationally accepted standards. screened.2.10 The public address amplifiers shall be protected against short circuit at the outputs of the amplifier.7 The number.9 The PA system shall exhibit no oscillation.4. an Auxiliary communications panel.11 The through line cable inside the car shall be suitably insulated.Specification No.1 In the cab-to-cab mode. 4. 4. and passenger alarm communications.6. armoured and overall outer sheathed. The Contractor may however. The sound pressure level when measured at a height of 1. Full details shall be submitted for review by the Engineer.4.2. In addition. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev.6. 4. propose alternative suitable settings. The Contractor shall supply software / hardware configurator for enabling the Employer’s personnel carry out the adjustment as per the proposed system.6. This panel shall have a backlit LCD display with facilities for the touch screen input.4. capable of handling English and Hindi characters. Loudspeakers shall be positioned to give 4.g. Two way communication Chapter 4: Electrical Requirements .6.6. The contractor shall submit the details of the microphone for review by the Engineer.6.4.3 The microphone to be used for public address / announcements should have high dynamic noise canceling feature. to undertake a push-out).5m above the floor shall not vary by more than 1dB along the entire length of the consist.6 Power amplifiers are required for the PA system and shall be provided in each car. Full details shall be submitted for review by the Engineer. acoustical feedback or other instabilities at any combination of input level. A sound level adjustable between 6dB(A) and 10dB(A) above background noise level is required throughout the train. based on saloon background noise level.4.4.6. 4.2. (iv) One monitor repeater shall be provided in each cab.) of message and special messages (to be triggered manually)shall be subject to review by the Engineer. The hardware and dedicated software etc. The device shall be operable from the train operator’s cab. (vi) Voice announcements and text messages for the displays shall be prerecorded and configured into the system using the “off line” speech and route database editor.5. frequency. (v) All the hardware requirements to achieve interfaces between the automatic voice announcement system and the ATP/ATO/TPWS system shall be provided by the Contractor.6 Automatic Voice Announcement System 4.2. Similarly.6. (iii) The pre-determined messages (voice announcements and text messages) shall be automatically triggered by train events and / or the ATP/ATO/TPWS system to make an announcement. 4. during the Contract period.Specification No. Functions and features of this system shall be as follows: One device shall be provided in each cab which shall be on hot standby. to be decided during the design stage. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 39 of 112 shall be established in this mode. Messages. Full details shall be submitted for review by the Engineer. Messages shall be digitally stored.2. (vii) The Automatic Voice Announcement System shall also be equipped with display and announcement of computer generated messages. (ii) The Automatic Voice Announcement System shall be fully integrated with the On-train PA system. (viii) The comprehensive details (their format. the device at the other cab shall automatically become master. and simultaneously with. automatic announcements and with the passenger alarm system operative. The Contractor shall provide equipment and means to achieve this by IR’s maintenance personnel. (ix) A door close announcement shall be triggered each time the “Door Close” button is pressed.6.2. (x) The system shall be capable of storing 120 minutes of prerecorded messages preferably in digital MP3 format or a latest format. 4. Messages shall be recorded in the voice of professionals Announcers to be approved by the IR. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. for editing and modifying the speech and route database shall be handed over to Kolkata Metro at an appropriate time. A door close chime shall be played and continued until the “Doors Close” relay opens.6. During this time any existing auto announcement shall be aborted. a chime shall be played during the door opening. use etc.1 An automatic pre-recorded message announcing system shall be provided in each cab. audio or visual or both shall be in the Hindi. Any failure of component which can adversely affect functionality shall be logged by the system itself and also be communicated to TIMS for reporting to the train operator and data logging. The memory shall be able to store Route Database for at least 200 (i) Chapter 4: Electrical Requirements . Close liaison is required between the Contractor and the Signalling Contractors in this regard. The type of chime and the sound level shall be approved by the IR. In case of failure of the identified master. The IR’s staff shall be associated during the editing activity.6. Bengali and English languages. Full details shall be submitted for review by the Engineer.2 The cab-to-cab communication system shall be able to operate independently of. Specification No. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 40 of 112 (xi) stations. However, it shall be possible to enhance the memory by expansion using commercially available memory devices. Full details shall be submitted for review by the Engineer. It is proposed to provide commercial / general audio and/or visual messages in between the announcements. The system shall be capable of playing / displaying of such advertisements. Details shall be submitted for review by the Engineer. Passenger Information System General (i) The Passenger Information System shall include a high resolution multi colour graphic display, suitable for the remote displaying of moving messages, in Hindi, Bengali and English, on board the train, in the passenger area. Hindi, Bengali and English messages should be scrolled on the display simultaneously and in synchronism. The colour of Hindi, Bengali and English character shall be approved by the Engineer. Emergency announcements may be displayed in red. Eight such display units per car shall be provided. (ii) The location of the display units shall be proposed by the Contractor taking into consideration the need for all-round good visibility by passengers within the saloon. The Contractor shall submit proposal, including diagrammatic representation of the angle of visibility of the display units. (iii) The pixel diameter shall be three (3) mm and the pixel per pitch shall not be greater than four (4) mm. Alternative display panel configurations may be considered for better resolution. The viewing angle to the display panel for a clear and sharp image at a distance of five (5) meters shall not be less than ±60°. (iv) There shall be a Destination Indicator behind operator cabs’ wind screen. The destination indicator shall be capable of displaying three lines of messages.The top line shall display Hindi characters of at least 60 mm height while the second line shall display Bengali characters of at least 60 mm height. The third line shall display English character of at least 45 mm height. The Contractor shall submit proposal for Engineer’s review. (v) There shall be a Train Number Indicator behind operator cabs’ wind screen. The Train Number Indicator shall be capable of displaying 4digit numerical train number of at least 130 mm height with yellow LEDs. The Contractor shall submit proposal for Engineer’s review. (vi) The Train Number and Destination Indicator shall be able to be set via the route setting control. The route setting control shall be through the manual control on the TIMS. (vii) The Destination and Train Number Indicators shall have a view angle of not less than 120 degrees in the horizontal plane and shall be legible under direct sunlight, artificial light and darkness. Light sensors shall be equipped to vary the intensity of the LEDs based on the level of ambient light. (viii) Location of all the displays shall be reviewed during mock-up review. Operation of Passenger Information and Automatic Announcement System Automatic Operation of Passenger Information System (i) The system shall be capable of automatic operation throughout. At train set up, the train number provided by ATO/ATP/TPWS shall automatically select the route to initialize the passenger Chapter 4: Electrical Requirements Specification No. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 41 of 112 (ii) (iii) information system by selecting the appropriate information from the train equipment and transmitting it to speakers and displays. The train operator shall be able to over-ride the automatically supplied train number and when no automatic route selection is given shall be able to enter the train route. The system shall update the journey information by accessing the train location informationfrom the ATO/ATP/TPWS equipment. The Automatic Announcement and the Passenger Information System systems shall at all times provide the same route, destination and next stop information to the passengers. The Automatic Announcement and the Passenger Information System shall indicate which side of the car that the doors will open at the next station stop The system shall be capable of receiving real time information from the control centre relating to delays and other relevant information. The system shall be capable of automatically updating the information being presented at the time to include the real time information received without the train operator’s intervention. Manual System (i) In addition to automatic operation, visual and audio information shall be capable of being originated from the train operator’s cab. The system shall be capable of making pre-recorded announcements (both audio and visual) by manual triggering from main communications panel in the event that the ATO/ATP/TPWS positional information is not available. Under such circumstances, messages shall operate automatically for the route from the TIMS information. Messages and announcements shall be triggered based on distance traveled and door operations. Manual override shall be provided to allow for station skipping. The train operator shall be able to override the automatic system and select message to be broadcasted randomly. All activation criteria shall be submitted for review by the Engineer. In case of system degradation, train operator shall be able to make manual announcements through microphone from the cab. (ii) Interface Appropriate interfacing with TIMS shall be developed to carry out the abovementioned functionality. The interface shall include provision of single point downloading the data logs stored in the memory of all train based Communication Equipment using TIMS interface. 4.7.0 4.7.1 MASTER CONTROLLER A combined Traction and Brake controller of a proven design, henceforth to be called Master Controller, integrated into a single unit shall be used. Suitable provision shall be made to enable limited manual operation in case of failure of the Master Controller. The master controller shall be before and after longitudinal shift type. Driving mode shall be achieved by moving the handle away from the operator while braking mode shall be towards the operator from the central neutral position. The master controller shall be provided with a “Deadman’s” device, which shall have to be kept activated manually and consciously by the driver. The design should be such that in case of the driver getting incapacitated or loosing alertness, the 4.7.2 4.7.3 Chapter 4: Electrical Requirements Specification No. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 42 of 112 “Deadmans” device shall get released, causing the emergency brakes application. The design should be such that driver is not able to fool the system. 4.7.4 Suitable forward/ reverse interlocks and interlocks with braking system shall be incorporated in the master controller. Traction shall be possible only from one cab at a time. Master controller shall have two spare tapings so that TPWS can access the master controller. Detailed scheme to be finalized at design stage. DRIVER’S DISPLAY PANEL: A suitable LCD display with interactive touch screen with back-lit illumination or other better arrangement with robust & heavy duty input/output system shall be provided on driver’s desk to display fault status, energy values & status of various important parameters as selected by driver / maintenance staff or as required for the satisfactory system operation. The selection of the display panel shall be liberal and details shall be worked out during design stage. Interactive display system with touch screen may also be offered as an alternative. Tenderer shall submit other options available. The presentation of information on the display and the interaction of the system with the driver shall be designed in a user-friendly manner. The display shall be robust and be designed against vandalism, rough handing, and ingress of water & dust. 4.9.0 SAFETY MEASURES All the systems and subsystems will have adequate protection against over voltage /over current /earth fault etc. so that in case of any trouble the affected system should be isolated promptly, reliably and automatically. 4.9.1 Provision shall be made so that all equipment will be adequately earthed, insulated, screened or enclosed and provided with essential interlocks and keys as may be appropriate to ensure the protection of equipment and safety of those concerned with operation and maintenance. Various sub-system such as traction system, auxiliary system control system, etc. will be kept galvanically isolated. Necessary protective equipment will be provided in all cases where dangerous potential difference may appear between one part of the circuit and earth or between two points in a circuit. The frames and metal supports of all electrical equipment shall be adequately earthed to the coach body. The tenderer shall provide an earth fault detection system having independent detection capability of earth fault in any of the main sub-systems. System shall provide foolproof safety against unauthorized person driving the train. The authorized person shall have to ‘log-in’ by means of suitable electronic device in the driver’s cab and the details of the personnel and timing, journey details etc. shall be recorded in the memory. This shall be accessible as and when required. The details shall be worked during design stage. Tenderer may give alternative proposal in line with the requirement. Tenderer shall submit options available. CONTROL EQUIPMENT The control equipment, relays and switches, and such other devices shall be robust and of latest and proven technology established under the most severe operating conditions, with particular regard to reliability. Wherever considered necessary, the contacts should be duplicated to provide redundancy. The temperature of the equipment offered shall be governed by IEC minus 30°C. The use of relays and contactors shall be to bare minimum. All relays and contactors shall be provided in dust proof enclosures. 4.7.5 4.8.0 4.9.2 4.9.3 4.9.4 4.9.5 4.10.0 Chapter 4: Electrical Requirements 2 Chapter 4: Electrical Requirements . Wheel Slip / Slide Protection & Anti Skid Controls The Wheel slip / slide protection function & anti skid controls should be integrated into the Traction Control Wheel Spin Protection function unit.4 4. System shall provide enough redundancy in the brake electronics and controls so that the isolation of Motor Coach does not lead to non. The Rheostatic braking resistor shall be adequately rated for this purpose.12.1 4.12. the temperature for dry heat test shall be 80 C.Specification No.6. The friction braking system shall function as the ultimate braking system on the car.functioning of EP brakes of the Motor Coach. Selective. due to higher ambient 0 temperature in India. System shall provide for adequate safety measures against rolling back in case the train is to be started on a rising gradient. including essential compliance to the optional & investigative tests for dry heat and vibrations & shocks.functional in case of failure of power supplies. The EP brakes shall be applied automatically to supplement any difference between the braking demand and the available regenerative / rheostatic braking effort. In case of isolation of any EP valve due to any defect. to be installed on Motor Coaches and Trailer Coaches. Rheostatic braking shall be automatically made operational. In case the power supply for EP system fails. The wheel slip / slide protection system.6. isolation of Motor Coach or failure of control electronics etc.12.0 POWER AND CONTROL ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENTS The traction inverter shall meet the requirements of IEC-61287 and the control electronic should generally conform to IEC-60571. 4.3 4. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 43 of 112 4. The vibration & shock tests and endurance test shall comply to IEC 61373. shall make maximum use of the available adhesion between the wheels and rail and minimise slipping extent and duration (and improve acceleration/braking) in adverse rail conditions. The electronic control equipment should be protected against unavoidable EMI in the machine compartment. BRAKE BLENDING Full utilisation of the regenerative braking is envisaged in the 3-phase drive system such that regenerative braking is available over full range of speed to be blended / interfaced with the rheostatic / EP brakes only to the extent required. The wheel slip/slide protection system shall be active in all acceleration and braking modes and shall detect and correct wheel slip (spin) and slide (skid) that may be occurring randomly on different axle or synchronously between axles on the same 4. the brake electronics shall take adequate corrective action with least system isolation.12.12. coach wise isolation of EP valves shall be possible from driving cab. The system shall be fail-safe such that any failure of the system shall render it ineffective. Adequate redundancy shall be provided to ensure that the EP brakes do not become non.12. If a failure occurs in braking. All documentation shall also conform to the IEC 60571. However.2 4. automatic brakes shall be applied immediately. When the regenerative braking is ineffective/only partly effective or power supply system is non-receptive.5 4. acting as a backup during normal service braking and as the primary braking system during emergency stops and while parking.0 4. the system shall not reduce the level of braking below the commanded level for more than 3 seconds.12.6 4. The distribution of EP braking efforts between motor coaches and trailer coaches shall be optimised in the full range of speed and load to minimise adhesion requirement while maximising the energy regeneration. It shall be possible for the driver to know the mal-functioning of brake system of a coach. Wheel slip (spin) in driving mode and wheel slide (skid) in braking mode shall be minimised while striving to achieve maximum adhesion. Details shall be worked out during design. 50 Hz +/. Protection against over load.13. The Auxiliary Converter/inverter shall be continuously rated accordingly. Records of the faults shall be recorded in the memory. The auxiliary machine supply voltage will be 415 V +/.13.1. The Auxiliary load shall include air conditioning. For this purpose.8 4. 3-phase.3% AC with Total Harmonic Distortion less than 5% under all operating conditions.2 4. control units.13. The Auxiliary Converter/inverter shall have. keeping the requirement in view.13. The changeover action will be automatic and without time delay. at the output side shall be incorporated in the Auxiliary Converter/inverter. It will monitor all axle speeds on all the Motor Coaches to determine if a wheel slip (spin) or slide (skid) condition exists.1.13.1 AUXILIARY MOTORS: Only a few different types of motors will be used to guarantee inter-changeability.13. ventilation and any other emergency load of that coach from an adjacent healthy Auxiliary Converter/inverter. All the drive motors will be designed for Auxiliary inverter fed three phase AC supply with suitable protection against single phasing and short circuits.1.13.Specification No. This aspect shall be specifically checked during commissioning by actual measurements of the surges and will be complied accordingly. Battery charger shall also be a part of the Auxiliary Converter. the system shall control tractive / braking effort of each bogie individually to prevent the wheels on each bogie from slipping. it shall be possible to feed the auxiliary requirements of lights.2 Chapter 4: Electrical Requirements .1. air compressor.13. 4. locking or spinning. 3-phase. Adequate redundancy shall be maintained while selecting the size of motors. Coupling and mounting design requirements will be kept identical where applicable. light equipment. short-circuiting.0 4. Failure will be recorded in the control electronics and will be displayed on driver’s desk.4 4. self-correcting features against faults. 4.1.1 AUXILIARY SYSTEMS Auxiliary Converter/inverter The auxiliary power supply shall come from IGBT based static Auxiliary Converter/inverter with suitable filters. The Auxiliary Converter/inverter shall be protected and devices shall be selected suitably to ensure that there is no damage on account of surges.6 4.2 4. In case of failure. The standard low tension supply voltage in India is 415 V.7 4. Outputs of the Auxiliary Converter/inverter shall not be accessible to the passengers.5 4.13.13. same IGBT modules as used in Main inverter shall be used for Auxiliary Converter/inverter.13.13. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. The design of the Snubber circuit shall be carefully done so that the components do not fail due to surges. low voltage loads etc.10 If a coach having Auxiliary Converter/inverter is traversing neutral section or is stuck in a neutral section. earth fault etc. The 3-phase AC output and the battery charger output shall be galvanically isolated from the input and from each other. single phasing.13. to the extent feasible.1.2. Contractor may offer alternative design as well.1. sliding.1. If such a condition is detected.1 4. 4.3 4. doors. 50 Hz AC.9 4. Frequent starts and stops of compressor should not cause any interruption to other auxiliary loads. There shall be one Auxiliary Converter and/or inverter in one basic unit. then also it should be fed from an adjacent Auxiliary Converter/inverter/ adjacent coach so that auxiliary requirements remain uninterrupted. As far as possible.5%.13.2. 4. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 44 of 112 bogie.1.1. separate inverter may be considered for supplying power to the air compressor.13. 5 4. The battery will be of Ni-CD type having low-maintenance requirement.7 4.2 Chapter 4: Electrical Requirements . Only insulation system of class H and higher will be acceptable.2. Also.14. L-10 life of bearings will not be generally less than 20000 working hours when calculated as per ISO recommendation R-281.2.13. 4. door opening shall be possible even if there is no power. door opening/closing system. The emergency load shall include but not be limited to emergency lighting.2. Batterycharger shall be suitable for charging of NI-CD batteries and shall be such that the batteries shall not require water topping-up earlier than 6 months after previous topping up. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 45 of 112 4. Safety and security of passengers should be given top priority. the non-essential loads shall be disconnected and the capacity shall be adequate to feed the emergency load for at least one hour starting from 80% charged state of battery. communication and passenger information system.80 degree C Class C:. After one minute. having a nominal voltage of 110 V will feed the 110 V circuit loads in case of supply failure. all exterior lights. SYSTEM DESIGN: In the event of non-availability of power during the service the emergency lights will automatically turn on.14. Suitable back-up battery shall be provided. Adequate circuit protection shall be provided to ensure the battery load shall be disconnected when battery voltage has dropped below 77% of nominal voltage and when the auxiliary load is reconnected. propulsion and brake controls.3.Specification No.3 4. flange bearing housing units will be used.1 At the terminal station. 4. safety proving circuit. The permitted temperature rise for different classes will be: Class H:. The temperature rise limits for auxiliary machines will be reduced compared to IEC limits to take care of the higher ambient in India.3 Totally enclosed fan cooled design is to be considered for auxiliary machines if the use of such machines is likely to result in freedom from dust and contamination and in general better performance. The bearing design will be such that no greasing or any intermediate attention may be required to be done for at least one year after each greasing/adopting maintenance schedule as recommended by manufacturer. cab indicators interlocking.13.13. aluminium alloy die cast rotor construction will be preferred. Internally ventilated auxiliary machines having encapsulated stator windings may also be considered for this application if considered to be advantageous over totally enclosed fan cooled design. Tenderer shall submit complete design details.1 4. The capacity will be sufficient to feed the total load for at least 1 minute after failure of battery charge supply.2. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev.2. All auxiliary motors separately & combined equipment like motor blower sets will be subjected to prototype tests as per relevant IEC specification If the operating conditions of the auxiliary machines differ from the specified test conditions in relevant IEC publications additional tests as mutually agreed will be carried out. go to the other cab and again energise from there without having to wait much for the system to be initialised. safety related items etc. BATTERY The battery. the initial battery load shall not cause battery output to oscillate. the system design should allow the motorman to switch-off from one cab. fan & one blower motor per car.14.100 degree C Vacuum pressure impregnation of the stator winding must be done using solventless varnish having thermal index above 2000C 4.13.13. For motors higher than 15 kW.4 4.6 In the case of squirrel cage motors.13.13.0 4. D or RAM cassette and thus should be readable in graphic and tabulated form. Further.16. and arranged not to trap dirt. It shall be possible to isolate 50 % lights of the rake from driver cab when the Metro rakes is stabled in yards or shed.17. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. The speed indication-cum-recording equipment with electric drive will have a scale range of 0-100 or 0-120 Km/h. shall be directly energised from the battery supply and provide light for safety of passengers in the event of emergency such as failure 750 V DC supply. The layout shall be such that they are accessible to maintenance staff only. Adequate measures shall be taken to reduce the number of train lines to bare minimum. the tenderer shall ensure fail-safe working of the safety related signals and also indicate the use of such system elsewhere in similar traction application. Details of the arrangement shall be furnished.15.17. Approximately 33% of lamps.2 Chapter 4: Electrical Requirements .3 4.5m above floor level. The equipment shall suitably interface with the controls to incorporate the wheel diameter correction and also take protective action in case of over speeding. so as to minimise the inter vehicular cables. The light fittings shall be simple. Marker lights. 15.16. 4.0 4.1 SPEED INDICATING AND RECORDING EQUIPMENT Each basic unit shall be provided with speed indicating cum recording equipment in driving cab. Exterior Lighting The front end of each driving end shall be provided with high intensity. C. Two separately protected lighting circuits shall be used. adequate safety measures shall be taken to safeguard against rainwater.0 4.0 4. open.2 4. evenly distributed over the coach area. The interconnecting arrangement shall utilise multiplexing of control signals except but within the appropriate safety framework. without diffusers.17. COACH LIGHTING Interior Lighting Energy efficient. halogen lamp or better. along the entire length of the coaches.16. Tenderer shall submit details of the arrangement proposed to be adopted and the extent of multiplexing leading to reduction of the cables. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 46 of 112 4.Specification No. The size and number of light fittings shall be sufficient to provide a sensibly constant level of illumination of 200 lux at a height of 1. moisture and insects. twin-beam head light. A cover with adequate weather protection shall be provided to cover the electrical couplers when uncoupled. such that in the event of one tripping.1 TRAIN LINE CABLES & INTER VEHICULAR COUPLERS All train lines and inter vehicular couplers shall be so designed that they are not susceptible to any damage due to vandalism and external hitting during the run. in low flame and smoke luminaries.15. Floppy. Tail lights (blinking during 4. While designing the multiplexing. The recording shall be on suitable media viz.16. Reliability and ruggedness shall be given due importance during design and selection of the electrical couplers. Electrical contact blocks for manual coupling / uncoupling of electrical connections shall be provided. Coach wise indication of healthiness / working of lights and fans circuit shall be provided. long distance. The capacity of the memory shall be such that it retains all data of at least 15 days service period. the others provide evenly distributed lighting throughout the saloon. shall be recessed into the ceiling paneling.1 i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) 4.2 4. fluorescent lamps. Both the unit shall be controlled by single microprocessor controller unit 4. e-beam irradiated thin walled elastomeric cable as per RDSO specification No.4. circuit breaker. 4. which is ozone and eco-friendly or any other eco-friendly. Marker light shall be of amber colour adjacent to the taillights. All coaches shall be provided with audio-visual alarms distinct from the normal Passenger alarm system.1 Microprocessor Based Controller used for control & regulation of AC system with data logging and fault diagnostic facilities for operating parameters of air conditioning unit shall be provided.1 Air conditioning plant should be roof mounted package type.3 The cars shall be designed to meet the following conditions inside the compartments: Conditions Dry Bulb Wet Bulb %RH Inside 25˚C 27˚C 40-60% Outside : (As per ASHRAE 2% condition) Summer 35°C at 58% RH Monsoon 37°C at 74% RH 4.2 4. The control system for the ac units should performed by microprocessor controller based preferably with remote control. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev.3 4.1 Equipments provided in air-conditioning unit and controller shall be compatible to work satisfactory in electromagnetic interference (EMI).5. HFC refrigerant having zero ozone depletion potential and A1 safety category as per ASHRAE standard.18. These will work on the battery supply.2 Chapter 4: Electrical Requirements .4 All the equipment shall be capable of continuous operations without detriment to the operation of cutouts. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 47 of 112 the service) of proven design shall be provided.18. 1. 4.5 Thermostats and microprocessor 4. or overload in ambient temperatures between 0˚C and 55˚C and relative humidity upto 100%.18.Specification No. RDSO/SPEC/ELC/0019 (Rev. The following desired temperature setting inside the air conditioned compartment shall be maintained automatically: Cooling 26˚C -28 ˚C Relative Humidity 40% to 60 % 4.18.0)-2002 with amendment No.0 AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM : 4.3&4 shall only be used. The material used in air-conditioning unit shall have fire retardant property. These shall be preferably of LED type and shall be of international standards.18. 4.4. 4. There should be at least two package unit in each coach. Detail requirements shall be finalised during design stage.18.2 The cars shall be provided with Refrigeration System using R 407C refrigerant. Roof 0. 4.18. The filtration efficiency of fresh and return air filter shall be 97% & 98% respectively. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. requiring minimum attention/cleaning/maintenance.615 Kcal/sq m/hour/˚C Floor 0. 4. The Contractor shall use a filtration system suitable for working under Indian conditions.18.3 4.72 Kcal/sq m/hour/˚C Glass window 1.Specification No.1 The car body shall be thermally insulated.7 Fresh air quantity Minimum fresh air quantities shall be 0.2 Ducting 4.10.94 Kcal/sq m/hour/˚C Insulation should be such that minimum heat is transferred from outside by radiation/conduction and vice versa.18. The insulation used in different constructional parts being such as to obtain an overall co-efficient of heat transfer.9.3 The cut-in should take place within +/-0.6. Openings/diffusers shall be designed to ensure uniform quantity of air to be diffused throughout the passenger area to ensure uniform temperature inside the compartment. Necessary provision in the diffusers to control the direction of the diffused air shall be made to avoid draught to the passengers.18.65Kcal/sq m/hour/˚C Side wall 4.2˚C of the set value and the difference between cut-in and cut-out temperatures shall not exceed 1˚C. No direct blast should be felt by the passengers.1 Fresh and return air filters to arrest dust particles of maximum size of 15 micron and 20 micron respectively shall be provided.2 Chapter 4: Electrical Requirements .8 Humidity control Necessary arrangement should be provided to restrict the relative humidity to 60% even with outside ambient air having relative humidity as high as 100%.14 m 3/minute/person. The duct shall be suitably designed to ensure uniform air velocity throughout the duct. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 48 of 112 4.4 4. 4.5. The conditioned air duct shall be insulated by noise absorption and thermal insulating materials. Suitable device to Thermal insulation 4.9.10 Air filter 4.1 Ducting shall be provided in the car for distribution of diffused conditioned air into the passenger areas. 4. The compressor should have automatic capacity control system to match the refrigeration requirement of the car heat load. The refrigerant evaporator unit shall comprise of cooling unit with automatic thermostatic expansion valve.11. Profile of ducting should ensure that requisite amount of supply air is delivered at specified static head. The sockets shall be provided with a electrical interlocks so that when external power supply is connected to one socket the other does not become alive. 4.18. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev.18.11. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 49 of 112 indicate the pressure drop may be installed. 4.3 4.4 4.18. two sockets fitted diagonally one on each end wall shall be provided to connect external supply through plugs.3 Suitable arrangement to block fresh air completely or partially shall be provided. The air filter elements should be replace-able from inside the vehicle to minimize the need to access the same from the train roof during maintenance. and not disposable type. 4.11. Necessary provision to drain out condensate from the evaporator unit should be made so that it may not drip inside the car.18.18.11. the control should be provided in the electrical cubicle in the car. All fresh air in-take should be filtered and the air filter elements should be cleanable.11.7 4.8 4. Alternatively . The blowers should have low level of vibration and noise.18. Arrangement for receiving external supply at 415 V+/-10% 3 phase 50Hz ac should be made to pre-cool the car.11. shall be used and shall have adequate capacity at 60 ˚C discharge temperature and 5 ˚C suction temperature. For this purpose.10 Chapter 4: Electrical Requirements .6 4. The Contractor shall furnish cooling capacity curve and also cooling capacity versus power curve of the compressor and give comparison with standard curves.18.18.18. The cross section area chosen should ensure sufficient head room. firm may offer heating through reverse cycle air conditioning.10. Each air conditioning unit should be constructed as a integral module to enable removal from the vehicle as single complete item without the necessity to break any refrigerant lines or any part of coach or unit itself. The connectors should be so positioned to ensure that they cannot be damaged when the air conditioning unit is removed from the vehicle and placed on a flat surface. The ducting may be provided above false ceiling.18. 4. The refrigerant condensers shall be air-cooled and of adequate capacity to match the refrigeration system.9 4. Preferably. so that filter can be replaced/cleaned after getting necessary indication for the same.5 4.1 The compressor as specified suitable for traction environment only.11.11 Air conditioning equipment 4.11.11. All electrical connections and condensate outlets should be fitted with standard quick disconnect fittings.Specification No. 18. It is desirable that majority of control and monitoring functions are implemented by software so as to reduce hardware and cables.18.12.RDSO/PE/SPEC/AC/0089– 2008 . Microprocessor should perform the task of fault diagnostics and display in addition to control task.Specification No. 4.(REV.18.1 Microprocessor based control system will be used for all electrical system including air conditioning system. The details shall however be finalized during the design stage. 4.11. 4. In this regard firm shall submit complete heat load calculation and AC system capacity to achieve maximum possible EER. to ensure error free and high speed data transmission should be provided.11 Complete air conditioning system should have EER better than what is available in various Railways all over the world. 4. in no case refrigerant above pre-defined superheat should not enter into the compressor.3 There should be protection against ingress of flood refrigerant into compressor . Application / diagnostic software tools as required for trouble shooting and analysis of equipment wise shall be provided. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev.18.18. Adequate redundancy should be built in the microprocessor. The various important parameters of the equipment as well as environmental data at the time of occurrence of the faults should also be recorded with a view to enable proper fault analysis. Similarly .13 All cabling should be with e-beam /chemically crossed linked cable and shielded PTFE as per requirement and conforming to international standard.18.18. The faults should also be stored in the memory of the microprocessor and it should be possible to output the same by means of serial interface to commercially available printer or personal computer. The link between the microprocessor and the interfaced cards should be established by means of serial bus system or by any other superior means. energy consumption etc.15 All cabling and piping should be secured with fire retardant cleat so as to withstand service condition.4 Chapter 4: Electrical Requirements . Condition monitoring of AC coach Integrated microprocessor control/fault diagnostic system shall ensure the recording of all events of the Air conditioning. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 50 of 112 4. The microprocessor should also take appropriate action where ever necessary shut down the equipment. The electronics and other equipment shall be suitably protected against mould or fungus growth.11. The motor provided in the unit shall meet the requirements specified in RDSO specification No.12 Control panel 4.18.14 4. All electronic cards shall be suitably protected against dust and moisture. Suitable physical bus interface.11. The electronics shall be tested for its functionality in a dusty and humid environment.18.2 4.12. The microprocessor should be capable of monitoring the status of the equipment and continuity of jumper cables continuously and occurrence of faults. 0) and shall be of RDSO approved. In this regard the manufacturer will furnish information regarding the suitability of the selected materials under various climatic conditions referred to in the specification. excessive vibrations that are experienced because of average track maintenance conditions in India will be specially kept in view in addition to the operational and environmental factors specified.6 i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) 4. Harnessed cables with end connectors shall be provided as 100% standby. High Pressure Cut-out switch Low Pressure Cut-out switch Low Oil Pressure Cut-out switch. Adequate number of stand by vital spare control wires will be provided with adequate indications. 4. The length of power cables will be kept to minimum.12. will be conducted by the manufacturer in the presence purchaser’s representative. High voltage 3.Specification No. 4.3 4. At least following protective devices.5 It shall be possible to test the software after uploading the same by means of simulation facility or by some other means. While selecting the cable.4 4.20. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 51 of 112 4. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev.phase AC and low voltage DC cables / connections will be physically separated from each other. For all design purposes the manufacturer shall restrict the working temperature to the rated temperature minus 100C.19.20.5 4.2 4.1 CABLES All power. preferably solid state shall be included in the control circuit of air conditioning unit.20.21. if any. Fire survival cable with capability of surviving 750 degree centigrade for at least 90 minutes shall be used in ventilation.20. door. if required Capacity control switches cut-out switch Pressure differential switch Sensors Hygrostat Solenoid valve. low toxicity & halogen free materials suitable for Metro underground/over-ground applications.21.0 Emergency ventilation system shall be provided in case of failure of Air-conditioning system. Layout of cables will be optimised. for ensuring suitability of materials for Kolkata conditions as specified.0 4.13 4. if required Pressure transducers etc 4. SELECTION OF INSULATING MATERIALS: In selecting the materials of insulation the moist tropical weather conditions prevailing in Kolkata and underground / over-ground Metro application will be kept in view. WIRING AND CABLING Optical fiber cables for control signal purposes shall be as per international practices & standards.18. Additional necessary tests. Chapter 4: Electrical Requirements .20. emergency circuits and control cables.0 4. auxiliary & control cables shall be of advanced railway cable standards using low smoke.20. System should be so designed that in case of non-closing of any door.22. The compressor shall not require overhaul earlier than the overhaul requirement of the rolling stock at workshop as specified in clause 2.6 4.23. Cables for terminal connections will have only crimped joints. Smaller size cables for internal wiring of panels. The motor shall be 3-phase AC motor suitable for working from the 3-phase output of the Auxiliary inverter.22. Control for opening and closing of the doors of the coaches shall be with the motorman/ driver.COMPRESSOR SET Reciprocating compressor with motor of adequate capacity shall be provided so as to meet the total compressed air requirement under all operating conditions such as. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. control cubicles. If there is failure of any door to close due to obstruction or internal mechanism failure or any other reason. consideration shall be given to air leakages from pneumatic system.3 Chapter 4: Electrical Requirements .1 4. provided for the purpose. brake system. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 52 of 112 4.21. shall ordinarily be used.0 4.21.21. It will glow on the affected coach for its quick identification. the driver should be able to close and lock it manually and make the door inoperative to avoid failure of the rake. One motor compressor set shall be provided for each 2 cars and shall provide stand alone compressed air requirement for the same. The compressor shall preferably be of two-stage type.23.22. horns and air suspension spring etc. The terminal and wire cable ends shall be suitably marked to facilitate correct connections. but not limited to. During selection of compressor capacity. may be adopted.4 4.4 4.3 4. The compressor and associated pneumatic equipment shall be well located for easy access for maintenance.5 4.3 4. Motor compressor shall be suitable for under-slung mounting.21.23. with necessary inter and after cooler. The compressor capacity should be such that even with 2 compressors isolated in 8-car rake. The MTBF of the complete door system of 8-car rake shall not be less than 5000 hrs based on one opening-closing operation per two minutes.2 All connections shall be terminated on terminal bars of approved design. Tenderer shall quote for low noise reciprocating compressor of suitable capacity to suit the requirements as above. System design should be such that average duty cycle of each compressor without electrical braking does not exceed 50%. Since a large number of doors have to open and close at every station.2 4. very high reliability of operation is necessary. The tenderer shall quote the MTBF figures. the remaining compressor should adequately meet the compressed air requirement of the rake. The coach position in which the door closing/opening failure has taken place will be available on display on the drivers desk. indication to this effect shall be available to the driver and guard. DOOR OPENING AND CLOSING Door operation shall be electrically actuated.2 4. which starts taking place in course of time and age.22. mm.Specification No.0 4. consistent with the mechanical and electrical requirements.10. 4.23.5 sq. control system.22. door closing mechanism.1 of chapter 2. An indication lamp for this purpose shall also be provided outside each coach. No cable having conductor size of less than 2. Plugs/couplers and sockets will be used to connect pre-assembled units and to facilitate maintenance & ensure a better layout. The cables for wiring will use high-grade electrolytic copper stranded conductors tinned as per approved international standards and practice.21. MAIN MOTOR. All the doors shall normally open and close simultaneously.1 4. THIRD RAIL CURRENT COLLECTOR Third Rail Current Collector (TRCC) @ 4 per coach.Specification No. The TRCC shall be suitable for top collection and will be of adequate rating and mechanical strength. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 53 of 112 4.24.25. The contractor shall study the TPWS in Kolkata Metro for this purpose.0 4. the door closing mechanism should be such that in case of any external obstruction. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev.2 on each side of the coach at a proper distance shall be provided on each bogie so as to draw power from the third rail.26. Offered HSCB shall have proven performance in rolling stock application and manufacturer shall have supplied more than 1000 HSCB working all over the world railways/metros for rolling stock application during last 5 years. Fire retardant and very low smoke type material only shall be used in TRCC.5 4. The contact piece shall be of low dynamic mass and shall be applied with a contact force as constant as possible. It consists of track mounted equipment and car mounted equipment.0 4. It should comply IP-54 protection at 50 degree centigrade. the affected door should open out immediately. It shall comply IEC 61373 and relevant BS.23. In emergency. it should be possible to open the doors manually.27. 4.0 TRAIN PROTECTION WARNING SYSTEM A Train Protection Warning Continuous (TPWS) system as per RDSO specification has been provided on the Kolkata Metro. The on-board equipment shall be interfaced with the vehicle electronic to achieve the function as detailed in the TPWS specification. NF. ASTM and DIN standards specification with regard to insulation material used for breaker and protection box. After the gap of 3 seconds door should re-closed.0 HIGH SPEED DC CIRCUIT BREAKER Breaking capacity of HSCB shall be more than 45KA at 900 Volts at T=15 millisec with enclosure. TECHNICAL CREDENTIAL Tenderer shall furnish the data of major electrical traction equipment manufactured & supplied by them to various Railways for EMU and Metro application & tenderer shall also furnish the number of such equipment and date since when they are in service. The equipment to be provided on the Metro stock will be supplied along with the rake. Chapter 4: Electrical Requirements .23. The current collecting material shall be low wear type without causing unreasonable wear of the Third Rail. HSCB to be provided shall comply to IEC 60077 Pt-III which deals with DC switch gear for rolling stock application. positioned on either side of the running track.4 For the rake of passenger safety. 4. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev.12.0 5.20. 55 55 56 58 63 63 63 64 66 66 67 68 68 69 72 74 74 74 77 84 84 85 Chapter 5: Mechanical Requirements .0 Description General Materials Construction Requirement for Strength of Car Body Floor Construction Head Stock Windows Driver’s Compartment Doors Coach Interior Seats Car Exterior Vestibules Bogies Running Gear Riding and Stability Performance Traction Motor Drive Centre Buffer Couplers Brake Gear Passenger Emergency Alarm System Maintenance Requirement Workmanship & Processes Page no.13.8.0 5.0 5.4.0 5.5.0 5.0 5.19. 5.18.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.10.0 5.0 5.Specification No.0 5.0 5.0 5. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 54 of 112 CHAPTER-5 MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS Clause No.0 5.0 5.14. and suspension system failures etc. shall be constructed of light weight. side frame. roll. 5. body bolsters and floor beams. underframe. mounting of equipment. underframe. Not used.1. The structure and equipment supplied shall resist the specified loads with factors of safety consistent with those.2. and end walls.0 5.5 5.1 GENERAL Each rake consisting of four or more basic units and shall be completely equipped for independent two-way operation with driver’s cab at each end.1.1. The car body and attached equipment shall be designed to provide necessary clearances for the bogie and track profiles. durability. The vehicle body shall consist of the roof. All stainless steel structure which is in public view shall be AISI 301LN (low carbon. including sheathing. worn wheels.2. subject to successful stress analysis and testing. The design must allow for 38 mm of clearance between car body and bogie for worst case operating conditions. The car body shall be made by spot/resistance welding as suitable and internationally acceptable welding procedure for austenitic stainless steel to be used in the manufacture of car. and bending loads resulting from the specified vertical loads.3 5.1 Chapter 5: Mechanical Requirements . The body shall be of integral light weight construction consisting of separate assembly groups for under frame. joined to form a tubular structure. The car shell construction shall provide structural stiffening and reinforcing members as required for structural integrity. The car body structure shall be designed to make effective use of metal in providing the required strength and stiffness. if necessary. These assembly groups shall be made from the rolled sections or pressed plates and plain sheets which are suitable for welding. the design shall be based on the Contractor's experience. lateral motion. and cosmetic appearance. Streamline design will be adopted for the shell.1. tracks super elevation. except for any stops attached to the car body for limiting bogie movement or for bogie lifting during maintenance. two side sills. Intermediate body sills may be used in the underframe. roof and end walls. with nitrogen) or 5. the Contractor's design shall optimize strength. For structures not covered by this Specification.1. yaw.0 5. and weight. Worst case conditions may result from horizontal and vertical curves.6 5. The underframe shall consist of two end underframes.03 percent. The rake of any length shall perform identically in both forward and reverse direction. side walls.Specification No. Use of fibre-moulded sheets or any other similar material for the purpose of giving streamline body shall be avoided as far as possible.1. Proper aerodynamic profile will be provided to reduce wind resistance/drag and noise to bare minimum. In selecting the type and thickness of material to be used. with carbon content less than or equal to 0. Portions of the roof. The coach structure shall be designed so as to withstand the load specified for the material used in accordance with International specification.1. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 55 of 112 CHAPTER-5 MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS 5.2 The structure of the car body including shell should be suitable for stringent Metro services and have a design life of at least 35 years in the services under dense crush loaded conditions with no fatigue or permanent deformation failure. high tensile austenitic stainless steel. The stainless steel shall be the extra-low carbon type. and underframe shall be designed to form a girder to carry the longitudinal and vertical shear. side walls. The structural design shall be based on the specified loads and deflections.1.4 5. which have been successful for passenger rail transit equipment. MATERIALS The car body structure.7 5. maximum passenger load. Gussets are to be full height. the depth shall not be greater than 12. The weight of the coaches shall be kept as low as possible consistent with adequate strength to meet the loading already specified in Clause 2. The selection of stainless steel shall ensure that there are no inter granular corrosion cracking and stress corrosion cracking. Suitable reinforcement of the car-framing members in subassembly shall be done to accept attachments during assembly. Where dissimilar metals are joined.2.0 5.7 mm. and roofs shall be built on jigs. supports. suitable bulkheads shall be provided in the member at the location of the attachment to assist in transferring the load into the web. Welding shall be used to assemble the car body structure.3 5. Stiffeners shall be attached to the sheathing by resistance welding. Any enclosed structural cavities of the steel members shall be treated with a rust-inhibiting coating. fixtures. Interchangeability of all equipment hangers on all cars without the use of shims or elongated holes shall be ensured.5 5.0 of Chapter 2 without exceeding stresses and deflections specified values for the coach structure. In case corrugations are provided on the roof. they shall be protected against bimetallic corrosion. All weld patterns shall be identical on all cars. different types of Austenitic stainless steel as permissible for the coach manufacturing can be used. Tenderer shall confirm this with complete manufacturing and welding procedure/standards adopted and proof of its sustained successful working under loaded conditions as specified. the holes for attachments shall be in the webs of framing members rather than in the flanges. corrosionresistant drain pans and drain lines shall be provided and shall be arranged to divert the discharge clear of all equipment and structure.4 5. Means shall be provided to prevent clogging of drain lines and drain holes. Such parts of the bodies as under frames. At such locations where the attachment is made to a flange.3.3. side frames. Stainless steel sheathing on the side wall shall be flat while the stainless steel sheathing on the roof may be flat or corrugated. a sufficient number of jigs. Adequate drainage shall be provided in all body-structure members. Resistance welding may be used for attaching the hangers and brackets to car frame in sub-assembly for subsequent attachment of equipment or the brackets. Resistance welding shall be used for attaching the sheath to the frame. In areas where water might be ingested. Tenderer shall corroborate the reason for using the dissimilar materials at such specific locations. pipe hangers. Tenderer shall also study local availability of Austenitic stainless steel being used for coach building with Steel Authority of India. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 56 of 112 SUS301L (with Nitrogen) or better with a brush finish. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev.2 Based on the consideration of strength and workability for different structural members of coaches.2. and elsewhere as necessary to preclude water entrapment. CONSTRUCTION General The manufacturer shall ensure Interchangeability of components and uniformity of structure throughout the fleet For the purpose.2. 5. Enclosed structural cavities shall be vented to prevent accumulation of condensate. conduit supports and other attachments which are not part of the car body structure may be attached to the structure with mechanical fasteners. This shall include the floor and any other sheet material used to cover the floor members. end frames. As such complete coach including underframe of the coach shall be of Austenitic stainless steel. As far as possible. The corrugations shall not trap moisture. The remainder of the car body structure shall be constructed by fusion welding or resistance welding.Specification No.2. and templates shall be used. 5.1 (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Chapter 5: Mechanical Requirements . welds shall be designed to carry the entire load across the connection.e.3.5 based on proof load of the fastener. no sharing of the load by the rivets/bolts with the welds shall be permissible. there shall be no attachment to the primary car body structure by welding except for hangers which shall be resistance spot welded to the web of a beam for attachment. Positive camber in Tare load condition shall be furnished. bogie-to-car body connection. the load shall be presumed to be borne by the welds only i. The surfaces of flanges and webs of all structural members shall be straight and flat. Intermittent groove welds are prohibited. All mechanically fastened connections shall be designed using a factor of safety of 1. Subsequent to completion of primary car body structure manufacturing procedures. All exterior non-corrugated surfaces shall be free of ripples and buckling. No visible fastener heads shall be permitted. The finish shall be approved by purchaser. All holes for mechanical fasteners shall be clean and free of burrs. All exterior surfaces of the car body shall be brush finished as per international practices. and shall be arranged in uniform patterns. and free of ripples. Detailed weld procedures shall be submitted as required. Surface Finish. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 57 of 112 5.3 (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) 5. The car body shall be built with positive camber such that camber shall not become negative with the car at high dense crush load during its designed lifetime. When used in a structural connection. or bolster anchor bracket.3. (ii) 5. Stud welding to car body structure shall not be permitted. Connections consisting of a primary structural member that resists the end sill.Specification No. No visible fastener head shall be permitted. Flatness and Painting. gashes and other surface imperfections. There shall be no tapped holes in car structure excepting attachment points of floor panels. All equipment including side doors and end doors shall operate satisfactorily and shall not bend due to deflection caused by variations of load from Tare to 130 percent of High dense crush load. All other structural connections shall be designed to withstand the worst-case normal loading specified. Structural Connections Where ever rivets or bolts are used in combination with welds in a structural connection. primary collision posts. interior panels and trim. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev.2 (i) Camber and Deflection Car body camber shall be a smooth arc from end to end of the car body. Intermittent fillet welds on members under tension are not permissible. Visible resistance welds shall cause a minimum of surface indentation. should be visible.3. secondary collision posts. The welding procedure adopted for building the body shall be of international class and no weld spots etc. Clamping force friction shall be ignored in the design and analysis of mechanically-fastened connections. and a method for its inspection. The Contractor shall devise a method of removing the burrs on the far (blind) side of a blind hole. shall not cause permanent discolouration. Tapping plates may be used. coupler. buckling. Similarly plug or slot welds on tension members are prohibited. loads shall be designed so that the ultimate strength of the connection exceeds the ultimate strength of the weakest member joined.4 (i) Chapter 5: Mechanical Requirements . Stud welding to non-load carrying stiffeners and secondary structure is permitted. The vertical deflection of a completely equipped car under High dense crush passenger load shall be furnished. Self-tapping screws shall not be used for structural connections as far as possible. Tapping plates shall be designed to the same strength standards as the equivalent nut. dents. During such end impacts where the forces generated exceed the elastic capability of the structure.4.4. the buffing and other stresses inherent in the type of service for which the cars are intended. The tensile force shall be in the same ratio to the compressive force.1 (i) Energy Absorbing Structure General The design of the car body structure shall be such that the energy-absorbing capability are maximized within the specified static strength parameters. and trainline boxes and equipment groups) shall not provide any portion of the energy absorption required in. beneath or within it shall be designed to withstand the fatigue loads that the car body structure will encounter in service during its design life.1 5.2. The carbody. REQUIREMENTS FOR STRENGTH OF CAR BODY The framing and sheathing of the car body shall form an integrated structure capable of resisting. The car structure and its supplemental energy absorption devices shall be designed such that in the event of collision they minimise acceleration and jerk transmitted to passengers. The mechanical strength of the car body structure shall comply with the requirements of UIC 566 except for the compressive load. (iii) 5. The shell shall meet the static and dynamic strength requirements stated in this section. the car body structure shall crush in a controlled manner. or fatigue cracks. and shall be compatible in respect of Crashworthiness. all of the end structural members shall retain their attachments to one another and to the roof and floor structures as specified. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 58 of 112 (ii) The maximum acceptable variation from a straight line for car body exterior surfaces and surfaces of flanges and webs of all structural members shall be maximum 1 mm over a length of 1000 mm and in similar proportion for other lengths. The underframe shall contain members designed specifically to crush at a controlled rate.2 5.4. These members shall provide the energy absorption required It shall be noted that the members provided for the purpose of mounting or otherwise of specific equipment in the underframe (such as the coupler and its attachments. nor to telescope one into another. FEM Analysis Stress analysis of the coach structure shall be done by Finite Element Method using a recognised computer programme such as NASTRAN. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. by absorbing collision energy.Specification No. During a crash.4. and any equipment mounted on. ANSIS or similar and shall be submitted for scrutiny and approval. Crushing shall commence at the ends of the structure and progress inward. whilst not permitting one vehicle to over-ride another. nor interfere with the controlled crushing of the energy-absorbing members. The car body strength shall be sufficient to permit operation up to High Density Crush loading (HDCL) @ 12 standing passengers / m² for the design life of the car without structural damage. The car body side walls and end walls shall be painted or provided with colour bands as per the colour codes finalized during design stage.0 (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) 5. (ii) (ii) (iii) Chapter 5: Mechanical Requirements . which shall be 1200kN applied at the end of the car body at the centreline of the coupler. The fatigue life assessment of body structure shall be carried out using recognised techniques and shall be submitted by the tenderer for review by the purchaser. without permanent deformation or fatigue. as in UIC 566. The primary source of energy absorption shall be incorporated within the unit end coupler.4.2. The maximum speed at which the cab structural collapse features deform completely.e. The amount of energy absorption during controlled crushing of the end of the car body structure shall be as per Railway Group standard GM/RT 2100 issue 3 of October 2000 – Structural requirements of Railway vehicles or better when loaded beyond proof load over the vehicle end to simulate a symmetric face to face collision with similar vehicle. The maximum speed upto which the end structural deformation is limited to that portion of the structure which is outboard of the bogie bolsters.2. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 59 of 112 5. The collapse distance shall be 1 metre maximum. The minimum collision speed at which the coupler energy absorption device fails. the Contractor may provide data from previous test and crashworthiness analyses as needed to satisfy equivalent portions of these requirements. The supplier shall submit a detailed technical proposal and crashworthy analysis to specify the following in respect of the fully loaded vehicle (i.4. At this collision speed the impact energy shall be absorbed within the recoverable stroke of the coupler resilient element and motion of the vehicle shall be arrested without any structural damage to the vehicle. Criteria for agreement shall be included in the test results if submitted as above however. There shall be no deformation between the bolsters. Crashworthiness Analysis In order to assess the energy absorbing properties of the structure. A suitable proven energy absorption feature with associated collapse features shall be incorporated into the couple draft gear. The maximum speed upto which energy of impact is absorbed by progressive deformation or end structure. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. High Dense crush loaded 12 car train): The maximum collision speed at which there is no structural damage to the car body and the coupler.4. HDCL loaded 12 car train). The collision speed upto which anti climber protection provided on the vehicle head stocks shall remain fully engaged and operational. The report shall demonstrate that the crushing of the car body is stable.Specification No. The Tenderer shall submit a detailed technical proposal and analysis to specify the following in respect of the fully loaded vehicle (i. (ii) 5. actual crash test need not be carried out with the analysis. There shall be no structural deformation between the body bolsters. The analysis shall be based on the assumption that one vehicle impacts a fixed barrier or similar vehicle. without damage to the car body. Test results. The report shall show structural members and the car body satisfy the crashworthiness requirements of the specification.2. The detailed proposal shall also specify the measures taken in the design to achieve the above objectives and the proposed verification to satisfy the effectiveness of the design. a crush energy absorption computer analysis and simulation of the vehicle shall be performed.2 (i) Design Energy Absorption Values The amount of energy absorbed during controlled crushing of the end of the car body structure as specified shall be the maximum possible within body strength requirements and the car interior arrangement. For any portion of the proposed design which is based on a service-proven vehicle with energy absorption capabilities that are the same as specified and that have been verified by analysis and test.4 • • Chapter 5: Mechanical Requirements . The maximum collision speed at which there is no structural damage to the car body and the coupler. However.3 (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) 5. A report of the analysis shall be prepared and submitted.e. actual crash test need not be carried out. The car body shall be constructed so as to confine structural damage to localize areas during minor collision. if available for the similar design shall be submitted as above. Under this loading condition.112 N with a foot print of 3870 mm2 spaced 762 mm apart. Each car body jack pad and its supporting structure shall have a load factor of two based upon supporting vehicle weight. Structural tests shall be performed to confirm the adequacy of the design and the accuracy of the analysis. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. This stress range must be within the design fatigue stress range (fatigue limit) obtained for non-redundant or redundant structures as applicable. The fatigue design shall be based on applied and allowable fatigue stress ranges at 10 million cycles. such as seats. there shall be no permanent deformation of any car body structure. In this connection Clause 4.4. equipment covers. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 60 of 112 • • The maximum speed at which the cab structural collapse features deform completely.3 (i) Jacking and Hoisting Loads Coach body shall lend itself to repeated lifting in workshops by overhead cranes or jacks without risk of damage. the static stress at the Crush car body load shall be less than the stress that determines the allowable fatigue stress range. The design shall be sufficiently rigid to withstand stresses imposed by lifting with overhead or breakdown cranes.3 Stress Analysis The Contractor shall submit a stress analysis of the car body structure and equipment supports for equipment weighing over 90 kilograms. or stress analyses as required to satisfy the corresponding portion of these requirements. screens and other guards shall have sufficient strength to withstand.4. the Contractor may provide data from previous tests. Floor Load The vehicle floor shall be designed to a uniformly distributed High dense crush passenger load plus interior equipment. The vertical load on each jack shall be combined with a horizontal load of 10 percent of the vertical load applied in any horizontal direction. without damage to the car body.2 Roof Load All parts of the roof structure and sheets. The dynamic factor shall be determined by the Contractor but shall not be less than ± 20 percent.Specification No. The detailed proposal shall also specify the measures taken in the design to achieve the above objectives and the proposed verification to satisfy the effectiveness of the design.4. and equipment boxes etc. historical data from operations.1 of chapter 5 & Clause 2 of Chapter 6 shall be referred. The report shall show that structural members and the car body satisfy the crashworthiness requirements of the specification. Stress analyses for supports for items weighing less than 90 kilograms may be requested for review at the discretion of Purchaser. (ii) 5. For any portion of the proposed design that is based on a service-proven vehicle.4. Suitable lifting pads shall be provided and marked in a distinguished manner on the coach body.4. consisting of three concentrated loads of 1. without permanent deformation. roof walkway. 5.4. interior liners. The minimum speed at which actual structural damage commences.4. the following loads applied separately: The load imposed by maintenance personnel carrying tools and equipment while working on the roof.1 5.4.4 (i) Structural Design Loads For each joint design. The stress analysis shall be used to design the car structure to meet the requirements of this Specification and to obtain the lightest-weight car consistent with requirements. 5. (ii) Chapter 5: Mechanical Requirements . 5. The report shall demonstrate that the crushing of the car body is stable. such loading may develop the ultimate load-carrying capacity of the member being investigated. Equipment within an equipment box need not meet the above criteria provided it can be shown that the equipment will not penetrate the walls of the equipment box when exposed to these load levels. Equipment supported on resilient mounts shall be essentially be provided with safety straps or other devices for support in case of mount failure. All equipment shall be mounted with at least four supports. body sills. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. for maintenance. With one less than the total number of supports. No equipment shall be supported by bolts in holes tapped in the car structure. side. in any combination. the remaining supports shall withstand not less than one-half of the required loadings without exceeding the ultimate loading capacity of the members. or by transverse floor beams or longitudinal supports between transverse floor beams. The car body with bogies attached. equipment boxes. or for removal and replacement of equipment. roof. shall be capable of being lifted with two jacks at diagonally opposite corners of the shell without damage to the car body or any part of the assembled car. (v) 5.4. All supports shall be fatigue-resistant throughout the design life of the car. end. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 61 of 112 (iii) (iv) The same load factors as above shall apply for lifting pads. any portion of the equipment.e. or the shearing of the fasteners through the base material.Specification No. unless otherwise approved by Purchaser.. safety hangers. The equipment box shall conform to these load criteria with the rearranged equipment (i. one at each quadrant of the car body either under the primary side collision post or bolsters. However.4.5 (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Chapter 5: Mechanical Requirements . Dissimilar metals shall not be allowed at connections. The specified tri-axial loadings shall be applied separately.4 (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) 5. Equipment requiring removal and replacement for other than accident damage shall be supported so that both bolts and nuts are accessible. Equipment mounted on resilient mounts shall be designed to achieve positive retention above the clearance line in case a mount fails. The assembled car. The load shall be equal to the weight of the item multiplied by the appropriate load factor. equipment support fastenings shall be designed so that in no case shall either the strength of a fastener. equipment that is presumed to have broken loose) in addition to its normal arrangement. Equipment Loads The load factor for the design of all underfloor. The underfloor mounted equipment shall be provided with additional safety arrangement and shall be retained within clearance envelope after loss of any point of support. Connection components shall not require disassembly. Structural connections in equipment supports shall be subject to the requirements specified. No equipment weighing more than 10 kg shall be supported by threaded fasteners in tension or shear. In particular. with bogies attached. shall be capable of being lifted with four jacks. three in the vertical direction. equipment hangers. without permanent deformation of any car body structure.4. Equipment or equipment supports shall not contribute to nor detract from the controlled crushing of the structure as required. and the car body supporting structure shall be five in the longitudinal. Underfloor Equipment Supports Underfloor equipment weighing more than 90kg shall be supported directly by the side sills. in-roof and interior equipment. and two in the lateral direction. it is permissible to use tapping plates in accordance with the requirements specified. be the limit of the carrying capacity of a member. The bottom of all jack pads shall have a non-skid surface to provide frictional resistance against incidental horizontal loading between the jack pad and jack head. The framing members shall be reinforced in sub-assembly to accept the equipment load. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 62 of 112 Individual cars can be jacked or hoisted at one end while supported at the truck pivot at the other end. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev.4. or cause degradation of the water tightness of any glazing.4. The suitable drop table shall be designed and supplied by the contractor. one at each quadrant of the car body in any combination. and roof sheathing covering the entire roof area. 5.4. jacks. The support pads shall be movable and shall preferably be suitable for the existing metro stock used by Metro Rly. Trucks shall be retained with the body during jacking or hoisting unless intentionally disconnected. Equipment mounted under the roof suspended from the roof structure shall be bolted to the framing members. by the carbody support pads of the drop table while the other end is supported on its truck.3 Lifting Pads There shall be lifting pads located at the bottom of the side sills between the bolsters.4. A corrosion resistant coating is not required on stainless steel members except for sound deadening as may be necessary to meet the noise limits specified.8. Chapter 5: Mechanical Requirements .7 5.1 Jacking and Hoisting Provisions General The lift and jack pads shall suit the construction of the car and the lifts. 5. 5. without its truck attached.4.Specification No. Diagonal jacking of a car with bogies attached as described in the diagonal jacking test specified shall not cause any structural or cosmetic damage. as specified and if required. Kolkata.7. and stands in use in the purchaser’s workshops/maintenance depot.7. The jacking and hoisting arrangement shall be designed so that: Cars can be jacked or hoisted individually and as a Unit. The car shall be capable of being lifted with four jacks. purlines. These pads shall be designed for lifting the car with both trucks attached using a purchaser’s overhead crane with lift hooks. Another set of jack pads shall be located at the bolster to permit jacking the car with purchaser standard floor jacks so that the truck can be rolled from under the car without removing any equipment or structure.4 Drop table Support: There shall be a specific location at the bottom of the car body side sill designed to accommodate drop table support pads. The car shall be capable of being supported at one end.2 Jacking Pads There shall be a minimum of four jack pads on each side sill. 5.1 ROOF Roof Structure The roof assembly shall be constructed of carlines.6 Corrosion Protection A corrosion-resistant coating.7.8 5. 5. One jack pad shall be located under each primary side collision post. shall be applied to the entire underframe and the inside of side and end sheets.4. Roof equipment arrangement designed shall not permit accumulation of water. The panels shall be insulated from the metallic structure by elastomeric tape.7. as would be equivalent to men working on roof with tools. vibration. Chapter 5: Mechanical Requirements . The floor structure shall provide a high resistance barrier to any fire generated beneath the vehicle. The window shall be such that a seated and standing passenger body can see out of the window. The flooring on the corridor area shall be additionally strengthened to take care of the standing passengers under Dense crush load. The complete floor areas under the structural underfloor members shall be fully insulated against noise and humidity.0 (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vi) 5. The cab floor shall be clear of all discontinuation and shall not incorporate access panel to under floor mounted equipment.2 The roof shall be designed to form a satisfactory chord to the super-structure and be capable of supporting. Fire resistance characteristics shall conform to international standards BS-6853.8.4 5. The floor covering shall be waterproofed and sealed. The floor deck shall be flame retardant and moisture proof.6.4. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. The floor panels shall meet the fire resistance requirements specified in UIC 514-2 OR. The construction shall be absolutely water-tight. vertical downloads of 115 Kg spaced every 750 millimeters.0 5. RDSO code for prevention of fire in the coaches shall also be referred for guidance. 5.0 WINDOWS: Window shall be double pane vacuum sealed with clear toughened glass. The supplier shall ensure that adequate water drainage from the roof such that no water is discharged into the vicinity of passenger door way. The floor design shall allow the floor covering to be removed without damage to the floor sub-structure.4. and shall be easily cleaned using conventional floor cleaning methods and media. and fire endurance rating requirements are met.8.3 5.4. resistant to staining.8. wheel and braking etc. It shall provide high resistance to fire and to noise generated beneath the vehicle.5. strength. HEAD STOCKS They shall be of robust design suitable for lifting by break down lifting gear. The floor deck shall be designed to withstand the dead load plus a High dense crush passenger load. The floor design shall allow the floor covering to be removed without damage to the floor sub-structure. Suitable provision on the roof shall be made for maintenance space for attending the roof equipment. junction boxes and cable duets. The floor construction shall be such that it does not permit water to seep through the floor and cause corrosion to floor / under frame components. The surface of the floor should have anti-skidding property. without permanent deformation. The design shall allow easy water washing of the cab floor without damage of the floor or equipment. 1999. It shall be designed to take concentrated load of two (2) men standing close together at any point. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 63 of 112 5. The sub-floor shall be insulated for anti-drumming and noise suppression. FLOOR CONSTRUCTION The floor shall be constructed so that all applicable noise. A light steel ladder shall be provided on one end of motor coach to permit access to roof. Rain gutters shall be provided over windows and doors. Specific measures shall be taken to insulate the floor from passing noise generated by suspension.Specification No. furnishing.details shall be decided during design stage One dual tone heavy-duty pneumatic horn.8. Various panels meant for the driver shall be so laid that they are easily accessible and readable and driver is not required to move physically for any operation during the run.8. Two fire extinguishers and one first aid box One signal exchange device. drivers desk. Suitable and adequate ventilation arrangement for two crew.8.8.6 5. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. to provide an aesthetically pleasing exterior. A cab shall be provided on each driving coach. junction boxes and cable ducts. Provision of a minimum 600mmx300mmx300mm space for installation of any additional equipment in future.8. lighting.5 5.Specification No. The driving position shall be on right side of the driving cab.11 Front end emergency door: 5. It shall be possible to undertake water washing of the cab floor without damage to the floor or equipment.2 5.8.8. and shall not incorporate access panels to underfloor mounted equipment. noise level.1 DRIVER’S COMPARTMENT The general layout and arrangement of equipment in driver’s cab shall follow UIC 651 with respect to dimensions. Communication arrangement between driver & guard and any other facilities for train information and data management system.8.9 5. Spot lights shall be provided at suitable locations. 5. Penetration shall be confined to the outer glazing. Access to the cab each will be from either side of the cab by means of doors opening inwards or shall be of sliding type flushing with the side wall when closed.8. Additional seat shall be provided on left hand side. safety features.4 5.8 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (g) (h) 5. Not used.3 5. It shall be arranged to provide: Chapter 5: Mechanical Requirements . field of view. seats etc. The panels and driver seat shall be so placed relatively that driver gets best forward view. and no sharp particles shall penetrate into the cab. to provide emergency exit for train crews and passengers. Window in the driver’s cab shall be in accordance with the UIC 617. The cab shall be adequately insulated against noise. The brake cum master controller shall be on right hand side. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 64 of 112 5. vibration. Wind shields shall be constructed of a clear safety glass to withstand the impact of solid projectile according to UIC 651 at of maximum speed of 80 Km/h and preferably shall be of bullet proof glass and shall additionally conform to UIC 566.7 5. ventilation.10 Cab Lighting The cab shall be provided with ceiling lights.0 5. Each driving cab shall be provided with the following in addition to others: Two-pneumatic/electric motor driven wind screen wipers with emergency manual control. and extinguished manually form within the cab. Cab Floor The cab floor shall be clear of all discontinuities.8.8.8. Lighting of the driver’s console shall meet the requirements of UIC 651 which stipulates a 2 minimum 60 Lumens/m measured at driving control desk. It shall be operated automatically by the opening of either cab door. 5.1The front of the cab shall be fitted with a dual-purpose door. heat and ingress of water and dust.11. providing 150 lux at 1 m above floor level. Cab shall be ergonomically designed. The inner glazing may be damaged but shall not be penetrated by the ball.8. flush with exterior panels. 8. Data input shall be from the driver’s console as part of the setting up procedures. to enable staff and passengers to move in orderly fashion to safety. 5. 5. but leaving in position a hinge arrangement at the bottom. 5. The doors shall be manually operated.4For both the above modes.13 Driver Seat The driver’s seat shall be cushioned with fire retardant materials and fully adjustable in the longitudinal and vertical directions. Full details of the data to be incorporated will be provided to the Contractor. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. and the outside edges marked with fluorescent guide lines. Access for maintenance and adjustment shall be from within the cab. 5. door retaining mechanism.8. Chapter 5: Mechanical Requirements . can be pushed outwards a sufficient distanced to enable the innermost door furniture to clear the door jamb. shall be of a robust design that can withstand rough handling including slam-open and slam close by operation and maintenance personnel.15 Cab side door’s There shall be a cab side door on both side of the cab. 5. It shall be possible to lock. bumper. unlock. the equipment necessary to return the door to its normally stowed position shall be provided. It shall be arranged that the front door.8. unfamiliar with the equipment to operate the emergency door. complete with all accoutrements. The bridge width shall be not less than 600mm. (iii) The assembly of the cab side door. (i) The cab side doors shall be lockable from inside without the use of a key. it shall be arranged that the front door be released at the top. Instructions shall be displayed to enable passengers.8. (ii) The cab side door shall be positively retained in the closed position under all operating conditions. a lightweight but strong metal chequer-plate bridge panel shall be provided. including the mounting tracks.8. capable of being locked into position across the space above the auto-couplers.3Full details of the arrangement shall be given.Specification No. A modern high-resolution display in three languages.8. 5.14 Driving console lighting Lightening of the driver’s console shall meet the requirements of UIC 651 OR which stipulates 2 a minimum of 60 lumens/m measured at the driving control desk. cushioning. in either mode. stopper etc. which will enable walkway to be lowered onto the track. 5. or from outside using a key. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 65 of 112 (i) Train to train mode: To transfer passengers safely from a defective train to a rescue train placed nearby. Full details shall be provided. In this mode. simplicity of operation is imperative.11.11. the surface of which is faced with a huge friction material. All necessary ancillary equipment to enable the train to be moved after emergency de-trainment shall be provided as parts of the scope of equipment under this clause.2The assembly shall be complete with all necessary guide straps. when the driver is incapacitated.11.12 Destination indicator The train destination indicator shall be located at the top. (ii) Train to track mode: To move train crew and passengers from a defective train onto the tack. The seat shall be folding to provide sufficient lateral passage between the centre of the cab and the side door. allowing the door to be pushed outwards unfolding into a two section ramp minimum 600mm wide tread. open and close the cab side doors from track level also.8. while restraining the ramp from hitting the track bed and thereafter giving support to those negotiating the ramp. The door sill shall be constructed from or equipped with slip proof profile with excellent wear resistance and drainage effect for rain water.8.1 i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) Chapter 5: Mechanical Requirements . for operation of the emergency end door. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev.16 Compartment to Cab door (i) There shall be a door between the compartment and the cab. (iv) In emergency. and passenger alarm devices to permit passengers to make the driver aware of problems shall be provided.Specification No.0 (i) (ii) (iii) DOORS 4 pairs of double leaf sliding doors shall be provided in all coaches and shall give clear opening when fully opened. The door shall be positioned such that access to the cab is free from obstructions. fluorescent lighting. The grab rails shall be of stainless steel and shall suffer no permanent deformation when subjected to loading conditions during service. The clear door opening width shall be 650mm ±50mm. (iii) The door shall not be possible to be locked. The body side and roof outer skin shall have a suitable thickness of approved acoustic insulting material bonded to their interior surfaces. including the under surface of the car roof and all interior surfaces of car body side panels shall be coated with suitable anti-drumming compound. No key shall be required. public address loud speakers. to permit access to the cab. These shall be so positioned that most of passengers ( at least 95 % ) can always access a rail without having to reach more than 300mm. In normal operation opening of door from the compartment shall require the use of a special key. Anthropological details of Indians shall be considered during the design. All non-metallic materials shall satisfy the requirements of flammability and smoke emission limitations. Joints between grabpoles and grabrails will be covered by suitable fastening elements forming part of the interior styling concept. Each cab side door shall contain a fixed window. The clear door opening shall not be less than 600mm wide.0 5. The design will minimise assembly and disassembly time and it will be possible to remove individual horizontal rails without disturbing other parts of the assembly. (ii) Opening the door from the cab shall only require the train operator to operate a handle.10. COACH INTERIOR General Considerations The coach interior shall be based on modern aesthetics with considerations to optimise passenger comfort. it shall be possible for a passenger to gain access to the locking device. safety and security as well as to minimise noise in the coach. Grab-rails. noise and water. bolted or wedged from either side of the door to prevent opening. It shall be so designed as to prevent water seepage and avoid corrosion. during emergency braking and buffing under fully loaded condition. 5. passenger information displays.9. of not less than 1400 mm. 5. The sliding mechanism shall be such that it shall be possible to operate satisfactorily under both rainy and dusty conditions. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 66 of 112 (iv) (v) (vi) The doors shall be sealed against draughts. External panelling. (v) A visual and audible alarm shall be activated in the event that the compartment to cab door in the unoccupied cab is opened. 5. The design of interior fittings shall be safe under all conditions of passenger impact.10. which shall be flat and positioned to avoid stress points resulting from any change in angle of the body side. seat shell. Design and selection of material shall take into account the vandalism related activities as well. Metal kicking strips of 150 mm depth with radiuses coving are required on all exposed vertical surfaces above floor level. The seat material shall provide a smooth scratch resistant surface without additional coating /painting. fastening devices.10. Long tubular structures of stainless steel or other suitable material shall be provided at suitable height for the standing passengers at doorways and aisle. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. Ceiling and Side wall paneling shall be so constructed as to facilitate removal for attention to the interior steel surface body panels and coach structure. Advertising Provisions: Provisions shall be made for advertising panels.Specification No. suitable for such application. high-quality interior and for ease of cleaning and maintenance.1 5. fire retardant. Details shall be worked out during design stage. Detail proposal regarding provision of special arrangement to be made for handicapped passengers shall be finalized during design stage.11. Use of moulded materials. and low toxicity laminates. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 67 of 112 viii) Dedicated space shall be provided in the nominated trailer car for accommodating the wheel chair complete with its occupant. Interior Furnishing All interior must be finished with good blending and good slow ageing properties to provide a pleasant. The effects of thermal expansion shall be taken into account and all unsealed gaps shall not exceed 1mm in width or depth where feasible. The number. scuffing. locations and dimensions of the panels shall be coordinated with and approved by the purchaser. Interior paneling shall be without any visible screws. Contractor shall submit alternative and superior design proposals as well.11. As far as possible. The furnishing shall be of highest international standards. The tenderer shall propose arrangements for map and advertisement holders in the saloon. All internal panels shall be resistant to graffiti. Gaps between all interior-lining panels. vandalism. The fire extinguishers shall be of suitable type for all types of fire possible in the coach.toxic materials.0 5.11. and cleaning agents. kick strips. etc. fire extinguishers shall be installed in each coach at readily accessible locations near the ends of the coach. The coaches shall be furnished with lightweight. fixings and securing screws shall not be visible from within the saloon. shall be maximised. Seats shall be ergonomically designed. All internal panel surfaces shall be finished with modern low flammability. Rounded corners or coving shall be provided wherever mutually perpendicular flat plane surfaces abut. The area between top of body side windows and the ceiling shall be utilised for advertising displays. He may also propose alternative and additional display systems which satisfy the above intentions. Two 10 kg. Suitable cushioning at panel joints shall be provided to suppress noise. Corrosive atmospheric conditions in Kolkata should be kept in view while selecting material to make sure no corrosion takes place during whole lifetime. non.2 i) ii) iii) iv) vi) v) vi) vii) (viii) (ix) 5. The details shall be worked out during design finalisation. low smoke emission. Luggage racks shall be provided at suitable height on the side walls.2 Chapter 5: Mechanical Requirements . Uniform. ix) 5. longitudinal type seating arrangement along the side wall shall be adopted and shall be as per approved layout. SEATS There shall be only one class of accommodation in all the coaches of the rake. shall be minimised. 4 5. VESTIBULES: The design of the vestibule arrangement should generally be as per UIC-561 and RDSO Specification No.11. staining or streaking. A temporary light weight vestibule covers with locking arrangement shall be provided which can be operated by single person. Underseat supports shall be constructed and located to allow for clearance.13.13. Car Exterior The appearance of the car exterior must be of a modern and aesthetically pleasing profile.2 i) ii) iii) iv) v) Chapter 5: Mechanical Requirements . seat meant for one person may be utilised by more than one passenger at a time. The design shall withstand such abnormal loading which may arise during service. The structure of vestibule arrangement shall have proper manual locking arrangement. It is informed that during the peak loading condition.C-8812. The KOLKATA /METRO logo (to be advised after contract award) shall be applied on both sides of the car at both ends at a location to be advised later. 5.12.12. washing and accessibility.5 5.2 5. shall entrap.6 5. The interior shall be smooth and with good aesthetics. The car exterior finish shall not require paint for protection. to protect the car interior from adverse weather when the car is stable (not in unit formation). There shall be no such area in vestibule arrangement where fingers may be entrapped or cause any injury to passengers. simulating a train traveling at speed under severe climatic conditions of Kolkata as well as passage through automatic wash plants. There should be minimum gap between the platform edge and the exterior of vestibule. The passage width of the vestibule arrangement shall not be less than 1400 mm and the head room shall not be less than 1900 mm. The colour scheme shall be agreed upon during the design review of the cars. The design of the car exterior shall generally be aesthetically pleasing.13.12.Specification No. both externally and internally and also inside the cab to be easily visible to the train driver. The parts of vestibule shall be such that it should not be possible to open or move apart the components of vestibule arrangement to gain access to exteriors of the vehicle. Structure of vestibule arrangement in one car shall be interchangeable with another car. arrangement. A longitudinal colour band or other branding image shall be provided along each side of each car. 5. and shall minimize the build up of dirt. The car number shall be applied on both sides of each car both ends. which shall be robust enough to stand overload and misuse. There shall be no such area where dirt/garbage etc. provide easy access to the floor below the seat for cleaning. Proposals for measures that will maintain the original appearance of the car exterior from undue deterioration. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev.12.3 5.0 5.3 The seats shall be firmly fixed to the frame. The cars shall be completely watertight and be able to withstand an agreed water test. Interior The vestibule area should be utilized for accommodation of the passengers/equipment as much as possible for better space utilization. including appropriate chemical cleaners shall be submitted.1 i) ii) iii) iv) v) Exterior The coupled vestibule arrangement shall be completely weather and draught proof. 5.1 5. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 68 of 112 5. The interior shall be easy to clean. Spring stresses under condition of maximum dynamic augment will be within endurance limit of the spring material. The vertical gaps between the hinged moving footplate of the arrangement and the floor level of the car shall not be more than 5mm.Specification No.3 i) ii) iii) iv) v) Flooring The floor inside the vestibule arrangement shall be of the same floor level. The vestibule arrangement shall withstand following loads without permanent deformation. The components of vestibule arrangement shall give a service life of minimum fifteen years except those susceptible to deterioration like flexible elements.1 5. A differential pressure between inside and outside of the vestibule arrangement of 2 25KN/m . The vertical relative movement of the two adjacent coaches shall not cause the footplate arrangements to left the plates so as to cause injury to the passengers.13. the static and dynamic load imposed by motors and gear drive has also to be taken into account.3 5. The springs used in the primary suspension.14. Details of spring material and design will be furnished. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. BOGIES : General design: Each coach shall have two 4-wheel bogies of robust welded frame design suitable for taking load from brake gear.14. Springs will be painted with anti-corrosive paints. of the coach.14. Proper sealing of the vestibule arrangement shall not allow water leakage into the car. Strength The strength of the floor shall meet the requirement of the flooring of the car. acting from within the arrangement of 1000N applied over an area of 0. The proven bogie design shall be optimized for state of the art drive system based on high speed 3-phase traction motors and should have worked satisfactorily in suburban services under similar loading and operating conditions.1m 2 anywhere on the surface of the sidewall. acceleration and deceleration values as specified.1.1 5. suspension etc. 5.14. lateral and if required in yawing modes also.0 5. Details of all metals parts of springs shall be given anti corrosive treatment or provided with anti corrosive paints. c. and capable of withstanding the maximum static and dynamic stresses under the High Density Crush loading @ 12 standing passengers / m² and under the speed. Load of passengers traveling in vestibules. b. which shall give a service life of minimum 8 years. A concentrated perpendicular load.4 Chapter 5: Mechanical Requirements . difference if any shall not exceed 20 mm for this height difference proper ramp arrangement shall be made to avoid inconvenience to passengers.14.14.2 5. Calculations for determining the spring characteristics and damping value in various modes will be submitted. Proper arrangements shall be provided to minimize the wearing of footplates.1.2 5. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 69 of 112 5. Sufficient insulation measures shall be taken to reduce the inland noise and requirement of air conditioning of coach shall be met. The Tenderer shall provide evidence to support the suitability of the proposed bogie by reference to previous design and service experience The bogie will be of proven design and capable of running in high speed range of 80 Km/h service speed and hence test speed of 90 Km/h. and have adequate damping in both vertical.14.4 i) ii) a. will be of best quality and will be designed and manufactured for maximum fatigue life. (Testing is to be done at a speed 10% higher than proposed speed) The bogie will be provided with two stage suspension.13. In case of motor bogies. 5. 14.14. If so desired.11 5. The bogie suspension.7 5.14. shall be ensured. In the event of either complete or partial deflation of the secondary suspension.10 5.5 It shall be constructed to continue in service. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. The tenderer shall specify the speed permissible under such condition. welded into position.13 i) ii) iii) Suitable arrangement shall be provided to monitor the condition of air springs (such as deflation during operation etc). and which shall become a permanent fixture on the carbody and bogie respectively. However. In case the situation warrants the reduction of speed. but shall be sufficient to obviate bogie or wheel set hunting. All vehicles shall be dynamically stable and so designed that no part of the car shall infringe the kinematic envelope at any speed up to 90 kmph. Proper matching of bogie with body.14. in conjunction with the carbody. (iv) Chapter 5: Mechanical Requirements . an indication to this effect shall be made available to the driver.Specification No.6 5.8 5. The primary suspension shall consist of rubber / metal or any other type of springs of proven design.14. The bogie shall be of robust construction strong enough to withstand heavy duty with adequate safety margins. there shall be no major rebuild. The vehicle shall remain dynamically stable throughout the speed range of the train under all loading conditions. the speed reduction during such eventualities shall be made automatic and shall be duly recorded by the vehicle electronics.14. this speed shall not be less than 50Km/h. turnouts and gradient as specified in chapter 2. If any air spring gets deflated. the appropriate massage shall be available to the driver for reducing the speed of the train. the car shall operate safely up to the maximum speed as permissible for the back up spring for the specified track conditions. shall be designed to enable cars to operate satisfactorily on track with the maximum specified track twist.14.14. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 70 of 112 5. during the design stage. During that period. The axle yaw stiffness and the rotational resistance of the complete bogie shall be such that lateral flange forces generated when negotiating the track alignments for the route specified are not so high to led to excessive rail wear and wheel flange wear. repair or strengthening of any bogie structural members. Special care shall be taken to arrest any choking of pneumatic connections due to extreme dusty and humid ambient. under normal operating conditions for at least its designed life of 35 years. by proper frequency separation between them to avoid resonance. Suspension Tenderer shall submit state of art and proven design of bogie suspension suitable for the track structure and severe climatic condition as described in Chapter 2. The weight of the bogie shall be as low as possible consistent with strength and robustness. Modern 2-axles bogies having pneumatic suspension in the secondary stage shall be offered after certifying its suitability for the adverse loading and climatic conditions of India. Carbody and bogie construction tolerances and distortions shall be compensated by the incorporation of shims.12 5. and maintenance. It shall be possible to adjust the buffer height in a simple manner.9 5.14. assuming normal wear and tear. The design shall provide means for easy compensation for wheel wear and loss of height in the bogie resulting from other causes. The bogie frames for trailer coaches and motor coaches shall have interchangeable components to the maximum extent possible. 5. The bogie shall be capable of negotiating curves. including a finite element analysis under different boundary conditions. capable of withstanding heavy duty. The bogie shall be attached to the car-body in such a way so as to permit lifting of car-body and bogies as a complete unit. Hydraulic dampers shall be provided as necessary to control and limit the vertical and horizontal oscillation of the car-body. taking account of the yield stress for all support members.14. accessible from the side of the vehicle without the necessity for a pit between the rails. brake system flexible pipe connectors. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 71 of 112 5. Arrangements shall be made to exchange wheel sets with the minimum dismantling of bogie components being required. The successful tenderer shall submit for review detailed calculations.1 Bogie Frame i) The bogie frames shall be fabricated type. Interval between major bogie overhauls in terms of kilometres travelled during the services shall be furnished. A corrosion protection control programme for the bogie shall be submitted. Body to bogie connection shall be easily accessible to facilitate exchange of bogies. The bogie frame construction shall be consistent with good mechanical design.14. The use of self-locking nuts alone is not acceptable. The arrangement should allow the bogie to be mechanically disconnected.Specification No. The weight of all bogie components including total un sprung mass shall be submitted. The bogie frames for all the cars shall be identical unless justified otherwise. permitting the body to be lifted sufficiently far to provide access between body and bogie to disconnect traction motor cables. The bogie frame shall have a suitable arrangement for lifting the bogie frame from the wheels and for lifting the complete bogie during maintenance in the workshop. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. robust construction. The Contractor shall undertake full fatigue strain gauge and suitable non-destructive tests on a pre-production bogie frame and submit the report. etc. and secondary suspension leveling valve linkages. The tenderer shall indicate the minimum safety factor used.14. Bogie Arrangement Vehicle height variation due to wheel wear and re-profiling shall be adjusted by packing. This shall be made possible without disconnection or removal of the car-body from the bogie. The maximum floor height reduction on this account shall be for review by the purchaser. using weather resistant high tensile carbon steel to an approved international standard. The strain gauge fixing locations and the applications of forces for static as well as for fatigue testing shall be decided at the time of design finalisation / testing.14. It is preferred that the tenderer may consider offering a design to permit access to one or more easily located fasteners.14.2 (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) (xi) Chapter 5: Mechanical Requirements .14 Bogie Construction : 5. to demonstrate that the strength of the bogie frame is adequate for the specified loading. An effective system of guiding shall be provided to assist the exchange of bogies following repair. be as light as possible. ii) iii) iv) v) vi) 5. All fasteners for bogie mounted equipment or components shall be positively locked. The car-body shall be easily detached and lifted from the bogie. the design incorporating adequate safety margins. 5. Secondary suspension backup/emergency spring.Axle shall be designed to have fatigue life of at least 35 years.14.1 RUNNING GEAR The axle shall be designed in accordance with UIC 515-3.15.3 Bogie Strength The mechanical strength of the bogie frame shall comply with the requirements of UIC 615-4 and UIC-515-4 and the requirement of this specification.5g c) longitudinally ±0.5g The acceleration level specified in para (i) and (ii) above. which shall become operative in the event of full deflation of air springs. (xiv) (xv) Traction linkage(s) shall be provided.4 Bogie mounted equipments (i) Equipment mounted on the bogie frame shall withstand without permanent deformation the load associated with the following acceleration acting on the mass of the items of equipment. shall be fitted. can be reviewed by the employer’s representative. The car body centre pivot shall be capable of permitting the full range of bogie movements without excessive restraint. 5.14. and located such that the ride characteristic of the vehicle is devoid of any pronounced fore-and-oft and pitching motion 5.15. The car shall be capable of safe operation up to the specified maximum speed with deflation of any or all the air springs. 7 (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) 5.Specification No.14. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 72 of 112 (xii) (xiii) The air suspension shall have 4-point control system.2g Equipment mounted on the axle box shall withstand without permanent deformation the loads associated with the following accelerations acting on the mass of the item of equipment: a) vertically 50g b) transverse 5g c) longitudinally 5g Equipment mounted on the axle box shall have a fatigue life of not less than 107 cycles under loads associated with the following accelerations acting on the mass of the item of equipment: a) vertically ±25. and can continue to operate safely. In the event one air spring becoming wholly or partially deflated. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev.0g b) transverse ±3.0g c) longitudinally ±0. a) vertically 20g b) transversally 3g c) longitudinally 5g Equipment mounted on the bogie frame shall have a fatigue life of not less than 10 cycles under loads associated with the following acceleration acting the mass of the item of equipment: a) vertically ±10. based upon international standards or norms followed by reputed metro railways.0g b) transverse ± Chapter 5: Mechanical Requirements . the complete air spring system of that bogie shall be correspondingly exhausted to ensure that the car body remains levelled laterally. Finite Element Analysis Finite element analysis shall be demonstrated using validated software.0 5. and detailed calculations submitted for the above-mentioned strength (including static and fatigue). The connection shall preferable be taken from the top of the axle box. Permissible wheel wear in diameter from new wheel to condemning wheel shall not be less than 80mm. The drawing of wheel shall also be submitted The rim thickness of the wheel will be adequate to provide for a minimum wheel wear. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 73 of 112 5. dirt and loss of lubricant.e.15. wheels shall be used. 860mm dia.4 i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x) xi) xii) xiii) xiv) Chapter 5: Mechanical Requirements . RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. All wheel and gear seats and traction motor suspension bearing journals are required to be cold rolled together with stress relieving groves machined in the axle. Facilities for oil injection for removal of wheel shall be provided. roller bearings will be grease lubricated and of type which have given satisfactory performance/ service on Metro services. acceptable to RDSO. multi wear. Hollow axles shall not be used. The FEM will take into account the maximum values of vertical. axles. non-powered axles shall generally confirm to IRS-R16 and powered axles to IRS-R43 as the case may be. Care shall be taken to provide special protection arrangement for the generator and cable connection against any extraneous objects.3 5. Solid one piece.I) Copy can be collected from RDSO. to prevent ingress of water. Journal bearing shall be grease lubricated and sealed.2 The Contractor is free to incorporate any type of roller bearing supplied by any manufacturer approved by UIC/AAR to cater for the axle load prescribed under dynamic loading condition and track geometry indicated in chapter 2 confirming the reason for preference for particular type and make. WHEEL AXLE AND AXLE BOXES: Wheel and axle dimensions shall meet the requirement of the Indian Railway Schedule Of Dimensions – 1676mm gauge of 1929(reprinted 1973).The wheel and axle shall be suitable for 17 tonne axle load. mono-block. Copy of the same may be collected from RDSO. between wheel seat and the gear seat and between the wheel and Traction Motor suspension bearing journal of the axles. anti roll bar and any other component. 5. lateral and thermal loads. Special attention shall be paid to sealing arrangement of the ends of the axle box. Stress calculations /FEM of wheel and axle shall be submitted. One of the axle box and cover (not the leading one) shall house speedometer generator with suitable adopter. 10 passengers/m 2 when computed as per method given in ISO 281/1.15. list of which shall be submitted with details of design and calculations and all major components shall be designed for a life time of at least 35 years. The design of labyrinth will be such as to prevent the ingress of dust into axle boxes or outflow of grease from axle boxes. Complete working drawing of the axle box with bearing and its components shall be submitted for approval along with maintenance instructions. The bogie frame. Standard axle box. The calculations shall be done as per AAR/UIC specifications. heavy duty rolled steel wheels will provided generally conforming to IRS-R-19/93 Part-II (Rev. Suitable new wheel profile shall be adopted. The sealing arrangement shall ensure that axle box will not need any special maintenance even if it is submerged in water.Specification No. The axle box body shall preferably be of cast steel.15. They shall not have less than 90 percent probability of an expected life of at least 3 x 106 Km at Dense crush loading conditions i. 40 % dynamic augmentation of the vertical journal load will be used in calculating the axle stresses in addition to the vertical and horizontal forces and moments. Detail calculations for this will be submitted. However. The complete arrangement shall be of proven design for same or higher traction/braking torque transmission. (xvii) 5.3 5. It should be possible to couple automatic heads with standard IRS hooks through a transition gear/adopter to enable movement of coaches during emergencies. Calculation indicating the natural frequency of motor suspension system shall be submitted and shall clearly indicate that resonance with the bogie frame is avoided.17.17.0 TRACTION MOTOR DRIVE Each motor will be secured in such a way as to be capable of being lifted easily from the bogie after lifting the body without dismantling a large number of parts in the bogie.2 Gear case shall be made of suitable material and shall have sufficient mechanical strength so as not to get damaged due to hitting by foreign objects. axle boxes and other unsprung equipment shall have sufficient separation between natural frequencies with the track structure to avoid resonance. For the purpose. The design will also facilitate easy and through flushing of Gear Case lubricant when needed. up to maximum specified speed on the track as specified in chapter 2.0 5. special care shall be taken in design with respect to track vibrations prevalent in Metro Railway. axles. 5.0 Chapter 5: Mechanical Requirements .4 coupler shall be of tight lock type and shall not develop slack in service. Natural frequencies of the wheels.16. manufactured in India can also be identified by the successful tenderer. RIDING AND STABILITY PERFORMANCE The MRS rake as a whole under the loading condition as specified. Traction gear: All traction gears will be case hardened alloy steel of international standards. semi permanent couplers shall be provided . service speed specified. in conjunction with the bearing manufacturer.Specification No. and the lubricant manufacturing industry. 5. The design of gear case shall ensure minimum loss of lubricant during run. CENTRE BUFFER COUPLERS Outer end of each unit shall be fitted with automatic couplers and for the inter-coach coupling in the unit. The suspension will be such that all the specified parameters as indicated in this specification are met in full at test speed. The bearing should be selected to have life of 6 million kms. The arrangement shall be similar to that is used worldwide in similar services.17. The coupler shall allow coupled coaches to negotiate curves of minimum radius specified and shall be capable of passage in either direction over standard 1 in 8½ turn-outs and shall function satisfactorily with difference in head stock heights of adjacent coaches up to 5. Kolkata. indicating assumption made. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 74 of 112 xv) (xvi) The successful tenderer will be required to provide recommended lubricants which shall have been proven in similar railway service of the axle bearings. Tenderer shall submit relevant details in this regard along with the special measures taken in view of the specified track data and environmental conditions. will be capable of running satisfactorily as per the international standards and parameters defined in this specification.1 The torque transmission arrangement from traction motor to axle shall be simple and suitable for both traction and braking forces. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. The design of suspension shall ensure no leakage or ingress of gear case compound into the roller bearing under any circumstances. An alternative lubricant. ROLLER SUSPENSION BEARING: The motor shall be axle hung nose suspended and with roller suspension bearing suitable for service speed and test speed specified. manufacturer will furnish detailed calculations to prove satisfactory riding and starting performance of each type of coach in the basic unit up to the maximum speed on specified track using mathematical modeling techniques. draw gear and anchorage. It shall be possible to detach the set easily thus allowing quick separation of the cars for repair. All alignment surfaces of the coupler shall use readily replaceable hardened steel bushings. Coupling shall be capable of being accomplished by one person. All hardware. The coupler overhang shall not exceed 450mm.2 i) ii) iii) Chapter 5: Mechanical Requirements . the air pipe connection and the electrical train lines shall be automatically connected. The coupler shall sustain no permanent damage when a fully loaded (HDCL) 8-car train with an impact speed up to 10 kmph.1 i) Mechanical Coupling: Automatic Mechanical Coupling Automatic Scherfenberg or similar coupler deigned automatic coupling of rail vehicles shall be used. The mechanical coupler shall be of a hook or latch type of slack-free design. a rigid and slack free connection shall be ensured without manual aid even at very low coupling speeds. other than castings and weldments. Perfect coupling shall be ensured in case of different height and on vertical and horizontal curves. A suitable proven energy absorption features shall be incorporated into the coupler draft gear.1 5.18. With two vehicles mating. All bearings or wear surfaces of the coupler assembly and its attachment shall be provided with shims.18. With the cars coupled mechanically. The coupler assembly shall be of cast and/or fabricated steel and shall be self-centering. The couplers and draw gear shall be of service-proven design. bushings. shall be of corrosion-proof materials.Specification No. Wear plates shall be of stainless steel. electrical and pneumatic coupler and associated draw gear system. so that the distance between coupled vehicle is limited to 900mm. The draw gear and anchorage shall have sufficient capacity to allow a rake to push or pull a dead rake of 12 High dense crush loaded cars in an emergency.18. Besides the mechanical connection the semi-permanent coupler shall also ensures the safe connection of the main air reservoir pipes and the train lines. 5. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 75 of 112 80 mm. The draw gear shall have rubber cushioning effective in both tension and compression.1. pneumatic and electrical coupler shall be designed for trouble free operation under such conditions and also taking into consideration the actual riding behaviour of the vehicle under the specified condition of Chapter 2. The coupler system shall permit train operation up to 8 cars in normal service and 12 cars in future and shall enable one cab in a rake to control all other cars in a rake through the electric and pneumatic train lines. Semipermanent Coupler The semi-permanent Scharfenberg or similar type Coupler shall be used to ensure a permanent connection of railcars which in traffic form a unit and therefore need not be separated unless in an emergency or in the workshop. The coupler shall have raked draft and buffing capacity of not less than 34t and 550m kg respectively. Each end of a standard unit shall be equipped with a fully automatic mechanical. Adequate lubrication provisions shall be made in the coupler. replaceable. The combined mechanical. The drawbars shall be provided with a centring hole and a centring pin which help to align the drawbars when being connected and protect the shank of the drawbars against torsion. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. The drawbars shall be connected by means of a muff coupling set. Uncoupling is done by remote control or manually. wear plates or other means to compensate for wear.1. ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) 5. Provision shall be made to ensure the water does not condense and get trapped inside the coupler. Accidental uncoupling shall result in the application of the emergency brakes. The rear (non-cab) end train line interface cables shall be hard wired to a junction box via terminal boards. Coupler Operation: Upon buffing two cars together. The air connections shall be effectively guided to provide free movement without locking or binding. The electric heads shall be either side or top mounted and shall be protected by weatherproof covers which shall automatically swing clear when a coupling is initiated and shall cover the coupler when not engaged. pneumatically and electrically without further action by the driver. The inter vehicular coupler arrangement shall be proven and shall conform to international standards. pneumatic. As a minimum. of silver surfaced alloy. In order to secure the cables from external hitting. It shall be that there is no disruption and sparking due to vehicle behaviour under worst conditions of operation.1. The hoses shall be so arranged as to be free of stress in all operating positions and prevent chafing. As such multiplexing of signal shall be adopted to the maximum extant possible in line with the current international practices. Electric couplers shall use a configuration so that any end of the standard unit can couple to any end of any other standard. shall maintain positive contact under all specified operating conditions and shall be capable to work even with the impacts to which the car coupler may be subjected in service.Specification No. shape and positive action to prevent fouling in coupling. the cables connected with the coupler shall not hang lower than the lowermost face of the coupler and shall be suitably secured to arrest any dangling. and be routed to the rear coupler interface and connected through electrical connectors.5 i) ii) Chapter 5: Mechanical Requirements . exit the junction box through strain relief bushings. Automatic uncoupling of mechanical.1. the couplers shall automatically couple mechanically. Automatic coupling shall take place satisfactorily when coaches are brought together at speeds between 1 km/h and 15 km/h. Provisions ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) 5.1. The electrical coupler shall be capable of making all necessary electrical connections between adjacent cars to permit control of all cars in a rake from the leading cab. The gathering range shall be minimum 80 mm vertically on either side of centre line of the coupler. On minimum radius curves.4 i) ii) 5. and electrical connection shall not be possible above 5 km/h to prevent accidental uncoupling due to human error. No air shall be vented at any time from a separate main reservoir line. Sufficient spare contacts (at least 15 %) shall be provided for catering to future needs of Railways. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 76 of 112 5. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. keyed differently to prevent improper terminations. Pneumatic coupling: The pneumatic coupler shall be provided as an integral part of the mechanical coupler head to accomplish the automatic connection of air lines between cars. the covers shall not exceed the allowable clearance envelope of the car. Loop circuit contacts shall be provided to signify end of consist when cars are uncoupled. The layout shall be such that it is out of the reach of any passenger or common man.18.18. Contacts shall be spring loaded.3 i) Electrical coupling: The electrical coupling shall be accomplished automatically by means of schersenberg coupler. The design shall cater for relative movements between the coaches. 10 percent of spare train lines shall be provided.18. A coupler switch located in the coupler hook shall be provided to signify that a successful coupling has been achieved.unit. shall have surface capacity. All coaches shall be equipped with self-lapping electro-pneumatic brakes of approved design. In case of AC drives the main braking system is the Regenerative / Dynamic Brake. the brake electronics shall take adequate corrective action with least system isolation. while mechanical and pneumatic couplers remain in the coupled state. The draft /buffing springs shall be of ring type (Siemens /DUEWAG. Similarly redundancy shall be built in the brake electronics by either duplicating the PCBs or by duplicating the functionality of PCBs or by providing two brake electronics controller unit per motor coach. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. state of art. In such cases. the emergency brake control. which may be set in the open. isolation of motor coach or failure of control electronics etc. The wheel slip control functions & anti skid control shall be integrated with the wheel spin control functions of the traction control system. With automatic and semi-permanent couplers the draft gear housing shall be capable of taking either rubber springs or ring springs and identical spring packs shall be used for both end and intermediate couplers.Specification No.Ringfeder or equivalent). the Wheel Slip Slide Protection system and the parking brake.1 (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Chapter 5: Mechanical Requirements . The brakes shall be operable from any selected driver’s compartment with the train running in either direction.1 (i) Functional Requirements: General The brake system shall be fast response closed loop digital brake control system with brake regulation rate of +5% of the deceleration demanded. 5. as approved by RDSO.19. UIC approved.0 5. The EP brake shall come into action in cases of failure of the propulsion unit or when regenerative / dynamic brakes are inadequate to meet the brake demand. In case of isolation of any EP valve due to any defect. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 77 of 112 shall be made to isolate the electrical trainlines. neutral or closed position.2 5.19.19. The blending of EP brakes with regenerative brakes shall be automatic and shall ensure maximum regenerative energy. BRAKE GEAR General: This clause defines the requirements for the bake blending of dynamic (regenerative/Rheostatic) & friction braking system including the air supply unit. All couplers shall be fitted with centring device. EP brakes shall be put into action by automatic blending. In case of AC drives there is a common brake controller for all brake operations. the air reservoir system.2. It shall be ensured that the failure of any single control component shall not result in a loss of braking effort on more than one car. Bearing spring supports of approved design for automatic couplers to facilitate coupling of coaches shall be provided. inputs and shall be duplicated. except coupler control and communications circuits. the brake units. or a combined traction/brake controller acting via the integrated Train Control System. and shall only control the adjacent couplers of that activated cab. Microprocessor Controlled Electro pneumatic System suitable for Metro application and tread / axle mounted disk brakes shall be provided. iv) v) vi) 5.19. Devices shall be provided to permit manual operation of the electric head control(both connection and isolation) and mechanical uncoupling in the event of no power or a control failure from outside the cab through a hand operated lever which will give a visual indication of the coupler position. iii) Uncoupling shall only be possible from an activated cab. All feeds. Adequate redundancy shall be provided to ensure that the EP brakes do not become non-functional in case of failure of power supplies. They shall be accessible for cleaning and shall be provided with isolating cocks which can be seen and operated easily. There shall be no obstruction to movement of the brake rigging at any stage of its working so as to result in sudden reduction of brake power. in a load controlled mode. Deadman’s application valve in conjunction with master controller shall be provided to give emergency application. The vehicle shall be braked to stand still. The brake system. diaphragms. System shall provide for adequate safety measures against rolling back in case the train is to be started on a rising gradient. The driver may have to change cabs for reversing direction of train operations. shall be designed for 1.Specification No. acting as a backup during normal service braking and as the primary braking system during emergency stops and while parking. against failure of E. The brake system shall be suitably interfaced with the existing TPWS system provided in Kolkata Metro. The isolating cocks shall be located such that it can (x) (xi) (xii) (xiii) (xiv) (xv) (xvi) (xvii) (xviii) (xix) (xx) (xxi) (xxii) (xxiii) Chapter 5: Mechanical Requirements . The system shall permit variation in brake force during application without passing through release and provide quick and simultaneous application and release. Automatic slack adjuster. If the EP system gets out of order due to power failure or other reasons. the brakes shall apply automatically or as decided during design finalisation stage. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 78 of 112 (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) The inter-coach connection shall permit easy coupling and uncoupling of units. brakes. The system shall permit operation as straight air brake in emergencies such as electric control failure or trains parting. TPWS shall remain operative as at present without any need for modification in TPWS. valves and actuators. to be used in case of pipe bursting or coupling/ decoupling etc. No adjustment on the brake rigging between successive renewals of brake blocks shall be necessary. shall meet the requirement as laid down in this specification. which must be possible without any other action in the vacated cab. The brakes must remain on until the driver takes control in the other cab. if so desired. including mechanical linkages.000 cycles of full service braking under Dense crush loads without failure or wear sufficient to cause misalignment or reduced efficiency. Isolating cocks shall be provided for the pneumatic train pipe. The friction braking system shall function as the ultimate braking system on the car. Strainers.000. but excluding brake shoes (or pads/discs). An audible and visual warning system shall be provided in front of the driver. The change over period from regenerative to EP & vice–versa shall be minimum and in any case. integral with the brake cylinders & of approved type shall provided to take care of brake disc / brake shoe wear & wear of brake rigging components. Coach wise monitoring of the brake system shall be done and in case of any defect the same shall be recorded and corrective action shall be taken by the system. The passenger emergency alarm shall not operate the brakes. The system shall safeguard against concealed failure or partial failure of power on any position of the electric control which could result in failure to apply brakes. Bleeding off and releasing brakes by hand on each bogie individually from either side from platform / rail level shall be possible. with practically no jerking or jolting. The system shall take suitable protective action in case of over speed as sensed by the speedometer. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. The brake rigging shall be capable of easy adjustment.P. dirt collectors and filters shall be placed as close as possible to the equipment they serve. Service Brake In conjunction with the electric braking system. when operated in emergency conditions and degraded performance operation. The friction brake demand signal shall be jerk limited.19.2. The brake train line decoding. but shall be suitably guarded against mal-operation / vandalism by passenger / miscreants. the service friction brake shall appropriately respond to a current reference brake command. Brake “Released” indicates that all brakes on the coach are released.2.19. indicates that the brakes of that bogie. including safety margin. Thermal capacity: The friction brake system shall be designed so that when the coach is loaded to Dense crush loaded brake shoe / disc/ pad. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 79 of 112 be operated from inside the train. full service brake rate monitoring and brake pipe venting functions. The required brake rate shall be multiplied by the load weight compensation signal to produce the called for braking effort. The friction brake jerk limit system shall not override the electric limit command. detection systems shall monitor and annunciate the following conditions: a) b) c) d) Brake ‘ON’ indicates that any brake on the coach is applied to a level equal to approximately 75 percent of TARE full service braking. load weight compensated and shall be continuously variable within the design range of the friction brake. A load weighing compensation system shall be provided to convert a signal from the rear bogie to a multiplier representing a vehicle weight between tare to Dense crush load. shall be fail-safe. Brake “at fault” provided for each brake control system on the car indicates that the brake control system is incapable of reliably performing as designed. Each cycle shall comprise a full acceleration from standstill to rated speed followed by emergency brakes to standstill. the braking system shall apply brake force that is sufficient to achieve the emergency brake performance specified in this specification. temperatures do not exceed the manufacturer’s design limit. speed tapered.5 Annunciation During all modes of operation. the brake system shall not show any abnormality. The pneumatic shall be controlled via the connected main air pipe and brake pipe. 5.Specification No. if provided. Emergency Brake: When an emergency braking application is initiated. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. (xxiv) There shall be arrangement for releasing and isolating the brakes of any bogie from both sides of coach and from the platform itself.2 (i) (ii) (iii) 5. As such the friction brake system shall be rated to and have sufficient thermal capacity to safely complete at least three successive acceleration and emergency brake cycle with no interval between each cycle. 5.3 (i) (ii) 5.19.2. Brake “cut out” provided for each bogie.2.4 Chapter 5: Mechanical Requirements . have been either electrically or mechanically isolated. On completion of three cycles. It shall be possible to tow a train of these cars safely and without any speed restrictions by coupling it with the purchaser’s locomotive provided with air brake system in case any defect or when the train is to be hauled from place of manufacturing unit to destination with suitable adapters. Loss of the brake system due to failure of electrical control power from all possible sources shall result in an emergency brake application.19. 2 BRAKE CONTROL ELECTRONICS The friction brake control electronics shall be supplied as a separate package. They shall include circuitry to read and interpret trainlines. if provided. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 80 of 112 “Low Air Pressure” indicates that the main reservoir air pressure is less than the lower limit of the normal operating range.4. the friction brake system shall be capable of blending to ensure a full service brake rate.19. for the system functioning and trouble shooting. debris like paper.19.19. Tenderer shall submit both the options with comparative advantages and disadvantages. which result in the inability or inadequacy of the electric brakes to perform as specified.1 Deceleration Requirements: All deceleration performance values shall be met for all coach weights from tare to Dense crush load. i) Brake Control Unit: A minimum of one brake control unit to control brake pressure shall be provided on each car. 5. However under conditions. 5. An interlock using this signal shall lead to a full service brake command on a train line basis. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. During the service.19. Brake control units shall contain all equipment necessary to receive signals from the brake control electronics and control the brake force to be applied. The emergency brake control shall be designed to be fail-safe. The wheel slide control system shall be carefully integrated between the propulsion and brake systems. ii) Wheel Slide Control A wheel slide control system generally conforming to UIC 541 shall be provided on motor coaches to meet the requirements of this specification consisting of Wheel slide detection equipment and slide control equipment that operates on a per motor bogie basis. if required.2 Service Brake Blending: Electric braking and friction braking shall be continuously blended to provide the brake rates and stopping distances defined above. shall be provided.19. The system shall have self diagnostic features with display of faults and shall be provided with service terminal. Emergency trainlines are dropped out by console push button activation.3 5.4 5.Specification No. iii) Emergency Brake Control Emergency brake control units. may get trapped in the ventilation grids of the brake disc and thus choke them.3. 5. independent of service brake control electronics and valves. If the design capacity of the electric Chapter 5: Mechanical Requirements .4. The brakes shall be axle mounted disc brake or tread brake unit (TBU’s).1 COMPONENT REQUIREMENTS Brake Systems: The brake system shall be similar on all coaches (trailer and motor coaches).Automatic wheel wear compensation shall be incorporated in the wheel slide protection scheme. The design of the ventilation grids of the brake disc shall be suitably modified /redesigned so that they get self cleaned during the run thus ensuring proper cleaning. It shall be possible to replace the brake discs.3. 5. without removing the wheels. They shall be controlled directly by emergency trainlines. dynamic brake signals and load weigh signals. They shall include logic to determine the appropriate friction brake force and circuitry to control devices that ultimately control the brake force. polythenes etc. Blended Operation: During normal operation with dynamic braking active. the braking rate shall be provided by mechanical brakes alone for a coach weight up to and including Dense crush load.19. 19. friction braking shall be added as required. the minimum instantaneous brake rate shall be 1. or otherwise. When the friction brake 2 alone is used. LOAD WEIGHING SYSTEM Load weighing system shall be used to meet the requirements of rates of acceleration and braking.19. An average brake rate (V/T) is defined as the speed. with safe stopping distance capability.4. For full service braking with friction brake only and emergency braking.3 5. the remaining friction brakes shall be capable of providing continuous operation with a reduced maximum speed of 25 km/h. V at which brake force (as measured by motor current or brake cylinder pressure) has ramped up to its full service level divided by the elapsed time. T required to go from that speed to zero speed. using straight air brake only with (EP unit switched off). to prevent transient changes in the 5. but not jerk limited.5 Chapter 5: Mechanical Requirements . When the regenerative braking is ineffective/only partly effective or power supply system is non-receptive. an instantaneous brake rate is defined as the deceleration rate that would be seen by an accelerometer mounted on the coach. During this mode. The emergency braking distance.19. Rheostatic braking shall be automatically made operational. ii) iii) The calculation for emergency braking distances under dry and wet conditions shall be submitted. Control shall be such that the coach jerk limit requirements of this clause are not violated. The regenerative braking shall be independent for each bogie and faults on one bogie should not affect the regenerative braking performance on the other. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. The blending of friction brakes and electric brakes shall be such as to ensure maximisation of regenerative braking during the blending. except in emergency braking.1. the wheel slip control system shall be active. the electrical brake blending functions shall be inactive. and the propulsion system shall be disabled. The system shall also provide signal for ensuring correct adjustment of car body by secondary air suspension The load weighing compensation signals to the propulsion and braking systems shall be a continuous function available for all coach weights up to and including Dense crush load. The efficiency for full service braking (and full acceleration) shall not be less than 75 percent with an available wheel/rail adhesion factor of 0. Adequate redundancy shall be provided in the load weighing system and failure shall be recorded in the diagnostic. The Rheostatic-braking resistor shall be adequately rated for this purpose. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 81 of 112 braking system is exceeded by the braking demand. The requirements for brake rates during an emergency with respect to brake entry speed given in Chapter 2. With all dynamic brakes cut out and up to 50 percent of all the friction brakes of a rake inoperative. If there is a failure of this system. Full service braking: For the purposes of this specification. the coach shall respond as if it was loaded to Dense crush load.1 m/s + -30% 5. 06.4. The friction brake system shall be capable of providing the specified full service brake rate with all electric brake inoperative. Brake entry speed is defined as the speed at which braking is commanded by trainline control signals. shall not be greater than 190 meters when tested on an 4/8 coach train under fully loaded conditions from 80 km/h. friction brakes only. the efficiency shall be no less than 75% with an available wheel/rail adhesion factor 0.4 i) Emergency braking Emergency braking shall be provided by load-weighed. This system shall be damped.Specification No. 0. March 2001.8 i) AIR COMPRESSOR The air compressor shall be supplied as a complete unit containing all equipment required to supply all car air systems with cool dry air and shall be shall be sized to fulfill all air requirements of each car under all operating conditions. Emergency brake applications and any associated ramp out of propulsion shall not be jerk limited. Regenerative type air-dryer shall be provide at the outlet of the compressor to ensure that the dry air is available for controls and pneumatic operations. In the event of total failure of electric brake and one air compressor on a fully loaded 8 car train. 5. Reapplication of propulsion following a power interruption shall be jerk limited. System shall immediately detect any mal operation of the parking brake system before it causes any damage to wheels and other connected item and shall take suitable protective action. shall be provided. Provision for isolation in case of mal-operation or in emergency viz. The compressor shall preferably splash lubricated so as to avoid need for supplementary equipment such as oil pump. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. An air cooler that cools discharge air from the compressor to within 5o C of ambient air shall be provided. The compressor shall be directly driven by the motor and shall deliver required air for all requirements. The capacity of the compressor shall be selected after taking into account the frequent purging of air by the air dryer (due to high ambient humidity) which may affect the compressor duty cycle The average duty cycle of each compressor without electric braking shall not exceed 50% during operation.19.00. the rate of change of coach acceleration or deceleration shall not be more than specified. AIR – DRYER Air dryer shall be generally to RDSO specification no.00). The motor-compressor unit shall be resiliently mounted with a 4-point suspension for minimising the level of vibrations transmitted to the carbody. The free-field noise emission of the unit at the nominal rotation speed and at a distance of 4. Failure of the jerk limiting system shall not limit braking effort. Due consideration shall also be given to air leakage from pneumatic system which start taking place in course of usage and time.7 PARKING BRAKE A parking brake system shall be provided which shall be capable of holding a fully loaded / tare rake on a 4% grade for a period of not less than 30 days when there is no electrical power. Due to heavy ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) 5. Detailed note shall be enclosed to justify the rating of the compressor selected along with the time taken to charge a completely empty 8 coach rake and time taken to inflate full air suspension. MP. 5.19.6 meter shall not be more than 66 dBA.6 JERK LIMIT: Under all normal operating conditions.09 (Rev.19. the remaining air compressors on the train shall have sufficient capacity to enable the train to remain in service for at least 3 hours. 5. Reduction of propulsion effort due to a power interruption need not be jerk limited. filter or valve etc. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 82 of 112 air spring pressure or height due to car body motion from causing instantaneous or oscillating changes in tractive or braking effort. Tenderer shall specifically ensure that the noise level of the compressor shall be adequately low so as not to cause inconvenience to the commuters.19.9 i) Chapter 5: Mechanical Requirements .0.01.Specification No. bursting of air connection to parking brake cylinder etc. Parking brake system shall be provided for the optional use of the system. Tenderer shall offer the compressor of superior design and ensure the proveness of such compressor in the dusty and humid climate as described in the Chapter 2. it shall be possible to make six full service brake application/release cycles of 10 seconds application and 30 seconds release. Length of pipework / tubing shall be kept to a minimum. TUBING AND ACCESSORIES All piping. are to be arranged in one pneumatic panel for good reliability and maintainability. System Capacity: The pneumatic system shall have sufficient storage capacity such that after loss of compressor power after initial pressure had been reached. A brake supply reservoir shall be located near each bogie.35 bar in 10 minutes. shall not exceed 0. Under the ambient conditions specified.11 i) ii) Chapter 5: Mechanical Requirements . At least 95% liquid water shall be removed even at the worst condition/efficiency of the filter. the air dryer shall be of heavy duty type suitable for application in coastal areas and shall not require frequent attention & changing of the coalescing element and other chemicals. Oil content shall be permissible as remnant. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 83 of 112 rainfall and high humidity in service. Leakage: Loss of main reservoir pressure due to cumulative leakage in the entire pneumatic system. EP valves. Reservoirs shall comply with the latest revision of UIC Standard UIC 541-07 or Section VII of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code for Unfired Pressure Vessels. valves and fittings.Specification No. The mounting arrangement shall be such that the checking of the humidity indicator and changing of the chemicals shall not essentially require the pit. Air Reservoir System The air reservoir system shall contain a main reservoir and other reservoirs as necessary to fulfill the requirements of this clause. ii) Air Dryer shall be provided with exhaust silencer so that the noise emanating out of the purging operation does not cause any discomfort to passengers or otherwise. Drain cocks and manual cutout cocks shall be provided as appropriate to facilitate operation and maintenance. Check valves shall be supplied so that leakages at one bogie do not affect other bogies. All brake valves. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev.19. Main reservoir air shall be train lined between coaches. not including that required for system functioning. without initiating an emergency stop due to low pressure in the system. iii) iv) v) vi) 5. The dryer shall be proven regenerative type under similar coastal conditions and shall preferably preceded by an automatic drain valve to collect and discharge the bulk of moisture in the compressed air before it enters the air dryer. fittings etc. PIPE WORK. An indicator shall show the extent of dirt accumulation and efficiency of the filter element. Minimum 3 0 particle size of 1 micron shall be removed and maximum 0.19. The filter element shall be heavy-duty type and shall be specifically designed for high level of dust and debris. The maximum relative humidity at the output of the air dryer shall be smaller than 35 % Air shall be aspirated by the low pressure cylinders and cleaned by a dry-type air-filter.01mg/m at 21 C. In any case. there should not be any need for cleaning the filter before the Schedule examination in the shed. Tenderer shall declare the time period after which the filter shall require cleaning. Tenderer shall furnish the details in this regard. or equivalent as approved by the Purchaser. Reservoir shall be manufactured from stainless steel and shall have a device for venting and draining of the contents of reservoirs. Installation methods and testing shall be in accordance with the latest edition of the Code for Pressure Piping. UIC 803.10 i) ii) iii) vi) v) 5. following a 5 minutes settlement period from the point the system was initially charged and the air compressor was shut off. no condensation shall take place. An intercooler and after cooler of liberal capacity shall be supplied. Exhaust fans air dryer shall also not cause of dust from track. shall be made from corrosion-free stainless steel. or other equivalent Standards as approved by the purchaser. 5. Joints in a straight run of pipe that serve the sole purpose of connecting pipe lengths shall not be used. iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x) 5. Cocks located below the floor level should be protected from flying debris such as ballast. Auto drain valve shall be provided at the nominated places in the pneumatic circuit. Air pipe work shall be deburred and blown out after cutting and thoroughly cleaned after installation. All pipe work shall be installed in accordance with Standards approved by the Purchaser and in such a manner as to provide drainage.Specification No. A colour scheme. if any. suspension. Brake supply reservoir should have their vent cocks such that the handle lie in the line with the pipe when closed. Chokes shall be provided at all strategic locations so that damaged pipe line does not adversely affect the system functioning.19. All inaccessible runs of tubing or piping shall be without joints. to be approved during design approval stage.12 5. Special care shall be taken in layout of pilot pressure pipelines. shall take care that they do not get damaged during run due to external hitting.0 MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS Tenderer shall list out the essential facilities. Layout of the piplines.20.21. Chokes may be provided at suitable locations on the pneumatic pipes lines which are susceptible to breakage during the run. Chapter 5: Mechanical Requirements . hydraulic or pneumatic. It shall be possible to gain access to the filter element for replacement purposes without disconnection of any pipe fittings. tools & machinery which shall be required for maintenance of each major item viz. all piping systems shall be cleaned by standard methods. for identification of different pipings shall be used. structure and brake system etc. Air pipe fittings: Stainless steel fittings must be used with stainless steel air lines. The alarm chain pulling shall generate an audio visual signal in all the driving cabs simultaneously. Seamless stainless steel pipe which can be bent cold shall be used. After installation. All piping shall be securely fastened with zinc-chromate impregnated core tape or an equivalent between the pipe and clamp to prevent chafing and vibration. standard connections shall be used. The layout of piping shall be designed to keep all pipes specially the brake cylinder pipes as short as possible. The filtering capability. Filters at the compressor intake shall be of the dry filter type. Suitable protection arrangement shall be done for the purpose. Various stopcocks and isolating valves except draincocks shall be oriented in open position to the fluid flow direction. Pipes must be adequately supported throughout their length and at connections and must not interfere with the removal of other components. Unprotected isolation cocks should have their excess of operation in line with the trains motion. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 84 of 112 iii) Sharp bends will be avoided and where necessary. AIR FILTERS All air filters assemblies shall be of suitable type so that they do not get choked with debris.0 PASSENGER EMERGENCY ALARM SYSTEM The passenger emergency alarm system shall be independent of brake gear. Bogies. and overall size shall be appropriate for the application and the ambient conditions like prevalence of heavy dust and debris in India. for making them impervious to hitting by external objects. The fittings used for connecting pipelines shall be proven and shall be got approved before use. The alarm shall also provide the external indication on the end of each coach. flow rate capacity. heat. The elastomer shall be compounded and cured to perform satisfactorily in the temperature range specified in this specification. de-scaled receive a wash primer coating and then painted. Isolating and moisture proofing materials.22. All elastomeric parts shall be resistant to Ozone. and scale. The elastomers shall have high resistance to ultraviolet radiation. occurring when the parts are used in the normal service and according to the provisions of this specification. oil. gaps between joints shall be held to a dimension not greater than 10 % of the thinner material being joined or 0. adequate care shall be taken to prevent any chemical interaction between the materials. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 85 of 112 5.22. Corrosion protection: All metals to be used in the fabrication process shall be surface treated with due consideration to the severity of exposure to which the surface will be subjected. 5.4 5.3 5. shall be considered as having caused by defect of material or workmanship. rust. Where arc welding is performed on joints between stainless steel and other materials the joint shall be cleaned. the edges of the panel shall have a smooth finished appearance. receive a wash primer then primed with an epoxy paint and painted with an epoxy paint and painted with an approved finish coat of paint. grease and oil.22. unless otherwise specified. the contact surface shall be free of dirt. weather. oxidation.0 5.Specification No. salts and acids. shall be used at all times where these combinations exist. Life expectancy: For all parts made by vulcanising an elastomer to metal. Unless specified otherwise.22. When not otherwise specified. salt deposits and the longest possible life consistent with the other characteristics specified. grease. grease. oil. The joining of incompatible metals and materials shall be minimised as much as possible and where unavoidable. any premature failure ( less than six years ) between metal and the elastomer or in the elastomer. The resilient mounts shall be of natural rubber.05 mm whichever is greater. appropriate to the material being joined. All rubber parts shall be compounded to be resistant to abrasion. Concealed surfaces capable of rusting or oxidation shall be properly cleaned.22. the contact surfaces shall be coated with a metal based primer.5 Chapter 5: Mechanical Requirements .1 WORKMANSHIP & PROCESSES : Joining General Certain combination of material require particular care in joining to avoid the possibility of corrosion.22. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev.2 Metal to Metal connections: Where metals contact each other. 5. Metal primer may be omitted for austenitic stainless steel to austenitic steel joints. Joint fitting: Joints shall be properly fitted whether exposed or concealed. washing fluids used by IR. ELASTOMERS: All elastomeric parts shall be of neoprene. Synthetic rubber compounds may be substituted for natural rubber only when approved for a specific application. Gaps shall be uniform in width. 4.Specification No.0 Description General Mechanical Test Tests on Electrical Equipment Performance Test Page no.3.0 6. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. 87 87 92 94 Chapter 6: Test & Trials .0 6. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 86 of 112 CHAPTER 6 TEST & TRIALS Clause No.2.0 6. 6.1. 4 6.1. system.1.2. rake as the case may be. Type test for certain equipment may be waived if these were carried out earlier on equipments of identical design.2 A static compressive end load test and a lifting test shall be performed in accordance with UIC 566 under a simulated load as specified in clause 4. The waiver of type test is entirely at the discretion of the Engineers. the purchaser reserves the right to witness any or all of the tests and to require submission of any or all test specification and reports. The contractor shall submit a proposal in this regard to the Engineers for review.Specification No. systems and sub systems shall be type and routine tested in accordance with the relevant IEC/UIC publications inclusive of the mandatory and optional tests along with the special tests as desired by the purchaser. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev.2 6.1.1. The strength of the saloon sidewall windows and of those in the doors shall be performed in accordance with UIC 566. Crashworthiness shall be proven by submission of detailed calculations and demonstration by means of finite element analysis.1 General Individual cars and complete trains shall be type and routine tested in accordance with the IEC 61133 and as specified below either at contractors works or on site. 6.1.5 6.3 Chapter 6: Test & Trials . The individual equipment. The strength of the cab windscreen shall be tested in accordance with the requirement UIC 566 as a type test.3 6.1. as a type test.1. sub system is not specifically covered by an international recognized specification or test procedure or where the type and routine test prescribed by IEC or other international standard do not adequately cover the requirement the test which are acceptable to both to contractor and to the purchaser shall be devised. The purchaser reserves the right to reasonably call for any additional tests as considered necessary. Wherever any equipment.2.2.10 6.6 6.2. The strength of couplers and draft gear shall be carried out in accordance with international practice as a type test.1 6.7 6. Without prejudice to any provisions of the contract.1 6.1. The results of all tests shall be submitted to the Engineers.1. All such tests shall be carried out at the contractor’s cost wherever performed in presence of and to the satisfaction of purchaser’s representative who reserves the right to witness any or all of the tests. and as agreed by the purchaser. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 87 of 112 CHAPTER 6 TEST & TRIALS unit. 6.0 6. as appropriate. who will record his conclusions as to whether or not the equipment being tested has passed satisfactorily.4 6. witnessed by a reputed organization and the service performance of such equipments was found to be reliable.2. MECHANICAL TESTS Test on prototype coaches/units/rakes.0 of chapter 5. The following test shall be conducted only on the first prototype coach.1. Measurement of tare weight The tare weight of the motor and trailer coach forming the first unit shall be taken by an appropriate apparatus e. Bogie Test The requirement of IR is for BG metro stock. Load Test A load deflection test of the prototype unit shall be carried out on straight level track and also by rotating the bogie to simulate a 152. full load (DCL) with 30% extra load and run on curved track having radius 152.9. to the car structure. with no gauge widening. The prototype unit under tare and DCL condition pass through a structure representing the static coach profile as mentioned in clause 3. While the unit is on this curve.1.2. 6.6. Any failure to operate at the prescribed speed profile or any other indication of binding shall require corrective action to be taken by the contractor. the acceptance criteria for all the parameters in these tests as well as the detailed test scheme shall be finalised at the design stage in consultation with the contractor.3.9. All side doors. the brakes shall work efficiently and reliably. One prototype bogie frame complete of motor and trailer coach with all the mounting brackets shall be subjected to stress investigation and fatigue test in accordance with UIC 615-4 and UIC 515-4.2. It is essential that the bogie design shall be examined by independent consultant selected by RDSO and cost involved shall be borne by the tenderer.1.4m.1 6.2. The test scheme shall be finalised in consultation with RDSO. The first unit is to be completed and shall be loaded to test load conditions viz.1.4m curve under tare and gross load condition. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. Digital load weighing bridge.10 Chapter 6: Test & Trials .7 6.6 The car body shall also be subjected to a vertical deflection test. The stresses shall normally not to exceed 2/3rd of the yield strength of the material in case of vertical load above and shall not exceed 90% of the yield strength in case of application of combination of vertical and compressive load.2.2.8 The first trailer and motor coach super structure shall be subjected to test as per clause 6.1.9 6. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 88 of 112 6.1.2. However. Tests on Maximum curve These tests shall be done at the contractor’s promises and shall be witnessed by the IR’s representative if so desired by the IR. At each increment of test load the doors shall be opened and closed by means of the door controls.1.2. There shall be no fouling of parts due to the throw over of the bogies and due to the movement of the coupling gear between the coaches.9. complete with drive mechanisms with all sealing and weather-stripping. The test shall be under simulated loading condition to represent the service load. 6.2 a) b) c) 6. When the following conditions should be ensured.1. on one side of the car shall be installed.1.1 This shall be a type test. There shall be no fouling of any part of the super structure (including installed equipment) with any part of the bogie. No.2 6.2 6.9. This shall be a type test. including the cab side doors. to the door arrangement or both.1 and 6.2.0 of chapter 2.9. 12 6.2.1 i) a) Chapter 6: Test & Trials .2 6.2.11 6. Oscillation Trials The oscillation trials shall be conducted on the prototype unit to assess its riding and stability characteristics.2.2. which shall be decided during design stage. The trials shall be conducted upto a maximum speed of 90 kmph in : § Tare and fully loaded up to dense crush load.1.2.3g in both lateral and vertical modes and the records shall not show any resonant tendency in the regions of peak value.1. Brake Equipment Type Test Brake Unit Following tests shall be carried out on Brake Unit. The trials shall be conducted in India in association with the representatives of the contractor. The contractor shall demonstrate that emergency door is entirely as per clause No.2.3 6.2.2 6.2. Routine test of passenger door shall comprise of functional test to verify that performance is consistent with excepted type test results and shall include test to IEC60077 for electrical portion. A record of velocity profile shall be taken at the beginning and at the end of the test.4 a) b) The oscillation trials will be conducted on suitable stretch of Kolkata Metro Railway upto a maximum test speed of 90kmph.1. The ride index shall be calculated on the basis of Para 2. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev.2.2.11. These tests shall be performed under representative dry and wet conditions.2. The following type test shall be carried out on a complete double leaf door and operating assembly with its control gear.1. It should also be demonstrated that no undue wear or compression of seal has occurred.2. A general indication of stable running characteristics of the carriage as evidenced by the movement of the bogie on a straight and curved track and by the acceleration readings and instantaneous wheel load variations/spring deflections.1. slack adjuster operation and parking brake action.1 6.11. 6. Measurement of any other parameter as deemed necessary for establishing the safe and acceptable ride behaviour.1 Passenger Door type test The body side door shall be tested for strength in accordance with UIC 566.1.5 6.8. Functional checks such as working stroke.2 6.11. New and worn wheel profiles Inflated and deflated conditions of air springs both tare and fully loaded (DCL) conditions. c) (i) & (ii).1 6. Endurance test of one million operations.5 in both lateral and vertical modes.2.3 6.Specification No.2 6.1 of ORE report C 116 Rp.2. The value of accelerations recorded at a location as near as possible to the bogie pivot shall not exceed 0. Vibrations tests shall be carried out as defined in IEC 60077. The criteria for assessment shall be as follows: The Sperling Ride Index shall not exceed 2.1. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 89 of 112 6.2. 1 6. The trials shall consist of : Stationary Trials Running Trials Chapter 6: Test & Trials . 1) of April’ 2009 Page 90 of 112 b) c) d) e) 6.4 6. Vibration test as defined in IEC 60077. generally as in IEC 60077.3 i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) Brake Control Equipment Individual items of electro-pneumatic equipment shall be type tested as follows:Mechanical operation and endurance as defined in IEC 60077. maximum temperature attained during braking.3. both in manual and auto modes. shall be tested to confirm compliance with the Contractor’s design data.2.4. Oscillograms shall be produced in support.3.1 6.2.3. These shall include the Brake Controller and interface with ATO equipment and a transceiver to measure force at the push rod of Brake Unit.2 Braking Distance Trials The braking distance trials shall be conducted in India on the first 8 coach rake as decided during detailed design stage. A complete series of tests shall be carried out on this rig under all service conditions to demonstrate the function of the brake system as a whole. Air leakage test. Complete Brake System Type Tests A complete set of brake equipment comprising all items of equipment forming the Brake System shall be assembled.Specification No.3. Air tightness generally as in IEC 60077. rate of wear etc. Characteristic tests Each item of equipment having a pilot or transducing function.3.3.2. Electrical test. viii) ix) 6. 6.2 Recording of the relationship of brake block force to cylinder pressure over the full working range. 6. Vibration and shock as defined in IEC 60077. Brake Blocks / Pads The contractor shall carry out testing of brake blocks in respect of coefficient of friction with respect to the wheel material under dry and wet conditions.6 The brake blocks/pads shall comply to UIC-541-4/UIC-541-3. Plotting of brake force against pressure curves in all conditions of operation of main cylinder and parking brake.2. Type tests on Electronic Equipment The electronic equipment used in brake system shall be tested as laid down in IEC 60571: “Electronics Equipment Used in Rail Vehicles”.2.2. The contractor may combine the test of individual items with the system if agreed by employer’s representative.2.5 Complete Brake System Routine Tests All reservoirs shall be tested to an appropriate international pressure vessel standard and necessary test certificates shall be provided from a recognized test agency. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. 6.4 6.6 i) Test Runs : Test runs shall be made on the suitable stretch of Kolkata Metro on which the stock is to operate with sufficient number of trains to ensure that the train equipment meets the operating conditions. for the first filling and for trial runs. Trains formed by coupling three.6. deceleration. release time etc. The temperature of the various parts of the electrical equipment shall be during the test as per the standard procedure specified. The running trials shall consist of measurement of braking distances under different operating conditions in both tare and fully loaded (HDCL) modes. four or five units shall then be run at the maximum speeds permitted and on the heaviest gradient in such a manner as to prove that the equipment meets the requirements of the specification. under tare condition.7 The stationary trials shall consist of measurement of various brake system parameters like initial charging time. speed on straight level track and the energy consumption for a round trip shall be measured.4 Service trials The prototype train shall be subjected to pre-revenue service trials. ii) iii) iv) Chapter 6: Test & Trials . the parking brakes shall be capable of holding the train stationary on the gradient.2.Specification No. Test results shall also be recorded for wet rail conditions.5 6. The contractor shall obtain records of speed. 6. Service trials are intended to prove the satisfactory running performance of cars and evaluate their reliability in service. temperature rise of various equipment. During the test acceleration.3. The tests shall also cover Endurance tests included herein. The parking brakes of all the driving cabs of the train will be applied fully and the air brakes released. The test scheme for these trials shall be finalised at the detailed design stage.3. ease of maintenance and operations.3. The performance of the shock shall be assessed based on the experience gained during the service trials.2. energy consumption and tractive effort as the purchaser may require.3. 6.3 6.2. In all cases.2.6.6. The duration and location of stoppages shall be selected in accordance with the scheduled time table stoppages. current.2. Necessary modification as required and also as desired by the purchaser shall be implemented in the series production.2. Tests on Parking Brakes The Parking brake will be tested as follows:The 8 coach train.5 PERFORMANCE TEST The MRS performance shall be demonstrated in test runs and shall meet the target figures in Chapter 2 & 3. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. will be brought to stop on 1 in 27 gradient by application of air brake. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 91 of 112 6. Under these conditions.2.2. 6. The contractor shall supervise and carry out the above tests both at the works and at the site and shall provide all equipment necessary for such tests and such special consumable stores as oil. Special measuring instruments shall be provided by the contractor. application time. grease etc. voltage.8 Vibration and shock values : The equipment used in the cars shall preferably conform to IEC 61373 for shocks and vibrations as specified on the basis of the location and mounting of the equipment. a 8 coach dense crush loaded train formed by coupling complete units shall be tested.3. power factor. Prototype tests shall include continuous temperature rise test. but purchased by him. iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) 6. It may be open for RDSO to waive some of these tests in the case of equipment/subassemblies where the manufacturer can establish to the satisfaction of RDSO that such tests have already been carried out earlier or where the equipments have been proved in prolonged service. require test results on raw materials and components of critical nature. Details shall be worked out during the design stage. salt & dust etc. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. rotating parts like blower impellers. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 92 of 112 6. Special type of endurance tests on Contactors. all other tests mentioned as ‘optional/ investigative’ in the relevant clauses of IECs shall be conducted unless otherwise agreed by RDSO.Specification No. This may extend to components/raw materials not manufactured in the manufacturer’s works. rotors etc.2 6.3.5 i) Tests on speed / temperature sensors Chapter 6: Test & Trials . In such a case. The tests as defined in the relevant IECs as ‘optional’ shall also be carried by the contractor. humidity. if so desired by RDSO. Special load simulation tests. Wherever the relevant standard test procedures for type and routine tests prescribed by standards in Annexure 2 do not adequately cover the requirements.3. The tests which will come under this category may include: i) ii) Effect of electrical stresses.3. in addition to the test specified in the material specification and such tests as the inspecting officer may desire. Raw material/Component testing: RDSO may also in addition. Generally test procedures shall be followed as per the recent and relevant IECs. The components of inverter and converter shall not be subjected to type tests but its test certificate shall be submitted to RDSO by the Contractor.4 6. Traction Motor Tests: The traction motor shall be subjected to all the prototype & routine tests in line with IEC –349 of 1991 & IEC 349-2 of 1993 or latest. relays. Special tests on traction motor: The following special tests on traction motor shall be carried out : 6. characteristic tests. short time rating tests. master controller and such other equipment which may impose mechanical operation and electrical loading simultaneously for a large number of cycles of operation.1 TESTS ON ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT: Equipment/Systems/Subsystems testing.3. along with ‘mandatory’ tests as described in the IECs.3 Cables: All cables shall be tested against the requirements as laid down in the relevant IEC /UIC specifications. temperature. Cables shall also be tested for ensuring its Fire Characteristics. The contractor shall. carry out the following tests on the electrical equipment The test shall be carried out in the presence of the Inspecting Officer and to his satisfaction.3. efficiency. dielectric & torque measurement tests.3. over speed. Stress measurements and fatigue life estimations of parts subjected to alternating stresses. so as to ensure that they meet the performance and reliability stipulations. manufacturer shall submit complete test reports along with necessary certification.0 6. RDSO might lay down the details of special tests other than those specified that will be required to be conducted at the manufacture’s works. Tests to establish satisfactory performance over the entire range of variable system conditions like voltage. 3. for monitoring the maximum temperature of these components during dry heat tests.The dust particle size shall not be larger than 100 µm. gear and suspension including axle should be proved in a type test. rusting or deterioration of the varnish /lacquer coating. There shall be no physical damage. The reference IEC shall be IEC 68. Controllers & capacitors etc. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. It shall be confirmed that the specified operating /surface temperature of these components do not exceed the temperature recorded during dry heat test as above. Salt Mist Test: The test duration shall be 48 hours and after the tests the performance test shall be done. motor torque & space vector flux under different ranges of operation during heat run & characteristics test on inverter supply. Train equipment: The train equipment apparatus shall be subjected to such tests as may be directed by the Inspecting Officer to ensure that it will fulfil the requirements of 6. vi) vii) viii) 6. The component shall be protected against mould/fungal growth.6 i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) 6. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 93 of 112 ii) iii) iv) v) Motorette test on insulation system adopted (refer Clause no. The test scheme shall be finalised during design stage. DRY HEAT test: Dry Heat test shall be done at 800C. temperature stickers shall be put on the critical ICs.3. Details of the test requirements are as per Chapter 4. Dust & Sand Test & Mould growth test: The tests to determine the performance of the electronics in Sand and Dust ambient shall be carried out with the dust settlement rate of 6gm/m 2/day. AUXILIARY APPARATUS All auxiliary apparatus shall be subjected to such tests as the Inspection Officer may direct to ensure that it will meet the working conditions.test Dust and Sand and IEC721-2-5 test Dust and Sand. Further to the above.7.3.1 Traction motor drive system: The working order and the suitability of the entire Traction motor drive consisting of traction motor.2 of Chapter 2) Polarization index test Tan delta test Measurement of waveforms of the inverter voltage & current. investigative tests for determining the limits the thermal limit of failure of the PCB and limit shocks and vibrations shall also be carried out. The type test program should be provided during the design approval stage. Following tests shall be done carried out on the electronics PCBs over and above those specified by IEC 60571.5. Vibration test Traction motor roller bearing test Roller suspension bearing tests The hot spot measurements shall be done during prototype tests on traction motor by embedding thermocouples in the stator winding. Further details shall be worked out at design stage. All auxiliary machines including the motor driven compressor shall be tested in accordance with the relevant IEC specifications. Tests On Control Electronics: Control Electronics shall tested as per IEC 60571 and 61373 including both compulsory and optional tests.Alongwith the testing for the satisfactory performance. Cyclic Humidity test: The tests shall be done for 2 cycles of 24 hours each and components shall be examined for the performance tests and physical damage if any.Specification No.7 Chapter 6: Test & Trials . 4. The tests shall also cover Endurance tests included herein. 6. compressor and any other item as desired by RDSO shall be witnessed by representative of purchaser. Special measuring instruments shall be provided by the contractor. current.4.11 Vibration and shock values: The equipment used in the cars shall conform to IEC 61373 for shocks and vibrations as specified on the basis of the location and mounting of the equipment. The temperature of the various parts of the electrical equipment shall be taken at convenient time during the test and as soon as possible after their conclusion. The contractor shall obtain records of speed. converter. Witness of tests: Type tests on major electrical equipment like transformer. In all cases. Tests to determine levels of interference with Signal and Telecommunication equipment to prove that these are within the acceptable limits. speed on straight level track and the energy consumption for a round trip shall be measured. During the tests acceleration. all interlock cut-out switches shall then be tested. TEST ON COMBINED TEST BED: The test shall be carried out as per IEC 61133.3.4.Garia and/or any other sections on which the stock is to operate with sufficient number of trains to ensure that the train equipment meets the operating conditions.0 6. a 8 coach dense crush loaded train shall be tested with an average line voltage of 675 V DC. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 94 of 112 the IEC 77 or 1133 specification and the specified working conditions.9 6. for the first filling and for trial runs. energy consumption and tractive effort as the purchaser may require.4.2 The contractor shall supervise and carry out the above tests both at the works and at the site and shall provide all equipment necessary for such tests and such special consumable stores as oil.1.3. The document shall include the extent of loading feasible on the test bed vis-a-vis the actual equipment loading.1. The detail test specification shall be finalised during design discussions. 6.4.Specification No. After erection.3. Tender shall enclose details of the test facilities available with him in respect to equipment testing and Combined Test Bed for system performance testing. Contractor shall arrange complete set of calibrated equipments / instruments for carrying-out these tests and trials.8 Sequence test : Connection shall be made to the 750 V DC system and all parts of the control and main power circuit shall be tested out to ensure correct sequence of operation.12 6. traction motor. 6. grease etc.10 6. 6. deceleration.4. voltage. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev.1. PERFORMANCE TEST The Metro performance shall be demonstrated in test runs and shall meet the target figures elsewhere in the specification. inverter.1 Test Runs: Test runs shall be made on the Dumdum . the complete equipment shall satisfactorily withstand the dielectric voltages as specified in the IEC specification.3. For further details refer Chapter 4. The duration and location of stoppages shall be selected in accordance with the scheduled time table stoppages. 6.3. Trains formed by coupling two or three units shall then be run at the maximum speeds permitted and on the heaviest gradient in such a manner as to prove that the equipment meets the requirements of the specification.1 6.As far as possible the actual equipment shall be connected as per the actual configuration and system performance shall be verified and witnessed by RDSO.3 Chapter 6: Test & Trials . control electronics. Specification No. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 95 of 112 Purchaser statement giving route profile and speed restrictions is enclosed herewith in Annexure 5. 6.4.14 Acceleration & Deceleration: The acceleration / deceleration will be calculated from the time taken to reach the stipulated final speed from the instant master controller is switched at stipulated initial speed for acceleration / braking. The speed shall be determined from the reading indicated by the speedometer, which shall be calibrated prior to test. The deceleration test shall be taken after preliminary runs of 200 miles (320 km) in order to bed in the brake blocks. Tests will be conducted to confirm acceleration / deceleration performance according to values specified in chapter 2 with tolerance of 3%. The test shall be taken on dry rail and the average of three tests will be taken as the final figure. Test results shall also be recorded for wet rail condition. The permissible tolerance for achieving balancing speed of 80 Km/h shall be 3%. Chapter 6: Test & Trials Specification No. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 96 of 112 List of Annexure Annexure 1 A Annexure 1 B Annexure 1 C Annexure 2 Annexure 3 Annexure 4 Annexure 5 A Annexure 5 B Annexure 6 A Annexure 6 B Scope of supply Spl. Tools – mandatory list Unit exchange spares – mandatory list Standard Specifications Design details to be submitted with offer MMD & Static profile Route Profile Permanent speed restrictions Interference current limit Broad details of communication equipment 1 page 1 page 1 page 1 page 4 pages 2 pages 3 pages 1 page 1 page 1 page Annexure Specification No. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 97 of 112 ANNEXURE – 1A SN 1 2. 3. Scope of Supply Metro Rolling Stock rakes (of 8 coaches each) Metro Rolling Stock rake as bank of spare Maintenance spares for three years running and operation of MRS Lubricant and Oil ----rakes ---- rakes -----Set 4. Lump sum Annexure –1A 1 set 1 set 1 set 2 set Annexure –1B . 4 sets 1 set 2 sets 1 set 2 set Rate Total 6. 3. air dryer. 10. multiplexing etc throughout the train length Repair kit for dampers. Any other equipment which shall be required during maintenance. 2. Qty. 8. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 98 of 112 ANNEXURE – 1B MANDATORY LIST OF SPECIAL TOOLS AND INSTRUMENTS FOR MAINTENANCE SN 1. 7. axle box. air control equipment etc Repair kit for ferritic steel cladding and coach interiors VVVF Inverter Tester. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. Description Laptop computers and Hand held terminals with necessary interfacing equipment and driving software Set-up for testing and trouble shooting of main inverter and auxiliary converter/inverter and control electronics Jigs and fixture for repair of main inverter/ auxiliary converter/inverter power semiconductor Necessary software tools for carrying our modifications by purchase in future Jigs fixtures and lifting frames for mounting.Specification No. including bearing mounting / dismounting tool. 9. 5. Kit for testing of transmission and communication signals. dismounting and lifting / lowering of all equipments needing special facilities. 4. 20. 1 rake set means equipment for one complete rake. Driver cab equipments Qty. 2. 3. 19. filters required for harmonic suppression etc. Bogie complete with wheel sets Set of coach interiors including light fittings Set of roller suspension bearings . Earthing switches with interlocking box Complete Main compressor with motor and accessories Set of air filters Set of diagnostic display units along with set of switches and inter connecting cables etc. 4. Flasher light. if used. gear pinion & gear case Set of complete PCBs of Main inverter and Aux.g. BECU etc. Set of MCBs . 4 nos. 2 unit sets 2 unit sets 12 nos. Set of consummables e. 5. 2 nos. Set of seals for doors & windows Set of bearings Set of primary & secondary springs. 22. 4. 16. contactors . 1) of April’ 2009 Page 99 of 112 ANNEXURE – 1C MANDATORY LIST OF UNIT EXCHANGE SPARES SN 1. Rate Total 6. Tail light. 18. as deemed fit. switches and relays for propulsion . 1 rake set 1 rake set 1 rake set 1 rake set 1 unit sets 1 unit sets 1 rake set 1 unit sets ½ rake set 1 unit sets 2 unit sets 1 rake set 25. cab meters. 10. 11. illumination lights and other lights & Fans Set of auxiliary machines including air blower Set of brake equipment including specific electronic cards. 8. fasteners etc. 26. Nose Suspension block and its hardware. 2 nos. spheriblocks etc.Specification No. 14. 2. 2 nos. dampers. Gear Case. contactors. 15. 17. with any DC link. Traction Motors with Roller Bearing Suspension complete with pinion. 24. cooling oils. 23. brake pads. 1 unit set means 1MC+1TC or 1MC+1 DTC 5. 3. The items quoted by the tenderer shall be in the formats as per the bid. air bellows and speed & temperature sensors Combined master & brake controller with accessories Complete Auxiliary Converter/inverter Head light. Description Lightning Arrestors for 750 V DC High Speed Circuit Breaker Third Rail Current Collector complete with mounting arrangement Complete main Traction Inverter equipments. 9. multiplexing Cables and inter coach coupler. Converter/inverter including gate unit and of electronics. 2 nos. 1 rake set 1 unit set NOTES: 1. Train Information & Management System. 7. & parking brakes. RMPU with Control Panel. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. lubricants. Gear. 13. Multiplexing System/ equipment for inter-coach data transmission & control and all other accessories incl. 1 rake set 1 rake set 2 unit sets 2 nos. 12. ‘SET’ shall mean number of equipment in one coach as applicable. Annexure –1C . Tenderer shall quote separately unit price of each of these items including any other item.. auxiliary & control ckt. 21. railcars.Specification No. parts 1. General service conditions and general rules for electric equipment for rolling stock Shock and vibration requirements for rolling stock equipment Surge arrestors. Semi conductor devices: Discrete devices and integrated circuits. 61034-2 UIC 895. 60754-2 (1991) amendment 1 (1997). Power electronic capacitors used on rail vehicles. Power converters installed on board rolling stock Electric traction – rolling stock combined testing of inverter fed alternating current motors and their control. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 100 of 112 ANNEXURE . Electronic converter fed alternating current motors.91) IEC 60332-1(1993). Layout of driver’s cabs in locomotives.3 or 4 as applicable Cables IEC 61376 IEC 61373 IEC 60099 (1990. 60332-3(1992).2 INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS SN STANDARD IEC 60077 Part I Part II IEC 60034 –1 (1996) amendment 1 (1997) IEC 61133 (1992) TITLE Electric equipment for rolling stock Electro technical components General Rules Rules for DC Circuit Breakers Rotating electrical machines – rating & performance Electric Traction: Rolling Stock: Test method for electric and thermal/electric rolling stock on completion of construction and before entry into service. Determination of the total losses by converter fed alternating current motors by summation of the component losses. Traction transformer and inductors. including contactor relays) Rules for Electronic equipment used on rail vehicles. Annexure –2 . RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. UIC 541-2. Electric traction rotating electrical machines for rail and road vehicles. UITP Part 2 VDE 0298 – T3 IEC 60158 Part 2 (1982) Part 3 (1985) IEC 60947 –5 (1990) IEC 60571 (1998) IEC 60310 (1991) IEC 60747 IEC 61287 (1995) IEC 61377 (1996) IEC 61881 IEC 60349 (1991) Part 2 (1993) Part 3 (1995) UIC 651 Cables Cables Low voltage control gear: Semi conductor contactor (solid state contactors) Additional requirements for conductors subject to certification Control switches (low voltage switching devices for control and auxiliary circuits. MU trains and driving trailers. of converter/inverters (The following technical details for the auxiliary inverter shall be furnished for each of the auxiliary converter / inverter offered) • Input voltage • Input current • No. system details with relative merits and demerits Weight Overall dimensions DC link(bus) voltage No. Traction motor • Continuous rating Ø power Ø voltage Ø current Ø frequency Annexure –3 . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Inverter and Auxiliary Converter/Inverter Input voltage Input current Output voltage Power rating (KVA) Number of IGBTs (with technical data sheet) and mode of connectivity / configuration Number of diodes (with technical data sheet) Type of control Switching frequency Noise level Number of modules per motor coach Power factor at rated power (with technical data sheet) Type of cooling with the coiling circuit. of phases and output voltage • Output current • Power rating (kVA) & its break up • Efficiency • Type / No. and type of harmonic filters FFT analysis of primary current of transformer Any other details considered necessary Maximum power rating Current rating Dielectric strength Data sheets for power devices and their characteristic curves 2. of devices used with rating • Type of control • Carrier frequency • Type of cooling • Type of enclosure 3. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 101 of 112 ANNEXURE – 3 SALIENT DESIGN DETAILS TO BE SUBMITTED WITH THE OFFER 1.Specification No. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. of motors controlled per inverter Generation of Harmonics and Interference currents No. Auxiliary converter / inverter • No. gear wheel and gear case without pinion.Specification No.2 • • • • • • • • • slip at full load shaft output power factor rpm 1 hour rating power voltage current frequency slip shaft output power factor rpm Motor efficiency at rated power Maximum frequency Gear ratio Type of suspension Class of insulation Weight of traction motor with pinion.1 • • • • • • • 4. overhang to terminal box connection etc Any other details considered necessary as per the respective clauses of the specification Auxiliary machines Blowers (Data to be furnished for each type) KW rating / blower capacity (CMH) Voltage Rated current Insulation class Efficiency Weight Mounting Compressor Type of motor KW rating Voltage Rated current Insulation class Efficiency Mounting Type of compress – reciprocating /screw/scroll Capacity of compressor in lit / min. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 102 of 112 Ø Ø Ø Ø • Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø • • • • • • Ø Ø • • • • • • • • • 4. pressure Annexure –3 . gear wheel and gear case Type of cooling Maximum temperature index of winding insulation Temperature rise of winding Overall dimensions Suspension type Material of gear and pinion Roller bearing type and number Constructional details viz. 4. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. Rotor bar and rotor end ring arrangement. including use of other Railways Weight Multiplexing system and communication protocols Optimisation ( minimisation) of cable/jumper requirement Provision of interoperability of different makes of stocks covered under the spec. Overall dimensions Weight 7. Make Maximum current capability with complete technical details Has it been in use elsewhere – details Overall dimensions Weight 6. • • • • • • Noise level Air intake / filter sytem Type of lubrication Third Rail Current Collector Type no. • • • Type Make Rated voltage and current Overall dimensions Weight Battery charger Rating Input – No. protection level against dust. Scope of the system offered 11. of phases – voltage Output voltage / current Line and load regulation Type and no. Control electronics and displays • Details of control electronics. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. Lightning arrestors – Metal oxide gapless • • • • • 8. normal and fault current making and breaking capacity & time etc. moisture. moisture and comparative advantages Annexure –3 . Complete technical details. PCBs • Redundancy adopted at various levels • Protection level against dust. • • • • • • • • 9. of devices used % ripple content in output Overall dimension Weight Combined Master cum brake controller Type no. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 103 of 112 • • • 5. • • • 10.Specification No. corrosion and salty atmosphere • Types of displays. High speed circuit breaker • • • • Make and type MVA rating. Tenderer shall enclose detail performance of each equipment and certifications regarding the number of units supplied . country. ratings and other relevant details. Speed. configuration. 15. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 104 of 112 • • 12. no. Any other details considered necessary as per the respective Clauses of the specification and not covered as above. experience of Railways to which supplies have been made. Similar credentials shall be submitted for the items proposed to be supplied by subsuppliers. type of cooling. Credentials Details of credentials including supplies of similar propulsion systems made so far. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. year of supply. of years of operation.Specification No. acceleration . Annexure –3 . period of service. passenger loading and other comparable parameters. designed load incl. • • • • Devices for ‘Log In ‘ journey details PA system and Display equipment in the coaches and head codes Cables Power and control cables Source Specification Properties 13.ambient conditions. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 105 of 112 ANNEXURE – 4 (1/2) Annexure – 4 . RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev.Specification No. Specification No. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 106 of 112 ANNEXURE – 4 (2/2) Annexure – 4 . RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 107 of 112 ANNEXURE 5A (1/3) Annexure – 5A .Specification No. Specification No. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 108 of 112 ANNEXURE 5A (2/3) Annexure – 5A . RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 109 of 112 ANNEXURE 5A (3/3) Annexure – 5B .Specification No. 55º curve between SHY-SHO from km. 4/145-4/403 on DN line On 8. 7/737-7/956 on DN line Max. permissible speed 45 kmph Booked speed --- 2. Section On 8. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev.75º curve between CWC-CEN from km.7/129-7/967 on UP line and km.4/156-4/403 on UP line and km. 45 kmph --- Annexure – 5B .Specification No.5B Permanent Speed Restrictions SN 1. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 110 of 112 ANNEXURE . 5 Amp.0 Amp. 400 milli Amp. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev.No. 2550 – 2650 Hz. 8.6 A Acceptance limits for harmonic interference due to one 8 car rake to S & T equipment Sl. H. JARTS) -------------------------------------------- Annexure –6 A . 1 2 3 Details of harmonics Psophometric current Second Harmonic (100 Hz.Specification No. 50 Hz. per motor coach (As recommended by M/s. 4 270 milli Amp. Range: Frequencies: 1650 – 1750 Hz. Range: Frequency: 5050 – 5100 Hz.F.) A. 2250 – 2350 Hz. 5 0.F. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 111 of 112 ANNEXURE .5 Amp. 1950 – 2050 Hz. Component (50 ± 2 Hz with 3dB band)) Acceptable limits 2. ---------------------- (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) Annexure –6B .300 lines Electronic Exchange at Dum Dum ---. Closed Circuit Television System is provided for conducting motorman to see the doors of a train. It is possible to make announcements for Central Control to all the stations. Centralised Clock System is provided to display uniform timings at the locations connected with train operations. Public Address (PA) Systems provided at stations cover the platforms. These Digital Tape Recorders will have additional facility of direct announcement on trains from the Central Control. The system is also used for surveillance of important locations both at stations and at Central Control. RDSO/PE/SPEC/EMU/0030-2003 (Rev. PA system is also provided on train for announcement by Conducting Motorman to passengers through pre-recorded tape.Specification No. Bare wire emergency control for hooking on emergency telephone is also being maintained. The system also provides intercommunication between Conduction Motorman and Driving Motorman.300 lines All the stations are provided with Rly. 1) of April’ 2009 Page 112 of 112 ANNEXURE . Train Radio communication (160 MHz) between Central Control and motorman and maintenance staff (at night) covers the entire stretch of Metro Railway. Digital Tape Recorders have been provided in all the cabs on Metro Railway.6B Telecommunication System Important features of the telecom system are listed here under: (i) Electronic Exchange at Metro Bhawan ---. concourse and mezzanine. & DOT Telephones in addition to Section Control and Traction Power Control.600 lines Electronic Exchange at Tollygunge ---.
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