SpatialNET Administration Guide
SpatialNET Administration Guide
March 17, 2018 | Author: a23780 | Category:
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Installation and Administration GuideRelease 6.1 © 1994-2013 SPATIALinfo, Pty. Limited, All Rights Reserved Proprietary Notice This Software and Related Documentation are proprietary to and the copyright of SPATIALinfo Pty Limited. Suite 9 & 10 23-25 Gipps Street Collingwood Vic 3066 Australia A.B.N. 65 071 977 921 Restricted Rights Legend: Use, duplication or disclosure by the US Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in FAR and DFAR concerning the use of commercial computer software, documentation and data as applicable, including FAR 12.212 and DFAR 227.7202. This document is provided under license from SPATIALinfo Pty Limited (SPATIALinfo). This document is, and shall remain, the exclusive property of SPATIALinfo. Its use is governed by the terms of the applicable license agreement. Any copying of this document, or disclosure to third parties, except as permitted in the applicable license agreement, is expressly prohibited. The information contained in this document and software functions described are subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by SPATIALinfo. SPATIALinfo assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions that may appear in this document. Table of Contents Overview and Requirements .................................................................................................... 7 Prerequisites ................................................................................................................................................... 7 Acronyms ........................................................................................................................................................ 7 Related documentation ................................................................................................................................... 7 The spatialNET database......................................................................................................... 8 Architecture ....................................................................................................................................................8 Oracle RDBMS releases ........................................................................................................................9 Create the database ........................................................................................................................................9 Create the database table spaces .........................................................................................................9 spatialNET Oracle user roles ............................................................................................................... 10 The spatialNET schema ...................................................................................................................... 12 Create the administrator application user ........................................................................................... 14 Define available spatial reference systems for earth-based spatial coordinates.................................. 15 Create the DBMS configuration file .................................................................................................... 16 spatialNET-supplied scripts ........................................................................................................................... 17 Install spatialNET application and associated software ............................................................. 19 Prerequisites and system requirements ......................................................................................................... 19 Install Oracle client ........................................................................................................................................ 19 Set up tnsnames.ora for new database connections ...................................................................................... 20 Verify the Oracle Connection ......................................................................................................................... 21 Install AutoCAD Map 3D ................................................................................................................................ 21 Install spatialNET .......................................................................................................................................... 21 Copy the license .ini file ................................................................................................................................. 24 Launch spatialNET ........................................................................................................................................ 24 Create a spatialNET Log File .......................................................................................................................... 25 Troubleshooting OS error 127 ........................................................................................................................ 26 Post and publish jobs ............................................................................................................. 27 Publish a job .................................................................................................................................................. 27 Post a job ...................................................................................................................................................... 28 View publish or post conflicts ............................................................................................................. 29 spatialNET Batch Queue Manager (BQM) ................................................................................ 30 Batch Queue Manager components .............................................................................................................. 30 Install Batch Queue Manager (BQM) ............................................................................................................. 31 View batch queue status ................................................................................................................................ 31 Start a queue ................................................................................................................................................. 31 Data Model.................................................................................................................................................... 33 The BATCH_QUEUE table .................................................................................................................. 33 The BATCH_QUEUE_ENTRY table ..................................................................................................... 33 Starting and stopping the BQM ..................................................................................................................... 34 Process Flow ................................................................................................................................................. 34 Security ......................................................................................................................................................... 36 Batch queue logging ...................................................................................................................................... 36 4 of 69 SPATIALinfo Inc. ........................ 38 The batch queue process model ..... 51 View user details....................................... 47 Rebuild R-tree indexes ...................................................................................... 58 Debugging tools ...........................................................................................................................................................46 Maintain database statistics ................................................................................................................................................. 48 The spatialNET JMS Administration Tool ................................ 53 Create a security group ................................................................. 54 Edit a security group ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................46 Direct storage only ............................................................................................................................. 53 Delete a user ........ 44 USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA ..................... 40 Batch Monitor log messages ......................................... 44 Spatial data is object data.............................................................................. 47 Oracle Cost Based Optimizer settings .............................................................................. 58 Viewing job type definitions .... 44 Metadata configuration ..............................46 Specifying spatial index table space...................................................................................................................................................... 45 Oracle spatial index implementation ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 56 Delete removed entities .................... 59 View all your current jobs ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 51 Edit user details .......................................................................................................... 44 SDO_GEOMETRY .............................................................46 Maintain performance ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 37 Installation of the Batch Monitor ..............The BQM as a background service .................................................................................................................................................. 57 View information about the current selection ................................................................................................................................................................ 58 View user type definitions ................................................ 5 of 69 .................................................. 47 Rebuild the spatial index ................................................................................................................................................................................... 59 Find and edit field Jobs ..................................................................................................................................................... 53 Reset a password ................................................................................................................................ 57 Remove a JMS job operations lock ........... 55 Delete a security group ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 41 Monitor batch queue events ..................................................................................................................................................... 59 Job administration ............ 41 Optimize for Oracle Spatial........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 51 Create a new user ..................................................................................................................................................................................46 Errors occurring while creating or rebuilding an index ....................................................................... 52 Change a password ............................................................................................................................ 53 User types in the security model ...................................................................................................................... 38 Batch Monitor configuration ............................................................................................................. 59 SPATIALinfo Inc........................................................................................................................................................... 50 List all users ............................................. 45 SRID 45 GTYPE 45 Spatial index analysis................................................................................................................................................................................. 37 Multiple copies of the Batch Monitor .......................................................... ............................................ 65 Appendix: use Oracle Net Configuration Assistant to set up the tnsnames....................64 Database shutdown causes batch queue to lock up ..............Find a job ....... 62 Reset a job ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ora file........................................................................................................................... .....................60 Create a new job ............. 64 Cannot open a job because it is already open .................................................................................................64 Reset queue where a session has crashed ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................64 “Missing symbol xxx” appears beside symbols in spatialNET views ................................................................................................. 63 Troubleshooting ................64 Table of Figures ................................................... 61 Edit a job62 View details for a job ..................................................................................................................... 67 6 of 69 SPATIALinfo Inc.................................. Prerequisites Users of this manual should be advanced users of Oracle Relational Database Management System and Oracle Locator/Spatial. activation. Table 2: Related documentation SPATIALinfo Inc. Describes the use and configuration of the spatialNET Access Manager for spatialNET licensing.1. They also should be comfortable using basic Oracle administrative commands and running SQL scripts.Overview and Requirements This manual provides guidelines for installation of spatialNET 6. Acronyms Acronym EAM JMS RDBMS SDO SQL Description Entity Abstraction Manager Job Management System Relational Database Management System Spatial Data Object Structured Query Language Table 1: Acronyms Related documentation Document name spatialNET release notes System hardware and thirdparty software requirements spatialNET Access Manager User Manual spatialSUITE License Manager Description Provides installation and configuration information specific to the accompanying spatialNET release. fixed problems and known limitations are included in the document. and includes descriptions of various Administrator tasks available in the application. Describes the installation. and use of the Server Access Manager to manage product user licenses. Describes supported platforms and system requirements. Details of functional enhancements. 7 of 69 . • Release version of Oracle RDBMS server to host spatialNET • Release version of Oracle Client installed for spatialNET workstations • Oracle System Password • Oracle User for spatialNET schema owner • The names that you plan to give to table spaces for spatialNET • spatialNET schema owner password • Directory location for database table spaces • Target Geographical Coordinate System for spatialNET schema Architecture spatialNET uses an Oracle client installation on the PC. with Oracle Net connecting to the Oracle Server. • Oracle Database Server on the Server 8 of 69 SPATIALinfo Inc. Figure 1 : Client / server relationship for Oracle Spatial / Locator driver This client-server configuration requires installation of the following items: • The spatialNET Windows application on the client PC • The Oracle Client on the client PC (requires the Administrator or Run-Time installation.The spatialNET database The information listed below is necessary to complete the instructions outlined in this chapter. . See Install Oracle client). NOTE: A database block size of 16K or more is recommended. The spatialNET database requires Oracle Locator. the system administrator must have appropriate Oracle privileges. Designate it as the default table space for the spatialNET schema. Create the database This section provides instructions for configuring the Oracle RDBMS to support spatialNET. 9 of 69 .Oracle RDBMS releases The spatialNET Oracle Spatial driver has been tested with the following Oracle RDBMS releases: • Oracle 11g Release 2 Standard and Enterprise Editions • Oracle 11g Release 1 Standard and Enterprise Editions • Oracle 10g Release 2 Standard and Enterprise Editions For up-to-date system requirements. • Create the database table spaces • Create user roles • Create the admin role and admin user • Create the schema • Create the DBMS config file. SPATIALinfo Inc. Follow these steps to create a tablespace for spatialNET database server objects. Log in to SQL*Plus with the following command. Create the following parameters for the table space: CREA TE TAB LE SP AC E <t abl e s pac e na me> DATA FIL E < tab le s pace fi len ame > SIZE 20 48M AUTO EXT END ON N EX T 10 24M MAXS IZE UN LIM IT ED . To create database table spaces. It includes the tasks listed below. 1. replacing <sys_password> with the password of the system user: sqlplus system/<sys_password> 2. see the document titled System Hardware and Third-party Software Requirements. Create the database table spaces If a spatialNET table space does not already exist. It does not require the Oracle Spatial option. create a table space that will include spatialNET database server objects. You can give it any name. which is a standard component of Oracle Standard Edition and Enterprise Edition. table 3 identifies the object and system privileges required for the spatialNET roles. Replace <table space filename> with the complete path. Following the Oracle recommended principle of assigning the fewest privileges necessary. Depending on the host platform environment and disk storage configuration. . User maintenance SPATIALinfo Inc. spatialNET Oracle user roles Create user roles after creating table spaces. and extension (DBF) for the table space. Those user types and their roles are as follows: • Read Access: spatialnet_readaccess • Write Access: spatialnet_writeaccess • Schema Owner: spatialnet_administrator • Developer: spatialnet_developer These roles must be created only once for any database instance. filename. spatialNET identifies Object and System Grants for four types of Oracle users. Publish/post/cancel jobs. it may be helpful to create table spaces for the following object types: • non-spatial (aspatial) indexes • spatial indexes • work table space for construction of spatial indexes • materialized views or materialized view logs • external tables For more information on database sizing. spatialnet_administrator • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • spatialnet_developer • READ. consult your Oracle documentation. Oracle user role and type spatialnet_readaccess Query-only spatialnet_writeaccess Designer Object Grants System Grants Privileges SELECT CREATE SESSION Examine network CREATE SESSION • Examine network Create/cancel jobs • Add entities and change network information.NOTE: Replace <table space name> with the name of the table space.WRITE ON • CREATE TABLE • CREATE PROCEDURE • CREATE SEQUENCE • CREATE VIEW • CREATE TYPE • CREATE SYNONYM • CREATE TRIGGER • CREATE SESSION • ALTER TABLE • CREATE ANY VIEW 10 of 69 SELECT INSERT UPDATE DELETE QUOTA UNLIMITED SELECT INSERT UPDATE DELETE QUOTA UNLIMITED Create Schema Objects Examine network. The commands for creating the spatialnet_administrator role are listed below Create the spatialnet_administrator role: crea te rol e s pa ti alne t_a dmi nis tr at or n ot ide nti fi ed . gran t c rea te se ss ion to spa tia ln et _adm ini str ato r. tables.wr it e on d ire cto ry da ta _pum p_d ir to spat ial net _ad mi ni stra tor . SPATIALinfo Inc. Other user roles are granted object privileges as appropriate. gran t r ead . Create the spatialNET schema owner: crea te use r < sp at ialN ET USE R> id en tifi ed by <Pa ss wo rd> defa ult ta ble sp ac e <s pat ial NET T ab lesp ace > temp ora ry tab le sp ace tem p quot a u nli mit ed o n <s pat ial NET T ab lesp ace >. are created. NOTE: Replace < spatialNET Table space> with the default table space for the spatialNET schema. gran t c rea te pr oc edur e t o s pat ia ln et_a dmi nis tra to r. indexes. gran t c rea te sy no nym to spa tia ln et _adm ini str ato r. and procedures. 11 of 69 . sequences. gran t c rea te vi ew to spa tia lne t_ ad mini str ato r. alte r u ser < sp at ialN ET USE R> de fa ult rol e spat ial net _ad mi ni stra tor . gran t s pat ial ne t_ admi nis tra tor t o <spa tia lNE T U SE R> . gran t c rea te ty pe to spa tia lne t_ ad mini str ato r. gran t c rea te tr ig ger to spa tia ln et _adm ini str ato r. gran t c rea te se qu ence to sp ati al ne t_ad min ist rat or .DIRECTORY DATA_PUMP_DIR • QUOTA UNLIMITED • CREATE INDEXTYPE • CREATE PROCEDURE • CREATE SEQUENCE • CREATE SESSION • CREATE SYNONYM • CREATE TABLE • CREATE TRIGGER • CREATE TYPE • SELECT ANY DICTIONARY • ALTER SESSION • AUTOTRACE Table 3: Oracle role configuration The spatialnet_administrator role The spatialnet_administrator role is granted to the database user (schema) where the spatialNET server objects. gran t c rea te ta bl e to sp ati aln et _a dmin ist rat or. Replace <Password> with the Oracle password for the spatialNET Oracle User. execute the following scripts: • • • • • • • • @spatialfm_tables.sql @create_jms_views. Establish connectivity to the Oracle host. 1. .sql @create_jms_triggers. execute the following scripts: • • @all_ess. 12 of 69 SPATIALinfo Inc. See Set up tnsnames. This string is usually the tnsname entry that is configured in the tnsnames.sql @create_jms_tables. The default location is \Program Files\SPATIALinfo\SPATIALnet\sql\oraspatial 3.The spatialNET schema Create a schema containing all server-side objects required to support the spatialNET client. Replace <OracleService> with the connection string for the Oracle server hosting the SpatialNET schema.sql @spatialfm_indices. Replace <password> with the password for the spatialNET schema owner. 4.sql @spatialnet_eam. Exit SQL*Plus and navigate to the sql\dictionaries directory in the spatialNET installation directory. From the SQL> prompt.sql @all_reco. Open a Windows command window (cmd) and navigate to the sql\oraspatial directory in the spatialNET installation directory. Log in to SQL*Plus as the spatialNET schema owner using the command below: sqlplus <spatialNET user>/<password>@<OracleService> NOTE: Replace <spatialNET user> with the spatialNET schema owner username. 2.sql 5. NOTE: Use the full Oracle client for the version of the Oracle server hosting spatialNET.sql @spatialfm_views.ora file. 6.ora for new database connections.sql @spatialnet_jms. From the SQL> prompt. Follow these steps to create the spatialNET schema.sql The baseline spatialNET schema has now been created. Log in to SQL*PLUS as the spatialNET schema owner. Log in to SQL*Plus as the spatialNET schema owner using the command below: sqlplus <spatialNET user>/<password>@<OracleService> NOTE: Replace <spatialNET user> with the spatialNET schema owner username. 3. The default location is: \Program Files\SPATIALinfo\SPATIALnet\sql\oraspatial 2. From the SQL> prompt. 1. Log in to SQL*Plus as the spatialNET schema owner using the command below: sqlplus <spatialNET user>/<password>@<OracleService> NOTE: Replace <spatialNET user> with the spatialNET schema owner username. 2. Replace <OracleService> with the connection string for the Oracle server hosting the spatialNET schema. From the SQL> prompt. Follow the instructions below to create a master schema with the appropriate logs. 13 of 69 . Replace <password> with the password for the spatialNET schema owner.Grant object privileges on the spatialNET schema After the spatialNET schema has been created. Create roles spatialnet_readaccess and spatialnet_writeaccess if you have not already created them. 3. Follow these steps to grant object privileges on the spatialNET schema. The default location is: \Program Files\SPATIALinfo\SPATIALnet\sql\oraspatial 4. 1. execute the following script: SPATIALinfo Inc. 5. execute the following script: @spatialfm_grant_tables. Open a Windows command window (cmd) and navigate to the sql\oraspatial directory in the spatialNET installation directory. spatialNET Oracle objects are owned by the Oracle User which created them and already have full access privileges. Open a Windows command window (cmd) and navigate to the sql\oraspatial directory in the spatialNET installation directory. you can create object grants to the spatialNET Users Roles spatialnet_readaccess and spatialnet_writeaccess. Replace <password> with the password for the spatialNET schema owner. These logs enable the replicate sites to update their data through materialized views. Replace <OracleService> with the connection string for the Oracle server hosting the SpatialNET schema. Grant CREATE SESSION to spatialnet_readaccess and spatialnet_writeaccess.sql Create the master spatialNET schema (optional) Master spatialNET schemas are configured with materialized view logs. 3.sql <DB_LINK> <Oracle schema> NOTE: Replace <DB_Link> with the database link that established connectivity to the master Oracle server. Replace <Oracle schema> with the Oracle schema that owns the spatialNET objects on that server. 1. Follow these steps to create a replicate schema. NOTE: This user initially has an empty password. Create the replicate spatialNET schema (optional) spatialNET objects of the replicate site are created as materialized views of the spatialNET objects of the master. Create the administrator application user The spatialNET application has its own user and group definitions that are distinct from Oracle database user and group definitions. Replace <OracleService> with the connection string for Oracle server hosting the replicate schema. From the SQL> prompt. you must create a user admin for the application administrator. For security reasons. 14 of 69 SPATIALinfo Inc.@spatialfm_master. To configure the application. . The default location is: \Program Files\SPATIALinfo\SPATIALnet\sql\oraspatial 4. establish connectivity between the replicate schema (on the server hosting the replicate site) and the spatialNET owner schema (on the server hosting the master site). 2. Create an Oracle user to own the replicate schema. Open a Windows command window (cmd) and navigate to the sql\oraspatial directory in the spatialNET installation directory.sql <Oracle schema> NOTE: Replace <Oracle schema> with the Oracle schema that owns the spatialNET objects on that server. Log in to SQL*Plus as the spatialNET schema owner using the command below: sqlplus <replicate owner>/<password>@<OracleService> Note: Replace <replicate owner> with the username for the replicate schema owner. 5. execute the following script: @spatialfm_slave. this password should be set as soon as possible. Using a Database Link (DB_Link). Replace <password> with the password for the replicate schema owner. 15 of 69 .CS_SRS to the spatialNET table SPATIALNET_CS_SRS. Open your copy of the script with a text editor. To copy Spatial Reference Systems definitions to the SPATIALNET_CS_SRS table: 1. 3. Copy the reco_SPATIALNET_CS_SRS. Navigate to the sql\dictionaries\ directory of the spatialNET installation directory. update the user_sdo_geom_metadata table to record the chosen SRID: update user_sdo_geom_metadata set srid =<your chosen SRID> SPATIALinfo Inc. Open a Windows command window (cmd) and navigate to the sql\oraspatial directory in the spatialNET installation directory. y coordinates). Replace <password> with the password for the spatialNET schema owner. 5. execute the following script: @spatialfm_scm_init.sql script and save it to a writeable location. then you must configure the coordinate systems spatialNET can use.sql Define available spatial reference systems for earth-based spatial coordinates If you will be using earth-based spatial coordinate systems (as opposed to arbitrary x. Run the script as the spatialNET schema owner. Log in to SQL*Plus as the spatialNET administrator using the following command: sqlplus <spatialNET user>/<password>@<OracleService> NOTE: Replace <spatialNET user> with the spatialNET schema owner username. The default location is \Program Files\SPATIALinfo\SPATIALnet\sql\dictionaries\ 2. The default location is \Program Files\SPATIALinfo\SPATIALnet\Program Files\SPATIALinfo\SPATIALnet\sql\oraspatial 2. From the SQL> prompt. spatialNET displays each of the coordinate systems defined in the SPATIALNET_CS_SRS table. The systems you choose determines both how data is stored and which systems spatialNET displays as an option to your users. If the data is to be stored in a non-null SRID.Follow these steps to create the user admin for the application administrator. and edit it to load the coordinate systems you want to be available. 4. 3. Follow the steps below to copy Spatial Reference Systems (SRS) definitions from the Oraclesupplied table MDSYS. Replace <OracleService> with the connection string for the Oracle server hosting the SpatialNET schema. 1. A window appears. The default location is \Program Files\SPATIALinfo\SPATIALnet\bin 2.” edit the WHERE clause to: WHERE srid in (8307. Enter the appropriate information in the fields. . include at least the coordinate system that you want data to be stored in. Navigate to the bin (or bin64) directory in the spatialNET installation directory. as described in table 4 below. collect the following information. 41003) Create the DBMS configuration file Before creating the configuration file.NOTE: When editing reco_SPATIALNET_CS_SRS. if you want to use SRID 41003 "Conformal Projection (North America)." which supports “view at a point” capability. Run (double-click) the file called dbed2. Figure 2: dbed2 utility 3. Field name Description Data dictionary DB driver Host Socket Service 16 of 69 Description Short description to identify the spatialNET schema spatialfm Select OracleSpatial from the drop down list Not enabled for OracleSpatial Not enterable for OracleSpatial Connection string to Oracle. as well as coordinate system 8307 "Longitude / Latitude (WGS 84). For example. TNS name of the service or IP/OracleSID SPATIALinfo Inc.exe. • The Oracle TNS name to be used to access the database • Oracle User / Password for Oracle spatialNET schema owner To create a DBMS configuration file: 1.sql. This field is used when set up with synonyms to identify the schema owner Oracle spatialNET schema owner Table 4: dbed utility fields and descriptions 4. Select Encrypted to encrypt the password when distributing the configuration file. If you do not encrypt the password.sql Description Creates the base tables for supporting spatialNET Creates the necessary views on the base tables for supporting spatialNET Creates all indexes on tables supporting spatialNET and sets the primary key constraints for these tables Creates indexes for table columns that do not contain spatial data Creates indexes for table columns that contain spatial data Creates views based on spatialNET tables Creates the spatialnet_eam package Creates special tables needed by the spatialnet_jms package Creates the spatialnet_jms package Creates database triggers to support between job locking of changed entities.sq oraspatial\spatialfm_indices.sql Uses an Oracle built-in procedure to refresh materialized views in a spatialNET replicate schema SPATIALinfo Inc.sql oraspatial\create_jms_triggers. model-independent scripts are located in the sql folder of the spatialNET installation folder.Schema Username (Optional) Oracle spatialNET schema owner.sql Creates materialized view logs on the schema designated to be the master oraspatial\spatialfm_slave.sql oraspatial\spatialfm_views. 5.sql Create the materialized views supporting a spatialNET replicate schema oraspatial\spatialfm_refresh_slave.sql oraspatial\create_jms_views. then the file can be read by a regular user. Click Save As.sql oraspatial\spatialnet_jms. which should be the same as the username. choose the dbms folder in the spatialNET installation location. 17 of 69 .sql oraspatial\spatialfm_aspatial_indices.sql oraspatial\spatialfm_scm_init.sql oraspatial\create_jms_tables.sql oraspatial\SpatialNET_eam.sql oraspatial\spatialfm_spatial_indices. The default location is \Program Files\SPATIALinfo\SPATIALnet\dbms spatialNET-supplied scripts Along with the scripts required to create the database. The default location is: \Program Files\SPATIALinfo\SPATIALnet\sql Object creation scripts Path and filename oraspatial\spatialfm_tables. Populates the SCM_USER and SCM_USER2 tables to create a default admin user for a spatialNET installation Table 5: Object creation scripts spatialNET utility scripts Path and filename Description oraspatial\spatialfm_master. When prompted to choose a location. sql Reports issues with spatialNET spatial indexes.oraspatial\spatialfm_drop_master.sql Drops spatial indices created by the spatialnet_spatial_indices.sql script oraspatial\spatialfm_drop_aspatial_indices. oraspatial\check_null_srid_spatial_me tadata.sql Drops the materialized view logs on a spatialNET primary schema oraspatial\spatialfm_drop_slave.sql Drops tables created by the spatialnet_tables.sql script oraspatial\spatialfm_drop_views.sql script Table 6: spatialNET utility scripts spatialNET configuration scripts Path and filename Description dictionaries\all_ess.sql Uses an Oracle procedure to gather Oracle table/column optimizer statistics.sql script oraspatial\spatialfm_drop_tables. . You can customize the individual table’s gather commands to suit your requirements.sql Drops views created by the spatialnet_views.sql Reports the following issues: • registered spatial tables with column name <> 'COORDINATES' • registered spatial tables without <tname>_SPIND spatial index • spatial indexes that are not R-tree indexes • tables with COORINATES columns that are not registered • spatial indexes that failed during building oraspatial\get_all_srid.sql Lists all tables in a spatialNET schema registered in the user_sdo_geom_metadata view oraspatial\get_srid.sql Drops the materialized views supporting a spatialNET replicate schema oraspatial\spatialfm_drop_indices.sql Drops non-spatial indices created by the spatialnet_aspatial_indices. not taking arc curvature into account oraspatial\orasp_gather.sql script oraspatial\spatialfm_drop_spatial_indices.sql Reports the following issues: • registered spatial tables with column name <> 'COORDINATES' • registered spatial tables without <tname>_SPIND spatial index • spatial indexes that are not R-tree indexes • spatial indexes that are invalid (failed during building) oraspatial\check_spatial_metadata.sql Drops indices created by the spatialnet_indices.sql Populates certain spatialNET dictionary tables with default values oraspatial\spatialfm_grant_tables.sql Creates appropriate object grants on spatialNET tables to the spatialNET Oracle user roles Table 7: spatialNET configuration scripts Optional scripts Path and filename Description oraspatial\orasp_get_mbr.sql Populates certain spatialNET dictionary tables with default values dictionaries\all_reco. 18 of 69 SPATIALinfo Inc.sql Uses an Oracle procedure to calculate the minimum bounding rectangle for an Oracle Spatial object. • Install Oracle Full Client. • Set up the TNSnames. Choose the appropriate operating system and click See All to access the Client download options. For up-to-date information about software versions.111. so it will not adversely affect any table with existing values. 19 of 69 .oracle.oraspatial\set_entity_status.sql Updates the entity status column if it is null or if bits which should be set for published rows are not set. see the document titled: System hardware and third-party software requirements 2Q 2012. INSTEAD. Install Oracle client IMPORTANT: DO NOT INSTALL ORACLE TO THE DEFAULT LOCATION.sql status for all newly added entities.ora file • Install AutoCAD • Install spatialNET • Create a Database .sql Performs an sdo_geom.7. Sets service status for an existing table when the service status column is newly added. The installation process includes the tasks listed below. To install the Oracle client: 1. FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS BELOW TO INSTALL ORACLE TO THE ORACLE FOLDER ON THE C: DRIVE.20 or higher) from the following location: http://www. oraspatial\valgeom.ini file Prerequisites and system requirements For details about third-party software and client machine requirements. NOTE: This script sets the GDM bit in the entity oraspatial\set_service_status.validate_layer_with_contex() query for a table with a spatial attribute and reports the results Table 8: Optional scripts Install spatialNET application and associated software spatialNET operates on stand-alone PCs that have a network connection to an Oracle database.com/technetwork/database/enterprise-edition/downloads/index. but does not do any checking for modified pre-existing entities. Download the Oracle client (11G R2. see the document titled System hardware and third-party software requirements. NOTE: This script only updates the service status column when its value is null.html 2. SPATIALinfo Inc. The relevant part of the file is shown below. Select either Administrator or Run-Time for the installation type. (Contact your IT administrator to obtain this information. The default location for this file is: C:\Oracle\product\11. enter the C:\Oracle directory created in step 4 as the installation location..91 0) (P ORT = 1 521 )) ) (CO NNE CT_ DA TA = ( SER VIC E_ NA ME = or a11 g) ) ) 20 of 69 SPATIALinfo Inc. 9. 6. Enterprise Edition. 5. 2. and then save the file. or other special downloads). Change the BOLD text in the sample below to match your system. ORA1 1G_ SER VER NA ME = (D ESC RIP TIO N = (AD DRE SS_ LI ST = ( ADD RES S = (PRO TOC OL = T CP )( HOST = 123. Download Oracle Client. If you would prefer to use the Oracle setup assistant. 456 .0\client_1\NETWORK\ADMIN Follow the instructions below to set up the file correctly using a text editor. On the C: drive.3.ora file: 1. making sure to edit the parts in bold. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.) NOTE: If the file doesn’t contain the code below. (Do not download Standard Edition. In the Oracle Base field.ora file is automatically created when the Oracle client is installed with an Administrator or Run-Time installation type. Launch the Oracle installer. 8. Standard Edition One.2.ora file To set up the tnsnames. 7. Open the tnsnames. Set up tnsnames. Oracle will be installed in this folder so that anyone using the machine has access to Oracle. 4.ora file in plain text editor (such as Notepad or Wordpad).ora for new database connections The tnsnames. . Select the available language and click Next. see Appendix: use Oracle Net Configuration Assistant to set up the tnsnames. then copy and paste this code into the file. create a folder titled Oracle.78 . On the Welcome page. you can install the spatialNET application. Map Classic is recommended. Install AutoCAD Map 3D Install AutoCAD Map 3D according to the instructions that accompany the software. then close the application. To prepare AutoCAD Map 3D for use with spatialNET: 1. click Next.IF YOU USE WINDOWS 7: Save the file first to a writeable location and then copy it back into the Oracle location (C:\Oracle). Windows 7 security prohibits the creation of certain file types in certain locations. Obtain the spatialNET installation file from the SPATIALinfo Support Portal or from your SPATIALinfo representative.ora file to ensure the Oracle server is properly defined. You can also create this file using the Oracle Net Configuration Assistant. See Manually create a TNSNames file. 4. 2. For information about which AutoCAD version to install. 3. type the following commands into a command line: > Ping [server address] > Tnsping [net service name] If this test fails. 21 of 69 . Copy the spatialNET executable file to the computer desktop. Verify that AutoCAD Map 3D is running properly. Install spatialNET After you have verified that AutoCAD is working properly on the client computer. 2. Double-click the file icon to open the setup wizard. Important: You must open AutoCAD Map 3D at least once before opening spatialNET for the first time. Open AutoCAD Map 3D and choose the workspace settings. Verify the Oracle Connection To verify the Oracle connection. review the host name and service name in the tnsnames. see the document titled System Hardware and Third-party Software Requirements. To install spatialNET: 1. SPATIALinfo Inc. Select the installation location in the C:\Program Files folder. 7. type the appropriate information and click Next. and click Next. In the User Information window.Figure 3: The spatialNET installation Welcome page 5. and then click Next. Read the license agreement. . Click I accept the agreement. as shown below. 22 of 69 SPATIALinfo Inc. Figure 4: License agreement 6. Figure 5: Select Destination Location 8. Figure 6: Select Components 9. 23 of 69 . Click Install. NOTE: The Start Menu icons for Desktop. SPATIALinfo Inc. Select the components to be installed and click Next. Job Administrator and Batch Queue may not be necessary for all users. . enter a user name and password for your database. then click All Programs. 2. or click the Windows Start button.key file to the \bin (or bin64) directory within the spatialNET installation directory.ini file and. The drop-down list is generated from the . spatialNET.ini file Copy the licence. 24 of 69 SPATIALinfo Inc. Copy the license . In the Login dialog box. Click Finish when the installation is complete. Double-click the spatialNET icon on the desktop. Select the appropriate database to open from the Database drop-down list. 3. To launch spatialNET: 1.Figure 7: Ready to Install 10.ini files in the dbms directory of your spatialNET installation directory. and then spatialNET. the licence. if provided. NOTE: The default location is: C:\Program Files\SPATIALinfo\SPATIALnet\bin Launch spatialNET Warning: AutoCAD must be opened at least once before spatialNET is opened the first time. 3. perform the following on each machine: 1. 2. right-click My Computer. On the desktop. 5. Figure 9: My Computer Properties with Advanced system settings highlighted 4. spatialNET has successfully connected to your database. The Environment Variables window appears. IT administrators can choose to have these messages written to a log file instead. SPATIALinfo Inc. click Advanced System Settings. When the Job Selection window appears. click the Environment Variables button. From the Advanced tab. Log in as the local administrator. Click Logon. click Add (or New) to add a new variable. spatialNET displays system messages in a Command prompt window. Under the System Variables section. From the options on the left. then click Properties. To create a log file. 25 of 69 . Create a spatialNET Log File By default. 5.Figure 8: Login dialog box 4. Click OK. spatialNET logs will be stored in the location you chose. .Figure 10: The Environment Variables window 6. Click OK to save the location. In the Variable name field. Troubleshooting OS error 127 Figure 12: Error message 26 of 69 SPATIALinfo Inc. type: DPRINT_FILENAME 7. type the location that you want to save the log file. NOTE: Windows 7 will not allow you to write to C:\Program Files. so you should choose a location outside of that directory. Figure 11: System variables 8. In the Variable value field. Bring up a Command prompt and type Path. Others using the database can see your work. • A 64-bit client is installed on a 32-bit system or vice versa. and NOT in its default location. Figure 13: Administrator Command Prompt path Post and publish jobs • Publish a job to make it visible to others using the database. • Post a job when you are finished with it. and you cannot make further changes to it after it has been posted. Run spatialNET Job Administrator and log on. Review the path to see if there are any references to Oracle and the directory where it is installed. NOTE: Depending on he settings for your security group. you may not be able to publish or post a job. NOTE: Oracle should be installed in an Oracle file on the C: drive. SPATIALinfo Inc. 2. 27 of 69 . Publish a job To publish a job: 1. To verify that Oracle is installed: 1. • Oracle is installed in the user profile directory of the person who performed the installation. To change security group settings. see Edit a security group. The JMS Administration Tool window appears. click My Jobs. From the spatialNET JMS Administration Tool window.The error message shown above usually appears as a result of one of the following: • Oracle Client is not installed. 2. You can continue to make changes to the job. or added or edited in the current job and not published. The job goes to the batch queue for publishing. Run spatialNET Job Administrator and log on. The JMS Administrator Tool window appears. then click the Publish button. Figure 15: The Queue for Publish option Colored entities spatialNET can display entities in different colors to help you identify whether they have been posted.Figure 14: The JMS admin tool with My jobs highlighted 3. See spatialNET Batch Queue Operation. Click the job that you want to publish. From the spatialNET JMS Administration Tool window. . click My Jobs. 28 of 69 SPATIALinfo Inc. 2. published in another job. Post a job To post a job: 1. Warning: Do not choose the Publish option unless you are certain that no one else is logged in to the database. and then click Queue for Publish. Publishing while others are logged in to the database can seriously damage the database. followed by the JMS Administration Results panel. When such a conflict occurs.Figure 16: The JMS admin tool with My jobs highlighted 3. Click the job that you want to publish. The job goes to the batch queue for publishing. and then click Queue for Post. Figure 17: The Queue for Post option NOTE: A job that has been posted to the spatial database is no longer available for editing by spatialNET users. SPATIALinfo Inc. 29 of 69 . Warning: Do not choose the Post option unless you are certain that no one else is logged in to the database. a conflict would occur if two people. For example. Posting while others are logged in to the database can seriously damage the database. and a spatialNET message panel appears. View publish or post conflicts Conflicts can arise during the Publish or Post process. edit the same entity differently and then publish their jobs. See spatialNET Batch Queue Operation. the publish command stops. working in two separate jobs. then click Post. Shows the Verify Publish.jpg) Native code extensions (. It uses the same data dictionary. spatialNET requires that certain operations be performed one at a time. • Details opens the Details panel for the selected entity. Choose these options to test whether the current job can be successfully published.smt) Table 9 spatialNET directories 30 of 69 SPATIALinfo Inc. • Map View opens a map.dwt) AutoCAD menu files (.ico) Image files (. as a text file.bmp. then select an item and click the appropriate button to act on it. Closes the window.dwg) Smart Text symbols (. Batch Queue Manager components The spatialNET Batch Queue Manager is implemented as an instance of the regular spatialNET Client software. Delete is only available after selecting an item under the Operations performed on job heading. Allows you to clear the “Open” status of the selected job. Shows the Details or Map View menu options. . Verification results appear as a new list item in the JMS Administration Results panel. Customizations are expected to be in the following subdirectories: Directory bin (or bin64) dbms icon modeler[64] param python/spatialnet/custom symbol Contents License files Database connection files Icons (. . in its current state of expansion. Deletes the record of the operation for the current job. The spatialNET Batch Queue Manager (BQM) allows administrators to queue those operations automatically. Verify Post and Verify Cancel menu options. Figure 18: JMS Administration Results window description of buttons spatialNET Batch Queue Manager (BQM) To avoid database corruption. Button Save Display Edit Delete Verify Reset Close Description Saves the list.dll) AutoCAD drawing templates (. posted or cancelled (respectively). so that they run only when conflicting operations have finished. the same customization files.py) AutoCAD symbols (. the same format database connection files and so on. Brings up a window that allows editing of the selected entity. centered on the selected entity.• Expand the items in the list to reveal the source of the conflict. Batch Queue Manager assumes that it is installed in a single directory containing a number of subdirectories.mns) Extension Scripts (. then copy the site-specific customization files.sql. NOTE: Before upgrading spatialNET.Subject to the type of jobs to be processed by the batch queue. and then click Details. SPATIALinfo Inc. 2. The regular spatialNET installer creates a desktop shortcut with the appropriate commands to launch the BQM. 31 of 69 . all of the customization files must be present. See The spatialNET JMS Administration tool. This shortcut assumes that the ID of the batch queue is JMSADMIN. The All batch queues window appears. click Display. See The spatialNET JMS Administration tool. From the JMS Administration Tool window. Select a batch queue. To view batch queue status: 1. run the regular spatialNET installer. Install Batch Queue Manager (BQM) To install the BQM. click the Batch Queue button. Figure 19: The All batch queues window's Display menu Start a queue You can start or stop a batch queue using the JMS Administration window. View batch queue status You can view batch queue status directly from the JMS Administration Tool window.sql script that is provided as part of spatialNET and run automatically when you run all_ess. shut down the BQM. NOTE: This queue is automatically created by the dictionaries\ess_BATCH_QUEUE. To stop the queue. showing the status of the BQM. NOTE: These buttons are running scripts in the bin (or bin64) directory that can be customized if required. The batch manager will stop once the current job is finished. Button Script Run Queue Reset Queue Run Once batch. .bat singlerunbatch.bat resetbatch. The All batch queues window appears.bat Table 10 Queue Control buttons and the scripts they run 32 of 69 SPATIALinfo Inc. The Queue Control window appears. (Or click Run Once to process a single job and then stop. click the Batch Queue button. click the Stop button on the progress window.To start or stop a batch queue: 1. 2. Figure 20: The Queue Control window 3. From the JMS Administration Tool window.) 4. Enter the appropriate details and begin the queue. A progress window appears. Select a batch queue and click the Control button. Click Run Queue. their first eight characters in the DESCRIPTION field must not be the same. Figure 21: The data model The BATCH_QUEUE table The BATCH_QUEUE table holds the operational times when the batch queue manager is allowed to start sub-processes. The BATCH_QUEUE_ENTRY table The BATCH_QUEUE_ENTRY table holds an entry for each batch job submission. • The JOB_ID and USER_ID columns hold information about the submitter of the batch job. WARNING: If multiple queues are created. By default. the batch queue keys use the first eight characters of the DESCRIPTION field as entered by the user. • The COMMAND_ARGS holds the arguments to pass to the operating system command. • The SHELL_COMMAND holds the operating system command to run.Data Model There are a number of database tables associated with managing the batch queues. The START_TIME and END_TIME columns are times specified as “number of seconds past midnight”. 33 of 69 . SPATIALinfo Inc. Starting and stopping the BQM When the BQM starts. If the USER_ID field is ever externally changed. the BQM terminates itself cleanly on the next iteration through its main loop. it loops around repeating the same process. The following figure is simplified version of how the BQM operates: Figure 22: BQM process flow To process BATCH_QUEUE_ENTRY: 1. 2. then the BQM will update USER_ID. This may be different to the location it is installed on the client machine that submitted the batch request. START_DATE and HOST_NAME. it checks that it is the only instance of the BQM running. then it will stop. If no other instance is running. 34 of 69 SPATIALinfo Inc. . Retrieve the details from the database entry. If there is another instance of the BQM running. Adjust the command (if it begins with “*spatialnet") to reflect the actual installation location of the spatialNET software on the batch server machine. Process Flow When the BQM is running. SPATIALinfo Inc. error messages. This may be different to the location it is installed on the client machine that submitted the batch request. EXEC UTE = "ba tc h$ run_ que ue_ ent ry " " [q ueu e_c urr en t_ entr y]" " [q ueu e_c urr en t_ logf ile ]" " [q ueu e_c urr en t_ comm and ]" " [q ueu e_c urr en t_ argu men ts] " . "*PO ST_ STE PS" }. "*EX ECU TE" .process.STEPS. PRE_ STE PS = " gd m$ noop ". The following editbuffers are loaded: Name Content queue_current_entry queue_current_command queue_current_arguments queue_current_logfile Entity reference to the BATCH_QUEUE_ENTRY being processed Pathname of executable to launch. Execute the job by invoking spatialNET BATCH_QUEUE_ENTRY.STEPS parameter is as follows: beha vio ur pro ce ss { para met ers { STEP S = { "*PR E_S TEP S".3. } You can install a steps hook to intercept the EXECUTE sub-step and replace it. Load the details of the requested batch operation into a number of named edit buffers. etc. Arguments to pass to executable Pathname of logfile to collect output from the batch process Table 11 Editbuffers related to batch job execution If the specified executable is the regular spatialNET client (spatialnet. then queue_current_arguments will automatically have the following arguments prepended: Name Meaning /batch /root=<dir> /dd=<filename> /db=<filename> /u=<username> /L:<pathname> /security=<token> /nolicencewarning Notifies the client session that it is running in batch mode and should not display any modal dialogs. Notifies the client session of the location of the spatialNET installation. POST _ST EPS = "g dm $noo p". Adjust the command (if it begins with “*spatialnet") to reflect the actual installation location of the spatialNET software on the batch server machine. 5. Notifies the client session of the data dictionary to use Notifies the client session of the database connection file to use Notifies the client session of the user to connect as Notifies the client session to divert all diagnostic output to the nominated logfile Security token Suppress (modal) warning dialogs from the licensing engine. or provide any additional validation prior to allowing it to run. 35 of 69 . 4.exe). Table 12 Switches passed to batch processes The standard definition of the process. The batch queue manager passes a /security=<token> command-line argument along with the other arguments to the sub-process. The hashes are valid for approximately five minutes. be hav iou r. the password can be left blank. . s tep. The actual database user and password (passed to Oracle) are stored in encrypted form in the database connection file. d o ad diti ona l t est s be fore ex ecu tin g ba tch subp roc ess . If the design dictionary entry BATCH_USERNAMES (a semicolon-separated list of usernames) contains the Windows login-id.. If no entry is specified. els e: . the sub-process can establish its database connection independently of the spatialNET user authentication. then the person who started it must enter authentication details. Batch queue logging The BQM and each sub-process keep their own unique log files. "E XEC UT E" ) def myh ook (cl as sn ame.. not as the batch manager user. The BQM process requires user authentication to initiate its session.log where XXXXX is the database key of the corresponding BATCH_QUEUE row for the queue. . These files are stored in a directory whose name is specified by the design dictionary entry BatchQueueLogDirectory. d o ad diti ona l p roc es si ng a fte r s ubp ro ce ss comp let es .. " pr oces s". then the directory named in the system environment variable TEMP is used. gdm i mp ort Ste pHo ok @Ste pHo ok( "BA TC H_ QUEU E_E NTR Y". . Security The BQM connects to the database using the username and password specified in the database connection file. the password can be left blank. .. All other users will still have to supply their passwords. If design dictionary entry ACCEPT_OSLOGIN is set to “Y” and the batch manager user is the same value as the Windows login-id.from co re. In this case. st age ): if sta ge= =0 : . This token is a time-stamped one-way hashed signature that is used by the client software to authenticate the spatialNET user connection. NOTE: Leaving the password blank allows all users to log in without entering a password if their spatialNET username matches their Windows login. the sub-process spatialNET session must be established as the user who submitted the job. The Batch Queue Manager’s log file is called BatchQueueXXXXX. 36 of 69 SPATIALinfo Inc. Thus. That authentication can come from one of the following methods: • • • If the process is started manually.. When the sub-process is launched. If so. and the batch manager user is the same value as the Windows login-id. which must be stored together in the same directory. Install the windows service Show the state of the windows service Start the windows service Pause the windows service Continue the windows service Stop the windows service Delete the windows service 37 of 69 . The BQM as a background service A separate executable.ini snbatchmon. c:\> snbatchmon usage: snbatchmon. Filename Purpose snbatchmon. runs as a Windows service and launches the BQM process automatically. type snbatchmon install You can invoke snbatchmon interactively from the Command Prompt and receive an appropriate usage message.exe snbatchmon. linked back to the SCM_USER row corresponding to the user that submitted the job. Installation of the Batch Monitor The Batch Monitor consists of three files.dll Service executable Configuration File Message catalog for Windows Event Viewer Table 13 Batch Monitor components To install the service from the command line.exe <keyword> where keyword is one of the following words: install query start pause continue stop delete SPATIALinfo Inc. or terminates with an error status. a message is added to the SCM_USER_MESSAGES table. The Batch Monitor does not contain any regular spatialNET components and as such is not affected by most upgrade processes.The log file created for the sub-processes is called XXXXX-YYYYY.log where XXXXX is the key of the BATCH_QUEUE row and YYYYY is the key of the BATCH_QUEUE_ENTRY row. called spatialNET Batch Monitor. If a batch job fails to launch. if it is running. Deregister the binary with the Windows Service Manager. All configured queues will be notified to stop processing. user details. then it will become “stopped”. including several of the control values that can be manipulated from the Windows Services panel. All configured queues will be notified to stop processing. the batch monitor will periodically output more diagnostic information to the event log. Stop the service. if it is not currently running. SPATIALinfo Inc. Start the service. Displays the current state of the service. This command leaves the message catalog registered so that existing log messages remain readable. Continue the service. Defaults to 0.is a standard Windows . It is the name of the spatialNET database specifier file. c:\spatialinfo\spatialnet\bin\> snbatchmon query [Warning: possible mismatch of executables] [Command executed from c:\spatialinfo\spatialnet\bin\snbatchmon.keyword install query start pause continue stop delete Action Registers the binary with the Windows Service Manager. Batch Monitor configuration The configuration file. This file contains details about the Oracle service name. These parameters are defined in a section called BatchQueueMonitor and are defined as follows: Parameter Type DatabaseSpecifier String Verbose Integer 38 of 69 Meaning This parameter must be specified.exe) c:\spatialinfo\spatialnet\bin64\snbatchmon. the service will be “stop pending” until all queues terminate. a warning message is printed. then it will become “paused”.exe LocalSystem Own Process Requires external start request Failure is logged and system startup continues The service has not been started. Pause the service.exe] [Service configured to use c:\spatialinfo\spatialnet\bin64\snbatchmon. All configured queues will be started. All configured queues will be restarted. Table 14 Command line keywords Multiple copies of the Batch Monitor If more than one copy of the Batch Monitor is installed on the same system. and so on. snbatchmon. the service will be “pause pending” until all queues terminate.exe] Service Name: Binary: Username: Service Type: Start Type: Error Control: State: spatialNET Batch Monitor (snbatchmon. . if it is paused.ini file containing parameters that must be modified to match local conditions.ini. Installs the message catalog with the Windows Event Viewer. if it is running. If this parameter is set to non-zero value. Specified in seconds.exe If specified. it is the time limit between retries of launching the Batch Queue Manager. At service start time. If specified. defaults to 300. Queue1. The service will generate an event log entry for each queue. This parameter is only used when the monitor is paused. it is the name of the directory that contains the spatialNET installation. Defaults to spatialfm If specified. the Service Monitor will scan the configuration and each Queue section that it finds will result in an additional Batch Manager process being run. If the sub-process terminates within this time. Defaults to spatialnet. Queue2. Windows may terminate the service. Specified in seconds. defaults to 1800 (30 minutes). If specified.exe If specified. it is the name of the spatialNET data dictionary to use. This entry indicates the status information provided by the Batch Queue Manager. Most cases where the Batch Queue Manager terminates are unexpected. For example. Defaults to the Windows username that the service is run as. defaults to 60.Parameter Type InstallationDirectory String Executable String DataDictionary String SpatialnetUser String RetryTimeLimit Integer LaunchTimeLimit Integer PollTime Integer IdlePollTime Integer Meaning If specified. Defaults to the directory containing snbatchmon. Table 16 Queue Configuration Parameters NOTE: Only one process at a time can be processing in a queue. it is the name of the main spatialNET executable. Specified in seconds. This user must be defined in the spatialNET system. It is the name of the spatialNET batch queue for this process to run. there must be a corresponding configuration section whose name starts with the literal Queue. If specified. Table 15 Batch Monitor configuration parameters For each configured queue. the error condition that caused the crash will still apply and the relaunched process will fail immediately. The parameters for each Queue section are as follows: Parameter Type Meaning QueueName String SpatialnetUser String This parameter must be specified. If specified. it is the amount of time that the service expects the launch process to take. SPATIALinfo Inc. In most cases. it is the name of the spatialNET user to connect as. Specified in seconds. it is the amount of time that the service waits between polling the active queues. Defaults to the SpatialnetUser value in the BatchQueueMonitor section. 39 of 69 . but this is the time the service waits if there are no queues currently running. each time it polls the sub-process. defaults to 60. If launch exceeds this time. This user must be defined in the spatialNET system. and subsequent attempts to start a batch processor will fail with an appropriate error message. Similar to PollTime. the service will issue an appropriate event log entry. and terminate. this parameter is the name of the spatialNET user to connect as. .To catch this case. 2. If the time between launch attempts is less than this limit. 3. the monitor will continue to run until all queues have failed.exe) starts. The service reads the configuration file and launches one or more sub-processes (spatialnet. Batch Queue Monitor Message Catalogue Windows Event Log Configuration Batch Queue Monitor (snbatchmon. 40 of 69 SPATIALinfo Inc. the batch monitor will give up on that queue.exe) to run as the Batch Queue Manager(s). If multiple queues are being run by the same monitor. the RetryTimeLimit parameter is used. Each Batch Queue Manager connects independently to Oracle and processes its entries in the BATCH_QUEUE_ENTRY table in the database. The batch queue process model The batch queue process model is as follows. The service (snbatchmon.exe) Figure 23: The batch queue process Steps of the process 1.exe) Shared Memory Segment Batch Queue Manager (spatialnet.exe) Database Spec Database Batch Queue Process (spatialnet. • 300 to 399: Failures in the batch managers themselves. each of which has an Event ID that can be displayed in the Event Viewer. You may choose to install Event Log Tasks to particular events to provide additional notifications in the event of failures. the monitor will issue an event message and enter the “paused” state. These issues should be monitored. To set up a custom view in Event Viewer: 1. If all queues stop. Batch Monitor log messages The Batch Monitor uses a fixed collection of log messages. Monitor batch queue events You can set up a custom view in Event Viewer to monitor issues in the batch queue. then an event message is recorded and the process is not restarted. • 200 through 399: Problems that may not automatically resolve themselves. NOTE: If the process terminates prematurely within the time configured by RetryTimeLimit. but do not indicate serious problems. • 200 to 299: Configuration errors. (In the Windows Start button search field.If a Batch Queue Manager process terminates prematurely for any reason. or operating system failures that cannot be recovered from automatically. and then attempt to restart the process. See the Event message for more information Configuration error. Launch Event Viewer. type event viewer. the monitor will register an event message. SPATIALinfo Inc. See the Event message for more information Process runaway (two launch attempts within RetryTimeLimit seconds) Monitor stopping since no active queues remain Monitor pausing since no active queues remain Table 17 Event IDs • 100 to 199: Information about issues that occur during operation. then click Event Viewer in the results. Event ID 100 101 102 103 104 105 199 200 201 300 301 302 Meaning Monitor starting up Monitor terminated normally Pause request while not running Continue request while not paused A batch queue manager has terminated and will not be restarted (since the termination was a result of the monitor pausing/stopping) A batch queue manager has terminated and will be restarted (since the termination was unexpected) Process status message An unexpected runtime error has occurred. 41 of 69 . type snbatchmon. In the Event Source field. .Figure 24: Search for Event Viewer 2. Figure 25: Create a custom view in the Even Viewer 3.exe. 42 of 69 SPATIALinfo Inc. click the Action menu and select Create Custom View. On the Event Viewer window. Click OK. 43 of 69 . Enter the ID range of the events that you want to monitor. Figure 27: The Event Viewer with Attach Task highlighted SPATIALinfo Inc. Events in the 200-399 range should be monitored. Figure 26: The Create Custom View window 5. 6. click Attach Task to this Event. The Event Viewer window appears.4. In the Actions section of the window. and then click OK again when the Save Filter window appears. Follow the on-screen instructions to have the Event Monitor email you when an event occurs. Metadata configuration Each spatial attribute defined in the data dictionary and included in a table must have a spatial index. NOTE: You cannot use “X” and “Y’ for a direct query from Oracle Spatial. Spatial data in Oracle has the following structure: CREA TE TYP E s do _g eome try AS OB JE CT ( SD O_G TYP E NUMB ER . MDSYS also owns the tables and packages which provide the support for spatial data within an Oracle Server. In addition to owning the definition for spatial data. Spatial data is object data Unlike the standard data types usually found in a RDBMS. SD O_S RID NUMB ER . spatial data are a kind of object data called object-relational entities with VARRAY components. For example: FROM <tablename> <tablename>. This chapter provides some basic guidelines for using the Oracle Spatial database driver with spatialNET. Y NUM BER . 44 of 69 SPATIALinfo Inc. Instead. Z NUM BER ). SDO_GEOMETRY The Oracle data type for spatial information is SDO_GEOMETRY. CREA TE TYP E s do _p oint _ty pe AS OB JE CT ( X NUM BER .sdo_point. SD O_O RDI NAT ES SDO_ ORD INA TE_ AR RA Y). Optimize for Oracle Spatial The introduction of spatial data to an Oracle server can have a significant impact on the administration of the server. MDSYS. . you must reference <tablename>. CREA TE TYP E s do _e lem_ inf o_a rra y AS VAR RAY (1 048 57 6) of NUMB ER. This data type is defined by the Oracle system owner of spatial data. CREA TE TYP E s do _o rdin ate _ar ray A S VARR AY (10 485 76 ) of NUMB ER. Please refer to Oracle documentation for detailed information about object-relational and Oracle Spatial data.X and you must define a table alias for the table name (the table alias can be the same name as the table name).coordinates. SD O_P OIN T SDO_ POI NT_ TYP E . SD O_E LEM _IN FO SDO_ ELE M_I NFO _A RR AY .7. All SDO objects in a table column must reference the same coordinate system.CS_SRS table. GTYPE spatialNET only supports the following 2D geometries • • • 2001 2002 2003 Point Line Polygon In a table with SDO data.Oracle Spatial requires an entry in the metadata view USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA. SRID • • • • The SRID identifies the coordinate system of the SDO objects within a table column of type SDO_GEOMETRY. and references a Coordinate Systems registered in the MDSYS. Each table with a spatial attribute requires an entry in this view for the creation of a spatial index. To use a coordinate system. The SRID is a foreign key. SD O_DI M_A RRA Y. This view is based on the MDSYS table SDO_GEOM_METADATA_TABLE. VA RCHA R2( 32) . The scripts to create the spatialNET tables will populate this metadata view with the information to support the creation of the required indexes. NU MBER ). 45 of 69 . • • • • TABLE_NAME: The table to be indexed COLUMN_NAME: The column with data type SDO_GEOMETRY DIMINFO: The coordinates for a minimum bounding rectangle (MBR) covering the extent of the spatial data in the table SRID: Spatial Reference ID for the table’s spatial data’s coordinate system. Spatial index analysis The Oracle data dictionary may be queried to generate a list of spatial indexes within a spatialNET schema: SELECT TABLE_NAME. which must be valid. INDEX_NAME FROM USER_INDEXES SPATIALinfo Inc. USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA ( TA BLE _NA ME CO LUM N_N AME DI MIN FO SR ID VA RCHA R2( 32) . all geometries must be of the same type. spatialNET requires a corresponding entry in the SPATIALNET_CS_SRS table. NOTE: Spatial indexes may be stored in a different table space from the spatial data. Such incomplete indexes might need to be dropped before recreating the index. Eg. the result can leave an incomplete index structure. spatialNET can be configured to manage indirect polygons. For detailed information about DOMAIN type indexes. Errors occurring while creating or rebuilding an index If an error occurs while a spatial index is being created or rebuilt. TO DROP AN INDEX: use the following command: DROP INDEX <name> FORCE. A spatial index is kept in a systemgenerated table. with a name like MDRT_%. Specifying spatial index table space A spatial index creation command finishes with a clause PARAMETERS(' … '). SPA TIA L_I ND EX PA RAM ETE RS( 'l ay er_g typ e=P OLY GO N tabl e s pac e=I ND X' ). Oracle will set this value to ‘FAILED’ if an exception is generated while building a spatial index. . add table space=<table spacename> to the quoted parameter string. CREA TE IND EX FL OO R_SP IND ON FL OOR (CO ORD IN AT ES) IN DEX TYP E I S MD SYS. Maintain performance Two tasks are needed to maintain database performance: • 46 of 69 Maintain database statistics SPATIALinfo Inc. check your Oracle documentation. Oracle spatial index implementation Spatial indexes are structured differently from standard indexes.WHERE INDEX_TYPE = ‘DOMAIN’ The status of a ‘DOMAIN’ index is set in the domidx_opstatus column of the USER_INDEXES view. If a spatial index has been marked as ‘FAILED. To specify a table space for the spatial index. Instead.no indirect link by or link up geometry is supported. Use metadata view USER_SDO_INDEX_METADATA to query which table supports a specific spatial index. These tables are also associated with a system generated sequence with a name like MDRS_%. the index must be dropped before another attempt is made to generate the index. You can see details of the table spaces a spatial index uses from the user_sdo_index_metadata view Direct storage only Oracle Spatial only supports direct storage of geometry . SPATIALinfo Inc. sele ct 'al ter i nd ex ' || in dex _n am e || ' r ebu ild para met ers ('' ' || par ame ter s | |' '' ). To maintain database statistics: 1.sql This command gets statistics for tables. and a column value histogram for journal (so the database knows looking up zero is not useful). See Optional scripts for the location of this script.' from us er_ ind ex es whe re ity p_n am e = 'S PAT IAL _IN DE X' / spoo l o ff set hea din g o n pa gesi ze 999 9 t er mo ut o n @x. 47 of 69 . Execute the following command: exec orasp_gather. so they should be rebuilt from time to time. FIRST-TIME ONLY: While the database is under load. leave a mix of posted and non-posted data when the statistics are gathered. execute the following procedure: dbms_stats. make sure to include the parameters. Neglecting to include parameters can result in removing the constraint on geometry type. Rebuild R-tree indexes Oracle R-tree indexes build a hierarchy of rectangles that surround indexed objects.• Rebuild of R-tree indexes Maintain database statistics You should regularly maintain the database table and index statistics.gather_system_stats NOTE: This procedure will let the database learn about the performance of the database server hardware. 2. The database will then use this information when optimizing queries.t mp Parameters When rebuilding spatial indexes. Rebuild the spatial index To rebuild all spatial indexes. log in to the database SQL plus as the user owning the tables and execute the following script in a directory that you have write access to: set lin esi ze 20 0 feed bac k o ff ec ho off tr ims poo l on page siz e 0 te rm ou t of f spoo l x . The indexes sometimes lose effectiveness as new data is added. 4. For best results.tm p prom pt Alt er se ss ion set SO RT_ AR EA _SIZ E=4 096 000 . Log in to the database using SQL*Plus as the user owning the tables. 3.sql to include any column histograms you want gathered at your site. indexes. Edit orasp_gather. especially after substantial changes to the data in the database. Work_table space: Directs Oracle to use a specific table space for the working tables it creates during the generation of a spatial index Table space: Sets the table space to hold spatial index tables To move a spatial index to a different table space: • Add table space=<table spacename> to the parameters string. Table spaces dedicated to spatial indexes should be created with a minimum block size of 16K. 48 of 69 SPATIALinfo Inc. For example: sele ct 'al ter i nd ex ' || in dex _n am e || ' r ebu ild para met ers ('' ' || par ame ter s | |' t able sp ace =in dx '' ). The higher the value of this parameter. or Polygon).' from us er_ ind ex es whe re ity p_n am e = 'S PAT IAL _IN DE X' Verify the geometry constant To make sure that the geometry constraint is not set to DEFAULT: • Query the SDO_LAYER_GTYPE attribute of the USER_SDO_INDEX_METADATA view. Line. Adjusting this setting is not required in Oracle 11 Default setting: 0 out of 100 Recommended setting: 0 out of 100 OPTIMIZER_INDEX_COST_ADJ This setting allows an administrator to make the optimizer more or less prone to selecting a full table scan over an index access path. . Row chaining Some SDO objects may contain a large number of coordinates. This chaining requires multiple direct reads to retrieve a single record. A high value will also force the optimizer to pick indexes using IN-list iterators over other indexes or full table scans. Oracle Cost Based Optimizer settings Oracle provides several settings to adjust the behavior of the Oracle Cost Based Optimizer (CBO). Minimum block size Spatial Indexes can benefit from being placed on table spaces with larger block sizes. OPTIMIZER_INDEX_CACHING This setting allows an administrator to force the CBO to favor nested loops joins and IN-list iterators. the more likely that the optimizer will pick nested loops joins over hash or sort-merge joins.• • • Layer_gtype: Sets a constraint on the valid geometry types for the SDO objects indexed (either Point. resulting in the chaining of rows. For example. When it is enabled. QUERY_REWRITE_ENABLED This parameter enables the optimizer to query materialized views instead of using the normal views. because the process must go through a series of checks before running the query. Query Rewrite operates on queries and sub-queries in the following types of SQL statements and sub-queries: • • • • • • • • • • SELECT CREATE TABLE … AS SELECT INSERT INTO … SELECT UNION UNION ALL INTERSECT MINUS INSERT DELETE UPDATE SPATIALinfo Inc. Default setting: FALSE Recommended Setting: FALSE More information about QUERY_REWRITE_ENABLED When base tables contain large amount of data.The higher the value of this parameter. For spatial data. Allowing Oracle to rewrite queries with a spatial component can result in inefficient processing when querying spatial data. Any other setting makes the optimizer evaluate the index access path at that percentage of the regular cost. Oracle Database has the capacity to answer queries using materialized views. Adjusting this setting is not required in Oracle 11 Default setting: 100 out of 100 Recommended Setting: 100 out of 100 More information about OPTIMIZER_INDEX_COST_ADJ The default setting of 100 means that the optimizer evaluates index access paths at 100% of their regular cost. this process can slow response time. it is time-consuming to compute aggregates or joins between tables. the more likely that the optimizer will choose a full table scan over an index path. because materialized views contain precomputed aggregates and joins. 49 of 69 . a setting of 50 makes the index access path look half as expensive as normal. jobs. The spatialNET JMS Administration Tool window appears. 50 of 69 SPATIALinfo Inc. Figure 28: The JMS Administration Tool window After logging in.The spatialNET JMS Administration Tool The spatialNET JMS Administration Tool manages the spatialNET batch queue. To run the JMS Administration Tool: 1. including the database that you want to work on. see the appropriate section below for information about using the JMS Administration Tool. Enter the appropriate information. . then spatialNET Job Administrator. then click All Programs. Click Login. 3. Double-click the spatialNET Job Administrator icon on your desktop. or click the Start button. and security groups. as well as spatialNET users. then spatialNET. 2. click the New button. From the JMS Administration tool’s All users window. SPATIALinfo Inc. click a user name and then click the Select button. Figure 29: The All users window The All users window allows you to create a new user. To view user details: 1. see details about a user. The User Creation window appears. 51 of 69 . From the JMS Administration tool’s All users window. Create a new user To create a new user: 1.List all users Click the Users button to see and edit spatialNET users for the database. The User Details window appears. or edit or change a user password. The All users window appears. allowing you to view the details. Enter all the required information and then click the Add button. 2. View user details The User Details panel displays information on the spatialNET user along with all jobs that are assigned to that user. then click Edit. From the JMS Administration tool’s All users window. The User Modification window appears. . click a user name. and then click Apply to save the changes. Make the appropriate changes.Figure 30: User details Edit user details To edit user details: 1. and then User. 52 of 69 SPATIALinfo Inc. 3. Click Close to close the window. Figure 31: The User Modification window 2. and Read-Only. Reset a password If a user has forgotten that password. Once the jobs are no longer assigned to a user. The Edit password window appears. select a user name. SPATIALinfo Inc. Read/Write. such as Administrator. Complete each field. NOTE: If a job is assigned to a user. To delete a user: 1. see Change a password. 2. To change a password: 1. If the user has forgotten the password. 2. then see Reset a password. Delete a user The following procedure will delete a user from the spatialNET database. User types in the security model Some spatialNET configurations support a security model containing multiple application user types. The password is set to null. click a user name. From the JMS Administration tool’s All users window. A user cannot be deleted if there is a job associated with that user. You can configure spatialNET so that certain menu options appear only for certain user types. only users with spatialNET administrator status have access to all of the commands described in this chapter. and then click Reset Password. Click Yes to confirm that you want to reset the password. Click Confirm to confirm that you want to delete the user. then follow the procedure below. then click Edit.Change a password If a user knows the password. You will be able to see a list of jobs assigned to the user. so that you can assign them to other users. 53 of 69 . then click OK to save the new password. select a user name. and then Password. From the JMS Administration tool’s All users window. then click Edit. For example. then use the procedure below to set the password to null. NOTE: An Administrator user type is not necessarily a table owner or database administrator. 2. If the user knows the password and wants to change it. From the JMS Administration tool’s All users window. and then click the Delete button. but wants to change it. The Entities being deleted window appears. To reset a password: 1. then you can delete that user. you will receive an error message. From the JMS Administration tool’s All users window. click the Security Groups button.To examine the availability of menu items for each of the available user types. please consult the Configuration Specification document that came with your spatialNET configuration. Create a security group To create a new security group: 1. . The All security groups window appears. 2. Figure 32: The All security groups window The Security Group Creation window appears. 54 of 69 SPATIALinfo Inc. Click the New button. Edit a security group To edit a security group: 1. The All security groups window appears. The new security group is created and added to the list in the All security groups window. From the JMS Administration tool’s All users window. 55 of 69 . then click Add. then click Edit. click the Security Groups button. 2. Click a security group from the list. Select the appropriate options for each tab of the security group. Figure 34: The All security groups window SPATIALinfo Inc.Figure 33: The Security Group Creation window 3. The All security groups window appears. Figure 36: All security groups – delete 56 of 69 SPATIALinfo Inc. Make appropriate changes to each tab the security group. and then click Confirm. . The security group will be updated.3. click the Security Groups button. then click Delete. A security group cannot be deleted if there is a user associated with it. then click Apply. Click a security group from the list. 2. Figure 35: The Security group modification window Delete a security group The following procedure will delete a security group. From the JMS Administration tool’s All users window. To delete a security group: 1. 57 of 69 . That lock should be removed automatically when the operation is finished. rather than deleted. SPATIALinfo Inc. An entity that has been removed remains in the database for reporting purposes. This list can take some time to generate. click the Cleanup button. 3. Figure 38: Cleanup of Posted Removed entities window Remove a JMS job operations lock Certain JMS administration operations create a job operations lock. and then click Cleanup posted removed entities. To permanently delete removed entities: 1. 2. you can permanently delete them. Choose Cleanup. Once a job has been posted and those entities are no longer needed. On the spatialNET JMS Administration window. The removed entities will be deleted.Delete removed entities spatialNET allows entities to be removed. Optional: Click All removed to see a list of the removed entities. Figure 37: The JMS Administration Tool with Cleanup posted removed entities highlighted The Cleanup of Posted Removed entities window appears. All removed entities will be deleted. NOTE: You cannot choose which entities to delete. click the Debug button. The functions on the Current Selection window are intended to be used while running the spatialNET client. click the Cleanup button. . Figure 39: The JMS Administration Tool window with Cleanup JMS job operations lock highlighted View information about the current selection You can open the Current Selection window directly from the JMS Administration window. Debugging tools There are several debugging tools available under the Debug menu on the JMS Administration Tool window. and then click Status panel. you can remove it yourself. The spatialNET Current Selection window appears. Running multiple JMS administration operations at the same time can cause network corruption. 58 of 69 SPATIALinfo Inc. Viewing job type definitions The job type definitions define the different job types that a user chooses among when creating new spatialNET job. Except for the Status option (see View information about the current selection).In the rare case that a job operations lock is not removed automatically. To remove a JMS job operations lock: • On the spatialNET JMS Administration window. these debugging tools should only be used under direction from a spatialNET support engineer. Warning: Only remove a lock when you are sure that the operation has completed. and then click Cleanup JMS job operations lock. To view information about the current selection: • On the spatialNET JMS Administration window. You can view the Job definitions directly from the JMS Administration Tool window. To view job definitions: • On the spatialNET JMS Administration panel, click the Dictionaries button, and then click Job Definitions. The Job Definitions window appears displaying a list of job definitions. View user type definitions To view and user type definitions: • On the spatialNET JMS Administration panel, click the Dictionaries button, and then click User Definitions. The User Definitions window appears. Figure 40: The User Definitions window Find and edit field Jobs You can open a Find Field Job window directly from the JMS Administration Tool window. For more information about field jobs, refer to the spatialNET User Manual. To find field jobs: • On the spatialNET JMS Administration panel, click the Field Jobs button. The Find Field Jobs window appears. From here, you can search for a field job. Job administration View all your current jobs Click the My Jobs button from the spatialNET JMS Administration Tool panel to view a list of all jobs currently logged to your name in the selected database. SPATIALinfo Inc. 59 of 69 Figure 41: The All jobs window Find a job To find a job: 1. Click the Find job button on the spatialNET JMS Administration window. 2. Type a search term in a search fields at the top of the window. Figure 42: The Find Job window with the Description search field highlighted 3. 60 of 69 Click the search operator button to the left of the search field, and then click the appropriate option. SPATIALinfo Inc. Figure 43: The Find Job window with search operators The list of jobs is filtered to match your search. NOTE: The Find Job window lists up to 256 jobs at a time. To force the window to show more matching jobs, click the Retrieve button. Create a new job Create a new job from the My jobs or the Find job window. The steps below use the Find Job window. To create a new job: 1. Click the Find job button on the spatialNET JMS Administration window. The My Job window appears. 2. Click the New button to open the Job Creation window. Figure 44: Job Creation window SPATIALinfo Inc. 61 of 69 3. and then click Apply to save the changes. View details for a job View details of a job from the My jobs or the Find job window. Figure 45: The Job Modification window 4. Enter all required details and click the Add button. Make appropriate changes. 5. To edit a job: 1. Click Close to close the window. The Find job window appears. then click the Edit button. Click on the Close button to close the window. The Job Modification window appears. Edit a job Edit a job from the My jobs or the Find job window.3. Click a job in the list. Click the Find job button on the spatialNET JMS Administration window. The steps below use the Find job window. Search for the job using the search fields at the top of the window. The steps below use the Find job window. . 62 of 69 SPATIALinfo Inc. 2. 2. the job that was open at the time will continue to be identified as open. The Find job window appears. The steps below use the Find job window. SPATIALinfo Inc. then click the Details button. Click a job in the list. You can reset a job from the My jobs or the Find job window. Figure 46: The Job Details window Reset a job If a spatialNET design session crashes for any reason. The Find job window appears.To view details for a job: 1. To reset a job: 1. The job is reset and can be opened. Search for the job using the search fields at the top of the window. The Job Details window appears. That job must be reset before it can be accessed again. 2. Click the Find job button on the spatialNET JMS Administration window. Search for the job using the search fields at the top of the window. click the Find job button. 63 of 69 . 3. On the spatialNET JMS Administration window. 3. then click the Reset button. Click a job in the list. Reset the queue. The job must be reset before it can be accessed again. Ensure that the dictionary entry refers to a symbol that actually exists. reset and restarted so that job processing can recommence. See Edit a security group. . 64 of 69 SPATIALinfo Inc. an administrator must reset the job.) • If the user has no Reset button. a default symbol and message will appear. An attempt to run a queue that is already running will generate an error message. Reset queue where a session has crashed If a spatialNET queue crashes for any reason. “Missing symbol xxx” appears beside symbols in spatialNET views If the symbol specified in the dictionary for an item type is not in the symbol\smt directory of the current installation (or in a template or the AutoCAD search path). The spatialNET batch queue process must be shut down. then the user should click that button. See: Reset a job.Troubleshooting Cannot open a job because it is already open If a spatialNET design session crashes for any reason. It may also be necessary to reset the job that was open at the time of the crash. (An administrator can edit the user’s security group to enable the Reset button. Database shutdown causes batch queue to lock up To maintain queue and database integrity. the queue will be still identified as running and the job will still be identified as open. only one user can run a given batch queue at any one time. the job will be still identified as open. If a database shutdown or backup process breaks the connection between the batch queue and the database. • If the user has a Reset button available on the Job Selection window. the queue will no longer be able to process jobs. .........................................................27 Figure 14: The JMS admin tool with My jobs highlighted .......................................................................................................... 23 Figure 7: Ready to Install .................................57 Figure 39: The JMS Administration Tool window with Cleanup JMS job operations lock highlighted 58 Figure 40: The User Definitions window .................................................... 42 Figure 26: The Create Custom View window.................... 29 Figure 17: The Queue for Post option.......................................... 26 Figure 11: System variables .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 61 SPATIALinfo Inc............................................................................................................................................................................ 31 Figure 20: The Queue Control window ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 23 Figure 6: Select Components ..................... 25 Figure 10: The Environment Variables window ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 60 Figure 42: The Find Job window with the Description search field highlighted ..................................... 24 Figure 8: Login dialog box ................. 56 Figure 37: The JMS Administration Tool with Cleanup posted removed entities highlighted ............................................................................................. 28 Figure 16: The JMS admin tool with My jobs highlighted ............57 Figure 38: Cleanup of Posted Removed entities window ........................................................................................................ 16 Figure 3: The spatialNET installation Welcome page .. 55 Figure 34: The All security groups window ................... 43 Figure 28: The JMS Administration Tool window ............................................................ 22 Figure 4: License agreement ................................. 60 Figure 43: The Find Job window with search operators .............. 26 Figure 12: Error message . 25 Figure 9: My Computer Properties with Advanced system settings highlighted ........................................................................................................................................ 22 Figure 5: Select Destination Location ..................................... 59 Figure 41: The All jobs window .................................................................51 Figure 30: User details .................................... 26 Figure 13: Administrator Command Prompt path ................... 55 Figure 35: The Security group modification window ................................................................................................................................. 32 Figure 21: The data model ....................................................................................................... 65 of 69 ......................................... 28 Figure 15: The Queue for Publish option ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 42 Figure 25: Create a custom view in the Even Viewer .................. 52 Figure 32: The All security groups window ....................................Table of Figures Figure 1 : Client / server relationship for Oracle Spatial / Locator driver ......................................................................................... 29 Figure 18: JMS Administration Results window description of buttons ........................................................... 56 Figure 36: All security groups – delete ........ 34 Figure 23: The batch queue process ................. 52 Figure 31: The User Modification window ............ 30 Figure 19: The All batch queues window's Display menu ................................................ 40 Figure 24: Search for Event Viewer .................................. 8 Figure 2: dbed2 utility.................................................................................................................................... 54 Figure 33: The Security Group Creation window .......................... 43 Figure 27: The Event Viewer with Attach Task highlighted ............... 33 Figure 22: BQM process flow ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 50 Figure 29: The All users window ..................................................................... ................................................................................................ 69 Figure 51: Oracle Net Configuration Assistant seventh window .................................................................................................... 68 Figure 50: Oracle Net Configuration Assistant sixth window ............................................................................................Figure 44: Job Creation window........................................... 63 Figure 47: Oracle Net Configuration Assistant Welcome window....... 62 Figure 46: The Job Details window ................................................................................................ .... 67 Figure 48: Oracle Net Configuration Assistant second window .................................... 68 Figure 49: Oracle Net Configuration Assistant fourth window ................... 69 66 of 69 SPATIALinfo Inc....................... 61 Figure 45: The Job Modification window ......................................................... To configure that file manually. a tnsnames. see Set up tnsnames. Click Configuration and Migration Tools and then click Net Configuration Assistant.Appendix: use Oracle Net Configuration Assistant to set up the tnsnames. Figure 47: Oracle Net Configuration Assistant Welcome window 3. SPATIALinfo Inc.ora file using the Oracle Net Configuration Assistant: 1. 67 of 69 .ora file was created. Select Local Net Service Name configuration. The Welcome window appears. and then click Oracle. If you prefer to set up the file using the Oracle Net Configuration Assistant. 2. and then click Next.ora file During installation of the Oracle client. then follow the instructions below. Click the Windows Start button.ora for new database connections. To create a tnsnames. 4. Keep the standard port number of 1521. In the window that appears. Figure 48: Oracle Net Configuration Assistant second window 5. select Add. SPATIALinfo Inc. type the global database name that was set up by the IT administrator during the Oracle server install. . Select TCP. 6. Click the Next button. Figure 49: Oracle Net Configuration Assistant fourth window 8. 7. In the Service Name field. 68 of 69 Obtain the IP address of the server from an IT administrator and enter type it in the Host Name field. then click Next. and then click the Next button. and then click Next. The test will run. and then click Next. then make the necessary corrections and continue to the next step. If the test was successful. click the Change Login button and enter the SPATIALinfo database administrator user name and password. Example: servicename. and continue to the next step.companyname. Figure 51: Oracle Net Configuration Assistant seventh window 11. If the test was not successful. NOTE: If the failure is caused by the user name and password. Enter the Net Service Name created during the Oracle server installation. click Next. Select Yes. Figure 50: Oracle Net Configuration Assistant sixth window 10. use the Back button to verify the data entered to this point. 69 of 69 .9. followed by the server name.net_fullservername SPATIALinfo Inc. perform a test. . Locate the tnsname. Click Next. 70 of 69 SPATIALinfo Inc. In the final window.ora files is identical. click Finish. Verify that the text in the two tnsname.12. To test that the file was configured correctly: 1.ora file on the computer and on the server at: c:\oracle\product\11G\client_1\NETWORK\ADMIN 2. 13.
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