
March 27, 2018 | Author: Pratik Sinha | Category: Road Transport, Transport, Land Transport, Transportation Engineering, Transport Infrastructure



SPECIAL PUBLICATION NO, 31NEW TRAFFIC SIGNS INDIAN ROADS CONGRESS NIW DELHI << MANDATORY/REGULATORY SIGNS SIGNS GIVING ORDERS — Mostly Circular 0 One way signs-vehicles prohibited in one direction V Give way e Tonga prohibited U-turn prohibited Width limit Compulsory ahead only No stopping or standing 0 00 prohibited Speed limit Restriction ends sign Compulsory keep left Compulsory cycle track Compulsory Sound horn Axle load limit Compulsory turn right ahead GQC)OQQ Compulsory ahead or turn right Compulsory aheadleft or turn << . InterSection L~I~L~ Ai~ Staggered Intersections Major road ahead Hump or rough road 8arrier ahead ~ Roundabout Dangerous ààAk~.i~i~ (200 Metres) (50-100 Metres) )200 Metres) (50-100 Metres) Guarded Railway Crossing Unguarded Railway Crossing << .CAUTIONARY/WARNING SIGNS — Mostly Triangular ~‘ AA AA Right hand curve Steep ascent Steep descent Cycle crossing Cross road Gap in Median Left hand curve i&~ Right Left Hair pin bend Narrow road ahead Road widens ahead Az~ Right Left Reverse bend Narrow bridge Slippery road Loose gravel Cattle Falling rocks Ferry Pedestrian crossing School i~t~ii~ Men at work Side road left y.lntersections A~ z~A~ L~Lt~L Side road right 1. 4~’tn~ Destination sign Public ROHIAK NEW DELHI 81 Advance direction sign Direction sign BAHADURGARH 0 RONTAK 48 [DEufil L~i Place Identification ~I~1 Petrol Re-assurance sign Hospital sign Telephone pump rrst-aud post Eating place Light refreshments Resting place No througri road No through side road I~I~uI~ I I II It Park this side Parking both side Scooter & motor cycle stand Cycle stand Taxi stand 1—Il—I I~1 E~I [1 LIII E~I~1 II III Auto rickshaw stand ~1 1.~ __ 4..] Cycle rickshaw stand ~~D Informafor tory Sign Flood P~estrauT~ gauge Subway << .INFORMATORY SIGNS — Mostly Rectangular E I NAJAFGARH 58 1~ __________ fiAJAFGARHJ~ RO~AK1 ~iii~ ____________ ~_DEU4I 4 1 NAJAFGARH 3 -i’n~n. Violation of these signs is a legal offence. << . Classification of signs Mandatory/Regulatory These inform the road users of laws and regulations they have to abide by. the general shape is circular except for STOP (octagonal) and GIVE WAY (inverted triangle). The informatory signs are generally rectangular shape.tem are given here. IRC: 67-1977 entitled ~Code of Practice for Road Signs’. bigger than normal sizes may be used. lnformatory These are for providing information and guidance to road users. The normal size is to be used for main roads in rural areas while the smaller size is for less important roads in rural areas and roads in urban areas. Cautionary/Warning These warn road users of the existence of certain hazardous conditions.NEW TRAFFIC SIGNS The Ninth Schedule of the Motor Vehicles Act 1939 has been amended to introduce the new system of signs. Shape For mandatory signs. On expressways. Complete details of the signs including guidelines on their erection are contained in the Indian Roads Congress Standard No. Brief particulars of the sign sys. red border and black symbols on white background. — — — Sizes of signs Two sizes for the different signs have been prescribed. The warning signs have the shape of equilateral triangle with apex pointing upwards. The new system of Signs is scheduled to become fully operational by 1st June. 1987. Jamnagar House. New Deihi-ilOOll.vertical clearance Unkerbed roads 0. Shah jahan Road.6 m 2—3m (from edge of the kerb) 2mabove 1.SIZES OF SIGNS Sign Mandatory i) Stop sign ii)Give-way sign iii) Others Warning Informatory Shape Height / Diameter / Side Normal sized Small sized cm cm 90 90 60 90 80 x 60 60 60 40 60 60 x 45 Octagon Equilateral triangle (inverted) Circular Equilateral triangle Rectangle Colour The attached drawings show the colour pattern of the various signs. The reverse sides of the signs are painted grey. Price: Rs24/— New Delhi 199 << .5mabove kerb pavement crown Published by the Indian Roads Congress. lateral clearance from carriageway edge Min. Siting of signs Kerbed roads Mm.
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