SP Office Road KKD (1)

May 13, 2018 | Author: Phani Pitchika | Category: Asphalt, Construction Aggregate, Soil, Concrete, Transport Infrastructure



ABOUT ESTIMATEI Name of the work Internal road in S.P. Office, Kakinada, East Godavari District. 2 Section Asst. Executive Engineer (R&B), (R&B) Building Section : Kakinada. 3 Sub - Division Dy. Executive Engineer (R&B), (R&B) Building Sub-divn., : Kakinada. 4 Division Executive Engineer (R&B), (R&B) Division : Kakinada 5 Circle Superintending Engineer (R&B), (R&B) Circle : Kakinada ROADS & BUILDINGS DEPARTMENT Name of work : Internal road in S.P. Office, Kakinada, East Godavari District. Estimate Amount Rs :- 1.10 lakhs (R&B) Building Section : Kakinada. (R&B) Building Sub-divn., : Kakinada. (R&B) Division : Kakinada (R&B) Circle : Kakinada EAST GODAVARI DISTRICT Specification Report to accompany the Estimate for the work of Internal road in S.P. Office, Kakinada, East Godavari District. Estimate Amount : Rs. 1.10 Lakhs Divili to F.K. Palem road is an Important Rural Road having a total length of 8.600 kms in the juirsdiction of R&B division, Kakinada. It connects number of important villages of Peddapuram & Pithapuram mandals. This road starts in Km.10/615 of Smalkota - Prathipadu road, and passes through Divili, Virava, Virawada and F.K.Palem villages and joins in Km.9/257 of Samalkota - Uppada road. This road connects number of villages and heavy intensity of traffic plies on the road as the public of all these villages travels on this road to reach major villages Kirlampudi, Prathipadu, Peddapuram & Samalkota on one side and Pithapuram on other side for their daily needs of Medical, Education, Marketing and all other purposes. The road stretch from Km.2/0 to 8/600 is very badly damaged and sunken and causing great hinderance to Vehicular traffic since the road was last renewed period during 2003-04 it requires immediate repairs.The Stretch from Km. 2/000 to 8/600 is BT road with a carriageway width of 3.75M. The stretch from Km. 3/100 to 4/000, 4/300 to 4/600 and 4/800 to 8/600 provided with B.T Patch work with 40mm HBG metal, MSS 25mm thick. The road stretch from Km. 2/000 to 3/100, 4/000 to 4/300 and 4/600 to 4/800 provided with WMM 200mm thick and MSS 25mm thick. The CVPD is 480 & The CDR of the soil 3% The following specifications / provisions are adopted in the estimate. 1) Scarifying the existing B.T surface to a depth of 50 mm by Mechanical as per MoRT&H Specn. No.305.4.3 2) Providing, Laying, Spreading and compacting graded HBG crushed stone aggregate to Wet Mix macadem specification as per MoRT&H specification.406 (4th revision) 3) Providing and applying Primer coat with bitumen Emulsion (Medium settting) (Bulk) as per MoRT&H Specification 503 (4th revision) and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. 4) Providing and applying tack coat with bitumen Emulsion (Medium settting) (Bulk) using Emulsion pressure distributor at the rate of 0.20 kgs per sqm as per MoRT&H Spec 5) Providing , laying of close graded premix surfacing material ( Mixed seal surfacing) of 25 mm thickn (Type 'B') as per table 500-26 of specification 512 of MoRT&H (4th Revision), 6) Forming earthen shoulders with selected earth with laboratory MDD not less than 17.5 KN / cum. L.S. Provisions 7) Provision for VAT @ 5% 8) Provision for Seigniorage charges (Statement enclosed) 9) L.S Provision for Unforeseen items and rounding off The estimate is prepared with 2008-2009 commom SSR for all Engineering Department and datas as per MoRT&H standard data book duly adopting over head charges @ 5% and contractors profit at 10% as per G.O.Ms No 141, T(R&B) Dept, dated 27.07.2006. Provision for VAT is shown separately as PART "B" in the estimate as per G.O.Ms No 141, T(R&B) Dept., Dt 27.07.2006 The work will be carriedout as per relevant clauses of IRC & MORTH specifications. Asst. Executive Engineer (R&B), Dy. Executive Engineer (R&B), Executive Engineer (R&B), (R&B) Building Section : Kakinada. (R&B) Building Sub-divn., : Kakinada. (R&B) Division : Kakinada Superintending Engineer (R&B), (R&B) Circle : Kakinada Executive Engineer (R&B). Sl.70 one Sqm 56. including tack coat. of metal as key stone and consolidation with 8-10 T power road roller and labour charges for picking. : Kakinada.926. level and alignment.. 4.30 one Sqm 6. grading and consolidation with 8 to 10 Tonnes Vibratory Road Roller @ OMC to meet requirement table 300-2 of MORT&H. 12.450 5 Scarifying the existing B.632 16.580. Office.. spreading soil.780 Part 'B' 10 Provision for VAT @ VAT 4% on 2. complete for finished item of work as per MoRT&H specification 305 (4th revision) 215. Dy. East Godavari District.00 sqm 5.47 one Cum 350.40 cum 1. cost and conveyance of all materials and including segniorage charges and stacking the metal and chips at road side for pre-measurements.20 Cum of 40mm IRC size HBG metal to get compacted quantity of 1 Cum precoated with bitumen 80/100 grade using a total quantity of 42 Kgs. per 1 Cum. (R&B) Building Section : Kakinada. breaking clods.P.. complete as per MoRT&H Specification 508 (4th Revision) complete for finished item of work in all respects as directed by Engineer-in-charge.00 one Cum 50.000 1.00 one Cum 1. Charges 5. ABSTRACT ESTIMATE Name of the work: Internal road in S. including all hire and operational charges of T&P etc. 5. Description of item Quantity Rate Per Amount No 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 Providing B.520.802.60 cum 9.603 Asst.191 8 Provision for Q.T. as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge and as per MoRT&H specification. 112. (R&B) Building Sub-divn. complete for finished item of work as per standard specification APSS No. 194.. Spreading and compacting graded HBG crushed stone aggregate to Wet Mix macadem specification including cost of all materials and including premixing the material with water at OMC in Mechanical mix plant carriage of mixed material by tipper to site . sectioning to camber and spreading 9.00 cum 3.382 2 Providing and applying tack coat with bitumen 80/100 (Bulk) using pressure distributor at the rate of 0.T surface to a depth of 50 mm by Mechanical means and disposal of scarified material with all leads and lifts upto 1000 Mtrs as per MoRT&H (4th Revision) Specn.621 1.99% Less -620.812 Deduct T.60 cum 234.50mm to 11.20mm HBG machine crushed chips at the rate of 0.13 Cum. laying in uniform layers with paver in base courses on well prepared surface and compacting with Vibratory roller to acheive the desired density etc. Executive Engineer (R&B). Executive Engineer (R&B).473.413.869 6 Providing. laying with mechanical paver finisher to the required grade.400 2.296.vibratory and tandem rollers to achieve the desired compaction including hire and opeational charges all T&P and all other contingent charges necessary excluding cost of seigniorage charges on all materials etc.00 one cum 616. Kakinada.C. patchwork using 1.1510 157.191 7 Provision for Price Adjustment @ 4% 60. No.20 kgs per sqm on the prepared bituminous/granular surface cleaned with mechanical broom for finished item of work as per MoRT&H Specification 503 (4th revision) and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.76. rolling with smooth wheeled.00 transporting the hot mix to work site.00 Sqm.904 4 Forming earthen shoulders with borrowed useful selected earth from outside road boundary by mechanical means upto with all leads and lifts including pre-watering of soil borrowed area. Laying.000 9 Provision unforseen items and rounding off. (R&B) Division : Kakinada . brushing and dusting the existing road surface and hire charges of T&P etc. depositing the soil on the shoulder. premixed with bituminous binder 60/70 grade @ 5% of mix and filler.140.812.807 3 Providing 25 mm thick compacted Semi-Dense Bituminous Concrete by hot mix plant using hard blasted granite crushed aggregates of Grading -2 as per table 500-15 of specification 508 of MoRT&H (4th Revision).3 1. conveyance of soil. sectioning.P -28.406 (4th revision) for finished item of work. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Superintending Engineer (R&B). (R&B) Circle : Kakinada . 12/4 ( 1 x 1 ) 20.00 1.00 Sqm.100 10.30 Sqm.00 ( 1 x 1 ) 100. . In Km.23/4 ( 1 x 1 ) 15.00 3. East Godavari District. 219.100 6.21/4 ( 1 x 3 ) 20.50 0..66 0. 201. patchwork using 1.00 In Km.00 cum 2 Providing and applying tack coat with bitumen 80/100 (Bulk) using pressure distributor at the rate of 0.50 0.66 --. 124. ( 1 x 1 ) 45.00 3. 384.00 0.00 3.100 7.20/6 ( 1 x 1 ) 105.22/8 ( 1 x 1 ) 15.22/2 ( 1 x 1 ) 30.44 Sqm.00 In Km.00 3.30 Sqm.100 5. ( 1 x 1 ) 105.66 --.100 8.30 Sqm.00 3.00 In Km.00 Sqm.00 0.21/2 ( 1 x 2 ) 25.00 3.60 Sqm.00 In Km. 384. PART -A : .20/8 ( 1 x 1 ) 100. In Km.14/4 ( 1 x 2 ) 12. sectioning to camber and spreading 9. Description of item No Length Breadth Depth Quantity No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Providing B.20mm HBG machine crushed chips at the rate of 0. Before laying SDBC In Km. In Km.100 11.22/4 ( 1 x 1 ) 35. 109.00 2.00 0. In Km.00 0.00 2.25 In Km.00 3.00 0.00 2. DETAILED ESTIMATE Name of the work: Internal road in S.00 3. 124.00 5.100 5.66 --.00 2.20/10 ( 1 x 1 ) 50.66 --.(Temporary Restoration) Sl.100 20.00 In Km.21/4 ( 1 x 3 ) 15.00 3.66 --.00 3.19/10 ( 1 x 1 ) 30.13 Cum. Office.20/6 ( 1 x 1 ) 100.00 In Km.70 Sqm. 256.00 In Km.00 2.19/6 ( 1 x 2 ) 17.30 Sqm.00 0.00 In Km.00 In Km.66 --. including tack coat.50 0.00 2.12 Sqm. In Km. complete for finished item of work as per standard specification APSS No.20 Sqm. In Km.00 3.50mm to 11.20 kgs per sqm on the prepared bituminous/granular surface cleaned with mechanical broom for finished item of work as per MoRT&H Specification 503 (4th revision) and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.T.00 2. 183.00 3. In Km. 549.00 In Km.66 --.21/2 ( 1 x 2 ) 20. Kakinada. 117.66 --.66 --.66 --. 110.78 In Km.00 0.100 20.00 3. per 1 Cum. In Km.00 2.00 3. 183.20/2 ( 1 x 2 ) 25.00 ( 1 x 1 ) 40.20/8 ( 1 x 1 ) 105.00 2. brushing and dusting the existing road surface and hire charges of T&P etc.100 20.66 0.50 0.21/6 ( 1 x 1 ) 50. 117. In Km. 384. In Km.00 0.50 --.66 --.20 Sqm.00 In Km.00 0.66 --. In Km.00 2.12 Sqm.19/6 ( 1 x 2 ) 12.100 6.00 2.00 Sqm.P.1510 BT Patch work for filling pot holes and deep sunken portions.00 3. 73. ( 1 x 1 ) 32.66 --. 164.00 3. In Km.14/4 ( 1 x 2 ) 17.6/6 ( 1 x 1 ) 20. of metal as key stone and consolidation with 8-10 T power road roller and labour charges for picking.66 --.00 0.00 2.100 8.00 0.00 3.100 10.100 5.100 3.49 156.00 Sqm.00 3. In Km.00 2.66 --.22/6 ( 1 x 1 ) 20.21/10 ( 1 x 1 ) 150.52 cum or say 157.66 --.44 Sqm.00 2.100 8.66 --. In Km.20 Cum of 40mm IRC size HBG metal to get compacted quantity of 1 Cum precoated with bitumen 80/100 grade using a total quantity of 42 Kgs.12/4 ( 1 x 1 ) 15. ( 1 x 1 ) 32.80 Sqm.20/2 ( 1 x 2 ) 20. cost and conveyance of all materials and including segniorage charges and stacking the metal and chips at road side for pre- measurements.21/8 ( 1 x 1 ) 70. 201.00 3.20/10 ( 1 x 1 ) 55.00 In Km.100 3.21/6 ( 1 x 1 ) 55.30 Sqm. 100 6.00 1.00 5.21/8 ( 1 x 2 ) 70.T surface to a depth of 50 mm by Mechanical means and disposal of scarified material with all leads and lifts upto 1000 Mtrs as per MoRT&H (4th Revision) Specn. In Km. level and alignment.00 1. 73.00 0.400 cum In Km.100 4.100 4. premixed with bituminous binder 60/70 grade @ 5% of mix and filler.00 1.400 cum In Km.00 1. 256. depositing the soil on the shoulder. In Km.00 1.100 7.100 8.66 --.000 cum 215.00 0.19/6 ( 1 x 2 ) 17.66 --.000 cum ( 1 x 2 ) 32.6/6 ( 1 x 2 ) 20.00 sqm 3 Providing 25 mm thick compacted Semi-Dense Bituminous Concrete by hot mix plant using hard blasted granite crushed aggregates of Grading -2 as per table 500-15 of specification 508 of MoRT&H (4th Revision).100 21.00 3.520 sqm In Km.100 3.00 1. sectioning.66 --.6/6 ( 1 x 1 ) 20.20 Sqm.00 1.00 1.20 Sqm. 117.00 1.000 cum In Km.. In Km. 128.00 3.000 0.00 0.100 5.00 0. complete as per MoRT&H Specification 508 (4th Revision) complete for finished item of work in all respects as directed by Engineer-in-charge.100 30.60 cum NEW ITEM 5 Scarifying the existing B.000 cum In Km.000 cum In Km.00 1.00 0. grading and consolidation with 8 to 10 Tonnes Vibratory Road Roller @ OMC to meet requirement table 300-2 of MORT&H.00 0. complete for finished item of work as per MoRT&H specification 305 (4th revision) In Km.00 0.800 sqm ( 1 x 1 ) 22.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 3. including all hire and operational charges of T&P etc.50 --.100 4.000 cum In Km.100 14.22/6 ( 1 x 2 ) 25. 109.00 0. 91.100 4.21/4 ( 1 x 2 ) 20.19/10 ( 1 x 2 ) 30.00 1.00 1.23/4 ( 1 x 2 ) 20.00 1.000 sqm In Km.000 cum In Km. laying with mechanical paver finisher to the required grade.00 0.000 cum ( 1 x 2 ) 22.23/2 ( 1 x 2 ) 20.00 0. 146.100 4.400 cum In Km.22/4 ( 1 x 1 ) 40.00 3.00 0.000 cum In Km.00 3.66 --.20/8 ( 1 x 2 ) 105.21/2 ( 1 x 2 ) 25.20/10 ( 1 x 2 ) 55.21/8 ( 1 x 1 ) 70.23/4 ( 1 x 1 ) 20. 73.473.00 1.21/6 ( 1 x 2 ) 55.72 sqm or say 4.00 3.00 0.22/2 ( 1 x 1 ) 35.10 Sqm.20 Sqm.200 sqm .000 cum In Km.20/6 ( 1 x 2 ) 105.40 Sqm.22/8 ( 1 x 1 ) 20.472.100 3.66 --.12/4 ( 1 x 2 ) 20.3 In Km. 110.00 0.00 1.22/4 ( 1 x 2 ) 40.21/10 ( 1 x 2 ) 150. 4.22/2 ( 1 x 2 ) 35.00 3.14/4 ( 1 x 2 ) 17.66 --.100 5.000 cum ( 1 x 2 ) 105.66 --.00 1.120 sqm In Km. In Km.60 cum 4 Forming earthen shoulders with borrowed useful selected earth from outside road boundary by mechanical means upto with all leads and lifts including pre-watering of soil borrowed area.60 cum or say 215.400 cum In Km..000 cum In Km.00 0.000 cum ( 1 x 2 ) 45.00 1.00 0.305.00 0. rolling with smooth wheeled.50 Sqm.00 0. transporting the hot mix to work site.vibratory and tandem rollers to achieve the desired compaction including hire and opeational charges all T&P and all other contingent charges necessary excluding cost of seigniorage charges on all materials etc. spreading soil.000 cum In Km.100 4.23/2 ( 1 x 1 ) 20. No.00 1.00 3.22/6 ( 1 x 1 ) 25.22/8 ( 1 x 2 ) 20.66 --.100 5.00 0.83 cum or say 112.00 0.100 9.00 3.00 0.100 6.100 21.000 cum In Km.000 cum In Km.025 111. breaking clods.000 cum In Km. conveyance of soil.00 1.100 4.100 11.19/10 ( 1 x 1 ) 30.20/2 ( 1 x 2 ) 25.00 1.00 3.66 --.00 1.100 21.000 cum In Km.000 cum In Km. 80.00 0.4. In Km.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 In Km.20/4 ( 1 x 1 ) 32.00 1.00 0.000 cum In Km. 73.66 --. Quantity above item ( 1 x 1 ) 4473.100 11.00 1. 21/10 ( 1 x 1 ) 150. as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge and as per MoRT&H specification. Executive Engineer (R&B). 73.150 10. (R&B) Division : Kakinada Superintending Engineer (R&B). In Km. Laying.00 3. : Kakinada..66 0.200 sqm 1.66 --.295.406 (4th revision) for finished item of work.00 5.(R&B) Building Sub-divn. Dy.66 0.570 cum In Km.6/6 ( 1 x 1 ) 20.00 3.21/8 ( 1 x 1 ) 70.23/2 ( 1 x 1 ) 20.66 0.50 0.00 3.66 0. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 In Km. Executive Engineer (R&B). (R&B) Circle : Kakinada .00 3.500 cum In Km.19/10 ( 1 x 1 ) 30.66 0.150 82.296.66 --. Spreading and compacting graded HBG crushed stone aggregate to Wet Mix macadem specification including cost of all materials and including premixing the material with water at OMC in Mechanical mix plant carriage of mixed material by tipper to site .40 cum Asst.980 cum 194.00 3.20/4 ( 1 x 1 ) 32.00 sqm 5 Providing. (R&B) Building Section : Kakinada.150 16.150 12..00 3. Executive Engineer (R&B).66 0. laying in uniform layers with paver in base courses on well prepared surface and compacting with Vibratory roller to acheive the desired density etc.150 16.38 cum or say 194.23/2 ( 1 x 1 ) 20.21/10 ( 1 x 1 ) 150.00 3.84 sqm or say 1.350 cum In Km. 549.00 3.000 sqm In Km.150 38.150 17.470 cum ( 1 x 1 ) 22.430 cum In Km.080 cum In Km. Executive Engineer (R&B). (R&B) Building Sub-divn.163 4 L. Kakinada. Superintending Engineer (R&B).S Provision for Unforeseen items and rounding off 367 ----------------- Grond Total Rs 110.000 3 Provision for Seigniorage charges (Statement enclosed) 5. Description of Item Amount 1 Cost of Road work 99.000 Asst. Executive Engineer (R&B). (R&B) Division : Kakinada (R&B) Circle : Kakinada . (R&B) Building Section : Kakinada. East Godavari District. Executive Engineer (R&B).S Provisions 2 Provision for VAT @ 5% 5. No.470 L. Name of the work Sl.P. Office.470 99. 9/34 GENERAL ABSTRACT Internal road in S. : Kakinada.. Dy. 00 sqm 5. Office. including cost of all materials and transporting the hot mix to work site. Description of item Quantity Rate Per No 1 2 3 4 5 1 Scarifying the existing B.40 one Sqm 5 Providing . 180.406 (4th revision) for finished item of work.802.T surface to a depth of 50 mm by Mechanical means and disposal of scarified material with all leads and lifts upto 1000 Mtrs as per MoRT&H (4th Revision) Specn.20 kgs per sqm on the prepared bituminous/granular surface cleaned with mechanical broom for finished item of work as per MoRT&H Specification 503 (4th revision) and as directed by the Engineer-in- Charge. No.09mm (Type 'B') as per table 500-26 of specification 512 of MoRT&H (4th Revision).305. rolling with smooth wheeled roller 8 to 10 Tonnes as per MoRT&H Specification 512 (4th Revision) complete for finished item of work in all respects as directed by Engineer-in- charge. laying in uniform layers with paver in base courses on well prepared surface and compacting with Vibratory roller to acheive the desired density etc.P. Kakinada.. . Sl.60 kgs per sqm on the prepared bituminous/granular surface cleaned with mechanical broom for finished item of work as per MoRT&H Specification 503 (4th revision) and as directed by the Engineer-in- Charge.3 180. premixed with bituminous binder 60/70 Bulk grade @ 23.00 one Sqm 4 Providing and applying tack coat with bitumen Emulsion (Medium settting) (Bulk) using Emulsion pressure distributor at the rate of 0.00 one cum 3 Providing and applying Primer coat with bitumen Emulsion (Medium settting) (Bulk) using Emulsion pressure distributor at the rate of 0.75 Kg per 10 Sqm area. 26. laying of close graded premix surfacing material ( Mixed seal surfacing) of 25 mm thickness by hot mix plant using hard blasted granite crushed aggregates of 13. 180. Laying. East Godavari District. as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge and as per MoRT&H specification.96 cum 1.30 one Sqm 2 Providing.4.00 sqm 11. level and alignment.2mm to 0.00 sqm 32. laying with mechanical paver finisher to the required grade. Spreading and compacting graded HBG crushed stone aggregate to Wet Mix macadem specification including cost of all materials and including premixing the material with water at OMC in Mechanical mix plant carriage of mixed material by tipper to site . ABSTRACT ESTIMATE Name of the work: Internal road in S. 00 sqm 205.1 2 3 4 5 180.00 one Sqm . 1 2 3 4 5 6 Forming earthen shoulders with borrowed useful selected earth from outside road boundary by mechanical means upto with all leads and lifts including pre-watering of soil borrowed area. (R&B) Division : Kakinada (R&B) Circle : Kakinada . including all hire and operational charges of T&P etc. Executive Engineer (R&B). spreading soil.73 cum 332. (R&B) Building Sub-divn. depositing the soil on the shoulder. (R&B) Building Section : Kakinada.. complete for finished item of work as per MoRT&H specification 305 (4th revision) 15. Superintending Engineer (R&B).00 one Cum Asst. Dy. conveyance of soil. breaking clods. grading and consolidation with 8 to 10 Tonnes Vibratory Road Roller @ OMC to meet requirement table 300-2 of MORT&H. Executive Engineer (R&B).. sectioning. : Kakinada. Executive Engineer (R&B). 582 5.P.052 . Amount 6 954 48.760 2. Kakinada. East Godavari District. ABSTRACT ESTIMATE d in S. Office. 6 36.900 . 6 5.222 99.470 (R&B) Building Sub-divn. : Kakinada. .. 94 ( 1 x 1 ) 44.00 0.94 4. Description of item No Length Breadth Depth Quantity No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Scarifying the existing B. 179.76 sqm or say 180.94 4.4. Spreading and compacting graded HBG crushed stone aggregate to Wet Mix macadem specification including cost of all materials and including premixing the material with water at OMC in Mechanical mix plant carriage of mixed material by tipper to site . as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge and as per MoRT&H specification. East Godavari District. DETAILED ESTIMATE Name of the work: Internal road in S. km 0 / 000 to 0 / 044.00 sqm . km 0 / 000 to 0 / 044.T surface to a depth of 50 mm by Mechanical means and disposal of scarified material with all leads and lifts upto 1000 Mtrs as per MoRT&H (4th Revision) Specn. Laying.3 km 0 / 000 to 0 / 044.406 (4th revision) for finished item of work.96 cum or say 26. Kakinada.96 cum 3 Providing and applying Primer coat with bitumen Emulsion (Medium settting) (Bulk) using Emulsion pressure distributor at the rate of 0. Sl.. 179. Office.305.76 sqm or say 180.94 4.94 ( 1 x 1 ) 44.94 ( 1 x 1 ) 44. No. laying in uniform layers with paver in base courses on well prepared surface and compacting with Vibratory roller to acheive the desired density etc.P.60 kgs per sqm on the prepared bituminous/granular surface cleaned with mechanical broom for finished item of work as per MoRT&H Specification 503 (4th revision) and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.00 sqm 2 Providing.00 --.150 26.00 --. 94 4.000 ---.76 sqm or say 180.00 sqm 6 Forming earthen shoulders with borrowed useful selected earth from outside road boundary by mechanical means upto with all leads and lifts including pre-watering of soil borrowed area. km 0 / 000 to 0 / 044. conveyance of soil.76 sqm or say 180.75 Kg per 10 Sqm area.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4 Providing and applying tack coat with bitumen Emulsion (Medium settting) (Bulk) using Emulsion pressure distributor at the rate of 0.94 ( 1 x 1 ) 44.09mm (Type 'B') as per table 500-26 of specification 512 of MoRT&H (4th Revision). rolling with smooth wheeled roller 8 to 10 Tonnes as per MoRT&H Specification 512 (4th Revision) complete for finished item of work in all respects as directed by Engineer-in-charge.. depositing the soil on the shoulder. laying with mechanical paver finisher to the required grade. breaking clods. including cost of all materials and transporting the hot mix to work site.20 kgs per sqm on the prepared bituminous/granular surface cleaned with mechanical broom for finished item of work as per MoRT&H Specification 503 (4th revision) and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. (R&B) Building Section : Kakinada. complete for finished item of work as per MoRT&H specification 305 (4th revision) km 0 / 000 to 0 / 044. (R&B) Division : Kakinada Superintending Engineer (R&B). Executive Engineer (R&B). Dy.175 15. 179. sectioning. km 0 / 000 to 0 / 044. laying of close graded premix surfacing material ( Mixed seal surfacing) of 25 mm thickness by hot mix plant using hard blasted granite crushed aggregates of 13. grading and consolidation with 8 to 10 Tonnes Vibratory Road Roller @ OMC to meet requirement table 300-2 of MORT&H. Executive Engineer (R&B).94 ( 1 x 1 ) 44. : Kakinada. 179. Executive Engineer (R&B). level and alignment.73 cum or say 15. including all hire and operational charges of T&P etc. (R&B) Circle : Kakinada .00 sqm 5 Providing .94 4.000 0. spreading soil.73 cum Asst.2mm to 0. premixed with bituminous binder 60/70 Bulk grade @ 23.94 1.000 ---. (R&B) Building Sub-divn..94 ( 1 x 2 ) 44. 22. -. Executive Engineer (R&B). Office.320 -. (R&B) Division : Kakinada Superintending Engineer (R&B).. of 3 Earthen 1 Cum. -. of Item Amount the Unit Gravel Gravel estimate Metal Sand Metal Sand / Earth / Earth Wet Mix 1 1 Cum. (R&B) Circle : Kakinada .3375 -. -. Total Unit made for per Data (in Cum. Statement showing the Seigniorages per Unit rate Total qty Theoritical requirement Seignorage charges per provision of Material per Unit as Seignorage Sl. 66. -.00 22. 50.) charges per No. Constn. 180. Short description Cum. 26. Dy. Kakinada. 5163 Asst.00 346 Shoulders Total seigniorage amount Rs. 1.00 0.875 3038 Gr. -.P.00 -. (R&B) Building Sub-divn.73 -. 50. Executive Engineer (R&B).96 1. 16. East Godavari District. (R&B) Building Section : Kakinada. Executive Engineer (R&B). -. : Kakinada.00 -.000 1779 Macadem MSS 25mm thick 2 Bitumen 60/70 1 Sqm. 15.[RSR]Price adjustment] [Seigniorage Charges Statement] 18/34 Name of work Internal road in S.00 -. Executive Engineer (R&B).Pamarru road (NH. 259.Pamarru road (NH. East Godavari District. of the working stretch 0.00 / cum D) For Bitumen & Emulsion : a) Lead from ex-factory aVisakha to SP Office From km / to / of Refinery to V-V road (NH. Office.Yerravaram road = 6.223 kms Or say: 156.Pamarru road (NH. Kakinada.000 kms Total metalled road length 154.470 kms From km 17 / 400 to 0 / 000 of Samalkot .Visakhapatnam road (NH.0225 kms c) Total lead = 51.000 kms b) Metalled road length: From km 1 / 900 to 0 / 000 of Yeleswaram .945 kms From km 23 / 900 to 14 / 500 of Kakinada .Jeddangi road = 1.Pamarru NH-216 = 5.000 kms lead ( including stacking charges) Rs.5) = 120.600 kms Lead upto km 0 / 000 of SP Office 156.600 kms From km 0 / 000 to 34 / 000 of Kathipudi . (R&B) Building Section : Kakinada.Rajanagaram (ADB) Road = 9.518 kms Or say: 51.495 kms Add working reach = 0.000 kms b) Metalled road length: From km 6 / 006 to 34 / 000 of Kathipudi .Uppada road = 1.214) = 27. -:oOo:- Reach proposed in the present estimate: km 0 / 000 to 0 / 045 0.994 kms Total metalled road length 27. Dy.800 kms From km 8 / 470 to 0 / 000 of Kirlampudi .900 kms From km 0 / 000 to 6 / 800 of Yeleswaram . (R&B) Circle : Kakinada .000 kms d) Lead charges for 29.0225 kms c) Total lead = 29.580 kms Total metalled road length 51.994 kms Add working reach = 0.495 kms Lead upto km 0 / 000 of SP Office 51.200 kms Add working reach = 0.000 kms d) Lead charges for 51. (R&B) Division : Kakinada Superintending Engineer (R&B).017 kms Or say: 29.400 kms From km 1 / 945 to 0 / 000 of Samalkot .400 kms From km 28 / 420 to 34 / 000 of Kathipudi .994 kms Lead upto km 0 / 000 of SP Office 28.000 kms Asst.Yerravaram road = 8.. : Kakinada.600 kms b) Metalled road length: From km 382 / 400 to 261 / 800 of Vijayawada .214) = 34.P.0225 A) For HBG metal: HBG metal from Rayavaram quarry a) Cart track length = = 0. (R&B) Building Sub-divn. LEAD CALCULATION FOR VARIOUS MATERIALS UPTO CENTER OF THE WORKING STRETCH Name of the work: Internal road in S.216) = 1. 406. Executive Engineer (R&B).000 kms lead ( including stacking charges) Rs.045 Center Km.Prathipadu road = 17.50 / cum B) For gravel: Gravel quarry at Chebrolu Quarry to loading place 6/0 of Kathipudi . Executive Engineer (R&B).0225 kms c) Total lead = 156.5) = 1. kms kms kms kms kms kms kms kms kms kms kms kms kms cum kms kms kms kms kms kms kms cum kms kms kms kms kms kms kms kms . 00 105.30 70.30 70.0 406.70 1513.00 137. 51.30 70.0 406..do -.70 1156.30 0.70 1081.70 614.00 Asst.50 225.30 70.70 1494.50 681.36mm and below -.50 821.83 -8.70 959.0 406.30 70. East Godavari District. Dy. 51.30 70.do -.00 56.10 10 Gravel Chebrolu 29. Kakinada. : Kakinada. 51. ROAD METAL RATES NAME OF WORK ::.10 2 40 to 45 mm IRC and MoRTH HBG M/C metal -.do -.5 to 11.20 mm IRC and MoRTH HBG M/C 6 -.33 -8.00 170.do -. Executive Engineer (R&B). 51.33 -8.50 216.50 491.30 70.30 70.43 4 19 to 22 mm IRC and MoRTH HBG M/C metal -.50 304. Executive Engineer (R&B).Internal road in S. (R&B) Division : Kakinada Superintending Engineer (R&B). (R&B) Circle : Kakinada .43 9. Deduct Lead Initial cost Machine Seigniora Sl.93 metal 7 5 to 7 mm IRC and MoRTH HBG M/C metal -.0 406.50 491.00 0.70 749.0 406.0 406.43 9 HBG Stone chips 2.50 836.33 -8.00 -8.36 to 5 mm IRC and MoRTH HBG M/C metal -.50 0.50 551.do -.do -. (R&B) Building Sub-divn.0 406.do -.83 -8. 51. 51.00 0.00 -8.00 50.00 209.50 421.70 994.0 406.70 1319.43 8 2. 51.do -.0 406.0 259. Blasting stacking Toal Cost Description of Metal Source of Supply in Conveyance less crushing ge No charges charges for per Cum Kms stacking charges charges conveyance A) FOR ROAD WORKS 1 40 to 45 mm IRC and MoRTH HBG metal Rayavaram 51.18 5 12 to 14 mm IRC and MoRTH HBG M/C metal -. Executive Engineer (R&B).00 0.P.08 -8.00 205.00 122.00 -5. Office. 51.33 -8.93 3 25 to 27 mm IRC and MoRTH HBG M/C metal -. (R&B) Building Section : Kakinada. COST OF BITUMEN / MT Name of Work Internal road in S.00 Excise Duty @ 14.98 Lead from Visakhapatnam 156.HPCL Price List With Effect From Ref ::.P.255.00 468. ----------------. For Bulk Bitumen 80/100.068.00 49.50 x 2 per KM 468.08 80/100 & 60/70 Gr VAT @ 5% 2.084. ----------------- 46.42% 5.253.00 468. ----------------- Depot price including all taxes 48.201.32 47.948.90 Emulsion VAT @5% ----------------. ----------------.HINCOL Price List With Effect From Dt.286. Bulk 60/70 Gr.08 ----------------. CRMB 55 Bulk:.32 5.833. (R&B) Building Section : Kakinada.00 41..01-11-2014 Bulk 80/100 Gr.698.76 43. Kakinada. Office.600.000 Kms Lead charges for Bulk @ 1.98 Asst.561.782.76 44. (R&B) Building Sub-divn. : Kakinada. Executive Engineer (R&B).64 50.Dt.250.00 36. East Godavari District.08 2.64 49.029.443. Emulsion (Bulk) Visakhapatnam Visakhapatnam Visakhapatnam Basic Price 40. Executive Engineer (R&B). 16-11-2014 For Emulsion (Bulk) :.32 2. Superintending Engineer (R&B).68 41.68 5. Executive Engineer (R&B).314. (R&B) Division : Kakinada (R&B) Circle : Kakinada .453.360. Dy. 00 day 90.00 hr 132. Office.00 % Add for Over head charges @ 5% on (A)+(B) 23. Mazdoor 146.00 nos.00 day 1.23 hr Tipper 5. ROAD DATAS Name of Work ::.00 0. East Godavari District.00 hr Mechanical Paver finisher 100 TPH 1090.30 1 Sqm 2 Providing.00 hr 27.P.00 hr 7920.53 Cost per 100 sqm 533. Laying.50 cum capacity.87 Rate per 1 sqm 5.34 Rate to be adopted 5.60 hr Wet mix plant of 60 tonne hr.90 hr Vibratory roller 8-10 T 1550. as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge and as per MoRT&H specification.00 hr front end loader 1 cum capacity 1320. No.88 0.24 2.00 hr Water tanker 345.4.. Mate 188.11 Add Contractors Profit at 10% on (A)+(B)+(c) 48.38 (B) Machinery 0.00 hr 1035.00 3.40 day 386. Unit = cum Page 110.08 hr Tractor with ripper attachm 345.00 hr Electric generating set 125 KVA 1090.00 hr 6045.00 hr 264.00 Total 36792.68 of MoRT&H SDB Taking output = 100 sqm (A) Labour 0.305.60 0.00 hr 8712.00 3.00 6.00 nos. Spreading and compacting graded HBG crushed stone aggregate to Wet Mix macadem specification including cost of all materials and including premixing the material with water at OMC in Mechanical mix plant carriage of mixed material by tipper to site . laying in uniform layers with paver in base courses on well prepared surface and compacting with Vibratory roller to acheive the desired density etc.00 hr 6540. Kakinada.00 6.48 nos.406 (4 th revision) for finished item of work.01 day Mate 188.111 of MoRT&H SDB Taking output = 225 cum (A) Labour 0.3 Unit = sqm Page 67.00 . capacity 1320.00 day 36.25 day Mazdoor 146.80 10. 4 575.00 Total 1937. Mazdoor skilled 193.Internal road in S. Quantity Description of Item Rate per Amount 1 Scarifying the existing B.20 hr Front end loader 1 cum capa 1320.00 day 1460.25 Total 423.00 hr 6540.50 Total 38.04 (B) Machinery 6.00 6.85 (C) Over head charges @ 5% (10%-VAT) 5.T surface to a depth of 50 mm by Mechanical means and disposal of scarified material with all leads and lifts upto 1000 Mtrs as per MoRT&H (4 th Revision) Specn. 00 hr 1036.75 Cost per 3500 sqm (E) + (F) 111812.46 Rate per 1 cum 1802. Of 19-22mm.58 metal@40% (Av.00 hr 345.31 89.00 1 Sqm .18 cum 121459. 9.08 nos Mate 188.00 day 15.51 (E) Total of (A) + (B)+( C)+(D) 368686.80 cum 22. 12- 14mm.00 nos Mazdoor 146.00 hr 690.36mm & below) 54716. Quantity Description of Item Rate per Amount (C) Material 89.00 Total 307.06 Total 92927.00 % Add for Over head charges @ 5% on (A)+(B)+( C) 4840.36 - 5mm ) 2.00 Total 3573.00 water Tanker 345.36mm to 75 micron @ 30% (2.95 Rate to be adopted 32.34 metal@ 30% (Av.36 (E) Total of (A) + (B)+( C)+(D) 101647.00 % Add for Over head charges @ 5% on (A)+(B)+( C) 351130.60 kgs per sqm on the prepared bituminous/granular surface cleaned with mechanical broom for finished item of work as per MoRT&H Specification 503 (4th revision) and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.00 Cum 3 Providing and applying Primer coat with bitumen Emulsion (Medium settting) (Bulk) using Emulsion pressure distributor at the rate of 0.00 (C) Material 2.68 Cost per 225 cum (E) + (F)+(G) 405555. Of 40-45.2mm. 2. 19-22mm ) 118.80 hr 290.00 hr 1380.10 cum 45 to 22.98 MT 92927.80 hr Air compressor 250 cfm 370.00 Emulsion pressure distributor @1750 2. 25-27. 5-7mm.00 sqm/hr 1. 2.06 (D) Over head charges @5% on (A) + (B)+( C) 5.23 (D) Over head charges @ 5% (10%-VAT) 5.36mm IRC&MoRT&H HBG M/C 1146.10 cum 614.00 sqm/hr.78 (F) Add Contractors Profit at 10% on (E) 36868.04 2.04 (B) Machinery Mechanical broom Hydraulic @ 1250 2.47 Rate to be adopted per 1 cum 1802.00 day 292.10 MT Bitumen Emulsion @ 0.21 Rate per 1 sqm 31.5-11.40mm IRC&MoRT&H HBG M/C 1363.46 (F) Add Contractors Profit at 10% on (E) 10164. unit = sqm Page 124 of MoRT&H SDB Taking output = 3500 sqm (A) Labour 0.68 cum 136225.60 Kgs/sqm 44250.4 to 2.10 cum Total 312401.27 17556.00 hr 812. 00 2.92 .84 nos. Air compressor 250 cfm 370.00 nos. Mate 188.69 Total 30975.69 (D) Over head charges @ 5% (10%-VAT) 5.70 MT Bitumen Emulsion @ 0.92 14.40 day 967. Mazdoor working with HMP. paver.75 Kg per 10 Sqm area. including cost of all materials and transporting the hot mix to work site.90 Rate per 1 sqm 11.08 nos Mate 188.00 hr Emulsion pressure distributor @1750 690.80 hr sqm/hr. levels and layout of construction.20 kgs per sqm on the prepared bituminous/granular surface cleaned with mechanical broom for finished item of work as per MoRT&H Specification 503 (4 th revision) and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.00 % Add for Over head charges @ 5% on (A)+(B)+( C) 1725.04 2. Unit = sqm Page 146.) (A) Labour 0.04 (B) Machinery 2.00 (C) Material 0. roller. Total 3168. rolling with smooth wheeled roller 8 to 10 Tonnes as per MoRT&H Specification 512 (4th Revision) complete for finished item of work in all respects as directed by Engineer-in-charge.00 Mechanical broom.00 hr 1036.147 of MoRT&H SDB Taking output = (205 cum) (450 tonnes. laying with mechanical paver finisher to the required grade.00 day 2044. Skilled Mazdoor for checking line and 193.00 nos Mazdoor 146.00 day 157. Quantity Description of Item Rate per Amount 4 Providing and applying tack coat with bitumen Emulsion (Medium settting) (Bulk) using Emulsion pressure distributor at the rate of 0.00 day 292. 146. level and alignment.20 Kgs/sqm 44250.54 (E) Total of (A) + (B)+( C)+(D) 36236. asphalt cutter and assistance for setting outlines.00 hr 812.00 sqm/hr Total 3228.27 (F) Add Contractors Profit at 10% on (E) 3623. unit = sqm Page 124 of MoRT&H SDB Taking output = 3500 sqm (A) Labour 0. premixed with bituminous binder 60/70 Bulk grade @ 23.98 MT 30975.63 Cost per 3500 sqm (E) + (F) 39859.39 Rate to be adopted 11.2mm to 0.00 nos.40 1 Sqm 5 Providing .00 day 15.00 levels.00 hr 1380.00 2.00 Total 307.09mm (Type 'B') as per table 500-26 of specification 512 of MoRT&H (4 th Revision). laying of close graded premix surfacing material ( Mixed seal surfacing) of 25 mm thickness by hot mix plant using hard blasted granite crushed aggregates of 13.80 hr Mechanical broom Hydraulic @ 1250 290. 5. 01 (E) Total of (A) + (B)+( C)+(D) 1530186.33 (D) Over head charges @ 5% (10%-VAT) 5.75 cum Average rate of IRC&MoRT&H HBG 966.27 cum per 10 sqm 276. including all hire and operational charges of T&P etc.00 hr 9300.76 Cost per sqm of 25mm thick MSS 205.00 4.76 MT 974579. grading and consolidation with 8 to 10 Tonnes Vibratory Road Roller @ OMC to meet requirement table 300-2 of MORT&H. breaking clods.00 % Add for Over head charges @ 5% on (A)+(B)+( C) 1457320.00 day 146..5mm and HBG 2.25 72866.00 hr 5232.00 hr Generator 250 KVA 1550.00 153. spreading soil.00 hr Front end loader 1 cum capacity 1320.00 (C) Material 19.00 6.00 1 sqm 6 Forming earthen shoulders with borrowed useful selected earth from outside road boundary by mechanical means upto with all leads and lifts including pre-watering of soil borrowed area. 2. 5- 7mm.72 kg per 10 sqm (ii) Aggregate For Type 'B' HBG M/C aggregates 13.27 Rate per 1 Sqm 205.61 M/C metal of sizes 12-14. depositing the soil on the shoulder.36mm&below Total 1242159.T (i) Bitumen 60/70 Grade Bulk @ 23.63 Cost per 205 cum (E) + (F)+(G) 1683204.52 .04 day Mate 188. Quantity Description of Item Rate per Amount (B) Machinary 12.00 hr 7920. conveyance of soil. complete for finished item of work as per MoRT&H specification 305 (4 th revision) Unit : Cum Lead for gravelly soil 29 Km.00 Total 211992.80 hr Mechanical Paver finisher @ 100 TPH 1090.00 hr 3240.86 cum 267579.69 of MoRT&H SDB (A) Labour 0.26 (F) Add Contractors Profit at 10% on (E) 153018.2mm to 0.00 6.09mm @ 0. Taking out put = 100 Cum Page 68. sectioning.00 day 7.52 1.00 hr 186300.48 M.36 . 9.00 hr Hot mix plant 40 to 60 TPH 15525.89 Rate per 1 cum 8210.5-11.00 hr Smooth wheeled roller 8-10 Tonnes 540.00 day Mazdoor unskilled 146.27 Rate to be adopted 205.2.00 6.75 50029. Dy.km 20880.00 cum 1300.85 Rate per 1 cum 332.00 hr Vibratory Road Roller 8-10 T 1550. (R&B) Division : Kakinada (R&B) Circle : Kakinada . Quantity Description of Item Rate per Amount (B) Machinery 100.00 hr per hour Water tanker 6 KL 345. (R&B) Building Section : Kakinada.00 1.81 Cost per 100 cum (E) + (F) 33184.00 2.00 4640. Dt 13.10 (E) Add Contractors Profit at 10% on (D) 3016.00 hr 1380.O.00 1 Cum Asst. Superintending Engineer (R&B). Executive Engineer (R&B).50 t.00 hr cum Motorper hour for Grading @ 100 cum Grador 0.00 4. Executive Engineer (R&B).91 Rate per Cum 331.00 Add 10% of cost of carriage to cover 2088.00 hr 0.00 t.km 26/7/2005 Tipper for (29. Executive Engineer (R&B).00 28578.00 cost of loading and unloading 0..50 hr Dozer 80 HP for spreading @ 200 2760.00 (C) Over head charges @5% (10%-VAT) on (A) + (B)+( C) on Rs 1436. : Kakinada.00 x 160 =) 4640.00 hr 1380. Ms No 10. (R&B) Building Sub-divn.00 4.00 cum Rate as per G.00 hr 1550.58 (D) Total of (A) + (B)+( C) 30168. Executive Engineer (R&B). 8) Certified that no land acquisition is required for the proposed work and the lands available are free from encumbrance encroachments and utilization. Superintending Engineer (R&B). (R&B) Building Sub-divn.R of the estimate are shortest and there is sufficient yield of good quality material from the quarries proposed in the estimate. Executive Engineer (R&B). East Godavari District. 1) Certified that I have personally inspected the above road on……………………… and the provisions made in the estimate for the above work are adequate and essential. 9 Certified that no side earth is avoilable . : Kakinada. (R&B) Division : Kakinada (R&B) Circle : Kakinada . 5) Certified that the routes shown in the quarry map are the shortest for the transportation of the materials. Asst.P. 2) Certified that the leads provided in the R. Office. Executive Engineer (R&B).00 Kms lead proposed. Hence carting selected earth 29. 4) Certified that the quarries provided are the nearest. 7) Certified that the description of all materials mentioned are correct to the best of my knowledge. CERTIFICATE Name of Work: Internal road in S. 6) Certified that all the materials can be easily quarried. Dy..M. Kakinada. (R&B) Building Section : Kakinada. 3) Certified that all the distances in the quarry map are correct. Of rate 25mm & 40mm 9 148.5 75. Labour Earth/Gravel/ Metal Sand loading 10.00 40 to 45 mm IRC & MoRTH HBG metal 0.00 19 to 22 mm IRC & MoRTH HBG M/C metal 13 172.50 Labour Rates 39 307.00 268.00 25 mm SS-5 m/c HBG metal 21 219.40 335.00 228.00 Blasting charges 32 273.36 to 5 mm IRC & MoRTH HBG M/C metal 17 196.00 Mate .20 341.00 Laterite for Revetment 300mm 7 136.50 Blasting charges 33 278.60 302.80 297.75 Cement 30 264.00 Av.00 319.00 Metal 36 292.00 110.50 12 mm SS-5 m/c HBG metal 23 229.50 Sand for Filling 27 249.25 HYSD Steel Mild Steel 28 254.00 234.00 192.25 10 mm SS-5 m/c HBG metal 24 234.70 50 to 55 mm IRC & MoRTH HBG metal 0.20 mm IRC & MoRTH HBG M/C metal 15 184.00 120.25 50.00 40 to 45 mm IRC & MoRTH HBG M/C metal 11 160.00 12.75 Sand for Mortar 26 244.75 20 mm SS-5 m/c HBG metal 22 224.00 245.00 274.00 12 to 14 mm IRC & MoRTH HBG M/C metal 14 178.00 Roughstone 300mm (HBG)for revetment Roughstone 225mm (HBG)for revetment 1 100.00 198.80 Material Rates unloading 8.00 2 106.50 8.00 262.5 to 11.00 280.00 162.00 SS Revetment work 450mm 5 124.00 291.00 110.00 Blasting charges for rough stone 34 283.00 SS Revetment work 300mm 4 118.40 308.00 150.00 285.00 222.00 156.00 5 to 7 mm IRC & MoRTH HBG M/C metal 16 190.00 180.00 210.00 Sand 38 302.00 168.00 9.60 330.00 SS Revetment work 225mm 3 112.00 2.80 324.00 251.50 Mild Steel 6mm 31 268.00 144.00 Laterite for Revetment 225mm 6 130. LEAD CHARGES Cost of Materials.00 126.00 150 mm soling stone HBG metal 10 154.00 Gravel 19 208.00 40 mm SS-5 m/c HBG metal 20 214.00 25 to 27 mm IRC & MoRTH HBG M/C metal 12 166.00 174.00 216.00 138.36mm and below 18 202.00 204.00 257.00 29 259.50 Seigniorage charges 35 288.00 HBG Stone chips 2.50 Gravel/earth 37 297.00 186.50 8.00 132.70 60 to 63 mm IRC & MoRTH HBG metal stacking 5.00 6 mm SS-5 m/c HBG metal 25 239.00 Jeddy stone above 450mm to 600mm Quarry spall(Field picked metal) 8 142.00 239.20 313. 50 Air compressor 250 cfm 55 383.60 481.00 83 511.80 516.40 390.00 Mazdoor unskilled 42 321.50 Hot mix plant 40 to 60 TPH 60 406.80 441.00 Dozer 80 HP for spreading @ 200 cum per hour 44 331.20 536.00 551.20 436.80 352.50 Vibratory roller 8T 49 355.40 546.50 Emulsion pressure distributor @1750 sqm/hr 59 401. WMM.20 486.00 346.50 Concrete mixer 0.00 526.80 466. 62 415. Hot mix 71 456.4/0.50 Tipper 5.40 363.40 421.50 73 465.50 75 475.40 446.00 451.50 80 498.00 501.60 506.40 556.50 Machinery Rates 43 326.20 565.50 79 493.00 575.50 Mechanical broom @ 1250 sqm/hr. GSB.60 531.80 491.50 Mazdoor skilled 41 316.50 Front end loader 1 cum capacity 47 345.25 spreader .50 Generator set 35 KVA 68 442.50 77 484.50 Bitumen pressure distributor @1750 sqm/hr 58 396.25 86 524.80 416.20 411.60 431.50 78 488.80 584.50 Hydraulic self propelled chip spreader @ 1500 sqm/hr.50 81 502.80 379.60 385.50 Pneumatic road Roller 64 424.50 chips from stock pile on road side to chip 89 537.50 Motor grader 3.00 476.00 374.00 Hydralic excavator 46 340.00 smooth wheeled roller 8 Ton 50 360.00 401.60 357.60 570.20 368.40 312.50 Finish rolling with 6-8 tonne smooth wheeled tandem roller.50 Tractor with Rotavator 53 373.40 580.75 84 515.35M Blade @50 cum/Hr 45 336.50 76 479. capacity 56 387.00 87 528.50 Wet mix plant of 60 tonne hr.20 396.60 594.50 Mechanical Paver finisher 100 TPH 61 410.50 85 520.50 Tipper 5 cum capacity for Soil.50 Tractor with ripper attachment @ 60 cum per hour 54 378.50 Generator set 125 KVA 67 438.20 511.60 456.50 Plate compactor/Power rammer 72 461. 57 392.50 Tractor 52 369.40 471.50 74 470.25 82 506.80 561.50 cum capacity per 10 Tonnes per tkm 70 452.40 496.20 589.28 cum 69 447.75 Tipper 10Tonne capacity for carriage of stone 88 533.40 521.50 Generator 250 KVA 66 433. 63 419.00 426.60 406.80 541.50 Water tanker 6 KL 51 364.00 Tipper 5 cum 48 350.50 GSB Plant 50 Cum 65 429.20 461. 50 133 724.60 750.50 115 649.80 664.00 108 619.00 128 703.00 134 728.25 98 577.80 754.20 637.20 651.50 93 555.00 120 670.00 759.00 714.20 718.25 94 559.60 795.80 687.00 114 644.60 618.50 131 716.40 678.00 99 581.60 772.00 116 653.75 96 568.00 110 628.50 97 572.80 709.40 655.00 138 745.00 736.50 139 749.80 632.20 741.60 817.50 119 665.50 103 598.20 786.00 118 661.60 682.00 136 737.00 124 686.40 790.00 95 564.20 613.50 101 590.60 660.00 132 720.50 121 674.50 117 657. 90 542.50 111 632.60 641.20 696.80 799.00 669.60 727.50 137 741.20 808.00 112 636.50 125 691.40 603.00 599.50 135 733.50 129 707.50 107 615.75 92 550.50 109 623.40 813.00 804.00 122 678.40 627.00 646.40 700.00 91 546.80 732.80 777.00 622.40 768.20 673.00 .50 127 699.00 102 594.50 105 607.00 104 602.20 763.40 723.00 781.00 106 611.50 113 640.80 608.60 705.00 130 712.40 745.80 822.00 126 695.00 691.50 123 682.75 100 586. 50 147 783.00 150 796.80 867.00 148 787.60 862.50 145 775.20 831.20 853.60 840.00 144 770.50 141 758.00 849.00 871.40 858.50 149 791.80 844.50 .40 835.50 143 766.140 754.00 826.00 146 779.00 142 762. 00 188.00 40.00 136.00 430.00 430.00 50.00 2012 5000.00 500.00 500.00 67.00 60.00 690.00 175.00 98.00 560.00 500.00 December 44500.00 830.00 71.00 117.75 82.00 95.00 114.00 225.00 70.00 56.00 156.00 43500.00 .00 390.00 22.00 234.00 560.00 43500.Labour 360.00 830.00 845.00 845.00 39.00 690.00 114. 00 290.00 .00 2760.00 1320.00 370.00 1035.00 2250.00 690.00 1090.00 345.00 2070.00 575.00 1550.40 146.00 540.00 940.00 4. 193.50 40.00 2600.00 1090.00 920.00 15525.00 1550.00 345.00 345.00 1320.50 4.00 620.00 345.00 345.00 1320.
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