Sp-47-27[Fire Fighting Equipment and Facilities]

March 23, 2018 | Author: khorzoo | Category: Pump, Firefighting, Specification (Technical Standard), Water, Valve



NIOEC-SP-47-27(1) DOCUMENT CODE PLAN/PRJ/SUB UNIT PHASE DISCIPLAN E DOCUMENT TYPE SERIAL NO. REV. NO. NO. OF PAGES:14 DATE NIOEC 000 EG SF SP 4727 A1 OCTOBER, 2006 NATIONAL IRANIAN OIL REFINING & DISTRIBUTION COMPANY NATIONAL IRANIAN OIL ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION COMPANY NIOEC SPECIFICATION FOR FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES FIRST EDITION OCTOBER, 2006 THIS SPECIFICATION IS THE PROPERTY OF NATIONAL IRANIAN OIL ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. IT IS CONFIDENTIAL AND ALL RIGHTS RESERVED TO THE OWNER. NEITHER WHOLE NOR ANY PART OF THIS DOCUMENT MAY BE DISCLOSED TO ANY THIRD PARTY, REPRODUCTED, STORED IN ANY RETRIEVAL SYSTEM OR TRANSMITTED IN ANY FORM OR BY ANY MEANS WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE NATIONAL IRANIAN OIL ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 2006 NIOEC-SP-47-27(1) .OCTOBER. WHEN APPROVED EACH REVISION SHALL BE CONSIDERED AS A PART OF THE ORIGINAL DOCUMENT.SAJEDI REV. 5 4 3 2 1 0 OCTOBER.KHEZRI M. PAGE REVISION INDEX REV.A.OCTOBER.SAJEDI M.R. PAGE 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 X X X X X X X X X X X 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 NOTES: 1) 2) 3) 4) THIS SHEET IS A RECORD OF ALL REVISIONS TO THIS SPECIFICATION. 2006 JULY. PAGE 1 X 2 3 4 5 REV. THESE REMARKS SHALL BE INTERPRETED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE REVISED TEXT MARKED BY REVISION NUMBERS.FARZAM M. 2005 M.A.A.FARZAM M.KHEZRI M. NUMBER OF PAGES EXCLUDES THIS SHEET AND THE COVER SHEET. PAGE 1 2 3 4 5 REV.R. 2006 NIOEC-SP-47-27(1) REV. DATE PREPARED CHECKED APPROVED AUTHORIZED .A. REMARKS RELATED TO EACH REVISION SHOW A BRIEF DESCRIPTION. EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATION 9. UNITS 4. 2006 NIOEC-SP-47-27(1) PAGE NO. REFERENCES 3. DESIGN REQUIREMENTS 8. SCOPE 2. INSPECTION & TESTS 10. DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEM 6. DEFINITIONS & TERMINOLOGY 5. DESIGN BASIS 7. 2 2 3 3 3 5 6 11 13 13 CONTENTS: 1.OCTOBER. PREPARATION FOR SHIPMENT 1 . For undated references. Equipment Layout and Drawing Procedure” “NIOEC Specification for packing and packages” NIOEC-SD (NIOEC STANDARD DRAWINGS) NIOEC-SD. Process and Utility Design.5 “Steel pipe flanges and flange fittings” NIOEC-SP (NIOEC SPECIFICATIONS) NIOEC-SP-00-10 NIOEC-SP-00-66 NIOEC-SP-46-16 NIOEC-SP-47-32 NIOEC-SP-50-01 NIOEC-SP-90-52 “NIOEC Specification for Units” “NIOEC Specification for Liquid & Gas Transfer & Storage” “NIOEC Specification for Fire Water Pumps” “NIOEC Specification for Co2 Extinguishing System” “NIOEC Specification for General Piping. Piping Details” NFPA (NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION CODES) Code No. 20 Code No. REFERENCES Throughout this Specification the following dated and undated standards/codes are referred to.5013-1/1 “Standard DWG Underground & Misc. 2. trenching or fire-walling. to the extent specified herein.OCTOBER. SCOPE 1. 2006 NIOEC-SP-47-27(1) 1. These referenced documents shall. 24 “Fire Extinguishers. 1. 14 Code No. insulation or fireproofing. 12 Code No.3 An approved altering and communicating system is required with fire detector systems for special risks. 11 Code No. the latest edition of the referenced document (including any supplements and amendments) applies. 10 Code No. control and extinguishing of Refinery fires. For dated references. 15 Code No. form a part of this Specification. ASME (AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING) ASME B16. 1.2 Interchangeability of equipment within Refineries shall be a primary consideration. electric bonding or earthing. the edition cited applies.1 This Specification covers the design basis of fire fighting facilities and fixed equipment to be employed for the prevention. Centrifugal” “Private Fire Service Mains and their Appurtenances” 2 . it does not cover fire resistant construction. or general regulations affecting personnel or equipment. Portable” “Low Expansion Foam and Combined Agent Systems” “Carbon Dioxide Extinguishing System” “Standpipe Private Hydrant and Hose Systems” “Water spray Fixed Systems for Fire Protection” “Fire Pumps. The applicability of changes in dated references that occur after the cited date shall mutually be agreed upon by the company and the Vendor/Contractor. .Fixed water cooling system for tanks containing hydrocarbons. portable fire extinguishers. steam extinguishing means. Fire fighting activities may be carried out on the burning facility using monitors.CO2 extinguishing system for substations and Gas Turbine Generators. CO2 system. hydrant nozzles. The following fire protection systems shall be provided for the project. fixed and portable water monitors and outdoor/indoor hose reels). bullets and large separators containing light oils likely to cause BLEVE (Boiling Liquid Expanded Vapor Explosion). DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEMS 5. fire water. hose reels. etc.Steam extinguishing system (Snuffing steam) .Fixed water spray system for LPG spheres. DEFINITIONS AND TERMINOLOGY 4. .Semi – fixed foam extinguishing system complete with CF3I ream seal protection system (sub-surface and top pouring foam extinguishing system) for tanks containing flammable liquids. 4.1 The philosophy adopted in the design of fire fighting facilities shall be that Fire Fighting facilities shall be sized adequately and designed for fighting two major fires simultaneously occurring in the refinery and/or tankage area. .Fire extinguishers . unless otherwise specified. UNITS International system of units (SI) shall be used in accordance with NIOEC-SP-00-10. . no fire detectors are required in the cable voids but CO2 extraction fan is required. 2006 NIOEC-SP-47-27(1) BRITISH STANDARD BS – 336 3. . 5. CO2 distribution piping shall be extended to the cable void.Fire water storage and fire water pumping/distribution systems (including outdoor water hydrants. mobile fire fighting equipment (fire trucks). .Where under floor cable void is provided.2 Purchaser: Means National Iranian Oil Engineering and Construction Company in cases where this Specification is part of direct order by NIOEC and contractor where this Specification is part of contract Documents.1 Company: Means National Iranian Oil Engineering & Construction Company. foam system.Fire training area including all facilities and connections “Specification for fire hose couplings and ancillary equipment” 3 . 4. CO2 extinguishing system shall also be provided for “Battery Room” of substation . For Remote Instrument Buildings (RIB) the same philosophy of substations should be applied.OCTOBER. etc. If a jockey pump is used in refinery. buildings. automatically. 5. Adequate supply of water must be made available in accordance with National Fire Code. for the cooling of equipment and structures near a fire.35 barg.1. The motor driven main pumps shall come into service automatically and diesel driven pumps shall have on and off switches at the fire station and power station room (utility board). Water shall be available for mechanical Foam systems and also. or one major fire in the refinery and one major fire in the tankage area). The fire water system shall be sized adequately and designed for fighting two major fires simultaneously occurring in the refinery and/or tankage area (the most cases of two major fires in the refinery. The fire water pumps shall have suction line access to the raw water line and raw water tanks for emergency purposes and shall be located at least 30 m from fire water tanks. Sizing of main fire water-distribution line shall be based an all lines being in service. tankage area. Standby pumps diesel driven with total capacity same as the main pumps shall also be supplied.2 Water shall be applied by means of hose and branch pipes using jet. Each main pump shall have a pumping capacity of 818 m3/h. All pump drivers shall have totally independent power supply.35 barg to any group of tanks.1. requirements and approval. a tank bounded area or a LPG scheme is considered as a single hazard. Adequite space for maintenance and suitable overhead crane with adequate capacity for heaviest load shall be provided. and company. Water for fire fighting shall be provided by an independent fire ring main fed by the fire pumps and normally cross connected to the Refinery cooling water system.35 barg discharge pressure of fire water pumps (for design purpose). 5. it shall be "spared" and both pumps shall have a capacity of 113m3/h (500 gal/min) to compensate for leakages.83 m/sec at 10. 2006 NIOEC-SP-47-27(1) 5. A building of adequate size shall be provided to house fire water pumps. Driver of main and standby pump shall be sized at 110% of the maximum power absorbed by pumps at full load to avoid overloading if there is a pressure drop in the system at full capacity. utility area. The system design shall conform to NFPA code No. the flow velocity in the piping system shall not exceed 1. using a Hazen-Williams coefficient of 100 for carbon steel pipe and Hardy Cross formula..3 The installed main pumping capacity shall be based on the total consumption in any one process area (defined as an area in which the fire can be confined without significant danger of the fire spreading to an adjacent area) of 818 m3/h at 10. spray or fog nozzles.1 The fire water system shall provide water for fire fighting and fire protection for the process units. Basically.1.35 barg simultaneously with the required flow rate at 10. Provision should be made for pumping from storage tanks or other reliable sources.OCTOBER. Note that each process unit. 24. other off-site areas.The jockey pumps shall maintain the pressure in the fire water line system to 10. 818 m3/h and shall be determined on the basis of the total consumption as needed for cooling of the adjacent tanks next to the tank under fire with inclusion of sprinkler waters. or by fixed or portable monitors preferably with interchangeable nozzles for water or foam jets. The required flow rate to be supplied to the tankage area shall be min. (For pump station the capacity of jockey pump shall be 15m3/h) 4 .. 35 barg.1.1. Clear access must be provided for all fixed water monitors. maximum three tanks other than tank under fire.35 barg by jockey pump. monitors shall be at least 15m away from equipment to be protected.1. all hydrants must be easily accessible. 5 . etc.Half of the surface of the adjacent tanks.5 Fire hose reels shall be located in each process unit and utility (Boiler area) normally 30-45m apart at certain strategic points.1. 5. Firewater flow rate for supplementary stream shall be based on using two single hydrants outlet and two monitors. permanently secured to monitor hydrants shall be installed. In general. Use of portable water monitors is recommended in combination with fixed water monitors.1 Fire Water Demand Maximum firewater demand for process units and tank farm area is calculated on the hereunder basis: Fire water requirements in tank farm It shall be calculated as follows: a. where very large quantities of water in jet or fog forms are required.One third of surface of the adjacent tanks.6 In locations. Water requirement for cooling of tanks. fixed monitors. 2006 NIOEC-SP-47-27(1) 5. but their location generally will be determined in relation to the plant to be protected. These areas will be protected by fixed water monitors. 6. such as LPG Storage and bullets.4 For design purposes the flow velocity in the piping system shall not exceed 1. However. 5. Fire hydrants shall be maximum 45 meters apart in process and utility area and maximum 60 meters apart in the off-site area. . if the exposure tank is in the center of three tanks. b.OCTOBER. Total water requirement for tank farm area shall be (a) + (b) + (c). hydrogen plants. if the exposure tank is in the middle of two tanks. Outdoor hose reels shall be mounted on a frame to facilitate waist level operation. . Water flow calculated for applying foam on a single largest tank under fire shall be considered. 5. All fixed water monitors shall be placed at ground level in order to enable easy operation and so as to provide effective cooling.7 Fixed water fog systems may be employed.. cooling or restricting a fire in areas of high fire risk where immediate action is necessary.83m/s@ 10. shall be considered. DESIGN BASIS 6. hose reels are not required for protection of elevated platform or fin fans containing hydrocarbons. extinguishing. All fixed water monitors shall be carefully placed to avoid unnecessary obstructions like pipe lines and support columns. c. The fire water system shall be pressurized and maintained at a pressure of 10. Pressure vessels.6 m beyond the pump periphery. Only the mechanical part of the pump. and lubrication connections.1.2 Firewater Application Rate 6. fire pump location. 6. The water spray should be designed to envelope.2. which contains hydrocarbons.1 The Piping Specification shall cover the piping layout. gage connections. shall be deluged. drums and reactors. the entire pump including the shaft. 2006 NIOEC-SP-47-27(1) Firewater requirement in process units Firewater demand shall be calculated as follows: a. 6 .1 Process Unit Manual operated water spray system shall be provided for the following equipment: Pumps handling hot hydrocarbon operating at a temperature higher than flash point. Water requirement of spray system in a process segment. Optionally. block valves. bullets and large separators shall be protected by automatic water spray system. the spray envelope may be extended 0. size of lines. including water rates. seals. general location of hydrants.2 Tank Farm Area The LPG pressure storage spheres.1 l/min/m2 of tank surface.4 l/min/m2 of the projected envelope area at grade level.2. location of block and flushing valves.0 l/min/m2 of protected surfaces. 7. Total water requirement for process units shall be (a) + (b). DESIGN REQUIREMENTS 7.1. Water application density for tank cooling shall be 4.3 Hydrant and Monitors One single Hydrant outlet: 60m3/h (950 l/m) One monitor: 120 m3/h (1900 l/m). Firewater flow rate shall be 10. and other critical parts.2. NFPA 15 should be consulted for other design requirements. Firewater rate shall be 12.2 l/min/m2 of developed surface. 6. 6. check valves. as a minimum. and include suction and discharge parting flanges.OCTOBER. Water requirement for monitors to cover a process segment (minimum two monitors) plus two single outlet hydrants at a time. balance lines.2 Connection shall not be provided for permanent use of fire water other than for fire fighting.1 Piping 7. b. 7. and design conditions. The applications rate shall be not less than 20. Piping inside the bound wall shall be above grade and foam solution inlet hose connections outside bound wall shall be at least 15m away from the tank to be protected. 7. 7.1.5 In case of floating roof tanks.3 Utility Stations 7 .1 Foam generators shall be based on mechanical air foam generation only. and above. Valve boxes shall be filled with removable insulating material to protect valve and pipe from frost. lateral foam pipes extended from outside bound walls. Fixed RIMSEAL pouring foam extinguishing system shall be provided for floating roof tanks containing flammable liquids. per Standard drawing no. 2006 NIOEC-SP-47-27(1) 7. Foam solution will be distributed from the system by fire truck(s).2. 7.2 All fixed foam installations should be designed to reduce time lag in charging service lines to a minimum. and bund wall area isolation should be such that at least 50% of hydrants and hose reels remain in service. The lateral pipes shall be terminated with foam solution inlet-hose connections (2-1/2" British Instantaneous Coupling male) outside bound wall.2.2.11. 7.2. Foam generators of sub surface foam system shall be mounted on mobile fire trucks. NIOEC-SD-5013-1/1. Semi-fixed sub surface and top pouring foam extinguishing system shall be designed and installed in accordance with NFPA Code No. 7. 7.OCTOBER. Valve boxes shall be large enough for easy access to valves for repair and removal.2. This system shall complete with CF3I rim seal protection system. NIOEC-SD5013-1/1. In each process unit area. Basically. foam generators. utility area.4 All main block valves shall be operable from grade and shall be mounted in underground valve boxes.4 For aviation fuel storage tanks with internal floating screen subsurface foam injection shall be used combined with inert gas blanketing. Semi-fixed top pouring foam extinguishing system shall be provided for covered floating roof tanks containing flammable liquids and tanks containing high-viscosity hydrocarbons (such as refinery fuel oil)and slop oil .1.3 Semi-fixed sub-surface foam injection system shall be provided for fixed roof tanks containing flammable liquids. Hand wheel extension details shall be according to standard drawing no. This system may comprise either a fixed installation or portable equipment. The system shall consist of foam discharge outlets. one lateral pipe shall be provided for every two foam discharge outlets on the covered floating roof tanks. hand railing shall be installed to wind girders for the safety of fire fighters when fighting rim fires.5 Fire water distribution network shall be of loop and ring design. 7.1.2 Foam 7. 7. and provision made for draining all services after use.3 Sufficient isolating valves and cross links shall be provided so that a section of the fire main can be taken out of service without interrupting supplies of water. 45m dia. Acid and Chemical Plants 8 .3. The system shall consist of water cooling ring(s) with open cooling spray nozzles on the tank shell surface and on the top of fixed roof tanks. except for available high pressure water streams for cooling purposes. integral seat steel unions shall be used to join hoses to the 3/4" supply line. The same union is used to join hose lengths. Length of each hose shall be minimum 15 meters. gated lateral pipes which is extended from the outside of bound wall and is branched off from the fire water main distribution line. 2006 NIOEC-SP-47-27(1) 7.7 Chemical Stores. one (1) water hose and one (1) steam hose shall be provided for each two (2) utility stations.1 Utility Stations for steam.3.5.3. 7. per NIOEC-SP-50-01.OCTOBER.4 Steam Systems Snuffing steam shall be made available at furnace header boxes and fire boxes. They shall have a protective outer covering of woven wire mesh. water and air shall be located throughout the operating areas. 7. Crude storage tanks only will be provided with the cooling ring divided in two sections.2 Fixed water cooling system shall be provided for all tanks containing hydrocarbon in order to provide exposure protection against radiant heat from the fire.300#. with 30 meters hose reel equipped with 1 1/2" hose and a 19mm nozzle.3 The steam hoses shall be 3/4" size and 15m in length. 7. They shall be suitable for 20 barg steam pressure and be provided with 3/4" standard pipe thread male couplings on both ends. Asphalt storage tanks shall not be equipped with any permanent fire fighting facilities.2 Steam lance hose assemblies should be carried on a suitable rack adjacent to the steam point. Administration Buildings and Laboratories) Hose reels shall be connected to fire water mains and mounted on swivel or other suitable fittings on the basis of NFPA code 14.5. Shut-off valve(s) shall be placed at the outside of the bound wall and at least 15m away from the tank shell to be protected.3 Storage tank spacing shall be per NIOEC-SP-00-66 requirements. Each hose reel assembly shall incorporate a quick opening Lever operating on/off ball valve and terminate in a-1/2" gunmetal NST (National Fire Hose Connection screw Threads) female coupling. Each indoor hose reel shall consist of a cabinet. 7. 7. At least. The hoses should be suitable for use with high pressure steam (20 bar steam) and should be electrically continuous or both ends of hoses bonded against static electricity. The system shall be manually activated. 7.5.5 Storage tanks 7. 7. in addition to adequate spacing between tanks.1 Floating Roof Tanks: These shall be equipped with earth bonds from floating deck to tank shells. recess mounted for the Administration and surface mounted for other buildings.6 General Stores (Work shop & ware House. 3/4". 7. 0 1/min/m2 of protected surfaces. Shut-off valve(s) shall be placed at least 15m away from the equipment to be protected. 2006 NIOEC-SP-47-27(1) Included in this general reference are all cases where the specified nature of the products and the system of segregation and storage adopted necessitates application of specific fire protection methods. 15. Fire detection system shall be provided for rim seal space of floating roof tank. 7. The system shall also be manually activated. 7. 12 and on the basis of Specification NIOEC-SP-47-32. 7. CO2 distribution piping shall be extended to the cable void.10 Fixed Water Spray System Fixed water spray system shall be provided for LPG spheres.8 CO2 extinguishing system CO2 Extinguishing System shall be provided for Gas Turbine Generator and Substation Building.1 Extinguisher shall be furnished as follows: Fire class A (ordinary combustible) B (flammable liquids and gases) C (energized electrical equipment) Extinguisher Size and Type 4kg multi-purpose dry chemical 9kg and/or 50kg wheeled Potassium bicarbonate dry chemical 4kg multipurpose dry Chemical (6kg CO2 for power Station instead of BCF) 9 . gated lateral pipes branched off from the fire water main distribution line. the Gas Turbine enclosure in accordance with NFPA code No. For Remote Instrument Buildings (RIB) the same philosophy of substations should be applied. bullets and large separators containing light oils likely to cause BLEVE (Boiling Liquid Expanded Vapor Explosion). 7. The automatically actuated spray system shall be provided with pressure storage spheres and bullets. on the basis of NFPA Code No. Dedicated system will be provided for each storage sphere and LPG bullets for which respectively only one system will be provided. The indication of Fire alarm signal from CO2 Extinguishing system shall be made nearest control room. excluded from this Specification. The system shall consist of water spray ring with open spray nozzles.Where.8.OCTOBER. CO2 extinguishing system shall also be provided for “Battery Room” of substation . under floor cable void is provided. no fire detectors are required in the cable voids but CO2 extraction fan is required.9 Detection and Alarm System Fire detection system and alarm system shall be provided for Gas Turbine Generator and enclosure and the substation buildings with CO2 Extinguishing system described in article 6.11.11 Fire Extinguishers 7. Emergency warning and communication with the Fire Station will be made through Fire Telephone System for which separate design basis will be provided and therefore. Water application density shall be 12. Extinguisher units weighting less than 18. 7. One 9kg portable dry chemical extinguisher shall be provided for each island. and at least 9kg dry chemical extinguishers shall be provided outside the fenced enclosure gate for oil immersed transformers. the extinguisher locations shall be near stairway landings. gases. two (2) 9kg dry chemical extinguishers and one (1) wheeled type dry chemical extinguisher shall be provided for each corner of a dike except a small bounded area and be located outside the dike. 2) Process. 5) Extinguishers shall be provided for truck loading racks. etc. 9kg dry chemical extinguishers shall be located in pump and compressor areas.2 The various types of extinguishers to be provided in different areas of the refinery shall be as follows: 1) General Extinguishers shall be mounted on walls. the capacity of dry chemical extinguishers may be changed. 4) In the oil storage tank area. Such applications cover systems for operation in cases of general fire.2m above the floor. On overhead structures. etc. 10 . 50kg wheeled type dry chemical extinguishers shall be located at suitable points as well as the installation of portable extinguishers. One 50kg dry chemical extinguisher shall be provided for every four bays. Extinguishers shall be located so that the basic maximum travel distance to extinguishers (a) applicable to flammable liquids. unless the extinguishers are of wheeled type. (1) above. 4kg multi-purpose dry chemical extinguishers shall be located in the electrical substation and 6kg CO2 extinguishers shall be located in the power station. columns.11. utility areas shall be protected as follows: 9kg dry chemical extinguishers shall be provided along main access ways. areas or equipment not specially mentioned above shall be determined by their particular requirements as defined in Subsection 5.7m. oils. 2006 NIOEC-SP-47-27(1) Each portable and wheeled extinguisher located outside shall be provided with a cover sheet suitable for direct sunshine.OCTOBER. 9kg dry chemical extinguishers shall also be provided on overhead main platform with stairway access. They shall be installed on the hangers or in the brackets supplied. (b) applicable to ordinary combustible materials is 22. is 15. 3) Buildings and shelters shall be protected as follows: 4kg multi-purpose dry chemical extinguishers shall be located according to Para.2 kg shall be mounted so that the extinguisher top is not more than 1. the distance factor in the piping characteristics of each system should be considered.25m. Based on experience from the existing refinery. "Description of Systems". 7. In this connection.12 Special Applications Applications of fire-fighting systems to plants. 14 Fire Training Area and Facilities Fire training area shall be installed in order to provide training exercise against simulated incidents.C.5m where large pipe bends or drainage ditches may hinder access from hydrants to process areas or tank farms.701.1 Fire Fighting Equipment 8.5) on the side flanged base (as per hydrants to be suitable for 14 barg working pressure with automatic drain valve. 1-1/2" point to flat. Arrangement of equipment shall be approved by NIOEC.10. compression type. Operating steam nut to open left (counter clockwise). EQUIPMENT – SPECIFICATION The following fire protection equipment used with water or air foam systems shall be purchased.1.E. Operating stem nut to be pentagon. 96. B. NIOEC-SD5013-1/1 and pits filled with removable.S.13 Fire Station and Mobile Equipment Fire station shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the Contract requirement. subject to Company’s approval. complete with cap and chain. 2006 NIOEC-SP-47-27(1) 7. Each fire hydrant and hydrant with monitor shall be equipped with 1" drain pipe to sewer line or other (as per note 4 of Standard drawing No.25m respectively. The length of the 5" suction hose required between the hydrants and fire truck shall not exceed 4. Hydrants shall be located on the road side of all pipe lines or drainage ditches. With suitable wrench. C. Trench depth to be 1. Fire hydrants shall be installed in pits as per Standard drawing No. E. – 336. where such equipment is specified. suitable insulating material to protect the hydrant and pipe from frost. S. Equipment in fire training area shall be furnished and installed by contractor. F.1 Fire Hydrants A. Mobile equipment shall also be provided in accordance with the Contract requirements.(ASME B 16.1) or equivalent. D. The 5" pumper connection shall face the roadway wherever installed and shall be at right angles to the hose nozzle connection. Pumper connection to be female round thread. The 2-1/2" and 5" connections shall be located so that the distances between the bottom of the connection caps and finished grade are a minimum of 0. Hydrants shall be located 11 .5m and 0. 8. Fire hydrants shall be cast iron (5 inch main valve). 8.67 meters. in accordance with British Standard B. suitable for freezing condition. NIOECSD-5013-1/1). self draining with two 2 1/2"-8NPT-MALE hose nozzle connections 180ْ apart and one 5" pumper connection.OCTOBER. S. Final inlet flange of the hydrant shall be 6" 250 Ib R. 7. Hydrants shall be Standard American Darling Valve and Manufacturing Company. Model B-50-B (M. standard trim.25. All hydrants shall be Freeze-proof unless otherwise minimum temperature of site condition never reaches below zero. 4 Pumps and Drivers A. suitable for above ground installation. 8. suitable for freezing conditions. Inlet shall be 2 1/2" NPT FEMALE Compatible with 2 1/2" hose nozzle connection of each hydrant. Pumps shall be of horizontal construction. In tankage areas where fixed air foam laterals are installed. 8.1. F. The radiator should be equipped with a special electrical heater for winter time.5 Hoses and Couplings Outdoor use Hose coupling shall be standardized as follows: 12 . Fire pumps shall be according to NIOEC-SP-46-16 and designed for 10.OCTOBER. the fuel tank shall have sufficient capacity of 24 hours of continuous operation. B. The main firewater pumps should be equipped for automatic and manual starting. 8. Continuous positive pump suction or a means of priming shall be provided. B. Hydrants to be suitable for 14 barg working pressure.3 Hose Reel Hydrants – For Climates Subject to Freezing Weather A. Diesel driven pumps shall be installed indoors at a safe location. compression type. Where the pressure can build up to exceed the design rating of the lines.1. Hose reel hydrants shall be all bronze (2" valve opening). The screen shall be cleanable with the pumps in service. D.2 Valves for Fire Hydrants Valves for 2 1/2" outlet fire hydrants shall be of gunmetal. or equivalent. discharge pressure at rated capacity.35 barg min. Trench depth to be 1. single outlet. 8. Fire Hose reel hydrants shall be 2" sizing throughout. E. The pressure rise at shut-off should not exceed 20 percent or 14 barg. Freeze-proof. outside screw and yoke. hand wheel operation. single lug instantaneous pressure release FEMALE coupling. self draining with one 2" NPT FEMALE hose reel nozzle connection and one 2" NPT FEMALE inlet.67meter. solid wedge gate type. For diesel engine drivers for fire pumps. Suitable suction strainer shall be provided. self-drain hose reel hydrants shall be No. Where located on roadsides simple vertical crash posts shall be erected between road and hydrant. C. the standby pump shall be push button start. a pressure relief valve discharging into the suction or source of supply shall be provided.1.1. 140 National Type "A" American Foundry and Manufacturing Co. 2006 NIOEC-SP-47-27(1) near access ways or walkways across such obstructions. hydrants shall be located in relation to terminus of air foam laterals so that the total length of hose from hydrant to fire truck and from fire truck to foam lateral does not exceed 38m. Outlet to be 2 1/2". counter-clockwise valve opening. OCTOBER.1. complete with 25 meters of 1 1/2" I.5 barg working pressure U. Hose Length mm m 64 25 8. painted red.6 Fire Hose Reels for Yard Hydrants Hose reels shall be floor mounted. similar to the American Reeling devices # R-1 75-25 without crank. 9. Fire hydrants with monitor shall be equipped with a 5 inch main valve. working pressure 15. x2 rayon braid neoprene tube and cover. to provide 13 . they shall be furnished with a combination straight stream fog nozzle with a water capacity of 120 m3/h at 7 barg inlet pressure. 2) Pressure connections for collapsible hose shall be 65= (2-1/2") conforming to BS-336 British Instantaneous Coupling (hereinafter called BIC) only.5 barg shall be connected directly to fire water supply in the buildings. Buildings fire hose reel.S. paragraph 7. All monitors shall be gun metal construction with a locking device suitable for unattended operation of the monitor. 15. as per NIOECSD-5013-1/1. etc.1. 8. PREPARATION FOR SHIPMENT Preparation for shipment shall be in accordance with the following and Manufacture's standards.1. Metal cover shall be 1mm steel. 1 MALE pipe thread connections. confirming BS336. The main valve of the monitor hydrant shall be hand wheel operated.D.1 The material fabrication and testing of all equipment shall be subject to inspection by the Purchaser and/or his designated representative.. self draining valve. both conforming to BS-336.2 The Purchaser's Inspectors shall have free entry to the Vendor's Shop at all times during fabrication or testing. with precompiled male and female 65mm BIC couplings. 9. 10. standard trim. Except the above. a 4" . with 1 1/2" B2.7 Fixed Type Monitors Fixed type monitors shall have deluge fog and jet nozzle assemblies of the lever type.2 shall be applied for the design of monitor hydrant.1.F flanged monitor outlet and elbow. two 2 1/2" – 8 NPT MALE hose nozzle connections 180ْ apart and 2 1/2" outlet hydrant valves with instantaneous coupling. valve. 2006 NIOEC-SP-47-27(1) 1) All outlet coupling shall be female and inlet coupling male. INSPECTION & TESTS 9. Hose coupling shall be of gunmetal alloy construction. Rubber Style P999 general purpose hose and Powhatan brass 250B adjustable fog nozzle. Loose hose shall be provided in standard lengths and preoccupied as follows: 65mm collapsible hose in 25m lengths.1 and 7. rayon braid neoprene. 250 Ib R. All monitors shall be hand wheel operated. The manufacturer shall be solely responsible for the adequacy of the Preparation for Shipment employed in respect of materials and application.D. Size In 1-1/2 I. 14 . This Specification shall not be used for purchasing work.OCTOBER. accordingly. 2006 NIOEC-SP-47-27(1) materials to their destination in ex-works condition and handled by commercial carrier systems. NIOEC-SP-90-52 : NIOEC Specification for packing and packages Note: Requirement of guarantee will be indicated in the Specification of individual fire fighting equipment for purchasing.
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