


Specification for Painting and Coating of Oil and Gas Production Facilities – Part - 4 Version 2Table 1 Inspection and Testing Summary Work Stage Assessment Assessment Method Test Equipment Notes Safety Procedures PDO HSE rules Observation Visual, documentation, Method Statement Ref. Section 7.1 Working practices Visual, documentation, Method Statement Check requirements for working on live stations and operating equipment Equipment condition Equipment safety checks Replace faulty equipment Ventilation Check VOC and air flow rate Protection Sensitive equipment Observation Visual Ensure all protection in place Adjacent structures/ vehicles Ensure all protection in place. Isolate work area. Remove vehicles to safe area Raw Materials Paint Conformance to specification Visual, documentation, viscosity check to ISO 2431 Flow cup type B No. 4 Packaging, labelling, shelf life, etc. Ref. Section 3.1.3 Make available to PDO record, of paint consumption Abrasives Conformance to specification, cleanliness, particle size. ISO-8504-2 Documentation, physical/chemical analysis, particle size distribution to ISO 11125-2 Standard Wire Sieves Reject if wetted by salt water, rain or condensation or moisture content too high. Reject any work blasted with wet abrasive1 Allow time for temperature to stabilise Climatic Conditions Weather Monitor climatic conditions Observe and measure variables Air temperature Measurement Monitor air temperature Digital Thermometer Ref. Sections 5.1 and 6.1 Surface temperature Monitor surface temperature Contact Thermometer Humidity Monitor humidity to ISO 8502-4 Whirling/Sling or Psycro-Dyne Hygrometer Read relative humidity from Hydrometric Tables Dew point Measure directly or calculate Direct reading digital Dewmeter, Confirm by charts or conversion calculator Lighting Measure >500 lux Surface Preparation Personnel protection Equipment Conformance to HSE regulations Observe and confirm conformance Check operators have proper protective clothing. Ref. Section 8 Observe and confirm conformance Check equipment electrical earthing, safety valve ‘dead man’s handle’ operation. Ref. Section 8 Climatic conditions Monitor all variables as above As above Ventilation for enclosed spaces Size of enclosure. Capacity of air moving equipment. Monitor dust levels. Measure air part flow SP-1246 1 As above Stop work when conditions are outside acceptable limits Stop work if dust levels become excessive . Air 6x per hour April 2010 Applicators working in tanks and vessel must wear breathing apparatus4 Ref.0 Work Stage Assessment Observation Surface cleanliness Surface cleanliness (cont. Pictorial Standards Notes Reject surface having large embedded particles that cannot be removed. Illuminated Magnifier. comparison Visually examine.Specification for Painting and Coating of Oil and Gas Production Facilities – Part . Measure air part flow Product documentation. TLV or MAC values.4 Version 2. Control vapour to 10% of LEL. Capacity of air moving equipment.) Assessment Method Test Equipment Visually examine and compare with relevant parts of ISO 8502 Inspection Mirrors. Section 8. Check LEL. Coating Application Application of Coatings SP-1246 2 Details to be included in ITP and in daily record April 2010 . measurement Measure record values to ASTM D 4417 Digital /Mechanical Profile Gauges Measure profile height Surface roughness Replication Surface replica to ASTM D4417 Textex Tape and Micrometer Provides permanent record of surface profile Climatic conditions Monitor all variables as above As above As above Stop work when conditions are outside acceptable limits Application temperature range as specified by Manufacturer Recoat intervals will depend on ambient temperature Ventilation for enclosed spaces Size of enclosure. Tightly adherent fine particles are acceptable. KeaneTator.3 Visual Inspector to check conformance with datasheets Confirm cleaning has been adequate3 Qualitative checks for Cl. Explosimeter Personal Air Sampling. Removing particle by wire brushing is not acceptable. Fe and S etc. ‘Quantab’ Indicator Papers Surface profile Observation. For some paints having mixed solvents. compare with standards to ISO 8503 Surface Comparator.(2) Observation Contaminant Pick-up ‘Sellotape’ test –ISO-8502-3 Soluble salts Chemical analysis Bresle Method to ISO 8502-6 Test papers Bessle Sampler. Monitor vapour concentrations. it is difficult to ventilate to below the TLV. Rugotest Anchor pattern Observation. Wet Film Wheel Spot check during application to ensure specified film thickness is being maintained Dry Film Thickness Measurement Use gauges in accordance with ISO 2808 Method 6 Magnetic and Electromagnetic and Eddy Current Gauges Calibrate instruments at least twice daily using standard foils.4 Version 2.5-6V per 1µ coating thickness9 Film integrity/ porosity SP-1246 3 April 2010 . Typically 3-10 N/mm2 .Specification for Painting and Coating of Oil and Gas Production Facilities – Part . For repairs test adhesion between first coat and substrate and between coats. Acceptance: Classification 5A or 4A See note 7 for details Conductivity Holiday Testing to NACE RP0188-99 High Voltage Spark Tester Calibration: High voltage . should not soften coating to fingernail scratch Adhesion Pull Off Measurement for New Coating Systems Pull-off tests to ISO 4624 Mechanical and Hydraulic Adhesion Testers Acceptance: Pull-off force as specified in performance testing.0 Work Stage Assessment Assessment Method Test Equipment Notes Inspection Wet Film Thickness Measurement Use gauges in accordance with ISO 2808 Method 7 A/B Wet Film Comb. Tests to be done on cuopons 45 oCross cut test Cross-cut and peel tests to ASTM-3359 45 oCross cut test For checking internal surfaces and local repairs. Use statistical methods for determining acceptability5 Destructive test using special inspection instruments ‘PIG’ Paint Inspection Gauge Destructive test on any substrate to confirm DFTs (Not for production painting) General appearance Observation Visual inspection Optical magnifier Reject if appearance and condition are unacceptable6 Degree of cure Observation Solvent swabbing Appropriate solvent Rubbing for 1 min. The Bressle titration method shall be used to measure the chloride content. During coating operations the vapour concentration shall be monitored at regular intervals using approved equipment and should never exceed 10% of Lower Explosion Limit. the recommended maximum salt contamination for immersed surfaces or for tank and vessel coatings is 20-40mg/m2 chloride. 5.Specification for Painting and Coating of Oil and Gas Production Facilities – Part . 6. the Contractor shall measure the coating thickness and submit the results to PDO. The TLV (Threshold Limit Value) or MAC (Maximum Allowable Concentration) of the paint used must be known. 3. avoidance of explosion hazards and to ensure adequate evaporation of solvent from the paint. Select a number of randomly chosen and continuous 10m2 areas in such a way that 5% of the entire control area is covered. If such a specification is not available.4 Version 2 Notes to Table 1 1. make or type of abrasive approved by PDO.’ This rule suggests that: - the measured thickness must not be less than 80% of the specified DFT and - a maximum of 20% of the total area painted may be below the specified DFT The following statistical measurement procedure for the Rule is suggested: 1. Surface Cleanliness The Contractor shall visually examine the surface to ensure that dust or dirt has been removed. a safe atmosphere below the TLV. Specification and/or analysis results shall be submitted to PDO for comparison with accepted values. select a minimum of five 50cm2 sized test fields. no further blasting shall be performed. need not be a cause for rejection. When using copper slag abrasive under high ambient temperature condition. This is considered adequate for personnel health protection. Note the value for maintenance work is higher at 60-80mg/m2 4. If such contamination is detected. Blasting Abrasive Quality Abrasive must come from a recognised supplier and be certified in respect of cleanliness and particle size distribution. adequate ventilation shall be established. however. the Contractor shall take two samples. Guidelines for the number of DFT measurements for external coatings to be made after each coat may be usefully based on the ‘80-20 Rule. If there is any doubt about the quality of the blasting grit. the visual standard Sa 2½ may not be obtained due to embedded fine particles causing a different shade. as in Oman. Dry Film Thickness (DFT) After the film is sufficiently dry or cured. 2. Materials Safety and Handling Data Sheets Vendors are required to supply SHOC cards for each generic paint product in the total coating system. wherever practical. chemical analyses and physical properties. Take three DFT readings in each field and calculate the mean value to be as one single measurement SP-1246 4 April 2010 . Tightly adherent embedded fine particles. 2. the Contractor shall provide a dedicated visual standard for Sa 2½ using copper slag under these conditions. The Inspector shall not accept a blasted surface contaminated by large embedded abrasive particles that can not be brushed off using a stiff brush. of minimum 1 kg each. In each area. Soluble Salts Soluble salts on a steel surface are taken up in distilled water using a Bressle Sampler. If there is any doubt on the acceptability of the prepared surface. using the same batch of abrasive. the Contractor shall provide a specification covering sieve grading. From titration measurements. Work may be allowed to continue using a different batch. Ventilation shall be such as to maintain. Ventilation Before and during blasting and coating work in enclosed spaces. from each of abrasive and arrange for analysis by an independent third party. which shall be representative of the entire surface shall be conducted. For external surfaces. Testing shall be in accordance with NACE RP 0188 and RP0274 (for pipeline coatings).Inspection location and times . edges and irregular surfaces. standard Daily Report Sheets as shown in appendix-B shall be used for reporting. Visual Inspection Each coating applied shall be inspected visually. random inspection. 1.0 Adhesion Testing Pull off adhesion testing in accordance with ISO-4624 and cross cut testing in accordance with ASTM D3359 shall be carried out on test panels to ensure the coating system meets the performance requirements. relative humidity. GRE. Generally the detector voltage is set at 5-6V for every micron of coating thickness. 9. For internal coating systems use a 90:10 rule and apply the same procedure as above. runs. For internal coatings and repairs the frequency shall be 1 per 10m2 with a minimum of 2 per structure. 7. Contractor and Inspector names .4 Version 2. Integrity Testing For internal coating systems 100% of the surface shall be tested using a metallic brush type holiday detector in accordance with NACE RP 0188-99. 8.Air and substrate temperatures. For repairs only cross cut testing shall be used and this will be carried out on the structure. A high voltage spark detector shall be used for all heavy-duty systems including glassflake. The panels will then be used as a check to compare the cross testing results done on the actual structure. sunlight or shade . project and job identification. Special attention shall be paid to welds. Ambient Conditions . holidays. Finishing coats shall be even in colour and gloss. wrinkles. high DFT epoxies and pipeline coating repairs. This however is a destructive test and not suitable for production painting.Presence of wind or dust.Access and illumination conditions 5 April 2010 .Specification for Painting and Coating of Oil and Gas Production Facilities – Part . dew point . The paint system applied should have the correct shade.Date. degree of gloss and evenness and be free from tackiness after drying/curing and free from cracks. brush or roller marks or other defects that may deleterious to the quality of the coating. Adhesion testing is not applicable to GRE lining or pipeline repairs.Safety Aspects 2.1 Reporting The Inspector or Contractor shall record and report daily all inspection results as stated in the Method Statement. Cross cut testing shall be carried out at the following frequencies. For external coatings and repair work 1 per 100m2 with a minimum of 2 per structure. General . The voltage setting shall be according to the Manufacturer’s recommendations or as given in the coating system specification. sags. If work is carried out within the Sultanate of Oman.0 Acceptance criteria: - No more than 20% of the total of single measurements to be less than the minimum specified DFT - The lowest single measurement should be at least 80% of the minimum specified DFT The DFT of different layers of a paint system may be measured using a paint inspection gauge using calibrated cutters and microscope. Such a report shall contain the following minimum information: SP-1246 1. The type of brush shall be suitable for the surface being inspected.
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