SP-1131 Rev 0a



Document Ref.: ABU DHABI MARINE OPERATING COMPANY SP-1131 Control Sheet ADMA-OPCO STANDARD ENGINEERING DOCUMENTS PAGE 1 of 278 COPYRIGHT © ABU DHABI MARINE OPERATING COMPANY - ADMA-OPCO All rights reserved. The information contained in this document is regarded as confidential. Recipient(s) other than ADMAOPCO's employees undertake both during the continuance of their services to ADMA-OPCO and after termination to maintain in safe custody and not to use any such information for any purpose other than a purpose falling within the scope of the Agreement or Contract under which this document was supplied. Recipient(s) further agree not to dispose of, make copies, in whole or in part of such information or permit the use or access of the same by any Third Party unless the prior written permission of ADMA-OPCO Manager Facilities Engineering is obtained. D O C U M E N T DESIGNATION SP-1131 TITLE SPECIFICATION FOR PIPING CLASSIFICATION AUTHORITY NAME TECHNICAL CUSTODIAN Ganesan Shanmugavelu STANDARDS M. Khalid Elshobary DISCIPLINE ENGINEERING Hisham Awadi TITLE B.UNIT/DIV SIGNATURE MECH. E Dev./FED SSL Dev./FED DETL(A) Dev./FED APPROVAL Mohamed Mahdi Al-Amri MFE(A) Dev./FED ENDORSEMENT Ahmad S. Al-Suwaidi Develop. AGM(D) DATE CONTROL STAMP The soft copy of this document on ADMA-OPCO Web is 0a 05-07 Classes in Section 6 to 10 Hyperlinked. Pages 21,39,40,248 &278 amended. 0 12-06 Issued For Implementation REV. DATE ADMA-OPCO/SEF/007 Rev. 0 DESCRIPTION/TEXT AFFECTED Sheet 1 of 1 Controlled. When printed, it is considered Uncontrolled Liability for utilization by personnel/organizations outside ADMA-OPCO Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this document, neither ADMA-OPCO nor its employees will assume liability for any application or use outside ADMA-OPCO premises/assets. 0 12-06 Rev. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................... 6 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 2. SCOPE ........................................................................................................................... 6 COVERAGE ................................................................................................................. 6 EXCLUSIONS .............................................................................................................. 7 REFERENCED STANDARDS ................................................................................... 8 ABBREVIATIONS....................................................................................................... 8 DEFINITIONS.............................................................................................................. 8 USE OF LANGUAGE .................................................................................................. 9 LESSON LEARNT....................................................................................................... 9 QUALITY ASSURANCE ........................................................................................................ 10 2.1 2.2 QUALITY ASSURANCE SYSTEM......................................................................... 10 INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS ................................ 10 3. GOVERNING/BASE CODES................................................................................................. 11 4. DESIGN REQUIREMENTS................................................................................................... 13 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12 GENERAL................................................................................................................... 13 MATERIALS .............................................................................................................. 13 PIPES ........................................................................................................................... 14 FITTINGS ................................................................................................................... 15 FLANGES AND SPECTACLE BLINDS................................................................. 16 VALVES ...................................................................................................................... 18 GASKETS ................................................................................................................... 19 BOLTING.................................................................................................................... 19 GALVANIZING ......................................................................................................... 19 CU-NI PIPING............................................................................................................ 20 COMPOSITE MATERIALS PIPING...................................................................... 20 CEMENT LINED PIPING ........................................................................................ 22 5. PIPING CLASS DESIGNATION SYSTEM......................................................................... 23 6. PIPING CLASS INDEX........................................................................................................... 26 7. PIPELINE CLASS INDEX...................................................................................................... 30 8. VALVE INDEX......................................................................................................................... 31 9. SERVICE INDEX ..................................................................................................................... 37 10. CROSS REFERENCE FOR EXISTING AND NEW PIPE CLASSES ............................ 42 0 12-06 Rev. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 3 11. PIPING AND PIPELINE CLASSES...................................................................................... 49 PIPING CLASS - AC0GA0................................................................................................. 50 PIPING CLASS - AC0NA0 ................................................................................................. 54 PIPING CLASS - AC0NA1 ................................................................................................. 58 PIPING CLASS - AC7GA0................................................................................................. 62 PIPING CLASS - AC8GA0................................................................................................. 66 PIPING CLASS - BC0GA0 ................................................................................................. 70 PIPING CLASS - BC0NA0 ................................................................................................. 74 PIPING CLASS - BC0NA1 ................................................................................................. 78 PIPING CLASS - CC0GA0................................................................................................. 82 PIPING CLASS - CC0NA0 ................................................................................................. 86 PIPING CLASS - CC0NA1 ................................................................................................. 90 PIPING CLASS - DC0GA0................................................................................................. 94 PIPING CLASS - DC0NA0 ................................................................................................. 98 PIPING CLASS - DC0NA1 ............................................................................................... 102 PIPING CLASS - EC5GA0 ............................................................................................... 106 PIPING CLASS - EC5NA0 ............................................................................................... 109 PIPING CLASS - EC5NA1 ............................................................................................... 112 PIPING CLASS - FC5GA0 ............................................................................................... 115 PIPING CLASS - FC5NA0 ............................................................................................... 118 PIPING CLASS - FC5NA1 ............................................................................................... 121 PIPING CLASS - AL0NA0 ............................................................................................... 124 PIPING CLASS - AL0NA1 ............................................................................................... 127 PIPING CLASS - BL0NA0 ............................................................................................... 130 PIPING CLASS - BL0NA1 ............................................................................................... 133 PIPING CLASS - CL0NA0 ............................................................................................... 136 PIPING CLASS - CL0NA1 ............................................................................................... 139 PIPING CLASS - FL0NA1................................................................................................ 142 PIPING CLASS - AS0GA0 ............................................................................................... 146 PIPING CLASS - BS0GA0................................................................................................ 149 PIPING CLASS - CS0GA0 ............................................................................................... 152 PIPING CLASS - DS0GA0 ............................................................................................... 155 PIPING CLASS - AS2GA0 ............................................................................................... 159 PIPING CLASS - BS2GA0................................................................................................ 162 PIPING CLASS - CS2GA0 ............................................................................................... 165 PIPING CLASS - DS2GA0 ............................................................................................... 168 PIPING CLASS - AS3NA0................................................................................................ 172 PIPING CLASS - AS3GA0 ............................................................................................... 175 PIPING CLASS - BS3GA0................................................................................................ 178 PIPING CLASS - BS3NA0 ................................................................................................ 181 PIPING CLASS - CS3GA0 ............................................................................................... 184 PIPING CLASS - CS3NA0................................................................................................ 187 PIPING CLASS - DS3GA0 ............................................................................................... 190 PIPING CLASS - DS3NA0................................................................................................ 194 PIPING CLASS - ES3GA0................................................................................................ 198 PIPING CLASS - ES3NA0 ................................................................................................ 201 0 12-06 Rev. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 4 PIPING CLASS - FS3GA0................................................................................................ 204 PIPING CLASS - FS3NA0 ................................................................................................ 207 PIPING CLASS - AS4NA0................................................................................................ 210 PIPING CLASS - BS4NA0 ................................................................................................ 213 PIPING CLASS - CS4NA0................................................................................................ 216 PIPING CLASS - DS4NA0................................................................................................ 219 PIPING CLASS - ES4NA0 ................................................................................................ 223 PIPING CLASS - FS4NA0 ................................................................................................ 226 PIPING CLASS - AN1NA0 ............................................................................................... 229 PIPING CLASS - BN1NA0 ............................................................................................... 232 PIPING CLASS - CN1NA0 ............................................................................................... 235 PIPING CLASS - DN1NA0 ............................................................................................... 238 PIPING CLASS - EN1NA0 ............................................................................................... 242 PIPING CLASS - FN1NA0 ............................................................................................... 245 PIPING CLASS - AN3GA0............................................................................................... 248 PIPING CLASS - AG0GA0............................................................................................... 252 PIPING CLASS - AP1GA0 ............................................................................................... 255 PIPELINE CLASS - EC5PA0........................................................................................... 258 PIPELINE CLASS - EC5LA0........................................................................................... 262 PIPELINE CLASS - FC5PA0 ........................................................................................... 266 APPENDIX-A: ABBREVIATIONS............................................................................................... 270 APPENDIX-B: DEFINITIONS ...................................................................................................... 273 APPENDIX-C: REFERENCED DOCUMENTS ......................................................................... 274 0 12-06 Rev. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 5 1 Scope This Specification generally covers the selection of piping classes for use within ADMA-OPCO for offshore and onshore facilities. j.2 Coverage This Specification covers the selection of following: 1. Date Spectacle blinds and spacer / blanks. Flanges & blind flanges. l. 1. 0 12-06 Rev. b. Pipes.. Caps and plugs. Nipples. e. Stud bolts. Branch fittings (weldolet. f. k. Valves. threadolet. g. d.2. Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. etc shall be developed based on this document and the specific project requirement. Gaskets. Tees. valve datasheets. Elbows. For each project. INTRODUCTION 1. sockolet. based on type of fluid conveyed and the design temperature and pressure limitations. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 6 . a project specific piping classes. Reducers and swages.1 Components a. i.1. nipolet). c. h. pipe wall thickness calculations.. 3 Materials a. PVC.6 Motor operated valves. 1. h. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 7 . the usage of piping size less than NPS 2” shall require ADMA-OPCO approval.3. 1.3. plumbing. g.3 Exclusions This Specification does not cover the following: 1. b.4 and ASME B31. both inclusive. GRE. which shall be in accordance with ASME B31.3. d.1. UPVC.2 Onshore Pipelines and its fittings up to the isolation joints. Non-ferrous alloys. 1.3.8. which shall be in accordance with DNV OS-F101.3. Alloy steel.2.7 Wellhead and X-mas tree equipment. 1. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.2. 1. But details of sizes covered in the individual piping classes are as indicated in Section 11 However. e. 1.2 Sizes Generally 1” NPS to 48” NPS size.3 Heating. Stainless steel.3.3.4 Instrumentation tubing. is covered in this Specification.1 Submarine Pipelines and its fittings up to riser flange or isolation joint.5 Instrument control valves / safety & relieve valves. ventilation and similar piping inside buildings. Carbon steel. 0 12-06 Rev. 1. 1. CPVC. c. f. represent part of this Specification.4 Referenced Standards 1. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. However major conflictions shall be reported in writing to ADMA-OPCO technical custodian for arbitration/resolution.2 Equivalent Standards Standard Documents equivalent to those referred to herein shall not be substituted without written approval from ADMA-OPCO. 1. 1.1 General The latest edition (at the time of the contract award) of the Documents listed in Appendix-C shall to the extent specified herein. in the event of conflict. 4. the requirements of this Specification shall overrule unless otherwise advised by the ADMA-OPCO. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 8 . The latest edition/revision of ADMA-OPCO Standards Engineering Documents shall be utilized as indicated in the Status List SL-001. or nominated representative. Where this Specification states no overriding requirements over the Standard Engineering Documents requirements. Where differences and/or conflicting issues occur between the referenced documents themselves or the requirements of this Specification. 1. personnel involved in the work.4. remove responsibility from the Manufacturer/Supplier to meet the best practices and/or requirements of the Standard Engineering Documents referred to herein. the later shall apply in full.1.5 Abbreviations The abbreviations used in this Specification are listed in Appendix-A. 0 12-06 Rev.6 Definitions The definitions used in this Specification are listed in Appendix-B. in any way. The Manufacturer/Supplier shall equip himself with copies of all the referenced Standard Engineering Documents referred in Appendix-C of this Specification and shall make them readily available to all ADMA-OPCO. Approval of equivalent Standard Documents will not. ‘Will’ is used normally in connection with an action by ADMA-OPCO and/or nominated representative. ‘May’ is used where alternatives are equally acceptable. fed to ADMA-OPCO lessons learnt system. 1. ‘should’ and ‘shall’. ‘Shall/Must’ is used where a provision is mandatory / vital.7 Use of Language Throughout this Specification.8 Lesson Learnt Lessons learnt related to this work shall be. d. c.1. have specific meanings as follows: a. ‘may’. 0 12-06 Rev. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 9 . rather than by a Contractor or Manufacturer. when used in the context of actions by ADMA-OPCO or others. b. ‘Should’ is used where provision is preferred. as appropriate. the words ‘will’. 2. 0 12-06 Rev. 2.4 The effectiveness of the Manufacturer’s/Supplier’s quality management system may be subject to monitoring by ADMA-OPCO or its representative and may be audited following an agreed period of notice.2 Inspection and Certification Requirements 2. which ensure that the requirements of this Specification are fully achieved.1. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 10 .1. QUALITY ASSURANCE 2. 2. The Manufacturer/Supplier’s quality management system shall be based on ADMAOPCO Specification SP-1009 or the latest issue of ISO 9001 Series and accredited by an international certifying agency.1. Details of these audits shall be made available to ADMA-OPCO when requested.1 Piping materials and components shall only be procured from Manufacturers/Suppliers approved by ADMA-OPCO.6 The Manufacturer/Supplier shall maintain sufficient Inspection and Quality Assurance staff. 2. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. 2.1.2 The Manufacturer/Supplier shall operate Quality Management Systems (QMS) within his organizations.3 The Contractor’s quality manual shall provide details for the preparation of a quality plan.1.7 Using Sub-suppliers is not allowed for services/functions carried out by a Contractor without ADMA-OPCO approval.1 Inspection and certification requirements shall be as stated in the ADMA-OPCO Code of Practice CP-102. to ensure that the QMS is correctly implemented and that all related documentation is available.2.2.1. 2. which shall include provisions for the QA/QC of services activities. 2.1 Quality Assurance System 2. independent of the service provider management.5 The Manufacturer/Supplier shall make regular QA audits on all their Suppliers. Where an approved Contractor revises their Quality Management System that affect the ADMA-OPCO approved Quality / Inspection & Test Plan.1. then the revised Quality Plan / Inspection & Test Plan shall be submitted for ADMA-OPCO approval before initiating any service activities. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 11 .1A below: Figure – 1A: Piping and Pipelines Codes application battery limits 0 12-06 Rev.3. GOVERNING/BASE CODES The pipe classes covered under this Specification is based on the applicable design codes followed in ADMA-OPCO. 3.1 The demarcation of design codes for pipeline and process plant design is shown in Figure . Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. Figure – 1B: Piping And Pipelines Codes Application Battery Limits 0 12-06 Rev.2 The coverage of various piping and pipeline class and the limit of design code application as applicable in ADMA-OPCO is shown in Figure-1B below. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 12 .3. 1. excluding screwed. Pressure Class 4.23%.1. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.2.3. 4. 2500 303 bar (4400 psi) for pipeline piping to comply with prevailing design pressure for oil lines Materials 4. ASME B31.1.1 All forgings shall be in normalized condition. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 13 .4 Cast iron shall not be used in hydrocarbon services.1 Unless otherwise specified in this Specification.5 for the corresponding pressure class and material at the applicable temperature. all material shall comply with NACE MR0175/ISO 15156 and ADMA-OPCO Specification SP-1000.2 Piping class rating 400 (B16.8 and/or DNVOS-F101 as applicable. shall have a maximum carbon content of 0.4. pipe and piping components shall be designed in accordance with ASME B31.3 All austenitic stainless steel and Inconel shall be in solution annealed condition. The pipework needs repair in future shall also follow this Specification. 4.2 All material in carbon and low alloy steel.2.5 For “Sour Service” application. 4.5 Piping classes included in this document is developed with the following as the basis for pressure rating.1.1 General 4.2. 0 12-06 Rev. The data given in some piping class in ‘italics’ indicate that these are not the maximum flange ratings pressure.4 Small bore piping connections shall be designed in accordance with the requirements of ADMA-OPCO Code of Practice CP-111. a carbon content of 0.4. 4.5) shall not be used.2.2.25% maximum may be permitted subject to ADMA-OPCO Integrity Assurance Authority approval.3 Threaded piping is allowed only for utility services of Category D fluids. For castings. The allowable pressure at corresponding temperatures is given in each piping class. 4. galvanized and casting. 4. 4. DESIGN REQUIREMENTS 4. ASME B31.1.2 Maximum pressure considered for developing pipe class included in this document 150 300 600 900 1500 Maximum flange rating as per ASME B 16. 4. Bushing shall not be used. 7” and 9” shall not be used. 28”. (SCH)’ in accordance with ASME B36. unless otherwise approved by ADMAOPCO.2. The use of non-standard pipe diameters like 26”.2. shall be in accordance with ASME B31.4 Wherever practicable. Minor repairs as defined by ASME B16. relevant pipes may also be indicated by schedule reference to ASME B36.8 Castings shall be in ‘Normalized’ or ‘Quenched and Tempered’ condition.0 shall be mapped and submitted to ADMA-OPCO for review and approval prior to commencing any repairs. 3½”.34 may be mapped and repaired without need for prior notification but shall still be certified. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. 38”. 4. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 14 . 5”. 4. 4. Equipment supplied with connections of these sizes shall be adjusted to a standard size immediately adjacent to the equipment by means of suitable reduced fittings. The use of these sizes require prior approval from ADMA-OPCO.3. 34”. 2½”.19 is limited to only four schedule numbers (5S. if required. metallic pipes shall be specified by reference to the ‘Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)’ and ‘Schedule No. if any.34 section 8. Welds or weld repairs.3.2.3. All major and minor repairs shall be subject to post weld heat treatment.6 The Carbon Equivalent (CE) based on the Ladle Analysis shall not exceed 0.10 & B36.2 Pipe diameters of 1¼”.3 for piping classes and as per DNV standard for pipelines considering the corrosion allowance as well as mill tolerances as applicable. calculated by the following formula: Mn Cr + Mo + V Ni + Cu + + CE = C + 6 5 15 shall be subject to stress-relieving and shall be certified by ADMA-OPCO/TPA. 32”. WPS & PQR along with PWHT and NDE procedures shall also be submitted for approval.19. 0 12-06 Rev.3 The calculation of pipe wall thickness shall be in accordance with the code ASME B31. 4. wherever required.3. 40S and 80S). Major repairs as defined in ASME B16. 10S. 4. 44” & 46” shall be avoided though it is permitted to use in un-avoidable circumstances.7 Impact testing on steels.1 No pipe diameter smaller than 1” shall be used. Note: Since ASME B36.3 Pipes 4. 8 Welded pipes if used shall be supplied as submerged arc welded and the seam shall be fully radiographed.7 Unless otherwise noted in the pipe classes. 4.5 The minimum pipe sizes to be used shall be as follows. Stainless steel.10 The pipe thicknesses given in the classes is selected in such a way to minimize the use of pipe thickness that is not easily available. Free machining steels and fittings made from cold rolled steel bar stock are not permitted.4.3.3. Fittings made from block forgings and machined to the required dimensions are not permitted. minimum pipe schedules shall be as follows.3.3.11 For SS/Inconel pipes above 16” NPS manufactured by EFW method.4. (NB ≤ 2 inch) : : 80 160 4. 0 12-06 Rev. the NPS shall be submitted for ADMA-OPCO Integrity Assurance Authority approval.6 Generally.4. Threaded Pipes Process pipework. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 15 . carbon steel pipes shall be of seamless construction for pipe sizes up to and including 16” NPS.3.2 Unless otherwise noted in the piping class. The piping connections shall meet the requirements of ADMA-OPCO Code of Practice CP-111.25.1 All fittings shall comply with the requirements of ADMA-OPCO Standard STD-128 and the applicable piping class. inconel and copper nickel pipes up to and including 12” NPS shall be seamless.9 Beveled ends shall be in accordance with ASME B16.4 Fittings 4. 4. 4. the fittings shall be seamless and shall be in wrought/forged material. 4. Utility lines Process lines Branches – Offshore (flowing lines) : : : 1 inch 1 inch 2 inch However the usage of sizes less than 2” NPS shall be minimized unless the line sizes below 2” NPS are required for process reasons and to match the connection sizes of instruments and other components. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. 4.3. unless otherwise recommended. 4. 4.3. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 16 .5. a.5 Short radius elbows shall generally not be permitted unless specifically warranted by space constraint.4. serrated and very smooth finish shall be as given below.5 In case SW flanges are needed. The branch for hot tap shall be as per ADMA-OPCO Specification SP-1005. 0 12-06 Rev. Lifting eyes or shackles shall be fitted with spectacle blinds and spacers blanks weighting more than 25 kg.3 The mating face of ring joint grove shall be harder than RTJ gasket by 30 to 40 Vickers hardness number.4. Spectacle blinds and spacer and blanks shall be as per ASME B16. Very smooth finish – Less than 1. 4.5 µm (125 – 500 µin) c.4 For process and utility services. to facilitate installation and removal. spacers and blanks shall have the same face finish as the connected flange faces.4.4.6 µm Ra (63 µin) 4. 4. Serrated finish – Ra 3.1 All flanges shall comply with the requirements of ADMA-OPCO Standard STD .5.4.5. flat face flanges with full face gaskets shall be used when connecting to cast iron or non-metallic flanges.48. ADMA-OPCO approval is required for use of short radius elbows. unless prior approval is obtained from ADMA-OPCO. Use of non factory made fittings including Mitre Bends are not permitted specially Segmental Mitre Bends.108 and applicable piping class.4 Unless noted otherwise in the piping class.8 The branch table indicated is not applicable for the hot tap connections. 4.6 Threaded caps and plugs shall only be used downstream of isolation valves for vents and drain connection. 4.36.2 to 12.2 to 6. 4. Orifice flanges shall be in accordance with ASME B16. Flange facing finish for smooth. reduction in pipe size shall be made using Reducers or Swages.3 All fittings shall be “factory made”. 4.3 µm (125 – 250 µin) b. 4. 4. Use of bushings is not permitted.2 Flange bore and bore of spectacle blind shall match with the ID of the connected pipe. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. Smooth finish – Ra 3.7 Cross and lateral tees are considered special type fittings and the selection of which requires prior approval from ADMA-OPCO.5 Flanges and Spectacle Blinds 4. 4.6 Spectacle blinds.5. 4. bore of SW flanges shall suit the corresponding pipe as per piping class. 4. The connector bore shall provide an unobstructed profile for pigging operations. 4.11 Use of integral forged flanged fittings long weld neck flanges. 4. Where standard flanges are not available as in the case of pipes with nominal size larger than 12” NPS in piping classes with pressure rating 2500. When the weight of the piping needs to be reduced by using hub joints in place of flanges in piping with pressure class 1500 and 2500.5. 4.10 Spectacle blind fabricated from the plate material of the corresponding forging material given in the pipe class. the exact design details of the orifice flange shall be specified by the DEFINE stage consultant and approved by ADMA-OPCO.5. a seal ring and bolting. 4. 4. without causing damage to the connector or the pig.5. 4. blind & spacers and for 3” and above on spectacle blind assembles. Techlok or equivalent approved by ADMA-OPCO.8 Drilling and tapping for jack screws on the flange shall be carried out by the manufacturer and shall be identified at the detailed design stage.4.5. including intelligent. The connector shall be designed for passing all types of pipeline pigs on a regular basis. Above this size limit.5.5. Components from different manufacturers shall not be permitted in the same joint. All hub connector components shall be designed and their performance warranted by the same Manufacturer. spacers/spades shall be selected. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. shall be acceptable as an alternative to the forged material.5.17 Hub connector installed in a pipeline shall comply with DNV OS-F101. inspection and scrapper pigs. 4.5. Spacer/Spade racks shall be made available & adjacent to spading point locations.12 Orifice pressure tapping should be connected to the orifice flange with a weldolet or weldoflange using a full penetration weld as an improvement. flangolets are permitted wherever necessary.9 Size limit for use of spectacle blind shall be in accordance with the piping classes. 4.16 Manufacturers of hubbed valves and equipment shall supply hub connectors for their equipment including mating hubs to be welded to the pipe. Manufacturer of a pig launcher / receiver shall ensure that supplied hub for pig launcher / receiver shall be compatible with the hub of mating isolation valve. a clamp. b.5.14 Hub connectors shall be Grayloc.15 Hub connectors shall be complete with two hubs. However.13 The Manufacturer designed hub connectors shall be used in the following cases: a. 0 12-06 Rev. 4.7 Unless specified otherwise.5. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 17 .5. two (2) Nos. jackscrews shall be provided for flange assembly for all RTJ flanges. 4.6.6 Butterfly valves shall comply with the requirements of ADMA-OPCO Standard STD118.6.6. 4.6. 4.6. 4. 4. and applicable piping class.4.6.11 Requirement of full bore valves shall be identified in the individual P&ID’s and on the valve data sheets.2 Globe valves shall comply with the requirements of ADMA-OPCO Standard STD-119 (projected). Needle valves shall comply with the requirements of ADMA-OPCO Standard STD114 (projected). 4. 4. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. 4. and the same shall be identified in the purchase order. and applicable piping class.14 Forged valve body material in place of cast body mentioned in the attached piping classes acceptable. and applicable piping class.6. 0 12-06 Rev. 4. 4. and applicable piping class.5 Check valves shall comply with the requirements of ADMA-OPCO Standard STD-117.7 All valves in hydrocarbon service shall be of fire safe design. All ball valves with renewable soft seat shall have a secondary metal seat. 4.6 Valves 4. 4. 4.4 Ball valves shall comply with the requirements of ADMA-OPCO Standard STD- All valves shall include a corrosion allowance as stipulated in the relevant piping class. and applicable piping class.6.10 Soft seated ball valves with SW ends shall be supplied with pipe nipples welded to each end.1 Gate valves shall comply with the requirements of ADMA-OPCO Standard STD-115 and applicable piping class. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 18 .12 The valve packing selected shall be non-asbestos and compatible with the stem material.6.9 Locking arrangement shall be provided where required.8 Gear operator shall be provided for the valves in accordance with the requirements of applicable ADMA-OPCO Standards for valves. 0 12-06 Rev. 4.4.3 For assembly of flanged joints of dissimilar metallurgy insulating gasket kit in phenolic resin complete with suitable bolting shall be used to avoid galvanic corrosion.8. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. the piping shall be galvanized both inside and outside.1 Galvanizing.7. implies application by hot-dip process to both inside and outside and shall conform to ASTM A153.3 Galvanized pipe work of 3” NPS and larger. 4. 4. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 19 .7.1 Bolting shall comply with the requirements of ADMA-OPCO Standard STD-126 and applicable piping class. Galvanized bolts/nuts shall be in accordance with ADMA-OPCO Specification SP-1015.8. 4.2 Galvanized small bore piping (2” NPS and below) shall be procured in galvanized condition with screwed ends. 4.4 Wherever applicable. 4.1 Gaskets shall comply with the requirements of ADMA-OPCO Standard STD-127 and applicable piping class.9. 4.7 Gaskets 4.9 Galvanizing 4. stud bolts shall be longer by one bolt diameter to suit hydraulic bolt tensioners.2 Asbestos or asbestos filled materials shall not be used for gaskets.2 Machine bolt shall not be used for flange joints unless specifically required for the application.8 Bolting 4.3 Lower strength of sour service bolting material shall be taken into consideration in the flange joint design. shall be fabricated as normal carbon steel pipe work in convenient spool lengths and subject to hot dip galvanizing subsequent to fabrication. Where galvanizing is specified. where specified in the piping class for pipes and components. 4. Any BW field joints shall be repaired by external galvanizing only. fittings and adhesives shall be Epoxy.2 Material for seamless 90/10 Cu/Ni Alloy shall be UNS 7060X* and the maximum design. 146 4. are equal to or better than that of the pipe.11. 4. 144 Tubes b.5 Flanges. manufactured by the filament wound process.10. and the temperature rating.11 Composite Materials Piping 4. Unless otherwise specified.3 All material shall be clean. 4. * Alloy UNS 7060X is a modified form of the national designated alloys UNS 70600.10. Fittings shall comply with Publication No.4. Flanges. GRE pipes and fittings shall be provided with spigot and socket ends. 0 12-06 Rev. interior liner. using thermosetting epoxy resin and fiberglass reinforcement such that the resistance to chemical attack.11. glass-fibre reinforcing materials. pigments and other materials) shall be new and free from contamination and imperfections. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 20 . 4. or manufactured from mitred section of pipe. pressures shall be as given in the corresponding classes. tolerances and surface finishes shall be measured in accordance with ASTM D3567. composite and solid shall comply with Publication No.4 All pipes shall be entirely machine made Reinforced Thermosetting Resin Pressure Pipes (RTRP) manufactured by the filament winding process in accordance with ASTM D2996. 4. stated in this Specification and piping class sheets. curing agents.1 GRE pipes and fittings shall be in accordance with API Spec. 145 c. wyes and other fittings may be compression moulded. All seamless pipe shall comply with Publication No.15LR and ADMAOPCO Specification SP-1027 as a minimum. Polyester or Vinylester resins with suitable curing agents meetings the performance requirement and temperature limits. bends.10.11.11. a. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. tees.11.2 All base materials (resins. smooth and free from harmful defects and from deleterious films inside.1 Cu-Ni pipes and fittings shall be in accordance with EEMUA publications as a minimum. the pressure rating. 4.11. 4. 4.10 Cu-Ni Piping 4. reducers.3 The resins system used for pipe wall.6 Dimensions. The manufacturer shall test.12 The adhesive cement shall be of an epoxy/polyester type.11.11. and applicable to the service temperature and pressures. 4.11. 4.11.9 4. uniform.4. 0a 05-07 0 12-06 Rev. resin-rich liner with a thickness of 0.11. Date Clause 4. median and maximum flange sizes of the manufacturing range at the plant for each pressure rating. Except for compression molded fittings. 4.8 Flanges shall be flat faced and flange drilling shall be in accordance with ASME B16.13 mm.11. UV deterioration.10 Outside surface must be rich in resin. 3 mm.11 Jointing system of GRE piping shall be by means of adhesive bonding. 4.5% of the nominal wall thickness. and flanges surfaces that are exposed to the fluid shall have a smooth. if different. The interior liner shall be reinforced with nonwoven epoxy. current at the time of purchase.5 for pies up to 24” NPS. 4. using both the factory and field adhesives and their respective joining and curing procedures. GRE piping materials Class 150 may be utilized for oily/non oily.16 All pipe.11. 4.11.51 mm + 0. The Manufacturer shall select the procedure and one representative size for these tests.17 added Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.13 The shelf life of the adhesive cement kit at 45ºC shall not be less than six months from the date of shipment or 12 months from the date of production.11. The resin used for topcoat shall be pure thermosetting resin and shall be same as used for the reinforced wall. The thickness of the topcoat shall be at least 0.11. fittings and flanges for a particular installation shall be manufactured or supplied by the same Manufacturer to avoid incompatibility due to intermixing of products from different manufacturers.14 The long-term hydrostatic strength of pipe shall be determined in accordance with Procedure A or B of ASTM D2992. all pipes.11.15 Flanges shall be pressure rated and marked in accordance with ASTM D4024. three samples of minimum. 4. 4. fittings.17 In line with ISO 14692-1 & ISO 14692-2.7 The average wall thickness of the pipe shall not be less than the nominal wall thickness published in the manufacturer literature. 4. on a one-time basis. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 21 .11. when measured in accordance with ASTM D 3567. formulated to be resistant to the media transported. produced water & general non HC water applications provided that the operating temperature does not exceed 90 oC. Adhesive joints shall be included. The minimum wall thickness at any point shall not be less than 87. 4. 4.2 All fittings (bends.5.1 Internal cement lining of pipes and fittings shall be done as per BP GS 106-1.12 Cement Lined Piping 4. 4. Use of alternate cementing material that suit the jointing of the cement-lined items is permitted subject to prior approval by Company.5 The lining thickness shall be as specified in the description and table in clause 3. shall be as per BP Specification GS 106-1. 4. as per requirements and figures detailed in BP GS 106-1.12.6 Joining of cement-lined piping shall be by means of sleeves and a jointing compound shall be used.7 The sleeve material. 4.8 Sleeves shall be either loose supplied or shall be part of the pre-fabricated fittings as specified in the material requisition. The jointing compound Peridite or equivalent shall be used as jointing compound consisting of PS3654 Base. 4. PZ2469 Hardener and PZ2470 Accelerator.4 Material for internal lining of the pipes and fittings shall be sulphate resistant cement mortar and the procedure shall be as per BP GS 106-1. tees.9 Jointing material shall be an epoxy pipe-jointing compound. reducers etc.12.12. 4. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.12. size. thickness etc.12. 0 12-06 Rev.12.3 All fabricated CS spools shall be 100% hydro tested before cement mortar lining. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 22 .) shall have 150 mm (6”) long pup piece at each ends either bought out as such or pre-fabricated prior to cement lining.1 of BP GS 106-1. Date NACE Requirement (Alphabet) G – General (Non-NACE) Piping Class N – NACE Piping Class L – Non-NACE Pipeline Class P – NACE Pipeline Class Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 23 .5. PIPING CLASS DESIGNATION SYSTEM The piping class shall be 4 or 5 digit Alphanumeric Code as follows: A C0 N A1 Where: Special Requirements (Alphanumeric) Shows Differences in Piping Classes within the same rating and material (Refer Attached Table-2) Pressure Rating (Alphabet) A – 150 # E – 1500# B – 300 # F – 2500# C – 600 # G – 5000# D – 900 # H – 10000# W – 125# Basic Material (Alphanumeric) (Refer Attached Table-1) 0 12-06 Rev. B A0 N0 UNS N0 8825 N1 UNS N0 6625 N2 Copper Nickel 70/30 N3 Copper Nickel 90/10 N4 Duplex Stainless Steel G3 ASTM A 333 Gr. P1 P0 PVC P1 UPVC P2 Where: A1 LTCS = Low Temperature Carbon Steel S0 ASTM A 312 TP-304 S1 ASTM A 312 TP-304L RTR = Reinforced Thermosetting Plastic Resin S2 ASTM A 312 TP-316 GRE = Glass Reinforced Epoxy S3 ASTM A 312 TP-316L S4 ASTM A 312 TP-321 GRP = Glass Reinforced Polyester GRV = Glass Reinforced Vinylester PVC = Poly Vinyl Chloride S5 UPVC = Unplasticised Poly Vinyl Chloride Note: Blank Codes will be utilized for future additions/update. B-Galvanized G1 GRP C8 Carbon Steel-Lined G2 GRV Non-Ferrous Metal API 5L Gr. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. 6 PVC LTCS L0 Alloy Steel C9 Stainless Steel Material C0 RTR Carbon Steel Code L1 ASTM A 335 Gr.BASIC MATERIAL CODE TABLE-1 Material Code C1 ASTM A 53 Gr. B C3 API 5L X42 C4 API 5L X52 C5 API 5L X60 N5 C6 API 5L X65 G0 GRE C7 API 5L Gr. B C2 ASTM A 106 Gr. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 24 . 0 12-06 Rev. This number (A0 to Z9. The description against these codes will be very general as indicated here as example. 0 12-06 Rev. 2.SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS TABLE-2 Code A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 B0 B1 B2 Description (Note-1) Base Pipe Class Corrosion allowance changed to 6mm from base pipe class Z0 Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4 Z5 Z6 Z7 Z8 Z9 Note: 1. Note: Blank Codes will be utilized for future additions/updates. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. total of 24x10 = 240 combinations excluding alphabets “I” and “O”) is used to differentiate the piping class within the same rating. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 25 . basic material and NACE requirement. The codes will be assigned during the development of the piping classes. Spiral Smooth Wound A193 B7M/ A194 2HM AC7GA0 API 5L Gr. B Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.6 -29°C to AC0GA0 API 5L Gr. B. Soft Iron A193 B7M/ Very Octagonal A194 2HM Smooth Ring CC0NA1 API 5L Gr.2 -29°C to +200°C NACE 3 mm 900 # RTJ.6 -29°C to +200°C NACE 3 mm 150 # RF. Range 19.1) Maximum Pressure (Barg) (Note 6.1 -29°C to +200°C NACE 6 mm 600 # RTJ. B 153. CNAF. B Service Facing NACE Corrosion Pressure Category and Face Requirement Allowance Class (Note 6. Spiral Smooth Wound A193 B7/ A194 2H BC0NA0 API 5L Gr. Soft Iron A193 B7/ Very Octagonal A194 2H Smooth Ring DC0NA0 API 5L Gr. B 51. B 102. Spiral Smooth Wound A193 B7M/ A194 2HM AC0NA1 API 5L Gr. B 153.6 -29°C to +200°C Non-NACE 3 mm 150 # RF.3 -29°C to +200°C NACE 3 mm 1500 # RTJ. Soft Iron A193 B7M/ Very Octagonal A194 2HM Smooth Ring EC5GA0 API 5L X-60 255. B. Soft Iron A193 B7/ Very Octagonal A194 2H Smooth Ring EC5NA0 API 5L X-60 255. B 51. Pipe Class PIPING CLASS INDEX Pipe Material (Note 6. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 26 . B 102. B 102.6 -29°C to +200°C NACE 6 mm 150 # RF. Soft Iron A193 B7/ Very Octagonal A194 2H Smooth Ring CC0NA0 API 5L Gr. Soft Iron A193 B7M/ Very Octagonal A194 2HM Smooth Ring DC0GA0 API 5L Gr. Spiral Smooth Wound A193 B7M/ A194 2HM CC0GA0 API 5L Gr. Flat A193 B7/ Serrated Ring A194 2H BC0GA0 API 5L Gr.3 -29°C to +200°C Non-NACE 3 mm 1500 # RTJ. Galvanised 19. Flat A193 B7/ Serrated Ring A194 2H AC8GA0 API 5L Gr.3) Finish Type of Gasket Stud Bolt Non-NACE 3 mm 150 # RF.2) Temp. CNAF. Soft Iron A193 B7M/ Very Octagonal A194 2HM Smooth Ring DC0NA1 API 5L Gr. Spiral Smooth Wound A193 B7M/ A194 2HM BC0NA1 API 5L Gr. Soft Iron A193 B7M/ Very Octagonal A194 2HM Smooth Ring 0 12-06 Rev. Date Refer to each pipe class and ADMA-OPCO Code of Practice CP-111 AC0NA0 API 5L Gr.6.1 -29°C to +200°C NACE 3 mm 300 # RF.2 -29°C to +200°C Non-NACE 3 mm 900 # RTJ.2 -29°C to +200°C NACE 6 mm 900 # RTJ. CNAF.1 -29°C to +250°C Non-NACE 3 mm 300 # RF. B 19.1 -29°C to +200°C NACE 3 mm 600 # RTJ. Flat A193 B7/ Serrated Ring A194 2H +200°C 19.1 -29°C to +200°C Non-NACE 3 mm 600 # RTJ. B 51.6 -29°C to +200°C Non-NACE 3 mm 150 # RF.1 -29°C to +200°C NACE 6 mm 300 # RF. B 153. Cement Lined 19. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. 6 325 -45°C to +200°C AS0GA0 A 312 TP-304 19 -29°C to +200°C BS0GA0 A 312 TP-304 49.) Pipe Class Maximum Pressure (Barg) (Note 6.1 -45°C to +200°C CL0NA1 A 333 Gr.46 -29°C to +200°C NACE 3 mm 2500 # RTJ. Spiral Smooth Wound Incoloy 925 Incoloy 925 Refer to each pipe class and ADMA-OPCO Code of Practice CP-111 EC5NA1 API 5L X-60 AL0NA0 A 333 Gr. SS-304 Incoloy 925 Very Octagonal Smooth Ring 0 12-06 Rev.46 -29°C to +200°C Non-NACE 3 mm 2500 # RTJ. Spiral Smooth Wound A320 L7M/ A194 4M NACE 3 mm 300 # RF. 6 19.3) Finish Type of Gasket Stud Bolt 255. Spiral Smooth Wound A320 L7M/ A194 4M NACE 3 mm 600 # RTJ.86 -29°C to +200°C NACE 6 mm 2500 # RTJ. Soft Iron A320 L7M/ Very Octagonal A194 4M Smooth Ring NACE 6 mm 2500 # RTJ. Spiral Smooth Wound CS0GA0 A 312 TP-304 99. Soft Iron A193 B7M/ Very Octagonal A194 2HM Smooth Ring NACE 3 mm 150 # RF.6 -45°C to +200°C BL0NA0 A 333 Gr. 6 51. Range Service Facing NACE Corrosion Pressure Category and Face Requirement Allowance Class (Note 6. Soft Iron A193 B7M/ Very Octagonal A194 2HM Smooth Ring FC5GA0 API 5L X-60 303.6.2) Pipe Material (Note 6.1 -45°C to +200°C FL0NA1 A 333 Gr. Soft Iron A320 L7M/ Very Octagonal A194 4M Smooth Ring NACE 6 mm 600 # RTJ. Soft Iron A320 L7M/ Very Octagonal A194 4M Smooth Ring Non-NACE 0 mm 150 # RF. Spiral Smooth Wound A320 L7M/ A194 4M NACE 6 mm 150 # RF. Spiral Smooth Wound A320 L7M/ A194 4M NACE 6 mm 300 # RF.6 -45°C to +200°C AL0NA1 A 333 Gr. 6 102.3 -29°C to +200°C NACE 6 mm 1500 # RTJ.6 -29°C to +200°C Non-NACE 0 mm 300 # RF.1 -45°C to +200°C BL0NA1 A 333 Gr. Soft Iron A193 B7M/ Very Octagonal A194 2HM Smooth Ring FC5NA1 API 5L X-60 310.1) Temp.3 -29°C to +200°C Non-NACE 0 mm 600 # RTJ. Soft Iron A193 B7/ Very Octagonal A194 2H Smooth Ring FC5NA0 API 5L X-60 303. 6 51. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 27 . 6 102.1 -45°C to +200°C CL0NA0 A 333 Gr. 6 19. PIPING CLASS INDEX (CONT’D. 1 -29°C to +200°C ES3GA0 A 312 TP316L 206.1) Temp. PIPING CLASS INDEX (CONT’D.1 -29°C to +200°C DS3NA0 A 312 TP316L 124.3) Finish Type of Gasket Stud Bolt 148.9 -29°C to +200°C BS3GA0 A 312 TP316L 41.8 -29°C to +200°C NACE 0 mm 1500 # RTJ. Spiral Smooth Wound Incoloy 925 Non-NACE 0 mm 600 # RTJ.2) Pipe Material (Note 6. Spiral Smooth Wound Incoloy 925 CS2GA0 A 312 TP-316 99.9 -29°C to +200°C Non-NACE 0 mm 900 # RTJ. SS-304 Incoloy 925 Very Octagonal Smooth Ring AS2GA0 A 312 TP-316 19 -29°C to +200°C Non-NACE 0 mm 150 # RF.) Pipe Class Maximum Pressure (Barg) (Note 6.4 -29°C to +200°C CS3GA0 A 312 TP316L 82.6. SS-316 Incoloy 925 Very Octagonal Smooth Ring NACE 0 mm 600 # RTJ.4 -29°C to +200°C BS3NA0 A 312 TP316L 41. SS-316 Incoloy 925 Very Octagonal Smooth Ring DS2GA0 A 312 TP-316 148. Spiral Smooth Wound Incoloy 925 NACE 0 mm 300 # RF. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 28 . SS-316 Incoloy 925 Very Octagonal Smooth Ring NACE 0 mm 150 # RF. SS-316 Incoloy 925 Very Octagonal Smooth Ring ES3NA0 A 312 TP316L 206. SS-316 Incoloy 925 Very Octagonal Smooth Ring 0 12-06 Rev. Range Service Facing NACE Corrosion Pressure Category and Face Requirement Allowance Class (Note 6. Spiral Smooth Wound Incoloy 925 Non-NACE 0 mm 300 # RF.9 -29°C to +200°C AS3GA0 A 312 TP316L 15. Spiral Smooth Wound Incoloy 925 Non-NACE 0 mm 150 # RF. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.6 -29°C to +200°C Non-NACE 0 mm 300 # RF. SS-316 Incoloy 925 Very Octagonal Smooth Ring Non-NACE 0 mm 900 # RTJ. SS-316 Incoloy 925 Very Octagonal Smooth Ring NACE 0 mm 900 # RTJ.7 -29°C to +200°C CS3NA0 A 312 TP316L 82.9 -29°C to +200°C Non-NACE 0 mm 900 # RTJ.8 -29°C to +200°C Non-NACE 0 mm 1500 # RTJ. SS-316 Incoloy 925 Very Octagonal Smooth Ring Refer to each pipe class and ADMA-OPCO Code of Practice CP-111 DS0GA0 A 312 TP-304 AS3NA0 A 312 TP316L 15. Spiral Smooth Wound Incoloy 925 BS2GA0 A 312 TP-316 49.7 -29°C to +200°C DS3GA0 A 312 TP316L 124.3 -29°C to +200°C Non-NACE 0 mm 600 # RTJ. SS-316 Incoloy 925 Very Octagonal Smooth Ring AS4NA0 A 312 TP-321 19 -29°C to +200°C NACE 0 mm 150 # RF.7 -29°C to +200°C NACE 0 mm 2500 # RTJ.3) Finish Refer to each pipe class and ADMA-OPCO Code of Practice CP-111 Temp.9 -29°C to +200°C NACE 0 mm 2500 # RTJ.2) Pipe Class Pipe Material (Note 6. Spiral Smooth Wound Incoloy 925 BS4NA0 A 312 TP-321 49. Spiral Smooth wound Incoloy 925 BN1NA0 UNS N06625 51.6 -29°C to +200°C NACE 0 mm 1500 # RTJ. SS-321 Incoloy 925 Very Octagonal Smooth Ring DS4NA0 A 312 TP-321 148. Inconel Incoloy 925 Very Octagonal Smooth Ring FN1NA0 UNS N06625 430.9 -29°C to +200°C NACE 0 mm 900 # RTJ. Spiral Smooth wound Incoloy 925 CN1NA0 UNS N06625 103. SS-316 Incoloy 925 Very Octagonal Smooth Ring FS3NA0 A 312 TP316L 344. Inconel Incoloy 925 Very Octagonal Smooth Ring Cu-Ni 90/10 16. SS-321 Incoloy 925 Very Octagonal Smooth Ring AN1NA0 UNS N06625 20 -29°C to +200°C NACE 0 mm 150 # RF. Spiral Smooth Wound Incoloy 925 CS4NA0 A 312 TP-321 99. CNAF.4 -29°C to +200°C NACE 0 mm 600 # RTJ. SS-321 Incoloy 925 Very Octagonal Smooth Ring FS4NA0 A 312 TP-321 413.0 -29°C to +75°C Non-NACE 0.1) FS3GA0 A 312 TP316L 344.6 -29°C to +200°C NACE 0 mm 300 # RF. Inconel Incoloy 925 Very Octagonal Smooth Ring DN1NA0 UNS N06625 155.4 -29°C to +200°C NACE 0 mm 900 # RTJ. PIPING CLASS INDEX (CONT’D.7 -29°C to +200°C Non-NACE 0 mm 2500 # RTJ. Range Type of Gasket Stud Bolt Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. Date Service Facing NACE Corrosion Pressure Category and Face Requirement Allowance Class (Note 6.2 -29°C to +200°C NACE 0 mm 1500 # RTJ.7 -29°C to +200°C NACE 0 mm 300 # RF. Inconel Incoloy 925 Very Octagonal Smooth Ring EN1NA0 UNS N06625 258. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 29 .3 -29°C to +200°C NACE 0 mm 600 # RTJ.7 -29°C to +200°C NACE 0 mm 2500 # RTJ. Flat Monel 400 Smooth Ring AN3GA0 0 12-06 Rev.6.5 mm 150 # RF. SS-321 Incoloy 925 Very Octagonal Smooth Ring ES4NA0 A 312 TP-321 248.) Maximum Pressure (Barg) (Note 6. Range EC5PA0 API 5L X-60 255.1) Temp.1) Maximum Pressure (Barg) (Note 6.6.1 . Service category indicates if the pipe class is suitable for the service category “A” or “B” as given in ADMA-OPCO Code of Practice CP-111.PIPING CLASS INDEX (CONT’D. Range 0°C to +85°C 0°C to +85°C Service NACE Facing Corrosion Pressure Category Requiremen and Face Allowance Class (Note 6. Pipe Class PIPELINE CLASS INDEX Maximum Pressure (Barg) (Note 6.2) Pipe Material (Note 6. The pipe class may be used beyond the temperature range given after reviewing the usability of each of the piping components included in the pipe class.3. In such a case the applicable pressure shall be selected based on the relevant codes and standards.3 relocated to be after Table 6 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.1.2 & 6.3 -29°C to +200°C EC5LA0 API 5L X-60 255.3) Refer to each pipeline Class and ADMA-OPCO Code of Practice CP-111 7.3 -29°C to +200°C FC5PA0 API 5L X-60 303.5 for that flange rating. In such cases. The maximum pressure given in piping classes are less than the maximum allowable pressure of flanges given in ASME B 16. Type of Gasket Stud Bolt NACE 3 mm 1500 # RTJ Soft Iron A193 B7M/ Octagonal A194 2HM Ring Joint Non-NACE 3 mm 1500 # RTJ Soft Iron A193 B7M/ Octagonal A194 2HM Ring Joint NACE 3 mm 2500 # RTJ Soft Iron A193 B7M/ Octagonal A194 2HM Ring Joint Notes 6.3) t Finish Refer to each piping class and ADMA-OPCO Code of Practice CP-111 6. Date Facing Service NACE Corrosion Pressure and Face Category Requirement Allowance Class Finish (Note 6. Since service category A has stringent requirement in CP-111.00 AP1GA0 UPVC Temp.2) AG0GA0 GRE 16.46 -29°C to +200°C 0a 05-07 0 12-06 Rev.) Pipe Class Pipe Material (Note 6. the corresponding allowable pressure is given in each pipe class. Type of Gasket Stud Bolt Non-NACE 0 mm 150 # FF. The maximum pressure given is at the minimum temperature of the temperature range mentioned. Neoprene Smooth Full Face A193 B7/ A194 2H Non-NACE 0 mm 150 # RF. For temperatures higher than the minimum value. pipe class with service category-A is also suitable for fluids with service category-B.2. the pressure temperature rating chart in the piping class is indicated in “italics”. Neoprene Serrated Flat Ring A193 B7/ A194 2H Notes for Table 6: 6. 6. 6. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 30 . A 216 Body . C95800 body. overlay overlay overlay overlay metal seated 1–3 CC0GA0 A 216 WCBGalvanised Body. Solid SS Body.A 216 WCB. solid SS 316 trim SS 316 trim 316 trim SS 316 trim 316 trim. trim – WCB.A 216 WCB. B 148 Gr. Solid Body.A 216 Body . C95800 body. Aluminum Aluminum bronze trim bronze trim N/A B 148 Gr. solid 316 trim.1) (Note-8. Solid SS Body.A 216 Body . overlay overlay overlay overlay metal seated Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. trim – WCB. solid SS Body.1) Check Valves (Note-8. solid SS 316 trim SS 316 trim 316 trim SS 316 trim 316 trim. Solid SS Body. trim – CS CS with SS CS with SS CS with SS CS with SS with SS overlay. WCB Galv. Solid SS 316 trim SS 316 trim 316 trim SS 316 trim 316 trim.A 216 WCB. C95800 body..A 216 Body . trim – WCB. metal SS 316 trim seated B 148 Gr.A 216 Body .. WCB Galv.1) Globe Valve A 216 WCB.. trim – WCB. Solid Body. Solid Body. overlay overlay overlay overlay metal seated 1-3 AC7GA0 Gate Valve Pressure Class Material Pipe Size VALVE INDEX Pipe Class 8. trim – WCB.1) Butterfly Valve (Note-8.1) Ball Valve (Note-8.A 216 Body . solid SS SS 316 trim 316 trim A 216 WCBA 216 WCBGalvanised Galvanised Body. Solid SS Body.A 216 Body . C95800 body. metal seated 4 & above Body . solid SS 316 trim Body . trim – WCB.. B 148 Gr. solid Body. trim – WCB.A 216 Body . metal seated Body . trim 4 & above trim – CS with trim – CS trim – CS with trim – CS – CS with SS SS overlay with SS SS overlay with SS overlay. metal overlay overlay seated 1–3 BC0GA0 A 216 WCB A 216 WCB A 216 WCB A 216 WCB A 216 WCB Body.A 216 Body . Aluminum Aluminum bronze trim bronze trim A 216 WCB A 216 WCB A 216 WCB A 216 WCB A 216 WCB Body. WCB Galv.1-3 AC0GA0 CS AC0NA0 150 AC0NA1 CS Galvanised CS Cement Lined AC8GA0 150 150 BC0NA0 CS 300 BC0NA1 CC0NA0 All CS 600 CC0NA1 0 12-06 Rev.A 216 Body .A 216 WCBGalvanised Galvanised Body. trim – WCB. Solid Body.A 216 Body . WCB Galv. trim – CS 4 & above CS with SS CS with SS CS with SS CS with SS with SS overlay. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 31 .. Solid SS Body. Solid SS Body. A 216 WCB A 216 WCB A 216 WCB A 216 WCB A 216 WCB Body.A 216 WCB Galv.A 216 Body . trim – WCB.A 216 Body . trim – CS 4 & above CS with SS CS with SS CS with SS CS with SS with SS overlay. Date (Note-8. trim – WCB.A 216 Body . Solid Body.A 216 Body . metal seated Body . trim – WCB.A 216 Body . Solid Body. trim – WCB. trim – Body. solid 316 trim SS 316 trim 316 trim SS 316 trim N/A A 352 LCB A 352 LCB A 352 LCB A 352 LCB Body. Date 300 A 216 WCB Body. trim – WCB. trim – 4 & above CS with CS with CS with CS with Inconel 625 Inconel 625 Inconel 625 Inconel 625 overlay overlay overlay overlay 1–3 EC5NA0 A 216 WCB Body. trim – 4 & above CS with CS with CS with CS with Inconel 625 Inconel 625 Inconel 625 Inconel 625 overlay overlay overlay overlay N/A N/A A 352 LCB A 352 LCB A 352 LCB A 352 LCB Body.1) Check Valves (Note-8.A 216 Body .A 216 Body . trim – Body. solid inconel 625 trim Body .1) N/A EC5GA0 CS A 216 WCB Body. trim – WCB. solid inconel 625 trim N/A 1–3 CS A 216 WCB Body. trim – 4 & above LTCS with LTCS with LTCS with SSLTCS with SSSS-316 SS-316 316 overlay 316 overlay overlay overlay N/A (Note-8. trim – Body.A 216 WCB.A 216 Body . trim – WCB. trim – WCB. trim – Body. trim – Body.A 216 Body .1) Body . solid Body. solid inconel 625 trim DC0GA0 DC0NA0 Gate Valve Pipe Size Pressure Class Material Pipe Class 8.A 216 Body . solid SS Body.1) Ball Valve N/A 1–3 BL0NA0 (Note-8. trim – WCB. Solid Inconel 625 trim 1–3 FC5NA0 Globe Valve (Note-8. trim – WCB.A 216 Body . 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 32 . solid Body. solid SS Body. solid 316 trim SS 316 trim 316 trim SS 316 trim N/A A 352 LCB A 352 LCB A 352 LCB A 352 LCB Body.) Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.A 216 Body . Solid Inconel 625 trim N/A Body . trim – 4 & above LTCS with LTCS with LTCS with SSLTCS with SSSS-316 SS-316 316 overlay 316 overlay overlay overlay N/A A 352 LCB A 352 LCB A 352 LCB A 352 LCB Body. solid inconel 625 trim A 216 WCB Body.1) Butterfly Valve (Note-8.900 DC0NA1 1500 EC5NA1 A 216 WCB Body. Solid Inconel 625 trim N/A FC5GA0 CS A 216 WCB Body.A 216 WCB. trim – 4 & above CS with CS with CS with CS with Inconel 625 Inconel 625 Inconel 625 Inconel 625 overlay overlay overlay overlay 1–3 AL0NA0 A 216 WCB Body. Solid Inconel 625 trim A 216 WCB Body. trim – Body. Solid Inconel 625 trim 2500 FC5NA1 AL0NA1 LTCS 150 BL0NA1 LTCS 0 12-06 Rev.A 216 Body . trim – WCB. trim – WCB. solid SS Body. solid SS Body. Solid Inconel 625 trim A 216 WCB Body.A 216 WCB. trim – WCB. VALVE INDEX (CONT’D.A 216 Body . Solid Inconel 625 trim A 216 WCB Body. SS 316 Body. SS 316 Body. SS 316 Body. trim – 4 & above LTCS with LTCS with LTCS with SSLTCS with SSSS-316 SS-316 316 overlay 316 overlay overlay overlay N/A N/A A 352 LCB Body. SS 316 Body. SS 316 Body.1) Butterfly Valve (Note-8. SS 316 trim trim trim trim N/A BS0GA0 SS 300 All sizes A 351 CF8 A 351 CF8 A 351 CF8 A 351 CF8 Body. SS 316 Body. SS 316 trim trim trim trim N/A SS 150 All sizes A 351 CF8M A 351 CF8M A 351 CF8M A 351 CF8M Body. VALVE INDEX (CONT’D. SS 316 Body. SS 316 Body. SS 316 trim trim trim trim N/A AS2GA0 AS3NA0 AS3GA0 BS2GA0 BS3GA0 BS3NA0 CS2GA0 CS3GA0 CS3NA0 0 12-06 Rev. SS 316 Body. SS 316 Body. SS 316 Body. SS 316 trim trim trim trim N/A CS0GA0 SS 600 All sizes A 351 CF8 A 351 CF8 A 351 CF8 A 351 CF8 Body. trim – Body. trim – Body. SS 316 Body. SS 316 Body.CL0NA1 LTCS 600 LTCS A 352 LCB A 352 LCB A 352 LCB A 352 LCB Body. solid 316 trim SS 316 trim 316 trim SS 316 trim 1–3 CL0NA0 Gate Valve Pipe Size Pressure Class Material Pipe Class 8. SS 316 Body.1) A 352 LCB A 352 LCB A 352 LCB A 352 LCB Body. Solid Inconel trim A 352 LCB Body. SS 316 trim trim trim trim N/A SS 300 All sizes A 351 CF8M A 351 CF8M A 351 CF8M A 351 CF8M Body. SS 316 trim trim trim trim N/A SS 600 All sizes A 351 CF8M A 351 CF8M A 351 CF8M A 351 CF8M Body. trim – Body. SS 316 Body. Solid Inconel trim N/A N/A A 352 LCB A 352 LCB A 352 LCB Body. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 33 . solid Body. SS 316 Body. Solid Inconel trim AS0GA0 SS 150 All sizes A 351 CF8 A 351 CF8 A 351 CF8 A 351 CF8 Body. SS 316 Body. SS 316 trim trim trim trim N/A DS0GA0 SS 900 All sizes A 351 CF8 A 351 CF8 A 351 CF8 A 351 CF8 Body.1) Check Valves (Note-8. SS 316 Body. solid SS Body. Date (Note-8.1) Globe Valve N/A 1–3 FL0NA1 (Note-8. SS 316 Body.1) Ball Valve (Note-8. trim – LTCS with LTCS with LTCS with Inconel Inconel Inconel overlay overlay overlay N/A 2500 4 & above A 352 LCB Body. SS 316 Body. trim – Body. solid SS Body. SS 316 Body. trim – Body.) Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. 1) (Note-8. SS 316 Body. SS 316 trim trim trim trim N/A SS 2500 All sizes A 351 CF8M A 351 CF8M A 351 CF8M Body. SS 316 Body.1) Ball Valve N/A Inconel (Note-8. SS 316 trim trim trim N/A AS4NA0 SS 150 All sizes SS 321 Body SS 321 Body SS 321 Body SS 321 Body and SS 321 and SS 321 and SS 321 and SS 321 trim trim trim trim N/A BS4NA0 SS 300 All sizes SS 321 Body SS 321 Body SS 321 Body SS 321 Body and SS 321 and SS 321 and SS 321 and SS 321 trim trim trim trim N/A CS4NA0 SS 600 All sizes SS 321 Body SS 321 Body SS 321 Body SS 321 Body and SS 321 and SS 321 and SS 321 and SS 321 trim trim trim trim N/A DS4NA0 SS 900 All sizes SS 321 Body SS 321 Body SS 321 Body SS 321 Body and SS 321 and SS 321 and SS 321 and SS 321 trim trim trim trim N/A ES4NA0 SS 1500 All sizes SS 321 Body SS 321 Body SS 321 Body SS 321 Body and SS 321 and SS 321 and SS 321 and SS 321 trim trim trim trim N/A FS4NA0 SS 2500 All sizes SS 321 Body SS 321 Body SS 321 Body and SS 321 and SS 321 and SS 321 trim trim trim N/A AN1NA0 150 All sizes Inconel Body Inconel Body Inconel Body Inconel Body and trim and trim and trim and trim N/A BN1NA0 300 All sizes Inconel Body Inconel Body Inconel Body Inconel Body and trim and trim and trim and trim N/A CN1NA0 600 All sizes Inconel Body Inconel Body Inconel Body Inconel Body and trim and trim and trim and trim N/A ES3GA0 ES3NA0 FS3GA0 FS3NA0 0 12-06 Rev. SS 316 Body.) Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.1500 All sizes A 351 CF8M A 351 CF8M A 351 CF8M A 351 CF8M Body. SS 316 Body. SS 316 trim trim trim trim DS3GA0 Globe Valve Pipe Size All sizes Inconel (Note-8. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 34 . SS 316 Body. VALVE INDEX (CONT’D. SS 316 Body. SS 316 Body. Date N/A N/A Check Valves SS DS3NA0 (Note-8.1) Butterfly Valve (Note-8.1) A 351 CF8M A 351 CF8M A 351 CF8M A 351 CF8M Body. SS 316 Body.1) Pressure Class 900 DS2GA0 Gate Valve Material SS Inconel Pipe Class 8. trim – CS with CS with CS with Inconel 625 Inconel 625 Inconel 625 overlay overlay overlay N/A N/A A 216 WCB Body.A 216 WCB.1) (Note-8. VALVE INDEX (CONT’D. C95800 body.A 216 Body .A 216 WCB. trim – WCB.1) Ball Valve All sizes UPVC EC5LA0 (Note-8.A 216 Body . Aluminum Aluminum bronze trim bronze trim 150 150 All sizes 1–3 CS 1–3 0 12-06 Rev. Aluminum Aluminum bronze trim bronze trim All sizes B 148 Gr. Solid Inconel 625 trim A 216 WCB Body. B 148 Gr. Solid Inconel 625 trim A 216 WCB Body. B 148 Gr. Solid Inconel 625 trim A 216 WCB Body. Aluminum Aluminum bronze trim bronze trim PVC Body PVC Body and PVC Body and trim trim and trim N/A 1500 4 & above CS N/A Check Valves Inconel Body Inconel Body Inconel Body Inconel Body and trim and trim and trim and trim (Note-8. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 35 . B 148 Gr. C95800 body.1) Butterfly Valve (Note-8. C95800 body. Solid Inconel 625 trim Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. Solid Inconel 625 trim N/A N/A Body .1) 1500 Globe Valve Pipe Size N/A GRE EC5PA0 (Note-8. C95800 body. Aluminum Aluminum bronze trim bronze trim N/A N/A A 216 WCB Body. trim – CS with CS with CS with Inconel 625 Inconel 625 Inconel 625 overlay overlay overlay N/A 1500 4 & above N/A B 148 Gr.A 216 Body .) A 216 WCB Body. C95800 body. B 148 Gr. trim – WCB.1) Pressure Class Inconel Body Inconel Body Inconel Body Inconel Body and trim and trim and trim and trim Gate Valve Material Inconel FN1NA0 All sizes Inconel EN1NA0 900 Inconel DN1NA0 CopperNickel Pipe Class 8.A 216 Body . C95800 body. C95800 body.AN3GA0 AG0GA0 AP1GA0 N/A 2500 All sizes Inconel Body Inconel Body Inconel Body and trim and trim and trim N/A 150 All sizes B 148 Gr. trim – WCB. Date N/A B 148 Gr. trim – WCB. C95800 body. Solid Inconel 625 trim N/A N/A Body . VALVE INDEX (CONT’D.A 216 Body . Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. trim – WCB.A 216 Body . trim – WCB. trim – CS with CS with CS with Inconel 625 Inconel 625 Inconel 625 overlay overlay overlay N/A A 216 WCB Body. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 36 .FC5PA0 FC5PA0 CS CS 2500 1500 1–3 4 & above N/A A 216 WCB Body.1 Wherever cast body material is specified for valves of pipe sizes 2” NPS and below.1) Gate Valve Pipe Size Pressure Class Material Pipe Class 8.1) Butterfly Valve (Note-8.1) Check Valves (Note-8. Solid Inconel 625 trim N/A N/A Body .1) Globe Valve (Note-8.A 216 WCB. equivalent forged body material is acceptable. 0 12-06 Rev. Solid Inconel 625 trim (Note-8.1) Ball Valve (Note-8.) VALVE INDEX Notes 8. Solid Inconel 625 trim A 216 WCB Body. BC0NA1 CO Crude Oil 600 CS CC0NA0.9. AC0NA1 CO Crude Oil 300 CS BC0NA0. BL0NA0. EC5NA1 CO Crude Oil 2500 CS FC5NA0. AC0NA1 0 12-06 Rev.3) SS AS3GA0 BCD Chemical Injection – Biocide 150(Note 9. BL0NA1 FG Fuel Gas 150 CS AC0NA0. SERVICE INDEX Fluid Code Fluid Description (Note-9. AC0NA1 FG Fuel Gas 300 CS BC0NA0. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 37 ..3) SS AS3GA0 DMF Chemical Injection – Demulsifier 150(Note 9.4 Note-9.3) SS AS3GA0 CRI Chemical Injection – Corrosion Inhibitor 150(Note 9. AC0NA1 AM Amine (Note-9. BC0NA1.3) SS AS3GA0 MNL Chemical Injection – Methanol 150(Note 9. BC0NA1 CS Chemical Sewer 150 CS AC0NA1 CW Chilled Water 150 CS AC0GA0 ANF Chemical Injection – Antifoaming Agent 150(Note 9. BC0NA1 FG Fuel Gas 600 CS CC0NA0.1) Pressure Rating Basic Material Pipe Class AM Amine (Note-9.4 SCI Chemical Injection – Scale Inhibitor 150 SS AS3GA0 CO Crude Oil 150 CS AC0NA0. DC0NA1 CO Crude Oil 1500 CS EC5NA0. AL0NA0. AC0NA1.3) SS AS3GA0 OSC Chemical Injection – Oxygen Scavenger 150 SS AS3GA0 SHC Chemical Injection – Sodium Hyper-Chlorite 150 Note-9. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.2) 300 CS BC0NA0. FC5NA1 DD Deck drain (on offshore platform) 150 GRE AG0GA0 DM De-mineralised water 150 SS AS3GA0 DO Diesel oil 150 CS AC0NA0 FW Fire Water (Sea water) 150 Cu-Ni AN3GA0 FW Fire Water (Sea water) 150 GRE AG0GA0 FW Fire Water (Sea water) [Not to be used for offshore] 150 CS-Cement Lined AC8GA0 FL Flare Gas 150 CS/LTCS AC0NA0. CC0NA1 CO Crude Oil 900 CS DC0NA0. CC0NA1 FO Fuel oil 150 CS AC0NA0.2) 150 CS AC0NA0. AL0NA1 FL Flare Gas 300 CS/LTCS BC0NA0. AC0NA1 CD Hydrocarbon closed drain 300 CS BC0NA0. DC0NA1 GC Gas condensate 1500 CS EC5NA0. CC0NA1 0 12-06 Rev. SERVICE INDEX (CONT’D.) Fluid Code Fluid Description Pressure Rating Materials Class GC Gas condensate 150 CS AC0NA0. BC0NA1 HC Hydrocarbon condensate 600 CS CC0NA0. DC0NA1 VH Hydrocarbon vents 1500 CS EC5NA0. AC0NA1 VH Hydrocarbon vents (Low temperature) 150 LTCS AL0NA0 VH Hydrocarbon vents 300 CS BC0NA0. BC0NA1 GC Gas condensate 600 CS CC0NA0. CC0NA1 GC Gas condensate 900 CS DC0NA0.9. EC5NA1 VH Hydrocarbon vents 2500 CS FC5NA0. AC0NA1 GC Gas condensate 300 CS BC0NA0. BC0NA1 VH Hydrocarbon vents (Low temperature) 300 LTCS BL0NA0 VH Hydrocarbon vents 600 CS CC0NA0. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. CC0NA1 HC Hydrocarbon condensate (Low temperature) 150 LTCS AL0NA0 HD Hydrocarbon open drain 150 CS AC0NA0. AC0NA1 HC Hydrocarbon condensate 300 CS BC0NA0. FC5NA1 CD Hydrocarbon closed drain 150 CS AC0NA0. EC5NA1 GC Gas condensate 2500 CS FC5NA0. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 38 . BC0NA1 CD Hydrocarbon closed drain 600 CS CC0NA0. CC0NA1 VH Hydrocarbon vents 900 CS DC0NA0. AC0NA1 VH Hydrocarbon vents 150 CS AC0NA0. FC5NA1 ND General drain (Non-corrosive and nonhydrocarbon) 150 CS AC0GA0 NV General vents (Non-corrosive and nonhydrocarbon) 150 CS AC0GA0 GY Glycol 150 CS AC0GA0 GY Glycol 300 CS BC0GA0 GY Glycol 150 SS AS3GA0 GY Glycol 300 SS BS3GA0 HO Healing oil 150 CS AC0GA0 HS High Pressure Steam 600 CS CC0GA0 HC Hydrocarbon condensate 150 CS AC0NA0. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 39 .9. BC0NA1 PG Process Gas – Low temperature 300 LTCS AL0NA0. AL0NA1 PG Process Gas 300 SS BS4NA0 PG Process Gas 300 Inconel BN1NA0 05-07 0 12-06 Rev. AL0NA1 PG Process Gas 150 SS AS4NA0 PG Process Gas 150 Inconel AN1NA0 PG Process Gas 300 CS BC0NA0. DC0NA1 CD Hydrocarcon closed drain 1500 CS EC5NA0. EC5NA1 CD Hydrocarcon closed drain 2500 CS FC5NA0. Date NW/OW for Class AG0GA0 Oily/Non Oily Water added. AC0NA1 PG Process Gas – Low temperature 150 LTCS AL0NA0. Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. SERVICE INDEX (CONT’D.) Fluid Code Fluid Description 0a Pressure Rating Materials Class CD Hydrocarcon closed drain 900 CS DC0NA0. FC5NA1 IA Instrument Air 150 SS AS3GA0 LS Low Pressure Steam 150 CS AC0GA0 LO Lube oil 150 SS AS2GA0 LO Lube oil 300 SS BS2GA0 LO Lube oil 600 SS CS2GA0 MS Medium Pressure Steam 300 CS BC0GA0 MH Methanol (for injection) 150 SS AS4NA0 MH Methanol (for injection) 300 SS BS4NA0 MH Methanol (for injection) 600 SS CS4NA0 MH Methanol (for injection) 900 SS DS4NA0 MH Methanol (for injection) 1500 SS ES4NA0 MH Methanol (for injection) 2500 SS FS4NA0 NG Nitrogen 150 CS AC0GA0 NW Non-oily water 150 CS AC0GA0 NW Non-oily water 150 GRE AG0GA0 OW Oily water 150 GRE AG0GA0 OW Oily Water 150 CS AC0GA0 OW Oily Water 300 CS BC0GA0 OW Oily Water 600 CS CC0GA0 PA Plant Air 150 CS AC0GA0 DW Potable water / De-salinated water 150 SS AS0GA0 DW Potable water / De-salinated water 150 GRE AG0GA0 PG Process Gas 150 CS AC0NA0. Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.9. FC5NA1 PG Process Gas 2500 LTCS FL0NA1 PG Process Gas 2500 Inconel FN1NA0 PW Produced water 150 CS AC0NA0 PW Produced water 150 GRE AG0GA0 PW Produced water 300 CS BC0NA0 PW Produced water 600 CS CC0NA0 PW Produced water 1500 CS EC5NA0 PP Propane 150 CS/LTCS AC0NA0. BL0NA1 SD Sanitary drain 150 uPVC AP1GA0 SW Sea water 150 Cu-Ni AN3GA0 SW Sea water 150 GRE AG0GA0 SW Sea water 150 CS-Cement Lined AC8GA0 SO Seal Oil 150 SS AS2GA0 SO Seal Oil 300 SS BS2GA0 SO Seal Oil 600 SS CS2GA0 SO Seal Oil 900 SS DS2GA0 SL Slop Oil 150 CS AC0NA0 SL Slop Oil 300 CS BC0NA0 TW Treated sea water 150 CS AC0GA0 05-07 0 12-06 Rev.) Fluid Code Fluid Description 0a Pressure Rating Materials Class PG Process Gas 600 CS CC0NA0. AL0NA1 PG Process Gas 600 SS CS4NA0 PG Process Gas 600 Inconel CN1NA0 PG Process Gas 900 CS DC0NA0. AL0NA1 PP Propane 300 CS/LTCS BC0NA0. BC0NA1. DC0NA1 PG Process Gas 900 SS DS4NA0 PG Process Gas 900 Inconel DN1NA0 PG Process Gas 1500 CS EC5NA0. CC0NA1 PG Process Gas – Low temperature 600 LTCS AL0NA0. EC5NA1 PG Process Gas 1500 SS ES4NA0 PG Process Gas 1500 Inconel EN1NA0 PG Process Gas 2500 CS FC5NA0. SERVICE INDEX (CONT’D. AC0NA1. Date PW for Class AG0GA0 Produced Water added. BL0NA0. AL0NA0. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 40 . 2 The amine service requires PWHT for all welds regardless of wall thickness. 9.3 The pipe class mentioned for these fluids are for class 150. DS3GA0.1 The pipe classes indicated in this service index against each fluid are only for guidance.) Fluid Code Fluid Description Pressure Rating Materials Class TW Treated sea water 300 CS BC0GA0 TW Treated sea water 600 CS CC0GA0 TW Treated sea water 900 CS DC0GA0 TW Treated sea water 1500 CS EC5NA0. 2500 pipe classes BS3GA0. FS3GA0.4 The material of construction for sodium hypochlorite to be selected by FEED contractor / detailed engineering contractor depending on the concentration of sodium hypochlorite.9. 900. 0 12-06 Rev. CS3GA0. 9. For pressure classes 300. 9. GS3GA0 to be used respectively. The exact pipe class for each fluid shall be decided in the DEFINE stage of each project based on the actual fluid composition and corrosion allowances and the fluid category. EC5NA1 UW Utility Water (Sea Water) 150 Cu-Ni AN3GA0 SERVICE INDEX Notes: 9. 1500. The PWHT requirement shall be specified during the DEFINE stage of each project. SERVICE INDEX (CONT’D. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 41 . 600. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. CROSS REFERENCE FOR EXISTING AND NEW PIPE CLASSES EXISTING CLASS DETAILS (Note 10.1) Requirement Basic Material 1D1 150 SS Non-NACE 1D2 150 SS Non-NACE AS3NA0 SS 1F1 150 Cu-Ni Non-NACE AN3GA0 Cu-Ni 1F2 150 Cu-Ni Non-NACE AN3GA0 Cu-Ni 1FP 150 GRE NA AG0GA0 GRE 1X1 150 LTCS Non-NACE AL0NA0 LTCS 1XS 150 LTCS NACE AL0NA0 LTCS 31A 300 CS NACE BC0NA0 CS 31B 300 CS NACE BC0NA0 CS 33A 300 SS Non-NACE BS3GA0 SS 3B1 300 CS NACE BC0NA0 CS 3C1 300 CS Non-NACE BC0GA0 CS 3D1 300 SS Non-NACE BS0GA0 SS 3D2 300 SS Non-NACE BS3GA0 SS Non-NACE BL0NA0 LTCS 3X1 300 LTCS 3XS 300 LTCS NACE BL0NA0 LTCS CS2GA0 SS 4C6A 600 SS Non-NACE 4C9A 900 SS Non-NACE DS2GA0 SS 5A1A 150 Cu-Ni Non-NACE AN3GA0 Cu-Ni 61A 600 CS NACE CC0NA0 CS 61B 600 CS NACE CC0NA0 CS 0 12-06 Rev.2) Class Designation Rating 13A 150 SS Non-NACE AS2GA0 SS 18A 150 CS-Cement lined Non-NACE AC8GA0 CS-Cement lined 1A1 150 CS Non-NACE AC0GA0 CS 1A1A 150 CS NACE AC0NA0 CS 1A3A 300 CS NACE BC0NA0 CS 1A6A 600 CS NACE CC0NA0 CS 1B1 150 CS NACE AC0NA0 CS 1C1 150 CS Non AC0GA0 CS AS0GA0 SS Basic Material NACE Class (Note.3) NEW CLASS DETAILS (Note-10.10. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 42 .10. 3) Class Designation Rating 61C 600 6A6A NEW CLASS DETAILS (Note-10.) EXISTING CLASS DETAILS (Note 10. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.10. CROSS REFERENCE FOR EXISTING AND NEW PIPE CLASSES (CONT’D. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 43 .2) NACE Requirement Class CS NACE CC0NA0 CS 600 CS NACE CC0GA0 CS 6B1 600 CS NACE CC0NA0 CS 6B2 600 CS NACE CC0NA0 CS 6D1 600 SS Non-NACE CS0GA0 SS 9B1 900 CS Non-NACE DC0GA0 CS DS0GA0 SS Basic Material Basic Material 9D1 900 SS Non-NACE A1 150 CS NACE AC0NA0 CS A5 1500 CS NACE EC5NA0 CS AXS 150 UNS N0 6625 NACE ANINA0 UNS N0 6625 B02 150 CS NACE AC0NA0 CS B03 150 CS NACE AC0NA0 CS B03S 150 CS NACE AC0NA0 CS B04S 150 CS NACE AC0NA1 CS B03SX 150 CS NACE AC0NA0 CS B06 150 CS NACE AC0NA1 CS B06S 150 CS NACE AC0NA1 CS B10 150 CS-Galv Non-NACE AC7GA0 CS-Galv B10 150 CS Non-NACE AC0GA0 CS B11A 150 Cu-Ni Non-NACE AN3GA0 Cu-Ni B13 150 LTCS NACE AL0NA0 LTCS B16 150 LTCS NACE AL0NA1 LTCS B20 150 CS NACE AC0NA1 CS B23S 150 LTCS NACE AL0NA0 LTCS B26S 150 LTCS NACE AL0NA0 LTCS B46 150 SS NACE AS3NA0 SS B47 150 SS NACE AS4NA0 SS B50 150 SS Non-NACE AS3GA0 SS B50S 150 SS NACE AS3NA0 SS B51 150 SS Non-NACE AS3GA0 SS 0 12-06 Rev. CROSS REFERENCE FOR EXISTING AND NEW PIPE CLASSES (CONT’D.2) NACE Requirement Class Non-NACE AS3GA0 SS GRE NA AG0GA0 GRE 150 GRE NA AG0GA0 GRE B92 150 Cu-Ni - AN3GA0 Cu-Ni B93 150 GRP NA AG0GA0 GRE B94 150 GRP NA AG0GA0 GRE B95 150 GRP NA AG0GA0 GRE B99 150 PVC NA AP1GA0 PVC C11A 150 CS-Galv Non-NACE AC7GA0 CS-Galv C16A 150 CS Non-NACE AC0GA0 CS C16B 150 CS NACE AC0NA0 CS C16H 150 CS NACE AC0NA0 CS C18A 150 CS NACE AC0NA1 CS C33H 300 CS Non-NACE BC0GA0 CS C36H 300 CS NACE BC0NA0 CS C38H 300 CS NACE BC0NA1 CS C63A 300 CS Non-NACE BC0GA0 CS C66A 600 CS NACE CC0NA0 CS C66B 600 CS Non-NACE CC0GA0 CS C66H 600 CS NACE CC0NA0 CS C68A 600 CS NACE CC0NA1 CS C93A 900 CS Non-NACE DC0GA0 CS C98A 900 CS NACE DC0NA1 CS CB3A 2500 CS Non-NACE FC5GA0 CS D01 300 CS Non-NACE BC0GA0 CS D03 300 CS Non-NACE BC0GA0 CS D03S 300 CS NACE BC0NA0 CS D03SX 300 CS NACE BC0NA0 CS D06S 300 CS NACE BC0NA1 CS 0 12-06 Rev. Date Basic Material Basic Material Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.) EXISTING CLASS DETAILS (Note 10. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 44 .3) Class Designation Rating B56 150 SS B90 150 B91 NEW CLASS DETAILS (Note-10.10. ) EXISTING CLASS DETAILS (Note 10.2) NACE Requirement Class LTCS NACE AL0NA0 LTCS 150 LTCS NACE AL0NA0 LTCS D23S 300 LTCS NACE BL0NA0 LTCS D04S 300 CS NACE BC0NA1 CS D46 300 SS Non-NACE BS3GA0 SS D47 300 SS NACE BS4NA0 SS D5 1500 CS NACE EC5NA0 CS D50S 300 SS NACE BS3NA0 SS D56 300 SS NACE BS3NA0 SS D6 2500 CS NACE FC5NA0 CS D66A 600 LTCS NACE CL0NA0 LTCS D66H 600 LTCS NACE CL0NA0 LTCS D68A 600 LTCS NACE CL0NA0 LTCS DA01 150 CS Non-NACE AC0GA0 CS DA02 150 CS NACE AC0NA0 CS DA03 150 CS Non-NACE AC0GA0 CS DA04 150 CS Non-NACE AC0GA0 CS DA05 150 CS Non-NACE AC0GA0 CS DM01 150 SS Non-NACE AS3GA0 SS DR01 150 Cu-Ni Non-NACE AN3GA0 Cu-Ni DW03 150 uPVC NA AP1GA0 uPVC DW04 150 uPVC NA AP1GA0 uPVC DZ01 150 Cu-Ni NA AN3GA0 Cu-Ni EA01 300 CS Non-NACE BC0NA0 CS EA02 300 CS Non-NACE BC0GA0 CS EA03 300 CS Non-NACE BC0GA0 CS F01 600 CS Non-NACE CC0GA0 CS F02 600 CS Non-NACE CC0GA0 CS F03 600 CS NACE CC0NA0 CS 0 12-06 Rev. Date Basic Material Basic Material Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.10. CROSS REFERENCE FOR EXISTING AND NEW PIPE CLASSES (CONT’D.3) Class Designation Rating D16H 150 D18A NEW CLASS DETAILS (Note-10. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 45 . Date Basic Material Basic Material Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 46 .) EXISTING CLASS DETAILS (Note 10.2) NACE Requirement Class CS NACE CC0NA0 CS 600 CS NACE CC0NA0 CS F06 600 CS NACE CC0NA1 CS F06 600 CS NACE CC0NA1 CS F06S 600 CS NACE CC0NA1 CS F06P 600 CS NACE CC0NA1 CS F09 600 CS NACE CC0NA1 CS F09P 600 CS NACE CC0NA1 CS F13 600 LTCS NACE CL0NA0 LTCS F16 600 LTCS NACE CL0NA1 LTCS F20 600 CS NACE CC0NA0 CS F23S 600 LTCS NACE CL0NA0 LTCS F26S 600 LTCS NACE CL0NA1 LTCS F46 600 SS Non-NACE CS3GA0 SS F47 600 SS NACE CS4NA0 SS F50 600 SS Non-NACE CS3GA0 SS G03 900 CS NACE DC0NA0 CS G03S 900 CS NACE DC0NA0 CS G04S 900 CS NACE DC0NA1 CS G06 900 CS NACE DC0NA1 CS G46 900 SS NACE DS3NA0 SS G47 900 SS NACE DS4NA0 SS G58 900 SS NACE DS3NA0 SS GA01 600 CS Non-NACE CC0NA0 CS GA02 600 CS Non-NACE CC0NA0 CS GM01 600 SS Non-NACE CS3GA0 SS H03S 1500 CS NACE EC5NA0 CS H06 1500 CS NACE EC5NA1 CS H13S 1500 CS NACE EC5NA0 CS 0 12-06 Rev. CROSS REFERENCE FOR EXISTING AND NEW PIPE CLASSES (CONT’D.3) Class Designation Rating F03S 600 F03SX NEW CLASS DETAILS (Note-10.10. 10.2) NACE Requirement Class UNS NO6625 NACE EN1NA0 UNS NO6625 1500 UNS NO6625 NACE EN1NA0 UNS NO6625 J03S 2500 CS NACE FC5NA0 CS J13S 2500 CS NACE FC5NA0 CS J13SP 2500 CS NACE FC5NA1 CS J16 2500 LTCS NACE FL0NA1 LTCS J20 2500 CS NACE FC5NA1 CS J46 2500 SS NACE FS3NA0 SS J47 2500 SS NACE FS4NA0 SS J50S 2500 SS NACE FS3NA0 SS J56 2500 SS Non-NACE FS3GA0 SS J57 2500 SS Non-NACE FS3GA0 SS J73 2500 UNS N0 6625 NACE FN1NA0 UNS N0 6625 J75S 2500 UNS N0 6625 NACE FN1NA0 UNS N0 6625 JA01 1500 CS Non-NACE EC5GA0 CS N10A 150 UNS N0 6625 NACE AN1NA0 UNS N0 6625 N90A 900 UNS N0 6625 NACE DN1NA0 UNS N0 6625 NA0A 1500 UNS N0 6625 NACE EN1NA0 UNS N0 6625 NB0A 2500 UNS N0 6625 NACE FN1NA0 UNS N0 6625 P10A 150 GRE NA AG0GA0 GRE T1 150 SS NACE AS3NA0 SS T2 300 SS NACE BS3NA0 SS V5 1500 UNS N0 6625 NACE EN1NA0 UNS N0 6625 V6 2500 UNS N0 6625 NACE FN1NA0 UNS N0 6625 X1 150 Cu-Ni Non-NACE AN3GA0 Cu-Ni 0 12-06 Rev.) EXISTING CLASS DETAILS (Note 10. Date Basic Material Basic Material Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. CROSS REFERENCE FOR EXISTING AND NEW PIPE CLASSES (CONT’D.3) Class Designation Rating H73 1500 H75S NEW CLASS DETAILS (Note-10. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 47 . 2 The new pipe class and the corresponding existing pipe class given in the above table will be equal after applying the heat treatment and non-destructive examination level to match or exceed that of the existing classes. For modification on existing line. 0 12-06 Rev. Job officer to review and confirm the thickness for project specific requirements. However. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.CROSS REFERENCE FOR EXISTING AND NEW PIPE CLASSES Notes: 10.3 The exact details of the existing pipe class (e. 10. the details as per the proposed equivalent new pipe class will meet or exceed the minimum design requirement of these existing classes.1 The new pipe classes corresponding to each existing pipe classes given here is only for guidance purpose.g. use the existing pipe class. For new lines taken from an existing line. 10. pipe thickness) may not match the equivalent new pipe class. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 48 . the new classes given above may be used after verifying the process requirements and fluid compatibility. 0 12-06 Rev.0 of this document.0 of this document. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 49 . Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. The piping and pipeline classes enclosed shall be used in conjunction with information or requirement given under Sections 1.11. PIPING AND PIPELINE CLASSES The detailed piping and pipeline classes are as enclosed here under.0 to 9. The application of pipeline classes and piping classes shall be as given under Section 3. Cap Description RF. WPB(W). 20 BE N/A API 5L Gr. B.9 6 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A234 Gr.9 1 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A234 Gr. SAW 1 26 – 48 To Calculate BE N/A API 5L Gr.6 19. B. 40 BE N/A API 5L Gr. ASTM A105N. as per ASME B16. Serrated 1 – 24 N/A RF.9 6 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A234 Gr.5 STD-108 RF. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 50 . Seamless 3–6 Sch. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. as per ASME B16. 80 BE N/A 100mm long pipe nipple. As per MSS SP97 STD-128 1 – 24 150 WN Flanges.47.0 Service Index NACE Requirement No Service Category B as per CP-111 Temperature (°C) -29 0 38 50 100 150 200 Pressure (Barg) 19. Serrated Finish Fluid Code Refer Section 9. API 5L Gr. 80 BE N/A API 5L Gr.9 1. To match pipe Weldolets Thk. B. as per ASME B16.Page PIPING CLASS . B. ASTM A105N.7 15. as per ASME B16. B.47.6 19. As per ASME B16.8 NPS (inch) Schedule/ Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 1-2 Sch.2. WPB. WPB(W). as per ASME B16. ASTM A105N. B. ASTM A105N.8 13. SAW 1 1–2 Sch. as per ASME B16. Equal & Reducing Tee.2 17.48 Flanges 0 12-06 Rev.Series A STD-108 Item Pipe Nipple Concentric and Eccentric Reducers 1 – 16 18 – 48 1 – 16 18 – 48 Notes ADMAOPCO SED 6 Thk.Series A STD-108 26 . Serrated 150 WN Flanges.AC0GA0 1 of 4 Basic Material Carbon Steel Corrosion Allowance 3 mm Pressure Class Class 150 Flange Facing RF. as per ASME B16. Seamless 8 – 16 Sch.6 19. Serrated 150 Blind Flanges. WPB. 20 BE N/A API 5L Gr. Seamless 18 – 24 Sch.6 STD-128 1 – 20 BE N/A ASTM A105N. To match pipe Fittings Elbow.5 STD-108 26 – 48 N/A RF. Serrated 150 Blind Flanges. Seamless 6 BE N/A ASTM A234 Gr. Flanges to B 16. Flanges to B 16. Trunnion mounted. ASTM A105N. OS&Y. Flanges to B16. as per ASME B16. Galvanised STD-126 Spectacle Blind 1 – 12 N/A RF. RF 150 BB. RF 150 BB.48 Spacer and Blank 14 – 24 N/A RF. split body. OS&Y.21 for B 16. as per ASME B16.5 flanges STD-127 16 – 24 3 mm For RF Flanges 150 CNAF Flat Ring Gaskets as per ASME B16.47-Series A Flanges 1 – 12 N/A FLGD. Serrated 150 ASTM A105N.5 flanges STD-127 26 . OS&Y. OS&Y..5 11 STD-119 FLGD. Suitable for ASME B16. OS&Y. Serrated 150 ASTM A105N.48 N/A For RF Flanges N/A ASTM A193 B7 Bolts / ASTM A194 2H Nuts.36 Gasket 1 – 14 2 mm For RF Flanges 150 CNAF Flat Ring Gaskets as per ASME B16. Serrated 300 WN orifice flanges. as per ASME B16.21 for B16. SS316 trim Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.48 Spacer and Blank 26 – 48 N/A RF. WCB body. Flanges to B 16.48 3 mm For RF Flanges 150 CNAF Flat Ring Gaskets as per ASME B16. Gear Operated. Date 1-2 N/A N/A (projected) STD-119 (projected) Ball type block and needle type bleed valve. RF 150 Miscellaneous Stud Bolt Gate Valves Globe Valve 14 – 16 Integral double block and bleed valve 0 12-06 Rev. ASTM A216 WCB Body. Gear Operated.Page PIPING CLASS . ASTM A216 WCB Body. Gear Op.21 for B16. Serrated 150 ASTM A105N. A216 Gr. Flanges to B 16.47 -Series A flanges STD-127 1 .47 – SeriesA 11 STD-115 1 – 12 N/A FLGD.5 11 STD-115 14 – 24 N/A FLGD. RF 150 BB.5 11 STD-115 26 – 48 N/A FLGD. ASTM A216 WCB Body. ASTM A216 WCB Body. ASTM A216 WCB Body.AC0GA0 NPS (inch) Item Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing 2 of 4 Rating Description Notes ADMAOPCO SED 10 STD-108 Orifice Flanges 2 – 12 To match pipe RF. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 51 . RF 150 BB.5 11 FLGD. RF 150 BB. WCB Body.5 8. A 216 WCB Body. A 216 WCB Body.5 4. WCB Body. double offset. Flanges to B 16. Flanges to B 16. RF 150 Double flanged. metal seated. A105N body. metal seated.11 STD-116 26 – 48 N/A FLGD. RF 150 Split body or top entry.24 N/A FLGD.48 N/A RF. Flanges-B16. RF 150 Swing Type. A 216 WCB Body. RF 150 Split body or top entry. BC. Trunnion Mounted. Category-B. Floating ball. Double flanged. ASTM A216 Gr. Gear Op. high performance. WCB Body.11 STD-116 N/A FLGD. Flanges to B 16.47-Series A flanges 7.Page PIPING CLASS . ASTM A216 Gr. RF 150 Needle valve.48 N/A FLGD. Flanges to B16. Trunnion Mounted.47-Series-A 4.47-Series A 9. Trunnion Mounted. double offset. Suitable for B 16. A 216 WCB body.5 11 STD-117 8 .5 4. WCB Body. Gear Operated. ASTM A216 Gr. Serrated 150 Dual plate. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. Flanges to B 16. RF 150 Swing Type. Gear Operated 9. SS-316 Trim.5 4. Lugged wafer type.. WCB Body.24 N/A RF Serrated 150 Lugged wafer type. Flanges to B16.11 STD-118 1-2 N/A FLGD.11 STD-118 26 .11 STD-117 8 . Serrated 150 Dual plate.5 11 STD-117 2–6 N/A FLGD. BC. Flanged to B 16. RF 150 Lift Type.11 STD-117 8 . RF 150 Split body or top entry. A 216 WCB body. Suitable for B 16. A 216 WCB Body. RF 150 Split body or top entry.5 flanges 7. Flanges to B 16. short pattern. Lever Operated. Gear Operated.11 STD-117 26 .11 STD-116 1 – 1½ N/A FLGD.24 N/A RF.11 STD-116 10 – 24 N/A FLGD. ASTM A216 Gr. Lever Operated.AC0GA0 Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing 1–2 N/A 3–8 Rating Description Notes ADMAOPCO SED FLGD. ASTM A216 Gr.5 Item Ball Valves NPS (inch) Check Valves Butterfly Valves 3 of 4 Needle Valves 0 12-06 Rev. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 52 . 0 12-06 Rev.0. Equal Tee 1 2. 2.5” 2” 1 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” 14” 16” 18” 20” 24” 26” 28” 30” 32” 34” 36” 38” 40” 42” 44” 46” 48” BRANCH SIZE Notes: 1. 4. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 53 . Swing type check valves for pipe sizes 14”NPS and above shall only be used after getting prior approval from ADMA-OPCO. When small end of reducer is 16” NPS & below the reducer shall be seamless. 5.5. For valve trim material refer to valve index enclosed under section 8.AC0GA0 4 of 4 BRANCH TABLE 1” 1 1. 11. ADMA-OPCO approval shall be obtained for using butterfly valves for process services. 3. 8. SAW pipes and welded fittings shall be 100% radiographed. Standard ball valves included in the class are reduced bore valves. Full bore may be used for the valves specifically mentioned in the P&ID. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. 6. 9. 10. Wafer type valves are flangeless and shall be installed between the flanges. Not used.12 of this document.Page PIPING CLASS . The small-bore piping connection shall be as per ADMA-OPCO Code of Practice CP-111.5” 2 2” 2 2 1 3” 3 2 2 1 4” 3 3 2 2 1 6” 3 3 3 2 2 8” HEADER SIZE 1 LEGEND 1. Weldolet 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 10” 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 12” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 14” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 16” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 18” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 20” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 24” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 26” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 28” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 30” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 32” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 34” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 36” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 38” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 40” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 42” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 44” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 46” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 48” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1” 1. The orifice flanges specified in this class shall only be used with ADMA-OPCO approval after considering clause 4. Not used. 7. Reducing Tee 3. as per ASME B16. Smooth 150 Blind Flanges.5 STD-108 RF. ASTM A105N. B. WPB. NACE MR0175.Page PIPING CLASS . Smooth Finish Fluid Code Refer Section 9. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 54 . 20 BE N/A API 5L Gr.Series A STD-108 26 . Seamless SP-1000 18 – 24 Sch.7 15. B.47. To match pipe Weldolets Thk.6 STD-128 1 – 20 BE N/A ASTM A105N. 160 BE N/A 100mm long pipe nipple.9 6 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A234 Gr. as per ASME B16.9 6 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A234 Gr. SAW 1 SP-1000 1–2 Sch. Seamless SP-1000 8 – 16 Sch.2 17. To match pipe Fittings Elbow. WPB(W).6 19. ASTM A105N. B.6 19. B. 20 BE N/A API 5L Gr.Series A STD-108 Item Pipe Nipple Concentri c and Eccentric Reducers 1 – 16 18 – 48 1 – 16 18 – 48 Notes ADMAOPCO SED 6 SP-1000 Thk. WPB(W). As per MSS SP97 STD-128 1 – 24 150 WN Flanges.2. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. 40 BE N/A API 5L Gr. ASTM A105N. Cap Description RF. as per ASME B16. B. SP-1000 Corrosion Allowance 3 mm Pressure Class Class 150 Flange Facing RF. B. Equal & Reducing Tee. ASTM A105N. 160 BE N/A API 5L Gr.9 1 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A234 Gr. Smooth 150 WN Flanges. as per ASME B16.8 13.47.AC0NA0 1 of 4 Basic Material Carbon Steel. Seamless 6 SP-1000 BE N/A ASTM A234 Gr. as per ASME B16.9 1. as per ASME B16. Smooth 1 – 24 N/A RF. Seamless 3–6 Sch. WPB. API 5L Gr. as per ASME B16. SAW 1 SP-1000 26 – 48 To Calculate BE N/A API 5L Gr. as per ASME B16.5 STD-108 26 – 48 N/A RF.0 Service Index NACE Requirement Yes Service Category A as per CP-111 Temperature (°C) -29 0 38 50 100 150 200 Pressure (Barg) 19.8 NPS (inch) Schedule/ Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 1-2 Sch. Smooth 150 Blind Flanges.48 Flanges 0 12-06 Rev.6 19. 36 10 STD-108 4. OS&Y. Gear Operated. RF 150 BB.48 7. SS316 with flexible graphite filler.48 SP-1000 Spacer and Blank 14 – 24 N/A RF. WCB body. Smooth 150 ASTM A105N.Page PIPING CLASS . Smooth 150 ASTM A105N. as per ASME B16. OS&Y. Gear Op. Date SP-1000 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. ASTM A216 WCB Body.48 SP-1000 Spacer and Blank 26 – 48 N/A RF. as per ASME B16.5 11 STD-119 1-2 N/A FLGD. as per ASME B16. OS&Y. split body. Gear Operated. Flanges to B 16.47 – Series-A 11 STD-115 1 – 12 N/A FLGD. RF 150 BB. ASTM A216 WCB Body. SS inner ring. Flanges to B 16. Flanges to B 16. Trunnion mounted. as per ASME B16. Flanges to B16. RF 150 Ball type block and needle type bleed valve.20 for B16.5 11 STD-119 14 – 16 N/A FLGD.5 mm For RF Flanges 150 Spiral wound. A216 Gr. ASTM A216 WCB Body.5 11 STD-115 26 – 48 N/A FLGD.20 for B 16. Flanges to B 16. CS outer ring.47-Series A Flanges SP-1000 1 – 12 N/A FLGD.5 mm For RF Flanges 150 Spiral wound. SS316 with flexible graphite filler. Suitable for ASME B16.47Series A flanges STD-127 1 . ASTM A216 WCB Body.5 11 STD-115 14 – 24 N/A FLGD. as per ASME B16. OS&Y. Smooth 150 ASTM A105N.AC0NA0 Ends and Facing 2 – 12 To match pipe 1–2 Rating Description Notes ADMAOPCO SED RF. RF 150 BB.48 N/A For RF Flanges N/A ASTM A193 B7M Bolts / ASTM A194 2HM Nuts. RF 150 BB. SS inner ring. CS outer ring. ASTM A105N. Galvanized STD-126 Spectacle Blind 1 – 12 N/A RF. Smooth 300 WN orifice flanges.. OS&Y.5 flanges STD-127 26 . SS316 trim NPS (inch) Item Orifice Flanges Gasket Stud Bolt Miscellaneous Schedule / Thickness (mm) 2 of 4 Gate Valves Globe Valve Integral double block and bleed valve 0 12-06 Rev. ASTM A216 WCB Body. RF 150 BB. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 55 . RF 150 Double flanged. Category-B. Double offset.24 N/A RF. Flanged to B 16. Flanges to B 16.5 flanges 7. Trunnion Mounted. Double flanged. SS-316 Trim. ASTM A216 Gr.5 4. Lever Operated. Smooth 150 Dual plate.5 11 STD-117 8 . WCB Body.11 STD-116 N/A FLGD. ASTM A216 Gr.48 N/A FLGD. WCB Body.11 STD-116 10 – 24 N/A FLGD. RF 150 Swing Type. A 216 WCB Body. Date SP-1000 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. RF 150 Needle valve. WCB Body. metal seated.11 STD-118 Butterfly Valves 26 . Gear Operated 9. Lugged wafer type. Suitable for B 16. RF 150 Split body or top entry.24 N/A RF. RF 150 Split body or top entry. RF 150 Lift Type. Trunnion Mounted. Flanges-B16. Flanges to B 16.AC0NA0 NPS (inch) Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing 1–2 N/A 3–8 3 of 4 Rating Description Notes ADMAOPCO SED FLGD. flanges to B 16. Flanges to B16. ASTM A216 Gr. double offset. RF 150 Dual plate. Smooth 150 Lugged wafer type. Flanges to B 16.11 STD-117 8 . A105N body.5 4. A 216 WCB body.5 4.11 STD-117 8 . SS-316 Trim.47-Series A 9. ASTM A216 Gr. RF 150 Swing Type. BC.5 11 STD-117 2–6 N/A FLGD. RF 150 Split body or top entry. A 216 WCB body. Gear Operated.5 8.48 N/A FLGD. high performance.47-Series A flanges 7.11 STD-116 26 – 48 N/A FLGD. Suitable for B 16.5 Item Ball Valves Check Valves 0 12-06 Rev.47Series-A 4. Flanges to B 16.24 N/A FLGD. RF 150 Split body or top entry. Gear Op. short pattern. high performance. A 216 WCB Body. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 56 . WCB Body. Lever Operated. A 216 WCB Body. WCB Body. SS-316 Trim.Page PIPING CLASS . BC. A 216 WCB Body..11 STD-118 Needle Valves 1-2 N/A FLGD. ASTM A216 Gr. metal seated. Flanges to B16. Trunnion Mounted. SS 316 trim. Gear Operated. Floating ball.11 STD-116 1 – 1½ N/A FLGD.11 STD-117 26 . Wafer type valves are flangeless and shall be installed between the flanges.AC0NA0 4 of 4 BRANCH TABLE 1” 1 HEADER SIZE 1. Equal Tee 2. Standard ball valves included in the class are reduced bore valves. 2. All material shall conform to ADMA-OPCO specification SP-1000 and NACE MR0175. SAW pipes and welded fittings shall be 100% radiographed. ADMA-OPCO approval shall be obtained for using butterfly valves for process services. Swing type check valves for pipe sizes 14”NPS and above shall only be used after getting prior approval from ADMA OPCO. 10. 5.Page PIPING CLASS . 11. The orifice flanges specified in this class shall only be used with ADMA-OPCO approval after considering clause 4. 4.0. When small end of reducer is 16” NPS & below the reducer shall be seamless. 0 12-06 Rev. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.5. 9. Reducing Tee 3. Not used.12 of this document. 7. Sizes below 2” NB shall only be used for no-flowing branches downstream of the first isolation valves.5” 2” 1 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” 14” 16” 18” 20” 24” 26” 28” 30” 32” 34” 36” 38” 40” 42” 44” 46” 48” BRANCH SIZE Notes: 1. The smallbore piping connections shall be as per ADMA-OPCO Code of Practice CP-111. Weldolet 6” 3 3 3 2 2 1 8” 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 10” 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 12” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 14” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 16” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 18” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 20” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 24” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 26” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 28” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 30” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 32” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 34” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 36” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 38” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 40” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 42” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 44” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 46” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 48” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1” 1. For valve trim material refer to valve index enclosed under section 8. 8. 3. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 57 . 6. Full bore may used for the valves specifically mentioned in the P&ID.5” 2 1 2” 2 2 1 3” 3 2 2 1 4” 3 3 2 2 LEGEND 1 1. ASTM A105N. ASTM A105N.8 13. Smooth 150 Blind Flanges. as per ASME B16. as per ASME B16. 80 BE N/A API 5L Gr. To match pipe Pipe Description 0 12-06 Rev. B. as per ASME B16. SP-1000 Corrosion Allowance 6 mm Pressure Class Class 150 Flange Facing RF.6 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A105N.Page PIPING CLASS . Seamless 6 SP-1000 BE N/A ASTM A234 Gr. B. as per ASME B16. 40 BE N/A API 5L Gr.6 19. WPB(W). SAW SP-1000 1–2 Sch.6 19. Smooth 300 WN orifice flanges with SW Taps.36 Flanges Orifice Flanges Thk.9 6 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A234 Gr. Seamless SP-1000 10 – 16 Sch.2. as per ASME B16. XXS BE N/A 100mm long pipe nipple. API 5L Gr. Seamless SP-1000 4–8 Sch.2 17.5 STD-108 STD-108 Item Nipple Concentri c and Eccentric Reducers 1 – 16 18 – 24 1 – 16 18 – 24 Weldolets 1–8 1 – 24 RF.9 1. Smooth Finish Fluid Code Refer Section 9. XS BE N/A API 5L Gr. B. WPB. Cap Thk. B. Smooth 1 – 24 N/A RF. WPB(W). as per ASME B16. WPB.5 2 – 12 To match pipe RF. as per ASME B16. 30 BE N/A API 5L Gr. B. To match pipe Fittings Elbow. SAW SP-1000 24 – 24 Sch. XXS BE N/A API 5L Gr. Date Notes ADMAOPCO SED 6 SP-1000 1 10 SP-1000 STD-108 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. As per MSS SP97 STD-128 150 WN Flanges.8 NPS (inch) Schedule/ Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Ratin g 1 – 1½ Sch. Seamless 2–3 Sch. 160 BE N/A API 5L Gr.9 1 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A234 Gr.9 6 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A234 Gr.7 15. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 58 .6 19. Seamless 18 – 22 Sch. B.AC0NA1 1 of 4 Basic Material Carbon Steel. Equal & Reducing Tee.0 Service Index NACE Requirement Yes Service Category A as per CP-111 Temperature (°C) -29 0 38 50 100 150 200 Pressure (Barg) 19. ASTM A105N. NACE MR0175. B. RF 150 BB. SS inner ring. Gear Operated.AC0NA1 NPS (inch) Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing 1 – 18 4.20 for B16.5 4. SS316 with flexible graphite filler.5 4.5 11 STD-119 14 – 16 N/A FLGD. WCB body. CS outer ring as per ASME B16.48 SP-1000 Spacer and Blank 14 – 24 N/A RF. Flanges to B 16. Lever Operated. RF 150 BB. RF 150 Split body or top entry. Flanges to B 16.5 11 STD-115 14 – 24 N/A FLGD.48 SP-1000 1 – 12 N/A FLGD. Flanges to B 16. ASTM A216 WCB Body. SS316 trim 1–2 N/A FLGD. Flanges to B 16. ASTM A216 WCB Body. Gear Operated. Flanges to B16. ASTM A216 WCB Body.11 STD-116 Item Gasket Stud Bolt Miscellaneous 2 of 4 Gate Valves Globe Valve Integral double block and bleed valve Ball Valves 0 12-06 Rev. OS&Y. RF 150 Split body or top entry. Floating ball. SS inner ring.5 flanges STD-127 1 – 24 N/A For RF Flanges N/A ASTM A193 B7M Bolts / ASTM A194 2HM Nuts.11 STD-116 3–8 N/A FLGD. A 216 WCB Body.5 4.5 flanges STD-127 20 – 24 7. as per ASME B16. Galvanised STD-126 Spectacle Blind 1 – 12 N/A RF.5 11 STD-119 1-2 N/A FLGD.11 STD-116 10 – 24 N/A FLGD. Lever Operated. A 216 WCB Body. RF 150 Split body or top entry. RF 150 Ball type block and needle type bleed valve. Gear Operated. as per ASME B16. A 216 WCB Body. OS&Y. ASTM A216 WCB Body. Flanges-B16. Trunnion mounted. Date Rating Description Notes ADMAOPCO SED SP-1000 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.20 for B16. OS&Y. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 59 .5 mm For RF Flanges 150 Spiral wound. RF 150 BB. split body. OS&Y. Flanges to B 16. Smooth 150 ASTM A105N. A216 Gr.5 11 STD-115 1 – 12 N/A FLGD. Trunnion Mounted. SS316 with flexible graphite filler. Smooth 150 ASTM A105N. RF 150 BB. Trunnion Mounted.Page PIPING CLASS . CS outer ring as per ASME B16.5 mm For RF Flanges 150 Spiral wound. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 60 . WCB Body. RF 150 Needle valve. Date Rating Description SP-1000 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. Smooth 150 Dual plate. RF 150 2–6 N/A FLGD. metal seated. RF 8 . Flanges to B 16.24 N/A 8 . ASTM A216 Gr.11 STD-117 N/A FLGD. WCB Body. Flanges to B 16. RF 150 Swing Type.5 11 STD-117 RF.24 Item Check Valves Butterfly Valves 3 of 4 Notes ADMAOPCO SED Lift Type. WCB Body. ASTM A216 Gr. A 216 WCB body.5 9.5 flanges 7. SS 316 trim Flanges to B 16. WCB Body. Suitable for B 16.Page PIPING CLASS . Smooth 150 Lugged wafer type.AC0NA1 NPS (inch) Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing 1 – 1½ N/A FLGD. Flanges to B 16. Gear Operated 9.24 N/A RF. BC.11 STD-117 8 . high performance. ASTM A216 Gr. Lugged wafer type. double offset.5 Needle Valves 0 12-06 Rev. A105N body. BC. ASTM A216 Gr.11 STD-118 1-2 N/A FLGD.5 11 STD-117 150 Swing Type. 0. Full bore may used for the valves specifically mentioned in the P&ID. Swing type check valves for pipe sizes 14”NPS and above shall only be used after getting prior approval from ADMA OPCO. Not used. 3.5” 2 1 2” 2 2 1 LEGEND 3” 3 2 2 1 4” 3 3 2 2 1 1. 2. The orifice flanges specified in this class shall only be used with ADMA-OPCO approval after considering clause 4. 11. 5. 10. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. 7.12 of this document.5. Standard ball valves included in the class are reduced bore valves. For valve trim material refer to valve index enclosed under section 8. 4. 0 12-06 Rev.AC0NA1 4 of 4 BRANCH TABLE 1” 1 HEADER SIZE 1. 6. Wafer type valves are flangeless and shall be installed between the flanges. 8. When small end of reducer is 16” NPS & below the reducer shall be seamless. The smallbore piping connections shall be as per ADMA-OPCO Code of Practice CP-111. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 61 . 9. Weldolet 6” 3 3 3 2 2 1 8” 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 10” 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 12” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 14” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 16” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 18” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 20” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 24” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1” 1. Sizes below 2” NB shall only be used for no-flowing branches downstream of the first isolation valves. ADMA-OPCO approval shall be obtained for using butterfly valves for process services. Reducing Tee 3. All material shall conform to ADMA-OPCO specification SP-1000 and NACE MR0175.5” 2” 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” 14” 16” 18” 20” 24” BRANCH SIZE Notes: 1. SAW pipes and welded fittings shall be 100% radiographed.Page PIPING CLASS . Equal Tee 2. Cap Schedule/ Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 1-2 Sch.11 STD-128 STD-108 Threadolet Flanges 0 12-06 Rev.11 6 STD-128 3 – 16 BE N/A ASTM A234 Gr. 1 1–2 Sch. 6 3–6 Sch. To match pipe Fittings Concentric and Eccentric Reducers NPS (inch) Thk. as per ASME B16. WPB. as per B16.5. B. To match pipe Item RF. API 5L Gr. As per ASME B16. 20 BE N/A API 5L Gr.9 1.6 19. 80 NPT N/A API 5L Gr.9 1 STD-128 1–2 NPT 3000 ASTM A105 N Galvanized. Serrated Finish Fluid Code Refer Section 9. B. Seamless. Seamless.16 Thk.5. 1 8 – 16 Sch. as per ASME B16. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 62 . Galv 1 – 16 N/A RF. 40 BE N/A API 5L Gr. as per ASME B16. as per ASME B16. Date 1–2 N/A RF. Galv.6 19. ASTM A105N.11 6 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A234 Gr.2. Seamless. Seamless 6 1–2 NPT 3000 ASTM A105 N Galvanized.6 STD-128 NPT 3000 ASTM A105N.11 6 STD-128 3 – 16 Description Notes ADMAOPCO SED Unions 1–2 Coupling 1–2 Weldolets 3–4 BE N/A ASTM A105N. ASTM A105N.Page PIPING CLASS . Equal & Reducing Tee. Serrated 150 Threaded Flanges.6 19. WPB.Galv. Galv 1 STD-108 STD-108 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.0 Service Index NACE Requirement No Service Category B as per CP-111 Temperature (°C) -29 0 38 50 100 150 200 Pressure (Barg) 19.8 13. Galvanized.AC7GA0 1 of 4 Basic Material Carbon Steel Galvanized Corrosion Allowance 3 mm Pressure Class Class 150 Flange Facing RF. as per MSS SP97 STD-128 1–2 NPT 3000 ASTM A105 N Galvanized. 80 NPT N/A 100mm long pipe nipple. B. as per B16. Serrated 150 Blind Flanges. ASTM A105N Galvanized.8 Pipe Nipple Elbow.11 6 STD-128 NPT 3000 ASTM A105N.5 3 .7 15. as per ASME B16. Serrated 150 WN Flanges. as per ASME B16.2 17. B.Galv. as per ASME B16. Galvanized. ASTM A216 WCB Body.AC7GA0 Item NPS (inch) Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing 1–2 N/A 3 – 12 Description RF. RF 150 BB. Serrated 150 ASTM A105N. Serrated 300 Threaded orifice flanges with threaded Taps.21 for B16.5 flanges STD-127 1 – 24 N/A For RF Flanges N/A ASTM A193 B7 Bolts / ASTM A194 2H Nuts.36 STD-129 1 – 14 2 mm For RF Flanges 150 CNAF Flat Ring Gaskets as per ASME B16.5 10 STD-115 14 – 16 N/A FLGD. Serrated 300 WN orifice flanges with SW Taps. as per ASME B16.5 10 STD-119 14 – 16 N/A FLGD.5 10 STD-119 Gasket Stud Bolt Gate Valves Globe Valve 0 12-06 Rev. Date Notes ADMAOPCO SED Rating Orifice Flanges Miscellaneous 2 of 4 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. ASTM A216 WCB Body. ASTM A216 WCB Body. Gear Operated.21 for B16. ASTM A105 N Body 10 STD-119 3 – 12 N/A FLGD. RF 150 BB. OS&Y.36. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 63 . Flanges to B 16. OS&Y.Page PIPING CLASS . ASTM A105N. Galvanized STD-126 Spectacle Blind 1 – 12 N/A RF. OS&Y. as per ASME B16. Flanges to B 16. Gear Operated. as per ASME B16. OS&Y.5 flanges STD-127 16 3 mm For RF Flanges 150 CNAF Flat Ring Gaskets as per ASME B16. Galvanized.48 1–2 N/A NPT 800 UB. Serrated 150 ASTM A105N. RF 150 BB. ASTM A216 WCB Body. OS&Y. OS&Y. ASTM A105N.5 10 STD-115 1–2 N/A NPT 800 UB. RF 150 BB. STD-108 To match pipe RF. Flanges to B 16. as per ASME B16. ASTM A105 Body 10 STD-115 3 – 12 N/A FLGD. Flanges to B 16.48 Spacer and Blank 14 – 16 N/A RF. 10 STD-117 8 – 16 N/A FLGD. Flanges-B16. Gear Operated. Flanges to B 16. Gear Operated 10 STD-118 Item Ball Valves Check Valves Butterfly Valves 3 of 4 0 12-06 Rev. double offset.5 flanges 7. high performance. Serrated 150 Lugged wafer type. Trunnion Mounted.5 4. WCB body. WCB body. A 216 WCB body. ASTM A216 Gr. A 216 WCB body. ASTM A216 Gr. 10 STD-116 1 – 1½ N/A FLGD. Lever Operated. A 216 WCB body. Lever Operated. BC. ASTM A216 Gr. RF 150 Split body or top entry. flanges to B 16. BC. 10 STD-116 10 – 16 N/A FLGD. Suitable for B 16. Flanges to B16. WCB body.5 4. RF 150 Swing Type. Flanges to B 16. 10 STD-116 3–8 N/A FLGD. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 64 .5 4. Serrated 150 Dual plate. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. RF 150 Lift Type.AC7GA0 NPS (inch) Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating Description Notes ADMAOPCO SED 1–2 N/A NPT 800 Split body or top entry. Floating ball. RF 150 Swing Type.Page PIPING CLASS . metal seated. ASTM A216 Gr.5 10 STD-117 8 – 16 N/A RF.5 10 STD-117 2–6 N/A FLGD. WCB body. Trunnion Mounted. 10 STD-117 8 – 16 N/A RF. RF 150 Split body or top entry. Lugged wafer type. flanges to B 16. A 216 WCB body.5 8. The small-bore piping connections shall be as per ADMA-OPCO Code of Practice CP-111. Not used. 4. For valve trim material refer to valve index enclosed under section 8. 10. 2.5” 2 1 2” 2 2 1 LEGEND 3” 4 5 2 1 4” 4 4 5 2 1 6” 4 4 4 2 2 1 8” 4 4 4 3 2 2 1 10” 4 4 4 3 2 2 2 1 12” 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 1 14” 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 16” 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1. 3.3 of SP-1131.5” 2” 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” 14” 16” BRANCH SIZE Notes: 1. Equal Tee 2. Standard ball valves included in the class are reduced bore valves. 6. Reducing Tee 3. 0 12-06 Rev. Wafer type valves are flangeless and shall be installed between the flanges. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. Not used.Page PIPING CLASS . Equal Tee + Swages (Note-9) 1 1” 1. 8. Piping and components of NPS 3” & above shall be galvanized as to the fabrication.0. 5. These branches shall be achieved by step reduction using equal tees and reducers. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 65 . Swing type check valves for pipe sizes 14”NB and above shall only be used after getting prior approval from ADMA OPCO.9. Weldolet 4. 7. Galvanising requirement as per clause 4. Threadolet 5. Full bore may used for the valves specifically mentioned in the P&ID.AC7GA0 4 of 4 BRANCH TABLE 1” 1 HEADER SIZE 1. 9. B. WPB. Serrated Finish Fluid Code Refer Section 9.6 19. Seamless. as per ASME B16. WPB(W).0 Service Index NACE Requirement No Service Category B as per CP-111 Temperature (°C) -29 0 38 50 100 150 200 Pressure (Barg) 19. Serrated 150 SO Flanges.5 STD-108 FF.48 Flanges 0 12-06 Rev.Series A STD-108 18 – 48 3 – 16 18 – 48 1 – 24 Thk. Seamless. as per ASME B16.9.6 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A234 Gr. Cement Lined 1. B. ASTM A105N with CuNi overlay.9.9.AC8GA0 1 of 4 Basic Material Carbon Steel. Cap NPS (inch) FF.Page PIPING CLASS . as per ASME B16. Equal & Reducing Tee. Cement Lined (Note-2) Corrosion Allowance Note-10 Pressure Class Class 150 Flange Facing RF. ASTM A105N Cement Lined. Cement Lined 1 BE N/A ASTM A234 Gr. WPB(W).6 19. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 66 .2 17. ASTM A105N with CuNi overlay.8 13.7 15. Cement Lined 6 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A234 Gr.7. 40 8 – 16 ADMAOPCO SED Notes N/A Use Pipe Class AN3GA0 2. as per ASME B16. B. To match pipe Fittings Concentric and Eccentric Reducers Schedule/ Thickness (mm) Description Pipe Elbow.47. ASTM A105N Cement Lined. Serrated 150 Blind Flanges. Serrated 1 – 24 N/A FF.9. 80 BE 3–6 Sch. Cement Lined 1. Cement Lined Sch.5 14 STD-108 26 – 48 N/A FF. as per ASME B16.8 BE N/A API 5L Gr. 20 BE N/A API 5L Gr. SAW. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. Cement Lined 18 – 24 Sch. To match pipe 3 – 16 Thk. B. as per ASME B16. 20 BE N/A API 5L Gr.6 STD-128 150 SO Flanges.8 Item Ends and Facing Rating 1-2 Sch. as per ASME B16. as per ASME B16. SAW.47Series A 14 STD-108 26 . Cement Lined 1 26 – 48 To Calculate BE N/A API 5L Gr.6 19. Serrated 150 Blind Flanges. WPB. Cement Lined 6 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A234 Gr. OS&Y.47Series A Flanges 3 – 12 N/A FLGD.24 12 STD-119 Item Gasket Stud Bolt Miscellaneous 2 of 4 Gate Valves Globe Valve 0 12-06 Rev. Gear Operated.48 N/A For FF Flanges N/A ASTM A193 B7 Bolts / ASTM A194 2H Nuts. FF 150 BB. Suitable for ASME B16. ASTM B148 Gr. Serrated 150 ASTM A516 Gr. Serrated 150 ASTM A516 Gr. as per ASME B16. FF 150 BB. Aluminium Bronze Trim.48 3 mm For FF Flanges 150 Full Face Rubber or Synthetic Fibre Gaskets as per ASME B16. Galvanised STD-126 Spectacle Blind 3 – 12 N/A FF. 70 with Cu-Ni overlay. Aluminium Bronze Trim.AC8GA0 NPS (inch) Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing 3 – 14 2 mm For FF Flanges 150 Full Face Rubber or Synthetic Fibre Gaskets as per ASME B16.5/M.21 for B16. C95800 Body. FF 150 BB.48 Spacer and Blank 14 – 24 N/A FF.5/B16. Flanges to B16.48 Spacer and Blank 26 – 48 N/A FF. OS&Y. Flanges to B16. C95800 Body.47 -Series A flanges STD-127 3 – 24 3 mm For FF Flanges 150 Insulating Gasket Kit Phenolic B16.47/M. Flanges to B16.5/B16. 70 with Cu-Ni overlay. ASTM B148 Gr. Date Rating Description Notes ADMAOPCO SED Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. OS&Y. 70 with Cu-Ni overlay. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 67 . C95800 Body. Std Full Face Type STD-127 36 – 48 3 mm For FF Flanges 150 Insulating Gasket Kit Phenolic B16. as per ASME B16. Aluminium Bronze Trim. C95800 Body.21 for B16.5 flanges STD-127 16 – 24 3 mm For FF Flanges 150 Full Face Rubber or Synthetic Fibre Gaskets as per ASME B16.5/B16. Aluminium Bronze Trim. ASTM B148 Gr.5 flanges STD-127 26 . Flanges to B16.24 12 STD-119 14 – 16 N/A FLGD.5/B16. ASTM B148 Gr. Gear Operated. Serrated 150 ASTM A516 Gr. FF 150 BB.24 12 STD-115 14 – 24 N/A FLGD. OS&Y.Page PIPING CLASS . Std Full Face Type STD-127 3 .24 12 STD-115 3 – 12 N/A FLGD.21 for B 16. 9.47-Series A 5. ASTM B 148 Gr. ASTM B148 Gr. Aluminium Bronze Trim.48 N/A RF. ASTM B 148 Gr. Aluminium Bronze Trim. Serrated 150 Wafer Type Butterfly Valve.5 flanges 12 STD-117 N/A RF. Gear Operated 5. Suitable for B 16. 12 STD-118 8 . Serrated 150 Wafer Type Butterfly Valve. Serrated 150 Single plate. Double flanged. C95800 Body. ASTM B 148 Gr.24 N/A 26 . Aluminium Bronze Trim.Page PIPING CLASS .9. 12 STD-118 Item Check Valves 3 of 4 Butterfly Valves 0 12-06 Rev. Aluminium Bronze Trim. Flanged to B 16. ASTM B 148 Gr. Lever Operated 5. Serrated 150 Dual plate.AC8GA0 NPS (inch) Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing 3 .9. Serrated 150 Wafer Type Butterfly Valve. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 68 . C95800 Body. Gear Operated.24 N/A RF. C95800 Body with Inconel Overlay. C95800 Body. 12 STD-118 26 . wafer type. Aluminium Bronze Trim.48 Rating Description Notes ADMAOPCO SED RF. Suitable for B 16.47-Series A flanges 12 STD-117 3–6 N/A RF. C95800 Body. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. Page PIPING CLASS . Threadolet Pipe to Pipe Connection (13) 1 32” 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 34” 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 36” 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 38” 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 40” 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 42” 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 44” 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 46” 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 48” 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” 14” 16” 18” 20” 24” 26” 28” 30” 32” 34” 36” 38” 40” 42” 44” 46” 48” BRANCH SIZE Notes: 1. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. Equal Tee 2. 10. For piping components 2” NPS & below. 4. All BW fittings shall be provided with 150 mm long straight pup piece at each end. 3 mm corrosion allowance is available in specified pipe material thickness. Connections between cement lined pipe/header and AN3GA0 pipe shall be done with special cement lined.e. 5. 12. in the adjacent pipe must be shreded to accommodate the movement of the valve disc. 2. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 69 . Gasket is not required when bolting rubber lined butterfly valves to the flanges. The cement lining. SAW pipes and welded fittings shall be 100% radiographed. Reducing Tee 10” 5 2 2 2 1 12” 5 5 2 2 2 1 14” 5 5 2 2 2 2 1 16” 5 5 2 2 2 2 2 1 18” 5 5 5 2 2 2 2 2 1 20” 5 5 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 24” 5 5 5 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 26” 5 5 5 5 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 28” 5 5 5 5 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 30” 5 5 5 5 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3. and be made with an insulating gasket. 9. 8. Pipe to pipe and pipe to fitting joints shall be sleeved type. Pipe to pipe shall be done with suitable reinforcement (as required). 7. branch connections vents and trains) requires special consideration and must be planned during the design phase. 6. 13. Thickness of cement mortar lining shall be as per BP standard GS 106-1. 11. 0 12-06 Rev. Weldolet 4. 5.AC8GA0 4 of 4 HEADER SIZE BRANCH TABLE 3” 1 4” 2 1 6” 2 2 1 8” 5 2 2 LEGEND 1 1. Process impulse tappings for flow orifices in this piping class shall be pipe tappings instead of flange tappings. Welding to cement lined pipe (i. CS valves with internal lining compatible with the fluid may be used in place of valve with aluminium bronze body and trim. flanged tees with a 3 inch minimum size branch. 3. use pipe class AN3GA0 (copper nickel). 9 NPS (inch) Schedule/ Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 1-2 Sch. API 5L Gr.5 STD-108 26 – 48 N/A RF. ASTM A105N.47.9 1 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A234 Gr. To match pipe Pipe Description RF.9 6 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A234 Gr.8 41.9 1. Cap Concentri c and Eccentric Reducers 1 – 16 18 – 48 1 – 16 18 – 48 Notes ADMAOPCO SED 6 Thk. WPB(W). Smooth 300 WN Flanges. B.47. 80 BE N/A API 5L Gr.1 46. as per ASME B16. ASTM A105N. ASTM A105N. Seamless 3 – 16 Sch. as per ASME B16.6 STD-128 1 – 20 BE N/A ASTM A105N. B. SAW 1 1–2 Sch. WPB.6 45. ASTM A105N. as per ASME B16. as per ASME B16. WPB.2. as per ASME B16.9 6 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A234 Gr.1 51. Smooth Finish Fluid Code Refer Section 9. as per ASME B16. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 70 . Equal & Reducing Tee. as per ASME B16. B. Smooth 300 Blind Flanges. 80 BE N/A 100mm long pipe nipple. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.BC0GA0 1 of 4 Basic Material Carbon Steel Corrosion Allowance 3 mm Pressure Class Class 300 Flange Facing RF. Seamless 18 – 24 Sch. To match pipe Weldolets Thk. Seamless 6 BE N/A ASTM A234 Gr. B.48 Flanges 0 12-06 Rev. WPB(W). as per ASME B16. SAW 1 26 – 48 To Calculate BE N/A API 5L Gr. B. Smooth 300 Blind Flanges.Page PIPING CLASS .1 51.0 Service Index NACE Requirement No Service Category B as per CP-111 Temperature (°C) -29 0 38 50 100 150 200 250 Pressure (Barg) 51. 40 BE N/A API 5L Gr.5 STD-108 RF.1 43. 40 BE N/A API 5L Gr. Smooth 1 – 24 N/A RF.Series A STD-108 26 .1 50. As per MSS SP97 STD-128 1 – 24 300 WN Flanges.Series A STD-108 Item Nipple Fittings Elbow. RF 300 BB.20 for B 16. Smooth 300 WN orifice flanges. CS outer ring. RF 300 BB.48 N/A For RF Flanges N/A ASTM A193 B7 Bolts / ASTM A194 2H Nuts.5 11 STD-119 1-2 N/A FLGD. ASTM A216 WCB Body. CS outer ring. Galvanised STD-126 Spectacle Blind 1 – 12 N/A RF. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 71 . Suitable for ASME B16. Flanges to B 16. as per ASME B16. Smooth 300 ASTM A105N.48 7. RF 300 BB. Flanges to B16. OS&Y. RF 300 BB. OS&Y.47Series A flanges STD-127 1 .47-Series A Flanges 1 – 12 N/A FLGD. ASTM A216 WCB Body. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.5 mm For RF Flanges 300 Spiral wound. Gear Operated. as per ASME B16. Smooth 300 ASTM A105N.5 11 STD-115 26 – 48 N/A FLGD.. Trunnion mounted. as per ASME B16.5 11 STD-115 14 – 24 N/A FLGD. OS&Y.36 10 STD-108 4. split body. SS inner ring. RF 300 BB. ASTM A105N. ASTM A216 WCB Body.47 – SeriesA 11 STD-115 1 – 12 N/A FLGD.48 Spacer and Blank 14 – 24 N/A RF. WCB body NPS (inch) Item Orifice Flanges Gasket Stud Bolt Miscellaneous Schedule / Thickness (mm) 2 of 4 Gate Valves Globe Valve Integral double block and bleed valve 0 12-06 Rev. Smooth 300 ASTM A105N. Flanges to B 16. ASTM A216 WCB Body.48 Spacer and Blank 26 – 48 N/A RF. Flanges to B 16.20 for B16. A216 Gr.5 flanges STD-127 26 . Gear Op. Gear Operated.5 11 STD-119 14 – 16 N/A FLGD. OS&Y.5 mm For RF Flanges 300 Spiral wound. as per ASME B16.BC0GA0 Ends and Facing 2 – 12 To match pipe 1 – 24 Rating Description Notes ADMAOPCO SED RF. RF 300 Ball type block and needle type bleed valve. SS316 with flexible graphite filler. SS inner ring. SS316 with flexible graphite filler.Page PIPING CLASS . as per ASME B16. ASTM A216 WCB Body. OS&Y. Flanges to B 16. Flanges to B 16.11 STD-116 1 – 1½ N/A FLGD. Flanges to B 16.5 4. ASTM A216 Gr. Lever Operated.11 STD-117 8 .47-Series A flanges 7.24 N/A FLGD. RF 300 Split body or top entry.24 N/A RF. WCB Body. high performance. A 216 WCB body.11 STD-116 26 – 48 N/A FLGD.. RF 300 Split body or top entry.5 11 STD-117 8 . Suitable for B 16.11 STD-116 N/A FLGD. A 216 WCB body. WCB Body. Lugged wafer type. Flanges to B16.5 4. BC. A 216 WCB Body.11 STD-117 26 .11 STD-117 8 .11 STD-116 10 – 24 N/A FLGD.47-Series A 9. metal seated. short pattern. RF 300 Double flanged. Lever Operated. Flanges to B 16.5 8. RF 300 Split body or top entry.11 STD-118 Butterfly Valves 26 . Flanges to B 16. double offset.47-Series-A 4. Flanges to B 16. Gear Operated 9. WCB Body. ASTM A216 Gr.11 STD-118 Needle Valves 1-2 N/A FLGD. BC. RF 300 Swing Type. WCB Body. double offset.5 flanges 7. Suitable for B 16. lugged wafer type. A 216 WCB Body. Double flanged. RF 300 Split body or top entry. ASTM A216 Gr. Trunnion Mounted. Smooth 300 Lugged wafer type. RF 300 Dual plate. Category-B. Gear Op. ASTM A216 Gr. RF 300 Swing Type.Page PIPING CLASS . RF 300 Needle valve. SS 316 trim. Smooth 300 Dual plate. WCB Body.BC0GA0 NPS (inch) Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing 1–2 N/A 3–8 3 of 4 Rating Description Notes ADMAOPCO SED FLGD. A 216 WCB Body. Floating ball. Gear Operated. A 216 WCB Body. high performance. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.48 N/A FLGD. A105N body. RF 300 Lift Type. Flanged to B 16. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 72 . Trunnion Mounted. Flanges to B16.5 4. ASTM A216 Gr. metal seated.48 N/A FLGD. Flanges-B16. Trunnion Mounted.5 Item Ball Valves Check Valves 0 12-06 Rev. Gear Operated.5 11 STD-117 2–6 N/A FLGD.24 N/A RF. 9.5” 2” 1 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” 14” 16” 18” 20” 24” 26” 28” 30” 32” 34” 36” 38” 40” 42” 44” 46” 48” BRANCH SIZE Notes: 1. Reducing Tee 3. Not used.5” 2 1 2” 2 2 1 3” 3 2 2 1 4” 3 3 2 2 LEGEND 1 1. 0 12-06 Rev. Full bore may used for the valves specifically mentioned in the P&ID.0. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 73 . When small size of reducer is 16” & below the reducer shall be seamless. The orifice flanges specified in this class shall only be used with ADMA-OPCO approval after considering clause 4. 10. Wafer type valves are flangeless and shall be installed between the flanges. 6. Swing type check valves for pipe sizes 14”NB and above shall only be used after getting prior approval from ADMA OPCO. Equal Tee 2. The small-bore piping connections shall be as per ADMA-OPCO Code of Practice CP-111. For valve trim material refer to valve index enclosed under section 8. SAW pipes and welded fittings shall be 100% radiographed. 11. Weldolet 6” 3 3 3 2 2 1 8” 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 10” 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 12” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 14” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 16” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 18” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 20” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 24” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 26” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 28” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 30” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 32” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 34” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 36” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 38” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 40” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 42” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 44” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 46” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 48” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1” 1. Not used.5.Page PIPING CLASS .12 of this document. 8. ADMA-OPCO approval shall be obtained for using butterfly valves for process services. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. Standard ball valves included in the class are reduced bore valves.BC0GA0 4 of 4 BRANCH TABLE 1” 1 HEADER SIZE 1. 3. 4. 2. 5. 7. 48 Flanges 0 12-06 Rev. To match pipe Pipe Description RF. as per ASME B16. ASTM A105N. B. as per ASME B16.47. Smooth Finish Fluid Code Refer Section 9.1 50. Smooth 300 Blind Flanges. 160 BE N/A API 5L Gr.8 NPS (inch) Schedule/ Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 1-2 Sch. Smooth 300 WN Flanges. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.9 1.6 45. B.5 STD-108 RF. B.9 6 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A234 Gr.0 Service Index NACE Requirement Yes Service Category A as per CP-111 Temperature (°C) -29 0 38 50 100 150 200 Pressure (Barg) 51. as per ASME B16. Smooth 1 – 24 N/A RF.2. as per ASME B16.5 STD-108 26 – 48 N/A RF.9 1 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A234 Gr. ASTM A105N. To match pipe Weldolets Thk. NACE MR0175.1 51.1 51. SAW 1 SP-1000 26 – 48 To Calculate BE N/A API 5L Gr.BC0NA0 1 of 4 Basic Material Carbon Steel. ASTM A105N. WPB(W). WPB. B. WPB. as per ASME B16. As per MSS SP97 STD-128 1 – 24 300 WN Flanges.Series A STD-108 26 .47. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 74 . Equal & Reducing Tee. ASTM A105N. 40 BE N/A API 5L Gr.9 6 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A234 Gr. Seamless 3 – 16 Sch.1 46. WPB(W). as per ASME B16. B. Smooth 300 Blind Flanges. 40 BE N/A API 5L Gr.1 43. 160 BE N/A 100mm long pipe nipple. Seamless 18 – 24 Sch. SP-1000 Corrosion Allowance 3 mm Pressure Class Class 300 Flange Facing RF. API 5L Gr.Series A STD-108 Item Nipple Fittings Elbow. as per ASME B16.6 STD-128 1 – 20 BE N/A ASTM A105N.Page PIPING CLASS . Seamless 6 SP-1000 BE N/A ASTM A234 Gr. SAW 1 SP-1000 1–2 Sch. Cap Concentri c and Eccentric Reducers 1 – 16 18 – 48 1 – 16 18 – 48 Notes ADMAOPCO SED 6 SP-1000 SP-1000 Thk. as per ASME B16. 5 11 STD-115 14 – 24 N/A FLGD.5 mm For RF Flanges 300 Spiral wound. ASTM A216 WCB Body. Suitable for ASME B16. as per ASME B16. RF 300 BB. Smooth 300 WN orifice flanges. RF 300 BB.47 – SeriesA 11 STD-115 1 – 12 N/A FLGD.5 11 STD-115 26 – 48 N/A FLGD. OS&Y. OS&Y.20 for B16. Flanges to B 16. OS&Y. A216 Gr. RF 300 Ball type block and needle type bleed valve. OS&Y.5 11 STD-119 14 – 16 N/A FLGD.5 flanges STD-127 26 . Flanges to B16.47-Series A Flanges SP-1000 1 – 12 N/A FLGD.20 for B 16.36 10 STD-108 4..47 Series A flanges STD-127 1 . Smooth 300 ASTM A105N.Page PIPING CLASS .48 N/A For RF Flanges N/A ASTM A193 B7M Bolts / ASTM A194 2HM Nuts. ASTM A216 WCB Body. Galvanised STD-126 Spectacle Blind 1 – 12 N/A RF. CS outer ring as per ASME B16. SS316 with flexible graphite filler.BC0NA0 Ends and Facing 2 – 12 To match pipe 1 – 24 Rating Description Notes ADMAOPCO SED RF. Smooth 300 ASTM A105N. RF 300 BB. Flanges to B 16. Gear Operated. SS316 with flexible graphite filler. ASTM A216 WCB Body. ASTM A216 WCB Body. CS outer ring as per ASME B16. Gear Operated. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 75 .48 SP-1000 Spacer and Blank 26 – 48 N/A RF.48 SP-1000 Spacer and Blank 14 – 24 N/A RF. soft seated NPS (inch) Item Orifice Flanges Gasket Stud Bolt Miscellaneous Schedule / Thickness (mm) 2 of 4 Gate Valves Globe Valve Integral double block and bleed valve 0 12-06 Rev.5 11 STD-119 1-2 N/A FLGD. Gear Op. WCB body. ASTM A216 WCB Body.5 mm For RF Flanges 300 Spiral wound. as per ASME B16. RF 300 BB. SS inner ring. Smooth 300 ASTM A105N. RF 300 BB. as per ASME B16. SS inner ring. split body. OS&Y. Flanges to B 16. Trunnion mounted.48 7. Date SP-1000 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. Flanges to B 16. ASTM A105N. 5 11 STD-117 8 . WCB Body. A 216 WCB body.11 STD-116 1 – 1½ N/A FLGD. WCB Body.5 8.11 STD-116 N/A FLGD.. A 216 WCB body. BC. RF 300 Split body or top entry. Flanges to B16. Gear Op.47-Series A flanges 7.24 N/A RF Smooth 300 Lugged wafer type.47-Series A 9. Trunnion Mounted. RF 300 Lift Type. double offset. ASTM A216 Gr. RF 300 Double flanged. RF 300 Split body or top entry. short pattern. WCB Body. Double flanged.11 STD-118 Butterfly Valves 26 . A 216 WCB Body. Floating ball. Suitable for B 16. ASTM A216 Gr. A 216 WCB Body. Flanges-B16. Suitable for B 16. Category-B.11 STD-116 26 – 48 N/A FLGD.48 N/A FLGD.5 4. Flanges to B 16. WCB Body. RF 300 Needle valve. Gear Operated 9.11 STD-117 26 – 48 N/A FLGD. Flanged to B 16. Gear Operated. flanges to B 16. metal seated. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 76 . BC. Trunnion Mounted. Lever Operated. RF 300 Split body or top entry.24 N/A FLGD.5 4. Flanges to B 16. ASTM A216 Gr.5 flanges 7. Date SP-1000 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. flanges to B 16. RF 300 Swing Type. RF 300 Dual plate.11 STD-118 Needle Valves 1-2 N/A FLGD.BC0NA0 NPS (inch) Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing 1–2 N/A 3–8 3 of 4 Rating Description Notes ADMAOPCO SED FLGD. A 216 WCB Body.5 11 STD-117 2–6 N/A FLGD. double offset. Flanges to B 16. ASTM A216 Gr.11 STD-116 10 – 24 N/A FLGD. A 216 WCB Body. RF 300 Split body or top entry. Lugged wafer type. WCB Body.47-Series-A 4. RF 300 Swing Type. high performance. A105N body.5 4.24 N/A RF 300 Dual plate.11 STD-117 8 . SS 316 trim. metal seated.Page PIPING CLASS . Trunnion Mounted.11 STD-117 8 . ASTM A216 Gr. Gear Operated. high performance.5 Item Ball Valves Check Valves 0 12-06 Rev. Lever Operated. Flanges to B16. Wafer type valves are flangeless and shall be installed between the flanges. 7. Not used. Full bore may used for the valves specifically mentioned in the P&ID. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. Swing type check valves for pipe sizes 14”NB and above shall only be used after getting prior approval from ADMA OPCO. The orifice flanges specified in this class shall only be used with ADMA-OPCO approval after considering clause 4. Standard ball valves included in the class are reduced bore valves. When small size of reducer is 16” & below the reducer shall be seamless. 8. Weldolet 6” 3 3 3 2 2 1 8” 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 10” 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 12” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 14” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 16” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 18” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 20” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 24” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 26” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 28” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 30” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 32” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 34” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 36” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 38” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 40” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 42” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 44” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 46” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 48” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1” 1. Reducing Tee 3.0. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 77 . 2. 10. 0 12-06 Rev.5” 2” 1 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” 14” 16” 18” 20” 24” 26” 28” 30” 32” 34” 36” 38” 40” 42” 44” 46” 48” BRANCH SIZE Notes: 1.12 of this document. The smallbore piping connections shall be as per ADMA-OPCO Code of Practice CP-111. For valve trim material refer to valve index enclosed under section 8. 4. 6. 5.Page PIPING CLASS . All material shall conform to ADMA-OPCO specification SP-1000 and NACE MR0175. ADMA-OPCO approval shall be obtained for using butterfly valves for process services.BC0NA0 4 of 4 BRANCH TABLE 1” 1 HEADER SIZE 1. 9. 3.5. SAW pipes and welded fittings shall be 100% radiographed. 11. Equal Tee 2.5” 2 1 2” 2 2 1 3” 3 2 2 1 4” 3 3 2 2 LEGEND 1 1. Sizes below 2” NB shall only be used for no-flowing branches downstream of the first isolation valves. To match pipe Fittings 0 N/A Notes BE 1–8 1 SP-1000 100mm long pipe nipple. Seamless 6 SP-1000 N/A ASTM A234 Gr. ASTM A105N. as per ASME B16.9 1 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A234 Gr. B.9 1. as per ASME B16. Smooth Finish Fluid Code Refer Section 9. B. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 78 . To match pipe Weldolets Flanges BE Description Sch. SAW 10 – 16 Sch. Seamless SP-1000 4–4 Sch. as per ASME B16.2.6 45.5 STD-108 1 – 24 Thk. XXS BE N/A BE 1 – 16 18 – 24 1 – 16 18 – 24 Thk. SP-1000 Corrosion Allowance 6 mm Pressure Class Class 300 Flange Facing RF. Smooth Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.0 Service Index NACE Requirement Yes Service Category A as per CP-111 Temperature (°C) -29 0 38 50 100 150 200 Pressure (Barg) 51. ASTM A105N. XXS 12-06 Rev.9 6 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A234 Gr. as per ASME B16.9 6 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A234 Gr. as per ASME B16. WPB(W).1 43. 60 BE N/A API 5L Gr. 80 BE N/A API 5L Gr. B.5 STD-108 300 Blind Flanges. as per ASME B16.6 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A105N. Date API 5L Gr. NACE MR0175. Seamless SP-1000 6–8 Sch. 60 BE N/A API 5L Gr. B. Seamless ADMAOPCO SED 6 SP-1000 N/A API 5L Gr. SAW 1–2 Sch. WPB. Equal & Reducing Tee. 120 BE N/A API 5L Gr.1 51. Smooth 1 – 24 N/A RF. B. B.8 NPS (inch) Item Schedule/ Thickness (mm) 1 – 1 ½ Sch. As per MSS SP97 STD-128 300 WN Flanges. Cap Ends and Facing RF. 160 Nipple Concentric and Eccentric Reducers Rating 2–3 Pipe Elbow.Page PIPING CLASS . WPB. WPB(W). Seamless 18 – 24 Sch.1 51.1 50. API 5L Gr.BC0NA1 1 of 4 Basic Material Carbon Steel.1 46. B. 5 4. Flanges to B 16. as per ASME B16. Lever Operated. Flanges to B 16. RF 300 Split body or top entry. OS&Y.48 SP-1000 Spacer and Blank 14 – 24 N/A RF. OS&Y.5 4.20 for B16. ASTM A216 WCB Body. RF 300 BB. SS316 trim 11 SP-1000 1–2 N/A FLGD.5 4. OS&Y. A 216 WCB Body. OS&Y. WCB body. as per ASME B16. Gear Operated. Trunnion Mounted. RF 300 Split body or top entry.5 11 STD-115 14 – 24 N/A FLGD. ASTM A105N.5 11 STD-119 1-2 N/A FLGD. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. A 216 WCB Body. Floating ball. RF 300 Split body or top entry. RF 300 BB. ASTM A216 WCB Body. SS inner ring.48 SP-1000 1 – 12 N/A FLGD. as per ASME B16. Galvanised STD-126 Spectacle Blind 1 – 12 N/A RF. Trunnion mounted. A 216 WCB Body. Trunnion Mounted.11 STD-116 3–8 N/A FLGD.BC0NA1 Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing 2 – 12 To match pipe 1 – 24 Rating Description Notes ADMAOPCO SED RF.5 flanges STD-127 1 – 24 N/A For RF Flanges N/A ASTM A193 B7M Bolts / ASTM A194 2HM Nuts. Smooth 300 WN orifice flanges. Gear Operated. A216 Gr. RF 300 Ball type block and needle type bleed valve.5 11 STD-115 1 – 12 N/A FLGD. Lever Operated. Flanges to B 16. as per ASME B16. Smooth 300 ASTM A105N. ASTM A216 WCB Body. Flanges to B 16. RF 300 BB. RF 300 BB.11 STD-116 10 – 24 N/A FLGD. CS outer ring. Flanges to B16. Smooth 300 ASTM A105N.5 11 STD-119 14 – 16 N/A FLGD. Flanges-B16. split body. ASTM A216 WCB Body.5 mm For RF Flanges 300 SS316 with flexible graphite filler. Flanges to B 16. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 79 . Gear Operated.36 10 STD-108 4.Page PIPING CLASS .11 STD-116 NPS (inch) Item Orifice Flanges Gasket Stud Bolt Miscellaneous 2 of 4 Gate Valves Globe Valve Integral double block and bleed valve Ball Valves 0 12-06 Rev. RF 8 – 24 N/A 8 . WCB Body. BC. RF 300 Needle valve. A105N body.Page PIPING CLASS .11 STD-117 8 . WCB Body. BC.24 Item Check Valves Butterfly Valves 3 of 4 Notes ADMAOPCO SED Lift Type. WCB Body. high performance.5 11 STD-117 RF. double offset. Flanges to B 16.24 N/A RF. Suitable for B 16. RF 300 Swing Type.5 Needle Valves 0 12-06 Rev. Lugged wafer type. RF 300 2–6 N/A FLGD.BC0NA1 NPS (inch) Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing 1 – 1½ N/A FLGD. A 216 WCB body.11 STD-118 1-2 N/A FLGD. ASTM A216 Gr. ASTM A216 Gr. ASTM A216 Gr. ASTM A216 Gr. WCB Body. Smooth 300 Dual plate. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 80 . metal seated. flanges to B 16. SS 316 trim. flanges to B 16.5 11 STD-117 300 Swing Type. Smooth 300 Lugged wafer type.5 8. Date Rating Description SP-1000 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. Flanges to B 16. Gear Operated 9.11 STD-117 N/A FLGD.47-Series A flanges 7. 5. Swing type check valves for pipe sizes 14”NB and above shall only be used after getting prior approval from ADMA OPCO. Reducing Tee 3. For valve trim material refer to valve index enclosed under section 8. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.BC0NA1 4 of 4 BRANCH TABLE 1” 1 HEADER SIZE 1. 7. Full bore may used for the valves specifically mentioned in the P&ID. ADMA-OPCO approval shall be obtained for using butterfly valves for process services. 5. Not used. Weldolet 6” 3 3 3 2 2 1 8” 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 10” 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 12” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 14” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 16” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 18” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 20” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 24” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1” 1.5” 2” 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” 14” 16” 18” 20” 24” BRANCH SIZE Notes: 1. The smallbore piping connections shall be as per ADMA-OPCO Code of Practice CP-111. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 81 . Wafer type valves are flangeless and shall be installed between the flanges.Page PIPING CLASS . Equal Tee 2. 4.12 of this document. 10. 6. 0 12-06 Rev.0. Sizes below 2” NB shall only be used for no-flowing branches downstream of the first isolation valves. 9. 3. 11. Standard ball valves included in the class are reduced bore valves.5” 2 1 2” 2 2 1 LEGEND 3” 3 2 2 1 4” 3 3 2 2 1 1. All material shall conform to ADMA-OPCO specification SP-1000 and NACE MR0175. The orifice flanges specified in this class shall only be used with ADMA-OPCO approval after considering clause 4. 2. SAW pipes and welded fittings shall be 100% radiographed. When small size of reducer is 16” & below the reducer shall be seamless. 8. API 5L Gr.2 93. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 82 . as per ASME B16.6 Nipple Fittings Elbow. as per ASME B16. WPB(W). as per ASME B16.1 102. Seamless 6 BE N/A ASTM A234 Gr.9 6 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A234 Gr.47. as per ASME B16. as per ASME B16.6 STD-128 1 – 20 BE N/A ASTM A105N. B. as per ASME B16. B. Cap Concentric and Eccentric Reducers Weldolets Schedule/ Thickness (mm) 1-2 Sch. SAW 1 26 – 48 To Calc1ulate BE N/A API 5L Gr. B. ASTM A105N.5 STD-108 RTJ 600 WN Flanges.48 Flanges Thk. ASTM A105N. 80 BE N/A API 5L Gr.5 STD-108 26 – 48 N/A RTJ 600 Blind Flanges. B.Series A STD-108 1 – 16 18 – 48 1 – 16 18 – 48 0 12-06 Rev.Series A STD-108 26 . WPB(W).47. Seamless 3 – 16 Sch.2 90. ASTM A105N. as per ASME B16.9 1 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A234 Gr. Date Ends Rating and Facing Description Notes ADMAOPCO SED 6 RTJ 1 – 24 N/A RTJ 600 Blind Flanges. Equal & Reducing Tee. 160 BE N/A API 5L Gr.1 100.9 1. WPB.2. WPB. as per ASME B16.9 6 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A234 Gr. SAW 1 1–2 Sch. B. ASTM A105N.Page PIPING CLASS .2 87. To match pipe Item Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.CC0GA0 1 of 4 Basic Material Carbon Steel Corrosion Allowance 3 mm Pressure Class Class 600 Flange Facing RTJ Fluid Code Refer Section 9. 160 BE N/A 100mm long pipe nipple. 80 BE N/A API 5L Gr.1 102. As per MSS SP97 STD-128 1 – 24 600 WN Flanges. Seamless 18 – 24 Sch. To match pipe Pipe NPS (inch) Thk.0 Service Index NACE Requirement No Service Category B as per CP-111 Temperature (°C) -29 0 38 50 100 150 200 Pressure (Barg) 102. Flanges to B 16. OS&Y.5 11 STD-119 1-2 N/A FLGD.CC0GA0 Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating Description Notes ADMAOPCO SED 2 – 12 To match pipe RTJ 600 WN orifice flanges.5 flanges STD-127 26 .Page PIPING CLASS .48 N/A For RTJ Flanges 600 Soft Iron Octagonal Ring Joint Gasket.47 – SeriesA 11 STD-115 1–6 N/A FLGD.48 Spacer and Blank 26 – 48 N/A RTJ 600 ASTM A105N. as per ASME B16. OS&Y. RTJ 600 BB. split body. ASTM A105N. ASTM A216 WCB Body. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 83 .20 for B16.48 N/A For RTJ Flanges N/A ASTM A193 B7 Bolts / ASTM A194 2H Nuts. RTJ 600 Ball type block and needle type bleed valve. Galvanised.. Flanges to B 16. as per ASME B16. ASTM A216 WCB Body. OS&Y. OS&Y. RTJ 600 BB. A216 Gr. Gear Operated. Gear Op.48 Spacer and Blank 10 – 24 N/A RTJ 600 ASTM A105N. RTJ 600 BB. RTJ 600 BB. OS&Y. Flanges to B 16.5 11 STD-115 8 – 24 N/A FLGD.47 -Series A flanges STD-127 1 . Trunnion mounted. as per ASME B16. Galvanised. WCB body NPS (inch) Item Orifice Flanges Gasket Stud Bolt Miscellaneous 2 of 4 Gate Valves Globe Valve Integral double block and bleed valve 0 12-06 Rev.5 11 STD-115 26 – 48 N/A FLGD. ASTM A216 WCB Body. RTJ 600 BB. as per ASME B16. Suitable for ASME B16. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.20 for B 16. Flanges to B16. Gear Operated. ASTM A216 WCB Body.36 10 STD-108 1 – 24 N/A For RTJ Flanges 600 Soft Iron Octagonal Ring Joint Gasket. ASTM A216 WCB Body. Flanges to B 16. as per ASME B16.5 11 STD-119 8 – 16 N/A FLGD.47-Series A Flanges 1–6 N/A FLGD. Galvanised STD-126 Spectacle Blind 1–8 N/A RTJ 600 ASTM A105N. WCB Body.11 STD-116 26 – 48 N/A FLGD. Floating ball. double offset. RTJ 600 Split body or top entry. Flanges-B16. short pattern.. ASTM A216 Gr.11 STD-117 8 . RTJ 600 Dual plate. flanges to B 16.CC0GA0 NPS (inch) Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing 1–2 N/A 3–4 3 of 4 Rating Description Notes ADMAOPCO SED FLGD. BC.5 11 STD-117 8 . Flanges to B 16. Lugged wafer type. ASTM A216 Gr. Flanges to B 16.11 STD-116 1 – 1½ N/A FLGD. WCB Body. Gear Operated 9. RTJ 600 Lift Type. A 216 WCB Body. metal seated.11 STD-116 6 – 24 N/A FLGD.5 Item Ball Valves Check Valves 0 12-06 Rev. RTJ 600 Swing Type. ASTM A216 Gr.24 N/A RTJ 600 Dual plate. Trunnion Mounted. A 216 WCB Body. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 84 . SS 316 trim. A105N body. Flanged to B 16.47-Series-A 4. RTJ 600 Double flanged. RTJ 600 Split body or top entry.5 11 STD-117 2–6 N/A FLGD. metal seated. Lever Operated. high performance. Trunnion Mounted.48 N/A FLGD. WCB Body. RTJ 600 Split body or top entry.5 flanges 7. Trunnion Mounted. A 216 WCB Body. Flanges to B16.11 STD-117 8 . Lever Operated.11 STD-118 Needle Valves 1-2 N/A FLGD.5 4. Suitable for B 16. WCB Body.Page PIPING CLASS . ASTM A216 Gr. A 216 WCB body.5 4.11 STD-118 Butterfly Valves 26 . Gear Op.11 STD-117 26 .47-Series A flanges 7. RTJ 600 Needle valve. double flanged. Category-B. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. flanges to B 16.48 N/A FLGD.5 8. Suitable for B 16. high performance. Flanges to B 16. RTJ 600 Split body or top entry. double offset. Gear Operated. A 216 WCB body. Flanges to B16. RTJ 600 Swing Type.24 N/A FLGD.47-Series A 9. Gear Operated.11 STD-116 N/A FLGD.24 N/A RTJ 600 Lugged wafer type. WCB Body. BC. A 216 WCB Body.5 4. ASTM A216 Gr. CC0GA0 4 of 4 BRANCH TABLE 1” 1 HEADER SIZE 1. 4. 8. 3. Equal Tee 2. 7. When small size of reducer is 16” & below the reducer shall be seamless. Full bore may used for the valves specifically mentioned in the P&ID.5” 2” 1 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” 14” 16” 18” 20” 24” 26” 28” 30” 32” 34” 36” 38” 40” 42” 44” 46” 48” BRANCH SIZE Notes: 1. The small-bore piping connections shall be as per ADMA-OPCO Code of Practice CP-111. Not used.Page PIPING CLASS . Reducing Tee 3. 9.12 of this document.0. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. Weldolet 6” 3 3 3 2 2 1 8” 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 10” 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 12” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 14” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 16” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 18” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 20” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 24” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 26” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 28” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 30” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 32” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 34” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 36” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 38” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 40” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 42” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 44” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 46” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 48” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1” 1. ADMA-OPCO approval shall be obtained for using butterfly valves for process services. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 85 . 11. Wafer type valves are flangeless and shall be installed between the flanges. 5. The orifice flanges specified in this class shall only be used with ADMA-OPCO approval after considering clause 4.5” 2 1 2” 2 2 1 3” 3 2 2 1 4” 3 3 2 2 LEGEND 1 1. Swing type check valves for pipe sizes 14”NB and above shall only be used after getting prior approval from ADMA OPCO. 2. 10. 0 12-06 Rev. SAW pipes and welded fittings shall be 100% radiographed. 6.5. Not used. For valve trim material refer to valve index enclosed under section 8. Standard ball valves included in the class are reduced bore valves. as per ASME B16. Seamless 6 SP-1000 BE N/A ASTM A234 Gr. B. ASTM A105N. ASTM A105N.9 6 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A234 Gr.CC0NA0 1 of 4 Basic Material Carbon Steel. 160 BE N/A API 5L Gr. as per ASME B16.9 1.9 1 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A234 Gr. as per ASME B16. ASTM A105N. as per ASME B16. 160 BE N/A 100mm long pipe nipple. NACE MR0175.1 102. Cap Concentri c and Eccentric Reducers 1 – 16 18 – 48 1 – 16 18 – 48 Notes ADMAOPCO SED 6 SP-1000 SP-1000 Thk.5 STD-108 26 – 48 N/A RTJ 600 Blind Flanges. WPB. as per ASME B16. SAW 1 SP-1000 26 – 48 To Calculate BE N/A API 5L Gr. 80 BE N/A API 5L Gr. as per ASME B16.2 93. As per MSS SP97 STD-128 1 – 24 600 WN Flanges.0 Service Index NACE Requirement Yes Service Category A as per CP-111 Temperature (°C) -29 0 38 50 100 150 200 Pressure (Barg) 102. B.47. WPB.Series A STD-108 26 .47. WPB(W). To match pipe Pipe Description RTJ 1 – 24 N/A RTJ 600 Blind Flanges.48 Flanges 0 12-06 Rev.6 NPS (inch) Schedule/ Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 1-2 Sch. WPB(W). B.2 90.2 87. SAW 1 SP-1000 1–2 Sch.1 102. as per ASME B16.1 100. Seamless 18 – 24 Sch. Equal & Reducing Tee. To match pipe Weldolets Thk.9 6 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A234 Gr. B.Page PIPING CLASS . Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.6 STD-128 1 – 20 BE N/A ASTM A105N.Series A STD-108 Item Nipple Fittings Elbow.5 STD-108 RTJ 600 WN Flanges. 80 BE N/A API 5L Gr. Seamless 3 – 16 Sch. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 86 .2. ASTM A105N. API 5L Gr. SP-1000 Corrosion Allowance 3 mm Pressure Class Class 600 Flange Facing RTJ Fluid Code Refer Section 9. as per ASME B16. B. Galvanised. Flanges to B 16. Flanges to B 16. WCB body NPS (inch) Item Orifice Flanges Gasket Stud Bolt Miscellaneous 2 of 4 Gate Valves Globe Valve Integral double block and bleed valve 0 12-06 Rev.20 for B16.. RTJ 600 BB. A216 Gr. OS&Y. RTJ 600 BB. Date SP-1000 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. Flanges to B 16. Galvanised STD-126 Spectacle Blind 1–8 N/A RTJ 600 ASTM A105N.5 11 STD-119 1–2 N/A FLGD. Gear Operated. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 87 . RTJ 600 BB. split body. as per ASME B16. OS&Y. RTJ 600 Ball type block and needle type bleed valve.47-Series A Flanges SP-1000 1–6 N/A FLGD. RTJ 600 BB. OS&Y.Page PIPING CLASS . as per ASME B16. Trunnion mounted.48 SP-1000 Spacer and Blank 10 – 24 N/A RTJ 600 ASTM A105N.47 – SeriesA 11 STD-115 1–6 N/A FLGD. RTJ 600 BB.20 for B 16. OS&Y.5 flanges STD-127 26 . as per ASME B16.48 SP-1000 Spacer and Blank 26 – 48 N/A RTJ 600 ASTM A105N.47 -Series A flanges STD-127 1 . ASTM A216 WCB Body. ASTM A216 WCB Body. Gear Operated. Flanges to B16.5 11 STD-115 26 – 48 N/A FLGD. ASTM A216 WCB Body. ASTM A105N.5 11 STD-115 8 – 24 N/A FLGD.5 11 STD-119 8 – 16 N/A FLGD. ASTM A216 WCB Body.48 N/A For RTJ Flanges N/A ASTM A193 B7M Bolts / ASTM A194 2HM Nuts. as per ASME B16.CC0NA0 Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating Description Notes ADMAOPCO SED 2 – 12 To match pipe RTJ 600 WN orifice flanges. Galvanised.48 N/A For RTJ Flanges 600 Soft Iron Octagonal Ring Joint Gasket.36 10 STD-108 1 – 24 N/A For RTJ Flanges 600 Soft Iron Octagonal Ring Joint Gasket. OS&Y. ASTM A216 WCB Body. as per ASME B16. Gear Op. Flanges to B 16. Suitable for ASME B16. A 216 WCB body. Trunnion Mounted. double offset.11 STD-117 26 . RTJ 600 Double flanged. Lever Operated.5 Item Ball Valves Check Valves 0 12-06 Rev. Date SP-1000 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. Flanges to B16. Flanges to B 16. Gear Op. Gear Operated.48 N/A FLGD.11 STD-116 N/A FLGD. WCB Body. Lever Operated. WCB Body. ASTM A216 Gr.47-Series A 9. ASTM A216 Gr. ASTM A216 Gr. A 216 WCB Body. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 88 .5 4. flanges to B 16. RTJ 600 Needle valve.5 6. Flanged to B 16. Flanges to B 16.Page PIPING CLASS . WCB Body. RTJ 600 Split body or top entry.47-Series A flanges 7. RTJ 600 Split body or top entry. SS 316 trim. Category-B. RTJ 600 Swing Type. Suitable for B 16.11 STD-117 8 . RTJ 600 Dual plate. Lugged wafer type.5 4.5 flanges 7. flanges to B 16.. metal seated.24 N/A RTJ 600 Dual plate.11 STD-118 Butterfly Valves 26 . A 216 WCB Body.5 11 STD-117 8 . double offset. ASTM A216 Gr. high performance.11 STD-116 6 – 24 N/A FLGD. RTJ 600 Split body or top entry. Double flanged. ASTM A216 Gr. Flanges to B 16. Suitable for B 16.11 STD-116 1 – 1½ N/A FLGD.11 STD-116 26 – 48 N/A FLGD. Flanges-B16.11 STD-118 Needle Valves 1-2 N/A FLGD. Trunnion Mounted. metal seated. high performance.11 STD-117 8 .47-Series-A 4. Trunnion Mounted.24 N/A FLGD. BC. A 216 WCB Body. WCB Body.24 N/A RTJ 600 Lugged wafer type. Floating ball. Gear Operated. A 216 WCB Body. A105N body.48 N/A FLGD. BC. RTJ 600 Lift Type. Gear Operated 9.11 STD-117 2–6 N/A FLGD.5 8.5 4. WCB Body. short pattern. A 216 WCB body.CC0NA0 NPS (inch) Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing 1–2 N/A 3–4 3 of 4 Rating Description Notes ADMAOPCO SED FLGD. RTJ 600 Split body or top entry. Flanges to B16. RTJ 600 Swing Type. ADMA-OPCO approval shall be obtained for using butterfly valves for process services. Swing type check valves for pipe sizes 14”NB and above shall only be used after getting prior approval from ADMA OPCO. 3. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 89 .5. The smallbore piping connections shall be as per ADMA-OPCO Code of Practice CP-111.CC0NA0 4 of 4 BRANCH TABLE 1” 1 HEADER SIZE 1. 8. 2. For valve trim material refer to valve index enclosed under section 8. 10. Wafer type valves are flangeless and shall be installed between the flanges.Page PIPING CLASS . The orifice flanges specified in this class shall only be used with ADMA-OPCO approval after considering clause 4.0. Sizes below 2” NB shall only be used for no-flowing branches downstream of the first isolation valves. 7. Equal Tee 2. Not used. 0 12-06 Rev. When small size of reducer is 16” & below the reducer shall be seamless.5” 2” 1 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” 14” 16” 18” 20” 24” 26” 28” 30” 32” 34” 36” 38” 40” 42” 44” 46” 48” BRANCH SIZE Notes: 1. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. 11. Full bore may used for the valves specifically mentioned in the P&ID.12 of this document. SAW pipes and welded fittings shall be 100% radiographed. Reducing Tee 3. 9. 4. Standard ball valves included in the class are reduced bore valves. 6. 5.5” 2 1 2” 2 2 1 3” 3 2 2 1 4” 3 3 2 2 LEGEND 1 1. Weldolet 6” 3 3 3 2 2 1 8” 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 10” 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 12” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 14” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 16” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 18” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 20” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 24” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 26” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 28” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 30” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 32” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 34” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 36” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 38” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 40” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 42” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 44” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 46” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 48” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1” 1. All material shall conform to ADMA-OPCO specification SP-1000 and NACE MR0175. ASTM A105N. 100 BE N/A API 5L Gr. Seamless 3–4 Sch. SP-1000 Corrosion Allowance 6 mm Pressure Class Class 600 Flange Facing RTJ Fluid Code Refer Section 9. Cap 1–8 1 – 24 Thk. To match pipe Fittings 1 of 4 RTJ 1 – 24 N/A RTJ Flanges 0 12-06 Rev. API 5L Gr. 100 BE N/A API 5L Gr. B. Date Description Notes ADMAOPCO SED 6 SP-1000 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.1 100.1 102.9 1. B.9 1 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A234 Gr. B. as per ASME B16.2 90. As per MSS SP97 STD-128 600 WN Flanges. as per ASME B16. Seamless SP-1000 18 – 24 Sch. WPB. XXS BE N/A API 5L Gr. as per ASME B16. as per ASME B16.5 STD-108 Item Pipe Nipple 1 – 16 18 – 24 Concentric 1 – 16 and Eccentric 18 – 24 Reducers Weldolets Thk. XXS BE N/A 100mm long pipe nipple. Seamless 6 SP-1000 BE N/A ASTM A234 Gr.9 6 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A234 Gr. SAW 1 SP-1000 1–2 Sch.6 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A105N. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 90 . B.0 Service Index NACE Requirement Yes Service Category A as per CP-111 Temperature (°C) -29 0 38 50 100 150 200 Pressure (Barg) 102. 160 BE N/A API 5L Gr.2 93.CC0NA1 Basic Material Carbon Steel. NACE MR0175. WPB(W). To match pipe Elbow. WPB(W).2. Equal & Reducing Tee. WPB.2 87.Page PIPING CLASS . Seamless SP-1000 10 – 16 Sch. B.6 NPS (inch) Schedule/ Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 1-2 Sch. 120 BE N/A API 5L Gr.9 6 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A234 Gr. ASTM A105N.1 102. B. Seamless SP-1000 6–8 Sch. as per ASME B16.5 STD-108 600 Blind Flanges. as per ASME B16. Lever Operated. RTJ 600 BB. as per ASME B16. Date SP-1000 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. A 216 WCB Body.5 11 STD-115 8 – 24 N/A FLGD. Trunnion Mounted. Flanges to B 16. RTJ 600 Split body or top entry.11 STD-116 6 – 24 N/A FLGD.48 SP-1000 1–6 N/A FLGD.11 STD-116 3–4 N/A FLGD. as per ASME B16. soft seated 1–2 N/A FLGD.36 10 STD-108 1 – 24 N/A For RTJ Flanges 600 Soft Iron Octagonal Ring Joint Gasket. ASTM A216 WCB Body. OS&Y.11 STD-116 NPS (inch) Item Orifice Flanges Gasket Stud Bolt Miscellaneous 2 of 4 Gate Valves Globe Valve Integral double block and bleed valve Ball Valves 0 12-06 Rev.CC0NA1 Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating Description Notes ADMAOPCO SED 2 – 12 To match pipe RTJ 600 WN orifice flanges.20 for B16. ASTM A105N. Flanges to B 16. A216 Gr. Gear Operated. Floating ball. Lever Operated. Flanges-B16. Gear Operated. as per ASME B16. OS&Y. Gear Operated. RTJ 600 Ball type block and needle type bleed valve.5 4. split body. ASTM A216 WCB Body. A 216 WCB Body. WCB body. OS&Y.Page PIPING CLASS . Flanges to B16. Flanges to B 16. RTJ 600 BB. Galvanised STD-126 Spectacle Blind 1–8 N/A RTJ 600 ASTM A105N.5 4. ASTM A216 WCB Body. Flanges to B 16. ASTM A216 WCB Body. Flanges to B 16. RTJ 600 BB. A 216 WCB Body. RTJ 600 Split body or top entry. RTJ 600 Split body or top entry. OS&Y. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 91 .5 11 STD-119 8 – 16 N/A FLGD.5 11 STD-119 1-2 N/A FLGD. Trunnion mounted.5 11 STD-115 1–6 N/A FLGD.5 4.48 SP-1000 Spacer and Blank 10 – 24 N/A RTJ 600 ASTM A105N. Galvanised. as per ASME B16.5 flanges STD-127 1 – 24 N/A For RTJ Flanges N/A ASTM A193 B7M Bolts / ASTM A194 2HM Nuts. RTJ 600 BB. Trunnion Mounted. double offset.11 STD-117 N/A FLGD. flanges to B 16. Date Rating Description SP-1000 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. A 216 WCB body. Gear Operated 9. metal seated. A105N body. RTJ 600 Needle valve. WCB Body. high performance.CC0NA1 NPS (inch) Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing 1 – 1½ N/A FLGD. RTJ 600 Swing Type. BC.5 11 STD-117 RTJ 600 Dual plate. ASTM A216 Gr.5 Needle Valves 0 12-06 Rev.24 Item Check Valves Butterfly Valves 3 of 4 Notes ADMAOPCO SED Lift Type.24 N/A FLGD. flanges to B 16. Flanges to B 16.47-Series A flanges 7. Double flanged. Flanges to B 16.5 8. WCB Body.11 STD-118 1-2 N/A FLGD. RTJ 8 – 24 N/A 8 . RTJ 600 2–6 N/A FLGD. ASTM A216 Gr. RTJ 600 Lugged wafer type. SS 316 trim. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 92 . ASTM A216 Gr. WCB Body.5 11 STD-117 600 Swing Type.11 STD-117 8 . WCB Body. ASTM A216 Gr. Suitable for B 16. BC.Page PIPING CLASS . Weldolet 6” 3 3 3 2 2 1 8” 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 10” 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 12” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 14” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 16” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 18” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 20” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 24” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1” 1. Wafer type valves are flangeless and shall be installed between the flanges.CC0NA1 4 of 4 BRANCH TABLE 1” 1 HEADER SIZE 1. 9. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.Page PIPING CLASS . 2. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 93 . Reducing Tee 3. SAW pipes and welded fittings shall be 100% radiographed. Swing type check valves for pipe sizes 14”NB and above shall only be used after getting prior approval from ADMA OPCO.0. 6. Consider using actuated valves like MOV instead of manual valves for the large sizes considering the torque required to operate the valves. 5. Full bore may used for the valves specifically mentioned in the P&ID. ADMA-OPCO approval shall be obtained for using butterfly valves for process services. 0 12-06 Rev. The smallbore piping connections shall be as per ADMA-OPCO Code of Practice CP-111.12 of this document. 10. 3.5. 4. Sizes below 2” NB shall only be used for no-flowing branches downstream of the first isolation valves. When small size of reducer is 16” & below the reducer shall be seamless.5” 2” 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” 14” 16” 18” 20” 24” BRANCH SIZE Notes: 1. All material shall conform to ADMA-OPCO specification SP-1000 and NACE MR0175. For valve trim material refer to valve index enclosed under section 8. The orifice flanges specified in this class shall only be used with ADMA-OPCO approval after considering clause 4. 8. 11.5” 2 1 2” 2 2 1 LEGEND 3” 3 2 2 1 4” 3 3 2 2 1 1. 7. Equal Tee 2. Standard ball valves included in the class are reduced bore valves. WPB.5 STD-108 Item Pipe Nipple 18 – 24 1 – 16 18 – 24 Weldolets ADMAOPCO SED 6 RTJ 1–2 N/A RTJ 1500 Blind Flanges.2 153. as per ASME B16. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. 160 BE N/A API 5L Gr.2 131. B. WPB(W). ASTM A105N. ASTM A105N. as per ASME B16. WPB. Seamless 6 BE N/A ASTM A234 Gr. To match pipe Fittings Elbow. As per MSS SP97 STD-128 1–2 1500 WN Flanges. API 5L Gr.4 NPS (inch) Schedule/ Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 1–3 Sch. Cap Description 0 12-06 Rev.9 1.5 STD-108 3 – 24 N/A RTJ 900 Blind Flanges. B. as per ASME B16.5 STD-108 3 – 24 Flanges Thk. as per ASME B16.9 6 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A234 Gr. To match pipe Concentri c and Eccentric Reducers 1 – 16 Notes Thk. 160 BE N/A 100mm long pipe nipple. as per ASME B16. as per ASME B16. as per ASME B16. B.2.Page PIPING CLASS . 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 94 .9 6 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A234 Gr.5 STD-108 RTJ 900 WN Flanges.2 153.6 STD-128 1–8 BE N/A ASTM A105N. ASTM A105N. Equal & Reducing Tee. Seamless 18 – 24 Sch.2 150. 120 BE N/A API 5L Gr. SAW 1 1–2 Sch.DC0GA0 1 of 4 Basic Material Carbon Steel Corrosion Allowance 3 mm Pressure Class Class 900 Flange Facing RTJ Fluid Code Refer Section 9. 120 BE N/A API 5L Gr.0 Service Index NACE Requirement No Service Category B as per CP-111 Temperature (°C) -29 0 38 50 100 150 200 Pressure (Barg) 153. ASTM A105N. WPB(W).8 135. Seamless 4 – 16 Sch.4 139. B. as per ASME B16.9 1 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A234 Gr. 5 12 STD-115 3–3 N/A FLGD. A216 Gr.DC0GA0 Orifice Flanges Gasket Stud Bolt Spectacle Blind Miscellaneous Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating Description Notes ADMAOPCO SED 2 – 12 To match pipe RTJ 900 WN orifice flanges. as per ASME B16. as per ASME B16. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. RTJ 1500 BB. Trunnion mounted. as per ASME B16.20 for B16. OS&Y. Galvanised STD-126 1–2 N/A RTJ 1500 ASTM A105N. WCB body NPS (inch) Item Spacer and Blank Gate Valves Globe Valve Integral double block and bleed valve 2 of 4 0 12-06 Rev.48 6 – 24 N/A RTJ 900 ASTM A105N. Galvanised.5 12 STD-119 4 – 16 N/A FLGD.5 12 STD-119 3–3 N/A FLGD. ASTM A216 WCB Body. ASTM A216 WCB Body. ASTM A216 WCB Body. Galvanised. ASTM A216 WCB Body. RTJ 900 BB. Gear Operated.36 11 STD-108 1–2 N/A For RTJ Flanges 1500 Soft Iron Octagonal Flat Ring Gaskets. ASTM A216 WCB Body.Page PIPING CLASS . RTJ 900 BB. OS&Y. RTJ 1500 BB.5 12 STD-115 1–2 N/A FLGD. OS&Y. split body.5 12 STD-115 4 – 24 N/A FLGD. as per ASME B16. OS&Y. ASTM A105N.5 flanges STD-127 3 – 24 N/A For RTJ Flanges 900 Soft Iron Octagonal Flat Ring Gaskets.5 12 STD-119 1–2 N/A FLGD. OS&Y.48 3–4 N/A RTJ 900 ASTM A105N. as per ASME B16.5 flanges STD-127 1 – 24 N/A For RTJ Flanges N/A ASTM A193 B7 Bolts / ASTM A194 2H Nuts. Flanges to B 16. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 95 . Flanges to B 16. RTJ 900 BB. as per ASME B16. Gear Operated. RTJ 900 BB. Flanges to B 16. Flanges to B 16. RTJ 1500 Ball type block and needle type bleed valve.48 1–2 N/A FLGD.20 for B16. OS&Y. ASTM A216 WCB Body. Flanges to B 16. Flanges to B 16. Flanges to B16.5 4. RTJ 1500 Needle valve.12 STD-116 1 – 1½ N/A FLGD. WCB Body. Flanges-B16. flanges to B 16. Lugged wafer type.5 12 STD-117 8 . Gear Operated. A 216 WCB Body.12 STD-116 N/A FLGD. Suitable for B 16. RTJ 900 Split body or top entry. ASTM A216 Gr.12 STD-117 8 . ASTM A216 Gr. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.12 STD-116 6 – 24 N/A FLGD. WCB Body. RTJ 900 Split body or top entry. RTJ 900 Swing Type. Floating ball.5 12 STD-117 3–6 N/A FLGD. WCB Body. RTJ 1500 Lift Type. SS 316 trim. Trunnion Mounted. RTJ 900 Swing Type.24 N/A FLGD.5 Item Ball Valves Check Valves Needle Valves 0 12-06 Rev.Page PIPING CLASS . RTJ 1500 Swing Type. ASTM A216 Gr. flanges to B 16. WCB Body.DC0GA0 NPS (inch) Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing 1–2 N/A 3–4 3 of 4 Rating Description Notes ADMAOPCO SED FLGD. flanges to B 16. A 216 WCB Body. A105N body. Lever Operated. RTJ 1500 Split body or top entry. BC. Flanges to B 16. ASTM A216 Gr. Flanges to B 16.5 4. Trunnion Mounted.5 flanges 7. ASTM A216 Gr. BC.5 8. Flanges to B 16. BC. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 96 . Lever Operated.12 STD-117 1–2 N/A FLGD.5 12 STD-117 2–2 N/A FLGD.24 N/A RTJ 900 Dual plate.5 4. WCB Body. A 216 WCB Body. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 97 .5 specifies class 1500 instead of class 900 for these sizes. 8. SAW pipes and welded fittings shall be 100% radiographed. When small size of reducer is 16” & below the reducer shall be seamless. Equal Tee 2. The small-bore piping connections shall be as per ADMA-OPCO Code of Practice CP-111.12 of this document.DC0GA0 4 of 4 BRANCH TABLE 1” 1 HEADER SIZE 1. Wafer type valves are flangeless and shall be installed between the flanges. 11.5. 10. ADMA-OPCO approval shall be obtained for using butterfly valves for process services. Not used. 4. 3.5” 2 1 2” 2 2 1 LEGEND 3” 3 2 2 1 4” 3 3 2 2 1 1. Full bore may used for the valves specifically mentioned in the P&ID.0. Standard ball valves included in the class are reduced bore valves. Reducing Tee 3.5.Page PIPING CLASS . 0 12-06 Rev. 7.5” 2” 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” 14” 16” 18” 20” 24” BRANCH SIZE Notes: 1. 5. The orifice flanges specified in this class shall only be used with ADMA-OPCO approval after considering clause 4. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. 2. 12. Swing type check valves for pipe sizes 14” NPS and above shall only be used after getting prior approval from ADMA OPCO. 9. Weldolet 6” 3 3 3 2 2 1 8” 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 10” 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 12” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 14” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 16” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 18” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 20” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 24” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1” 1. Class 1500 flanges shall be provided in place of class 900 flanges for sizes 2” NPS and below as specified in ASME B16. Consider using actuated valves like MOV instead of manual valves for the large sizes considering the torque required to operate the valves. For valve trim material refer to valve index enclosed under section 8. 6. ASME B16. as per ASME B16. 160 BE N/A 100mm long pipe nipple. API 5L Gr. WPB(W). WPB.6 STD-128 1–8 BE N/A ASTM A105N. as per ASME B16. B. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 98 . WPB. As per MSS SP97 STD-128 1–2 1500 WN Flanges. To match pipe Concentri c and Eccentric Reducers 1 – 16 Notes Thk.2 153.9 6 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A234 Gr. ASTM A105N. Equal & Reducing Tee. as per ASME B16.9 1 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A234 Gr. ASTM A105N. Seamless 4 – 16 Sch.4 139. SAW 1 SP-1000 1–2 Sch.9 6 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A234 Gr. B. Cap Description 0 12-06 Rev.0 Service Index NACE Requirement Yes Service Category A as per CP-111 Temperature (°C) -29 0 38 50 100 150 200 Pressure (Barg) 153. B. as per ASME B16. NACE MR0175.5 STD-108 3 – 24 N/A RTJ 900 Blind Flanges. as per ASME B16. B. SP-1000 Corrosion Allowance 3 mm Pressure Class Class 900 Flange Facing RTJ Fluid Code Refer Section 9.5 STD-108 Item Pipe Nipple 18 – 24 1 – 16 18 – 24 Weldolets ADMAOPCO SED 6 SP-1000 SP-1000 RTJ 1–2 N/A RTJ 1500 Blind Flanges.9 1. 120 BE N/A API 5L Gr.4 NPS (inch) Schedule/ Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 1–3 Sch. as per ASME B16.5 STD-108 RTJ 900 WN Flanges.8 135.DC0NA0 1 of 4 Basic Material Carbon Steel. WPB(W). Seamless 18 – 24 Sch.2 131. ASTM A105N.Page PIPING CLASS . Seamless 6 SP-1000 BE N/A ASTM A234 Gr.5 STD-108 3 – 24 Flanges Thk. 120 BE N/A API 5L Gr. as per ASME B16. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.2 153.2. To match pipe Fittings Elbow. as per ASME B16. ASTM A105N. 160 BE N/A API 5L Gr.2 150. Gear Operated. as per ASME B16. OS&Y. Flanges to B 16. RTJ 1500 Needle valve. Trunnion mounted.5 12 STD-115 1–2 N/A FLGD. RTJ 900 BB. ASTM A216 WCB Body.5 flanges STD-127 3 – 24 N/A For RTJ Flanges 900 Soft Iron Octagonal Ring Gaskets. OS&Y. split body. OS&Y.5 12 STD-119 4 – 16 N/A FLGD. RTJ 1500 Ball type block and needle type bleed valve.5 12 STD-119 3–3 N/A FLGD. as per ASME B16. ASTM A216 WCB Body.5 12 STD-115 4 – 24 N/A FLGD.36 11 STD-108 1–2 N/A For RTJ Flanges 1500 Soft Iron Octagonal Ring Gaskets. ASTM A216 WCB Body. Flanges to B 16. Flanges to B 16. as per ASME B16. A105N body. Galvanised STD-126 1–2 N/A RTJ 1500 ASTM A105N. OS&Y. ASTM A105N. RTJ 900 BB. Flanges to B 16.5 flanges STD-127 1 – 24 N/A For RTJ Flanges N/A ASTM A193 B7M Bolts / ASTM A194 2HM Nuts. RTJ 1500 BB. ASTM A216 WCB Body. Gear Operated. OS&Y. Galvanised. RTJ 900 BB. OS&Y. RTJ 900 BB. as per ASME B16. as per ASME B16.48 SP-1000 3–4 N/A RTJ 900 ASTM A105N. ASTM A216 WCB Body. A216 Gr.20 for B16. as per ASME B16. Flanges to B 16. Galvanised. ASTM A216 WCB Body.5 12 STD-115 3–3 N/A FLGD.48 SP-1000 1–2 N/A FLGD. WCB body SP-1000 NPS (inch) Item Orifice Flanges Gasket Stud Bolt Miscellaneous Spectacle Blind Spacer and Blank Gate Valves Globe Valve 0 12-06 Rev.5 SP-1000 Integral double block and bleed valve 1–2 N/A FLGD.48 SP-1000 6 – 24 N/A RTJ 900 ASTM A105N. RTJ 1500 BB. Flanges to B 16. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 99 .Page PIPING CLASS . Flanges to B 16. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.5 12 STD-119 Needle Valves 1–2 N/A FLGD. SS 316 trim.20 for B16.DC0NA0 2 of 4 Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating Description Notes ADMAOPCO SED 2 – 12 To match pipe RTJ 900 WN orifice flanges. flanges to B 16. A 216 WCB Body.5 4.5 6.12 STD-116 1 – 1½ N/A FLGD. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 100 .12 STD-116 6 – 24 N/A FLGD. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. Flanges to B16. BC.5 4. Lugged wafer type. RTJ 900 Split body or top entry. Flanges to B 16.12 STD-117 2–2 N/A FLGD.24 N/A FLGD.5 12 STD-117 8 – 24 N/A RTJ 900 Dual plate. WCB Body.5 flanges 7. Lever Operated. ASTM A216 Gr. WCB Body.12 STD-117 8 . flanges to B 16.DC0NA0 NPS (inch) Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing 1–2 N/A 3–4 3 of 4 Rating Description Notes ADMAOPCO SED FLGD. RTJ 900 Swing Type. RTJ 900 Split body or top entry. ASTM A216 Gr. Flanges to B 16. RTJ 900 Swing Type. Lever Operated. Suitable for B 16.12 STD-117 Item Ball Valves Check Valves 0 12-06 Rev.5 8. ASTM A216 Gr. BC. BC. Floating ball. WCB Body. ASTM A216 Gr. RTJ 1500 Lift Type. Flanges-B16. Gear Operated. WCB Body. RTJ 1500 Swing Type. Trunnion Mounted.5 4. WCB Body.12 STD-116 N/A FLGD. flanges to B 16. A 216 WCB Body. Trunnion Mounted. ASTM A216 Gr.Page PIPING CLASS . RTJ 1500 Split body or top entry. A 216 WCB Body.5 6.12 STD-117 3–6 N/A FLGD. 4. The smallbore piping connections shall be as per ADMA-OPCO Code of Practice CP-111.5. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. Equal Tee 2. 11. 2. 3. Weldolet 6” 3 3 3 2 2 1 8” 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 10” 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 12” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 14” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 16” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 18” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 20” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 24” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1” 1. Full bore may used for the valves specifically mentioned in the P&ID.5” 2 1 2” 2 2 1 LEGEND 3” 3 2 2 1 4” 3 3 2 2 1 1. Standard ball valves included in the class are reduced bore valves. Class 1500 flanges shall be provided in place of class 900 flanges for sizes 2” NPS and below as specified in ASME B16. The orifice flanges specified in this class shall only be used with ADMA-OPCO approval after considering clause 4. 7. 9.DC0NA0 4 of 4 BRANCH TABLE 1” 1 HEADER SIZE 1. Swing type check valves for pipe sizes 14”NB and above shall only be used after getting prior approval from ADMA OPCO. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 101 . 0 12-06 Rev. 10. 6.12 of this document.0. 8. ASME B16. Wafer type valves are flangeless and shall be installed between the flanges. ADMA-OPCO approval shall be obtained for using butterfly valves for process services. 5.5. Not used.5 specifies class 1500 instead of class 900 for these sizes. 12.Page PIPING CLASS . All material shall conform to ADMA-OPCO specification SP-1000 and NACE MR0175.5” 2” 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” 14” 16” 18” 20” 24” BRANCH SIZE Notes: 1. When small size of reducer is 16” & below the reducer shall be seamless. Reducing Tee 3. Sizes below 2” NB shall only be used for no-flowing branches downstream of the first isolation valves. SAW pipes and welded fittings shall be 100% radiographed. For valve trim material refer to valve index enclosed under section 8. NACE MR0175.2 153.5 STD-108 3 – 24 Flanges Description Thk.2. WPB.5 STD-108 Item Nipple Elbow.5 STD-108 3 – 24 N/A RTJ 900 Blind Flanges. To match pipe Pipe Fittings 1 of 4 0 12-06 Rev. Seamless 6–8 Sch. Equal & Reducing Tee.0 Service Index NACE Requirement Yes Service Category A as per CP-111 Temperature (°C) -29 0 38 50 100 150 200 Pressure (Barg) 153. B. Seamless SP-1000 18 – 24 Sch. B.4 139. XXS BE N/A API 5L Gr. as per ASME B16. ASTM A105N. as per ASME B16. API 5L Gr. B. B. as per ASME B16. ASTM A105N.2 153. Seamless 6 SP-1000 BE N/A ASTM A234 Gr.4 NPS (inch) Schedule/ Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 1–4 Sch.9 1 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A234 Gr. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.2 131. ASTM A105N. WPB(W). 140 BE N/A API 5L Gr.5 STD-108 RTJ 900 WN Flanges.9 6 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A234 Gr. 160 BE N/A API 5L Gr. 120 BE N/A API 5L Gr. To match pipe Concentric 1 – 16 and Eccentric 18 – 24 Reducers Thk.9 6 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A234 Gr. Cap 1 – 16 18 – 24 Weldolets Notes ADMAOPCO SED 6 SP-1000 RTJ 1–2 N/A RTJ 1500 Blind Flanges. as per ASME B16. SAW 1 SP-1000 1–2 Sch.8 135. Seamless SP-1000 10 – 16 Sch. SP-1000 Corrosion Allowance 6 mm Pressure Class Class 900 Flange Facing RTJ Fluid Code Refer Section 9. as per ASME B16.6 STD-128 1–8 BE N/A ASTM A105N. XXS BE N/A 100mm long pipe nipple. As per MSS SP97 STD-128 1–2 1500 WN Flanges.Page PIPING CLASS . 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 102 .2 150. as per ASME B16.DC0NA1 Basic Material Carbon Steel.9 1. ASTM A105N. as per ASME B16. as per ASME B16. WPB. WPB(W). B. Date SP-1000 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. OS&Y. Gear Operated. Galvanised STD-126 1–2 N/A RTJ 1500 ASTM A105N. ASTM A216 WCB Body. RTJ 900 BB. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 103 . as per ASME B16. Galvanised. Flanges to B 16. RTJ 900 BB. RTJ 1500 BB. as per ASME B16. ASTM A216 WCB Body.5 12 STD-119 1–2 N/A FLGD.5 12 STD-115 4 – 24 N/A FLGD. RTJ 900 BB. OS&Y.5 12 STD-115 3–3 N/A FLGD. Trunnion mounted.48 SP-1000 6 – 24 N/A RTJ 900 ASTM A105N. RTJ 900 BB.Page PIPING CLASS . Flanges to B 16.36 11 STD-108 1–2 N/A For RTJ Flanges 1500 Soft Iron Octagonal Ring Gaskets. Flanges to B 16.20 for B16. Galvanised. as per ASME B16.48 SP-1000 3–4 N/A RTJ 900 ASTM A105N. OS&Y. Gear Operated.48 SP-1000 1–2 N/A FLGD. RTJ 1500 Ball type block and needle type bleed valve. ASTM A216 WCB Body. WCB body NPS (inch) Item Spacer and Blank Gate Valves Globe Valve Integral double block and bleed valve 2 of 4 0 12-06 Rev. Flanges to B 16. OS&Y. as per ASME B16. A216 Gr.DC0NA1 Orifice Flanges Gasket Stud Bolt Spectacle Blind Miscellaneous Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating Description Notes ADMAOPCO SED 2 – 12 To match pipe RTJ 900 WN orifice flanges. OS&Y. ASTM A216 WCB Body.5 flanges STD-127 1 – 24 N/A For RTJ Flanges N/A ASTM A193 B7M Bolts / ASTM A194 2HM Nuts. RTJ 1500 BB. Flanges to B 16.5 flanges STD-127 3 – 24 N/A For RTJ Flanges 900 Soft Iron Octagonal Ring Gaskets.5 12 STD-119 4 – 16 N/A FLGD. as per ASME B16. split body. ASTM A105N. Flanges to B 16. ASTM A216 WCB Body. ASTM A216 WCB Body.5 12 STD-119 3–3 N/A FLGD. as per ASME B16. OS&Y.20 for B16.5 12 STD-115 1–2 N/A FLGD. flanges to B 16. BC.12 STD-116 N/A FLGD. RTJ 900 Swing Type.12 STD-116 1 – 1½ N/A FLGD. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 104 .5 12 STD-117 2–2 N/A FLGD.12 STD-116 6 – 24 N/A FLGD. RTJ 1500 Needle valve. WCB Body. Date SP-1000 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.5 4. ASTM A216 Gr. BC. flanges to B 16.5 8.5 4.5 12 STD-117 8 – 24 N/A RTJ 900 Dual plate. RTJ 1500 Lift Type. RTJ 1500 Split body or top entry.Page PIPING CLASS .24 N/A FLGD. A 216 WCB Body. RTJ 900 Split body or top entry. Flanges to B16.5 12 STD-117 3–6 N/A FLGD. ASTM A216 Gr.5 Item Ball Valves Check Valves 3 of 4 Needle Valves 0 12-06 Rev. RTJ 900 Split body or top entry. Flanges to B 16. Flanges to B 16.12 STD-117 1-2 N/A FLGD. Flanges to B 16. flanges to B 16. BC. A105N body. RTJ 900 Swing Type. Gear Operated. ASTM A216 Gr. ASTM A216 Gr. WCB Body. Flanges-B16. RTJ 1500 Swing Type. Lever Operated.5 flanges 7. Lever Operated. ASTM A216 Gr. Lugged wafer type. A 216 WCB Body. A 216 WCB Body. Trunnion Mounted. SS 316 trim.5 4. Suitable for B 16. Floating ball. WCB Body. Trunnion Mounted.12 STD-117 8 . WCB Body.DC0NA1 NPS (inch) Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing 1–2 N/A 3–4 Rating Description Notes ADMAOPCO SED FLGD. WCB Body. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. Equal Tee 2. 9. The smallbore piping connections shall be as per ADMA-OPCO Code of Practice CP-111. ASME B16.DC0NA1 4 of 4 BRANCH TABLE 1” 1 HEADER SIZE 1. 8. Weldolet 6” 3 3 3 2 2 1 8” 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 10” 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 12” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 14” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 16” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 18” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 20” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 24” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1” 1. Reducing Tee 3. 5.5” 2 1 2” 2 2 1 LEGEND 3” 3 2 2 1 4” 3 3 2 2 1 1. SAW pipes and welded fittings shall be 100% radiographed. 2. ADMA-OPCO approval shall be obtained for using butterfly valves for process services. 6. Sizes below 2” NB shall only be used for no-flowing branches downstream of the first isolation valves. Not used. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 105 . Wafer type valves are flangeless and shall be installed between the flanges.5 specifies class 1500 instead of class 900 for these sizes.5.Page PIPING CLASS . 11. When small size of reducer is 16” & below the reducer shall be seamless. Swing type check valves for pipe sizes 14”NB and above shall only be used after getting prior approval from ADMA OPCO.5” 2” 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” 14” 16” 18” 20” 24” BRANCH SIZE Notes: 1.5. 4. Standard ball valves included in the class are reduced bore valves. 0 12-06 Rev. 7. Full bore may used for the valves specifically mentioned in the P&ID.0. 3. For valve trim material refer to valve index enclosed under section 8.12 of this document. The orifice flanges specified in this class shall only be used with ADMA-OPCO approval after considering clause 4. All material shall conform to ADMA-OPCO specification SP-1000 and NACE MR0175. 10. 12. Class 1500 flanges shall be provided in place of class 900 flanges for sizes 2” NPS and below as specified in ASME B16. 9 Stud Bolts 8 – 24 N/A N/A N/A ASTM A193 Gr. as per ASME B16. 140 BE N/A API 5L X60. 140 BE N/A API 5L X60.F60. Cap Concentric and Eccentric Reducers 1 – 16 18 – 24 1 – 16 18 – 24 1–8 Notes 1 – 24 Thk.2H 9 Flanges 0 12-06 Rev.5 STD-108 STD-108 Item Nipple Fittings Elbow.0 225.3 255. 160 BE N/A API 5L X60. SAW 1 1 – 1½ Sch. 130 HB max. To match pipe RTJ 1 – 24 N/A RTJ 1500 Blind Flanges.Page PIPING CLASS . as per ASME B16.B7M/194 Gr.6 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A105N. Seamless 2 – 14 Sch. Seamless 16 – 16 Sch. To match pipe Pipe Description Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.6 233. XXS BE N/A 100mm long pipe nipple. 160 BE N/A API 5L X60.EC5GA0 1 of 3 Basic Material Carbon Steel Corrosion Allowance 3 mm Pressure Class Class 1500 Flange Facing RTJ Fluid Code Refer Section 9.0 NPS (inch) Schedule/ Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 1 – 1½ Sch. Seamless 18 – 18 Sch. As per MSS SP97 STD-128 1500 WN Flanges.3 255. Equal & Reducing Tee.F60. ASTM A694 Gr. Seamless 6 BE N/A MSS SP 75 WPHY-60.2.0 Service Index NACE Requirement No Service Category B as per CP-111 Temperature (°C) -29 0 38 50 100 150 200 Pressure (Barg) 255. API 5L X60. Date ADMAOPCO SED 6 To match pipe Weldolets Hub Connectors Thk. Seamless 6 STD-128 BE N/A MSS SP 75 WPHY-60 (W) 1 STD-128 BE N/A MSS SP 75 WPHY-60.F60 9 Clamp 8 – 24 N/A N/A N/A ASTM A788 AISI 4140 9 Seal Ring 8 – 24 N/A N/A N/A Low Alloy CS. XXS BE N/A API 5L X60. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 106 .4 219. SAW 1 20 – 24 Sch.5 Hub 8 – 24 BE N/A ASTM A694 Gr. Seamless 6 STD-128 BE N/A MSS SP 75 WPHY-60 (W) 1. ASTM A694 Gr.3 250. Galvanised STD-126 Spectacle Blind 1–4 N/A RTJ 1500 ASTM A105N.Page PIPING CLASS . Lugged wafer type. as per ASME B16.20 for B16. Suitable for B 16. RTJ 1500 Lift Type. BC. OS&Y. Flanges to B16. Flanges-B16. RTJ 1500 Swing type.EC5GA0 NPS (inch) Item Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 2 of 3 Description Notes ADMAOPCO SED 8 STD-108 2 – 12 To match pipe RTJ 1500 WN orifice flanges. ASTM A216 Gr.5 flanges 7. Flanges to B 16. as per ASME B16.36 Gasket 1 – 24 N/A For RTJ Flanges 1500 Soft Iron Octagonal Ring Joint Gaskets.5 flanges 10 STD-117 8 – 24 N/A RTJ 1500 Dual plate.5 10 STD-119 1–2 N/A FLGD. ASTM A216 WCB Body. Flanges to B 16.10 STD-117 2–6 N/A FLGD. A 216 WCB Body. Floating ball. Gear Operated. Suitable for B 16.5 flanges STD-127 Stud Bolt 1 – 24 N/A For RTJ Flanges N/A ASTM A193 B7 Bolts / ASTM A194 2H Nuts. as per ASME B16.48 1 – 24 N/A FLGD.10 STD-116 1 – 1½ N/A FLGD.10 STD-116 3–3 N/A FLGD. Flanges to B 16. RTJ 1500 BB. ASTM A105N Body. Gear Operated. A105N body. Lever Operated.5 4. as per ASME B16.10 STD-117 1-2 N/A FLGD. RTJ 1500 Split body or top entry. SS 316 trim. Trunnion Mounted.5 Miscellaneous Orifice Flanges Gate Valves Globe Valve Ball Valves Check Valves Needle Valves 0 12-06 Rev.5 4.5 6. RTJ 1500 Split body or top entry. Gear Operated. Flanges to B 16. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 107 .5 4. WCB Body. RTJ 1500 BB. A 216 WCB Body. Flanges to B 16. ASTM A694 Gr. Trunnion Mounted. Galvanised. A 216 WCB Body. WCB Body. ASTM A216 Gr.48 Spacer and Blank 6 – 24 N/A RTJ 1500 ASTM A105N. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.10 STD-116 4 – 24 N/A FLGD.5 10 STD-115 1 – 16 N/A FLGD.F60. Lever Operated. RTJ 1500 Split body or top entry. RTJ 1500 Needle valve. ASTM A216 WCB Body. OS&Y. 5. 9. 8. Equal Tee 2. 5. Full bore may used for the valves specifically mentioned in the P&ID.0. 4. 3. 7. Weldolet 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 10” 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 12” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 14” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 16” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 18” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 20” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 24” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1” 1. ADMA-OPCO approval shall be obtained before using hub connectors in the piping system. When small size of reducer is 16” & below the reducer shall be seamless. The orifice flanges specified in this class shall only be used with ADMA-OPCO approval after considering clause 4. SAW pipes and welded fittings shall be 100% radiographed. 0 12-06 Rev. The small-bore piping connections shall be as per ADMA-OPCO Code of Practice CP-111. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.5” 2” 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” 14” 16” 18” 20” 24” BRANCH SIZE Notes: 1. Consider using actuated valves like MOV instead of manual valves for the large sizes considering the torque required to operate the valves. 2. Reducing Tee 3. 10. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 108 .Page PIPING CLASS .EC5GA0 3 of 3 BRANCH TABLE 1” 1 HEADER SIZE 1. Standard ball valves included in the class are reduced bore valves. For valve trim material refer to valve index enclosed under section 8.12 of this document. Wafer type valves are flangeless and shall be installed between the flanges. Not used. 6.5” 2 1 2” 2 2 1 3” 3 2 2 1 LEGEND 4” 3 3 2 2 1 6” 3 3 3 2 2 1 8” 1. F60 9 Clamp 8 – 24 N/A N/A N/A ASTM A788 AISI 4140 9 Seal Ring 8 – 24 N/A N/A N/A Low Alloy CS. NACE MR0175. as per ASME B16. as per ASME B16.3 255. SAW 1 SP-1000 20 – 24 Sch. 130 HB max. XXS BE 2–6 Sch. API 5L X60. Cap Concentric and Eccentric Reducers 1 – 16 18 – 24 1 – 16 18 – 24 1–8 1 – 24 Thk.6 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A105N.EC5NA0 1 of 3 Basic Material Carbon Steel. 160 BE N/A API 5L X60. Seamless 6 SP-1000 N/A API 5L X60. To match pipe RTJ 1 – 24 N/A RTJ 1500 Blind Flanges.Page PIPING CLASS .3 255.4 219. 160 8–8 Notes ADMAOPCO SED API 5L X60. XXS BE N/A API 5L X60. 140 BE N/A API 5L X60.5 Hub 8 – 24 To match pipe Weldolets BE N/A ASTM A694 Gr. 160 BE N/A API 5L X60.2. Equal & Reducing Tee.6 233.0 Service Index NACE Requirement Yes Service Category A as per CP-111 Temperature (°C) -29 0 38 50 100 150 200 Pressure (Barg) 255.0 225.0 NPS (inch) Schedule/ Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 1–1 Sch. SAW 1 SP-1000 1 – 1½ Sch. ASTM A694 Gr. 160 BE N/A 1½ – 1½ Sch. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 109 .F60. Seamless 6 SP-1000 BE N/A MSS SP 75 WPHY-60. 140 BE N/A API 5L X60. Seamless 6 SP-1000 BE N/A API 5L X60.5 STD-108 STD-108 Item Nipple Fittings Elbow. Seamless SP-1000 18 – 18 Sch.2H 9 Flanges Hub Connectors Thk. As per MSS SP97 STD-128 1500 WN Flanges. 9 Stud Bolts 8 – 24 N/A N/A N/A ASTM A193 Gr. To match pipe Pipe Description 0 12-06 Rev. Seamless SP-1000 16 – 16 Sch. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. Seamless SP-1000 10 – 14 Sch. Seamless 6 STD-128 BE N/A MSS SP 75 WPHY-60 (W) 1 STD-128 BE N/A MSS SP 75 WPHY-60. Seamless SP-1000 Sch. Seamless 6 STD-128 BE N/A MSS SP 75 WPHY-60 (W) 1.3 250. ASTM A694 Gr.B7M/194 Gr.F60. SP-1000 Corrosion Allowance 3 mm Pressure Class Class 1500 Flange Facing RTJ Fluid Code Refer Section 9. XXS BE N/A 100mm long pipe nipple. RTJ 1500 Split body or top entry.5 4.20 for B16.5 Miscellaneous Orifice Flanges Gate Valves Globe Valve Ball Valves Check Valves Needle Valves 0 12-06 Rev.5 flanges 10 STD-117 8 – 24 N/A RTJ 1500 Dual plate. Trunnion Mounted.36 Gasket 1 – 24 N/A For RTJ Flanges 1500 Soft Iron Octagonal Ring Joint Gaskets. Flanges to B16.10 STD-116 3–3 N/A FLGD. as per ASME B16. BC.5 10 STD-115 1 – 16 N/A FLGD. ASTM A694 Gr. ASTM A216 WCB Body. RTJ 1500 Split body or top entry. RTJ 1500 Lift Type. Lever Operated.EC5NA0 NPS (inch) Item Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 2 of 3 Description Notes ADMAOPCO SED 8 STD-108 2 – 12 To match pipe RTJ 1500 WN orifice flanges. ASTM A216 WCB Body.48 SP-1000 1 – 24 N/A FLGD. OS&Y.10 STD-116 1 – 1½ N/A FLGD. Flanges to B 16.10 STD-117 1-2 N/A FLGD. Galvanised STD-126 Spectacle Blind 1–4 N/A RTJ 1500 ASTM A105N. Suitable for B 16. Gear Operated. RTJ 1500 Split body or top entry. Flanges to B 16.Page PIPING CLASS . Flanges to B 16. SS 316 trim. ASTM A216 Gr.5 4. RTJ 1500 BB. A 216 WCB Body. A 216 WCB Body. Floating ball. Suitable for B 16. ASTM A105N Body. Gear Operated.48 SP-1000 Spacer and Blank 6 – 24 N/A RTJ 1500 ASTM A105N. Gear Operated. RTJ 1500 BB. ASTM A216 Gr.5 flanges 7.10 STD-116 4 – 24 N/A FLGD. Galvanised. WCB Body. as per ASME B16. WCB Body.5 4. OS&Y. Flanges to B 16. RTJ 1500 Needle valve. Trunnion Mounted.5 flanges STD-127 Stud Bolt 1 – 24 N/A For RTJ Flanges N/A ASTM A193 B7M Bolts / ASTM A194 2HM Nuts. as per ASME B16. Flanges-B16. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 110 .5 10 STD-119 1–2 N/A FLGD. Date SP-1000 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. Lever Operated.F60. RTJ 1500 Swing type. Flanges to B 16. A105N body. A 216 WCB Body. Lugged wafer type. as per ASME B16.5 10 STD-117 2–6 N/A FLGD. 3. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 111 . Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. 8. Reducing Tee 3.5” 2 1 2” 2 2 1 3” 3 2 2 1 LEGEND 4” 3 3 2 2 1 6” 3 3 3 2 2 1 8” 1. Not used. SAW pipes and welded fittings shall be 100% radiographed. 7. 2. 4. For valve trim material refer to valve index enclosed under section 8. ADMA-OPCO approval shall be obtained before using hub connectors in the piping system. 6. Weldolet 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 10” 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 12” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 14” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 16” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 18” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 20” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 24” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1” 1.0. All material shall conform to ADMA-OPCO Specification SP-1000 and NACE MR0175. When small size of reducer is 16” & below the reducer shall be seamless. The smallbore piping connections shall be as per ADMA-OPCO Code of Practice CP-111. 9.Page PIPING CLASS . Sizes below 2” NB shall only be used for no-flowing branches downstream of the first isolation valves. Full bore may used for the valves specifically mentioned in the P&ID.EC5NA0 3 of 3 BRANCH TABLE 1” 1 HEADER SIZE 1. 0 12-06 Rev. Wafer type valves are flangeless and shall be installed between the flanges.5. Equal Tee 2. 5.12 of this document. Standard ball valves included in the class are reduced bore valves. The orifice flanges specified in this class shall only be used with ADMA-OPCO approval after considering clause 4. 10.5” 2” 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” 14” 16” 18” 20” 24” BRANCH SIZE Notes: 1. as per ASME B16.F60 9 SP-1000 Clamp 8 . Seamless 6 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A105N. API 5L X60.3 255. To match pipe NPS (inch) Item 0 12-06 Rev. Equal & Reducing Tee. ASTM A694 Gr. Cap Description To match pipe Fittings Nipple Thk.16 N/A N/A N/A ASTM A788 AISI 4140 9 SP-1000 Seal Ring 8 – 16 N/A N/A N/A Low Alloy CS.F60.3 255.0 Service Index NACE Requirement Yes Service Category A as per CP-111 Temperature (°C) -29 0 38 50 100 150 200 Pressure (Barg) 255.F60. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.5 STD-108 STD-108 Pipe 1 – 16 Concentric and Eccentric Reducers 1 – 16 Weldolets 1–3 ADMAOPCO SED 6 SP-1000 1 – 16 RTJ 1 – 16 N/A RTJ 1500 Blind Flanges. Seamless 1 SP-1000 1 – 1½ Same as Pipe BE N/A 100mm long pipe nipple. NACE MR0175.B7M/194 Gr. XXS BE N/A API 5L X60. Seamless 6 STD-128 BE N/A MSS SP 75 WPHY-60.6 233.Page PIPING CLASS . To match pipe Elbow. Seamless SP-1000 3–6 Sch.0 225.EC5NA1 1 of 3 Basic Material Carbon Steel.2 BE N/A API 5L X60. 160 BE N/A API 5L X60. As per MSS SP97 STD-128 1500 WN Flanges. 9 Stud Bolts 8 – 16 N/A N/A N/A ASTM A193 Gr. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 112 . 130 HB max. SP-1000 Corrosion Allowance 6 mm Pressure Class Class 1500 Flange Facing RTJ Fluid Code Refer Section 9. ASTM A694 Gr.4 219. as per ASME B16. Seamless 6 SP-1000 BE N/A MSS SP 75 WPHY-60. Seamless SP-1000 12 – 16 Sch.2H 9 Flanges Hub Connectors Notes Thk. Seamless SP-1000 10 – 10 29.3 250.0 Schedule/ Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 1–1 10 BE N/A API 5L X60. Seamless SP-1000 8–8 25 BE N/A API 5L X60. Seamless 1½ – 2 12 BE N/A API 5L X60.5 Hub 8 – 16 BE N/A ASTM A694 Gr. A 216 WCB Body. Gear Operated. ASTM A216 Gr. RTJ 1500 Split body or top entry.EC5NA1 NPS (inch) Item Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 2 of 3 Description Notes ADMAOPCO SED 8 STD-108 2 – 12 To match pipe RTJ 1500 WN orifice flanges.5 4. ASTM A216 WCB Body. Flanges-B16. RTJ 1500 Lift Type. RTJ 1500 Swing type.36 Gasket 1 – 16 N/A For RTJ Flanges 1500 Soft Iron Octagonal Ring Joint Gaskets.5 10 STD-119 1–2 N/A FLGD. Trunnion Mounted. Flanges to B 16. Galvanised STD-126 Spectacle Blind 1–4 N/A RTJ 1500 ASTM A105N. Flanges to B 16. Date SP-1000 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.10 STD-116 3–3 N/A FLGD. Gear Operated.48 SP-1000 Spacer and Blank 6 – 16 N/A RTJ 1500 ASTM A105N. A 216 WCB Body. as per ASME B16. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 113 .48 SP-1000 1 – 16 N/A FLGD.5 4. RTJ 1500 BB.20 for B16. ASTM A105N Body. OS&Y.10 STD-117 2–6 N/A FLGD. RTJ 1500 Split body or top entry. Flanges to B 16. WCB Body.Page PIPING CLASS .5 flanges 7. Flanges to B 16. Suitable for B 16. Lugged wafer type. RTJ 1500 Needle valve. Lever Operated.5 Miscellaneous Orifice Flanges Gate Valves Globe Valve Ball Valves Check Valves Needle Valves 0 12-06 Rev.5 flanges STD-127 Stud Bolt 1 – 16 N/A For RTJ Flanges N/A ASTM A193 B7M Bolts / ASTM A194 2HM Nuts. Suitable for B 16. as per ASME B16. ASTM A694 Gr. A105N body. OS&Y.10 STD-116 1 – 1½ N/A FLGD. RTJ 1500 BB. RTJ 1500 Split body or top entry. Floating ball.5 4. Gear Operated. Flanges to B16. WCB Body. ASTM A216 WCB Body.5 flanges 10 STD-117 8 – 16 N/A RTJ 1500 Dual plate.10 STD-117 1-2 N/A FLGD. as per ASME B16. Trunnion Mounted. BC.F60.10 STD-116 4 – 16 N/A FLGD. as per ASME B16. Galvanised. Lever Operated.5 10 STD-115 1 – 16 N/A FLGD. ASTM A216 Gr.5 6. Flanges to B 16. A 216 WCB Body. SS 316 trim. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. 4. Not used. Not used. 2. Full bore may used for the valves specifically mentioned in the P&ID. Standard ball valves included in the class are reduced bore valves. Not used. 8. Weldolet 1 1” 1. 10. 5. All material shall conform to ADMA-OPCO Specification SP-1000 and NACE MR0175.5. 6. Equal Tee 2.Page PIPING CLASS . 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 114 .5” 2” 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” 14” 16” BRANCH SIZE Notes: 1. Wafer type valves are flangeless and shall be installed between the flanges.0. The orifice flanges specified in this class shall only be used with ADMA-OPCO approval after considering clause 4. ADMA-OPCO approval shall be obtained before using hub connectors in the piping system. For valve trim material refer to valve index enclosed under section 8. 7. 0 12-06 Rev. The smallbore piping connections shall be as per ADMA-OPCO Code of Practice CP-111. Reducing Tee 3.EC5NA1 3 of 3 BRANCH TABLE 1” 1 HEADER SIZE 1.5” 2 1 2” 2 2 1 3” 3 2 2 1 LEGEND 4” 3 3 2 2 1 6” 3 3 3 2 2 1 8” 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 10” 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 12” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 14” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 16” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1.12 of this document. 3. 9. Sizes below 2” NB shall only be used for no-flowing branches downstream of the first isolation valves. 130 HB max. Equal & Reducing Tee. as per ASME B16.46 Schedule/ Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 1–6 Sch. Seamless 1–2 Sch. API 5L X60. X-60.FC5GA0 1 of 3 Basic Material Carbon Steel Corrosion Allowance 3 mm Pressure Class Class 2500 Flange Facing RTJ Fluid Code Refer Section 9. ASTM A694 F60.5 Hub 8 – 12 BE N/A ASTM A694 Gr. as per ASME B16. X-60. XXS BE N/A 100mm long pipe nipple. Seamless 10 – 10 29.46 303. As per MSS SP97 STD-128 2500 WN Flanges. Seamless 6 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A105N.46 303.46 303. Seamless 6 BE N/A MSS SP75 WPHY-60.B7M/194 Gr. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 115 .2 BE N/A API 5L Gr. X-60.2H 9 0 12-06 Rev.5 STD-108 STD-108 1 – 12 Concentric and Eccentric Reducers 1 – 12 Weldolets 1–4 RTJ 1 – 12 N/A RTJ 2500 Blind Flanges. Cap Description To match pipe Fittings Nipple Thk.Page PIPING CLASS .46 303.46 303. X-60. XXS BE N/A API 5L Gr. To match pipe Elbow. ASTM A694 F60. Seamless 6 STD-128 BE N/A MSS SP75 WPHY-60. 9 Stud Bolts 8 – 12 N/A N/A N/A ASTM A193 Gr.0 Service Index NACE Requirement No Service Category B as per CP-111 Temperature (°C) -29 0 38 50 100 150 200 Pressure (Barg) 303. Seamless 12 – 12 34 BE N/A API 5L Gr. To match pipe NPS (inch) Item Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. Seamless Pipe 8–8 25 BE N/A API 5L Gr.46 303. Date ADMAOPCO SED 6 1 – 12 Flanges Hub Connectors Notes Thk.F60 9 Clamp 8 – 12 N/A N/A N/A ASTM A788 AISI 4140 9 Seal Ring 8 – 12 N/A N/A N/A Low Alloy CS. as per ASME B16. Floating ball. Flanges to B 16. RTJ 2500 3–3 N/A FLGD.36 Gasket 1 – 12 N/A For RTJ Flanges 2500 Soft Iron Octagonal Ring Joint Gaskets. Lever Operated. A 216 WCB Body. Lugged wafer type.10 STD-117 1-2 N/A FLGD. WCB Body. Flanges to B 16. A 216 WCB Body. ASTM A216 WCB Body.5 flanges STD-127 Stud Bolt 1 – 12 N/A For RTJ Flanges N/A ASTM A193 B7 Bolts / ASTM A194 2H Nuts. Gear Operated.5 1–2 N/A FLGD. Flanges to B 16. RTJ 2500 Needle valve. RTJ 2500 BB. Flanges-B16. Trunnion Mounted. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 116 . Flanges to B 16. ASTM A216 Gr. OS&Y. A 216 WCB Body.5 Globe Valve Ball Valves Check Valves Needle Valves 0 12-06 Rev.FC5GA0 NPS (inch) Item Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 2 of 3 Description Notes ADMAOPCO SED 8 STD-108 2 – 12 To match pipe RTJ 2500 WN orifice flanges. ASTM A216 Gr. Suitable for B 16. ASTM A694 Gr.Page PIPING CLASS . as per ASME B16. WCB Body. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. Suitable for B 16. WCB Body. ASTM A216 Gr. Galvanised.5 flanges 7. RTJ 2500 Swing type. Flanges-B16.F60. as per ASME B16. RTJ 4 – 12 N/A 1 – 1½ Miscellaneous Orifice Flanges 10 STD-119 Split body or top entry.5 4.47 series A flanges 10 STD-117 8 – 12 N/A RTJ 2500 Dual plate. BC. Gear Operated. RTJ 2500 Lift Type. RTJ 2500 Split body or top entry.48 1 – 12 N/A FLGD.10 STD-116 N/A FLGD. A105N body. Lever Operated. F60.10 STD-116 2500 Split body or top entry.20 for B16. SS 316 trim.5 4.5 4.5 10 STD-117 2–6 N/A FLGD.10 STD-116 FLGD. Trunnion Mounted. Galvanised STD-126 Spacer and Blank 1 – 12 N/A RTJ 2500 ASTM A69F Gr. The orifice flanges specified in this class shall only be used with ADMA-OPCO approval after considering clause 4. Full bore may used for the valves specifically mentioned in the P&ID. 9. 4.0. 2. Equal Tee 2. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.5. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 117 . Not used.5” 2 1 2” 2 2 1 3” 3 2 2 1 LEGEND 4” 3 3 2 2 1 6” 3 3 3 2 2 1 8” 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 10” 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 12” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1. 7.Page PIPING CLASS . Not used. The small-bore piping connections shall be as per ADMA-OPCO Code of Practice CP-111. 0 12-06 Rev. 10. Wafer type valves are flangeless and shall be installed between the flanges.5” 2” 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” BRANCH SIZE Notes: 1. Weldolet 1 1” 1. Standard ball valves included in the class are reduced bore valves. Not used. For valve trim material refer to valve index enclosed under section 8. ADMA-OPCO approval shall be obtained before using hub connectors in the piping system. 5. Not used. 3. Reducing Tee 3.12 of this document.FC5GA0 3 of 3 BRANCH TABLE 1” 1 HEADER SIZE 1. 8. 6. 5 STD-108 STD-108 1 – 12 Concentric and Eccentric Reducers 1 – 12 Weldolets 1–4 1 – 12 RTJ 1 – 12 N/A RTJ 2500 Blind Flanges. X-60. X-60.46 303.46 303.Page PIPING CLASS . 9 Stud Bolts 8 – 12 N/A N/A N/A ASTM A193 Gr. X-60.B7M/194 Gr. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 118 . To match pipe Elbow. as per ASME B16. X-60. Seamless SP-1000 10 – 10 29. Cap Description To match pipe Fittings Nipple Thk. Seamless 6 SP-1000 BE N/A MSS SP75 WPHY-60.46 303.46 303. ASTM A694 F60. Seamless SP-1000 1 – 1½ Sch. Seamless 6 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A105N. as per ASME B16. XXS BE N/A 100mm long pipe nipple. As per MSS SP97 STD-128 2500 WN Flanges. ASTM A694 F60.5 Hub 8 – 12 BE N/A ASTM A694 Gr. Seamless SP-1000 Pipe 8–8 25 BE N/A API 5L Gr.FC5NA0 1 of 3 Basic Material Carbon Steel. Seamless 6 STD-128 BE N/A MSS SP75 WPHY-60.46 Schedule/ Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 1–6 Sch. 130 HB max. To match pipe NPS (inch) Item 0 12-06 Rev.46 303. Equal & Reducing Tee. SP-1000 Corrosion Allowance 3 mm Pressure Class Class 2500 Flange Facing RTJ Fluid Code Refer Section 9. XXS BE N/A API 5L Gr.0 Service Index NACE Requirement Yes Service Category A as per CP-111 Temperature (°C) -29 0 38 50 100 150 200 Pressure (Barg) 303. Date ADMAOPCO SED SP-1000 SP-1000 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.2H 9 Flanges Hub Connectors Notes Thk. API 5L X60.46 303.2 BE N/A API 5L Gr. NACE MR0175. Seamless SP-1000 12 – 12 34 BE N/A API 5L Gr.F60 9 Clamp 8 – 12 N/A N/A N/A ASTM A788 AISI 4140 9 Seal Ring 8 – 12 N/A N/A N/A Low Alloy CS. Galvanised STD-126 Spacer and Blank 1 – 12 N/A RTJ 2500 ASTM A694 Gr.47 series A flanges 10 STD-117 8 – 12 N/A RTJ 2500 Dual plate. as per ASME B16. A105N body. Suitable for B 16. RTJ 2500 Spit body or top entry. Flanges-B16. RTJ 2500 Spit body or top entry. RTJ 2500 Spit body or top entry. as per ASME B16. as per ASME B16. A 216 WCB Body. Date SP-1000 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.5 flanges 7. F60.FC5NA0 NPS (inch) Item Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 2 of 3 Description Notes ADMAOPCO SED 8 STD-108 2 – 12 To match pipe RTJ 2500 WN orifice flanges. Trunnion Mounted.10 STD-116 4 – 12 N/A FLGD. Floating ball. Galvanised.5 10 STD-119 1–2 N/A FLGD.10 STD-116 3–3 N/A FLGD. F60. Flanges to B 16. WCB Body. ASTM A216 Gr. SS 316 trim.5 4. WCB Body. Flanges to B 16. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 119 .Page PIPING CLASS . A 216 WCB Body.5 4. Flanges to B 16. RTJ 2500 BB. BC. Flanges to B 16. RTJ 2500 Swing type. Gear Operated. Lugged wafer type.10 STD-117 1-2 N/A FLGD. Suitable for B 16. Lever Operated. ASTM A216 Gr.5 10 STD-117 2–6 N/A FLGD. Gear Operated.5 4. RTJ 2500 Lift Type. WCB Body.10 STD-116 1 – 1½ N/A FLGD.5 Miscellaneous Orifice Flanges Globe Valve Ball Valves Check Valves Needle Valves 0 12-06 Rev.36 Gasket 1 – 12 N/A For RTJ Flanges 2500 Soft Iron Octagonal Ring Type Gaskets. ASTM A216 Gr. OS&Y.48 SP-1000 1 – 12 N/A FLGD. RTJ 2500 Needle valve. Lever Operated.20 for B16. Flanges-B16. ASTM A694 Gr. A 216 WCB Body. ASTM A216 WCB Body.5 flanges STD-127 Stud Bolt 1 – 12 N/A For RTJ Flanges N/A ASTM A193 B7M Bolts / ASTM A194 2HM Nuts. Trunnion Mounted. 12 of this document. 5. 7. Weldolet 1 1” 1. Wafer type valves are flangeless and shall be installed between the flanges.5” 2 1 2” 2 2 1 3” 3 2 2 1 LEGEND 4” 3 3 2 2 1 6” 3 3 3 2 2 1 8” 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 10” 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 12” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1. 0 12-06 Rev. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. Full bore may used for the valves specifically mentioned in the P&ID. Equal Tee 2. The orifice flanges specified in this class shall only be used with ADMA-OPCO approval after considering clause 4. Not used. All material shall conform to ADMA-OPCO Specification SP-1000 and NACE MR0175. 8. Not used. 3. Not used.FC5NA0 3 of 3 BRANCH TABLE 1” 1 HEADER SIZE 1.Page PIPING CLASS . 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 120 .5. Standard ball valves included in the class are reduced bore valves. Reducing Tee 3. 10. 4. 9.0. For valve trim material refer to valve index enclosed under section 8. ADMA-OPCO approval shall be obtained before using hub connectors in the piping system. 2. 6.5” 2” 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” BRANCH SIZE Notes: 1. The smallbore piping connections shall be as per ADMA-OPCO Code of Practice CP-111. Sizes below 2” NB shall only be used for no-flowing branches downstream of the first isolation valves. Seamless SP-1000 8–8 28 BE N/A API 5L Gr.45 Hub 8 – 12 BE N/A ASTM A694 Gr. X-60. X-60. as per ASME B16. Seamless SP-1000 3–3 Sch. X-60.0 Service Index NACE Requirement Yes Service Category A as per CP-111 Temperature (°C) -29 0 38 50 100 150 200 Pressure (Barg) 310. SP-1000 Corrosion Allowance 6 mm Pressure Class Class 2500 Flange Facing RTJ Fluid Code Refer Section 9. X-60.86 310. XXS BE N/A API 5L Gr. X-60. Seamless SP-1000 4–4 18 BE N/A API 5L Gr. To match pipe NPS (inch) Item 0 12-06 Rev. ASTM A694 F60. 9 Stud Bolts 8 – 12 N/A N/A N/A ASTM A193 Gr. Seamless 6 STD-128 BE N/A MSS SP75 WPHY-60.86 310. Cap Description To match pipe Fittings Nipple Thk. Date ADMAOPCO SED Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. API 5L X60.86 310. X-60. Seamless SP-1000 6–6 23 BE N/A API 5L Gr. Seamless 6 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A105N.2H 9 Flanges Hub Connectors Notes Thk. X-60. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 121 .F60 9 Clamp 8 – 12 N/A N/A N/A ASTM A788 AISI 4140 9 Seal Ring 8 – 12 N/A N/A N/A Low Alloy CS.5 STD-108 STD-108 Pipe 1 – 12 Concentric and Eccentric Reducers 1 – 12 Weldolets 1–4 1 – 12 RTJ 1 – 12 N/A RTJ 2500 Blind Flanges.86 310.86 310.FC5NA1 1 of 3 Basic Material Carbon Steel. Seamless SP-1000 12 – 12 38 BE N/A API 5L Gr. Seamless SP-1000 10 – 10 33 BE N/A API 5L Gr.86 310.Page PIPING CLASS .86 Schedule/ Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 1–2 13 BE N/A API 5L Gr. Seamless SP-1000 1–2 Same as Pipe BE N/A 100mm long pipe nipple. To match pipe Elbow. Seamless 6 SP-1000 BE N/A MSS SP75 WPHY-60. NACE MR0175. 130 HB max. As per MSS SP97 STD-128 2500 WN Flanges.B7M/194 Gr. as per ASME B16. ASTM A694 F60. Equal & Reducing Tee. A 216 WCB Body.5 flanges 7. Galvanised. RTJ 2500 Needle valve. Trunnion Mounted. Suitable for B 16.48 SP-1000 1 – 12 N/A FLGD.5 flanges STD-127 Stud Bolt 1 – 12 N/A For RTJ Flanges N/A ASTM A193 B7M Bolts / ASTM A194 2HM Nuts. WCB Body.10 STD-116 2500 Split body or top entry. BC. Flanges to B16. as per ASME B16.5 1–2 N/A FLGD. RTJ 2500 BB. as per ASME B16. WCB Body. Gear Operated. ASTM A216 Gr. ASTM A216 Gr. A 216 WCB Body. RTJ 2500 Lift Type. Flanges-B16.20 for B16. Trunnion Mounted. Flanges to B 16.Page PIPING CLASS . WCB Body. Lever Operated. Floating ball. SS 316 trim. Gear Operated. Flanges to B 16.10 STD-117 1-2 N/A FLGD. as per ASME B16. Galvanised STD-126 Spacer and Blank 1 – 12 N/A RTJ 2500 ASTM A694 Gr.5 4. RTJ 4 – 12 N/A 1 – 1½ Miscellaneous Orifice Flanges 10 STD-119 Split body or top entry.10 STD-116 N/A FLGD. Flanges to B 16. OS&Y.FC5NA1 NPS (inch) Item 2 of 3 Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating Description Notes ADMAOPCO SED 8 STD-108 2 – 12 To match pipe RTJ 2500 WN orifice flanges. Flanges-B16. A 216 WCB Body. F60. ASTM A694 F60. Lugged wafer type. Lever Operated. Date SP-1000 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. RTJ 2500 Split body or top entry. A105N body.10 STD-116 FLGD. RTJ 2500 Swing type.5 Globe Valve Ball Valves Check Valves Needle Valves 0 12-06 Rev. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 122 .5 4. Flanges to B 16.5 10 STD-117 2–6 N/A FLGD.5 4.5 10 STD-117 8 – 12 N/A RTJ 2500 Dual plate. ASTM A216 WCB Body. ASTM A216 Gr.36 Gasket 1 – 12 N/A For RTJ Flanges 2500 Soft Iron Octagonal Ring Type Gaskets. RTJ 2500 3–3 N/A FLGD. Not used. 8. 7. Standard ball valves included in the class are reduced bore valves. 3.FC5NA1 3 of 3 BRANCH TABLE 1” 1 HEADER SIZE 1. The smallbore piping connections shall be as per ADMA-OPCO Code of Practice CP-111. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. 2. Wafer type valves are flangeless and shall be installed between the flanges. For valve trim material refer to valve index enclosed under section 8. 9.0. Sizes below 2” NB shall only be used for no-flowing branches downstream of the first isolation valves. Weldolet 1 1” 1. The orifice flanges specified in this class shall only be used with ADMA-OPCO approval after considering clause 4. 4. Full bore may used for the valves specifically mentioned in the P&ID. Reducing Tee 3. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 123 . 6. 10.5” 2 1 2” 2 2 1 3” 3 2 2 1 LEGEND 4” 3 3 2 2 1 6” 3 3 3 2 2 1 8” 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 10” 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 12” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1. ADMA-OPCO approval shall be obtained before using hub connectors in the piping system. 0 12-06 Rev. Not used.Page PIPING CLASS .5” 2” 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” BRANCH SIZE Notes: 1. Equal Tee 2. All material shall conform to ADMA-OPCO Specification SP-1000 and NACE MR0175. 5. Not used.5.12 of this document. 9 1 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A420 WPL 6. 6. 20 BE N/A ASTM A 671 Gr.9 1. As per ASME B16.6 19. Seamless 3–6 Sch. LF2. 20 BE N/A ASTM A 333 Gr. Smooth 300 WN orifice flanges. Smooth Finish Fluid Code Refer Section 9. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 124 . 160 BE N/A ASTM A 333 Gr.2 17.36 Date SP-1000 6 1 – 24 Rev. Smooth 12-06 ADMAOPCO SED SP-1000 1 – 24 0 Notes 1. as per ASME B16. LF2.9 6 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A420 WPL 6(W). as per ASME B16.5 2 – 12 To match pipe RF. To match pipe Item Concentric 1 – 16 and Eccentric 18 – 24 Reducers 1–8 Flanges Orifice Flanges SP-1000 N/A ASTM A420 WPL 6.0 Service Index NACE Requirement Yes Service Category A as per CP-111 Temperature (°C) -45 -29 0 38 50 100 150 200 Pressure (Barg) 19.8 Thk. C60.5 STD-108 STD-108 N/A RF. EFW 1–2 Sch. ASTM A350 Gr.6 19. SP-1000 Corrosion Allowance 3 mm Pressure Class Class 150 Flange Facing RF.9 6 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A420 WPL 6(W). NACE MR0175. 6 100mm long pipe nipple. Seamless RF.6 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A350 Gr. Seamless SP-1000 18 – 24 Sch.Page PIPING CLASS . ASTM A350 Gr. as per ASME B16. 6. As per ASME B16. Smooth 150 Blind Flanges.6 19. ASTM A 333 Gr.7 15. 40 BE N/A ASTM A 333 Gr. Equal & Reducing Tee. LF2. Seamless SP-1000 8 – 16 Sch.AL0NA0 1 of 3 Basic Material LTCS. As per MSS SP97 STD-128 150 WN Flanges. ASTM A350 Gr.2.6 19. 6.8 Pipe NPS (inch) Schedule/ Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 1–2 Sch. LF2. 6. To match pipe Weldolets Description 9 STD-108 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. As per ASME B16.8 13. Cap Thk. As per ASME B16. 160 BE N/A 1 – 16 BE 18 – 24 Nipple Fittings Elbow. 5 4. A350 LF2 Body. Date Rating Description Notes ADMAOPCO SED SP-1000 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.5 10 STD-115 1 – 12 N/A FLGD.5 10 STD-117 8 . Galvanised STD-126 Spectacle Blind 1 – 12 N/A RF. OS&Y.24 N/A RF. RF 150 Split body or top entry. ASTM A 352 LCB Body. 70.5 4.5 flanges STD-108 1 . Flanges to B16.10 STD-116 10 – 24 N/A FLGD.5 10 STD-115 14 – 24 N/A FLGD. ASTM A 352 LCB Body. Lever Operated.48 8 SP-1000 Spacer and Blank 14 – 24 N/A RF. RF 150 BB. A 352 LCB Body. A 352 LCB Body. Lugged wafer type.48 8 SP-1000 1 – 12 N/A FLGD. Flanges to B 16. RF 150 Swing Type. Gear Operated. OS&Y. RF 150 Split body or top entry. Flanges to B 16. ASTM A350 LF2 Body. RF 150 BB. A 352 LCB Body.5 Item Gasket Stud Bolt Miscellaneous 2 of 3 Gate Valves Globe Valve Ball Valves Check Valves Needle Valves 0 12-06 Rev.20 for B16. Flanges to B 16. Flanges-B16. Gear Operated. Flanges to B 16. SS316 with flexible graphite filler SS inner and outer ring as per ASME B16. as per ASME B16. RF 150 Lift Type.5 flanges 7. Flanges to B 16.AL0NA0 NPS (inch) Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing 1 – 24 4. RF 150 BB. Smooth 150 ASTM A516 Gr.10 STD-116 3–8 N/A FLGD. 4M Nuts. A 352 LCB Body. as per ASME B16. Floating ball. flanges to B 16. Suitable for B 16.Page PIPING CLASS . Lever Operated. Flanges to B 16.10 STD-117 1-2 N/A FLGD. RF 150 Needle valve. Gear Operated. SS 316 trim. A 352 LCB Body.24 N/A For RF Flanges N/A ASTM A320 L7M Bolts / ASTM A194 Gr. RF 150 Split body or top entry. Smooth 150 ASTM A516 Gr.10 STD-116 1 – 1½ N/A FLGD. A 352 LCB Body.5 10 STD-119 14 – 16 N/A FLGD. 70. BC.5 mm For RF Flanges 150 Spiral wound. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 125 . Flanges to B 16.5 10 STD-117 2–6 N/A FLGD. OS&Y.5 10 STD-119 1–2 N/A FLGD. Smooth 150 Dual plate. Trunnion Mounted. A 352 LCB Body.5 4. Trunnion Mounted. OS&Y. RF 150 BB. The material shall be impact tested as per the relevant material standards. Weldolet 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 10” 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 12” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 14” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 16” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 18” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 20” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 24” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1” 1. 0 12-06 Rev. 3. SAW pipes and welded fittings shall be 100% radiographed. Wafer type valves are flangeless and shall be installed between the flanges. Reducing Tee 3. 2. When small size of reducer is 16” & below the reducer shall be seamless. The smallbore piping connections shall be as per ADMA-OPCO Code of Practice CP-111. The orifice flanges specified in this class shall only be used with ADMA-OPCO approval after considering clause 4.5” 2 1 2” 2 2 1 3” 3 2 2 1 4” 3 3 2 2 1 6” 3 3 3 2 2 1 8” LEGEND 1.5” 2” 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” 14” 16” 18” 20” 24” BRANCH SIZE Notes: 1.5.12 of this document. 6. 4. For valve trim material refer to valve index enclosed under section 8. Full bore may used for the valves specifically mentioned in the P&ID. 7. Equal Tee 2. 10.Page PIPING CLASS . 8. Standard ball valves included in the class are regular bore valves. 5.AL0NA0 3 of 3 BRANCH TABLE HEADER SIZE 1” 1 1. Not used. 9. Sizes below 2” NB shall only be used for no-flowing branches downstream of the first isolation valves. All material shall conform to ADMA-OPCO specification SP-1000 and NACE MR0175. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.0. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 126 . As per MSS SP97 STD-128 150 WN Flanges.9 1. 160 BE N/A ASTM A 333 Gr.5 2 – 12 To match pipe RF. LF2.9 6 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A420 WPL 6(W). as per ASME B16. 6 100mm long pipe nipple.9 1 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A420 WPL 6. LF2. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 127 . LF2. Equal & Reducing Tee. Smooth Finish Fluid Code Refer Section 9.2 17.8 13. As per ASME B16. Seamless RF. 40 BE N/A ASTM A 333 Gr. XXS BE N/A ASTM A 333 Gr. C60.5 STD-108 STD-108 N/A RF. ASTM A350 Gr.6 19.6 19. Smooth 300 WN orifice flanges. Seamless SP-1000 4–8 Sch.36 Date SP-1000 6 1 – 24 Rev. 6. ASTM A 333 Gr. As per ASME B16. To match pipe Weldolets Description 9 STD-108 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.6 19.6 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A350 Gr. SP-1000 Corrosion Allowance 6 mm Pressure Class Class 150 Flange Facing RF.7 15. XXS BE N/A 1 – 16 BE 18 – 24 Pipe Nipple Fittings Elbow. LF2. 6. EFW 1–2 Sch. 80 BE N/A ASTM A 333 Gr. Cap Thk.9 6 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A420 WPL 6(W).0 Service Index NACE Requirement Yes Service Category A as per CP-111 Temperature (°C) -45 -29 0 38 50 100 150 200 Pressure (Barg) 19.2. ASTM A350 Gr. To match pipe Item Concentric 1 – 16 and Eccentric 18 – 24 Reducers 1–8 Flanges Orifice Flanges SP-1000 N/A ASTM A420 WPL 6.AL0NA1 1 of 3 Basic Material LTCS. Seamless SP-1000 10 – 16 Sch. ASTM A350 Gr. Seamless 2–3 Sch. 6. Smooth 150 Blind Flanges. as per ASME B16.6 19. Seamless SP-1000 18 – 24 Sch. Smooth 12-06 ADMAOPCO SED SP-1000 1 – 24 0 Notes 1. 30 BE N/A ASTM A 671 Gr. as per ASME B16.8 NPS (inch) Schedule/ Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 1 – 1½ Sch.8 Thk. NACE MR0175. As per ASME B16. 6.Page PIPING CLASS . 6. As per ASME B16. 5 Miscellaneous Stud Bolt Globe Valve Ball Valves Check Valves Needle Valves 0 12-06 Rev.5 10 STD-115 1 – 12 N/A FLGD. BC.5 10 STD-119 1–2 N/A FLGD. Lever Operated. Flanges to B 16.Page PIPING CLASS . Suitable for B 16. 70. SS316HF Trim. RF 150 Split body or top entry. RF 150 Swing Type.5 flanges 7. Flanges to B 16.10 STD-116 1 – 1½ N/A FLGD. 4M Nuts. RF 150 BB.5 10 STD-119 14 – 16 N/A FLGD. A 352 LCB Body.5 10 STD-117 2–6 N/A FLGD. RF 150 Lift Type. Trunnion Mounted. A 352 LCB Body. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 128 . ASTM A 352 LCB Body. Trunnion Mounted. OS&Y. Gear Operated.24 Spectacle Blind Spacer and Blank Item Description For RF Flanges 150 Spiral wound. A 352 LCB Body. Flanges-B16.AL0NA1 NPS (inch) Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing 1 – 24 4.5 4. RF 150 BB. OS&Y. SS inner and outer ring as per ASME B16. A350 LF2 Body.5 10 STD-115 14 – 24 N/A FLGD.10 STD-116 10 – 24 N/A FLGD. Floating ball.48 8 SP-1000 1 – 12 N/A FLGD.10 STD-116 3–8 N/A FLGD. SS316 with flexible graphite filler.20 for B16. Flanges to B 16. A 352 LCB Body.5 4.5 flanges STD-127 N/A For RF Flanges N/A ASTM A320 L7M Bolts / ASTM A194 Gr.5 4. OS&Y. Lugged wafer type. Gear Operated. Lever Operated. RF 150 Split body or top entry. SS316HF Trim. RF 150 BB. Flanges to B16. ASTM A 352 LCB Body. Smooth 150 ASTM A516 Gr. A 352 LCB Body. RF 150 Needle valve. Flanges to B 16. Galvanised STD-126 1 – 12 N/A RF. Gear Operated.48 8 SP-1000 14 – 24 N/A RF. flanges to B 16. as per ASME B16. 70. Smooth 150 Dual plate. as per ASME B16. SS 316 trim. Date Notes ADMAOPCO SED Rating Gasket Gate Valves 2 of 3 SP-1000 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. A 352 LCB Body. Flanges to B 16. Flanges to B 16. OS&Y. Smooth 150 ASTM A516 Gr. RF 150 BB.5 10 STD-117 8 .10 STD-117 1-2 N/A FLGD. RF 150 Split body or top entry.5 mm 1 . Flanges to B 16. ASTM A350 LF2 Body.24 N/A RF. A 352 LCB Body. Sizes below 2” NB shall only be used for no-flowing branches downstream of the first isolation valves. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. 8.12 of this document.5.5” 2 1 2” 2 2 1 3” 3 2 2 1 4” 3 3 2 2 1 6” 3 3 3 2 2 1 8” LEGEND 1. Not used. 10. Wafer type valves are flangeless and shall be installed between the flanges. The material shall be impact tested as per the relevant material standards.0. Equal Tee 2.5” 2” 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” 14” 16” 18” 20” 24” BRANCH SIZE Notes: 1. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 129 . 4. 6. The orifice flanges specified in this class shall only be used with ADMA-OPCO approval after considering clause 4. 2. Weldolet 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 10” 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 12” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 14” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 16” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 18” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 20” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 24” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1” 1. SAW pipes and welded fittings shall be 100% radiographed. For valve trim material refer to valve index enclosed under section 8. 7. 3.Page PIPING CLASS . Full bore may used for the valves specifically mentioned in the P&ID. Standard ball valves included in the class are regular bore valves. 5. Reducing Tee 3.AL0NA1 3 of 3 BRANCH TABLE HEADER SIZE 1” 1 1. 0 12-06 Rev. When small size of reducer is 16” & below the reducer shall be seamless. All material shall conform to ADMA-OPCO specification SP-1000 and NACE MR0175. 9. The smallbore piping connections shall be as per ADMA-OPCO Code of Practice CP-111. Page PIPING CLASS - BL0NA0 1 of 3 Basic Material LTCS, NACE MR0175, SP-1000 Corrosion Allowance 3 mm Pressure Class Class 300 Flange Facing RF, Smooth Finish Fluid Code Refer Section 9.0 Service Index NACE Requirement Yes Service Category A as per CP-111 Temperature (°C) -45 -29 0 38 50 100 150 200 Pressure (Barg) 51.1 51.1 51.1 51.1 50.1 46.6 45.1 43.8 Pipe NPS (inch) Schedule/ Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 1–2 Sch. 160 BE N/A ASTM A 333 Gr. 6, Seamless 3 – 16 Sch. 40 BE N/A ASTM A 333 Gr. 6, Seamless 18 – 24 Sch. 40 BE N/A ASTM A 671 Gr. C60, EFW 1–2 Sch. 160 BE N/A 1 – 16 BE 18 – 24 Nipple Fittings Elbow, Equal & Reducing Tee, Cap Thk. To match pipe Item Concentric 1 – 16 and Eccentric 18 – 24 Reducers 1–8 Flanges Orifice Flanges SP-1000 SP-1000 N/A ASTM A420 WPL 6, As per ASME B16.9 6 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A420 WPL 6(W), As per ASME B16.9 1 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A420 WPL 6, As per ASME B16.9 6 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A420 WPL 6(W), As per ASME B16.9 1,2,6 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A350 Gr. LF2, As per MSS SP97 STD-128 300 WN Flanges, ASTM A350 Gr. LF2, as per ASME B16.5 STD-108 STD-108 N/A RF, Smooth 300 Blind Flanges, ASTM A350 Gr. LF2, as per ASME B16.5 2 – 12 To match pipe RF, Smooth 300 WN orifice flanges, ASTM A350 Gr. LF2, as per ASME B16.36 Date SP-1000 6 1 – 24 Rev. 6 100mm long pipe nipple, ASTM A 333 Gr. 6, Seamless RF, Smooth 12-06 ADMAOPCO SED SP-1000 1 – 24 0 Notes 1,8 Thk. To match pipe Weldolets Description 9 STD-108 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 130 Page PIPING CLASS - BL0NA0 NPS (inch) Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing 1 – 24 4.5 mm 1 - 24 Spectacle Blind Spacer and Blank Item Description For RF Flanges 300 Spiral wound, SS316 with flexible graphite filler, SS inner and outer ring as per ASME B16.20 for B16.5 flanges STD-127 N/A For RF Flanges N/A ASTM A320 L7M Bolts / ASTM A194 Gr. 4M Nuts, Galvanised STD-126 1 – 12 N/A RF, Smooth 300 ASTM A516 Gr. 70, as per ASME B16.48 8 SP-1000 14 – 24 N/A RF, Smooth 300 ASTM A516 Gr. 70, as per ASME B16.48 8 SP-1000 1 – 12 N/A FLGD, RF 300 BB, OS&Y, A 352 LCB Body, Flanges to B 16.5 10 STD-115 14 – 24 N/A FLGD, RF 300 BB, OS&Y, A 352 LCB Body, Gear Operated, Flanges to B 16.5 10 STD-115 1 – 12 N/A FLGD, RF 300 BB, OS&Y, A 352 LCB Body, Flanges to B 16.5 10 STD-119 14 – 16 N/A FLGD, RF 300 BB, OS&Y, A 352 LCB Body, Gear Operated, Flanges to B 16.5 10 STD-119 1–2 N/A FLGD, RF 300 Split body or top entry, Floating ball, A 352 LCB Body, Lever Operated, Flanges-B16.5 4,10 STD-116 3–8 N/A FLGD, RF 300 Split body or top entry, Trunnion Mounted, A 352 LCB Body, Lever Operated, Flanges to B16.5 4,10 STD-116 10 – 24 N/A FLGD, RF 300 Split body or top entry, Trunnion Mounted, A 352 LCB Body, Gear Operated, Flanges to B 16.5 4,10 STD-116 1 – 1½ N/A FLGD, RF 300 Lift Type, ASTM A350 LF2 Body, Flanges to B 16.5 6,10 STD-117 2–6 N/A FLGD, RF 300 Swing Type, BC, ASTM A 352 LCB Body, flanges to B 16.5 10 STD-117 8 - 24 N/A RF, Smooth 300 Dual plate, Lugged wafer type, ASTM A 352 LCB Body, Suitable for B 16.5 flanges 7,10 STD-117 1-2 N/A FLGD, RF 300 Needle valve, A350 LF2 Body, SS 316 trim, Flanges to B 16.5 Miscellaneous Stud Bolt Globe Valve Ball Valves Check Valves Needle Valves 0 12-06 Rev. Date Notes ADMAOPCO SED Rating Gasket Gate Valves 2 of 3 SP-1000 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 131 Page PIPING CLASS - BL0NA0 3 of 3 BRANCH TABLE 1” 1 HEADER SIZE 1.5” 2 1 2” 2 2 1 LEGEND 3” 3 2 2 1 4” 3 3 2 2 1 6” 3 3 3 2 2 1 8” 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 10” 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 12” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 14” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 16” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 18” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 20” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 24” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1. Equal Tee 2. Reducing Tee 3. Weldolet 1 1” 1.5” 2” 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” 14” 16” 18” 20” 24” BRANCH SIZE Notes: 1. SAW pipes and welded fittings shall be 100% radiographed. 2. When small size of reducer is 16” & below the reducer shall be seamless. 3. Consider using actuated valves like MOV instead of manual valves for the large sizes considering the torque required to operate the valves. 4. Standard ball valves included in the class are regular bore valves. Full bore may used for the valves specifically mentioned in the P&ID. 5. All material shall conform to ADMA-OPCO specification SP-1000 and NACE MR0175. 6. Sizes below 2” NB shall only be used for no-flowing branches downstream of the first isolation valves. The smallbore piping connections shall be as per ADMA-OPCO Code of Practice CP-111. 7. Wafer type valves are flangeless and shall be installed between the flanges. 8. The material shall be impact tested as per the relevant material standards. 9. The orifice flanges specified in this class shall only be used with ADMA-OPCO approval after considering clause 4.5.12 of this document. 10. For valve trim material refer to valve index enclosed under section 8.0. 0 12-06 Rev. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 132 Page PIPING CLASS - BL0NA1 1 of 3 Basic Material LTCS, NACE MR0175, SP-1000 Corrosion Allowance 6 mm Pressure Class Class 300 Flange Facing RF, Smooth Finish Fluid Code Refer Section 9.0 Service Index NACE Requirement Yes Service Category A as per CP-111 Temperature (°C) -45 -29 0 38 50 100 150 200 Pressure (Barg) 51.1 51.1 51.1 51.1 50.1 46.6 45.1 43.8 NPS (inch) Schedule/ Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 1 – 1½ Sch. XXS BE N/A ASTM A 333 Gr. 6, Seamless 2–3 Sch. 160 BE N/A ASTM A 333 Gr. 6, Seamless SP-1000 4–4 Sch. 120 BE N/A ASTM A 333 Gr. 6, Seamless SP-1000 6–8 Sch. 80 BE N/A ASTM A 333 Gr. 6, Seamless SP-1000 10 – 16 Sch. 60 BE N/A ASTM A 333 Gr. 6, Seamless SP-1000 18 – 24 Sch. 60 BE N/A ASTM A 671 Gr. C60, EFW 1–2 Sch. XXS BE N/A 1 – 16 BE 18 – 24 Pipe Nipple Fittings Elbow, Equal & Reducing Tee, Cap Thk. To match pipe Item Concentric 1 – 16 and Eccentric 18 – 24 Reducers 1–8 Flanges Orifice Flanges SP-1000 N/A ASTM A420 WPL 6, As per ASME B16.9 6 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A420 WPL 6(W), As per ASME B16.9 1 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A420 WPL 6, As per ASME B16.9 6 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A420 WPL 6(W), As per ASME B16.9 1,2,6 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A350 Gr. LF2, As per MSS SP97 STD-128 300 WN Flanges, ASTM A350 Gr. LF2, as per ASME B16.5 STD-108 STD-108 N/A RF, Smooth 300 Blind Flanges, ASTM A350 Gr. LF2, as per ASME B16.5 2 – 12 To match pipe RF, Smooth 300 WN orifice flanges, ASTM A350 Gr. LF2, as per ASME B16.36 Date SP-1000 6 1 – 24 Rev. 6 100mm long pipe nipple, ASTM A 333 Gr. 6, Seamless RF, Smooth 12-06 ADMAOPCO SED SP-1000 1 – 24 0 Notes 1,8 Thk. To match pipe Weldolets Description 9 STD-108 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 133 Page PIPING CLASS - BL0NA1 NPS (inch) Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing 1 – 24 4.5 mm 1 - 24 Spectacle Blind Spacer and Blank Item Description For RF Flanges 300 Spiral wound, SS316 with flexible graphite filler, SS inner and outer ring as per ASME B16.20 for B16.5 flanges STD-127 N/A For RF Flanges N/A ASTM A320 L7M Bolts / ASTM A194 Gr. 4M Nuts, Galvanised STD-126 1 – 12 N/A RF, Smooth 300 ASTM A516 Gr. 70, as per ASME B16.48 8 SP-1000 14 – 24 N/A RF, Smooth 300 ASTM A516 Gr. 70, as per ASME B16.48 8 SP-1000 1 – 12 N/A FLGD, RF 300 BB, OS&Y, A 352 LCB Body, Flanges to B 16.5 10 STD-115 14 – 24 N/A FLGD, RF 300 BB, OS&Y, A 352 LCB Body, Gear Operated, Flanges to B 16.5 10 STD-115 1 – 12 N/A FLGD, RF 300 BB, OS&Y, A 352 LCB Body, Flanges to B 16.5 10 STD-119 14 – 16 N/A FLGD, RF 300 BB, OS&Y, A 352 LCB Body, Gear Operated, Flanges to B 16.5 10 STD-119 1–2 N/A FLGD, RF 300 Split body or top entry, Floating ball, A 352 LCB Body, Lever Operated, Flanges-B16.5 4,10 STD-116 3–8 N/A FLGD, RF 300 Split body or top entry, Trunnion Mounted, A 352 LCB Body, Lever Operated, Flanges to B16.5 4,10 STD-116 10 – 24 N/A FLGD, RF 300 Split body or top entry, Trunnion Mounted, A 352 LCB Body, Gear Operated, Flanges to B 16.5 4,10 STD-116 1 – 1½ N/A FLGD, RF 300 Lift Type, ASTM A350 LF2 Body, Flanges to B 16.5 10 STD-117 2–6 N/A FLGD, RF 300 Swing Type, BC, ASTM A 352 LCB Body, flanges to B 16.5 10 STD-117 8 - 24 N/A RF, Smooth 300 Dual plate, Lugged wafer type, ASTM A 352 LCB Body, Suitable for B 16.5 flanges 7,10 STD-117 1-2 N/A FLGD, RF 300 Needle valve, A350 LF2 Body, SS 316 trim, Flanges to B 16.5 Miscellaneous Stud Bolt Globe Valve Ball Valves Check Valves Needle Valves 0 12-06 Rev. Date Notes ADMAOPCO SED Rating Gasket Gate Valves 2 of 3 SP-1000 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 134 Sizes below 2” NB shall only be used for no-flowing branches downstream of the first isolation valves. 7. 8. 0 12-06 Rev. The smallbore piping connections shall be as per ADMA-OPCO Code of Practice CP-111. 5. 4. Standard ball valves included in the class are regular bore valves.Page PIPING CLASS . Reducing Tee 3. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 135 . Equal Tee 2. Wafer type valves are flangeless and shall be installed between the flanges.0. 2. The material shall be impact tested as per the relevant material standards. 9. The orifice flanges specified in this class shall only be used with ADMA-OPCO approval after considering clause 4. 10. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. Full bore may used for the valves specifically mentioned in the P&ID. 3. 6.BL0NA1 3 of 3 BRANCH TABLE 1” 1 HEADER SIZE 1. Not used. For valve trim material refer to valve index enclosed under section 8.5. SAW pipes and welded fittings shall be 100% radiographed.5” 2 1 2” 2 2 1 LEGEND 3” 3 2 2 1 4” 3 3 2 2 1 6” 3 3 3 2 2 1 8” 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 10” 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 12” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 14” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 16” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 18” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 20” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 24” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1. Weldolet 1 1” 1. When small size of reducer is 16” & below the reducer shall be seamless. All material shall conform to ADMA-OPCO specification SP-1000 and NACE MR0175.5” 2” 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” 14” 16” 18” 20” 24” BRANCH SIZE Notes: 1.12 of this document. ASTM A350 Gr.5 2 – 12 To match pipe RTJ 600 WN orifice flanges. as per ASME B16. NACE MR0175.9 6 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A420 WPL 6. 80 BE N/A ASTM A 333 Gr. ASTM A 333 Gr. As per MSS SP97 STD-128 600 WN Flanges.9 6 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A350 Gr. ASTM A350 Gr.1 102.Page PIPING CLASS . 6. SP-1000 Corrosion Allowance 3 mm Pressure Class Class 600 Flange Facing RTJ Fluid Code Refer Section 9. 160 BE N/A ASTM A 333 Gr. As per ASME B16.20 for B16. as per ASME B16. ASTM A350 Gr. LF2.0 Service Index NACE Requirement Yes Service Category A as per CP-111 Temperature (°C) -45 -29 0 38 50 100 150 200 Pressure (Barg) 102. To match pipe Item RTJ 1 – 16 N/A RTJ 600 Blind Flanges.1 102.5 flanges Gasket 0 12-06 Rev.2 87. As per ASME B16.36 1 – 16 N/A For RTJ Flanges 600 Soft Iron Octagonal Ring Gaskets. To match pipe Weldolets Flanges Thk. Cap 1 – 16 Concentric and Eccentric Reducers 1 – 16 1–8 Orifice Flanges Description 1 – 16 Thk.CL0NA0 1 of 3 Basic Material LTCS. 6. Seamless 6 SP-1000 BE N/A ASTM A420 WPL 6. 6.1 102. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 136 . Galvanised. as per ASME B16.5 STD-108 STD-108 Fittings Nipple Elbow. LF2. Date Notes ADMAOPCO SED 6 SP-1000 SP-1000 9 STD-108 STD-127 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. Equal & Reducing Tee. Seamless 1–2 Sch. 160 BE N/A 100mm long pipe nipple.2 90. Seamless 3 – 16 Sch. as per ASME B16. LF2. LF2.2 93.6 Pipe NPS (inch) Schedule/ Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 1–2 Sch.1 100. 5 Item Stud Bolt Miscellaneous 2 of 3 Gate Valves Globe Valve Ball Valves Check Valves Needle Valves 0 12-06 Rev. A350 LF2 Body.10 STD-116 6 – 16 N/A FLGD.5 4.5 10 STD-115 8 – 16 N/A FLGD. Floating ball. Lever Operated. Flanges to B 16.CL0NA0 NPS (inch) Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing 1 – 16 N/A For RTJ Flanges N/A ASTM A320 L7M Bolts / ASTM A194 Gr. Flanges to B 16. 70.10 STD-117 SP-1000 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.5 flanges 1-2 N/A FLGD. BC. Flanges to B 16. RTJ 600 BB.5 10 8 – 24 N/A RTJ 600 Dual plate. Flanges to B 16. Flanges-B16. SS 316 trim. OS&Y.Page PIPING CLASS . RTJ 600 BB.5 10 STD-115 1–6 N/A FLGD. RTJ 600 Split body or top entry. Trunnion Mounted. 4M Nuts. Suitable for B 16. Flanges to B16.5 4. ASTM A350 LF2 Body.5 10 STD-117 2–6 N/A FLGD. RTJ 600 Lift Type. Date Rating Description Notes ADMAOPCO SED STD-126 7.5 4. Flanges to B 16. Trunnion Mounted. A 352 LCB Body. A 352 LCB Body. A 352 LCB Body. Lever Operated. OS&Y. OS&Y. RTJ 600 BB. 70. Gear Operated. A 352 LCB Body.5 10 STD-119 1–2 N/A FLGD. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 137 . flanges to B 16. as per ASME B16. RTJ 600 Needle valve. Galvanised Spectacle Blind 1–8 N/A RTJ 600 ASTM A516 Gr. Lugged wafer type.48 8 SP-1000 Spacer and Blank 10 – 16 N/A RTJ 600 ASTM A516 Gr. A 352 LCB Body. RTJ 600 Swing type.10 STD-116 3–4 N/A FLGD. as per ASME B16. Flanges to B 16. RTJ 600 Split boty or top entry. RTJ 600 Split boty or top entry. OS&Y. Flanges to B 16.10 STD-116 1 – 1½ N/A FLGD. ASTM A 350 LF2 Body.5 10 STD-119 8 – 16 N/A FLGD. A 352 LCB Body. Gear Operated.48 8 SP-1000 1–6 N/A FLGD. ASTM A 352 LCB Body. RTJ 600 BB. Gear Operated. A 352 LCB Body. Standard ball valves included in the class are regular bore valves. Not used. 7.5” 2 1 2” 2 2 1 LEGEND 3” 3 2 2 1 4” 3 3 2 2 1 6” 3 3 3 2 2 1 8” 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 10” 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 12” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 14” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 16” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1.5. The orifice flanges specified in this class shall only be used with ADMA-OPCO approval after considering clause 4.CL0NA0 3 of 3 BRANCH TABLE 1” 1 HEADER SIZE 1. Weldolet 1 1” 1.5” 2” 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” 14” 16” BRANCH SIZE Notes: 1.Page PIPING CLASS .12 of this document. The material shall be impact tested as per the relevant material standards. The smallbore piping connections shall be as per ADMA-OPCO Code of Practice CP-111. 3. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 138 . Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. 2. 9. Full bore may used for the valves specifically mentioned in the P&ID. All material shall conform to ADMA-OPCO specification SP-1000 and NACE MR0175. 4. 8. Wafer type valves are flangeless and shall be installed between the flanges. Sizes below 2” NB shall only be used for no-flowing branches downstream of the first isolation valves. Not used. 6. Reducing Tee 3. 5. 0 12-06 Rev. Equal Tee 2. Not used. LF2.1 102. Date Notes ADMAOPCO SED 6 SP-1000 9 STD-108 STD-127 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.2 87. Galvanised. To match pipe Weldolets Flanges Thk. LF2. LF2. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 139 . Seamless 3–4 Sch. NACE MR0175. As per MSS SP97 STD-128 600 WN Flanges. 6. as per ASME B16.1 100.5 flanges Gasket 0 12-06 Rev. ASTM A350 Gr. LF2.36 1 – 16 N/A For RTJ Flanges 600 Soft Iron Octagonal Ring Gaskets.1 102. Cap 1 – 16 Concentric and Eccentric Reducers 1 – 16 1–8 Orifice Flanges Description 1 – 16 Thk.Page PIPING CLASS . Equal & Reducing Tee. as per ASME B16. ASTM A 333 Gr. ASTM A350 Gr.2 90. As per ASME B16. Seamless 6 SP-1000 BE N/A ASTM A420 WPL 6. 120 BE N/A ASTM A 333 Gr.0 Service Index NACE Requirement Yes Service Category A as per CP-111 Temperature (°C) -45 -29 0 38 50 100 150 200 Pressure (Barg) 102.CL0NA1 1 of 3 Basic Material LTCS. 100 BE N/A ASTM A 333 Gr. 6. Seamless SP-1000 1–2 Sch. SP-1000 Corrosion Allowance 6 mm Pressure Class Class 600 Flange Facing RTJ Fluid Code Refer Section 9.5 2 – 12 To match pipe RTJ 600 WN orifice flanges.9 6 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A420 WPL 6. Seamless SP-1000 10 – 16 Sch. 6. XXS BE N/A ASTM A 333 Gr. XXS BE N/A 100mm long pipe nipple. 6. as per ASME B16.6 NPS (inch) Schedule/ Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 1–2 Sch. as per ASME B16.20 for B16. To match pipe Item RTJ 1 – 16 N/A RTJ 600 Blind Flanges.1 102. 160 BE N/A ASTM A 333 Gr. Seamless SP-1000 6–8 Sch.5 STD-108 STD-108 Pipe Fittings Nipple Elbow.9 6 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A350 Gr. ASTM A350 Gr. 6. As per ASME B16.2 93. A 352 LCB Body.5 Item Stud Bolt Miscellaneous 2 of 3 Gate Valves Globe Valve Ball Valves Check Valves Needle Valves 0 12-06 Rev. RTJ 600 Split body or top entry. SS 316 trim. 4M Nuts. RTJ 600 BB. RTJ 600 Needle valve.Page PIPING CLASS .48 8 SP-1000 1–6 N/A FLGD. RTJ 600 BB. Flanges to B 16. A350 LF2 Body. 70. Galvanised Spectacle Blind 1–8 N/A RTJ 600 ASTM A516 Gr.10 STD-116 1 – 1½ N/A FLGD. Gear Operated. Flanges to B 16. RTJ 600 Lift Type. RTJ 600 BB. A 352 LCB Body. Trunnion Mounted. A 352 LCB Body. OS&Y.5 4. Lever Operated.5 4.10 STD-116 6 – 16 N/A FLGD. Gear Operated.5 10 STD-115 8 – 16 N/A FLGD. Flanges to B 16. OS&Y. Flanges to B16. Flanges-B16.48 8 SP-1000 Spacer and Blank 10 – 16 N/A RTJ 600 ASTM A516 Gr. Suitable for B 16.5 10 STD-117 2–6 N/A FLGD. Flanges to B 16. BC.10 STD-117 SP-1000 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. Flanges to B 16. Flanges to B 16. A 352 LCB Body. Date Rating Description Notes ADMAOPCO SED STD-126 7. 70. RTJ 600 Swing type.5 4. OS&Y. A 352 LCB Body.5 10 8 – 16 N/A RTJ 600 Dual plate. OS&Y. as per ASME B16. Lever Operated. RTJ 600 Split body or top entry.10 STD-116 3–4 N/A FLGD. A 352 LCB Body. Floating ball.5 10 STD-119 8 – 16 N/A FLGD. Lugged wafer type. Flanges to B 16. RTJ 600 Split body or top entry. flanges to B 16.5 10 STD-119 1–2 N/A FLGD. ASTM A350 LF2 Body. ASTM A 350 LF2 Body. Trunnion Mounted. A 352 LCB Body. RTJ 600 BB.CL0NA1 NPS (inch) Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing 1 – 16 N/A For RTJ Flanges N/A ASTM A320 L7M Bolts / ASTM A194 Gr.5 flanges 1-2 N/A FLGD. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 140 . ASTM A 352 LCB Body.5 10 STD-115 1–2 N/A FLGD. Gear Operated. as per ASME B16. For valve trim material refer to valve index enclosed under section 8.5” 2 1 2” 2 2 1 LEGEND 3” 3 2 2 1 4” 3 3 2 2 1 6” 3 3 3 2 2 1 8” 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 10” 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 12” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 14” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 16” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1. 5. 7. 6. Full bore may used for the valves specifically mentioned in the P&ID. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 141 . Not used. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. Equal Tee 2. Reducing Tee 3. 9. 3. Sizes below 2” NB shall only be used for no-flowing branches downstream of the first isolation valves.CL0NA1 3 of 3 BRANCH TABLE 1” 1 HEADER SIZE 1. 2. All material shall conform to ADMA-OPCO specification SP-1000 and NACE MR0175. Standard ball valves included in the class are regular bore valves.5” 2” 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” 14” 16” BRANCH SIZE Notes: 1.Page PIPING CLASS . 10.12 of this document. 8.0. 0 12-06 Rev. Not used. Wafer type valves are flangeless and shall be installed between the flanges. 4. The orifice flanges specified in this class shall only be used with ADMA-OPCO approval after considering clause 4.5. The smallbore piping connections shall be as per ADMA-OPCO Code of Practice CP-111. The material shall be impact tested as per the relevant material standards. Weldolet 1 1” 1. Not used. 1½ 13. Date Thk. as per MSS SP97 Pipe Fittings Nipple Elbow.0 Service Index NACE Requirement Yes Service Category A as per CP-111 Temperature (°C) -45 -29 0 38 50 100 150 200 Pressure (Barg) (Note-1) 325 325 325 325 325 325 325 325 NPS (inch) Schedule/ Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 1–1 11. Seamless SP-1000 12 – 12 49. 6. Seamless SP-1000 1–2 Same as Pipe BE N/A 100mm long pipe nipple. 6. To match pipe Item 1–8 Description Notes ADMAOPCO SED STD-128 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. 6. 6. Seamless SP-1000 6–6 29.5 BE N/A ASTM A 333 Gr. NACE MR0175.5 BE N/A ASTM A 333 Gr. 6. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 142 . ASTM A 333 Gr. 6. 6. Equal & Reducing Tee. Seamless SP-1000 3–3 19 BE N/A ASTM A 333 Gr.Page PIPING CLASS . Seamless SP-1000 8–8 36 BE N/A ASTM A 333 Gr.9 6 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A350 Gr. Seamless SP-1000 1½ . SP-1000 Corrosion Allowance 6 mm Pressure Class Class 2500 Flange Facing RTJ Fluid Code Refer Section 9.9 6 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A420 WPL 6. Seamless SP-1000 16 – 16 60. 6. LF2. 6. Cap 1 – 16 Concentric and Eccentric Reducers 1 – 16 Weldolets 0 12-06 Rev. 6. Seamless SP-1000 14 – 14 54 BE N/A ASTM A 333 Gr. Seamless SP-1000 10 – 10 43 BE N/A ASTM A 333 Gr.5 BE N/A ASTM A 333 Gr. 6.FL0NA1 1 of 4 Basic Material LTCS. as per ASME B16. Seamless SP-1000 4–4 22 BE N/A ASTM A 333 Gr. 6. Seamless SP-1000 2–2 15 BE N/A ASTM A 333 Gr.5 BE N/A ASTM A 333 Gr. Seamless 6 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A420 WPL 6.5 BE N/A ASTM A 333 Gr. as per ASME B16. Trunnion Mounted. A 352 LCB Body. Flanges to B16. LF2 9 Clamp 8 – 24 N/A N/A N/A ASTM A788 AISI 4140 9 Seal Ring 8 – 24 N/A N/A N/A Low Alloy CS. RTJ 2500 4. Floating ball. LF2 STD-108 1 – 12 N/A RTJ 2500 Blind Flanges.5 10 STD-119 1–2 N/A FLGD. Flanges to B 16. Date Description Notes ADMAOPCO SED SP-1000 SP-1000 STD-108 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. ASTM A350 Gr. A 352 LCB Body. ASTM A350 Gr.5 Split body or top entry. LF2.5 4. OS&Y.10 STD-116 3–3 N/A FLGD. SS 316HF Trim. 130 HB max. LF2. ASTM A350 Gr.5 STD-108 14 – 16 Thk. as per ASME B16. ASTM A350 Gr.10 STD-116 NPS (inch) Item 1 – 12 Hub Connectors Flanges Orifice Flanges Gasket Stud Bolt Spacer and Blank Miscellaneous 2 of 4 Globe Valve Ball Valves 0 12-06 Rev. RTJ 2500 BB.5 flanges STD-127 1 – 16 N/A For RTJ Flanges N/A ASTM A320 L7M Bolts / ASTM A194 Gr. ASTM A350 Gr.2H 9 2 – 12 To match pipe RTJ 2500 WN orifice flanges with SW Taps.FL0NA1 Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 2500 WN Flanges.5 STD-108 14 – 16 N/A RTJ 2500 Blind Flanges to match Compact Flanges. RTJ 2500 4. RTJ 2500 Split body or top entry.5 Flanges 8 SP-1000 1 – 16 N/A FLGD. 70. Lever Operated. To match pipe RTJ RTJ 2500 Compact Flanges. Flanges-B16. A 352 LCB Body. Trunnion Mounted. as per ASME B16.Page PIPING CLASS . Suitable for ASME B16.B7M/194 Gr. Flanges to B 16. Octagonal Ring Gaskets. Galvanised STD-126 1 – 16 N/A RTJ 2500 ASTM A516 Gr. LF2. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 143 . as per ASME B16. as per ASME B16. A 352 LCB Body. Gear Operated.10 STD-116 4 – 16 N/A FLGD.5 Split body or top entry. Lever Operated. 4M Nuts. 9 Stud Bolts 8 – 24 N/A N/A N/A ASTM A193 Gr. LF2 STD-108 Hub 8 – 24 To match pipe BE N/A ASTM A350 Gr.20 for B16.36 9 1 – 16 N/A For RTJ Flanges 2500 Soft Iron. Galvanised. RTJ 2500 2–6 N/A FLGD. ASTM A 352 LCB Body.Page PIPING CLASS . Lugged wafer type. ASTM A350 LF2 Body. ASTM A 350 LF2 Body. BC. RTJ 8 – 16 N/A RTJ Item Check Valves 0 12-06 Rev.5 flanges 7.FL0NA1 NPS (inch) Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing 1 – 1½ N/A FLGD. Suitable for B 16. Flanges to B 16.5 10 STD-117 2500 Dual plate. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 144 . Date 3 of 4 Notes ADMAOPCO SED Lift Type. flanges to B 16.10 STD-117 Rating Description Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.5 10 STD-117 600 Swing type. 9.FL0NA1 4 of 4 BRANCH TABLE 1” 1 HEADER SIZE 1. Not used. Wafer type valves are flangeless and shall be installed between the flanges.5” 2” 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” 14” 16” BRANCH SIZE Notes: 1. Pipe thickness limits the pressure temperature limits.0. Standard ball valves included in the class are regular bore valves. 4.12 of this document. 3. Full bore may used for the valves specifically mentioned in the P&ID. 0 12-06 Rev. The material shall be impact tested as per the relevant material standards. Weldolet 1 1” 1. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. The smallbore piping connections shall be as per ADMA-OPCO Code of Practice CP-111. The orifice flanges specified in this class shall only be used with ADMA-OPCO approval after considering clause 4. Not used. Sizes below 2” NB shall only be used for no-flowing branches downstream of the first isolation valves. 2. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 145 . For valve trim material refer to valve index enclosed under section 8.Page PIPING CLASS . 7.5. 5. Reducing Tee 3. 6. Equal Tee 2. 10.5” 2 1 2” 2 2 1 LEGEND 3” 3 2 2 1 4” 3 3 2 2 1 6” 3 3 3 2 2 1 8” 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 10” 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 12” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 14” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 16” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1. All material shall conform to ADMA-OPCO specification SP-1000 and NACE MR0175. 8. As per ASME B16. As per MSS SP97 STD-128 150 WN Flanges. To match pipe Weldolets RF.3 15. Smooth Gasket 1 – 24 4. Date Description 300 WN orifice flanges. ASTM A182 F 304.5 flanges Notes ADMAOPCO SED 6 1 STD-128 1 STD-128 STD-128 1.0 Service Index NACE Requirement No Service Category B as per CP-111 Temperature (°C) -29 0 38 50 100 150 200 Pressure (Barg) 19. ASTM A182 F 304.9 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 304(W). Seamless BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 304. Smooth Orifice Flanges 2 – 12 To match pipe RF.36 150 Spiral wound. Equal & Reducing Tee.20 for B16. 10S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 304. To match pipe Item 14 – 24 Concentric 1 – 12 and Eccentric 14 – 24 Reducers 1–8 1 – 24 Thk. SS316 with flexible graphite filler. Smooth 1 – 24 N/A RF. as per ASME B16.0 19.5 STD-108 Nipple Fittings Elbow. as per ASME B16. ASTM A 312 TP 304. As per ASME B16. 40S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 304.2 Pipe NPS (inch) Schedule/ Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 1 – 1½ Sch. as per ASME B16. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 146 . Seamless 3 – 12 Sch. As per ASME B16. Cap 1 – 12 Thk.9 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 304. 80S BE N/A 100mm long pipe nipple.9 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 304(W).0 19.Page PIPING CLASS . 80S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 304. EFW 1–2 Sch.0 18.2 8 STD-128 STD-108 STD-127 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.2 13.5 STD-108 150 Blind Flanges.5 mm For RF Flanges Flanges 0 12-06 Rev. Seamless 14 – 24 Sch.AS0GA0 1 of 3 Basic Material SS-304 Corrosion Allowance 0 mm Pressure Class Class 150 Flange Facing RF. As per ASME B16.7 14. 10S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 304.9 BE N/A ASTM A182 F 304. Seamless 2–2 Sch. ASTM A182 F 304. Smooth Finish Fluid Code Refer Section 9. SS inner and outer ring as per ASME B16. Lever Operated. BC.48 Spacer and Blank 14 – 24 N/A RF.5 3 STD-117 2–6 N/A FLGD. Suitable for B 16. 4 STD-116 10 – 24 N/A FLGD. 7 STD-117 8 – 24 N/A FLGD.5 Item Stud Bolt Miscellaneous 2 of 3 Gate Valves Globe Valve Ball Valves Check Valves Needle Valves 0 12-06 Rev. Flanges to B 16.5 3 STD-117 8 .AS0GA0 NPS (inch) Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing 1 . OS&Y. Lugged wafer type. Smooth 150 ASTM A182 F 304. as per ASME B16. Gear Operated. A 351 CF8 Body. Flanges to B 16. A 351 CF8 Body. RF 150 Split body or top entry.5 3 STD-119 14 – 16 N/A FLGD.Page PIPING CLASS .24 N/A For RF Flanges N/A UNS N09925 (Incoloy 925) stud bolts with 2 hex nuts Spectacle Blind 1 – 12 N/A RF. Date Rating Description Notes ADMAOPCO SED STD-108 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.5 3 STD-119 1–2 N/A FLGD. Suitable for B 16. A182 F 304 Body. RF 150 Swing Type. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 147 . Flanges to B 16. RF 150 BB.24 N/A RF. RF 150 Split body or top entry.5 3. RF 150 Lift Type. OS&Y. A 351 CF8 Body. 5 STD-117 1-2 N/A FLGD.48 1 – 12 N/A FLGD. Smooth 150 Dual plate.5 3. Flanges to B 16. 4 STD-116 3–8 N/A FLGD. Trunnion Mounted.5 flanges 3. ASTM A182 F 304 Body. OS&Y. RF 150 Split body or top entry.5 flanges 3. A 351 CF8 Body. BC. 4 STD-116 1 – 1½ N/A FLGD.5 3. RF 150 BB. RF 150 BB. Flanges to B 16. Gear Operated. Flanges to B 16. Flanges-B16. Trunnion Mounted. A 351 CF8 Body. A 351 CF8 Body. ASTM A351 CF8 body. flanges to B 16. as per ASME B16. SS316-HF Trim. A 182 F 304 Body. Smooth 150 ASTM A182 F 304. RF 150 BB.5 3 STD-115 14 – 24 N/A FLGD.5 3 STD-115 1 – 12 N/A FLGD. Flanges to B16. Flanges to B 16. OS&Y. RF 150 Swing type. Gear Operated. RF 150 Needle valve. Lever Operated. A351 CF8 body. ASTM A351 CF8 body. Floating ball. Weldolet 1 1” 1. 0 12-06 Rev.5. 5. The orifice flanges specified in this class shall only be used with ADMA-OPCO approval after considering clause 4. When small size of reducer is 12” & below the reducer shall be seamless.5” 2” 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” 14” 16” 18” 20” 24” BRANCH SIZE Notes: 1. 8. EFW pipes and welded fittings shall be 100% radiographed and eddy current tested.AS0GA0 3 of 3 BRANCH TABLE 1” 1 HEADER SIZE 1. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. 2. Minimum thickness for threaded pipes 2” NPS and below shall be Sch 80S. 7.12 of this document. 6.0. Reducing Tee 3. Full bore may used for the valves specifically mentioned in the P&ID. 4. For valve trim material refer to valve index enclosed under section 8. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 148 . Wafer type valves are flangeless and shall be installed between the flanges.Page PIPING CLASS .5” 2 1 2” 2 2 1 LEGEND 3” 3 2 2 1 4” 3 3 2 2 1 6” 3 3 3 2 2 1 8” 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 10” 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 12” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 14” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 16” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 18” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 20” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 24” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1. 3. Swing type check valves for NPS 14” & above shall only be used after obtaining prior approval from ADMAOPCO. Equal Tee 2. Standard ball valves included in the class are regular bore valves. EFW 18 – 20 Sch. Seamless 3–4 Sch. as per ASME B16. 80S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 304.8 40.9 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 304.9 37 34.Page PIPING CLASS . ASTM A182 F 304. 40S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 304. Smooth Finish Fluid Code Refer Section 9.9 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 304(W). Date 300 Description WN orifice flanges. Seamless 6 – 12 Sch.9 BE N/A ASTM A182 F 304. Cap 1 – 12 Thk. 40 BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 304.0 Service Index NACE Requirement No Service Category B as per CP-111 Temperature (°C) -29 0 38 50 100 150 200 Pressure (Barg) 49. As per MSS SP97 STD-128 300 WN Flanges. 80S BE N/A 100mm long pipe nipple.9 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 304(W).6 49. ASTM A182 F 304. As per ASME B16. ASTM A 312 TP 304. As per ASME B16. 40S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 304. Equal & Reducing Tee. Seamless 14 – 16 Sch. To match pipe Weldolets RF. Seamless 2–2 Sch. Smooth 1 – 24 N/A RF. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 149 . ASTM A182 F 304. Seamless BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 304. 40S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 304.BS0GA0 1 of 3 Basic Material SS-304 Corrosion Allowance 0 mm Pressure Class Class 300 Flange Facing RF. Smooth 0 12-06 Rev.6 49. 60 BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 304. Smooth 2 – 12 To match pipe RF. as per ASME B16. 10S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 304. EFW 1–2 Sch. To match pipe Item 14 – 24 Concentric 1 – 12 and Eccentric 14 – 24 Reducers 1–8 Flanges Orifice Flanges 1 – 24 Thk. As per ASME B16.5 Pipe NPS (inch) Schedule/ Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 1 – 1½ Sch.5 STD-108 Nipple Fittings Elbow. 80S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 304.2 8 STD-128 STD-108 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. As per ASME B16.36 Notes ADMAOPCO SED 6 1 STD-128 1 STD-128 STD-128 1. EFW 22 – 22 Sch. EFW 24 – 24 Sch.6 47. as per ASME B16.5 STD-108 300 Blind Flanges. OS&Y. RF 3–8 N/A FLGD. Floating ball. A 351 CF8 Body. Lever Operated. 4 STD-116 3.5 Lift Type. flanges to B 16. A 351 CF8 Body. RF FLGD. A 351 CF8 Body.20 for B16. Flanges to B 16. OS&Y. RF RF. 5 STD-117 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. BC. Smooth 300 ASTM A182 F 304. Lever Operated.5 BB. Gear Operated.24 N/A FLGD. SS inner and outer ring as per ASME B16. A 182 F 304 Body. Smooth 300 ASTM A182 F 304.24 N/A 300 1-2 N/A FLGD. Flanges to B16.5 Split body or top entry. Flanges to B 16. Suitable for B 16. 7 STD-117 3. OS&Y. RF FLGD. Gear Operated.48 1 – 12 N/A 300 14 – 24 N/A 1 – 12 N/A 14 – 16 N/A 1–2 N/A FLGD. Suitable for B 16. as per ASME B16. A182 F 304 Body. RF FLGD.5 flanges Needle valve. Trunnion Mounted. Date 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 Notes ADMAOPCO SED Rating Stud Bolt Gate Valves 2 of 3 3 STD-115 3 STD-115 3 STD-119 3 STD-119 3. RF 300 10 – 24 N/A FLGD. Flanges to B 16. A 351 CF8 Body. RF BB.5 flanges STD-127 300 N/A UNS N09925 (Incoloy 925) stud bolts with 2 hex nuts STD-126 RF. Flanges-B16.4 STD-116 3. SS316 with flexible graphite filler. Flanges to B 16.5 Miscellaneous Globe Valve Ball Valves Check Valves Needle Valves 0 12-06 Rev.5 Split body or top entry. A351 CF8M Body. Lugged wafer type.5 BB. BC.48 N/A RF. Trunnion Mounted. ASTM A351 CF8 body.5 mm For RF Flanges 1 – 24 N/A For RF Flanges Spectacle Blind 1 – 12 N/A Spacer and Blank 14 – 24 Description Spiral wound. 4 STD-116 3 STD-117 3 STD-117 3. Flanges to B 16. SS316 Trim. Flanges to B 16. as per ASME B16.5 BB. A 351 CF8 Body. Gear Operated. Smooth 8 . RF 300 1 – 1½ N/A 300 2–6 N/A 8 . RF FLGD. ASTM A182 F 304 Body. RF FLGD.BS0GA0 Item NPS (inch) Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Gasket 1 – 24 4. A 351 CF8 Body.5 Split body or top entry. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 150 .5 flanges Swing type.5 Swing Type. Flanges to B 16. ASTM A351 CF8 body.5 Dual plate.Page PIPING CLASS . RF FLGD. OS&Y. Swing type check valves for NPS 14” & above shall only be used after obtaining prior approval from ADMAOPCO. 3. Weldolet 1 1” 1. For valve trim material refer to valve index enclosed under section 8. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 151 . 7. EPW pipes and welded fittings shall be 100% radiographed and eddy current tested.5.12 of this document.5” 2” 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” 14” 16” 18” 20” 24” BRANCH SIZE Notes: 1.BS0GA0 3 of 3 BRANCH TABLE 1” 1 HEADER SIZE 1. Minimum thickness for threaded pipes 2” NPS and below shall be Sch 80S. Equal Tee 2. 5.5” 2 1 2” 2 2 1 LEGEND 3” 3 2 2 1 4” 3 3 2 2 1 6” 3 3 3 2 2 1 8” 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 10” 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 12” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 14” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 16” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 18” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 20” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 24” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1. 6. Wafer type valves are flangeless and shall be installed between the flanges.0. Standard ball valves included in the class are regular bore valves. 4. Reducing Tee 3. 2. The orifice flanges specified in this class shall only be used with ADMA-OPCO approval after considering clause 4. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. 8. 0 12-06 Rev.Page PIPING CLASS . Full bore may used for the valves specifically mentioned in the P&ID. When small size of reducer is 12” & below the reducer shall be seamless. 36 1 – 16 N/A For RTJ Flanges 600 SS 304 Octagonal Ring Type Gaskets as per ASME B16. ASTM A182 F 304. Date Notes ADMAOPCO SED 6 8 STD-108 STD-127 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. 80 BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 304. Seamless BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 304. Equal & Reducing Tee. Seamless 2–4 Sch. as per ASME B16. EFW 1–2 Sch.0 Service Index NACE Requirement No Service Category B as per CP-111 Temperature (°C) -29 0 38 50 100 150 200 Pressure (Barg) 99. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 152 . as per ASME B16.5 2 – 12 To match pipe RTJ 600 WN orifice flanges. As per ASME B16.3 95.3 99. Cap 1 – 16 Concentric and Eccentric Reducers 1 – 16 Weldolets 1–4 Flanges Orifice Flanges Description 1 – 16 Thk. 80 BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 304. 80S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 304.Page PIPING CLASS . Seamless 6 – 10 Sch. To match pipe Item RTJ 1 – 16 N/A RTJ 600 Blind Flanges.7 74 69 Pipe NPS (inch) Schedule/ Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 1 – 1½ Sch. ASTM A182 F 304.9 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A182 F 304.CS0GA0 1 of 3 Basic Material SS-304 Corrosion Allowance 0 mm Pressure Class Class 600 Flange Facing RTJ Fluid Code Refer Section 9. 80S BE N/A 100mm long pipe nipple. ASTM A182 F 304.20 for B16.3 99.5 flanges Gasket 0 12-06 Rev.9 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 304. As per ASME B16. To match pipe Fittings Nipple Thk.5 STD-108 STD-108 Elbow. ASTM A 312 TP 304. as per ASME B16. 80S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 304.6 81. Seamless 14 – 16 Sch. 40S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 304. As per MSS SP97 STD-128 600 WN Flanges. Seamless 12 – 12 Sch. Flanges to B 16. OS&Y. Gear Operated. A 351 CF8 Body.5 3 STD-119 8 – 16 N/A FLGD. 4 STD-116 1 – 1½ N/A FLGD. Flanges to B16. A 351 CF8 Body.5 3 STD-115 8 – 16 N/A FLGD. Flanges to B 16. Trunnion Mounted. RTJ 600 Swing type. A 351 CF8 Body. Suitable for B 16. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 153 . RTJ 600 Split body or top entry. 7 STD-117 8 – 16 N/A FLGD. SS316 Trim.5 flanges 3 8 – 16 N/A RTJ 600 Dual plate. A 182 F 304 Body. OS&Y. Lever Operated.5 3.CS0GA0 NPS (inch) Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing 1 – 16 N/A For RTJ Flanges N/A UNS N09925 (Incoloy 925) stud bolts with 2 hex nuts Spectacle Blind 1–8 N/A RTJ 600 ASTM A182 F 304. Gear Operated. Flanges to B 16. Suitable for B 16. Flanges-B16.48 Spacer and Blank 10 – 16 N/A RTJ 600 ASTM A182 F 304. A182 F 304 Body. RTJ 600 BB. ASTM A182 F 304 Body. OS&Y.5 3 STD-115 1–6 N/A FLGD.5 flanges 3. as per ASME B16. Flanges to B 16.5 3. Date Rating Description Notes ADMAOPCO SED STD-126 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. Suitable for B 16. A 351 CF8 Body. RTJ 600 BB. Gear Operated. A 351 CF8 Body. Flanges to B 16. RTJ 600 Split body or top entry. ASTM A351 CF8 body.5 Item Stud Bolt Miscellaneous 2 of 3 Gate Valves Globe Valve Ball Valves Check Valves Needle Valves 0 12-06 Rev. Lever Operated. RTJ 600 BB. 4 STD-116 6 – 16 N/A FLGD. A351 CF8 Body.5 3. RTJ 600 BB. Floating ball. RTJ 600 Lift Type. A351 CF8 body. OS&Y.48 1–6 N/A FLGD. A 351 CF8 Body.5 flanges 3. Flanges to B 16. Trunnion Mounted. RTJ 600 Swing type.5 3 STD-117 2–8 N/A FLGD. BC. Flanges to B 16. 5 STD-117 1-2 N/A FLGD. RTJ 600 Needle valve. RTJ 600 Split body or top entry.Page PIPING CLASS . 4 STD-116 3–4 N/A FLGD. Lugged wafer type. as per ASME B16. BC.5 3 STD-119 1–2 N/A FLGD. Minimum thickness for threaded pipes 2” NPS and below shall be Sch 80S. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 154 .CS0GA0 3 of 3 BRANCH TABLE 1” 1 HEADER SIZE 1. Swing type check valves for NPS 14” & above shall only be used after obtaining prior approval from ADMAOPCO.5. 4. Equal Tee 2.12 of this document.Page PIPING CLASS .0. Reducing Tee 3. 5.5” 2” 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” 14” 16” BRANCH SIZE Notes: 1. 0 12-06 Rev. Weldolet 1 1” 1. 8. 2. The orifice flanges specified in this class shall only be used with ADMA-OPCO approval after considering clause 4. Standard ball valves included in the class are regular bore valves.5” 2 1 2” 2 2 1 LEGEND 3” 3 2 2 1 4” 3 3 2 2 1 6” 3 3 3 2 2 1 8” 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 10” 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 12” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 14” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 16” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1. EFW pipes and welded fittings shall be 100% radiographed and eddy current tested. 6. Full bore may used for the valves specifically mentioned in the P&ID. 3. Wafer type valves are flangeless and shall be installed between the flanges. 7. For valve trim material refer to valve index enclosed under section 8. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. When small size of reducer is 12” & below the reducer shall be seamless. 36 3 – 16 Flanges Orifice Flanges Description Thk.9 148. Seamless 14 – 16 Sch. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 155 .9 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 304.4 NPS (inch) Schedule/ Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 1 – 1½ Sch. Date 9 STD-108 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. As per ASME B16.5 STD-108 3 – 16 N/A RTJ 900 Blind Flanges.9 143. 80S BE N/A 100mm long pipe nipple. Seamless BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 304. as per ASME B16. As per ASME B16. Seamless 8 – 12 Sch. To match pipe Item 0 12-06 Rev. Cap 1 – 12 14 – 16 Concentric 1 – 12 and Eccentric 14 – 16 Reducers Notes ADMAOPCO SED 6 RTJ 1–2 N/A RTJ 1500 Blind Flanges.DS0GA0 1 of 4 Basic Material SS-304 Corrosion Allowance 0 mm Pressure Class Class 900 Flange Facing RTJ Fluid Code Refer Section 9. ASTM A 312 TP 304. ASTM A182 F 304.6 111 103. as per ASME B16. As per ASME B16. Seamless 3–6 Sch. ASTM A182 F 304. 80S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 304. 100 BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 304.5 STD-108 Pipe Nipple Fittings Elbow.9 STD-128 1–4 BE N/A ASTM A182 F 304.Page PIPING CLASS . ASTM A182 F 304. 40S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 304. as per ASME B16.5 STD-108 2 – 12 To match pipe RTJ 900 WN orifice flanges. as per ASME B16. As per ASME B16.5 122.5 STD-108 RTJ 900 WN Flanges. as per ASME B16. ASTM A182 F 304. 100 BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 304. 80S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 304.9 148. ASTM A182 F 304.9 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 304(W).0 Service Index NACE Requirement No Service Category B as per CP-111 Temperature (°C) -29 0 38 50 100 150 200 Pressure (Barg) 148.9 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 304(W). EFW 1–2 Sch. Seamless 2–2 Sch. As per MSS SP97 STD-128 1–2 1500 WN Flanges. To match pipe Weldolets Thk. Equal & Reducing Tee. A 351 CF8 Body.Page PIPING CLASS . OS&Y.48 6 – 16 N/A RTJ 900 ASTM A182 F 304. 4 STD-116 6 – 16 N/A FLGD. Trunnion Mounted. as per ASME B16.5 3 STD-119 1–2 N/A FLGD.20 for B16.5 3 STD-115 4 – 16 N/A FLGD. A 351 CF8 Body.5 flanges STD-127 1 – 16 N/A For RTJ Flanges N/A UNS N09925 (Incoloy 925) stud bolts with 2 hex nuts STD-126 1–2 N/A RTJ 1500 ASTM A182 F 304. A 351 CF8 Body. Lever Operated. A 182 F 304 Body. Floating ball. OS&Y.5 flanges STD-127 N/A For RTJ Flanges 900 SS 304 Octagonal Ring Type Gaskets as per ASME B16. RTJ 900 BB. Flanges to B 16. Gear Operated. RTJ 1500 BB.5 3 STD-115 1–2 N/A FLGD.48 1–2 N/A FLGD. Date Notes ADMAOPCO SED Rating Gasket Miscellaneous NPS (inch) 2 of 4 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. Flanges to B 16.5 3 STD-115 3–3 N/A FLGD. RTJ 900 Split body or top entry. Flanges to B16. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 156 . RTJ 900 Split body or top entry. RTJ 1500 BB.5 3.5 3 STD-119 3–3 N/A FLGD. Gear Operated. Flanges-B16. A 351 CF8 Body. Lever Operated. OS&Y. OS&Y.5 3 STD-119 4 – 16 N/A FLGD.DS0GA0 Item Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing 1–2 N/A 3 – 16 Description For RTJ Flanges 1500 SS 304 Octagonal Ring Type Gaskets as per ASME B16. Flanges to B 16. A 351 CF8 Body. Flanges to B 16. A 351 CF8 Body. A 351 CF8 Body. Flanges to B 16. 4 STD-116 Stud Bolt Spectacle Blind Spacer and Blank Gate Valves Globe Valve Ball Valves 0 12-06 Rev. Trunnion Mounted. OS&Y. RTJ 900 BB. A 351 CF8 Body.20 for B16.5 3. as per ASME B16. Gear Operated.5 3. RTJ 1500 Split body or top entry. Flanges to B 16. RTJ 900 BB. RTJ 900 BB.48 3–4 N/A RTJ 900 ASTM A182 F 304. as per ASME B16. 4 STD-116 3–4 N/A FLGD. Flanges to B 16. OS&Y. BC. Date Rating Description Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. BC.Page PIPING CLASS . SS316 Trim. Suitable for B 16. Suitable for B 16. ASTM A182 F 304 Body. ASTM A351 CF8 body. RTJ 900 Swing type. Suitable for B 16.DS0GA0 NPS (inch) Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing 1 – 1½ N/A FLGD.5 flanges 3.5 3 STD-117 1500 Swing type.5 flanges 3 STD-117 N/A RTJ 900 Dual plate.5 flanges 3 STD-117 FLGD.5 Item Check Valves Needle Valves 0 12-06 Rev.5 flanges 3. BC. Flanges to B 16. 5 STD-117 1-2 N/A FLGD. RTJ 1500 2–2 N/A FLGD. ASTM A351 CF8 body. Flanges to B 16. ASTM A351 CF8 body. Suitable for B 16. RTJ 900 Swing type. A351 CF8 Body. RTJ 3–6 N/A 8 – 16 3 of 4 Notes ADMAOPCO SED Lift Type. 7 STD-117 8 – 16 N/A FLGD. A182 F 304 Body. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 157 . Lugged wafer type. RTJ 1500 Needle valve. Standard ball valves included in the class are regular bore valves. 3. ASME B16. 0 12-06 Rev.5” 2” 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” 14” 16” BRANCH SIZE Notes: 1. Weldolet 1 1” 1. 4. EFW pipes and welded fittings shall be 100% radiographed and eddy current tested. 6. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. 8. When small size of reducer is 12” & below the reducer shall be seamless. 5.DS0GA0 4 of 4 BRANCH TABLE 1” 1 HEADER SIZE 1.0.5. Reducing Tee 3. Class 1500 flanges shall be provided in place of class 900 flanges for sizes 2” NPS and below as specified in ASME B16. Wafer type valves are flangeless and shall be installed between the flanges. 9. For valve trim material refer to valve index enclosed under section 8. The orifice flanges specified in this class shall only be used with ADMA-OPCO approval after considering clause 4.5 specifies class 1500 instead of class 900 for these sizes. Swing type check valves for NPS 14” & above shall only be used after obtaining prior approval from ADMAOPCO. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 158 . 2. Full bore may used for the valves specifically mentioned in the P&ID.12 of this document.Page PIPING CLASS .5. 7. Minimum thickness for threaded pipes 2” NPS and below shall be Sch 80S.5” 2 1 2” 2 2 1 3” 3 2 2 1 LEGEND 4” 3 3 2 2 1 6” 3 3 3 2 2 1 8” 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 10” 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 12” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 14” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 16” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1. Equal Tee 2. 10S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316. As per ASME B16. Smooth 1 – 24 N/A RF. SS inner and outer ring as per ASME B16.7 Pipe NPS (inch) Schedule/ Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Ratin g 1 – 1½ Sch.2 14. As per MSS SP97 STD-128 150 WN Flanges. Seamless 14 – 24 Sch.8 13. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 159 . To match pipe Item RF. Smooth 2 – 12 To match pipe RF.5 STD-108 Nipple Fittings Elbow. To match pipe Weldolets Flanges Thk. Seamless 2–2 Sch. Equal & Reducing Tee.0 19.AS2GA0 1 of 3 Basic Material SS-316 Corrosion Allowance 0 mm Pressure Class Class 150 Flange Facing RF.5 STD-108 150 Blind Flanges. Cap Concentri c and Eccentric Reducers 1 – 12 14 – 24 1 – 12 14 – 24 1–8 Orifice Flanges Description 1 – 24 Thk.0 Service Index NACE Requirement No Service Category B as per CP-111 Temperature (°C) -29 0 38 50 100 150 200 Pressure (Barg) 19.9 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 316(W).0 18.9 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 316. as per ASME B16. ASTM A 312 TP 316.9 BE N/A ASTM A182 F 316. Smooth Finish Fluid Code Refer Section 9. ASTM A182 F 316. ASTM A182 F 316. SS316 with flexible graphite filler.5 mm For RF Flanges 150 Spiral wound.9 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 316(W). 40S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316. Smooth 300 WN orifice flanges.36 1 – 24 4. EFW 1–2 Sch.0 19. As per ASME B16. Date Notes ADMAOPCO SED 6 1 STD-128 1 STD-128 STD-128 1. As per ASME B16. as per ASME B16. As per ASME B16. 10S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316.5 flanges Gasket 0 12-06 Rev. 80S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316. as per ASME B16. Seamless BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 316.4 16.Page PIPING CLASS .20 for B16. 80S BE N/A 100mm long pipe nipple. Seamless 3 – 12 Sch.2 8 STD-128 STD-108 STD-127 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. ASTM A182 F 316. Lugged wafer type. Floating ball. Suitable for B 16. RF 150 Split body or top entry. Flanges to B 16.5 3 STD-129 1–2 N/A FLGD. Flanges to B 16. Flanges to B 16. Flanges to B 16. RF 150 Swing Type. A 351 CF8M Body.5 3. ASTM A351 CF8 body. OS&Y. OS&Y. RF 150 Lift Type.48 Spacer and Blank 14 – 24 N/A RF.5 flanges 3. Flanges to B16.5 3. A 351 CF8M Body. OS&Y. RF 150 BB. Trunnion Mounted. Gear Operated. Trunnion Mounted. 4 STD-116 1 – 1½ N/A FLGD. A 351 CF8M Body. 4 STD-116 10 – 24 N/A FLGD. 5 STD-117 1-2 N/A FLGD. Smooth 150 ASTM A182 F 316. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 160 . RF 150 Needle valve. 7 STD-117 8 – 24 N/A FLGD.24 N/A For RF Flanges N/A UNS N09925 (Incoloy 925) stud bolts with 2 hex nuts Spectacle Blind 1 – 12 N/A RF. Flanges-B16.5 Item Stud Bolt Miscellaneous 2 of 3 Gate Valves Globe Valve Ball Valves Check Valves Needle Valves 0 12-06 Rev. Lever Operated.AS2GA0 NPS (inch) Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing 1 . RF 150 BB. A182 F 316 Body. Smooth 150 ASTM A182 F 316. ASTM A182 F 316 Body. SS 316-HF Trim. A 351 CF8M Body. RF 150 Swing type. Suitable for B 16. RF 150 BB. RF 150 Split body or top entry. A351 CF8M body.5 3 STD-115 14 – 24 N/A FLGD.5 3 STD-117 2–6 N/A FLGD.Page PIPING CLASS . ASTM A351 CF8M body. RF 150 BB. as per ASME B16.24 N/A RF. 4 STD-116 3–8 N/A FLGD. Gear Operated.5 3. OS&Y. BC. A 182 F 316 Body. A 351 CF8M Body.48 1 – 12 N/A FLGD. Gear Operated. Flanges to B 16. as per ASME B16. BC. Flanges to B 16. Lever Operated.5 3 STD-117 8 . RF 150 Split body or top entry. Smooth 150 Dual plate.5 3 STD-115 1 – 12 N/A FLGD. A 351 CF8M Body.5 3 STD-129 14 – 16 N/A FLGD. Date Rating Description Notes ADMAOPCO SED STD-126 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. flanges to B 16. Flanges to B 16.5 flanges 3. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 161 . 5. 3. EFW pipes and welded fittings shall be 100% radiographed and eddy current tested. Weldolet 6” 3 3 3 2 2 1 8” 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 10” 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 12” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 14” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 16” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 18” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 20” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 24” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1” 1. 2. 7.12 of this document. 0 12-06 Rev. Standard ball valves included in the class are regular bore valves. Reducing Tee 3.5” 2” 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” 14” 16” 18” 20” 24” BRANCH SIZE Notes: 1. 8. 6. Equal Tee 2.5.5” 2 1 2” 2 2 1 LEGEND 3” 3 2 2 1 4” 3 3 2 2 1 1.0. Swing type check valves for NPS 14” & above shall only be used after obtaining prior approval from ADMAOPCO. For valve trim material refer to valve index enclosed under section 8. The orifice flanges specified in this class shall only be used with ADMA-OPCO approval after considering clause 4. Minimum thickness for threaded pipes 2” NPS and below shall be Sch 80S. 4. When small size of reducer is 12” & below the reducer shall be seamless.AS2GA0 3 of 3 BRANCH TABLE 1” 1 HEADER SIZE 1. Full bore may used for the valves specifically mentioned in the P&ID. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. Wafer type valves are flangeless and shall be installed between the flanges.Page PIPING CLASS . 36 Notes ADMAOPCO SED 6 1 STD-128 1 STD-128 STD-128 1.5 STD-108 Nipple Fittings Elbow. As per ASME B16. As per ASME B16. ASTM A182 F 316. ASTM A182 F 316. Seamless BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 316. 40S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316. 80S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316. As per MSS SP97 STD-128 300 WN Flanges. Seamless 14 – 16 Sch. Seamless 2–2 Sch.1 42. Cap 1 – 12 Thk. 40 BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316.6 48. 10S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316. Equal & Reducing Tee. 40S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316.6 49. Seamless 6 – 12 Sch. as per ASME B16. Date 300 Description WN orifice flanges. Smooth 2 – 12 To match pipe RF. To match pipe Item 14 – 24 Concentric 1 – 12 and Eccentric 14 – 24 Reducers 1–8 Flanges Orifice Flanges 1 – 24 Thk.2 38. ASTM A 312 TP 316.0 Service Index NACE Requirement No Service Category B as per CP-111 Temperature (°C) -29 0 38 50 100 150 200 Pressure (Barg) 49. As per ASME B16.5 STD-108 300 Blind Flanges. 80S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316. EFW 18 – 20 Sch. 80S BE N/A 100mm long pipe nipple.9 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 316(W). 60 BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316.7 Pipe NPS (inch) Schedule/ Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 1 – 1½ Sch. Smooth 0 12-06 Rev. as per ASME B16. Smooth Finish Fluid Code Refer Section 9. To match pipe Weldolets RF.2 8 STD-128 STD-108 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. EFW 1–2 Sch.BS2GA0 1 of 3 Basic Material SS-316 Corrosion Allowance 0 mm Pressure Class Class 300 Flange Facing RF. 40S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316. ASTM A182 F 316.Page PIPING CLASS . EFW 24 – 24 Sch.9 BE N/A ASTM A182 F 316.6 49.9 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 316. Seamless 3–4 Sch. As per ASME B16. Smooth 1 – 24 N/A RF. EFW 22 – 22 Sch. as per ASME B16.9 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 316(W). 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 162 .5 35. Gear Operated. Suitable for B 16. 4 STD-116 3 STD-117 3 STD-117 3.5 Split body or top entry. OS&Y. Smooth RF. Gear Operated.5 flanges Swing type.5 Swing Type. Flanges-B16. ASTM A351 CF8 body. Suitable for B 16.5 BB.24 N/A FLGD. BC.20 for B16. Flanges to B 16. RF FLGD. 5 STD-117 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. Flanges to B 16.5 Split body or top entry.5 mm 1 . Smooth N/A Spiral wound.5 BB. Flanges to B 16.5 Lift Type. Date 2 of 3 Rating Description For RF Flanges 300 For RF Flanges RF. 7 STD-117 3. Smooth 8 – 24 N/A 300 1-2 N/A FLGD. Flanges to B 16. Floating ball. RF 300 1 – 1½ N/A 300 2–6 N/A 8 . ASTM A351 CF8M body. SS inner and outer ring as per ASME B16. RF RF. Leaver Operated. A 182 F 316 Body. A 351 CF8M Body.5 Split body or top entry. 4 STD-116 3. A 351 CF8M Body. A 351 CF8M Body.5 Notes ADMAOPCO SED STD-127 STD-126 3 STD-115 3 STD-115 3 STD-119 3 STD-119 3. Leaver Operated. RF 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 BB.48 FLGD. flanges to B 16.Page PIPING CLASS . Lugged wafer type. RF FLGD. SS316-HF Trim. Trunnion Mounted. 4 STD-116 3.24 N/A 1 – 12 N/A 14 – 24 N/A 1 – 12 N/A 14 – 24 N/A 1 – 12 N/A 14 – 16 N/A 1–2 N/A 3–8 N/A FLGD. A351 CF8M body. RF FLGD. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 163 .5 flanges UNS N09925 (Incoloy 925) stud bolts with 2 hex nuts ASTM A182 F 316. RF FLGD. RF FLGD.5 flanges Needle valve. A 351 CF8M Body.48 ASTM A182 F 316. OS&Y. RF 300 10 – 24 N/A FLGD.5 Dual plate. Flanges to B 16. RF Item Gasket Miscellaneous Stud Bolt Spectacle Blind Spacer and Blank Gate Valves Globe Valve Ball Valves Check Valves Needle Valves 0 12-06 Rev. Soft Seated. A182 F 316 Body. A 351 CF8M Body. OS&Y. Gear Operated. Flanges to B 16.5 BB. ASTM A182 F 304 Body. Flanges to B 16.BS2GA0 NPS (inch) Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing 1 – 24 4. BC. SS316 with flexible graphite filler. OS&Y. as per ASME B16. Flanges to B16. as per ASME B16. A 351 CF8M Body. RF FLGD. Trunnion Mounted. When small size of reducer is 12” & below the reducer shall be seamless.0.5. 6.Page PIPING CLASS . 3. 4.BS2GA0 3 of 3 BRANCH TABLE 1” 1 HEADER SIZE 1. For valve trim material refer to valve index enclosed under section 8. 7. 8. Weldolet 6” 3 3 3 2 2 1 8” 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 10” 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 12” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 14” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 16” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 18” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 20” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 24” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1” 1. Reducing Tee 3.12 of this document. Full bore may used for the valves specifically mentioned in the P&ID. Swing type check valves for NPS 14” & above shall only be used after obtaining prior approval from ADMAOPCO.5” 2” 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” 14” 16” 18” 20” 24” BRANCH SIZE Notes: 1. 0 12-06 Rev. EFW pipes and welded fittings shall be 100% radiographed and eddy current tested. The orifice flanges specified in this class shall only be used with ADMA-OPCO approval after considering clause 4. Minimum thickness for threaded pipes 2” NPS and below shall be Sch 80S. Equal Tee 2. Wafer type valves are flangeless and shall be installed between the flanges.5” 2 1 2” 2 2 1 LEGEND 3” 3 2 2 1 4” 3 3 2 2 1 1. 5. 2. Standard ball valves included in the class are regular bore valves. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 164 . 5 2 – 12 To match pipe RTJ 600 WN orifice flanges.5 flanges Gasket 0 12-06 Rev.5 STD-108 STD-108 Pipe Nipple Fittings Elbow. ASTM A 312 TP 316. 80 BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316. ASTM A182 F 316.2 84.3 99. As per ASME B16. Seamless 12 – 12 Sch. Date Description Notes ADMAOPCO SED 6 8 STD-108 STD-127 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. EFW 1–2 Sch. As per ASME B16.3 NPS (inch) Schedule/ Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 1 – 1½ Sch.9 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 316(W). ASTM A182 F 316. as per ASME B16. As per ASME B16. To match pipe Item 14 – 16 Concentric 1 – 12 and Eccentric 14 – 16 Reducers Flanges Orifice Flanges 1–4 1 – 16 Thk.Page PIPING CLASS .36 1 – 16 N/A For RTJ Flanges 600 SS 316 Octagonal Ring Type Gaskets as per ASME B16.20 for B16. To match pipe Weldolets RTJ 1 – 16 N/A RTJ 600 Blind Flanges. As per ASME B16. 80 BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316. Seamless BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 316.3 96. Cap 1 – 12 Thk.CS2GA0 1 of 3 Basic Material SS-316 Corrosion Allowance 0 mm Pressure Class Class 600 Flange Facing RTJ Fluid Code Refer Section 9. As per MSS SP97 STD-128 600 WN Flanges. 80S BE N/A 100mm long pipe nipple. ASTM A182 F 316. 80S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316. Seamless 8 – 10 Sch. Seamless 14 – 16 Sch. Equal & Reducing Tee.4 77 71. as per ASME B16. 40S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316.0 Service Index NACE Requirement No Service Category B as per CP-111 Temperature (°C) -29 0 38 50 100 150 200 Pressure (Barg) 99. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 165 .9 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 316(W). as per ASME B16.3 99. 80S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316.9 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 316. Seamless 2–6 Sch.9 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A182 F 316. Page PIPING CLASS - CS2GA0 NPS (inch) Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing 1 – 16 N/A For RTJ Flanges N/A UNS N09925 (Incoloy 925) stud bolts with 2 hex nuts Spectacle Blind 1–8 N/A RTJ 600 ASTM A182 F 316, as per ASME B16.48 Spacer and Blank 10 – 16 N/A RTJ 600 ASTM A182 F 316, as per ASME B16.48 1–6 N/A FLGD, RTJ 600 BB, OS&Y, A 351 CF8M Body, Flanges to B 16.5 3 STD-115 8 – 16 N/A FLGD, RTJ 600 BB, OS&Y, A 351 CF8M Body, Gear Operated, Flanges to B 16.5 3 STD-115 1–6 N/A FLGD, RTJ 600 BB, OS&Y, A 351 CF8M Body, Flanges to B 16.5 3 STD-119 8 – 16 N/A FLGD, RTJ 600 BB, OS&Y, A 351 CF8M Body, Gear Operated, Flanges to B 16.5 3 STD-119 1–2 N/A FLGD, RTJ 600 3, 4 STD-116 3–4 N/A FLGD, RTJ 600 3, 4 STD-116 6 – 16 N/A FLGD, RTJ 600 3, 4 STD-116 1 – 1½ N/A FLGD, RTJ 600 Split body or top entry, Floating ball, A 182 F 316 Body, Lever Operated, Flanges-B16.5 Split body or top entry, Trunnion Mounted, A 351 CF8M Body, Lever Operated, Flanges to B16.5 Split body or top entry, Trunnion Mounted, A 351 CF8M Body, Gear Operated, Flanges to B 16.5 Lift Type, ASTM A182 F 304 Body, Flanges to B 16.5 3 STD-117 2–8 N/A 600 3 STD-117 8 – 16 N/A FLGD, RTJ RTJ 3, 7 STD-117 8 – 16 N/A 3, 5 STD-117 1-2 N/A Item Stud Bolt Miscellaneous 2 of 3 Gate Valves Globe Valve Ball Valves Check Valves Needle Valves 0 12-06 Rev. Date FLGD, RTJ FLGD, RTJ Rating 600 600 600 Description Swing type, BC, ASTM A351 CF8M body, Suitable for B 16.5 flanges Dual plate, Lugged wafer type, A351 CF8M Body, Suitable for B 16.5 flanges Swing type, BC, A351 CF8M body, Suitable for B 16.5 flanges Needle valve, A182 F 316 Body, SS316-HF Trim, Flanges to B 16.5 Notes ADMAOPCO SED STD-126 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 166 Page PIPING CLASS - CS2GA0 3 of 3 BRANCH TABLE 1” 1 HEADER SIZE 1.5” 2 1 2” 2 2 1 LEGEND 3” 3 2 2 1 4” 3 3 2 2 1 6” 3 3 3 2 2 1 8” 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 10” 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 12” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 14” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 16” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1. Equal Tee 2. Reducing Tee 3. Weldolet 1 1” 1.5” 2” 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” 14” 16” BRANCH SIZE Notes: 1. EFW pipes and welded fittings shall be 100% radiographed and eddy current tested. 2. When small size of reducer is 12” & below the reducer shall be seamless. 3. For valve trim material refer to valve index enclosed under section 8.0. 4. Standard ball valves included in the class are regular bore valves. Full bore may used for the valves specifically mentioned in the P&ID. 5. Swing type check valves for NPS 14” & above shall only be used after obtaining prior approval from ADMAOPCO. 6. Minimum thickness for threaded pipes 2” NPS and below shall be Sch 80S. 7. Wafer type valves are flangeless and shall be installed between the flanges. 8. The orifice flanges specified in this class shall only be used with ADMA-OPCO approval after considering clause 4.5.12 of this document. 0 12-06 Rev. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 167 Page PIPING CLASS - DS2GA0 1 of 4 Basic Material SS-316 Corrosion Allowance 0 mm Pressure Class Class 900 Flange Facing RTJ Fluid Code Refer Section 9.0 Service Index NACE Requirement No Service Category B as per CP-111 Temperature (°C) -29 0 38 50 100 150 200 Pressure (Barg) 148.9 148.9 148.9 144.3 126.6 115.5 107 NPS (inch) Schedule/ Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 1 – 1½ Sch. 80S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316, Seamless 2–2 Sch. 40S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316, Seamless 3–6 Sch. 80S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316, Seamless 8 – 12 Sch. 100 BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316, Seamless 14 – 16 Sch. 100 BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316, EFW 1–2 Sch. 80S BE N/A 100mm long pipe nipple, ASTM A 312 TP 316, Seamless BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 316, As per ASME B16.9 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 316(W), As per ASME B16.9 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 316, As per ASME B16.9 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 316(W), As per ASME B16.9 STD-128 1–4 BE N/A ASTM A182 F 316, As per MSS SP97 STD-128 1–2 1500 WN Flanges, ASTM A182 F 316, as per ASME B16.5 STD-108 RTJ 900 WN Flanges, ASTM A182 F 316, as per ASME B16.5 STD-108 Pipe Nipple Fittings Elbow, Equal & Reducing Tee, Cap 1 – 12 14 – 16 Concentric 1 – 12 and Eccentric 14 – 16 Reducers Notes ADMAOPCO SED 6 RTJ 1–2 N/A RTJ 1500 Blind Flanges, ASTM A182 F 316, as per ASME B16.5 STD-108 3 – 16 N/A RTJ 900 Blind Flanges, ASTM A182 F 316, as per ASME B16.5 STD-108 2 – 12 To match pipe RTJ 900 WN orifice flanges, ASTM A182 F 316, as per ASME B16.36 3 - 16 Flanges Orifice Flanges Description Thk. To match pipe Weldolets Thk. To match pipe Item 0 12-06 Rev. Date 9 STD-108 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 168 Page PIPING CLASS - DS2GA0 Item Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing 1–2 N/A 3 – 16 Description For RTJ Flanges 1500 SS 316 Octagonal Ring Type Gaskets as per ASME B16.20 for B16.5 flanges STD-127 N/A For RTJ Flanges 900 SS 316 Octagonal Ring Type Gaskets as per ASME B16.20 for B16.5 flanges STD-127 1 – 16 N/A For RTJ Flanges N/A UNS N09925 (Incoloy 925) stud bolts with 2 hex nuts STD-126 1–2 N/A RTJ 1500 ASTM A182 F 316, as per ASME B16.48 3–4 N/A RTJ 900 ASTM A182 F 316, as per ASME B16.48 6 – 16 N/A RTJ 900 ASTM A182 F 316, as per ASME B16.48 1–2 N/A FLGD, RTJ 1500 BB, OS&Y, A 351 CF8M Body, Flanges to B 16.5 3 STD-115 3–3 N/A FLGD, RTJ 900 BB, OS&Y, A 351 CF8M Body, Flanges to B 16.5 3 STD-115 4 – 16 N/A FLGD, RTJ 900 BB, OS&Y, A 351 CF8M Body, Gear Operated, Flanges to B 16.5 3 STD-115 1–2 N/A FLGD, RTJ 1500 BB, OS&Y, A 351 CF8M Body, Flanges to B 16.5 3 STD-119 3–3 N/A FLGD, RTJ 900 BB, OS&Y, A 351 CF8M Body, Flanges to B 16.5 3 STD-119 4 – 16 N/A FLGD, RTJ 900 BB, OS&Y, A 351 CF8M Body, Gear Operated, Flanges to B 16.5 3 STD-119 1–2 N/A FLGD, RTJ 1500 Split body or top entry, Floating ball, A 182 F 316 Body, Lever Operated, Flanges-B16.5 3, 4 STD-116 3–4 N/A FLGD, RTJ 900 Split body or top entry, Trunnion Mounted, A 351 CF8M Body, Lever Operated, Flanges to B16.5 3, 4 STD-116 6 – 16 N/A FLGD, RTJ 900 Split body or top entry, Trunnion Mounted, A 351 CF8M Body, Gear Operated, Flanges to B 16.5 3, 4 STD-116 Stud Bolt Spectacle Blind Spacer and Blank Gate Valves Globe Valve Ball Valves 0 12-06 Rev. Date Notes ADMAOPCO SED Rating Gasket Miscellaneous NPS (inch) 2 of 4 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 169 Page PIPING CLASS - DS2GA0 NPS (inch) Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing 1 – 1½ N/A FLGD, RTJ 1500 2–2 N/A FLGD, RTJ 3–6 N/A 8 – 16 3 of 4 Notes ADMAOPCO SED Lift Type, ASTM A182 F 304 Body, Flanges to B 16.5 3 STD-117 1500 Swing type, BC, ASTM A351 CF8M body, Suitable for B 16.5 flanges 3 STD-117 FLGD, RTJ 900 Swing type, BC, ASTM A351 CF8M body, Suitable for B 16.5 flanges 3 STD-117 N/A RTJ 900 Dual plate, Lugged wafer type, A351 CF8M Body, Suitable for B 16.5 flanges 3 STD-117 8 – 16 N/A FLGD, RTJ 900 Swing type, BC, ASTM A351 CF8M body, Suitable for B 16.5 flanges 3, 5 STD-117 1-2 N/A FLGD, RTJ 1500 Needle valve, A182 F 316 Body, SS316-HF Trim, Flanges to B 16.5 Item Check Valves Needle Valves 0 12-06 Rev. Date Rating Description Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 170 Page PIPING CLASS - DS2GA0 4 of 4 BRANCH TABLE 1” 1 HEADER SIZE 1.5” 2 1 2” 2 2 1 3” 3 2 2 1 LEGEND 4” 3 3 2 2 1 6” 3 3 3 2 2 1 8” 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 10” 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 12” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 14” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 16” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1. Equal Tee 2. Reducing Tee 3. Weldolet 1 1” 1.5” 2” 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” 14” 16” BRANCH SIZE Notes: 1. EFW pipes and welded fittings shall be 100% radiographed and eddy current tested. 2. When small size of reducer is 12” & below the reducer shall be seamless. 3. For valve trim material refer to valve index enclosed under section 8.0. 4. Standard ball valves included in the class are regular bore valves. Full bore may used for the valves specifically mentioned in the P&ID. 5. Swing type check valves for NPS 14” & above shall only be used after obtaining prior approval from ADMAOPCO. 6. Minimum thickness for threaded pipes 2” NPS and below shall be Sch 80S. 7. Wafer type valves are flangeless and shall be installed between the flanges. 8. Class 1500 flanges shall be provided in place of class 900 flanges for sizes 2” NPS and below as specified in ASME B16.5. ASME B16.5 specifies class 1500 instead of class 900 for these sizes. 9. The orifice flanges specified in this class shall only be used with ADMA-OPCO approval after considering clause 4.5.12 of this document. 0 12-06 Rev. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 171 Seamless 14 – 20 Sch.9 15. ASTM A182 F 316L. as per ASME B16. 40S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316L. as per ASME B16.9 BE N/A ASTM A182 F 316L.2 9 STD-128 STD-108 STD-127 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. 20 BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316L. Smooth 300 WN orifice flanges. as per MSS SP97 STD-128 150 WN Flanges.9 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 316L(W). ASTM A182 F 316L. SS316 with flexible graphite filler. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 172 . Equal & Reducing Tee. Cap 1 – 12 Thk. As per ASME B16. To match pipe Weldolets Description RF. as per ASME B16.5 mm For RF Flanges 150 Spiral wound. Smooth 150 Blind Flanges.2 Pipe NPS (inch) Schedule/ Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 1 – 1½ Sch. as per ASME B16. ASTM A182 F 316L. Date Notes ADMAOPCO SED SP-1000 6 SP-1000 SP-1000 1 1 SP-1000 STD-128 STD-128 1. Seamless 3 – 12 Sch. Seamless SP-1000 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 316L. as per ASME B16. EFW 22 – 24 Sch.AS3NA0 1 of 3 Basic Material SS-316L. Smooth 1 – 24 N/A RF.20 for B16. SS inner and outer ring as per ASME B16.9 15.Page PIPING CLASS . EFW SP-1000 1–2 Sch.9 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 316L. 80S BE N/A 100mm long pipe nipple.5 STD-108 STD-108 Nipple Fittings Elbow. Smooth Finish Fluid Code Refer Section 9.9 15. 80S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316L. 10S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316L.5 2 – 12 To match pipe RF.0 Service Index NACE Requirement Yes Service Category A as per CP-111 Temperature (°C) -29 0 38 50 100 150 200 Pressure (Barg) 15.3 13. as per ASME B16. ASTM A 312 TP 316L. NACE MR0175.9 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 316L(W).3 12 11. SP-1000 Corrosion Allowance 0 mm Pressure Class Class 150 Flange Facing RF. 10S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316L.5 flanges Gasket 0 12-06 Rev.36 1 – 24 4. Seamless 2–2 Sch. To match pipe Item 14 – 24 Concentric 1 – 12 and Eccentric 14 – 24 Reducers 1–8 Flanges Orifice Flanges 1 – 24 Thk. as per ASME B16. Flanges to B 16.5 3 STD-115 14 – 24 N/A FLGD. A182 F 316 Body. Gear Operated.5 3 STD-115 1 – 12 N/A FLGD. Suitable for B 16. Gear Operated. SS316-HF Trim.5 3 STD-119 1–2 N/A FLGD. A 182 F 316 Body. RF RF. Flanges to B 16. RF 150 BB. galvanised STD-126 Spectacle Blind 1 – 12 N/A RF. OS&Y. Smooth 150 ASTM A182 F 316L.5 flanges Needle valve. Gear Operated. Flanges to B 16.5 3 2–6 FLGD. RF 150 Split body or top entry. A 351 CF8M Body.5 3. RF FLGD.48 SP-1000 1 – 12 N/A FLGD. Flanges to B 16. BC.5 3.5 3. 4 STD-116 1 – 1½ N/A 150 STD-117 N/A 3 STD-117 8 . Lever Operated. Smooth 150 ASTM A182 F 316L.5 3 STD-119 14 – 16 N/A FLGD. A 351 CF8M Body. 8 STD-117 1-2 N/A FLGD. ASTM A351 CF8M body. OS&Y. RF 150 BB.5 flanges Swing type. Date Rating 150 150 150 Description Notes ADMAOPCO SED SP-1000 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 173 . BC. 7 STD-117 8 – 24 N/A 150 3.Page PIPING CLASS . RF FLGD. ASTM A351 CF8 body.AS3NA0 NPS (inch) Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing 1 . A 351 CF8M Body.24 N/A For RF Flanges N/A UNS N09925 (Incoloy 925) stud bolts with 2 hex nuts. as per ASME B16. Flanges to B 16. Trunnion Mounted. RF 150 BB. RF 150 Split body or top entry. A 351 CF8M Body. ASTM A182 F 304 Body. flanges to B 16. Flanges-B16. Flanges to B 16. RF 150 BB. OS&Y. Suitable for B 16. OS&Y. Floating ball. RF 150 Split body or top entry. Trunnion Mounted. 4 STD-116 10 – 24 N/A FLGD. A 351 CF8M Body. RF Lift Type. 4 STD-116 3–8 N/A FLGD. Flanges to B 16. Lever Operated. Flanges to B16.5 Swing Type. Smooth Item Stud Bolt Miscellaneous 2 of 3 Gate Valves Globe Valve Ball Valves Check Valves Needle Valves 0 12-06 Rev.24 N/A 3. A 351 CF8M Body. Lugged wafer type.48 SP-1000 Spacer and Blank 14 – 24 N/A RF. A351 CF8M body.5 Dual plate. Standard ball valves included in the class are regular bore valves. 3. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 174 .Page PIPING CLASS . When small size of reducer is 12” & below the reducer shall be seamless.5” 2 1 2” 2 2 1 LEGEND 3” 3 2 2 1 4” 3 3 2 2 1 6” 3 3 3 2 2 1 8” 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 10” 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 12” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 14” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 16” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 18” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 20” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 24” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1. The orifice flanges specified in this class shall only be used with ADMA-OPCO approval after considering clause 4. 0 12-06 Rev. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. 5. Swing type check valves for NPS 14” & above shall only be used after obtaining prior approval from ADMAOPCO.12 of this document. Equal Tee 2.5” 2” 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” 14” 16” 18” 20” 24” BRANCH SIZE Notes: 1. Weldolet 1 1” 1. Reducing Tee 3.AS3NA0 3 of 3 BRANCH TABLE 1” 1 HEADER SIZE 1. For valve trim material refer to valve index enclosed under section 8. Full bore may used for the valves specifically mentioned in the P&ID. EFW pipes and welded fittings shall be 100% radiographed and eddy current tested.5. 8.0. 9. All material shall conform to ADMA-OPCO specification SP-1000 and NACE MR0175. Minimum thickness for threaded pipes 2” NPS and below shall be Sch 80S. 4. 6. 2. Wafer type valves are flangeless and shall be installed between the flanges. 7. ASTM A182 F 316L. Smooth 1 – 24 N/A RF. Smooth Finish Fluid Code Refer Section 9. Seamless 3 – 12 Sch.9 15.20 for B16.9 15. ASTM A182 F 316L. To match pipe Weldolets Description RF. 10S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316L.5 flanges Gasket 0 12-06 Rev. 40S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316L.0 Service Index NACE Requirement No Service Category B as per CP-111 Temperature (°C) -29 0 38 50 100 150 200 Pressure (Barg) 15. Seamless 14 – 20 Sch. 80S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316L. 10S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316L. Equal & Reducing Tee. Smooth 300 WN orifice flanges. 20 BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316L. EFW 1 1–2 Sch.Page PIPING CLASS . as per ASME B16. as per ASME B16. as per MSS SP97 STD-128 150 WN Flanges.AS3GA0 1 of 3 Basic Material SS-316L Corrosion Allowance 0 mm Pressure Class Class 150 Flange Facing RF. SS316 with flexible graphite filler.9 15.9 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 316L(W).9 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 316L(W). Seamless 2–2 Sch. Date Notes ADMAOPCO SED 6 STD-128 1 STD-128 STD-128 1. ASTM A182 F 316L. SS inner and outer ring as per ASME B16. as per ASME B16. ASTM A 312 TP 316L. as per ASME B16.36 1 – 24 7. 80S BE N/A 100mm long pipe nipple. as per ASME B16.3 13.2 Pipe NPS (inch) Schedule/ Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 1 – 1½ Sch.9 BE N/A ASTM A182 F 316L. EFW 1 22 – 24 Sch. Seamless BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 316L.5 2 – 12 To match pipe RF.9 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 316L. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 175 . Smooth 150 Blind Flanges.3 12 11. Cap 1 – 12 Thk. as per ASME B16.5 STD-108 STD-108 Nipple Fittings Elbow.2 8 STD-128 STD-108 STD-127 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. as per ASME B16.5 mm For RF Flanges 150 Spiral wound. To match pipe Item 14 – 24 Concentric 1 – 12 and Eccentric 14 – 24 Reducers 1–8 Flanges Orifice Flanges 1 – 24 Thk. Flanges to B 16. as per ASME B16. Suitable for B 16.Page PIPING CLASS .5 3 STD-119 14 – 16 N/A FLGD. Smooth 150 ASTM A182 F 316. Flanges to B 16. RF 150 Split body or top entry. OS&Y. Flanges to B 16. Smooth Item Stud Bolt Miscellaneous 2 of 3 Gate Valves Globe Valve Ball Valves Check Valves Needle Valves 0 12-06 Rev. Lever Operated. Gear Operated. BC. RF 150 Split body or top entry.5 flanges Needle valve. Flanges to B 16.5 Swing Type. 4 STD-116 3–8 N/A FLGD. RF 150 BB. SS316-HF Trim.AS3GA0 NPS (inch) Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing 1 – 24 N/A For RF Flanges N/A UNS N09925 (Incoloy 925) stud bolts with 2 hex nuts Spectacle Blind 1 – 12 N/A RF. RF FLGD.5 Dual plate. A182 F 316 Body. OS&Y. Lever Operated.5 3. A 351 CF8M Body. Suitable for B 16. Flanges to B 16. ASTM A351 CF8M body. A 351 CF8M Body. 7 STD-117 8 – 24 N/A 150 1-2 N/A FLGD.48 Spacer and Blank 14 – 24 N/A RF.5 3 STD-115 1 – 12 N/A FLGD. 4 STD-116 1 – 1½ N/A 150 STD-117 N/A 3 STD-117 8 .5 3.48 1 – 12 N/A FLGD. Gear Operated. 5 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.5 3 2–6 FLGD. A 351 CF8M Body. BC. as per ASME B16. RF RF. Flanges to B16. Trunnion Mounted.24 N/A 3. RF 150 BB. RF 150 BB. Date Rating 150 150 150 Description Notes ADMAOPCO SED STD-126 3. A 182 F 316 Body. OS&Y. A351 CF8M body. ASTM A351 CF8 body. RF FLGD. A 351 CF8M Body. Floating ball. Gear Operated.5 flanges Swing type.5 3 STD-115 14 – 24 N/A FLGD. flanges to B 16. Smooth 150 ASTM A182 F 316. Flanges-B16. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 176 .5 3 STD-119 1–2 N/A FLGD. RF 150 Split body or top entry.5 3. Flanges to B 16. A 351 CF8M Body. RF 150 BB. A 351 CF8M Body. Trunnion Mounted. Lugged wafer type. RF Lift Type. 4 STD-116 10 – 24 N/A FLGD. OS&Y. Flanges to B 16. ASTM A182 F 304 Body. When small size of reducer is 12” & below the reducer shall be seamless. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.Page PIPING CLASS . 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 177 . 6.0.AS3GA0 3 of 3 BRANCH TABLE 1” 1 HEADER SIZE 1. 0 12-06 Rev.5” 2 1 2” 2 2 1 LEGEND 3” 3 2 2 1 4” 3 3 2 2 1 6” 3 3 3 2 2 1 8” 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 10” 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 12” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 14” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 16” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 18” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 20” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 24” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1. Wafer type valves are flangeless and shall be installed between the flanges. 8. Minimum thickness for threaded pipes 2” NPS and below shall be Sch 80S. For valve trim material refer to valve index enclosed under section 8.12 of this document. Full bore may used for the valves specifically mentioned in the P&ID. Swing type check valves for NPS 14” & above shall only be used after obtaining prior approval from ADMAOPCO. 4. Equal Tee 2. Reducing Tee 3.5. EFW pipes and welded fittings shall be 100% radiographed and eddy current tested. Standard ball valves included in the class are regular bore valves.5” 2” 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” 14” 16” 18” 20” 24” BRANCH SIZE Notes: 1. The orifice flanges specified in this class shall only be used with ADMA-OPCO approval after considering clause 4. 5. Weldolet 1 1” 1. 3. 7. 2. ASTM A182 F 316L. as per ASME B16. To match pipe Item 14 – 24 Concentric 1 – 12 and Eccentric 14 – 24 Reducers 1–8 Flanges Orifice Flanges 1 – 24 Thk. EFW 1–2 Sch.2 NPS (inch) Schedule/ Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 1 – 1½ Sch. Date Notes ADMAOPCO SED 6 1 STD-128 1 STD-128 STD-128 1. Smooth 1 – 24 N/A RF.5 STD-108 STD-108 Pipe Nipple Fittings Elbow. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 178 .Page PIPING CLASS . as per MSS SP97 STD-128 300 WN Flanges.36 1 – 24 4. 10S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316L. as per ASME B16. ASTM A182 F 316L. Smooth 300 WN orifice flanges. 80S BE N/A 100mm long pipe nipple. EFW 16 – 18 Sch. as per ASME B16. as per ASME B16.20 for B16.4 41. EFW 20 – 24 Sch. 40S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316L.4 40 34. Seamless 6 – 12 Sch. SS316 with flexible graphite filler. Seamless 3–4 Sch. Smooth 300 Blind Flanges. Seamless 2–2 Sch.5 mm For RF Flanges 300 Spiral wound. Cap 1 – 12 Thk.0 Service Index NACE Requirement No Service Category B as per CP-111 Temperature (°C) -29 0 38 50 100 150 200 Pressure (Barg) 41. 80S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316L.9 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 316L(W). as per ASME B16.BS3GA0 1 of 3 Basic Material SS-316L Corrosion Allowance 0 mm Pressure Class Class 300 Flange Facing RF.4 41. Seamless BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 316L.2 8 STD-128 STD-108 STD-127 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. ASTM A 312 TP 316L.9 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 316L(W).5 2 – 12 To match pipe RF.5 flanges Gasket 0 12-06 Rev. 80S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316L. ASTM A182 F 316L. 40S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316L.8 31. as per ASME B16. Seamless 14 – 14 Sch. 40S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316L.9 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 316L. Smooth Finish Fluid Code Refer Section 9. 40S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316L. Equal & Reducing Tee. To match pipe Weldolets Description RF.4 29.9 BE N/A ASTM A182 F 316L. SS inner and outer ring as per ASME B16. as per ASME B16. OS&Y. OS&Y. OS&Y. Smooth 300 ASTM A182 F 316. A182 F 316 Body. A 351 CF8M Body. BC. as per ASME B16. A 351 CF8M Body. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 179 . RF 300 BB. Flanges to B 16. Trunnion Mounted.5 flanges 3 2–6 FLGD.48 1 – 12 N/A FLGD.5 3 STD-115 1 – 12 N/A FLGD. Floating ball. Smooth 3. RF 300 Lift Type. galvanised Spectacle Blind 1 – 12 N/A RF. 5 STD-117 1-2 N/A FLGD. SS316-HF Trim. A 351 CF8M Body. Trunnion Mounted. Flanges to B 16. OS&Y. flanges to B 16. RF 300 BB.5 3. Gear Operated. ASTM A351 CF8M body.5 3. ASTM A351 CF8 body. RF RF. Lever Operated. RF 300 Split body or top entry. Flanges to B 16. 7 STD-117 8 – 24 N/A FLGD. Gear Operated. Flanges to B16. RF 300 Item Stud Bolt Miscellaneous 2 of 3 Gate Valves Globe Valve Ball Valves Check Valves Needle Valves 0 12-06 Rev.24 N/A 3. Lever Operated. 4 STD-116 10 – 24 N/A FLGD. RF 300 BB. RF 300 BB. Smooth 300 ASTM A182 F 316. Suitable for B 16.5 3. A 182 F 316 Body.5 Swing Type.5 flanges Swing type. A 351 CF8M Body. as per ASME B16. BC. RF 300 Split body or top entry. 4 STD-116 3–8 N/A FLGD. Flanges-B16.5 3 STD-119 1–2 N/A FLGD. Flanges to B 16. 4 STD-116 1 – 1½ N/A 300 STD-117 N/A 3 STD-117 8 .48 Spacer and Blank 14 – 24 N/A RF. Flanges to B 16. Date Rating 300 300 Description Notes ADMAOPCO SED STD-126 Needle valve. A 351 CF8M Body. Suitable for B 16.5 3 STD-119 14 – 16 N/A FLGD.5 3 STD-115 14 – 24 N/A FLGD.5 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. Flanges to B 16. ASTM A182 F 304 Body. RF 300 Split body or top entry.Page PIPING CLASS – BS3GA0 NPS (inch) Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing 1 – 24 N/A For RF Flanges N/A UNS N09925 (Incoloy 925) stud bolts with 2 hex nuts.5 Dual plate. RF FLGD. Flanges to B 16. A 351 CF8M Body. Gear Operated. A351 CF8M body. Lugged wafer type. Reducing Tee 3.Page PIPING CLASS . 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 180 .BS3GA0 3 of 3 BRANCH TABLE 1” 1 HEADER SIZE 1. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. EFW pipes and welded fittings shall be 100% radiographed and eddy current tested. 0 12-06 Rev. Full bore may used for the valves specifically mentioned in the P&ID. 4.5. Equal Tee 2. 2. 6.12 of this document.0. 5. The orifice flanges specified in this class shall only be used with ADMA-OPCO approval after considering clause 4. When small size of reducer is 12” & below the reducer shall be seamless. Minimum thickness for threaded pipes 2” NPS and below shall be Sch 80S. For valve trim material refer to valve index enclosed under section 8. 8. 3. 7. Standard ball valves included in the class are regular bore valves. Wafer type valves are flangeless and shall be installed between the flanges. Weldolet 1 1” 1. Swing type check valves for NPS 14” & above shall only be used after obtaining prior approval from ADMAOPCO.5” 2 1 2” 2 2 1 LEGEND 3” 3 2 2 1 4” 3 3 2 2 1 6” 3 3 3 2 2 1 8” 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 10” 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 12” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 14” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 16” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 18” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 20” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 24” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1.5” 2” 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” 14” 16” 18” 20” 24” BRANCH SIZE Notes: 1. 10S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316L. Cap 1 – 12 Thk.BS3NA0 1 of 3 Basic Material SS-316L.4 41. Seamless SP-1000 14 – 14 Sch. as per MSS SP97 STD-128 300 WN Flanges.4 41.2 NPS (inch) Schedule/ Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 1 – 1½ Sch. as per ASME B16. SS316 with flexible graphite filler.9 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 316L. Smooth 300 Blind Flanges.9 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 316L(W). Seamless SP-1000 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 316L.8 31. as per ASME B16.4 40 34. as per ASME B16. To match pipe Weldolets Description RF. Smooth 1 – 24 N/A RF.5 mm For RF Flanges 300 Spiral wound. 80S BE N/A 100mm long pipe nipple.20 for B16. as per ASME B16. Date Notes ADMAOPCO SED SP-1000 6 1 1 SP-1000 SP-1000 STD-128 STD-128 1. SP-1000 Corrosion Allowance 0 mm Pressure Class Class 300 Flange Facing RF. To match pipe Item 14 – 24 Concentric 1 – 12 and Eccentric 14 – 24 Reducers 1–8 Flanges Orifice Flanges 1 – 24 Thk.36 1 – 24 4. NACE MR0175.5 2 – 12 To match pipe RF. as per ASME B16.5 STD-108 STD-108 Pipe Nipple Fittings Elbow. 80S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316L. EFW SP-1000 20 – 24 Sch. 40S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316L.4 29.Page PIPING CLASS . Seamless 3–4 Sch. ASTM A182 F 316L. 40 BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316L. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 181 . ASTM A182 F 316L. SS inner and outer ring as per ASME B16. as per ASME B16.0 Service Index NACE Requirement Yes Service Category A as per CP-111 Temperature (°C) -29 0 38 50 100 150 200 Pressure (Barg) 41. Equal & Reducing Tee. Smooth Finish Fluid Code Refer Section 9. Seamless 2–2 Sch.9 BE N/A ASTM A182 F 316L. ASTM A 312 TP 316L. Seamless SP-1000 6 – 12 Sch.2 9 STD-128 STD-108 STD-127 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. as per ASME B16.9 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 316L(W). EFW SP-1000 16 – 18 Sch. EFW 1–2 Sch. 40S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316L.5 flanges Gasket 0 12-06 Rev. Smooth 300 WN orifice flanges. ASTM A182 F 316L. 80S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316L. 40S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316L. A 351 CF8M Body. Flanges-B16. Flanges to B 16. A 351 CF8M Body. Smooth 300 ASTM A182 F 316. ASTM A182 F 304 Body. ASTM A351 CF8 body. ASTM A351 CF8M body. Flanges to B16.5 3. RF FLGD. Trunnion Mounted.5 3. as per ASME B16. 4 STD-116 10 – 24 N/A FLGD. OS&Y. Gear Operated. Date Rating 300 300 300 Description Notes ADMAOPCO SED SP-1000 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. RF FLGD. BC. RF 300 BB.5 3 2–6 FLGD.5 flanges Swing type.5 3 STD-115 1 – 12 N/A FLGD. Gear Operated.24 N/A 300 3. Flanges to B 16. Lever Operated.5 Swing Type. A 182 F 316 Body. A351 CF8M Body. Floating ball.5 3 STD-119 1–2 N/A FLGD.5 3 STD-119 14 – 16 N/A FLGD. RF RF. A 351 CF8M Body.5 flanges Needle valve. galvanised STD-126 Spectacle Blind 1 – 12 N/A RF. RF Lift Type. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 182 . Lugged wafer type. A 351 CF8M Body. 8 STD-117 1-2 N/A FLGD. Flanges to B 16. Gear Operated. as per ASME B16. RF 300 Split body or top entry. Smooth Item Stud Bolt Miscellaneous 2 of 3 Gate Valves Globe Valve Ball Valves Check Valves Needle Valves 0 12-06 Rev. Flanges to B 16.5 3 STD-115 14 – 24 N/A FLGD. RF 300 Split body or top entry. OS&Y. RF 300 BB. 4 STD-116 1 – 1½ N/A 300 STD-117 N/A 3 STD-117 8 . Suitable for B 16. BC. RF 300 BB.5 3.48 SP-1000 1 – 12 N/A FLGD.5 Dual plate.BS3NA0 NPS (inch) Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing 1 – 24 N/A For RF Flanges N/A UNS N09925 (Incoloy 925) stud bolts with 2 hex nuts. RF 300 Split body or top entry. Smooth 300 ASTM A182 F 316. A182 F 316 Body.Page PIPING CLASS . A 351 CF8M Body. A 351 CF8M Body. 7 STD-117 8 . Lever Operated. RF 300 BB. Flanges to B 16. Flanges to B 16. Suitable for B 16. Trunnion Mounted.24 N/A 3.48 SP-1000 Spacer and Blank 14 – 24 N/A RF. Flanges to B 16. flanges to B 16. OS&Y. 4 STD-116 3–8 N/A FLGD. OS&Y. Minimum thickness for threaded pipes 2” NPS and below shall be Sch 80S. 7.5” 2 1 2” 2 2 1 LEGEND 3” 3 2 2 1 4” 3 3 2 2 1 6” 3 3 3 2 2 1 8” 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 10” 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 12” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 14” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 16” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 18” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 20” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 24” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1. 6. Weldolet 1 1” 1. For valve trim material refer to valve index enclosed under section 8. 3. All material shall conform to ADMA-OPCO Specification SP-1000 and NACE MR0175. When small size of reducer is 12” & below the reducer shall be seamless.5. Equal Tee 2. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 183 .5” 2” 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” 14” 16” 18” 20” 24” BRANCH SIZE Notes: 1. 5. Swing type check valves for NPS 14” & above shall only be used after obtaining prior approval from ADMAOPCO. 9. The orifice flanges specified in this class shall only be used with ADMA-OPCO approval after considering clause 4. 8. EFW pipes and welded fittings shall be 100% radiographed and eddy current tested.0.Page PIPING CLASS . Wafer type valves are flangeless and shall be installed between the flanges. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. 4. 0 12-06 Rev.12 of this document. Reducing Tee 3. Full bore may used for the valves specifically mentioned in the P&ID. Standard ball valves included in the class are regular bore valves. 2.BS3NA0 3 of 3 BRANCH TABLE 1” 1 HEADER SIZE 1. as per ASME B16. To match pipe Item 14 – 16 Concentric 1 – 12 and Eccentric 14 – 16 Reducers 1–8 Flanges Orifice Flanges 1 – 16 Thk.9 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 316L(W). 80S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316L. as per ASME B16.5 2 – 12 To match pipe RTJ 600 WN orifice flanges. as per MSS SP97 STD-128 600 WN Flanges.8 58. as per ASME B16. ASTM A182 F 316L.7 82.5 flanges Gasket 0 12-06 Rev. Seamless 6 – 10 Sch. as per ASME B16.36 1 – 16 N/A For RTJ Flanges 600 SS-316 Octagonal Ring Type Gaskets as per ASME B16. 80S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316L.5 STD-108 STD-108 Nipple Fittings Elbow. Cap 1 – 12 Thk. ASTM A 312 TP 316L. Date Notes ADMAOPCO SED 6 1 8 STD-108 STD-127 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 184 . EFW 1–2 Sch. 80S BE N/A 100mm long pipe nipple. To match pipe Weldolets Description RTJ 1 – 16 N/A RTJ 600 Blind Flanges. 80 BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316L. Seamless BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 316L.7 82. Seamless 14 – 24 Sch.20 for B16.0 Service Index NACE Requirement No Service Category B as per CP-111 Temperature (°C) -29 0 38 50 100 150 200 Pressure (Barg) 82.7 80 69. as per ASME B16. as per ASME B16. 40S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316L.3 Pipe NPS (inch) Schedule/ Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 1 – 1½ Sch.9 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A182 F 316L. as per ASME B16. 80 BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316L. Seamless 12 – 12 Sch.CS3GA0 1 of 3 Basic Material SS-316L Corrosion Allowance 0 mm Pressure Class Class 600 Flange Facing RTJ Fluid Code Refer Section 9.9 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 316L(W). ASTM A182 F 316L. Seamless 2–4 Sch.6 62.Page PIPING CLASS . ASTM A182 F 316L.9 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 316L. Equal & Reducing Tee. Floating ball. 5 STD-117 1-2 N/A FLGD. A 351 CF8M Body. RTJ 600 Dual plate. RTJ 600 Split body or top entry. Flanges to B 16. as per ASME B16. Flanges to B16. RTJ 600 Lift Type. Flanges to B 16.5 3 STD-119 8 – 16 N/A FLGD.5 flanges 3. Serrated 600 ASTM A182 F 316. A 351 CF8M Body. RTJ 600 BB. Flanges-B16. Gear Operated. A 351 CF8M Body. Date Rating Description Notes ADMAOPCO SED STD-126 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. OS&Y. ASTM A351 CF8M body. OS&Y. RTJ 600 BB. Suitable for B 16.5 3 STD-117 2–8 N/A FLGD. Trunnion Mounted. OS&Y. 4 STD-116 3–4 N/A FLGD. 4 STD-116 1 – 1½ N/A FLGD. Lugged wafer type. ASTM A182 F 304 Body.5 3 STD-115 8 – 16 N/A FLGD. Suitable for B 16.5 Item Stud Bolt Miscellaneous 2 of 3 Gate Valves Globe Valve Ball Valves Check Valves Needle Valves 0 12-06 Rev.5 flanges 3. Suitable for B 16. RTJ 600 Split body or top entry. 7 STD-117 8 – 16 N/A FLGD. Flanges to B 16.5 3 STD-119 1–2 N/A FLGD. RTJ 600 Split body or top entry. Gear Operated. A351 CF8M body. Gear Operated. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 185 . Lever Operated. RTJ 600 BB.5 3. BC. OS&Y. A 182 F 316 Body. Serrated 600 ASTM A182 F 316.5 3. RTJ 600 Needle valve. Lugged wafer type. as per ASME B16. RTJ 600 Swing type. 4 STD-116 6 – 16 N/A FLGD. RTJ 600 BB. A351 CF8M Body.5 3. galvanised Spectacle Blind 1–8 N/A RF.Page PIPING CLASS – CS3GA0 NPS (inch) Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing 1 – 16 N/A For RTJ Flanges N/A UNS N09925 (Incoloy 925) stud bolts with 2 hex nuts.5 flanges 3 STD-117 8 – 16 N/A RTJ 600 Dual plate. Flanges to B 16. A182 F 316 Body. Flanges to B 16.5 3 STD-115 1–6 N/A FLGD. Lever Operated. Flanges to B 16. A 351 CF8M Body. Flanges to B 16.48 Spacer and Blank 10 – 16 N/A RF. A 351 CF8M Body.48 1–6 N/A FLGD. Trunnion Mounted. A 351 CF8M Body. Page PIPING CLASS – CS3GA0 3 of 3 BRANCH TABLE 1” 1 HEADER SIZE 1. For valve trim material refer to valve index enclosed under section 8. 0 12-06 Rev. Full bore may used for the valves specifically mentioned in the P&ID. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 186 . EFW pipes and welded fittings shall be 100% radiographed and eddy current tested. When small size of reducer is 12” & below the reducer shall be seamless.0. Weldolet 1 1” 1. 7.12 of this document. Reducing Tee 3. Standard ball valves included in the class are regular bore valves.5” 2 1 2” 2 2 1 LEGEND 3” 3 2 2 1 4” 3 3 2 2 1 6” 3 3 3 2 2 1 8” 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 10” 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 12” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 14” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 16” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 18” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 20” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 24” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1.5. 4. The orifice flanges specified in this class shall only be used with ADMA-OPCO approval after considering clause 4. 5.5” 2” 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” 14” 16” 18” 20” 24” BRANCH SIZE Notes: 1. Wafer type valves are flangeless and shall be installed between the flanges. 8. 3. Equal Tee 2. 2. 6. Minimum thickness for threaded pipes 2” NPS and below shall be Sch 80S. Swing type check valves for NPS 14” & above shall only be used after obtaining prior approval from ADMAOPCO. 9 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A182 F 316L. Seamless SP-1000 12 – 12 Sch.5 flanges Gasket 0 12-06 Rev. EFW SP-1000 1–2 Sch. as per ASME B16. ASTM A182 F 316L. as per ASME B16.7 80 69. Seamless 2–4 Sch.9 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 316L(W). 80 BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316L. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 187 .9 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 316L.9 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 316L(W).8 58. Equal & Reducing Tee. as per ASME B16. as per MSS SP97 STD-128 600 WN Flanges.6 62.CS3NA0 1 of 3 Basic Material SS-316L.7 82. Seamless 6 – 10 Sch. 80S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316L. Seamless SP-1000 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 316L. Seamless SP-1000 14 – 16 Sch. 80 BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316L. 40S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316L.20 for B16.5 2 – 12 To match pipe RTJ 600 WN orifice flanges.Page PIPING CLASS . ASTM A182 F 316L.5 STD-108 STD-108 Nipple Fittings Elbow. Cap 1 – 12 Thk. To match pipe Weldolets Description RTJ 1 – 16 N/A RTJ 600 Blind Flanges. SP-1000 Corrosion Allowance 0 mm Pressure Class Class 600 Flange Facing RTJ Fluid Code Refer Section 9. as per ASME B16. NACE MR0175. 80S BE N/A 100mm long pipe nipple. as per ASME B16. ASTM A182 F 316L.0 Service Index NACE Requirement Yes Service Category A as per CP-111 Temperature (°C) -29 0 38 50 100 150 200 Pressure (Barg) 82. ASTM A 312 TP 316L. as per ASME B16. as per ASME B16.7 82. Date Notes ADMAOPCO SED SP-1000 6 9 SP-1000 STD-108 STD-127 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.36 1 – 16 N/A For RTJ Flanges 600 SS-316 Octagonal Ring Type Gaskets as per ASME B16. 80S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316L.3 Pipe NPS (inch) Schedule/ Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 1 – 1½ Sch. To match pipe Item 14 – 16 Concentric 1 – 12 and Eccentric 14 – 16 Reducers 1–8 Flanges Orifice Flanges 1 – 16 Thk. Gear Operated. RTJ FLGD. ASTM A351 CF8M body. RTJ RTJ Item Stud Bolt Miscellaneous 2 of 3 Gate Valves Globe Valve Ball Valves Check Valves Needle Valves 0 12-06 Rev. OS&Y. 8 STD-117 1-2 N/A Lift Type. as per ASME B16. OS&Y. A 351 CF8M Body.Page PIPING CLASS .5 3.5 3 2–8 FLGD. 4 STD-116 3–4 N/A FLGD.5 3 STD-119 8 – 16 N/A FLGD. 4 STD-116 6 – 16 N/A FLGD. A 351 CF8M Body.48 SP-1000 Spacer and Blank 10 – 16 N/A RTJ 600 ASTM A182 F 316. A182 F 316 Body. OS&Y.48 SP-1000 1–6 N/A FLGD. A 351 CF8M Body. RTJ 600 BB. A 351 CF8M Body. Suitable for B 16. Floating ball. Date FLGD.5 flanges Needle valve. RTJ 600 BB. A 182 F 316 Body. Suitable for B 16. 4 STD-116 1 – 1½ N/A 600 STD-117 N/A 3 STD-117 8 – 16 N/A 3. galvanized STD-126 Spectacle Blind 1–8 N/A RTJ 600 ASTM A182 F 316. RTJ 600 BB. A351 CF8M body. Flanges to B 16. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 188 . RTJ 600 Split body or top entry. SS316-HF Trim. BC. Flanges to B16. Trunnion Mounted. RTJ 600 BB. Trunnion Mounted.5 3 STD-119 1–2 N/A FLGD. Gear Operated.5 Swing type.CS3NA0 NPS (inch) Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing 1 – 16 N/A For RTJ Flanges N/A UNS N09925 (Incoloy 925) stud bolts with 2 hex nuts.5 3. Flanges to B 16. Flanges to B 16. RTJ 600 Split body or top entry. Flanges to B 16. ASTM A182 F 304 Body. 7 STD-117 8 – 16 N/A 3.5 flanges Dual plate. Flanges to B 16. Lever Operated.5 3. as per ASME B16. OS&Y. Suitable for B 16. Flanges to B 16. A351 CF8M Body. Gear Operated. Lever Operated. RTJ 600 Split body or top entry. A 351 CF8M Body. A 351 CF8M Body. RTJ Rating 600 600 600 600 Description Notes ADMAOPCO SED SP-1000 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. Flanges to B 16. BC. RTJ FLGD. Lugged wafer type.5 3 STD-115 8 – 16 N/A FLGD.5 flanges Swing type.5 3 STD-115 1–6 N/A FLGD. Flanges-B16. Swing type check valves for NPS 14” & above shall only be used after obtaining prior approval from ADMAOPCO. 0 12-06 Rev. Reducing Tee 3.5” 2” 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” 14” 16” BRANCH SIZE Notes: 1. 6. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 189 . 2. 3. The orifice flanges specified in this class shall only be used with ADMA-OPCO approval after considering clause 4. For valve trim material refer to valve index enclosed under section 8.5” 2 1 2” 2 2 1 LEGEND 3” 3 2 2 1 4” 3 3 2 2 1 6” 3 3 3 2 2 1 8” 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 10” 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 12” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 14” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 16” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1. 8. Equal Tee 2. All material shall conform to ADMA-OPCO specification SP-1000 and NACE MR0175. EFW pipes and welded fittings shall be 100% radiographed and eddy current tested. Minimum thickness for threaded pipes 2” NPS and below shall be Sch 80S. When small size of reducer is 12” & below the reducer shall be seamless. 7. 5.0.5.CS3NA0 3 of 3 BRANCH TABLE 1” 1 HEADER SIZE 1. 9. Full bore may used for the valves specifically mentioned in the P&ID.12 of this document.Page PIPING CLASS . Weldolet 1 1” 1. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. Wafer type valves are flangeless and shall be installed between the flanges. Standard ball valves included in the class are regular bore valves. 4. 5 Pipe NPS (inch) Schedule/ Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 1–6 Sch.9 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 316L(W).5 STD-108 Nipple Fittings Elbow. ASTM A182 F 316L.36 3 – 16 Flanges Orifice Flanges Description Thk.4 94. as per ASME B16.2 87. Cap 1 – 12 14 – 16 Concentric 1 – 12 and Eccentric 14 – 16 Reducers Notes ADMAOPCO SED RTJ 1–2 N/A RTJ 1500 Blind Flanges. EFW 1–2 Sch. To match pipe Weldolets Thk. as per ASME B16. Date 9 STD-108 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. Equal & Reducing Tee.9 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 316L. To match pipe Item 0 12-06 Rev. 80S BE N/A 100mm long pipe nipple.1 104. as per MSS SP97 STD-128 1–2 1500 WN Flanges. ASTM A182 F 316L. ASTM A 312 TP 316L. Seamless 8 – 12 Sch.0 Service Index NACE Requirement No Service Category B as per CP-111 Temperature (°C) -29 0 38 50 100 150 200 Pressure (Barg) 124. Seamless BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 316L. as per ASME B16.DS3GA0 1 of 4 Basic Material SS-316L Corrosion Allowance 0 mm Pressure Class Class 900 Flange Facing RTJ Fluid Code Refer Section 9. 120 BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316L.5 STD-108 3 – 16 N/A RTJ 900 Blind Flanges. ASTM A182 F 316L. as per ASME B16. Seamless 14 – 16 Sch.Page PIPING CLASS .5 STD-108 RTJ 900 WN Flanges. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 190 .1 124.1 120.9 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 316L(W). 120 BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316L.9 STD-128 1–8 BE N/A ASTM A182 F 316L. as per ASME B16.5 STD-108 2 – 12 To match pipe RTJ 900 WN orifice flanges. as per ASME B16. as per ASME B16. ASTM A182 F 316L. as per ASME B16.1 124. ASTM A182 F 316L. 80S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316L. as per ASME B16. 20 for B16. OS&Y. Flanges to B 16.5 3. OS&Y. Gear Operated.20 for B16. RTJ 900 Split body or top entry. A 351 CF8M Body. Flanges to B 16. RTJ 900 BB. Trunnion Mounted. 4 STD-116 Spectacle Blind Gate Valves Globe Valve Ball Valves 0 12-06 Rev. Gear Operated. Flanges-B16. RTJ 900 BB. A 351 CF8M Body. Date Notes ADMAOPCO SED Description Stud Bolt Miscellaneous Schedule / Thickness (mm) Rating Gasket Spacer and Blank NPS (inch) 2 of 4 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. Floating ball. 4 STD-116 3–4 N/A FLGD.5 3 STD-115 1–2 N/A FLGD.48 3–8 N/A RTJ 900 ASTM A182 F 316. A 351 CF8M Body. as per ASME B16.48 10 – 16 N/A RTJ 900 ASTM A182 F 316. OS&Y. as per ASME B16. Lever Operated. A 351 CF8M Body. A 351 CF8M Body. OS&Y. Flanges to B 16.5 flanges STD-127 N/A For RTJ Flanges 900 SS-316 Octagonal Ring Type Gaskets as per ASME B16. A 351 CF8M Body. Flanges to B 16.5 3 STD-115 4 – 16 N/A FLGD. RTJ 900 BB. A 182 F 316 Body. Gear Operated.5 3 STD-115 3–3 N/A FLGD. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 191 .5 3. RTJ 1500 Split body or top entry. OS&Y. A 351 CF8M Body.DS3GA0 Item Ends and Facing 1–2 N/A 3 – 16 For RTJ Flanges 1500 SS-316 Octagonal Ring Type Gaskets as per ASME B16. Flanges to B 16.5 flanges STD-127 1 – 16 N/A For RTJ Flanges N/A UNS N09925 (Incoloy 925) stud bolts with 2 hex nuts STD-126 1–2 N/A RTJ 1500 ASTM A182 F 316. Flanges to B16. A 351 CF8M Body.5 3. RTJ 900 Split body or top entry. Flanges to B 16.Page PIPING CLASS . RTJ 900 BB.5 3 STD-119 3–3 N/A FLGD. RTJ 1500 BB.5 3 STD-119 4 – 16 N/A FLGD. 4 STD-116 6 – 16 N/A FLGD. OS&Y.5 3 STD-119 1–2 N/A FLGD. Trunnion Mounted. RTJ 1500 BB. Flanges to B 16. Lever Operated.48 1–2 N/A FLGD. as per ASME B16. 5 STD-117 1–2 N/A FLGD. SS316-HF Trim. Flanges to B 16. Suitable for B 16. Date Rating Description Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. RTJ 900 Swing type. 7 STD-117 8 – 16 N/A FLGD. A351 CF8M Body.5 flanges 3 STD-117 FLGD.5 flanges 3. Lugged wafer type. ASTM A182 F 304 Body. RTJ 3–6 N/A 8 – 16 3 of 4 Notes ADMAOPCO SED Lift Type. BC. RTJ 900 Swing type. Suitable for B 16. ASTM A351 CF8M body.5 flanges 3 STD-117 N/A RTJ 900 Dual plate.5 Item Check Valves Needle Valves 0 12-06 Rev. ASTM A351 CF8M body.Page PIPING CLASS .5 3 STD-117 1500 Swing type.5 flanges 3. ASTM A351 CF8M body. BC. A182 F 316 Body. BC.DS3GA0 NPS (inch) Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing 1 – 1½ N/A FLGD. RTJ 1500 2–2 N/A FLGD. Flanges to B 16. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 192 . RTJ 1500 Needle valve. Suitable for B 16. Suitable for B 16. 5. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 193 . 2. The orifice flanges specified in this class shall only be used with ADMA-OPCO approval after considering clause 4. Standard ball valves included in the class are regular bore valves. Swing type check valves for NPS 14” & above shall only be used after obtaining prior approval from ADMAOPCO. 5. 9. EFW pipes and welded fittings shall be 100% radiographed and eddy current tested.DS3GA0 4 of 4 BRANCH TABLE 1” 1 HEADER SIZE 1. For valve trim material refer to valve index enclosed under section 8.Page PIPING CLASS . 4.5. 3.5” 2” 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” 14” 16” BRANCH SIZE Notes: 1. When small size of reducer is 12” & below the reducer shall be seamless.0. Deleted.5 specifies class 1500 instead of class 900 for these sizes. ASME B16. Wafer type valves are flangeless and shall be installed between the flanges. 8.5” 2 1 2” 2 2 1 3” 3 2 2 1 LEGEND 4” 3 3 2 2 1 6” 3 3 3 2 2 1 8” 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 10” 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 12” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 14” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 16” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1. 0 12-06 Rev.12 of this document. Weldolet 1 1” 1. Equal Tee 2. Reducing Tee 3. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. Class 1500 flanges shall be provided in place of class 900 flanges for sizes 2” NPS and below as specified in ASME B16. Full bore may used for the valves specifically mentioned in the P&ID. 6. 7. 9 STD-128 1–8 BE N/A ASTM A182 F 316L. 80S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316L. ASTM A182 F 316L. ASTM A182 F 316L. EFW SP-1000 1–2 Sch. SP-1000 Corrosion Allowance 0 mm Pressure Class Class 900 Flange Facing RTJ Fluid Code Refer Section 9.0 Service Index NACE Requirement Yes Service Category A as per CP-111 Temperature (°C) -29 0 38 50 100 150 200 Pressure (Barg) 124. Seamless SP-1000 8 – 12 Sch. as per ASME B16. Date 10 STD-108 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. Seamless SP-1000 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 316L. 120 BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316L. as per ASME B16.5 Pipe NPS (inch) Schedule/ Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 1–6 Sch. ASTM A182 F 316L. ASTM A182 F 316L.2 87. as per ASME B16.9 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 316L.1 120. as per MSS SP97 STD-128 1–2 1500 WN Flanges. as per ASME B16.9 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 316L(W). NACE MR0175.1 124. 120 BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316L.5 STD-108 3 – 16 N/A RTJ 900 Blind Flanges.5 STD-108 RTJ 900 WN Flanges. 80S BE N/A 100mm long pipe nipple. as per ASME B16.9 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 316L(W).Page PIPING CLASS . Seamless SP-1000 14 – 16 Sch. as per ASME B16.DS3NA0 1 of 4 Basic Material SS-316L. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 194 .5 STD-108 2 – 12 To match pipe RTJ 900 WN orifice flanges.5 STD-108 Nipple Fittings Elbow. as per ASME B16.1 124. as per ASME B16. To match pipe Item 0 12-06 Rev. Cap 1 – 12 14 – 12 Concentric 1 – 12 and Eccentric 14 – 16 Reducers Notes ADMAOPCO SED RTJ 1–2 N/A RTJ 1500 Blind Flanges. ASTM A 312 TP 316L.1 104. ASTM A182 F 316L.4 94. as per ASME B16.36 3 – 16 Flanges Orifice Flanges Description Thk. Equal & Reducing Tee. To match pipe Weldolets Thk. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 195 . RTJ 1500 Split body or top entry. A 351 CF8M Body. Lever Operated. A 351 CF8M Body.5 3 STD-119 1–2 N/A FLGD. Flanges to B16. Gear Operated. 4 STD-116 3–4 N/A FLGD. Flanges to B 16.5 3 STD-119 3–3 N/A FLGD. RTJ 900 BB. Trunnion Mounted. Flanges to B 16. RTJ 900 Split body or top entry. RTJ 900 BB.5 flanges STD-127 N/A For RTJ Flanges 900 SS-316 Octagonal Ring Type Gaskets as per ASME B16. RTJ 900 BB.5 3 STD-115 3–3 N/A FLGD. A 182 F 316 Body. RTJ 900 Split body or top entry. A 351 CF8M Body. Flanges to B 16. A 351 CF8M Body.5 3. OS&Y.20 for B16. Flanges to B 16.5 3. Flanges to B 16. as per ASME B16. RTJ 1500 BB.Page PIPING CLASS . Flanges to B 16. 4 STD-116 6 – 16 N/A FLGD. OS&Y. as per ASME B16. Date Notes ADMAOPCO SED Description Stud Bolt Miscellaneous Schedule / Thickness (mm) Rating Gasket Spacer and Blank NPS (inch) 2 of 4 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. OS&Y.48 SP-1000 1–2 N/A FLGD. as per ASME B16. Lever Operated.5 3 STD-115 1–2 N/A FLGD.5 3 STD-119 4 – 16 N/A FLGD.5 3 STD-115 4 – 16 N/A FLGD. A 351 CF8M Body.48 SP-1000 10 – 16 N/A RTJ 900 ASTM A182 F 316. OS&Y. A 351 CF8M Body. OS&Y.20 for B16. Flanges to B 16.DS3NA0 Item Ends and Facing 1–2 N/A 3 – 16 For RTJ Flanges 1500 SS-316 Octagonal Ring Type Gaskets as per ASME B16. RTJ 900 BB. Floating ball. Gear Operated. Gear Operated. RTJ 1500 BB. A 351 CF8M Body. Flanges-B16.5 3. OS&Y. Trunnion Mounted. Soft Seated. A 351 CF8M Body.48 SP-1000 3–8 N/A RTJ 900 ASTM A182 F 316.5 flanges STD-127 1 – 16 N/A For RTJ Flanges N/A UNS N09925 (Incoloy 925) stud bolts with 2 hex nuts STD-126 1–2 N/A RTJ 1500 ASTM A182 F 316. 4 STD-116 Spectacle Blind Gate Valves Globe Valve Ball Valves 0 12-06 Rev. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 196 . SS316-HF Trim.Page PIPING CLASS . Lugged wafer type. Suitable for B 16. ASTM A351 CF8M body. BC. ASTM A182 F 304 Body.5 3 STD-117 1500 Swing type. Suitable for B 16.5 Item Check Valves Needle Valves 0 12-06 Rev. RTJ 1500 Needle valve. RTJ 900 Swing type. ASTM A351 CF8M body. Flanges to B 16. BC. 9 1-2 N/A FLGD. RTJ 3–6 N/A 8 – 16 3 of 4 Notes ADMAOPCO SED Lift Type. Date Rating Description SP-1000 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.5 flanges 3. RTJ 1500 2–2 N/A FLGD.5 flanges 3 STD-117 FLGD.5 flanges 3. BC. A182 F 316 Body.DS3NA0 NPS (inch) Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing 1 – 1½ N/A FLGD. A351 CF8M Body. Suitable for B 16. RTJ 900 Swing type.5 flanges 3 STD-117 N/A RTJ 900 Dual plate. ASTM A351 CF8M body. Suitable for B 16. Flanges to B 16. 7 8 – 16 N/A FLGD. Equal Tee 2. Full bore may used for the valves specifically mentioned in the P&ID. 8. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.DS3NA0 4 of 4 BRANCH TABLE 1” 1 HEADER SIZE 1. Reducing Tee 3.5. 5. Standard ball valves included in the class are regular bore valves. 9. ASME B16. The orifice flanges specified in this class shall only be used with ADMA-OPCO approval after considering clause 4. Deleted.5” 2 1 2” 2 2 1 3” 3 2 2 1 LEGEND 4” 3 3 2 2 1 6” 3 3 3 2 2 1 8” 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 10” 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 12” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 14” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 16” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1.5 specifies class 1500 instead of class 900 for these sizes. Class 1500 flanges shall be provided in place of class 900 flanges for sizes 2” NPS and below as specified in ASME B16. 10.5” 2” 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” 14” 16” BRANCH SIZE Notes: 1. When small size of reducer is 12” & below the reducer shall be seamless.0. 0 12-06 Rev. 2. Wafer type valves are flangeless and shall be installed between the flanges. 7. For valve trim material refer to valve index enclosed under section 8. Swing type check valves for NPS 14” & above shall only be used after obtaining prior approval from ADMAOPCO. 4.5.12 of this document. 3. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 197 . 6.Page PIPING CLASS . EFW pipes and welded fittings shall be 100% radiographed and eddy current tested. Weldolet 1 1” 1. All material shall conform to ADMA-OPCO specification SP-1000 and NACE MR0175. as per ASME B16.8 206.9 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 316L(W). ASTM A 312 TP 316L.ES3GA0 1 of 3 Basic Material SS-316L Corrosion Allowance 0 mm Pressure Class Class 1500 Flange Facing RTJ Fluid Code Refer Section 9. ASTM A182 F 316L. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 198 . Seamless 2–3 Sch. Date ADMAOPCO SED 1 – 1½ 1 – 16 Flanges Hub Connectors Description To match pipe Weldolets Schedule/ Ends Rating Thickness and (mm) Facing Thk.8 206. Seamless BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 316L.0 145.9 157. To match pipe 1–8 RTJ 1 – 16 N/A RTJ 1500 Hub 8 – 16 BE N/A ASTM A182 F 316L 9 Clamp 8 – 16 N/A N/A N/A SS 316L 9 Seal Ring 8– 16 N/A N/A N/A SS 316L. Equal & Reducing Tee. ASTM A182 F 316L.8 200.9 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A182 F 316L. 160 BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316L. To match pipe Item STD-108 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. Seamless 8 – 12 Sch.5 STD-108 1 – 12 14 – 16 1 – 12 14 – 16 Thk. 160 BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316L. XXS BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316L. 9 Stud Bolts 8 – 16 N/A N/A N/A UNS N09925 (Incoloy 925) stud bolts 9 0 12-06 Rev. as per MSS SP97 STD-128 1500 WN Flanges. 80S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316L.9 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 316L(W).9 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 316L.0 Service Index NACE Requirement No Service Category B as per CP-111 Temperature (°C) -29 0 38 50 100 150 200 Pressure (Barg) 206.0 BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316L. as per ASME B16.8 NPS (inch) Pipe Nipple Fittings Elbow. as per ASME B16. hardness value to suit hubs. EFW 16 – 16 42. as per ASME B16. 160 BE N/A 100mm long pipe nipple.1 173. Seamless 14 – 14 37. Seamless 4–6 Sch. EFW 1–2 Sch. Cap Concentric and Eccentric Reducers Notes Sch. as per ASME B16.0 BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316L.5 Blind Flanges. as per ASME B16.Page PIPING CLASS . 48 1 – 16 N/A FLGD. A182 F 316 Body. Lever Operated. Floating ball.5 3 STD-117 2–6 N/A FLGD. A 351 CF8M Body. 4 STD-116 1 – 1½ N/A FLGD.5 3. OS&Y. ASTM A182 F 316 Body.5 3. RTJ 1500 Lift Type. Suitable for B 16. Flanges to B 16.5 3 STD-119 1–2 N/A FLGD. as per ASME B16.5 flanges 3 STD-117 8 – 16 N/A RTJ 1500 Dual plate. Flanges-B16. Gear Operated. Date Description Notes ADMAOPCO SED 8 STD-108 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.20 for B16. Flanges to B 16. RTJ 1500 Needle valve. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 199 . Gear Operated. A 351 CF8M Body.5 flanges STD-127 1 – 16 N/A For RTJ Flanges N/A UNS N09925 (Incoloy 925) stud bolts with 2 hex nuts STD-126 Spectacle Blind 1–4 N/A RTJ 1500 ASTM A182 F 316. ASTM A182 F 316L. Flanges to B 16. RTJ 1500 Split body or top entry. Flanges to B 16. Gear Operated. OS&Y. Trunnion Mounted. RTJ 1500 Split body or top entry. ASTM A351 CF8M Body. RTJ 1500 BB. 7 STD-117 1-2 N/A FLGD. RTJ 1500 Swing type.48 Spacer and Blank 6 – 16 N/A RTJ 1500 ASTM A182 F 316. SS316-HF Trim. 4 STD-116 4 – 16 N/A FLGD. Flanges to B16.5 flanges 3. A 351 CF8M Body.36 1 – 16 N/A For RTJ Flanges 1500 SS-316 Octagonal Ring Type Gaskets as per ASME B16.5 3. as per ASME B16. BC.5 NPS (inch) Item Orifice Flanges Gasket Stud Bolt Miscellaneous 2 of 3 Gate Valves Globe Valve Ball Valves Check Valves Needle Valves 0 12-06 Rev. Lugged wafer type.Page PIPING CLASS . Flanges to B 16. Suitable for B 16. A351 CF8M Body.ES3GA0 Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 2 – 12 To match pipe RTJ 1500 WN orifice flanges. A 182 F 316 Body. 4 STD-116 3–3 N/A FLGD. as per ASME B16. Trunnion Mounted. Lever Operated. RTJ 1500 Split body or top entry. RTJ 1500 BB. A 351 CF8M Body.5 3 STD-115 1 – 16 N/A FLGD. ES3GA0 3 of 3 BRANCH TABLE 1” 1 HEADER SIZE 1.12 of this document.0. 6. When small size of reducer is 12” & below the reducer shall be seamless. 0 12-06 Rev. Wafer type valves are flangeless and shall be installed between the flanges. Weldolet 1 1” 1. EFW pipes and welded fittings shall be 100% radiographed and eddy current tested. 3. The orifice flanges specified in this class shall only be used with ADMA-OPCO approval after considering clause 4. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 200 .5” 2 1 2” 2 2 1 LEGEND 3” 3 2 2 1 4” 3 3 2 2 1 6” 3 3 3 2 2 1 8” 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 10” 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 12” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 14” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 16” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1. Deleted. Standard ball valves included in the class are regular bore valves. Reducing Tee 3. 4. For valve trim material refer to valve index enclosed under section 8. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.5. 2. 5.Page PIPING CLASS . Equal Tee 2. 7. Not used.5” 2” 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” 14” 16” BRANCH SIZE Notes: 1. 8. Full bore may used for the valves specifically mentioned in the P&ID. Equal & Reducing Tee. To match pipe 1–8 Description 1 – 16 RTJ 1 – 16 N/A RTJ 1500 Blind Flanges. hardness value to suit hubs.8 Pipe Nipple Fittings Elbow. Seamless 2–3 Sch.8 206.ES3NA0 1 of 3 Basic Material SS-316L. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. Seamless SP-1000 8 – 12 Sch. ASTM A182 F 316L. as per ASME B16. as per ASME B16. 160 BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316L. Seamless 6 SP-1000 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 316L.0 BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316L. To match pipe Item 0 12-06 Rev.0 BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316L.8 200. 9 Stud Bolts 8 – 16 N/A N/A N/A UNS N09925 (Incoloy 925) stud bolts 9 Flanges Hub Connectors Schedule/ Thickness (mm) To match pipe Weldolets NPS (inch) Thk. SP-1000 Corrosion Allowance 0 mm Pressure Class Class 1500 Flange Facing RTJ Fluid Code Refer Section 9. as per ASME B16. NACE MR0175. 80S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316L.5 STD-108 STD-108 1 – 12 14 – 12 1 – 12 14 – 16 Notes ADMAOPCO SED 6 SP-1000 Thk. Cap Concentric and Eccentric Reducers Ends and Facing Rating 1 – 1½ Sch. ASTM A182 F 316L. 160 BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316L. as per ASME B16. EFW SP-1000 16 – 16 42. Seamless SP-1000 4–6 Sch.0 Service Index NACE Requirement Yes Service Category A as per CP-111 Temperature (°C) -29 0 38 50 100 150 200 Pressure (Barg) 206. Seamless SP-1000 14 – 14 37. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 201 . 160 BE N/A 100mm long pipe nipple.9 157. EFW SP-1000 1–2 Sch. as per ASME B16.9 6 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 316L.9 6 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A182 F 316L.9 6 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 316L(W).Page PIPING CLASS .0 145. as per MSS SP97 STD-128 1500 WN Flanges.5 Hub 8 – 16 BE N/A ASTM A182 F 316L 9 Clamp 8 – 16 N/A N/A N/A SS 316L 9 Seal Ring 8 – 16 N/A N/A N/A SS 316L.9 6 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 316L(W). as per ASME B16.8 206. ASTM A 312 TP 316L. XXS BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316L.1 173. A182 F 316 Body. RTJ 1500 Swing type. RTJ 1500 BB.5 flanges STD-127 1 – 16 N/A For RTJ Flanges N/A UNS N09925 (Incoloy 925) stud bolts with 2 hex nuts STD-126 Spectacle Blind 1–4 N/A RTJ 1500 ASTM A182 F 316. Suitable for B 16.5 flanges 3 STD-117 8 – 16 N/A RTJ 1500 Dual plate. OS&Y.5 flanges 3. Gear Operated. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 202 . ASTM A182 F 316 Body. A 351 CF8M Body. 4 STD-116 4 – 16 N/A FLGD.5 3. RTJ 1500 Lift Type.48 SP-1000 Spacer and Blank 6 – 16 N/A RTJ 1500 ASTM A182 F 316.5 3. 7 STD-117 1-2 N/A FLGD. Lever Operated.5 3 STD-115 1 – 16 N/A FLGD.5 3. RTJ 1500 Split body or top entry. as per ASME B16. as per ASME B16. OS&Y.20 for B16. 4 STD-116 3–3 N/A FLGD.Page PIPING CLASS . RTJ 1500 Split body or top entry. A 182 F 316 Body. Flanges to B16. Flanges to B 16.ES3NA0 Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 2 – 12 To match pipe RTJ 1500 WN orifice flanges with SW Taps. Flanges to B 16. Gear Operated.36 1 – 16 N/A For RTJ Flanges 1500 SS-316 Octagonal Ring Type Gaskets as per ASME B16.5 3 STD-117 2–6 N/A FLGD. Trunnion Mounted. A 351 CF8M Body. Trunnion Mounted.5 3 STD-119 1–2 N/A FLGD.48 SP-1000 1 – 16 N/A FLGD. ASTM A182 F 316L. BC. SS316-HF Trim. Lever Operated. Gear Operated. A 351 CF8M Body. A351 CF8M Body. ASTM A351 CF8M Body. Lugged wafer type. as per ASME B16. Flanges to B 16.5 NPS (inch) Item Orifice Flanges Gasket Stud Bolt Miscellaneous 2 of 3 Gate Valves Globe Valve Ball Valves Check Valves Needle Valves 0 12-06 Rev. Flanges-B16. RTJ 1500 Needle valve. 4 STD-116 1 – 1½ N/A FLGD. Flanges to B 16. Floating ball. RTJ 1500 Split body or top entry. Date Description Notes ADMAOPCO SED 8 STD-108 SP-1000 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. Flanges to B 16. A 351 CF8M Body. Suitable for B 16. RTJ 1500 BB. 5” 2 1 2” 2 2 1 LEGEND 3” 3 2 2 1 4” 3 3 2 2 1 6” 3 3 3 2 2 1 8” 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 10” 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 12” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 14” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 16” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1. 8. Reducing Tee 3.12 of this document.5. For valve trim material refer to valve index enclosed under section 8. Equal Tee 2.0. All material shall conform to ADMA-OPCO Specification SP-1000 and NACE MR0175. 0 12-06 Rev. Wafer type valves are flangeless and shall be installed between the flanges. Weldolet 1 1” 1. 6. 5.5” 2” 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” 14” 16” BRANCH SIZE Notes: 1. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 203 . When small size of reducer is 12” & below the reducer shall be seamless. The orifice flanges specified in this class shall only be used with ADMA-OPCO approval after considering clause 4. 4. Full bore may used for the valves specifically mentioned in the P&ID. 7.Page PIPING CLASS . 3. 2.ES3NA0 3 of 3 BRANCH TABLE 1” 1 HEADER SIZE 1. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. Standard ball valves included in the class are regular bore valves. Deleted. EFW pipes and welded fittings shall be 100% radiographed and eddy current tested. XXS BE N/A 100mm long pipe nipple.5 Hub 8 – 16 BE N/A ASTM A694 Gr. as per ASME B16. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 204 . as per ASME B16.5 289.7 333.9 261. ASTM A182 F 316L. as per MSS SP97 STD-128 2500 WN Flanges. Equal & Reducing Tee.FS3GA0 1 of 3 Basic Material SS-316L Corrosion Allowance 0 mm Pressure Class Class 2500 Flange Facing RTJ Fluid Code Refer Section 9.B7M/194 Gr.5 STD-108 STD-108 1–3 Concentric and Eccentric Reducers 1–3 Weldolets 1–1 1–3 RTJ 1–3 N/A RTJ 2500 Blind Flanges. 9 Stud Bolts 8 – 16 N/A N/A N/A ASTM A193 Gr. as per ASME B16. To match pipe Item Gasket 0 12-06 Rev.Page PIPING CLASS . Seamless 1–2 Sch. Cap Description To match pipe Fittings Nipple Thk.7 344. 130 HB max.9 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 316L.2H 9 Orifice Flanges 2–3 To match pipe RTJ 2500 WN orifice flanges. as per ASME B16.5 flanges Flanges Hub Connectors Notes Thk. as per ASME B16. XXS BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316L.9 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A182 F 316L. ASTM A182 F 316L.20 for B16. Date ADMAOPCO SED STD-108 STD-127 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. ASTM A182 F 316L.F60 9 Clamp 8 – 16 N/A N/A N/A ASTM A788 AISI 4140 9 Seal Ring 8 – 16 N/A N/A N/A Low Alloy CS. Seamless BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 316L.36 5 1–3 N/A For RTJ Flanges 2500 SS-316 Octagonal Ring Type Gaskets as per ASME B16.7 344. ASTM A 312 TP 316L. To match pipe Elbow.6 243 NPS (inch) Schedule/ Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating Pipe 1–3 Sch.0 Service Index NACE Requirement No Service Category B as per CP-111 Temperature (°C) -29 0 38 50 100 150 200 Pressure (Barg) 344. 4 STD-116 3–3 N/A FLGD. Trunnion Mounted.5 flanges 3 STD-117 1–2 N/A FLGD. Lever Operated. ASTM A351 CF8M Body. RTJ 2500 Needle valve. RTJ 2500 Lift Type.5 Item Stud Bolt Spacer and Blank Miscellaneous 2 of 3 Globe Valve Ball Valves Check Valves Needle Valves 0 12-06 Rev. RTJ 2500 Swing type. as per ASME B16. OS&Y.5 3 STD-119 1–2 N/A FLGD. A182 F 316 Body. ASTM A182 F 316 Body. 4 STD-116 1 – 1½ N/A FLGD. Floating ball. Flanges to B 16. BC. A 351 CF8M Body. SS316-HF Trim. Gear Operated.FS3GA0 NPS (inch) Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing 1 – 24 N/A For RTJ Flanges N/A UNS N09925 (Incoloy 925) stud bolts with 2 hex nuts 1–3 N/A RTJ 2500 ASTM A240 Gr. Flanges to B 16. RTJ 2500 Split body or top entry. A 351 CF8M Body. 316. Lever operated. RTJ 2500 BB. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 205 . Suitable for B 16.5 3.5 3.48 1–3 N/A FLGD. A 182 F 316 Body. Date Rating Description Notes ADMAOPCO SED STD-126 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.5 3 STD-117 2–3 N/A FLGD. RTJ 2500 Split body or top entry. Flanges-B16. Flanges to B16. Flanges to B 16.Page PIPING CLASS . 12 of this document.5” 2 1 2” 2 2 3” LEGEND 1. Standard ball valves included in the class are regular bore valves.Page PIPING CLASS . For valve trim material refer to valve index enclosed under section 8.0. Reducing Tee 2 1 3.FS3GA0 3 of 3 HEADER SIZE BRANCH TABLE 1” 1 1. 5. Weldolet 1” 1. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. Equal Tee 1 2. Not used. 0 12-06 Rev. Not used.5. 3. 2. The orifice flanges specified in this class shall only be used with ADMA-OPCO approval after considering clause 4.5” 2” 3” 3 2 BRANCH SIZE Notes: 1. Full bore may used for the valves specifically mentioned in the P&ID. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 206 . 4. B7M/194 Gr. Seamless SP-1000 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 316L.6 243 NPS (inch) Schedule/ Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating Pipe 1–3 Sch. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 207 .7 344. as per ASME B16. as per MSS SP97 STD-128 2500 WN Flanges.2H 9 Orifice Flanges 2–3 To match pipe RTJ 2500 WN orifice flanges.F60 9 Clamp 8 – 16 N/A N/A N/A ASTM A788 AISI 4140 9 Seal Ring 8 – 16 N/A N/A N/A Low Alloy CS. ASTM A182 F 316L.9 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 316L. Seamless SP-1000 1–2 Sch.0 Service Index NACE Requirement Yes Service Category A as per CP-111 Temperature (°C) -29 0 38 50 100 150 200 Pressure (Barg) 344. as per ASME B16. To match pipe Elbow. ASTM A 312 TP 316L.5 STD-108 STD-108 1–3 Concentric and Eccentric Reducers 1–3 Weldolets 1–1 1–3 RTJ 1–3 N/A RTJ 2500 Blind Flanges.7 333.Page PIPING CLASS . 130 HB max. as per ASME B16. as per ASME B16. To match pipe Item Gasket 0 12-06 Rev. as per ASME B16. NACE MR0175.5 flanges Flanges Hub Connectors Notes Thk.9 261. SP-1000 Corrosion Allowance 0 mm Pressure Class Class 2500 Flange Facing RTJ Fluid Code Refer Section 9. Date ADMAOPCO SED STD-108 STD-127 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. 9 Stud Bolts 8 – 16 N/A N/A N/A ASTM A193 Gr.20 for B16. Cap Description To match pipe Fittings Nipple Thk.5 289. XXS BE N/A 100mm long pipe nipple. ASTM A182 F 316L. Equal & Reducing Tee.7 344.36 8 1–3 N/A For RTJ Flanges 2500 SS-316 Octagonal Ring Type Gaskets as per ASME B16.5 Hub 8 – 16 BE N/A ASTM A694 Gr. XXS BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 316L.9 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A182 F 316L. ASTM A182 F 316L.FS3NA0 1 of 3 Basic Material SS-316L. Page PIPING CLASS - FS3NA0 NPS (inch) Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing 1 – 24 N/A For RTJ Flanges N/A UNS N09925 (Incoloy 925) stud bolts with 2 hex nuts STD-126 1–3 N/A RTJ 2500 ASTM A240 Gr. 316, as per ASME B16.48 SP-1000 1–3 N/A FLGD, RTJ 2500 BB, OS&Y, A 351 CF8M Body, Gear Operated, Flanges to B 16.5 3 STD-119 1–2 N/A FLGD, RTJ 2500 Split body or top entry, Floating ball, A 182 F 316 Body, Lever Operated, Flanges-B16.5 3, 4 STD-116 3–3 N/A FLGD, RTJ 2500 Split body or top entry, Trunnion Mounted, A 351 CF8M Body, Lever Operated, Flanges to B16.5 3, 4 STD-116 1 – 1½ N/A FLGD, RTJ 2500 Lift Type, ASTM A182 F 316 Body, Flanges to B 16.5 3 STD-117 2–3 N/A FLGD, RTJ 2500 Dual plate, Lugged wafer type, ASTM A351 CF8M Body, Suitable for B 16.5 flanges 3, 7 STD-117 1–2 N/A FLGD, RTJ 2500 Needle valve, A182 F 316 Body, SS316-HF Trim, Flanges to B 16.5 Item Stud Bolt Spacer and Blank Miscellaneous 2 of 3 Globe Valve Ball Valves Check Valves Needle Valves 0 12-06 Rev. Date Rating Description Notes ADMAOPCO SED SP-1000 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 208 Page PIPING CLASS - FS3NA0 3 of 3 HEADER SIZE BRANCH TABLE 1” 1 1.5” 2 1 2” 2 2 3” LEGEND 1. Equal Tee 1 2. Reducing Tee 2 1 3. Weldolet 1” 1.5” 2” 3” 3 2 BRANCH SIZE Notes: 1. Not used. 2. Not used. 3. For valve trim material refer to valve index enclosed under section 8.0. 4. Standard ball valves included in the class are regular bore valves. Full bore may used for the valves specifically mentioned in the P&ID. 5. All material shall conform to ADMA-OPCO specification SP-1000 and NACE MR0175. 6. Not used. 7. Wafer type valves are flangeless and shall be installed between the flanges. 8. The orifice flanges specified in this class shall only be used with ADMA-OPCO approval after considering clause 4.5.12 of this document. 0 12-06 Rev. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 209 Page PIPING CLASS - AS4NA0 1 of 3 Basic Material SS-321, NACE MR0175, SP-1000 Corrosion Allowance 0 mm Pressure Class Class 150 Flange Facing RF, Smooth Finish Fluid Code Refer Section 9.0 Service Index NACE Requirement Yes Service Category A as per CP-111 Temperature (°C) -29 0 38 50 100 150 200 Pressure (Barg) 19.0 19.0 19.0 18.6 17.0 15.7 13.8 NPS (inch) Schedule/ Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 1 – 1½ Sch. 80S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 321, Seamless SP-1000 2–2 Sch. 40S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 321, Seamless SP-1000 3–8 Sch. 10S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 321, Seamless SP-1000 10 – 12 Sch. 10S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 321, Seamless SP-1000 14 – 16 Sch. 10S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 321, EFW SP-1000 1–2 Sch. 80S BE N/A 100mm long pipe nipple, ASTM A 312 TP 321, Seamless SP-1000 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 321, as per ASME B16.9 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 321(W), as per ASME B16.9 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 321, as per ASME B16.9 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 321(W), as per ASME B16.9 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A182 F 321, as per MSS SP97 STD-128 150 WN Flanges, ASTM A182 F 321, as per ASME B16.5 STD-108 STD-108 Pipe Nipple Fittings Elbow, Equal & Reducing Tee, Cap 1 – 12 Thk. To match pipe Item 14 – 16 Concentric 1 – 12 and Eccentric 14 – 16 Reducers 1–8 Flanges Orifice Flanges Notes ADMAOPCO SED 1 – 16 Thk. To match pipe Weldolets Description RF, Smooth 1 – 16 N/A RF, Smooth 150 Blind Flanges, ASTM A182 F 321, as per ASME B16.5 2 – 12 To match pipe RF, Smooth 300 WN orifice flanges, ASTM A182 F 321, as per ASME B16.36 1 – 16 4.5 mm For RF Flanges 150 Spiral wound, SS316 with flexible graphite filler, SS inner and outer ring as per ASME B16.20 for B16.5 flanges STD-127 16 – 16 3 mm For RF Flanges 150 CNAF Flat Ring Gaskets as per ASME B16.21 for B16.5 flanges STD-127 Gasket 0 12-06 Rev. Date 9 STD-108 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 210 Page PIPING CLASS - AS4NA0 NPS (inch) Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing 1 – 16 N/A For RF Flanges N/A UNS N09925 (Incoloy 925) stud bolts with 2 hex nuts STD-126 Spectacle Blind 1 – 12 N/A RF, Smooth 150 ASTM A240 Gr. 321, as per ASME B16.48 SP-1000 Spacer and Blank 14 – 16 N/A RF, Smooth 150 ASTM A240 Gr. 321, as per ASME B16.48 SP-1000 1 – 12 N/A FLGD, RF 150 BB, OS&Y, SS 321 Body, Flanges to B 16.5 3 STD-115 14 – 16 N/A FLGD, RF 150 BB, OS&Y, SS 321 Body, Gear Operated, Flanges to B 16.5 3 STD-115 1 – 12 N/A FLGD, RF 150 BB, OS&Y, SS 321 Body, Flanges to B 16.5 3 STD-119 14 – 16 N/A FLGD, RF 150 BB, OS&Y, SS 321Body, Gear Operated, Flanges to B 16.5 3 STD-119 1–2 N/A FLGD, RF 150 Split body or top entry, Floating ball, SS 321 Body, Lever Operated, Flanges-B16.5 3 STD-116 3–8 N/A FLGD, RF 150 Split body or top entry, Trunnion Mounted, SS 321 Body, Lever Operated, Flanges to B16.5 3, 4 STD-116 10 – 16 N/A FLGD, RF 150 Split body or top entry, Trunnion Mounted, SS 321 Body, Gear Operated, Flanges to B 16.5 3, 4 STD-116 1 – 1½ N/A FLGD, RF 150 Lift Type, ASTM SS 321 Body, Flanges to B 16.5 3 STD-117 2–6 N/A FLGD, RF 150 Swing Type, BC, SS 321 body, flanges to B 16.5 3 STD-117 8 – 16 N/A RF, Smooth 150 Dual plate, Lugged wafer type, SS 321 Body, Suitable for B 16.5 flanges 3, 7 STD-117 8 – 16 N/A FLGD, RF 150 Swing type, BC, SS 321 body, flanges to B 16.5 3, 8 STD-117 1-2 N/A FLGD, RF 150 Needle valve, A182 F 316 Body, SS 321 trim, Flanges to B 16.5 Item Stud Bolt Miscellaneous 2 of 3 Gate Valves Globe Valve Ball Valves Check Valves Needle Valves 0 12-06 Rev. Date Rating Description Notes ADMAOPCO SED SP-1000 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 211 Page PIPING CLASS - AS4NA0 3 of 3 BRANCH TABLE 1” 1 HEADER SIZE 1.5” 2 1 2” 2 2 1 LEGEND 3” 3 2 2 1 4” 3 3 2 2 1 6” 3 3 3 2 2 1 8” 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 10” 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 12” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 14” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 16” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1. Equal Tee 2. Reducing Tee 3. Weldolet 1 1” 1.5” 2” 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” 14” 16” BRANCH SIZE Notes: 1. EFW pipes and welded fittings shall be 100% radiographed and eddy current tested. 2. When small size of reducer is 12” & below the reducer shall be seamless. 3. For valve trim material refer to valve index enclosed under section 8.0. 4. Standard ball valves included in the class are regular bore valves. Full bore may used for the valves specifically mentioned in the P&ID. 5. All material shall conform to ADMA-OPCO specification SP-1000 and NACE MR0175. 6. Deleted. 7. Wafer type valves are flangeless and shall be installed between the flanges. 8. Swing type check valves for pipe sizes 14” NPS and above shall only be used after obtaining prior approval from ADMA-OPCO. 9. The orifice flanges specified in this class shall only be used with ADMA-OPCO approval after considering clause 4.5.12 of this document. 0 12-06 Rev. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 212 3 Pipe NPS (inch) Schedule/ Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 1 – 1½ Sch.6 44. Date Notes 9 ADMAOPCO SED STD-108 STD-127 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. EFW SP-1000 16 – 16 Sch. To match pipe Item 14 – 16 Concentric 1 – 12 and Eccentric 14 – 16 Reducers 1–8 Flanges Orifice Flanges 1 – 16 Thk. Seamless SP-1000 6 – 12 Sch.BS4NA0 1 of 3 Basic Material SS-321. as per ASME B16.6 49.9 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 321(W). ASTM A182 F 321. Seamless SP-1000 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 321.6 49.5 STD-108 STD-108 Nipple Fittings Elbow. Smooth Finish Fluid Code Refer Section 9. ASTM A182 F 321. 80S BE N/A 100mm long pipe nipple. 40S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 321. as per ASME B16. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 213 . Smooth 300 WN orifice flanges. Cap 1 – 12 Thk. Smooth 1 – 16 N/A RF.9 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 321.2 41.0 Service Index NACE Requirement Yes Service Category A as per CP-111 Temperature (°C) -29 0 38 50 100 150 200 Pressure (Barg) 49.0 38. To match pipe Weldolets Description RF. as per ASME B16.5 2 – 12 To match pipe RF. as per ASME B16. 40S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 321. ASTM A 312 TP 321. 80S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 321. SS inner and outer ring as per ASME B16.36 1 – 24 4. Seamless SP-1000 3–4 Sch.Page PIPING CLASS .9 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 321(W). Smooth 300 Blind Flanges. Seamless SP-1000 2–2 Sch.9 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A182 F 321. as per MSS SP97 STD-128 300 WN Flanges. Equal & Reducing Tee. NACE MR0175. ASTM A182 F 321. 40S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 321. as per ASME B16. 10S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 321.20 for B16. 80S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 321. EFW SP-1000 1–2 Sch. SS316 with flexible graphite filler.5 mm For RF Flanges 300 Spiral wound.5 flanges Gasket 0 12-06 Rev. as per ASME B16. SP-1000 Corrosion Allowance 0 mm Pressure Class Class 300 Flange Facing RF. Seamless SP-1000 14 – 14 Sch. as per ASME B16.6 48. SS 321 Body. 7 STD-117 8 – 16 N/A FLGD. flanges to B 16. Flanges to B 16.BS4NA0 NPS (inch) Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing 1 – 16 N/A For RF Flanges N/A UNS N09925 (Incoloy 925) stud bolts with 2 hex nuts STD-126 Spectacle Blind 1 – 12 N/A RF.5 flanges 3. RF 300 Split body or top entry. 321. 4 STD-116 3–8 N/A FLGD.5 3. Smooth 300 Dual plate. RF 300 BB. as per ASME B16. OS&Y. 8 STD-117 1-2 N/A FLGD. Flanges to B 16.5 3 STD-119 1–2 N/A FLGD. Trunnion Mounted.5 3. RF 300 BB. SS 321Body.5 3 STD-115 1 – 12 N/A FLGD. Trunnion Mounted.5 3. SS 321 body. Gear Operated. Smooth 300 ASTM A240 Gr. Floating ball. Flanges to B 16.5 3 STD-115 14 – 16 N/A FLGD. OS&Y. 321. RF 300 Needle valve. Gear Operated. flanges to B 16. as per ASME B16.5 3 STD-119 14 – 16 N/A FLGD. Smooth 300 ASTM A240 Gr. ASTM SS 321 Body.48 SP-1000 Spacer and Blank 14 – 16 N/A RF.48 SP-1000 1 – 12 N/A FLGD. Lugged wafer type. SS 321 body. SS 321 Body. Gear Operated. SS 321 Body. Flanges to B 16. 4 STD-116 10 – 16 N/A FLGD. SS 321 Body. SS 321 Body. Suitable for B 16.5 3.Page PIPING CLASS .5 3 STD-117 2–6 N/A FLGD. Lever Operated. 4 STD-116 1 – 1½ N/A FLGD. Flanges-B16. BC. SS 321 Body. RF 300 Split body or top entry. RF 300 Lift Type. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 214 . A182 F 316 Body.5 3 STD-117 8 – 16 N/A RF. Soft Seated. Flanges to B 16. RF 300 Swing type. Flanges to B 16. Flanges to B 16. OS&Y.5 Item Stud Bolt Miscellaneous 2 of 3 Gate Valves Globe Valve Ball Valves Check Valves Needle Valves 0 12-06 Rev. RF 300 Split body or top entry. BC. RF 300 BB. Flanges to B16. OS&Y. Date Rating Description Notes ADMAOPCO SED SP-1000 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. SS 321 Trim. RF 300 Swing Type. Lever Operated. SS 321 Body. RF 300 BB. Weldolet 1 1” 1. 6. For valve trim material refer to valve index enclosed under section 8. 3. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 215 . 7.5” 2” 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” 14” 16” BRANCH SIZE Notes: 1. Standard ball valves included in the class are regular bore valves. Wafer type valves are flangeless and shall be installed between the flanges. EFW pipes and welded fittings shall be 100% radiographed and eddy current tested. Swing type check valves for pipe sizes 14” NPS and above shall only be used after obtaining prior approval from ADMA-OPCO. The orifice flanges specified in this class shall only be used with ADMA-OPCO approval after considering clause 4.BS4NA0 3 of 3 BRANCH TABLE 1” 1 HEADER SIZE 1. 0 12-06 Rev. 8. 9.12 of this document. 4.5” 2 1 2” 2 2 1 LEGEND 3” 3 2 2 1 4” 3 3 2 2 1 6” 3 3 3 2 2 1 8” 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 10” 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 12” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 14” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 16” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1. Full bore may used for the valves specifically mentioned in the P&ID. Deleted. 2. When small size of reducer is 12” & below the reducer shall be seamless.0.Page PIPING CLASS . Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. Reducing Tee 3. All material shall conform to ADMA-OPCO specification SP-1000 and NACE MR0175.5. Equal Tee 2. 5. Seamless SP-1000 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 321. ASTM A 312 TP 321.5 82 76.0 Service Index NACE Requirement Yes Service Category A as per CP-111 Temperature (°C) -29 0 38 50 100 150 200 Pressure (Barg) 99.21 for B16. Seamless SP-1000 2–4 Sch.3 99. EFW SP-1000 1–2 Sch. To match pipe Item 14 – 16 Concentric 1 – 12 and Eccentric 14 – 16 Reducers 1–8 Flanges Orifice Flanges Gasket Notes ADMAOPCO SED 1 – 16 Thk. as per ASME B16. as per ASME B16. Date 9 STD-108 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. 40S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 321.36 1 – 14 N/A For RTJ Flanges 600 SS-321 Octagonal Ring Type Gaskets as per ASME B16. SP-1000 Corrosion Allowance 0 mm Pressure Class Class 600 Flange Facing RTJ Fluid Code Refer Section 9.CS4NA0 1 of 3 Basic Material SS-321.3 97. as per ASME B16.9 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A182 F 321.9 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 321(W).9 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 321. 80 BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 321. Seamless SP-1000 6–8 Sch. Equal & Reducing Tee.5 flanges STD-127 0 12-06 Rev.5 STD-108 STD-108 Pipe Nipple Fittings Elbow. as per ASME B16. Seamless SP-1000 14 – 16 Sch. 80S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 321. ASTM A182 F 321. as per ASME B16. ASTM A182 F 321. Cap 1 – 12 Thk. 80 BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 321.9 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 321(W). NACE MR0175. 80S BE N/A 100mm long pipe nipple.Page PIPING CLASS . as per MSS SP97 STD-128 600 WN Flanges.3 99. Seamless SP-1000 10 – 12 Sch. ASTM A182 F 321. as per ASME B16. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 216 . 80S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 321. as per ASME B16.5 flanges STD-127 16 – 16 N/A For RTJ Flanges 600 SS-321 Octagonal Ring Type Gaskets as per ASME B16.5 2 – 12 To match pipe RTJ 600 WN orifice flanges.21 for B16.6 NPS (inch) Schedule/ Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 1 – 1½ Sch. To match pipe Weldolets Description RTJ 1 – 16 N/A RTJ 600 Blind Flanges.1 88. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 217 . RTJ 600 Split body or top entry. 321. Flanges to B 16.5 3 STD-115 1–6 N/A FLGD.5 3 STD-119 1–2 N/A FLGD. SS 321 Body. Date Rating Description Notes ADMAOPCO SED SP-1000 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. Flanges to B 16. A182 F 316 Body. Flanges to B 16. OS&Y.5 3. flanges to B 16. RF 600 Needle valve. Lever Operated.5 3. 8 STD-117 1–2 N/A FLGD.5 3. OS&Y. 4 STD-116 6 – 16 N/A FLGD. 7 STD-117 8 – 16 N/A FLGD. Lever Operated. 4 STD-116 3–4 N/A FLGD. Trunnion Mounted. 4 STD-116 1 – 1½ N/A FLGD. RTJ 600 BB. SS 321 Body. SS 321 Trim. Flanges to B 16. RF 600 Swing type. SS 321 Body. ASTM SS 321 Body. OS&Y.5 flanges 3. SS 321Body.Page PIPING CLASS . Flanges to B 16. Flanges to B 16. as per ASME B16. RTJ 600 BB. Flanges to B16. SS 321 body. OS&Y. SS 321 body. SS 321 Body. as per ASME B16. RF 600 Lift Type. RF 600 Swing Type. BC.5 3 STD-119 8 – 16 N/A FLGD.5 3 STD-117 8 – 16 N/A RF. Gear Operated. RTJ 600 BB. Smooth 600 Dual plate.5 Item Stud Bolt Miscellaneous 2 of 3 Gate Valves Globe Valve Ball Valves Check Valves Needle Valves 0 12-06 Rev. RTJ 600 Split body or top entry. SS 321 Body. SS 321 Body. Gear Operated. Trunnion Mounted.5 3 STD-117 2–6 N/A FLGD. flanges to B 16. Gear Operated.CS4NA0 NPS (inch) Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing 1 – 16 N/A For RTJ Flanges N/A UNS N09925 (Incoloy 925) stud bolts with 2 hex nuts STD-126 Spectacle Blind 1–8 N/A RTJ 600 ASTM A240 Gr. Suitable for B 16.48 SP-1000 1–6 N/A FLGD. RTJ 600 BB. BC.5 3.48 SP-1000 Spacer and Blank 10 – 16 N/A RTJ 600 ASTM A240 Gr. Flanges-B16. RTJ 600 Split body or top entry. 321. SS 321 Body. Flanges to B 16. Floating ball.5 3 STD-115 8 – 16 N/A FLGD. Lugged wafer type. Swing type check valves for pipe sizes 14” NPS and above shall only be used after obtaining prior approval from ADMA-OPCO. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 218 .CS4NA0 3 of 3 BRANCH TABLE 1” 1 HEADER SIZE 1. Weldolet 1 1” 1. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. 8. Deleted.5” 2” 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” 14” 16” BRANCH SIZE Notes: 1.5” 2 1 2” 2 2 1 LEGEND 3” 3 2 2 1 4” 3 3 2 2 1 6” 3 3 3 2 2 1 8” 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 10” 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 12” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 14” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 16” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1. 6. For valve trim material refer to valve index enclosed under section 8. All material shall conform to ADMA-OPCO specification SP-1000 and NACE MR0175. 9. 7. Standard ball valves included in the class are regular bore valves.12 of this document. 5. Equal Tee 2.Page PIPING CLASS .0. 0 12-06 Rev. Reducing Tee 3. Wafer type valves are flangeless and shall be installed between the flanges. 4. 3. EFW pipes and welded fittings shall be 100% radiographed and eddy current tested. The orifice flanges specified in this class shall only be used with ADMA-OPCO approval after considering clause 4. Full bore may used for the valves specifically mentioned in the P&ID. When small size of reducer is 12” & below the reducer shall be seamless. 2.5. 9 148.Page PIPING CLASS .9 148.5 STD-108 RTJ 900 WN Flanges. Date 10 STD-108 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. Cap 1 – 12 14 – 16 Concentric 1 – 12 and Eccentric 14 – 16 Reducers Notes ADMAOPCO SED RTJ 1–2 N/A RTJ 1500 Blind Flanges. as per ASME B16. as per ASME B16. as per ASME B16.36 3 – 16 Flanges Orifice Flanges Description Thk. To match pipe Item 0 12-06 Rev. EFW SP-1000 1–2 Sch. ASTM A182 F 321.9 Pipe NPS (inch) Schedule/ Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 1–6 Sch. as per ASME B16. ASTM A182 F 321. as per ASME B16. ASTM A182 F 321. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 219 . as per ASME B16. Seamless SP-1000 14 – 16 Sch. Seamless SP-1000 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 321.7 132.5 STD-108 Nipple Fittings Elbow. as per ASME B16. 120 BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 321. as per ASME B16. To match pipe Weldolets Thk.9 STD-128 1–8 BE N/A ASTM A182 F 321.5 STD-108 3 – 10 N/A RTJ 900 Blind Flanges. ASTM A 312 TP 321. Equal & Reducing Tee. 120 BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 321. Seamless SP-1000 8 – 12 Sch.9 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 321(W). as per ASME B16.9 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 321(W).5 STD-108 2 – 12 To match pipe RTJ 900 WN orifice flanges.7 122.9 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 321. 80S BE N/A 100mm long pipe nipple. 80S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 321. NACE MR0175.9 114. SP-1000 Corrosion Allowance 0 mm Pressure Class Class 900 Flange Facing RTJ Fluid Code Refer Section 9. ASTM A182 F 321. ASTM A182 F 321.DS4NA0 1 of 4 Basic Material SS-321.9 145.0 Service Index NACE Requirement Yes Service Category A as per CP-111 Temperature (°C) -29 0 38 50 100 150 200 Pressure (Barg) 148. as per MSS SP97 STD-128 1–2 1500 WN Flanges. 5 3 STD-119 1–2 N/A FLGD. Gear Operated. Flanges to B 16. Flanges to B 16. SS 321 Body. OS&Y. as per ASME B16. Floating ball. SS 321 Body. Lever Operated. RTJ 900 BB. RTJ 1500 BB.5 3. OS&Y.5 3 STD-115 3–3 N/A FLGD. Flanges to B 16. RTJ 1500 BB. OS&Y. Flanges-B16. Flanges to B 16.5 3 STD-115 4 – 16 N/A FLGD. RTJ 900 BB. 321. Flanges to B 16. OS&Y. RTJ 900 Split body or top entry. 4 STD-116 3–4 N/A FLGD. Trunnion Mounted. Flanges to B16.DS4NA0 Item Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing 1–2 N/A 3 – 10 Description For RTJ Flanges 1500 SS-321 Octagonal Ring Type Gaskets as per ASME B16. Gear Operated. Gear Operated. RTJ 900 BB. RTJ 900 Split body or top entry. SS 321Body. 321. Flanges to B 16. SS 321 Body. SS 321 Body. Trunnion Mounted. Flanges to B 16.21 for B16. SS 321 Body. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 220 . as per ASME B16. as per ASME B16.5 3. 4 STD-116 6 – 16 N/A FLGD. 4 STD-116 Stud Bolt Spectacle Blind Spacer and Blank Gate Valves Globe Valve Ball Valves 0 12-06 Rev.5 3 STD-119 4 – 16 N/A FLGD. SS 321 Body.48 SP-1000 3–4 N/A RTJ 900 ASTM A240 Gr. 321.5 flanges STD-127 N/A For RTJ Flanges 900 SS-321 Octagonal Ring Type Gaskets as per ASME B16. RTJ 900 BB. OS&Y.5 3. RTJ 1500 Split body or top entry. OS&Y. SS 321 Body. SS 321 Body. Lever Operated.5 3 STD-115 1–2 N/A FLGD.48 SP-1000 6 – 16 N/A RTJ 900 ASTM A240 Gr.21 for B16.5 flanges STD-127 1 – 16 N/A For RTJ Flanges N/A UNS N09925 (Incoloy 925) stud bolts with 2 hex nuts STD-126 1–2 N/A RTJ 1500 ASTM A240 Gr.48 SP-1000 1–2 N/A FLGD.5 3 STD-119 3–3 N/A FLGD.Page PIPING CLASS . Date Notes ADMAOPCO SED Rating Gasket Miscellaneous NPS (inch) 2 of 4 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. Suitable for B 16. Flanges to B 16. ASTM SS 321 Body. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 221 . BC. BC.DS4NA0 NPS (inch) Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing 1 – 1½ N/A FLGD. Suitable for B 16. Flanges to B 16.5 Item Check Valves Needle Valves 0 12-06 Rev.Page PIPING CLASS .5 flanges 3 N/A RTJ 900 Dual plate. Lugged wafer type. ASTM A351 CF8M body. RTJ 1500 2–2 N/A FLGD.5 flanges 3 STD-117 FLGD. Suitable for B 16. RTJ 900 Swing type. BC. RTJ 1500 Needle valve. SS 321 Trim. 9 SP-1000 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. A182 F 316 Body. RTJ 900 Swing type. Suitable for B 16. Date Rating Description 3. ASTM A351 CF8M body.5 flanges 3 8 – 16 N/A FLGD. RTJ 3–6 N/A 8 – 16 3 of 4 Notes ADMAOPCO SED Lift Type.5 3 STD-117 1500 Swing type. ASTM A351 CF8M body.5 flanges 1–2 N/A FLGD. 12 of this document. Weldolet 1 1” 1.5. All material shall conform to ADMA-OPCO specification SP-1000 and NACE MR0175. EFW pipes and welded fittings shall be 100% radiographed and eddy current tested. Reducing Tee 3. 10. 4.0. 0 12-06 Rev.5 specifies class 1500 instead of class 900 for these sizes. 3.DS4NA0 4 of 4 BRANCH TABLE 1” 1 HEADER SIZE 1. Swing type check valves for pipe sizes 14” NPS and above shall only be used after obtaining prior approval from ADMA-OPCO. 6. For valve trim material refer to valve index enclosed under section 8. The orifice flanges specified in this class shall only be used with ADMA-OPCO approval after considering clause 4.Page PIPING CLASS . 2. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 222 . Class 1500 flanges shall be provided in place of class 900 flanges for sizes 2” NPS and below as specified in ASME B16. Equal Tee 2.5” 2 1 2” 2 2 1 3” 3 2 2 1 LEGEND 4” 3 3 2 2 1 6” 3 3 3 2 2 1 8” 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 10” 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 12” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 14” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 16” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1. 9.5. Full bore may used for the valves specifically mentioned in the P&ID. Not used.5” 2” 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” 14” 16” BRANCH SIZE Notes: 1. 7. 8. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. Standard ball valves included in the class are regular bore valves. When small size of reducer is 12” & below the reducer shall be seamless. ASME B16. 5. Deleted. as per ASME B16.5 STD-108 STD-108 1–4 Concentric and Eccentric Reducers 1–4 Weldolets 1 – 1½ 1–4 RTJ 1–4 N/A RTJ 1500 Blind Flanges.9 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A182 F 321. Seamless SP-1000 1–2 Sch.21 for B16. ASTM A182 F 321.5 Pipe NPS (inch) Schedule/ Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 1–1 Sch.2 248. 160 BE N/A 100mm long pipe nipple.2 242.2 248. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 223 . ASTM A 312 TP 321.36 6 1–4 N/A For RTJ Flanges 1500 SS-321 Octagonal Ring Type Gaskets as per ASME B16. Seamless SP-1000 4–4 Sch. as per ASME B16. Seamless SP-1000 1½ – 3 Sch.9 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 321. NACE MR0175.Page PIPING CLASS . SP-1000 Corrosion Allowance 0 mm Pressure Class Class 1500 Flange Facing RTJ Fluid Code Refer Section 9. as per ASME B16.0 Service Index NACE Requirement Yes Service Category A as per CP-111 Temperature (°C) -29 0 38 50 100 150 200 Pressure (Barg) 248.9 191. as per MSS SP97 STD-128 1500 WN Flanges. Date ADMAOPCO SED SP-1000 SP-1000 STD-108 STD-127 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. Seamless SP-1000 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 321. ASTM A182 F 321. as per ASME B16.8 221.5 Hub 1–4 BE N/A ASTM A182 F 321 7 Clamp 1–4 N/A N/A N/A SS 321 7 Seal Ring 1–4 N/A N/A N/A SS 321. Cap Description To match pipe Fittings Nipple Thk. To match pipe Item Orifice Flanges Gasket 0 12-06 Rev. hardness value to suit hubs. ASTM A182 F 321.5 flanges Flanges Hub Connectors Notes Thk.ES4NA0 1 of 3 Basic Material SS-321. as per ASME B16. 7 Stud Bolts 1–4 N/A N/A N/A UNS N09925 (Incoloy 925) stud bolts 7 2–4 To match pipe RTJ 1500 WN orifice flanges. 160 BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 321. To match pipe Elbow. 80S BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 321. Equal & Reducing Tee. XXS BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 321.2 204. ASTM SS 321 Body. Date Rating Description Notes ADMAOPCO SED SP-1000 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.5 flanges 3 STD-117 1–2 N/A FLGD. Flanges to B16. Gear Operated. Lever Operated. 4 STD-116 4–4 N/A FLGD. RTJ 1500 Swing type. SS 321 Body. SS 321Body. SS 321 Body. RTJ 1500 Split body or top entry. RTJ 1500 Needle valve. Flanges to B 16. Gear Operated. Flanges to B 16. Gear Operated. OS&Y.5 3. Trunnion Mounted. 4 STD-116 1 – 1½ N/A FLGD. RTJ 1500 BB. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 224 . RTJ 1500 BB. SS 321 Body.5 3 STD-115 1–4 N/A FLGD. Flanges-B16. SS 321 Trim.5 3 STD-119 1–2 N/A FLGD. Trunnion Mounted.5 3. Lever Operated. Flanges to B 16. RTJ 1500 Split body or top entry.ES4NA0 NPS (inch) Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing 1–4 N/A For RTJ Flanges N/A UNS N09925 (Incoloy 925) stud bolts with 2 hex nuts STD-126 1–4 N/A RTJ 1500 ASTM A240 Gr. Flanges to B 16. OS&Y.5 Item Stud Bolt Spacer and Blank Miscellaneous 2 of 3 Gate Valve Globe Valve Ball Valves Check Valves Needle Valves 0 12-06 Rev.5 3. Flanges to B 16. RTJ 1500 Lift Type. SS 321Body. SS 321 Body. BC. 321. as per ASME B16. 4 STD-116 3–3 N/A FLGD. RTJ 1500 Split body or top entry.48 SP-1000 1–4 N/A FLGD. Suitable for B 16. Floating ball.5 3 STD-117 2–4 N/A FLGD. A182 F 316 Body.Page PIPING CLASS . 2. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. 7. 0 12-06 Rev. Not used. Availability of hub connections in this size range needs to be verified before selecting the hub connections. The orifice flanges specified in this class shall only be used with ADMA-OPCO approval after considering clause 4. 4. Reducing Tee 3. 5.5. 6. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 225 . Weldolet BRANCH SIZE Notes: 1.5” 2” 3” 4” LEGEND 1.5” 2 1 2” 2 2 1 3” 3 2 2 1 4” 3 3 2 2 1 1” 1.ES4NA0 3 of 3 HEADER SIZE BRANCH TABLE 1” 1 1. All material shall conform to ADMA-OPCO specification SP-1000 and NACE MR0175. Standard ball valves included in the class are regular bore valves. Not used.Page PIPING CLASS . ADMA-OPCO approval shall be obtained before using hub connectors in the piping system.0. 3. Equal Tee 2.12 of this document. Full bore may used for the valves specifically mentioned in the P&ID. For valve trim material refer to valve index enclosed under section 8. 7 404.Page PIPING CLASS . SP-1000 Corrosion Allowance 0 mm Pressure Class Class 2500 Flange Facing RTJ Fluid Code Refer Section 9.7 413. Seamless SP-1000 1½ – 2 Sch.1 Pipe NPS (inch) Schedule/ Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 1–1 Sch. hardness value to suit hubs. as per MSS SP97 STD-128 2500 WN Flanges.7 413. as per ASME B16. as per ASME B16.6 368.FS4NA0 1 of 3 Basic Material SS-321.9 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 321. ASTM A 312 TP 321. ASTM A182 F 321. Seamless SP-1000 4–4 21. To match pipe Item 0 12-06 Rev. NACE MR0175. XXS BE N/A 100mm long pipe nipple. as per ASME B16. Seamless SP-1000 3–3 16. Equal & Reducing Tee.5 319.5 BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 321. Seamless SP-1000 BE N/A ASTM A403 WP 321.5 STD-108 STD-108 1–4 Concentric and Eccentric Reducers 1–4 Weldolets 1 – 1½ 1–4 RTJ 1–4 N/A RTJ 2500 Blind Flanges.5 Hub 1–4 BE N/A ASTM A182 F 321 7 Clamp 1–4 N/A N/A N/A SS 321 7 Seal Ring 1–4 N/A N/A N/A SS 321. XXS BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 321.9 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A182 F 321. Date ADMAOPCO SED Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. 160 BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 321. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 226 . To match pipe Elbow. ASTM A182 F 321. as per ASME B16. 7 Stud Bolts 1–4 N/A N/A N/A UNS N09925 (Incoloy 925) stud bolts 7 Flanges Hub Connectors Notes Thk.0 BE N/A ASTM A 312 TP 321. Cap Description To match pipe Fittings Nipple Thk. Seamless SP-1000 1–2 Sch.0 Service Index NACE Requirement Yes Service Category A as per CP-111 Temperature (°C) -29 0 38 50 100 150 200 Pressure (Barg) 413.7 341. Page PIPING CLASS . A182 F 316 Body. Trunnion Mounted.36 1–4 N/A For RTJ Flanges 2500 SS-321 Octagonal Ring Type Gaskets as per ASME B16. SS 321 Body. Lever Operated.FS4NA0 Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 2–4 To match pipe RTJ 2500 WN orifice flanges. SS 321 Body. Flanges to B 16. Lever Operated. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 227 . Flanges to B 16. ASTM A182 F 321. Date SP-1000 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. 321. SS 321 Trim. RTJ 2500 3–3 N/A FLGD.5 3. ASTM SS 321 Body.5 1–2 N/A FLGD. SS 321 Body. Flanges-B16. Flanges to B 16. RTJ 2500 Split body or top entry. RTJ 2500 Swing type. as per ASME B16. 4 STD-116 2500 Split body or top entry. Gear Operated. RTJ 2500 BB.5 3. Flanges to B16. Trunnion Mounted.5 3.48 SP-1000 1–4 N/A FLGD. SS 321 Body. 4 STD-116 FLGD. RTJ 4–4 N/A 1 – 1½ NPS (inch) Item Orifice Flanges Gasket Stud Bolt Spacer and Blank Miscellaneous 2 of 3 ADMAOPCO SED 6 STD-108 STD-119 Split body or top entry. as per ASME B16. OS&Y. Gear Operated.5 flanges 3 STD-117 1–2 N/A FLGD. Flanges to B 16. SS 321 Body.5 3 STD-117 2–4 N/A FLGD. Floating ball.21 for B16. BC. 4 STD-116 N/A FLGD.5 Ball Valves Needle Valves Notes 3 Globe Valve Check Valves Description 0 12-06 Rev.5 flanges STD-127 1–4 N/A For RTJ Flanges N/A UNS N09925 (Incoloy 925) stud bolts with 2 hex nuts STD-126 1–4 N/A RTJ 2500 ASTM A240 Gr. Suitable for B 16. RTJ 2500 Lift Type. RTJ 2500 Needle valve. The orifice flanges specified in this class shall only be used with ADMA-OPCO approval after considering clause 4. 3.5” 2” 3” 4” LEGEND 1.0. Standard ball valves included in the class are regular bore valves. 6. Not used. Equal Tee 2.12 of this document. All material shall conform to ADMA-OPCO specification SP-1000 and NACE MR0175. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 228 . 2.FS4NA0 3 of 3 HEADER SIZE BRANCH TABLE 1” 1 1. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. Not used. ADMA-OPCO approval shall be obtained before using hub connectors in the piping system Availability of hub connections in this size range needs to be verified before selecting the hub connections. For valve trim material refer to valve index enclosed under section 8. 5. 7. Weldolet BRANCH SIZE Notes: 1. Reducing Tee 3. 0 12-06 Rev. 4.Page PIPING CLASS .5” 2 1 2” 2 2 1 3” 3 2 2 1 4” 3 3 2 2 1 1” 1. Full bore may used for the valves specifically mentioned in the P&ID.5. 5 150 Spiral Wound. Smooth Orifice Flanges 2 – 12 To match pipe RF.0 20.5 flanges Notes 1 1 ADMAOPCO SED SP-1000 STD-128 STD-128 1. 10S BE N/A ASTM B 444 UNS N06625. as per ASME B16. WPNCMC.8 Schedule/ Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 1 – 1½ Sch. SS outer ring. Equal & Reducing Tee. 10S BE N/A ASTM B 705 UNS N06625.7 15. 80S BE N/A 100mm long pipe nipple. Smooth Gasket 1 – 24 4 mm For RF Flanges Flanges 0 12-06 Rev. Seamless SP-1000 1 – 16 BE N/A ASTM B 366 CL. To match pipe Weldolets RF.S. Smooth Finish Fluid Code Refer Section 9. as per ASME B16. Welded 1–2 Sch. ASTM B564 UNS N06625. Inconel inner ring.5 STD-108 150 Blind Flanges. Seamless SP-1000 3–8 Sch. as per ASME B16.0 19. WPNCMC.20 for B16. ASTM B564 UNS N06625. Welded SP-1000 18 – 24 Sch. Inconel 625.Page PIPING CLASS . as per MSS SP97 STD-128 150 WN Flanges. ASTM B 444 UNS N06625. as per ASME B16. Seamless SP-1000 2–2 Sch.5 17. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 229 . NACE MR0175. as per ASME B16.0 Service Index NACE Requirement Yes Service Category A as per CP-111 Temperature (°C) -29 0 38 50 100 150 200 Pressure (Barg) 20.2 8 STD-128 STD-108 STD-127 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. 80S BE N/A ASTM B 444 UNS N06625. WPNCMC. as per ASME B16.9 BE N/A ASTM B 366 CL. WPNCMC. To match pipe NPS (inch) Item 1–8 1 – 24 Thk. SP-1000 Corrosion Allowance 0 mm Pressure Class Class 150 Flange Facing RF.5 STD-108 Pipe Nipple Fittings Elbow.S. Seamless SP-1000 10 – 16 Sch. Date Description 300 WN orifice flanges. 40S BE N/A ASTM B 444 UNS N06625. CNAF filler. as per ASME B16.AN1NA0 1 of 3 Basic Material Inconel-625.9 STD-128 18 – 24 BE N/A ASTM B 366 CL.9 BE N/A ASTM B 366 CL. Smooth 1 – 24 N/A RF. 10S BE N/A ASTM B 705 UNS N06625. ASTM B564 UNS N06625.9 BE N/A ASTM B 564 UNS N06625.8 13. Cap Concentric and Eccentric Reducers 1 – 16 18 – 24 Thk.0 20. as per ASME B16. RF 150 BB. BC. Smooth 150 ASTM B443 UNS N06625. flanges to B 16. 4 STD-116 3–8 N/A FLGD. Flanges to B 16.5 3 STD-119 1–2 N/A FLGD. Flanges to B 16. Smooth 150 ASTM B443 UNS N06625. Inconel UNS N06625 body.48 SP-1000 1 – 12 N/A FLGD. Inconel UNS N06625 Body. Flanges to B 16. RF 150 Split body or top entry. OS&Y. Lugged wafer type. Inconel UNS N06625 Body.5 3. Inconel UNS N06625 Body. Flanges to B 16.5 3. RF 150 Swing Type. Inconel UNS N06625 Body. as per ASME B16. OS&Y. Flanges to B 16.5 3 STD-117 2–6 N/A FLGD. RF 150 Needle valve. Flanges-B16. Lever Operated. 7 1-2 N/A FLGD. Inconel UNS N06625 Body. Gear Operated. Lever Operated.AN1NA0 NPS (inch) Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 1 . 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 230 .24 N/A FLGD. Date Description Notes ADMAOPCO SED SP-1000 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.5 3. RF 150 Swing type. Trunnion Mounted. Inconel UNS N06625 Body. Serrated 150 Dual plate.5 3 STD-115 14 – 24 N/A FLGD. BC. Inconel UNS N06625 Body. RF 150 BB. Inconel UNS N06625 Body. Floating ball. OS&Y. RF 150 BB. Gear Operated.5 3 STD-119 14 – 16 N/A FLGD. as per ASME B16. Suitable for B 16. RF 150 BB. 4 STD-116 10 – 24 N/A FLGD. Inconel UNS N06625 Body. Inconel UNS N06625 Body.24 N/A RF.5 Item Stud Bolt Miscellaneous 2 of 3 Gate Valves Globe Valve Ball Valves Check Valves Needle Valves 0 12-06 Rev. Trunnion mounted.5 3 STD-115 1 – 12 N/A FLGD.5 3 STD-117 8 . OS&Y. Gear Operated.48 SP-1000 Spacer and Blank 14 – 24 N/A RF.Page PIPING CLASS .24 N/A For RF Flanges N/A UNS N09925 (Incoloy 925) stud bolts with 2 hex nuts STD-126 Spectacle Blind 1 – 12 N/A RF. RF 150 Lift Type. Flanges to B 16. Inconel UNS N06625 Body & trim. RF 150 Split body or top entry. RF 150 Split body or top entry. Flanges to B16. 4 STD-116 1 – 1½ N/A FLGD. Flanges to B 16.5 3. Flanges to B 16.5 flanges 3 STD-117 8 . 0.AN1NA0 3 of 3 BRANCH TABLE HEADER SIZE 1” 1 1.5” 2 1 2” 2 2 1 3” 3 2 2 1 4” 3 3 2 2 1 6” 3 3 3 2 2 8” 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 10” 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 12” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 14” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 16” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 18” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 20” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 24” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 LEGEND 1 1. When small size of reducer is 12” & below the reducer shall be seamless. 6. The orifice flanges specified in this class shall only be used with ADMA-OPCO approval after considering clause 4.12 of this document. 8. Welded pipes and welded fittings shall be 100% radiographed and eddy current tested. Equal Tee 2. Full bore may used for the valves specifically mentioned in the P&ID. 0 12-06 Rev.5” 2” 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” 14” 16” 18” 20” 24” BRANCH SIZE Notes: 1. Wafer type valves are flangeless and shall be installed between the flanges. 3. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. Weldolet 1 1” 1. Reducing Tee 3. For valve trim material refer to valve index enclosed under section 8. Swing type check valves for pipe sizes 14” NPS and above shall only be used after obtaining prior approval from ADMA-OPCO. Standard ball valves included in the class are regular bore valves.Page PIPING CLASS . 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 231 . 4. 2. 7. 5. All material shall conform to ADMA-OPCO specification SP-1000 and NACE MR0175.5. 20 BE N/A ASTM B 705 UNS N06625. 10 BE N/A ASTM B 705 UNS N06625. as per ASME B16. ASTM B564 UNS N06625. 10S BE N/A ASTM B 705 UNS N06625. 40S BE N/A ASTM B 444 UNS N06625. SP-1000 Corrosion Allowance 0 mm Pressure Class Class 300 Flange Facing RF. Equal & Reducing Tee. as per ASME B16. To match pipe Pipe 300 300 Description Notes 1 ADMAOPCO SED STD-128 STD-128 1. ASTM B564 UNS N06625. ASTM B564 UNS N06625. WPNCMC.5 Item Nipple Fittings Elbow. Smooth RF. Seamless SP-1000 3–8 Sch.3 46. WPNCMC.3 NPS (inch) Schedule/ Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 1 – 1½ Sch. NACE MR0175.9 1–8 BE N/A 1 – 24 1 – 24 N/A Orifice Flanges 2 – 12 To match pipe RF. ASTM B 444 UNS N06625. 80S BE N/A ASTM B 444 UNS N06625. Welded 1 SP-1000 18 – 18 Sch.2 STD-128 STD-128 STD-108 STD-108 8 STD-108 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.S. 10S BE N/A ASTM B 705 UNS N06625. as per ASME B16.5 WN orifice flanges. 10S BE N/A ASTM B 444 UNS N06625.7 51. 10 BE N/A ASTM B 705 UNS N06625. as per MSS SP97 WN Flanges. Seamless SP-1000 10 – 12 Sch.5 Blind Flanges. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 232 .7 51. 80S BE N/A 100mm long pipe nipple.S.9 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM B 366 CL. To matc h Temperature (°C) ASTM B 564 UNS N06625. Welded 1 SP-1000 1–2 Sch.5 50.9 BE N/A ASTM B 366 CL. Smooth 300 Flanges Thk. Welded SP-1000 14 – 16 Sch. as per ASME B16. 10S BE N/A ASTM B 705 UNS N06625. as per ASME B16. Smooth RF. Smooth Finish Fluid Code Refer Section 9.BN1NA0 1 of 3 Basic Material Inconel-625.0 Service Index NACE Requirement Yes Service Category A as per CP-111 -29 0 38 50 100 150 200 Pressure (Barg) 51. WPNCMC. Welded 1 SP-1000 24 – 24 Sch.Page PIPING CLASS . Seamless SP-1000 BE N/A ASTM B 366 CL.9 BE N/A ASTM B 366 CL. Date Thk. Welded 1 SP-1000 20 – 20 Sch. Welded 1 SP-1000 22 – 22 Sch.7 51. Cap Concentric and Eccentric Reducers 1 – 12 14 – 24 1 – 12 14 – 24 Weldolets 0 12-06 Rev. as per ASME B16. Seamless SP-1000 2–2 Sch.3 48. as per ASME B16. WPNCMC. BN1NA0 NPS (inch) Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 1 – 24 4 mm For RF Flanges 300 Spiral Wound. RF Ball Valves Check Valves Needle Valves 0 12-06 Rev. RF 300 3–8 N/A FLGD. Date Description 300 300 300 300 300 300 Notes ADMAOPCO SED 3 STD-115 3 STD-115 3 STD-119 3 STD-119 3. Serrated 8 . RF BB. Flanges to B 16. RF FLGD. RF 1 – 12 N/A 14 – 16 N/A 1–2 N/A FLGD. Flanges to B 16. Inconel UNS N06625.5 flanges STD-127 1 .5 BB.5 flanges Swing type. ss outer ring.48 SP-1000 1 – 12 N/A 300 14 – 24 N/A FLGD. Gear Operated. Flanges to B 16. RF 300 10 – 24 N/A FLGD.5 Dual plate. RF FLGD. Inconel UNS N06625 Body. Inconel UNS N06625 Body. Inconel UNS N06625 Body. Inconel UNS N06625 Body.5 Swing Type. Inconel 625. Inconel UNS N06625 body. Inconel UNS N06625 Body. OS&Y.5 Split body or top entry. as per ASME B16. 4 STD-116 3 STD-117 3 STD-117 3. Flanges to B 16.5 Split body or top entry. Inconel UNS N06625 Body. Gear Operated. Flanges-B16.5 Needle valve.24 N/A 300 1-2 N/A FLGD. Inconel UNS N06625 Body. BC.Page PIPING CLASS . Lever Operated. OS&Y.5 Item Gasket Stud Bolt Miscellaneous 2 of 3 Gate Valves Globe Valve FLGD. Inconel UNS N06625 Body.5 BB. BC. Gear Operated. 4 STD-116 3. Floating ball. 6 STD-117 3. Inconel UNS N06625 Body. OS&Y. OS&Y.20 for B16. Trunnion Mounted. flanges to B 16. RF FLGD. Smooth 300 ASTM B443 UNS N06625. Smooth 300 ASTM B443 UNS N06625.5 BB. Suitable for B 16. Lugged wafer type. Trunnion mounted.48 SP-1000 Spacer and Blank 14 – 24 N/A RF. Flanges to B 16. RF FLGD. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 233 . 7 SP-1000 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.5 Lift Type. Flanges to B 16. Flanges to B 16. Flanges to B16. CNAF filler. Lever Operated. RF RF.24 N/A FLGD. 4 STD-116 3. Inconel UNS N06625 Body. Flanges to B 16. as per ASME B16.5 Split body or top entry. as per ASME B16. RF 300 1 – 1½ N/A 300 2–6 N/A 8 . Inconel inner ring.24 N/A For RF Flanges N/A UNS N09925 (Incoloy 925) stud bolts with 2 hex nuts STD-126 Spectacle Blind 1 – 12 N/A RF. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.0. 3.BN1NA0 3 of 3 BRANCH TABLE HEADER SIZE 1” 1 1. The orifice flanges specified in this class shall only be used with ADMA-OPCO approval after considering clause 4. Reducing Tee 3. Wafer type valves are flangeless and shall be installed between the flanges. 7.Page PIPING CLASS . Full bore may used for the valves specifically mentioned in the P&ID. Equal Tee 2. All material shall conform to ADMA-OPCO specification SP-1000 and NACE MR0175. Swing type check valves for pipe sizes 14” NPS and above shall only be used after obtaining prior approval from ADMA-OPCO. 8.12 of this document.5” 2” 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” 14” 16” 18” 20” 24” BRANCH SIZE Notes: 1. For valve trim material refer to valve index enclosed under section 8. Welded pipes and welded fittings shall be 100% radiographed and eddy current tested.5” 2 1 2” 2 2 1 3” 3 2 2 1 4” 3 3 2 2 1 6” 3 3 3 2 2 1 8” LEGEND 1. Weldolet 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 10” 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 12” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 14” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 16” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 18” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 20” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 24” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1” 1.5. 2. 5. 6. 4. 0 12-06 Rev. When small size of reducer is 12” & below the reducer shall be seamless. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 234 . Standard ball valves included in the class are regular bore valves. WPNCMC.Page PIPING CLASS . WPNCMC.9 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM B 564 UNS N06625.9 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM B 366 CL.S.0 Service Index NACE Requirement Yes Service Category A as per CP-111 -29 0 38 50 100 150 200 Pressure (Barg) 103.4 103.20 for B16. 80S BE N/A ASTM B 444 UNS N06625. 80S BE N/A 100mm long pipe nipple. Date Description 1 – 16 Thk. Welded SP-1000 14 – 16 Sch. 40S BE N/A ASTM B 444 UNS N06625.4 103. as per ASME B16. Welded SP-1000 1–2 Sch. To match pipe Temperature (°C) RTJ 1 – 16 N/A RTJ 2 – 12 To match pipe RTJ 600 WN orifice flanges. ASTM B564 UNS N06625.4 103. To match pipe Weldolets Flanges Thk. ASTM B 444 UNS N06625. Seamless SP-1000 2–8 Sch. as per MSS SP97 STD-128 600 WN Flanges. WPNCMC. Seamless SP-1000 10 – 12 Sch. Seamless SP-1000 1 – 12 BE N/A ASTM B 366 CL.9 STD-128 14 – 16 BE N/A ASTM B 366 CL. as per ASME B16. WPNCMC. ASTM B564 UNS N06625.CN1NA0 1 of 3 Basic Material Inconel-625. as per ASME B16.S. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 235 . ASTM B564 UNS N06625. as per ASME B16. NACE MR0175. as per ASME B16.3 96. 40S BE N/A ASTM B 705 UNS N06625.5 flanges Notes 8 ADMAOPCO SED STD-108 STD-127 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. as per ASME B16.9 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM B 366 CL. 30 BE N/A ASTM B 705 UNS N06625.7 NPS (inch) Schedule/ Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 1 – 1½ Sch. Equal & Reducing Tee. SP-1000 Corrosion Allowance 0 mm Pressure Class Class 600 Flange Facing RTJ Fluid Code Refer Section 9.4 103 100.5 STD-108 Item Pipe Nipple Fittings Elbow.5 1 – 16 N/A For RTJ Flanges 600 Inconel 625 octagonal ring type gasket. as per ASME B16.5 STD-108 600 Blind Flanges. Cap Concentric and Eccentric Reducers 1 – 12 14 – 16 1–8 Orifice Flanges Gasket 0 12-06 Rev. as per ASME B16. RTJ 600 BB. RTJ 600 Split body or top entry.5 3 STD-115 1–6 N/A FLGD. Gear Operated. Inconel UNS N06625 Body. Trunnion Mounted.5 3 2–6 FLGD. as per ASME B16. Inconel UNS N06625 body. Flanges to B 16.5 3. Serrated Item Stud Bolt Miscellaneous 2 of 3 Gate Valves Globe Valve Ball Valves Check Valves Needle Valves 0 12-06 Rev. RTJ 600 BB. Flanges to B 16. OS&Y. Flanges to B 16. as per ASME B16. Inconel UNS N06625 Body. Floating ball.5 Needle valve. Inconel UNS N06625 Body. Inconel UNS N06625 Body. Flanges to B 16. OS&Y. RTJ 600 BB.5 Swing Type. RTJ FLGD. Flanges to B 16. RTJ FLGD. 4 STD-116 6 – 16 N/A FLGD. Inconel UNS N06625 Body. Inconel UNS N06625 Body. RTJ 600 BB. Lugged wafer type. 6 STD-117 8 . Gear Operated. Date Description 600 600 600 Notes ADMAOPCO SED SP-1000 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.5 flanges Swing type.48 SP-1000 1–6 N/A FLGD. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 236 . OS&Y. OS&Y. 4 STD-116 3–4 N/A FLGD. 7 STD-117 1-2 N/A FLGD. Gear Operated. Flanges to B16. Lever Operated.48 SP-1000 Spacer and Blank 10 – 16 N/A RTJ 600 ASTM B443 UNS N06625. Inconel UNS N06625 Body. Inconel UNS N06625 Body.CN1NA0 NPS (inch) Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 1 . Flanges to B 16.5 3 STD-115 8 – 16 N/A FLGD. RTJ 600 Split body or top entry. Flanges to B 16.5 Dual plate.Page PIPING CLASS .5 3. Inconel UNS N06625 Body & trim.5 3.24 N/A 3.24 N/A For RTJ Flanges N/A UNS N09925 (Incoloy 925) stud bolts with 2 hex nuts STD-126 Spectacle Blind 1–8 N/A RTJ 600 ASTM B443 UNS N06625. BC.24 N/A 600 3. flanges to B 16. RTJ RF. Lever Operated.5 3 STD-119 8 – 16 N/A FLGD.5 3 STD-119 1–2 N/A FLGD. Inconel UNS N06625 Body. Suitable for B 16. Inconel UNS N06625 Body. Trunnion mounted. Flanges-B16. RTJ Lift Type. 4 STD-116 1 – 1½ N/A 600 STD-117 N/A 3 STD-117 8 . BC. Flanges to B 16. RTJ 600 Split body or top entry. 5” 2 1 2” 2 2 1 3” 3 2 2 1 4” 3 3 2 2 1 6” 3 3 3 2 2 1 8” LEGEND 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 10” 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 12” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 14” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 16” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1. For valve trim material refer to valve index enclosed under section 8.5” 2” 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” 14” 16” BRANCH SIZE Notes: 1. 2. The orifice flanges specified in this class shall only be used with ADMA-OPCO approval after considering clause 4. Reducing Tee 3.5. Standard ball valves included in the class are regular bore valves. Weldolet 1 1” 1.0. Swing type check valves for pipe sizes 14” NPS and above shall only be used after obtaining prior approval from ADMA-OPCO. 4.CN1NA0 3 of 3 BRANCH TABLE HEADER SIZE 1” 1 1. All material shall conform to ADMA-OPCO specification SP-1000 and NACE MR0175. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. 0 12-06 Rev. When small size of reducer is 12” & below the reducer shall be seamless. Welded pipes and welded fittings shall be 100% radiographed and eddy current tested. Wafer type valves are flangeless and shall be installed between the flanges. 7.Page PIPING CLASS . 6. 3.12 of this document. 5. Equal Tee 2. 8. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 237 . Full bore may used for the valves specifically mentioned in the P&ID. 5 STD-108 3 – 16 N/A RTJ 900 Blind Flanges. 40S BE N/A ASTM B 444 UNS N06625.9 STD-128 1–4 BE N/A ASTM B 564 UNS N06625. ASTM B564 UNS N06625. WPNCMC. ASTM B 444 UNS N06625. Welded SP-1000 1–2 Sch. Seamless SP-1000 10 – 10 Sch.S.9 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM B 366 CL. Welded SP-1000 12 – 12 Sch.Page PIPING CLASS .6 150. To match pipe Temperature (°C) Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. Cap Concentric and Eccentric Reducers 1 – 12 14 – 16 Rev.6 145 NPS (inch) Schedule/ Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 1 – 1½ Sch.5 STD-108 Flanges 12-06 Notes RTJ 3 – 16 0 Description Thk. ASTM B564 UNS N06625.1 154.9 STD-128 14 – 16 BE N/A ASTM B 366 CL.4 155. as per ASME B16. ASTM B564 UNS N06625. Date ADMAOPCO SED 1–2 N/A RTJ 1500 Blind Flanges. Welded SP-1000 16 – 16 14. Equal & Reducing Tee.5 STD-108 RTJ 900 WN Flanges. as per ASME B16. ASTM B564 UNS N06625. Welded SP-1000 14 – 14 Sch. 80S BE N/A ASTM B 705 UNS N06625. as per ASME B16. as per ASME B16. WPNCMC. Seamless SP-1000 2–8 Sch. as per MSS SP97 STD-128 1–2 1500 WN Flanges. as per ASME B16. To match pipe Weldolets Thk. 80S BE N/A ASTM B 705 UNS N06625.5 STD-108 Item Pipe Nipple Fittings Elbow.4 155. WPNCMC. 80S BE N/A ASTM B 444 UNS N06625. SP-1000 Corrosion Allowance 0 mm Pressure Class Class 900 Flange Facing RTJ Fluid Code Refer Section 9.DN1NA0 1 of 4 Basic Material Inconel-625.0 Service Index NACE Requirement Yes Service Category A as per CP-111 -29 0 38 50 100 150 200 Pressure (Barg) 155. 80S BE N/A 100mm long pipe nipple. as per ASME B16. as per ASME B16.27 BE N/A ASTM B 705 UNS N06625.4 155. 40S BE N/A ASTM B 705 UNS N06625.9 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM B 366 CL. Seamless SP-1000 1 – 12 BE N/A ASTM B 366 CL.S. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 238 . WPNCMC. as per ASME B16. NACE MR0175. OS&Y. Flanges to B16. as per ASME B16. Inconel UNS N06625 Body.5 Split body or top entry. Trunnion mounted. OS&Y. as per ASME B16. Inconel UNS N06625 Body. as per ASME B16.5 flanges STD-127 N/A For RTJ Flanges 900 Inconel 625 octagonal ring type gasket. Gear Operated. Inconel UNS N06625 Body. 4 STD-116 3–4 N/A FLGD.20 for B16. Flanges to B 16. RTJ 900 BB. Gear Operated. Inconel UNS N06625 Body. Inconel UNS N06625 Body.5 Split body or top entry. OS&Y. as per ASME B16. Flanges to B 16. RTJ 900 BB. OS&Y. Inconel UNS N06625 Body.5 3 STD-115 4 – 16 N/A FLGD. Flanges to B 16. RTJ FLGD. Flanges to B 16.48 SP-1000 1–2 N/A FLGD. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 239 . Flanges to B 16.Page PIPING CLASS .5 3 STD-115 3–3 N/A FLGD.20 for B16.5 3 3–3 FLGD. Inconel UNS N06625 Body. 4 STD-116 6 – 16 N/A FLGD. Floating ball. RTJ 3. RTJ 900 3.48 SP-1000 3–4 N/A RTJ 900 ASTM B443 UNS N06625. Lever Operated. Date Rating 900 900 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.DN1NA0 Ends and Facing 2 – 12 To match pipe RTJ 1–2 N/A 3 – 16 Description Notes ADMAOPCO SED 900 WN orifice flanges. ASTM B564 UNS N06625. as per ASME B16. OS&Y. Trunnion Mounted. RTJ FLGD. RTJ 900 BB. Flanges to B 16.5 3 STD-115 1–2 N/A 1500 STD-119 N/A 3 STD-119 4 – 16 N/A 3 STD-119 1–2 N/A FLGD.5 BB.48 SP-1000 6 – 16 N/A RTJ 900 ASTM B443 UNS N06625. Lever Operated. as per ASME B16.5 BB. Inconel UNS N06625 Body.5 9 STD-108 For RTJ Flanges 1500 Inconel 625 octagonal ring type gasket. Inconel UNS N06625 Body. Flanges-B16. Flanges to B 16. OS&Y.5 flanges STD-127 1 – 16 N/A For RTJ Flanges N/A UNS N09925 (Incoloy 925) stud bolts with 2 hex nuts STD-126 1–2 N/A RTJ 1500 ASTM B443 UNS N06625.5 Split body or top entry. Gear Operated. RTJ 1500 3. RTJ 1500 BB. 4 STD-116 NPS (inch) Item Orifice Flanges Gasket Stud Bolt Spectacle Blind Miscellaneous Schedule / Thickness (mm) 2 of 4 Spacer and Blank Gate Valves Globe Valve Ball Valves 0 12-06 Rev. Inconel UNS N06625 Body. Flanges to B16.Page PIPING CLASS .5 flanges 3. Inconel UNS N06625 Body. Date STD-117 SP-1000 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. BC. flanges to B 16. RTJ 2–2 N/A 3–8 3 of 4 Description Notes ADMAOPCO SED 1500 Lift Type. Lugged wafer type. BC. RTJ 900 Swing type.DN1NA0 NPS (inch) Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 1 – 1½ N/A FLGD. RTJ 1500 Swing type. 6 8 – 16 N/A FLGD. RTJ 1500 Needle valve.5 3 STD-117 N/A FLGD. Flanges to B 16. Inconel UNS N06625 Body. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 240 .5 Item Check Valves Needle Valves 0 12-06 Rev. RTJ 900 Swing type. Suitable for B 16. Flanges to B 16. Inconel UNS N06625 Body. Inconel UNS N06625 Body & trim.5 3 STD-117 FLGD. Inconel UNS N06625 Body. BC.5 3. Flanges to B 16.5 3 8 – 16 N/A RTJ 900 Dual plate. 8 1-2 N/A FLGD. Page PIPING CLASS . 3. 8.DN1NA0 4 of 4 BRANCH TABLE 1” 1 HEADER SIZE 1. 7. 5. Full bore may used for the valves specifically mentioned in the P&ID. 6. 0 12-06 Rev. ASME B16. 9. Not used. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 241 .5 specifies class 1500 instead of class 900 for these sizes. Not used. The orifice flanges specified in this class shall only be used with ADMA-OPCO approval after considering clause 4. Equal Tee 2. Weldolet 1 1” 1. Standard ball valves included in the class are regular bore valves.0. Swing type check valves for pipe sizes 14” NPS and above shall only be used after obtaining prior approval from ADMA-OPCO. Class 1500 flanges shall be provided in place of class 900 flanges for sizes 2” NPS and below as specified in ASME B16. For valve trim material refer to valve index enclosed under section 8.5. Reducing Tee 3. 2. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. All material shall conform to ADMA-OPCO specification SP-1000 and NACE MR0175.5” 2 1 2” 2 2 1 3” 3 2 2 LEGEND 1 4” 3 3 2 2 1 6” 3 3 3 2 2 1 8” 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 10” 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 12” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1.12 of this document.5” 2” 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” BRANCH SIZE Notes: 1.5. 4. Wafer type valves are flangeless and shall be installed between the flanges. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 242 . Seamless SP-1000 BE N/A ASTM B 366 CL.6 258.6 250. Seamless SP-1000 10 – 12 Sch. WPNCMC.0 Service Index NACE Requirement Yes Service Category A as per CP-111 -29 0 38 50 100 150 200 Pressure (Barg) 258. Seamless SP-1000 2–4 Sch. To match pipe Description RTJ 1 – 12 N/A RTJ 1500 Blind Flanges. as per ASME B16. Equal & Reducing Tee.Page PIPING CLASS . SP-1000 Corrosion Allowance 0 mm Pressure Class Class 1500 Flange Facing RTJ Fluid Code Refer Section 9.S. ASTM B564 UNS N06625.5 Hub 8 – 12 To match pipe Weldolets BE N/A ASTM B564 UNS N06625 7 Clamp 8 – 12 N/A N/A N/A Inconel 625 7 Seal Ring 8 – 12 N/A N/A N/A Inconel 625. Cap 1 – 12 Concentric and Eccentric Reducers 1 – 12 1–4 Notes 1 – 12 Thk.6 258.9 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM B 366 CL. 80S BE N/A ASTM B 444 UNS N06625. 80S BE N/A ASTM B 444 UNS N06625. Seamless SP-1000 6–8 Sch. as per MSS SP97 STD-128 1500 WN Flanges. WPNCMC.8 241. 7 Stud Bolts 8 – 12 N/A N/A N/A UNS N09925 (Incoloy 925) stud bolts 7 Flanges Hub Connectors Thk.9 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM B 564 UNS N06625. 80 BE N/A ASTM B 705 UNS N06625.6 257. To match pipe Temperature (°C) 0 12-06 Rev. as per ASME B16.7 NPS (inch) Schedule/ Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 1 – 1½ Sch.5 STD-108 STD-108 Item Pipe Fittings Nipple Elbow.EN1NA0 1 of 3 Basic Material Inconel-625.6 258. 80S BE N/A 100mm long pipe nipple. NACE MR0175.S. as per ASME B16. Hardness to match flanges. Welded SP-1000 1–2 Sch. ASTM B 444 UNS N06625. ASTM B564 UNS N06625. Date ADMAOPCO SED Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. 40S BE N/A ASTM B 444 UNS N06625. as per ASME B16. Gear Operated. Gear Operated.20 for B16. 4 STD-116 3–3 N/A FLGD.5 3 STD-119 1–2 N/A FLGD. OS &Y.5 3.5 NPS (inch) Item Orifice Flanges Gasket Stud Bolt Miscellaneous 2 of 3 Gate Valves Globe Valve Ball Valves Check Valves Needle Valves 0 12-06 Rev. 6 STD-117 SP-1000 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. Trunnion Mounted.EN1NA0 Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 2 – 12 To match pipe RTJ 1 – 12 N/A 1 – 12 Spectacle Blind Spacer and Blank Description Notes ADMAOPCO SED 1500 WN orifice flanges. BC. Lugged wafer type. OS&Y. Inconel UNS N06625 Body & trim. 4 STD-116 4 – 12 N/A FLGD.Page PIPING CLASS . Inconel UNS N06625 Body. Flanges to B 16.5 3 STD-115 1 – 12 N/A FLGD. Trunnion mounted. RTJ 1500 Lift Type. Inconel UNS N06625 Body.48 SP-1000 6 – 12 N/A RTJ 1500 ASTM B443 UNS N06625.5 flanges 1-2 N/A FLGD.5 3 STD-117 2–6 N/A FLGD. Suitable for B 16. RTJ 1500 BB. Inconel UNS N06625 Body. RTJ 1500 Split body or top entry. 4 STD-116 1 – 1½ N/A FLGD.5 3. as per ASME B16.48 SP-1000 1 – 12 N/A FLGD. as per ASME B16.5 3 8 – 12 N/A RTJ 1500 Dual plate. RTJ 1500 Split body or top entry. Date 3. Flanges to B 16. ASTM B564 UNS N06625. UNS N06625 body.5 7 STD-108 For RTJ Flanges 1500 Inconel 625 octagonal ring type gasket. RTJ 1500 BB. Gear Operated. as per ASME B16. Flanges to B 16. Inconel UNS N06625 Body. Flanges to B16. as per ASME B16. Inconel UNS N06625 Body. Inconel UNS N06625 Body. Flanges to B 16. RTJ 1500 Split body or top entry.5 flanges STD-127 N/A For RTJ Flanges N/A UNS N09925 (Incoloy 925) stud bolts with 2 hex nuts STD-126 1–4 N/A RTJ 1500 ASTM B443 UNS N06625.5 3. Floating ball. Lever Operated. RTJ 1500 Needle valve. Flanges-B16. Inconel UNS N06625 Body. Lever Operated. Flanges to B 16. Flanges to B 16. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 243 . RTJ 1500 Swing type. The orifice flanges specified in this class shall only be used with ADMA-OPCO approval after considering clause 4. Full bore may used for the valves specifically mentioned in the P&ID. Not used.5. Not used. Weldolet 1 1” 1. Reducing Tee 3. For valve trim material refer to valve index enclosed under section 8.5” 2” 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” BRANCH SIZE Notes: 1.5” 2 1 2” 2 2 1 LEGEND 3” 3 2 2 1 4” 3 3 2 2 1 6” 3 3 3 2 2 1 8” 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 10” 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 12” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1. 2. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. 0 12-06 Rev.0. 6. Standard ball valves included in the class are regular bore valves. 4. 7. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 244 . 5. All material shall conform to ADMA-OPCO specification SP-1000 and NACE MR0175.Page PIPING CLASS – EN1NA0 3 of 3 BRANCH TABLE 1” 1 HEADER SIZE 1. 3.12 of this document. 8. Equal Tee 2. ADMA-OPCO approval shall be obtained before using hub connectors in the piping system. Wafer type valves are flangeless and shall be installed between the flanges. 5 STD-108 STD-108 Item Pipe Fittings Nipple Elbow.Page PIPING CLASS .9 430.S. 8 Stud Bolts 8 – 12 N/A N/A N/A UNS N09925 (Incoloy 925) stud bolts 8 Flanges Hub Connectors Thk. Welded SP-1000 1–2 Sch.0 Service Index NACE Requirement Yes Service Category A as per CP-111 -29 0 38 50 100 150 200 Pressure (Barg) 430.8 NPS (inch) Schedule/ Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 1–3 Sch. Seamless SP-1000 10 – 12 Sch. 120 BE N/A ASTM B 444 UNS N06625. NACE MR0175. Cap 1 – 12 Concentric and Eccentric Reducers 1 – 12 1–4 Notes 1 – 12 Thk.9 429. as per MSS SP97 STD-128 2500 WN Flanges. as per ASME B16. as per ASME B16.FN1NA0 1 of 3 Basic Material Inconel-625. Seamless SP-1000 4–6 Sch. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 245 . ASTM B564 UNS N06625. ASTM B 444 UNS N06625.4 418.9 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM B 564 UNS N06625.S. WPNCMC. as per ASME B16. Date ADMAOPCO SED Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. To match pipe Description RTJ 1 – 12 N/A RTJ 2500 Blind Flanges. 140 BE N/A ASTM B 444 UNS N06625. WPNCMC. Seamless SP-1000 8–8 Sch. Hardness to match flanges.9 430. SP-1000 Corrosion Allowance 0 mm Pressure Class Class 2500 Flange Facing RTJ Fluid Code Refer Section 9. 80S BE N/A 100mm long pipe nipple. 140 BE N/A ASTM B 705 UNS N06625. Equal & Reducing Tee. 80S BE N/A ASTM B 444 UNS N06625. as per ASME B16.9 430.9 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM B 366 CL.2 402.5 Hub 8 – 12 To match pipe Weldolets BE N/A ASTM B564 UNS N06625 8 Clamp 8 – 12 N/A N/A N/A Inconel 625 8 Seal Ring 8 – 12 N/A N/A N/A Inconel 625. ASTM B564 UNS N06625. To match pipe Temperature (°C) 0 12-06 Rev. Seamless SP-1000 BE N/A ASTM B 366 CL. Inconel UNS N06625 Body. Flanges to B 16. RTJ 2500 Needle valve.20 for B16. Date 3. Trunnion Mounted.5 3 8 – 12 N/A RTJ 2500 Dual plate. RTJ 2500 Swing type. OS&Y. Flanges to B16.5 3. as per ASME B16.5 7 STD-108 For RTJ Flanges 2500 Inconel 625 octagonal ring type.5 1–2 N/A FLGD. 4 STD-116 N/A FLGD.5 flanges STD-127 N/A For RTJ Flanges N/A UNS N09925 (Incoloy 925) stud bolts with 2 hex nuts STD-126 1 – 12 N/A RTJ 2500 ASTM B443 UNS N06625. Flanges-B16. Floating ball. Inconel UNS N06625 Body & trim.5 3. RTJ 2500 3–3 N/A FLGD. 4 STD-116 2500 Split body or top entry. Lever Operated. BC. 6 STD-117 SP-1000 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. Trunnion mounted.5 Globe Valve Ball Valves Check Valves Needle Valves 0 12-06 Rev. RTJ 2500 Split body or top entry.48 SP-1000 1 – 12 N/A FLGD. Gear Operated. Gear Operated. Inconel UNS N06625 Body. Flanges to B 16. Flanges to B 16.5 flanges 1-2 N/A FLGD. Flanges to B 16. Flanges to B 16. RTJ 4 – 12 N/A 1 – 1½ NPS (inch) Item Orifice Flanges Gasket Stud Bolt Spacer and Blank Miscellaneous Schedule / Thickness (mm) 2 of 3 Rating 3 STD-119 Split body or top entry. Suitable for B 16. Lugged wafer type.5 3 STD-117 2–6 N/A FLGD. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 246 . as per ASME B16. Inconel UNS N06625 Body. Inconel UNS N06625 Body.5 3. ASTM B564 UNS N06625. Lever Operated. UNS N06625 body. RTJ 2500 BB.FN1NA0 Ends and Facing 2 – 12 To match pipe RTJ 1 – 12 N/A 1 – 12 Description Notes ADMAOPCO SED 2500 WN orifice flanges. 4 STD-116 FLGD.Page PIPING CLASS . RTJ 2500 Lift Type. as per ASME B16. Inconel UNS N06625 Body. Inconel UNS N06625 Body. 6. ADMA-OPCO approval shall be obtained before using hub connectors in the piping system. 5. Full bore may used for the valves specifically mentioned in the P&ID. Not used. 2. Not used. Wafer type valves are flangeless and shall be installed between the flanges. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 247 .12 of this document.Page PIPING CLASS .5” 2” 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” BRANCH SIZE Notes: 1.5” 2 1 2” 2 2 1 LEGEND 3” 3 2 2 1 4” 3 3 2 2 1 6” 3 3 3 2 2 1 8” 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 10” 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 12” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1. The orifice flanges specified in this class shall only be used with ADMA-OPCO approval after considering clause 4. All material shall conform to ADMA-OPCO specification SP-1000 and NACE MR0175. 4. 3. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.FN1NA0 3 of 3 BRANCH TABLE 1” 1 HEADER SIZE 1.5.0. 7. Standard ball valves included in the class are regular bore valves. Equal Tee 2. Reducing Tee 3. Weldolet 1 1” 1. 8. For valve trim material refer to valve index enclosed under section 8. 0 12-06 Rev. 0 16. Welded 1 24 – 24 13 BE 20 bar UNS 7060X (90/10 Cu/Ni). Seamless 10 – 10 5. Date Description Notes ADMAOPCO SED Thickness amended for 18. EEMUA 144 SEC-1. EEMUA 144 SEC-2.0 16.5 BE 20 bar UNS 7060X (90/10 Cu/Ni). EEMUA 144 SEC-1. Seamless 18 – 18 9. EEMUA 144. Seamless 12 – 12 7 BE 20 bar UNS 7060X (90/10 Cu/Ni).5 BE 20 bar 100mm long nipple.AN3GA0 1 of 4 Basic Material UNS 7060X (Cu Ni 90/10) Corrosion Allowance 0.0 Service Index NACE Requirement No Service Category B Temperature (°C) -29 0 38 50 75 100 Pressure (Barg) 16.Page PIPING CLASS . EEMUA 144 SEC-1. Serrated Finish Fluid Code Refer Section 9. EEMUA 144 SEC-1.5 BE 20 bar UNS 7060X (90/10 Cu/Ni). EEMUA 144 SEC-2.20 &24 NPS in line with EEMUA 144 requirements. Welded 1 20 – 20 11 BE 20 bar UNS 7060X (90/10 Cu/Ni).0 15.7 NPS (inch) Schedule/ Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 1–3 2. SEC-1 Item Pipe Nipple 0a 05-07 0 12-06 Rev. Seamless 4–4 3 BE 20 bar UNS 7060X (90/10 Cu/Ni).5 mm Pressure Class Class 150 Flange Facing RF. Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. EEMUA 144 SEC-2.5 BE 20 bar UNS 7060X (90/10 Cu/Ni).5 BE 20 bar UNS 7060X (90/10 Cu/Ni).0 16. EEMUA 144 SEC-1. Seamless 16 – 16 9 BE 20 bar UNS 7060X (90/10 Cu/Ni). Seamless 14 – 14 8 BE 20 bar UNS 7060X (90/10 Cu/Ni).0 16. EEMUA 144 SEC-1. Welded 1 1–2 2. UNS 7060X (90/10 Cu/Ni).5 BE 20 bar UNS 7060X (90/10 Cu/Ni). 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 248 . EEMUA 144 SEC-1. Seamless 6–6 3. Seamless 8–8 4. EEMUA 144 SEC-1. ASTM A105N. EENUA 145 Section 3.48 N/A N/A N/A Monel-400 studs bolt with 2 hex nuts STD-126 Spectacle Blind 1 – 12 N/A RF. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 249 .5 flanges STD-127 1 .5 flanges STD-127 16 – 24 3 mm For FF Flanges 150 CNAF full face gaskets as per ASME B16. Cap 1 – 24 Concentric and Eccentric Reducers 1 – 24 1 – 20 Schedule / Thickness (mm) Thk. Class 150 STD-108 FF. Serrated 150 Blind Flanges. To match pipe NPS (inch) Item Ends and Facing Rating Description BE 20 bar UNS 7060X. Class 150 1 – 24 Flanges Notes 6 ADMAOPCO SED STD-108 1 – 24 N/A RF.48 4 Spacer and Blank 14 – 24 N/A RF.21 for B16.21 for B16. Serrated 20 bar Stub End. as per EEMUA 145 Section 1B. Serrated 150 Cu-Ni B402 UNS 7060X. Type-1 STD-128 BE N/A UNS 7060X. EEMUA 146 Section-1 STD-128 BE 20 bar UNS 7060X. Equal & Reducing Tee.5.5 flanges STD-127 16 – 24 3 mm For RF Flanges 150 CNAF Flat Ring Gaskets as per ASME B16. BW.5 flanges STD-127 1 – 14 2 mm For FF Flanges 150 CNAF full face gaskets as per ASME B16. as per ASME B16. Self reinforced branch connection fittings (butt welding type). Serrated 150 Cu-Ni B402 UNS 7060X.48 4 Gasket Stud Bolt Miscellaneous Thk. Date STD-108 4 STD-108 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. as per ASME B16. Serrated 20 bar Solid copper nickel weld neck flange. EEMUA 146 Section-1.5. EEMUA 146 Section-6 STD-128 N/A 20 bar Bolting Flanges as per EEMUA 145 Section 1A.Page PIPING CLASS .21 for B16.5 1 – 14 2 mm For RF Flanges 150 CNAF Flat Ring Gaskets as per ASME B16. 90/10 Cu/Ni 1 – 24 N/A RF. as per ASME B16. ASTM A105N with Cu-Ni Overlay. To match pipe Weldolets 1 – 24 2 of 4 0 12-06 Rev.AN3GA0 Fittings Elbow. Drilling as per ASME B16. Drilling as per ASME B16.21 for B16. ASTM B148 Gr.5 7 STD-117 2–6 N/A FLGD. ASTM B148 Gr.24 N/A RF.5 7 STD-119 1 – 1½ N/A FLGD. C95800 Body. OS&Y. Flanges to B 16. RF 150 Swing type. Flanges to B 16. OS&Y. Wafer Type. RF 150 Swing type.5 5. Gear Operated. Flanges to B 16. RF 1 – 12 N/A 14 – 16 Notes ADMAOPCO SED BB. C95800 Body. C95800 Body. Date Rating Description Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. OS&Y. RF 150 Lift Type.Page PIPING CLASS .24 N/A FLGD.24 7 STD-115 150 BB. 7 STD-117 8 . 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 250 . OS&Y.5 flanges 3.24 7 STD-115 FLGD. Gear Operated. ASTM B148 Gr. 7 STD-117 8 . Flanges to B 16.5 7 STD-117 8 .5 End Connection 3.24 N/A FLGD. ASTM B148 Gr. Aluminum Bronze Disc. ASTM B148 Gr.AN3GA0 NPS (inch) Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing 1 – 12 N/A FLGD. C95800 Body. ASTM B148 Gr. ASTM B148 Gr. RF 150 14 – 24 N/A FLGD. Flanges to B 16.5 7 STD-119 N/A FLGD. RF 150 BB.7 STD-118 Item Gate Valves Globe Valve 3 of 4 Check Valves Butterfly Valves 0 12-06 Rev. C95800 Body. ASTM B148 Gr. C95800 Body. C95800 Body. RF 150 BB. Flanges to B 16.5/16. Serrated 150 Dual Plate. C95800 Body. Flanges to B 16. Suitable for B 16. ASTM B148 Gr. B 16. Gear Operated. RF 150 Lugged Wafer Type Butterfly Valve.5/16. C95800 Body. 5. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.0 0 12-06 Rev.5” 2 1 2” 2 2 1 LEGEND 3” 3 2 2 1 4” 3 3 2 2 1.5” 2” 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” 14” 16” 18” 20” 24” BRANCH SIZE Notes: 1. Welded pipes and fittings shall be 100% radiographed and eddy current tested. Flat faced composite weld neck flanges shall be used for mating with flat faced components. When small size of reducer is 16” & below the reducer shall be seamless. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 251 .Page PIPING CLASS . Swing type check valve for pipe sizes 14” NPS and above shall only be used after obtaining prior approval from ADMA-OPCO. 4.AN3GA0 4 of 4 BRANCH TABLE 1” 1 HEADER SIZE 1. Wafer type valves are flangeless and shall be installed between the flanges with through bolting. For valve trim material refer to valve index enclosed under section 8. Reducing Tee 3. Equal Tee 1 2. 2. Alternatively carbon steel spectacle blinds and spades with Cu-Ni overlay can be used. 6. Reinforced branch fittings (Weldolet) 6” 3 3 3 2 2 1 8” 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 10” 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 12” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 14” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 16” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 18” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 20” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 24” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1” 1. 3. 7. Cap 1 – 24 BE N/A Bell End. Serrated 150 Socket ends. Class-F 4 – 14 BE 25 bar GRE Pipe.AG0GA0 1 of 3 Basic Material GRE Corrosion Allowance 0 mm Pressure Class Class 150 Flange Facing FF.0 1–3 BE 32 bar GRE Pipe. Serrated 150 Blind Flanges.5 4 STD-108 16 – 24 N/A FF. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 252 . GRE for PN-25 bar. Socket and Spigot End. Drilling as per B16.5 4 STD-108 4 – 14 16 – 24 Flanges Thk.5 4 STD-108 4 – 14 N/A FF. Drilling as per ASME B16. GRE fittings. Serrated 150 Blind Flanges. dimensions as per ASTM D3567 STD-128 FF. To match pipe Rating Pipe Fittings Schedule/ Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing NPS (inch) Item Description Notes ADMAOPCO SED 1–3 N/A FF. Serrated Finish Fluid Code Refer Section 9.0 16. GRE fittings.0 16. Drilling as per B16. Drilling as per B16.Page PIPING CLASS .0 16. GRE for PN-20 bars. Class-F 16 – 24 BE 20 bar GRE Pipe. Serrated 150 Socket ends. Type-1.5 4 STD-108 FF. Class-F Elbow. Drilling as per ASME B16. Drilling as per ASME B16. dimensions as per ASTM D3567 STD-128 Concentric and Eccentric Reducers 1 – 24 BE N/A Bell End. Socket and Spigot End. GRE for PN-32 bars. ASTM D2992. Type-1.0 16. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. ASTM D2996. GRE for PN-20 bar.0 Service Index NACE Requirement No Service Category B Temperature (°C) -29 0 38 50 85 Pressure (Barg) (Note-1) 16. GRE for PN-25 bars.5 4 STD-108 0 12-06 Rev. Serrated 150 Socket ends. Equal & Reducing Tee. Type-1. ASTM D2996. ASTM D2992. GRE for PN-32 bar. Socket and Spigot End. To match pipe 1–3 Thk. ASTM D2996. Serrated 150 Blind Flanges.5 4 STD-108 FF. Serrated 150 Dual Plate. Serrated 150 A516 Gr. FF 150 Lift Type. ASTM B148 Gr. Wafer Type. OS&Y. ASTM B148 Gr. C95800 Body.24 N/A FF. C95800 Body. Gear Operated. as per ASME B16. Flanges to B 16. C95800 Body. as per ASME B16. FF 150 Swing type.AG0GA0 NPS (inch) Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing 1 – 14 2 mm 16 – 24 Item Description For FF Flanges 150 Full face Elastomer gasket with shore A hardness 50-60. FF 150 BB.Page PIPING CLASS .5 10 STD-119 14 – 16 N/A FLGD. ASTM B148 Gr. C95800 Body. FF 150 Swing type.5 10 STD-119 1 – 1½ N/A FLGD. Flanges to B 16.21 for B16. ASTM B148 Gr. B 16. C95800 Body. OS&Y. FF 150 Lugged Wafer Type Butterfly Valve.5 10 STD-115 14 – 24 N/A FLGD. 70 with Cu-Ni Overlay.5 10 STD-117 2–6 N/A FLGD.5 flanges STD-127 3 mm For FF Flanges 150 Full Face Flat Gasket.5 10 STD-117 8 . FF 150 BB. ASTM B148 Gr. Suitable for B 16.5 flanges 105 STD-117 8 – 24 N/A FLGD. FF 150 BB. ASTM B148 Gr. 10 STD-117 8 .5 flanges STD-127 1 . C95800 Body. Gear Operated. Serrated 150 A516 Gr.5 End Connection 10 STD-118 Stud Bolt Gate Valves Globe Valve Check Valves Butterfly Valves 0 12-06 Rev. Flanges to B 16. 70 with Cu-Ni Overlay. Flanges to B 16. as per ASME B16.48 N/A For FF Flanges N/A ASTM A193 B7 Bolts / ASTM A194 2H Nuts. ASTM B148 Gr.5 7. OS&Y. as per ASME B16. Date Notes ADMAOPCO SED Rating Gasket Miscellaneous 2 of 3 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. ASTM B148 Gr. ASTM B148 Gr.21 for B16. FF 150 BB.24 N/A FLGD. OS&Y. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 253 . Galvanized STD-126 Spectacle Blind 1 – 12 N/A FF. Flanges to B 16. Flanges to B 16. Flanges to B 16. C95800 Body. Gear Operated. C95800 Body.48 6 Spacer and Blank 14 – 24 N/A FF. C95800 Body.48 6 1 – 12 N/A FLGD.5 10 STD-115 1 – 12 N/A FLGD. 5 flanges. Flanges shall be qualified to ASTM D4024 with flange drilling dimensions to suit ASME B16. 5.0 0 12-06 Rev.5” 2” 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” 14” 16” 18” 20” 24” BRANCH SIZE Notes: 1. 8. 3. 9. Fittings shall be as per ASTM 2992 and dimensions as per ASTM D3567. 2. Equal Tee 2. Pressure temperature rating shall be confirmed with GRE pipe manufacturer. Swing type check valve for pipe sizes 14” NPS and above shall only be used after obtaining prior approval from ADMA-OPCO.AG0GA0 3 of 3 BRANCH TABLE 1” 1 HEADER SIZE 1. Reducing Tee 3. Thickness of pipes and fittings shall be as per the manufacturers recommendation based on pressure and temperature rating. Reducing Saddles 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 10” 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 12” 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 14” 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 16” 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 18” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 20” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 24” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1” 1. Wafer type valves are flangeless and shall be installed between the flanges. 10.5” 2 1 2” 2 2 1 LEGEND 3” 2 2 2 1 4” 2 2 2 2 1 6” 3 3 3 2 2 1 8” 1. Pipes shall be designed to ASTM D2992/2996 and dimensions as per ASTM D3567.Page PIPING CLASS . Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. Spectacle blind shall have Cu-Ni overlaid on the gasket seating faces. 7. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 254 . For valve trim material refer to valve index enclosed under section 8. 4. Pipes and fittings shall be joined together by adhesive bonding with a suitable adhesive compound specified and supplied by the GRE pipe and fittings manufacturer. 6. UPVC as per BS-1452-3. To match pipe 1–2 Elbow. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 255 .9 PE N/A UPVC as per ASTM D3034 2–2 2.6 PE N/A UPVC as per ASTM D3034 4–4 5.0 Service Index NACE Requirement No Service Category B -29 Temperature (°C) 0 38 50 85 Pressure (Barg) (Note-2) NPS (inch) Schedule/ Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 1–1 1.1½ 1. To match pipe Item Description Notes ADMAOPCO SED 1 STD-128 STD-128 1 STD-128 STD-128 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. Cap.Page PIPING CLASS .5 Pipe Fittings 3–6 1–2 Concentric and Eccentric Reducers Flanges 0 12-06 Rev. Serrated Finish Fluid Code Refer Section 9. Date Thk. Full Coupling Thk.5 PE N/A UPVC as per ASTM D3034 1½ .4 PE N/A UPVC as per ASTM D3034 3–3 3. Equal & Reducing Tee. Serrated 150 Backing Flange with Adaptors.AP1GA0 1 of 3 Basic Material Un-plasticized PVC Corrosion Allowance 0 mm Pressure Class Class 150 Flange Facing RF. Drilling as per ASME B16.3 PE N/A UPVC as per ASTM D3034 6–6 7.7 PE N/A UPVC as per ASTM D3034 Socket End N/A UPVC as per ASTM D3034 Socket End N/A UPVC as per ASTM D3034 Socket End N/A UPVC as per ASTM D3034 3–6 Socket End N/A UPVC as per ASTM D3034 1 – 24 FF. 5 flanges 3 STD-127 N/A ASTM A193 B7 Bolts / ASTM A194 2H Nuts 6 STD-126 FLGD. as per Manufacturer Standards 4 STD-118 Gasket Stud Bolt Globe Valve Ball Valves 2 of 3 0 12-06 Rev.21 for B16. as per Manufacturer Standards 4. 5 STD-119 N/A FLGD. FF 150 Check valves with PVC body.AP1GA0 NPS (inch) Schedule / Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing 1–6 2 mm For FF Flanges 150 1–6 N/A For FF Flanges 1–6 N/A 1–6 Check Valves Diaphragm Valves Item Notes ADMAOPCO SED Neoprene full-face Gaskets as per ASME B16. 5 STD-116 1–6 N/A FLGD. RF 150 Ball valves with PVC body. 5 STD-117 1–6 N/A FLGD. FF 150 Diaphragm valves with PVC body and trim. Date Rating Description Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. as per Manufacturer Standards 4. FF 150 Globe valves with PVC body. as per Manufacturer Standards 4. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 256 .Page PIPING CLASS . Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.AP1GA0 3 of 3 HEADER SIZE BRANCH TABLE 1” 1 1. For valve trim material refer to valve index enclosed under section 8. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 257 . 4.Page PIPING CLASS .5” 2” 3” 4” 6” BRANCH SIZE Notes: 1. 2. The Shore A hardness of the gasket shall be decided based on the recommendation of the PVC flange manufacturer. Equal Tee 2. 5.0 0 12-06 Rev. 3. The valves types and details shall be subject to ADMA-OPCO approval. Reducing Tee 1 1” 1. Pressure temperature rating shall be confirmed with UPVC pipe and piping components manufacturer.5” 2 1 2” 2 2 1 3” 2 2 2 1 4” 2 2 2 2 1 3 2 2 2 2 6” LEGEND 1. Pipes up to and including 1½” NB shall be joined using “Solvent Cement Type” technique. Pipes 2” NB and above shall be elastomeric ring seal type. Piggable) Fittings (Piggable) Fittings (Non-Piggable) Pipe (Piggable) Concentric 1 – 16 and Eccentric 18 – 48 Reducers Weldolets As per branch table Thk.0 NPS (inch) Schedule/ Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 1 – 1½ Sch. Seamless 3 SP-1000 BE N/A API 5L X60.0 Service Index NACE Requirement Yes Service Category A as per CP-111 Temperature (°C) -29 0 38 50 100 150 200 Pressure (Barg) 255.4. Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. Seamless 3. Seamless SP-1000 18 – 48 Note-4 BE N/A API 5L X60.3) 1 of 4 Basic Material Carbon Steel. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 258 . Date Description SP 75 WPHY-60.4 219.3 250. NACE MR0175. SAW SP-1000 Nipple (Non-Piggable) 1 – 1½ Sch. Seamless 3 SP-1000 Sch.5 STD-128 BE N/A MSS SP 75 WPHY-60. Seamless 3. As per MSS SP97 3 STD-128 3. XXS BE N/A 2 – 14 Sch.3 255.6 STD-128 N/A MSS SP 75 WPHY-60 (W) 3. 140 BE N/A API 5L X60. XXS BE N/A 100mm long pipe nipple. 160 BE 16 – 16 Sch. 140 18 – 18 ADMAOPCO SED API 5L X60.6 STD-128 BE N/A MSS SP 75 WPHY-60 (W) 3. Cap 1 – 16 BE N/A 18 – 48 BE Pipe (Non.5 SP-1000 12 – 16 Note-3 BE N/A Bend. To match pipe Notes Item 3 SP-1000 MSS SP 75 WPHY-60.3 255. Seamless 3 SP-1000 N/A API 5L X60. API 5L X60.4 SP-1000 3. SP-1000 Corrosion Allowance 3 mm (Note-2) Pressure Class Class 1500 Flange Facing RTJ Fluid Code Refer Section 9. Seamless Elbow.6 233.5 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A694 F60.PIPELINE CLASS .0 225. MSS Seamless 18 – 48 Note-3 BE N/A Bend.EC5PA0 Page (Note-1. 160 BE N/A API 5L X60. Equal & Reducing Tee. SAW 3 SP-1000 20 – 24 Sch. MSS SP 75 WPHY-60 (W) Bends 0 12-06 Rev. SAW 3 SP-1000 12 – 16 Note-4 BE N/A API 5L X60. ASTM A694 Gr. RTJ 1500 BB. ASTM A694 Gr. Flanges to B 16. F60.F60.5 9 Flanges (Piggable) 26 – 48 Note-9 RTJ 1500 WN Flanges. as per ASME B16.9 STD-116 Full Bore. as per ASME B16. Gear Operated.EC5PA0 RTJ 1500 WN Flanges.5. Trunnion Mounted.48 SP-1000 1 – 16 N/A FLGD. OS&Y.5 12 – 24 N/A FLGD. Design as per ASME Section VIII 9 Gasket 1 – 24 N/A For RTJ Flanges 1500 Soft Iron Octagonal Ring Joint Gaskets as per ASME B16.9 STD-116 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.48 SP-1000 Spacer and Blank 6 – 24 N/A RTJ 1500 ASTM A694 Gr.5 flanges STD-127 Stud Bolt 1 – 24 N/A For RTJ Flanges N/A ASTM A193 B7M Bolts / ASTM A194 2HM Nuts. A 216 WCB Body.5 8.20 for B16. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 259 . ASTM A694 Gr. To match pipe PIPELINE CLASS . Gear Operated. as per ASME B16. Top Entry.6 SP-1000 4. Trunnion Mounted.5 STD-108 1 – 24 Note-9 RTJ 1500 WN Flanges.5 STD-108 1 – 24 N/A RTJ 1500 Blind Flanges. Seamless 18 – 48 Note-4 BE N/A MSS SP 75 WPHY-60 (W) 1 – 24 Thk. Galvanized STD-126 Spectacle Blind 1–4 N/A RTJ 1500 ASTM A694 Gr. 10 STD-119 Full Bore. A 216 WCB Body.F60. ASTM A216 WCB Body.F60. as per ASME B16.Page (Note-1) 2 of 4 NPS (inch) Schedule/ Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 12 – 16 Note-4 BE N/A MSS SP 75 WPHY-60. RTJ 1500 26 – 48 N/A FLGD. Gear Operated.F60.6 SP-1000 SP-1000 8. Date Description Notes ADMAOPCO SED 4. Top Entry. RTJ 1500 Item Reducers Miscellaneous Flanges (NonPiggable) Globe Valve Ball Valves (Piggable) 0 12-06 Rev. as per ASME B16. ASTM A694 Gr. F60. Flanges to B 16. Flanges as per Pipeline Flanges 8. 5 flanges 8.EC5PA0 Page (Note-1) 3 of 4 NPS (inch) Schedule/ Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing 1 – 1½ N/A FLGD. RTJ 1500 2–6 N/A FLGD. ASTM A216 Gr. 10 STD-117 Rating Description Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. Flanges to B 16. Suitable for B 16. ASTM A216 Gr. Suitable for B 16.PIPELINE CLASS . BC. 10 STD-117 1500 Swing type. WCB Body.5 flanges 8. 10 STD-117 1500 Dual plate. ASTM A105N Body. Lugged wafer type.5 8. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 260 . RTJ 8 – 24 N/A RTJ Item Check Valves 0 12-06 Rev. Date Notes ADMAOPCO SED Lift Type. WCB Body. refer the attached sketch under section 3. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 261 .EC5PA0 4 of 4 BRANCH TABLE 1” 1 HEADER SIZE 1. 8. 2. This class shall be further detailed to include the additional required data in the project specific classes. 10. the pipeline design basis shall be followed. The bend radius shall be minimum 3D. Equal Tee (Note-8) 2 2. 0 12-06 Rev. Weldolet 1 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 10” 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 12” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 14” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 16” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 18” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 20” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 24” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 26” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 28” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 30” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 32” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 34” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 36” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 38” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 40” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 42” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 44” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 46” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 48” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1” 1. Requirement of barred tee on the piggable pipelines shall be as specified in the P&ID. Corrosion allowance mentioned in this class is already provided in the thickness of pipes and fittings given under non-piggable piping.5” 2” 1 1 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” 14” 16” 18” 20” 24” 26” 28” 30” 32” 34” 36” 38” 40” 42” 44” 46” 48” BRANCH SIZE Notes: 1. This is a standard pipeline class and to be used for piggable pipelines and associated piping components. Inside diameter of the valves and flanges to be used for the piggable lines shall be the same as that of the pipeline.bore piping connections shall be as per ADMA-OPCO Code of Practice CP-111.0 of this document. 9. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. Non-piggable valves like globe valves and check valves shall only be used for the non-piggable connections on the pipeline. SAW pipes and welded fittings shall be 100% radiographed. The small. For typical piping and pipeline class demarcation. 7. 3. Sizes below 2” NPS shall only be used for no-flowing branches downstream of the first isolation valves.5” 2 1 2” 2 2 1 3” 3 2 2 1 4” 3 3 2 2 6” 3 8” 3 3 2 LEGEND 1 1. 6. The piggable pipeline and pipeline fittings shall have the same thickness as that of the pipeline and shall be decided during the pipeline design. When the size of small end reducer is 16” NPS & below the reducer shall be seamless. Pipes and fittings given under non-piggable pipes shall only be used for the non-piggable branches in a pipeline. 4. This class covers full-bore valves for Piggable lines. 5. 11.Page PIPELINE CLASS . All material shall conform to ADMA-OPCO specification SP-1000 and NACE MR0175. For piggable pipeline. Reducing Tee (Note-8) 3. SAW 3 20 – 24 Sch. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 262 .6 STD-128 18 – 48 BE N/A MSS SP 75 WPHY-60 (W) 3. MSS Seamless 18 – 48 Note-3 BE N/A Bend. 160 BE N/A API 5L X60.3 255. API 5L X60.3) 1 of 4 Basic Material Carbon Steel Corrosion Allowance 3 mm (Note-2) Pressure Class Class 1500 Flange Facing RTJ Fluid Code Refer Section 9. Equal & Reducing Tee. Date SP 75 Notes 12 – 16 Note-3 BE N/A Bend. MSS SP 75 WPHY-60 (W) Bends 0 Description WPHY-60.5 STD-128 BE N/A MSS SP 75 WPHY-60. Seamless 3 16 – 16 Sch.5 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. Seamless 18 – 48 Note-4 BE N/A API 5L X60. Seamless 3 18 – 18 Sch. 140 BE N/A API 5L X60. XXS BE N/A 100mm long pipe nipple. Seamless 3. 140 BE N/A API 5L X60. Cap 1 – 16 BE N/A MSS SP 75 WPHY-60.0 Schedule/ Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 1 – 1½ Sch.PIPELINE CLASS . Seamless 3. XXS BE N/A API 5L X60. SAW 3 12 – 16 Note-4 BE N/A API 5L X60. Seamless 3 2 – 14 Sch.EC5LA0 Page (Note-1.4. As per MSS SP97 3 STD-128 Pipe (Non. To match pipe NPS (inch) Item 12-06 Rev.3 250.4 3. Seamless Elbow. ADMAOPCO SED 3 3. SAW Nipple (Non-Piggable) 1 – 1½ Sch.4 219.3 255.0 Service Index NACE Requirement No Service Category B as per CP-111 Temperature (°C) -29 0 38 50 100 150 200 Pressure (Barg) 255.6 233.Piggable) Fittings (Piggable) Fittings (Non-Piggable) Pipe (Piggable) Concentric 1 – 16 and Eccentric 18 – 48 Reducers Weldolets As per branch table Thk. 160 BE N/A API 5L X60.6 STD-128 BE N/A MSS SP 75 WPHY-60 (W) 3.5 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A694 F60.0 225. Galvanized STD-126 Spectacle Blind 1–4 N/A RTJ 1500 ASTM A694 Gr.Page (Note-1) 2 of 4 NPS (inch) Schedule/ Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 12 – 16 Note-4 BE N/A MSS SP 75 WPHY-60. ASTM A216 WCB Body. Gear Operated. RTJ 1500 26 – 48 N/A FLGD. Seamless 18 – 48 Note-4 BE N/A MSS SP 75 WPHY-60 (W) 1 – 24 Thk.6 4.5. 10 STD-119 Full Bore. A 216 WCB Body. Flanges to B 16. as per ASME B16.5 STD-108 1 – 24 N/A RTJ 1500 Blind Flanges. ASTM A694 Gr. ASTM A694 Gr. F60. as per ASME B16. Trunnion Mounted. as per ASME B16.5 12 – 24 N/A FLGD. Flanges as per Pipeline Flanges 8. Top Entry. F60.9 STD-116 Full Bore.9 STD-116 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.5 8. Gear Operated. Gear Operated. A 216 WCB Body.5 9 Flanges (Piggable) 26 – 48 Note-9 RTJ 1500 WN Flanges.48 1 – 16 N/A FLGD. Flanges to B 16. OS&Y.F60.5 flanges STD-127 Stud Bolt 1 – 24 N/A For RTJ Flanges N/A ASTM A193 B7M Bolts / ASTM A194 2HM Nuts.EC5LA0 RTJ 1500 WN Flanges.48 Spacer and Blank 6 – 24 N/A RTJ 1500 ASTM A694 Gr.20 for B16. RTJ 1500 Item Reducers Miscellaneous Flanges (NonPiggable) Globe Valve Ball Valves (Piggable) 0 12-06 Rev.5 STD-108 1 – 24 Note-9 RTJ 1500 WN Flanges. RTJ 1500 BB. Date Description Notes ADMAOPCO SED 4. ASTM A694 Gr.F60. Design as per ASME Section VIII 9 Gasket 1 – 24 N/A For RTJ Flanges 1500 Soft Iron Octagonal Ring Joint Gaskets as per ASME B16.F60.F60. To match pipe PIPELINE CLASS . 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 263 . as per ASME B16. Trunnion Mounted. as per ASME B16. Top Entry.6 8. ASTM A694 Gr. BC.PIPELINE CLASS . RTJ 1500 2–6 N/A FLGD.5 flanges 8. Suitable for B 16.EC5LA0 Page (Note-1) 3 of 4 NPS (inch) Schedule/ Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing 1 – 1½ N/A FLGD. Lugged wafer type.5 8. Flanges to B 16. ASTM A216 Gr. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 264 . Date Notes ADMAOPCO SED Lift Type. ASTM A216 Gr. RTJ 8 – 24 N/A RTJ Item Check Valves 0 12-06 Rev.5 flanges 8. 10 STD-117 1500 Dual plate. 10 STD-117 Rating Description Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. Suitable for B 16. 10 STD-117 1500 Swing type. WCB Body. ASTM A105N Body. WCB Body. Weldolet 1 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 10” 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 12” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 14” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 16” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 18” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 20” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 24” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 26” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 28” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 30” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 32” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 34” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 36” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 38” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 40” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 42” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 44” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 46” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 48” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1” 1. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 265 . 7. The bend radius shall be minimum 3D. Reducing Tee (Note-8) 3. Inside diameter of the valves and flanges to be used for the piggable lines shall be the same as that of the pipeline. The piggable pipeline and pipeline fittings shall have the same thickness as that of the pipeline and shall be decided during the pipeline design. 4. 6. This class shall be further detailed to include the additional required data in the project specific classes. This class covers full-bore valves for piggable lines. 3. When the size of small end reducer is 16” NPS & below the reducer shall be seamless. 2. For typical piping and pipeline class demarcation. Requirement of barred tee on the piggable pipelines shall be as specified in the P&ID. 0 12-06 Rev. the pipeline design basis shall be followed. 8. SAW pipes and welded fittings shall be 100% radiographed. Pipes and fittings given under non-piggable pipes shall only be used for the non-piggable branches in a pipeline. Equal Tee (Note-8) 2 2.5” 2 1 2” 2 2 1 3” 3 2 2 1 4” 3 3 2 2 6” 3 8” 3 3 2 LEGEND 1 1. 9. refer the attached sketch under section 3. 5. This is a standard pipeline class and to be used for piggable pipelines and associated piping components.5” 2” 1 1 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” 14” 16” 18” 20” 24” 26” 28” 30” 32” 34” 36” 38” 40” 42” 44” 46” 48” BRANCH SIZE Notes: 1.EC5LA0 4 of 4 BRANCH TABLE 1” 1 HEADER SIZE 1. The smallbore piping connections shall be as per ADMA-OPCO Code of Practice CP-111. 10. Corrosion allowance mentioned in this class is already provided in the thickness of pipes and fittings given under non-piggable piping.Page PIPELINE CLASS . For piggable pipeline.0 of this document. Sizes below 2” NPS shall only be used for no-flowing branches downstream of the first isolation valves. Non-piggable valves like globe valves and check valves shall only be used for the non-piggable connections on the pipeline. 46 303. Seamless 3 SP-1000 Elbow. Seamless 3 SP-1000 34 BE N/A API 5L X60. MSS SP 75 WPHY-60 (W) Bend 0 12-06 Rev. MSS Seamless 18 – 48 Note-3 BE N/A Bend. API 5L Gr.4 SP-1000 18 – 48 Note-4 BE N/A API 5L X60.46 NPS (inch) Schedule/ Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 1–6 Sch. SP-1000 Corrosion Allowance 3 mm (Note-2) Pressure Class Class 2500 Flange Facing RTJ Fluid Code Refer Section 9.6 STD-128 18 – 48 BE N/A MSS SP 75 WPHY-60 (W) 3. Equal & Reducing Tee.4 SP-1000 3.2 12 – 12 ADMAOPCO SED API 5L X60.5 STD-128 BE N/A MSS SP 75 WPHY-60.46 303.46 303.46 303.46 303. XXS BE N/A 8–8 25 BE 10 – 10 29.46 303. Seamless 3. Seamless 3. Seamless 3. Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. To match pipe Notes Item 12 – 16 Note-3 BE N/A Bend. Seamless 3 SP-1000 16 – 16 42 BE N/A API 5L X60.10 SP-1000 N/A API 5L X60. NACE MR0175. Date Description SP 75 WPHY-60. Cap 1 – 16 BE N/A MSS SP 75 WPHY-60.Piggable) Fittings (Piggable) Fittings (Non-Piggable) Pipe (Piggable) Concentric 1 – 16 and Eccentric 18 – 48 Reducers Weldolets As per branch table Thk. Seamless 3 SP-1000 14 – 14 37 BE N/A API 5L X60.0 Service Index NACE Requirement Yes Service Category A as per CP-111 Temperature (°C) -29 0 38 50 100 150 200 Pressure (Barg) 303. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 266 .6 STD-128 BE N/A MSS SP 75 WPHY-60 (W) 5 STD-128 BE N/A ASTM A694 F60.PIPELINE CLASS .3) 1 of 4 Basic Material Carbon Steel. As per MSS SP97 3 STD-128 3.FC5PA0 Page (Note-1. XXS BE N/A 100mm long pipe nipple. Seamless 3 SP-1000 12 – 16 Note-4 BE N/A API 5L X60.5 SP-1000 Pipe (Non. Seamless 3. B.4. SAW 3 Nipple (Non-Piggable) 1 – 1½ Sch. Seamless 3 SP-1000 BE N/A API 5L X60. ASTM A216 WCB Body.5 8. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 267 .Page (Note-1.F60. Seamless 18 – 48 Note-4 BE N/A MSS SP 75 WPHY-60 (W) 1 – 24 Thk. ASTM A694 Gr. Gear Operated. RTJ 2500 Full Bore. To match pipe PIPELINE CLASS .48 SP-1000 Spacer and Blank 6 – 24 N/A RTJ 2500 ASTM A694 Gr. RTJ 1500 BB. Design as per ASME Section VIII 9 STD-108 Gasket 1 – 24 N/A For RTJ Flanges 2500 Soft Iron Octagonal Ring Joint Gaskets as per ASME B16.F60. Gear Operated. Trunnion Mounted. F60. as per ASME B16. Top Entry. Flanges to B 16.10 STD-119 12 – 24 N/A FLGD. ASTM A694 Gr.20 for B16. ASTM A694 Gr.5 9 STD-108 Flanges (Piggable) 26 – 48 Note-9 RTJ 2500 WN Flanges.6 SP-1000 Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. A 216 WCB Body. Flanges as per Pipeline Flanges 8. Galvanized STD-126 Spectacle Blind 1–4 N/A RTJ 2500 ASTM A694 Gr.6 SP-1000 4. Date Description Notes ADMAOPCO SED 4.5 flanges STD-127 Stud Bolt 1 – 24 N/A For RTJ Flanges N/A ASTM A193 B7M Bolts / ASTM A194 2HM Nuts. Trunnion Mounted.5.9 STD-116 26 – 48 N/A FLGD. as per ASME B16. as per ASME B16. Gear Operated. F60.FC5PA0 RTJ 2500 WN Flanges.F60. as per ASME B16.9 STD-116 Item Reducers Miscellaneous Flanges (NonPiggable) Globe Valve Ball Valves (Piggable) 0 12-06 Rev. ASTM A694 Gr.48 SP-1000 1 – 16 N/A FLGD.F60.3) 2 of 4 NPS (inch) Schedule/ Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing Rating 12 – 16 Note-4 BE N/A MSS SP 75 WPHY-60. as per ASME B16. OS&Y. Top Entry.5 STD-108 1 – 24 N/A RTJ 2500 Blind Flanges.5 STD-108 1 – 24 Note-9 RTJ 2500 WN Flanges. Flanges to B 16. A 216 WCB Body. RTJ 2500 Full Bore.5 8. 10 STD-117 1500 Dual plate. ASTM A216 Gr. BC. RTJ 8 – 24 N/A RTJ Item Check Valves 0 12-06 Rev. WCB Body. Suitable for B 16.5 flanges 8. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 268 . Flanges to B 16. 10 STD-117 Rating Description Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. Suitable for B 16. ASTM A105N Body.5 flanges 8. WCB Body. Lugged wafer type. RTJ 1500 2–6 N/A FLGD. Date Notes ADMAOPCO SED Lift Type. ASTM A216 Gr.PIPELINE CLASS .FC5PA0 Page (Note-1) 3 of 4 NPS (inch) Schedule/ Thickness (mm) Ends and Facing 1 – 1½ N/A FLGD.5 8. 10 STD-117 1500 Swing type. 5” 2” 1 1 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” 14” 16” 18” 20” 24” 26” 28” 30” 32” 34” 36” 38” 40” 42” 44” 46” 48” BRANCH SIZE Notes: 1. For piggable pipeline. All material shall conform to ADMA-OPCO specification SP-1000 and NACE MR0175. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 269 . The bend radius shall be minimum 3D. This is a standard pipeline class and to be used for piggable pipelines and associated piping components. The small. 2. 0 12-06 Rev.Page PIPELINE CLASS . This class covers full-bore valves for piggable lines.5” 2 1 2” 2 2 1 3” 3 2 2 1 4” 3 3 2 2 6” 3 8” 3 3 2 LEGEND 1 1. When the size of small end reducer is 16”NPS & below the reducer shall be seamless. 3. 6. 4. 11. the pipeline design basis shall be followed. Weldolet 1 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 10” 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 12” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 14” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 16” 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 18” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 20” 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 24” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 26” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 28” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 30” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 32” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 34” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 36” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 38” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 40” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 42” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 44” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 46” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 48” 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1” 1. For typical piping and pipeline class demarcation. Sizes below 2” NPS shall only be used for no-flowing branches downstream of the first isolation valves. This class shall be further detailed to include the additional required data in the project specific classes. 9. 8. Non-piggable valves like globe valves and check valves shall only be used for the non-piggable connections on the pipe line. Requirement of barred tee on the piggable pipelines shall be as specified in the P&ID.bore piping connections shall be as per ADMA-OPCO Code of Practice CP-111. Inside diameter of the valves and flanges to be used for the piggable lines shall be the same as that of the pipeline. 5. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. SAW pipes and welded fittings shall be 100% radiographed. 10. 7. Equal Tee (Note-8) 2 2. Corrosion allowance mentioned in this class is already provided in the thickness of pipes and fittings given under non-piggable piping.FC5PA0 4 of 4 BRANCH TABLE 1” 1 HEADER SIZE 1. refer the attached sketch under section 3. Reducing Tee (Note-8) 3.0 of this document. Pipes and fittings given under non-piggable pipes shall only be used for the non-piggable branches in a pipeline. The piggable pipeline and pipeline fittings shall have the same thickness as that of the pipeline and shall be decided during the pipeline design. 1) BB Bolted Bonnet BC Bolted Cap BE Beveled End BLE Bevel Large Ends BW Butt Weld CNAF Compressed Non-Asbestos Fiber CR Chromium EFW Electric Fusion Welding EPDM Ethylene-Propylene Dimethylene ERW Electric Resistance Welding ES Extended Stem FBW Furnace Butt Weld FF Flat Face FLG Flange FLGD Flanged FRP Fiber Reinforced Plastic GALV Galvanized HAZ Heat Affected Zone HB Brinell Hardness Number Symbol per ASTM E10 (formerly BHN) HF Hard Facing (API STD 600 Table 3 Trim No. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.APPENDIX-A: ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Description ADMA-OPCO Abu Dhabi Marine Operating Company 13CR Hard facing (API STD 600 Table 3 Trim No. 5) ID Inside Diameter 0 12-06 Rev. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 270 . APPENDIX-A: ABBREVIATIONS (CONT’D. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 271 .) Abbreviation Description ISNS Inside Screw and Non-Rising Stem ISRS Inside Screw and Rising Stem LBB Long Bolted Bonnet LJ Lap (Loose) Joint MAX Maximum MIN Minimum NB Nominal Bore NPS Nominal Pipe Size OD Outside Diameter OS&Y Outside Screw and Yoke Type PBE Plain Both Ends PE Plain End PLE Plain Large End PQR Procedure Qualification Report PSE Plain Small End PTFE Poly-Tetrafluoro-Ethylene PWHT Post Weld Heat Treatment Ra Roughness Average RF Raised Face RTJ Ring Type Joint SAW Submerged Arc Welding SB Screwed Bonnet SCH Schedule SCRD Screwed 0 12-06 Rev. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 272 .) Abbreviation Description SMLS Seamless SO Slip-On SS Stainless Steel SW Socket Weld TBE Thread Both Ends TE Threaded End TLE Thread Large End TOE Threaded One End TSE Thread Small End UB Union Bonnet WB Welded Bonnet WN Welding Neck WPS Welding Procedure Specification 0 12-06 Rev. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.APPENDIX-A: ABBREVIATIONS (CONT’D. APPENDIX-B: DEFINITIONS Term Definition ADMA-OPCO The Abu Dhabi Marine Operating Company. Manufacturer The named Manufacturer in the ADMA-OPCO Purchase Order.e. Representative The Third Party Inspection organization appointed by ADMA-OPCO. to provide adequate confidence that a product or service will be fit for its intended purpose. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 273 . CONTRACTOR Is the Company contracted to undertake the works of a Project and is accountable to ADMA-OPCO’s nominated representative. Supplier The Party which supplies the piping components to be used in ADMAOPCO facilities as specified by ADMA-OPCO/Contractor. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. Quality Manual A document setting out the general quality policies. 0 12-06 Rev. Quality Plan A document prepared by the Manufacturer setting out the specific quality practices. It is also applicable to the Company contracted to undertake the Third Party Inspection & Verification Tasks (TPA) on behalf of ADMA-OPCO. Quality Assurance All those planned and systematic actions (QA) necessary to ensure quality i. Quality System The structure organization. resources and activities relevant to a particular project. ITP Inspection and test plan prepared by the Manufacturer reviewed and approved by ADMA-OPCO highlighting the principal hold and witnessing points during the production of piping components. resources and events that together provide organized procedures and method of implementation to ensure the capability of the organization to meet quality requirements. activities. The term “Manufacturer” as used in this Specification includes all Manufacturers and sub-suppliers of equipment covered by this Specification. procedures and practices manufacturing organization. responsibilities. represent part of this Specification. Designation Title ADMA-OPCO SL-001 Status List for ADMA-OPCO Standard Engineering Documents STD-01 ADMA-OPCO/ADCO/ZADCO Unified Standard Requirements for Procurement of Steel Casing & Tubing STD-108 Flanges STD-109 Flanges 650 mm (26 inch) NPS and Larger STD-114 Needle Valves (Projected) STD-115 Gate Valves STD-116 Ball Valves STD-117 Check Valves STD-118 Butterfly Valves STD-119 Globe Valves (Projected) STD-126 Bolting and Piping STD-127 Gaskets for Flanged Joints STD-128 Piping Fittings CP-102 Third Party Inspection and Certification Requirements for New Equipment and Materials in Manufacture CP-111 Small Bore Connections of Piping and Pressure Vessels SP-1000 Materials for Sour Services SP-1002 Preservation of New Materials & Equipment SP-1006 Material specification for the Hand Wheels of Plant. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 274 . the latest edition of the Standard Engineering Documents listed below shall to the extent specified herein. Wellhead and Pipeline Valves 0 12-06 Rev. Date Engineering Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.APPENDIX-C: REFERENCED DOCUMENTS Unless otherwise specified. Socket Welding and Threaded ASME B 16.1 Pipe Threads General Purpose (Inch) ASME B 16.9 Factory Made Wrought steel Butt Welding fittings ASME B 16.1 Unified Inch Screw Threads ASME B 20.10 Face-to-Face and End-to-End dimensions of Valves ASME B 16.5 Pipe flanges and Flanged Fittings ASME B 16. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.20 Metallic Gaskets for Pipe flanges 0 12-06 Rev. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 275 .11 Forged fittings.) Designation Title Specification for Line Pipe SP-1011 Part 1: Submerged Arc Welded Part 2: Seamless Part 3: Induction Bends SP-1015 Galvanization (Hot Dip & Spun) and Application of Bolts SP-1016 Part 2: Hydrostatic Testing of Subsea Pipelines SP-1027 Filament Wound Reinforced Thermosetting Resin Pipes (RTRP) and Fittings SP-1035 Pre and Post Weld Heat Treatment of Ferrous Materials British Petroleum (BP) Cement Mortar Lined Steel Pipe and Fitting GS 106-1 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) ASME B 1.APPENDIX-C: REFERENCED DOCUMENTS (CONT’D. 36 Orifice Flanges ASME B 16.2. Black and Hot-Dipped.APPENDIX-C: REFERENCED DOCUMENTS (CONT’D.19M Stainless Steel Pipe American Petroleum Institute (API) API 6D Specification for Pipeline Valves (Gate.21 Non-metallic Gaskets for Pipe Flanges ASME B 16.) Designation Title ASME B 16. Cast. Zinc-Coated Welded and Seamless ASTM A 105 Carbon Steel Forging for Piping Application 0 12-06 Rev.1 Square and Hex Bolts and Screws (Inch Series) ASME B 18.Turn Valves API 609 Lug & Wafer Type Butterfly Valves American Society for Testing of Materials (ASTM) ASTM A 53 Pipe.2 Square and Hex Nuts (Inch Series) ASME B 31. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev.25 Butt Welding Ends ASME B 16.3 Process Piping ASME B 36.2. Threaded and Butt Welding Ends ASME B 16. Corrosion Resistant Flanged Gate Valves API 607 Fire Test for Soft seated Quarter . Plug.10M Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe ASME B 36. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 276 .34 Valves – Flanged. Steel.47 Large Diameter Steel Flanges ASME B 18. Ball & Check) API 6FA Specification for Fire Test for Valves API 5L Specification for Line Pipe API 594 Wafer and Wafer Lug Check Valves API 598 Valve Inspection and Testing API 600 Steel Gate Valves Flanged and Butt Welding Ends API 602 Compact Carbon Steel Gate Valves API 603 Class 150. Requiring Notch Toughness Testing for Piping Components ASTM A 351 Steel Castings. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 277 . Suitable for Fusion Welding for High Temperature Service ASTM A 217 Steel Castings.APPENDIX-C: REFERENCED DOCUMENTS (CONT’D. Sheet & Strip for Pressure Vessels ASTM A 312 Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Pipe ASTM A 320 Alloy Steel Bolting Material for Low Temperature Service ASTM A 333 Seamless and Welded Steel Pipe for Low Temperature Service ASTM A 335 Seamless Ferritic Alloy Steel Pipe for High Temperature Service ASTM A 350 Carbon and Low Alloy Steel Forgings. Date Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. Austenitic. Martensitic Stainless and Alloy for Pressure Containing Parts Suitable for High Temperature Service ASTM A 234 Pipe Fittings of Wrought Carbon Steel and Alloy Steel for Moderate and High Temperature Services ASTM A 240 Heat Resisting Chromium & Chromium – Nickel Stainless Steel Plate. Ferritic and Martensitic. Carbon Steel for Intermediate and Higher Temperature Services 0 12-06 Rev. for Pressure Containing Parts Suitable for Low Temperature Services ASTM A 403 Wrought Austenitic Stainless Steel Piping Fittings ASTM A 420 Pipe Fittings of Wrought Carbon Steel & Alloy Steel for Low Temperature Services ASTM A 515 Pressure Vessel Plates. Duplex for Pressure Combining Parts ASTM A 352 Steel Castings.) Designation Title ASTM A 106 Seamless Carbon Steel Pipe for High Temperature Service ASTM A 182 Forged or Rolled Alloy Steel Pipe Flanged Forged Fittings and Valves and Parts for High Temperature Service ASTM A 193 Alloy Steel and Stainless Steel Bolting Materials for High Temperature Service ASTM A 194 Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts for Bolts for High Pressure and High Temperature Service ASTM A 216 Steel Castings. International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 0a ISO 14692-1 Petroleum and natural gas industries Glass-reinforced plastics (GRP) piping Part 1: Vocabulary. Date ISO 14692-1 &2 added. symbols. 0 Sheet 1 of 1 SP-1131 PAGE 278 . and the use of cast irons Part 3: Cracking-resistant CRAs (corrosion-resistant alloys) and other alloys. Sheet and Strip ASTM B 444 Nickel – Chromium – Molybdenum – Columbium Alloy (UNS N06625) Seamless Pipe & Tube ASTM B 564 Nickel Alloy Forgings ASTM D 2996 Standard Specification for Filament – Wound Fiberglass ASTM D 3304 Standard Specification for Type PSM PVC Sewer Pipe and Fittings ASTM D 3567 Standard Practice for Determining Dimensions of Fiberglass pipe and fittings ASTM D 4024 Standard Specification for Machine Made Fiberglass Flanges Aluminum – Bronze Castings Factory made Wrought Nickel and Nickel-Alloy Welding Fittings Engineering Equipment and Materials Users Association(EEMUA) EEMUA 144 90/10 Copper Nickel Alloy Piping for Offshore Application Specification – Tubes EEMUA 145 90/10 Copper Nickel Alloy Piping for Offshore Application Specification – Flanges EEMUA 146 90/10 Copper Nickel Alloy Piping for Offshore Application Specification – Fittings National American Corrosion Engineers (NACE) Petroleum and natural gas industries Materials for use in H2S-containing Environments in oil and gas production: MR0175/ISO 15156 Part 1: General principles for selection of cracking-resistant materials Part 2: Cracking-resistant carbon and low alloy steels.) Designation Title ASTM A 516 Pressure Vessel Plates. Carbon Steel for Moderate and Low Temperature Services ASTM A 671 ASTM B 148 ASTM B 366 Electric Fusion Welded Steel Pipe for Atmospheric and Lower Temperatures ASTM B 443 Nickel – Chromium – Molybdenum – Columbium Alloy (UNS N06625) Plate. Issued For Implementation Description / Text Affected PIPING CLASSIFICATION ADMA-OPCO ADMA-OPCO/SEF/008 Rev. applications and materials ISO 14692-2 Petroleum and natural gas industries Glass-reinforced plastics (GRP) piping Part 2: Qualification and manufacture 05-07 0 12-06 Rev.APPENDIX-C: REFERENCED DOCUMENTS (CONT’D.
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