South India Traffic Fines List

April 4, 2018 | Author: Niti Ranjan Das | Category: Fine (Penalty), Traffic Ticket, Traffic, Driving, Speed Limit



BANGALORELIST OF TRAFFIC OFFENCES, SECTION OF LAW AND FINE AMOUNT Government Order No.TRD.309.SAEPA.2006, Bangalore, Dated 29.10.2007 Sl. No. 01 TRAFFIC OFFENCES SECTION OF LAW FINE AMOUNT (Rs.) Dangerous Drive Two Wheeler Dangerous Drive Non-Transport Vehicle (White Board) Dangerous Drive Transport Vehicle(Yellow Board) M.V.Act 184 300 02 M.V.Act 184 400 03 M.V.Act 184 500 04 Whoever drives a Vehicle or cause Vehicle to be driven at a speed exceeding the maximum Section 112 read with sec.183(1) & (2) of M.V. Act speed fixed Racing & trails of speed Carrying excess passengers in i) 3 Wheeled Vehicle ii) Transport Vehicles including buses Drunken Drive Section.189 of M.V. Act 300 05 500 100/- for every excess passenger Court Fine 06 Section 177 of the M.V. Act 07 M.V.Act 185 08 No Parking Demanding Excess Fare & refusal to come for hire etc., by Autoricksaw Driver or Taxi Driver Defective Fare Meter Section 177 of M.V. Act Rule 13 (U) of the KMV Rules read with Section 177 of the M.V. Act 16 Clause (K) 100 First time 100/-, 2nd & subsequent offences 300/100 09 10 11 Defective Silencer 16 Clause 120 100 12 Emitting Black Somke 190 Clause (2) 300 13 Shrill Horn 190 Clause (2) 100 14 Without Permit 190 Clause 192 Court Fine 15 Without Driving License Two Wheeler Without Driving License Non-Transport Vehicle Sec.3 read with Sec.181 of the M.V. Act. 300 16 Sec.3 read with Sec.181 of the M.V. Act. 400 V. Act. Act 94 Clause (2) 100 First time 100/-.181 of the M. M. read with section 177. Act 100 21 Wrong Parking 190 Clause 117 100 22 Cutting Yellow Lane/Lane Discipline 190 Clause 119 100 23 Defective Number Plate 190 Clause 50 100 24 No Entry 190 Clause 115 100 25 H.V. 500 18 Sec. 2nd & subsequent offences 300/100 31 Driving any Motor Vehicle without number plate 32 Footboard Traveling 33 Gents Traveling Ladies Seat in BMTC Bus Holding / using Mobile Phone while Driving / riding a Vehicle Not wearing Helmet to head while riding the Vehicle Triple riding 94 Clause (4) 100 34 Section 230 (A) KMVR R/W Sec 177.17 Without Driving License Transport Vehicle Driving a Motor Vehicle in any public place by an under aged person Owner of a Motor Vehicle permitted any person to drive his/her Vehicle in contravention of section 3 or 4 Jumping Traffic Signal Sec.5 read with Sec.3 read with Sec. Prohibited 115 R/w 177 100 26 Without Uniform 14 R/w 177 100 27 Without I.T.181 of the M. 1000 20 Rule 119. Act. I.C 14 R/w 56 Court Fine 29 Defective Head Light 14 R/w 106 100 30 Without Tail Light 14 R/w 250 Rule 50 of the Central Motor Vehicle Rules read with section 177 of the M.V. 500 19 Sec. Act.V Act 100 35 230 of the KMVR 1989 in sub rule (1) 100 36 Section 128 (1).M.V.4 read with Sec.V.C 14 R/w 106 500 28 Without F. MV Act R/W sec 177 MV Act 100 .V.180 of the M. 37 Wrong Parking + Towing charges(2Wheeler) - 300 38 Wrong Parking + Towing charges (Car) - 400 39 Wrong Parking + Towing charges (HGV) - 500 40 Driving without wearing Seat Belt - 100 First time 100/-. No.Act FINE AMOUNT (Rs. 2nd & subsequent offences 300/- 41 Using Black Film/Other Materials SEC 100 CMVR R/W 177. 18 K. 01 02 03 04 05 TRAFFIC OFFENCES Footpath Vendor Stray Cattle No Entry for Cycle without Light for Cycle Jay Walker SECTION OF LAW 92 (G) 92 (e) 92 (b) 92 (a) Rule 6. MV ACT KARNATAKA POLICE ACT & KARNATAKA TRAFFIC ACT Sl.C.) Court Fine Court Fine Court Fine Court Fine Court Fine .T. of information 179 Rs.100/- .400/- 9 Driving at excessive speeds etc.100/- 1 General provision for punishment of offences contravention of section 41 (7) of the act (Failure to renew registration) General provision of punishment of other offences-not indicated above 2 177 Rs.100/- 15 Driving uninsured vehicle 196 Rs.200/- 12 Racing and Trials of speed 189 Rs.50/- 4 Allowing unauthorized person to drive Driving vehicles in contravention of section 3 or 4 (Without D.1000/- 16 Unauthorized interference with vehicle 198 Rs.L.1000/- 11 Driving when mentally or physically unfit to drive 186 Rs. or below the age of 18 years) Offences relating to licenses (Driving the vehicle by a person who is disqualified) 180 Rs.NO.50/- 5 181 Rs.300/- 10 Driving dangerously 184 Rs.Chennai Traffic Fines List S.100/- 8 Driving at Excessive speed limits 183(1) Rs.500/- 13 Using the vehicle without registration 192 Rs. (cause to drive and exceeding speed limits) 183(2) Rs.50/- 3 Disobedience of orders –obstruction and refusal.500/- 14 Driving vehicle exceeding permissible weight 194 Rs.500/- 6 182(1) Rs. Nature of offence Section under which offences punishable 177 Amount to be compounded under spot fine system Rs..500/- 7 Offence relating to Licenses (Disqualified for holding or obtaining conductors license) 182(2) Rs. 300/.2000/- Maximum punishment for second offence - Driving without license Driving the vehicle below prescribed age ( i.500/.2000/. but not less than Rs.500/- 194(1) Driving Vehicle with exceeding permissible weight - 194(2) Driving refusing to stop for weighment or removing goods before weithment Failure to obey Traffic Signs - 177 Rs.500/.100/.10000/-.400/- 183(1) 183(2) Rs.10000/-.1000/.5000/.1000/.5000/Minimum Rs.fine Rs.400/6 months imprisonment or Rs.fine or both Rs.fine Rs.fine Rs.or with both One month or Rs.300/.fine license.300/. from 18 years for a motor vehicle.2000/.100/.fine or both Rs.100/.1000/- 192 192-A Using of vehicle in violation of permit Maximum Rs.e.500/.or with both 3 months Imprisonment or Rs.fine 177 No parking Rs.5000/.3000/- Rs. from 16 years for motor cycle up to 50 CC: from 20 years for a transport vehicle Driving motor Vehicle by disqualified person to hold or obtain driving license Disqualified person for holding of obtaining conductor license or acting as conductor Owner permitting others to drive the vehicle without driving license or in violation of age limit as mentioned above respectively Driving non registered vehicle except emergency purpose 181 - 182(1) - 182(2) - 180 One year imprisonment or Rs.& additional sum Rs.Penal Section 181 OFFENCE Maximum punishment for first offence 3 months Imprisonment or Rs.fine 177 Carry any person on the bonnet of motor vehicle Rs.100/.5000/. but not less than Rs.fine or both One year imprisonment but not less than 3 months or Rs.fine Rs.300/.fine or both 3 months or Rs.2000/- 8 Driving at Excessive speed limits 183(1) 193 Punishment for agents and canvassers with proper authority ( Goods booking agent or travel agents without Rs.300/Minimum Rs.per tonne of excess load together with the liability to pay charges for off loading of excess load Rs.or with both 3 months Imprisonment or Rs.fine .fine or both Maximum Rs.Minimum Rs.1000/.100/. Driving contravention of speed limits ( excessive speed minimum speed or fixed) Person causing to driving in contravention of speed limit Rs.fine 177 Traveling without pass or ticket Rs. 1000/.300/.fine 186 Driving when mentally of physically unfit Taking part in Race or Trials of Speed without written consent of the state government Using defective vehicle which can render danger to persons Rs. Driver or conductor not informing the particulars of license.fine Rs.100/.1000/.fine Rs.100/.fine or both 6 months imprisonment or Rs.fine - 179(1) Rs.300/.fine 177 Rs.fine 177 Non wearing of helmet Non production of license and RC book.fine One month imprisonment or Rs.200/.fine 187 187 187 177 178(3) Refusal to ply Disobedience of Directions and obstruction in the discharge any function under the MV Act Refusal of information of giving false information Rs.fine Rs.fine Rs.500/.fine 177 Rs. address of the owner and the driver himself when requested by the police officer or when the vehicle involved in accident Owner.100/.1000/.fine or both 6 months imprisonment or Rs.500/.fine 177 Rs.500/.300/.fine 177 Rs. if caused injury or dame to the 189 - 190(1) - .100/.fine or both 6 months imprisonment or Rs.fine or both 3 months imprisonment or Rs.fine 6 months imprisonment or Rs.fine 184 Driving Dangerously 6 months imprisonment of Rs.300/.fine 177 Rs.fine or both Rs.fine or both Rs.fine.50/.1000/.100/.500/.300/. Insurance Non production of license by a conductor Failure to take certain precautions at unguarded Railway level crossing Failure of the driver to stop the vehicle and to furnish name.1000/.2000/. name and address of Driver or conductor Driver not giving medical aid to the victim of an accident Driver not giving intimation about the road accident within 24 hours Not insuring the vehicle against 3d party Rs.500/.fine or both For the 2nd offence committed within 3 years2years of imprisonment or Rs.300/.100/.100/.fine Rs.fine or both Rs.5000/.500/.fine or both Rs.300/.300/.500/.fine Rs.3000/.1000/.2000/.fine or both 3 months imprisonment or Rs.fine 187 3 months imprisonment or Rs.or with both Rs.250/.500/. permit.fine One month imprisonment or Rs.fine 185 Driving by a drunken person or by a person under the influence of drugs 6 months imprisonment of Rs.100/.fine or both 3 months imprisonment or Rs.fine For the 2nd offence committed within 3 years2years of imprisonment or Rs.177 Obstruction of driver or allowing any person to be seated in such a position so as to hamper drivings Allowing the vehicle to remain stationary in any public places Triple Riding Rs.fine Rs.fine - 179(2) - 182-A Failure to construct and maintenance of vehicle Rs. fine or 3 months imprisonment or both Rs.1000/.fine Rs. 250/.50/.100/.1000/.3000/.fine per one hour According to the rate fixed by the State Government.for all types of vehicles.1000/.fine or one year imprisonment or both Rs.2000/.fine Rs.fine Rs.fine or 3 months imprisonment or both 3 months imprisonment or Rs. 201(2) Towing Charges - .500/Rs.Now it is Rs.fine or both 190(2) Violation of standards prescribed in relation of road safety.fine or 3 years imprisonment or both - 190(3) 191 196 Driving or allowing uninsured vehicle to be driven Taking and driving vehicle without consent of owner or lawful authority Unauthorized interference with vehicle(tampering any part of the mechanism of vehicle) Penalty for causing obstruction to free flow of traffic - 197 - 198 - 201(1) Rs.500/. control or noise and air pollution Carriage of goods which are dangerous or hazardous nature to human life Alteration of vehicle Rs.5000/. 00 500.00 1000. (P) No.00 300. O .Kerala State Traffic Police Penalties (Fines) Kerala State Motor Vehicle Department 2010 OFFENCE AND PENALITIES NOTIFICATION (G .03.00 400.00 500.00 500. 02. 14/2010 dt. 3 Refusal of ply contract carriage 178(3) 200.00 400.00 8 9 Disqualified person holding conductors license or act as conductor Driving at excessive speed 182 (2) 183 (1) 100.00 500.00 500.00 4 Disobedience of orders obstruction and refusal of information 179(1) 179(2) 5 6 7 Allowing unauthorized persons to drive vehicles Driving vehicles in contravention of Section 3 or Section 4 Offences relating to licenses 180 181 182(1) 500.00 10 Allowing any person to drive vehicle in excessive speed 183 (2) 300.00 200.00 in the case of NTV in the case of TV in the case of NTV in the case of TV in the case of NTV in the case of TV .00 11 12 13 Driving dangerously Driving when mentally or physically unfit to drive Racing and trials of speed 184 186 189 1000.00 in case of two wheeler or three wheeled motor vehicles in the case of other vehicles.00 500.2010 ) Sl No Name of offence & Section Rules Penal Section Amount Remar ks 1 2 General provision for punishment of offences Penalty for traveling without pass or ticket and for dereliction of duty on the part of conductor 177 178 (1) 178 (2) 100.00 50.00 500. 00 5000.00 5000.00 in the case of NTV in the case of TV 2000.00 2000. C S 39 S192(1) 2000.00 in the case of 2 & 3 wheelers in the case of LMV in the case of MMV in the case of HMV in the case of LMV in the case of MMV in the case of HMV 23 Driving vehicle without valid R .00 18 Driving uninsured vehicle 196 1000.00 3000.00 4000.00 500.00 4000.00 500.00 .14 15 16 Violate the standards of road safety control of noise and pollution Sale of vehicle in or alteration of vehicle to condition contravercing in this act.00 in the case of NTV in the case of TV in the case of NTV in the case of TV 2000. Using vehicle without registration 190(2) 191 192(1) 1000.00 20 21 22 Driver vehicle without valid license Driving Transport vehicle without Authorization Disqualified person driving /applying and obtaining Driver License (Offence relating to license) S3(1) S3(1) S182 S181 S181 S182(1) 500.00 24 Driving vehicle without valid C F S 56 S192(1) 3000.00 500.00 5000.00 4000.00 19 Unauthorized interference with vehicle Driver 198 100.00 1000.00 3000.00 500.00 in the case of 2 & 3 wheelers in the case of LMV in the case of MMV in the case of HMV and additional amount of Rs 1000 for every tone of the excess load in the case of NTV in the case of TV 17 Driving vehicle exceeding permissible weight 194 2000. 00 200.00 100.00 500.00 .00 500.00 50.00 400.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 500.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100. L on demand Failure to produce R C / C F when demanded Failure to produce insurance certificate Failure to produce permit on demand Giving false information or withholding information Carrying more than one person a two wheeled motor cycle Carrying person on running board Obstruction of driver Failure to produce ‘ Driving Badge’ on demand Exhibiting any advertisement on transport vehicle without sanction from transport authority Failure to wear prescribed uniform S 122 S 179 (1) S 179 (1) S 132 (1) S 130(1) S 130(3) S 158(1) S158 (d) S 179 (2) S 128 S 123 S 125 SR46(1)(a) SR 191 SR 41 S 177 S 179 (1) S 179 (1) 179 S 177 S 177 S 177 S 177 S 179 (2) S 177 S 177 S 177 S 177 177 S 177 100.00 1000.00 500.25 Driving vehicle without insured against third party risk S 146 S196 1000.00 500.00 for 2 & 3 wheelers other vehicles (b) 178 (3) 178 (3) 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Leaving vehicle in dangerous position or causing inconvenience to others Dis-obeying traffic signals\direction by authority Dis-obeying lawful direction/ obstructing discharge of functions of authority Failure to stop vehicle when demanded Failure to produce D.00 500.00 in the case of NTV in the case of TV 26 27 28 Using the vehicle in unsafe condition violating the standards of road safety Driving vehicle when mentally or physically unfit to drive Driving vehicle in excess of speed limit (Driver) 190(2) 186 S112 S183 (1) 1000.00 in the case of NTV in the case of TV 29 30 31 32 Driving vehicle recklessly or dangerously Racing and trail of speed between motor vehicles Penalty for traveling without pass or ticket Refusal to ply contract carriage S 184 S 184 189 178(1) 1000.00 100.00 400. 00 100.00 3000.00 100.00 in the case of NTV in the case of TV in the case of 2 & 3 wheelers in the case of LMV in the case of MMV in the case of HMV 500.48 49 Failure to produced ‘D Badge’ on demand Smoking chewing or be under the influence of any intoxicating drink or drug SR 42 SR 46(2) (J) S 177 S 177 100.00 51 Overloading with passenger with goods or luggage SR 199 192 500.00 3000.00 100.00 500.00 S 177 100. 1000/-for each tone excess .00 52 53 No spare driver in national permit goods carriage Overloading with passengers or luggage violating the permit conditions CR 90 (4) S 66 S 177 S 192 100.00 1000.00 in the case of NTV in the case of TV in the case of 2 & 3 wheelers in the case of LMV in the case of MMV in the case of HMV 500.00 50 Replenishing fuel tank with passenger in the vehicle SR 46(2) (O) S 177 100.00 58 59 SR 29 Sr 296 (b)(c) S 177 S 177 100.00 100.00 1000.00 + Rs.00 300.00 54 Delaying or not observing time schedule (Driver) SR 46 (2) (M) 55 56 57 Violating the rule of taxi stand (motor car stand rulesdriver) Failure to maintain trip sheet ( stage carriage) Prohibition of using multi toned Horn or with other sound producing device giving and unduly harsh shrill loud and alarming noise which affects the control of noise standards Failure to set taximeter motion when plying for hire Failure to fit taximeter \ get it sealed or running with defective meter SR 203 SR 224 CR 119(2) S 177 S 177 S 177 100.00 2000.00 60 61 Goods vehicle driving with excess load Carrying more than 6 person in addition to driver in a goods carriage S 113 (3) SR 46 (3) (a) S 194 S 177 2000.00 2000. 00 3000.00 100.00 100.00 64 65 66 67 68 Carrying animals without providing sufficient safe room Vehicle loaded in dangerous manner or with load beyond limits of projection Failure to produce G C R/ not maintained Failure to produce bill of loading Behaving not in civil and orderly manner to passengers and intending passenger SR 197 CR 93 (8) SR 162 SR 90(3) SR 46 (2) (b) S 177 S 177 S 177 S 177 S 177 100.00 100.00 in the case of 2 & 3 wheelers in the case of LMV in the case of MMV in the case of HMV 78 Allowing unauthorized person to drive vehicle S180 S180 1000.62 Carrying more persons in Cabin beyond the number permitted SR 46 (3) (a) S 177 100.00 100.00 .00 76 77 Sale vehicle in or alteration as vehicle contravening of chapter VII Allowing use of vehicle without valid registration 191 S 39 191 S192(1) 500.00 100.00 100.00 63 Allowing to the persons in Cabin beyond the number permitted SR 46 (3) (b) S 177 100.00 100.00 100.00 71 72 73 74 75 Carrying goods in public service vehicle which is liable to foul the interior of the vehicle or to render it in sanitary Not deflecting the head lamp Exhibiting destination board S/C other than the prescribed manner Destination Board not illuminated Failure to run stage carriage according to time schedule OWNER S 177 S 177 S 177 S 177 S 177 100.00 5000.00 4000.00 in the case of NTV in the case of TV 200.00 2000.00 69 70 Registration mark not in prescribed size a) Not exhibiting the registration mark of the vehicle other than prescribed manner b) Not exhibiting the registration mark on the side c) Not exhibiting the registration mark in side CR 51 CR 50 CR 50 (b) CR 50 (c) 154 (1) CR 106 (1) SR 209 SR 210 SR 213 S 177 S 177 100.00 100. 00 100.00 4000.00 5000.00 100.00 80 81 82 83 84 85 Allowing use of transport vehicle without valid third party insurance Allowing to drive the vehicle by unauthorized person ( without license without badge without attaining the age) Allowing un-licensed un-authorized person to act as a conductor of a stage carriage Allowing the use of vehicle violating the standards of road safety noise & air pollution Alteration of vehicle without sanction Allowing to leave vehicle in dangerous position on causing inconvenience to others ( only when owner is in charge at the time ) Failure to fit taxi meter get it sealed or running with defective meter S 146 S 52 S 29 S 190 S 52 S 122 S 196 S 180 S 177 S 190 (2) 190 S 177 1000.00 5000.00 100.00 500.00 4000.00 500.00 1000.00 1000.00 87 88 89 90 91 Causing a person under his employment or control to drive a vehicle at excessive speed Failure to produced R C ( if the owner present at the time Particular not pained on left side of the transport vehicle Failure to maintain trip register stage carriage Will fully dis-obeying lawful direction of competent authority or obstructing such person or authority in the discharge of lawful duty S 112 (1) S 130 (3) SR 93 SR 226 S 179 (1) S 183(2) 177 S 177 S 177 S 179 (1) 300.79 Allowing use of transport vehicle without valid C F S 56 S192(1) 2000.00 100.00 3000.00 100.00 100.00 3000.00 in the case of 2 & 3 wheelers in the case of LMV in the case of MMV in the case of HMV in the case of 2 & 3 wheelers in the case of LMV in the case of MMV in the case of HMV S 39 S192(1) 2000.00 100.00 86 SR 296 (b)(c) S 177 100.00 CONDUCTOR 92 93 94 95 Functioning as a conductor without license Disqualified person acting as a conductor Giving false information or withholding information Allowing passengers to be in the vehicle when fuel tank is replenished S 29 S 182(2) S 179 (2) SR89(W) S 177 S 182 (2) 179 (2) S 177 100.00 1000.00 . 00 500.00 100.00 100.00 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 Destination board not illuminated Smoke or chew pan or under influence of any intoxicating drinks or drugs Exhibiting any advertisement on transport vehicle without sanction from transport authority Carrying any corpse in stage carriage except when used as a contract carriage Carry petrol or other inflammable substance in the stage carriage Cause to allow a motor vehicle to be left in a position likely to cause undue inconvenience to other road users Carrying goods in public service vehicle which is liable to foul the interior of the vehicle or to render its sanitary Permit any person to be carried on the running board or otherwise than with in the body of the vehicle Carrying any cropes in any stage carriage except when used as contract carriage Carry petrol or other inflammable substances in the stage carriage Cause to allow a motor vehicle to be left in a position likely to cause undue in-convenience to other road users Carrying goods in public service vehicle which is liable to foul the interior of the vehicle or to render in sanitary Permit any person to be carried on the running board or otherwise than with in the body of the vehicle SR 210 SR 89(m) SR 191 SR 220 SR 327 S 122 154 (1) S 123 SR 220 SR327 S 122 154 (1) S 123 S 177 S 177 S 177 S 177 S 177 S 177 S 177 S 177 S 177 S 177 S 177 S 177 S 177 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 500.96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 Not conduct duties and function of conductor ( Dereliction of duty on the part of conductor) Disobeying lawful direction obstructing discharge of function Failure to produce license and badge on demand Failure to wear prescribed uniform Failure to write trip sheet Failure to keep first aid box Ticket not issued to every passenger Failure to run S\C according to time schedule Not carrying counter foils of the ticket issued Not behaving civil and orderly manner to passengers and indenting passengers Not maintaining the vehicle in clear and sanitary condition Not exhibiting destination board in proper manner S 178 (1) S 179 (1) S 130 (1) SR 85 SR 224 SR 151 S 178 (a) SR 213 SR 86 (b) SR 89 (b) SR 89(c) SR89(i) SR 209 S 178 (1) S 179 (1) S 177 S 177 S 177 S 177 S 178 (1) S 177 S 178(1) S 177 S 177 S 177 500.00 100.00 500.00 100.00 .00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100. 121 122 Failure to refuse to accept the tendered fare Issue and invalid ticket S 178(2) S 178(2) GENERAL S 178(2) S 178(2) 500.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 1000.00 136 137 138 Silencer not fitted Internal lightning not provided Provision of audio visual radio or tape recorder type system in stage carriage affects and violate road safety and control of noise Registration mark and other marks not kept in clean condition No light on registration mark Parking lamp not working Top lights not fitted on the goods vehicle Speedometer not fitted or not working Not provided safety devices in motor cycle CR 120 SR 286 SR 289 S 177 S 177 190(2) 100.00 .00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 500.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 Wiper not fitted Wind screen glass not fitted Side mirror not fitted No spare wheel No brake light or indicators Not exhibiting side particulars Not exhibiting of fare table in contract carriage Driver of motor cab not proceed by the shortest route Registration mark not in clear and legible condition (Transport) Head light not working Horn not fitted or not working Reflector not fitted Painted in olive green or Navy blue color CR 101 CR 100 SR 251 SR 262 CR 102 SR 93 SR 156 SR 202 CR 50 CR 105 CR 119 CR 104 CR 121 (1) SR 259 S 177 S 177 S 177 S 177 S 177 S 177 S 177 S 177 S 177 S 177 S 177 S 177 S 177 100.00 100.00 139 140 141 142 143 144 SR 363 SR 362 SR 360(2) CR 107 CR 117 CR123 S 177 S 177 S 177 S 177 S 177 S 177 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100. 00 3000.CR 255 145 Registration of the vehicle is expired CR 52(3) S 177 S192(1) 100.00 2000.00 100.00 2000.00 4000.00 5000.00 in the case of NTV in the case of TV 2000.00 3000.00 5000.00 in the case of NTV in the case of TV 2000.00 4000.00 .00 in the case of 2 & 3 wheelers in the case of LMV in the case of MMV in the case of HMV 146 147 Highway yellow not painted Temporary registration expired SR 304 S 43 S 177 S192(1) 100.00 in the case of 2 & 3 wheelers in the case of LMV in the case of MMV in the case of HMV 148 149 Violate the standards of the pollution Unauthorized interference with vehicle hampers with the brake or any part of mechanism S 190(2) S 198 190 (2) 198 1000. or fine upto Rs.5000/.2000/-.or both. 192(A) Using vehicle without permit 11. Imprisonment upto three months or Fine upto Rs.or both First offence fine of Rs. 184 Driving dangerously 6.5000/-) or both Imprisonment upto three months or fine upto Rs. Section 178 Offence Travelling without pass or ticket Allowing unauthorized persons to drive vehicles Driving vehicles without valid driving Licence Driving at excessive speed Penalty to be imposed by court of law Upto Rs.Andhra Pradesh Sl.1.2000/-) subsequent offence imprisonment upto one year. 9.or both.3000/.1000/subsequent offence fine of Rs. First offence upto Rs. First offence upto Rs.500/.2000/-) subsequent offence imprisonment upto one year.(not less than Rs.(not less than Rs.2000/. 2.1000/. 3.500/Imprisonment upto three months or Fine upto Rs.or both.500/.000 or both 180 181 183(1) 5.or both Racing and trails of speed Violation of Standards relating to Road Safety and pollution Using vehicle without registration Imprisonment upto one months or Fine upto Rs.2. years or fine upto Rs.000/. 4.(not less than three months) or fine upto Rs.000/. 5000/-) or both First offence upto Rs. 192 10. 185 189 190(2) First offence imprisonment upto six months or Fine upto Driving by a drunken person or by a person under Rs. First offence imprisonment upto six months or fine upto Rs.10000/-(not less than Rs. 196 Driving uninsured vehicle .1.5000/.(not less than Rs. 8.subsequent offence imprisonment upto two years or fine upto Rs.1.No 1. 10000/.400/subsequent offence upto Rs.or both subsequent offence imprisonment upro two the influence of drugs.000/-. 7.
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